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Full text of "Linguistic Survey Of India Vol V Part I Indo Aryan Family Eastern Group"

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[No. 66.]

INDO-ARYAN FAMILY.                     (EASTERN GROUP.)


EASTERN DIALECT.                                                                    (JESSOBB DISTRICT.)


tsar «ft-e

»   *   *

ffas ^fitpnr ft« iftcs ^csr i sfa ^ fwra «r t^rtir fi Tttroi on?r i «rtf>f

«nRfir «rfir ftnmftr «rf% *iiufi ^i i ittl? TO Wfcar


[In this transliteraiion * is somewhat softer than the z of zeal, but not so soft as the * in pleasure. Pronounce 8 at
in this, not like the *h in «fc0, which is represented by *k The letters * and * (above the line) are very faintly pro-
nonncedf and are, indeed* hardly audible. The consonant preceding them ihould be pronounced as if doubled.

Pronounce a as the a in &tf, £as the e in met. The letter o (without any diacritical mark) represents the sound of the
first o in promote, aod it the o in the French word votrt as compared with v6tre. It should he caref ally distinguished from

Other consonants and vowels are pronounced as in Standard Bengali."]

Baktar   khun    korSlo,      ta ami d&khfelam,  ar Omesh,   ei   da-zon.
Saktdr murder committed* that   I     saw,      and Ume$> these two-men.
Baktar b£la     du-purir     shomai bolS giy81o, *Jehed,    shander   sbomai  Omesher
Saktar day tf-twwatcJies at-time laying gone* 'Jehed,   of -evening at-time   Umefa
ban   zao.1    Ami   natre         kheyS              I6y8       Omesher ban  alam.  Omesh
house go?       I   at-night   having-eaten having-taken  JJwM?s   house came.    Umet
balle, * ehane kbao 6      sbu§    tba'6.* Ami sbehane   shu8   thaklam.       Natfcir
said,   * here   eat and sleeping remain*'  I    there   sleeping remained. Of-the-night
du-purir   shomai     zeye    Omesh     khaler           diki            elo.        Kbaler
of-twO'Watches at-time   going     VmeS qf-tle-canal in-the-direotion came.   Qf-the-canal
dik        thekS    barl      esb8    balle,      *?ati              babe               ane.' Ami
indirection from fohwse coming  he-said,  'to~go it-ioill'tejpecessary) now'   I