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Full text of "Linguistic Survey Of India Vol V Part I Indo Aryan Family Eastern Group"

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IASTEBN OP DACCA.                                                    209

Sisa    tare   toshaibar   laaglo.   Se    bapere   ei   jaSyab dilo, 'd'akha,   61   kay
dishd   tare   toshdibdr   Idiglo.   She   bapere   ei   zowab   dilo, *ddkhb>  ei    koy

having-come him       to-appease       hegan.       He   his-father-to this    answer      gave,        'gee,    these how-many

bachchhar  dhaira   ami   tomar   kam   kairbar    lakchi,   ar    kono   din-6     tomar
botstshor   d'6w(i    ami   tomar   kam   kairbar    Idktsi,    Ar    kono   din-d     tdmdr

years           during         I         thy        service      to-do       have-remained, and       any       day-aim)       thy

hukum      amanya     kari    ngi,    tate-6   tumi    amare     amar    bandu    bandah
hukum     omawfo     kori    ndi,    tdte-d    tumi    dmdre    amar     bantfu    bdnd'ob

order         disobeying            did       not,      nevertheless    thou        me-to            my            friends         relation*

l^iya              khaiya      ainod    kairbar      laiga    yyak    din-6    yyak-ta    footer

lold               khdid       amod     koirbdr      Idiga     dk      din-o      dk~td    shuorer

having-taken             having-eaten    merriment     of-making            for         one        day-also         one         pig's

bacbcba   djao   nal    lr   tomar   ei   chhaoyal    khanki   laiya    tomar   soinpatti
batetsa     dad   ndi.    Ar   tomar   ei     sdvxil      khdnki    l&ya    tdmdr   shompotti

young-one   thou-gavest nott      And       thy       this         son               harlots    having-taken    thy           property

khaiya       uraiya       aiste      aiste-i tumi    tar    laiga  yyak*ta     kbaoya    dila,'
khdid       urdid       dishte    dishte-i  tumi    tar    laiga    dk-td        khdwd     dttd.'

having-eaten   having-wasted immediately   on-coming    thoa     of-him      for             a                   feast         gavest*

Bape     kailo,    *tumi-ta     amar    kachhe    barabar    aohhai     amar    ya-kichhu
Sdpe     kotto,    'tumi-to     amar       kdse      barabar      d&6$       amar      zd-kistt

The-f&tber       said,       «thon-verily        of-me             near             always             art                 my            what-ever

achbe   tomar-i.    Ek-tu   amod   allad      kalra           bhala-i       korchi.      Tomar

dse      tomdr-i.   lUk-tu   amod    dlldd      kolra           b'dlo-i        korfai.      Tdmdr

is (isjthine-indeed.     A-little     merrir%«nt      joy        haring-made           good-even        I-have-done.           Thy

ei   bliai-di     moira      giobilo,      abar     baichcbe;      haraiya     gichilS,     abar
ei    b'di-di      moird       gitsilo,      abar      bditstse;       *drdid      gitsilo,     abar

this       brother       having-died      bad-gone,         again        has-sarvived;      having-been-lost had-gone,        again


has-betn^found.1                                                     ________________

The dialect of Mymensingh closely resembles that of Dacca. The population being
largely Musalman, the vocabulary is freely mixed with Arabic and Persian words. One
example will suffice; it is given as not being easily recognizable. It is bdbaka-i (written
), meaning ' all/ for $#>, be-bdq.
The following specimen is the Parable of the Prodigal Son, in the dialect of the
Musalmans of the Eastern Part of the District, The language is so far influenced by
the neighbouring Assamese, that an initial s is pronounced and written h. In Assamese
a sibiknt, whether initial or not, is pronounced as a rough A, something like the Persian
fkh, and is transliterated by fa Examples arehe> for se> he; haggal* for sakal, all;
hitdr* for fatar, pig&; hamkS for sammukhe* before; hund> for suniyd> having heard.
The transliteration of the specimen is partly phonetic. That is to say, instead of
vyd and oydt I have written wa. Instead of yd following a consonant I have written
d, which letter 1 have also given for e and for d when those vowels are so pronounced,
.Examples are bdshdt, which should properly be transcribed Vasat; kaird (and many
other similar ones) instead of kair^d, for kariyd* having done; dk> for ek, one and 'drdiyd>
for hardiya.
Bengali                                                                                                                                                         2 E