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Full text of "Linguistic Survey Of India Vol V Part I Indo Aryan Family Eastern Group"

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[No. 72.]

INDO-ARYAN FAMILY.                      (EASTERN GROUP.)

SOUIH-EASTKBN DIALECT.                                       (RAM&ANJ, NOAKHALI DMTEICT.)

[In the plionetic transcription'represents the elision of an aspirate, which gives a pronnnciation like that of A in the
French word Ute. S is pronounced hard as in ttw, sin, and not like sh in shell, which is represented by *L Z is some*
what softer than the * of zeal, but not so soft as the s m pleasure.

Pronounce a as the a in Aa*j e as the e in wet ; rfas the o in Art; and oj as in «?. The letter o (without any
diacritical mark) represents the short sound of the o in home. It is the first o in ^rowwfc and is the o in the French word
v<*j* as compared with ttire. It should be carefully distinguished from the o of lot.

Other consonants and vowels are pronounced as in the authorized Government system.]

janer    dui    hut    Schhil     Chhodagaya    baphe-r6     kail,    'haul    ar
mar    dui    hut     dsil          Sudogdy        bafe-re     Wil>     (bdut    Sr
One      man's       two       sons       were.              The-yonnger         the-father-to      said,         'father,     my
bhager   jinish-hati   ye   'ay,     a-re   den/      Baphe   ta*ga-re   hakkal     bhag   kari
b'dger   zinteh-hati   ze    *6y,    a-re   den.9       Safe    td*gd-re   hokkol      b9dg   kori
of-share           property      what     is,      me-to     give/       The-father     them-to            all         division   making
dil      Eagdin   yaite-na-yaite-i   chhoda    hute   heitar   byaktan   lal   bide3    chali-
dil.      Kogdin  zdite*nd-zdite-i    *6$6      hute   heitar   bydJstm    Idi   bidesh    soli-
gave.       Some-days g0ing-or-not-going-even, the-younger     son           his           ail-that     taking foreign-land went-
gel      Hiyane    yai,    bayatrami    kari    heitar    byak    tal-hayi   halail.       Byak
gel*       Hiane . ml^    bdotrdmi     kori   heitar    bydk    tol-hdri   Jial&iL      Sydk
awmj.           !Dsere       going,       debauchery      doing        his           entire         wasting   tlrew-away.           All
khachcba    5aH,    ar   hei    de£e     bhari    »t    laigla,    lal   te   tanatanit   hariL
khocho      'oil,    ar    hei    deshe    bhari   rat    laigld,    toi   te    tdndtdnit  hortt.
*$&&         becam^v and     that   cotratryin     great    famine     began,      then   he       in-trouble       fell
Hei    defer    ek    bhajl    mainser    kachhe    yai   raft.      Hei bhal maine heita-r8
Hei    desher ek    bhdl   mdinsher    kase      sdi   ro'il.     Hei bhdl   maine heitd*re
That     country's one  respectable     man's            near        going he-remamei That respectable man       him
raiktd    buH :hakre     di    hadail;   huyare   yei   tfish-kraa   khaito   hiya-re
raikhto    buli  hat-re    di  Mddil;   More     zei  tiah-kfira    khaito   hid-re
to-keep       saying   field-to   giving     sent;       the-swine      what       husks           used-to-eat      those
di  heite   khusi   '&   anina   bed  bha'itta;   ei   rayam   tush-kttta-o key*a heita^re
di  heite  khiishi >ol  dmnd   hed   Vo'itto;   ei   rffom   fabtifad   ke-6   heitd-re
with    he        happy    being  Ms-own  belly       would-ftH;   tiiis     manner         husks-even       any-one   Um-to
dita-na.     Tar-har  Mtar   bujh hede lhari, amne-amne   kafita   lagtt ye,    «kire»
dit6*a.     Tdr-hor   heit&r  buz hede   hdri, aMwe-dwne   kffito   Idgil  ze,   < kire,
WMOTO*   Thereafter       his         sense iu-beDy  falHng,      to-himself        to-say  he-began  that,    'ah,
ar    bapher kata    ciaor      baa-re    kata    kbaya    kata    halay-chhalay,    ai   ll
my    ftSr hot^      ^°r       M°*r*    *m     my     Ul6      Uldy-sdlay,      ar   Si
•L-3-      • -I- w"nm11^  wrrant*        etcctem    tow-much     eat       how-much      throw«aw«y,              «d    1
fleqer  jvalay  man;   yauk,   ai  lau-rS   yai    kaiye,   "ban,   Si dhammer kaohhfi
Wcr   zdlay   tnori;   z&ulc,   Si Im-re    zdi   Wite,   «lau, Si dhfamer     *a»e
pfiiiy t   OQVjDiftffHiT   - wdiA •         idf f»ft     IP     ± *.*    .       .     .
6»j     TO,        wi-go,    I    atwr«to, going let-me-Bftythat,,  «father,   I