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Full text of "Linguistic Survey Of India Vol V Part I Indo Aryan Family Eastern Group"

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Knitu   a mod     kara    0   khusbi hawa    uchit   hoyeciie,   karan    tomar   ei      bhai
J?/(/ rejoicing doing and happy   lehig   proper        is,       because    thy    this   brother
more    glllo,        bacheche;     liariye   giilo,     pawa-giyeche.

Jiihiff   went,    hns-survived ;      lost    went,    h<fs-been~fotind.

Tlie next specimen also comes from Jessore. It i*s a statement made In Court br an
accused person, recorded in Ills own language. We may note thai in the ^rord tha'd,
remain, we have an Instance of the elision of a medial k, which we shall subsequently
Sec fs common In Soutli-East Bengal _  Note, also, the change of r to n, in the word
, of the night,