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Full text of "Linguistic Survey Of India Vol V Part I Indo Aryan Family Eastern Group"

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248                                                             BENGALI.
firm administration of the British officials gradually produced its effect. A Com-
missioner was appointed to measure and partition the island. His appearance, however,
was at first only the signal for new disorders. Hef on the one hands complained of
* obstructions and difficulties/ thrown in the way of his executing his duties ; while on
the other hand, the tdMMdrs forwarded a bitter petition and lament. Ultimately the
troublesome island was placed under the direct management of the Collectors who
was ordered to conduct a land settlement. This was subsequent to 1785. In 1822
the island was made over to the newly constituted District of NoakhalL
If we are permitted to take language as a test of origin5 we may assume that
•the majority of the heterogeneous collection of pirates, fishermen and agriculturists,
who formed the population of Sandip when it came under British administration,
came from the neighbourhood of Dacca. As will be seen, the dialect"closely resembles
that of the Districts of Dacca and Tippera.
Of the three specimens here given, the first is the parable of the Prodigal Son.
The second and third are folk-songs. The third is historically interesting, as it shows
that the inhabitants of the island have still the same objection to having their land
measured, and the same lawless instincts, including a readiness to apply the 'red bull/ i.e.
fire* to the houses of anyone who might harbour the objectionable land-surveyors.
The remarks regarding the dialect of Dacca also apply here. As special forms, we
may note, the dative plural, tar-gct-re, to them; the use of the verb dite, to give,
to form inceptive compounds, as in Jsaran dila, they began to do; and the infinitive
in tarn, which we have also met in Tippera. Here it occurs in the third specimen,
in the phrase, lawtam ditdm na>9 we would not allow to do. There is a tendency to
elide the letter r, as in the word mattesi, I am dying, and in b'a'itte, to fill. The
other forms will be found dealt with under the head of the dialect of Dacca.