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Full text of "Linguistic Survey Of India Vol V Part I Indo Aryan Family Eastern Group"

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INDO-ARYAN FAMILY.                        (EASTERN GROUP.)
HAIJONG DIALECT.                                                            (MTMEKSINGH DISTRICT.)
Ek       zan     mana-lag   duida    pala   tiakihar.     Tani     alak      hutu     palara
One   person    man-to       tico      sons       were.       Then    his     younger     son
bapra-ge       kayy      ze,     <,bal>a,    mar   bakra   bhagra       ?e      may   paba      oda
the<father-to    says,   that,   'father,   my    share   etcetera   which     2   shall-get that
ma-ge   di.'      Tani   ay   uma-ge     bhag       kariya       dile.   Kayek     din   thakiya-i
nie-to give.9    Then    Tie   them-to  division having-made gave.   A-few   days remaining
Imtu       palara              biddesh               zale9       ar    udani-lie      ay       bakliar
the-younger son (to)»a-foreign-country went, and there he debauchery
kariya dhum-dham kaira :za            kisu nagad-phagad taka payasha
doing       dissipation      doing      what       anything     money-etcetera      rupees      pice
thakibar,    bebak   uriya-pbelale.    Ay   ungkani    kharats-parats        kariya-i       ai
was,       entirely he-squandered.   He        thus   expenditure-etcetera   doing-even that
desba-ni      bhari     akal          pariya          zalc.         Tar     pare   alak   kashta    kai
rou*tri/*in heavy famine having-fallen went. Of-that after his distress who
dekbe? Tani ay zaiya ai desha-ni ek zan man-thai bbar-knrilo.
sets? Then he going thai country*4n one person man-to sheltw-took.
Ai  manda   a-ge   nizer   banda-bbay   Imyiar   tsarabak   patliiye   dile.          Pas£
That ma* h%m his fields-towards swine to-graze sending gave. Jfterwards
buyare ?e tush         khay, uda kbaiya ay konO-mate            pet
the-swine    what     chaff         eat,         that     eating    he in-some-manner     (his)-be!ly
bharabak    teabac.   Kintu       ta-6        a-ge           kai-u         na    dile.           Mane
to-fill      wished.     JBttt     that*even   lim-to     anyone-even    not   gave.         ln-mind
mane       kay      ar       glmni,       ze      cmalak   bap-thai        kata        betan-blmgl
in-mind   he-soys and   considers,   that      ' my      father-to   how-many   wages-getting
tsakar   bfeh-be|h   khaon      paiya        tbake,    ar   may   idani     peter       bhake
servants much-much food      obtaining   remain, and    1       here   qf-belly    vn-hunger
mare,   Mny   ntbiya      apna        bap-thai      zabo,       ar      a-ge         kabo,     " baba,
die.       I     arising (my)-oicn   father^to   will-go^    and him-to   l-wll-say, "father,
may Jtar saikkhjat Ish7ar-thai kata pap karse. May ar         talak
I thy in-prestnce God»before Jiow-niucJi sin have-done. I any-more thy
pala bileke gainyai         na-hay. Ma-ge talak ekra betan-bhugi tsakar
son like to^e-considered am-not. Me thy one wages-getting servant
nehe rakhek/" Pasc ay nthiya apnar bap-tliai zale. Tate
taking   keep'"     dftcrwurds    he     rising    (hf$)-oicn   father-to      went.     Thereon