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Full text of "Linguistic Survey Of India Vol V Part I Indo Aryan Family Eastern Group"

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	Bengal Standard (Transliteration).
	Bengal Colloquial (Phonetic Transcription).
	Weate«i Bengali (Mmbhnm).

103. To a father
	B&p-kS    ....

104. From a father   .
	Ek    pita-haite, ek    pitar nikat or nikat-haite.
	Ik bap-hote, ak baper-thai, kache or katg-theke.

105. Two fathers
	Dui pita           ...
	Dui or du bap .       .
	DnifaSp .                .

106. Fathers     .
	Pitara     ....
	Bapera    .        .        .       *
	Bapsakal        .        .       .

107. Of fathers
	Plurals are also formed by prefixing or suffixing numerals   or  adjectives   of, number such as ' all,' ' several,' * many,' etc. Pita-der, pita-diger   .
	Bap-der .        .       .
	BapsakalSr     .

108. To fathers .
	Pit2-digA*ke    •       .        .
	Bap-der   .        .        .        .
	Bapsakal-ke   .

109. From fathers
	Pita-der-haite,    nikat    or nikat-haite.
	Bap-der thSi, kache, kats-theke, or hote.
	Bap sakaler-pa^hatS

110. A daughter
	Ek kanJa
	Biti         ....

111. Of ft daughter    . 112. To ft daughter     .
	Ak meyer        . JLk meye~ke
	Bifir       •        .       •       •

113. From a daughter
	Ek kan^a-haite, ek kanJSr nikat or nikat-haite.
	Ak meye hote, ak  meyer-thai» kache, or kaia-theke.
	Bitir-pii-hatft ,        *

114. Two daughten   .
	Dui kan?a        .       .        ,
	Dui or dtt meye       .       .
	Dnibiti *        .        *       r

115. Daughters .
	Meyera    ....

116. Of daughters    .
	KanTader        .
	Meyeder                    .
	Bitisakalfir     .

117. To daughters    .
	Kan^a-diga ke .
	Meyeder ....
	Bitisakal-ke    .       •

118. From daughters .       . 119. A good man
	KanTa-diger-haite, nikat or nikat-haite.
 Ek gan) bhala or uttam 16k.
	Meyeder-hote, thai, kaohe, or kata-theke*
 Ik (jon) bhalo 15k    .
	Biti sakaler-pa^-hate Bhala 15k

120. Of a good man    .
	Ek (jan) bhala or  uttam
	Ik (jon) bhalo Idker
	Bhala lOker      .

121. To a good man   .
	Ek   (jan) bhala or uttftm tok-ke.
	Ik (jon) bhalo 16k- ke
	Bhala I8k-ka    .

122. From a good man
	Ek (jan) bhala or uttam 15k liaite.
	ik (Jon) blialo loker thai  .
	Bhala I6ker-p«-hat*

123. Two good men   9
	Dui (jan) bhala or uttam lok.
	Dtii or da: (jon) bhalo lok .
	Dui jan bhala lok     .

124. Good aen ,      .      „
	Bbalaor attamttker*
	Bhftlotokera    *
	Bhala lok sakal

128. W good men      .       .
	Bhftla or uttam lOk-der
	Bhiloldk-der .
	Bbilaldkder   .      •