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Full text of "Linguistic Survey Of India Vol V Part I Indo Aryan Family Eastern Group"

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[No, 62,]
INDO-ARYAN FAMILY.                     (EASTERN GROUP)
EASTEBN DIALECT.                                                         (BACKBRGUNGE DiSTaict.)
[ In the phonetic transcription represents the elision of an aspirate, which gives a pronunciation like that of A in the
French word *#* Zl* somewhat softer than tte* of **rf,Dut not so soft as the i 3n pleawre. The letter M*bove the
Hoe) is my faintly pronounced, and is, indeed, hardly audible.
Pfwiouoeeaa* the a in fat; enearlyas theeinwef; * as the o info*; and w as in otf. The letter a (without any
diacritical mark) represents the sound o! the first o in promote, and is the o in the French word wire as compared with »#r«.
It should he carefully distinguished from the o of hot.
Other consonants and vowels are pronounced as in the authorised Government system.]
(Barte&l Hitaishl, 2597,)
(Kalu    5    Dhalur         h&la-skandhe             katbopakathan.)
(Kalu and Dhalwqf ploufffcon-their-sfawlders   conversation.)
Kahu—0 meya-Vai, barmu keman ?   Achechar   nS   yemcn-ternon.
0 weya-baiy hormu kemon?    Atsetsar   nd    zemon-temon*
0    brotber-Sir,    I-sh&ll-do     whatf            Assessor         or     something-(I-am).
Somon   dechhe   gabonamendar; mdra   ar   jaj   mejandar,
Skomon    dese    gdbonnmendor;mdra  dr   zo$   mzo$dw>
Summons   hat*given         Government;            we,     and Judge,    Magistrate,
Sosoner    mohordama,   bichar    harmu   panchajona.
Shoshvner mofwrdmA,   bifaar    hormu   pontsozdnd.
Session-oE                case,                 decide       shall-do    (as) Punch fty at.
Bare  hayatan ISgje   pachhe, eyat   ki   kono   poth   achhe ?
Boro   Uyotanldgze   yase,    ear    ki   kono  pdth    dse?
(A>gr«»t       devil           is       on-hack,    of-this     P  .   -any    wayfout) '    is ?
B'abnay  b'abnay, meya-b'ai,   hange    raite   gum        nal
Xdbwy    babndy,   meyfrbdi,   hangge   rwte   gum        vw.
In-tbought   in-thought,     brother-Sit,           all        night       sleep       (I)-have*not.
Dtelu.—MeyS-b'ai   b'abnj   ki  tSy?   'Ihimgiri  decbben   Allay.
3feyd-bdi9 bdbn&    ki   tayf  'Jhimgirl    desen    Allay.
O'hrother-Sirf   awiety    rwhat  in-this P    AJudgeship     has-giyen       God.
Ehon   kato    ubil    moktar,    hat   kacblaibe tomar-dhfir.
Mon   Mto    uhil    mktar,     'at    kotjldibe   tomar-d'ar.
Now how-many Pleaders* (and) Mukhtaw1 hands       will-fold        hefore-you.
Hajur       hajur    bariya   kato,   ghengri   gaibe   naaa   mat6.
'Osw        96zut    horim   koto,  gengri    gaibe   ndnd   moid.
'Your-honour' 'your^onou*     sa>ii^   how^ften   praisea      will-sing     in-various-ways.
Ebon tami      jaj§r   dbare,   baba   mgya machiyar*pare.
Ehon tmi      zozer   dare    bobd   mey& mav$idr*pdre.
Ko*     you      (on) Judge's   side       will-sit,      Sir,         on:a-chafc
Bate  tengbad, m^yft-b'ai,   ehon  mora   midai  chai.
Solo   honffbad, mfya-Wi,   ehon   mdra   mijdi   t&di.
Good         new«         br«0»r.8ir,       now        we     sweetmeats want.