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“ The stony rocks are not primeval, but the daughters of Time.” 
LINNÆUS, Syst, Nat., Ed. 5. Stockholm, 1748, p. 219. 

i a pk ts = 









Tertiary formations of Campania — Comparison of the recorded 
changes in this region with those commemorated by geological 
monuments — Dikes of Somma — Parallelism of their opposite 
sides (p. 6.)— Age of the volcanic and associated rocks of 
Campania — Organic remains — No signs of diluvial waves — 
Marine Newer Pliocene strata chiefly seen in countries of earth- 

: quakes (p. 16.) — Illustrations from Chili — Peru — Paralle 
roads of Coquimbo — West Indies (p. 21.) — East Indian 
archipelago — Red Sea. 

Tertiary Formations of Campania. 

Comparison of recorded changes with those commemo- 
rated by geological monuments.—In the second volume 
I traced the various changes which the volcanic region 
of Naples is known to have undergone during the last 
two thousand years; and, imperfect as are our histori- 
cal records, the aggregate effect of igneous and aqueous 
agency, during that period, was shown to be far from 
insignificant. The rise of the modern cone of Vesu- 

vius, Since the year 79, was the most memorable event 
VOL. Iv. B 


during those twenty centuries ; but, in addition to this 
remarkable phenomenon, I enumerated the production 
of several new minor cones in Ischia, and of the Monte 
Nuovo, in the year 1538. The flowing also of lava 
currents upon the land and along the bottom of the 
sea was described, — the showering down of volcanic 
sand, pumice, and scorie, in such abundance that whole 
cities were buried, —the filling up or shoaling of 
certain tracts of the sea, and the transportation of 
tufaceous sediment by rivers and land floods. I also 
explained the evidence in proof of a permanent alter- 
ation of the relative levels of the land and sea in 
several places, and of the same tract having, near 
Puzzuoli, been alternately upheaved and depressed to 
the amount of more than twenty feet. In connection 
with these convulsions, I pointed out that, on the 
shores of the Bay of Baiz, there are recent tufaceous 
strata filled with fabricated articles, mingled with 
marine shells. It was also shown that. the sea has 
been making gradual advances upon the coast, not only 
sweeping away the soft tuffs of the Bay of Baiz, but 
excavating precipitous cliffs, where the hard Ischian 
and Vesuvian lavas have flowed down into the deep. 
These events, it may be objected, although interest- 
ing, are the results of operations on a very inferior 
scale to those indicated by geological monuments. 
When we examine this same region, it will be said we 
find that the ancient cone of Vesuvius, called Somma, 
is larger than the modern cone, and is intersected by 
a greater number of dikes, — the hills of unknown 
antiquity, such as Astroni, the Solfatara, and Monte 
Barbaro, formed by separate eruptions, in different 
parts of the Phlegrean fields, far outnumber those of 


similar origin, which are recorded to have been thrown 
up within the historical era. In place of modern tuffs 
of slight thickness, and single flows of lava, we find, 
amongst the older formations, hills from 500 to more 
than 2000 feet in height, composed of an immense 
series of tufaceous strata, alternating with distinct lava 
currents. We have evidence that, in the lapse of past 
ages, districts, not merely a few miles square, were up- 
raised to the height of twenty or thirty feet above their 
former level, but that extensive and mountainous coun- 
tries were uplifted to an elevation of more than 1000 
feet, and at some points more than 2000 feet, above 
the level of the sea. 

These and similar objections are made by those who 
compare the modern effects of igneous and aqueous 
causes, not with a part but with the whole results of 
the same agency in antecedent ages. Thus viewed in 
the aggregate, the leading geological features of each 
district must always appear to be on a colossal scale, 
just as a large edifice may seem an effort of super- 
human power, until we reflect on the innumerable 
minute parts of which it is composed, the number of 
the builders, and the time required to raise it. A 
mountain mass, so long as the imagination is occupied 
in contemplating the gigantic whole, must appear the 
work of extraordinary causes ; but when the separate 
Portions of which it is made up are carefully studied, 
they are seen to have been formed successively ; and \ 
the dimensions of each part, considered singly, are 
Soon recognized to be comparatively insignificant, so 
that it appears no longer extravagant to liken them to 
the recorded effects of ordinary causes. 

B 2 


Difference in the composition of Somma and Vesuvius. 

As no traditional accounts have been handed down 
to us of the eruptions of the ancient Vesuvius, from 
the times of the earliest Greek colonists, the volcano 
must have been dormant for many centuries, perhaps 
for thousands of years, previous to the great eruption 
in the reign of Titus. But it will be shown hereafter 
that there are sufficient grounds for presuming this 
mountain, and the other igneous products of Cam- 
pania, to have been produced during the Newer Plio- 
cene period. 

We have seen that the ancient and modern cones 
of Vesuvius were each a counterpart of the other in 
structure *; and I may now remark that the principal 
point of difference consists in the greater abundance 
in the older cone of fragments of altered sedimentary 
rocks ejected during eruptions. We may easily con- 
ceive that the first explosions would act with the 
greatest violence, rending and shattering whatever 
golid masses obstructed the escape of lava and the 
accompanying gases, so that great heaps of ejected 
pieces of rock would naturally occur in the tufaceous 
breccias formed by. the earliest eruptions. But when 
a passage had once been opened and an habitual vent 
established, the materials thrown out would consist of 
liquid lava, which would take the form of sand and 
šcoriæ, or of angular fragments of such solid lavas as. 
may have choked up the vent. 

Among the fragments which abound in the tuface- 
pus breccias of Somma, none are more common than 
a saccharoid dolomite, supposed to have been derived 

* Vol. II, p. 87. 



from an ordinary limestone altered by heat and vol- 
canic vapours. 

_ Carbonate of lime enters into the composition o- 
so many of the simple minerals found in Somma, that 
M. Mitscherlich, with much probability, ascribes their 
great variety to the action of the volcanic heat on 
subjacent masses of limestone. 

Dikes of Somma. — The dikes seen in the great es- 
carpment which Somma presents towards the modern 
cone of Vesuvius are very numerous. They are for 
the most part vertical, and traverse at right angles the 
beds of lava, scoriæ, volcanic. breccia, and sand, o. 
which the ancient cone is composed. They project in 
relief several inches, or sometimes feet, from the face 
of the cliff, like the dikes of Etna already described 
(see Fig. 102.), being, like them, extremely compact, 
and less destructible than the intersected tuffs and 
porous lavas. In vertical extent they vary from a few 
yards to 500 feet, and in breadth from one to twelve 
feet. Many of them cut all the inclined beds in the 
escarpment of Somma from top to bottom, others stop 
short before they ascend above half way, and a few 
terminate at both ends, either in a point or abruptly. 
In mineral composition they scarcely differ from the 
lavas of Somma, the rock consisting of a base of leucite 
and augite, through which large crystals of augite and 
some of leucite are scattered.* Examples are not 
rare of one dike cutting through another, and in one 
instance a shift or fault is seen at the point of intersec- 
tion. I observed before, when speaking of the dikes 
of the modern cone of Vesuvius, that they must have 

* Consult the valuable memoir of M. L. A. Necker, Mém. de 

la Soc. de Phys. et d’Hist. Nat. de Généve, tome ii. parti., Nov. 

B 3 


been produced by the filling up of open fissures by 
liquid lava.* In some examples, however, the rents 
seem to have been filled laterally. 

The reader will remember the description before 
given of the manner in which the plain of Jerocarne, 
in Calabria, was fissured by the earthquake of 1783, 
so that the academicians compared it to the cracks in 
a broken pane of glass.t If we suppose the side 
walls of the ancient crater of Vesuvius to have been 

Fig. 109. 

Dikes or veins at the Punto del Nasone on Somma. 

cracked in like manner, and the lava to have entered 
the rents and become consolidated, we can explain the 
singular form of the veins figured in the accompanying 
Parallelism of their opposite sides. — Nothing is more 
remarkable than the parallelism of the opposite sides 
of the dikes, which usually correspond with as much 

* Vol. II. p. 86. 
+ See Vol. II. p. 223. Fig. 47. 
ł From a drawing of M. Necker, in Mém. before cited. 


regularity as the two opposite faces of a wall of ma- 
sonry. This character appears at first the more inex- 
plicable, when we consider how jagged and uneven 
are the rents caused by earthquakes in masses of 
heterogeneous composition like those composing the 
cone of Somma; but M. Necker has offered an in- 
genious and, I think, satisfactory explanation of the 
phenomenon. He refers us to Sir W. Hamilton’s 
account of an eruption of Vesuvius in the year 1779, 
who records the following facts: — “ The lavas, when 
they either boiled over the crater, or broke out from 
the conical parts of the volcano, constantly formed 
channels as regular as if they had been cut by art, 
down the steep part of the mountain; and, whilst in 
a state of perfect fusion, continued their course in 
those channels, which were sometimes full to the brim, 
and at other times more or less so, according to the 
quantity of matter in motion. 

“ These channels, upon examination after an erup- 
tion, I have found to be in general from two to five or 
six feet wide, and seven or eight feet deep. They 
were often hid from the sight by a quantity of scoriæ 
that had formed a crust over them; and the lava, 
having been conveyed in a covered way for some 
yards, came out fresh again into an open channel. 
After an eruption I have walked in some of those sub- 
terraneous or covered galleries, which were exceed- 
ingly curious, the sides, top, and bottom being worn 
perfectly smooth and even in most parts, by the violence 
of the currents of the red-hot lavas, which they had 
conveyed for many weeks successively.” 

In another place, in the same memoir, he describes 
the liquid and red-hot matter as being received “ into 
a regular channel, raised upon a sort of wall of scoriz 

B 4 


and cinders, almost perpendicularly, of about the 
height of eight or ten feet, resembling much an ancient 
aqueduct.” * 

Now, if the lava in these instances had not run out 
from the covered channel, in consequence of the de- 
clivity whereon it was placed —if, instead of the space 
being left empty, the lava had been retained within 
until it cooled and consolidated, it would then have 
constituted a small dike with parallel sides. But the 
walls of a vertical fissure through which lava has as- 
cended in its way to a volcanic vent, must have been 
exposed to the same erosion as the four sides of the 
channels before adverted to. The prolonged and uni- 
_ form friction of the heavy fluid, as it is forced and 
made to flow upwards, cannot fail to wear and smooth 
down the surfaces on which it rubs, and the intense 
heat must melt all-‘such masses as project and obstruct 
the passage of the incandescent fluid. 

I do not mean to assert that the sides of fissures 
caused by earthquakes are never smooth and parallel, 
but they are usually uneven, and are often seen to 
have been so where volcanic or trap dikes are as regu- 
lar in shape as those of Somma. The solution, there- 
fore, of this problem, in reference to the modern dikes, 
is most interesting, as being of very general applica- 
tion in geology. 

Varieties in their texture. — Having explained the 
origin of the parallelism of the sides of a dike, we have 
next to consider the difference of its texture at the 
edges and in the middle. Towards the centre, observes 
M. Necker, the rock is larger grained, the component 
elements being in a far more crystalline state ; while at 

* Phil. Trans., vol. lxx. 1780, 


the edge the lava is sometimes vitreous, and always 
finer grained. A thin parting band, approaching in its 
character to pitchstone, occasionally intervenes on the 
contact of the vertical dike and intersected beds. M. 
Necker mentions one of these at the place called 
Primo Monte, in the Atrio del Cavallo; I saw three 
or four others in different parts of the great escarp- 
ment. These phenomena are in perfect harmony with 
the results of the experiments of Sir James Hall and 
Mr. Gregory Watt, which have shown that a glassy 
texture is the effect of sudden cooling, and that, on 
the contrary, a crystalline grain is produced where 
fused minerals are allowed to consolidate eee: and | 
tranquilly under high pressure. K 

It is evident that the central portion of the lava in 
a fissure would, during consolidation, part with its heat 
more slowly than the sides, although the contrast of 
circumstances would not be so great as when we com- 
pare the lava at the bottom and at the surface of a 
current flowing in the open air. In this case the up- 
permost part, where it has been in contact with the 
atmosphere, and where refrigeration has been most 
rapid, is always found to consist of scoriform, vitreous; 
and porous lava, while at a greater depth the mass 
assumes a more lithoidal structure, and then becomes 
more and more stony as we descend, until at length 
we are able to recognize with a magnifying glass the 
simple minerals of which the rock is composed. On 
penetrating still deeper, we can detect the constituent 
parts by the naked eye, and in the Vesuvian currents 
distinct crystals of augite and leucite become ap- 

The same phenomenon, observes M. Necker, may 
readily be exhibited on a smaller scale, if we detach 



a piece of liquid lava from a moving current. The 
fragment cools instantly, and we find the surface 
covered with a vitreous coat, while the interior, al- 
though extremely fine grained, has a more stony 

It must, however, be observed, that although the 
lateral portions of the dikes are finer grained than the 
central, yet the vitreous parting layer before alluded to 
is extremely rare. This may, perhaps, be accounted 
for, as the above-mentioned author suggests, by the 
great heat which the walls of a fissure may acquire 
before the fluid mass begins to consolidate, in which 
case the lava, even at the sides, would cool very 
slowly. Some fissures, also, may be filled from above ; 
and in this case the refrigeration at the sides would 
be more rapid than when the melted matter flowed 
upwards from the volcanic foci, in an intensely heated 

The rock composing the dikes of Somma is far more 
compact than that of ordinary lava, for the pressure of 
a column of melted matter in a fissure greatly exceeds 
that in an ordinary stream of lava ; and pressure checks 
the expansion of those gases which give rise to vesicles 
in lava. 

There is a tendency in almost all the Vesuvian dikes 
to divide into horizontal prisms*, a phenomenon in 
accordance with the formation of vertical columns in 
horizontal beds of lava ; for in both cases the divisions 
which give rise to the prismatic structure are at right 
angles to the cooling surfaces. 

Minor cones of the Phlegrean Fields. — In the vol- 
canic district of Naples there are a great number of 

* See Fig. 109. p. 6. 


conical hills with craters on their summits, which have 
evidently been produced by one or more explosions, 
like that which threw up the Monte Nuovo in 1538. 
They are composed of trachytic tuff, which is loose 
and incoherent, both in the hills and, to a certain 
depth, in the plains around their base, but which is in- 
durated below. It is suggested by Mr. Scrope, that 
this difference may be owing to the circumstance of 
the volcanic vents having burst out in a shallow sea, 
as was the case with Monte Nuovo, where there is a 
similar foundation of hard tuff, under a covering of 
loose lapilli. The subaqueous part may have become 
solid by an aggregative process like that which takes 
place in the setting of mortar, while the rest of the 
ejections, having accumulated on dry land when the 
cone was raised above the water, may have remained 
in a loose state. * 

Age of the voleanic and associated rocks of Campania. 
— If we inquire into the evidence derivable from or- 
ganic remains, respecting the age of the volcanic rocks 
of Campania, we find reason to conclude that such 
parts as do not belong to the Recent are referable to 
the Newer Pliocene period. In the solid tuff quarried 
out of the hills immediately behind Naples, are found 
recent shells of the genera Ostrea, Cardium, Buccinum, 
and Patella, all referable to species now living in the 
Mediterranean.+ In the centre of Ischia the lofty 
hill called Epomeo, or San Nicola, is composed of 
greenish indurated tuff of a prodigious thickness, inter- 
Stratified in some parts with argillaceous marl, and 
here and there with great streams of indurated lava. 
Visconti ascertained by trigonometrical measurement 

* Geol. Trans., vol. ii. part iii, p.351. Second Series. _ 
tł Scrope, ibid. 
B 6 


that this mountain was 2605 feet above the level of 
the sea. In mineral composition and in form, as seen 
from many points of view, it resembles the hill to the 
north of Naples on the summit of which stands the 
convent of Camaldoli, which is 1643 feet in height. I 
collected in 1828 many recent marine shells from beds 
of clay and tuff, not far from the summit of Epomeo, 
about 2000 feet above the level of the sea, as also at 
another place, about 100 feet below the first, on the 
southern declivity of the mountain, and others still 
lower, not far above the town of Moropano. At Casa- 
micciol, and several places near the sea-shore, shells 
have long been observed in stratified tuff and clay. 
From these various points I obtained, during a short 
excursion in Ischia, twenty-eight species of shells, all 
of which, with one exception, were identified by M. 
Deshayes with recent species. * 

It is clear, therefore, that the great mass of Epo- 
meo was not only raised to its present height above 
the level of the sea, but was also formed, since the 
Mediterranean was inhabited by the existing species 
of testacea. 

In the Ischian tuffs we find pumice, lapilli, angular 
fragments of trachytic lava, and other products: of 
igneous ejections, interstratified with some deposits of 
clay free from any intermixture of volcanic matter. 
These clays might have resulted from the decompo- 
sition of felspathic lava like that so abundant in Ischia, 
the materials having been transported by rivers and 
marine currents, and spread over the bottom of the 
sea where testacea were living. All these submarine 
tuffs, lavas, and clays of Campania, very much, ré- 

* See the list of these shells, Appendix II. first ed. 


semble those around the base of Etna, and in parts of 
the Val di Noto before described. 

_ External configuration of the country, how caused.— 
When once we have satisfied ourselves by inspection of 
the marine shells imbedded in tuffs at high elevations, 
that a mass of land like the island of Ischia has been 
raised from beneath the waters of the sea to its present 
height, we are prepared to find signs of the denuding 
action of the waves impressed upon the outward form 
of the island, especially if we conceive the upheaving 
force to have acted by successive movements. Let us 
suppose the low contiguous island of Procida to be 
raised by degrees until it attains the height of Ischia ; 
we should in that case expect the steep cliffs which 
now face Misenum to be carried upwards, and to be- 
come precipices near the summit of the central moun- 
tain. Such, perhaps, may have been the origin of those 
precipices which appear on the north and south sides 
of the ridge which forms the summit of Epomeo in 
Ischia. The northern escarpment is about 1000 feet 
‘in height, rising from the hollow called the Cavo delle 
Neve, above the village of Panella. The abrupt man- 
ner in which the horizontal tuffs are there cut off, in 
the face of the cliff, is such as the action of the sea, 
working on soft materials, might easily have produced, 
undermining and removing a great portion of the mass. 
A heap of shingle which lies at the base of a steep 
declivity on the flanks of Epomeo, between the Cavo 
delle Neve and Panella, may once, perhaps, have been 
a sea-beach, for it certainly could not have been brought 
to the spot by any existing torrents. 

There is no difficulty in conceiving that if a large 
tract of the bed of the sea near Ischia should now be 

Stadually upheaved during the continuance of volcanic 


agency, this newly raised land might present a coun- 
terpart to the Phlegræan Fields before described. 
Masses of alternating lava and tuff, the products of 
submarine eruptions, might on their emergence be- 
come hills and islands; the level intervening plains 
might afterwards appear, covered partly by the ashes 
drifted and deposited by water, and partly by those 
which would fall after the laying dry of the tract. 
The last features imparted to the physical geography 
would be derived from such eruptions in the open 
air as those of Monte Nuovo and the minor cones of 

No signs of diluvial waves.— Such a conversion of a 
large tract of sea into land might possibly take place 
while the surface of the contiguous country underwent 
but slight modification. No great wave was caused by 
the permanent rise of the coast near Puzzuoli in the 
year 1538, because the upheaving operation appears to 
have been effected by a succession of minor shocks. * 
A series of such movements, therefore, might produce 
an island like Ischia without throwing a diluvial rush 
of waters upon low parts of the neighbouring continent. 
The advocates of paroxysmal elevations may, perhaps, 
contend that the rise of Ischia must have been anterior 
to the birth of all the cones of loose scoriz scattered 
over the Phlegrzan Fields ; for, according to them, the 
sudden rise of marine strata causes inundations which 
devastate adjoining continents. But the absence of 
any signs of such floods in the volcanic region of 
Campania does not appear to me to warrant the con- 
clusion, either that Ischia was raised previously to the 
production of the volcanic cones, or that it may not 

* See Vol. II. p. 267. 


have been rising during the whole period of their 

We learn from the study of the mutations now in 
progress, that one part of the earth's surface may, for 
an indefinite period, be the scene of continued change, 
while another, in the immediate vicinity, remains sta- 
tionary. We need go no farther than our own country 
to illustrate this principle ; for, reasoning from what 
has taken place in the last ten centuries, we must an- 
ticipate that, in the course of the next four thousand 
or five thousand years, a long strip of land, skirting the 
line of our eastern coast, will be devoured by the 
ocean, while part of the interior, immediately adjacent, 
will remain at rest and entirely undisturbed. The 
analogy holds true in regions where the volcanic fires 
are at work ; for part of the Philosopher's Tower on 
Etna has stood for the last two thousand years, at the 
height of more than nine thousand feet above the sea, 
between the foot of the highest cone and the edge of 
the precipice which overhangs the Val del Bove, whilst 
large tracts of the surrounding district have been the 
Scenes of tremendous convulsions. The great cone 
above has more than once been destroyed, and again 
renewed ; the earth has sunk down in the neighbour- 
ing Cisterna*; the cones of 1811 and 1819 have been 
thrown up, on the ledge of rock below, pouring out of 
their craters two copious streams of lava; the watery 
deluge of 1755, descending from the desert region 
into the Val del Bove, has rolled vast heaps of rocky 
fragments towards the sea; fissures, several miles in 
length, have opened on the flanks of Etna; towns and 
villages have been laid in ruins by earthquakes, or 

* See Vol. III. p: 425. 


buried under lava and ashes ;— yet the tower has 
stood, as if placed there to commemorate the stability 
of one part of the earth’s surface, while others in im- 
mediate proximity have been subject to most wonder- 
ful vicissitudes. 

In concluding what I have to say of the marine and 
volcanic formations of the Newer Pliocene period, I 
| mdy notice the highly interesting fact, that the marine 
strata of this era have been found at great elevations, 
chiefly in those countries where earthquakes have 
occurred during the historical ages. On the other 
hand, it is a still more striking fact, that there is no 
example of any extensive maritime district, now ha- 
bitually agitated by violent earthquakes, which has not, 
when carefully investigated, yielded traces of marine 
| strata, either of Recent or Newer Pliocene eras, at a 
considerable height above the sea. 

-Chili— Conception Bay.— In illustration of the above 
remarks, I may mention that on the western coast of 
South America marine deposits occur, containing pre- 
cisely the same shells as are now living in the Pacific. 
In Chili, for example, as before stated, micaceous 
sand, containing the fossil remains of such species as 
now inhabit the Bay of Conception, are found at the 
height of from.1000 to 1500 feet above the level of the 
ocean.* It is impossible to say how much of this rise 
may have taken place during the Recent period. One 
earthquake appears to have raised this part of the 
Chilian coast, in 1750, to the height of at least twenty- 
five feet above its former level. If we could suppose 
a series of such shocks to occur, one in every century, 
only 6000 years would be required to uplift the coast 

* Vol. II. p. 256. 

Ch. XJ PERU. 17 

1500 feet. But we have no data for inferring that so 
great a quantity of elevation has taken place in that 
space of time; and although there is no evidence that 
the micaceous sand may not belong to the Recent 
period, I think it more probable that it was deposited 
during the Newer Pliocene period. 

Peru. — I have been informed by Mr. A. Cruck- 
shanks, a naturalist who resided for several years in 
South America, that in the valley of Lima, or Rimao, 
where the subterranean movements have been so vio- 
lent in recent times, there are indications not only 
of a considerable rise of the land, but of that rise 
having resulted from successive movements. Distinct 
lines of ancient sea-cliffs have been observed at various 
heights, at the base of which the hard rocks of green- 
stone are hollowed out into precisely those forms 
which they now assume between high and low water 
mark on the shores of the Pacific. Immediately below 
these water-worn lines are ancient beaches strewed 
with rounded blocks. One of these cliffs appears in 
the hill behind Baños del Pujio, about seven hundred 
feet above the level of the sea, and two hundred above 
the contiguous valley. Another occurs at Amancaes, 
at the height of perhaps two hundred feet above the 
Sea ; and others at intermediate elevations. 

Mr. Freyer also states that the Isle of San Lorenzo, 
in the Bay of Callao, appears to have been raised up 
by volcanic action, and partially so at a comparatively 
recent period; for he found at considerable heights 
above the sea the shells of Concholepas, Pecten pur- 
bureus, Sigaretus concavus, and others, in great abund- 
ance, retaining their colours almost as fresh as those 
now living in the Pacific. * 

* Proceedings of Geol. Soc. No. 40, p. 179. 


Parallel Roads of Coquimbo.— We can hardly doubt 
that the parallel roads of Coquimbo, in Chili, described 
by Captain Hall, owe their origin to similar causes. 
These roads, or shelves, occur in a valley six or seven 
miles wide, which descends from the Andes to the 
Pacific. Their general width is from twenty to fifty 
yards, but they are, at some places, half a mile broad. 
They are so disposed as to present exact counterparts ` 
of one another, at the same level, on oppesite sides of 
the valley. There are three distinctly characterized 
sets; the upper one lies about three or four hundred 
feet above the level of the sea; the next twenty yards 
lower ; and the lowest about ten yards still lower. Each 
resembles a shingle beach, being formed entirely of 
loose materials, principally water-worn rounded stones, 
from the size of a nut to that of a man’s head. The 
stones are principally granite and gneiss, with masses 
of schistus, whinstone, and quartz, mixed indiscrimin- 
ately, and all bearing marks of having been worn by 
attrition under water. * 

The theory proposed by Captain Hall to explain 
these appearances is the same as that which had been 
adopted to account for the analogous parallel roads of 
Glen Roy in Scotland.+ The valley is supposed to 
have been a lake, the waters of which stood, originally, 
at the level of the highest road, until a flat beach was 
produced. A portion of the barrier was then broken 
down, which allowed the lake to discharge part of its 
waters into the sea, and, consequently, to fall to the 
second level; and so on successively till the whole 

* Captain Hall’s South America, vol. ii. p. 9. 
+ See Sir T. D. Lauder, Ed. Roy. Soc. Trans., vol. ix.; and 
Dr. MacCulloch, Geol. Trans., 1st Series, vol. iv. p. $14. 


embankment was washed away, and the valley left as 
we now see it. 

As I did not feel satisfied with this explanation, I 
applied to my friend Captain Hall for additional details, 
and he immediately sent me his original manuscript 
notes, requesting me to make free use of them. In 
them I find the following interesting passages, omitted 
in his printed account: — « The valley is completely 
open towards the sea; if the roads, therefore, are the 
beaches of an ancient lake, it is difficult to imagine a 
catastrophe sufficiently violent to carry away the bar- 
rier, which should not at the same time obliterate all 
traces of the beaches. I find it difficult also to ac- 
count for the water-worn character of all the stones, . 
for they have the appearance of having travelled over 
a great distance, being well rounded and dressed. They 
are in immense quantity too, and much more than one 
could expect to find on the beach of any lake, and 
seem more properly to belong to the ocean.” 

I had entertained a Strong suspicion, before reading 
these notes, that the beaches were formed by the 
waves of the Pacific, and not by the waters of a lake ; 
in other words, that they bear testimony to the suc- 
cessive rise of the land, not to the repeated fall of the 
waters of a lake. M. Boblaye has discovered four or 
five distinct ranges of ancient sea-cliffs, one above the 
other, at various heights, in the Morea, which attest 
that that country has been upheaved at as many suc- 
Cessive periods. He found inland terraces or beaches, 
Covered with shells, at the base of precipices worn like 
the modern sea-cliffs by the waves, and having, like 
them, many caverns and lithodomous perforations in 
the hard limestone. * 

* Journ. de Géol., No. x. Feb, 1831; Bull, de la Soc. Géol. 
de France, tom. ii. Pp: 236, 


Near the northern gate of the town of St. Mihiel, 
south of Verdun, in France, I have examined a series 
of markings on the face of the limestone cliffs, much 
resembling some of those described by M. Boblaye. 
There are three and sometimes four distinct horizontal 
grooves, which have been scooped out of a white semi- 
crystalline rock, or marble, of the oolitic period. This 
ancient cliff, which is near the right bank of the Meuse, 
is in part broken into a number of detached rocks, the 
upper parts of which present in some cases precipitous 
sides towards all points of the compass, round which 
the grooves pass in a circular course, just as if the 
summit of a rocky islet had been worn by the waves.* 

Captain Bayfield, in his survey of the coast of the 
Gulf of St. Lawrence, traced in several places, espe- 
cially in the Mingan Islands, a succession of shingle 
beaches, the most distant from the shore being sixty 
feet above the level of the highest tides. He also ob- 
served water-worn pillars of limestone accompanying 
these beaches, which bear evidence of having been 
worn and scooped out at different periods; the marks 
of the successive action of the water agreeing in level 
with the successive ridges of limestone shingle. The 

* I have no data for speculating on the period at which these 
cliffs may have emerged from the sea. I was directed to the spot, 
which I visited in June, 1833, by M. Deshayes; and I stated in 
the second edition, on his authority, that the worn rocks were eaten 
into by marine lithodomous shells, but I was unable to discover 
any of these; and I believe that the fossils of the genus Saxicava, 
which M. Deshayes procured from this place, were of the age of 
the corals of the limestone, not of the date of the excavation of 
the grooves. The fossil corals of this formation (coral rag) fre- 
quently contain lithodomous shells, which seem to have pierced 
the zoophytes while they were still growing in the sea. 


drawings of the pillars, made to illustrate his memoir, 

convince me that they are counterparts of the worn 

rocks which I have seen at St. Mihiel.* I have also 

been favoured with other views of rocks on the same 

coast, drawn by Lieut. A. Bowen, R.N. (see Fig. 110.). 
Fig. 110. 

Limestone ns in Niapisca Island, in the Gulf of St. Lawrence. Height 
of the second column on the left, 60 feet. 

If there exist lines of parallel upraised cliffs, we 
ought to find parallel lines of elevated beaches on 
those coasts where the rocks are of a nature to retain 
for a length of time the marks imprinted on their sur- 
ace. We may expect such indications to be pecu- 
liarly manifest in countries where the subterranean 

force has been in activity within comparatively modern 


and it is there that the hypothesis of paroxys- 
mal el 

ai elevations, and the instantaneous rise of moun- 

‘ain-chains, should first have been put to the test, 
efore it was too hastily embraced and extended. 

West Indian Archipelago.— According to the sketch 

* Proceedings of Geol. Soc., No, 33. p. 5. 


given by Maclure of the geology of the Leeward 
Islands, the western range consists in great part of 
formations of the most modern period.* It will be 
remembered, that many parts of this region have been 
subject to violent earthquakes; that in St. Vincent's 
and Guadaloupe there are active volcanos, and in some 
of the other islands boiling springs and solfataras. In 
St. Eustatia there is a marine deposit, estimated at 
1500 feet in thickness, consisting of coral limestone 
alternating with beds of shells, of which the species 
are, according to Maclure, the same as those now 
found in the sea. These strata dip to the south-west, 
at an angle of about 45°, and both rest upon, and are 
covered by, cinders, pumice, and volcanic substances. 
Part of the madreporic rock has been converted into 
silex and calcedony, and is, in some parts, associated 
with crystalline gypsum. Alternations of coralline 
formations with prismatic lava and different volcanic 
substances also occur in Dominica and St. Christo- 
pher’s ; and the American naturalist remarks, that as 
every lava-current which runs into the sea in this 
archipelago is liable to be covered with corals and 
shells, and these again with lava, we may suppose an 
` indefinite repetition of such alternations to constitute 
the foundation of each island. 

I do not question the accuracy of the opinion, that 
the fossil shells and corals of these formations are of 
recent species; for there are specimens of limestone 
in the Museum of the Jardin du Roi at Paris, from 
the West Indies, in which the imbedded shells are all 
or nearly all identical with those now living. Part of 
this limestone is soft, but some of the specimens are 
very compact and crystalline, and contain only the 

* Quart. Journ. of Sci., vol. v. p. 311. 

Re nt a 


casts of shells. 
Deshayes from th 
a recent. 

Of thirty species examined by M. 
is rock, twenty-eight were decidedly 

Honduras. — Shells sent from some of the recent 
strata of Jamaica, and many from the nearest adjoining 
continent of the Honduras, may be seen in the British 
Museum, and are indentified with species now living 
in the West Indian seas. 

East Indian Archipelago. — We have seen that the 
Indian Ocean is one of the principal theatres of vol- 
canic disturbance ; it is to be expected, therefore, that 
future researches in this quarter of the globe will 
bring to light some of the most striking examples of _ 
marine strata upraised to great heights during com- 
paratively modern periods. 

From the observations of Dr. Jack, 

in the island of Pulo Nias, off the west coast of 
Sumatra, masses of corals of recent species can be 
traced from the level of the sea far into the interior, 
where they form considerable hills. Large shells of 
the Chama gigas (Tridacna, Lamk.) are scattered 
over the face of the country, just as they occur on the 
Present reefs. These fossils are in such a state of 
Preservation as to be collected by the inhabitants for 
the purpose of being cut into rings for the arms and 

Madeira. — The island of Madeira is placed be- 
tween the Azores and Canaries, in both of which 
8Toups there are active volcanos; and Madeira itself 
Was violently shaken by earthquakes during the last 
Century. It consists in great part of volcanic tuffs 
and porous lava, intersected in some places, as at the 

it appears that 

* Geol. Trans., Second Series, vol. i, part ii. p. 397. 


Brazen Head, by vertical dikes of compact lava.* 
Some of the marine fossil shells, procured by Mr. 
Bowdich from this island, are referable to recent 

These examples may suffice for the present, and 
lead us to anticipate with confidence, that in almost all 
countries where changes of level have taken place in 
our own times, the geologist will find monuments of a 
prolonged series of convulsions during the Recent and 
Newer Pliocene periods. Exceptions may no doubt 
occur where a particular line of coast is sinking down; 
yet even here we may presume, from what we know 
of the irregular action of the subterranean forces, that 
some cases of partial elevation will have been caused 
by occasional oscillations of level, so that modern sub- 
aqueous formations will, here and there, have been 
brought up to view. 

- I shall conclude by enumerating some exceptions to 
the rule above illustrated, — instances of elevation 
where no great earthquakes have been recently ex- 

Scandinavia. — The first and most important is that 
of Sweden, before described.t This country, although 
free from convulsions, was shown to be the theatre 
of unceasing changes in the relative level of land and 
sea. We accordingly discover in it deposits of sand, 
marl, and clay, several hundred feet in thickness, and 
containing recent species of marine shells raised to the 
height of 200 feet, and even in Norway 400 feet 
above the sea, and extending at some points far into 
the interior. 

Groswil, near Nice.— At a spot called Grosceil, near 

* MS. of Captain B. Hall. t Book ii. chap. xvii. 


Nice, east of the Bay of Villefranche, in the peninsula 
of St. Hospice, a remarkable bed of fine sand occurs 
at an elevation of about fifty feet above the sea.* 
This sand rests on inclined secondary rocks, and is 
filled with the remains of marine species, all identical 
with those now inhabiting the neighbouring sea. No 
less than two hundred Species of shells, and several 
crustacea and echini, have been obtained by M. Risso, 
in a high state of preservation, although mingled with 
broken shells. The winds have blown up large heaps 
of similar sand to considerable heights, upon ledges of 
the Steep coast farther westward; but the position of 
the deposit at Grosceil cannot be referred to such 
agency, for among the shells may be seen the large 
Murex Triton, Linn, anda species of Cassis, weighing 
a pound and a half, 

West of England. — The proofs lately brought to 
light of analogous elevations of deposits containing 
recent shells on our western shores, and between Lan- 
cashire and the Bristol channel, have been already 
pointed out.+ 

Western borders of the Red Sea. — Another excep- | 
tion may be alluded to, for which we are indebted to 
the researches of Mr. James Burton. On the western 
Shores of the Arabian Gulf, about half way between 
Suez and Kosire, in the 28th degree of north latitude, 
a formation of white limestone and calcareous sand is 
Seen, reaching the height of 200 feet above the sea. 
It is replete with fossil shells, all of recent species, 
which are in a beautiful State of preservation, many of 

= I examined this spot, with Mr. Murchison, in 1828. 

T See description of the Map, Vol. I. p. 215. 
VOL. Iv, c 


them retaining their colour.* The volcano of Gabel 
Tor, situate at the entrance of the Arabian Gulf, is 
the nearest volcanic region known to me at present. 

But the reader must not infer, from the facts above 
detailed, that marine strata of the Newer Pliocene pe- 
riod have been produced almost exclusively in countries 
of earthquakes, or where changes of level are known 
to be taking place, as in Sweden. If our illustrations 
have been drawn chiefly from modern volcanic regions, 
it is simply because these formations have been made 
visible in those districts only where the conversion of 
sea into land has occurred in times comparatively 
modern. Other continents have, during the Newer 
Pliocene period, suffered degradation, and rivers and 
currents have deposited sediment in other seas; but 
the new strata remain concealed wherever no subse- 
quent alterations of level have taken place. 

Yet, to a certain limited extent, the growth of new 
subaqueous deposits may have been greatest where 
aqueous causes have co-operated with earthquakes. 
It is there that the degradation of land is most rapid; 
and it is there only that materials ejected from below, 
by volcanic explosions, are added to the sediment 
transported by running water.t 

* These fossils are now in Mr. Greenough’s museum in Lon- 
don, and duplicates, presented by him, in the cabinets of the 
Geological Society. A list was given in App. II., first edition. 

+ See Book ii, chap. xv. ; and Book iii. chap. xviii. 




Newer Pliocene freshwater formations — Valley of the Elsa — 
Travertins of Rome — Loess of the Valley of the Rhine— Con- 
tains recent terrestrial and aquatic shells — Its origin — 
Osseous breccias of the Newer Pliocene era (p. 38.) — Fossil 
bones of Marsupial animals in Australian caves — Newer Plio- 
cene alluviums (p, 44.) — European alluviums chiefly tertiary 

— Erratic blocks of the Alps — Theory of their transportation 
by ice, 

Freshwater Formations. — IN this chapter I shall treat 
of the freshwater formations, and of the cave breccias 
and alluviums of the Newer Pliocene period. 

In regard to the first of these, they must have been 
formed, in greater or less quantity, in nearly all the 
existing lakes of the world ; in those, at least, of which 
the basins were formed before the earth was tenanted 
by man. If the great lakes of North America origin- 
ated before that era, the sedimentary strata deposited 
therein, in the ages immediately antecedent, would, 
according to the terms of our definition, belong to the 
Newer Pliocene period. 

Valley of the Elsa.— As an example of the strata 
ot this age, which have been exposed to view in con- 
Sequence of the drainage of a lake, I may mention 
those of the valley of the Elsa, in Tuscany, between 

lorence and Sienna, where we meet with freshwater 


marls and travertins full of shells, belonging to species 
which now live in the lakes and rivers of Italy. Val- 
leys several hundred feet deep have been excavated 
through the lacustrine beds, and the ancient town of 
Colle stands on a hill composed of them. The subja- 
cent formation consists of marine Subapennine beds, 
in which more than half the shells are of recent spe- 
cies. The freshwater shells which I collected near 
Colle are in a very perfect state, and the colours of 
the Neritine are peculiarly brilliant.* 

Travertins of Rome. — Many of the travertins and 
calcareous tufas which cap the hills of Rome may also 
pelong to the same period. The terrestrial shells in- 
closed in these masses are of the same species as 
those now abounding in the gardens of Rome, and the 
accompanying aquatic shells are such as are found in 
the streams and lakes of the Campagna. On Mount 
Aventine, the Vatican, and the Capitol, we find abund- 
ance of vegetable matter, principally reeds, mcrusted 
with calcareous tufa, and intermixed with volcanic 
sand and pumice. The tusk of a mammoth has been 
procured from this formation, filled in the interior with 
solid travertin, wherein sparkling crystals of augite are 
interspersed, so that the bone has all the appearance 
of having been extracted from a hard crystalline 

These Roman tufas and travertins repose partly on 
marine tertiary strata, belonging, perhaps, to the Older 
Pliocene era, and partly on volcanic tuff of a still later 

* The following six pieces, all of which now inhabit Italy, 
were identified by M. Deshayes: — Paludina impura, Neritines 
frwiatils, Succinea amphibia, Limnea auricularis, L. peregra, and 
Planorbis carinatus. 

+ This fossil was shown me by Signor Riccioli at Rome. 


date. They must have been formed in small lakes and 
marshes, which existed before the excavation of the 
valleys, which divide the seven hills of Rome, and they 
must orginally have occupied the lowest hollows of the 
country as it then existed ; whereas now we find them 
placed upon the summit of hills about 200 feet above 
the alluvial plain of the Tiber. We know that this 
river has flowed nearly in its present channel ever 
since the building of Rome, and that scarcely any 

changes in the geographical features of the country 
have taken place since that era. 

When the marine tertiary strata of this district were 
formed, those of Monte Mario for example, the Medi- 
terranean was already inhabited by a large proportion 
of the existing species of testacea. Ata subsequent 
period, volcanic erruptions occurred, and tuffs were 
superimposed. The marine formation then emerged 
from the deep, and supported lakes wherein the fresh- 
water groups above described slowly accumulated, at 
a time when the mammoth inhabited the country. 
The valley of the Tiber was afterwards excavated, and 
the adjoining hills assumed their present shape; and 
then a long interval may, perhaps, have elapsed before 
the first human settlers arrived. Thus we have evi- 
dence of a chain of events, all regarded by the geolo- 
gist as among the most recent, but which, nevertheless, 
may have preceded, for a long series of ages, a very 
remote era in the history of nations. 

Loess of the valley of the Rhine.* —A remarkable 

* Having re-examined a much greater extent of the country 
covered by the loess in the years 1833 and 1835, I have modified 
and retracted some opinions which I expressed in regard to it in 
former editions. For a full account of my observations see 
Jameson’s Ed. New Phil. Journ., No. 33. July 1834.; Pro- 

c 3 


deposit of ancient silt, containing land and freshwater 
shells of living European species, occurs, here and 
there, throughout the valley of the Rhine, from the 
plains below Cologne up to the borders of Switzerland, 
near Schaffhausen, and in the valleys of the principal 
tributaries of the Rhine. This deposit of yellow cal- 
careous loam is provincially termed “loess” by the 
Germans, and in Alsace “lehm,” and it partakes 
partly of an alluvial and partly of a lacustrine cha- 
racter. It exhibits almost every where the same mi- 
neralogical characters and fossil shells, and is usually 
found in detached patches, but sometimes forming 
lines of low hills which rest on the gravel of the allu- 
vial plain of the Rhine. Occasionally it reposes on 
the flanks of the mountains bounding the great valley, 
where it rises to various elevations above the river, 
sometimes to 300 or 400 feet, as near Basle, where it 
is more than 1200 feet above the sea. 

In an excursion through part of the Duchy of 
Darmstadt by Mayence, Oppenheim, Alzey, Flonheim, 
Eppelsheim, and Worms, I found the loess spread al- 
most every where over the country. On the opposite 
side of the Rhine, in the elevated table land above the 
Bergstrasse between Wiesloch and Bruchsal, I ob- 
served it attaining a thickness of 200 feet. It extends 
also far into Wurtemberg, up the valley of the Neckar, 
and from Frankfort, up the valley of the Mayne, to 
above Dettelbach. Near Strasburg large masses of it 
are seen at the foot of the Vosges mountains, on the 
left of the great plain of the Rhine, and at the base of 
the mountains of the Black Forest on the other side. 

ceedings of Geol. Soc., No. 36. p. 83., and No. 43. p. 221. ; and 
Anniv. Address to Geol, Soc. 1836. 


It occurs not only at Basle, as above stated, but still 
higher up the Rhine at Waldshut, and it is said to 
terminate between that place and Schaffhausen. It 
is important to remark that all the above-mentioned 
places, however distant from each other, have a direct 
hydrographical communication with the main valley 
of the Rhine. 

When the loess is first observed lying on the gravel 
of the great plain near Bonn, Heidelberg, Strasburg, 
and other places, we naturally suppose it to be of very 
modern origin, especially as it contains recent land 
and freshwater shells of species which are, for the 
most part, very abundant in the adjacent country. 
Even the colour of some of these shells, as that of the 
Helia nemoralis, is occasionally preserved. But, when 
we have extended our investigations, we find that al- 
though the present system of hills and valleys must | 
have existed previously to the formation of the loess, 
yet the whole country has undergone many great geo- 
graphical changes during the accumulation of the de- 
posit — so great, indeed, that there has probably been 
a sinking down to the amount of many hundred feet, 
and afterwards a re-elevation of all the land between 
Switzerland and Holland since this silt began to accu- 
mulate. No changes of less magnitude seem adequate 
to explain the phenomena about to be described. 

The loess at Heidelberg, according to M. Leon- 
hard, consists chiefly of argillaceous matter, combined 
with a sixth part of carbonate of lime, and a sixth of 
quartzose and micaceous sand. It is a pulverulent 
loam, of a dirty yellowish-grey colour, often containing 
calcareous sandy concretions or nodules, rarely ex- 
ceeding the size of a man’s head. Its entire thickness, 
in some places, amounts to between 200 and 300 feet; 

cC 4 


yet there are often no signs of stratification in the 
mass, except here and there at the bottom, where there 
is occasionally a slight intermixture of drifted materials 
derived from subjacent rocks. 

As the pure loess exhibits no division into strata, 
I at first imagined, in common with other observers, 
that this deposit was thrown down suddenly from the 
muddy waters of a transient flood, in the same manner 
as the moya of the Andes, or as the trass of the Rhine 
volcanos is generally believed to have been formed. 
But on re-examining the places where loess and allu- 
vium, or loess and layers of volcanic matter, alternate, 
I am compelled to renounce this view. In the deep 
gravel pits without the Manheim gate of Heidelberg, 
loess is seen interstratified with gravel; and here more 
than one bed containing entire land and freshwater 
shells rests upon, and is covered by, a stratum of 
gravel, showing the effects of successive accumulation. 
I observed the same fact in the valley of the Lahn, 
north of Limburg, near the village of Elz; and Pro- 
fessor Bronn informs me, that the calcareous concre- 
tions of the loess are sometimes arranged in horizontal 
layers, marking a difference in the carbonate of lime 
with which the sediment must have been charged at 
different periods. 

It should also be observed that many of the ter- 
restrial and aquatic shells preserved in this silt are of 
the most fragile and delicate structure, and must, for 
the most part, have been broken to-pieces if they had 
been swept along by a violent inundation of force suf- 
ficient to transport pebbles; whereas the shells are 
almost invariably perfect and uninjured, even in those 
places where the loamy beds of loess alternate with 

~ @9 

The most widely spread and abundant fossils in this 
formation are Helix plebeium, Pupa muscorum, and Sue- 
cinea elongata (see Figs. 111, 112,113.). The last-men- 

Fig. 111. Fig. 112. 

Succinea elongata. Pupa muscorum. Helix plebeium. 

tioned shell is amphibious, and such as may have been 
washed away from the banks of streams during floods. 
The proportion of land shells of the genera Helix, Pupa, 
and Bulimus, is very large; but in many places aquatic 
species of the genera Limnea, Paludina, and Planorbis 
are also found. Ihave never detected the Unio or 
Neritina among the rest, but, with these exceptions, 
there is a great generic resemblance between the as- 
semblage of fossils in the loess and the shells which 
the Rhine carries down in our own time to the sea. 
With a view of ascertaining this point I collected, in 
the summer of 1833, several hundred shells, which 
were exposed on the margin of the Rhine on the fall 
of the waters, or had been cast ashore by large waves 
raised by the steam boats; and they proved to be, for 
the most part, terrestrial species of the genera Helix 
and Pupa, with some shells of Limnea, Paludina, and 
Planorbis, which may have been washed away during 
floods from pools and marshes bordering the river. 

Bones of vertebrated animals are rare in the loess, 
but those of the mammoth, horse, and some other 
quadrupeds have been met with. At the village of 
Binningen, and the hills called Bruder Holz, near 
Basle, I found the vertebre of fish together with the 
usual shells. These vertebre, according to M. Agassiz, 

c 5 


belong decidedly to the Shark family, perhaps to the 
genus Lamna; and although it seemed, at first, extra- 
ordinary that they should occur among land and fresh- 
water shells, I am informed, in explanation of the fact, 
that certain fish of this family ascend the Senegal, 
Amazon, and other great rivers, to the distance of 
several hundred miles from the ocean.* 

The reader is probably aware that on both sides of 
the Rhine, between Bonn and Coblentz, there is a 
region of extinct volcanos. Now, on visiting part of 
this country, near Andernach, and examining the 
sections which have been well described by MM. 
Steininger, Hibbert, and others, I perceived clear evi- 
dence that some of the last volcanic eruptions of the 
Lower Eifel took place both during and since the de- 
position of the loess. The loamy sediment may be 
seen in the Kirchweg, above Andernach, alternating 
with volcanic matter, over which is a mass of pure 
and unmixed loess, thirty feet and upwards in thick- 
ness, containing the usual shells; and over the whole 
are strewed layers of pumice, lapilli, and volcanic sand, 
from ten to fifteen feet thick, very much resembling 
the ejections under which Pompeii lies buried. There 
is no passage at this upper junction from the loess into 
the pumiceous superstratum ; and this last follows the 
slope of the hill, just as it would have done had it 
fallen in showers from the air on a declivity partly 
formed of loess. 

In general, however, the loess overlies almost all the 
volcanic products, even those between Neuwied and 
Bonn, which have the most modern aspect; and it has 
filled up in part the crater of the Roderberg, a volcanic 

* Proceedings of Geol. Soc. No. 43. p. 


hillnear Bonn. It was in 1833 that a well was sunk at 
the bottom of this crater through seventy feet of loess, 
in part of which were the usual calcareous concre- 

It has been ascertained that the waters of the Rhine, 
when evaporated, leave a residuum of calcareous loam, 
not distinguishable from loess * ; so that if these waters 
should now overflow the low lands adjoining the river, 
they might give rise to a deposit having the same 
mineral characters as the loess, and which would con- 
tain, as I have already shown (p- 33.), fossil shells for 
the most part of the same genera. 

The first idea which has probably occurred to every 
one, after examining the loess between Mayence and 
Basle, is, to imagine that a great lake once extended 
throughout the valley of the Rhine between those two 
places. Such a lake may have sent off large branches 
up the course of -the Mayne, Neckar, and other tri- 
butary valleys, in all of which large patches of loess 
are now seen. The barrier of the lake might be placed — 
somewhere in the narrow and picturesque gorge of the 
Rhine between Bingen and Bonn. But this theory is 
insufficient to explain the phenomena ; for that gorge 
itself has once been filled with loess, which must have 
been tranquilly deposited in it, as also in the lateral 
valley of the Lahn, communicating with the gorge. 
The loess has also overspread the high adjoining plat- 
form near the village of Plaidt, above Andernach. 
Nay, on proceeding farther down to the north, we 
discover that the hills which skirt the valley between 
Bonn and Cologne have loess on their flanks, which 

* See Mr. Horner, on the Sediment of the Rhine: Proceed. 
ings of Geol. Soc. 1834, 

c 6 


also covers here and there the gravel of the plain as 
far as Cologne. 

Besides these objections to the lake theory it will be 
remembered, that the loess is met with near Basle, 
capping hills more than 1200 feet above the sea, su 
that a barrier of land capable of separating the sup- 
posed lake from the ocean would require to be at least 
as high as the mountains called the Siebengebirge, 
near Bonn, the loftiest summit of which, the Oehlberg, 
is only 1209 feet above the Rhine and 1369 feet above 
the sea. It would be necessary, moreover, to place 
this lofty barrier somewhere below Cologne, that is to 
say, precisely where the level of the land is now lowest. 

Instead, therefore, of supposing one continuous lake 
of sufficient extent and depth to allow of the simul- 
taneous accumulation of the loess, at various heights, 
throughout the whole area where it now occurs, I 
conceive that, subsequently to the period when the 
countries now drained by the Rhine and its tributaries 
acquired nearly their actual form and geographical 
features, they were again depressed gradually by a 
movement like that now in progress on the west coast 
of Greenland. In proportion as the whole district was 
lowered, the general fall of the waters between the 
Alps and the ocean was lessened; and both the main 
and lateral valleys, becoming more subject to river 
inundations, were partially filled up with fluviatile’ 
silt, containing land and freshwater shells. When a 
thickness of many hundred feet of loess had been 
thrown down slowly by this operation, the whole region 
was once more upheaved gradually, but perhaps not 
equally in all parts. During this upward movement most 
of the fine loam would be carried off by the denuding’ 
power of rains and rivers ; and thus the original valleys 


may have been re-excavated, and the country almost 
restored to its pristine ‘state, with the exception of 
some masses and patches of loess still remaining, 
which, from their frequency and remarkable homoge- 
neousness of composition and fossils, attest the ancient 
continuity and common origin of the whole. By in- 
troducing such general fluctuations of relative level, 
we dispense with the necessity of erecting, and after- 
wards removing, a mountain barrier sufficiently high 
to exclude the ocean from the valley of the Rhine 
during the period of the accumulation of the loess. 
The hypothesis above suggested may, perhaps, be 
better understood if we consider what would happen 
if similar alterations of level should occur in another 
part of the world. It has been shown (Vol. I. p. 290.) 
that several large lakes have recently been formed in 
the basin of the Red River, in Louisiana, and that trees 
are still standing there under water. One of these 
lakes is no less than thirty miles long, into which, as 
into others, the waters of the Red River flow up dur- 
ing floods, the main stream at such seasons invading 
some of the valleys of its tributaries. Whatever 
may be the causes of this singular state of things 
in Louisiana, it is clear that analogous effects might 
arise from partial depressions of land. It is also evi- 
dent that if a general subsidence should take place in 
the hydrographical basin alluded to, the fall of the 
waters between the Rocky Mountains and the ocean 
would be lessened, and, consequently, there would be 
an increased liability to river inundations in all the 
plains and valleys of the same basin. Under these cir- 
cumstances, the red ochreous sediment from which the 
Red River derives its name would be deposited in the 
main and partially in the lateral valleys; and as the 


course of the Red River is double in length that of 
the Rhine, the area covered by red fluviatile silt might 
be vast in proportion. It may also be observed that 
the number of temporary lakes and marshes, occa- 
sioned by frequent overflowings and partial subsidences 
of land, would favour greatly the growth of amphibious 
mollusks of the genus Succinea; while, at the same 
time, land and freshwater shells would annually be 
swept away and imbedded in mud, which, like that of 
the Nile in Egypt, would be thrown down periodically 
on the plains. The thickness of the muddy deposits 
would depend on the quantity of time during which 
the country continued to sink, provided the rate of 
sinking be sufficiently slow to allow of the water being 
charged again and again with fresh sediment. The re- 
elevation of the district at a subsequent period would 
be attended with extensive denudation, or removal of 
fine sediment. The colour of the loam might, in this in- 
stance, be as uniformly red as it is yéllow in the valley 
of the Rhine ; while, in other respects, the phenomena 
would be analogous, and such as might appear, at first 
sight, to indicate the former existence of an enormous 
lake more than 1000 feet deep and several hundred 
miles in length.* 

Osseous breccias — Sicily. — The breccias latel 
found in several caves in Sicily belong evidently to 
the period under consideration. I have shown, in the 
sixth chapter, that the cavernous limestone of the 
Val di Noto is of very modern date, as it contains a 
great abundance of fossil shells of recent species ; and 

* For particulars concerning the loess of the Rhine, consult 
the works of MM. Bronn, Leonhard, Boué, Voltz, Noeggerath, 
Steininger, Merian, Rozet, Von Meyer, Hibbert, and Horner. 


if any breccias are found in the caverns of this rock, 
they must be of still later origin. : sar 
We are informed by M. Hoffmann, that the bones 
of the mammoth, and of an extinct species of hippo- 
potamus, have been discovered in the stalactite of 
caves near Sortino, of which the situation is repre- 
sented in the annexed diagram at 6. The same au- 

4 ue A xa} containing remains of extinct quadrupeds, 
C. Limestone containing remains of recent shells, 

thor also describes a breccia, containing the bones of 
an extinct rhinoceros and hippopotamus, in a cave in 
the neighbourhood of Syracuse, where the country 
is composed entirely of the Val di Noto limestone. 
Some of the fragments in the breccia are perforated 
by lithodomi, and the whole mass is covered by a 
deposit of marine clay filled with recent shells. * 
These phenomena may, I think, be explained by sup- 
Posing such oscillations of level as are known to occur 
on maritime coasts where earthquakes prevail — such, 
in fact, as have been witnessed on the shores of the 
Bay of Baie within the last three centuries. + For 
it is evident that the temporary submergence of a 
cave filled with osseous breccia might afford time for 

* Hoffmann, Archiv fiir Mineralogie, p. 393. Berlin, 1831, 

Dr. Christie, Proceedings of Geol. Soc., No, xxiii. p. 333. 
T Vol. II. p. 267. 




the perforation of the rock by boring testacea, and 
for the deposition upon it of mud, sand, and shells. 
The association in these and other localities of 
shells of living species with the remains of extinct 
mammalia is very distinct, and corroborates the in- 
ference adverted to in a former chapter, that the lon- 
gevity of species in the mammalia is, upon the whole, 
inferior to that of the testacea. I am by no means 
inclined to refer this circumstance to the intervention 
of man, and his power of extirpating the larger qua- 
drupeds ; for the succession of mammiferous species 
appears to have been in like manner comparatively 

eo Fi Be 
OA a ay 


a. Monte Grifone. , b. Cave of San Ciro, * 
c. Plain of Palermo, in which are Newer Pliocene strata of 
limestone and sand. d. Bay of Palermo. 

rapid throughout the older tertiary periods. Their 
more limited duration depends, in all probability, on 
physiological laws, which render warm-blooded qua- 
drupeds less capable, in general, of accommodating 
themselves to a great variety of circumstances, and, 
consequently, of surviving the vicissitudes to which the 
earth’s surface is exposed in a great lapse of ages. + 

* Section given by Dr. Christie, Edin. New Phil. Journ., 
No. xxiii., called by mistake the Cave of Mardolce, by the late 
M. Hoffmann. See account by Mr. S. P. Pratt, F. G.S., Pro- 
ceedings of Geol. Soc. No. 32. 1833. 

t See Vol. III. p. 100., and book i. chap, vi. 


Caves near Palermo. — The caves near Palermo 
exhibit appearances very analogous to those above 
described, and much curious information has been 
lately published respecting them. According to Hoff- 
mann, the grotto of San Ciro is distant about two 
miles from Palermo, and is twenty feet high and ten 
wide. It occurs in a secondary limestone, in the 
Monte Grifone, at the base of a rocky precipice about 
180 feet above the sea. From the foot of this preci- 
pice an inclined plane, consisting of horizontal tertiary 
strata, of the Newer Pliocene period, extends to the 
sea, a distance of about a mile. 

The limestone escarpment was evidently once a 
sea-cliff, and the ancient beach still remains formed of 
pebbles of various rocks, many of which must have 
been brought from places far remote. Broken pieces 
of coral and shell, especially of oysters and pectens, 
are seen intermingled with the pebbles. Immediately 
above the level of this beach, serpule are still found 
adhering to the face of the rock, and the limestone is 
perforated by lithodomi. Within the grotto, also, at 
the same level, similar perforations occur; and so 
numerous are the holes, that the rock is compared by 
Hoffmann to a target pierced by musket balls. But 
in order to expose to view these marks of boring-shells 
in the interior of the cave, it was necessary first to re- 
Move a mass of breccia, which consisted of numerous 
fragments of rock and an immense quantity of bones 
imbedded in a dark brown calcareous marl. Many of 
the bones were rolled as if partially subjected to the 
action of the waves. Below this breccia, which is 
about twenty feet thick, was found a bed of sand filled 
with sea-shells of recent species; and underneath the 
and, again, is the secondary limestone of Monte Gri- 
fone. The state of the surface of the limestone in the 


cave above the level of the marine sand is very differ- 
ent from that below it. Above, the rock is jagged and - 
uneven, as is usual in the roofs and sides of limestone 
caverns; below, the surface is smooth and polished, as 
if by the attrition of the waves. 

So enormous was the quantity of bones, that many 
ship-loads were exported in the years 1829 and 1830, 
in the hope of their retaining a sufficient quantity of 
gelatine to serve for refining sugar; for which, how- 
ever, they proved useless. The bones belong chiefly 
to the mammoth (E. primigenius), and with them are 
those of an hippopotamus, distinct from the recent 
species, and smaller than that usually found fossil. 
Several species of deer, also, and, according to some 
accounts, the remains of a bear, were discovered. 

It is easy to explain in what manner the cavern of 
San Ciro was in part filled with sea-sand, and how the 
surface of the limestone became perforated by litho- 
domi; but in what manner, when the elevation of the 
rocks and the ancient beach had taken place, was the 
superimposed osseous breccia formed? For want of 
more exact local details, it would be rash to speculate 
on this subject; but by referring to what was previ- 
ously said of caverns near the sea-shore of the Morea, 
from which rivers escape, the reader may conceive 
that caves, after having been submerged and filled 
with sea-sand, may afterwards be upraised and flooded 
by the waters of engulphed rivers washing down 
animal remains from the land.* ‘ 

Two other caverns are described by Dr. Christie as 
occurring in Mount Beliemi, about four miles west of 
Palermo, at a higher elevation than that of San Ciro, 
being more than three hundred feet above the level of - 

* See Vol. III. p. 206. 


the sea. In one of these places the bones are found 
only in a talus at the outside of the cavern; in the 
other, they occur both within the cave and in the talus 
which slopes from it to the plain below. These caves 
appear to be situated much above the highest point 
attained by the tertiary deposits in this neighbourhood ; 
nor is there the slightest appearance in the caves 
themselves of the sea having been there.* 

Australian cave-breccias.— Ossiferous breccias have 
lately been discovered in fissured and cavernous lime- 
stone in Australia, and the remains of the fossil mam- 
malia are found to be referable to species now living in 
that country, mingled with some relics of extinct animals. 
Some of these caves have been examined by Major 
Mitchell, in the Wellington Valley, about 210 miles 
west of Sydney, on the river Bell, one of the principal 
sources of the Macquarie, and on the Macquarie itself. 

The fissures and caverns appear to correspond 
closely with those which contain similar osseous brec- 
cias in Europe; they often branch off in different 
directions through the rock, widening and contracting 
their dimensions, the roofs and floors being covered 
with stalactite. The bones are often broken, but do 
not seem to be water-worn. In some caves and fissures 
they lie imbedded in loose earth, but usually they are in- 
cluded ina breccia, having ared ochreous cement as hard 
as limestone, and like that of the Mediterranean caves. 

The remains found most abundantly are those of 
the kangaroo. Amongst others; those of the Wombat, 
Dasyurus, Kaola, and Phalangista, have been recog- 
nized. The greater part of them belong to existing, 
but some to extinct, species. One of the latter bones, 

bel Ss Christie, Jameson, Edin. New Phil. Jour., No. xxiii. 


of much greater size than the rest, is supposed, by 
Mr. Clift, to belong to an hippopotamus. * 

In a collection of these bones sent to Paris, Mr. Pent- 
land thought he could recognize a species of Halma- 
turus, exceeding in size the largest living kangaroo. 

These facts are full of interest, for they prove that 
the peculiar type of organization which now character- 
izes the marsupial tribes has prevailed from a remote 
period in Australia; and that in that continent, as in 
Europe, North and South America, and India, some 
species of mammalia have become extinct. It also 
appears, although the evidence on this point is still 
incomplete, that among the extinct were land qua- 
drupeds far exceeding in magnitude any of the wild 
animals now inhabiting New Holland. t 

Newer Pliocene Alluviums.— Some writers have 
attempted to introduce into their classification of 
geological periods an alluvial epoch, as if the trans- 
portation of loose matter from one part of the surface 
of the land to another had been the work of one par- 
ticular period. 

With equal propriety might they have endeavoured _ 
to institute a volcanic period, or a period of marine 
or freshwater deposition; for alluvial formations must 
have originated in every age, since the surface of the | 
earth was first divided into land and sea, but most 
rapidly in any given district at those periods when 

* Mr. Clift, Edin. New Phil. Journ., No. xx. p. 394. Major 
Mitchell, Proceedings of Geol. Soc., 1831, p. 321. 

+ Journ. de Géologie, tome iii. p. 291. The bone mentioned 
as that of an elephant by Mr. Pentland, was the same large bone 
alluded to by Mr. Clift. 

¢ For remarks on the mode in which these caverns may have 
been filled with osseous breccias, see Vol. III. p. 203. 


land has been upheaved above, or depressed below, 
its former level.* ; 

If those geologists who speak of an “alluvial epoch” 
intend merely to say that a great part of the Euro- 
pean alluviums are tertiary, there may undoubtedly 
be much truth in the opinion; for the larger part of 
the existing continent of Europe has emerged from 
-beneath the waters during some one or other of the 
tertiary periods+; and it is probable, that even those 
districts which were land before the commencement 
of the tertiary epoch, may have shared in the subter- 
ranean convulsions by which the levels of adjoining 
countries have since been altered. During such sub- 
terranean movements new alluviums might be formed 
in great abundance, and those of more ancient date so 
modified as to retain scarcely any of their original 
distinguishing characters. 

During the gradual rise of a large area, first from 
beneath the waters, and then to a great height above 
them, several kinds of superficial gravel must be 
formed and transported from one place to another. 
When the first islets begin to appear, and the breakers 
are foaming upon the new raised reefs, many rocky frag- 
ments are torn off and rolled along the bottom of the sea. 

Let the reader recall to mind the action of the tides 
and currents off the coast of Shetland, where blocks 
of granite, gneiss, porphyry, and serpentine, of enor- 
mous dimensions, are continually detached from wast- 
ing cliffs during storms, and carried in a few hours to 
a distance of many hundred yards from the parent 
rocks. Suppose the floor of the ocean, after being 

* See definition of alluvium, Vol. III, p. 196. 

t See map, Vol. I. p. 214, 
f See Vol. I. p- 391. 


thus strewed over with detached blocks and pebbles, 
to be converted partially into land, the geologist might 
then, perhaps, search in vain for the masses from 
which the fragments were originally derived, since part 
of these may have been consumed by the waves, and 
the rest may remain submerged beneath them. 

If this new land be then uplifted to a considerable 
height, the marine alluvium before alluded to would 
be raised up on the summits of the hills and on the 
surface of elevated platforms. It might still constitute 
the general covering of the country, being wanting 
only in such valleys and ravines as may have been 
caused by earthquakes, or excavated by the power of 
running water during the rise of the land; for the 
alluvium in those more modern valleys would consist 
partly of pebbles washed out of the older gravel be- 
fore mentioned, but chiefly of fragments derived from 
the rocks which were removed during the erosion of 
the valleys themselves. 

Erratic blocks. — Blocks of extraordinary magnitude 
have been observed at the foot of the Alps, and at 
a considerable height in some of the valleys of the 
Jura, exactly opposite the principal openings by which 
great rivers descend from the Alps. These fragments 
have been called “ erratic,” and many imaginary causes 
have been invented to account for their transport- 
ation. Some have talked of chasms opening in the 
ground immediately below, and of huge fragments 
having been cast out of them from the bowels of the 
earth. Others have referred to the deluge, an agent 
in which a simple solution is' so often found of every 
difficult problem exhibited by alluvial phenomena ; 
and more recently, the sudden rise of mountain-chains 
has been introduced as a cause which may have given 
rise to diluvial waves, capable of devastating whole 


continents, and drifting huge blocks from one part of 
the earth’s surface to another. 

It seems necessary to suppose that the Jura once 

| formed a prolongation -of the Alps, and that large frag- 

\ ments of rock were, at a remote period, detached from 

\the Alpine summits, and transported to lower hills or 
platforms, which were destined afterwards to be up- | 
\ Yaised and to form the independent chain now called j 
the Jura. Ice, as has been often suggested, may have | 

contributed its aid to the transfer of such blocks ; 
some of the masses are so enormous, 

flood like that in the valley of Bagnes 
be supposed to have conveyed them 
distances by the power of water alone. 

That the Alps must have been moved and shaken 
by earthquakes at periods comparatively modern, is 
evident from the fact that they are skirted on their 
northern, southern, and eastern flanks by marine ter- 
tiary strata. When these were raised into their present 
Position, to the height of many hundred feet above the 

sea, the whole of the older chain must have partici- 
pated in the convulsions. i 

that not even a 
» in 1818*, can 
to considerable 

It is important, therefore, to consider what would 
w happen if regions like that of Mont Blanc were 


subjected to earthquakes. 
detached by the action of 
` Peaks or « needles,” 
fall annually on the 
gradually transported 
leagues into the vall 
farthquake would th 
Similar but far heavi 
anches of snow and 

Large fragments of rock, 
rain and frost from the 
as they are called, of Chamouni, 
surface of the glaciers, and are 
by ice to the distance of many 
eys below.+ The shock of an 
row down a prodigious load of 
er masses, accompanied by ava- 
ice, by which the moraine of the 

* See Vol. I. p. 295. + Vol. I. p. 269. 


glacier would be greatly enlarged. If the shocks took 
place on the eve of a thaw in spring, when the accu- 
mulated snows of winter were beginning to melt, they 
would cause almost every where immense avalanches, 
by which many narrow gorges might be choked up, so 
that the valleys above such barriers of snow, ice, and 
rock would be converted into lakes. Portions of the 
rent glaciers, moreover, would at their lower extre- 
mities be covered with water, and might be floated 
off together with incumbent and included fragments of 
rock. At length, on the bursting of the temporary 
barrier, the whole mass of waters, together with huge 
rocks buoyed up by ice, would descend with tremen- 
dous violence into the lower country. 

The manner in which the ice of rivers and of the 
sea itself contributes, in the Baltic and other northern 
regions, to transport large blocks, as well as smaller 
pieces of stone, to vast distances, has been treated of 
in a former chapter. 

Sicily. — Assuming, then, that almost all the Eu- 
ropean alluviums are tertiary, we have next to inquire 
which of them are of Newer Pliocene origin. It is 
clear that, when a district like the Val di Noto, is 
composed of rocks of this age, all the alluvium upon 
the surface must necessarily belong either to the 
Newer Pliocene or the Recent epoch. If, therefore, 
the elevation of the mountains of the Val di Noto was 
chiefly accomplished antecedently to the Recent epoch, 
we must at once pronounce all alluviums, in the posi- 
tion indicated at a, Fig. 114. (p. 38.), to belong to the 
Newer Pliocene era. I saw gravel so situated at 
Grammichele in Sicily, and was informed that it con- 
tained the bones of the mammoth. 

* See Vol, I. p. 271. 

ane eS 

SETENE a ance 



Geological monuments of the older Pliocene period — Subapen- 
nne formations — Opinions of Brocchi — Different groups 
termed by him Subapennine are not all of the same age— 
Mineral composition of the Subapennine formations — Marls 
— Yellow sand and gravel — Subapennine beds, how formed 
(p. 56.) — Illustration derived from the Upper Val d’ Arno — 
Organic remains of Subapennine hills — Older Pliocene strata 
at the base of the Maritime Alps — Genoa (p. 63.) — Sa- 
Vona — Albenga — Nice — Conglomerate of Valley of Mag- 
nan — Its origin — Tertiary strata at the eastern extremity of 
the Pyrenees. 

Subapennine strata. — WE must now carry our re- 
trospect one step farther, and treat of the monuments 
of the era immediately antecedent to that last con- 
Sidered, The Apennines, it is well known, are com- 
Posed chiefly of secondary rocks, forming a chain which 

ranches off from the Ligurian Alps and passes down 
the Middle of the Italian peninsula. At the foot of 
these mountains, on the side both of the Adriatic and 
ti a Mediterranean, are found a series of tertiary strata 
hs ich form, for the most part, a line of low hills occu- 
Pying the Space between the older chain and the sea. 

rocchi, the first Italian geologist who described this 
newer group in detail, gave it the name of the 
Subapennines ; and he classed all the tertiary strata of 
taly from Piedmont to Calabria, as parts of the same 

S E ki 
ystem. Certain mineral characters, he observed, were 
VOL. Iv. D 


common to the whole ; for the strata consist generally 
of light brown or blue marl, covered by yellow calca- 
reous sand and gravel. There are also, he added, some 
species of fossil shells which are found in these de- 
posits throughout the whole of Italy. 

In a catalogue, published by Lamarck, of five hun- 
dred species of fossil-shells of the Paris basin, a small 
number only were enumerated as identical with those 
of Italy, and only twenty as agreeing with living spe- 
cies. This result, said Brocchi, is wonderful, and ve y 
different from that derived from a comparison of the 

fossil-shells of Italy, more than half of which agree with 
species now living in the Mediterranean, or in other 
seas chiefly of hotter climates. * 

He also stated, that it appeared from the observ- 
ations of Parkinson, that the clay of London, like that 
of the Subapennine hills, was covered by sand (alluding 

to the crag), and that in that upper formation of sand 
in England the species of shells corresponded much 
more closely with those now living in the ocean than 
did the species of the subjacent clay. Hence he in- 
ferred that an interval of time had separated the origin 
of the two groups. But in Italy, he goes on to say, 
the shells found in the marl and superincumbent sand 
belong entirely to the same group, and must have been 
deposited under the same circumstances. + 
Notwithstanding the correctness of these views, 
Brocchi conceived that the Italian tertiary strata, as a 
whole, might agree with those of the basins of Paris 
and London; and he endeavoured to explain the dis- 
cordance of their fossil contents by remarking, that the 

* Conch. Foss. Subap., tom. i. p. 148. 
t Ibid., p. 147. 

testacea of the Mediterranean differ now from those 
living in the ocean.* In attempting thus to assimilate 
the age of these distinct groups, he was evidently in- 
fluenced by his adherence to the anciently received 
theory of the gradual fall of the level of the ocean, to 
which, and not to the successive rise of the land, he 
attributed the emergence of the tertiary strata ; all of 
which he consequently imagined to have remained 
under water down to a comparatively recent period. 
Brocchi was perfectly justified in affirming that there _ 
Were some species cf shells common to all the strata 
Called by him Subapennine; but I have shown that this 
fact is not inconsistent with the conclusion, that the 
Several deposits may have originated at different pe- 
Tiods, for there are species of shells common to all the 
tertiary eras. He seems to have been aware, however, 
of the insufficiency of his data; for in giving a list of 
Species universally distributed throughout Italy, he 
candidly admits his inability to determine whether the 
shells of Piedmont were all identical with those of 
scany, and whether those of the northern and south- 
_ 1 extremities of Italy corresponded. + 
€ have already satisfactory evidence that the 
Subapennine beds of Brocchi belonged, at least, to 
three periods. To the Miocene we can refer a portion 
of the Strata of Piedmont, those of the hill of the 
“perga, for example; to the Older Pliocene belong the 
Sreater part of the strata of northern Italy and of 
UScany, and perhaps those of Rome; to the Newer 
locene, the tufaceous formations of Naples, the cal- 
“Areous strata of Otranto, and probably the greater 
Part of the tertiary beds of Calabria. 

* Conch. Foss. Subap., tom. i, p. 166. T Ibid., p. 143. 
D 2 


That there is a considerable correspondence in the 
arrangement and mineral composition of these different 
Italian groups, is undeniable; but not that close re- 
semblance which should lead us to assume an exact 
identity of age, even had the fossil remains been less 

Very erroneous notions have been etertained re- 
specting the contrast between the lithological charac- 
ters of the Italian strata and certain groups of higher 
antiquity. Dr. MacCulloch has treated of the Italian 
tertiary beds under the general title of “ elevated 
submarine alluvia;’ and the overlying yellow sand 
and gravel may, according to him, be wholly, or in 
part, a terrestrial alluvium.* Had he visited Italy, I 
am persuaded that he would never have considered the 
tertiary strata of London and Paris as belonging to 
formations of a different order from the Subapennine 
groups, or as being more regularly stratified. He 
seems to have been misled by Brocchi’s description, 
who contrasts the more crystalline and solid texture of 
the older secondary rocks of the Apennines with the 
loose and incoherent nature of the Subapennine beds, 
which resemble, he says, the mud and sand now de- 
posited by the sea. 

I have endeavoured, in a former chapter, to restrict 
within definite limits the meaning of the term allu- 
vium+; but if the Subapennine beds are to be de- 
signated “marine alluvia,” the same name might, 
with equal propriety, be applied not only to the argil- 
laceous and sandy groups of the London and Hamp- 
shire basins, but to a very great portion of our se- 

* Syst. of Geol., vol. i. chap. xv. 
+ Vol. III. p. 196. 

Condary series, where the marls, clays, and sands are 
as imperfectly consolidated as are the tertiary strata 
of Italy in general. 

They who have been inclined to associate the idea 
of the more Stony texture of stratified deposits with a 
- Comparatively higher antiquity, should consider how 
dissimilar, in this respect, are the tertiary groups of 
London and Paris, although admitted to be of con- 
temporaneous date 3 or they should visit Sicily, and 
behold a soft brown marl, identical in mineral cha- 
racter with that of the Subapennine beds, underlying 
amass of solid and regularly stratified limestone, rival- 
ling the chalk of England in thickness.. This Sicilian 
marl is older than the superincumbent limestone, but 
newer than the Subapennine marl of the north of Italy; 
for in the latter the extinct shells rather predominate 
Over the recent, in the Sicilian strata the recent spe- 
cies predominate almost to the exclusion of the extinct. 

Subapennine marls.—I shall now consider more 
particularly the characters of those Subapennine beds 
which may be referred to the Older Pliocene period. 

The most important member of the Subapennine 
formation is a marl which varies in colour from grey- 
ish brown to blue. It is very aluminous, and usually 
Contains much calcareous matter and scales of mica. 

t often exhibits no lines of division throughout a 
considerable thickness, but in other places it is thinly 
aminated. Near Parma, for example, I have counted 
thirty distinct laminæ in the thickness of an inch. In 
Some of the hills near that city the marl attains, 
according to Signor Guidotti, a thickness of nearly 
two thousand feet, and is charged throughout with 
shells, many of which are such as inhabit a deep sea. 
D 3 


They often occur in layers in such a manner as to 
indicate their slow and gradual accumulation. They 
are not flattened, but are filled with marl. Beds of 
lignite are sometimes interstratified, as at Medesano, 
four leagues from Parma; subordinate beds of gypsum 
also occur in many places, as at Vigolano and Bar- 
gone, in the territory of Parma, where they are inter- 
stratified with shelly marl and sand. At Lezignano, 
in the Monte Cerio, the sulphate of lime is found in 
lenticular crystals, in which unaltered shells are some- 
times included. Signor Guidotti, who showed me 
specimens of this gypsum, remarked, that the sulphu- 
ric acid must have been fully saturated with lime 
when the shells were enveloped, so that it could not 
act upon the shell. According to Brocchi, the marl 
sometimes passes from a soft and pulverulent substance 
into a compact limestone, but it is rarely found in 
this solid form.* ‘It is also occasionally interstratified 
with sandstone. 

The marl constitutes very frequently the surface of 
the country, having no covering of sand. It is some- 
times seen reposing immediately on the Apennine 
limestone; more rarely gravel intervenes, as in the 
hills of San Quirico.+ Volcanic rocks are here and 
there superimposed, as at Radicofani, in Tuscany, 
where a hill composed of marl, with some few shells 
interspersed, is capped by basalt. Several of the 
volcanic tuffs in the same place are so interstratified 
with the marls as to show that the eruptions took 
place in the sea during the Older Pliocene period. At 
Acquapendente, Viterbo, and other places, hills of the 
same formation are capped with trachytic lava, and 

* Conch. Foss. Subap., tom. i. p. 82. T Ibid., p. 7g, 


with tuffs which appear evidently to have been sub- 

Yellow sand.— The other member of the Sub- 
apennine group, the yellow sand and conglomerate, 
constitutes, in most of the places where I have seen 
it, a border formation near the junction of the tertiary 
and secondary rocks. In some cases, as near the town 
of Sienna, we see sand and calcareous gravel resting 
immediately on the Apennine limestone, without the 
intervention of any blue marl. Alternations are there 
seen of beds containing fluviatile shells, with others 
filled exclusively with marine species ; and I observed 
oysters attached to many of the pebbles of limestone. 
This appears to have been a point where a river, flow- 
ing from the Apennines, entered the sea in which the 
tertiary strata were formed. 

Between Florence and Poggibonsi, in Tuscany, 

there is a great range of conglomerate of the Sub- 
apennine beds, which is seen for eleven miles continu- 
ously from Casciano to the south of Barberino. The 

Pebbles are chiefly of whitish limestone, with some 

On receding from the older Apennine 
- rocks, the conglomerate passes into yellow sand and 
sandstone, with shells, the whole overlying blue marl. 
In such cases we may suppose the deltas of rivers and 
torrents to have gained upon the bed of a sea where 
blue marl had previously been deposited. 
; The upper arenaceous group above described some- 
times passes into a calcareous sandstone, as at San 
ignone. It contains lapidified shells more frequently 
than the marl, owing probably to the more free per- 
Colation of mineral waters, which often dissolve and 
Carry away the original component elements of fossil 
odies, and substitute others in their place. In some 
D 4 


cases the shells imbedded in this group are silicified, 
as at San Vitale, near Parma, from whence I saw two 
individuals of recent species, one freshwater and the 
other marine (Limnea palustris, and Cytherea concen- 
trica, Lamk.), both perfectly converted into flint. 

On the other hand, the shells of Monte Mario, near 
Rome, which are probably referable to the same form- 
ation, are changed into calcareous spar, the form being 
preserved notwithstanding the crystallization of the 
carbonate of lime. 

Mode of formation of the Subapennine beds, — The 
tertiary strata above described have resulted from the 
waste of the secondary rocks which now form the 
Apennines, and which had become dry land before the 
Older Pliocene beds were deposited. In the territory 
of Placentia we have an Opportunity of observing the 

kind of sediment which the rivers are now bringing 

down from the Apennines. The tertiary marl of that 

district being too calcareous to be used for bricks or 
pottery, a substitute is obtained by conveying into 
tanks the turbid waters of the rivers Braganza, Parma, 
Taro, and Enza. In the course of a year a deposit of 
brown clay, much resembling some of the Subapennine 
marl, is procured, several feet in thickness, divided 
into thin laminze of different shades of colour. 

In regard to the sand and gravel, we see yellow 
sand thrown down by the Tiber near Rome, and by 
the Arno, at Florence. The northern part of the 
Apennines consists of a grey micaceous sandstone 
with dn argillaceous base, alternating with shale, from 
the degradation of which brown clay and sand would 
result. If a river flow through such strata, and some 
one of its tributaries drains the ordinary limestone of 
the Apennines, the clay might become marly by the 


intermixture of calcareous matter. The sand is fre- 
quently yellow from being stained by oxide of iron; 
but this colour is by no means constant. 

The similarity in composition of the tertiary strata 
in the basins of the Po, the Arno, and the Tiber, is 
merely such as might be expected to arise from their 
having been all derived from the disintegration of the 
Same continuous chain of secondary rocks. But it 
does not follow that the latter rocks were all upheaved 
and exposed to degradation at the same time. The 
Correspondence of the tertiary groups consists in their 
being all alike composed of marl, clay, and sand; but 
we might say as much of the beds of the London and 
Hampshire basins, although the English and Italian 
groups, thus compared, belong nearly to the two 
opposite extremes of the tertiary series. 

The similarity in mineral character of the lacustrine 
deposit of the Upper Val d’ Arno, and the marine 
Subapennine hills of northern Italy, ought to serve as 
a caution to the geologist, not to infer too hastily a 
Contemporaneous origin from identity of mineral com- 
Position. The deposit of the Upper Val d’ Arno oc- 
curs nearly at the bottom of a deep narrow valley, 
Which is surrounded by precipitous rocks of secondary 
Sandstone and shale (the macigno of the Italians, and 
Steywacké of the Germans). Hills of yellow sand, of 
Considerable thickness, appear around the margin of 
the small basin; while, towards the central parts, 
Where there has been considerable denudation, and 
Where the Arno flows, blue clay is seen underlying 
the yellow sand. The shells are of freshwater origin, 
but I shall speak more particularly of them when dis- 
cussing the probable age of this formation in the six- 
teenth chapter. I desire at present to call attention 




[Book vz 

to the fact, that we have here, in an isolated basin, 
such a formation as would result from the waste of the 
contiguous secondary rocks -of the Apennines, frag- 
ments of which rocks are found in the sand and con- 
glomerate. We might expect that, if the freshwater 
beds were removed, and the barrier of the lake-basin 
closed up again, similar sediment would be again de- 
posited; since the aqueous agents would operate in 
the same manner, at whatever period they might be in 
activity. Now, the only difference in mineral compo- 
sition, between the lacustrine deposit and the ordinary 
marine Subapennine strata, consists in the absence of 
calcareous matter from the clay; and this may be 
ascribed to the circumstance that the torrents flowing 
into the lake had passed over no limestone rocks. 

The lithological character of the Subapennine beds 
varies in different parts of the Peninsula both in colour 
and degree of solidity. The presence, also, or ab- 
sence of lignite and gypsum, and the association or 
non-association of volcanic rocks, are causes of great 
local discrepancy. The superposition of the sand and 
conglomerate to the marl, on the other hand, is a 
general point of agreement, although there are ex- 
ceptions to the rule, as at San Quirico before men- 
tioned. The cause of this arrangement may be, as I 
before hinted, that- the arenaceous groups were first 
formed on the coast where rivers entered; and when 
these pushed their deltas farther out, they threw 
down the sand upon part of the bed of the sea already 
occupied by finer and more transportable mud. 

Captain Bayfield, in his Survey of the Coast of 
St. Lawrence, mentions horizontal strata of sand and 
gravel, and a subjacent deposit of clay, as reposing in 
depressions in the older rocks near the shore. The 







OL id 



clay invariably occupies the lowest position, and the 
gravel the highest; and this arrangement, he says, 
may be explained by considering that the rivers where 
they now bring down alluvial matter on several parts 
of this coast, carry gravel over a bottom previously 
occupied by clay, the finer sediment having first been 
drifted farther from the shore.* 

When Captain Bayfield proposed this theory, he had 
not seen my work; and it was satisfactory to observe 
the exact coincidence of his views with my own, 
his having been suggested by the modern changes 
going on in the St. Lawrence, mine by reasoning on 
appearances in the interior of Italy. 

Organic remains. — Figures of some of the most 
abundant shells of the Subapennine formations are 
given in the accompanying plate. (Pl. X.) The greater 
Part of them are common both to the Older and Newer 
Pliocene periods of this work. Eight of the species, 
Nos. 1, 3, 5, 6, 7, 9, 13, and 14, are now living, but 
are also common in the older Pliocene formations. 
Fusus crispus has not been found either recent, or in 
the Miocene or Eocene formations, but occurs both in 
; the Older and Newer Pliocene formations. Mitra 
E aa ias hoan- abserved only in the Older Pliocene 
deposits. The Turbo rugosus was formerly considered 
aS exclusively Pliocene; but M. Boué has since found 
= ın the Miocene strata at Vienna and Moravia. Buc- 
“inum semistriatum is also a Miocene shell, but has 

fen inserted as being peculiarly abundant in the 
liocene Strata. 

The Subapennine testacea are referable to species 

: : 
Att abstract of this paper will be found in the Proceedings 
of the Geol, Soc., No. 33. p. 4. 
pd 6 


and families of which the habits are extremely diver- 
sified, some living in deep, others in shallow water, 
some in rivers or at their mouths. I have seen a 
specimen of a freshwater univalve (Limnea palustris), 
taken from the blue marl near Parma, full of small 
marine shells. It may have been floated down by the 
same causes which carried wood and leaves into the 
ancient sea. 

I have been informed, by experienced collectors of 
the Subapennine fossils, that they invariably procure 
the greatest number in those winters when the rains 
are most abundant; an annual crop, as it were, being 
washed out of the soil to replace those which the 
action of moisture, frost, and the rays of the sun soon 
reduce to dust upon the surface. 

The shells, in general, are soft when first taken from 
the marl, but they become hard when dried. The 
superficial enamel is often well preserved, and many 
shells retain their pearly lustre, and part of their ex. 
ternal colour, and even the ligament which unites the 
valves. No shells are more usually perfect than the 
microscopic, which abound near Sienna, where more 
than a thouand full-grown individuals are sometimes 
poured out of the interior of a single univalve of mo- 
derate dimensions. In some large tracts of yellow 
sand it is impossible to detect a single fossil, while in 
other places they occur in profusion. 

Blocks of Apennine limestone are found in this 
formation drilled by lithodomous shells. The remains 
not only of testacea and corals, but of fishes and crabs, 
are met with, as also those of cetacea, and even of 
terrestrial quadrupeds. 

A considerable list of the mammiferous species has 
been given by Brocchi and some other writers ; and, 

although several mistakes have been made, and some 
bones of cetacea have been confounded with those of 
land animals, it is still indubitable that some remains of 
land animals were carried down into the sea when the 
Subapennine sand and marl were accumulated. The 
Same causes which drifted skeletons into lakes, such as 
that of the Upper Val d'Arno, may have carried down 
others into firths or bays of the sea. The femur of an 
elephant has been disinterred with oysters attached to 

it, showing that it remained for some time exposed 
after it was drifted into the sea. 

Strata at the base of the Maritime Alps. —If we pass 
from the Italian peninsula, and, following the borders 
of the Mediterranean, examine the tertiary strata at 
the foot bf the Maritime Alps, we find formations 
agreeing in zoological characters with the Subapennine 
beds, and presenting many points of analogy in their 
mineral composition. The Alps, it is well known, ter- 
minate abruptly in the sea, between Genoa and Nice, 
and the steep declivities of that bold coast are con- 
tinued below the waters; so that a depth of many 
hundred fathoms is often found within stone’s-throw of 
the beach. Exceptions occur only where streams and 
torrents enter the sea; and at these points there is 
always a low level tract, intervening between the 
mouth of the stream and the precipitous escarpment 
of the mountains. 

In travelling from France to Genoa, by the new 
Coast road, we are conveyed principally along a ledge 
excavated out of a steep slope or precipice, in the 
Same manner as on the roads which traverse the great 
interior passes of the Alps, such as the Simplon and 
Mont Cenis ; the difference being that, in this case, the 
traveller has always the sea below him, instead of a 


river. But we are obliged occasionally to descend by 
a zigzag course into those low plains before alluded to, 
which, when viewed from above, have the appearance 
of bays deserted by the sea. They are surrounded on 
three sides by rocky eminences, and the fourth is open 
to the sea. 

These leading features in the physical geography of 
the country are intimately connected with its geological 
structure. ‘The rocks composing the Alpine declivities 
belong partly to the primary formations, but more 
generally to the secondary, and have undergone im- 
mense disturbance; but when we examine the low 
tracts before mentioned, we find the surface covered 
with great beds of gravel and sand, such as are now 
annually brought down by torrents and streams in the 
winter, and which are spread in such quantity over the 
wide and shifting river-channels as to render the roads 
for a season impassable. The first idea which naturally 
suggests itself, on viewing these plains, is to imagine 
them to be deltas or spaces converted into land by the 
accumulated sand and gravel brought down from the 
Alps by rivers. But, on closer inspection we find that 
the apparent lowness of the plains, which at first glance . 
might be supposed to be only just raised above the 
level of the sea, is a deception produced by contrast. 
The Alps rise suddenly to the height of several thou- 
sand feet with a bold and precipitous outline ; while 
the country below is composed of horizontal strata, 
which have either, a flat or gently undulating surface, 
The strata consist of gravel, sand, and marl, filled 
with marine shells, and they are considerably elevated, 
attaining sometimes the height of two hundred feet, 
or even more, above the level of the sea; there must, 
therefore, have been a rise of the coast since they were 

deposited, and they are not mere deltas or spaces re- 
claimed from the sea by rivers. Why, then, are such 
‘Strata found only at the points where rivers enter ? 
We must imagine that, after the coast had nearly 
acquired its present configuration, the streams which 
flowed down into the Mediterranean produced shoals 
opposite their mouths by the continual drifting in of 
gravel, sand, and mud. The Alps have since been 
raised to a sufficient height to cause these shoals to 
become land; while the corresponding elevation of the 
intervening parts of the coast, where the sea was of 
` great depth near the shore, has not been perceptible. 
The disturbing force appears to have acted very 
irregularly, and to have produced the least elevation 
towards the eastern extremity of the Maritime Alps, 
and a greater amount as we proceed westward. Thus a 
we find the marine tertiary strata attaining the height | | 
of about 100 feet at Genoa, 200 and 300 feet farther | \ 

westward at Albenga, and 800 or 900 feet in the \ 

neighbourhood of Nice. 

renoa.__ At Genoa the tertiary strata consist of 

Monte Fi ETO. 
@’ Origina.- 8 




trae k 
a., /X b 

[3 i 
fe A E E 


Position of tertiary strata. at Genoa. 
@ Ancient sea-beach. b. Blue marl with shells, 
C. Inclined secondary strata of sandstone, shale, &c. 

Ee SAO — 


blue marls like those of the northern Subapennines 
and contain the same shells. On the immediate site 
of the town they rise to the height of only twenty feet 
above the sea; but they reach about eighty feet in 
some parts of the suburbs. At the base of a moun- 
tain not far from the suburbs there is an ancient beach, 
strewed with rounded blocks of Alpine rocks, some of 
which are drilled by the Modiola lithophaga, Lamk., 
the whole cemented into a conglomerate, which 
marks the ancient sea-beach at the height of 100 feet 
above the present sea. * 

Savona. — At Savona, proceeding westwards, we 
find deposits of blue marl like those of Genoa, and 
occupying a corresponding geological position at the 
base of the mountains near the sea. The shells, col- 
lected from these marls by Mr. Murchison and myself, 
in 1828, were examined by Signor Bonelli, of Turin, 
and found to agree with Subapennine fossils. 

Albenga. — At Albenga these formations occupy a 
more extensive tract, forming the plains around that 
town and the low hills of the neighbourhood, which 
reach in some spots an elevation of 300 feet. The 
encircling mountains recalled to my mind those which 
bound the plain and bay of Palermo, and other bays 
of the Mediterranean, which are surrounded by bold 
rocky coasts. ; 

The general resemblance of the Albenga strata to 
the Subapennine beds is very striking; the lowest 
division consisting of blue marl which is covered by 
sand and yellow clay, and the highest by a mass of 
stratified shingle, sometimes consolidated into a con- 

* I have here to acknowledge my obligations to Professor 
Viviani, and Dr. Sasso, who called my attention to these phe- 
nomena when I visited Genoa in Jan. 1829. 

glomerate. Dr. Sasso has collected about 200 species 
of shells from these beds ; and it appears, by his cata- 
logue, that they agree, for the most part, with the 
northern Subapennine fossils, more than half of them 
belonging to recent species. * 

Nice. — At Nice the tertiary strata are upraised to 
4 much greater height, but they may still be said to 
lie at the base of the Alps which tower above them. 
Here, also, they consist principally of blue marl and 
yellow sand, which appear to have been deposited in 
Submarine valleys previously existing in the inclined 
secondary strata. In one district, a few miles to the 
West of Nice, the tertiary beds are almost exclusively 
composed of conglomerate, from the point of their 
junction with the secondary strata to the sea. 

The river Magnan flows in a deep valley, which ter- 

Minates at its upper extremity in a narrow ravine. 
early vertical precipices are laid open on each side, 
varying from 200 to 600 feet in height, and composed 

of inclined beds of shingle, sometimes separated by 

layers of sand, and more rarely by blue micaceous 
marl. The pebbles in these stratified shingles agree 
“Composition with those now brought down from the 
Alps by the Var and other rivers on this coast. 

The dip of these strata is remarkably uniform, being 
always southwards, or towards the Mediterranean, at 
a angle of about 25°. I examined this section in 
company with Mr. Murchison in the summer of 1828, 
When the bed of the river was dried up. The geolo- 
Sist has then a good opportunity of examining a sec- 
tion of the strata, as the channel crosses for many 
miles the line of bearing of the beds, which may be 

* Giornale Ligustico, Genoa, 1827. 


traced to the base of Monte Calvo, a distance of about 
nine miles in a straight line from the Mediterranean. 
It is usually impossible to determine the exact age of 
such accumulations of sand and gravel, in consequence 
of the total absence of organic remains. Their non- 
existence may depend chiefly on the disturbed state of 
the waters, where great beds of shingle are formed, 
which are known to prevent testacea and fishes from 
living in Alpine torrents; partly on the total destruction 
of shells by the same friction which rounded the peb- 
bles; and partly on the permeability of the matrix to 
water, which may carry away the elements of the de- 
composing fossil body, without substituting any other 
substance in their place which might retain a cast of 
their form. 

But it fortunately happens, in this instance, that in 
some few seams of loamy marl, intervening between 
the pebble-beds, and near the middle of the section, 
shells have been preserved in a very perfect state; 
and these may furnish a zoological date to the whole 
mass. The principal of these interstratified masses of 
loam occurs near the church of St. Madeleine (at ¢, 
diagram No. 117.), where the active researches of M. 
Risso have brought to light a great number of shells 
which agree perfectly with the species found in much 
greater abundance at a spot called La Trinita, and 
some other places nearer Nice. From these fossils it 
clearly appears that the formation belongs to the Older 
Pliocene era. 

Such alternations of gravel with the usual thin 
layers of fine sediment may easily be explained, if we 
reflect that the rivers now flowing from the Maritime 
Alps are nearly dried up in summer, and have only 
strength to drift along fine mud to the sea; whereas 

in winter, or on the melting of the snow, they roll 
along large quantities of pebbles. The thicker masses 
of loam, such as that of St. Madeleine, may have been 
Produced during a longer interval, when the river 
shifted for a time the direction of its principal channel 
of discharge ; so that nothing but fine mud was for a 
Series of years conveyed to that point in the bed of 
the sea opposite the delta. | 

Monte Calvo, 

Fig. 117. 

Section from Monte Calvo to the sea by the valley of Magnan, near Nice. 

A. Dolomite and sandstone. (Green-sand formation ?) 
a, b, d. Beds of gravel and sand. 
c. Fine marl and sand of St. Madeleine. 

Uniform and continuous as the strata appear ponia 
general view, in the ravine of the Magnan, we discover, 
if we attempt to trace any one of them for some dis- 
tance, that they thin out and are wedge-shaped. We 

elieve that they were thrown down originally upon a 
Steep slanting bank or talus, which advanced gradually 
rom the base of Monte Calvo to the sea. The dis- 
tance between these points is, as before mentioned, 
about nine miles; so that the accumulation of super- 
imposed strata would be a great many miles in thick- 

MBSE, LE they were placed horizontally upon one another. 


The strata nearest to Monte Calvo, which may be ex- 
pressed by 4, are certainly older than those at b, and 
the group b was formed before e. The aggregate thick- 
ness, in any one place, cannot be proved to amount to 
1000 feet, although it may, perhaps, be much greater. 
But it may never exceed 3000 or 4000 feet ; whereas, 
if we did not suppose that the beds were originally 
deposited in an inclined position, we should be forced 
to imagine that a sea, many miles in depth, had been 
filled up by horizontal strata of pebbles thrown down 
one upon another. 

At no great distance on this coast the Var is an- 
nually seen to sweep down into the sea a large quan- 
tity of gravel, which may be spread out by the waves 
and currents over a considerable space. ‘The sea at 
the mouth of this river is now shallow, but it may 
originally have been 3000 feet deep, as it is now close 
to the shore at Nice. Here, therefore, a formation 
resembling that of the Magnan above described may 
be in progress. 

In confirmation of the above reasoning, 
to the modern delta of the river Kander in the lake 
of Thun in Switzerland. The Kander formerly ran 
parallel to that lake, until it was artificially turned 
into it about the year 1713, when the government of 
Berne caused two parallel subterranean galleries or 
tunnels to be excavated through the land which separ- 
ated the course.of the river from the lake; a distance 
of nearly a mile. The Kander, on being admitted, 
shot with the violence of a Swiss torrent through the 
tunnels, burst the arches of the galleries, and formed 
a ravine, which is now open to the day, about fifty 
feet in depth. A large quantity of mud and rock was 
swept into the lake, and an alluvial tract was formed 

I may refer 


of a semicircular shape, which now extends for a mile 
along the original shore, and projects about a quarter 
of that distance into the lake. Its annual advance is 
Said to amount to several. yards*, and the delta ter- 
minates in a talus, the slope of which is inclined at 
angles varying between 15° and 25°. Such was 
the result of my own observations, in 1836, when I 
Sounded the lake opposite the mouth of the Kander. 
© greatest inclination which I found gave an angle 
of 29°, the least 6°.t It follows, therefore, that the 
Strata have successively accumulated on a plane thus ` 
highly inclined; so that, if the Lake of Thun, which 
is 600 feet deep}, beyond the recently formed shoal, 
Were drained, a vertical section might be laid open, 
00 feet in height, in which strata would be seen 
‘aving a considerable dip like those of the Magnan, 
although they had remained undisturbed from the 
Period of their original deposition. 
ertiary Strata at the eastern extremity of the 
Yrenees, I shall conclude this chapter with one 
More example, derived from a region not far distant. 
n the borders of the Mediterranean, at the eastern 
extremity of the Pyrenees, in the south of France, a 
considerable thickness of tertiary strata is seen in the 
Valleys of the rivers Tech, Tet, and Gly. They bear 
much resemblance to those already described, consist- 
™ partly of a large proportion of conglomerate, and 

* Rev. J. Yates, on Alluvium, Edin. New Phil. Journ. 1834. 
t Lord Cole and the Rev. Mr. Egerton measured the dip in 

1833, and concluded that it was still more considerable (Pro- 

ceedings of Geol . Soc. 1834.) ; but they tell me that they had not 
Sufficient time or implements to insure accuracy in their sound- 

¢ Mr. Yates, ibid. 


partly of clay and sand, with subordinate beds of 
lignite. They abut against the primary formation of 
the Pyrenees, which here consists of mica-schist. 
Between Ceret and Boulon these tertiary strata are 
seen inclined at an angle of between 20° and 30°. 
The shells which I procured from several localities 
were recognized by M. Deshayes as agreeing with 
Subapennine fossils. 

Spain — Morea. — It appears, from the recent ob- 
servations of Colonel Silvertop, that marine strata of 
the Older Pliocene period occur in patches at Malaga, 
and in Granada in Spain. They have also been dis- 
covered by MM. Boblaye and Virlet in the Morea. 



Crag of Norfolk and Suffolk — Appears by its fossil contents to 
belong to the Older Pliocene period. — Divisible into coralline 
and red crag. — Superincumbent deposits — Forms of stratifi- 
Cation (p. 78.) — Oblique layers— Cause of this arrangement— 

islocations in the strata produced by subterranean movements 
°verlaying the shelly crag— Protruded masses of chalk (p. 85.) 
~ Similar appearances in the cliffs of Moen in Denmark. 

Tur Older Pliocene strata, described in the last chap- 
ter, are all situated in countries bordering the Medi- 
‘erranean; but there is a group in our own island, 
Probably belonging to the same era, which I shall now 
Consider. I have already alluded to this deposit under 
the provincial name of crag *, and pointed out its 
Superposition to the London clay, a tertiary formation 
of much higher antiquity.+ The crag is chiefly de- 
veloped in the eastern parts of Norfolk and Suffolk, 
from whence it extends into Essex. 

lis relative age.— A collection of the shells of the 
“crag” beds, which I formed in 1829, together with 
à much larger number sent me by my friend Mr. 
Mantell, of Brighton, were carefully examined by M. 
Deshayes, and compared with the tertiary species in 
lis cabinet. More than half of these were considered 
by him to be of extinct species, not agreeing in general 
with the fossils of Touraine or other Miocene deposits. 
The remainder were of recent species, and considered 

* Vol. III. p. 336. + See Fig. 84. Vol. III. p. 338, 


to be identical with testacea now living in the German 
Ocean. For these reasons it was inferred that the 
crag was older than the Miocene period, and about as 
far removed in conchological character from the shells 
of our seas, as are the Subapennine strata from the 
shells now inhabiting the Mediterranean. Out of 111 
species examined in Paris in 1829, sixty-six were re- 
garded as extinct, and forty-five as recent*; and when 
I lately submitted to the inspection of M. Deshayes 
sixty other species, procured from the lowest or coral- 
line crag, he still retained the same opinion in regard 
to the proportion of recent species. A larger number, 
however, of organic remains has of late years been 
obtained from the crag, principally by Mr. Wood of 
Hasketon, in Suffolk, who states that he has in his col- 
lection, exclusive of Polypi, Radiaria, and Crustacea, 
no less than 450 species of invertebrated animals from 
the crag, among which there are of annulata 13, cirrhi- 
peda 11, conchifera 189, mollusca 257. 

But these fossils have not yet been examined with 
sufficient attention to enable me to say, whether the 
results to which they lead should modify the conclu- 
sions previously deduced from more limited data.+ 

* M. Deshayes is now aware that he was mistaken in supposing 
one of these crag fossils, Voluta Lamberti, to be identical with a 
recent species. 

+ Dr. Beck, of Copenhagen, well known for his profound 
knowledge of recent shells, has lately seen 260 species of crag 
shells in Mr. Charlesworth’s cabinet in London, and informs me, 
that although a large proportion of the species approach very 
near to others which now live in our northern seas, he regards 
them as almost all of distinct species, and not recent. T attribute 
this discordance of opinion between the Danish naturalist and 
M. Deshayes, chiefly to the different estimate which they have 
formed of the amount of variation necessary to constitute a dis- 


From the labours of Mr. Charlesworth, it appears 
that the crag may be divided into two distinct masses, 
one of which may be termed the lower or “ coralline 
crag,” and the other the “red crag.” The lower 
division iş composed of calcareous sand, chiefly derived 
from decomposed corals, in which are imbedded shells, 
Corals, and Sponges, in a good state of preservation, 
and which must evidently have lived on the spot. 

This coralline formation is often without distinct 
Stratification, and in some places forms a soft stone 
Used in building: it is said to attain a thickness of 
More than 50 feet at Orford, and was not pierced 
through even at that depth. The coralline crag rests 
immediately on the London clay, and may be studied 
at several places in Suffolk, as at Tattingstone, Rams- 
holt, Sudburn Park, Orford, and Aldborough. 

The red crag is distinguished from the coralline, 
upon which it lies in some places unconformably, by 
the deep red ferruginous or ochreous colour of its sands 
and fossils. It consists in great part of numerous 
layers of siliceous sand containing shells, which are 
usually broken and worn. Among these are many of 

l i 


tinct Species. It seems natural that those who, like M. Deshayes, 

have been long engaged in the study of fossils, should acquire a 

More enlarged conception of the modifications which time and 
Circumstances may produce in species, even though they reject 
the Lamarckian doctrine of transmutation. This subject, how- 
ever, requires a thorough re-examination, as respects the crag 
fossils, Mr. Milne Edwards tells me that he has seen a small 
humber of corals or polypifera from the crag, none of which are, 
in his Opinion, recent. On the other hand, Dr. Fleming, as I 
Mentioned in a former edition, considers the Eschara retiformis, 
and several other zoophytes of this formation, as perfectly a 
with living species. Both M. Deshayes and Dr. Beck agree in 
Pronouncing the crag shells to be those of a northern climate. 


the genera Buccinum and Fusus, which have never 
been met with in the coralline crag. 

Some haye imagined the red crag to consist in 
great measure of transported materials derived from 
the breaking up of the coralline crag; but I can fully 
confirm the observation of Mr. R. E. Taylor and others, 
that this deposit has been gradually formed, as may be 
inferred from stratification, and from the fact of certain 
shells occurring at intervals in groups and genera, and 
being by no means diffused everywhere, nor scat- 
tered at random, through the beds. 

Another question has also arisen respecting the 
coralline and the red crag, namely, whether both of 
them belong to the same tertiary period. Of the 
fossil shells in Mr. Wood’s collection, 235 species are 
said to have been procured from the red crag, and 353 
from the coralline beds, and out of these 150 species 
are common to the two divisions. Mr. Charlesworth 
suggests that, even of these 150 species, many may 
have belonged originally to the lower bed, and have 
been washed into the newer one, in the same manner 
as some fossil shells of the chalk have certainly been 
imbedded in the crag, and as crag shells are now daily 
washed into the sea on our coast, and mixed with re- 
cent shells. But, although such accidental mixtures 
have doubtless occurred, I see no sufficient reason at 
present for believing that the two divisions of the crag 
should be referred to distinct tertiary periods. It is 
not disputed that many fossils are truly common to 
both divisions of the crag, and equally abundant in 
each. The remarkable want of correspondence in 
the genera of shells, and even in some other classes 
and families of organic remains, characteristic of each 
division, affords by no means a strong argument in 


favour of a wide difference in epoch. It is said that 
there are few indications of fish in the coralline crag ; 
Whereas in the red crag, the teeth and bones of fish of 
the genera Carcharias, Myliobates, Galeus, Lamna, 
Notidanus, and Platax, are found abundantly. So also 
it is remarked that mammalian remains, as those of 
the Elephant, Horse, and others, are chiefly confined 
to the upper or red crag, whereas corallines and other 
200phytes, as also microscopic foraminifera (of which 

r. Wood has obtained fifty species), belong almost 
exclusively to the lower or coralline division. * 

Now these distinctions are precisely of a kind which 
Would depend on differences of a local rather than a 
chronological nature. Thus in one part of the sea 
Wwe may suppose a region, where the water is deep 
and tranquil, to be favourable to the growth of corals, 
Sponges, echini and microscopic cephalopods, such as 
Characterize the lower crag; whilst in another and 
Somewhat shallower region, where currents prevailed, 
and to which sand and shingle were often drifted, no 
20ophytes might exist, although certain kinds of tes- 
tacea abounded. According to this hypothesis, a cer- 
tain Space where the coralline crag was first formed 
might afterwards have been converted into a shallower 
S€a, or exposed to the action of waves and currents, 
So as to become the receptacle of deposits like the red 

It is only when we can compare fossils of the same 
e ass, as shells with shells, corals with corals, and fish 
With fish, and when we find that a large proportion of 
the species thus compared are dissimilar, that we can 
refer two groups of strata to different periods. 

ji Charlesworth, Phil. Mag., June, 1836, vol, viii. P. 535, 
E 2 


There may nevertheless have been a long interval 
of time, and some amount of change in the marine 
fauna, between the times of the deposition of the lower 
and upper crag ; for when we adopt only four tertiary 
periods, as proposed in this work, the number of ages 
probably comprised in any one of them, as for instance 
in the Older Pliocene, may be indefinitely great. 

The shelly beds of Norfolk appear to belong exclu- 
sively to the red crag; but on the northern limits of 
that county they are said to be occasionally covered 
by astill newer stratum, containing exclusively species 
now living in the adjoining sea. This is doubtless the 
marine formation described by Mr. Phillips as occur- 
ing throughout Holderness, in Yorkshire.* Accord- 
ing to this view, the succession of tertiary formations, 
in following our eastern coast from the estuary of 
the Thames to that of the Humber, will be, first, in 
Essex, the Eocene or London clay ; secondly, in 
Suffolk, the coralline crag, probably belonging to the 
Older Pliocene period; next, the red crag of Suffolk 
and Norfolk, also of the same era; and lastly, on the 
extreme northern boundary of Norfolk and in Holder- 
ness, a marine Newer Pliocene deposit. 

Superimposed upon the fossiliferous crag in the 
cliffs of Norfolk and Suffolk, is a formation of much 
greater thickness, and of more uncertain age. It has 
been sometimes classed with the crag and sometimes 
distinguished from it under the name of diluvium. A 
large portion of it is regularly stratified, but other 
parts consist of a confused heap of mud and rubbish 
entirely without stratification, and containing frag- 
ments of various rocks, some derived from the oolitic 

* See Phillips’s Geol. of Yorksh. 


Series with their characteristic fossils, others from the 
chalk and London clay, together with granitic and 
other pebbles transported from a great distance. In 
Some places this formation consists of sand and shingle 
in alternate beds destitute of organic remains, and 
of considerable thickness, as in the Suffolk cliffs be- 
tween Dunwich and Yarmouth. Elsewhere it is com- 
Posed of blue or brown marl, sand, loam, and clay, con- 
taining bones of terrestrial quadrupeds with drift wood 
and beds of lignite. | 

Above this deposit of uncertain age, are occasional 
patches of lacustrine strata, filling up small cavities 
Which must have once been lakes or ponds on the sur- 
face of the country, and in which strata of loam and peat 
accumulated, including recent freshwater testacea. 

The annexed section may give a general idea of 

Fig, 118. 

@ Chalk, b. Shelly crag and overlying strata of uncertain age. 
c. Lacustrine deposit (newer pliocene). 
D. Trimmingham beacon. 
E. Interior and higher part of Norfolk.* 

the manner in which the crag and the superimposed 
Sravel, sand, and marl rest on the chalk as we pass from 
the Norfolk cliffs, at Trimmingham, into the interior, 
Where the country rises gradually. 

The outline of the surface of the subjacent chalk, 
in this section, is imaginary, but is such as might ex- 

* This section is compiled principally from one by Mr. Mur- 
chison ; the others in this chapter are from sketches which I 
made in 1899, 

E 3 


plain the relations of those protruded masses of chalk, 
three of which appear in the cliffs near Trimmingham, 
and which some geologists have too hastily assumed to 
be unconnected with the great mass of chalk below. 
I shall treat of these presently, when describing the 
disturbances which the tertiary strata of the Norfolk 
cliffs have suffered since their original deposition. 

In the interior, at x, there is a thick covering of 
sand and gravel upon the chalk, having the characters 
of an alluvium, but which seems to pass gradually into 
the regular strata of sand, shingle, and loam before 
described as covering the shelly crag. 

Forms of stratification. — In almost every formation 
the individual strata are rarely persistent for a great 
distance, the superior and inferior planes being seldom 
precisely parallel to each other; and if the materials 
are very coarse, the beds often thin out if we trace 
them for a few hundred yards. There are also many 
cases where all the layers are oblique to the general 
direction of the strata, and the crag affords most in- 
teresting illustrations of this phenomenon. 

In the sea-cliff near Walton, in Suffolk, opposite the 
Martello Tower, called R, the section represented in 
the annexed diagram is seen. The vertical height is 
about twenty feet, and the beds of crag consist alter- 
nately of sets of inclined and horizontal layers of sand 

Fig. 119. 

Section of shelly crag near Walton, Suffolk. 


and comminuted shells. The sand is siliceous, and of 
a ferruginous colour; but the layers are sometimes 
made up of small plates of bivalve shells, arranged with 
their flat sides parallel to the plane of each layer, like 
mica in micaceous sandstones. | 

The number of Jaminz in the thickness of an inch, 
both in the siliceous and shelly sand, varies from 
Seven to ten, so that it is impossible to express them 
all in the diagram. The height of the uppermost 
Stratum is, in this instance, remarkable, as it extends 
to twelve feet. The inclination of the laminz is about 
30°; but in the cliffs of Bawdesey, to the eastward, 
they are sometimes inclined at an angle of 45°, and 

€ven more. 

" Section at the lighthouse near Happisborough. Height sixteen feet. 
a. Pebbles of chalk flint, and of rolled pieces of white chalk. — 
_ 6, Loam overlying a. c, c. Blue and brown clay. 

This diagonal arrangement of the layers, sometimes 
Called « ‘false stratification,” is not confined to deposits 
of fine sand and comminuted shells; for we find beds 
of shingle disposed in the same manner, as is seen in 
the annexed section (Fig. 120.). 

The direction of the dip of the inclined layers, 
throughout the Suffolk coast, is so uniformly to the 
South, that I only saw two or three instances of a con- 
trary nature, where the inclination was northerly. One 
of the best examples of this variation is exhibited 
in a cliff between Mismer and Dunwich (Fig. 121.). 

E 4 


In this case, there are about six layers in the thick- 

ness of an inch, and the part of the cliff represented is 
about six feet high. 

Fig. 121. 


Section of part of Little Cat cliff, composed of quartxose sand, showing the 
inclination of the layers in opposite directions. 

Another example may be seen near Walton, where 
the layers, which are of extreme tenuity, consist of 
ferruginous sand, brown loam, and comminuted shells. : 
It is not uncommon to find in this manner sets of per- 
fectly horizontal strata resting upon and covered by 
groups of wavy and transverse layers. 

Fig. 122. 


Lamination of shelly sand and loam, near the Signal-house, Walton. 
Vertical height four Sect, 

The appearances exhibited in the diagrams are not 
peculiar to the crag: they may be found in almost 
every gravel-pit; and I have seen sand and pebble- 
beds of all ages, including the old red sandstone, grey- 
wacké, and clay-slate, exhibit the same arrangement. 

If we now inquire into the causes of such a disposi- 
tion of the materials of each bed or group of layers, it 
may, in the first place, be remarked, that, however 


Fig. 123. numerous may be the succes- 

, sive layers a, b, c, the layer a 
Cyr“ a must have been deposited be- 
i fore b, b before c, and so of the 


We must suppose that each thin seam was thrown 
down on a slope, and that it conformed itself to the 
side of the steep bank, just as we see the materials of 
a talus arrange themselves at the foot of a cliff when 
they have been cast down successively from above. If 
the transverse layers are cut off by a nearly horizontal 
line, as in many of the above. sections, it may arise 
from the denuding action of a wave which has carried 
away the upper portion of a submarine bank, and 
truncated the layers of which it was composed. But I 
do not conceive this hypothesis to be necessary ; for 
if a bank have a steep side, it may grow by the suc- 
Cessive apposition of thin strata thrown down upon its 
Slanting side, and the removal of matter from the top 
May proceed simultaneously with its lateral extension. 
The same current may borrow from the top what it 
gives to the sides; a mode of formation which I had 
lately an opportunty of observing on the rippled sur- 
face of the hills of blown sand near Calais. The undu- 
lating ridges and intervening furrows on the dunes of 
blown sand resembled exactly in form those caused by 
the waves on a sea-beach, and were always at right 
angles to the direction of the wind which had produced 
them. Each ridge had one side slightly inclined, and 

Fig. 124. 

a —> e — > e 

the other steep; the lee side being always steep, as 
E 5 


b, c, d, e ; the windward side a gentle slope, as a, b, c, d. 
When a gust of wind blew with sufficient force to drive 
along a cloud of sand, all the ridges were seen to be 
in motion at once, each encroaching on the furrow 
before it, and, in the course of a few minutes, filling 
the place which the furrows had occupied. Many 
grains of sand were drifted along the slopes a b and 
e d, which, when they fell over the scarps 6 c and d e, 
were under shelter from the wind; so that they re- 
mained stationary, resting, according to their shape 
and momentum, on different parts of the descent. In 
this manner each ridge was distinctly seen to move 
slowly on as often as the force of the wind augmented. 
We shall not strain analogy too far, by supposing that, 
in such cases, the same laws may govern subaqueous 

and subaérial phenomena; and if so, we may imagine 

a submarine bank to be nothing more than one of the 
ridges of ripple on a larger scale, which may increase 

in the manner before suggested, by successive additions 
to the steep scarps. 

The set of tides and currents, in opposite directions, 
may account for sudden variations in the direction of 
the dip of the layers, 

in the first volume*, 
gement of the sub- 
o that exhibited by 
f rivers where a con- 
siderable transportation of sediment is in progress, 
Derangement of strata. —In the above examples I 

* P 378, Fig. 13, 

have explained the want of parallelism or horizon- 
tality in the subordinate layers of different strata, by 
reference to the mode of their original deposition ; 
but there are signs of disturbance which can only be 
accounted for by subsequent movements. The same 
blue and brown clay, or loam, which is often perfectly 
horizontal, and as regularly bedded as any of our older 
formations, is, in ‘other places, curved and even folded 
back upon itself, in the manner represented in the an- 
nexed diagrams. 
Fig. 125. Fig. 126. 


Bent strata of loam in the cliffs Folding of the strata between East and 
between Cromer and Runton. West Runton. 

In the last of these cuts a central nucleus of sand 
is surrounded by argillaceous and sandy layers. This 
phenomenon is very frequent ; and there are instances 
where the materials thus enveloped consist of broken 
flints mingled with pieces of chalk, forming a white 
mass, encircled by dark laminated clay. The diameter 
of these included masses, as seen in sections laid open 
in the sea cliffs, varies from five to fifteen feet. 

East of Sherringham, a heap of partially-rounded 
flints, about five feet in diameter, is nearly enveloped 
by finely laminated strata of sand and loam, and some 
of the loam is entangled in the midst of the flints. 

In this and similar instances, we may imagine the 

E 6 


Section in the Cliffs east of Sherringham. 
a. Sand and loam in thin layers. 

yielding strata, a, to have subsided into a cavity, and 
the flints belonging to a superincumbent bed to have 
pressed down with their weight, so as to cause the 
strata to fold round them. 

That some masses of stratified sand and loam have 
actually sunk down into cavities, or have fallen like 
landslips into ravines, seems indicated by other appear- 
ances. Thus, near Sherringham, the argillaceous beds, 
a, represented in the annexed diagram (Fig. 128.), are 
cut off abruptly, and succeeded by the vertical and 
contorted series 6, c. The face of the cliff here repre- 

Fig. 128. 

Section east of Sherringham, Norfolk. 

a, Sand, loam, and blue clay. 

b, b. Sand and gravel, 
c. Twisted beds of loam, 

sented is twenty-four feet in height. 
ers in b, b, are composed of pebbles, and these alternate 
with thin beds of loose sand. The whole set must 
once have been horizontal, and must have moved in a 
mass, or the-relative position of the several parts would 
not have been preserved. Similar appearances may, 

Some of the lay- 


perhaps, be produced when chasms open during earth- 
quakes, and portions of yielding strata fall in from 
above and are engulphed. 

Protruded masses of chalk. — But whatever opinion 
we may entertain on this point, we cannot doubt that 
Subterranean movements have given rise to some of 
the local derangements of this formation, particularly 
Where masses of solid chalk pierce, as it were, through 



Side view of a promontory of chalk and tertiary strata, Trimmingham, Norfolk. 

% Gravel and ferruginous sand, rounded and angular pieces of 
chalk flint, with some quartz pebbles, 3 feet. 

6. Laminated blue clay, 8 feet. 

¢. Yellow sand, 1 foot, 6 inches. 

d. -Dark blue clay, with fragments of marine shells, 6 feet. 

e. Yellow loam and flint gravel, 3 feet. 

J- Light blue clay, 1 foot. g. Sand and loam, 12 feet. 

h. Yellow and white sand, loam, and gravel, about 100 feet. 

the tertiary strata. Thus, between Mundesley and 
Trimmingham we see the appearances exhibited in the 
accompanying view (Fig. 129.). The chalk, of which 
the strata are highly inclined, or vertical, projects in a 

g peee eA 
™ i TERE Lang nase MEET Tae 
SPS Neh a ee aaa 

an a E At asic 


promontory, because it offers more resistance to the 
action of the waves than the tertiary beds which, on 
both sides, constitute the whole of the cliff. The 
height of the soft strata immediately above the chalk 

is, in this place, about 130 feet. Those which are in 

contact (see the wood-cut) are inclined at an angle of 
45°, and appear more disturbed than in other parts of 
the cliffs, as if they had been displaced by the move- 
ment by which the chalk was protruded. 

Very similar appearances are exhibited by the 
northernmost of the three protuberances of chalk, of 
which a front view is given in the annexed diagram. 

Northern protuberance of chalk, Trimmingham. 
a. Chalk with flints, 
6. Gravel of broken and half-rounded flints. 

c. Laminated blue clay. d. Sand and yellow loam. 

It occupies a space of about one hundred 
the shore, and projects about sixty yards in advance of 
the general line of cliff. One of its edges, at c, rests 
upon the blue clay beds, in such a manner as to imply 
that the mass had been undermined when the clay 
was deposited, unless we suppose, as some have d one, 
that this chaik is a great detached mass enveloped by 

yards along 


tertiary strata. For, as one of the “ Needles,” or in- 
Sulated rocks of chalk, which stood 120 feet above 
high-water mark, at the western extremity of the Isle 
of Wight, fell into the sea in 1772*, so a pinnacle of 
chalk may have been precipitated into the tertiary sea, 
at a point where some beds of clay had previously ac- 
cumulated. The strata of chalk with flint in the above 
diagram appear nearly horizontal ; but they are in fact 
highly inclined inwards towards the cliff, and it is quite 
evident that the chalk and overlying deposit have both — 
been subjected to the same movement, and have been 
Violently disturbed. | 

Since I first published my observations on these 
Phenomena, I have visited Denmark, and seen similar 
appearances, but on a much grander scale, in the cliffs 
of the island of Moen. The white chalk with flnts, 
Which there forms cliffs from 300 to 400 feet high, is 
Covered with tertiary sand, clay, and loam, exactly re- 
Sembling in form, colour, and mineralogical character, 
the deposit overlying the crag of Norfolk. The chalk 
in Méen exhibits curved, vertical, and shifted strata, 
upon the whole more deranged than those of Purbeck 
or the Isle of Wight. They have been so fissured and 
dislocated, that large masses of overlying clay and sand 
have subsided bodily into large chasms, intersecting 
the chalk to the depth of several hundred feet. Some 
of these intercalations and intermixtures of tertiary 
clay and sand with chalk can only be explained by 
Supposing engulphments of superincumbent matter, 
Such as are known to have occurred during modern 

I have stated that the Danish tertiary deposit re- 

* Dodsley’s Annual Register, vol. xv. p. 140. 

———— = ae 



Se ae 



sembles that of uncertain age, which rests upon the 
crag in Norfolk and Suffolk. The correspondence ex- 
tends not merely to the nature of the clay, sand, gravel, 
and mud, but to many other peculiarities. Thus in 
Denmark, especially in Holstein, as seen in sections on 
the banks of the Elbe, we find in some places a total ab- 
sence of stratification, while masses in immediate con- 
tact are regularly divided into thin layers of sand and 
loam extending to the thickness of several hundred feet. 
In Denmark also, as in Norfolk, we find here and there 
the wreck of many secondary formations included in 
the newer deposit, especially chalk, together with 
some pebbles of granite, porphyry, and other rocks. 
Organic remains are rare in Denmark, except those 
derived from older strata, and hence the age of the 
formation is on the whole very doubtful; but it has 
been supposed by Dr. Forchhammer and Dr. Beck to 
have been in progress throughout more than one ter- 
tiary period. Be this as it may, it is ascertained that 
one portion of it is extremely modern, and belongs to 
the latest part of the Newer Pliocene period, contain- 
ing shells identical with those now living in the Ger- 
man Ocean. Whether the beds of the Norfolk cliffs 
which, together with the chalk, have been so much dis- 
turbed, are of equally modern date, or belong rather to 
a more remote part of the great Pliocene epoch, is a 
point which we cannot yet determine; and indeed we 
cannot hope to solve this problem, until we have com- 
pared more attentively the newer tertiary strata of 
Denmark, and the south of Sweden, with those of the 
eastern coast of England. 



Igneous rocks of this period in Italy — Volcanic region of Olot, 
in Catalonia— Lava currents— Ravines — Ancient alluvium 
— Jets of air called “ Bufadors” (p. 98.)— Age of the Ca- 
talonian volcanos uncertain — Earthquake of Olot in 1421 — 
Sardinian voleanos — District of the Eifel and Lower Rhine— 
Peculiar characteristics of the Eifel volcanos — Lake craters 
(p. 102,) — Trass — Age of the Eifel volcanic rocks how far 

> Uncertain (p. 109.) — Brown coal formation. 

Ttaly.—Ir is part of my proposed plan to consider the 
igneous as well as the aqueous formations of each 
Period; but I am far from being able as yet to assign 
to each of the numerous groups of volcanic origin scat- 
tered over Europe a precise place in the chronological 
Series, It has been already stated, that the yolcanic 
Tocks of Tuscany belong, in part at least, to the Older 
Pliocene period, — those, for example, of Radicofani, 
Viterbo, and Aquapendente, which have been chiefly 
€rupted beneath the sea. The same observation 
Would probably hold true in regard to the igneous 
Tocks of the Campagna di Roma. 

But several other districts, of which the dates are 
still uncertain, may be mentioned in this chapter as 
being possibly referable to the period now under con- 
Sideration. It will at least be useful to explain the 
Points which require elucidation before the exact age 

of the groups about to be described can be accurately 


Volcanos of Olot, in Catalonia. —I shall first de- 
scribe a district of extinct volcanos in the north of 
Spain, which is little known, and which I visited in 
the summer of 1830. 

The whole extent of country occupied by volcanic 
products in Catalonia is not more than fifteen geogra- 
phical miles from north to south, and about six from 
east to west. The vents of eruption range entirely 
within a narrow band running north and south ; and 
the branches, which are represented as extending 
i Fig. 131. 





fa ZH al 


Volcanic district of Catalonia. 

7, S¢ Michel. 2, Monte Oliveto. 3, Montsacopa. 4, Puig Sacourona. 5, Garrinada. 
; > 

UW of Me 5 jf Bet Z Ae l Ud Lh CLEP Se 

ary rocks ig Secondary pra “| Volcanic R 
y TPS : ey Joleanic Rocks. 
ences. 2 (SY formations. 3 ie | ie Rocks 


eastward in the map, are formed simply of two lava- 
Streams — those of Castell Follit and Cellent. 

Dr. Maclure, the American geologist, was the first 
Who made known the existence of these volcanos * ; 
and, according to his description, the volcanic region 
extended over twenty square leagues, from Amer to 

assanet, I searched in vain in the environs of Mas- 
Sanet, in the Pyrenees, for traces of alava-current; and 

can say, with confidence, that the adjoining map gives 
à Correct view of the true area of the volcanic action. 

Geological structure of the district. —The eruptions 
lave burst entirely through secondary rocks, composed 
great part of grey and greenish sandstone and con- 
5 merate, with some thick beds of nummulitic lime- 
Stone. The conglomerate contains pebbles of quartz, 
Mestone, and Lydian stone. The limestone is not 
only replete with nummulites, but occasionally in- 
cludes oysters, pectens, and other shells. This system 
Of rocks is very extensively spread throughout Cata- 
onia; one of its members being a red sandstone, to 
Which the celebrated salt-rock of Cardona is subor- 

Mate. It is conjectured that the whole belongs to 
the age of our green-sand and chalk. 

Near Amer, in the Valley of the Ter, on the south- 
em borders of the region delineated in the map, pri- 
mary rocks are seen consisting of gneiss, mica-schist, 
and clay-slate. They run in a line nearly parallel to 

e Pyrenees, and throw off the secondary strata from 

eir flanks, causing them to dip to the north and 
north-west. This dip, which is towards the Pyrenees, 
i Connected with a distinct axis of elevation, and pre- 
Vails through the whole area described in the map, the 

* : 
Maclure, Journ. de Phys., vol. Ixvi. p. 219., 1808 ; cited by 
aubeny, Description of Volcanos, p. 24. 

SS a L = 

=a = 


inclination of the beds being sometimes at an angle of 
between 40 and 50 degrees. 

It is evident that the physical geography of the 
country has undergone no material change since the 
commencement of the era,of the volcanic eruptions, 
except such as has resulted from the introduction of 
new hills of scorize, and currents of lava upon the sur- 
face. If the lavas could be remelted and poured out 
again from their respective craters, they would descend 
the same valleys in which they are now seen, and re- 
occupy the spaces which they at present fill. The only 
difference in the external configuration of the fresh 
lavas would consist in this, that they would nowhere 
be intersected by ravines, or exhibit marks of erosion 
by running water. 

Volcanic cones and lavas, — There are about four- 
teen distinct cones with craters in this part of Spain, 
besides several points whence lavas may have issued; 
all of them arranged along a narrow line running north 
and south, as will be seen in the map. The greatest 
number of perfect cones are in the immediate neigh- 
bourhood of Olot, some of which are represented in 
the annexed plate (Pl. XI.); and the level plain on 
which that town stands hag clearly been produced 

by the flowing down of many lava-streams from those 
hills into the bottom of a valley, 
considerable depth, like 

In this plate an attempt is made to represent by 
colours the different geological formations of which 
the country is composed.* The blue line of moun- 

probably once of 
those of the surrounding 

* This view is taken from a sketch which I made on the spot 
in 1830. 


tains in the distance are the Pyrenees, which are to 
the north of the spectator, and consist of primary 
and ancient secondary rocks. In front of these are 
the secondary formations described in this chapter, 
Coloured grey. Different shades of this colour are 
introduced, to express various distances. The flank 
of the hill, in the foreground, called Costa de Pujou, 
is composed partly of secondary rocks, and partly of 
Volcanic, the red colour expressing lava and scorie. 
The Fluvia, which flows near the town of Olot, has 
Cut to the depth of only 40 feet through the lavas of 
the plain before mentioned. The bed of the river is 
hard basalt; and at the bridge of Santa Madalena are 
Seen two distinct lava-currents, one above the other, 
Separated by a horizontal bed of scorie eight feet 
thick. l 
In one place, to the south of Olot, the even surface 
of the plain is broken by a mound of lava, called the 
“ Bosque de Tosca,”. the upper part of which is scori- 
aceous, and covered with enormous heaps of fragments 
of basalt more or less porous. Between the numerous 
hummocks thus formed are deep cavities, having the 
„appearance of small craters. The whole precisely re- 
Sembles some of the modern currents of Etna, or that 
of Côme, near Clermont; the last of which, like the 
Bosque de Tosca, supports only a scanty vegetation. 
Most of the Catalonian volcanos are as entire as 
those in the neighbourhood of Naples, or on the flanks 
of Etna. One of these, figured in the plate, called 
Montsacopa, is of a very regular form, and has a cir- 
cular depression or crater at the summit. It is chiefly 
made up of red scoriz, undistinguishable from that of 
the minor cones of Etna. The neighbouring hills of 
Olivet and Garrinada, also figured in the plate, are of 


similar composition and shape. The largest crater of 
the whole district occurs farther to the east of Olot, 
and is called Santa Margarita. It is 455 feet deep, 
and about a mile in circumference. Like Astroni, 
near Naples, it is richly covered with wood, wherein 
game of various kinds abounds. 

Although the volcanos of Catalonia have broken out 
through sandstone, shale, and limestone, as have those 
of the Eifel, in Germany, to be described in the sequel, 
there isa remarkable difference in the nature of the 
ejections composing the cones in these two regions. 
In the Eifel, the quantity of pieces of sandstone and 
shale thrown out from the vents is often so immense 
as far to exceed in volume the scoria, pumice, and 
lava; but I sought in vain in the cones near Olot for 
a single fragment of any extraneous rock; and Don 
Francisco Bolos, an eminent botanist of Olot, informs 
me that he has never been able to detect any. Vol- 
canic sand and ashes are not confined to the cones, 
but have been sometimes scattered by the wind over 
the country, and drifted into narrow valleys, as is seen 
between Olot and Cellent, where the annexed section 
is exposed. The light cindery volcanic matter rests 
in thin regular layers, just as it alighted on the slope 
formed by the solid conglomerate. No flood could 

Fig. 132. 
xs a. Secondary conglo- 

b. Thin seams of vol- 
canic sand and scoriæ. 

have passed through the valley since the scoriæ fell, or 
these would have been for the most part removed. 
The currents of lava in Catalonia, like those of 

3 ; 

Auvergne, the Vivarais, Iceland, and all mountainous 
countries, are of considerable depth in narrow defiles, 
2e Spread out into comparatively thin sheets in places 
4 ere the valleys widen. If a river has flowed on 
“arly level ground, as in the great plain near Olot, 
© water has only excavated a channel of slight depth; 
ut where the declivity is great, the stream has cut 
“ep section, sometimes by penetrating directly 
Si the central part of a lava-current, but more 
oY by passing between the lava and the se- 
ke ary rock which bounds the valley. Thus, in the 
—°Mpanying section, at the bridge of Cellent, six 
miles east of Olot, we see the lava on one side of the 


Section above the bridge of Cellent. 
Scoriaceous lava. d. Scoriz, vegetable soil, and alluvium. 
chistose basalt. e. Nummulitic limestone. 
columnar basalt. J- Micaceous grey sandstone, 

Sin j Pee A 
aal] Stream ; while the inclined stratified rocks con- 

Sie channel and opposite bank. The upper part 

t the lava at that place, as is usual in the currents of 
Bie te Vesuvius, is scoriaceous ; farther down it be- 
stil Io ess porous, and assumes a spheroidal structure; 
Dei wer it divides in horizontal plates, each about 

0 inches in thickness, and is more compact. Lastly, 


at the bottom is a mass of prismatic basalt about five 
feet thick. The vertical columns often rest immediately 
on the subjacent secondary rocks; but there is some- 
times an intervention of such sand and scoria as covet 
the country during volcanic eruptions, and which whe? 
unprotected, as here, by superincumbent lava, is 
washed away from the surface of the land. Some 
times, the bed d contains a few pebbles and angulat 
fragments of rock; in other places fine earth, which 
may have constituted an ancient vegetable soil. 

Ty several localities, beds of sand and ashes are in- 
terposed between the lava and subjacent stratified 
rock, as may be seen if we follow the course of thé 
lava-current which descends from Las Planas towards 
Amer, and stops two miles short of that town. The 
river there has often cut through the lava, and through 
eighteen feet of underlying limestone. Occasionally 
an alluvium, several feet thick, is interspersed between 
the igneous and marine formation; and it is interesting 
to remark that in this, as in other beds of pebbles 
occupying a similar position, there are no rounded 
fragments of lava; whereas in the most modern gravel- 
beds of rivers of this country, volcanic pebbles aré 

The deepest excavation made by a river through 
lava, which I observed in this part of Spain, is that 
seen in the bottom of a valley near San Feliu de Pal- 
leróls, opposite the Castell de Stolles. The lava theré 
has filled up the bottom of a valley, and a narroW 
ravine has been cut through it to the depth of oné 
hundred feet. In the lower part the lava has ĉ 
columnar structure. A great number of ages wer? 
probably required for the erosion of so deep a ravine; 
but we have no reason to infer that this current is of 


higher antiquity than those of the plain near Olot. 
The fall of the ground, and consequent velocity of the 
Stream, being in this case greater, a more considerable 
Volume of rock may have been removed in the same 

I shall describe one more section to elucidate the 
Phenomena of this district. A lava-stream, flowing 
from a ridge of hills on the east of Olot, descends a 
Considerable slope, until it reaches the valley of the 
river Fluvia. Here, for the first time, it comes in 
Contact with running water, which has removed a 
Portion, and laid open its internal structure in a pre- 
“ipice about 130 feet in height, at the edge of which 
Stands the town of Castell Follit. 

By the junction of the rivers Fluvia and Teronel 
the mass of lava has been cut away on two sides; and 
the insular rock g (Fig. 134.) has been left, which was 
Probably never so high as the cliff a, as it may have 
“onstituted the lower part of the sloping side of the 
original current. 

From an examination of the vertical cliffs, it appears 
that the upper part of the lava on which the town is 

uilt is scoriaceous, passing downwards into a sphe- 
řoidal basalt; some of the huge spheroids being no 
“88 than six feet in diameter. Below this is a more 
compact basalt with crystals of olivine. There are in 
a about four distinct ranges of prismatic basalt, separ- 
ated by thinner beds not columnar, and some of which 
àre schistose. The whole mass rests on alluvium, ten 
or twelve feet in thickness, composed of pebbles of 
“Mestone and quartz, but without any intermixture of 
Igneous rocks; in which circumstance alone it appears 

to differ from the modern gravel of the Fluvia. 
VOL. -Iv. F 

SSNS pa oS 

as ¥ nD 


Fig. 134. 


fi l mt Nui 


River luva 

Section at Castell Follit. 

A. Church and town of Castell Follit, overlooking precipices of 

B. Small island, on each side of which branches of the river 
Teronel flow to meet the Fluvia. 

c. Precipice of basaltic lava, chiefly columnar, about 130 feet in 

d. Ancient alluvium underlying the lava-current. 
e. Inclined strata of secondary sandstone. 

Bufadors.— The volcanic rocks near Olot have often 
a cavernous structure, like some of the lavas of E tna 
and in many parts of the hill of Batet, in the environs 
of the town, the sound returned by the earth, when 
struck, is like that of an archway. At the base of the 
same hill are the mouths of several subterranean 
caverns, about twelve in number, which are called in 
the country “ bufadors,” from which a current of cold 
air issues during summer, but which in winter is said 
to be scarcely perceptible. I visited one of these 
bufadors in the beginning of August, 1830, when the 
heat of the season was unusually intense, and found a 
cold wind blowing from it ; which may easily be ex- 


plained; for as the external air, when rarefied by heat}, 
ascends, the pressure of the colder and heavier air ok 
the caverns in the interior of the mountain causes if. 
to rush out to supply its place. 

Age of the Catalonian volcanos uncertain. — It now 
only remains to offer some remarks on the probable 
age of these Spanish volcanos. Attempts have been 
Made to prove, that in this country, as well as in Au- 
vergne and the Eifel, the earliest inhabitants were eye- 
Witnesses to the volcanic action. In the year 1421, it 
is said, when Olot was destroyed by an earthquake, 
an eruption broke out near Amer, and consumed the 
town, The researches of Don Francisco Bolos have, 
l think, shown, in the most satisfactory manner, that 
there is no good historical foundation for the latter 
Part of this story ; and any geologist who has visited 

Mer must be convinced that there never was any 
“Tuption on that spot. It is true that, in the year above 
Mentioned, the whole of Olot, with the exception of a 
‘ingle house, was cast down by an earthquake ; one 
of those shocks which, at distant intervals during the 
ast five centuries, have shaken the Pyrenees, and par- 
ticularly the country between Perpignan and Olot, 
Where the movements, at the period alluded to, were 
Most violent. 

Some houses are said to have sunk into the earth; 
and this account has been corroborated by the fact 

at, within the memory of persons now living, the 

uried arches of a Benedictine monastery were found 
at the depth of six feet beneath the surface ; and still 
ater, Some houses were dug out in the street called 

‘Sua. Don Bolos informed me, that he was present 
When the latter excavation was made, and when the 
“Oof of 9 buried house was found nearly entire ; the 

F 2 

ee ee ss 


interior of the building being in a great part empty, so 
that is was necessary to fill it up with earth and 
stones, in order to form a sure foundation for the new 
edifice. ; 

The annihilation of the ancient Olot may, perhaps, 
be’ ascribed, not to the extraordinary violence of the 
movement on that spot, but to the cavernous nature of 
the subjacent rocks ; for Catalonia is beyond the line 
of those European earthquakes which have, within the 
period of history, destroyed towns throughout exten- 
sive areas. | 

As we have no historical records, then, to guide us 
in regard to the extinct volcanos, we must appeal to 
geological monuments. I have little doubt that some 
fossil land-shells, and bones of quadrupeds, will here- 
after reward the industry of collectors. If such re- 
mains are found imbedded in volcanic ejections, the 

period of the eruptions may be inferred ; but at pre- 
sent we have no evidence beyond that afforded by 
superposition, in regard to which the annexed diagram 
will present to the reader, in a synoptical form, the 
results obtained from numerous sections. 

Superposition of rocks in the volcanic district of Catalonia. 
a. Sandstone and nummulitic limestone. 
b. Older alluvium without volcanic pebbles. 
c. Cones of scoriz and lava, d. Newer alluvium. 
The more modern alluvium, d, is partial, and has 
been formed by the action of rivers and floods upon the 


lava; whereas the older gravel, b, was strewed over 
the country before the volcanic eruptions. In neither 
have any organic remains been discovered ; so that we 
can merely affirm, as yet, that the volcanos broke out 
after the elevation of some of the newest rocks of the 
Secondary series, and before the formation of an allu- 
vium, d, of unknown date. The integrity of the cones 
Merely shows that the country has not been agitated 
by violent earthquakes, or subjected to the action of 
any great transient flood since their origin. 

East of Olot, on the Catalonian coast, marine tertiary 
‘Strata occur, which, near Barcelona, attain the height 
of about five hundred feet. It appears probable, from 
a small number of shells which I collected, that these 
Strata may correspond with the Subapennine beds; 
So that if the volcanic district had extended thus far, 
We might be able to determine the age of the igneous 
Products, by observing their relation to these Older 
Pliocene formations. * 
_ Sardinian volcanos. — The line of extinct volcanos 
m Sardinia, described by Captain Smyth }, is also of 
uncertain date, as, notwithstanding the freshness of 
Some of the cones and lavas, they may be of high an- 
tiquity. They rest, however, on a tertiary formation, 
Supposed by some to correspond to the Subapennine 
Strata, but of which the fossil remains have not been 
fully described. 

Volcanic rocks of the Eifel. — The volcanos of the 
Lower Rhine and the Eifel are, for the most part, of no 

* For some account of the Olot volcanos, see ‘“ Noticia de los 
Estinguidos Volcanes de la Villa de Olot,” by Francisco Bolos. 
arcelona. No date; but the observations, I am told, preceded 
those of Dr. Maclure. 
t Present State of Sardinia, &c. pp. 69, 70. 
F 3 


less uncertain date than those of Catalonia; but I am 
desirous of pointing out some of their peculiar charac- 
ters, and shall, therefore, treat of them in this chapter, 
trusting that future investigations will determine their 
chronological relations more accurately. 

For the geographical details of this volcanic region 
the reader is referred to thea nnexed map (Fig. 136.), 
for which I am indebted to Mr. Horner, whose resi- 
dence in the country has enabled him to verify the 
maps of MM. Noeggerath and Von Oeynhausen, from 
which that now given has been principally compiled. 

There has been a long succession of eruptions in 
this country, and some of them must have occurred 
when its physical geography was in a very different 
state, while others have happened when the whole dis- 
trict had nearly assumed its present configuration. 

The fundamental rock of the Eifel is an ancient 
secondary sandstone and shale, to which the obscure 
and vague appellation of “ greywacké” has been given. 
The formation has precisely the characters of a great 
part of those gray and red sandstones and shales, 
which are called “ old red sandstone ” in England and 
Scotland, where they constitute the inferior member 
of the carboniferous series. In the Eifel they occupy. 
the same geological position, and in some parts alter- 
nate with a limestone, containing trilobites and other 
fossils of our “mountain” and « transition” limestones. 
The strata are inclined at all angles, from the hori- 
zontal to the vertical, and must have undergone re- 
iterated convulsions before the country was moulded 
into its present form. 

Lake-craters. — The volcanos have broken out some- 
times at the bottom of deep valleys, sometimes on 
the summit of hills, and frequently on intervening 



Ch. XIV.] 

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clima bors | ruaro e E E 

ee eS Renee RE ang PEN E ee 


platforms. The traveller often falls upon them unex- 
pectedly in a district otherwise extremely barren of 
geological interest. Thus, for example, he might 
arrive at the village of Gemund, immediately south of 
Daun, without suspecting that he was in the imme- 
diate vicinity of some of the most remarkable vents of 
eruption. Leaving a stream, which flows at the bottom 
of a deep valley in a sandstone country, he climbs the 
steep acclivity of a hill, where he observes the edges 
of strata of sandstone and shale dipping inwards to- 

d. Schalkenmehren Maar. 


The Gemunder Maar. 


a. Village of Gemund. 
6. Gemunder Maar 


wards the mountain. When he has ascended to a con-, 
siderable height, he sees fragments of scoriz’ sparingly 

Scattered over the surface ; till, at length, on reaching 
the summit, he finds himself suddenly on the edge of 
à tarn, or deep circular lake-basin. 

; This, which is called the Gemunder Maar, is the 
first of three lakes which are in immediate contact, 
the same ridge forming the barrier of two neighbouring 
Cavities (see Fig. 137.). On viewing the first of these 
We recognize the ordinary form of a crater, for which 
we have been prepared by the occurrence of scoriæ 
Scattered over the surface of the soil. But on examin- 
ing the walls of the crater, we find precipices of . 
Sandstone and shale which exhibit no signs of the 
action of heat; and we look in vain for those beds of 
lava and scoriz, dipping in opposite directions on every 
Side, which we have been accustomed to consider as 
Characteristic of volcanic craters. As we proceed, 
however, to the opposite side of the lake, and after- 
Wards visit the craters c and d (Fig. 138.), we find a 
onsiderable quantity of scoriæ and some lava, and 
See the whole surface of the soil sparkling with vol- 
Canic sand, and strewed with ejected fragments of 
half-fused shale, which preserves its laminated texture 
m the interior, while it has a vitrified or scoriform 

_A few miles to the south of the lakes above men- 
tioned occurs the Pulvermaar of Gillenfeld, an oval 
take of very regular form, and surrounded by an un- 
broken ridge of fragmentary materials, consisting of 
“jected shale and sandstone, and preserving a uniform 

eight of about 150 feet above the water. The side 

Stope in the interior is at an angle of about forty-five 

“grees ; on the exterior, of thirty-five degrees. _ Vol- 



canic substances are intermixed very sparingly with 
the ejections, which in this place entirely conceal from 
view the stratified rocks of the country.* 

The Meerfelder Maar is a cavity of far greater size 
and depth, hollowed out of similar strata; the sides 
presenting some abrupt sections of inclined secondary 
rocks, which in other places are buried under vast 
heaps of pulverized shale. I could discover no scoriz 
amongst the ejected materials, but balls of olivine 
and other volcanic substances are mentioned as having 
been found.+ This cavity, which we must suppose to 
have discharged an immense volume of gas, is nearly 

- a mile in diameter, and is said to be more than one 

hundred fathoms deep. In the neighbourhood is a 
mountain called the Mosenberg, which consists of red 
sandstone and shale in its lower parts, but supports 
on its summit a triple volcanic cone, while a distinct 
current of lava is seen descending the flanks of the 
mountain. The edge of the crater of the largest cone 
reminded me much of the form and characters of that 
of Vesuvius. 

If we pass from the Upper to the Lower Eifel, we 
find the celebrated lake-crater of Laach, which has a 
greater resemblance than any of those before men- 
tioned to the Lago di Bolsena, and others in Italy — 
being surrounded by a ridge of gently sloping hills, 
composed of loose tuffs, scoriæ, and blocks of a variety 
of lavas. 

One of the most interesting volcanos on the left 
bank of the Rhine is called the Roderberg. It forms 
4 circular crater nearly a quarter of a mile in diameter, 
and one hundred feet deep, now covered with fields of 

* Scrope, Edin. Journ. of Sci., June, 1826, p. 145. 
+ Hibbert, Extinct Volcanos of the Rhine, p, 24, 

MeT e ce i 

f { 
iN - 


corn. The highly inclined greywacké strata rise even 
to the rim of one side of the crater ; but they are over- 
spread by quartzose gravel, and this again is covered 
by volcanic scoriæ and tufaceous sand. The opposite 
wall of the crater is composed of cinders and scorified 
rock, like that at the summit of Vesuvius. It is quite 
evident that the eruption in this case burst through 
the greywacké and alluvium which immediately over- 
lies it; and I observed some of the quartz pebbles 
mixed with scoriz on the flanks of the mountain, as if 
they had been cast up into the air, and had fallen again 
with the volcanic ashes. 

I have already observed, that a large part of this 
crater has been filled up with loess, and I have pointed 
out how far we may thus obtain a relative date for the 
Period of its eruption.* 

The most striking peculiarity of a great many of the 
craters above described, is the absence of any signs of 
alteration or torrefaction in their walls, when these are 
composed of regular strata of greywacké-sandstone and 
shale. It is evident that the summits of hills formed 
of the above-mentioned stratified rocks have, in some 
cases, been carried away by gaseous explosions, while 
at the same time no lava, and often a very small quan- 
tity only of scoriæ, has escaped from the newly formed. 
Cavity. There is, indeed, no feature in the Eifel vol- 
canos more worthy of note, than the proofs they afford 
of very copious aériform discharges, unaccompanied 
by the pouring out of melted matter, except, here and 
there, in very insignificant volume. I have seen no 
assemblage of extinct volcanos in France, Italy, or 
Spain, where gaseous explosions of such magnitude 

* See p. 34. 
F 6 


have been attended by the emission of so small a 
quantity of lava. Yet I looked in vain in the Eifel for 
any appearances which could lend support to the hy- 
pothesis, that the sudden rushing out of such enormous 
volumes of gas had ever lifted up the stratified rocks 
immediately around the vent, so as to form conical 
masses, having their strata dipping outwards on all 
sides from a central axis. In the Gemunder Maar 
the beds, as before stated, have an inward dip on one 
side of the hill; and in the walls of this and other cra 
ters, there are strata which are inclined at all angles, 
just as may be observed in the greywacké, far from the 
points of eruption. Those who favour the theory of 
the elevation crater might naturally expect, that in a 
district where so many tremendous explosions have 
occurred, they would find masses of greywacké tower- 
ing several thousand feet above the surrounding plat- 
form, whereas the height of these ancient rocks has 
not been visibly affected by the sites of the extinct 

Trass and its origin. — It appears that in the Lower 
Eifel eruptions of trachytic lava preceded the emission 
of currents of basalt, and that immense quantities of 
pumice were thrown out wherever trachyte issued. 
In this district, also, we find the tufaceous alluvium of 
the Rhine volcanos called trass, which has covered 
large areas, and choked up some valleys now partially 
re-excavated. This trass is unstratified; and its base 
consists almost entirely of pumice, in which are in- 
cluded fragments of basalt and other lavas, pieces of 
burnt shale, slate, and sandstone, and numerous trunks 
and branches of trees. 

* See Vol. II, p. 152. 


We may easily conceive the manner of its origin, if 
we reflect on what would happen if an eruption, at- 
tended by a copious evolution of gases, should now 
occur in one of the lake basins. The water might re- 
main for weeks in a state of violent ebullition, until it 
became of the consistency of mud, just as the sea con- 
tinued to be charged with red mud round Graham’s 
Island, in the Mediterranean, in the year 1831.* If 
a breach should then be made in the side of the cone, 
the flood would sweep away great heaps of ejected 
fragments of shale and sandstone, which would be 
borne down into the adjoining valleys. Forests might 
be torn up by such a flood; and thus the occurrence 
of the numerous trunks of trees dispersed. irregularly 
through the trass, can be explained. : 

Age of the volcanic rocks. — It will be seen by the 
map (Fig. 136.), that the volcanic rocks extend also to 
the opposite or right bank of the Rhine, where they 
are spread over parts of the Westerwald, and form the 
great mass of the mountains called the Siebengebirge. 
They consist partly of basaltic and partly of trachytic 
lavas, the latter description being, in general, the more 
ancient of the two. There are many varieties of tra- 
chyte, some of which are highly crystalline, resem- 
bling a coarse-grained eranite, with large separate 
crystals of felspar. Trachytic tuff is also very abund- 
ant. It is a difficult task to determine the age of all- 
these igneous rocks, although their position, relatively 
to the stratified formations with which they are asso- 
ciated, has been clearly made out. The accompanying 
table presents in a synoptical view the series of rocks 
of the district delineated in the map (Fig. 136.). 

* See Vol. II. p.147. 


- Volcanic. 

. Gravel. A. Newer Pliocene, 
. Loess. 
. Volcanic. 

d. Volcanic. 

e. Gravel, oy j 

£ Brown coal, B. AR ak uncertain periods, but older 
g. Volcanic, 

J- Brown coal. 

Greywacké, C. 

It will be seen that the greywacké C, before alluded 
to (p. 102.), is the lowest rock of the series, which is 
usually in highly inclined Strata; upon this reposes a 
nearly horizental tertiary formation f, which has been 
called “brown coal.” This deposit consists of beds of 
loose sand and sandstone, clay with nodules of clay- 
ironstone, and siliceous conglomerate. Beds of light 
brown and sometimes black lignite, of various thick- 
ness, are interstratified with the clays and sands, and 
often irregularly diffused through them, They are 
extensively worked for fuel, and hence the name given 
to the whole formation: they contain numerous im- 
pressions of leaves and stems of trees. 

period of the accumulation o 

products (g) were ejected. 

A vast deposit of gravel, e chiefly composed of 
pebbles of white quartz, but containing also a few 
fragments of other rocks, lies over the brown coal 
formation, forming sometimes only a thin covering, at 
others attaining a thickness of more than 100 feet. 



Ch. XIV] © 

This gravel is very distinct in character from that now 
forming the bed of the Rhine. It is called « Kiesel 
Serolle” by the Germans, often reaches great eleva- 
Hons, and is covered in several places with volcanic 
ections. It is evident that the country has under- 
sone great changes in its physical geography since 

IS gravel was formed, whereas no inconsiderable 
Proportion of the volcanic rocks, d, were produced 
after the country had nearly attained its present con- 


The aqueous and igneous formations above enume- 
rated, constituting the group B, may be declared to be 
tertiary, from the character of the organic remains of 
the brown coal f; for they are seen to be either of the 
Same age as f, or newer, and the members of the group 

ave been shown to be so intimately connected with 

e loess *, that we may, without hesitation, declare 
them to belong to the Newer Pliocene period. It 
Should be recollected, however, that the whole series 

Only forms, in the aggregate, a very insignificant 
“ature in the district, and the great mass of the vol- 
“aniic products, d, may, possibly, belong to the Older 

locene, or some still more remote era. 

The varieties of wood found in the brown coal strata 
are said to belong entirely to dicotyledonous trees; 

ut among the impressions of leaves, collected by 
“ar. Horner, some were referred by Mr. Lindley to a 
Palm, perhaps of the genus Chamerops, and others re- 
‘Sembled the Cinnamomum dulce, and Podocarpus ma- 
“ophylla, which would also indicate a warm climate.+ 
he other organic remains of the brown coal are 

* See pp. 32. 34. 
} Trans. of Geol. Soc., 2d ser. vol. v. 


principally fishes; they are found in a bituminous 
shale, called paper-coal, from being divisible into ex- 
tremely thin leaves. The individuals are extremely 
numerous; but they appear to belong to about five 
species, which M. Agassiz informs me are all extinct, 
and hitherto peculiar to this brown coal. They belong 
to the freshwater genera Leuciscus, Aspius, and Perca 
The remains of frogs also, of an extinct species, have 
been discovered in the paper-coal; and a complete 
series may be seen in the museum at Bonn, from the 
most imperfect state of the tadpole to that of the full- 
grown animal. With these a salamander, scarcely 
distinguishable from the recent species, has been found, 
and several remains of insects. 

The brown coal was evidently a freshwater form- 
ation; but the extreme rarity of shells renders it diffi- 
cult to form any conjecture as to the subdivision of 
the tertiary period to which it may belong. Near 
Marienforst, in the vicinity of Bonn, large blocks are 
found of a white opaque chert, containing numerous 
casts of freshwater shells, which appear to belong to 
Planorbis rotundatus and Limnea longiscata, two spe- 
cies common both to the Eocene and Miocene periods, 
but which have not been found in any newer deposits. 
M. Deshayes, to whom I showed the specimens, said 
he felt as confident of the above identifications as mere 
casts would warrant. These blocks of chert are not 
in situ, but they probably belong to the brown coal 
formation, of which the hills at Marienforst consist. 
The brown coal is well known to contain, at other 
places, subordinate beds of silex. It is to be hoped, 
that a comparison of the organic remains of the brown 
coal with those of the tertiary formation of Mayence, 
which appears to be of Miocene date, will throw some 


light on the chronological relations of the igneous and 
freshwater formations above considered. * 

* For fuller details consult Noeggerath’s. Rheinland West- 
Phalen, Memoirs of Von Dechen, Oeynhausen, and Von Buch, 
Steininger (erloschenen Vulkane in der Eifel, &c., Mainz, 1820), 
Van der Wyck (Uebersicht der Rheinischen und Eifeler 
erlosch, Vulkane, Bonn. 1826), Scrope (Edin. Journ. of Sci. 
1826, p, 145.) Daubeny (Volcanos, p. 45.), Leonhard (Ueber 

asalt-Gebilde), Hibbert (Extinct. Volcs. of Rhine), and the 

moir above cited by Mr. Horner, in the Trans. of Geol. Soc. 
Vol. v. 2d ser. 


Miocene period — Marine formations — Faluns of Touraine — 
compared to the English crag — Basin of the Gironde and 
Landes — Freshwater limestone of Saucats (p. 121.)—Eocene 
strata in the Bordeaux basin. — Position of the limestone of 
Blaye —Inland cliff near Dax — Montpellier — Strata of 
Piedmont — Superga — Valley of the Bormida — Molasse of 
Switzerland (p. 128.) — Basin of Vienna — Styria — Hun- 
gary — Volhynia and Podolia — Mayence. 

Havine treated in the preceding chapters of the Older 
and Newer Pliocene formations, I shall next consider 
those members of the tertiary series for which I have 
proposed the name of Miocene. The distinguishing 
characters of this group, as derived from its imbedded 
fossil testacea, have been explained in the fifth chap- 
ter.* In regard to the relative position of the strata, 
they underlie the Older Pliocene, and overlie the 
Eocene, formations, when any of these happen to be 

The area covered by the marine, freshwater, and 
volcanic rocks of the Miocene period, in different parts 
of Europe, can already be proved to be very consider- 
able; for they occur in Touraine, in the basin of the 
Loire, and still more extensively in the South of 

* Vol. IIL. p. 370. 

"zgor Boty Uyar Nd PIYSYGny UPUT 




ap 'IAOPNO àT 


France, between the Pyrenees and the Gironde. ‘They 
| “ve also been observed in Piedmont, near Turin, and 
m the neighbouring valley of the Bormida, where the 
Apennines branch off from the Alps. They are largely 
veloped in the neighbourhood of Vienna and in 
Styria they abound in parts of Hungary; and they 
*Yerspread extensive tracts in Volhynia and Podolia. 
Shells characteristic of the Miocene strata are found 
n all these countries, figures of some of which are 
> in Plate XII., the species here selected abounding 
. almost all the deposits of this era, and not occurring 
any Eocene or Pliocene formations. Cardita Ajar, 
°Wever, is also a recent species, but has been admitted 
account of its abundance in Miocene strata, and 
“cause it has never yet been observed in any Pliocene 
oo and is confined in a living state to tropical 
Utries, as Senegal. 
dic Shall now proceed to notice briefly some of the 
itries before enumerated as containing monuments 
© era under consideration. 
°uraine.——I have already alluded to the proofs 
SUperposition adduced by M. Desnoyers, to show 
t the shelly strata provincially called “ the Faluns 
€ Loire,” were posterior to the most recent fresh- 
ater formation of the basin of the Seine. Their 
aion; therefore, shows that they are of newer 
Sm than the Eocene strata, — more recent, at least, 
i the uppermost beds of the Paris basin. But an 
mination of their fossil contents proves also that 
“J are referable to that type which distinguishes 
iocene period. When 300 of the Touraine 
collected by M. Desnoyers were compared by 
Speci €shayes with more than 1100 of the Parisian 
les, there were scarcely more than 20 which could 




be identified; and on the other hand, the fossil shells 
of the Touraine beds agree far less with the testace? 
now inhabiting our seas than do the shells of the Olde 
Pliocene strata of Northern Italy. 

It is not merely in the basin of the Loire that the 
superposition of the Miocene to the Eocene strata has 
been observed; but in the Cotentin (see Map, chap’ 
xx.), and in the environs of Rennes, in Brittany. 

The Miocene strata of the Loire have been observe 
to repose on a great variety of older rocks betwee? 
Sologne and the sea, in which line they are seen to res! 
successively upon gneiss, clay-slate, coal-measure® 
Jura limestone, greenstone, chalk, and lastly upon thé 
upper freshwater deposits of the basin of the Sein® 
They consist principally of quartzose gravel, sand, and 
broken shells. The components are generally inco 
herent, but sometimes agglutinated together by a cal- 
careous or earthy cement, so as to serve as a building 
stone. Like the shelly portion of the crag of Norfolk 
and Suffolk, the faluns and associated strata are 0 
slight thickness, not exceeding seventy feet. They 
often bear a close resemblance to the crag in appeat 
ance, the shells being stained of the same ferruginov 
colour, and being in the same state of decay ; serving 
in Touraine, just as in Norfolk and Suffolk, to fertilize 
the arable land. Like the crag, also, they contain mam 
miferous remains, which are not only intermixed with 
marine shells, but sometimes incrusted with serpul@ 
flustra, and balani. These terrestrial quadrupeds 
belong to the genera Mastodon, Rhinoceros, Hipp? 
potamus, &c., the assemblage, considered as a wholes 
being very distinct from those of the Paris gypsum.* 

* Desnoyers, Bull. de la Soc. Géol. de France, tome ii. p. 44% 


The faluns and contemporary strata of the basin of 
the Loire may be considered generally as having been 
ormed in a shallow sea, into which a river, flowing 
Perhaps from some of the lands now drained by the 

oire, introduced from time to time fluviatile shells, 
Wood, and the bones of quadrupeds, which may have 

een washed down during floods. Some of these 
Ones have precisely the same black colour as those 

ound in the peaty shell-marl of Scotland; and we 
might imagine them to have been dyed black in Mio- 
sie peat, which was swept down into the sea during 

© waste of cliffs, did we not find the remains of 
Cetacea in the same strata—bones, for example, of 

© lamantine, morse, sea-calf, and dolphin, having 
Precisely the same colour. 

The resemblance which M. Desnoyers has pointed 
rut as existing between the English erag-and they 

tench faluns is one which ought by no means to in- 

Uce us to ascribe a contemporaneous origin to-these 
= groups, but merely a similarity of geographical - 
“cumstances at the respective periods when each 

Was deposited. In every age, where there is Jand and 

Sea, there must be shores, shallow estuaries, and rivers; 

and near the sea-coasts banks of marine shells and 

corals may accumulate. It must also be expected 
that rivers will drift in freshwater shells, together 

with sand and pebbles, and occasionally, perhaps, 

Sweep down the carcasses of land quadrupeds into the 

Sea. If the sand and shells, both of the “crag” and 

7 faluns,” have each acquired the same ferruginous 

Colour, such a coincidence would merely lead us to 

“ier that, at each period, there happened to be springs 

Charged with iron, which flowed into some part of the 


sea or basin of the river, by which the sediment wa 
carried down into the sea. 

Even had the French and English strata which we 
are comparing shared a greater number of mineral 
characters in common, that identity could not havé 
justified us in inferring the synchronous date of thé 
two groups, where the discordance of fossil remains 
is so marked. The argument which infers a contem” 
poraneous origin from correspondence of mineral con” 
tents, proceeds on the supposition that the materials 
were either washed down from a common source, 0% 
being derived from different sources, were mingled 
together in a common receptacle. If, according 1 
the latter hypothesis, the crag and the faluns wer? 
thrown down in one continuous sea, the testace# 
could not have been so distinct in two regions not 
more distant from each other than Essex and thé 
mouth of the Loire, unless we assume that the law® 
which regulated the geographical distribution of spe- 
cies were then very different from those now prevail- 
ing. But if it be said that the two basins may have 
been separated from each other, as are those of thé 
Mediterranean and Red Sea, by an isthmus, and that 
distinct assemblages of species may have flourished 
in each, as is now actually the case in those tw? 
seas *, I may reply, that such narrow lines of demar 
ation are extremely rare now, and must have bee? 
infinitely more so in remoter tertiary epochs; becaus¢ 
there can be no doubt that the proportion of land t0 
sea has been greatly on the increase in European Jati- 
tudes during the more modern geological eras. 

In the faluns, and in certain groups of the same ag® 

* See above, chap. x, 


Which occur not far to the west of Orleans, M. Des- 
noyers has discovered the following mammiferous 
quadrupeds :— Paleotherium magnum, Mastodon an- 
Justidens, Hippopotamus major and H. minutus, 
inoceros leptorhinus and R. minutus, Tapir gigas, 
nthracotherium (small species), Sus, Equus (small 
Species), Cervus, and an undetermined species of the 
The first species on this list is common to the Paris 
SYpsum, and is therefore an example of a land qua- 
Tuped common to the Miocene and Eocene formations, 
n exception perfectly in harmony with the results 
obtained from the study of fossil shells.* 
Basin of the Gironde and district of the Landes.+ — 
Streat extent of country between the Pyrenees and 
the Gironde is overspread by tertiary deposits, which 
ave been more particularly studied in the environs 

of Bordeaux and Dax, from whence about six hundred 
Species of shells have been obtained. These shells be- 
ng to the same zoological type as those of Touraine. 
Most of the beds near Dax, whence these shells 
are procured, consist of incoherent quartzose sand, - 
Mixed for the most part with calcareous matter, which 
48 often bound together the sand into concretionary 

* For further details respecting the basin of the Loire, see 

4 Desnoyers, Ann. des Sci. Nat., tome xvi. pp. 171. 402., 
Where full references to other authors are given. 

t Since this account was first written in 1832, M. Dufrénoy’s 
article on the tertiary strata of the south of France, has been pub- 
lisheq With lists of shells by M. C. Desmoulins. See Mémoires 

Pour servir à une Descrip. Géol. de la France, tom. iii. p. 1. 
aris, 1836, 

h M. de Basterot has given descriptions of more than three 
Undred shells of Bordeaux and Dax, and figures of the greater 
number of them. Mém. dela Soc. d’Hist. Nat. de Paris, tome ii, 


nodules. A great abundance of fluviatile shells occurs 
in many places intermixed with the marine; and i2 
some localities microscopic shells of the order fora 
minifera are in great profusion. 

The tertiary deposits in this part of France vary 
much in their mineralogical character, yet admit ge- 
nerally of being arranged in four groups. See diagram. 

Fig. 139. Adour R. Luy R. Puy Arzet. 


Tertiary strata overlying chalk in the environs of Dax. 

a. Siliceous sand without shells. c. Sand and marl with shells. 
. Gravel. d. Blue marl with shells. 
E. Chalk and volcanic tuff. 

In some places the united thickness of these groups 
is considerable ; but in the country between the Py- 
renees and the valley of the Adour, around Dax, the 
disturbed secondary rocks are often covered by a thin 
pellicle only of tertiary strata, which rests horizontally 
on the chalk, and does not always conceal it. 

In the valleys of the Adour and Luy, sections of all 
the members of this tertiary formation are laid open ; 
but the lowest blue marl, which is sometimes tw0 
hundred feet thick, is not often penetrated. On the 
banks of the Luy, however, to the south of Dax, the 
subjacent white chalk is exposed in inclined and ver- 
tical strata. In the hill called Puy Arzet the chalk, 
characterized by its peculiar fossils, is accompanied by 
beds of volcanic tuff, which are conformable to it, and 
which may be considered as the product of submarine 
eruptions which took place in the sea wherein the chalk 
was formed. ‘These tuffs must once have been nearly 


horizontal, but, like the chalky strata, have been sub- 
Jected to great subsequent derangement. 

About a mile west of Orthés, in the Bas Pyrénées, 
the blue marl is seen to extend to the borders of the 
tertiary formation, and rises to the height probably of 
SIX or seven hundred feet. In that locality many of 

e marine Miocene shells preserve their. original 
Colours, This marl is covered by a considerable 
thickness of ferruginous gravel, which seems to in- 
“tease in volume near the borders of the tertiary basin 
n the side of the Pyrenees. 5 

In an opposite direction, to the north of Dax, the 
shelly sands often pass into calcareous sandstone, in 
Which there are merely the casts of shells, as at Car- 
“ares; and into a shelly breccia, resembling some . 
tocks of recent origin which I have received from tlie 
“oral reefs of the Bermudas. 

Freshwater limestone at Saucats. — Associated with 

e Miocene strata near Bordeaux, at a place called 
“aUcats, is a compact freshwater limestone, of slight 
: ickness, which is perforated on the upper surface by 
Marine shells, for the most part of extinct species. 
tis evident that the ancient surface must at this 
Place have been alternately occupied by salt and fresh 

Water. The ground, perhaps, may have been alter- 

nately raised and depressed, or a lagoon may have been 
ormed, in which the water became fresh; then a bar- 
“ler of sand, by which the sea was excluded for a 
time, may have been breached; so that the salt water 
again obtained access. | 

- Dufrénoy has classed this freshwater limestone 
as Pliocene (tertiaire supérieur), but, from the fresh- 
Water shells contained in it, as well as from the marine 

Ossils on which it rests and by which it is immediately 
VOL. Ivy, G 


covered, M. Deshayes and I conclude that it is Mio- 
cene. Among the shells determined by M. C. Des- 
moulins, we find Cyrena Brongniarti, Bast., Planor- 
bis rotundatus, and Limnea longiscata, species found 
elsewhere m beds older than the Pliocene.* 

Eocene strata in the Bordeaux basin. — The rela- 
tions of some of the members of the tertiary series, 
in the basin of the Gironde, have of late afforded 
matter of controversy. A limestone, resembling the 
calcaire grossier of Paris, and from one hundred to 
two hundred feet in thickness, occurs at Pauliac and 
Blaye, and extends on the right bank of the Gironde, 
between Blaye and La Roche. It contains many species 
of fossils identical with those of the Paris basin. This 
fact was pointed out to me by M. Deshayes before I 
visited Blaye in 1830; but although I recognized the 
mineral characters of the rock to be very different 
from those of the Miocene formations in the imme-: 
diate neighbourhood of Bordeaux, I had not time to 
verify its relative position. J inferred, however, the 
inferiority of the Blaye limestone to the Miocene 
strata, from the order in which each series presented 
itself, as I receded from the chalk and passed to the 
central parts of the Bordeaux basin. 

Upon leaving the white chalk with flints s, In travel- 
ling from Charante by Blaye to Bordeaux, I first found 
myself upon overlying red clay and sand (as at Mi- 
rambeau): I then came upon the tertiary limestone 
above alluded to, at Blaye; and lastly, on departing 
still farther from the chalk, reached the strata which, 
at Bordeaux and Dax, contain exclusively the Miocene 


See M. Dufrénoy’s Paper, p. 341. 


The occurrence both of Eocene and Miocene fossils 3 
in the same basin of the Gironde, had been cited by 
M. Boué as a tact which detracted from the value of 
Zoological characters as a means of determining the 
chronological relations of tertiary groups. But on 
farther inquiry, the fact has been found to furnish 
additional grounds of confidence in these characters. 

M. Ch. Desmoulins replied, to M. Boué’s objections, 
that the assemblage of Eocene shells are never inter- 
Mixed with those found in the “ moellon,” as he calls 
the Sandy calcareous rock of the environs of Bordeaux 
aid Dax; and M. Dufrénoy farther stated, that the 
hills of limestone which border the right bank of the 
Gironde, from Marmande as far as Blaye, present 
S€veral sections wherein the Parisian (or Eocene) 
limestone is seen to be separated from the shelly 
Strata called “faluns,” or “ moellon,” by a freshwater 
formation of considerable thickness. It appears, there- 
ore, that as the marine faluns of Touraine rest on a 
freshwater formation, which overlies the marine cal- 
Caire grossier of Paris, so the marine Miocene strata 
of Bordeaux are separated from those of Blaye by a 
freshwater deposit.* . 

The following diagram will express the order of 
Position of the groups above alluded to. 

Fig. 140. 

| Chath — Le a 
l > oe R ee 

Red clay and sandy 
` “M™mestone like calcaire grossier, sometimes alternating with 
Steen marl, and containing Eocene shells. 

* Bulletin de la Soc. Géol. de France, tome ii. 7 440. 

G 2 


c. Freshwater formation, same as that of the department of Lot 

and Garonne. 
d:i Tertiary strata of the Landes, same as Fig. 139., with Miocene 


M. Dufrénoy considers the upper sands without fos- 
sils, which cover the low flat countries of Médoc and 
the Landes, to be of the age of the Subapennine beds. * 
But there appears as yet to be scarcely sufficient data 
to enable us to draw such an inference. It is, however, 
clear that the true Subapennine or Older Pliocene 
formation exists between Perpignan and the Pyre- 
pees}; so that in one region, in the south of France, 
we have the Eocene, Miocene, and Pliocene form- 
ations all represented: an important fact, as directly 
opposed to the theory which endeavours to explain 
away the distinctness of the fossils of different tertiary 
groups, by supposing them to have been all deposited 
in contemporaneous basins belonging to independent 
zoological provinces, not in lakes and seas inhabited 
successively by distinct species. 

Inland cliff near Dax.— A few miles west from 
Dax, and at the distance of about twelve miles from 
the sea, a steep bank is seen running in a direction 
nearly north-east and south-west, ‘or parallel to the 
‘contiguous coast. This steep declivity, which is about | 
fifty feet in height, conducts us from the higher plat- A 

Section of Inland Cliff at Abesse, new Daz. 
g. Sand of the Landes. 6. Limestone, 

* See his paper above cited, tome iii. p. 11, 
f 35220 above; pe 69. 


form of the Landes to a lower plain which extends to 
the sea. The outline of the ground might suggest to 
every geologist the opinion that the bank in question 
Was once a sea-cliff, when the whole country stood at 
a lower level relatively to the sea. But this can no 
longer be regarded as matter of conjecture. In making 
excavations recently for the foundation of a building at 
Abesse, a quantity of loose sand, which formed the 
slope de, was removed; anda perpendicular cliff, about 
fifty feet in height, which had hitherto been protected 
from the agency of the elements, was exposed. The 
bottom of this cliff consists of limestone 6, which con- 
tains tertiary shells and corals. Immediately below 
the limestone is the clay, c; and above it the usual 
tertiary sand, a, of the department of the Landes. At 
the base of the precipice are seen large partially 
rounded miasses of rock, evidently detached from the 
Stratum b. The face of the limestone is hollowed out 
and weathered into such forms as are seen in the cal- 
Careous cliffs of the adjoining coast, especially at 
Biaritz, near Bayonne. It is evident that, when the 
Country was at a somewhat lower level, the sea ad- 
Vanced along the surface of the argillaceous stratum c, 
Which, from its yielding nature, favoured the waste by 
undermining the more solid superincumbent lime- 
Stone 4, Afterwards, when the country had been 
elevated, part of the sand, a, fell down, or was drifted 
by the winds, so as to form the talus, d e, which 
Masked the inland cliff until it was artificially laid 
Open to view. 

The situation of this cliff is interesting, as marking 
ne of the pauses which intervened between the suc- 
cessive movements of elevation by which the marine 

G 3 






tertiary strata of this country were upheaved to their 
present height, a pause which allowed time for the 
sea to advance and strip off the upper beds a, b, from 
the denuded clay e. 

Monitpellier.—The tertiary strata of Montpellier con- 
tain many of the Dax and Bordeaux species of shells, 
so that they are probably referable to the Miocene 
epoch ; but in the catalogue given by M. Marcel de 
Serres, many Pliocene species, similar to those of the 
Subapennine beds, are enumerated. M. de Christol 
mentions Mastodon angustidens, Rhinoceros lepto- 
rhinus, a Tapir, a Palaotherium, and an Anthracothe- 
rium, together with many other mammifers, besides 
cetacea and reptiles. * 

It would be highly interesting if, upon fuller inves- 
tigation, the Montpellier beds should be found to 
indicate a passage from the fossils of the Miocene 
type to those of the Older Pliocene. We may expect 
the discovery of such intermediate links, and I have 
endeavoured to provide a place for them in the ‘clas- 
sification proposed in the fifth chapter, + 

Hills of Mont Ferrat and the Superga. — The late 
Signor Bonelli of Turin was the first who remarked 
that the tertiary shells found in the green sand and 
marl of the Superga.near Turin differed, as a group, 
from those generally characteristic of the Subapennine 
beds. The same naturalist had also observed, that 
many of the species peculiar to the Superga were 
identical with. those occurring near Bordeaux and 
Dax. ‘The strata of which the hill of the Superga is 
composed are inclined at an angle of more than 

* Résumé de M. Boué, p.128. Bull. de la Soc. Géol. de 
France, tom. iii. + Vol. II. 


Seventy degrees, as I found when I examined the 
Superga in company with Mr. Murchison in 1828. 

hey consist partly of fine sand and marl, and partly 
of a conglomerate composed of primary boulders, 
which forms a lower part of the series, and not, as 
fepresented by M. Brongniart by mistake, an un- 
conformable and overlying mass.* The same series of 
beds is more largely developed in the chain of Mont 
Ferrat, especially in the basin of the Bormida. The 
high road which leads from Savona to Alessandria 
intersects them in its northern descent, and the form- 
ation may be well studied along this line at Carcare, 
Cairo, and Spinto, at all which localities fossil shells 
Occur in a bright green sand. At Piana, a conglo- 
Merate, interstratified with this green sand, contains 
founded blocks of serpentine and chlorite schist, larger 
than those near the summit of the Superga, some of 
them being not less than nine feet in diameter. 

When we descend to Aqui, we find the green sand 
Siving place to bluish marls, which also skirt the plains 
of the Tanaro at lower levels. These newer marls are 
associated with sand, and are nearly horizontal, and 
*ppear to belong to the Older Pliocene Subapennine 
Strata, + The shells which characterize the latter 
abound in various parts of the country near Turin; but 
that region has not yet been examined with sufficient 
“are to enable us to give exact sections to illustrate 
the Superposition of the Miocene and Older Pliocene 
beds, It is, however, ascertained, that the highly 
inclined green sand, which comes immediately in con- 
tact with the primary rocks, is the oldest part of the 

* Terrains du Vicentin, p. 26. 
t See section, Fig. 84. Vol. III. p. 338. 
G 4 

128 i MIOCENE PERIOD. [Book IV. 

Molasse of Switzerland. —If we cross the Alps, 
and pass from Piedmont to Savoy, we find there, at 
the northern base of the great chain, and throughout 
the lower country of Switzerland, a soft green sand- 
stone much resembling some of the beds of the basin 
of the Bormida, above described, and associated in a 
similar manner with marls and conglomerate. This 
formation is called in Switzerland “molasse,” said to 
be derived from “mol,” « soft,” because the stone is 
easily cut in the quarry. It is of vast thickness; but 
shells have so rarely been found in it, that they do not 
supply sufficient data for correctly determining its 
age. M. Studer, in his treatise on the « molasse,” 
enumerates some fossil shells found near Lucerne, 
agreeing, apparently, with those of the Subapennine 
hills. The correspondence in mineral character be- 
tween the green sand of Piedmont and that of Switzer- 
land can in nowise authorise us to infer identity of 
age, but merely to conclude that both have been 
derived from the degradation of similar ancient rocks. 

Until the place of the “molasse” in the chrono- 
logical series of tertiary formations has been more 
rigorously determined, the application of this provincial 
name to the tertiary groups of other countries must 
be very uncertain, and it will be desirable to confine 
it to the tertiary beds of Switzerland. 

Styria, Vienna, Hungary. — Of the various groups 
which have hitherto been referred to the Miocene 
era, none are so important in thickness and geogra- 
phical extent as those which are found at the eastern 
extremity of the Alps, in what have been termed the 
basins of Vienna and Styria, and which spread thence 
into the plains of Hungary. The collection of shells 
formed by M. Constant Prevost, in the neighbourhood 



of Vienna, and described by him in 1820*, was alone 
Sufficient to identify a great part of the formations of 
that country with the Miocene beds of the Loire, 
Gironde, and Piedmont. The fossil remains subse- 
quently procured by that indefatigable observer M. 
Boué have served to show the still greater range of 
the same beds through Hungary and Transylvania. 

It appears from the recently published memoirs of 
Professor Sedgwick and Mr. Murchison}, that the 
formations of Styria may be divided into groups cor- 
Tesponding to those adopted by M. Partsch for the 
Vienna beds ; the basin of Styria exhibiting nearly the 
Same phenomena as that of Vienna. These regions 
have evidently formed, during the Miocene period, 
two deep bays of the same sea, separated from each 
other by a great promontory connected with the cen- 
tral ridge of the eastern Alps. 

The English geologists above mentioned describe a 
long succession of marine strata intervening between 
the Alps and the plains of Hungary, which are divi- 
sible into three natural groups, each of vast thickness, 
and affording a great variety of rocks. All these 
groups are of marine origin, and lie in nearly horizontal 
strata, but have throughout a slight easterly dip; so 
that, in traversing them from west to east, we com- 
mence with the oldest, and end with the youngest 
beds, . l 

At their western extremity they fill an irregular 
trough-shaped depression, through which the waters 
of the Mur, the Raab, and the Drave, make their way 
to the lower Danube.{ Here the first group is de- 

* Journal de Physique, Novembre, 1820. 
+ Geol. Trans., Second Series, vol. iii. p. 301. 
¢ Ibid., p. 382. 

G 5 


veloped, consisting of conglomerate, sandstone, and 
marls, some of the marls containing marine shells. 
Beds also of lignite occur, showing that wood was 
drifted down in large quantities into the sea. In parts 
of the series there are masses of rounded siliceous 
pebbles, resembling the shingle banks which are form- 
ing on some of our coasts. 

The second principal group is characterized by 
coralline and concretionary limestone of a yellowish 
white colour ; it is finely exposed in the escarpments 
of. Wildon, and in the hills of Ehrenhausen, on the 
right bank of the Mur.* This coralline limestone is 
not less than 400 feet thick at Wildon, and exceeds, 
therefore, some of the most considerable of our se- 
condary groups in England. 

Beds of sandstone, sand, and shale, and calcareous 
marls, are associated with the above-mentioned lime- 

The third group, which occurs at a still greater dis- 
tance from the mountains, is composed of sandstone 
and marl, and of beds of limestone, exhibiting here 
and there a perfectly oolitic structure. In this system 
fossil shells are numerous. 

In regard to. the age of the formations above de- 
scribed, it is by no means clear that the coralline lime- 
stones of the second group are posterior in origin to 
all the beds of the first division ; they may possibly 
have been formed at some distance from land, while 
the head of the gulf was becoming filled up with 
enormous deposits of gravel, sand, and mud, which 
may, in that quarter, have rendered the waters too 
turbid for the fullest development of testaceous and 
coralline animals. 

* Geol.. Trans., Second Series, vol. iii. p. 385. + Ibid., p. 390. 


The middle group, both in the basins of Styria and 
Vienna, belongs indisputably to the Miocene period ; 
for the Species of shells are the same as those of the 
Loire, Gironde, and other contemporary basins before 
Noticed. Whether the lowest and uppermost systems 
are referable to the same, or to distinct tertiary epochs, 
'S the only question. We cannot doubt that the accu- 
mulation of so vast a succession of beds required an 
Immense lapse of ages, and we should expect to find 
Some difference in the species characterizing the differ- 
ent members of the series; nevertheless, all may be- 
long to different subdivisions of the Miocene period. 
Professor Sedgwick and Mr. Murchison have suggested 
that the inferior, or first group, which comprises the 
Strata between the Alps and the coralline limestone of 

ildon, may correspond in age to the Paris basin ; but 
the list of fossils which they have given seems rather 
to favour the supposition that the deposit is of the 

Miocene era. They mention four characteristic 
Miocene fossils, — Mytilus Brardii, Cerithium pictum, 
C. pupæforme, and C. plicatum : — and though some 
few of the associated shells are common to the Paris 

asin, such a coincidence is no more than holds 

true in regard to all the European Miocene form- 

On the other hand, the third or newest system, 
Which overlies the coralline limestone, contains fossils 
Which do not appear to depart so widely from the 
Miocene type as to authorize us to separate them. 

hey appear to agree with the tertiary strata of a 
Sreat part of Hungary and Transylvania, which are 
referable to the Miocene period. * 

* See tables of shells by M. Deshayes, in Appendix I. of the 
Octavo edition. 




Volhynia and Podolia.— We may expect to find 
many other districts in Europe composed of Miocene 
strata; and there is already sufficient evidence that 
the marine deposits of the platform of Volhynia and 
Podolia were of this era. The fossils of that region, 
which is bounded by Galicia on the west, and the 
Ukraine on the east, and comprises parts of the basins 
of the Bog and the Dneister, has been investigated by 
Von Buch, Eichwald, and Du Bois; and the latter has 
given excellent plates of more than one hundred fossil 
shells of the country, which M. Deshayes finds to agree 
decidedly with the fossils of the Miocene period.* 

The formation consists of sand and sandstone, clay, 
coarse limestone, and a white oolite, the last of which 
is of great extent. 

Mayence. — The tertiary strata near Mayence con- 
tain in abundance the Mytilus Brardii, and several other 
characteristic Miocene fossils. They occupy a tract 
from five to twelve miles in breadth, extending along 
the left bank of the Rhine from Mayence to the neigh- 
bourhood of Manheim, and are again found to the east, 
north, and south-west of Frankfort. In some places 

“they have the appearance of a freshwater formation; 
but in others, as at Alzey, the shells are for the most 
part marine. Cerithia are in great profusion, which 
indicates that the sea where the deposit was formed 
was fed by rivers; and the great quantity of fossil land 
shells, chiefly of the genus Helix, confirm the same 
opinion. The variety in the species of shells is small, 
scarcely eighty having yet been discovered, as I learn 
from Professor Bronn, of Heidelberg, while the indi- 
viduals are exceedingly numerous; a fact which accords 

* Conch. Foss. du Plateau Wolhyni-Podol., par F. du Bois. 
Berlin, 1831. 


Perfectly with the idea that the formation may have 
originated in a gulf or sea which, like the Baltic, was 
brackish in some parts and almost frésh in others. A 
Species of Paludina, very nearly resembling the recent 
Littorina ulva, is found throughout this basin. These 
shells may be compared in size to grains of rice, and 
often are in such quantity as to form almost entiré 
Strata of marl and limestone. I have seen them as 
thick as grains of sand, in stratified masses fifteen feet 
thick; and Professor Bronn has observed a succession 
of beds thirty feet in thickness, of which they are the 
Principal constituent. 
I was unable to find any natgral sections which ex- 
ibited the relations of the Mayence strata above de- 
Scribed to the sandy beds of Eppelsheim, wherein the 
new genus Deinotherium, and the bones of the Mas- 
todon avernensis, and other mammifers, have been dis- 
Covered. But I think it most probable that they all 
belong to the same era, and that the freshwater beds 
of Georges Gemund, in Bavaria, as well as several 
ther detached lacustrine groups of that country and 
of Wurtemburg, may be referred to the Miocene period. 
At Georges Gemund, as in Touraine, we find an asso- 
“lation of the genera Palæotherium, Mastodon, and 

Osnabruch. — From the fossils which I have seen in 
the cabinet of Count Munster at Bayreuth, I have little 
doubt that strata of the Miocene period are largely 

veloped between the mountains of the Teutobour- 
Serwald and Wesergebirge, including the environs of 
Snabruch, Münster, Astrupp, and other places. 





Miocene alluviums — Auvergne — Mont Perrier — Extinct qua- 
drupeds — Velay — Orleanais — Alluviums contemporaneous 
with Faluns of Touraine — Miocene freshwater formations — 
Upper Val @ Arno — Extinct mammalia (p. 138.) — Coal of 
Cadibona — Miocene voleanic rocks — Hungary — Transyl- 

vania — Styria — Auvergne — Velay. 

In the present chapter I shali offer some observations 
on the alluviums and freshwater formations of the 
Miocene era, and shall afterwards point out the coun- 
tries in Europe where the volcanic rocks of the same 
period may be studied. 

Miocene Alluviums. 
Auvergne.— The annexed drawing will explain the 
position of two ancient beds of alluvium, ¢ and e, in 

Fig. 142, 

Position of the Miocene aliuviums of Mont Perrier (or Boulade). 
Descending series. 
a. Newer alluvium. b. Second trachytic breccia. 
. Second Miocene alluvium with bones. 
d, First trachytic breccia. 
e. First Miocene alluvium with bones. 
Jf. Compact basalt. & Eocene lacustrine strata. 

Ch, XVL] AUVERGNE. 135- 

Auvergne, in which the remains of several quadrupeds 
Characteristic of the Miocene period have been ob- 
tained. In order to account for the situation of these 
beds of rounded pebbles and sand, we must suppose 
that after the tertiary strata g, covered by the basaltic 
ava f, had been disturbed and exposed ‘to aqueous 
€nudation, a valley was excavated, wherein the allu- 
vium e was accumulated, and in which the remains of 
quadrupeds then inhabiting the country were buried. 
The trachytic breccia d was then superimposed; this 
"eccia is an aggregate of shapeless and angular frag- 
Ments of trachyte, cemented by volcanic tuff and 
Pumice, resembling some of the breccias which enter 
mto the composition of the neighbouring extinct vol- 
ĉano of Mont Dor in Auvergne, or those which are 
found on Etna. Upon this rests another alluvium, e, 
Which also contains the bones of Miocene species, and 
this is covered by another enormous mass of tufaceous 
treccia.. The breccias have probably resulted from the 
Sudden rush of large bodies of water down the sides of 
a elevated volcano at its moments of eruption, perhaps 
when snow was melted by Java. Such floods occur in | 
Celand, sweeping away loose blocks of lava and ejec- 
“ons surrounding the crater, and then strewing the 
Plains with fragments of igneous rocks, enveloped in 
Mud or « moya.” The abrupt escarpment presented 
by the above-described beds, b, c, d, e, towards the 
Valley of the Couze, must have been caused by subse- 
{Went erosion, which has carried away a large portion 
of those masses.* 

For an account of the position and age of the volcanic brec- 
aS of Mont Perrier and Boulade, see Lyell and Murchison on 

the Beds of Mont Perrier, Ed. New Phil. Journ., July, 1829, 
P. 15, 


156. . MIOCENE PERIOD. [Book IV. 

In the alluviums c and e, MM. Croizet, Jobert, 
Chabriol, and Bouillet have discovered the remains 
of about forty species of extinct mammalia, the greater 
part of which are peculiar as yet to this locality; but 
some of them are characteristic of the Miocene period, 
being common to the faluns of Touraine, and asso- 
ciated in other localities with marine Miocene strata. 
Among these species may be enumerated Mastodon 
minor and M. arvernensis, Hippopotamus major; 
Rhinoceros leptorhinus, and Tapir arvernensis. ‘The 
Elephas primigenius, a species common to so many 
tertiary periods, is also stated. to accompany the rest. 
In some cases the remains are not sufficiently charac- 
teristic to indicate the exact species, but the follow- 
ing genera can be determined : — The boar, horse, ox; 
hyena (two species), felis (three or four), bear 
(three), deer (many species), canis, otter, beaver, 
hare, and water-rat.* 

Velay. — In Velay a somewhat similar group of 
mammiferous remains were found by Dr. Hibbert t 
in a bed of volcanic scoriæ and tuff, inclosed between 
two beds of basaltic lava, at Saint Privat d’ Allier- 
Some of the bones were found adhering to the slaggy 
lava. Among the animals were Rhinoceros lepto- 
rhinus, Hyzena spelza, and another species allied to 
the spotted hyæna of the Cape, together with four 
undetermined species of deer. t 

At Cussac and Solilhae, one league from Puy en 

* Recherches sur les Oss. Foss. du Dépt. du Puy de Dome; 
4to. 1828. Essai Géol. et Minéral. sur les Environs d’Issoire 
Dépt. du Puy de Dome, folio, 1827. 

+ Edin. Journ. of Sci., No. iv. New Series, p- 276. 

ł Figures of some of these remains are given by M. Bertrand 
de Doue, Ann. de la Soc. d’ Agricult. de Puy, 1828. 

Chey . UPPER VAL D’ ARNO. 137 

Velay, M. Robert discovered, in an ancient alluvium 
overed with lava, the remains of Elephas primigenius, 

hinoceros leptorhinus, Tapir arvernensis, horse (two 
Species), deer (seven species), ox (two species), and 
a antelope. 

Orleanais. — In the Orleanais, at Avaray, Chevilly, 
es Aides, and les Barres, fossil land quadrupeds have 
“en found associated with fluviatile shells and rep- 
tiles, identical with those found in the marine faluns 
of Touraine.” These are supposed with great pro- 
ability, by M. Desnoyers, to mark the passage of 
Streams which flowed towards the sea in which the 

aluns were deposited. 

Miocene Freshwater Formations. 

Upper Val d Arno. — There are a great number of 
isolated tertiary formations, bf freshwater origin, rest- 
mg on primary and secondary rocks in different parts 
of Europe, in the same manner as we now find small 
akes scattered over our continents and islands, wherein 
“posits are forming, quite detached from all contem- 
Porary marine strata. To determine the age of such 
Stoups, with reference to the great chronological : 
Series established for the marine strata, must often be 
à matter of difficulty, since we cannot always enjoy an 
°pportunity of studying a locality where the fresh- 
Water species are intermixed with marine shells, or 
SN they occur in beds alternating with marine 


The deposit of the Upper Val d’ Arno before alluded 

* MM. Desnoyers and Lockart, Bulletin de la Soc. Géol., 
tom, ii, P. 336. 


138 \ MIOCENE PERIOD. ; . [Book IV. 

to (p. 57.), was evidently formed in an ancient lake; 
but, although the fossil testaceous and mammiferous 
remains preserved therein are very numerous, it is 
scarcely possible, at present, to decide with certainty 
the precise era to which they belong. I collected 
six species of lacustrine shells, in an excellent state 
of preservation, from this basin, belonging to the ge- 
nera Anodon, Paludina, and Neritina; but M. Deshayes 
was unable to identify any one of them with any 
recent or fossil species known to him. If the beds 
belonged to the Older Pliocene formations, we might 
expect that several of the fossils would agree specifi- 
cally with living testacea ; and I'am therefore disposed 
to believe that they belong to an older epoch. If we 
consider the terrestrial mammilia of the same beds, 
we immediately perceive that they cannot be assimi- 
lated to the Eocene type, as exhibited in the Paris 
basin, or in Auvergne and Velay : but some of them 
agree with Miocene species. Mr. Pentland - has 
obligingly sent me the following list of the fossil 
mammifers of the upper Val d’Arno which are in the 
museums of Paris. —— Fer@ — Ursus cultridens, Vi- 
verra Valdarnensis, Canis lupus (?), and another of the 
size of the common fox. Hyeena radiata, H. fossilis- 
Felis (a new species, of the size of the panther). Ro- 
dentia — Histrix, nearly allied to dorsalis, Castor. 
Pachydermata — Elephas Italicus, Mastodon angusti- 
dens, M. Taperoides, Tapir , Equus , Sus 
scrofa, Rhinoceros leptorhinus, Hippopotamus major; 
fossilis. Ruminantia — Cervus megaceros (P), C. Val- 
darnensis, C. (new species), Bos, bubalo affinis, 
B. urus and B. taurus. 

Cuvier also mentions the remains of a species of 
lophiodon as occurring among the bones in the Upper 


Val d'Arno. * The elephant of this place has been 
called by-Nesti + meridionalis, and is considered by 
him as distinct from the Siberian fossil species Æ. pri- 
"genius, with which, however, some eminent com- 
Parative anatomists regard it as identical. The skele- 
tons of the hippopotamus are exceedingly abundant ; 
= no less than forty had been 
procured when I visited Flo- 
rence in 1828. Remains of 
the elephant, stag, ox, and 
horse, are also extremely nu- 
_ merous. In winter the super- 
ficial degradation of the soil 
is so rapid, that bones which 
the year before were buried 
are seen to project from the 
surface of the soil, and are 
described by the peasants as 
growing. In this manner the 
tips of the horns of stags, or 
of the tusks of hippopota- 
muses, often appear on the — 
surface, and thus lead to the 
discovery of an entire head 
or skeleton. 

Cadibona. — Another ex- 
ample of an isolated lacus- 
trine deposit, belonging pos- 
sibly to the Miocene period, 

Dns ; is that which occurs at Cadi- 

» between Savona and Carcare; a place which I 



b. Sand, shale, and coal o 

F aie <3 













we IR 


é A 
Section of the freshwater formation of Cadibona. 

d. Chloritic and Micaceous schist, serpentine, &c. 

a. Blue marl and yellow sand (Older Pliocene). 
Cadibona (Miocene ?). 

* Os 
8s. Foss., vol. v. p. 504. 

Seana sopra alcune Ossa Fossili del Val d’ Arno, &c. Pisa, 


visited in August, 1828, in company with Mr. Murchi- 
son. Its position is described in the annexed section; 
which does not, however, pretend to accuracy in regard 
to the relative heights of the different rocks, or thé 
distances of the places from each other. The lacus- 
trine strata are composed of gravel, grit, and micaceous 
sandstone, of such materials as were derivable from 
the surrounding primary rocks; and so great is the 
thickness of this mass, that some valleys intersect it 
to the depth of seven or eight hundred feet without 
penetrating to the subjacent formations. In one part. 
of the series, carbonaceous shales occur, and several 
Seams of coal from two to six feet in thickness; but 
no impressions of plants of which the species could be 
determined, and no shells have been discovered. Many 
entire jaws and other bones of an extinct mammife!, 
called by Cuvier Anthracotherium, have been found 
in the coal-beds, the bone being itself changed into 4 
kind of coal; but as this species has not as yet oc- 
curred elsewhere in association with organic remains of 
known date, it affords us no aid when we attempt t0 
assign a place to the lignites of Cadibona. 

Miocene Volcanic Rocks. 

Hungary. — M. Beudant, in his elaborate work on 
Hungary, describes five distinct groups of volcanic 
rocks, which, although nowhere of great extent, form 
striking features in the physical geography of that 
country, rising as they do abruptly from extensive 
plains composed of tertiary strata, They may have 
constituted islands in the ancient sea, as Santorin and 
Milo now do in the Grecian Archipelago ; and M. Beu- 


dant has remarked that the mineral products of the 
last-mentioned islands resemble remarkably those of 
the Hungarian extinct volcanos, where many of the 
Same minerals, as opal, calcedony, resinous silex (silex 
resinite), pearlite, obsidian, and pitchstone abound. 
The Hungarian lavas are chiefly felspathic, con- 
‘isting of different varieties of trachyte ; many are 
Cellular, and used as millstones; some so porous and 
Sven scoriform as to resemble those which have issued 
-the open air. Pumice occurs in great quantity; and 
there are conglomerates, or rather breccias, wherein 
“agments of trachyte are bound together by pumiceous 
tuff, or sometimes by silex. 

It is probable that these rocks were permeated by 

üe waters of hot springs, impregnated, like the Gey- 
» with silica; or, in some instances, perhaps, by 
Aqueous vapours, which, like those of Lancerote, may 


lave precipitated hydrate of silica. * 

By the influence of such springs or vapours the 
trunks and branches of trees washed down during 
ods, and buried in tuffs on the flanks of the moun- 
tains, may have become silicified. It is scarcely pos- 
“ible, says M. Beudant, to dig into any of the pumiceous 

“posits of these mountains without meeting with 
Palized wood, and sometimes entire silicified trunks 
of trees of great size and weight. 

: It appears from the species of shells collected prin- 
“pally by M. Boué, and examined by M. Deshayes, 

at the fossil remains imbedded in the voleanic tuffs, 
Mad in strata alternating with them in Hungary, are 
of thé Miocene type, and not identical, as was formerly 
‘Upposed, with the fossils of the Paris basin. 

* See Vol. II. p. 142. 


Transylvania. — The igneous rocks of the easter” 
part of Transylvania, described by M. Boué, are pro-. 
bably of the same age. They cover a considerable 
area, and bear a close resemblance to the Hungarian 
lavas, being chiefly trachytic. Several large craters; 
containing shallow lakes, like the Maars of the Eifel, 
are met with in some regions; and a rent in the tra- 
chytic mountains of Budoshagy exhales hot sulphureous 
vapours, which convert the trachyte into alum-stone ; 
a change which that rock has undergone at remote 
periods in several parts of Hungary. 

Styria.— Many of the volcanic groups of this country 
bear a similar relation to the Styrian tertiary deposits, 
as do the Hungarian rocks to the marine strata of that 
country. The shells are found imbedded in the vol- 
canic tuffs in such a manner as to show that they lived 
in the sea when the volcanic eruptions were in progress; 
as many of the Val di Noto lavas in Sicily, before de- 
scribed, were shown to be contemporaneous with the 
Newer Pliocene strata. * 

Auvergne— Velay.—I believe that part of the volca- 
nic eruptions of Auvergne took place during the Mio- 
cene period; those, for example, which cover, or are 
interstratified with, the alluviums mentioned in this 
chapter, and some of the ancient basaltic cappings of 
hills in Auvergne, which repose on gravel characterized 
by similar organic remains. A part also of the igneous 
rocks of Velay must belong to this epoch ; but these 
will be again referred to when I treat more fully of 
the volcanic rocks of Central France, the older part of: 
which are referable to the Eocene period. 

* Sedgwick and Murchison, Geol. Trans., Second Series, yol.ilis 
p. 400. Daubeny’s Volcanos, p. 92, 



Eocene period — Freshwater formations — Central France—Map 
~ Limagne d’ Auvergne—Sandstone and conglomerate — Ter- 
tiary red marl and red sandstone — Green and white foliated 
Marls (p. 149.) — Indusial limestone—Gypseous marls — Tra- 
Vertin — Freshwater formation of Puy en Velay (p. 157.) — 
Of Cantal — Resemblance of Aurillac limestone and flints to 

Sur upper chalk — Concluding remarks. 


$ E have now traced back the history of the European 
‘mations to that period when the seas and lakes were 

‘thabited by testacea, of which a few only belonged 

? Species now existing; a period which I have de- 
“Snated Eocene, as indicating the dawn of the present 
e of the animate creation. But although a small 
. mber only of the living species of animals were then 
: being, there are ample grounds for inferring that all 
1€ great classes of the animal kingdom, such as they 
ae exist, were then fully represented. In regard to 
he testacea, indeed, it is no longer a matter of infer- 
ence; for more than 1200 species of this class have 
fen obtained from that small number of detached 
ene deposits which have hitherto been examined 
n Europe. 
The celebrated Paris basin, the position of which 
Me pointed out in the former part of this book (see 
od-cut, Vol. III. p. 332.), first presents itself, and 


seems to claim our chief attention when we examine 
the phenomena of this era. But in order the more 
easily to explain the peculiar nature and origin of that 
group, it will be desirable, first, to give a brief sketch 
of certain deposits of Central France, which afford 
many interesting points of analogy to that of Faris, 
both in organic remains and mineral composition, and 
where the original circumstances under which the 
strata were accumulated may more easily be dis 

Auvergne. — The deposits alluded to, which I ex- 
amined in the summer of 1828, in company with Mr. 
Murchison, are those of the lacustrine basins of AU- ’ 
vergne, Cantal, and Velay, and their sites may be 
seen in the annexed map. They appear to be the mo- 
numents of ancient lakes, which may have resembled 
in geographical distribution some of those now existing 
in Switzerland, and may like them have occupied the 
depressions in a mountainous country, and have bee? 
each fed by one or more rivers and torrents. The 
country where they occur is almost entirely composed 
of granite and different varieties of granitic schist, with 
here and there a few patches of secondary strata much 
dislocated, and which have probably suffered great de- 
nudation. ‘There are also some vast piles of volcanic 
matter (see the map), the greater part of which is 
newer than the freshwater Strata, and is sometimes 
seen to rest upon them, whilst a small part has evi- 
dently been of contemporaneous origin. Of these 
igneous rocks I shall treat more particularly in the 
nineteenth chapter, and shall now speak only of the 
lacustrine beds. 

The most northern of the freshwater groups is sitd- 
ated in the valley-plain of the Allier, which lies within 

Fig. 144, 





the department of the Puy de Dome, being the tract 
which went formerly by the name of the Limagne 
d’ Auvergne. It is inclosed by two parallel primitive 
ranges, — that of the Foréz, which divides the waters 
of the Loire and Allier, on the east; and that of the 
Monts Domes, which separates the Allier from the 
Sioule, on the west.* The average breadth of this 
tract is about twenty miles; and it is for the most part 
composed of nearly horizontal strata of sand, sandstone, 
calcareous marl, clay, and limestone, none of which 
observe a fixed and invariable order of superposition: — 
The ancient borders of the lake wherein the fresh- 
water strata were accumulated, may generally be 
traced with precision, the granite and other ancient 
rocks rising up boldly from the level country. The 
precise junction, however, of the lacustrine and granitic 
beds is rarely seen, as a small valley usually intervenes 
between them. The freshwater strata may sometimes 
be seen to retain their horizontality within a very 
slight distance of the border-rocks, while in some 
places they are inclined, and in a few instances ver- 
tical. The principal divisions into which the lacus- 
trine series may be separated are the following : — 
Ist, Sandstone, grit, and conglomerate, including red 
marl and red sandstone. 2dly, Green and white 
foliated marls. 3dly, Limestone or travertin, oolite- 
4thly, Gypseous marls. 

1. a. Sandstone and conglomerate. — Strata of sand 
and gravel, sometimes bound together into a solid rock» 
are found in great abundance around the confines of 
the lacustrine basin, containing, in different places: 
pebbles of all the ancient rocks of the adjoining ele- 
vated country; namely, granite, gneiss, mica-schists 

* Scrope, Geology of Central France, p. 15. 


clay-slate, porphyry, and others. But the arenaceous 
Strata do not form one continuous band around the 
Margin of the basin, being rather disposed like the 
dependent deltas which grow at the mouths of tor- 
rents along the borders of existing lakes.* 

At Chamalieres, near Clermont, we have an ex- 
ample of one of these littoral groups of local extent, 
Where the pebbly beds slope away from the granite as 
if they had formed a talus beneath the waters of the 
lake near the steep shore. A section of about fifty 
feet in vertical height has been laid open by a torrent, 
and the pebbles are seen to consist throughout of 
rounded and angular fragments of granite, quartz, pri- 
Mary slate, and red sandstone ; but without any inter- 
Mixture of those volcanic rocks which now abound 
in the neighbourhood. Partial layers of lignite and 
Pieces of wood are found in these beds, but no shells ; 
à fact which probably indicates that testacea could 
Rot live where the turbid waters of a stream were 
frequently hurrying down uprooted trees, together 
With sand and pebbles, or that, if they existed, they 
Were triturated by the transported rocks. 

There are other localities on the margin of the basin 
Where quartzose grits are found, composed of white 
Sand bound together by a siliceous cement. 

Occasionally, when the grits rest on granite, as at 
Chamalieres before mentioned, and many other places, 
the Separate crystals of quartz, mica, and felspar, of 
the disintegrated granite, are bound together again by 
the Silex, so that the granite seems regenerated in a 
New and even more solid form; and thus so gradual a 
Passage may easily be traced between a crystalline 

* See book ii. chap. v. 
H 2 

148 EOCENE PERIOD. [Book 1V- 

rock and one of mechanical origin, that we can scarcely 
distinguish where one ends and the other begins. 

In the Puy de Jussat, and the neighbouring hill of 
La Roche, are white quartzose grits, cemented by 
calcareous matter, which is sometimes so abundant as 
to form imbedded nodules.: These sometimes consti- 
tute spheroidal concretions six feet in diameter, and 
pass into beds of solid limestone resembling the Italian 
travertins, or the deposits of mineral springs. 

In the hills above mentioned, we have the advan- 
tage of seeing a section continuously exposed for about 
seven hundred feet in thickness. At the bottom are 
foliated marls, white and green, about four hundred 
feet thick; and above, resting on the marls, are the 
quartzose grits before mentioned, with the associated 
travertins. This section is close to the confines of the 
basin; so that the lake must here have been filled up 
near the shore with fine mud, before the coarse super- 
incumbent sand was introduced. There are other 
cases where sand is seen below the marl. 

1. b. Red marl and sandstone. — But the most re- 
markable of the arenaceous groups is one of red sand- 
stone and red marl, which are identical in all their 
characters with the secondary new red sandstone and 
marl of England. In these secondary rocks, the red 
ground is sometimes variegated with light greenish 
spots, and the same may be seen in the tertiary form- 
ation of freshwater origin at Coudes, on the Allier- 
The marls are sometimes of a purplish-red colour, as 
at Champheix, and are accompanied by a reddish lime- 
stone like the well-known “ cornstone,” which is asso- 
ciated with the old red sandstone of English geologists- 
The red sandstone and marl of Auvergne have evi- 
dently been derived from the degradation of gneiss 


and mica-schist, which are seen én situ on the adjoin- 
ing hills, decomposing into a soil very similar to the 
tertiary red sand and marl. We also find pebbles of 
SNeiss, mica-schist, and quartz, in the coarser sand- 
Stones of this group, clearly pointing to the parent 
rocks from which the sand and marl were derived. 

he red beds, although destitute themselves of organic 
remains, pass upwards into strata containing Eocene 
ossils, and are certainly an integral part of the lacus- 
trine formation. 

2. Green and white foliated marls.— A great portion 
of what we term clay in ordinary language consists of 
the same materials as sand, but the component parts 
are in a finer state of subdivision. The same primary 
rocks, therefore, of Auvergne which, by the partial 

gradation of their harder parts, gave rise to the 
Wartzose grits and conglomerates before mentioned, 
Would, by the reduction of the same materials into 
Powder, and by the decomposition of their felspar, 
Mica, and hornblende, produce aluminous clay ; and, if 
à sufficient quantity of carbonate of lime was present, 
Calcareous marl. This fine sediment would naturally 
be Carried out to a greater distance from the shore, as 
are the various finer marls now deposited in Lake 
Uperior.* And, as in the American lake, shingle and 
Sand are annually amassed near the northern shores, 
Šo in Auvergne the grits and conglomerates before 
Mentioned were evidently formed near the borders. 
_ The entire thickness of these marls is unknown; but 
it certainly exceeds, in some places, seven hundred 
eet. They are for the most part either light-green 
% white, and usually calcareous. They are thinly 

* See Vol. I. p. 344. 
H 3 


foliated, —a character which frequently arises from the 
innumerable thin plates or scales of that small animal 
called Cypris; a genus which comprises several species; 
of which some are recent, and may be seen swimming 
swiftly through the waters of our stagnant pools and 
ditches. The antennæ, at the end of which are fine 

Cypris unifasciata, a living species, greatly Cypris vidua, a living species 
magnified. greatly magnified.* 

a. Upper part. 6. Side view of the same. 

pencils of hair, are the principal organs for swimming; 
and are moved with great rapidity. This animal re- 
sides within two small valves not unlike those of a 
bivalve shell, and moults its integuments annually, 
which the conchiferous mollusks do not. This cir- 
cumstance may partly explain the countless myriads 
of the shells of cypris which were shed in the Eocene 
lakes, so as to give rise to divisions in the marl as thin 
as paper, and that too in stratified masses several 
hundred feet thick. A more convincing proof of the 
tranquillity and clearness of the waters, and of the 
slow and gradual process by which the lake was filled 
up with fine mud, cannot be desired. But we may 

* See Desmarest’s Crustacea, plate 55 


easily suppose that, while this fine sediment was 
thrown down in the deep and central parts of the 
basin, gravel, sand, and rocky fragments were hurried 
into the lake near the shore, and formed the group 
described in the preceding section. 

Not far from Clermont, the green marls, containing 
the cypris in abundance, approach to within a few yards 

\ ie 147. 


Vertical strata of marl near Clermont. 

i ; 

A. Granite. B. Space of sixty feet, in which no section is seen. 
C. Green marl, vertical and inclined. D. White marl. 

of the granite which forms the borders of the basin. 
The annexed section occurs at Champradelle, in a 
Small ravine north of La petite Baraque, and above 
the bridge. . 

The occurrence of these marls so near the ancient 
Margin may be explained by considering that, at the 
bottom of the ancient lake, no coarse ingredients were 
deposited ‘in spaces intermediate between the points 
Where rivers and torrents entered, but finer mud only 
Was drifted there by currents. The verticality of some 
of the beds in the above section bears testimony to 
Considerable local disturbance subsequent to the de- 
Position of the marls; but such inclined and vertical 
Strata are very rare. 

3. Limestone, travertin, oolite. — Both the preceding 
Members of the lacustrine deposit, the marls and grits, 

H 4 


pass occasionally into limestone. Sometimes only 
concretionary nodules abound in them ; but these, 
where there is an increase in the quantity of cal- 
careous matter, unite, as already noticed (p- 148.), into 
regular beds. Fe 

On each side of the basin of the Limagne, both on 
the west at Gannat, and on the east at Vichy, a white 
oolitic limestone is quarried. At Vichy, the. oolite 
resembles our Bath stone in appearance and beauty; 
and, like it, is soft when first taken from the quarry; 
but soon hardens on exposure to the air. At Gannat, 
the stone contains land-shells and bones of quadru- 
peds, resembling those of the Paris gypsum. In 
several places in the neighbourhood of Gannat, at 
Marculot among others, this stone is divided by layers 
of clay. | 

At Chadrat, in the hill of La Serre, the limestone is 
pisolitic, and in this and other respects resembles the 
travertin of Tivoli. It presents the same combination 
of a radiated and concentric structure, and the coats 
of the different spheroids have the same undulating 

Indusial limestone. — There is another remarkable 
form of freshwater limestone in Auvergne, called 
« indusial,” from the Cases, or indusi@, of the larvee of 
Phryganea, great heaps of which have been incrusted, 
as they lay, by carbonate of lime, and formed into a 
hard travertin. Several beds of this rock, either in 
continuous masses, or in Concretionary nodules, are 
seen superimposed one upon another, with layers of 
marl interposed. We may often observe in our ponds 
some of the living species of this kind of insect, covered 

* See Fig. 12. Vol. I. p. 323, 


with small freshwater shells, which they have the 

Power of fixing to the outside of their tubular cases, in 
order, probably, to give them weight and strength. 

Fig. 148. The individual figured in 

the annexed cut, which be- 

longs to a species very abun- 

dant in England, has hap- 

Eee pened to cover its case 

Larva of recent Phryganea. * with shells of a small Plan- 

orbis. In the same manner a large species which 

‘warmed in the Eocene lakes of Auvergne was accus- 

tomed to attach to its dwelling the shells of a small 

Spiral univalve of the genus Paludina. A hundred of 

these minute shells are sometimes seen arranged 

around one tube, part of the central cavity of which is 

often empty, the rest being filled up with thin concen- 

tric layers of travertin. The cases have been thrown 

together confusedly, and often lie, as in Fig. 149., at 
"ight angles one to the other. When we consider 
that ten or twelve tubes are packed within the com- 
Pass of a cubic inch, and that some single strata of this 
Mestone are six feet thick, and may be traced over a 

a. Indusial limestone of Auvergne. 
6. Fossil Paludina magnified. 

* S . o . . 
a I believe that the British specimen here figured is P. rhom- 
ica, Linn. 

H 5 

~ 7 


considerable area, we may form some idea of the count- 
less number of insects and mollusca which contributed 
their integuments and shells to compose this singularly 
constructed rock. It is unnecessary to suppose that 
the Phryganee lived on the spots where their cases 
are now found; they may have multiplied in the shal- 
lows near the margin of the lake, or in the streams by 
which it was fed, and their buoyant cases may have 
been drifted by a current far into the deep water.* 
The calcareous strata of the Limagne, like the other 
members of this lacustrine formation, are for the most 
part horizontal, or inclined at a very slight angle, but 
instances of local dislocation are sometimes observable. 
At the town of Vichy, for example, in an ancient 
quarry behind the convent of Celestines, the strata 
dip at an angle of between thirty and forty degrees; 
and near the hot spring at the same place, the beds 
of limestone are seen, in one part of the section, in- 
clined at an angle of eighty degrees, and in another 
vertical. : 
4. Gypseous marls.— More than fifty feet of thinly 
laminated gypseous marls, exactly resembling those in 
the hill of Montmartre, at Paris, are worked for gypsum 
at St. Romain, on the right bank of the Allier. They 
rest on a series of green cypriferous marls which 
alternate with grit, the united thickness of this inferior 
group being seen, in a vertical section on the banks of 
the river, to exceed 250 feet, 
General arrangement and origin of the freshwater 
formations of Auvergne.— The relations of the different 
groups above described cannot be learnt by the study 

* For remarks on the floating of empty land shells by rivers, 
see above, p. 33., and Vol. ITI. p. 360, 


of any one section, and the geologist who sets out with 
the expectation of finding a fixed order of succession 
May perhaps complain that the different parts of the 
asin give contradictory results. The arenaceous 
division (i. p-146.), the marls (2. p. 149.), and the 
limestone (3. p. 151.), may all be seen in some places 
to alternate with each other ; yet it can by no means 
be affirmed that there is no order of arrangement. The 
Sands, sandstone, and conglomerate, constitute in ge- 
Neral a littoral group; the foliated white and green 
Marls, a contemporaneous central deposit; and the 
limestone is for the most part subordinate to the 
Newer portions of both. The uppermost marls and 
Sands are rnore calcareous than the lower; and we 
Never meet with calcareous rocks covered by a con- 
Siderable thickness of quartzose sand or green marl. 
From the resemblance of the Eocene limestones of 
Auvergne to the Italian travertins, we may conclude 
that they were derived from the waters of mineral 
Springs, — such springs as now exist in Auvergne, and 
Which, rising up through the granite, precipitate tra- 
Vertin. They are sometimes thermal, but this cha- 
Tacter is by no means constant. 

It seems that, when the ancient lake of the Li- 
Magne first began to be filled with sediment, no vol- 
Canic action had yet produced lava and scoriz on any 
Part of the surface of Auvergne. No pebbles, there- 
fore, of lava were transported into the lake, — no 
fragments of volcanic rocks imbedded in the conglo- 
merate. But at a later period, when a considerable 
thickness of sandstone and marl had accumulated, 
eruptions broke out, and lava and tuff were deposited, 
at some spots, alternately with the lacustrine strata. 
Proofs of this will be given in the 19th chapter. It is 

H 6 

156 EOCENE PERIOD. [Book 1V- 

not improbable that cold and thermal springs, holding 
different mineral ingredients in solution, became more 
numerous during the successive convulsions attending 
this development of volcanic agency, and thus deposits 
of carbonate and sulphate of lime, silex, and other 
minerals were produced. Hence these minerals pre- 
dominate in the uppermost strata. The subterranean 
movements may then have continued until they altered 
the relative levels of the country, and caused the waters 
of the lakes to be drained off, and the farther accumu- 
lation of regular freshwater strata to cease. The oc- 
currence of these convulsions anterior to the Miocene 
epoch, and their continuance during a succession 0 
after-ages, may explain why no freshwater formations 
more recent than the Eocene are now found in this 

We may easily conceive a similar series of events 
to give rise to analogous results in any modern basin, 
such as that of Lake’ Superior, for example, where 
numerous rivers and torrents are carrying down the 
detritus of a chain of mountains into the lake. The 
transported materials must be arranged according to 
their size and weight, the coarser near the shore, the 
finer at a greater distance from land; but in the 
gravelly and sandy beds of Lake Superior no pebbles 
of modern volcanic rocks can be included, since there 
are none of these at present in the district. If igneous 
action should break out in that country and produce 
Java, scoriz, and thermal springs, the deposition of 
gravel, sand, and marl might still continue as before; 
but in addition, there would then be an intermixture 
of volcanic gravel and tuff, and of rocks precipitated 
from the waters of mineral springs. 

Although the freshwater strata of the Limagne ap- 


Proach generally to a horizontal position, the proofs of 
local disturbance are sufficiently numerous and violent 
to allow us to suppose great changes of level since the 

Ocene period. We are unable to assign a northern 
darrier to the ancient lake, although we can still trace 
its limits to the east, west, and south, where they were 
formed of bold granitic eminences. But we need not 

© surprised at our inability to restore the physical 
Seography of the country after so great a series of 
volcanic eruptions ; for it is by no means improbable 
that one part of it may have been moved upwards 
bodily, while others remained at rest, or even suffered 
à movement of depression. 

Puy en Velay.—In the department of the Haute 
Loire, a freshwater formation, very analogous to that 
= Auvergne, is situated in the basin of the Loire, and 
'S exposed in the valley in which stands the town of 

e Puy. Since the deposition of the lacustrine strata, 
there have been so many volcanic eruptions in this 
“ountry, and such immense quantities of lava and 
‘coria have been poured out upon the surface, that 
the aqueous rocks are almost buried and concealed. 

ut we are indebted to the researches of M. Bertrand 
de Doue, for having distinctly ascertained the succes- 
‘ton of strata, and I have myself had opportunities of 
Verifying his observations during a visit to Le Puy. 

th this basin we find, as in Auvergne, two great 
Visions, consisting of grits and marls; the former 
composed of quartzose grit, in some places resembling 
Stanite, and of reddish and mottled sands and conglo- 
Merates, All these were evidently derived from the 
degradation of granitic rocks, and are very like the 
drenaceous group of the Limagne before described. 
hey are almost confined to the borders of the basin, 

1638 EOCENE PERIOD. [Book IV. 

and were evidently a littoral deposit. The othe! 
member of the formation, the maris, are more or less 
calcareous, and are associated with limestone and 
gypsum, which last exactly resembles that of Paris, 
and is worked for agricultural uses. 

The analogy in the mineral charater of the Velay 
and Paris basins is rendered more complete by the 
presence in both of silex in regular beds. In the 
limestone I found gyrogonites, or seeds of the Chara 
of the same species as those most common in the 
Paris basin; and M. Bertrand de Doue has discovered 
the bones of several mammiferous animals of the same 
genera as those which characterize the basins of Au- 
vergne and Paris.* The species of shells also of this 
formation are the same as those of Eocene formations 
in other parts of France. 

The sand and conglomerate of the freshwater basi? 
of Velay are entirely free from volcanic pebbles, agree- 
ing in this respect with the analogous group of the 
Limagne; but the fact is the more striking in Velay» 
because the masses of trachyte, clinkstone, and other 
igneous rocks now abounding in that country, have an 
aspect of very high antiquity, and constitute a most 
prominent feature in the geological structure of the 
district. Yet the non-intermixture of volcanic pro- 
ducts with the lacustrine sediment, is just what we 
should expect when we have ascertained that the im- 
bedded organic remains of those strata are Eocene; 
whereas the lavas belong in part, if not entirely, to the 
Miocene period.+ 

Cantal. — Near Aurillac, in Cantal, another series 
of freshwater strata occurs, which resembles, in mi- 

* Descrip. Géognos. des Env. du Puy en Velay, 1823. 
+ See p. 136., and chap. xix. 


neral character and organic remains, those of Auvergne 
and Velay already described. The leading feature of 
this group, as distinguished from the two former, is 
the immense abundance of silex associated with the 
calcareous marls and limestone, which last constitute, 
like the limestone of Auvergne, an upper member of 
the freshwater series. l 
The formations of the Cantal may be divided into 
two groups, the lower composed of gravel, sand, and 
clay, such as might have been derived from the wear- 
ng down and decomposition of the granitic schists of 
the Surrounding country ; the upper system, consisting 
of siliceous and calcareous marls, contains subordin- 
ately gypsum, silex, and limestone — deposits such as 
the waters of springs charged with carbonate and sul- 
Phate of lime, and with silica, may have produced. 
Freshwater limestone and Jlints resembling chalk. — 
-0 the English geologist, the most interesting feature 
‘NX the Cantal is the resemblance of the freshwater 
limestone, and its accompanying flint, to our upper 
Chalk ; a resemblance which (like that of the red sand- 
Stone of Auvergne to our secondary “ new red”) is 
the more important, as being calculated to put the 
Student upon his guard against relying too implicitly 
0n lithological characters as tests of the relative ages 
frocks. When we approach Aurillac from the west, 
We pass over great heathy plains, where the sterile 
Mica-schist is barely covered with vegetation. Near 
trac, and between La Capelle and Viscamp, we find 
the Surface strewed over with loose broken flints, some 
of them black in the interior, but with a white externa! 
Coatings; others stained with tints of yellow and red, 
‘nd in appearance precisely like the flint gravel of our 
chalk districts. When heaps of this gravel have thus 

160 a EOCENE PERIOD. [Book IV: 

announced our approach to a new formation, we arrivé 
at length at the escarpment of the lacustrine beds. At 
the bottom of the hill which rises before us, we see 
strata of clay and sand resting on mica-schist ; and 
above, in the quarries of Belbet, Leybros, and Bruel, 
a white limestone, in horizontal strata, the surface of 
which has been hollowed out into irregular furrows 
since filled up with broken flint, marl, and dark vege 
table mould. In these cavities we recognize an exact 
Counterpart to those which are so numerous on the 
furrowed surface of our own white chalk. Advancing 
from these quarries, along a road made of the white 
limestone, which reflects as glaring a light in the sun, 
as do our roads composed of chalk, we reach, at length, 
in the neighbourhood of Aurillac, hills of limestone and 
calcareous marl, in horizontal Strata, separated in some 
places by regular layers of flint in nodules, the coat- 
ing of each nodule being of an Opaque white colou!; 
like the exterior of the flinty nodules of our chalk. 
This hard white substance has been ascertained i” 
England to consist, in some instances, wholly of sili- 
ceous matter, and sometiines to contain a small admix- 
ture of carbonate of lime*, and the analysis of the 
similar rocks in the Cantal would probably give the 
same results. The Aurillac flints have precisely the 
appearance of having separated from their matrix after 
the siliceous and calcareous matter had been blended 
together. The calcareous marl sometimes occupies 
small sinuous cavities in the flint ; and the siliceous 
nodule, when detached, is often as irregular in form as 
those found in our chalk. 

ze Phillips, Geol. Trans., First Series, vol. y. p. 22, — Outlines 
of Geology, p. 95. 


By what means, then, can the geologist at once 
decide that the limestone and silex of Aurillac are 
referable to an epoch entirely distinct from that of 
the English chalk? It is not by reference to position ; 
r we can merely say of the lacustrine beds, as we 
Should have been able to declare of the true chalk had 
it been present, that they overlie the granitic rocks of 
this part of France. It is from the organic remains 
only that we are able to pronounce the formation to 
elong to the Eocene tertiary period. Instead of the 
Marine Alcyonia of our cretaceous system, the silici- 
€d seed-vessels of the Chara, a plant which grows at 
the bottom of lakes, abound in the flints of Aurillac, 
oth in those which are im situ and those forming the 
Stavel. Instead of the Echini and marine testacea of 
the chalk, we find in these marls and limestones the 
shells of the Planorbis, and other lacustrine testacea, 
all of them, like the gyrogonites, agreeing specifically 
With Species of the Eocene type. . 

Proofs of the gradual deposition of marl. — Some 
ections of the foliated marls in the valley of the Cer, 
Near Aurillac, attest, in the most unequivocal manner, 

© extreme slowness with which the materials of the 
*Custrine series were amassed. In the hill of Barrat, 
x example, we find an assemblage of calcareous and 
siliceous marls, in which, for a depth of at least sixty 
“et, the layers are so thin that thirty are sometimes 
“ontained in the thickness of an inch; and when they 
“Te separated we see preserved in every one of them 
e flattened stems of Charæ, or other plants, or some- 
‘Mes myriads of small paludine and other freshwater 
shells, These minute foliations of the marl resemble 
P "ecisely some of the recent laminated beds of the 
Cotch marl lakes, and may be compared to the pages 


of a book, each containing a history of a certain period 
of the past. The different layers may be grouped 
together in beds from a foot to a foot and a half in 
thickness, which are distinguished by differences of 
composition and colour, the tints being white, greens 
and brown. Occasionally there is a parting layer of 
pure flint, or of black carbonaceous vegetable matte! 
about an inch thick, or of white pulverulent marl. 
We find several hills in the neighbourhood of Aurillac 
composed of such materials for the height of moré 
than 200 feet from their base, the whole sometimes 
covered by rocky currents of trachytic or basaltic 
lava. * 

Thus wonderfully minute are the separate parts 
of which some of the most massive geological mont- 
ments are made up! When we desire to classify 
it is necessary to contemplate entire groups of strata 
in the aggregate; but if we wish to understand 
the mode of their formation, and to explain theif 
origin, we must think only of the minute subdi- 
visions of which each mass is composed. We must 
bear in mind how many thin leaf-like seams of matte! 
each containing the remains of myriads of testace@ 
and plants, frequently enter into the composition of 4 
single stratum, and how vast a succession of these 
strata unite to form a single group! We must re- 
member also, that volcanos like the Plomb du Cantal, 
which rises in the immediate neighbourhood of Au- 
rillac, are themselves equally the result of succes 
sive accumulation, consisting of reiterated flows of 
lava and showers of scoriæ ; and I have shown, whe? 

* Lyell and Murchison, sur les Dépôts Lacust. Tertiaires 44 
Cantal, &c. Ann. des Sci. Nat., Oct. 1829. 


treating of the high antiquity of Etna, how many dis- 
tinct lava-currents and heaps of ejected substances 
are required to make up one of the numerous conical 
envelopes whereof a volcano is composed. — Lastly, 
Re Must not forget that continents and mountain- 
Chains, colossal as are their dimensions, are nothing 
more than an assemblage of many such igneous and 
aqueous groups, formed in succession during an 

por lapse of ages, and superimposed upon each 


Marine Eocene strata — Paris basin how far analogous to deposits 
of Central France — Connexion of Auvergne and Paris basin’ 
— Groups in Paris basin — Observations of M. C. Prevost— 
Contemporaneous marine and freshwater strata — Abundant? 
of Cerithia (p. 169.) — Upper marine formation — All th? 
Parisian groups Eocene — Microscopic shells (p. 17 6.)— Bon 
of quadrupeds in gypsum — Strata with and without organit 
remains alternating — Extent of our knowledge of thé 

physical geography, fauna, and flora of the Eocene period ~ 
Concluding remarks. 

THE geologist who has studied the lacustrine form- 
ations described in the last chapter cannot enter thé 
tract usually termed “the Paris Basin” without im- 
mediately recognizing a great variety of rocks witb 
which his eye has already become familiar. The green 
and white marls of Auvergne, Cantal, and Velay» 
again present themselves, together with limestones and 
quartzose grits, siliceous and gypseous marls, nodules 
and layers of flint, and saccharoid gypsum ; lastly, 1” 
addition to all this identity of mineral character, he 
finds an assemblage of the same species of fossil ani- 
mals and plants, 

When we consider the geographical proximity of 
the two districts, we are the more prepared to ascribe 
this correspondence in the mineral composition of 
these groups to a combination of similar circumstances 

Ch, Xvi PARIS BASIN. i 165 

at the same era. From the map (Fig. 144. p. 145.) in 
the last chapter, it will be seen that the united waters 
* the Alier and Loire, after descending from the 
valleys occupied by the freshwater formations of 
“ntral France, flow on till they reach the southern 
“<tremity of what is called the Paris basin. M. Oma- 
‘Us d’Halloy long ago suggested the very natural idea 
àt there existed formerly a chain of lakes, reaching 
“om the highest part of the central mountain-group 
rance, and terminating in the basin of Paris, which 
è Supposes was at that time an arm of the sea. 
: Notwithstanding the great changes which the phy- 
“ical Seography of this part of France must since have 
Pi €rgone, we may easily conceive that many of the 
Principal features in the configuration of the country 
~~ have remained unchanged, or but slightly modified. 
ills of volcanic matter have indeed been formed since 
© Eocene formations were accumulated, and the 
Svels of large tracts have been altered in relation to 
> Sea; lakes have been drained, and a gulf of the 
N turned into dry land, but many of the reciprocal 
ations of the different parts of the surface may still- 
“Main the same. The waters which flowed from the 
Sanitic heights into the Eocene lakes may now 
“Scend in the same manner through valleys once the 
“Sins of those lakes. Let us, for illustration, suppose 
the; Steat Canadian lakes, and the gulf into which 
w waters are discharged, to be elevated and laid 
"Y by subterranean movements. The whole hydro- 
“aphical basin of the St. Lawrence might be upraised 
eg these convulsions, yet that river might continue, 
1 after so extraordinary a revolution, to drain the 
© elevated regions, and might still convey its 
“ters in the same direction from the interior of the 

166 EOCENE PERIOD. [Book 1V 

continent to the Atlantic. Instead of traversing thé 
lakes, it would hold its course through deposits of 
lacustrine sand and shelly marl, such as we know to bè 
now forming in Lakes Superior and Erie; and thes? 
freshwater strata would occupy the site, and bea" 
testimony to the pristine existence of the lakes. Ma- 
rine strata may also be brought into view in the spac? 
where an inlet of the sea, like the estuary of the St. 
Lawrence, had once received the continental waters? 
and in such formations we might discover shells of 
lacustrine and fluviatile species intermingled with 
marine testacea and zoophytes. 

Subdivisions of strata in the Paris basin.— The are? 
which has been called the Paris basin is about 180 
miles in its greatest length from north-east to south- 
west, and about ninety miles from east to west. This 
space may be described as a depression in the chalk 
(see Fig. 82. Vol. IIT. p. 332.), which has been filled up 
by alternating groups of marine and freshwater strat 
MM. Cuvier and Brongniart attempted in 1811 to dis- 
tinguish five different formations, and to arrange them! 
in the following order, beginning with the lowest: — 
Plastic clay. 

First sandstone. 

1. First freshwater 
formation ..ccecccceceeceees 

2, First marine form- : 3 
Calcaire grossier. 

3. Second kad Siliceous limestone. 

formation Gypsum, with bones of animals. 

Freshwater marls. 

Gypseous marine marls. 

Upper marine sands and sandstones. 
Upper marine marls and limestones. 
g. Third freshwater Siliceous millstone, without shells. 
£ ORPA = : ° ¥ Siliceous millstone, with shells. 

a i *** | Upper freshwater marls. 

4. Second marine 


These formations were supposed to have been de- 
Posited in succession upon the chalk; and it was 
Magined that the waters of the ocean had been by 
turns admitted into and excluded from the same 
"egion. But the subsequent investigations of several 
S€ologists, especially of M. Constant Prevost *, have 
ed to great modifications in the theoretical views en- 
tertained respecting the order in which the several 
S'oups were formed ; and it now appears that the form- 
ations Nos. 1, 2, and 3. of the table of MM. Cuvier and 

Tongniart, instead of having originated one after the 
Other, are divisible into four nearly contemporaneous 

Superposition of different formations in the Paris 
asin. — A comparison of the two accompanying dia- 
8tams will show at a glance the different relations 

Fig. 150. Fig. 151. 
~ *tongniart. M. Constant Prevost. 
a k. 


J, Upper Freshwater 

4. Upper Marine 
3 Z 
Cale. Sil. ale. Gros. 

l d. Plastic Clay 

UM Chalk 

* Bulletin des Sci. de la Soc. Philom., May, 1825, p- 74 


which the several sets of strata bear to each other 
according to the original as well as the more moder? 
classification. I shall now proceed to lay before the 
reader a brief sketch of the several sets of strata re” 
ferred to in the above systems. 

Immediately upon the chalk a layer of broken chalk 
flints, often cemented into a breccia by siliceous sand 
is very commonly found. These flints probably indi- 
cate the action of the sea upon reefs of chalk when 3 
portion of that rock had emerged, and before the 
regular tertiary beds were superimposed. To this 
partial layer no reference is made in the annexed 

Plastic clay and sand. — Upon this flinty stratum; 
or, if it be wanting, upon the chalk itself, rests fre” 
quently a deposit of clay and lignite (No. 1. of the 
above tables). It includes the remains of freshwate! 
shells and drift-wood, and was, at first, regarded as 4 
proof that the Paris basin had originally been filled 
with fresh water. But it has since been shown that 
this group is not only of very partial extent, but is bY ` 
no means restricted to a fixed place in the series ; fot 
it alternates with the marine calcaire grossier (No. 2: 
of the tables), and is repeated in the very middle of 
that limestone at Veaugirard, Bagneux, and other 
places, where the same Planorbes, Paludinæ, and Lim- 
neæ occur.* M. Desnoyers pointed out to me a sec- 
tion in the suburbs of Paris, laid open in 1829, where 
a similar intercalation was seen in a still higher part 
of the calcaire grossier. These observations relieve US 
from the difficulty of seeking a cause why vegetable 
matter, and certain species of freshwater shells and 3 

* Prevost, Sur les Submersions Itératives, &c. Mém. de 12 
Soc. @Hist. Nat. de Paris, tome iy, p: 74. 


Particular kind of clay, were at first introduced into 
the basin, and why the same space was subsequently 
Usurped by the sea. A minute examination of the phe- 
nomena leads us simply to infer, that a river charged 
with argillaceous sediment entered a bay of the sea 
and drifted into it, from time to time, freshwater shells 
aad wood. 
Caleaire grossier. — The calcaire grossier above al- 
uded to, is a coarse limestone, often passing into sand, 
Such as may perhaps have been in part derived from 
© aqueous degradation of a chalk country. It con- 
ains by far the greater number of the fossil shells 
Which characterize the Paris basin. No less than 400 
istinct species have been procured from a single spot 
Near Grignon. They are imbedded in a calcareous 
Sand, chiefly formed of comminuted shells, in which, 
nevertheless, individuals in a perfect state of preserv-` 
ation, both of marine, terrestrial, and freshwater spe- 
“es, are mingled together, and were evidently trans- 
Ported from a’ distance. Some of the marine shells 
May have lived on the spot ; but the Cyclostoma and 
‘Mnea must have been brought thither by rivers and 
Currents, and the quantity of triturated shells implies 
“siderable movement in the waters. 
thing is more striking in this assemblage of 
*ssil_testacea than the great proportion of species 
~ferable to the genus Cerithium. (See fig. 152.) 
“te occur no less than one hundred and thirty-seven 
‘Pecies of this genus in the Paris basin, and almost all 
them in the calcaire grossier. Now the living tes- 
acea of this genus inhabit the sea near the mouths of 
"Wets, where the waters are brackish, so that their 
abundance in the marine strata of the Paris basin is in 

rfect harmony with the hypothesis before advanced, 
VOL. ty. I 

EOCENE PERIOD. -  pBook 1% 

Fig. 152. that a river flowed into the gulf, and gave risë 
to the beds of clay and lignite before me?” 
tioned. But there are ample data for infer- 
ring that the gulf was supplied with fresh 
water by more than one river; for while the 
calcaire grossier occupies the northern part 
of the Paris basin, another contemporaneous 
deposit, of freshwater origin, appears at the 
southern extremity. 

Calcaire siliceux.— This group (No. 3. of 
the foregoing tables) is a compact siliceo¥® 
limestone, which resembles a precipitate from 

ee pa the waters of mineral springs. It is often tra 

cinctum.* versed by small empty sinuous cavities; # 
for the most part devoid of organic remains, but in 
some places contains freshwater and. land species 
and never any marine fossils. The siliceous lime- 
stone and the calcaire grossier occupy distinct parts ® 
the basin, the one attaining its fullest development iB 
those places where the other is of slight thickness 

They also alternate with each other towards the cent"? 

of the basin, as at Sergy and Osny; and there are eves 

points where the two rocks are so blended togethet 
that portions of each may be seen in hand specimens 

Thus in the same bed, at Triel, we have the compact 

freshwater limestone, characterized by its Limne® 

mingled with the coarse marine limestone throug? 
which the small multilocular shell, called milliolite, is 
dispersed in countless numbers. These microscopi? 
testacea are also accompanied by Cerithia and other 
shells of the calcaire grossier. It is very extraordinay 
that in this instance both kinds of sediment must have 
been thrown down together on the same spot, 4” 

* This species is found also in the Paris and London pasins- 


each has still retained its own peculiar organic remains. 
his limestone was pointed out to me by M. Prevost, 
oth ôn situ at Triel, and in hand specimens in his 

These facts lead irresistibly to the conclusion, that 
While to the north, where the bay was probably open 
to the sea, a marine limestone was formed, another 

eposit of freshwater origin was introduced to the 
Southward, or at the head of the bay ; for it appears _ 
that during the Eocene period, as now, the ocean was 
to the north; and the continent, where the great lakes 
existed, to the south. From that southern region we 
may suppose a body of fresh water to have descended 
charged with carbonate of lime and silica, the water 

eing perhaps in sufficient volume to convert-the upper 
€nad of the bay into fresh water, like some of the gulfs 
of the Baltic. 

_ Gypsum and marls. — The next group to be con- 
Sidered is the gypsum, and the white and green marls, 
Subdivisions of No. 3. of the table of Cuvier and 

rongniart. These were once supposed to be entirely 
Subsequent in origin to the two groups already con- 

Sidered ; but M. Prevost has pointed out that in some 
°calities they alternate repeatedly with the calcaire 
Siliceux, and in others with some of the upper mem- 

“ts of the calcaire grossier. The gypsum, with its 
"sociated marl and limestone, is in greatest force 
towards the centre of the basin, where the two groups 

fore mentioned are less fully developed; and M. 

"evost infers, that while those two principal deposits 
Were gradually in progress, the one towards the north, 
Ad the other towards the south, a river descending 
rom the east may have brought down the gypseous 
and marly sediment. 


172 EOCENE PERIOD. [Book 1V- 

It must be admitted, as highly probable, that a bay 
or narrow sea, 180 miles in length, would receive, at 
more points than one, the waters of the adjoining 
continent ; at the same time I may observe, that if the 
gypsum and associated green and white maris of 
Montmartre were derived from a hydrographical basin 
distinct from that of the southern chain of lakes before 
adverted to, this basin must nevertheless have been 
placed under circumstances extremely similar; for the 
identity of the rocks of Velay and Auvergne with the 
freshwater group of Montmartre, is such as can scarcely 
be appreciated by geologists who have not carefully 
examined the structure of both these countries. 

Some readers may think that the view above give! 
of the arrangement of four different sets of strata iD 
the Paris basin is far more obscure and complicated 
than that first presented to them in the system of 
MM. Cuvier and Brongniart. Undoubtedly ‘the rela- 
tions of the several groups are less simple than thé 
first observers supposed, being much more analogous 
to those before described in the lacustrine deposits 
of Central France. The simultaneous deposition of 
two or more groups of strata in one basin, some of 
them freshwater and others marine, must always pro- 
duce very coraplex results; but in proportion as it ÍS 
more difficult in these cases to discover any fixed 
order of superposition in the associated mineral masses 
so also is it more easy to explain the manner of their 
origin, and to reconcile their relations to the agency of 
known causes. Instead of the successive irruptio?® 
and retreats of the sea, and changes in the chemical 
nature of the fluid and other speculations of the earliet 
geologists, we are now simply called upon to imagine 
a gulf, into one- extremity of which the sea entere% 


and at the other a large river, while other streams may 
have flowed in at different points, whereby an inde- 
finite number of alternations of marine and freshwater 
beds would be occasioned. 

Second or Upper marine group. — The next group, 
called the second or upper marine formation (No. 4. of 
the tables), consists in its lower division of green marls, 
Which alternate with the-freshwater beds of gypsum 
and marl last described. Above this division the pro- 
ducts of the sea exclusively predominate, the beds 

eing chiefly formed of micaceous and quartzose sand, 

eighty feet or more in thickness, surmounted by beds 
of sandstone, with scarcely any limestone. The sum- 
mits of a great many platforms and hills in the Paris 
basin consist of this upper marine series. 

I fully agree with M. C. Prevost that the alternation 
of the various marine and freshwater formations before 
described admit of a satisfactory explanation without 
Upposing different retreats and subsequent returns 
of the sea; yet I think that a subsidence of the soil 
Would best account for the position of these upper 
Marine sands. Oscillations of level may have oc- 
“urred, in consequence of which the sea and a river 
may have prevailed each in their turn for a time, until 
àt length, by a more considerable sinking down of part 
of the basin, a tract previously occupied by fresh 
Water was converted into a sea of moderate depth. 

Th one part of the Paris basin there are decisive 
Proofs that during the Eocene period, and before the 
UPper marine sand was formed, parts of the calcaire 
Stossier were exposed to the action of denuding 
Causes, At Valmondois, for example, a deposit of the 
“pper marine sandstone is found, in which rolled 

locks of the calcaire grossier with its peculiar fossils, 
1 3 


and fragments of a limestone resembling the calcaire 
siliceux, occur.* These calcareous boulders are rolled 
and pierced by perforating shells belonging to no less 
than fifteen distinct species. Both the blocks and 
many worn shells washed out from the calcaire gros- 
sier, are found mingled with the ordinary fossils of the 
upper marine sand. 

We have seen that the same earthquake in Cutch 
could raise one part of the delta of the Indus and 
depress another, and cause the river to cut a passage 
through the upraised strata, and carry down the mate- 
rials removed from the new channel into the sea. Al 
these changes, therefore, might happen within a short 
interval of time between the deposition of two sets of 
strata in the same delta.+ 

It is not improbable, then, that the same convul- 
sions which caused one part of the Paris basin to sink 
down, so as to let in the sea upon the area previously 
covered by gypsum and freshwater marl, may have 
lifted up the calcaire grossier and the siliceous lime- 
stone, so that they might be acted upon by the waves, 
and fragments of them swept down into the contiguous 
sea, there to be drilled by boring testacea. 

It is observed that the older marine formation at 
Laon is now raised three hundred metres or nearly 
one thousand feet above the sea, whereas the upper 
marine sands never attain half that elevation. Such 
may possibly have been the relative altitude of the 
two groups when the newest of them was deposited. 

* M. Deshayes, Mémoires de la Soc, d’Hist. Nat. de Paris 
tom. i. p. 243. The sandstone is there called, by mistake, grés 
marin inférieur, instead of supérieur, to which last the author ba$ 
since ascertained it to belong. : 

+ Vol. II, p. 194 


Third freshwater formation.— We have still to con- 
Sider another formation, the third freshwater group 
(No. 5. of the preceding tables). It consists of marls 
Interstratified with beds of flint and layers of flinty 
nodules. One set of siliceous layers is destitute of 
organic remains, the other replete with them. 

Gyrogonites, or fossil seed-vessels of charz, are 
found abundantly in these strata; and all the animal 
and vegetable remains agree well with the hypothesis, 
that after the gulf or estuary had been silted up with 
the sand of the upper marine formation, a great number 
of marshes and shallow lakes existed, like those which 
frequently overspread the newest parts of a delta. 
These Jakes were fed by rivers or springs which con- 
tained, in chemical solution or mechanical suspension, 
Such kinds of sediment ‘as we have already seen to 
have been deposited in the lakes of Central France 
during the Eocene period. 

The Parisian groups all Eocene.— Having now given 
à rapid sketch ‘of the different groups of the Paris 
basin, I may observe generally that they all belong 
to the Eocene epoch, although the entire series must 
doubtless have required an immense lapse of ages for 
its accumulation. The shells of the different fresh- 
Water groups, constituting at once some of the lowest 
and uppermost members of the series, are nearly all 
referable to the same species, and the discordance 
between the marine testacea of the calcaire grossier 
and the upper marine sands is very inconsiderable. 

A curious observation has been made by M. Des- 

ayes, in reference to the changes which one species, 
the Cardium porulosum, has undergone during the long 
Period of its existence in the Paris basin. Different 
Varieties of this cardium are characteristic of different 

` r4 


strata. In the older sand of the Soissonais (a marine 
formation underlying the regular beds of the calcaire 
grossier), this shell acquires but a small volume, and 

Fig.153. ge 


if) iOS 
3 | \ N \ S X 
Cardium porulosum. Paris and London basins. 

has many peculiarities, which disappear in the lowest 
beds of the calcaire grossier. In these the shell attains 
its full size, and many peculiarities of form, which are 
again modified in the uppermost beds of the calcaire 
grossier; and these last characters are preserved 
throughout the whole of the “ upper marine” series.* 
Miliolite limestone and microscopic shells. — In some 
parts of the calcaire grossier round Paris, certain 
‘beds occur of a stone used in building, and called by 
the French geologists miliolite limestone. It is almost 
entirely made up of millions of small shells of the size 
of minute grains of sand, which all belong to the same 
class, but are of distinct species from those found in 
the Older Pliocene beds of Italy. These minute fossil 
bodies consist of multilocular shells, which were for- 
merly referred to the order Cephalopoda, by M. 
D’Orbigny, but M. Dujardin has shown that some of 
them do certainly not belong to that order. They 
were separated by D’Orbigny from the nautilus and 
ammonite, by their having no siphon or internal tube 
connecting the different chambers, and were called by 
him Foraminifera. They are often in an excellent 

* Coquilles caractérist. des Terrains, 1831. 













er Foar A or fiq prysg PuUcpuoy 

mumo Pada = wae NT 8 xf PT RPO EE LOR AL = E PT OERE M Tay! wL 
eae dero) G {2T BR YOURLVI 4 WP NF p 

Peal Lp 






Cie VL alle SU nla 


9 Larvurru 





State of preservation, and their forms are singularly 
diferent from those of the larger testacea. 

A plate of some of these is given, from unpublished 

Tawings by M. Deshayes, who has carefully selected 

© most remarkable types of form. The natural size 
% each species figured (Plate XIII.) is indicated by 
ch minute points, that it is necessary to call atten- 
tion to them, as they might otherwise be overlooked. 

t should also be mentioned that the genus miliolite of 
' ~amarck has since been subdivided into several genera, 

“hong which are the Triloculina and Quinqueloculina 

‘gured in the plate (Pl. XIIL). 

Characteristic shells. — The species of shells figured 
the annexed plate are common in the Paris basin, 
and may be considered as characteristic of the Eocene 
Period generally. They appear as yet to be exclu- 
Sively confined to deposits of that period, and are for 
the most part abundant in them wherever they have 

ĉen attentively studied. (P1 XIV.) 

Bones of quadrupeds in gypsum.— I have already 
“Onsidered the position of the gypsum which occurs in 
the form of a saccharoid rock “in the hill of Mont- 
Martre at Paris, and other central parts of the basin. 
At the base of that hill it is seen distinctly to alternate 
With soft marly beds of the calcaire grossier, in which 
“erithia and other marine shells occur. But the great 
Mass of gypsum may be considered as a purely fresh- 
Water deposit, containing land and fluviatile shells, 
together. with fragments of palm-wood, and great 
Ambers of skeletons of quadrupeds and birds, an 
*ssemblage of organic remains which has given great 
“elebrity to the Paris basin. The bones of freshwater 
sh, also, and of crocodiles, and many land and fluvia- 
tile reptiles, occur in this rock. The skeletons of mam- 


178 EOCENE PERIOD. [Book IV.» 

malia are usually isolated, often entire, the most deli- 
cate extremities being preserved, as if the carcasses» 
clothed with their flesh and skin, had been floated 
down soon after death, and while they were still swoln 
by the gases generated by their first decomposition- 
The few accompanying shells are of those light kinds 
which frequently float on the surface of rivers together 
with wood. 

M. Prevost has therefore suggested that a river may 
have swept away the bodies of animals, and the plants 
which lived on its borders,xor in the lakes which it 
traversed, and may have carried them down into the 
centre of the gulf into which flowed the waters im- 
pregnated with sulphate of lime. We know that the 
Fiume Salso in Sicily enters the sea so charged with 
various salts that the thirsty cattle refuse to ital of 
it. A stream of sulphureous water, as white as milk, 
descends into the sea from the volcanic mountain of 
Idienne, on the east of Java; and a great body of hot 
water, charged. with sulphuric acid, rushed down from 
the same volcano on one occasion, and inundated @ 
large tract of country, destroying, by its noxious pro- 
perties, all the vegetation.* In like manner the Pu- 
sanibio, or “ Vinegar River,” of Colombia, which rises 
at the foot of Puracé, an extinct volcano, 7500 feet 
above the level of the sea, is strongly impregnated 
with sulphuric and muriatic acids, and with oxide of 
iron. We may easily suppose the waters of such 
streams to have properties noxious to marine animals, 
and in this manner the entire absence of marine re” 
mains in the ossiferous gypsum may be explained.t 

* Leyde Magaz. voor Wetensch Konst en Lett., partie Y» 
cahier i. p. 71. Cited by Rozet, Journ. de Géologie, tom. i. p, 4% 
+ M..C.. Prevost, Submersions Itératives, &c. Note 23. 


There are no pebbles or coarse sand in the gypsum ; 
à circumstance which agrees well with the hypothesis 
that these beds were precipitated from water holding 
sulphate of lime iw solution, and floating the remains 

“of different animals. The bones of land quadrupeds, 
Owever, are not confined entirely to the freshwater 
formation to which the gypsum belongs; for the re- 
Mains of a Paleotherium, together with some fresh- 
Water shells, have been found in a marine stratum be- 
nging to the calcaire grossier at Beauchamp. 

Tn the gypsum the remains of about fifty species of 
quadrupeds have been found, all extinct, and nearly 
four-fifths of them belonging to a division of the order 
Pachydermata, which is now represented by only four 
living species ; namely, three tapirs and the daman of 
the Cape. With them a few carnivorous animals are 
*Ssociated, among which are a species of fox and gen- 
Ret. Of the Rodentia, a dormouse and a squirrel; of 
the Insectivora, a bat; and of the Marsupialia (an 
rder now confined to America, Australia, and some 
“ontiguous islands), an opossum, have been discovered. 

Of birds, about ten species have been ascertained, 
the skeletons of some of which are entire. None of 
them are referable to existing species.* The same 
“emark applies to the fish, according to MM. Cuvier 
d Agassiz, as also to the reptiles. Among the last 
are crocodiles and tortoises of the genera Emys and 
Trionix. : 

The tribe of land quadrupeds most abundant in this 
formation is such as now inhabits alluvial plains and 
marshes and the banks of rivers and lakes, a class most 

* Cuvier, Oss. Foss., tom. iii. p. 255. 

1 6 


exposed to suffer by river inundations. Whether the 
disproportion of carnivorous animals can be ascribed 
to this cause, or whether they were comparatively 
small in number and dimensions, as in the indigenous 
fauna of Australia, when first known to Europeans, 18 
a point on which it would be rash, perhaps, to offer an 
opinion in the present state of our knowledge. 

We have no reason to-be surprised that all the 
species of vertebrated animals hitherto observed are 
extinct, when we recollect that out of 1122 species of 
fossil testacea obtained from the Paris basin, thirty- 
eight only can be identified with species now living: 
I have more than once adverted to the fact, that ex- 
tinct mammalia are often found associated with assem- 
blages of recent shells, a fact from which I have inferred 
the inferior duration of species of the mammalia as com- 
pared with the testacea ; and it is not improbable that 
the higher order of animals in general may more readily 
become extinct than the marine mollusca. Some of 
the thirty-eight species of testacea above alluded to; 
as having survived from the Eocene period to our ow? 
times, have now a wide geographical range, as, for ex- 
ample, Lucina divaricata*, and are therefore fitted to 
exist under a great variety of circumstances. On the 
other hand, the great proportion of the Eocene marine 
testacea which have become extinct sufficiently de- 
monstrates that the loss of species has been due t0 
general laws ; and that a sudden catastrophe, such as 
the invasion of a whole continent by the sea — a cause 
which could annihilate only the terrestrial and fresh- 

water tribes, — is an hypothesis wholly inadequate to 
account for the phenomenon, 

* See Fig. 85. Vol. III. p. 372. 


Strata with and without organic remains alternating. 
— Between the gypsum of the Paris basin and the 
Upper marine sands a thin bed of oysters is found, 
Which is spread over a remarkably wide area. From 
the manner in which they lie, it is inferred that they 
did not grow on the spot, but that some current swept 
them away from a bed of oysters formed in some other 
Part of the bay. The strata of sand which immediately 
Tepose on the oyster-bed are quite destitute of organic 
“emains ; and nothing is more common in the Paris ba- 
Sin and in other formations, than alternations of shelly 
beds with others entirely devoid of them. The tempo- 
‘ary extinction and renewal of animal life at successive 
Periods have been inferred from such phenomena, 
Which may nevertheless be explained, as M. Prevost 
justly remarks, without appealing to any such extra- 
ordinary revolutions in the state of the animate cre- 
ation, A current one day scoops out a channel in a 
bed of shelly sand and mud, and the next day, by a 
Slight alteration of its course, ceases to prey upon the 
Same bank. It may then become charged with sand 
Unmixed with shells, derived from some dune, or 
brought down by a river. In the course of ages an 
definite number of transitions from shelly strata to 
those without shells may thus be caused. 

Concluding remarks. — It will be seen by our ob- 
Servations on Auvergne and other parts of Central 
France, and-on the district round Paris, that geologists 
have already gained a considerable insight into the 
State of the physical geography of part of Europe during 
the Eocene period. We can point to some districts 
Where lakes and rivers then existed, and to the site of 
Some of the lands encircling those lakes, and to the po- 

Sition of a great bay of the sea, into which their surplus 


waters were discharged. We can also show, as I shall 
endeavour to explain in the next chapter, the points 
where some volcanic eruptions took place. Much 
information has been acquired respecting the quadru- 
peds which inhabited the land at that period, and con- 
cerning the reptiles, fishes, and testacea which swarmed 
in the waters of lakes and rivers; and we have a col- 
lection of the marine Eocene shells more complete 
than has yet been obtained from any existing sea 0 
equal extent in Europe. Nor are the contemporary 
fossil plants altogether unknown to us, which, like 
the animals, are of extinct species, and indicate 4 
warmer climate than that now prevailing in the same 

When we reflect on the tranquil state of the earth, 
implied by some of the lacustrine and marine deposits 
of this age, and consider the fulness of all the different 
classes of the animal kingdom, as deduced from the 
study of the fossil remains, we are naturally led to 
conclude, that the earth was at that period in a per- 
fectly settled state, and already fitted for the habitation 
of man. 

The heat of European latitudes during the Eocene 
period does not seem to have been superior, if equal, 
to that now experienced between the tropics; some 
living species of molluscous animals, both of the land, 
the lake, and the sea, existed when the strata of the 
Paris basin were formed; and the contrast in the of- 
ganization of the various tribes of Eocene: animals, 
when compared to those now co-existing with man, 
although striking, is not, perhaps, so great as between 
the living Australian and European types. At the 
same time, we must be fully aware that we cannot 
reason with any confidence on the capability of our 


wn, or any other contemporary species, to exist under 
“ircumstances so different as those which might be 
“aused by an entirely new distribution of land and sea; 
and we know that in the earlier tertiary periods the 
Physical geography of the northern hemisphere was 
very distinct. Our inability to account for the atmo- 
Spheric and other latent causes, which often give rise 
to the most destructive epidemics, proves the extent 
of our ignorance of the entire assemblage of conditions 

"equisite for the existence of any one species on the 



Volcanic rocks of Auvergne—Eruptions at successive periods — 
Mont Dor an extinct volcano — Velay — Plomb du Cantal, 
(p. 191.)— Train of minor volcanos stretching from Auverg?® — 
to the Vivarais — Monts Domes’— Ravines excavated throug} 
lava — Alluviums of distinct ages (p. 195.) — Age of mor? 
modern lavas of Central France — No eruption during the bis- 
torical era — Division of volcanos into ante-diluvian and post- 

' diluvian inadmissible — Theories respecting the effects of thë 
Flood considered (p. 201.) — Recapitulation. 

In treating of the lacustrine deposits of Central Francés 
in the seventeenth chapter, I omitted, in order t0 
avoid confusion, all details respecting the associated 
volcanic rocks, to which I now recall the reader’s at- 
tention. (See the Map, p. 145.) 

It was stated that, in the arenaceous and pebbly 
group of the lacustrine basins of Auvergne, Cantal, 
and Velay, no volcanic pebbles had ever been detected; 
although massive piles of igneous rocks are now found 
in the immediate vicinity. As this observation has 
been confirmed by minute research, we are warranted 
in inferrmg that the volcanic eruptions had not com 
menced when the older subdivisions of the freshwater 
groups originated. 

In Cantal and Velay no decisive proofs have yet 
been brought to light that any of the igneous out- 
bursts happened during the deposition of the fresh- 


Water strata; but there can be no doubt that in 
Auvergne some volcanic explosions took place before 
the drainage of the lakes, and at a time when the 
Ocene species of animals and plants still flourished. 
shall first advert to these proofs, as relating to the 
‘Story of the period under consideration, and shall then 
Proceed to show that there are in the same country 
Volcanic rocks of much newer date, some of which 
*Ppear to be referable to the Miocene era. 

Volcanic rocks associated with lacustrine in Au- 
terne, — The first locality to which I shall call the 
Teader’s attention is Pont du Chateau, near Clermont, 
Which spot, as well as others in Auvergne, mentioned 
N this chapter, I examined, with Mr. Murchison, in 

828. The section is seen in a precipice on the right 
ank of the river Allier. Here beds of volcanic tuff 
“ternate with a freshwater limestone, which is in some 
ces pure, but in others spotted with fragments of 
Volcanic matter, as if it were deposited while showers 

Sand and scoriæ were projected from a neighbouring 
Yent.* This limestone contains the Helix Ramondi 
“hd other shells of Eocene species. It is immaterial 
0 the present argument whether the volcanic sand was 
‘howered down from above, or drifted to the spot by a 
Wer; for the latter opinion must presuppose the 
ntry to have been covered with volcanic ejections 
Wing the Eocene period. 

Another example occurs in the Puy de Marmont, 
ĉar Veyres, where a freshwater marl alternates with 
volcanic tuff containing Eocene shells. The tuff or 
D in this locality is precisely such as is known to 

Sult from volcanic ashes falling into water, and sub- 

* See Scrope’s Central France, p. 21. 


siding together with ejected fragments of marl and 
other stratified rocks. These tuffs and marls are highly 
inclined, and traversed by a thick vein of basalt, which, 
as it rises in the hill, divides into two branches. 

_ Gergovia.— The hill of Gergovia, near Clermont, 
affords a third example. I agree with MM. Dufrénoy 
and Jobert that there is no alternation here of lav@ 
and freshwater strata, in the manner supposed by some 
other observers *; but the position and contents 0 
some of the tuffs prove them to have been derived 
from volcanic eruptions which occurred during thé 
deposition of the Eocene formations. 

The bottom of the hill consists of slightly inclined 
beds of white and greenish marls, more than thre 
hundred feet in thickness, intersected by a dike of 
basalt, which may be studied in the ravine above thé 
village of Merdogne. The dike here cuts through the 

marly strata at a considerable angle, preducing, ™ 
general, great alteration and confusion in them fo! 

Fig. 154, 
bokal e Pit iste? ah 


Feet e . p 
Z Limest? & Peéperinn 
eee ona 

Hill of Gergovia. 

* See Scrope’s Central France, p. 7. 


“ome distance from the point of contact. Above the 
White and green marls, a series of beds of limestone 
ad marl, containing freshwater shells, are seen to 
âlternate with volcanic tuff. In the lowest part of 
S division, beds of pure marl alternate with compact 
Ssile tuff, resembling some of the subaqueous tuffs of 
taly and Sicily called peperinos. Occasionally frag- 
Ments of scoriz are visible in this rock. Still higher 
S seen another group of some thickness, consisting 
*Xclusively of tuff, upon which lie other marly strata 
‘termixed with volcanic matter. 
here are many points in Auvergne where igneous 
"ocks have been forced by subsequent injection through 
“lays and marly limestones, in such a manner that the 
Vhoie has become blended in one confused and brec- 
“ated mass, between which and the basalt there is 
‘metimes no very distinct line of demarcation. In 
© cavities of such mixed rocks we often find calce- 
y, and crystals of mesotype, stilbite, and arragonite. 
0 formations of this class may belong some of the 
"eccias immediately adjoining the dike in the hill of 
“€eovia; but it cannot be contended that the vol- 
“tic sand and scoriæ interstratified with the marls 
“hd limestones in the upper part of that hill were in- 
troduced, like the dike, subsequently, by intrusion from 
elow.. They must have been thrown down like sedi- 
ment from water, and can only have resulted from 
'8neous action, which was going on contemporaneously 
With the deposition of the lacustrine strata. 
The reader will bear in mind that this conclusion 
grees well with the proofs, adverted to in the seven- 
fenth chapter, of the abundance of silex, travertin, 
“nd gypsum precipitated when the upper lacustrine 


strata were formed; for these rocks are such as the w4” 
ters of mineral and thermal springs might generate. 

The igneous products above mentioned, as ass0- 
ciated with the lacustrine strata, form the lowest 
members of the great series of volcanic rocks ° 
Auvergne, Cantal, and Velay, which repose for the most 
part on the granitic mountains (see Map, p. 145.) 
There was evidently a long succession of eruption® 
beginning with those of the Eocene period, and ending 
so far as can yet be inferred from the evidence 4e- 
rived from fossil remains, with those of the Miocene 
epoch. The oldest part of the two principal volcani? 
masses of Mont Dor and the Plomb du Cantal may 
perhaps belong to the Eocene period, — the new 
portion of the same mountains to the Miocene; just 
as Etna commenced its operations during the New 
Pliocene era, and has continued them down to thé 
Recent epoch, and still retains its energy undiminished 
There are some parts of the Mont Mezen, in Velaj 
which are perhaps of the same antiquity as the oldest 
parts of Mont Dor. 

Besides these ancient rocks, of which the lavas at@ 
in a great measure trachytic, there are many mino! 
cones in Central France, for the most part of poste 
rior origin, which extend from Auvergne, in a directio” 
north-west and south-east, through Velay, into the 
Vivarais, where they are seen in the basin of th? 
Ardéche... This: voleanic.line does not pass by the 
Plomb du Cantal; it was formed, as nearly as can be 
conjectured in the present imperfect state of 0U" 
knowledge, during the Miocene period; but theré 
may probably be found, among these cones and the! 
accompanying lavas, rocks of every intermediate 48° 

Ch Ixy MONT DOR. _ 189 

between the oldest and newest volcanic formations of 
€ntral France. 

l shall first give a brief description of the Mont Dor 

Md the Plomb du Cantal, and then pass on to the train 
ML newer cones, examining the evidence at present 
tained respecting their relative ages, and the light 
Which they throw on the successive formation of allu- 
“tums and on the excavation of valleys. 

ont Dor. — Mont Dor, the most conspicuous of 
© volcanic masses of Auvergne, rests immediately on 
© granitic rocks standing apart from the freshwater 
Strata. x This volcano rises suddenly to the height of 
Several thousand feet above the surrounding platform, 
nd retains the shape of a flattened and somewhat irre- 
Sular cone, all the sides sloping more or less rapidly, 
"Mtil their inclination is gradually lost in the high 
Plain around. This cone is composed of layers of sco- 
mi pumice-stones, and their fine detritus, with inter- 
sed beds of trachyte and basalt, which descend often 
ù uninterrupted currents, till they reach and spread 
‘emselves round the base of the mountain.- Con- 
Slomerates also, composed of angular and rounded 
"agments of igneous rocks, are observed to alternate 
With the above; and the various masses are seen to 
'P off from the central axis, and to lie parallel to the 
; ping flanks of the great cone, in the manner I have 
described when treating of Etna. 
The summit of the mountain terminates in seven or 
“ight rocky peaks, where no regular crater can now 
è traced, but where we may easily imagine one to 
ave existed, which may have been shattered by earth- | 
Wakes, and have suffered degradation by aqueous 
* See the Map, p. 145. 
+ Scrope’s Central France, p. 98. 


agents. Originally, perhaps, like the highest crater of 
Etna, it may have formed an insignificant feature = 
the great pile, and may frequently have been destroy® 
and renovated. 

We cannot at present determine the age of the 
great mass of Mont Dor, because no organic remall® 
have yet been found in the tuffs, except impressions 
of the leaves of trees of species not determine®™ 
Some of the lowest parts of the mountain are formé 
of white pumiceous tuffs, in which animal remains maY 
perhaps be one day found. In the mean time, we may 
conclude that Mont Dor had no existence when the 
grits and conglomerates of the Limagne, which conta” 
no volcanic materials, were formed; but some of thé 
earliest eruptions were, perhaps, contemporary with 
those described in the commencement of this chapter” 
To the latest of these eruptions, on the other hand; 
refer those trachytic breccias of Mont Perrier which 
were shown in the sixteenth chapter (p. 134.) © 
alternate with Miocene alluviums. 

Velay. — The observations of M. Bertrand de Dov® 
have not yet established that any of the most ancie”t 
volcanos of Velay were in action during the Eocen? 
period, although it is very probable that some of the™ 
may have been contemporaneous with the oldest of tP? 
Auvergne lavas. There are beds of gravel in Velay 
as in Auvergne, covered by lava at different height’ 
above the channels of the existing rivers. In the high 
est and most ancient of these alluviums the pebbles 
are exclusively of granitic rocks; but in the newe” 
which are found at lower levels, they contain an inte™ 
mixture of volcanic substances. Ihave already show 
in the sixteenth chapter, that, in the volcanic ejection’ 
and alluviums covered by the lavas of Velay, the bones 

Ch, XIx.] PLOMB DU CANTAL  ” 191 

f animals of Miocene species have been found, in 
Which respect the phenomena accord perfectly with 
those of Auvergne. i 
_ Plomb du Cantal. — In regard to the age of the 
'Sneous rocks of the Cantal we are still less informed, 
and at present can merely affirm, that they overlie the 
Ocene lacustrine strata of that country. (See Map, 
p. 145.) They form a great dome-shaped mass, which 
3S evidently been accumulated, like the cone of Etna, 
Uting a long series of eruptions. It is composed of 
"achytic, phonolitic, and basaltic lavas, tuffs, and con- 
8 %Merates, or breccias, forming a mountain several thou- 
Sand feet in height. Dikes also of phonolite, trachyte, 
“nd basalt are numerous, especially in the neighbour- 
lood of the large cavity, probably once a crater, around 
Which the loftiest summits of the Cantal are ranged 
circularly, few of them, except the Plomb du Cantal, 
"Ising far above the border or ridge of this supposed 
“Tater, A pyramidal hill, called the Puy Griou, occu: 
Pies the middle of the cavity.* It is evident that the 
volcano of the Cantal broke out precisely on the site 
f the lacustrine deposit before described (Chapter 
D, which had accumulated in a depression of a 
tract composed of micaceous schist. In the breccias, 
ven to the very summit of the mountain, we find 
ejected masses of the freshwater beds, and sometimes 
“agments of flint, containing Eocene shells. Valleys 
“adiate in all directions from the central heights of the 
ountain, increasing in size as they recede from those 
‘eights. Those of the Cer and Jourdanne, which are 
Nore than twenty miles in length, are of great depth, 
“nd lay open the geological structure of the mountain. 

* Mém. de la Soc. Géol. de France, tom. i. p. 175. 

No alternation of lavas with undisturbed Eocene strata 
has been observed, nor any tuffs containing freshwater 
shells, although some of these tuffs include fossil T° 
mains of terrestrial plants said to imply several distinct 
restorations of the vegetation of the mountain in the 
intervals between great periods of eruption. On the 
northern side of the Plomb du Cantal, at La Vissier® 
near Murat, is a spot, pointed out on the Map (p- 145-)) 
where freshwater limestone and marl are seen covet? 
by a thickness of about eight hundred feet of volcanic 
rock. Shifts are here seen in the strata of limesto®? 
and marl.* 

Although it appears that the lavas of the Cantal at? 
more recent than the freshwater formation of that 
country, it does not follow that they may not belong 
to the Eocene period. The lake may possibly hav? 

been drained by the earthquakes which preceded o 
accompanied the first erùptions, but the Eocene apl 
mals and plants may have continued to exist for a 1088 
series of ages, while the cone went on increasing in 


Train of minor volcanos. —I shall next consid 
those minor volcanos, before alluded to, which stret¢ 
in a long range from Auvergne to the Vivarais, a? 
which appear for the most part to be of newer origi" 
than the mountains above described. These volcan?’ 
were faithfully described, so early as the year 1802 
by M. de Montlosier.t They have been thrown up in 
a great number of isolated points, and much resemblé 
those scattered over the Phlegrzean fields and the flanks 
of Etna. They have given rise chiefly to currents ° 


* See Lyell and Murchison, Ann. des Sci. Nat., Oct. 1829. 
+ Théorie des Volc, d’ Auvergne. — Clermont, An X. 


basaltic lava, whereas those of Mont Dor and the 
Cantal are in great part trachytic. There are perhaps 
about 300 of these minor cones in Central France; but 
à part of them only occur in Auvergne, where some 
wW are found at the bottom of valleys excavated 
through the more ancient lavas of Mont Dor, as the 

uy de Tartaret, for example, whence issues a current 
of lava which, flowing into the bed of the river Couze, 
Save rise to the lake of Chambon. Here the more 
{cient columnar basalts of Auvergne are seen form- 
Ng the upper portion of the precipices which bound 
the valley. 

But the greater part of the minor cones of Auvergne 
àre placed upon the granitic platform, where they 
orm an irregular ridge, about eighteen miles in length 
id two in breadth. They are usually truncated at 
the summit, where the crater is often preserved entire, 
the lava having issued from the base of the hill. But 
equently the crater is broken down on one side, 
Where the lava has flowed out. The hills are composed 
of loose scoriæ, blocks of lava, lapilli, and puzzuolana, 
With fragments of trachyte and granite. 

The lavas may be often traced from the crater to 
the nearest valley, where they usurp the channel of 
the river, which has often excavated a deep ravine 
through the basalt. We have thus an opportunity of 
Contrasting the enormous degradation which the solid 
and massive rock has suffered by aqueous erosion, and 
the integrity of the cone of sand and ashes which has, 
n the mean time, remained uninjured on the neigh- 

uring platform, where it was placed beyond the reach 
of the power of running water. 

Puy de Céme.—The Puy de Côme and its lava cur- 
"ent, near Clermont, may be mentioned as one of the 

VOL, Iv. K 

194 i EOCENE PERIOD. [Book IV- 

numerous illustrations of the phenomenon here alluded 
to.* This conical hill rises from the granitic platform 
at an angle of about 40°, to the height of more tha? 
900 feet. Its summit presents two distinct crater 
one of them with a vertical depth of 250 feet. 
stream of lava takes its rise at the western base of the 
hill, instead of issuing from either crater, and descends 
the granitic slope towards the present site of the 
town of Pont Gibaud. Thence it pours in a broa 
Sheet down a steep declivity into the valley of thé 
Sioule, filling the ancient river-channel for the distanc? 
of more than a mile. The Sioule, thus dispossessed 0 
its bed, has worked out a fresh one between the lav? 
and the granite of its western bank; and the excav® 
tion has disclosed, in one spot, a wall of columna" 
basalt about 50 feet high.+ : 

The excavation of the ravine is still in progress 
every winter some columns of basalt being undermined 
and carried down the channel of the river, and in the 
course of a few miles rolled to sand and pebbles 
Meanwhile the cone of Côme remains stationary, if 
loose materials being protected by a dense vegetatio™ 
and the hill standing on a ridge not commanded by 
any higher ground whence floods of rain-water may 

Puy Rouge. —At another point, farther down the 
course of the Sioule, we find a second illustration of 
the same phenomenon in the Puy Rouge, a conical hill 
to the north of the village of Pranal. The cone ís 
composed entirely of red and black scoriæ, tuff, and 
volcanic bombs. On its western side there is a worn“ 

* Montlosier, Théorie des Volc: d’ Auvergne, ch. ii. 
+ Scrope’s Central France, p. 60., and plate. 


down crater, whence a powerful stream of lava has 
‘sued, and flowed into the valley of the Sioule. The 
“Wer has since excavated a ravine through the lava 
‘nd subjacent gneiss, to the depth of 400 feet. 

_On the upper part of the precipice forming the left 
Side of this ravine, we see a great mass of black and 
"ed scoriaceous lava; below this a thin bed of gravel, 
“vidently an ancient river-bed, now at an elevation of 
fifty feet above the channel of the Sioule. The gravel 
ain rests upon gneiss, which has been eroded to the 

pth of 50 feet.* It is quite evident in this case, 
that, while the basalt was gradually undermined and 

“arried away by the force of running water, the cone 
Whence the lava issued escaped destruction, because it 
stood upon a platform of gneiss several hundred feet 
bove the level of the valley in which the force of 
“inning water was exerted. 28 

It is needless to multiply examples, or the Vivarais 

Would supply many others equally striking. Among 
Many I may instance the cone of Jaujac, and its lava 
Current, which is a counterpart of that near Pranal 
ast mentioned.+ — 

Lavas and alluviums of different ages. —We have 
‘een that on the flanks of Etna, since the commence- . 
‘tent of the present century, several currents of lava 

ave flowed at the bottom of the Val del Bove, at the 

t of precipices formed of more ancient lavas and 
tuffs, So we find in Auvergne that some streams of 
melted matter have flowed in valleys, the sides of 
Which consist partly of older lavas. These are often 


Ra; See Lyell and Murchison on the Excavation of Valleys, 

- New Phil. Journ., July, 1829. 
Scrope’s Central France, plate 14. 


196 EOCENE PERIOD, © [Book IV. 

seen capping the hills in broad sheets, resting some 
times on granite, sometimes on freshwater strata- 

Many of the earlier lavas of Auvergne flowed out 
upon the platform of granite before all the existing 
valleys had been excavated; others again spread them- 
selves in broad sheets over the horizontal lacustri2é 
deposit, when these had been covered with gravel 
probably soon after the drainage of the lakes. Grea! 
vicissitudes in the physical geography of the count!Y 
must have taken place since the flowing of these a 
cient lavas ; and it is evident that the changes we! 
gradual and successive, caused probably by the unite 
agency of running water and subterranean movements: 
We frequently observe one mass of lava capping # 
hill, and a second at a lower elevation, forming a te!” 
race on the side of a valley; or sometimes occupyins 
the bed of a river. 

It is a most interesting fact, that in these cases beds 
of gravel almost invariably underlie the successiv? 
currents of lava, as in Catalonia before described 
(pp- 95. 98.). Occasionally, when the highest plat- 
form of lava is seven hundred or eight hundred feet 
above the lowest, we cannot fail to be struck with the 

Fig. 155. 


Bed of River 

Lavas of Auvergne resting on alluviums of different ages. 


Wonderful alterations effected in the drainage of the 
ountry since the first current flowed; for the most 
elevated alluviums must originally have been accumu- 
lated on the lowest levels of the then existing surface. 
As some geologists have referred almost all the super- 
ficial gravels to one era, and have supposed them to 
© the result of one sudden catastrophe, the pheno- 
Nena of Auvergne here alluded to are very important. 
he flows of volcanic matter have, in fact, preserved 
Portions of the surface in the state in which they ex- 
Sted at successive periods ; so that it is impossible to 
Confound together the alluviums of different ages. 
he reader will see at once by reference to the wood- 
Cut (Fig. 155.), that a considerable interval of time 
Must have occurred between the formation of the up- 
Permost bed of gravel and that next below it; during 
Which interval the uppermost lava was poured out, and 
a Valley excavated, at the bottom of which the second 
ved of gravel accumulated. In like manner the pour- 
Ne out of a second current of lava and a further 
epening of the valley, took place between the date 
of the second gravel and that of the modern alluvium 
Which now fills the channel of the river.* 

When rivers are dispossessed of their channels by 
ava, they usually flow between the mass of lava and 
One side of the original valley. They there eat out a 
Passage, partly through the volcanic and partly through 

€ older formation; but as the soft tertiary marls 

* For localities in Central France where lavas or sheets of 
asalt repose on alluviums at different elevations above the present 
Valleys, and for the inferences deducible from such facts, consult 
the works of MM. Le Grand d’Aussi, Montlosier, Ramond, 
Crope, Bertrand de Doue, Croizet, Jobert, and Bouillet. 
K 3 


in Auvergne give way more readily than the basalt, 
it is usually at the expense of the marls that the e” 
larging and deepening of the new valley is effected; 
so that all the remaining lava is then left on one sid& 
in the manner represented in the above woodcut. 

Alluviums in ancient Jissures. —It might have bee” 
expected, from the analogy of modern changes in vol- 
canic countries, that we should find in Auvergne somé 
signs of ancient fissures caused by earthquakes. AC 
cordingly M. Fournet has observed in the course ° 
excavations made for mining in the valley of the Sioul® 
near Clermont, some curious and decisive proofs of the 
former existence of open rents which must have coo” 
municated with the surface, and have been filled fro™ 
above with alluvium, after the commencement and ' 
before the end of the period of volcanic eruptions. It 
appears that a metaliferous vein traversing gneiss (iB 
other words, a mass or dike of matter, partly metalli¢ 
and partly not, filling an old fissure in the gneiss) had 
been dislocated by later convulsions, so that a ne 
rent was formed in it which reached the surface 
Sand and gravel like that of a river-bed were the? 
washed in, together with pieces of wood, which até 
now found fossil with the gravel, in a good state of pre 
servation. The rounded pebbles are partly of granitic 
rocks, partly of basaltic and augitic lava, showing that 
the last filling up of the fissure occurred after some 
lavas had flowed over the adjacent country. But tw? 
of the most modern lava streams near Pont Gibau4s 
have passed over the top of the dike, and they must 
evidently have been poured out after it was filled with 

* See Fournet, Traité de Géog., D’ Aubuisson, tom. iii. p. 544 


Age of the more modern lavas.—The only organic 
temains found as yet in the ancient alluviums appear 
to belong to the Miocene period; but I have heard of 
Rone discovered in the gravel underlying the newest 
avas, — those which either occupy the channels of the 
existing rivers, or are very slightly elevated above 
them, I think it not improbable that even these may 
9% of Miocene date, although the conjecture will ap- 
Pear extremely rash to some who are aware that the 
ones and craters whence the lavas issue are often as 
fresh in their aspect as the majority of the cones of 
the forest zone of Etna. 

The brim of the crater of the Puy de Pariou, near 
Clermont, is so sharp, and has been so little blunted 

Y time, that it scarcely affords room to stand upon. 
this and other cones in an equally remarkable state of 
Ntegrity have stood, I conceive, uninjured, not in spite 
f their loose porous nature, as might at first be na- 
‘urally supposed, but in consequence of it. No rills 
an collect where all the rain is instantly absorbed by 
the sand and scorie, as was shown to be the case on 
Etna (see Vol. IIL. p. 431.); and nothing but a water- 
Spout breaking directly upon the Puy de Pariou could 
Carry away a portion of the hill, so long as it is not 
tent or engulphed by earthquakes. 

Attempt to divide volcanos into ante-diluvian and 
Post-diluvian. — The opinions above expressed are ent 
tirely at variance with the doctrines of those writers 
Who have endeavoured to arrange all the volcanic cones 
of Europe under two divisions, those of ante-diluvian 
nd those of post-diluvian origin. To the ante-diluvian’ 
Class they attribute such hills of sand and scorize as 
exhibit on their surface evident signs of aqueous de- 
nudation; to the post-diluvian, such as betray nO marks 

K 4 

” $ Vv. 

of having been exposed to such aqueous action. Ac- 
cording to this classification, almost all the minor cor®$ 
of Central France must be called post-diluvian ; 4 
though, if we receive this term in its ordinary accept- 
ation, as denoting posteriority of date to the Noachian 
deluge, we are forced to suppose that all the volcanlé 
eruptions occurred within a period of little more tha? 
twenty centuries, or between the era of the 004 
which happened about four thousand years ago, a0 
the earliest historical records handed down to us 1°" 
Specting the former state of Central France. D" 
Daubeny has justly observed, that had any of thes? 
French volcanos been in a state of activity in the ag® 
of Julius Cæsar, that general, who encamped upon the 
plains of Auvergne, and laid siege to its principal city 
(Gergovia, near Clermont), could hardly have failed 
to notice them. Had there been even any record 0 
their existence in the time of Pliny or Sidonius Apol- 
linaris, the one would scarcely have omitted to make 
mention of it in his Natural History, nor the other t° 
introduce some allusion to it among the descriptio?’ 
of this his native province. This poet’s residence wa® 
on the borders of the Lake Aidat, which owed its very 
existence to the damming up of a river by one of the 
most modern lava-currents,* 

The ruins of several Roman bridges, and of the 
Roman baths at Royat, confirm the conclusion that 2 
sensible alteration has taken place in the physical geo- 
graphy of the district, not even in the chasms ex¢® 
vated through the newest lavas since ages historically 
remote. We have no data at present for presuming 
that any one of the Auvergne cones has been pro- 

* Daubeny on Volcanos, p. 14. 


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duced within the last four or five thousand years; and 
the same may be said of those of Velay; and, until 
the bones of men or articles of human workmanship 
àre found buried under some of their lavas, instead of 
the remains of extinct animals, which alone have 
Utherto been met with, we are justified in regarding 
tas probable that the latest of the volcanic eruptions 
may have occurred during the Miocene period. 

Supposed effects of the Flood. 

They who have used the terms ante-diluvian and 
Post-diluvian, in the manner above adverted to, pro- 
“eed on the assumption that there are clear and une- 
Wivocal marks of the passage of a general flood over 
all parts of the surface of the globe. It had long been 
à question among ‘the learned, even before the com- 
mencement of geological researches, whether the de- 
We of the Scriptures was universal in reference to the 
Whole surface of the globe, or only so with respect to 

at portion of it which was then inhabited by man. 
f the latter interpretation be admissible, it will appear 
tom other parts of this work that there are two 
“lasses of phenomena in the configuration of the earth’s 
‘urface, which might enable us to account for such an 
“vent. First, extensive lakes elevated above the level 
of the ocean; secondly, large tracts of dry land de- 
Pressed below that level. When there is an immense 
ake, having its surface, like Lake Superior, raised six 

Undred feet above the level of the sea, the water may 

© Suddenly let loose by the rending or sinking down 

°F the barrier during earthquakes, and thereby a region 

S extensive as the valley of the Mississippi, inhabited 
K 5 

202 _ EOCENE PERIOD. [Book 1V- 

by a population of several millions, might be deluged-* 
On the other hand, if there be any country place 

beneath the mean level of the ocean, as some hav® 
supposed to be the case with part of Asiat, the 
depressed region must be entirely laid under wate! 
if the tract which separates it from the ocean be fis- 
sured or depressed to a certain depth. Humboldt 
inferred, from the observations of Parrot, that a gre 
cavity existed in Western Asia, eighteen thousa? 

Square leagues in area, and occupied by a considerable 
population. The lowest parts, surrounding the Cas 
pian Sea, were said to be about 350 feet below the 
level of the Euxine, — here, therefore, the diluvi@ 
waters might overflow the summits of hills rising 350 
feet above the level of the plain; and if depressio?’ 
still more profound existed in any former time ” 
Asia, the tops of still loftier mountains may hav? 
been covered by a flood. § 

* Vol. I. p. 133. + Vol. III. p. 126. 

+ Fragmens Asiatiques, Paris, 1831. 

§ Since the above passage was first written, Professor Parrot 
of Dorpat, has published his “ Reise zum Ararat,” in which he 
doubts, nay, appears wholly to have disproved, the fact so long 
believed on his authority,‘of a difference of level between the 
Black Sea and the Caspian. The opinion was originally adopté 
on the authority of barometrical measurements, made by him 4? 
M. Engelhardt in 1811. M. Parrot, however, on revisiting the 
country in 1829 and 1830, was led to suspect the correctness © 
his former observations on several grounds, one of which only * 
shall now quote. Russian engineers had ascertained, by accurat? 
measurements, that the Don, at the place called Katschalins&s 
where it is only sixty wersts distant from the Wolga, is 130 Paris 
feet higher than the latter river, and that the Don flows with much 
greater rapidity to the Black Sea than the Wolga does tO the 
Caspian ; consequently, if there be a difference of level of the tw? 
seas, it must be considerably less than 130 feet. Parrot according}? 


But the great majority of the older commentators 
ave held the deluge, according to the brief account of 
the event given by Moses, to have consisted of a rise 
of waters over the whole earth, by which the summits 
f the loftiest mountains on the globe were submerged. 
. “ty have indulged in speculations concerning the 
Mstruments employed to bring about the grand cata- 
ysm ; and there has been a great division of opinion 
3 to the effects which it might be expected to have 
Produced on the surface of the earth. According to 
ne school, of which De Luc formerly, and in our 
Wn times Dr. Buckland, have been zealous supporters, 
the passage of the flood worked a considerable alter- 
“tion in the external configuration of our continents. 

Y Dr. Buckland the deluge has been represented as 

having determined to ascertain the true state of the case, made a 

“ties of levellings from the mouth of the Wolga to Zarytzin, 
409 Wersts up its course, and from the mouth of the Don to the 
ike distance. As the result of these observations, he made the 
Routh of the Don to be between three and four feet lower than 
'at of the Wolga! Baron Humboldt, who with other geographers 
ad given full credit to the former statement of Parrot, refused to 
admit the validity of these new results, unless the professor was 
Prepared to show that his former observations were less worthy of 
“Onfidence. In reply to this, Parrot, in an Appendix, admits 

at their barometrical instruments used in 1811 were imperfect, 

at errors had crept into his calculations, that he was suffering 
tom ill health, &c. &c. 

Notwithstanding this recantation, M. Erman, of Berlin, in his 
$ eise um die erde,” &c. 1828-29-30., infers from independent 
. servations that the Caspian is lower than the Black Sea by 42.8 

tses, or about 280 feet; and Meyer and Lenz, in a paper read 
° the Academy of Sciences in St. Petersburgh in 1835, mention 

at Mr. Goebel, by his barometrical measurements in 1833, found 
è difference of 50 feet. 
K 6 

204: EOCENE PERIOD. [Book 1V: 

a violent and transient rush of waters which tore UP 
the soil to a great depth, excavated valleys, gave rise 
to immense beds of shingle, carried fragments of roc 
and gravel from one point to another ; and, during its 
advance and retreat, strewed the valleys, and even the 
tops of many hills, with alluvium.* 

But I agree with Dr. Fleming, that in the narrative 
of Moses there are no terms employed that indicat? 
the impetuous rushing of the waters, either as they 
rose or when they retired, upon the restraining of thé 
rain and the passing of a wind over the earth.+ Op 
the contrary, the olive-branch, brought back by thé 
dove, seems as clear an indication to us that the vege- 
tation was not destroyed, as it was then to Noah that 
the dry land was about to reappear. 

I have been led with great reluctance into thi 
digression, in the hope of relieving the minds of som® 
readers from groundless apprehension respecting thé 
bearing of many of the views advocated in this work 
They have been in the habit of regarding the diluvial 
theory above controverted as alone capable of affording 
an explanation of geological phenomena in accordan©® 
with Scripture, and they may have felt disapprobatio? 
at an attempt to prove, in a.former chapter, that thé 
minor volcanos on the flanks of Etna may, some ° 
them, be more than 10,000 years old.t How, they 
would immediately ask, could they have escaped thé 
denuding force of a diluvial rush of waters? The samê 

* Buckland, Reliquiz Diluviane. These opinions, howevel 
have been candidly renounced in a note in his Bridgewater Treatise 

+ Rev. Dr. Fleming, on the Geological Deluge, Edin. Phil- 
Journ., vol. xiv. p. 205.; and remarks by myself in the Quarterly 
Review, Oct. 1827, No. lxxii. p. 481. 

ł Vol. III. p. 430. 


objection may have presented itself when I quoted, 
With respect, the opinion of a distinguished botanist, 
that some living specimens of the Baobab tree of 

frica, or the Taxodium of Mexico, may be 5000 years 
*. The: reader may also have been astonished at 
the high antiquity assigned to the greater part of the 

Uopean alluviums, and the many different ages to 
Which I have referred them t, as he may have been 
taught to consider the whole as the result of one recent 
d simultaneous inundation. 

Professor Sedgwick is inclined to adopt the hypo- 
thesis of M. Elie de Beaumont, that the sudden ele- 
Yation of mountain-chains “has been followed again 
and again by mighty waves desolating whole regions 
of the earth ¢;” a phenomenon which he thinks has 
“taken away all anterior incredibility from the fact of 
à recent deluge.” § i 

But I cannot admit that there are sufficient geolo- 
Štcal data for inferring such instantaneous upheavings 
of Submerged land as might be capable of causing a 

ood over a whole continent at once. I may also ob- 
‘erve, that the reasoning above alluded to seems to 
Proceed entirely on the assumption that the flood of 
oah was brought about by natural causes, just as 
‘ome writers have contended that a volcanic eruption 
Was the instrument employed to destroy Sodom and. 

Morrah. If we believe the flood to have been a 
temporary suspension of the ordinary laws of the 
natural world, requiring a miraculous intervention of 

lvine power, then it is evident that the credibility of 

* See Vol. III, p. 428. 
Vol. IV. p. 45. ¢ Vol. III. p. 481. 

os Sedgwick, Anniv, Address to the Geol. Soc., Feb. 18th, 

206 EOCENE PERIOD. [Book 1¥- 

such ap event cannot be enhanced by any series of P 
undations, however analogous, of which the geologist 
may imagine that he has discovered the proofs. 

For my own part, I have always considered thé 
flood, when its universality in the strictest sense of thé 
term is insisted upon, as a preternatural event far be- 
yond the reach of philosophical inquiry, whether as t° 
the causes employed to produce it, or the effects most 
likely to result from it. At the same time, it is clea" 
that they who are desirous of pointing out the coin- 
cidence of geological phenomena with the occurren©® 
of such a general catastrophe, must neglect no one 0 
the circumstances enumerated in the Mosaic history: 
least of all so remarkable a fact as that the olive te 
mained standing while the waters were abating. 

Recapitulation.—I shall now briefly recapitulat? 
some of the principal conclusions to which we hav 

been led by an examination of the volcanic districts 
Central France. 

Ist. Some of the volcanic eruptions of Auvergn® 
took place during the Eocene period; others at 2 
era long subequent, probably during the Miocene 


2dly. There are no proofs as yet discovered that 
the most recent of the volcanos of Auvergne and Velay 
are subsequent to the Miocene period, the integrity 
of many cones and craters not Opposing any soup 
objection to the opinion that they may be of very 
great antiquity. 

3dly. There are alluviums in Auvergne of very 
different ages, some of them belonging to the Miocen® 
period. Many of these have been covered by lava- 
currents which have been poured out in successio” 
while the excavation of valleys was in progress. 


4thly. There are a multitude of cones in Auvergne, 
Velay, and the Vivarais, which have never been sub- 
J€cted to the action of a violent rush of waters capable 
“i Modifying considerably the surface of the earth.. 

Sthly. If, therefore, the Mosaic deluge be repre- 
‘ented as universal, and as having exercised a violent 

“nuding force, all these cones, several hundred in 
Number, must be post-diluvian. 

Sthly. But since the beginning of the historical era, 
r the invasion of Gaul by Julius Cæsar, the volcanic 
action in Auvergne has been dormant; and there is 
Nothing to countenance the idea that, between the date 
Usually assigned to the Mosaic deluge and the earliest 
traditional and historical records of Central France 

à Pericd of little more than twenty centuries), all or 
Uy one of the more entire cones of loose scoriæ were 
thrown up. 

Lastly. It is the opinion of some writers, that the 
“arth’s surface underwent no great modification at the 
“ta of the Mosaic deluge, and that the strictest inter- 
Pretation of the Scriptural narrative dees not warrant 
Us in expecting to find any geological monuments of 

€ catastrophe ; an opinion which would be consistent 
With the preservation of these volcanic cones, however 

gh their antiquity. 

SS ee 



Basin of the Cotentin, or Valognes — Rennes — Basin of the 
Netherlands — Aix, in Provence — Fossil insects — Vicentiv® 
— Tertiary strata of England — Basins of London and Hamp- 
shire— Different groups — Plastic clay and sand — Londo” 
clay (p. 214.) — Bagshot sand — Freshwater strata of the Isle 
of Wight — Palzotherium and other fossils of Binstead —E03" 
lish Eocene strata conformable to chalk — Outliers on tP? 
elevated parts of the chalk (p. 218. ). 

In addition to the Eocene formations treated of in thé 
last three chapters, there are others in the north ° 
Europe, the geographical position of which is de- 
lineated on the annexed map.* 

Basin of the Cotentin, or Valognes. — The strata 1” 
the environs of Valognes, in the department of 14 
Manche, consist chiefly of a coarse limestone rese™ 
bling the calcaire grossier of Paris; of which M. Des“ 
noyers has given an elaborate description. It is occ? 
sionally covered with a compact freshwater limestoP? 
alternating with freshwater marls. In these Eocene 
strata more than 300 species of fossil shells have bee? 
discovered, almost all identical with species of the 

* This map is copied from one given by M. Desnoyers, Mém. 
de la Soc. d’Hist. Nat. de Paris, 1825, pl. 9. ; compiled partly 
from that author’s observations, and partly from Mr, Webster 5 
map, Geol. Trans., First Series, vol. ii. plate 10. 

Ch, : k 

Paris hac: ; - 
aris basin. Superimposed upon the Eocene strata of 
l DE 3 é 

S basin is a newer marine deposit, extending over a 


Fig. 156. 


J = 

CEM = 
Fa po Z A 7 —— 
—S)— = fap a @ 
— is C p a“ 

med Primary rocks and WA, Eocene formations. 
a 3 : 
‘a older than the carbonife- . 

5 series, 


a8. The space left blank is occupied by secondary formations 
3 the old red sandstone to the chalk inclusive. 

ited area, the fossils of which agree with those of 
Sit aluns of the Loire.* Here, therefore, the geolo- 
of AS an opportunity of observing the superposition 
ae Miocene deposits upon those of the age of the 
aris basin. 
ennes. — Several small patches, also, of marine 
ta, have been found by M. Desnoyers, in the 
Shbourhood of Rennes, which are characterized by 
pa fossils, and repose on ancient rocks, as will be 
n in the map. 



* A 
Desnoyers, Mém. dela Soc. d’Hist, Nat. de Paris, 1825. 

210 EOCENE PERIOD, [Book 1 

Basin of Belgium, or the Netherlands.— The greate” 
part of the tertiary formations of the Low Countré 
consist of clay and sand, much resembling those of the 
basin of London, afterwards to be described; and t ; 
fossil shells are of the same species. d 

Aix in Provence. — The tertiary strata of Aix 4? 
Fuveau, in Provence, are of great thickness and extent 
the lower members being remarkable for containing 
coal grit and beds of compact limestone, such a$ K 
England are found only in ancient secondary group” 
Yet these strata are for the most part of freshwate! 
origin, and contain several species of Eocene shells 
together with many which are peculiar to this bas™ 
It will require a fuller comparison than has yet pee? 

' made of the fossil remains of Aix and Fuveau, pefot? 
we can determine with accuracy the relative agé a 
this formation. Some of the plants seem to agree wit? 
those of the Paris basin, while many of the insect 
have been supposed identical with species now living 
These insects have been almost exclusively procul? 
from a thin bed of grey calcareous marl, which passe? 
into an argillaceous limestone found in the quarries i 
gypsum near Aix. The rock in which they are ™™ 
bedded is so thinly laminated, that there are someti™m®’ 
more than seventy layers in the thickness of an inch 
The insects are for the most part in an extraordiaa"y 
state of preservation, and an impression of their for? 
is seen both on the upper and under laminæ, as in the 
case of the Monte Bolca fishes. M. Marcel de Set! 
enumerates sixty-two genera, belonging chiefly to sa 
orders Diptera, Hemiptera, and Coleoptera. On ¥ 

24: de 
* M. Marcel de Serres, Géog. des Ter. Tertiaires du Mid! 

Ja France. - 

ming a collection brought from Aix, Mr. Curtis 
‘ iin that they are all of European forms, and most 
e em referable to existing genera.* With the 
E e exception of an Hydrobius, none of the species 
ra] aquatic. The antenne, tarsi, and trophi are gene- 
W very obscure, or distorted; yet in a few the 
S are visible, and the sculpture, and even some 
Bere of local colouring, are preserved. The nerves 
a Wings, in almost all the Diptera, are perfectly 
nct, and even the pubescence on the head of one 
oe Several of the beetles have the wings ex- 
ed beyond the elytra, as if they had made an effort 
p escape by flying, or had fallen into the water while 
n the wing 
Vicentine. —On the Southern flank of the Alps to 
€ north of Vicenza, in Italy, a limestone occurs con- 
aning shells of Eocene species, and in the basaltic 
S associated with this limestone (as at Ronca and 
“er Places) shells are found which are also identical 
th species of the Paris basin. f 

Basins of London and Hampshire. 

The reader will see in the small map above given 

ig 156. p.209.), the position of the two districts 
‘ually called the basins of London and Hampshire, 
° Which the Eocene formations of England are con- 
. These tracts are bounded by rising grounds 
“wae of chalk, except where the sea intervenes. 
E the chalk passes beneath the tertiary strata, we 

not only infer from geological data, but can prove 

$ Murchison and Lyell. Ed. New Phil. Journ., Oct. 1829. 
Curtis, ibid., where figures of some of the insects are given. 

a list of species collected by M. Boué, and named by M. 
ayes, Bull, de la Soc, Géol. de France, tomeili. p. 91. 

e N 

by numerous artificial sections at points where wells 
have been sunk, or borings made through the over” 
lying beds. The Eocene deposits are chiefly marin’) 
and have generally been divided into three groups’ 
Ist, the Plastic clay and sand, which is the lowe 
group; 2dly, the London clay; and, 3dly, the Bagshot 
sand. Of all these the mineral composition is vet 
simple, for they consist almost entirely of clay, sand 
and shingle, the great mass of clay being in the middle 
and the upper and lower members of the series beit 
more arenaceous. 

Plastic clay and sand.— The lowest formation, which 
sometimes attains a thickness of from four hundred 
five hundred feet, consists principally of an indefinit 
number of beds of sand, shingle, clay, and loam, irre’ 
gularly alternating, some of the clay being used E 
potteries, in reference to which the name of Plast!” 
clay has been given to the whole formation. The be® 
of shingle are composed of perfectly rolled chalk flin™ 
with here and there small pebbles of quartz. Heap? 
of these materials appear sometimes to have remain? 
for a long time covered by a tranquil sea. Dr. Buck 
land mentions that he observed a large pebble in part 
of this formation at Bromley, to which five full-grow” 
oyster-shells were affixed, in such a manner as to show 
that they had commenced their first growth upon ih 
and remained attached through life.* 

In some of the associated clays and sand, perfect 
marine shells are met with, which are of the sa”? 
species as those of the London clay. The line ° 
separation, indeed, between this superincumbent blv® 
clay and the Plastic clay and sand is quite arbitrar}? 
as any geologist may be convinced who examines the 

* Geol, Trans., First Series, vol. iv. p. 800. 

°elebrated section in Alum Bay, in the Isle of Wight, 
ere a distinct alternation of the two groups is ob- 
Yable, each marked with their most characteristic 
Peculiarities,* In the midst of the sands of the lower ` 
om amass of clay occurs two hundred feet thick, 
ting septaria, and replete with the usual fossils 
the neighbourhood of London.+ 
© arenaceous beds are chiefly laid open on the 
nes of the basins of London and Hampshire, in 
Owing which we discover at many places great 
eds of perfectly rounded flints. Of this description, 
% the Southern borders of the basin of London, are 
© hills of Comb Hurst and the Addington hills, 
ich form a ridge stretching from Blackheath to 
"oydon. Here they have much the appearance of 
“tks of sand and shingle formed near the shores of a 
“ttiary sea; but whether they were really of littoral. 
"gin cannot be determined, for want of a sufficient 
“ther of sections, which might enable us to compare 
` tertiary strata at the edges with those in the cen- 
Parts of each basin. 
e have ample opportunities in the basin of Paris 
*Xamining steep cliffs of hard rock, which bound 
ny of the valleys, and innumerable excavations 
ave been made for building-stone, limestone, and 
ms but when we attempt to obtain a connected 
W of any considerable part of the tertiary series 
` € basin of London, we are almost entirely limited 
a single line of coast-section ; for in the interior 



* . 
E. See Mr. Webster’s Memoir, Geol. Trans., vol. ii., First 
tes, and his Letters in Sir H. Englefield’s Isle of Wight. 

Fi See Mr. Webster’s Sections, plate 11. Geol. Trans., vol. ii., 
"St Series, i : 


the regular beds are much concealed by an alluvial 
covering of flint gravel spread alike over the summits 
and gentle slopes of the hills, and over the bottoms ° 
the valleys. a 

Organic remains are extremely scarce in the Plasti¢ 
clay ; but when any shells occur, they are of Foce”? 
species. Vegetable impressions and fossil wood are 
sometimes met with, and even beds: of lignite ; put 
none of the species of plants have, I believe, as J ` 
been ascertained. 

London clay.— This formation consists of a plucish 
or blackish clay, sometimes passing into a calcareo 
marl, rarely into a solid rock. Its thickness is VOY 
great, sometimes exceeding five hundred feet.* 
contains many layers of ovate or flattish masses ° 
argillaceous limestone, which, in their interior, # 
generally traversed in various directions by crack 
partially or wholly filled by calcareous spar. Thes? 
masses, called septaria, are sometimes continUé 
through a thickness of two hundred feet.+ 

A great number of the marine shells of this da 
have been identified with those of the Paris basin; 2” 
it is quite evident that the strata of these two basi 
belong to the same epoch. 

No remains of terrestrial mammalia have as yet be” 
found in this clay ; but the occurrence of bones 2” 
skeletons of crocodiles and turtles prove, as Mr. Conf" 
beare justly remarks, the existence of neighbouring 
dry land. The shores, at least, of, some islands we” 
accessible, whither these creatures may have resorte 
to lay their eggs. In like manner, we may infer the cO™ 

* Con. and Phil. Outlines of Geol., p. 33. 
t Outlines of Geol., p. 27. 

tiguity of land from the immense number of ligneous 
Sced-vessels of plants, some of them resembling the 
'9coa-nut, and other spices of' tropical regions, which 
"Ve been found fossil in great profusion in the Isle of 
“Ppey. Such is the abundance of these fruits, that 
they have been supposed to belong to several hundred 
'Stinct species of plants. 
agshot sand. — The third and uppermost group, 
“ually termed the Bagshot sand, rests conformably 
"Pon the London clay, and consists of siliceous sand 
è Sandstone, devoid of organic remains, with some 
P ln deposits of marl associated. From these marls a 
RY Marine shells have been obtained which are in an 
Perfect state, but appear to belong to Eocene species 
“Mon to the Paris basin.* 
"eshwater strata of the Hampshire basin.—In the 
“orther part of the Isle of Wight, and part of the 

Posite coast of Hampshire, freshwater strata occur 
cs on the London clay. They are composed 
ely of calcareous and argillaceous marls, inter- 
"atified with some thick beds of siliceous sand, and 
w layers of limestone sometimes slightly siliceous. 

© marls are often green, and bear a considerable 


M adblance to the green marls of Auvergne and the 
"ts basin. The shells and gyrogonites also agree 
p cifically with some of those most common in the 
the ch deposits. Mr. Webster, who first described 
% freshwater formation of Hampshire, divided it 
an upper and lower series, separated by inter- 
a8 beds of marine origin. There are undoubtedly 
À "tain intercalated strata, both in the Isle of Wight 

oast of Hampshire, marked by a slight inter- 


® . ae 
Warburton, Geol. Trans., vol, i., Second Series. 

216 EOCENE PERIOD. [Book 10 

mixture of marine and freshwater shells, sufficient to 

imply a temporary return of the sea, before and afte! 
which the waters of the lake, or rather, perhaps, 5° 7 
large river, prevailed.* The united thickness of th? 
freshwater and intercalated upper marine beds, at 
posed in a vertical precipice in Headen Hill, in the 
Isle of Wight, is about four hundred feet, the mar”? 
series appearing about half way up in the cliff. 

Eocene mammiferous remains. — Very perfect a 
mains of tortoises and the teeth of crocodiles hav? 
been procured from the freshwater strata; but a still 
more interesting discovery has recently been ma i 
The bones of mammalia, corresponding to those ° 
the celebrated gypsum of Paris, have been disintetT® 
at Binstead, near Ryde, in the Isle of Wight. In t 
ancient quarries near this town a limestone, belong 
ing to the lower freshwater formation, is worked if 
building. Solid beds alternate with marls, whereid® 
tooth of an Anoplotherium, and two teeth of #° 
genus Paleotherium, were found. These remains were 
accompanied not only by several other fragments ° 
the bones of Pachydermata (chiefly in a rolled 4” 
injured state), but also by the jaw of a new species ° 
Ruminantia, apparently closely allied to the ge®” 
Moschus.+ Mr. T. Allan of Edinburgh had seve” 
years before found the tooth of an Anoplotherium ° 
the same spot. $ 

These newer strata of the Isle of Wight beat’ 
certain degree of resemblance to some of the gre” 

* See Memoirs of Mr. Webster, Geol. Trans., vol. ii- First 
Series; vol. i. parti., Second Series; and Englefield’s Isle ° 
Wight. — Professor Sedgwick, Ann. of Phil., 1822; and LY” 
Geol. Trans., vol. ii., Second Series. 

+ Pratt, Trans. of Geol. Soc., vol. iii. part iii. p. 451. 


marls and limestones in the Paris basin; yet, as a whole, 
o formations can be more dissimilar in mineral cha- 
“acter than the Eocene deposits of England and Paris. 
n Our own island the tertiary strata are more exclu- 
ively marine ; and it might be said that the Parisian 
series differs chiefly from that of London in the very 
Points in which it agrees with the formations of Au- 
vergne, Cantal, and Velay. The tertiary formations 
. “hgland are, in fact, almost exclusively of mecha- 
lcal origin, and their composition bespeaks the ab- 
ence of those mineral and thermal waters to which 
ave attributed the origin of the compact and sili- 
Ceoug limestones, the gypsum, and beds of pure flint, 
ommon to the Paris basin and Central France. 
‘nglish tertiary strata conformable to the chalk. — 
© British Eocene strata are nearly conformable to 
the chalk on which they rest, being horizontal where 
© strata of the chalk are horizontal, and vertical 
“here they are vertical. On the other hand, there 
. © evident signs that the surface of the chalk had, 
_ many places, been furrowed by the action of the 
Wes and. currents, before the Plastic clay and its 
"nds were superimposed. In the quarries near Ro- 
‘ester and Gravesend, for instance, fine examples 
“Seen of deep indentations on the surface of the 
“nalk, into which sand, together with rolled and 
Sular pieces of chalk-flint, bave been swept.* But 
"hese appearances may be referred to the action of 
ster when the chalk began to emerge during the 
Ocene period, and they by no means warrant the 
y nclusion that the chalk had undergone any con- 
erable change of position before the tertiary strata 
{Ere superimposed. 


* Con. and Phil., Outlines of. Geol., p. 62. 

VOL. ty. L 

218 EOCENE PERIOD. [Book 1V 

In this respect there is a marked difference betwee? 
. the reciprocal relations of our secondary and tertiary 

rocks, and those which exist between the same groups 
throughout the greater part of the Continent, espe- 
cially in the neighbourhood of mountain-chains. Ne® 
the base, for example, of the Alps, Apennines, 3? 
Pyrenees, -we find the newer formations reposing U? 
conformably upon the truncated edges of the older 
beds; and it is clear that, in many cases, the oldet 
strata had been subjected to a complicated series ° 
movements before the more modern set was forme 
The newer beds rise only to a certain height on the 
flanks of the mountains which usually tower abové 
them, and are recognized at once by the geologist as 
having been already converted into land when tb? 
tertiary deposits were still forming in the sea. Th® 
ancient borders, also, of that sea can often be define 
with certainty, and the outline of some of its bays ant 
sea-cliffs traced. 

In England, although undoubtedly the greater po 
tion of the tertiary strata is confined to certain space* 
we find outlying patches here and there at great dis- 
tances beyond the general limits, and ab great height’ 
upon the chalk which separates the basins of Lond 
and Hampshire.* I have seen masses of clay extend- 
ing in this manner to near the edge of the weste” 
escarpment of the chalk of Wiltshire, and Mr. Mant”! 
has pointed out the same to me in the South Down’: 
Near the escarpment at Lewes, for example, there ® 
a fissure in the chalk filled with sand, and with a fet 
ruginous breccia, such as usually marks the lowe? 
members of the Plastic clay formation. From thé 
occurrence of these tertiary outliers Dr. Buckland i” 

* Dr. Buckland, Geol. Trans., Second Series, vol, ii. p» 125 


ferred, “ that the basins of London and Hants were 

Mginally united together in one continuous deposit 
cross the now intervening chalk of Salisbury Plain in 
ilts, and the plains of Andover and Basingstoke in 
‘nts; and that the greater integrity in which the 
&rtiary Strata are preserved within the basins has re- 
“uted from the protection which their comparatively 
wis Position has afforded them from the ravages of 
lluvia] denudation.” * 
agree so far with this conclusion as to believe that 
€ basins of London and Hampshire were not sepa- 
tateq until part of the tertiary strata were deposited ; 
ut I do not think it probable that the tertiary beds 
“Ver extended continuously over those spaces where 
the Outliers above mentioned occur, nor that the com- - 
ative thinness of those deposits in the higher chalk 
“untries should be attributed chiefly to the greater 
gree of denudation which they have there suffered. 

* Dr. Buckland, Geol. Trans., Second Series, vol. ii. p. 126. 



Manner in which the English tertiary strata may have’ originat? 

— Denudation of secondary strata during their deposition ~ 
Valley of the Weald — Secondary rocks of the Weald divisibl? 
into five groups — North and South Downs — Section acto 
the valley of the Weald —-Anticlinal axis — Chalk escarpmen™ 
once sea-cliffs (p. 226.) — Rise and denudation of the stt@™ 
gradual — Parallel ridges and valleys formed by harder 4” 

softer beds — No ruins of the chalk on the central district ° 
the Weald (p. 234.) — Double system of valleys, the longit™ 
dinal and the transverse (p. 237.). 

Preliminary views.— In explanation of the phenome”? 
described in the last chapter, I shall now endeavour t° 
lay before the reader a view of the series of even! 
which may have produced the leading geological a 
geographical features of the south-east of England. 
conceive that the chalk, together with many subjace™* 
rocks, may have remained undisturbed and in horizont? 
stratification until after the commencement, of th? 
Eocene period. When at length the chalk was UP” 
heaved and exposed to the action of the waves and cu" 
rents, it was rent and shattered, so that the subjacent 
secondary strata were soon after exposed to denudatio™ 
The waste of all these rocks, composed chiefly of sa2® 
stone and -clay, supplied materials for the tertiary 


Sands and clays; while the chalk was the source of 
flinty shingle, and of the calcareous matter which we 
nd intermixed with the Eocene clays. The tracts 
Ow separating the basins of London and Hampshire 
Were those first elevated, and which contributed by 
their gradual decay to the production of the newer 
‘trata. These last were accumulated in deep submarine 
ollows, formed probably by the subsidence of certain 
Parts of the chalk, which sank while the adjoining 
tracts were rising. 

Denudation of the Valley of the Weald.—In order to 
Understand this theory, it will be necessary that the 
teader should be acquainted with the phenomena of 

fnudation exhibited by the chalk and some of the 
older secondary rocks in parts of England, most nearly 
“Onticuous to e basins of London and Hampshire. 

t will be sufficient to consider one of the denuded 

istricts, as the appearances observable in others are 
Strictly analogous; I shall, therefore, direct attention 
to what may be called the Valley of the Weald, or 

€ region intervening between the North and South 

Map. — The district alluded to is delineated in the 
coloured map, given in Plate XV., which has been 
chiefly taken from Mr. Greenough’s Map of England ; 
“nd it will be there seen that the southern portion of 

€ basin of London, and the north-eastern limits of that 
$ Hampshire, are separated by a tract of secondary 
*ocks, between, forty and fifty miles in breadth, com- 
p rising within it the whole of' Sussex, and parts of the 
“ounties of Kent, Surrey, and Hampshire. 

There can be no doubt that the tertiary deposits of 
the Hampshire basin formerly extended much farther 
long our southern coast towards Beachy Head, for 

L 3 

229 EOCENE PERIOD. [Book 1V: 

patches are still found near Newhaven, and at othe! 
points, as will be seen by the map. These are now 
wasting away, and will in time disappear, as the sea ® 
constantly encroaching and undermining the subjacent 

The secondary rocks, depicted on the map, may be 

divided into five groups : — 

1. Chalk and upper green-sand. — This group ” 
the uppermost of the series; it includes thé 
white chalk with and without flints, and an i 
ferior deposit, called, provincially, “ Firestone 
and by English geologists, the « Upper gree 
sand.” It sometimes consists of loose siliceous 
sand, containing grains of silicate of iron, bY 
often of firm beds of sandstone and chert. 

2. Blue clay or calcareous marl, called, provinciallys 

`3. Lower green-sand, a very complex group, co” 
sisting of grey, yellowish, and greenish sandsi 
ferruginous sand and sandstone ; clay, chet’ 
and siliceous limestone. 

4. Weald clay, composed for the most part of clay 
without intermixture of calcareous matter, bu! 
sometimes including thin beds of sand at 
shelly limestone. 

5. Hastings sands, composed chiefly of sand, sand- 
stone, clay, and calcareous grit, passing int? 
limestone. * ; 

The first three formations above enumerated are of 

marine origin ; the last two, Nos. 4. and 5., conta? 

* For an account of these strata in the south-east of England, 
see Mantell’s Geology of Sussex, and Dr. Fitton’s Geology % 
Hastings, where the memoirs of all the writers on this part 0 
England are referred to. 

almost exclusively the remains of freshwater and am- 
Phibious animals. But it is not my intention to enlarge, 
i present, upon the organic remains of these form- 
ations, as the rocks are merely adverted to in order 
that I may describe the changes of position which they 
Mave undergone, and the denudation to which they 
lave been exposed since the commencement of the 
Ocene period, —mutations which, if the theory about 
to be explained be well founded, belong strictly to the 
istory of tertiary phenomena. 
i By a glance at the map, the reader may trace at 
once the superficial area occupied by each of the five 
formations above mentioned. On the west will be 
Seen a large expanse of chalk, from which two branches 
are sent off ; one through the hills of Surrey and Kent 
to Dover, forming the ridge called the North Downs ; 
and the other through Sussex to the sea at Beachy 
Head, constituting the South Downs. The space com- 
Prised between the North and South Downs, or, “ the 
Valley of the Weald,” consists of the formations Nos. 
2, 8, 4, 5. of the above table. It will be observed that 
‘the chalk terminates abruptly, and with a well-defined 
ine towards the country occupied by those older 
Strata. Within that line is a narrow band, coloured 
blue, formed by the gault ; and within this again, is 
the Lower green-sand, next the Weald clay; and then, 
in the centre of the district, a ridge formed by the 
astings sands. | 
Section of the Valley of the Weald.—It has been as- 
Certained by careful investigation, that if a line be 
drawn from any part of the North to the ‘South Downs, 
Which shall pass through the central group (No. 5.), 
the beds will be found arranged in the order described 
m the annexed section (Fig. 157.). 
L 4 

‘asonbaa Aw 
“2993 GEL ‘SUMO TION IP JO IUSTO ut yxou aq 07 savadde yna 
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[HA ySnoroqmoIg oe we 
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PIWI 247 fo Rayon 244 $80.490 ursng a.uysduinyy 24} 07 UopuoT 241 404S UorjIag 



The reader is referred at present to the dark lines 
of the section, as the fainter lines represent portions 
of rock Supposed to have been carried away by denu-. 

At each end of the diagram the tertiary strata, 4, 
are exhibited reposing on the chalk. In the centre 
ate seen the Hastings sands (No. 5.), forming an an- 
Uclinal axis, on each side of which the other form- 
ations are arranged with an opposite dip. It has been 
Necessary, however, in order to. give a clear view of 
the different formations, to exaggerate the propor- 
tional height of each in comparison to its horizontal 
*Xtent; and a true scale is therefore subjoined- in 
another diagram (Fig. 158.), in order to correct the 
“roneous impression which might otherwise be made 
°n the reader’s mind. In this section the distance 

tween the North and South Downs is represented 

to exceed forty miles ; for the Valley of the Weald is 
“te intersected in its longest diameter, in the direc- 
tion of a line between Lewes and Maidstone. 

In attempting to account for the manner in which 

€ five secondary groups above mentioned may have 

“en brought into their present position, the following 

Ypothesis has been very generally adopted : — Suppose 
‘he five formations to lie in horizontal stratification 
at the bottom of the sea; then let a movement from 

Clow press them upwards into the form of a flattened 

Ome, and let the crown of this dome be afterwards 
“ut off, so that the incision should penetrate to the 
west of the five groups. The different beds would 

‘en be exposed on the surface, in the manner ex- 
hibited in the map, Pl. XV.* 

y See illustrations of this theory by Dr, Fitton, Geol. Sketch 

L 5 


It will appear, from former parts of this work, that 
the amount of elevation here supposed to -have taken 
place is not greater than we can prove to have 0 
curred in other regions within geological periods of 29 
great duration. On the other hand, the quantity of 
denudation or removal by water of vast masses which 
are assumed to have once reached continuously fro™ 
the North to the South Downs is so enormous, that thé 
reader may at first be startled by the boldness of thé 
hypothesis. But he will find the difficulty to vanish 
when once sufficient time is allowed for the gradua 
and successive rise of the strata, during which the 
waves and currents of the ocean might slowly accom” 
plish an operation, which no sudden diluvial rush ° 
waters could possibly have effected. 

Escarpments of the chalk once sea-cliffs.—In order t° 
make the reader acquainted with the physical struc 
ture of the Valley of the Weald, I shall suppose him 
first to travel southwards from the London basin. O” 
leaving the tertiary strata he will first ascend a gently 
inclined plane, composed of the upper flinty portion of 
the chalk, and then find himself on the summit of a 
declivity consisting, for the most part, of diferent 
members of the chalk formation; below which thé 
upper green-sand, and sometimes also the gault, crop 
out.* This steep — is called by geologists “ the 
escarpment of the chalk,” which overhangs a. valley 
excavated chiefly out of the argillaceous or marly bed: 
termed Gault (No. 2.). The escarpment is continuous 
along the southern termination of the North Dow»® 
and may be traced from the sea at Folkstone, west- 

* This term, borrowed from our miners, is used to express the 
coming up to the surface of one stratum from beneath another: 

*7sam-Yyynos PUD jSam ay] SPLOMO, Furyoo) FIAT SIAIT 2Y} wolf uayny, ‘sumog Yog aya fo quauudsvose Ynys oy} fo mats 


228 EOCENE PERIOD. [Book 1V. 

ward to Guildford and the neigbourhood of Peters- 
field, and from amy: to the termination of the South 

The castle and village 

of Bramber in the foreground. 


Downs at Beachy 
Head. In this pre 
cipice or steep 
slope the strata at? 
cut off abruptly, 
and it is evident 
that they must 
originally have €%- 
tended farther. 2 
the accompanying 
wood-cut, (Fig: 
159.), part of the 
escarpment of thé 
South Downs is 
faithfully repre 
‘sented, where thé 
denudation at the 
base of the dedi- 
vity has been some 
what more exte! 
sive than usual, 12 
‘consequence of the 
upper and lowe! 
green-sand being 

formed of very incoherent materials, the upper, indeed» 
being extremely thin and almost wanting. 

The geologist cannot fail to recognize in this vie™ 
the exact likeness of a sea-cliff; and if he turns 22 
looks in an opposite direction, or eastward, towards 
Beachy Head (see Fig. 160.), he will see the same lin? 
of height prolonged. Even those who are not accus- 
tomed to speculate on the former changes which thé 


“Urface has undergone may fancy the broad and level 
Plain to resemble the flat sands which were laid dry by 
€ receding tide, and the different projecting masses 
chalk to be the headlands of a coast which separated 
© different bays from each other. 
Lower terrace of jirestone. —I have said that the 
Yp per green-sand (“ firestone,” or “ malm-rock,” as it 
i Sometimes: called) is almost absent in the tract here 
Wuded to, It is, in fact, seen at Beachy Head to thin 
ut to an inconsiderable stratum of loose green-sand ; 
it farther to the westward it is of great thickness, 
and Contains hard beds of blue chert and limestone. 
‘te, accordingly, we find that it produces a corre- 
‘Ponding influence on the scenery of the country ; for - 
$ "uns out like a step beyond the foot of the chalk- 
hills, and constitutes a lower terrace, varying in breadth 
= a quarter of a mile to three miles, and following 


*Sinuosities of the chalk escarpment. * 

% Chalk with flints. b. Chalk without flints. 
" Upper green-sand, or firestone. d.. Gault. 

It is impossible to desire a more satisfactory proof 
àt the escarpment is due to the excavating power of 
Water during the rise of the strata; for I have shown, 
My account of the coast of Sicily, in what manner 
€ encroachments of the sea tend to efface that suc- 

. ay 
Mr. Murchison, Geol. Sketch of Sussex, &c., Geol. Trans., 
“cond Series, vol, ii. p. 98. 

230 EOCENE PERIOD. : [Book J 

cession of terraces which must otherwise result from 
the successive rises of a coast preyed upon by the 
waves.* During the interval between two elevator) 
movements, the lower terrace will usually be de- 
stroyed, wherever it is composed of incoherent ma! 
rials; whereas the sea will not have time entirely © 
sweep away another part of the same terrace, or lowe! 
platform, which happens to be composed of rocks of? 
harder texture, and capable of offering a firmer resist 
ance to the erosive action of water. 

Valleys where softer strata, ridges where harder & u 
out. — It is evident that the gault No.2. (see the MaP 
could not have opposed any effectual resistance t0 the 
denuding force of the waves; its outcrop, therefor 
is marked by a valley, the breadth of which. is of” 
increased by the loose incoherent nature of the upp?” 
most beds of the lower green-sand, which lie next . 
it, and which have often been removed with eg”? 

This formation (the lower green-sand) has pee? 
sometimes entirely smoothed off like the gault ; bu 
in those districts where chert, limestone, and othe 
solid materials enter largely into its composition 
forms a range of hills parallel to the chalk, which some” 
_ times rival the escarpment of the chalk itself in heig”’ 
or even surpass it, as in Leith Hill. This ridge ofte” 
presents a steep escarpment towards the Weald clay 
which crops out from under it. (See the strong linc? 
in Fig. 157. p. 224.) 

The clay last mentioned forms, for the most part, 7 
broad valley, separating the lower green-sand from the 
Hastings sands, or Forest ridge; but where subordinat? 

* See Vol. ITI. p. 440. and wood-cut Fig. 107. 

beds of sandstone of a firmer texture occur, the uni- 
mity of the plain is broken by waving irregularities 
“nd hillocks,* : 

In the central region, or Forest ridge, the strata 
a been considerably disturbed, and are: greatly 

Ctured and shifted. One fault is known where the 
Eo shift of a bed of calcareous grit is no less than 

Y fathoms.+ It must not be supposed that the 
Mticlinal axis, which is described as running through 
. - Centre of the Weald, is by any means so simple as 
s Usually represented in geological sections. There 
are, on the contrary, a series of anticlinal and syn- 
Clinal + lines, which form ridges and troughs running 
"early parallel to each other. 

uch of the picturesque character of the scenery 

this district arises from the depth of the narrow 
Meys and ridges to which, the sharp bends and 
. “tures of the strata have given rise; but it is also 
~*~ to be attributed to the excavating power ex- 
cd by water, especially on the interstratified argil- 
*Ceous beds. 

ý rom the above description it will appear that, in 
© tract intervening between the North and South 

Wns, there are a series of parallel valleys and ridges ; 

~ Valleys appearing evidently to have been formed 
“Neipally by the removal of softer materials, while 
€ ridges are due to the resistance offered by firmer 
“dS to the destroying action of water. 

ise and denudation of the strata gradual. — Let us 
ĉn consider how far these phenomena agree with the 

tin Martin, Geol, of Western Sussex. Fitton, Geol. of Has- 
88) p. 31. 

T Fitton, Ibid. p. 55. 
For explanation of these terms, see Glossary, Vol. I. 


changes which we should naturally expect to occu! 
during the rise of the secondary strata. Suppose the 
line of the most violent movements to have coincides 
with what is now the central ridge of the Weald valley: 
in that case the first land which emerged must have 
been situated where the Forest ridge is now place™ 
Here a number of reefs may have existed, and isla? ; 
of chalk, which may have been gradually devoured PY 
the ocean in the same manner as Heligoland and othe! 

The dotted lines represent the sea-level. 

European islands have disappeared in modern times, 
M related in the second book.* 
"ppose the ridge or dome first elevated to have 
een so rent and shattered on its summit as to give 
ore fasy access to the waves, until at length the 
Masses represented by the fainter lines (Fig. 162.) 
c Tmored, Two strips of land might then remain 
the each side of a channel, in the same manner as 
of °pposite coasts of France and England, composed 
4 chalk, present ranges of white cliffs facing each 
Nt A powerful current might then rush, like that 

ich now ebbs and flows through the Straits of Dover, 

Might scoop out a channel in the gault. We must 
ĉar in mind that the intermittent action of earth- 
Na es would accompany this denuding process, fis- 
nng rocks, throwing down cliffs, and bringing up, 
m time to time, new stratified masses, and thus 
"eatly accelerating the rate of waste. If the lower 

of chalk on one side of the channel should be 

; ; €r than on the other, it would cause an under ter- 
fen, as represented in the diagram (Fig. 162.), re- 
ling that presented by the upper green-sand in. 
"tts of Sussex and Hampshire. When at length the 
Sault Was entirely swept away from the central parts 
the channel, the lower green-sand (3. Fig. 163.) 
po be laid bare, and portions of it would become 
during the continuance of the upheaving earth- 

€s. Meanwhile the chalk cliffs would recede far- 

1 *t from one another, whereby four parallel strips of 

» Or perhaps rows of islands, would be caused. 

Y a continuance of these operations the edges of 
€ argillaceous strata, No. 2. (Fig. 163.), would be 

* Vok- 2. 75 

= SS ee 


es E 

234 EOCENE PERIOD. [Book 1% 

exposed to farther erosion by the waves; and a portion 
of the clay, No. 4., would be also removed, and a$ j 
gradually rose, would be swept off from part of the 
subjacent group, No. 5. This last would then ™ K 
turn be laid bare, and afterwards become land by 5% 
sequent elevation. 4 
Why no ruins of chalk on central district. — BY thë 
theory of the successive emergence and denudation ? 
the groups, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5., we may account for a? j í 

. vial phenomenon 
seems inexplicable 
any other hypoth 

S The summits of 

s chalk downs are cov 


every where with # 
gravel, which is A 
entirely wanting O” ‘ 
surface of the clay z 
the foot of the ch® 
escarpment, and / 
traces of chalk flint hav? 
ever been found if 
alluvium of the cent”? 
5 district, or Forest ridg” 
It is rare, indeed, t° n 
any wreck of the cha, 

even at the distanc? 

(upper green-sand wanting), 



two or three miles 


= he 
= the escarpments oft 

Section from the North escarpment of the South Downs to Barcombe. 

Gravel composed of partially rounded chalk flints. 

2. Chalk with and without flints. 
3. Lowest chalk or chalk marl 

O 5 
. North and South pop 


‘5 gene! 
To this 8 be 

‘bout three miles to the north of Lewes, a place which 
Visited with Mr. Mantell, to whom I am indebted 
4 the accompanying section (Fig. 164.). It will be 
£2 that the valley at the foot of the escarpment ex- 
“nds, in this case, not only over the gault, but over 
i “lower green-sand ” to the Weald clay. On this 
Y a thick bed of flints, evidently derived from 
© waste of chalk, remains in the position above 
When I say that there is no detritus of the chalk 
its flints on the central ridge of the Weald, I may 
ate that I have sought in vain for a vestige of such 
"8gments ; and Mr. Mantell, who has had greater 
PPortunities of minute investigation, assures me that 
as never been able to detect any. Now, whether 
. embrace or reject the theory of the former con- 
Muity of the chalk and other groups over the whole 
aCe intervening between the North and South Downs, 
iy Certainly cannot imagine that any transient and 
E uous rush of waters could have swept over this 
ORA which should not have left some fragments of 
-S Chalk and its flints in the deep valleys of the Forest 

“ige. Indeed, if we adopt the diluvial hypothesis of 
" Buckland, we should expect to find vast heaps of 
"oken flints drifted frequently into the valleys of the 
{ult and Weald clay, instead of being generally con- 
"ed to the summit of the chalk downs. 

n the other hand, it is quite conceivable that the 
Py agency of oceanic currents may have cleared 


in the course of ages, the matter which fell into 
a from wasting cliffs. But in order that this ex- 
tion should be satisfactory we must suppose that 
i rise of the land in the south-east of England was 

Y gradual, and the subterranean movements for the 

a al ea a 


236 EOCENE PERIOD. [Book } 

most part of moderate intensity. During the last cen’ 
tury earthquakes have occasionally thrown down ? 
once whole lines of sea-cliffs, for several miles © 
tinuously ; but if this had happened repeatedly during 
the waste of the ancient escarpments of the chalk now 
encircling the Weald, and if the shocks had beer 4 
companied by the sudden rise and conversion of larg? 
districts into land, the Weald would have been covet? 
with the ruins of those wasted rocks, and the sea Co" 
not possibly have had time to clear the whole aw)’ 
The reader will recollect the account before given f 
the manner in which the sea has advanced, within the 
last century, upon the Norfolk coast at Sherr ingha™ 

Fig. 165. 

Section of cliffs west of Sherringham. 

a. Crag. 
b. Ferruginous flint breccia on the surface of the chalk- 
c. Chalk with flints, 

The beach, at the foot of the cliff, is composed of 
bare chalk with flints, as is the bed of the sea 0° 
the shore. No one would suspect, from the appeara 
of the beach at low water, that a few years ago b° 
of solid chalk, together with sand and loam of * 
superincumbent crag, formed land on the very sp? 
where the waves are now rolling; still less that thes 

* Vol. I. p. 405. 

‘ame formations extended, within the last fifty years, 
° a considerable distance from the present shore, 
ver a Space where the sea excavated a 
Channel twenty feet deep. 

S in*this recent instance the ocean has cleared 
"ay part of the chalk, and its capping of crag, so the 
“tiary sea may have swept away not only the chalk 
“rounding the valley of the Weald, but the layer of 
"oken flints on its surface, which was probably a 
“tine alluvium of the Eocene period. Hence these 
mts might naturally occur on the ‘downs, and be 
Panting in the valleys below. ; 

f the reader will refer to the preceding diagrams 

igs, 162. and 163. p. 232.), and reflect not only on 
“successive states of the country there delineated, 
ut on all the intermediate conditions which the dis- 
"ct must have passed through during the process of 

'adual elevation and denudation before supposed, he 
understand why no wreck of the chalk (No. 1.) 

uld occur at great distances from the chalk escarp- 
“nts; for it is evident that when the ruins of the 
PPermost bed (No. 1. Fig. 162.) had been thrown 
own upon the surface of the bed immediately below, 
’se ruins would subsequently be carried away when 
NS inferior stratum itself was destroyed. And in pro- 
"tion to the number and thickness of the groups, 
ls removed in succession, is the probability lessened 
ur finding any remnants of the highest group 
“tewed over the bared surface of the lowest. 
Transverse valleys. — There is another peculiarity in 
the Seographical features of the south-east of England, 
“aich must not be overlooked when we are consider- 
Mg the action of the denuding causes. By reference 
‘0 the map (Plate XV.), the reader will perceive that 


the drainage of the country is not effected by wate™ 
courses following the great valleys excavated out 0 
the argillaceous strata (Nos. 2. and 4.), but by valley’ 
which run in a transverse direction, passing throug” 
the chalk to the basin of the Thames on the one sid 
and to the English channel on the other. 

In this manner the chain of the North Downs * 
broken by the rivers Wey, Mole, Darent, Medway 
and Stour; the South Downs by the Arun, Adu’ 
Ouse, and Cuckmere.* 

If these transverse hollows could be filled up; 
the rivers, observes Mr. Conybeare, would be fore 
to take an easterly course, and to empty themselv®” 
into the sea by Romney Marsh and Pevensey levels 

Mr. Martin has suggested that the great cross frat’ 
tures of the chalk, which have become river chan?® fi 
have a remarkable correspondence on each side of the 
valley of the Weald; in several instances the gorge i 
the North and South Downs appearing to be direct 
opposed to each other. Thus, for example, the defil® 
of the Wey, in the North Downs, and of the Arun, ™ 
the South, seem to coincide in direction ; and, in Jis? 
manner, the Ouse corresponds to the Darent, and t f 
Cuckmere to the Medway. $ } 

Although these coincidences may, perhaps, be act 
dental, it is by no means improbable, as hinted by *” 
author above mentioned, that the great amount of e” 
vation towards the centre of the Weald district 32” 
rise to transverse fissures. And as the longitudinal m Í 
leys were connected with that linear movement wh! 
caused the anticlinal lines running east and west a 

* Conybeare, Outlines of Geol., p. 81. + Ibid., p- 145. 
¢ Geol. of Western Sussex, p. 61. ) 

‘weyoIoyg PIO 9 ‘mpy TAN “9 “suruks}g Jo UMOT, 


991 ‘SL 

240 EOCENE PERIOD. [Book 1 


the cross fissures might have been occasioned by tP? 
intensity of the upheaving force towards the centre ? 
the line, whereby the effect of a double axis of elev™ 
tion was in some measure produced. : 
In order to give a clearer idea of the manner ™ 
which the chalk-hills are intersected by these transvers? 
valleys, I subjoin a sketch (Fig. 166.) of the gorg? 
of the river Adur, taken from the summit of the cha! 
downs, ata point in the bridle-way leading from the 
towns of Bramber and Steyning to Shoreham. If the 
reader will refer again to the view given ina forme? 
wood-cut (Fig. 159. p. 227.), he will there see the esa% 
point where the gorge, of which Iam now speaking? 
interrupts the chalk escarpment. A projecting hil 
at the point a, hides the town of Steyning, near whit 
the valley commences where the Adur passes direct 
to the sea at Old Shoreham. The river flows throug 
a nearly level plain, as do most of the others whit 
intersect the hills of Surrey, Kent, and Sussex ; a” 
it is evident that these openings, so far at least ® 
they are due to aqueous erosion, have not been pl 
duced by the rivers, many of which, like the Ous? 
near Lewes, have filled up arms of the sea, instead ° 
deepening the hollows which they traverse. 

In regard to the origin of the transverse ravine 
Fig. 167. 


Supposed section of Transverse Valley. 

there can be no doubt that they are connected with 
lines of fracture, and perhaps, in some places, there 


oy be an anticlinal dip on both sides of the valley, 
Suggested by Mr. Martin.* But this notion requires 


a he ravine, called the Coomb, near Lewes, affords 
fautiful example of the manner in which narrow 

near Lewes 


ae : 
nings in the chalk may have been connected with 
ifts and dislocations in the strata. This coomb is 

* Geol. of Western Sussex, p. 64. Plate III. fig. 3. 
VOL. Iv. M 

242 EOCENE PERIOD. [Book 1V- 

seen on the eastern side of the valley of the Ous® 
in the suburbs of the town of Lewes. The steep 
declivities on each side are covered with green tu™ 
as is the bottom, which is perfectly dry. No outwat 
signs of disturbance are visible; and the connexio” 
of the hollow with subterranean movements wow! 
not have been suspected by the geologist, had not thé 
evidence of great convulsions been clearly exposé 
in the escarpment of the valley of the Ouse, and ™ 
the numerous chalk pits worked at the termination ° 
the Coomb. By aid of these we discover that the 
ravine coincides precisely with a line of fault, on 02° 
side of which the chalk with flints, a, appears at the 
summit of the hill, while it is thrown down to the bot 
tom on the other. I examined this spot in compa) 
with Mr. Mantell, to whom I am indebted for the 
accompanying section. 

Fig. 169. 

Fault in the clifPhilis near Lewes. 

a. Chalk with flints. b. Lower chalk.* 

The fracture here alluded to is one of those whieh 
run east and west, and of which there are many ™ 
the Weald district, parallel to the central axis of th? 
Forest ridge. 

In whatever manner the transverse gorges origi” 
ated, they must evidently have formed ready channe’ 
of communication between the submarine longitudin® 

_ * For farther information, see Mantell’s Geol. of S. E. ob 
England, p. 352. 

valleys and those deep parts of the sea wherein the 
ertiary strata may have accumulated. If the strips 
of land which first rose had been unbroken, and there 
ad been no free passage through the cross fractures, 
e currents would not so easily have drifted away 
© materials detached from the wasting cliffs, and it 
Would have been more difficult to understand how the 
Wreck of the denuded strata could have been so en- 
"rely Swept away from the base of the escarpments. 

n the next chapter I shall resume the consideration 
of these subjects, especially the proofs of the former 
“Ntinuity of the chalk of the North and South Downs, 
“hd the probable connexion of the denudation of the 

'eald valley with the origin of the Eocene strata. 

DATION OF THE WEALD — continued. 

The alternative of the proposition that the chalk of the North and 
South Downs was once continuous, considered — Dr. Bucs 
land on Valleys of Elevation (p. 246.) —If rise and den” 
dation of secondary rocks gradual, so also the deposition ° 
tertiary strata (p. 254.) — Composition of the latter such 
would result from wreck of denuded secondary rocks 
Central parts of the London and Hampshire basins nea! 
as high as Weald — Why — Curved and vertical strata Ta 
Isle of Wight — Eocene alluviums (p. 263.) — Formation ° 
valleys — Recapitulationu. 

Extent of denudation in the Valley of the Weald.—“ is 
would be highly rash,” observes Mr. Conybeare, spea 
ing of the denudation of the Weald, “to assume that 
the chalk at any period actually covered the who 
space in which the inferior strata are now expose’ 
although the truncated form of its escarpment ev 
dently shows it to have once extended much farthe* 
than at present.” * 

I believe that few geologists who have considered 
the extent of country supposed to have been denuded 
and who have explored the- hills and valleys of te 
central or Forest ridge, without being able to discov’ 
the slightest vestige of chalk in the alluviumt, Y 
fail to participate, at first, in the doubts here express? 

* Outlines, p- 144. + See above, p: 234 


aS to the original continuity of the upper secondary 
formations over the anticlinal axis of the Weald. For 
MY own part, I never traversed the wide space which 
Separates the North and South Downs, without de- 
Siring to escape from the conclusions advocated in the 
last chapter; and yet I have been invariably brought 
ack again to the opinion, that the chalk was origin- 
aly continuous, on a more deliberate review of the 
Whole phenomena. 

It may be useful to. consider the only other alter- 
Native of the hypothesis before explained. If the 
Marine groups, Nos. 1, 2, 3., were not originally con- 

Fig. 170. 

soe — 

L Chalk and Upper 4, Weald clay. 
9 green-sand. 
` Nault, 

” Lower green-sand. 5. Hastings sands. 

Marine. Freshwater. 

tinuous, it is necessary to imagine that they each 
terminated at some point between their present out- 
Soings and the secondary strata of the Forest ridge. 
hus we might suppose them to have thinned out one 
after the other, as in the above diagram, and never to 
®ve covered the entire area occupied by the fresh- 
Water strata, Nos. 4. and 5. 
tt must be granted, that had such been the original 
Sposition of the different groups, they might, as they 
Stadually emerged from the sea, have become denuded 
ù the manner explained in the last chapter, so that the 
“ountry might equally have assumed its present con- 
"guration. But although I know of no invincible ob- 
J€ction to such an hypothesis, there are certainly no 
M 3 

246 EOCENE PERIOD. [Book iV: 

appearances which favour it. If the strata Nos: * 
and 5. had been unconformable to the lower green- 
sand No. 3., then, indeed, we might have imagine 
that the older groups had been disturbed by a series 0 
movements antecedently to the deposition of No. 3° 
and, in that case, some parts of them might be sup 
posed to have emerged or formed shoals in the ancient 
sea, interrupting the continuity of the newer marine 
deposits. But the group No. 4. is conformable to No. 3+: 
and the only change which has been observed to take 
place at the junction is an occasional intermixture 0 
the Weald clay with the superior marine sand, such 4 
might have been caused by a slight superficial move- 
ment in the waters when the sea first overflowed thé 
freshwater strata. 

On the other hand, the green-sand and chalk, 3° 
they approach the central axis of the Weald, are nof 

found to contain littoral shells, or any wreck of the 
freshwater strata, such as might indicate the exist 
ence of an island with its shores or wasting cliffs- 
Had any such signs been discovered, we might hav® 
supposed the geography of the region to have on? 
borne some resemblance to that exhibited in the dia 

gram, Fig. 170. 

Dr. Buckland on Valleys of Elevation. — We a 
indebted to Dr. Buckland for an able memoir in illus 
tration of several districts of similar form and structu"? 
to the Weald, which occur at no great distance in the 
south of England. His paper is intitled, “ On the 
Formation of the Valley of Kingsclere and other Val 
leys, by the Elevation of the Strata which inclos® 
them.” * 

* Geol. Trans. Second Series, vol, ii. p. 119. 


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pe | 

y along the line a, b, of the ground-plan 

ne RE 



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ANAA os an 
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‘ILE ‘Ou 

In the wood-cut (Fig. 172.) the scale of heights 
* Copied by permission from Dr. Buckland’s Plate XVII., 

eol, Trans. Second Series, vol. ii. 

The vall 
om an anticlin 

and the u 


dle of the valle 


Ch. XXIL] 


more nearly approaches to that of nature, although the 
altitudes, in proportion to the horizontal extent, are 
even in this, perhaps, somewhat in excess. On each 
side of the valley we find escarpments of chalk, thé 
strata of which dip in opposite directions, in the north 
ern escarpment to the north, and in the southern t? 
the south. At the eastern and western extremities 
of the valley, the two escarpments become confluent 
precisely in the same manner as do those of the North 
and South Downs, at the eastern end of the Weald 
district, near Petersfield. And as, a few miles east of 
the town last mentioned (see Map, Plate XV.) the fire- 
stone, or upper green-sand, is laid open in the sharp 
angle between the escarpment of the Alton Hills avd 
the western termination of the South Downs * ; so in 
the valley of Kingsclere the same formation is seen t0 
crop out from beneath the chalk. 

The reader might imagine, on regarding the sectio” 
(Fig. 173.), where, for the sake of elucidating the ge 

Fig. 173. 

I. Chalk with flints, 2. Lower chalk without flints. 

3. Upper green-sand, or firestone, containing beds of chert- 

N. B. The lines here are not intended to represent strata. 

logical phenomena, the heights are exaggerated i? 
proportion to the horizontal extent, that the solution ° 

* See Mr. Murchison’s Map, Plate XIV., Geol. Trams 
Second Series, vol. ii. 


continuity of the strata bounding the valley of Kings- 

Clere had been simply due to elevation and fracture, 
Unassisted by aqueous causes; but by reference to the 

truer scale (Fig. 172.), it will immediately appear that 
a Considerable mass of chalk must have been removed 
Y denudation. 

If the anticlinal dip had been confined to the valley 
of Kingsclere, we might have supposed that the 
Upheaving force had acted on a mere point, forcing 
Upwards the superincumbent strata into a small dome- 
Shaped eminence, the crown of which had been sub- 
Sequently cut off; but Dr. Buckland traced the line 
of Opposite dip far beyond the confluence of the chalk 
“scarpments, and found that it was prolonged in 
à more north-west direction far beyond the point « 
(Fig, 171.). In following the line thus extended, the 
Strata are seen in numerous chalk-pits to have an op- 
Posite dip on either side of a central axis, from which 
We may clearly infer the linear direction of the move- 

Many of the valleys having a similar conformation 
to that of Kingsclere, run east and west, like the 
anticlinal ridge of the Weald valley. Several of these 
occur in Wiltshire and Dorsetshire, and they are all 
“rcumscribed by an escarpment whose component 
Strata dip outwards from an anticlinal line running 
‘long the central axis of the valley. One of these, dis- 
tant about seven miles to the north-east of Weymouth, 
8 nearly elliptical in shape, and in size does not much 
Xceed the Coliseum at Rome. Their drainage is ge- 
erally effected in a manner analogous to the drainage 
of the Weald, by an aperture in one of their lateral 
“scarpments, and not at either extremity of their longer 

mM 5 

250 EOCENE PERIOD. [Book 1”. 

axis, as would have happened had they been simply 
excavated by the sweeping force of rapid water.* 

“It will be seen,” continues Dr. Buckland, « if we fol” 
low on Mr. Greenough’s map the south-western escap’ 
ment of the chalk in the counties of Wilts and Dorse® 
that, at no great distance from these small elliptic? 
valleys of elevation, there occur several longer an 
larger valleys, forming deep notches, as it were, in thé 
lofty edge of the chalk. These are of similar struc’ 
ture to the, smaller valleys we have been considering 
and consist of green-sand, inclosed by chalk at one e* 
tremity, and flanked by two escarpments of the sam 
facing each other with an opposite dip; but they differ 
in the circumstance of their other and broader extre 
mity being without any such inclosure, and gradually 
widening till it is lost in the expanse of the adjacent 

“The cases I now allude to are the Vale of Pew- 
sey, to the east of Devizes; that of the Wily, to the 
east of Warminster; and the Valley of the Naddet 
extending from Shaftesbury to Barford, near Salisbury’ 
in which last not only the strata of green-sand a? 
brought to the surface, but also the still lower for™ 
ations of Purbeck and Portland beds, and of Kimmé 
ridge clay. 

“It might at first sight appear that these valleys 
are nothing more than simple valleys of denudation ' 
but the fact of the strata composing their escarpment? 
having an opposite and outward dip from the axis 9 

the valley, and this often at a high angle, as nea" 
Fonthill and Barford, in the Vale of the Naddets 
and at Oare, near the base of Martinsell Hill, in the 

* Dr. Buckland, Geol. Trans., Second Series, vol. iis p. 122 


Vale of Pewsey, obliges us to refer their inclination 
to some antecedent violence, analogous to that to 
Which I have attributed the position of the strata in 
the inclosed valleys near Kingsclere, Ham, and Bur- 
Sage, Nor is it probable that without some pre-exist- 
Mg fracture or opening in the lofty line of the great 
Chalk escarpment, which is here presented to the 
North-west, the power of water alone would have 
forced open three such deep valleys as those in ques- 
tion, without causing them to maintain a more equable 
breadth, instead of narrowing till they end in a point 
in the body of the chalk.” * 
Now, in the Weald, the strata of the North Downs 
are inclined to the north at an angle of from 10° to 15°, 
r even 45°, in the narrow ridge of the Hog’s Back, 
West of Guildford, in Surrey; while those in the South 
Downs dip to the south at a slight angle. It is super- 
fluous to dwell on the analogy which, in this respect, 
the two escarpments bear to those which flank the 
valleys above alluded to; and in regard to the greater 
distance which separates the hills of Surrey from those 
of Sussex, the difficulty may be reduced simply to a 
Westion of time. 
If the rise of the land was accomplished by an 
indefinite number of minor convulsions, or by a slow 
‘ad insensible upheaving like that now taking place in 
Sweden, the power of the ocean would be fully ade- 
quate to perform the work of denudation in the lapse 
of many ages. If, on the other hand, we embrace the 

Ypothesis of paroxysmal elevation; or, in other words, 
Suppose a submarine tract to have been converted 
stantaneously into high land, we may seek in vain 

* Br. Buckland, Geol. Trans. Second Series, vol. ii. p. 125. 
M 6 


for any known cause capable of sweeping away eve” 
those portions of chalk and other rocks which, all are 
agreed, must once have formed the prolongation of 
the existing escarpments. It is common in such cases 
to call in one imaginary cause to support another; and 
as the upheaving force operated with sudden violence, 
so a vast diluvial wave is introduced to carry away, 
with almost equal celerity, the mountain mass of strata 
assumed to have been stripped off. 

Some geologists have endeavoured to account fot 
the structure of the districts described as “ valleys of 
elevation,” by the aid of Von Buch’s theory of 
“elevation craters,” in which case they can dispens® 
both with time and denudation. It would be supe! 
fluous to repeat what has been already said of thé 
hypothetical agency here referred to*; but it may 
be well to consider whether the upheaving of small 
dome-shaped masses, such as those described PY 
Dr. Buckland, implies the development at a cor 
siderable depth of volcanic forces acting with great 
violence on limited areas, or mere points of the earth” 

_ A theory suggested by Dr. Fitton appears to me fa! 
more probable. Suppose a series of horizontal strat” 
composed in great part of sand and soft clay, to repos? 
on a foundation of older and more solid rocks present 
ing an uneven surface, varied by hills, valleys, a? 
ridges, like many parts of the land and bed of the s€% 
If a force acting from beneath should then elevate t° 
whole mass, the protuberances of the subjacent rocks 
would be forced up against the more compressible 
strata which coveredthem. The effect of the pressure 

* Vol. II. p. 152. 


Might be the same as that which happens on a small 
Scale in a bound book, when a minute inequality or 
knob in the paper of some page is propagated through 
à great number of others, imparting its shape to all, 
Without piercing through them.* The observations \ 
of Dolomieu on the manner in which the more yielding | 
tertiary strata of Calabria were displaced by the granite 
uring the earthquake of 1783, lends some countenance 
to this theory. + 

In the last chapter I pointed out the phenomena 
Which seem to indicate that the elevation and denud- 
ation of land in the south-east of England were 
Stadual. t The same arguments are in a great degree 
applicable to the basins of Hampshire and the Isle of 
Wight ; but Mr. Conybeare has contended that the 
Verticality of the strata in the Isle of Wight and in 
Purbeck compels us to admit that the movement 
there was so violent, that the vertical strata, which 
‘ave been traced through a district nearly sixty miles 
m length, were brought into their present position by a 
Single convulsion. 

_ It may well be asked what ground is there for as- 
Suming that a single effort of the subterranean force, 
‘ather than reiterated movements, produced that sharp 
flexure of which the vertical strata of the Isle of Wight 
ae supposed to form a part, the remainder of the arc 
aving been carried away by denudation? § 

It is not improbable that the Cutch earthquake 
of 1819, before alluded to, may have produced an 
Ncipient curve, running in a linear direction through 

i * Dr. Fitton, Geol. Trans., Second Series, vol. iv. pe 244. 

t See above, Vol. II. p. 215. } Page 231. 
$ See Webster, Englefield’s Isle of Wight, Plate XLII. fig. 1. 

254: EOCENE PERIOD. [Book IV: 

a tract at least sixty miles in length.* The strat@ 
were upraised in the Ullah Bund, and depressed 
below the level of the sea in the adjoining tract 
where the fort of Sindree was submerged. (See Plate 
V.) It would be impossible, if the next earthquake 
should raise the Bund still higher, and sink to a lowe! 
depth the adjoining tract, to discriminate, by aY 
geological investigations, the different effects of thé 
two earthquakes, unless a minute survey of the effec 
of the first shock had been made and put on record: 
In this manner we may suppose the strata to be bent 
again and again, in the course of future ages, until 
parts of them become perpendicular. 

To some it may appear that there is a unity of 
effect in the line of deranged strata in the Isles 9 
Wight and Purbeck, as also in the central axis of thé 
Weald, which is inconsistent with the supposition 9 
a great number of separate movements recurring afte! 
long intervals of time. But we know that earthquake’ 
are repeated throughout a long series of ages, in thé 
same spots, like volcanic eruptions. The oldest lav4 
of Etna were poured out many thousands, perhap’ 
myriads of years, before the newest, and yet they 
have produced a symmetrical mountain ; and if rivel® 
of melted matter thus continue to flow in the sa™® 
direction, and towards the same points, for an in 
definite lapse of ages, what difficulty is there in c0” 
ceiving that the subterranean volcanic force, occasioni” 
the rise or fall of certain parts of the earth’s crus 
may, by reiterated movements, produce the most per 
fect unity of result ? 

Tf denudation of secondary rocks gradual, so also de- 
position of tertiary. — It follows, then, from the fact? 

* See Vol. II. p. 194., and Vol. III. p. 253. 


*xamined in this and the. preceding chapter, that 
Subsequently to the deposition of the chalk a large 
region composed of secondary strata has been denuded, 
and that the lapse of many ages must have been 
required for the entire removal of the materials from 
the denuded district. 

t is no less evident that the transported matter 
Must have been deposited by degrees somewhere else. 
Are there any tracts in the south-east of England, 
Where we find derivative strata composed of a mixture 
of such mineral ingredients as would result from the 
degradation of the secondary groups Nos. 1, 2, 3, 4, 
5.? The tertiary strata of the London and Hamp- 
shire basins answer well to the conditions required by 
Such an origin, for they consist of alternations of va- 
tiously coloured sands and clays, as do the secondary 
‘trata from the group No. 5. to No. 2. inclusive. Some 
tertiary green-sand, which occurs in parts of the 
Plastic clay formation in the basins of London and 

ants, cannot be distinguished mineralogically from 
à large part of that which is found in the secondary 
formations below the chalk. 

If it be asked, where do we find the ruins of the 
White chalk among our Eocene strata? — the answer is, 
“tst, that the flint pebbles which are associated in such 
‘timense abundance with the sands of the plastic clay, 
‘re derived evidently from the destruction of chalk, 
“nd contain the same fossils: secondly, that as to the 
Soft, white, calcareous matrix, we may suppose it to 
ave been easily reduced to fine sediment, and to have 
“ontributed, when in a state of perfect solution, to 
orm the shells of Eocene testacea; or when mixed 
With the waste of the argillaceous groups, Nos. 2. and 4., 
Which have been peculiarly exposed to denudation, it 

256 EOCENE PERIOD. [Book 1V: 

may have entered into the composition of the London 
clay, which contains no slight proportion of calcareous 
matter. In the crag of Norfolk, undoubtedly, we find 
great heaps of broken pieces of white chalk, with 
slightly worn and angular flints; but, in this case, We 
may infer that the attrition was not continued for 4 
Jong time; whereas, the large accumulations of pet 
fectly rolled shingle, which are interstratified with ou 
Eocene formations, prove that they were acted up?” 
for a protracted period by the waves. We have many 
opportunities of witnessing the entire demolition of thé 
chalk on our southern coast, as at Seaford, for example 
in Sussex, where large masses are, year after year, de 
tached from the cliffs, and soon disappear, leaving 29 
thing behind but a great bank of flint shingle.* 

It may also be remarked that the white chalk ™ 
the north of England, as in Yorkshire, for example, is 
much harder than the corresponding formation in thé 
southern counties, where it is now so soft that we may 
imagine it to have been in the state of mud whe? 
submerged beneath the waters of the sea. An original 
difference of this kind in the degree of induration may 
explain the fact, that in certain districts gravel co™ 
posed of chalk-flint occurs without any pebbles of white 
chalk, while in other regions rounded boulders of whit? 
chalk are plentifully intermixed with pebbles of flint- 

The similarity, then, of the mineral ingredients ° 
the Eocene secondary strata affords alone some p*® 
sumption in favour of this newer group having bee? 
derived from the wreck of the older series. But it ® 
also natural to expect, that when the formations of the 
Weald were emerging, there would be some contiguo™® 

* Vol. I. p. 424. 


Parts of the sea sufficiently deep to receive the drift 
Fig. 174. 

We may suppose, that while the waves and cur- 
tents were excavating the longitudinal valleys, D 
wd C (Fig. 174.), “the deposits a were thrown down 
© the bottom of the contiguous deep water E, the 
Sediment being drifted through transverse fissures, as 

efore explained. In this case, the rise of the form- 
ations Nos. 1, 2, 3, 4, 5. may have been going on 
“ontemporaneously with the excavation of the valleys 
C and D, and with the accumulation of the strata a. 

here must be innumerable points on our own coast 
Where the sea is of great depth near to islands and 
Cliffs now exposed to rapid waste, and in all these the 
“enuding and reproductive processes must be going on 
N the immediate proximity of each other. 

English Eocene strata rise nearly as high as the de- 
nuded secondary districts. — Those geologists who have 
Atherto regarded the rise and denudation of the lands 
u the south-east of England as events altogether pos- 
terior in date to the deposition of the London clay, 
will object to the foregoing reasoning, that not only 
*ettain outlying patches of tertiary strata, but even 

€ central parts of the London and Hampshire basins, 
Attain very considerable altitudes above the level of 
the sea, Thus the London clay at Highbeach, in 

Ssex, reaches the height of 750 feet; an elevation 
“Xceeding that of large districts of the chalk and other 


258 EOCENE PERIOD. [Book 1 

denuded secondary rocks. But these facts do not, J 
think, militate against the theory above proposed 
since I have endeavoured to show that there must 
have been a long-continued series of elevatory mov 
ments in a region where both the degradation aP 
reproduction of strata were in progress. 

In order to explain this view, I shall assume that, 
in the region A (Fig. 175.), the chalk and associate 

strata are raised and converted into land; while in t° 
adjoining district, B, a contiguous part of the sam® 
beds remains submerged beneath the sea. Durg 
the elevation in A, the mass c c is gradually remove 
by denudation, and its ruins drifted to B, forming 
the tertiary deposit d. The force of water has tb¥ 
exerted an antagonist power; so that, in spite of the 
upheaving movement, the general outline of the so! 
surface, or the relative levels of its various parts, are 
| not greatly altered; for the uppermost part of thé 
newer deposit d rises nearly as high as the remainiPS 
summits of the denuded country A. After all thes? 
changes and levelling operations, an elevation to the 
amount of eight hundred feet in both the regions 
and B, would cause the secondary rocks of A tô of 
quire much the same height above the level of th® 
sea, as the tertiary beds would attain in B. 

The estimate of Mr. Martin is not, perhaps: exp 
aggerated, when he computes the probable thickness 


o£ Strata removed from the highest part of the Forest 
“dee to be about 1900 feet: so that, if we restore to 
Towborough Hill, in Sussex, the beds of Weald clay, 
Ower green-sand, gault, and chalk, which have been 
*emoved by denudation, that hill, instead of rising 
t0 the height. of eight hundred feet, would be more 
than trebled in altitude, and be about 2700 feet high.* 
t would then tower far above the highest outliers 
of tertiary strata which are scattered over our chalk ; 
% Inkpen Hill, in Berkshire, the greatest elevation 
of chalk in England, rises only 1011 feet above the 
vel of the sea. 
Some geologists, who have thought it necessary to 
‘uppose all the strata of the London and Hampshire 
asins to have been once continuous, have estimated 
the united thickness of the three marine Eocene groups 
fore described, as amounting to 1300 feet, and have 
ĉen bold enough to imagine a mass of this height to 
ve been once superimposed upon the chalk which 
merly covered the axis of the Weald.t Hence they 
Were led to infer that Crowborough Hill was once 
four thousand feet high, and was then cut down from 
Ur thousand to eight hundred feet by diluvial action. 
But by adopting the view above explained, that the 
Ocene deposits originated while the chalk and other 
Secondary rocks were rising from the sea and wasting 
“Way, we shall find it unnecessary to suppose any re- 
Noval of formations newer than the chalk, from the 
“entral parts of the Weald. 
_ Vertical strata of the Isle of Wight. — A line of ver- 
ical and inclined strata, running east and west, or 

* Phil. Mag. and Annals, No. 26., New Series, p. 117, 
t Martin, ibid. i 

260 EOCENE PERIOD. [Book 1V. 

parallel to the central axis of the Weald, extends, 3$ 
has been stated, through the Isles of Wight and Pur- 
beck, and through Dorsetshire, and has been observed 
by Dr. Fitton to reappear in France, north of Boulogh® 
The same strata which are elevated in the Weal 
valley are upheaved on this line also; and in the Isle 
of Wight, all the tertiary strata appear to have pa 
taken in the same movement.* ; 
From the horizontality of the freshwater series ” 
Alum Bay, as contrasted with the vertical position 0 
the marine tertiary beds, Mr. Webster was at first l€ 
very naturally to conclude, that the marine had unde? 
gone great derangement before the deposition of the 
freshwater strata. It appears, however, from the sub” 
séğjuent observations of Professor Sedgwick +, th 
/ these appearances are deceptive; and that at thé 
eastern extremity of the Isle of Wight, part of th? 
freshwater series is vertical, like the marine. Henc? 
it is now ascertained that, as the chalk is horizontal at 
the southern extremity of the Isle of Wight, while i 
is vertical in the centre of that island, so the Eoce?® 
strata are horizontal in the north of the island, 2” 
vertical in the centre. 
An important corollary is deduced from the dis- 
covery above mentioned ; namely, that the convulsio”? 
which brought the Isle of Wight group into their Pr” 
sent position were, in a great part if not entirely, sub- 
sequent to the deposition of the freshwater beds, % 
upper members of the Eocene formation. They may? 

* See Mr. Webster’s section, Geol. Trans., vol. ii. pirs 
Series, PlateX I, i ; 

t Anniv. Address to the Geol. Soc., Feb. 1831, p. 9 "i 
fessor Sedgwick informs me that his observations, made in 187” 
have recently been confirmed by Professor Henslow. 


however, have been contemporaneous with those move- 
Ments which raised the central parts of the London 
‘nd Hampshire basins to their present height. Re- 
fering again to the diagram, Fig. 175. p. 258., we may 
magine the series of elevatory movements in the S. E. 
of England to be divided into two parts: first, that 
Which casused the elevation and denudation of the 
tentral axis of the Weald in A; secondly, that which 
lifted the denuded surface E, together with the 
tertiary formations d, to their actual height. Now, 
this last set of movements may have occured before 
the close of the Eocene period, and may have pro- 

Uced that curve in the stratified rocks of the Isle 
of Wight, in which the freshwater beds there have 

At the same time great movements of elevation 
have been experienced in the south of England, at 
Periods decidedly post-Eocene; as, for example, those 
Y which the crag strata attained their present posi- 
Non in Norfolk, Suffolk, and Essex. The formation 
also called by Mr. Mantell the Elephant Bed, at the 
t of the chalk cliffs at Brighton, is not merely a 
talus of calcareous rubble collected at the base of an 
‘Nand cliff, but exhibits every appearance of having 
ĉen spread out in successive horizontal layers by 
Water in motion. 

The deposit alluded to skirts the shores between 
‘ighton and Rottingdean, and another mass appa- 
t tently of the same age occurs at Dover. The pheno- 
Mena appear to me to suggest the following conclu- 
‘lons ; — First, the south-eastern part of England had 
quired its actual configuration when the ancient 
chalk clif A a was formed, the beach of sand and 
shingle b having then been thrown up at the base of 


the cliff. Afterwards the whole coast, or at least that 
part of it where the elephant bed now extends, sub- 
Fig. 176. 

A. Chalk with layers of flint dipping slightly to the south. 

b. Ancient beach, consisting of fine sand, from one to four ie 
thick, covered by shingle from five to eight feet thick ° 
pebbles of chalk-flint, granite, and other rocks, with proke” 
shells, &c. 

c. Elephant bed, about fifty feet thick, consisting of layers ° 
white chalk rubble, with broken chalk flints, in which depo" 
are found bones of ox, deer, horse, and mammoth. * 

sided to the depth of fifty or sixty feet, and during 
the period of submergence successive layers of whit? 
calcareous rubble ¢ were accumulated, so as to c0Y® 
the ancient beach 6. Subsequently, the coast W” 
again raised, so that the ancient shore was elevated * 
a level somewhat higher than its original position. t 
_* Mantell’s Geol. of S. E. of England, p. 32. | 
+ See Mantell’s Geol. of S. E. of England, p. 32- 
re-examining the elephant bed in 1834, I was no longer in d 
of its having been a regular subaqueous deposit. 



Eocene alluviums. — The discovery, before men- 
tioned, of the genera Paleotherium and Anoplotherium 
A Binstead, associated with fossil shells of well-known. 
Ocene species, is interesting, as showing that England, 
® rather the space now occupied by part of our island, 
38 well as the country of the Paris basin, and Auvergne, 
‘ital, and Velay, were all inhabited, during the 
cene period, by a class of land animals of a very 
Peculiar type. 
€t we have never found a single fragment of the 
nes of any of these quadrupeds in our alluviums or 
“Ve breccias. In these formations we find the bones 
the mastodon and mammoth, of the rhinoceros, 
tippopotamus, lion, hyana, bear, and other quadru- 
Peds, all of extinct species. Where, then, are the 
“restrial alluviums of that surface which was inha- 
ted by the Paleothere and its congeners? 
It is difficult to answer this question ; but it seems 
“ear that a peculiar and rare combination of favour- 
© circumstances is required to preserve mammifer- 
Us or, indeed, any remains in terrestrial alluviums, in 
Wicient quantity to afford the geologist the means of 
‘signing the date of such deposits. For this reason 
“are scarcely able, at present, to form any conjec- 
te as to the relative ages of the numerous alluviums 
ich cover the surface of Scotland; a country which 
"obably became land long before the commencement 
*t the tertiary epochs. 
teavation of valleys. —It will be seen that the 
Xcavation of the valleys in the S. E. of England has 
“en referred chiefly to the ocean. 
those geologists who contend that the valleys in 
"gland are not due to what they term “ modern 
“Uses,” are in the habit of appealing to the fact, that 


the rivers in the interior of England are working g 
sensible alterations, and could never in their present 
state, not even in millions of years, have excavate 
the valleys through which they now flow. A false 
theory seems to be involved even in the term “mode™ 
causes,” as if it could be assumed that there We 
ancient causes, differing from those which are now, y 
operation. But if we substitute the phrase “ existing 
causes,”» we shall find that the argument now contr” 
verted amounts to little more than this,—“ that in y 
country free from subterranean movements, the actio? 
of running water is so trifling, that it could neve? 
hollow out, in any lapse of ages, a deep system ° 
valleys, and, therefore, no known combination of exist 
ing causes could ever have given rise to our prese” 
valleys !” 

"The advocates of these doctrines, in their an 
to point out the supposed absurdity of attributing 
ordinary causes those inequalities of hill and 4 j 
which now diversify the earth’s surface, have too ofte” 
kept entirely out of view the many recorded exa™mP " 
of elevations and subsidences of land during eart 4 
quakes; the frequent fissuring of mountains and ope 
ing of chasms; the temporary damming up of rivers 
landslips, followed by their sudden and impetuo” 
escape; the deflexion of streams from their origi”? 
|| courses; and, more important, perhaps, than all thes” 
|| the denuding power of the ocean, during the rise ° 

continents from the deeps. Few of the ordinary cals” 
H of change, whether igneous or aqueous, x 
served to act with their full intensity in any one 
at the same time: hence it is easy to persuade t he 
who have not reflected long and profoundly 9 ; 
working of the numerous igneous and aqueous a8° 




that they are entirely inadequate to bring about any 
portant fluctuations in the configuration of the 
farth’s surface. 

Recapitulation. —1 shall now briefly recapitulate 
Some of the principal conclusions to which I have 
arrived respecting the geology of the south-east of 

ngland, in reference to the nature and origin of the 

Ocene formations considered in this and the two 
Preceding chapters. 

l. In the first place, it appears that the tertiary 
‘trata rest exclusively upon the chalk, and consist, 
With some trifling exceptions, of alternations of clay 
and sand. 

2. The organic remains agree with those of the 

aris basin ; but the mineral character of the English 
tertiary deposits is extremely different, those rocks in 
Particular which are common to the Paris basin and 

entral France being wanting, or extremely rare in 

3. The English Eocene deposits are generally con- 
rmable to the chalk, being horizontal where the beds 
of chalk are horizontal, and vertical where they are 
Vertical; so that both series of rocks appear to have 
Participated in nearly the same movements. 

4. It is not possible to define the limits of the 
àncient borders of the tertiary sea in the south-east of 

hgland, in the same manner as can be frequently — 

One in those countries where the secondary rocks are 
“Xconformable to the tertiary. 

5. Although the tertiary deposits are chiefly confined 
to the tracts called the basins of London and Hamp- 
Shire, insulated patches of them are, nevertheless, 
Und on some of the highest summits of the chalk 
intervening between these basins. 

VOL. Iv. N 


266 _ EOCENE PERIOD. . [Book IY: 

6. These outliers, however, do not necessarily prov’ 
that the great mass of tertiary strata was once Conti 
nuous between the basins of London and Hampshire: 
and over other parts of the south-east of England now 
occupied by secondary rocks. 

7. On the contrary, it is probable that these second- 
ary districts were gradually elevated and denude® 
when the basins of London and Hampshire were stil 
submarine, and while they were gradually becoming 
filled up with tertiary sand and clay. 

8. If, in illustration of this theory, we examine one 
of the districts thus supposed to have been denude® 
we find in the valley of the Weald decided proofs 
that an immense mass of chalk and other seconda'Y 
formations has been removed by the force of water. 

9. We may infer, from the existence in the Wert 
of large valleys along the outcrop of the softer beds 
and of parallel chains of hills where harder rocks co™® 
up to the surface, that water was the removing caus@’ 
and from the shape of the escarpments presented by 
the harder rocks, and the distribution of alluvium; © 
may also conclude that the denudation was success!” 
and gradual during the rise of the strata. 

10. The materials carried away from the denuded . 
districts were probably conveyed into the depths of t° 
contiguous sea, through channels produced by cros 
fractures which have since become river-channels, 2” 
which now intersect the chalk in a direction at 18 
angles to the general axis of elevation of the count®y’ 

11. The analogous structure of the valley of King? 
clere, and of other valleys:which run east and west, 
like the valley of the Weald, but are much narrowe” 
accords with the hypothesis, that they were all Py 


duced by the denuding power of water co-operating 
With elevatory movements. > 

12. The mineral composition of the materials thus 
Supposed to have been removed in immense abundance 
from the valley of the Weald, are such as would, by 
degradation, form the English Eocene strata. 

13. The movements which threw the chalk and the 
tertiary strata of the Isles of Wight and Purbeck into 
à Vertical position, were subsequent to the formation 
of the Eocene freshwater strata of the Isle of Wight, 

ut may possibly have occurred during the Eocene 

14. But some movements of land in the south of 

Ngland must have been posterior to the deposition of 
the crag; and the ancient beach, together with the 
å elephant bed” at Brighton, seem to imply a subsi- 
dence and elevation of comparatively modern date. 

15. The masses of secondary rock which have been 
"emoved by denudation from the central axis of the 

eald would, if restored, rise to more than double the 
“eight now attained by any patches of tertiary strata 
England. l 

l6. If, therefore, the Eocene strata do not appear to 
*ccupy a much lower level than the secondary rocks 
“0m the destruction of which they have been formed, 
Mis, perhaps, because the highest summits of the 
Secondary formations have been cut off during the rise 
oÈ the land, and thrown into those troughs where we 
now find the tertiary deposits. 



Ancient and modern classification of fossiliferous strata — For™ 
ations commonly called secondary and transition — The di- 
visions usually adopted not of equivalent value — Sketch of the 
principal groups — Cretaceous group (p. 271.) — No species 
common to the secondary and tertiary rocks — Chasm betwee? 
the Eocene and Maestricht beds — Duration of seconda 
periods— Wealden strata— Their relation to the marine group ; 

above and below — Portland “dirt bed” — Oolitic gro”? 
(p. 287.)— Lias — New red sandstone — Zechstein — Carbo?” . 
iferous group — Old red sandstone — Transition formations < 

Rock called Greywacké. 

Ir was stated in a former chapter that the first rude 
attempt to classify rocks in chronological order was 
that according to which they were arranged in four 

groups called primitive, transition, secondary, and te" 
tiary —the transition and secondary comprising all the 
stratified fossiliferous formations older than the tertia?’ 
These ancient divisions, although not yet obsolete 
have gradually become less and less fitted to repres?” 
the present state of our knowledge. It was neve! 
supposed that each of the four sections were of equiv 
lent importance, or, in other words, that they °° 
comprised a series of monuments relating to ed” 
portions of the ancient history of the earth. It wa® 
however, imagined that they followed each other ” 


tegular chronological order, and that the primary were 
always older than the transition; that the transition 
Were more ancient than the secondary, and the second- 
ary than the tertiary strata. That this opinion, though 
8enerally correct, is not strictly true in regard to the 
€ntire series called “ primary,” whether stratified or 
unstratified, will appear in the sequel.* 

The fossiliferous strata have been variously grouped, 
according to the comparative value which different 
8eologists have attached to different characters; some 
having been guided chiefly by the thickness, geogra- 
Phical extent, and mineralogical composition of par- 
ticular sets of strata; others, by their organic remains. 
All, however, seem now agreed that it is by a com- 
bination of these characters that we must endeavour 
to decide which sets of strata should be entitled to 
tank as principal or independent groups. The fol- 
lowing is an outline of the arrangement adopted in 
this work, which will be more fully explained by the 
Tables at the end of this and the 27th chapter : — 

. Tertiary, or supracretaceous + - Tertiary. 
. Cretaceous - - Rees 
Wealden - - - - 

. Oolite, upper, middle, and lower 
Lias - = 3 - - 

. New red sandstone and muschelkalk 
. Magnesian limestone and zechstein 
. Carboniferous - - - 

Old red sandstone - 

? Secondary. 


3 Chap xxvii. 

t -For tertiary, Mr. De la Beche has used the term “supracre- 
‘aceous,” a name implying that the strata so called are superior 
'M position to the chalk. 



10. Ludlow rocks 7 Upper 
11. Wenlock limestone Silurian 
12. Caradoc sandstones Lower $ Transition: 
13. Llandeilo flags Silurian* 
14. Fossiliferous Greywacké - 

The third group, however, of the above list, or thé 
Wealden formation, although locally of great thicknes* 
in the south-east of England, is so partial a deposit 
that some geologists think it should be merged in the 
oolite, others in the cretaceous system; to both of 
which propositions there are objections, as will after- 
wards appear. The fifth group, or lias, would by maby 
be included in the oolites. The old red sandstone ba 
usually been classed as the lower part of the carboni- 
ferous series; but the fossils recently found in it are 
so distinct from those of the coal, and, on the othe 
hand, from those of the underlying Ludlow rocks, that 
it seems fairly entitled, on these grounds as well aS 
from its great thickness in parts of England and Seot 
land, to stand as a separate section. 

Among other objections to the above classificatio® 
it may be said that the tertiary group, comprehending 
all the deposits from the Eocene strata to the New 
Pliocene inclusive, is of greater importance than man} 
of the other divisons. It may also be suggested that 
the oolitic formation might admit of three subdivisio®® 
each as much entitled to rank as an independent form- 
ation as the lias. The following would, perhaps, be ® 
nearer approximation to an arrangement in which the 
leading divisions would be of equivalent value, as est 
mated by the successive changes in organic life implied 
by the imbedded fossil remains and by the geographica 
extent and thickness of the strata: — 

* For explanation of the term « Silurian,” see p. 298 


> Pliocene. ` 11. New red sandstone and 

» Miocene. _. Muschelkalk. 

- Eocene. 12. Magnesian limestone and 
» Maestricht and Chalk. _ Zechstein. 
© Green sand. 13. Carboniferous formation. 
» Wealden. 14. Old red sandstone. 

: Upper Oolite. © 15. Ludlow rocks. 

» Middle Qolite. 16. Wenlock limestone. 

- Lower Oolite. 17. Caradoc sandstone. , 

E Tias. 18. Llandeilo flags. 

19. Fossiliferous Greywacké. 



“It is not my intention to enter at present upon a 
detailed description of the fossiliferous formations older 
than the tertiary, the elucidation of which might well 
Occupy another volume. The observations about to be 
Offered have chiefly for their object to show how far the 
tules of interpretation adopted: for the tertiary form- 
ations are applicable to the phenomena of the older 

Sedimentary rocks. 

PRINCIPAL GROUPS. (Descending Series.) 

L. Cretaceous Group.—WStrata from the Chalk of Maes- 
> tricht to the Lower Green-sand inclusive. — F, Table I. 
í P. 802. 
- The principal subdivisions of this group, as it occurs 
m England and in several countries of the North of 
Europe, will be found on consulting Table I. Group F. 
ey are six in number, namely ;—1. the Maestricht 
beds, —2. the chalk with flints, — 3. the chalk without 
ints, — 4. the upper green-sand,— 5. the gault, — 
6. the lower green-sand. The newest of these deposits 
is well seen at St. Peter’s Mount, Maestricht, and at 
ai near Mons, reposing on the upper flinty chalk 
of England and France. It is a soft yellowish stone, 
Not very unlike chalk, and “ includes siliceous masses, 
N 4 


which are much more rare than those of the chalk, of 
greater bulk, and not composed of black flint, but ° 
chert and calcedony.”* 

It is characterized by a peculiar assemblage of 
organic remains, perfectly distinct from those of the 
tertiary period. M. Deshayes, after a careful comp? 
rison, and after making drawings of more than tw? 
hundred species of the Maestricht shells, has bee? 
unable to identify any one of them with the numerous 
tertiary fossils in his collection. On the other hand 
there are several shells which are decidedly commo” 
to the calcareous beds of Maestricht and the whité 
chalk ; as, for example, the twelve following species, 0 
which the names have been communicated to me PY 
M. nc SDENT Cuvieri (Fig. ise (spe 

Catillus Cuviert. Syn. Inoceramus Cuvieri, Sow. nae with fin 
cimens imperfect), Plagiostoma spinosum (Fig. 180: ) 
P. Hoperi (Fig. 179.), Pecten fragilissimus, Ostrea Ye 
sicularis (see Fig. 186.), O. carinata os 182.), on 

CrantaParisiensis, Ak aes ogo mf: 
inferior or attached Plagiostoma Plagiostoma" 
value. Hoperi. spinosum. £ 

* Fitton, Proceedings of Geol. Soc. 1830. 


Patisiensis (Fig. 178.), Terebratula octoplicata (Fig. 

Fig, 181. 

Ostrea carinata, 
efrancii. characteristic of Upper Green-sand. 

183.), T. carnea (Fig. 185.), T.pumilus (Magas, Sow.) 
m Fig.184. Fig. 185. 

Terebratula E Terebratula 
(Wa, CCtoplicata. Terebratula pumilus. carnea, 
Gr, of T. plicatilis). ( Magas pumilus, Sow.) 

(Pig.184.), T. Defrancii (Fig.181.), Belemnites mucro- 
Matus (Fig. 187.). 
ut the fossils of the Maestricht beds extend not 
Merely into the white chalk of the French geologists, 
ùt into their “ chloritic, or green-sand,” which corre- 
‘Ponds with the upper green-sand of the English geolo- 
Šlsts, The following five species of shells have been 
“ognized by M. Deshayes as common to the Maes- 
“cht beds and the upper green-sand of France : — 
8giostoma spinosum (Fig. 180.), Ostrea vesicularis 

Fig, 186. 

Ostrea vesicularis (Gryphea globosa, Sow.) 

N 5 


a. Belemnites mucronatus, 
. Same, internal structure 

Fig. 189. 

Se = ja 
=n L 5 

Baculites Faujasii. Baculites anceps; Chalk. 
(Fig. 186.), O. carinata (Fig. 182.), Belemnites mut” 
natus (Fig. 187.), and Baculites Faujasii (Fig. 188-): 
Count Munster has shown me, among the fos% 
which he himself collected at Maestricht, three speci®? 
of ammonite, among which is A. Rhotomage™ 
(Defrance) ; also a species ° 
Hamite, and Hippurites Des 
moulinsi (Golf). The sa“ 
eminent naturalist has dis” 
vered no less than forty spe 
cies of microscopic fora” 
F nifera in the same formati” 
Ammonites Bhotomagensis. all of species distinct fro 
any known either as recent or tertiary, and madY y 
new genera. There is also an ammonite, obtai”? 
from the Maestricht limestone by Dr. Fitton, 20” i 
the museum of the Geological Society of Londo” 
The occurrence of these ammonites and species 
kindred genera, such as the Baculite and Hamite, p 
also the Belemnite, is important, as showing that t 
subdivision (No. 1.) now under consideration shou 
be classed as the newest member of the secon f 
series, rather than as a link between it and the "A 
tiary. No shell hitherto found, even in the oldest ° 

Ch, XXIIL] CHALK. 275 

Eocene tertiary formations, minutely as these have 
ĉen investigated, could be mistaken, either for the 
Ammonite or belemnite, the nearest approach to the 
Mmonite being the nautilus, and the tertiary fossil 
Which comes nearest to the belemnite being the 
Beloptera of the London and Paris basins (Fig. 191.). 
We can scarcely expect, therefore, 
to discover in existing tropical seas 
any living representatives of those ` 
curious cephalopoda, ammonites and 
belemnites, which evidently swarmed 
in the ocean when the cretaceous 
and many preceding groups of strata 
were formed. They even seem to 
ndon and Paris basins. haye become entirely extinct, at 
least in European latitudes, before the commencement 
the Eocene period. 

The rock commonly known as chalk preserves its 
Peculiar mineral character throughout a considerable 
‘tea in Europe, but it is rarely of such thickness as in 
Many parts of the south-east of England, where hori- 
“ontally stratified masses about one thousand feet 
: ick, are composed of it. Its upper member in this 
“Ountry is usually called the “ Chalk with flints ;” but 
“Dove this mass there is in some places another de- 
Posit of white chalk without flints, which was found, by 
oring at Diss, in Norfolk, to attain a thickness of 
00 feet.* The chalk stretches over a large part of 
our island, and recurs in the north of Ireland, is found 
t Denmark and the south of Sweden, and even in 

oland and part of Russia. In France it surrounds 
“hd underlies the strata of the Paris basin before de- 

* Proceedings of Geol. Soc., vol. ii. p. 93. 
N 6 


scribed (see Map, Fig. 156. p. 209.), from whence it 
stretches northward into Belgium and the north ° 
Germany, and southward to the basin of the Gironde- 
I have seen it, still retaining nearly all the same char 
racters, between Bordeaux and Dax; but it chang® 
its aspect greatly on the flanks of the Pyrenees, wher? 
its identity can only be established by the similarity 
of its fossil remains. Even the white chalk, howeve” 
varies considerably in its texture, in proportion as W° 
depart from the great central deposit of Europe- In 
some parts, for example, of the south of France, it 
becomes oolitic. Here also it contains, together wit 

shells which abound in the north, many other spec 
peculiar to more southern districts, especially of the 

genera spherulite, hippurite, and nummulite. 
Fig. 192. a shaba 

ai Hippurites bioculata, Lamk. 

. H. radiosa, Desmoulins, Opercular valve. ? Lower chalk, South of Fr 

The other divisions of the cretaceous group, Nos: hy 
5, and 6., consist of sands and clays, which have also 
a wide geographical range. The position of the gat 
and lower green-sand, relatively to the formations ° 
the white and flinty chalk before alluded to, has bee? 
elucidated in diagram Fig. 157. p. 224. The fossils 

Fig. 193. Fig. 194. gf 

i a 

= > 5. 
> j qat! 
f ‘it. n 5 COS? og 
4 E es ojile. ? Upper green-sand, taper and log, 

* Dufrénoy, Bulletin de la Soc. Géol. de France, tom. i p> 1” 


@. Turrilites costatus, Gault. A 
. Same, shewing the indurated border of the partition of the chambers. 

of the inferior arenaceous and argillaceous groups are 
Yon the whole very different from those of the chalk 

fore described, but there are many species common 
to these two great divisions. 

The testacea obtained from the entire cretaceous 
System amount to about one thousand ; and if, for the 
Sake of classification, we refer every set of strata in | 

Urope which are characterized by these organic re- 
Maing to one period, we immediately comprehend in 
t rocks of every variety of mineral composition, yet 
Which always occupy a determinate place in the order 
of Superposition intervening between the tertiary strata 
4nd those of the Oolitic period. 

In the cretaceous group, thus distinguished, we 
behold in the Pyrenees and in Spain compact and 
crystalline marbles, masses of gypsum and salt, pud- 
ingstones, red sandstone, thin shales and grits, con- 
taining impressions of marine plants, and other rocks, 
to which there is nothing analogous in formations of 
the same age in northern Europe. 

Tt appears, by the researches of MM. Boblaye and 

irlet, that in the Morea a great cretaceous system 
Occurs, composed of compact and lithographic lime- 
Stones of great thickness ; also of granular limestones, 
With jasper; and in some districts, as in Messenia, a 
Puddingstone with a siliceous cement more than 1600 
feet in thickness.* 

* Bull. dela Soc. Géol. de France, tom. iii. p. 149. 


It is evident, observe these geologists, from the great 
range of the hippurite and nummulite limestone, a rock 
belonging to the same era, that the South of Europe w35 
occupied at the period of the cretaceous deposition 
by an immense sea, which extended from the Atlantic 
Ocean into Asia, and comprehended the South of 
France, together with Spain, Sicily, part of Italy, and 
the Austrian Alps, Dalmatia, Albania, a portion of 
Syria, the isles of the Ægean, coasts of Thrace, and 
the Troad. 

The plants found in the chalk of England and Franc? 
are chiefly marine. Some wood has been occasionally 
met with, both in the chalky rock and its flints, having 
the appearance of being drifted, and commonly marke 
with the perforations of boring shells, such as thé 
Teredo and Fistulana.* In Sweden, M. Nilsson a® 
found beds of lignite associated with our commo” 
chalk fossils}; so that we may conclude that forests 
grew on the lands of this period, wherever these may 
have been placed ; but as yet their site is mere matte” 
of conjecture. 

The testacea, zoophytes, crustacea, and fishes, at? 
marine, and no bones of mammiferous quadrupeds 
or birds have yet been discovered ; but in the Maes- 
tricht beds large turtles have been found, and # 
gigantic reptile, the Mosasaurus, or fossil Monitor, ° 
Maestricht, some of the vertebrae of which appe® 
also in the English chalk.t The osteological chara 
ters of this oviparous quadruped prove it to have bee? 
intermediate between the living Monitors and Iguanas + 
and, from the size of the head, vertebrae, and othe" 

* Mantell, Geol. of S. E. of England, p. 96. 
+ Petrificata Suecana, 1827. 
$ See Mantell’s Geol. of S. E. of England. 


bones, it is supposed to have been twenty-four feet in 
length. : 
In reviewing the facts above enumerated, I may first. 
Call attention to the important circumstance that no 
Species of fossil shell has yet been found common to 
the secondary and tertiary formations ; a fact stated on 
the authority of M. Deshayes, who assures me that 
he has seen no tertiary shells in the Gosau beds, sup- 
Posed by some geologists to be intermediate between 
the secondary and tertiary formations. On the other 
hand, some of the most characteristic species of 
Gosau -occur in the green-sand beneath the chalk, at 
Ciply, south of Mons, in Belgium, and at some 
Neighbouring places which I have visited. Count. 
unster also informs me, that the zoophytes which 
he possesses from the Gosau beds differ specifically 
from any which he knows as tertiary. I mention this 
in the hope that the identifications which have been 
made of Gosau and tertiary species may be re-examined 
With scrupulous care, for, if confirmed, they would be of 
the greatest theoretical interest. 

This marked discordance in the organic remains of 
the two series is not confined to the testacea, but 
extends, so far as a careful comparison has yet been 
instituted, to all the other departments of the animal 
kingdom, and to the fossil plants. Dr. Agassiz, whose 
Streat work on fossil fish is now in progress of publi- 
Cation, has discovered no species of fish common to 
the secondary and tertiary rocks. 

There appears, then, to be a greater chasm between 

e. organic remains of the Eocene and Maestricht 

eds, than between the Eocene and Recent strata ; 
or there are some living shells in the Eocene form- 
ations, while there are no Eocene fossils in the newest 


secondary group. It is not improbable that a longe" 
interval of time may be indicated by this greate" 
dissimilarity in fossil remains. In the 3d and 4th 
chapters I endeavoured to point out that we have ° 
right to expect, even when we have investigated £ 
greater extent of the earth’s surface, that we shall Þe 
able to bring to light an unbroken chronological series 
of monuments from the remotest eras to the present: 
but, as we have already discovered a long successio” 
of deposits of different ages, between the tertiary 
groups first known and the recent formations, so W? 
may, perhaps, hereafter detect an equal, or eve? 
greater, series intermediate between the Maestricht 
and Eocene strata. 

The different subdivisions of the cretaceous group 
(No. 1.), extending from the chalk of Maestricht t° 
the lower green-sand inclusive, may, perhaps, relate 
to a lapse of ages as immense as the united tertiary 
periods, of which the eventful history has bee? 
sketched in this work. Such a conjecture, at leash 
seems warranted, if we can form any estimate of the 
quantity of time, by comparing the amount of vicis- 
situde in animal life which has occurred during i 

2. The Wealden, or the Strata from the Weald Clay @ 
the Purbeck Limestone inclusive.—G, Table I. pe 302. 

It will be seen by the Table I. p. 302., that in the 
South of England this group may be divided into three 
formations — the Weald clay, the Hastings sands, 29 
the Purbeck beds, which are all characterized by thé 
remains of freshwater animals; whereas the cretaceo™ - 
strata which are superitnposed upon the Wealden, in 

xxi] WEALDEN. STRATA. 281 

the south-east of England, contain fossils of marine 
The position of these beds has been indicated in 
agram Fig. 157. page 224., and the map (Plate XV.) 
Will show the superficial area occupied by them in 
€nt, Sussex, Surrey, and Hampshire. It must not 
© supposed, however, that they terminate at the 
Points where they happen to be covered by the creta- 
“eous system. The same group has been ascertained 
0 extend from west to east (from Lulworth Cove to 
© boundary of the Lower Boulonnois), about 200 
Nglish miles; and from north-west to south-east 
(from Whitchurch to Beauvais), 220 miles; the depth 
total thickness of the beds, where greatest, being 
‘bout 2000 feet.t The general appearance of the 
Clays and sands, and of the subordinate beds of lime- 
‘tone, grit, and shale, and of the imbedded shells, 
tecalls so precisely that of many tertiary formations of 
"eshwater origin, that it is only after having deter- 
mined the species of organic remains that we recognize 
à discordance in character as great as might have been 
“ticipated when strata above and below the chalk 
Vere compared. 
The vegetable remains belong, some of them, to ` 
Plants which appear to have held an intermediate place 
tween the Equiseta and Palms, as the Clathraria 
‘covered by Mr. Mantell; while others approach to 
‘tborescent ferns, the species being very peculiar, and 
“ot known in any other deposit, whether of higher or 
‘ferior antiquity. t 

b * The term Wealden was suggested by Mr. Martin, and will 
e fo 

t Fitton’s Geol. of Hastings, p. 58. 
ł Mantell, Geol. of S. E. of England, chap. xi. 

und of great convenience. 

282 WEALDEN STRATA. [Book 1V: 

The shells of the Wealden are almost exclusively 
fluviatile; and, as is usual in assemblages of freshwat®" 
testacea, a few species only are found, while the 1™ 
dividuals are very numerous, sometimes forming the 
principal component of entire beds of limestone. Shells 
of the Cypris, also, a freshwater animal, befor? 
mentioned as occurring in the lacustrine deposits ° 
Auvergne, are profusely distributed throughout the 
Wealden. Of this genus several species have bee? 
discovered, named and figured by Dr. Fitton.* (Se 
figures. ) 

Fig. 198. 

Cypris Cypris Valdensis, Fitton. Cypri tuberculatts 
a ge C. faba, Min. Con, 485.) A “Fitton. : 

Some fish, also, of forms resembling known fuviatile 
genera, have been met with; but the remains ° 
reptiles present the most remarkable feature in #® 
group. Some of these belong to turtles, such ast 
Trionyx, a genus now occurring in freshwater in t% 
pical regions: others are referable to the genus Emy? 
Of Saurian lizards there are at least five genera; f 
Crocodile, Plesiosaur, Megalosaur, Iguanodon, ap 
Hyleosaur. The Iguanodon, of which the remain’ 
- were first discovered by Mr. Mantell,.was an herbi” 
rous reptile, and was regarded by Cuvier as more e 
traordinary than any with which he was acquainte’’ 
for the teeth, though bearing a great analogy t° * a 

y in the 
* See Trans. of Geol. Soc., vol. iv., Second Series, now ™ f 


h xxr] 7 WEALDEN STRATA. sn RS 

Modern Iguanas which now frequent the tropical 
Woods of America and the West Indies, exhibit many 
tiking and important differences. It appears that 
€y have been worn by mastication; whereas the 
isting herbivorous reptiles clip and gnaw off the 
Vegetable productions on which they feed, but do not 
“ew them. Their teeth, when worn, present an ap- 
Pearance of having been chipped off, and never, like 
the fossil teeth of the Iguanodon, have a flat ground 
'urface, resembling the grinders of herbivorous mam- 
malia From the large bones, found in great num- 
ts near these teeth, a fairly presumed to belong 
the same animal, it is computed that the entire 
“gth of this reptile could not have been less than 
*venty feet. 

The bones of birds have been found in the Wealden ; 
ùt in no part has any fragment of the skeleton of a 
Mammiferous quadruped been obtained. With this 
‘ception, to which I shall presently revert, the strata 

the Wealden present such characters as we might 
k for in the deposits of the deltas now forming at 
the mouths of large rivers in tropical climates. 

The Wealden, as was before explained, is covered 
Y the marine cretaceous system, and reposes upon 
Nother, which is, in like manner, a purely marine 
pt: namely, the uppermost member of the Oolite, 

e H, Table I. p. 303.. 

n This intercalation of a great freshwater formation 
tween two others of marine origin is a remarkable 
Act, and attests, in a striking manner, the great extent 
former revolutions in the position of sea and land. 
A those sections where the junction of the freshwater 
Cretaceous system is seen, the beds of the lower 

* Mantell, Geol. of S. E. of England, p. 277. 


green-sand have been observed to repose conformably 
upon those of the subjacent Weald clay. There is ™° 
indication of disturbance: “To all appearance the, 
change from the deposition of the freshwater remains 
to that of the marine shells may have been effect? 
simply by a tranquil submersion of the land to a greate" 
depth beneath the surface of the waters.” * l 
At the point of contact of the inferior division of the 
Wealden or “ Purbeck beds,” with the more ancien” 
marine system, a very curious phenomenon is observe" 
the freshwater calcareous strata repose, both in port 
land and Purbeck, upon the oolitic limestone, ¢4! 
the Portland stone, which abounds with Ammonite 
Trigoniæ, and other marine shells, Between the tw? 
formations there intervenes “a layer, about a foot 
thickness, of what appears to have been an anclé? 
vegetable soil ; it is of a dark brown colour, contains ’ 
large proportion of earthy lignite, and, like the mode” 
soil on the surface of the island, many water-wo 
stones. This layer is called the ¢dirt-bed’ by E 
quarrymen ; and in, and upon it, are a great num” 
of silicified trunks of coniferous trees, and plants albe 
to the recent cycas and zamia. Many of the stems ° 
the trees, as well as the plants, are still erect, as 
petrified while growing undisturbed in their nati” 
forest ; the trees having their roots in the soil n 
their trunks extending into the superincumbent $t!? 
of limestone.” + r 
Traces of this vegetable earth, occupying the sa 

* Dr. Fitton, Geol. of Hastings, p. 28. 

+ Mantell, Geol. of S. E. of England, p. 336. — 
papers by Mr. Webster, Dr. Buckland, and Mr. De la Be j 
Geol. Trans., Second Series, vol. ii. Mr. Webster was, ÍI belie 
the first to notice the erect position of the stems. 


'elative situation, have been observed by Dr. Fitton in 
e cliffs of the Boulonnois, on the opposite coast of 
tance. * Dr. Buckland and Mr. De la Beche have 

‘lo ascertained that many of the stumps of trees re- 

Nain erect, with their roots attached to the black soil 

n which they grew, their upper part being imbedded 

N the limestone; from which they infer, “that the 

“Urface of the subjacent Portland stone was for some 

lhe dry land, and covered by a forest, and probably 

Na Climate such as to admit the growth of the modern 
amia and Cycas.” + 
It seems a legitimate deduction from the data above 

Xplained, that the marine formations of an antece- 
“at period (that of the oolite) had become land 
toughout a portion of the space now occupied by the 
Wuth of England, and the opposite coast of France ; 

"Nd that this land then sank down, with its forests, and 

“Came submerged beneath the waters of a great river, 

st as the region around Sindree, in Cutch, subsided 

"1819, and was permanently laid under water, being 
tone time occupied by the fresh water of the Indus. 

© country may then have continued to subside, until | 
thickness of one or two thousand feet of fluviatile 
diment had been gradually accumulated ; and this 

*Posit, or delta, by a continuation of the same de- 
"essing operations, may, in its turn, have become 

ried deep beneath the sea in which the chalk was 

I shall not enter farther into these speculations at 
sent, but proceed to inquire how far the Wealden 
` connected by its fossil remains with the overlying or 

: Geol. of Hastings. Geol. Proceedings, vol. i. p. 9. 
P toceedings of Geol. Soc., April, 1830. 
+ See Vol. II. p. 196., and Vol. III. p. 254., and Plate V. 

286 WEALDEN STRATA. Book 1%" 

subjacent formations. First, we may ask whether ther? 
are any species of fossil animals or plants commo” 
the freshwater group and to the oolitic system. ! aw 
aware of one example only, the Megalosaurus Buo 
landi; for the teeth and bones of this great sauria” 
occur in the Stonesfield oolite and the Hastings sand 
the remains in both cases having been referred b 
Cuvier to the same species. There are also some 
generic forms both of reptiles and fish common tO si 
Oolite and Wealden, and not yet discovered in the chalk 
Vertebræ, for example, of the Plesiosaurus are m 
confined to the oolite and lias, but have been also fow? 

in the Wealden; and the Lepidotus, a genus of fis 

very characteristic of the Wealden, is unknown in the 
cretaceous group, while it is abundant in the oolitl? 
‘series. On the other hand, the same Iguanodon Ma 
telli, which is so conspicuous a fossil in the Wealde™ 
has recently been discovered near Maidstone in ‘ 

overlying Kentish rag, a marine limestone of f 

lower green-sand. From this fact we may infer tha 
some of the saurians which inhabited the country ° 
that great river, which by its sediment produced ; 

Wealden strata, continued to live when part of t 
country had become submerged beneath the sea. Thu 
in our own times, we may suppose the bones of larg? 
alligators to be frequently entombed in recent fresi 
water strata in the delta of the Ganges. But if part s 
that delta should sink down so as to be covered byi 
sea, marine formations might begin to accumulate jn the 
same space where freshwater beds had previously bat 

formed; and yet the Ganges might still pour dow?’ f 
turbid waters in the same direction, and caltTy v 

carcasses of the same species of alligator to the 5€% 


Which case their. bones might be included in marine 
3S well as in subjacent freshwater strata. 
Near Beauvais, in France, there is a small valley of 
“evation and denudation, closely resembling in struc- 
ture that of the Weald, and called the country of Bray, 
Where the green-sand crops out from beneath the chalk, 
Md where strata, for the most part like those of the 
falden, appear beneath the green-sand. One mem- 
®t of the series, a fine whitish sand, contains impres- 
sions of ferns, considered by M. Adolphe Brongniart 
à identical with Lonchopteris Mantelli, a plant found 
"equently in the Wealden. I examined part of the 
‘alley of Bray in company with M. Graves, in 1833, 
"hd I observed that the sand last mentioned, with its 
Vegetable remains, was intercalated between two sets 
marine strata, containing trigoniæ, and referred, by 
"nch geologists, to the lower green-sand. In the 
“ame country of Bray, and associated with the same 
mation, is a limestone resembling the Purbeck mar- 
< > and containing a Paludina which seems specifically 
entical with that of Purbeck. z 
There are some few species, therefore, of the Weal- 
ĉn common on the one hand to the overlying creta- 
Moug group, and on the other to the subjacent oolite ; 
ùt the connection hitherto established is so slight 
àt the era of the freshwater deposit may have been 
“barated by a wide interval of time from the periods 
€n the animals either of the oolitic or cretaceous 
Periods predominated. 

288 i OOLITIC GROUP. [Book 1V 

3. Oolite, or Jura Limestone Formation. — H, Table I 
- p- 303. 

The different subdivisions which have been made f% 
the classification of the rocks of this group in Engla” 
are enumerated in Table I. p. 303. It consists ° 
limestone, clay, marl, and sand; which, considered H 
the aggregate, retain the same lithological characte" 
throughout a considerable part of England, France, #” 
Germany. It is not to be expected that we sbo” 
be able to follow the different members of the Eng! 
series throughout Europe, as they vary greatly, bot 
in mineral and organic characters, in their cow" 
throughout different parts of our own island ; bub ie 
the fossils of the higher, middle, and lower parts : 
the series are not the same, it may be possible, 
their aid, to establish subordinate groups of gre 

Among the fossils known to have a wide rang? J 
Europe, and peculiar to the upper division, 1 ™ 
mention Gryphea virgula, as occurring in France, ne? 

Oxford, and elsewh” 

(Fig. 199.), and O% 

deltoidea (Fig. 900: ) 

common in part of th 

upper Oolite or kr 

meridge clay, throug i 

eas out England and E 

virgula. , Ostrea deliotdea. north of France ap 

found also in Scotland, at Brora. 

The coral rag of England, and analogous zoophY 
limestones of the oolitic period in different pat 
Europe, bear a resemblance to the coralline formatio” 
now in progress in the seas of warmer latitudes. 



Fig. 201, A A member of the oolite of the Jura, 
: corresponding to part of the English 
coral rag (H. 3. Table I. p- 303.), has 
been called «“ Nerinægan limestone” 
(Calcaire à Nérinées) by M. Thirria ; 
Nerinæa being a genus of univalve shells, 
much resembling the Cerithium in ex- 
ternal form. The annexed section (Fig. 
201.) of one from the coral rag shows 
j the curious form of the hollow part of 
Seu; .£& each whorl, and also the perforation 
ection of Nerinea A : A 
hierogłyphica. which passes up the middle of the co- 
Coral rag. 
Fig. 202. A division of the oolite in the 
Alps, referred by most geologists 
to the coral rag, has been often 
named “ Diceras limestone,” or 
“ Calcaire à Dicerates,” from its 
containing abundantly a bivalve 
a ee shell (Fig. 202.) of a genus allied to 
Coral rag. ` the Chama. 
- In the lithographic limestone of Solenhofen, belong- 
Ng to one of the upper members of the series, a great 
Variety of organic remains is found. Among these I 
ave seen in the museum of Count Munster no less 
than seven species of flying lizards, or Pterodactyls, six 
‘aurians, three tortoises, sixty species of fish, forty-six 
of crustacea, and twenty-six of insects. The number 
of testacea is comparatively small, as also of plants, 
Which are all marine. Count Munster had determined 
237 species of animal and vegetable remains from the 
Olenhofen slate when I saw his collection in 1833. 
the extreme fineness of the sediment has, in this 
"stance, allowed impressions of some of the most 
XOL. TV. (0) 

290 LIAS. [Book IV. 


delicate and soft parts of various animals to be pre- 
served; as of the belemnite and several insects. 

In the Stonesfield slate (see Table), the remains of 
reptiles have been found associated with marine shells, 
and with them the jaws of at least two species of small 
mammiferous quadrupeds of a genus allied to the 
Didelphys, or Opossum.* It is very remarkable, that 
these fossils afford the only exception yet known t° 
the apparent absence of all terrestrial mammalia fro™ 
the islands and continents which existed anteriorly t° 
the Eocene period. 

Among the characteristic shells of the oolite I may 
instance Terebratula spinosa (Fig. 203.), Pholadomy® 
fidicula (Fig. 204.), and Belemnites hastatus, (Fig. 205.) 

Terebratula spinosa. a. Pholadomya fidicula. Inferior Oolite. t 
Inferior Oolite. b. Heart-shaped anterior termination of the same: 

Fig. 205. 

Belemnites hastatus. 

4. Lias. I., Table I., p. 304. 

The English provincial name of Lias has been very 
generally adopted for a formation of argillaceous lim® 
stone, marl, and clay, usually found in conformable 
stratification to the rocks of the oolite group before de- 
scribed. Some geologists regard the lias as the lowest 
member of the oolite group, several species of organ? 

* For figures of these, see above, Vol. I. pp. 237, 238. 

Ch. XXIIL] LIAS. 291 

remains being common to it and to the inferior oolite. 
If we draw a line between these formations, the sepa- 
ration will be somewhat arbitrary, but may be, never- 
theless, convenient ; as both the oolite group and the 
lias will still comprehend a great thickness of strata, 
Characterized, when viewed on the great scale, by 
assemblages of distinct fossils. The lias retains a uni- 
form mineralogical character throughout a great part of 
England, France, and Germany; and this circumstance 
_ May facilitate the attempt to ascertain the contempo- 
Taneous existence of a sufficiently numerous set of fos- 
sil plants and animals to enable us to determine the 
equivalent groups of distant countries. 

A principal member of this formation has been 
Sometimes called on the Continent “ Calcaire à gry- 
Phytes,” or “ Gryphyte limestone,” from the great 
abundance of a species of shell of a genus allied to 

Fig. 206. 

Grypheaincurva, Sow. 

Syn. G. arcuata, Lam. — Nauitlus truncatus, Lias. 
the oyster. (See Fig. 206.) : 

The remains of reptiles, those of saurians in par- 
ticular, are very common in the liassic rocks in several 
Parts of England, especially of the genera Ichthyo- 
Saurus, Plesiosaurus, and Crocodile. 

The fish are, for the most part, of the same genera 
as in the oolite. (See Figs. 208, 209.). 

Hybodus reticulatus. Lias, Lyme Regis. 

a. Part of the fin, commonly called Ichthyodorulite. 
b. Tooth of the same. 

Fig. 209. 

Acrodus nobilis, tooth ; commonly called fossil Leach. 
Lias, Lyme Regis, and Germany. 

5. New Red Sandstone group, K., Tab. I., p. 304. (1 
cluding the Muschelkalk of the Germans). 

The deposits which are referable to the interval 
which separated the lias from the great coal formatio? 
may be divided into two principal groups : first, the 
New Red Sandstone ; secondly, the Magnesian Lime- 
stone. The New Red Sandstone of England, accom 
panied by beds of gypsum and rock salt, is almost 
entirely destitute of organic remains ; but the Musch- 
elkalk of Germany, which is referable to the” same 
period, and has no precise equivalent among the English 

strata, contains many fossils of species distinct from 
a b 

a. Avicula socialis. b. Side view of same. 
Characteristic of the Muschelkalk. 

those of the lias, or subjacent magnesian limestone- 


This calcareous formation (Muschelkalk) is inter- 
posed in Bavaria and Wurtemburg, between two others; 
the overlying “ Keuper,” or variegated marls, with 
which it alternates at the junction, and the red mottled 
sandstone (“ bunter sandstein”) on which it rests. 
The plants found by Count Munster in this last, and 
in the “ Keuper,” ,” are so similar, as to induce that geo- 
logist to regard all the three groups thus connected 
as belonging to one period ; and in confirmation of the 
Same opinion, M. Agassiz finds the same species of fish 
to be common to the three groups. 

6. Magnesian Limestone ( Zechstein of the Germans). 
L., Tab. I., p. 305. 

This formation consists in England for the most 
part of a yellowish limestone, in which a small number 
only of organic remains are preserved, but these are 
referable to peculiar and characteristic species. 

So also in the zechstein of the Germans, a limestone 
of this period, and in its accompanying copper slate, 
the same or very similar fossils occur. At Mansfeld 
in Upper Saxony, for example, fish are found of the 
extinct genus Palaothryssum, only known in strata of 
this group. Dr. Agassiz informs me that he has not 
as yet been able to identify any species from Mansfeld 
With any one of those found in England, but the genus 
. appears characteristic of the era under consideration. 

7. Carboniferous Group, comprising the Coal-measures, 
and the Mountain Limestone. M., Tab. I., p. 305. 

The rocks of this group consist of limestone, shale, 
Sandstone, and conglomerate; interstratified with which 
are large beds of coal, a substance now universally 
admitted to be of vegetable origin. Several hundred 

o 3 


species of plants have been found in the shales and 
sandstones associated with the coal, and all are, with 
few exceptions, of species differing widely from those 
which mark the vegetation of other eras. Some re- 
marks have been offered in the first book *, respecting 
the known geographical extent of the coal formation 
and the tropical character of its flora, and of the shells 
and corals of the carboniferous or mountain lime- 
stone. Ithere adduced arguments for inferring that 
the lands in northern latitudes consisted, for the most 
part, at that remote era, of small islands; and men- 
tioned the absence of large saurian remains, the insula! 
character of the flora, and the deposition of the strata 
as favouring that opinion. 

But although the higher latitudes of the norther? 
hemisphere probably formed at that time a great archi- 
pelago, they must have contained some islands of sufi- 
cient magnitude to allow of the existence of rivers 
and estuaries, where freshwater strata were accumU- 
lated. A freshwater limestone has been discovered 
and described by Dr. Hibbert at Burdiehouse nea! 
Edinburgh, as lying beneath marine strata of the cat 
boniferous group. Instead of containing fossil coral- 
lines or encrinites, like the mountain-limestone, thé 
formation in question contains land plants in great 
abundance, and minute entomostraca supposed to be 
allied to the genus Cypris and several fish.} 

Mr. Hutton states that, in part of the coal-field 0f 
Northumberland and Durham, fossil shells of a species 
of Unio occur in considerable abundance in a shalé 
containing plants of the carboniferous period, and ove! 

* Vol. I. pp. 201. to 203. T VoL I. p. 158. 

ł Hibbert, Trans. R. S. Edinb. vol. xiii, and L. Horne! 
Edinb. New Phil. Journ. April 1836. 


lying a bed of coal. The coal has been worked out 
from beneath the shells, which have been already 
proved to extend over an area five thousand feet 
Square. The shelly stratum is about eighteen inches 
thick ; and the animals have evidently died at various 
ages, the shells being of every size. This accumu- 
lation of bivalves of one species, and of this form, 
seems clearly to indicate the continuance on the spot 
of a body of fresh water, such as might be found in 
the estuary of a river.* 

In the Shropshire coal-field near Bridgnorth, and in 
other places, Mr. Murchison has shown that the upper 
coal-measures contain a subordinate bed of limestone, 
which he has termed lacustrine, as a small species of 
shell, supposed to be a Planorbis, is plentifully im- 
bedded in it.+ 

The fossils of the mountain limestone, above al- 

luded to, are marine, and contain, among other genera 
of shells not discovered in newer deposits, the Ortho- 
cera (see Fig. 211.), a chambered univalve, sometimes 
many feet in length. 

Orthoceras laterale, Phillips. O. giganteum, Sow’ 
Mountain limestone. . Section shewing the siphuncle. 

Old Red Sandstone. N., Table I., p. 306. 

Beneath the coal-series in the northern part of 
Fifeshire in Scotland, and the southern half of Forfar- 

* Fossil Flora, by Lindley and Hutton, No. 10, 
+ Proceedings of Geol. Soc., No. 38. p. 119. 
o 4 


shire, a formation occurs of great thickness, composed 
of red marl, conglomerate, red and white sandstone; 
and shales of various colours, for the most part devoid 
of organic remains. In some of the shales, however; 
impressions of plants, apparently marine, have been 
met with; and in the flaggy sandstones containing @ 
slight admixture of carbonate of lime, the scales and 
other remains of fish are not unfrequent. They belong 
toa genus named by Dr. Agassiz “ Cephalaspis,” or 
“ buckler-headed,” from the extraordinary shield which 
covers the head. (See Fig. 213.) This peculiar form 
Fig. 213. 

at Glammis in Forfarshire. The species, which Dr. Agassiz has 
named after me, will be described in his work on Fossil Fish. 

of fish, which is quite unknown in the coal-strata, 
seems characteristic of the old red sandstone generally; 
for it is found in Herefordshire and other counties of 
England and Wales, where the old red sandstone is 
largely developed. All the animal and vegetable 
remains hitherto discovered. in this series are dis- 
tinct from those of the overlying coal, or subjacent 
transition strata. 


9. Transition, or Greywacké Formations. O.& P., 
Table I., p. 306. 

Continental and English authors have not always ` 

been agreed where the line of separation should be 
drawn between the secondary and transition form- 
ations. Some of them, for example, have included the 
carboniferous group in the secondary, others in the 
transition system. But in England the old red sand- 
Stone has been generally considered as the lowest 
member of the secondary series. 

The name of transition was first given by Werner to 

Certain sedimentary deposits consisting, in the Hartz “ \ 

and many parts of Germany, of arenaceous and brec- 
Ciated rocks which alternate with argillaceous schist, 
and are sometimes associated with coralline and shelly 
limestones. These were supposed to have been the 
earliest formed strata when the ocean first became 
habitable by aquatic beings. Although the principal 
members of this group, where it is largely developed, 
are evidently of mechanical origin, they often alter- 
Nate with beds of quartz and argillaceous schist, not 
distinguishable mineralogically from crystalline rocks 
classed by Werner as primitive. Hence, as was before 
Stated, the term transition was adopted to express the 
theory that, at this period, the causes which had given 
rise to crystalline formations were still in action ; while 
those which produced stratified sedimentary rocks, 
including organic remains, were also beginning to 

The characteristic group called in German “ Grau- 
Wacke,” an old miner’s term, is an aggregate of small 
fragments of quartz, flinty slate (or Lydian stone), 
and argillaceous schist, cemented together by argil- 

o 5 



laceous matter. But far too much importance bas 
been attached to this kind of rock, as if it were pe- 
culiar to a certain epoch in the earth’s history, whereas 
it is only an accidental variety of argillaceous sand- 
stone, probably in some cases altered by heat. There 
are parts of England and Sweden where fossiliferous 
strata more ancient than the old red sandstone ar 
largely developed, and yet where no rocks answeriD$ 
mineralogically to the Greywacké of the Germans are 

The first great step towards a general table of supe? 
position of the British fossiliferous groups below the 
old red sandstone, each distinguished by certain mi- 
neral characters and organic remains, has recently 
been made by Mr. Murchison, and his arrangement 
has been adopted in Table I., p. 306. 

Mr. Murchison has had an opportunity of tracing 
the succession of deposits in a regular descending 
series, from the old red sandstone with which they at? 
in part covered, to the subjacent and unconformabl? 
greywacké rocks of South Wales. As far as his e% 
amination has hitherto proceeded, all the species of 
zoophytes and shells differ from those of the carboni- 
ferous limestone ; while the fossils of his four grea 
subdivisions are distinct from each other.* 

He has proposed the term “ Silurian,” as a general 

name for this whole system of rocks, derived fro 
« Silures,” the principal tribe of Celts or ancient Bri- 
tons, who occupied part of Wales and the bordering 
counties of England, where these ancient fossiliferous 
strata are most distinctly exhibited. The Ludlow 
rocks and the Wenlock limestone may be classed 3° 
the Upper Silurian group, being the deposits which 
* Proceedings of Geol. Soc. London, No. $4. 1834 


are immediately below the old red sandstone ; while 
the Caradoc sandstones and Llandeilo’ flags form the 
Lower Silurian group. Below all these there are other 
fossiliferous rocks which, in Wales, are unconformable 
to the Silurian strata. | 

Among the fossils of the Silurian formations, zoo- 
phytes and crinoidea are the most numerous ; and some 
of the limestones, which are in great part composed of 
them, agree in their general character with those now 
in progress in seas where stone-corals are abundant. 
The Trilobite (see Figs. 214, 215.), a singular crus- 

Fig. 214. 

Calymene Blumenbachit, Asaphus Buchit. 
Brongniart, Pl. 1. fig. 1. commonly called Brongniart, Pl. 2, fig, 2.. A. 
* Dudley trilobite.” Lower Silurian, 
Upper Silurian rocks. 

taceous animal, of which no species is known in form- 
ations newer than the mountain limestone, is also 
Characteristic of the rocks of this period; so also the 
‘Orthocera, a chambered univalve, found also in the 
Carboniferous limestone (see Fig. 211. p. 295.), but 
hitherto in no newer deposit. On the other hand, 
some of the shells belong to recent genera, as the 
Terebratula, of which there is a great variety, The 
only vertebrated remains hitherto found are a few 
bones of fishes. The shells and zoophytes of these 
formations have been studied in Germany by Count 
Munster, Professor Goldfyss, and M. Steininger. In 
Nassau, M. Stift has endeavoured to classify the dif- 
ferent subdivisions of the same series chiefly by refer- 
ence to their mineralogical characters. M. Hisinger 
0 6 



also, who has recently published a geological map of 
the south of Sweden, as well as Professor Wahlenberg 
and the late M. Dalman, have described and figured 
many fossil productions from these strata in Sweden. 

With this “ Silurian ” group I shall conclude; for it 
_ does not appear that any antecedent periods can yet 
be established on the evidence of a distinct assemblage 
of fossil remains. Traces of organization do undoubt- 
edly occur in rocks of still higher antiquity, for some 
of which Professor Sedgwick has proposed the name 
of “ Cambrian ;” but they can scarcely be referred to 
a distinct geological period, until we have obtained 
more data for determining the specific characters of 4 
considerable number of fossils. 

The annexed table will explain the order of super- 
. position of the successive groups of fossiliferous strata 
hitherto established in Europe; it should be remem- 

bered, however, that it is in a small part of western 
Europe only that almost all this series of monuments 
has been discovered. 






= Q 
Pliocene, ° 





Showing the Order of Superposition, or Chronological Suc- 
“ession, of the principal European Groups of Sedimentary 
‘nd Fossiliferous Strata. 

This Table is also referred to in the Glossary. 

Names of the principal 

Members and Mineral 

Nature of the Formation, in Countries where it 

has been most studied. 

Some of the Localities 
where the Form- 
ation occurs. 

The deposits of this period are for the most part concealed under 
existing lakes and seas. 

Consolidated sandy and gravelly beds(a), 
travertin limestones (b), calcareous sand- 
stones with broken shells (c), coral- lime- 
stone, consisting of corals, shells, &c. (d), 

compact limestone (e). 

a. Delta of the 

6. Tivoli, and other 
parts of Italy. 

c. Shore of Island 
of Guadaloupe. 

d. Coral reefs in 
Pacific, &c. 

e. Bermudas. 



Limestone, sands, 
clays, sandstones, 
conglomerates, marls, 
with gypsum; con- 
taining marine fos- 

sils (a). 

Sands, clays, sand- 
stones, lignites, &c. ; 
containing land and 
freshwater fossils (b). 

a. Sicily, Ischia. 
b. Colle in Tus- 
cany. : 

Subapennine marl, 
Subapennine yellow 
sand, English “crag,” 
and other deposits, 
as in B., containing 
marine-fossils (a). 

Faluns of the Loire, 
and other deposits 
varying in mineral 
composition, as those 
in B. and C., con- 
taining marine fos- 
sils (a). 

Similar deposits to 
B.; containing land 
and freshwater fos- 
sils (b). 

a Subapennine 
formations, Per- 
pignan, Nice, 
Norfolk, and 

b. NearSienna, &c. 

Similar deposits to 
B. and C.; contain- 
ing land and fresh- 
water fossils (b). 

a. Touraine, Bor- 
deaux, Valley of 
Bormida, Super- 
ga near Turin, 
Basin of Vienna. 

b. Saucats, twelve 
miles south of 


TABLE 31.2 ‘contiined, 

Periods | Names of the principal Members and Mineral | Some of the Loe 

Nature of the Formation, in Countries where where 
it has been most studied. ation occurs. 

Calcaire grossier | Calcaire siliceux — | a. - Paris pasin ondo” 
(a), London clay, | sandstones and con- | b. Paris, pire 
sands, sandstones, | glomerates, red marl, and Hams of 
&c., with marine | green and white basins, Isl 
fossils (b). marls, limestone, 

gypseous marls— 
with land and fresh- 
water fossils (c). 


If. Tertiary Prrrop—| 

1. Maestricht Beds. — Soft | St. Peter’s Mount, 
yellowish-white limestone with | tricht. ` 
siliceous masses, resembling | . Ciply, near Mons. 

chalk (marine). a 

2. Chalk with flints (marine). 

8. Chalk without flints (ma- 

4. Upper green sand (ma- 
rine). — Marly stone, and sand 
with green particles; layers of North and South Dow we" 
calcareous sandstone. and parts of the inte? te’ 
ing Weald of Kent, 9” 

5. Gault (marine). — Blue | and Sussex. pe 
clay, with numerous fossils, |i, Yorkshire; Northo 
| passing into calcareous marl land. 
in the lower parts. Beauvais, Franc® 


Cretaceous Group. 

6.. Lower green sand (ma- 
rine). — Grey, yellowish, and 
greenish sands, ferruginous 
sands and sandstones, “clays, 
cherts, and siliceous lime 

III. Seconvary PERIOD. 

1. Weald Clay (freshwater). 
— Clay for the most part with- 
out intermixture of calcareous 
matter, sometimes including 
thin beds of sand and shelly 
limestone. | 


1, 2, Extensively 


TABLE I. — continued. 

Names of the principal Members and 
Mineral Nature of the Formation, 
in Countries where it has been most 

Some of the Localities where the 
Formation occurs. 


alden Group — 



2. Hastings sands (fresh- 
water). — Grey, yellow, and 
reddish-brown sands, sand- 
stones, clays, calcareous grits 
passing into limestone. 

3. Purbeck beds (freshwater). 
— Various kinds of limestones 
and marls. 

| loped in the central parts of 
7 Kent, Surrey, and-Sussex. 

3. Isle of Purbeck, in 


Oolite, or Jura Limestone Group. 


1. Portland beds (marine). — 
Coarse shelly limestone, fine- 
grained white limestone, com- 
pact limestone — all more or 
less of an Oolitic structure ; 
beds of cherts. 

Isle of Portland, Tisbury 
in Wiltshire, Aylesbury. 

2. Kimmeridge clay (marine). 
—— Blue and greyish-yellow 
slaty clay, containing gypsum, 
bituminous slate (Kimmeridge 

Near Kimmeridge on 
coast of Dorsetshire — Sun- 
ning Well, near Oxford. 

3. Coral rag (marine). — Cal- 
careous shelly freestones, 
largely oolitic; coarse lime- 
stone, full of corals; yellow 
sands; calcareous siliceous 

Headington, near Oxford 
— Farringdon, in Berkshire 
— Calne and Steeple Ash- 
ton, in Wiltshire — Somer- 

4. Oxford clay (marine). — 
Dark blue tenacious clay, with 
septaria, bituminous shale, 
sandy limestone (Kelloway 
rock), iron pyrites, gypsum. 

New Malton, in Yorkshire 
— Lincolnshire Cam- 
bridgeshire — Huntingdon- 
shire, and midland counties 
— abundantly near Oxford 
— Somersetshire — Dorset- 

5. Cornbrash (marine). — 
Grey or bluish rubbly lime- 

stone, separated by layers of |. 

clay. © 

Malmsbury; Atford, Wrax- 
all, Chippenham. 


TABLE I. — continued. 

here the 

3 Names of the principal Members and 

Periods and{ Mineral Nature of the Formation, | Some of the Localities ¥ 
Groups. ms pupities where it has been most Formation occurs. 

H. | 6. Forest marble(marine).—| Whichwood Forests S 
Calcareo-siliceous sand and | fordshire — Frome, 
gritstone; thin fissile beds of | east of Bath. 
limestone, with clay partings ; 
coarse shelly limestone. 

7. Great oolite (marine). —| Bath— Burford in odii 
White and yellow oolitic cal- | shire— Bradfordin Wil od 
careous freestone, coarse shelly | a. Stonesfield, near 
limestone, layers of clay. stock, Oxfordshire. 

Oolitic limestone, with re- 
mains of land animals, birds, 

amphibia, plants, sea-shells(a). 


8. Fuller’s earth clay (ma-| Near Bath. 
rine). — Clay containing in 
some places fuller’s earth. 


ee : ' u 
9. Inferior oolite (marine).— | Cotteswold Hills — p 
Soft freestone, sand with cal- | dry Hill, near Bristol. 
careous concretions. f r 


Limestones of various qualities, clays, sands, and i 
stone, containing the same fossils as those occurring” jin 
series of the oolitic group of England, constitute the rat 
body of the Jura chain of mountains, and cover vast 
of country in Germany. 

Oolite, or Jura Limestone Group — continued. 










Lias (marine). — Shale and | Lyme Regis in Dorf 
sandy marlstone. shire, and in many pa pis? 
Blue, white, and yellow | Somersetshire — forks e 
earthy limestone, usually in|— in Sutherlandshire, pe 
thin beds, interstratified with | Hebrides, and North % 
clay, often slaty and bitumin- | land. 
ous. In France, asat Metz, oy 
a considerable extent 1” Jut 
many, as in the Swabia” 

1. Keuper, or variegatedmarls. | Neighbourhood of Vose 
— Red, grey, green, blue, and | mountains, and many west 
white marls, sandstones, con- | of Wurtemberg and 
glomerates,and shells, contain- | phalia, Nuremberg. 

ing gypsum and rock-salt. 








f Carboniferous Group. 


New Fed Sandstone 
Group — continued. 




TABLE I.—continued. 

Names of the principal Members and 
Mineral Nature of the Formation, 
in Countries where it has been most 

Some of the Localities where the 
Formation occurs, 

2. Muschelkalk (marine). — 
Grey, blue, and blackish lime- 
stone, with alternating clay and 
marl, and with silicedus layers, 
and nodules. 

Extensively developed in 
Germany and France. 

Hitherto no beds in Eng- 
land have been identified with 
the formation. 

3. Variegated (Bunter) sand- 
stone. — Red, white, blue, and 
green siliceo-argillaceous sand- 
stone, often micaceous and con- 
taining gypsum and rock-salt. 

Nottinghamshire — York- 


Magnesian Limestone 

and marls. 

1. Magnesian limestone (a) 
(marine). — Marl-slate, shelly 
limestone, variegated marls, 
yellow magnesian limestone. 

Zechstein of Germany (b) — 
limestone — marl-slate, con- 
taining copper ore, and im- 
pressions of fish. 

a. Nottinghamshire, Derby- 
shire, Yorkshire, Durham, 

b. Mansfeld in Thuringia. 

2. Red conglomerate.—Sand- 
stones, conglomerates, sands, 

Neighbourhood of Exeter. 


1. Coal measures (fresh- 
water and marine). — Sand- 
Stones, grits, conglomerates, 
clays, with ironstone, shales, 
and limestone, interstratified 
with beds of coal. 

Northumberland, Durham, 
Yorkshire, Lancashire, Staf- 
fordshire, Somersetshire, 
South Wales, Valleys of the 
Forth and Clyde. 

District of Liege, West- 
phalia, Silesia, Bohemia, &c. 

2. Mountain limestone (ma- 
rine). — Grey, compact, and 
crystalline limestone, abound- 
ing in lead ore in North of 
England, and alternating with 
Coal measures in Scotland. 

Mendip Hills, Derbyshire, 
Yorkshire, Durham, North- 
umberland, Lanarkshire, 
Linlithgowshire, many parts 
of Ireland. 

North-west of Germany, 
Belgium, North of France. 


TABLE I, — continued. 

Periods and 


Old red sand- 
stone Group. 

Names of the principal Members and 
Mineral Nature of the Formation, 
in Countries where it has been most 
studied. ; 

i exe 
Some of the Localities wi 
Formation occul 

1. Old red sandstone—Coarse 
and fine siliceous sandstones 
and conglomerates of various 
colours, red predominating. 


Extensively develop g 
Shropshire and Her i 
shire, Brecknockshu® 
fries-shire, Forfarshit® 
Silesia, Bohemia- 



Silurian Group. 





1. Ludlow rocks (marine), — 
Argillaceous limestone, sandy 

Ludlow Castle, Sr op 
Aymestry and vee 

2. Wenlock limestone (ma- 
rine). — Coralline limestone 
and argillaceous shale, with 
nodules of earthy limestone. 

Wenlock Edge, shroks 
Dudley, Worcestersh 


3. Caradoc sandstones (marine). 

— Shelly limestone and mica- 
ceous sandstone, quartzose 
grits, and sandy limestones. 

a + RA 

Horderly, Shropsbi” pje 
May Hill, Glouceste pa 
East flank of Wre*. g 

4. Llandeilo flags (marine). 
— Calcareous flags, sandstone 
and schist, 

Caer Caradoc, Shrop? 

‘Llandrindod, nea dei” 
Radnorshire. ; [Llar 


Fossiliferous greywacké, and rocks older than e.i w 
rian, but in which no distinct assemblage of orga gst 
mains have as yet been specifically determined. se Ni 
Sedgwick has proposed the name of “ Cambrian” £ 



AN i 

That land as well as sea existed at each successive period — Some 
former continents placed where it is now sea—Secondary fresh- 
Water deposits, why rare (p. 313. )—Persistency of mineral com- 
Position, why apparently greatest in older rocks—Supposed uni- 
Yersality of red marl formations — Secondary rocks, why more 
Consolidated — why more fractured and disturbed (p. 318.) — 
Secondary volcanic rocks of many different ages. 

Ù the last chapter I stated that no detailed account of 
A older fossiliferous formations would be attempted 
t this work, and that I should confine myself almost 
*Xclusively to the inquiry how far the rules of inter- 
Pretation previously adopted for the tertiary groups 
‘ight be applied to the phenomena of more ancient 
“tata. "To this point the following remarks are chiefly 
tected ; — . 

Position of former continents. — The existence of 
“td as well as sea, at every geological period, is 
attested by the remains of terrestrial plants imbedded - 
U the deposits of all ages, even the most remote. We 
hd fluviatile shells not unfrequently in the secondary 
‘trata, and here and there some freshwater form- 
‘tions; but the latter are less common than in the 
ĉrtiary series. For this fact the reader’s mind has 
ĉen prepared, by the views advanced in the third 


chapter respecting the different circumstances un 
which the secondary and tertiary strata appear to hav 
originated. The secondary, it was suggested, may 
have been accumulated in an ocean like the Paci#® 
where coralline and shelly limestones are forming +, ; 
in a basin like the bed of the western Atlantic, Ww)” 
may have received, for ages, the turbid waters of oe 
rivers, such as the Amazon and Orinoco, each ats 
ing a considerable extent of continent. The tertia? 
deposits, on the other hand, very probably accumula” 
during the growth of a continent, by successive ae 
gence of new lands, and the uniting together of isla” 
During such changes, inland seas and lakes would i 
caused, and their basins afterwards filled up with $ê 
ment, and then raised above the level of the waters 
That the greater part of the space now occupied f 
the European continent was sea when some of £ 
secondary rocks were produced, must be inferred f% 
the wide areas over which several of the marine group 7 
are diffused; but we need not suppose that the que 
tity of land was less in those remote ages, but me? 
that its position was very different. „Jk 
It has been shown that, immediately below the ch ; 
and green-sand, a fluviatile formation, called the We 
den, occurs, which has been ascertained to extend #° ; 
-west to east about 200 English miles, and from nort 
west to south-east about 220 miles, the depth or u 
thickness of the beds, where greatest, being abo" 
2000 feet.* These phenomena clearly indicate th? 
there was a constant supply in that region, for @ mie 
period, of a considerable body of fresh water, such ® 
might be supposed to have drained a continent, % 


* Fitton’s Geology of Hastings, p. 58. 


itge island, containing within it a lofty chain of moun- 
“Ins. Dr. Fitton, in speaking of these appearances, 
"ecalls to our recollection that the delta of the newly 
Stovered Quorra, or Niger, in Africa, stretches into 
Ae interior for more than 170 miles, and occupies, 
is supposed, a space of more than 300 miles along 
€ coast; thus forming a surface of more than 25,000 
‘quare miles, or equal to about one half of England. * 
If asked where the continent was placed from the 
ins. of which the Wealden strata were derived, we 
“ght be almost tempted to speculate on the former 
“Xistence of the Atlantis of Plato as true in geology, 
“though fabulous as an historical event. We know 
at the present European lands have come into exist- 
Uce almost entirely since the deposition of the chalk 
‘ee map, Plate II.); and the same period may have 
‘iced for the disappearance of a continent of equal 
{nitude, situated farther to the west. 
But among the numerous fossils of the ancient delta 
the Wealden no remains of mammalia have been 
“tected; whereas we should naturally expect, on 
amining the deposits recently formed at the mouths 
“t the Quorra, Indus, or Ganges, to find, not only the 
nes of birds and of amphibious and land reptiles, but 
50 those of the hippopotamus, and other mammalia 
‘hich frequent the banks of rivers. Mr. Mantell 
‘tems to have demonstrated +, that the remains of the 
imals and plants found fossil in the Wealden have; 
vith the exception of the testacea and other aquatic 
“bes, been transported for a considerable distance, 
€ stems of the plants being, for the most part, torn 

* Fitton, Geol. of Hastings, p. 58 , who cites Lander’s Travels. 
t Geol. of S. E. of England, p. 232. 


. g 

5, ° 

and intermingled with pebbles of quartz, slate; and 
jasper; while the bones of lizards, turtles, and fish, ®° 
detached from the skeleton, and more or less broke? 
and rolled. But, admitting that these fossils W% 
drifted for many a league, we might fairly expect that 
at least, some fragments of mammiferous bones wY 
have reached the delta. 

It is certainly a startling proposition to suppose» that 
a continent covered with vegetation, which had p 
forests of palms and tree-ferns, and its plants allied © 
the Dracæna and Cycas, which was inhabited by Jarg? 
saurians, and by birds, was, nevertheless, entire 
devoid of land quadrupeds. If the proofs were con" 
fined to the Wealden, we might hesitate to lay mut 
stress on mere negative evidence, since extensive 
posits of the Eocene period, such as the London 4)’ 
have as yet yielded no mammiferous fossils. 
when we find the same general absence of mami” 
in strata of the Oolitic and Liassic eras, we can hat i 
refuse to admit that the highest order of quadrup® ; 
was very feebly represented in those ages, when t é 
small Didelphys of Stonesfield was entombed. S0% 
of the bones, indeed, collected by Dr. Buckland fro” 
the oolitic series, have been pronounced by Cuviet 
be cetaceous; but that naturalist has himself remat*° 
how closely the vertebree of the larger reptiles pi 
semble those of certain dolphins; so that it is hig” 
desirable that the fossils alluded to should be ™ 
examined with great care. * 

So far, then, as our present inquiries enable YS i 
judge, there are strong indications that, during i 

* Mantell, Geol. of S, E. of England, p. 282, ; and see abov’ | 
Vons Te pn 332, { 

€ n. ; ; 

tiods of the Wealden, the Oolite, and Lias, there 
àS a large development of the reptilia, at the ex- 
Pense, as it were, both of the cetaceous and terrestrial 

It may be well, then, te inquire whether this differ- 
“ce in the state of animal life in the northern hemi- 
Phere, at these remote periods, is irreconcileable with 

© notion of the constancy and uniformity of the laws 
“hich govern the changes of the organic world. Would 
€ almost entire suppression of one important class of 
a tebrated animals, and the larger development of 
Nother, if fully established on farther investigation, 

‘ply that there are no fixed rules according to which 
the form, structure, and attributes of animals are 
®commodated to the endless vicissitudes of the earth’s 
wtface ? Or are the rules, if any, made to endure for 

* time only, new ones being substituted at each suc- 

sive period? Or, is it conceivable that the distinct 
n logical characters. of certain secondary groups, as 
Stpared to others of the tertiary epoch, may depend 
laws as uniform as those which, from one century 

° another, appear to determine the growth of certain 
Tibes of plants ome animals in the arctic, and of others 
i tropical regions ? 

ln Australia, New Zealand, and many dhg parts of 
the Southern hemisphere, where the indigenous land 
Vadrupeds are comparatively few and of small dimen- 
‘Ons, the reptiles do not predominate in number or size. 
e deposits formed at the mouth of an Australian 
er, within the tropics, might contain the bones of 
ia e afew small marsupial animals, which, like those 
Ë Stonesfield, might hereafter be discovered with diff- 
i tY by geologists; but there would, at the same 
€, be no megalosauri and other fossil remains, show- 

aes W 

ing that large saurians were plentiful on the land and 
in the waters when mammalia were scarce. ' 
No precise analogy, therefore, can here be foun? 
to the state of the animal kingdom supposed to hav? 
prevailed during the secondary periods when a M8 
temperature pervaded European latitudes. But it may 
be useful to consider whether any of the anomalies pow 
caused by climate in the relative number and 
portance of different classes of the vertebrata may if 
in some degree illustrate this topic. In the Arctic j 
gions, for example, reptiles are small, and sometim? 
wholly wanting, where birds, large land quadrupe™ 
and cetacea abound. We meet with bears, wolve® 
foxes, musk oxen, and deer, walrusses, seals, whale” 
and narwals, in regions of ice and snow, where # 
smallest snakes, efts, and frogs are rarely if ev? 
seen. i . 
On what grand laws in the animal physiology th 
remarkable phenomenon depends, cannot, in the P i 
sent state of science, be explained; nor could we pre 
dict whether any opposite condition of the atmosphe™ 
in respect to heat, moisture, and other circumstan@ 
would bring about a state of animal life which m8 
be called the converse of that above described ; a $t? 
of things in.which large mammalia might abound, ” 
reptiles disappear. We ought, however, to recolle?” 
that a mean annual temperature like that now ® 
perienced at the equator, co-existing with the uneg” 
days and. nights of European latitudes, and with 3 
distinct distribution of sea and land, would imply ; 
climate to which we have now no parallel. Co? 
sequently, the type of animal and vegetable existen” 
required for such a climate might deviate as wi? 
from that now established in any part of the globe; f 


do the Flora and Fauna of our tropical differ from 
those of our arctic regions. 

Secondary freshwater deposits, why rare. — If there 
Were extensive tracts of land in the secondary period, 
We may presume that there were lakes also ; yet I am 
Not aware of any pure lacustrine formations inter- 
Stratified with rocks older than the chalk. Perhaps 
their general absence may be accounted for by the 
Adoption of the theoretical views above set forth; for 
l the present ocean coincides for the most part with 
the site of the ancient continent, the places occupied 

y lakes must have been submerged. It should also 
be recollected, that the area covered by lakes, at any 
One time, is very insignificant in proportion to the 
cean; and, therefore, we may expect that, after the 
farth’s surface has undergone considerable revolutions 
in its physical geography, the lacustrine strata will be 
“oncealed, for the most part, under superimposed ma- 
trine deposits. 

Persistency of mineral character. —In the same man- 
ter as it is rare and difficult to find ancient lacustrine 
Strata, so also we can scarcely expect to discover newer 
Marine groups preserving the same lithological charac- 
ters continuously throughout wide areas. The chalk 
Now seen stretching for thousands of miles over differ- 
“tt parts of Europe has become visible to us by the 
fect, not of one, but of many distinct series of move- 
Ments, Time has been required, and a succession of 
8eological periods, to raise it above the waves in so” 
any regions; and if calcareous rocks of the Eocene 
°r Miocene periods have been formed, preserving a 

°mogeneous mineral composition throughout equally 
extensive regions, it may require convulsions as nume- 
tous as all those which have occurred since the origin 

VOL. Iv, P 

_ but in some places, as on the northern flanks 9 
Pyrenees, and in Catalonia, a saliferous re 

of the chalk to bring them up within the sphere of 
human observation. Hence the rocks of more moder? 
periods may appear of partial extent, as compared me 
those of remoter eras, not because there was any 
original difference of circumstances throughout the 
globe when they were formed, but because there Þa 
not been sufficient time for the development of a gre? 
series of subterranean volcanic operations since thet 

At the same time, the reader should be warne 
to place implicit reliance on the alleged persi 
of the same mineral characters in secondary rocks 
When it was first ascertained that an order of sue 
cession could be traced in the principal groups 
strata above enumerated, names were given to eat” 
derived from the mineral composition of the rocks f 
those parts of Germany, England, or France, whet? 
they happened to be first studied. When it was after” 
wards acknowledged that the zoological and phy” 
logical characters of the same formations were far mo 
persistent than their mineral peculiarities, the ola? 
names were still retained, instead of being exchange 
for others founded on more constant and essent? 
characters. The student was given to understand #4 
the terms chalk, green-sand, oolite, red marl, coal, an 
others, were to be taken in a liberal and exten? 
sense; that chalk was not always a cretaceous al 

d no! 


d ma! 

Green-sand, it was said, was rarely green, and fe" 
quently not arenaceous, but represented in parts . 
the south of Europe by a hard dolomitic limesto?® 
In like manner, it was declared that the oolitic textul? 

* See some remarks on this subject, Vol. I. p- 135+ 


was rather an exception to the general rule in rocks of 
the oolitic period, and that no particle of carbonaceous 
Matter could often be detected in the true coal form- 
ation of many districts where it attains great thickness. 
It must be obvious to every one, that inconvenience 
and erroneous prepossessions could hardly fail to arise 
from such a nomenclature ; and accordingly a fallacious 
Mode of reasoning has been widely propagated, chiefly 
by the influence of a language so singularly inappro- 

After the admission that the identity or discordance 
of mineral character was by no means a sure test of 
agreement or disagreement in the age of rocks, it was 
Still thought, by many geologists, that if they found 
à rock at the antipodes agreeing precisely in mineral 
Composition with another well known in Europe, they 
Could fairly presume that both are of the same age, 
until the contrary could be shown. 

Now, it is usually difficult or impossible to combat 
‘uch an assumption on geological grounds, so long as 
We are imperfectly acquainted with the geology of a 
distant country, inasmuch as there are often no or- 
Sanic remains in the foreign stratum; and even if 
these abound, and are specifically different from the 
fossils of the supposed European equivalent, it may be 
objected that we cannot expect the same species to 

ave inhabited very distant quarters of the globe at 
he same time. 

Supposed universality of red marl. —I shall select a 
"emarkable example of the erroneous mode of general- 
Zing now alluded to. A group of red marl and sand- 
Stone, sometimes containing salt and gypsum, is found 
m England interposed between the lias and the car- 

Oniferous strata. For this reason, other red marls 
P 2 



and sandstones, associated some of them with salt, and 
others with gypsum, and occurring not only in different 
parts of Europe, but in Peru, India, the salt deserts ° 
Asia, those of Africa, in a word, in every quarter ° 
the globe, have been referred to one and the same 
period. The burden of proof is not supposed to rest 
with those who insist on the identity of age of al 
these groups; so that it is in vain to urge as an ob- 
jection the improbability of the hypothesis which 
would imply that all the moving waters on the globe 
were once simultaneously charged with sediment ° 
a red colour. 

The absurdity of pretending to identify, in ages al 
the red sandstones and marls in question, has at lengt 
been sufficiently exposed, by the discovery that, evii 
in Europe, they belong decidedly to many differe™ 
epochs. We have already ascertained, that the re 
sandstone and red marl, with which the rock-salt ° 
Cardona is associated, may be referred to the period? 
our chalk and green-sand. I was led to this opinio” 
when I visited Cardona in 1830, and before I was awal? 
that M. Dufrénoy had arrived at the same conch 
sions.* Ihave pointed out that in Auvergne there até 
red marls and variegated sandstones, which are und" - 
tinguishable in mineral composition from the new ty 
sandstone of English geologists, yet which were dep” 
_ sited in the Eocene period: and, lastly, the gypse" 
red marl of Aix, in Provence, formerly supposed tO 
a marine secondary group, is now acknowledged t° 
a tertiary freshwater formation. f 

Secondary rocks, why more consolidated. — One ° 
the points where the analogy between the secondary 
and tertiary formations has been supposed to fail, is t 

* Ann. des Sci. Nat., Avril, 1831, p. 449. 


greater degree of solidity observable in the secondary 
Series. Undoubtedly the older rocks, in general, are 
More stony than the newer; and most of the tertiary 
Strata are more loose and incoherent in their texture 
than the secondary. Many exceptions, however, may 
be pointed out, especially in those calcareous and sili- 
Ceous deposits which have been precipitated in great 
Part from the waters of mineral springs, and have been 
Originally compact. Of this description are a large 
Proportion of the Parisian Eocene rocks, which are more 
Stony than most of the. English secondary groups. 

But strata in general have evidently been consoli- 
dated subsequently to their deposition by a slow lapidi- 
fying process. Thus loose sand and gravel are bound 
together by waters holding carbonate and oxide of 
iron, carbonate of lime, silica, and other ingredients in 
Solution. These waters percolate slowly the earth's 
crust in different regions, and often. remove gradually 
the component elements of fossil organic bodies, sub- 
Stituting other substances in their place. It seems, 
Moreover, that the draining off of the waters during 
the elevation of land may often cause the setting of 

‘Particular mixtures, in the same manner as mortar 
hardens when desiccated, or as the recent soft marl of 
Lake Superior becomes highly indurated when ex- 
Posed to the air.* The conversion of clay into shale, 
and of sand into sandstone, may, in many cases, be 
attributed to simple pressure, produced by the weight 
of superincumbent strata, or by the upward heaving of 
Subjacent masses during earthquakes. Heat is another 
Cause of a more compact and crystalline texture, which 
Will be considered when I speak of the strata termed 
“primary.” All the changes produced by these various 

* Vol. I. p. 344. * 
P 3 


means require time for their completion; and this may 
explain, in a satisfactory manner, why the older rocks 
are most consolidated, without entitling us to resort t0 
any hypothesis respecting an original distinctness i 
the degree of lapidification of the secondary strata. 

Secondary, why more disturbed.— As the older form- 
ations are generally more stony, so also they are moré 
fractured, curved, elevated, and displaced, than the 
newer. Are we, then, to infer, with some geologists: 
that the disturbing forces were more energetic in re- 
moter ages? No conclusion can be more unsound; 
for as the moving power acts from below, the newer 
strata cannot be deranged without the subjacent rock 
participating in the movement; while we have evidenc® 
that the older have been frequently shattered, raised, 
and depressed, again and again, before the newer rocks 
were formed. It is evident that if the disturbing 
power of the subterranean causes be exerted with 
_ uniform intensity in each succeeding period, the quan 
tity of convulsion undergone by different groups of 
strata will generally be great in proportion to theif 
antiquity. But exceptions will occur, owing to thé 
partial operation of the volcanic forces at particula" 
periods; so that we sometimes find tertiary strat@ 
more elevated and disturbed, in particular countries 
than the secondary rocks in others. 

Some of the enormous faults and complicated dis- 
locations of the ancient strata may probably hav? 
arisen from the continued repetition of earthquakes i 
the same place, and sometimes from two distinct 
series of convulsions, which have forced the same 
masses in different, and even opposite, directions i 
sometimes by vertical, at others by horizontal, mov 


Secondary volcanic rocks of different ages. — The 
a8sociation of volcanic rocks with different secondary 
strata is such as to prove that there were igneous 
€ruptions at many distinct periods, as also that they 
Were confined during each epoch, as now, to limited 
areas, Thus, for example, igneous rocks contempora- 
neous with the carboniferous strata abound in some 
Countries, but are wanting in others. So it is evident | 
that the bottom of the sea, on which the oolite and its 
Contemporary deposits were thrown down, was, for the 
Most part, free from submarine eruptions ; but at some 
Points, as in the Hebrides, it seems that the same 
Ocean was the theatre of volcanic action. It was before 
remarked *, that, as the ancient eruptions occurred 
in succession, sufficient time usually intervening be- 
tween them to allow of the accumulation of many 
Subaqueous strata, so also should we infer that sub- 
terranean movements, which are another portion of 

the volcanic phenomena, occurred separately and in 

* Booki. chap. v. 



Theory of M. Elie de Beaumont — His opinions controverted — 
His method of proving that different chains were raised at dis- 
tinct periods, and that the rise of others was contemporaneous) 
not conclusive — His doctrine of the parallelism of contem- 
Poraneous lines of elevation — Objections (p. 326.) —How fat 
anticlinal lines formed at the same period are parallel — 
Difficulties in the way of determining the relative age of 

Tuar the different parts of our continents have bee” 
elevated, in succession, to their present height abové 
the level of the sea, is an opinion which has been gra 
dually gaining ground with the progress of science? 
but no one before M. Elie de Beaumont had the merit 
even of attempting to collect together the recorded 
facts which bear on this subject, and to reduce the 
to one systematic whole. The above-mentioned ge0 
logist was eminently qualified for the task, as one wh? 
had laboured industriously in the field of original ob- 
servation, and who combined an extensive knowledgé 
of facts with an ardent love of generalization. 

But, as I cannot admit the accuracy of an import 
ant part of his method of reasoning on this topic, a2 
as his principal conclusions appear to me very uncer 
tain, I must explain the reasons of my dissent, having 
first given a brief summary of the most prominent fea 
tures of his theory. 


Ist. M. de Beaumont supposes, “ that in the history 
of the earth there have been long periods of compara- 
tive repose, during which the deposition of sedimentary 
Matter has gone on in regular continuity ; and there 
have also been short periods of paroxysmal violence, 
during which that continuity was broken. 

“ Qdly. At each of these periods of violence or 
‘revolution’ in the state of the earth’s surface, a 
Steat number of mountain-chains have been formed 

“ 3dly. All the chains thrown up by a particular 
revolution have one uniform direction, being parallel 
to each other within a few degrees of the compass, 
€ven when situated in remote regions ; but the chains 
thrown up at different periods have, for the most part, 
different directions. 

« 4thly. Each ‘revolution,’ or, as it is sometimes 
termed, ‘frightful convulsion,’ has fallen in ‘with the 
date of another geological phenomenon ; namely, ‘the 
Passage from one independent sedimentary formation 
to another,’ characterized by a considerable difference 
0 ‘organic types.’ : 

“Sthly. There has been a recurrence of these 
Paroxysmal movements from the remotest geological 
Periods; and they may still be reproduced, and the 
epose in which we live may hereafter be broken by 
the sudden upthrow of another system of parallel 
Chains of mountains. 

“6thly. We may presume that one of these revo- 
Utions has occurred within the historical era, when 
the Andes were upheaved to their present height ; 
for that chain is the best defined and least obliterated 
ature observable in the present exterior configuration 
of the globe, and was probably the last elevated. 



“ 7thly. The instantaneous upheaving from the 
ocean of great mountain masses must cause a violent 
agitation in the waters; and the rise of the Andes 
may, perhaps, have produced that* transient deluge 
which is noticed among the traditions of so many 

“ Lastly. The successive revolutions above men- 
tioned cannot be referred to ordinary volcanic forces, 
but may depend on the secular refrigeration of the 
heated interior of our planet.” * 

I need not enter here into an examination of all 
these topics, as the discussion of several of them has 
been in some degree anticipated in former chapters. 
Respecting the alternation of periods of general rê- 
pose and disorder, I have before suggested that ge” 
logical phenomena indicate merely that each regio? 

„of the globe has in succession been a great theat!t? 
of subterranean convulsions, as some districts are now 
while others remain at rest. Before we can reaso?” 
ably attribute extraordinary energy to any known caus 
we must be sure that its usual force would be i” 
adequate, though exerted for indefinite ages, to produc? 
the effects required. 

The geologist, therefore, who assumes that conti- 

nents and mountain-chains have been heaved up sud- 
denly by paroxysmal violence, may be considered %5 
pledging himself to the opinion that the accumulate 

effects of ordinary volcanic forces could never in 9Y 

series of years produce appearances such as we WE 

ness in the earth’s crust. Time and the progress ° 

* Ann. des Sci. Nat., Septembre, Novembre, et Décembré 
1829. Revue Francaise, No. 15. May, 1830. The last edition by 
M. de B. is in De la Beche’s Manual, 3d. edit. ; and p’ Aubuls 
son, Traité de Géognosie, tom. iii, p, 282., 1835. 


Science can alone decide whether such an assumption 
ig warranted, or whether, on the contrary, it does not 
Spring from two scources of prejudice: — first, the 
difficulty of conceiving the aggregate results of a great 
Number of minor convulsions ; secondly, the habit of 
Viewing geological phenomena without any desire to 
explain them as the effects of moderate forces, such 
as we know to act, instead of that intense degree of 
energy, the occasional development of which, however 
Possible, is entirely conjectural. 

The speculation of M. de Beaumont concerning the 
“secular refrigeration” of the internal nucleus of the 
globe, considered as a cause of the instantaneous rise 
of mountain-chains,, appears to me obscure, and is 
mainly founded on that part of the doctrine of central 
heat which has been controverted in the second 
Volume. * 

In regard to the connection of the rise of mountain- 
chains with revolutions equally sudden in the animate 
World, I have endeavoured to show, in the third book, 
that changes in physical geography, which are un- 
Ceasingly in progress, are among the causes which 
Contribute, in the course of ages, to the extermination 
of certain species of animals and plants; but the in- 
fluence of these causes is slow, and, for the most part, 
indirect, and has no analogy with those sudden cata- 
Strophes which are introduced into the theory now 
Under review. An explanation of the probable cause 
of the abrupt transitions from one set of strata to 
another, containing distinct organic remains, has been 
Siven at length in the third and fourth chapters of 
this book. + 

* Book ii. chapters xviii. and xix. 
t See particularly from p. 345, to p. 355. of Vol. IIT. 
P 6 


When the protrusion of the Andes from beneath the 
sea is proposed as a possible cause of the historical 
deluge, we naturally inquire, what proofs there are of 

that chain having started up at once within the last 
4000 or 5000 years from a great depth of sea; foritis 
necessary that a large body of water should be dis- 
placed, in order that a diluvial wave, capable of in- 
undating a previously existing continent, should be 
raised. If it were reasonable to refer deluges to what 
have been called paroxysmal elevations, it would surel¥ 
be a fairer speculation to point to a line of shoals 0" 
reefs, consisting of shattered and dislocated rocks, and 
surrounded on all sides by an unfathomable ocean, tha? 
to select a mountain-chain as the site of the upthroW> 
for the rapid conversion of the bed of a deep sea int? 
a shoal would evidently cause a much greater displace 
ment of water than the rise of a large shoal into ® 

Without dilating further on these subjects, I shall 
now endeavour to analyze the proofs by which th? 
successive elevation of different chains, and the sup“ 
posed parallelism of lines of contemporaneous eleva" 
tion, are supported. 

M. de Beaumont's proofs that different chains we” 
raised at different epochs. —‘“We observe,” says #* 
Elie de Beaumont, “along nearly all the mountail” 
chains, when we attentively examine them, that th? 
most recent rocks extend horizontally up to the foot ° 
such chains, as we should expect would be the case ? 
they were deposited in seas or lakes, of which thes? 
mountains have partly formed the shores; whilst tP? 
other sedimentary beds, tilted up, and more or less 
contorted, on the flanks of the mountains, rise in cer” 


tain points even to their highest crests.”* There are, 
therefore, in and adjacent to each chain, two classes of 
Sedimentary rocks, the ancient or inclined beds, and 
the newer or horizontal. It is evident that the first 
appearance of the chain itself was an event “ inter- 
Mediate between the period when the beds now up- 
Taised were deposited and that when the strata were 
Produced horizontally at its feet.” ? 
A Fig. 216. 


Thus the chain A assumed its present position after 
the deposition of the strata b, which have undergone 

Sreat movements, and before the deposition of the 

Stroup c, in which the strata have not suffered derange- 

If we then discover another chain B, in which we 

Fig. 217. 

find not only the formation 6, but the group c also, 

disturbed and thrown on its edges, we may infer that 

the latter chain is of subsequent date to A; for B 

Must have been elevated after the deposition of c, and 
efore that of the group d; whereas A had originated 
Fore the strata c were formed. 

* Phil. Mag. and Annals, No, 58., New Series, p. 242. 


In order to ascertain whether other mountain ranges 
are of contemporaneous date with A and B, or are re 
ferable to distinct periods, we have only to inquire 
whether the geological phenomena are identical; 
namely, whether the inclined and undisturbed sets ° 
strata in each correspond to those in the types abov® 

Objections to M. de Beaumont's theory. — Now all 
this reasoning is perfectly correct, so long as thé 
periods of the deposition of the particular local group® 
of strata 6 and c are not confounded with the period 
during which the animals and plants found fossil in 
and c may have flourished, and provided also that du® 
latitude is given to the term contemporaneous ; for 
this term must be understood to allude, not to a 
moment of time, but to the interval, whether brief # 
protracted, which elapsed between two events, namely 
between the accumulation of the inclined and that ° 
the horizontal strata. 

But, unfortunately, no attempt seems to have bee? 
made to avoid this manifest source of confusion, 27 
hence the very terms of each proposition are equi 
vocal; and the length of some of the intervals is 
so vast, that to affirm that all the chains raised # 
such intervals were contemporaneous, is an abuse ° 

In order to illustrate this argument, I shall select 
the Pyrenees as an example. This range of mou” 
tains, says M. de Beaumont, rose suddenly (à un $€" 
jet*) to its present elevation at a certain epoch in the 

* In the last edition of M. de B.’s system (see note above 
p. 323.), he only speaks of the convulsion which raised the PS 
renees, as “one of the most violent which the land of Eur0P 
ever experienced,” 


“arth’s history, namely, between the deposition of the 
chalk and that of the tertiary formations; for the 
Chalk is seen in vertical, curved, and distorted beds on 
the fanks of the chain, while the tertiary formations 
Test upon them in horizontal strata at its base. 

The only proof offered of the extreme suddenness 
Of the convulsion is the shortness of the time which 
Ntervened between the formation of the chalk and 
that of the tertiary strata. * 

Now the beds called chalk on the flanks of the Pyre- 
Nees differ widely in mineral composition from the 
White chalk with flints of England and France; but as 
they contain for the most part the same species of 
fossi] shells, I grant that they may on that evidence be 
Teferred to the cretaceous system.+ On the other 
hand, the horizontal tertiary strata at the western end 
of the Pyrenees, near Bayonne, are certainly of the 

locene period. The reader will find, when he re~ 
fects on these data, that we can only infer that the 
Steat movement took place after the cretaceous period 

ad commenced, but we cannot assume that it oc- 
Curred after the close of that period. So also we may 
Say, that the Pyrenees rose before the close of the 

locene epoch, but not that the event happened 
€fore its commencement. We cannot permit M. de 
€aumont to exclude the whole of either of these 
Periods (the Cretaceous and Miocene) from the pos- 
Sible duration of that interval during all or any part of 
Which the elevation may have taken place. 

* Phil. Mag. and Annals, No. 58., New Series, p. 243- 

t The fossils which I collected in company with Captain S. E, 
Cook, R. N., from the newest secondary beds on the flanks of the 

Yrenees, near Bayonne, were examined by M. Deshayes, and 
found identical with species of the chalk near Paris. 


The upheaving of the Pyrenees, therefore, may have? 
been going on before the animals of the chalk period 
ceased to exist, or when the Maestricht beds were 1” 
progress, or during the indefinite ages which may 
have elapsed between the extinction of the Maestricht 
animals and the introduction of the Eocene tribes, 0" 
during the Eocene epoch, or between that and thé 
Miocene, or at the commencement of the Mioce?® 
epoch. Or the rise may have been going on throug)” 
out one, or several, or all of these periods. 

It would be a purely gratuitous assumption to saf 
that the chalk strata c, Fig. 217., p. 325., were the last 
which were deposited during the cretaceous period, 0" 
that, when they were upheaved, all or nearly all the 
species of animals and plants which are now fou® 
fossil in them were suddenly exterminated; ye 
unless this can be affirmed, we cannot say that the 
chain B was not upheaved during the cretaceo™® 
period. Consequently, another range of mountai™® 
(A, Fig. 216.), at the base of which cretaceous rock 
c, may lie in horizontal stratification, may have be® 
elevated during the same period; because, in t" 
case, the particular group ¢ may have been formed 1005 
after the animals and plants which are characterist'® 
of them, in a fossil state, began to flourish, and during 
those antecedent ages the chain A may have risen- 

The Newer Pliocene strata in Sicily have be?” 
raised to the height of nearly 3000 feet in some place” 
with great derangement; yet the testacea and 20% 
phytes inclosed in these still exist, or nine tenths ° | 
them at least, in the Mediterranean. The same per! 
still continues, if we speak of periods in the same €% 
tended sense in which they are understood by geolo” 
gists, and by M. de Beaumont, in the memoir ”° 


before us. So the chalk in the Pyrenees may have 

ĉen raised to the height of many thousand feet, when 
the animals found fossil in the upheaved strata still 
“ontinued to inhabit the sea. 

In like manner the sea may have been inhabited by 

iocene testacea for ages before the deposition of 
‘hose particular Miocene strata which occur at the 
oot of the Pyrenees. 

To illustrate the grave objections above advanced, 
Which go to affect the whole of De Beaumont’s reason- 
ing, let us suppose, that in some country three styles 
of architecture had prevailed in succession, each for a 
-Period of one thousand years; first the Greek, then 
the Roman, and then the Gothic; and that a tremen- 

ous earthquake was known to have occurred in the 
Same district during one of the three periods, — a con- 
Yulsion of such violence as to have levelled to the 
Stound all the buildings then standing. If an anti- 
ary, desirous of discovering the date of the cata- 
Strophe, should first arrive at a city where several 
Greek temples were lying in ruins and half engulphed 
the earth, while many Gothic edifices were stand- 
‘Ng uninjured, could he determine on these data the 
“ta of the shock? Could he even exclude any one of 
the three periods and decide that it must have happened 
Wing one of the other two? Certainly not. He 

“ould merely affirm that it happened at some period 
“iter the introduction of the Greek style, and before 
the Gothic had fallen into disuse. Should he pretend 
to define the date of the convulsion with greater 
Precision, and decide that the earthquake must have 
Occurred after the Greek and before the Gothic period, 

at is to say, when the Roman style was in use, the 
allacy in his reasoning would be too palpable to escape 

*tection for a moment. 


Yet such is the nature of the erroneous inductio” 
which I am now exposing. For as, in the example 
above proposed, the erection of a particular edifice ® 
perfectly distinct from the period of architecture ™ 
which it may have been raised, so is the deposition ° 
chalk, or any other set of strata, from the geologicé 
epochs characterized by certain fossils to which they 
may belong. 

It is superfluous to enter into any farther analysis of 
this theory, because the force of the whole argument 
depends on the accuracy of the data by which the 
contemporaneous or non-contemporaneous date of the 
elevation of two independent chains can be demo” 
strated. In every case, this evidence, as stated by 
M. de Beaumont, is equivocal, because he has not we 
cluded in the possible interval of time between the de- 
position of the deranged and the horizontal formations 
part of the periods to which each of those classes ° 
formations are referable. By the insufficiency, tho” 
of the above proofs, the doctrine of the parallelism ° 
lines of contemporaneous elevation is destroyed ; P% 
cause all the geological facts may be true, and Y° 
the conclusion that certain chains were or were 3% 
simultaneously upraised is by no means a legitimat? 

As the hypothesis of parallelism, however, ha 
quired some popularity, I may remark, that it appeal” 
as stated by the author, to be in some degree at variant? 
with itself. When certain European chains were 4 
sumed to have been raised at the same time, oP t 
data already impugned, it was found that several 
these contemporaneous chains had a parallel directio” 
Hence it was immediately inferred to be a general A 
in geological dynamics that the chains upheavé 

s ac 


the same time are parallel. For example, it was said 
that the Pyrenees and northern Apennines have a 
direction about W. N. W. and E. S. E.; to this line the 
Alleghanies, in North America, conform, as also the 

hauts of Malabar, and certain chains in Egypt, Syria, 
XOrthern Africa, and other countries; and from this 
Mere conformity in direction it was presumed that all 

€se mountain-ranges were thrown up simultane- 
ously, | 

To select another example, the principal chain of 
the Alps, differing in age and direction from the Py- 
tenees, is parallel to the Sierra Morena, the Balkan, 
the chain of Mount Atlas, the central chain of the 

aucasus, and the Himalaya. All these ridges, there- 
ore, are assumed to have been heaved up by the same 
Paroxysmal convulsion. The Western Alps, on the 
‘ther hand, rose at a still earlier period, when the 
Parallel chains of Kiol, in Scandinavia, certain chains 
m Morocco, and the littoral Cordillera of Brazil, were 
Med ! 

Not only do these speculations refer to mountains 
ever yet touched, as M. Boué remarks, by the ham- 
Rep of the geologist, but they proceed on the suppo- 
‘tion, that in these distant chains the geological and 
8€ographical axis always coincide. Now we know 

àt in Europe the sérike+ of the beds is not always 

“In regard to the Alleghanies, see De Beaumont, 1833. French 
e of De la Beche’s Manual, p. 657. But in fact this thain 

S from N. E. to S. W. 

The term “ strike” has been recently adopted by some of 

jo Most eminent geologists from the German “ streich,” to 

Shify what our miners call the “ line of bearing” of the strata. 

à “à a term was much wanted ; and, as we often speak of striking 

i Ma given direction, the expression seems sufficiently consistent 
analogy in our language. 


parallel to the direction of the chain. As an exception: 
we may instance the Hartz mountains, where Von De- 
chen * states that the direction or strike of the strat? 
of slate and greywacké is sometimes from E; and W., 
and frequently N. E. and S. W.; the geographical di- 
rection of the mountain-chain being decidedly from 
E. S. E. to W. N. W. 

In addition to these considerations, the important 
admission is made by M. de Beaumont himself, that 
the elevating forces, whose activity must be referré 
to different epochs, have sometimes acted in Europ? 
in parallel lines. “It is worthy of remark,” he say” 
“that the directions of three systems of mountaia® 
—namely, first that of the Pilas and the Côte gori 
secondly, that of the Pyrenees; and thirdly, that s 
the islands of Corsica and Sardinia,— are respectiv? 
parallel to three other systems, namely, first, that ° 
Westmoreland and the Hunsdruck; secondly, that ° 
the Ballons (or Vosges) and the hills of the Bocag® 
in Calvados ; and thirdly, the system of the north ° 
England. The corresponding directions only diffe! a 
a few degrees, and the two series have succe? ý 
each other in the same order, leading to the supp?” 
tion, that there has been a kind of periodical ree 
rence of the same, or nearly the same, directions 
elevations.” + 

Here then, we have three systems of mountain 
A, B, C, which were formed at successive epochs; m 
have each a different direction; and we have th 
other systems, D, E, F, which, although they ar p 
sumed to have the same strike as the series first ™ 
tioned (D corresponding with A, E with B, a" 

* Trans. of De la Beche’s Geol. Manual, p. 41. 56: 

+ Phil. Mag. and Annals, No. 58., New Series, pp- 255s? 


With C), are nevertheless declared to have been formed 
at different periods. On what principle, then, is the 
äge of an Indian or transatlantic chain referred to one 
of these European lines rather than to another ?— 
Why is the age of the Alleghanies, or the Ghauts of 

alabar, determined by their parallelism to B rather 
than to E, to the Pyrenees rather than to the Ballons 
of the Vosges ? * 

Modern volcanic lines not parallel.—The analogy of 
Yolcanic operations in our own times would lead us to 
Suppose that the lines of convulsion, at former epochs, 
Were far from being uniform in direction; for that the 
trains of active volcanos are not parallel, every one is 
aware who has studied Von Buch’s masterly survey of 
the general range of volcanic lines over the globet; 
While the elevations and subsidences caused by mo- 
dern earthquakes, although they may sometimes run 
t parallel lines within limited districts, have not been 
observed to have a common direction in distant and 
‘dependent theatres of volcanic action. 

I doubt not that in many regions, yet only within a 
imited range of country, the ridges, troughs, and fis- 
Sures caused by modern earthquakes, are, to a certain 
extent, parallel to each other; and such appears to 

ave been the case in many districts at former eras. 

_ * The substance of the last objection has been anticipated by 

M. Boué (Journ. of Geol., tom. iii. p. 338.) Ishall not re-- 

Peat here minor points and facts, enumerated, in a former edition, 

às disputed by several geologists, because they are of no import- 

ance if the basis of the theory is unfounded. See Mr. Cony- 
®are’s remarks, Phil. Mag. and Journ. of Sci., No. 2., Third 

i ries, p, 118. Studer, Bulletin de la Soc. Géol. de France, ii. 
' 68. 

t Physical. Besch. der Canarischen Inseln, Berlin, 1825. 


The anticlinal lines of the Weald valley, before alluded 
to, and of the Isle of Wight, may, in this manner, have 
been contemporaneous; that is to say, both may have 
been formed in some part of the Eocene period, — 2” : 
hypothesis which does not involve the theory of thel! 
having been due to a paroxysmal convulsion at the 
same moment of that vast period. It should be ob: 
served, that, as some trains of burning volcanos 4 
parallel to each other, so at all periods some inde 
pendent lines of elevation may be parallel accidentally i 
not in obedience to any known law of parallelism, bu 
on the contrary, as exceptions to the general rule- 

The speculations of M. de Beaumont will, I trust 
be useful, in inducing geologists to inquire how far the 
uniformity in the direction of the beds, in a regio” 
which has been agitated at any particular period, ™ 
extend; but, in the present state of our scienc’ 
cherish no sanguine expectations of fixing a chron? j 
gical succession of epochs of elevation of differ?” 
mountain-chains, or of making more than a loose ap 
proximation to such a result. The difficulty depe” j 
chiefly on the broken and interrupted nature of E 
series of sedimentary formations hitherto brought 
light, which appears so imperfect that we can vel. 
seldom be sure that, between the groups now class? 
as consecutive, the memorials of some great interv? 
time may not be wanting. Another great sourc® 
ambiguity arises from the small progress which © 
have yet made in identifying strata in countries some 
what distant from each other. 

There may be instances, perhaps, where the 
set of strata, preserving throughout a perfect identit 
of mineral character, may be traced continuously f° 
the flanks of one independent mountain-chain tO 



base of another, the beds being vertical or inclined in 
ne chain, and horizontal in the other. We might 
then decide with confidence, according to the method 
Proposed by M. de Beaumont, on the relative periods 
at which these chains had undergone disturbance: and 
ftom one point thus securely established, we might 
Proceed to another, until we had determined the eras 
of many neighbouring lines of convulsion. 



Relation of rocks called “ Primary” to volcanic and sedimenta 
formations — Unstratified rocks called ‘* Plutonic” — Granit? 
veins — Their various forms and mineral composition — P" oo" 
of their igneous origin — Granites of the same character ri 
duced at successive eras (p. 343.) — Some of these newe" than 
certain fossiliferous strata— Volcanic, trappean, and plutoni? 


I sHALL now treat of the class of rocks usually termed 
“primary,” a name which, as I shall afterwards show 
is not always applicable, since the formations so desig” 
nated sometimes belong to different epochs, and ar? 
not, in every case, more ancient than the fossilifer™ 
strata. In general, however, this division of rocks mô, 
justly be regarded as of higher antiquity than i 
secondary and transition groups above described ; n 
they may, therefore, with propriety be spoken 0 ; 
these concluding chapters, as I have hitherto proce? > 
in my retrospective survey from the newer to the mo" 
ancient geological monuments. 

In order to explain the relation which I con 
the rocks termed “ primary” to bear to the tertiary? 
secondary, and transition formations, I shall res”, 
that general view of the component parts of the earth 
crust of which I gave a slight sketch in the pret 
minary division of the subject in the second chapte" 


* See Vol. III. pp. 313, 314. 


It was there stated that sedimentary formations, 
containing organic remains, occupy a large part of the 
Surface of our continents ; but that here and there vol- 
anic rocks occur, covering, alternating with, or break- 
ing through, the sedimentary deposits; so that there 
àre two orders of mineral masses formed at the surface 
which have obviously a distinct origin, — the aqueous 
and the volcanic. 

a. Formations called primary (stratified and unstratified). 
b. Aqueous formations. c. Volcanic rocks. 

Besides these, however, there is another class, which 
“annot be assimilated precisely to either of the pre- 
eding, and which is often seen underlying the sedi- 
mentary, or breaking up to the surface in the central 
Parts of mountain-chains, -constituting some of the 
highest lands, and, at the same time, passing down and 
Orming the. inferior parts of the crust of the earth. 

his class, usually termed “ primary,” is divisible into 
two groups, —the stratified and the unstratified. The 
Stratified consists of the rocks called gneiss, mica-schist, 
{gillaceous-schist (or clay-slate), hornblende-schist, 
Primary limestone, and some others. The unstratified, 
EP lutonic, is composed in great measure of granite, 
d rocks closely allied to granite. Both these groups 
"Sree in having, for the most part, a highly crystalline 
*xture, and in not containing organic remains. 

lutonic rocks. — The unstratified crystalline rocks 
Ve been very commonly called Plutonic, from the 
YOU. Iv, Q 


opinion that they were formed by igneous action at 
great depths ; whereas the volcanic, although they also 
have risen up from below, have cooled from a melted 
state upon or near to the surface. Granite, porphyry 
and other rocks of the same family, often occur 1} 
large amorphous masses, from which small veins 2 
dikes are sent off, which traverse the stratified rocks 
called “primary,” precisely in the manner in which 
lava is seen in some places to penetrate the secondary 

Granite veins. — We find also one set of granite 
veins intersecting another, and granitiform porphyrie® 
intruding themselves into granite, in a manner analo” 
gous to that of the volcanic dikes of Etna and Vest 
vius, where they cut and shift each other, or pass 
through alternating beds of lava and tuff. 

Fig. 219. 

Granite veins traversing stratified rocks. 

The annexed diagram will explain to the readet the 
manner in which these granite veins often branch ° 
from the principal mass. Those on the right-bay 
side, and in the middle, are taken from Dr. Mact# 


loch’s representation of veins passing through the 
Sneiss at Cape Wrath, in Scotland.* The veins on 
the left of the same diagram are described, by Captain 
Basil Hall, as traversing the argillaceous schist of the 
Table-Mountain at the Cape of Good Hope. + 

I subjoin another sketch from Dr. MacCulloch’s in- 
teresting representations of the granite veins in Scot- 
land, and in which the contrast of colour between the 

Fig. 220. 

Granite veins traversing gneiss at Cape Wrath, in Scotland. 

Vein and some of the dark varieties of hornblende- 
Schist associated with the gneiss renders the phenomena 
More conspicuous. 
The following sketch of a group of granite veins in 
Cornwall is given by Messieurs Von Oeynhausen and 
on Dechen.{ ‘The main body of the granite here is 
of a porphyritic appearance, with large crystals of fel- 
Spar ; but in the veins it is fine-grained, and without 
these large crystals. The general height of the veins 

a from sixteen to twenty feet, but some are much 

* Western Islands, plate 31. 

Account of the Structure of Table-Mountain, &c. Trans. 
0J. Soc. Edin., vol. vii. 

ł Phil, Mag. and Annals, No. 27., New Series, March, 1829. 


Granite veins passing through hornblende slate, Carnstlver Cove, Cornwall 

The vein-granite of Cornwall very generally assume® 

a finer grain, and frequently undergoes a change in 
| mineral composition, as is very commonly observed i” 
other countries. Thus, according to Professor Sedg’ » 
i wick, the main body of the Cornish granite is-an a8 
gregate of mica, quartz, arid felspar ; but the veins at? 
‘sometimes without mica, being a granular aggregal® 
‘of quartz and felspar. In other varieties quartz pre 
| vails to the almost entire exclusion both of felspar a? 

| mica; in others, the mica and quartz both disappe@” 
and the vein is simply composed of white granular 
felspar. * 

Changes are sometimes caused in the intersected 
strata very analogous to those which the centact of 4 
fused mass might be supposed to produce. 

The annexed diagram, from a sketch of Dr. Mac- 

-Culloch, represents the junction of the granite of Gler 
Tilt, in Perthshire, with a mass of stratified limesto° 

* On Geol. of Cornwall, Trans. of Cambridge Soc., vol, ™ 
p. 124, Z 


and schist. The granite, in this locality, often sends 
forth so many veins as to reticulate the limestone and 
Schist, the veins diminishing towards their termination 
to the thickness of a leaf of paper or a thread. In 
Some places fragments of granite appear entangled, as it 
Were, in the limestone, and are not visibly connected 
With any larger mass ; while sometimes, on the other 
hand, a lump of the limestone is found in the midst of 
the granite. The ordinary colour of the limestone of 

Fig. 222. 

Junction of granite and limestone in Glen Tilt: 
a, Granite. b. Limestone. 

c. Blue argillaceous schist. 

Glen Tilt is lead blue, and its texture large-grained 
@nd highly crystalline ; but where it approximates to 
Q 3 

342 © GRANITE VEINS. [Book IV- 

the granite, particularly where it is penetrated by the 
smaller veins, the crystalline texture disappears, and it 
assumes an appearance exactly resembling that ° 
hornstone. The associated argillaceous schist ofte® 
passes into hornblende slate, where it approaches very 
near to the granite.* 

The conversion of the limestone in these and many 
other instances into a siliceous rock, effervescing 
slowly with acids, would be difficult of explanation, wer? 
it not ascertained that such limestones are always im 
pure, containing grains of quartz, mica, or felspat 
disseminated through them. The elements of thes? 
minerals, when the rock has been subjected to great 
heat, may have been fused, and so spread more un! 
formly through the whole mass. ; 

In the plutonic, as in the volcanic rocks, there 
every gradation from a tortuous vein to the most re- 
gular form of a dike, such as I have described inte! 
secting the tuffs and lavas of Vesuvius and Etna. J 
these dikes of granite, which may be seen, among 
other places, on the southern flank of Mount Battoc!» 
one of the Grampians, the opposite walls sometimes 
preserve an exact parallelism for a considerable ®5 
tance. It is not uncommon for one set of granite veins 
to intersect another; and sometimes there are thre? 
sets, as in the environs of Heidelberg, where the 
granite on the banks of the river Necker is seen t° 
consist of three varieties, differing in colour, grain, 2” 
various peculiarities of mineral composition. One g 
these, which is evidently the second in age, is seen t° 
cut through an older granite ; and another, still newe” 
traverses both the second and the first. These phe?” 

* MacCulloch, Geol. Trans., vol. iii. p. 259. 


mena were pointed out to me by Professor Leonhard 
at Heidelberg. 

In Shetland there are two kinds of granite. One 
of these, composed of hornblende, mica, felspar, and 
quartz, is of a dark colour, and is seen underlying 
gneiss. The other is a red granite, which penetrates 
the dark variety every where in veins. * 

Granites of different ages. — It was formerly supposed 
that granite was the oldest of rocks, the mineral pro- 
duct of a particular period or state of the earth, formed 
long antecedently to the introduction of organic beings 
into our planet. But it is now ascertained that this 
rock has been produced again and again, at successive 
eras, with the same characters, penetrating the stra- 
tified rocks in different regions, but not always asso- 
ciated with strata of the same age. Nor are organic 
remains always entirely wanting in the formations in- 
vaded by granite, although they are usually absent. 
Many well-authenticated exceptions to the rule are 
now established, on the authority of numerous ob- 
Servers, amongst the earliest of whom we may cite 
Von Buch, who discovered in Norway a mass of granite 
overlying an ancient secondary limestone, containing 
orthocerata and other shells and zoophytes. + 

A considerable mass of -granite in the Isle of Sky is 
described by Dr. MacCulloch as incumbent on lime- 
Stone and shale, which are of the age of the English 
lias.t The limestone, which, at a greater distance 
from the granite, contains shells, exhibits no- traces of 

* MacCulloch, Syst. of Geol., vol. i. p. 58. 

+ Travels through Norway and Lapland, p. 45. London, 

+ See Murchison, Geol. Trans., Second Series, vol. ii. part ii. 
Pp. 311—321. 



them near its junction, where it has been converted 
into a pure crystalline marble.* 

This granite of Sky was at first termed “ Syenite,” 
by which name some authors have denominated the 
more modern granites; but they have entirely failed 
in their attempt to establish a distinction betwee? 
granites and syenites on geological grounds. Syenite 
has been defined to be a triple compound of felspat, 
‘quartz, and hornblende; but the oldest granitifor™m 
rocks are very commonly composed of these ingre- 
dients only. In his later publications Dr. MacCul- 
loch has, with great propriety, I think, called the 
plutonic rock of Sky a granite. + 

In different parts of the Alps a comparatively moder? 
granite is seen penetrating through secondary strata 
which contain belemnites, and other fossils, and aré 
supposed to be referable to the age of the English 
lias. According to the observations of MM. Elie de 
Beaumont and Hugi, masses of this granite are some- 
times found partially overlying the secondary beds; 
and altering them in a manner analagous to the 
changes superinduced upon sedimentary deposits 1? 
contact with rocks of igneous origin. { (See Fig. 225: 
p. 369.) 

In such examples we can merely affirm, that the 
granite is newer than a secondary formation containing 
belemnites ; but we can form no conjecture when it 
originated, not even whether it be of secondary or tef- 
tiary date. It is not to be inferred that a granite i$ 

* Western Islands, vol. i. p. 330. 

+ Syst. of Geol., vol. i. p. 150. 

¢ Elie de Beaumont, sur les Montagnes de l’ Oisans, Mém. de 
la Soc. d’Hist. Nat. de Paris, tome v. Hugi, Natur. Historische 
Alpenreise, Soleure, 1830. 


usually of about the same age as the group of strata 
Into which it has intruded itself; for in that case we 
should be inclined to assume, rashly, that the granite 
found penetrating a more modern rock, such as the 
lias, for example, was much newer than that which 
is found to invade greywacké. The contrary may 
often be true; for the plutonic rock which was last in 
a melted state may not anywhere have been forced 
up so near to the surface as to traverse the newer 
Sroups, but may be confined exclusively to the older 
Sedimentary formations. 

“In a deep series of strata,” says Dr. MacCulloch, 
“the superior or distant portions may have been but 
slightly disturbed, or have entirely escaped disturb- 
ance, by a granite which has not emitted its veins far 

€yond its immediate boundary. However certain, 
therefore, it may be, that any mass of granite is pos- 
terior to the gneiss, the micaceous schist, or the argil- 
laceous schists, which it traverses, or into which it 
intrudes, we are unable to prove that it is not also pos- ` 
terior to the secondary strata that lie above them.” * 

There can be little doubt, however, that some gra- 
Nites are more ancient than any of our regular series 
Which we identify by organic remains; because there 
are rounded pebbles of granite, as well ds gneiss, in 
the Conglomerates of very ancient fossiliferous groups. 

Distinction between volcanic and plutonic rocks — 
Trap.— When geologists first began to examine at- 
tentively the structure of the northern parts of Europe, 
they were almost entirely ignorant of the phenomena 
‘ad €xisting volcanos; and when they met with basalt 

* Syst. of Geol., vol. i. p. 136. 

346 TRAP ROCKS. [Book IV 

and other rocks composed chiefly of augite, hornblende, 
and felspar, which are now admitted by all to havé 
been once in a state of fusion, they were divided i 
opinion whether they were of igneous or of aqueous 
origin. In the sketch of the history of geology in the 
first volume, it was shown how much the polemical 
controversies on this subject retarded the advance- 
ment of the science, and how slowly the analogy ° 
the rocks in question to the products of active volcanos 
was recognized. 

Most of the igneous rocks first investigated in Ger- 
many, France, and Scotland were associated with ma 
rine strata, and in some places they occurred in tabulat 
masses or platforms at different heights, so as to form 
on the sides of some hills a succession of terraces of 
steps; from which circumstance they were calle 
“trap” by Bergman (from trappa, Swedish for a Aight 
of steps), —a name afterwards adopted very generally 
into the nomenclature of the science. 

When these trappean rocks were compared with 
lavas produced in the atmosphere, they were found 
be in general less porous and more compact : and fro 
this character, and their association with subaqueo™ 
deposits, the connection of their origin with ordinat} 
volcanic action was overlooked. In this instance the 
terms of comparison were imperfect; for a set of rock® 
formed almost entirely under water, was contrast? 
with anothèr which had cooled in the open air. 

Yet the products of the ancient volcanos of Cen 
France were classed, in reference, probably, to th 
antiquity, with the trap rocks, although they afo" 
perfect counterparts to existing volcanos, and we 
evidently formed in the open air. Mont Dor and the 
Plomb du Cantal, indeed, differ in many respects from 




Vesuvius and Etna in the mineral constitution and 
structure of their lavas ; but it is that kind of differ- 
ence which we must expect to discover when we com- 
pare the products of any two active volcanos in distant 
regions, such as Teneriffe and Hecla, or Hecla and 

The amygdaloidal structure in many of the trap 
formations proves that they were originally cellular 
and porous, like lava; but the cells have been subse- 
quently filled up with silex, carbonate of lime, zeolite, 
and other ingredients which form the nodules. The 
absence of this amygdaloidal structure may be said to 
be one of the negative characters of granite and other 
Plutonic rocks. 

Dr. MacCulloch, after examining with great atten- 
tion the igneous rocks of Scotland, observes, “that it 
is a mere dispute about terms to refuse to the ancient 
eruptions of trap the name of submarine volcanos, for 
they are such in every essential point, although they 
No longer eject fire and smoke.”* The same author 
also considers it not improbable that some of the vol- 
tanic rocks of the same country may have been poured 
Out in the open air. + 

The recent examination of the igneous rocks of 
Sicily, especially those of the Val di Noto, has proved 
that all the more ordinary varieties of European trap 
have been produced under the waters of the sea in the 

ewer Pliocene period ; that is to say, since the Me- 
diterranean has been inhabited by a great proportion 
of the existing species of testacea. We are, therefore, 
entitled to expect, that if we could obtain access to 
the existing bed of the ocean, and explore the igneous 

* Syst. of Geol., vol. ii. p. 114. + Ibid. 
Qa 6 


rocks poured out within the last five thousand years 
beneath the pressure of a sea of considerable depth, 
we should behold formations of modern date very 
similar to the most ancient trap rocks of our island. 
We cannot, however, expect the identity to be perfects 
for time is ever working some alteration in the com- 
position of these mineral masses, as, for example, PY 
converting porous lava into amygdaloids. 

Passage from trap into granite.—If a division be 
attempted between the trappean and volcanic rocks, it 
must be made between different parts of the same 
volcano, — nay, even the same rock, which would be 
called “ trap,” where it fills a fissure and has assumed 
a solid crystalline form on slow cooling, must be 
-termed volcanic, or lava, where it issues on the flank 
of the mountain. Some geologists may, perhaps, P? 
of opinion that melted matter, which has been pouré 
out in the open air, may be conveniently called vol- 
canic; while that which appears to have cooled at thé 
bottom of the sea, or under pressure, but at no gre@! 
depth from the surface, may be termed “ trap:” put it 
is very doubtful whether such distinctions can be made 
without confusion, and whether we shall not be oblige 
to consider trap and volcanic as synonymous. On the 
other hand, the difficulty of discriminating the volcani? 
from the plutonic rocks is sufficiently great ; there 
being an insensible passage from the most commo” 
forms of granite into trap or lava. 

« The ordinary granite of Aberdeenshire,” s4Y* 
Dr. MacCulloch, “ is the usual ternary compound ° 
quartz, felspar, and mica; but sometimes hornblend? 
is substituted for the mica. But in many places j 
variety occurs which is composed simply of felspar an 
hornblende; and in examining more minutely this 


duplicate compound, it is observed in some places to 
assume a fine grain, and at length to become undistin- 
Suishable from the greenstones of the trap family. It 
also passes in the same uninterrupted manner into a 
basalt, and at length into a soft claystone, with a 
Schistose tendency on exposure, in no respect dif- 
fering from those of the trap islands of the western 
Coast.”* The same author mentions, that in Shetland 
a granite composed of hornblende, mica, felspar, and 
quartz graduates in an equally perfect manner into 
basalt. + 

It would be easy to multiply examples to prove that 
the granitic and trap rocks pass into each other, and 
are merely different forms which the same elements 
have assumed, according to the different circumstances 
under which they have consolidated from a state of 
fusion. What has been said respecting the mode of 
€xplaining the different texture of the central and ex- 
ternal parts of the Vesuvian dikes may enable the 
reader in some measure to comprehend how such dif- 
ferences may originate. + {i 

The lavas, which are porous where they have flowed 
Over the crater, and cooled rapidly under compara- 
tively slight pressure, appear compact and porphyritic 
in the dike. Now these dikes evidently communicate 
With the crater and the volcanic foci below; so that 
We may suppose them to be continuous to a vast 
depth; and the fluid matter below, which cools and 
Consolidates slowly under so enormous a pressure, 
May be conceived to acquire a very distinct and more 
Crystalline texture, like granite. 

If it be objected that we do not find in mountain- 

* Syst. of Geol., vol. i. p. 157. t Ibid, p. 158, 
ł See p. 8, 


chains volcanic dikes passing upwards into lava, and 
downwards into granite, we may answer, that our ver- 
tical sections are usually of small extent; and if we 
find in certain places a transition from trap to porous 
lava, and in others a passage from granite to trap, it Í$ 
as much as could be expected of this evidence. H 
should also be remembered, that a large proportion of 
the igneous rocks, when first formed, cannot be sup” 
posed to reach the surface, and these may assume the 
usual granitic texture without graduating into trap, 9 
into such lava and scorie as are found on the flanks 0 

a volcanic cone. 

Theory of the origin of granite at all periods. — It '8 
not uncommon for lava streams to require more tha? 
ten years to cool in the open air; and where they al 
of great depth, a much longer period. The melted 
matter poured from Jorullo, in Mexico, in the yea! 

1759, which accumulated in some places to the heigh! 
of 550 feet, was found to retain a high temperatur? 
half a century after the eruption.* For what immens¢ 
periods, then, may we not conceive that great masse’ 
of subterranean lava in the volcanic foci may remain 
in a red-hot or incandescent state, and how gradual 
must be the process of refrigeration! This proces’ 
may be sometimes retarded for an indefinite period, 
by the accession of fresh supplies of heat; for we fin 

that the lava in the crater'of Stromboli, one of thé 
Lipari islands, has been in a state of constant ebullitio? 
for the last two thousand years; and we must suppoS® 
this fluid mass to communicate with some cauldron 0" 
reservoir of fused matter below. In the Isle of Bourbo™ 
also, where there has been an emission of lava once ™ 

* See Vol. II. p. 134. 


every two years for a long period, we may infer that 
the lava below is permanently in a state of lique- 

The great pressure of a superincumbent mass, and 
exclusion from contact with the atmosphere, and per- 
haps with the ocean, are some of the conditions which 
May be necessary to produce the granitic texture ; but 
what I have before said of the causes of volcanic heat 
Operating at considerable depths, will show how com- 
plicated may be the processes going on in the interior 
of the earth, and how different from any within the 
Sphere of our observation at the surface.* 

If plutonic rocks, such as granite or porphyry, have 
Originated far below as often as the volcanic have been 
generated at the surface, it will follow that no small 
quantity of the former class has been forming in the 
recent epoch; since we suppose that about two thou- 
sand volcanic eruptions may occur in the course of 
€very century, either above the waters of the sea or 
beneath them. + 

We may also infer, that during each preceding 

Period, whether tertiary or secondary, there have been 
granites and granitiform rocks generated; because we 
have already discovered the monuments of ancient 
Volcanic eruptions of almost every period. 

In the next chapter I shall endeavour to show, that, 
in consequence of the great depths at which the plu- 
tonic rocks usually originate, and of the manner in 
Which they are associated with the older sedimentary 
Strata of each district, it is rarely possible to determine 
With exactness their relative age. It may be true that 
the greater portion of them now visible are of higher 

* Book ii, chapters 18. and 19. + See Vol. II. p. 178. 


antiquity than the oldest secondary strata; and yet 
they may have been produced in nearly equal quanti- 
ties during equal periods of time, from the earliest t0 
the most modern epochs, instead of diminishing in 
quantity at each successive epoch, as some geologists 
pretend. : 


Whether any “primary” rocks are truly stratified — Difference 
between stratification and cleavage — Professor Sedgwick on the 
Slaty and the Jointed Structure — Alteration of sedimentary 
Strata by dikes (p. 364.) — Manner in which heat may be con- 
veyed through rocks — Conversion of sedimentary into crystal- 
line strata—The term “ Hypogene”’ proposed as a substitute for 
s Primary (p070) Metamorphic” for “ stratified primary” 
rocks — No regular order of succession of hypogene rocks — 
Cause of the high relative antiquity of visible hypogene forma- 
tions (p. 383.) — They may have been produced at each succes- 
Sive period in equal quantities — Volume of hypogene rocks 
Supposed to have been formed since the Eocene period — Con- 
cluding remarks, 

Whether any primary rocks are stratified. —Ir has been 
‘tated that the rocks usually called “ Primary,” are 
Visible into the stratified and the unstratified; but 
‘ome geologists have entertained doubts as to the pro- 
Priety of applying the term stratified to any rocks of 
© crystalline or “ primary” class. They admit that 
€ latter are often made up of thbular masses, or beds 
Maced one upon the other, something in the manner 
true strata; but they deny that the analogy is so 
Perfect as to indicate a similarity of origin: in other 
oe they do not believe the distinct beds into which 
Ystalline rocks, such as gneiss, mica-schist, and horn- 
“nde-schist, are divided, to have been the result of 
“dimentary deposition from water. 


Now it must be conceded that even in rocks which 
are unequivocally of sedimentary origin, and which 
contain organic remains, there are many lines of part 
ing, that might easily be mistaken for strata, yet whic? 
have no connection with stratification. Of these part 
ings some‘have been distinguished by miners undef 
the name of “joints,” others by that of the “ planes ° 

Cleavage or slaty structure. —In an admirable essa} 
recently published on this subject, Professor Sedgw! 
has described the ordinary forms, and speculated o 
the probable origin, of these different kinds of strut 
ture.* His descriptions are derived from an extensiv 
series of original observations, made on the slate r0? : 
of Cumberland and Wales, and will be read by all wh? 
are desirous of obtaining a clear and thorough know” 
ledge of this important class of phenomena. 

Some of these Cumbrian and Welsh rocks are de 
cidedly of mechanical origin ; and some strata cont®™ 
marine organic remains, so that they must have pee” 
deposited from water. But, besides being stratifie® 
they are intersected by cleavage planes, which ar 
usually inclined at a very considerable angle to t : 
planes of the strata, and appear to be in no instan? 
exactly coincident with them. In some cases i $ 
difference is so smali that these planes might easily ; 
supposed parallel; but their inclination to each ot 4 
in the Welsh chains, is upon an average as much # 
30° to 40°, Sometimes the cleavage planes dip tows 
the same point of the compass as those of stratificati? 
but more frequently they dip to opposite points.  » 

«In that variety of slate which is used for ro0fN8? 

* Geol. Trans., vol. iii. Second Series, p. 461 


Says Professor Sedgwick, “the structure of the rock 
has been so modified that the traces of its original de- 
Position are quite obliterated; and this remark does 
hot apply merely to single quarries, but sometimes to 
Whole mountains. We can, however, in many slate 
quarries, and even in hand specimens of slate, discover 
à number of parallel stripes, sometimes of a lighter, and 
Sometimes of a darker colour than the general mass; 
and in rocks of the age I am considering, these stripes 
are universally parallel to the true bedding of the rocks. _ 
The proof of this is established by the fact that the 
assumption leads to consistent results; that these 
Stripes are always parallel to true beds whenever such 
beds can be discovered, whether by organic remains, by 
the alternations of dissimilar deposits, or by any other 
ordinary means. Sometimes, however, all these means 
fail, and we may ramble for miles among mountains of 
Slate without seeing a single trace of their original 

“I think it obvious,” continues the same author, 
“that the contortions of slate rocks are phenomena 
Quite distinct from cleavage, and that the curves pre- 
‘ented by such formations are the true lines of dis- 
turbed strata.” * 

In the accompanying section, given by the Professor 

Parallel planes of cleavage intersecting curved strata. 

to illustrate these appearances in the Welsh slate rocks, 
We see the cleavage planes preserving an almost geo- 

* . ose . r 
: Sedgwick, Geol, Trans., vol. iii, Second Series, p. 474. 


metrical parallelism, while they pass through contorted 
strata of “hard greenish slate, obviously of sediment 
ary origin.” A region more than thirty miles in length, 
and eight to ten in breadth, exhibits this structure of 
a magnificent scale. Many of the contorted strata 
“ are of a coarse mechanical structure ; but subordinat? 
to them are fine, crystalline, chloritic slates. But the 
coarser beds and the finer, the twisted and the straight 
have all been subjected to one change. i 

« The slaty cleavage, however, is only brought out g 
perfection where the materials of the rock are fine an 
homogeneous. Yet although the coarser beds are not 
slaty, they are said to have usually a grain parallel te 
the cleavage planes of the finer beds, and it is onl 
when the materials are very coarse that the cleavag® 
planes entirely vanish.” * 

It is admitted by Professor Sedgwick, that some peds 
of greywacké are subdivided into very thin Jamin? 
which resemble slate, and are used for the same po” 
poses, yet have been produced by aqueous depositio?” 
Nay, in certain cases, “ these laminæ cannot be disti” 
guished by their mineral structure from the slates : 
cleavage.” It is proposed, however, to call such slate? 
of deposition “ flagstones,” by reference to their $ê j 
mentary origin. A flagstone, it is said, may general) 
be distinguished from a true slate of cleavage by slig 
deviations in its plane ; occasionally by what is calle 
the ripple mark ; by a dull granular surface ; by scat 
tered flakes of mica, entirely unlike the continuo” 
chloritic flakes of a true cleavage ; and sometimes 
organic remains studded on its surface. 

Some confusion will, I fear, arise from attempti? 
restrict the term slate to those cases alone where t 


* Proceedings of Geol. Soc. No. 44. p. 360. 


slaty laminæ are oblique to the stratification; espe- 
Cally as we have seen that diagonal lamination may be 
Produced by sedimentary deposition, and that too in 
Some instances with considerable regularity. But, 
Whatever nomenclature we adopt, it is clear that three 
distinct forms of structure are exhibited in certain 
tocks throughout large districts: viz.— first, stratifi- 
“ation ; secondly, joints ; and thirdly, slaty cleavage ; 
the two last having no connection with true bedding, 
and having been superinduced by causes absolutely in- 
dependent of gravitation. All these different structures 
Must have different names, even though there be some 
Cases where it is impossible, after carefully studying the 
Phenomena, to decide upon the class to which they 

Before treating of joints, it may be well to speak of 
the probable origin of slaty cleavage in those cases 
Where it is decidedly unconnected with sedimentary 
deposition. Professor Sedgwick is of opinion that “no 
'etreat of parts, no contraction in dimensions, in pass- 
Ne to a solid state, can account for the phenomenon.” 
‘t must be referred to crystalline or polar forces acting 
simultaneously and somewhat uniformly, in given di- 
"ections, on large masses having a homogeneous com- 

“There is at first sight a difficulty in comprehending 

€ vastness of those forces which nature must have 
*Pplied in producing such effects. But, in crystalliza+ 
‘on, there is something like a definite polarity in each 
Particle, by which it is compelled to turn in a given 

ection, and group itself with other particles in defi- 
Ute forms ; and if this modification of internal structure 
© Carried on through a very large mass of matter, is it 
ot Probable that there is an accumulated intensity of 


crystalline action in each part, so that the whole inte? 
sity of crystalline force modifying the mass js not 
equal to the sum of the forces necessary to crystallize 
each part independently, but is some function of that 
sum, whereby it may be increased almost indefinitely’ 
I see nothing improbable in this kind of accumulat? 

attraction.”* . 

Sir John Herschel, in allusion to this subject, has 
suggested to me, “that if rocks have been so heate 
as to allow a commencement of crystallization ; that 5 
to say, if they have been heated to a point at which 
the particles can begin to move amongst themselves a 
at least on their own axes, some general law must the? 
determine the position in which these particles wil 
rest on cooling. Probably, that position will have some 
relation to the direction in which the heat escape 
Now, when all, or a majority of particles of the sam? 

nature have a general tendency to one position, tha 
must of course determine a cleavage plane. The 
we see the infinitessimal crystals of fresh precipitat? 
sulphate of baryte, and some other such bodies, arrang 
themselves alike in the fluid in which they float ; s0 as 
when stirred, all to glance with one light and give ** 
appearance of silky filaments. Some sorts of soap ‘ 

which insoluble margarates exist, exhibit the sam? 

phenomenon when mixed with water; and what occu! 
in our experiments on a minute scale, may occur } 
nature on a great one, &c.” t 

Jointed structure.—“ Besides the planes of clea” 
age,” observes Professor Sedgwick, “ we often find © 
large slate quarries one or more sets of cross joint® 

* Sedgwick, Geol. Trans., vol. iii. Second Series, pp- 477; ; 
g g 

+ Letter to the author, dated Cape of Good Hope, Feb. 


Which, combined with cleavage, divide the rock into 
thombohedral solids. These solids are not capable of 
definite subdivision into similar solids, except in one 
tection, namely, that of true cleavage ; and in this 
Way, even in hand specimens, we may generally dis- 
tinguish the true cleavage planes from the joints. 
hese last are fissures placed at definite distances from 
“ach other, the masses of rock between them having, 
Seherally speaking, no tendency to cleave in a direc- 
tion parallel to them. Such a structure seems in most 
“ses to have been produced mechanically, either by a 
‘train upon the rock from external force, producing 
More or less regular sets of cracks and fissures, or by 
à mechanical tension on the mass, produced probably 
Y Contraction, during its passage from a fluid, or semi- 
uid, into a solid state. Cleavage planes are, on the 
“ntrary, the results of the ultimate chemical arrange- 
Ment of the particles of a rock, and appear in most 
“ases to be unconnected with any direct mechanical 
“A slaty and jointed structure are, however, often 
*xhibited together; and cases may arise where it is 
Ost impossible to decide whether a certain set of 
Sures are to be called joints, or cleavage planes: but 
culties of this kind are the exception, and not 
the Tule.” * 
The jointed structure is common both to the strati- 
êd and unstratified rocks ; but is best seen in the un- 
stratified, as in granite, or columnar basalt. In the 
Wiss and Savoy. Alps, Mr. Bakewell has well remarked 
that €normous masses of limestone are cut through so 
"egularly by nearly vertical partings, and these are 

š Sedgwick, Geol. Trans., vol. iii. Second Series, pp. 480, 481. 

of j 

often so much more conspicuous than the seams of 
stratification, that an unexperienced observer will a 
most inevitably confound them, and suppose the strata 
to be perpendicular when in fact they are almost 
horizontal. * 
The cause of this tendency to a jointed structure Ë 
by no means understood ; but it appears, from recent 
observations, that ice sometimes presents a similat 
arrangement of parts. Scoresby, indeed, when speak 
ing of the icebergs of Spitzbergen, had long ago stat?” 
« that they are full of rents, extending perpendicularly 
downwards, and dividing them’ into innumerable © 
lumns.” Colonel Jackson has lately investigated th 
subject more attentively, and has found that the ic? 
on the Neva, at St. Petersburg, at the bèginning g 
a thaw, when two feet in thickness, is traversed by 
rows of very minute air-bubbles extending in stralg 
lines, sometimes a little inflected, from the upper sul 
face of the ice towards the lower, within from two? 
five inches of which they terminate. “ Other bloe 3 
presented these bubbles united, so as to form cyl” 
drical canals, a little thicker than a horse-hair. ~ ; 
serving still further,” he says, “ I found blocks in wh” 
the process was more advanced, and two, three s 
more clefts, struck off in different directions from t 
vertical veins, so that a section perpendicular tO j 
vein would represent in miniature the star-forme 
cracks of timber. ` Finally, in some pieces, thes 
cracks united from top to bottom of the veins, sepa" 
ating the whole mass into vertical prisms, having 
greater or less number of sides. In this state a slig 
shock was sufficient to detach them; and the ploc 

* Introduction to Geology, chap. iv. 

a be 



With. its scattered fragments was in all respects the 
€xact miniature resemblance, in crystal, of a Giants 
Causeway. The surface was like a tessellated pave- 
Ment, and the columns rose close, adhering and pa- 
tallel, from the compact mass of a few inches at the 
Under surface. More or less time is required for the 
Process, which I have since seen in all its different 
Stages,” * 

Stratification of granitic schists. —If we examine 
Sneiss, which consists of the same materials as granite, 
r mica-schist, which is a compound of quartz and mica, 
or hornblende schist, which is formed of hornblende and 
felspar, or any other member of the so-called primary 

lvision, we find that they are each made up of a suc- 
Cession of beds, the planes of which are, to a ‘certain 
€xtent, parallel to each other in a manner analogous to 
that exhibited by sedimentary formations of all ages. 

hey may occasionally exhibit, in addition, both a 
Jointed anda slaty structure; but they are also divided 
into uneven foliated layers, or in some cases into thick 
beds which resemble strata of deposition. 

The: resemblance to stratification in the granitic 
Schists often extends very far ; for the beds are oc- 
“asionally contorted, or they are made up of lamine 
Placed diagonally, as in many sedimentary formations 

®fore described +, such laminæ not being regularly 
Parallel like the planes of cleavage. 

This disposition of the layers is illustrated in the 
*Ccompanying diagram, in which I have represented 
“arefully the stratification of a coarse argillaceous 
Schist, which I examined in the Pyrenees, part of 
Which approaches in character to a green and blue 

* Journ. of Roy. Geogr. Soc., vol. v. p. 19. (| 

t See above, p. 79. 
VOL. Iv. R 


Lamination of clay-slate, Montagne de Seguinat, near Gavarnie, in the 

roofing slate, while part is extremely quartzose, the 
whole mass passing downwards into micaceous schist 
The vertical section here exhibited is about three feet 
in height, and the layers are sometimes so thin that 
fifty may be counted in the thickness of an inch. 
Some of them consist of pure quartz. 

Another ‘striking point of analogy between thé 

stratification of the crystalline formations and that 0 
the secondary and tertiary periods, is the alternation, # 
,each, of beds varying greatly in composition, colow” 
and thickness. We observe, for instance, gneiss al- 
, ternating with layers of black hornblende-schist, % 
with granular quartz or limestone ; and the interchan8? 
of these different strata may be repeated for an inde 
finite number of times. In like manner, mica-schist 
alternates with chlorite-schist, and with granula! 
limestone in thin layers. 

As we observe in the secondary and tertiary for™ 
ations strata of pure siliceous sand alternating wit 
micaceous sand and with layers of clay, so in thé 
“primary” we have beds of pure quartz rock alte" 
nating with mica-schist and clay-slate. As in the 
` secondary and tertiary series we meet with limeston® 
alternating again and again with micaceous or argilla- 


Ceous sand, so we find in the “ primary” gneiss and 
Mica-schist alternating with pure and impure granular 

Passage of gneiss into granite. — But if we attribute 
the stratification of gneiss, mica-schist, and other as- 
Sociated rocks, to sedimentary deposition from a fluid, 
We encounter this difficulty, — that there is often a 
transition from gneiss, a member of the stratified and 
therefore sedimentary series, into granite, which, as I 
have shown, is of igneous origin. Gneiss is composed 
of the same ingredients as granite, and its texture is 
equally crystalline. It sometimes occurs in thick beds, 
and in these the rock is often quite undistinguishable, 
in hand specimens, from granite; yet the lines of 
Stratification are still evident. These lines, it is con- 
Ceived, imply deposition from water ; while the passage 
into granite would lead us to infer an igneous origin. 
th what manner, then, can these apparently conflicting 
Views be reconciled? The Huttonian hypothesis offers, 
l think, the only satisfactory solution of this problem. 
According to that theory, the materials of gneiss were 
Originally deposited from water in the usual form of 
àqueous strata; but these strata were subsequently 
altered by subterranean heat, so as to assume a new 
texture. The reader will be in some degree prepared, 
by what has been stated in the preceding pages, to 
“onclude, that when voluminous masses of melted and 
incandescent rock, accompanied by intensely heated 
Sases under great pressure, have been for ages in con- 
tact with sedimentary deposits, they may produce great 
alterations in their texture; and this alteration may 
admit of every intermediate gradation between that 
resulting from perfect fusion and the slightest modifi- 
Cation which heat can produce. 

R 2 


Some light has been thrown on the changes which 
stratified masses may undergo subsequently to their 
original deposition by direct experiment on the fusio? 
of rocks in the laboratory; and still more by observ- 
ations on strata in contact with igneous veins and dikes 
In studying the latter class of phenomena, we have 
the advantage of examining the condition of the sam® 
continuous rock at some distance from the dike, wher? 
it has escaped the influence of heat, and its state whet 
it has been near to, or in contact with, the fused mas* 
The changes thus exhibited may be regarded as the 
results of a series of experiments, made by nature on f 
greater scale than we can imitate, and under evely 
variety of condition, in respect to the mineral ingredi- 
ents acted upon, the intensity of heat or pressure, a? 
the celerity or slowness of the cooling process. 

Strata altered by volcanic dikes — Plass Newydd. 
One of the most interesting examples of alteration ” 
the proximity of a volcanic dike occurs near Plas 
Newydd, in Anglesea, described by Professor Henslow- 
The dike is 134 feet wide, and consists of a rock which 
is a compound of felspar and augite (dolerite of som? 
authors). Strata of shale and argillaceous limesto®® 
through which it cuts perpendicularly, are altered to ĉ 
distance of thirty, or even, in some places, to thirty” 
five feet from the edge of the dike. The shale, a5 a 
approaches the basalt, becomes gradually more co™™ 
pact, and is most indurated where nearest the junctio? 
Here it loses part of its schistose structure, but the 
separation into parallel layers is still discernible. In 
several places the shale is converted into hard porcel- 
lanous jasper. In the. most hardened -part of the 
mass the fossil shells, principally Producte, are nea! y 
obliterated; yet eyen here their impressions may fre- 

See ite epee 


quently be traced. The argillaceous limestone under- 
goes analogous mutations, losing its earthy texture as 
it approaches the dike, and becoming granular and 
Crystalline. But the most extraordinary phenomenon 
is the appearance in the shale of numerous crystals of 
analcime and garnet, which are distinctly confined to 
those portions of the rock affected by the dike.* Gar- 
Nets have been observed, under very analogous cir- 
Cumstances, in High Teesdale, by Professor Sedgwick, 
where they also occur in shale and limestone, altered 
by a basaltic dike. This discovery is most interesting, 
because garnets often abound in mica-schist; and we 
See in the instance above cited that they did not pre- 
Viously exist in the shale and limestone, but have 
€vidently been produced by heat or heated gases in 
Yocks in which the marks of stratification have not 
been effaced. 
Stirling Castle.— To select another example of 
alteration by dikes: the rock of Stirling Castle is a 
Calcareous sandstone, fractured and forcibly displaced 
by a mass of green-stone, which has evidently invaded 
the strata in a melted state. The sandstone has been 
indurated, and has assumed a texture approaching to 
hornstone near the junction. So also in Arthur's Seat 
and Salisbury Craig, near Edinburgh, a sandstone is 
Seen to come in contact with green-stone, and to be 
Converted into a jaspideous rock, + 
Antrim. —In several parts of the county of Antrim, 
in the north of Ireland, chalk with fints is traversed 
by basaltic dikes. The chalk is there converted into 
Sranular marble near the basalt, the change sometimes 

* Trans. of Cambridge Phil. Soc., vol. i. p. 406. 
t Ilust. of Hutt. Theory, §§ 253. and 261. Dr. MacCulloch, 
Geol, Trans., First Series, voi. ii. p. 305. 

R 3 


extending eight or ten feet from the wall of the dike, 
being greatest near the point of contact, and thence 
gradually decreasing till it becomes evanescent. “ The 
extreme effect,” says Dr. Berger, “ presents a dark 
brown crystalline limestone, the crystals running ™ 
flakes as large as those of coarse primitive limestone? 
the next state is saccharine, then fine-grained 2? 
arenaceous ; a compact variety, having a porcellanovs 
aspect and a blueish-grey colour, succeeds: this, t07 
wards the outer edge, becomes yellowish white and iP- 
sensibly graduates into the unaltered chalk. The fin’ 
in the altered chalk usually assume a grey yellowish 
colour.” * All traces of organic remains are effaced ip 
that part of the limestone which is most crystalline. 

As the carbonic acid has not been expelled, in this 
instance, from that part of the rock which must b° 
supposed to have been melted, the change probably 
took place under considerable pressure ; for Sir Jame 
Hall proved, that, under ordinary circumstances; it 
would require the weight of about 1700 feet of se% 
water, which would be equivalent to the pressure of 3 
column of liquid lava about 600 feet high, to preve™ 
this acid from being given off. The experiments ° 
Faraday have recently shown that, if carbonate of lim® 
be perfectly dry, it may be melted under a very slight 
pressure, without the carbonic acid assuming a 94° 
eous form; but it is probable that in the earth’s crust 
calcareous rocks are rarely, if ever, entirely free from 

Another of the dikes of the north-east of Ireland 
has converted a mass of red sandstone into hornstone-t 
By another, the slate-clay of the coal-measures has 

* Dr. Berger, Geol. Trans., First Series, vol. iii. p. 172- 

+ Rev. W. Conybeare, Geol. Trans., First Series, vol.iii, p.201» 


been indurated, and has assumed the character of flinty 
Slate * ; and in another place the slate clay of the lias 
has been changed into flinty slate, which still retains 
Numerous impressions of ammonites. One of the 
green-stone dikes of the same country passes through 
a bed of coal, which it reduces to a cinder for the space 
of nine feet on each side.{ Yet there are places in 
the north of Ireland, where the chalk is scarcely, if at 
all, altered by the contact of basaltic dikes, and a 
Similar phenomenon is not unfrequent in other districts, 
at the junction of trap with different kinds of strata. 
This great inequality in the effects of the igneous rocks 
May often arise from an original difference in their 
temperature and in that of the entangled gases, such 
as is ascertained to prevail in different lavas, or in the 
Same lava near its source, and at a distance from it. 
The power also of the invaded rocks to conduct heat 
may vary according to their composition, structure, 
and the fractures which they may have experienced, 
and, perhaps, as I shall hint in the sequel, the quantity 
of steam or hot water they contain. It should also be 
borne in mind that in some cases the melted rock may 
- begin to cool from the first; whereas, in other cases, 
although parting constantly with its heat, it may receive 
fresh accessions of caloric from below. 

The secondary sandstones in Sky are converted into 
Solid quartz in several places where they come in con- 
tact with veins or masses of trap ; anda bed of quartz, 
says Dr. MacCulloch, has been found near a mass of 
trap, among the coal strata of Fife, which was in all 

* Rev. W. Conybeare, Geol. Trans., First Series, vol. iii. p. 205. 
} Ibid., p. 213.; and Playfair, Illust. of Hutt. Theory, §253. 
} Ibid., p. 206. 



probability a stratum of ordinary sandstone subse- 
quently indurated by the action of heat.* 

Alterations of strata in contact with granite.— Having 
selected these from innumerable examples of changes 
produced by volcanic dikes, we may next conside! 
those caused by the contiguity of plutonic rocks. To 
some of these I have already adverted, when speaking 
of granite veins, and endeavouring to establish the 
igneous origin of granite. It was stated that the mail 
body of the Cornish granite sends forth veins throug? 
the killas of that country +,— a coarse argillaceous 
schist, which is converted into hornblende-schist nea 
the contact with the veins. These appearances até 
well seen at the junction of the granite and killas i£ 
St. Michael's Mount, a small island nearly 300 feet 
high, situated in the bay, at a distance of about three 
miles from Penzance, 

The granite, says Mr. De la Beche, of Dartmoor 
in Devonshire, has intruded itself into the greywacké; 
twisting and contorting the strata, and sending veins 
into them. Hence some of the slate rocks have be 
come “ micaceous, others more indurated, and with 
the characters of mica-slate and gneiss, while others 
again appear converted into a hard-zoned rock strongly 

. impregnated with felspar.” t 

We learn from the investigations of M. Dufrénoy; 
that in the eastern Pyrenees there are mountain masses 
of granite posterior in date to the lias and chalk of that 
district, and that these secondary rocks are greatly 
altered in texture, and often charged with iron ore, i? 
the neighbourhood of the granite. Thus in the en- 
virons of St. Martin, near St. Paul de Fénouillet, the 

* Syst. of Geol., vol, i. p. 206. 

f See diagram, Fig. 221, ł Geol. Manual, p. 479. 


chalky limestone becomes more crystalline and sac- 
Charoid as it approaches the granite, and loses all 
traces of the fossils which it previously contained in 
abundance. At some points also it becomes dolomitic, 
and filled with small veins of carbonate of iron, and 
Spots of red iron-ore. At Rancié the lias nearest the 
granite is not only filled with iron-ore, but charged with 
Pyrites, tremolite, garnet, and a new mineral somewhat 
allied to felspar, called, from the place in the Pyrenees 
where it occurs, “ couzeranite.” 

In the department of the Hautes Alpes, in France, 
Near Vizille, M. Elie de Beaumont traced a black 
argillaceous limestone, charged with belemnites, to 

Within a few yards of a mass of granite. Here the 
Fig. 225. 





Junction of granite with Jurassic 07 oolite strata in the Alps, near Champoicon. 

limestone begins to put on a granular texture, but is 

extremely fine-grained. When nearer the junction, it 

€comes grey and has a saccharoid structure. In 

nother locality, near Champoleon, a granite com- 
ee aS, 


posed of quartz, black mica, and rose-coloured felspar 
is observed partly to overlie the secondary rocks, pro 
ducing an alteration which extends for about thirty 
feet downwards, diminishing in the beds which lie 
farthest from the granite. (See Fig. 225.) In the 
altered mass the argillaceous beds are hardened, thé 
limestone is saccharoid, the grits quartzose, and in the 
midst of them is a thin layer of an imperfect granite 
It is also an important circumstance, that near thé 
point of contact, both the granite and the secondary 
rocks become metaliferous, and contain nests and small 
veins of blende, galena, iron, and copper pyrites. The 
stratified rocks become harder and more crystalline: 
but the granite, on the contrary, softer and less pe? 
fectly crystallized near the junction.* 

It will appear from sections in the Alps, described 
by MM. Hugi and Studer, that some of the secondaty 
beds of limestone and slate, which are in a similat 
manner overlaid by granite, have been altered int? 
gneiss and mica-schist.+ Some of these altered sedi 
mentary formations are supposed, by M. Elie de Beat” 
mont, to be of the age of the lias of England, and 
others to be even as modern as the Jurassic or oolit€ 

We can scarcely doubt, in these cases, that the heat 
communicated by the granitic mass, accompanied, pe! 
haps, by gases at a high temperature, have reduce 
the contiguous strata to semifusion, and that, on coo! 
ing slowly, the rock assumed a crystalline texture 
The experiments of Gregory Watt prove, distinctly 

* Elie de Beaumont, sur les Montagnes de I’Oisans, &? 
Mém, de la Soc. d’Hist. Nat. de Paris, tome v. 

+ Hugi, Natur. Historische Alpenreise, Soleure, 1830. Stude": 
Westlichen Alpen. 


that a rock need not be perfectly melted in order that 
a re-arrangement of its component particles should 
take place, and that a more crystalline texture should 
ensue.* We may easily suppose, therefore, that all 
traces of shells and other organic remains may be de- 
Stroyed, and that new chemical combinations may 
arise, without the mass being so fused as that the 
lines of stratification should be wholly obliterated. 

In allusion to the passage from granite to gneiss, 
above described +, Dr. MacCulloch remarks, that, “in 
numerous parts of Scotland, where the leading masses 
of gneiss are schistose, evenly stratified, and scarcely 
ever traversed by granite veins, they become contorted 
and irregular as they approach the granite; assuming 
also the granitic character, and becoming intersected 
by veins, numerous in proportion to the vicinity of the 
mass. The conclusion,” he adds, “is obvious; the 
fluid granite has invaded the aqueous stratum as far as 
its influence could reach, and thus far has filled it with 
Veins, disturbed its regularity, and generated in it a 
new mineral character, often absolutely confounded 
with its own. And if the more remote beds, and 
those alternating with other rocks, are not thus af- 
fected, it is not only that it has acted less on those ; 
but that, if it had equally affected them, they never 
Could have existed, or would have been all granitic 
and venous gneiss.” f 

It should, however, be understood, that the alter- 
ations caused by volcanic dikes, granite veins, and 
even large masses of granite, can only afford us some 
analogy to those which have given rise to the meta- 

* Phil. Trans., 1804. See p. 364. 
F Syst. of Geol., vol. ii. p. 145. . 
R 6 


morphic structure ; for, according to the views ex- 
plained in the second book (chaps. 18 and 19.), vol- 
canic heat itself may be derived from chemical and 
electrical action pervading large portions of the earths 
crust. This action, which, when most intense, may 
reduce the elements of rocks to fusion, and give rise 
to the most perfect granitic structure, may perhaps 
when less energetic, give rise to a crystalline texture, 
without destroying stratification. 

As to the degree of heat required to superinducé 
| such changes, it must, in the present state of science 
be matter of conjecture; but some geologists object t0 
the metamorphic theory, on the ground that rocks are 
extremely bad conductors of heat. Now it is wortby 
of consideration, how far heat, instead of being con- 
ducted through the solid parts of rocks, may be 
carried by heated gases through their pores; for we. 
have seen that volcanic eruptions are attended by the 
evolution of steam and other gases, which rush out i? 
enormous volume, and ata high temperature, for days 
weeks, or years continuously, and which are given off 
by lava even after it has begun to assume a solid form 
These aériform fluids, if unable to force their way 
into the atmosphere, may, nevertheless, when brought 
into contact with rocks, pass through their pores 
According to the experiments of Henry, water, unde! 
an hydrostatic pressure of ninety-six feet, will absor? 
three times as much carbonic acid gas as it can unde! 
the ordinary pressure of the atmosphere. Althoug! 
this increased power of absorption would be dimi- 
nished, in Consequence of the higher temperature 
found to exist as we descend in the earth, ye! 
Professor Bischoff has shown that the heat. by 2° 
means augments in such a proportion as to counteract 


the effect of augmented pressure.* ‘There are other 
gases, as well as the carbonic acid, which water 
absorbs, and more rapidly in proportion to the amount 
of pressure. Now even the most compact rocks may 
be regarded, before they have been exposed to the air 
and dried, in the light of sponges filled with water ; 
and it is conceivable that heated gases brought into 
Contact with them, at great depths, may be absorbed 
readily, and transfused through their pores. Although 
the gaseous matter first absorbed would soon be con- 
densed, and part with its heat, yet the continued 
arrival of fresh supplies. from below, might, in the 
Course of ages, cause the temperature of the water, 
and with it that of the containing rock, to be mate- 
tially raised. 

M. Fournet, in his description of the metaliferous 
Sneiss near Clermont, in Auvergne, states that all the 
Minute fissures of the rock are quite saturated with 
free carbonic acid gas, which rises plentifully from 
the soil there and in many parts of the surrounding 
Country. The various elements of the gneiss, with 
the exception of the quartz, are all softened; and new 
Combinations of the acid, with lime, iron, and man- 
Sanese, are continually in progress.+ 

Another illustration of the power of subterranean 
8ases is afforded by the stufas of St. Calogero, situated 
in the largest of the Lipari Islands. Here, according 
to the description lately published by Hoffmann, hori- 
Zonta] strata of tuff, extending for four miles along 
the coast, and forming cliffs more than 200 feet high, 
lave been discoloured in various places, and strangely 
altered by the “ all-penetrating vapours.” Dark clays 

* Poggendorf’s Annalen, No. XVI. Second Series, vol. iii, 
+ See Vol. I. p. 331. 


have become yellow, or often snow-white; or have as- 
sumed a chequered and brecciated appearance, being 
crossed with ferruginous red stripes. In some places 
| the fumeroles have been found by analysis to consis! 
| partly of sublimations of oxide of iron; but it also 
_ appears that veins of calcedony and opal, and others 
_ of fibrous gypsum, have resulted from these volcanic 

I have before referred to M. Virlet’s account of the 
corrosion of hard, flinty, and jaspideous rocks neat 
Corinth, by the prolonged agency of subterranea? 
gases +; and to Dr. Daubeny’s description of the de- 
composition of trachytic rocks in the Solfatara, nea 
Naples, by sulphuretted hydrogen and muriatic acid 
gases. | 

Although in all these instances we can only study 
the phenomena as exhibited at the surface, it is clea 
that the gaseous fluids must have made their way 
through the whole thickness of porous or fissured 
rocks, which intervene between the subterranean re“ 
servoirs of gas and the external air. The extent 
therefore, of the earth’s crust, which the vapours hav? 
permeated and are now permeating, may be thousands 
of fathoms in thickness, and their heating and modi- 
fying influence may be spread throughout the whole ° 
this solid mass. 

The study of metaliferous veins, also, especially 
those which are admitted to be fissures filled from 
below, is calculated to throw light on the manner iP 
which heated vapours and aqueous solutions may find 

* Hoffmann’s Liparischen Inseln, p. 38. Leipzig, 1832. 

+ See Vol. III. p.203.; and Bulletin de la Soc. Géol. 4° 
France, tom. ii. p. 330. 

+ See Vol. II. p. 90. ; and Daubeny’s Volcanos, p. 167- 


their way up.through the interstices of rocks, raising 
their temperature, and sometimes transfusing into 
them new mineral substances. A great number of these 
fissures have evidently been filled in the first instance 
with rubbish, resulting from fragments of the adjoining 
rocks; and through this rubbish various siliceous, cal- 
careous, and metallic vapours or solutions appear to 
have risen, causing precipitates of quartz, hornstone, 
calcareous spar, lead, zinc, and other metals, often 
perfectly distinct in their composition from any of the 
elements of the rocks which form the walls of such 
fissures. Proofs are not wanting that these rents have 
been caused and filled at different epochs. Thus, for 
example, some of the silver and cobalt veins in Bohemia 
appear, from the observations of Mayer and Fournet, 
to be of the age of the chalk *, while other metaliferous 
veins, in the same district, were contemporaneous with 
a tertiary basalt.+ M. Necker has also shown that a 
relation exists between the position of numerous me- 
tallic veins in various countries and subjacent masses 
of plutonic rock; so that the emanations rising from 
such igneous masses may, in many instances, have 
given rise to the more crystalline substances, whether 
Metallic or not, which constitute the contents of the 

If, after more fully reflecting upon those various 
causes of change in the composition and structure of 
rocks, which have only been glanced at in the above 
Sketch, the reader conceives the possibility of a very 
great amount of alteration being induced in the course 
of time, he may be prepared to conjecture that gneiss 
and mica-schist may be nothing more than altered mi- 

* D’Aubuisson, Traité de Géog., tom. iii. p. 497. 
+ Ibid., p. 508. 


caceous and argillaceous sandstones, and,that granular 
quartz may have been derived from siliceous sandstone; 
and compact quartz from the same materials. Clay- 
slate may be altered shale, and shale appears to be clay 
which has been subjected to great pressure. Granular 
marble has probably originated in the form of ordinary 
limestone, having in many instances been replete with 
shells and corals now obliterated, while calcareous 
sands and marls have been changed into impure crys- 
talline limestones. . 

“ Hornblende-schist,” says Dr. MacCulloch, “may 
at first have been mere clay; for clay or shale ‘is found 
altered by trap into Lydian stone, a substance differing 
from hornblende-schist almost solely in compactness 
and uniformity of texture.’* “In Shetland,” remarks 
the same author, “ argillaceous-schist (or clay-slate)» 
when in contact with granite, is sometimes converted 
into hornblende-schist, the schist becoming first sili- 
ceous, and ultimately, at the contact, hornblende- 
schist.” + 

Associated with the rocks termed primary, we meet 
with anthracite, just as we find beds of coal in sedi 
mentary formations; and we know that, in the vicinity 
of some trap dikes, coal is converted into anthracite. 

This theory, if confirmed by observation and ex- 
periment, may enable us to account for the high 
position in the series usually held by clay-slate re- 
latively to hornblende-schist, as also to gneiss and mica- 
schist, which so commonly alternate with hornblende- 
schist ; for we must suppose the heat which alters the - 
strata to proceed, in almost all cases, from below up- 
wards, and to act with greatest intensity on the inferior 
strata. If, therefore, several sets of argillaceous strata 

* Syst. of Geol., vol. i. p. 210. + Ibid., p. 211- 


or shales be superimposed upon each other in a vertical 
Series of beds in the same district, the lowest of these 
will be converted into hornblende-schist, while the up- 
Permost may continue in the condition of clay-slate. 

It has been objected that the chemical composition 
of the secondary strata differs essentially from that of 
the crystalline schists into which they are supposed to 
be convertible.* The “ primary” schists, it is said, , 
usually contain a considerable proportion of potash or 
of soda, which the secondary clays, shales and slates do 
Not, these last being the result of the decomposition of 
felspathic rocks, from which the alkaline matter has 
been abstracted during the process of decomposition. 
But this reasoning proceeds on insufficient and ap- 
parently mistaken data; for a large portion of what is 
usually called clay, marl, shale, and slate does actually 
Contain a certain and often a considerable proportion of 
alkali ; so that it is difficult in many countries to obtain 
clay or shale sufficiently free from alkaline ingredients 
to allow of their being burnt into bricks or used for 

Thus the argillaceous shales, as they are called, and 
Slates of the old red-sandstone, in Forfarshire and other 
parts of Scotland, are so much charged with alkali, 
derived from triturated felspar, that, instead of harden- 
ing when exposed to fire, they melt readily into a 
glass. They contain no lime, but appear to consist of 
extremely minute grains of the various ingredients of 
8ranite, which are distinctly visible in the coarser- 
rained varieties, and in almost all the interposed 
Sandstones. These laminated clays, marls, and shales 
hight certainly, if crystallized, resemble in composition 
Many of the primary strata. 

* Dr. Boase, Primary Geology, p. 319. 


Another objection to the metamorphic theory has 
been derived from the alternation of highly crystalline 
strata with others having a less crystalline texture. 
The heat, it is said, in its ascent from below must hav? 
traversed the less altered schists before it reache 
a higher and more crystalline bed. In answer t° 
this, it may be observed, that if a number of strata 
differing greatly in composition from each other be 
subjected to equal quantities of heat, there is every 
probability that some will bélmore fusible than others 
Some, for example, will contain soda, potash, lime, or 
some other ingredient capable of acting as a flux ; while 
others may be destitute of the same elements, and $0 
refractory as to be very slightly affected by a degre? 
of heat capable of reducing others to semi-fusion. Nor 
should it be forgotten that, as a general rule, the less 
crystalline rocks do really occur in the upper, and the 
more crystalline in the lower part of each metamorp? 

To some it appears a phenomenon very difficult of 
explanation, that detached masses of granite, and eve? 
layers of it, should often occur in the midst of strat® 
near their contact with granite. This appearance ° 
isolation is usually deceptive, arising from the inte™ 
section in a vertical precipice of tortuous veins ° 
granite, as Professor Henslow has shown to be the 
case in several places in the cliffs of Anglesea.* I may 
also remark, that if unaltered sedimentary strata COP” 
tained here and there layers or nests of the ingredients 
of granite, the rest of the mass consisting of different 
| materials, and if the temperature of the whole has 
been sufficiently raised by plutonic action, the result 

* Camb. Trans., vol. i. 


might be, that nodules and threads of granite might 
be formed in certain spots only. / 

The term “ Hypogene” proposed instead of Pri- 
mary.— It will appear from the reasoning explained in 
this and the preceding chapter, that the popular no- 
menclature of Geology, in reference to the rocks called 
“primary,” is not only imperfect, but in a great degree 
founded on a false theory ; inasmuch as some granites 
and granitic schists are of origin posterior to many 
Secondary rocks. In other words, some primary form- 
ations can already be shown to be newer than many 
secondary groups — a manifest contradiction in terms. 

Yet granite and gneiss, and the families of stratified 
and unstratified rocks connected with each of them, 
belong to one great natural division of mineral masses 
having certain characters in common ; and it is there- 
fore convenient that the class to which they belong 
Should receive some common name — a name which 
must not be of chronological import, and must express, 
on the one hand, some peculiarity equally attributable 
to granite and gneiss (to the plutonic as well as the 
altered rocks ), and which, on the other, must have refer- 
ence to characters in which those rocks differ, both 
from the volcanic and from the unaltered sedimentary 
Strata. I propose the term “hypogene” for this pur- 
pose, derived from imo, subter, and yivones, nascor ; a 
word implying the theory that granite and gneiss are 
both nether-formed rocks, or rocks which have not as- 
sumed their present form and structure at the surface. 
It is true that gneiss and all stratified rocks must have 
been deposited originally at the surface, or on that part 
of the surface of the globe which is covered by water ; 
but, according to the views explained in this and the 
foregoing chapter, they could never have acquired 


their crystalline texture, unless acted upon by heat and 
chemical forces under pressure in those regions, and 
under those circumstances where the plutonic rocks 
are generated. 

The term “ Metamorphic” proposed for stratified 
primary.— We may divide the hypogene rocks, then» 
into the unstratified, or plutonic, and the altered stra- 
tified. For these last the term “ metamorphic” (from 
pera, trans, poody, forma,) may be used. The last- 
mentioned name need not, however, be often resorted 
to, because we may speak of hypogene strata, hyp 
gene limestone, hypogene schist; and this appellatio” 
will suffice to distinguish the formations so designate 
from the plutonic rocks. By referring to the table 
(No. II. p. 395.), the reader will see the chronological 
relation which I conceive the two classes of hypoge®? 
rocks to bear to the strata of different ages. 

No order of succession in hypogene formations. — 
When we regard the tertiary and secondary forma- 
tions simply as mineral masses ‘uncharacterized bY 
organic remains, we perceive an indefinite series 0 
beds of limestone, clay, marl, siliceous sand, sandston® 
coal, and other materials, alternating again and ag@? 
without any fixed or determinate order of position 
The same may. be said of the hypogene formations: 
for in these a similar want of arrangement is manifest, 
if we compare those occurring in different countries. 
Gneiss, mica-schist, hornblende-schist, quartz-rock, bY 
pogene limestone, and the rest, have no invariable orde" 
of superposition, although, for reasons above explained, 
clay-slate must usually hold a superior position rela- 
tively to hornblende-schist. j 

I do not deny that, in a particular mountain-cham, 
a chronological succession of hypogene formations may 

SSS ee eee 
a mca a Sealer — 


be recognized, for the same reason that in a country 
of limited extent there is an order of position in the 
Secondary and tertiary rocks, limestone predominating 
in one part of the series, clay in another, siliceous sand 
in a third, and so of other compounds. It is probable 
that a similar prevalence of a regular order of arrange- 
ment in the hypogene series throughout certain dis- 
tricts led the earlier geologists into a belief that they 
Should be able to fix a definite order of succession for 
the various members of this great class throughout 
the world. 

That expectation has certainly not been realized ; 
yet was it more reasonable than the doctrine of the 
universality of particular kinds of rock which were 
admitted to be of sedimentary origin; for there is 
undoubtedly a remarkable identity in the mineral cha- 
tacter of the hypogene formations, both stratified and 
unstratified, in all countries; although the notion of a 
uniform order of succession in the different groups 
must be abandoned. 

The student may, perhaps, object to the views above 
given of the relation of the sedimentary and metamor- 
phic rocks, on the ground that there is frequently, 
indeed usually, an abrupt passage from one to the other. 
This phenomenon, however, admits of the same expla- 
nation as the fact that the beds of lakes and seas are 
how frequently composed of hypogene rocks. In these 
localities the hypogene formations have been brought | 
Up near to the surface, and laid bare by denudation. | 
New sedimentary strata are thrown down upon them, 
and in this manner the two classes of rocks, the aque- 
Sus and the hypogene, come into immediate contact, 
Without any gradation from one to the other. As we. 
Suppose the plutonic and metamorphic rocks to have 


been uplifted at all periods in the earth’s history, s0 4 
to have formed the bottom of the ocean and of lakes; 
by the same operations which have carried up marine 
strata to the summits of lofty mountains, we must 
suppose the juxtaposition of the two great orders of 
rocks, now alluded to, to have been a necessary result 
of all former revolutions of the globe. 

But occasionally a transition is observable from strata 
containing shells, and displaying an evident mechanical 
structure, to others which are partially altered ; and 
from these again we sometimes pass insensibly into the 
hypogene series. Some of the argillaceous schists in 
Cornwall are of this description, being undistinguish- 
able from the hypogene schists of many countries, a? 
yet exhibiting, in a few spots, faint traces of organic 
remains. In parts of Germany, also, there are schists 
which, from their chemical condition, must be called 
metamorphic; yet which are interstratified with grey” 
wacké, a rock probably modified by heat, but which 
contains casts of shells, and often displays unequivoe 
marks of being an aggregate of fragments of pre-exist- 
ing rocks. 

The same observation holds true in respect to the 
Cumbrian and Welsh slate rocks before alluded to 35 
described by Professor Sedgwick.* They are meta- 
morphic slates alternating with a few mechanical a? 
fossiliferous beds. If it be asked by what characte" 
we can draw the line and determine where the meta- 
morphic series ends, and the sedimentary begins; 
reply that, if this be difficult or impossible, it ony 
strengthens the argument adduced in the preceding 
part of this chapter; for, according to the theory 
proposed, we must expect to find strata in every inter- 

* See p. Boo. 


Mediate condition between the most and the least 

Had Werner’s term “transition” been restricted 
exclusively to certain peculiarities of mineral struc- 
ture, and never connected with the presence of par- 
ticular species of fossils, in consequence of which it 
Soon acquired a chronological import, that term might 
have been conveniently retained to designate an 
intermediate condition of strata when they exhibit the 
Characters of rocks of the metamorphic series with 
Occasional traces of a mechanical structure and organic 

Some geologists, who shrink from the theory that ` 
all the hypogene strata, beautifully compact and crys- 
talline as they are, have once been in the state of 
ordinary mud, clay, marl, sand, gravel, and limestone, 
Such as are now forming beneath the waters, resort, in 
their desire to escape from such conclusions, to the hy- 
Pothesis, that chemical causes once acted with intense 
nergy, and that by their influence purely crystalline 
Strata were precipitated ; a theory which to me appears 
as mysterious and unphilosophical as the doctrine of a 
“plastic virtue,” introduced by the earlier writers to 
€xplain the origin of fossil-shells and bones. 

Relative age of the visible hypogene rocks.—It was 
Stated, at the close of the last chapter, that a great 
Portion of the plutonic rocks now visible are of higher 
antiquity than the oldest secondary strata; the same 
May be said of the stratified hypogene formations, 
Which are therefore entitled to the appellation of pri- 
Mary, in the strict sense of the word, as anterior in age 
to the greywacké, or oldest known fossiliferous group. 

ut we can, in some instances, demonstrate that there 
are granites of posterior origin to certain secondary 

384 RELATIVE AGE OF [Book 1V- 

strata, and that secondary strata have been converted 
into the metamorphic. Examples of such phenomena 
are rare, and their rarity is quite consistent with the 
` theory, that the hypogene formations, both stratified 
and unstratified, may have been always generated 
in nearly equal quantities during periods of equal 

I conceive that the granite and gneiss of periods 
more recent than the carboniferous and ereywacké 
formations are still, for the most part, concealed; a2 
those portions which are visible can rarely be show? 
by geological evidence, to have originated during 
secondary periods. It is very possible, for example 
that considerable tracts of hypogene strata in the 
Alps may be altered oolite, altered lias, or altered 
secondary rocks inferior to the lias; but we ca? 
scarcely ever hope to substantiate the fact, becaus® 
whenever the change of texture is complete, no chara& 
ters remain to afford us any insight into the probable 
age of the mass. Where granite happens to have in- 
truded itself in such a manner as partially to overlie ® 
amass of lias or other strata, as in the case before alluded 
to (Fig. 225., p- 369.), we may prove that fossiliferous 
strata have been converted into gneiss, mica-schists 
clay-slate, or granular marble ; but if the action of the 
heat upon the strata had been more intense, thes? 
inferences could not have been drawn; and it might 
then have been supposed that no alpine hypoge?® 
strata were newer than the oldest secondary rocks. 

- Considerable difficulty and misapprehension, in Te 
gard to the antiquity of the metamorphic rocks, may 
arise from the circumstarice of their having been de 
posited at one period, and having assumed their crys 
talline texture at another. Thus, for example, if a° 


Eocene granite should invade the lias, and superinduce 
a hypogene structure, to what period shall we refer the 
altered strata? Shall we say that they are metamorphic 
rocks of the Eocene or Liassic eras? They assumed 
their stratified form when the animals and plants of 
the lias flourished; they have become metamorphic 
during the Eocene period. It would be preferable, in 
such instances, I think, to consider them as hypogene 
Strata of the Eocene period, or of that in which they 
were altered; yet it would rarely be possible to esta- 
blish their true age. For this purpose we ought to 
know the granite, to which the change of texture was 
due, to be newer than the lias which it penetrated ; 
but there would rarely be any data to show that this 
granite might not have been injected at the close of 
the Liassic period, or at some much later era. 

The metamorphic rocks must in all cases be the 
oldest, that is to say, they must lie at the bottom of 
each series of superimposed strata; but the hypogene 
Strata of one country may be, and frequently are, of a 
Very different age from those of another. The greater 
part, however, of the visible hypogene rocks are, pro- 
bably, more ancient than the oldest fossiliferous form- 
ations. In the latter we frequently discover pebbles 
of hypogene rocks, namely, granite, gneiss, mica- 
Schist, and clay-slate; and the carboniferous rocks 
often rest upon the hypogene, without exhibiting any 
marks of change at the junction. According to the 
Views before explained of the operations of earth- 
quakes, we ought not to expect plutonic and metamor- 
Phic rocks of the more modern eras to have reached 
the surface generally; for we must suppose many - 
$eological periods to elapse before a mass, which has 
assumed its particular form far below the level of the 

VOL. Iv. S 


sea, can have been upraised and laid open to view 
above that level. Beds containing marine shells some- 
times appear in the principal mountain-chains, at the 
height of two or three miles above the sea; but they 
' always belong to formations of considerable antiquity * 
still more, then, should we be prepared to find the 
hypogene rocks now in sight to be of high relative 
antiquity, since, before they could be brought up to 
view, they must probably have risen from a site fat 
inferior to the bottom of the ocean. 

The cause of the great age of the plutonic a 
metamorphic rocks, now in sight, may be elucidate 
by a familiar illustration. Suppose two months to be 
the usual time required for passing from some tropical 
country to our island, and that an annual importatio® 
takes place of a certain species of insect which can be 
reared only in the climate of that equatorial county 
and the ordinary term of whose life is two months 
It is evident that no living individuals of that speci 
could ever be seen in England except in extreme ol 
age. The young may come annually into the world in 
great numbers ; but, in order to see them, we must 
travel to lands near the equator. 

In like manner, if the hypogene rocks can originate 
only at great depths in the regions of subterranea? 
heat, and if it requires many geological epochs to raise 
them to the surface, they must be very ancient before 
they make their appearance in the superficial parts ° 
the earth’s crust. They may still be forming in every 
century, and they may have been produced in equ? 
quantities during each successive geological period 0 
equal duration; but in order to see them in a nascent 
state, slowly consolidating from a state of fasion, 0 



*syooa oryduourvjou Lewu I ‘oyuojnyd Juddy “AT 
«gjess Arepuodrag “g stuojnyd Lem TII 
‘eyes AIIM, 'E ‘atuojnyd Liepuovag IT 
e7215 JUI °F uod Lvwng 'I 

‘Aew soBe yuorayip Jo suonewoy Aueyuoutpas pue auosoddy əy} qorqa uorisod anejos oy} Surmoys wege 


semi-fusion, it would be necessary to descend into the 
« fuelled entrails” of the earth. 

In the accompanying diagram, Fig. 226., an attempt 
is made to show the inverted order in which the sedi- 
mentary and plutonic formations may occur in the 
earth’s crust ; subterposition in the plutonic, like super- 
position in the sedimentary rocks, being for the most 
part characteristic of a newer age. 

The oldest plutonic rock, No. I., supposed to have 
consolidated from a state of fusion before any of the 
fossiliferous rocks now on the surface were deposited, 
has been upheaved at successive periods until it has 
become exposed to view in a mountain-chain. ‘This 
protrusion of No. I. has been caused by the igneous 
agency which produced the new plutonic rocks Nos. Il. 
II. and IV. Part of the metamorphic rocks No. 1. 
have also been raised to the surface by the same gradual 
process. It will be observed that the Recent strata 
No. 4. and the Recent plutonic rock No. IV. are the 
most remote from each other in position, although of 
contemporaneous date. According to this hypothesis 
the convulsions of many periods will be required be- 
fore Recent granite will be upraised so as to form the 
highest ridges and central axes of mountain-chains. 
During that time the Recent strata No. 4. might be 
covered by a great many newer sedimentary form- 

As the progress of decay and reproduction by 
aqueous agency is incessant on the surface of the 
continents, and in the bed of the ocean, while the 
hypogene rocks are generated below, or are rising 
gradually from the volcanic foci, there must ever be 
a remodelling of the earth’s surface in the time inter- 
mediate between the origin of each set of plutonic 



and metamorphic rocks, and the protrusion of the same 
rocks into the atmosphere or the ocean. Suppose 
the principal source of the Etnean lavas to lie at 
the depth of ten miles, we may easily conceive that 
before they can be uplifted to the day several distinct 
series of earthquakes must occur, and between each of 
these there might usually be one or many periods of 
tranquillity. The time required for so great a develop- 
ment of subterranean movements might well be pro- 
tracted until the deposition of a series of sedimentary 
rocks, equal in extent to all our secondary and tertiary 
formations, had taken place. 

The relative age, therefore, of the visible plutonie/4\ 
and metamorphic rocks, as compared to the unältered 
sedimentary strata, must always be determined by the | 
relations of two forces — the power which uplifts the i“ Fa 
hypogene rocks, and that aqueous agency which de- " 
grades and renovates the earth’s surface; or, in other // | 
words, the relative age must depend on the quantity A 
of aqueous action which takes place between two YA 
periods — that during which the heated and melted 
rocks are cooled and consolidated in the nether regions, | 
and that of their emergence at the earth’s surface. 

Volume of hypogene rocks supposed to have been 
formed since the Eocene period.— If we were to indulge 
in speculations on the probable quantity of hypogene 
formations, both stratified and unstratified, which may 
have been formed beneath Europe and the European 
seas since the commencement of the Eocene period, it 
might be conjectured that the mass has equalled, if 
not exceeded in volume, the entire European con- 
tinent. The grounds of this opinion will be under- 
stood by reference to what I have said of the causes 
which may have upheaved part of Sicily to its present 

s 3 


height above the level of the sea since the beginning 
of the Newer Pliocene period.* If the theory which, 
in that instance, attributes the disturbance ‘and up- 
heavings of the superficial strata to the action of sub- 
terranean heat be deemed admissible, the same argu- 
ment will apply with no less force to every other 
district, elevated or depressed, since the commence- 
ment of the tertiary period. 

But the remarks on the map of Europe, in the first 
book, have shown, that the conversion of sea into land, 
since the Eocene period, embraces an area equal to 
the greater part of Europe ; and that even those tracts 
which had in part emerged before the Eocene era, 
such as the Alps, Apennines, and other mountain- 
chains, have risen to the additional altitude of from 
one thousand to four thousand feet since that era. I 
have also suggested the probability of a great amount 
of subsidence, and the conversion of considerable 
portions of European land into sea, during the same 
period, — changes which may be supposed to arise 
from the influence of subterranean heat. 

From these premises we may conclude, that the 
liquefaction and alteration of rocks, by the operation 
of volcanic heat at successive periods, has extended 
over a subterranean space, equal at least in area to the 
present European continent, and has often pervaded 2 
portion of the earth’s crust four thousand feet or more 
in thickness. 

The principal effect of these volcanic operations in 
the nether regions, during the tertiary periods, or 
since the existing species began to flourish, has been 
to heave up to the surface hypogene formations of an 
age anterior to the carboniferous. The repetition of 

* See Vol. III. p. 437. 


another series of movements, of equal violence, might 
upraise the plutonic and metamorphic rocks of many 
of the secondary periods ; and if the same force should 
still continue to act, the next convulsions might bring 
up the tertiary and recent hypogene rocks ; by which 
time we may imagine that nearly all the sedimentary 
strata now in sight would either have been destroyed 
by the action of water, or have assumed the meta- 
morphic structure, or would have beén melted down 
into plutonic and volcanic rocks. 

At the end of this chapter will be found a table of 
the chronological relations of the principal divisions of 
rocks, according to the views above set forth. The 
sketch is confessedly imperfect ; but it will elucidate 
the theory above suggested, of the connection which 
may exist between the hypogene rocks of different 
_ periods, and the alluvial, volcanic, and sedimentary 

Concluding Remarks. 

In the history of the progress of geology, it has 
been stated that the opinion originally promulgated 
by Hutton, “that the strata called primitive were 
mere altered sedimentary rocks,” was vehemently 
opposed for a time, on the ground of its supposed 
tendency to promote a belief in the past eternity of 
our planet.* Before that period the absence of animal 
and vegetable remains in the so-called primitive 
strata had been appealed to, as proving that there 
had been an era when the planet was uninhabited by 
living beings, and when, as was also inferred, it was 

* Vol. I. p. 92. 
S 4 


uninhabitable, and, therefore, probably in a nascent 

The opposite doctrine, that the oldest visible strata 
might be the monuments of an antecedent period, 
when the animate world was already in existences 
was declared to be equivalent to the assumption that 
there never was a beginning to the present order of 
things. The unfairness of this charge was clearly 
pointed out by Playfair, who observed, “that it was 
one thing to declare that we had not yet discovered. 
the traces of a beginning, and another to deny that the 
earth ever had a beginning.” 

I regret, however, to find that the bearing of my 
arguments in the first book has been misunderstood in 
a similar manner ; for I have been charged with en- 
deavouring to establish the proposition, that “the ex- 
isting causes of change have operated with absolute 
uniformity from all eternity.” * 

It is the more necessary to notice this misrepresent- 
ation of my views, as it has proceeded from a friendly 
critic, whose theoretical opinions coincide in general 
with my own ; but who has, in this instance, strangely 
misconceived the scope of the argument. With equal 
justice might an astronomer be accused of asserting 
that the works of creation extended throughout in- 
Jinite space, because he refuses to take for granted 
that the remotest stars now seen in the heavens are 
on the utmost verge of the material universe. Every 
improvement of the telescope has brought thousands 
of new worlds into view ; and it would, therefore, be 
rash and unphilosophical to imagine that we already 
survey the whole extent of the vast scheme, or that 

* Quarterly Review, No. 86., Oct. 1830, p. 464, 


it will ever be brought within the sphere of human 

But no argument can be drawn from such premises 
in favour of the infinity of the space that has been 
filled with worlds; and if the material universe has ~ 
; any limits, it then follows that it must occupy a minute 

and infinitesimal /point in infinite space. 

Soe fi tracing back the earth’s history, we arrive 
` at the monuments of events which may have happened 
millions of ages before our times, and if we still find 
no decided evidence of a commencement, yet the 
arguments from analogy in support of the probability 
of a beginning remain unshaken; and if the past 
duration of the earth be finite, then the aggregate of 
geological epochs, however numerous, must constitute 
a mere moment of the past, a mere infinitesimal por- 
tion of eternity. 

It has been argued, that, as the different states of 
the earth’s surface, and the different species by which 
it has been inhabited, have all had their origin, and 
many of them their termination, so the entire series 
may have commenced at a certain period. It has also 
‘been urged, that, as we admit the creation of man to 
have occurred at a comparatively modern epoch — as 
we concede the astonishing fact of the first introduc- 
tion of a moral and intellectual being—so also we may 
conceive the first creation of the planet itself. 

I am far from denying the weight of this reasoning 
from analogy; but, although it may strengthen our 
conviction, that the present system of change has not 
gone on from eternity, it cannot warrant us in pre- 
Suming that we shall be permitted to behold the signs 
of the earth’s origin, or the evidences of the first 
introduction into it of organic beings. We aspire in 



vain to assign limits to the works of creation in space, 
whether we examine the starry heavens, or that 
world of minute animalcules which is revealed to us 
by the microscope. We are prepared, therefore, ta 
find that in time also the confines of the universe lie 
beyond the reach of mortal ken. But in whatever 
direction we pursue our researches, whether in time 
or space, we discover every where the clear proofs of 
a Creative Intelligence, and of His foresight, wisdom, 
and power. 

As geologists, we learn that it is not only the pre- 
sent condition of the globe which has been suited to 

the accommodation of myriads of living creatures, but ++ 
that many former states also have been adapted to the +? 
organization and habits of prior races of beings: :-The* ’ 
disposition of the seas, continents, and islands, and the’ ~’ 
climates, have varied; the species likewise have bee! `° 

changed ; and yet they have all been so modelled, on- _ 
types analogous to those of existing plants and animals, _ 
as to indicate throughout a perfect harmony of desig?” - 
and unity of purpose. To assume that the evidence - 
of the beginning or end of so vast a scheme lies within 
the reach of our philosophical inquiries, or even of out 
speculations, appears to be inconsistent with a just 
estimate of the relations which subsist between the 
finite powers of man and the attributes of an Infinite 
and Eternal Being. 


Showing the Relations of the Alluvial, Aqueous, fe 
Hypogene Formations of different Ages. 

leanic, and 


Periods. Formations. 

Some of the Localities where 

the Formations occur. 


f Alluvial. 

Aqueous. | 


a. Plutonic. l 
| Hypogene. 

b. Metamor- 

a, Marine. 
b. Freshwater. 



a. Marine. 


Table I. 
p. 301. 

Aqueous. fe: 

a. Plutonic. 

L Hypogene. 

b. Metamor- 



Beds of existing rivers, 
&c. book iii. ch. xiv. 
Coral reefs of the Pacific, 

book iii. ch. xviii. 
Bed of Lake Superior, 
&c., book ii. ch. iy. 
Etna, Vesuvius, book ii. 
chs: x. xi, Šu. 
Concealed ; foci of active ~ 
volcanos, book iv, ch. 
Concealed; around the 
foci of active volcanos, 
book iv. ch. xxvii, 

Gravel covering the 
Newer Pliocene strata 
of Sicily. 

Val di Noto, Sicily. 

Colle, in Tuscany. 

Val di Noto, Sicily. 

Concealed; foci of Newer 
Pliocene volcanos — 
underneath the Val di 
Noto, Vol. IIL. p.437., 
and book iv. ch. xxvii. 

Concealed ; near the foci 
of Newer Pliocene vol- 
canos—underneath the 
Val di Noto, Vol. III. 
p. 437., and book iv. 
ch, xxvii, 


TABLE IL. — continued. 


Some of the Localities where 

: > 
Formations. the Formations occur. 

Tl. Terrrary. — continued. 

Table I, 
p- 301. 


Table I. 
p. 301. 


Table I. 
p- 302. 

(Alluvial. ae aa 

| Hypogene. 

¢ Alluvial. =< > 

a Plutonic. 

Norfolk? Vol. IV. p.78- 
Subapennine formations; 
Vol. IV. p. 49. 
Near Sienna, Vol. 1V- 
p. 55. 
Volcanic. - - - Tuscany, Vol. IV. p. 54 
Concealed ; foci of Older 
a. Plutonic. f 

; a. Marine. 

b. Freshwater. 

Pliocene volcanos — 
beneath Tuscany. 
Concealed ; probably neat 

the same foci. 

f Mont Perrier, Auvergne 
—Orleanais, Vol. IV. 
pp. 134. 137. 

Bordeaux. Dax. 

Saucats, near Bordeau3s 

Vol. IV. p.-121. 

Hungary, Vol. IV. p.140- 

Concealed ; foci of Mio- 
cene volcanos — be- 
neath Hungary. 

Concealed ; probably 
around the same foci. 

b. Metamor- 

a. Marine. 

Aqueous. b. Freshwater. 

Volcanic. apes ay 

b. Metamor- 

r Summit of North and 


South Downs? Vol.I V- 
p. 263. 
Paris and London basins: 
Isle of Wight — Au- 
Ronca, Vicentine, Vol. 
IV. p. 211.; oldest 
' volcanic rocks of the 
Limagne d’Auvergne 
book iv. ch. xix. 
Concealed ; fociof Eocene 
` volcanos—beneath Vi- 
centine and the Li- 

Alluvial. aa Ë 

Aqueous fo Marine. 

b. Freshwater. 


a. Plutonic. 


magne d’ Auvergne. 
Concealed; probably nea 
the same foci. 

b. Metamor- 


TABLE II. — continued. 






Some of thé Localities where 
the Formations occur, 







Table I. Volcanic. 
p- 302. 

- Alluvial. 
group. < 
Table I. 
p- 303. 



p “Alluvial. 

I. < Volcanic. 
Table I. 
p. 304. 


5e { Alluvial. 
New Red 
and eae 



K.& L. \Hypogene. 

Table I. 
p. 304, 

| Hypogene. 

Lu ypogene. 

L Hypogene. 

| Hypogene. 

Wiltshire, North Downs. 

feds Flamborough Head. 

b. Freshwater. 
Northern Flanks of the 
Pyrenees? Near Dax? 

= ~ æ 

a. Plutonic, 
fi Metamor- 
Portland  Dirt-bed” 
(containing pebbles). 

a, Marine. i ' 
Weald of Surrey, Kent, 
b. Freshwater, and Sussex, book iv. 

ch. XXi. 
a. Plutonic. 
b. Metamor- 




Bath, Jura 

be Marine. 

b. Freshwater. 

a. Plutonic. 
f, Metamor- 


Hebrides ? 
{ Concealed ; beneath the 

Lyme Regis. 


a. Marine. 

b. Freshwater, 


a. Plutonic. 
b. Metamor- 

Alps? book iv. ch. xxvii. 
Valorsine in Savoy. 
Cheshire. Staffordshire. 
te Marine. Vosges. Westphalia. 
b. ee 

Near Exeter, Devon. 
Concealed ; beneath De- 
vonshire ? 


m Plutonic. 


TABLE II. — continued, 

7 e 
Some of the Localities wher 

Periods. Formations, the Formations occur 

f Alluvial. 

i i din- 

a. Marine. eae Mendip, E 
burgh. ; 
Coal measures of Nort 

6. ; 
Carbo ni- | Aqueous. 
ferous & 6. Freshwater, of England and ne" 
Old Red Edinburgh. 
Sand- < e orfarshire. Edinburg! 

stone Volcanic. Fife. Durham. Hig 
group. Teesdale. Sie 
M.& N. Concealed ; beneath Edi?” 
Table I. a. Plutonic. burgh, Northumbe 

p. 305, Hypogene. land, Durham. ks 
& bM Near the Plutonic ro? 

Oa of the same period- 

oes a phic. P 

Silu- Alluvial, : 
rian & A { a. Marine. Wenlock, Shropshire- 


III. Szconpary—continued. 

Grey- b. Freshwater, 
wacké < Volcanic. ei a a Shropshire. 

group. r Concealed;beneathShrop- 
O. & P. Hypogene. + Plutonic, shire. 

Table I. b. Metamor- .f Near the Plutonic rock 
L p. 306. | phic. of the same period. d 
Alluvial. | f yaen all destroy? 

Ean f 

Aqueous. by denudation, or c” 
Volcanic. verted into hypogen’ 
Perhaps a consideraP s 
Plutonic. part of the granit 
now visible. 
Hypogene. Probably a large propor 
tion of the gneiss, ei 
Metamorphic. .ca-schist, © and er 
stratified crystallin 
rocks now visible. 


V, Primary Rocxs.* 

* By primary formations are meant those, whether stratified or Y” 
stratified, which are older than the most ancient European rocks (#° 
transition or greywacké), in which distinct fossils have as yet bee? 


ABERDEENSHIRE, passage from trap into 
granite in, iv. 348. 

Abesse, inland cliff at, iv. 124. 

Abich, M., on slope on which Java con- 
geals, ii. 173. 

Abo, ii, 291, 292." 

Acquapendente, volcanic tuffs at, iv. 54. 

Adams, Mr., on fossil elephant, i. 151. 

Adanson on age of the baobab tree, iii, 


Addington hills, iv. 213. 

Addison on Burnet’s theory, i. 56. 

Adernd, dip of strata near, iii. 401. 

Adige, embankment of the, i. 280. ; iii. 

œ, delta of the, i. 350. 

Adour, R., new passage formed by, ii. 24. 

—., tertiary strata of, iv. 120. 

Adria, formerly a sea-port, i. 351. 

Adriatic, deposits in, i. 64. 67. 128. 351. ; 
ii. 272. 

—, gain of land in, i. 351. 

—, its form and depth, i. 351. 

Adur, R., transverse valley of, iv. 238. 

Africa, fossil shells of, mentioned by 
ancients, i. 25. 

——., heat, radiated by, i. 168, 

—, currents on coast of, ii. 20. 32. 

——, drift sands of deserts, iii. 188. 

—, shaken by earthquake, ii. 253. 

—, devastations of locusts in, iii. 95. 
~—, strata forming off coast of, ili. 272. 
, desert of, its area, iii, 131. 

ate, M., on fossil fish, i. 203. 235. ; 
iii, 358.; iv. 33. 112. 179. 279. 293. 296. 

Agricola on fossil remains, i, 37. 

Ahmedabad town, destroyed by earth- 

. quake, ii, 194. 

Aidat, lake, how formed, iv. 200. 

Air, circulation of, i. 188. 

Airthrey, fossil whale found at, iii, 

Airy, Professor, i. 185. 
Aix, in Provence, tertiary strata of, 
iv. 210. 
——. fossil insects of, iv. 210, 
Albenga, tertiary strata at, iv. 64. 
Aldborough, incursions of sea at, i. 414. 
Alderney, Race of, i. 385. 
Aleppo, earthquake of, ii. 194. 
Aleutian isles, eruptions, &c. in, ii. 47. 
Alge, depth at which some species live, 
iii. 9. 
Allan, Mr. T., on mammiferous fossils 
of Isle of Wight, i. 241. ; iv. 216. 
Allier, R., volcanic tuff, &c. on its 
banks, iv. 185. 
Alloa, whale cast ashore at, iii. 266. 
Alluvium, definition of, iii. 196. 
iv. 44, 
—, aE of organic remains in, 
iii. 197. 
——, marine, iii. 198. 
—, volcanic, ii. 94. 
——-, in Scotland, ii. 241. 
——, stalagmite alternating with, in 
French caves, iii. 210. 
——, European, in great part tertiary, 
iv. 45. 
——, of newer Pliocene period, iv. 38. 
44, 48. 
——, of Miocene era, iv. 134. 
—, of Eocene period, iv. 234. 263. 
——, under lavas, iv. 95, 98. 195. 
—, in ancient fissures, i iv. 198. 
Alps, Saussure on the, i. 80. 
——, tertiary rocks of the, i. 210. 


Alps, greatly raised during tertiary 
epoch, i, 219. 

-——, shells drifted from the, iii, 360. 

——-, erratic blocks of the, iv. 46. 

——, maritime, tertiary strata at base 
of, iv. 61. 

——, secondary strata penetrated by 
granite in the, iv. 344, 

——, strata of oolite altered in the, iv, 

Altered strata in contact with granite, 
iv. 368. 

——, enumeration of the probable.con- 
versions of sedimentary strata into 
well-known metamorphic rocks, iv. 


Alting, on the Zuyder Zee, ii. 6. 

Alum Bay, alternation of London and 
plastic clay in, iv. 213. 

Alzey, tertiary strata of, iv. 132. 

Amalfi, i, 126. 

Amazon, R., sea discoloured by waters 
of, ii. 33. 

=—, land formed by its deposits, ii. 33. 

——, animals floated down on drift 
wood by; iii. 42. 

Amer, structure of country near, iv. 91. 

America, its coast undermined, ii. 9, 

——, lakes of, may cause deluges, i. 133. 

——, recent strata in lakes of, i. 344. ; 
iii. 262. $ 

~=, specific distinctness of animals of, 
L 827. 

—, domesticated animals have run 
wild in, ii. 894, ; iii. 113. 

Amiata, Mount, i. 314. 

Amici, Vito, on Moro’s system, i. 67. 

Ammonia in lavas, ii. 351. 

Amonoosuck, flood in valley of, i. 294. 

Ampère, M., on currents of electricity 
in the earth, ii. 324. 

Anapo, valley of, iii. 442. 

Andernach, loess and voltanic ejections 
alternating at, iv. 34. 

Andes, changes of level in, iii. 253, 

——, height of perpetual snow on, i. 

==, volcanos of, ii. 41..43, 

Anglesea, changes caused by a volcanic 
dike in, iv. 364. 378. 

Animals, Lamarck’s theory of the pro- 
duction of new organs in, ii. 368. 

—, imported into America, have run 
wild, ii. 394. 5 iii. 113. 

mem, aptitude of some kinds to do. 
mestication, ii, 408. 417. 


Animals, hereditary instincts of, 1i- 409) 

——, domestic qualities of, ii. 408. 442° 

—, their acquired habits rarely trans- 
missible, ii. 413, 421. 

+, changes in the brain of the foetus 
in vertebrated, i. 439. 

—, plants diffused by, iii. 17. 

——, their geographical distribu! 
i. 204. ; iii. 27. 

——, migrations of, iii. 33. 36. 

——, causes which determine the 
tions of, iii. 86. 98. 3 

——.,-influence of man on their distribu 
tion, iii. 109. 

—, fossil, in peat, caves, &c., iii. 182 
187. 197. 201. 231. 236. 

Anio, R., food of the, i. 298. ame 

—, once flowed through a chain ° 
lakes, i. 324. ad 

Anning, Miss M., on waste of cliff: 
i. 429. 

Annus Magnus, duration of, i. 12. 

Anoplotherium in freshwater form4 
tion of I. of Wight, iv. 216. 263. 

Anthracite, whence derived, iv. 376- 

Anticlinal axis of Weald valley, 1% 
224, 231. 

Anticlinal lines ; how far those formed 
at the same time are parallel, iv. 394% 

Antilles, earthquake in the, ii. 207. 

Antissa, i018. 

Antrim, chalk in, converted into ma! 
ble by trap-dike, iv. 365. 

——, altered coal and lias in, iv. 366: 

Apennines, their relative age, i. 209. 21% 

——, tertiary strata at foot of, iv. 49- 

Aphides, White’s account of a show 
of, iii, 65. 

—, their multiplication, iii, 93. 

Apoilinaris cited, iv. 200. 

Apure, R., horses drowned in, iii. 234 

Aqueous causes, i. 259. f 

Aqueous lavas, description of, ii. 78. %3 
iii. 192, 

Arabian Gulf, filling with coral, iii. 280. 

——, volcano at its entrance, ii, 58. 

Arabian writers, i. 24. 29. 

Arago, M., on influence of forests 07 
climate, iii. 168. 

==, on solar radiation, i. 226. 

—, on level of Mediterranean and Red, 
sea, i. 387. 

Arbroath, houses, &c. swept away PY 
sea at, i. 400: 

Arduino, memoirs of, 1759, i. 72. 

—~, on submarine volcanos, i. 73. 




Aristarchus, i. 299. 

Aristophanes, i. 16. 

Aristotelian system, i. 21. 

~ theory of spontaneous generation, 
1. 38, 

Arno, R., yellow sand like Subapennine 
deposited by, iv. 56. 

Arso, volcanic eruption of, in Ischia, 
ii. 70. 

Artesian wells, phenomena brought to 
light by, i. 302. 

~, depth from which water rises in, 
i. 303. 

Arun, transverse valley of the, iv. 238. 

Arve, sediment transported by the, i. 

~, section of débris, deposited by, i. 

Asama-yama, eruption of, ii. 209. 

Ascension, island of, fossil eggs of tur. 
tle from, iii. 267. 
Shes, volcanic, transported to immense 
distances, ii. 201. 

Asia, subject to earthquakes, i. 14. 

—, coast of, changed, i. 30. 

~, causes of extreme cold of part of, 

i, 168. 

~ Minor, gain of land on coast of, 
i, 32, 

~, Western, great cavity in, iii 126, 

~, this now doubted, iv. 202. 

Ags, wild in Quito, iii. 115. 

—, wild in Tartary, iii. 38. 

Astroni, crater of, iv. 94. 

Astruc on delta of Rhone, i. 346. 
tchafalaya, R., drift-wood in, i. 286. 

~., section of the banks of, i. 365. 

Athabasca lake, drift-wood in, iii, 222 
antic, mean depth of, i. 185, 

“—, its relative level, i. 387. 

>, rise of the tide in, i. 388. 
tlantis, submersion of, i. 14. ; iv. 309. 
trio del Cavallo, ii. 88. ; iv. 9. 
Ubenas, fissures filled with breccia 
Near, iii. 210. 
Urillac, freshwater formation of, iv. 


Australia, kangaroo and emu thinning 

Ih, iii. 112, 

» Coral reefs of, iii. 280. 

> breccias of, bones of marsupial 
animals in, iv. 43. 

Uergne, salt deposited by springs in, 
i, 331. 
2 carbonic acid gas disengaged in, i. 



Auvergne, lavas of, iii. 422. 

——, alluviums of, iv. 134. 195. 

——. volcanic rocks of, i. 86, 87.5 iii. 
365. ; iv. 142. 184. 

—, lacustrine deposits of, iv, 144. 

——, map of lacustrine basins and vol- 
canic rocks of, iv. 145, 

——, tertiary red marl and sandstone of, 
like new red sandstone, iv. 148, 316. 

—, indusial limestone of, iv. 152, 

» connexion of Paris basin and, iv. 
——, igneous rocks ‘associated with la- 

custrine in, iv. 185. 
——, volcanic breccias of, iv. 134. 187. 
——, minor volcanos of, iv. 188, 192, 
—, ravines in lavas of, iv. 194, 195. 
Ava, fossils of, i. 49. 
Aventine, Mount, tufa on, iv. 28, ` 
Avernus, lake, ił 65. 
Avicenna on cause of mountains, i. 30. 
Azof sea, said to have been united with 
Caspian, ii. 52. 3 
=—, new island thrown up in, ii. 53. 
Azores, icebergs drifted to the, i. 177. 
—, siliceous springs of, i. 327. . 


Babbage, Mr., on the coast near Puz- 
zuoli, ii. 268. 

—, on Temple of Serapis, ii. 280. 

——, on expansion of rocks by heat, ii. 

Bacon, Lord, cited, iii. 257. 

Baden, gypseous springs of, i, 326. 

Baffin’s Bay, icebergs in, i. 172. 

Bagnes, valley of, bursting of a lake in 
the, i. 295, 

Bagneux, strata near, iv. 168. 

Bagshot sand, its composition, &c., iv. 

Baiæ, changes on coast of the bay of, ii. 

—, ground plan of the coast of, ii. 267. 

——-, sections in bay of, ii. 269. 271. 

Bakewell, Mr., on formation of soils, 
iii. 156. 

—, on fall of Mount Grenier, iii. 200. 
——, on jointed structure in rocks, iv. 
59. j 
Bakewell, Mr., Jun., on Falls of Nia. 

gara, i. 276. 
Bakie loch, charæ fossil in, iii, 260, . 


Baku, inflammable gas of, i. 19.; ii, 51. 
Balaruc, thermal waters of, i. 347. 
Baldassari, on Sienese fossils, i. 68, 
Ballard, M., on state of buried bones, 
iii, 214, 
Baltic sea, deltas of the, i. 344, 
—, lowering of level of the, i, 345. ; 
ii. 286. 
—, drifting of rocks by ice in, i. 271. 
—, currents on its shores, ii. 12. 
Banos del Pujio, elevated sea-cliff near, 
We i. 
Baobab tree, its size, probable age, &c. 
iii. 428. ; iv. 205. 
Barbadoes, rain diminished by felling of 
forests in, iii. 165. 
Barcelona, tertiary strata of, iv. 101. 
Barcombe, in Sussex, iv. 234. 
Bargone, gypsum in marls near, iv. 54. 
Barren island, a supposed crater of ele- 
vation, ii. 159. 
Barrow, Mr., on a bank formed in sea 
by locusts, iii. 96. 4 
Barrow, Mr., Jun., on the Geysers of 
Iceland, i. 329. ; ii. 342. 
- Barsoe, loss of land in island of, ii. 12. 
Barton, Mr., on geography of plants, 
iii. 2. 
Basalt, opinions of the early writers 
on, i. 85, 86. ; iii. 307. 
Basterot, M. de, on fossil shells of Bor- 
deaux and Dax, iii. 338. ; iv. 119. 
Batavia, effects of earthquake at, ii. 259. 
Battoch, Mount, granite veins of, iv. 
Baumhauer, Mr., on a river-flood in 
Java, iji. 235. 
Bauza, his chart of Gulf of Mexico, ii, 
Bawdesey, crag strata near, iv. 79. 4 
Bay of Bengal, its depth, i. 359. 
Bayfield, Capt., on gealogy of Lake Su- 
perior, i. 342. 
—— on bursting of a peninsula by Lake 
Erie, ii. 12. 
a=, on elevated beaches in Gulf of St. 
Lawrence, ii. 47. ; iv. 20. 
~, on earthquakes in Canada, ii. 208. 
——, on arrangement of strata in Gulf of 
St. Lawrence, iv. 58, 
Bayonne, strata near, iv. 124. 327. 
Beachy Head, i, 423.5 iv. 228. 
Bears, once numerous in Wales, iii. 
——, black, migrations of, iii. 36, 
-—, drifted on ice, iii, 103, 


Beauchamp, palzotherium of, iV- 179. 

Beaufort, Capt., on gain of land on coast 
of Asia Minor, ii. 32. 

——, on rise of tides, i, 382. 

Beaumont, M. Elie de, on greyW 
fossils, i. 201. 

——, on the Great Canary, ii. 158. 

——, on elevation craters, ii. 171. 

——, on force of modern earthqu 
ii. 357. 

—, on cause of the deluge, iv. 205. ; 

—, his theory of contemporaneo" 
origin of parallel mountain cham 
considered, iv. 320. f 

—, on modern granite of the Alps: 
344, A 

Beaver, once an inhabitant of Seotla? 
and Wales, iii. 110. i 

—, remains of, in shell-marl, in pert 
shire, iii. 236. ‘a 

Beck, Dr., on distribution of testace 
iii. 56. 

—, on fossils of the Crag, iv. 72 , r) 

—, on tertiary strata of Denmark, 1" 

Bee, migrations of the, iii. 64. 

Beechey, Capt., on elevation of 
Conception, ii. 256. 

—, on drifting of canoes in 
iii, 72. 

——, on temple of Ipsambul, iii. 10) 9 

—, on coral islands in Pacific, it 
987, 297. ae 

——, on recent changes of level 19 
cific, ili. 296. of; 

Beginning of things, supposed proofs 
iv. 392. 

Behat, buried town near, iii. 199. 

Belbet, near Aurillac, iv. 160. `” ep- 

Belcher, Capt., on elevation of Con? 
tion Bay, ii. 256. 

=, on strata forming off C035 
Africa, iii. 273. E 

Belgium, tertiary formations of, 1° 

Beliemi, Mount, caves in, iv. 4% 

Bell rock, large stones throw? 
storms on the, i..400. 

Belzoni, on temple of Ipsambul, 

—, on a flood of the Nile, iii. 230- 

Benin, currents in bay of, i. 383. 

Bérard, M., on depth of Mediterra 
ii. 18. f 

Bergmann, on waste of Yorkshire coasts 
i, 404, 

Berkeley, on recent origin of ™ 





t of 

jji. 189- 


ans ji 

Bermudas, coral reefs of the, iii, 279. 

Berthelot, M., on the Great Canary, ii. 

Berzelius, on density of sea-water, i, 

Beshta, earthquakes in, ii. 250. 
€udant, M., on volcanic rocks of Hun- 
8ary, iv, 140. 
Wick, cited, i. 413. ; iii, 47. 111. 
00j, town of, destroyed by earth- 
quake, ii. 195. 
s» Volcanic eruption at, during Cutch 
pe thquake, ii, 195. 5 iii. 194, 
tes Bosch; new bay formed in Hol- 
lang, ii. 5. 
Bigsby, Dr., on North American lakes, 
i. 343. ; iii. 262. 
Ingen, gorge of, iv. 35, 
instead, fossils of, iv, 216. 263. 
Itds, diffusion of plants by, iii. 18. 
—, geographical distribution of, iii. 
45. 74. 

—- their powers of diffusion, iii, 47. 
“, migrations of, iii. 47. 
~, recent extermination of some spe- 
ĉies of, iii, 111. 
NS, bones of, in Gibraltar breccia, iii. 
™, rarity of their remains in new 
pi ttata, iii, 290. 
ischoff, Professor, cited, iv. 372. 
'Scoe, Capt., his discoveries in the 
South Polar Seas, i. 175. 
ison, fossil, in Yorkshire, i, 145. 
‘sons, in Mississippi valley, iii. 35. 
\stineau, a lake formed by Red River, 
i, 290, 
Bitumen, oozing from the bottom of the 
Sea, near Trinidad, i. 334. 
Bituminous springs, i. 334. 
| >, shales, i. 335. 
Bize, cave at, iii. 213. 
zona, town submerged, i, 27, 
lack Lake, i. 290. 
S Sea, calcareous springs near, i. 


™. waste of cliffs in the, ii. 12. 
Ž, evaporation of the, ii. 15. 
Rn. see Euxine. 
prier, M., on peat, iii. 179. 
toS limestone of, iv. 122. 
oomfield, bursting of peat-moss near, 
ni, 186. 
Blown sand, imbedding of organic re- 
Mains, &c. in, iii, 188. 




Blue mountains in Jamaica, ii. 264, 

Bluffs of Mississippi described, i, 283, 
285. 3 

Boa Constrictor, migration of, iii. 51. 

Boase, Mr., on inroads of sea in Corn- 
wall, i. 429, 430. 

—, on drift-sand in Cornwall, iii. 191. 

——, on chemical composition of rocks, 
iv. 377. 

Boate, Dr., on Irish peat-bogs, iii. 178. 

Boblaye, M., on ceramique, in Morea, 
iii. 200. 

——, on engulphed rivers in Morea, iii. 
204. 3 

—, on caves of the Morea, iii. 204. 

——, on earthquakes in Greece, iii. 207. 

——,on successive elevations of the 
Morea, iv. 20. 

——, on tertiary strata of Morea, iv. 70. 

—, on cretaceous rocks of Morea, iv. 

Bog iron-ore, whence derived, iii. 182, 

Bogota, earthquake of, ii. 189. 

Bohemia, age of metallic veins of, iv. 

Bolos, Don Francisco, on volcanos of 
Catalonia, iv. 94. 99. 101. 

—, on destruction of Olot by earth. 
quake, in 1421, iv. 99, 

Bonajutus, on subsidence of coast of. 
Sicily, ii, 261. 

Bonaparte, C., on birds, iii. 47. 

Bonelli, Signor, on fossils of the Superga, 

_ ii. 364, ; iv. 126. 

=, on fossil shells of Savona, iv. 64. 

Bonn, casts of freshwater shells in 
quartz, near, iv. 112. 

Bonpland, on plants common to Old and 
New World, iii. 5. 

Bordeaux, tertiary strata of, iii. 338. ; 
iv. 119. 
Bore, a tidal wave frequent in the Bris- 
tol Channel and the Ganges, ii. 10. 
Bormida, tertiary strata of valley of the, 
iii. 364. ; iv. 127. 

Bory de St. Vincent, M., on isle of San. 
torin, ii, 161. 164. 

Boscomb chine, i. 497, 

Bosphorus, ii, 15. 52. 

Botanical Geography, iii. 3. 

——, provinces, their number, iii. 7. 

——, how caused, iii. 80. 

——, why not more blended together, 
ili, 82. 

Bothnia, Gulf of, gradual elevation of 
the coast of, i. 217. 345. 5 ii. 287. | 




404 i INDEX; 

Bothnia, Gulf of, drifting of rocks by 

Gace in, 2 

Botley Hill, height of, iv. 224. 

Boué, M.. on the Pyrenees, i. 211, 

—,, on the coal strata, i. 202, 

—, on loess of the Rhine, iv. 38. 

-——, on value of Zoological characters 

. in determining the chronological re- 
lations of strata, iv. 193, 

——-, on tertiary formations of Hungary 
and Transylvania, iv. 129. 141. 

——, on the Vicentine, iv. 211. 

——, on theory of M. de Beaumont, iv. 
331. 333, t 

Bouillet, M., on extinct quadrupeds of 

. Mont Perrier, iv. 136. 197. 

——, on alluviums of different ages in 
Auvergne, iv. 197. 

Boulade, alluviums of the, iv. 134. 

Boulon and Ceret, dip of tertiary strata 
between, iv. 70. 

Bourbon, island, volcanic, ii, 58,; iv. 

Bourdones, R., shoal upheaved at its 
mouth, ii, 208. 

Bournmouth, submarine forest at, iii. 

Boussingault, M., on volcanos of the 
Andes, ii. 43, 44. 

——, on gases evolved by volcanos, ii. 

Bowdich, Mr., on fossil shells of Ma- 
deira, iv. 24. 

Bowen, Lieut. A., on limestone columns 
near Mingan, iv. 21. 

Boyle on bottom of the sea, i. 44, 

Bracini on Vesuvius before 1631, ii. 77. 

Brahmins, their doctrines, i, 9. 

Brand, Rev. J. F., on birthplace of man, 
lii. 68. 

Brander on fossils of Hampshire, i. 77. 

Bray, valley of, iv. 287.- 

Breaks in series of superimposed form- 
ations, causes of, iii. 345. 351. 

Breccias, in Val del Bove, iii. 422, 

=, in caves, iv. 38, 43. 

——, NOW in progress in the Morea, iii. 

—, volcanic, of Auvergne, iv. 134. 187. 

Brenta, delta of the, i. 350, 

Brieslak, on the temple of Serapis, ii. 
276. 278. 

-—, on lavas of Vesuvius, ii. 90. 

Briggs, Mr., his discovery of water in 
African desert, i. 304, 

Brighton, waste of cliffs of, i, 424, 

Brighton, strata at base of cliffs at * 
422.3; iv. 261. 267. 

Brine springs, i. 330. 

Bristol Channel, currents in, 

Britany, a village in, buried 
blown sand, iii. 191. 

—, marine tertiary strata of, i. 216. 

Brocchi on fossil conchology, i. 34 

——, on Burnet’s theory, i. 59. er 

——.,, his account of writers on delt# 
Po;4. 351. 3 w 

—, on extinction of species, iii. 83- jji 

—, on the Subapennines, i. 209-5 * 
335, ; iv. 49. 60. yi 

Broderip, Mr., on opossum of Ston® 
field, i. 238. 

—, on shells from Conception Baf» 

——, on lanthina fragilis, iii. 56, 

—, on bulimi restored to life 
long abstinence, iii. 58. 

-—, on moulting of crabs, iii. 60. ie 

—, on naturalization of a foreign 12 
shell, iii. 76. aug 

Bromberg, a vessel and two anchors 
up near, iii, 247. . 

Bromley, pebble with oysters in 
clay at, iv. 212. 

Brongniart, M. Ad., on fossil plant 
the coal formation, i. 158. 

—-, on plants in islands, i. 196. if 

Brongniart, M. Alex., on modern lava 
streams, ii, 132. 3 i. 

—, on elevated beaches in Swede? 
216. ; ii. 299. 

—, on the Paris Basin, iii. 3323 

——, on conglomerate of the Supe 
iv. 127. ge 

Bronn, Prof., on fossil shells of 
Superga, iii. 367. : 

, on tertiary formations of Italys 


——, on loess of the Rhine, iv. 32. pe 

„on tertiary strata of Mayenc® 

133, me 

Bronte, eruption of Etna, near, 1. if of 

Browallius, on filling up of GU 
Bothnia, ii. 291. Af 

Brown, Mr., on plants eommon we 
rica, Guiana, and Brazil, iii. 15- sill 

Brown coal formation near the Rhi 
iv. 110. 

Bruel, quarry of, iv. 160. Rls 

Buckland, Dr., on fossil elephants: 
in India, i. 9, 









| Bucklana, Dr., on fossils from Esch- 

Scholtz’s Bay, 1. 153. 
“=: on the Bristol coal-field, i. 205. 
> on mammiferous remains of Isle of 
ight, i. 241. 
™-, on fossils in caves and fissures, iii. 
208, 210, 212. 
= on Val del Bove, iii. 407. 
~ on effects of the deluge, iv. 203. 
- on the Plastic clay, iv! 212. 
» on former continuity of London 
and Hampshire basins, iv. 219. 

~~, on valleys of elevation, iv. 246. 249. 



~, on fossil forest of I. of Portland, 
iv, 285, ‘ 
©, On oolite fossils, iv. 310. 
Budoshagy, solfatara of, iv. 142. 
Ufadors, jets of air from subterranean 
Caverns called, iv. 98. 
Buffon, his theory of the earth, i. 68. 
—,, reproved by the sorbonne, i. 69. : 
~, on geographical distribution of ani. 
Mals, iii. 2. 27. 
~, on extinction of species, iii. 143. 
Butimus montanus drifted from Alps, 
üi, 360. 
ùra and. Helice, submerged Grecian 
towns, i. 27.’ ii. 56. ; iii. 255. 
Urckhardt cited, iii. 189, 190. 
Urdiehouse fossils, i. 203. ; iv. 294. 
Buried cones on Etna, sections of, iii. 
Burkart, Mr., on Jorullo, iix 137. 
urnes, Capt. A., on earthquake of 
Cutch, 1819, ii. 196. 

_™, on earthquake in valley of the 

Oxus, ii. 50. 

ürnet, his theory of the earth, i. 55. 
Burntisland, whale cast ashore near, 

li, 266. 

Urrampooter, bodies of men, deer, &c. 

floated off by, iii, 234. 

| X, delta of the, i. 558. 

“Urton, Mr. J.,on tertiary strata near 
Red Sea, iv. 25. 

Bustaras, recently extirpated in Eng- 
land, iii. 111. 

Pitter, Burnet’s theory ridiculed by, i. 

Byron, Lord, on permanency of the 
Ocean, ii. 285, 


Cadibona, lignites of, iv. 139. 
ado lake, i, 290, 

Cæsar cited, i. 27.3 iv. 200. 

Cairo, fossil shells at, iv. 197. 

Caithness schists, fossils any 235. ý 

Calabria, geological. description of, ii 

~ earthquake of 1783 in, ii. 210. 

—, animals preserved in fissures in, 
iii. 209. , 

—,, tertiary strata of, i. 141. 5 iii, $40, 

Calais, ripple marks formed by the 
winds on dunes near, iv, 81, 

Calanna, lava of Etna turned from its 
course by hill of, iii. 412. 

——, valley of, iii. 411. 419, 

Calcaire grossier of Paris basin, iv. 167: 
169. 173. 179. 

Caleaire siliceux of Paris basin, iv. 170. 

Calcareous springs, i. 311. ane 

Calcutta, beds cut through in sinking 4 
well at, i. 361. 

Caldcleugh, Mr.,on earthquake in Chili, 
1835, ii. 185. 

Caldeira, siliceous sinter of the, i. 327. 

Caldera, in Isle of Palma, ii. 155.; iti. 

California, volcanos in, ii. 45, 

Callao, town destroyed by sea, ii. 53, 

——, changes caused by earthquakes in, 
ii. 258, 259. ; iii. 253, 

Caltabiano, R., lava excavated by, i. 

Caltagirone, blue shelly marl of, iii, 886. 

Caltanisetta, tertiary strata at, iii, 387. 

Cambrian formations, iv. 300. 306. 

Camden cited, i. 431. > 

Camels, carcasses of, imbedded in drift 
sand, iii. 190. 

Campagna di Roma, calcareous deposits 
of, i. 320, 

—-, volcanic rocks of, iv. 89. 

Campania, aqueous lavas in, iii. 192, 

——- tertiary formations of, iv. 1, 

——— Comparison of recorded changes in, 
with those commemorated by geolo. 
gical monuments, iv. 1. 

——, age of volcanic and associated 
rocks of, iv. 11. 

——, external configuration of the coun- 
try, how caused, iv. 13. 

——, affords no signs of diluvian waves, 
iv. 14, 

Campbell, Mr., on migration of quaggas 
in South Africa, iii. 38. 

Camper, on facial angle, ii. 437, 

Canada, earthquakes frequent 

in, ii. 
46, 203. 




Canary islands, eruptions in, ii, 58. 

——., shells between lavas in, ii, 158. 

Cannon in calcareous rock, iii. 249. 

=, account of one taken up near the 
Downs, iii. 249, 

Canoes drifted to great distances, iii. 71. 

=, fossil, iii, 248, 

Canopus, formerly an island, i. 354. 

——, overwhelmed by the sea, i. 356. 

Cantal, Plomb du, ii. 170. 

—, freshwater formations of, iv. 158. 

Capellbacken, shelly deposit at, ii. 299. 

Cape May, encroachment of sea at, ii. 

~ of Good Hope, icebergs seen off, 

—— Wrath, granite veins of, iv. 346. 

Capitol, hill, calcareous tufa on, iv. 28, 

Capo Santa Croce, shelly limestone 
resting on lava at, iii. 390. ` 

Capra, rock of, iii. 420. 

Caraccas, earthquakes in, ii. 202. 208. 

Caradoc sandstones, iv. 270, 271. 299. 

Carang Assam volcano, ii. 202. 

Carbonated springs, i. 331. 

Carbonic acid gas; its effects on rocks, 
i. 331. 333. ; iv. 374. 

Carboniferous series, i. 201. 235.; iv. 

——, freshwater strata in, iv. 294. 

——, see Coal. 

Carcare, tertiary strata of, iv. 121. 127. 

Cardiganshire, tradition of loss of land 
in, i. 431. 

Cardium porulosum, iv. 175. 

Cardona, rock salt of, its relative age, 
iv. 316. 

Carelli, Signor, on temple of Serapis, ii. 

Carew on St. Michael’s mount, i. 430. 

Cariaco, bed of sea raised near, ii, 250. 

Caribbean sea, tides in, i. 388. ; 

Caridi, R., its course changed by earth- 
quakes, ii. 230. 

Carlingford bay, raised beaches in, i. 216. 

Carpenter, Dr., on encroachment of sea 
at Lyme Regis, i. 429. 

Casalmaggiore, island at, carried away 
by the Po, i. 280. 

Casamicciol, shells in tuff at, iv. 12. 

Caspian, Pallas on former extent of, i. 

=, calcareous springs near the, i. 396. 

==, evaporation of the, i. 350. 

——, earthquakes on its borders, ii. 51, 

=, inflammable gas, &c. near, ii. 51. 


Caspian, its level, ii. 51.; iii. 126.5 iV- ee 

—, said to have been united i i 
Black Sea and sea of Azof, ii. 9%? 
iii. 45. 

Cassander cited, i. 13. in 

Castell de Stolles, ravine excavated 
lava opposite, iv. 96. op de 

Castell Follitt, lava stream of, 1Y" iv. 

—, lava cut through by ‘river 44 

Castello d’ Aci, iii. 405. . Not 

Castrogiovanni, section of Val di N° 
series at, iii, 385. 

—, hill of, its height, iii, 386. 

——, fossils of, iii. 389. saat 

Catalonia, devastation of torrents 1s 

——, volcanic district of, iv. 90. 

——, ravines excavated through lav! 
iv. 95. 97. 

——, age of volcanos of, iv. 99. 

——, superposition of rocks in volc 
district of, iv. 100. sais 

Catania, overwhelmed by lava, Íi- pog 
iii. 193. de 

——, destroyed by earthquakes, 1! ~ ell 

—, tools discovered in digging 4 
at, iii. 246, : 

, volcanic conglomerates formiD 

beach at, iii. 396. 

— plain of, iii. 397. 

——, marine formation near, iii. wt 3 

Catastrophes, theories respecting; t “^? 
iii. 309. 353. 

Catcliff, Little, section of, iv. 80. 

Catcott on the deluge, i. 74. x 

—— on traditions of deluges in differ 
countries, i. 74. 

Catodons, stranded, iii. 266. 

Cattegat, devastations caused by cut 
in the, ii. 12. 

Catwyck, loss of land at, ii. 5. a 

Caucasus, calcareous springs of, 1. 3 250 

—, earthquakes frequent in, ii. 3% 

—, abounds in hot springs, ii. 59- yi 

Cautley, Capt., on buried Hindoo t° 
iii, 199. «ai 008: 

—, on bones in ancient wells, HL 4i, 

Cavalaccio, Monte, shells in tuffs © 
402. : 

Cavanilles on earthquake of Quito 
207. ‘ 

Caves, organic remains in, iii. 
iv. 38. 42, 43, 

——, alternations of sediment a”! 
lagmite in some, iii. 210. 






gi. 215 

q sta 


Caves on Etna, ii. 120. 

Cavo delle Neve, in Ischia, iv. 13. 

Cayambe, volcano, ii. 43. 

Cellent, lava current of, iv. 91. 

—, section above -bridge of, iv. 95. 

Celestial mountains, i. 147. 

Celsius on diminution of Baltic, 1. 58. ; 
ii. 286, 

Censorinus, i. 21. é 

Central France, lavas excavated in, i. 

—, comparison between lavas of Ice- 
land and, ii. 129, 131. 

~, volcanic rocks of, iv. 142. 184. 

~, freshwater formations of, iv. 144. 

——, analogy of tertiary deposits of, to 
those of Paris basin, iv. 164. 172. 

Central heat and fluidity, theory of, i. 
221. ; ii, 313. 

Centrifugal force, ii. 309. 329. 

Cephalaspis, fish fossil in old red sand- 
stone (see fig.), iv. 296. 

Cephalonia, earthquakes in, ii. 214. 

Cer, valley of, sections in the, iv. 161. 

' Ceret and Boulon, tertiary strata be. 

tween, iv. 70. 

Cesalpino on organic remains, i. 38. 

Cetacea, geographical range of, iii. 33. 

—, migrations of the, iii. 44. 

—, imbedding of their remains in re- 
cent strata, iii. 266. 

~, stranded on low shores, iii. 266. ' 

Chabriol, M., on fossils of Mont Per- 
rier, iv. 136. 

Chadrat, pisolitic limestone of, iv. 152. 

Chagos coral isles, iii. 280. 

Chalk, protruded masses of, in the crag 
Strata, iv. 85. 

—, indentations filled with sand, &c., 
on its surface, iv. 217. 

—, tertiary outliers on, iv. 218. 

—— and upper green sand of Weald 
valley, iv. 223. 

—— escarpments of Weald valley, once 
sea-cliffs, iv. 227, 228. 

——, why no ruins of, on central district 
of the Weald, iv. 234. 

—— of North and South Downs, its 
former continuity, iv. 244. 

——., furrows on the, how caused, iv. 

—, greatest height of, in England, 
iv. 259. 

~—., area covered by, iv. 275. 

———, converted into marble by trap dike 
in Antrim, iv. 366. 


Chalk-flints, analysis of, iv. 160. 

Chaluzet, calcareous spring at, i. 312, 

—, volcanic cone of, i. 332. 

Chama gigas, growth of, iii. 282. 

Chamaliéres, near Clermont, iv. 147. 

Chambon, lake of, how formed, iv. 193. 

Chamisso, M., on coral islands, iii. 278. ` 

Chamouniy, glaciers of, iv. 47. 

Champheix, tertiary red marls of, iv. 

Champoleon in the Alps, strata altered 
near, iv. 369. 

Champradelle, vertical marls at, iv. 151. 

Chare, fossilized, iii. 259. 

Charlesworth, Mr., on the crag strata, 
iv. 73, 74. 

Chemical changes, whether volcanic 
heat is produced by, ii. 320. 

Chepstow, rise of tides at, i. 382. 

Cheshire, brine springs of, i. 330. 

——, waste of coast of, i. 431. 

Chesil bank, i. 427. 

Chesilton, overwhelmed by sea, i. 428. 

Chili, earthquakes in, i. 117. ; ii, 183. 

——, numerous volcanos in, ii, 41. 

—, Newer Pliocene marine strata at 
great heights in, iv. 16. 

Chimborazo, height of, i. 181. 

China, climate of, i. 169. 

—, earthquakes violent in, ii, 50. 

Chinese deluge, i. 10. 

Chines, or narrow ravines, described, 
i. 427. 

Chittagong, earthquake at, ii. 250. 

Chockier, cave at, iii. 211. 

Christ Church. head promontory, i. 426. 

Christie, Dr. T., on caverns in Sicily, 
iv. 39, 41, 42. 

Christol, M. de, on fossils of Montpel- 
lier, iv. 196. 

—, on caves, iii. 214, 215. 

Cicero cited, i. 42. 

Cimbrian deluge, ii. 13. 

Cinquefrondi, changes caused by earth- 
quake at, ii. 232. 

Ciply, Maestricht beds seen at, iv. 271. 

Cirque of Gavarnie, in Pyrenees, iii. 

Circular hollows formed by earthquakes, 
ii. 234, 

Cisterna on Etna, how formed, iii. 425. ; 
iv. 15. 

Civita Vecchia, springs at, i. 320. 

Clarke, Dr., on appearance, &c. of lava 
in motion, ii. 83. 



Clay-slate in Pyrenees, iv. 362. \ 

——, may be altered into shale, and 
hornblende schist, iv. 376. 

Clayton, Bishop, on the deluge, i. 74, 

Cleavage, or slaty structure of rocks, iv. 

Clermont, sections near, iv. 147. 151. 

——, calcareous springs at, i. 312. 

Clift, Mr., on bones of animals from 
Australian caves, iv. 44. 

Climate of Europe, Raspe on former, i. 

==, change of, in northern hemisphere, 
i, 138, 

—, on causes of vicissitudes in, i. 164. 

~, astronomical causes of fluctuations 
in, i. 224, 

——, its influence on distribution of 
plants, iii. 3. 
—~, effect of alterations in, on distri- 
bution of species, iii. 134. 138. 331. 
——, influence of vegetation on, iii. 

Climates, insular and excessive, i. 169. ; 
ii. 390. 

Coal, formation of, at mouths of Mac- 
kenzie, iii. 222. 

—, reduced to cinder by trap dike, iv. 

——. See Carboniferous. 

Coal formation, fossil plants of the, i. 
158. 202. 231. 243. 

Cole, Viscount, on delta of the Kander, 
iv. 69. 

Colebrooke, Mr. H. T., on crocodiles of 
Ganges, i. 362. 

Colebrooke, Major R. H., on the Ganges, 
i, 361. ; iii. 170. 

Colle, travertin of, i. 313. 

——, freshwater formation of, iv. 28. 

College, R., transportation of rocks by 
the, i. 268. 

Collini on igneous rocks, i. 86. 

Colombia, earthquakes in, ii. 250. 

Colonna on organic remains, i. 39. 

Comb Hurst, hills of, iv. 213. 

Côme, lava currentiof, iv, 93. 

Conception, earthquakes at, ii. 185. 256.; 
iii. 253. 

—, recent fossils at great heights in 
Bay of, iv. 16. 

Conglomerates, tertiary, of Nice, iv. 65. 

——~, now formed by rivers near Nice, 
i, 375.5 iv. 65. 68. 

omen, VOlcanic, ii. 143, ; iii, 396, 


Contemporaneous origin of rocks, how 
determined, iii. 322. 
—, remarks on the term, iii. 363. _ 
Continents, position of former, iV. 307 
Conybeare, Rev. W. D., on Lister, + *** 
——, on Bristol coal-field, i. 205. 
——, on earthquakes, ii, 357. 
—, on the English crag, iii. 337, 
——, on the London clay, iv. 214 
——, on indentations in the chalk, 1% 
—, on transverse valleys, iv. 238. 
—, on vertical strata of Isle of Wight 
iv. 253. 
,on former continuity of chal 
North and South Downs, iv. 244. 
„on theory of M. E. de Beaumont, 
iv. 333. 
Cook, Captain, on drifting of canoes t° 
great distances, iii. 71. 
——, on existence of high land neat the 
South Pole, i. 177. 
Coomb, ravine called the, near Lewes 
iv. 241. s 
Copernican theory, edicts against, Tee 
pealed at Rome, i. 100. a 
Copiapo, raised banks of shells at, ™™ 
Coquimbo, parallel roads of, iv. 18. 
Coral between lava currents in Wes 
Indies, iii. 294. `: 
Coral islands, iii. 274. 
—, beds of oysters, '&c., on, in the 
Pacific, iii. 276. 
—, their extent, iii. 280. 294. 298. 
—, linear direction of, iii. 280. 
, rate of growth of, iii. 282. 
Cordier, M., on rate of increase of heat 
in mines, ii. 313. 317. 
—, his theory of central heat and 
fluidity, i. 222. ; ii. 314. 
——, on tides in the internal melted 
ocean, ii. 319. mn 
Cordilleras shaken by earthquakes, » 
189. 203, 3 
Corinth, decomposition of rocks in, }” 
203. ; iv. 374. 
Cornwall, waste of cliffs of, i. 429. — 
—, land inundated by drift sand ín, 
iii. 191. 
——, temperature of mines in, ii. 313. 
—, granite veins of, iv. 340. 308. 
Corémandel, inundations of sea on coast 
of, iii. 198. 
Cortesi, i. 79. 
Cosmogony distinct from geology, i. 9 

k of 


Cosmogony of the Hindoos, i. 6, 

——, Egyptian, i. 12. 

-—— of the Koran, i. 31. 

Costa de Pujou, hill of, iv. 93. 

Costantini, deluge vindicated by, i. 60. 

Cotentin, tertiary formation of the, iv. 

Cotopaxi, ii. 43. 337. 

Coudes, tertiary red sandstone of, iv. 
148. ; 

Covelli, M., on increase of temperature 
of a hot spring in Ischia by earth- 
quake, ii. 188. 

Cowper, i. 98. 

Couze, R., lake formed by fillin 
its ancient bed by lava, iv, 193. 

Crag of England, fossils of the, iii. 336. ; 
Iv. Pls 72. fas 

—, its'age, composition, &c., iv. 71, 

——, lacustrine deposits resting on the, 
iv. 77. 

—, stratification of the, iv. 78. 

——, compared to Faluns of Touraine, 
iv. 116, 117. 

-——, its resemblance to formations now 
in progress, iv. 82. 

Cramer, Mr., on earthquake of New 
Madrid, ii. 204. 

Crantz on drift-wood, iii. 224. 

Craters of elevation, Von Buch’s theory 
of, considered, ii. 152. 

Crawfurd, Mr., his discovery of fossils 
in Ava, i. 50. 

Creation, supposed centres or foci of, 
iii. 81. 

Cremona, lakes filled up near, i. 279. 

Creta, argillaceous deposit called, iii. 
387. 397. 401. 

Cretaceous group, iv. 271. 

Crimea, waste of cliffs in the, ii. 12. 

Crocodile taken in the Rhone, iii. 50. 

Crocodiles imbedded by a river inunda- 
tion in Java, ii. 260. ; iii. 230. 234. 

Croizet, M., on extinct quadrupeds of 
Mont Perrier, iv. 136. 

——, on alluviums of Auvergne, iv. 197, 

Cromer, waste of cliffs of, i. 406. 

—, section near, iv. 83. 

Cropthorn, fossils found at, i. 145. 

Crowborough hill, height of, iv. 224. 

——, thickness of strata removed from 
summit of, iv. 259. 

Cruckshanks, Mr. A., on earthquake of 
Chili in 1822, ii. 190. 

——, on lines of ancient sea-cliffs on 
coast of Peru, iv. 17. 

g up of 




Cuckmere, transverse valley of the, iv. 

Culver cliff, i. 495. 

Cumana, earthquake of, ii. 207. 

Cumberland, slate rocks of, iv. 354. 389. 

Cuming, Mr., on earthquake at Valpa- 
raiso, 1822, ii. 19]. 

Currents from equatorial regions, i. 170. 

——, from the Pole to the Equator, i. 

—, section of débris deposited by 
opposing, i. 378. : 
——- Causes and velocity of, i. 382. 385. 
—, destroying and transporting power 

of, i. 392. ; ii. 30. 32. 34. 

——, in estuaries, their power, i. 400. 

—, in the Straits of Gibraltar, ii. 14. 

——-» reproductive effects of, ii. 22. 

—, on the British shores, ii, 22, 

—, distribution of drift-timber by, iif. 
225; $ 

Curtis, Mr., on ravages caused by 
aphides, iii. 93. 

Curtis, Mr. John, on power of the ti- 
pulæ to cross the sea, iii. 67. 

—, on number of British insects, iii . 

——, on fossil insects, iii. 229. ; iv. 211, 

Curves of the Mississippi, i. 283. : 

Cussac, fossils in alluvium under lava 
at, iv. 136. 

Cutch, changes caused by earthquake of 
1819 in, ii. 194. ; iii. 253. 435. ; iv. 174. 
253. 285. 

—, map of (see plate 5.), ii. 194. . 

Cuvier, on durability of bones of men, 
i. 246. ; iii. 245. ; 

——-,, on variability in species, ii. 391. 394. 

—, on identity of Egyptian mummies 
with living species, ii. 397. 

—, on number of fishes, iii. 149. 

—, on extinction of the dodo, iii. 113. 

—, on oolite fossils, i. 237.; iv. 310. 

——,on mammiferous remains of the 
Upper Val d’ Arno, iv. 138. 

—, on tertiary strata of Paris basin, 
iii. 332. ; iv. 166. 172. 179. 

Cuvier, M. F., on aptitude of some ani- 
mals to domestication, ii. 408. 

——, on influence of domestication, ii. 

Cyclops, island of, in bay of Trezza, iii. 

Cypris, fossil, iii. 262.; iv.. 150. 282. 

——, habits of living species of (see 

figs.) iv. 150. ‘ 



Dalman, M., on greywacké rocks of 
Sweden, iv. 300. 
Dangerfield, Captain F., on buried cities 
in Central India, iii. 194. 
Daniell, Professor, on the trade-winds, 
i. 188. 
——, on melting point ofiron, ii. 314. 
__—., on fusion of metals, ii. 317. 
—_—, on deoxidating power of hydrogen, 
ij. 328. 
Danish Archipelago, undermined by 
currents, ii. 12. 
Dante, embankment of rivers noticed 
by, i. 281. 
Dantzic, waste of land near, ii. 12. 
D’ Anville, M., on gain of land in Red 
Sea, ii. 28. 
Darby on drift-wood of Mississippi, 1.286. 
——, on lakes formed by Red River, i. 
__—, on marine strata of Lower Louis- 
iana, i. 291. 
—, on delta of Mississippi, i. 365. 
Darent, transverse valley of the, iv. 238. 
Dartmoor granite, iv. 368. 
Paubeny, Dr. on mineral springs, i. 309. 
__—, on country round the Dead Sea, i. 
, on Mount Vultur, ii. 57. 
——,on decomposition of trachyte, ii. 
90. ; iv. 374. 
—— , on flowing of lava under water, ii. 
——, on vicinity of volcanos to the sea, 
ii. 347. 
—, on agency of air and water in vol- 
canos, ii. 349. 351. 
——., on nitrogen in mineral springs, iii. 
—, on Val di Noto limestone, iii. 387. 
——, on eruption of Vesuvius in 1834, 
iii. 424. 
ses for volcanic region of Olot, iv. 91. 
—, on volcanic district of Lower 
Rhine and Eifel, iv. 113. 
__—, on Auvergne volcanos, iv. 200. 
D Aubuisson cited, i. 103. 5 ili, 422. 
Daun, lake-craters near, iv. 104. 
Davis, Mr., on the Chinese deluge, i. 
Davy, Sir F., onlake of the Solfatara, 
44, 320. 
——-, on formation of travertin, i. 321. 

Davy, Sir H., his theory of progressive 
development, i. 297. 

—, on eruption of Vesuvius, ii. 85- 

——, on chemical agency of electricity, 
ii. 323. 

——, his theory ofan unoxidated Me- 
tallic nucleus, ii. 327. 

—, on agency of air and water in vol- 
canos, ii. 349. 351. 

—, his analysis of peat, iii. 177. 

Davy, Dr., on Graham Island, ii. 152. 

—, ona helmet taken up from the sea 
near Corfu, iii. 251. 

Davy, Rev. C., on Lisbon earthquake, 
ii. 352. 

Dax, tertiary formations of, iil. 338.5 
iv. 119. 

—, inland cliff near, iv. 124. 

Dead Sea, waters of, i. 331. ‘ 

—, the country around it volcanic, i. 
331. ; ii. 54. i 

De Candolle on hybrid plants, ii. 491. 

—, on distribution of plants, iii. 4, 5. 

—, on agency of man in dispersion of 
plants, iii. 22. 

—, on stations of plants, iii. 87. 

—, on the barriers which separate dis- 
tinct botanical provinces, iii. 144. 

—, on number of land plants, iii. 148- 

—, on longevity of trees, iii. 428. 

Dee, R., bridge over, swept away by 
floods, i. 267. K 

Deer, their powers of swimming, jji. 39- 

—, formerly abundant in Scotland, 
iii. 110. 

—, remains of, in marl lakes, iii. 936. 

Deguer on remains of ships, &¢- in 
Dutch peat-mosses, iii. 187. 

De la Beche, Mr., on greywacké fossils, 
1. 201. 

——, on delta of Rhone in Lake of Ge 
neva, i. 338. . 

—, on storm of Nov. 1824, i. 429. 

——, on earthquake of Jamaica, 1692, 
ii. 263. 
——, on action of rain in the tropics» 

iii. 165. 
=, On 

drifting of plants to sea by 
hurricanes, iii. 225. 

—, on coral formations, iii. 288. : 

—, on alternation of coral and lava 3? 
Isle of France, iii. 294. 

——., on fossil forest of I. of 
iv. 285. 



Dela Beche, Mr., on granite of Dart- 
moor, iv. 368. 

De la Hire on fossil wood from Ava, 
1692, i. 49. 

Delhi territory, elephants in, i. 152, 

Delille on wheat in Egyptian tombs, 
ik 398. i 

-—— on native country of wheat, ii, 

Delta of the Adige, i. 350. 

—— of the Brenta, i. 350. 

— of the Burrampooter, i. 358, 

—— of the Ganges, i. 358. 

—, its stratification, i. 376. 

—— of the Isonzo, i, 350. , 

—— of the Mississippi, i. 364, 376, 

— of the Niger, size of, iv. 309, 

— of the Nile, i. 353. ; iii. 348, 

— of the Po, i. 350. 

—_—of Rhone, in Lake of Geneva, i. 
337. ; iii. 346. 

of Rhone, in Mediterranean, i, 


of the Tagliamento, i. 350. 

Deltas, chronological computations of 
age of, i. 339. 

——, of Lake Superior, i. 342. 

——, of the Baltic, i. 344. 

——, oceanic, i. 357. 

——, grouping of strata in, i. 371. 

——, independent in same basin, i. 373. 

De Luc, his treatise on geology, 1809, 
i. 99, 

——, on origin of granite, i. 102. 

—, on age of deltas, i. 342. 

——, on conversion of forests into peat. 
mosses, iii, 181. 

——, on the deluge, iv. 203. 

De Luc, M. G. A., his natural chrono- 
meters, iii. 188. 

Deluge, ancient theories on causes of, 
i. 32. 46. 53. 55. 57, 58. 60. 74. 

—, fossil shells referred to the, i. 34. 
57. ; 

—, on changes caused by the, iv. 201. 

——, M. de Beaumont on cause of his- 
torical, iv. 218. 

Deluges part of the present course of 
Nature, i. 133. 

——., local, how caused, i. 10. 292. 

——, traditions of different, i. 10. 21.74. ; 
ii. 52. ; 

Demaillet, speculative views of, ii. 373. 

Denmark, tertiary strata of, iv. 87. 

Denodur volcano, ii. 195. 

Denudation, effects of, iii. 165. 349. 352. 



Denudation of valley of the Weald,iv.221, 

Deposition of sediment, rate at which 
the finer kinds subside, ii. 34. 

—, shifting of the areas of, iii, 345, 

Derbyshire, Whitehurst on, i. 79. 

Descartes, iii, 426. 

Deshayes, M., on fossil shells, iii. 339 
369. 374. 387. 402. ; iv. 23, 28. 71. 131. 
141. 175. 272. 279. 327. 

——, 0n subdivisions of the tertiary 
strata, iii. 366. 

=, on limestone of Blaye, iv. 129. 

Desjardin, M., bones of the dodo found 
under lava by, iii. 113. 

Desmarest considered geology a branch 
of physical geography, i. 5. $ 

—, on Auvergne, i. 86. 

——, on the separation of England from 
France, i. 420. 

Desmoulins, M. Ch., on Eocene depo. 
sits near Bordeaux, iv. 123, 

—, on fossils of S. of France, iv, 119. 

Desnoyers, M., on human remains in 
caves, iii, 215. = 

—, 0n tertiary formations of Touraine 
iii. 338. 366. ; iv. 115. 117. i 

—, on fossils ofthe Orleannais, iy, 137, 

——- on alternation of plastic clay and 
calcaire grossier in Paris basin, iv. 168, 

——, on the Cotentin, iv. 208. ` 

Deucalion’s deluge, i. 21. 

Diceras limestone, iv. 289. 

Didelphis, fossil, in oolite, i. 237. 

Dikes, composition and position of, ij, 
85. ; iü. 390. 392. 417, 421.'; iv. 5. 24, ° 

— how caused, iii. 85.; iv. 6. _ 

——, changes caused by, iii. 392, 417.3 iv. 
364. 378. i 

Diluvial theories, iv. 201. 

—— waves, whether there are signs of 
their occurrence on Etna, iii. 431, 

—, no signs of in Campania, iv. 14, 

Dimlington height, waste of, i. 402. 

Diodorus Siculus cited, ii. 53. 115. 

Dion Cassius cited, ii. 68. 

Dodo, recent extinction of the, iii. 119. 

Dog, varieties of the, ii. 367. 393. 

——, its distinctness from the wolf, ii, 

——, hybrids between wolf and, ii, 494. 

——, examples of acquired instincts hee 
reditary in the, ii. 409, 

—— has run wild in America, iii. 115, 

Doggerbank, Capt. Hewett on the, ii. 

Dollart, formation of estuary of the, jiy. 



Dolomieu on the Val di Noto, Vicentin, 
and Tyrol, i. 87. 

— on lavas of Etna, i. 87. 

_ on decomposition of granite, i. 333. 

—— on earthquake of 1783-in Calabria, 
ii. 213. 215. 229. 242. 

Domestication, aptitude possessed by 
some animals to, ii. 408. 419. 

——., influence of, ii. 413. 

Dominica, coral between two lava eur- 
rents in, iii. 294. 5 iv. 22. 

Don, R., transportation of rocks by, i. 

Donati on bed of Adriatic, i. 68, 127. 
Soin iy 272; j 

D’Orbigny cited, iv. 176. 

Dorsetshire, landslip in, i. 427. 

—, waste of cliffs of, i. 429. 

—, valleys of elevation in, iv. 249. 

Doue, M. Bertrand de, on tertiary strata 
of Velay, iv. 136. 157, 158, 190. 

—, on Auvergne alluviums, iv. 197. 

Dover, waste of chalk cliffs of, i, 419. 

——, depth of sea near, i. 420. 

——, formation of Straits of, i. 420. - 

——, strata at foot of cliffs of, i. 422. ; iv. 

Downham buried by blown sand, iii. 191. 

Dranse, R., i. 295. 297. 

Drift-sand of African deserts, iii. 188. 

Drift-wood of Mississippi, i. 284. 287- 

—, imbedding of, iii. 219. 

~—, abundant in North Sea, iii, 224. 

Drinkwater, Mr., i. 100. 

Drongs, granitic rocks of Shetland,worn 
by the sea, i. 397. 

Drontheim, ii. 302. 

Druids, their doctrines, i. 27. 

Du Bois, M., on tertiary strata of Vol- 
hynia and Podolia, iv. 152. . 

Dufrénoy, M., on the Pyrenees, i. 211. ; 
iv. 368. 

—, on tertiary strata of S. of France, 
iv. 119. 121. 124. 

——, on limestone of Blaye, iv. 123. 

—, on hill of Gergovia, iv. 186. 

——., on age of red marl and rock-salt of 
Cardona, iv. 316. 

—, on chalk of S. of France, iv. 276. 

Dujardin, M., on shells, &c. brought up 
by artesian well at Tours, i. 307. 

——, on foraminifera of Paris basin, iv, 

Dunes, hills of blown sand, i. 404. ; ii. 

BL; iv. 815 


Dunwich, destroyed by the sea, i. 411. 

—, crag strata in cliffs near, iv. 77. 79- 

Durance, R., land-shells drifted by thes 
iii, 360. 

Dureau dela Malle, M., cited, ii. 393- 

Durham, waste of coast of, i. 402. 


Earth, antiquity of the, i. 35. 

—, on changes in its axis, i. 53. 57. 

——, proportion of land and sea on its 
surface, i, 221. 

—, spheroidal form of the, ii. 309. 

——, mean density of the, ii. 311. 

—, electric currents in the, ii, 324. 

—, sections of the (see figs. 59, 60.)s ii. 
316. 333. 

—, effects produced by the powers of 
vitality on its surface, iii. 153. 

Earth’s crust, signs of a succession of for- 
mer changes recognizable in, iii. 303. 

——, arrangement of materials com- 
posing the, iii. 311. S 

Earthquakes, energy of, probably uni- 
form, i. 94. 132. 

—, earth’s surface continually Te- 
modelled by, i. 181. 

, all countries liable to slight shocks 

of, ii. 59. 

—— chronologically described, see Vol. 
Il. p. 181. e¢ seq. 

——, phenomena attending, ii. 182. 

—, in Cutch, 1819, see map, ii. 194. 

___, in Calabria, 1783, ii. 210. 

—, difficulty of measuring the effects 
of, ii. 217. 

—, chasms formed by, ii. 224, ie 

—, excavation of valleys aided by, 1! 
237. ; iii. 442. 

—, renovating effects of, ii. 353. 358. 

—, cause of the wave-like motion of, 
ii, 335. i 

——, cause of retreat of sea during, 1+ 
254. A 

— , ravages caused by sea during, } 

—, several thousand people entombed 
in caverns during, iii. 207. 

_—, their effects in imbedding 
and forests, iii. 252. i 

—, in the Pacific, iii. 296. 

—, causes of volcanos and, ii. 307. 

East Indian Archipelago, tertiary form 
ations of, iv. 23. a 



SS a aS Se Deen tne enema 


Ecchellensis, Abraham, i, 23. 

Edmonstone Island, i. 360. ex 

Edwards, Mr. M., on corals of the crag, 
iv. 73. 

Eels, migrations of, iii. 53. 

Egerton, Rev. Mr., on delta of the Ran. 
der, iv. 69. 

Egypt, nearly exempt from earthquakes, 
is G57: ‘ 

—-, cities and towns buried under drift. 
sand in, iii. 188.190. 

` Egyptian cosmogony, i. 12. 249, 

— mummies identical with species 
still living, ii. 395. 

Ehrenberg, M. C. G., found Bengal tiger 
in Siberia, i. 147. 

— on corals of Red Sea, iii. 275. 283. 
288. 293. 359. 

Ehrenhausen, coralline limestone of, iv. 

Eichwald, M., on tertiary deposits of 
Volhynia and Podolia, iv. 132. 

Eifel, volcanos of the, iv. 101. 

—, lake-craters of the, iv. 102. 

~—., trass of the, and its origin, iv. 108. 

Electricity, a source of volcanic heat, 
ii. 323. 

——, whence derived, ii. 326. 

Elephant, fossil, in ice on shores of 
North Sea, i. 80. 151. 

€ Elephant Bed’ at Brighton, i. 422. ; iv. 
261. 267. : 

Elephants covered with hair in Delhi, i. 

——, their sagacity not attributable to 
their intercourse with man, ii. 418. 

=, their powers of swimming, iii. 33. 

Elevation of land, how caused, i. 50. ; 
ji. 184. 189. 256. 339. 5 iii. 436. 

——., proofs of successive, iii. 440. 

Elevation and subsidence, proportion of, 
ii. 355. 

Elevation craters, Von Buch’s theory 
of, considered, ii. 152. 

Elevation valleys, ii. 176. ; iv. 246. 

Elizabeth or Henderson’s Island de 
scribed, iii. 295. 

Elsa, travertin formed by the, i. 312. 

——, freshwater formations of the, iv. 

Embankment, system of, in Italy, i. 

——, gain of land in Adriatic more rapid 
in consequence of, i. 351. 

Emu in Australia will become extermi. 
nated, iii, 112. 




Engetharat on the Caspian Sea, ii, iis 
iii. 126, 

England, waste of cliffs on coast of, i. 

——, slight shocks of earthquakes felt 
in, ii. 59. 

—, height of tides on east coast of, i. 
381. 409, 

»——, tertiary strata of, iii. 335, 336. ; iv. 

E E Oil, 

—, excavation of valleys in S.E. of, iv. 

——, geological map of S.E. of, iv. 221. 

Eocene period, derivation of the term, 
iii. 370. 

——, fossils of the, iii. 371. 373, 

—, freshwater formations of, iv. 143. 

, marine formations of, iv. 164. 

—, physical geography, fauna and 

flora of the, iv. 181. 
—, volcanic rocks of, iv. 184. 

——-, map of principal tertiary pasina of, 
iv. 209. 

—, alluviums of, iv. 263. 
—, chasm between secondary form- 
ations and those of, iv. 279, 
~—, hypogene rocks formed since, iv. 
Epomeo, Monte, height, &c., iv. 11. 
—, shells in tuff near summit of, iv.12. 
Equatorial current, i. 170. 
Equinoxes, precession of the, i. 178. 
Erhebungscratere, theory of, considered, 
ii. 159; 
Erie, lake, rapidly filling up, i. 278. 
—-, peninsula cut through by, ii. 11. 
Erman, M., on specific gravity of sea. 
water, i, 172. 
—, on level of Caspian, ili. 126.; iv. 
Erratic blocks of the Alps, iv. 46. 
—, transported by ice, i. 269, ; iv. 48. 
Eruptions, volcanic, number of, per 
year, ii. 178. 
—, cause of, ii. 307. 341. 
Erzgebirge, mica slate of the, i. 84. 
Escarpments, manner in which sea de. 
stroys successive lines of, iii. 440. ; iv, 
— of chalk in Weald valley, once 
sea cliffs, iv. 227, 228. 
Escher, M., on flood in valley of Bagnes, 
i. 296. 
Eschscholtz Bay, fossils of, i. 153, 
Escrinet, Pass of, conglomerate forming 
at, iii. 210, . 


Essex, inroads of sea on coast of, i. 415. 

Estuary, deposits, arrangement of, iii. 

Estuaries described, i. 401. 

——, new ones in Holland, ii. 7 

—, how formed, ii. 23. 

—, tides in, ii. 24. 

——, gain of land in, does not compen- 
sate loss of coast, ii. 25. 

——., imbedding of freshwater species 
in, iii. 262. 

Eternity of the earth, or of present sys- 
tem of changes, nof assumed in this 
work, iv. 392. 

Etna, description of, ii. 71. 111.3 iii 
397. 407. 421. 

—, lavas of, i. 272. 371.5 11) 175. 

-——, minor volcanos on, ii. 113. 

——., buried cones on flanks of, ii, 114.5 
iii. 415. 

——, eruptions of, ii. 115. 120.; iii. 413. 

——, towns overflowed by lava of, ik: 
118. ; iii. 193. 

—, subterranean caverns on, ii. 120. 

——, great floods on, ii. 123. 
—, glacier under lava on, ii. in 

__, marine formations at ite er al. 
158. ; iii. 397. 401. 

—, great valley on east side of, ili. 407. 

_—, form, composition, and origin of 
the dikes on, iii. 417. 

——, subsidences on, iii, 424, 

—, antiquity of cone of, iii. 426. 

——, whether signs of diluvial waves are 
observable on, iii. 431. 

Euganean Hills, lavas of, ii. 60. 

Europe, newest tertiary strata of, iii. 

—, geological map of (see plate 2.), i. 

——., large portions of, submerged when 
secondary strata formed, iii. 341. 

European tertiary strata, successive 
origin of, iii. 335. 

European alluviums in great part ter- 
tiary, iv. 45. 

Euxine burst its barrier, according to 
Strabo, i. 25. 

—, gradually filling up, i. 25. 

-—, see Black Sea. 

Evaporation, quantity of water carried 
off by, i. 350. 386.; ii. 14. 

—, currents caused by, i. 386. 

Everest, Mr., on island of Munkholm, 
ii, 302. 


Everest, Rev. R., on climate of fossil 
elephant, i. 152. 

—, on sediment of Ganges, i. 367. 
Excavation of valleys, ii. 237.3; iv. 263. 
Extinction of species, successive, part of 

the economy of nature, iii..134. 142. 
Eyderstede overwhelmed by sea, ii. 13. 


Fabio Colonna, i. 39. 

Facial angle, ii. 437. 

Fair Island, action of the sea on, i. 399. 

Falconi on elevation of coast of Bay of 
Baiæ, ii. 281. 

Falloppio on fossils, i. 36. 

Falls of Niagara, i. 275. 

— of St. Mary, i, 343. 

Faluns of Touraine, iv. 115. 

——, compared to the English crag, iv- 

——, how formed, iv. 117. 

—, fossils of, iv. 116. 119. 

Faraday, Mr., on water of the Geysers, 
i. 328. 

—, on slow deposition of sulphate of 
baryta powder, ii. 35. 
—, on electric currents in the earth, 

ii, 325. 

—-, on metallic reduction by voltaic 
agency, ii. 328. 

—, on liquefaction of gases, ii. 337. 

—, experiments of, on carbonate of 
lime, iv. 366. 

Faroe Islands, deposits forming near thes 
Tits, ofc 

Farquharson, Rev. J., on floods in Scot- 
land, i. 267. 

Fasano, marine strata near, iii. 401. 

Faujas, on Velay and Vivarais, 1779 
i. 86. 

Ferishta, i. 9. 

Ferrara on lavas of Etna, i. 371. 

—— on floods on Etna, ii.124. 

— on earthquake in Sicily, ii. 208. 

Ferruginous springs, i. 330. 

Férussac on distribution of testacea, 
iii. 56. 

Fetlar, effect of lightning on rocks of, 
i, 394. 

Fez, earthquakes in, ii. 57. 

Fife, coast of, submarine forests ON, 
i. 401. 

——, encroachments of sea on, i. 401. 

Findhorn, town swept away by se» 
i. 399, 


Finochio, rock of, iii. 420. 

Firestone of Weald valley, iv. 222, 

——, terrace formed by, iv. 229. 

Fish, their geographical distribution, 
iii. 52. 

—, migrations of, iii, 53. 

——, fossil, 1, 235.5 ili. 272. 358.5. iv. 
292, 296. 

Fissures, sulphur, &c. ejected by, ii, 209. 

—— caused by earthquake of 1783 in 
Calabria, li. 218. 222. 225, 

—, cause of the opening and closing 
of, ii, 262. 

—, preservation of organic remains in, 
iii. 201. 

Fitton, Dr., on history of English geo- 
logy, i. 73. 

—, on valley of the Weald, iv. 229, 
225. 231. 252. 281, 282. 284. 

——, on a line of vertical and inclined 
strata from I. of Wight to Boulogne, 
iv. 260. 

—, on Maestricht beds, iv. 272. 274. 

——, on delta of Niger, iv. 309. 

FitzRoy, Capt., on earthquake in Chili, 
1835, ii. 185. 187. 192. 

Fiume Salso, in Sicily, iv. 178. 

Flagstones and slates, difference be- 
tween, iv. 356. 

Flamborough Head washed into caves, 
i. 402. 

Fleming, Dr., on uniformity in climate, 
i, 140. 

——,, on food of fossil elephant, i. 146. 

——-, on submarine forests, i. 401. ; iii. 

——, on rapid flight of birds, iii. 48. 

——, on turtles taken on coast of Eng- 
land, iii. 50. 

, on changes in the animal king- 
dom caused by man, iii. 109. 

—, on stranding of cetacea, iii. 266. 

——, on fossils of the crag, iv. 73. 

——, on effects of the deluge, iv. 204. 

Flinders on coral reefs, iii. 275. 280. 
291. i 

Flint on course of Mississippi, &c., i. 
289. 285. ; 

—— on earthquakes in Mississippi val- 
ley, ii. 204. 

Flood, supposed effects of the, iv. 201. 

—, hypothesis of a partial, iv. 201. 

Floods, bursting of lakes, &c., i. 292. 

—— in North America, i. 293. 

—— in valley of Bagnes, i. 295. 

—— in Scotland, i, 266. ; iii, 233. 

Floods at Tivoli, i, 298. 

— on Etna, ii. 123. 

Floridia, limestone of, iii. 387. 

Fluvia, R., ravines in lava excavated 
by, iv. 93. 97. 

Foah, advance of delta of Nile near, i. 

Folkestone, subsidence of land at, i. 422. 

Fontenelle, his eulogy on Palissy, i. 39. 

Foraminifera of the crag, iv. 75. 

—— of the Paris basin, iv. 176. 

Forbes, Mr., on Bay of Baia, ii. 277. 

——, on temple of Serapis, ii. 279. 

Forchhammer, Dr., on tertiary strata of 
Denmark, iv. 88. 

Forest ridge of Weald valley, iv. 231. 

—, faults in strata of the, iv. 231. 

——, thickness of masses removed from 
the, iv. 259. 

Forests, influence of, iii. 163. 165. 168, 

, sites of, now covered by peat, iii. 


—, destroyed by insects, iii. 173. 

——, submarine, i. 400. ; iii, 296. 

Forfarshire, encroachments of sea on 
coast of, i. 400. 

——, mar] lakes of, iii. 259. 300. 

——, composition of secondary rocks of, 
iv. 377. 

Forio, earthquake near, ii. 188. . 

Formosa, earthquakes in, ii. 48. 

Forster, Mr., on coral reefs, iii. 275. 

Forsyth on climate of Italy, ii. 110. 

Fortis on Arabian doctrine of new ge. 
nera and species, i. 24. 

, Views of Arduino confirmed by, i. 


—— and Testa on fossil fish of Monte 
Bolca, i. 78. 

Fossa Grande, section of Vesuvius seen 
in, iii. 410. 

Fossilization of organic remains on 
emerged land, iii. 177. 

—— in peat mosses, iii. 182. 

—— in caves and fissures, iii. 201. 

— in alluvium and landslips, iii. 197. 

—— in volcanic formations on land, iii. 

—— in subaqueous deposits, iii, 218. 

—— by river floods, iii. 231. 

—— in marl lakes, iii, 236. 

—— of plants ,and animals partial, iii, 

Fossils, speculations concerning their 
nature, i, 42, 45. 47. 

T 4 


Fossils, formerly all referred to the 
deluge, i. 43. 

— of the coal strata, i. 158. 201. 231. 

—,, distinctness of secondary and ter- 
tiary, i. 211. ; iv. 279. 

——, mammiferous, of successive ter- 
tiary eras, iii. 379. 

——. See Organic Remains. 

Fourier, Baron, on temperature of 
spaces surrounding our atmosphere, i. 

—, on central heat, i. 222. 

——, on radiation of heat, i. 223. 

Fournet, M., on alluvium in ancient 
fissures, iv. 198, 

——, on disintegration of rocks, iv. 373. 

——, 0n mineral veins, iv. 375. 

Fox, Mr., on heat in mines, ii. 313. 

——, on electric currents in the earth, 
ii. 324. 

France, waste of coast of, i. 431. 

——, caves of, iii. 213, 

Franconia, caves of, iii. 210. 

Frankfort, tertiary strata near, iv. 132. 

Franklin on a whirlwind in Maryland, 
iii. 11, 

Freshwater formations, species of tes- 
tacea few in, ili. 265. 

——, secondary, why rare, iv. 314. 

Freshwater plants and animals fossil- 
ized, 1N'268,.202) 

Freyberg, school of, i. 81. 92. 

Freyer, Mr., on earthquake in Chili, ii. 

—-, on Isle of San Lorenzo, iv. 17. 

Fries on dispersion of cryptogamic 
plants, iii. 13. 

Frisi on influence of vegetation, iii. 

Fuchsel, opinions of, 1762, i. 76. 

Funchal, rise of sea during earthquake 
at, ii. 254, ` 

Fuveau, in Provence, tertiary strata of, 
iv. 210. 


Gabel Tor, volcano of, ii. 58.; iv. 96, 

Galieri, a bed of corals among igneous 
formations at, iii, 396. 

Gambier coral island, iii. 290. 

Ganges, delta of the, i. 358. 376. 

——, its ancient mouths, i. 358. 

———, inundations of the, i, 363. ; iii 


Ganges, quantity of sediment in waters 
of, i. 367. 

—— and Burrampooter not yet com- 
pletely united, i. 376. 

——, islands formed by the, iii. 170. 

—, bones of men found in delta of, iii. 

Gannat, freshwater limestone of, iv. 

Gardner on destruction of Dunwich by 
the sea, i. 412. © 

Gardner, Mr., cited, i. 177. 221. 

Garnets, in altered shale, iv. 365. 

Garrinada, hill of, iv. 93. 

Gases, liquefaction of, ii. 337. 

—, evolved by volcanos, ii. 348. 

—, passage of, through rocks, iv. 372. 

Gaulish Druids, i, 27. 

Gault of Weald valley, iv. 222. 

—, valley formed at its out-crop, iv. 
230. : 

Gavarnie, cirque of, iii. 415. 

—, lamination of clay-slate near, iv. — 

Gay-Lussac, M., on the vibration of 
solid bodies, ii. 337. 

——, on agency of water in volcanos, ii, 

Gefle, upraised shelly deposit near, ii. 
298. 301. 

Gemmellaro on eruption of Etna in 
dof it Lon 

— or ice under lava, ii. 124. 

Gemunder Maar, view of, iv. 104. 

Generation, spontaneous, theory of, 1. 

Generelli, on state of geology in Europe 
in middle of 18th century, i. 62. 

—, on effects of earthquakes in recent 
times, i. 65, 66. 93. 

Geneva, lake of, men drowned above 
Martigny floated into, i. 296. 

— , delta of Rhone in, i. 337. 372. ; iii. 

Genoa, tertiary strata at, iv. 63. 

Geognosy of Werner, i. 81. 

Geographical distribution of plants, ii. 

A Paimas, it: 27, 

— of birds, iii. 45. 

— of reptiles, iii. 49, 

—— of fishes, iii. 52. 

—— of testacea, iii, 55. 

——. of zoophytes, iii. 61, 

—— of insects, iii. 62. 

—— of man, iii. 68, 


Geography, proofs of former changes in 
physical, i. 199. 214. 

—, effect of changes in, on species, iii. 

Geological Society of London, i. 104. 

Geological theories, causes of error in, 
i. 110. 

Geology defined, i. 1. 

—— compared to history, i. 1. 

——, its relation to other physical 
sciences, i, 2. 

—— distinct from cosmogony, i. 5. 

—— considered by Werner as part of 
mineralogy, i. 5. 

—, causes of its retardation, i, 42, 97. 

, state of, in Europe, before middle 

of last century, i. 63. 

——, modern progress of, i. 104, 

Georges Gemund, freshwater strata of, 
iv. 133. 

Georgia, in island of, perpetual snow to 
level of sea, i. 175. 193. 

Gerbanites, an Arabian sect, their doc- 
trines, i. 24. 

Gergovia, section of hill of, iv. 186. 

German Ocean, filling up, ii. 29. 

Gesner, John, en organic remains, i. 71. 

Geysers of Iceland, i. 328. ; ii. 342. 

, cause of their intermittent action, 

ii. 344, 

Giacomo, St., 
411, 412. 419. 

Gian Greco, fall of cliffs during earth- 
quake, ii. 236, 

Gibbon cited, i. 120. 

Gibraltar, birds’ bones in breccia at, iii. 

——,, Straits of, ii. 14. : 

„supposed under-current in, ii. 15. 

Gillenfeld, Pulvermaar of, iv. 105. 

Girard, M., on mud of the Nile, i. 355. 

—, on former union of Mediterranean 
and. Red Sea, ii. 31. 

Girgenti, tertiary strata at, iii. 385. 

Gironde, tides in its estuary, ii. 24. 

—, tertiary strata of basin of, iv. 119. 

Glacier, under lava, on Etna, ii. 124. 

Glaciers, formation of, i. 156. 269. 

—— of Spitzbergen, i. 172. 

——., transportation of rocks by, i. 269. ; 
iv. 47. 

Glen Roy, parallel roads of, iv. 18. 

Glen Tilt, granite veins of, i. 90. 

——., junction of limestone and granite 
in, iv. 340. 

valley of, described, iii. 


Gloger, M., cited, iii. 75, 
Gloucestershire, gain of land in, i. 430. - 
Gly, R., tertiary strata in valley of tiles 
iv. 69. 
Gmelin on distribution of fish, iii. 54. 
Gneiss, mineral composition of, iv. 361. 
» passage of, into granite, iv. 363. 
, whence derived, iv. 363. 375. 
Goats, multiplication of, in South Ame- 
rica, iii, 115. 
Godman on migrations of rein-deer, iii. 
Goebel, Mr., on level of Caspian, iv. 
Golden age, doctrine whence derived, i. 
Goldfuss, Professor, on the greywacké, 
iv. 299, 
Goodwin Sands, i. 418. 
Goree on new island, ii. 163. 
Gothenburg, rise of land near, ii. 297. 
Gozzo degli Martiri, dikes at, iii. 390. 
——, View of valley of, iii. 439, 
Graah, Capt., on subsidence of Green- 
land, ii. 302. 
Graham, Mrs., on earthquake of Chili 
in 1822, ii. 190. 
Graham Island, ii. 146. ; iii. 393. 
—, Views of, see wood-cuts, ii; 147, 
148, 149. 
—, depth of sea from which it rose, ii. 
——, arrangement of the ejected ma. 
terials on, ii. 148. 
Grammichele, strata near, iii. 387. 
» bones of mammoth in alluvium at, 
iv, 48, 
Grampians, granite veins of the, iv. 342. 
Granada, tertiary strata of, iv. 70, 
Granite of the Hartz, greywacké slate 
with organic remains found in, i. 84. 
—, disintegration of, in Auvergne, i, 

—, junction of limestone and, in Glen 
Tilt, iv. 340. 

——, formed at different periods, iii, 
317. 3 iv..343. 

—, passage from trap into, iv. 348. 

—, origin of, iji. 316.; iv. 350. 

——., passage of gneiss into, iv. 363. 371. 

——, changes produced by its contact 
with strata of lias and oolite in the 
Alps, iv. 369. 

Granite veins, their various forms and 



mineral compésition, i. 90.3 iv. $38. 

Graves, Lieut., on diffusion of insects 
by the wind, iii. 66. 

Graves, Mr., on distribution of the bus- 
tard, iii, 111. 

Graves, M , on Valley of Bray, iv. 287. 

Gravesend, indentations in chalk filled 
with sand, &c., near, iv. 217. 

Grecian Archipelago, new isles of the, 
i. 76. 

——,, volcanos of the, ii. 58. 

—, chart and section of, ii. 161. 

Greece, earthquakes in, iii. 207. 

Greenland, why colder than Lapland, ï. 

——, earthquakes in, ii. 58. 

—, gradual subsidence of, ii. 302. 340. 

—, timber drifted to shores of, iii. 

Greenough, Mr., on fossil shells from 
borders of Red Sea, iv. 26. 

Greville, Dr., on drift sea-weed, iii. 16. 

Greywacké formations, fossils of, 1. 200. 
932.3 iv. 297. 

—— of the Eifel, iv. 102. 

——., classification of the, iv. 298. 

Grifone, Monte, caves in, iv. 41. 

Grimaldi on earthquake of 1783 in Ca- 

labria, li. 212. 225. 228. 

Grind of the Navir, passage forced by 
sea in Shetland Islands, i. 596. 

Grosceil tertiary strata at, iv. 24. 

Grosse, Dr., on baths of San Filippo, i. 

Grotto del Cane, i. 332. 

Gryphyte limestone, iv. 291. 

Guadaloupe, human skeletons of, iii. 

—, volcanos in, iv. 22.. 

Guatimala, active volcanos in, ii. 45. » 

, town of, swallowed up by earth- 

quakes, ii. 248. 

Guettard, on the Vivarais, i. 86. 

Guiana, its maritime district formed by 
sediment of the Amazon, ii. 33. 

Guidotti, Signor, on Subapennine fossils, 
iii, 364. 

——, on shells in gypsum of Monte 
Cerio, iv. 54. 

Guilding, Rev. L., on migration of boa. 
constrictor, iii. 51. 

Guinea current, i. 383. 

Güldenstädt on distinctness of the dog 
and wolf, ii. 394. 

Gulf stream, i. 170, 384. 391. ; 

iii, 14. 


Gulholmen, island of, gradually rising, 
ii. 297. 
Gun-barrel, with shells attached, found 
in sands, iii. 250. 
Gunnell, Mr., on loss of land in Sheppey» 
i. 415. 3 
Gypsum and marls of Paris basin, 
—, bones of quadrupeds, &c., in, iv- 
, of St, Romain on the Allier, iV: 
154. j 
, Subapennine, iv. 54. 
Gyrogonite described, iii. 259. 



Habitations of plants described, iii. 5.. 

Hall, Sir J., his experiments on rocks, 

Hall, Capt. B., on Falls of Niagara, i 
, on width of Mississippi, i. 282. 
——, on islands in Mississippi, i. 284. 
—, on drift-wood in Mississippi, i. 287- 

—,on flood in valley of Bagnes, i. 

——, on the trade winds, i. 389. 

——, on volcanic eruption in Tierra del 
Fuego, ii. 41. 

—, on temple of Serapis, ii. 274. 

—-, on isle of Cyclops, iii. 403. 

——, on parallel roads of Coquimbo, iv- 

—, on dikes in Madeira, iv. 24. 

—, on veins in the Table Mountain, 
Cape of Good Hope, iv. 339. 

Hall, Mr. J., on temple of Serapis, ii. 

Hallstrom, Col., on rise of land in Gulf 
of Bothnia, ii. 291. 

Hamilton, Sir W., on mass covering 
Herculaneum, ii. 99. 

—, on earthquake of 1783, in Cala- 
bria, ii, 213. 229, 232. 

_——., on earthquakes attending eruption 
of Monte Nuovo, ii. 281. 

——, on eruption of Vesuvius in 1779; 
ti. 82. 174.3 iv. 7. 

Hamilton, Sir Charles, on submerged 
buildings of Port Royal, iii. 255. 

Hampshire, Brander on fossils of, i. 77. 

—, submarine forest on coast of, t1- 


Hampshire, tertiary formations of, iii. 
335.3 iv. 211. 215. 

——, on former continuity of the basins 
of London and, iv. 219. 

Happisborough, crag strata near, iv, 79, 

Harcourt, Rev. W. V. V., on bones of 
mammoth, &c. in Yorkshire, i. 145. 

Harlbucht bay, ii. 8. 

Harris, Hon, C., on sunk vessel off 
Poole harbour, iii. 246. 

——, on a submarine forest on coast of 
Hampshire, iii. 228. 

Hartmann, Dr., on greywacké fossils in 
granite of the Hartz, i. 84. 

Hartsoeker on sediment in waters of 
Rhine, i. 366. 

Hartz mountains, i. 84. ; iv: 332. 

Harwich, waste of cliffs at, i. 415. 

Hastings sands, their composition, iv. 

——, anticlinal axis formed by, iv. 225, 

Hatfield moss, trees found in, iii. 180. 

Haute Loire, freshwater formation, iv. 

Headen Hill, section of, iv. 216. 

Heat, laws which govern the diffusion 
of, i. 166. 

——, its influence on consolidation of 
strata, iv. 317. 

Heber, Bishop, on animals inhabiting 
the Himalaya mountains, i, 152. 

Hebrides, volcanic rocks of the, iv. 

Hecla, columnar basalt of, i. 85. 

—, eruptions of, ii. 126. 

Heidelberg, loess and gravel alternating 
at, iv. 31. 

——, granites of different ages near, iv. 

Helice and Bura, submerged Grecian 
towns, ii. 56. ; iii. 255. 

Heligoland destroyed by sea, ii. 7. 

Helix, range of species of, iii. 57. 

Helmet, changes of submerged, iii. 251. 

Henderson on eruption of SkaptarJokul, 
1783, ii. 127. 

Henderson’s Island described, iii. 295. 

Henry, Mr., on absorption of carbonic 
acid by water, iv. 372. 

Henslow, Rev. Prof., on the cowslip, ii. 

——, on diffusion of plants, iii. 19. 

——, on changes caused by a dike in 
Anglesea, iv. 364, 378. 

Herbert, Hon. Mr., on varieties and 
hybrids in plants, ii. 403, 431. 



Herculaneum, silence of contemporary 
historians concerning, ii. 67. 

—, how destroyed, ii. 94. 

——, objects preserved in, ii. 100. 

—, stalactite formed in galleries of, ii. 

Herne Bay, waste of cliffs in, i. 416. 

Herodotus cited, i. 353. 355. 

Herschel, Sir J., on annual quantity of 
light and heat received by the two 
hemispheres, i, 178. 

——, on the sun, i. 224. 

——, on astronomical causes of changes 
in climate, i. 224. 

—, on the trade winds, i. 391. 

, on height of Etna, ii. 111. 

—, on form of the earth, ii. 309. 

—, on Geysers of Iceland, ii. 344, 

——, on the effects of heat on seeds, iii, 14. 

——-, on cleavage planes, iv. 358. 

Herschel, Sir W., on the elementary 
matter of the earth, ii. 308. 

Hewett, Capt., on rise of tides, i. 382. 

—, on currents, i. 385, 

—, on banks in North Sea, ii. 29. 

Hibbert, Dr., on the Shetland Islands, 
i, 393, 395. 397. 

—s, on Rhine volcanos, iv. 106. 

—, on loess of the Rhine, iv. 34. 38. 

——, on fossils of Velay, iv. 136. 

——,on fossils of the carboniferous 
Strata, i. 203. 235. ; iv. ‘294. 

Hiera, new island, ii. 162. 

Highbeach, height of London clay at, 
iv, 257. 

Hilaire, M. Geof. St., on uninterrupted 
succession in animal kingdom, ii. 362. 

Hillswick Ness, action of sea on rocks 
of, i. 398, 

Himalaya mountains, animals inhabit- 
ing the, i. 152. 

-—, height of perpetual snow on, i. 

Hindoo cosmogony, i. 6. 

Hindoo town, buried, iii. 199. 

Hindostan, earthquakes in, ii. 58. 250. 

Hisinger, M., on greywacké rocks o 
Sweden, iv. 299, : 

Hodgson, Mr., cited, i, 147. 

Hoff, Von, on level of Caspian, i. 30. 

—, on Omar, i. 31. 

—, on springs near Lake 

——, on encroachments of sea, ii. 10. 12, 

——, on gain of land in Red Sea, ii. 28, 

——-, on earthquakes, ii 54. 184. 249. 

Urmia, i. 


Hoff, Von, on buried city of Oojain, ii.200. 

——, on human remains in delta of 
Ganges, iii. 245. 

—, on a buried vessel, iii. 24T. 

Hoffmann, M., on new island in Medi- 
terranean, ii. 147. ; tii. 393. 

—, on elevation craters, ii. 152. 

———, on Sicily, tii. 390. ; iv. 39. 41. 

——, on agency of subterranean gases, 
iv. 373. 

Holbach, his theory, 1753, i. 58. 

Holderness, marine strata of, iv. 76. 

Holland, inroads of the sea in, ii. 5. 

——, submarine peat in, iii. 265. 

Holm sand, near Lowestoff, i. 411. 

Holstein, iv. 88. 

Homer cited, i. 354. 

Honduras, recent strata of, iv. 23. 

Hooke, his “ Discourse of Earthquakes,” 
i. 47. 

—— on distribution and duration of 
species, i. 48, 49. 

—— on earthquakes, i. 51. ; ii. 258. 260. 
282. : 

—— on the deluge, i. 51. 

Hooker, Dr., on eruption of Skaptar 
Jokul, ii. 127. 

—, his view of the crater of the great 
Geyser, ii. 343. 

—, on drifting of a fox on ice, iii. 105. 

Hordwell, loss of land at, i. 426. 

Hornblende schist, altered clay or shale, 
iv. 376. 

Horner, Mr., on sediment of Rhine, i. 
366. ; iv. 35. 

——., on brine springs of Cheshire, i. 331. 

——, on limestone of Burdiehouse, iv. 

——, on geology of Lower Rhine and 
Eifel, iv. 38. 102. 111. 

Hornitos on Jorullo, account of, ii. 135. 

Horsburgh, Capt., on icebergs in low 
latitudes, i. 177. % 

—, on coral islands, iii. 280. 291. 

Horses, wild, drowned in rivers in South 
America, iii. 234, 

Horsfield, Dr., on earthquakes and erup- 
tions in Java, ii. 209. 249. 

——., on distribution of Mydaus meliceps 
in Java, iii. 39. 

Horticulture, changes in plants pro. 
duced by, ii. 399. 

Hugi, M., on altered secondary strata 
in the Alps, iv. 370. 

—, on modern granite inthe Alps, iv. 


Human remains, changes in puried, iii. 

—— in peat-mosses, iii. 183. 

— in caves, iii. 205. 207. 212. 

—, their durability, i. 246. ; iii. 245. 

—— in delta of Ganges, iii, 245. 

— in calcareous rock at Guadaloupe 
iii, 245. ; 

—— in breccias in the Morea, iii. 205. 

Humber, warp of the, i. 377.5 ii. 27. 

—, encroachment of sea in its estuary, 
i. 403. 

Humboldt on laws which regulate the 
diffusion of heat, i. 166. 

— on preservation of animals in frozen 
mud, i, 154. 

— on distribution of land and sea, i. 

— on transportation of sediment by 
currents, ii. 33. 

—, his definition of volcanic action, ii- 

—— on mud eruptions in the Andes, ii. 

— on eruption of Jorullo, ii. 134. 

— on earthquakes, ii. 203. 208, 209. 

—— on distribution of species, iii. 3. 5. 29- 

— on migrations of animals, iii, 48. 65- 

— cited, i. 11. 147. 154. 174. 

Humming-birds, distribution, &c., iii.46. 

Hungary, tertiary formations of, iv. 128. 

—, volcanic rocks of, iv. 140. 

Hunstanton, its cliffs undermined, i- 

Hunter, John, on mule animals, ii. 423. 

Hunter, Mr., on buried city of Oujeins 
iii. 193. 

Huron, Lake, recent strata of, iii. 262. 

Hurricanes connected with earthquakes, 
iii, 198. 

——, plants drifted to sea by, iii. 225. 

Hurst Castle shingle bank, i. 425. 

Hutchins on a landslip in Dorsetshire, 
i. 427. 

Hutchinson, John, his ‘“ Moses’s Prin- 
cipia,” 1724, i. 58. 

——, on Woodward's theory, i. 58. 

Hutton, first to distinguish between 
geology and cosmology, i. 5. 89. 

— on igneous rocks, i. 90. 

— on granite, i. 90. 

— represented oldest rocks as deri- 
vatives, i. 92.; iv. 391. 

Hutton, Mr. W., on fossil plants of the 
coal strata, i. 202. 231, 


Hutton, Mr. W., on freshwater strata 
of the coal period, iv. 294. 

Huttonian theory, i. 89. 92. 95. 101. 

Hybrid races, Lamarck on, ii. 372, 

m animals, ii, 422, 

— plants, ii. 426. 

Hydrogen, deoxidating power of, ii. 328. 

——. why not found in a separate form 
among volcanic gases, ii. 349. 

Hydrophytes, distribution of, iii. 8. 16. 

Hypogene, term proposed as a substitute 
for primary, iv. 379. 

—— formations, no order of succession 
in, iv. 380. 

—— rocks, their identity of character 
in distant regions, iv. 381. 

—— produced in all ages in equal quan- 
tities, iv. 384. 

—, their relative age, iv. 383. 

—, volume of, formed since Eocene 
period, iv. 389. 

Hythe, encroachments of sea at, i. 422. 


Lanthina fragilis, its range, &c., iii. 56. 
Ice, animals imbedded in, i. 156. 
—, drift, influence of, on temperature, 
i. 169, 
——, predominance of, 
cirele, i. 175. 
—, formation of field, i. 191. 
——, transportation of rocks by means 
couse Of, i. 269.5 ii. 289.5 iv. 47, 48, 
——, jointed structure of, iv. 360. 
Icebergs, formation of, i. 156, 172. 
- ——, distance to which they float, i. 173. 
ang, S71, 
——, their influence on temperature, 
i. 173. 
——-, plants and animals transported by, 
lii. 16. 40. 
-——, rocks transported by, i. 270. ; ii. 
289. ; iv. 47, 48. , 
Iceland, icebergs stranded on coast of, 
i 173. 
—, geysers of, i. 328. ; ii. 342. 
——~, volcanic region of, ii. 58. 
—, volcanic eruptions in, ii. 126. 
——, comparison between the lavas of 
Central France and, ii. 129. 
—, new island near, ii. 127. 145. 
——, polar bear drifted to, iii. 103. 
idienne, volcanic mountain of, iv. 178. 
Igloolik, fossils of, i. 163. 

in antarctic 

Igneous action. See Volcanic. 

Igneous causes. See Book ii. 

——., the antagonist power to action of 
running water, i. 260.; ii. 354. ; iii. 

Iguanodon, fossil in Wealden and Kent- 
ish rag, iv. 286. 

Imbaburu volcano, fish ejected from, ii. 

Imbedding of organic remains. See Fos- 
silization. : 

Imperati, theory of, 1590, i. 39. 

India, Central, buried cities in, iii. 193. 

Indus, recent changes in delta Of: 
194. 5 iii. 254. 265. 

—, sections of the new-raised land 
formed by, ii. 197. ` 

Indusial limestone of Auvergne, iv. 152. 

Inkpen Hill, highest chalk in England, 
iv. 259, 

Inland cliff, near Dax, iv. 124. 

——, on east side of Val di Noto, iti. 

Inland seas, deltas of, i. 344. 

Insects, geographical distribution of, iii. 

—, migrations of, iii. 63. 

——, certain types of, distinguish par- 
ticular countries, iii. 64. 

—, their agency in preserving an 
equilibrium of species, iii.89.  ~ 

—, fossil, iii. 229. ; iv. 210. 

Instincts, migratory, occasional develop- 
ment of, in animals, iii. 36. 

—, hereditary, ii. 409. 415. 

—, modified by domestication, ii. 413. 

Insular climates, description of, i. 169. 

Inverness-shire, inroads of sea on coast 
of, i, 399. ` 

Ionian Isles, earthquake in, ii. 194. 

——, new island near, ii. 194. 

Ippolito, Count, on earthquake of 1783 
in Calabria, ii. 212. 

Ipsambul, buried temple of, iii, 189. 

Irawadi, R., silicified wood of, noticed 
in 1692, i. 49. 

—, recent discoveries of fossil animals 
and vegetables, i. 49. 

——, its supposed petrifying power, i. 

Ireland, raised beaches on east coast of, 

—, rise of sea, during Lisbon earth. 
quake, on coast of, ii. 254. 

——., reptiles of, iii. 50. 

——, its flora little known, iii. 50, 


Ireland, peat of, and fossils of peat in, 
iii. 178. 183. 185. 

——, deposits in progress off coast of, 
ail, Ae 

—, rocks altered by dikes in, iv. 365. 

Iron, melting point of, ii, 314. 

— in wood, peat, &c., iii. 182. 

—— instruments, taken up from sea, 
iii. 249. 

Irtish, R., fossil bones on banks of, i. 

Irving, Mr. W., on migrations of the 
bee, iii. 65. 

Ischia, recent fossils of, i. 140. ; iv, 11. 

——, hot springs of, i. 329. ; ii. 188, 

——, eruptions and earthquakes in, ii. 
62. 71. 188. 

——, volcanic conglomerates forming on 
shores of, iii. 396. 

——, configuration of, how caused, iii. 
297.3 iv. 13. 

Islands, vegetation of small, i. 195. ; 
iii. 6. 81. 

—, animals in; i. 204. ; iii, 31. 

—— in the Mississippi, i. 284. 

—— formed by the Ganges, i. 360, 361. 

——, migrations of plants aided by, iii. 

——, new volcanic, i. 76.3 ii. 127. 145, 
146. 205. 

—, coral, iii. 274. 

— of drift-wood, iii. 41. 

Isle of Bourbon, volcanic eruptions in, 
iv. 350. 

Isle of Cyclops, in bay of Trezza, iii. 

——, contortions in strata of, iil. 403. 

——, lavas of, not currents from Etna, 
iii. 405. 

Isle of France, alternation of coral and 
lava in, iii. 294. 

Isle of Palma, description of, ii. 155. 

Isle of Purbeck, line of vertical chalk 
in, i. 425. ; iv. 260. 

Isle of Wight, geology of the, iii. 335. 

—, fall of one of the Needles of, iv. 
87. A = < 

—, freshwater strata of, iv. 215. 

——, mammiferous remains of, iv. 216. 

——., vertical strata of, iv. 253. 259. 

——, action of the sea on its shores, i. 

Isonzo, R., delta of the, i. 350. 

—, its present mouth several miles 
from its ancient bed, i. 352. 


Isonzo, R., conglomerate formed by the, 

Isothermal lines, Humboldt on, i. 166. 

Isthmus of Sleswick, action of sea On, 
ii. 8. ; iii. 129. 

Italian geologists, their priority, i. 39. 

— of the 18th century, i. 59. 

Italy, tertiary strata of, i. 59. 141.3 iii. 
335. 564. 

——, volcanic rocks of, iv. 89. 


Jack, Dr., on island of Pulo Nias, iv. 23. 

Jackson, Col., on jointed structure of 
ice, iv. 360. 

Jahde, new estuary of, ii. 8. 

Jamaica, earthquakes in, ii. 46. 262. 278- 

——, subsidence in, ii. 262.; iii, 125- 

——, rain diminished in, by felling of 
forests, iii. 165. 

, a town swept away by sea in, iil. 

—, fossil shells of, iv. 23. 

James, Mr., on bisons in Mississippi 
Valley, iii. 35. 

Jampang village engulphed, ii. 209. 

Jan Mayen’s island, volcanic, ii. 58. 

Japan Isles, earthquake in, ii. 209. 

Java, number of volcanos in, ii. 49. 

—, earthquakes in, ii. 209. 249. 259. 

——, subsidence of volcano of Papan- 
dayang in, ii. 249. ; iii. 424. 

——, vegetation destroyed by hot sul- 
phuric water from a mountain in, iv- 

——, river-floods in, ii. 259. ; iii. 230- 

Jesso, volcanos in island of, ii. 48. 

Jobert,"M., on extinct quadrupeds of 
Mont Perrier, iv. 136. 

—, on hill of Gergovia, iv. 186. 

, on Auvergne alluviums, iv. 197. 

Johnston, Mr., on sinking of the waters 
of Lake Maeler, ii. 294. 

Jointed structure in rocks, iv. 358. 

Jones, Sir W., on Menii’s Institutes, i. 6- 

Jorio, Andrea de, on Temple of Serapis, 
ii. 274. 280. - 

Jorullo, eruption of, ii. 45. 133. 

——, its height, &c., ii. 133.5 iv. 350. 

Juan Fernandez, ii. 185. ; iii. 115. 

Jura, Saussure on the, i. 80. 

—, relative age of the, i. 211. 


Jura, erratic blocks of the, iv. 46. 

Jutland, its northern part converted into 
an island in 1825, ii. 9. 

——, inundations in, ii, 14. 


Kamtschatka, active volcanos in, ii. 47. 
—, earthquakes in, ii. 259. 
—, new island near, ii, 205. 5 
Kander, R., delta of, in lake of Thun, 
iv. 68. i 
Kangaroo giving way in Australia, iii. 
Katavothrons of plain of Tripolitza 
filled up with osseous breccias, iii. 205. 
Kazwini on changes in position of land 
and sea, i. 32. 
Keferstein, M., on Fuchsel, i. 76. 
Keill refutes Burnet’s and Whiston’s 
theories, i. 58. 
Keith on dispersion of plants, iii. 13. 
Kent, loss of land on coast of, i. 415. 
Kentucky, caves in limestone, iii. 202. 
Kerguelen’s land, quadrupeds in, i. 204. 
Killas of Cornwall, iv. 368. 
Kimmeridge clay, i. 427. . 
Kincardineshire, village in, washed 
away by sea, i, 399. 
King, Captain P., on currents in Straits 
of Magellan, i. 385. 
===, on coral reefs, iii. 280. 291. 
King, Mr., on cattle lost in bogs in Ire. 
land, iii. 185. 
——, on submerged cannon, iii. 249, 
Kingsclere, valley of, iv. 246. 
_ Kinnordy, Loch of, insects in marl in, 
iii. 229. 
——, canoe in peat of, iii. 248. 
Kirby, Rev. Mr., on insects, ii. 433.; iii, 
63. 66. 93. 95. 
Kirwan, his Geological Essays, i. 99. 
——on connection of geology and reli- 
gion, i. 99. 
—— on age of deltas, i. 342. 
Knight, Mr., on varieties of fruit trees, 
ii. 401. 
Kölreuter on hybrid plants, ii. 426. 
Konig, Mr.,on rock in which the bu- 
man skeletons from Guadaloupe are 
imbedded, iii, 246, 
——, on fossils from Melville Island, i. 
Koran, cosmogony of the, i. 31. 
Kossa cited, i. 32, _ E 


Kotzebue on drifted canoe, iii. 71. 

—— on coral islands, iii. 279, 

Krantz on migrations of seals, iii. 45. 

Kupffer, M., on increase of heat in 
mines, ii. 313. 

Kured, upraised shelly deposits of, ii, 

Kurile Isles, active volcanos in, ii. 48. 


Laach, lake-crater of, iv. 106. 

Labrador, drift-timber of, iii, 224, 

Laccadive Islands, iii. 280. 

Lacépède on Egyptian mummies, ii. 397. 

Lagoons, or salt lakes, in delta of Rh one, 
i. 348. - 

——, of coral islands, iii. 288. 

Lagullas current, i. 169. 

Lahn, valley of the, iv. 35. 

Lake Aidat, how formed, iv. 200. 

Lake Erie. See Erie, Lake. 

— of Geneva. See Geneva, Lake of. 
—— Maeler, ii. 294. 301. 

— Mareotis, i. 354. 

—— Superior. See Superior, Lake. 
Lakes, bursting of, i. 292. 295, 

—, filling up of, i. 337. 340. 

— formed by landslips in Calabria, ii. 

233. . 

—, formation of, in basin of Missis- 
sippi, i. 290. 

-— formed by eartcquakes, ii. 203. 225. 
233. 263. 

——., arrangement of deposits in, iii. 312_ 

L’ Altar volcano, ii. 43. 

Lamarck, his definition of species, ji. 

—— on transmutation of species, ii. 363. 
398.; iii. 134. 139. 

——‘on conversion of the orang-outang 
into the human species, ii. 377. 

——- on abundance of polyps, iii. 149. 

—— on’ fossils of Paris basin, iv. 50. 

La Motta, in Sicily, iii. 400. 406. 

Lamouroux on hydrophytes, iii. 8. 

Lancashire, submarine forests on coasts 
of, i. 431. 

——., fossil canoes in, iii. 247. 

—, tertiary strata of, i. 215.; iv. 25. 

Lancerote, volcanic eruptions in, ii. 139, 

* 144. 

Land, irregular distribution of, i. 193. 

—, quantity of, in northern and 
southern hemispheres, i. 176. 193, 


Land, proportion of sea and, i. 220. 

——., elevation of, how caused, ii. 339. ; 
iii. 436. 

Landers on delta of Niger, iv. 309. 

Landes, tertiary strata of the, iv. 124. 

Landguard Fort, waste of the point on 
which it stands, i. 414. i 

Land-shells drifted to the sea by rivers, 
iii. 360.; iv. 33. 

Landslips, i. 427. ; ii. 229. 231. 263. 

——, imbedding of organic remains by, 
iii. 200. 

—, Villages and their inhabitants bu- 
ried by, iii. 200. 

Langsdorf on new island, ii. 48. 205. 

Languedoc, deposits on coast of, i. 349. 

Lapidifying juice, i. 37. 

Laplace on change in the earth’s axis, 
1. 57. 

—— on mean depth of Atlantic and Pa- 
cific Oceans, i. 185. 

—— proved that no contraction of the 
globe had taken place for 2000 years, 
i. 222, x 

—— on mean density of the earth, ii. 312. 

Lapland, why milder than Greenland, 
i. 168. 

——, migrations of animals in, iii."36, 37. 

Larivière, M., on drifting of rocks by 
ice, i. 271. 

La Roche, section of hill of, iv. 148. 

Las Planas, lava current of, iv. 96. 

Latham on range of birds, iii. 47. 

Latitude influences climate, i. 176. 

Latrielle on distribution of insects, iii, 


La Trinità, fossil shells of, iv. 66. 

Latta, Dr., on glaciers of Spitzbergen, 

Lauder, Sir T. D., on floods in Scotland, 
i. 267.3 iii. 34. 197. 230. 233. 

——, on parallel roads of Glen Roy, iv. 
18. : 

Laureana, ravines filled near, ii. 234. 

Lava excavated by rivers, i. 272. ; iv. 
93. 96. 193. 

—, effects of decomposition on, ii. 90. 

——., flowing of, under water, ii. 94. 

—, shells between two currents of, ii. 
158. ; iii. 396. 

—-, slope on which it congeals, ii. 173. 

—— and coral alternating, iii. 294. 

—, minerals in cavities of, iii. 405. 

—, veins of. See Dikes. 

—, length of time which it requires 
to cool, iv, 350. 


Lava, solid externally while in motion, 
iii. 413, 

—— and alluvium of different ages in 
Auvergne, iv. 195. 

—— of Iceland and Central France, ii. 
129. 131. 

——, comparative volume of ancient 
and modern, ii. 132. 

——, pretended distinction between an- 
cient and modern, ii. 142. 

—, mineral composition of, ii. 175. 177- 

La Vissière limestone, iv. 192. 

Lawrence on causes which enable malt 
to live in all climates, ii. 438. 

Lazzaro Moro. See Moro. 

Leeward Islands, geology of the, iv. 22. 

Le Grand d’Aussi, M., on Auvergnes 
iv. 197. 

Lehman, treatise of, 1759, i. 71. 

Leibnitz, theory of, i. 46. 

Leigh on fossil canoes, iii. 247. 

Leith Hill, height of, iv. 230. 

Lemings, migrations of, iii. 37. 

Lena, R., fossil bones on banks of, i- 
148, 149. 

Lentini, limestone near, iii. 396. 

—, valleys near, their origin, iii. 442- 

Lenz, M., on level of Caspian, iv. 203. 

Leonhard, M., on loess of the Rhine, iv- 
3 sto 

——, on volcanic district of Lower 
Rhine, iv. 113. 

——,on granites of different ages, iv. 345. 

Lepére, M., on level of Mediterranean 
and Red Sea, i. 387. i 

Lesbos, Antissa joined to, by delta, i. 18. 

Lewes, human bones in tumulus near, 
ili. 214. 

—, estuary of the Ouse recently filled 
up near, iii. 263. 

— Levels, iii. 229. 262. 

—, fissures in chalk filled with sanë 
near, iv. 218. 

—, ravine called the Coomb near, iv.241. 

——, fault near, iv. 242. 

Leybucht, bay of, ii. 8. 

Lias, strata of the, iv. 290. 

—— altered by trap dike and by granite, 
iv. 367. 370. 384. 

Licodia, basalts of, iii. 406. 

Liege, caves near, iii. 211. 

Light, influence of, on plants, i. 159. 

Lightning, effect of, in Shetland Islands, 
i. 394. ; 

Lignite, conversion of wood into, iii. 248- 


Lima destroyed by earthquake, ii. 258, 

——, Valley of, proofs of its successive 
rise, iv. 17. 

Limagne d’Auvergne. See Auvergne, 

Limburg, loess near town of, iv. 32. 

Limestone, origin of, iii. 299, 

Lincolnshire, incursions. of the sea on 
coast of, i. 404. 

Lindley, Mr. J., on fossil plants of Mel- 
ville Island, i. 159, 

——, on effect of light on plants, i. 159. 

——, on fossil plants of the coal Strata, 
i. 231. 

——, on number of plants, iii, 148. 

——-, on dispersion of cryptogamic plants, 
iii, 13. 

Linnzus on filling up of Gulf of Both- 
nia, ii. 288, 

—— on constancy of species, ii, 363, 

—— on real existence of genera, ii. 383. 

—— on diffusion of plants, iii, 18, 23, 

—— on introduction of species, iii, 77, 

—— cited, iii. 89. 

Lionnesse tradition in Cornwall, i. 

Lipari Islands, rocks altered by gases in, 
iv. 373. 

Lippi on destruction of Herculaneum 
and Pompeii, ii. 97, 

Lipsius, i. 21. 

Lisbon, earthquakes at, Ji, 57, 251. siti, 

Lister the first to propose geological 
maps, i. 46. 

—— on fossil shells, i. 46, 

Lloyd, Mr., on relative levels of Atlantic 
and Pacific, i. 387, 

Lioyd’s List, number of wrecked vessels 
as shown by, iii. 243. 

Lochead on gain of land on coast of 
Guiana, ii. 33. 

Loch Lomond, agitation of its waters 
during Lisbon earthquake, ii. 253. 

Lockart, M., on fossils of the Orleanais, 
iv. 137. 

Locke on Whiston’s theory, i. 58. 

Locusts, devastations by, iii, 95. 

» bank formed in sea by, iii, 96, 

Loess of the Rhine, iy. 29, 

Loffredo cited, ii. 279, 280. 

Loire, tertiary strata of the, iii. 338. $ 
iv. 115. 

London basin, tertiary deposits of, i, 
214. ; iii. 335. ; iv. 211. 

—, on former continuity of Hampshire 
and, iv. 219, 



London clay, its fossils, composition, 
thickness, &c., i. 240. ; iv. 213. 

Long, Mr., on earthquake at New Ma. 
drid, ii. 204, 

Long Point peninsula cut through by 
Lake Erie, ii. 11. 

Lough Neagh, supposed petrifying power 
of, i. 329. 

Louis de Foix, ii. 24, 

Louisiana, Lower, marine strata of, i. 

Lowe, Mr., on shells of Madeira, iii. 58. 

Lower green-sand described, iv. 222, 27. 

Lower Rhine. See Rhine. 

Lowestoff, current off the coast of, i. 411, 

—— Ness, description of, i. 411. 

—, cliffs undermined near, i. 411. 

Lowland of Siberia, i. 153. 219. 

Lubbock, Mr., i. 185. 

Lubeck, ii. 288. 

Lucina divaricata, wide geographical 
range of, iii. 372. ; iv. 180. 

Luckipour, its inhabitants swept away 
by the Ganges, i. 363. 

—, new islands formed near, i. 362, 

Luckput, subsidence near, ii. 195, 

Ludlow rocks, fossils of, i, 234, 

—, classification of, iv. 270, 298. 

Ludwig, Baron, cited, iii. 15, 4 

Luleo, gain of land at, i. 345, 3 li, 289, 

Luy, tertiary strata of, iv. 120. 

Luzon, active volcanos in, ii, 48. 

Lybian sands, caravans overwhelmed 
by, iii. 190, 4 

Lyme Regis, waste of cliffs at, i. 429. 

Lym-Fiord, a breach made by the sea 
into, ii. 9. 

Lyon, Capt., on imbedding of camels in 
African sands, iii. 190. 


Maars, or lake-craters of the Eifel, iv. 
104, 105. 

MacCulloch, Dr., on gradation from 
peat to coal, iii. 178. 

—, on origin of limestone, iii. 299. 

—, on parallel roads of Glen Roy, iv. 

—, on Subapennine strata, iv. 52. 

—, on granite veins, iv. 338. 

—, on junction of granite and lime. 
stone in Glen Tilt, iv. 340. 

——-, on granitic rocks, iv. 342, 349, 348. 


MacCulloch, Dr., on trap rocks, iv. 347. 

Macedonia, earthquakes in, ii. 56. 

Macgregor, Mr., on earthquakes in Ca- 
nada, ii. 208. ‘ 

Mackenzie, Sir G., his supposed section 
of the pipe of a geyser, ii. 346. 

, on reindeer in Iceland, iii. 116. 

Mackenzie, R., drift-wood of, i. 162. ; iii. 

——, calcareous formation near its 
mouth, i. 201. 

Maclaren on quantity of useful soil in 
America, iii. 117. 

—, 0n position of American forests, iii. 

Maclure, Mr., on coral and lava in 
‘West Indies, iii. 294. 5 iv. 22. 

—, on volcanic district of Olot, iv. 91. 

Macmurdo, Captain, on earthquake of 
Cutch, ii. 195. 199. 

Madagascar said to contain active vol- 
canos, ii. 58. 

—, extent of coral near, iii. 280. 

Madeira, ii. 58. ; iv. 23. 

Maeler, lake, ii. 294. 301. 

Maestricht beds, fossils of, iv. 273. 

—, chasm between Eocene and, iv. 

—, shells common to.the chalk, green- 
sand, and, iv. 272,273. 

Magellan, Straits of, currents in, i. 385. 

Magnesia deposited by springs, i. 316. 

Magnesian limestone and travertin com- 
pared, i. 317. 

Magnetism, terrestrial, phenomena of, 
li. 323. 

Magnan, R., section in valley of, iv. 65. 

Mahomet, his cosmogony, i. 32. 

Majoli, opinions of, i. 38. 

Malabar, coral near, iii. 280. 

Malaga, tertiary strata of, iv. 70. 

Malcolm, Sir J., on buried cities in Cen- 
tral India, iii. 194. 

Maldivas, chain of coral islands, iii, 280. 

Mallet, Captain, on petroleum of Tri- 
nidad, i. 334. 

Malpais, theories to account for con- 
vexity of the plain of, ii. 135. 

Malte-Brun cited, i. 168. 181. ; iii. 42, 53. 
71. 191. 224. 234. 

Mammalia, different regions of indi- 
genous, ili. 27. 

——, fossil, importance of remains of, 
ili, 358.; iv. 40. s 

——, of successive tertiary periods, iji. 


Mammalia, remains of, rare in the older 
rocks, iv. 310. 

Mammoth, climate, &c., probably Te- 
quired by the, i. 144. 

——-, bones of, in Yorkshire, i. 145. 

—, in tufa near Rome, iv. 28. 

Man, unfavourable position of, for ob- 
serving changes now in progress, } 

—, recent origin of, i. 244.; iii, 117- 
O56. : 

, remarks on the superiority of, 1- 

—, causes which enable him to live in 
all climates, ii. 438. 

—, his agency in dispersion of plants 
and animals, iii. 21. 74. 

—, diffusion of, iii. 68. 

—, probable birthplace of, iii. 68. 

——, changes caused by, i. 252. ; iii. 106- 

—, durability of the bones of, i. 246. 5 
iii. 245, 

—, remains of, in osseous breccias of 
the Morea, iii. 205. $ 

——, his remains and works fossil, iii- 
234, 238. 

Manetho, i. 113. 

Manfredi on sediment in river water, 
i. 366. 

Mansfeld, fossils of, iv. 293. 

Mantell, Mr., on bones from Saxon tu- 
mulus, iii. 214. 

—, on Lewes Levels, iii. 229. 263. 

—, on fossil shells of the crag, iv. 71. 

__—, on tertiary outliers on chalk, iv- 

——, on the Weald Valley, iv. 222. 224. 
235. 282, 

——,on “elephant bed” at Brighton, 
iv. 261. 

——, on fossils of the chalk, iv. 278. 

——, on fossil forest of I. of Portland, 
iv. 284. 

——, on a fault in the cliff-hills near 
Lewes, iv. 242. é 

Manwantaras, oriental cycle of ages, i, 7. 

Maracaybo, lake, ii. 203. 

Marble deposited from springs, i. 326. 

Marculot, limestone of, iv. 152. 

Marienforst, blocks of quartz, with casts 
of shells near, iv. 112. 

Marine alluviums, iii. 198. 

Marine testacea, range of, iii. 361. 

Marine and freshwater strata, alterna- 
tions of, iii. 264. 


Marine deposits, imbedding of fresh- 
water species in, iii. 265. 

——, contain in general a great variety 
of species, iii. 265. 

Marine plants and animals, imbedding 
of remains of, iii, 265. ` 

Marine vegetation, iii. 8. 16. 

Maritime Alps, conglomerates forming 
at base of, i. 376. 

~—-, tertiary strata at base of, iv. 61. 

Marl lakes of Scotland, animals and 
plants fossilized in, iii, 236, 259. 

Marsilli, on arrangement of shells in 
Adriatic, i. 64. 67. 

——, on deposits of coast of Languedoc, 
i. 349. 

Marstrand, island of, ii. 297. 

Marsupial animals, distribution of, iii. 

——,in breccias in Australian caves, 
iv. 43. 

Martigny destroyed by floods, i. 297. 

Martin, Mr., on Valley of the Weald, 
ive 231,98. 

—, on transverse valleys of North and 
South Downs, iv. 238. 

——, on thickness of strata removed from 
summit of Forest ridge, iv. 258. 

Martinique, earthquake in, ii. 259. 4 

Martin Meer, fossil canoes in, iii, 247. 

Martius, on drifting of animals by the 
Amazon, iii. 42. 

——, on Brazil, iii. 108. 

Maryland, whirlwind in, iii. 11, 

Mascalucia, subsidence near, iii. 425. 

Mathers, village of, swept away by sea, 
i. 399. 

Matilda coral island, iii. 290. 

Mattani on fossils of Volterra, i. 60. 

Mattioli on organic remains, i. 37. 

Mayence, tertiary strata of, iv. 132. 

Mayer, M., on mineral veins, iv. 375. 

Mayne, Valley of the, iv. 35. 

Medesano, lignite at, iv. 54. 

Mediterranean said to have burst 
through the columns of Hercules, i.25. 

—, microscopic testacea of, i. 78. 

—, deposition of salt in the, ii. 15. 

——, its former union with the Red 
Sea, ii. 31. 

——, new island in, ii. 146, 

——, organic remains of, iii. 327. ; iv. 

~—, shells drifted into, iii. 360. 

——, its temperature, depth, level, SoCs, 
i. 79. 353. 387.5 ii. 14. 16. 272. | 


Medway, transverse valley of the, iv. 238. 

Meerfelder Maar described, iv. 106. 

Megalosaurus Buckland?, iv. 286. 

Melania inquinata, iii. 372. 

Melilii, circular valley near, iii. 439. 

——-, inland cliffs near, iii. 440. 

Melville Island, fossils of, i. 159. 

—, Migrations of animals into, iii. 41. 

Mendip hills, caves of, iii. 212. 

Menw’s Institutes, i. 6. 8. 

Mercati on organic remains, i. 37. 

Merdogne, marls intersected by a dike 
near, iv. 186. 

Mersey, vessel in bed of, iii. 247. 

Meryon, Mr., on Romney Marsh, i. 423. 

Mese, formerly an island, i. 347. 

Messenia, conglomerate of, iv. 277. 

Messina, tide in Straits of, i. 381. 

——, earthquake at, ii. 218. 236. 

Mesua Collis described. by Pomponius 
Mela, i. 347. 

Metallic nucleus, theory of an unoxid. 
ated, ii. 326. 

Metallic substances changed by submer- 
sion, iii. 249. 

Metamorphic, the term proposed and 
defined, iv. 380. 

—— rocks of the Alps, iv. 369. 
——, Sometimes pass into sedimentary, 
iv. 382. A 
—, in what manner their age should 
be determined, iv. 383. 

—, why those visible to us are for the 
most part ancient, iv. 384. 

Methone, eruption in, ii. 56. 

Metshuka, hill of, ii. 250. 

Mexico, tides in Gulf of, i. 364. 

— volcanic chain extending through, 
li. 45. 

Meyen, Mr., on earthquake in Chili, 
1822, ii. 191. 

Meyer, Mr., on level of Caspian, iv. 

Mhysir, buried city, iii. 195. 

Micaceous schist, whence derived, iv. 

Michell on cause and phenomena of 
earthquakes, 1760, i. 73. 

——, originality of his views, i. 73, 

— on the geology of Yorkshire, i. 73. 

— on earthquake at Lisbon, ii. 57. 

— on retreat of the sea during earth- 
quakes, ii. 255. 

—— on cause of the wave-like motion 
of earthquakes, ii, 335. 


Microscopie fossil shells of Sienna, iv. 
60. : 

—~, of the Crag, iv. 75. 

—— of Paris basin, see plate, iv. 176. 

Migrations of animals, iti. 36. 

—— of cetacea, iii. 44. 

— of birds, iii. 45. 

— of fish, iii. 52. 

——- of insects, iii. 62. 

Migratory powers indispensable to ani- 
mals, iii. 120. 

Mileto, subsidence near, ii. 232. 

Milford Haven, rise of tides at, i. 382. 

Miliolite limestone, iv. 176. 

Millennium, i. 35. 55. 

Mindinao volcano, ii. 48. 

Mineral waters, their connection with 
volcanic phenomena, i. 308. 

—, ingredients most common in, i. 
311. See Springs. : 

Mines, heat in, augments with the 
depth, ii. 313. 

Miocene period, term whence derived, 
iii. 370. 

—, proportion of living species in fossil 

shells of the, iii. 370. 

——, mammiferous remains of, iii. 379. 

——, marine formations of, iy. 114. 

—, freshwater formations of, iv. 137. 

—, volcanic rocks of, iv. 140, 

——, alluviums of, iv. 134. 

Mirambeau, red clay and sand of, iv. 

Mismer, crag strata near, iv. 79. 

Mississippi, its course, depth, velocity, 
KEG bode 235; 

— , drift-wood of the, i. 284. 287. 365. ; 
iii. 42. 223. 

——, earthquakes in valley of, i. 291.; 
ii. 46. 203. 

——, delta of, i. 364. 376, 

‘Missouri, R., i. 282. 

Misterbianco, valleys of, iii. 400. 

Mitchell, Dr., on waste of cliffs, i. 415, 

Mitchell, Major, on Australian caves, 
iv. 44. 

Mitscherlich, M., on minerals found in 
Somma, iv. 5. 

Mocha, elevation of land at, ii, 188. 

Modern causes, remarks on the term, 
iv. 264. 

Moel Tryfane, recent marine shells on, 
pe Zio; 

Moen, chalk and tertiary strata of, iv: 


Molasse, its place in series of tertiary 
formations not yet known, iv. 128. 

Mole, R., transverse valley of, iv. 238. 

Molino aee Caldane, travertin, i. 313. 

Moluceas, eruption in the, ii. 261. 

Moliemotes animals, superior longevity 
of the species of, i. 145. ; iii. 361. 372-5 
iv. 40. 

Mompiliere, articles preserved under 
lava in, ii. 119. 

Monfalcone, baths of, i. 352. 

Mons, secondary strata near, iv. 271. 

Mont Blane, glaciers of, i, 269. 

—— Dor, volcano of, ii. 170. 173. ; iv. 189- 

— Ferrat, tertiary strata of, iii. 338. 

m Mezen, age of the, iv. 188. 

— Perrier, alluviums and breccias ofs 
iv. 134. 

Monte Barbaro, description of, ii. 75. 

— Bolca, fossil fish of, . 78. 

—— Calvo, section from, to the sea, iY- 

— Cerio, shells in gypsum of, iv. 54- 

—— Grifone, caves in, iv. 41. 

— Mario, strata of, iv. 29. 56. 

—— Minardo, its height, &c., ii. 113. 

— Nucilla, ii. 113. 

—— Nuovo, formation of, ii. 72.5 ii 
435.3 iv. 11. 14. 

— coast of Bay of Baie elevated dur- 
ing eruption of, i. 51. ; ii. 72. 280. 

— Peluso, ii. 114, 

— Rotaro, ii. 63. 

—— Somma, structure of, ii. 86. 168. 

— Vico, siliceous incrustations of, 
329. . 

Monticelli and Covelli on Vesuvian ™- 
nerals, ii. 92. 

Monti Rossi described, ii. 116. 

Montlosier on Auvergne, i. 87.3 iv. 192 

Montmartre, gypsum of, iv. 172. 

—, fossils of, iv. 179. 

Montpellier, cannon in crystalline rock 
at, i. 349. 

—, tertiary strata of, iv. 126. 

Montsacopa, volcanic cone of, iv. 98. 

Morayshire, town in, destroyed by sea, i. 

—, effect of floods in, iii, 197. 233. 
Morea, cities submerged in the, ii. 55. 
—— Céramique of, iii. 200. 

——, osseous breccias now forming ™ 

the, iii. 203. 
——, closed basins and engulphed rivers 
in the, iii, 204. 


Morea, human remains imbedded in the, 
lii. 205. 

——, sea-cliffs at various elevations in 
the, iv. 19. 

——, tertiary strata of, iv. 70. 

—, cretaceous rocks of the, iv. 277. 

Morren, M., on peat, iii. 187, 

Moro, Lazzaro, on earthquakes, 1740, i. 

——, on new island in Mediterranean, i. 
61. Í 

—, on nature of organic remains, i. 61. 

——, on faults and dislocations, i. 61. 

—, on secondary strata, i. 62. 

——, on origin of stratified rocks, i. 67. 

——, on primary rocks, i. 91. 

Morocco, earthquakes at, ii. 57. 255. 

Moropano, shells in tuff near, iv. 12. 

Mosasaurus of Maestricht found in the 
English chalk, iv. 278. 

Mosenberg, extinct volcano, iv. 106. 

Mountain chains, on the elevation of, i- 

——, on relative antiquity of, iv. 320. 

——., difficulty of determining the rela- 
tive ages of, iv. 334. 

Mountain limestone formation, i. 201. ; 
iv. 293. 

Mount Vultur, ii. 57. 

Mud eruption in Quito, 1797, ii. 206. 

Mules sometimes prolific, ii. 424. 

Mundane egg of Egyptian cosmogony, 
i. 16. 

Mundesley, chalk near, iv. 85. 

Munkholm, Island of, ii. 302. 

Munster, Count, on Maestricht fossils, 
iv. 274. 

——, on fossils of Solenhofen, iv. 289. 

——, on Gosau fossils, iv. 279. 

Murat, deposits near, iv. 192. 

Murchison, Mr., on the Hartz moun- 
tains, j. 184. 

——, on tertiary deposits of the Alps, i. 

—, on the coal strata, i. 202.; iv. 295. 

——, on transition fossils, i. 234. 

—, on schists of Caithness, i. 235. 

——, on tertiary strata of Lancashire, i. 

—, on raised beaches in Ireland, i. 

~— on tertiary strata of Nice, iv. 25. 

—— of maritime Alps, iv. 64. 65. 

—— of the Superga, iv. 127. 

—— of Styria, iv. 129, 131. 142. 

s= of Cadibona, iv. 140. 


Murchison, Mr., on tertiary strata of 
Central France, iv. 144. 162. 185, 199. 

— of Aix, iv. 211. j 

— his'section of crag resting on chalk, 
iv. 77. 

——, on excavation of valleys, iv. 195. 

——, 0n upper green-sand, iv. 248. 

——. his new arrangement of the tran- 
Sition strata, iv. 298. 

Murcia, earthquake of 1829, ii. 183. 

Murphy, Lieut. H., on height of North 
Downs, iv. 224. 

Musara, buried cones near, iii. 415. 

—, flowing of lava round, iii. 490, 

Muschelkalk, iv. 292. 

Mydaus meliceps, iii. 39, 


Nadder, valley of the, iv. 250. 

Nakel, fossil ship found at, iii. 247. 

Nantucket, banks of, i. 384. 

Naples, history and map of yolcanic 
district round, ii. 61. ; iv. 1. 

—, recent tertiary strata in district 
round, iii. 340. 

——, recent shells in tuffs near, iv. 11. 

Narwal stranded near Boston, iii, 266, 

— fossil, near Lewes, iii. 263. 

Nature, as defined by Lamarck, ii. 375, 

Necker, M. L. A., on Somma, ii, 168. 
iv. 5: 3; “ 

Needles of Isle of Wight, i. 425. 

—, fall of one of them, iv. 87. 

Neill on whales stranded, iii. 266. | 

Nelson, Lieut., on coral reefs, iii. 279, 

Neptune, temple of, under water, ii. 276, 

Neptunists and Vulcanists, rival factions 
of, i. 88. 98. 

Nerbuddah, R., iii. 194. 

Nerinzan limestone, iv. 289, 

Nesti, M., on fossils of UpperVal d’*Arno, 
iv. 139. 

Netherlands, tertiary formations of the, 
iv. 210. 

Newcastle coal-field, i. 202. 

Newer Pliocene period. 
period, newer. 

Newfoundland, cattle mired in bogs of, 
1. 130: 

Newhaven, its cliffs undermined, i, 423. 

—, tertiary strata on chalk near, iy, 
222. = 

New Holland, plants of, i. 196.5 iii. 5. 

See Pliocene 


New Holland, animals of, iii. 29. 

~—,, coral reefs of, iii. 280. 

New Kameni, formation of, ii. 163. 

New Madrid, earthquakes at, ii. 203. 

New York, excessive climate of, i. 169. 

New Zealand, animals in, i. 204. 

Niagara, excavation caused by the cata. 
ract of, i. 134. 277. 

——, falls of, i. 275. 

——, probable time which they will re- 
quire to reach Lake Erie, i. 278. 

Niapisca Island, worn limestone co- 
lumns in, iv. 21. 

Nicaragua, volcanos in, ii. 45. 

Nice, depth of Mediterranean near, i. 
353. 376. 3 ii. 18. 

—, tertiary strata of, i. 353. ; iv. 63. 65. 

Nicolosi destroyed by earthquake, ii.116. 

Niebuhr cited, i. 109. 

Niger, delta of, its size, iv. 309. 

Nile, delta of the, i. 353. ; iii. 348. 

—, its ancient mouths, i. 354, 

—, analysis of mud of the, i. 355. 

——, cities buried under blown sand 
near the, iii. 188. 

——, men swept away by flood of, iii. 

Niisson, M., on lignite of the chalk pe- 
riod, iv. 278. 

on migrations of eels, ili. 54. 

Nipon, volcanos numerous in, ii. 48. 

Nitrogen in springs, iii. 158. 

Noeggerath, M., on volcanic district of 
the Rhine, iv. 102. 113. 

Norfolk, waste of cliffs of, i. 404. ; iv. 

——., gain of land on coast of, i. 407. 

~—, crag strata of, iv. 71. 

Norte, R., transportation of sediment 
by the, ii. 33. 

North Cape, drift-wood on, iii. 224. 

North Downs, chalk ridge called the, iy. 

——-, section across valley of Weald 
from south to, iv. 224. 

—, highest point of, iv. 224. 

——,on former continuity of chalk of 
the, with that of the South Downs, 
iv. 244. 

Northmavine, rocks drifted by sea at, i. 
394. ; 

Northstrand destroyed by sea, ii. 9. 

Northumberland, land destroyed by sea 
in, i. 402. . 

‘Noto, Val di, formations of the, iii. 383. 

Notre Dame des Ports, i. 347. 


Norway free from earthquakes, ii. 304. 
—, rise of land in, i. 216. ; ii. 298. 301. 
Norwich once situated on an arm of the 

sea, i. 407. 
Nugent, Dr., on Pitch Lake of Trinidad, 
i. 334. 

Novera, hill of, in Sicily, iii. 392. 

Nymphs, temple of, under water, ii- 

Nyée, a new island formed in 1783, ii. 
197. 145. 


Obsequens on eruption in Ischia, ii. 71. 

Oby, R., fossils on shores of, i. 148. 

Ocean, permanency of its level, ii. 284. 

Oceanic deltas, i. 357. 

Odoardi on tertiary strata of Italy, i- 
74. 5 ili. 336. 

Oersted, discoveries of, ii. 324. 

Ogygian deluge, ii. 52. 69. 

Ohio, junction of, with Mississippi, i. 282. 

Olafsen on drift-wood, iii. 225. 

Older Pliocene period. See Pliocene pe- 
riod, older. 

Old red sandstone formation, iv. 295. 

—, fossils of, i. 235. ; iv. 296. 

Olivet, volcanic cone of, iv. 93. 

Olivi on fossil remains, i. 38. 

— on sediment in Adriatic, i. 352. 

Olot, volcanic district of (see Pl. xi.), iv- 

——, destroyed by earthquake, iv. 99. 

Omalius d’Halloy on former connection 
of Auvergne and Paris basin, iv. 165. 

Omar, an Arabian writer, i. 30. 

Oojain. See Oujein. 

Oolite, or Jura limestone formation, iv- 

—, converted into hypogene rock in 
the Alps, iv. 370. 

——., fossils of the, i. 237. ; iv. 288. 

Oolitic structure in Auvergne, iv. 152. 

—— in Hungary, iv. 130. 

——, recent, in Lancerote, ii. 144. 

Opossum, fossil, at Stonesfield, i. 237. 

Oppido, changes caused by earthquake 
near, ii. 215. 224. 

Orang-outang, Lamarck on its conver- 
sion into the human species, ii. 377. 
Organic life, effect of changes in land 

and sea on, i. 182. 
Organic remains, controversy as to real 
nature of, i. 34. ; iii. 306. 


Organic remains, imbedding of. 

— importance of the study of, i. 106. 

——, abrupt transition from those of 
the secondary to those of the tertiary 
rocks, i. 212. 

—, contemporaneous origin of rocks 
proved by, iii. 325. 


——, comparative value of different 

classes of, iii. 357. 

——. See also Fossils, 

Orinoco, R., subsidence in, ii. 250. 

Orkney Islands, promontory cut off by 
sea in, i. 399. 

Orleanais, fossils of the, iv. 137. 

Orpheus cited, i. 13. 

Orthés, tertiary strata of, iv. 121. 

Orust, island of, ii. 300, 301. 

Orwell river, i. 415. 

Osnabruch, tertiary strata of, iv. 133. 

Osseous breccias, formation of, iii. 231, 

, in caves, iv. 38. 43. ` 

——, now forming in the Morea, iii. 203. 

Otaheite, volcanos in, iii. 288. 

—, coral at great height in, iii, 297. 

Otranto, tertiary strata of, i. 141. ; iii. 

Oujein, buried city of, ii. 200. ; iii. 193. 

Ouse, R., transverse valley of, iv. 238. 

——, has filled up an arm of the sea, iii, 
263.3 iv. 240. . = 

Outlying patches of tertiary strata on 
chalk hills, iv. 218. 

Ovid cited, i. 16. 

Owen, Mr., on bones of turtles, iii. 269. 

Owbyhee, iii. 288. 

Owthorne, encroachment of sea at, i. 403. 

Oxus, earthquake in valley of the, ii. 50, 

Oxygen, its action on rocks, i. 262, 

Oysters, &c., thrown ashore alive by 
storm, ii. 270. 

——, migrations of, iii. 60. 


Pachydermata abundant in Eocene pe- 
riod, iii. 379. 

Pacific Ocean, depth of, i. 185 

—, its height above the Atlantic, i. 387. 

——, animals in islands of, iii, 32. 

——, subsidence greater than elevation 
in, iii. 294. 

——, earthquakes in, iii. 296. 

——, coral and volcanic islands of, ii 
49. ; iii, 284, 287. 296. 


Pacific Ocean, lines of ancient sea cliffs 
on shores of, iv. 17. 

Pestum, formation of limestone near, i. 

Pakefield, waste of cliffs at, i. 411. 

Palzotherium in freshwater strata of 
Isle of Wight, iv. 216. 263. 

Palagonia, dikes at, iii. 391. 

——-, section to Paterno from, iii. 399. 

Palermo, caves containing osseous brec- 
cias near, iv. 41. 

Palestine shaken by earthquakes, ii. 54. 

Palissy on organic remains, i. 39, 

Pallas on mountains of Siberia, i. 79. 

— on Caspian Sea, i. 80. ; ii. 52, 

—— on fossil bones of Siberia, i. 80. 148, 

—— on calcareous springs, i. 325. 

e ted u. 12°53! 820.3 ait, 75. 

Palma, description of Isle of, ii. 155. 

Palmer, Mr., on shingle beaches, i. 428. 

Panama, tides in Bay of, i. 388. 

Panella, in Ischia, iv. 13. 

Papandayang, eruption of, ii. 249. 

——, its cone truncated, ii, 249. Gait 

Papa Stour, waste of rocks of, i. 398. 

Papyrus rolls in Herculaneum, ii. 104. 

Paradise, Burnet on seat of, i. 56. 

Parallel roads of Coquimbo, iv. 18. 

— of Glen Roy, iv. 18. 

Paris basin, formations of the, i. 214. 5 
iii, 332. ; iv. 164. 

—, fossils of the, i. 240. ; iii. 333. 379. $ 
iv. 176, 177. 

-——, all tertiary formations at first re. 

ferred to age of, iii. 334. 

—, analogy of deposits of Central 
France to those of the, iv. 164. 

—, comparison between English Eo- 
cene deposits and those of, iv. 217. 

Parkinson, Mr., on the crag, iii. 336. ; 
iv. 50. 

Parma, tertiary strata near, i. 141.353, ; 
iii. 364. ; iv. 53. 

Paroxysmal elevations, theory of, iv. 14. 

Parrot on Caspian Sea, ii. 51. ; iii. 126. 

——., retraction of his opinion on level 
of Caspian, iv. 202. 

Parry, Captain, highest northern lati- 
tude reached by, i. 175. 

—— on migration of Polar bear, iii. 40, 

—— on animals of Melville Island, iii, 

Partsch, M., on tertiary strata of Vi- 
enna, iv, 129. k 


Passo Manzanelli, waterfalls in lava at, 
i. 274. 
Pasto, volcanos in, ii. 45. 
Paternd, section from, to Palagonia, iii. 
—, valleys of, iii. 400. 
— _, age of basalts of, iii. 406. 
Patrizio? s dialogues, i. 59, 
Pauliac, limestone of, iv. 122. 
Paviland cave, iii. 212. 
Peat, on its growth and preservation of 
fossils in it, iii. 160. 177. 182. 
— bogs, bursting of, iii. 186. 
—, submarine, iii. 187. 265, 
Padamentina, description of the, ii. 87. 
Pembrokeshire, tradition of loss of land 
in, i. 431. 
Pennant on encroachments of sea on 
Yorkshire coast, i. 403, 404. 
—— on distribution and migration of 
animals, i. 147. ; iii. 31.37. 
Pentalica, limestone of, iii. 384, 385. 
Pentland, Mr., on fossils from Australian 
caves, iv. 44. 
——, on fossils of Upper Val d’ Arno, iv, 
Pentland Frith, currents in the, i. 385. 
Penzance, loss of land near, i. 429. 
Peperino, dikes in, iii. 390. 
——, how formed, iii. 393. 
——, dikes of, how formed, iii. 392. 
Péron on distribution of animals, iii. 52. 
Perpignan, iv. 99. 
Persian Gulf, coral in, iii. 280. 
Persian Magi on the deluge, i. 32. 
Peru, volcano in, ii. 42. 
——, earthquakes in, ii. 42. 258. 
——, proofs of successive elevation of 
coast of, iv. 17. 
Peterhead, whale stranded near, iii, 266. 
Petroleum, springs, i. 334, 
Pewsey, Vale of, iv. 250. 
Pharos joined to Egypt by delta of Nile, 
i, 18. 354. 
Phillips, Mr, J., on waste of Yorkshire 
coast, i. 403. 
—, on tertiary strata in Yorkshire, iv. 
Phillips, Mr. R., on slow deposition of 
some kinds of sediment, ii. 35. 
Phillips, Mr. W., his analysis of chalk 
flints, iv. 160. 
_ Philosopher’s tower on Etna, iv. 15. 
Phlegræan fields, volcanos of, ii. 74. ; 
iv. 10. 


Physical Geography. See Geography- 

Piana, conglomerate of, iv. 127. 

Piazza, tertiary strata at, iii, 396. 

Pichinea volcano, ii. 43. 

Piedmont, tertiary strata of, iii. 338.5 iv- 

Pietra Mala, inflammable gas of, i. 19. 

Pignataro on earthquake of Calabria, ii. 
212. : 

Pigs, instincts of, ii. 413. 

— swim to great distances, iii, 34. 

—, fossil, iii. 183. 

Pindar cited, ii. 115. 

Pingel, Dr., on subsidence of Greenland, 
ii. 342, 

Pitch lake of Trinidad, i. 334. 

Pitchstone, formed by dikes of Somma; 
iv. 9. 

Piteo, gain of land at, i. 345. ; ii. 289. 
Pius VIL, edict against Galileo and Co- 
pernican system repealed by, i. 100. 

Piz, fall of mountain of, iii. 200. 

Plants, varieties in, produced by horti- 
culture, ii. 399. 

—, extent of variation in, ii. 401. 

, their geographical distribution, 

iii. 3 

—— in islands, iii. 6. 15. 

—, dispersion of, iii. 10. 

—, stations of, iii. 5. 86. 

—, equilibrium among, kept up by in- 
sects, iii. 89. 

—, number of terrestrial, iii. 148. 

—, imbedding of, in subaqueous de- 
posits, iii. 219. 258. 265. 

——, on number which are now becom- 
ing fossil, iii. 226. 

—, their fossilization partial, iii. 350. 

—, fossil, importance of, in geology» 
iii. 357. 359. 

——, fossil, of the coal strata, i. 158. 202. 

Plas Newydd, changes caused by a dike 
near, iv. 364. 

Plastic clay and sand of the London ba- 
sin, i. 240. ; iv. 212. 

—— of the Paris basin, iv. 168. 

Plastic force, fossil shells ascribed to, i. 

Plato on Egyptian cosmogony, i. 13. 

Playfair on Huttonian theory, i. 94. 101. 

—— on instability of the earth’s surface, 
i, 299. 

—— on gradual rise of Sweden, ii. . 291. 

—— on formation of ‘vegetable soil, iji- 



Playfair cited, ii. 320. 

Pleurs, town of, and its inhabitants bu- 
ried by a landslip, iii, 201. 

Pliny the Elder, i. 27. 

——, on delta of Rhone, i. 346. 

» ON islands at the mouth of the 
Texel, ii. 7. 

-—, killed by eruption of Vesuvius, 
A. D. 79, ii, 67. 

Pliny the Younger, on eruption of Ve. 
suvius, A. DÐ. 79, ii. 67. 

——, does not mention the overwhelm. 

ing of Herculaneum and Pompeii, ii. 


Pliocene period, newer, 
the term, iii. 368, 

——, proportion of living 
sil shells of, iii. 369, 373. 

— marine formations of, iii. 382, 

—, volcanic rocks of, iv, 2, 

~—, subterranean rocks 
formed during, iii. 436. 

—, freshwater formations of, iv. 27. 

~, OSseous breccias and cave deposits 
of, iv. 38. 

——, alluviums of, iv. 44. 

Pliocene period, older, proportion of 
living species in fossil shells of, iii. 
369. 373. 

——, Mammiferous remains of, iii. 379, 

——, formations referable to the, iv. 49, 

——., volcanic rocks of, iv. 89. 

Pliocene strata of Sicily, origin of, iii. 

——, changes of surface during and 
since their emergence, iii. 438. 

——, ewer, chiefly visible in countries 
of earthquakes, iv. 16. 26, 

Plomb du Cantal, successively accumu- 
lated, iv. 162. 

——, volcanic rocks of, iv. 188, 191, 

——, limestone covered by volcanic 
rocks on, iv. 199. 

—, not an elevation crater, ii. 170. 

Plot on organic remains, i, 45, 

Pluche, theory of, 1732, i. 58. 

Plutarch, i.'12. 

Plutonic rocks, iv. 337, 

— distinction between volcanic and, 
iv. 345. 

——, their relative age, iv. 351. 383. 

—, changes produced by, iv. 368. 

Po, R., frequently shifts its course, i, 279, 

———; embankment of the, i. 280. 

——, delta of the, i, 350, 374.; iii. 170. 

Podolia, tertiary formations of, iv. 182, 

VOL. Lv. 

derivation of 

Species in fos- 

of fusion, 



Polistena, changes caused by earth- 
quakes near, ii. 219. 226. 231. 

Polyps, see Zoophytes. 

Pomerania, fossil ships in, iii. 247. 

Pompeii, how destroyed, ii. 94. 98. 

—— section of the mass enveloping, 
ii. 95, ; 

—, depth to which’ the ashes of erup- ' 
tion of 1829 covered, ii. 25. 

——, objects preserved in, ii. 100. 

Pomponius Mela, cited, i, 347. ; ii. 6. 

Pondres, cave at, if. 214, 

Pontanus on eruption in Ischia, ii. 71. 

Pont du Chateau, tuff and limestone at, 
iv. 185. 

Ponte Leucano, travertin at, i. 321. 

Pont Gibaud, gneiss rocks decomposed 
by carbonic acid at, i. 332. 

——-, calcareous springs near, i. $12. 

Poole Bay cut into by sea, i. 426, 

Popayan, volcanos in, ii, 45, : 

——, shaken by earthquake, ii. 189. 

Port-au-Prince destroyed by earthquake, 
li. 255. 

Portland, fossil ammonites of, i. 49. 

——, its peninsula wasting, i. 497. 

——, fossil forests in, iv. 284. 

Port Royal, subsidence Of; 2620 seat 
125.252. 255, ; 

Portugal, earthquakes in, ii. 57. 251; 

Port Vallais, ancient town in delta of 
Rhone, i. 338. 

Po Vecchio, i. 280. 

Pratt, Mr., on fossils of Isle of 
i. 241. ; iv. 216. 

— 0n cave of San Ciro, iv. 40, 

Precession of the equinoxes, i. 179, 

Prevost, M. C., on fossil mammalia 
of Stonesfield, i. 237. 

[2,0 gypseous springs of Baden, i. 


——, on new island in Mediterranean, 
ìi. 148, 

—— on elevation craters, ij, 159, 154, 

~>, on geological causes, iii, 176, 

—, on drifting of plants, iii. 229, 

—, on filling up of caves with osseous 
breccias, iii. 210. ge 
—, on tertiary strata of Vienna, iii, 

339. ; iv. 128. i 
~—, on tertiary strata of Paris 
iv. 167. 171. 173. 178. 
Prevost, M. P., on radiation of heat, i. 167, 
Prevost, Mr. J. L., on number of wrecked 
vessels, iii, 243. 



Pressure, effects of, on consolidation of 
strata, iv. 317. 

Prichard, Dr., on Egyptian cosmogony, 
i, 12. 250. 

—=, on recent origin of man, i. 246. 

——, on distinct origin of dog and wolf, 
ii. 394. 

__—, on hybrid races, ii, 425. 

Seon facial angle, ii. 437. 

——, on distribution of animals, iii. 28. 

Primary, on the rocks usually termed, 
iii. 313. ; iv. 336. 

——, their relation to volcanic and sedi- 
mentary formations, iv. 336. 

——, divisible into two groups, iv. 337. 

~——-, on the stratified rocks called, iii. 
317. ; iv. 358. 

——, the term why faulty, iv: 379. 

_— strata, how far entitled to the ap- 
pellation, iv. 383. 

Primitive, term now abandoned, iii. 318. 

Primosole, limestone at, iii. 397. 

Prinsep, Mr., on sediment of Ganges, i. 

Priory of Crail, swept away by sea, 
i, 401. 

Procida, island of, remarks of ancient 
writers on, ii. 62. 

_ would resemble Ischia if raised, 
iv. 13. 

Progressive development of organiclife, 
theory of, i. 227. ; Ï. 363. 

Promontories, their effect in protecting 
low shores, i. 399. ` 

Psalmodi, formerly an island, i. 347. 

Puglia, fossil elephant found at, i. 37. 

Pulo Nias, fossil shells of, iv. 23. 

Pulvermaar, described, iv. 105. 

Punto del Nasone, dikes at, iv. 6. 

Punto di Guimento, veins of lava at, 
iii. 419. 

Puracé volcano, iv. 178. 

Purbeck, its peninsula wasting, i. 427. 

Pursh on Plants of United States, iii. 5. 

Pusanibio, R., sulphuric acid, &c. in 
waters of, iv. 178. 

Puy Arzet, chalk with beds of tuff in, 
iv. 120. 

Puy de Come, ravine in lava of, iv: 193. 

Puy de Jussat, quartzose grits of, iv. 148. 

Puy de Marmont, tuff and marl in, iv. 


Puy de Pariou, iv. 199. 
Puy Griou, iv. 191. 
Puy Rouge, ravine in lava of, iv. 



Puy de Tartaret, iv. 193. 

Puy en Velay, fossils in alluvium under 
lava near, iv. 136. 

—, freshwater formation of, iv. 157. 

Puzzuoli, Temple of Serapis near, ii. 267. 

inland cliffs near, ii. 268. 970. 5 
iii. 441. 

—, date of re-elevation of coast of, ii. 

—, encroachment of sea near, ii. 282. 

——, no great wave caused by rise of 
coast near, iv. 14. 

Pyrenees, their relative age, height, &c., 
i. Q11.; iv. 326. 368. 

—, tertiary formations of, iv. 69. 121. 

——, lamination of clay-state in, iv. 361. 

——, chalk of the, iv. 276, Q77. 

Pythagoras, system of, i. 16. 

—, on Etna, ii. 39. 



Quadrumanous animals, not found fos- 
sil, i. 242. 

Quadrupeds, domestic, multiply rapidly 
in America, iii. 113. 

—, imbedding of terrestrial, iii, 231. 

Quaggas, migrations of, ili. 38. 

Quartz, whence derived, iv. 376. 

Quebec, climate of, i. 169. 

—, earthquakes in, ii. 908. 

Quero destroyed by earthquake, ii. 207. 

Quilotoa, Lake, cattle killed by vapours 
from, ii. 207. 

Quintero elevated by earthquake of 
1822, ii. 190. 

Quirini, theory of, i. 44. 

Quito, earthquakes in, ii. 206. 261. > 

Quorra, or Niger, delta of the, iv. 309- 

Quoy, M., on coral zoophytes, iii. 281. 


Rabenstein cave, iii. 210. 

Race of Alderney, its velocity, i. 385. 

Radicofani, marls capped by basalt at, 
iv. 54. 

——4, age of volcanic rocks of, iv. 89. 

Radusa, fossil fish of, iii. 389. 

Raffles, Sir S., cited, ii. 200. 419. 

Rafts, drift-timber in Mississippi, &°-» 
i. 286. 

Rain, action of, iii. 164. 



INDEX. 435 

Rain diminished by felling of forests, 
iii. 165. ; 

Ramazzini on Burnet’s theory, i. 59, 

Ramond, M., on Auvergne, iv. 197. 

Rancié, altered lias at, iv. 369. 

Raspe on islands shifting their position 

` (note), i. 19. 

—, his theory, 1763, i. 75. 

—, on earthquakes, i. 75. 

—, on new islands, i. 76. 

—, on basalt, i. 85. 

——, on elevation of coast of Chili, ii. 

Rats, migrations of, iii. 37. 

—— introduced by man into America, 
iii, 74. 115. 

Ravenna, formerly a sea-port, i. 351. 

Ray, his physico-theology, i. 52. 54. 

——-, 0n earthquakes, i. 53. 

——, on encroachments of sea, i. 53. 413. 

—, on Woodward’s theory, i. 55. 

—,, cited, iii. 50. 

«Reaumur on insects, iii. 94. 

Recent formations, term explained, iii. 

—, form a common point <f departure 
in all countries, iii. 378. 

Recent and tertiary formations, synop- 
tical table of, iii. 381. 

Reculver cliff, encroachment of sea on, 
i. 416. 

Recupero on fiowing of lava, ii. 119. 

Red marl, supposed universality of, iv. 
315. s 

—— and sandstone of Auvergne, iv. 
148. 316. 

. Red River, formation of new lakes by, 

THOS WIV. O75 f 

—, drift-wood in, i. 286. ; 

Red River and Mississippi, their junc- 
tion recent, i. 374. 

Red Sea, gain of land in, ii. 28. 

——, level of, i. 387. 

——, coral reefs of, iii, 275, 282. 288. 292. 

—, on former union of Mediterranean 
and, ii. 31. 

— and Mediterranean, distinct spe. 
cies in, iii. 328. ; iv. 118. 

—, tertiary strata on borders of, iv. 25. 

Refrigeration, Leibnitz’s theory of, i. 

——, causes which might produce the 
extreme of, i. 186. 

Rein-deer, geographical range of, iii. 36. 

——, migrations of, iii, 41. 

——, imported into Iceland, iii. 116, 

Rennell, Major, on delta of Ganges, i. 
358. 362. 

—, on icebergs, i. 173. 

— on delta of Nile, i. 353. 

——, on sediment in waters of Ganges, 
i. 367. ; 

——, on currents, i. 170. 382. 384. 386. 

——, on the tide-wave called the Bore, 
ii. 10. $ 

Rennes, tertiary strata near, iv. 209. 

Rennie, Rev. Dr., on peat, and fossils in 
peat, iii. 177, 178. 182, 188. 

Reptiles, their geographical distribution, 
iii, 49. 

—, their powers of diffusion, iii. 50. 

—, in Ireland, iii. 50. 

—, imbedding of, in subaqueous depo- 
sits, iii. 230. 234. 267. 

Resina, overflowed by lava, ii. 77. 

Rhine, R., desċription of its course, ii. 

—, its delta, ii. 2, 

——., Lower, volcanos of the, iv. 101. 

—, origin of trass of, iv. 108. 

Rhinoceros, fossil, in Siberia, i. 150, 

Rhone, delta of, in Mediterranean, i. 

, delta of, in Lake of Geneva, i. 337. 

372. iii, 346. 

——, debris deposited at its confluence 
with the Arve, i. 378. 

—, shells drifted by the, iii. 360. 

——, acannon imbedded in calcareous 
rock in its delta, iii, 249. 

Riccioli, Signor, on travertin, iv. 28. 

Richardson, Dr., on formation of ice- 
bergs, i. 156. 

—, on a calcareous formation near the 
Mackenzie River, i. 201. 

——, on drift-timber in the Mackenzie 
and Slave Lake, iii. 221. 293. 

Richardson, Mr. W., on Herne Bay, ii. 
416. ’ 

Riobamba destroyed by earthquake, ii. 

Rimao, valley of, ancient sea-cliffs in 

Ripple marks, how formed, iv. 81. 

Risso, M., on fossil shells, iv. 25, 66, 

Rita, hot spring of, its temperature 
raised by earthquake, ii. 188. 

Rive, M. dela, on terrestrial magnetism 3 
ii, 324. 

Rivers, difference in the sediment of 
i. 135. 345. 349. 373. ; iii. 326. 

—, sinuosities of, i. 263, 



Rivers, two equal, when they become 
confluent, do fiot occupy bed of dou- 
ble surface, i. 265. 

Robert, M., on fossils of Cussac, iv. 137. 

Rocco di Ferro, shells in tuffs of, iii. 

402. * 
Rochester, indentations in the chalk 

filled with sand, &c. near, iv. 217. 

Rockall bank, recent deposits on, iii, 

Rocks, specific gravity of, i. 264. 

——., altered by subterranean gases, i. 
332. 3 iv. 373. 

——, distinction between sedimentary 
and volcanic, iii. 313. ; iv. 337. 

=, origin of the primary, iii. 314. ; iv. 

—, distinction between primary, Se- 
condary, and tertiary, iii. 313. 

— persistency, of mineral character, 
why apparently greatest in the older, 
iv. 313. 

——., older, why most consolidated and 
disturbed, iv. 316. 318. 

——, secondary volcanic, of many dif- 
ferent ages, iv. 319. 

——, relative age of, how determined, 
iii, 319. 

——, transportation of, by ice, tbs 
ii. 289. ; iv. 48. 

—, cleavage planes and jointed struc- 
ture of, iv. 354. 

——, how altered by permeation of heat 
and gases, iv. 372. 

——, chemical composition of different, 
iv. 377. 

Roderberg, crater of the, iv. 34. 106. 

Rogvarpen, Lake, strata near, ii. 301. 

Roman roads under water in Bay of 
Baie, ii. 276. 

Rome, travertins of, iv. 28. 

Romney Marsh, gained from sea, i. 422. 

Ronca, tertiary limestone of, iv. 211. 

Ronchi, Roman bridge of, buried in 
silt, i. 352. 

Rose, M. G., on hornblende and augite, 
ii. 178. $ 

Ross, Captain, on icebergs in Baffin’s 
Bay, i. 172. 

Rossberg, slide of the, iji, 200. 

Rotaro, Monte, structure of, ii. 63. 

Rotation of the earth, currents caused 
by, i. 390. 

Rother, River, vessel found in its old 

bed, i. 423.5 iii. 247. 
Royat, near Clermont, iv. 200, 


Royle, Mr., i. 152. 

Rozet, M., on loess of the Rhine, iv. 38. 
Runn of Cutch described, ii, 198. 
Runton, crag strata in cliffs near, iv. 83. 
Rye formerly destroyed by sea, i. 423. 


Sabine, Captain, on well at Chiswick, i. 

—— on distance to. which waters of 
Amazon discolour the sea, ii. 33. 

——, on current crossing the mouth of 
the Amazon, ii. 33. 

Sabrina, island of, ii. 145. 205. 

Saco, flood on the River, i. 293. 

Saharunpore, buried town near, iii. 199. 

St. André destroyed by a landslip, iii. 

St. Andrews, loss of land at, i. 401. 

——, a gun-barrel, fossil, with shells at- 
tached to it, near, iii. 250. 

St. Christopher’s, alternations of coral 
and volcanic substances in, iv. 22, 

St. Domingo, subsidence of coast of, ii. 

~=—, hot springs caused by earthquake 
in, ii. 250. 

——, fossil vases, &c. in, iii. 246. 

St. Eustatia, tertiary formations in, iv. 
Oe: a 

St. George, banks of, i. 384. 

St. Helena, tides at, i. 381. 

St. Hospice, tertiary strata of, iv. 25. 

St. Jago, earthquake at, ii. 189. 

St. Katherine’s Docks, a fossil vessel 
found in, iii. 247. 

St. Lawrence, Gulf of, elevated beaches 
in, ii. 47.3) iv. 20. 

——, earthquakes in, ii. 208. 

St. Madeleine, near Nice, fossil shells of, 
iv. 66. 

St. Maura, earthquakes in, ii. 194. 214. 

St. Michael, siliceous springs of, i. 327. 

St. Michael’s Mount, i. 430. ; iv. 368. 

St. Mihiel, limestone cliffs of, iv. 20. 

St. Ouen, five sheets of water intersected 
in a well at, i. 306. 

St. Peter’s Mount, Maestricht, fossils of, 
iv. 271. i 

St. Romain, gypsum of, iv. 154. 

St. Sebastian overflowed by volcanic al- 
luvions, ii. 94. 

St. Ubes engulphed by earthquake, ii. 


St. Vincent’s, volcanos of, ii. 203. ;“iv. 22. 

——, counter currents in the air proved 
by eruption in, i. 188. 

—, boa constrictor conveyed on drift- 
wood to, iii. 51. 

Salisbury Craig, altered strata in, iv. 365. 

Salt, on its deposition in the Mediter- 
ranean, ii. 15. 

Salt springs, i. 30. 330. 

Saltholm, island of, ii. 288. 

Samothracian deluge, ii. 52. 

San Ciro, fossils in cave of, iv. 41. 

Sand, estuaries blocked up by blown, i. 
408. ; ii. 21. 

—, cones of, thrown up during earth- 
quake, ii. 235, 

—, drift, imbedding of towns, organic 
remains, &c. in, iii. 188. 190. 

Sanda, its promontory cut off by the sea, 
i. 399. 

Sandown Bay, excavated by sea, i. 425, 

Sandstone, old red, fish found fossil in, 
i, 234, 241. 

Sandwich Land, perpetual snow to level 
of sea-beach in, i, 175. 

San Feliu de Pallerdéls, ravine in lava 
near, iv. 96. 

San Filippo, travertin of, i. 316. 

- Sanguinolaria rugosa, range of, iii. 56. 

San Lio, on Etna, fissures in plain of, ii. 
116. f 

San Lorenzo, isle of, recent fossils in, iv. 

San Lucido, torrents of mud caused by 
earthquake at, ii. 234. 

Santa Croce, Cape of, limestone on lava 
at, iii. 390. 

Santa Madalena, section at, iv. 93. 

Santa Margarita, crater of, iv. 94. 

Santa Maria, island, of raised 10 feet, ii. 

Santorin, geological structure of, ii. 160. 

——, chart and section of, ii. 161. 

—, new islands in Gulf of, ii. 162. 

San Vignone, travertin of, i. 313. 

Saracens, learning of the, i. 29. 

Sardinian volcanos, iv. 101, 

Sasso, Dr., on tertiary strata of Genoa, 
iv. 64. 

——, on fossil shells of Albenga, iv. 65. 

Saucats, freshwater limestone of, iv. 134, 

Saussure on the Alps and Jura, i. 80. 

—— on glaciers of Mont Blanc, i. 259. 

Savanna la Mar, swept away by sea, iii. 

Savona, tertiary strata of, iv. 140. 



Saxony, Werner on the geology of, i. 

Scandinavia represented as an island by 
the,ancients, ii. 287. 

——, gradual rise of, i. 217.; ii. 286. 340. ; 
iii. 435.5 iv. 24. 

——. See Sweden. 

Scarpellini, Professor, i. 100. 

Scheuchzer, his theory, 1708, i. 58. 

Scheveningen, waste of cliffs of, ii. 5. 

Schist, siliceous, clay converted into, by 
a lava dike, iii. 392. 404. 

Schlegel, M. de, i. 24, | 

Schmerling, Dr., on cavern of Chockier, 

— on human remains in caves, iii. 212. 

Sciacca, island of. See Graham Island. 

Scilla on organic remains, 1670, i. 42. 

Scilla, rock of, ii. 236. 

Scoresby, Captain, on the gulf HET 

——, onthe formation of field ice, i. 191. 

——, on weight of rocks transported by 

icebergs, i. 270. 

—, cited, iii. 41. 219. ; iv. 360. 
Scotland, floods in, i. 266. ; iii. 232. 
—, fossil fishin old red sandstone of, 

i. 235. ; iv. 296, 

—, waste of coast of, i. 400. 

——, slight earthquakes felt in, ii. 60. 
——, thickness of alluvions in, ii. 241. . 
——, peat-mosses of, iii. 179. 185. 
=, marl-lakes of, iii. 236, 259. 265. 
—, granite veins of, iv. 339. 

Scrope, Mr. G. P., on eruption of Vesu- 
vius in 1822, ii. 80. 

=, on columnar basalts of Vesuvius, 
ii. 90. 

—, on formation of pisolitic globules at 
Pompeii, ii. 97. 

—, on eruption of Etna in 1811, ii. 121. 

——., on advance of lava of 1819, ii. 122. 

—, on cause of convexity of plain of 
Malpais, ii. 135. 

——, on elevation craters, ii. 152. 

—, on volcanic district of Naples, iv. 

——, on volcanos of the Rhine, iv. 10 . 

——, on geology of Auvergne, iv. 185, 
186. 194. 197. 

Sea does not change its level, but land, 
i. 26. 

——, Moro on manner in which it ac- 
quired its saltness, i. 62. 

——, its influence on climate, i. 174 

—, area covered by, i. 221. 



Sea, its encroachment on different 
coasts, i. 392. 402. 431. ' 
e , cause of its rise and retreat durin 
earthquakes, ii. 254. : 
Sea.cliffs, successive elevations proved 
by, iii. 440. 

=, manner in which the sea destroys 
successive ranges of, iii. 440.; iv. 229. 

~—-, ancient, in the Morea, iv. 19. 

—, in Peru, iv. 17. 

Seaford, waste of cliffs at, i. 424. ; iv. 

Seals, migration of, iii. 45. ` 

Sea-water, density of, i. 172. 

Sea-weed, banks formed by drift, iii. 16. 

Seckendorf, M. de, on greywacké slate, 
with organic remains in granite, i. 84. 

Secondary rocks, iii. 319.3 iv. 268. 

—— of Weald Valley, iv. 222. 

——, their rise and degradation gradual, 
iv. 251. 

——, fossils of the, i. 157. 231. 

——, no species common to tertiary and, 
iv. 272. 274. 279. 

——, circumstances under which they 
originated, iii. 319. 

——, why more consolidated and dis- 
turbed, iv. 316. 318. 

——, volcanic, of different ages, iv. 319. 

Secondary freshwater deposits, why rare, 
iv. 313. 

Secondary periods, duration of, iv. 280. 

Sedgwick, Professor, cn the Hartz moun- 
tains, i. 84. 

——, on tertiary deposits of the Alps, i. 

——, on raised beaches in Ireland, i. 216. 

——, on Caithness schists, i. 235. 

——, on magnesian limestone, i. 318, 

—, on the antagonist power of vegeta- 
tion, iii. 159, 

——, on preservation of organic remains 
in fissures, iii. 208. 

——, on diluvial waves, iii. 431; iv. 205. 

——, on tertiary formations of Styria, 
iv. 129. 131. 142. 

——., on Isle of Wight, iv. 216. 260. 

—, on transition rocks, iv. 300. 306. 

——, On granite veins, iv. 340. 

——, On cleavage and jointed structure 
of rocks, iv. 354. 

——, on garnets in altered shale, iv. 365. 

Sediment, its distribution in the Adri- 
atic, i. 352. 

= in river water, i. 366. 


Sediment of Ganges compared to lavas 
of Etna, i. 369. 

——, rate of subsidence of some kinds of, 
ii. 34. i 

——, area over which it may be trans- 
ported by currents, ii. 34. 

Sedimentary deposition, causes which 
occasion a shifting of the areas of, iii. 

— rocks, distinction between volcanic 
and, iii. 313. 

Selside, fissure in limestone at, iii. 208. 

Seminara, effects of earthquake near, 

Seneca on a future deluge, i. 23. 

Septaria of London clay described, iv. 

Serapis, temple of, ii. 267. 

—, ground plan of environs of, ii. 267. 

—, date of its re-elevation, ii. 278. 

Serre del Solfizio, buried cones in cliffs 
of, iji. 415. 
——, dikes at the base of, iii. 418. 
Serres, E. R. A., on changes in brain of 
foetus in vertebrated animals, ii. 439. 
Serres, M. Marcel de, on changes in bu- 
ried human bones, iii. 214. 

, on human remains in French 

caves, iii. 213. 215. 

—, on drifting of land shells to the 
sea, iii, 360. 

—, on tertiary strata of Montpellier, 
iv. 126. 

—, on fossil insects of Aix, iv. 210. 

Seven Sleepers, legend of the, i. 119. 

Severn, tides in estuary of, i. 382. 

—, gain of land in its estuary, i. 430. 

Shakspeare cited, i. 233. 

Shakspeare’s cliff decays rapidly, i. 

Shales, bituminous, i. 335. 

Sheep, multiplication of, in South Ame- 
Tica, iii. 115. 7 

Shell marl, fossils in, iii. 259. 300. 

Shells. See Testacea. 

Sheppey, fossils of, i. 243. 

——, waste of the cliffs, i. 415. 

Sherringham, sections in cliffs of, iv. 84. 

, waste of cliffs at, i. 405. ; iv. 236. 

Shetland Islands, action of the sea on, 
i. 392. ; iv. 45. 

—, rock masses drifted by sea in, i. 393. 

—-, effect of lightning on rocks in, 
i, 394. 

——, granites of different ages in, iv. 


Shetland Islands, passage of trap into | 
granite in the, iv. 349. ; 
—, formations now in progress near, 
aa, 212: 

Shingle beaches, i. 428. 

Ships, number of British, wrecked annu- 
ally, iii. 240. 243. 

—, fossil, i. 423. ; ifi. 188. 246. 

Shropshire coal-field, i. 202. 

Sibbald cited, iii. 50. 266. 

Siberia, rhinoceros found entire in the 
frozen soil of, i. 80. 150. 

—, the Bengal tiger found in, i. 147. 

——, Lowland of, i. 153. 219. 

—, drift-timber on coast of, iii, 224. 

Siberian mammoths, i. 144. 

Sicily, fossils of existing species in, i. 140. 

——, earthquakes in, ii. 54 208. 261. 5 
iii. 207. 

—, geological structure of, iii. 340. 383. 

——, map of part of, iii. 382. 

— _, origin of newer Pliocene strata of, 
ili. 433. 

—, form of valleys of, iii, 438. 

——, no peculiar indigenous species 
found in, iii. 445. 

——, caves in, iv. 38. 

—, alluviums of, iv. 48. 

Sidon, ancient site of, two miles from 
sea, ii. 31. 

Siebengebirge, volcanic rocks of the, iv. 
36. 109. 

Sienna, fossil shells of, i. 68. 141. ; iv. 74. 

—, Subapennine strata near, iv. 55. 60. 

Silex deposited by springs, i. 327. 

——, piles of Trajan’s bridge said to be 
converted into, i. 329. 

Silla, subsidence of the mountain, ii. 
202, 203. 

Silliman, Professor, cited, iii. 247. 

Silurian group of rocks, iv. 270. 298. 

Silvertop, Colonel, on tertiary strata of 
Spain, iv. 70. 

Simeto, R., lava excavated by, i. 272. 

—, plain of the, iii. 399. 

Sindree, changes caused by earthquake 
of 1819 near, ii. 196. ; iii. 254. 

—, view of the fort of, before the 
earthquake (see Pl. 6.), ii. 196. 

Sioule, R., ravines cut through lava by, 
iv. 194. 

Sipparah, R., its course changed, iii. 194. 

Skapta, R., its channel filled by lava, ii. 

Skaptar Jokul, eruption of, ii. 128. 

Sky, granite of, iv. 343. 


Slate rocks, cleavage planes of, iv. 354. 

Slave Lake, drift-timber im, iii. 221. 

Sleswick, waste of coast oL O 

Sligo, bursting of a peat-moss in, iii. 186. 

Sloane, Sir H., on earthquake in Ja- 
maica, ii. 264. 

—, on dispersion of plants, iii. 214. 

Smeaton on effect of winds on the sur- 
face of water, i. 386. 

Smith, William, agreement of his sys- 
tem with Werner’s, i. 84. 

——, his ‘ Tabular View of the British 
Strata,’ 1790, i. 102. 

—, his Map of England, i. 103. 

— , priority of his arrangement, i. 103. 

Smith, Sir J., cited, ii. 401. ; iii. 19. 

Smyrna, volcanic country round, ii. 54. 

Smyth, Capt. W. H., on the Mediterra- 
nean, i. 78. 348. 5 ii. 272. 

—, on height of Etna, ii. 111. 

——, on Straits of Gibraltar, ii, 15. 18. 

——, on depth of sea from which Gra- 
ham Island rose, ii. 146. 

—, on floating islands of drift-wood, 
iii. 43, 

—, on drifting of birds by the wind, 
jii. 49, 

——., on diffusion of insects, iii. 66. 

—, on average number of British 
ships lost from 1793 to 1829, iii. 243. 
——, found shells at great depths be- 
tween Gibraltar and Ceuta, iii. 271. 

—, on volcanos of Sardinia, iv. 101. 

Snow, height of perpetual, in the Andes, 
i, 194. 

—, in Himalaya mountains, i. 194. 

Sddertelje, canal of, ii, 294. 

—, recent strata of, ii. 300. 

——, buried hut in, ii. 303. 

Sodom, catastrophe of, mentioned by 
Hooke, i. 51. 

Soil, its influence on plants, ii. 402. 

Soils, on formation of, iii. 155. 

—, influence of plants on, iii, 87. 

Soldani, theory of, 1780, i. 78. 

———on microscopic testacea of Medi- 
terranean, i. 78. 

— on the Paris basin, i. 78. 

Solenhofen, fossils of, iv. 289. 

Solent, its channel widening, i. 425. 

Solfatara, lake of, i. 320. 

—, volcano, ii. 65. 70. 74. 78. 

—, effects of the exhalations on its 
structure, ii. 90. ; iv. 374. 

—, temple of Serapis probably sub- 
merged during eruption of, ii. 279. _ 

U 4 


Solon on Island of Atlantis, i. 14. 

Solway Moss, a man and horse, in ar- 
mour, found in, iii. 186. 

—, bursting of, iii. 186. 

Solway Firth, animals washed by river- 
floods into, iii, 232. 

Somersetshire, land gained in, i. 430. 

Somerville, Mrs., on depth of Atlantic 
and Pacific Oceans, i. 185, 

—, on effects of compression at earth’s 
centre, ii. 319. 

Somma, escarpment of, iii, 410, 411. 414. 

——, dikes of, ii. 88.5 iv. 5, 
——; changes caused by dikes in, iii. 
418. s 

—— and Vesuvius, differences in com- 
position of, iv. 4. 

—, section of, ii. 87. 

Somme, peat-mosses in valley of, iii. 187. 

Sorbonne, College of the, i. 69, 

Sorea, eruption in island of, ii. 261. 

Soriano, changes caused by earthquake 
near, ii. 219. 230. 

Sortino, limestone formation in valleys 
of, iii, 385. 

——, Caves near, iv. 39. 

Sortino Vecchio, several thousand peo- 
ple entombed at once in caverns at, 
iii. 207. 

South Carolina, earthquake in, ii. 203. 

South Downs, waste of plastic clay on, 
i. 424. 

——, chalk ridge called the, iv. 223. 

——, section from, to the North Downs 
across Weald Valley, iv. 224, 

——, highest point of, iv. 224. 

—, section from, to Barcombe, iv. 234, 

—, on former continuity of chalk of 
North and, iv. 244. 

Souvignargues, cave at, iii. 314. 

Spaccaforno limestone, iii. 386. 

Spada, his theory, i. 60, 

Spain, earthquakes in, ii, 57. 

—, tertiary formations of, iv. 70. 

——, extinct volcanos of, iv. 90. 

-——, lavas excavated by rivers in, iv. 
93. 97. 

Spallanzani on effects of heat on seeds 
of plants, iii. 14. 

—— on flight of birds, iii, 48. 

Species, definition of the term, ii. 361. 

——, Linnzus on constancy of, ii. 363. 

——-, Lamarck’s theory of transmut- 
ation of, ii. 363. 386. ; iii. 139. 

«=, reality of, in nature, ii. 391. 407, 441. 



Species, geographical distribution of, iii. 

——, theories respecting their first in- 
troduction, iii. 77. 145. 

===, Brocchi on extinction of, iii. 83. 

——, reciprocal influence of aquatic and 
terrestrial, iii. 98. 

——, their successive destruction part 
of the order of nature, iii. 101. 132. 
142. 150. 

—, effect of changes in geography, 
climate, &c. on their distribution, i. 
182. ; iii. 122. 134. 138. 331. 350. 

——, superior longevity of molluscous, 
i, 145. ; iii. 361. ; iv. 40. 

—, necessity of accurately determin- 
ing, iii, 361. 

—, living, proportion of, in different 
tertiary periods, iii. 369. 373. 

‘~ in Sicily older than country they 

inhabit, iii. 445. 

——, none common to secondary and 
tertiary formations, iv. 272. 274, 

Spence, Mr., on insects, cited, ii. 433. ; 
iii. 63. 93. 

Spina, ancient tity in delta of Po, i. 351. 

Spinto, fossil shells at, iv. 127. 

Spitzbergen, glaciers of, i. 172. 

Spix, M., on drifting of animals by the 
Amazon, iii. 42. 

——, on Brazil, iii. 108. 

Spontaneous generation, theory of, i, 38. 

Sprengel, M., on numbers of plants, iii. 
148. “t 

Springs, origin of, i. 300. 

——-, the theory of, illustrated by bored 
wells, i. 302. 

—— most abundant in volcanic regions, 
i. 309. 

—— affected by earthquakes, i. 309. ; ii. 
188. 228, 250. 

—, transporting power of, i. 136. 311. 

——, calcareous, i. 311. 325. 

——, sulphate of magnesia deposited by, 
i. 316. 

—, sulphureous and gypseous, i, 326. 

—, siliceous, i. 327. 

——, ferruginous, i. 330. 

——, brine, i. 330. 

—, carbonated, i. 331. 

——, petroleum, i. 334. 

Spurn Point, its rapid decay, i. 403. 

Squirrels, migrations of, iii. 36. 

Stabie, buried city of, ii. 106. 

Stalagmite alternating with alluvium in 
caves, iii. 210, : 


Start Island separated from Sanda by 
sea, i. 399. 

Statical figure of the earth, ii. 309. 329. 

Stations of plants, description of, iii. 5. 

— of animals, iii. 100. 

Staunton, Sir G., on sediment in Yellow 
River, i. 366. © 

Staveren, formation of Straits of, i. 491.; 
ii. 6.; iii. 130. 

Steele on Burnet’s theory, i. 56. 

Steininger, M., on loess of the Rhine, 
iv. 34. 38. 

——, on volcanic district of the Eifel,iv. 
113 ` 

——, on greywacké rocks, iv. 299. 

Stelluti on organic remains, i. 39. 

Steno, opinions of, i. 40. 

Stephensen on eruption in Iceland, ii.127. 

Steppes, Russian, geology of the, ii. 51. 

Sternberg, Count, on the coal strata, i. 
202. ' 

Stevenson, Mr., on drift stones thrown 
on the Bell Rock, i. 400. 

„on the German Ocean, i. 420. ; ii. 


——, on waste of cliffs, i. 431. 

Stewart, Dugald, cited, i. 249. 

Steyning, chalk escarpment above, iv. 

Stirling Castle, altered strata in rock of, 
iv. 365. 

Stockholm, rise of land near, ii. 294. 

——, upraised deposits of shells near, ii. 
299. 301. 

Stonesfield, fossils of, i. 237. ; iv: 290. 

Storm of November, 1824, effect of, i. 
424. 426. 428. 

Stour- and Avon, cliffs undermined, i. 

Strabo cited, i. 24. 346, 354. ; ii. 56. 62. 

Straits of Dover, formation of, i. 420. 

—, their depth, i. 420, 421. 

Straits of Staveren, formation of, i. 421. ; 
ii. 6; 

Straits of Gibraltar, currents in, &c., 
ii. 14, 16. 20. 

Stralsund, ii. 288. 

Strata, cause of limited continuity of, 
iii. 312. 

——., order of succession of, iii. 318. 

—, origin of European tertiary, at 
successive periods, iii. 335. 

——-, recent, form a common, point of 
departure in all countries, iii. 378. 

——, with and without organic remains 

- alternating, iv. 181. 


Strata, fossiliferous, classification of the, 
iv. 269. 

——., on consolidation of, iv. 316. 

Stratification in deltas, causes of, i. 376. 

—— of débris deposited by currents, i. 
378. 5 ii. 36. 

——, unconformable, remarks on, iii. 

—— of the Crag, iv. 78. 

—— of primary rocks, iv, 353, 

——, difference between cleavage and 
iv. 354. 

Strato, hypothesis of, i. 25, 

Stratton, Mr., on buried temples in 
Egypt, iii. 189. 

Strickland, Mr., on tertiary strata hear 
Cropthorn, i. 145. ` . 

Strike of beds, explanation of term, iv. 

Stromboli, its appearance during . Cala- 
brian earthquakes, ii. 237. 

—, lava of, iv. 350. 

Studer, M., on molasse of Switzerland, 
iv. 128, : 

——, on theory of M. E. de Beaumont, 
AV SBou2 5 

——, on altered strata in the Alps, iv. 

Stufas, jets of steam, in volcanic re- 
gions, i. 308. 

Stutchbury, Mr., on coral islands, iii. 
279. 281, 282. 296. 

Styria, tertiary formations of, iv. 128. 


Subapennine strata, i. 141. 209. 241. ; ii. 
216. ; iv. 49. 

—, early theories of Italian geologists 
concerning, i. 74. 127. 

——-, Opinions of Brocchi on the, iv. 49. 

——-, subdivisions of, described, iv. 53. 

——., how formed, iv. 56. 

——, organic remains of the, iv. 59. 

Subaqueous strata, imbedding of fossils 
in, iii, 258. 

—, our continents chiefly composed 
of, iii, 313. 

——., how raised, iii. 435. 

—, distinction between alluvium and, 
iii. 196. 

Submarine forests, i. 400. 431.5 iii. 226. 

Submarine peat, iii. 187. 265. 

Submarine volcanos, ii. 145, 

Subsidence of land, ii. 195. 201, 202. 208. 
218. 233, 252. 256. 262. 268.5; iii. 124, 
952, 255. 295. 424. 

——, permanent, ii, 339. 


Subsidence of land, greater than eleva- 
tion, ii. 356.; iii. 295. 

Subterranean lava causes elevation of 

land, iii. 436. 

Successive development of organic life, 
i. 227. 

Suez, Isthmus of, ii. 31. 

Suffolk, cliffs undermined, i. 410. 

—-, inland cliff on coast of, i. 410. 

—, tertiary strata of, iii. 336.; iv. 71. 

Sullivan’s Island, waste of, ii. 10. 

Sulphur Island, ii. 48, 

Sulphureous springs, i. 326. 

Sumatra, volcanos in, ii. 49. 

Sumbawa, subsidence in island of, 1815, 
li, 200. ; iii. 254. 

Sunderbunds, part of delta of Ganges, i. 

Sunderland, magnesian limestone of, i. 

Superga, fossil shells of the, iii. 364. 5 iv. 

Superior, Lake, deltas of, i. 342. 

——, recent deposits in, i, 3445 iii. 262. 

—, its depth, extent, &c., i. 342. 344. 

——, bursting of, would cause a flood, 
iv. 201. 

Superposition of successive formations, 
causes of the, iii. 345. 

—, proof of more recent origin, iii. 320. 

—, exceptions in regard to volcanic 
rocks, iii. 321. 

—, no invariable order of, in Hypo- 
gene formations, iv. 380. 

Surface, state of, when secondary and 
tertiary strata were formed, iii. 341. 

Sussex, Weald formation of, i. 206. 

—, waste of its coast, 1. 423. 

Swanage Bay excavated by sea, i. 425. 

Swatch in Bay of Bengal, i. 359. 

Sweden, gradual rise of, ii. 286. 353. gh 
217. ; iv. 24. 26. 251. 

——, earthquakes in, ii. 304. 

—, lignite of chalk period in, iv. 278. 

` =>, greywacké rocks of, iv. 300. 

——. See also Scandinavia. ; 

Swinburne, Capt., on Graham Island, 
ii. 147. 150. 

Switzerland, towns destroyed by land- 

- slips in, iii. 200. 

—, *‘molasse’ of, iv. 128, 

Symes on petroleum springs, i. 33%. 

Syenites not distinguishable from gra- 
nites, iv. 344. 

Syracuse, section at, iii, 385. 

o—, inland cliffs north of, iii. 440. 

——, Caves near, iv. 39. 


Syria, gain of land on its coasts, ii. 31. 
—, earthquakes in, ii. 54. 


Table-Mountain, intersected by veins, 
iv. 339. 

Tacitus cited, ii. 68. ; 

Tadeausac, earthquakes at, ii. 208. 

Tagliamento, R., delta of the, i. 350. 

—, conglomerates formed by, i. 352. 

Talcahuano, recent elevation of, ii. 187. 

Tampico, sediment transported by, ii. 

Tanaro, plains of the, iii, 364. ; iv. 127. 

Tangaran, R.s stopped up by, Jandslips, 
ii. 260. 

Targioni on geology of Tuscany, i. 70. 

——, on origin of valleys, i. 70. 

—_, on fossil elephants, i, 71. 

==, on deposits of springs, i. 313. 

Taro, R., iv. 56. 

Tay, encroachment of sea in its estuary, 
i. 400.. 

Taylor, Mr., on art of mining in Eng- 
land, i. 81. 

Taylor, Mr. R. C., on waste of cliffs, i. 

—, on gain of land on coast of Nor- 
folk, i. 408. 

——,on the formation of Lowestoft 
Ness, i. 410. 

Tech, R., valley of, iv. 69. 

Teissier, M., on human bones in caves, 
&c., iii. 215. 

Temminck cited, iii, 30. 149. 

Temperature, great changes in, i. 163. 

—, difference of, in places in same la- 
titudes, i. 167. 3 

——, causes of change in, i. 180. 

——. See Climate 

| Temples, buried, in Egypt, iii. 188. 

Temruk, earthquakes near, ii. 53. 

Teneriffe, its peak an active solfatara, 
ii. 138. 

—, volcanic eruptions of, ii. 139. 

Ter, R., valley of the, iv. 91. 

Terni, limestone forming near, i. 319. 

Teronel, R., lava excavated by, iv. 97. 

Terraces, manner in which the sea de- 
stroys successive lines of, iii. 440. ; iv 

Terranuova, subsidence near, ii. 208. 

—, fault in the tower of, ii. 219. 

—, landslips near, ii. 229. 

—, tertiary strata at, iii. 396. 


Tertiary formations, general remarks on 
the, i. 239. ; iii. 319. 

—, origin of the European, at succes- 
sive periods, iii. 335. 

—, circumstances under which these 
and the secondary formations may 
have originated, iii. 342. ; iv. 308. 

——, state of the surface when they 
were formed, iii. 342. 

——, Classification of, in chronological 
order, iii. 356. 

——, new subdivisions of the, iii. 362. 

——, numerical proportion of recent 
shells in different, iii. 369. 373. 

——, mammiferous remains of succes- 
sive, iii. 379. 

——, -Synoptical Table? of Recent and, 
ili. 381. 

——, identity of their mineral com- 
position no proof of contemporaneous 
origin, iv. 57. 

—, no species common to secondary 
and, iv. 272. 274. 279. 

—, of Auvergne, iv. 134. 144. 

_—, of England, iii. 335, 336.5 iv. 25. 
71, 211. 

_—, of the Paris basin, iii. 332. ; 

— _, of Sicily, iii. 382. 

——, marine, iii. 332. 335. 383. 397. 433. 5 
iv. 1. 49. 114. 164. 208. 

——, freshwater, iv. 27. 137. 143. 

——, volcanic, iii. 389. 400.; iv. 4 89. 
140. 184. 

Testa and Fortis on fossil fish of Monte 
Bolca, i. 78. 

Testacea, their geographical distribu- 
tion, iii. 55. 

tH, fossil, importance of, iii. 359. 

—, marine, imbedding of, iii. 269. 327. 

—, freshwater, iii. 265. 

—, burrowing, iii. 270. 
—, parasitic, iii. 283. 

——., longevity of species of, i. 145. ; ili, 
361. 372. 3 iv. 40. 

ay atdet number of, in different ter- 
tiary periods, iii. 369. 373. 

Tet, valley of, tertiary strata in, iv. 69. 

Texel, waste of islands at its mouth, 

Thames, gain and loss of land in its es. 
tuary, i. 415. 

—, tide in its estuary, ii. 24. 

_—., buried vessel in alluvial piain of 
the, iii. 247. 

—, basin of the, iii. 335. 

iv. 164. 


Thanet, Isle of, loss of land in, i. 418. 

Theorizing in geology, different methods 
of, iii. 303. 

Thermo-electricity, ii. 324. 

Thirria, M., cited, iv. 289. 

Thompson, Dr:, on siliceous incrust- 
ations near Monte Vico, i. 329. 

Thrace subject to earthquakes, ii. 56. 

Thucydides on Etna, ii. 115. 

Thun, Lake of, delta of the Kander in, 
iv. 68. 

Thury, M. Hericart de, on Artesian 
wells, i. 303. 

Tiber, growth of its delta, i. 321. 

-—, valley of the, iv. 29. 

Tide wave of the Atlantic, i. 409. 

Tides, height to which they rise, i. 360. 

—, effect of winds on the, i. 385. 

—, effects of, on wells near London, 
i. 301. 

—, their destroying and transporting 
power, i. 380. 

—, their reproductive effects, ii. 22. 

—— and currents, drifting of remains 
of animals by, iii. 237. 

Tiedemann on changes in the brain in 
the foetus of vertebrated animals, ii. 

Tierra del Fuego supposed to contain 
active voleanos, ii. 41. 

Tiflis, earthquakes at, ii. 53. 

Tiger of Bengal found in Siberia, i. 

Tigris and Euphrates, their union a 
modern event, i. 375. 

Tiganux, tower of, i. 347. 

Tilesius on Siberian mammoth, i. 153. 

Time, prepossessions in regard to the 
duration of past, i. 112. ; iii. 426. 

—, error as to quantity of, fatal ‘to 
sound views in geology, i. 115. 

—, great periods required to explain 
formation of sedimentary strata, i. 
130. j 

Tivoli, flood at, i. 298. 

—, travertin of, i. 322. 

Toledo, Signor, on elevation of coast of 
Bay of Baie, ii. 282. 

Tomboro, volcano, eruption of, ii, 200. 

——, town of, submerged, ii. 201. 

Torneo; gain of land at, i. 345. ; ii. 289. 

Torre del Annunziata, columnar lava 
at, ii. 89. 

Torre del Greco overflowed by lava, ii. 


Torre del Greco, columnar lavas of Vesu- 
vius seen at, ii. 89. 

Torrents, action of, in widening valleys, 
1. 268. 

Torum, overwhelmed by sea, ii. 8, 

Tory Island, living testacea at great 
depths off, iii. 271. 

Totten#Col., on expansion of rocks by 
heat, ii. 339. 

Touraine, tertiary strata of, iii. 337.: iv. 

Tournal, M., on French caves, iii. 213, 

Tours, shells, &c. brought up in a bored 
wellat, i. 307. 

Towns destroyed by landslips, iii. 200. 

Trade winds, i. 188. 389. 

Traditions of losses of land, i. 430, 431. 

Transition formations, fossils of, i. 201. 
234. : iv. 297. 

——, their extent, i. 200. 
wacké, í ` 

Transverse valleysin North and South 
Downs, iv. 238. 

Transylvania, tertiary formations of, iv. 
129. 131. 142. 

Trap rocks, origin of the term, iv. 346. 

——, passage of, into granite, iv. 348. 

Trass of Rhine volcanos, iv. 108. 

Travertin of the Elsa, i. 312. ; iv. 97. 

—— of San Vignone, i..313. 

—— of San Filippo, i. 316. 

——-, spheroidal structure of, i. 317. 

——, compared to the English magne- 
sian limestone, i. 318. 

—— of Tivoli, i. 322. 

—— oolitic, recent formation of, in Lan- 
cerote, ii. 144. 

—— in Forfarshire, iii. 259. \ 

—— of Rome, fossils in, iv. 28. 

Trees, longevity of, iii. 428. ; iv. 205. 

Trezza, travertin formed by spray of the 
sea on rocks of, ii. 144. 

——, Bay of, sub-Etnean formations in 
the, iii. 401. 

——, submarine eruptions in, iii. 401, 

Trimmer, Mr., on recent marine shells 
in Wales, i. 215. 

Trimmingham, sections near, iv. 77. 86. 

Trinidad, subsidence in, i. 334. 

——, pitch lake of, i. 334. 

—— earthquakes in, ii. 250. 

Tripolitza, plain of, breccias forming in, 

~ iii. 205. 

Trollhattan, ii. 343. 

See Grey- 


Truncated volcanic cones, ii. 167. 249. 
Tubal, elevation of land at, ii. 188. 
Tufa. See Travertin. 

Tuff, dikes of, how formed, iii. 392. 
——, shells in, iv. 11. 

Tunguragua volcano, ii. 43, 44. 206. 
Tunza, R., ii. 189. 

Turin, tertiary formations of, iv. 126. 
Turtles, migrations of, iii. 50. 

—, eggs of, fossil, iii. 267. 

Turton cited, iii. 41. 51. 

Tuscany, geology of, i. 40. 70. 

——, calcareous springs of, i. 312. 
——, freshwater formations of, iv. 27. 
——, volcanic rocks of, iii. 365. ; iv. 89. 
Tyre now far inland, ii. 31. 

Tyrol, Dolomieu on the, i. 87. 


Uddevalla, upraised deposits of shells at. 
ii. 299. 

Ullah Bund, formation of the, ii. 197. 

Ulloa cited, ii. 257. : iii. 115. 

Unalaschka, new island near, ii. 205. 

Unconformability of strata, remarks on 
the, iii. 349. 353. 

Uniformity of Nature, i. 128. 255.; ii. 

Universal formations of Werner, i. 84. 

—— remarks on theory of, iii. 323. : iv. 

Universal ocean, theory of an, i. 46. 60. 

—— disproved by organic remains, i.137. 

Upsala, strata near, ii. 301. 

Urmia, Lake, springs near, i. 326. 

——, its size, &c., ii, 54. 


Val d’Arno, Upper, lacustrine strata of, 
iv. 57. 137. 

—, fossils of the, i. 249, ; iv. 138. 

—, effect of destruction of forests in, 
iii. 163. 

Val del Bove on Etna described, iii. 
407. 413. 

—, section of buried cones in, iii, 415. 

——, form, composition, and origin of 
the dikes in, iii. 414. 417. 

—, lavas and breccias of the, ii. 121. ; 
iii, 422. 

—, origin of the, iii. 423. - 

——, floods in, ii. 123. ; iii, 425. 


Valdemone, formations of, iii. 397. 

Val di Calanna, its shape, &c., iii. 411.” 

~—,‘began to be filled up by lava in 1811 
and 1819, ii. 122. ; iii. 413. 

Val di Noto, Dolomieu on the, i. 87. 

——, formations of the, iii, 383. 

——, volcanic rocks of the, iii. 384. 389.; 
iv. 347. 

——, volcanic conglomerates of, iii. 396. 

——, form of valleys of, iii, 438. 

——, inland cliffs on east side of, iii. 

Vale of Pewsey, iv. 250. 

Valle das Furnas, hot springs of, i. 327. 

Valley of the Nadder, iv. 250. 

Valleys, Targioni on origin of, i. 70. 

——, excavation of, in Central France, 
i, 272. 

— of elevation, ii. 176, ; iv. 246. 

~— on Etna, account of, iii. 407. 

—— of Sicily, their form, iii. 438. 

==», the excavation of, assisted by 
earthquakes, ii. 237. iii, 442. 

—, transverse, of North and South 
Downs, iv. 238, 239. 

— of S. E. of England, how formed, 
iv. 263. 

Vallisneri on origin of springs, i. 59. 

~=» on marine deposits of Italy, i. 59. 

—— on the danger of connecting theo- 
ries in physicaljscience with the sacred 
writings, i. 59. 

=, universal ocean of, i. 60. 

—— on primary rocks, i. 91. 

Valmondois, tertiary strata of, iv. 173. 

Valognes, tertiary strata of, iv. 208. 

Valparaiso, changes caused by earth- 
quakes at, ii. 189. 192. 278. ; iii.-253. 

Van der Wyck, M., on the Eifel. iv. 

Van Diemen’s Land, climate of, i. 175. 

Var, R., gravel swept into sea by, iv. 
65. 68. 

Vatican, hill of the, tufa on, iv. 28. 

Veaugirard, alternation of calcaire gros- 
sier and plastic clay at, iv. 168. 

Vegetable soil, why it does not increase, 
iii, 155, 

——, how formed, iii. 157. 

Vegetation, centres of, iii. 144. 

——, its conservative influence, iii, 158, 

——, its influence on climate, iii, 165. 

Veins, mineral, on their formation, ii. 
997. ; iv. 373. 

—— of lava. See Dikes, 


Velay, extinct quadrupeds in volcanic 
scorie in, iv. 136, 190. i 

—, freshwater formations of, iv. 157. 

——, volcanic rocks of, iv. 142. 188. 190. 

Vera Cruz destroyed by earthquake, ii. 

Verdun, markings on cliffs near, iv. 20. 

Verona, fossils of, i. 34. 38. 60. 

——, Arduino on mountains of, i. 72. 

Vertebrated animals in oldest strata, i. 

Vessels, fossil. See Ships. 

Vesta, temple of, i. 299. 

Vesuvius, excavation of tuff on, i, 972. 

——, history of, ii. 66. 79. 

——, eruptions of, ii. 66. 77. 79. ; iii, 424. 

——, dikes of, ii. 85.; iv. 5. 7. 

——, lava of, ii. 89. 94, 

—, volcanic alluvions on, iii, 192. 

——and Somma, difference in their 
composition, iv. 4. 

—, probable section of, ii, 86. 

Vicentin, Dolomieu on the, i. 87. 

——, submarine lavas of the, i. 128. 

——, tertiary strata of the, iv. 211. 

Vicenza, mountains of, i. 72. 

Vichy, tertiary oolitic limestone of, iv. 

Vidal, Captain, on Rockall bank, iii. 

Vienna, gypseous springs of, i. 23. 

——, tertiary formations of, iii. 339. ; iv 

Vigolano, gypsum and maris at, iv. 54. 

Villages and their inhabitants buried by 
landslips, iii. 200. 

Villarica volcano, ii, 42. 

Villasmonde, limestone of, iii. 385. 

Villefranche, Bay of, strata near, iv. 25. 

Vinegar R., sulphuric acid, &c. in waters 
of, iv. 178. 

Virgil cited, i. 249. 

Virlet, M., on deluge of Samothrace, ii. 
53. ; 

—, on volcanos of Greece, ii. 56. 

——, on greywacké fossils, i, 201. 

——-, on island of Santorin, ii. 161. 165, 

——, on corrosion of hard rocks by sub- - 
terranean gases, iii. 202.; iv. 374. 

——, on imbedding of human bones in 
the Morea, iii. 205. | 

on geology of the Morea, iv. 70. 


Viterbo, travertin of, i. 319. 
—, tuffs and marls at, iv. 54. 


Viterbo, volcanic rocks of, iv. 89. 

Vito Amici on Moro’s system, i. 67. 

Vivarais, basalts of the, i. 86. 

Vivenzio on earthquake of Calabria in 
1783, ii. 212. 233. 

Viviani, Professor, on Sicilian flora, 
iii. 444. 

——,on tertiary strata of Genoa, iv. 

Vizzini, tuff and limestone near, iii. 

——., changes caused by a dike of lava 
at, iii. 392. i 

——, oyster-bed between two lava cur- 
rents at, iii. 395. 

Volcanic action, defined, ii. 39. 

——, uniformity of, iiis 161. 

Volcanic breccias, how formed,, iv. 117. 

Volcanic cones, truncation of, ii. 167. 

——, their perfect state no proof of their 
relative age, iii. 164. 

Volcanic conglomerates, ili. 396. 

Volcanic dikes, See Dikes. 
Volcanic eruptions, causes of, ii. 320. 
——, average number of, per annum, ii. 
Volcanic lines, modern, not parallel, 
iv. 333. 

Volcanic products, mineral composition 
of, ii. 177. 

Volcanic regions, their geographical 
boundaries, ii. 41. 3 

—-, map showing extent of (see 
Plate 3.), ii. 47. 

Volcanic rocks, subterranean, ii. 179. 

—, distinction between sedimentary 
and, iii. 313. 

—, distinction between plutonic and, 
iv. 345. 

——, age of, how determined, iii. 321. 

— of the Val di Noto, iii. 389. 

— of Campania, iv. 1. 

___ of Italy, iv. 89. 

—— of Hungary, Transylvania, 
Styria, iv. 140. 

_— of Central France, ii. 170. 175. ; iv. 

—— secondary, of many different ages, 
iv. 319. 

Volcanic vents, remarks on their posi- 
tion, ii. 40. 347. 

Volcanos, safety valves according to 
Strabo, i. 27. 

formations, fossils in, iii. 



Volcanos, duration of past time proved 
by extinct, i. 132. 

——, agency of water in, ii. 347. 

——, mode of computing the age of; 
iii. 426. 

—— sometimes inactive for centuries, 
iii, 427. 

— the result of successive accumu- 
lation, iv. 162. 

Volhynia, tertiary formations of, iv. 132. 

Voltaire, his dislike of geology, i. 96. 

on systems of Burnet and Wood- 

ward, i. 96. 

Volterra, Mattani onffossils of, i. 60. 

Voltz, M., on loess of the Rhine, iv. 38. 

Von Buch on rise of land in Sweden, 
1.216. ; ii. 292. 299. 

—— on volcanos of Greece, ii. 56. 

—— on eruption in Lancerote, ii. 139. 

——, his theory of elevation craters con- 
sidered, ii. 152. ` 

—— on volcanic rocks, ii. 175. 

— on new island near Kamtschatka, 
ii. 205. 

—— on the Eifel, iv. 126. 

—— on tertiary formations of Volhynia 
and Podolia, iv. 132. 

—— on volcanic lines, iv. 333. 

Von Dechen, M., on volcanic district of 
Lower Rhine, iv. 113. 

—, on the Hartz mountains, iv. 332. 

—, on granite veins, iv. 339. 

Von Hoff. See Hoff. 

Von Oeynhausen on the Eifel district, 
iv. 102. 113. 

— on granite veins, iv. 339. 

Vosges, loess near their base, iv. 30. 

Vulcanists, persecution of, in England, 
i. 98. 

Vulcanists and Neptunists, factions of, 
i. 88. 

Vultur, Mount, fi. 57. 

Vultures, range of, iii. 46. 

Waal, R., ii. 3, 4. * 
Wahlenberg, Professor, on greywacké 
of Sweden. iv. 300. 
Wales, slate rocks of, iv. 354. 382. 
Wallerius, theory of, i. 79. 
Wallich, Dr., on Ava fossils, i. 50. 
Walton, sections near, iv. 78. 80. 
Walton Naze cliffs, undermined, i. 415. 
Warburton, Mr., on Bagshot sand, iv 


Ward, Mr., on Kentucky caves, iii. 202. 

Warp of the Humber, i. 377. ; ii. 27. 

Warton, his eulogy on Burnet, i. 56. 

Washita, R., raft on, i. 286, 

Water, action of running, i. 261. 

——, its power on freezing, i. 262. 

—, solvent power of, i. 262. 

—, excavating power of, i. 263. 

—, transporting power of, i. 264. 

—, agency of, in volcanos, ii. 347. 

—, absorption of carbonic acid by, iv. 

Watt, Gregory, his experiments on 
rocks, iv. 9. 370. 

Weald, denudation of valley of the, iv. 
221. 259. 

——-, secondary rocks of the, iv. 222. 

——-, section of valley of the, iv.* 223, 
224. i 

—, alluvium of valley of the, iv. 234. 

Wealden, secondary group, called the, 
iv. 280. 

——., organic remains of the, iv. 281. 286. 

, its extent, thickness, &c., iv. 508. 

Weaver, Mr., on coal of Munster, i. 201. 

Webb, Mr., on the Great Canary, ii. 158. 

Webster, Dr., on hot springs of Furnas, 
i. 328. 

Webster, Mr., on waste of Sussex cliffs, 
i. 423. 

——, on geology of I. of Wight, iii. 335. ; 
iv. 253. 260. 

„ On formations of London and 

Hampshire basins, iv. 213. 215. 

——, on fossil forest of I. of Portland, 
iv. 284. 

Weddell, Captain, latitude reached by, 

Wellington Valley, Australia, fossils in 
breccias in, iv. 43. 

Wells, influence of the tides on, near 
London, i. 301. 

——, Artesian, i. 302. 

Wener, Lake, strata near, ii. 300. 

Wenlock rocks, iv. 270, 271. 298. 

Werner, Professor of Mineralogy at 
Freyberg, 1775, i. 81. 

- ——, his lectures, i. 83. 

——, universal formations of, i. 84. 

—— on granite of the Hartz, i. 84. 

—-, principal merit of his system, i. 84. 

—, his theory of basalt, i. 85. 

——, taught that there were no volcanos 
in the primeval ages, i. 85. 

—, technical terms of, i. 103. 

——, on transition rocks, iii. 318. 


West Indies, Hooke on earthquake in, 

, active volcanos in, ii. 46. 

——, tertiary formations of, iv. 21. 

Wey, transverse valley of the, iv. 238. 

Whales stranded, iii. 266. 

Whewell, Rev. Mr., on modern progress 
of geology, i. 105. 

—, on the tides, ii. 10. 

—, Cited, i. 185. ; iii. 369. 

Whirlwinds, violent, during eruption in 
Sumbawa, ii. 200. 

——, dispersion of seeds by, iii. 11. 

Whiston, his Theory of the Earth, i. 56. 

—, refuted by Keill, i. 58. 

White Mountains, landslips in the, i. 

Whitehurst, theory of, 1778, i. 79. 

——. on rocks of Derbyshire, i. 79. 

——, on subsidence at Lisbon, ii. 252. 

Whitsunday Island, description of, iii, 

Wiegmann on hybrids, ii. 425, 426. 

Wildon, coralline limestone of, iv. 130. 

Willdenow on diffusion of plants by 
man, iii, 23. 

—— on centres of vegetable creation, 
iii, 144, 

Williams on Hutton’s theory, i. 98. 

Wiltshire, valleys of elevation in, iv. 
249, á 

Wily, valley of the, iv. 250. 

Winchelsea destroyed by sea, i. 423. 

Winds, trade, i. 188. 389. 

——, currents caused by the, i. 385. 

——, sand drifted by the, ii. 21. 

Wismar, ii. 288. é 

Wodehouse, Captain, on Graham Island, 
ii. 147. 

Wokey Hole, human remains in, iii. 212. 

Wolf, and dog, distinct species, ii. 395, 

——., hybrids between the, ii. 424. 

—— drifted to sea on ice, iii. 41. 

—— extirpated in Great Britain, iii, 

Wollaston, Dr., on water òf Mediter- 
ranean, ii. 15. 

——, cited, ii. 112. 

Wood, Mr., on fossils of the Crag, iv. 
72. 74. 

Wood impregnated with salt water when 
sunk to great depths, ili. 219. 

——, drift, È 161. 284. 287. 365.5 iii. 41. 

—— converted into lignite, iii. 248. 

Woodward, theory of, i. 54. 59. 96. 118, 


‘Wrecks, average number of, per year, 
ili. 240, 249, 
Wrotham Hill, height of, iv. 224. 


Xanthus, the Lydian, his theory, i. 25. 


Yaou, flood of, i. 10, 

Yarmouth, estuary silted up at, i. 407. 

——, rise of the tide at, i. 381. 407. 

——, strata near, iv. 77. 

Yates, Rev. J., on delta of the Kander, 
iv. 69. 

Yellow R., sediment in, i. 366, 

Yenesei R., fossil bones on banks of, i. 

Yorkshire, bones of mammoth in, i. 145, 

——, waste of its coasts, i, 402. 

——, chalk of, iv. 256. 


Young, Dr., on effects of compression at 
earth’s centre, ii. 312. F 
Ytrac, freshwater flints at, iv. 159. 


Zaffarana, valleys near, iii. 410. 

Zante, earthquakes in island of, ii. 214, 

Zechstein formation, iv, 293. 

Zingst peninsula converted into an is- 
land, ii. 12. 

Zocolaro, hill of, lava of Etna deflected 
from its course by, iii. 413. 

Zoological provinces how formed, iii. 79, 

——, why not more blended together, 
iii. 82. 

——great extent of, iii, 325. 

Zoophytes, their geographical distribu- 
tion, iii. 61. 

——-, their powers of diffusion, iii. 61. 

——, abundance of, iii. 149. 

——, which form coral reefs, iii.°276. 

Zuyder Zee, formation of, ii. 5. 


Lonvon : 

Printed by A. Sporriswoope, 



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