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The Study of the Bible 



The Study of the Bible 




The University of Chicago 

The University of Chicago Press 
Chicago, Illinois 

T< o / A 

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Dedicated in love and esteem 
to my parents 




A VOLUME that travels through as wide a 
field as the study of the Bible today soon 
takes the specialist beyond all the old fa- 
miliar landmarks out into strange and bewildering 
territory. In this situation his only hope lies in ob- 
taining local guides who will not suffer his feet to 
stumble into a crevasse hidden from him by his ig- 
norance. To the many who have tried to keep the 
author's feet upon the straight and narrow path, he 
here makes grateful acknowledgment. 

Most of all he is indebted to his colleague. Professor 
William A. Irwin, who read the manuscript in more 
than one of its stages and made numerous suggestions 
which have greatly increased its value, especially in 
the Old Testament area. He did this with charac- 
teristic unselfishness at a time when he was heavily 
burdened with other work. If the book meets the 
need it was designed to serve, a large part of the 
credit for its success must go to Mr. Irwin. 

Thanks are due also to Professor S. J. Case, Dean 
of the Divinity School, who read and criticized one 
of the recensions of the manuscript; to my colleagues 
in the New Testament Department Professor H. 
R. Willoughby, who read the first two chapters, and 
Professor. D. W. Riddle, who made valuable sugges- 



tions for the section on interpretation and to Mr. 
B. LeRoy Burkhart, Fellow in the Divinity School of 
the University of Chicago, whose patient, accurate, 
and stimulating assistance is deeply appreciated. In 
the field of linguistic study the author has long been 
indebted to Professor J. M. Steadman of Emory Uni- 
versity; the chapter on translation owes much to his 

No one of these scholars is to be held responsible 
for the positions taken by the author or for any of the 
errors in this work. 

The International Council of Religious Education, 
owner of the copyright, kindly gave permission for 
the use of the American Standard Version of Matt. 
3:7-10; Luke 3:7-9; Matt. 9:14-17; Mark 2: 18-22; 
Luke 5:33-39. This version is published by Thomas 
Nelson and Sons, New York City. 


February 19, 1937 



book is an introduction to the study of 
the Bible, and its primary concern is to pre- 
pare the student for his own study of the 
Bible rather than to present him with an encyclo- 
pedic survey of the factual data that have accumu- 
lated in the critical investigation of the Christian 
Scriptures. It is designed to orient the reader in 
the field of biblical study to give him a sense of 
direction, some indication of possible itineraries, a 
road map with good roads plainly labeled and dan- 
gers clearly marked. 

It is not planned to minister to the devotional use 
of the Bible. The author believes that the Bible has 
valuable contributions to make to modern life, but 
to define those values here might easily lead to the 
dogmatic presentation of the author's personal opin- 
ion or to a long survey of the many positions taken 
by others. Neither of these programs falls naturally 
into the purpose of this book. It gladly recognizes the 
existence of these values, the need for their study, 
and the validity of the use of the Bible in modern 
religious life. But the road it follows leads the stu- 
dent away from these areas toward an intelligent 
comprehension of what his own Bible is and an in- 
troduction to its study. 



To this end it presents the problems faced and the 
resources used in the study of the Bible's origin, 
transmission, translation, and interpretation. In each 
of these areas an attempt is made to define the task 
that faces the student, to describe the helps and hin- 
drances, to explain methods, and to suggest the 
amount of progress already made. There is no at- 
tempt to discuss in comprehensive fashion all the 
literary or historical problems involved in the study 
of each of the sixty-six books of the Bible. No at- 
tempt is made to survey in detail the history of the 
canon, or the materials and methods of textual criti- 
cism, or to present in summary all that is known in 
any area of biblical study. 

The student who is anxious to go on from this book 
to such study will find a bibliography at the end of 
each chapter, which is designed to lead him as far in 
the pursuit of the subject as his own interest will 
carry him. The bibliographies group the books re- 
ferred to under two headings "General" and "Ad- 
vanced" and most of the books listed are briefly 
characterized. A strenuous effort has been made to 
include in each of these divisions the clearest and 
soundest work of contemporary scholarship, prefer- 
ence being given to works which themselves contain 
good bibliographies and are of recent vintage. A final 
Bibliography lists periodicals, dictionaries, encyclo- 
pedias, series of commentaries, etc. 

An especial emphasis is laid upon the part played 
by the religious experience of the group in the crea- 
tion of the literature and also upon the part played 


by the needs of the community in molding the litera- 
ture into its present form. This is one of the vital 
interests of biblical scholarship today; and, as it has 
only recently won prominence, many of the older 
handbooks give it but scant attention. 

This book has been planned to serve as an orienta- 
tion in the study of the Bible both for those who plan 
to specialize in the pursuit of biblical lore and also 
for those whose interest in the subject is of a more 
general character. The work of many a sincere stu- 
dent is fruitless because his attitudes are basically 
wrong or his methods unsound. This is often true 
of the "nonprofessional" student, the undergraduate 
in college, or the intelligent layman. The questions 
that come from these sources to the specialist's desk 
betray a dismaying vulnerability to the attacks of 
quackery and fanaticism. While no one book can 
equip the beginner with attitudes and methods ade- 
quate for all his needs, this one it is hoped will 
help him toward that attainment. In so far as it 
accomplishes this it will provide the student with 
some solid ground on which to stand while he works; 
it will set up compass marks to prevent his being lost 
in the confusion of innumerable details and conflict- 
ing methods and theories. 

Table of Contents 






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Chapter I 
The Origin and Growth of the Bible 


study of the origin, of the Bible begins 
with definitions. The Bible, according to a 
contemporary dictionary, is the collection of 
books which Christians accept as divinely inspired 
and as possessing divine authority. Of these two ele- 
ments inspiration and authority it is authority 
which is the more distinctive of the Bible. The Bible 
is Bible as an authoritative book; any separate book 
became Bible when its inspiration was recognized as ' 
of such a quality as to give it authority. The study 
of the origin and development of the Bible as Bible 
is therefore limited to the study of books accepted as / 
inspired and authoritative. 


It is equally legitimate to study the books of the 
Bible as books. This study of the literature tries to 
answer such questions as: Who was the author of the 
book? When was it written? Where was it written? 
What sources did the author use ? etc. Such questions 
reach back beyond the existence of the books as Bible 
to the time when they existed simply as religious 
books. The discussion of this literary criticism of the 


Bible is postponed until the origin of the acceptance 
of the books as authoritative has been investigated. 
In technical jargon the study of the literary problems 
of the Bible is called "Introduction" short for "In- 
troduction to Biblical Literature" and the study of 
the Bible as authoritative is called the "study of the 
canon." It is this canonization of the Scriptures that 
is studied in this chapter. 

The word "canon" is used with a bewildering va- 
riety of meanings. It may refer to a support for bells, 
a bone in a horse's foreleg, a cathedral official, an 
ecclesiastical law, etc. In terms of Bible study it 

V usually indicates the books accepted as authoritative 
by the church; that is, it is used as a loose synonym 
for Bible. But it has other meanings here also. It is 
used to mean a list of the sacred books; e.g., the 

-/Muratorian canon is a Roman list of books accepted 
by the church about A.D. 180. It is used also of a 
group of books within the Bible; the manuals speak 
of "the prophetic canon," "the gospel canon," etc. 
And in a very broad sense the word "canon" is used 
to cover the study of the origin and growth of the 
Bible as Bible; here it is really shorthand for canoni- 

Before the student is equipped to face the basic 
problems involved in a study of how the books of the 
Bible became sacred, he must assimilate the fact that 
the literature existed before it was canonized. The 
existence of the books as nonsacred through a period 
preceding their acceptance by the cult as authorita- 
tive literature has important implications for the 


study of the canon. It makes impossible the simple 
assumption that the Jewish people (or the Christian 
church) rushed to read and obey each new volume 
before the ink was dry. 

We who were born into a church which has rever- 
enced the Scriptures for centuries find it hard to lay 
aside this casual acceptance of the Bible and see the 
problems that exist. There have been four gospels in 
the New Testament since we first saw it but why 
four? why not three? or five? or, better yet, why not 
one? Why two testaments? Why didn't the Chris- 
tians expand the Jewish Scriptures instead of adding 
a new volume? How could the Christian church exist 
for a century without a distinctive Christian canon ? 
Why do the Roman Catholic and the Protestant Old 
Testaments differ in contents? When and why was 
the Old Testament Apocrypha dropped from the 
printings of the English Bible ? Has the church ever 
limited inspiration to the Bible and refused to recog- 
nize it elsewhere? These questions are examples of 
the basic and baffling problems that face the student 
of the canon. They show clearly that the student 
must be constantly alert to overcome his familiarity 
with the Bible, to recognize problems when he meets 
them, and to travel back into the past back of the 
days when there was a Bible. 

Most of the Bible was not written as Bible, nor did 
its first readers read it as Bible. When Paul wrote to 
his churches, he was so far from expecting that his 
letters would be accepted as equal in authority to the 
Jewish Scriptures that he sometimes despaired of hav- 


ing his wishes carried out. After writing a harsh letter 
to the Corinthians, he worries so much over how it 
will be received that he cannot rest but starts to- 
ward Corinth to meet his messenger as soon as possi- 
ble and learn the fate of his letter. When he writes 
to Philemon about his slave Onesimus, he bolsters 
up this appeal by referring to it in a letter to a church 
group. The fiery, almost desperate, tone of his letter 
to the Galatian churches springs from the hope but 
not from the certainty of converting them to his 
position. These are not the attitudes of a man con- 
scious of writing sacred scripture and sure of its ac- 
ceptance as authoritative. 

No more dramatic demonstration of the nonsacred 
character of these writings in their early form can be 
found than the story of the book which Jeremiah 
dictated to Baruch to be read before all the people. 
As the story is told in chapter 36 of Jeremiah's proph- 
ecy, it is plain that some of the leaders of the people 
were terrified by what was written in the book; but 
the king the Lord's anointed was unmoved by its 
message, cut it in pieces, and threw it into the fire. 
This dramatic rejection is the more interesting in that 
the book was a deliberate attempt to influence the 
cult group and was written by an individual who held 
a recognized position in the life of the cult. 

Another instance may be found in the Book of 
Amos. The only narrative in this short but vigorous 
prophecy relates a stormy interview between the 
royal priest and the prophet, in which the prophet 
is ordered out of the country. It is quite plain from 
this story that there was no overwhelming desire on 


the part of king and priest in Israel to accept the mes- 
sage of Amos as divinely authoritative. Somewhere 
between 750 B.C. and 200 (?) B.C., the Book of Amos 
acquired authority; and the exact period (if there was 
any exact period) was certainly closer to the later 
than the earlier date. Thus, this book must have 
existed for more than four centuries before it was 
accepted as part of the authoritative religious litera- 
ture of the Jewish people. 

In the case of those sections of the Bible which had 
a long preliterary existence, the interval between cre- 
ation and canonization was even longer. Much of the 
older material in the Old Testament has a remote past 
as folklore, poetry, story, and song. For example, it 
is generally agreed that the major part of the content 
of the Book of Judges is much older than the book in 
which we read it. The author, or editor, who com- 
piled our book has such a distinctive and repetitious 
style that it is easy even for the novice to see the earlier 
elements within the framework. One of the oldest and 
most famous of these sections is the Song of Deborah, 
which may go back to the twelfth century B.C. It is 
a sweeping, partisan, brutal song of war and victory 
and exultation over the enemy a true war song. Our 
Book of Judges was written toward the end of the 
fifth century B.C. and was accepted as scripture by 
200 (?) B.C. In the seven hundred years that Deb- 
orah's Song was sung by Jewish patriots, was it ac- 
cepted as an authoritative religious guide by the 
cult as a cult? To ask the question is to answer it 
with a negative. 

Examples of this sort could be multiplied until the 


reader was lulled to sleep by their monotony. There 
are large areas in the Pentateuch whose composition 
is separated from their acceptance by an interval of 
many centuries. This is true also of most of the other 
books of the Old Testament. Sometimes in them we 
catch glimpses of the literature before our literature. 
There are quotations from, and references to, other 
books; e.g., the Book of Jasher is quoted, but no one 
supposes that Jasher was ever regarded as an authori T 
tative volume in the sense that Genesis later was. 
Even some of the latest books in the Old Testament 
e.g., Chronicles give evidence of using ancient 
volumes as sources. The existence of these ancient 
books behind our biblical books shows how long a 
pre-biblical history much of the Bible had. 

It is clear from even this sampling of the literature 
that the origin of the canon is not to be found in the 
study of the origin of the individual books as books. 
The process we study here is a secondary one. First, 
the literature is produced, used, edited, collected, re- 
edited; then, after a longer or a shorter interval of 
time, it is accepted by the cult as sacred and authori- 
tative as Bible. 


But why? Why was it ever accepted as Bible? This 
is the basic and most baffling problem in the history 
of the canon. It must not be lightly assumed that the 
production and acceptance of a sacred authoritative 
book is inevitable in every cult simply because it is a 
cult. It is easy for a religion to exist without a book. 


Many religions have so existed; some still do. One 
of the most vigorous competitors of Christianity in 
the Roman empire was the cult of the sun god 
Mithras. It swept through the legions and spread 
rapidly to the frontiers of the empire, yet it was in 
no sense a book religion. The answer to the question, 
"Why have a Bible?" must, therefore, b~e sought in 
some of the characteristic features of Jewish religion 
and life. 

The remote distance at which the process of can- 
onization began adds to the difficulty of answering 
this primal question. The reason for later develop- 
ments and for the formation of new canons is deter- 
mined with relative ease; for in these later areas we 
have, as one influential element in the situation, the 
presence of the first sacred collection, and the amount 
of contemporary evidence as to the process increases 
as the story approaches modern times. It is easy to 
say why Mohammed produced an authoritative book 
for his cult, but the activity of pious Jews in the 
seventh century B.C. follows no well-known precedent 
and is shrouded in the obscurity of antiquity. 

The movement toward the creation of an authori- 
tative religious literature rose out of the conception 
of the nation as the chosen people of a particular 
deity. Since this conception was not peculiar to Israel 
and existed in other nations before the Exodus, the 
ultimate source of the canon lies in the early history 
of cultures that were old before the Hebrews came to 
the promised land. If the nation exists in an intimate 
reciprocal relationship to the deity, it naturally fol- 


lows that the laws of the nation are God's laws and 
that the history of the nation is sacred history. Fur- 
thermore, the deity would not be so thoughtless of 
his people as to cut them off from the prospect of 
receiving additional messages from him as occasion 
demanded. Throughout the ancient world prophets 
appeared who spoke for God, whose words had a 
degree of sanctity derived from the source from which 
they came. It was, therefore, not only possible but 
natural that codes of law, books of history, and ser- 
mons of the prophets should attain to some measure 
of sanctity. 

A concrete representation of this is to be seen on 
.the Susa stele found in A.D. 1901 and written about 
2000 B.C. Here the Babylonian king Hammurabi is 
shown in bas-relief, standing on a mountain top be- 
fore his god, who hands him the laws inscribed be- 
neath them. Several of the precepts of this code are 
strikingly parallel to items in the Code of the Cove- 
nant (Exod. 20:23 23:19); e.g., the demand of an 
eye for an eye and the prescriptions as to liability for 
damages incurred by the owner of a goring ox. Thus 
the code of Hammurabi and the covenant code in 
Exodus alike possessed some degree of divine author- 
ity from the day of their codification at least. But 
their early users were still far from regarding them 
as part of a Bible. 


Some light is shed on the origin of the Bible as Bible 
by the study of certain characteristics which are com- 


mon to the various specific situations in which formal 
canonization emerges. One of these common ele- 
ments is the presence of strife between parties within 
the cult. 

At least from the time when the Hebrew people 
settled in Canaan, there was conflict between the 
rigorous religion they brought with them from the 
desert which we later call "prophetic" and the 
softer cult of the people of the land with their Baalim. 
The influence of the Canaanite religion upon that of 
the Hebrews was ancient, strong, and persistent. One 
of the recent archeological discoveries emphasizes the 
extent of its influence upon even the early ritual. Our 
biblical history is written from the prophetic and 
priestly viewpoint; thus those kings are good who 
keep the cult "pure," and those are bad who favor 
and foster Canaanitish elements and practices. One 
of the worst kings in this regard was Manasseh, who 
ruled in the first half of the seventh century B.C. He 
restored and enriched the hillside shrines and favored 
the Canaanitish elements in the cult. A few years 
after the death of Manasseh, the prophetic party 
greatly influenced his grandson, King Josiah. 

This influence culminated in the reforms of 621 
B.C., which consisted of the abolition of all shrines 
except the temple in Jerusalem and the adoption of 
a book found in the temple as a religious authority 
for the people. This book with its anti-Canaanitish 
emphasis was written by some leader of the opposi- 
tion to Manasseh in the dark days before Josiah came 
to the throne. This explains the rigorous nature of 



the legislation the destruction of all shrines but one. 
Josiah's acceptance of the teachings of the party op- 
posed to Amon and Manasseh could not be trans- 
ferred to the mass of the people as a casual or routine 
matter. The ruthless nature of the reversal of policy 
and the destruction of all shrines outside Jerusalem 
must have stirred the people deeply and unsettled 
many. In that time of disquiet the change was sup- 
ported by a new authority the adoption of a sacred 
book. Scholars identify this book as the core of the 
present Book of Deuteronomy. 

Another example of the emergence of formal can- 
onization in situations marked by strife within the 
cult can be seen in the story of the New Testament 
canon in the second century A.D. In this century the 
vitality of the new cult was too exuberant to be ster- 
eotyped by the elementary controls that the church 
possessed at that time. The result was that division 
followed division in rapid succession: Docetism, 
Gnosticism, the Marcionite schism, Montanism. The 
second century has been well called the blossom time 
of the sects. The strongest of these sects, or heresies, 
was that led by Marcion. About the middle of the 
century, he attempted to convert the Ephesian and 
then the Roman church to his views. When he failed, 
he organized his followers into Marcionite churches. 

He bitterly attacked the Old Testament, claiming 
that it was not inspired by the Father of Jesus but 
by an inferior deity. He claimed to be a true repre- 
sentative of the apostles, especially of Paul (the only 
true representative of Jesus); and he supplied his 


churches with a New Testament consisting of "Gos- 
pel and Apostle" (Luke and Paul) to replace the Old 
Testament. Thus he set an ancient authority (ancient 
in Christian history) which had already acquired 
some prestige, over against the authority of local 
ecclesiastical officials the bishop and presbyters of 
Rome and of other cities. Within a generation of his 
arrival at Rome, the Roman church set up a definite 
list of books which it accepted as authoritative. This 
earliest list of New Testament books, called the 
"Muratorian canon," emerges in a situation charac- 
terized by strife within the cult. 


A second element common to the various situations 
in which the formal acceptance of the canon takes 
place is the presence of pressure upon the cult arising 
from the association of the cult with political life. 
This can be seen both in times of disaster and in times 
of triumph. The classic example from days of dis- 
aster is the "closing" of the Old Testament canon in 
Palestinian Judaism. Jerusalem had been captured 
by the Romans in the year 70, and the temple ritual 
abolished by the destruction of the temple. This mor- 
tal blow to the existence of the Jewish people in the 
sacred land raised questions of many kinds in regard 
to the continuing life of the cult. The leaders of the 
synagogue faced the trying situation and put forth 
desperate efforts to establish and strengthen the re- 
maining resources of the cult. 


One of the most valuable of these resources was 
the Sacred Book, which at that time consisted of three 
collections of books the Law, the Prophets, and the 
other writings. The first two were definite in content 
and accepted beyond question; the third group had 
no sharpness of outline, and about some books the 
question of inclusion or omission was a very live one. 
The weakening of the religion consequent to the dis- 
aster of A.D. 70 made this uncertainty as to the exact 
limits of the Bible intolerable; and the rabbis of Pales- 
tine began an intensive discussion of the Bible's con- 
tents which led ultimately to agreement on its exact 

In the second century B.C. the strenuous efforts of 
King Antiochus Epiphanes of Syria to stamp out the 
religion of his Jewish subjects introduced a period of 
conflict between cult and state of great significance 
for the canon. The attack was begun before the days 
of Antiochus, for the attractive features of Hellenism 
had drawn many Jews away from their loyalty to 
their own cult. The critical nature of the situation 
when Antiochus threw the military power of the state 
against Judaism cannot be overemphasized. Pious 
Jews did not underestimate the danger; under the 
military leadership of Judas and his family they re- 
pulsed invaders, threw off the Syrian yoke, and at- 
tained an approximate independence. Since the Syri- 
an persecution deliberately singled out the sacred 
books of the Jews for destruction, and even forbade 
the reading of the Scriptures, it was important to 
know which books were Scriptures. This situation 


made a vital issue of the exact definition of the Bible's 
contents. From it, in all probability, came the im- 
petus to the final definition of the prophetic canon, 
the second division of the Jewish Bible. 

Although we know little of the details of the action, 
there can be no doubt that Jewish leaders found in 
their military victories a victory for Torah, too. It is 
perhaps an oversimplification of the processes to point 
out that the three great national disasters of Israel 
(i) the Babylonian captivity, (a) the Syrian per- 
secution, and (3) the capture of Jerusalem by the 
Romans are followed in turn by the closing of the 
three divisions of the Jewish Bible (i) the Law (2) 
the Prophets, and (3) the Writings. 

The pressure exerted upon the cult in regard to the 
formation of the canon by the association of the cult 
with political life was equally strong in days of- 
triumph. Early in the fourth century A.D., Chris- 
tianity won tolerance and favor from the Emperor 
Constantine; and in A.D. 380 Theodosius I proclaimed - 
Christianity the official religion of the state. That 
Constantine's recognition sprang from a desire to 
strengthen the unity of the empire is shown by the ' 
strenuous efforts he made to bring the dissident 
groups of the church into harmony. Dislike of heresy 
(that is, of division) in the dominant cult of the realm 
has characterized other able rulers since Constantine; 
Theodosius' denial to heretics of the right to make 
bequests indicates plainly the value he attached to a 
united church. That the pressure toward unification 
which the state brought to bear upon the church 


throughout the fourth century affected canon as well 
1 as doctrine is certain, for the value of canon as a source 
of doctrine was unquestioned. It is not chance coin- 
cidence that this century which saw the church be- 
come the one religion of the state saw the church 
agree on one canon. That this agreement was still 
far from unanimous is true; it would, perhaps, be 
more accurate to say that the degree of agreement 
here reached its high point. The exaltation of the 
church at the right hand of the emperor takes place in 
the period which sees the Christian canon formally 


The question raised above Why a Bible? is 
partly answered by the fact that in the crucial sit- 
uations (like those described above) there was at 
hand a body of literature which had already acquired 
some prestige. 

This prestige was in part due to the antiquity of 
the literature at the time of its canonization. In the 
Roman Catholic church today no person is canonized 
until at least fifty years after the date of death. In the 
history of the growth of the Bible, the interval be- 

- tween the writing of a book and its canonization was 
always greater than that or was believed to be so. 
The first codes of laws to acquire prestige claim Moses 
as their author and are written against the birth of 
the Hebrew people (the Exodus) as a background. In 
the Christian Testament, literature that went back 

- to Jesus and his circle gained prestige from the tre- 


mendous significance of Jesus for the church. From 
the moment of the resurrection appearances, Jesus 
loomed so large on the stage of Christian history that 
the Gospels, for example, from the time they were 
written possessed importance from the fact that they 
told about Jesus. 

But, in the longer span of Old Testament history 
especially, the preceding point does not explain how 
these books came to be preserved long enough to 
acquire the sanctity of antiquity. The origin of the 
canon is not explained by quoting the venerable say- 
ing about religion's habit of sanctifying everything 
more than five hundred years old, for the puzzling 
query still remains, "How did these books acquire 
enough prestige to attain such an advanced age?" 

The sanctity ascribed to a book as Bible was first. . 
and most naturally ascribed to cult prescriptions. In 
Exodus, chapter 34, an ancient code describes the 
covenant made between Jahweh and Moses and con- 
tains a decalogue which is entirely cultic. Its ritual 
legislation prescribes the feast of unleavened bread, 
the offering of first-born males (except the first-born 
of an ass or of man), the Sabbath rest, the feast of 
weeks, the feast of ingathering at the year's end, the 
use of unleavened bread, and the offering of the first 
of the crop. It forbids leaving the sacrifice of the 
feast of the Passover until the morning and boiling a 
kid in its mother's milk. 'It is easily seen that pre- 
scriptions and proscriptions of this sort would early 
acquire a sacred authority from the intimacy of their 
association with the rites of the cult. 


It is no accident that the first code formally ac- 
cepted by the Jews as Bible (the Deuteronomic code) 
' included laws controlling the location of the temple, 
the observance of the religious festivals, the paying 
of tithes, etc. This code itself acquires antiquity and 
prestige through its ascription to Moses and the quo- 
tation of older laws, beginning with the Ten Com- 
mandments. Many of its prescriptions are much older 
* than 621 B.C.; Deuteronomy simply transfers the lo- 
cation of their observance from the country shrines 
to Jerusalem. The transference was due to the con- 
temporary crisis; the prescriptions had already ac- 
quired antiquity through the vitality and conserva- 
tism of cult practice. j t 

But the services rendered to the cult by religious; 
books were not all of a liturgical nature. Other elef 
ments than liturgy survive or recur from generation ; 
to generation. The problems met by one individual 
in his lifetime are not entirely and uniquely his own. 
Some of the righteous are poor and afflicted ih every 
generation; so many of the good persist in dying 
young that they have created a proverb. Neither 
false friends nor scolding wives are modern inven- 
tions, nor is the divorce of the wife of one's youth a 
new device of the shyster lawyer of today. Short 
weights and measures and the exploitation of labor 
have ancient precedents. Religious books that cham- 
. pioned the good life and tackled these problems inter- 
ested more than one generation; the cult found 
enough value in them to keep them alive. 

Liturgy and personal morality by no means exhaust . 


the areas served through successive generations by 
religious books, but these two are significant exam- 
ples of the values which won survival for the religious 
book in its precanonical days. Thus the first answer 
given to the question, "What books?" is, "A book 
already ancient, already revered from intimate asso- 
ciation with the cult or from the enduring service of 
recurrent needs, and useful to the dominant element 
in the cult in days of crisis." 

The question, "What books are to be included?" 
has often been answered too simply by saying, "those 
books which were read in public worship, whether of 
synagogue or church." I say "too simply," for there 
are books in the canon that were not read in the 
synagogue or the church service. The books of the 
Writings, or Hagiographa, the third section of the 
Old Testament canon, were not read in the synagogue 
service. That is to say, in the formal systems of lec- 
tions for Sabbath reading throughout the year, no use 
was made of the Writings; the use of the five rolls in 
connection with the festivals is hardly analogous. The 
Revelation of John was not read in church service in 
early Christian days; the lection aries of the Orthodox 
church derive no lections from it. There are Gospel 
lectionaries and Apostle (Acts and Epistles) lection- 
aries, but no Apocalypse lectionaries. 

Not only are there books in the canon that were 
not read in church but there are some books that 
were read in synagogue or church only after they were 
accepted as canonical. Does anyone imagine that the 
Deuteronomic code was read in sacred service for a 


long time and thus became Bible? Of course not. 
Throughout the entire history of the development of 
the Jewish Bible it is difficult to establish clearly the 
chronological order of synagogue reading and can- 

Moreover, some books were read in church services 
and probably also in the synagogue that never 
became part of the Bible. At an early point in the 
development of the liturgy, the stories of the mar- 
tyrs were read in church service; they are still being 
read in the appropriate services of the ancient com- 
munions; but they are not in the Bible. Nor can any 
clear case be made for the claim that they ever came 
near to sanctity. The letter of Clement of Rome to 
the Corinthians is another instance of widespread and 
long-continued church reading which did not lead to 
canonization. Eusebius (Church History iii. 16) makes 
a strong statement as to this use of I Clement: "It has 
been read publicly before the congregation in very 
many churches from a long time ago, and [is so read] 
in our own time." 

At least one important book, the Psalter, obtained 
its place not because it was read in synagogue or 
church but because it was sung in the temple at Jeru- 
salem. This intimate association with the ritual of the 
cult gave it a prestige great enough to lead to its in- 
clusion in the Jewish Bible after the Law and the 
Prophets were closed. It is quite probable that it 
was the importance of the Psalter that kept the Old 
Testament canon open after the collection of the 
Prophets had been completed. It led the way to the 


forming of the third group the Writings to be ad- 
ded to the Law and the Prophets. The primal im- 
portance of the Psalms in this area is shown by the 
way it dominates references to the Scripture outside 
the Law and the Prophets in the early Christian 
period. In fact, the only New Testament reference to 
the Old Testament which mentions the three sections 
refers to them as "the Law, the Prophets, and the 
Psalms." Whether this be taken as an indication that 
the Psalter alone had been added to the Law and 
Prophets at this time, or it be assumed that a group 
of the Writings is referred to under the name of the 
Psalter, it is clear that the Psalter holds the leading 
position in this group. 


The selection of books for the Bible proceeded in 
waves, in the acceptance of a group of books at a 
time. Thus the Old Testament contains three groups: 
(i) the Law the Pentateuch; (2) the Prophets 
Joshua, Judges, Samuel, Kings, Isaiah, Jeremiah, 
Ezekiel, and the twelve "minor" prophets; (3) the 
Writings Psalms, Proverbs, Ecclesiastes, Job, Es- 
ther, Ruth, Song of Songs, Lamentations, Daniel, 
Ezra, Nehemiah, Chronicles and often other books 
in addition. The New Testament is essentially a two- 
fold canon containing (i) the Gospel our four; (2) 
the Apostle the' rest of the New Testament. 

But it must not be assumed that there are five 
groups within the Christian canon because the mak- 
ers of the canon, those responsible for formal adop- 


tion, chose certain groups as groups. The groups did 
not exist as groups until their adoption. Each adop- 
tion was intended to be final. When the Law was 
canonized, it was not canonized as "Part I" of the 
Bible but as the Bible. The Law became a section of 
the Bible a group of books within the Bible only 
when more books were added. The Old Testament 
is no older than the New Testament, for before the 
New Testament was canonized, the Old Testament 
was the Bible. When the prophetic books were can- 
onized, they were not chosen as a group from various 
rival groups of books but rather as a collection of all 
the books that were worthy of canonization. Thus 
each extension of the canon involved a rejection of 
books not included, a negative judgment on their 
value. And the possibility must not be overlooked 
that strong dislike of some recent religious writings or 
oral effusions may have been one of the immediate 
causes of the canonization of older works. 

Every group of books accepted acted as a bar to 
the acceptance of other books of the same type or 
date. The acceptance of the Torah meant that no 
more legal codes would be accepted as such; and, in 
fact, Esther and Ezekiel were attacked because they 
did not harmonize with the laws of the Pentateuch. 
The acceptance of a group of prophetic writings prac- 
tically closed the door to additional prophecies. From 
that moment on, no new prophecy could be accepted 
as authoritative. It was the general recognition of 
the fact that a definite group of prophecies had been 
accepted as Bible that led to the formulation of the 


dogma that prophecy was dead. This teaching arose 
from the closing of the second section of the canon, 
not from the disappearance of prophets and prophecy 
in Israel. The writings of Josephus, the New Testa- 
ment itself, and the Old Testament Apocrypha and 
Pseudepigrapha with their frequent references to 
prophets and prophecy, all clearly show that proph- 
ecy was still vital in Jewish religion in the first cen- 
tury B.C. and in the first century A.D. 

After the closing of the prophetic canon, prophets 
wrote "prophecies" (apocalypses) in which the author 
borrows the mantle of some ancient worthy so that 
his book may reach back of the closing of the pro- 
phetic canon into a period when authoritative books 
of prophecy could still be written. The strong oppo- 
sition to the inclusion of Daniel sprang from the fact 
that it won importance as a prophecy after the pro- 
phetic canon was closed. It was only when its disguise 
was accepted at face value that this prophecy was 
reluctantly included. That is to say, its claims to 
being an ancient work could only be accepted after 
the date of its appearance was forgotten, and it had 
to be accepted as ancient before it was accepted as 

The argument over whether or not a disputed 
book of the Writings is "prophetic" is thus seen to 
rest on the determination of date. The same thing is 
true in the use of the term "apostolic" in New Tes- 
tament controversy. For better or for worse, the sec- 
ond century A.D. saw the Christian churches accepting 
apostolicity as the test of a book's right to a place in 


the canon. But to be apostolic a book had to be 
(relatively) old. Thus the Muratorian list (A.D. 
180-2,00) rejects the Shepherd of Hermas, an apoca- 
lypse (prophecy). The reasons given are that it was 
written quite recently, "in our own times"; that it 
cannot be included with the Prophets, whose number 
is complete, or with the apostolic group since Hermas 
has just appeared. 

How were groups of books collected, and the collec- 
tion closed? The collecting began as a natural, that is, 
a spontaneous, movement; it ended in some formal 
authoritative action. For example, there can be little 
doubt that the captivity in Babylon led to a new 
appreciation of the message of Jeremiah. In a sense 
the destruction of Jerusalem and the exile confirmed 
his preaching. From the reading of Jeremiah to the 
reading of other prophets of doom was a natural and 
easy step. The collection grew slowly and irregularly 
from the exile to the second century B.C., as the Jew- 
ish people found inspiration and encouragement in the 
writings of these vigorous preachers of righteousness. 
The closing of this particular collection is shrouded 
in obscurity. The explanation often heard that the 
dying-out of prophecy finally led to the acceptance of 
these surviving prophetic books will not bear careful 
scrutiny, as we have shown above. A more probable 
situation for the formal closing of the prophetic canon 
existed in the Maccabean period after Antiochus' 
attack on the Scripture had been beaten back. 

In the absence of direct evidence it is dangerous to 
speculate on the action that closed the prophetic 


canon. Yet it seems clear that it was closed not only 
out of reverence for the old prophets but also out of 
fear and dislike of the new ones. The post-Exilic peri- 
od is one in which the priest and the scribe attain an 
ever increasing importance in the cult; they are them- 
selves officialized and institutionalized the one in 
connection with the temple; the other, with the syna- 
gogue. That their leaders came to depreciate con- 
temporary prophecy, always inclining toward inde- 
pendence of established authority, was natural. That 
had happened in the days of Amos; it happened in 
Jesus' day; it probably happened in Jerusalem in the 
Ptolemaic period. The fanatical extravagance and 
independence of some "prophets" in the late third 
century B.C., or Jin the turbulent days of the Macca- 
bees, was probably part of the cause of the official 
closing of the prophetic canon; and the closing was 
probably made official by the willing co-operation of 
the priesthood. 

Toward the end of the second century A.D. the 
Christian church went through a similar experience. 
The Montanist movement placed a high value on 
spirit guidance and prophecy. These prophets set 
their direct inspiration over against the prestige slow- 
ly built up by local bishops and by earlier writings. 
That the officials of the church in this situation re- 
ferred to the closed nature of the prophetic canon was 
natural; that they used the growing prestige of the 
apostles to shut out these books was equally natural; 
and in the Muratorian canon's treatment of the 
Prophecy of Hermas we have an example of this ex- 


elusion in action. Ultimately, all prophecies but one 
were excluded from the New Testament; the inclusion 
of that one was due to its claim of apostolic_jiithor- 
ship. This ultimate canon was, of course, a canon pro- 
mulgated by councils and ecclesiastics. This was true 
also as we have already noted of the closing of the 
canon of the Writings in the Old Testament, closed 
for Palestinian Jews by the pronouncements of rab- 
bis. The first canonical book was officially accepted 
by the people under the leadership of king and priest. 
All later books canonized came to their final accept- 
ance in a closed collection through some official ac- 
tion. Yet the official action, generally speaking, is no 
more than the ratification of a popular choice mani- 
fested by the continuing use of the books in the pri- 
vate devotions of the individual as well as in cult 
usage. Let this fact be emphasized as it deserves (and 
it is the most important validation of the canon to the 
modern man), it must still be remembered that the 
acceptance of the same list of books by the vast ma- 
jority of the membership of a cult is historically in- 
credible without some formal authorization. 


The books chosen were not always the same; in 
fact, a brief survey of any elementary introduction to 
the canon leaves one with the impression that they 
were never the same. The amount of this variation 
may be indicated by the extreme and yet accurate 
statement that exactly the same Bible (as to books 
included) was never accepted at any one time by all 


the believers in the cult. The church member today 
is aware that there is some sort of difference in content 
between Roman Catholic and Protestant Bibles; the 
student in college and seminary has a faint and ac- 
curate idea that there was an equal difference in the 
contents of the Jewish canon as it existed for the Jew 
of Palestine and the Jew of Alexandria in A.D. 30. It 
is not our purpose here to list all the known differ- 
ences in Bibles' contents the lists can be easily found 
in the books referred to in the bibliography but 
rather to raise as sharply as possible a question as to 
the reason for this variation and to suggest some of 
the possible answers. 

Sometimes the difference in canonical lists is due 
to what may be called "historical accident." Under 
this none-too-satisfactory heading various incidents 
and influences may be grouped; the discussion of ex- 
amples will make the meaning of the term clearer 
than a wordy definition could hope to do. 

The Samaritans pride themselves on being the true 
Israel; their Sacred Scripture contains the Penta- 
teuch and nothing else. The present tense is used in 
speaking of them because they still exist (although 
in dwindling numbers) as a distinct sect in Palestine. 
The division between Jews and Samaritans became 
final and irreconcilable in the days of Alexander the 
Great. The Pentateuch had been formally accepted 
by the Jewish people about a generation earlier; the 
Samaritans, therefore, naturally carried the Scrip- 
ture with them in their separation from the Jews of 
Jerusalem. The propinquity and similarities between 


these two rival cults generated such bitterness that 
any transfer of sacred books adopted by the Jews 
after the split was an impossibility. Ill will began 
between the groups in Samaritan opposition to Jew- 
ish innovations, although the Jewish leaders regarded 
their work as reform and return to older patterns. 
This conservatism prevented the growth of the Sa- 
maritan canon; but, had the schism been delayed a 
century and a half, the Samaritan canon would con- 
sist of the Law and the Prophets. 

Another example of the influence of "historical ac- 
cidents" upon the process of canonization can be seen 
in the case of the Book of Esther. Esther was read in 
connection with the feast of Purim by the Jews of the 
Dispersion within a short time of its composition. 
But the Palestinian Jews celebrated as an important 
religious festival Judas Maccabaeus' victory over 
Nicanor on the very day on which the Jews of the 
Dispersion first celebrated the feast of Purim: Con- 
sequently, this feast (Purim) did not enter Palestine 
until some centuries after its establishment. As a 
secondary consequence, since Esther gained religious 
prestige from being read in connection with the ob- 
servance of Purim, Esther was accepted as canonical 
much sooner outside Palestine than inside Palestine. 
But, if Judas had attacked Nicanor a day or a week 

Differences in content sprang also from the absence 
of a critical situation and consequent formal canoniza- 
.tion in one part of the world and its presence in an- 
other section. We have already seen that the Jewish 


war and the destruction of Jerusalem in A.D. 70 were 
influential in leading to the closing of the scriptural 
canon in Palestine. But there was in the Dispersion 
no analogous crisis involving the Bible, and as a re- 
sult the canon was not formally closed in the Disper- 
sion at this time. Hence the extra-Palestinian Bible 
contained from eight to a dozen books not in the 
Scriptures accepted in the Holy Land. 

We have seen that the irritating influence of Mar- 
cion and his creation of a New Testament at Rome did 
much to make the Roman church aware of the need 
of an authoritative pronouncement on the Bible. It 
was in large measure the presence of this aggressive 
and capable schismatic that made Rome conservative 
on the matter of the contents of the Bible. How 
would the story of the canon read today if Marcion 
had gone to the city of Alexandria instead of to 

There was also a difference in the rate at which 
books were accepted as authoritative by the churches 
in the important cities, on the one hand, and the 
churches of the backwoods districts, the hinterland, 
on the other. The big cities were often in closer touch 
with one another than they were with the small 
churches scattered through the adjacent rural sec- 
tions. One could travel easily and rapidly from city 
to city especially the cities on or near the Mediter- 
ranean Sea. In the big cities local judgment was 
easily influenced by the decisions made in other im- 
portant churches; thus their canons at least kept 
within sight of one another. But in the backwoods 


the small amount of intercommunication left the local 
or sectional church more independent in its choice. 
As a result, the churches of these areas either lagged 
behind the majority in accepting new books as canon 
(as was the case in Syria outside Antioch) or con- 
tinued to accept books unchecked by outside criti- 
cism (as was the case in Ethiopia and, to some extent, 
in Armenia). 

These facts may be covered by the generalization 
[ that some areas were more cautious or conservative 
I in the matter of canonization than others. The out- 
lying districts of Syria were more conservative than 
Antioch; Palestinian Judaism than the Diaspora; 
Rome than Alexandria. 

The conservatism of the Syrian territory is seen in 
both Old Testament and New Testament. Its Old 
Testament did not include Chronicles; through the 
fourth century its New Testament included neither 
Catholic Epistles nor Apocalypse. But, as Chrysos- 
tom's usage shows, the city of Antioch had already 
accepted three of the Catholic letters: James, I Peter, 
and I John. 

This conservatism of Syria was in accord with the 
conservatism of Palestine in regard to the Old Testa- 
ment canon. The canon as adopted in Palestine to- 
. ward the end of the first century was identical with 
that of the present-day Protestant Old Testament. 
At that time there was still some hesitation as to the 
acceptance of even some of these books Esther, 
Ezra-Nehemiah, Chronicles, and the Song of Songs. 
Jews outside of Palestine were much freer in their 


treatment of the canon, which they used in the Greek 
translation called the Septuagint. They accepted 
books more rapidly than the Palestinians; they am- 
plified some of the books they both accepted; they 
were evidently less concerned about the limits of the 
canon than were their compatriots in the homeland. 
Thus we cannot be too confident that every book i 
found in a manuscript of the Septuagint was an inte- 
gral part of the Bible for Alexandrian Jews. But the 
evidence is sufficient to indicate a much larger canon 
at Alexandria than was accepted in Jerusalem. 
Among the books they received are the following: 
I and II Esdras, Tobit, Judith, Additions to Esther, 
Wisdom of Solomon, Wisdom of Jesus the son of 
Sirach (Ecclesiasticus), Baruch, Additions to Daniel, 
Prayer of Manasses, I-II Maccabees. Of these, only 
Ecclesiasticus enjoyed any prestige in Palestine. 

. In the Christian church of Alexandria an equally 
liberal view as to the contents of Scripture was domi- 
nant. In the writings of Clement we see the same 
inclusive and carefree attitude toward Christian 
Scripture that we have noticed in the Jews of Alexan- 
dria toward the Old Testament. Clement used half-a- 
dozen gospels; fourteen letters of Paul; six Catholic 
epistles including Barnabas and I Clement; three 
Apocalypses John, Peter, and Hermas the Acts of 
the Apostles; the Preaching of Peter; and the Di- 
dache. Except for his surplus gospels, most of these 
works are either explicitly or implicitly used as Scrip- 
ture by Clement. Thus Alexandria was the home of, 
an extensive Scripture in both Testaments. It is no 


accident that it was also the home of allegorical inter- 
pretation. The use of this method of interpretation 
from pre-Christian times on made it possible for the 
Alexandrian to overcome difficulties in regard to 
canonical books very easily. In Palestine and Syria 
a more sedate, more literal and historical criticism 
was employed. This goes far toward explaining the 
variations in canon in the two sections. 

Rome was early forced by Marcion into the defini- 
tion of the Scriptures. Its New Testament never 
knew the exuberance of the Alexandrian, but its Old 
Testament grew into practical identity with that of 
Egypt. In the Christian books the affinities of Rome 
are in general with Syria and Asia Minor; in the 
Jewish Scriptures it reaches through North Africa to 
Alexandria and a "full" Old Testament. 

The student who faces the problems raised by these 
variations in the contents of the Bible can simplify 
his task by establishing a list of those books com- 
monly accepted throughout the cult. In the Old Tes- 
tament these unquestioned books include the Protes- 
tant Old Testament with the exception of Esther, 
Ezra-Nehemiah, Chronicles, Daniel, Song of Solo- 
mon, and perhaps Job and Ecclesiastes. In the 
New Testament the unquestioned books are the Four 
Gospels, the Acts, and ten letters of Paul. The books 
which won their place in the final official canon only 
after the dissent of a minority had been overcome 
are the crucial points for study in the history of the 
canonization of individual books. The pronounce- 
ments of councils did more for these "disputed" books 
than for the rest of the Bible. 


What these councils really ratified for these dis- 
puted books was their authenticity in terms of author 
and date. It was in the final period of canon forma- 
tion that questions as to authorship played their 
supremely important part. If the letter to the He- 
brews was the work of Paul, then it was apostolic and 
deserved a place in the Christian canon. It is doubt- 
ful if questions of authorship have had any vital im- 
portance for the Scriptures in any other period. Nor 
has any more artificial method of determining author- 
ship been employed than the majority vote of a. 
council of ecclesiastics. If these councils had made 
fewer mistakes, the work of modern scholarship would 
be much less "negative." 


The minor role played by decisions of councils is 
shown by the precarious existence of those books 
which owed their position in the canon largely to the 
favorable verdict of some council. Not all books in 
the canon even if they had been formally and offi- 
cially accredited were received by the faithful with 
the same degree of reverence and enthusiasm. The 
books which enjoyed the most prestige were those 
whose canonization was merely a recognition of gen^ 
eral and long-established usage. 

Thus, in the Hebrew Scriptures, no later book or 
books ever attained to the pre-eminence occupied by 
the Law. Within the Holy Book, the Law was the 
Holy of Holies. Next to it in general esteem came the 
Prophets, but the Prophets were definitely below the 
Law in sanctity. This is most dramatically shown in 


the prescriptions for the reading of the Bible in syna- 
gogue services. In New Testament times it was cus- 
tomary to read from the Hebrew in short passages 
which were translated at once into Aramaic by the 
Meturgeman so that the Scripture might be under- 
stood by the congregation that knew no Hebrew. The 
rule as given in the Mishna (Megilla iv. 4) follows: 
"He who reads in the Pentateuch must not read to 
the Meturgeman more than one verse, and in the 
Prophets three verses [at a time]. If each verse is a 
paragraph, they are read one by one. He who reads 
may skip in the Prophets, but not in the Law." 
Equally significant as to the relative prestige of the 
various sections of the canon is the fact that the 
Writings the third section of the Old Testament 
was not read at all in synagogue services. 

What Torah was to the Jew, the Gospel was to the 
Christian. Its pre-eminence is shown not only by its 
appearance in every Christian canon but also by the 
favor shown it by the members of the cult. This can 
be seen objectively in the number of manuscripts of 
the Greek New Testament in existence today. Manu- 
scripts of the Four Gospels number more than two 
thousand; in addition, there are more than a thousand 
Gospel lectionary manuscripts. Manuscripts of the 
Acts and Epistles and their lectionary are less than 
half as numerous. There are. less than two hundred 
manuscripts of Revelation, aside from fragments. 
These totals accurately represent the relative pres- 
tige of these volumes in Eastern Christendom down 
through the Middle Ages. 


No decree of a. council could ever give to any Chrisl 
tian book the prestige enjoyed by the Gospel. No 
council of rabbis could ever lift any other volume to 
the level of Torah. Nor did formal acceptance by the , 
leaders of the cult always mean vital acceptance by 
the mass of the believers. It is sometimes said that 
the Jewish canon was closed in Palestine about A.D. 90 
with the acceptance of Esther, Song of Solomon, 
Daniel, Ezra-Nehemiah, and Chronicles. Yet the 
Syriac version dominated by Palestinian ideals 
did not include Chronicles. Esther was not accepted 
by Theodore of Mopsuestia; by the Nestorians; 
by the Palestinians whom Melito visited about 
A.D. 150; by Athanasius of Alexandria in A.D. 365; 
by Gregory Nazianzen (fA.D. 389). The Talmud itself 
contains items that show Esther was not universally 
accepted after A.D. 100. The Babylonian Gemara (fol. 
ja) of the tractate Megi/Ia tries to meet the difficulties 
caused by R. Samuel's statement that Esther was not 
canonical. The tractate Sanhedrin (fol. 1000) states 
that Esther does not need covers as canonical books 
do. It was only the association of Esther with the 
feast of Purim that gradually increased its prestige. 
In the Christian church, in periods of freedom of 
thought, Esther has once more been under attack. 
Luther, in speaking of II Maccabees, said: "I am 
so opposed to this book and to Esther that I wish 
they did not exist, for they Judaize too much, and 
have many heathenish improprieties." So far is the 
pious layman today from using his Bible as equally 
valuable in all its parts that he is willing to award 


some badge of merit to anyone who has read the 
Bible all the way through; he, himself, very naturally 
and justifiably, selects his readings from those areas 
which he finds most inspiring. 

What we have seen to be true in the case of Esther 
was equally true in the experience of the Apocalypse 
of John in the New Testament canon. It was not 
popular in the Eastern half of the Roman world; Con- 
stantinople, Antioch, Syria, and Caesarea were not 
enthusiastic about it as part of the canon. Yet, under 
the wing of Rome, Africa, and Alexandria, it was 
formally declared canonical at Hippo and Carthage 
in councils at the end of the fourth century, by 
Athanasius of Alexandria (A.D. 367), by Basil the 
Great (fA.o. 379), and by Gregory of Nyssa (\ca. A.D. 
394), as by many others. In the West it first ap- 
peared in the Muratorian canon (ca. 180) and was an 
integral part of the canon throughout the Middle 
Ages. But in the East its position was never secure. 
Two of the four Doctors of the Orthodox church 
(Chrysostom and Gregory of Nazianzus) did not ac- 
cept Revelation as canonical. It was not in the Old 
Syriac version or in the Syriac Peshitta (ca. 415). It 
was not in the original Armenian version. Theodore 
of Mopsuestia (fA.o. 428), Amphilochius of Iconium 
(fA.D. 394), the sixtieth canon of "Laodicea," the List 
of the Sixty Canonical Books, all reject the Apoca- 
lypse. Even as late as A.D. 850, it is listed as a "dis- 
puted" book in the Stichometry of Nicephorus. 

In spite of formal canonization, the Revelation of 
John did not win widespread acceptance in the East. 


We have already noticed that in number of manu- 
scripts extant its total is about one-seventh of that 
of manuscripts of the Gospels. Moreover, many of 
these manuscripts are not part of larger New Testa- 
ments but often contain noncanonical material. Nor 
did the Orthodox church use the Book of Revelation 
in its preparation of lections for use in the liturgy; 
to this day it is not read regularly in church services. 

An unusual example of the lower level of canonicity 
enjoyed by the Apocalypse was noted in the study of 
a sixteenth-century Greek manuscript containing the 
Apocalypse and commentary, translated into con- 
versational Greek of the period. In the comment 
other books of the Bible are quoted, but it is the 
author's general rule not to translate them into the 
conversational idiom they were too sacred! Yet 
the main purpose of this work was to translate the 
Apocalypse into conversational idiom. 

In the Western world Luther's opinion of the 
Apocalypse is well known; less familiar is the similar 
judgment of the Roman Catholic scholar Erasmus 
(expressed at the end of his notes on the first edition 
of the Greek New Testament). He comments on its 
vicissitudes in the past with keen discernment, raises 
questions as to its authorship, and concludes with an 
analogy whose accuracy cannot be concealed even by 
the decision of an ecumenical council. "Since even 
among jewels," he says, "there is some difference, and 
some gold is purer and better than other; in sacred 
things also one thing is more sacred than another." 

This discussion of the origin and growth of the 


Bible is designed to open up the field for study. It 
raises questions as to the ultimate origin of the canon 
and tries to indicate its process of growth. The part 
played by heresy and council in advancing the canon 
has been suggested with no attempt at comprehensive 
treatment. The important Council of Trent, for ex- 
ample, has been passed over in silence. For the pur- 
suit of factual material, and a study of other prob- 
lems, the student's attention is called to the bibliog- 
raphy that follows. 



LEWIS, F. G. How the Bible Grew. Chicago: University of Chi- 
cago Press, 1924. 

This volume makes large use of the Bible's testimony to its own de- 

SLEDD, ANDREW. The Bibles of the Churches. Nashville: Cokes- 
bury Press, 1930. 

A stimulating presentation of the main factors in the building of the 
canon and of the basic problems with which the student is confronted. 

SMYTH, J. PATERSON. The Bible in the Making in the Light of 
Modern Research. New York: James Pott & Co., 1914. 

A very simple treatment of the process of canonization with a fair 
statement as to objective data but little recognition of their implications. 


BUHL, F. P. W. Canon and Text of the Old Testament (trans, by 
J. MACPHERSON). Edinburgh: T. & T. Clark, 1892. 

A careful study of the course of canonization of the Old Testament by, 
first, the Jews and, then, the Christians. The greater part of the book is 
occupied with textual criticism. 


RYLE, H. E. The Canon of the Old Testament (2d ed.). New York: 

Macmillarij 1895. 

More popular in form than Buhl and Wildeboer, which it uses critical- 
ly; but a scholarly and exhaustive work. 

WILDEBOER, G. The Origin of the Canon of the Old Testament 
(trans, by B. W. BACON). London: Luzac, 1895. 

A detailed study of the history of canonization of the Old Testament 
with citation and careful discussion of the ancient sources. 

ZEITLIN, S. An Historical Study of the Canonization of the Hebrew 
Scriptures. (Offprint from the Proceedings of the American 
Academy for Jewish Research, 1931-1932.} Philadelphia: 
Jewish Publication Society, 1933. 

An independent and stimulating study which makes large use of rab- 
binic sources and reaches some conclusions at variance with those general- 
ly received. 

ENSLIN, MORTON S. "On the Way to a Canon," Crozer Quarterly, 

XIV (1937), 127-44. 

Brief but stimulating survey of the origin of the New Testament 
canon, part of an introduction to the New Testament to be published 
soon by Harper & Bros. 

GOODSPEED, EDGAR J. The Formation of the New Testament. 
Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 1926. 

A brief chronological and geographical outline of the varying contents 
of the New Testament down to A.D. 400. 

HARNACK, ADOLF VON. The Origin of the New Testament (trans, 
by J. R. WILKINSON). New York: Macmillan, 1925. 

The most stimulating definition of the problems involved in the 
making of the New Testament canon. 

MOORE, E. C. The New Testament in the Christian Church. New 
York: Macmillan, 1904. 

Still valuable for its thoroughgoing discussion of the origin and func- 
tion of the Christian Testament in the cult. 

WESTCOTT, B. F. A General Survey of the History of the Canon of 
the New Testament (7th ed.). New York, Macmillan, 1896. 

A full presentation of the relevant data; most of the important sources 
are quoted in the original language. Useful as a reference work. 

Chapter II 
The Transmission of the Bible 


letters Paul wrote have all vanished. We 
have none of the autographs, the originals, of 
the books of the Bible. The exact transcript 
as it came from the author's pen has disappeared. It 
is generally believed now that these originals vanished 
fairly soon after they were written. The New Testa- 
ment books probably had a shorter life than those of 
the Jewish Scriptures, for they were most probably 
written on perishable papyrus, while the books of the 
Old Covenant may have been written on skins a 
much more durable material. In the loss of the 
original manuscripts, the Bible is on a par with most 
of the literary works of antiquity; for very few of 
them have survived except in copies. To determine 
the exact content of the books of the Bible, therefore, 
we study copies most of them copies of copies of 

It is only since the invention of the printing press, 
about the middle of the fifteenth century, that It has 
been easy to determine the original content of a book. 
The printing press first made it possible to have 
thousands of copies of a book all exactly alike. Before 
its invention no two copies of a book were ever 



exactly alike. Man has never attained the accuracy 
of the machine, and his laborious production of books 
in the ante-printing-press age was slow and inevitably 

If a book was first written before the fifteenth cen- 
tury, therefore, its original content can be determined 
only from a study of handwritten copies, or manu- 
scripts. The contents of the so-called "classical litera- 
ture" the writings of ancient Greece and Rome 
were determined in this fashion; and the contents of 
the Bible are determined in the same way. This study 
of ancient documents in an attempt to overcome the 
errors of copyists and editors and establish the exact 
wording of the original is a basic discipline in the 
study of any ancient literature. It is called "textual 
criticism" and is often classed with the more in- 


offensive areas of biblical study as "lower criticism." 
It is lower criticism in the sense that the foundation 
of a skyscraper is lower than the rest of the building 
which rests upon it. Its technical name, "textual 
criticism," is often misleading to the devout student 
who thinks of texts only as points of departure for 
the Sunday morning sermon. "Text" is used here in 
the sense of content. Textual criticism is interested 
in reconstructing the long history of the transmission 
of that content from its origins to our day so that the 
original content, or text, may be accurately restored. 
It has already been suggested that the study of 
textual criticism faces the student of any ancient 
literature. Students who specialize in English litera- 
ture learn its techniques to establish an accurate text 


of Chaucer's poems; students of Cicero, Caesar, 
Homer, and Vergil are forced to use either the 
methods or the results of textual criticism. Its devo- 
tees are the pioneers who blaze the trail for learning 
to travel back through the centuries to the actual 
words written centuries ago by gifted and inspired 
men. Np matter what book may be the object of this 
study, the methods and techniques employed are the 
same. There may be particular tools of language or 
paleography needed in one case and not in another; 
but, in general, the methods are the same. Textual 
criticism of the Bible is not a thing apart. In a 
university seminar which attempts to establish the 
original wording of Chaucer's poems, F. J. A. Hort's 
exposition of the methods employed in textual criti- 
cism of the New Testament is required reading. 


This study covers an area which is easily and 
naturally divided under the headings f Materials" 
and "Methods." The materials are ultimately manu- 
scripts physical, objective materials. The solidity of 
manuscripts and the routine nature of the elementary 
work in textual criticism have misled many beginners 
into the belief that all its methods are objective and 
that it is an exact science. Yet, like most other areas in 
the humanities, it is at some points subjective. The 
manuscripts are objective enough, but the methods 
by which they are studied and their evidence inter- 
preted cannot be 100 per cent objective. 



The manuscripts studied in the textual criticism of 
the Bible are of three sorts: (i) manuscripts in the 
language of the original, (2) manuscripts of transla- 
tions, and (3) manuscripts of quotations. The study 
of these materials is more difficult when a thousand 
years intervene between the date of writing the 
original and the date of our copies; it is less difficult 
when the gap is narrower. In the Greek classics the 
gap stretches approximately a thousand years wide; 
in the Latin, it is much narrower, although about 
three centuries separate the most favored of the 
Latins Vergil from the extant manuscripts of his 
works. In the case of the Hebrew manuscripts of the 
Old Testament, the interval is sometimes as much as 
seventeen hundred years; in the New Testament, it 
is sometimes as little as one hundred and fifty years. 
But the student should not rashly conclude that the 
New Testament text is inevitably ten times as ac- 
curate as the text of the Old Testament. The study 
of the text in the last fifty years has shown that the 
earliest period was the most fruitful in the creation 
of variant readings. The last thousand years can be 
retraced easier than the hundred that immediately 
followed the writing of a book. It is unlikely that any 
manuscript discoveries will ever carry us all the way 
back to the original; the most arduous part of the 
task of textual criticism must, therefore, be achieved 
with the help of translations and quotations and the 
use of theory theory as sound as the careful study of 
all the materials can evolve. 



Among the materials employed in this study, the 
manuscripts of translations of the Bible play an 
important part. This is especially the case in the Old 
Testament area where early translations compensate 
somewhat for the lack of early Hebrew manuscripts. 
The Pentateuch was translated into Greek in Alexan- 
dria soon after 250 B.C. The Palestinian Old Testa- 
ment was translated into Syriac about A.D. aoo. The 
Old Testament was translated into Latin before the 
great scholar Jerome in the latter half of the fourth 
century began the making of the Latin Vulgate. 
Such early witnesses might confidently be regarded 
as satisfactory substitutes for the missing Hebrew 
manuscripts of these periods. 

But we do not possess the original manuscripts of 
the Greek Old Testament, or of the Syriac Old Testa- 
ment, or of the Old Latin Old Testament. We have 
no more than fragments of the Old Latin; the oldest 
manuscript of any large part of the Greek Pentateuch 
is about five centuries later than the making of the 
translation; no Syriac manuscript of the Old Testa- 
ment comes closer than two and a half centuries to 
the date given above for the making of that version. 
In other words, the work of establishing the original 
content of these versions must be carried out before 
the use of these versions in establishing the original 
content of the Hebrew Old Testament is possible. 

Even if we possessed the original content of the 
various versions of the Bible which for the most part 
we do not the difficulty of using them in textual 


criticism could hardly be overestimated. Their use 
requires some mastery of language as well as of 
languages. The student must be keenly aware of 
what is involved in the making of a translation. He 
must retranslate the translation into the original 
language in the manner of the original translators 
before the evidence of the version is available. 


Valuable assistance in the location of varying 
forms of the text is given by the quotations from the 
Bible found in rabbinical writings, in the writings of 
the Church Fathers, in commentaries, etc. The valu- 
able feature of this type of evidence is that it can 
usually be dated with some accuracy and located 
geographically with some definiteness. 

Yet these values cannot be obtained without effort. 
We, unfortunately, do not possess the original manu- 
script of the writings of the rabbis and the Fathers. 
Critical editions (i.e., attempts to reconstruct the 
original content) of the Christian Fathers are steadily 
and sys.tern~atically being prepared; valuable work is 
in process on rabbinical literature. But it is not yet 
possible to use the writings of all the early believers 
who quoted the Bible, with complete confidence as to 
the accuracy of the printed text on which you rely. 

Even when you have a critical text, your task has 
only begun.* Quotations from the Scriptures were 
often harmonized to contemporary standards by 
scribes when ..the rest of the text was left in its 


primitive form. Moreover, the value of the specific 


quotation for textual criticism depends to some extent 
upon the author's general practice in quotation. If 
he usually quotes in paraphrastic fashion, then the 
quotations from the Scripture must be studied with 
this in mind. If he edits as he quotes, unusual items 
in his quotations can be ascribed to the Scriptures 
only when they are supported elsewhere. 

The nearer the quotations are in time to the 
original, the greater is their value. But, as we have 
already noticed, it is exactly in the earliest period that 
the biblical text is quoted with the greatest freedom. 
The first great scholar of the Christian church was 
Clement of Alexandria, who taught in a Christian 
school in that city toward the end of the second 
century A.D. He quotes Matthew 21:9 {Instructor 
\. 5) as follows "Plucking branches of olives or 
palms, the children went forth to meet the Lord, and 
cried, saying, 'Hosanna to the Son of David ! Blessed 
is he who comes in the name of the Lord.' " This is 
unusual in that it introduces "the children" as the 
ones who went out to meet Jesus. None of our biblical 
manuscripts (all later than Clement) mentions the 
children in this scene at all, although their presence- 
inside the temple is commented on in a later section 
(Matt. 21 : 15). Should we change the manuscripts on 
the basis of Clement's quotation ? 

These "children" are found everywhere in later 
Christianity. We meet them in an apocryphal gospel 
of the fourth century. In the earliest picture of 
the Triumphal Entry (fifth to sixth century), they 
are prominent characters; and they are frequently 


encountered in picture, song, and story of medieval 
and modern Christendom. Did Clement introduce 
them to this role in the triumphal scene, or did 
he find them in the text of the early manuscript 
of Matthew he read? Several details indicate that 
Clement is responsible for the presence of the children 
here. In the first place, he is engaged in an argument 
in which it is important for him to find the Scriptures 
referring to Christians as "children." In the second 
place, he does not make a practice of exact quotation. 
In the third place, in the immediate context he quotes 
Matt. 25:33 as saying, "Let my lambs stand on my 
right!" although all other sources read "sheep." Yet 
the whole point of the passage for Clement is the use 
of "lambs." The change of "sheep" to "lambs" in 
this second passage supports the judgment that 
Clement changed "the crowds" to "the children" in 
the Triumphal Entry story. He accomplished this 
by transferring the children from the temple to the 
road outside Jerusalem. Therefore, his quotation is 
not of much value in any attempt to reconstruct the 
original form of Matt. 21:9. 


In the lives of manuscripts, as of people, the first 
hundred years are the hardest. We have already seen 
that the various books which make up our Bible today 
were not accepted as Bible the moment they were 
written. The safeguards which sanctity throws 
around the content of a Bible were not applied to our 
books until they were at least a hundred years old. 


To some extent in the case of the Old Testament, to a 
large extent in the New Testament, the cult itself 
lacked the organization, the trained individuals, and 
the interest necessary to preserve the exact wording 
of the documents. The New Testament is one of 
triplets: It was born at the same time as dogma and 
hierarchy. It would be more accurate to say that the 
doctrine of the importance of the letter of Scripture 
evolved with the Scripture and with the ecclesiastical 
organization capable of applying it to the careful 
preservation of the sacred text. 

In Old Testament as in New Testament the 
earliest period of copying was one in which many 
careless errors of a scribal nature crept into the text. 
This is partly due to the fact that in this period the 
writings were not yet canonized. But in part it was 
due to the lack of educated and trained scribes in the 
service of the cult. The Hebrews were not a literary 
people; the early Christians came from the lower 
classes. The general message of a book was much 
more important than exactness in matters of detail. 

The proof of this generalization can be 'seen in the 
wealth of variation in Old Testament text down to 
A.D. 200 as contrasted with its stereotyped nature 
since that date. It can be seen also in the earliest 
Greek manuscripts of the New Testament. The 
Beatty manuscript of Paul's letters (the oldest manu- 
script of Paul, written ca. A.D. 200), which has been 
published in the last few years, abounds in. careless 
errors. Some of these are omissions; e.g., in Rom. 
12:8, the words "he that shows mercy, with cheerful- 


ness" are omitted because of the similarity between 
the end of this phrase and the preceding phrases. 
The scribe's eye passed from one ending to the other, 
and a line was omitted by error. Another example of 
this very common error can be drawn from the fourth- 
century Greek Bible in the Vatican library. In John 
17:15, most manuscripts read: 

.... I do not ask that 

you should take them from the world, but that 
you should keep them from the evil. 

But the scribe of the Vatican codex skipped from 
"that" to "that" and wrote: 

.... I do not ask that 
you should keep them from the evil. 

In similar fashion, in both Greek and Hebrew 
manuscripts, letters, syllables, phrases, clauses, and 
sentences were omitted. Letters and words were mis- 
read. Sometimes a slip of the pen created a new 
reading. Very common are the errors of hearing the 
confusion of. two words pronounced alike. These "ear 
spellings" occurred not only when the manuscript 
was written from dictation but also when a single 
scribe was copying directly from the page of the 
exemplar. Again, if a scribe detected the omission of 
a word or phrase after the next word or two was 
written, he often inserted the omitted element at 
once, thus creating a variation in word order. From 
all of these causes, unintentional variations entered 
the textual tradition in large numbers. 

The synagogue far surpassed the church in the 


efficiency of the controls it devised and employed to 
preserve the content of the sacred books unchanged. 
From early in the Christian era down to the invention 
of printing, the Hebrew text varied but slightly from 
manuscript to manuscript. It must be understood 
that this is a relative judgment. Some idea of the 
amount of variation can be gained from the following 
figures. In I Chronicles, chapter n, one manuscript 
has twenty-two variations from the printed text, 
another has seventeen, a third has eighteen, and a 
fourth, twenty-eight; the majority of these are scribal 
errors. The manuscripts of the Greek New Testa- 
ment and the Latin Vulgate present many more 
variations in a comparable space and have a much 
higher proportion of significant variations. 

It is possible to explain the success of the synagogue 
and the failure of the church by referring to the 
meticulous checking of the total number of words in 
the Hebrew books and to other similar precautions. 
But these are secondary phenomena. Why was the 
Christian church, both Greek and Latin, less inter- 
ested in the accurate preservation of every letter of 
Scripture than the synagogue was ? The answer must 
lie in the highly centralized authority of the Bible in 
Judaism; Torah monopolized religious authority. It 
had no such rivals in Judaism as the Christian Bible 
found in hierarchy and creed. Judaism had no Roman 
pope, no ecumenical patriarch, no Nicene Creed, no 
such councils as those of Carthage and Chalcedon. 
The very force that modernized the Jewish Bible 
rabbinical interpretation went back (at least for- 


mally) to Torah for its base of operations. Inter- 
preters found the various minute elements of the text 
of great significance and, therefore, the more de- 
serving of accurate transmission. In the Christian 
church, on the contrary, the clergy and the increasing 
body of Christian dogma shared the position of 
authority with the Bible; with the result that the 
exact wording of Scripture was never as important or 
as carefully preserved here as it was in Judaism. 

The scribal errors mentioned above as character- 
istic of the earliest period were committed (in slightly 
less frequency) throughout the Middle Ages in the 
Greek and Latin manuscripts. In the Greek tradition, 
the last three centuries before the printing press were 
almost as bad as- the first three, and the Latin 
Vulgate reached the press in an unfortunately corrupt 
form. Especially in these areas, the student of textual 
criticism is faced with the task of setting up a method 
or methods to overcome scribal mistakes. , 


The carefree attitude toward Scripture which ex- 
isted in the earliest period of Christian history and in 
the religion of Israel in the pre-Christian period was 
followed by attempts to control and purify the text. 
This often led to the publishing of standard texts, 
revised texts, etc., in the manuscript period. These 
standard editions were prepared from the highest 
motives; their makers sought to remove corruptions 
from the text and to prevent further deterioration by 
establishing a standard that could be carefully pre- 


served. The development of ecclesiastical organiza- 
tion, the increased efficiency of the controls used by 
the cult, the growth of culture especially book 
culture as the result of the impact of Hellenistic 
civilization on Christianity all these supported the 
creation of purified and standard texts. 

The number of such texts is large. In Syriac the 
early fifth century saw the Peshitta Version com- 
pleted. The fourth century saw the making of the 
Latin Vulgate. As early as the second century, the 
Massoretic Hebrew text had been standardized. By 
the time of Chrysostom, the Greek text of the New 
Testament had been edited in at least two standard 
editions: one in Alexandria in Egypt, the other in 
Syrian Antioch. 

In so far as these ecclesiastical texts checked the 
rate of corruption, they made a positive contribution 
to the history of the text. Nor can it be doubted that 
corruption proceeded more slowly under their repres- 
sive influence than it had in the uncontrolled period 
that preceded. Yet, in two ways, the making of these 
"revisions" makes the task of the student of the text 
more difficult today. 

In the first place, every revision tends to displace 
the unrevised earlier text. Second editions replace 
first editions; hence the scarcity of first editions. 
Very often the makers or champions of the revised 
edition actively attacked the earlier forms of the text, 
destroying earlier manuscripts wherever they could 
find them. Thus the champions of the standard 
Syriac text of the Gospels destroyed manuscripts of 


the earlier Syriac Gospel harmony with such en- 
thusiasm that not a single manuscript survived in the 
Syriac language. The champions of the Massoretic 
Hebrew text are at least partly responsible for the 
disappearance of all pre-Massoretic manuscripts of 
the Hebrew Bible. The difficulty caused by the lack 
of early manuscripts springs in part from the making 
of these standard versions of antiquity. 

The appearance of these standard versions compli- 
cates the history of the text. In only one case, that of 
the Hebrew text, did the standard text dominate the 
ensuing tradition universally and continuously. In 
the Greek, Syriac, Egyptian, and Latin Bibles, the 
success of the revision was only partial. Not all older 
manuscripts were destroyed; some were corrected. 
And correction was never 100 per cent complete. 
The result is the creation of mixed texts the curse of 
the manuscript student. One manuscript was cor- 
rected in some variants; another in a different set of 
readings. As additional manuscripts of different 
types were corrected to standards of varying degrees 
of mixture, the confusion became worse confounded. 
This mixture of revised with prerevised texts makes 
it very difficult to establish the text of the revision. 
The possession of the text of the revision is, however, 
an almost indispensable tool for the task of getting 
back of the revision to the primitive text. 

One of the most scholarly, dramatic, and disastrous 
of these ancient revisions was Origen's (|A.D. 254) 
revision of that Greek translation of the Old Testa- 
ment which is called the Septuagint. His edition is 


called the Hexapla and was carried out on the grand 
scale. Part of his purpose was to show the relation 
between the Hebrew text and that of the various 
Greek translations. He, therefore, published his work 
in six columns of parallel material. At the left was 
the Hebrew text; next, a transliteration of the He- 
brew in Greek letters; then, four Greek translations: 
Aquila, Symmachus, the Septuagint, and Theodotion. 
This magnificent production had an unfortunate in- 
fluence on the text of the Septuagint. 

To begin with, the Hebrew column established the 
order of the contents; the Septuagint material was 
transposed to parallel the Hebrew. Moreover, Origen 
added to the Septuagint any material which it lacked 
that the Hebrew of his day contained. He usually 
marked this additional material by prefixing an 
asterisk; and, in some cases where the Greek manu- 
scripts differed, he chose the reading that was closest 
to the Hebrew, without indicating the existence of the 
variants. Since these manuscripts had undoubtedly 
suffered some corruption from the influence of the 
Hebrew before Origen's day, the result was that he 
frequently preferred the worse reading. The ultimate 
catastrophe was that the bulk of his work prevented 
its mass production; hence the Septuagint column 
was copied out alone, in many cases without much 
effort to reproduce the asterisks and other diacritical 
marks. Thus the great difficulty in the study of the 
Septuagint text is to get back of Origen's Hexapla, 
His work, like a seven-barred gate, stands across the 
path that criticism must follow. The exultation with 


which the recent discovery of a pre-Hexaplaric manu- 
script was received is a by-product of the pernicious 
results of Origen's attempt to improve the text. 


In the making of the standard versions, we have 
already seen the deliberate introduction of changes in 
the biblical text. While it is to be remembered that 
these changes were always made with the best in- 
tentions as "corrections" or "restorations" it must 
not be forgotten that the resultant text was often 
inferior to the unrevised text. Many an individual 
scribe, also, deliberately changed the text so as to 

correct its "errors." 

Some of these changes were stylistic and gram- 
matical. The New Testament, for example, was 
written in the conversational Greek of the common 
people. Under the pressure imposed by the growth of 
culture in the church (a culture that insisted on Attic 
Greek as the one pure dialect), scribes changed the 
forms of the common speech into agreement with At- 
tic usage. Sentence structure was sometimes changed 
by the scribes' feeling for style. Mark 4:24 reads, 
"Take heed what you hear: with what measure you 
measure, it shall be measured to you " In sev- 
eral manuscripts this is improved to, "Take heed 
what you hear, for with what measure you meas- 

ure . . . ." 

Some of these changes were intended to make the 
parallel accounts of the same incident agree in details. 
There are four accounts of Jesus' baptism. In the 


Johannine account the distinctive item is the asser- 
tion that the Spirit abode upon Jesus after the 
baptism (i '.31, 33). In many manuscripts the words 
"and abode upon him" are added to the accounts of 
the baptism in the first three gospels. In some in- 
stances the scribes carefully corrected quotations 
from the Old Testament in the New Testament so 
that the New Testament would agree with the Old 
Testament. The older sources of Mark i:i refer to 
"Isaiah the prophet" and precede to quote from 
Malachi the prophet and then from Isaiah. Later 
manuscripts change "Isaiah the prophet" to "the 
prophets," thus making the reference to the Old 
Testament more accurate. 

Occasionally, the Greek manuscripts of the Old 
Testament were edited to make them conform more 
explicitly to Christian faith. The ninety-fifth Psalm 
(ninety-six in the Septuagint) was identified as a 
messianic Psalm, probably because of the reference to 
the Lord (God) coming in judgment. The tenth verse 
of this Psalm reads, "Say among the nations, the 
Lord reigns." Some enthusiastic Christian scribes 
have made this a reference to the crucifixion by 
adding the words "from the tree" (i.e., the cross) 
after the verb "reigns." 

Not only was book harmonized with book, but the 
Scriptures were harmonized also with liturgical prac- 
tice. In the Greek church, on the fourth evening of 
Lent, Matt. 7:7 was read after Mark 11:26. The / 
same combination of passages was read quite fre- 
quently on saints' days, especially on December 9. 


As a result of this, some manuscripts of the Gospels 
follow Mark 1 1 : 26 with Matt. 7:7. The same natural 
influence of liturgy upon the text can be seen in the 
addition of the doxology to the Lord's Prayer. 

Some intentional changes were purely explanatory 
in character, intended to clear up obscurities in the 
text. They were written on the margin of the manu- 
script or between the lines; from these positions some 
of them crept into the text itself. They usually are 
brief additions. 

A larger number of changes were of a dogmatic 
nature. Where the scribe found the sacred text saying 
something unworthy of deity, he knew it was wrong 
and preceded to correct it as well as he could. The 
development of paraphrases for the divine name in 
the Old Testament, the avoidance of anthropo- 
morphisms in the versions of the Old Testament, etc., 
are all examples of this. The Old Testament scribes 
had the term Tiqqune sopherim for their deliberate 
changes made in the interest of dogma or decency. 
An interesting example is Hab. i :I2, where "you do 
not die," said to God was changed to "we shall not 
die." The original form of the verse was, "Are you 
not from everlasting, O Yahweh, my God ? My Holy 
One, you do not die." Another example is the change 
in Gen. 18:22 from "The Lord was yet standing 
before Abraham" to "Abraham was yet standing 
before the Lord." Similar deliberate changes were 
made by the scribes who copied the New Testament. 
Mark 13:22 reads, "But of that day and that hour 
knoweth no man, no, not the angels which are in 


heaven, neither the Son, but the Father." Several 
New Testament manuscripts omit the words "neither 
the Son" because of the implication of limitation of 
Jesus' knowledge. 

Not only theological doctrines but also social 
feeling affected the text. This was especially true in 
the earliest period when the transmission was least 
controlled. Early Christianity became anti-Semitic 
before it was one hundred years old, and the word 
"anti-Semitic" is used here to mean dominated by 
prejudice and passion in general attitudes toward the 
Jews. In a manuscript of the Old Syriac version, 
called the Curetonian manuscript, a striking change 
is made in Matt. 1:21 because of this anti-Semitic 
bias. Most manuscripts read, "You shall call his 
name Jesus, for he shall save his people . . . ." but 
this manuscript changes "his people" to "the world," 
thereby removing one Jewish element from the 
gospel. I have called attention elsewhere to the 
thoroughness with which the author of the Fourth 
Gospel has read Jesus out of Judaism. 

The early Christian believers were sensitive to -the 
charge that Jesus was a criminal because he had been 
executed by Roman authority in the most shameful 
manner possible. They did everything they could to 
reduce the reproach of the cross. Luke 2.3:32 says, 
"There were also two others, malefactors, led with 
him to be executed." Nothing but the final s on 
"others" and the commas save the reader of the / 
English version from assuming that this implies that ' 
Jesus was a malefactor. The possibility of reading the 


passage this way in the ancient languages was even 
stronger. The vast mass of our earliest New Testa- 
ment manuscript text was written without commas, 
thus the risk of reading that Jesus was a malefactor 
was much greater. Some Old Latin manuscripts and 
the Sinai tic Syriac manuscript omit the word "other" 
or "others," thus removing all implication that Jesus 
was a criminal. The Fourth Gospel achieves the 
same result by retaining "others" and omitting 


How is the student of the text to get back to the 
original content of the Bible in spite of the intentional 
and unintentional changes made during the centuries 
of its transmission? Many methods have been sug- 
gested, but none is self-sufficient. Only when the 
shortcomings of the various techniques are realized, 
can their virtues be combined with reasonable suc- 

There are several 100 per cent objective methods, 
and they are all worthless. One is to count the num- 
ber of manuscripts supporting one reading and the 
number supporting the rival reading and then to 
accept the reading supported by the larger number of 
manuscripts. There is one drawback to the adoption 
of this method. As with people so with manuscripts 
those with the worst character often have the most 
children. One thousand descendants of a very care- 
lessly written manuscript do not outweigh ten de- 
scendants of a carefully written manuscript. In the 
last fifty years this method has been repudiated by 


the world of scholarship. The statement that "most 
manuscripts" read "so-and-so" is not decisive. 

Equally objective but even less defensible is the 
choice of the oldest manuscript as representing the 
original text. It would be possible to publish a Bible 
whose content was determined solely on the basis of 
date; that is, the reading with the most ancient 
attestation would be chosen. This is never seriously 
considered by scholarship but is occasionally at- 
tempted by those who have gulped down one hasty 
mouthful of manuscript lore. Its repudiation by the 
authorities in this field rises from their recognition ,of 
two facts: (i) the period of wildest variation was the 
earliest period and (a) no one manuscript (not even 
the oldest) is entirely correct. The antiquity of a 
reading is not in itself a decisive criterion of authen- 

A much more popular and significant method is 
called the genealogical method from its attempt to 
trace the ancestry of manuscripts. If -manuscripts 
were all related to one another in the pattern son- 
father-grandfather-greatgrandfather, etc., it would 
be a simple matter to establish a family tree for each 
late manuscript and then group the families into 
clans and tribes and nations, to identify the "father" 
of each nation, and finally to find the parent of these 
fathers in the original manuscript. Theoretically, 
this is accomplished by the genealogical method as 
applied to manuscripts. But, actually, the method / 
has not been applied to biblical manuscripts as 


The reasons for this are manifold. In the Old 
Testament there are so few manuscripts of any 
antiquity that the family tree could be held together 
only by the most extensive use of all the devices of 
tree surgery. In the New Testament there are so 
many manuscripts that the tree would have to be 
taller than the sequoias with a tangle of branches sug- 
gesting a cross between the banyan and the crab 
apple. A beginning has been made by the identifica- 
tion of a few families (with six to twenty members) 
and their tentative grouping in larger units; but the 
real work on a genealogical scheme of New Testa- 
ment manuscripts is still to be done. 

More serious obstacles to the employment of the 
genealogical method exist in the complex nature of 
relationships between manuscripts. The mixture of 
texts that results from "correction" has already been 
mentioned. When part of the readings throughout 
one manuscript come from one ancestor and part 
from a very different ancestor, and when this is the 
case with scores and hundreds of manuscripts, the 
complexity of a chart that would represent ancestry is 
bewildering and intimidating. Another type- of mix- 
ture springs from the use of two or more manuscripts 
in sequence in the making of a manuscript. Matthew 
may have been copied from one source, Mark from 
another, Luke from a third, and John from a fourth 
thus one manuscript of the Four Gospels would have 
four fathers. 

Nor would four fathers be an extravagant number, 
especially in the early period and (in the New 


Testament area) the latest period. The early and 
famous Washington manuscript of the Gospels not 
only has different ancestors in different Gospels but 
also switches parents within the Gospel of Mark. The 
Four Gospels of Karahissar from the late thirteenth 
century is descended from eight different "fathers," 
and in at least two sections the text was corrected by 
still other types. 

It is no wonder, therefore, that the genealogical 
method is more often applied to variants than to 
manuscripts. This use will be discussed below, but it 
should be noted here that this method has also 
rendered valuable service in the study of the broad 
general areas of manuscript study. Here it has served 
to take certain main groups of manuscripts back to 
the later edge of the primitive period. This has been 
done only in a broad, loose, general fashion; and the 
genealogical method alone will never carry us over 
the deep chasm of the primitive period. 

Another valuable method is the internal criticism 
of readings. Down through the generations of careful 
study. of manuscripts, scholars have set forth longer 
and shorter lists of "canons" or rules to guide the 
student in that choice between alternative readings 
which is the central task of textual criticism. Some of 
these sound paradoxical, and most of them have little 
practical value. Two of the most famous are "the 
more difficult reading is to be preferred" and "the 
shorter reading is the older." The first springs from/ 
the assumption that a scribe would never intention- 
ally make a reading more difficult. But what of 


unintentional change? And would readings that seem 
difficult to us always seem difficult to all the scribes 
who have worked on the text? If this rule were fol- 
lowed rigorously in all cases, the original text would 
approach unintelligibility. The second rule ignores 
the common tendency of scribes to omit either 
intentionally (in times of revision or in the primitive 
period) or unintentionally. Suppose the student must 
choose between two readings one long and one short, 
and the long one is the more difficult. He must either 
find additional rules or fall back on his own judgment 
of the relative value of these rules. 

Additional rules can be found in the combination 
of genealogical method with study of variants. All 
the variations in one passage are assembled,- the 
student then chooses that one which best explains all 
the others. In other words, he constructs a family 
tree of variants. In Mark 1 : 12-13 some manuscripts 
read, "And immediately the Spirit drove him out into 
the desert. And he was in the desert forty days. 
. . . ." Others read, ". . . . into the desert. And he 

was there forty days " Still others read, "-. ... 

into the desert. And he was there in the desert forty 

days " Obviously, the third is the child of the 

first and the second. The choice between the other 
two, so far as this rule is concerned, then depends on a 
judgment as to whether "into the desert. And he was 
in the desert . . . ." would be changed to "into the 
desert. And he was there . . . ." or vice versa. 

To assist in such difficult decisions the further rule 
is employed that that variant is to be chosen which 


best fits the context which is most at home in the 
author's style, vocabulary, ideas, and purpose. These 
two rules are the most practical and valuable for 
internal study of readings. 

The last method is called "^QnJC^uaj__e^nenda- 
.tion." When the text as preserved in all the manu- 
scripts does not make sense, it is clear that (i) we are 
too stupid to understand it, or (2) the author wrote 
nonsense, or (3) the original reading has been lost. 
Since we usually think too highly of ourselves and the 
author to accept (i) or (2), we try to restore the lost 
reading by conjecture. This is employed more rarely 
in the New Testament area than in the Old Testa- 
ment for obvious reasons. The greater number and 
greater antiquity of New Testament manuscripts 
makes it less probable that many readings have been 
lost; this judgment is objectively supported by the 
large number of unintelligible passages in the Hebrew 
Old Testament and the small number of such passages 
in the Greek New Testament. 

All students of the biblical text have admitted the 
legitimacy of conjectural emendation. Even the 
sacred name of Hort can be quoted in support of its 
application to the New Testament in moderation. In . 
The New Testament: An American Translation, Pro- 
fessor Goodspeed has translated several conjectural 
emendations. One of the most striking is in I Pet. 
3:19, where he accepts the suggestion of Rendel 
Harris that the name of Enoch has dropped from all 
manuscripts. The omission would be caused by the 
similarity of the two lines ENOK(AI) and ENOCH, 
which are easily confused in Greek uncial characters. 


The sixteenth edition of Nestle's Greek text of the 
New Testament records about two hundred con- 
jectural emendations. These are given in the critical 
apparatus below the text; in ninety instances they are 
accompanied by the name of the scholar who first 
suggested them; in a few cases they are marked by 
Nestle with the symbol used to designate readings 
"which, according to widespread opinion, might be 
original." An example is Matt. 2:6, "And you Beth- 
lehem, land of Judah, . . . ." which by the addition 
of one letter in the Greek text reads (more sensibly), 
"And you Bethlehem of the land of Judah " 

A striking conjectural emendation in the Old 
Testament is that of Professor Arnold in I Sam. 
14: 1 8. The Hebrew reads, "And Saul said to Ahijah, 
Bring hither the ark of God, for the ark of God was in 
that day and the children of Israel." The Greek 
version reads, ". . . . hither the Ephod; for he bore 
the Ephod in that day before Israel." The conjecture 
is that the Hebrew was deliberately corrupted to hide 
the fact that there were many arks in ancient Israel, 
the Greek version obtaining the same result by 
translating "ark" as "Ephod." If "ark" be sub- 
stituted for "Ephod" in the Greek, the original sense 
of the passage is recovered. 

Another emendation of a famous Old Testament 
passage is made in Isa. 9:3, which has been read in 
three ways. The Massoretic Hebrew text reads (as 
the King James Version translates), "Thou hast 
multiplied the nation, and not increased the joy; they 
joy before thee according to the joy in harvest, as men 
rejoice when they divide the spoil." All the rest of 


the verse argues against the authenticity of the nega- 
tive before "increased the joy." As a recognition of 
this, the Revisers read it as, "Thou hast multiplied 
the nation; thou hast increased their joy, etc." This 
change is made possible by reading to' as Id. But this 
reading has been further improved by attaching this 
lo' to the preceding word, which gives the meaning: 
"Thou hast multiplied rejoicing; thou hast increased 
joy, etc." A slight change in word division restores 
the clear meaning of the original. 

By conjectural emendation, by genealogical study 
of manuscripts and variants, by a careful study of 
each manuscript's distinctive characteristics, by the 
help of versions and quotations, and by the most 
searching scrutiny of all the variant readings, the 
text of the Bible is established. No one method is 
employed to the exclusion of the others; internal and 
external criticism support one another's hands. In 
the objective part of the task the law is accuracy; in 
the subjective, common sense. 


By the use of these methods, the corrupt form of 
the Greek text of the New Testament which ruled 
from A.D. 1516 to 1880 has been repudiated. In A.D. 
1516 Erasmus rushed through the press an edition of 
the Greek New Testament based on a mere handful 
of late manuscripts, none earlier than the tenth 
century. Except for minor modifications, this text 
remained the standard Greek text of the New Testa- 
ment through the middle of the nineteenth century. 


It is this type of text which was translated to make 
the King James Version. But throughout this period 
the manuscript resources were being constantly en- 
riched by discovery and study, and methods were 
being improved and refined. Tischendorf s discovery 
of a fourth-century Greek Bible on Mount Siani 
dramatized the value of the new resources in effective 
fashion, and the second half of the nineteenth century 
saw the production of new editions of the Greek 
Testament based on hundreds of manuscripts, scores 
of them earlier than the earliest used by Erasmus. 

The Massoretic Hebrew text of the Old Testament 
was at the same time being revised into greater 
accuracy, and the versions of the Old Testament have 
been used to make significant improvements in the 
English Bible. Better methods and new materials 
have each done their part to carry the content of our 
Bible back closer and closer to its original form. 
Where the King James Version represented the text 
of the Bible as it existed from the tenth to the 
fifteenth century, the revised versions and to a still 
higher degree some of the modern-speech translations 
go back to the Bible as it existed in the late third or 
early fourth century. Finality has not been attained, 
nor will it be attained in our lifetime. But the great 
wealth of second- and third-century manuscripts 
discovered in the last decade and the slow but con- 
stant increase in our knowledge of the significance of 
all the sources will make a still better text possible 
for our children. 




KENYON, FREDERIC. The Story of the Bible: A Popular Account 
of How It Came to Us. New York: E. P. Button, 1937. 

. Books and Their Readers in Ancient Greece and Rome. 

Oxford: Clarendon Press, 1932. 

These two volumes contain much interesting manuscript lore, some of 
general interest, some rather technical, but all written by a master of 
manuscript study and textual criticism. 

PRICE, I. M. The Ancestry of Our English Bible: An Account of 
Manuscripts, Texts, and Versions of the Bible (gth ed.)- New 
York: Harper & Bros., 1934. 

The best elementary treatment of the transmission of the Bible. 
Good bibliographies. 

SMYTH, J. PATERSON. How We Got Our Bible. New York: James 
Pott & Co., 1912. 

A good brief treatment of the process, not very penetrating in analysis. 
Reprints dated later are unchanged. 



BUHL, F. Canon and Text of the Old Testament (trans, by J. 
MACPHERSON). Edinburgh: T. &. T. Clark, 1892. (See 
chap, i.) 

GINSBURG, C. D. An Introduction to the Massoretico-Critical 
Edition of the Hebrew Bible. London: Trinitarian Bible So- 
ciety, 1897. 
A standard manual on the textual criticism of the Hebrew Bible. 

RAHLFS, A. Verzeichnis der griechischen Handschriften des Alten 
Testaments. Berlin: Weidmann, 1914. 
Standard catalogue of Greek manuscripts of the Old Tesament. 

WEIR, T. H. A Short History of the Hebrew Text of the Old Testa- 
ment (2d ed.). London: Williams & Norgate, 1907. 
A brief but solid introduction to the transmission of the Hebrew Bible. 


COLLOMP, P. La Critique des textes. Paris: Societe d'edition 
les belles lettres, 1931. 

On method. Valuable discussion, exposition, and criticism of con- 
temporary scholarly positions on methods of textual criticism not 
limited to biblical text. 

GREGORY, C. R. Textkritik des Neuen Testamentes. 3 vols. Leip- 
zig: Hinrichs, 1900-1909. 

This contains the standard catalogue of New Testament manuscripts, 
continued until 1933 in Zeitschrift fur die neutestamentliche Wissenschaft 
by von Dobschiitz. 

KENYON, FREDERIC G. Handbook to the Textual Criticism of the 
New Testament (id ed.). New York: Macmillan, 1912. 
Fine introductory survey of materials and theories. 

. Recent Developments in the Textual Criticism of the Greek 

Bible (Schweich Lectures for 1932). London: Oxford Uni- 
versity Press, 1933. 
Helps to bring the Handbook up to date. 

. The Text of the Greek Bible. London: G. Duckworth, 

Not as heavy as the Handbook, more up to date. 

LAGRANGE, M. J. Introduction a V etude du Nouveau Testament, 
Part II: Critique textuelle; Vol. II: La Critique rationelle. 
Paris: J. Gabalda, 1935. 

A lengthy study, both historical and critical, of the theory, methods, 
and achievements of textual criticism of the New Testament. The dis- 
cussion of the Armenian and Georgian versions written by S. Lyonnet 
is the only adequate and up-to-date treatment in any of the works cited 
in this bibliography. 

LAKE, K. The Text of the New Testament (6th rev. ed. by SILVA 
NEW). London: Christophers, 1928. 
Brief, concise introduction by a master of the subject. 

VAGANAY, L. An Introduction to the Textual Criticism of the 
New Testament (trans, by B. V. Miller). London: Sands & 
Co., 1937. 

Brief but valuable analysis; good bibliographies including work up to 
date. The history of the manuscript transmission and the discussion of 
method are exceptionally good. 




WESTCOTT, B. F., AND HORT, F. J. A. The New Testament in the 
Original Greek, Vol. I: The Text; Vol. II: Introduction and 
Appendix. New York: Harper & Bros., 1882. 

This text has practically become the standard text of the Greek New 
Testament in England and, to a lesser degree, in America. The text 
itself has no critical apparatus, but the second volume gives a classic 
discussion of methods and principles of textual criticism. The lexicon 
by Hickie, which is often bound in with the text in Macmillan's edition, 
is the worst lexicon of the Greek New Testament in use today. Student's 
who buy the text volume should buy the edition without the lexicon. 

EBERHARD NESTLE'S Novum Testamentum Graece cum apparatu 
critico curavit (i6th ed. by ERWIN NESTLE). Stuttgart: 
Priviligierte Wiirttembergische Bibelanstalt, 1936. 

This is the best edition for classroom use. It is less expensive than any 
of its rivals. It gives variant readings in a critical apparatus which is 
constantly revised. This edition contains the evidence of the Beatty 
papyri and Codex Koridethi. Cross-references are given in the margins, 
Old Testament sources being identified. Verse divisions are plainly 
indicated. Most of the equipment of the medieval Greek manuscripts is 
reproduced. The text is derived from those of Weiss, Tischendorf, and 
Hort; it is quite close to that of Westcott and Hort. 

TISCHENDORF, C. Novum Testamentum Graece .... editio critica 
octavo motor. Leipzig: Heinrich's, 1869-72. 

A critical text with a good apparatus, now antiquated by the dis- 
coveries of the last half-century. The text is in general similar to that of 
Westcott and Hort. 

VON SODEN, H. Die Schriften des Neuen Testaments in ihrer 
dltesten erreichbaren Textgetsalt, Vol. I. Berlin: Glaue, 1902- 
10. Vol. II: Gottingen: Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht, 1913. 

Von Soden's theory of the history of the text has been severely criti- 
cized and generally repudiated by scholarship. As a result, his text has 
not been accepted for scholarly study. But his work is an invaluable intro- 
duction to the study of the medieval manuscripts of the New Testament. 

LEGG, S. C. E. Novum Testamentum Graece Oxford: 

Clarendon Press, 1935. 

Only the Gospel of Mark has appeared as yet. The text printed is that 
of Westcott and Hort; the critical apparatus claims to bring Tischendorf 


up to date, but it is disappointingly inaccurate and incomplete. Expen- 

EBERHARD NESTLE'S Novum Testamentum Latine (6th ed.). 
Stuttgart: Privilegierte Wiirttembergischen Bibelanstalt, 


The text printed is the official Roman Catholic text; the apparatus 
gives all variant readings of the Sixtine edition of A.D. 1 590 and of the 
edition of Wordsworth and White, etc. 

WORDSWORTH, I. AND WHITE, H. I. Novum Testamentum domini 
nostri Jesu Christi Latine. Oxford : Clarendon Press, 191 1 . 

This is now the outstanding critical edition of the Vulgate; so far the 
books of the New Testament through Ephesians have been published. A 
manual edition without lengthy introductions and apparatus was pub- 
lished in 191 1 at the Clarendon Press, Oxford. 


KITTEL, R. Biblia Hebraica (jd ed.). Stuttgart: Privileg. 
Wiirtt. Bibelanstalt, 1929 . 

A sound critical edition of the Hebrew Scriptures, with brief appa- 
ratus. This differs from the second edition in that it includes the Mas- 
sorah parva and gives the text of the Leningrad Codex, whereas all 
earlier printings have reproduced the text of Jacob ben Chaim of 1525. 

RAHLFS, A. Septuaginta. Stuttgart: Privileg. Wiirtt. Bibel- 
anstalt, 1935. 

This appears in two forms a two-volume student edition and a one- 
volume de luxe edition. The text is based on the three oldest manuscripts 
as a primary source, but much additional evidence is given in the appa- 
ratus. This edition is cheaper, more legible, and more up to date than 
that of Swete. 

BROOKE, A. E., AND MCLEAN, N. The Old Testament in Greek 
according to the Text of Codex Vaticanus. Cambridge: At the 
University Press, 1906 . 

This larger Cambridge edition repeats and improves in details the text 
made familiar to students for the last generation in the manual edition 
of H. B. Swete. In this larger work, the text is supplemented by the evi- 
dence of a valuable selected apparatus, which includes all the uncials, all 
early versions, much important patristic evidence, and a small group of 
minuscules. The last fasciculus to appear contained I Esdras, Ezra- 
Nehemiah (1935). 


RAHLFS, A. Septuaginta. Vol. I, Genesis, Stuttgart: Privileg. 
Wurttembergische Bibelanstalt, 1926; Vol. X, P salmi cum ' 
Odis. Gottingen: Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht, 1931; Vol. IX, 
I Maccabaeorum liber I (ed. W. KAPPLER). Gottingen: Van- 
denhoeck & Ruprecht, 1936. 

These volumes published by the Gottingen LXX Society (Genesis, 
Ruth, Psalms, and I Maccabees have appeared to date) are the result of 
the most thorough study of the text of the Septuagint. To postpone dupli- 
cation of the work of the Cambridge editors, the Germans are now work- 
ing through the second half of the Old Testament. 

Biblia Sacra iuxta latinam Vulgatam versionem ad codicum 
fidem, .... A. GASQUET, edita. Rome: Vatican Library, 
1926 . 

Standard edition of Latin Vulgate of the Old Testament. H. Quentin 
has edited Vol. I Genesis (1926), Vol. II Exodus & Leviticus (1929), 
Vol. Ill Numbers & Deuteronomy (1936). 


TISCHENDORF, C. Evangelia apocrypha adhibitis plurimis codici- 
bus graecis et latinis maximum partem nunc primum cohsultis 
atque ineditorum copia insignibus (2d ed.). Leipzig: Mendels- 
sohn, 1876. 

LIPSIUS, R. A., AND BONNET, M. Acta Apostolorum Apocrypha. 
Leipzig: Mendelssohn, 1891-1903. 

BIHLMEYER, K. Die apostolischen Vater^ Neubearbeitung der 
Funkschen Ausgabe> Vol. I. Tubingen: Mohr, 1924. 

Most complete critical apparatus. Vol. II (Hermas) has not yet ap- 

GEBHARDT, O., HARNACK, A., AND ZAHN,T. Patrum apostolicorum 
opera (6th ed. minor). Leipzig: Hinrichs, 1920. 
A very inexpensive Greek text. 

GOODSPEED, E. J. Die altesten Apologeten. Gottingen: Vanden- 
hoeck & Ruprecht, 1914. 

A critical edition of the Greek text of the first Christian apologists 
through Tatian. 

Chapter III 
The Translation of the Bible 

WHEN the modern American Christian reads 
the sermons of John Wesley, he is reading 
the sermons of John Wesley; when he reads 
the religious essays of G. K. Chesterton, he is reading 
what Chesterton wrote. But when he reads the Bible, 
he is not reading the Bible but a translation of the 
Bible into English. He knows the Scriptures only at 
second hand; he does not know the Bible itself. Some 
scholar has come between him and the original; for 
the meaning of that original, he is at the mercy of a 
translator or a group of translators. He is held at this 
distance from the original by his ignorance of Hebrew, 
Aramaic, and Greek the languages in which the 
books of his Bible were written. 


The rapid expansion of the Christian religion 
created situations in which the need of translations of 
the Scriptures was felt strongly. The twentieth- 
century Christian can sympathize with his predeces- 
sors in their recognition of this need. The Christian 
religion has come a long distance in time and territory 


from the cities of Corinth, Philippi, and Rome cities 
in which Christian churches read the letters that Paul 
wrote to them in Greek. It has come still farther 
away from the background and language of the books 
of the Old Testament. This expansion of the cult to 
groups that did not know the language of its sacred 
writings demanded the production of translations. 

The work of supplying this need of the expanding 
cult began long before Christianity came to Birming- 
ham and Chicago. Before the Christian church was 
two hundred years old, its missionaries had gone 
beyond the limits of the Greek-speaking centers of the 
Mediterranean world. This was partly due to a de- 
crease in the use of Greek and an increase in the use of 
the old national languages during the period of the 
church's expansion. Christian penetration into the 
back-country sections of Africa and Syria called forth 
translations of the gospels into Latin and Syriac./V 
Ever since then translation has been a recognized 
missionary activity in the Christian church. The 
great Bible societies of the present day publish the 
Scriptures in literally hundreds of languages. 


Another element that called forth translations of 
the Bible was change in linguistic usage. The only 
certain thing that can be said about the future of any 
language that is being spoken is that it will change. 
It is equally certain that they have all changed and 
that all living languages are in constant process of 
change. The changes occur in form, in the mechanics 
of sentence structure, in the meaning of words, etc. 


The changes in the meanings of words are often so 
great that they make the tracing of etymologies a 
fascinating sport. "Sincere" comes from two Latin 
words meaning "without wax"; "treacle" ("molas- 
ses" in the United States) goes back to a Greek 
adjective meaning "pertaining to a wild beast." 
There is little rhyme or reason to some of these 
changes, but the student may be able to understand 
why all words that mean "at once" today will mean 
"after a little while" tomorrow. 

In Shakespeare's day the word "presently" meant 
"at once," as the following example from Hamlet 
shows. As Polonius urges the king and queen out of 
the way with the words, "I'll board him presently," 
Hamlet enters and is at once addressed by Polonius 
(11,2). But when the modern husband who is asked 
by his wife to fix the curtain in the dining-room mut- 
ters, "I'll fix it presently," she knows and he knows 
that he has not promised to fix it "at once." 

Words that refer to odors inevitably come to mean 
bad odors, no matter how neutral their origin. 
Dry den could speak of "clouds of savory stench" 
without being humorous, but the modern poet cannot. 
That Spenser whose Faerie Queene is so delightful to 
some scholars and so boring to the college undergrad- 
uate wrote of his bride in the Epithalamion (1. 148), 
"Loe, where she comes along with portly pace!" Yet 
she was not a large woman, nor did he mean to im- 
ply that she was stout. The word "portly" in. his day 
meant among other things dignified, stately; to- 
day it always implies stoutness of girth. 

Similar changes in the meaning of English words 


make much of the King James Version of the Bible 
obscure today. The obscurity in the following pas- 
sages is due to linguistic change in the English 
language, not to any obscurity in the original: "My 
eyes prevent the night watches" (Ps. 119:148); 
". . . . a valley with running water, which is neither 
; eared nor^sown . . . ." (Deut. 21:4). "Prevent" no 
longer means "anticipate," nor does "eared" today 
mean "plowed." When the makers of the King James 
Version asked, "Who can find a virtuous woman?" 
(Prov. 31:10), they were no more cynical about 
women than the Revisers, who said "A worthy 
woman who can find?" or the maker of the American 
Translation, who said, "If one can find a good wife, 
she is worth far more than corals." The word "virtu- 
ous" when applied to a woman had a much broader 
meaning in the days of King James than it has today. 
These examples give an indication of the way in 
which change in language makes the sacred text 
obscure. Over longer periods of time, or in periods of 
sudden linguistic change, the need for a new transla- 
tion is even more manifest. Thus Hebrew became a 
dead language for the Jews in the period following the 
Exile, although its prestige as the language of the 
Scriptures gave it a limited existence, especially in 
Palestine. But the majority of the people needed a 
translation, which was supplied in Palestine in oral 
translation into Aramaic, the contemporary lan- 
guage; and in the Dispersion by a translation into 
Greek. This translation was begun in Alexandria 
three centuries before the Christian Era. The Jews of 


that city were familiar with Greek as the spoken 
language of the metropolis; many of them were 
bilingual; some probably knew Greek alone. But the 
Hebrew Bible was unintelligible to the vast majority 
of them; they needed a new translation. The transla- 
tions into Anglo-Saxon are of no use to the English- 
speaking Christian today for the same reason; they 
are written in a dead language. The changes in the 
English language especially the changes that oc- 
curred from 1525 to 1900 have been influential in 
creating new translations: the revised versions and 
the modern-speech translations of this century. 

A student of translations has observed that the 
language of a translation ages more rapidly than does 
the language of works that are native to the tongue. 
What in an original composition is an ornament (the 
quaintness of language now become archaic, etc.) is a 
defect in a translation whose primary function is to 
convey meaning. Hence no translation of any classic 
is ever final, and periodic translation is the intelligent 


New translations of the Bible spring not only from 
the missionary needs of the church and the aging of 
language but also from the confusion and stress 
caused by the presence of rival translations, or by the 
presence of translations that clash with contemporary 
faith. One of the important elements in the situation 
that produced the Latin translation of Jerome was 
the presence of a large number of varying earlier 
Latin translations. Sophronius Eusebius Hieronymus 


(Jerome to us) may have exaggerated slightly when 
he insisted that there were as many different Latin 
translations of the Bible as there were Latin manu- 
scripts of the Bible, for it must be remembered that 
he was the champion of yet another translation. Yet 
the support given the undertaking by the pope shows 
that official Christianity regarded these contradictory 
versions as a liability; the hierarchy was anxious to 
reduce variety in translation to uniformity. 

In the earliest decades of Christian history, Chris- 
tians and Jews alike used the Septuagint translation 
of the Old Testament into Greek as the authoritative 
Bible. It was, in fact, from the Jews that the Chris- 
tians received this version. The welcome they gave 
it was too warm to please the Jews; for the rivalry 
between the two cults was bitter, and the use of 
allegorical interpretation made it possible for the 
Christian Fathers to baptize the Septuagint itself. 
Its language was appealed to in support of Christian 
doctrine until the pious Jew in desperation demanded 
another, more accurate version. In Isa. 7:14 the 
Septuagint prediction that a "virgin" would bear a 
son was hailed by the Christian as proof that Jesus 
was the Messiah; while the Jew cried for a translation 
that would more accurately represent the Hebrew 
word "maiden." The second century saw several such 
translations prepared to meet this need; the most 
famous of these is the one attributed to a certain 

In the middle of the nineteenth century in the 
United States there was a strong and sometimes bitter 


debate between various Protestant denominations as 
to the mode of baptism which was scriptural. Some 
denominations permitted baptism by immersion, by 
sprinkling, or by pouring; others permitted baptism 
by immersion alone, claiming that this was the sole 
scriptural method. The intensity of feeling aroused 
can be seen in the following title: Immersionists 
against the Bible, or the Babel Builders Confounded, in 
an Exposition of the Origin, Design, Tactics and 
Progress of the New Version Movement of Campbellites 
and Other Baptists. This work was published by N. H. 
Lee at Nashville, Tennessee, in 1856. 

Through the verbiage of this polemical title one 
can clearly see that the authority of the Scriptures 
was important to this dispute, and that it was in- 
evitable that sooner or later a version of the New 
Testament would appear which would translate the 
Greek word "baptize" by "immerse." A revision of 
the King James Version which changed the transla- 
tion at this point as well as elsewhere was undertaken 
by the American Bible Union in 1860; the Gospels 
appeared in 1862, the entire New Testament in 1865. 
In these editions (as also in the second edition, 1866), 
not only is the verb baptizo translated "immerse" 
but John the Baptizer appears as "John the Im- 
merser" in Matt. 3:1, etc. In later editions the verb 
alone is translated with "immerse." This is the case 
in the "edition with immerse," a revision of the Bible 
Union Version, published by the American Baptist 
Publication Society at Philadelphia in 1885. 

It may be that the intensity of the debate weakened 


in the rank and file of the believers with the passing of 
time, for at the same time and place the Baptist 
Society published an edition with "baptize" as the 
translation of the Greek baptizo. The two editions 
were otherwise identical; they are distinguished by a 
label on the title-page; one is marked "Edition with 
Immerse," the other "[Baptize]." 

In Elizabethan England the Protestants espe- 
cially the more zealous reformers were able to read 
the Bible at home in one of several translations made 
into the English from Greek, Hebrew, and other 
sources. Preachers read these vernacular versions in 
the pulpit and quoted them copiously in their ser- 
mons. In the stress of that era of change, many of 
these sermons were attacks on Rome. It is not, there- 
fore, strange that champions of the Roman faith 
found this use of the English versions trying. The 
popularity of these new translations especially the 
Geneva Bible among the masses of the people 
probably led some of the Roman Catholics to an 
unauthorized reading for themselves. Further stress 
was introduced into the situation by the recent 
decree of the Council of Trent (1546), which had 
established the Latin version of Jerome (the Vulgate) 
as the authoritative form of the Roman Catholic 
Bible. But none of the English translations in use 
then was translated from the Vulgate. Under the 
pressure of these "heretical" versions (as the transla- 
tors say in their Preface), a translation of the New 
Testament from the Latin Vulgate was made at 
Reims, and later the Old Testament was trans- 


lated at Douai. Thus missionary activity and natural 
change in language have been joined by cult needs in 
times of competition as causes of new translations of 
the Bible. 


The production of a new translation always leads 
the translator into difficulties and problems. His first 
task and not his easiest one is to define the work he 
is about to do. Is he going to make a new translation 
from the best editions of the Bible in the original 
languages? Or is he to be content with a revision, a 
polishing, of an earlier translation? The latter ideal 
has controlled most English translations of the Scrip- 
tures, and in most of them the rule has been not to 
make as many improvements as possible but rather 
to make only those improvements which could not be 
avoided. But, even if the natural conservatism of all 
religions is overcome and a new translation is decided 
on, the most difficult problems still await solution. 


The most baffling problem of all is: What is trans- 
lation? How does it differ from paraphrase? Is it, in 
any sense, interpretation? What is an accurate trans- 
lation ? Is a translation literal when it translates word 
by word, or phrase by phrase, or sentence by sen- 
tence? Must poetry be translated into poetry? Is it 
possible to translate the "spirit" or "feeling" of a 
work without translating its words? How many 
words .in one language are the exact equivalent of 
similar words in another? What should the translator 


do with proper nouns that have lost significance ? 
What should be done with ancient weights and 
measures? Can a translation be twice as long as the 
original and still be a translation? 

It is generally agreed that a translation must be 
faithful to the original; agreement vanishes when this 
fidelity is defined. The sanest ideal is summed up in 
the adage: "As literal as possible, as free as is neces- 
sary." Some freedom is a necessity for idiomatic and 
intelligible translation; the translation of units small- 
er than sentences or independent clauses seldom 
permits the attainment of clarity or idiomatic treat- 
ment. But the freedom of the translator is intolerable 
when it produces "libertine" translations. 

The twenty-fourth book of the Iliad ends with the 
line, "Such was the burial of Hector, master of 
horses." Alexander Pope, master of the heroic coup- 
let in English, translated this as follows: 

Such honors Ilion to her hero paid 

And peaceful slept the mighty Hector's shade. 

Who said anything about Ilion ? What has become of 
the horses? And how does Pope know that Hector's 
shade slept peacefully? This is something more than 
translation. The doubling of the quantity in the 
process of translation is here seen for the dangerous 
thing it is. Fidelity in translation includes fidelity to 
the amount of the original. The introduction of 
proper names not in the text is still another mislead- 
ing feature of too-free translation. Fortunately, there 
is almost no translation of this kind in the English 


versions of the Bible. The innate conservatism of the 
religious has kept the translator closer to the text. 

The outstanding fault of translations of the Bible is 
that they are too close to the original too literal. 
The ideal of absolute fidelity may lead the translator 
as far astray as too much love of freedom. In Hebrew 
the pronoun "I" has a longer and a shorter form, and 
the verb is frequently omitted in such simple affirma- 
tions as "I (am)' the king." The Septuagint translator 
of some of the Former Prophets was led by these facts 
and his desire for fidelity to translate these two forms 
of the pronoun consistently in two ways. Where the 
longer form occurred, he translated it as "I am"; 
while he regularly translated the shorter form with 
"I." This causes no difficulty in sentences like "I am 
thy God" but is disastrous in "I am said unto 

him " Every student of this version has been 

exasperated at some time or other by the translator's 
refusal to perform his function: in the substitution of 
transliteration for translation. Transliteration may \ 
be faithful, but it does not glow with meaning. ' 

The English versions of the Bible have produced 
literalisms as unintelligible as any in the Septuagint. 
The obscurity that results from an unintelligent 
fidelity to each word of the original can be seen in the 
American Revised Version of Eph. 1:3-14, where 
participial phrases alternate with relative clauses 
through a sentence of two hundred and sixty-eight 
words that conveys the minimum of meaning. But 
the champion of champions in literalness is the Douai 
version (also called the Reims). The translators' con- 


ception of their task is expressed in the following lines 
from their Preface: 

We presume not to mollify the speeches or phrases, but reli- 
giously keep them word for word, and point for point, for fear of y 
missing or restraining the sense of the Holy Ghost to our fancy. 

Such a principle applied to the Latin Vulgate pro- 
duced incredible English. 

This translation is much clearer in the Gospels than 
it is in the rest of the New Testament; this is due, at 
least in part, to the greater simplicity of the original 
in the gospel section. The following passages from the 
Epistles give some idea of the degree of unintelligi- 
bility that can be attained by literal translation. 
Rom. 1:28 f., "God delivered them up into a rep- 
robate sense: to do those things that are not con- 
venient: replenished with all iniquity, malice, forni- 
cation, avarice, wickedness, .... detractours, odible 
to God, contumelious." Rom. 2:11, ". . . . for there 
is no acception of persons with God." Rom. 2 : 14-16, 
"For when the Gentiles which have not the Law, 
naturally do those things which are of the Law: the 
same not having the Law, themselves are a law to 
themselves: who shew the work of the Law written 
in their hearts, their conscience giving testimony to 
them and among themselves mutually their thoughts 
accusing, or also defending, in the day when God shall 

judge the secrets of men " Rom. 5 : 14, ". . . . 

that sinned not after the similitude of the prevarica- 
tion of Adam " Titus 3:1, "Be subject to 

Princes and Po testates to obey at a word " 

Philem. 6, ". . . . that the communication of thy faith 


may be made evident in the agnition of all good that is 
in you in Christ Jesus. For I have had great joy and 
consolation in thy charitie, because the bowels of the 
sainctes have rested by thee, brother. For the which 
thing having great confidence in Christ Jesus to 
command thee that which pertaineth to the purpose: 
for charitie rather I beseech, whereas thou art such an 
one as Paul being old and now prisoner also of Jesus 
Christ." This cannot be read without a Latin lexicon. 
Even with the help of such a lexicon, one cannot easily 
grasp its meaning. The excessive fidelity of the trans- 
lators has betrayed the reader. 

This extreme literalness as an ideal sometimes holds 
the translators to a text which makes no sense what- 
ever, when the use of conjectural emendation or a 
little more freedom in translation would solve the 
difficulties. Note the increase in intelligibility in the 
following verse (Ps. 45 : 5) as it moves from transla- 
tion to translation. The Bishops' Bible: "Thyne ar- 
rowes are sharp: a people the king's enemies shall 
submit in heart themselves unto thee." The King 
James Bible: "Thine arrowes are sharp in the heart 
of the king's enemies; whereby the people fall under 
thee." The Douai Bible: "Thy sharp arrowes, the 
peoples underneath thee shall fal into the hartes of 
the king's enemies." The American Revised: "Thine 
arrows are sharp; the peoples fall under thee; they are 
in the heart of the king's enemies." The American 
Translation: "May your sharp arrows be in the 
midst of the king's foes ! May peoples fall under you !" 

A passage famous for its obscurity is Eccles. 12 : n. 


The King James Version loses none of the obscurity 
in its rendering: "The words of the wise are as goads, 
and as nails fastened by the masters of assemblies, 
which are given from one shepherd." 

The dangers implicit in obscure or ambiguous 
translation are very real; naturally, they are greater 
for the pastor or layman who must rely on his English 
version alone for his understanding of the Scriptures. 
There is no more dangerous passage in the so-called 
"standard versions" (King James, English Revised, 
and American Revised) than Matt. 26:27. These 
versions agree in rendering this verse, "And he 
[Jesus] took a cup, and gave thanks, and gave to 
them saying, Drink ye all of it " A recent in- 
spirational article in a denominational weekly ex- 
pounds the words "Drink ye all of it' " through six 
columns. The author takes these words as a com- 
mand to the disciples to drink all of the wine in the 
cup. "If they drank only part of the wine they were 
only partially consecrated, while if they drank all of 
the wine they were completely consecrated. So Jesus 
said, 'Drink ye all of it!' " But the "ye all" of these 
versions is the ancestor of our modern southern 
idiom "you all." It means "all of you"; there is no 
ambiguity whatever in the Greek, which says plainly, 
"all of you drink of it." 


The translator cannot escape the problems of 
textual criticism outlined in the preceding chapter. 
He must select a text to translate. The best transla- 


tion in the world best in fidelity and in idiomatic 
result will not be satisfactory if it translates a text 
repudiated as inaccurate by the world of scholarship. 
Water from a tainted reservoir may be delivered 
through the most modern of distribution systems and 
yet not meet the approval of the board of health. 
The inaccuracy of the Greek and Hebrew texts be- 
hind the King James Version makes it impossible 
for the modern student to use that version in any 
serious study of the Bible. The fundamental cause 
of the making of the Revised Version was the in- 
crease in the knowledge of the manuscript tradition 
of both Testaments, but especially of the New Testa- 
ment. The discovery, publication, and study of one 
ancient manuscript was followed by that of another 
throughout the first half of the nineteenth century. 
Tischendorf's discovery of the famous Codex Sina- 
iticus brought the attention of the pious public to the 
progress that was being made in improving the 
accuracy of the Greek New Testament. No Greek 
manuscript behind the King James Version was older 
than the eleventh century; the Greek text upon which 
the Revisers worked rested on more manuscripts 
earlier than the eleventh century than the total num- 
ber employed in the making of the King James 
Version. Admirers of Elizabethan prose will still cher- 
ish the King James Version for its English style; the 
unintelligent will still regard it as the Bible by which 
all other versions are to be evaluated; but the student 
who wants to know what the Bible actually says will 
turn to more modern and accurate translations. 


Most of the translations made in the last fifty years 
rest on texts of comparable quality. In the New 
Testament the Greek texts translated are all fairly 
close to the edition of Westcott and Hort. This is true 
of the English Revised Version, the American Revised 
Version, the Twentieth Century New Testament, 
Weymouth's New Testament in Modern Speech, 
Goodspeed's American Translation, and others. 
There are some striking exceptions. A West Coast 
group in 1919-24 produced a translation made from 
the three oldest manuscripts (Vaticanus, Sinaiticus, 
and Alexandrinus), translating their agreements as 
the "Concordant Version." We have discussed the 
futility of such a method of selecting a text in the 
preceding chapter; its futility is further indicated by 
the discovery of still older manuscripts of the New 
Testament, notably the Chester Beatty papyri. 
*** Another exception is the translation of the New 
Testament made by Professor Moffatt, who trans- 
lated the Greek text of von Soden. This Greek text 
is somewhat closer to the old King James type than 
any other of recent vintage; von Soden's faulty 
method has led gradually to the repudiation of his 
Greek text by the world of scholarship, and it is not 
used for scholarly purposes today. 
"*- A third exception is the Westminster Version. 
This was begun by Roman Catholic scholars in 1928 
as "A New Translation from the Greek and Hebrew 
Texts." It makes no statement as to what text is used 
as the basis of the translation, but it differs from 
Westcott and Hort, e.g., in the inclusion of Matt. 


16:2-3, of the words "Son of God" in Mark i :i, of 
the long ending of Mark, and of the interpolations at 
the end of Luke. 

In the Old Testament the variation between the 
several modern translations is much higher than is 
the case in the New Testament. This is due to two 
factors, both growing out of the large number of 
obscure passages in the extant Hebrew text of the 
Old Testament. Translators vary in the positions 
they take (i) as to the number of conjectural emenda- 
tions which should be accepted and translated and 
(a) as to the extent to which the evidence of the an- 
cient versions should be used to correct and illuminate 
the Hebrew text. The American Revised Version, for 
example, is quite close, almost slavishly close, to the 
Hebrew text. Theological students have discovered 
this and use this version as a "help" in translation 
courses in Hebrew. Several of the modern-speech 
translations have used the ancient versions, notably 
the Septuagint, in a number of passages where the 
Hebrew is meaningless or obviously corrupt. For 
example, the first edition of the American Translation 
of the Old Testament printed at the end of the work a 
list of passages in which the reading of the Septuagint 
had been preferred to that of the Hebrew. 


The scholar who works on the translation of the 
Bible has to overcome some difficulties which are not 
faced by any and all translators. Thus, in the Old 
Testament, he faces the special difficulty of the 


vowelless character of the Hebrew original. This v | 
made mistakes in translation almost inevitable. Sup- 
pose, Gentle Reader, that you were faced with the 
task of translating vowelless English into some other 
language. What, for example, would you make of the 


This might be "President Garfield sold newspaper 
issue for reputed new fortune," or "pursued, N. T. 
Ogriflud sailed, newspapers say, for Europe today on 

It is no wonder that translators of the Old Testa- 
ment have made mistakes in translation. Some of 
these were made as far back as the first translation of 
the Old Testament. In the Hebrew of Gen. 47 131 we 
read, "Jacob leaned back on the head of his bed." In 
the Septuagint translation of this into Greek, we 
read, "Jacob bowed upon the head of his staff." The 
Hebrew for "the bed" as written without vowels is 
Hmmtth; "the staff" is identical, the difference ap- 
pearing entirely in the vowels. "The bed" is Ham- 
mittah; "the staff" is Hammatteh. The possibilities of 
confusion in the translating of the vowelless text are 
obvious. Interestingly enough, the author of the 
Epistle to the Hebrews quotes the passage with the 
word "staff," for he used the Septuagint version and 
not the Hebrew. Thus the modern Bible contains 
both readings of the word: "bed" in Gen. 47:31 and 
"staff" inHeb. ii:ai. 

Another example of the difficulty caused by the 


vowelless character of the Hebrew text is found in 
Jer. 2:23. Our Hebrew text contains a phrase which 
is now commonly read as "[thou art] a swift drome- 
dary traversing her ways." But the Septuagint trans- 
lators, working on the same text, supplied a different 
set of vowels, with the result that their version read, 
"Her voice cried traversing her ways." 

Since the translator of the Bible is translating an ^ 
ancient document, he faces all the problems raised 
by the translation of a document from a different 
culture. Weights and measures, coins, measures of 
time, the names of days and months, official titles, 
and dozens of technical terms face the translator with 
the challenge, "Will you translate us or transliter- 
ate?" ...v. 

Transliteration is the easier and (from one point of 
view) the more accurate method; but all will agree 
that it is not the more luminous solution of the task. 
The reader who learns that the water jars at Cana 
held two or three metretes apiece has not learned 
much until someone tells him what a metretes is. X 
If there is to be any translation of measures, it should 
certainly be into contemporaneous measures^ The 
average American gains little information from the 
statement of the American Revised Version that the 
waterpots held two or three "firkins" apiece. Since a 
large part of the significance of the miracle is the 
lavish fashion in which the wine was bestowed by 
Jesus, it is important that the reader should know 
that each jar held twenty to thirty gallons. 

In other of these areas it is harder to set up a rule. 


Are the modern equivalents really equivalent? Does 
the word "church" adequately represent the Pauline 
ekklesia? The translator's mastery of English idiom 
should ideally be equal to his knowledge of Hebrew or 
Greek idiom. That this is ever the case is doubtful, 
but it is not always realized that the deficiency exists 
as often in knowledge of English as of the original 
languages. The translator should see the English 
language as objectively as he sees the Greek or 
Hebrew; he should be able to estimate accurately the 
extent to which his English phrases will produce 
effects equivalent to the effects produced by the 
language of the original. For the ideal of fidelity in 
translation includes the preservation of those quali- 
ties of the original which determined its effect upon 
its first readers. 


Although the translators of the Bible face such 
manifold problems, they have made significant prog- 
ress. At times this progress has been made possible 
by the discovery of better texts to translate. We have 
already noted that it was increased knowledge of the 
manuscripts that led to the making of the English 
Revised Version. The great advantage which the 
Revised Versions English and American hold over 
the King James Version springs from the increased 
accuracy of the Hebrew and Greek texts which they 
translated. The repudiation of the Greek text of the 
New Testament which lies behind the King James 
Version has been absolute. In the study of the Greek 


New Testament in our denominational seminaries 
and graduate schools, it is nowhere in use today. 

Again, the translators of the Bible have been helped 
from time to time by increased knowledge of the. 
original languages of the Bible. The Renaissance 
made its contribution to the improvement of the 
English versions by turning the spotlight on Greek 
and Hebrew, by developing the study of ancient 
languages and manuscripts, and by sending scholars 
back past the Latin translations made in the medieval 
period to the original languages of ancient documents. 
By A.D. 1516, both the Hebrew text of the Old Testa- 
ment and the Greek text of the New Testament had 
been printed. Translators now turned in increasing 
numbers to these languages and away from the Latin 
Vulgate. The ultimate gain in the accuracy of the 
text translated and the quality of the translation 
cannot be overemphasized. 

Although the centuries that followed A.D. 1516 saw 
the Greek New Testament studied as well as trans- 
lated, they often saw the students bewildered by the 
peculiarities of the Greek in which the New Testa- 
ment was written. It was early noted that in vocabu- 
lary and usage it was a very different language from 
that in which the great writers of ancient Greece 
produced their masterpieces. The new and strange 
words bothered the translators; so, also, did the 
"unusual" constructions. A study of the sources of 
New Testament Greek printed as late as 1895 con- 
tains a somewhat padded list of five hundred and 
fifty "biblical" words words found only in the New 


Testament or in the Greek Old Testament. These 
once-only words, or New-Testament-only words, very 
naturally baffled the translators. For, while the high- 
school Sophomore believes that the way to find the 
meaning of a word is to look in a vocabulary or 
lexicon, the more advanced student knows that the 
maker of the lexicon has nothing reliable to put in 
until he has a reasonable number of occurrences of 
the word. 

Lack of comparable material is equally embarrass- 
ing to the man who writes the grammar. If a certain 
preposition always meant "into" when used with a 
certain case in the Greek of the fifth century B.C., 
must it be translated that way in the New Testament 
in passages where that meaning seemed unsuitable? 
In the earlier Greek, one preposition meant "con- 
cerning" when used with the genitive case; a similar 
one meant "on behalf of." Should each occurrence 
in the New Testament be translated in accordance 
with this usage? For users of the "proof-text" meth- 
od of Bible study, the doctrine of the atonement 
hung on the answer. But the scholar can give a 
definite answer only on the basis of adequate con- 
temporary parallels. 

Toward the end of the nineteenth century, a 
German pastor, Adolf Deissmann, read a publication 
of some private papers written in Greek in the Roman 
period and dug up by archeologists working in Egypt. 
As he read, he was constantly reminded of the 
vocabulary and construction of the Greek Bible, both 
in the Septuagint version of the Old Testament and 


also in the New Testament. With aroused curiosity 
and increased interest, he made a serious study of the 
language of these papyri (Egyptian papers) to see 
what light would be thrown upon the idiom of the 
Greek Bible. The result has revolutionized the lin- 
guistic study of both Greek Testaments, for he first 
convinced himself and then the world of scholarship / 
that the "biblical" Greek was essentially the Greek 
in which these nonliterary documents were written. 

That Greek was a simple language, the conversa- 
tional language of ordinary people. In it the farmer's 
tax receipt was written; in it petitions were sent to 
Roman officials. Its vocabulary supplied the missing 
parallels to the long list of New Testament words, 
until the number now without parallel has been 
reduced to considerably less than fifty. Even to those 
words that were already known, increased clarity and 
significance have come from their appearance in these 
contemporary documents. The New Testament ex- 
hortation to be reconciled to God gains meaning for 
the student when he hears a dissolute youth away 
from home implore his mother in a letter, "Be rec- > 
onciled to me!" 

The illumination cast by the study of these docu- 
ments upon the problems of New Testament grammar 
has been as helpful as that shed on the meaning of 
words. The anomalies, the "exceptions" to classical 
rules, have become regular in our increased knowledge 
of the Greek of the New Testament period. Many a 
construction which bafHed the student in the days 
before Deissmann's discovery now became normal 


and luminous. In view of all this it is not strange that 
grammars and lexicons of the Greek New Testament 
have been remade in a flood of new editions since 

All this had tremendous significance for the trans- 
lation of the New Testament and, indirectly, for that 
of the Old Testament too. For the first time scholars 
knew in what kind of language the original New 
Testament was written. Now it was possible to 
translate it into an English approximately equivalent 
in cultural level to the language of the original. 
Moreover, the translator now knew the meaning of 
the original much more clearly than his predecessors 
had done. The result has been a flood of modern- 
speech translations, which render the New Testa- 
ment in English of a nonliterary level analogous to 
that of the Greek original. 

The vast majority of these are new translations, 
not revisions of older translations. Their advance 
upon earlier translations was made possible by an 
increase in linguistic knowledge not by an increase 
in the accuracy of the Greek and Hebrew texts such 
as called forth the revised versions of 1881 and 1901. 
Their excellencies are greater clarity of language, 
more contemporary language, and a more accurate 
representation of the language of the original. To 
compare these translations at least in the New 
Testament with the stately flow of the Tudor trans- 
lations, as though these more recent translators were 
striving to match that diction, is a serious error. They 
must be measured against the original. That many 


devout persons would today prefer that the New 
Testament should have been written in a literary 
Greek cannot alter the fact that it was not. Those 
whose primary demand upon a version is fidelity will 
welcome these attempts to take the English reader 
back into the very quality of the original language. 
This is not to argue that such translations as those 
of Goodspeed and Moffatt are the final word in 
English versions of the New Testament, or that 
Moffatt or the makers of the "American Translation" 
of the Old Testament have translated the Hebrew 
Scriptures for the last time. On the contrary, it is to 
be hoped that within fifty years all these translations 
will either be remade or vanish, so that the path lead- 
ing to the making of contemporary translations for 
our children's generation may be free from the ob- 
stacles raised by emotional attachments to these 
present versions. 


KENNEDY, A. G. Current English. New York: Ginn, 1935. 

MCKNIGHT, G. H. English Words and Their Background. New 
York: Appleton, 1923. 

Either or both of these books will, help the student to become conscious 
of linguistic problems in English. Their bibliographies will lead to addi- 
tional data. 

POSTGATE, J. P. Translation and Translations: Theory and Prac- 
tice. London: G. Bell & Sons, 1922.. 

Copiously illustrated, especially from the classics, this work presents a 
sane definition of translation. 


GOODSPEED, E. J. The Making of the English New Testament. 
Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 1925. 

A history of the making of English versions of the New Testament 
from 1525 to 1925. 

(ed.). The Translators to the Reader: Preface to the King 

James Version of 1611 A.D. Chicago: University of Chicago 
Press, 1935. 

The King James translators here state their own opinion of the King 
James Version. 

PRICE, I. M. The Ancestry of Our English Bible (gth ed.). New 
York: Harper & Bros., 1934. 
Especially chapters xix-xxvi. Good Bibliography. 

SMYTH, J. PATERSON. How We Got Our Bible. New York: James 
Pott & Co., 1912. 

Especially chapters iv-viii. Brief survey of the English translations, 
somewhat out of date. 

MILLIGAN, G. A. Here and There among the Papyri. London: 
Hodder & Stoughton, 1922. 

A readable manual on the nature and content of the papyri in rela- 
tion to New Testament studies. 


The American Revised Version or American Standard Version. 
The title-page reads: The Holy Bible Containing the Old and 
New Testaments Translated Out of the Original Tongues , Being 
the Version Set Forth A.D. 1611, Compared with the Most 
Ancient Authorities and Revised A.D. 1881-1885, Newly 
Edited by the American Revision Committee A.D. igoi: Stand- 
ard Edition. New York: Thomas Nelson 82 Sons, 1901. 

This is closer to the Greek text of Westcott and Hort (and the other 
modern critical editions) than was the English revision of 1881. It is more 
modern and, consequently, clearer in diction than the English Revised 
Version. It is accepted in America as the best of the "standard" versions. 
Yet it remains essentially a revision of the King James Version of 1611; 
it is not a new translation. 

1 The more popular of the modern translations are listed here. 


MOFFATT, JAMES. The Bible: A New Translation. New York: 
Harper & Bros. 

The New Testament was first translated in 1913 from the Greek text 
of von Soden (see p. 86); the Old Testament in 1925. In some areas 
Mr. Moffatt has edited as well as translated; e.g., in rearranging the con- 
tents of the Fourth Gospel to suit his theory of the original order. 

SMITH, J. M. P., AND GOODSPEED, EDGAR J. (eds.). The Bible: 
An American Translation. Chicago: University of Chicago 
The New Testament was translated from the Westcott and Hort text 

by Mr. Goodspeed in 1923; the Old Testament was translated by A. R. 

Gordon, T. J. Meek, J. M. Powis Smith, and Leroy Waterman (ed. by 

J. M. P. Smith) in 1927. 

WEYMOUTH, R. F. The New Testament in Modern Speech (ed. 

and rev. by E. HAMPDEN COOK, M.A.). Boston: Pilgrim 


This was first published in 1903, from a Greek text very similar to 
that of Westcott and Hort. 

The Twentieth Century New Testament: A Translation into Modern 
English Made from the Original Greek (Westcott and Hart's 
Text} by a Company of About Twenty Scholars Representing 
the Various Sections of the Christian Church. New York: 

First published in three parts: 1898-1901. A revised edition ap- 
peared in 1904. 

FENTON, FERRAR. The Holy Bible in Modern English. London: 
Oxford University Press. 

In this translation the New Testament was completed in 1895; the 
Bible in 1900. No statement is given as to texts used other than that the 
translation was made from the original Hebrew, Chaldee, and Greek. 

The Holy Scriptures according to the Massoretic Text: A New 
Translation. Philadelphia: Jewish Publication Society of 
America, 1917. 
A scholarly and stimulating version of the Old Testament. 


For Greek and Hebrew texts see bibliography for chap. ii. 



MOULTON, J. H. An Introduction to the Study of New Testament 
Greek (4th ed.). London: Epworth Press (J. A. Sharp), 1926. 

With this is bound "A First Reader in New Testament Greek." 
The best of the introductions. 

MACHEN, J. G. New Testament Greek for Beginners. New York: 
Macmillan, 1923. 
A useful book, almost too rigorously limited to the elements. 

HARPER, W. R. Elements of Hebrew by an Inductive Method 
(new rev. ed. by J. M. Powis SMITH). New York: Scribners, 

. Introductory Hebrew Method and Manual (new rev. ed. 

by J. M. Powis SMITH). New York: Scribners, 1921. 

DAVIDSON, A. B. An Introductory Hebrew Grammar (23d ed.; 
rev. by J. E. MCFADYEN). Edinburgh: T. & T. Clark, 1930. 
A good introduction, which does not use the inductive method. 


MOULTON, J. H., AND HOWARD, W. F. A Grammar of New Testa- 
ment Greek. Edinburgh: T. &T. Clark, 1908 . 

Only two volumes have appeared. The first is a general introduction 
which rambles over the field in the most stimulating fashion. The second 
discusses accidence and word formation. The third will deal with syntax. 
Vol. I is the most valuable general discussion of New Testament Greek 
in print in English today. 

BURTON, E. D. New Testament Moods and Tenses. Chicago: 
University of Chicago Press, 1898. 

A thorough and stimulating study but pre-Deissmann in methods and 
materials. Burton relied more heavily on classical patterns than he would 
today; his work was not revised after 1 898 . 

DEBRUNNER, A. Friedrich Blass' Grammatik des neutestament- 
lichen Griechisch (6th ed.). Gottingen: Vandenhoeck & 
Ruprecht, 1931. 
The best of the formal grammars of the Greek New Testament. 


RADERMACHER, LUDWIG. Neutestamentliche Grammatik: Das 
Griechisch des Neuen Testaments im Zusammenhang mit der 
Folks sprache (2d ed.). Tubingen: J. C. B. Mohr, 1925. 

This is not a formal grammar but a most interesting discussion in 
essay form, which integrates New Testament usage in the popular lan- 
guage of its period. 

MAYSER, E. Grammatik der griechischen Papyri aus der Ptole- 
maerzeit mit Einschluss der gleichzeitigen Ostraka und der in 
Agypten verfassten Inschriften. Berlin and Leipzig: Walter de 
Gruyter & Co., 1923-34. 

In two volumes; the second volume in three parts. An invaluable 
work for the student of biblical Greek in either Testament. 

BAUER, HANS, AND LEANDER, PONTUS. Historische Grammatik 
der Hebraischen Sprache des Alten Testaments. Halle a.S.: 
Niemeyer, 1922. 

BERGSTRASSER, G. Hebrdische Grammatik mit Benutzung der 
von E. Kautzsch bearbeiteten 28. Auflage von Wilhelm Gesenius 
hebrdische Grammatik. I. Teil, Leipzig: F. C. W. Vogel, 
1918; II. Teil, i. Halfte, Leipzig: Hinrichs, 1926; II. Teil, 
2. Halfte, Leipzig: Hinrichs, 1929. 

This is the twenty-ninth edition of Gesenius; it is the best of the ad- 
vanced grammars but, unfortunately, is not yet complete. 

Gesenius' Hebrew Grammar as Edited and Enlarged by E. Kautzsch 
(trans, from 25th German ed. by REV. G. W. COLLINS, the 
translation revised and adjusted to the 26th ed. by A. E. 
COWLEY). Oxford: Clarendon Press, 1898. 

Quite old but yet the best advanced grammar in English. 

MARTI, K. Kurzgefasste Grammatik der biblisck-aramaischen 
Sprache (3d ed.). Berlin: Reuther & Reichard, 1925. 


BROWN, F., DRIVER, S. R., AND BRIGGS, C. A Hebrew and English 
Lexicon of the Old Testament: Edited with Constant Reference 
to the Thesaurus of Gesenius, as Completed by E. Rodiger, and 
with Authorized Use of the Latest German Editions of Gesenius 
Handwb'rterbuch. Boston, New York, Chicago: Houghton 
Mifflin; Cambridge: Riverside Press, 1906. 


GESENIUS, W. Hebraisches und aramdisches Handworterbuch 
uber das Alte Testament (i6th ed. by F. BUHL). Leipzig: 
F. C. W. Vogel, 1915. 

KONIG, E. Hebraisches und aramaisches Worterbuch zum Alten 
Testament mit Einschaltung und Analyse aller schwer erkenn- 
baren Formen Deutung der Eigennamen sowie der massoretischen 
Randbemerkungen und einen deutsch-hebraischen Wortregister. 
Leipzig: Dieterich, 1931. 

ABBOTT-SMITH, G. A Manual Greek Lexicon of the New Testa- 
ment (id ed.). New York: Macmillan, 1923. 

Does not make full use of new material. 

BAUER, WALTER. Griechisch-deutsches Worterbuch zu den Schriften 
des Neuen Testaments und der ubrigen urchristlichen Literatur 
(3d ed.). Berlin: Topelmann, 1936. 

Best of New Testament lexicons. 

SOUTER, A. A Pocket Lexicon to the Greek New Testament. Ox- 
ford: Clarendon Press, 1916. 

Fresh, clear definitions; no helps for locating forms. 

MOULTON, J. H., AND MiLLiGAN, G. The Vocabulary of the Greek 
Testament Illustrated from the Papyri and other Non-literary 
Sources. London: Hodder & Stoughton, 1914-29. 

A most stimulating work, unsurpassed in its field. 

PREISIGKE, F. Worterbuch der griechischen Papyrusurkunden. 
.... Berlin, 1924-27. 

LIDDELL, H. G., AND SCOTT, R. A Greek-English Lexicon: New 
Edition, Revised and Augmented by H. S. Jones and R. Mc- 
Kenzie. Oxford: Clarendon Press, 1925 . 

This work is made more valuable to the New Testament student than 
former editions by inclusion of the nonliterary sources. 


MITTEIS, L., AND WILCKEN, U. Grundzuge und Chrestomathie der 
Papyruskunde. Leipzig and Berlin: Teubner, 1912. 

The classic introduction to this area of study. 


DEISSMANN, A. Light from the Ancient East: The New Testament 
Illustrated by Recently Discovered Texts of the Graeco-Roman 
World (trans, from 4th German ed. by L. R. M. STRACHAN). 
London: Hodder & Stoughton, 1927. 

A dramatic and stimulating exposition of the significance of the new 
discoveries, valuable illustrations. Not as technical or inclusive in 
design as Mitteis and Wilcken. 

WINTER, J. G. Life and Letters in the Papyri. Ann Arbor: Uni- 
versity of Michigan Press, 1933. 

More inclusive than Deissmann, presents what has been learned from 
the papyri in all fields of knowledge. The bibliography in the footnotes 
is a valuable feature of the book for students. 

GOODSPEED, E. J., AND COLWELL, E. C. A Greek Papyrus Reader 
with Vocabulary (ad printing). Chicago: University of Chi- 
cago Press, 1936. 

Has eighty-one representative texts for class use. 


MANDELKERN, S. Veteris Testamenti Concordantiae Hebraicae 
atque Chaldaicae. Berlin: F. Margolin, 1925. 

HATCH, E., AND REDPATH, H. A. A Concordance to the Septuagint 
and the Other Greek Versions of the Old Testament Including the 
Apocryphal Books. Oxford: Clarendon Press, 1897. 

MOULTON, W. F., AND GEDEN, A. S. A Concordance to the Greek 
Testament j according to the Texts of Westcott and Hort, Tischen- 
dorf and the English Revisers. New York: Scribners, 1897. 

GOODSPEED, E. J. Index patristicus sive clavis patrum apostolico- 
rum operum. Leipzig: Hinrichs, 1907. 

. Index apologeticus sive clavis Justini martyris operum 

aliorymque apologetarum pristinorum. Leipzig: Hinrichs, 1912. 

Chapter IV 

The Interpretation of the Bible 
The Modernizing Method 


"\HE selection and collection of books and the 
making of a careful translation from an accu- 
rate text all of this merely paves the way to 
the ultimate question, "What does the Bible mean?" 
All the minute and tedious studies of language and 
manuscripts that enter into the study of any ancient 
literature look ahead to the illumination of the con- 
tent of that literature; their aim is to make it easier 
for the modern reader who does not possess technical 
knowledge to understand the message of these books 
written long ago in a strange world. 

The early Protestant ideal was often so expressed 
as to suggest that, if the Bible were placed in the 
hands of the layman in a vernacular translation, there 
would be no further difficulty. The reader would be 
his own interpreter. Several centuries of experience 
have indicated that the untrained layman is often 
helpless, or too ingenious, as an interpreter of Holy 
Writ. There was something dismaying about the 
zeal with which he found the Roman pope indicated 
by the number "666" in Revelation; and who that 



has seen it can ever forget the rapt expression of the 
interpreter who found the explanation of the Beast of 
Revelation in the N.R.A. ? X- 

These extravagances of interpretation common 
as they are are no excuse for withholding the Bible 
from the people or for prescribing an "orthodox" 
interpretation with ecclesiastical sanctions. The solu- 
tion lies in a clear grasp of what is involved in inter- ' 
pretation of the Bible. Such a grasp can be attained 
by those who are in no sense experts; all that it 
demands are (i) a study of the problems and methods I 
of interpretation and (2) a willingness to accept the / ' 
results of the experts' work in the light of that study. 
This volume on the study of the Bible finds its goal 
in the following discussion of the interpretation of the 
Scriptures. This chapter, with the two following 
chapters, is primarily concerned with the task of 
finding out the significance of the Bible's content; 
not that any attempt is made to expound or define all 
that content but rather that methods of study are 
classified, criticized, explained, and exemplified. 

Generally speaking, there are only two methods of 
interpreting the Bible. They are the "modernizing" 
method and the "historical" method. Each of these 
methods has numerous modifications and forms, but 
these two are separated from each other by a gulf that 
is so wide that it dwarfs all the minor divisions. The 
method which has been called the modernizing meth- 
od has its feet firmly planted in the period in which ' 
the interpreter lives; it finds the Bible's basic meaning 
with reference to the "modern" period in which the 


interpreter is, naturally, most interested. The histori- 
cal method, on the other hand, finds the Bible's 
basic meaning with reference to the situation in which 
the Bible was written. 


The interpreter who uses this method approaches 
the Bible with certain answers already in his posses- 
sion. His basic assumption is that what was written 
by a Hebrew prophet in the eighth century B.C. or by 
a Christian missionary in A.D. 50 finds its significance 
in the interpreter's day. The forces that Jead to this 
emphasis upon the interpreter's own group can be 
easily identified and understood. The basis upon 
which this type of interpretation rests is the canoniz- 
ation of the Scriptures. As soon as any scripture is 
recognized as authoritative in the cult, leaders of the 
religious group are forced to come to terms with it. 
In succeeding generations the appeal to this authority 
from the past becomes more difficult. The leaders 
with new programs must either repudiate the Bible 
and set up some substitute or they must forcefully 
interpret the Scriptures into agreement with the new 
program and the new needs. One can easily under- 
stand that, in spite of the number of laws canonized 
in the Pentateuch (613 according to one count), 
the changes that came with the centuries would 
inevitably produce problems. No matter how exactly 
these laws fitted the situations in which they were 
produced, there was bound to be some little strain in 
applying them to a later situation. Unfortunately, 


the doctrine that they were God's law grew in rigor of 
definition as time passed. A modernizing interpreta- / 
tion is an almost inevitable result of the canonization * 
of the Scriptures as the full and complete revelation 
of God's will. 

The simple syllogisms employed by the modern- 
izing interpreter are something like this. The will of 
God for his people is fully and adequately expressed in * 
, Scripture. We are God's people. Therefore, God's 
will for us is expressed in the Scriptures. If the inter- 
preter is a legalist, he reasons as follows: God's word 
contains his divine law for his people; we are his 
people; therefore, we will find divine law for our 
guidance in the Bible. If he is primarily interested in 
the end of the world, he arrives at similar conclusions. 
God would not fail to tell his people (us) when the 
world was to end; therefore, we can find in the Bible 
the date of the end. 

This type of interpretation owes most of its worst 
features to dogmas about the Bible as the Word of 
God. 'Since all Scripture is the Word of God, there can 
be no contradictions in it. Since all Scripture is the 
Word of God, it can have nothing superfluous in it. 
Since Scripture is the Word of God, it can contain 
nothing unworthy of God. Each of these dogmas 
leads to the perversion and the modernizing of 

To take up the last one first it plainly means that 
the Bible cannot say anything which the interpreter 
regards as unworthy of God. But this can be a sound 
rule for interpretation only if the interpreter's ideas 


as to what is worthy of God coincide identically with 
all the biblical author's ideas or with God's own 
thoughts. Unless the student is willing to make these 
assumptions, he should avoid interpretations based 
on this dogma. In practice the appeal to this dogma 
gives the interpreter license to edit Scripture into 
conformity with his own ideas. 

The insistence that the Scripture can have nothing 
superfluous is another screen for modernizing inter- 
pretation. The perversion is justified by a question- 
begging argument. Anything that does not apply to 
the interpreter's own day is labeled superfluous; there- 
fore, it must be made to apply to the interpreter's 
times. To the Gentile Christians of the first few 
centuries the food laws of the Pentateuch were super- 
fluous if taken in their natural meaning. This was 
enough to convince almost every one of the early 
Christian interpreters of the Old Testament that 
these laws were not to be taken in their literal mean- 
ing. They must have some Christian meaning, some 
modern meaning. Thus Barnabas found that the 
proscription of animals that do not chew the cud is 
an exhortation to meditation. Moreover, he felt sure 
that this was the primary and original intention of 
the law. 

In the fourteenth chapter of Genesis, the reader is 
informed that Abraham defeated the invading kings 
with an army composed of three hundred and eight- 
een men born in his own house. Later interpreters of 
this passage, both Jewish and Christian, found little 
religious inspiration in this statement of fact. They, 


therefore, searched for some deeper meaning. The 
number "318" suggested that a modern meaning 
might be found by the use of numerology. Among 
both Hebrews and Greeks, letters were used as num- 
bers; that is, all letters had numerical value. From 
this fact it was easy to find significance in numbers. 
A Jewish interpreter of this passage, seeking dili- 
gently for some significance in it, noticed that 
Abraham had a servant born in his household named 
Eliezer (Gen. 15:2-3). The letters in the word 
Eliezer when added up as numbers total 318. This 
shows that Abraham's army consisted of Eliezer. 

The Christian author of the Letter of Barnabas 
felt sure that the Old Testament was written for the 
sake of the Christians. But what did the Christians 
care about how many servants Abraham had who 
were born in his own household? They were not 
interested in the number of his servants. Yet this 
statement must mean something to them otherwise 
this line of Scripture would be superfluous, and the 
Word of God could not contain anything superfluous. 
By the ingenious application of a little numerology, 
Barnabas was able to find in this verse a prediction 
that Jesus was to be crucified. 

For it says, "And Abraham circumcised from his household 
eighteen men and three hundred." What then was the knowledge 
that was given him ? Observe that he first says the eighteen, and 
after a pause the three hundred. The eighteen is I, ten, and H, 
eight; you have Jesus [IHSOUS]. And because the cross was to 
have grace in the Tau [Tau, T, equals 300], he says also the three 
hundred. He indicates, then, Jesus in the two letters; and in the 
one, the cross. He who freely planted his teaching within us 


knows this. No one has learned a more excellent lesson from me, 
but I know that you are worthy [ix. 8-9]. 

An implication of this modernizing method of 
interpretation is that the first readers of the Scripture 
could not understand it. When the Scofield Reference 
Bible says that the mention of Rosh, Meshek, and 
Tubal in Ezek. 38 : 23 means Russia, Moscow, and 
Tbolsk, "in the opinion of all interpreters [!]," it asks 
us to believe that the first readers of Ezekiel (and " 
their successors for a thousand years) could not 
possibly understand what Ezekiel was talking about. 
One wonders why God was so concerned about the 
generation which was to read the Scofield Bible and 
so little concerned with Ezekiel's contemporaries. 
Early Christian interpreters did not shrink from the 
implications of this type of exegesis. Justin Martyr 
denied that the literal meaning of the Old Testament 
had any significance; Barnabas indignantly denies 
that the Old Testament is the joint possession of Jew 
and Christian. He insists that it belongs to the 
Christians alone. Since it was written for the Chris- 
tians, the Jews naturally could not understand it. 


A rich vocabulary has grown up around the effort 
to read modern meanings into the Scriptures. Ex- 
ponents of this school of interpretation speak of the ' 
use of allegory, typology, numerology, tropology, and 
the anagogical sense. The distinction between these 
various systems, or methods, or senses, is not always 
clear to the naked eye. 


As an example of the lack of definite meaning in 
these sonorous terms, consider the distinctions made 
between the allegorical meaning, the tropological 
meaning, and the anagogical meaning of Scripture, 
as a contemporary manual on the study of the Bible 
presents them. By way of preface, we should note 
that the author insists on the existence of a literal 
meaning in addition to these "spiritual" or "mysti- 
cal" meanings, s 

The allegorical meaning is the reference of the text 
to a doctrine of the faith, especially to Christ and the 
church. If the text "admits or requires" this refer- 
ence, then it possesses an allegorical meaning; e.g., 
Matt. 12:39 shows that the experience of Jonah with 
the sea monster refers allegorically to the resurrection 
of Jesus. / 

The tropological meaning of a passage is the 
application of a passage to moral life. In Gen. 15:6 
we read that Abraham believed, and it was reckoned 
to him for righteousness. In Rom. 4:23 Paul finds 
here the meaning that mankind should believe in 
Christ. / 

The anagogical meaning of a passage is the applica- 
tion that it allows to the future life. The familiar 
story of Noah and the ark in Genesis may be applied 
also to the faithful who find salvation in the church 
(cf. Matt. 24:37; I Pet. 3:20). 

The reader can easily see that there is no distinction 
of method here; these labels are used for one method ' 
with the results classified according to their subject 
matter. Even this classification does not seem very 


objective to judge from the author's own examples; 
for the definition of the first class would include the 
examples of the second and third classes. Allegory, 
tropology, typology, anagoge, and their brood are 
basically one type of interpretation. On the assump- 
tion that there is a deeper meaning in Scripture than 
has been expressed by the inspired writer, these inter- 
preters proceed in any devious way, on the basis of 
hints which first win their significance in the inter- 
preters' own eyes. 

One of the few "methods" of modernizing the 
meaning of Scripture which can be recognized as a 
distinct pattern of interpretation is numerology. 
This rests on the numerical values of the Hebrew and 
Greek alphabets and makes much of the fact that it 
works on the original languages of the Bible. We 
have already noted a glowing example of its use in 
antiquity in Barnabas' explanation of the number 

Not only does numerology make it possible to find 
a modern meaning in a dark passage but it also 
demonstrates that the Scripture is the Word of God. 
Three and seven are good numbers. God made the 
natural world with its seven planets, seven tones in 
the scale, seven colors, etc.; the Bible is full of sevens; 
therefore, God wrote the Bible. The number of nouns 
in certain verses of Genesis, chapter i, is a multiple of 
seven. If nouns don't work out, adjectives, adverbs, 
or prepositions will. It is here that the subjective 
element enters. The interpreter selects the units to be 


counted or the words to be translated into their 
numerical equivalents. 

The same methods will prove the inspiration of any 
document. I applied it some years ago to the letter of 
Ignatius to the Ephesians and unearthed an enormous 
mass of threes and sevens. A hurried count of the 
first paragraph of the popular novel Gone with the 
Wind showed that the first sentence had twenty-one 
words, three y's; the second, twenty-eight words or 
four 7's. Add these together and you get seven 7's. 
The third sentence has three nouns. The first para- 
graph has twenty-eight (4X7) nouns, seven proper 
adjectives, and nine (3X3) adverbs. Will some 
numerologist claim inspiration for this book? No, 
he will not; for numerology proves the divine origin 
of the Bible only to those who knew it in advance. 

It might be possible to separate typology, tro- 
pology, etc., from allegory if we were using these 
terms for the first time today. But they have a long 
history a history in which they are often confused 
with one another. At first, the interpreters spoke of 
only one meaning above the literal meaning. This 
was usually referred to as a "spiritual" meaning. 
When skilful exegetes like Origen found three mean- 
ings, they were driven to poetry for labels and 
definitions of the extra meanings. Augustine found 
four meanings in a passage, and the later ages pro- 
duced as many as seven meanings from one passage, 
although the classification is stretched somewhat thin 
at spots. 

In Paul's interpretation of Abraham's family life 


we have a clear example of a confusion in terminology 
which began early and still persists. In Gal. 4:21-31 
he presents Sarah and Hagar, Isaac and Ishmael, as 
types of Judaism and Christianity. The reader's nat- 
ural inclination is to classify this as typological inter- 
pretation; but in 4:24 Paul says that these Scripture 
texts are allegorical. Of all the titles used for these 
modernizing methods, allegorical is the most fitting. 
Its basic significance of saying one thing and meaning 
another is at home with these interpreters. 


A sounder classification of the modernizing schools 
of interpretation can be based on the messages they 
read into the Scriptures. Each of these interpreters 
brings a certain message to the Bible and reads it into 
the sacred text by means of his system of interpreta- 
tion. But not all of them bring the same message to 
the Book. 

The Jewish rabbis, for example, in the days after 
their national glory had departed, brought to the 
Torah a glorification of the scribe and his work 
which the sacred book had not known before. The 
extent to which this was done has often been illus- 
trated, but no more forceful example can be found 
than the Targum on the Song of Deborah. This is 
not designed primarily as interpretation but rather as 
translation; however, we have seen in the chapter 
on translation that the two are not always as distinct 
as they should be. Judg. 5 : 8-9 is a strong statement 
of the lack of soldiers in Israel; the Targum expands 


this into a wordy praise of the scribes who interpreted 
the Law accurately and patiently in the days of crisis. 

The Christians of the first few centuries brought 
to the Old Testament a belief that Jesus was the 
Messiah; this belief they read into almost every line of 
the Jewish Scriptures. Two of the great classics in 
this "interpretation" are The Letter of Barnabas and 
Justin's Dialogue with Trypho. 

We have' already seen the nature of the interpreta- 
tion in Barnabas, where "318" predicts the crucifixion 
of Jesus; Justin is no more restrained. For example, 
he quotes (from the Greek Old Testament) Exod. 
20: 22; 23:20, 21, in which God tells Moses to an- 
nounce to the people, "I send my angel before you to 
guard you on the way, and to bring you into the land 
which I have prepared for you. Hark unto him and 
obey him, do not resist him; for he will not withhold 
[punishment] from you, for my name is upon him." 
Who is this guide? asked Justin. Who else but Jesus 
(the Greek form of Joshua!) Dialogue Ixxv. i. 

Justin finds the cross (Dialogue Ixxxvi) in the "tree" 
of life planted in Paradise, in the "rod" with which 
Moses was sent to free Israel, in the "tree" cast into 
the bitter waters of Mara, in the "rods" used by Jacob 
to win his uncle's sheep, in the "staff" with which, as 
Jacob "boasted," he had crossed the Jordan, in the 
"ladder" of Jacob's dream upon which he saw God 
not the Father "fixed," in the "rod" of Aaron which 
blossomed, in the "shoot" from the root of Jesse 
which Isaiah predicted, in David's portrayal of the 
righteous man as a "tree" planted by the water 


courses, in David's claim that the righteous would 
flourish like a palm "tree," in the "tree" from which 
God appeared to Abraham the oak of Mambre in 
the seventy willow "trees" which the people found 
when they crossed over Jordan, in the comforting 
"rod" and "staff" of the twenty-third Psalm, in the 
"tree" [ax handle] which Elisha threw into the 
Jordan to recover the lost ax head, in the "staff" 
which Judah gave Tamar as a pledge for the payment 
of her prostitution. 

These are selections from only two, albeit a striking 
two, out of scores of Christian interpreters who 
modernized the Jewish Bible into a Christian book. 
With a few exceptions, early Christian interpreters 
ignored the great messages of the inspired prophets 
and poets of Israel except where they could be 
transformed into messianic texts. Their guiding prin- 
ciples were expressed by Augustine in a memorable 
couplet: "The New Testament in the Old is latent; 
the Old Testament in the New is patent." One result 
of this is the impoverishment of the Christian tradi- 
tion, which has slighted the prophets' burning attacks 
on injustice, greed, and exploitation of the poor to 
concentrate its attention on fantastic "predictions" 
of the cross. 

Other times, other Bibles. Once the Christian- 
messianic nature of the Old Testament was accepted 
by all but the Jews, the church brought different 
messages to be read into the Bible. For example, 
Clement of Alexandria was worried by the effemi- 
nacy of some of the Christians of his day. One of 


their perverted habits was that of shaving. Imagine 
his horror when he found large numbers of Christian 
men shaving off not merely part of the beard (he 
could have stood that) but every last whisker! 
Against this contemporary custom, Clement invoked 
the authority of the Scriptures. He couldn't find a 
law saying, "Do not shave"; but in the one hundred 
and thirty-third Psalm brotherly unity is likened to 
"the precious ointment upon the head, that ran down 
upon the beard, even Aaron's beard: that went down 
to the skirts of his garments." David wrote this so 
that Clement's contemporaries might not shave. 

Each generation often each individual interpreter 
brought a new message to the Bible and found it 
there. In the days of the Reformation, it was Luther- 
anism, or Calvinism, or Arminianism. German inter- 
preters wrote learned works showing that Adam was 
a Lutheran. Frenchmen proved that not only Paul 
but also Jesus and Abraham were faithful to Calvin's 

In this regard the Roman Catholic church differs 
from the others in the degree of explicitness with 
which it directs the interpreter to find in the Scrip- 
tures the teaching of the church. Its logic is simple. 
Since these books have a divine origin, written with 
the aid of the Holy Spirit, they can be understood 
only with the same divine assistance. But the Holy 
Spirit cannot be certainly found anywhere except in 
the church; therefore, the interpreter must first find 
out the opinion of the church and be guided by it. 

The extent of ecclesiastical control over inter- 


pretation is plainly stated in an encyclical of Pope 
Leo XIII, "Providentissimus Deus" (November 18, 
1 893) . After insisting that it is the place of the church 
to judge the true sense of Scripture, he reassures the 
interpreter as to the liberty with which he may work. 
The church in no way hinders the study of the Bible 
except as it prevents error, he says; for the individual 
scholar can exercise his liberty in two ways. First, 
his study of passages not yet officially interpreted by 
the church may help the church to decide what the 
correct interpretation is. Second, his work on pas- 
sages whose meaning has been defined by the church 
may expound that meaning more clearly or defend it 
better from hostile attack. The primary object of the 
Catholic interpreter's work in those areas where the 
judgment of the church has already been pronounced 
"is to interpret those passages in that identical sense, 
and to prove by all the resources of learning that 
sound laws of interpretation admit of no other mean- 
ing." The reader might assume that the Catholic 
interpreter actually is free in those areas where judg- 
ment has not yet been pronounced, but the encyclical 
goes on to point out that legitimate interpretation 
is bound to produce meanings in harmony with 
Catholic doctrines. Any interpretation that finds 
contradictions in the Scriptures or finds the Scriptures 
contradicting the teaching of the Roman Catholic 
church is either "foolish or false." 

The justification of ecclesiastical control of inter- 

. pretation, which is practiced by Protestant churches 

as well as by the Roman Catholic, is that it prevents 


error. The wild luxuriance of interpretations made 
possible by the modernizing method have inevitably 
embarrassed all cults which rest upon the authority 
of Scripture. The presence of a large number of con- 
flicting interpretations of the same passage always 
produces a strain in those areas where orthodoxy is 
prized. The judgment may be hazarded that uni- 
formity was one of the desires of those who in various 
times and places have set up cult control of inter- 

Examples of this painful extravagance in inter- 
pretation can be found in the meanings found by 
Christian scholars in Rev. 13 : 18 ". ... for it is the 
number of a man, and his number is six hundred and 
sixty-six." Irenaeus claimed that the number was 
Noah's age at the time of the flood plus the height 
and breadth of the image set up by Nebuchadnezzar; 
he identified "the man" as Evanthus, or Lateinos, or 
Titan. For Hippolytus it meant "I deny (my cruci- 
fied Savior)." To more modern interpreters, it has 
meant Mohammed, Pope Benedict IX, any pope, 
Martin Luther, Lenin, the N.R.A., etc. Such a rank 
growth of definition creates stress within the cult. 

This pressure was felt in Judaism in the days of the 
rabbis. Out of it arose the dictum that no interpreta- 
tion could be accepted which went against the 
Tradition, the oral interpretation. This made the 
Tradition rather than the Scripture the norm. Quite 
analogous is the Roman Catholic position quoted 
above although it must be remembered that Juda- 
ism has no monarchical authoritative hierarchy. 


The Protestant churches have followed similar prac- . 
tices although to a less degree. The primitive freedom / 
of the individual interpreter was soon curbed by the / 
formulation of authoritative confessions of faith, or 
articles of religion. The doctrines championed in 
these confessions are defined as an accurate state- 
ment of the meaning of Scripture. This promulgation 
limited the freedom of the interpreter who desired to 
be orthodox, for it prescribed certain interpretations 
as the correct interpretations and anathematized 
others. Thus both British and Continental scholars 
of the Reformation period in their interpretation of 
the Apocalypse abstained from the millennial views of 
earlier scholars whose work they accepted, for the 
Augsburg and Helvetic confessions had branded 
Chili asm as a heresy. 

The situation of the layman whose Scripture is 
modernized for him by the church lacks the confusion 
of freer believers. He often welcomes the increased 
surety even when it is purchased at the cost of 
freedom. The value to the institutionalists in the 
cult of admitting only those modernizations which 
they favor is unquestioned. But it is the belief of 
modern scholarship that there is a better way. The 
history of the Christian world has failed to convince 
most students of history that errors can be avoided in 
any field of study by the exercise of ecclesiastical 
authority. Progress in modern learning has followed 
not preceded the emancipation of scholarship 
from ecclesiastical shackles. 



BETHUNE-BAKER, J. F. An Introduction to the Early History of 
Christian Doctrine to the Time of the Council of Chalcedon 
(2ded.). London: Methuen, 1916. 
Chapters i-viii are especially valuable for this area of our study. 

CHARLES, R. H. Studies in the Apocalypse. Edinburgh: T. & T. 
Clark, 1913. 

Chapters i and ii give a history of the interpretation of the Book of 

DANA, H. E. Searching the Scriptures: A Handbook of New Testa- 
ment Hermeneutics. New Orleans: Bible Institute Memorial 
Press, 1936. 
This is written from a conservative viewpoint. 

EAKIN, FRANK. Revaluing Scripture. New York: Macmillan, 

This work offers a revaluation of the scriptures of all religions as a 
basis for revaluing the Jewish-Christian Scriptures. 

FULLERTON, K. Prophecy and Authority: A Study in the History 
of the Doctrine and Interpretation of Scripture. New York: 
Macmillan, 1919. 

A very readable and stimulating treatment of the problems of inter- 

GILBERT, G. H. Interpretation of the Bible: A Short History. 
New York: Macmillan, 1908. 
The best chronological treatment of interpretation in English today. 

. Jesus and His Bible. New York: Macmillan, 1926. 

A careful investigation of the methods of interpretation employed by 
Jesus, with an Appendix on the use of the Old Testament in Paul and 

PEAKE, A. S. The Nature of Scripture. London: Hodder & 
Stoughton, 1922. 

This deals with modern criticism, its permanent results, the enduring 
value of Old Testament and New Testament, the evangelical faith, and 
the modern view of Scripture, etc. A sane and careful study. 


ROBINSON, T. H. "The Methods of Higher Criticism," in The 
People and the Book, ed. A. S. PEAKE. Oxford: Clarendon 
Press, 1925. 
Exposition of these methods as applied to parts of the Old Testament. 

SEISENBERGER, MICHAEL. Practical Handbook for the Study of 
the Bible (new rev. ed.). New York: Joseph F. Wagner, Inc., 

A Roman Catholic manual published with the imprimatur. It gives 
English translations of the important papal decrees relating to Scripture 
(pp. 159-86). Interpretation is discussed in pages 449 ff. 

SMITH, H. P. Essays in Biblical Interpretation. Boston: Marshall 
Jones Co., 1921. 

Stimulating and valuable discussion of interpretation of the Old Testa- 

TRATTNER, E. R. Unravelling the Book of Books: being the Story 
of How the Puzzles of the Bible Were Solved and Its Documents 
Unravelled. New York: Scribner's, 1929. 

An interesting and readable approach to the story of biblical criti- 


KITTEL, G. et al. Theologisches Worterbuch zum Neuen Testa- 
ment. Stuttgart: Kohlhammer, 1932 . 

Technical studies of important words. 

LOOFS, F. Leitfaden zum Studien der Dogmengeschichte (4th ed.). 
Halle a.S., Niemeyer, 1906. 

REUSS, EDUARD. History of the Sacred Scriptures of the New 
Testament (trans, from the 5th German ed. by E. L. HOUGH- 
TON). Edinburgh: T. & T. Clark, 1884. 

SMITH, H. Ante-Nicene Exegesis of the Gospels. 6 vols. New 
York: Macmillan, 1925. 

Quotes this material in order of the scriptural passages in English 

Chapter V 

The Interpretation of the Bible 

The Historical Method 

Literary Criticism 


"AHE basic task of interpretation, as the ad- / 
vocates of this method conceive it, is to 
establish the literal meaning of the sacred 

text for its first readers. In their insistence on the 
primacy of the literal meaning they do not deny or 
slight the poetic and figurative elements in the Scrip- 
ture but insist that these elements be identified and 
interpreted according to the literary standards of the 
age in which they were produced. They do not deny 
that the Scriptures can have other values today than 
they have had in the past, but they see the task of 
defining these modern values as one transcending the 
field of historical criticism. The task which they as- 
sign to the interpreters of the Bible as their own 
peculiar task in a special discipline is the determina- 
tion of the meaning of these documents in the time of 
their origin. 

This type of interpretation is essentially an ap- 
plication of the methods of historical study. It 
strives to be as objective as historical study can be. 



It unhesitatingly submits its results to the most 
searching scholarly examination. It accepts correc- 
tion and change, for it is supported by no dogma of 
infallibility. Unlike the modernizing methods de- 
scribed above, it brings no answers to the investiga- 
tion. It comes with questions and with an eagerness 
to find the historical evidence which will establish the 
correct the intended meaning of a passage. It is 
full of hope, for it looks back upon a history of 
glorious achievement, but it promises no rush de- 
liveries of adequate interpretations 


But, though it brings no ready-made answers to the 
study of the Christian literature, it does bring certain 
convictions as to method and procedure and the sig- 
nificance of evidence convictions which it shares 
with those who work in other areas of historical in- 
vestigation. It assumes that Christianity is a move- 
ment like other religious movements; it believes that 
Christianity like all other religions inherited much, 
borrowed freely, and was constantly changing its 
primitive elements and as constantly adapting what 
it adopted. When it finds two very similar phe- 
nomena appearing in the same area at approximately 
the same time, it assumes the existence of some sig- 
nificant relationship between them. It has learned 
that hostility between religions does not exclude the 
influence of one upon the other. 

It is convinced that the methods and techniques 
applied to the solution of problems in the Christian 


literature must not differ from the methods used in 
the study of similar problems in other literatures. 
Take, for example, the problems involved in the 
miracle stories of the Bible. If the student of the 
Bible appeals to the general reliability of the biblical 
writers as guaranty of the accuracy of these stories, 
he must accept miracle stories from the pagan cults 
which are related by reliable writers. If the testimony 
of eyewitnesses is enough to establish the validity of 
these incidents, pagan miracles attested by eye- 
witnesses must be accepted also. 

The position of the conservative Protestant in re- 
gard to miracles is singularly indefensible in its limita- 
tion of miracles to those recorded in the Scriptures. N 
This would bring the age of miracles to an end about 
the middle of the second century, but the Christian 
writers of the second, third, and fourth centuries are 
entirely unaware that the age of miracles is over and 
continue to report the miraculous achievements of 
Christians until modern times changed the basic 

The Roman historian Tacitus was a writer of more 
than average dependability and was decidedly against 
superstition and extravagance. It is significant, there- 
fore, to find him accepting as fact a story of a double 
miraculous healing. When Vespasian was in Alex- 
andria, a blind man and a cripple appealed to the 
emperor for healing. The sufferers were advised to 
make this supplication by Egyptian deities. Ves- 
pasian at first demurred but finally yielded to their 
importunity and healed them by applying his saliva 


to the eyes of the blind and stepping on the ankle 
of the cripple. Tacitus assures his readers that he re- 
ceived the story from eyewitnesses after the dynasty 
of Vespasian had left the throne, when flattery would 
not create such stories. 

The interpreter of Scripture who uses the historical 
method does not permit himself to use any means of 
explaining the healing of the blind man at the pool 
of Bethesda which he cannot use with equal effect 
to explain the healing by Vespasian in Alexandria. 

For the sake of emphasis and clarity, let it be said 
again that there are no methods of biblical study 
which are not at the same time methods of studying 
other religious literatures. This is not to deny that 
a student may need some particular tool in the study 
of the Christian Bible which he will not need else- 
where (e.g., a knowledge of biblical Aramaic) but 
only to insist on the general agreement in matters 
of importance for methodology between biblical 
scholarship and the scholarship of the humanities in 
general. The methods employed in the study of Plato 
and Plutarch, of Chaucer and Corneille, are also em- 
ployed in the study of Isaiah and Paul. 

We have seen in a preceding chapter the essential 
oneness in methods of textual criticism, whether the 
text studied be that of Chaucer, the Roman de la 
rose, or the Bible. In a generation now gone, stu- 
dents of textual criticism in the humanities were 
under great obligation to two biblical scholars, West- 
cott and Hort. Today the debt is paid by the work 
of such eminent scholars as Hunt, Bedier, and Col- 


lomp. The methods worked out by Hunt in the study 
of Greek papyrus texts of the classical authors and by 
Bedier in the study of the Lai de T ombre are being 
applied all too tardily to the study of the biblical 

The plea for some special endowment as a pre- 
requisite for biblical study seems rather out of place 
in such areas as textual criticism and the study of 
biblical languages. It is obvious even to the most 
dogmatic that here an ounce of intelligence is worth 
a pound of piety. But in the field of interpretation 
there are many to echo the claim advanced by 
Roman Catholicism: The Bible is an inspired book; 
it can be understood only with the help of inspiration. 
The Protestant often makes the same claim with 
reference to the inspiration of the individual rather 
than of the church. 

The student who uses the historical method of in- 
terpreting the Bible relies upon no supernatural aids. 
What can be known by the conscientious and well- 
trained student is his objective. This does not in- 
clude as he will gladly admit the proof or disproof 
of dogmas whose authority inheres in their promulga- 
tion by some cult. Yet, however much his apprecia- 
tion of the message of some inspired author may be 
increased by the fact that he has had an analogous 
religious experience, he refuses to impugn the reliabil- 
ity of human intelligence by assenting to the popular 
fallacy that the messages of the sainted authors can 
be understood only by those who have duplicated 
their experiences. 


In so far, therefore, as he is a historian, he resolute- 
ly rejects all special treatment, all concessions to the 
cloth; he refuses to use a technique that will not work 
elsewhere. Yet the number of techniques he calls 
upon is large. All the resources of literary and his- 
torical criticism, the results of philological study, the 
political, economic, social, and religious background 
of the books, and the archeologist's spade all these 
make their contribution to the understanding of the 
Scriptures. The techniques which are most familiar 
to the student in Protestant schools are those which 
are at home in the field of literary criticism. 


The tasks faced by the student of the biblical 
literature have been most memorably grouped in a 
series of six questions: Who? When? Where? To 
Whom? Why? What? Authorship, date, place of 
composition, audience, purpose, and content these 
make convenient subdivisions of that literary criti- 
cism of. the Bible which is frequently referred to 
under the technical term of "introduction," or, more 
fully, "introduction to the literature of the Bible." 
Some of these questions move out of the purely liter- 
ary realm into that of history, but they have usually 
been treated with an emphasis on the more purely 
literary questions. 

For example, the question "What?" brings the 
content or message of the book into investigation. 
But, when we use it under the heading of literary 
criticism, we turn most naturally to the literary 


features of its content. Such purely literary questions 
as, "Is this book poetry or prose?" raise issues of 
great importance for the interpreter. Hebrew poetry 
had rules of composition and structure which differ 
widely from those used in English versification. An 
ignorance of the nature of parallelism in the poetic 
part of the Hebrew Scriptures often has disastrous 
results in the final interpretation of the passage. 

One of the common types of Hebrew parallelism 
is called "synonymous parallelism"; in it the second 
line repeats the content and thought of the first with 
no more than minor modification. In Zech. 9:9, the 
prophet exhorts Jerusalem in language that is full of 
this parallelism: "Rejoice greatly, O daughter of 
Zion; shout, O daughter of Jerusalem: behold, your 
king comes unto you; he is just, and having salvation; 
lowly, and riding upon an ass, even upon a colt, the 
foal of an ass." It is plain that the daughter of Zion 
is identical with the daughter of Jerusalem and that 
the colt and the ass are one. But, to the author of Mat- 
thew's Gospel, the double mention of the animal im- 
plied two animals, and he interprets the fulfilment 
of the passage with that in mind. Matt. 21:6-7, 
"And the disciples went and did even as Jesus ap- 
pointed them, and brought the ass, and the colt, and 
put on them their garments; and he sat upon them" 
An ignorance of a literary form led Matthew to ask 
us to picture Jesus as riding two animals into Jeru- 

It needs no such example to persuade the seasoned 
student of any literature that a knowledge of literary 


forms and their significance is a prerequisite to ade- 
quate interpretation. An awareness of the variation 
in structure between the Shakespearean and the 
Italian form of the sonnet is essential to the interpre- 
tation of an anthology of English sonnets. It is equal- 
ly true that the interpreter of apocalypses will be 
amply rewarded for the time spent in mastering the 
literary pattern of apocalyptic composition. 


Less obviously literary, but equally a problem 
faced in the study of any piece of literature, is the 
problem of date. There is no difference in methods 
employed in the task of establishing the date of the 
Gospel of John and the date of- the Discourses of 
Epictetus. In both cases the scholar will assemble 
all the available evidence, evaluate it as carefully as 
possible, and thus reach his conclusion as to the date 
of composition. 

For convenience of handling, the evidence is usually 
assembled under two categories external and inter- 
nal. These terms refer to the document itself; that 
evidence which comes from outside the document is 
called "external" evidence. Invaluable evidence as to 
the date of a book is found in quotations from it. 
The latest possible date for its composition is fixed 
by the first clear quotation from it in another writing 
which can be dated. For this evidence to be certain, 
however, the quotation must be unmistakable, and 
the date of the document in which the quotation oc- 
curs must be established beyond question. Further 


external evidence for date is to be found in explicit 
tradition as to the time of composition of a document. 
There is not much early tradition of this sort as to 
the date of the books of the Bible. The Christian 
tradition begins to specify dates for its documents no 
earlier than the last two decades of the second cen- 

It is only in the last few years that manuscripts of 
the Bible have been found which are themselves as- 
signed to dates close enough to the origin of the sacred 
literature to be of value in the determination of date. 
In 1935 C. H. Roberts published a fragment of one 
page of the Fourth Gospel, which he assigned on the 
basis of its handwriting to the first half of the second 
century. Several New Testament scholars welcomed 
the publication of this fragment as evidence that the 
Fourth Gospel was written before A.D. 100 or at the 
very latest soon after 100. This conclusion rests on 
twp assumptions; and, since they are assumptions 
that are frequently made, they deserve criticism. 

The first of these assumptions is that the dating of 
a papyrus document written in a literary hand is ac- 
curate within a score of years. One New Testament 
handbook says of the new John fragment that it was 
written "about A.D. 130" and then proceeds to argue 
from the year 130 with as much finality as though 
this manuscript were actually dated in A.D. 130. In 
the present state of our knowledge on the paleog- 
raphy of the Greek papyrus book hand, it seems 
precarious to assign any such document to a period 
narrower than a century in extent. No undated 


manuscript of a book can establish the existence of 
the book before or after a definite year. 

This fragment of John's Gospel was found in 
Middle Egypt. If it was written "about A. 0.130," 
the Gospel itself must have been written before 100 
if it took the Gospel five years to win prominence in 
Ephesus and twenty-five years or more to reach 
Middle Egypt. This argument from the length of 
time it would take a Christian book to circulate after 
publication is commonly employed, although there 
are no objective data available to modern scholarship 
which would make it possible for us to ascertain the 
facts. So far as the speed of communication is con- 
cerned, no one assumes that it would take a year to 
move a book from Ephesus to Middle Egypt, or from 
Alexandria to Rome. Christian travelers made these 
distances in less than a year, and it is certainly con- 
ceivable that they could have carried a book with 
them. As to the length of time it took any particular 
book to become known, we have no data. Those 
who have observed the spread of books in modern 
times might argue that a book is most widely known 
right after publication, but arguments from analogy 
are dangerous; the safest course for the student is to 
reject all arguments as to date that rest on an appeal 
to the length of the period essential to the winning 
of an audience for a book. 

The internal evidence for the date" of a document 
may include a definite reference to a date. The men- 
tion of the fifteenth year of Tiberius Caesar in Luke 
3 : i demands a date later than that for the composi- 


tion of that Gospel. Isaiah's first vision (6:1 ff.) 5 his 
"call to preach," opens with the invaluable date line, 
"In the year that King Uzziah died." Even more 
valuable are casual or incidental references to events, 
persons, or things that can be dated. A medieval 
document that casually referred to a trip in an air- 
plane could not be medieval no matter how explicitly 
it was dated. Chapter 14 of the Book of Genesis tells 
of Abraham pursuing Lot's captors far into the north 
country "as far as Dan"; this shows that this story 
in Genesis was written after the events described in 
chapter 18 of Judges, where the tribe of Dan moves 
into the north for the first time. 

The identification of sources that are dated or 
datable sometimes helps in the dating of a document. 
The identification of an author whose date is known 
leads directly to the dating of the composition that 
came from his pen. The place of the literary work in 
the history of thought, culture, and social movements 
is another indication of date. A Jewish document 
which assumes the control of Palestine by Gentiles 
cannot be placed in the reign of David. A Christian 
book which on every occasion prefixes homoousion to 
the word Christ cannot come from the first century of 
Christian history. Christian documents which as- 
sume the authority of ecumenical councils, or the 
papacy, or reflect a highly developed monasticism, 
etc., are not earlier than A.D. 250. The caliber of the 
language itself will often assist in the dating of a 
document. The only books in the Hebrew canon 
which use Aramaic extensively are assigned late 


dates on the basis of both linguistic and non-linguistic 
evidence. Old Testament scholars refer to the use of 
late Hebrew as an indication of the date of various 
passages. No document written in a form of Greek 
which had lost the infinitive and the optative and 
possessed an indeclinable participle would ever be 
accepted as an original composition of the first Chris- 
tian centuries. 


Another example of the employment of the tech- 
niques of literary criticism can be drawn from the 
study of authorship. The methods employed by stu- 
dents of the Bible are identical with those employed by 
students of English literature in the evaluation of the 
claim that Bacon wrote Shakespeare. The external 
evidence here is of two kinds: the tradition as to au- 
thorship and the light thrown on the authorship by 
the way in which the document was received by its 
public. Internal evidence of the most value is derived 
from a study of the vocabulary and style of the docu- 
ment with reference to other works by the author and 
the comparison of ideas and content. 

The most clear-cut decision of a dispute as to the 
authorship of a biblical book has been won in the case 
of the Letter to the Hebrews. The question at issue 
was, "Did the Apostle Paul write this book?" The 
answer established by several generations of careful 
scholarly study is an emphatic negative. For pur- 
poses of illustration, the arguments and evidence that 
led to the acceptance pf this answer are briefly sum- 
marized here. 


The external evidence for the Pauline authorship of 
Hebrews is far from unanimous; in fact, it divides 
quite cleanly on geographical lines. In the East, as 
early as Clement of Alexandria, the letter is referred 
to as Paul's work; although some later leaders sup- 
port no more than a mediated Pauline authorship 
i.e., they think that Paul dictated it to a disciple or 
that it was the work of some ardent Paulinist. In 
the West the situation is quite different. Tertullian 
alludes to it as the work of Barnabas, as though that 
authorship was unquestioned. No leader of the 
church in the West accepts it as the work of Paul un- 
til the time of Hilary of Poitiers, the second half of 
the fourth century. From the Muratorian canon to 
Jerome, the Latin church rejects the Pauline author- 
ship. This is the more striking when it is remembered 
that it is now generally agreed that the letter was 
written to Rome, and it is certain that Clement of 
Rome was the first Christian writer to make use of 
the letter. Thus the tradition of Pauline authorship 
does not arise, and only slowly wins acceptance, in 
the territory where the letter was first known. 

The internal evidence is overwhelmingly against 
the theory of Pauline authorship. In language, style, 
ideas, and situation reflected, it is not Pauline. The 
contrast of its smooth Greek with the rough style of 
Pauline letters was noticed by Origen and other 
Alexandrians. It was this which led them to claim 
only a mediated Pauline authorship for the letter; 
they were too much at home in Greek to believe that 
this could have come from the same pen as the letters 
of Paul. There are striking differences in vocabulary; 


even as characteristic a Pauline phrase as "Christ 
Jesus" does not occur. The essentially Pauline "in 
Christ," which occurs even in the one-page letter to 
Philemon, does not occur in Hebrews. The formulas 
with which quotations from the Scriptures are intro- 
duced consistently differ from Paul's usage. 

The differences in ideas and religion are equally 
striking. There is in Hebrews no justification by 
faith, no attack on justification by law, no hope for 
Israel, and no advantage in being an Israelite. No 
Gentiles concern the author of this letter, and faith 
is little more than a hope it lacks the robust 
mysticism of the Apostle to the Gentiles. Here Christ 
is portrayed as a priest a figure that cannot be ade- 
quately paralleled from Paul's writings. Sanctifica- 
tion, good works, and obedience are the virtues; mar- 
riage is praised as a good thing. There is no con- 
trasted spirit and flesh. 

This is a different apostle from the author of 
Galatians, Romans, Corinthians, Thessalonians, etc.; 
and he writes for a different situation. The Christian- 
ity to which this letter is addressed is later than that 
of Paul's day. The hope of the second coming is 
faint; many Christians have died, and yet the great 
day has not dawned. Attendance at the religious 
services of the Christians is falling off. There is here 
no claim of apostolic authority, or of any sort of 
direct contact with the founder of the cult. The clear 
statement of Heb. a 13-4 sets the believers at least one 
generation farther from Jesus than Paul was: ". . . . 
How shall we escape if we neglect such a great salva- 


tion, which in the beginning was spoken by the Lord 
[Jesus] and then was confirmed unto us by those who 
had heard it, to whom God bore witness in signs and 
wonders and various mighty works and gifts of the 
Holy Spirit according to his plan." It is hardly con- 
ceivable that the author of Galatians could thus con- 
fess that he received the gospel from men. 

Evidence of this kind (and much of its detail has 
not been quoted) has convinced scholars that the 
Letter to the Hebrews did not come from the pen or 
the mind of the Apostle Paul. The alternative 
theories as to authorship have little more to com- 
mend them than their ingenuity, and general schol- 
arly opinion supports two conclusions: first, the! 
Apostle Paul did not write Hebrews; second, we do; 
not know who did. 

Decision as to the authorship of other books in the 
Bible is made in the same way as this decision that 
Paul was not the author of Hebrews. Equally definite 
and clear-cut decisions have been reached in regard 
to many of the other books. This is true, for example, 
of the book called by the name of Isaiah. It is gen- 
erally agreed today that chapters 40 ff. are the work 
of another man than the author of chapters 1-39. 
The reference to events of the Exile in 40 ff., the dif- 
ferences -in religious ideas, etc., all point to another 
author. In the case of book after book, similar care- 
ful study has led to equally definite conclusions as to 
authorship, and these conclusions are now part of the 
common fund of knowledge in the field of biblical 


But it should not be assumed that the study of 
authorship is a study of accuracy. No scholar assents 
to the proposition that composition by an apostle or. 
prophet guarantees the historical accuracy of the 
events related, or that a work written by anon- 
apostolic and nonprophetic author is by that fact 
made unreliable. The question as to the reliability 
of the events in the Fourth Gospel is not a question 
as to whether or not the Apostle John wrote it. The 
Scriptures themselves testify that at least one apostle 
was unreliable in three statements, and the claim that 
all who were not apostles or prophets were unreliable 
needs only to be stated to be rejected. 

The importance of identifying the author of these 
books wherever possible comes from the need of 
locating them as accurately as we can in place and 
time. The demonstration that Paul did not write 
Hebrews does not diminish) the historical validity of 
the letter, but it does make it possible for us to as- 
sign it to a definite situation in Rome at the end of 
the first century. When the letter is read against that 
background, it becomes luminous with meaning, and 
the contribution which it makes to our knowledge of 
early Christianity is more than doubled. The time 
and energy spent in the accurate determination of 
authorship by the scholars are, therefore, to be re- 
garded as a preliminary aid to the accurate interpre- 
tation of the book, not as attack on, or defense of, 
traditions as to authorship. 

Authorship by apostle or prophet was of tre- 
mendous importance to the Christian church in the 


period of the formation of the canon, as we saw in 
chapter i; but it has no analogous importance to the 
modern historian. For purposes of historical study 
the canon itself can set no limits. The student can- 
not assume that what is canonical is accurate and 
what is apocryphal (noncanonical) is inaccurate. 
Gospels and Acts that were not in the canon are ac- 
cepted or rejected by the student on the same bases 
as those which appear in the canon. Neither apostolic 
authorship nor canonicity can exempt documents 
from the most searching investigation of their reliabil- 


A fascinating exercise is the identification of sources 
in some work of literature. The vogue for source 
analysis "of the Scriptures seems to be on the wane at 
the present moment, but it may not be amiss to point 
out to the student the tenuous nature of some of the 
"reconstruction" of literary sources. If no source 
used by the author in question has survived, and the 
author does not introduce any sources by formal 
quotation, the identification of sources is an almost 
hopeless task unless the author copies his various 
sources rather slavishly. 

For the difficulty of identifying sources is directly 
proportionate to the literary ability of the author 
who used the sources. The more he re-wrote and as- 
similated what he drew from sources, the harder it is 
to identify the sources in the finished product. A re- 
cent evaluation of Elinor Wylie's work quoted one of 
her sources and compared it with the finished product. 


The forty-four lines of the source were reduced to 
twenty- two in the finished product; at least eight im- 
portant details were changed by the novelist, and the 
style of the finished work was the style of Elinor 
Wylie. The identification of a source so thoroughly 
re-written as was this one is impossible unless we 
possess a copy of the source. 

Fortunately for the student of biblical documents, 
their authors were sometimes less rigorous in the re- 
writing of source material. In the writing of Hebrew 
history, for example, the method commonly em- 
ployed in the use of sources was what has been called 
a "scissors and paste" method. The author copied 
one section from one source and the next section from 
another; re-writing was slight in degree and quantity. 
Very frequently the author refused to choose between 
his sources and copied the story first from one and 
then from another. 

One of the clearest examples of this can be found 
in the story of creation in the opening chapters of 
Genesis. The reader finds the record of creation com- 
plete in Gen. I :i 2:3. In this section, only thirty- 
four verses in length, creation is finished in six days. 
God creates by divine fiat day and night, sky, sea and 
land, plants, stars, sun, moon, animals, birds, and 
human beings, male and female. The seventh day is 
hallowed as a day of abstinence from labor. Yet in 
chapter a, verse 4, the process of creation starts all 
over again with the formation of a man for whose sake 
plants, animals, and a woman are created. The two 
stories are equally distinct in idea and style. The first 


is formal in pattern and exalted in tone. In it the 
work of creation is divided up by days, and a refrain 
closes the day's work. God creates by the spoken 
word and, as a climax to his creative activity, hallows 
the Sabbath by resting on it. In the second story 
there are no day-by-day divisions; God forms man 
out of earth, plants a garden, etc. In the first story 
the deity is consistently referred to as God, in the 
second as Jehovah God. From a study of similar 
features in duplicate stories, students of the Old 
Testament have identified several sources of the 
Pentateuch and made invaluable contributions to 
our understanding of this literature. 

A contribution of similar value has been made by a 
study of the literary sources of the first three gospels. 
The authors of these gospels wrote much as the au- 
thors of Hebrew history wrote. They copied their 
sources with little re-writing, often in alternate 
blocks. One of the common sources used by Matthew 
and Luke was Mark; another was a document (since 
lost) which probably antedated Mark. The identi- 
fication of these sources made a sane interpretation of 
Gospel parallelisms possible and dealt a deathblow 
to superficial harmonizing of the Gospels. 

The nature of these parallels can be seen in the fol- 
lowing examples: 




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The comparison of the parallels between the Gos- 
pels led also to the discovery that Matthew and Luke 
relied upon some common source other than Mark. 
The nature of their agreement against Mark can be 
seen in their report of the preaching of John the 
Baptist. In Mark this is briefly summarized as the 
preaching of a baptism of repentance unto remission 
of sins; in Matthew and Luke the content of an ex- 
hortation is given. 

MATT. 3:7-10 

But when he saw many of the 
Pharisees and Sadducees, com- 
ing to his baptism, he said 
unto them, 

Ye offspring of vipers, who 
warned you to flee from the 
wrath to come? 8 Bring forth 
therefore fruit worthy of re- 
pentance: 9 and think not to 
say within yourselves, We 
have Abraham to our father: 
for I say unto you, that God 
is able of these stones to 
raise up children unto Abra- 
ham. 10 And even now the 
axe lieth at the root of 
the trees: every tree there- 
fore that bringeth not forth 
good fruit is hewn down, and 
cast into the fire. 

LUKE 3: 7-9 

He said therefore to the mul- 
titudes that went out to be 
baptised of him 

Ye offspring of vipers, who 
warned you to flee from the 
wrath to come? 8 Bring forth 
therefore fruits worthy of re- 
pentance, and begin not to 
say within yourselves, We 
have Abraham to our father: 
for I say unto you, that God 
is able of these stones to 
raise up children unto Abra- 
ham. 9 And even now the 
axe also lieth at the root^of 
the trees: every tree there- 
fore that bringeth not forth 
good fruit is hewn down, and 
cast into the fire. 

From the most minute study of evidence of this 
sort, invaluable results for the literary criticism of the 
New Testament have been obtained. It is, indeed, no 
exaggeration to say that the major achievements 


made in the early generations of scholarly study of 
the Bible and the history of Judaism and Christian- 
ity were attained by the use of such literary criticism 
as that which we have briefly discussed and illus- 
trated here. But the significance of this source analy- 
sis has sometimes been overemphasized or misinter- 
preted. Superficial features of the data are seized 
upon as possessing basic significance. The illustra- 
tions given above show that some passages occur in 
all three of the Synoptic Gospels Matthew, Mark, 
and Luke. This triplication^ of the story has been 
called "the triple tradition"; and, since a threefold 
cord is stronger than one with a single strand, it has 
been assumed that what was in the triple tradition 
was historically more reliable than that which ap- 
peared in but one of these Gospels. This would be true 
if the authors had access to accurate sources of in- 
formation and were concerned primarily with attain- 
ing factual accuracy. But their purposes were re- 
ligious rather than historical, and the quality of their 
sources undoubtedly varied. It is quite possible that 
an event related in a single Gospel, any one of the 
four, might surpass in the accuracy of its detail any 
story that appeared in three or even all four of the 

Another example of the perversion of source 
analysis can be found in the tendency to favor the 
"oldest" source. From the assumption that the 
earliest must be the most accurate, Mark's Gospel has 
been given an extravagant recognition ever since its 
priority in date was demonstrated by scholarship. 


When one of the theories of Gospel origins labeled the 
non-Markan source common to Matthew and Luke 
with the name "Q" and claimed that it was probably 
earlier than Mark, many transferred to it the extrava- 
gant loyalty earlier rendered to Mark. But our earli- 
est literary sources leave us all too far from the period 
of the events described, and the nature of their con- 
tents is such as to call for the most rigorous scrutiny. 
It is worth the student's notice that in modern courts 
the testimony of even the most reputable eyewitness 
is accepted only when it has withstood the most 
searching examination and has been checked against 
all available controls. No careless acceptance of all 
the contents of any particular document or source 
as the "oldest" source will be possible for the serious 

This is still more evident when the goal of the stu- 
dent of Scripture is the understanding of all primitive 
Christian experience not that of Jesus alone or the 
comprehension of all phases of Hebrew religion not 
that of any "pure" period alone. This more inclusive 
goal has become the commonly accepted aim of 
biblical students in our generation. When the pur- 
poses of Bible study are so defined, any special source, 
or particular element in the tradition, loses pre- 
eminence; all sources are a priori equally valuable. 
To the student of the Scriptures in this generation, 
the literary criticism of the Bible presents a set of 
sharpened tools which he should use in the attempt to 
create a full and accurate account of Christian life 
and Hebrew religion in Bible days. The methods and 


materials employed in this broad and ultimate task 
are the subject of the next chapter. 



GOODSPEED, E. J. The Story of the Bible. Chicago: University of 
Chicago Press, 1936. 

Brief but clear statement of positions generally held by scholars on 
the questions of literary introduction: date, author, place, etc. 

BEWER, J. A. The Literature of the Old Testament in Its His- 
torical Development (rev. ed.). New York: Columbia Uni- 
versity Press, 1933. 
A rather detailed presentation in chronological order, with copious 


SCOTT, E. F. The Literature of the New Testament. New York: 
Columbia University Press, 1932. 

Similar to the work of Goodspeed but a little more detailed in treat- 

BRIGHTMAN, E. S. Sources of the Hexateuch. New York, Cin- 
cinnati, etc.: Abingdon Press, 1918. 

BURTON, E. D., AND GOODSPEED, E. J. Harmony of the Synoptic 
Gospels. New York: Scribners, 1917. 

This book, with the preceding one, will make easily available to the 
student the evidence on which the study of the sources of the Pentateuch 
and the first three gospels rests. 

JAMES, M. R. The Apro'cryphal New Testament. Oxford: Univer- 
sity Press, 1924. 

Brief introductions with English translations of a large number of 
books more or less marginally connected with the New Testament. 

. The Lost Apocrypha of the Old Testament, Their Titles 

and Fragments, Collected, Translated, and Discussed. New 
York: Macmillan, 1920. 

KRUGER, G. History of Early Christian Literature in the First 
Three Centuries (trans, by C. R. GILLETT). New York: Mac- 
millan, 1897. 


OESTERLEY, W. O. E. An Introduction to the Books of the Apoc- 
rypha. New York: Macmillan, 1935. 

A thorough literary introduction to the books of the Old Testament 
which are accepted as authoritative Scripture in the Catholic but not in 
the Protestant Church. 

OTTLEY, R. R. A Handbook to the Septuagint. London: Methuen 
& Co., 1920. 

An introduction to the study of the Greek version of the Old Testa- 

STRACK, H. L. Introduction to Talmud and Midrasch. Philadel- 
phia: Jewish Publication Society, 1931. 

Authorized translation from the author's revision of the fifth German 


OESTERLEY, W. O. E., AND ROBINSON, T. H. An Introduction to 
the Books of the Old Testament. London: S.P.C.K.; New York: 
Macmillan, 1934. 
A fresh and thorough critical manual. 

MOFFATT, J. Introduction to the Literature of the New Testament. 
New York: Scribners, 1918. 

A fine piece of work, still the standard, though now in sad need of re- 

GRANT, F. C. The Growth of the Gospels. New York, Cincinnati, 
etc.: Abingdon Press, 1933. 

A fine introduction to technical study of the Gospels; good Bibliog- 

CHARLES, R. H., et al. The Apocrypha and Pseudepigrapha of the 
Old Testament in English with Introductions and Critical and 
Explanatory Notes to the Several Books, Vol. I: Apocrypha; 
Vol. II: Pseudepigrapha. Oxford: Clarendon Press, 1913. 

BARDENHEWER, O. Geschichte der altkirchlichen Literatur. . Frei- 
burg im Breisgau: Herder, 1902-32. Vol. I (2d ed.), 1913; 
Vol. II (2d ed.), 1914; Vol. Ill (ad ed.), 1923; Vol. IV, 1924; 
Vol. V, 1932. 

The most up to date of exhaustive histories of early Christian litera- 


EPSTEIN, I. (ed.). The Talmud. London: Soncino Press, 


This English translation, edited with introductions and notes, is to be 
completed in about thirty volumes. First set of 8 vols. (Nezikin) pub- 
lished in 1935; second set (Nashim) published in 1936. 

CADBURY, H. J. The Style and Literary Method of Luke. ("Har- 
vard Theological Studies," Vol. VI.) Cambridge: Harvard 
University Press, 1920. 

A brilliant piece of literary and linguistic criticism which annihilated 
the "medical language" of Luke. 

Chapter VI 

The Interpretation of the Bible 

The Historical Method 

Historical Criticism 


historian of pagan antiquity limits him- 
self to no harrow field. He is vitally con- 
cerned with political history. He studies gov- 
ernments and international relations; the reigns of 
kings and emperors attract his attention. But he no 
longer focuses attention upon this one aspect of life 
to the exclusion of others. Other more prosaic areas 
make their contribution to his reconstruction of the 
past. Geography, for example, is studied in its broad- 
est terms; cities, rivers, climates, crops, roads, etc., 
all come within the scope of his investigation. 

The two aspects of life that have been touched on 
here (political and geographical) do not exhaust the 
territory that the historian attempts to cover but 
suggest the diversity of the elements that attract his 
attention. These elements have not all exercised the 
same degree of fascination for each historian, or even 
for each generation of historians. Some scholars have 
emphasized political phenomena as the dominant 



factor in the story of the past; others have focused 
the reader's attention on economic factors as the pri- 
mary ones. At the present time an increasing amount 
of attention is given to social history. The record of 
the past is no longer presented as incarnate in the 
biographies of a few distinguished leaders; it is found 
to the same degree in the story of the masses. 

This type of history is primarily interested in 
group life and group movements. It sees political, 
economic, and religious history as social process. In- 
stitutions as it portrays them are not static and stolid 
but move through a constant change, as new genera- 
tions, faced with new problems, adapt them to their 
needs. The ultimate interest of the social historian 
is to revitalize the past by recapturing the living ex- 
periences of the individual in relation to the various 
groups to which he belonged. He sees literature as 
a deposit niade by the rich life of the time in which 
it was produced; he studies it not as an end but as a 
means. He strives to comprehend it so that he may 
comprehend the life that produced it. 

This emphasis has driven the historian to the by- 
ways as well as to the highways; it has put a new 
premium on the nonliterary sources for ancient his- 
tory. It is clear, for example, that a scholar who is 
trying to write the economic history of the Roman 
Empire will find valuable information in the excava- 
- tion of a store that dealt in agricultural implements 
as well as in the sonorous description of the charms 
of rural life by one of the gilded youths of Rome. 
The recovery of tens of thousands of tax receipts from 


ancient Egypt on pieces of papyrus and ostraca has 
made possible the writing of the story of taxation 
even for separate sections and cities. Sources of this 
type are made available to the historian by the 
archeologist, and the study of archeology has become 
more and more important as the study of the social 
and economic life of antiquity has gained in empha-t 
sis. The result is that from numerous expeditions a 
rich stream of archeological finds has been poured at 
the historians' feet. 


Historical criticism of the Scriptures is as exten- 
sive in scope and diversified in interests as the history 
of any secular movement. The emphasis on political 
history which characterized many of the school texts 
of my childhood has been equally widespread on the 
pages of sacred history. Most of my devout readers 
have struggled with lists of the kings of Israel and 
Judah, or with outlines of evidence for identifying 
Merneptah or Ramses II as the pharaoh of the Op- 

Nor was this study made in vain. The current 
emphasis upon other elements in the social complex 
should not blind us to the real significance of the so- 
called "political history" of the Bible. It has crowded 
meaning into the terms "pre-Exilic," "Exilic," and 
"post-Exilic," and against these backgrounds many an 
Old Testament book has become more intelligible. 
The story of the Maccabean rebellion adds meaning 
to the pages of every Jewish and Christian apoca- 


lypse. A knowledge of Roman administration in 
Palestine under Herod and his sons and successors 
clarifies much of the gospel story. 

Secular interest in geography has been matched in 
the biblical field. Every detailed modern introduc- 
tion to the Bible- has included a" discussion of the 
geography of Palestine, and historical geographies of 
the Holy Land have filled imposing volumes. If 
biblical scholars have erred in this area, it is in giving 
too much attention to miscellaneous geographical 

These interests in political and geographical history 
can be matched in a half-dozen other areas. The eco- 
nomic background of the gospels has been made the 
subject of special study. The perennial interest in the 
great personalities of the religion still continues to 
produce biographies of Jesus, Paul, and David. The 
magnitude of the contribution made by .the indi- 
vidual religious genius is given due recognition, but 
the major emphases of contemporary study fall in 
the area of social-historical method. 


The development of a widespread interest in social 
movements and group processes has been noted above 
with reference to the writing of secular history. This 
development has had important results for the study 
of the Bible; its. influence upon the study of Judaism, 
Christianity, and the Bible has been of epoch-making 
importance in more than one area. 



In the first place, the religions themselves are now 
studied as movements of a vitally developmenta 1 
character. The older conception of them as static, jli- 
vinejnserts into history has been repudiated. Empha- 
sis is no longer put upon the originality of the message 
of Jesus and the prophets; modern historical study of 
the environment of both the Jewish and the Chris- 
tian religions has patiently accumulated parallel 
after parallel, antecedent before antecedent, until the 
word "unique" as applied to the elements of these 
cults has lost much of its significance. These religions 
are now seen as the product of social forces directed 
by individual genius. The historians have shown 
how extensively they inherit, borrow, adopt, and 

It is now recognized that Judaism and Christian- 
ity change naturally, inevitably, and constantly. The 
old idealization of some one period or the literature 
of one period as representing the "pure" religion 
has been seriously modified if not rejected. With it 
has vanished its corollary, the disparagement of all 
changes subsequent to the period of "purity" as cor- 
ruptions, dilutions, perversions, etc., and therefore 
essentially bad. The religion is seen to change as the 
believers' vital religious experience is conditioned by 
new social situations. Christianity is defined not as a 
creed, or as the religion of any one individual, group, 
or period, but as the vital religious life of the succes- 
sive generations of Christians. 



A second result of social historical study is the 
general recognition of the priority of the religion to 
the religious literature. It has been one of the short- 
comings of Protestantism so to stress the importance 
and authority of the Bible that many devout Chris- 
tians have come to believe that Christianity origi- 
nated in and from the New Testament. The most 
superficial study, however, will show that Christian- 
ity existed for at least a century without a New Testa- 
ment as a sacred book. Christianity had left Palestine 
and spread far and wide in the Roman world before 
the first book of the New Testament was even writ- 
ten, much less published or accepted as authoritative. 
Strong Christian communities dotted the shores of 
the Mediterranean before the Four Gospels were 

Thus the period of Christian history to which the 
Protestant has most often pointed as representing 
"pure" Christianity the first century of the cult's 
existence is a period in which there was no New 
Testament. This indicates a very different evalua- 
tion of the role of the New Testament in Christianity 
on the part of the primitive Christian and the con- 
ventional modern Protestant. Exactly the same facts 
exist in regard to the Old Testament. The important 
period of Jewish life suggested by the words "exo- 
dus," "conquest," and "kingdom" knew no sacred 
literature. Moses, Abraham, Elijah, and David lived 
their religion without the sacred book. 



In ever widening circles the creative role of the 
religious experience of the group and individual in re- 
gard to the literature is frankly admitted. The sig- 
nificant part played in the production of the litera- 
ture by social experience is admitted by more scholars 
today than was the case a generation ago, and the 
creative function of the religious group is seen at work 
throughout more and more of the canonical litera- 

From the moment that the historical method of in- 
terpretation was applied to the letters of Paul, it was 
obvious that the problem situations in the churches 
founded by Paul had almost as much to do with the 
contents of Paul's letters as Paul himself did. This 
is seen clearly in Galatians, a letter which focuses 
all the fiery enthusiasm of Paul's religion on a single 
issue as sharply as a glass brings the sun's rays to a 
single burning point. It can be seen with equal clarity 
in the complexity of I Corinthians, where the first part 
of the letter is taken up with Paul's attempts to 
straighten out troublesome situations at Corinth that 
have been reported to him (factions, lawsuits, im- 
morality), and the second part is concerned with the 
apostle's answers to half-a-dozen specific questions 
asked him in a letter from the church at Corinth. In 
these letters by Paul we can clearly see the Christian 
trying to work out a pattern of living in a society al- 
ready crowded with religions. The thorough integra- 
tion of these pagan cults in the social life of the time 
caused many of the problems of the Pauline converts. 


Butchering had religious implications, political life 
was religious both locally and imperially recrea- 
tion was religious, etc. The everyday experiences 
of devout Christians in this religious fulness of 
the time determined the table of contents of most of 
the letters written by Paul. This does not deny the 
significant contribution made to those letters by the 
rich religious experience of the apostle himself, yet 
it must be remembered that that experience was it- 
self in some part social. 

This has long been recognized by interpreters of the 
Pauline writings. The situation at Corinth, in Ga- 
latia, etc., is now studied along with or before the 
message written by the apostle. The creative influ- 
ence of the social environment has been recognized 
also in the later books of the New Testament and in 
the Old Testament writings that represent late 
Judaism. Among Protestant interpreters, it has of- 
ten been popular to interpret these books as the 
product of periods of corruption of the pure religion 
of earlier days. Thus it is claimed that the true 
vision of God won by the prophets was obscured by 
the priests and scribes who came after them; that the 
pure word of God uttered by Jesus was diluted by 
the incipient Catholicism of the late first and early 
second centuries. These changes were explained as 
due to compromise with environment, assimilation 
of external influences, etc. Hence, in these areas, the 
recognition of the significant influence of environ- 
ment upon the creation of the sacred literature was 
easy for the champions of such views. 


But the recognition of the similar situation in the 
Gospels and the Prophets came more slowly. The his- 
torical study of literary problems helped to make this 
possible. The removal of the Fourth Gospel from a 
close association with the others to .the very end of 
the first century or the beginning of the second 
hastened a sane evaluation of the part played by the 
religious experience of post-resurrection Christianity 
in the composition of that gospel. The study of the 
literary sources of the first three gospels led to the 
identification of "secondary" elements in the gospel 
tradition, and it was freely admitted that the chang- 
ing .experiences and beliefs of second-generation 
Christianity had affected the formation of these 
strands of the tradition. But in some areas a certain 
insulation of the revealed message is claimed for the 
earliest layer of the gospel content; this, it is felt, 
came straight and undiluted from the mind of God. 

This position has been abandoned by the majority 
of scholars for two reasons. The first is that the in- 
creased knowledge of Judaism has made it plain that 
Jesus like the prophets before him was himself in- 
fluenced by the social situation in which he formu- 
lated his message. The second is that the increased 
knowledge of the Christianity of the second genera- 
tion and of its gentile environment has made it plain 
that the part played by the church in the creation of 
the gospels was a major part. Today no one can stop 
with Mark or "Q" and say "here is the pure gospel." 

The Gospels were produced to meet the needs of 
Christians removed by at least one full generation 

,.-?* * 


from the death of Jesus. But the gap is deeper than 
it is wide, for the gospels were produced to meet the 
needs of self-conscious, gentile churches, struggling 
for their existence in the strenuous religious compe- 
tition of the cities of the Graeco-Roman world. The 
infant cult needed organization, sanctions for cult 
practices, information, definition of the distinctively 
Christian way of life, defense from state and rivals, 
solution of the problem of its relation to Judaism, etc. 
Most of these problems were unknown to Jesus and 
his followers, or were seen by them in different degrees 
of intensity and under different aspects. 

Most of all, the church needed an adequate defini- "\ 
tion of Jesus in terms of its own contemporary faith 
and experience. By the time that Paul's letters were , 
written, Jesus is already defined as a divine Lord and 
Savior as well as the Messiah of Old Testament hopes. 
Yet Paul can find no validation for his faith in the 
story of Jesus' life that has reached him. For him the 
proof of Jesus' lordship lies in his own experience of / 
communion with Jesus and salvation through union , 
with him. The resurrection was the demonstration J 
of Jesus' divinity; before the resurrection there was 
nothing but a humble career. 

The evangelists modify this definition. In Mark 
the humility of Jesus' earthly career is lightened by 
previews of the resurrection. As in Paul, Jesus is not 
really the Messiah until the resurrection, but oc- 
casionally there is a partial revelation of his divine 
nature. The demons recognize him; their own super- 
natural nature allows them to identify him. On the 


mountain top he appears for a moment to the inner 
circle of his followers as he really is. Yet throughout 
the major part of Mark, the messiahship of Jesus is 
a secret, a dark mystery even to his most intimate 
associates. This frame of definition is part of the 
evangelist's contribution to the Gospel story. 

The distinctive nature of the Markan definition of 
Jesus can be seen by contrasting it not only with 
that of Paul but also with that of John. In the Fourth 
Gospel the Lord of the Christian cult is openly the 
Messiah, the divine world-savior, from the first scene 
of the Gospel to the last. He himself teaches this 
without hesitation and with monotonous repetition. 
His disciples and his hearers generally (except the 
Jews) have no difficulty in recognizing him as the 
divine son of God, the Messiah, the Light of the 
World, etc. This frame of definition is part of this 
evangelist's contribution to the Gospel story. 

Later in the second century some unknown Chris- 
tians wrote gospels which told the story of Jesus' 
infancy. These carry the definition of Jesus as being 
openly a god on earth several steps farther than John 
had done. In these infancy gospels Jesus knows he 
is a god when he is a little boy. Moreover, he shows 
his deity in numerous actions and teachings. His 
birds made of mud come to life; anyone who injures 
him in play is slain with a word; teachers are baffled 
again and again by his wisdom. The boy Jesus is a 
god in that he possesses supernatural power and 
supernatural wisdom. This frame of definition is part 
of these evangelists' contribution to the Gospel story. 



In the last generation the attention of scholars has 
been drawn to the study of the Gospel story as it ' 
existed in the days before the Gospels were written. 
It is now generally admitted that in its earliest form j 
the story existed in separate bits of information about / 
Jesus' actions or teachings. Sayings were repeated \ 
and cherished in a group of Galileans who had fol- 
lowed Jesus, as disciples long before had followed the 
prophets. Stories of actions performed by Jesus were 
repeated by other Christians to show what Jesus 
meant to them. At various times and places and in 
various ways, these fragments of tradition were 
grouped, edited, expanded, abbreviated. The inter- 
est of the Christians in these items was basically-re- 
ligious rather than historical; therefore, it was easy 
for unhistorical elements to enter stories with a basis 
of fact; it was possible for stories to be generally ac- 
cepted which had no basis in the facts of Jesus' life; 
it was easy for accurate stories of what Jesus had said 
and done to die for lack of repetition when these ac- 
curate stories served no need of the group to which 
they came. 

One^pf the first and clearest implications of the 
existence of the Gospel stories in little independent 
sections (called "pericopes") is that we owe the 
time and place sequences in our gospels to the rela- 
tively late and unreliable work of the evangelists. 
Many of these little stories in the gospels are still 
without any indication of time or place; that many 
more of them were originally without such indications 


is a probable assumption. The more frequently a story 
is repeated, the more specific it becomes. Locations 
are supplied, anonymous characters are identified, 
. and the time is given. The "framework" of the gospel 
v ...message is almost entirely the creation of second-gen- 
eration Christianity. 

The immature church's needs were legion. It 
needed sanctions for its simple ritual. The story of 
Jesus' last meal with his followers becomes the story 
of the institution by Jesus of a ceremony for his fol- 
lowers to observe: at first a memorial service, later a 
sacramental communion. Jesus sets his own teaching 
above the Jewish law. Jesus' authority is invoked to 
prevent Christians from going to law in non-Christian 
t courts; the story is told with explicit reference to the 
existence of Christian church groups. 

In Palestine in Jesus' day, his followers were not 
troubled by table etiquette. The question of obeying 
or not obeying the Old Testament dietary laws was 
not a pressing one to them. The Palestinian customs 
were well established and included prescriptions as to 
the nature and extent of table fellowship between 
Jews and Gentiles. But, when Christianity moved 
outside both Palestine and Judaism and welcomed 
masses of Gentiles into its communion, questions as 
to the validity of the Jewish dietary legislation arose 
frequently and clamored for an answer. We hear the 
clamor echoing through Paul's letters. Paul's own 
claim that these laws were invalid for Gentile Chris- 
tians ultimately became the position of the church. 
But the church was not satisfied with a Pauline au- 
thorization of the repudiation of these laws and found 


in a pronouncement of Jesus himself that revocation 
of the Old Testament legislation for which it yearned. 

The saying appears in Mark 7:14-15 and is ex- 
plained in 7:17-23 (cf. Matt. 15:10-20). Jesus calls 
the crowd to him and says, "It is not anything from 
outside of a man entering into him which can defile 
him, but the things which come forth from the man 
are the things which defile the man." After his 
withdrawal into the house, he explains the saying to 
the disciples, pointing out that food for the body does 
not touch the soul, but that vices like envy, adultery, 
etc., which spring from within, are the real defile- 
ment. In the original form of the saying there was 
here no more than a strong declaration of the supe- 
riority of spiritual values to mere ritual conformity. 

But as Mark tells the story, and he may be accu- 
rately reporting the form in which it reached him, 
this is an emancipation of Jesus' followers from all 
food laws. The specific authorization is made by a 
brief explanatory note in 7:19, "making clean all 
foods." This clause directly applies Jesus' pronounce- 
ment to the later Christian controversy over clean 
and unclean foods. It is interesting to note that 
Matthew does not follow Mark in this particular ap- 
plication. He omits the explanatory clause, and, by 
the addition of one brief sentence at the end of the 
explanation to the disciples, he refers the whole dis- 
cussion to ritual washings. Thus the same saying of 
Jesus emancipates Christians from Jewish food laws 
(in Mark) and from Jewish ritual washings (in 

The last generation has seen the careful study of 


the content of the first three gospels, section by sec- 
tion, in the attempt to establish the extent of the 
church's contribution to the picture of Jesus. In 
Germany it has been carried on by the champions of 
a discipline called Formgeschichte ("form criticism" 
or "form history"), which gets its name from the least 
important aspect of its work. It has tried to classify 
the forms in which the separate units of the tradi- 
tion exist; hence its name. But its contribution in the 
study of forms has been of minor importance. Much 
more significant has been its insistence upon the im- 
portant role of group needs and interests in the forma- 
tion of Gospel stories. This is not a new discovery of 
the Formgeschichte school; they share this method 
and emphasis with the "social historian" and with 
many a scholar who is still content with the simple 
title "historian." 

If today the Gospels are approached solely as a 
source of information about the historical Jesus, the 
result will be meager in quantity and definitely un- 
satisfactory in quality to the pious layman. He may 
find some consolation in the fact that no historian 
will identify this residue as the total picture of 
Jesus' personality or career. The church's creative 
role included rejection. Whatever Jesus was, he was 
certainly more than the fragments which the his- 
torian accepts after his rigorous inspection of the tra- 


But the social historian is, in a sense, more rigorous 
than the general public has yet realized. His interest 


and curiosity are catholic in scope. He does not ap- 
proach the Gospels for the sole purpose of finding out 
what is historical in the stories about Jesus. His pur--^,. 
pose is also to find out what can be known about the 
vital experiences of Jesus' followers. He rejects none 
of the Gospel material; the section which tells him 
nothing about Jesus may be of great value as a source 
of information on the faith and experience of the mass 
of unknown Christians in the second generation of 
Christianity's history. 

The student of the Old Testament, for example, in 
generations past often labeled certain sections of the 
books as "spurious" and then proceeded to ignore 
them. This happened all too frequently in the study 
of the prophets. If Amos 9 : 8-i 5 was a later addition 
to the great prophecy, then the student of Amos 
ignored it. Unfortunately, no other student picked 
it up, and no attention at all was given to these 
"spurious" passages. But today their authenticity as 
representatives of the age in which they were pro- 
duced is emphasized, and they are carefully studied 
for what they can tell us of these later periods. 

Partly as a reaction to the tendency of past genera- 
tions to center attention on the isolated individuals 
who attained prominence and immortality for their 
names in the leadership of the cult, the modern his- 
torian focuses attention jDn the anonymous masses, 
on social movements, on group needs, on the common < * r ~ 
faith, on the laymen whose contribution to the cult 
was as significant as that of the leaders. The knowl- 
edge of the New Testament is not, therefore, the goal 


of his study. Once that knowledge is gained, it be- 
comes a tool, a source, to be used in writing the his- 
tory of the vital religious movements of early Chris- 
tian history. 


The student of Christianity or Judaism who ac- 
cepts the emphases of social history turns more and 
more to the use of the nonliterary sources. He can- 
not study the movements and experiences of cult 
groups in a vacuum. The society in which they existed 
becomes of vital importance to him. He prizes the 
results attained by the student of the social and eco- 
nomic history of the ancient East and the Graeco- 
Roman world. 

These historians have shown the tremendous value 
of archeological sources for the reconstruction of 
social life in all its phases. The student who investi- 
gates religious societies has turned his own attention 
in increasing measure to the study of nonliterary 
sources of information on the religions in which he is 
interested. But in the study of early Christian history 
the Protestant historian has used this material last 
and least. 

Part of this tardiness has been due to a narrow 
sectarian loyalty. Roman Catholic learning had long 
ago appealed to archeological evidence in support of 
its doctrines and claims. For example, inscriptions 
from the Eternal City were used to support the claim 
that Peter was the founder of the Roman papacy. 
Other nonliterary sources established an earlier exist- 


ence of liturgy and officialdom than fervent Protes- 
tants of an extreme type were willing to accept. In the 
bitterness of the debate they attacked not only the 
interpretation of archeological evidence but also the 
entire discipline in so far as it applied to Christian 

In the more innocuous field of Old Testament his- 
tory, however, archeological techniques were not only 
employed but even employed in the very manner in 
which earlier Roman Catholic scholars had used them 
in their study of early Christian history. Book after 
book on "Archeology and the Bible" took as its 
thesis the defensive assertion that the results of 
archeological study confirmed or supported the Bible 
(almost always giving 90 per cent of the space to the 
Old Testament) in its statements as to dates, kings' 
reigns, geography, etc. This use of archeology was 
atomistic. Any isolated item that was related to any 
Old Testament passage was featured as another valu- 
able confirmation of the Bible. 

The use of archeology which is today making a 
valuable contribution to the interpretation of the 
Bible has a very different basis. Its purposes and 
methods are far removed from those defined in the 
preceding paragraph. Illumination not confirma- 
tion is its goal. It rejoices not in isolated dis- 
coveries, no matter how dramatic, but in the patient 
accumulation of a mass of detailed evidence that will 
help the historian to reconstruct a vanished culture. 
To the interpreter of the Bible it is an auxiliary disci- 
pline which supplies him with invaluable source ma- 


terial. Archeological evidence on dates is of relative- 
ly little importance when compared with the light 
shed by this discipline on the life of the world in 
which Judaism and Christianity lived, moved, and 
had their being. 

If we take for granted that the student of the Bible 
is interested in archeological evidence as to business 
conditions, etc., in the environment of the cult he 
studies, we can pass on to a more focal point the 
light that archeology has shed (and is shedding) on 
the cults which were predecessors and/or competitors 
of Judaism and Christianity. 

For the student of the Old Testament this light 
has been steadily growing in illuminating power. 
There is no need or space here to detail its progress, 
but the nature of the recent discoveries at Ras 
Shamra may be summarized as an example of the 
type of contribution made. Beginning in 1929, exca- 
vators working on a little promontory twenty miles 
south of the mouth of the Orontes River found a large 
number of tablets inscribed in a "cuneiform alpha- 
bet." They contain cult prescriptions, liturgy, and 
legends of about the thirteenth century B.C. They 
supply the student of Semitic languages with a wealth 
of evidence, hitherto unknown, as to Syro-Phoeni- 
cian usage at this period. The study of the Ras 
Shamra myth and cult patterns has already illumi- 
nated many a dark spot in the Old Testament litera- 
ture and has raised anew in challenging fashion the 
question as to an important genetic relationship be- 
tween the religion of the Old Testament and the 


indigenous Canaanite culture. One of the ritual com- 
mands of the Ras Shamra tablets is "Boil a kid in the 
milk"; this is one item in the magical technique for 
producing early rains. The Old Testament proscrip- 
tions of boiling a kid in its mother's milk (Exod. 
23:19; 34:26; Deut. 14:21) can no longer be ex- 
plained as nomadic and therefore presumably Mosaic. 
It now seems more probable that seething a kid in its 
mother's milk was part of the cult technique of the 
early Hebrews, carrying a function analogous to that 
which it served at Ras Shamra. The attack on the 
practice in the Old Testament passages referred to 
above would be a later modification of a primitive 
cult practice. Not only in matters of ritual detail but 
in the broader areas of world-view, of dualism, of 
hope of life as a religious gift, of messianism, etc., 
these fruits of the archeologist's patient labor are 
making important and often startling contributions 
to our knowledge. 

From Graeco-Roman archeology has come an 
analogous illumination of the field of early Christian 
history. In this area, also, our knowledge of the com- 
peting cults has been greatly increased by the study 
of archeological sources. This has been noteworthy in 
the study of those personal salvation cults, the 
mystery religions, which were so popular in the 
Graeco-Roman world in the time of the Roman Em- 
pire. They present the historian with dismayingly 
scanty literary remains; the emphasis upon secrecy 
and "mystery" in the cult discouraged the writing of 
adequate descriptions by the initiates. For the most 


part their testimony consists of obscure passwords 
and mottoes which demand rather than supply il- 

But the archeologist has made up for the meager 
amount of literary remains, as can be seen, for ex- 
ample, in the case of the cult of Mithras. The vol- 
umes in which Franz Cumont has edited the archeo- 
logical evidence for the worship of the Persian god 
present the student with a wealth of information. 
The location of Mithras monuments on a map dots 
its surface from the Euxine Sea to the mountains of 
Scotland, and from the banks of the Rhine to the 
Sahara Desert. Thus the extent of the distribution 
of the cult is indicated with an accuracy impossible 
for one who used literary sources alone. The fact 
that these sources can be dated, at least approxi- 
mately, adds to their value. Moreover, they give in- 
direct suggestions concerning the cult ritual sugges- 
tions which are made the more valuable by the 
prejudiced nature of the literary references to cult 
practices. Most of the latter come from Christians 
engaged in the most bitter competition with the sun- 
god's cult. With the help of the archeological wit- 
nesses, Mr. Willoughby, in his study of regeneration 
in the pagan world, has given a vivid reconstruction 
of one of the cave chapels in which the worshipers 
of Mithras met and presents the rites and beliefs of 
the cult in an impressive manner. 

The newcomer in the field of early Christian arche- 
ology is constantly stimulated by unexpected ele- 
ments in the nonliterary tradition. As he leafs 


through the facsimiles of catacomb paintings, he is 
astonished to find Jonah and the hippocampus lead- 
ing all other characters in popularity. Pagan cupids 
and Orpheus "good shepherds" have an important 
message to give as to the nature and extent of pagan 
influence. There is significance in the absence of any 
crucifixion scene in the early period, as also in the 
extreme rarity of crosses. That Jesus used a magi- 
cian's wand like Circe's is somewhat surprising. 
Rather unexpected to the novice is the amount and 
early date of Christian paintings and the presence of 
frescoes and mosaics in Jewish synagogues. 

Nor do the inscriptions fall behind the pictures in 
the value of the information they impart. On the 
basis of a study of a collection of Jewish inscriptions, 
E. R. Goodenough has made several tentative but 
most stimulating suggestions; e.g., that "normative" 
Judaism was unknown until after the publication of 
the Talmud and that Judaism at the time of the 
formation of the New Testament was borrowing 
heavily from Hellenism. 

Christian inscriptions likewise are a valuable source 
of information on the life and customs of the early 
Christians. Dean Case, in writing the story of the 
place of Christianity in the business life of the 
ancient world, found in the inscriptions alone ade- 
quate information as to the occupations of the early 

The French archeologist Le Blant and, after him, 
Sir William Ramsay found in certain types of names 
in the Christian inscriptions valuable evidence as to 


pagan attitudes toward Christianity. The terms of 
contempt which the pagans applied to the Christians 
were often accepted by the latter and worn as 
names. Among these "epithet names" are the follow- 
ing: "gullible/' "unreasonable," "criminal," "trick- 
ster," "insolent," "churlish," "pernicious," "filth," 
"evil," "knavish," "brute," "contemptible," "de- 
serter," "refuse," and "dirty." By accepting these 
names (according to Le Blant's theory) the indi- 
vidual Christians made a boast out of slander. 
Leclerq has more recently quarreled with Le Blant's 
theory and favors the explanation that these names 
were charms. They would save the bearer from the 
envy and abuse of the minor supernatural powers; 
the demons would be misled by these unattractive 
names and so would tolerate these unfortunates and 
abstain from attacking them. Whichever explanation 
finally wins the support of scholarship, the data them- 
selves are evidence of no slight value. 

Harnack found in the study of Christian names 
valuable evidence as to the attitude of the Christians 
toward the pagans. He has shown that the use of 
Christian names taken from the Bible does not go 
back to the first centuries. Until after the middle of 
the third century, Christians made an almost exclu- 
sive use of the old pagan names. Among the names 
of Christians appearing in inscriptions are the names 
of pagan deities; e.g., Heraclius, Mercurius, Aphro- 
disius, Dionysius. "The martyrs perished because 
they refused to sacrifice to the gods whose names 
they bore." This paradox can be explained only by 


admitting that the general custom of the world in 
which the Christians were living proved stronger than 
any reflections of their own. The sense of real inner 
distinction as a Christian was so strong that it made 
the name relatively unimportant. But from A.D. 250 
on, as the church conforms more and more to the 
world, the use of distinctively Christian names be- 
came first preferable and then normative. More than 
one force led to this reversal. The changing of names 
was a common pagan practice, especially after A.D. 
212; the growing importance of infant baptism 
favored the use of Christian names; and, as the world 
moved into the church, it carried with it a supersti- 
tious evaluation of the power of names. Thus a 
second paradox confronts the first. As the individual 
Christian came to resemble his pagan neighbor more 
and more closely, his name proclaimed his Christian- 
ity most emphatically. Whereas, in the period when 
the individual Christian was set off against the 
pattern of the surrounding demonic culture, his name 
proclaimed a loyalty to these demonic powers. 

Archeological evidence as to the use of Bible 
names by Christians clearly reflects also the anti- 
Jewish sentiment of the church. This is more evident 
in the West than in the East, but it is New Testa- 
ment not Old Testament names that are first used 
Peter and Paul, for example and Old Testament 
names run a bad third to names of local Christian 
heroes and saints. If Shakespeare had asked the 
Christian archeologist "What's in a name?" the 
answer would have been "Plenty!" 


From archeology's cornucopia a wealth of evidence 
is poured out before the student of the Bible. Today 
he includes it with the fruit of other disciplines (liter- 
ary and historical) as resource material to be used in 
his attempt to master not the literature of the canon 
alone, not the literature of the cult alone, but the 
whole of the religious life whose richness and vigor 
produced the books and gives them meaning. 



BARTON, G. A. Archaeology and the Bible (6th ed.). Philadelphia: 
Sunday School Union, 1933. 

Valuable for its extensive quotation of illuminating parallels; more 
important for Old Testament than for New Testament. 

CASE, S. J. The Social Origins of Christianity. Chicago: Uni- 
versity of Chicago Press, 1923. 

Chapter i, "The 'New' New Testament Study," is especially valuable 

EDMAN, I. The Mind of Paul. New York: Holt, 1935. 

A very stimulating and readable interpretation of Paul's religion. 

GRANT, F. C. (trans.). Form Criticism: A New Method of New 
Testament Research (including "The Study of the Synoptic 
Gospels," by RUDOLF BULTMANN, and "Primitive Christianity 
in the Light of Gospel Research," by KARL KUNDSIN). Chi- 
cago: Willett, Clark & Co., 1934. 
The simplest introduction to this method by its own exponents. 

HERFORD, R. TRAVERS. Judaism in the New Testament Period. 
London: Lindsay Press, 1928. 

Valuable for its sympathetic appraisal of Pharisaism in the New 
Testament period. 

LIETZMANN, H. The Beginnings of the Christian Church (trans, by 
B. L. WOOLF). New York: Scribner's, 1937. 

Clear, vivid, scholarly, and yet concise presentation of Christian his- 
tory to A.D. 1 80. 


LOWRIE, WALTER. Monuments of the Early Church. New York: 
Macmillan, 1901 (reprinted 1923). 

A good general introduction to Christian archeology, illustrated with 
182 figures. 

MARUCCHI, ORAZIO. Christian Epigraphy: An Elementary Trea- 
tise with a Collection of Ancient Christian Inscriptions Mainly 
of Roman Origin (trans, by J. A. WILLIS). Cambridge: At the 
University Press, 1912. 

A brief, general introduction, followed by a classified collection of 
Roman inscriptions, illustrated with thirty plates. 

MATHEWS, SHAILER. A History of New Testament Times in 
Palestine (rev. ed.). New York: Macmillan, 1933. 
A concise but thorough study of the political history of the period. 

MATTHEWS, I. G. Old Testament Life and Literature (2d ed.). 
New York: Macmillan, 1934. 

Life and literature are discussed together in chronological pattern; 
a useful manual. 

RIDDLE, D. W. Early Christian Life as Reflected in Its Literature. 
Chicago: Willett, Clark & Co., 1936. 

This volume uses the literature as a source for the study of early Chris- 
tian life rather than as an end in itself. 

ROBINSON, B. W. The Life of Paul (ad ed.). Chicago: Univer- 
sity of Chicago Press, 1928. 

A useful manual on the events of Paul's life. This second edition has 
added a brief chapter on Paul's religion. 


CASE, S. J. The Evolution of Early Christianity. Chicago: Uni- 
versity of Chicago Press, 1914. 

Significant definition and interpretation of Christianity as a vitally 
developmental movement. Valuable bibliographies to 1914. 

. Jesus: A New Biography. Chicago: University of Chi- 
cago Press, 1927. 

An important study, which uses social-historical method. Good bibli- 

. The Social Triumph of the Ancient Church. New York: 

Harper & Bros., 1933. 

A vivid description of the changes in the church's attitude toward 
wealth, social position, learning, and the state. 


DEISSMANN, A. St. Paul (new and rev. ed.). London: Hodder & 
Stoughton, 1926). 
Sympathetic interpretation of St. Paul's religion. 

DIBELIUS, M. From Tradition to Gospel (trans, by B. L. WOOLF). 
London: I. Nicholson & Watson, 1934. 
An exposition of Formgeschichte by one of the masters of the method. 

DODD, C. H. The Parables of the Kingdom. New York: Scrib- 
ner's, 1936. 

Makes use of recent studies and presents valuable interpretation of 
the parables. 

EASTON, B. S. Christ in the Gospels. New York: Scribner's, 1930. 

Thoroughgoing criticism of Formgeschichte and social-historical meth- 
od, a comprehensive critical survey of recent study of Jesus and the Gos- 
pels, written from a conservative viewpoint. 

ENSLIN, M. S. The Ethics of Paul. New York: Harpers, 1930. 
The best of recent studies of Pauline ethics. 

FOAKES-JACKSON, F. J., AND LAKE, KiRsopp (eds.). The Begin- 
nings of Christianity, Part I: "The Acts of the Apostles." 
New York: Macmillan. Vol. I (1920), Prolegomena I : Jewish, 
Gentile, and Christian Backgrounds; Vol. II (1922), Prolegomena 
II: Criticism; Vol. Ill (1926), The Text of Acts (J. H. ROPES); 
Vol. IV (1933), English Translation and Commentary (K. LAKE 
AND H. J. CADBURY); Vol. V (1933), Additional Notes to the 
Commentary (K. LAKE AND H. J. CADBURY [eds.]). 

The special studies in the prolegomena and the additional notes give 
this work a much broader significance than that of the usual commentary 
on Acts. Valuable bibliography. 

GRAHAM, W. C., AND MAY, H. G. Culture and Conscience. Chi- 
cago: University of Chicago Press, 1936. 

These collaborators have made valuable use of archeological finds in 
presenting the religion of the Hebrews in relation to its environment. 

GRANT, F. C. The Economic Background of the Gospels. London: 
Oxford University Press, 1926. 

A brief presentation of economic data in regard to Palestinian life in 
gospel times. 


HOOKE, S. H. (ed.)- Myth and Ritual: Essays on the Myth and 
Ritual of the Hebrews in Relation to the Culture Pattern of the 
Ancient East. By A. M. BLACKMAN AND OTHERS. London: 
Oxford University Press, 1933. 

KLAUSNER, J. Jesus of Nazareth (trans, by H. DANBY). New 
York: Macmillan, 1926. 
A scholarly study of Jesus from the Jewish viewpoint. 

MOORE, G. F. Judaism in the First Centuries of the Christian 
Era. Cambridge: Harvard University Press, 1927-30. 

A comprehensive study of Judaism, advancing the thesis that Judaism 
is to be defined in terms of the "normative Judaism" of the Pharisees. 
Full of valuable information and stimulating discussion. 

OESTERLEY, W. O. E., AND ROBINSON, T. H. A History of Israel, 
Vol. I: From the Exodus to the Fall of Jerusalem 586 B.C., by 
Robinson; Vol. II: From the Fall of Jerusalem 586 B.C. to the 
Bar-Kokhba Revolt A. D. 135, by Oesterley. Oxford: Clarendon 
Press, 1932. 
A standard work. 

OTTO, RUDOLF. Reich Gottes und Menschensohn. Munich: C. H. 
BECK, 1934. 

A stimulating religious geschichtliche study, which argues in convinc- 
ing fashion that Jesus preached a kingdom that had already dawned 
and thought of himself in terms of the Enochic Son of Man. 

WILLOUGHBY, H. R. Pagan Regeneration. Chicago: University 
of Chicago Press, 1929. 

A sympathetic and scholarly study of the experience of religious re- 
birth in the pagan world of New Testament times. 


The student's attention is drawn to the presence of the special 
bibliographies at the end of the chapters. In those lists will be 
found introduction to the literature on canon, text, translation, 
and interpretation. An attempt was made there to include books ' 
that would introduce the reader to further literature on the sub- 
ject. This is supplemented by listing here some of the periodicals, 
dictionaries, and commentaries that will lead the student into 
broader areas and make it possible for him to keep abreast of 
recent developments. 

Of the special works on bibliography itself, the student will 
find the following helpful: S. J. Case, J. T. McNeill, W. W. 
Sweet, W. Pauck, and M. Spinka, A Bibliographical Guide to the 
History of Christianity. (Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 
1931). The most inclusive listing of current titles is published in 
the Bibliographisches Beiblatt of the Theologische Literaturzeitung. 

Four of the leading periodicals which deal with the study of 
the Bible are the Journal of Biblical Literature and Exegesis, 
Revue biblique, Zeitschrift fur die neutestamentliche Wissen- 
schaft, and Zeitschrift fur die alttestamentliche Wissenschaft. 

More general in scope of subjects treated, but valuable in the 
presentation of significant studies of the Bible, are the Journal 
of Religion, the Anglican Theological Review, the Journal of 
Theological Studies, the Harvard Theological Review, Church 
History, and the American Journal of Semitic Languages and 
Literatures. The book-review sections of the journals listed in this 
paragraph are of value in keeping the student informed as to new 
works; this is the especial merit of the Journal of Theological 
Studies. The Harvard Theological Review has no book-review 
section but, like most of the others listed here, occasionally pub- 
lished lengthy surveys of recent study in some one area. For 
current information in the general field of archeology, see the 
American Journal of Archeology, the Bulletin and Annual of the 
American Schools of Oriental Research, the Palestine Explora- 
tion Fund Quarterly Statement. 



In the field of dictionaries, two old publications are of great 
value: the eleventh (twelfth or thirteenth) edition of the Encyclo- 
paedia Eritannica (1912) for solid factual studies as of that date; 
and the five-volume Dictionary of the Bible (1898-1904) of J. 
Hastings one-volume edition in 1909. Similar to the Hastings 
work is the Encyclopaedia biblica edited by T. K. Cheyne and 
A. S. Black in four volumes (1899-1903). Similar in size and solid 
value to the Eritannica is the exhaustive study of Christian 
archeology edited by Cabrol, Dictionnaire a" archeologie chretienne 
et de liturgie, which is still in process of publication. 

The student has probably already discovered for himself that 
the separate volumes of the great commentary series are not of 
uniform quality. The general evaluations given here are not, 
therefore, equally applicable to all the works in any series. The 
outstanding technical series in English is still the International 
Critical Commentary on the Holy Scriptures of the Old and New 
Testaments, edited by Driver, Plummer, and Briggs. At the inter- 
mediate level there is little to choose between The New Century 
Bible, edited by W. F. Adeney for the Oxford University Press, 
and The Cambridge Bible for Schools and Colleges, edited in the 
Old Testament by A. F. Kirkpatrick and in the New Testament 
by R. St. John Parry, for the Cambridge University Press. Both 
of these have now passed middle age. In German the Handbuch 
zum Neuen Testament, edited by Lietzmann, and the Handbuch 
zum Alten Testament, edited by O. Eissfeldt, are the most stimu- 
lating and up-to-date series. The MoffatNew Testament Commen- 
tary: Based on the New Translation by the Rev. Prof. J. Moffat and 
under His Editorship is the best of recent popular commentaries, 
although of very uneven quality; the volume on John is one of the 

Of the three outstanding one- volume commentaries Peake's, 
Gore's, and the Abingdon the Abingdon is the most recent. 
It was edited for the Abingdon Press by Eiselen, Lewis, and 
Downey, in 1929. 


Abbott-Smith, G 99 Bihlmeyer, K 70 

Adeney, W. F .............. 177 

Allegorical meaning ....... 108 f. 

American Revised Version ... 96 
literalism in ........ 81, 83, 87 

obscurity in ........... 84, 89 

origin of ........... 85 f., 90 f. 

American Translation of the 
Bible .............. 83, 86, 96 

Amos, reception of preaching 
of ...................... 4 f . 

Anagogical meaning ...... 109 f. 

Antiochus Epiphanes ........ 12 

Anti-Semitism and manu- 
scripts .................. 56 

Apostolic authorship ...... 21, 31 

Aquila's Version ............ 76 

Archeology and the Bible. 164-71 
Arnold, W. R .............. 63 

Authorship, importance of 

Authorship of Hebrews. . . . 132 f. 

Bacon, B. W ............... 37 

Bardenhewer, ............ 146 

Barton, G. A .............. 172 

Bauer, H. . . . ............... 99 

Bauer, W .................. 100 

Bergstrasser, G ............. 99 

Bethune-Baker, J. F ........ 119 

Bewer, J. A ................ 145 

Biblical geography .......... 151 

Biblical Greek ............. 91 f. 

Bishops' Bible 83 

Black, A. S 177 

Blass, F 98 

Bonnet, M 70 

Briggs, C 99, 177 

Brightman, E. S 145 

Brooke, A. E 69 

Brown, F 99 

Buhl, F. P. W 36, 66 

Bultmann, R 172 

Burkhart, B. LeRoy viii 

Burton, E. D 98, 145 

Cabrol, F 177 

Cadbury, H. J 147, 174 

Canaanite cult 

in conflict with prophets. . 9 
in new archeological dis- 
coveries 166 f. 


of Alexandria 29 f. 

choice of books for 14 f. 

closing of Old Testament 1 1 f. 

crises and 8 f . 

councils and 31 f. 

definition of if. 

of the Dispersion 28 f. 

groups within 19 f. 

origin of 6 f . 

politics and 1 1 f. 

prophecies in the 20 f. 

Psalter in the 18 f. 

reasons for variations in 24 f. 
of Rome 30 




Canons of textual criticism ... 60 
Case, S. J.. . vii, 169, 172, 173, 176 

Charles, R. H 119, 146 

Chesterton, G. K 71 

Cheyne, T. K 177 

Chrysostom 50 

Clement of Rome, the letter of 1 8 

Collomp, P 67, 124 

Colwell, E. C 101 

Concordant Version 86 

Conjectural emendation. ... 62 f. 
Constan tine and the canon.. . 13 

Cook, E. Hampden 97 

Covenant Code 8 

Cowley, A. E 99 

Creation stories 138 f. 

Cumont, Franz 168 

Dana, H. E 119 

Davidson, A. B 98 

Deborah, Song of 5 

Debrunner, A 98 

Decalogue, a ritual 15 

Deissmann, A. ... 92, 93, 100, 174 

Deuteronomy, canonization of 

10, 1 6, 1 8 

Dibelius, M 174 

Dodd, C. H 174 

Dogmas about Scripture 105 

Douai Version 

nature of 81 f. 

origin of 78 f. 

Downey, D. G 177 

Driver, S. R 99, 177 

Dryden 73 

Eakin, F 119 

Easton, B. S 174 

Edman, 1 172 

Eiselen, F. C 177 

Eissfeldt, 177 

English Revised Version. . . 85, 86 

Enslin, M. S 37, 174 

Epstein, 1 147 


on the Apocalypse 35 

editor of Greek New Testa- 
ment 64 

Esther and the canon 20, 26 f., 33 
Ezekiel and the canon 20 

Ferrar Fenton's Version 97 

Foakes-Jackson, F. J 174 

Formgeschichte 159 ff. 

Fullerton, K 119 

Funk, F. X 70 

Gasquet, A 70 

Gebhardt, 70 

Geden, A. S 101 

Genealogical method in tex- 
tual criticism 58 f. 

Geneva Bible 78 

Gesenius, W 99 

Gilbert, G. H 119 

Ginsburg, C. D 66 

Goodenough, E. R 169 

Goodspeed, E. J. 

37, 62, 70, 86, 95, 96, 1 01, 145 

Gordon, A. R 97 

Gore, C 177 

Gospel parallels 139 f. 

Graham, W. C '. . . 174 

Grant, F. C 146, 172, 174 

Gregory, C. R 67 


Hammurabi, code of 8 

Harnack, A. von 37j7j *7 

Harper, W. R 98 

Harris, Rendel 62 

Hastings, J 177 

Hatch, E 101 

Hebrew manuscripts, variants 
in 48 f. 

Heresies and the canon 

10 f., 23, 27 

Herford, R. Travers 172 

Hernias, Shepherd of 22, 23 

Hexapla, the 51 f. 

Historical method of inter- 

historical criticism 1 50 f. 

literary criticism I2T f. 

Hooke, S. H 175 

Hort, F. J. A. 


Howard, W. F 98 

Hunt, A. S 124 

Immersion Versions 76 f. 


bibliography on 1 19 f. 

historical criticism 

bibliography on 172 f. 

denned 1 50 f. 

present-day emphases 

in 152-71 

historical method defined. 121 
literary criticism 

bibliography on 145 f. 

defined 126 f. 


in re authorship. . 132 f. 

in re dating 128 f. 

in re source analysis 

137 f- 

the modernizing method of 

denned 102 f. 

results of 112 f. 

types of 108 f. 

Irwin, W. A vii 

James, M. R 145 

Jasher, Book of 6 

Jeremiah, reception of his 
prophecy 4, 22 

Jerome 75 f. 

Jesus, definitions of 157 S. 

Jewish Version of Old Testa- 
ment. 97 

Jones, H. S 100 

Josiah, King 9 

Judas Maccabaeus 12, 26 

Kappler, W 70 

Karahissar, the Four Gospels 
of 60 

Kennedy, A. G 95 

Kenyon, F 66, 67 

King James Version 

obscurity in 74, 83, 84 

source of 64 f., 85, 90 f., 95 

Kirkpatrick, A. F 177 

Kittel, G 120 

Kittel, R 69 

Klausner, J 175 

Konig, E 99 

Kriiger, G 145 

Kundsin, Karl 172 

Lagrange, M. J 67 

Lake, K 67, 174 

Leander, P 99 

LeBlant, E 169 f. 

Leclercq, H 170 



Lee,N.H 77 

Legg, S. C. E 68 

Lewis, E 177 

Lewis, F. G 36 

Liddell, H. G 100 

Lietzmann, H 172, 177 

Lipsius, R. A 70 

Loofs, F 120 

Lowrie, W 173 

Luther 33> 35 

Lyonnet, S 67 

McFadyen, J. E 98 

Machen, J. G 97 

McKenzie, R 100 

McKnight, G. H 95 

McLean, N 69 

McNeill, J. T 176 

Manasseh, King 9 

Mandelkern, S 101 

Marcion and the canon. . . 10 f., 27 

Marti, K 99 

Marucchi, 173 

Massoretic Hebrew Text. . 50 f., 65 

Mathews, S 173 

Matthews, I. G 173 

May, H. 174 

Mayser, E 98 

Meek, T. J 97 

Messianic interpretation of 

Old Testament 113 f. 

Milligan, G. A 96, ico 

Miracles, the study of 123 f. 

Mithras 6, 168 

Mitteis, L 100 

Mixture in manuscript texts. 51 

Modern-speech translations . 93 f. 

Modernizing method of inter- 
pretation 102 ff. 

Moffatt, J. . . . 86, 95, 96, 146, 177 

Mohammed 7 

Montanism and the canon ... 23 

Moore, E. C 37 

Moore, G. F 175 

Moulton, J. H 97, 98, 100 

Moulton, W. F io"i 

Muratorian canon. . . 2, n, 22, 23 

Nestle, Eberhard 68, 69 

Nestle, Erwin 63, 69 

New, Silva 67 

Numerology 106 f., no f. 

Oesterley, W. O. E 146, 175 

Old Testament canon, closing 
of 1 1 f. 

Origan's Hexapla 51 f. 

Ottley, R. R 146 

Otto, R 175 

Papal encyclical, "Providen- 
tissimus Deus" 116 

Papyri and the New Testa- 
ment 92 f. 

Papyri, Beatty 46, 86 

Papyrus of John, the Rylands 

129 f. 

Parry, R. St. John 177 

Pauck, W 176 

Paul, authority of 3 f . 

Peake, A. S 119, 120, 177 

Peshitta Version 50 

Plummer, A 177 

Political history 150 

Pope, Alexander 80 . 


Postgate, J. P 95 

Preisigke, F 100 

Price, I. M 66, 96 

Prophecy and the canon. ... 21 f. 

Protestant confessions and 
interpretation 125 

Psalter and the canon 18 f. 

Quentin, H 70 

Radermacher, L 98 

Rahlfs, A 66, 69, 70 

Ramsay, Wm 169 

Ras Shamra tablets 166 f. 

Reading in church and canon- 
ization 17 f., 32 

Redpath, H. A 101 

Reims Version 

nature of 81 f. 

origin of 78 f. 

Reuss, E 1 20 

Revelation, in the canon. . 17, 34 f. 

Riddle, D. W vii, 173 

Roberts, C. H 129 

Robinson, B. W 173 

Robinson, T. H 120,146,175 

Ropes, J. H 174 

Ryle, H. E 37 

Samaritan canon 25 f. 

Scofield Reference Bible 108 

Scott, E. F 145 

Scott, R 100 

Seisenberger, M 1 20 

Septuagint Version 

mistranslations in 81, 88 f. 

origin of 74 f. 

recent use of 87 

rivalry over 76 

Sledd, Andrew 36 

Smith, H 120 

Smith, H. P 120 

Smith, J. M. P 96, 97, 98 

Smyth, J. Paterson .... 36, 66, 96 

Soden, H. von 68, 88 

Souter, A 100 

Spenser, E 73 

Spinka, M 176 

Spiritual meaning in 

Spurious passages 162 f. 

Steadman, J. M viii 

Strack, H. L 146 

Sweet, W. W 176 

Synoptic problem 139 f. 

Targumic interpretation. . . 112 f. 

Textual criticism 

achievements of 64 f. 

bibliography on 66 f. 

intentional changes 53 f. 

materials of . . 40 f. 

methods of 57 f. 

standard editions 49 f. 

unintentional changes in 

MSS 45 f. 

Tiqqune sopherim 55 

Tischendorf, C. E.. . 65, 68, 70, 85 


bibliography on 95 f. 

definition of 79 f. 

difficulties in 87 f. 

progress in 90 f. 

reasons for 71 f. 

text and 84 f. 

Trattner, E. R 1 20 

Trent, Council of 36, 78 

Triumphal Entry in Clement 
of Alexandria 44 

1 84 


Tropology 109 f. 

Twentieth Century New 
Testament 86, 97 

Vaganay, L 67 

Vaticanus, codex 47 

Vulgate, Latin 49, 50, 75 f., 78, 91 

Washington Gospels 60 

Waterman, L 97 

Weir, T. H 66 

Wesley, John 71 

Westcott, B. F. 37,68,86,97,124 

Westminster Version 86 

Weymouth's translation. . . 86, 97 

White, H.I 69 

Wilcken, U 100 

Wildeboer, G. . . . . 37 

Willoughby, H. R.. . . vii, 168, 175 

Winter, J. G 100 

Wylie, Elinor 138 

Wordsworth, 1 69 


Zahn, T 70 

Zeitlin, S 37 



chap, i ................. no 

1:12:3 ............... J 38 

2:4 f- ................ 138 f. 

chap, xiv ........... io6 } 131 

15:2-3 .................. I0 7 

15:6 ................... 109 

18:22 .................. 55 


20:23 23:19 ........... 8 

20:22; 23:20, 21 ......... 113 

23:19 .................. 167 

chap, xxxiv ............. 15 

34:26 .................. 167 


14:21 .................. 167 

21:4 ................... 74 


chap. 5 ................. 5 

5:8-9 .................. 112 

chap. 18 ................ 131 

I Sam. 14:18 .............. 63 

I Chron. chap, n . . . ....... 48 


45:5 ................... 83 

95:io .................. 54 

119:148 ................ 74 

133 .................... IJ 5 

Prov. 31 : 10 ................ 74 

Eccles. 12: n .............. 83 


6:1 ff. .................. 131 

7:i4 ................... 76 

9:3 ............. ...... .- 63 

chaps. 40 ff. ............ 135 


2:23 ................... 89 

chap. 36 ................ 4 

Ezek. 38:2-3 .............. 108 

Amos 9: 8^-1 5 .............. 163 

Hab. 1:12 ................. 55 

Zech. 9:9 .................. 127 


1:21 ................... 56 

2:6 .................... 63 

3:7-! ................. H2 

7:7 .................... 54 

9 : 14-17 .............. 140 f. 

12:39 .................. 109 

15:10-20 ............... 161 

16:2-3 ................. 87 

21:6-7 ................. 127 

21:9 ................... 44 

21:15 .................. 44 

24:37 .................. 109 

25:33 ................ ' 45 

26 : 27 .................. 84 


1:1 .................... 87 

1:2 .................... 54 

1:12-13 ................ 61 

2:18-22 .............. 140 f. 

4:24 ................... 53 

7:14-23 ................ 161 

11:26 ................. 54 f. 

13:22 .................. 55 

16:9-20 ................ 87 


3:7-9 .................. 142 

5:33-39 .............. 14 f- 

23:32 .................. 56 





1:32,33 ................ 54 

I7:i5 .................. 47 






.-. . . 82 



Gal. 4:21-31 ............... 112 

Eph. 1:3-14 ............... 81 

Titus 3:1 .................. 82 

Philem. 6 .................. 82 


2:3-4 ............. - 134 f- 



I Peter: 

3:19 62 

3:20 109 

Rev. 13:18. 117 

Barnabas ix. 8-9 107 f. 

Clement of Alexandria In- 
structor 1.5 44 

Eusebius Church History iii. 1 6 1 8 
Hamlet II, 2 ^73 

Justin Dialogue with Trypho: 

Ixxv. 1 113 

Ixxxvi 113 

Leo XIII's encyclical, "Pro- 

videntissimus Deus" 116 

Mishna, Megilla iv. 4 32 

Muratorian canon 22 

Pope, Iliad, 24 80 

Spenser, Epithalamion, 1. 148. 73 






Study of the Bible 

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