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Full text of "Linguistic Survey Of India Vol V Part I Indo Aryan Family Eastern Group"

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SOTTTH-«ASTBBN OT BlX&UNT, NOAKHAUL                                      319

Dudher       hattur      chana       ar      mnkhSr      hattor       baran.

Dudher       hottur       send,        dr      mukter        kott&r       boron.

Bhai      bfcndhav      hatttir      *ay,      matoger      ba£        y&      jan,

Eha*       bdndhob       hotttir      »<5y,      matger      bosh       ze      ton.

(1)  Mother Kaikeyi waa the enemy of Kama, while Bama was the
enemy of Eavana.
A moonlit night is the enemy of the thief, while work is the enemy
of the idle.
(2)  Worms and duckweeds are the enemies of water, while lime is the
enemy of betel leaves.
Weevils are the enemies of bamboos, while salt is the enemy of the
(3)  Grass is the enemy of the field, while cultivation is the enemy of
the grass.
Enlarged spleen is the enemy of the children, while cough is the
enemy of the old.
(4)  A father is the enemy of the rude and obstinate son, and those who
live in separate mess are enemies of each other*
A quilt is an enemy in the month of Chaitra, unless one Has got
(5)  Creepers are enemies of trees, while worms are the enemies of
Co-wives are enemies of each other, while sorrow is the enemy of
the body.
(6)  Weasels are enemies of snakes, while duckweeds are the enemies of
A mother-in-law is the enemy of the daughter-in-law (son's wife)
when the former makes the latter wear rags.
(7)  The rainy season is the enemy of the beggar, while a net is the
enemy offish.
A word in season is the enemy of the fools, and makes his eyes red
with anger.
(8)  Cows5 urine is the enemy of milk, while a pimple is the enemy of
the face.
Brothers and friends are enemies when one is very much attached
to his wife.