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Full text of "History of the Harrison revival at the First M.E. Church, Springfield, Illinois [microform]"

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Entered according to act of Congress in the year 188R, by 

C.,E. KALB, 
'Jn tlie office of the Librarian of Congress at Washington, D. C, 





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It is impossible to fully write clown the history of any great reli- 
gious awakening. Much of the movement, and many of the results are 
looked upon only by the eye of . God. The written record must, of 
necessity, be fragmentary. Yet the story, as far as it can be told, must 
be full of interest. The pages of this book tell of an awakening which 
shook a city, threw sparks of religious enthusiasm into many churches 
and communities, and started thousands in the way of nobler living. 
Such a recital as is presented must be encouraging to faith and Christian 

No argument for revivals is needed in view of the facts here set 
down. He who opposes revivals fights God. Take out of the churches 
all who have been converted in revival seasons and there would hardly 
be enough left to pass the collection baskets, in many congregations. 
The revival cannot take the place of all other church activities. It is 
possible only as the result of work along several lines. It is as necessary 
to plant the seed for special times of spiritual ingathering, as to sow 
wheat for a wheat harvest. A field unplowed and implanted means an 
empty granary. An evangelist is simply a harvester. Back of him is a 
Paul who plants, an Apollos who waters, and a God who gives the in- 
crease. He binds up the sheaves in a field where others have toiled to 
make his success possible. He puts the match to the ready tinder. 

Therefore, his methods must be somewhat peculiar. His preaching 
is not, as a rule, instructive. The heart, rather than the head, is its 
target. It is positive and dogmatic. To persuade to acts of faith those 
already convinced, is his work. There is, always, in every congregation 
a number of unsaved people who are in a condition to be spiritually in- 
fluenced. They are in such a condition, perhaps, because of the pastor's 
faithful preaching. They are convinced and often convicted. Dogmatic 
statements of personal duty and positive puttings of truth at such a 
time, are like the striking of the blacksmith's hammer when the iron is 
hot. Labored arguments are like the water bath which quenches the 
iron's glow. The successful revivalist uses methods which stir people to 
immediate action. 

Whether revivals should be conducted by pastors or special evan- 


gelist, is still under discussion. I would modestly suggest here, that un- 
til the ranks of sin are yet more than considerably diminished it might 
be well for both kinds of workers to bester themselves. "When there is- 
work for only one class of toilers, it may be best to choose the ones 
most capable of reaching the largest results. There are evangelists and 
revivalists. To fulminate against them as a class, or to decry their ' 
work in a sweeping manner, seems strange. To say they are not divinely 
thrust out, is to shut ones eyes to the marvelous character of their work. 
It is usually the preacher whose ministry is most barren of spiritual 
results who judges the traveling revivalist should not be employed. 

The great awakening described in the pages of this volume demon- 
strates what may be done by a persistent, devoted revivalist, who has an 
unfaltering faith in God, It proves the perennial power of the Gospel, 
plainly preached. It is an effective cure for skepticism. It shuts the 
mouths of all but shameless scoffers. 


Pastor Second M. E. Church. 







Before entering into the details of the history of the great 
revival in Springfield it would be well to introduce the reader 
to the new and beautiful church in which this gieat awakening 
has taken place. For the following excellent description we 
are indebted to the Morning Monitor of October 25, 1885, the 
day after the church was dedicated: 

"In the early days of Springfield the dedication of a new 
church was quite an event, although the structure may not have 
been as imposing or the gift to God so valuable, when consid- 
ered by dollars and cents. It seems, to many of the now old 
pioneers of Methodism in this city, but a few days' march 
away from their early struggles, and yet it has been a half 
century since the society, which yesterday worshipped God in 
their magnificent temple, was honored by the Conference in 
being made a "station" and having the Eev. Joseph Edmonson 
assigned to them as a station preacher. 

"As will be seen from the scraps of quoted history, until 
Uncle Peter Oartwright came upon the circuit, the "Society" 
of Springfield had no church, and met at the home of Charles 
E. Matheny. The year 1824 and Peter Cartwright are the 
memorable events dwelt upon by the veterans as the opening 
of a new era in Methodism. Uncle Peter Cartwright testified 
in the courts and made this fact historic by oath, that he went 
to old Mr. P. P. Enos to collect his subscription of $50 for the 
new church to be erected, and Mr. Enos gave him his choice of 


the quarter of a block or $50, and Peter took the quarter of a 
block on the corner of Fifth and Monroe. 

"From the synoptical history of the M. E. Church, kindly 
loaned us upon this occasion by D. G. Kalb, Esq., we are en- 
abled to lay before the readers of the Monitor a brief review 
of the rise and progress of Methodism in this city. 

"In the year 1805 a "Western Conference" was named, 
which embraced all the vast unorganized territory west of the 
Alleghany Mountains, and the unlimited circuit, called "Illi- 
nois," was considered a part of the Cumberland District the 
eastern boundary of which was on the east side of the moun- 
tains, and was presided over by Rev. William McKendree, who 
three years afterwards (in 1808) became one of the pioneer 
Bishops of the M. E. Church. To this undefinable circuit Kev. 
Charles E. Matheny was appointed as its first pastor, having 
been but recently received into the Western Conference, at its 
session at Griffith residence in Scott county, Ky. But at the 
close of the year this toil-worn young itinerant Methodist 
preacher requested to be discontinued, and he settled in what 
is now St. Clair county, he being then only about 19 years of age. 
Before leaving St. Clair county, he married a Miss Ogle, after 
whose father the county of Ogle was named; and in 1817 Mr. 
Matheny was elected to the territorial legislature, at Kaskaskia, 
and was clerk of the house in the winter of 1820-21. In the 
spring of 1821 he came to Sanganion with his wife and seven 
children, of whom were N. W., 0. W., Jas. H. and Elizabeth; 
after which four others were added. On the 30th of January 
previous, the law was passed creating Sangamon county, and 
promises of official preferments induced his removal, and from 
which he afterwards realized all that he could have antici- 
pated in this regard. He became the first county clerk, and 
retained the position to the time of his death, October 10, 
1839. From the arrival of Mr. Matheny at Springfield, his 
cabin was the home of the ministers of the gospel and a place 
for religious services till the first church was erected. There 
were sixteen preachers on this circuit from 1821 the date of 
the organization of the society up to its establishment as a 
charge of the society, as follows: 

"1821, James Sims, who organized the society; he was fol- 
lowed by John Glenville; 1822, Thomas Eice; 1823, John Miller; 


1824, Peter Cartwright; 1826, Richard Hargraves; 1827, Joseph 
Talkington, sent to assist J aines Johnson, who was sent to sup- 
ply the place made vacant by the sickness of Rev. Hargraves ; 
1827, Joseph Talkington and I. S. House; 1828, James McKeen 
and John Benson; 1829, Smith L. Robinson and David B. 
Carter; 1830, Jesse Haile and D. B. Carter; 1831, John Sinclair 
and A. E. Phelps; 1832, John Sinclair and J. J. McHenry ; 1833, 
N. S. Bastion and John H. Benson. 

"In 1834 the conference made a 'station' of Springfield, and 
Rev. Joseph Ednmndson was assigned as the first regular pastor. 
In 1835 the conference was held in this church and presided 
over by Bishop Robt. R. Robert, and Rev. Joseph Ednmndson 
was returned. He was followed in 1836 by Rev. Hooper Crews; 
1837, Peter Akers; 1838-9, John T. Mitchell; 1840, Orceneth 
Fisher; 1841-2, Jonathan Stamper; 1843, W. S. Crissy; 1844, 
John P. Richmond; 1845, Chauncey Robert; 1846, J. S. Barger; 
1847, J. F. Jaquess; 1848, William T. Bennett; 1849, C. W. 
Lewis; 1850-1, R. .E. Outline; 1852-3, Thomas Magee; 1854, 
J. E. Wilson; 1855-6, J. L. Crane; 1857, C. W. Sears;. 1858-9, 
James Leaton; 1860-1, Robert Andrus; 1862-3-4, J. L. Crane'; 
1865-6-7, J. I. Davidson; 1868, J. R. Eads; 1869-70-1, Rev. Dr. 
E. W. Phillips; 1872-3-4, W. H. Webster; 1875-6, R. W. Barnes; 
1877-8-9, J. H. Noble; 1880-1-2, T. A. Parker; 1883-4-5, W. H. 

"The house formerly used by the Germans, which Leland 
and Wiggins bought, was the original dedicated to the worship 
of God in 1830. In 1854 the brick church which stood upon 
the corner of Monroe and Fifth streets took the place of the 
plainer and less imposing frames, and in this the society wor- 
shipped until deciding to sell and build on the present location. 
The question of building a neAv church began to be agitated 
during the ministry of Rev. T. A. Parker, and when the society 
resolved to sell the old church and build a new one, the matter 
was taken in hand by a few with a good deal of zeal and pushed 
forward. . The old church lot was sold at auction in September, 
1885 and from this sale the trustees realized the sum of $34,000. 
Subscriptions were added to this until the sum of $50,000 could 
be relied upon, the members giving liberally of their means, ' 
many of them donating $1,000 to swell the sum to its proper 
proportions. The trustees invited plans, and from a large 


number placed in 'competition, that of George H. Helmle, Esq., 
was adopted, and the selection ratified by the society in a meet- 
ing called to pass upon the acts of the trustees. The estimated 
cost of the structure alone was $50,000. Additions afterwards 
deemed advisable, were adopted, which with the cost of the lot, 
swelled the cost when completed, to $72,000, independent of the 
organ, which the Young Peoples' society of the church took 
upon themselves to pay. The contract was awarded to Col. W. 
D. Richardson, of this city, and the work was commenced in 
May, 1884. 

On the 23d day of September the corner stone .was laid, 
and the work progressed so rapidly that the congregation wor- 
shipped in the lecture room on the 15th of the following March. 
During the interim between the 'Selling of the old church and 
the following March, the congregation of Rev. Dr. Johnson, of 
the Second Presbyterian Church, tendered the use of that 
church, and he and Rev. Musgrove divided time in the pulpit. 
Many friendships were formed between the two congregations 
which will be lasting as life, and it has made memories which 
will be cherished by both until death. This architectural pile 
is in the main Gothic, mixed with the Corinthian, Doric and 
Ionic, on the exterior, with internal finish on the renasent, or 
Queen Ann style. It has an elevation on Fifth street 80x80 feet, 
and on Capitol avenue of 80x120 feet, to the apex of the roof, 
with a main tower on the corner of the edifice 12x12 feet of 
stone work, and symmetiically rising to a height of 120 feet to 
the apex, a smaller tower on the northwest corner rising to the 
height of 100 feet, and a tower finish over the avenue entrance 
80 feet high. The entrances are Gothic arches, and are three in 
number, two on the avenue, one on Fifth street, the grand en- 
trance being at the tower on the corner. The entrance on 
Capitol avenue is in a projecting tower-like with Gothic window 
above the doorway, and finished with polished Quincy granite 
columns and carved stone capitals. There are three large cathe- 
dral windows, one in the north, one in the south and one in the 
west, opening into the auditorium, and which let in a flood of 
mellowed light, marvelous and entrancing in its effects. The 
engraving which we give to the public, of this magnificent 
structure, will make further explanations unnecessary. 

The auditorium is 68x74 feet lengthwise north and south, with 



pulpit and organ balcony, in the east. The floors are richly 
carpeted, and all inclined toward to the pulpit platform, and are 
chaired with the latest improved opera chairs, supplied with 
every convenience of racks for hats, wraps, books, etc., and of 
the most comfortable design for rest. There is a balcony on the 
north, west and south sides, circular in frontage, and furnished 
in perfect harmony with the balance of the work. The gas is 
lighted by electricity. The seating capacity, including the bal- 
cony, is about 1,100. The cathedral windows are 16 feet wide 
by 36 feet high. The panel windows are 3 feet wide and 18 feet 
high. The Fifth street cathedral window is of Venitian and 
opalescent glass, and cost $800. The ceiling is 25 feet high on 
the sides and 40 feet in the center. 

The organ recess is seven feet above the pulpit, and pro- 
jects over part of the lecture room. The choir balcony is fin- 
ished in cherry, and is twenty-two feet long. The organ was 
designed by Mr. Lancashire and was built by the Moline Pipe 
Organ Company. It is extra cherry finish, and has five differ- 
ent flats of pipes. The style of the case is mixed Gothic with 
a mixture of the Grecian in style, and entirely consistent with 
the present style, although new. 

The lecture room and pastor's study and infants' room on 
each side, covers a space 50x80 feet. The ceiling is 24 feet 
high and frescoed, and the floor is covered with a handsome 
ingrain carpet. The pastor's study and infant class room are 
partitioned from the main room by ground glass partitions^ 
which drop down in the basement, when it is necessary to se- 
cure more room. The pastor's study, in the south-east end, has 
one piece of furniture which is very handsome. It was made 
by and is the donation of J. N. Kikendall, and was carved by 
Mr. "Wm. Helmle free of charge. It is a beautiful carved 
cherry mantle, with a book case carved in cherry on either side, 
and a large French plate mirror adorns the center above the 
base. The fire-place is open, with English tiling and English 
tile hearth. The reception rooms, four parlors directly over 
the lecture room, is one of the attractive features of this edifice. 
These are connected by sliding doors. Opening into the north 
parlor from the west, is the kitchen. A wide corridor extends 
west of the parlor from the stairway on the south to the kitch- 
en. The parlors, when thrown into one, cover a space of 60x80 


feet. Two neat hard wood mantles and grates are in the north 
and south rooms. The kitchen is 14x20, has a large range, 
sink, hot and cold water, and a side room with tables on which 
to place edibles, when used for church sociables, etc." 

"The excellent character of the work is due to the following 
contractors: Main contract and heating, "W. 1). Eichardson, 
Springfield; carpets, John Bressmer, of Springfield; cathedral 
glass, F. D. Kinsella, of Chicago; opera chairs and settees, 
Thomas Kane, of Chicago; frescoing, Mitchell & Holberg, of 
Chicago; pulpit and pulpit furniture, George* H. Grant, Hem- ' 
pieman & Co., of Richmond, Ind.; wall paper and graining, 
P. F. Kirable, of Springfield; gas fixtures, Helweg & Snape, 
of Springfield; roofing, mantels, grates and cooking range, 
Henson Robinson, of Springfield. 

"There never was a body of trustees so nobly held up and 
so zealously prayed for, or who had more good wishes for suc- 
success from the praying members, while the paying members 
have not been backward in coming forward. But on the pastor 
and trustees themselves much has depended, and as the people 
of the church have had all confidence in them and the honesty 
of their purpose by the zeal manifested, the name of Rev. AY. 
H. Musgrove the pastor, and the names of Messrs. John A. 
Chesnut, Howard K. Weber, Henson Robinson, Will H. Henkle, 
George N. Kreider, JohnT. Capps, JohnT. Peters, S. E. Prather, 
anfl E. D. Haralin, will ever be held in highest esteem. 

'Mr. Helmle, who gave his entire time as superintending 
architect gratuitously, deserves the highest praise from the 
membership, and will ever be cherished in their memory." This 
beautiful structure was dedicated to the Lord on Sunday, Octo- 
ber 25, 1885, The sermon was preached at 11 o'clock A. M. by 
Rev. Dr. Ives, of New York, who has dedicated more churches 
than any other man in the United States. His discourse was 
based on the passage of scripture found in Hebrews ix. 22. At 
this service $16,000 was raised, the amount necessary to free 
the church from debt. 

"There were eight ladies and gentlemen who gave each a 

thousand dollars. Five gave S500 each. Nine gave $250 each. 

One gave $150. Twenty-four gave $100 each. Twenty-four 

gave $50 each. Forty gave $25 each, which made $15,250. And 

there was at least $1,000 raised in $10 and $5 subscriptions out- 


side of the collection, making in all nearly $17,000 raised in the 
morning. In the evening there was enough raised to pave the 
sidewalk, pay for the organ and some other incidental expenses. 
The services of the day, which will last forever in the memory 
of those present, concluded with the "Coronation." In passing 
from the church the visiting members from the other churches 
tarried for a few moments to congratulate their brethren of the 
First M. E. church upon the success that had crowned their 
efforts. Of all who were there none went home who were not 
the possessor of light hearts." 



Rev. Thomas Harrison, who has conducted some of the 
greatest and most fruitful revivals in the United States, was born 
in Boston, Mass., December 25, 1854. His righteous mother, a 
true Christian woman who devoutly prayed and presented her 
son daily at the Throne of Grace, that he might be imbued with 
the Holy Ghost, and be made the humble instrument in the 
hands of God in leading the perishing thousands to the foun- 
tain of living waters, had her petitions answered by his early 
conversion, at the age of fifteen years. While on a visit to 
New Brunswick the news of a young brother's death startled 
and alarmed him and he cried for mercy. On a bleak wintry 
night, in Boston, December 31, 1869, he accepted Christ, 
through faith, as his only hope of salvation, and relief from the 
strong convictions of sin which had been hanging around his 
heart like a heavy weight for many months. There in the 
beating storm he stood on a street corner, as halting between two 
opinions there, in the quietude of a midnight scene he gave 
his heart to God and was joyously converted. He then resolv- 
ed to belong entirely to the Lord, doing whatsoever his hands 
found to 'do toward building up Christ's kingdom and increas- 
ing the army inarching on to Glory, with new recruits. Now 
almost seventeen years he has been true to his vow by a 
faithful spiritual life and the unfolding of the gospel 
scheme to thousands of hearers, in a manner remarkable 
and impressive through the great power given him. At 
the time of his conversion he was a clerk in a store, 


but under divine conviction that God had other work 
for him to do, he at once commenced a course of study in "Wil- 
braham Academy" and the "Brooklyn Lay College," for the 
evangelistic work of the Christian ministry. He entered into 
the field of winning souls to Christ, at the age of 18 years, and 
during this time has met with remarkable success in seven dif- 
ferent churches in Baltimore, Washington, D. C., Boston, 
Georgetown, D. C., Philadelphia, Brooklyn, Meridian, Conn., 
Indianapolis, San Francisco, Cincinnati, St. Louis, Kansas City, 
Chicago, Decatur, 111., Janesville, Wis., and has now just closed 
one of the greatest revivals in the history of his labors in this 
city. He has witnessed over 57,000 conversions in his work 
thus far. The secret of 'his success does not lie in his fine ora- 
tory nor pure diction, but in his thorough consecration to his 
work and strong faith in God. He is small in stature, with 
smooth face. His lithe, slender form, youthful appearance and 
the early age at which he commenced his evangelistic work 
have won for him the name of "the boy preacher." He is a 
rapid, nervous speaker, walking continually, back and forth on 
the rostrum during his entire discourse. He possesses great 
magnetic power, which holds the attention of his vast audiences 
with deep interest, although the church may be uncomfortably 
crowded. The revival in this city,, conducted by Rev. Harrison, 
has been surpassed by only one since he commenced his evan- 
gelistic career, and that was in Brooklyn at Rev. DeWit Tal- 
mage's church. His next effort will be in Topeka, Kan., where 
he begins a series of meetings May 4, which will probably run 
three or four weeks. The result of the good work he has ac- 
complished in this city will live forever alter him, and the 
blessed influence of the greatest religious awakening Springfield 
has ever known will be felt in generations to come. 

On the evening of January 11, 1886, Rev. Harrison closed 
a fruitful season in Janesville, Wis., and the next evening at 
4 o'clock he arrived in Springfield ready to begin an engage- 
ment of five weeks duration. The "Boy Preacher's" wonderful 
converting power had preceded his coining, although but few 
persons in this city had ever seen him. While he was holding a 
revival at Decatur a few years ago, Rev. W. H. Musgrove, the 
present pastor of the First M. E. Church in this city, was then 
pastor of Stapp's chapel in Decatur, and had been a faithful 


' /I. 


attendant and co-worker in the meetings there. It was through 
his influence and that of the official board that Eev. Harrison 
was induced to come to this city and open a campaign against 
the army of Satan. Several weeks previous to his coming the 
earnest pastor had urged his members to prepare for the battle 
before them, and by much prayer and the entire consecration of 
themselves to the work they had succeeded, in a great measure, 
in interesting their unconverted friends with a desire to see and 
hear the great evangelist. Thus the interest had already been 
kindled, the fire started to burn notwithstanding the many 
things the "busy bees" had to say concerning him. The weekly 
salary was magnified, his age descanted upon, his methods were 
objected to and fault found with the "robbery" of the people, 
when the people had not been asked for a cent, and those 
loudest in complaint most innocent of contributing one. Those 
who desired to do something for the Lord's work, met and in 
sweetest harmony volunteered their portion until the great 
truth uttered by the Scriptures, "The laborer is worthy of his 
hire," was recognized and complied with, without heralding it 
to the world, or complaining after they had given. The only 
thing left unprovided was the daily expenses of heating and 
lighting the church. This, 'it was believed, could be met by a 
nightly collection. Those loudest in finding fault at the be- 
ginning are now rejoicing in the Eecleemer's love, at least many 
who can now be called to mind. If you have ever met Eev. 
Thos. Harrison, face to face, eye to eye, heart to heart and hand 
to hand, you can form some idea of 9 this restless messenger, 
bearing the story of the cross to his fellow man with all the en- 
ergy, earnestness, zeal and resistless methods of a commander 
in relieving a besieged city or a surrounded Fort. 



On Tuesday evening, January 12, the First Methodist 
Church was filled at an early hour with a sea of anxious faces. 
At 7 :45 o'clock, Eevs. Musgrove, Hobbs, Wood and Harrison 
stepped upon the rostrum. There was a hush and every eye in 
the vast audience was turned to the "boy preacher" as he took 
his seat. The pastor relieved the stillness of the moment by 


calling for singers to come forward. Soon eight or ten re- 
sponded and took their places by the organ which was presided 
over by Miss Minnie Goodwin. After the singing of several 
songs from the "Gospel Hymns," Kev. Wood, Presiding Elder 
of this district, introduced Kev. Harrison, in a few appropriate 
words, who at once assumed control' of the meeting and an- 
nounced hymn No. 370, "Bringing in the Sheaves." A fervent 
prayer was offered by the Presiding Elder, asking that the 
Lord would crown the work about to begin with wonderful suc- 
cess. The pastor followed by a few brief remarks in regard to 
the work, and announced that a collection would be taken every 
night during the meetings to defray running expenses. 

Rev. Harrison, with a serene and Christlike appearance, 
offered his first prayer, beginning on his knees, bat as he grew 
more earnest, arose to his feet and thanked the Lord for all the 
blessings received in the past, and petitioned a greater supply 
in the future, and especially did he ask that the Christians be 
filled with the Holy Ghost at this time. At the conclusion of 
the earnest prayer, he announced his text from Mark XL, 22: 
"Have faith in God." He confined his remarks to Christians, 
and admonished them to have faith in God, and to believe and 
expect that the whole city of Springfield would, before the end 
of a week, be stirred from center to circumference. "I am 
here," he said, ''among strangers and in a strange place, and I 
want the Christians to rally around me and uphold my hands 
in this great work. Let the Christians have faith in God and 
He will shake this city from end to end, as a mother would 
shake her baby. [Great laughter.] I would be glad to have 
all denominations take part in this work, which opens under 
such favorable circumstances. Everything indicates a grand 
and glorious revival. It is not a Methodist revival, although I, 
myself, am a Methodist, was born a Methodist, raised a Metho- 
dist, educated a Methodist, and expect to die a Methodist." 
His discourse was short, owing to the fatigue of his journey 
and incessant work at Janesville, Wis., which he completed the 
night before at 12 o'clock. 

On Wednesday evening at 6:45 o'clock a young people's 
meeting was held in the lecture room, at which there was a 
mighty warming up among the young Christians. About half 
an hour was devoted to this service, and then the young people 


entered the auditorium and occupied front seats, which had been 
reserved. Already the room was filled to overflowing, even in 
the gallery standing room was at a premium. The services 
commenced by singing "Down at the cross where the Saviour 
died," a selection fom Harrison's "Precious Hymns," a collection 
of rare and beautiful tunes, compiled by him and especially 
adapted to revival work. Prayer was offered by Kev. Musgrove, 
after which the evangelist selected for his text 1st Cliron. xxix: 
5, "Who then is willing to consecrate his services this day unto 
the Lord?" He said: "Last night I appealed to the Christian 
.professors to have faith in God. Vast thousands live in unbelief, 
die in dispair, and are wrecked to all eternity. God cannot save 
them. He cannot save a man against his will. He says if we 
come to Him we shall have life. The words of the text are to 
the church and unbelievers. I would speak, to-night to those 
who desire to see the salvation of precious souls; 'who is will- 
ing?' This is meant for Christians of all denominations. There 
is going to be a great outpouring of God's holy spirit in this 
city ! Sinners will gather at this altar by the hundrds." During 
his talk he related many incidents occurring in Ohio, Indian- 
apolis, Decatur, and other places. The audience seemed to be 
mesmerized under the influence of the power of the divine soul- 
saving evangelist. At the close of his sermon he dropped upon 
his knees, asking the Lord to bless him and the word as pre- 
sented, then arose to inquire, with much pathos, "Who is will- 
ing?" as his restless eyes were scanning and studying his audi- 
ence, as a sculptor his subject, for a few moments, while each 
listener waited breathlessly as if deciding what his or her answer 
should be. For a moment he stood in silence rubbing his hands 
together, as if breathing a silent prayer to God for help; then 
he asked all to arise who were willing to consecrate their services 
unto the Lord, About 300 arose, after which the benediction 
was pronounced. 

A deepening interest was manifested at the afternoon 
meeting, and also at the young people's meeting at 6:45 
o'clock. By 7 o'clock the seating capacity and standing 
room of the large.:; auditorium was insufficient to accommo- 
date all who desired admittance. Already the word had 
spread throughout the city, .and a great awakening had taken 
place. In order to economize room, the children were seated 


around the chancel rail and not allowed to occupy the chairs. 
The devotional exercises were full of the spirit, prayer being 
offered by Rev. A. H. Ball, of the Central Baptist Church. 
The speaker, before entering upon the discourse of the evening, 
prayed that mighty things might be shown, and that grace 
would be given him to be discreet and earnest in winning souls 
for One who had been Avith him these many years, and had 
never left him once. His text was chosen in 1st Samuel xxi:8, 
"The king's biisiness requires haste." He earnestly appealed 
to the unconverted to make all haste to secure pardon from the 
King of kings, and Lord of lords. He said that the text was one 
of the most important admonitions given us in the Bible. It - 
involves our present peace and everlasting security. The prom- 
ises contained in the Bible may be counted by thousands, but 
there is not one promise for the person that puts off seeking 
religion. All the pleadings of the spirit's voice are, "Now, now, 
now!" David said, "I have loved the Lord because I have 
heard his voice. God's will is that none shall perish. We 
must all die soon. "The King's business demands haste.'' 
Put it off no longer." He then spoke to the Christian workers, 
and said that if there was a word to be spoken to some un- 
saved person, it must be said now. When the invitation was 
given, a number arose for prayers, and several went forward to 
seek Christ. 

The audience on Friday night was a grander scene and pre- 
sented a wider field for labor than at any meeting since the 
work began. Among the listeners could be seen people of al- 
most every occupation, condition and belief. Free seats with 
agreeable surroundings and a free gospel, preached by one who 
is thoroughly in earnest, attracts the masses and never fails to 
bring good results. Eev. Harrison's methods are plain and 
practical and his resourses all traceable to the one great fount 
from which he claims his supply of the Grace necessary for 
the conflict against sin. All the powers that be, are brought in 
requisition and the beautiful sacred songs, prayers, pleadings, 
and exhortations are all in turn made of use to save men and 
women from the yawning chasm of death and destruction, 
which he paints to them in most vivid colors. He sermonizes 
and exhorts and usually does not repeat the words of his text 
until nearly the close of the remarks. The basis of the discourse 


was founded upon these words, "There is a way which seemeth 
right unto a man; but the end thereof are the ways of death." 
Prov. xiv:12 He said that this was descriptive of hundreds be- 
fore hinr and ere he was through there would be men and wo- 
men By the scores who would say, "That means me." "God says, 
'A good man shall be satisfied.' Look at the many faces 
hurrying past you on the street, and you will think it pretty 
hard to find a man who is fully satisfied in this world. God 
says, '"Seek ye the kingdom of God; and all these things shall 
be added unto you.' I once visited a Sabbath School scholar 
who had been given up by her physicians to die. She was ir- 
religious. Before reading the Bible I asked her how she was 
feeling. She answered, 'Very well; I am feeling much better.' 
'Are you getting stronger?' 'Yes, I am recovering; I am go- 
ing out riding in a few days.' The only ride she had was in a 
hearse in her coffin. She was a victim of that terrible disease, 
quick consumption a disease which flatters and makes one 
think he is going to get well. She was deluded. There are 
men and women before me to-night that in the sight of God 
and eternity are deceived." He condemned the inconsistent 
lives of professing Christians and asked, "Who ever heard of a 
dancing Christian dying shouting?" 

On Saturday night Eev. Harrison did not take a text on 
which to centre his remarks but in his earnest way talked a 
short time and admonished the hundreds before him to seek 
a refuge for their lost souls. From the business circles and 
professions have come to these meetings the integral parts 
of one of the most densely packed houses ever witnessed 
in the capital city of Illinois. Evidences of a mighty work in 
the hearts of the people are witnessed every day. Topics of 
conversation have changed, the cherished desires that but a few 
days ago were loved have dispersed, prayers and praise, pious 
thoughts and godly conversations, hopes of heaven and terrors of 
hell have taken possession of the hundreds and thousands eager- 
ly thronging the temple dedicated to the worship of God. Feet 
have trod the floors of that house unused to it, voices have sung 
those soul-stirring hymns that had never before been heard in the 
worship of God, faces strange to the frequenters of the church 
are seen there nightly, and those who have been professors for 
years, with their names upon the church roll, are met while a 


blaze of glory lights up their faces, heretofore unused to the 
presence of the spirit, and anxiety is pictured upon faces the 
reverse of it, on account of the deep concern in the heart for 
unconverted ones at home. Sabbath morning at 11 A. M. the 
evangelist discoursed from St. John vi: 37, "And him that 
cometh to me I will in no wise cast out." He said of the 31,000 
promises in the Bible, this was the best and greatest of them 
all. He graphically pictured two homes which he had been 
called upon to visit, and proved that wealth and elegance alone 
could not make a home happy. He called upon one family with 
a large fine house, furnished with all the conveniences that 
money could buy, and thought how happy the family must be. 
"No," said the gentleman of the house, "we are not happy. My 
son is a very bad man, and is on the downward path to ruin; 
our daughter, by her sinful ways, is breaking her mother's heart." 
In the other home he visited, the family was not so well fixed. 
Didn't even own the house they were living in, but it was bright, 
cheerful, and there was joy supreme. The son had been attend- 
ing college, and while there was converted. The daughter had 
come to Christ during a revival, and the whole family were 
making their way to glory. Compare the two. An immense 
audience gathered at the evening service, until every nook and 
corner of the church was crowded and the doors closed against 
hundreds who desired to gain admittance. The audience, though 
large, maintained perfect order, and profound attention was given 
to every word that fell from the preacher's lips; every move- 
ment of this most extraordinary little bunch of nerves was 
watched with interest. He preached from a text making the 
application to those present, giving the plain, unvarnished word 
of God, with all the thunder of Sinai, or in the blessed words 
of the Saviour, or the still small voice of the spirit. His text 
was Gen. vi: 3, "And the Lord said, my spirit shall not always 
strive with man." Vividly did he picture the strivings of the 
spirit with the hearts of man, and how so many hush its voice, 
perhaps forever. An almost death-like stillness pervaded the 
room, while the faces of many showed that the arrow had hit 
its mark. 

On Monday night, the close of the first week's work, a snow 
storm prevailed, but that did not prevent the people wading 
through it, reaching the church door with faces all aglow with 


the biting cold and garments white with the driven flakes, pure 
as the good they sought in coming. When the services had 
opened Eev. Harrison paced the platform exhorting, then drop- 
ping upon his knees, he lifted his voice fervently to the throne 
of Grace and poured out his heart in pleadings and supplica- 
tions to God, closing with a sudden and characteristic "Amen," 
which appeared to go through the house, seemingly in search 
for some calloused heart to soften and melt. After the choir 
sang, "Are You Ready?" he gave a brief history of the sainted 
woman who wrote that hymn and her triumphant exit from 
earth. She was sitting in Mrs. Palmer's parlor in New York, 
and thought she heard a voice calling her, when she turned her 
face heavenward exclaiming, "I am ready," and in a moment 
had entered the city of the blest "Had departed to the land 
over there." In speaking of the suddenness of death, he re- 
ferred to the daughter of Mr. Bayard, just ready to enter the 
White House soon to take her mother's place at a reception, 
when without a warning, without a symptom of approaching 
death, she was a corpse. He spoke of the New York banker 
who, when dying cried, "I would give a million dollars for a 
single ray of light." Do not make light or trifle with serious 
things, especially a subject so serious as religion. He said, "I 
once saw a man laughing sitting in the congregation where I 
was preaching. I asked some of the brothers what I said or 
did that caused that man to laugh so during the service, and 
described and pointed him out, when the good brother said: 
'Oh, that man is a fool.' " The text of the evening was I. 
Ohron. XXVIII. 9: "If thou seek him, he will be found of 
thee; but if thou forsake him, he will cast thee off forever." 
The interest deepens with each service, and the earnest pastors 
and workers of the churches rejoice at the great awakening, 
which far surpasses the most sanguine expectations. 


This week was auspiciously inaugurated by a crowded house 
on Tuesday night, January 19. The news had spread for miles 
around what wonderful power was being brought to bear in 
this city. People were coming to attend the services from ad- 
joining counties and towns. Other ministers of the city were 


in nightly attendance zealously laboring for the master, and 
old Christians were becoming warmed, a new fire burning in 
their hearts and joy beaming in their countenances as some 
friend or neighbor was induced to humble himself in the pres- 
ence of the Lord and seek pardon for sins. After the singing 
of several songs, Rev. T. A. Parker, of Lincoln, formerly pastor 
of the First M. E. of this city, offered a fervent prayer asking 
that hundreds of sonls might be converted. Eev. Harrison 
preached a lengthy sermon from John iii:3, "Verily, verily, I 
say unto you, except a man be born again he cannot see the 
Kingdom of God." He began by asking, "Do you believe the 
Bible of John "Wesley, who at a quarter of 9 o'clock exclaimed, 
'My heart is warm.' Do you believe the Scriptures? Do you 
believe this old Bible of the Puritans? This is the best legacy 
that you can leave your children when passing over to the other 
shore. The Bible of your mother. 'Do you believe it?' A 
few days ago a lady while riding on the train, sat reading her 
Bible. After perusing it carefully for some time, she tenderly 
closed it and affectionately kissing it put it silently away. Vol- 
taire said that the Bible would not last fifty years, yet- it still 
lives and has been translated in two hundred and fifty different 
languages. There may be some things in the Bible which we 
do not understand, but this is a verse^ over which no one can 
stumble. 'Ye must be born 'again.' There must be a change 
of heart. There is no gradual process of conversion. It is done 
like a flash of lightning." When the invitation was given many 
came down the aisles to bow at the mercy seat, and a large 
number rejoiced in the forgiveness of their sins. 

Wednesday afternoon and evening the meetings were 
blessed most wonderfully in a spiritual degree. Notwithstand- 
ing the bitter cold and inclemency of the weather, the audito- 
rium was filled to overflowing, many turning their steps' home- 
ward when they failed to be admitted. Others lingered near to 
catch a sound of the preacher's voice, so earnest was their de- 
sire to hear him. The pastor related a little incident about a 
good man who said that he had found the church seats very 
comfortable, but being a pretty large man, he found it inconve- 
nient to get at his pocket book when the collectors came round, 
and was obliged to almost get up and turn round in order to 
get into his pocket. [Laughter.] He asked the collectors to 


give everybody plenty of time to reach their pocket books. 

The evangelist followed with a brief prayer, after which he 
announced as the text of the evening Luke xiv: 19, "I pray thee 
have me excused." The leading thought in his discourse was 
that everybody prayed, and as a 'result of many prayers, won- 
derful things had been accomplished. "David prayed one of 
the most plaintive prayers in the scriptures when he cried out 
to God to bottle his tears. Paul prayed that he might be filled 
with all the fullness of God. I can see before me now those 
who are praying, some for one thing and some for another. 
The full text of the evening is the prayer of the unsaved. If 
God answered that prayer, they would be lost forever." At the 
close a number of adults went forward to seek Christ, and 
about ten experienced a change of heart. 

Thursday was a day long to be remembered by those who 
participated in the heavenly feast, at the afternoon meeting. 
Pastors, class leaders and Sunday-school teachers were all real- 
izing that their prayers for the salvation of friends were being 
answered. All seemed to be encouraged, and with gladdened 
hearts sang "Praise God from whom all blessings flow." A lady 
who had not been in the house of worship for eight years, was 
converted. At the evening service Eev. Harrison stated that 
already 207 had knelt around the altar seeking God. A business 
man, while at his home, was converted during the day. He 
spoke from Deuteronomy xxxii: 31, "For their rock is not as our 
rock, even our enemies themselves being judges." "Moses, the 
lawgiver, was having an anniversary. He was coming towards 
the end of his life's journey. In preaching his last sermon at 
the age of 120 years, said, '0, that you were wise, and that you 
would consider your last end.' Eemember that life is short, the 
judgment is coming; eternity is before you. You are building 
an experience for heaven, or you are forming a character for 
hell. What kind of rock have the unsaved in regard to peace? 
'The Bible says, 'The way of peace they have not known.' They 
IQIOAV the way of unbelief, and find it darkness. What kind of 
a rock has the Christian in regard to peace? Jesus says, 'My 
peace I give unto you, not as the world giveth'.' Sheridan, the 
great orator, screamed out when near death, 'I am overwhelmed." 
The preacher referred to Byron, Ethan Allen, Gambetta, Ches- 
terfield, and other enemies of the Christian religion, who at 


their dying moments confirmed the truth of the text. At the 
conclusion of the discourse several moments were spent in silent 
prayer for the unconverted. Among those who presented 
themselves at the altar were to be seen the child, the middle- 
aged and the gray-haired. 

"Then Jesus beholding him loved him and said unto him, 
One thing thou lackest." Mark x. : 21, was the text on Friday 
night, from which he who stands on Zion's walls, preached, ex- 
horted and beseeched sinners to come to Christ. "This man 
who came to Christ was a character we admire and fall in love 
with at first sight; because so frank, so loving and humble. 
Purity was written upon his cheek. His life was exemplary 
and useful. Without God he did not feel quite secure. He 
went to Jesus and had a talk with him. The young man had 
fears about the judgment and the world to come, as all unsaved 
people do. He put out his hand of anxiety but Jesus did not 
take it. The burden still remained. The Bible says, 'With a 
broken and a contrite heart God is well pleased.' Does not that 
prove- that God has great sympathy with an aching soul? This 
young man was troubled. So, here, to-night, there are persons 
just like him. Some say, 'I would like to join the church, but 
I don't want to give up this or that.' A young man was con- 
verted who was very fond of amusements including theatre- 
going. When asked if he knew what he was going to give up, 
replied: 'Mr. Harrison, I never once thought of that; I was 
thinking of what I was going to get.' The young man spoken 
of in the text asked the most important question this side of 
heaven. It is sometimes said a man makes his fortune between 
thirty and forty years of age, but that is all a mistake. It is a 
fact that cannot be disputed that a man makes his fortune in 
this world between ten and twenty years, because between those 
years habits are formed and principles fixed, and in nine cases 
out of ten eternal destinies are settled." As on previous even- 
ings a number sought the "Pearl of great price," and many 
were made happy in the Saviour's love. It was announced that 
no meetings would be held on Saturday. 

The great revival on Sunday occupied the greater part of 
the day, the first service commencing at 10 o'clock. Class 
meeting was held in the lecture room, conducted by Eev. Har- 
rison. The hour was devoted to singing, praying and testimo- 


nies. The young converts witnessed to the love of Christ and 
many related the circumstances leading j,o their conversions. 
At 11 o'clock the pastor preached a warm and feeling sermon 
from the words, "There is no night there," painting with 'won- 
derful effect the beauties of the Celestial City. In the after- 
noon at 2 :30 o'clock instead of the regular Sabbath School ser- 
vice, Eev. Harrison talked to the children in an interesting 
manner, and some twenty-five went forward thus expressing 
a desire for the prayers of God's people. The afternoon ser- 
vice in the auditorium, from 3 to 4 o'clock, was largely attended. 
It was a beautiful sight to behold the hundreds of faces made 
happy in the Saviour's love. One hundred and thirty came 
forward and united with the First and Second Methodist 
Churches alone. In the evening long before the opening hour 
hundreds were standing about the entrances, and by 7 o'clock 
perhaps a thousand were turned away. The congregation lis- 
tened to a sermon preached from the words found in Mark viii: 
36, "For what shall it profit a man if he shall gain the whole 
world and lose his own soul?" He said, "We have no title to 
this world. Who has a lease on life? Did Yanderbilt with all 
his millions; did Judge Belong? One tick of the watch in 
time, the next in eternity. Yanderbilt surrounded by his mill- 
ions grew dizzy while in the act of talking of his great schemes, 
and in a moment, dead! Byron dying at the age of 37 years in 
a delirium of despair! Old Commodore Yanderbilt had to 
leave the world notwithstanding his $80,000,000, and yet how 
poor when he said to his good Methodist wife, 'I must die! 
Sing to me the hymn, 'Come ye sinners, poor and needy.' ' 
What was the value of the soul of the lady who took her diary 
and wrote, 'One year from to-day I will give my soul to God.' 
Not satisfied she wrote, 'One month,' and finally, 'One week.' 
She went about her daily duties and in three days was a corpse, 
with the terrible cry ringing in the ears of those who stood 
around her, 'One week too late!' Oh, God help this people to 
realize the value of a soul!" After a brief season of silent 
prayer, seekers thronged around the altar crying to God for 
mercy.' Christian sisters and. brothers poured forth their 
prayers and went out among the people to speak a word for 
the Master. The spirit of God was made manifest in a greater 
measure at this meeting than at any since the work began. 


On Monday evening, the close of the second week's work, 
there was a mighty rushing into the church. The police depart- 
ment had to be called upon to assist in keeping the vast throng 
under control. The afternoon meetings had grown in such won- 
derful interest that it was thought they would have to be held, in 
the future, in the auditorium. Quite a number had been con- 
verted at these praise services. In the evening the leader con- 
ducted a short song service, and then announced his text, Acts 
xvi: 30-31, "Sirs, what must I do to be saved? And they said, Be- 
lieve on the Lord Jesus Christ and thou shalt be saved and thy 
house." "All classes and conditions of men hurrying on to 
death ask in regard to temporalities, 'What must I do?' The 
question to-night is for eternal life. Looking out into the 
future, let every unsaved person with an eye of penetration, see 
the storm brewing. And as you peer out, although the storm 
seems afar off, and the calculation is it won't arrive for a good 
while, still I hear some of you say, 'I will not think about it.' 
But they must think; they cannot help it. Come to the Saviour 
and be sheltered. What is it to be saved? A happy life, a 
peaceful death, and a blissful eternity. No thought can fathom 
the joy or express the idea. Paul, tell us what it is? Listen 
'It is joy unspeakable.' Tell us what it is to be converted? 
Hallelujah! unspeakable and full of glory." Thirty were con- 
verted at this meeting, making a total of almost 400 seekers. 



The interest at the beginning of this week (Jan. 26), had 
grown to fever heat. The membership of the First church had 
increased in a remarkable degree, and not only this church but 
the Second M. E., and those of other denominations. The pas- 
tors, Eev. Musgrove of the First M. E., Rev. Hobbs of the 
Second M. E., Rev. Crouse of the English Lutheran, Rev. 
Wood, the presiding elder, all had confessed an increased re- 
ligious enthusiasm and a determination to press the fight into 
the very citadel of Satan's domain. A belief prevailed that 
great and wonderful things were to be accomplished in the 
name of the Lord, and to this end all were desirous that the 
conflict should result in a victory never before known in this' 


part of Christ's vineyard. The church on this evening was 
crowded, at least thirteen hundred people had assembled, and 
on the faces of many could be seen the strong convictions of 
sin. Rev. Harrison, as he scanned the multitude, seemed en- 
couraged, and he earnestly pressed the all important thought, 
"Are you saved?" The sheaves are being gathered in and souls 
are being gloriously refreshed. The attendance at the young 
people's meeting had become so great that it was found neces- 
sary to admit only the young converts and those who had a de- 
sire to be saved. He said that he had never scolded church 
members as a rule, and did not desire to do so now. He 
thought the members here were doing bravely, but there could 
not be too much prayer. God is ever willing to answer prayer 
when offered through faith. He stated that of the number who 
came forward the previous evening thirty had found their 
Saviour and were now rejoicing in the Redeemer's love. The 
jubilee for the conversion of one thousand souls is nigh. In 
view of this fact we will sing, 'Praise God from Whom all 
Blessings How.' The hundreds of voices joining in this grand 
old D ( oxology made the occasion one of gladness. The text for 
this evening was found in Prov. ix. : 12, "If thou be wise thou 
shalt be Avise for thyself; but if thou scornest thou alone shalt 
bear it." The drift of the sermon pointed to the necessity of 
individual action. He related the history of Jesus as he 
traveled over the dusty roads, and how the people would point 
the finger of scorn at him. as he passed by. They were anxiously 
seeking his blood. "He would turn to them and say, meaning 
each individual, 'How will you escape the damnation of hell?' 
Again he would warn them, 'You will die in your sins, and 
where I am you will never come.' Again he exhorted them, 
'Except ye repent ye shall perish.' Each one must give an ac- 
count of himself in the day of judgment, because it is a per- 
sonal matter. When Jesus sat at Jacob's well and revealed 
himself unto the woman she did not stop to philosophize but 
received the truth at once. She even ran to the city and brought 
her neighbors that they might believe on Jesus." Rev. Harri- 
son spoke of his early conversion, which was not because others 
were converted, but that he might receive pardon for his sins 
The scene at the altar was one long to be remembered as being 
a glorious victory for the Lord. 


On Wednesday night the doors opened to an eager crowd 
of nearly eight hundred persons. Some had gathered there 
an hour before the time of holding services. These were 
not all church members, but sinners who were anxious and 
troubled about their souls. The evangelist announced that he 
would preach on Sunday afternoon to men only on "The Un- 
pardonable Sin." He said there were many different opinions 
as to what it was. Dr. Townsend, who had made it a study, 
believed that it could be committed as silently as the falling of 
a leaf. His text, John xi:29, "As soon as she heard that she 
arose quickly and came unto him," was one pressing the impor- 
tance of preparing for death. "The well of to-day are. in eter- 
nity to-morrow. There are five things which we cannot escape 
dying, death, the grave, the judgment and destiny. These 
must be met. How will you meet them ? There are multi- 
tudes in this city bent after a life of sin. The Bible says, 'The 
wages of sin is death.' They choose sin and roll it under their 
tongues as a sweet morsel." This searching sermon touched 
the hearts of thirty-eight who had not been walking in the 
royal path to glory, and thirty-two were happily led into the 

Thursday afternoon the 3 o'clock meeting was largely at- 
tended, and many souls were abundantly blessed. It was a 
time of unusual refreshing to the hearts of the old members of 
the cross, and several new ones were brought into the fold. 
The evening service was opened with prayer by Rev. T. A. Par- 
ker, of Lincoln, who prayed for the baptism of power to fall 
mightily on the services of the hour, and it brought tears to 
the eyes of many. Hebrews vii: 25, "Wherefore he is able also 
to save them to the uttermost that come unto God by him, see- 
ing he ever liveth to make intercession for them," were the words 
from which the preacher appealed to the unconverted. The 
thoughts brought out in his discourse were the ability, the will- 
ingness, the desire and yearing of our Saviour to save all who 
come to God with a reliance upon His merits. He called upon 

them to seek the Great Physician and be healed. Just before 
the conclusion of the sermon a babe in the audience made itself 
heard and drew the attention of the listeners. The great revi- 
valist merely said, "Never mind," and commenced singing a 
hymn. The remedy secured the desired effect, for the child 
was soon asleep. 


Friday night was but a continuance of the fire which had 
broken out among the people of this city. Not only were the 
tender-hearted youths being converted, but old men and women in 
sin ; mothers and fathers who have lived without example to loyal 
sons and daughters, Avere among the number anxious to follow 
the Lord's path. After making the announcements for Sunday 
the "boy preacher" urged that the decisive step be taken at 
once, for "It is time to seek the Lord," Hosea x : 12. "The Psalmist 
says we 'Spend our years as a tale that is told,' while the 
apostle says that our time is like the vapor. Jesus warns us, 
Be ye ready.- I might ask this dying congregation in the 
language of Jesus, 'What seek ye?' Why this great outpour- 
ing of the people every night? Some may say, 'Because my 
neighbors come;' others 'Because I am so fond of hymns;' 
Again, 'Because my friends were converted,' or 'Because there 
was a crowd corning.' What seek ye? There is one who has 
been seeking pleasure in the dance, the card table, or the skat- 
ing rink, and he has been whirling away his life in those things 
that bring no abiding good. Never been convicted! There is 
not a person in this house but what has been convicted of sin. 
Now is the time to seek the Lord." When the invitation was 
given there were thirty-three came forward and twenty-four 

Sunday was a hallelujah day for all who were permitted to 
attend one or more of the services. It was the gala day of the 
great revival, a religious harvest for the old and sainted soldiers 
of the cross. Kejoicings reigned supreme throughout the en- 
tire day, and as the people wended their way home from the 
various services they felt that it "was good to be there." At 
the morning service the pastor delivered an able sermon in 
keeping with the great work being accomplished, and its effect 
was felt both by saint and sinner. He insisted and implored 
that none let the day pass by without coming to Christ. ' Many 
came to the altar who had sought pardon from their sins and 
united with the church. In the afternoon Eev. Harrison 
preached to a large audience of men only, as had been previous- 
ly announced. When this large church can be filled to its ut- 
most capacity with men only, one can form some idea of how 
many must be turned away at the regular services. The audi- 
torium and gallery with standing room can accommodate 1,300 


people, and it is estimated that 1,000 are turned away nightly. 
His subject on this occasion was "The Unpardonable Sin," by 
whom and when it is committed. At the opening, Mrs. E. 
Huntington Henkle was ushered in and sang a solo, "When the 
years are rolling on." As her musical voice rang out the clear 
notes and plaintively articulated words, the effect could be seen 
glistening in the eyes of many unused to tears. Many were 
hearing the first hymn in years, and the impression made upon 
their hearts was visible. The revivalist with an entreating ex- 
pression in his face, gazed upon the vast audience composed of 
men in every station of life. The banker sat by the side of the 
coal digger, merchant by the laborer, the professional gentle- 
man, the blacksmith, the factory employe, the artist and the 
newspaper fraternity were all represented, and with considerable 
anxiety waited to hear what the preacher would say. He seemed 
to look deep into their hearts as he read, "And whosoever shall 
speak a word against the son of man it shall be forgiven him; but 
unto him that blasphemeth against the Holy Ghost it shall not 
be forgiven." Luke xii:10. He said, "Lost here, lost there, 'It 
shall not be forgiven.' Mark the words; here is a sin for which 
there is no reprieve; a sin so dark that even the blood of the 
Son of God cannot wash out. I stand to-day with the warning 
of God's word and give notes of alarm. 'It shall not be for- 
given,' There are many who would like to blot that out of the 
Bible; but there it is and spoken by one who spake as man 
never spoke. The sin against the Holy Ghost may be sin per- 
sisted in when you know you are in the wrong; it may be the 
surrender of the soul to the enemy when you realize God's 
word; it may be the trampling under foot of your best convic- 
tions. It is the sin of two letters 'NO.' It is the sin you 
committed when the voice came to you and you refused to hear 
it. That voice may come to you again with no more influence 
than on a dead man. 'My spirit shall not always strive with 
man.' " He closed his discourse with prayer that none present 
might lose the sight of Heaven by committing the unpardon- 
able sin. Eighteen or twenty came forward. At the evening 
service after the church was filled the pressure of the crowd 
against the doors was so great that fears were entertained that 
they would be broken from the hinges. He preached from St. 
Luke xii:20, "Thou fool, this night thy soul shall be required 
of thee." He said the spirit of the great revival eighteen hun- 


dred years ago was shaking this city to its very foundation. 
As soon as the invitation was extended a large number went 
forward and bowed at the alter. Thirty-six knelt at the chan- 
cel rail and twenty-eight were converted. 

Monday night Eev. Harrison selected a subject full of 
thoughts calculated to stir up the vilest sinner. The words 
from which he spoke are found in Isaiah xxviii:17. "Judgment 
also will I lay to the line and righteousness to the plummet; 
and the hail shall sweep away the refuge of lies and the waters 
shall overflow the hiding place." He dwelt upon the thought 
of an approaching storm from which all must seek refuge or be 
swept away. The reaping at this rervice was fruitful and 
twenty-five were converted. , 


The fourth week (February 2) opened with the names of 
six hundred and twenty-one persons on the official record who 
had the witness of the Spirit that they were born of God. Eev. 
Harrison, by his earnest devotion to the work and strong ap- 
peals for God's aid in securing souls for the kingdom, has made 
the revival the chief topic of conversation on the streets, in the 
mill, the work-shop, and where two or more persons are gathered 
together. He teaches that God is love and abounding in grace 
and mercy, and that salvation is possible to all men if they 
will do their part in the great scheme of redemption and yield to 
Jesus. Firmly planted on this rock the interest necessarily in- 
creases, the "excitement" or religious enthusiasm augments and 
success and victory are assured. After a short exhortation the 
Christians were asked to pray fervently for more power from on 
high. His sermon, though brief, was burning with eloquent 
appeals. He spoke from Acts xxvi.: 28, "Almost thou per- 
suadest me to be a Christian." He hastened through the dis- 
course because there were young and old people in the audi- 
ence anxious to come to the altar. A short season of silent 
prayer was very effective in working upon the feelings of those 
under conviction. The voices of the large choir never blended 
more sweetly together than on this evening. 

Eev. Harrison, on Wednesday evening, preached impressively 
from those beautiful words, "Is my name written there?" It 
was a tender appeal to those who did not know their names were 


written on that book of life. He urged all to "endeavor to sing 
it with spirit and with the understanding; with the resolve that 
our name shall be written there. Oh, my God, help us all to 
embrace this royal opportunity to seek Christ while He may be 
found. These meetings will all be over soon, and great is your 
responsibility if you sit here and let them pass away from you 
without being saved. The days are few, the hours are fleeting, 
when you must stand before the judgment seat of Christ and 
give an account of this night. The wisest choice you can make 
to-night is to decide for Jesus and eternal life. There are hun- 
dreds here to-night who cannot sing this hymn. You that have 
been talked to, and persuaded and prayed for by mothers and 
sisters and wives, is your name written there? Let us sing 
that verse. I would like to know how many feel that their 
names are written there. Eise up all ye blood washed and let 
us see who is ashamed of Jesus. Thank God! See them rise!" 
It was but a short time when the railing was too small to ac- 
commodate the throng gathering around it. Thirty-five came 
forward, and twenty-eight were converted. Among the saved 
was a young man who had been a drunkard, and his conversion 
was considered the most wonderful victory witnessed during 
the entire four weeks' work. 

At the afternoon services on Thursday a large crowd gath 
ered to listen to the eloquent exhortation on the "Annointing of 
the Church," by Eev. Harrison. His evening text was Jere- 
miah viii: 20, "The harvest is passed, the summer is ended and 
we are not saved." He said that he loved to search through the 
Scriptures for the nuggets of gold of God's love. In the Bible 
are 31,000 promises. The text contains no promise, but is 
rather a judgment. It is an appropriate' text for this stage of 
the revival. There come to cities and nations sometimes in- 
gatherings of souls. In a New England town mill employers 
were saying to the employes, go to the meeting; you shall not 
lose any time," within a few days 50,000 people have joined the 
Methodist church, alone, in the south. It is an "ingathering," 
and while vast crowds are pressing forward to the altars all over 
the land, I would say that there is a "balm in Gilead" for ach- 
ing hearts. Sheaves are being garnered. In less than a month 
Springfield has one of the greatest meetings, perhaps, it has 
ever known, and nearly seven hundred have knelt around this 


altar." He related a circumstance of a mother, how a few even- 
ings before wrung her hands for joy because of the con- 
version of her three daughters. Mothers, fathers, the young- 
people and the Sabbath-school children are being brought into 
the fold. The usual scene at the altar took place when the 
invitation was given for seekers to come forward. 

A "Penticostal" meeting was held at 3 o'clock, Friday af- 
ternoon which was a time of wonderful refreshing and thanks- 
giving to God. There was a general seeking for an endowment 
and fitness for Christian labor. In the evening the evangelist 
selected a text abounding in words of sunshine, found in Ezra 
viii:22. "The hand of our God is upon all them for good that 
seek him." He said, "Last night I exhorted from a passage of 
scripture in which there was not a single ray of light; this one 
is all light; last evening no hope; now, all hope, forgiveness 
and the door wide open. The Psalmist in his hymn sings about 
Jesus as the one altogether lovely. And who was better able 
to describe the Saviour's love than John ? He" said that 'God 
is love.' It was the beloved John who was permitted to lay his 
head on that breast that carries the sorrows of the troubled 
world. The condition in this text is that we seek Him. If you 
meet the conditions you will have perfect peace and believing 
rest." Sixteen out of the twenty-four forward were converted- 

At the love feast on Sunday morning, the young converts 
gave their experiences like old soldiers of the cross, and as 
they would utter such sentences as: "I know I am saved," "I 
know that my Redeemer liveth," and like expressions, Eev. 
Harrrison thanked God for such conversions. He liked to hear 
them say "I know." The audience at 11 o'clock listened to a 
very able sermon by Eev. Musgrove from I. John ii:17 : "And 
the world passethT away and the lust thereof, but he that doeth 
the will of God abideth forever." "Alexander's star floated in 
the heavens of popular history but brought none of the com- 
forts of the soul required for mortals when passing over the 
dark river of death, for he 'Sighed for more worlds to conquer. 
Poets, painters, sages, statesmen, scientists and scholars may 
all reach the very pinnacle of earthly fame, but it brings no 
solace for the soul when the shadows of death shut out the sun 
of redeeming love to cheer the closing hours of earthly great- 
ness. Whatever may be our attainments, or whatever we do in 


the world, it is all for naught unless prefixed with that one little 
word of three letters, but; for he that doeth the will of 
God abideth forever. With this, sweet contentment conies; 
with this, peace comes; with this, reliance and trust for this 
life, and a glorious hope gilded trust in God for the future 
cheers the passage and makes life and toils bearable, its good 
things enjoyable." The afternoon meeting was for men only, 
and but few seats were vacant. Mrs. Huntington-Henlde sang, 
"Though kindred ties "around us like ivy branches twine," the 
congregation joining in the chorus. Her sweet, plaintive tones, 
full of expression and pleadings, seemed to find a lodgment in 
every heart. Rev. Harrison preached from Rev. iii :20 : "Behold 
I stand at the door and knock; if any man hear my voice and 
open the door I will come in." He pictured to the mind how 
the voice of eternity and the finger of God are always pointing 
us to the day of judgment. "This text presents the Saviour as 
tarrying and waiting for us with outstretched arms. The judg- 
ment is certain, -and he lingers here just to save you. 'Ask and 
you shall receive.' Has he not kept his word in the past few 
weeks? Nearly seven hundred have asked and found what they 
so much needed. Oh, that every one here this afternoon would 
say, 'I will not keep Him out any longer.' You will become 
hardened, and there is a time when He will knock no more. 
Put it off no longer." At times the speaker grew quite eloquent, 
and his utterances moved the people wonderfully. The open- 
ing hour in the evening found the people congregated in a 
dense throng on the streets, anxious to gain admittance and 
hear the word preached, and witness the saving of souls. Rev. 
Harrison said before the sermon that the meeting was drawing 
to the end of the fourth week, and yet no signs of abatement 
in the interest. "I get letters every day saying 'Come right 
away!' "We are having a glorious time, and I hope we will have 
the jubilee over the first 1,000 souls converted this week. God 
grant the speedy conversion of 300 more souls." The text was 
chosen from I Kings, xviii: 21, "How long halt ye between two 
opinions?" "When these awakening times appear, men stand 
back and wonder what it all means, and use every means possible 
to check them; but you might just as well try to take a fort 
with a fire cracker, as to stop an awakening. It spreads like a 
prairie fire. The Bible says, 'God will work and men can't hin- 


der.' There are young men here who see a crisis approaching, 
but are afraid to meet. it. They are meeting the loudest call 
they will have this side of their groaning death. I beg of you, 
dear, dying fellow-traveler toanever ending eternity, meet the 
crisis this Sabbath night, and give your hearts to God. I was 
conversing with an editor the other day, about his soul and 
death and the judgment day and destiny, when he turned right 
on me and said, 'That, your opinion, not mine.' And yet, to- 
night I am preaching upon 'How long halt ye between two opin- 
ions." Only two ways, the narrow and the broad. Two foun- 
dations, the rock and the sand. Two states after death heaven 
and hell. 'How long halt ye?' " One of the most touching 
scenes at the altar was the appearance of two .brothers, who 
were among the first to go forward. Thus ended one of the 
happiest Sundays experienced during these great meetings. 

Monday night the mass of saints and sinners was larger if 
possible than it had been at any time on Monday evening since 
the meetings commenced. Fully five hundred were turned 
away, unable to gain admission. The interest was deepened 
from the success of the Sunday meetings. The workers were 
eager for the fray and earnestly sought out the unconverted. 
Rev. Harrison offered up prayer, thanking the Lord for the 
good work accomplished during the weeks gone by. "Already 
over 700 have gathered around this altar to seek eternal life. 
May we take hold of the work with all our strength. We are 
are so dependent; dependent on Thee for everything; to-night 
may the blessing of God rest upon each one of us; may they 
gather around this altar to-night .and cry out, 'What must I do 
to be saved?' Lord bless us wonderfully for thy name's sake." 
His text, "What shall I do then with Jesus?" is found in Matt. 
xvii:22. The sermon was a strong appeal to the unsaved, and 
evinced the speaker's strong faith in God to save to the utter- 
most. A number were forward, and one lady lingered long 
after the meeting had been dismissed, as though she could not 
leave the church until her sins were washed away. 



The services of Tuesday, February 9, witnessed the com- 


mencement of the fifth week, and so far, the results have ex- 
ceeded the anticipations of the most sanguine in point of attend- 
ance, and the conversion of the awakened. The day of the 
jubilee over the conversion of one thousand souls is looked for- 
ward to with great interest. The afternoon meeting was of 
great benefit to seeker r and saved. Rev. Harrison urged the 
converts in the young peoples' meeting to show their gratitude 
to the Master by renewed effort to bring others to Him. At the 
evening service he alluded to one of the late converts as having 
been convicted and eventually converted through the singing of 
the hymn, "Is iny name written there?" The words had fol- 
lowed him everywhere, at his business, at his home, and on the 
street. This was undoubtedly one of the best meetings yet 
held, and the reward was forty-one at the altar and twenty-one 
happily converted. 

The spirit of awakening has reached fever heat in this city, 
and other denominations are now holding special services to 
large and attentive audiences. In almost every face is a look 
as if asking, "What must I do to enjoy the peace and joy so 
many speak of possessing?" This is a winter that will long be 
remembered in Springfield by the hundreds who have sought 
and found pardon for their sins, but we trust none may look 
back in after years and say, "The harvest is passed and my soul 
is not saved." The usual meeting for converts and seekers was 
held at 6:45. Among those from other cities occupying seats 
upon the rostrum were: Eev. T. A. Parker of Lincoln, and 
Rev. McKinney, of Riverton. The latter gentleman opened 
the exercises with prayer. He prayed that each heart might 
feel a solemnity resting upon it; that prayers might be an- 
swered in behalf of the unsaved, and that the word preached 
might be written indelibly upon the heart of every hearer, 
and the mighty current of the revival influence would go on until 
the city became noted for a wonderful piety. Then followed the 
hymn commencing: "I have found a friend in Jesus, He's every- 
thing to me." ' Rev. Harrison spoke of the Jubilee that would 
be held as soon as one thousand was reached, which he hoped 
would take place on the following Wednesday when all might 
get away from the home, the factory, the store and the shop. 
He then prayed, and the hymn beginning, "Tidings, happy 
tidings, hark! hark! the sound!" was sung. His text was taken 


from Hebrew ii: 3, "How shall we escape if we neglect so great 
salvation?" The text was the most important one, he said, that 
you will ever ask yourself this side of your dying moment. In 
the Bible there are sometimes questions asked and answered, 
as, "What must I do to be saved?" "Believe on the Lord Jesus 
Christ and thou shalt be saved." But often in the Scriptures a 
question is given but no answer. It is so in the Old Testament 
and the New. The question is thrown out by God, and He 
leaves the answer for you to give. We have a question to-night, 
and I cannot find answer in all the Bible for it. I search the 
prophets; I read the psalms; I study the words of the apostles 
and I cannot find an answer. I look up to God and ask Him 
to answer this question for these hearts to-night; but His lips 
do not move. I turn to Christ; but there is no response. I 
say to the Holy Spirit, bring communication to the hearts here 
and answer this question; but the Holy Spirit brings no com- 
munication. I go to the president of the theological school at 
Evanston and say: "You are conversant, of course, with the 
Bible, as you teach theology, and I ask you to explain this text 
of Scripture." He makes no reply. I rnight'go to the Bishops 
of the church, but the bishops could not answer it. How shall 
you escape if you neglect so great salvation? God help us. 
How will you escape?" At the conclusion of the sermon, of 
which this is a very small part, thirty sought for pardon, and 
sixteen confessed having the evidence of their acceptance. 

The evening service on Thursday opened at the usual hour 
with Eevs. Parker, Anderson and Gunnett upon the platform, in 
addition to the other ministers who have taken part in the revi- 
val. Mr. Harrison offered a brief prayer, and announced 
hymn 18, saying "That is going to be my prayer." "Lord, I 
care not for riches." Ho took no text, but exhorted from the 
hymn. He said the most important question this side of death 
is whether your name is written there. The meeting closed 
early with nine rejoicing in the assurance of forgiveness. 

Friday was the thirty-second day of the great revival at the 
First M. E. Church. Eevs. Kutledge, of Chatham, and Hamel, 
of Franklin,, attended the evening service, the latter opening 
with prayer, asking the presence of the Holy Ghost, for comfort 
and pardon for the seekers, and divine blessing upon His ser- 
vant, the evangelist. Mr. Harrison stated that the young peo- 


pie's meeting, just held, was the most precious of any of the 
series. He said he would not preach, not even exhort, for there 
were persons in the room who were anxious to get to the altar. 
After singing and prayer, Christian workers were on hand to 

comfort the mourners, and the services closed with sixteen con- 

On Saturday night the revivalist preached to women only, 
and the auditorium and galleries were crowded with those eager 
to hear the word and seek satisfaction. The services opened 
promptly by the singing of hymn 47, commencing "Though 
troubles assail, and dangers affright." The choir consisted of 
about fifteen young women, led by Mrs. Lincoln, of Decatur, 
with Miss Minnie Goodwin as organist. Eev. Musgrove opened 
the exercises with prayer, after which "I want more faith in 
Jesus" was sung. The earnest worker then took his place upon 
the platform and delivered a most eloquent sermon, which was 
followed by the usual altar service. 

Sabbath morning dawned brightly for many a home which 
held its family prayer for the first time. The usual 10 o'clock 
class meeting was participated in by young and old, from which 
place they repaired to the large room to participate in the reg- 
ular morning services. The choir sang, "Oh, come to the Sav- 
iour, His arms are extended." Eev. Hobbs then read the 
scripture lesson and followed it by prayer, after which he took 
for his text, Romans i :i6. He gave a most eloquent description 
of the sacrifices of Paul in professing the name of Jesus. "He 
was compelled to give up so many glittering promises of great- 
ness; so many splendid prospects, such a proud name among 
his people, distinction as a scholar, and a proud reputation 
among the distinguished of his day, which seemed within his 
grasp, when convicted of sin as he went from Jerusalem to Da- 
mascus "breathing out threatenings and slaughter against the 
disciples of the Lord." With all these sacrifices; with all these 
losses, Paul was ready to exclaim, when filled with the love of 
Jesus, and he felt the joy of pardoned sin "I am not ashamed 
of the gospel of Christ; for it is the power of God unto salva- 
tion to every one that believeth." The discourse was in every 
particular a masterly one. He has a good command of lan- 
guage, and applies his illustrations forcibly. The afternoon 
meeting at 3 o'clock, was short, consisting of songs and a short 


The young people's meeting at 6:4.5 was completely jam- 
med, many who desired failed to gain admittance. It was 
fruitful of much good. As usual, the auditorium was crowded, 
and many disappointed ones turned their steps homeward or 
attended other churches. After prayer and singing, Rev. Har- 
rison said: "Daniel, 5th chapter and 27th verse is our text. 
Only one word! Just a single word for a text. But, oh my 
God, impress upon this people to-night the strength of that 
word! Only one word, and that written by the finger of God! 
Just a single word, but what an eternity of weal or woe; of 
sorrow or happiness, of joy or grief, hangs upon that one word! 
A great feast is set by the king; he has sent out his messengers 
and servants, and they have invited the rich and the great the 
aristocracy of the kingdom. They have been bidden to the 
king's table. The event is a great one, and but few of the invi- 
tations are slighted. The night has come, the guests of the 
king have arrived have crowded his banqueting hall. There 
the great and honored have assembled; night in all its darkness 
has settled upon that brilliant scene, and the great city is all 
watching the grand people of the kingdom going toward the 
banqueting hall. Such elegance of finish, such grandeur in 
conception the world had never before witnessed. Servants by 
hundreds were floating round the hall, bending, bowing and 
scraping to the invited guests, and royal splendor was at its 
height, when, 'Like a flash of lightning,' just as his guests were 
quaffing bumpers to the royal personage, perhaps, and syco- 
phants were sipping royal wines to his highness' health, turn- 
ing he sees a sight! 'Tis only a word, but oh, my God, what a 
word! '"What is it?' cries the king. 'What does it mean?' 
cries his royal highness. He then calls his wise men together; 
he calls his philosophers together; calls his soothsayers and 
servants of every rank to aid him, under penalty of losing their 
positions, to tell him what this awful word means. None can 
tell him. At last Daniel is sent for. 'This is the word and 
this is the meaning of the writing upon the wall,' said Daniel; 
'Tekel. Thou art weighed in the balance and found wanting.' 
Oh, my God! How many have been weighed to-night? Do 
you want to be found wanting?" Thirty-four were forward and 
thirty were converted. 

Monday evening Rev. Musgro ve said in opening the services : 


"We have now arrived at the close of the fifth week of this 
great work, and I am thankful for what has been accomplished. 
Over 900 have knelt around this altar, most of whom have found 
the 'pearl of great price.' This is an opportunity for which all 
ought to feel thankful." Rev. Harrison did not take a text, 
but exhorted briefly from the lines of the hymns as they were 
sung. When the opportunity was offered, twenty-five came to 
seek pardon, and sixteen obtained the "one thing needful." 


Tuesday was a most blessed day, and many were refreshed 
with the baptism of the Holy Ghost. The evening service was 
one of the most wonderful of the series. About two hundred 
people were present from Decatur, and all given seats as near 
as possible. One of the lady visitors said: "The people of 
Springfield have kept their word, and done even better than I 
had expected." Eev. E. D. Wilkin, of Carlinville, offered 
prayer, after which the revivalist sermonized from Isaiah 
xxxviii: 14, "Undertake for me." At the altar service twenty- 
four were forward and eighteen converted. 

The young peoples' meeting on this evening was thronged 
with many who had not attended before, and all were strength- 
ened by this short season of prayer and singing. The regular 
revival service was opened with prayer by Eev. Lyon, of 
Pleasant Plains. Eev. Harrison then said: "I believe this is a 
victory before we have commenced. There is some one to be 
converted here to-night. That is a miracle. This will be a 
glorious time." After the singing of a hymn, Eev. Harrison 
viewed the vast assemblage with a scrutinizing eye, and after 
some moments of perfect stillness said: "Take up the collection 
right away. [Laughter]. Give something towards the expenses 
of lighting and heating this, church. This is for your good and 
you can give a mite." He selected as his text, Matthew xxii: 
12.- He said: "Last night the passage was all on our side of 
supplication and helplessness. This evening it is on the other 
side. I know the aspiration of immortal nature. I want to get 
to the right glory. What men want is that they may some day 
be saved and go to heaven. They want satisfaction. The king 
came to Christ and wanted these things. Christ said, 'Art thou 
master of Israel, and knowest not these things?' He wanted 
just what you are wanting to-night joy. There are men here 


to-night who would argue about theology and make excuses. As 
Moody one time said, 'I would rather talk to a stone wall.' If 
I speak to him he will give me ten reasons why he don't want to 
be a Christian. If he gets sick, five will go. If death comes 
the other five are gone. Then where are his excuses? Life is 
too short to argue. You had better see how 'it is with your souls. 
God will ask every man, woman and child in the day of judg- 
ment the words found in this text. What will you do, my dear 
unconverted friend, if you are not converted? Have the wed- 
ding garment on." There were twenty-five that bowed at the 
altar and seventeen converted. 

Eain did not prevent the anxious people from assembling 
at the church at an early hour and but few seats were vacant. 
The Lord met with them and made His presence manifest with 
a mighty out-pouring of His Holy Spirit. "Keep looking unto 
Jesus," was sung, when Eev. Harrison commented on the dear, 
precious words contained in the hymn. He said that when you 
see anything written by Fanny Crosby you may know it is good 
and precious to the soul. Rev. A. P. Stover, of Greenfield, of- 
fered prayer, asking "that our worship here to-night may be 
acceptable and result in many souls being brought to the foot 
of the cross." Eev. Harrison said, "When I commenced these 
meetings, you thought I was extravagant when I said there 
would be a thousand conversions. Now we are looking for fif- 
teen hundred. Next Tuesday will be the jubilee over the first 
one thousand souls." The invitation for seekers was given, 
when fourteen responded and ten were converted. 

The cold and disagreeable weather did not keep saint or 
sinner fiom the evening's service, which was opened by singing 
Nos. 45 and 64 and prayer by Elder Wood, who thanked God 
for the great plan of redemption, for the spirit's presence, for 
the almost a thousand who had found the Saviour and asked 
for help to believe, to pray and strive with the unconverted, 
and that the meeting be crowned with heavenly benediction. 
Mrs. Wellman sang "Let me in, let me in, patiently I wait," 
while the collection was being taken. Mr. Harrison announced 
his text, "Escape for thy life," Gen. xix:17. He said: "The 
word of God would not send out words of warning if there was 
no danger. There is cause for fear, and alarm, and apprehen- 
sion. It is not death, but the beyond that men are alarmed 


about. If there is no peril there would be no alarm. My text 
is, 'Escape.' Death is near; judgment is nigh. Thank God 
there is a shelter where we can escape to. Come with your 
guilty fears and your burning heart. You will not perish, but 
He will save you. Escape, escape!" 

There seems to have been a feeling during these meetings 
that Sabbaths were crowning clays of an entire week, and they 
have been looked forward to and hailed with rejoicing by con- 
verted and unconverted as being special occasions of grace. 
And the expectations have been realized, and never more so 
than on this 21st of February. The morning congregation at 
the First M. E. Church listened with profit to their beloved 
pastor, Rev, Musgrove, who preached from the words: "Pre- 
pare to meet thy God," a citation to the bar of judgment to 
stand "before the great white throne and be judged by the 
'Judge of all.' " The words had marked effect upon his listen- 
ers, who pronounced it one of the most impressive sermons to 
which they had ever listened. In the evening the galleries 
were packed with church members long before time to open the 
large doors below, and when opened, the scene in the audito- 
rium was a sight to behold. People came, one rushing over 
the other in search of a seat, and would even have gone to the 
seats reserved in front for the converts, had not a strong rope 
and ushers in each aisle prevented them. When the young 
converts came in they filled the seats reserved for them, the 
altar rail between the railing and the pulpit, and the aisles. 
After prayer by Eev. Harrison, Mrs. Henkle sang, most beauti- 
fully, "How can I live without Jesus?" The stillness of death 
reigned throughout the vast audience as she came to the words: 
"How can I die without Jesus?" and awe was depicted on many 
a sinner's face. The evangelist chose a portion of Mark xii:34: 
"Thou art not far from the kingdom." The sermon was forci- 
ble in the extreme, and full of earnest application to those be- 
fore him. His pleadings were pathetic and tender, spoken in 
all the earnestness of his soul. His efforts were crowned with 
success, the altar being crowded with mourners, and at about ( 
9:15 the sound of the great organ reverberated through the 
room, over one thousand souls, as the vast congregation sang, 
"Praise God" five different times, once for each two hundred. 
The building was fairly shaken to its foundation with the 


melody of voices, and for blocks around could be heard the 
rejoicings of the Methodists over the conversion of one thou- 
sand souls. 

Monday night completed the sixth week of the series of re- 
vival meetings, and during that time there have been 1,022 
seekers at the altar. The service opened with prayer by Eev. 
Dugan, of Yirden, after which the announcements were made 
for the great jubilee on the morrow. Eev. Harrison exhorted 
for a few minutes to the unsaved on the importance of coming to 
the Saviour without delay, and have a hand in the jubilee. On 
invitation, fourteen came forward, and ten claimed to have the 
witness of . the Spirit that they were born of God. 



This chapter opens with the jubilee service which has pre- 
viously been announced to occupy the entire day, from 6 o'clock 
A. M. But before entering into the details we may stop for a 
moment and consider the good seed being sown by this revival, 
although the work not being consummated in the Methodist 
churches alone. The First and Second churches and the Eng- 
lish Lutheran joined hands in this great revival, and are work- 
ing in perfect harmony. Eev. E. G. Hobbs, of the Second M. 
E. Church, is laboring with great efforts, and praying with great 
faith, believing that God has a work for him to do toward 
saving the unsaved of his congregation. Eev. B. F. Grouse, 
pastor of the English Lutheran flock, is a most devout man, 
with a heart to do whatever the Spirit requires of him. He has 
received some wonderful blessings himself since the meetings 
began, and at times his heart was too full of joy for utterance. 
Large additions have been made to each of the above churches. 
The Central Baptist Church has been enthused with new life, 
and is harvesting many souls for Christ, through that thorough 
and eloquent divine, Eev. Green Clay Smith, of Kentucky. 
Eev. Zollars, pastor of the Christian Church, is holding a re- 
vival, the result of which is almost unparalleled in the history 
of that church. Eev. J. A. Eeed, of the First Presbyterian 
Church, Eev. I). S. Johnson, of the Second, and Eev. E. S. Mc- 
Michael, of the Third, and Eev. E. 0. Post, of the Congregational 


church, are carrying on a warfare against Satan, in the First 
Presbyterian Church. Not only is the city receiving the 
benefits of this wonderful awakening, but the country round 
about is made to feel its wonderful power. Eev. Harrison al- 
most daily preaches at different points throughout the county, 
and many are converted through his earnest efforts. Surely 
there is cause to rejoice. 

Tuesday, February 23, 1886, will be a day most pleasantly 
remembered by those who participated in the great rejoicing- 
over the first thousand souls saved from an everlasting damna- 
tion. The first service was held at 6 o'clock A. M., and consist- 
ed of prayer for those who had taken upon themselves His 
name, and that they might ever be true to their vows. Songs 
of joy were sung; holy communion was held with God, and all 
present had their hearts filled with gladness. The hour of 10 
o'clock found the church filled to overflowing with bright and 
happy faces. The ministers who occupied chairs on the ros- 
trum were, Eev. Harrison, Eev. W. H. Musgrove, Eev. E. G 
Hobbs, Eev. B. F. Grouse, Eev. P. Wood, Eev. Saegesser, of 
the German Methodist, Eev. Dugan, of Yirden and Eev. W. 
Eoeder, of Decatur. Songs and choruses were sung over and 
over again. The jubilee hymn written by G. E. VanHorne was 
sung with hearts of joy and gladness. The sermon was 
preached by Eev. Dr. Tudor, pastor of the St. Louis Methodist 
church, south, his text being found in Exodus xiv:13: "And 
.Moses said unto the people, fear ye not, stand still, and see the 
salvation of the Lord, which he will shew you to day; for the 
Egyptians whom ye have seen to-day, ye shall see them again 
no more forever." He delivered a lengthy discourse and began 
by saying that some of the best and most useful members of 
his congregation were converted two years ago at the great re- 
vival in St. Louis, conducted by Eev. Harrison. His sermon 
was a powerful effort and a rare treat to all who heard it. A 
praise service and love feast was held at 2 o'clock, and was a 
time of great blessings. At the evening service the house was 
more thoroughly packed than it had been at any" previous time. 
It was desired to have all in, that could find a place to stand, 
and yet there must have been nearly 2,500 persons disappointed. 
Eev. Dr. Tudor, of St. Louis, preached an excellent sermon on 
faith, as expressed in Hebrews xi:7: "By faith Noah being 


warned of God, of tilings not seen as yet, moved with fear, pre- 
pared an ark to the saying of his house." This ever memorable 
jubilee day resulted in fifteen happy conversions, all but one 
who were at the altar. During this service it was necessary to 
hold an overflow meeting in the Sunday School room which 
was led by Eevs. Musgrove, Hobbs and Grouse. The exhorta- 
tions made by these sainted declaimers of the Gospel, went to 
the hearts of many, and six bowed at the altar. Five of these 
found the Saviour and 1 rejoiced in his name. 

Wednesday evening witnessed another bad and stormy 
hour for going to church'. Ladies donned their water-proofs, 
gentlemen hoisted their umbrellas and away they went to the 
glorious place of divine worship. Eev. Harrison said that it 
was his observation that when people came to the house of God 
through a storm, they always had a most precious meeting. 
Hundreds had come for the purpose of getting a blessing, and 
they would get it. The careless would be awakened, sinners 
convicted, seekers converted, and Christians strengthened. He 
did not select a text, but exhorted to the young converts to be 
steadfast through sunshine, cloud and storm. "The advice and 
encouragement of those who have been long in the way should 
be sought and their years of experience have its weight in the 
formation of Christian character." The revivalist continued 
with a pressing invitation to the unpardoned to seek forgiveness. 
Eight out of the ten persons forward were brought into the 
light* and smile of Jesus' countenance. 

Eev. J. P. Dimmit, of Decatur, and Mrs. Boyle, of St. Louis, 
both active workers for the Master, contributed their mite to 
the meeting Thursday. afternoon, which was held in the audi- 
torium. The revivalist preached upon "The Baptism of Fire," 
taking for his text, Matt, iii: 11, "I indeed baptize you with 
water unto repentance; but he that cometh after me is mightier 
than I, whose shoes I am not worthy to bear, he shall baptize 
you with the Holy Ghost and with fire." He told how this bap- 
tism could be obtained, and showed the fruits that would fol- 
low. Hundreds arose when asked how many wished to obtain 
it, and those who desired to go the altar were so many that the 
aisles even filled for some distance back. Mrs. Boyle led in 
prayer, and asked that the Lord would burn up the dross out of 
the hearts of those who were seeking this cleansing. Many 


said the service was the most prec ions they had ever experi- 
enced. Eev. Dinimit opened the evening meeting with a most 
comprehensive prayer. Mr. Harrison ch ose his text from that 
precious chapter in Isaiah, Iv: 6, "Seek ye the Lord while he 
may be found; call ye upon him while he is near." He said in 
our journey from the cradle to the tomb there was one transaction 
to take place, and that was to secure God's mercy and obtain 
the soul's salvation. Our side of the transaction was to ask, 
and God has said we shall receive. If we knock, He will open 
the door. Jesus says, "Come, for all things are now ready." 
"If I wash myself with snow-water, and should I clean my 
hands with alkali, yet thou shall plunge me in the ditch," Job 
ix: 30-31, were the words from which the evangelist spoke for a 
time. He said, "You may think that a strange text, and say, 'I 
have never read that before.' When I was in St. Louis they 
said I was astray, and ministers came out against me. I was 
right and they were wrong." He said this verse described Job's 
helplessness, and the path we are walking in? We try to be 
good, but things go all wrong. We try to get to heaven in our 
own way; trying to be saved without redemption; but unless 
there is a turning about we will miss it. God gives us the 
power to go or stay. When our companions coine to rob us of 
our soul and purity, and we do not resist, that is all wrong. 
Twenty-nine responded to the altar invitation, and fifteen were 
made happy in Christ. 

Saturday evening a large congregation of ladies only was 
present to hear Eev. Harrison as he spoke of "A woman in 
trouble." Great attention was given the evangelist upon this 

The services of Sunday were all well attended and the" hap- 
py hearts and musical voices betokened the joy of the people 
and the baptism of bliss was descending upon the faithful, and 
new converts felt their determination renewed to press on in the 
work commenced. From the class-meeting they went into the 
great congregation with their hearts like well-tilled soil, ready 
to receive the word preached by Eev. Musgrove at 11 o'clock, 
from Ezekiel xxxiii. : 8, "When I say unto the wicked, wicked 
man, thou shalt surely die: if thou dost not speak to warn the 
wicked from his way, that wicked man shall die in his iniquity; 
but his blood will I require at thy hand." His theme was the 


responsibility of the ministers of Christ,- and also of all who 
profess His name, in warning men against sin. At the after- 
noon meeting Eey. Harrison addressed men only from the 
words, "Thou fool, this night thy soul shall be required of thee." 
Quite a large number arose when asked if they wanted to be 
saved. The evening service was a most gracious baptismal, 
and after the "boy preacher" had pleaded earnestly to the un- 
converted from Luke xix. : 10, "For the Son of man is come to 
seek and to save that which was lost," thirty-sis went forward 
and thirty-three were converted. 

In the afternoon of Monday, Mrs. S. H. Boyle, of St. 
Louis, gave her experience to ladies, in the lecture room. She 
is at least 75 years of age, with a well formed head, covered 
with silvered signs of age, and with a face beautiful to behold 
because of the imprint of purity and the stamp of a pious walk 
with God. In the evening Eev. Harrison exhorted the truth 
as found in Job xxii:21: "Acquaint now thyself with Him, 
and be at peace; thereby good shall come unto thee." It was 
one of the strongest appeals he has made yet to dying men and 
women, to acquaint themselves with the Lord by forsaking sin. 
Twenty-one came forward and twenty-one became acquainted 
with the Saviour. 


This Tuesday afternoon's sermon embraced the experience 
of the revivalist. Space will not permit the relating of more 
than a few points of this zealous' worker's recital. He said that 
as for himself, he was converted like a flash of lightning out of 
a dark cloud. There had been a great deal said and written in 
regard to this revival work. They say where is the success? 
That there is success has been proven. Some say it is personal 
magnetism; others say, "He draws a spell over the congrega- 
tion." If that was so, I would bring you all to Christ. An- 
other says, "It is mesmerism; he is nervous and makes other 
people so." A paper says the Bishops and official' organs are 
pushing me on. It is none of these they all come short of the 
fact. The Bible says, "It is not by might or by power, but by 
my spirit, saith the Lord." While they said that the powers of 
Charles Fimiey and others was in their logical and scientific 
presentation of the word of God, they have never said that 
about me. He here referred to an occasion of an attempt to 


preach a written sermon at Martha's Vineyard, while there were 
a hundred ministers near by. The paper was soon cast aside, 
for, as the preacher said, "down came the Holy Ghost, down 
came the proud, and down came everybody." The meeting went 
on for three hours. "Well," says one, "I suppose you gave 
them a great sermon?" "If you had read the Chicago paper 
you would not have thought so. The brother, Dr. Newman, 
who wrote to the paper, -did not compliment me very much. He 
wrote that we had a wonderful manifestation of the word of 
God, and said that the sermon I gave them well, 'it was like a 
ram's horn blast,' but then he put something beneath it, and 
said, 'nevertheless, the walls came down.' Get the walls down 
any way. Oh that they may come down to-day." At the eve- 
ning service he preached from Matt. iii:7: "Who hath warned 
you to flee from the wrath to come." Nineteen conversions 
were reported for Tuesday, and about twelve hundred seekers 
have, during the seven weeks, knelt at the altar. 

Wednesday afternoon Rev. Harrison spoke relative to his 
awakening and conversion. His remarks were of great interest 
and benefit to all who heard him. Eev. Hobbs offered a brief 
prayer after the singing of several hymns, and Mr. Harrison 
announced his text, being the first verse of the 63d chapter of 
Isaiah: "Who is this that cometh from Edom, with dyed 
garments from Bozrah? This that is glorious in His apparel, 
traveling in the greatness of His strength? I that speak in 
righteousness mighty to save." He said, in part, that the pro- 
phet lived in a dark time the midnight age and shadows had 
become dark clouds, and sin had become outbroken idolatry. 
As the captain of the sinking vessel, with glass in hand, sees 
relief coming to him, so Isaiah put the telescope of prophecy 
to his eye, and looking forward seven hundred and fifty years, 
,sees one coming to the troubled over billows of human blessed- 
ness. Unless we are redeemed by the power of the blood of 
the Son of God, there is no hope. There are, perhaps, four 
hundred here to-night not at peace with God. You are weary. 
You are almost, at times, dissatisfied with life. The words 
sorrow, disappointment, perdition and remorse can each and all 
be spelled with three letters sin. You can come to God to- 
night and He will save you if you will let Him." During the 
day there were thirty new seekers and twenty-one conversions. 


The usual number could be seen at the M. E. Church on 
Thursday evening, and after the singing of several hymns Eev. 
Wilder, presiding elder of the Decatur district, led in prayer. 
Eev. Harrison selected, Eev. xxii: 17, "And the spirit and the 
bride say, come; and let him that is 'athirst say, come'; and who- 
soever will, let him take the water of life "freely," as his text. 
He said however bad or indifferent one may be, God will save 
to the uttermost. Meet the condition, and God will save us. 
The text presents Jesus holding out His hand to take ours. It 
takes in the bad, moral and upright, "Whosoever will." 

The work goes on without any signs of abatement, although 
the weather was unfavorable on Friday night. At the young 
people's meeting the converts prayed with wondrous power, and 
testified to the goodness of God. The "little giant" of faith did 
not take a text at the service in the auditorium, but urged sin- 
ners to come forward and take a stand for Jesus. He believed 
that the quicker the work at the altar began the better, and at 
once extended the invitation. Seventeen sought the mercy 
seat, and sixteen succeeded in being wholly redeemed. 

The Saturday night meeting for women, was largely at- 
tended, consisting of singing, prayer and a brief talk by the 
"Boy Preacher," and invitation to seekers. 

Sabbath afternoon service to men only, was a continuation 
of Mr. Harrison's experience. A number went forward, and 
five or six converted. Every available space was allowed to be 
occupied during the evening discourse. Without taking any 
especial text, the words "No excuse" were taken as the basis of 
the sermon. The speaker said every one in the sound of his 
voice knew they must die. Jesus set before us an open door; 
He stands at the door and knocks, and if Ave do not open who is 
to blame? There is no excuse for not being a Christian; no 
excuse for' not repenting. God says there is no excuse. Thirty- 
six sought and thirty-one found Christ. 

The evening services on Monday brought an end to the work 
of eight weeks, yet there is still an unabated interest and hund- 
reds are turned away every night. Eev. Harrison's faith is 
stronger, that the revival has only fairly begun, and as he 
stretched forth his hands great solemnity prevailed, and the 
words fell from his lips with a mighty power. After prayer by 


Rev. James Shaw, of Bloomington, the "boy preacher" exhorted 
for a short time on each verse of hymn No. 18. He praised 
God for the mighty work being accomplished in this city. At 
the call for seekers fifteen new ones came forward and sixteen 
were converted. 


The services on Tuesday night were witnessed by another 
large audience and many came to find that the door was shut. 
Eev. Grouse prayed that this might be a night long to be re- 
membered for the great outpouring of God's blessing. At this 
time Eev. Harrison said, "Come to Him gladly. Like a young 
man in Washington, who found that he could not get through 
the crowd to the altar, knelt down right where he was, and cried 
for mercy. He was in a hurry. Oh, may you be to-night." 
There were seventeen new ones came forward and nineteen con- 

At the opening of the services on Wednesday night Eev. 
Wood prayed fervently for the press, the reporters and the 
printers. No. 24 was sung, and after a short prayer, Eev. Har- 
rison selected for his text, "Go thy way for this time; when I 
have a convenient season 1 will call for thee." He said that 
our decisions now would affect us forever. "God says, 'Eepent, 
repent!' There will never be a better time than this. Come 
while he may yet be found." At the conclusion of the service 
fourteen were reported as finding peace for their souls. 

The inclement weather caused the First M. E. Church to be 
more sparsely filled than any evening during the meetings thus 
far. Mr. Musgrove stated that up to this time 1,347 had bowed 
at the altar, and 520 of this number had united with the Metho- 
dist churches alone. Mr. Harrison followed with a few words, 
and said this revival was almost unprecedented in the history 
of the city, yea, in the .State; that the best part of it was the 
quick conversions. The battle was fought when they came to 
the altar and' gave themselves entirely to the Lord. He said: 
"This has only been a gentle breeze, but I believe a cyclone is 
coming. Don't say anything about glory, we will get there 
when we get through." He said he was going to take a text, 
but forgot what it was. He nervously felt in his pocket, looked 


on the Bible, but finally remembered the subject, which was 
" The cloak we wear." He had become so interested before se- 
lecting his text that the time for the sermon had passed. His 
efforts were crowned by the conversion of thirteen souls. 

The audience on Friday night was very much interested and 
a great and good work was accomplished. After the devotional 
exercises, Rev. Harrison said, "I want all converts to join some 
church. There will be no services on Saturday and we will get 
rested for the great work next week. It will be as great as all 
other weeks combined, I believe. I take it for granted we are 
all here with one mind; we are all racing on toward eternity, 
there seems to be a great seriousness settling down upon this 
congregation. All those who desire to be saved stand up." 
Quite a number arose and he repeated the text, "Behold, now 
is the day of salvation." Twenty came to the altar and sixteen 
were converted. 

Sunday evening there were more people attempting to gain 
admission to the church than there had been any night for sev- 
eral weeks. By 7 o'clock the church was packed full and the 
doors were closed. The sidewalk on the south and west sides 
of the building was a perfect jam of disappointed persons wait- 
ing to see if they could not by some means get an opportunity 
to slip in, as some one would come out. This state of affairs 
continued until the close of the service. Eev. Harrison prayed 
that this might be a night of great power and harvesting of souls 
for Christ. He wanted the Christians to breathe a spirit of 
prayer while he preached the word found in Hebrews ii:3: 
"How shall we escape, if we neglect so great a salvation?" 
"Here is a question which involves eternity and has no answer. 
This is a point each and every one must settle and answer for 
themselves. How will you answer it to-nigh. Oh, come and 
be saved." At this point he was interrupted by a lady fainting 
in the gallery. He commenced singing, "The Saviour is call- 
ing," and then asked seekers to come forward. "Escape." 
Seventeen came and twelve found Jesus. 

Monday evening closed the ninth week of the revival, and 
no abatement in the interest manifested. The "boy preacher" 
was much gratified at the state of affairs. No. 47 was sung as 
the opening hymn, "Though troubles assail and dangers affright" 
followed by No. 37, after which Eev. Mr. Wood offered the 


opening prayer. Considerable coughing was going on while 
the collection was being taken up, and Bev. Harrison said, "All 
get through coughing before I commence to preach. It seems 
to be Hke the yellow fever catching." [Laughter.] After 
singing No. 87 the evangelist knelt in prayer, after which he 
took for his text, "For God so loved the world that he gave his 
only begotten son, that whosoever believeth in him should not 
perish, but have everlasting life," John iii: 16. He showed the 
love, mercy and goodness of God so plain that it brought the 
tear of joy to the eye of many, and the tear of repentance and 
sorrow to the eye of the sinner. Fifteen could not resist the 
pleadings of the eloquent speaker, nor hush the "still small 
voice" of conscience whispering of their unsaved condition, but 
knelt at the chancel rail, and fourteen were converted. 


A deluge of redeeming love was experienced at the meeting 
on Tuesday night. Eev. Harrison delivered a most excellent 
sermon from James iv: 14, ""Whereas ye know not what shall be 
on the morrow. For what is your life?" The altar services 
seemed to be lacking in interest at first, but the best of the wine 
came at the last of the feast. Bev. Harrison had been saying 
all evening there would be a cyclone of converting power be- 
fore they left, but the audience was dismissed, and many had 
gone home when the cyclone of heavenly grace came down. 
The meeting was commenced again, dismissed once more, when 
another shower came and the meeting was resumed. This kept 
up until nearly every one in the house was praising God or 
being converted. Twenty-five bowed at the altar, twenty were 
converted, and the older Christians most wonderfully blessed. 

Thus far 1,465 have bowed at the altar as seekers of salva- 
tion. On Thursday evening, at the early service in the lecture 
room, a part of the hour was spent in hearing testimonials from 
young converts. A large number spoke in rapid succession 
concerning their conversion. The evening revival services 
opened by the singing, of "Bedeemed, how I love to proclaim 
it." Bev. Mr. Grouse, pastor of the English Lutheran church, 
followed with a heartfelt prayer. Mr. Harrison asked that 
Christians join him in a spirit of earnest prayer and exercise of 
faith for another evening's victory through the spirit's influence 


and that it might truly be a "harvest-home" night. Many who 
were present, he said, were not far from the kingdom, but far 
enough to be lost. Oh, for a general coming and a universal 
cry of "I yield; I yield. I cannot hold out longer because of 
conviction." His test was, "Kiss the son, lest He be angry, and 
ye perish from the way, when His wrath is kindled but a little." 
Psalm ii, 12. While he was exhorting upon this subject, a 
young man in the gallery was converted before he could get 
down to the altar. At the close of the evening, twenty-five had 
been forward and seventeen converted. 

The "cyclone" of the power of God made manifest the pre- 
vious evening still lingered in the hearts of the ministers, 
workers and converts on Wednesday evening. The "boy 
preacher" paced the rostrum as he related something of how he 
received the blessing, to his attentive listeners. He said, 
"Brother Shepherd asked me if I saw the wonderful power of 
God coming. I said I did; when I went up this aisle I met it; 
when I went up that aisle I faced it; when I came here (point- 
ing to the altar) I caught it; it spread like an epidemic; three 
more nights like last night would shake the city from end to 
end; breathe a spirit of prayer that we may have just such 
another night to-night. Almost before the invitation was given 
several came rushing to the alter. Twenty-four were forward 
and seventeen were converted. 

Friday night closed the most remarkable week in the his- 
tory of the revival. Young and old persons, burdened with sin 
have kneeled at the altar and been made heirs of God. The 
services were opened with prayer by Eev. Hobbs, asking the 
Lord for divine help, for grace, zeal, enthusiasm and devotion; 
for earnest repentance and eager seeking. Eev. Harrison said 
that he would preach in the old-fashioned Methodist way to- 
night, by exhorting and pleading. The result was nineteen 
forward and eight conversions. 

Sunday night the work progressed with about the same 
power, and twenty-five more rejoiced in the Redeemer's love. 
Mrs. Wellman sang No. 72, and then Eev. Harrison selected 
for his text, "What must I do to be saved?" He said, "Breathe 
a spirit of prayer for a hundred conversions here to-night. He 
can subdue any heart. There is not a person here who will die 
to be lost unless he wants- to, There will not be one lost in the 


world beyond without a reason." He continued on a line of the 
sureness of death and the necessity of making immediate prep- 

The attendance on Monday night was as large as on the 
previous evening, and there was an overspreading of the Holy 
Spirit throughout the entire congregation. The songs were 
sung with unusual volumn and pathos. Mrs. Wellman sang 
with much tenderness of spirit, "Who is this that waiteth?" 
and as she dwelled on the words "Let me in," a mystified still- 
ness took hold of the audience. The text, John, xv, 22: "If I. 
had not come and spoken unto them, they had not had sin; but 
now they have no cloak for their sin." He made a brief ex- 
hortation, and in the course of his remarks said: "Yes, there is 
a storm gathering, and I need shelter. There are those here 
who are slaves, but God wants to liberate you, but you will not 
accept the great plan of redemption. Christ has spoken to 
you; spoken by His teachings, by his sufferings how many 
ways He has spoken. You have no cloak for your sins. Christ 
speaks by entreaty, invitation and exhortion, but never by com- 
pulsion." An invitation was given and responded to by twenty- 
one seekers, and seventeen found relief for their sin-sick souls. 
This brought the total up to 1,500, and the congregation sang 
the Doxology six times. Other praise hymns were sung before 


The young people's meeting on Tuesday night .was full of 
the glory of God many hearts burned to tell the glad news to 
those present. The eager ones, who had gathered in the audi- 
torium, were impressed with the solemnity of the hour, and 
listened with abated breath to every word that fell from 
the lips of the holy man of God. Rev. Musgrove offered the 
opening prayer, thanking God for the gaining of victory after 
victory; that the grace of God had been sufficient to drive back 
the wiles of Satan, who had arisen to thwart the plans of the 
meeting. Bev. Harrison said: "We thank God for the history 
of this revival. I received a telegram to-day from New York 
that a business man had been converted just as a result of read- 
ing about these meetings. It is spreading far and Avide. How 
much grander could the result be?" As he stepped forward to 
preach, a look of deep concern for the conversion of souls filled 


his face, and after a few words, invited the unsaved forward. 
Fifteen were happily converted out of twenty-five who came to 
the altar. 

At the services yesterday afternoon and last night, there 
was no visible signs of the interest dying out. Eev. Harrison 
said: "There will be four things to take place here to-night. 
First, sing heaven; second, pray heaven; third, preach 
heaven; and fourth, get into heaven. I want every unsaved 
soul here to night to take ine by the hand and start for 
heaven." Rev. Musgrove arose and said that a morning paper 
had stated that these meetings would close next week, as 
Bro. Harrison had to go away. Now, if all feel like I do to- 
night and enjoy as great a blessing, these meetings will continue 
indefinitely. All who want these meetings to. continue, please 
arise. (All arose except the reporters.) "Now if this truly 
comes from the heart, you will aid the cause by giving liberally 
to-night when the baskets are passed around. The expenses 
must be borne, and I believe you will help to bear the burden. 
Give what you can and keep these meetings going. The text 
for the evening was Eev. xxi:10: "And he showed me that great 
city." The Bible teaches the doctrine that we may know when 
our names are written there. That is what we want to-night 
new names written in heaven. God, send the blessing down. 
Say "I will start for heaven." You say, "How do you know 
that our names are written there?" Paul says, "I send greeting 
to those whose names are written in the Lamb's book of life." 
Of the fifteen kneeling at the altar nine were gloriously saved. 

It is evident that the end of this most wonderful revival is 
not yet, although the time approaches when the meetings must 
have closed. Since this series of meetings commenced, fifteen 
hundred and fifty-two persons have bowed at the altar as seek- 
ers of salvation. On this (Thursday) evening Eev. Harrison 
did not take a text, for he believes the unsaved are already con- 
vinced of sin, of righteousness, and of a judgment to come, and 
that the most important word to be spoken to them is an urgent 
appeal to come and ask for pardon, for peace and eternal life. 
Nineteen came forward, and thirteen passed from death unto 

The evangelist commenced the services of Friday evening 
by saying that the church was too small for the people, though 


nearly three months had elapsed since this great work began. 
"You would think the people would become weary. No, no. 
The interest is greater than the first night when I stood in this 
pulpit crying out 'Have faith in God.' " Fervent prayers were 
offered after the exhortation, in behalf of the unconverted, and 
seventeen came to the altar of mercy, and eleven professed to 
have the knowledge of a saving power; 

The meeting Sabbath evening was opened by the singing 
of several hymns followed with prayer by Eev. Hobbs. No. 38 
was then sung, the untiring evangelist exhorting from each 
verse. He then offered a brief prayer, asking the Lord to come 
near. "If we succeed at the mercy seat we must be right our- 
selves. "We are needy, but Thou hast said that we may be sup- 
plied." He pleaded for the sinner, asking God to be with him 
while he preached to those who are on the way to judgment un- 
saved those neglecting to prepare for eternity. He preached 
from the words, "Thou art weighed in the balance," a text pre- 
viously exhorted from, but presenting, on this occasion, new 
truths with telling effect. At the close of the service thirty-one 
had been forward and twenty-four converted. At the afternoon 
service there were twelve conversions. 

A joyful jubilee was held on Monday night over the 1,600 
precious souls that have been redeemed. Last night closed the 
eleventh week, and still souls are being brought into the fold 
by scores. And not only are sinners being reclaimed, but the 
Christians who have tread the narrow path for years are warmed 
up, and have received many glorious blessings since the meet- 
ings began. The Holy Spirit was in every song, and hovered 
near every soul. The evangelist began with renewed zeal and 
vigor and strong belief in the wonderful saving power of God. 
. Eev. B. F. Grouse prayed fervently and earnestly, pleaded the 
cause of the dying sinners, that they might have their names 
written in the Lamb's book of life. The preacher of strong 
faith arose and for some minutes gazed into the faces of his 
1,300 hearers. He seemed to study their very thoughts, and 
said that the mighty work going on in the minds of the people 
was Avonderful. "The countenance shows the deep interest 
manifested. To-day we stepped over the line, and now 1,605 
have been saved. There ought to go up from this congregation 
one mighty hallelujah to God. It is no use for me to talk to 


you long to-night. I have been preaching to you for eleven 
weeks, and you know what is required of you. I have witnessed 
the conversion of nearly 60,000 souls, but I don't believe I will 
ever see just such another scene as this. I pray you come and 
seek the Saviour while He may yet be found." The Christian 
workers went out among the people and brought forward 
twenty-one who desired to be saved, and fourteen found favor 
in the Saviour's love. 


The threatening weather prevented a few of the frequent- 
ers attending the services Tuesday evening, March 30th, but 
divine power was in the midst of the congregation. The after- 
noon meeting had been another of those characteristic refresh- 
ings, and those attending brought its influence to the evening 
hour. While the choir sang "The rock that is higher than I," 
it seemed Mr. Harrison could not express his joy, and said: 
"How our meeting is progressing! How others are learning to 
shout praises to God! A brother has told me he has not known 
of such a meeting for twenty years. The young men said at 
first they could not leave their work; but see them now throng- 
ing through the corridors. Now! Oh, God! a little more power, 
and soon the church will be packed, regardless of the inclement 
weather. Gracious God, the power is Thine, give us the suc- 
cess. Here we are on the twelfth week, with over 1,600 souls 
saved. "What a glorious work it would be, if every one in this 
house should be saved! What a meeting it would be!" As the 
invitation hymn, "Jesus Saves," was sung, thirteen came for- 
ward, and nine were converted. 

A severe snow storm was raging Wednesday night, but the 
diminished congregation were just as eager for the conversion of 
souls as when the house was packed and encouragement was 
written on every face present. Mr. Harrison said that storms 
were never so great but that Christians would find their way to 
the house of God. For convenience the audience went into the 
lecture room where the many familiar hymns were sung with as 
much earnestness and zeal by the faithful choir as when singing 
to a packed house. Just as devout prayers were offered to Al- 
mighty God as when 1,400 were present. The never-tiring 
evangelist gave a brief talk upon the beautiful hymn, "Is my 
name written there?" and upon invitation several were present 


who desired to have their names in the book of the Lamb. 

Once more on Thursday evening the house was packed and 
the prospects are as fair for a continuance of the meeting, as at 
the close of the second week. Mr. Musgrove said he believed 
if he should ask the audience if they desired them to go on, the 
entire congregation would arise. He said Mr. Harrison had 
calls from far and near to go and work, but his work here was 
reaping such glorious results "that he don't want to leave till he 
is compelled to. After songs were sung and a most eloquent 
prayer by Eev. Musgrove, Mr. Harrison delivered an enthusias- 
tic sermon from Psalm xxviii:8. Its power was felt by the re- 
pentant ones, who were determined that this great meeting 
should not close, this man, whom God had endowed with such 
wonderful converting power, should not leave the city till their 
souls had felt the dew of heaven, the clevine benediction upon 
them. Sixteen bowed the knee at the altar, showing their 
great concern for a new life. 

Friday night's service opened by the singing of that im- 
pressive hymn, "The Lily of the Valley," followed by a prayer 
of thanksgiving and an exhortation by the pastor. Mr. Harri- 
son followed with a short talk of the great need of immediate 
action and the need of salvation. He said: "Oh, what a glori- 
ous meeting this is, when we consider how long Kev. Horrison 
worked in China in a similar cause for seven years and only 
succeeded in getting one interested. Here we are with a little 
more than three months of labor gone by and nearly 1,700 souls 
saved and a flattering prospect for more." He alluded to the 
condition of many church members who were in doubt, and that 
perhaps some in the sound of his voice who might become con- 
verts just as well as those seeking for the first time. His zeal- 
ous call brought eighteen to the altar, and eleven were con- 

Sunday's services were, as usual, among the best of the 
week. Hundreds of disappointed ones turned away. Mr. 
Musgrove said he believed there were many who would gladly 
give a dollar if they were only permitted , to get inside. No 
sign of lagging interest yet. Mrs. Wellman sang No. 1, im- 
pressively followed by prayer and the song, "The Bock that is 
Higher than I," after which the revivalist took for his text, 
"What shall it profit a man if he gain the whole world and lose 


his own soul?" He was enthused with renewed vigor, gaz- 
ing upon the eager throng and portraying in his devout, 
earnest way, the folly of earthly gain and fame to the destruc- 
tion of one's own soul. He felt overjoyed at the success of the 
meetings, and believed they would soon have a jubilee for 2,000 
souls. Fifteen responded to the invitation to "come," and eight 
were converted. 

April 5th ends another week of this outpouring of the 
Holy Spirit in Springfield. Where it will end none ventures to 
say, but all pray that every heart in the city may feel its power. 
The evangelist took no text for the evening, but exhorted and 
commented upon the verses of No. 38. He always has some 
new truth to present, and makes his applications more pointed 
in the relating of many incidents which occur at different 
places where he has labored. Eight responded to his eloquent 
appeal, and three were converted. 



Tuesday night, April 6th, Rev. Harrison announced his 
text from Proverbs xiv: 12, "There is a way which seemeth 
right unto a man; but the end thereof are the ways of death." 
He said that all our earthly treasures were of no consideration 
whatever; when we all knew we would soon leave this world 
and forget them forever. If he could, with his strongest effort, 
bring all to God, he could not praise Him enough. He knew if 
one unsaved person in the house would actually turn from his 
evil path and go to God, that one would praise Him for all ages 
to come. He wove in the experience of the lukewarm, the sin- 
ner, and of the hypocrite, and how difficult it was to answer the 
question, "Are you saved?" He spoke of some ministers who 
preach the gospel for years, lead in the family prayer, and at 
the end of life might go to hell, because they are not saved. 
When we have succeeded in winning the smile of God, are ac- 
cepted by Him, we will Imow it. Eight out of eleven, who 
went forward, professed to have found pardoning grace. 

Wednesday evening's services were full of the Holy Spirit, 
and great interest was manifested. A number of hymns were 
sung, causing the walls of the house to resound with sweet 


melody. Eev. Harrison viewed the audience for several mo- 
ments, a gentle smile creeping over liis bright and honest face. 
He said, "There are one hundred men and women here who 
would gladly prefer heaven to hell, but will not make an effort 
to escape eternal damnation, yet if you will only be guided by 
what I have to say, there would be no effort, no trouble, no de- 
nial and all would be well." He then repeated his text, "If 
thou seek Him, He will be found of thee; but if thou forsake 
Him, He will cast thee off forever." His plaintive voice sounded 
once more in the ears of the sinner with pleadings and warn- 
ing that made the very heart burn with conscious guilt when 
thinking of the awful doom of the unsaved. People are born to 
die; required to appear in judgment and enter an eternity just 
as. they decide what that eternity shall be to them. He dropped 
sweet crumbs for the devout Christian during his discourse, 
which caused them to feel more love in their hearts for the One 
who so richly bestows such blessings upon them, and it gave 
them a more ardent desire to work for the salvation of precious 
souls who are each day nearing the eternal judgment. He said 
there was bad teaching in the hymn beginning, "Come thou 
fount of every blessing," where could be found the words, 
"Prone to wander, Lord, I feel it, prone to leave the God I 
love." He said, "I don't want to sing it when I am wandering 
from God, and I would not like to be prone to leave the God I 
love. Christians ought to sing, 'Prone to go to the God I 
love.' " The usual invitation was given the unsaved to come 
forward, and a great many responded during the singing of 
those beautiful songs of invitation of which the "Precious 
Hymns" so richly abound. 

Thursday found the work of redeeming souls still.pressing 
vigorously forward, under the captainship of that powerful 
leader, Rev. Thomas Harrison, who asked, "Why all this meet- 
ing? Why all this singing and praying? We know what we 
meet here for; to sing praises to God for His beneficent kind- 
ness, and the gift He is bestowing upon us all the time. Some 
here to-night have the assurance that they are saved; some are 
deeply thinking, while others are sitting on the lower floor, 
and still others in the gallery, who have not given it a thought. 
I hope you will not postpone seeking Jesus any longer, for you 
may die before you have another opportunity." Sixteen went 
forward, and eleven converted. 


Friday was a day tliafc will be long remembered by those 
wlio were at the First M. E. Church at this time, which was a 
day set apart for fasting and prayer for all interested in the 
speedy conversion of friends, relatives and neighbors. From 
time to time the interest deepened, until it seemed as though 
"Heaven came down their souls to greet, and glory crowned the 
mercy's seat." Many of the old soldiers of the cross felt that 
at no time in their lives had they been lifted nearer to "the 
portals in the skies." At this remarkable meeting ten came 
forward to join hands for glory, and eight made their "peace 
with God." At the evening service Eev. Harrison referred to 
the afternoon meeting as being the most eventful one in the 
history of the church. He said it was the privilege and duty 
of every Christian to bring with them at the early service some 
unconverted friend. Great blessings always follow the bring- 
ing of unsaved souls to the Saviour. He gave an earnest ex- 
hortation to the unconverted to come and seek Jesus. Seven- 
teen came forward and nearly all found the light of God's coun- 

A meeting of the young converts was held in the Second 
M. E. Church, Saturday night, led by M. E. Bernard, consist- 
ing of singing, prayer and testimonies, after which a Young 
Christian's Association was organized, to be under the super- 
vision of their pastor. 

The early class meeting Sunday morning witnessed the 
conversion of one man, where none had been converted before. 
In the evening the face of Mr. Harrison was radiant with joy 
and smiles, as he related some of the experiences of the day to 
his large congregation, During the singing of "The new song'' 
by Miss Lizzie Hopping, the restless worker exhorted from 
each verse, as is so often his wont of doing. After the an- 
nouncements and the singing of several hymns, "It is time to 
seek the Lord," a part of Hosea x:12, was selected the text of 
the evening. He pressed the word of God so closely to the 
heart, pictured so vividly the danger of delay in seeking salva- 
tion, that thirty-eight came broken-hearted to the altar, and 
twenty-five received the "pearl of great price," the most of any 
evening during the meetings. 

The Monday evening service was attended by another 


crowded house, and as Eev. Harrison said "The revival is reviv- 
ing." The hyran, "Jesus saves," was sung at the opening of 
the meeting, and was followed by an eloquent prayer by Eev. 
Grouse. Mrs. Henlde rendered "While the years are rolling 
on," after which the pastor, in speaking of the jubilee on the 
morrow, said: "May God crown the day with the conversion of 
one hundred souls." The evangelist said the meetings' re- 
sults had reached far beyond the universal expectations. He 
prayed that one hundred souls would be saved before the ben- 
ediction was pronounced, and asked God to bless them and 
make the evening's meeting a victorious one. He spoke of the 
young man, who, the night before, arose from the altar and 
said that business demanded his going; how he (Eev. Hanison) 
pleaded with him to make one more effort, to bow at the altar 
and pray to God for salvation. He did so, and was made happy 
by the forgiveness of sin. While No. 29 was sung twenty-eight 
came to. the altar, and nineteen were converted, twelve of whom 
were young men. 


Tuesday, April 13, was the day set apart for the grand 
jubilee service of over seventeen hundred conversions. The 
flame of the great revival had spread throughout Central Illi- 
nois, and there was almost a continual coming and going to and 
from the church all day. Hundreds of visitors were in the ctyy 
to attend these special services and join in the thaksgiving to 
God for the wonderful converting power which had seized so 
many, who a short time before were walking in the path that 
leads to destruction. An early service was held at 6 o'clock A. 
M., which paved the way for the glorious work of the day. The 
jubilee sermon was preached at 10 o'clock. The holy temple of 
God was packed with an audience never before presenting a 
more happy and contented appearance. The pulpit was beau- 
tifully decorated with lovely and fragrant flowers artistically 
arranged by Mrs. W. E. Shutt, whose exquisite taste in the 
formation of sweet blending colors could not be improved upon. 
On the front of the choir railing was a beautiful floral design 
with the words, "Harrison's victory for God." Among the 
godly saints, with bright and happy faces, occupying places on 
the rostrum were Eevs. Prentice, W. H. Musgrove, E. G. Hobbs, 


P. Wood, B. F. Grouse, D. S. Johnson, E. 0. Post, Joiner, Bell 
Hamilton, of Grand Eapids, Mich.', Peter Slagle, of Petersburg, 
W. M. Poe, of Buffalo, W. N. Eutledge, of Chatham, S. B. Ives, 
of Auburn, Joseph Wiuterbottom, of Athens, 0. E. Badger, of 
Dawson, and L. Janes, of Macoupin. Eev. Harrison, whose heart 
overflowed with divine love was present and made a short ex- 
hortation. This was followed with prayer by Eev. D. S. John- 
son, D.D., of the Second Presbyterian church, and then Eev. E. 
0. Post of the Congregational church read the 103d Psalm. Mrs. 
Henkle sang with all the power of her sweet voice, "Oh, 'tis 
glory in my soul." Bishop Bowman, was introduced by Elder 
Wood, and read for his text the words, found in Psalms 1, 1-2 
"Blessed is the man that walketh not in the counsel of the un- 
godly, nor standeth in the way of sinners, nor sitteth in the seat 
of the scornful; but his delight is in the law of the Lord; and 
in his law doth he meditate clay and night." His theme centered 
on the negative and positive character of the Christian, and also 
of tlje sinner. "The principles that actuate the moralist,' is sel- 
fishness. The godly man should glorify God. He must try no 
experiments to test what seems wrong at first." The sermon 
abounded with appeals to the young Christians to be fully con- 
secrated to the work of the Lord; to be positive Christians. 
When he concluded not a dry eye was in the house, and with a 
face brilliant with the love of God, Eev. Harrison made a few 
remarks. He said that he had never in all his life passed 
through so great a jubilee as this. 

At the evening service there was an awful rush for an en- 
trance until every possible available spot was occupied. Many 
on the outside who could not get in would hang about the win- 
dows to get the best view they could. Eev. Harrison was so 
happy and overjoyed that his words fell far short of describing 
his feelings. He made a short exhortation, followed by Bishop 
Bowman, who gave an account of his conversion many years 
ago, and spoke words of encouragement to the young converts. 
Thirty souls bowed before God on the eve of this grand jubilee, 
and seventeen received a release from sin. 

After the long services of jubilee day, the exercises on Wed- 
nesday were considerably shortened, as were also those of 
Thursday. It was thought by many that that memorable day 
was about the closing one of this revival, but the laboring 


members of the M. E. churches would not allow the pious Har- 
rison to depart while the interest was still at fever heat, and the 
good Avork was permitted to continue. The two. named even- 
ings' meetings consisted in brief talks, a great many of the 
soul-stirring songs were sung, and deep, fervent prayers were 
offered in behalf of the many seekers who thronged the altar. 
About forty persons presented themselves at the altar, and four- 
teen received the assurance of the forgiveness of their sins. 

Friday night experienced another bad time for the meeting, 
which was held in the lecture room. After the singing of "Are 
you washed in the blood of the Lamb," and "While the years 
are rolling on," prayer was offered by Rev. Sloan, followed by 
"It is good to be here," at the conclusion of which another 
prayer ascended to God from Rev. Wood, then Mr. Harrison 
said he thought as the weather was so bad that none but con- 
verts and religious men and women came out. He thought it 
would be grand if we were all of the right principle with God's 
love in our hearts, so that we might sing with assurance "When 
I can read my title clear to mansions in the skies." We then 
could see heaven before us, and have no more doubts and fears. 
All were deeply impressed, and one soul found peace in God. 

A more lovable day could not have been ushered in than 
was this holy Sabbath. All the services were crowded, and es- 
pecially the young people's meeting at 9:45, which seemed to 
have received a heavenly benediction. Nearly one hundred 
came forward desiring to seek salvation. When all were in the 
auditorium the "boy preacher" was to full for utterance. He 
could feel the power pervading the room, and his countenance 
"shone like the sun." Will one present ever forget the blessed- 
ness of that night? Never! The voice of the "sweet singer/' 
Mrs. Henkle, penetrated every heart as she sang "How can I 
live without Jesus?" and many a heart throbbed violently as 
they attentively listened through its rendition. Mr. Harrison 
said: "This meeting is fast drawing to a close. Only a short 
time will I be here to pray with you. You do not know at what 
hour you will be crying, 'Oh, whall I do to be saved?' " His 
text was a short one "Eternity;" the sermon "Where will 
you spend it?" A few words are insufficient to picture the 
grandeur of this eloquent appeal. One must gaze into the 
speaker's face and .see the agonized look, hear the plaintive 



voice pleading with the unsaved, to appreciate the solemnity of 
that hour! The altar presented a scene never before witnessed 
since the wonderful awakening has taken place. The altar rail 
was crowded and the two front rows of chairs were 'taken "for 
those under conviction, who kneeled, heart-broken. Their 
piteous sobbings could be heard all over the room. Anxiety 
for their immediate acceptance was depicted upon the face of 
the earnest evangelist and his excellent corps of workers who 
were sounding words of comfort in the ears of the contrite 
ones. Never before was there witnessed such a scene in that 
church. It was with difficulty that the people were kept back 
from the altar, such great excitement prevailed. This glorious 
Sabbath day was .crowned with the convex sion of fifty-two 
souls, the most that ever had taken place at any one meeting. 

Eev. Harrison said, in opening the services on Monday 
night, that their plans to bring these meeting to a close had 
been thwarted every time, until now at the end of the four- 
teenth week, the interest is unabated. He preached from Isa- 
iah xxxviii:14: "Undertake for me," a text which he exhorted 
from some weeks previous. The meeting was a good one, and 
out of the twenty-three forward, sixteen were converted. 


Tuesday commenced the fifteenth week of this most re- 
markable service, and another eager, thoughtful, listening au- 
dience assembled to hear one more urgent appeal for their 
unsaved soul from Eev. Harrison. He said the time was fast 
drawing to a close when the opportunity for finding peace would 
be gone. He spoke of a new convert he met the previous day, 
who said to him, "Brother Harrison, there has been sunshine in 
my house all day," and said how glorious it would be if all the 
audience could sav the same thing. The vigorous worker could 
speak but a short time owing to a very sore throat, the result 
of his arduous labors, but his appeal to the unsaved was most 
effective. Just one hundred had been at the altar since the 
commencement of Sabbath evening's service. 

The following evening, on account of the continued im- 
paired condition of his vocal organs, the revivalist spoke but 
little; he said, "We are all traveling toward eternity. Soon, 
we know not when, we will be called away. There are so many 
deaths, so many funerals; we read of them, we see the funeral 


procession, we know that we can't be here much longer. Oh, I 
would to God that every one may be converted to-night and 
come into the kingdom." He spoke words of endearment to the 
bereaved, of warning to sinners and induced many to seek peace 
with God. Fourteen made the start to heaven and eight were 

The many new faces seen occupying the chairs in the First 
M. E. Church Thursday evening, wearing a look of intense 
anxiety, is but another evidence of the great power Eev. Har- 
rison is wielding for good in this city. He talked, it seemed, 
with more than usual energy, if possible, than since the begin- 
ning of his labors, as if a new inspiration had just seized 
him. From the beginning to the close of- his discourse he ex- 
hibited a greater anxiety for those whose feet were bordering 
on to eternity, with no safe harbor for the future. He said 
that he had the assurance of his safety, and was so happy with 
that knowledge. "Life is so brief and heaven and hell such 
realities." He spoke mainly to sinners, and showed how criti- 
cal their state if they had no knowledge of the direction in which 
they were tr avelin g. He spoke to some of the converts and asked 
if they knew they were converted, and "Yes," was heard from one, 
'I have no doubt about my conversion.' 'I am perfectly hap- 
py," said another, and during the day one had said, "I am now 
assured; what was before a theory is now an experience." Seven 
were converted during the evening. 

Friday morning a fast service was held at 11:30 o'clock, 
which was largely attended by the faithful, and paved the way 
to a successful meeting in the evening, which witnessed the 
conversion of thirteen earnest seekers. No text was taken for 
the evening, but an exhortation to impress unbelievers of all 
classes to make up their minds to consecrate themselves to God 
was attentively listened to. The evangelist said he had 
preached the word of God, had pleaded, begged and entreated 
them to turn aside from the paths of sin, and yet there were 
some on the outside. "If you have not made up your minds to 
come to the Saviour, God have mercy upon you. Before closing 
the service a jubilee was held for the conversion of 1,900 souls. 



Sunday, being Easter, a preparatory service was held on 


Saturday evening which was very well attended, and a most 
gracious time was had. Prayers were offered for the conversion 
of many souls on Sunday the last altar service of the greatest 
revival ever held in Springfield. Christians were earnest to a 
unit, and realized that God still had more reaping to be done 
on the morrow. Two seekers came forward at this service and 
one was converted. 

Sunday morning (Easter) opened up beautifully, but to- 
ward noon clouds began to appear and occasionally hid the sun. 
The weather was cool but comfortable, and was favorable to a 
large outpouring of the masses at the 10 o'clock service which was 
held in the lecture room. The Easter service was held at 11 A.M. 
The flower decorations of the church were beautiful, but not so 
elaborate as to be extravagant. A large cross was attached to the 
choir railing over the minister's rostrum. It was made with lovely 
white blossoms, set with lilies. The words, "He is Eisen" were 
set out in large letters of red. The gift was from one of the 
young converts. The piano and 'Bible stand were tastefully 
bedecked with cut flowers of many varieties. Large pot plants 
were displayed around the edge of the rostrum, there were 
about fifty pieces, and arranged so as to give the blending of 
the variegated colors the best effect. The services commenced by 
singing "He is a lily of the valley," followed with prayer by 
Eev. Musgrove, who asked the Lord to give still greater mani- 
festations of His converting powers. The choir, composed of 
Mrs. Huntington Henkle, soprano; Mrs. P. Wellman, alto; 
Charles Crowell, bass, and Frank Jones, tenor, rendered "Ben- 
edictus," from Farmer's Mass, by Buck. The scripture lesson, 
Matt, xxviii, beginning at the 16th verse, was read by Eev. Gur- 
ney. Mrs. Henkle sang a solo, "Consider the Lilies," and never 
did she sing sweeter than upon this occasion. 

The Easter sermon was preached by Eev. Dr. Gurney, 
from Matt, xxviii :6: "Ye seek Jesus, which was crusified; He is 
not here; for he is risen, as He said." It was one of the most 
able productions of the kind ever delivered in this city, but 
space forbids further mention. The leading thought was the 
"reasonableness of the resurrection." 

The choir sung in sweetest strain "Eock of Ages/' after 
which a large number joined the church while the 50th hymn 
was being sung. In the afternoon a convert's love feast was 


held at 3 o'clock. At the evening service the crowd was very 
large, many being unable to gain admission and hung around 
the doors with the hope that they might be able to catch a word 
as it fell from the lips of the mighty evangelist. Rev. Har- 
rison said that this was next to the most remarkable meeting of 
the fifteen weeks. After prayer by Eev. Gurney, Mrs. Henkle 
sang No. 41. Rev. Harrison then took a text found in 1st John 
ii;18: "It is the last time." When lie asked all those who de- 
sir ed to be saved to arise, they arose up in all parts of the house 
and began flocking to the altar. He said: ''Talk about Brother 
Hobbs having a new church he will need two. The Metho- 
dists are taking Springfield." The scene at the altar was won- 
derful to behold, some crying out for mercy, while others were 
praying, clapping their hands or singing for joy. This scene 
has been surpassed only by the one on the previous Sunday 
night. At this most wonderful service sixty-five came to the 
altar, and forty-one were converted. 

Monday night was the time previously announced for hold- 
ing the farewell service of the greatest and most powerful, God- 
saving revival ever witnessed in this city. Before 7 o'clock the 
house of worship was filled with hearts made sad at the parting 
hour, but joyful because of the successful reaping of souls for 
Christ. Two or three soul-stirring hymns were sung, and then 
Rev. Wood offered up an earnest prayer, which affected the 
most stern and violent sinner within the hearing of- his voice. 
A praise hymn, written by J. M. Forden, Miss Minnie Goodwin 
composing the music, was sung by Mrs. Henkle, the congrega- 
tion joining in the chorus. 

Short addresses were then made by Elder Wood, Revs' 
R. G. Hobbs, B. F. Grouse and Gurney. Their remarks were 
fill filled with a warmth of love and praise to Glod for the glori- 
ous results achieved in the past fifteen weeks. They expressed 
the deepest love and esteem for Rev. Harrison, who has labored 
so zealously for the salvation of souls. Rev. Gurney directed 
his remarks principally to the press of the city for the excel- 
lent reports given of the meetings, and asked God to bless 
them. Rev. Musgrove's address was a flow of beautiful expres- 
sions, and left no leaf unturned in thanking the elders and 
others instrumental in carrying on this most remarkable revival. 
His remarks to Rev. Harrison were most touching, and caused 


many to use their handkerchiefs freely to wipe away the tears 
of affection. "When in the midst of his remarks, Bishop Bow- 
man came walking down the aisle, conducted by Col. L. W. 
Shepherd, and was heartily welcomed by the ministers and con- 
gregation with a "praise the Lord" and "thank God," and like 
expressions. Rev. Harrison then made his farewell address, an 
account of which appeared in the Monitor of the following 
morning, as follows: "From the first night of this series of 
meetings until now, there has been no discouragement. To- 
night our highest expectations are more than realized. The 
highest flight of our imagination is more than met. I have 
put down upon this paper fifteen long weeks, and every night a 
blessing. This church has been crowded. The community has 
been lending its ear. The whole city has been under the shock 
of the revival influence. Yet, there is something wanting. 
There is something wanting to make it more complete. There 
are many yet to be brought in and saved. When I saw Bishop 
Bowman coming in, then I underscored it almost complete. I 
was so thankful when I saw that precious Bishop coming up 
the aisle. I am so glad he is here, for this people love him so, 
and he will give us his benediction at the close of one of the 
most remarkable awakenings ever known in this part of the 
country. I am so glad that Bishop Bowman is here. I am so 
glad that you are here, but the best of all, as said "Wesley, God 
is with us. The Saviour is giving us his best smile to-night." 
Here Mrs. Henkle sang the farewell hymn written by J. M. 

Bishop Bowman followed with a few brief remarks and then 
Eev. Harrison continued his address as follows: "If Bro. 
Musgrove is happy, how do I feel? [Smiles.] Yes, most happy. 
It cannot be otherwise. See the men and women, and children 
and youth, all harvested for heaven! The first evening I stood 
in this pulpit and took the first text 'Have faith in God' it 
was the key-note of victory. I came here comparatively a 
stranger, but as soon as I was in the pulpit I found I had the 
sympathy of the people with me. The first night I took a text 
that I thought was appropriate 'Have faith in God.' That 
language is now the expression of my heart and yours. Again, 
to-night, another expression of my heart is the first verse of the 
twelfth chapter of Isaiah; 'And in that day thou shalt say, 


Lord, I will praise Thee; though Thou wast angry with me, 
Thy anger is turned away, and Thou eomfortedst me.' 'I will 
praise Thee!' And many others here say that the first part of 
that verse is their experience. Others say, 'though thou wast 
angry with me, thine anger is turned a,way, and thou comfortedst 
me.' Hundreds can say they have peace and are reconciled. I 
stand here at the closing hour of this protracted meeting, dur- 
ing which about 2,000 have boAved at this altar, and the expres- 
sion of my heart is the language of the prophet: 'I will praise 
thee.' Looking around here to-night, I see whole families with 
their faces toward heaven. In households where you could 
have lately taken a meal without hearing the name of God 
uttered, blessing is now asked and altars have been erected. 
Fathers and mothers have joined hands for glory, and brothers 
and sisters have clasped hands for eternal life. When Bro. 
Musgrove wrote me, he said he thought we might have four or 
five hundred conversions. But here we are just closing the fif- 
teenth week, and the five hundred seekers are two thousand. I 
will praise Him. We have a right to have a praise meeting 
to-night. These meetings have influenced this city with influ- 
ences that will never fade to eternity- 
It was in January that I got a dispatch that I must come at 
a certain date, or I could not be here, and I -telegraphed in re- 
ply that I would come. I have been from Maine to California 
in national and international meetings, but Brother Musgrove, 
I believe we are in some respects as Jonathan and David. Prov- 
idence has been in our plans. The fifteen long weeks I have 
been with you are a part of our history for destiny and eternity. 
How Brother Hobbs has labored. How Brother Wood has led 
on the seekers into the light. How Brothers Grouse and Gur- 
ney have helped and how other denominations and ministers 
have bidden us Godspeed. To-night we have reason to praise 
God. As I stand here to-night, I am sure what was said by Dr. 
Gurney was greatly in place. For what the press have done 
for this meeting will never be known. I believe nothing has 
been said directly against this work in the papers from the first 
night until now. That is most unparallelled. The Monitor., 
the Register, the Journal, the News all have done well. One 
of these papers has done more than its part almost. Their in- 
fluence will never be known until the books are opened. The 


papers of this capital city have helped us on in the work of 
saving men from eternal death. I especially thank Captain 
Kidd for all the kindly words that he has said for me. I meet 
a good deal of rebuff, and when I find a man that will 
say a word that will cheer me, I appreciate it, and I say 
all praise to Captain Kidd, and may the Lord save 
him with an everlasting salvation. It is not often in my history 
that I have been so favored. From the first day until now, I 
believe this church and official board have been united in this 
glorious work. Other harvests are ripe, and it is time for me 
to depart, and I am sure that this city cannot blame this church 
for not giving the gospel invitation. For fifteen weeks they 
have said, 'Come, and we will do thee good.' I take the train 
and go for a few days' rest, and then return to other fields of 
labor. Through all this, the church has stood right by me. Sel- 
domin any place have I been so favored with singing. Here we 
have had the best of singing. In some places I have found 
some almost as good. Mrs. Henkle has sang here until she 
made herself sick. Many on the last clay will rise up and call 
her songs blessed. Her songs have melted hearts that were 
hard, and subdued hearts that were stubborn. And then I praise 
God for Bro. Anthony. I believe God has called him, for this 
special work, for he has sung us right into the kingdom. He 
is so enthusiastic and methodistic that he is just suited for the 
work. I praise God for another thing. I praise God from the 
bottom of my heart for those who have ushered the people. 
Oh, how they have had to take rebuffs, but these men have done 
it so kindly and charitably. We have a right to praise God for 
Avhat he has been doing for us. Then how faithfully Miss Lizzie 
Kidd has stood around this altar, watching so eagerly until on her 
roll about 2,000 names are written. And so, Bro. Musgrove, 
not a discordant note in all the weeks; not a jar in all the ser- 
vices. Everything has been going on successfully and power- 
fully. Every night some one has found the Saviour. Then 
we'll praise God for all these things that we name and others 
unmentioned. We will praise God to-night for about 2,000 that 
have bowed at this alter, and when we stand in the New Jeru- 
salem we will praise God for this great awakening and its far- 
reaching and at this time unknown results. I have had an 
eventful life, as Bishop Bowman knows. I have had a good 


time at every place, but here I am closing the most successful 
revival of all my career. Oh, how God has been with me, and 
as I stand here, I will praise him." [Mr. Harrison here refer- 
red to a happy death bed scene of a convert, of a few weeks 
since.] "My clear friend, will you and I meet her there in that 
better land? I pray that not one convert, will be lost. Young 
convert, do not let the enemy make you to stray, for by and by 
you will be like that young convert gasping in death. May you 
then be able to say, 'my peace is made with God.' Coming down 
from this pulpit, I am going to join hands with the young con- 
verts, and take their pledge to meet me in heaven. And then 
I will ask who are unconverted to start with us for heaven to- 
night. I want some one to come in at this last service. It is 
secondary to shake hands and say farewell. The point is to get 
some one to come to Jesus. Oh, I want to get down to this al- 
tar. In the days and months and years to come you will want 
to look right to this altar because there is where you found 
Christ. You will never forget it. I am going to other fields 
of labor, but this evening as I stand by this altar three words 
come to me death, heaven, hell and before God and angels, 
and men, I promise you by the Grace of God, I will meet you 
in heaven." When he asked all who would meet him in heaven, 
to arise to their feet, it looked as though almost everyone gladly 
stood up. 

The revival work began, and sinners rushed to the altar, 
feeling it was their last chance to be among the number saved 
at this series of meetings. A most happy and eventful scene 
followed. One after another came to the altar, and an earnest 
effort was made to lead all the seekers into the light. So greatly 
was this meeting blessed by the Holy Ghost that it continued 
until 1 o'clock in the morning, and at which time forty-six had 
been forward and thirty-two converted. This did not look 
much like closing revival work, but seemed as though it had 
only firmly began. It was decided to have the grand jubilee 
over the conversion of 2,000 souls the next evening. This late 
hour of going home from church was unparalleled in the his- 
tory of the oldest inhabitant. 

In order to be present at the jubilee Eev. Harrison gave up 
his vacation of a few clays, which he so much desired to spend 
at home, and really needed the rest. . He said at the opening of 


the service that he was anxious to bring more souls within the 
fold, that they, too, might participate in the joyous blessings of 
the evening. His exhortation to the unconverted was brief, and 
he said, "We are going to have a harvest-home service before 
the jubilee." Thirty-four accepted the invitation to come to 
Christ, and twenty-two were gloriously saved, thus swelling the 
number to 2,020. The jubilee began by singing "Praise God 
from whom all blessings ^ flow." The large organ was brought 
into -requisition to help send the praises home to glory. Mrs. 
Nelson Allyn presided. The doxology was sung and played 
very low at first, and each successive time with a little greater 
volume, until every stop was pulled out, and the "praise" had 
been repeated seven times. This was a hallelujah time, and so 
good was it "to be there" that people were loath to go home 
after being dismissed. A few seekers still lingered at the altar 
wrestling, like Jacob, not willing to let go of Jesus until He 
saved them. At the close of this service, sheaves were still in the 
field ready to be garnered and it was unanimously decided to 
continue the meetings through the week and close the long pro- 
tracted revival on Sunday night, May 2, 1886;. but the farewell 
service has been held; the jubilee over the conversion of 2,000 
souls has taken place, the number looked forward to with so 
much anxiety. With the music of the great jubilee being wafted 
to the heavenly throne, this seems to be the most fitting time to 
bring a brief history of the revival to a finis. 

In a retrospection of the past fifteen weeks it will not be 
improper to make mention of the ones who have been instru- 
mental in bringing about this signal victory. With the valiant, 
unswerving devotee, Harrison at the helm, and Revs. Musgrove, 
Hobbs, Wood and Grouse as his main supporters in the work 
God called him. to perform in our midst, defeat was impossible 
and success assured. These godly dispensers of the gospel 
have been true to their trust, and by their strong faith have 
come out more than conquerors. Those who have so arduously 
labored at the altar, pointing sinners to the cross and aiding 
them, by divine instruction, to lay their burdens at the feet of 
Jesus, deserve no less praise. Those who have labored night after 
night seeking out from among the hundreds, poor, dying souls and 
asking them to bow at the mercy seat, will find a crown of glory 
awaiting them when called to the home above. In this connec- 


tion all the members of these churches have done well their 
part and will receive many blessings from Christ's never-failing 
fountain for their untiring zeal. The faithful, indefatigable 
A. Anthony deserves especial mention for the performance of 
his duty as leader of the choir. As Eev. Harrison says, "he is 
not only capable and faithful, but he leads in the old-fashioned 
Methodist way." His faithful co-workers were Mrs. T. C. 
Henkle, Mrs. Nelson Allyn, Mrs. F. Wellman and Mrs. George 
Hofferkanap; Misses Lillie Mooney, Hattie Hamer, Maude Cole, 
Ella Kiniber, Jennie and Sarah German, Mamie Moorehead 
and Julia Billiard; Messrs. S. A. Bullard, Ed Chambers, K. F. 
Gailey, C. P. Duff and "W. J. Thompson. There were others 
who sang in the choir, but were not regular attendants, though 
deserving of credit for voluntary assistance. 

Very little sympathy is sometimes given the organists on 
occasions like this, but they, too, are among the number doing 
work to the glory and honor of God. Surely no one has been 
more faithful than Miss Minnie Goodwin; and many will re- 
member how the music from the gentle touch of the ivory keys 
have thrilled their aching souls, and struck the key-note of their 
deplorable condition. Miss Minnie was lelieved at times by 
Misses Jennie German, Ella Kelchner or Mrs. Nelson Allyn, 
whose musical abilities are well known. Perhaps none have 
occupied more undesirable positions, during these long weeks, 
than the ushers. They have been as impartial as they could be 
and have accommodated as long as there was any room. They 
have treated every body courteously, and have performed 
their part of the work in God's vineyard to the best of their 

In regard to the conversions we might say that during all 
the time the meetings have been in progress there was not a day 
passed without some soul being saved. The average number 
converted in a day was twenty-two; the least number in one 
day, one; the greatest number, fifty-two. Of the great number 
of converts, 460 have joined the First M. E. Church, 250 the 
Second Methodist, and the English Lutheran has been blessed 
with a liberal number. Some have united with various other 
churches in the city, and many are residents in the surrounding 
country and united with the churches at home. Four of the 
converts have already been called from earth to dwell in that 
blessed home prepared for them. 



The work throughout has been harmouious. All the good 
resulting from this the greatest religious awakening Spring- 
field ever felt will not be known until time is no more. 


The following is the official list of the names on record 
in the First M. E. Church. Great credit is due Miss Lizzie G. 
Kidd and Mr. Luther Irwin for the faithful manner in which 
they labored to secure the names of all who bowed at the altar, 
and those who were brought into the light: 

A. Armster, Henry Bedell, Charles 

Anderson, David Anthony, Eobert Bartlett, Ida 
Anderson, Lulu Anthony, Kalph Ball, Robert 
Anderson, Emma Anthony, Maude Bernard, Mr. 
Anderson, Geo. Allsberry, J. "W. Balser, Miss 

Beard, Fred 


Babbit, Ada 
Barrick, E. B. 
Block, Eosa 
Bell, Cora 
Barber, Jennie 
Bolton, Walter 
Burnette, Ella 

Anderson, Quint Averitt, Susie 

Anderson, Geo. Albertson, Mr. 

Anderson, W. 

Anderson, L. S. 

Anderson, Ida 

Anderson, Ida 

Anderson, Cora 

Anderson, Sarah 

Anderson, Geo. 

Allis, Virgie 

Arnold, Edward Brown, Abbie 

Arnold, Frank 

Arnold, Mrs. 

Arnold, Jennie 

Arnold, Nora 

Arnold, Edwin 

Arnold, Miss 

Ansell, Cora 

Ansell, Jennie 

Ayer, May Buck, Fannie 

Armstrong, J. M. Brown, William 

Armstrong, A. Barnett, Anna 

Abell,Wilmot ~ 

Aldrich, W. B. 

Ashcrai't, E. 

Ashcraft, Mrs. 

Aggold, John 

Allen, Hallie 

Allen, W. B. 

Allen, Nellie 

Allen, Emma 

Arkless, Miss 

Arkless, Milton 

Allison, Alice 

Allison, Jessie 

Alkire, Albertha Baird, Tena 

Alkire, Anna Berry, Willie 

Ashbrook, Mr. Beard, Fannie 

Ashbrook, Aaron Brown, Emma 

Allyn, Mrs. Bolin, Emma 

Amos, J. J. Barber, Ed 

Brittin, Annie 
Beaver, George 
Beard, Mary 
Baird, Mrs. 
Berry, George 
Buff, James 
Bibley, James 

Barnett, Lillie 
Barber, Ida 

Burkhart, Jennie Buck, William 
Burr, Mrs. Barber, James 

Bernard, Nina Beekman, Harry 
Bandy, Sadie Barber, Ella 
Borne, Catherine Berry, Ella 
Bolin, Emma Baird, Emma 
Bolin ger, George Barker, A. M. 
Burgess, Nellie Baum, Willie, 
Bolin, Annie 
Baum, Francis 
Barker, Eddie 
Brockel, Mary 
Baker, J. 
Berry, Lou 
Boyle, Isabella 
Barry, Sylvia 
Bisch, Lizzie 
Barrelson, E. 
Bell, Nellie 
Brewer, Myrtle 
Brittin, W. A. 
Brandon, Belle 

Bell, Willie 
Bendal, Ida 
Brewer, Cora 
Bourne, Ben 
Bradley, May 
Bedell, William 
Barber, Jennie 
Brown, Katie 
Bolinger, Mrs. 
Ball, J. W. 
Bingham, Cook 
Bolles, C. H. 
Bates, Jerry 

Barfoot, Samuel 
Brink, Charles 
Barnes, Lida 
Burt, Mrs. 
Barkley. Ehoda 
Bartley, Mrs. 
Banbro, Margaret 
Burr, Mr. 
Barker, Etta 
Beard, Mrs. 
Beck, Mrs. 
Barnes, Essie 
Barnes, Harry 

Burnett, Mrs. A. Barnes, Arthur 
Barnett, Arthur 
Bussing, 1 ' Albert 
Bisch, Mrs. 
Bussing, Grace 
Bartlett, S. 
Birks, Miss 
Bernard, Herbert 
Babcock, I. 
.Banner, John 
Blood, Fred 
Bethal, Eobert 
Burch, Harry 
Burch, Willie 
Billington, M. 
Brewer, Katie 
Barnes, Lillie 
Borus, Charles 
Badger, John 
Brown, Mr. 
Bethal, Mrs. 
Bogardus, Chas. 
Bogardus, Frank 
Bellman, Mary 
Boutin, Bertha 

Bridges, Nora 

Bridges, Ada 

Bacon, Mrs. 

Brittin, Anna 

Belli d, Norman 

Barlow, Thomas 
Burkhart, Wm. 
Bethal, Mr. 
Brown, Mrs. 
Bierce, Mrs. 
Barlow, William Barnes, Mary 

Barlow, Mary E. Burkhart, Henry 
Bickes, Katie Beaumont, Bertie 



Bogardus, Win. 
Babeuf, Miss 
Babeuf, Maude 
Bangle, Mrs. 
Berelig, Florence 
Beaver, Addie 
Bpudinot, Emma 
Bishop, Dollie 
Baldwin, Albert 
Bishop, Thomas 
Bewsher, Alice 
Butler, Paul 
Bernhart, B. 
Birt, Jennie 
Barrett, Vic 
Bickes, Annie 
Brown, Emma 
Batterton, M. 
Buck, Mrs. 
Bradley, Ed 
Bell, Lou 
Batterton, Minnie 
Barkley, Mrs. 
Baird, Emma 
Burris, Josie 
Burton, Carrie 
Babeuf, Miss 
Beam, Mrs. John 
Beam, Miss 
Barnes, H. G. 
Barnes, Albert 
Berry, Henry 
Bruen, Mr. 
Boyer, Mr. 
Brawner, Smith 
Bpehlge, George 
Bickes, Anna 
Boyce, Emma 
Barnes, Lillie 
Brewer, Katie 
Boblitt, Dora 
Bruce, Emma 
Byers, Bertie 
Beam, Willie . 
Bourn, Mrs. L. P. 
Baker, Mrs. 
Berren, Mrs. 
Butler, Miss 
Buckley, May R. 
Billington, Lucy 
Bullard, Rena 
Bullard, Robert 
Burt, Jennie 
Bobbitt, Miss 
Barret, Frank 


Carrier, Alice 
Cressy, Warren 
Clark, C. H. 
Camp, Nellie 
Chapman, Chas. 
Chandler, Alvin 

Chapman, Lizzie Coylas, Eddie 
Crabb, Essie Carnachan, Mary 
Combs, Sadie 
Chapman, Susie 
Chapman, Mrs. 
Chapman, A. 

Chapman, Alvan 
Clemmens, Will 
Cole, Benjamin 
Carter, William 

Chapman, A. Cummings, J. 

Crossman, Mrs J. Coleman, H. 

Creighton, Jennie Cumboth, C. H. 

Cummings, M. 61emmens,W. 


Cosby, Jessie 

Case, Lillie 
Covington, J., 

Crowder, Mrs, 
Chapman Jessie 
Chamberland, D, 
Case, Lillie 
Carver, Mrs. G. 

Colling wood, L. Clay well, Laura 

Culp, Mrs. 
Colson, Dora 

Colson, Dora, 
Carver, Mrs. G. 

Courtney, Lizzie Connelly, Geo. S. 
Colson, Myrtle Cochran, Mrs. A. 
Crafts, Joe 
Cantrall, Bert 
Clark, Andrew 
Coats, JSTina 

Cooper, Alice 
Collingwood, A. 
Gorman, Lillie 
Coleman, Sarah 
Constant, Allen 

Can field, Harry 
Capps, Mabel 
Crissoy, Mrs. 
Corodine, T. 

Cumberworth, A. Crowder, Mrs. 
Craft, V. L. Clay, Mary A. 
Crites, William Coon, George 
Crissey, Nellie 
Crissey, Hattie 
Collingwood, C. 
Coleman, Mary 
Conger, Annie 

Cumberworth, J. Cully, Laura . 
Coke, Miss Chrisline, Allie 

Coulter, Emily Cruzer, Mabel 
Campbell, G. W. Cannon, Mrs. N. 
Crissey, Allen Cobbs, Maggie 
Coats, Ralph Cackley, Nellie 
Carrier, Flora Crowell, Walter. 
Crocker, Eugene Cackley, Fannie 
Curry, Con Coon, Mrs. 

Conover, Charles Cartwright, Miss 
Conover, Alva Conrey, Mr. 
Crossman, Mrs. Chapman, Geo. 
Crowder, Charlie Crum, Robert 
Carrier, Mrs. Carman, Ella 
Canning, R. J. Crummer, Mrs. 
Cumberworth MrsCarver, Bertha 
Carson, Dick Cade, Mollie 
Craft, L. Campbell, Annie 

Con way, Mrs. A. Coleman, 

Grossman, John Crites, John 
Culver, Ross Converse, Jennie 
Curry, John Curry, May 
Cooper, Hattie Cooper, Fred 
Constant, Nellie Covington, J. 
Cross, Julia Cruser, Mrs. 

Carman, Frances Clark, David 
Cross, Julia Camp, Ella 
Carver, Carrie Conslider, P. 
Conger, Miss Crissey, Mr. 
Creighton, Ada Conson, Maria S. 

Coleman, Mary 
Coon, Albert 
Cline, Geo. 
Carter, J. A. 
Croft, J. 
Canfleld, W. S. 
Crane, Maggie 
Cruthers, Jennie 
Canfleld, J. H. 
Chapman, Nora 
Council, C. 
Clark, Benjamin 
Carver, David 
Chapin, Walter 
Clevenger, Mr. 
Canfield, F. L. 
Carman, A. 
Carter, Isaac 
Conway, Miss 
Gulp, Harvey 
Campbell, Nettie 


Doenges, Wesley 
Deffenbaugh, G. 
Duff, Jessie 
Dewey, Ella 
Durben, Edith 
Doenges, Katie 
Day, Irene 
Durker, Emma 
DeCamp, Nora 
Derry, John 
Derry, Carrie 
Decker, Emma 
Donnelly, Frank 
Dewey, Bertie 
Deffenbaugh, J. 
Decker, Georgie 
Dewey, Minnie 
Defrates, Henry 
Daily, Herbert 
Decker, Jennie 
Decker, Annie 
Dewey, Willie 
Dickerson, W. 
Dewey, Bertie 
Deffenbaugh, Mrs. 
Dowhen, Lulu 
DeSouza, Chas. 
Duggan, Lizzie 
Dickerson, Willie 
Duggan, Mrs. 
Deffenbaugh, Mr. 
Desonza, Mary 
Deffenbaugh, Miss 
Drennan, Saul 
Dolan, Ella 
Dunham, Mrs. 
Derry, Miss 
Davis, Alice 
Druell, Mrs. 
Druell, Mr. 



Denton, Thomas DeLong, Ed Foster, Mrs. 
Derastos, Mrs. Durbin, Una Fox, Millie 
Dressendorf er, M. DeLong, Cha'ncy Farling, Sallie 
Duncan, W. G. E. Friedman, Julius 

Dubois, Carrie Eisenhouth, Miss Foreman, John 
Defrates, Dennie Evans, Florence Filson, Plattie 
Druell, Louisa Eaton, Will 
Deyheimer, J. E. Elliott, Mrs. 
Drury, Annie Ellis, Alfred 
Deyault, Nettie Edwards, Wirt 

Estacord, Tilla 

Evans, Maggie 

Entermier, J. 

Delig, Mrs. E. 
Denlon, H. 
Downing, Whit 
Duff, Walter 
Devault, Enps 
Devault, Alice 
Devault, F. S. 
Devault, Lou 
Dorrell, J. 
Durben, Edith 
Dayton, Kachel 
Delig, Emma 
Dunham, Chas. 
Drake, Mrs. 

Fox, S. 

Ferris, Mrs. 

Ferguson, Mr. 

Ferguson, Laura 

Fox, Andrew 

Fisher, Mrs. P. M. 

Fratsher, Aug. 

Enfielcl, Richard Ferret,' Emma 
Ennis, Maggie Funderburk, N. 
Endicott, Rufus Forrester, Jas. 
Early, Maggie Foster, S. 
Everett, Mrs. 
Eastman. Flora 
Erickson, Mrs. 

Fox, S. 
Floyd, Grace 
Field, Richard 
Frederick, Henry 
Fox, B. 
Fisher, Miss 
Ferguson, Mary 

Evans, Susie 

Ellis, Willard 

Emerson, Miss 

Enos, Horace 

Dougherty, Alice Evans, Florence Ford, Emma 
Drake, Mr. Enbank, Oda Fratsher, Sam 

F. Forsythe, Mrs. 

Findley, Wm. Fleming, Mrs. 

Foley, Minnie 

Forden, Alice 

Forden, Laura 

Dougherty, J. 

Doengas, Louis 

Day, Katie 

Dunn, Sophia 

Drake, Mr. 

Defrates, James Frank, Cora 

Douglas, Willie Fossett, Miss 

Durben, Emma 

Delonga, Lottie 

Defrates, Louie 

Denton, Ada 

Delonga, James 

Davenport, Clara Fortney, Ella 

Frinck, Mrs. 
Fratsher, Mrs. 
Fernandes, Lena 
Fox, Bertha 
Flint, Henry 

Fundeberg, Nellie Funderburg, E. 

Fagan, Herbert Floyd, JVIrs. J. A. 

Frink, Mattie 

Frank, Mary 

Fields, Al 

Foster, Alice 
Fowkes, Wm. 
Forden, James 
Fessenden, G. 
Flower, Jessie 
Foster, Mrs. 

Drake, Sallie 

Davis, Lina 

Darry, Harry 

Defrates, Phebe 

Decrastus, M. 

Drum, Sophia 

Dalvin, Ida 

Dockurn, Russell Fowkes, Geo. 

Davis, Nora, Foley, Walter 

Duke, J.S. 

Deffenbaugh, J. 

Dolan, Ella 

Defrates, Lulie 

Durben, Nina 

Derry, Miss 

Fresch, Mrs. 
Funderburg, J. 
Fisher, Miss 
Forden, Alice 
Frinck, Mrs. 
Funderburk, H. 
Fratsher, Henry 
Floyd, Katie 
Forden, Mr. 
Front, Benjamin 

Flemming, Lillie Ford, Jno. jr. 
Fuller, Mary 
Forsythe, George 
Floyd, Mrs. 
Foster, Mrs. 

Forsythe, George 

Fish, C. E. 
Fereira, Robert 
Ferguson, F. 

Flannigan, Oils Frew, Isaac 

Forsythe, Stella Forden, Miss 

Forsythe, Lottie Foley, Walter 

Darry, Mavin Foster. Henry Fisher, Jennie 

Dixon, Dr. Ferry, Mrs. C. II. Felten, George 

Dunnick, Fannie Fisher, Samuel Foster, Bennie 

Dunnick, Linnie Fox, Miss Foley, Mrs. 

Duff, Albert Foltz, Henrietta Failing, Nina 

Davenport, Clara Ferantie, Allie Fee, L. M. 

Davis, Nora Fox, Luella Foster, Homer 


Grant, Lou 
Gibbons, Geo 
Gibbons, Luetta 
German, Daisy 
Gall, Geo 
Gilrnan, Miss 
Gore, Gustie 
German, George 
Graham, Harry 
Gardner, Clara 
Gardner, Mr. 
Gore, Gusla 
Gore, Chas 
Greb, Denie 
Gough, Lester 
Goldman, Mrs. 
Graham, Wm. 
Galloway, Geo 
Greenwood, Paul 
German, Geo. 
Green, Jennie 
Glasscock, Nettie 
Geathard, Frank 
, Gomes, Mary 
Grant, Mrs. Lou 
Gardner, Lillian 
Gore, Lena 
Graham, Chas. 
Goodwin, Etta 
Graham, Katie 
Gray, Anna 
Graham, Emma 
Gray, Lillie 
Green, Mrs 
Green, Lillie 
Grimes, Jos 
Green, Chas 
Gardner, Bert 
Gwinn, Nellie 
Grubb.Mrs. Ellen 
Gault, Lida 
Gray, Harry 
Gibbons, Luetta 
Groober, Rebecca 
Greenwood, Jno 
Gilrnan, Chas 
Gomes, Robt 
Gourley. Chas 
Gilman, Mr. 
Gordon, Mr. 
Graston, Win. 
Gomes, Josie 
Garland, Aggie 
Gist, John 
Gunnett, Will 
Gough, F. W. 
Guest, Mr. 
German, Jennie 
Gardner, Bertie 



Gard, Ed. 
Grant, Emma 
Green, Lena 
Gough, George 
Graham, Mrs. 
German, Geo. 
Gough,Mrs. Josie 
Gough, Miss 
Graham, Mrs. 
Gaily, Bertie 
Gomes, Nellie 
Gray, T. E. 
Gibson, Sylvia 
Goodwin, Mary 
Goodwin, Annie 
Green, Mary 
Gilman, Frank 
Grundy, J. 
Grospitz, Katie 
Grant, Jessie 
Gore, Addie 
Grassell, Chas. 
Graham, Mrs. 
Grebe, Gus. 
Gomes, Johanna 
Gourley, Jas. 
Graham, Chas. 
Grant, Fannie 
Graham, Chas 
Graham, Mrs. 


Hostich, Anna 
Hostich, Eddie 
Harmsted, S. 
Hall. Lou 
Hall, Gertie 
Hurst, S. 
Hopping, Lizzie 
Hyde, Cora 
Hopping. Wm. 
Hostetter, Annie 
Horn, Ella 
Hprne, Mrs. Geo. 
Hickox, Annie 
Hamer, Hattie 
Hunter, Harry 
Hoyt, Mrs. 
Henry, Mrs. 
Hopping, Bert 
Horn, Albert 
Hoyt, Maud 
Hughes, Geo 
Humphrey, M. 
Hoover, Maud 
Holstein, Lou 
Plolly, Jennie 
Hoyt, Blanche 
Hostich, Geo 
Hopping, Sam 
Howard, Bertie 
Home, Ella 

Huckelberry, M 
Huckelberry, D. 
Heller, Mrs. I. 
Holstein, Sadie 
Hugy, Ed. 
Henry, Jas. 
Henry, Will 
Holstein, Emma 
Hickox, Eeed 
Hoyt, Mrs. 
Hunter, Annie 
Hampton, Ruth 
Hall, Jacob 
Hull, Johnnie 
Hiatt, Emma 
Hyatt, Mrs. 
Hesser, Miss 
Howard, Mrs. W. 
Harland, Ora 
Hendricks, M. 
Heinniick, J. E. 
Hyland, Miss 
Herrin, Geo 
Hugy, Ed. 
Hahn, Dora 
Holland, Lena 
Hahn, A. 
Hess, Clara 
Henne, Mary 
Howe, Mrs. Bob 
Hess, Eukey 
Hyatt, Emma 
Hunder, C. G. 
Howorth, Emily 
Hamer, C/ 
Hogan, Minnie 
Harsh, Nettie 
Hogan, Minnie 
Henne, Mrs. 
Henne, Annie 
Haines, Lena 
Hofl, S. M. 
Harris, Warren 
Ham, George 
Hays, John 
Hoyt, Mr. 
Hiltman, Sarah 
Hahn, Ella 
Howard, Johnny 
Horn, Mrs. 
Hitchcock, M. 
Houston, Ella 
Hilton, Sarah 
Harris, Mrs. 
Homer, Alvin 
Hostick, George 
Huff, J. W. 
Hilton, Miss 
Hess, Clara 
Henning, Julia 
Henderson, Art. 
Henkle, Thos. C. 

Hendricks, Chas. 
Herring, J. A. S. 
Harrison, Henry 
Harrison, Lucy 
Hopper, Wm. 
Hersley, David 
Hanselmen, Ann 
Hilman, Sarah 
Hollowell, Lou. 
Hord, Mrs. 
Houston. Mrs. 
Houston, W. H. 
Herring, Orenta 
Halen, Katie 
Holverson, Clara 
Hilton, Arnold 
Harris, George 
Hanldns, Geo 
Howcry, Chas 
Hall, Miss 
Horn, Mrs. 
Ho watt, Olive 
Hyland, Jennie 
Heiiwood, Frank 
Hall, C. M. 
Hartman, Thos. 
Hays, Mrs. S. 
Howe, Mrs. J. E. 
Henderson, Chas. 
Henne, Emma 
Heaton, Maude 
Horn, Maggie 
Harrison, Belle 
Harrison, Anna 
Huggins; Miss 
Harbison, W. 
Harriston, Will 
Hathaway, May 
Holland, Miss 
Hannibel, Ada 
Hollowell, Ada 
Hendricks, W. H. 
Holly, W. H. 
Hitchcock, Will 
Higgins, Charlie 
Horn, Mollie 
Horn, Mrs. 
Hemerick, Wm. 
Helfner, Josie 
Harlan, Paul 
Highmore, Mary 
House, Mrs. E. P. 
Harris, Mrs. M. 
Haley, Mrs. 
Harrison, Mattie 
Hamer, Bruce 


Irwin, Luther 
Irwin, Essie 
Ingram, Edward 
Irwin, Mabel 

Irwin, Viola 
Inverny, Susan 
Irwin, Mrs. J. D. 
lies, David 
lies, Frank 
Irwin, J. D. 


Jackson, E. 
Johnson, Dora 
James, Hattie 
Jones, Helen 
Jennyt, Anna 
Jenkins, Lillie 
Johnson, Helen 
Jones, Mrs. 
Johnson, Flora 
Jennings, Anna 
Judd, Frank 
Johnson, Mrs. 
Johnson, Dora 
Johnson, Ella 
Jennings, Mary 
Jennings, A. 
Jennings, M. E. 
Justice, Charles 
Jurger, J. A. 
Jones, Amelia 
Jeffers, Thomas 
Jones, Mary 
Johnson, Alfred 
Jackson, Charles 
Johnson, Lulu 
Jennings, Julia 
Jeifers, William 
Jones, Mrs. C. 
Joerger, Lulu 
Johnson, Mollie 
Jones, C. C. 
Jones, Nellie 
Johnson, Fenu's 
Jones, Jennie 
Jones, Ernest 
Jackson, Mrs. 
Jones, Maggie 
Johnson, Mrs 
Justice, Geo. 
James, E. A. 
Jerome, Mrs. L. 
Johnson, Mrs 


Kimber, Clara 
Kimber, Daisy 
Kuhl, Helen ' 
Kalb, Mrs. C. E. 
Kilinin, Minnie 
Kenelen, Maggie 
Kramer, Cora 
Kidd, Katie 
King, W. J. 
King, Allen 
Kens, Eusshia 



Kenherer, Lizzie 
Kidd, Frank 
King, Mrs. 
Kirk, Nannie 
Kinible, John 
Kent, Jesse 
Kent, J. A. S. 
Kimmer, Bertha 
Krohn, Jennie 
Kerns, Charles 
Kerns, Eugene 
Kindred, Mrs. 
Kimmel, Albert 
Kindred. Mabel 
Killen, Mollie 
Kurelieve, Addie 
Koehn, Nellie 
Keyes, Mrs. Noah 
Kiiiehan, Mrs. 
Killen, Eliza 
Kellin, Jane 
Keyes, Miss 
Kuecher, Julius 
Klein, J.O.S. 
Kins, Anna 
Kelchner, Ella 
Kelchner, Uriah 
Kimble, B. F. 
Kerns, Miss 


Linch, Wm. 
Lomelino, Alice 
Linch, Effie 
Lewis, Hattie 
Lomelino, Lillie 
Loisea, Jennie 
Leaverton, Effie 
Lumsden, Arth'r 
Lomelino, Alice 
Lutz, Bertha 
Linch, Willie 
Logan, Daisy 
Larrimore, Ern't 
Lange, James 
Lakin, Jennie 
Luckey, Clarence 
Lumsden, Lulu 
Lloyd, John 
Logan, Mollie 
Laken, Andrew 
Latham, John 
Lightner, Alfred 
Leroy, Nettie 
Lilyan, C. 
Ledworth, Mrs. 
Logan, Minnie 
Loise, Prime 
Lawrence, Ada 
Lakin, Anna 

Leggott, Eqsa 
Long, Jennie 
Lloyd, T.B. 
Lowry, Dollie 
Lowry, Clara J. 
Lawrence, Mollie 
Loomis, Edward 
Loomis, Miss 
Louie, "Willie 
Lilyard, Mrs. 
Latham, Georgie 
Lofty, Emma 
Leaverton, S. 
Lakin, Miss 
Lloyd, Frank 


Mclnness, Mr. 
Mischroitz, J. E. 
McMahon, J. 
McMahon, 0. 
McMahon, James 
Mowery, Ella 
Matthews, Hattie 
McDaniel, Marth 
Mowery, Ida M. 
Mowery, Nettie 
Mann, Geo. 
Mason, Georgie 
Mason, Estella 
Moorehead, Jas. 
Morgan, May 
Morgan, Grace 
Mead, Lyclia 
McClellan, Mary 
McCoy, G. E. 
Myers, Bertha 
Melton, May 
Master, Annie 
McKowen, Annie 
McDaniels, Ida 
Munson, Ella 
McCarty, Miss 
Mowery, Gracie 
Mponey, Mary 
Millhouse, Loui 
Merrill, Alice 
Moin, Minnie 
Mason, Lottie 
Myers, S. C. 
Munson, James 
McGrue, Mattie 
Mills, Mrs. S. S. 
McCarly, Agnes 
McMurphy, Bert 
Myers, Grace 
Mowery, Hattie 
Mull, Miss 
McGrue, Carrie 
Meyer hoff.Emma 
McGrue, George 
Mason, Effie 

Myers, Emma McGrue, George 
McDaniel, Harry Mayol, Eleanor 
McGuire, Nellie Mplley, Mrs. 
Mayhew, Fred Milton, Mr. 
McDan,!, Bertha Mclntosh, Geo. 
Morwitz, Walter Maulter, James 
Miller, Joe Matheny, Sarn'l 

McCarthy. Ida Milton, W. E. 
McCord, Mrs. E. Milton, Mrs. 
Miller, Jennie Myers, L. 
McCord, Ealph Miller, Allen 
May, Gussie Mayer, Miss 
Miles, Avery Martin, Nellie 
Milton Paul Munson, Mrs. 
McCowen, Annie McKee, Mrs. 
Miller, Dora Miller, Sophia 
Miles, 0. McCloud, Mrs. 

Matthews, Lizzie Myers, John 
Monahan, Mag'ie Myers, Carrie 
McCowen, Annie Marcy, Mary 
Monahan, Miss Masters, Bertie- 

Moore, Mrs. 
Moore, Addie 
Mayer, Fred 
Murdock. Katie 

Mitchell, Walter 

Mitchell, Elmer 

Metz, Katie 

Metz, Louisa 

Matthews, Lizzie Myers, Miss 

McDaniel, Harry Myers, Miss 

Melton, Willie Murdock, Katie 

Mann, Johnnie Mills, Harvey 

Mason, Lottie Myers, Lizzie 

McDaniel,Mrs. E. Miller, J. H. 

McCabe, Minnie Mendonsa, Louis 

Mills, George 
Marsh, Mollie 

Mountain, Mrs. 
Morrow, John 

Mashburn, Chas. Mller, Charles 

Means, Willie 
Mason, Estella 
Mitchell, Fronie 
Markley, Mellie 
Maddox, T. 

May, Emma 
Morton, Annie 
Milton, Paul; 
McLean, Mary 
Masters, P. 

Millington, Min'e Montgomery, W. 
McClernand.Hel' McKinney, Marg't 
Myers, Mr. Myer, Matilda 

Myers Bertha McKinney, Marg't 
Marshall, Mrs. McDermott,Mrs.E 
McEoberts, Mrs, Milton, Ealph 
Munson, J. S. 

McDoe, Carrie 
McDaniel, Chas. 
Morgan, Etta 
Mowery, Mr. 
McDaniel, Asa 
Munson, James 
McConnell, Mrs. 
Morrow, John 
Moore, Mrs. 
Moore, Augusta 
McCue, Belle 
McNabb, Willie 
Mathy, Mrs. 
Miller, John 

Munson, James 
McCandless, Mag 
Melton, Mrs. 
Montgomery, G. . 
Miller, Allen 
Martin, Carrie 
Matthews, E. 
McCoy, Mary 
McEoberts, Katie 
Mowery, Mrs. 
Meadon, Annie 
Morris, Mamie 
McCoy, Miss 
McCartness, Lou 
McAbee, Harvey 

McMurry, George Mowery, Mrs. 



McCoy, Mary 
Meldrum, Ttieo. 

N. . 

Newman, Grace 
Narramore, Una 
Niclnvitz, Jesse 
NicliAvitz, Jacob 
Niesen, Jacob 
Nichwitz, Harry 
Nesbitt, Belle 
Nesbitt, Miss 
Neilson, David 
Neilson, Archie 
Nailor, Mrs. 
Newton, Mrs. 
Nunes, Wm. 
Nelsie, Carrie 
^Tunes, Harry 
Neer, Mrs. 
Nolan, Mrs. J. 
Nelsh, Mabel 


Owen, Mrs. 
Owen, Adelaide 
Olds, Edwards 
Overly, Emma 
Ormsby, Willie 
Odiorne, Mrs. 
Olson, N. 0. 
Oxle, Lena 
Ornellas, John 
Ormsby, Mary 
Ott, Mamie 


Perkins, J. P. 
Porter, James 
Paulins, Mrs. 
Patterson, Harry 
Pontius, Mrs. 
Palmer, Geo. E. 
Pearce, Mr. 
Palmer, Mrs. Chs. 
Paler, Mrs. 
Proctor, Mrs. 
Poii'enbarger, Ida 
Pletz, Lulu 
Priinm, Alice ' 
Page, Mrs. 
Page, A. N. 
Purcell, Mrs. 
Parker, Lulu 
Palmer, Mollie 
Palmer, Sarah 
Patterson, J. W. 
Palmer, John 
Page, Lizzie 
Page, Eannie 
Pinkard, Emma 
Pigeison, Jennie 
Pletz, Ella 

Pletz, Fred 
Pease, May 
Patterson, rs.A. 
Piper, Denny 
Palmer, Mrs. J.B. 
Palmer, Fannie 
Peterson, Minnie 
Peterson, Elma 
Peel, Olive 
Pearson, Agnes 
Page, May 
Page, Mary 
Pritchett, Carl 
Palmer, Mrs. 
Patterson, Harry 
Potts, Nathan 
Prune, Emma 
Pierson, Alice 
Phillips, Mrs. S.J. 
Patterson, Fred 
Patterson, Miss 
Payton, John 
Perry, Mrs. 
Perer, Mrs. Win. 
Pierson, Agnes 
Pierce, Clara 
Packard, Lottie 
Packard, Edith 
Phillips, Katie 
Paxton, Mrs. 
Pritchett, Chas. 
Perkins, Jennie 
Parkinson,Mrs C. 
Patterson, W. B. 
Peters, Mrs. J. T. 
Patterson, Fred. 
Patterson, Mrs. 
Parkerson, Mr. 
Partlow, Mrs. 
Park, Jennie 
Peaker, Emma 
Pritchett, Mary 
Peel, Charles 
Peel, Oliver 
Phillips, May 
Peaker, Minnie 
Pilcher, Mrs. 
Plummer, Lulu 
Peck, Edward 
Plummer, Nina 
Plummer, Ada 
Pledger, Libbie 
Pastores, Eliza 
Pritchett, Mary 
Peters, Mrs..J.*T. 


Reilly, John 
Eupert, Ayers 
Rhodes, Mrs. 

Kawlings, Mr. 
Eoan, Mrs. 
Rogers, Etta 
Ray, Edith 
Ray, Miss 
Reis, Mary 
Ricketts, Miss 
Rawlings, Katie 
Rayely, Wm. 
Reis, Mamie 
Ray, Mrs. 
Radrus, Lizzie 
Rodrus, Katie 
Roe, Sarah 
Rippey, Lizzie 
Ronds/T. 0. 
Ray, Delia 
Rogers, Bell 
Robinson, Mrs. 
Renne, Mr. 
Rogers, J. E. 
Ridgely, Alice 
Ross, Salvaner 
Roy, Allie 
Ruff, Mrs. 
Richardson, Jene 
Rogers, Bell 
Raymond, Mrs. 
Rogers,S. M. 
Ribbett, George 
Ray, Julia 
Reece, Laura 
Rpgerson, A. M. 
Rice, Lulu 
Renne, Jac. 
Robinson, John 
Riddle, Mrs.Sarah 
Rogers, George 
Robinson, Frank 
Riley, W. S. 
Rogerson, Mrs.A. 
Rainey , Lizzie 
Eodderick, Adam 
Roach, Johnnie 
Rogers. George 
Rpdenis, Mamie 
Richardson, Miss 
Roderick, Lucy 
Ravely, Maggie 
Barney, John 
Ray, S. 

Roach, Thomas 
Roderick, J. 
Rose, Anna 
Radclifl, Mrs. 
Ridgely, Mrs. R'k 
Ryan, Maggie 
Roderick, Eva 
Rpbb, Katie 
Rice, Laura 
Renny, Yemen 

Renne, Mr. 
Roderick, Chas. 
Euthman, G. 
Eing. Emma 
Eay, Alice 
Robinson, Chas. 
Ridgely, Reddick 
Rogers, George 
Ridgely, John 
Richards, Mabel 
Eippey, Lizzie 
Reyeley, Charles 
Reilly, Annie 
Roderick, Paul 
Reayely, Frank 
Robinson, Frank 
Robertson, Ma'ie 
Renne, Olive 
Real, Frankie 
Ray, Julia 
Rauss, John 
Rippey, Jennie 
Robinette, Clara 
Retter, Annie 
Renne, Enmia 
Roane, Mrs. 
Reilly, Charles ' 
Renthly, Mary 
Eotrammel, Mrs. 
Rodgers, Emma 
Rodgers, Mary 
Rodgers, Henry 
Randall, Mattie 
Ritter, Annie 
Ross, Annie 
Ryan, Horace 
Reed, Jennie 
Reed, Minnie 
Ringey, Anna 
Reed, Sadie 
Rawlings, Katie 
Roll, Mrs. 
Eosemeyer, Mrs 


Singleton, Nellie 
Spence, Susan 
Sockett, Mary 
Stuart, Wm. 
Stobbs, Nettie 
Stobbs, Dollie 
Shaffer, Mrs. 
Saylor, Mrs. 
Sands, Mr. 
Stevenson, Chas. 
Sylvester, Julia 
Saunders, George 
Shepherd, Frank 
Stapleworth, Mr. 
Swent, Mrs. ' 



Smith, Daniel 
Sylva, Nina 
Sylvester, Mamie 
Spence, Leonard 
Spence, William 
Stretch, Mrs. . 
Sturnmari, Lo'isa 
Swigart, Eddie 
Shammel, Maud 
Saxer, Samuel 
Shawlar, Miss 
Saxer, Henry 
Sackett, Mary 
Story, William 
Shonberger, Mrs. 
Swent, Henry 
Shellhouse, Sarah 
Saxer, Mr. 
Seller, Frank 
Shinn, Mrs. 
Shrpder, Nellie 
Smith, Ora 
Sargent, Mrs. 
Seward, E. B. 
Snively, Sheldon 
Sparks, Laura 
Simms, Bertha 
Sterman, Louisa 
Sargent, Hellen 
Stillwell, Josie 
Sampson, Mrs. 
Stuart, William 
Schlichten, Anne 
Seekler, George 
Sleet, Miss 
Sloan, Fannie 
Stubbs, Mrs. 
Scliger, Maggie 
Smith, Jennie 
Saunders, Mrs. 
Sharfer, Annie 
Stevenson, Mrs. 
Soloman, Walter 
Stubbs, Mr. 
Sampson, Lizzie 
Sherman, Mrs. J. 
Sylvester, Victor 
Smith, Nettie 
Smith, W. J. 
Shellhouse, Sarah 
Simpson, Walter 
Snodgrass, Miss 
Stevens, Mattie 
Sweet, Grace 
Saxer, George 
Sollenberg, Ollie 
Smith, Mrs. 
Sockett, Mary 
Shingles, Mary 
Shaffer, Lillie 

Shipnian, Mrs. 
Smith, Willie 
Snape, Charles 
Smith, R. 
Shaffer, Lulu 
Slough, Richard 
Skinner, Susan 
Sampson, Alice 
Short, E. D. 
Sherwood, Miss 
Smith, Willie 
Stoppleworth, H. 
Scott, Frank C. 
Smithers, Lizzie 
Solomon, Eliza 
Spurner, Mrs. 
Snodgrass, Mrs. 
Short, Miss 
Shaffner, Win. 
Stoppleworth, C. 
Springer, Mrs. 
Safford, Daniel 
Smith, Katie 
Smith, Miss 
Smith, George 
Smith, Jennie 
Sadler, James 
Simms, Wm., jr. 
Saunders, Sarah 
Shirkliff, Richard 
Spence, Sarah 
Springer, Clara 
Simms, Win., jr. 
Smith, John 
Snodgrasss, Wm. 
Shaffer, Carrie 
Shaver, George 
Shaver, Carrie 
Solomon, Nellie 
Swent, Henry 
Smith, Minnie 
Sampson, Rachel 
Shouze, Frank 
Safford, Mr. 
Shaffer, Carrie 
Smith, Sophia 
Smelters, Maggie 
Smith, H. R. 
Spense, Mrs. 
Scott, Mrs. 
Solomon, John 
Simms, George 
Smith, Charles 
Stafford, Lucy . 
Stevenson, Ma'ie 
Smith, Hugh 
Spruse, Sarah 
Shipley, Wm. 

Snuirr, J. H. 
Shultz, Lou 
Springhall, Mrs. 
Saxer, Henry 
Stockdale, Mabel 
Shrader, Frances 
Sterling, Ed. 
Spring-all, Mr. 
Sharper, Mrs. 
Sharper, Mrs. 
Short, Lottie 
Short, Lillie 
Short, Sophronie 
Smurr, J. W. 
Smurr, Mrs. W. 
Sterling, Bessie 
Stevenson, Ma'ie 
Shutt, William 
Stubbs, Johnnie 
Schwarberg, Fr'k 
Smith, Lila 
Smith, Thomas 
Stubbs, Willie 
Seay, Willie 
Smith, Minnie 
Smith, S. 
Smith, Willie 
Sterling, Ed. 
Shepherd, Eclw'd 
Solomon, Willie 
Searles, Elery 
Smith, David 
Shammel, Mrs. 
Shannon, Robert 
Swarbey.Mrs. F'k 
Saxer, Frank 
Stevens, May 
Smith, Lotie 
Staley, Ross 
Serler, Emma 
Stoker, Mrs. 
Schwents, . 
Sweet, Willie 
Sweet, Edwin 
Sweet, Frank 
Sevier, Mrs. 
Smith, Jennie 
Smith, Annie 
Silya, Jacob 
Smith, Phillip 
Summers, Emma 
Saxer; Mrs. 
Seay, Willie 
Stubbs, John 
Sims, Carrie 
Sweet, Lena 
Shultz, Annie 
Simpson, Lizzie 
Staley, Jennie 
Solomon, Ada 

Shaeffer, Nellie 
Smith, Rosa 
Smith, Eddie 
Simmons, May 
Smith, Marie 
Sweet. J. 
Solomon, Eliza 
Sharp, Hattie 
Savage, Carrie 
Smith, Edith 
Souther, Flore'ce 
Stretch, Carrie 
Singleton, Mamie 
Stacy, Mary- 
Stacy, Nellie 


Thompson, Lillie 
Thompson, Mrs. 
Taylor, Alfred 
Todd, J. W. 
Twyman, Stella 
Thompson, Elma 
Thompson, Miss 
Thompson, Nels 
Thorpe, Birdie 
Todd, J. H. 
Thompson, Julia 
Trout, Carrie 
Thompson, Mrs. 
Tooley, Elma 
Truitt, M. E. 
Taylor, Jennie 
Taylor, Sarah 
Twist, Ella 
Talbott, Mr. 
Thompson, Thos. 
Taylor, Lulu 
Tisdale, Mrs. 
Thompson, Mrs. 
Turner, Mrs. 
Taylor, John 
Taylor, Sarah 
Taylor, Sarah 
Turner, Mrs. 
Thompson, Alb't 
Trimble, Miss 
Thompson, Nel'n 
Talbott, Mollie 
Taylor, Mr. 
Twig, 0. 
Todd, May 
Thompson, Thos. 
Thompson, Lena 
Titus, Miss 
Thompson, Alb't 
Thompson, Mary 
Tyler, Miss 
Thompson, Julia 
Titus, Alta 



Taylor, Una Wellinan, Mrs. 
Tracy, Mrs. Wallace, Ward 
Tobin, Lucy Williams, Lizzie 
Thorpe, Birdie Wielies, Arthur 
Tanner, Minnie Wright, Mrs. 
Twyman, Eobert Woods, Emma 
Twyman, Mrs. E. Wilson, Wildon 
Tobin, Jessie Whitley, Mrs. 
Thompson, Miss Wright, E. A. 
Throop, Florence Watts, Mrs, Lucy 
Tisdale, Mrs. Wisner, Mr. 
Trimble, Angie Woodruff, Ida 
Todd, Nettie Wood, Mrs. Ida 
Thornberry,G.W. Williams, Clara 
U. & V. Williams, Lizzie 
Underwood, Clar Warren, Mrs. 
Vancil, Estella Willett, Harry 
Vandewalker, . AVelsh, Henry 
Vandewalker, Es. Wing, Edward 
Vrennie, Ella Watts, Mrs. 
Village, Mr. - Watts, Mr. 
Village, Mrs. Wersen. Louis 
Vaneben, Minnie Woodward, Miss 
Vasconcelles, Ida Woodward, Miss 
Vaughn, Eannie Wood, Mrs. Sen'a 
Vandewalker, . Williams, Lime 
Vandeventer, . Willis, Mrs. 
VanGundy, Guss White, Mrs. Sar'h 
Vancil, W. M. Watts, Mrs. 

W. Walter, John 

Wiley, John Withrow, Mna 
Welsh, Mrs. Woods, Emma 

Witherspoon, . Wallace, Mrs. 
Webb, Susie Wood, Albert 
Ward, Miss Wing, Ed. 

Williamson, Grac Wright, Mr. 
Wood, James Whipple, Clar'ce 
Werner, Louis Winchell, Miss 

Wilson, Miss 
Williams, Mrs. 
Weenies, Mrs. 
Wing, Mrs. 
Whiting, Alvira 
Webster, Mrs. 
Williams, Mrs 
Winston, Mrs. 
Walston, Eosa 
Williams, Susie 
Whipp, Frank 
Wilier, Annie 

Work, Frank 
Warren, Mrs. 
Wood, Kate 
Woods, Millie 
Wood, Emma 
Weaver, Robert 
Wildman, Mima 
Webber, Fannie 
Wood, Nona 
Whipple, Frank 
Wirsen, Elvira 

Willett, Laura 
Watkins, Lizzie 
Welsh, Mrs. 
Wood, Miss 
Walker, Mrs. 
Warren, W. 
Winson, Willie 
Wood, Tingley 
Wells, Mary 
AVeldon, Lydia 
Winters, Gertie 
Willabanks, Mrs.' 
Wilson, Mrs. 
Withey. Mrs. 
Winson, Willie 
Wolf, William 
Welsh. Jane 
Wheeler, Frank 
Wakefield, Annie 
Wood, Clara 
AVashburn, Thos. 
Woods, Lon 
Webb, Grace 
Wood, J. W. 
Ward, Mrs. 
Wiley, Minnie 
Wilson, Myron 
Watson, Mrs. Th. 
AA r i]liams, Henry 
Wheeler, Eva 
AVatkins, Enoch 
Weaver, Mrs. 
Wright, Harvey 
Wilson, Emma 
AVeldon, Mrs. 
Weldon, May 
AViesenbeck, May 
Welch, George 
AVeldon, May 
AVilliams, Lizzie 
AA^eller, Sophia 
Weaver, Emma 
AVinterberg, M'ry 
AVoodwarcl, Chas. 
Wood, Ella 
Woodruff, Mr. 
Warren, Mrs. 
Weir, Martha 

AVhite, Howard 
AVright, Charles 
AVickersharn, AVill 
AVillis, James 
Warner, Mrs. 
AVillis, James 
AVilson, Fred 
Warren, Clifford 
AVells, Mary 
Wickersham, Net 
Wickersham, Lil 
AVelsh, Sadie 
Wilson, W. G. 
Webster, Mrs. 
AA r ilson, Maria 
Ward, Lizzie 
AA r aggy, Hattie 
AVamer, Annie 
AVarner, Miss 
Watson, Alice 
AVersen, Lins 
AVhitehurst, Eex 
AVoodruff, Geo. 
Wickersham, M'e 
Ward, Arthur 
Wright, Elmer 
AVillison, Gracie 
AVhitehurst, Susi 
Wallace, Dora 
AYebb, Susie 
AVakefield, Min'e 
AVood, Louie 
Woodruff, Carrie 


Young, Geo., jr. 
Young, Jessie C. 
Young, G. W. 
Young, Amos 
Young, Thomas 
York, Mary Ann 
Yonst, Mary 
Yonst, Daisy 
Young, Mrs. 
Yocom, Mrs. Sam 
Younger, Maggie 


Zane, Maggie 
Zurnbrook, Jen'ie 
Zimmerman, Lot 


As the following names were omitted, this appendix is 

made and completes the entire list, as found recorded in the 
book at the pastor's study: 

Arkless, Lena Forclen J. M. New, Chris. 

Aaron, Jessie Gray, Albert New, John 

Bowen, Mary Ingram, Geo. Pearce, Alice 

Bussing, Carrie Jackson, Miss E. ' Sawyer, Carrie 

Bell, Mrs. Virginia Johnson, Jnlia Sharp, Hattie 

Barber, Katie Kelley, W. P. Sweet Jennie 

Cobbs, John Kelley, LAV. St. John, Mary 

Chatham, Alvin Kelley, Mrs. I. W. Thorpe, Ella ' 

Cressy, Mrs. E. Munson, Etta Throop, Miss 

Derry, Cassie New, Edith Underwood, Cora 

Day, Mrs. C. W. Nelch, Henry Vancleventer, Minnie 

Erindley, Mrs. Nichwitz, J. E. "Webb, Lillie 

Sho'ukl the meetings continue three or four weeks, a second 
volume will be issued. 


The interest was so great on Sunday night, May 2d, that it 
was decided to continue the meetings indefinitely. They 
continued with most gratifying results until Wednesday, when 
Rev. McChesney, of Topeka, Kan., appeared most unexpectedly 
and urged the importance of Rev. Harrison beginning his work 
in that city at once, as warm weather was fast approaching 
which would render indoor services almost intolerable. In view 
of this fact, the revivalist thought it best to close on Friday 
night, May 7, 1886. Although it was not generally known this 
would be the closing night, yet a large congregation assembled. 
The parting hour was one of the saddest ever witnessed by a 
Springfield congregation. After a season of song and prayer, 
Rev. Musgrove spoke a few words in regard to the end of this 
wonderful revival unparalleled perhaps, in the history of church 
work anywhere. Mr. Harrison followed with a brief farewell. 
He spoke of the happy times all had experienced during the 
weeks past; of the wonderful power God had displayed in the 
conversion of souls and of the marvelous success attending the 
entire series of meetings, in fact the most fruitful he had 
conducted during his evangelistic career. As he spoke of the 
time which had arrived, when he must go to another field of 
labor and leave the people and converts, some of whom he 
never expected to meet till that great day at the judgment, 
sympathetic tears coursed down his cheeks and his humane 
heart was too full to audibly express the deep regret at parting. 
He could only stand and look into the faces of the beloved 

people who were weeping their fa 
not be restrained. He closed wit] 
and then standing in front of the 
good bye to over one thousand 
promised, by the grace of God, to 

The following additional nan 
official record. 


Anderson, Freddie 
Ansel, Miss Alice 
Adams, Miss Agnes 
Abern, Jessie 
Allen, John E. 


Barrell, Frank 
Brown, D. A. 
Brunk, Mr. 
Bolt, P. M. 
Brown, Lincoln 
Bartlett, Dr. 
Beatty, Daniel 
Bandy, Sadie 
Bell, 'William 
Booth, Al 
Baltzer, Minnie 

Campbell, Nellie 
Cantrall, John 
Colestock, William 
Chapman, J. C. 
Clavare, Clara 
Crane, John M. 
Coleman, Delia 
Chapin, Mary 


Drake, Mrs. Frank 
Drake, Joseph 
Dixou, Mr. 
Drake, Frank 


Elliott, Ora - 
Elliott, Henry 
Evans, J. W.' 
Evans, Mr. 
Ensel/Miss Julia 
Ellis, liichard Y. 


Fox, Cora 
Funk, Mrs. M. Z. 
.Fee, Earnest 
Finnister, Mrs. 


Grubb, Pxichai 
Grubb, Mrs. K 
Garland, Char 
Garland, Mrs. 
Gray, Mrs. 


Holm, Emma 
Hurd, George 
Hays, J. Is T . 
Hines, Henry 
Holland, C. " 
Hampton, Ha 
Higgins, Miss 
Iliggms, Belle 
Hellian, Josei 
Houston, Etta 
Holland. Dan 


Eves, Harry 
Isaacs, Lmie 


Jones, E. L. 
Johnson, Hersh 
Johnson, Mrs. ^ 


Kreigh, Charles 
Kessberger, Get 
Kessberger, Ed 


Long. Chauncy 
Lightner, Alt're 
Lomelino, Geo. 
Lee, Mrs. Lou T 
LeGrand, Dr. G 
LeGrand, Mrs. i 
Leil ! , Emma 


Mackaber, Hai" 
Moorey, Mr. 
Meer, B. F. 
Morris, Mamie 
Moore, Miss Eli 
Million. John 

heir farewell with tears that could 
sed with an earnest, touching prayer, 
of the pulpit he gave his hand in 
rasand persons Avho had previously 
God, to meet him in heaven. 

.ial names have been placed on the 


i, Richard 
>, Mrs. Richard 
id, Charles 
id, Mrs. Charles 


, Emma 
George A. 
, Henry 
ad, C. " 
(ton, Harry 
ns, Miss 
ns, Belle 
tn, Joseph 
;on, Etta 
rid, Dan 


, Lmie 

R. L. 
on, Hershel 

[n, Mrs. W. F. 
, Charles ' 
irger, George 
3rger, Ed 


ler, Alfred 
no, Geo. F. 
rs. Lou IT. 
Qd, Dr. G. W. 
ad, Mrs. G. W. 
ber. Harvey 

3. F. 
Miss Ellie 

McConnell, Andrew . 

Nicholson. Mary 


Prue, Lola 
Pyle, Mrs. 
Patterson, Harry 
PJete, John 
Pyle, 0. Z. 
Palmer, John Mayo 
Patton, Mrs. Joe 
Powell, Geo. L. 
Primm, Joe 


Ilosemire, Mrs. 
Reynolds, James 
Ragland, Herbert 
Ragland, Mrs. IT. 


Sower, William 
Spakes, T. F. 
Smith, Lillie 
Shammel, Albert 
Stnbbs, Li7,/,ie 
Stuart, J. M. 
Stahl, John 
Shaver, Dr. 
Shaver, Mrs. Dr. 
Simpson, J. T. 


Thornberry, W. 
Troxell, Mrs. W. 
Troxell, W. 
Thompson. Carmie 
Tooey, John 

Yancil, Estella 


Woods, Charles 
Workman, Mrs. Lenora 
Workman, Minnie 
Williams, Mrs. 
Withrow. Isaac 



3785 .. 





History of the Harrison 

revival, at tne First 

