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I. Description of the Manuscript . 
II. The Language of the Lives 
III. The Contents of the Lives . 


Betha Phatraic 

Betha Choluim chille 

Betha Bhrigde 

Betha SLenam meic Geirginn 
Betha Fhinde'in Cluana hEraird 
Betha Fhinnchua Bri Gobhunn 
Betha Bhrenainn meic Fhinnlogha . 
Betha Chiarain Cluana meic Nois . 
Riaghail Patraic .... 

Cose mo Cholmdc meic hiii Beona . 

As doilghi learn ina in t-cc 
Betha Mochua Balla 


Life of Patrick .... 
Life of Colom-cille . . . f . 

Life of Brigit 

Life of Senan, son of Gerrcenn 
Life of Findian of Clonard 
Life of Findchua of Brigown . 
Life of Brenainn, son of Finnlugh . 
Life of Ciaran of Clonmacnois 
Life of Mochua of Balla . 

a 2 










135, 136 






On the Life of Patrick .... 

Life of Colom-cille 

Life of Brigit .... 

Life of Sendn, son of Gerrcenn . 

Life of Findian of Clonard 

Life of Findchua of Brigown 

Life of Brenainn, son of Finnlugh 

Life of Ciara"n of Clonmacnois . 

Life of Mochua of Balla 


I. Index of Matters .... 
II. Index of Persons .... 

III. Index of Places and Tribes 

IV. Index of First Lines of Poems 
V. Index of Irish Words 







. 369 

. 376 

. 382 


. 404 


Facing the title-page. 


THE chief contents of this volume are the text and translation of the 
nine Lives of ancient Irish saints contained in the so-called Book ofLismore, 
a manuscript which now belongs to the Duke of Devonshire, and is kept 
in'Lismore Castle, Co. Waterford. There, in 1814, it was found in a walled- 
up passage by some workmen engaged in repairing the castle. It was lying, 
along with a crozier, in a wooden box. ' The MS.' (says O' Curry) ' had 
suffered much from damp, and the back, front and top margin had been 
gnawed in several places by rats or mice.' Of its previous history we 
only know that on the soth June, 1629, it was in Timoleague Abbey, in 
the hands of Michael O'Clery, one of the Four Masters. 

This manuscript has been noticed by Windele 1 , O'Curry 2 , Mr. Gilbert 3 , 
Sir Henry Yule 4 , and Professor d'Arbois de Jubainville 5 ; and one of the 
two modern copies of part of it, belonging to the library of the Royal Irish 
Academy, has been noticed by Dr. Todd 6 . But all these notices are so 
meagre, that they give no adequate idea of the nature and variety of its 
contents. The following description, though very incomplete, may serve 
to fill the gap till the codex is catalogued by some better scholar and 
palaeographer than the present writer. 


The Book of Lismore was compiled from the lost Book of Monaster- 
boice and other manuscripts, in the latter half of the fifteenth century, 
for Finghin mac Carthaigh Riabhach and his wife Catherine, daughter of 
Thomas, eighth earl of Desmond. Hence it is sometimes called The Book 
of Mac Car thy Reagh. It is written in double columns on 197 leaves of 

1 Jcnimal of the Kilkenny, etc. Archaeological Association, New Series, vol. i (1858), pp. 370-378. 
8 Lectures on the MS. materials of Ancient Irish History. Dublin, 1861, pp. 196-200. 
3 Facsimiles of National Manuscripts of Ireland, Part III, Introduction, p. xvii. 
* The Book ofSer Marco Polo, second edition, vol. I, Introduction, p. 100. 

5 Essai (fun Catalogue de la Literature efique de I'lrlande, Introduction, c. 

6 Proceedings of the Royal Irish Academy, vol. i. pp. 449, 45 o. O'Curry's copy comprises (he 
says) 131 folios. 


vellum, 15^ inches by io inches. There are on an average forty lines 
in each column. 

The only ornaments are the initial letters with which some of the 
pieces commence. These letters exhibit the Celtic interlacement, but have 
no colour, except in two or three cases, where they have been reddened by 
an unskilful, and apparently modern, hand. 

The handwritings of three scribes can be distinguished : one of whom 
was a friar named O'Buagachain, another calls himself Aonghus O'Callaid. 

All of them were more or less careless and ignorant. They often omit 
marks of aspiration, sometimes even words. They constantly write gh for 
dh and dh forgk 1 . So they write mh for bh and bh for mk. They use 
the digraph fk not only for the aspirated f (/), but for the medialized f 
(bk-f). They use the digraph ts, not only for the eclipsing t (t-s)> but for 
the aspirated s (s). 

The manuscript has lost at least thirty-six leaves, and of those that 
remain, many are more or less illegible owing to fading, damp, or the 
re-writing of an ignorant person called O'Floinn, in whose hands part of 
the book appears to have been in the year 1816. 

The contents of the remaining folios are as follows: 
fo. i a, col. i (old foliation .f. xxxu.). Beginning of an Irish homily on the 

Life of S. Patrick, printed infra, pp. 1-19. 

fo. 3 a, 2 b. A misplaced fragment of the historical piece called Digalfola 
Crist, ' Revenge for Christ's blood,' which is founded partly on Josephus' 
account of the destruction of Jerusalem by Titus, and corresponds with the 
mediaeval French Vengeance du Sauveur*. Of this piece there are perfect 
copies in Laud 610, ff. 18 b, i 2,2, b, 3, and in the Lebar Brecc, p. 150, 
col. 2, 1. 54 p. 157 b, 1. 29 : others, apparently, in the Book of Fermoy, 
44 a 3 , and the Bibliotheque Nationale, Celt, et B. i, fo. 90 a, z; and an 

1 In one instance aghaidk for Old Irish adaig, ' night ' both these blunders are made in the same 

2 See as to this, Revue critique, 1882, i. 346 : Romania, xvi. 56, and G. Paris, La Literature 
Frangaise ait moyen Age, 140. 

s See Dr. Todd's account of this MS. in the Proceedings of the Royal Irish Academy, Irish MSS. 
Series, 1870, pp. 1-65. 


imperfect copy in Egerton 91, fo. 63 b, 2. The Lismore fragment is 
equal to LB., I56a, 1. 62157 b, 1. 29, and begins thus : 
[Ar ba ferr leo a thinud oltas bethugud n]a For rather than that the Jews should be fed 
n-IuAauk de, ar daigh co w-eiplitis do by it, they preferred that it should vanish, 
gorta, air ba he mfan na crechaire Romh- so they might die of hunger : for this was 
anda gu (n-)eplitis na hludauff uile do the desire of the Roman raiders, that all 
ghorta, air ba (to)irrac/fc iat ica mzrbad. the Jews might die of hunger, for they 

were sorrowful at killing them. 

fos. 3, 4 (old foliation, .f. xxxui and .f. xxxuii). Continuation from fo. i of 

the Homily on S. Patrick. 
Two leaves are here lost, 
fos. 5, 6 and 7 a. The remainder of the Homily on S. Patrick. Fo. 6 a is 

numbered in an old hand xxxxi. 
fos. 7b-n a, i. Homily on the life of S. Colomb cille, printed infra, pp. 

20-33. Folio 8 a is numbered in an old hand xxxxiii. 
fos. ii a, 2 (old foliation xxxxui)-i6 b, 2. Homily on St. Brigit, with the 

hymn Brigit bJ bithmaith and the preface thereto. Printed infra, 

pp. 34-53. Folio 12 a is numbered in an old hand xxxxuii. 
fo. 17 a, 1-23 a, i. Homily on S. Sendn son of Geirgenn. Printed infra, 

pp. 54-74. 

fo. 23 a, 2. Life of S. Finden of Clonard. Printed infra, pp. 75-83. 
fo. 25 b, 2-30 a, 2. Life of S. Finnchua of Br/ Gobann (now Brigown). 

Printed infra, pp. 84-98. At the end is the following scribe's note : In 
brathazr oBuagachain roscnbh an betha so as Leabkur Mainesfrec/i ~Buiti 
'the friar O'Buagachain wrote this Life from the Book of Monasterboice.'' 
Folios 27 a and 28 a are respectively numbered in an old hand Ixii and Ixiii. 
fo. 3ib~35a, i. Homily on S. Brenainn son of Finnlugh. Printed infra, 

pp. 99-116. 
fo. 35 a, 2-39 b, 2. Homily on S. Ciaran of Clonmacnois. Printed infra, 

pp. 117-134. At the end is a note in the handwriting of O'Buagachain, 

complaining of the MS. which he was copying, 
fo. 39 b, 2, 1. 10. Two short prose pieces and a poem in eleven quatrains, 

printed infra, pp. 135, 136. 

fo. 40 a, 1-42 b, i. Homily on S. Mochua of Balla. Printed infra, pp. 137-146. 
fo. 42 b, i. A story entitled Sgela an tnr mac cleirec^ annso sis, ' Tidings 



of the three young clerics here below.' This legend is also found in 
the Book of Leinster, p. 383, whence it has been published, with a French 
translation and notes, by M. Henri Gaidoz in Mttusine } t. iv. cols. 6-n. 
The Lismore copy furnishes some various readings, and runs thus : 

Three young clerics, of the men of Ireland, 
went on their pilgrimage. It was fer- 
vently and heartily they went. There was 
no provision taken to sea save three cakes. 

' I will bring the little cat,' says one of them. 
Now when they reached the shoulders of 
the main, ' In Christ's name,' say they, ' let 
us cast away our oars into the sea, and 
throw ourselves on the mercy of our 
Lord.' This was done. Not long after- 
wards they came with Christ's help to a 
beautiful island. Plenty of firewood was 
therein, plenty of water. ' Let us build a 
church in the midst of our island.' This 
they do. The little cat goes from them. 
It draws to them a veritable salmon, up 
to three salmons for every (canonical) 
hour. ' O God,' say they, ' our pilgrimage 
is no pilgrimage now ! We have brought 
provision with us, our cat to feed us. It 
is sad now to eat his catching. We will 
not partake of the cat's produce.' There- 
after they abode for six watches without 
food, until a message came from Christ 
that (some) was on the altar, to wit, 'half 
a cake of wheat for each man, and a piece 
of fish. ' Well, then, let each of us make 
known his work for Him who feeds us.' 

' I will sing, first,' says one of them, ' the 
three fifties 2 every day, with celebrating 
my hours and with mass.' 

* I will sing, then,' says another, ' the thrice 
fifty prayers, with celebrating my hours 
and with mass every day.' 

Triar maccleirec^ di fhearuibh TLirenn do- 
chotar dia n-ailithre. Ba dicra 7 b 
cridheachair docos. Ni rucad ann do Ion 
for muir acht teora bairgen (sic) 

'Beratsa in caitfn,' ar fear dhfibh. O ro- 
siactadar fcvmnai na fairce immorro, ' a 
n-ainm Cm/, tra,' or iat, 'leicium ar raimh 
isin mhuir uann 7 fo[n] certain il-leth ar 
Tig^ma.' Doronat[h] on. Ni b cian 
iarum la fmtacftt Crist ^wzdatrala docum 
n-indsi dilli : condath n-imdha inde, us 
imdhai. 'Denam tra ed'azs for lar ar 
n-indsi.' Doghniat on. Teit in caitin 
uadhaibh. Dos-srengai bratan fireisc 
dhoibh conice teora bratana cecfa tratha. 
'A De",' or iat, 'ni hailitre ar n-ailitre 
ifechtsa. Tarcsam Ion linn, ar caitin 
diar n-airbiath<z</. As diic ifechtsa, to- 
mhailt a urthoraidh. [Ni chaith fern torad 
in caitt.'] Bat#r se trath iarsin cen 
tuara, cein cu tainic timtz'reacht o Crist 
cu mbui iorsm altoir .i. k/hbairghiun 
cruithneachta cech fir 7 orda eisc. ' Maith 
tm, findadh each duris dia madh 1 don 
fhir ardon-biatha.' 

' Gebatsa cetanmr,' ar fer dibh, ' na tri .L. 
cech dia, la ceileabhra^ mo trath 7 la 
hoifrenn.' : . 

' Gebhutsa Aidiu,' or araili, ( na tri .L. ur- 
naigth\) la ceileabra^ mo trath 7 la hoi- 
fr-eann cech Idi.' > 

' Gebutsa,' or in treas fer, ' .LLL 3 . Imnum ' I will sing,' says the third man, 'a hundred 

1 The Book of Lismore is here corrupt. Read, with XL., Maith, tra, finnad each uaind a mod. 

2 i.e. the 150 psalms. s MS. inserts do. 



and fifty Hymnum dtcats every day, with 
celebrating my hours and with mass.' 
So this is done for a long space of time. 
Then the third man died. His requiem 
was sung and he was buried. 
' Well, then,' say they, ' let there be nothing 
wanting to the same order in the church. 
Let us divide between us the order of our 
comrade,' to wit, the man of the thrice 
fifty psalms, it is he that died. They divide 
between them the third man's work. 
' It was not long before another was dead. 
He, then, is buried, to wit, the man of the 
thrice fifty prayers. It was the heavier for 
the one survi vor : it was great labour to him, 
the thrice fifty psalms and the thrice fifty 
prayersandthe thrice ftftyHymmemdzcats, 
with the three masses every day and with 
celebration of the hours. ' Of a truth/ 
says he, ' their Lord hath a greater love 
for yon twain than He hath for me. He 
has taken them unto Him : He has left me. 
Let me perform fasting against Him, for 
their merit is no better than mine.' The 
angel comes to him. 'Thy LORD is 
angry with thee/ saith the angel, ' because 
of thine unlawful fasting : for thou wilt 
not be without mercy from Him.' ' Why, 
then, did He not let me suffer with His 
household?' 'The choice was thine,' saith 
the angel, ' when ye parted your duties. 
The man that chose the thrice fifty 
(psalms) is transitory and is short-lived. 
Wherefore he was taken first. The man 
of the thrice fifty prayers, he neither cuts 
off nor adds to his life. As to that, how- 
ever, which thou chosest, even the thrice 
fifty Hymnum dicats, long life to him 
(who chose), and the kingdom of heaven.' 

J St. Hilary's hymn in praise of Christ, Todd, Liber Hymnorum, pp. 151-161. 
core,LL. 3 assind, LL. * Tramnm-te, LL. 

7 TS . ' 6 Dogentar troscud fHsseom on, LL. 

is duthara. 7 mme. nns-menicedar is aire fosroiti i tossaig, LL. 


dicat 1 (cech dia),la ceileabnz<s?mu train 7 

la hoifriunn.' 
Dognifcr on tra fria. re 2 fhoda. Marb iarumh 

in tres fer. Rogabadh a ecnairc 7 rohad- 

[42 b. 2.] ' Maith, tra,' or siat, < na tesbhadh 

nf don urd cetna isin 3 eclaz's. Rannam 

edrainn ord ar [co]cele ' .i. fer na tri .L. 

[salm] is i atbath ann. Rannaid etarra. 

modh in tres fir. 

Kir'bo cian \axum cu mba marb araili. 
Adhlaicter [side .i.] fer na tri .L. 
urn<2/thi. Trumai - di 4 lasin xinfer 
&\diu : ba soethar mor dosom na XLL. 
salm 7 na .LLL. urnaigthi 7 na .LLL. 
Imnum dicat, lasna tri hoifreannaib czch 
dia 7 la ceileabhradh na trath. 'Fir,' 
or seisium, 'moo sere na deisi ucut la 
a Tigmia innusa: forroces 5 chuice: 
fom-racuibhsea. Mad troscud frissiumh 
dogentar 6n 6 , ar nach ferr a n-airilliudh 
innussa.' Don-ic in t-aig<?/. ' IS bair- 
n^c^ do Tig^rna friutsa/ or in t-zmget, 
' do troscud indlight^c^, ar ni bia cen 
aircisecht [uad].' ' Cid dosum didm cen 
mu chesadh-sa lia mhuinntir?' ' IS tu 
dora[e]ga,' ol in t-ai^g*/ '.i. intan do- 
rannsaidh bur n-urdu .i. in fer doroega 
na .LLL. as duthain 7 is nime: is air 
dofucadh i tosz^h 7 . Fer na .LLL. urn- 
atfrthi, ni thimdhibh nf thabaz'r ssegw/. 
Inni immorro rothoghuis .i. .LLL. Im- 
num dicat, sfrshsegjvr/ do saidhe 7 flaith 


forsin Tig#-na oa tuidhches 1 : 
am bmdech de.' 

Bai didt'u ina innsi co hseis 7 crine, <r0 tar- 
raidh Brenainn don fhairrgiu, conad essein 
rom-beannuch 7 dorat coman 7 sacarbaic 
dh6, co n-dechazd dochum nime, cona[d] 
torruma aingel uasaibh dog?-/s ina n-indsi. 
Finit d6 sin. 

' A blessing on the Lord from whom thou 
hast come. I am thankful to Him.' 

So he dwelt in his island till he was aged 
and withered, and till Brenainn came 
from the sea ; and Brenainn blessed him 
and gave him communion and sacrifice, 
so he went to heaven; and a watch of 
angels is always over them in their island. 

fo. 42 b, z. Story of a young nun who waited on S. Molaisse of Leighlin, 
was seduced by a clerical student, and became pregnant. She tells her 
lover to flee from the wrath of the saint. ' It is enough/ she says, ' that / 
should be ruined ' (as lor, ar si, mu mhudhugudh so). The saint curses her 
and deprives her of heaven. She dies in childbed and is buried in a bog out- 
side the church. Her lover devotes himself to saving her soul from hell. 
He builds a hut by her grave, and every day he recites seven times the 
Beatus and the psalms, and he performs a hundred prostrations. After a 
year her spirit appears to him, blesses him, and declares that she is almost 
rescued, and that the Beatus has helped her most. The story ends thus : 

Feact d\diu tainic Fursa craibhdecfr docum Once, then, Fursa the Pious came to the 

church and beheld the service of angels 
(between heaven and) the grave in the 
bog. 'Well, O Molaisse,' saith Fursa, 
' what saint is there in the bog I ' ' An 
idol is therein,' saith Molaisse, 'a dia- 
bolic nun.' ( Look, Molaisse ! ' saith 
Fursa. They both look, and they beheld 
the service of the angels (ascending) from 
the grave to heaven. 

Thus the (nun's) body was taken out of the 
bog and buried in the graveyard. And 

na cilli, con f haca side timthirec/z^ na n- 
aing/ isin monazd don lighi. ' Maith, a 
Molaisi,' ar Fursa, ' cia noemh fil isin 
mhonazV??' ' Idhul fil ann,' or Molaisi, 
* .i. demati caillzgi.' ' Decha, a Mholaisi,' 
ar Fursa. Dechait andis, con facatar 
timthireacht na h-aig/ don lighi docum 

Tz:adh iarum in cofp asin moin cu roadh- 
ndcht isin relic. Cd ndema Fursa faesom 
in cleirz^f, cu mba noemhdha iarsin, 7 
co ndechaid doc^m nime. 

Fursa took the cleric under his protec- 
tion ; wherefore he afterwards became a 
holy man and went to heaven. 
So that the Beatus is better than any prayer 
for saving a soul from devils. 

Conad ferr ceck t\.-vmaigthe in bzVzzV do 

tesarcz>z anma ar demhriflz^. 

There is another copy of this story in the Book of Leinster, pp. 385 b- 

286 a. 
fo. 43 a, 1-43 a, 2. Story of two young clerical fellow-students who agree 

1 o tncad, LL. The tuidhches of the text means literally ' ventum est.' 



that whichever of them dies first shall come to the survivor with tidings 
of the other world. Another copy, beginning Dids macclerech, is in the 
Book of Leinster, 278 a. A third copy, beginning Da macckra robadar 
a comann ac denam a leighiunn, is in Rawl. B. 512, fo. 140 b, n. The 
Lismore copy runs thus : 

Dias nwccl/ra:^ ba.tar i comuidh [43 a, 2] 
oc leghiunn comdar comhalteda optar 
meic beca. Ba he a n-imrath ina mboi- 
thiniu. 'IS b-uagh in turus i tiaga/t 3 
ar coeim 7 ar caruit uainn nach teguit 
doridhisi cu bhfis seel duin in tire a tiaghat. 
Tathonn comairli, nechtar noternoithe 
artfis cu tuidced* cu sceluibh dia cheli.' 
Firthar inni immangaibhter ime. Ima- 
ragaibh doibh ime. ciapate [leg. ciapad] 
dhe roteised itosaigh co Used ria cinn mfs 
co fis sceul dialaile. 

Nir'b6 foda iarsin cu mba marb andala nae. 
Adhnaicter lia cheli 7 gebhidh a ecnairc. 
Bui oca f>ithailz>;z cu cenn mi's iarum. 
Ni thainic a cheli. Bui oca ecnac^, 7 oc 
ecnachnaTHnoitigan a lecaddia acalW#z. 
Bui-siumh dW/ oc slechtanaibh ina boi- 
thiniu. Tairrsich 5 bee uasacind. Atcu- 
maing a cenn imon tairrsiuch 5 cu mba 
marbh. Con fhaca [ind anim] a coluind 
arabhekwtf. [Darle-side is ina curp bui]. 
Boi ica taidhbhredh. < Olc 6,n,' ol se, * in 
colunn do tabazH cucamsa. Muinnter 
na cilli,' ar se, ' dosn-uc.' Laissin lingidh 
asin tigh imach. Bai in fer gmidh oc 
bein a[n] cluic \ ( Ni con maith, a cleing-,' 
or se, ' in colunn do brith cucumsa.' Ni 
rofreacuir in derech. Gaibhthe do 8 chach. 

Two clerical students had been reading 
together 1 so that they were comrades 2 
since they had been little boys. This 
was their conversation in their hut. ' Sad 
is the journey on which our dear ones and 
our friends go from us, that they come 
not again with tidings to us of the land 
into which they go. We have a counsel, 
that whichever of us first escapes should 
come to the other with tidings.' That on 
which they agree is done. They agreed 
that whichever of the twain should go 
first would come, before a month's end, 
with tidings to the other. 

It was not long thereafter that one of the 
twain died. He is buried by the other,, 
who sings his requiem. Then the sur- 
vivor abode waiting him to a month's 
end. His comrade came not. He was re- 
proaching him and reproaching the Trinity 
for not letting him commune with him. 
He was then making prostrations in his 
hut. There was a little crossbeam above 
his head. His head struck against the 
cross-beam so that he became dead. The 
soul saw its body before it. It seemed 
to it that it was (still) in its body. It 
was dreaming 6 . 'That is bad,' saith he, 

* to bring the corpse to me. The people 
of the church,' saith he, '. have brought it.' 
With that he leaps forth out of the house. 

1 Lit. in partnership at reading. 2 Lit. fosterbrothers : c W. cyfaillt. 3 in turusa tiagait, LL. 
* Denam comairle, nechtar de uand dig art*/.? co ti co scelaib dia cheliu. Dentar am. Immaragaib 
doib^cipe' dfb nodigsed hi tossaig co tiss^ria cind mis co fis seel diarailin, LL. 

6 taidbread, ' a dream, a vision,' P. O' C. LL. has Bili oc tadbriud, 
8 co, LL. 

b ^ 

5 fordorus, LL. 

1 oc beim in chluic, LL. 



Ni con cualutsr. Ba toirrsi mor laissiumh . 
Gaibhthe asin cill docum na meithle. 
' Iss ed so,' ol se. Ni con cualatar. Nos- 
geibh J luinne : teit don chill. Docuas cu 
ndechmad&zz^ doswm, con fhacas a chol- 
ann istaigh. Dos-fucadh docum na reilgi. 
Intan dochoidh-sium isin cill con fhaca 

a chele arachinn. ' Amein amem,' or se, 
' is foda lat cu 2 tanac.' ' Olc do breitzr,' or 
sesium. ' Na[ch]am-cairigh du##,' oul 
a chele. ' Tanac mor fecht^j co mbfnn 
for cinn h' adhairt oc nemele fHt, 7 nim- 
chuaWs, r ni cluinet[h]ar in corp tiugh 
trom ind ainim n-aerdha tanaidhi.' 

' Rot-cluinim innosa,' ol sesium. 

' Na t6,' ol a celi : ' h'ainim nama as i fil ann. 
Is ret choluinn fesin itai occ imteich^aT. 
Ar-rogad comanarladh dhuinne. Con 
fail on iarum. Mairg doghni olc, cein mair 
[i.] mogenar, dogni maith. [43 b, i] Eirg 
arcenn do colla resiu dorattar isin deirc.' 

' Cubrath ni con ragsa innti doridhisi ara 
grain 7 ara homun.' 

1 Noragha in, 7 bia blizdan i mbethazd In 
biait cech dia ar m'anmz>z-si, ar is e aradh 
7 slabhrad 7 muince is treisi do thabairt 
anma [dune] a hithfern in biait.' 

Ceileabhraidh dia chele, 7 teit dochum na 
colla, 7 adracht a greich ass oc toidhe^/ 
innti, cu rotathbeo[ig], co ndechat'd docum 
nimhe i cind bli&dne. In bhiaid, fcra, as 3 
si ernuighthi as dech fil ann. Finit. 

Nongeib, LL. 

The ecclesiastic was striking the bell. 
' It was not right, O cleric,' saith he, ' to 
bring the corpse to me.' The cleric made 
no answer. He betakes himself to every 
one. They heard him not. (That) was 
a great trouble to him. He gets him out 
of the church to the reapers. ' It is this,' 
saith he. They heard him not. Fury 
possesses him: he goes to the church. 
They went with tithes to him and saw his 
body within. It was carried to the grave- 
yard. When he entered the church he 
saw his comrade before him. 'Verily, 
verily,' saith he, ' thou hast been long in 
coming. Bad is thy word,' saith the 
same. * Upbraid me not, now,' saith his 
comrade. ' I came many times, and was 
at the end of thy pillow complaining to 
thee ; and thou heardest me not, for the 
thick, dense body heareth not the aerial, 
attenuated soul.' 

' I hear thee now,' saith he. 

'Not so,' saith the other: 'it is only thy 
soul that is there. It is from thine own 
body that thou art escaping. What thou 
askedst has happened to us. There is 
this then. Woe to him who doth evil ! 
Happy he who doth good ! Go to meet 
thy body before it is put into the cave.' 

' I will never enter it again, because of the 
horror and the fear of it ! ' 

' Truly thou shalt go, and thou wilt be a 
year alive. (Say) the Beatus every day 
for my soul, for the mightiest ladder, and 
chain and collar to bring man's soul out 
of hell is the Beatus.' 

He bids farewell to his comrade and goes to 
the body, and his scream rose out of him 
as he entered it, and he came again to 
life, and at the year's end he went to 
heaven. The Beatus, therefore, is the 
best prayer that is. Finit. 

3 co, LL. 3 MS. ar. 



fo. 43 b, i. Story of S. Brenainn maccu Altai of Clonfert, the young 
harper and the bird-like angel. Another copy in Rawl. B. 512, fo. 142 a, b. 

[FJeacht do Brenuinn mac hui Altai a Cluain 
Yerta, dia case .uii.bliaafo0 rena eitsictj 
ceilebarthar isin eclat's lais/ pntchaight<??* 
7 aifrwmtar. O tainic in medon lai im- 
morro tiaguit na rnxnaig da proinntigh. 
Do bhi maccleirecA istigh 7 emit ina 
laim oca gaba/jforan-airfited,7doratst 
a mbennac^/ d6. 

Robo meallach lim anosa,' ol in 
'dia mbeith Brenainn astigh 1 cu seinninn 
tri hadbuinn do/ ' Ni leicfed cuigi thfi,' 
ar na manaz^, 'a"r is secht rdoMzdna do 
Brenuinn nar'thibh 7 na cuala ceol do 
cheolm'^ domum; a^fc/daubhall ciar[th]a 2 
7 snaithi etarra [, 7 nobitis] ara belaibh 
forsin leabar, 7 intan rocluin ceol dobeir 
na hubla ina ouibh.' 

Raghatsa \immorro ', ol in macclerech,] ' do 

sheinm do.' 

Teit as 7 a chruit glesta lais. ' Osluic,' or 
incl/ra:^. 'Ciaso?' olBrenuznn. 'Mac- 
cVrech duitsi do seinm cmiti duit.' ' Seinn 
imuigh,' ol 'Brenainn. ' Mun bhadh doil- 
igh latsa, ' ol in cVrech, 'robudh buidhi 3 
lim mu leicen for lar na hecalsa do sheinm 
tressi 4 .' [< Maith lem,' ol Brenainn. 
' Oslaic remam,' ol in nuzccl/myfe.] Os- 
luiczW Rrenaz'nn roimhe. Dobezr in 
clfrech a emit aniar 5 . Dob^zV ^>r&nainn 
a dha ubhull chiartha ina 6uibh. 'Ni 
maith leamsa,' ol in mccl/^c^, 'h'air- 
fitedh mina ghata in ceir as t'6aibh.' 
'Dogentar/ [tidiu] ol^renamn. 

danam-leic<?th Brenainn tor lar na heclaz'je, R. 

Once when Brenainn maccu Altai was in 
Clonfert, on Easter-day seven years before 
his obit, mass is celebrated by him in the 
church, and preaching and offering. Now 
when midday came the monks go to their 
refectory. There was a clerical student 
inside with a harp in his hand, whereon 
he began to make music for them, and 
they gave him their blessing. 

'It would be delightful, now, 5 saith the cleric, 
'if Brenainn were within, that I might 
play three strains to him.' ' He would not 
let you (come) to him,' say the monks, 
'for it is now seven years since Brenainn 
smiled or heard a melody of the melodies 
of the world. But he has two waxen 
balls with a thread between them, and 
they used to lie before him on the book ; 
and whenever he heard a melody he puts 
the balls into his ears.' 

' I will go, however, and play to him,' says 
the clerical student. 

Off he goes with his harp tuned. ' Open ! ' 
saith the cleric. ' Who is this ? ' saith 
Brenainn. 'A clerical student come to 
play the harp for thee.' ' Play outside,' 
saith Brenainn. ' If it be not disagreeable 
to thee I should thank thee to let me 
into the midst of the church to play for 
a while.' ' I am willing,' saith Brenainn. 
'Open before me,' says the student. 
Brenainn opens (the door) before him. 
The cleric brings his harp from behind. 
Brenainn puts his two waxen balls into 
his ears. ' I do not like,' saith the clerical 
student, 'to make music for thee unless 
thou take the wax out of thine ears.' < It 
shall be done then,' saith Brenainn. 

tri n-adhbunn, R. 

ciarach, R. 

MS. buighi. 

Dobeir in macclerech a emit Her a di laim for lar na heclawe, R. 



Dobeir $\diu forsin leab#r. Seinnidh trf 
hadhbuinn d6. ' Beann0c#/ fort, a mac- 
cleir/g'!' or se, 'laat cheol, 7 neam duit 



[43 b, 2] Dobetr Erenaznn na hubla ina 
cluasaibh iardain [arnir'b aillais a eistecht 
nisa moa]. ' Cidh na" coisti frisin ceol ? ' 
ol in macdfrech, 'in [a] ra olcus lat?' 
' Ni haire,' ol T&renatnn, ' #/ amail so. 
Laithi dhamh isin eclais so, .$w/Wmblia<2fo<z 
csaniu 2 , iar ^roicept [sunn] 7 iar n- 
aifreann, dochuatar na clein^ don pro- 
inntigh. Rom-facbhadsa sunn amae- 
nur, 7 rom-gabh imtholta andiaidh 3 mu 
Thigearna iar ndul do curp Grist. A 
mbadhzw hi suidhiu rom-gabh crith 7 
uam<?. Confaca In [etrocht] for an 
seinistir ^wmessidh forsin altoir. Foreim- 
dhius silled fair lasna ruithnibh griandai 
batar imbe.' ''Beznnac^t fort 7 bennach 
dhun, a cleirigh ! ' ol se. ' Rot-bennacha 
Dia!' ol Rrenaz'nn. 'Cia thu?' oul 
"Brenainn. ' Mich// aingel,' ol se, ' do 
th'-acalluimsi.' ' Atloch[am]ar do Dia 
h'acallwzVrc,' ol 'Brenainn, ' 7 cidh dia 
tudchaid ? ' ' Dot bennachad 7 dot 
airfit/z^d od Tigmia,' ol in t-en. 'As 
fochean duit leamsa,' ol BrenazVz/z. 
Atnaig * in t-en a ghulbain ar cliath^*z a 
eite 5 , 7 dobadh^jsa ag coiste^/ fris on 
trath co araili, 7 doceilibair dam iarsin. 

Dobm- Hrenainn in stoil darsin mbragz't 6 . 
'In binn latso, a m^ccleirz^-?' or se. 
' Dobhiursa mo breithir fiadh Dia/ ol 

So he puts (the balls) on the book. (The 
clerical student) plays three strains to 
him. ' A blessing upon thee, O student, 
with thy melody,' saith Brenainn, ' and 
heaven to thee for it ! * 

Afterwards Brenainn puts the balls into 
his ears, for he desired not to listen any 
more to it. ' Why dost thou not listen 
to the music ? ' saith the student : ' is it 
because it seems to thee bad?' 'Not 
for that,' saith Brenainn, 'but even 
thus. One day, just seven years ago, as I 
was in this church after preaching here 
and after mass, the clerics went to the 
refectory. I was left here alone, and 
having gone to Christ's Body, a great 
longing for my LORD seized me. As I 
was here, trembling and fear possessed 
me, and on the window I saw a radiant 
bird, which (then) sat upon the altar. I 
could not look at it because of the sunny 
rays that were around it. " A blessing on 
thee, and do thou bless us, O cleric!" 
saith the bird. " May God bless thee ! " 
saith Brenainn. "Who art thou?" 
"Michael the angel," saith the bird, 
*' come to commune with thee." " We 
give thanks to God for communing with 
thee, and wherefore hast thou come ? " 
" To bless thee," saith the bird, " and to 
make music for thee from thy LORD." 
" Thou hast a welcome from me," saith 
Brenainn. Then the bird puts its beak 
on the side of its wing, and I remained 
listening to it from one watch to another, 
and then it bade me farewell.' 

Brenainn puts the stole (?) over the neck (of 
the harp). ' Deemest thou (that) melo- 
dious, O student ? ' saith he. ' I give my 

1 ol Brenainn, ' ocus ro[t]fia ceol nime tara eisi sin,' (and thou shalt have heaven's music in lieu 
thereof,) R. 2 MS. cwsaniugh. 3 MS. andiaigh a leth, R. 

1 MS. atnaid. 5 eitigh, R. 6 inda stoil forsin mbraghait, R. 


'nach binde Hum ceol do word before God,' saith Brenainn, 'that 
cheoluibh doautin andiaigh an ceoil-sin after that melody no melody of the world's 
inas in stoll-sea darsin rmVaghuid 1 , 7 as melodies seems sweeter to me than this 
bee tarbai lim a cluinsin. Beirsiu bend- stolep] over the neck, and to hear it I hold 
achtim, a nuzcclein^! 7 biaidh neam ocat to be little profit. Take my blessing, O 
avan airfitd-sin/ ol Brenainn. student, and thou shalt have heaven for 

that playing,' saith Brenainn. 

Cun0d hi an dithramha^ 2 "Brenaiftn. So this is Brenainn's dithramhacht (?). 

fo. 43 b, 2. Story of SS. Colomb cille, Comgall and Cainnech and of Dathi 

the Presbyter 3 . Begins : 

Colum cilli 7 Comhghall 7 Caindech do- Colomb cille and Gomgall and Cainnech 
chuatar do thig Crumthir Dathf ar aighi- went to the house of Dathi the Presbyter 
dhe^ 4 iar caithimh a proinne don for guesting after the community had 
mhuinntzr. eaten their dinner. 

fo. 44 a, i. Story of S. Patrick, Loeguire's queen, his son Lugaid and the 
archangel Michael. Begins : 

[Ajraile fectus tainic PatnzzV cu Terahraigh. Once upon a time Patrick came to Tara to 
aram&y na righna bai oc Lseguiri mac visit the queen whom Loeguire son of 
Neill, d'foinV/in a mezc imon n-ainces Niall had, (and) to help her son from the 
bui fair. ailment which he suffered. 

Similar legends are in Rawl. B. 512,, fol. 108 a, a, and fo. 143 a, 2. 

fo. 44 b, i. Story of Mael Poil and the ghost of a dead nun who chooses 
the Beatus for her requiem. Begins : 

Maol Poil hua-Cinaetha .i. ab mainistrech 5 Mael P6il, grandson of Cinaed, even the 
Cilli Becain, robhui 7 manach aili ac abbot of the monastery of Cell Becdin, 
luadh ast^olaice. Mar docotail iarsin was with another monk discussing astro- 
con faca chuice mainces soiscela 6 robo logy. Afterwards, as he slept, he saw 
marb se la roime sin, 7 geran mor aicei coming towards him a gospel-nun who 
Cumain leis a hec. had died six days before that, and great 

plaining she had. He remembered her 

fo. 44 b, i. Story of Guaire of Aidne and the two saints Cumain the Tall 
and Caimin of Inis Celtra. Begins : 

[Fjeachtus do Ghuairi Aidhne 7 do Cumain Once as Guaire of Aidne and Cumain the 
Fotai 7 do Chairnin Innsi Cellfcra isin Tall and Caimin of Inis Celtra were in 
ecl/s moir Innsi Celfcra. the great church of Inis Celtra. 

1 in da stoil sin for sin mbraghait, R. * dithrim^if, R; leg. dithreabhacht ? 

8 Perhaps the Cruimther Nathi of Achad cain Conairi commemorated at 9 August, see Martyr- 
ology of Donegal, p. 214. * MS. atdhighecht. MS. mainisistmich. 

6 Read perhaps soisdlda, ' evangelical.' 


Other copies of this legend are in Lebar na hUidre, p. 116, in Rawl. B. 

512, fo. 141 a, 2, and in some MS. (to me 'unknown) cited by Dr. Todd 
(Lib. Hymn., p. 87). The LU. copy is printed and translated infra, p. 304. 
fo. 44 b, 2. Story of Mochuta of Raithen. Begins : 

Mochuta Raithin doroine roinn dia com- Mo-chuta [abbot] of Raithen made, one 
thinol 7 dona haeighedhaib l archena night there, division to his congregation 3 
adaig 2 n-oen ann. and to the guests besides. 

fo. 45 a, i. The legend of S. Muling and the Devil. Entitled Sgel ar 
Muling annso sis. Begins : 

Moling Luadira dalta do Maedoc Ferna. Moling of Luachair (was) a pupil of Maed6c 

IS o Mhoedhoc rogabh-somh Tech Mo- of Ferns. It is from Maed6c he got 

ling. De Uibh Deagad Mora (leg. M6ir) Moling's House (Timulleri). Of the 

Laig# dosom. Feacht do Moling oc descendants of Dega the Great of Lein- 

ernaigthi ina eclazs con f haca ind oclach ster was he. Once as Maed6c was pray- 

cuice isin tech. ing in his church he saw the young 

warrior coming in to him. 

Other copies of this legend are in the Book of Leinster, p. 284 a, 
Laud, 610 (in a note on the Calendar of Oengus, June 17), and Rawl. B. 

513, fo. 141 b, i. The copies in the Book of Leinster and Laud, 610, have 
been published, with translations, the one in Goidelica, p. 1 80, the other in 
the Calendar of Oengus, p. cv. A complete copy of the poem recited by 
the Devil is in the Book of Bally mote, p. 2563, where it is said to be taken 
from the (lost) Book of Glendalough (Lebar Glmne da lacha sin uili). Two 
of the quatrains are in the ninth-century Irish MS. in St. Paul's Kloster, 
Carinthia. See Goidelica, p. 177, and Irische Texte, p. 319. 

fo. 45 a, 2. Legend of Cairpre Crom, king of Hui Maine, and S. Ciardn the 
wright's son. Begins : 

Bai Cairpre Crom mac F<?radhuigh, nvzc Cairpre the Bent son of Feradach, son of 

"Lmgdeck, mez'c Dalann, meic Breasail, Lugaid, son of Dala (1), son of Bresal, son 

meic Maine Moir, a quo Hui Maine of Maine the Great, a quo the Hui Maine 

Connacht. Doghnidh didzw Cairpre ulca of Connaught. Now Cairpre was doing 

imdha fHa each. abundant evils to every one. 

So he was murdered and beheaded. He was afterwards brought back 

1 MS. te&dhefhaib. a MS. &gaid. 

3 See as to this the Martyrology of Donegal, at 14 May. 


to life by Ciaran, who replaced his head, but so unskilfully that Cairpre was 

nicknamed Crom. There is another copy of this story in the Book of 

Fermoy, fo. 51 a, I. 

fo. 45 b, i. Story of S. Brenainn son of Finnlug and of Dobarchu, who 
being cursed by Brenainn for killing his oxen, falls into Loch Lir and 
is turned into an otter. Edited with a translation, by Mr. S. H. 
O'Grady, in MJlusine, vol. iv, col. 298. Begins : 

Bai Brenainn mac Finnloghai a nDubh- Brenainn son of Finnlugh was in Dubdaire, 
dhoire, a TuadhmhunuzzVz, oc fognamh in Thomond, serving the LORD. He that 
don Coimd/fl?. Is e ba nesa dh6 ar tuaith was next to him in the district was Do- 
.i. Dobhurchu o bhfuilit I Dhobharchon. burchfi, from whom descend the H6i 


fo. 45 b, 2,. A short note about S. Baithin son of Brenann, Adamnan's 

Baitheneus, St. Columba's first cousin (clann da dearbbrathar iat andis), 

Another copy is in Rawl. B. 512, fo. 142 a. 
fo. 46 a, i fo. 52 a, 2. A tractate in reddish ink, entitled in black 

ink, Teanga bhithnua annso sis, 'the Evernew Tongue here below.' 

Begins : 

In principio fecit Deus coelum et terram et ' In the beginning God created the heaven 
reliqua. Airdri domain as tmsi each and the earth,' and so forth. The world's 
righ, is ardiu c&ch cumha^ai. Overking, who is mightier than every 

king, who is higher than every power. 

This curious composition is a dialogue between the sapientes Ebreorum 
and the spirit of Philip the Apostle, who is called by the household of 
heaven the 'Evernew Tongue,' because when he was preaching to the 
heathen, his tongue was cut out nine times \ and was nine times miraculously 
restored. In answer to questions by the wise Jews, the Evernew Tongue 
tells them about the creation of the universe, and especially about certain 
seas, wells, rivers, precious stones, trees, stars, etc. ; and it, lastly, describes 
hell, doomsday, and heaven. 

There are other copies in the Biblioth^que Nationale, Celt, et B. i, ff. 
24 a, 1-27 b, 2, and in the British Museum, Egerton 171, pp. 44-65. And 

1 According to the Lebdr Brecc, the number of amputations was only seven : Pilip apsta/ do 
treb luda do, co rocrocharf he" iar mbein a thengad fo secht asa chind isin cathraig in Eripoli 
L. B. 181 *. r > 

xviii PREFACE. 

O'Curry, Lectures, 532, says that a MS. called Liber Flaws Fergusorum 

contains a ' tract on the greatness of God, &c. (commonly called Teanga 


fos. 48 a, 49 a, 50 a, 51 a, 52 a, are respectively numbered in an old hand, 

Ixxxiii, Ixxxiiii, Ixxxu, Ixxxui. 
fo. 53 b, i. Religious poem, in sixty-six quatrains, by Mael-fsa 6 Brola- 

chain = the Mael-lsu Hua Brolchain who wrote the hymns quoted in 

Goidelica, p. 175, and died A. D. 1086. Begins : 

Ocht n-aerich 1 na ndualuch The eight chiefs of the vices 

don-roichet for rith Which come to us speedily 

.indagaid na sualach Against the virtues 

dia ndfchur don bhith. To expel them from the world. 

fa- 53 a > 2. Anonymous poem on Doomsday, in twenty-five quatrains, of 
which the last twenty-two are hardly legible. Begins : 

Brth, ni ba bee a bresim Doom, not little will be its uproar 

intan loiscfes in dom##: When the world shall burn, 

ba c6ir, a Crist gu ng^adhuibh, It will be meet, O Christ ! 

do shil Adhuimh a oman. For Adam's seed to dread it. 

fo. 53 b, z. Poem in ten quatrains, beginning : 

Mithid dhamsa toirired Time for me to journey, 

do tmll 6 Thorazg thegl^ To travel from Torach of (the) household, 

ascnam am<z/ oilither To go like a pilgrim 

dar tuind muaid mara medra/g-. Over a noble wave of (the) joyful sea. 

There is another copy of this poem in Laud 615, p. 15, where it is 

ascribed to S. Cplum cille. 

fo. 54 a, i-65 b, z. A romantic Life of Charlemagne, entitled in a late hand : 
Gabhaltz/tf Shearl^j Mhain (the Conquests of Charlemagne). Founded, 
apparently, on the Pseudo-Turpin 2 . Begins : 

Capitulum primum .i. ar ndul d'esbuluibh Chapter I. Christ's apostles and disciples 
7 do deiscipluibh Grist a rannuibh in having gone into the (various) parts of the 
domuin mar innister, dochuaid in t-esb<z/ world as is told, the glorious apostle 
glormhar .i. San Sewz artus isin Gailinnsi St. James went first into Galicia and 

7 dorindi senmora innti. preached 3 therein. 

1 Cf. It e nomina na n-erech ndualachae, Rawl. B. 512, fo. 39% 2. 

2 A Welsh version of the Pseudo-Turpin is contained in the Red Book of Hergest, and was 
edited in 1883 by Professor Powell, of Cardiff. Another version entitled Campett Charlymaen, 
was published from RhyddercKs White Book, by the late Canon Williams, in 1878. 

3 Lit. made sermons. 


It will be remembered that Charlemagne is said to have been the first 
pilgrim to the shrine of S. James of Compostella. See Gaston Paris, La 
Literature Franfaise au moyen Age, 34. 

fos. 60 a, 61 a are numbered Ixxxxu, Ixxxxui ; fo. 64 a is numbered Ixxxxuiiii. 
fo. 67 a, i. A piece entitled Sc/l na samhna (the story of All Saints Day). 

Begins : 

Araili jmpir dogabh righi Romhan. Focas A certain emperor, named Phocas, assumed 
a ainm. Dognithe senach adhbhul %achz the Romans' realm. Every year at 
blizufoe leis am samhain isin Roimh. samain (All Saints day) a great assembly 
DeithbzV 6n, ar ba hf in tsamain ardsolla- was held by him in Rome. This was 
mun na ngennte intan sin, ar noadraitis right, for the samain was the chief 

uili dhee in domain, o thurgab*7 co solemnity of the heathen at that time, 
fuinedh, fuirre. for all the gods of the world, from east 

to west (lit. from sunrise to sunset), 
were worshipped on that day. 

It then relates how the Pantheon (' dommus omnium deorum, .i. tegdiiis 
na n-uili dhee'} was given, to Boniface, and dedicated by him to all the 
saints. Compare the piece entitled Fagail na Samna in the BibKotheque 
Nationale, Celt, et B. i, fo. 15 b, 2,. 
fo. 68 a, i. A short tract on Antichrist, entitled in a late hand Sgel 

Ainnte Crisd annso. It begins : 

Adubuirt an Tigwna gu rube in Diabz*/ The LORD said that it would be Diabolus 
dothicfad a curp daena .i. ante crist do- who should come in a human body, to 
gen^d comurda mora isna poblaibh. wit, Antichrist, who should do great signs 

in the peoples. 

fo. 68 b, i. A legend of S. Cainnech, entitled in a later hand Sgel ar 
Cainnech naom annso. It begins : 

ARAILI laithi do Chaindech noem a n-oilen On a certain day, as holy Cainnech was on 
Rosa Oe co facuidh s!6gh dimhor dea- the isle of Ros Gre, he saw a huge host of 
man ag imthecftt in aieir osa chinn. devils passing through the air above him. 

Another copy of this legend, entitled Acso an t-adbarfa n-abar domnach 
crom dubh (lo, this is the reason why Cromdubh Sunday is so called), appears 
to be in the Book of Fermoy, fo. 62, b, I. 

fo. 69 a, i. A legend of King David, Solomon and a beggar. Entitled in 
a later hand : Sgel ar D^fo'd mhac lese annso sis. Begins : 

Dia case, is and nodaileadh Vafa'd mac lese It was on Passover day that David son of 

C a 



(a dechmada do bochtaibh) 7 aidelcne- Jesse used to distribute his tithes to the 
chaibh in Coimded. poor and the needy of the Lord. 

Another copy in Egerton 92, fo. 26, has been published with an 
English translation by Mr. S. H. O'Grady, in Mttusine, torn. iv. cols. 163- 
166. There is a third copy in the Book of Fermoy, fo. 57 a, T, and the latter 
half occurs in Rawl. B. 512, fo. 144 a, i. 

fo. 69 a, 2. A legend (almost illegible) beginning : 

Nobid didtu Dah'd oc b^eith na hoeinbr<#/&re cor intsamhlai 7 .1. \ffethvxcs\an oca 
himradhadh artus cornea, iaram nob<?readh-somh forciunn fuzrri. 

fo. 69 b, i. The following copy of the tale of the Two Children, entitled 
Sgel an da leanabh annso sis. So faded as to be in parts illegible. 

Feach[t] n-oen dia rabhutar da lenabh a 
Frangcaib oc c^mcluiche (.i. lenamh 
cristaide 7) lenam iudaz'de, in araili la so- 
(llamnuch. At)bert in leanumh cristaide: 
' Tiagham (i cumai caich isin tempul,' ar) 

se. Tiag<zzt iarsin am<z/ do orduig 

.... pall. Fiafraigis in leanab iudaz'di : 
' Cret (in de)albh croiche ut 7 in cn>chaire 
innti?' 'Ar Tig(erna is)e sut,' ar in 
leanbh cristaide, ' 7 do muinnt^r-sa (r)o- 
croch e", ar fuath 7 ar format.' 'Dar- 
linn is olc (i)n gnimh doronsad,' ar in 
leanamh mdaidi. (' I)s olc immorrof ar 
in leanab cristaide. 

Fiafraigjs in \enab \aA.aid\ : ' Cia in dealbh 
bainntigmia anoraghi ud atchiam 7 in 
leanamh beg ana hu^d?' 'Dealbh 
Muire mdthat sud,' ar an \encHo cristaide, 
'7 dealbh a Meic dom>chab#/>si, ana 
n6idhendacht 1 sud ana huchd.' lar n-ais- 
neis morain do comradh doibh amlz#h 
sin, ' Tiagam cusin n-altoir,' ar in \enab 
cristaide, c 7 caithem bairghin coisrictha.' 
Tiagait iarum. lar scaiWdon pob^/ asin 
tempul [fo. 69, b 2] amach, sgailit in da 
leanamh o chele .... caitem arain cho 
doibh, 7 teit each dhibh dia tigh 

Once, in France, when two children, even a 
Christian child and a Jewish child, were 
playing together on a certain holiday, the 
Christian child said: { Let us go, like every 
one, into the temple,' saith he. Then they 
go, as he ordained, into the temple. The 
Jewish child asked : ' What is that shape 
of a cross yonder, and the crucified one 
upon it ? ' ' Our LORD is he who is yonder,' 
saith the Christian child ; ' and it was thy 
people that crucified Him, out of hatred 
and envy.' ' Evil to us seemeth the deed 
they have done,' says the Jewish child. ' It 
is evil indeed,' says the Christian child. 

The Jewish child asked: 'What is the 
shape of a noble lady yonder that we see, 
with the babe in her bosom ? ' ' Yon is 
the shape of Mary Mother/ saith the 
Christian child; 'and the shape of her 
Son whom ye crucified is yonder, in His 
infancy, in her bosom.' After they had 
talked somewhat more in that wise, the 
Christian child said: 'Let us go to the 
altar and partake of consecrated bread.' 
So they go. After the people had de- 
parted from the temple the two children 
part from each other, .... partake of 

1 MS. seems, corruptly, micd. The Paris MS. has naidentacht. 



budein iarsin. FiafVaigis a athair don 
\enab iudat'di: 'Gait a rabudhuis cus- 
tratsa, a meic ? ' ar se. ' Dobhadus i famzd 

fhir cumuinn J dam idhein,' ar 

in mac iudatdi, ' 7 dochuamar a temp/ 
na baintig(ern)a .i. Mat're mdi/tair, 7 
rochaithsium bhairgin coisrictha ann.' 
(Rofergaig 7 rolonnaig a athair fris 2 ,) 7 is 
ed in cetna dorigne a radfhair, 7 doraidset: 
' As bidbhu bais tu, a meic ! ' ar siat ; 7 
gdbur (leo 7 cuirther i) s/wn teined ar 
d^^glasad, 7 dobi ann on trath (co araile), 
co dmia[d] min 7 luaithred de. 

(Arn)amarach (immorro) tiagait dia fis ga . . 

indar leo is amlaid robui, 

(ina chotlud). Ingantaigter cumor inni 
sin, 7 innisit do each a coitcinne na 
moirmhirb^/li doronad ar in \enab. Fia- 
fraigit iarsin don \enab, cred do shoer he 
ar a losgaw?. As eadh doraidh : 'Bainntig- 
ema in tempail mhoir a rabhadhzw 
ane, asi rom-soer ar mu losc^d .i. Muire 
mdthatr in airdrig, 7 is fa a coim rochod- 
\us areir ; 7 dalta dilius di mhe o so amch.' 

Et t^esan mirbwz'/ moir sin do creideastar a 
athair 7 a m\\dfkair y 7 t^cadar a n-uile 
coibhsina do Dhia uilichumha<r^tach 7 do 
Mhuire mdthair ISM. Ocus is mor in 
mhirbz7 do Mz>e, ^ nach fetann bean 
vaAaidi tuismhedh a leinimh intan bis 
co -idhnuibh nogu n-aitchenn Muire et 

consecrated bread, and each of them then 
goes to his own home. The Jewish child's 
father asked him: 'Where hast thou 
been up to this hour, my son ? ' says he. 
' I was along with a companion of mine,' 
says the Jewish child, 'and we went into 
the temple of the Lady, even Mary 
Mother, and there we partook of conse- 
crated bread.' His father grew angry 
and bitter against him, and his mother did 
the same ; and they said : ' Thou art a 
criminal deserving of death, O son ! ' say 
' they ; and he is taken (by them and cast 
into) a furnace of fire flaming redly 3 , and 
he remained therein from the one watch 
to the other, so that dust and ashes were 
made of him. 

Howbeit on the morrow they go to know 

it seemed to them that thus 

he was : in his sleep ! They marvel much 
at that, and relate to (every one) in general 
the great miracles that had been wrought 
for the child. Then they ask the child 
what had saved him from the burn- 
ing. This is what he said : ' The Lady 
of the great temple wherein I was yester- 
day, even Mary, Mother of the Overking, 
she saved me from my burning, and it is 
under her protection I slept last night ; 
and I am an own fosterling of hers from 
this time forth.' 

And through that great miracle his father 
and his mother believed, and gave all 
their confessions to Almighty God and 
to Mary, Jesu's mother. And great is 
this miracle of Mary's, that no Jewish 
woman, when she is in birth-pangs, can 
bring forth her child, until she entreats 
Mary 4 ; and so forth. 

1 fhir companaig, Paris MS. 2 Rofergaigh 7 rolonnaidh a athair fris, Paris MS 

' According to some of the Latin and French versions of this tale, the father was a vitrarius or 
miner, so that the furnace was at hand. 

* Compare the Divina Commedia, Purg. xx. 19 ; Par. xv. 133. 

xxii PREFACE. 

A copy of this story in the Bibliotheque Nationale (Celt, et B. i, 
fo. 28 b, 329 a, i), has been published by M. Henri Gaidoz, with a French 
translation, in Mdusine, torn. iv. col. 39. Wolter, in his book Der Juden- 
knabe, Halle, 1879, mentions thirty-three versions in Greek, Latin, French, 
Spanish, German, Arabic, and Ethiopic. ' In the French versions,' says 
M. Gaidoz, 'the tale is localised, oftenest at Bourges and sometimes in 
Egypt.' So four of the Latin versions (including that in the Legenda Aurea) 
have 'in ciuitate Bituricensi ; ' No. 18 has 'apud Bituricas;' and No. 19, 
' apud Bituriges.' 

fo. 69 b, 2. Note in nine lines about a monk who came from the East 

do choimhshinedh crabuid fria Comhgall to contend in devotion with Comgall of 
Beannchair. Bennchor. 

fo.7oa, i-78b,2. Alarge fragmentof a quasi-historical tract on theLombards, 
and on 'Macametus' and the Saracens (71 b, 1-73 a, 2), 'Pepinus,' 
' Carulus ' ' Carulus Mor,' ' Childricus,' ' Teodoricus ri Gotorum,' ' Clodo- 
uius,' 'Beda anorach,' ' Rathordus ri France, 5 Petronilla's relics (74 b, i), 
' Loduicus,' ' Alcunius/ 'Lotarius,' 'Gregoir Mor,' 'Henricus duxBauarie,' 
' Lotagarius,' { Conradus,' etc. It begins : 

Do SDAIR na Lumbardizc^ and so. a n-ainm Of the history of the Lombards here. In 

De 7 Phelagi#.r papa 7 na heglazsi cucoit- the name of God and of pope Pelagius 

chenn. Ocus dobhi in Pelagic sin 'na and of the Church in general. And that 

phapa 7 a naemta:^ foirbthe 7 a mbethaz'd? Pelagius was a pope and of perfect holi- 

inmolta. ness and praiseworthy life. 

This piece, which is founded to some extent on Paulus Diaconus' His- 
toria Langobardorum, and which, in fo. 75 b, a, cites Torpinus espiig (bishop 
Turpin), ends imperfectly on the verse of fo. 78, (f. 11.x. iii. of the old folia- 
tion), with a passage about the death of Hugo de Sancto Victore, A.D. 1138. 
Dr. Petrie (Ecclesiastical Architecture, p. 369) quotes from fo. 77 b, i the 
beginning of a story about Conrad the Salic and the Emperor Henry III. 

fo. 79 a, i. An abridgment of Marco Polo's travels, made, apparently, from 
the Latin of Francesco Pipino. It begins imperfectly thus : 

riguibh 7 taisech/ na cathracA sin. Bai to the kings and chieftains of that city. There 
b^athair righ a n-aibit san Fronses isin dwelt then in the city a king's brother in 
intansin. Ba eoluch da#0 isna the habit of St. Francis. He was skilled 



hilbherlaibh, Fransiscwj a ainm . . 
\yfum dfi a mbatar na maithe ucut, 7 
cuinghit fair in leabhor do clodh fomila 
o thengaidh na Tartairedh cusin tengat'd 
laitianda. ' IS omun leamsa,' ol se, 
'saethar na mennwnradh do chaithimh 
fria gnfmhnwf idhul 7 ainchreitm<fc^.' 
Guidhit 1 he fa an c//na doridisi. 'Do- 
gentar,' or se; *ar gidh scela amcrzstaidi 
fhaisneightersunn,mirbhuili in fhir-Dhia 
iatsaidhe ; et gacft aen docluinfe in t-imut- 
sa anaga/Vf na hirsi coimdeta. guidhfidh 2 
codicra faa clodh-sum forcula, 7 in nech 
nach guidhfe 3 caithfidh calma[cht] a cuirp 
friz clodh. Nisam ombnach-sa riasin 
leab#r-sa Mharcais, or ni fuil g6 ann. 
Dothadhaill mu rosc-sa he ac tabhaz'rt 
mhind na laeclasi naeime lais, 7 rofagaibh 
fria blaisect mbais gur' fhir son, 7 ba 
diadha intf Marcos.' 

Cidh fil ann ira acht ros-tinnta Pronsiscus 
in leabar-so Mharcuis a Tartairidh a 
laitin, et fa hiat bliadhna in Tig?ma in- 
tansin .u. \ftiadna dec 7 da f icit 7 * ,cc. 
7 mile \)\iadan. 

in the many languages, and his name was 
Franciscus. So he is brought to the 
place in which yon nobles were, and they 
request him to turn the book from the 
tongue of the Tartars into the Latin 
tongue. 'I am afraid,' saith he, ' to spend 
labour or care on a work relating to idols 
and unbelievers.' They entreat him 
again in the same wise. 'It shall be 
done,' saith he ; * for though unchristian 
tidings are made known here, these are 
marvels of the true God ; and whosoever 
shall hear this much against the faith of 
the Lord will pray fervently for their 
conversion, and he who will not pray will 
spend the strength of his body in con- 
verting them. I am not afraid of this 
book of Marco's, for there is no lie in it. 
Mine eye beheld him bringing with him 
the relics of the holy Church ; and he left, 
while tasting death, (his testimony) that 
this was true ; and Marco was a godly man.' 
Howsoever Franciscus [Pipinus] translated 
this book of Marco's from Tartar into 
Latin ; and the years of the Lord at that 
time were fifteen years and two score 
and two hundred and a thousand years 
(i.e. A. D. 1255). 

The translation is incomplete, ending (fo. 89 b, a) with the beginning 
of the chapter on Abaschia (= Yule's Marco Polo, bk. iii, c. 35, translated, 
vol. ii. pp. 421, 433) : 

Abaschia, then, this is a vast realm with 
seven kings over it. Of these kings four 
are worshipping the true God, and there 
is a cross of gold on the forehead of each, 
and they are manly in battles, for they 
have been brought up fighting against 
the heathens. Now the other three kings 
are given to unbelief and idolatry. 

Abaschia didiu righi dfmhor iside, co secht 
righaibh fw/rre .iiii. righa dhibh oc adhmd 
don fhir-Dhia, 7 cros 6ir a tul eduin gack 
sein dibh; 7 as ferdha a cathuibh iat, r 
is fnu ronn-altadh oc imairecc fna, 
geinntiu. Na teora. riga aili dono filet 
fria haincreidiumh 7 idlacht. 

MS. guighit. 2 MS. guighfidh. MS. guidhfe. * MS. 77. 



Et rigi Aden .i. soudan is ri forro sum. 

Cona.6. hi airec menm<z# forfhuair ri Abascia 
feacht n-aen, tria.ll cu hairm ir-raibhe 
lesM arna adlucadh. 'Nato idir,' ol a 
mhaithe 7 a mhibV? fris ; 'ar robudh 
omhun linne gennti dot marb<zdT for an 
conair, ar is tritha noghebhtha. Fil 
escop naemhtha lat,' ol siat, ' ocus cuir 
co hadhnucul lesu. he co -imt oir 
lais.' .... 

And the kingdom of Aden, a sultan is king 
over them. 

And a king of Abaschia once conceived 
this idea, to travel to the place wherein 
Jesus was after His burial. ' Not so at 
all!' his nobles and his soldiers say to 
him ; ' for we should have fear that the 
heathens would slay thee on the way, 
for it is through them thou wouldst betake 
thyself. Thou hast a holy bishop,' say 
they, ' and send him with plenty of gold 
to Jesu's sepulchre.' 

fo. 8 1 a is numbered in an old hand l.l.x.u.iii (i.e. 118). 

fos. 90, 91, 93, are in a different hand and ink, and each column contains 
forty-four lines. The contents are a copy of the story called Suidigud 
Tellctig Temrack, ' the settling of the manor [lit. hearth] of Tara.' It 
begins thus : 

Bui mordhal bfear n-E\renn a Maigh 
Breagh * a n-imacallazV a n-aimszV Diar- 
muda mheic Ferghusa. Ceirrbeoil, meic 
Conuill Ghremthaind, meic Neill Naigiall- 
aig', 7 ba headh do imraidhsd:. Ba mor 
leo do thir urlann Teamhra .i. maighen a 
mbui radharc for gach leath; 7 ro im- 
raidhset atimdhibhe na faithchi sin (arum, 
ar ba dimhain leo in cudruma sin do 
femnd occu gan teach, gan treabhadh fair, 
7 gan foghnum 2 thealluigh Teamra de, ar 
ba heicin doibh faichill fhuluing fer n- 
TLrenn 7 a mbiadhta co cend seacht la 7 
jm^n-oidhchiacind an (sic) seadz/nuzd 

In the time of Diarmaid son of Fergus 
Wrymouth, son of Gonall Gremthann, 
son of Niall the Nine-hostaged, there was 
a great assembly of the men of Ireland 
in Magh Bregh for discussion. And this 
is what they considered. The demesne 
of Tara, that is the tract of land so far 
as eyesight reached on every side, seemed 
great to them; and so they considered 
that that green should be cut down: 
for they (the descendants of Niall) 
deemed it idle that they should have so 
much land without house or cultiva- 
tion upon it, and without service of the 
hearth of Tara thereout. For at the end 
of the seventh year they were bound 
to the service of supporting the men of 
Ireland, and of feeding them, to the end 
of seven days and seven nights. 

I believe that there are other copies of this story in the Book of Lecan 
and in H. z. 16, cols. 740-749. Some account of it is given in O'Curry's 

MS. breadh. 

2 MS. fodhnum. 


Manners and Customs, iii. pp. 60-62 and pp. 241-242. It contains five 
poems ascribed to Finntan, of two of which older copies are found 
in the Book of Leinster, p. 4 b (' Heriu cia iarfaigther dim ') and p. 8 b 
(< Coic urranna Herenn etir muir 7 tfr '). See also the Book of Ballymote, 
p. 21 b ('Heriu cia fiafaigear dim'). At the end of the piece is the 

following : 

etreMguz* Suigz^^ TeaUazg 1 T*;ra wzuici sin. Finitt. Aonghw^ o Czllaid doscribh 
so do Mhag Carthajg- .i. Finghen mac Diarma/a, 7 bennac/tt leis d6. 

(' etc. The Settling of the Manor of Tara down to that. Finit. Aengus O'Callaid 
wrote this for MacCarthy, to wit, Fingen son of Diarmait, and he (Aengus) hath a 
blessing for him.') 

fo. 92 a, 2. A piece in ten lines, in the same hand but in blacker ink, 

beginning : 

' Heriu cia gabhat, cia rabat inde ? ' ar Ceandfaolad. ' Ni ansa' ar Finntan. ' larrus 1 
fis . tuathzw cath . airth^j blath . teasus [for thus] flaith. A fis . a fortes . a forsaidhi . a 
coimhgne . a comm'rle . a bagha 2 . a bmtheamn^.?, a senchzw. a soindscne. a sa6ire, a 
saidhbre, a saigtighe, ba asa hiarter, [ar foiride fo iatmaige morglana] co ndendais a 
filo/a forfe arna treighibh noda-neimthegar 3 .i. imbas forosns. j tenm laogha 7 
dicetal docenn^h 4 [coll co ndentais a brithemnas bronnsa hetha no bertis ffrbretha 
a firinni frfthib], 

'Can as a hiartw?' ar Cendfael<z^. 'Ni ansa' ar Findtan. ' A Corann, a Cera, a Crua.- 
cham, a hUmall, a hEaba, a hAidhniu, a Maonmaig, a'rz'sc, a Mucmmha, a hAoi, 
a Tennmuidh, a Tarbga, a Boirind, a Badna, a Berramain.' 

This is the beginning of a tract in Laud 610, fo. 57 b, 58 a, thus entitled r 
INcipit interrogacio CinT/faelad do Fintan mac Bochrai nvz'c Lamiach. No Bee mac 
Dead cecinit, ut ailii dzVzmt. 

The words in brackets are inserted from this MS. 
fo. 92 b; i. An unfinished tract in two columns beginning thus : 

Feacht n-oen dorala Oissm 7 Cailti a nDun Once upon a time it came to pass that 
Clithair oc Sliabh Crott. IS hi sin aimser Oissfn and Gailte were in Dun Clithair 
tainic Pat^aic docum n-Eirenn. IS ed at Sliab Crott. That was the time that 
domhair d'iarsma na Feinde .i. Oissin 7 Patrick came to Ireland. This is what 

Cailti 7 tri nsenbuir & ina bhfarmd. continued of the remnant of the Fiann, 

even Oissfn and Cailte and thrice nine 
along with them. 
1 larus .i. iartar H. 3. 18, p. 170, col. 3. 2 MS. badha. 

forbthe fo tredib nodanemthegedar, Laud 610. 
4 See as to these, O'Curry's Lectures on MS. Materials, 240. MS. nseiramir. 


xxii PREFACE. 

A copy of this story in the Bibliotheque Nationale (Celt, et B. i, 
fo. 38 b, 2-29 a, i), has been published by M. Henri Gaidoz, with a French 
translation, in Mtfusine, torn. iv. col. 39. Wolter, in his book Der Juden- 
knabe, Halle, 1879, mentions thirty-three versions in Greek, Latin, French, 
Spanish, German, Arabic, and Ethiopic. 'In the French versions,' says 
M. Gaidoz, 'the tale is localised, offcenest at Bourges and sometimes in 
Egypt.' So four of the Latin versions (including that in the Legenda Aurea) 
have 'in ciuitate Bituricensi ; ' No. 18 has 'apud Bituricas;' and No. 19, 
' apud Bituriges.' 

fo. 69 b, 3. Note in nine lines about a monk who came from the East 

do choimhshinedh crabuid fHa Comhgall to contend in devotion with Comgall of 
Beannchair. Bennchor. 

fo. yoa, i-78b, a. Alarge fragmentof a quasi-historical tract on theLombards, 
and on 'Macametus' and the Saracens (71 b, 1-73 a, 2), 'Pepinus,' 
' Carulus ' ' Carulus Mor,' ' Childricus/ ' Teodoricus ri Gotorum,' ' Clodo- 
uius,' ' Beda anorach,' ' Rathordus ri France,' Petronilla's relics (74 b, i), 
' Loduicus,' ' Alcunius/ ' Lotarius,' 'Gregoir Mor,' 'Henricus duxBauarie,' 
' Lotagarius,' ' Conradus,' etc. It begins : 

Do SDAIR na Lumbardac^ and so. a n-ainm Of the history of the Lombards here. In 

De 7 Phelagi^j papa 7 na heglazVi cucoit- the name of God and of pope Pelagius 

chenn. Ocus dobhi in Pelagic sin 'na and of the Church in general. And that 

phapa7a nasmte^/foirbtheya mbetho/// Pelagius was a pope and of perfect holi- 

inmolta. ness and praiseworthy life. 

This piece, which is founded to some extent on Paulus Diaconus' His- 
toria Langobardorum, and which, in fo. 75 D > 2, cites Torpinus espug (bishop 
Turpin), ends imperfectly on the verse of fo. 78, (f. 11. x. iii. of the old folia- 
tion), with a passage about the death of Hugo de Sancto Victore, A.D. 1138. 
Dr. Petrie (Ecclesiastical Architecture, p. 369) quotes from fo. 77 b, i the 
beginning of a story about Conrad the Salic and the Emperor Henry III. 

fo. 79 a, i. An abridgment of Marco Polo's travels, made, apparently, from 
the Latin of Francesco Pipino. It begins imperfectly thus : 

riguibh 7 taisechaztf na cathrac^ sin. Bai to the kings and chieftains of that city. There 
brathair righ a n-aibit san F^onses isin dwelt then in the city a king's brother in 
intansin. Ba eoluch da#0 isna the habit of St. Francis. He was skilled 



hilbherlaibh, Fransisc,r a ainm . . B<?mr 
\zeum du a mbatar na maithe ucut, 7 
cuinghit fair in leabhor do clodh forcula. 
o thengaidh na Tartairedh cusin tengM# 
laitianda. 'IS omun leamsa,' ol se, 
'ssethar na menm^nradh do chaithimh 
fria gnfmhra^ idhul 7 ainchreitmec^.' 
Guidhit 1 he fa* an c//na doridisi. 'Do- 
gentar,' or se ; ' ar gidh scela aincro/toVtf 
fhaisneight^^sunn,mirbhuili in fhir-Dhia 
iatsaidhe ; et gacA xn docluinfe in t-imut- 
sa anagaz'd na hirsi coimd^ta guidhfidh 2 
codic?a faa clodh-sum forcula, 7 in nech 
nac# guidhfe 3 caithfidh calmafcht] a cuirp 
fHa clodh. Nisam omhnach-sa riasin 
leabur-sa. Mharcais, or ni fuil g6 ann. 
Dothadhaill mu rosc-sa he ac tabhazH 
mhind na heclasi naeime lais, 7 rofagaibh 
fria blaisect mbais gur' fhir son, 7 ba 
diadha intf Marcus.' 

Cidh fil ann tra. acht ros-tinnta Pronsiscus 
in leabar-so Mharcuis a Tartairidh a 
laitin, et fa hiat bliadhna in Tig^rna in- 
tansin .u. b\iadna dec 7 da f icit 7 * .cc. 
7 mile \>\iadan. 

in the many languages, and his name was 
Franciscus. So he is brought to the 
place in which yon nobles were, and they 
request him to turn the book from the 
tongue of the Tartars into the Latin 
tongue. ' I am afraid/ saith he, ' to spend 
labour or care on a work relating to idols 
and unbelievers.' They entreat him 
again in the same wise. 'It shall be 
done,' saith he ; ' for though unchristian 
tidings are made known here, these are 
marvels of the true God ; and whosoever 
shall hear this much against the faith of 
the Lord will pray fervently for their 
conversion, and he who will not pray will 
spend the strength of his body in con- 
verting them. I am not afraid of this 
book of Marco's, for there is no lie in it. 
Mine eye beheld him bringing with him 
the relics of the holy Church ; and he left, 
while tasting death, (his testimony) that 
this was true; and Marco was a godly man.' 
Howsoever Franciscus [Pipinus] translated 
this book of Marco's from Tartar into 
Latin ; and the years of the Lord at that 
time were fifteen years and two score 
and two hundred and a thousand years 
(i.e. A. D. 1255). 

The translation is incomplete, ending (fo. 89 b, z) with the beginning 
of the chapter on Abaschia (= Yule's Marco Polo, bk. iii, c. 35, translated, 
vol. ii. pp. 4251, 422) : 

Abaschia didzV* righi dfmhor iside, co secht 
righaibh fut'rre .iiii. righa dhibh oc adhrad 
don fhir-Dhia, 7 cros 6ir a tul eduin gach 
sein dibh ; 7 as ferdha a cathuibh iat, ar 
is fHu ronn-altadh oc imairecc fria 
geinntiu. Na teora riga aili do/z<? filet 
fria haincreidiumh 7 idlacht. 

Abaschia, then, this is a vast realm with 
seven kings over it. Of these kings four 
are worshipping the true God, and there 
is a cross of gold on the forehead of each, 
and they are manly in battles, for they 
have been brought up fighting against 
the heathens. Now the other three kings 
are given to unbelief and idolatry. 

MS. guighit. 

MS. guighfidh. 3 MS. guidhfe. * MS. 77. 



Et rigi Aden .i. soudan is ri forro sum. 

Conzd hi airec menm<z# forfhuair ri Abascia 
feacht n-sen, tria.ll cu hairm ir-raibhe 
lesu arna adlucadh. 'Nato idir,' ol a 
mhaithe 7 a inhibit/ fHs ; ' ar robudh 
omhun linne gennti dot marba^ for an 
conair, ar is tritha noghebhtha. Fil 
escop nsemhtha lat,' ol siat, ' ocus cuir 
co hadhnucul lesn he co n-imut oir 


And the kingdom of Aden, a sultan is king 
over them. 

And a king of Abaschia once conceived 
this idea, to travel to the place wherein 
Jesus was after His burial. ' Not so at 
all!' his nobles and his soldiers say to 
him; 'for we should have fear that the 
heathens would slay thee on the way, 
for it is through them thou wouldst betake 
thyself. Thou hast a holy bishop,' say 
they, ' and send him with plenty of gold 
to Jesu's sepulchre.' 

fo. 8 1 a is numbered in an old hand l.l.x.u.iii (i.e. 118). 

fos. 90, 91, 93, are in a different hand and ink, and each column contains 
forty-four lines. The contents are a copy of the story called Suidigitd 
Tellaig Temrach, ' the settling of the manor [lit. hearth] of Tara.' It 
begins thus : 

Bui mordhal bfear n-Ein?7z a Maigh 
Breagh l a n-imacallaz'#z a n-aimszV- Diar- 
muda mheic Ferghusa. Ceirrbeoil, meic 
Ghremthaind, meic Neill Naigiall- 
\ 7 ba headh do imraidhset. Ba mor 
leo do thir urlann Teamhra .i. maighen a 
mbui radharc tor gach leath; 7 ro im- 
raidhs^t a timdhibhe na faithchi sin iarum, 
ar ba dimhain leo in cudrUma sin do 
fmmd occu gan teach, gan tT-eabhadh fair, 
7 gan foghnum 2 thealluigh Teamra de, ar 
ba heicin doibh faichill fhuluing fer n- 
7 a mbiadhta co cend seacht la" 7 

oidhchi acind an (sic] 

In the time of Diarmaid son of Fergus 
Wrymouth, son of Conall Gremthann, 
son of Niall the Nine-hostaged, there was 
a great assembly of the men of Ireland 
in Magh Bregh for discussion. And this 
is what they considered. The demesne 
of Tara, that is the tract of land so far 
as eyesight reached on every side, seemed 
great to them; and so they considered 
that that green should be cut down : 
for they (the descendants of Niall) 
deemed it idle that they should have so 
much land without house or cultiva- 
tion upon it, and without service of the 
hearth of Tara thereout. For at the end 
of the seventh year they were bound 
to the service of supporting the men of 
Ireland, and of feeding them, to the end 
of seven days and seven nights. 

I believe that there are other copies of this story in the Book of Lecan 
and in H. a. 16, cols. 740-749. Some account of it is given in O'Curry's 

MS. breadh. 

2 MS. fodhnum. 


Manners and Customs^ ill pp. 60-62 and pp. 341-242. It contains five 
poems ascribed to Finntan, of two of which older copies are found 
in the Book of Leinster, p. 4 b (' Heriu cia iarfaigther d/m ') and p. 8 b 
(' Coic urranna Hzrenn etzV muir 7 tfr '). See also the Book of Ballymote, 
p. 2,1 b ('Heriu cia fiafaigear dim'). At the end of the piece is the 

following : 

et re\iqu&. Smgigud Teallaag- Temra conoid sin. Finitt. Aonghus o Csi\\aid doscnbh 
so do Mhag Carthazg- .i. Finghen mac Diarmafo, 7 \>enTOicht leis d6. 

('etc. The Settling of the Manor of Tara down to that. Finit. Aengus O'Callaid 
wrote this for MacCarthy, to wit, Fingen son of Diarmait, and he (Aengus) hath a 
blessing for him.') 

fo. 93 a, 2. A piece in ten lines, in the same hand but in blacker ink, 

beginning : 

' Heriu cia g#bhat, cia rabat inde ? ' ar Ceandfaokd 1 . ' Ni aftsa,' ar Finntan. ' Iarr#.y l 
fis . tuathay cath . airthzw blath . teasus [for thus] flaith. A fis . afon . a forsaidhi . a 
coimhgne . a com^z'He . a bagha 2 . a bmtheammw, a senchz/jj. a soindscne. a sa6ire, a 
saidhbre, a saigtighe, b asa hiart^r, [ar foiride fo iatmaige morglana] co ndenddis a 
fil^a forfe arna treighibh noda-neimthegar 3 .i. irabas fon>sna 7 tenm laogha 7 
dicetal docennaz'^h 4 [colt co ndentais a brithemnas bronnsa hetha no bertis ffrbretha 
a firinni frfthib]. 

'Can as a hiart^r?' ar Cendfael^. 'Ni ansa,' ar Findtan. ' A Gorann, a Cera., a Gnia- 
chaz'n, a hUmall, a hEaba, a hAidhniu, a Maonmaig, a Mutrtsc, a Mucrumha, a hAoi, 
a Tennmuidh, a Tarbga, a Boirind, a Badna, a Berramain.' 

This is the beginning of a tract in Laud 610, fo. 57 b, 58 a, thus entitled : 

INcipit interrogacio Cin^faelad do Fintan mac Bochrai meic Lamiach. No Bee mac 
Dead cecznit, ut ailii dzVr^nt. 

The words in brackets are inserted from this MS. 
fo. 92 b, T. An unfinished tract in two columns beginning thus : 

Feacht n-oen dorala Oissm 7 Cailti a nDun Once upon a time it came to pass that 
Clithair oc Sliabh Crott. IS hi sin aims,??- Oissm and Cailte were in Dun Clithair 
tainic Patraic docum n-Eirenn. IS ed at Sliab Crott. That was the time that 
domhair d'iarsma na Feinde .i. Oissin 7 Patrick came to Ireland. This is what' 
Cailti 7 tri naenbuir^ina bhfarrad. continued of the remnant of the Fiann, 

even Oissfn and Cailte and thrice nine 

along with them. 

1 larus .i. iartar H. 3. 18, p. 170, col. 3. 2 MS. badha. 

forbthe fo tredib nodanemthegedar, Laud 610. 
* See as to these, O'Curry's Lectures on MS. Materials, 240. 5 MS. nsenmuir. 




This is part of the story which Mr. Hennessy (Revue Celtique> i. 54) 
called the Acallam Bee 'Little Dialogue/ and which is contained in the 
Book of Lismore, fo. 152 a, i fo. 158 b. It breaks off in the second 
column of fo. 92 b, and is followed by the conclusion of the above-mentioned 
1 Interrogacio Cinnfaelad do Fintan : ' 

' a hAgur, a hEactge a Slemuin, a hAirceltraibh. Finit.' 

fo. 93 a, i. A story beginning thus : 

Aed Baclam, gilla gai Diarmada mc Cer- AedBaclam 1 , Diarmait mac Gerbaill's spear- 
gillie, a sore lung-disease attacked him, 
and for a year he was in tedious illness ; 
but then he got his health, and went to 
converse with Diarmait and said to him : 
' How has the ordering of thy discipline 
and thy peace been during this year that 
I have been on my back ? ' ' I do not 
perceive that they have been injured V 
saith Diarmait. * I will see if that is so/ 
saith Aed Baclam. 

bait/, rogabh slaotan tromghaluir he, 7 
robuf \>\\adan a sergsirgaluir, cubhfhuair 
slainti iarum, co ndezchazd d'agalluimh 
Dhiarnuz/a 7 atbert fHs: 'Ginnus ata 
do smachta 7 do shidha 2 frisin 
sea i tu-sa im loighi?' <Ni 
airighim-si turbhrodh fair,' ar 
'Ata ni 

ara bhfindab-sa sin ar JEd 

It contains two poems, one (fo. 93 b, a), beginning : ' Atconduic 
olc/ (I saw an evil vision), the other (fo. 94 a, i), 'Mairg thacmm in. 
clerch^ ceall' = Mairg thochras ri clerchib cell, Book of Lemster, p. 149 b, 
Mairg thachrus re cleirchib cell, Laud 615, p. 15 (Woe to him who contends 
with clerics of churches) a poem ascribed to King Diarmait after he had 
been cursed by two saints*. 

fo. 94 a, a. A copy of the poem recited by Bee mac De* to Diarmait, son 
of Fergus Cerrbel (Egerton, 1782, fo. 40 a, i). 

Olc bith . aru[m]pta . daora fir . saora mna". 
Mes fas . fidh 5 cain . olc blath 6 . ile gai[th]. 
Satnh fliuch . ith glas . imdha buar . tearc ass. 
Mi[d]bhaid 7 tn>m . in cec[h]tfr . cseil tuirc . uilc rfgh. 
Ffr n-olc . guin ghnath . bith crion . lion rath, 7 reliqua. 

1 i. e. mancus. a MS. shigha. 

3 ta^r<fc%, weakness, faintness, pressure, crushing, P. O'C. 

* See O'Curry, Manners and Customs, ii. 337. 5 MS. figh. 6 MS. bith. 

7 Miodhbkaidh .i. eineachlann, a mulct or fine, atonement or amends for a crime, P. O'C. 



This is followed by a quatrain : 

Nochu cill acht fuath cilli 
acht it imbi firinde 
ni iechtus do Cm* na c\ann 
baile i mbi longp^rt Lad^ann. 

fo. 94 b, I. How King Diarmait slew his son Bresal for depriving a nun of 
her cow, and how S. Becan brought Bresal's soul back from hell. 

Fleadh * mhor dorinne a nwc do Dhiarm^/V 
mac C&cbaill .i. B^easal mac Diarm/a, 
7 nf thesda nf on fleidh 2 acht bo co naeib 
nitha 3 . Go cuala Breasal a beith ac 
caill/f Cilli hEgn. [Elgraige, LL.] i ier- 
mann Genannsa, Luchair a hainm-sidhe, 
co n&echaid Bresal dia cennach go targuidh 
.uii. mbai 7 tarbh diacind, 7 nf thuc in 
chaill^, 7 rue B^easal in mboin ar eicin, 
7 dorat in fhIV/h dia athazV i Cenannay. 
Intan rob aine doibh ic ol, is and tainic 
in caiUech do chasait Bresail cusin righ, 7 
a heighmhe eisdi. 

' Ecoir a ndernuis,' ol in ri, 'in cbailleck do 
sharugfc*/ imon mboin 7 si ina cill, 7 
techt anaguidh mo rfghi-si7 mu smachta ; 
ar ni bes athardha dhuid a dhenum; 7 
muirbhfid^r leamsa thu isin ghnimh do- 

Marbhtar farum intf "Bresal. 

IS ann assert Diarmaz/ fria Colzm cille : 
'in bhfhil mo chabhuir-si on ghnfm-sa 
doronus ? ' ' Ata,' or Col^w cille. ' Eirig 
cusan athlaech fil isin innsi .i. B^can Ul^.' 
'Ni lamhaim dhul,' ol in rf. 'Ragat-sa 
lat,' ar Co\um cille. 

For Diarmait son of Cerball his son, even 
Bresal son of Diarmait, made a great feast, 
and to that feast naught was wanting save 
a cow with . . . And Bresal heard that 
there was one belonging to a nun named 
Luchair of Cell Elgraige (?) in the sanc- 
tuary of Kells. So Bresal went to buy 
it and offered therefor seven kine and a 
bull. And the nun refused, and Bresal 
took the cow perforce and gave the feast 
to his father in Kells. When they were 
happy carousing, then came the nun to 
complain of Bresal to the king, and she 
screamed out. 

'Unjust is what thou hast done,' saith the 
king (to his son), ' to outrage the nun as 
regards her cow while she was in her 
church, and to resist my kingship and my 
discipline. For it is not an ancestral 
usage for thee to do so. And thou shalt be 
killed by me for the deed thou hast done.' 

Then Bresal is killed. 

Then Diarmait (repented, and) said to Co- 
lomb cille: 'Is there any help for me 
from this deed that I have done? 
' There is,' saith Colomb cille. ' Go to 
the ex-hero who is in the island, even 
Becan of the Ulaid.' ' I dare not go,' saith 
the King. 'I will go with thee,' saith 
Colum cille. 

1 MS. Fleagh. 2 MS. fleigh. 

3 The words tonceib nitha, which I do not understand, appear to have been ineffectually erased. 




O rancafcw iarum is ed fuaratar B^can occ 
denumh chaisil 7 cuilche fliuch uimme, 
[7 ic irnaigthi simul.] O rodech B^can ar 
Diarma#, is ^asb^rt fris : ' Fon talmazVz, 
a fhinghalaz^ I ' or se, co #deach<zz# 'con\c& 
a ghluinibh isin tslmaun. ' As cen ana^f in 
chomairce, a B<?cain,' or Colu; cille, 
' ar is ^ tha'inic in ri chugatsa, d'iarra/^h 
dilghudha 7 d'aithbeoudh a mheic duit.' 
Tocbhuis B^can in laimh ndeis, 7 doghni 
arnaigtM fo tri d'aithbheoadh- Breasail 
mheic Dhiarm<a;/a, co tuc .L. Bresa/ la 
gczc^ n-urnuighthi a hithfem, 7 tainic 
Bres<z/ mac Diarma/a, leisin urn<z/^the 
nde"idhin<&r/& * leisin lucht ndeidhinac^ 2 

IS ann sin rvibcht B^can scela dhe 7 
iailti fris. 

Now when they arrived, thus they found B e- 
can, building a stone wall, with a wet sheet 
around him, and praying at the same time. 
"When Becan looked on Diarmait this he 
said to him : < Under the earth, thou parri- 
cide ! ' So Diarmait went into the earth 
as far as his knees. ' The protection is 
without stay, O Becan,' says Golum cille : 
' for the king hath come to thee to ask 
thee to forgive him and to restore his son 
to life.' Becan raised, his right hand and 
thrice made prayer to resuscitate Bresal 
son .of Diarmait, and at each prayer he 
brought fifty Bresals out of hell ; and at 
the last prayer Bresal son of Diarmait 
came with the last batch of them. 

Then Becan asked tidings of him and made 
him welcome. 

This story is also found in the Book of Leinster, p. 358, left margin. 
See, too, The Martyrology of Donegal at April 5. 

fo. 94 b, i, line. Account of the Battle of Cuil Dreimne, fought by Colomb 
cille against Diarmait, son of Cerball. This piece is extracted from the 
Aided Diarmata maic Fergusa Cerrbeoil^ ' Tragical Death of Diarmait, son 
of Fergus Wrymouth' (Egerton, 783, fo. 37 a, i, and H. z, 16, col. 870). 

Dognith<?r feis Temra la Diarmait mc The feast of Tara is held by Diarmait son 
Gerbaill, Marbhais didiu Curnan mac of Cerball. Now at that feast some one 

killed Gurnan son of Aed, son of Echaid 
Dryflesh (from whom come the race of 
Mael ruain in Gonnaught), and went 
under the protection of the two sons of 
Muirchertach son of Ere, even Fergus 
and DomnalL 

Aedha nWc Echach Tirmcharna, o fhuilit 
sil Mhseil ruain la Gwnachta, duine ocon 
fleidh 3 sin, 7 luidh for comuirce.da mac 
Mhuirc^^taigh meic Erca .i. Ferghas 7 

Fergus and Domnall put Curnan under Colomb cille's protection. Nevertheless 
Diarmait slays him. The Gonnaughtmen then attack Diarmait to avenge Curnan ; 
and Colomb cille, with the northern Hui Ne"ill, join them. The hostile armies meet 
at Cuil Dremne, and Diarmait's wizard makes an airbe druad ('druid's fence') 
between the two armies. Colomb cille chants three stanzas beginning A Dhe, cidJt 
nach dingbhai dhin in ceo (' O God, why dost thou not expel from us the mist ?'), and 


2 MS. ndeighin#c^. 

3 MS. fleigh. 


one of his men overturns the druid's fence 1 , leaps across it, and is at once killed. 
Battle is then joined and Diarmait is beaten. 

fo. 94 b, 2. Account of the death of Diarmait, son of Cerball, when he wore 
a shirt made of the flax of a single pod (tine denruaissni} and a mantle 
made of one fleece (cFoluinn oenchaerach dor6nad}> and when he had on 
his table ale made of the malt of one grain (coirm 6engrainde\ and the 
bacon of a pig that had never been littered. This, too, is an extract from 
the Aided Diarmata maic Fergusa Ceirrbeoil. 

fo- 95 a > 3. Poem on the duties of a king. Entitled Dubh da thuath 
dixit. Begins : 

Diamad mheisi budh rf reil If I were an illustrious king 

nocha bmiinn 2 ceim tar cert. I should not take a step across the Right. 

This poem is found also in Egerton 93, fo. 9 a, i : in the Book of 
Leinster, p. 147 b, where it is anonymous ; and in Laud, 610, fo. 72 b, I, 
where it is entitled : Fingen cecinit do Cormac mac Cuilen[n]ain. 

fo. 95 b, i. Poem on the same subject, beginning: 

Cert gacfr righ co reil . do clannaib Nell nair. 

Other copies are in the Book of Leinster, p. 148 a, and the Book of 
Fermoy, fo. 33 b, 2, where it is ascribed to Fothud of the Canon. O' Curry, 
Manners, etc., ii. 176, says it was addressed to Aed Ordnide, overking of 
Ireland from A.D. 793 to 817. 

fo. 95 b, 2. The following quatrain : 

Toirrsi nocha maith in modh 
um gach nf coimmsi rom-car 
acht rom-ta rom-bi rom-bia 
gach ni rodheonaag- Dia dham. . 

fo. 96 a, i. Tale of Finghein son of Luchta and a ban-shee named Roth- 
niam. Begins : 

BAI FINGHEIN MAC Luchta adhaigh 3 samna Finghein son of Luchta was on the night of 
i nDruim Fingein. Brathair sein do samain (All Saints day) in Druim Fin- 

Thigmiach Tetbuillech mac Luchta ghein. He was a brother of Tigernach 

dia ta Coic<?d maic Inchfe. Tetbuillech, son of Luchta, from whom 

Mac Luchtofs Fifth is called. 

1 The cae nywl of the Mabinogion. 2 chiugfind, Laud 610. 

s MS. aghaidh. 



Bai ben tside ocathaitb/gidh ar gacft 

dogres. A mbidh do dhecraibh 7 buadh- 
uib i righdhuinibh Eirenn 7 ina sith- 
chuiribh no indisedh dosom beous 

There was a female fairy visiting him always 
on every samain. All the marvels l and 
precious things that were in the royal 
strongholds of Ireland and in its fairy 
hosts she used to declare to him on every 

* Ocus cidh \>uaid n-aile ? ' ior Fingein. ' Ni 
anse,' or an ben. 'Teora pHmhaicde 
Eirenn innocht fofntha 7 rofoillsighthea .i. 

It contains several single staves recited by Fingein, and a poem in 
twelve quatrains beginning: Gai gene Cuind Conn fo EinVm. There 
is another copy in the Book of Fermoy, fo. 2,4 a, 1-35 a, i, which is quoted 
by Mr. Hennessy in Revue Celtique, i. 41. See also O'Curry's Manners, 
etc., iii. 30 1, 2,02,, where the following passage from the Lismore version, 
fo. 96 b, i, is incorrectly given : 

'And what is another precious thing? ' 
saith Fingein. ' Not hard to say,' saith 
the woman. * Three chief fabrics of 
Ireland were this night found and re- 
vealed, to wit, 

the headpiece of Briun son of Smethra: 
it was the brazier of Oengus son of 
Umor that made it, even a helmet of the 
pure purple of the land of the Indians (?) 
with a ball of gold above it. (This) was 
the size of a man's head, and around it 
were a hundred strings of the mixed car- 
buncle, and a hundred bright purple twists 
of purified re'd gold, and a hundred 
chains of white bronze in its variegated 
stitching. Numbers of years hath it been 
hidden in the well of Sid Cruachan from 
the M6rrfgain till to-night. 

Then under a covering of earth till to-night 
is the draughtboard of Crimthann Nia 
Nar, which he brought out of Oenach 
Find, when he went with Nar the Blind- 
of-the-left-eye into Sid Buidb on an 
adventure so that he was under the secret 
places of the sea. It is hidden in the rath 
(earthen fort) in Uisnech till to-night. 

barr Briuin 2 meic Smethrac^, 

mete Umhoir dorighne .i. cathbarr do 
chorcair glain thire na n&mnecd'a [?] 7 
ubhull oir uasa. Ba meit fercind, 7 cet 
snathegne imme don charrmhocal chum- 
uscda., 7 cet cailches circhorc^-a do Aergfrr 
foHoiscthi, 7 c// ronn findruine aca 
uaimmbreachtrad. Ita lina bliadne fo 
dicleith i tiprait sidhe Cruachan ar in 
Morrighuin cwjanocht. 

' Ita iarum fo celtair talman cusanoiht fidh- 
cheall Cjrimhthain 3 Nfadh Nair tucc a 
h^nuch Find,dia luidh la Nair tuathchaeich 
is-Sidh Buidb for echbra, co mboi fo 
dhiamraibh na fairgi. Ata fo dhicleith isin 
raith ind Usnzucb. cusanocht. 

1 deacar a. iongnadh, O'Clery. 2 See Egerton 1782, ff. 72 b, 73 b. 

3 See as to this, infra p. 317 : H. 2. 16, col. 696, and the Book ofLeinster, pp. 23 b, 3 and 145 a, 20. 


' Minn Lseg/n meic Lucftfa Laimfhinn The diadem of Loeguire, son of Luchta 
dorighne Le Linfhiaclach mac Banbolga Whitehand, which Le"n Linf haclach, son 
Banna l foruarator innocht teora hingina of Banbulg Banna made, and which the 
Faindle m#c Dubroith a sidh Findachom three daughters of Faindle, son of Dub- 
arna beth fo dhicleith o ghein Conchabair roth, found to-night in Sfd Findacha'in, 
Abhratruaid gzwanocht.' where it had been hidden from the birth 

of Conchobar of the Red Eyebrows till 


fo. 98 a, 1-104 b, 2. A copy of the Book of Rights, of which an edition 
by O'Donovan (from the Bopks of Lecan and Ballymote) was pub- 
lished by the Celtic Society in 1847. The Lismore copy is preceded 
by the tract on the tabus and prohibitions (geasa 7 urgarta) of the 
Kings of Tara, Leinster, Munster, Connaught, and Ulster, also found in 
Egerton 1782, fo. 35 a, i. In the Book of Lismore, the Book of Rights 
(Lebar na Cerf) begins at fo. 98 b, 2. The Testament of Cathalr M6r 
(Book of Rights, ed. O'Donovan, p. 192-304) is omitted. S. Patrick's 
blessing (ibid. p. 234) and Dubthach's decision as to the rights of poets 
(ibid. p. 236) are in fo. 104 b, 2. The tract ends (fo. 104 b, 2) with the 
poem (in thirty-four quatrains) beginning Teamuir teach i mbui mac 
Cuinn (ibid. pp. 238-250). 

fo. 105 a, i. A short piece in prose and verse, on the nine saints of the 
seed of Conaire. The prose begins thus : 

Nonbw noebh sil C0miire .1. Seanach mac Cairill, Eolangan a nAithbi Bolg a 
Muscraidhi Mhitaine, etc. 

The verse begins : 

Nonbr sin sil C0#uire o nach b^rur nf ndeoluigh. 
fo. 105 b, i. A poem, in (about) 32 quatrains, beginning : 

A Chaisil, as dimbHg soin O Gashel, this is weakness 

gan Feidlz'oz/d mac Grimhthoin ! Without Feidlimid son of Grimthan ! 

a wioch Tuathail, tmag in bed, O territory of Tuathal! sad the deed! 

gan do buachflz'/ 'god coimet ! Without thy herdsman protecting thee. 

fo. 105 b, 2. Short notes on the three Cries of the world (the cry of the 
Israelites when they entered the Red Sea, the cry of Hell when Christ 
carried off his prey from it, the cry of Doomsday when the righteous 
separate from the sinners): on the four things that resemble earthly 

1 Compare the Book of Leinster, p. 154 b , 43= Book of Ballymote, p. 379 a, 26. 

xxxli PREFACE. 

glory (wind, smoke, sleep and a flower) : on the worst sin (pride) ; and the 
greatest good (humility). 

fo. 106 a, i. A quasi-historical tractate, in prose and verse, on the war of 
Cellachcln and the Danes. Quoted by O'Curry, Manners and Customs, 
ii. 276. Begins : 

Airdrf oirrdhirc airdmhenmach roghabhastar A conspicuous, high-spirited overking, whose 
fiaitfaus 7 forlamus for dha choig<?d Mu- name was Airtri, son of Cathal son of 

man, dar' ainm Airtri mac Catail meic Finguine, assumed the sovranty and. 

Finguine. IS re linn rogabhatar Loch- sway of the two provinces of Munster. 

larmatg- nert artus for TLirinn. Acht It is in his time that the Norsemen 

rofhuaradar catha 7 coinblichta o aimsir first gained power over Ireland. But 

Airtri gu caem-aimsir Cheallachain. they found battles and conflicts from the 

time of Airtri to the propitious time of 


There is a facsimile of this page in Gilbert's National MSS. of Ireland, 
Part iii, No. Ivii. There are poems on ff. 112, b, 2,; 114 a, i ; 114 a, 2; 
H4b, 2. The tractate breaks off in the middle of the second column 
of fo. 115 a. 

fo. n5b, was left blank by the old scribe. On the upper half one Donn- 
chadh O'Floinn has written an Irish note dated 1816. 

fo. 116 a. A poem in forty stanzas, written across the page and beginning : 

Ni te*d ane*gen anaisgidh. 
fo. 1 16 b. Two-thirds of the first column are occupied by two short pieces 

obscure to me. Caitilin ingen an iarla (Catherine the daughter of the 

Earl *) is mentioned in 1. 4. The second column is blank, 
fo. 117 a, T. The Adventure of Tadg son of Cian, son of Ailill 6lomm, as 

to which see Prof. d'Arbois de Jubainville's Essai d*un catalogue, p. 125. 

The story belongs to the Ossianic cycle and begins thus : 
Feacht n-aon dia m(bai Tadg) mac Cein Once, when Tadg son of Gian son of Ailill 

meic Aililla Oluim .... righdhamhna a Bare-ear .... crown-prince in the west 

n-iarthar Mu(man) 7 a bhrai/Ari bunaidh of Munster, and his original brothers 

marse(n) ris. along with him. 

fo. 1 20 a, i. In the margin, at line 33,is a cross and the following scribe's note : 

Dogebthur an cuid ele don echtra-sa Thaidg The other portion of this Adventure of Tadg 
meic Cein andiaigh in catha-so thfs son of Gian will be found below, after 

1 i. e. Thomas, eighth earl of Desmond. 



Crinna, 7 legthar roimh in croissi an cuid- this Battle of Crfnna; and let that portion 
sin di. of it be read before this cross. 

The story breaks off in the second column of fo. 120 b. The scribe notes 

Andiaigh an catha so dod la"imh dheis ata an After this battle (of Grfnna), on thy right 

chuid ele don echtra so Thaidhg mez'c hand is the other part of this Adventure 

Cein, uair nf [fjuaray a n-aoinecht re of Tadg son of Cian : for I found it not 

scribad hi. at one time for writing. 

fo. J2i a, 1-123 a, 2. A saga entitled, in a modern hand, Cath Crlona, 'the 
Battle of Crmna.' As to this battle (said to have been fought A.D. 254) 
see O'Mahony's Keating, pp. 323-327 ; O'Curry's Manners, etc., ii. 139 ; 
d' Arbois de Jubainville's Essai cTun Catalogue, p. 64. There is another copy 
in the Book of Fermoy, fo. 29 a, 132 a. The Lismore copy begins thus : 

Ba"i ri amhra for TLirtnn .i. (Cormac) ua There was a famous king over Ireland, even 
Cuinn. Bui ri for \S\taib in(d in)baid sin 
.i. Fergus Duibhdhed(ach). Batur da bra- 
tiiaz'r la Fergus .i. Fergus Foiltleabhar 7 
Fergus Tene fo Bregu. As and bui tech 
Corm^z'c i Temnzz^ intansin, 7 tech gach 
airdrigh i n-fcirinn ardaighin feisi Tem- 
rach do dhenomh .i. cseicdhiges ria sam- 
fhuin 7 laithi na samhna 7 caeicdigiw^ 

Cormac, descendant of Conn. And at 
that time there was a king over the Ulaid, 
even Fergus Blacktoothed. Fergus had 
two brothers^ even Fergus Long-hair and 
Fergus Fire-thro'-Bregia. At that time 
Cormac's house was in Tara, and the 
house of every overking in Ireland, in 
order to make the feast of Tara, that is, 
a fortnight before Samain (All Saints' 
day), and the day of Samain, and a fort- 
night after. The reason they used to 
assemble at every Samain was that then 
crop and fruits were ripe for them. 

fo. 122 b, 2, lower margin. A quatrain beginning Atach De" ar teith^ na 

fo. i23b. Continuation of the Adventure of Tadg, son of Cian, marked 

with a + and preceded by the following scribe's note : 

iarum. As airi nothinolduis czcha. samna, 
ar is ann ba haipthe meas 7 toirthi 

Nf andso bhudh choir an chuid-si sips 
d'Echtra Thaidhg m#c Cein, 7 ni meisi 
is cintach, 6r ni fhuarus ar suidhiughudh 
choir isin tsheinleabar hi, 7 gebe bhias ag 
leghadh no ag scrfoadh an sceoil, fechadh 
an t-inad isin Eachtra a mbia samuil na 
croisi so amuigh, 7 b^^eadh an cuid-se 
don sceol roimpe. 

Not here should be this portion below of 
the Adventure of Tadg son of Cian ; and 
it is not I that am in fault, for I did not 
find it properly arranged in the old book. 
And whosoever shall be reading or copy- 
ing the tale, let him look in the Adventure 
at the place wherein there shall be the 
semblance of this cross outside, and let 
him add this portion to the tale before it. 



fol. 125 a, i. Story of Loegaire Liban, son of Crimthann, and the elf 
Fiachna mac Retach, who comes to ask for aid in his war with Goll, son 
of Dolb, king of the fortress of Magh Mell, one of the Irish names for fairy- 

land. Begins : 

Batur Condac/ita. feet ann a ndail oc Enloch 
tor Maigh Ai. Grimhthan Gass ba ri 
Connacht intan sin. Ansat in aidche a sin 
isin dail. Airachtatar matun mhoch 
arnamharach, cun fhacatar an fer chuca 
tnasin ciaich. Brat corcra coicdiabuil 
imbe. Da'slsg-coicrinn'nalaimh. Sciath 
co mbuaili 2 6ir fair. Claidhium ordhuirn 
fora. cris. Mong orbhuidhi dar a ais. 

The Connaughtmen were once in assembly 
at Enloch in Magh Ai. Grimthan Cass 
was then king of Connaught. They re- 
mained that night in the assembly. Early 
on the morrow they arose, and they saw 
the man (coming) towards them through 
the mist. A purple, five-folded mantle 
around him. Two five-barbed spears in 
his hand. A shield with a boss of gold 
upon him. A gold-hilted sword on his 
girdle. Golden yellow hair over his 

fo. 125 b, i. How Conchobar mac Nessa got the kingship of the Ulaid 

when he was seven years old. 
Ba mor tra in ordan do Concubar i cinn 

secht rtfoliadne iarna geinemazVz. As and 

roghabh righi n-UW. Ba si a tucait 

side .i. Nesa \ngen Echacfc a mhathair 

sidhe bui ind oentuime. Boi dono Fer- 

ghas mac Rosa i righi n-Ulaa*. Aco- 

brastar sein Nesa do mnai dho [p. 125 b, 

a]. ' Nitho,' or si, ^wdum-rab a logh .i. 

righe blizdne dom mac, arcon abuirt??- 

mac righ fria amhach [leg. frim mac'.] 

'Tabhuir,' or each; 'bidh lat in righi 

Great, now, was the dignity of Conchobar at 
the end of seven years after his birth. 
(For) then he assumed the kingship of 
the Ulaid. This was the cause thereof. 
Nessa, daughter of Echaid, his mother, 
was leading a single life. Now Fergus, son 
of Ross, was on the throne of the Ulaid. 
He desired to have Nessa to wife. ' Nay,' 
saith she, ' not till I have a reward there- 
for, even a year's kingship for my son, so 
that my son may be called a king's 
son.' 'Grant it,' says every one: 'the 
realm will be thine, though Gonchobar 
be called by the name of king.' 

Faidhidh iarsaidhe in ben la Ferghas, 7 After this the woman sleeps with Fergus, 
con&irter ri Ulad do Concubar. and Gonchobar is called king of the Ulaid. 

Rogab si tor tincosc a meic 7 aitiu in mheic She began instructing her son and the son's 
7 a mhuinnteHi .i. lomradh andala fir 7 a fosterers and his household to strip every 

cia congaiter ainm righ do Concubar '. 

thidhnacul diaraile, 7 a hor-si 7 a harcat 
do thidnacad d'anradhuibh UW ardaigh 
a iardraighi dia mac. 

1 MS. aigthe. 

second man, and to give (his wealth) to 
another; and her gold and her silver 
were given to the champions of the Ulaid, 
because of the result thereof to her son. 

2 Cf. Old Norse Mia f. the boss on a shield. 



Tainic didtu cenn na bliadhna. Dorimgart 
iarsaide Fergus a giallu. 'Imacalduim 
' imbe,' or Ulta. Roinyaits^t i n-oenndail, 
[7] ba dimhicin mor leo Fergus dia tabh- 
uirt a tinnscrai mna. Roptar buidhigh im- 
morro do Concubar ara dheighthidnucal 
doibh. Ba si a n-imacalluimh : an rorir 
Fergus, scarad do fris, 7 an rocheannuigh 
Conctiaar a anadh aigi 1 . As ann sin 
roscaradh Ferghas fria righi n-Ukd' 7 
<wzgarur airdri in choicidh do Chon- 
cho&ar. FINIT. 

So the year's end came. Then Fergus 
claimed his pledges. 'A council about 
it ! ' say the Ulaid. They took counsel in 
one assembly, and they deemed it a 
great reproach that Fergus had given 
them as a woman's bride-price. They 
were thankful, however, to Conchobar 
for his goodly gift to them. This was 
their counsel: "What Fergus gave, let 
it part from him, and what Conchobar 
bought let it remain with him. Then 
Fergus was parted from the realm of the 
Ulaid, and Conchobar is called overking 
of the province. 

This story (of which there is an older and better copy in the Book of 
Leinster, p. 106) has been imaginatively balladized by the late Sir Samuel . 
Ferguson in his Lays of the Western Gael, London, 1866. 
fo. 125 b, 2. On the first poem made in Ireland. Begins: 

Cezsf, cia c^/duan dororiad i n-irz>z#, 7 cia Question, what was (the first) poem com- 
dorine, 7 cia dia ndernad, 7 cia baili i posed in Ireland, and who made it, and 
n&ernadl for whom was it made, and in what place 

was it made ? 

IS ann, tra, doronad in c//duan, a n-Inis There, then, the first poem was made, in 
Tighi for Loch Orbsiun a nAartar Ei- Inis Tighe on Lough Corrib, in the west 

renn ; 7 is e dorine, Ai mac Ollaman of Ireland ; and he that made it was Ai 

nwzc Delbaeith, 7 is d6 dorine, d'Fhiacha son of Ollom, son of Delbaeth, and he 
mac Delb^//^ do righ Ein?*z#, do b^athair made it for Fiacha son of Delbaeth the 
a athar. Ocus is i so in &uan : king of Ireland, his father's brother. 

And this is the poem : 

Mo bnig, mo baili. cuach, carbut, claided. 
tncha bo odhercc. ech croderg claid<?<5 (?). 
Eso-a coemh cumhul. seis?-each toeb treabar. 
coire, cuad, ceik. bro dheigfir dlegar. 
Romtoircet uili. o righ na maighi. 
daigh dluigh don duini. mo bmg, mo baili. 

This is followed by some verses beginning : 

Ailim bairc mbrsenazg fo ramuibh, fo bhuadhaib. 

This and the four preceding sentences are quoted in II. 3. 18 (a manuscript in the library of 
Trinity College, Dublin), p. 605, where infagallaim is explained by comairle. 

e 2 , 

xxxvi PREFACE. 

fo. 1 26 a, 1-140 a, 2. A saga of the Ossianic cycle, entitled, in a modern 
hand, Forbhuis Droma Darnhghaire, ( the Siege of Druim Damgaire/ now 
called Knocklong, in the county of Limerick. There is another copy in 
the Book of Lecan, fo. 167 et seq., and the story is analysed by O'Curry, 
Lectures, pp. 271, 272 ; Manners, etc., ii. 278-383. The Lismore copy 

begins thus : 

Ba shaorclaind shocheneoil batar ind Eirinn. There were nobles of good kin who dwelt 
As iat luaitter o sunn amach .i. Fiacha in Ireland. These are they about to be 

Muilleathtf/z mac Eoguin dalta Mogu mentioned, even Fiacha Broad-crown, 

Ruith 7 Cormac mac Airt mheic Cuinn ; son of Eogan, Mugh Ruith's pupil, and 

Ocus i n-oenlo romarbait a dh n-athair i Gormac son of Art, son of Conn. And 

cath Mucraimhe. Ind oenlo a"mh doronuit on one day their two fathers were killed 

.i. in Mhairt re udul a cath Muighi M- in the battle of Mucraime. On one day, 

craimhe. Ind 6enlo aili rucait .i. in moreover, they were begotten, that is on 

Mhairt i cind secht mis on Mhairt-sin, 7 the Tuesday before going to the battle of da shechtmhisaigh iat dfb Ifnaibh. Mucraime. On one other day they were 

brought forth, that is, on the Tuesday at 
the end of seven months from that Tues- 
day ; and so they were both of them seven- 
months children. 

fo. 140 a, 2. A topographical tract on the two Fermoys, preceded by the 

following quatrain : 

Crichadh an caoilli gu cmaid 
in bhfhuil uaibh nech no imluaidh? 
tecad do mac sonaisc sin ' 

ar an forbhais d'foiridhin, et cetera. 
The prose begins thus : 

Na da triuchod' roboi an tir sin suil tucadh hi do Mhogh Ruith, 7 ocht tuatha a ng#c^ 
tnucha, et asi so roinn in da tnucha sin .i. mar ghabus glaisi muilinn Mairteil i Sleib 
cain 7 Loch Luingi ar an machaire 7 Gleann nanDib^gach ar Monaidh Moir. 

fo. 141 b, i. A poem in eleven quatrains ascribed to Cormac mac Cuilen- 
ndin, King-bishop of Munster, beginning : Baifdidh cmfeinnidh bdi sunn 
(' the warrior who dwelt here was a prophet '), and furnished with the 
following preface : 

Feacht n-aon dorala Cormac mac Cuilindain Once upon a time Cormac, son of Culennn, 
rf Muman co Cenn Clairi, comd he ni king of Munster, happened to go to Cenn 

ara tarla, a raenma. beith ac foraithmet Clairi; and this was why he went, that 

gacha maithi^ja dor6nadh and, octis do- his mind might be commemorating every 

roine an laidh occa indisiud. good thing that had been done there ; and 

he composed the lay setting it forth. 



fo. 141 b, 2,. A poem in thirteen stanzas beginning : 

Truag Caiseal gan Cormac Wretched without Cormac is Cashel, 

righphort na s!6gh salmgrad. The royal port of the psalm-loving hosts. 

fo. 142 a, i. Poem in ten quatrains on Ailill 6lomm's nineteen sons. 
Begins : 

Ailill Bare-ear, wondrous the birth, 

Son of Mugh Nuadat the virulent : 

Nineteen sons sprang from him 

Who divided themselves among the noble host. 

fo. 143 a, i A short tract on the destruction of the nobles of Ireland by 
the vassals, led by Cairpre Cat-head, and the disastrous consequences. 
See O' Curry, Lectures, pp. 230, 262-264, 590. 

Bai fodord mor ic aitheachaibh TLirenn i The vassals of Ireland murmured much in 

Ailill Olom, amhra an ghein, 
mac Mogha Nuadat neimlwjg-, 
noei meic dhec rochinset uadh 
forfodhuilset fon saersluagh. 

n-aimsir in. righ n-lL\renn .i. Fiacha 
Findfholtffh, 7 Feic mac Fidheic 
Cseich 7 Breas mac Firb. Batar 
da/z<? tri haithigh ba toisigh comairle do 
aith^cy&aibh JLirenn in inbazWh sin .i. Mo- 
nach 7 Buan 7 Corpse Gend cait. Do- 
ronsat comairli iarum aithigh Eiram 
doreir an tnr sin, 7 ba hi comairli 
[1423, 2] rochindset, fleadh 1 do thargudh 
dia tigemai&h 7 a marbadh ocon fhlet'dh 
sin. Bater immorro tri \hiadhna oc foi- 
chill na fiedi sin . la haithechu TLirenn. 
Tnan toraid gac^a bliadhna doratsat 
fwsin turcnom sin. I Maigh Cro la Con- 
nachfa is ann doronudh in fledh 2 . Do- 
lotur iarumh fir Eirenn df di each leith. 
Batur immorro .ix. nona ic tomhailt na 
ftedi. Dobtfrthea leanna somesca sain- 
emhla dhoibh isin nonai deidhinaig 3 
dibh. Romarbtha soerclanna 'E.irenn 
ocon fleid*-sin tnana meisce, cu rodhi- 
bhdait uili acht na tri meic 
imVonduibh a 

the time of Ireland's three kings, even 
Fiacha Findfholach, and Feic son of 
Fidhec the One-eyed, and Bres son of 
Ferb. Now there were three vassals 
who were chiefs of counsel for the 
vassals of Ireland at that season, even 
Monach and Buan and Carpre Cat-head. 
Then according to the desire of those 
three the vassals of Ireland formed a 
plan, and this was the plan on which they 
determined : to prepare a feast for their 
lords and to kill them at that feast. 
Now the vassals of Ireland were for 
three years preparing that feast. A third 
of the produce of each year they be- 
stowed for that preparation. In Magh 
Gro in Gonnaught, there the feast was 
made. So the men of Ireland went to it 
from every side. Now they were nine 
nones partaking of the feast. Intoxi- 
cating, exquisite liquors were given them 
at the final none. Ireland's free clans were 
killed at that feast through their intoxi- 
cation, so that they all were destroyed 
save the three boys who were in their 
mothers' wombs. . . 

MS. fleagh. 2 MS. flegh. 


MS. fleig. 

xxxviii PREFACE. 

Ni thabhradh in talumh a thorad dona hai- The earth would not yield its fruit to the 
theachaztf iarsin ndfghail 1 doratsat for vassals after the vengeance which they 
soerclannuibh Eirenn, 7 bai gorta m6r had taken on the free clans of Ireland, 
for feraibh JLirenn, Her innbera, 7 fedha 2 and the men of Ireland suffered a great 

7 ith 7 blicht. Rafes tra na tri comarbu famine, both as to river-mouths and trees, 

sin TLvcenn do beith ind AlbazVz .i. Fera- corn and milk 3 . Then it was known 

dach Find fechtnach 7 Corp Aulom 7 that in Scotland were those three heirs 
Tipraite 1(rech. Tiaghur iarum aracenn of Ireland, even Feradach Find fechtnach 

dia freasdul 7 dia righadh, 7 dob^mr and Corp Bare-ear and Tipraite TirecK. 

ratha nimhe 7 talmas, g?ieine 7 escae 7 na So messengers are sent to them to wait 

n-uili dhul friu ona haitheacha# i mbith- on them and to crown them. And 

fogn#m dhoibh dia reir fein cein bes guarantees of heaven and earth, sun and 

muir im Eirinn. moon, and all the elements are given to 

them by the vassals to serve them 
always according to their desire, so long 
as sea surrounds Ireland *. 

Gabhuis iarum each dibh ina rainn ferainn. . . Then each of them set up on his share of 

land. . . 

The story seems abridged from the tale entitled Bruiden maic Da-reo 
preserved in the Book of Fermoy, ff. 33 a -33 a , and elsewhere. It ends 
with a poem in twelve quatrains, of which the first is : 

Sxrdanna. Eirenn uili All the free clans of Ireland 

marbhtha cusan sen nduine Were slain to the last man, 

[of. 142 b, i.] acht na tri ir^/c, monar ngle, Save the three boys, illustrious deed, 

itrullatar o Chairpr^. Who escaped from Cairpre. 

fo. 142, b, i . Poem by Feidlimid mac Crimhthainn, in twenty- three quatrains, 

of which the first is : 

Abair dhamh ra Muimnechz* 
mor mac diamba hairisa 
ar an righ fil uas a gcind 
tecat lind antirassa. 

fo. 142, b, 2. Poem in thirteen quatrains, beginning thus : 

Maithi Mwman, ba fir soin 
im Fheidhlz'#zz'd mac Cnmhth#zVz# 
etch domnach teigdis re hedh 
co hAireadh do cheil^rad. 

1 MS. didhail. a MS. fegha. 

3 i. e. there was no fish in the rivermouths, mast on the oaks, grain in the corn, or milk in the 
udders of the kine. 
* Cf. the legal formulae in Grimm's Deutsche Rechtsalterthilmer, 2 te ausg. s. 38, also fang als diu 


fo. 143 a, i. Poem in eighteen quatrains beginning : 

Erigh fHsin iarmeV>-ghi 
na bi it cotlud, a Shelbaz^h, 
conarat co&ud meabla 
nogw'deagla re demhnaibh. 

fo. 143 a, 2. Poem in eight quatrains, entitled Lomaidhi c^czVzzV. lo filed bui 
for a thengflzV/h. The first stanza is : 

Cormac cofecht roba s5i 
ba cert gach nert ronasai 
ba hua Breasail co #-uaisli 
ba hua comesair M6isi. 

fo. 143 a, a. Poem in thirteen quatrains, by Flaithfortach hua h-Inmhoinen, 
on the battle-stone of Cormac hua Cuirc. The first quatrain is : 

IN cloichen bee fuil im laimh, The little pebble which is in my hand, . 

a Ardruire in betha bin ! O Overlord of the fair world ! 

rola mor do dhainibh dhe, Many men have fallen by it, 

ecus laeidhfidh araile. And another will fall. 

fo. 143 b, i. Poem in three quatrains, of which the first is : 

TH ceimmenn cindti do chdch 
is ferr cingfes nech gu brath: 
ceim torroma lobair lis, 
ceim dh' ailitn, ceim dh' eaclais. 

Another copy is in Laud 610, fo. 113 b, 3, where it is attributed to 

fo. 143 b, i. Story about a bishop Cainchomrac (ob. A. D. 901), who knew 
when everyone would die, and whether he would be rewarded or punished 
in the other world. Begins : 

Easpac uasal rabhai i Clham mac Nois, A noble bishop abode in Glonmacnois, Cain- 
Caoncomrac a ainm, 7 Mochta a ainrii comrac was his name, and Mochta was 

artus. Mac oighi he 7 comarba De, 7 his name at first. A son of virginity 
da oilitn dochoidh co Cluain. was he, and an heir of God, and on his 

pilgrimage he had gone to Glon(macnois). 

sonne schint : and so lange der wind iveht, der hahn krdht und der mond scheint. So in India 
generally dchandrdrkam, ' while sun (arka) and moon (chandra] endure ; ' and in southern India : ' so 
long as the waters of the Kaveri flow, vegetation lasts, or till the end of time.' See the Madras High 
Court Reports, vol. i. p. 407 ; vol. ii. p. 18 note. 


It is a copy of the story called Scfl saltrach na tnuice (' The tale of 
the Pig's Psalter') preserved in the Book of Fermoy, fo. 42 b. 

fo. 144 a, 1-151 b, i. A story belonging to the Conchobar-cycle, called 
Imthecht na Tromdaime, 'the going of the great (bardic) company.' 
Begins : 

Bai ri uasul oirdnidhe T for Airghiallaztf feet There was once a king, noble, dignified, 

n-aill .i. Aed mac Duach Dhuib. En- over Oriel, even Aed son of Dua the 

aims^r do sein 7 d'Aed Fhinn mac Black. He was a contemporary of Aed 

Fergna meic Feargh^ja mete Muiralaz^- the Fair, son of Fergna, son of Fergus, 

Mhail, ri Brefne. Et dobhatar in diass son of Muiredach the Bald, king of 

sin cohimresn<?#. Gack ni maith do- Brefne. And those two lived in emula- 

ghnidh fear dhibh rob ail don fhir aile tion. Every good thing that one of them 

a imurcra do dhenumh do fein. would do the other desired to surpass it. 

This story has been edited with a translation by Owen Connellan in 
the Transactions of the Ossianic Society, vol. v. Dublin, 1860. 

fo. 151 b, i, 2. A much faded copy of the tract on the conditions required 
from the Fiann. See O'Mahony's Keating, pp. 349-350, and O' Curry's 
Lectures ; p. 301. Other copies of this tract are in the British Museum 
Harl. 5280, fo. 49 a, and Egerton 1782, fo. 25 a, 2. The Lismore copy 
begins thus : 

Fiche ar tri .L. tegluch Find hui Bhaiscne. A score and three fifties (were) the house- 
Naenb^r/ ocht fichit do righfeinzz# co hold of Find ua Baiscne. Eight score 
\.r\ nonb^raib la cech fer dib. and nine royal champions, and each man 

of them had nine men. 

The conditions above referred to were nine in number: i. The relatives and 
tribe of a member of the Fiann were to give pledges (slana) not to sue his slayer. 
2. He must be a poet (fili\ and have made the twelve books of poesy. 3. He must 
be placed in a hole in the ground (toll talmari), with his shield and a staff of 
hazel the length of his arm. Nine warriors, with their nine javelins and with 
nine ridges between them and him, were then to cast at him at the same time, and 
if they wounded him he was not received into the Fiann (Naonb^r laech 7 nai slega 
7 nai n-imaire etaTTa, cu ndibraictis a n-oenfecht he, 7 dia ngondais ni gabtha isin 
Fein he). 4. His hair must be woven, and he must be sent running through one of 
the chief woods of Ireland, and if his pursuers, with only one tree .between them 
and him, overtook him and wounded him, he was not received. So if during this 
run, (5) a tree took a hair from the weft, or (6) his weapons trembled in his hands, 

1 MS. oirdnighe. 


or (7) a withered stick broke under his foot, or (8) he failed to stoop under a branch 
as low as his knee, or to leap over one as high as his ear, or (9) he failed to pluck a 
thorn out of his heel with his nail without interrupting his course. 

fo. 151 b, 2. Here follows this curious bit of folklore : 
Bliadhuin don chuailli. 
.Hi. \Aiadna don gurt. 
tri saeguil in guirt don coin, 
.iii. saeguil na con don eoch. 
.iii. saeguil an eich don duine. 
.iii. saeguil an duine don danrallazV/. 
.iii. saegw// in daim don Ion. 
.iii. saeguil in luin don ilar. 
.iii. saeguil in ilair don bradan. 
.iii. saeguil in bradain don iubhur. 

.iii. saeguil in iubuir don bith (6 a thosach) co a d^readh, ut dixit poeta : 

A year for the stake. 
Three years for the field. 
Three lifetimes of the field for the hound. 
Three lifetimes of the hound for the horse. 
Three lifetimes of the horse for the human being. 
Three lifetimes of the human being- for the stag. 
Three lifetimes of the stag for the ousel. 
Three lifetimes of the ousel .for the eagle. 
Three lifetimes of the eagle for the salmon. 
Three lifetimes of the salmon for the yew. 

Three lifetimes of the yew for the world from its beginning to its end, ut 
dixit poeta : 


There is a poem, in ten stanzas, on the relative length of life of a stake, 
and a field, of man and other animals, in the Book of Fermoy, fo. 98 b; and 
Mr. S. H. O'Grady has pointed out to me two short notes dealing 
with the same matter, one in Egerton, 118, fo. 51 a, the other in Egerton 
133, fo. 329 a. The note in Egerton 118 resembles one in the Book of 
Ballymote, p. 14 a. Furthermore, from the tale of the transmigrations of 
Tuan (L. U. pp. 15, 16), it may be inferred that the Irish of the eleventh 
century held four of the oldest animals to be the stag, the wild boar, the 
hawk, and the salmon. 

The Welsh had similar traditions. See the Mabinogion, ed. Guest, ii. 


xlii . PREFACE. 

397, Rhp-s, Hibbert Lectures, 555, and a paper by Professor Cowell in Y 
Cymmrodor for October, 1882, entitled { The Legend of the oldest Animals.' 
But in Wales the order of the animals was as follows: ousel, stag, owl, 
eagle, salmon. Or thus : eagle, stag, salmon, ousel, toad, owl. Or, lastly, 
according to Ap Gwilyrn in his poem Yr Oed : eagle, stag, owl the life- 
time of the eagle being, apparently, thrice as long as that of a man. The 
parallel Greek tradition is given in a fragment of Hesiod (ed. Lehrs, Fragtn. 

* * * \ 

'Ewea TOI <6et yeKcas Xafeepvfa 

avbpatv yypavratv. e\a<fros Se re rerpaK6po>vos' 

Tpels ' f\d(j)ovs 6 Kopa yj/paaxeTfu. Avrap 6 (frolvig 

twia TOUS K.6panas' 8ca d' ijnels rovs (frolvmas 

vvfj.(j)ai evir\oKafJLOi } Kovpai AIDS alyio^oto. 

Compare also Aristoph. Aves, 610, and Auson. Idyll, xviii. Professor 
Cowell (ubi supra) quotes two Buddhistic legends, in one of which the 
animals whose ages are compared are a partridge, a monkey, and an 
elephant, and in the other, a vulture and an owl. See also Mr. Rhys 
Davids' Buddhist Birth-stories, 1880, vol. i. p. 313 ; the Demaundes Joyous, 
imprinted ... by Wynkyn de Worde, 1511, and reprinted by Wright and 
Halliwell, Reliquiae Antiquae, vol. ii. p. 75s U- 3~ I 5 5 seven letters in The 
Academy for Oct. 37, Nov. 3, and Dec. i, 1888, pp. 274, 391, 356: 
Pamphilus Gengenbach, ed. Godeke, s. 562564; and W. Wackernagel's 
Kleiner e Schriften, Hi. 186. 

After this comes a note in five lines, of which only a few words are 
legible. It begins: Ben rola muir i?zn Albain, and seems to refer to the 
marine monster cast ashore in Scotland, and mentioned in the Chronicon 
Scotorum, ed. Hennessy, A. D. 900, the Annals of Ulster, A. D. 890, the 
Annals of the Four Masters, A. D. 887, and thus in the Annals of Inisfallen 
(Raw! B. 503, fo. 1 6 a, i), at A.D. 893 : 

Banscaldaralaliit^aclitn-Albanisinbliadain- There came a woman upon the shore of 
so ; da thraig de"c ar .ix. fichtib a fot, Scotland in this year. Twelve feet and 

a .xui. fot a trilse, .uii. traigid fot mer a nine score' was her length : sixteen the 

lame, a .ui. fot a sr6ne, gilidir geis no length of her tress : seven feet the length 

huan tuinne a corp. of her fingers: six the length of her nose. 

Whiter than a swan or the foam of a 
wave was her body. 



A similar monster is mentioned in the Life of Brenainn, son of 
Finnlug, infra pp. 109, 355. 

fo. 152 a, i. A prose tract about Oisfn and Cailte, beginning like the 
fragment in fo. 93 b, i, supra, p. xxv. This tract is called by Mr. 
Hennessy (Revue Celtique, i. 54), the Acallam Bee, ' Little Dialogue ' ; and 
he there cites the greater part of the following passage from fo. 154 a, z. 

uair ba hfat fein dorinde both doibh ind 
oidhchi sin, 7 dorind^h indeonadh leo. 
Ocus te"it Callte 7 Findchdw% do indladh 
a lamh cum in ts^otha. ' Inadh fvlacftfa 
so,' ar FindchadT, ' 7 is cian o dorindedhf 
1 Is fir,' ar Callte, ' ocus tu\acht na Mor- 
righna so, 7 nf dgnta 1 gan uisci, 7 cuic 
mic Eachach Ab^adruaidh dorinde .i. 
Fat 7 Fet, Flann 7 En 7 Enach.' 

For it was they themselves that built a hut 
for them that night, and an tndeonad 1 
(' gridiron '?) was made by them. And 
Cailte and Findchad go to the stream 
to wash their hands. 'This is a place 
of cooking,' saith Findchad, 'and 'tis 
long since it was made.' "Tis true,' 
saith Cailte; 'and this is the M6rrfgain's 
cooking-place ; and it was not made with- 
out water (near at hand); and five 
sons of Eochaid of the Red Eyebrows 
made (it), even Fat and Fet, Flann and 
En and Enach.' 

fo. 158 b, 2. The following note, in seven lines : 

Coicc bhruighne MEArenn. i. bruighen Mheic 
da Reo i m-Breifne. Bruig^TZ da Dher- 
cai. Bruig^z da Th6. ^rudgen da 
Choca i n-iarthar Midhi. "BrvAgen Fhor- 
caill Manaick. Atberat araile 

Blai Brugfl*/. Seacht ndorais forsin 
mbruigz'a. Secht slighidha trena lar. 
Seacht tealleuge indte. Seacht gcaire, 
7 damh cu dtinne in cech chaire dhibh. 

The five Hostels of Ireland, to wit, the 
Hostel of Mac Da Reo, in Brefny : the 
Hostel of Da Derga : the Hostel of Da 
Th6: the Hostel of Da Choca, in the 
west of Meath ; the Hostel of Forgal 
Manach. Others say the Hostel of Blai 
Bruga. Seven doors to the Hostel. 
Seven ways through the midst of it. 
Seven hearths in it. Seven cauldrons, 
and an ox with a flitch in each cauldron 
of them. 

The rest of the codex (fo. 159 a, 1-197 b 2) is a copy (ending imperfectly) 
of the Acallam na Senorach (' The Dialogue of the Ancient Men,' Oism 
and Cailte). Begins : 

Ar tabhuirt chatha Comuir 7 chatha Gabra After delivering the battle of Comuir and 
7 chatha Ollarbha, 7 ar ndhithugwaT na the battle of Gabra, and the battle of 

1 P. O'Connell's inneonadh, ( a striking on an anvil,' (inneoiri) seems a different word. 


xliv PREFACE. 

Feindi, roscailset iarsin ina ndnmgaibh Ollarbha, and after the destruction of 
7 ina mbuidhnibh f6 EinVw/, co naV the Fiann, they then separated in their 
mhair re hamm na huaire sin dibh acht troops and in their bands throughout 
madh da 6clach mhaithe do dereadh na Ireland : so that there remained of them, 
Feinde .i. Oisfn mac Find 7 Cailti mac at the time of that hour, only two valiant 

Crundchon mhic Ronain. warriors of the rear of the Fiann, even 

Oisfn son of Find and Cailte son of 
Crundchu son of Ronan. 

Ends (fo. 197 b. 2): 

' Caidhi th'aicnaafla 1 uime siit, a Cais ' What is thy mind about her yonder, O Gas 

Cor aig ? ' ar Cdilte. ' As e mh'aicned/ Corach ? ' saith Cailte. ' This is my mind,' 

ar Gas, ' nach faca do mhnaibh in domm'n saith Gas, ' that of the world's women I 

riam ben bhudh ferr learn inas an ing-en have never seen a woman who was better 

ut.' ' Cre(t do)beir oraib gan comaentu- in mine eyes than yon girl.' 'What 

%udh ? ' ar Qdilte. Do prevents you from agreeing? ' saith Cailte. 

Other vellum copies of this composition, which well deserves to 
be edited, are in the Bodleian (Rawl. B. 487, fo. 12 b et seq., and Laud 610, 
fo. 123 a, i fo. 147 b, 2), and in the Franciscan monastery, Merchants' 
Quay, Dublin. All are more or less imperfect. Its contents are analysed 
by O' Curry, Lectures ; pp. 307-312, and extracts from the Lismore version, 
foil. 1 66 a, 1 66 b, are given ibid. pp. 594-597. 

fo. 198 is a leaf of discoloured vellum added by the bookbinder, with 
a small fragment of the codex (about 3^ by 2 inches) inlaid on the recto. 
This fragment, which is much faded, seems to contain the beginnings of six 
quatrains. The words Na tab ... Deich . . . gidh mor . . . Suid(iu)g?<!d . . . 
senchas. Airmeim . . . Eintfriucha i crich Con^acht . , . Coic tnucha dec, are 

Four pieces mentioned by O'Curry (Lectures, p. 200) as contained in 
the Book of Lismore I did not find. They are : i. The story of Petronilla, 
St. Peter's daughter ; 2. ' The discovery of the Sibylline oracle in a stone 
coffin at Rome ;' 3. An account 'of some modifications of the minor cere^ 
monies of the Mass ; ' and 4. An account ' of the correspondence between 
Archbishop Lanfranc and the clergy of Rome.' Nor does the MS. contain 
a Life of S. Finnbarr, as stated in the Introduction to O'Curry's Manners 
and Customs^ i. cccxxii. 

1 aigne, the mind, the intent, the imagination, the will, gen. aigneadh, P. O'C. 



THE scribes of these Lives, in copying from older MSS., followed the 
usual course modernising, as a rule, the spelling and grammatical forms 
which they found before them, but sometimes leaving intact the ancient 
orthography and the ancient endings of the noun and verb. The result 
is a mixed language, in which Old-Irish forms appear side by side with 
those belonging to the late Middle, and even Modern, periods of the 
language. The following remarks, though far from complete, will justify 
this statement. For convenience of reference they generally follow the 
order of the Grammatica Celtica. 


a for post-tonic e : depraccoit 2609, depracoitibh 4495. 

a for atonic z': a ndorchaibh 26, a n-aimsir 70, an topur 64, an tighi 72, 
aniu 391. 

a for tonic o: anoir, manach; for post-tonic <?: espac 370, ce*t-0rc 3270, fodhard 

a for post-tonic u : rogha 3058, togha 3755, salma 371, fira 1978, pectha 164, gulk 
202 (where the umlaut points to Old-Irish gullu), dorchate 23, bulk, runna. 

a for atonic ia : at n-fc 598 = O. Ir. iar n-ic. 

ai for tonic oi\ az'frenn 517, fozrenn 629, g0z"bhnecht 3784, 3785. 

e for post-tonic z': soills* (ace. sg.) 4, danv?(dat. sg.) 168; for post-tonic iu : coimdh* 

#'for tonic ai\ mc 3094, 

ea for e, whether tonic or post-tonic : Imbur 43, fazrr 82, foiraznn 4, aisnds^zn 21. 

z' for atonic a: z'tconnaic 159, z'tfet 153, z'spert 184. 

i for atonic o : zca 1.81. 

i and iu for post-tonic e : daerz' (gen. sg.) 2 3, Etaillz* 211, tipraitz' 2637, airldgz'^nn 6 2 , 
eisbzwdh 118, toimnz'adh 143, iriszach 150, aing/al 3356, taeidhlz'ach 4632. 

mb, ium for eb, em, are particularly frequent : ceilzzdbrais 842, creidzm 282, breithzz/m 
614, riszm 650, tuirzzmi 1085, taitnzi&tm 1203. 

o for post-tonic u\ bochto 1413. 

oz'for tonic at: oz'lithreacha 3847. 

u for post-tonic a : ro-bennz*ch 356, clochw 393, fedhbha 4889, fiaclw 473, fuartar 5, 
itberar 25, m-na 186. So ui for the umlaut of post-tonic a : rechtaz're 400. 

u for atonic z: urn 291, Kmar'leicis 105 where the u may be due to the m. 

xlvi PREFACE. 

In the case of long vowels we have : 
eo, eu, for e 1 : d?ruib 4651, beolu. 4652, seut 2930. 

to for I: fi'os see"! 1064; for : fion 4505 (but fm 4506), h'or 4384, Mon 4493 
riogh 4473. 

Atonic i is lost: 'na haicnidh 51, 'na comuidecht 69, 'na ucht 258, 'na triur 835. 


The diphthongs ai (ae) and oi (oe) are confounded. Thus we have aen 1995, and 
aenar 2006, for Old-Irish 6in or fen and 6enar. So naidhiu 1 18 = O. Ir. n6idiu ; aidhe 
1 250 = O. Ir. <5z7, aidigecht 263 = O. Ir. 6igidecht\ Gaedelu 404 =O. Ir. G6idelu ; jo<?/^ 
870 = O. Ir. $</# ; soethar 3699 = O. Ir. sdethar', loechdacht 3058 = O. Ir. Idechdacht* 
In sai-eascop 212, and <&#*' 287, <zz' is for O. Ir. ui. The modern ao for 0<? appears in 
aos 3723, 00-wz 599, comaosu 1226, .nz0/ 2278, naom 2074. We even find aoe (aoes 214). 
So aoidhigecht 255 = O. Ir. oigidecht, ataoilhi 1124, #<w/ 4298, naoim 2075. In five 
lines we have Coimhgen 4465, Caoimhgen 4467, Coeimhgen 4468, and Caeimhgen 4469. 

0, o", the umlaut of #<?, tf(?, is frequent: noeimhe 12, daeiri 23, coemthecht 266, 
caeirib 91, caeirig 101, oi$/(? 77. 

For fli?, ^, we sometimes have long : f^ra 43, 1473, 2321, 2920 = O. Ir. cdera. 
So cfinnach 2402, for c6ennack. The umlaut of this ^ is z* : fuidhius 479, nuidhin 59, 
buidiQ<)6 Ifiidh 2743. In tn-lhaile 2918, n-shndithe 2930, the diphthong ot (oe) 
has been reduced to long . 

The diphthongs *# and 0# are confounded : /f^ 572. 


The nasals m^n^r^l\ 

Infected m for infected b : noemh 33, ww^- 3858, 4617. 

n assimilated to a preceding /: colla 1139, collaidi 1152. 

doubled between vowels : innis 115, 1967 ; before s : bascail 1229, se#/zser 2940, 
2950, bascaile 113, bai*/si 172 ; before/: sainnt i69O 3 iti 97, tetidhi 1188; or 
becomes nd\ ind 36, 66. 

nn is sometimes singled: z/ 139, inocht 862; or becomes nd \firinde 3055. For 
<f we have n in Z'TZZZ* 918, ant 1375. 
The liquids r, I : 

r: doubled before s: ro-e>rslaic 60, doirrsi 1562, toirrsech 1698; before %: 
airrdhi 90, 177; before /^: awrter 1638, airrt[h]er-deiscirt 211 ; before n: tairrn- 
gidh 1641, sathairm 612, ermaigthi 1187; before c : fawrce 1487, 2226; before /: 
urHamh 1900. 

/is doubled: Etai//i 211 ; before /: a//t 4834. 

// becomes Id: bachai/^ 1043. 


The labials /,: 

p in loanwords for/": petarlaice (veteris legis) 7, and for 6: pisi 84, poc,puic, 1634, 
p/t'sd (bestia.) 1840; apstanatf (abstinentia) 4900 ; and for bh: lop 2744. So in the 
native word leanp 'child' 1452 = leanbh 1451, leanamh 902. 

ph for ^ : do phisibh 81. 

(in loanwords) for/ : /03#/ (populus) %,pubutt (papilio) 326, esbul (apostolus) 33. 

bh fory: buthuaidh 4722, bhar 332 ; for mh : mebaidh 59, coibnesom 656. 

3 doubled to denote the absence of infection: a bbas 100. 

The dentals t, d : 

t inserted after n : aein-t-ibh 630, tdin-t-i 2%9l , glenn-t-a 3662, m6in-t-i 3663 ; after 
/: ilmJtil-t-ib 4477; after M: sltb-t-i 3656 ; afters: tanais-t-i 683 ; assimilated to J : 
apsalaib (apostolis) 27. 

Infected / omitted: f0z7"<5 4575, for coilcthzb,fhotres 31*1 1, for/hozrithes: inserted to 
prevent hiatus : foi-th-i 50, foi-th-ib 1610, tre-th-e 862 ; substituted for f^: '/& 480, 
aigthi 1 6 6, Trethimh 275. 

c? for /: in inlaut: <zz#z' 105, airidin 216, <:/</# 249, nibdar 246, madain 260, 
(maduz'n 1985), fodaib 4413; in desinence: d#ztf 229, docreid 249, rocansad 239, 
geibid 1913. anuid 1984. 

Infected </ inserted to prevent hiatus : rosoi-dh-eth 840, rosou-d-adh 4323, impoi-dh- 
it 3806, rotathbheo-d-aig 4435, sdaa^foirib; added: dr&i-dh 2279, facai-dh 4893; 
prefixed to /$: bu-dh-tuaid 757 ; omitted: wo impa\dfi\ 4099, corfl?ra[</A] 4218. 

rftffor eclipsed /: z'ar ddaidhecht, 4377. 

Assimilation of ? to preceding # is frequent : cldinn 62 ; oiffrinn 841, Boinne 272, 
1422, 2164, ## 1379? zw 1376, etc. 

The gutturals (), ^, ^ : 
ch tes gh\ tich 4415; ch added: lia-ch 4485. 
fAf and x interchange : Sachsain 2564 = Saxain 2561. 

cciotg \focr dice 699, occ 1080, fa'cc 1082, eaccnaide 1088, tdiriicc 1089, toccbhais 3604. 
for in anlaut before pretonic vowels: gu-mor 257, gia-r-bM 1429, ^ardz 1441, 

1465 ; in inlaut : ^-^z 1995 ; in desinence : ^ 1029, geg 2585, /o/>zz^ 5. 
g for : ^ 1904. 

Infected written for dh : Al-duaige 47, connaigh 80, ^z^ 124, thuistighibh 147, 
at'gfhi 166, figh Zfafleigh 408; inserted before /A: o hadui-gh-thea 270, dirmhi- 
gh-ter 671, me'idi-gh-tir 3797, dirmi-gh-thi 4642, 4643, gigni-gh-ther 759, didbhui-g- 
333, rofinnfai-g-ter 4254; added to -az: imrulai-gh 517. 
for c : Frangaib 48. 
for eclipsed r : nagdeirech 4462, agcleirig 4463. 

xlviii PREFACE. 

The velar guttural q occurs in the noun Qut'aran(=CoTn. Piran) 4438, 4440, 4470, 
4477, 4485. So in the Naemogam, 'saint-ogam/ Book of Ballymote, p. 3H b : 
.1. ainm in naim i tinnscanfa gabar ar in fid. r. Brenaind, Laisreann, Finden, Sin- 
chell, Nesan, Hadamnan, Donnan, Tig^rnach, Cronan, Qiaran, Manchan, Giurgu, 
Ngeman, Zannan, Ruadan, Aed, Oena, Ultan, Ernen, Ite ; where the initials of the 
twenty saints' names correspond with the twenty letters of the Ogam alphabet. Other 
instances of q occur in the tract just quoted : qulenn, quert, Quorann, querc, qut'ar, 
Quell dara, qua/, quislmacht. But here, except in the case of quiar, the q is written 
for c . 

F and V, Irish f regularly comes from a pretonic v, as in fer. In loanwords 
Latin nf,ff is sometimes represented by thf, as in ithfern 295, 430, 438 = infernum, 
ithfernach 2242 ; so aithfrenn = offerendum. 

Prothetic/" occurs inf-otrb ^f-aca d^f-dinne 2618, ro-f-iafraigset 3669, don-f-air 
$\^ y f-6saic 1622. 

v when following d, n, r, or / is regularly represented, by bh (Meadhbh, banbh, 
tarbh, dealbK). When it arises from nasal infection of f it is represented by 
bhf. Thus bhfaidh 18, bhforbthiugud 14, bhfoscud g, bhfognaim 183, bhfesair 185. 
But sometimes also by fh, as in i fhaighthi 397, in fhiacuil (dentem) 475, 
trianar fhoircetal-ne 1512, in fhis (visionem) 4293, an-fhaitech 1395, an-fhoirbhthi 


v before an unaccented vowel is often represented by b or bh : thus buthuaidk 4722, 

bhur, 'your,' 1604, bar, 'says/ 

S, Z, and H. There is nothing noteworthy about s, save that the h arising from 
its infection is regularly expressed by ths or ts. Thus : o ihirfMghadh 4868, a tSendin 
2081, da cloich tsalainn 2408, ocus tsacart 2475, cinn tsttbhe 2796, Crimthain tsr/ib 
3216, amail tsnechta 3338,grt'an isolusta 4631, clann tsoineamhail 1544, ingin tsoch- 
raid 1722, gein tSendin 1790, oc scribhiunn tsosc/lai 2050. 

z is represented by st in the loanword Stabulon 19. 

h is constantly inserted to prevent hiatus after the verbal prefixes no and ro : no-h- 
adhnachta 632, ro-h-adhnacht 645, ro-h-ort,ro-h-orta 136, ro-h-ictha ii^^ra-h-oslaiced 
4359- It is regularly inserted in the following seven cases : 

(a) after the na of the article (gen. sg. f. and nom., dat. and ace. pi.) na h-ais- 
nesean 21, na h-fiirenn 324, na h-tiain 87, na h-uili 673, dona h-uilib 671, dona 
h-irisechaibh 675 ; 

(b) after the possessive pronouns of the third sg., whether masc. (umm-a h-eochu 
563), or fem. (a h-athair 3412, a h~6ighi 4176, a h-ainm 4695),- 

(c) after the interrogative pron. c ia (cia h-azrm, 546) ; 
after the gen. ofgach : (gacha h-ollaman 4776) ; 


(<?) after the numerals tri (tri h-ernaili 698, co tri h-tnuibh 4346), and celhra (cetra 
h-airdib 29) ; 

(/) after prepositions ending in vowels: a h-Eigipt 4674, co h-indbir 325, co h- 
Ele $2i,fria h-Eochaig 376, fria h-anbh/brus 4894, re h-imp6dh 708, re h-Abraham 
709, re h-6ir 4492, r* h-tssa 4518, /a h-Asardaibh 23; 

() after the negative particle ni : z h-ingnad 402. 

/& is also inserted after the gen. sg. of an z'-stem : cluana h-Iraird 4014. 


Examples are domuin 1365, uamun 1529, leastar 2467, iarainn 2725, 2^2,/orutnn 
1336, and the loanwords ymonn di^ymmonn 1525 = immann 2675, columan, solla- 
man 1355, sacarbaic, senisfer, st'gen, rithimm 2673, Herimon 227, /V/0r 3324, teampul. 


of r: 3/r/a 2536 = Old-Ir. 3//r<?, r0 fiafraig 432 (from ro-iar-faig), fedraissi (for 
fetair-si},funnraidhi i()45=f-urnaidhz 2064, sathrann (dies Saturni) 4374, coisercad 
(consecratio) 1819, martralaic (martyrologium) 3754. 

of/: comalltur 392 (from com-lan-iar\ ecalsaibh (ecclesiis) 1356, allugud 1174, 
altughadh 2415 = atlugudh 4316, ro-altuigh 4744 = ro-atluig. 

of j: baisdim (from baiisim, baptize), ro-baisd 398, robaisdeth 450, /arwr 4663 
837 (episcopus), espocdidi 422 (episcopatus). 


This is of two kinds ; vocalic, called by Irish grammarians ' aspiration,' and nasal, 
called by Irish grammarians ' eclipsis/ 

Vocalic infection is either organic, i. e. justified by the phonetic laws of the language, 
or inorganic. Organic vocalic infection is found (a) in construction, (b) in com- 

(a) In construction : 

1. After the article in the gen. sg. masc., in the dat. sg., in nom. sg. and dat. sg. 
fern., in nom. pi. masc.: biadh ind/Xir 1462, in ofcatha 1553, don c^oire 196, in 
flz^uinnter 197, iny%uil 1389, oc fdgad in iv&arbait 1321. 

2. Where an adjective follows and agrees with a noun which ends, or once ended, 
in a vowel: thus, in meic bhic 915, in ailithre /^oirbhthi 677, 6n mudh /^anusti 683, 
cruithnecht r^aein 4165, a tigh fhir zraMth 255, a ben mh&ith 796, eclas mMx 866, 
6 ghuth mh6v 979, fo sheol jvfoinmech 1007, 6 galar /^romm 1028, cot laim ^eis 
1287, do ghabail faille 1341, manuigh dhilsi 3196. 

3. Where a noun follows and is governed by a noun which ends, or once ended, in 



a vowel. Examples are : mheicc Dh& 4522, a dhuine Dhi 3359, aidchi/Me 268, a 
n-aimsir ^eimrid 70, oc cuingidh tthidh 73, do chuingidh cMsa. 127, do glanad 
/feallaigh 122, a tighy^ir mhaith 255, ac foghnam <$aine ele 296, do thornima 
^uine 825, a glaic .Z^iabuil 4602, uas teinid Mratha 3329, i mfss medh6naigh 
_/%oghmhuir 4441, d' foillsiugud j^ochair 743, iar fothugud recall 600, in 6entuidh 
^achta 648, da cloich /ralainn (i.e. j-Aalainn) 2408, meic dM.\ne 2464. 

So after the nom. sg. of /-stems : dorchata mhoi 27, tene c^ascda 327, tene /^acid- 
led! 591, tene Dh6 1044, betha j^uthain 725, betha dfcubach 3637. 

4. After the numerals (dd, c6ic), which originally ended in a .vowel : da dfa\\ 1373, 
da /^opar 2522, c6ic &fochta 1251. 

5. After the possessive pronouns mo, do, and a, ( his ' or ' its : ' mu /^innscrai 1 159, 
mu ^tig 1169, do w^nd-sa 1170, a chen\ 46, a j^enathair 41, a jvftair 140, a 
#zMthar 48. 

After mvfc in the gen. sg. masc. : anma cech equine 2471. 

6. After certain forms of the verb substantive : robad _/%earr 82, co m[b]ad j^asad 
4165, bhadh mk6 4488, rop_/%ollus 4604. 

7. After active verbs governing the accusative: tuiceabh <5^aile 4688, dolbhais 
r^iaigh 2301. 

8. After prepositions which end, or once ended, in a vowel : amal ^aeirig 101, 
amal jP/$61 589, amail g-foe'in 1188, amal c^olum 3877, amail /Xacbaither 4448, ar 
^eismirecht 1758, do Afcabairt 82, im r^rabud 158, ceny%uil 435, gan/%is 1598 = 
cenfAis 1600, 6 mfawua.m 714, tria ^eilm 945, seoch //5egduis 1161. 

9. Where active or neuter verbs are preceded by the verbal particles ro, do, no, or 
con = co-no: ro-Afecuisc 6, ro-jAoillsigh 31, ro-^abh 53, ro-^e'nair 57, ro^oghlaim 
61, cur' bho 67, do-f^ruthaig 500, do-//$oet 70, do^uair 275, no-f^aifedh 259, no- 
Meitis 443. But this does not occur in the passive : e.g. ro-fothaiged 63, Conasta 
2514 and curosfhasta 2515 are certainly scribal errors. Each should be co ro sdsta. 

10. After the negative particles flz'and nad: niy^arcab-sa 184, muna [for ma-n{\ 
/^ardad 186, mina /^fsadh 1086, ni /^abrai-si 109, ni /^arraid 193, niy^il 2451, 
nf ^aitheadh 2518. 

11. After the conjunctions cia, ocus, is, n6, and 6: cia ^iscniged 4878, ocus 
y^aitsine 7, ocus wMrbuilib 36, is mfmai 4770, n6/"^ailmn 3877, 6 Sordine 1657. 

12. After the interjection a: a ^aillech 1561, a /S^enain 2486, a dh\ime 3358, a 
/^igerna 3750. 

(b) In composition (examples are given in the nom. sg.) : 

Substantive with substantive: eachlasc (= echy^lesc) 288, lubh-^ort 590, 1883, 
2846, rfgh-j^uidhe 623, 626, 1697, bruinne-^alta 1120, nuall-^uba 


3897, n6-f<fombathad 4298, bain-f^le 2791, 2794, 2093, 2917, 2990, daescaixr/fcluag 
4328, long-p/iort 3147, bunad-^inel 3171, 3173, feth^airrge 3184, tonn-^ar 3605, 
mur-o&at 3793, bleidh-w^il 3802, cat-/^iast 3802, cath-^uadhaighi 1548, anm-f^ara 
2803, 2350, arm-^aisced 1612, muir-0/M 2223, bith^ognum 4177. 

Substantives with adjectives: toebh^ota 777, bith-Muadhach 2462, bith-j^alach 
3641, bith-^arbh 3641, scoith-^emrach 977, moing^inn 3080, 3114, mong-Muidhe 
3407, nuall;/Xailtech 3858, cenn-f^athach 3085, goib-g^er 3651, boladh-^/5ar 3857, 
dronn-flzfor 3652, aighedh-Mdn 3791. Perhaps also mac-/#airrngertaigh 2831. 

Adjective with substantive : 6gh-j^lan 1242, 1371, 2670, 4190, 4197, 4718, dubh- 
^las 1625, dubh-f^omar 3279, crom-^lais 3258, noebh-AS^endn 1789, Idn-j^fdh 
3869, 3934, Idn^olartnaigthech 4496, degh-fi%uine . . . dech-^nfm 3870, droch- 
<f^uine 320, 3852, 3934, m6r-^umachtach 199, m6ir-z^irbuil 2597, m6r-wMle 3392, 
m6r-^16ir mo, m6r-0z/taith 2782, mdir-jMser 3213, 3437, min-^aisc 1362, finn- 
f^aelach 1572, uasal-j^acart 736, fir^fnemain 2464, derbh-j^iur 3400, soeb-r^oire 
3624, 3618, troim-/^res 3639, sir-^aire 3384, sir-/Mne 3638, 3643, siry/fce'ghadh 
4868, nuiy^iadnisse 3315, nu;/$adhnuisi 1145, il-//^ian 4243, lar-^/mmhu 509,. 
siar-^es 937. 

Adjective with adjective: gle*-g^eal 3356, 3877, 4360, sir-^eogolach 3647, sir-j^ilti 
3666, uili-c^umachtach 3164, 3190, sain-j^ercach 1842, lan-j^aethrach 3847, all- 
^arach 3164, 3190. 

Numerals with substantives and adjectives: oen-f^ura 2920, aen-j^luasat 3163, 
3836, aen-^rat 4307, ^n-Maile 2918, e'n-.s^naithe 2930, c^t-z^arb 2348, 
52, primh^aith 3344, 3904, prfmh^athacdae 3319, prfm-^athair 4295, 

Prepositional prefixes: air-zrc&tiu 2499, air-^itnech 1114, comh^ad 3420, 
comh-^ub 3376, coimh-Minol 1261, ro-com-j/toi 689, der-w^air 3146, 3680, di-z^ar 
1483, er-w^or 3318 = wm&OT 4720, di-c^enntar 3253, di-f^uirter 2800, etar-Muasach 
3078, etar-^uidhe 4231, fp-^ard 4338, fo-^oimhne 3661, for-f^oimet 4184, frith- 
i-^et 4459, im-^abhail 1134, im-^lan 1141, 3447, ro-im-f^uirset 2582, inn[y^]itheni 
2534, indy^ethmech 2455, reimh-^echaid 1197, ro-mhoT 2534, tre-/4oll 2962, ro- 
t-ath-<$^eodaig 4436, tairm-^echatar mi, to-^oisceim 1123. 

Inseparable particles: so-f^enel 3334, so-^ene'lach 1332, so-^en^Iaige 852, soi- 
^Aillse 919, so-w^easctha 3162, so-^arthanach 3856, so-^nfmh 3943, nemh (O. Ir, 
neS] nemh-f^umhscaigthe 3769, neimh-^dnum 1135, nemh-/foirrsech 3858. 

Instances of inorganic vocalic infection are 

i. In substantives and adjectives: in the gen. sg. fern.: daenachta w^eicc Dhe 
4522 ; in the gen. sg. of a consonantal stem : mogh righ w^6rchumachtaig 199 ; after 


nouns in the accusative sg.: muic n-uir /fonaithi 206, aimsir jvfcamraidh 4845, 
drolmuigh fMm. 316, ar fhailti/^ghtha 524, i tfr /Mrngaire 668; in the gen. dual: 
inad d ech ^arpuit 4476. After the numeral tri: tri ^ille 3086. 

To these perhaps may be added the instances of vocalic infection after certain 
consonantal nouns in the nom. sg. which in Old-Celtic seem to have ended in s. 
Thus: lasair Reined 160, 2511, dair mhfa 940, ciira w^ael 2321, 2325, oenchura 
y/ftnn 2920. 

In fact, in the language of these Lives there is a tendency to infect the initials of all 
nouns in the genitive or accusative, whether singular or plural, without regard to the 
termination of the preceding word. Thus in the gen. sg. iar caithium immorro ofcuirp 
Crist 3689, a chinel bunaidsium /^atraic 42, do chuingidh fair c/fcumaili 4267, 'ni ro 
dhech gnuis/Xerscail 1693 ; gen. pi. : sinnser j^acart 752, secht n-ollumain ^vfcabunn 
2931; ace. sg. : cu rue in cti allaid f^aeirig 91, creriaidh didiu ^umhail 170, forfa- 
caibh fssu Macaill 223, co-n-acca 6glach ind e*tach /^aitnemach 794, dorat in ben 
sheirc ndlmoir 1482, doroine . . . ernaighthi dhicra. 1103, rorec ... in dmmuil 1190, 
coCill Mh6\T 2031. So after the voc. sg. : a athair //fogaidhi 2041. Here the infection 
change is syntactical rather than phonetic. 

2. In certain prepositions and their compounds with pronouns. Thus, ^'agallaimh 
2337, dfmxci 74, dfonbh 200, 205, orumsa 723 (=y^orumsa), oruinn (=/^oruinn) 73, 
orainn 3195, cknici 157, riut (=_/^riut) 728, risa- (=fhrisa) 928, /#airis 2688. So 
a-ctiair 2421 (= O.-Ir.yfc/A&r), atuaidh 2888 (=fofhuaid], tktix 3015. 

3. Where verbs, whether in the present, past, or future, express the relative. Active : 
j^ire, 3731, /#e*igi 4363,/"^oillsigfes 789, /Mrises 4622, /Msas 4619, 4620, w^arus 
4422, y^uil 4245, /^airismit 4370, /Mncabar 4815, /^icfatis 4405, jMmid-ne 1513, 
r^uingid 1569, w^oidid 1628, ^ech 2711, /^iaghuit 2435. Passive: /^ucad 2370. 

4. Other instances, which it is not possible to bring under one head, are : Afceith 
4650, dh\d 4797, c^oidchi 3386, Meous 4790, dona tri mhi\Q 2643. 


This occurs after nouns in the ace. sg. or gen. pi., and after the numerals, pronouns 
(including the article), prepositions, and conjunctions, which end, or once ended, in n^ 
The tenues (c, t, p) sink to the corresponding medials ; the medials (g, d, 6) become 
respectively ng, n, and m ; and_/"becomes v, written-in these Lives as bhf. For + , 
n + m, n + r, n + l, we have nn, mm, rr, IL Examples will be found in almost every 
line. For n + c sometimes^ is written (3960,4463). For+/ sometimes dd is 
written (4377)- For n-n, from n + d, is written n-d; but sometimes, as in co n-essidh 
(= con + dessidK) 2512, the d is omitted. So for m-m is written m-b. 

Here too we find inorganic infection. Thus the initial of genitives plural is nasally 

> in, na > na. 


infected, though the prehistoric ending of the preceding word was s or a vowel. For 
instance, athair bathais 7 creitmhe bh/zr n-rend 34, 6 righ ^er Tefa 2836, i cluain 
m6r bhFet n-Ardai 952 : sennser noemh bhftr mBreg, 2940. An early example of 
this is uplha mban, 'spells of women/ in the Klosterneuburg incantation. The infection 
of b in i coitchinne wbethadh 2683, seems a scribe's error. 


Sing. Dual. Plural. 

Nom. masc. inf, in, ant-, an \ masc. ind, na. 

fern, ind, inn, an, int ( in, na fern. na. 

neut. a-n ) neut. na. 

Gen. masc. neut. ind, inn, ann 875, int. \ } 

c } \na-n. 

fern, na ) j 

Dat. >(s)inn -(s)in -(s)na. 

Ace. masc. and fern. (s)inn, (s)ind, (s)ini 

neut. (s)a-n 
Only examples of the rarer forms need be quoted : 

_. , _ . . {in t-uan 1140. in t-saill 1255, in t-uisci 1481. 2676, 

Sing. masc. and fern. ace. inf. \ . . . J * r J . , 

( = an t-uisqui in, in t-ord-n 2625, an t-inad 1007. 

neut. ace. : al-ld (from an-la) 2076. 

Dual nom. : in ddphopul 1476, in da clamh 1591. 

ace. : eter in ddfkorba 1897, eter in dd espoc dkec 4111. 
Plur. masc. nom.: ind eolaig 516, 829, 2642, ind irisigh 3948. 

The articulated form of the prep, ind '(36) twice occurs, annsa chailiuch, e \n the chalice,' 
1631, ann-san inis 1080. This is the practice of the spoken language, O'Don. Gr. 281. 
Compare ind-sin eclais LB. 55 a 44. pi. ann-sna lathib LB. 243 b 10. 

(a) Vowel-stems. 

In the vocalic declension of vowel-stems there is little calling for notice. The 
transported n still appears after the nom. sg. neuter. Thus : aithimc m-brfithri 404, 
gradh n-esbuic, n-espuic, 1346, 1347, Dal m-Buain 4657, Ros n-Dairbhrech 1474. 
So with stems in -io: lugha n-eithig 50, righi n-fiirenn 749, orba n-aill 1896. But 
most of the old neuters have become masc. or fern., e.g. in mhuir 3623, though the 
gen. sg. in mhara occurs in 3684. 

The transported n also occurs regularly after the ace. sing. Thus : mac n-dall 57, 
mac n-Daibid 3320, biadh n-gndthach 94, canoin n-eclmdai 212, muic n-tiir 205, Innber 
n-Domnann, n~Dt, m-B6inm 272, 273, aidheadh n-gona 465, P61 n-apstal 589, cenn 
m-bliadne 638, clainn n-Adhaimk 622, scriptuir n-diadhai 684, rith m-buadhai 745, 


cailech n-oifrinn 841, brtit\K^ir n-escaine 845, brtii\K\ir n-D/ 1033, 2720, arradh 
n-glainidhi 954, bannscail n-irisigh 1229, leastar m-brisde 1398, torathar n-grdnna 
1420, $/><% m-Bron 1453, w * rif n-dimhoir 1482, <:/;/& n-umhal 1585, <?#^ m-buadha 
2090, drolmaig n-englaisi 2701, /War n-ardespul 3324, manach n-dilius 3359. So 
with stems in -70 and -&: athardha n-dilis 657, /<z<2 -a 471, /zgvfcz' m-Boiti 955, 
&Z0 -0 2721, /<za 7z-az7/ 1940, #z7 7z-<zr 2621. So after the gen. pi. z'ar coscrad . . . 
ealadhan n-druidechta 60 1, iar ndeismirecht . . . na n-uili manach n-irisech 682, i crick 
Ua bhFailgi 1238. 

But it sometimes oversteps its bounds and appears after the nom. sg. masc. and the 
dat. sing. Thus espoc m-Bron 1453, mac n-uasal 787, isin cinn n-aile 1592, i coit- 
chinne m-bethad 2683, i comartha n-dilgudha 4347. In arai n-anoire 7 n-airmiten 
4335> ^ appears after the conjunction ecus. 

In the dat. sg. of o-stems the -umlaut is still found. Thus, doll 62, curp 383, 
caistul 44*], mudh 683, Surd 9791, tuaisciurf 1065, forcetul 1065, ceniul 1375, /r/ 
2572, ? 2512, meor 4422. So in the ace. pi., even when the old final post-tonic -u 
has become -a', bulla 4852, gulla 202, runna 3277, 2w//a 1674, eocha 2315, 2851. 

The u of the ace. pi. of masc. 0-stems is still found in ruscu 6o,feru (=Lat. viros) 
313, eochu (=Lat. equos) 318, Gaedelu 404, manchu (=Lat. monachos) 893, cuaranu 
943, clamhu 7 dullu 1099, marbhu noo, damhu 1494. But this has become - in 
mancha 3338,^0; 1978, damha 1947, ja/w<z 1956, etc.; and -0 in &to$/b 1413. 

The nom. pi. is used for the ace. pi. in meic 161, $ttigh 1001, loiscinn 1071, rzic 
1671, fez^ 1961, 1964. Conversely the ace. pi. is used for the nom. pi. in rusca (for 
ruscu) 62, and arathru 1509. 

In the plural of the w-stems we often find a passage to the ^-declension. Thus : 
nom. aighairedka 2899, gilladha 2979, mergedha 3078, daltada 3117, comaltuda 
^iQcomhaltadha 4676, saebchoireda 3618, uiscedha 3665, cairedha 4101, cridhedha 
4875; gen. techtairedh n-uasal 2952, w n-uiscedh 3713; dat. a /rz' h-uidedaib 2572, 
ramhaduibh 3574; ace. celiuda 1584. 

Feminine stems in f are zVzzir, 'island,' sg. gen. indse 3697, innsftfo (but also zzi 
3700), dat. zVzwj-z'3704; ace. innsi-n 3570, and j/z'/z^-, 'wife/ 381, j///<r^ 54; sg. gen. 
stiche, dat. j/z'/z^ 576 ; ace. stifich 1157. 

Fem. ^-sterns are deog, 'drink,' sg. gen. ^z^z* 95, 1239, 1927, ace. digh 54, and 
muc, 'pig/ 12485 pi. dat. mucaib 1245, nom. ace. muca 1246, 1247. 

(i5) Diphthongal stems. 

b6, 'cow/ sg. gen. bo 4358, ace. boin 97, 409, pi. nom. bai i66o 3 4357 5 gen. 16. 95, 
1660, ace. ^; dual nom. dd 3^<2z' ddc 1267.. 
nou, 'ship/ 4302, 4303, wj #^'2332, 2391, 2392, ace. ^2174, naez'z^i, naoi 4298. 


(c) Consonantal Stems. 

Here we have (i) stems in c, g, and nc : (2) stems in r : (3) stems in /, d, nt, and 
nd: (4) stems in n : (5) stems in j. 

r -stems. Examples are : caera (spelt cura 93), ' sheep/ sg. ace. eating 101, pi. gen. 
caerach 86, dat. caerchuibh 1554, ftf<?rz# 4643, ace. caercha 1232. 

cathair, 'city/ 3969, sg. gen. cathrach 1570, 4281, dat. cathraigh 4214, pi. ace. 
cathracha 2549, 2645, dat. cathrachuibh 3962 and cathairibh 3639, gen. caihrach 
4256: m>, 'mist/ 3329, sg. w&.daigh 2301. 

dizz'r, 'oak/ 940: eochair, 'key/ 1446: Eochu, gen. Echach 1153, 2096: Fiacha, 
gen. Fiachach 3011 : Fiachra> gen. Fiachrach 3076. 

z'r, 'flame/ 31, 1410, 2510, gen. (derg-)/<wrav& 3181, (tron\-)lasrach 3639, ace. 

natihir, 'snake/ 1033, pi. ace. nathracha 1071. 

(=ru-atre), 'lord/ sg. voc. rz-re 1284, pi. dat. ruirechaibh 3346. 
/, 'thorn/ sg. ace. rc/zir^ 2485 ; and Temhair sg. gen. Temhrack 2970, but Temra 

To this declension belong the loanwords <z/#zr, 'altare/ dat. a//0zr 1103, pi. gen. 
alt6rach-n 1760: carcuir, 'career/ sg. gen. carcrach 4771, dat. carcair 4754; eipistil, 
' epistola/ pi. gen. eipistlech 154; maighistir, 'magister/ 2672, sg. gen. maigistreach 
3927 ; mainistir, ' monasterium/ pi. gen. mainistreach 2474, mainisdrech 609, 873 ; 
wwoz'r, 'senior/ 1077, 3850, sg. gen. senorach 3846, 4310. 

The native word ailither, ' pilgrim/ an 0-stem in Old-Irish, is also declined like a 
f-stem, pi. voc. a oilithrecha 3847. 

^-stern: rf, 'king/ 378, 1290, 2580, sg. gen. rigk 2573, da *- ^* 354 5 pi. n. rz^ 
2576, but also tigha 378, which in Old-Irish is the ace. pi.; gen. righ 3050, dat. 
righaibh 3345. 

nc-stem : lia, ' stone/ 1842, gen. liac. 

r-stems : athair, 'father/ sg. gen. athar i94Oj dat. athair 1954, voc. a athair 2038, 
a athuir 2041, pi. dat. -atihribh 3309. 

brdthair^ 'brother/ sg. gen. brdthar 3170, voc. a brdthair 2036, pi. n. brdithre 1074, 
T 338 } 2608, dat. brdithribh 1334, ace. brdithriu 4460, voc. a brdithre 2689. 

mdthair, 'mother/ sg. gen. mdthar 52, 66, pi. gen. mdithrech (with passage to the 
^-declension), dat. mdithribh 108. 

'r, ' sister/ 66, sg. gen. j^ar 2698, 2699, 2939, dat. stair 86, dual nom. ddshiair 
2661, pi. nom. (with passage to the t-decl.) d^^-shethracha 4639. Compound: 
derbh-shiur 3400. 


/-stems: abb, 'abbot,' 4353, sg. gen. dbadh 4350: aenta, 'unity/ 4281, sg. ace. 
aentaidh 4282 : ara, aru, ' charioteer,' 425, 427, sg. ace. araid 437, pi. n. araid 2858. 

bethu, 'life,' sg. gen. na bethad 3749, dat. bethaid 947, ace. bethaid 4118. 

brfafu, ' stench,' dat. brfataidh 3634. 

cai'll, ' wood,' sg. ace. caillid 826, 2584, corraptly cailli 3355, dat. coill 4044, pi. ace. 
caillti 3663, where it is used for the nom. 

coimdhiu, 'lord,' coimmdhe 722, sg. gen. coimdheth, coimdedh 3688, 3694, cotmdheadh 
1147, dat. coimdhidh 3547, 4245, coimdhi 719, ace. coimdhe 4861, voc. <z w<? chotmdhi 
2637, <z choimdhe 4164. 

ttz#r, *r, ' champion/ pi. n. curatdh, 2998 : comhla, gen. f00z/a[V], 1975. 

dorchata, 'darkness/ sg. dat. dorchata 23. 

dfirchraidhitu, ' hardheartedness/ sg. ace. dtirchraidhitaidh 228. 

file, fili, 'poet/ 1182, 1183, 1190, gen. filedh 1189, pi. dat. filedhuibh 3026. 

fraigh 'wall/ 4749, sg. fa.\..fraighidh iq&froighzdh 198. 

z/0, 'thirst/ 3707, 3714, sg. gen. //W 4408, dat. itaidh 4402, 4404. 

Une, 'shirt/ 1040, sg. gen. lined. 

mil, 'soldier,' pi. n. caih-mHidh 2998. 

6entu, aenta 'union/ 790, sg. gen. dentadh 4468, dat. 6entuidk 647, 648. 

6ighi, dighe 1250, aightiztf, 'guest/ sg. dat. dighidh 1254, pi. dat. aoighedaib 3830, 
ace. ceighedha 1649, where it is used for the nom. 

6itiu, 'youth/ ace. 6itiudh 286. 

rig, ' fore-arm/ pi. ace. rigthe 2974. 

seche, 'hide/ 4117, sg. dat. sdchidh 4118^ 4261. 

j/zg^, ' road/ pi. ace. slighthi 3664, where it is used for the nom. 

sui, 'sage/ sg. dat. sui 2749, pi. dat. suidhib 2750, ace. suithe 2529. 

/ene,'fire,' 71, 78, 267, 1044, s - g en - teineth 1918, teinedh 77, wa teinedh 2902, 
dat. ttinidh 84, ace. /<?? 332. 

/<?/^<z, 'tongue/ sg. gen. tengad, ace. /<?^ 1456; 

traigh, 'foot/ sg. ace. traighidh 462, pi. ace. traighthe 3681 (where it is used for the 
nom.), traighthi 4131, gen. traiged 3682. 

022, 'cave/ sg. dat. uamaidh 3416, ace. uamaidh 3415. 

(/-stem: drz', 'wizard/ 2656, 4008, but <2ra/ 287, 1162, sg. gen. druadh 1162, 1166, 
dat. druidh 4007, (frcz 1192, ace. <frc2 1223, 2311, pi. gen. druadh 2307, ace. druidhi 
300, where it is used for the nom. Perhaps <//, 'smoke/ 1409, 3329, belongs to 
this declension. 

w/-stems: brdge, 'gullet/ sg. dat. brdgait 389, 2312. 

cara, 'friend/ 1194, aoxa-chafa, 4792, sg. dat. %nm-caruit 4793, pi. n. carait 3547, 
car aid 1492, dat. cairdib 3201, ace. cairde 4878. 


fiadha, 'God/ sg. gen. fiadhat 1289. 

ndmha, ' enemy,' 3447, sg. gen. ndmhat 3444, pi. nom. ndmhait 3436, gen. ndmhut 
3045, ace. ndimdiu 4877. 

luch, 'mouse/ 4217, pi. nom. lochait 3744, 3746. W. llygoden. 

tipra t 'well/ 397, sg. gen. tiprat 2385, 2634, 2635 (but tipraiti 2637 )> ^at. '# rfl # 
2162, 2383, ace. tipraitgbl, 2386, 2711. 

westerns: brti, ' belly/ sg. dat. 3ra 52, 382, 1882, 2812, 2821, 2830, zcc.tromd 
2579 : ithla, 'granary/ sg. dat. ithlainn 1429. ^f.ydlan. 

fl-stems: airem, 'ploughman/ pi. gen. airemhon 1064, dat. airemhnaibh 1505, igo8. 

atsn/z's, 'declaration/ 13, 155, sg. gen. aisntsean 21, dat. aisnfis 1086, ace. aisntis, 
18, 1124, 4597. 

almsa, 'alms/ 3272, sg. gen. almsan 2034, but also almsaine, (with passage to the 
vocalic decl.), 1428, 1579, dat. almsain 2401, 4102, pi. ace. almsana 1811, 3395, dat. 
almsanuibh 1857. 

bendacht, 'blessing/ 4701, beannacht 359, 3351; sg. ace. bennachiain 836, 2985, &- 
nachtuin 250, 368,- 2366, beannachtain 358, 368, bennacht 4699 : breithium^ 'judge/ 614. 

&tf, 'quern/ 4098, sg. gen. <fofo 1313, 4099, 4126, ace. r<?m 850, 4127, 4269. 

Cruacku, sg. ace. Cruachain 3140. 

r, 'hound/ 90, 278, 1253, 4036, sg. gen. con 93, ace. coin 276, 4034, 4035, pi. 
nom. coin 3655, 4428, dat. (mil-^chonuibk 4054, ace. ?#<z 1658, conu 4081. 

Dichu 279, sg. dat. Dichoin 607, 6ir, ace. Dichoin 285. 

ealadha, 'science/ pi. gen. ealadkan-n 60 1. 

-7<5#, ' Scotland/ 1176, sg; dat. -4^ain 1004, ace. Albain 1025. 

garma, 'weaver's beam/ 1667, 1666. W. carfan gweyddi 

ztf#, 'pang/ pi. n. idhain 2830, 3004. 

mallacht, ' curse/ sg. ace. mallachtain 368.. 

menma, 'mind/ 7085 2649, sg. gen. menman 4896, dat. menmain 714. 

Mumhu, 'Munster/ gen. Mumhan 3066; dat. Mumhain 1206, ace. Mumhain 3069. 

onchu, ' leopard/ sg. gen. onchon 3799. 
, 'thumb/ 4419, gen. sg. 0r<zw 4420. 

z, ' doctor/ gen. ollaman 4776 : talamh, ' earth/ sg. gen. talmhan 799, 2115, dat. 
talmhain 1012, ace. talamh 657. 

ndidiu, 'babe/ 3349, naeidhi 1458, sg. gen. ndidhen 1220, ndidhiun 1457, nuidhin 
59, dat. ndidin 68 = naoidhin 3392, voc. <z ndidhiu 118, pi. dat. noidinuibh 73. 

The following are stems in -/ztfw : 

airitiu, ' reception/ sg. dat. airidin 216 : airmitiu, ' reverence/ sg. dat. airmitin 619 : 
cluinsiu, 'hearing/ dat. cluinsin 4225 : dechsu, ' seeing/ sg. dat. dechsoin 4849 : faicsiu, 
'seeing/ sg. daty^^w 2963, 4894, acc./aicstn 3179, 3873, 3875: taidhbhsi ' vision/ 



853, sg. dat. taidhbhsin 792, taircsiu, ' offering,' dat. taircsin 4281 : teipersiu, 'dropping, 
sg. dat. teipersin 3709. 

The double n in the following forms has not yet been explained : Clothru, gen. 
Clothrann 2144 : *abk, 'river/ gen. abkunn 3028 : 

derna, 'palm/ sg. ace. dernainn 1339, 4189 : diliu, ' flood/ sg. gen. dttenn 3327. 

gabha, 'smith/ 3782, pi. n.gobuinn 4101, \mtgatbhne 2936, gen. gabhunn 2931, ace, 
gazbhne 2934 : guala, ' shoulder/ sg. dat. gualainn 3118, ace. gualuinn 2860 : 

Rechru, sg. dat. Rechrainn 959 : r///ar, 'star/ 4631, gen. rtilann. 

According to this declension also are declined Aru, sg. gen. Airne 3741, dat. 
Araind 3743, Aruinn 4305, ace. Aruinn 4289 : jn', ' Ireland/ gen. Erenn, 3366, dat. 
fiirinn 1197, and in the plural 0#0/&, 'soul/ 4645, anum 3597, a/z/ 438, 1086, 
I i43> sg. gen. a#z0 618, dat. anmain 709, 3371, anmuin 703, ace. anmain 4228, 
pi. n. anmanna 2530, anmunna 4371, dat. anmannaib 653, anmannuibh 4877. 

Neuter stems in -0z<?# : 

0z0z, 'name/ 78, sg. dat. flwzflz 3267, 4853, pi. n. anmannua 147, 1867, 2530. 

Minim, 'blow/ sg. dat. 3/z'w 3195, ace. bfim 3195, pi. n. (brsL{th-)t>Szmenna 3120. 

&wra, 'bit/ 'mouthful/ 2734. 

cfimm, ' step/ pi. gen. cfimenn 1612 = ctimend 3424, cfimeann 3419. Compounds : 
sg. ace. coisceim 4894, toichim 3181. 

cuirm, 'ale/sg. gen. corma 1242, dat. cormaim 2736, coirmm 1239, 'm *359> 
ace. fwirz 1381, m ckuirm (!) 1360. 

J<?z7w, ' noise/ sg. ace. dh'/OT 942. <//r/i%, 'multitude/ 'crowd/ sg. dat. </zrrc 2881. 

druim, 'back/ 'ridge/ sg. gen. dlroflztf 3004, dat. druim 3609, 3613, ace. ^rm 
995, 3616. 

gairm, ' call/ 4392, sg. ace. gairm 4349. 

imm, 'butter/ 1291, 1302, sg. gen. imme 128, ime 1268, 1296, dat. mi278, 1281, 
ace. imm 129, /fez/w 3408. 

loimm, 'milk/ 1661, /w'w 4110, sg. gen. lomma 87, /<?/ 1473, ace. him 4490. 

maidm, 'a breaking/ 3253, sg. ace. maidm 3112, 4395. 

sruaim, ' stream/ pi. dat. sruamuibh 3637. 

teidhm, 'disease/ 799, sg. gen. tedhma noo, teadhma 1856, dat. teidhm 1441, ace. 
teidhm 112, 1490, pi. ace. tedhmanna 1704. 

toghairm,) 'invocation/ sg. ace. toghairm 119, dat. toghairm 3765. 
Neuter stem in -/: ar^a, sg. gen. 0r&z 1091, ar^a 1357. 

*S-stems : a^, ' a bovine animal/ sg. ace. agh n-allaid 4715, pi. dat. aigib 3219. 

all, ' cliff/ sg. gen. aille 2164, 2324, ace. all 4831. 

</, ' fortress/ 928, 3039, sg. gen. d&ine 929, 2543, dat. dim 405, ace. dtin 396, 397, 
883, 891, 3034. 


gknn, ' valley/ sg. dat. gltnn, 560, 2583, pi. nom. gleanna 3656, glenn-t-a 3662. 

gMn> 'knee,' pi. dat. gUinibh 2860, 2876, 3111. 

gnt, ' form/ ' countenance/ 3895. 

gruadh, ' cheek/ sg. dat. gruaidh 1337, 4186. 

leth, 'side/ 'half/ 17, 1124, sg. gen. kthi 2177 ', ace. sg. /<?/ 1324, 1326, 3566, dat. 
leith 829, 1282. 

I6gh, 'reward/ sg. &&.logh 1122, pi. ace. % 3847 (with passage to the masc. 0-decl.). 

magh, 'plain/ sg. gen. muighi ^, 3551, ace. magh 2598, magh m-Breg 396, im- 
mach, dat. maigh 3552, pi. ace. muighi 3856. Compounds : Der-mach 918, ace. Zkr- 
925, dat. Dermhuigh 918. 

, 'heaven/ sg. gen. nimhe 613, 2487, 2578, dat. nimh 2659, acc - wwh I20 9j 
3768, pi. dat. nimhibh 4602, 4896, but nemhaibh 2486, with passage to the 0-de- 

ruithen, 'ray/ 4632, sg. acc. ruthen 3402, pi. gen. ruithne 3248. 

j<f/, 'sea/ sg. gen. sdile 3771. 

sltabh, 'mountain/ sg. gen. sltibhi 2562, J//3/ 2583, dat. sUibh 383, 1528, 3573, 
acc. sliabh 1527, 2565, 2582, pi. nom. sUb-t-i 3656, gen. sliabh 3643, dat. sUibhibh 

/^ (= reyos) 'house/ sg. gen. tight '72, 122, dat. /*$ 70, 81, 255, 409, 2838, 2840, 

taigh 2670, toig 1092, acc. /<?^ 1187, 1252, tegh 1308, pi. n. /z^v&z 2927. 

Hr, 'land/ sg. gen. in tire 441, 710, z'# tiri 3848 (but /for* di'te' f. 705), dat. tir, 
acc. /zr- 442, pi. dat. tiribh 716. 

A solitary stem in j is mi, ' month/ sg. gen. mis 2996, ;M 4441, in mis 3784, dat. 
a& 1064, 1066, pi. nom. mis 4367. 

Nouns ending in -ach often decline in the sg. like 0-stems ; in the plural like j-stems. 
Thus : 

domhnach, 'Sunday/ sg. gen. domhnuigh 1077, domhnaigh 1102, pi. dat. domh- 
naighibh 2735, domhnuighibh 4534. 

#ach, 'garment/ 2673, sg. gen. e'duigh 1602, acc. ttach 2723, pi. nom. eduighi 
1504, dat. ttuighibh 1215, ftaighibh 1496, acc. tduighi 1495, 1508. 
fdsach, ' desert/ pi. dat. fdsaighibh 3218. 

marclach, 'horseload/ pi. gen. marclach, 1572, dat. mardaighibh 1574. 

otrach, ' excrement/ pi. nom. otraighi 4869. 


There is nothing remarkable about the declension of adjectives, save that, in the 
plural, the nom. masc. ends in -a (meic beca 108, slSigh m6ra 1431), and that the labial 
ending of the dat. pi. is frequently omitted. This ending, however, is still found in the 



following instances: hmnaibh diadhaibh 631, proiceptdiribh noemaibh 683, maitJiibh 
atmserdaibh 688, cenflaib echirannaib 690, /tuighibh taiinemachaib 1215, ddinibh 
fannaibh inlobraibh 1437, maithib imdhaib 4513, sruithibh Breatnachaibh 2551, cosaibh 
tirmaibh 1818, 2424, aimseraib fodaib 4413. 


As to comparison, the superlative ending has disappeared except in comnesomh, 
coibnesom.) 'neighbour/ 104, 3924, which is used as a substantive. Of the compara- 
tive in -tir=.-Tfpo~ there are two or three instances: gilithir 3679, 4075, and mtidithih 
(MS. meidightir) 3697, sithiter 2217. Other comparatives end in -z'(for -z#), as in 
itaistib, 1329, uilli 1661, ndraighi 1691 ; but also in -e and -a : eaccnat'de, soiceintilce, 
inisle, beccda, humla, 1088-1090. Irregular comparatives are: 

Positive. Comparative. 

fern (=su P ernus ?) ) f g a 

!$, 'good,' 1339 3 

z7, ' many '= Goth. filu. lia 1084, 2450, 2730, liu 4260. 

lugk, e-\axvs lugha 2432, 2435. 

m6r, 'great,' 2543 ^ 1271, 1477, 2320, 2419. 

olc, 'bad' messa 2432. 

/r//z, ' mighty ' treisi 2289. 

y^^j, 'near' \ nesa 2572, 2583, 3344 

comf hocus 2901 ) coimhnesa 2898, 2922. 

rzr, ' long' jza 2272. 

The comparative of equality is exemplified by meidzghtir, airdigtir fria seol 
primhluinge 3183. 

For the superlative, except in the case of deck 98, 416, 418 (the irregular superl.of 
matth\ the comparative is used : congbhail budh airdi 936, nesa 97, coimhnesa 2898, 

With di, 'eo/ we hswefer[r]-dz 1142, 2319, m6i-di 2727. 

a. Cardinals. 

Of the cardinals from i to 3000 the following instances are here found : 

1. a oen 3315, aen 699. In composition: en-bhaili 2918, en-snaithi, 2390. 

2. Absolute : a dh$ 699, 4594, 4642. 

Nom. and ace. dd with all genders: da 6cdam 633, da &ca 853, da chois 2220, 
da shiair 2661, <fo oidhchi 3607. With fern, nouns also di : di bannscail 1389, di oigh 
3996, ace. a dki laimli 262. 


Gen. oc pianadh da naemh-ogh 373, rf da oidhchi dhe'c. 

Dat. dibh 625, 4255. A corrupt don dhd n-iascaib occurs in 3599. 

3. Nom. and ace. tri with all genders, tri h-ec aha, 2525, tvi cathracha 2549, tri 
mile 2641, tri tonna 4134, tri h-ingena 4000. With fern, nouns also teora: te6ra 
catracha 1044, teora mili 1045, teora ingena 3996, teora bliadni 299. Also te6ra 
itghi 834, gen. tri-n 3168, dat. here the labial ending is lost: 6 thri modaib 679, co 
tri henuib 4346, cona tri macaib 3115. 

4. Nom., dat. and ace. cethra, ceathra for all genders \for ceatra hairdib 29, na 
cethra meic 3995, ceatra bliadni 947, na cethra mete 3995, cethra harathra 1502, 
f^/ra bradana 4829, gen. f<?/8r<z m-bliadan 949. 

A solitary example of the Old-Irish fern, occurs in cetheora muinteruib 144. 
In composition : cethur-raen 634, cethar-dMil 4622, ceithir-liubur 4621. 

g. ftftt:, *<r, wir 4607, 4616:, aspirates: coic bhochta 1251, and after the gen. 
has the transported n : docum na .z>. zfo 99, na coic n-aimser 4624. 

6. w (leg. s/) 2606. 

7. sechf-n: secht wbliadna 2959, dat. sechiuibh, sectaibh 3192, 3196. 

8. ocht-n, 0^/duirnn 1278. 

9. ndi-n\ anan'irfti, ndi z-bailib 2921, 2927, awgradh TIII. 

10. deick-n, a deich 4619, </<?/<r^ m-bliadni 3404. 

11. 0# . . . die: aeinfher dec 3836. 

12. dd . . . de'c: in da espol d6c 624, da fear dec 3833. 
17. secht . . . dec : secht w-ecalsaibh dec 1360. 

20. fiche, sg. gvb,fichet> fa.t.fichtf, pi. ^fichit 1023. 

21. bliadan ar fichit 4745. 
30. /r&r&z 638. 

40. ceihracha 2106, 4695. 

50. <:0<?ra (from *coecacha) 859, rfl^a 4113, pi. ace. cotcta 1097. 
60. /rz fichit 1023. 

100. <:<# 4398, pi. gen. /ravfoz c// 638. 
150. caeca for ce"t 4113. 
1000. z//<? 3599. 
3000. tri mile 2641. 

. Ordinals. 

1. cfina 4596, c//: ceitfhirt, $2, prim : primh-fdith i^go^primh-gem 3994. 

2. /a#<zzj// 3994, indara 617. 

3. /m, /r^^ 3994, 3997, 4769. 

4. cethramad 3994, cethrumad 3926, . 


5. cdiced 1253. 

6. steed. 

7. sechtmad 169, 384. 

8. ochfmadh uathaid 1351, 445 2 - 

9. naemhadh. 
10. dechmadh. 

13. /raw . . . dec 1271. 
1 8. ochtmadhdec 1351, 4452. 
88. ochtmad .Ixxx. (ochtmogaf) 1352. 
132. indara bliadan xxx. # 

r. Numerical substantives. 

1. 0,?ar 144. 2. <&w 1379, gen. <//*' 3990, loc. (?) </w 4842. 3. /r/r 150, 1376, 
/rar 387. 4. cethrar 142, 475, 1439. 5. #<w< 6. .rater. 7. m6irseser> mdirsheser 
612, 3213, 3437. 8. ochlur 2148, 4375, 0^/lzr 4378. 9. nonbur 219, nonbhar 
3000, noenbur 3014. 10. dechnebar 2071. 

</. Multiplicative expressions. 

2. ,/fl d#<? 4619. 3. /0 /r? 3104. 5. yiz c^zir 4815. 

e. Fractions. 
816. ^. /na 3060, 4217, 4491. . ^wz'rf 4721, gen. coicidh 4799. 


a. Absolute- personal pronouns. 
Sg. i. me* 178, mi-si 178, ace. MJ* 3492, mhi-si 3438. 

2. /^ 34S3> /<* 3495j *** 33 86 > ac c- # 3439> ^ 

3. masc. J/3406, 4315, / 3498, 4316, ba ^-/3457> ace. ^'3551, 43 J 5> 4658. 
fern, sf 2445, 3436, ba hi 3065, sisi 2443, ace. hi 3384. 

neut. ed 2080. 
PI. i. 2g 3196, ace. sinne 3171. 

2. ace. stbk-st 393*1. 

3. / 582, 1741, siat 2697, 2842, 3387, 3691, 4402, 4423, 4681, 4792, tat 

1374, 2943, 2945, 3670, 4789, eat 2348, ace. tat 1301, 1361, 2557, 
3180, 3329, 4196. 

b. Infixed personal pronouns. 

Sg. i. no-m-mutrbfih's 310, no-m-lenaidh-si 3048, no-m-leic-sea 426, no-m-bia-sa 
2187, do-m-berur 3751, ro-m-leicid 262, dian-om-sdruighet 453, nacha- 


m-gebhudh 2865, no-m-lenaidh-si 3048, no-t-carfa 1534, ro-m-comhair- 
meadh-sa 1583. 

2. do-f-berur 1312, ra-t-fia 350, 464, r0-/-fc 178, 1390, do-t-gni 2726, nacha-t- 

geibhedh 2864, no-t-caruim 4205, do-t-ria 4206. 

3. Masc. </: ro-d-rir 195. For this / seems written in no-t-gessiut, no-t-aiteat 


: ro-n-fia 775, ro-n-alt 67, 2842, ro-n-baisd 2843, ro-n-bennach 513, 
ro-n-gdbh 66, ron-gaibh 1464, ro-n-edbair 834, do-n-athuiged 
156, ro-n-grds 4345 ; changed into 70 before # : ro-m-beir 513, 
ro-m-baist 2521. 

-r: no-s-beir 448, do-s-fdnic 564, no-s-inntsamhlaighei 673, conu-s- 
facaib 905, r0-,r-fc 1366, ro-s-bennach 1370, ro-s-anacht 1923, 
no-s-melfa 2268, ro-s-toifnetar 4054, no-s-gormfadh, 4080, ro-j- 
marbh 4230, ro-s-tairbkir 4873. 
/a : ro-ta-cursaigh 2559. 
Fern, w : ?/z nfhacamar 1320, ro-m-bera (leg. ro-m-bena) 4185. 

j: no-s-marbhann 97, do-s-bert 171, conu-s-ibh 54, conu-s-farraid 
2791, cona-s-talliss'j, ro-s-gab 1421, ro-s-lai 1468, ro-s-bennach 
4078, cu-ro-s-ftgainn 1827, co-ro-s-bennachainn 1827, ra-.y- 
fuirim 2596, nis-chuingim 1546. 
Perhaps also : ntisn-etfaitis 2227, niis-faicim 1546. 

PI. i. ro-n-bennach 221, no-n-sasfaiier 1474, ro-n-ethad 3802, do-n-fair 4083. In 
curo-s-foire sinne 3171, the j seems a scribal error for w. 

2. nach-for-tair 348, ni-bar-ricfa-si 4821. 

3. # : do-n-icfadh 875, ro-n-gaibh 4333. 

j: ro-s-ic 1434, do-s-fuisigh 100, no-s-forchanadh 157, ro-s-fastat 716, </-j- 
fobair 202, do-s-fuc 1025, conu-s-tuc 490, ro-s-biath, ro-s-ic 1577, r0-j- 

bennach 1678, ro-s-idbrait 2152, ro-s-feg 2213, ro-s-fiafraig 1713, ro-j- 

marbh 1721, no-s-folartnaiged 4111. 
MZ: do-sn-dinic 315, 317. 

no-tas-sloicc 491, ro-tas-gabh 3800. 

r . Suffixed personal pronouns. . 

Sg. i. cucam-sa 3453, dam-sa 109, 3673, </z#z 1318, eram-sa, erum-sa 657, 666= 
orumsa 1521, oramsa 1400, form-so, 4661 =orumsa 723, frium 1562 =.frim 3386, 
leam-sa 754, ocz 869, 4669, ^Twra 4366, O^OT 3491, 0H 2674, romam-sa 3288 
307, uaim-si 725, 1167, 3453, umam-sa 4077. 

2. a/ 3415, mr// 117, fm/ -y^cugut 3416, rf^zX 1169, 1525, <///, c%zV 611, 


6 57, 338g, 3457, 357>, &# 22 9, duit-si 222 doit-si 225, eadrat 3345, erutsa 1523, 
orat 21^, fort 609, 466i,/ort-sa ioi6,/rif,friut 118, 545, 2198, 2894, 3496, 3570 
riut 728, z/ 3489, let 2404=7^ /a/ 114, 2406, 3453, 3494, 3571, ocut, ocut-sa 
1281, 3459, 4642, ogut-sa 3492, romat-sa 2201, #0z'/ 351, 1159, 2130, 4o86=#a*</ 
3622, uait-sa 2241. 

3. Masc. 0zr<? 744, <w 4682, cuici 3407, dzazh'-sium -L^ichuice 3408, tfug? 4344, 
fra 159, & 1476, <#" 1687, fife-sin 55, dhe 3385, zW 128, do# 564=^0' 3400,707 
1666, fair 195=0*? 4o,/riss ii,/ris 3454=' 349> Ms 93=&M 81, 3401, 3565, 
oca 565, 922, ocat i>jo=aia' 574, 0Z? 257, reme 579, 4465, r0ziw<? 2546, 4342, secha 
879, //-# 4491, uadh 573, 3566, wzttfi 3556, uadha 575, 3552, ora 3383, uime 943, 
948, uimme 2171. 

Fern. <#, #><# 53, 902, aisdi 1071, 1517, foi-th-i $Q,foithe 2220, fuirre 2221, 
34Oi=/rr<? 1418, yrza i263=rz<2 796, fria-sz 1324 =riast 1334, 1337, zi^<? 1356, 
Z/MZ// 3417, 4676, /(? 3398, /(?-' 1254, 0z'<tt? 1731 =azh' 128, roimpe 468$=rotmpt 
2421, 4079, ^e 1555, secce 1514, 1614, fairrsi 1817, 4190 (but /azm 880), tre-th-e 
862, az"/^ 1486, 1674. 

PI. i. cucainn 46Si=cugat'nd 1415, cucaindne 2341, din-ne 864, </>5/z 4234, 4673 = 
dfczfo 82, 4221, dhuin 74, dhuin-m 4030, eadrainn 1549 = edrann 42%i,foramn 
2166, 3489,_/orzVz i336=orwww 73 orainn sigfafornne z%4,frind 2555, 2356= 
nfi?2339, /z'<? 4406 -=lindi 223, ocuinn 448 i=agm'nn 4370, remhainn 4673, sechainne 
1737, 420, z*z/z# 4333. 

2. cucaibh 2482, <zz$ 2311, dhaibh 2165, daib-si 4453, ^z<5 ioi%=dmbh 2337, 
dhuibh 3917, eatraibh ^6^,foruib,foruibh 2345, 2483, 4464,yhM 2338, //M 1815, 
3917, 3574, 4%T.4,occuibh 3447=^^'^ 1472, 3853, acuibh 1068, umaibh 3853, azM 

3. r^w 4061, <zY<5 3597, tfoz'M 3670, 6%<?zM 445, 2347, 3595, 4829, <fez# 5321, 

i722=^a/arra 550, 4847, yorrw 444, 3596=077-0 4806, but foraibh 4699, 
2609, 3573, 4463, impuibh 1063, impaibh 2645, zVzw/z'^ 952, 3619, /eo 43, 3549, 
2079, <?f 2102, #* 268, 3627, reompa 319, rcwz>z 1553, 1877, 1878, 2965, 
rempaibh 1899, j^ 4833, tarrsa 2222, trompa 4609, uadaib 2078, uathaibh 3499= 

</. Possessive pronouns absolute. 

Sg. i. 020 adnacul 608, z0 eiseirghe 3493, zw# 3629, 4310, wa 4447, iriathair 263. 
2. </^0 814 ; before a vowel : tKordan 7 tKairechus 605, th'aine j ttturnaigti 
4295 ; before infected _/": fforcetul 606. For /4 we have ^ : Kesseirghi 
3496=k'ezseirght 605, Kinaidh 3196, K&gnach 3456, Hathardha 3686, 
4661, Jifaicsin 3701, h'imarchoirthidh 105. 


3. Masc. a chenfl 46, a shenathair 47, a mhdthar 48. 

Fern, a h-adharc 97, a h-athair 3412, a h-6ighi 4176, a h-ainm 4695. 
PI. i. ar-n: ar n-aentaidh 4282. 

2. for 3447, 3r n-abadh 4350. 

3. fl- : a n-aentad 4468, al-ldmha 200, #/-/<&>* 204. 

*. Possessive pronouns suffixed. 

Sg. i. am (for irri) 871, 1058, *w 1625, coam 1624, gum 446*1 ;fom[f]or[m]no 
4458, /# 3282, 0m 3>j65=acom 1083, aw 33^7, z'*flz 4449, but 
/orflzo 177, /rzizflz 1628, umam 2865. 

2. f0/ 1287, 3972, god zotf, gut 2041, gud 2043, ^ i544=^W 1817, 3410, 

fort 391, 1615, 1617, yft/ 2024, 2i8o,/h'0/ 3360, z'# 1987, / 3492=a/ 
i335> tf^-diaidh 2266, ocut 3701, 4446=zV0/ 1392, 3749 ; but ar-do 190, 
1408, 6s do tfg, for do 1345 =for dha 1525, Azr th'agaidj tar do t'suilib 
1420, /a/ 2865. 

3. Masc. ara n, ^ja 77, 160, 1410, 184, coa 746, 1307, 3573, yfoz 1094, 

"2O2g, 4651, ycra 72, 3396, /rziz 4493=rz<2 787, 820, rea ion, za 
49 2 > 635, 4650, zira 181, z>za 3969 = ima 106, umma 563, za 55, 
102, ^ 1629, 3362 ; but 6na 914, 4230, occd 1478, rlaa l j$i,tara 3087, 
/rza 4&<)2z=trena 916. 

Fern, aja Vz 1337, aj<2 carpufi^SS, asa h-inad 4329, r<?a h-arlhur 4301, 
4304, f^wa h-6ghuibh 1404, <& h-indsaigid 2830, </ara cosaibh 1403, </Z(Z 
h-athair 4173, *fez Vz/z 1343, _/^r 3411, z0 feo/ 4692. /(? 1462, trena 
formna 3680. 

PL i. conar 221, </zar n-gorad 82, dzizr n-ailithri 3833, iarnar n-esreideadh 179, 0r- 
ar n-imcoimet 2482, trianar 1512. 

2. </(5ar 3928, iar-bhur 1067, inbhar 3852, aribhar tir 1835, anbhar n-dainibh 


3. <# n-duthaigh 2072, c<?a n-oidchibh tfl*l<),fora n-eochu 319, _/or<z n-daltuibh 

4699, fora n-itaidh 4404, zizrwa 492, 982, /r^/za n-aitrighi 200. 
'Own' or 'self is expressed-byy2z>z 43, 51, 153, 716, 896, 980, 3125, 3130, >zz" 
/& 66,^^383, 389, 502, 2519, 2795, 2914, 2920, 3106, 3134, 3139, 3275, or 
bodhein 294, 4697, budhein 377, 378, 3193, bhadein 2tfi*j,fadhesin 956, 966, budhesin 

/! Demonstrative pronouns. 

There is nothing noticeable in the demonstrative pronouns, which fall into three 
classes, according to the place occupied by the object indicated. 


'This.' 'That.' 'Yon.' 

-so 1087, 1391, dhe so 722. sin 1265, 1430, 1495, Hi 1028, 1158, 1300, 

-se, -si 598, -sa, -sea 506, 1543, -sein 401, 2816, 1586, 1844, 2051, 

-seo 1146, .Mcffo 197, -san in riu-san 4437. 2161, 2202, 2267, 

232, 481, 1989, ttzttfjfe <fo 186, 849, 1139, 1254, 2278, 2857, 3705, 

207,2149,2341. 1550,4193- 4294> 43- 

-somh, -samh, -siumh 927, sodhain 1963, 2065, 2207, slit 767, 3096, 3097, 
945, -seomh 227, 912, sodhuin 2230, 3837. 3142, 46^2, sud 331, 

3438, ac-j</ 1305. 
#ra/ 100, 336. 

<wfc, .r<fo and sucut do not occur in these Lives. Demonstrative adverbs are : 
ann, 'therein,' 'then,' 43, 64, 220, 273, 471, 561, 700, ann-so 132, 582, 2901, ann- 
sen 172, and-sin 3087, ann-sidhe 2606, ann-sin 243, 247, 267, 272, 522, 807, 862, 
2<)O5,feacht ann iQ^^feactus ann &%()=fechfus ann 866. Cf. Sloven, ondi, ' dort/ 
Lith. dndai, 'jenesmal' (Bezzenberger). 

sunn, 'here/ 25, 545, 788, 2297, ria sunn 577, o sunn im-mach 709, sund 1417. 
i-sunna 3587. 

/<z//, //fo//, 'then,' 'there/ 682, 725, 1831, 1833, 1839, 1882, ibhus 7 tail 2372. 
inann, 'the same/ 710, 980, 1139, 1710, 2311, 2342. inunn 1816, 
To these may be added the enclitic -z, which Zimmer has lately compared with the 
Gothic relative -ei : 
Sg. nom. int-i 32. 

gen. int-i 35, 1786, ant-i 17 : fern, na hit 1148, 1151, na M 1311. 
dat. {do)nt-i 63, 2012 (for)sint-i 2372. 
ace. inn-z 10*1, 896, 1219, 2685, z^z 216, 240, zM 1201. 
PI. nom. na Mi i$ii. 

dat. (iar)z M5 4103. 

The noun , 'thing/ 'somewhat '(36, 128, in ni-sin 93, <rar l 1689, 'cen ni 2674, 
nepk-n^nef-ni, 'nothing'), which Zimmer (K. Z. 30, 456) supposes to have been de- 
duced from the neuter an-l y is rather, perhaps, a phonetic spelling of gnithe, ' factum.' 
Compare sg. dat. cia-er-niu (gl. quamobrem) Ml. 47 b, i,=aa e\r\neo, ML 101 a, 4, 
pi. gen. a gni (gl. rerum suarum) Ml. 27 d, n. 

g. Relative Pronoun. 

The old form san (identical with the nom. ace. sg. of the neut. article) is best 
preserved infor-sam-U 3306, where n has become m before I. Traces of it only appear 
in an-a.s 1326=011-18 3967, a?z-dor6me 155, a bhfil 125, a raibhi 1300, for-.r-ro-ge'nair 
49, for-ow-biadh 2932, as-a-aicter 495, as-a/^dingned 58, as-a-errachtais 2660, as-0- 


comlaifed 163, di-a tdinig 5, di-a bhfoghnadh 144, rkra-raitter 928, frir-rofreasgabh 954, 
ri-'-comruicedh i23i,fo-a-raibhi 941, oca#-dernadh 1240, ic-atu 1539, ic<-r'heimdhed 
1243, tria-ja tinic 1781, tria-ja bhfe'gann 4614, tria.-sa tuiceabh 4668, tar-a ragha 
2638, um-am-bia. 2868, um-0-r-leicis 105. The form in, ' in whom, in which ' (perhaps 
for *zsn, *en-san): z>z-dingne 622, im-bit 688, zk-be 2067. The forms dianad, 'cui 
est/878 = danad 917, 967, 1007, dian 253, dan 577, Old-Irish dian-id, come from a 
primaeval *to-san-iti. So </<zr 72i=O.-Ir. dia-ro, comes from a primaeval to-san-ro. 

The form &z occurs: inan-dernuis 4242. This is = za in the Rolls Tripartite 
Life, p. 258, 1. 28 : innan-dernai, where also it is followed by the enclitic form of the verb. 

The genitive is expressed by isa 38, 2010, 4422. In 727 isa seems to mean 'in 

In participial phrases the relative is placed between the prep, ot (zc) and the verbal 
noun. Thus : in liaigh zc-a rabhafar iarraidh, ' the leech whom they were a-seeking/ 
1390, in talamic-%. tai iarraidh, 'the land which thou art a-seeking/ 3728, in talmain 
ices, rdbutar iar\f\aid 3838, 3843, ' the land which they were a-seeking/ na fleidhi 
oc-a. rdbhadhuis denumh, 'of the feast which thou wast a-making/ 2357. 

In cach-a bhfaghbhaitis, 'whatsoever they would find/ 1308, the relative appears to 
be suffixed to the indefinite pronoun each. So in cacha n-de'nat, ( whatsoever they do/ 
Saltair na Rann, 4167. 

h. Interrogative Pronouns. 
o(what?) 2919. 

caid-e (what is?) IQ89 1 , caidhi 3224. 
can (whence?) 1923, can as' 1715. 

<:'<#/ (what place? dit) 433, 1446, 2664, 3493, 3631, 4152. 
cre't (what thing ? rfi] 3711. 
cuich (who?) 2841, 3669 (whose?), 1165, 2077. 
fz(when?) 755,813, 1194. 
fidh (what is it?) 2638, 4362, 4363, ced 1716: cidh ara-n 758, 1318, 1325, 

1326, 1421, 1543, 1631, 1716, 1719, = cidh ar' 767, 1499, 2263, 2340, 

cidh dia-n 2152, cidh uma-n 104, 3628. 
c'innus (= ce indas, what manner? how?) 1731, 2003. 
ci-p-e (whatever is) 1119, ci-p-innus (howbeit, anyhow) 23, 37, 1276. 
cia (who?) 1457, 3 93j 4 2 53 : &<* I 454> c * a asa 2 903> . i 4086. 

/. Indefinite Pronouns. 

ala-n, ara, 'one of two/ ind-ala n-ai, 'one of the two of them/ 1433, ind-ala n-ae 
1976, 4264, ind-ara, 'one of the two/ 388, 1199, 1359, 1581, 1596-7, 1621, 2413. 
1 This is the corrupt caighe of O'Donovan's Grammar, p. 134, 

i 2 

Ixviii . PREFACE. 

at'le, ' other/ izi, 150, = ele 145, 296, 1254, neut. aill 108, orba n-aill 1896, il-leth 
n-aill igGZifecht n-aill 2788. In 1994 it is used with a fem. noun. 

alaile, 'a certain,' 113. 

araile 166, 483, 557, 828, 894, 922, 1260, 1435, 1442, where it precedes a noun: 
' another/ 146, 911, pi. araili (some) 1920, 1921, 2190, 4247, 4253. Neuter sg. nom. 
araill 1580. 

cdch (=W. pazup), ' each, every one/ 690, 1808, gen. cdich 1971, 2856, dat. cdch 641, 
2752, ace. c&ch-n 852, 86 1, 1102, 1348. 

each, gach=cech infra 521, 850, gen.cacha 517, >n2,gacha 611, 1690, 1856, 2177, 
2473, 2946, 2947, \svtgach 1856, dat. gach 2032, ace. gach-n 1999. With a numeral: 
gach oen 1901 = gach aen 613. 

cech, ' each, every one/ 6, gen. cecha 169, 519, 3920, but cech 3798, dat. cech 69, 2733, 
ace. cech-n 533, 1661, 1973, 2845. With ae, 'eorum': cech ae 143. 

cechtar, ' each/ 4109, cechtar dhe, 'each of the two/ 2259, 34 I - The expression 
cechtar cech ruisc dhou 3798, 'each of his eyes/ lit. 'each of each eye of him/ is a 
curious idiom. 

ceachtardhai, 'both/ 7. 

ce'tna, ' same/ 19, 2004, when it follows the subst. 

nach, ' any/ 1248, neut. nach rc-e'tuch 4066. 

nech, 'some one, something/ 12, 700, 921, 1933, neach 720, sg. gen. neich 480, 
1573, 1972, dat. neoch 704, 711, 1167, 2235, do neoch 517, 4066, 4151, o neoch 2354, 
4144, ace. nech 2219. Like many nouns ending in -ach^ -ech, in the plural this pronoun 
passes, in Middle-Irish, over to the j-declension, and we find, accordingly, in the nom. 
nechi (for neche), LU. 32 a, 46, LB. 224 a, 9, ace. nechi LB. 162 b, 65, dat. nechib 
LU. 97 b, 40. 

nechtar j 'either/ nechtar dhe 1965, nechtar dibh 3804. 

uile t 'all, every, whole/ in az'&-shl6gh 1264, sg. gen. ind uili dhomhain 2342, 3921, 
dat. fem. fo Eirinn uili 3963, pi. nom. na huili 103, 673, 1938, gen. na n-#z7z 682, dat. 
uilib 671, 1134, 3945, 3959, 3962, ace. inna buffi-sea. 1285. 


The verbal prefixes used in these Lives are ro, do, for and no. 

Ro (] is often infixed after the first element of a compound verb. Thus: 
do-ro-chair 1387, 1515, 2607, do-rui-rmeadh 4484, do-ro-thluigh 1260; and with its 
vowel elided : do-r-mfid6, do-i-ecmaing 135, timma-r-nai (by metathesis for timm-r-anai) 
222, 225, do-r-aitne 473, do-i-airngert 763 = do-i-arngert 95, do-i-arrngair 992, co 


fa-r-cabsai 1493, do-r-airngair 1798, do-i-inolat 2066, do-i-imarttis 3619, ni tho-r-chair 
1517. In ro-iecmaing 175, however, it is prefixed to the first element. 

Do for ro occurs in do-gdbhadh 43, do-fuair 275, do-ghab 277, do-cruthatg 
500, do-fregair 1457, do-innis 3670, do-shlanaigh 3723, do-bhui 4754, 
3075, 3211. Conversely, ro for </<? in ro-ghnith 1900, 1965. 

jfyr occurs with verbs beginning withyZ?-. Tihnsfor-facaibh 223, 
$4$,for-facoibh 445, ^..for-fhacoibset iQiOifor-fhacaibsetigoZjf 

No (=Gr. i/u) occurs with the secondary present: no-chaithinn 1050, no-berthea 
115, no-creittea 354, no-oircedh i$2%,no-ceilebraitis 327. J90 for <? occurs in Dochei- 
leabratiis 3609. 


In Irish, as in Greek and Latin, verbs are non-thematic or thematic. The former 
add the endings directly to the root. The latter add the endings to the stem. 

Only two thematic verbs can be quoted, i and es, both used as verbs substantive. 
Perhaps also fi L 

Non-thematic verbs fall into three classes : 
0-verbs, such as -biur, berim. 
a-verbs, such as caraim. 

f-verbs, such as at-ciu, and also perhaps /-verbs, of which the only ex- 
ample is do-gniu, conj. do-gnto. 

They correspond respectively with the Latin third, first and' fourth conjugations. 
If do-gniu be an /-verb, it may be classed with Latin verbs of the second conju- 

Traces of the four original stem-systems the present, aorist, perfect, and future 
are visible in Old-Irish, and even in these Lives. In the present-system the person- 
endings fall into two classes, primary and secondary. The primary endings, 
commonly called absolute forms, occur in simple verbs standing by themselves. 
The secondary endings, commonly called the conjunct forms, occur in compound 
verbs and also in simple verbs when preceded by certain particles. In Latin the 
secondary endings supersede the primary; but in Irish the primary endings super- 
sede the secondary. This supersession had begun in Old-Irish, where we find in 
the first sg. (e. g.) for-con-grimm (praecipio) an&for-chamm. (doceo) side by side with 
for-con-gur %&&for-chun. 

Most compound verbs have two forms the non-enclitic, or ' orthotonic,' in which 
the accent falls on the second element, and the enclitic, in which the accent shifts 
back to the first element. This shifting takes place after the compound relative pro- 


noun and the negative and interrogative particles. Imperatives, conjunctives used 
as imperatives, verbal nouns and verbal adjectives are accented like the enclitic forms. 
Examples * in these Lives are : 

Non-enclitic. Enclitic. 

do-rdti*\6\, dordlsat 1811, dorddadh 1836 co tdrt 2632, ni tdrd 1763. 

do-r-dir-n-gair 1798 tdirngire, 

dobtra 1859 in tibhirter, ni tibirter 2273. 

adrdcht 1877, adr&set 1882 firigh 2167, tirg 2040. 

atbtrt 1881, an-atbere 2018 dbair 2336. 

dogniu-sa 1881, doghni 2046, 2484, ) f a ndinaim 1604, <&## 1905, ni d/rnad 

doghniat\w\)a ndortiine 2450, doro- > -\ 2199, *' ndtrnuis 4242, c<? ndtrnsat 

nad, dor6nuis 2312, dordnsat 2518 / ' 2325. 

tf/rfw 1671, 2051 con-dccatar 1907. 

fordcaib cofdrcuibh 1954. 

atbtlim co n-tipilt 2327. 

The enclitic form has supplanted the non-enclitic in the Modern Irish, and has 
nearly done so in the language of these Lives. 

The Irish tenses are in number thirteen, and fell into three groups, expressing re- 
spectively the present, the past, and the future. 

L The present (indicative and conjunctive) ; imperative ; secondary present ; 
consuetudinal present. 

II. The perfect. The simple aorist. The /-preterite. The sigmatic aorist. 

The preterite in ai and /. 

III. The reduplicated future. The sigmatic future and conjunctive. The 
future in b. 

In addition to these, we have the verbal noun (i.e. the infinitive) and the verbal 
adjectives (i.e. the participles passive). 

The Present Indicative. 

It is not easy here to distinguish the three Old-Irish classes : 0-verbs, a-verbs and 
J-verbs. Berim 728, at-berim 2232, eadpruim 1303, cumngaim 1412, teigem 1538, 
belong to the first: caraim 908, leghaim 4149, to the second; and to the third dilim 
1772, at-ciu I4o6=aftfm 1671, 2051, atcim . . . ni fhaicim 2659, nns-faicim 1546, 
and do-ghniu 1881, unless indeed this last verb belongs to the -class. 

In the 3rd sg. pres. indie, act. the following agree with the Old-Irish paradigm of 

1 In these examples the apex (') marks stress, not, as usual, length, 


o- verbs : no-s-beir 448, at-leir 10, 125, 727, do-s-beir 1034, con-apair 672, i-ic 436, 
1126, 1998, 2176, r-ic 884, t-fit 434, 698, a/^// 43, ^zo,^6it-fet 153, / /<?a 880, 
do-fussim $o,facaibh *joo=facmbh 698, cumhaing 1756, tecmhaing 1640, do-eiprinn 

<iz rtzra 3935 and doforne 798, 4613 are examples of the same person and tense 
of an <?-verb. 

Examples of the same person and tense of /-verbs are ataoibhi iiz^^zatoibe 18, 
doaitne 4016, and #^3145. 
But we often find the absolute ending added to compound verbs. Thus : 

0-verbs: im-comaircid 1178, io-chmaircidh 2797, tair-beridh 1316, tu-itid 1593, 

tairisidh 51, 1884, aitchidh 131.6, facbhaidh 2883, timaircidh 2908. 
<z-verbs : air-Uguidh 550, toirnidh 935. 
z- verbs : tuislidh 826, aitchidh 1316, cotlaidk 1914, erailidh 2951 = urailidh 


So in many others whose class is not certain: aisnfidhidh 390, tairrngidh 1640, 
osluicid 1985, timnuid 2047. 

So in the plural : we have in the first person at-damam 2166, but also r-ecmait 1806, 
and ni cumhgamait 1805 ; in the second person do-ghnfaid 1972, *?z<2 n-adhraidh 2017, 
but also r-icthe 1835; in the third person do-berat 1349, 4028, at-berat 637, at-fiadat 
39, /-<?^z/ 2829, but also do-bear ait no, /-*ra# 681. 
Deponential forms are sg. i, addgur 1562 ; pi. 3, * n-aitchetar 2608. 

Present Conjunctive. 

Here there is nothing noteworthy. As usual in Middle-Irish, the ist sg. has a 
deponential ending. 

Sg. i. co ro faillsigiur 2195, cunnfacar 3674, itairisiur 4363, forruca (leg. cor- 
rucd) 1564. 

2. 020/Z0 ^/?ra 4669, </(? &r* 4250, w /m 4382, co n-a5r* 308, nirochuingea-sa 

1391, co ndtghi-sa. 182, f bhfaghbhu-sa. 2578, renu-sa ug8, wzwa thabra 

3. rfziz n-edbra 4174, rfz bhfoghna 4175, </2 /ar/a 4618, ro-m-bera 4185, ^ ro 

ghabha 2712, ro-bherinacha 1670, cu toghabha 3453, c^w^, doghne 1137, 
da n-derna 946, 3715, gu-n d!?mz 1083, iQ-chuingea 1391, cu ro 
z><r<? 2020, cu rofreagra 2893, na tibhre 3021. 
PI. i. co n-accamar 2tf8=con-n/%acamar 1320, ro-airiltnigem 2785. 

2. r&ghnethe 3918. 

3. cu w-lasat 84, f// doghneat 2102, co /?faz'/ 681. 


The Imperative. 

Here, as in Old-Irish, the stress is always on the first element of compound verbs : 
Sg. i. nacha-t-dicim-sea, 'let me not see thee,' 2297. 

2. dbuir 3493, dirim 1248, dlaigh 1535, dtna 1560, 1622, 3455, 3459, tirg-si 

4234,f6ghuin 1303, indis 1415, imthigh 3410, 3456, tdbair 1408, 1410, 

3. firgedh 2922, 3020, nachat-geibhedh 2864, forced 2078, Idbradk 2536, 

PL i. i/cam-ne 3178, tiagham 1384, 4681, scaram 2517, frnuighium 4672. 

2. tdrduidh 314, linaidh 1297, dbraidh-s\ 4223, denaidh 3^6=zdfauidh 3101, 

fdcbhuidh 3852, 4447, tirgid 4313 = eircidh <m*],f6mmd 347, t&aidh 
3853, tticaidh 4314, ro-m-Uicid z6z,fliirghidh 2344. 

3. >*/ 2543, <fcW 2543, StrgM(leg. tirgket) 2975, tf<oga/ 2314. 

A 2nd sg. in -/ is finnta 332 =findtae, Corm. s. v. <9/Y /r/z/. The form pritchai 
1530 is obscure. The 3rd sg. &?/ i{547, which is probably a mistake for gniath, 
seems an instance of the ^-conjunctive used for the imperative. 

Secondary Present. 

Here, as elsewhere in Irish, we have middle forms with active meanings. Thus : 
Sg. i. do-bherainn 1328, ni thibhrinn 1522, nochaithinn iotfi,co-ro-s-fegainn 1827, 
co-ro-s-bennachainn 1827. 

2. dia\nd\m-gabtha-sa 1015, dianom-soertha 1539, condernta-sa 2675, noberfhea 

115, nocreittea 354. 

3. <z/<r(?/^ 2737=z&$ 3382, a/rf</^ 3384, do-n-athuiged 156, no-fhorchanad 156, 

no-oircedh 1528, teched 4833, toimniudh \^,foghnad 144 =foighmth 144,' 
*za hapladh 921, #<z habradh 1455, fo tartad 1731, do-r-uirmeadh 4484. 
PI. 2. raghne'the 3918. 

3. dobertis 108, 4833, no-clechtaiais 168, no-ceileabraitis 327, dognitis 4833 
(but doghne'tts 3901), r comraicdis 549, roa r<? aitreabdaiss 2200, 
derndais 3923. 

This termination is also used to express the passive: ro-phiandais 375, ro w 
2///j 2722. 

Here the ending of the 2nd sg. is explained by the Skr. middle secondary ending 
-/to; the ending of the 3rd sg. by the Skr. middle secondary ending -/a (Gr. 
-ro); and the ending of the 3rd pi. by the Skr. middle primary ending -<z/i? (Gr. -omu) 
with a suffixed j which is still obscure. The Skr. middle primary ending -te (Gr. -rat) 
explains the absolute forms of the 3rd sg. secondary present active, such as foaid 


(dormiebat), canaid and cachnaith (canebat), iccaid (sanabat) 1 and passive of which 
only one instance is quotable, viz. melaid (molebatur) Fe*L Jul. 12. In the ist sg. the 
-ainn seems = the Zend middle conj. ending -dni?-. 

Consuetudinal Present. 

Of this tense not a single instance has been found in an Old-Irish codex ; and in 
these Lives it occurs only in the 3rd sg. act. after infixed pronouns and negative 
particles. Thus : 

nos-benann 1033, cunagabann 3192. 

nos-marbhann 97 (-=.nos-marbhunn 1033), ni etarscarann 700, nifhdsann 702, mina 
faemhann 2923, ni tectann 3934, nos-aitredbhann 4343, triasa-bhfeghann 4614. 

It seems to have been originally a middle participle comparable with Latin forms 
like secunnus (usually secundus], from *secomnos=tir6nevos ) ferundus=<pep6[ifvos, and 
Oscan u#sannam=La.t. operandum 2 . 

The Perfect. 

The forms of the perfect which occur in these Lives will here be arranged in the 
alphabetical order of the roots : 

ank, 'go ' : sg. 3. i-dinic 20, idinig 5, t-air-nic 1475 ; pi. \.t-dncamur 1280, t-dncumar 
2345, r-dncamar 2340; pi. 2. t-dncabar 4815; pi. 3. t-dncatar 618, r-dncatar 134. 

ba, bu, ' be,' sg. i. ro-bhd-sa 175; sg. 3. bdi 257, bd 39, but 27, pi. 3. bdtar 71, ro- 
bdtar 41, and (without the deponential ending) bat 4676. 

ed, 'eat/ sg. 3. duaid 4087 ; pi. 3. co n duatar 3752. 

kar, ' decay,' do-ro-chair 1387, gu to-r-chair 826. 

kes, 'see/ sg. 3. con-ac-r# 794, con-f-acai 1636; pi. i. con-f-acamar 1623; pi. 3. 
con-ac-catar 1907, con-ac-catur 893, co bhf-acatar 33, at-connaic pi. at-conncatar 964, 
is due to a confusion with the forms from */derk, infra. 

kens, ' suffer/ ro-cesair 153. 

i.kud, 'go': sg. 3. do-chuaidh 97; pi. i. do-de-chamar 3833; pi. 3. do-chuatar 
403, na tairm-dhechadar 4521. 

2. kud, 'utter/ sg. 3. con ecidh 276, at-cdaidh 582, 2516. 

klu, 'hear': sg. 3. ro-cuala 166, at-cuala 181 ; pi. 3. cualatur 828, gu cualatar 
2027, ro-chualatar 1068, at-ctialatar 3266. 

derk, ' see/ sg. 3. at-con-nairc 4, 34, 962. 

gad, 'ask,' pi. 3. ro-gddatar 2692, n> n-gtiidetar 2682. 

, 'to be born/ sg. 3. ro-ge'natr 49j 57, 1892. 

gus, ' choose/ sg. 3. do-roe-ga 1354. 

1 Windisch, Kuhn's Zeitschrift xxvii. 157. 
"- 2 Br^al, Mtmoires de la Soctitt de Linguitfique vi. 412. 



lang, ' endure/ sg. ^.for-er-langair 4215. 

lam, ' dare,' sg. 3. ro-lamhair 1276, nilamhair 2024. 

li, 'adhere,' sg. 3. ro-lil 141, 3188. 

lud, 'go,' sg. 3. luidh 471, do-lluidh 207 479; pi. i. lodamur-ne 3817; pi. 3. 

, ' think/ sg. i. do-ru-mtnar-sa 3225. 

/, 'break,' sg. 3. ro-mhebhaidh 3001, 3288, cur'mhelhaid 4134; pi. 3. r0- 
mhebhaiar* 2972. For -memhaidh, -memhaadatar . 

med, ' think,' sg. i. do-midar-sa 2039 ; sg. 3. ro-midir 322 ; pi. 3. ro-midhafar 394. 

a/&5, sg. 3. caem-nacazr, 'potuit,' 1456, 2^^z,for-caemh-nacair, 'factum est/ 4041. 

rat, sg. 3. ro-im-raith 1227. Go\h. froth. 

ri (frompn), 'grant' : sg. 3. ro-d-rir 195. Cf. irepvas, (irpiaiujv. 

skvag, sg. $.ro-scdich 2006, 4191. AS. sc6c. 

sed, 'sit,' dessidh 4, 17, deissidh 22, conessidh 2512. 

svand, pi. 3. ro-s-toi-fnetar 4054. 

/(?/, 'beg,' (/a>5 according to Windisch, Kuhn's Zeitschrift xxiii. 216), pi. 3, m- 
ai-tchetar 2608. Cf. AS. thicgan, O. Sax. thiggjanP 

tark, ' desire,' sg. 3. du-thracair 1355. 

Fuair, 'found,' pi. i. fuaramur 3821; pi. 3. fuaratar 244, fuafutar 5, is also, 
probably, a perfect, but its root has not been ascertained. The same may be said of 
dorala 4692, 4741, tarla, pi. 3 doralatar 4662, conus-tarlatar 4096. 

The Simple Aorist. 

To this tense the following forms appear to belong : 
Sg. 3. tall 317, 1673, nt char 1716, bha 3368. 

Old- Irish examples of this tense seem combach (gl. fregit), congab, conggab (cohsedit), 
facab,fdccab (reliquit), cu-t-secar (consecravit eum) all from the Book of Armagh. 
Perhaps also ches (passus est), Ml. 44^ 2. 

The following examples of the ist and 3rd pi. are doubtful, as they may possibly 
be praeterito-presents, i. e. presents made preterites by prefixing or infixing ro- or do-. 
PI. i. adubhramar 3671. 

3. do-thiagat 2610, ro-tairrngii 2259, ro-tocbait 2488, ro-adhnaicit 2498, ro 

fuirmit 2207. 

With deponential endings: ro-edbradair 373, ro-thocait(K}etar 173, ro-sMnetar 
1213, ro-imretar 1216, ro-fhuacratar 1223, r'indisetar 4791. 

1 From such, forms the mediaeval Irish inferred a root mebh, whence mebhais 4051, = 
4401, ro-mebsat 3497, curo-mhebhatar 2972, fw? mhebadh, 1553, nomhebddis,,orra.. s. v. pnill. 


The ^-preterite. 

The origin of this tense has been discussed by Siegfried 1 , Windisch 2 , Strachan s , 
and Zimmer 4 . Some of the forms, at-balh (periit), do-breth (dedit), dith (suxit), im- 
ru-laid, ro-cel (cecinit), LU. 40 b, 8, from *ro-canto, ar-ro-tt (accepit) from *are-ro-emto. 
do-r-tt (velavit) from *to-ro-yemto, ro-dti (passus est) from *ro-damto, may be compared 
with Greek non-sigmatic aorists middle like e-irra-ro, dir-ovrj-ro, y/ro, KWTO, and perhaps 
2\ro, &PTO. Others may be sigmatic aorists middle, like Scro, Xro, I/*IKTO, ITJJKTO (from 
8eK-fr-TO, XCK-O--TO, ffUK-ir-TO, mjK-<r-To), irdXro (from TraX-o-ro), the sound-groups kst, 
gsf, rsf, hi regularly becoming, in Irish, cht, rt, It 6 . It is supposed that from the 
3rd sg. the / passed to the other persons. 

The following examples of the 3rd sg. of this tense occur in these Lives : 
, ' attain ' : rocht 793, do-rocht 48, 822, ni tho-r-aci 2553. 
, 'protect': ros-anacht 1923. 

Val, 'nurture': 2842. 

Vba, 'die': at-bath 113, 2761, 2762. 

Vbal, 'perish': er-lailt 103, 233, 826, con-eipilt 2327. 

V&er, 'bear': at-bert, 106, 114, 188, adubairt 104, 443, as-lert\%$, 571 = is-lert 
117, 184. But also do breath 116, 315, 2906, do-breth 316, 2614, 2841, 2856. 

Vem, 'take' : ro-et 230, aro-et 253, ar-ro-fl 643. 

*/gar, 'call' : do-r-air-n-gert ^763. 

Vrag: adracht 1204, at-racht 1343, 1485, con-er-racht 1035. 

Vseq, ro-siacht (*se-sakt?) 214, 3161, ra-siacf, do-riacht 187, 603, cu riacht 3089. 

*/veq , 'say' : ro-fiar-facht 570, ro-fiar-focht 1043, ro-fhiar-facht 2657. 

Examples of the 3rd pi. are : 

dorochtatar 2968, cu rochtatar 3001, 3022. 

asbertadar, 'they said/ 31^9. 

atrachtatar 2338, adrachfatar 2386, 3046, adrachtatur 2379, ni errac tatur 1575. 

riachtatar 3226, riachfadar 3073, doriachtatar 2954, doriachtadar 2352. 

Examples of the other persons are rare in these Lives, 
Sg. 2. errachtair 2660, perhaps an error for errachtais. 
PI. i. dorochtamar 2429. 

2. dorochtabair 3102. 

The Sigmatic Aorist. 

Three varieties of this aorist appear to have existed in Irish. In one (long since 
obsolete) the tense-sign s is added directly to the root. In the second, a vowel (e ?) 

1 Kuhn's Beitraege vi. 15, 16. 2 Ibid. viii. 442-470. 

3 Bezzenberger's Beitraege xiii. 128. 

* Kuhn's Zeitschrift xxx. 198-217, 456-459. 5 Siegfried, ubi supra. 



appears to have been placed between the j and the root. In the third (still living) 
the tense-sign seems to be ss, and is, perhaps, the reflex of the Lat. ss in forms like 
amasso, and even of the Skr. sish-. 

The following (most of which were collected by Zimmer 1 ) are instances of the 
first variety: 

ar-t-cm-aingim : ar-r-ecaim, ' it came to pass/ LL. 53 b, 3. 

com-bongim: do combai (.1. dobris) iarom Aifi a arm or Coinculainn (then Aifi 
broke his weapons for Ciichulainn), Tochm. Emere, Stowe MS. 

con-icim, ' I can' : Lingis in demun i flic in rigthige suas 7 ni r choem in tene ni d6 
(the Devil leapt up on the rooftree of the palace and the fire could do nothing to him) 
LB. 219 c. 5. 

dligim, ' I owe' : amal <///, LU. 36 a, 43. 

do-e'-cm-aingim : do-r-e'caim, ' it happened,' LL. 54 b, 36. 
for-4-cm-aingim : bar-r-e'caim, LL. 1 74 b, 26, 176 a, 24. 
fo-rilhim, 'I succour': ra-fiir, LL. Sob, 43. 

for-maidim, ' I break ' : farruma, LL. 125 b ; forrumai, LU. 59 a, 44 ; farrumai, 
LU. 97 b, 18 ; forrubai, LL. 245 b, 18 ; niforroim LU. 69 a. 

imm-t-cm-aingim : *imm-r-ecaim = imreaccuibk .1. teagmhail, O'Cl. 

suidim, 'I sit' : seiss, ' he sat/ LL. 108 a, 22, etc. 

Possibly also maidim, 'I break': mebais (for *memais] LU. 48 b, 26; but this 
may be a formation from an imaginary root meb. 

Deponential forms are -arlasair, ' he called ' ^ad-ro-glad-s-air), siasair (' he sat '), 
and the compound tarrasair, tarasair 1075, 1891, from *to-air-ro-siassair. 

The forms c6em (ex *c&m-i-ang-s-), siasair from *si-sed-s-ar-i, and possibly mebais 
(ex *mi-mad-s-i) should perhaps be regarded as the simple aorists of old desideratives 2 . 

The above forms all belong to the o-class. 

Of the second variety the only quotable instance isfetar, ' I know/ which Thurney- 
sen 3 explains as from *vid'sar, *vid-e-sa-r. The following occur in these Lives: 

Sg. i. rofhetar-sa 1447, 2299, nifhetar 2906, nifetur-sa 4455. 

2. nifhetraissi (for ni 'f he fair-si) 2299. 

3. rofhitir 3451, 4039, ni fhitir 827 (fhidir) 329, dofhitir 1735, rofhidir 

2425, ro-dus-fidir 2733. 
PI. i. rafhetamar 333, 4244, dofhetamur 2320. 

2. rofhetidh^) 

3. rofhetatar 1871, rofhedatar 1600. 

1 Kuhn's Zeitschrift xxx. 129-134, 149. 

2 See as to siasair Zimmer in Kuhn's Zeitschrift xxx. 127, 128. Whitney, 1033, quotes two 
aorists, trtsis and acikitsis, as being desiderative forms. 

3 See Kuhn's Zeitschrift xxvii. 174, xxviii. 151. 


The third, or jvr-preterite, is found only with the a-, e-, and I- verbs. 

The double s is here found written in dordnaiss (fecisti) 2271 znd.feraiss 3725. 
The tense-sign is absent from the conjoined form of the third person singular (which 
may perhaps be a relic of the simple aorist active), but is found in the absolute 
form of the same person. Thus anai's 1342, benais 1246, bendachais 285 (bennacfiais 
100, 503, 935, 1886, bennuighis 568), ceileabhrais 445, 520, creitis 253, 449, cuiris 
261, dermatais 1039, faeidhis 1865, feraiss 3275 (feruis 448), fergaighis 1903, 
foihaighis 429, 560, 891, fuidhis 479, gabhats 891, 1395, (gabhuis 258, 822), 
glanais 124, scarais 207, seacais 279, sUchtais 3736, -fcfowV in. The tense-sign is 
also present in conjoined deponential forms, such as ro-fhothaigestar 518, ro-oirdnesdar 
518, ro-faitbeastar 1296 (rofaitbeasdar 938), ro-shtnastar 947, ro-shttastar 1000, 
ro-raidestar 1141, acobhrastar 1311, ro-opastar 1333, ro-fherastar 1361, ra-coim- 
prestar 1454. 

In the 2nd pi. we have -^/V added to the tense-sign : ro-treicseabhuir 723. 

In the 3rd pi. we sometimes have a deponential ending: tallsatar 387. 

The w-preterite replaces the /-preterite in ro-edbairset 576, ro-freacairset 238, 
ro-anaicset 1926, ro-aircset 1952. 

The w-ending is added to the /-ending in at-bertsat 1879, ro-ortsat 1952, do-rochtus 
2426, 2429. 

The w-ending is sometimes added to forms of the perfect : Thus : sg. i, aduadhus 
1635, sg. 2, dechadais 2554, tudhcadais 604, tdnacais 2904 (tangais 1415), rdnacais 
4145 ; pi. 3, do-n-ucsaf 521, rucsat 2499. 

The Preterite in -0z, -z*. 

Of this ending, which has been equated with the Welsh -0#4 now -0</</, ex -dyat-=. 
Lith. -^ only five instances are found in these Lives : 
ro-pritchai 172, 685 = raproitche 2720, timarnai 222, 225. 

5. The Reduplicated Future. 

Sg. i. Conjoined forms : no-rag 2041, 2064, inge'bh 2042, dogtn-sa i^^,fot'ghen 

4364, dobhfr 4222, a/3/r 4383. 

Absolute forms : ragat -$\z, ragat-sa 2420, Mrat-sa 80 1, and toictbhut-sa 
1 159> where an absolute is wrongly used for a conjoined form. 

2. Conjoined : tarsa raghai 2034, f0 mb/ra-sa 796, at-bera 1305, at-Mra-sa 

1387, a/&$z 605, a ng&ha 2043. 
Absolute: gebha-sa 2067. 

3. Conjoined: rfara ra^a 2242, dorega 756, z' tharga 297,^2' thargha 4794, 

dobhera 1855, do-s-bfra 974, M/ra 771, <fo aircebha 1905, 1906, 
no-s-faicfl>ha, 1054, dingne 622. 

Ixxviii PREFACE. 

Absolute: raghaidh 1979, btraid 1171, gignidh 1847, foigtnaidh 1180, 

where an absolute is used for a conjoined form. 
Relative: gignes 533, ghtbhus 613, foightnus 1837, where an absolute is 

used for a conjoined form. 
PI. i. Conjoined: no-ragam 2556, doWram 4233, foibtram 1978, dogMnam 1387, 

1471, dogMnum-ne 4232, 4445. 
Absolute: raghmait 1972, 1980, 4447, MrmatiiySo, 1981, gttmaitne 4254. 

2. Conjoined: doghtnaidh 4%6,foghtf>aidh 4313. 

Absolute (used for conjoined) :fogkfl>hthaii6Q4, tfooJotgMttafiStf, 4697. 

3. Conjoined: doragat 336, fogMbut 691, doghtnat i8s8,foigh&iat 1883. 
Absolute : raghail 621, /## 3477, 

Secondary forms of this tense are : 

Sg. i. ragutnn 226, nofreictruind 226, nofhoigMnaind 1540. 

2. na gtbhtha-sa 2346, dogtnta 2263. 

3. ragtf^ 1487, gMtad 2097, nogh&hudh 2621, no-m-gebhudh-sa 2574, 

dogMnadh 3725, c bhfotghe'nadh 4269. 
PL i. #0 raghmais 2555. 

3. doghendais 2935, 3924. 
In aidheorus 3346 and rocennechtha this tense has overstepped its limits. 

The Sigmatic Future and Conjunctive. 

These futures and conjunctives are found only in verbs belonging to the 
In the following instances they are futures, comparable, apparently, with Greek 

forms like 8'|o), oreit-oa. 

Sg. i. intan /-ziw 2297. 

2. ocus ro-seis 2067, ad-reis 2660. 

3. ocus r^-(Z 801, do-rua 2591, ad-rae 1768, <fev$ 2!7ii. 
PI. 3. ad-reset 620, ad-resset 1882. 

The following are conjunctive forms : 

Sg. i. d& ndeochus-sa 308, co rz's-sa^zi, co forus-sa. 3416. Deponential: cu /war 
2315, co ndtghser 3738. 

2. f a rfo 2136, /azir 1344, 3415, &r 3453, fair-si 226 (where the conjunc- 

tive is used for an imperative). Deponential: co Ifesair 185, r&fheisir 

3. ra r<?a 1374, (" /(9r 3773, w^w /^ 2449, /5/ 2711, co ro-s-foire 3171. 

PI. i. co-risium 650, f0 rosium ing, f0 rw'j^/ 2501, ro-issem 1116, ra-issam 


1773, and (with the preservation of the final consonant of the root, never 
found in Old-Irish) co ndighsium 106. Deponential : diafesamur 2290. 

PL 3. co tisat 355, no-t-gessiut 692, co ndichset 621. 

Secondary forms of this tense are: 

Sg. i. cloisinn 226, darmo-ihiasainn 4455. 

2. tista 2263. 

3. cofesadh 2909 = co bhfesadh 1729, ro-fesadh 329, mina thised 1487, atfessed 

2228, roissed 2367, raised 2075, torsedh 4461 = tairseadh 4050, comhair- 

sedh 2738. 

PL 3. /fr/tof 2072, toirsitis 2073, ro dechsatais 1873, ro ndighsitis 122. 
The /-future, of which a few examples occur (but not in these Lives), originated, 
perhaps, in the sg. 3 of a middle form of this tense. 

The B-future. 

This tense, the Celtic reflex of the Latin futures in -b, occurs only in the a and J 
verbs. The following examples will suffice : 

Sg. i. Absolute form: reacfat -Lt.'&^faittsighfel-sabtft. 

3. Conjoined form: ticfa 4696, dotheperfea 2181, doaitnebha 4017, toduiscfe 

4023, no-chnaife 2184, na brisfe 2187. 
Absolute: suidhfidh 626, midhfidh 627, geinfidh 768, tarmnaighfidh 1181, 

airchisfidh 4309. 
Relative: suidhfes 623, fhoillsighfes 789, gheinfes 939, thaitnigkfes 1171, 

#? 3778, <fcw#fc 3778. 
PL i. Absolute form : anfamit, 4372, 4446. 

2. t-icfaidhi 3699, where the absolute is used for the conjoined form. 

3. rofhinnfat 3935. 

Secondary forms of this tense are : 

Sg. 3. no-fhastfadh 170, no loiscfedh 164, comarleicfeadh 185, chaifedh 259, aja 
tomlaifedhi63,escomlwfedh \Q*i*i,conicfedh io&5,noforuaish'gh/eadh 1196. 
PL 3. do-t-icfatis 1354, <& tinnscainfitis 2936, creitfitis 164. 


In the present indicative we find the following : 
Sg. i. do-m-berur 3751. 
2. do-t-berur 1312 

-- . 

^rar 2831, 3009, beruir 782, ^rr 2391, doberar 2408, 2832, 2837, 4251, 
doberur 2447, asberar 3007, atberar 4600, 4607 = atberur 2556, 2827, 


4507 = aderar 4508, itberur 25, frisin-apar y>*i$-=frisin-abar 3142, 
atfiadar 2504, 55915, atfiadar 2505, itfiadhar 15, fogabhur 2556, 4617, 
facdbar 3404, /Vrar 862 = /<?0zr 2836, tiaghar 2855, tiaghur 1243, 
dleghar 2874, dogarar 2093. 

With the /ar- suffix : comuillter 126 = comalltur 392, adaiter 267, asa T\-aicter 495, 
fergaigther 563, 2917, erdraicighter 667, airmighter (i.e. dtrmither) 671, 
innister 691, raitter 928, marbhtar 950, loisder 2873, z tibirter 1016, 
sldnaigter 1340, foillsigter 1632, 2878, 2880, baitter 2092, 2306, cuirter 
2409, /rz'aAz nighter 2458, dogniter 2799, dogntthir 4067, dognither 4076, 
dichuirter 2800, 2887, idlaicter 2813,2814, azTfer 2837, lonnaighter 2854, 
imdergthar 2862, triasa bhfursanntar 2459, 6 cumhduighter 2467, triasa 
ndailter 2468, cosmailighter ^^ferlhar 3034. 

PI. 3. iochuirter 679, 683, 686, buailter 2899. In ainicer 3121, &rar ^6^ } facbaitker 
4448, the sg. is used for the pi. 

Conjunctive, sg. 3: cw tiaghar 4825 : with the /or- suffix: f<? 7*0 sentar 1345, > 
faghthar 1585, r0 tumthar 1996, curo-biattar 2121, co nderntar 2428, 
* 0di derntar 3456, euro fuirmidter 2592. 

Examples of the imperative are : 
Sg. i. no-m-berur 4452. 

3. doberur 263, tabhur 572, 2952, leagtir 2848, 3177, tiaghar 3082 : with the 
far- suffix: baistter 263, tucthar 633, 1320, suidigter 634, biattar 2090, 
adnaicter 2274, robentar 4660, dlsfo/ar 2587, ^g^fuillter 2953. 

Examples of the secondary present are : 

Sg. 3. dordnta 1490, ro w dernta in, wz' ^r/^<? 499, berthea 115, 1522 = nobertha 
3706, doberthe 1689, cfo &?r/&2 2341, aja tabartha 2159, fora tabartha 
4219, atberthea 1762, 2555, 3257, </ziz marbhtha 3095, noloiscthea 125, 
roMctha 178, ro gnzthea 269, ni lamhtha 270, lo-haduighthea (i. e. aduithea) 
270, cu nach gabhtha 369, 3<fz'/fe 958, wa: mbertha 1490, ar^ ebertha 
1338, dobertha 1365, 2919, wo iuctha 1609, arwa haiceasda 2302, 
co /ar<//te 2480, <ro mblighthe 3398, cluinti 830, </<? cluinti 3419, but 
atcluintea 3425, rz'//z' 2112, foro soeirtea 3441, nohairUghtha 3706, 
euro gairdighthe 4473. 


Sg. i. ro-m-comhdirmeadh 1583, rocaithed 1677, r<?r baithedh 1594, rocuiredh 1643, 
tucad 41, 261, dobreth, dobreath 206, 235, 900, doronad 635, 866, a ndernad 
333? fl r-hithed 390, adubhradh 401, _/rz'//& 463, ro ^K</ 2688, 1381, 


1652 = dosoud 2686, rocrechtnaigedh 1388, rosldnaigedh 1393, dogabadh 
1396, rofuasloicedi^QQ, euro saerad 1459, roforlhudh 1377, rosoerud 1330, 
ro hesreideth 42, dogabhadh 43, rofothaiged 63, rosuidhighed 84, rosinedh 
2591, robaistedh 64. 

Sg. 3. rom6rad 119, ro hadnacht 645, 2348, rohorl 136, doralad 1348, 1403, 

rofodhlad 1360. 

Where the root ends in a dental or j : do-ctias 565, 1936, #/-<:& 1931, at-cuas 
2969, 3215, o'tcuas 2650, a/-y 1918, 2307, conn-dees 2092, a <zw 3355, 
ni focus 3804, /ar/Jw 640, 792, 853, 1630, 2417, ro */< 1220, 2249, r/iw 
954, 0/V/o.r 3418, fes 2559. 

By analogy to these forms we have /EOTOU (ventum est) 4148 = / 1677, 
2087, ro&w 237, tias 375, 1397, teraw 750. 
PI. 3. ro-horta 136, ro tinoiltea 171, robaithfea 394, /to/yfo 561, 2333, rohtcta 1389, 

rolerthea 2626, ro-hedpartha 2547, dordnta 1616, ro j^r/a 1476. 
doratail 835, /faz'/ 1660, rucaid (for rucaif) 3993, robennatd 1574 = 
robenuit 4092, roldidhit 2333, rosoudhait 2853, rofrithailit 2954, romdraid 
3192, na-r-leicit 3697. 

Here it will be observed that neither in the singular nor the plural does the 
particle ro- cause aspiration of the following consonant. 


Sg. 3. gignither 759, 1838, 1843, bfrthilr 1860, 3907, doMrthar 2482, 2569 = 
dobfrthur 1523, 1544, 2440, dobertar 4251, dogfntar 1474, w* condingfatar 
19535 ni gebthar 2129, 2130. 
Secondary forms : nagtbhtha 2096, dobertha 2568 = dobtrthi 4080. 


Sg. 3. nifestar 2593, ^iz /zj/ar 4223, ni tadhbhaister 3504. 

Secondary forms : no-hadnasta 632, no-d-adhnas'ta 632, 635. 


Sg. i. no-m-muirlfiter 310. 

3. z' baithfiter 334 = z' baithfidir 2241, m baithfider 2448, laidhfider 4299, 
loiscfider 4299, 4300, comuittfider 1221, tuaslaicfiter 1524, docuirfither 
2201, leicfiter 2311, nocha pianf aider 4262, sdsfuider 4295. 
PI. i. non-sdsfaiter 1474. 

Secondary forms : gonfaithi 948, no-laistfithe 4019, leicfithe 3332. 




These linguistic notes may fitly conclude with the following list of the words in the 
Lives borrowed from Latin and other languages. 



abb 4353 ; ab 4355 ; gen. abadh 4350. From Lat. 
abbas, abbatis. Hence abdhaine, 'abbacy' 4250 ; 
=apdhaine 2049, 2531, 2884; aipdine 2048. 

Abraham, W. Awraham (i.e. Afraham), Efream, 
Yfraham. From Abraam. 

acarbh, n. pi. acgarba 36 1 8. From Lat. acerbus, 
as pronounced by a Briton, the b being, ac- 
cording to Guterbock (Lateinische Lehnwb'rter 
im Irischen), infected by the r. Cf. Lat. curuis 
=corbis, Sg. 67 a. Hence agairbhe 4538. 

achtail 1018. From Lat. actn&lis. 

Adam, gen. Adaim 4495, Adhuim 4578 ; W. 
Adam, Adda. Front Adam. 

adrad 375, verbal noun of adrazm =La.t. odoro. 

aeine, gen. dat. sg. 2 3 7 2, 2 3 74. See Sine, fr.jeune. 

aer, sg. ace. 795, gen. aeir 799. From Lat. der. 

Aibel 4494. W. Abel, Afel. From Abel. 

aibghiter 814, 823, ace. -ir 814. W. egivyddor. 
From Lat. abecedariiim. 

aicen 3566, 3594. From Lat. oceanus. 

aiciupt, gen. -a 828, 843, gen. aicipta4i52 =aic- 
ciupta 4319. Cf. accepturium ,i. lectionem. 

aifrenn 517. See oifrenn. 

alien 505. From O. Norse eyland. 

aingeal 123, 156, aingiul 3356, gen. aingil 158, 
181. W. angel, pi. engyl, Corn, ail, Br. el. 
From Lat. angelus. Hence 'Singlecdha 1104, 


allt 4834. From Lat. altus. 
almsa 3272, gen. almsan 2034, but almsaine 

1428, 1579; pi. dat. almsanuibh 630; ace. 

almsana 1811, 3395. Cf. ced-almsa 3351. 

From Lat. elimosyna, with the change of e to 

a found also in sabaltair (sepultura), Sapaist 

(Sebastianus), saraphin (seraphim), 
altoir 64, ace. altoir 2110, pi. n. altoire 305. 

W. allor, Corn, altor. From Lat. altare. Cf. 

imaltoir 1633. 

angcaire 3782, 3785. From Lat. anchora (W. 

angor), but with the addition of the -ia suffix, 

which we find also in the loan-words cainnelbra, 

edrnra, cista, coca (boat, W. cwch, Lat. concha), 

fersa, lunga, taiberne, sita. 
andir, F. 645, 647, 851, gen. anoire 1134 4335. 

See onoir. Hence an6raighim\ ro-anoraigh 

4694, ro-anaraighset 4658, anorugud 1137. 
Ant6n, gen. Antoin 682. 
April 37, gen. Aipril 1066. From Aprilis. The 

// in W. Ebrett, Br. Zbrellis curious, 
apstal, abstul 4605, apsal 27, espul 33, esbal 

627, sg. gen. apstail 2144, pi. gen. abstul 4605, 

dat. apsalaib 27. W. abostol. From apostolus. 

Compounds: ard-espul 33, prim-apstal 1798. 
apstanait 2455, 4900. From Lat. abstinentia. 

A later form apstainent occurs in the Martyr- 

ology of Donegal, p. 164. 
arc, sg. ace. airc 3327. W. arch. From Lat. 

arehaingel, gen. pi. 1767. From Lat. arch- 

Asardhai 23. From Lat. Assyrii. 


Babtaist 206, bauptaist 3967. From Lat. bap- 

bachall 580, sg. gen. bachla 462, 2177, 4849, 
dat. bachaild 1034, ace. bachaill 223, 224,996, 
1039. W. bagl F. From Lat. bacilla. Com- 
pounded: naemh-bachall 4811. Hence bach- 
lach, 2278, 2284=in form "Qt.baekk, 1 presbyter.' 

baistim, ro baistedh 64, baister 256, baistter. 
For baitsim. From Lat. *batizare, whence, also 
apparently, W. bedyddio, z, i.e. sd, becoming */</. 

balbh 1444, 1446. From *balvtts, the British 
pronunciation of Lat. balbus. See acarbh. 

bare 2462. From Lat. barca. 

bathais, baithis, gen. sg. 34, dat. baithius 57, 



seems, like W. bedydd, abstracted from the 

verb batizare. 
beist I729,peisd 1840, pi. n. be"sst Wb. 3id 21. 

W. bwyst-fil. From Lat. bestia. Hence also 
bfast, gen. pfasda 2211, piasta 2225, pi. dat. 

bfastnibh 1737. Compound : bfast-cat 3797. 
Benen 265, Benian 4478. From Low-Lat. Be- 

negnus, the classical Benignits* 
bennachaim, ron-bennach 221, robennnch 356. 

O. Ir. bendachaim, like W. bendigo, from Lat. 

bennacht, ace. sg. bennachtain 312, O. Ir. ben- 

dacht =W. bendith, pi. bendithion. From 

Lat. benedictio. 
biaid 1353, sg. gen. biaide 4846, gen. pi. biaidi 

I 353- From Lat. Beati. 
bledhe, sg. gen. bledhi 4419. From A.S. bledu. 
braich, gen. bracha 1337, 1361, ace. braich 

1339. W. and Corn. brag. Lat. brace grani 

species ex quo cerevisia conficitur, Dncange. 
Bretain. 2562, gen. Breatan 2541. From 

Britones. Hence Bretnach 2561, bretnas 2538. 
buaball, gen. buabaill 3128. W. dual. .From 

Lat. bubalus. 


caibdel, pi. gen. caibdel 1095. O. Ir. caiptel. 
From Lat. capitulum. 

cailech, coileach 288, dat. cailiuch 1631, ace. 
cailech 840, pi. dat. coilcibh 4575. From Lat. 

came 400, 1343, gen. s. 1341- W./a//. From 
Lat. pallium. Hence caillech, nom. pi. -a 
828, 830. 

caindeal 505, gen. pi. 1994, 1999, pi. n. ace. ? 
coinnle 1995, cainnli 1996. From Lat. can- 
dela. W. can-wyll points to a *candella. 

cainnelbra 2001, 2004. From Lat. candelabrum, 
' weitergebildet by an ia- suffix ' (Giiterbock). 
Cf. ancoire. 

cairt sg. dat. cairt, Ml. 119 n 6, compound 
droch-chairt 4527. From Lat. charta, as 
Cam, carachtar,Crlst, coir, from Cham, charac- 
ter, Christus, chorus. So scol from schola, 
and Enocc from Enoch. 

caisel, dat. caisiul 447, pi. dat. caislibh 3789. 
W. castell. From Lat. castellum. 

kallainn 1787. From Lat. kalendae, the / 

being doubled as in talland. W. calan M. 
Calpurn, gen. Calpuirn 3968. From Lat. Cal- 

canoin, ace. 212, sg. gen. canone 3449. W. 

canon. From Lat. canon. The gen. sg. cane 

in Ml. 35b 1 7 is a mere scribe's error for canone y 

Ml. 60 c 5. 
caplait 1362. From Lat. capillatio. W. (dydd 

lou) cablyd=Com. (deyow) hablys, (duyou) 

hamlos, Bret. (lou) gamblid. 
carcair 4754, gen. na carcrach 4771, dat. carcair 

2343, ace. carcair 3633, pi. .dat. carcraibh 3637. 

O. Ir. carcar, sg. gen. carcre, dat. carcair, Wb. 

32 c 13, 28 d 30, 23 b 21. W. carchar. From 

Lat. career. 
carghais, gen. sg. 4696. O. Ir. corgais. From 

Lat. quadrdgesima. 
casal 317. From Lat. casula. O.W. asulhetic 

(gl. penulata). 

case 322. W. and Corn. fasc. From Lat. ^aw^a, 
'Compounds: mor-casc 3863, min-chaisc 1362. 

Hence cascda 327. 
cat, pi. cait 3654. Compounds : mur-chata 

3752, cat-phiast 3802. From Lat. cattus, as W. 

cath F. from catta. 
cathair, like W. caer is perhaps borrowed from 

Lat. castra. 
c6ir, F. dat. ceir 4050. W. c-voyr, M.Corn. coir, 

Bret. coar. From Lat cera. Hence ciartha 

3698, 375- 
ceist 546, 1453, 3766, cex 2487. From Lat. 

quaestio. Hence eestaigthe, gen. 4540. 
celebraim 35, ro celeabair 267, ceflinbrais 842, 

From Lat. celebro. The verbal noun is ceilea- 

bhrad 1374, gen. -aidh 1607, 
cell, sg. gen. cille 473, , dat. cill 421, pi. dat. 

ceallaib 346, ace. cella 443, cealla 419. W, 

cell. From Lat. cella. Hence cilleean 778. 
eerm-16 1437 lit. 'supper-day,' a hybrid, in 

which the cenn is from Lat. *cenna=coena. 
cercall, pi. cercalla (ciorcla B) 2824. W. cyr- 

chell^S. from circella, pi. of Med. Lat. drcellum. 
cilice 1753 in chilic, Ml. 490, 12. From Lat. 

cincdighis, better cinciges 4604, gen. cingcdise, 

1008, cincdhighisi 1102, ace, quingcidis (leg. 

quingcigis) 1068. From Lat. quinquagesima. 



oingt-idh 740. See quingt-idh. 

cippe, pi. ace. 3101, seems a deriv. of cepp, 

which comes from Lat. cippus, as ennac, f el- 
sub, secc, senod from innocuus, phUosophus, 

siccus, synodus. W. cyff. The pi. cyjfion 

means ' stocks.' 
Cfrine %yii.=Hieronymu$. 
cfs 131, 2919, gen. cisa 127, 3195, dat. 2088, 

ciss 4002, ace. pi. *cissu (rhyming with fssu) 

1748. From Lat. census. 
claim, pi. dat. clannaib 590. W. plant. From 

Lat. planta. Cf. W. planu, ' to plant.' 
class 239, sq. gen. claisse, Ml. 107 b 3, pi. nom. 

classai 238, pi. ace. classe (gl. choros) Ml. 

n6dc. Compound: class-cetul 209. From 

Lat. classis. 
cllirech 317, sg. gen. cleirigh 4463, pi. gen. 

cleirech 4462. Compounds: fir-clerecb.4552, 

mac-clerech 1670. From Lat. clericus. Hence 

cleirchecht 3059. 

cliar 479, dat. cleir 783. From clems. 
clocc, ' bell,' sg. dat. cloc 4844, ace. clog 4470. 

W. clock, is perhaps not borrowed from Low- 

Lat. clocca, cloccum. 
cliimh. for cluimh 2738, pi. dat. clumuibh 3877. 

O.W. * plum in plumauc, Mod. W. pluf, Corn. 

plufoc. From Lat. pluma. 
clusal, pi. dat. clusaluibh 3629, 3789. From 

Med. Lat. clausula, clausola, ' cella in qua in- 

clnsi, seu eremitae, morabantur.' For from 

Lat. au cf. clusenair, Muric, ugdar. 
cochull, sg. ace. 827, pi. n. cocaill 303. W. 

cwcwll. From Lat. cucullus. 
coibse, pi. ace. coibhsina I73 r coibhsena 1732. 

W. cyffes, Br. coffes. From Lat confessio, the 
f becoming b (i. e. z>) owing to the preceding 

coic, coicc 756, sg. gen. coca 1997* dat. coic 1682. 

O.W. coc now cog or cogydd. From the gen. 

sg. of Lat. coquus. Cf. Uis. 
coisecraim, ro coisecrad 1353. W. cysegni. 

From Lat. consecro. Hence coisecartha 327, 

663, cossecartha 4192 and coisecrad 2475. 
eolcaidh 2738, pi. dat. coilc[th]ib 4575. O.W. 

cilchet, now cylched. From Lat. culcita. 
coloxna 1188, colbha 1751. W. colofen. From 

Lat. columna. Hence columnat (gl. colum- 


colum, M. 593. W. cwlwni M. colotnen F. 
From Lat. columbus, columba. 

comman 1567, 4469, 4697, comunn 643. W. 
cymun. From Lat. communio, whence also 
comna, comnai 1868, 2489, 4529, 4532, gen. 
comnae 4471. 

Oonsantin 3884. W. Cystenyn. From Lat 

cop&n, gen. copain 2736, dimin. of *cop. W. 
cwpan. From Lat cupa. 

corn, pi. gen. 3128 W. corn. From Lat. cornu. 

cordnaigim 2631. From cor6in=Lat. corona. 

oorp, sg. gen. cuirp 712, dat. curp 383. W. 
corph, pi. cyrph, and in Mid. Welsh also cor- 
phoroed. From Lat. corpus. Hence corpdai 1386. 

cosait, cassait 1276, cossoit, Wb. 5 a, 23. From 
Lat. causatio. 

credhal 552. From Lat. credulus. 

Crist 12. W. Crist. From Christus. Hence 
cristaide 158. 

croch, sg. gen. crocbi 59. W. crog. From Lat 

cros, sg. ace. crois 1034, 1408, but cros 1419, pi. 
n. crosa 968, gen. cros 969. From Lat nom. 
sg. crux as Ir. tiis from Lat thus. Hence also 

crosan 3736 =W. croesan. 

cuach.4346; ^.cawg, 'a jug.' From Lat. caucus. 

cuicenn,sg. dat. cuicind 2361 ; W. cegin. From 
Lat. coqutna. 


Daibhitli 4456. W. >ewi, Dafydd. From 
Ddvid, AojSt'S, AafeiS. 

damnad 373, verbal noun of damnaim, bor- 
rowed from Lat. damno. 

Decimber 806. From Lat. december. 

deisrnireclit 2452, desemmrecht Wb. 12 c 35. 
*de-sembrecht : perhaps an imitation of a Low- 
Latin *ad-settibratio assimilatio : cf. Ital. 
sembrare,assembrare, rassembrare. Giiterbock, 
31, however, regards desmrecht, Vorbild, eigtl. 
wohl, 'the rightest law,' as from *dessim, a 
superlative formation from the stem of dess, 
and recht. But the duplication of the m is fatal 
to this etymology. 

demon 96, ace. pi. demhna 2304. From Lat. 
daemon. Hence demhnach 4855, demnacda 

deoehain 47. From gen. sq. of Lat. diaconus. 



depraccdit 2699, P^- dat. depracoitibh 4495 : 
better deprecdit, Corn. s. T. Edil. From Lat. 
deprecatio. Hence diprocoitech 2740. 

descipul 647, pi. nom. descipuil Ml. 122 c 2, 
gen. deiscibul, 1112, ace. deisciplu 4627, W. 
discybl. From Lat. discipulus, the first * be- 
coming e owing to the following double 

diabol 3625, diabhul 2274 : gen. diabuil 4588. 
W. diafol, the chief of the devils. From Lat. 

dfliu, gen. dflenn 3327. W. diluw. From Lat. 

disert 2417. ^N.disertk. From Lat. desertum. 
The di- is due to the analogy of native words 
compounded with di-. 

domnach, 'Sunday,' gen. domhnaigh 1102, dom- 
nuigh 1077, pi. dat. domhnaighibh 2735, dom- 
nuighib 4534, with passage to the ^-declension. 
From Lat. dominica. 

drac, pi. dracuin 3650. W. draig F. From Lat. 


Ebrae, pi. dat. Ebhraib 3926. M.W. Ebryw, 
Mod. W. pi. Efrei. From Lat. Hebraeus. 
Hence also 

Ebraide 151, Ebhraidhi 4596. 

eohtrana, pi. nom. echtrainn (gl. extern!) Ml. 
119 a, 141 dat. -aib 690. W. esfron,' a stranger.' 
From Lat. extrdneus. 

eclais 63, gen. ecailsi 12, 35, pi. dat. ecalsaib 36, 
ecludai 212. W. eglwys. From Lat. eclesia 
(not ecclesia). Hence eclusdai 968. 

Eigipt 4674; O. Ir. Egipt; W. Aipht. From 
Lat. Aegyptus, the ae being treated as hi eres, 
eretic, ethiar, ecenocht, prelait respectively 
from haeresis, haeretici, aether, aequinoctittm, 
praelatus. The Welsh Aipht points to an 
*Aigiphtus. Compare O. Ir. sephtiein Ml. 
103 d 26. 

eipistil, sg. gen. eipistle Wb. 14 d, 2, ace. 550, 
pi. gen. eipistlech 154. W. epistoL From 
Lat. /&/, with passage to the c-declension. 

ennac 1 142, annac 1694. From Lat. *innoquus, 

Eoin 1 1 20, 1 1 24, 1 1 30, interchanges with lohain, 
lohen, loin. All from Lat. lohannes. 

Eoraip, gen. Eorpa 212. From Lat. Europa. 

eibal 624, 626. See apstal. 

espoc, espuc 231, esboc 820, espac 370, gen. 
espoic 2i7=esbuic 230, espuic 235, 237, pi. 
dat. espocaib 850 : compound : aird-espoc 
2642. W. escob, pi. escyb. From Lat. tpiscopus. 

estadh. 4501, estudh 588, pi. n. istoda, Mesca 

Etail, sg. gen. Etailli 211, dat. 1044, ace. Eatail 
182. W. Eidal, Eidial. From Italia, with 
the same fraction of long i that we have in 
Ir. tredan, from Lat. triduana. 

etrain, dat. sg. 3094. W. ethrywyn 'to con- 
ciliate.' From Lat. intervenire. 


Febra, gen. 4374. W. Chwefrawr. From Lat. 


f6il 1148. VJ.gwyl. From Lat. vigil. 
fersa, ' verse,' 2656. W. gwers = Lat. versus. 

The Irish word has the -ia suffix. See angcaire. 
fin, fion 4505, 4506, sg. gen. fina 316, ace. fin 840. 

W. gwin. From Lat. vinum. 
firmamint 4615. W. ffurfafen F. From Lat. 

flrt 611, 880, gen. ferta 501, ace. pi. ferta 582, 

fearta 1235, dat. fertuibh 68. W. gwyrth, 

'miracle.' Br. berzut, Corn, barthus, marthus. 

From Lat. virtus (' ideo uirtutes operantur in 

eo,' Matth. xiv. 2). Compounds: ceit-fhirt 

52, mac-fertuibh 132. 
fis, sg. dat. 167, pi. dat. fisibh 792, 803. From 

Lat. vtsiff. 

fiugraim, rofiugradh. 791. From 'La.t.Jiguro. 
fosaic 1622, for osaic. From Lat. obsequium. 
Franc, gen. pi. 4408, dat Frangaib 48. M. W. 

pi. Ffreinc. From Francus. 
fromhudL. 2658 = O. Ir. promad, the verbal 

noun of *fromaim, O. Ir. promaim, from Lat. 

probo. So Mod. Ir. faircha, O. Ir. pairche, 

from Lat. parochia. 


genelach 152, 749, dat. 1152. From Lat. 


gennte 169, gen. pi. 28. From Lat. gentes. 
gloir, mor-gloir mo, dat. 3909. From Lat. 

gloria : whence also 



gloire 20, 4392. 

gradh. (O. Ir. grad), gen. graidh 216, ace. 

pi. gradha 1466. W. gradd. From Lat. 


gras, pi. ace. grasa 1346. From Fr. grace (?). 
gribh, pi. gripha 3651. From Lat. gryphus* 
Grigoir 3325. From Lat. Gregorius. 


Henocc 4495. From Henoch. 

Herimon 227. From Herman. 

hyruphin 1769, O. Ir. hirupkin, hirubin, pi. 
dat. hirubinaib. From the Hebr. cherubim 
the / becoming i ( y} owing to the following u. 
So in native words, mid from *medu, etc. For 
the change of m to n, cf. Abtsolon, Partholon, 
saraphin, Trophin, from Abishalom, Bartho- 
lomaeus, seraphim, Trophimus. 

lacop, gen. lacoip 4039. From Lat. lacobus. 
larusalem 4512. From the Hierusalem or 

Jerusalem of the Vulgate. 
idhal 26, 375, gen. idhail 423. From Lat. 

idolum. Hence idlacht 324. 
ymonn 613, 1738, ymmonn 1525, immann 2675, 

pi. n. imainn 984, dat. imnaibh 3841, ace. 

immna 3417. From Lat. kymnus. 
lohain 206. From Lat. lohannes, 
I6p 2744. From lob, 'I&0. 
fssu 28. W.yr Iesu = 6 'Iijffovs. 
ithfern 295, ifern 297. O. Ir. iffern. Corn. 

yffarn. W. uffern. From Lat. infernum, pi. 

inferna. Hence ithfemaidi 3631, ithfemach 

2242, ithfirnach 2758. 

ludaide 39. W. luddew. From Lat. ludaeus. 
luin, gen. sing. 740, 4006. From Lat. (mensis) 


laech 2970, 2978, pi. n. laich 394. W. tteyg. 

From Lat. laictis. Compounds : ath-laech 

1056, fir-laech 4552. Hence laechdacht 3058. 
Laidin. 988. From Lat. (lingua) Latina. 
Laimhiach. 4378, 4497. From Lantech 

but why the ia = ef 
lasec 4663. O. Ir. lax. W. From 


latrainn (n. dual) 1971, ladrainn (n. pi.) 1984, 
1987. Vf.lleidr,Tp\.Iladron. From Lat. latro. 

lebhar 2, gen. liubhair 4051, sing. dat. liubar 
154, pi. dat. leabhrnibh 869. From Lat. liber. 

lgb.aim 4149, le*gfas i, ro-er-le*gh 61, 16gad, 
'to read,' 1958. tegenn, gen. le"iginn 812, lei- 
ghind 1006, airle*ghiunn 62, eirleghiunn 1346, 
urle"ghiunn 828. W. lieu, 'to read,' le'en. From 
Lat. IZgo, legendum. The lengthenhig of the 
e may be due to the length of the * in scribo. 

16ighnidh, ' reader,' 3322. A deriv. oilegenn. 

leo 348, 592, pi. gen. inna leon Ml. 75 b 2. 
W. Hew. From Lat. leo. 

le.oman (gen. sing.) 3799, leomain 3649. pi. n. 
inna leomain, Ml. 80 a 10. From Lat. leonem. 

liter 4140, ace. litir 61. W. llyther-en. From 
Lat. littera. 

loc 75. 3?i5> locc 3631, sq. gen. luic. Ml. 
I36d 9. From Lat. locus. 

madan, dat. maduin 172, 974, re maduin 333. 

O. Ir. maten, infra s.v. teirt. From Lat. 

maighister 2672, pi. n. magjstir Wb. 14 b 17. 

W. rneistr. From Lat. magister. 
mainister (nom.?), sing. dat. 953, 3295, ace. 

4435) g 611 ' mainistreach 3300 ; pi. gen. mainis- 

drech 600, 2474. From Lat monasterium, 

with passage to the ^-declension, 
mainn 4194, as in mainn (gl. mannae, dat. sq.) 

Ml. 124 d i. From Lat. manna* 
mairtire, ace. pi. 1002 ; but martra 445. From 

Lat. martyria martyrum ossa, reliquiae, Du- 


mairtzr 3754. W. merthyr. From Lat. martyr. 
mallacht, ace. -ain 368. O. Ir. maldacht. W. 

melldith. From Lat. maledictio. 
manacb., gen. manaigh 2213, 2481, gen. pi. 682, 

dat. manchuibh 1080. From monachus. with 

an unexplained change of o to a. Perhaps it 

comes immediately from W. manach. Hence 

mainchine 4233, 4246, maincine 4801, 4842. 
margreit 38. W. mererid, myrerid. From 

Lat. margarita. 
Marta, gen. 1787. W. Mawrth. From Lat. 

Mars, Martis. 
Martan 49, 2049. From Lat. Martinus. 



xnartralaic 3754 = martarlaic Fel. Ep. 140. 

From Lat. martyrologium. 
Matha 3324. From Matthaeus, as Tatha from 

mebhraghadh. 828, the verbal noun of me- 

braigim, a denominative from mebuir = Lat. 

memoria. So W. myfyr is from memor. 
mfas, sg. gen. me*ise 4659, me"isi 1409, pi. n. 

miasa 305. From Lat. mensa. 
minister, pi. gen. mainisdrech 873, a mistake 

for minisdrech. Old-Ir. menstir. From Low- 

Lat. ministerium, ' credence-table.' 
mfrbhuil, sg. ace. 824, mirbhoill 4199, pi. n. 

mirbuili 1236, dat. mirbhuilib 68. From Lat. 

mirabile. Hence mirbhulla 3733. 
mod 680, sg. dat. mudh 4516, pi. dat moduibh 

679, modhaibh 2746, il-moduibh 4505. W. 

modd. From Lat. modus. 
molt 484, sg. gen. muilt 491, pi. n. muilt 3374, 

ace. multa 1674. Hence moltan 488. W. 

mollt. From M. Lat. multo, ' vervex.' 
mortlaid 4060 = mortlaith, Conn. From Lat. 

Moysi 3321, Moyse 4499. W. May sen. From 

Movaijs, Movarjv. 
muilend, dat. 1092. W. melin, Corn, belin. 

From Lat. molina. 
muille6ir 1999, gen. muilleora 1981. From 

Lat. molinarius. 
muinnter 197, ace. -tir 192. An early loan 

from Lat. monasterium. 
Muirei264, 1265. W.Matr. Ft om Lat. Maria. 

Naei, Noei 3327, 3326. From Noe, Nfflf. 
ndn. From Lat. nona (hora). The ace. sg. 

nonai, 1611, comes from an ia-stem. 
H"otal, from *notbhal = mtfa&7, a.sfocul from 

*focbhul= vocabulum; 
notlaic. W. nodolyc. From Lat. natalicia. 


obari24,ocopairMi.t2id,i6. "W.g-ober. Either 

from Lat. opera, or from Lat. opus, operis. 
ocht-kalainn4374(antediem) octavumcalendas. 

oician 1830. From Lat. oceanus. 

oifrend, aifrenn 517, gen. oifrind 303, oifrinn 
841, dat. oifriunn 839. From Lat. qfferenda. 

oile"n 1848 ; see ailln. 

6ine,sg. dat. 204, pl.aeintibh 630, from * ionium, 
a Low-Lat. form of jejunium, from -which 
comes the Sp. a-yunar. Dardam, ' Thursday,' 
1437, h=etar-dd-6in, ' between two fasts,' i.e. 
dia clt&ine, 'Wednesday,' Ml. nsd 3, and 
dia oine didine, ' Friday,' Ml. 1130 i. . 

ola, sg. ace. 1216. W. olew. From Lat. oleum. 

ongad 2475, verbal noun otongaim = 'L&t. unguo. 

on.6ir, F. sg. gen. onoiri moire 3953. From Lat. 
honor. See anoir. 

6r 193, sg. gen. 6ir 189. W. awr. From Lat. 
aurum. Hence ordhuidhe, ' golden,' 854. 

ord, sg. gen. uird 62, ace. ord 156. W. urdd. 
From Lat. ordo. 

ordan 357. From .Lat ordinem. Hence the 
verb ordnim, ro oirdnestar 421, oirdnidi 443. 


pairt 501. From Lat. pars, partis. 

parthus, gen. parrthais 3855, 3861, 3872, 

parrduis 247. W. paradwys. From Lat. 

pater 1566, 2712. W. pader. From the Lat. 

voc. sg./a/^(noster). 
Fatraic i. From Lat. patricius. The first a of 

Pdtraic is long by position, 
pax 1053, ' instrumentum, quod inter Missarum 

solemnia populo osculandum praebetur,' Du- 

cange, and see Cleasby-Vigfusson, s. v. pax- 

peecad, pecad, sg. ace. 3864, pi. ace. pectha 164, 

dat. pecthaibh 701. W. pechod. From Lat. 

peccatum. Hence pecthach 3852, pi. n. pec- 

thaigh 3905, dat. pecthtachuibh 3905. 
pisd. See beist. 
pendaim, rophend 1635, napendedh 2738. 

From \ja!i.poeniteo. 

pennalit 2166. From *j>entit, Lat. poenitentia. 
persa, sg. dat. persainn 727,persomi273. From 

I-.**., persona, changing to the ^-declension, 
peta 1654, 4 I 86 (where it is misprinted postea). 

This must be a loan-word cognate with Eng. 

pet and Fr. peton, petit. But its source is not 

Petar 3324, gen. Petuir4478. W. Pedr. From 

Lat. Petrus. 



petarlaic 7, 730, gen. petarlaice 71, petarlaici 

46 1 8. O. Ir. fetarlaic from Lat. veter(is) leg(h}. 
pfan, dat. pe'in 612, pi. piana 3667, dat. pia- 

naibh 2762, pianuibh 3671, il-phianuib 4243. 

^N.poen. From Lat. poena. Hence the verbal 

noun pianad 373, 3657, gen. sg. pianta 3629, 

and the verb pianaim, rophiandais 375, pian- 

faider 4262. 
Pilip 3885. From Philippus, but ph usually 

becomesyin Irish, 
pinginn, pi. n. pinginne 2B$2= penning,!^. 

54b, 2. From Q.N . penningr. 
poc, gen. puic 1630, 1632, 1634. From Teut. 

p6c, 'kiss.' W. poc. G. C. 1068. From Lat. ace. 

pacem. Hence pocaim, p6cais 3854. 
poind3720. ~W.pwn=pondus. 
P61, gen. P6il 68 1, 4478. From Paulus, as 6r 

from aurum. 
p6laire, pi. n. 968, gen. 969. Q.'W.poulloraur, 

from Lat. pugillares. 

popa 426. From ~La.t.popa, 'an inferior priest.' 
popul, pobul 3, 17, sg. gen. popuil, Ml. 123 a, 

u, dat. pi. popluibh 2468. Compound : mor- 

popul 2063. TN.pobl. From Lat. /0/tt/tt.r. 
port, gen. puirt 685, dat. purt 2359, ace. port 

2362. W. and Cora., porth. From'La.t.portus. 
prespiter 217. From Lat. presbyter. An earlier 

loan from a Low-Lat. form of the same word 

-prebiter is cruimthir 2705, 2710. 
prim, 8, 427, 4198. 'W.prif. From ~LsA..primus. 
primit(ib) 1857. From Lat. primitiae; 
pritehaim, O.Ir. pridchim, predchim, ro pritchai 

172, 685. From Lat. praedico, the diphthong 

being shortened as in ceist, demon, Egipt, 
pendaim, pennait. 
proicept 215, 222, gen. procepta 994, proicepta 

1024, dat. procept 1003. W. pregeth. Corn. 
pregoth. From Lat. praeceptum. 
proicept6ir 2745. O. Ir. preceptoir, Ml. 38 c, 

pi. dat. -ibh 683. 
proind, proinn 1894, 2 734 2 953 geo- proinne 

296, 1405, ace. proinn 4437, oen-proind 146. 

W. prain, 'feast.' Mid. W. cyd-breiniawg, 

'feeding together.' From Lat. prandium. 

Hence the verbal noun proindechad 2081. 

Compound : proinn-tech, 'refectory,' gen. 
proinntighi 2091. 

pudhur 1336, 1716. W./a/fl5r(?). From Lat. 

pudor 1 or from LaL putris ? 
pupall, pubull 326, gen. pupla 397, pi. n. publa 

3078. VJ.pabell, pi. pebyll,' tents.' From Lat. 

papilio, 'pavilion.' 
putrall 4568. 


quingt-idh 3948, quinc-id 4451 ; cingt-idh 740 
(ante diem) quinctum idus. 


relec 790, reileac, 'graveyard,' 3502, sg. gen. 
reilgi 3499, pi. n. relce, 'relics,' 2775, 4514, 
reilce 2482, relge 3998, dat. relcib 2476, reilcibh 
2484. From Lat. reliquiae. W. relyw is from 
Lat. reliquium. 

riaghail 4528, riagul 3336, pi. n. riagla 3962, 
39 6 3> gen. pi. riagla 3451, ace. pi. riagla 
3487. W. rheol. From Lat. regula. Hence 
riaghaldai 3395. 

Bdm, gen. Romha 2759, dat. Roim 2049, acc - 
Roim 234. From Roma. 

Homhan, gen. pi. 3887. From Lat. Romanus. 
W. Rhufain, ' Rome,' Rhufelniaid, ' Romans.' 
Hence romanach, pi. dat. Romanchaib 3888. 

mam, 'cemetery,' dat. ruaim 2111. Also from 
Roma, as the burial-place of S. Peter : cf. the 
Divina Commedia, Par. ix. 140, xxvii. 25. 


saboit, gen. saboidi 1073, pi. n. sapati. From 

Lat. sabbatum, or rather from its gen. sabbati. 

Cf. coic, Uis from Lat. coqui, lusti. 
sabiill 275, 1914, 1916. W. ystafell. From 

Lat. stafailum. 
saearbhaic 643, 1567, sacarbhuic 2347, gen. 

sacarbaice 2403. From Lat. sacrificium. 
saoart, gen. sacairt 821, pi. gen. sacart 752. 

From Lat. sacerdos. Cf. uasal-sacart 736. 
saegul, soegul 725, gen. saeguil 4438, soeghuil 

1548. From Lat. saeculum. Hence saeghlach 

946, saeghulla (O. Ir. saegulda) 676, 724. 
salm 822, pi. dat. salmaibh 3841, ace. salma 

371. Compound : sailm-cetlaid 587. W. and 

Br. salm. From Lat. psalmus. 
saruphyn 1769. From Hebr. seraphim. 
satharn, gen. sathairrn 612, dat. sathrann 4374. 

W. Sadwrn. From Lat. (dies) Saturni. 



Saxain 2561 = Sachsain 2564. W. Seison or 

Saeson, pi. of Sais = Saxo, pi. Saxones. Hence 

Saxanaeh, pi. dat. Saxanchaib 2563. 
scairbighi 3258. See infra in the Index of 

Irish words. 

scoirp, pi. n. scoirpi 3651. From Lat. scorpio. 
scol, gen. scoile 2647, dat. scoil 1959, 1960, 

4136, 4142, 4161. W. ysgol. From Lat. 

schola. Hence : scolaidhecht 4103, scolaighi 

[leg. scolaidhe] 1555. 
screpul 4470, 4779, screaball 2832. O.W. 

scribl. From Lat. scripulum. 
scrfbadh 3450. From A.S. screpan, screopan, 

Eng. scrape. 
scrfbaim, scribh 3543, ro-scribad 2. From Lat. 

scribo. W. ysgrif, ' manuscript.' 
scrfbenn 2052, pi. n. scribenna 2643. scribhinn, 

3740. O. Ix.scrlb&nd. W. ysgrij 'en. From 

Lat. scribendum. 
scriptur 671, gen. screptra 182, scriptuire 3701, 

pi. gen. screptra 4606, nom. scripturi, Ml. 3a, 

6. W. yscrythur. From Lat. scriptura. 
scrutain, sg. ace. 3313. From Lat. scrutinium. 

The sg. dat. o scruttmt (gl. scratinio), Palat. 

68, fo. 7b, comes from a different stem. - 
sdair 22. From Low-Lat. storia. 
seeaim, seacuis 279. W. sychu. From Lat. 

sechtmain, gen. sechtmuine 805, from septi- 

mana, the Christian week of seven days as 

distinguished from the heathen week of ten 

days, dechmad. 
secnap 2553, 2557, ace. secnapaid 4539, pi. dat. 

secndaptbib (gl. actoribus) Wb. 19 d, 2. From 

Lat. secundus abbas. 
se"n 2280, 2284, 2289, ace. pi. sena 2285. From 

*segn=~L&t. signum, the i becoming e owing 

to the following double consonance. Cf. 

W. swyn, incantatio, incantamentum, swyn- 

ogl ( = Lat. signaculum), ' an amulet, a 

senadh. 3510, gen. senaid 1261, senuidh 3612. 

W. senedd. From Lat. synodus. 
s6nairn, senais in, 400, ro shenastar 947. A 

denominative from sin. 
senister 288, pi. n. senistri (gl. catarectas), Ml. 

62b, 18. ^.ffenester. From Lat. fenestra. 
senoir 217, gen. senorach 3846, 4310, pi. dat. 


sen6iribh 1437. From Lat. ace. seniorem as 

preceptdir from praeceptorem, etc. 
seol 3626. W. hwyl. From Teut. *segla. 
septimper 3948. From Lat. September. 
sept-it 805 (ante diem) septimum idus. 
sex-kalainn 4006 (ante diem) sextum kalendas. 
sians 25, siens 4607. From Lat. sensus, whence 

also O.Ir. ses. 
sfda 4574, O. Ir. sita, W. sidan. An zVz-stem 

formed from Lat. s$ia, whence also Fr. soie. 
sigen, ace. sg. sigin 59, 901. From Lat. 

sfric 4574. W. sirig, 'silk.' From Lat. serica, 

as stta from seta. 
sitheal 3129. From Lat. situla, whence also 

Germ, seidel. 
slechtaim, slechtait 2914, slechtais 381, ro- 

shlecht 3361, 4720, do shlecht 4348, roslecht- 

sat 4693. See Ml. H5a, 3 and 10. From 

Lat. flecto. 
slechtain, sg. dat. 2929 = slechtun, Ml. 1150, 3, 

ace. 1103, pi. gen. 145. From Lat. Jlec- 

soee 914, soc 915. \V. swch, 'ploughshare, 

snout.' From Lat. soccus. 
sollumun 323, pi. dat. sollumnaibh 2735. From 

Lat. sollemne. 
sorn 2629, sg. gen. in tsuirnn (gl. foci) Ml. 

1 2 ic, 14. ^N.ffwrn. From 'Lv&.furnus. 
spirtdlda 3697. From Lat. spiritualis. 
spfrut 5, gen. spirta 99. W. yspryd. From Lat. 

sponge, ' tinder/ 2973. This word is probably 

identical with sponge, ' sponge,' W. yspwng, 

from Lat. spongia. For the connexion of 

ideas, cf. the German Feuersch-wamm. 
sraeignledh. 3411. O. Ir. sroigled, verbal noun 

of sroiglim a denominative of srogell (gl. 

flagrum) Sg. 48b, 3 = ^.ffrewytt. From Low- 
Lat. fragillum (cf. (ppaye\\iov, N. T.). The 

diphthong in the modern form seems due to 

the quiescence of the gh. 
srian, pi. dat. srianuibh 318. From Lat. frenum. 

The ^N.jffrwyn F. is from the pl.frena. 
srol4574, sroll 3079. From *frol, Catn.Jlour= 

Fr. velours. 

StabuLon 19. From Zabulon, 
suist, ^.ffust F. From lai. fwstis. 




tabhuill, ace. sing. 3704. W. tafell. From 

Lat. tabella. 
tallann 186, dat. pi. taillnibh 737, ace. pi. tallne 

4594, taillne 4629. W. talent. From Lat. 


teampul 1696. W. teml. From Lat. templum. 
teirt 3878. From Lat. tertia (hora). This is 

tert in an Old-Irish gloss in a Vatican MS. 

(Palat. 68, fo. 37 b) : < Septies in die laudem 

dixi tibi .1. antert, tert, sest, noon, fescer, mid- 

noct, maten, quod conuenit, quia septies in die 

cadit iustns.' 
teirt-kallaind 4633 (ante diem) tertium Ka- 

teistemain 4150, ace. 4147. W. testun. From 

Lat. testimonium. 
tedir 1018. From Lat. theoria. 
termann 4688. From Lat. termo, termonis (?), 

as W. terfyn, from Lat. terminus. 
test 4284. W. tyst. From Lat. testis. Hence 

testugud 217. 
tiach, tiagh, sg. dat. teigh 2771, pi. n. tiagha 968, 

gen. tiagh 970. From Lat. theca (O^Krj), 

whence also W. twyg amictus. 
tigri 3650, pi. of *tigir. W. tiger. From Lat. 


Tit 41. From Lat. Titus. 
Toirinis 2488. From Turonensis. 
tracht 1896, 1946, 2334, 3745, pi. ace. trachtn, 

Ml. 1 2 ia, 1 7. W. traeth. From Lat. tractus. 
traehtaire 3325, aderiv. of trachtaim, borrowed 

from Lat. tracto, whence also W. traethu. 

treblait, pi. dat. treabhlaitibh 687, 690, ace. 

treablaide 692. From Lat. tribulatio. 
trfnoit, gen. 3910 (naem)-trfnaidi 649. O. Ir. 

trlnddit. O.W. trintaut, now trindod. From 

Lat. trinitatem. 
trosdan 2446, dimin. of trost=W. trawft(r), 

from Lat. transtrum. 


uinge, ace. uingi 2621. W. vms. From Lat. 

Uis 4032 4042, 4046, like the adj. uis .1. coir, 
Leb. Lee. Voc. is from the Latin gen. sg. of 
lustus 4019. So in the Togail Troi the names 
Alaxandir, Cdic, Neptuin, Oirc, Patrocail and 
Satuirn are respectively from the genitives sg. 
of Alexander, Cacus, Neptunus, Orcus, -Patro- 
clus, and Saturnus. 

umhal 1695, gen. sg. umhail 2481, go-hnmul 
4049 ; compar. umla 1089. W. ufyll or ufell. 
From Lat. humilis. Hence umhla ' humility,' 

2453, 4487- 

\imhal6it 1342, umhuloit 1177, umald6it, in 
annmaldoit 404, sg. gen. umaloite 4244, dat. 
umhaloit 1436, ace. 1531, 2564, 4045 ; an-n. 
1386, 4401, gen. anumaloidi 4244.^. ufelltod, 
ufylltod. Corn, huueldot. From Lat. ace. 


Vespesan 41. From Lat. Vespasianus. In 
Uespiain infra, p. 293, from the gen. sg. Ves- 
pasiani (v. supra, s. v. Uis), the vowel-flanked 
s disappears. 



We have, lastly, to consider the contents of these Lives, so far as they 
throw light on the history and social condition of ancient Ireland. As to 
the value of Lives of Saints for political and social history, all that has ever 
been said one may almost say, all that can be said has been summed 
up by the late M. Fustel de Coulanges \ in words of rare precision and 
beauty. He refers, of course, primarily to the biographies of the Saints of 
France and Britanny ; but many of his remarks are equally applicable to 
the Lives now published. 

Les Vies des Saints sont aussi de 1'histoire. II s'est produit un grand nombre de 
saints en Gaule pendant les deux siecles qui nous occupent. A cette epoque, les 
regies de la canonisation n'&aient pas bien de'termine'es ; le diocese canonisait 
volontiers son e*vSque, le couvent son abbe*. On avait grand soin d'e'crire la biogra- 
phic de chaque saint. II est bien certain que ces biographies n'&aient pas re'dige'es 
en vue de faire ceuvre historique. Dire qu'elles I'&aient pour I'e'dification des fideles 
n'est pas tout & fait exact. Elles I'&aient plut6t en vue de de'montrer la saintetd 
du personnage et de faire ressortir sa valeur comme saint, dans I'inte're't de 
I'e'glise ou du couvent qui le prenait pour patron. La biographic &ait comme 
la le*gende explicative des reliques que le couvent posse'dait et qui faisaient sa 
fortune 2 . Aussi cette biographic s'allongeait-elle de tous les miracles que le saint 
avait faits pendant sa vie, et de tous ceux qu'il produisait apres sa mort. Ces Vies 
de Saints que chaque e'glise conservait comme des titres de proprie'te', nous sont 
parvenues en grand nombre. II est regrettable qu'elles n'aient pas encore &6, sauf 
de rares exceptions, e'tudie'es au point de vue de la critique du texte et de 1'authenti- 
cite*. On peut dire d'une maniere ge'ne'rale que la Vie de chaque saint a e'te' e'crite par 
un de ses disciples ou un homme qui 1'a connu, ou tout au moins sur les teinoignages 
d'hommes qui avaient 6t6 ses familiars, mais que ce n'est presque jamais cette re'daction 
primitive qui nous est parvenue. Comme la biographic du personnage e'tait lue de 
siecle en siecle, chaque siecle aussi la recopiait en y faisant des remaniements et des 
additions. Les redactions faites avant les invasions des Normans et 1'incendie des 
monasteres ont toujours quelque valeur, parce que le re*dacteur a eu sous les yeux le 
texte primitif. Mais encore est-il fort difficile de discerner dans une Vie de saint ce 
qui appartient k ce premier texte de ce qui y a 6t6 ajoute' cent ou deux cents ans 
plus tard. 

1 Histoire des Institutions Politiques de Fancienne France, La Monarquie Franqw. Paris, 1888, 
pp. 9-12. 

2 See infra, in the Life of Ciaran, 11. 4477-4481. 

m 2 

xcii PREFACE. 

C'est ce qui fait que 1'emploi de cette categoric de documents demande line certaine 
prudence. Mais, a cela pres, ils ont une tres grande valeur. Quoique 1'hagiographe 
n'ait songs' qu'a faire un pandgyrique, il n'en est pas moins vrai qu'il a de'crit toute la 
vie d'un homme, et par la reunion de ces biographies nous voyons avec une grande 
surete* ce qu'e*tait la vie des hommes. Soyons certains que 1'auteur n'a pas pu tout 
inventer ; s'il a ajoute' quelques vertus a son personnage, il n'a pas imaging les petits 
details de sa vie ; il a ddpeint des habitudes et des mceurs qui e*taint vraies. Dans 
chaque miracle qu'il raconte, ce qui nous inteVesse n'est pas le miracle, ce sont les 
details qui 1'entourent, c'est Thomme pour qui le miracle a e'te' fait, c'est la physio- 
nomie de cet homme, son dtat civil, sa condition sociale, sa conduite. 

Ce qu'il y a surtout de remarquable chez les saints du sixieme et du septieme siecle, 
c'est qu'ils n'e'taient pas des solitaires. Ils n'ont pas ve*cu en reclus et loin du monde. 
Ils furent, au contraire, sauf quelques exceptions, fort mere's a la vie du monde \ On 
peut compter que plus de la moitie' de ces saints sortaient des plus grandes families 2 , 
ont 4t6 Sieve's a la cour des rois, et ont exerce*s des fonctions civiles. Beaucoup ont 
6t6 comtes avant d'Stre eVeques. II en est m6me plusieurs qui, en devenant eVSques, 
n'ont pas cesse* d'Stre assidus au palais des rois. Plusieurs se signalerent comme 
administrateurs et hommes d'tat. Ainsi une vie de saint n'est pas du tout la vie 
d'un moine ; c'est presque toujours la vie d'un homme qui s'est occupe* des affaires 
publiques et a & en relations incessantes avec les rois et les grands de la terre. 

On voit par la combien la biographic de tels personnages fournit des lumieres sur 
les institutions du pays. Qu'il s'y trouve souvent des erreurs de date, des transposi- 
tions des noms propres, que nombre de faits y soient alte're's par les ide'es precon9ues 
de 1'hagiographe, cela importe assez peu. Ce qu'il y faut chercher, ce sont les 
habitudes, les faits ge'ne'raux et permanents, et 1'hagiographe n'avait aucun intent 
a les alte'rer. II peut inventer un miracle, il n'en invente pas les circonstances. Je 
puis douter, par exemple, que Saint Amand eut ope're' un miracle pour sauver du 
supplice un condamnd a mort; mais je suis assure* par ce re'cit qu'une condamnation 
a mort a 6t6 prononce'e, et je crois a la procedure qui y est de'crite. L'auteur 
tenu d'etre exact sur ces points la ; autrement ses contemporains n'auraient pas cru 
a son miracle. C'est ainsi que les Vies des saints nous instruisent sur les mceurs des 
hommes, sur le courant de le vie du temps, sur les pratiques judiciaires, sur 1'adminis- 
tration m6me et le gouvernement. 

As to the political history of Ireland, nothing, I think, can be found in 
these Lives which is not already known from older and better sources. A 

1 See especially the Lives of Colombcille and Finnchua. 

2 See the Life of Colombcille, 11. 748-750. 



similar remark may be made as to the personal history of the nine Saints 
commemorated in this book. Their pedigrees and the credible incidents 
of their careers are given elsewhere, and in more trustworthy manuscripts, 
such as the Book of Leinster and the Lebar Brecc. But the Book of 
Lismore relates many miracles which, so far as I know, are not to be found 
elsewhere ; and les details qui entourent ces miracles (to use, with slight 
change,- an expression of M. Fustel de Coulanges) are doubtless authentic, 
and therefore of value for the student of the social condition of the ancient 
Irish, and of their religious tenets and practices. 

In mentioning the instances in which the Lismore Lives, and the Irish 
quotations in the Preface and Notes, throw light on these matters, I shall 
follow the arrangement adopted in Part V of the Introduction to the Rolls 
edition of the Tripartite Life of S. Patrick, namely : 


i. Animals, 
ii, Plants and trees, 
iii. Minerals. 
iv. Other things in external nature. 

/i. His bodily needs and the 
of supplying _ 

B. MAN. 

The Individual. 


*2. His spiritual needs. 

ii. The Family. 

iii. The State. 

/ i. 




Sexual relations. 
Parent and child. 
Fosterer and fosterling. 
Master and servant. 

a. Food and drink. 

b. Fuel, clothing, shelter and 


c. Carriage by land and by 


d. Healing. 
e. Burial. 

/ a. Amusement. 

b. Literature. 

c. Science. 

d. Art. 

e. Religion and superstition. 

5. Host and guest. 

'i. Civil. 
2. Legal. 
3. Military. 
4. Ecclesiastical. 



Mammals. First in importance and frequency of mention is the cow (b&, ace. 
loin\. 2701), of which a precious kind was 'white, red-eared' (find, au-derg, p. 314). 

xciv PREFACE. 

Its male, the bull, is tarbh = Gaulish tarvos, and probably also Lat. taurus, and Gr. 
roOpop. When a cow has calved it is called loilgech 3350, and its calf is I6ig, laegh 
1276, 2700, 3270, atbbbdn. A milch-cow is b6-blicht 3394. An ox is dam 1495, 
1941; a beef, mart 1055, 1058; 'cattle 'is cethre (properly, 'quadrupeds') 633; a 
' herd ' is Mar 2897 or indile A ' drove ' is fdtn, pi. tdinte, 

The sheep is caera 1554, corruptly, ctira 1473, 2 3 2I > cauru p. 328, or 6i t corruptly 
ae (in ae-ghaire 2899) = ozw, 3fr; the wether, molt 484, 1674, 2916, and its diminutive 
moltdn : the lamb, uan 871, 1123, 3270. A flock is trtt 1674. 

The pig, mucc 153, 205, 3219, is = W. moch; ore (corruptly, arc 3270) is = the 
Lat. porcus ; orcdn, 'pigling,' 412 ; fore, 'boar,' 189, 412, 3204. A herd of swine is 
trtt 1246. 

The he-goat is doc, pi. n. buic 388, 391, spelt poc 1634. 

'Horse 'is ech 560, cognate with equus and tWos. The ech allmarda, 'foreign 
horse/ 3128, seems to have been better than the native breed. Gearrdn (properly, 
'gelding?') is used for a work-horse or hack, 1080. 

The general name for dog is c&, gen. con, ace. coin 276. Special breeds are 
gadhur, ' mastiff,' 3655, and milcM, 'greyhound,' 2822, 4054. 

The cat is cat 3654, 4081, whence the diminutive caitin viii. The 'sea-cat,' 
murchat, 3745, 3793, seems=the French chat de mer, un des noms vulgaires de la 
chimere monstrueuse, poisson chondropte'rygien, qui est la chimere arctique de certains 
auteurs, Littre', s. v. 

Wild animals are the stag (ag allaid 4138, 4715, dam allaid 41 36, or oss allaid 
4341, where the %A\. allaid, 'wild,' is added to the name of a bovine animal (oss, gen. 
oiss 4448, cogn. with Skr. ukshan-, Goth, atihsa), in t-agh 4342, 6c-dam 633. For 
' deer' the word is fad 4710, 4713. 

The name of 'wolf (cti allaid, 93, 4082, lit. wild hound, pi. coin allta 4428) is, 
like those of stag, formed with the aid of the adj. allaid. Older Irish names for this 
animal are brech = Skr. vrka, zn&fael = Arm. gail. 

The fox, sinnach 1655, 1657, 4044; the mouse, luck, pi. lochait 3744; the otter, 
dobar-cM xvii; the seal, r6n 1640, 4829 ; the onchu, 'leopard'? 3749. The whale, 
mil mor 3609, or bleidmil 3595. Loanwords are ouaoall bubalus 3128, dracuin 
3650, leo 348, 592, or leoman 3649, and tigir> pi. tigri 3650. 

Birds (ethaite 799, eoin 1699, tnluiihe 2515, and perhaps ethra 2227) are the eagle, 
z'larxli; hawk, sebac 2595, 3651; swan, geis; crane, corr 4183; dove, colum 593, 
1699, 3877; gull,faz7enn 3877; Ion, 'ousel,' xli. The gribh 3651 (borrowed from 
gryphus ?) is some kind of bird with talons. 

The only fish (iasc) here mentioned is the salmon, braddn viii, xli, 4829. 

Other animals are loiscinn, 'toads,' 1071; dael, ' stagbeetle,' 2962, 3652, crebar 


' leech/ 3652, cuil, ' fly/ 3652 ; cruim, ' worm/ 2727 ; nathair or naithir, ' water-snake/ 
=natrix, 593, 1033, 1071 ; and the loanwords Mist 1729, 1737, and scoirp. 

Names for parts of animals (some of which are common to human beings) are 
cenn, 'head/ 1630, adarc, 'horn/ 97, 1495, congna, 'antler/ 4137, seiche, 'hide/ 4118, 
olann, 'wool/ 1092, eitte, 'wing/ 3898, cltim, 'feathers/ 3877, airrter, 'mane/ 2217, 
eithre, 'tail/ 2223, midbolg, 'belly/ 2223, craes, 'gullet/ 2229, 2230 (for which drant 
is found in B.), inathar, 'entrails/ 2229, guaire, 'hair/ 2212, 3798, garb-driuch, 
'bristles/ 2212, cos, 'foot/ 2220, 4358, fiacuil, 'teeth/ 93, ingne, 'nails/ 2224, aisli, 
'joints/ p. 313, cndma, 'bones/ 1061, feoil, 'flesh/ 1063, laarg, gen. lairge, 'fork/ 
2080, cara, 'haunch/ 2092, formna, 'shoulder/ 3604, druim, 'back/ 3609, gob, 
' snout/ 3652. 


For 'herb' we have luib, pi. luibi 3734, the collective losail 416, and the loanword 
f/a=planta, pi. dat. clannaib 590, grass, fe'r, gen. feoir 562. A herb-garden is 
lubgorl 590, 1885. Grain is gran 897, 4323, a single grain, grdinde xxix, wheat, 
cruithnecht viii, 4165, gen. cruithnechta 2735, 4183, oats, corca, coirci 1506, 4163, 
4168, barley, eorna, 897, 2734, corn, arbha 1091, 1974, 4161, arbhur 415, 1974, 
3167, 3169, ith 1860. The fruits here mentioned are apples, ubla 919, 1224, and 
sloes, ami p. 326, the nut, cn6 754, and the blackberry, sme'r 1891. Other plants 
are cress, bilar, gen. bilair 4788, dulse, duilesc 2331, brogaire 4585, acorns, mes xxvi, 
nettles, nenaid, geu.nenta, p. 302, 1. ^,fachon 4583, luachair, 'rush/ gen. luachra, 
p. 330, glaisin, 'woad/ 4066, p. 356, Kn, 'flax/ 1092, 4493, semmar, 'clover/ 
whence the adj. semrach 977, drz's, ' bramble/ gen. sg. dresa 2607, and ctinnach, ' moss.' 
Parts of plants are sil, 'seed/ pi. sila 3734,_/r/;ra, 'root/ ace. pi. fre'mha 1012 
ruaissne, ' pod of flax/ xxix, and bldth, ' flower/ xxvi. 

As to trees,, the generic name is crann 1889, pi. ace. cronna 1428; a sacred tree is 
bile 2387 ; a wood is caill 826, 2552, or fid xxvi, a brake, muine 1892, 2609. 
The kinds of trees mentioned are the oak, dair 940, whence doire, 'oakwood/ 
p. 305; apple, 0^7/2585, mountain-ash, caerthann 1887, elm, /# 2678, hazel, coll, 
gen. '// 2381, 2387, yew, iubar xli, 3531, willow, sail, soilech, gen. pi. 577, thorn, see', 
ace. jc'^ 2485, and vine, finemain 591, 1699, gQn..finemna 2469. Parts of trees are 
branch, geg=W-. cainc 2585, or ^<?^a 590, 2469, or craeb 1748, bark, r&sc 943, leaf, 
</a*7& 1888, leafage, duillebar 4809, blossom, ^/<z/^ 1748, 1888, fruit, torad 2586, top, 
barr crainn 2515. Collectives QXQfidach, 'copse/ 895, and coelach, ' wattles/ 893. 
The words for rod, flesc 2401, and pole, cuaille 2385 may here be noted. 

xcvi PREFACE. 


The metals mentioned in this book are the loanword 6r, 'gold,' xxxiv, with the 
standing epithet derg, 'red/ 2982, bruth 6ir 189, tallann 6ir 186 : argat, arcaf, 
' silver/ 872, xxxiv, iarann, ' iron/ 2932, umha, ' copper/ 195, andjindrume 317, which 
seems to have been a white bronze. Other minerals are salt, salann 1614, 2410, and 
coa\,gual 3776, stone, clock 51, flagstone, lecc 49. A precious stone is lia (or lecc) 
logmar 31, 38. 


Such objects are the world, lith 12, or domun 33, the elements d#/z 677, land, tir 
1834, the ground, falam 2097, gen. talman 2115, water, uisce 2183 : the sea, muir, 
gen, mara 1486, 1704, 1761, orfat'rge, fairrce 2226, the ocean, bochna. Here the 
loanwords oician (oceanus) 1830, and diliu 3329 (diluvium) may also be mentioned. 
Connected with the sea are the words for estuary, inbher 247, wave, tonn 1948, brink, 
bru 971, strand, traigh 2406, or tracht 1945, 1946, 2334, sand, gainem 1761, and 
inlet, gabul mara 1486. Heaven is nem 2097, air, aer 2081, sun, grian 1700, &ca 
'moon/ 854, star, r/fla 4631, or rinn 1700, pi. renna 1761, light, soillse 4, splendour, 
ruthen 28, shadow, scdth 1468, foscad 5, darkness, dorcha 22, dorchatu 27, thunder, 
torann p. 305, toirnech 2294, lightning, tene gelain p. 305, or saignJn 2295, mist, ceo 
2301, 3329, ciabor, 3367, and^/3329, snow, snechta 3338, wind,wM 2079, cloud, *// 
2459, mountain, j/ziz^ 1831, 2562, hill, telach 1828, orcnoc 3108, summit, mullach 1829, 
peak, data 536, plain, wag- 977, valley, glenn 2583, slope,/*';* 542, ridge, druimm 539, 
cliff, all, gen. 0z7/<? 2164, or alt 4834, rock, carrac 2169, stone, r/^A 2261, well, 
/0/or 2183, or tipra, gen. /zj^ra/ 2385, lake, loch, river, afo/z/z 861, 1494, or ,jrw/# 
1816, flood, tola or /z'<z 861, cataract, ess 895, island, zm".j, or indsi 2256, 2257 or aittn 
505, fire, /^^ 162, flame, lasair 31, or 3r^o 413, spark, fabell 413. 

B. MAN. 

Here we shall first collect the words relating to the Individual, his bodily and 
spiritual needs : secondly, those relating to the Family ; and, thirdly, those relating to 
the State in its civil, legal, military, and ecclesiastical aspects. 


The human being is called duine 825, 1458, pi. doini, man^r or ferscal, woman, 
ben, gen. pi. ban 1804, or banscal 2160, boy, mac or macdn 340, girl, mgen, infant, ndidiu, 
gen. nuidin 59, child, leanbk i^ftiL leanamh 1814, lad, gilla 67, an elder, sen&r 283, 


1437, 3018, or sinnser 752, sennser 2950. The human foetus is gem 2520, 2820 or 
coimpert 2517. 

The components of the human body (corp 1696) mentioned in this book are bone, 
cndm 3148, 3792, flesh, fetiil, and blood, full, gen.fola 1389. The breath is andl 1398, 
the voice, guth 1808, the skin, cms 1092, croiccenn 1628, or lethar 3792 : a limb or 
member is t>all=<j>a\\6s, pi. ace. bulla 4852. Special parts of the body are the head, 
cenn 2980, crown, mullach (from *muld=A..S. mulde, Skr. mdrdhan), 1629, 3152, or 
baithis 944, hair, mong 3407, or pudrall 4568, the eye, rar 1072, 2627, pi. ruisc 
1671, or siiil 1335, 3044, the ear, cltias, p. 304, cheek, grtiaid 4186, face, agaidi^ig, 
or azged *j 57 ,gntit's 3408, dra-^ 174 or izVzif^ 60, the nose, ,sr<fo 1410, mouth, btt 4891, 
pi. n. <fofc7 2805, or gin 8, tooth, fiacal 2607, 3188, or <#/ 2973, the tongue, tenga 
4891, throat, brdge 2312, gullet, mfor 1410, shoulder, formna 3680, or gtiala 2860, 
back, #zz# 1467, 2572, or aiss, p. 307, side, tdeb 1763, rib, 0J7&Z 2723, 2727, esnae 
2723, breast, #^/ 2907, 2910, gen. ochta 3337, or Iruinne 1035, pap, rzV>fc 3012, 
3680, pi. ciche 3337, armpit, ochsal, dat. ochsail 4308, heart, m#<? 1 697, 4897, belly, tarr, 
p. 329, womb, r^, dat. broinn 1168, 2805, bowels, inathar 800, hand, /COT 1763, 
or d6it 2974, or *rr0M 1049, palm, las 2172, 4651, or derna, dat. ace. dernainn 
1339, 4151, the hollow of the ha.nd,glac 59, p. 344, fist, dorn 4269, pi. dazr/z 1278, 
finger, mfr, 1337, 4421, gen. medir 4421, middle finger, #z/r meddn 3682, thumb, 
0r<fo 4419, forearm, rig, pi. righthe 2974, knee, /##, pi. dat. gl-dinib 2860, foot, tf 
826, 1279, or traig 462, heel, sa/ 1948, and sole, bonn 944, 1629, 2186. 

The soul is anam 720, 1109, or ainim 1766, the mind menma 714, 1697, the 
understanding ciatt^N . pwyll. 


Man's bodily needs are food and drink; fuel, clothing, shelter and furniture; 
carriage ; healing ; and, lastly, burial, or some other mode of disposing of his dead 
fellow-creatures. Of these in their order. 


Generic words for 'food' are bi'ad^ftioros, 314, tuara 4193, Ion 3598, airer 2519, 
and esair 1061. As flesh-foods we find beef, mart 1055, veal, laegk 2700, dam co 
linne xliii, 'an ox with a flitch,' mucc tir^ 'fresh pork,' 205, saill, 'bacon,' 4179, gen. 
saille 1255, 1253, aisli sen-sailli, 'a joint of old bacon,' p. 313, molt> 'a wether,' 
491, cMra, 'a sheep,' 1473, poc, 'a hegoat/ 390, 1635. Salt meat (biad saillte 314 
or goirt-biad) is often mentioned. The seal, r6n, 1640, appears to have been 
eaten in Ireland, as it was till lately in Harris 1 . So was fish (iasc 273), and 
especially salmon (bratan viii, 2736, 4829). Products of the milk of kine and 

1 See Reeves' Columha, p. 78, note g. 


xcviii PREFACE. 

sheep were butter, mm, gen. ime 1268, curd, gruth 129, 4075 faiscre grotha, 'curd- 
cheese/ 393, 484, and tanag 484, a hard cheese made in a mould as distinguished 
from mulchdn, cheese-curds pressed, but not in a mould. Honey (mil) was also 
eaten, see 206, 4029. Of vegetable foods we find ardn, bread, loaf, 3599, wheaten 
bread, ardn cruiihnechta 2735, barley-bread, ardn eorna 2734, bairgen, a cake, viii, 
i?n'n, meal, 4183, nuts 754, cnoi, apples, ubla 918, 1424, sloes, atrnf, cress, bilar, 
dulse, duilesc, blackberries, smfra, acorns, mes, and nettles, nenaid, and the pottage 
called braissech, gen. braisce, p. 302, 1. 18. A 'relish' was inmqr, Mart. Don. 164, 
whence the adjective inmarra (for inmardaf), 2519. 

The generic word for drink is deog 2734, gen. dige 1935. The drinks mentioned 
are water, uisce 2734, milk, as 1687, milk-and-water, englas 2701, the milk of kine 
and ewes, blicht xxxviii, 1860, p. 328, 1. 31, lemlacht 117, 1199, 1201, i^ylemnachl 
1370 and p. 332, loimm 87, 1661 and p. 332. Intoxicating liquors were ale, coirmm 
239, 1239, 1241, 2736, and linn 1378, 1718, 1932, mead, mid 1676, 2736, 4196, and. 
wine, fin, gen.ftna 316. The malt used in making ale was called braich, gen, 
bracha 1357, 2921, the old form of which was mraich, cognate probably with the 
Gaulish brac$, a kind of white grain, Pliny, H. N. xviii. 7, ' unde fit cervisia/ gloss cited 
by Ducange, s.v. 

The following words and expressions relate to the procuring and production of 
these foods and drinks: btiachail, ' cowherd,' 4038, muccaid, 'swineherd/ 275, oegaire, 
1 shepherd/ ingaire, 'herding,' 86, 1673, I 9^> 438, blegon, 'milking/ 114, togartack, 
' dairyman,' p. 321, iascach, ' fishing/ and iascaire, ' fisherman/ 247, who used a Hn, 
' net/ 685, mur-gai, ' harpoon/ 1643, rtin-gai, ' seal-spear/ 1641. Agricultural terms 
are trebad, 'cultivation/ 3167, achad, 'field/ 2557, 2572, w/=xo/>ros, 432^./ergor^ 
' meadow/ 2846, lubgort, 'garden/ 590, airbe, 'fence,' ^iog,fdl, 'hedge/ 4847, airem, 
'ploughman/ 1064, 1505, immaire, 'ridge/ 517, 1733, etrzge, 'furrow/ 1504, arathar, 
'plough/ 1502, socc, 'ploughshare/ 334, 914, ag cur sil, 'sowing/ 4322, rosilad an 
gort, 'the field was sown/ 4325, siltoir, 'sower/ 1505, buain, 'reaping/ 4221, methel, 
methelbuana, 'a party of reapers/ 1063, 4220, corrdn, 'sickle/ 2932, suist^ 'flail/ 3653, 
sorn na dtha 2629, 'the oven of the kiln' (in which the grain was dried), ac tirad 
isin dith, 'drying in the kiln/ 4297, bro, 'quern/ 850, do tteith br6n, 1313,=^ 
do bleith, 'to grind/ 4098, oc bleith arba 1974, bleithech 1980, 1982, muilenn^ 'mill/ 
linn in muilinn, 'millpool/ 913, meilt, ' grinding/ 4191, muilleftir, 'miller/ 1981, 1999, 
maistred, 'churning/ 1269, 1282. With the exceptions of socc, suist, sorn>muilenn 
and muilleoir, all these words are native. Words connected with the preparation of 
food and drink are coze, 'cook/ 752, ag bruith, 'cooking/ io,fonaithe, 'cooked/ 
2736, cucnecht, 'kitchening/ p. 320, berbad, 'boiling/ \2^\ t fulacht^ 'a cooking-place/ 
coirm do de'nam, 'to brew ale/ 1356. 




The term for this is connuih viii, gen. sg. brosna connaidh 80, brosna connaidh 
crtn 82, where brosna (cognate with Lat. frustum} is = the O. Irish brosne in the 
gloss brosne crin (gl. gremium, i.e. cremium), Palat. 68, fo. z8b. Coal is not here 

mentioned as a fuel. See 3776. 


Generic words are e'tach 862, 991, tlacht 1752, erradh 3152, and bert 1610. The 
mantle is brat 793, 4273, sometimes 'purple and five-folded/ corcra cdicdiabhail 
xxxiv. The hah- on it was brothairne 991, 2911, or finna 2911. The shirt is Une 
xxix, 1040. It was generally made either of flax (//) or of wool (olanri). Hence one 
of a saint's austerities is to put neither flax (linen) nor wool against his skin, 1092, 
4493. Cilice 1753. borrowed from cilicium, 'cloth made of goat's hair/ was his 
only wear. Sida, 'silk,' (from seta, the Fr. sot'e), siric= l serge' (from sericuni), and 
sr61, ' satin ' (from *fr6l, *flor, velours) will be worn by the wicked elders at the end 
of the world, 4574. A linen casal=casula vestis cucullata, is mentioned in 4306, 
4308. The brooch was delg or casatr 1 . The girdle was criss 885. 'Shoe' was 
asa, p. 313,1. 5 (cognate with the Hesychian ?ra| and the Latin loanword baxed), 
or cuaran 943. 'Sandal' was iall-acrann 1090, lit. 'thong-shoe,' where acrann is= 
W. archen. Obscure words which seem to mean kinds of head-gear, are cannadas 
1213, and clupait, p. 310. The breid ciartha, a waxed cloth worn by Columba over 
his eyes, p. 310, may here be mentioned. 

The only word directly connected with the production of clothing is garmain, 
'weaver's beam/ p. 330 =W. c arfan gweydd. But we may here refer to the allusions 
to sheepwashing in 2921, to tanning in 940, and to dyeing cloth in 4063-4081. 


Generic words for house, dwelling, residence, &c. are tech-=riyos 219, tegduis 221, 
adba 3134, dras 1815, or drus 2985, and mennat 3156, 3275. Les, 'a court' (= 
W. lips] 318. Special kinds of houses are loth, 'booth/ xliii, ace. loith 847, pi. n. 
botha 860, and its diminutive boithine xi, bruiden, ' hostel/ xliii, cro, 'hut,' pp. 310, 313, 
cuile, 'storehouse/ 1282, 1446, and p. 321, cuchtair, ' kitchen/ 4425, ithla, 'granary/ 
1429, muccdl, ' pigsty/ p. 2 2 4, note. Loanwords are pupall, ' tent/ ' pavilion/ 1326,- and 
saball, ' barn/ 1916, 1918, 1919. Caves are mentioned only as places of penance, p. 2 50. 

Parts of the house are the door, dorus, pi. dorais xliii, which had sometimes an iron 
lock, glais iarnaide p. 315, the wX\.,fraig, d&t.froigid 198, the hearth, tellach, p. 314, 

1 In 397 a I have assumed that casatr is from Old Fr. castere, 'chasuble.' 

n 2 


pi. tdlaige xliii, the threshold, tairrsech xi. There is no native word for ' window/ 
senistir 288 being borrowed from Lat. fenestra, wn&fuindedg from A.S. windedge. 

Lias, a hut for calves or lambs 1907, occurs in connexion with mocha (ace. p. 
machadha 1907, but machanna, Laud 610, fo. i a), which I have rendered 'farm-yard' 

on the authority of O'Donovan. 


A generic term is fointreb> ' small gear/ 72. ' Bed ' is lebaid 4230, or folg, p. 307. 
Pillow, adart xii or frithadart 2739. Feathers (cl&m from pluma) were sometimes 
used, but clum, like <r0/<ra*#=culcita 2738, 4575 is a loanword. The word for 'chair' 
(cathdir, p. 302, W. c adair = cathedra) was also borrowed. 'Caldron' is coire or 
ttzzr* xxxv, xliii, and it was sometimes made of copper (caire umai 195, coire uma 
569, coire umaide 3797). Another cooking-vessel was aigen 4275, p. 302. The spit 
was bir, p. 404, col. 2 : the quern, bro, ace. brtiin 850. A generic term for 'vessel' is 
lestar 1358, 1686= W. llestr. Vessels used for holding liquids are the dalach 1615, 
P- 3 J 3j which had hoops, cercalla 2824 : the dromlach, dronglach 1514, 1515, I6thar 
1359, telchoma 4408, ian 2952, corn 2982, 3128, and crannoc p. 307. The j?Za/, 
sometimes made of silver, 3129, seems a loanword. For holding solids we have the 
bag or sack, bolg, pi. builc 4191; the basket, c/z'a 2401, 4833, ruse 1277, 1424, 
rinde 2402; and the sieve, criaihar 1357, cognate with Lat. cribrum. 

The word for 'candle/ caindeal 505, is borrowed; but Uspaire 342 (gen. le'sboiri, 
Wb. 25 a 3) and lochrann 1768 are native. 

Miscellaneous articles are the ladder, drad xii, 954, mallet, farcha 3653, chain, 
slabrad xii, cord, /<#, dual </ //*'/ 4833; collar, muince xii, and tie, mw 1908. The 
exact meaning of comnacal 1899, 1905, 1908 has not been ascertained. 


The most primaeval mode of carriage by land, namely, on a human being's back, 
is exemplified in 107, where S. Patrick's foster-father carries him home, in 1467, 
where a man carries his consumptive mother to S. Brigit to be healed, in 2570, where 
Muredach carries S. Findian over three fields, and in 4367, where S. Cfaran's bearer 
(fer imchuir) is mentioned. S. Patrick employed his champion MacCairthenn for a 
similar purpose, Trip. Life, 174. But the usual mode of travelling was in the wheeled 
vehicle called carpat 261, 1807, drawn by a pair of horses, 4476. The carpat had 
a chief seat, primsuide 427, and two hind-shafts, fertais 3495. The chariot-builder 
is mentioned, 1. 3947. I have rendered the plural ialla, 3411, by 'reins/ butperhaps 
it here means 'traces/ or perhaps 'scourge'; cf. Lat. lora, i. reins, 2. whip, lash, 
scourge. The driver was called cairpthech 2281, or aru, ara 425, 427, pi. araid 2858 ; 
and his function araidecht 426. 


Names for various kinds of roads and paths are j// 26i=W. hynt, slige 397, conair 
1119, and raen in the compound cethur-raen 634. 

Riding is less often referred to. 'Horseman' is mar each, p. 315, 1. 3, whence 
marcackus 3154, 'horsemanship.' The bridle was srian, a loan homfrenum. From 
the phrase lengait for a n-eochu, 'they leap on their horses,' 319, we may infer the 
absence of stirrups. 

A land-journey is turus 1559, or uide 1079, 2572. Its distance was measured by 
paces, mile ce'menn 3419. 

For carriage by water the following kinds of vessels were used: bare 2462, 3169, 
curach 243, eihar 4795, long, a generic term for vessel, 282, 274, 2070, and not 
2174, 2332, 2391. A fleet was coblach 1806 or murchoblach 1802. Irish vessels 
seem generally to have been built of wickerwork and covered with one or more layers 
of hide (codul, n6i cen choduil 2391). But we read of wooden vessels, longa crannda 
3730. They were propelled -by oars, raimh viii, ramada 3574, paddles (curach 
aensluaiste 3163), or sails, seola 3575, brati: luid fo seol, 'went under sail,' 1007 : an 
gaeth . . . isin bhrut, 'the wind in the sail,' brat 2083, and in S. Brendan's first 
expedition he had three vessels, each with three rows of oars and a sail of hide. The 
mast was called seol-chrann or fern siuil: the anchor ancaire 3777, an obvious 
loanword. The crew (lucht luinge 2070) in the case of each of Brendan's vessels 
consisted of thirty men. The pilot or steersman was luamaire 2741, 4496. 

Carriage through the air by angels 2582, or on clouds 2771, was a privilege 
confined to saints, and need not be further noticed. 


The verbs used for healing are iccaim 519, 2470, and sldnaigim 1393, the former 
cognate with W. iachau and Gr. aKeopm, the latter with Lat. sal-vu-s. The word for 
physician is Uaigh 1386, gen. Uga 1385, cognate with Goth, leikeis, Eng. leech; and 
'healing' is Uighius 1392. 

Generic words for disease are sdeth or sdeth 870, p. 304, galar 825, 870, p. 304, 
ainces p. 304, teidm 876, and the loanword mortlaid 4060. Sick persons are 
called d6ini galair 825, or aes tedma 519. Special ailments or the persons suffering 
from them are as follows: aillsi, 'gangrene,' 4843, ambrite, 'barrenness,' 335, 
amrit, 'a barren person,' 4787, amlabar, 'dumb,' 1389, 2473, P- 3 2 ^ anfabrachta, 
'consumptive,' 1440, att, 'a swelling,' 1456, bacach, 'lame,' 598, 2473, p. 326, 
bacldm, 'mancus/ p. 328, balbh, 'dumb,' 1444, 4860, bodur, 'deaf,' 2473, borrfad, 'a 
swelling/ 1456, luide connaill, 'the Yellow Plague,' 876, 4798, cdeck, 'blind of an 
eye,' p. 326, cldir-einech, ' table-face,' 57, clam, 'leper/ 242, 598, 1442, claime, ' leprosy/* 
944 (see the vivid description of a bad case, 1625), crecht, 'wound, sore/ 1391, dall, 


' 'blind/ 57, 598, 1440, 2473, dailk, 'blindness/ 4092, ddsachtach, 'mad/ 1440, dem- 
nach, demnachda, ' demoniac/ 4855, galar s6la, some disease of the eye, ' ophthalmia ?' 
^SS* P- 3 20 > scairbtdhe, 'scabrous/ 3255, serg, ' consumption,' 2794, slaetan, 'lung- 
disease,' xxvi, idmh, ' plague,' 564, fregat, ' colic/ 564 (if this be the right reading), 
tromdacht andla, ' heaviness of breath/ 2668. 

The mediaeval Irish "had a copious and not unscientific materia medica : see Revue 
Celiique, ix. 224-244. But there is nothing in the present book to illustrate it the 
only cures mentioned being effected by holy water, 568, 1242, 1519, 4024 ; the water 
of holy wells, 59, 2711, p. 330; the water in which a saint's feet had been washed, 
p. 325; honey miraculously made out of water, 112; wheat made out of oats, 
4218; hallowed water-cress, 4788; the sign of the cross, 90, 4190; a saint's word, 
prayer, or blessing, 107, 119, 833, 1030, 1267, 2026; a saint's breath, 1204, touch, 
4853, blood, 1389, tears, 4652, shadow, 1469, and girdle, 1490. 


The corpse was wrapt in a shroud, recholl or racholl 1041 and p. 405, carried by 
a man, 2729, or on a bier, fuat 3546, with lamentations, and buried, as a rule, with 
chanting of psalms and hymns, 3841, in a consecrated graveyard, relec 790. Burial 
in a bog, x, or in the sea, 3768, or wherever two unbroken oxen stopped, 634, was 
exceptional. So was the burial of the invaders slain in battle, 3114. 'I bury' is 
adnaz'cim, corruptly adlaicim, ' burial ' is adnacul. The grave is called lighe, ' bed/ 
or /erta, 335, 3115. 

A requiem, e'cnairc (lit. 'intercession '), gen. e'cnarca, p. 307, seems to have been sung 
for the repose of the soul of the dead. 


These are amusement, literature, science, art, religion and superstition. 


The chief amusements referred to in this book are feasting (fled, ' feast '=W. 
gwledd, 1928, 2817), intoxication (ian measctha L. do Hnd 2952), buffoonery (druth 
p. 358, druiih, 'buffoons/ 481, crosan 3736), horse-racing (ech buada, 'race-horse/ 
2090), and some kind of draughts (fidchell xxx, 'draught-board/ 4573). Half the 
set of men (foirenri) of Crimthann Nia Nar's draught-board are said to have been of 
yellow gold, the other half of white bronze. 

Hunting a fox is mentioned in 4054, and hunting wild swine and deer is mentioned 
in 3218, 3219. But here the object of the hunter was probably not amusement, 
but rather to obtain food or to destroy a noxious animal. 



The words in this book for the professional creators of literature are///, 'poet/ xl, 
pi. filid 3022, /r<?j, 'a learned man/ 3021, ollam^ the first rank of poet, p. 309, anrud, 
the second, and cainle, 'a satirist/ 490. Aes ddna is a collective name for poets 
in 3021, but in 479 it is applied, like dam in 1. 2711, to a body of buffoons and 
satirists. The only words for poetical products are dtian xxxv, and Idid 3499, the 
latter being divided into rainn 3500, or quatrains. A specimen of the ancient 
rhymeless poetry appears to be in 11. 2806-2811. A eulogy (molad) in rhythm (ire 
rithimm) is brought to a saint, 2672, and see p. 305, where this word is used for the 
Amra Coluimm chille. Rithoirg, borrowed from rhetor ica, occurs in p. 312. The 
usual reward (dtias) for this was gold, silver, or precious raiment, 2673. 'Proverb' 
is arose br/tihre 4083. These are native words; and so are the terms for 'ink/ dub 
1051, and 'ink-horn/ adaircin 1050, 1053. But all the other words relating to 
literature are either borrowed from, or framed (like coibge = con-fige, con-textus) in 
imitation of, Latin words. Thus atbgifer, aicipt, caibdel, catrt, eipistil, fersa, focul, 
rem-focul, lebar, ttgaim, air-Ugaim, mac Uginn, leignid, liter, martralaic, pdlatre, petar- 
laic, salm, scol 4119, scolaidecht, scolaigi, scrtbenn, scriptur, gen. sg. 182, sdair,taball 
dartha, ttach liubar, trachtaire, ymmonn. For the places in which these words may 
be found, see above, pp. Ixxii xc. The book with leathern ledba, ' straps/ round its 
cover, 4052, is noteworthy. Compare the description of the case of the Book of 
Armagh, in Reeves' Columba, p. 115, note c. 


Here we may collect the words expressing divisions of time, viz. the year, bliadan 
1787, the quarter, raithe 2993, the month, mi 1787, the fortnight, cdicdiges xxxiii, the 
week, sechtmain .1788 (borrowed from septimand), and the day, laithe 1787, or Id 
3691, and dia 3706, and the night, adaig, oidche. 

The distinction between solar and lunar months was known, as we see from the 
expressions mzgrtine 1787, and in dechmad esca 4374. 

The four seasons were called respectively errach, samrad 898, fogamar (gen. 
fogmair 4441) and gam or gaimred. There were names for the beginning of each 
quarter : beltine, ' mayday/ lugnasad 899, ' lammas/ samain, ' all-saints-day ' and 
imbolc ' candlemass.' The autumnal equinox seems to have been known, the term 
for this being, apparently, desebar na greine 1885, where des is cognate with the 
dakshina of the Skr. synonym dakshindyana, ' the going (of the sun) to the south.' 
All these Irish words, with the exception of sechtmain, are native, and point to some 
knowledge of astronomy, though the term for this science, astrolaice xv, is borrowed. 
The practice of some kind of astrology seems evidenced by the story in 812-817. 


The divisions of the day anlert (or prim 4118), terl, sest, n6n, fescer (or espariairi), 
midnocht (or tarm/irge 86 1, 2377, 4118), and maien are for the most part taken from 
the Latin names of the canonical hours. 

There is some evidence, too, of the existence of a system of weights and measures. 
The story in the Life of Findian, 11. 2613-2623 (infra, p. 225) shows that there must 
have been a standard ounce, though the Irish word for this weight, uinge, is, like the 
Welsh wns, borrowed from uncia. Measures of length are, as usual, fixed with 
reference to parts or actions of the human body. Thus traig, 'foot/ 3681, mile 

ctmmenn, ' a thousand paces.' 

d. ART. 

On the permanent arts sculpture, carving, jewel-work, embroidery, architecture, 
and painting little light is thrown by the documents printed in this work. A 
diadem, minn, made by a famous goldsmith, is mentioned in p. xxxi, and a purple 
helmet, topped by a golden ball, and adorned by strings of carbuncle, twists of gold, 
and chains of white bronze, is described in p. xxx. In the Life of Brigit (11. 1596, 
1597) we read of a silver chain with a human form at one end and a ball of silver at 
the other. Kings' drinking-horns, too, were often elaborately ornamented. See 
1. 2982, where the horn is said to have a covering of red gold, and 1. 4346, where 
we read of a ' royal quaigh with three golden birds/ The costly cup, airidech Idgmar, 
mentioned in p. 324, was doubtless also a work of art. 

The notices of architecture are still more scanty. We once (1. 3790) read of 
a church built of stone. In Tirechan's Memoirs of S. Patrick mention is twice made 
of an aclessia terrena, which probably means a church built of mud. But the 
ancient Irish ecclesiastical, like their civil, buildings, were as a rule made of wattles or 
timber, thatched with reeds \ Hence we read (11. 893, 2583) of Columba and Findian 
sending their monks into the forest to cut wattles or trees for building churches ; of 
Brigit sending her nuns to beg some of the peeled rods of which Ailill, son of 
Dunlaing, had a hundred horseloads (11. 1571-1577). Hence, too, we read (1. 4379) 
of Ciaran planting the first stake (cktK) in Clonmacnois; for the wattles were 
woven between upright stakes. Of the form of Irish buildings we here learn 
nothing, save that the oratory (daurthecti) had a conical top (bennchopur), p. 335. 

Of the transitory arts music, acting, dancing only the first is referred to in this 
book. The word for 'music' or 'melody' is ceol xv, pi. dat. cedlaib 3972, for 
a 'strain' or 'tune,' adbonn, pi. adbuinn xiv, cor, dat. pi. cor ail 3972. 'Melodious' 
is linn xv. ' To make music ' is airfitiud xv, or seinm xiii. Unless the bell, doc 86 1, 
2892, clog 4367, can be deemed a musical instrument, the only one mentioned is the 
crutf, or small harp, which could be carried in the hand, xiii, and which had a neck, 
1 The earliest mention of a -leaden roof is in the Annals of Ulster, A. D. 1008. 


brdge, ace. brdgail xiv, and a sloil, ' cover ? ' and which, when necessary, was tuned, 
gUsta xiii. Of concerted music there is no mention, save in the Life of Brenainn, 
3749, the quire-singing (clascetul) of the angels calling a soul to heaven. 


The documents in this book throw little new light on the form of Christianity which 
existed in Ireland in the early Middle Ages. The following points may be mentioned : 

For the Supreme Being we have the two words dia andjiadu, gen.fadaf 1289, both 
survivals from heathenism, the former being cognate with Skr. deva, the latter with 
Gr. fl8a>s, Goth, veitvdds. From Christian missionaries comes the knowledge of the Tri- 
nity (Trin6if) and the three Persons (persamn). In these Lives island-monsters and 
devils are expelled in the name of the Trinity, 2231, 4856 : Brigit divides her butter 
into three parts 'according to the number of the Trinity/ p. 321 ; and in the story 
told in p. xi, a disappointed worshipper reproaches the Trinity as if it were an oriental 
idol that had failed in its duties. The first Person, the ' Heavenly Father/ 4602, is 
often mentioned. He is called the Lord of the Elements, 1330, 4629. The second 
is called ' Mary's Son/ p. 321 ; 'the Virgin's Son/ 1329; 'the Son of the Living God/ 
4601; 'the Prince of the world/ p. 321; 'Lord of seven heavens/ Fdl. prol. 2; 
' the true Light/ 27; 'the Sun of Righteousness/ 28, 4631 ; 'King of the white sun/ 
p. 361 ; ' Head of all things/ 4505. He was born through the crown of the Blessed 
Virgin 1 , and she had been impregnated by the breath of the third Person 2 . The Holy 
Spirit is mentioned in 1. 100 as inspiring Patrick to resuscitate some dead cows. 
The 'fire of the Divine grace/ mentioned in 1. 162, probably means the Holy Ghost. 

The Blessed Virgin Mary, ' mother of the airdri ' xxi, is mentioned only once in 
the Lives, namely in the story (1260-1265) of Brigit entering an assembly, and being 
hailed by the host as the Mary of the Gael. The absence of any reference to the cultus 
of the Virgin is a strong argument in favour of the antiquity of the substance of 
these Lives. 

Angels. The munter mme, 'household of heaven/ is often mentioned; see 238, 
4514. The hierarchy of the pseudo-Dionysius the Areopagite seems to have been 
well known to the Irish, and allusions to the nine orders of celestial beings, ' the 
nine ranks of heaven' (648, mi, 2783, 4521), are frequent in these Lives and 
elsewhere in Irish literature. Angels, and even archangels, are industrious in 
their office towards our saintly heroes. One cleanses a hearth for Patrick, 124. 
Another acts as midwife towards Sendn's mother, 1885. They grind at a saint's 

1 Saltair na Rann, 7529, 7530. 

2 Is e dorinne Mac do geinemain isin Oigh gan adbur daena acht o anail coiserctha in Spirtu 
Book of Lismore, 60 b , i. See M&lusine for 5 Oct. 1888, col. 222. 


quern, 4100, change his oats into wheat, 4165, bring him letters, 550, teach 
him to pray, 156, dictate his Rule, 3544, hover over his dwelling, 4641, 4752, 
carry him and his household through the air, 2582, and, finally, escort his soul to 
heaven, 2493. Michael the Archangel, at whose command the general resurrection 
will take place, 620, comes in the shape of a radiant bird and sings to Brenahm from 
one canonical hour to another. Kaphael heartens Sendn, quoting a psalm from the 
Vulgate, 2061, and shows him the place of his resurrection, 2194. 

Devils (demat'n). The Irish, like other early Christians, not only believed in evil 
spirits, but held that they could take possession of the bodies and the souls of human 
beings. Hence S. Patrick is stated, in the Book of Armagh, fo. 9 a, 2, to have brought 
exorcists to Ireland. Two are mentioned in connexion with the monk Olcan, ibid, 
fo. 9 b, 2 ; and Mochua's exorcism of a devil is commemorated, infra, 1. 4855. 
In the story cited supra, p. xix, devils pass through the air to carry off a sinner's soul. 
Satan himself, the Devil (z'n DiabuV) par excellence, converses with Brigit, 1402-1423, 
1 his head down, his feet up, his smoke and his flame out of his gullet and out of his 
nose/ He smites with a deadly disease the son of one of Columba's converts. So 
he appears to Brenainn while at sea, and shows him the gate of hell, 3625-3633, or 
squirts forth waters which, though fair to see, are deadly to drink, 3707-3716. 

Antichrist, xix, and Doomsday, xviii, heaven and hell, are also mentioned in this 
book. But nothing is said of purgatory, and in two instances (3749, 3766) the 
soul of a dead man goes straight to heaven, in another case straight to hell, 4242. 

Study of the Scriptures. This is evidenced by the statements, 3449, 4647, that Bre- 
nainn and Mochua learnt or read ' the canon of the Old Law and the New Testament.' 
Colomb Cille, we are told, 1099, preached the Gospel. MacNisse reads his psalms 
with Patrick, 1. 371, Senan does the same with Cassidan, 1. 1957, and Brenainn 
with bishop Eire, 3393. Ciaran reads S. Matthew's Gospel, 4142-4154. In the 
Book of Armagh, fo. 8 b, 2, S. Patrick is said to have carried across the Shannon the 
Old Testament (libros legis) and the Gospels (aevanguelii libros] ; and in the same 
codex, fo. i4b, 2, he is said to have given a Heptateuch (libros legis sepfem) to 

S. Mucne. 


i. Baptism (ord in baithis 63, baitsi 1216). This was performed with water, 1. 58, 
and generally in a well, 398, 2523, or a river, 1810. Triple immersion was practised, 
1. 4134 and p. 357. The head of the baptized seems to have been anointed 1 , 1. 1216, 
and blessed, 1. 461. Belief in God and in S. Patrick, or belief in the Lord, is the 
only preliminary mentioned in the cases of Sescnech, 256, of Oengus, 450, and of 
Cairthenn, 497. But in that of Dichu, 280, we have congain cride, 'grief of heart/ 

1 See Warren, Liturgy and Ritual of the Celtic Church, p. 66, note'a. 


and there is little doubt that in Ireland, as in Carthage, repentance and confession 
preceded baptism. The aes foirfe (i. e. foirbthe), ' perfect folk/ mentioned in the 
Life of Sendn, like the fit's foirbthe of the Wurzburg Codex Paulinus, pa, u, seems 
to mean ' baptized Christians/ and to be an imitation of the Greek term TeXoi. See 
the glossary to Dr. Littledale's Offices of the Eastern Church, s.vv. TeXeion-owiv, reXeioy, 
TcXeiWis. So after his baptism Findchua is called ' the perfect child/ in macamh 6g, 
2840. A fee was paid to the person performing the ceremony: see 2832, where it 
amounted to seven golden pence, and 3376, where it was three purple wethers. 

2. Confirmation (Ir. cosmaifconsummatio} is not mentioned in these Lives. 

3. The Eucharist. Though only the Body is mentioned in 1. 617, we have abundant 
proof that the Sacrament was administered in both kinds 1 . Thus Columb Cille offers 
Christ's Body and His Blood, 961, 1098, the monstrous maiden found by Brenainn 
partakes of the Body of Christ and of His Blood, 3689. So do the crosdn, 3751, 
the smith, 3765, and the hermit, 3839. That water was mixed with the sacramental 
wine appears from 11. 840, 2162, and see p. 303, infra. In one case, 2348, the 
communion is administered to children. The altar was in the east. For the altar- 
service we have the terms comman 4469, sacarbaic x, oifrenn viii, or aifrenn 517, and 
the verb aifrinntar xiii. To these may be added the phrase did do churp Crist, lit. ' to 
go to Christ's Body/ xiv, or techt do Idimh ind espuic, 1630. The mias (altar-slab), the 
paten (cailech\ 288, 1631, and the credence-table (mem'sfi'r),ihe portable altar (imaltoir), 
r633,and the sosctta 4356, 'gospelar/ the portions of the Gospels used in the Mass 
may also be mentioned in this connexion. That for the Paschal mass a consecrated 
fire was kindled appears from 268, 327. 

Penance, Matrimony, and Holy Orders, are referred to in these Lives ; but not as 
Sacraments. Connected with Penance, or repentance (aithrige 1434, 2912, 3299, 
3414, 3448, aithrech 3276), are confession (coibse, gen. coibsen 1634) and the soul- 
friend (anam-chara\ spiritual director, or confessor mentioned in 2350, 2803, 4792, 
and many other places: his function, anmcardius, in 2480. Matrimony is referred 
to in 3335 (coibltge dligthecK), Holy Orders passim. 

Whether the anointing (ongad\ 2475, means Extreme Unction, or some other rite 
in which oil was used, I do not know. The earliest mention in Irish documents of 
extreme unction appears to be at the year 1105, in the case of Domnall, bishop of 


Genuflexions are mentioned in 145, Patrick performing a hundred in the morning 
and the same number in the evening. Senan prostrates himself by a cross, 1950. 

1 See Warren, ibid. ch. ii. 23. 
O 1 

cviii PREFACE. 

Prayer. The ' order of prayer' is mentioned in 156, as being taught to Patrick by 
an angel. Prayer, as well as fasting and alms, is mentioned, 630, as part of the saint's 
own teaching. For the miraculous effects of prayer, see 280, 1674, 2028, 3550, 4862. 


By the austerities which they are said to have practised, Irish saints remind one of 
Hindu yogis, and, like the yogis, they seem to have believed that it was possible to 
wrest from God some portion of the Divine power *. Finnchua, for instance, spent 
seven years suspended by iron sickles under his armpits, 'so that he might get 
a place in heaven' in lieu of one which he had given away, 2930, 2932. Like Ite, 
he caused his body to be eaten into by chafers or stagbeetles (daelaib). Findian wore 
a girdle of iron that cut to the bone, 2725. Ciar&n mixed his bread with sand. 
Columba and Ciaran slept on the ground with a stone for a bolster. Finnchua 
improved on this by choosing as his bedfellows corpses brought for burial. Mochua 
lived in a 'prison of stone,' t carcair cloichi, 4751. He seems to have been an inclusus, 
walled up, with only a little aperture left for letting food down to him. See the 
Chronicle of Marianus Scotus, ad annos 1080, 1081, 1091. 


Pilgrimage, ailithre viii, was one of the three boons begged by Colombcille, 835. 
As to the three kinds of pilgrimage, see 698-720, where the subject is handled 
with singular good sense. Ireland, like the Holy Land and Rome, seems to have 
been a resort of foreign pilgrims. Thus pilgrims to Ireland from the lands of Letha 
are mentioned in 2070, and in a litany in the Book of Leinster, p. 373, cols. 3, 4, and 
the Lebar Brecc, p. 23 b Roman, Saxon and British pilgrims are commemorated. 
Seven monks from Egypt are also mentioned in the same document. 


The worship of human relics and the belief in their tutelary power, which have pre- 
vailed in Europe from the fourth century, is often evidenced by these Lives. Thus 
Patrick leaves venerable relics, martra sruithi, with the people of Ossory 445. 
Columba chooses gold to cover reliquaries and shrines (minn j mainistrecK) withal, 873. 
He leaves many reliquaries (minna) in Bregia, 952 ; and in compliance with a 
request for some tokens and minna, Ciaran leaves his gospel and his bell. Virgins 
entreat Senan that a dead monk's body may be given to them ' to be buried by us, so 
that his relics may be protecting us,' 2481. Senan himself goes to pray at Cassidan's 

1 See the citation from Sir A. Lyall in Maine's Village Communities, p. 401. As Padmavati 
says in the Katha-sarit-sagara, tr. by Tawney, ii. 538 : ' There is nothing that austerities cannot 


relics, 2484. Findian's relics and remains (relce 7 thaisi) work miracles every day, 
2776. Only once do we find something like a protest against relic-worship, namely, 
where Ciardn of Clonmacnois says to his monks, 4447 : ' Go, and leave my remains 
as the bones of a deer are left in the sun, because it is better for you to dwell along 
with me in heaven than to stay here by my relics/ 


Idolatry (adrad idat) -is referred to in 1. 374, and the destruction of idols and 
images (idol j arracht) in 600. But only one mention is made of a heathen god, 
namely in the story of Failge, 422-439, where Patrick's destruction of the idol Cenn 
Crriaich (apparently cognate with Pennocruciurn), 'Failge's god,' is given as the 
reason for Failge's attempt to murder the saint. 

The superstitions surviving the introduction of Christianity, and mentioned or 
referred to in this book, are as follows : 

T. The belief in elves, aes (or d6ini} side, descendants, according to Irish tradition, 
of the vanquished Tuatha de* Danann. A female fairy, ben side, is mentioned supra, 
p. xxx. 

2. The belief in magic. The heathen magician or wizard, drui, drat, gen. druad 
1878, is often mentioned in the Lives. He prophesies, 300, 1170, 2660, 4007 : and 
in 1194, ii95_/0/fl%=vates and drui are used for the same person. He uses charms 
(s/na) 2280, sings spells (brechta, better, brichtu) 2283, and can cause darkness, 2292, 
thunder and lightning, 2294, mist, 2301 and storm. He can make afence over which 
whoever passes dies, p. xxxvii. He can summon demons to help him, 2304; though 
how he compelled them to obedience does not appear \ He deals in deadly poisons. 
He and his art (dan) are consequently much honoured, the-whole assembly on one 
occasion rising before him, 1878. There seem to have been official magicians. We 
read, 4008, of the wizard of a king, and king Brude's fosterfather was a wizard. 
There were magical sciences, eladain druidechta, which Patrick is said to have de- 
stroyed, 601, but which seem to have flourished long after his time. And we read, 
p. 315, of a dr&i holding argument (frifhtagra] with Columba. 

3. The belief in lucJtrapain, 3376, where devils are described as appearing in the 
forms of dwarves and luchrapain, with their faces as black as coal. As to the origin 
of the luchrapain, see Revue Celtique, i. 256, 257 : LU. 2 a : Rawl. B. 502, fo. 45 b, r. 

4. The sacrifice of a human being to secure the safety of a building, etc. See 
the story of Odran, 1007-1023, and the note in p. 309. 

5. Revelation of the future by visions (fisi) and dreams (aislinge). See pp. 153, 
171, 174, 222, 248, etc. Of these the most striking is in p. 192, where the apostacy 
of the Irish after Patrick's death is prefigured. 

* Indian magicians confine them in flame. 


6. Prophets fix lucky days by scanning the sky, 813. Astrology, of which the 
selection of days is a subordinate branch, is mentioned, supra, p. xv. 

7. The charmed sword in whose presence no one could die, 921. 

8. Battles may be won by taking to the field the body of a dead hero, 1153, and 
compare the story of Dathi in LU. 38 a, and O'Donovan's Hy-Fiachrach, p. 22. 
A saint's reliquary has the same effect, 3268. 

9. A saint's cowl worn in battle saves the wearer from death, p. 306. 

10. Saints' manuscripts and books resist water, 4360, 4141, 4321, and p, 358. 

11. Light or fire is emitted by relics of saints, 473, 2611, and see p. 343. 

12. Unborn saints can speak from their mothers' wombs, 2820, 3298, and see p. 347. 

13. Diseases may be transferred from human beings to inanimate objects, such as 
a bell or a crozier, 4880, 4884, and see p. 361. 

14. Souls assume the form of birds, 3892, and p. 354. 

15. Reciting the iigth Psalm (Beati Immaculati) gets a soul out of hell at the end 
of a year, p. 406, and immunity from hell-pains is secured by dying on the hide of 
S. Ciaran's dun cow, 4262. Hence in the Annals of Inisfallen (Rawl. B. 503), ad a. 
886, we find : Quies Tdidg meicc Conchobaz'r rf Connacht, farna imnochtai, for 
seche na huidre Ciarain x , ' The rest of Tadg, son of Conchobar, king of Connaught, 
completely stript (of his earthly goods) on the hide of Ciaran's dun (cow).' 

1 6. Seawaves can speak to human beings. Thus, in the story told in 11. 971-975 
a wave informs Colomb cille of the danger and future arrival of Cairnech's com- 
munity. So in the introduction to the Dialogue of the Two Sages, LL. 186 a, Ne*de 
hears a wave lamenting, and having cast a spell (bricht} upon it, learns from it the 
death of his father Adna. 

17. Philtres. The belief in the efficacy of philtres is shown by the story in 
11. 1478-1487. 

18. Lake-monsters hurtful to man: see 1031-1035, 4709-4721. 

19. Holding a piece of rowan-tree during parturition, 1888. 

20. The art of invisibility (a branch of Eastern magic) seems to have existed in 
Ireland, for mention is made of a cloak of darkness, celtchair (leg. celtair) dichlethi, 

21. The inhabitants of the sea who pray for and expect resurrection, 3683. For 
more about submarine people, see the story of Inber nAilbine, BB. 355. 

22. On Doomsday the Irish will be judged by Patrick, 627; but Ciaran of Clon- 
macnois, according to the Life of that saint, 4518, will be judge, along with Christ, 
' over the fruit of his teaching/ 

1 Dr. O'Conor translates the last seven words thus : ' Postquam aegrotasset quodam tempore, in 
Ciarani ! ' As to imnochtae cf. the Rule of Colomb cille : IMnochta do sechim degress ar Crist ocus 
ar na soiscela, Rawl. B. 512, fo. 40 b 2, and Reeves' Cohtmfa, p. 343. 



The word for 'family' is fine 2947, a fern, ia-stem cognate with the Old Saxon 
vt'nt, 'friend,' O.N. vinr, and the subject falls under the following heads: i. Marriage 
and other sexual relations; 2. Parent and child; 3. Fosterer.and foster-son; 4. Master 
and servant; and 5. Host and guest. 


Marriage of some kind existed : the words for ' wife ' being ben , 565, bainchSle 
2990, and sttich 54, 381, 1289, cognate with se't, 'way,' just as A. S. ge-st<f, 'com- 
rade,' is cognate with siff. The married couple was called Idnamain 220, 1876, 
3335, matrimony, Idnamnus. A wedding was called banais, gen. baindse 1 72, the bride- 
price, tinnscra xxxv, 1159 : sexual intercourse, coiblige 3335 : birth-pangs, idain 2830. 
The kings at least were sometimes polygamists ; see 2990, where we read of the two 
wives of a king of Leinster. But monogamy prevailed, and in one case we hear of a 
married couple living together for thirty years, 2791. That down to the end of the 
eleventh century the secular clergy sometimes had wives appears from the fact that 
Patrick's grandfather was a deacon, 47, and may be inferred from the lines 4562-4565, 
in which the poet, contrasting the good old times with the present, says, ' Folk of severe 
discipline, who served the King of the white sun, neither children nor wives used to 
be a hindrance (thairmes\c\dais) to them : their natures were pure V That a wife 
might enjoy property we know from the. Brehon laws ; from the joint offering made 
by Daire and his wife, 1. 577 ; and from the story in 1. 2919, where a king asks what 
rent (cis) should be given to his queen and to himself out of certain land. That 
female chastity was prized appears from 3054. A widow is called fedb 3997, 4889, 
or bentrebthach, p. 330. 


The general word for 'parents' is tuistidi 2334, 3992. 'Father' is athair 47, 
'mother/ mdthair 48, 'grandfather/ senathair 47, 3990. The general word for 
'children' is clann F. cognate, though apparently not identical, with W. plant. 
A child is lenab, an infant, ndidiu. The ' son ' is mac=n. pi. mefcittf=W. map : the 
' daughter ' is ingen, in primeval Irish inigina z , cognate with the Gaulish man's-name 
Em'genus*, or Enignus*, the Latin ingenuus. 'Grandson' is haue, hua, cognate 

1 Compare also the story in Rawl. B. 502, fo. 57 a 2, of the student in Armagh, temp. Columbae, 
who used to visit the wife of another cleric during mass : the mention made in the Annals of Ulster, 
A.D. 1077, of Dub easa, daughter of Amalgaid, Patrick's successor; and the mention in the same 
Annals, A.D. 1095, of Aed, son of Mael fsu, i.e. Patrick's successor. 

2 It occurs in the bilingual of Eglwys Cymmun church, Carmarthenshire: AVITORIA FILIA 
CUNIGNI Inigina Cunigni Avitoriges. 

s C. I. L. xii. 23: eni=\vi. 
* C. I. L. iii. 3784, 3793. 

cxii PREFACE. 

with Traif. 'Brother' and 'sister' are respectively brdthair 375, and siur 49, 86, 
uterine relationship being expressed by prefixing the adj. derb, as in derbsiur 3400, 
pi. derbsethracha 4639. That girls sometimes received instruction in literature 
appears from 1. 4128. 

An Irish, Jike an Anglo-Saxon, father (Kemble, Saxons in England, i. 198), 
might reduce his children to slavery. See the story in 11. 1308-1331, where, 
however, the child was illegitimate. As to sales of children in time of famine, see 
1. 1862, and pp. 337, 405. To giving a girl in marriage, the consent not only of her 
parents, but also of some other relations, carait, seems to have been necessary. See 


The fosterfather was aite 102, 103, 836, cognate with Goth. atta. The fostermother, 
muimme 70, 95, 102, 3725, apparently cognate with Germ, muhme, as to which, see 
Kluge, s.v. : the fosterchild dalte ^^de-alizo, cognate with Lat. alo. ' Fosterbrother ' 
was comalte 2793, pi. comhaltadha 4676= W. cyfaillt, and 'fosterage,' altram^ 66. 
The fosterage-fee was called zarrad, gen. iarraith, Laws i. 216, and sometimes con- 
sisted of land 2 . 


The master was called coimmdiu. For the servant there were the terms mogh 150, 
mogad -L%i4,fogantaid 293, dtier 4884, timthirid 1036, 4403, 77/0 1163, 1164, 4429, 
and scoloc 4234, 4424. Of these, timthirid, gilla, vxAscoloc bore the same relation to 
mogh and d6er that Bepairav bore to 8ov\os. Cumal is a she-slave, and in Irish currency 
was equivalent to three cows. Innailt, p. 3 1 1, is a handmaid. 

The status of slaves was called ddire, better d6ire. Their labours, at least of 
she- slaves, were grinding at the quern, p. 269, and foot-washing, p. 318. They had 
rations, acndbad 158, pi. agnabtha Ravvl. B. 512, fol. 122 a 2 : they were baptized, p. 
202 ; they were married, and it is once said that they were emancipated every seven 
years, pp. 154, 168. But they could be sold, 141, 150, 195, a mother separately from 
the child of which she was pregnant, and it was an act of mercy to redeem them, 4267, 

When Brigit's great-house was being built in Kildare, a local nobleman fed the 
wrights and paid them their wages (dulghena), 1577. This proves the existence of 
free servants capable of contracting. 

1 A cognate word, meaning apparently ' wet-nnrse,' is banaltrann, gen. pi. 3014. 
* See the Tripartite Life of S. Patrick, Rolls ed. p. 80, 1. 15. 



The words for guest are 6igi and gres, p. 319. ' Hospitality,' is 6egedacht. For 
' host' we have onlyfer in tige, literally ' the man of the house,' p. 333. The regular 
period of guesting seems to have been three nights (Revue Celtique, ix. 495), and 
every monastery had a guest-house or tech 6iged. 


This subject falls under four heads, i, civil; 2, legal ; 3, military; and 4, ecclesiastical. 

i. CIVIL. 

The airdri, ri Eirenn, 'king of Ireland,' 928, 4004, 4267, 4385, or ri Temrach, 
' king of Tara,' 2799, was the highest person in the State, if one may use such a word 
with reference to Ireland. Next to him was the airdri cuicid, ' overking of a fifth ' 
or province, xxxv. Of these there were the ri Laigen, 'king of Leinster,' 1314, 
1536, 1596, 2990, the ri Human, 'king of Munster/ 448, 2815, 2890, 3331, the 
ri Connacht, 'king of Connaught/ 2814, 4692, 4791, the ri Ulad, 'king of the 
Ulaid,' xxxiii, and, lastly, the ri Midi, 'king of Meath/ 2941. Seventeen smaller 
kings are mentioned in the Lives, those, namely, of Ciarraige 3157, Coirpre 2715, 
Corco-Baiscinn 1520, the D&si 2929, Eoganacht of Loch Le"in 2918, Fir Maige 
2817, 2825, Fir Roiss 1394, 2836, Fotharta 2620, Hrii Cennselaig 3054, Hui 
Dunlainge 2605, Hui Cairbri 3212, Hiii Failgi 440, Hui Fidgente 477, 2152, Hui 
Ne"ill 4001, Muscraige 2149, Raithliu 1801, and Tethba 1314, 1536, 1596, 2990. 

The royal dignity seems to have been hereditary (see 350, 369), though no 
custom of primogeniture existed. The king's heir apparent was called rig-damna 296, 
3214, i.e. 'king-material.' His queen was rigan 1595 or banrigan, p. 330. His 
sway was ardrige 515, rige, flathius and forlamus xxxii, xxxiv. Under the king 
were various nobles (sderclann, des grada 3017) and officers called flaith 1 , codnach 
308, 1883, 3207, oirri, ' governor,' gen. pi. oirrig 3209, ruire, dat. pi. ruirechaib 3346, 
tigerne, 'lord,' xxxvii, tuisech na tuaithe 2015, rechtaire, 'steward/ 400, 2252, maer 
(=maior) 2466, and ronnaire 2466. 

The tenant or peasant was aithech xxxvii, 1880, a word derived, apparently, from 
aithe, * fenus,' and quite different from aithech in the expression aithech tige, which is 
the Irish equivalent of the Breton ozech, the Gr. nonnos in ^OTTOTIKOS. 

The king had royal raiment (e"tach rigda 4270), a palace (rigthech 122), from 
which his retainers were supplied with food, 408; a throne (rigsuide 625, 626), and a 

1 In 4751 faith seems used as synonymous with ri: flaith clann bhFiacniach. 


cxiv PREFACE. 

drinking-horii covered with red gold, 2982. He was entitled to tribute (cfs, arra 
2088), payable apparently in kind, e.g. curd and butter: see 127, where the king 
was Cymric. When the tribute was too heavy (rotrotri), the subject went to some 
other territory, 4002. Seven charges (dolatdt) on land are also referred to, 2982. 
The king's dues were collected for him by a mder, a rechtaire and a ronnaire 2466. 

The king maintained his authority by taking hostages (g&ll, etire). Thus king 
Loegaire had at Tara nine hostages from Dfchu. So universal was this practice that 
during the reign of the blameless king Conaire, even the Irish wolves gave him seven 
wolf-hostages for the observance of the rule that not more than one bull-calf should 
be carried off in each year from each byre : so at least says the veracious author of 
the JBruden Da Derga, LU. 86 b. Hostages were sent either voluntarily or under 
compulsion of war, 1. 355. They were not allowed to bear arms, LU. 90 a, and the 
cruelty with which they were sometimes treated is exemplified by the stories of Dfchu, 
307-321, and Scannlan, infra, p. 310. ' Hostageship ' was called giallnae or eitirecht, 

P- 3i I- 5- 

The population of Ireland, 'G6edel's many clans/ 2466, was divided into tribes 
and kindreds, tuatha (sg. tualh, gen. tuaithe 2015) and cenela 4002, with nothing 
to bind the island into a State, save the existence of the overking, coupled with the 
biennial Feis Temra, ' Feast of Tara/ xxxiii, and the annual fair of Telltown (Oinach 
Taittten), where there was a gathering of the men of FJriu (coimthinol Ihfer n-Eirenn 
1449). These institutions had some analogy to the Althing in Iceland, the fair of 
Ohud in Arabia, and the Isthmian games in Greece. 

The tribe had its public meetings, airecht 1876 (=Mid.W. areith, ' speech '): 
aireclus 1877, airechfas 1451, gen. airechtais 1458, ddl 102 ( = O.W. datt), comhdhdl 
2309, or m6r-dhdl 1875. They were sometimes convened by the king, 2309. 
Women attended them, 1450; but do not appear to have spoken or voted. 

The relations between Ireland and the Fir Alban or eastern Dal-Riata (rigfota), 
the colony which, under stress of famine, was sent from Munster to Scotland \ are 
touched on in p. 314. The meaning appears to be that the colonists were indepen- 
dent as regards tribute and maritime warfare; but in land-expeditions they must 
obey the mother country. 

Social Observances. Of these we find : rising up (ur&rge, coimtirge) as a mark 
of respect, 1880, 3132 : prostration or genuflexion (slechtaitf) 381, 2929, 4348, 4693, 
and carrying on the back over three fields, 2572. Honorific titles are coimmdiu and 

1 Dal Riata ocus Fir Alban. Do sil Choirpy?" Rigfota' meic Conaire mete Moga, a Mamain doib 
imalle. Gorta mor tame isin Mumain, co tancutar sil Choirpr& Rigfota esti, co ndechazV ind ala re"nd 
dib i nAlbain j cororis in rend aile a nEri, a quo Dal Riata indiu, L B. 238 b. col. 2, 1. 16, and 
see H. 2. 16, col. 684. 


popa 426: the latter, though borrowed from a Latin word meaning an inferior kind 
of priest, is applied to laymen as well as to clerics. 

2. LEGAL. 

The only terms for 'law' and its related notions used in these Lives are recht 663, 
2749, and Ms atharda, 'patriarchal usage,' xxvii. 

In the department "of criminal law, the following crimes and criminals are men- 
tioned: manslaughter (dun-orcain 2165), and manslayer (dun-oirgnid 844), parricide 
(fingal 946), and a parricide (fingalach 946): poisoning, 54, 394, 1718: perjury 
(luighe etihich 388) : treachery (fell, gen.^f// 2799, 2801, the verb rofeall 195) : thief 
(meirlech 1245, pi. meirlig 1493, or gataide 1673, the verb tallaim 387, 990), robbery 
(slat 1971), robber (dibergach, pi. dibergaig 2972, 3174), or latrainn (=latrones) 
1971. Peculiar to Ireland was the coll gtse 231, breach of one of the gesa ocus 
urgarta, ' prohibitions and tabus ' (xxxi), so often mentioned in Irish romances and in 
the Book of Rights. 

The punishments here mentioned or referred to are only drowning, 2312, and 
imprisonment in chains or fetters (slabrad 1525, cuibrech 1724, glas 3906). The 
captive was called cimbid 1520, 1521, 1526. Compensation for crime was called 
e'ratc, p. 319, where Dubthach is said to have 'bound a good fraic' on the robbers 
who took his boars. 

For some kind of contract we have the word cotach, spelt codach 2882, cadach 
3266, for bargaining, cunnradi^zg. ' I buy ' is cennaigim (cennechtha 1389), ' to sell ' 
is reic 1311, 1313, 'price' is ttg 895, where the price of some wood is a quantity of 
barley-grain; 'guarantee' seems rath, pi. ratha, xxxviii, where heaven and earth, 
sun and moon, and all the elements are made guarantees for the loyalty of the Irish 
' so long as sea surrounds Erin V The cognate abstract noun is rathaiges, ' surety- 
ship,' p. 310, 1. 6. For ' indemnity,' sldn, pi. sldna, p. xl, where it is not very accurately 

On the law of succession we find nothing save the statement hi 2047, where 
Maeddc bequeathes (timnuid) his place after him and his crozier to Senan. The 
word for bequest is udhacht 2885. 

A 'judge' was Irethem, breithium 614, 628, gen. brethemon, whence the Anglo- 
Irish 'brehon :' an f arbitrator,' brethem coitchenn 2532. The judgment was mes 622, 
623, a derivative of the root mid, whence also the verb midfid, ' he will pass judgment/ 
627. MsofuigeU brdtha 629. The brehon's fee was called/0/z, Laws i. 232; and 
seems to have been sometimes a twelfth of the property in dispute. 

1 Another legal formula seems inn-ed maras gaeth is grian, ' so long as wind and sun remain,' 
Rawl. B. 502, fo. 54 b, 2. 

cxvi PREFACE. 


The words here used for warrior are 6c, gen. 349, 1805 (properly 'young,' used 
\\kejuvenzs in Vergil), mfl= miles, pi. miled xxiv ; cath-mil, ' battle-soldier/ pi. cathmilid 
2998, cur, pi. curaid 2998, cathaige, 'battler/ 3082,. 3221, cuingid calha 3211, 
and, lastly, laech (which is borrowed from the Lat. laicus\ whence ath-laech xxvii. 
Female warriors (ban-gaiscedaig) are mentioned in 4832. A fighter's wargear was 
called irelam 3211. The weapons (arma irgaile 3107) here mentioned are the 
sword, claideb SkT.khadga, the spear or pike,^az' ^6^4=Ga.u\is\igaesum, the javelin, 
sleg 2974, carried in pairs, and sometimes barbed, xxxiv, and the shield, sciath. To 
these may be added the battle-stone, called clocMne in the poem cited above, p. xxxix, 
but usually lia Idime*, as in the Book of Lismore, 135 b, 2. Flags (samlacha), banners 
(mergedhd), and tents of satin are mentioned in 11. 3077-78. 

Nothing is said expressly of the war-chariot, which plays such a part in the 
romances; but the horses mentioned in 1. 2851 in connexion with charioteers (araid 
2858), appear to point to something of the kind. 

The words for collections of warriors are sluag (==W. //), 'host/ cath, 'battalion,' 
3042, airbre, pi. dat. airbrib 2493 (where it is applied to hosts of angels), lore, gen. 
luirc 359; creek, dat. creich 2629, drong xliv=Low-Lat. drungus; buiden (=W. 
byddin), and its compound caibden 1951, ceithern 2074, 4053, whence the Eng. kern, 
and sochraite 3020, 3228. The van was Ms 3042, or lossach 349; the rear, dfred. 

For warlike operations the words are cath d'fuacra, to proclaim battle, 3027, cath, 
'battle/ 3110, cocad 2942, 2989, 3031, conghal 3297, maidm, 'rout/ 3112, immairecc 
xxiii, and the loanword coinblicht xxxii. A foray was sluagad 1911, the Anglo-Irish 
'hosting/ innred, 'incursion/ 1913, 1915, crechad, 'raiding/ 2947; the raiders were 
called lucht na creche 1934. The camp was called longphort 2562, 3074, and in one 
case we read of its being protected by iron palisades, suinn iarnaidi 3147. 

Of the mode of fighting we naturally learn little from these Lives. The troops on 
each side were arrayed (coraighter in cath 3040), and then, after harangues by 
the leaders 2 , the onset was delivered {ro cuired iarsin in cath 3048), with much 
shouting, 3107. The nature of the formation called cippe catha 3101 is not clear. 
O'Donovan rendered it by ' phalanx/ The Ulaid are described as stooping when 
charging, 3109, and a leibenn da sciathatb, literally, 'a deck of their shields/ is men- 

1 M. Loth has lately equated this with the Welsh llech-waew, Rev. Celt. x. 354. 

2 Compare the Brut y Tyuaysogion ad a. 1020 : Ac yna y due Rein Yscot lu yn dilesc, a herwyd 
defa6t yr Yscoteit yn valch syberB, annoc awnaeth y wyr y ymlad, ac yn ymdiredus adao" a wnaeth 
udunt mae ef aorvydei, thus rendered by Ab Ithel : ' And then Rein the Scot boldly led on his host, 
and after the manner of the Scots, proudly and ostentatiously exhorted his men to fight, confidently 
promising them that he should conquer.' 


tioned 3250. The victors sometimes beheaded their captured foes, 3253, and either 
carried off the heads as trophies, or made a cairn of them, 2980. Selling war- 
captives as slaves is not here mentioned ; but see the Annals of Ulster, ad ann. 
985. A truce is osad 2563. 

For military buildings we have the words : rdith 579, 2816, an earthen fort, cognate 
with Gothic airpa, and Greek e/j-af* 1 , the dtin 396, 928= W. din, Gaulish ddnum, 
A.S. tin, and the caisel 447, 3789, borrowed from Lat. castellum, and always meaning 
a fortification of stone. 


There is little to be gathered from these Lives as to the organisation of the Irish 
church. The kinds of ecclesiastics (fir graid 1632, cUrig^ p. 306) hereinafter 
mentioned are as follows : 

1. The bishop, espoc (Old-Irish epscop*). 

2. The archpresbyter, uasal'sacart 736, 811, 1865, 3995, 4345. 

3. The priest, sacart 752, prespiter 217, and crumther xv. The sacart m&se 4659, 
may have been a domestic chaplain. 

4. The deacon, deochan 480, 1006, 1865, 2406, 3995. 

In 951 sruithi seems the Irish equivalent of presbyters. The anmchara, ' soulfriend,' 
' a spiritual director/ 2350, was always a bishop or a priest. 

Officers connected with monasteries (cathraig 849, 1570, in Irish latinity, ciuitates) 
are the abbot, abb 4353, the prior, secnabb, 2553, 2557, the lector^r le'gind, p. 323, 
whose pupil was called mac Ugind 1006, and the warden, coimefutde, 925. 

A nun is caillech xxvii, pi. caillecha 828, a derivative of caille=. pallium, or mainches 
xv = W. mynaches. A young nun is mac-caillech, just as a young monk is mac-clereck, 
supra, viii. A prioress is called ban-airchinnech 1436 ; see Reeves' Columba, 
p. 404 n. f. 

The Ctli JDJ, anglicised Culdees, are once mentioned, namely in 1584. 

Ordination. The ordination of bishops is referred to in 216, 230, 235, and 1346. 
Fiacc is ordained, 421, as bishop of the province. Ordination of 'folk of every 
grade,' 518. Priest's orders (gradha sacairt) are mentioned in 1466. 

The duties of a bishop appear to have been preaching, 1498, 3403, administering the 
sacrament, 1630, conferring holy orders, and consecrating churches. He also taught. 
Thus bishop Fortchern (= Vertigernos ?) reads the psalms and the ecclesiastical 
order with Findian, 2525, and see 4128, 4142, and Brenainn reads his psalms 

1 There can be little doubt that the first word of the inscription on the menhir of Poitiers Ratin 
brivatiom frontu Tarbeisonios ieuru is the ace. sing, of the Gaulish cognate of rdith, 

" In the Annals of Ulster a bishop is also called pontifex, or in Irish drochtech : see at the years 731, 

cxviii PREFACE. 

with bishop Eire, 3393. In one case, 1464, we read of a bishop baptizing. When 
a bishop was attached to a monastery his functions were peculiar. Thus Mochua 
of Balla appoints three bishops ' to consecrate his graveyards and his great-churches, 
and to allot the land to his monks,' or tenants of church-lands, 4785, 4786. 

The duties of a priest are referred to in 821 (ord sacairt). Columba (who 
was never more than a priest) founds churches, 951, and goes on preaching-rounds, 
995, 1024. Preaching and celebration on Easter-day are specially mentioned, 1607. 

Tonsure. For this we have the expressions berrad manaig 213, the 'monk's clip- 
ping,' which S. Patrick is said to have received from Martin of Tours, 213. So 
Ciardn dipt (roberr) his successor Enna, 4354. That the tonsure was coronal 
might be argued from the verb rocor6naiged used in 1. 2631. But there can be no 
doubt that the ancient Irish form of tonsure was that stigmatised as the tonsure of 
Simon Magus, in which all the hair in front of a line drawn over the crown from ear 
to ear was shaved off or dipt. Hence the old nickname for a Christian cleric, tdilchenn 
313, literally 'adze-head.' 

Vestments. The cowl (?dw//=cucullus) is mentioned in 827, 2394. Mass-cowls 
(cocaill oifrinn) are mentioned, 303 ; a chasuble (casat) 2400, a linen chasuble (casal 
lin) 317. In 2381 casal and cochull seem synonymous. From 4308 it seems that 
Ciaran wore nothing but a brat, ' mantle/ or a chasuble. A monk's girdle, c ris, is 
mentioned, p. 315. 

The crozier. The bishop had a pastoral staff, bachall F. from a Low-Lat. *bacilla, 
which was furnished with a spike, fograin 461. 

In consideration of the 'communion, baptism, food and teaching,' 4059, which 
they provided for the community, ecclesiastics were supported 

i. By offerings, 496 (imat inmuis) 1596, (gift of a silver chain), first-fruits, 1857, 
alms (almsand) 1811, 1857, 2033, duthrachta (benevolences?), 2033, a chasuble (casat) 
2400, an annual gift of seven milch-cows, 2869, a hundred of every kind of cattle 
every seventh year, 2052, a cow from every enclosure from one place to another, 
3133; see also 3151-52, 319!, 3 20 4, B 2 1-^ 2 1 2 > 4102, 4273-4276. 
. 2. By fees for celebrating baptism, 2%%2,fiach baisti 3377, 4033, and administer- 
ing the eucharist, 4471. Also, no doubt, for solemnising marriages and for burials. 

3. By fixed payments called cdna, dsa, and ctiarta. Instances may be found 
in 11. 2987, 3151, 3197, 3270, and 4773-4780. To these may perhaps be 
added tithes (deckmada), which are mentioned in 1. 1857, along with firstfruits and 
alms, but which according to the Annals of Loch Ce, i. 268, were not [regularly ?] 
paid until the reign of Cathal Crobderg, who died A.D. 1224. 

4. By agriculture and keeping cattle. Thus we read of Columba's barley-seed, 
897, of Ciaran sowing seed, 4322, collecting a band of reapers, 4220, and drying 


corn in the kiln, 4297. The 'calves of the church' are mentioned, 1960. We also 
read of Finnchua's kine (btiar), droves (Idinte), and cattle (indile), 2897, 2899. 

The nature arrd consequences of the ' union ' (6entu, gen. 6entad), so often made 
between Celtic ecclesiastics, have not been ascertained. In these Lives it is mentioned 
in 11. 2035, 2057 (S. David and Sendn) 2528, 2882 (Ailbe, Comgall, and Finnchua), 
4281 (Findian and Ciaran), 4438 (Ciar&n of Clonmacnois, and Ciar&n of Saiger), 
4468 (Ciaran and Coemgen), 4687 (Feichm and Mochua). 


The terms for these are as follows : 

'Church/ cell 2474, the Latin cella, ^7<z.r=ecclesia, and redes (=ra-ecks) which 
seems, to mean ' great church/ 558, 866, 2346, 2474, 2691, 2694, the eclas m6r of 866, 
the tech mdr of 1576, as distinguished from the eclas becc, ' little church/ 4459, 4465 : 
or nemed, p. 307. The derthach, 'oratory/ p. 319 had a bennchopur or conical top. 
A 'monastery' was called cathair 4215, 4278, congbail 419, 4254, or mainistir 600, 
2474. The kitchen was cuicenn 2361, or cuchlair 4426. The refectory, proinntech 
2091, 4116; and there was a linn proinntige in which the monks' hands and dishes 
seem to have been washed. That mentioned in I. 2091 was large enough for a 
horse to be drowned in it. As in other Irish habitations, there was an upper room 
or grianan 4116, which word seems derived from grian, 'sun/ as Lat. solarium 
from sol. 

All these buildings appear to have been made of wood 1 (cf. 2553, 2583); upright 
stakes being set in the ground, 4379, 4399, and wattles (cdelach, findcMelacfi) woven 
between them, 893, 1570-1578. But a surrounding stone-wall (caisel= castellum) 
is mentioned, xxviii. i, and an earthen fort (r ditty in 579. 

The altar was altoir, the altarslab mias = mensa (was lecc, 'flagstone/ 357, 2710, 
another name for the mias ?). They seem to have been, as a rule, at the eastern end 
of the church. A part of the altar called coss, 'foot/ is mentioned in p. 323. Crosa, 
'crosses/ and aidme eclasda, 'ecclesiastical implements/ are stated, 968, to have been 
made by Columba. 

The consecration of the site of a monastery is mentioned in 2238. 

Having thus described the manuscript from which the following Lives 
are taken, mentioned the leading features of the language in which they 
are written 2 , and pointed out the instances in which they throw some 

1 Only in one instance, 3789, and that not in Ireland, do we read of a church of stone. 

2 In p. Ixxvi cancel line 12, and in p. Ixxix. 11. i, a, dele the words in parenthesis. 


scattered lights on the social condition, the religion, and the superstitions 
of the early Irish, I have now to acknowledge, with gratitude, the kindness 
of His Grace the Duke of Devonshire, who deposited the Bdok of Lismore 
for my use in the British Museum, and allowed it to remain there for 
about three years. My best thanks are due also to the officials of the 
Museum for the facilities which they afforded me while transcribing the 
text and comparing the proofs with the manuscript: to the librarians of 
the Royal Library in Brussels, where I collated six of the Lives with 
the copies in Michael O'Clery's handwriting: to Professor d'Arbois de 
Jubainville for procuring me a photograph of the Irish Life of Brenainn, 
preserved in the Bibliotheque Nationale, Celt, et B i : to Professor 
Windisch and Dr. Kuno Meyer for useful criticism and welcome encourage- 
ment; and to Mr. S. H. O'Grady for help in deciphering some almost 
illegible passages in the Book of Lismore. I fear that the result of my 
long labour on that codex is far from being an adequate return for the 
kindnesses thus acknowledged. But I can truly say that I have done my 
best to give accurate texts 1 and translations 2 ; and I hope and believe that 
the description of the Book of Lismore will be of some use to future stu- 
dents of that manuscript, and that, so far as it goes, the glossary 3 will be 
found a trustworthy contribution to Irish lexicography. 


1 In 1. 534 for cen nach read cennach. In 1. 565 rfaraidh (sic MS.) should be riaraigh. 
In 3399 for bleag<wz# readUeagon. 

2 In p. 189, 11. 16, ~i*i,for hast not waited to read delayedst not, and yet thou dost not. P. 195 
1. 3 for should mo/will. 1. 9 for because of (our) read our. 1. lofor 'thou gavest to' read 'got 
it for.' P. 235, 1. 31, for evils read violences. 

3 dele the articles cathreim, p. 386, and tardot, p. 400 : in p. 394, col. 2, for indalim read indlaim ; 
and in p. 401, col. 2, s.v. toichim,^fcr tu + read r to + . 

[fo. i. a. i.] 

BE(THA) Pat^aic inso, 7 tabrad g(ach a)on legfas "bennacht for 
a(n)mannaibh na lanamhna dar'sc(rfbad in lebhar so). 

TDOPULUS qui sedebat in tenibns uidit lucem magnam .1. in pobul 
A dessidh i ndorchaibh atconnairc soillse (m6ir), et in foireann robui i 
bhfoscudh (bdi)s fuarutar soillsi dia tainig a (inshor)cugz IN Spirut "Naem^ 5 
immorro 1 , an Spiral (as) uaisli cech spirut, in Spirut dorinfidh 2 (7 ro) th^uisc 
in eclats ceachtardhai, petar(l)aice 7 nufhiadhnaisi,o rath hecnai 7 fhaitsine, IS 
he in spirut sin roraidh na briatra-so [tria gin in pr/mfatha Ysaias mic Amois, 
de cuius laude loquitur Hieronymus] dicens : Potius dicendus 3 est pn?pheta 
quam euangelista. IS dia molatt sidhe atbetr Cirine faidh conadh cora 10 
suhczlaigthe do radha fHss ina faidh, ara foillsi 7 ara imchuibhdhe frisin nua- 
iiadnaise ro innis scela Crist J na huailsi noeimhe, cuna budh doig la nech 
cu mbadh taircetul rof het [todochaide] etar doneth 4 , acht aisneis ret rem- 
the^&ich cena iar bhforbhthiug&a? in gnfma. 

Oen didiu dia taircetluib foillsigthib inni itfiadhar sunn tria aisneis 15 
sechman^da 5 . ' Popul^^ qui sedebat in tenebris uidit luceni magnam 6 .' IN 
pobtel didiu dessidh i ndorchaibh atconnairc soillsi moir. IS'e didiu leth 
atoibe in n-aisneis-sea lasin bhfaidh cu du i n-deb#2>t remhe in suiscelaijg't/ie 
cetnai: 'pHmo tempore eleuata 7 est terra. Stabulon et terra. Neptalim/ 
Tainic di<^ la hathnuadhug^ na haimsire gloiri mhor 7 indocbail do tmb 20 
Zabulon 7 do tmbh Neptalim. Conudfi ior slicht na haisnesean-sin atb^V: 
' Popular qui ' et cetera. IN (popul) deissw^ i ndorcha^h. Madh iar sdair [fo. 
i. a. a] cipinnw^ popul Israel sin roboi i ndorchata na dseiri la hAsardhaibh. 
atconnairc soillsi na taithchreca don daeiri-sin. i. Estras 7 Nemias 7 losue 7 
Zorbobel. Madh iar sians immorro 1 is e popul itbmir sunn, popul na 25 
ngennte robui a ndorchaib ameoluts ic adhraw% idhal 7 arracftt, cu ro artraigh 
in fhirshoillsi dhoibh .1. issu 7 Crist com. spsalaib, air bui dorchata mhor ior 
cHdhib ha ngennte cein co roscail gnan na firinne .1. \ss\\ 1 Crist a ruithne fo 
ceatra hairdib in dom0z>z dia inshorchug^. 

Oen farum dona ruithnibh ro eisreid gnan na firinne isin ndomzm-sa, in 30 
ruithen 7 in lasair 7 in lia loghmhar 7 in Iceland laindmiha roshoillsigh 

1 MS. fi, i.e. uero, et sic passim. 2 MS. rorinfidh. 3 MS. pocius dicendum. 

*MS. doneoch. 6 leg. sechmadachte (?) 6 MS, magnum. 7 MS. ih.u, et sic passim. 



iarthar in bhetha, inti uasal dia ta lith 7 foraithmet a n-ecmhong na ree-sea 
7 na haimsire .1. noemh-Patraic mac CalpT-ainn, airdesbul iarthair domain, 
athair bathais 7 c^eitmhe bhf<?r nlLremi. 

35 IS ann iarum cheleabrait lucht na h^ailsl lith 7 ftwaithmhet inti noem- 

Patraic, 7 innist^r ni dia fertuibh 7 mhirbhuil# ind h^alsaib na Cristaufi, 

isin s/ssed la dec kl. Apnl arai laithe mis gmie isin bliadam i tarn cipinnzw, in 

margreit 7 in leg loghmhar isa lithlaithe so .1. sanctus PatHcius episcopzw. 

Adfiadhat ind eolaig ba do ludaidib dho iar mbunadus, air is follzw 

4oasna mirbhuil$ dorinne Dia airsium conad do damn Israel d6, air is 
dibh rebate ludaidi arcena ; air intan tucad in digal la Tit 7 Vespesan 1 
rohesreid^h ludaidi fon mbith 7 tainic a chin// bunaidh-sium PhatrazV cu 
Bretnu, 7 dogabhadh foirb leo ann, uair atfet Pat^-^V fein sin i n-aroili leabr 
dia epw/fibh : ' Nos disp^rsi sumas per multas regiones terra.rum propter 

45 peccafa nvstra eo quod "Domini praecepta. et mandata eius non c^jtodiuim^^.' 
Cund don eisreideth sin doro^^ a chenel bunaidh-sium cu T&tetnu. 

Patraic didiu do Brefa^ Alcluaide 2 a ath^zV, Poduig deocham a shena- 
thair, Conches ainm a mh<2if^<3;r, i/?^? Ochmais do Frang^'5 [fo. i . b. i] 7 
siur do Mhartan hi, 7 i Nemhtor roghenair, 7 in leac f0rs-rogenair intan 

50 dob^ar lugha n-eithz^- foithi dofussim uisq?^ am<z/ bhidh oc cafneadh in 

gufhoircill. Madh fir immorro in lugha tairisidh in cloch 'na haicnzV/^ fein. 

Ceitfhirt "Pakraic inso 7 a mb^oinn a mh^^r doroine .1. m^c righ 

B^eatan tainic co hairm i mbui in ben, coro innail si dho 7 roghabh greim eisdi : 

co tuc. a shetich-siumh dig neme do Chochmais iria ^t, con^j-ibh, cu-roghab 

55 "Pair ate in neim ina ghlaic, 7 dorighne cl^zV^ di inalaimh, comdh amhlatd" sin 
rucadh-sum. Romor^d ainm De 7 "Satraic desin. 

O roghenair didiu "Eatraic rucadh dia bhaithi^^ c&sin m^c ndall clair- 
ein^c^, Gornias a ainm, et ni bui usce oca asa ndingn^ in bathi&s, cu tard 
sigin na croichi do laim na nuidhin tarsin talmain cur' \ndoaidh topur as ; 

607 nighidh Gornias a ein^c^ assin topur, 7 roerrslaic a rz^fcu dho; 7 ro 
erlegh in mbaithius, inti na rofhoghlatm litzr riam. Dorine Dia tfa firt 
treda annsin .1. topar asin talmam 7 a n^sca don doll 7 airleghiunn uird in 
bhaithis donti n#c^ faca; \itir riamh. Rofothaig^ immorro eclats forsm 
topar sin in robaistedh "Patraic, octts is ann ita an top^r ocunn altoir, 7 

65 te^/aidh fuath na c-^oichi, am<3:/ itfiadhat ind eoltf^f. 

Ron-gabh da^<9 siur a mh^^^r ind altramh, dir ba haimrit hi fein. 
1 The initial u is interlined. 2 MS. alcluaige. 


Ronalt \zxum Patrazc i Nemptor cur'bh6 gilla, et is lia a tuirium 7 a aisneis a 
ndorindi Dia do fertuibh 7 mhfrbhuih'^ aire ina naidin 7 ina gillaighe^; 
ar bul rath De* 'na comuidec&t in c^ seis. 

Feet dldm do "Phatraic a tigh a muime a n-aimsir gheimnV/ dothoet tola 7 
mor 7 lin#d usrt? forsin n-arus i rabuter, cur'bhaidh in tene, cu mbatar na 
leasfr-a 7 fointreabh an tighi for snamh. Rochai-sium for a mhuime, 
oc cuinghidh bhidh amal is bes do noidinuibh. ' Ni he sin snim fil oruinn,' ol 
in muime. 'Dozfuil didiu nf is tois^u dhuin inas biadh do denumh 
duitsi, air ni beo cidh in tene.' O rachuala dtraic sin, rocuinn^f loc isin tigh 75 
in bhail nack rainic in t-uisqi, 7 rothum a laimh isin n-uisq#i. Na coic 
banna \arum dobminndis asa nwuib bater cdic oeible tein^ foc/toir [fo. T. 
b. a]. Rolas &diu in tene, 7 nf roart^aigh iarsin. Rom(6rad) ainm De 7 
fdtraic don moirmirbz7-sm. 

Yeckt a n-aimsir geimn'dT conaitecfa a muime brosn(a) connaidh 1 cur' 80 
tinoil Ian a urtl^zg do phisibh oighridh, 7 tec lais dia thig (c)o a muime. 
Rob#d f hearr dhiin,' ol a muime, ' brosna cvmiaid chrin do thaibairt diar 
ngom^ inas a tz/cuis.' Asb^^t-s^m fna muime : ' Creitsi conad sochma do 
Dhia euro lasat na pisi amat crmacti.' Amal rosuidhigh^d fo^siri tdmd 
rolassat foc/toir. ... 85 

Feacht do PhatrazV 7 da shiair Lup(ait ocingaire) caemc^. Atnaigsd: 
na huain cuh(opunn, amal) ba bes doibh, docum a (ma)ithr^c^ d(o 61 lomma.) 
O'tconnuic Tdtraic 7 a shiur inni-sin, roreithset codi(an) dia t^padh. Adro- 
chair an wgen t 7 roben a cenn fHa cloich cur'bo comhfhoc^^ bas di. Luidh 
fdtraic dia saigz# cu tard airrdhi na croichi tarsin crecht, 7 ba slan foc//air. 90 

Feacht aili do "Pdtraic ocna cseirz^ co rue in cu all0z# chaeir^ uadh, euro 
chair^f a muime gumor. Luid dldiu in cu arabharuch c^n maigin c/Aia, 
7 in chiira imlan leis ; et fa hingn#<a? in nf-sin .1. ais^ a f&claib in con a\\aid 
immon mbiadh ngndthach. Morthar ainm D6 7 ~Pdtraic desin. 

Feacht ann luid a mhuime-sium do bleag a bo. Luidsi^m do ol dighi 95 
leamhn<3/&/a le. Das^r^/aight^ immorro im boin isin mbuailz* .1. "Demon 
dochuaidh innti, 7 dobeir a hadharc isin mboin ba nesa dhi 7 nos-marbhann. 
Romarbh dono .v. bii ba dech isinn indis, 7 luidh iarsin isin ndithreibh. 
Teid iaruwz an noem .1. Sucait, tre comairle in Sp?>ta T&oeim docum na .v. 
mbo, 7 dos-fuisigh iat a bbas. Bennachais in mboin ndas#^tfaig ucut, 7 ba 
cennuis iarsin amal chasing. 

1 MS. connaigh. 
B a 


Bui dal mhor la Breatnu. Luidh-sium don dail-sin la aidi ylaa muime. 

Tecmaing tra co ^-erbailt a aite isin dail-sin. Roshochtsat na huili dhesin, 

7 rochiset a comnesomh, 7 rochf a coramam, 7 adubairt: 'A gill(i), cidh 

iSumar' leicis h'imarchoirthidh * do ec ?' Luid iarsin Yatraic docum a aidi 7 

donzd a lama ima bmg(ait) 2 [fo. 3. a. i] 7 atb^rt fris : c Eirigh co wdighsium 

asso.' Atraigh focAoir la breitzV "Patratc 7 rue for a muin dia thiginnf PatrazV. 

Feacht n-aill dob^rtis meic b^ca in phuirt mil dia maitnbh asna mil- 

tenaibh. Co ndebairt a muime fnssium : ' Ni thab^aisi mil damsa, a meic, 

uoama/ dob^ruit meic in baili dia maitnbh.' Teit-sium iarumh docum in 

uisqm, 7 leastar lais, 7 senais an t-uisqui cur'bo mil, 7 co n-dernta cretfe 

don mhil-sm, 7 noic(ad c)e<:^ teidm. 

Feacht ann atbat(h lena)m alaile bannscaile nocungnadh la muime 

atraic ic bleag&;z a bo. Asbert iarum muime fatraic : ' Tuc lat do m^c 

115 inniu isin n-innis feib nob^thea ce^ dia.' Doghnf saxakaid. A mbata/' 

\ na mna ocon bleagun, 7 in mac marbh for lar na buaik, dob^eath 

a mhuime leaml<3r^/ do fatraic 7 isb^rt iris : ' Gairm cucatt in m<2:c aile 

co 72-eisbhiudh comaidh Mut.' 'Tdre, a naidhiu,' oul se/ ille 1 ' A^a^focedair 

in mac a bas la togairm "Patraic co /2-eisbetar command iarum. Romorad 

izoainm De 7 ~?dtraic desin. 

Feacht aili dochuaidh rec^^aire in righ da fhuac^a for Patraic 7 for a 

muime co ^dighsitis do glanad th(e)all^ in righthigi i n-Alcluaide. Teit 

iamm ^dtroic 7 a muime, co tainic in t-aingeal co ^dtraic, co ndeb^zH fris : 

' Guidh 3 in Coimdhi, 7 ni ba heicin duit ind ob#r-sin cubrath.' Glanais in 

I2 5 t-aing^/ in teallach iarsin, 7 atbeir ce noloiacthea a bhfil do chonnudh i 

mBrefaaib isin tealluch ni bheth luaithne arnabharach ann, 7 comuilltar fos sin. 

Feacht aile didm doluidh re^tuiri in righ do chuinghidh chisa g^otha 

7 imme co muime Patraic, 7 nf raibhi aici ni dober^d ind isin gaimredh. 

IS and sin dorighne fdtraic gruth 7 imm don t-sne^/a co rugd don righ, 

13 7 o rotaisilbhadh don righ (r)osoadh a n-aicned snechta doridisi. Ro(m)ai- 

thedh iarsin do Phatratc on righ in cis-sin. 

Becc tra de mhor annso do mcfertuibh inni n^m "Pdtraic. 
IS he tra tuirthiudh toiahe^/a 4 fdtraic docum nEArenn. Eatar .1 1 1 1. 
meic rig Bretan for longi^j. Rancatar [fo. 3. a. 2] cu nd^rnsat orcuin inn 
iSBUrmarc Leathu, 7 dorecmaing lucht do "Bwtnaib Alcluaidhi for turns a 

1 MS. himarchoirthigh. 2 Here comes a misplaced leaf. 

5 MS. guigh. * MS. tuirthiugh toighe^A. 


nUrmarc Lethu intansin, 7 rohorta isin orcuin sin. Rohort ann cetamus 
Calpurn&f mac Potaidhe athair Patraic 7 a mdthai* .1. Conces. Roghabh- 
sat Pdtraic 7 a dhi siair .1. Lupait 7 Tigris. IS ed didiu leth loter meic rig 
Brcten, timcill Eirenn atuaidh, cu rorensat ini Patraic fri Miliuc mac hui 
Bhuain cona triur brathar. Ba hesidhe ri Dalnaruidhi, et rorensat a shiair 14 
k/h n-aili 7 ni mafitzV daibh. Ba de tra rolil-sium in t-ainm as Cothruighi 1 
ar foghnum do cethrar muinntzVe. 

Bai tra do dhichrocfct in fhoghnuma i mbai Pdtraic co toimniudh cechse 
dona cetheora muintmrib dia bhfoghn#d cum#d do a oenar foighneth, et 
bai gidh in anmcairdine ele fairsium .1. o# slectain matan 7 c// fescor 7 145 
oenp/'oind on trath co araili. 

Batar didiu .1111. hanmanna fair .1. Sucait a ainm o thuistidhibh 2 : 
Cothraighi 3 dia mbui ic foghnum do cheathrar: Magonm oc German: 
Patricius .1. athair na caithmlha, a ainm la Selistinwj .1. comarba Petmr. 

O'tconnuic Mfliuc gur'bo mogh irisiuch, rocennuigh on tnur aili cu 15 
fognadh d6 a oenar, 7 rofhoghain [f|o bes n[a -]Ebraidhi 4 fna re .1111. 
mbliadne, uair ba deithb^ dh6 iar n-aili genea/^z^; et iss ed roherbawfti do, 
ingaire muc ; 7 rocesair m6r n-\mned i ndhribh Slflri Mis, amail itfet fein 
i liubflr a eipw^lech. 

IS lia tra tuir'mmh 7 aisneis a ndoroine Dia airsium isin ditnbh. 155 
IS ann sin don-athuig^d som Victor aingel j nof horchan^ im ord n-ern^^thi. 
Tictfs dono chuicisium meic 7 ingena Milcon cona cnamat do, 7 nos-for- 
chanadh im chrab#<s? cristaidi doreir fo/'cetuil in aingil. 

ISinn inbio:/d?h-sin itconnaic Miliuc ffs .1. Cothraighi 3 do thuidhecht cuca, 
7 lasair thein^/ as a ghion, cu rolai-seom uadh in teima? na roloiscedh, 7 160 
roloiscc a meic 7 a ingina comdar luaithra, 7 rohesreid^/ a luaith fo Eiri;z#. 
Rue iarum Cot^aigi br eith [fo. 3. b. i] forsm n-aisling, 7 atbert ba he tene in 
raith diadha asacomlaifed uadsum iardain co Miliuc, 7 ni cmtfedh do. 
Noloiscfed immorro p^ctha a m<zc 7 a ingen, 7 nocreitfitis, 7 bidh ird^aicc 
a n-ainm fo ~E.mnn. 165 

I N-araili aidchi 5 dldiu isin du sin rocuakz guth in aingtl, 7 atbert fHs 
i fis : ' H$ene, smie D?i, ieiunas et oras, et cito exitur^^ eris ad patnam tuam.' 
Rocomhfhaicsigh t^a aimsir fuas/azV/hi Patraic a daire, air nocle^^tais na 
gennte soerod a moga cecha secktmad blmdne. Roimraidh iarum "Milmc 
cmnus no fhastfadh a mhog^ocai .1. Patraic. Crenaidh didtu chumhail 170 

1 MS. cothruidhi. 2 MS. thuistighibh. 3 MS. cothraidhi. 

* MS. nebraighi. 5 MS. aigthi. 


.1. Lupait siur Vatraic. Dos-bert Miltuc dia mhogtfoT. Rotmoiltea i teach 
fok/h aidhche 1 a mbaindsi. IS annsen ropritchai "Pdtraic don comail cu 
rothocaitetar in aidhchi 2 oc ern0$fthi. ISin m<zduin iarnamharach atconnuic 
"Fdtraic in gelchrecht i ndreich na cumaile, cu rof hzafraigh 3 fochunn in c^echta. 
175 Asb^rt in cumal: ' Intan robhasa i Nemptor i mBret&aib rotecmaing gwr'ben 
mu cheann re cloick gur'bho comf hocus bas damh. O atconnaic mu bra- 
thair Sucait in credit dorat airrdhe na c/"o[iche] com, laimh tarmo cenn, 

7 rohictha foc//oir.' Roraidh T?dtraic : ' Misi do brathair, 7 is me rot-fc, 7 
is trocaire De fodera ar n-accomal doridhisi iarnar n-esreideadh. J Roghniset 

180 iarsin atlaigi buidhi do Dhia, 7 docuatar isin ndithr## iarsin. 

O robui fdtraic isin dithr## atcualtf guth in aingil ica radh : ' IS futridhe 
d\diu in long co ^dighisa innti c^^in nEatail do f hogluim na screptra noime.' 
IS ed roraidh Pdtraic frisin aingel : In duine dia bhfoghnaimsi fna re .UIT. 
Tobliadne ni f harcabhsa he cen a airle dam.' ISp^rt didiu in t-aiwg^l : ' Eircsi 

185 co bhfesair.' Doroine dtraic amlaid sin. Asb^^t W&iuc na comarleicfeadh 
muna thardtfd' ta\lann oir dia chinn. 'IS tualang' Dia cidheadh on,' ol 
"Pdtraic. Doriacht fdtraic isin dftmbh 7 atcuaidh don aingel bnatra 
Atbert in i,-a.lngel fHs du i tat foillichta in aingtl: 'Coimhetsa 
araili tore ic claidhi in ialman, j docuirfea bruth oir dhuit ass, 7 

190 tabhuir ar do shaeire.' Rocomaill^</ amlaid 7 roleicedh [fo. 3. b. a] Sucait 
do imthe#5/ soer iarsin. Aithrec^ immorro la W&coin deonug^ dia 
mhogact im the^/, 7 fuidhius a muinnt/r 'na dhegaid dia thabazrt forculai ; 
sech ni tharra-sum "Patraic j ni tharra& in t-or ar n-imp^ 

Luid Aidiu Patraic i crich hua Neill tor aighidhecht 4 co Sei[n]chianan. 

195 Is he rofheall fair. Rod-rir ar chaire n-umai. Suidhighidh a coiri for fraighidh 
a theghduisi co rolens^t a lamha don choire iarsin. Luidh a ben dia chabair. 
Roleansat a lamha-sidhe don coire. Luidh in mhuinnt^r uili cusin coiri, 7 
roleanstft a lamha uili don coiri, 7 rolean in coiri don irolgid. IS annsin 
roraidhset: 'Is mogh righ mhorchumhachto^ rorensam. Gairmter duin 

200 doridisi.' Dolluidh dtraic iarsin cuca, 7 dolleic al-lamh'a dhoibh trnia 
n-aitrighi, 7 rolaiset in coire forculai. 

Luid Vdtraic iarsin la gulla for muir 7 dus-fobair ainbhthine moir. 
Roghuidh 5 dtraic a Dhia leo 7 ba raeithin^c^ in muir. lAr ngabail tiri 
d6ib dobhatar tredem<w ind oine iar scithlim al-loin. Guidhs^t 6 dtraic iarum 

205 im cuinghidh bfdh doibh co Dia. lArsin dorat Dia dhoibh muic n-uir 

1 MS.aighthe. z MS.aighthi. 8 MS. atconnuic p. fochunn in crechta curofhiaf?aigh. 
* MS. aidhighecht. B MS. Roghuigh. 6 MS. Guighset. 


fhonozV&i, et dobreath mil choillM do "Pdtraic amal loham Babtaist. 
Scarais fHusaidhe 7 dolluidh co Nemptor. O rainic iarum a athardha 
roghuidhset 1 he im anad acu, ocus ni fnth uadh, uair cech tan atcodlod 
indar-lais ba hi inis na nGaeick/ 2 atceth co cluin^/h claiscetul na m^craidi 
o Chaill Fochlad. 210 

Doluidh didiu tar muir n-Icht i n-airrtmleiscirt na hEtailli docum Ger- 
main .1. saieascop na hEorpa uili intansin, cu rolegh in canoin n-eclzwdai lais. 

DOLUIDH co Martan iarsin cuTorinis, cu tart berrad ro.-a.naig fair. 

.XXX. bliadne didiu a aoes intan rosiacht gu Gmnan, xxx. bliadne oc 
foghlaim oca iarum, j xl. bliadne ic proicept a r\-'E,irinn. 215 

Rofhaidh German iarsin inhf Patraic do Roimh do airidin g^aidh 
espoic fair, 7 senoir smith lais .1. Egedizw prespiter, dia theastug^ fiadh 

Luidh iarum for muir, nonb^r a lin, co-rala an innsi cu n-fhaca in tech nua 
[fo.4.a. i] 7 lanamain ann; 7 atbert frisin oclach bui isin tigh, cia fot robatar 2 220 
annsin. ' O aimsir 1 ssu,' ar se, 7 is e ron-bennach conar tegduis, 7 bemait 
amlaid cobrath, et timarnai Dia d/tsi,' ol in t-ocl^, ' dul do proicept i tfr 
nGaeid^/ 3 , et forfacaibh tssu bhacaill lindi dia tabhairt daz'tsi.' Dobreat 
iarum ~Patraic bachaill f ssu leis, 7 doluidh co Germdn forcula. (As)pert 
Victor fns. ' Timarnai Dia doitsi du(l do) proicept i tir Ghoidel*.' { Dia 225 
cloisinn dam,' ol dtraic, . . ad d6 nofreiceruind (1. noraguinn).' ' Tairsi,' ol 
Victor, ' dia acall^'m-seom i sliab Herimon.' 

LUID Pdtraic iarsin, 7 ronecain fri Dia durcraidhitaid na nGaoid^/ 5 . 
Asp(er)t Dia : ' Biatsa,' ol se, ' oc furt^^^ duid.' 

LUID iar^m Pdfraicdo'R.oim corozt gradh esbuic ocomarba PetezV .1. 230 
Selestin^j .xl.ti. oPhetar. IS e rofaidh Palladiam espuc docum nEirenn, 
acht ni rogabhsat Gseid// 6 a proicept side, ar ni d6 rocinn Dia a comhsh<5dh, 
acht is do Patratc. Luidh iarum Palladia fomila co n-erbailt a m-JSretnaib. 
Luidhset a caeimther^^aidhi co Roim. 

INtan luidh Pdtraicio gradh n-esp^'c is ann dobr^ in t-ainm is PatH- 235 
cius fair. Doradad grad for Pdtraic iarsin o German 7 o Shelistin^j 7 
6 Mhatha o righ Romhan. INtan tra robas occ tabuirt graid espuic fair 
rof^acairset na teora classai .1. cl<ar^ muintm^iime 7 class na Roman^c^ 7 
class m#craidhi cailli Fochlaid. Et is edrocansad uile : * Ib^mienses omnes 

1 MS. roghuighset. a MS. nobatar. 3 MS. gseigel. 4 MS. ghoig^/. 
6 MS. durcraiditaig nangaoig*/. 6 MS. GseigzV. 


240 clamant ad te puer.' Rofaidhdu&a comarba feiair inhf J?dtraic do proicept 
do Gh&idelmb 1 . 

A mbai "Pdtraic for muir ic ascnamh docwm nEir^/z ^acai an clamh 
forsln carraic oc cuinchidh inaidh ar Dia isin curacft. IS ann sin rola Ttdtrak 
a leic isin muir resin clam, acht intan doro^ater ULirinn fuaratar in lee 
2 45 aracind isin purt. 

Luidh larum "Pdtraic co geibh Innb^ De i Cnch Cualunn, 7 nibdar 

failtigh na hiascaire fHs. IS ann sin dorad-sum breithir forsin n-innbhir 

cu nach biadh tonad ann cubrath. Et is e thainic amgaid fatraic .1. Smell 

mac Finnchada . is he cedna ier dochreid [fo. 4. a. a] do Dhia 7 do fdtraic. 

250 Et facbhuidh bennachtuin fair 7 for a shil. 

.XL. "bliadne on 16 tainic dtraic a n-Ein>m co la a etseaehtai. 

Foc^rd a luing iarsin sech Eirazw soir co hlnis dtraic. Luid i, tfr. 

Aroet araili fer ior dighide^/ 2 i suide 7 creitis d6. Luidh "?dtraic cum 

a luingi d'acailam Laeghairi co Temhr^. Roimir assidhe co hlnnb^r na 

255 mBarc, 7 dognf aoighidhe^^ 3 a tigh fhir mhaith annsin. Sescnech a ainm. 

Pritchtf/^ "Pdtraic breithzV nDe dh6, 7 creidid do Dia 7 do ~Pdtraic. Baister 

he vaxum. Bai m<a;c b^c aigi. Rotoltnaigh-sidhe do Patrazc 7 rochar gumor 

inti Tidtraic. Gabhuis in m<zc cos "Pdtraic 'na ucht, 7 n/ r'semh codl^ le 

a mdthair na a athair in aidhchi 4 sin, acht ba toirrs^c^ 7 nochaifedh muna 

260 leicthi i fochair dtraic he. Ar m<zdain immorro^ intan dochuaidh dtraic do 

imthe^^ fora set, tuc^d a carp? cuice. Cuiris l?dtraic a chois isin carbatf. 

ladhaidh in mac bee a dhi laimh im chois "Pdtraic, 7 is ^roraid : ( Rom-leicid 

aroen fna Ydtraic, ar is e ^dtraic m'athair dileas/ Doraidh atraic : e Baistter 

in mc 7 dob^ur isin carbut.' Co n-ebert fdtraic iardain : { Bidh comarba 

26sdamsa in m^c-sin. 5 Et dobr<?2& fdtraic ainm fair, Benign^j .1. Ben^n. 

Teit iarsin a coeimthe^ dtraic co Ferta bhFer bhFeic i Muig Breg 
ad^ 5 chase. IS annsin roceleab^w' "Pdtraic ord na case, 7 adaiter tene 
cos^tartha acu do oifreann. Ba hi sin aidhchi 4 f hele Laeghuiri meic Neill, 
ar rognithea la Laegz^H feil a gene dog^es gacha bliadne i Temr#^ Br^", 7 
27oni lamhtha la Lseg^zH tene d'fatudh in JLrinn resiu nohaduighthea tene 
laissium i Temnw^-. 

IS annsin romhall^:^ fdtraic lumber nDomnann 7 Innb^r nDe, 7 
robennach limber mBoi[n]ne ar fuair iasc ann. 

LUIDH iarsin co hlnnb^r Slainghe cu rofholuigh a lunga isin du-sin. 
1 MS. ghxigelatf. 2 MS. aidigecht. 3 MS. aoidhighe^. * aighthi. 5 MS. ag;V. 


Conldh ann dofuair mucatd Dichon meic TVechimh 1 , bhail ita Sabull 2 275 
Patraic inniii, fl?ecidh dia thlgema. Luidh Dichu co ngrzis a choin fona 
clerchzw. IS ann sin doghab ltdtraic in iersa : ' Ne tradas bestis animam 
0#fitenti[u]m tibi ' et cetera- lArsin soc/itais in cu 7 ni ro urchoid^f doibh. 
O'tconnaic Dichii inhi Vdtraic rofhuasluicc aclaidhiub 3 dia orcain. Seacais 
a laim osa cinn [fo. 4. b. i]acedoir, cu ndmia atach Patratc 7 ron-gabh congain 280 
cndi, 7 rocmt, 7 ron-baist atraic iarsin, conid. he t&seck roghab baisd* 7 
cmdium la \i\J\\tu o "Pdtraic. IS annsin roidbair Dichu do fdtraic in 
Sabull. Senoir immorro Dichu intansin. Dorat "Patraic a rogha d6, a 
athnuaid^g^d 4 i n-seis tricktaigi n6 a dhul i fl^zV^: nime foc<#oir. ' IS ferr learn/ 
olse, 'mo tf&xxmaige&ed ind ses tricktaigi.' Bendachais Ydtraic D/choina85 
gu ndeach0zW i n-oitiud asahaithli. 

Feacht do "Pdtraic isin tSabull oc oif>rann. Luidh araili d^ai sech in 
eacltfw. Focerd a eachlaisc dar senistzV na h^cailsi isin coileach. Sluicid 
in talam in drai foc//oir. 

LuiD Ydtraic do proicept do Miliuc mac hui Bhuain, 7 6r lais ar gabail 290 
in chreidme uadh, air rofhidzV cur'bh6 sanntacfo um crudh 5 7 um 6r he 
dosunnrtf2#. O'tcual^ Mil^ Ydtraic do itckt cuigi nir'bo fail/<j/ dhe, ar ba 
meabhul lais creidium dia mogh 7 dia fhogantaidh 6 . IS i didiu comairli 
ro-aslag Dem07z fair .1. tene do tabairt fair ina thigh bodein, cu roloisc^d ann 
7 co ndechaid dochum n-ithfirn. Rofoillsig^ do dtraic innf-sin, 7 is ^395 
roraidh : ' N{ bia H na righdamhna uadh, 7 is ac foghnum dhaine ele bias 
a shil 7 a seim^h dog^es, 7 ni tharga a ainim a hifirw cu brath na iar mbr ath.' 

IS i sin aims^ dorala ri feochair for TLirinn .1. Laeghaire mac Neill. 
IS ann 6.\diu bai a shosad 7 a g^ eim rigda i Temr^^. Teora bliadni re 
tuidhe^/ 7 do fdtraic inn EinV?^ rot^rchans^t na druidhi a taidhe^ 8 3oo 
.1. Luccatmhael 7 Luccra. Et is ed roraidhset : 

Ticcfat tailcinn tar muir meirceann, 

a mbruit (.1. a cocaill oifnnd) toillceann, 

a crainn (.1. a mbachla) croimcenn, 

a miasa (.1. a n-altoire) a n-airrte/- a tigi, 305 

friscerat uile amen. 

lArsin isp^^t "Pdtraic ria Dichoin : ' Eirg uaim/ ar se, ' co "L&gairl mac 
Neill co n-ebre mo aith^c fns, cu rabh flaith 7 cell's isin tir.' ' Dia ndeoch^jsa 

1 MS. Trethimh. z MS. Sadull. * MS. claidhium. * MS. athnuaig^d^d. 
6 MS. wigh. 6 fogantaigh. 7 tuighwto. 8 MS. 



cu Lsegwm/ ol Dichu, ' itat .ix. ngeill damsa occa i Temr0(f. Muirbhfit^ 

31 mo geill 7 nom-muirbfibsr fein in Ifn raghat. 'Teraaifesa fein 7 ternaifeat 
do geill [fo. 4. b. a] .... sum .... mdid . . ge . . . . gingu fc?mo,' ol Dichu, 
' rag#t ar do benn<3/*/ain.' Luidh iarum Dichu co Temhra^. { IS e tra in 
fer,' ol Laeg?'ri, e ceta rocreit don tailcenn ria fmi "Eirenn. Bmdh,' ol se, 
' in fer-so a n-sentech re gia(llu), 7 tarduidh biadh saillti doibh 7 na tard#z# 

315 di(usciu).' Doronad sa.mlaid. Dosn-ainic .... macdhacht 7 dobreath 
drolmhuigh fhina dh6ib . . . . se dtraic 7 .... ddil doib 7 dobreth soillsi 
. . . doibh . . . Dosn-ainic cleirec^ cu casal lin . . e 7 tall (na) glasa 7 na slabh- 
rada dib, 7 tuc a n-eochu . . ba foHar in lis ina srianuibh, 7 rooslaic doirrs(ea) 
(na)Temr^^ reompa. Leangait iarsin fora n-eochu 7 ti . . . co "Pdtraic I tir 

320 nUl^/. Atfet ia.rum Dichu a seel do "Pdtraic. ' IS doigh/ ol fdtraic, ' nf icfut 
faithe na ithfesa in fer sin co rissa fein.' 

O rocomfocsigso(llumun)na cascromidirP^/rflzVmzc^raibhi baili in bu(d) 
cora dhoibardshollum&TZ na.blid.dne do cheileabr^ina i Muig Bregh bailei mbui 
cenn dmide^ta7 id\achta.n.a.hE,irennj in, arddiwgna nahEir^ww .1. iT<?m(raig). 

325 Rocheleab^zV doDhichoin, 7 dorad a luing ior muir, 7 luidh co hlndb^ 
Colptha 7 co Ferta. bFer bFeic for 'tir, j saidhidh a phubull ann, 7 robean(ad) 
in tene chascda cois^arta lais. Ba hi(sin) aims^r noceileab^-aitis na gennte 
in tsol(lomun) sin, 7 ba geis do righ Temhra tene d'fatud reteinz'</na TVmrac^ 
in adatg- 1 sin. Ni fhidtr dldiu Hdtraic (in) geis-sin,7 cia rofesadh ni tairmiscfed. 

330 A(mb)atar ann lucht na Temhra co bhfacator in ten(id) roatta Vdtraic, air 
rosoillsigh Mag mBr^f . . Roraidh in ri di<^2^ : { IS coll cana 7 gesi dham, sud, 
7 finnta dhun cia dorine in tene u(t).' ' Atciam in tene,' bhar na dnridhe, '7 
raf hetam(ar) in aidhche 2 a nd^m^ hi acht mina didbhuig(ther re) mduin ni 
baithfite;r cobrath. 3 Rogab f(erg) in ri iarsin, 7 rohinnWa carpet do, 7 dodech- 

335 (aid) co Ferta bFer bhFeic. Doraids^t na d(ruid) fna Laeghaire : ' Na heircsi 
cusna. fira uci air doragat-som cucat.' Dodeochaid . . cu hairm i mbui. Atbert . . 

(Here are lost two leaves.) 

[fo. 5. a. i] Luidh iarum dtrcdc co Sith n^Eda (et ro)benn#c& Conall 
7 Fergus a mac. IS annsin do ... ar a lamha for cenn an meic. Ingn#d 
la Conoll innisin. Asbert Ttdtraic : 

340 Gignidh macan dia fine, 

bidh sai, bidh faidh, bidh file, 
inmhain lespaire glan g!5, 
nat ebera imarbhe. 

1 MS. zgaM. MS. aighthi. 


Co\om& cille mac f?VL\imtke insin. 

Robennuch Vdtraic dldm Comdl mac Neill 7 a cenel, 7 forfacuibh 345 
"b&macht fora ndainibh 7 f<??-a n-innbmiibh 7 for a ceall0z#. 

LuiDH "Pdtraic i tir nEogam 7 asbert fria muntir 'Fomnid 1 nach 
for-tair in leo uathmhar . i . Eogan mac Neill.' IMatarraidh doib frisin set . i . 
Muiredach mac "Eogain robui i tosach luirc na n-occ, Sechnall immorro dobhui 
i ndereth luirc na c\trech. IS ann ash?;t Sechnall fria Muiredach. ' Rat-fia 35 
a logh learn da cmdi h'ath#z> do Dhia.' c Cia logh ? ' ol se. ' Righi uait,' ol 
Secnall. { Doghena amh,' ol Muir^ach. A bhFidh 2 Mhor is ann ^wzrainicc 
Muir^/ach 7 Eog fria "Pdtraic. Rocreit dldiu Eoghan do Dia 7 do 
"Sdtraic. ' Damadh a tigh nocreittea/ ol "Pdtraic, ' doticfatis geill "Eifenn 
dod tigh. Uair nach edh, ni ticfat co tisat tna nert airm.' 355 

LUID "Pdtraic cu hOiliuch na Righ euro bennuch (in dun,) 7 forfacuibh 
a lice ann, 7 rotarrngair righi 7 ordan re hedh for Eirmn a hAil^h, 7 dorat 
beann^/ain gaiscidh for Eog## } 7 atbert "Pdtraic: 

Mu bheannaa^ forna tuatha 

dobiur o Beal^h Ratha, 3^ 

ocus for Cinel Eogam 

deoraidh co laithi mbratha. 

Cein bes macha fo toruibh 

belt a catha for feruibh, g 

cenn slg bM?r bhFail dia maigin, 

saigidb. daibb. for cech tealaigh. 

LuiDH Hdtraic iarsin a nDail Araidhi cu da m^cuibh d^c Caelbaidh 3 , 
7 dorat beanna^ain f^aib ^c^/ Saran a oenar, 7 dor<3t mall^^/ain fair sein 
cu nach gabhtha righi uadh cubrath. 

Luidh Jtdtraic i nDail Araidhi cu robaist espac Olchon fil in Airrt*r37 
Maigi Cobhai, 7 cu rolegh Mac Nisse Conaire a shalma lais. 

Luidh Ydtraic co hEochtfz^m#c Muir^aigh, co righ \J\ad, dia mbui oc 
damned [fo. 5. a. 2] 7 oc pian^da nsemhogh roedbradair a n-oighi do Dhia, 
ica . . . urg&d il-lanamhn^j- i n-adhrad idhal. Roghuidh 4 dtraic itghi leo arna 
rophiandalr, occus ni etas. Dor#t dulw Cairill mac Muir^aigh .1. brath^V 375 
in rig, impidt la Ydtraic, 7 ni rosemh in ri fair. Atb^t T?dtraic fria hEocha^ : 
* Ni bhiat righ nait rigdamna uait cobrath ocus a n-oidhidh 5 fort bhudhein. 
Do brathair immorro .1. Cairill bhidh ri i budhein 7 beit righa uaidh 7 

1 MS. fomnig. 2 MS. abhfigh. 3 MS. Cselbaigh. * MS. Roghuigh. 5 MS. anoighidh. 

C 3 


flaithi os do claiwdsi 7 os IJlltaib uili cobrath/ conud iat sin sil na righi .i. sil 

sSoDemmain meic Cairill Ire breitzV "Pdtraic. 

Luidh dldiu seitig in righ 7 slechtais fo chos#2# "Pdtraic. Dorat fdtraic 
\xnnacht df, 7 rob^/maig in gein bui ina broinn, conud he Domhanghart m#c 
Eochoc/j insin. IS e forfacaibh fdtraic ina churp fesin i Sleibh Slanga 7 
bfaid ann cobrath. Uair is he sin in sechtmad. fer forfacuibh Ydtraic 

3?s ana bheth^zW oc coimet hEirenn. 

Luidh Ptftrazciarsm a Dail Araidhi tar Fertais Tuama co hUaibh Tuirtre. 
Dodechd7# iarsin a n-Uaibh Meith Tire. IS ann tallsatar friar do Uaibh 
Meith ind-ara boc nobidh oc tabhairt usci do ~Pdtraic, 7 dodechatar do luighi 
eithich do ~Pdtraic cu romheichleastar in bocc fesin a bragait in tres fear dos- 

39 tall. c Mo de broth/ ol fdtraic, ' aisneidhidh in boc fes(in) a bhaile ar'hitlW. 
Et o aniu cubrath,' ol Pdtraic, ' leanat buic fort claind 7 chenel/ 7 is ed on 
comalltur fos. 

LuiD Patraic co Firu Rois iarsin. IS ann sin rosoe i clochu na faiscre 
grotha cosin nemh. Et robaithtea isin ath uile laich romhidhatar orcain 

395 aic. 

LuiDH ~Patraic larum tar Magh mBr^ i crich Laigh(en) co dun Nais. 
Ata lathftz^ pupla dtraic i fhaighthi fria sligzW anair, et ita tipra fria dun 
atuaidh du in-robaisd fatraic da mac Dunlaing .1. Ailill 7 Illann 7 di ingin 
Ai/zll 1 .1. Mugain 7 Fedhelm ro i(d)b^r(tatar) [fo. 5. b. i] a n-oighi do Dhia, 7 

400 senais Pdtraic caille for a cenn. IS ann sin docuas o PhatnwV for cenn require 
Nais, Faillen a ainm. Rodoilbh-sein cotl^fair, 7 adubhradh bai in re^/aire 
'na chodl^. ' Modhebf ath,' ol "Patraic, f ni hingn^ cidh tiu[g]chotl^/ 
Dochuater a muinnt^ iarsin do dusc^d in -rzckfain. Et fHth marb he ar 
an anum#&foit dorine do "Pdtraic, com& desin is athizwc mb^eithri la Gsedelu : 

405 codlud Faillein i ndun Nais. 

Dricriu dldiu is e ba ri O nGarrcon forcmn fdtraic intansin, et inghen 
Laegaire mdc Neill do mnai oca. Et dodiultsat fre fdtraic immon 
bhfleidh 2 oc Raith Innbhir. Et dorat Cilline foilti dh6, 7 romarbh a 
senboin do, 7 dorat do i n-airmitin foghebtf/sfti dia fhulung i tigh in righ. IS 

410 ann sin atb^t fatraic fria. mnai fhuine, 7 si oc derchainedh a meic : 

A ben, taisigh do 
totaet tore mor do orcan: 

1 A recent hand has made Aitt into Ailbi. 2 MS. bhfleigh. 


is do aibhell dotaet breo, 
bid beo, bidh slan do nuzcan. 

IN t-arbur 4'5 

is 1 dech dolosail talman : 
is se Marcan mac Cillin 
duini bz dech d'ibh Garrcon. 

Fothaighis "Pdtraic ia.rum cealla 7 congbala imdha i Laignz^, OCZAT 
facuib bennocfa&m forru 7 ior Huibh Cennseltf^ sainriudh, 7 fcrfacuibh 420 
Huasailli i cill Huasailli 7 Mac Tail i cill Cuilinn, et ro oirdnestar Fiachu 
Finn i Sleibtib in esp^oidi in cuicid. Romhaidh Failge Berraidhi 
co muirbhfedh Ydtraic du i comhraicfed fHs a ndighuil an idhail Cinn 
Ooich, ar is eisidhe roba dia do Fhailgi. Roceilset tra. a muinnt^^ ar 
IPdtraic inni roraidh Failghe. Laa n-ann asb^t Odhran a aru fre dtraic : 425 
' Ol atusa in. re cian og aruidecfrt duitsi, a popa, a "Pdtraic, nom-leic- 
sea isin pnmsuidi inniu, 7 ba tusu bus ara.' Dorine Ttdtraic saml<2zV/. 
Luid "Pdtraic i crich Ua Failghi iarsin. Teit Failghi cu tard fuasmadh 
tna Odran i rict dtraic. Nir'cian ia.rum co n-erbail Failghi co n&zchaid 
a ainim a n-ithfern. Teit iarsin Demun i curp Failghe co mbui eterW 
dainibh [fo. 5. b. 2] aim/ b. . . . Teit "Sdtraic iar cdin mair iarsin co 
Failghe, 7 rothoiris an dorus in dunaidh i muigh, euro fhiafraig do sen do 
mhoghuibh Failghi cait i m-bui Failghi. 'Rofhacbassa ina thigh/ ol in 
mogh. ' Raidh fHs,' ol Ydtraic, * tm&zckt dom acallaim* Teit in mogh 
arcenn Failghi, 7 ni fuair dhe isin tigh acht a cnamha lomai cen f huil, cen 435 
ieoiL Tic in mogh co Patrazc cu mbron 7 toirrsi 7 atfet d6 am/ doconnuic 
Failghi. Asb^t "Pdtraic : ' On lo roghon ^ailge mo araid am fhiadhnuisi 
dochuaidh a ainim a n-ithfem isin gnim dorinne, 7 dochoid^ dem ina 
corp.' Conld hi oid^ 2 Fhailghi insin. 

Failghe Rois immorro issi a clann fil isin tir inniu, 7 robennuch44 
"Fdtraic, 7 is uadh flaithizw in tire cobrath. 

LuiDH "Pdtraic iarsin for Bealuch nGabrain i tir nOsmz^i, 7 forfoth^zg- 
cella 7 r^gbhala ann, 7 adubtfzrt nobh^s* oirdnzWi laech 7 cl/r^ dibh 
cob^ath, 7 ni biadh furail na^ coic/d fo^ru cein nobeitis doreir Pat^aic. 

Ceileabhr<a;w "Pdtraic dhoibh iarsin, 7 foHacoibh martra sruithe ocu 7 445 
fozrenn dia muntir du ita Mart^ach 3 inniu i Muigh Raighne. 

LUIDH "Pdtraic iarsin i cnch Mhum<2^ do Chaisiul na Righ. Co tarla do 

1 MS. repeats. 2 MS. oiged. 3 leg. Martarthech. 


Mnghus mac Natfrmch ri Human, j terms failti fris, 7 nos-beir lais dia 

thigh don dun cusin maigin i ta Leac Vdtraic inniu, 7 creitis fiLngus do Dia 

450 7 do ^dtraic annsin, 7 robaisd^h he 7 moran dferaibh Human maille fns. 

15 ann sin tra tinnscnamh baithis bhfer Muma, conzdh ann asbert 

Muimhnigh dianom-saruighet 

urn Chaisil cenn a mbaithis 
455 imghuin lep ar lar a tire 

belt a righi fo aithis. 

A Caisil robennachus 

Eirz'nn conic a hura : 

coradhf 1 laimh robennachj 
460 c0nabia cen maith Mumha. 

INtan t/a rpbai Hdtraic. oc bennach#<a? cinn < luidh foghrain 
na bacla trena t^ighidh. lar bhfoirchinn immorro in bennach^?^ con&ccBi 
in crecht i cois ^Engh^a. Asb^t TUdtraic : c Cidh rombai nad ebns 
frium ? ' ' Atar-lem,' ol fiLnguS) ' top he corns in creitmhe.' ' Rat-fia a logh,' 
465 ol ^dtraic, ' Ni ragha do chomharba [fo. 6. a. i] aidheadh ngona onniu 
cubrath acht. oenf<?7- nama/ Asb^^V fdtraic co mbiad arath iCaisil, ut dixit : 

Eisseirgi Yatratc a nDua, 
a ordan a n^Ard Macha, 
i telchan Chaisil cheolaig 
4 - rodheori&zg- trian a ratha. 

Luidh Vatraic a Musc^aihi 2 Breoghain. Laa n-ann ftditt. boi oc innlat 
a lamh i n-dth ann cu torchair fiacail asa chinn isin n-ath. Luidh iarsin isin 
telcha fHsin ath anair, 7 dotiaghar uadh do cuinghidh na fiaclu, et doraitne 
foc/toir in fiacail isin ath amalgrein. Et Ath Fiacla ainm inn atha et Ceall 

475 Fiacla ainm na cille i farcaibh in fhiacuil. Et rofhacuibh eethrar dia 
ann .1. Cuirche 7 Loscan, Caileach 7 Beoan. 

Luidh v&xum i tir Ua Figinti CQ ndema Lonan mac Erca ri O Figemti 
fledh 3 do "Pdtraie^ 7 deoch^m. Mantain do, dtraic leis ica fur. 
Dolluidh cliar aesa dana co Patraa? do cuinghidh bfdh. Fuidhi^j dtraio 

480 tec^/a uadh co Lonan 7 co Deoch^ Mantain do chumghidh neich 4 don 
oes dana. Asb^tatar side napdis dmith no b<?rnfd a bhfleidh 5 artus. 

1 MS. comadha. 2 MS. musc^aidhi. 8 MS. flegh. 

4 MS. neith. 5 MS. bhfleigh. 


Asb^rt Pdtraic na biadh rf na esp<? o Lonan 7 na biad ard congbhail 1 
deocham Mantain i telmain. IS ann sin do decbaid araili moethoek^, 
Nesan a ainm, 7 molt 7 tanag 2 7 tri faiscre g^otha for a mhuin do Ydtraic. 

Asbert Pdtraic: 4 8 5 

IN macan dotoet atuaidh 
is do doberbadh in bhuaidh, 
cona moltan fora, muin 
doculfl CotntJghi dofuil. 

Conwj-tuc Pdtraic dona caintibh. AnW batar iarz# na cainti oc ithe in 49 
muilt notas-sloicc in idlam focedair cu lotar i fadoman ithfnnn, 7 marait fos 
na faiscre iarna sodh i clocha. Dob^rt larum Pdtraic bennacfituin. do Nesan, 
7 dobert gradh deochatn fair, 7 is e fil i Mungharait. 

Luidh "Pdtraic iarsin i Findine fri Domn^c^ Mor amartuaitfr, telach 
asa n-aict^ in tuath in. Luimn^c^ atuaidh, co tart bennacktam tor Thuad- 495 
nmmain ar a dhuthr^c^feighi dod^chate^ co #-imat innmhuis leo arcinn "Pdt- 
raic. Cairthenn mace Blait, [fo. 6. a. 2,] sen clainne Tairrdealbhuigh, rocreit 
don Choimdhfc/, 7 robaist Ydtraic i Saingil .i. sain aingil dodech#zW dia 
acall<MV# annsin, 7 ni he Victor. Nf berthe clann do Cairthenn co sin. 
IS ann sin rucadh Eoch# Bailhkrg do Chairthenn. Patraic dochruth^^soo 
don phairt croa, et co rabha in ball sin in a churp do comhartha ind f herta. 
Ni dhechtfwj? ^dtraic fesin isin tir acht atceth o Luimn^c^ siar 7 budh 
thuaid, 7 bennachais ind airet adconnaic. Et pwphetauit de s^^cris qui in 
eis fierent 3 , nominibus et tempore quo pmienissent. 

* IN t-ailen glas tiar/ ol "Pdtraic, ' i mbelaibh in mhara ticfa caindeal do 505 
muntir Dhe ind bus cenn athchomhairc dona tuath^-sea ' .1. Senan innsi 
. diagh .lx. vel vi. xx bliadne iarum Senan mac Gerrginn meic 

Ni dhecha/^ dano Pdtratc dar Luachair ind larmhumhain. P><?phetauit 
de B^enainn m^c hua Alte, qui nascetur .cxx. anno. Quo[d] impletum est. 510 

LUID dtraic iMuscraighi 4 Thiri baptisare et fundare fidem. Ibi inuenit 
tres fr^rtres .1. Fuirc 7 Muinech 7 Mechar, fyi meic F^ait meic Connla. 
Creitidh 'Mumech p^otinus, et rom-beir as Pdtraic 7 ron-bennach 7 ior- 
fhacuibh oirdnzVfi laech 7 derecfr uadh cubrath 7 airdrighi a thm uadh 

Robhui tra.mi.mbliad'mi Mumaiti, 7 iss^dorimet ind 
aifrenn cacha secktmad imaire donedch imrulai 5 i Mumam. I Arsanni tra 
1 MS. congmhail. 2 MS. tanad. * MS. fierant. * MS. muscraidhi. 6 MS. imrulaigh. 


rofhothtf^estar fdtraic cealla 7 congbhala la Mumam, j rooin/nesdar 
aes ce^a graidh, 7 rofcc aes cecha tedhma, 7 rothodhuisigh marbhu. 

5 ao Ceileabhmw doibh iardain, 7 facbhus batnacfttain forru. 

LUIDH iarsin co hEle. Lotar fir M.uman inadhiaidh 1 feib donucsat each 
dibh dialaile m&egaid Patratc. IS aim sin do airtetar fir Mumhan, fe/oribh, 
m<zcuibh, mnaib, inhi Pdtraic j. oc Brosnachaibh, cu rolasat morghair 7 
morbroscar ar fhailti fheghtha lor Pdtraic. Et is de sin rohainmnz^d 

525 Brosnachu Ele. 

IS ann sin roceileabuir d'fmiibh Muman, 7 dob^t bennac&t forru : ut 
dixit : 

[fo. 6. b. i.] Beannotf^ De for Muma/w, 

fmiibh, macuibh, mnaibh, 
530 \>em\acht forsin talumh 

dobeir taradh dhaibh. 

JSennacht for cech n-innmhas 

gignes for a mbrughaibh, 

cen nach foiri cdbazr 
535 bermacftt De for Mhuma/. 

Bennar^/ fora mbennu, 

fora, leacu loma, 

bennoctif fora, nglenna, 

bennacfrt fora, ndroma. 
g 4 o ' Gainiumh lir foa longuibh 

roppat lir a tealluig, 

i fanuibh, i reidhibh, 

i sleibhibh, i mbennuib. Ben. 

Luidh "Pdtraic for cul co Firu Rois euro thriall congbail in Dmim Mor. 

545 IS ann sin tainic in t-aingel 7 atbert iris : l Ni sunn doraid Dia fHut airisiumh.' 
' Ceist, cia hairm ? ' ol fdtraic. ( ISin Mhacha thuaidh,' ol in t-aingel. 
Dolluid "Pdtraic iarsin do Ard fdtraic fHa Lughbhadh 2 anair, 7 rotHall 
congbail ann. Ticedh fatraic o.zck dia o Ard Ydtraic, 7 ticedh Mochta 
o Lughbadh aniar cu comraicdis imacallaim ceck dia oc Lie Mhoc^/a. Laa 

550 n-oen ann tc in t-aig^/ dpzstil eatarra. Airleghuidh Ydtraic hi, 7 iss ed 

bui innti : 

Mochta craibhdech credhal 
bidh airm in rogab<z^, 
Patraicc la breithir in righ 
err hi Macha nonanadh. 


1 MS. inadhiaigh. a MS, lughmhagh. . . 


TEIT dtraic iarsin don Macha la breithzV in aingil co du ita Raith Daire 
inniu. Bui araili ier soimm airmhitn^ ind mbazdh-sm a nAirteraibh, Daire 
a ainm. Roghuidh "Pdtraic intf Daire arco tartadh inadh a reclesa do I n- 
Druim Sailedi, du ita Ard Macha i[n]niu. Asb^t na tibhr^h in izalaig dho. 
Dobrc^ immorro mad do isin glinn, du ita ind Fherta inniu. Fothazgius 560 
di<a&# Ydtraic fna re cian ann. Laa n-ann tuctha da ech Daire do ithe 
feoir in du sin. Rofergaig^d dtraic desin cur'bo marb na heoc^u foc//oir. 
Fergatgther 1 Daire umma heo^u do mharbad r ,j atbert in cl/ra:h do mhatbad. 
Dos-fanic tamh 7 treaghdad' opunn cu Daire, cur'bo focraibh bas dou. ' To- 
c^adh in cleir^ fodera sin,' ol in ben bui oca, ' 7 rfaruidh iris' or si. Docuas 565 
iarsin do chuingidh uisq^i ern^z^thi for "Pdtraic do Daire. ' Ni secfimad,' ol 
Ydtraic [fo. 6. b. 2] . . ' minbadh in ben di^'^ ni biad eseirgi do Datre cobrath.' 
Bennuighis ~Pdtraic in t-uisqi, 7 raidhis a tebairt do Dairi 7 tarna heochu. 
Dogniter amlaid, j ztrackt Daire cena. eochu focedair. Rucad &idiu coiri umha 
a n-edbairt do Patr^V o Dhajre. ' Deo gracia,' ol dtraic, Rofhiarfo^^s^o 
Daire dia mumtt'r cid asb^rt an cleir<?c^. ' G^ati'am, 5 or in muinter. ' Ni 
maith in luach deghcoiri,' ol Daire. ' Tabhur uadh doridhisi/ ol Daire. 
Tucsat in coiri uadh doridhisi. ' Deo gracias,' ol dtraic. Indisit a munter 
do Daire a n-asfort dtraic. 'IS e c/^bHathar aicisiumh in g^aciam,' or 
Daire, f .i. gratiam ica tabairt do 7 gr&tiam ica bmth uadha.' Luidh 'Ddiretfs 
wna. sheitig iardain do oighr/zV "Pdtraic, j roedbz>set in coiri do 7 in tealach 
<??maiteach fair ria sunn dan ainm Ard "NLacha inniu, et Ard Soil^ a ainm 

IS aml#2# immorro rothoraind ~?dtraic in raith, 7 in t-aingel reme 7 
esiumh 'nadhiaidh 2 tro^a muntir 7 ^ma shruithibh, 7 in Bhachall I^u il-IaimhsSo 

At e annso na sruithe atcuaidh ferta "Pairaic .1. Colum cille 7 Ultan 7 
Adhomhnan m<zc Tinde, 7 Airenan ind ecna, et Ciaran Beal^ Duin, et 
esp0 Airmedach o Clochar, et Colman Uamach, 7 CHmthan 3 Collait 
o Druim Relgech. 585 

Fear fir rra in ier sin o glaine alcnid amal uasalath^zV. Firailith^^ 
amal Abraham. Cennais dilg^ach o c^idhi amal Moysi. Sailmcetl^zV/ 
molbte^ amal Dadid. Estudh hecna j eoluis amal Sholw<?m. Lestar 
toghai in. fogra firinni amal Phol n-aps^/. Fer Ian do rath 7 deolaidhec^ 4 
in Spiratfa Nairn, amal Eoin. Lubhghort cain co clannaib sualach. Gesca 590 

1 MS. fergattiher. 2 MS. nadhiaigh. 3 leg. Gruimther. 4 MS. deolaighe^/. 



finemna co tairthigi. Tene thaeidhkdi co ngris ngairthe 7 tesaige^/a na 
mac mbethad urn fliatudh 7 t-soillsuighadh dhesherce. Leo ar mharnirt 7 
crmmac/ita. Colum ar chennsa 7 diuite. Naithir ar thuaichli 7 treabaire. 
Fer maeth, cennais, \\mal, ailgen ria macuibh bethad : ainmin, ecennuis fria 

595iruzcaib bais. Mogh sasthair 7 foghnama do Christ. Ri ar ordan 7 cum- 
ackfa. fri cuibriuch [fo. 7. a. i] 7 tuasluc^d, fria soeradj dhoerad, fria. beth- 
ttgud 7 marbfld. 

lArna moirmhlrbttiZib-s[,tra,j iar todhuscd marbh,ar n-fc dhall 7 clamh 
7 bacach 7 aosa cacha tedhma olcena, iar bhforcetul bhf<?r nEirenn 7 iar 

600 mbaithi?^, iar fothugud cheall 7 mainisdra:^, iar cosc^ad idhal 7 arrackt 7 
ealadhan ndnridhe^&i, rocomfhoicsigh laithi a eitsichta inhi noebh Pa- 
traic 7 a dhula dochum nime. Et iss ed rotHall, dul do Ard Macha ar 
cumtfd ann nobeth a eiseirghe. Doriacht Victor aingel chuige, 7 is edroraidh 
Ms : ( Eire fortculai don bhaili asa tudhc^duis .1. don tSabhall, ar is ann 

605 atbela 7 ni a nArd Macha dorat Dia duit h'eiseirghi. Th'ordan 7 th'oirech^, 
do chrabudh 7 t'forcetul amal dobhethea beo a nArd Macha. Dogealluis do 
Dichoin corned aigi nobeth h'eiseirghi,' ol in t-ai#g<?/. Doraidh Patrazc : ' as 
in dseiri co crich damsa intan nach cuwngaim mo adhnacul isinn mad 
is tol dam.' Roraidh in t-ainget : ( Nd bidh bron fort, a dtraic, ar biaidh 

610 h'ordan 7 h'oir^^^ a n-Ard T&acha, gid a n-Dun bias h'eserghe ; 7 dorat Dia 
maithi^a imdha dmt. Or dorat d^'t nemh do Dhichoin com. damn. Dorat 
duit moirseser gacha. sathairrn d'feraibh Eirenn do br<?//^ o phein docum 
nimhe. Dorat duit gao.k sen ghebhus do ymonn il-laithi a eitseachta con^c^ 
b6 ind Ithfern. Dorat duit cumba tu bus bmthium bratha ar fmiibh ~Eirenn. y 

615 Doroine atraic comairle in ai^g//, 7 rothoiris i crich nUlad. 

INtan tr a tainic uair a eits^/a ~Pdtraic dorat esp0 Tassach corp Crist 
do, 7 rofhaidh a spiral docum nimhe isind-ara blizdam .xxx. ar c/^ a aoisi. 
Tancataf immorro amgil nime arceand anma fdtraic 7 rucsat leo he doomi 
nime gu n-anoir 7 airmitin moir. Et gidh mor a anoir coleic bidh mo a 

620 ndail bratha intan adreset fir dhom^m la forcongrai Mich// archaingzZ Et 
raghait fir Eir&m a comhdail fdtraic co Dun L*tfhglaisi co ndichset maroen 
fHss co Slia& Sion, baili i ndingne [fo. 7. a. a] Crist mes f0f clainn nAdhaimh 
isin laiti-sein : intan, d\diu } suidfes Crist for righsuidhi a mhiadamla ac meas 
na in muinnt^ .1. muinter nimi 7 talman 7 ithfirn. Et suidhfit in da esbal 

625 de"c imaille fris for dibh righsuidhibh dec oc mes for dibh tr^aibh dec 
clainni Israel. Suidhfidh dldiu T?atraic intan sin for righsuidhi a 


nachta 7 midhfidh tor femibh "Eirenn, dr is e T?dtraic is esbal for Ein#, 
7 is athuir forcetuil 7 irsi doibh, 7 is e bus br^eamh form il-lo bra/0. Et 
is maille ins ragait iar bhfuighiull bratha in fhaireann rocomhaillset a timna 
7 a fhoircetal an seintibh, a n-errntfzgthi, a n-almsanuibh, a twcuire, a cennsa, 630 
a ndilghitaidh 1 7 isna timnaibh diadhaibh olcena isin bhflaith nemhdhai. 

Rofhacuibh in t-amg*?/ comhairle la PatnwV anW nohadhn^^/a, 7 is e^ 
asb^rt fHs : ' Tucthar,' ar se, * da 6cdam dhisczH do cethrib Con&\\l a Finna- 
bazr .1. o Clochar, 7 suidz^t^r do corp a cethwrrse^, 7 cibe \et\i dhighsd: 7 
i tairis^t a n-a^nr bidh insin nodadhmz^sa.' Et doron<a:d aml^'^ iaraa6ss 
eitseckt. Et fri re da oidhchi 2 dhdc .1. airet robat^r smithi Ehenn ica aire, 
ni raibhi [a] daig i Maiginis acht soillsi ai^g^/<ar^ann. Atb^rat araili is co 
cenn rnbliadne robui in t-soillsi ann. Contd de ita THcha <^t na Soillsi. 

Bui tra tnall cniblingi moiri 7 cata itz> Ull^ 7 Hua Neill ica cosn^m 
do Ard yiacha 7 U\aid ica fhastwd acu fein. IS ed 6.\diu tarfas doibh uili 640 
breith in cuirp do each dibh docam a thiri, cu ro etorscar Dia fonn inn^j sin 
tHa rath "Pdtraic. 

Arrodt didiu comunn 7 sacarb^c o espac Tassac^, 7 rofhaidh a spztut 
doc&m nime isin tSabhall. 

Rohadhna;^/ immorro Yatraic a nDun da Lethgl&y co n-anoir 7 00645 
n-airmhitin, co bhfcrtaibh 7 mirbhuil/5 cechlaithidhi. Cidh mor, di^'^, a 
anoir colleic, bidh mo a ndail bratha ind oentuidh 3 apsfo/ 7 descipul tssu, ind 
oentuidh 3 .ix. ngradh nimhe, i n-aentuidh 3 dhe^z^^a 7 daen^/a Meic De, 
a r^-sxdaid na nsemtrinoidi .1. Atha^V 7 M<zc 7 Spir^ N^^. 

Ailim trocuirQ De ulk^mh^^taigh co risium ind aentaz^sin 
saeculorum, amen. 

1 MS. andilghitaigh. 2 MS. oighthi. 3 MS. oentuigh. 

D 2 

[fo. 7. b. i.] 

Beth(a) Coluim Cille annso 

7 tabrad? gach legfas a bheanna^ ior anmannaib na lanumhan 

docuir da scribmn hf. 

6 55 ( T^XI de terra, tua et de domo patns tua, et uade in terrain quam tibi 
J_-/ monstraum) ' .1. Facoibh do thir 7 do thalamh 7 do coibnesom 
collaidi 7 t'athardha ndilis eramsa, 7 eirc isin tir faillsigfetsa duit. 

IN Coimdhi fein dorat an comairle cairdem#z7 sea do chenn na hirsi 

foirphthe 7 na creitme comlaine .1. do Abraham m<Z Thara, euro fhacbad a 

660 thir fesin .1. tir Caldea7 cu tiseddla. ailithri 1 isin tir nofhaillsighfed Dia dho 

i. tir tarrngaire. Moysi, immorro, mac Amhrai taisecti tuaithi De, in fear 

rolinad o rath 7 o deolaidhectit in Spir/a Noimti, is e roswibh in coibdhe 

coisecartha tall i nGenisis in "Rectify, cu ro maradh dogras ocon eclais in 

chainchomhairle cairdemazT-sea in Coimd^T fadesin, do Abraham, do erail 

665 ailitre fair, co n-epert fris : ' Exi de t^ra tua.' Facoib do thir 7 do talmam 


IS ed seel erdraicighter on Coimd/<a? fein da irail ior Abraham fachz'// tire 
Caldea rop athardha dhiles do 7 toidhectit da ailithre i tir tharrngaire 
ardaigh in mhaithizAra nobhiath do fein de 7 dia clainn 7 dia cineadh da eisi. 
670 IN fer va\morro dia tard Dia in comhairle-sea .1. Abraham, IS esidhe 
-airmhighter 2 isin scnptur mar ath<2zV dona huilz' iriseachaib, am<2/deimnighes 
in t-aps^/ co n-apalr : ' AS iat meic Abraham iar bhfir,' ar in t-aps&z/, ' na 
huili nos-inntsamhlaighet o iris f^bhthi.' 

IN mhaith didiu roerail Dia sunn for athatr na-n-iris^c^ .1. for 

75 Abraham, dleghar da m^cuibh na dhi#z# 3 .1. dona hirisechaibh uile a 

comhall .1. a tir 7 a talam, a n-innmhay 7 a n-airfit^d saeghulla d'facbazl ar 

in Coimdid na ndula, 7 nul [fo. 7, b. 2] i n-ailithre fhoirbhthi iarna innt- 


6 thrf moduibh immorro tochuirt^r na daine co haithnius 7 co muinn- 
in Coimd^. IS e in c/Aia modh, gresacht 7 adhannadh na ndaine on 
rath diadha co tecait do fhoghnam don Coimd^iar ndeismire^ Phoil 7 

1 MS. ailithir. a leg. airmither. MS. dhiaig. 


Antoin manatg" 7 na n-uili man#c^ n-mseck olcena. nofhogn^d do Dia thall 
isin Eghipt. Tochuirte;- na daine on mudh thanwjti tna proiceptoiribh 
noemaibh pritchait in scriptur ndiadhai dona dainib iar ndeismir^/ Foil 
apstazV ropntchai do genntibh conus-iuc tre lin in t-sosc//a docum puirt68s 
bethod. Tochuirter da0 na daine on treas tre ecentaidh 1 .1. intan coimei- 
fHa foghnum De tna t^eabhlaiteibh 7 tre guass^c^taibh "betho, no 

fnsna maithibh aimsmiaibh i mbit, iar ndeismire^/ sin 
Israel rocomshoi c^n Coimdhe o adhrod idhal 7 arrac&t iarna coimeicni^d 
ona treablaitibh 7 ona documhl<zz# fuair c^ a cin//<2/b echtran.naib, amal6go 
innist^ isin scriptuir. Conid da fo^cell sin atb^zV in faid Dauid : O foghebut 
p<?p/ Israel treablaide 7 guas<z^ta mora not-gessiut 7 not-aitcet in Coimdhe 
cu sozrad in Coimde iarsin iat ona documlaid sin. 

Abraham, didiu, cenn na hirsi foirbhthi 7 na creidmhe comlaine, o 
ragms^<a?h on rath diadha rocomaill an timna roforcongradh fair on 695 
CoimdzW.i. dochuaid i tir Caldea co rainic airm a n-derbailt a athair, 7 
tainic asside i tir tarnngaire. 

Atait immorro tri hernaili o bhfacuibh duine a athmlha intan teit ind 
ailithrz", et ita sen dibhside arna fagur focr&icc o Dhia, 7 ata a dho ara fagur. 
Uair tan ann facaibh nech a athardha o curp nama, 7 ni etarscarann a 700 
m^ma ria p^cthaibh 7 duailchib, 7 ni sanntaigh sual#^ na soghnimh do 
denamh. IN ailitri, \axum dognit^r amlaid sin ni fhasann torad na tarba 
don anmuin, acht sasthar 7 imluadh cuirp codimhain, ar is suaill a tharba 
do neoch deirghi a atharda mina dmia maith 'na hecmais. Uair cid 
.Abraham fein [fo. 8. a. i] is iar bhfacbhail d6 a thire dilsi 7 iar n-etar- 705 
s[c]ar#d fris iar curp dorat in Coimdi in comairli so co ndebairt : ' Exi de 
t^rra tua : ' Ben do cheill budhesta dot tir 7 dot talmain, 7 na bidh do 
menma. re himpodh fris doridhisi. Amal bidh edh atb^eadh Dia fein cu 
foll^j re h Abraham : Imgaibh o churp 7 o anmain o sunn immach it ailitn. 
p^ctha 7 duailche in tire in ro aitreabuis anallana iar curp, uair is inann 710 
do neoch 7 noaitreab#d% ana atharda dia n-indtsamhl/zz^i bes a athardha ina 
ailithre, uair nochon 6 shet nach o coimimluadh cuirp comfhoicsighes nech 
do Dia, acht is tna denum sualach 7 soghnimh. Fea^t aili immorro 
facbatdh nech a athardha o duthrac&t cridhi 7 o mhenmam cencu 
facaibh o curp, amal docuirethar dona hoirdnz'dlbh t6chaithiumh a m- 715 
bethad ina tiribh fein cu bas ar ros-fastat tuatha 7 h^alsa isna ferann<a:/5 

1 MS. ecentaigh. 


i m-bit, ar mhdt a tarbha dhoibh, uair nach ar choll/zaafecht tairismhighit 
'na n-athardha, gebidh a caein nduthracfrt gmm n-ailita? dhoibh icon 

720 Fear^t aili facoibh neadh a athdrdhai cucomkfo o curp 7 o anm^w, 
feibh rofhacs<zt in da apsta/ dec 7 lucht na hailitre foirbhthi dar' tarrngair in 
Coimmde mormaith dia n-ebatrt isin t-sosc//: De*nuid airi/&? dhe so, dr 6 
uathaw? co sochflzVfl retmcseabhuir orumsa bar tir 7 bar coibhnesa collatdi, 
bur sealbh 7 bar n-aibhnis saeg#/la co bhfuighbhidh a c/ coibheis do 

725 mhaith uaimsi ibhus isin t-soega/ 7 in b^tfha shuth#m tall iar bfuighiull 

IS iat so lucht na haililre comlaine iar bhf/r isa p^sainn atb^r in faidh : 
' Bmm a buidi rzt, a Dhe, is ailitre 7 is deoratdecht dam in soegw/ iar 
n-intsam^'/ na smithe remth^/ach.' 

730 Soch^ziofe, tra, do mhoghaibh dilsi in Coimdhi, itir petarlatc 7 nufhiad- 
mssi, ro comulls<a;t coforbhthi in comairli caendut^a^foc^sa 7 ft^fhacuibhs^t 
a tir 7 a talmam j a n-ath^^dha 7 a coib72? collauR ar in Coimdz# na ndula, 
7 dochuater ind ailitre i tiribh ciana comuighthi. Feibh rocomuill 7 
rofhacoibh a duthch^j talm^;ma ar gradh 7 uamz#z in Choimdhedh 1 

73S [fo. 8. a. 2] an t-ardnoebh 7 in t-airdecniudh 7 in mac togaidi do Dia 
diata lith 7 foraithmet i n-ecmong na ree-sea 7 na haimsire.i. uasalshacart 
innsi Goidel 2 , in-choer comnwc roh^radh o thaillnibh 7 o danuibh ecsamla 
in Spir/a N6im .1. inti noemCol^^ cille mac Feidhlmzia?. 

IS ann ceileab^ait na Cristaich lith 7 sollomun eitsechta Coluim chilli, 

740 hi cingtidh luin arai laithi mis g^ene cac^a blzadne isin laithi-sea inniu 
7 rl. 

INdisit h^naidi na nG6idel 2 ind inbaidh-sin cacha \Aiadne b^can cumair 
d'foillsiug^ shochair 7 shoerclannd<3r^/a Colmm cille, 7 dona fertuibh 7 
dona mirbhuilibh diairmh/5 doroine in Coimdhi aire ibhus isin tsoeg^/, 

745 7 don fhorbtfdh 7 don f hoircenn shainem^'/ donzt fadeoidh 3 for a rith 
mbuadhai .1. roAtain coa fhfrathardhai 7 coa dhuthch^^ fein .1. cu haitreibh 
parrduts i frecnarc^^ De tre bithu sir. 

Uasal immorro a ceneol Cholz#z c///? il-leth risin soeg#/, uair do cenel 
Cbaill maic Neill atacomnaic. Toich d6 righi nEirenn iar ngenelach, 7 

750 tarcas d6 mina leig^d uad ar Dhia. Follus cumba mac togha do Dia h6, ar 
robhater suithi Eirenn ica thairchetal riana gheinemhuin. 

1 MS. repeats an choimdhe^h. a MS. goigel. s MS. fadeoigh. 


Dorairngert cetus smns^r shacart ~E\renn senMoofcta Lugba[id] inti 
Colum cille bliadain riana gheineam<2/. Uair techtus dolluid a choic, 
Mtfcrith a ainm, 7 coadh cno ina laimh, co n-ebairt Mo^ta fHs : ' Ni leamsa,' 
ar s6, * an ferann asa tucad na cno so : taisigh iat co ti intf asa forann.' ' Cuin 755 
dorega se?' or in coicc. 'I chin c/<? bliadm ', or Mo^/a. Nognath^^ 

Qchta a aigheadh budhtuazd oc ern^^fthi. No fhiafraighs^t a 

dhe cidh ara n-den^ sin. Roraidh 

Macan gignither 1 atuaidh 

ic trc[a]ba// na mbith6 760 

toirithnigh 2 Ere in breo 

ocus Alba dhainech dh6. 

Dorairng<srt immorro zthair baitsi 7 fo^cetuil na nGoeid^/ 3 .1. noem- 
PhatrazV, dia mbui occ bennach^ Conuill a sidh ^Edha intan rof huirim a 
dhi laim for Conull 7 f<?^* a m^c, tor F^rgh&s .1. a lamh dhes for cenn Ferghana 765 
7 a lam ch!6 for cenn Conaill. Romhac/itad Conall sin, 7 rofhiafraig de 
cidh ar roshamhuigh a lamha amhkzW sut. Rogabh PatrazV in rann-sa : 

[fo. 8. b. i], Geinfidh macan dia fhine 

bidh sai, bhidh faidh, bidh file, 

inmhain lespaire glan gle, >-w 

na heb^ra iraarbhe. 

Bidh sm'ocus bhidh craibd^c^, 

bidh dalbh la righ na righrath, 

bidh buan ocus bidh bithmhaith, 

ron-fia in bithfhlaith dia dhidhna^ 4 . 775 

Rathirchan Bee mac De dia nde&wrt : 

M<zcan Eithne toebhfhota 

sech is bail is blathug^, 

Colum c///<?can cen on 

nir'bo romh in r^thughadh. ^80 

Dorairn^r/ da^> esbcc "Eogan Arda Sreath co n-ebairt : 

Mac b^mir do 6 Fhelimzd 

bidh mi[n]n for cech cleir, 

FelimzW mac Fergusa, 

mate Conuill, mcu'c Neill. 785 

1 MS. gignighther. 2 MS. toirichnigh. 3 MS. ngoeigel. 

* MS. dighnad. 6 MS. di. 


Dorairng^rt Baide mac Bronaigh a n-uair a eitsichta inti Colum Cille., 
co n-eibirt ria muintir: 'Rogenair isinn aidhchP-sea innocht mac. n-uasal 
n-airmheitn^c^ fiadh Dia 7 daine, 7 doragha sunn i cmn .xxx. bliadne 
[6nnocht.] da fher dhec a 1m, 7 is e f hoillsighfes mu lighi-sea 7 toirrnebhzw 

790 mu relec, 7 biaidh ar n-aenta in nimh 7 i talmain' 

Amail rotirchantfd o smith$ Eirenn gein Coluim title, is amlaid rofiu- 
gradh i bhfisibh 7 i n-aislingibh feibh rofiugrad isin taidhbhsin tarfas dia 
mdthair . i . dar-le brat mor do tabairi di cu rocht o indsi Modh 2 co Caeir n Adrocc, 
7 ni bhui dath nat bui ann : co #-acca 6g\ack ind itack thaitnmach cu rue 

795 uaithi in brat isin n-aer, 7 ba toirs<?c^ Eithne dhe sin. Et atar-le tainic in 

t-oclach c//ha adochum dovid\si y co n-obairt ria : 'A ben mhaith, ni rice a leas 

bron na toirrse do den#m, acht is cora dutt subhai 7 f^rbhfailti : uair in 

brat-sa iss ed dofome co 2berasa mac, 7 bid Ian Ere 7 Alba dia fvrcetul.' 

Atconnuic dano a ben imthasi aislingi eathaite in aeir 7 na ialman atar- 

800 le do breith inathair Eithne fo crichaib ILirenn 7 Alb^^. Rue Ethne breitk 
na haisl^fi sin : ' Beratsa mac' ol si, ( 7 rosia a forcetal fo cHch TLirenn 7 

Amal rotirchan^d iarum o srmfaib ^Lirenn 7 amail itces i bhfisibh, 
rogenair Colum Cille amlaid sin. Gortan dano ainm an inaidh in rogenair. 
805 Hi septit Dedmbir dano arai laithi mis grene, j dardain ara[i] laithi secht- 

Amra tra in mac rogenair ann sin, m#c do Righ nimhe 7 talman .r. 

Colum cille mac Feilimid 1 meic Yergusa meic Conuill [fo. 8. b. a] Gulban 

meic Neill Naighiall^^. Do Corpraighi 3 Laigm a mdtkavt: .1. Ethne 

810 Ollmhar vngen Dimai meic Naei. Baisdter iarum in m<3:c la Cruithnechan 

mac Ctallazg in t-uasalsha^;'/?, 7 ro[s]ail iardain arna radh d'aingl^ De fris. 

O tainic t^a aimser leiginn d6, luid in clereck co araili faid bui isin tir 

da fiarfaigi dhe cuin bud choir tinnscetal don mhac. O rof hegh in faidh 

in nemh is ed roraidh : ' Scnbh innosa dho aibghitir.' Roscnb^ in aibghit^r 

815 i mbairgin 7 [is amlaid doromailt Colum cille in bairgen .1. a leth fri huisce 

anair 7] a leth fria huisci aniar. Asfert in faidh tna rath faitsine: 'IS 

amlaid bias fierann in mezc-sl, a l^h fri muir anair 7 a letln. fri muir aniar' .1. 

ind Eirmn. 

Nir' chian iarum, luid 7 a aidi ar notluic gu Brogach mac Degazd cusan 
820 esb^c do Rathaibh Enuigh a tir Enna. Roherb^h ria aidi-sium risin cUreck 
1 MS. aighthi. 2 MS. mogh. * MS. corpraidhi. 


ord sacairt do dhenamh isinn inad-sin arin sollamun. Rogabh imnaire eside 
cor'eimidh 1 in salm do rvcht do do g#bail Mismcordias. Gabhuis immorro 
ier in raith .1. Colum cille in salm dia raith ocht cena ni rolegh-som ocht 
nama cosin. Romor<s? ainm De 7 Coluim cille tresan mfrbhuil sin. 

FEACHT aili luid-sium 7 a aidi do thoruma dhuine galair. Ic dul doib 825 

chaillz^tuislidh cos in cleirz^don carraic,gutorchair co w-erbailt cuhobunn. 
Dorat-somh a cochull fo cinn in cl&rz^ dr ni f hitzV nac/i ina chodlud robui. 
Et roghabh for mebhraghadh a aicepta cu cuaktar araile caill^ha a urlegh- 
iunn corice a recl/j. IS <?^dorimhet ind eo/^, mile co leith do betb. etenra, et 
cluinti commie fogur a ghotha in airet-sin. Tancatar na caill^ha iarsin, 7 830 
fuaratar in clfreck marbh aracinn, 7 roraids<?t risseomh ddscad in 
doibh. Docuaidh-sium ac/tor docum in cl/Hgh da dh^jc^d. Atracht 
in clfreck a bas la breitzV Co\uim cille amail bidh 'na chodl^ nob^/h. 

IS AND sin ron-edbair Colum cille don CoimdzWna ndula7^natuigh teora 
itghi uadh .1. oighi 7 hecna. 7 ailithri 2 . Doratait do na tHur cucomlan. 8 35 

CEILIBRAIS iarsin dia aidi, 7 dor#t in t-aidi deonuch^ 7 benn^^/ain do 
codicra. Luidh iarsin d'foghlaim ^na cusan uasalshacart .1. c^^an esb^c, 
co Finnen Mhaighi Bile. 

FEACTUS ann teasta fin 7 bairg^ ar Fhinnen oconn oifHunn. . Benna- 
chais Colum cille [fo. 9. a. i] in t-uisqui cu rosoidheth i bhfin cu tart isin caikdi 840 
n-oififHnn. Ramora^ ainm De 7 Colnim cille t^esin bhfirt-sin. 

CEILIUBRAIS iarsin do Fhinnen i Maigh Bile ocus luidh cu German 
Maighisten FECTUS oc denamh aicepta ac German ^^accatur \ngin 'nan- 
dochum oc teich^ re araili dunoirgnid, cu torchuir "na bhfiadhn^je gur'bh6 
marbh. Rofhuirim Colum breitir n-escaine fair co n-erbhailt focedoir. 845 

CEILIBRAIDH iarsin do G^man 7 luid co Finnen Cidana, hedhairt (sic). 
Rofiafr^^sium d'Finnen cia airm i n-dingn^d a bhoith. { Den#/d a ndor^^ na 
cille,' ar Finnen. Doghni-sium a bhoith, 7 nir'b6 domy na cilli inuairsin. 
Atb^t-sum cena robud he domr na cathmc^ iardain. Et iss ed6n rocomhaill^. 

FEACHTUS domheiW broin g^c^ ier dona hesp^aib arnuair. Aingeal 850 
do nim immorro nomheile^doraith Coluim cille. Ba hi sin anoir doforeadh 
in Coimdi dos^m ara shochenel^^i seo^ each. 

TAIDBSI tarfas feckfas do Finden .1. da esca do turcbhail o Cluam 
traird .1. esca ordhuidhi 3 7 esca aircdidi. Luid in t-esca orduidi i tuaiscert 
na hindsi .1. cu rolas Ere 7 Alba de. Luidh an t-esca alrcdidi gu roghabh 855 

1 MS. 6imigh. 2 MS. ailithir. 3 MS. ordhuighi. 



Shinainn, g#/rolas Ere ar medhon. Colum Cille sin ^warath soceineoil 7 
*?nra et Cianfo co taitnemh a shualach 7 a shognim. 

CEILEABRAIS iarsin Colum czlle do Finden 7 luidh co Glais Naiden, ar 
robui coeca oc foghlaim isinn inadh-sin ac Mobhi im Chainn^c^ 7 im 

860 Comgall, 7 im Ciaran. A mbotha fHa huisqzd aniar. Adhaig l ann robean^d 
in cloc im iarm/^ghi. Luid Colum cille don ecl0&. Lia mor isinn abuinn. 
Luidh araidhi Colum cille com. &ach trethe. ' IS calma iecar annsin inocht, 
a Huai Neill!' ar Mobhi. ( IS tuald^ Dia,' ol Colum cille, 'in soetar do 
dingb^z/ dinne.' Ice tiachtuin doib didz^ isin ecltfw 1 na botha fHa 

865 huisq^i anair re comhf hocraibh na hecclatsi. 

FECHTUS ann doron^d eclas mhor ac Mobf . Batar na cleir^ ica imradh 
cia Ian bud maith la each dibh do beth acu isinn eclats. ' Robo maith leamsa,' 

01 Ciaran, ' a Ian do m^cuib eozlsa [fo. 9. a. 2] do tathaighid na trath.' 
' Robo maith leamsa/ ar Cainnech, ' a Ian do leabhruibh ocum do foghnam 

870 do m^cuibh beth^. 3 ' Robo maith leamsa,' ar Comgall, ' a Ian do shoeth 7 
do ghsilar do beth am curp fadesin dom t^aethad 7 dom timargain.' 
Dora[e]ga da#<? Colum Cille a Ian do 6r 7 arg^t do chumhdach minn 7 
mainisdr^c^. Adrubhairt Mobhi na bhudh sham/tf/d, acht robhudh saidbre 
samhud Colmm cille inas cech sdm^d etzr ILirinn j Albtf/n. 

875 ADUBHUIRT Mobhi re dhaltuibh derge ann inaid ir-rabhuter, ar donicfod 
teidm anaithn^ ann .1. in Buidhe Cona.Hl. Adub^Vt danv ra Colum cille 
na roghabdwfti ferann cu ro deonuig^d-som. 

LUIDH Colum cille a cenel Conaill . Dochuaid tar an abhuinn dianad ainm 
Biur. Annsin adubtfz>t-sium : ' Bir fri fochaide ; ' 7 ni luid in teidhm s^cha 

880 sin, et is firt bithbeo bcous sin, ar czck teidhm acht co tiag^r tairis nf lean 
src^a sin ire breithzV Coluim cille. 

LuiD iarsin do Daire re dun Aeda meic Ammireck : as eside ba H for 
~E,\rinn intansin. Roidhb#z> in ri in dun-sin do Colum cille. Roob-side fobith 
timna Mobhi. Ac toid<?^ immorro d6 asin dun ama^h connc fHa dfs 

885 do Ts\untir Mobhi, 7 criss Mobhi acu dhosom, 7 deonug^ fi?^ainn do 
.iar n-ec Mobhi. IS ann adubhuirt 

Cris Mobhi 
nipdar simne imm lo: 
nfr' hosglad um shaith, 
nfr 1 hiadhadh im gh6. 

1 MS. aghaidh. 


Gabais Cohtm cille iarsin dun JEda 7 fothaighis eclais ann co bhfertuibh 
imdha do den#m innti. 

FEACHTUS ann rofhaidh-sium a manchu isin chaillo? do bein cs&aig do 
cumhdac^ ecltfsi acu i n-Daire. IS ann roboingedh, a bhferunn araili oglazcb 
ba comhf howaibh don eclais. Ba tocradh do sidhe in fidhach 1 do bein ina 895 
fherann cin deonugud d6 fein. O rachuala Colum cille innf-sin doraidh re 
mhuinntzr: ' Bmdh Idgh a fhidhaich 2 d6 do gran eorna, 7 cuir&Tism talmain.' 
Dochuaidh immorro tar medhon samhrazV/ intansin. Ruc#d iarsin in gran 
don oclach. Rolai-side isin talmatn. Rofhas cur'b6 abuidh am lugnasadh. 

FEACHTdosum an Daire dobretk leanamh bee cuigi da bhaisd^jjfo.p.b.i]. 900 
Ni raibhi uisce i comhf \\QCUS do, co tard-som sigin na croiche tarsin carraic 
bai na fhiadhnaisi, cu romhuid 3 tobar uisce eisdi 7 gur' baisd?^in leanamh as. 

FECHTUS dosum a nDaire, noimraid^/h dula do Roimh 7 do larusalem. 
Luidh-sium fer^Ais iarsin a Daire cu Toirinis Martain, co tuc. in soisc// bai ior 
Martain c/t bliodne i talmain, cvnus-facaib i nDairi. 905 

MOR, tra, do f^tuibh 7 do mhirbhuil/^ doroine Dia ar Cholum i nDairi. 
Rocharsom cumor in cathraz^ sin, co n-ebairt : 

ISaire caraim Dairi, 

ara reidhi, ara ghlaini, 

dr is lomlan aingeal bhfinn 9IO 

on chinn coric araile. 

Fothaigidh iarsin Raith mBotha. Annsin rothodhuisc-seomh in soer 
iarna bhadhadh a linn in muilmn. 

FEACHT ann i Raith Bhoth, teasta socc ona mhuinntzr, cu robennach-som 
lama in meic bhic boi 'na fhanW, Ferghna a ainm, co nderna sidhe in soc ; 7 9 X 5 
ba heoluch ngaibne^a he osin amach trena benn^^^d som. 

LuiD iarsin for cuairt co righ Tefa, co tard sein do an t-inad danad ainm 
Dermach iniu, et doroine recles ann. A nDermhuigh &ano tuctha ubla serbha 
dhosom, cu robhenn^zc^ iat comdar soimhillsi. 

IS e D^rmhaig ructha uadhasom claidhiub 4 senta do Cholman Mor 92 
mac Diarm<zda. IS e rath robui fair na hapladh nech ina freacnarc^ con- 
atuich ia.tum araili duine bui a n-galar in claid^5. Tucad do cu mboi oca. 
Bliadam 5 tra don c\aideb oca sech ni'r'bo beo, nir'bo b6 marbh in airet-sin. 
Co r^cadh in claideb uadh iarsin co ^-erbailt foc/ifoir. lArsinnf t^a robhean- 

1 MS. fighach. 2 MS. fhigbaich. s MS. romhuigh. 

4 MS. claidium. 5 MS. Elhgam. 


925 nach-som D^mach, et forfacuib coimeduidhi 1 da muiniir ann Cormac 


LUID-SIUMH iarsinco h^Ed Slaine mac nDiarmada. Taraillczwinmaighin 

risa raitter Cenannzw inniu. Dun rig 'EArenn eisein intansin .1. diin Diarm<zda 

mete Cerbhuill. O rafhuirig didiu Colum Cille mdorus in duine doghabh 
930 lor tairch^Ail in nech 2 dobiad don baili iardain, [fo. 9. b. 2] co n-ebazrt iarsin 

fHa Bee mac nDe .1. faidh Diarmada meic Cerbaill: 

A Bhicc an, innisi dhamh, 7 rl. 
Roraidh Bee : 

Cleirigh fileat forar lar, 7 rl. 

935 Toirnidh 3 \axum in cathra^, 7 bennachais hi doleir, et adubairt robad hi 
#mgbhail budh airdi nobhiadh aca isna talm^daibh gengub innte nobeth 
a eiseirghi. Oc denam na faitsine sin dosom dorat a a.gaid siardhes, 7 
rofhaitbeasdar cumor. Rofiafraig Baithin fath na foilti. ' L. mac bethad' 
ar Colum cz'//e, ' gheinfes i n-sen oidhchi 4 don Coimdhi isinn imarach so thiar.' 

940 Grafann Cille Scire rothircan annsin feib rocomuilW iardain. Dair mhor 
immorro foa raibhi Colum cille cein robai isin maigin sin romhair c^sna 
haimsera deidhincha 5 cu torchair tHa dheilm ngaeithe moire, co rue araile 
duine nf dia ruse do coirtedh chuaran. O raghabh immorro na cuarafiu uime 
robenadh o claime o bhonn coa bhaithis. 

945 LuiD-SlUMH iarum co hOedh Slaine co nderna. faitsine do, co n-ebairt iris 
robad slan saeghlach acht munbhat finghal^^h. Da nderna finghal ni bhia 
ocht ceatra bliadni i mbeth^t^. Roshenastar cochall do, 7 doraidh 
nat gonfaithi cein nobeth in cochall uime. Doroine immorro JEd Slanl 
finghaltatbreitirColmm cille for Suibne m^cColmain i cinncethrambliad^m 6 . 

95oLuid-sium lor fecht : d<?mi<2t&.y a chochull : marbhtar isin lo-sin. 

FOTHUIGIUS Colum Cille cealla imda i mB^eaghaibh, 7facbh#.r sruithi 7 
minna imda inntibh. Facb^^ Ossene mac Czallaig i Cluain Mor bbFer 
nArdai. Luidh iarsin do Mainistir. IS ann sin roben a b<2C^all-s<?m risinn 
arradh nglainidhi fris rofreasghabh B6iti docum nime, cu clos a foghar 

955 fon cill uili, et rofhoillsigh lighi mBoiti 7 dorinne amail dorarng^rt Baide 
fadhesin il-lo a eitseachta. Ba mor, t^-a, do cheall^^ dothorainn-sium 7 do 
leab^aibh roscribh .1. ccc. ceall 7 .ccc. leb?<tr. IN leab&r roscribhadh a 
lamh, cidh foda nobeth fo uisce ni baitte cid &miter ann. 

I MS. coimeduighi. 2 MS. nrfh. . 3 MS. Toirnigh. 4 MS. oighthi. 

6 MS. deighincha. 6 MS. mbliag. 


Fothaighis eclats i Recrainn airthir Breagh, 7 facbais Colman deochan 
innti. Fechtus [fo. 10. a. i] bater isin ecl0z.y sin Co/urn cille 7 Comghall 796 
Cainnech . Asb^t Comgall co ndernad Colum cille idhpairt cuirp Crist 7 a 
fola 'na fiadnz^si. Doroine Colum umuloid doibh ime sin. IS ann atcon- 
naic Caind^c^ colomna, teinntidhi 1 os cinn Coluim cille cein robai oconn 
edhpairt. Roindis C&mneck do Comgatl sin, 7 atconncater diblinaibh in 
colomna. Fothaighis eclats isin mad ita Sord inniu, 7 fa.cbus fear smith 9 6 5 
dia muiniir ann .1. Finan lobur, 7 facbz^r an soisc//roscHbh a lamh fadesin. 
Toirneas dano an dan#d ainm Sord .1. glan, 7 senais crois. Uair ba 
bes dosom crosa 7 polaire 7 tiagha leabztf' 7 aidhme ecl^^dai arcena [do 
denum.] Senais immorro ccc. c^os 7 .ccc. tiprat 7 .c. polaire 7 .c. bachall 7 
.c. tiagh. 97 

LAA n-oen bui Colum cille 7 Cainnech for bru mara. Bui anfadh mor 
fo/'sin fairrce. Asb^rt Cainnech fri Colum : ' cid chan^j in tonn ? ' Asbert 
Colum : ' Do munter-sa. bai i n-gabhudh anallana forsm bhfairge co ^-erbhailt 
aen dibh, 7 dos-bera in Coimdi cucainne isin maduin imarac^ isin p^rtsa 
i tarn.' 975 

FEACHT do Bhrighid oc imthec^ Churrz^ Life. O'tconnaic in noemhogh 
in magh aluinn scoithshemr^c^ 'na fiadhnz^e, is ed roraid aice 'na menma/?;, 
da mad le com^j in muighi ^mdh-bemd don Coim^z'^ na ndula. Rafoill- 
sig^ do Cholom cille 7 se 'na recks i Surd, co n-ebatrt o ghuth mhor : 
'As inann di ocon Coimdid 7 corned le fein do- dilius an ferann do 980 
idbair dh6.' - 

LuiD Colum iarsin cu Laighnib co farcaibh cealla imda iarna bhfothug^ 
leo im Druim Monach 7 im Maen 7 cealla imda aile. 

LuiD iarsin cu Cluain mac Nois cusinn imainn do Chiaran lais, uair 
dormi molta imda do muntir^Dhi, zmail roraid an file : 9 8 5 

Soer tri coecca uaisli ina gach aps/<z/, 

at lin ferta fr, 

aill in. Laidin do[ba]soebail, 

aill 3 tri Gaeideilg, cain 3 in seel. 

IS a Cluain immorro doluidh mac bee 'na dhocum-somh cur' thall 
brotairne beg da etac^ ce?z airiug^ d6. Rafoillsig^ [fo. 10. a. z] o Dhia 
do Cholum innisin, 7 dorarrngair don mac cu mba sui 7 corned craibhd^. 
Et iss e Eirnin Cluana Deocra insin. 

1 MS. teinntighi. 2 MS. dosoeb ailill. 3 MS. bacain. 


LUID Colum iarsin i crich Connacht for cuairt pr<?cepta gurfhothaig 
995 cealla ile 7 congbala isin coiced sin im Es meic Eire 7 im Dmim Cliabh, 
7 facbhais acu in bachaill dorine fesin. 

LUID Colum dar Es "Raaid, j fothaigis cealla ilarda la Conall 7 la 
hEogtfTz, 7 fothtfzgzV [eclais] a Toraigh \ j facbazs ier smth. dia mttmtzr innti 
.1. Ernine. 

1000 O ROLA Colum cuairt Eiretm uili, 7 roshilasdar iris creidmhe, 7 robaisd 
sloigh imda, 7 rofhothtfz^- cealla 7 congba/a, 7 rofhacaibh sniithi 7 minda 7 
mairtire inntibh, tainic iarsin ior a menmam an cinnedh rocinn o tho^ac^ a 
bethad, techd a n-ailithn*. Roim^ aith iarum dul tar muir do precept br/tftre 
De do Albanch#z#. Luidh iarum tor feet .xlu. bliadne do inn Alp#2>z .Ixxuii. 
1005 mbliadne a aeis comhlan. IS e immorro lin dochuaidh.T . xx. esp0f, .xl. sacart, 
.xxx. deocha^, .1. mac leighind. 

LUIDH iarum fo sheol shoinm^c^ cu rockt an t-inad dan^d ainm Hi 

Cholutm cille anfu. Agaid cingcdw* is i immorro rosiacht. Tangadar da 

esp^ bater isin tir do ghabhail a lamha ass. Ackt rofhaillsigh Dia do 

1010 Colum cille napdar esbaic iar bhfir, conad aire sin forfhacoibhset an indsi 

ro indis a tinnrum noMius 7 a tuirthe^& Adubh^Vt Col^^2 cille rea 
muintir : ' IS maith dhun ar fremha do dul fon talmain sunn,' 7 doraidh : 
'As cead duib nech eicin uaibh do dul fon talmain sunn, no fo huir na 
hinnsi-sea, dia coisecrad.' Adrackt suas Od^an erlathad, 7 is ed adubairt : 

1015 ( Diam-gabthasa,' ol se. ' As errlam learn sin, a Odhrain,' ar Colum cille. 

1 Rat-fia a logh. Ni tibirter idge do neoch icom lighi-se minab fo^tsa iarfaigter 
ar tos.' Luid iarum Odran docum nime. ~Fotl\aigis Colum zclaisalce iarsin. 
Irl .1. ri teoir a mainchine aicisium in .Hi, 7 .xl. ri achtail, amail adubairt 

in file : 

I020 Amhra ocbhudh bai in Hi, 

tri caicait a mainchini, 
ima (sic) curchaibh iarsin ler, 
oc imram tri fichzt fer. 

O rofothtfz^ Colum Cille [fo. 10. b. i] Hif, luidh for cuairt proicipta fo 
1025 Albam 7 Bretnu 7 Saxanu, 7 dos-fuc docum n-irsi 7 creidme iar bhfertuibh 
ile 7 iar toduscud marb a bas. Bai immorro araili duine isin tir dia 
ropritcha Colum cille cora cmt owa muintir uili don Colmdid. Ba fiwmut 
inni-sin,cu robm-se m^c in duine ut o galar thromm,^ ^-erbhailt de. 

MS. toraidh. 


Robadar na gennti og ecmzc^ Crist 7 Choluim cille. Luid Colum iarsin 
a n-ernaighthi dicra co Dia, co rodhuisich in m#c a has. 1030 

DlA MBAI Colum i n-araili laithi ic ^rocept dona sloghuibh, luid arali 
duine taran abhuinn bui i comfhoc^j doibh, ria mbeith oc &s&echt re 
mbreitzV nDe. Nos-b^ann in naithzV he isin nusqui 7 no^-marbhunn foc//oir. 
Dobmiir in mac i bhfiadnwji Choluim. Dos-bm-sein crois dia bhachaild dara 
bruinne co n-errac&t fochedair. 1035 

GALAR trom tainic dia thimtinV/-seom .i.JDiarm#/t a ainm, co n-erbailt, 
co nd^na^-som erna^hthi leis cu rothodhuisc a bas. Et ni nama acht ro- 
chuinigh soegul .un. mbltadne do dara eis budhesin. 

FEACHT ann tainic Camnecft uadha somh a Hi. Dmnatais a bhachailltair. 
Intan tainic ille fuair a bachaill arachinn abhus, 7 16ne Coluim tille maille 1040 
ria .1. cuid Cainnigh sin dia rachallsom i, et is airi dorighne sium sin dr 
rof hiter cur'bho comfhocraibh dia eitse^^. 

LoiSE mor tainic dosum fecht an Hi. Rofiarfocht desium fath na loisi. 
' Tene Dhe do nim,' ar eisium, ' tainic for teora catr#c^[a] isin Etail, cu 
romarbh teora mili dfmribh cenmotat mna 7 m#cu 7 inghena.' I045 

GAIRM rochuala sum i&cktus a puri Hi. Ann sin 

Bachlach 1 'san purt 

com. bachaill 'na chrub, 

doaidhlebha mh' adhaircfn, 1050 

do dhoirtfe mo dhubh. 

Tairnfidh-som sis 

d'innsaigtfdT mu phdx, 

is benuidh fn'amh' adhaircin, 

nos-faicebha fass. 

FEACHT n-aill do Colum forfacbhudh he ag b^uith mairt do mheithil. 1055 
Bui athlaech d'f^uibh Eirenn .1. Mael umha mac Bsedain. Rofiafr^ 
Colum cille cia meit a loingthi [intan ba oclsech ?] ' Intan baam oglach,' ol 
Mael umha, ' nochaithinn mart meth am shaith.' Rof<?rcongair Colum cille 
fair cu rothoimW a shaith [fo. 10. b. a]. Doroine Mael umha airesium sin. 
Rochaith in mart uile. Tainic Baithin iardain 7 rofiafr^ in ba herrlamh 1060 
in esair. Rofhorcongair Colum for Msel umha cnamha in mairt uile do 
timarcan ind oenbhaile. Doromzd amltfz^. 'Bennacfais Colum na cnamha, 
7 robai a n-uili fheoil impuibh co ruozd don mheithil. 

1 MS. Bathluch. 


FEACHT do Cholum cille \ mfs Mai luidh d'fios seel na n-airemhon 

1065 i tuaisciurt na hindsi. Robhui ica comdhidnad 7 ica f<?^cetul. c Maith,' ol se, 
' fon caisc dochuaidh i mfs Aipril, is ann sin dob ail damsa ihec/it docum nime. 
Acht nir'ail dam bron na toirrse duibhsi iar bhur soethar, conadb. aire sin 
roanass acuibh o caisc gu qumgcutis.' O rochualatar na manuigh na briatr a- 
sin, roptar toirrsigh comor. 

1070 Rossoi tra iarsin a agaid siar, 7 atb<*rt, ' Robhennacha in Coimdhe 
an innsi com. haitreabhthtf/^,' 7 roinnarbu loiscinn 7 natracha aisdi. ra- 
bennack immorro an innsi, tainic da recles. Nir' b6 cian vaxum tancatar 
cricha na saboidi 7 tos#c^ in domn#z^, et o rothocuibh a rose a n-airdi tdinic 
loisi mor dia ghmiis 7 agatd, 7 atconncatar na b^aithre sin. Aingel De 

1075 immorro tarasair ann sin osacinn. 

LuiD-SlUMH iarsin do bennach^ in t-sabhaill et atbert fHa Diarmuid co 
n-escomluifedh x adhaig 2 domnuigh doc^m nime. Roshuidh iarsin an senoir 
airmitneck .1. Colum C2//e for or na conaire ; air tainic scis do, ger'bh6 gairit 
a uidhe, air .Ixxuii. rnbliadne a ses in inbhazd sin. 

1080 LuiD adhochum in gerran dobui occ na manchuibh annsa n-inis, 7 ci'idh 
a n-ucht in cleirz^ cor'bo fliuch a etach. Rotnall in fos .1. Diarmuid 
innarb^: in gerrain uadh. 'Leicc dh6/ a Diarmait,' ol Colum cille, e gu 
n-derna a dhaethain der 7 toirrse acorn chdinedhsa.' 

Is LIA tra tuirium 7 aisneis a ndoroine Dia do fhertuibh 7 do rmtbuilibk 

1085 isna talmannaibh ar Colum cille, uair ni fil nech ^wzicfedh a thuirium coleir 
acht mina thisadh a ainim fein, no aingel do nimh dia n-aisneis. Conadh lor, 
dldiu, duin so do thabairt ar dheism^m^/f. 

[fo. 1 1 . a. i] Ni rogeinir t^a do Goidel/^ gein bud uaislea, na bud eaccnaide, 
na bud soiceineilce inas. Ni tainicc dib araile b^d beccda, na bu umla, na bu 

1090 inisle. Mor eim an inisle do Colom cille conad 6 fein dobenad a n-iallacranna 
da manchuib, 7 ^<??^ad e doindm^doib. Dobeiread a cuid arba gom^wic ara 
muin don muilend 7 nomenW, 7 dobeired lais dia toig e. Ni geibed lin na 
olonn ria cnes. Nocomruicced a taeb ria huir nocht. Coirthe cloiche 
nobid foa cind do frithadart, 7 ni denad cid do codlad eitz> acht airet no bidh 

1095 Diarm#2V a dalta ag radh tri caibdel don Biaid. Atraiged 3 focedoir iarsin, 
7 dognith gol 7 basgaire amazl v&dthair buid ag cained a hseinmic. Nogeib^ 
natri coecta an gainem na t^aga riasiu noturccbad grian. ISin lo immorro 
noathaig<?d na tratha. No idhbrudh corp Crist 7 a fhuil. Nopntchadh 

1 MS. escomluighfedh. 2 MS. aghaid. s MS, At^aided. 


soiscelu. Nobhaist^4 nochoisecrad. No iccad clamhu 7 dullu 7 bachacha 
7 oes cacha tedma arcena, 7 nodhuiso?d marbhu. noo 

O THAINICC gusna. d&dhenchuibh 1 do Cohim cz7/<?, et o rob<?#adh clocc 
iarmirghi adhaigh 2 domnaigh cingcdhighisi, luid-siumh ria each docum 
na hecailsi, 7 doroine sle^/ain 7 ern^thi dhicra iconn alt6ir. Rolin 
intansin soillsi aingl^dha in e&clazs uime da gac& leith, 7 rof haidh ann sin 
in smith airmhitn^c^ a spir^/ dochum nime i subhai 7 i bhfailte mhuintm 1105 
nimhe. Ata immorro a chorp i talmam abhus cu n-anoir 7 cu n-airmhitin 
o Dia 7 o dhainibh, co bhfertuibh 7 co mirbhuil/M cech laithi. Et gidh mor 
a anoir coleic bidh mo a ndail bratha intan taitnebhus 3 zmail ghrein 
nemhthruailn^i a chorp 7 a anum. 

IS ann, immorro> bias in morghloir sin 7 in morinnocbhail dosomh, mo 
a n-aontuidh 4 naoi ngradh nimhe na tairmdhechatar, i n-aontuidh 6 apste/ 7 
deiscibulissu CHsd, i n-aontuidh 5 dee<2^/a 7 dsentf^fo Mheic D6, [fo. u. 
a. a] isinn-sentuidh 6 is uaisli cech sentez^h, i n-JEn/^'^na naemh-Tnnoidi uaisli 
airmhitnighi .1. Kthair 7 Mac j Spintt J^oebk. 

Ailim t^ocuire Dhe uilechum^^/uigh tre impidhe noemh-Choluim, coro- 1 1 15 
sium uile in aento'^sin. Roissem, roaitreabhum,in saeatla. saeculorum ! Amen. 

1 MS. deighenchuibh. 2 MS. aghuidh. ' MS. taitnemhus. 

* MS. aontuigh. B MS. inaontuigh. 6 MS. ISinnsentuigh. 


[fo. ii. a. 2] 
Betha Bhrighdi \ 


leanuit in t-Uan neimelnM cipe conair dech. 

Eoin mac Zebedei, bminnedhalta Iss\i, comarba na hOighi, is 6 roscnbh 
na bria.tra.-sa j rofhacuibh a cuimne lasin n-Eclazs don fhochraic 7 don 
logh rothidnaic Dia don tres grad na hEcalsa [.i.] do lucht na hoighe .1. 
tochoisceim inn uain neimhelnidhe. 

IS e immorro leth ataoibhi in n-aisneis-sea la hEoin cu du a ndebairt : 

1 1 25 [Nemo potest dicere canticum nisi ilia .c.xl. iiii milia qui redempti sunt de 

terra.] Ni thic do neoch molad na claiscetul [do denum] don Coimdhz# 

acht [nech e"cin] do comhlan^j na h.Valsa rocongbhad 2 a n-genus'j a 

n-oighe 7 docenng^d do logh fola Crist. 

Air is iat sin na hogha codeimhin. Conad ior slicht na mbmthar-sin 
nsororaidh Eoin : * Hff sunt qui secuntur agnum' .1. is iat lucht leanait in t-Uan 
[cipe] cona.ii: theit. 

IS e leanmhain in Uain, Crist do intsamail 7 do thocoisceim tria 
C0mall#^ rechta 7 t-sosc//a gan sainnt na talm^^dai, gan grad na n-erchraidhe, 
imghabhail na hanoire, dinsium in domhain, tarmnug^d dona huilibh, 
1135 neimhdhenum indlighidh na aincndhi do neoch, fulang cufoidhid^ 3 na 
n-amm^j dianechtair, dilghudh do tabairt do lucht na hingreama. Gach 
maith done nech gurub ar metughud De doghne 7 narup ara anorug#d? 
budein [fo. u. b. i]. { INtsaml/^, 6.\diu' ar an t-ecn^, 'zmatl bis an t- 
uan neimheilnidhe ind oigi colla, as inann on 7 corp neimhthruailnM Meic 
1140 in Athar "Noeibk, INtsam/^V/, dano, in t-uan rundai .1. Crist, a n-oighi 7 a 
naeibhe 4 menman amail roraidestar fein : ( Bidh cunoeb 5 7 cugenmna/^,' ar 
in Coimdi, ' ar am -noebh-sa fein 7 am ennac. 5 Ar ni ferdi genus an cuirp 
madh anfhoirbhthe 7 mad eilnidi ind ainim. 

Sochaidhe tra do noebuibh 6 7 do fhirenuibh rocomuillset in timna-sa na 
ii45hoighi a nufhiadhnuisi feibh rocomuill in noebh6gh 7 dia ta lith 7 foraithmet 
i n-ecmhong na ree-seo 7 na haimszre .1. Sancta Brigida uirgo Dei .1. 
noebhBrighit 8 ogh in Coimdheadh na ndula. : 

3 In lower margin : Tabnzd gach nech legfus in b^/hasa Brigdz beimacht far znman- 
aibh na lanoman da(r'scribad in lebar-so). 

2 MS. rocongmhad. s MS. cufoighid^c^. * MS. nseimhe. 6 MS. cunoem, 
6 MS. noemhuibh. 7 MS. noemhogh. 8 MS. noemhbrighit. 


IS and \axum ceileabhrait na cmtaidhi 1 fell 7 lithlaithi na h/f noebh- 2 
BHghdi, i kalatnn Febrai arai laithe mis grene iss iniu arai laithi secht- 
mhuini isin bliadam 3 i tarn. 1150 

INnister sunn vaxtim nf do fhertaibh 7 do mhirbhuilsM na hii noeb- 
Brighdi, 7 dia geinealach collaidi .1. BrigzV i2# Dubth^^f, meic Dhemre, 
i&eic Bresail, do slicht Echach Finn Fuath nairt. 

IN Dubhthach-sin immorro o rogenair naeb-Bn^V 4 rocennaig-sein 
chumail, Broicsech a hainm, inghen sein Dallbronaig do Dail Con- 1155 
cybazr in deisc^t Breag. Ros-aentaigh Dubhtec^ d<5 il-lanamhn^j in 
cumail-sin cur'bo d\ackfa uadh. Rogab et seitich Dubbthatg imon cumhuil 
co #-ebuirt fria Dubtftacfc: 'Mine renusa in cumhail lit i tiribh ciana 
toicebhutsa mu thinnscrai dhit, 7 rag<at uait.' Arai sin nir'bo ail do 
"Dubt/iach reic na cumhaili. 1160 

FEACHT ann doluid Dubt&acti 7 in cumal immaille fHs i carpet seoch 
thegduis araili druadh. O rodiuala in drai foghar in ca.rpait is ed roraidh : 
' A ghilla,' ar se, ' fegh cia fil isin czrput, ar is fogur carpatt fo rig inso.' 
Roraidh in gilla : ( Dubth#c/j,' ar se, ' fil ann.' Luidh in drai aracinn 7 
rofhiafr^ [fo. n. b. 2] cuich in ben bui isin carput. 'Leamsa,' an 165 
"D-vfotkoch. Maithgen, da^ ainm in druadh, is uad Ros Maithgin. Im- 
comaircidh in drai in rob alachta. o neoch t ( Is alackta. uaimsi/ ol ~DubtfiacA. 
Asbert in d^-ai : 'Bidh amhra in gein fil ina broinn, ni bhia a cosmuil isna 
talmandaib. 3 ' Ni leig dhamhsa mu shetig,' ar Dubtftacti, ' gan a reic na 
cumaili-si.' Adub^Vt an d^ai tria rath faitsine : ' Foighen<3: sil do mhna-san7o 
do sil na cumuili, air bexaid in cumal \ngin reil taitnem^/c^ thaitnighfes 

// grain itir renna nimhe.' Ba bmdec/i DvibthacA don aithi?c-sein, ar ni 
mgen do cosin. 

Tiagait iarsin chum a tighi, 7 dogniset altugud buidi dibli'naibh. 

Ba suaichnidh 5 tra gradh na hingint ag Dia, ar dodhechat^r da esp^ 1175 
do Bretn^ otha Elpu dia taircetul 7 dia bennachadh, Mel 7 Melchu 6 a n- 
anmanna. Dorat Dubi/tack failti dhoibh, 7 doroine in churns/ umhuloit 7 
Ba bronuch 7 ba toirrs^ch seitig Dub^^z^*. IMcomaircid 
Mel di fath a toirrsi. Doraidh in ben : ' ar doroisc Dubtkach a 
chum<zz7 dfm.' Roraidh esp^ Mel : 'Dethber 7 ge no dherrscaighed, ar foige- n8o 
naidh do sil-sa do sil na cumhaile, ctcht tarmnaighfidh a sil-si dot shil-sa.' Ba 

1 MS. cmtaighi. 2 MS. noemh. s MS. bllagam. * MS. nsembrz^V. 

s MS. suaicbnigh. 8 A letter is erased before e. T MS. .xb<?r. 

F 2 


firgach si de sin. IS and sin dorala file de hUaib meic Cuais o thochur 
maine do thig Tftmbthaig. O rofhitzV in fili fochunn feirgi na mna 
adutxzzVt : ' In recai in cumail? ' Reacfat,' ol Dubt/tack, ' ar is eicen damn.' 

uSsRoraidhset na hespuzc: 'Ren in cumail 7 na ren in coimp^t.' Doroine 
samhltfz#. Teit as an file cona. churns//. I N-adaig 1 iarum rainic in fili a 
thech, is ann dorala fer noeb 2 isin tigh og atac/z in Coimdh^dT 7 oc errnatgtL 
Rofoillsig^ dosomh lasair 7 coloma tenntidhi 3 don inad a mbai in cumal. 
Dodhech0z# araile drai a crich Conaill do thigh an fhiW remhraitte. 

iipoRoluaidh moghud* na cumatfe. Rorec in file ris in chunW/ 7 ni roreac in 
coimp<?rt bai ina broinn. Teit in drai cona chumail leis dia thig. 

[fo. i a. a. 1 1 IS ann dorala don drai fleadh 5 mhor do dhenum a Conaille, cu 
rogart an ri cuice docum na fleidi G . IS ann rop aimser tuism<?da do mnai in 
righ. Boi faidh i comaide^/ in righ, cu rof hiafr^cara don righ dhe, 'cuin bud 

ii 9S maith sen don righain tzmnhedh ? ' Atrubhuirt in drdi : ' Gein notuisimhthea 
imaruch la turcbail g^ene na bud imuich na itigh noberta nofhoruaislighfead 
cech ngein ind Eirz;z;z.' Reimhdheach^'^T tra. t^jmhed na rigna inuairsin, co 
rue mac marbh. INtan immorro dochoidh in cum<a:/ aramharuch la 
turcbail ghrene,- 7 leastar Ian do lea.mhlac/it } na lainih, intan tuc indara 

jaoocoisceirn tara tairrsiuch an tighi 7 a cos aili imuich, is ann rue inn vngin .1. 
noebBrigzV 7 . Ronigset na bantairsi inhfi noebBrigzV don lemlacfa bui il- 
laimh a mathar. Ba cubaid immorro sin re hairilliudh mBri^ .1. re 
dealing 7 re taitnium a hoighi. Rucadh an \ngen ac//air iarna breith cu m<3;c 
marbh na rigna, 7 o rasiact anal na hingine in mac adracht a bas. 

1205 LuiDH iarsin in drai cona churns'/ 7 com. ingin i cHch Connaeht, ar do 
Connac/ituibh a mhdtkair, a athazr immorro don M.umam. 

I N-araili laithi doluid in cumal do bleagun a bo, 7 forfacuib an ingin 
'na hoenar 'na cotlud ina tigh. Atconncatar araili comfhoicsig in tegduis i 
raibhe an ingen for lasad, co nderna. aenbreo dhi o thzlmam co nem. INtan 

iziotancater do cabair an tighi ni ro artraig in tene, acht roraidsd: ba Ian do 
rath in Spir/a ^oeibh an inghean. 

Laithi n-ann deisidh in drai com. chum^z"/ i n-araile inadh, in 
cannadas bui forcenn na hinginz for lasadh. O roshfnetar a lama cuige, 
neio artraigh an tene. 

1215 FEACHT ann rocotail in drai co n-aca triar cleirar/fc ind etuighibh taitne- 

1 MS. agazd. 2 MS. noemh. * MS. tenntighi, * Read Roluaigh modhud (?) 
6 MS. fleagh. 6 MS. fleighi. T MS. .i. .i. noembrigtf. 


ib, cu ro Imretar ola for cenn na hixggrae, cu rofhoirbhthighset ord in 
baitsi on beus gnathach. T>i baingil insin. Adub^zVt an tres ai#g<?/ risin 
drai ba he ainm na bingine [fo. 13. a. a]. Sancta Brigida.i.noebBH^zt 1 . 
Adracht an drai 7 roinnis innf atconnaic. 

I N-araili lo roclos guth na naidhen oc diucaire, 7 iss ^roraidh : ' Meum 1220 
erit hoc ' .1. bidh learn so. O rochuala an drai sin iss ed roraidh : ' Comaill- 
fid^r innf atbetr an \ngen .1. bidh learn an ferann iardain,' et iss ed on rocomh- 
a\\\ed. O rachualuter aitreabhthaigh an fcruinn sin rofhuacratar in drai 
asin tir, gu ndech0z#-siumh dochum a ath#rdha fein. 

Roalt tra in noeibrngen 2 -so.i.BrigzV, o ehomairbhirt bid ecsanW/fHatws 
a comaosu, air bithe ina cech ndidhi. Ni thoimhk/h biadh n-eisidan. 
Nofrithbhruidheadh biadh in druadh 7 nosceidh^. Ro imraith in, drai cidh 
rombui an ingen. Doigh lais ba hinglaine 7 corpd a bhidh. Roerbh iarsin 
bhoin n-odheirg do bleagun foleith do Brig//, 7 roleic bhannscail n-irisigh 
dia bleagzm. Toimk/h an in^^ noebh sin, 7 ni sceidh^. 1230 

Roalt iarzwz an \ngen noeb-sa gur'bo timthiridh, et cech nf risi comhrui- 
eedh al-lamh nofhoirbreadh. Nolesaigheadh na csercha : noshasadh na helta: 
nobhiathtf^ na bochta. O thainic calmatz^ 7 nert 7 meit do BrigzV accobh- 
r astar tockt do torruma ahath^rdha. Rofhaidh in drai tec fata, co T)\fothach arco 
tiss^ arcenn a inghme. Tiaghait na techfa co IDubtfiacti, ~j innisit fearta 7 1235 
mirbuili na ingine. Teit T)\fothach ~j ba faib'^ leis. Doroine in drai failti 
fHs, 7 doratt a i^zVz soer dh6. Tiagait iarsin D-obthock 7 J0>r\git dia tir i erich 
Ua bhFailghi, 7 a muime malle fria BrigzV, cu roghab galar a muime ar toidh- 
eckt, cor' faidhed ^rigit 7 ITZ^TZ aile do chuinghidh dighi do coirmm dhi co 
araile fer oca ndmiadh fl^mhor. Baethchu a ainm-sidhe. Dorat era for ~&rigit. 1240 
Taraill Brig'zY iarsin co araili top^r gur'lin leastar as, 7 robeannach cu rosoudh 
i mblas corma, 7 doberi dia muime, 7 ba oghshlan focedair. IN fhleadh 3 
immorro icar' heimdhed isi, tiagur dia hoi 7 ni frith banna dhi. 

[fo. i a. b. i] FEACHT da ndechaid ~D\\btkach ar turn? cu farcuibh 
a ingin ica mhucaib, co tanctar da meirl^ cuice, co rucsat da thorcc don 1245 
tred. O dhochuater treall iarsin condric. Dubtkack fr'm. Benais na miica 
dhibh. Dothaet \arum co BrigzV, ' In marut na muca, a \ngen ?* ar ~D\ibthack. 
' Airim lat, 5 ar "Engit. Roairimh Dubthach na muca, 7 ni teasta muc 

Nir'bho cian iarsin tainic aighe* uasal do tigh Dub^z^, co 

MS. noembrig/t. 2 MS. noeimi^. z MS. fleagh. * MS. aidhe. 


f6idhi 1 d6, co tartad coic thocta sailk do "Brlgit da mberbad. Dochoidh 
Dubtftacfr amflch. Dothoet cu goirt ellscothach isin tech co Bright. Dorat 
T$r\gitd6 in coic^d to^t saille ar t^ocaire. Nir'bo saithech in cu dhe. Dorat 
"Brigit tocht aili dhi. Doigh lesi ba codlttd don aighidh 7 nfr' eadh on. 

i255Tainic Dubt/tac/t 7 roraidh re "Brigit: ' In robhearbhais in t-saill 7 in marat 
na huronna ? ' ' Airimhsi iat,' or si. Roairimh Dubtbacfo. Nf testa ni dhibh. 
Atcuaid in t-aighi 2 do Dhubfhack a n-doroine 'Brlgit. Ni rochaithset na 
haighidh in biadh-sin, ar robatar eisinnraic, acht rofodhladh 3 do bho^htaib 
7 aidhilcnech<z$. 

1260 FEACHT ann dorothluigh araili bannscal irisech co tised "Brigit le i Magh- 
Life, ar robui coimhthinol senaid Laig# ann. Rofoillsighedh d'esp0 
Ibhair bai isin dail Muire \ngen do the^ isin dail. Teit in bannscal 
arnamharach, 7 "Brigit maitte friz, docum na dala. IS ann roraidh esp<? 
Ibhair : ' As i so in Mhuire' adconnacsa.' Robenn<a:c^sat in uile sh!6gh inhi 

i265noemh-Bri^, conad hi "Brigit Muire na nGaeid<?/ 4 o sin ille. 

lArsin dochiiaid ~Bngit do torruma a mdtftar bui i ndoeire. IS zxx&aid 
robhui in mdtbazr a n-indlobrai aracindsi, 7 bui for airghi, 7 da bai dhec 
aice, 7 si oc tinol ime. Rofhoghuin immorro an \ngen cohumail tar eis a 
radtkar, 7 rogabh ior leasug<^ na hairghi. In maisdraf doghnith norannadh a 

1270 ndibh cuibhrennaibh dec i n-anoir in da esb#/dec in Coimdh^, 7 roshuidhig^d 
in treas cuibrinn dec [fo. 13. b. a] cu mba mo mas cech cuibhrenn i n-anoir 
Crist, 7 do foreadh do bochtuibh 7 do aigheadhuib 5 . Ar aitb<?readh-si 
bidh Crist i p^soin cech aighedh 6 irisigh. . Ba hingn^d lesin mbiiachail sin 
co n&ezkaidla. do a.callaim in dru-adh. Rof hiafnzz^ in drai 7 a ben : ' In maith 

1275 leasaighi^j an ingen T Tainic ann na bu. ' IS maith/ ar an buachail. ' Am 
buidhech-sa cipinn^j 7 at reamra na laeigh,' ar ni rolamhair cassait ~Br\gte 
'na hecmais. Dochuaidh in drai 7 a sheitig don airghi, 7 msc. mor leo a 
rabhutar ocht nduirnn dec dia lin#d do im. Dorine "Brlgit foilti friu, 7 
roinnail a cosa, 7 dorat biadh dhoibh. IS ann adubairt seitigh in 

i28odruadh re ~&ngit\ 'IS do thancanw dia fhis in rogab gmm inni 
roherb<3^ friut. Cid fil ocut do im ? ' Ni raibhi immorro aicisi ind erluime 
acht torad culeith maistertha. Dochuaidh iarsin BrigzV isin cmlinn, J 

iss ed roraidh : 

A MO ruire-sea 

1285 conic inna huili-sea 

1 Read foighdhi (?) 2 MS. Aighidh. s MS. rofoghladh. MS.gae!geI. 

6 MS. aidheadhuib. 6 MS. aidhedh. 


bennuch, a Dhe, nuall gan gheis, 

cot laim dheis mo cui]i-se! 

Mo chuili-sea! 

cuile Fiadhat finn, 

cuili robennac^ mo Rf, I2 

cuile ica m-bf iram. 

Tic Mac.Muire mo chara 

do bennaclW mo chuile, 

flaithe in domain co himeal 

ron-be immet la suidhe. I2 p 5 

Et tuc leathtorad maistirtha aniar. Rofhaitbheastar ben in druadh, 7 iss ed 
roraidh: 'IS maith do linadh ruisc mhoir in cobhes ime-sea.' 'Linaidh 
bhur ruse,' ar "Brigit, ' 7 dobera Dia nf inn.' Notheigheadh si beo&w ina 
cmlznn j dob<?read leathtoma? gacfa fechtais le aisdi, 7 dogheibedh rann dona 
rannuibh lit ag dul siar. Dia tucdais da#0 a raibhi do ruscuibh oc feruibh 1300 
Mum# di nolinfod iat uile. Roadhamhrazg an drai 7 a ben an f hirt adconn- 
catar. IS ann atbert in drai re "Brigit: 'In t-imm-sea 7 na bu roblighis 
eadpruim-si duit,et ni bhia ogfoghnam damsa, <z^^foghuin don Choimdhz"^/ 
Roraidh TSrlgit: 'Ber-si na bu, 7 tuc damsa soer(i) mu mihdt&ar.' Doraidh 
in drai : ' Acsud do mdtkair soer dhuit 7 na ba, 7 cibedh atb^ra dog(^nsa)/ 1305 

[fo. 13. a. i] Rofhodhuil 1 Brighit iarsin na bu do bhochtaibh 7 aidhilcne- 
ch0$, 7 dobaistedh in drai, 7 bahirisech7 ba i comhuiteflfc* Brighdi coa bhas. 

Tainic T&rigit iarsin 7 a mdtkair le co tegh a hathar. Cacha bhfaghbhaitis 
immorro a lamha-si do chrudh 2 7 bhiadh 7 airilliudh a hathar dob^readh do 
bhochtaibh 7 aidilcnech^ in Coimdh<?^ cur'bh6 dimdhuch a h&thair dhi 1510 
aire sin,. euro acobhrastar a reic na hi noebhBrighdi 3 . Luidh i carbat 7 a 
\ngrn malle fris, 7 adubairt : l Ni ar anoir nd ar chataidh 4 duit dot-b-?mr isin 
carpuf, acht is dod breith dot reic 7 do bleth bron do Dhunlaing mac Enna, 
do righ Laig^^.' O rancatar co dun in righ, luid Dubhtec^ isin ndun c^^in 
righ 7 facbhais a claidhiub 5 i bhfail "Brigte isin ca,rpuf. Dothoet clamh co 1315 
Brighit, 7 aitchidh ainm nDe re "Brigzf um nf do tab^z'rt do. Tairbmdh 
"Brigit claidiub 6 a hathar dh6. Raidhidh Dub/^^ risin righ iar toidhe^ 
anunn: ' In cennechtha mh'ingen dfm? 3 'Cidh ara reccai h'ingz^ fein?' ar 
Dunlatng". 'Ni ^/w^,' ar Dubthock, 'ar bheith ac reic mh'indmhais 7 ica 
thabairt do drochdhainibh truagha.' 'Tucthar cucainn con nfhacamar,' ar 1320 

1 MS. Rofhoghuil. 2 MS. chrugh, 3 MS. noemhbrighdi, 

4 MS. chataigh. 6 MS. claidium. 


Dunlang. Teit DubiAacb araceann. O rainic dobhai oc fegad in charbait ocus 
ni fhacai 1 a clautiub 2 . Rofhiafraz^ do "Brigit cid doroine don claidib. 
* Doratus,' ar 'Brigit ) ' do bhocht tainic dom ghuidhi 3 . Rof hergaigh Dub- 
thach gu mor fHasi ar an claideb do tabairt il-leth n-aili. O thainic "Brigit 

1325 i fiadhnzm in rig raidhis in ri : ' Cidh ara ngatai crodh * 7 airilliud h'athar, 
7 anas mesa ann, cidh ara twcuis in claideb il-lefh n-aile?' IS ann roraidh 
"Brigit: 'RofhitzV Mac na hlngine, diamadh leamsa do commus-sa. cot uile 
innmh^j 7 cot Laighnibh uile dobherainn don CoirndzV/ na ndulai.' Doraidh 
an ri re ~D\\btkoch : ' Ni comadhais dun cunnradh na hinghine-sea, ar is uaisli 

1330 a hairilliudh fiadh Dia innamne.' C0n\id amluidh sin rosoerudh "Brigit dia 

[fo. 13. a. z] Nir'bo cfan iarsin cu tainic araile fer sochenelach go "D\&>tkach 
do chuingidh a ingine. Ba tol do "D\\btkack j dia m#cuibh in nf sin. Ro opas- 
tar ~Brigit immorro. Doraidh brathuir dia braithribh riasi : ' IS esbach in 

1335 t-suil glan fil at cind-sa gana beith for adhart i bhfail fhir eicin.' ' RofhitzV 
Mac na hlnghine,' ar "Erigit, ( ni beodha dhun massi dobezr pudhur foruinn 1 ' 
Dorat iarum a mer fon suil conas-tall asa cinn, cu mbui fora, gruaidh 6 . 
O'tconnaic "Dvfothock 7 a braithre sin rogheallsat nach ebertha fiasi dul co for, 
acht an ier budh mhaith le fein. Tuc BrigzV annsin a dmiainn fria, a rose 7 

1 340 slanaighter fochetair. 

LuiD "B>rigit 7 araili ogha maille fria. do ghab<a;// chaille p esp^ Mel i 
Telcha Mhidhe. Ba faeil/^ sein fHu. Anais ^rigit for umhaloit co mbad hi 
deldhin#c^ 6 for a tartta caille. Atracht columa teintidhi 7 dia cinn cu 
clethe na hecalsa. IS ann roraidh espoc Mel: 'Tair, a noeb- 8 "Bngit, co 

i345rosentar caille ior do chenn riasna hoghuibh aili.' IS edh dorala ann tna 
grasa in Sptrto T36ibk gradh. n-esbuic do eirleghiunn for "Brigit. Asbert 
Mc-caille nar'bho ord gradh n-esp&zV: for bannscail. Adubhairt espoc Mel : 
'Ni learn a commits. O Dhia derated in anoir-sin do f$r\git seodi each 
mbannscail/ conidh anoir espmc doberat fir ~Eirenn do comarba T&rigte osin 

1350 ille. 

I n-ochtmadh nafaaid rogenair "Brigit, i cedain sainriudh : i n-ochtmfld 
dec rogabh caille : i n-ochtm^d .Ixxx. dochoidh doc^m nime : i n-ochtmd 
rocoisecradh "Erigit fo lin ocht mbiaidi in t-soiscela roeomallastar, 7 biaid 
in trocaire doroega "Brigit dibsaidhe. 

1 MS. fhacaidh. 2 MS. cLzztfium. * MS. ghuighi.- * MS. crogh. 

5 MS. gmaigh. 6 MS. deiginac^. 7 MS. teinntighi. 8 MS. noem. 


FEACHT o rochomfhoicsigh sollamaa na case duthracair tria dhesheircisss 
coirm do denamh dona h^alsaibh imdhaibh robatar impe, et robhui terca 
arbhain inbhuidh-sin hi Midhe, 7 ni rothecht ^ngitacht oencnathar bracha. 
Ni rabhutar daw [fo. 13. b. i] leastair ac muinntzV "Brigte, acht da lothar. 
Doratsat a mbraich isindara lothar. Rolinsat araile don chuirm. Ro- 
fodhlad l iarsin o Br^'t in chuirm do .uii. n-ecalsaibh dec bhFer Tulach, cu 1360 
ro fherastar toradh in oenmheich bracha iat tre shobharthan 2 l&ngte o 
chaplait co minchaisc. 

FECHT ann doluidh araile clamh co Bright do chuinghidh bh6. Doraidh 
"Brigit ris : ' Cia dhibh is ferr Iat, b6 do breith leat, no h'fc don claimhe ? ' 
Doraidh in clamh ba ferr leis a fee on claiml ina dob^rtha righi in domz/zVz 1365 
d6. Doroine "Brigit erna^hthi co Dia, curos-fc in clamh, 7 rofhoghuin 
do Brigit iarsin. 

ARAILE caill^ do muinnt/r "Brigte dorala a ngalar trom cu romhianaigh 
Ieamhltf6&/. Ni tharla bo isin recleis ind inbhaidh-sin, cu rolinadh leastar Ian 
d'uisce do T&rigit, cu ros-bennach, euro soudh il-leamhna^?. Dorat don 137 
caillz^ 7 ba hoghshlan hi focedair. 

O dhocuaid immorro clu 7 oirrdherc^j !&rigte fo EinVm, tanc^dar da 
dhall do BreAiaibh 7 clam ica remthus dia n-fc co T&ngit.- Doraidh "Qrigit : 
'B/dh imuigh colleic cu roa in ceileabhr^, 3 dr deinmnedhaigh iatsein. 
'Ro-fcais daine dot cheniul fein ane, 7 nf rofuirighis cenco n-icai sinnei375 
inniu/ Dorighne "Rrigit ernaigihi, 7 rohictha a tnur foc//air. 

O rofo^bhudh sottaman na case dofhiafr^ "Brigit dona hingin#z'<5 in 
roibhi fuidheall 3 acu o linn na cascc. Doraidhset na hingena : ' Dob^ra Dia,' 
ol siat. IS annsin tainic dias \ngen istech, 7 drongkrh Ian d'uisci leo. 
'Rofhitir M^c na hlngine ata maith ann,' ol TSrigit. Doigh lesi corned 1380 
coirm. Amal adubazrt si sin rosoud a coirm toghuidi focedair. Doratad 
iarsin d'esp^ Mel 7 dona hoghuibh arcena. 

ISANn aimsir c/2fna tainic galar sula do 'Brigit, 7 ba tiachair le a cenn 
cumor. 6 rochuala esp^ Mel sin, iss ed roraidh: 'Tiagham aroen do 
cuingidh legha [fo. 13. b. z] cu rot-le'icte?' fort cenn.' Doraidh Br^V 11385 
' Min b<zdh anumhaloit d^'tsi, ni bhudh ait damsa liaigh c^rpdai etz'r, acht 
araidhe doghenam anni atb^ra-sa.' O robater oc imthe^/ dorochair T&rigit 
asa carp^^ co tarla a cenn Ma cloich cu rocrechtnaig^d cumor 7 euro theip^r 
in fhuil. Rohicta dano don fuil-sin di bannsc^V amhlabrai robat^r ior-m 

1 MS. RofoghW. 2 MS. shoshorrtan. 3 MS. fuigheall 



i39oconair. Dorala dhoibh iarsin ior a set in liaigh ica rabhatar iarraidh. 
O rof hegh-sidhe in credit atbert : ' Ni rochuingea-sa liaigh aili o scramach 
acht in liaigh rot-fc don cur-sa ; ar cia nobheitis leagha Eiremi icot leighi&tf 
ni dingnidis ni bhudh fherr,' conad amhlaid sin roslanaighedh "Bngit. 

FECHT ann dorala ri Teafa i comf hocraibh doibh ar fleidh *. Bai leastar 

1395 cumdac/ttta, il-laim in righ. Gabhais araile fer anfhaitech asa laimh cu 
torchair co nderna blogha dhe. Dogabhadh an fer la righ Tefa. Do- 
choidh esp<? Mel dia cuinghidh 7 ni hetas on righ acht a bhas, co n-atuigh 
esp0 Mel in leastar mbrisde 7 tuc leis co "Brigit. Dorat "Brigit a hanal 
uime 7 rohathnuaighed 2 a cruth ba ferr. Rucadh iarsin don righ, 7 

1400 rofuaslaic^d in cimbid. Et adubairt espoc Mel : ' Ni horamsa doroine Dia 
an firt-sa, acht ar 'Brigit! 

FEACHT ann dodheduzztf "Brigit do thigh araile oighi .1. BHghit 'fngen 
Canaille insin. In t-uisqz/i doratadh dara cosaibh do "Brigit iar taidhe^ 
roic araili 6gh robai istigh a ngal^r. O dhochuad^r immorro Bnghit cona. 

1405 hoghuibh do chaithium a p^-oinne roghab ~Brigit for fegadh na mdisi cofada. 
Rof hiafr^^f an Brig/t aile : ' Cid rathaigi-sea ? J Doraidh 'Brigit: 'Atciu 
Deman for in meis/ 'Robadh maith leamsa a fhaicsin/ ar an ogh aile. 
c Tabz> crois Crist ar "tiagaid 7 ar do shuil^,' ol "Brigit. Dorat in ogh, 7 
doconnaic-si in Satan re toeb na meisi, a chenn sis 7 a cosa suas, a dhe 7 a 

i4iolasair asa craes 7 asa shroin. Roraidh "Brigit: 'Tabazr freacra duin, a 

1 Ni chumngaim, a chaill^ ! ' ar an Demtf^ [fo. 14. a. i] ' gan fregra 
duit, a coimeduidhe timnai De, 7 a[t] trocaireach fri bochto 7 fri muindtir 
an Choimdhedh.' 

1415 ' INdis duinn iarum,' ar ^Brigit, ' cid dia tangais cugaind 'nar cail- 

' Araile og craibdech fil sund,' ar Deaman, ' is 'na coimiteacht atussa 
ag furail leisce 7 mai^deachtn^e uirre.' 

Adub^Vt H$rigit frisin oig hisin: 'Tabair cros Crist tar th'agtfz'^ 7 

i42otardot suilib.' Doratt focetoir. Atcondairc an og an torathar ngranna. 

Ros-gab ecla mor an og o atcondairc an Demon. Adub^art "Brigit : ' Cidh 

ara n-imghaibhe in dalta ica tai leasug^ fria re cian?' Dorighne inn 

ogh aitrighi iarsin, 7 rohicadh on Dem^^. 

Araile bannscal t^c riisc Ian d'ubhluibh co ~Brigit. IS ann sin doraladw 
1 MS. fleigh. 2 MS. rohathnuaidh^. 


claimh ic faighdhe ubhall co ~Brigit. Doraidh Brtgtt : ' Tabair dhoibh na 1425 
hubla.' O'tcual# in bannscal sin rue a ruse uball chuice, 7 ised roraidh : 
' Duitsi fein tacas-sa na hubla 7 ni do chlamhaibh.' Ba tocradh do "Rrigit 
tairmeasc na halmsaine uimpe, 7 romalltfd? na cronna dia tuc^d. O rainic 
in bannscfl/ da tigh ni fhuair oenubhull ina hithlainn giar'bh6 Ian intan 
rofhacuibh 7 batar etairthigh osin immach. 1430 

FEACHT ann doluidh 'Rrigit co Tefa, 7 sloigh mora 5 na comhaideacht, 
7 del clamh 'na diaidh l cu tarla dcabbaid etorra. Intan rob ail do clamh 
dibh araile do bbu&lad roshec a lamh uasa 7 rocrap lamh indalanai. 
Dorons#t aitrighi \zxum 7 ros-fc T&rigit dia claimhe. 

Dochuaidh 'Rrigit co araili eclats a ti'r Thefa do cheileabhr#</ na case. 1435 
Doraid banairchinnech na hecalsa fria hinghenaibh neach dhibh do umhaloit 
dia dhardcim cennla dona senoiribh 7 dona dainib fannaibh inlobhraibh 
batar isin reeky. Ni frith nech dhibh don umhaloit. Doraidh ~S>rigit: 
'Dogensa anru in um/oit. 3 Cethrar do dhainibh galair batar isin feeler 
.1. anbhfabrachta 7 dasachtach 7 dall 7 clamh, 7 dorighne T&rigit a fos a 1440 
cethrar, 7 rohictha o g#c^ teidm bui form. 

FEACHT ann dochuaidh *&rigit in araile tech [fo. 14. a. a] for aighid- 
he^/ 2 . Dorala co nd.Qcb.aid in muinnt^r uili immach acht aenghilla bee 
anbhfhabracta, 7 se balbh, 7 ni ibitir TSrigit a bheith aml^^. IS ann 
tancatar aighid 3 co ~Erigit isin tech do chuingidh bhidh. Dofhiafraz^-1445 
~>rigit don gilla bhalbh ut, edit i raibhi eochair na cuilne. Doraidh in gilla : 
' rofhetar-sa baile i ta.' Doraidh *Brigit : ' Eirg 7 tabair damh.' Roeirigh 
fochedair 7 rotimthirigh do na haigedhaibh 4 . 

Is AND dorala coimthinol bhfer n Eir^^^ i Tailltin, airm i raibhe Patraic 
7 senadh "EAxenn uime. Docuator docum na dala "Rrigit 7 esp^v Mel, 1450 
7 fuarat^r caingin doil^f aracinn 'san oirechtus .1. araile ben rue leanbh ann 3 
7 is ed roraidh, cor'bh6 la hesp<?^ mBron do mmniir Patratc, an leanp. 
Rodiult espfic mBron nar'bo lais. Tucadh in ceist-sin co 'Rrigit dia 
tuasluc^d. Rofhiafr^ "Erigit don mhnai, cia o racoimprestar a gein, 
7 doraidh ria na habradh breic. Doraidh in ben : ' is 6 espoc Bron.' Rolin 1455 
att 7 borrfod a tenga ina cinn cu na casmnacair labhra. D.orat "Brigit airdhi 
na croichi dar ghin na naidhiun 7 rofiafr^^ : ' Cia h'athair ? ' Dofregair in 
naeidhi : ' Duine duthair deroil fil a n-imeal ind air^^/ais, is e sin 
si.' Cu rosserad esp<?^ Bron amlaid sin tre rath Brig^. 

1 MS. diaigh. 2 MS. aidhighec^/. s MS. didhig, * MS. haideghaibh. 

G 2 


Is AND sin dochuaidh fer arcenn !&rigte co ^dighsedh do eoisecr^wT tighi 
nua dorighn^d aige. O ro erlamhaigh biadh do "Rrigit is ed roraidh 'Rrigit 
re a \dngena : ' Ni hadha dhuin biadh ind f hir genntlidft sea do tomailt, dr 
rofhaillsigh Dia damsa na robaisted etz> he.' O rochuala in fer maith sin 
ron-gaibh congain cridhi, 7 robaist espoc Bron. larsin roforcongair "Ps.tra.ic 

1465 for *>rigit 7 for a comharba co nach beth dogras gan fer graidh 'na 
comhuide^A IS aire roghabh Nat Fraich gradha sacairt. 

ISinn aimsir ce"#ia tuc fer do dheiscert Breagh a mhdtkair for a mhuin 
co >r\git dia hfc, dr ba hanfhabrachta, co ros-lai dia mhuin for foscad 
mBHgdi, 7 o tharaill in foscudh rob 6ghshl^ ac/feir. 

1470 I N-ARAILE aims/r ann adconncater f^traic chuca. [fo. 14. b. j] Senadh 
mor maille fHs. Doraidh Lassair re T&rigit : f Cidh doghenam fnsin sochaide 
tanga;tar chucaind ? ' ' Cidh do biudh fil ocuibh ? ' ol "Rrigit. ( Ni f hil,' ar 
Lasair, ' acht aen chiira 7 da bhairghin dec 7 becan loma. 5 Doraidh "Rrigit : 
'At.a maith ann. Dogentar proicept bhreitre De dhun, 7 non-sasfaiter 1 

1475 uadh.' O thairnic do PhatrazV in proicept tucad an biadh co Brz^z't dia 
roinn, 7 robenn^c^, 7 rosasta in da phopw/ De .1. sam^d ~Rr\gte 7 sam^d 
"Pdtraic, 7 roba mho cumor a bhfuidheall 2 ina in t-adbar robhai ann artzk. 

ARAILI fer robhai i cill Lassaire, 7 robui a ben occd fh.acbhail, 7 
nis-geibheadh cuit na codl^ imailli fHs, cu tainic co l&rigit do chuinghidh 

1480 eptha cu rocharadh a bhen he. Robenn^rc^ ~Brigit usq^i dho 7 is ed afoert : 
1 Tabair in t-uisci-sin tar in tech 7 tar bhiadh 3 7 tar digh dhuibh fein 7 tar 
an leapuid a n-6cmais na mna.' O dorine amhW^ dorat in ben sheirc 
ndimhoir dosom conns, faghbhadh bheith 'na ecmais cidh il-leth in tigi fHs, 
acht fora, leathlaim eicein. Laa n-ann dochuaidh-sium for turns ~j rof hacuibh 

1485 in mnai 'na codladh. O radhuisigh in ben atracht cohanbhf hail 7 dochuaidh 
a ndegaid an f hir cu bhfocuidh uaithe h^ 7 gabhal mhara etarra. Roghairm 
si a fer, 7 iss ed roraidh, noragtfd ism fairrce mina this^d som cuice. 

ARAILE bannsc^/ d'Uib M<zzc Uais tainic do fhaighdhe co "Brlgit, 7 bui 
i tmru dogr^s roime sin. Co tard "Brigit a cHss dij 7 adub^zVt "Brigit t gibe 

1490 teidm no galar c^^a mbertha noi'cfad ; 7 doronta samlaul, conadh amlazd sin 
doneth a bethamhn^j osin imach. 

FEACHT ann tancatur earaid co ^rigit araile sollum^/z 7 edhpairt leo, co 

1 Here a word is erased. 2 MS. bhfuigheall. 

8 The words 7 tar bhiadh are repeated. 


farcabhsflt a teach dianeis ce choimhetuidhi \ Tancatar nwligh iar sin, 7 
tallsatarna damhu robhater isin tigh, A.drackt abhunn Life fr'm, cu tardsat 
a n-eduighi for adharcuibh na ndam, cu ra impaset na daim otha sin czwan M95 
inad .a mbui "Brigit cusna he'taighibh leo. 

FEACHT aili luidh l&rigit : Magh Lemna do acallaim Patraic. Bui ic 
precept shoscela and [fo. 14. b. a]. IS ann sin rochotuil TSrigit risin 
proicept. Albert Pdtraic : ' Cidh ar roo?dlais ? ' Roslecht "Brigit fotn 7 
roraidh : ' F/s atconnac,' ol sf. 150 

' Iimis in fhfs/ ol dtraic. 

'Atconnac/ ol BHg-zV, 'cethra harathra anairdeas 2 roairsetar an indsi 
uile ; 7 resiu thairsedh a sil^, roaipthighedh in bhuain, 7 tancatar topuir 
gheala 7 srotha taitneamacha asna hetnghibh. Eduighi geala um na 
sfltoiribh 7 um na haireamn^^. Atconnac cethra harathru aili atuaidh, 1505 
roairset an indsi tarrsna, 7 rosoeiset an bhuain doridhisi, 7 rofhas in corcai 
roshils#t foehedair gur'bo habaidh, j tancatar srotha duba as na heitnghibh, 
7 eduighi dubha um na s\\i6\ribk 7 um na hairemhn^'^.' 

' Ni doiligh sin,' ol Pdtraic. l Na .iiii. harathru toisecha adconnacuis, 
misi 7 tusa sin, silmaid cethirleab^r in t-soisc//a co siltfd? irsi 7 creidmhe 7 1510 
crabhuidh. An bhuain atconnacais, na hii thecat docum n-irsi 7 creidmhe 
sin tnanar fhoircetal-ne. Na ceatra harathra adconnacais atuaidh, na 
sa^bhfhoircetl#/<s5 7 na bregaire sin, laifid darcenn in forcetul shilm/d-ne.' 

FEACHT do JSrigit a n-Ard Macha dolluidh dias secce 7 dn>mlach 
uisce fo^ro. Taneatar do bennachadh do Rrigit. Dorochair in dronglachisis 
dianeis, 7 dochuaidh druim tarais otha dorus ratha co Loch Laphain, 
Acht ni robrisedh 7 ni thorchair banna aisdi. Ba foll^j do chach bennach^ 
Rtigte forro. larsin adubairt J?dtraic : ' Fodhail 3 ind uisq^i for Ard Macha 
7 ior Airthera,' 7 roicadh g^c^ ngalar 7 gac.k n-ainces bui isin tir. 

LuiD T&rigiti cnch bhFer Rois d'fuascal^ chimedh[a] bui isin cnch. 1520 
Doraidh "Brigit : l In lece orumsa in cimid lit amach ? ' Asb^ in ri : 
' Gia nob^rthe.a damsa righi bhFer mB^eagh uili, ni thibhrinn duit in cim?^ 
acht na dighis-sea fo era dob^rthur anmchoimhet oenoidhche 4 erutsa dh6.' 
Roartraigh l&rigit deodh 5 lai don cimidh 7 doraidh fHs : ' Intan tuaslaicfiter 
in slab/'adh dhit geibh in n-ymmonn so, 7 ela ior dha laimh dheis.' Do- 1525 
gn.iter ax&aid. ~EAaid in cimidh la breithir mBngdi. 

1 MS. choimhetuighi. 2 MS. anairneas. s MS. foghail. 

* MS. oenoighthe. 5 MS. deogh. 


[fo. 15. a. i] FEACHT doluidh Brlgit tar Sliabh Fuait. Bui 
issin t-sleib nooircedh na cuitechtna- O'tconncatar na cailkr/za he ros-gabh 
ecla 7 uamuti mor iat. Adub<zz>t Brigit risin ndasior/2/ach : ' O dhat-rala 
1530 ann pritchai breitzV nDe dhun.' 

' Ni cumngaim,' [or se,] ' gan umhaloit duit, ar it trocar fna muinntzV in 
Coimd^ etir truagha 7 bhochta.' 

IS ann sin doraidh in dasac/ttach : 'Car in Coimdi, a chaille^, 7 
not-carfa each. Airmhitnigh in Coimdhe 7 not-airmhitnighfea each. 
1535 Ataigh in Coimdzd 7 not-atuighfea each.' 

FEACHT doghuidh 1 a hathazr n&bh-Brig-fe 2 ^ ndighs^co righ Laig^^ 
.1. co hAilill mc nDunlaing do chuinghidh dilsighthe in chlaidhib 3 dorat 
do fee/if aile. Dothoet ~&rigit ar f<?^congra a hathair. Tainic mogh don 
righ do acallaim ~>rigte j adubairt : ' Dianom-soertha don fhognamh ica tu 
1540 don righ robudh am cratfaidhi, 7 nof hoighenaind duitsi 7 don Coimdh^.' 
Luidh >rigit isin dun 7 ^natuigh di ascaidh cusin righ .1. dilsiugud in 
claidib 4 do Dubhtec^ 7 soire don mhogazd. 
' Cidh ara tib^r-sa sin duitsi ? ' ar an righ. 

' Dob/rthar clann t-soineamhail duit,' ar Brig-it, ' 7 righi dot macaib 
1545 7 nemh duit fein.' 

Adubairt in ri : ' Flaith nimhe, dr nf is-faicim, nis-chuingim. ' Righi 
dano dom macaib ni chuinghim ar am beo fein araird ann, ar gniat each a 
aimszir. Tabair dhamh cena fot soeghuil a righi, 7 cathbhuadhaighi for 
Leth Cuinn, ar is menic cocadh ead^ainn.' 

*55 ' Doberthar,' ar ~Br\git, 7 isedh 6n rocomailW, ar .xxx. cath romheb^<^h 
roime ind TLirinn 7 a nai a n-Alba'm tria bennac/itain ^rigte. Tancatur 
Hui Neill i Laighnibh iarna ecaibh-sium. T&csat Laighin a corp docum 
in chatha, euro mheb^h rompa focedair. 

FEACT do Brigit ica cserchuibh isin Currach ^n-acai 5 m^c leighinn 
1555 ana rith sece .1. Nindedh scolaighi esein. 

' Cidh dot-gnf anbhf horusta, a meic leiginn ! ' or ~>rigit, ' j cidh innsaighi 
amltfz# sin ? ' 

' A chaill^,' ol in scol^hi, ' teighim 6 doeum nime.' 
' Rofhit/r Mac na hlnghine,' ar Brigit, ' is moghenar theit in tumr, 7 
is6oar Dhia dena ernuighthi leamsa curab reidh dham dhul.' 

1 MS. doghuigh. 2 MS. nxvnbbrigfe. 3 MS. chlaidhim. 

4 MS. doufim. 5 MS. c^nacaidh. 6 MS. teidhim. 


C A chaill^,' or an scolazgi, 'nochan-uain dam, ar atat [fo. 15. a. 2] 
doirrsi nimhe osluicthe innosa 7 addgur a ndunadh fHum. No mas acorn 
thairmesc dhuit, guidh 1 in Coimdhe learn gurub soraidh dhamh dul docum 
nime, /guidhfet-sa 2 Dia fortsu curob reidh dhuit, 7 forruca 3 ilmhile lat 
docum nime.' *5 6 S 

Roghabh l&rigit pater leis, 7 ba craibhdhech osin imach, 7 is he dorad 
comman 7 sacarbhaic dhi iardain. Con/d assein dorala cumthamts mac 
leighinn in domuin re ">r\git> co tab#z> in Coimdhi doibh tna atach "Brigte 
gach maith fhoirbhthi chuinghid. 

LuiDH T&rlgit co hesp<? Mel co -tis^d do thorainn a cathrack dhi. O 1570 
dochuatar iarsin co du i ta Ceall Dara inniu, ba hi sin inbhuidh dorala Ailill 
mac Dumaing 7 o# marclach do fhinnchaeluch leis dar lar Cille Dara, 
Tancatar inghena o TSrigit do chuinghidh neich * don caelach, et derated 
era forro. Robeanaid na heich foa marclaighibh fHa lar. Rogabhtha 
[arum suinn 7 slipredha dhoibh, 7 ni ^.nacht^ur nogur' eadbair Ailill in 0^1575 
marclach do >rigit. Conzd de doron<2d tech mor sancta !&ngte i Cill Dara, 
7 is e Ailill ros-biath na soeir 7 ros-ic a ndulghena 5 . Facbhais >rigit cu 
mbadh o Ailill m<zc Dunl^zVz^ nobh(?/h righi Laigen cob/'ath. 

FEACHT ann ta.nca.tar da. clamh co 'Rrigit do chuinghidh almsaine. Nf 
rabha araill isin coitcenn ocht senbh6. Dorat ~Brigit dona clamhaib in 1580 
mboin sin. Dorinne indara clam atlug^buide don Coimdh^^. Dimd^c^ 
immorro in clam aile, dr ba diums#c^. ' Dochoidh,' ar s6, ' cid mh'airi-si 
m'oenar ria boin. Cunice anfu, da^ nirom-comhairmeadh-sa riam &.ir 
eeliuda D6 7 bhodita 7 lobhrai. Ni bhiu da^<? i commaidh imon mboin-sea.' 
Doraidh T&rigit rism clamh n-umhal : 'Ansa ibhus co bhfaghthar ni 
7 teit as in clamh dims#c^ lit gilna bhoin.' IS ann sin tainic fer co 
gu mboin leis di, co tard don clawz umal. O dhochuaidh immorro tor set in 
clam diums^c^ forfheimidh 6 imain a bh6 a oenar, co tainic fo/'cula co 
l&rigit 7 co a fher cumtha, co raibhi ic glamhudh 7 ic imd^rgad TSrigte. 
i ar Dhia,' ar se, ' doratuis t'eadhpairt, [fo. 15. b. i] acht is ar lls&ackt 7 1590 

rot-gaibh fHumsa.' Tiaghuit iarsin in da clamh cum na 
Adractif inn abunn friu. Elaidh in clamh umal cena. bhoin tHa 
^rigte. Tuitid in cltf^z diums^c^ cona bhoin ior a tharr risin 
n-abhuinn cor'baithedh. 

1 MS. guigh. 2 MS. guighfetsa. 3 leg. cor-ruca (?). 

4 MS. neith. 5 leg. dulehinne (?). 6 MS. 


1595 FEACHT aim tainic righan ' Cnmhthain mheic Erina Cennseafcz^- rf 
Laig<?7, 7 slabrad aircit le i n-edhpairt do T&rigit. Fuath deilbhe duine isin- 
dara cenn de 7 ubhall aircit isin cinn n-aile. Dorat "Brigit dona hoghuibh. 
Rothaiscsd: na hogha gan f his do JSrigit, dr ba mor noghatadh a crodh 1 7 
dobeiredh do bochtuibh. Donackt clamh co ISrigit, cu tard "Rrigit in 

i6oo$labhr<zd dho" ce# fhis dona cailleach^. O rofhedatdr na hoghu is ed 
roraidhset co bhfheirg 7 lonnus: 'Bee a mhaith duinne,' ar siat, c do 
t^ocaire-si do chach, 7 sind fein i riachtan^j a leas bhidh 7 eduigh ! ' 

'Ataidh for antacadh 2 ,' ol "Brigit. 'Eirgidh isin eclats i[n] baile a 
ndenaim-si ern^z^thi, 7 foghebhthai ann bhur jslabhttzaT/ Dochuatr la 

1605 T&rigit. Gia dorat^d do botht fuarut^^ na caill^a in slabhr^. 

FEACHT ann tainic ri Laigm d'^iste^^ re proicept 7 3 ceileabhradh dia 
case cu ISrigit. lar bhfhorbhudh an cheileabhraidh dochuaidh in ri tor sed. 
Intan dochuaidh T&rigit do chaithimh a proinne adub#z>t Loman clamh 
Bn^te nach caithfedh nf nogu t&ctha dh6 armghaiscedh 4 righ Laig^ eftV 

1610 ghai 7 sciath 7 claid^, com. bheirt foithibh. Dochuaidh te^/aire o Jlrigii 
andiaidh 5 in righ. O mhedhon immorro cu nonai 6 don righ for merugz^/, 7 
ni rancatar oenmhile ceimenn co tuc in t-armghaisc<<?<s?uadha 7 cot^cadh don 

FEACHT ann ateonnaic >r\git araili duine secce 7 salann for a mhuin. 

1615' Cidh fil fort mhuin?' ol T*>rigit. 'Clocha/ ol an duine. 'Bidhat cl^a 
dao,' ol "Brigit. Doronta fochedoir cl^a don t-sal#7m. Tainic doridhwi 
an ier c/ftia sech >rigit. ' Cidh fil fort mhuin ? ' ol l&rigit. . ' Salami,' ol se. 
' Bidh salann' ol ~Rrigit. Dorme fochedoir salann dona clochatt ire 
bfeitir mBrigte. 

1620 FEACHT ann tancater da clamh co T&rigit da n-i'c [fo. 15. b. 2] don 
claimhe. Adubairt >rigit risindara clam nighi araile. Doroine amhl^zV/. 
' Dena-sa,' ar ~&rigit risin clamh aili, ' fosaic 7 nighe h'fir cumtha a.mal 
doroine-seom umhaloit duitsi. 5 ' Acht airet wfacamar,' ol se, ' ni confaic- 
fium. Cidh on, in coir latsa, a chailkch, mhisi slan coam bailato nuidhibh 

16257 com etach nua do nighi in claim granna ut, 7 a bhaill dubhghlasa ic 
toitim de ? Ni fiu leamsa in nos a leitheit sin.' Ronigh immorro BrigzV 
fein in clam umul truag. Adub#z>t in clam dimstfc^ roglan^d artus on 

1 MS. crogh. 2 leg. andachad (?), andagud(P). 3 MS. repeats/. 

* The m in recent hand. 5 MS. andiaigh. G MS. nonaidh. 


claime : ' Atar leamsa,' ol se, ' is oeible teined mhoidhid l tnam croicenn.' 
Rolinadh he do claime oa mhullach coa bhonn ara anumtf/oit. 

FEACHT ann do Qrigit oc techt do laimh in espmc cu tarfas di cenn puic 1630 
do beith annsa chailiuch oifHnn. Roopastar 'Rrigit in cail^h. ' Cidh ara 
n-opai ? ' ar an ier graidh. ' Cenn puic foillsight<sr dam ann/ ar T&rigit. 
Roghairm in t-espoc in gilla t#c ind imaltoir, 7 adubairt ris tabhairt a 
choibhsen. ' Dochuadlmr/ ar in gilla, ' i tech a n-gabhar puic 3 cu tallwj poc 
me'th as 7 aduadhw^ mo saith de.' Rophend in gilla 7 doroine aithr^e. 1635 
Dochuaidh iarsin T&rigit do laim 7 ni confacai in fuath. 

FEACHT ann tancater aighidh 2 co ~&rigit: at iat uaisli craibdezfta, .1. na 
secht n-espuic fileat a tilaigh ind ahrter Laig<?/z. IS ann sin fi^congair 
"Erigit tor araili ier dia muinntzr izcht dochum in mhara co //dmiad iasg^c^ 
dona haighedhuibh. Teit in fer 7 a mhurgha lais 7 tecmhagV^ ron d6. 1640 
Saidh^fli inn in r6nghai 7 cenglaid a theit dia laim. Tairragidh in ron 
leis in ier tar in bhfairrce co tfaigh mara Breatan, cu bhfarcuibh annsin he 
tor carraic iar mbHsiudh na teta. Rocuir^ d,a#0 in ron forculai, 7 a ghai 
ann, cu rolaa in mhuir he fofsin traigh ba comf Jiocraibh do ~Brigit. Dorotsat 
immorro iascaire Bretan curach do iaseaire >rigte o roindis a scela dhoibh. 1645 
Tainic iarsin tar muir co bhfhuair a ron i t/:aigh mhara Laig^;? ibhus, co rue 
leis co haigeda 3 'Brigte. [fo. 16. a. i]. ISin maduin dochuaidh tar muir 7 
doroc^ dar muir mBreatan doridisi dochum TSrigte medhon lai. Romhors#t 
na hseighedha * 7 in slzfog* .arcena ainm De 7 ISrigte triasin bhfirt-sin 7 
triasan n-adhamhra. l6 5 

FEACHT ann doghabh mian araile czilleck do muintir "Rrigte im shalann. 
Doroine TSrigit ernuighthi cu rosoudh na clocha i salann, 7 rohicad in caill^. 

FEACT ann robui bachlach 5 do muintir JSrlgte oc bein chonnazd. 
Dorala dho gu romharbh peta sinnuigh la righ Laig^/z. Rohirghabhudh in 
bach/<a;ch 6 lasin righ. Rofhorcongair T&rigit tor an sinn#c^ taidhe^^ 7 asin 1655 
ca.\l\id. Tainic &&no cu raibhi oc cleasaibh 7 oc cluiche dhoibh 7 don righ 
la frrcongr.a ~&r\gte. O dhoroine in sinn^c^ a ghnimha dochuaidh fon coill 
slan, 7 slogh "Laigen etzr chois 7 eocu 7 chona 'na deghuid. 

FEACT ann tancatar espmc co ~>r\git, 7 ni raibhe aice nf dober^ doibh 
'ar mbleagzm na mb6 fddhd. Tucait na bai in t^eas fecht don baili 7 rop 1660 
uilli leo in loimm annsin inas ceA mblegzm. 

1 MS. mhoighid. 2 MS. didhidh. 3 MS. haid^. * MS. hsidhedha. 

5 MS. bathlach. 6 MS. bathl^. 7 MS. taighedfc/. 



FEACHT ann ro'bui meithitrl ag "Qrigit ic fouain. Feraid fleoch#<a? mor 
i Muigh Life uile 7 nir' tuit banna ina gort-si. 

Ba dia fertezbh immorro, robennach in dall clairenech co tttc a sAili d6. 
1665 FEACHT ann dorala "Brlgit cusm mbaintreab/^^z^h, cu romarb laegh a bo 
do "Brigit 7 roloisc a garmain fai. Dorfne Dia ar "Brigit ba hoghsl<z# in 
garma arnamhanzc& 7 bin a mdthair og lighi in \tzig. 

FEACHT do "Brigit 7 d'espz^r Eire i Laignibh. Doraidh "Brigit re 

hespoc Eire : ' Ata cathugtfd? \tir do thuaith-si, 7 innosa comraicid.' Adub0zrt 

1670 mac-cl<frec/i do mumtir espuic Eire : ' Ni doigh linn/ ar se, ' conid ffr sin.' 

Senais JSrigit a ruisc in mflcclein^. Doraidh iarsin in m^ccl^c^: 'Atcfm-si/ 

ar se, ' mo bhraitre icca marbad innosa/ 7 dorine aitnghi moir insin. 

FEACHT do "Brigit oc inghaire chaemc/z. Tainic gataidhi chuice 7 tall 
.uii. multa uaithe. Ar6i rohairmh^^% in tret, 7 fHth na multa a n-oighe tre 
1675 ern<a:?^thi "Rrigte. 

FEACHT dorine araile ier [fo. 16. a. 2] do mhuinntzV "Brlgte midh do 
righ Laig<?#. Intan tanc^j- dia ol ni fHth bainne ann, ar rocaith^ re ~Rr\git. 
Ad^acht "Brigit do thesarcudh an truaigh, 7 ros-benn#c^ na leastra, 7 frith 
an midh a eomhlanj, et ba firt amhra eissein. 

1680 FEACHT ann tancater n ; a .uii. n-espwzV a hUaibh Briuin Cualunn o 
na n-Espac, co bhfuarater TSrigit il-luc re toebh Cilli Dara atuaidh. 
da coic .1. do Blathnait, in raibhe biadh aice. Adubhairt 
nach raibhe. Ba nar la "B>r\git gan biadh aice dona noemhuibh, 7 roghuidh l 
in Coimdhe codicra co ndebatrt in t-ai;/g^l ria na bai do bleaghan in tres 
i685fecjit. Dobligh 2 "Rrigit fein na bu, gur linsat na dabhcha donn ass, 7 
roli.nfatis cidh leastra Laig^ uili, co- n-dechaid in loim tar na leastraibh 
imach, cp nderm. loch de, \rnde Loch in Ais .1. Loch Leamhn^r^/a inniu. 
Romor<2d ainm De 7 ~Bngte dhesin. 

Ar each ni <r^znaighedh 3 TSrigit forsin Coimdhi dob^rthe di foo#oir, ar 

1690 ba he a sainnt : sas^d bo^t, dichur gac&a. documla, airchisecht g^c^a tmaigh. 

Ni raibhi immorro bhudh naraighi, na bhudh f hele, na bhudh cennsa, na bhudh 

umla, na bhud cunnla, na 4 bud 4 cuibdi* ina Qrigit. Ni ronigh riamh a lamha 

na a cosa na a cenn skir fhiru. Ni rodhech gnuis fherscail. Ni labhradh 

cen loisi. Ba haintec^, ba hannac, ba hernuightec/z. Ba foidhid?c^ 5 . Ba 

1695 foilidh i timnuibh De. Ba cobhsaidh. Ba humhal. Ba dilghedhac^. Ba 

dercach. Ba comra choisecartha coimeta chuirp Crist 7 a f hola. Ba teampul 

1 MS.roghuigh. 2 MS. doblidh. 3 MS. connaidhedh. 4 interlined. 5 MS. foighidech. 


De. Ba righshuidi tairismhe cjon Sptrut Noebh a cridhe 7 a m^wma. Ba 
diuid 7 ba tomsech do t^uaghaibh. Ba hedrocht i bbfeftuibh 7 mirbuilibk. 
IS airi sin is 6 a hainm itz> duilibh, colum etir enuibh, finemam fair fhed- 
haibh 1 , gHan etir rennuibh. IS 6 ath#zV na noeboighi-sin 2 , in t-Ath<zz> nemh- 1 700 
dhai. ISa mac, Isu Cm/. IS 6aoidi, in Spirit N<?^b 3 [fo. 16. b. i], conz'd 
aire sin doghnf in noebh6gh-sa 4 na mirbuife mora 7 na ferta diairme. 

IS i turtacktaiges da gack aen bis a cuimgi 7 a nguas^^/. IS hi traethus 
na tedhmanna. IS i tairnes fezrg 7 anfadh an mhara. IS ( bantaircetl#z# 
Crist. IS i righan in deiscirt. IS sf Muire na nGaeidhel 6 . 1705 

IS e Colum cille dorighne an imann-sa do Brigit, 7 is a n-aimszV 
mic Ainm^rech doroine hi. Et ba he fath a denmha. Anfud mor tainic 
do Cholum cille intan dochoid tar muir, co tarla i Caire B^eacan, cu roatuigh 
T&rigit co tis^ feth d6, 7 co n-ebairt ' 'Qngit be bhithmhaith.' No is e 
Brocan Cloen doroine, 7 as inann aimser a ndernad j 'Ni char "Brigzt 
buadtfch bith.' No as triur do muintir ISrigte doroine hi intan dochuat^r 
do Roim cu ro^/atar Blasantiam. Co tarla ier do muintir na cathr^c^ 
dhoibh imuig, cu ros-fiafraz^- dibh in ta.nca.tar a leas aighidhecht 6 . Adu- 
bratar-som cu ranc^tar. Ro^^-fuc leis iar sin dia thigh, co tarla doibh 
scol^^i ar toidhecht 7 o Roimh, cu rofhiafr^ dibh can 'as tangatar, 71715 
ced ara tancatar? Adubrtar-somh cona.dh ar aighidecht 8 . 'IS pudhar 
sin,' ar se, ' ar is h6 b6s in fir-sea marb^ a aeighedh 9 ,' 7 rof hiafraighset som 
sin tria thinchosc in scoltfz^i. T^cadh tra. neimh doib i Knn, cu romhols^al: 
~&ngit dia soer^^h 7 cu fochansaf ' 'Qrigit be bhithmaith ' 7 rl. Atibhset an 
linn oan neim, 7 nf derm, pudhur 10 doibh. Tainic iar^M ier hi tighiijao 
dia feg^d dus in ros-marbh in neim, 7 atconnaic iat 'na mbeth/^, 7 adcon- 
naic wgin t-sochr/<^ etarru. Tainic iarsin isin tech, 7 robui ior iarair na 
hingine, 7 ni fhuair, 7 rofhiafr^z^f dibh cidh dochoidh an ingen, j adubratar- 
som ni focadur etz> hf. Doratad tra cuibr^c^ forrosom co' marbhdais 
iarnamhamc^ mina foilsighdis an ingin. Tainic dano in scolaigi cefaa 
chuca arnamharach u dia bhfis, et inuenit eos in uihculis, et interrogauit eos 
q&0m0db euaserunt et cur ligati sunt. 

No cum^d he Brenainn [fo. 16. b. 2] dorighne in n-imunn-sa. Tainic 
dano Brenainn co Brig/t co bhfesadh cidh ara tuc in- bheist isin mhuir anoir 

1 MS. fheghaibh. 2 MS. noemoighisln. 3 MS. noem, * MS. noemhoghsa. 

6 MS. ngaeighil. 6 MS. aidhighe^. T MS. toighe^/. 8 MS. fiidhige^*/. 

9 MS. seidhe^h. 10 MS-, pughur. u MS. arnabharach. 

H 2, 


1 730 do Qrigit sech na noebhu 1 arcena. O rosiacht tra, Brenainn co "Brlgit 
rochuinnigh 2 co tarted a coibhsina cinnus robhai gradhD6 oicce. Adubairt 
"Brigit : ( Tabazr, a cl&righ, do coibhsena prius 7 dob^r-sa iarsin.' Adwbhuirt 
"Brtnainn: 'on lo roghabhj-sa crabhudh nocha dechadhztf tar .uii. n-im- 
mairibh cew mo menmam i nDia.' ' As maith in coibhsen,' ol ^rigit. ' Tabair- 

1 735 si, a chaill^/z,' ol "Brenamn, ' do choib-sv?;*.' ' DofhitzV M# na hlngine,' 

ar "Brigit, ' on uair dort^j-sa mu menmam i nDia ni thucus ass.' ' Dar-linn, a 

chaill^/ ol Brenamn, 'as coir do bhiastuibh gia nobmit anoir dmt s^c^ainne.' 

No is e Ulltan Arda Breacain doroine an ymonn-sa ar molad do "Bngit. 

Ar ba do Dail Concubair dosom, 7 rop edh do mdthair "Brigte .1. 

i74Broicsech ingen Dallbronaigh. I n-aims/r immorro da m#c ^Edha Slaine 
doron^d fesin, ar it e romarbhsat Suibhne mac Colmain Moir, for k/hlaim 

\J\\tam, doron^d: 

Brigit be bhithmhaith, bruth ordhai oibhlech, 

don-f6 don bhithfhlaith an ghrian tind toidlec& 
1745 Ron-ssera Brighit sech dhrunga demhna, 

roraena remhainn catha gach tedma. 

Dorodhbha indonn ar colla cissao 

an chraebh co mblathaztf, an mdthair fissu. 

An fhir6gh \amain go n-ordan adhbhuil, 
1750 bum sser gach n-inbzVf lam nsemh do Laighnibh. 

Lethcolbha flatha la fdtratc primhdhai, 

an tlacht uas lighaib, an righan righdha. 

Robet iar sinet ar cuirp a cilice 

dia rath ron-brseno, ron-saera Brighit 3 . B. 

i755 [fo. 17. a. i]. Mor tra. do fcrtuibh 7 do mhfrbui/^' fon n-itinus sin 
dorighne in Coimde ar Bhrig/t. IS s6 a mhet cunna cumhaing nech a fhais- 
neis acht mina thised aspal fein no aingel De dia fhaisneis : acht cena is lor 
so ar dheismzmr^ dibh. 

O thainic tra c&.ma deidhinchaibh 4 do Bright, iar fothug^ 7 iar 

ifGoblifurtactit cheall 7 ecl^J 7 altoracti 5 n-imdha i bhf^tuibh 7 i mirbz#7ibh 
imdha at lir gainemh mara no renna nimhe, iar ndesheirc 7 trocuire, doruacht 
iarsin Nindedh Laimhidhan o Roim Letha. IS aire atb<?rthea Nindidh 
Laimhidan fHssein, ar ni tard a laim fm thaebh o roghabn "Brigit pater leis. 
Cun^d he dorat comman 7 sacarbaic do "Brigit 7 rofhaidh a spirut dochum 

i7 6 5 nimhe. Atait a taisi isna talm<mdaibh gu cataidh 6 7 gu n-ordan 7 gu 

1 MS. noemhu. 2 MS. rochuinnidh. 3 In the MS. this poem is written in round 
majuscules. 4 MS. deighinchaibh. 6 ' 7 altorac^ ' interlined. 6 MS. gucataigh. 


n-airechwj, gu bhf^tuibh 7 mirbhuibM. Ata a hainim amal grein ism 
bhflaith nemhdha etzV claiscetal aingel j archaingel. Et gidh mor a hanoir 
abhus col&cJiDidh m6 gumor intan adrae ina lochrann lainnerdha i comlanzw 
cuirp 7 anma i mordail lai "bra-tka, ind oentuidh x hyruphin 7 saruphyn, in 
zentitidk Mic Mhuire Oighe, ISann azntttidh is uaisli cech i\.-<ex\tuidh t ind 1770 
tttfuidh na noeib 2 -Trin^'te, Athair 7 M^ 7 Spir^ N^. 

Ailim trocuire De uasail uilecum#^aig tre imp/</i 
roairiltnigim uile in zmtaidh sin, ra-issam, ra-aitrebam, in 

MS. indoentuigh. 2 MS. noeim. s MS. noeimh. 

[fo, 17. a. i]. 
Betha Shenain meic Geirrginn 1 . 

1VJL [do roisce cech spzVat, in Sphut] roles^h in eclais cechtardhai 
.1. petarlaic 7 nufhiadhnaisi o rath ecna 7 fhaitsine, is he roraidh na briathra- 
sa a gin in righfatha Dadid.meic lese don moladj don adhamhrughadh fit 
do Dhia tmna noebhu 3 7 triana f hireriu, zonal ztbeir ' Mirabilis Deus in 

1 780 sanctis. 3 

[fo. 1 7. a. a]. Oen di<fz# dona naebhuibh 4 7 dona fire'nuibh tmsa tainic 
molad 7 adhamhragz/d? in Choimd^^h fiadh dainibh tnasna fertuib 7 triasna, 
mitbuilib doroine Dia aire i tzlmain, IN noebh 5 uasal [oirdnigi] 
dia ta lith 7 foraithmet i n-ecmong na ree-so 7 na haimsire .1. sanctus 

1785 espocus 6 . 

IS ann di^z'& erdharcaigit in cmMdi lith 7 sollumzm [a eitsea^^a] intf 
noeimhShenan in ochtai Tfialainn Marta arai laithe mi's g^ene, isindiu arai 
laithe sechtma/we isin bliadam frecnairc i tarn. Atfiadhat na heo/<2$f [nf] do j 
bunvaid 7 do gheinem^m anti noebh 7 -Shenan, o ghuidhi 8 7 o forcetal do rath 

1 79 in pnmfatha 7 in airdesp^zV innsi TiEiretm .1. noemh 5 -Patr^zV, gein t-Senain 
7 [dona f<?rtaib 7] dona mirbhailibh dorine Dia aire .1. 

Seanan mac Gerrginn 9 meic Cobhthaig meic Builc meic Dece mete 
Imchada meic Cuirp 10 meic Roduind meic Luigdecti meic Aililla meic 
Echadha meic ^Engh^^a meic Fiachra Find meic Coirprz-' Bhaschain meic 

r 795 Consdre meic Mogha Lamha meic L,uigdec% Allaid meic Cairpri Cfoimcinn 
meic Daire Dornmair rn^zc Cairp^' Finnmhair meic C0na.ire meic Efcsrsceoil 
meic Eogain. Coimgheall di^'z<! ingen Ernaig m<?zc Golbine mdthai* Shenain, 
do Alltraighiu. Dorairngair immorro in pnmhfhaidh 7 in pnmapstal ro- 
f haidh Dia do pmcept d'feraib Ehemi .1. noebh 5 -PatrzV, gein tSemzzVz. Air 

1800 intan bai Ydtraic ic ^rolcept de huaib Figeinti 7 tc a mbaithius i n-Domhn^cA' 
Mor [Cheiniuil Di'ue] tancater Corcobhaiscind gona righ .1. Bole mac 
Decce, murchoblach mor tar Luimn^c^ atuaidh cu Patr^zV, 7 roguidhseat u 
dtraic fa proicept doibh in la-sin 7 a mbaistea? focedair. Doraidh fdtraie 
fnusom airisiumh co m#duin dr ba scith in la-sin. Roraidset Corcabaiscinn 

1 In this Life the words and letters in brackets have been taken from the Life of Sena"n, 
in the Paris MS. Celt, and B. i, formerly Ancien Fonds. 2 B/[S.naom. s MS.ncemhu. 
* MS. naemhuibh. 6 MS. noemh. 6 MS. esp^. 7 MS. noem. 8 MS. ghuighi.- 
9 MS. errginn. 10 leg. Cuirpri(?), u MS. rohuighseat. 


re fatraic : ' Ni cumhgamait, ar is fas ar crich darneis cen ocu ica him- 1805 
.chotmhet, 7 ita ar coblach cen neck oca [coime't 7] recmait a leas 
tinden&y [arcula] docum ar criche.' Doluidh "Pdtraic iarsin ina ca.rput 
co faic^ each he 7 cu rocluindis a guth 7 proicefit bretri De uadha, [fo. 
17. b. i] et rocreitset annsin do Dhia 7 do Pdtraic. Canuid dldiu dtraic 
in baithi#.r doib forsln. abhuinn bui a comhfhoc^.r doibh, 7 baistt*?^ innte na 1810 
duaigh uile. Et doratsat almsana mora do Pdtraic. Bendachaid Pdtraic 
iatsomh, 7 doraidh cu mbiadh imad ana 7 innmh^^a i crfch Baiscinn cobrath. 
Rodilset Corcabhaiscinn for Pdtraic toidhe^ leo do bendachadh a cnche 
7 do baiste/ a mban 7 a leanamh 7 a mogtfd forfhacsat dianeis. Roraidh 
fdtraic fr'm : c Nidam uain-siu do thuidhe,o&/ libh 7 imluadh mu mhuinnteri 1815 
tarin smth-sa inunn.' Roraids^t Covcobaiscinn : ' Ata,' ar slat, 'coblach mor 
linne dod timochar tar in muir, 7 not-bmim tairrsi cot uile mhuinnteraib 
cosaibh tirmaibh, 7 dot-bmim aris fo/'culai. Roop Pdtraic aris dul leo, 7 ro 
raidh : ' Ni fetaimsi,' ar se, ' facbhail na cHche i tu nogu tair a cois^rcadh 7 
a mbennach^ uile.' Et dorat "Patraic bennacfrtam for Corcabaiscinn, 7 1820 
forf hacaib buaidh cabluigh forro. \ComA de sin rochan Ydtraic in rann so ; 

Nf r6 

do Chorccobaiscind, nf g6; 
.gen b^th cloidim fora cliu 
* pi g^.btar riu ni beas m6.] 1825 

Doraidh Pdtraic re Corco-baiscinn ; c In fil i focus duin airm as budh reill 
damhsa bar cnch corosfeg-ainn fein om shuidhi 7 coro&j-bennachainn asin 
maigin-sin?' f Ata eicin,' ar siat, 'in tealach thall ' .1. Findine. Luid 
Pdtraic leo iarum for mullach Findine 7 roraidh [friu:] 'An hf so bar cHich 
fHia Luimn^c^ i tuaidh corice in n-oician star?' 'Assi,'ar iatsom. 'In 1830 
roich/ ar ~Pdtraic, ' in sliabh tall tuaidh .i.sliao Ellbe, i cnch Corcamruadh 
in Nindois ? ' ' Ni roich,' ar siat. ' Rosia re mb^ath,' ol "Pdtraic. ' In roich 
dao bur cnch in sliabh thall tair .1. Echtgi i cn'ch ua n[D]esa ?' ' Ni roich,' 
ar siat. 'Rosia iar cein,' ar Pdtraic. Beannachais Pdtraic iarum Corca 
Baiscinn 7 doraidh riu : ' Ni ricthe a leas teckt damsa libh anbhar tfr, ar ita 
gein ocuibh i mbroinn mhna, 7 is d6 domdadh o Dia bur tir-si : is iarna- 
chul bheithi, is d6 f hoighentai 7 folghenus in cenel-sa ua Figennte. IS e bus 
"Patrafc duibh. E,t bidh mor a cata in gein gignith^ 1 lib. Mogenar bias 'na 

1 MS. gignight^r. 


aircill. Et ann inis tall tiar ambeluibh in mara, in fil [fo. 17. b. 2] ait^eabb 

i84oinnte?' ar "Pdtraic, .1. inis Cathaigh. c Ni fil,' ar siat, 'ar ita peisd adh- 

uzthmur innte nach leicc a haitreabad .1. Cathach a hainm.' ' IS am^a,' ar 

Patratc, ' an mind ordain 7 in lia loghmwr 7 in mogh airmz'tntfc^ sainshercach 

oc Dia 7 oc dainibh[.i.] in mcan gignithtf/' 1 ocaibh, aris arachinn coim/ftar 

tald7 na hinnsi ut i n-6ighe, ar is ann bias a eiseirghi 7 eis^ghi sloigh moir 

1 845 do noebuibh 2 maille Hs.' IS ann sin roraidh ~Patraic oc taircetal gene 

Senain : 

Gignidh macan 'san tir thiar 

isin oilen os aician, 
biaidh Corcabatscinn fo la*imh, 

1850 femibh, macaibh <7fj mnaibh. 

Bid 5n, uasal, ordnzV/i 3 
ac Dia <? ag dafnibh: 
moghenar tuath ocus ceall 
bias arcul in meic-sin. 

l8 55 Bidh urdraic airmhitn^c/z in mac sin 4 , ar Ydtraic, f uair dobhera dhoibh .sfdh 
co n-imat gc^a maithi^ja 7 dichur g<2c^ teadhma indlighthigh dia nd^mat 
reir in meic sin .1. noibh 5 -Shen^ gu ndechmhfldfo:^ 7 pnmit[ib] 7 
nuibh do Dia 7 do Shen. Mairg dia manch^^ immorro doghgnat 
aimhreir in m^'c-sin, ar dobera. Dia dighla troma forro intansin, cu mbia 

1860 dith f^a ndai'nibh 7 fora n-indilibh, 7 berthar ith 7 blicht 7 gacJi tor^d 
uathuibh iarsin, co mbeit fo gorta 7 dith, chu recfa each a m#c 7 a i^m a 
cnch/^ ciana ar a mbethug^, mina rabhut doreir Senam. Bidh urgna, 
oirdmdi a clanna isin bith freacnairc dia rabhut da reir.' 

O roraidh ~?dtraic na bnatra-sa, oc tairchetal gene Senam, 7 o raben- 

l86 5nach cnch Corcabais^m/?, fasidhis uasalsacart 7 deoch^^ do Romanch^ 
batar maille fns, M^culat?^ 7 Latiz/.? a n-anmanna, immaille re Corca- 
'Baiscinn da mbaithi^j. Et i n-adaig 6 doro^/atar co fdtraic, it e sin 
dopHtchais^t 7 iris 7 creidium Crist 7 doronsat baithi^j- 7 comna i 
Corco-'Baiscmn. IS ann da??*? rothoghsat na noeibh 8 -sin recles doibh 7 port 

18 7 a n-eis^Vghi do thaeibh puirt Innsi .Cathtfz^don leth tuaidh i n-ercomair Reilgi 
Aingil De, ar rof hetatar ba hi RelzV in Aingil i n-Inis Cath^z^ nobiath esseirghi 
, 7 ba maith leosom .a n-eiseirghi do beith i comhf hoc^ d'eiseirghi 

1 MS. gignighter. 2 MS. noemuibh. 3 MS. ordni/i uasal. 

This and the preceding five words come in the MS. next after the first of these quatrains. 
6 MS. noimh. 6 MS. agazV. 7 dopHtchaidsrf. 8 MS., noeinih. 


Sendin [ind#s] cumadh [fo. 18. a. i] aroen re Semfo rodechsatais do 
mhordail bratka. 

Nir'bho cian iarsin intan boi mordhal Corca-baiscinn ind oenbhaile. 1875 
Tainic dano lanumam docum in airechta. Amal dorocktatur in t-airecht 
adfacht in dral boi isind airectzw rompa. O'tconnc^dar each sin adracht 
in t-oire^ uile rompa, ar ba mor anoir in dnmd acusom isin aimsir-sin. 
Faitbis [iarum] in t-aire<r^ imon drai, 7 atb^tsat fns. ' Ba linn/ ar siat, 
( dodeachflzV/ dhuit Gerrginn aithech 7 a seitig doghnf do ureirghi.' 1880 
Atb^rt in drui : * Ni do aithech doghniu-sa ureirghi, acht [is in] mac fil 
a mbroinn na mna thall, ar ad^esset Corcu-baiscinn uili roime. "IS d6 
fhoighenat. IS e bus flaith doibh cobratk' 

INtan tra thainic aims<?f ghene in meic-sm .1. Senetn, tairisidh a 
mhatkoir [i]na hoenar ina lubhghort fHa deiseabhair na grene, 7 tainic aig^/i88s 
De dia furtactit cona raibhi docair di a tuisnW a meic, 7 bennachais in 
t-aingel in mac ruozd ann. IN t-uaitne cserthuinn bai [ijna laimh oc tuismed 
a meic gabais talam, cu mbai fo blath 7 duille focedair, 7 maraidh beous 
in crann-sin. 

Nir'bho cian [d6ib] iar ngein in meic-si luidh a mdtkair do uisq^i 7 a 1890 
mac le 'na hucht. Tarasair iarum in mhdthair ior lomrad a smer don 
mhuine bui i comfoctts in topatr, ar ba i tus fhoghamhair rogenair Sem&z. 
Doraidh [do^i?] in m<zc remhr^Vfe [fna m.dthair\ asa hucht : ' An de sin, 
a mhdtkair^ ar is proinn riana trath coir insin.' 

Oc Muig [Lacha] dano robhai artus aras 7 orba do tlmrtidhibh 1 1895 
Sendin [riasfu rogenair S<?an]. Bai 2 dano orba n-aill doibh oc TVacht 
T^rmainn. Ata di<ak'# r^ cian et^r in da f horba sin. INtan dano ba hail 3 
do thz/jtidhibh - 1 Sendin imeirghi do dhenam nothicedh Sendn la no da la 
rempaibh do denamh thighi 7 lias 7 mhachad j gach comhnacal cena ricdis 
a leas da bheith urrlamh aracinn. Sen^w immorro is ed rognith-saidhe ar 1900 
dhesheirc cabhair da gack oen ricedh a les, 7 nobith urlam ar cinn a mumteri 
tech nua aigisium. 

Feacht ann fergaighis a mdtkair fnssium imon nf-sin, 7 is ed roratdh 
[fris]: 'A meic claindi 7 ceniuil,' ar si, 'as beg do tharbha dhuin.' 'A 
Trihdthair* ar se, ' dena ffo. 18. a. z] airisiumh 7 rat-fia comnacal.' ' Doair 

' ' U J / 

cebha dhuinne inni-sin/ ol in mhdthair. 'Doaircebha cofir/ ol Sendn. 
Intan tra batar fvrna bHat^aibh-sin ^^nacate^ cuca isind ser na liasa 7 na 

1 MS. thajtighibh. 2 The z in modern ink. -. MS. hal. 



machadha 7 na nascu 7 ind uile comnacal rancatar a leas foiacaibset isin 
baili asa tancatar. Cu rofuirmeadh na bhfiadn^ji isin maighin robo des leo a 

ipiosuidhiugw^. Romoradh dano ainm De 7 Sendm triasin firt-sin. 

Feacht dano lotar Corca-baiscmn tor sluagad a Corcamruadh i Ninduis. 
Bmdh dano nert foireicn<?c# na flatha Sendn isin cnch sin. O rosiactadur na 
sluatg crich Corcamruadh geibid for mnred na cnche. Sendn immorro is ed 
doroine : teit i sabull n-arbha bai i comfhocwjd6, 7 cotlaidh ann cein batar na 

*9*5 sluaig oc innred an tire. IMpoit na sluaig docum a tire fein [i]ar n-indredh 
Corcamruadh doibh. Facuibter Sendn isin t-sabhull ana chodlW ait a raibhe. 
O thainic tra each isin crich deis in t-slttaig [dia nduthazg fein,] is anihlaid 
atces in sabhull i mbui Sendn, ina thor tein^th for las^d. O atces inni-sin 
tainic socraiti mhor dia thesarcain. O thancatar i bhfocus don t-sabhall i mbui 

1920 Bendn ba slan don teinzV. Lotar araile dibh isin t-sabull cotm- 

facatar ind ocl^^ [i]na chotl^. Rotnallsat araili dhibh a ghuin [foc//oir]. 

' Anaidh fHs,' ol in ier maith [issin t-saball,] 'bes is cara no is coibhdealach 

[duinn] fil ann, 7 is he ros-anacht in sabhall.' Rofiafr?^set can d6. 

> Doraidh Sendn ba don t-s\uag roinnr^set in tir do, 7 ni bui cara na 

1925 coibhdealach dh6 isin tir. O ro airigset iarum cur'bo duine cu rath De he ro 
anaicset 7 ro idhnaicset uatha asin cn'ch co himltf^ [e*]. Luidh-sium co 
tech araili fir mhaith i cnch na n-aicme do chuinghidh dhighi, ar ba scfth 7 
ba hitedach oc imdeacht andiaidh J in t-sloig. Bui dano fleadh 2 urlamh isin 
tigh sin [do ri] na tuaithi. Roheradh dano Senan 7 luidh cen biad cen dig 

1930 asin tigh. Tainic [dono f6c//oir] in ri [doc^m an baile] do chaithimh na 
fl^hi [fo. 18. b. j] 'ar n-imthe^t 3 do Sen. INtan dono atcos do taispen^d 
an bhfdh 7 in leanna [is amlaid] frith, na uisq^i bmi 7 na biadh bren. Roin- 
gantaighstft na sluaig in gnim-sin. Doraid in ri : ' Inn dech^zifnech uaibh fo 
era bhidh nd leanna ?' ' Ni dhech^W,' ar siat, ' acht oen gilla do lucht (no ses) 

1935 na creach tainic sunn do chuinghidh dighi, 7 ni tardtfd dho.' Doraidh in ri : 
f Tiaghar andiaidh 1 in duine sin, ar is duine co rath De he.' Docuas andiaidh a 
Sendin, j tucadh dochum an tighi, 7 robennach in biadh 7 in linn, 7 do- 
a mblas coir dhoibh, 7 roingantaighs^t na huili doownuic in 

i 94 o Laa n-aill doluidh Sendn co ndamhaib a athar leis a hUrmy aniar da 
mbreith sair do Mhaigh Locha co nfaca in muir Ian arachinn. Ba foow dano 

3 MS. andiaigh. 2 MS. fleadh. 3 MS. inithecht. 


adhaigh 1 intan sin. Luidh do chuinghidh thighi aeigh^ 2 co Dun Mechairbai i 
comf hocus do. Ni raibhe dano Mechar ina dhiin in a.daig 3 sin, 7 rodhiultsat 
a muntir [ina ecmais] fria Sendn. Luid [do0] Sendn forcula docum in mara, 
do fhunnratdi t^agha, 7 nf raibhi i comfhocus d6 tech ele dia rachad annsin. 1945 
Amhail lotur a dhaimh reme [a tracht in mara] con fhaca in murtraig arachinn. 
Imanazd a dhamha iarum tar in traigh. Am#/ rue [iarsin] Sendn a chosa 
tarsin adhart suas for tir co forcluin in tonn oc bein ria saluibh [dia eis]. 
S6aidh a menma. fris intansin, 7 iss ^roraidh : ' IS lor dam [a fat] i tu \pc\con 
loechdhtf///-so.' Brisidh iarsin in gai bai 'na \dim> 7 dorighne crois de, 7 1950 
saighidh 4 i talmain, 7 slecktaid fo tri aice do Dia. Luidh dana caibhdhen : 
7 roaircset in aidchi 5 -sin dun Mechair, 7 roortsat a mac, 7 raazaT a ben a 
mb^aid ; 7 ni ro haitreabhad osin ille in dun, 7 ni[con]dingentar cobrath. 

Luidh [dano] Sendn co farcuibh a dhamha oca athair, 7 teit iarsin, 7 
geibhidh bachaill o Cassidan carad 6 rogabh recles i cHch Urrais. Do 1955 
Chiarnzz^i Chuirchi, do Cassidan. Leghaidh Sendn a shalma 7 
a ord ecalsa la Cassidan. 

Luidh Sendn do leg^d cu Notail cu Cill Manach D^oichit i Cnch 
Qsraigi. Ba he, immorro ord bai ocun scoil .1. notheighedh cech fer don 
scoil in la rosoigs^d d6 [fo. 18. b. a] inghaire Isegh na cille. IN la 1960 
dorala do Sendn techt do inghaire na Isegh intan no imain^^h a Iseigh roime 
il-leth-sea ticdis na bai [i]nandiaidh 7 . Intan noiman#d na bai il-leth n-aill 
ticdis na laeigh 'nandiaidh 7 . IS hi comhairle doroine Sendn fnssodhain. 
Dorad t6ruinn dia bachaill etarra 7 na laeigh 7 tar in rmVugh a mbatar, 7 ni 
lamd net^tar dhe tzckt do shaig^s? araili tar in torainn-sin, 7 roghnithiges 
Sendn amlaid sm gack la rosoich^do ingaire na laegh. T&ghedh 8 da^<? Sendn 
do denum a leighinn iarsin co ticedh trath tabarta, na mbo dia n-innis. 

O rochualtf Sendn a radh do Crist fna aps[t]akit, Si quis inter uos uult 
maior fieri, sit uester minister [et seruus,] roghabh do laim don scoil 
athaighidh [in muilind]. Iftiadam nuna [7 gorta] moiri in \>liadain sin. 1970 
Bat<2^ [&ano da] latrainn isin cnch oc slait chaich. Roraidhset i n-araile 
aidchi 9 : ' Cidh doghniaid innocht do iaraidh neich 10 ddn ? ' ' Raghma/t/ 
ar fer dhibh, { do mhuileann Cille Man^c^, ar bidh aeinfer ann ce<f^ n-aidchi J1 
oc bleith arbha, 7 oircfimit an fer-sm, 7 doberam cucainn in t-arbur.' Lotar 
[iarum] cu mbatay a ndorus in mmlinn. Fegait tna tholl na comla con fha- 1975 

1 aghaidh. 2 seidh^. s aga/d. * MS. saidhidh. 5 MS. aighthi. 6 leg. ancharad (?) 
7 MS.nandiaigh. 8 MS.teidhed. 9 MS.aigthi. "MS.neith. ll MS. naighthi. 

I 2, 


catar in dias isin muilinti, indalanae oc leighiunn, araile oc trathairec&t an 
mhmlmn. Atberut iarsin eturra : ' Cidh doghenum 1 ? In bhfoiberam na 
fira?' 'Ni fhoiberam,' ol siat, 'dr in fer fil oc bleith is leis fesin in t-arbur 
mheiliatf, 7 ni hinann muinter dhoibh, 7 raghaidh dia thigh acht cu roisc dh6 

1980 a bleith^, 7 raghmtfzt 'na dhiaidh 2 , 7 oircfimft he, 7 bermait linn a arbhur 
7 a fhodhbh, 7doragham iarsin [dojcum in muilleora 7 oircfimit he", 7 bermait 
a arbur uadh.' Roansat iarsin gu tairnic in bleithech. Scoiris [da0] in 
t-oc\ack bui og bleith in arbha [issjin muilmn. ladhais Sendn a 
leabhur 7 contuil. Bui a chele cen codlud. Anuid na ladrainn 

J 9 8 5 a ndorus in muilmn co maduin. O thainicc [da;zo] in madan osluicid Sendn 
in muilenn. Tmiid na ladrainn chuige [f6o#oir] isin muilenn 7 doraidhset 
fHs : [fo. 19. a. i] ' Cia robui itt famzd cein ron-boi ic leiginn 7 ic codlud? ' 
' Nir'bo mac^t[n]adh,' or Sendn, ' cid he nobeth ann, inti dia n-ebhradh Now 
dormitabit 3 neq dormiet 4 qui c^jtodit Israhel.' ' Caide-sidhe ? ' ar [s]iat 

1990 sum. 'Atd i bhfogzw,' ar Sendn, { ut dicitur Praesto 5 est [Dominus] om- 
nibus inuocantib^j se.' Doghniat immorro aitrighi na latrainn, 7 rolaiset 
in aentaidh 6 re Notail, 7 rof heidhlighset iarsin [i]na chomhaide^/ cein ba.tar 
beo, 7 it iat fein ro innis in sc//-sin. 

Aidche 7 n-aill doluidh Sendn do cuinghidh cainnel c^^in coic do bleith 

1995 in arbha. ' Ni fhileat coinnle tumtha agam/ or an coic, ' acht aenchainneal, 
7 b^r-si Iat coleic, 7 b^rthar cainnli duzt acht co tumthar.' Luid as Sendn 
dia. mmlinn 7 a senchainnel lais. Focmi menma. in coca thairis cur'bhi 
slan a sechtm#zVz. IS ann doraidh in coic: 'IS maenad linn na tic in 
muilleoir do chuinghidh cainneal 7 se ic bleith g#c n-aidhchi 8 .' Luid didiu 

2000 i tos^c^ aidche 9 dia fhis cinn^j nomeileadh ctck n-aidhchi 8 , 7 fegaidh tna 
tholl na coml^ co n-acca, in cainnealbra occa 7 in muilenn for bleith a oenar, 
7 sesium oc denam a leighinn. Luidh as in coic iarsin d[i]a thigh. Dothoet 
dano ar/s arabaruch im iarmheirghi dia fhis cinn.y dom-both isin mhuihww. 
Con-aca in cainneal cetna fora cainnelbra feibh robhui tos#c^ aidhchi 9 . 

2005 Luidh dano in coic dia thigh in fecht-sin, 7 dotoet doridisi co n-acai samlazW. 
Roscaich la sodhain in bleith, 7 scoires in muilenn a senar 7 dobmir in 
cainnel don coic. Ba derbh immorro lasin coic [ann side] ba si in cainnel 
t&cadh uad robhui oc Sendn ar caithimh ce^ n-oidhchi 10 co cenn sechtmainz 
7 nf ro didhbhadh. Teit in coic dano 7 atfet do Notail innf sin. f As mac 

Meg. dodnum(?) 2 MS. ndiaigh. 8 MS. dormitauit. * MS. dormiat. 6 MS. ipsi. 
* MS. aentaigh. 7 MS. Aigthe. 8 MS. naighthi. 9 MS. aighthi. 10 MS. noighthi. 


raith do Dia,' ar Notail, ' in ier isa scela sin. Timaircfidh muinntzV do Dhia. 2010 
Dogena Dia mor do fertuibh 7 do mhirbuil/^ aire. As coir bheith } na f hait- 
chiwj, air bidh mairg donti dogena a aimreir. Mogenar dontf bus riarach dh6.' 

Luid Sendn laithe Id aidi, la Notail, for tints [fo. 19. a. a] co Cill Mh6ir 
Arad Tire. Amal rancatar dorus na cille con f hacater in sochraite ndmnhair 
oc caine 7 oc toirrsi .1. sznmac tuisigh na tuaithe robo marb acu 7 se icaaois 
bmth dia adhnacul. O'tconncatar na cleirzg- andocum ansat aracinn, 7 
roraid in ben fHu : ' Ar an Coimdhi dia n-adhraidh, a cldrchu, todhuiscidh 
[damsa] mo mac marbh ! ' ' Monuar dhuit, a ben,' ar Notail, * a n-atbere : is 
la Dia a chonmy in gnima sin 7 ni la duin'e.' ' Ar bhaide 7 ar trocaire,' 
ar in ben, ' ailidh-se lemsa an Coimdi-sin cu ro thodhuisce damsa mh'aenmtfc;' 2020 
7 do b^r[ad] in mac a bhfhiadhnzi Notail [iarsin], ' Na tuc ille in mac,' 
ar Notail, ' acht tabair do Shenan.' ' A mo shruith,' ar Sendn, l ni coir a 
n-atbm.' ' As coir eicin/ ar Note//, ' ar is duit roceduigh Dia todz&cadh in 
mheic, et geibh in m<zc fot coim, ar as ced duit' Ni lamhair Sendn 
friththairisium [fri Notdil] fna aidi. Gaibhidh [dao] in mac foa coim, 7 ro- 3025 
dhlutiiatg-fria cndhe,7 doghni erna^thi ndicra [air] mailte di?mibh. Nir'bhd 
cian tra gu cualatar in m#c oc labhra fa coim Sendin, 7 dorat [S^dn] in 
mtfc beo do Notail. Dorat Notail il-ldimh a mhdthar. Romor^d ainm 
De" 7 Notail 7 t-Sendin tnasin bhfirt-sin. Lotar iarum na clein^- dia cill 
fein o rogleset in les fHsa tancaten 2030 

Roleth t^-a clu Sendin fona cricha da gach \et\i ara m\\et d'f^rtuibh 7 
do mirbuilibk doghnith Dia aire. Ticdis na tuatha 7 na cenela as g#c aird 
ina dh6cum : foirenn dibh co n-almsanatd& j co //duthrat^taibh, foirenn aile do 
chuinghidh almsan, teirenn do cuinghid a n-ictha o gallr/^, foir^^ do 
ghabhail a anmcairdiz^ra, foirenn da cur an-aentad - 1 fHs 7 do ail cu roghabad 2035 
mad reampaibh. O roairigh Notail innisin roraidh fna Sendn : ' A brathair 
mmam, as mith^f duit dul do ghabail inaidh riasin popztl Ml 'god togha.' 
Doraidh Sendn \dano fria Notail] : ' A athair, a Notail, ni coir inni itbm[d,] ar 
ni hedh sin domidar-sa acht bheith i mainchine acutsa dogres.' Doraidh 
Note//: ' Ni \\amb\aid bias, acht eirg 7 geibh baile [fo. 19. b. i] risin pop^/2040 
fil 'gut furnaidhi.' ' A athuir thogaidhi,' ar Sendn^ ' cidh norag 7 cia hairm 
i n-gebh inadh 1 ' Doraidh Notail : ' A meic mmam, faillsighfidh d/t inti fil 
'gud togha [.i. Dia] in maigin a n-gebha.' 

LuiDH Sendn [iarsin] do comhairli a aid! (.1. Note//) i cenn sh//a 7 

1 MS. ansenta. 


Ntftail a benntf^/ain d6, 7 geibhidh Sendn a n-Inis Coirthe 1 do 
thaeibh na Slaine i crich Ua Cennsil^. Doghni da;z0 aentaidh 2 7 Moedh- 
oc Fmia Moire. Timnuid Maedoc a baili dia eis do Sendn 7 a bachtf/7/, 7 
geibhidh aipdine Ferna deis Moedoc. 

Teit asa apdhaine do Roirn. Teit [done] o Roim d'acalduim Martan cu 

3050 Torinis. IS ann robhui Martan oc scribhiunn t-soscelai arachinnsom. IS 
ann roraidh Sendn : ( Ropadh amra lium comtais iat na lamha ut atcfm 
ocon scribenn doberad sacarbaic dam i laithe mo eitsechta.' 'Bidh iat 
ecin/ or Martaw. Et doghniat a n-aentozV/ ann sin, .1. Sendn 7 Marten, 7 
dob*?z> Ma.rtan do Sendn i comartha a n-sented in soisc//a roscribh aracinn. 

2 S5 IS essidhe sosc// Sendin inniu. 

Luidh Sendn iarsin do saig^ l&xenn [co toracht] cu Cill Muine co 
D<2#zd. Doronsat a n-sentaz</ annsin D<z#zd 7 Sendn, 7 dorat D#/d a bachaill 
do Sendn a comartha a n-aen^z^/. 

Luidh iarsin Sendn for muir do shaig^ TLirenn, 7 gabais ind ailen Arda 

2060 Neimz<3% 3 i crich Ua Liathain, 7 anaidh annsin fria re .xl. la 7 aidhchi 4 , gur' 
f haillsigh Dia do in#d a eis^ghi. Tainic Raphel archaing*?/ d'agall#z'#2 
Senam, 7 doraid fris : ' Viriliter age 5 et ^wfortetar cor tuum, quia ad te 
Domtmis tantam familiam owgr^gabit. Eirg da;^, 7 geib in0d risin morpopul 
fil [a]gut fornuidi.' ' Ceist, [do;z^, 5 ] ol Senan, ' cia leth norag, 7 cia baili 

2065 i m-bia mo eis^rghi ?' ' Ni tainic d&z't cu sodhain,' arin t-aingel, ' ar ita do Ifn in 

pepatl dorinolat chucat cu n#c^ tallat ocut ind oenbhaili. Conudh aire sin 

gebha-sa congbhala imdha artus, 7 roseis iarsin cu maighin i m-be h'eiserghi. 5 

Facbz^ Sendn d^echt dia munttr ann sin, 7 luid for forcongra in aingil 

cu rainic Inis Cara i toibh Luae, 7 fofaaigis eclats do Dia ann. IS ann 

2070 tanctfdar lucht luinge a tiribh Letha dia n-oilitre ind Ein, coicca fer 6 a lin 
uili [fo. 19. b. 2] do ass foirfe. Rotog didiu gack decfmebat dib a menmarc 
do naebuib 7 ILremt, 7 rolaiset fora muintemr riasiu tistais asa n-duthatg fein, 7 
rolaiset forro ainecr^j a n-indtige 7 a n-imtechta co toirsitis EnVm .1. la co 
n-oidce do gach ceitinz gusa naob 8 asa muifnjdterz/j 1 notogad do luamairec^^ 

2075 a n-imramo co roised each gttsa. noeb 9 doraega 10 . It e do^^ naoib doraegatar ll 
.1. Findia 7 Senan 7 Brenainn 7 Ciaran 7 Bairrei. Al-la dono doralo do 
mui[n]dtir t-Shenatn enechrz/j an imramaj roraid an luamaire : 'Cuich 12 an la- 

1 Inis-conirthe, Golg. 532, col. 2. 2 MS. sentaigh. s Ardmenedh, Colg. 532, col. i. 
4 aighthi. 5 MS. agite. 6 MS. .x.n 7 MS. nsemuib. 8 MS. naom. 

9 MS. noem. 30 MS. doraga. " MS. naoim doragatar. - 12 MS. cuith. 


so aniu ? ' * La muindt^e Senain,' ar siat. ' Torced cobair coluath uadaib 
mata ocaib nech nos-toire, ar dorala an gaeth [cohamnzAr] anarnagaid.' At- 
rachtesp0 umal 1 dibfocAoir,7 ased doralo ana laim cnaim na lairge air,dir as 2080 
{ uair roba-iur ag proindech^; 7 bendachuis in aer 7 atbert: 'A t-Senain,tiged 
cobair goluath, 7 tset an gaeth ina coir.' roraidh esp^ Mula na bnat&ra-so 
tarla in gaeth [i]nandiaidh 2 isin bhrut, owus-tarla 'na feth choir, cu roghabhsat 
ic Corctfz^". Anuit a mhuindt^ la Barrae. Lotar olcena cu Sen^frz, co hlnis 
Cara, 7 ba foikWfV'iu, 7 ans^t aice a mumter fein .1. esp^ (loh)din 7 esp<?2o8s 
Mula a ndeichenbw*, 7 tiagw uadh la mttmtir co Finnia 7 Ciaran 7 Brenainn. 
IS AND sin tancz/j o righ Raithlind .r. o ILugatd Cfchech, do cuingidh 
arrad co Sendn, Doraidh Sendn fHsna techta nach biath fo chis do righ 
talmawda. Ba lon# la Lug<2/^ ind aithesc-sin, 7 doraidh re muintir: 
'Beiridh mo each mbuadha cusm clfrech, 7 biattar ar arbz^r aice hi.' 2090 
T^cadh iarsin in t-ech co Sendn, 7 t^cadh a lind in proinntighi dia fothractfd, 
7 baitter a c//oir in t-each isin linn, con ndces di acht a cara uasin lind ; 
iwzadh de dogarar [an baile .1.] Inis Cara, ar ba Tuaim n-Aba a hainm cosin. 
O rohindisedh do "Lugaid a ech do bhadh^ doluidh co bhfetrg 7 
lonn#.y co Sendn, 7 baghaidh fHs cum6r. Fergaighi^j Senan fna "Lugaid, 2095 
7 doraidh na gebhtha righi cubrath uadh ior Uaib Echach, et doraidh [fris] 
beous nogheted nem 7 talntain aire'mina thug^d a reir dho. Dobatar \mmorro 
da dhalta ag Lvgaid .1. JEdh 7 Lseghaire, 7 doraidhset[-side] ris : ' Tabhuir a 
oighreir don cl/^c^.' Dorat iarsin Lugatd a oighreir doibhsen 7 do Sendn, 
7 facbhuidh Sendn ordan [fo. ao. a. i] dogr^s for cloinn Luig<sfor/&. Dorat da^^ 2100 
^Edh 7 Lseguiri a oighreir do Sendn, et forfacuibh Sendn doibsium rigi Hua 
n-Echacti ocu dog^ss cen tiactain eatarra cein doghneat reir Shendin. Cunad 
de sin rochan an file cp rath nDe .1. Colman m^c Lenin, an laidh: 

Aeinis Senan tes ind alien Arda Neimidh, 

fHa crabudh ceart, cidh nac^ commaith ba feacht feidhil. 2105 

Feidhligi^j ann cethr<a:c^a la la fir-Fiadhait 

nogu tainic Raphel zingel cruth adfiadhait. 

Asrubart ris Raphel aingeal ro ataire 

a>a tesseadb, taghraim sonae, do Tuaim Aibhe. 

Fothaighm,s altoir iar suidhiu isin tuaim-sin 2IIO 

la breithir nDe feidhlz^z^ r6 s isin ruaim-sin. 

Raitti rissium o Lugaz'd lonn lith co maithgreim 

farath* co mbngh cen na^ d^ochrainn do righ Raith/wm. 

Asbert Sen^ frisna te^/aibh tog^aim n-allmhar 

* leg. Mula (?) 2 MS.diaigh. 3 MS. se. Meg. arradh (?) 


2115 nach beth fo chis, na fa fbghnam do righ talmhan. 

Lotar a ieckta. co Lughuidh cosin n-aithesc: 

so&fc/ais forro cen r&ch n-aithi#sc coir a cleithescc. 

[Bui ech anwa lassin Lugaid, fer co ndeine, 

aille da each ni fnth arambeth and-6ire.] 
2120 'Beiridh mh'ech-sa cusm c\&rech, lith nolabhrad, 

tre" breithir nrtwais cu robiattar lais ar arb^r.' 

Cosin anall ba hedh 1 a hainm, Tuaim na hAbha, 

conudh de ata iar suidhiu, Inis Cara. 

Doluid anes riu ri Raiiblenn, ruathar nuallath, 
2125 arbeluibh caich 3 g#r-rabidh fria Sendn sluaghach. 

IS edh isbert risin cleirech LugozV? Gfcheach 3 

tre labhra lonn a bhreith a n-uisci trom thirech. 

Fobith a n-asb^rt fria* Senan, sasadh nallmhar: 

'nf seol sidhe, ni gebhthar uait righi talmati. 
2130 Ni gebhthar uait righi rathach, ruathar creachach, 

tre breithir naeib 8 ni bat suthach ar ib Eachach 6 . 

Acht mina thabra mo rr-sea, gnim gun glanbhail, 

radh asrobhart ge"tad 7 orat nemh is talmoz.' 

'Nocha maith doghni-si, a LugzV/, gnim gu ngartghail, 
2135 Sen^w soer sreidh tabaz'r do a reir,' ar a daltaibh. 

Tabflzr a oighr^zV don cMrech, cmth rotechta, 

cen lab^a len, curap seel co deireadh mbeatha.' 

Dorad Lugaz'd reir do Sheanan ara bhfuighl^, 
[fo. 20. a. 2.] dobreth fir orda fon fogUach do clainn ~L\\\gdech. 
2140 [O dor6nsat 6grefr Senain, sassad samric&t, 

in dfs marsen ^d ocus Laegaire laindreach.] 

O doronsat oighr^/V ShenazVz rointe 8 aiiFrinn 

dob^rt doibh la sidhe 9 is sochlainn righe Raithlinn. 

Asrubhairt bnathar ind apstail shxrus ssetha 
2145 righi nat baeth d'JEdh is do Lxguzre Isechdha. 

O roclai-sium cath for deman ni len claoine 

m6r do ghradhaibh doratad dh6 daltaibh aine. Ainlus. 

FORfacuibh Sendn iarsin ochtur dia mumtzr a n-Inis Caro im Cillfn 
7 im Fheichin, mac saidhe righ M^^craighi 10 7 dalta do Sendn h6. LuiD 
2150 Sen iarsin la foramgra nDe cu roghabh a n-Inis Luinge, 7 fofhaigis eclats 
innti. IS ann sin tancatar na noebhdgha 11 adhochum .1. ingena Brenainn 
righ o bhFigeinte, 7 ros-idb^ait do Dia 7 do Shen#'/z. Ba hi sin pnmit 
Eogana^ta Gab^a do Senan. Facbaidh Sendn vsxum in reckj[-sin] leosom. 

'MS.sedh. 2 MS.caigh. s MS. cigheach. *leg.fris(?) 6 MS.naeim. 6 leg.arinbeathach(?) 
7 leg. g^tar. 8 leg. sloindti (?). 9 leg. sfdh. 10 MS. m^jc^aidhi. u MS. noemh6gha. 


LuiD Sendn asside co hlnis Moir ind Incus DeisczVt. T$QMS-beir in gseth 2155 
seice cu rogabsat a n-Inis Tuaisceirt. Anais Sendn i suidhiu 7 fofaaigis 
eclats do Dhia innte 7 facbais dr echt dia mumtir innti. 

LUID S*ra&* iarsin cu roghaibh a n-Inis Moir 7 fothagffr ecl0& innti. 
Tipra asa tabdrtha us^ doibh, doluidh ben do lucht na hindsi do nighe * 
eduigh a meic [i]na docum. Atconnaic [do#0] espoc Se"tna innfsin, 7 roraidh : 2160 
' IS olc in gnfmh ut.' ' Cfa gnfmh sin ? ' ar Liber* mac Daill. f Bannscal 
ag nighi eduigh a meic asin tip^ait asa tabarr usce oiffrind dun/ * Dochoidh 
a owe [uaithi] dar or n-ir*,' ar Libert. IS ann [da#<?] bai in mac intansin 
oc cluichi for bru inn aille i bhfiadhnw^e a mdthar. Dof huit in mac isind all. 
Goiter in bannscal andiaidh 2 a meic. 'IS olc dhaibh in dunorcuin do 2165 
denumh/ ar Sendn. ' Atdamam pennait forainn,' ar siat. Doraidh Sendn : 
' Eirigh-si, a escuip Setnai, ar ita fochunn duit a mbasug#<a? in mheic, 7 beir. 
lat Libhenzn, 7 facaib 6 for an carraic gu r&ca Dia "breitk fair, 7 tuc lat 
a m^c don mhndi.' Luidh esp^ Setna cu farcoibh Lib^m in a carraic, 
7 luidh for iarair in meic, cu bhfuair isinn orcel i raibhi, [fo. 20. b. i] 7 862170 
oc cluichi fHsna tonna .1. doroicdis na tonna adochum cu tibhtis uimme. 
Nothibhedh som fHsna tonnuibh, 7 dob^readh a bhais fria huan na tonn, 
7 rolighedh am'tf/.uan lemhndr^tfa, et bui in mac annsin on t^ath co araile. 
Geibhidh espoc Setna in mac chuigi isin noi, 7 dobeir do $endn, f f dobeir 
Sendn dia mdtkair. Doraidh Sendn fria. hespac Setna: ' Eirg 7 tuc ILibern 2175 
asin carraic, ar atciu is coindircleach a bmthium frls. Ni tic in muir chuice 
fot a bhachla g#ca lethi uad.' Luidh iarsin esp<? Setna, 7 dob^V ILibern 
lais asin carraic co hairm i m-bui Sendn. 

Doraidh Lib^m : ' Ni md dhun cianobeimls inn aice neich im usce sunn 3 . J 
' IS arafiad duitsi,' ar Sendn, ' ar ita tipra fot cosaibh isin bhaile i tai. Saidh 2180 
do bhachaill ra taebh do coisi isin ta\main j dothep^Hea us^ dmt 3 
L,ibem a bhachaill la taebh a choisi isin talmam, 7 doeipHnn foc/foir 
firuisce asin maighin-sin, 7 is he a hainm, Tipra Libern^. 

Doraidh esp^ Dalann : { As cnata bnsc in talam[-so] : nochnaife in muir 
7 bzraid leis ar reilgi-ne : ni maith in baili eiseirghi dun.' ' Nib amlaid sin 2185 
bias,' ar L,ibern, ' acht tabhair mu da bhonn-sa fHsin muir intan doghenaidh 
mo adn^cal, 7 nom-bia-sa o Dhia na brisfe in muir in talmain sin osin amach ;' 
et rocomaill^ aml^'^. 

FACBAIDH Sendn zspoc Dalann 7 esp0e Setnai 7 esp0 Eire 7 Lib<?m 

1 MS. nidhe. 2 MS. ndiaigh. 3 This is corrupt : see the various readings. 



2190 mac in Daill 7 araili fir noebu 1 maille frlu a n-Inis Moir, et doluidh Sendn 
cor'ghabh a n-Inis C&irec/i [C^oil,] 7 facbuidh drecht dia mumtir indti. Do- 
luidh Sendn assin cu roghaibh a n-Inis Connla i crich Ua Setna, 7 fothaigzs 
eclats ann, et focb0z<s?h dfs dia T& ann .1. espoc Fiannai 7 esp0 Findein. 
IS AND sin tainic Raphel archai#g<?/ d'acalk# Sendin, 7 roraid : ' Tair 

2I 95 learn co rofaillsigzw dawt bhaile i mbia h'eseirg^i, ar is mith^f la Dia a rocktain 
duid.' Lotar iarum Sendn 7 in t-ai?zg^/ cu mbatar fry mullach Feis 2 . IS 
annsin doraidh in t-aingel fns : ' Feg lat in n-indsi tall : is innti bias 
h'eis^V-ghi [fo. 2,0. b. 2] 7 eis^Vghi shlcSigh mhoir do nsebhuib 3 maille frit. Ni 
f hil a n-iarthar betha ail*# is noeibe 4 . Ni dernad tocradh De" ann. Rof haidh 

2200 j)^ a pg-jgjj adhuathmhur da imchoimhet cona ro aitreabdaiss coraidh nait meic 
mallacfttan. innti, ^^ gu mbeth a naeibe 5 ardochindsa. Docuirfither romatsa 
in bh&sd lit asinn alien na rocraide do r&uintir [a] comaitriubh fHe, ar is 
mithz^- la Dia do dhul-sa do chumhd#c^ ecalsa isin n-oilen sin. Bidh uasal 
airmheitnc& an ecI^V-sin. Bidh cenn crabhuidh 7 bidh topur ecna. iarthair 

220 5 betha. [Bid din attaig do Ga\laib 7 do Gsedealaib].' Roraid Sen^ fnsin 
n-alngel: 'As mith?^ leamsa innf is mithz^la Dia, ar is <?^^naigim-si 6 dogras, 
inni is tol do Dia.' La sodhain tocbhait na haingil leo he C2$in lice cloichi 
ior a mbidh [i]na shuidhi do Mhullach Fessi, cu rofhuirmit for tulaig aird a 
medon na hindsi, ^udh de sin ita Ard na nAi??g^/ 7 Lee na nAig<?/ a 

2210 n-Inis Czthaig. Canait molad do Dhia isin maighin-sin .1. Sendn ~J na 
haig7, 7 \oiar iarsin do shaig/^ na piasda c&ran in^rd a raibhe an p^isd. 

O'tchual^anpeisd iat,rocraith[a cend],ja.dractitaguam fuirre7 agairbh- 
driuch, 7 ros-feg co hains^g ainniardhai. Nir'bh6 ciuin, cairdemz7 3 cennais 
in feg#d doratforro, ar ba hingnad le nech aile da hindsaigz# ina hindsi [g?/j-in 

22I S dalla sin.] Doching dono a n-andochum cotrni 7 cotairptec^, cu rocrithnuigh 
in talam foa cosaibh. Ba heitigh, anaithn^ angbhuidh, adhuathmhar an 
mil doeirz^ 1 ann. [Ba sithiter a corp aile"n na urclaide.] Alrrter eich 16 : rose 
lo'mdreck lasamail 'na cinn os sf feigh feochuir fichda fergach faebhrach 
fordherc fuilidhe firamhn^j ftyluaimhnech. Ba doigh la nech is trit 

222o n otheig^d a rose intan rosilW fair. Da chois urgrana imremra foithe 

[i]ar n-airrter. Ingne i&maidi fuirre doboingdis frasa tein^^h asna hail[ch]ibh 

cloiche airm i cingdis tarrsa. Anal tenntidhi 7 le, noloiscedh amal grls. 

Midhbolg aice cosmhuil re bolg-sidhe. Eithre muirmhil fuirre iar n-iartar. 

Ingne frithrosca iarnaidhi [fo. ai. a. i] forra-saidhe. Nolomraitis fcrrusc in 

1 MS. noemu. 2 Tese, Colgan. s MS. n^mhuib. * MS. noeime. 

5 MS. nseime. 6 MS. rtwaidimsi. T MS. teinntighi. 


talmhan leo in conmr notheighdis andeghaidh na p/asta. IS cuma noimthi- 2225 
ghedh muir 7 tfr intan ba hal df . Rof hiuchaddidiu in fairrce ar mh// a brotha 
7 ara n[d]eimhn^i intan nocingedh innte. Nf is n-etfaitis ethra, ni t/rnai 
uaithi 6sin inall nech atfess^ a sc&a. O doro^/ iarum an pe*isd cufeochair 
czwin maigin i mbui Sendn, oslazddh a craes cu mb6 reiil a hm&thar [d'fhaic- 
sin] tar in croes docum in clein^. Dothocuib Sen<^2 a laimh la sodhuin, 7 2230 
dob^rt sigm croichi Cm/ [i]na hagh^w? 1 . Sochtais in pheisd iarsin, et is edh 
so rardid Sendn fna : ' Atbmm fnut,' ar s^, ' ind ainm an Athar 7 an Mate 
7 in Sp/r&> N^"b, facuibh an n-indsi-sea, 7 ni d^rna urchoit isin cnch tarsa 
raghai na isin crich cosa ricfa.' Luidh acedair in -ptist la b^eithir Sendin 
asind aildn gu riacht Dubloch Sl/^i Collain, 7 ni d^ma urc^'d do neochaass 
co rainic sin na iar rochtain, dr ni lamhair teckt tar breithir Sendin. 

LOTUR datto iarsin Sendn 7 na haingil for deisil timcheall na hindsi cu 
rancatar aris Ard na nAi^g*?/. Iar coisecrad doibh na hindsi, doraidh 
Sendn fHsind aingel: 'Is amhn^^ in muir fil imon indsi, ar doigh popul 
imnedack indti.' ' Gidh amhm^y,' ol in t-amgel, ' gebe manach co n-umla224o 
craidhe raghz^ fri herlathar uaitsi ni baithfidir co tora cucat doridhisi.' 
' Roir Dia duit/ or in t-ai#g/, ' ni ba hithfern^c^ iar mbrath anti dara ragha 
uir na hinnsi-si.' 

[Is ann atbert in t-aingil in rann-so : 

Muir n-ard n-^inbtheaA seoch a taeb 2245 

debrad nocha rigda d6il 
nf blais[fe] pendaid acht ecc 
inti tara t# a huir.] 

O ROclosfona tuath# an scel-sin.i. Sena^ do aitr^ a n-Inis Cath^z^ 7 
d'innarba na p/iste aisdi, O Rocuala immorro M^c Tail, ri Hua Figeinti, an 2250 
scel-sin, rofherguigh [gumor,] 7 is ed roraidh: 'Cia rolamhair,' ar se, 
' aitr^3 mo thire-sea cen deoin damh ? ' Faidhis a rechtaire uadh cu roghaibh 
ar braitnbh Sendin .1. ar Chsel 7 ar Liath, co Tzdingbhaitis a mbrathair donn 2 
innsi. Lotar-saidhe don indsi co Sendn, 7 doraidhset fris : ( IS dot 
bmth-si asin innsi-si thancam^r-ne, [fo. ai. a. a] ar rothubh ri Hua-Figennte 2255 
frind. Atbeir is leis an indsi-sea 7 innse Luimnigh olcena.' ' IS deimhin,' 
ol Sendni ' ni ba leis an indsi-sea, 7 ni ba m6 a chuit dona hinnsibh olcena 
oldas mo chuid-si.' ' IS deimhin, tra,' ar a braitri fHssium, ' is zicen duinne 
do bhreit-si asin indsi.' Geibidh iarsin cec^tfar dhe a lamha 7 rotairrngit leo 

1 MS. hadhaztf. 2 leg. asinn (?) 

K 3 


3260 ar eicin taran carraic sis. Ba tergach dldiu boi frissium, Gael oca seeing 

fn's frisna clocha cur'brisedh uile. ' Cidh tai/ ar Gael fria Liath, ' na tairrnge 

in ier-so maille frium ?' c Ni dhigen,' ol Liath, ' as aithra:^ learn a nd^rnas 

fns.' Da mad do dhenam gnima ele thista is amlaid [sin] dogenta. Cidh 

armadh ferr lat do thir diles do breith uait inas breith an gilla-so asin tfr 

2265 nach leis ? As usa lium[sa],' ar Liath, ' cidh facbhail na \iEArenn inas sarugud 

ind fir-si.' ' Ni ba heio^z,' ol Sendn, ( air ait^eabhfuidh do clann addiaidh 1 

an tfr. In fer ut charj an tfr ni aitrebha fein na a clann dia eis, 7 bidh 

tttsa nos-melfa.' L,otar iarum as, 7 facbhait Sendn ina innsi. Amal roslacht 

Gael doms a lis ind Ochtar Maigi Fochailleach luidh do dhianbhas. O't- 

227oconnaic Liath innf-sin luidh co Sendn arfs 7 doghni aithngi. Doraidh 

Sendn [fri Liath] : * Ni sechbhaidh duit [indi doronaiss] cen aentaidh fria Gael, 

dr ni bhadh shia do shseg#/ [ina Coel], 7 roba[d] didhb^ do clann! Doraidh 

"Liatk re Sendn : ' In tibhirt^r carp in truaigh ut cucat ? ' { Ni tibirt^r,' ar 

Sendn> ' dr nf cubaidb. a ainim ag Diabhul 7 a corp liumsa : acht adnaicter 

2275 isin tiAaig- i torchair.' Rohadhn^^^ ia.rum Gael isin maigin-sin, 7 rodidhb^t 

a cltf/m dia eis, 7 ata a thir la Sendn. 

LUIDH da0 a rechtaire co Mc Tail, 7 atfet a sce*la dho. Ba bronacfc 
Mac lail dona scelaib-sin, 7 roraid : ' IS saoth liu'm,' ar se, ' in bachlach 2 ut 
do ghab^z'/ form ar iicin' Adubairt a dhriiidh fnsin righ : ' Ni rice a leas a 
2280 shnfmh fort, ar dober-sa s6n chuigi, 7 atbela no fuicfidh do thfr latsa.' Ba 
f&\lid in ri don aithiusc sin, 7 luidh in drai iarum, 7 dobeir da chairpthech in 
righ i n-eccor for Sendn, ~j scorais isin maighin ba togha lais isinn innsi. 
Luid iarsin co hairm [fo. 21. b. i] i mbai Sendn, 7 rochan brechta [i]na agaid, 
7 doraidh : ' Facuib an tfr lasin se"n-sa. s Doraidh Sendn [frisseom] : 
2285 'Doro at cenn do shena. 

is fortsa bus mela. 
ba at tru cen deilm ndina. 
is tusa. not-bla. 

' IS treisi an sen tuc&j-sa lim, 3 ar Sendn, c j is ferr mo dhan. 5 ' Biaidh 

2290 nf dia fesamur,' ol in d^ai, 'ar doghen-sa innozwa nf na^ dingne-siu. 5 

'Ni dingne-sa nf do maith etz'r,' ar Sendn, ( r\ach dingen-sa. Ce^ olc 

doghena cuirfidh Dia leamsa forculai.' Dorat in d^-ai doirche darsin 

ngrein conack fo/cedh nech aighedh a che*li isind innsi. Senais Sendn 

na dorcha co ndechatar as foc/foir cumba solus. Dorat an d^ai toirnzV^ 

22957 saignenu imdha 7 cumasc mor isind aer. Senais Sendn sin uili, 7 

1 MS. addiaigh. 2 MS. inbathlach. 


berthe forculai. O nar'chumhaing in drai do Sendn, luidh asind inis 
7 doraidh re Sendn : ' Nachat-aicim-sea armochinn sunn intan tfos arfss.' 
' Cidh theighi-siu ? ' or Sendn. ' Il-leth tdighim 1 ,' ol in drai, ' ni f he- 
draissi 7 ni fheisir cun ticabh, [7 can doxrag do d6ctim arfs]. * Ma rof hetar- 
sa,' or Sendn, 'nf ticfa tusa aris 'san tfr asa t&ghi 2 , 7 ni ba soinmhech duit 
isin tir i ricfa.' LUIDH as iarsin an drai la feirg, 7 dolbhazs chiaigh uime 
ar na haiceasda cu mbai i nDairinis .1. inis bui arbel<z$ Innsi Caihaig 
anairdhes. IS airi dochuaidh innti, [ardaig] co ndighsedh i formnai a dhana 
innti, 7 cu rothochuired^ demhna dia fhoiridhin, ar nir'lamhstft demhnai 
tQchta dia fhoiridin mdagaid Sendin. O rosiact tra, an d^ai cu mboi isind 2305 
inis tic in muir tairrsi 7 baitter in drai cona. muintir innti, conad. hi sin 
Carrac na n-Dmadh anm. Atces do Mc Tail an drai do bhddhadh, 7 
rof hergtfig- de cohadhbhal. 

Boi da^<? intansin comhdhal forsm righ i Corcamruadh. Taraill lais co 
hlnis Cath^^f, 7 raidhis fHa Sendn : ' IN tusa gheibhes mo thir fnmsa 2310 
ar eicin, 7 romharbh mu dra.i ? IS deimin bidh inann adnacul daib, dir leicfit^r 
cl^h fot b^aghait i fudhomhuin na fairrgi do dighuil 3 fort in gnima doronuis.' 
f Ni leat a chomwj/ ol Sendn. Doraidh dono an ri [fo. 2,1. b. 2] fHa Sendn : 
* Na tiaghat mu eich i mudha * ocut.' ' Ni ba misi bus echaire duitf ol 
Sendn. ' IS chug^tsa tucus-sa. mo eodha cu tisar dom thuroj.' ' IS tualaingws 
Dia,' or Sendn, ( connach ticfa-sa arfs is-tir-sea, 7 cuw na ris cen/z do sheta.' 
Sluiciddano in talam na heo^hu isin maighin a mbatar [intan sin], i bhFdn na 
n-Ea^rh, a n-iartur Innsi Cathaigh. Dohindis^ don righ innisin, 7 ni ba 
fe^di lais a m^raia. ' Nir'choir d^'t,' ar a mc frisin righ, ' a ndene fnsin 
cleirech, 7 dofhetam^ doghebha digail fort ind.' ' Ni mo lem a bngh,' ol 3320 
in rf, ' inas cura mhael lachtnai.' ' Gin ghub nertmar sin/ or Sendn, ( as 
tualaing Dia co ticfa h'aid^d-sa 5 dhi/ 

Luid iarsin in rf i cenn t-seda la feirg 7 dium&tf. INtan da;/^? rosiacht 
cu mbai oc imtzcht ra taebh n-aille i tuaisczH chriche Baiscind, foceird in 
cura mhael \acktna. bedhg fo chosaibh na n-ech batar fon carpet, co ndemsat 2325 
na heich cucltfz^i moir fon carp^i? roim in caeirz^-, cun rala in rf asin carp&, 
cur'ben a cenn fna cloich, co ^-eipilt de, 7 co n-dechaid la miscaidh Sendin 
fo dhimbuaidh martra docum ithfHnn isin maigin-sin, la dilsi a thire do 
Sendn 6 sin imach. 

1 MS. teidhim. 2 MS. teidhi. s MS. didhuil. 

4 MS. imugha. B MS. haigedsa. 


2330 LUIDH dano Dondan m^c Leith, dalta do Sendn, 7 da mac been batar ic 
leighiunn [ijmaille fris do bhuain duilisc leis ar tir. B<?ndh in mhuir a naei 
uadha, cu na bui oca naei arcenn na mac, 7 ni raibhe noi ele isin innsi do 
cabatr na mac. Robaidhit na meic isin camwc. Tuctha a cuirp 
arnamhanzc/& cu mbatar i tracht na hindsi. Tancatar [do0] a tuistidhi co 

2335 mbdtar isin tracht 7 dochuindighs^t a m<2cu do tabatrt doibh a mbetlkwa?. 
Doraidh Sendn fria Dondan: 'Abair frisna m^cuib eirghi dom acallazm.' 
Roraidh Donnan frisna imzcuibh: 'As ced duibh eirghi dtiagallaimh bar 
t&rtidhi l , dr itbeir Sendn fribh.' Kir3.ckta.iar fochedoir la forcongra Sendin 
[form], 7 doraidset fria tuistidibh 2 : 'IS olc doronsaidh rind, [oc]ar tabairt asm 

2340 tir rancamar.' 'Cid armad fherr libsi,' ol a mdthair friusom, { anadh isin 
tir-sin anas tuidec/it cucaindne ?' ' A mhdthair, 3 ar iats^m, ' gia dob^tha 
CMmackta, ind uile dhomzein duinne, 7 a aibhnes 7 airphiteadh, robudh inann 
linne 7 nobhemis i carcair [fo. 22,. a. i] ic feghain bheith isin bethazd 7 isin 
tir rancamttr. Na fuirghidh sinn, air is mithig linn rodituin arfs an tfri asa 

2345 tancumar, 7 doghena Dia fornne 'cona bia ar cuma foruibh d[f]arneis/ Dob^md 
dano a tustidhi 1 deonaghadh doib^ 7 lotar aroen ra Sendn docum a reclesa, 7 
dobmir sacarbhuic dhoibh, .7 tiag^'t docum nimhe, 7 adnaict?r a cuirp 
a ndor^j in reckja a mbai Sendn. Et it eat sin ce'tmhairb rohadhnactit a 
n-Inis Cathaig. 

2350 TANCAT4.R da^? Brenaind 7 Ciaran cu roghabstft Sendn do anmcharuid 
doibh, dr ba sine inait fein, 7 ba huaisli a gradh .1. esp^ Senan, 7 sacairt in 
dias aile. Ni raibhi da/z0 biadh indairithi isin coitcenn intan dorfachtedar. 
Robhatar dano tredhenus cm bhiadh idir azigeda. 3 7 mhuinntzV, 7 ni thoract 
biadh o neoch. Rohindis^ do^<? do Nec^/ain Cennfhada, do righ Ua- 

2355 Fighennti, Brenainn 7 Ciaran a n-Inis Cafaaig oc acaMaim Senam, 7 ba Ian 
a treidhin^j cen biadh. Roraidh Ne^ain fria tzcktaire : ' IN tairnic ocut 
fur na fleidhi * oca rabhadhuis denumh damsa ? ' ' Tairnic,' ol in re^aire. 
' Beir lat culeir do Sendn cona seiged^ 5 fileat cin biadh a n-Inis Cathatg.' 
Doron^d amhlatd sin, 7 tainic in ri fein cu mbai i purt na hindsi, dr ni 

236olamhair in ri te^^on p&rt cen deonugz^ Szndin. Rotaispemzd in fhl^ don 
choic, 7 rofuc leis cu m-bui isin cuicind. Rothochuir^d na cl/ngh dano 
d'agallatm an righ cu port na hindsi, 7 iss ed roraidh fHu : ' IS eadh is ail 
damh mas airichthe mo dhuthnz^ cttrub airichthe mo manche la Sendn.' 
SlechtuidNe^ain doSendn intan sin,7roudhpair[6fein]^;2ashil [ijnadhiaidh 6 

1 MS. testighi. 2 MS.tuistighibb. 3 MS.aeideda. *MS.fleighi. 5 MS.seided^. 6 MS.dhiaigh. 


i mbithdilsi cu brath do Dia 7 do Sendn \ bhfiadhnaisi Brenainn 7 Ciarain. 3365 
Doratsat na cleirjg- iarsin bennar^ftrin ior Ne^tain 7 ior a shil cein nocom- 
alldais reir Sendin, j doraidhset [na ding .1. Br^naind 7 Senan/j nd roiss^ 
righi naairechjnafeibhthoch^a intedo shil Nechtain nddingn^reirSen^zVz. 
LuiD iarsin in ri dia cHch, 7 bmd bennachtain [fo. 2,2. a. a] ona noebhuibh 1 . 
Tancatar na cl&righ [dojchum a reckra, 7 robennachsat in fhkz#thuc#d 2370 
dhoibh. IS annsin doraidh Brenamn : ( As deimhin,' ol se, { biaidh digal 
De* ibhus 7 tall forsinti tomela torad seine 7 urna^hthi Sendin codeolaidh 
intan is damhsa a caithium 7 Ciaran na rocomarleic^d co ^-dmisam a luagh 
do aeine 7 urn^z^thi artus.' 

BLiAD.d7.2V tarta m6ir thdinic ann iarsin. Acainit a muinter re Sendn 2375 
cen us^ occu. Tainic iarsin aingel De do acattaim Sendin iar n-er- 
i d6 ina iarmheirghi, 7 is #f atbert : ' IS m6r acainit do muintir friut 
bheith cen uisq?/i [a^.] Eirigh ^ ^-accam^r in bhaile i ta uisq^i i bbfocz/tf 
doibh.' Adrachtat^rfoc//oir Sendn 7 in i-awgel,-/ dochuat^r c?^in maighin i td 
in t-uisci inniu. Doraidh in t-aig^/ fna Sendn: ' Tochuil sunn,' ol 86.2380 
Geibhidh cuaille cuill bui i comhf hocz^ d6, 7 toch.laid an tal#;;z amal roraidh 
in t-aingel fns. Amal roclaidheadh Sendn doglan^d an t-aingel. Doraidh 
ant-aig^/: 'As lor a dhoimne thochlai, ni bhia urc^a ar uisci isin tiprait-si 
cein bias aitr^ isin cill-so, 7 icfaidh cech ngalar dob^rthar cuici.' Saidi^ 
dano Senan an cuailli bui [i]na Idimh ior bni na tiprat cu raghaibh tal<z^ 2385 
foc//oir. Amhuil adrachtatar na braitri ar maduin confhacatar an tiprait 
Idn d'uisq^i 7 in bill cuill for a bru. 

FEACHT ann luidh Ciaran d'agallaim Sendin cu tarla clamha dh6 in 
Ochter Sceith. Gabhsat ailgi^j de cu tart a chasal doibh. Luidh iarumh 
ina enshnaithi cu mbui ior bru na hindsi athuaidh. Rofaillsig^ do Sendn 2390 
Ciaran do beith isin phurt. B^rur da^^ nsei cen chodhuil arcenn Ciardin, 
ar ni raibhi noi eli isin innsi [nobertha forac^nd]. Luidh Sendn cu mbui 
isin purt, 7 a chasal leis foa coim da thabairt do Ciaran, ar na budh im- 
dergad do b^Vh cen cochull. Amail dorocht Ciaran in port doraidh 
Sendn la faitbedh : ' Ciardn cen cochull/ or se. ' Bidh gairit mu nochta,' 2395 
or Ciaran, 'ita casal damh fot coim-si.' Gabuidh Ciam^ [fo. 33. b. i] 
in casal uime, 7 is amltfzV?? sin tancatar cusan recl^j, et is e sin casal Ciara'm 

BRIGHIT ingen Coa-cathrach de Huaibh mate Tail, nsebh 2 -i^ 6gh, 

MS. noemhuibh. 2 MS. nsemh. 


24oogabhais reicl^y i Cluain Infide for bru Shinna. Robui aiciside casal i 
n-almsain do Sendn, 7 ni bhui aice te^/aire leis, co nderna cliab bee do fhleas- 
caib cuill 7 co tart ctiwntfch friss, 7 co tuc an casal inn, 7 cu tard a riwde 
do chuinghidh shacarbaice, 7 foc<??Vd iarsin in cliabh for Sinainn, 7 atbert : 
c As ced dzt sin do breith let co hlnis Catnap.' IN la larum rainic in casal 

2405 co hlnis Catnap raraid Setidn fria deoch<zm : ' Is cead duit ma fogheibhe 
ni isin traigh a tabhuirt lat.' Luidh in deocham co bhfuair in cliab isin 
traigh, 7 dobeir leis co Sendn. Benaidh as in casal 7 n#j-geibh Sendn uime. 
Doberar farsin da cloich t-salamn isin cliabh ctna, 7~*dob^ar in rinde co 
sacarbaic, 7 cnirter for an uisq^i cetna, 7 doraidh Sendn fris : ' As ced duit 

241080 do breith cu rothaispenu an rinde 7 an salann cu BHghit, cu Cluain 
Infidhe, 7 [co tarda] in salann aili do Diarmait, co hlnis Clothrann.' O ra- 
siacht in cliabh co Cluain Infidhe, luidh Bngid chuigi 7 geibhidh chuice as 
an rinde 7 indara salann. Dobetr smth Sinna beim uaithe forsin cliabh 
co[nid] farcuibh oc Diarmag'l a n-Inis Clothrann. Doghni dano Brighit 7 

2415 Diarm^V altughadh buidhe do Dia 7 do Sheanan iarsin. 

CANIR craibhd^c^, naebh6gh j do Benntraighe deisceirt ^Lirenn, gabhuis 
dis^rt ina crich fein. Bai adaig 2 ann iar n-iarm^Vghi oc ernaz^thi co tarfas 
df cealla TL\renn uili, 7 tor teirn^ da cech cill dibh docum nime. In tene 
thurgaibh a hlnis Cathatg- as f ba m6 dibh, 7 ba hedroctita, 7 ba dirgha 

2420 docum nime. ' IS cain in recles ut,' ar si : ' iss ^ragat-sa c^rub aice bias mo 
eis^Vgi.' Tainic roimpi acetair cen eol^j ackt in tor tein^ atconnaic oc 
las^d cen cumsanad etzV la 7 aidhchi 3 [inafiadnaisi] co tor^^^ cuice. O 
dhoroc^ \mmorro cu m-bai for bru Luimnigh andes luid iamm [tar muir] 
cosaibh tirmaibh amal bid ar talamh [fo. 23. b. a] rdidh, cu mbai i purt 

2425 Innsi Cathtfz^. RofhideV dano Sendn innf sin, 7 luidh cu mbui isin p#rt 
aracind, 7 feruidh failti fria. ' ISs ed dorocht^j-sa,' ol si. 

' A Chanir, eirigh,' ol Sendn, ' docum mo mdtkar do shethar fil isin indsi 
ut tair, co nderntar h'aighidhe^^ 4 ann.' 

' Ni hedh doro^^amar,' ol Canir, ' acht is aire dorocktus, conam-raibh 
idher^^ 5 latsa isin indsi-seo.' 
' Ni thiagat mna a n-indsi-sea,' ol Sendn. 

' Cid dia ta latsa sin ? ' ol Canir. ' Ni messa Crist, ar ni lugha thainic 
do thathcreic ban mas do thathc^ eic f her. Ni lugha roces ardaigh ban mas 

1 MS. naemh6gh. 2 MS. agu 3 MS. aighthi. 

* MS. haidhighe^/. 5 MS. 


ardaigh fher. Robhafcw mnd oc umalold 7 oc timterecfit do Crist 7 dia 
aps[t]al**9. Nf lugha, da#<?, thiaghuit mna isin bhflaith nemhdha inait fir. 2435 
Cidh, dao, arna gebhtha-sa mnd cuqat at indsi?' 

' IS talchar atai,' ar Sendn. 

c Cidh on,' or Canir, ' in roa innf <wmaigim \ inat mo thseibh isin indsi-sea 
7 sacarbhaic uaitsi damh?' 

' Dob/rthar,' or Sem&z, ' inat eiseirghi duit sunn ior bru thuindi, 7 is ecal 2440 
lim in mhuir do breith do taiss<<? as. 3 

1 Rom-bia-sa la Dia/ ol Canir, ' ni ba hedh tmsecck b/ras an mhuir as 
don inis in maighin a mbiu-sa.' 

' IS cet duitsi, tra,' ol Sendn, ' techt a tir.' 

Ar is amhLzz'^ robui sisi cein robate^ oc imacallaim, 7 sf 'na sesamh 2445 
iorsln tuind, 7 a fr-osdan fo a bruinne amal bidh tor tir nobheth. Tic \-axum 
Caneir for tir, j doforur sacarbhaic di, 7 teit docum nimhe [foc/A$ir], Roir 2 
D/a Canir cibe thaidhlw a recles ria ndul ior in muir ni baithfid^r nogu 
ti aris. 

IS lia, tra, tuirium 7 aisneis a ndoroine Dia do f hertuibh 7 do mhirbuil/5 2450 
ar Shenan, ar rii fhil nech dia tiss^ a f haisneis uile, acht mina tiss^ alngel 
D6 dia fhaisneis. IS 16r tra in bec-so dhibh ar deismire^^ .1. a betha 
.inmhedhon^c^, a airbhirt bhithbhuan cech laithe, a umhla, a chennsa, a csein- 
fh[u]arraighi, a ainmne, a ailgine, a dhesheirc, a t^ocuire, a dhilghidhche, a 
.seine, a apstanait, a erna^thi, a fHthaire gr^sach, a menma mdfhethmeck in 2455 
Dia dog^s. Ni fil ne^h dofh^rfd a innisi acht n^c>& o Dia. 
: [fo. 33. a. i] Bat[ar].ile t^a buadha Sendin. Ba h in top^f glainide tnasa 
nights ind uile pop?/// roerb Dia fris do glaine a fhoircetail. Ba he, dano, 
in nell nemhdhai tnasa bhfursanntar talam na h^alsa 7 anmunna na firen o 
brsen a f^cetuil co n-astudh sualach. IS he", dano, in locf-ann (5rdha rohadn^d 2460 
on Sptrut ^oebh tnasa teichet dorcha cmudh 7 targabhal a tegdais Eculsa 
D6. IS 6 in bare bithbhuadhach b<?Hus s!6ghu na firian tar ainbhthine in 
.domuin cu tracht na kValsa nemhdha. IS 6 so in fetal [.i. minciiis] coisec- 
artha in Righ nemhdha dognf sidh 7 set 7 corse cturro 7 meic dhaine. IS e 
.30 m32r 7 recktairt 7 ronnaire rof haidh an t-Airdri nemdhai do thabhuch 2465 
-cfsa sualach 7 sognfmh do ilclannuibh Gseidhil 3 . IS 6 in lia loghmhar o 
curnhduighter an richedh nemhda do sloghuibh na talman. IS 6 in leastar 
glan tnasa ndailte;* ffn breithre De dona popluibh. IS e in morbf iug^aidh 

1 MS. cwzaidim. 2 MS. Rof^ir, with a punctum delens under fh. 3 MS. Gseighil. 



sona sof hoircetuil noshasadh bochta 7 nochta. IS e gesca na ffr-fhinemna 

2470 tuaraidh bheatha^y sas^d don domon. IS e in ffr-liaigh icas gallra 7 teadma 
anma cech dhuine irisigh isin eclats c>/aidhe. 

O ROchomhfhoicsigh tra laithi a eitseacta in noib 1 -sin .1. Senan, 'ar 
n-fc dall 7 bodhur 7 bacach 7 amhlabhar 7 gacha haimhreidhi arcena, lAr 
iolftmgud cheall 7 reck? 7 mainistreach do Dhia, 7 iar n-oirdnedh indtibh-sein 

2475 esp<? 7 t-sacart 7 aes ga^a graidh arcena fo ongtfd 7 coisecrad 7 bennac^adh 
tuath, tainic ina mhenmain do Sendn teckt do dhenam ern^hthi oc relcibh 
Cassidain a aidi 7 sethar a athar .1. Scath craibhdheach \ngen Dubhthaigh. 
Luidh izrum i leth-sin 7 aidhleadh leis co Cill [E]ochaille d' acallaim \ngen 
Neir robatar ann .1. nsebhogha 2 cra.ibhdectia, roghabhsat caille fo laimh 

3480 Sendin 7 robatar for a anmcairdi&.r. Ailit-sidhe do Sendn co tardta 
Ctffp manaigh umhail dd mhuinntzr cucasomh 'da adhnacal ocainn co rabdais 
a reilce oc ar n-imcoimet.' ' Dob/rthar cucaibh [eiccin],'-ar Smdn, ( nech dia 
targha bar n-imcoim/^ na bfdh a shnim f^uibh.' [fo. 23. a. 2] Ceileabhraidh 
iarsin dona noebh6ghuibh 3 , [7 1//] 7 doghni ernaz^thi oc reilcibh Cassidain, 7 

3485 tic arfs cu torocht in sceich fil isin fiadh re cill Eochaille anfar. Cu cual 
annsidhe in guth fris dona nemhaibh, 7 is ed roraidh : ' A Shendin noeibh 4 ! 
tair docum nimhe.' Dofhrecair Sendn, 7 is ed roraidh : ' Cex,' ar se*. Deisidh 
foc//oir isin maigin-sin. IS annsin rotocbait aingil De Martan o Toirinis 
i neoll nemridha, 7 fuirmidhset isin maigin a mbui Sendn, j dorat comna 7 

5490 sacarbaic dh6. Amar thairnic d6 sin rodheonuigh Dia rotocbaiset na 
haingil Martan manach isin neoll cetna cu rofhacuibset i Toirinis isin 16 
cetna. Roraidh Sendn fna mhuinntir: 'B/dh mu c^p-sa sunn cu 
mochtrath.' Et faididh Senan a spiratf docum nime etz> airbhribh alngel 
ior cuiredh na TVinoidi i medhon lai i Id. marta. Bai corp Sendin innsin 

2 495 .co aramharach 5 , 7 gia theasta soillsi na g^ene in aidhchi 6 -sin uatha som n 
theasta freacnarcus aingeal na soillsi nemhdha uathaibh. Ta.nca.tar tra, ar 
a muinter assan indsi arcenn cuirp Sendin .1. Odhran j Mac Inill 7 
n-Iuil 7 esp<? Mula Segda mac Baith 7 na noeibh 4 arcena, 7 roadh- 
naicit corp Sendin gu n-an6ir 7 airmhitin m6ir, 7 rucsat aingil a ainim c^^an 
cumsan^d suthain a n-aentaidh na nasib'-Trinoidi 7 muinntm nime, Ailim 
t^ocaire Dh^ tre impzafi Sendin co roisem in aentuidh-sin 8 . In saecula saecu- 
lorum. Amen. 

1 MS. noim. 2 MS. naemhogha. 3 MS. noemhoghuibh. 4 MS. noeimh. 

6 MS. arabharach. 6 MS. aighthi. 7 MS. naeim. 8 aentuighsin. 

[fo. 33. a. a. 

Betha Fhindein Cltiana. hEraird. 

ATFIADAR DID/17 A CUMAIR FERTA j umsuiLi in craibhdhigh-seo 7 in 
forbhadh dorat for a rith mbuadha ibhos isinbith frecnairc: atfiadhar 3505 
sin ar airfited anma na n-irisech .1. Findian mac Findtain, mete Concra\d, 
meic Dairchealla, meic Senaigh, meic Diarm#da, [fo. 23. b. i] meic JEdha, 
Toeic Fherghusa, meic Aililla Taulduibh, meic Cealtchair, meic Uithech&zV. 
In Findtan-sin, didiu, doriidhsem, tuc-side setig socenel^, Teluch a 
hainm-side. Dorala cu mba dochta. isidhe 1 uadhasom. A n-aimsir a 2510 
himtruma co tarfas df araili lasair thein^jT do dul ina beola 7 a tiachtain 
a ndeilb coin edrochta forcula. for in conmr cetna 3 dula don eon co ^-essidh 
for barr crainn, coin 7 enluithi Leithi Mogha do thiachtain cuigi isin 
crainn-sin co n-asta uile acasom, a tiachtain in coin il-Leith Cuinn co 
n-z\ssed annsidhe ior barr chroinn ele. Eoin 7 ^nluithe Ein?#;z do 2515 
thiachtain cuice cu ros-fhasta ocai. Atcuaidh didiu in aislz^-i-sin dia 
c^li. ' Coimp^rt craibhdhech eicin fil ocut,' ar se. ' Scaram coimleapuid 
cein bhia-sa fon n-ind^^-sin.' Doronsat amhltfzV Ni chaitheadh Sidiu 
Teluch fe*sin biadha inmarra acht luibhe ailghena 7 airera etroma, cu 
rogenair in ghein buadha sin. 2520 

Rug0d laxuw inti noeib 2 -Finden cu hAbban mac Hui Chorm/c cu rom- 
baist. Batar didiu d thopar isin mag in ro baisted-somh, Bal 7 Dimbal a 
n-anmanna. Asan topur dia n-ainm Bal robaisted-som am#z7ba cubazdh dia 
airilliudh. O roforbair intf noeibh 3 -Fhinden ruc^d co hesp^ 4 , cu F^tchernn, 
cu rolegh salma 7 in t-ord n-ecclasda occa. Rof hoth#^-siumh \mmorro tri 2525 
hecalsa asa ghinW^/ .1. Ros Cuire 7 Druim Fiaid 7 Magh nGlas. 

O rasiact immorro co haes tnchtaighi 5 luidh tar muir. Taraill co Tairinis. 
Fuair senoir aracind innti, Csemhan a ainm. Bator seal immalle 7 doronsat 
sentaid. Luid Finden iarsin cu Cill Muine. Fuair tri suithe aracind annsin 
.i. T)abid 7 Gillas 7 Cathmsel a n-anmanna. Robe fath a comthinoil 2530 
annsin, cosnum cennachta 7 apdaine innsi Brc/an etz> dfs dibh .1. et/r 
"Dabid. 7 Gillas. Do bre^eamh choitcenn rosentuighseatt eatarra Cathmhsel. 

1 The first i seems in a later hand. a MS. noeim. s MS. noeimh. 

4 cohesp0 in marg. 1. 6 MS. trictaidhi. 

L 2 


O'tconnaic \mmorro Cathmhasl noebh 1 -Finden rof hegh cohinnf heith^c^ : [fo. 
23. b. 2] c Cia hinnithemh romhor/ ar Daibhith fria Catmsel, ' doberi forsan 

2535 QC\ach n-anaithnz# dodechazW ism tech ? ' * Rath mor,' ar Cathmhael, * airi- 
ghim air.' 'Ma ata,' ar Daibhith, 'rath fair, labradh innowa asin be"rla 
br^/nach et etercertod in caingin ima tafm-ne.' Dorat Finden airrdhe na 
croiche tara ghin, 7 rolabair asin mbr^ftiais amail bhud he" a berla bunaid, 
et dorat an indse do Dai&td ar senser^/. 

2540 Luidh iarsin Finden 7 Cathmhsel 7 "Daibid. 7 Gillas d'agalduim righ 
B^eatan do chuinghidh inaidh reclesa fair. Atbert saidhe na raibe oga. 
Atb^rt cohessomain immorro araili duine istigh : * Madh ail/ ar se, ' dona 
clerch^, cuiret ass in loch mor-sa imuich a toebh in duine 7 denat recks 
doibh 'na inat.' ' Dia ndmi#t-somh sin/ ol in ri, ' rot-biat cidh an dunad-sa 

2545 la toebh inaidh in locha.' Luidh Finden immorro 7 aithinne 'na Uimh co 
rathum isin loch, cu rotheich roime isin muir: cu romor^d ainm De 7 
firmem triasin moirmirb?7-sin. Rohedpartha t^a na feranna-sin do Dia 7 
d'Fhinnazft. Dorat-sidhe iat dona sruithibh Bretn^c^aib bztar malle fris. 
TLofothaiged trl cathractia ocuside inntib. As dibsidhe Lann Gharban (no 

2550 Gabran) aniu. Bui immorro Finden .xxx. \Aiodnz oc foglaim immalle fris- 
na sruithibh Bretnachuibh bater malle fris. 

LAA n-aen ann lotar manuigh isin caillzia? do bhuain chrann 'chum 
ecalsa. Ni roleicset Finden leo ar chadh^j do. Tainic in secnap taraneis 
co Find/it, co n-ebert frlss : ' Cidh rombai/ or se, 'na dechadais isin caillw??'* 

2555 ' Cidh o chianaibh/ ar Finn/, ' atb^rthea frind noraghmais : intan dano 
atbmir frind noragam acht fogabhur a comadhbhur dhun.' ' Atat/ or in 
secnap, ' da ogdhamh amuigh isind achad; timairc-si Iat iat 7 eirg isin caillzV/.' 
Luidh Finn/;* leo isan caillzW, 7 ba he feidhm toisech doriacht an ecltfw a 
fheidhm. Ni fes immorro dil in t-secnap rota-cursaigh-seom. Romom 

2560 ainm D/ 7 ~Find/in tresin moirmirbuil sin. 

FEA.CH.TUS tancatar Saxain d'innarba (no d'innm/) Br^/nach. [fo.24-a.i] 
Rogabhsat longphort i taebh shleibhi aird. Dochuatar Bntfain i muinighin 
Findein im chuinghidh osaidh doibh o Shaxanch^. Luidh Find/n forsin 
n-umuloit. Doratsat Sachsain era fair. Dorat Finen buille dia bachaill 

2565 isin sliabh, cu torchuir in sliabh for Saxancha^, cuna ferno fer indisdi seel 

TAINIC iarsin tocra do Fhinnen dula do R6imh iar forbhadh a fhoglama. 

1 MS. noemh. 


Tainic aingel Dd chuigi co n-ebert fris : ' A ndob^tha dhuit ice Roim,' ol 
s6, ' doberthar ibhos. Eirg 7 athnuidhig iris 7 creidium a n-Eirz>27z tareis 
Pat^aic.' Dodhechaidh iarum finnan do thoil De dochum nEirttm. 2570 
Luidh Muimlach mac JEnghusa ri 'Lalgen dochum puirt ana fHthshet co n 
dof hue f^amhuin a tn huidedaib tarna tri hathu * roptar nesa don phurt. 
Annside atbert fer do mhuinntzV in righ : ' Is tromdai atai, a clein^-, torsin 
righ.' { Easpach sin,' ar Yinnfo, ' dr in Ifn fechtzw nom-gebhudh-sa for a 
mhuin nobhiath in Ifn righ sin tor an cuicz'd dia shil. Uair as fotn da0, s arzs75 
se, * nom-gabh, gebuit tri rig dia shil coic^d Laigen.' Robennach "FinnJn 
iarsin Muiredach bhadein, 7 atbert : ' Amail fuair,' ar se, ' mogh De fseilti 
ocut, cu bhfaghbhu-sa fseilti ac muinntzV nimhe i Tfr na mBeo.' Robennach 
dano broind a sheitche co rue-side mac samemail, Eoch^ a ainm .1. athair 
Branduibh 2 iarsin. Atb^rt in ri re linden : ' Gebe in#d,' ar s6, ' i Laighnib 2580 
bus maith lat doberthar dhuit do dhenam do reclessa.' Tainic aingel Dd 
ria bhFinnen cusan sliabh dan<a;d ainm Condsl. Roimchuirs^/ alngil De he 
com. mhuindtzV i n-adhaigh 3 -sin do mhullach in t-sl/<5i isin glinn ba nesa dh<5. 
Atb^rt-somh isin mtfduin ria muintir techt isin ca\\\id do bhuain crand do 
cumhd#c^ reclesa. Dodhech<2^ sen dibh cuicisi&m arcula, 7 geg do abhuill 2585 
cona tomd 'na laimh. Luidh-siumh amalle fnsside cusan inadh i m-bai in 
abhall. ' Dentar,' ar essium, ' in redes isunna.' Dia mbatar forsna briathraib- 
sin co n-fhaccata; chuca Bresal mac Muir<?daig 7 Cremhthann esp^ a 
bhrathair. Luid Breasal co raghaibh [fo. 24. a. a] coslatra laimh in 
elding do deoin in esp&z'c. Feargaighter \arum in cl/reck, co ndobairt : ' In 2590 
lamh,' ar se, ' rosinedh do dlom^d damsa, resiu * dorua in trath so imarack 
ind ingnibh seab<3:2C, euro fuirmidtef am fhiadhnaisi. In t-esp^ dano dia 
nd^madh deoin^ nf ba hard a congbhail isna talm^daibh, 7 ni festar cidh 
inadh a eiseirghi.' Tang<a1:ar Immorro Osraighi 5 tor creich isin tir 'arna- 
mharach. Luidh Bresal dia fuapairt, cu romarbad and, cu tuozd lasin seabac 2595 
a lamh, co rwj-fuirim i bhfiadhn&tfe "Find&n, cu rom6r^d ainm De 7 Finnein 
don mh6irmhirb2#7-sin. 

TAINIC iarsin Muir<?^ach athair Bresail, gu tard do "Finn/n in magh as 
radlomh Bresal do. Roleasaig^d laissi^m, conad he Achadh Abhall anni. 
Bai-sium .ui. bliodni dec isin inad-sin oc foghnum don Coimd/<^na n-dula, 2 6oo 
co ndebert an 6 t-aingel 6 fris : ! Ni h6 so inadh h'eiseirghi,' ar se. ' Bid he 

1 MS. hachu. 2 ' .i. athair ' and the i of ' Branduibh ' are inserted in a later hand-. 

3 MS. aghaidh. * Interlined in later ink. 5 MS. osraidhi. 6 in margin. 


cena inadh do comdhala riat mhanchuibh il-lo br&tka : conudh desin Ita Sliabh 
Cbwdala .1. sliab comdhala Finnein ria manch#z# il-lo bratha. 

Ceileabhraidh Finnan iarsin dia mhanchtfz 7 tainic i cnch Hua- 

2605 nDunlainge. IS annsidhe roedhbair in ri Coirpn Mugna Salcain dosum. 
Bui-sim se \fdadni annsidhe. Tainic iarsin co h Achad Fhiacla : annside do- 
rochair fiacal 1 asa cind-som, cu rofhol^ i muine dresa. Ic tiachtain 
doibhsium iarsin as cunaitchetar na bfaithre uadh com^Kha 2 d'facbhail 
acu, cu n-debflz>t-seomh fr'm: 'Eirgidh,' ar se, ( cus'm muine ndreasa lit 

z6ioatciche, 7 tucaidh as in fhiacuil forfacbhassa ann.' Dothiaghat laxum j 
fuaratur in muine ar las#d, 7 tucsal: in fia.cml leo, 7 is uaithi rohainmnig^d 
in baile .1. Achadh Fiacla. 

TAINIC iarsin Finnen cu Cill Dara co Brighit, cu mbui ic tiachtuin leiginn 
7 proicepta fri re. Ceil^ais iarsin do Bn^it, 7 dcfoutk Brighit fainne oir 

2615 dho. Nir'bho santach-som imon sseg/. Ni roghabh in fainne. 'Ce no 
optha,' ar Brz^it, 'roricfea a leas.' Tainic Finnen iarsin cu Fotharta 
Airbrech. Dorala uisce do. Roinnail a lamha asin^jqm : [fo. 24. b. i] tuc 
lais fora bhais asan uisq&i in fdinne targaidh Brighit d6. Tdinic iarsin 
Caisin rn^zc Nemain co fseilti rnoir fri Finden, 7 ron-eadhb#z> fein 

2620 d6, et roacain frls ri Fotharta ic cuinghidh oir fair ara shseire. { Cia 
m6t,' ar 7indfo t ' conna.ighea.s 3 ?' 'Noghebhudh uingi n-oir/ ar Caisin, 
Rothomhuis se iarsin in fainne, 7 frith uingi oir 4 ann. Dorat Caisin hi ar 
a shseiri. 

TAINIC Find/n iarsin tar B6inn co hEiscir mBranain, ait ita Ard Relec 

2625 infu. Rofoth^^f eclats isin maigin-sin. Tainic duine etrocar chuigisium, 
Bseth a ainm. Atb^rt frisin cldir^ na biat isin maighm-sin. Rob^rthea 
a rose uadha achedoir. Doroine aithr?^i iarsin 7 tuc#d d6 aris a shuili. 

Crech dodhech<zz# an mbhaid-sin a Fmiibh Tulach sech recles an 
clein^, co tarla d'araile gilla don creich cu n-dech/^ i sorn na hatha bui i 

2630 focus in reclesa. Rofaillsig^ do Fmn/n inni'sin. Luid-side 7 aidhme in 
berrtha leis, cu rocoronaighedh aca in duine-sin fon n-ecosc n-eclasda, cu 
rolegh ac Fmn&t, co tart gradha fair iarumh, ttwad he esp^ Senaigh .1. 
cetna comharba roghabh iar Finnan. 

FEACTUS d' Finnen oc glan^d thiprat oice. Tainic aingeal cuigi co n-ebairt : 

2635 ' .Ni he so mad na tiprat.' ' (Do)b^minn, > ar Fmn/n } ' g^^an in^d a ndlegur,' 

1 Interlined. 2 Interlined in place of afhtactiil, which is cancelled. 3 MS. conaidheas. 
* The words 7 frith uingi oir are interlined in a recent hand. 


Luidh in t-aingel roim Fmn/n seal soir on edats gu rofoillsigh dh6 inadh 
na tipraiti *. ' A mo coimdhi,' ar Find/n, ' in saethar-sa doronsam-ne o 
chianuibh cidh bias de ? ' ' Cibe tara ragha in uir roclaidhis/ ar an t-aingel, 
' dogeba trocaire on Coimdhzi/.' 

TANCATAR iarsin no6ibh 2 FJrenn cucasom as gack aird d'foghlaim eccna 2640 
oca, cu mbatar tri mile do naebuib 3 imalle fns, cond dibhsidhe rothogh-sum 
na da airdesp: dec na "tiEirenn, amail dofmVzdat ind eolaigh. Ocus 
atfiadhat ind tolaig 7 na scribenna corina, dechaid nech dona tri mhile- 
sin uadhasom cen bhachail no soisc// no comartha suaichnidh eiccin, 
cunadh impaibhsin rogabsat a reclesa 7 a cathracha iardain. 2645 

FEACHTUS rofaidh-sium a dhalta .1. espoc Senaigh, do taiscel<a?f(?r lucht 
a scoile dns cidh doghnftis. Ba sain, tra, an ni ica bhfaghbhaithe each 
dibh, acht battfs maithe uile. Frith, tra, Colum mac Cnmhthain 7 a lama 
a sinedh [fo. 2,4. b. a] uadh, 7 a menma indithmheach a nDia, 7 coin oc 
tairisium tor a lamhu 7 for a cenn. O'tcuas do Fhinnen innfsin atbert : 2650 
' Ldmha ind fhir-sin,' ar se, ' dobera comunn 7 sarcarbhaic (sic) damsa frisna 
deidhenchu 4 .' 

TAINIC aingel De co Finn/n co n-ebatrt fns : ' Ni he so inad th'eis- 
eirghe, ar biaidh duine maith dot muindtir i sund 5 . Tainic aingel co Findfa, 
cu Ros Findchuill, is eisidhe Les in Memra inniu. Ann sein gabhus Finn/n 2655 
in fersa fathachda, Hec requies mea 6 . Annsin tainic Fraechan dmi adocum- 
som. Rofhiarfocht-sum : e In 6 Dia,' ar se, ( ata dhaitsi in fis fil ocut ? ' ' A 
f hromhudh dw/tsi,' or Fraechan. ' Abair cetam^j,' ar "Findfo, ' inadh mo 
eiseirghi-sea. Atcim a nimh 7 ni f haicim i talmam.' Atracht inn/n. ' In 
t-rinad asa n-emz<^air inn6sa,' or Fraechan, ' is as adreis do m6rdhail bra.tha.' 2660 

TANCATAR iarsin a dha shiair co Finnan .1. Righnach 7 Richenn, 7 a 
mathair .1. math;2> Ciarain, cu ragaibhset i Cill Righn^z^i. Luid Finnen 7 
Ciaran dia torruma. Bate^ na caill^a oc acaine bizVh cen \\sce. ' A choimdhe,' 
-ar Finnan fria Ciaran, ' cait i bhfhuighbhium uisqzd doibh sut ? ' ' IN budh 
lease latsa,' or Ciaran, ' eirghi asan in#d i tai?' Atract Finnen. c An t-inadh 2663 
asa r'eirghis,' ar Finn/n, ' as 6 inadh na tipcat.' Rofhiarfo^/ Finntn do Righ- 
naigh cindus bai in chaill^ a mdthair. ' Ni cumang ar nd(ul) 7 i naicsighudh 8 
di ar tromdha^ a hanala.' Roimd^rg cumor imon cleir^ 7 atb^rt-somh : 

1 From ' (Do)b^minn ' to ' tip^iti' (inclusive) is in the lower margin. 2 MS. noSimh. 
8 MS. nsemuib. * MS. deighenchu. 5 From Tainic to sund (inclusive) is in the upper margin. 
6 MS. requies cam me. 7 In lower marg. 8 Between n and a a dotted /interlined 
in a recent hand. 


1 In Coimdhe,' ar se, 'airchesas ce^aen don chinedh daena dia hairchisect T 

2670 Luidh Righnach iarsin dia taigh. Fuair a mdthair n-6ghshlain 1 la breitz> 
in noeib 2 . 

Molad thuc Geman 3 maighister fechtus dontf noibh 4 -Fhinden, iarna 
dhenum tna rithimm. ' Ni hor tra, nd airget, nd e'tach loghmar,' ar Gzman 3 , 
' chuingim-si fort ar an molad-sa, acht oen ni, ferann bee fil ocam, is he 

2675 e*tairthech, co ndemta-sa ernuighthe curub toirthech.' ' IN t-immann do- 
righnis,' ol 'Finnfo, ( geibh ind uisq^i, 7 sreith in t-uisci-sin tarsin bhferann, 
7 bidh toirthech.' Dorighnedh samhW^, 7 ba toirtech in ferann. 

GRAND leimh bai ic Ruadhan Lothra, crann o sileadh linn shomblasta 
fora faghbhudh each in bias ba maith lais, con^d de nolesaighdis na manaig 

2680 na hdighidh, conadh do sin [fo. 25. a. i] batur manuigh ^Lvcenn ac togra 
gu Ruadhan. Tangtfdar a dhaltae co "Finnan cu mbatar ica acaine fns a 
dhaltada ica fhacbhail. Ron-gaidetar im dula leo co Ruadhan cu mbeth 
^Sj&adan i coitchinne mbethadh amail each. Luid Finnen immaille fHu gu 
Lothra. Ba hedh toissech dochuatar cusan crann cu tard 7inn/n crois dia 

2685 bachaill tarsin crann, conna rosil banna ass. O rochuala Ruadhan innfsin 
doraidh uisqz/i a thopair do thabatrt do. Dorigne ernuighthe. Dosoud uisq^i 
na tiprat a mblas lenna. In lind r&cadh do Fmn/n cona noebhuibh 5 dorat- 
sidhe airrdhe na croiche thairis. Ros6ud focedoir a n-aicn^ uisq^i. ' Cia 
tarba sin?' ar na cleirz^-fria inn/n, 'mina choiscir in tiprait?' 'A braithre 

aepo.inmuine!' ar "Finn/n> 'cidh tdithe do Ruadhan, dr cidh a bhfhuil d'uisce isin 
monazV/h-sea i taeibh in reckra bhus ail leis do shoudh i lind shomblasta, 
dogena Dia aire.' Rogddatar iamm diblinaibh Finn/ 7 na noeib inhi 
Ruadhan co mbeth a betha 6 amal chach. Atb^rt fMiadan doghenadh sein 
.ara aidi, ar Fhinnen. Rocesnuigh cena ferann beag bui imon recless 

2695 do bheith etoirthech. Robendach^z &ano an ferann sin, conadh toirthech. 

Luid YinnJn iarsin i crich Connacht co Dmim eitzV da Loch i n-Huaibh 
Oililla. Fuair Muisi 7 Ainmire ann arachind 7 siat toirrsech do e"caib a 
sethar an la sin. O roairigh Yinnfo innisin luidh isin tech i mbai corp na 
sethar. Dorighne depraccoit ndicra ndedhghair fri Dia, cu rothodhuisc in 
caillz^ a bdss, cu mbui ica [f]erdhaighis, et cu romharbh in Isegh bui foa 
hsenbhoin, 7 cu tuc d/'olmaig n-englaisi dho, cu robennach "Finnfo an englats 
curra soudh a mblas fina. Frith didiu in Isegh beo 'arnamharach foa 

1 Altered in recent hand into in6ghshlaini. 2 MS. noeim. 3 Altered in same hand 
intoGmnan. * MS. noimh. 6 MS. noemhuibh. 6 a&etha interlined in later hand. 


mhathair. Romorad ainm De 7 "Finnfin tnasin moirmhirb/7-sin. Roedbair 
iarsin Miiisi 1 7 Ainmire a recl/s do Dfa 7 d'Finnen. 

LuiD Finn/n iarsin isin Corunn i Oich Luighne. Tainic Crumtir 2705 
Dathi co mbai amalle friss. Tainic aingel De" co n-ebatrt fris : ' In bhaile/ 
ar se, ' in-debera fer dot muindtz> frit ( is caein in t-achad-so :' [fo. 25. a. z] 
fofaaig eclats arm.' Nir'bho cian co ndebatrt ier dia mhuinntir-seom : ' As 
cain,' ar se, ' in t-ach^-so.' Rof hoth^-siumh iarsin eclats isin inadh-sin. 
Forfhacaibh cruimthir Dathi isin du-sin. Ita innsin tipra Fhindein 7 a lecc. 2710 
Geb e duine othair dhech isin tiprait ticfa slan eisdi. Geb e damh dhui/<?^ thf 
cusin n-airchindech ni berthar a einech acht gu roghabha a phafer ocon leic- 
sin. Sic Tipra Fhinnein 7 Leac in Pupail ic A.chad Abla. 

TAINIC iarsin YinnJn i Coirpn' Mhoir. fiLngus ba rf an inbhaidh-sin i 
Colrprt. Tainic a mc-saidhe .1. Ne^/ain, do dlom^d-don cleir^c^. Ro- 2715 
leans#t cosa a mhuinntm don talum 7 atbath fein. Tdinic JEnghus iarsin 
cu tard a reir don clfreck, co n/^-duisigh a mac do a bas, et co tard in^d 
reclesa dh6. Forfhacaibh-siumh Grellari mac Nat-fraeich annsin. 

O rafhoth^ tra. Ftnn/n cealla 7 congbhala fon n-inn^^-sin, et o ra- 
proitche breifaV* nDe do f^uibh Eir<?, dodechaid docum a reckja gu 2720 
Cluain Iraird. LAA n-oen annside do espoc Senaigh, dia dhalta-somh, ica 
f begad, amlaid atconnaic a caeile 7 a t^oighi mhoir he, in meit co n-airmitis 
a esnse tnana ^tach inmhedhon#c& amach. Atconnaic in miimh do 
the^/a asa thaebh, et ba he in fath, 6n uarchris iarainn bui uime ardaigh 
pennaiti don curp cu rothesc gu cnaimh. Caiis iarsin esp^ Sen^^. 2725 
'Cidh dot-gni toirs^?' ar Finnen. 'Do chseili-siu/ ar esp^ Senaigh. 
Ferfaidh cruimh for h'asnaibh-si in chaile-sin,' ar ~Finnen. Moidi 6n rochai 
esp^ Sen<Z2^. ' Cuma duit,' ar Ttinnen, ' toirrsi dhosin. Beruidh 
senduine do corp docum n-adhnacail.' 

IS lia, tra, tuiremh 7 aisneis a nd^na in Coimdhe do fertuibh 7 mhfrbh- 2730 
a\\ib ar noebh 2 -Fhinden : dir mina thisadh a spira/ fein no aingel de nim 
dia n-indisi, nf csemhnacair nech aile a mhiadhamhla, a bhetha. inmhedon<2C^, 
a comhairbirt bithbhuan in cech lithlaithe, acht is Dia nama rodus-fidir. 
Ba sf immorro a proinn lai .T. boim do aran eorna 7 deogh do uisce: i 
n-domhnaighibh immorro 7 i sollumnaibh boim do aran cnrithne^a, 7 orda 2735 
do bradan fhon^Vhi, [fo. 25. b. i] 7 Idn copain do mhidh 3 ghlan no do chor- 
maim. Nochairighedh na daine atceth ac c^aesach^ 7 nociedh 7 na 4 

1 in marg. 1. moxsi. 2 MS.noemh. S MS. mhigh. 4 ' ciedh 7 na ' in a recent hand. 



pendedh a pecad. Ni chodlad for cluimh na ior colcaidh l , co comhairsedh 
a thoebh re huir noicht, 7 cloch do fhrithadhart fo chind. 

2740 Glanedhbartec^ do Dhia amal Aibel mac Adhaimh. Diprocoitech amal 
Enoc mac lareth. Luamhaire Jantoltnaightec/z do airec no do fhollam- 
nac/it na h^alsa eit/r tonnaibh in tsaegz7 amal Noe mac Laimhiach. 
Firailitz> amal Abraham. Buidh blaith amal Moysi mac Amra. Feidil 
fodhailtec/* amal lop. Eacnaid eoluch amal Sholam mac nDaibhf th. PHmh- 

2 745 proiceptoir a?z'tcenn 7 leastar tog<mle amal Pol apsfo/. Et cosmailighter o 
mhodhaibh imdhaibh fHa Pol, air amal rogenair P<# tes a tir Cannan, a cenel 
7 a bhunrtdas tuaidh a tir Caldea, as' sin rogenair Finnen ibhus, i 
Laighm', a cenel 7 a bhunadw tuaidh a n-Ulltaz#. Et am/ rolegh P<# ic 
Gamaliel, ic sui in reachta, fH re .xxx. "bliadne cur'bh6 sui, as am\aid rolegh 

2750 J?mnJn ag na suidhib Bretnachaibh adubramar fHa re .xxx. bliadne cor'b6 
sui. Et amal ratairmesc an t-aingel P^/ na dighs^ do Damaisc, acht cii 
tis^d do shiladh irsi 7 creitmhe do chach, is amlatd sin rotairmisc in t-aingel 
Finden na dighs^ do R6imh, acht co tis^d do shil^ irsi 7 crztme do feruibk 
"EArenn. Et amal ronertugh[ad] o Dhia P^/, iar totlmgud ceall j eclas j 

2755 cathrac/t isin athardha in roghenair, co tisedh do forceatal irsi 7 cmdmhe 
do Roimh, as amlaid rog/^ssedh o Dhia noeibhFhinnen, iar fotinugud ceall 
7 cafhrac/i 'na athardha, co tis^d do mhun^d 7 d'foircetal noebh 2 Eirenn gu 
Cluain Iraird. Et amal rotharrngair aingel do P^/ na bhadh ithfirn^c^ 
cubrath 3 nach sen noragtfd a n-uir Romha, as amhlaid rotharngair in t-aingel; 

2760 do Ftnn/n na bhadh ithfirnach iar mbrath each sen tara ragad uir Arda 
Relec. Et amal atbath P<?7 i Roimh darcenn in popuil Cristaidi, arna 
herbailtis uili a pianaibh 7 i todhernaibh ithfnnn, as amlaid atbath Finn/n 
i Cluain Iraird darcenn popuil na nGaeidhel * } arna heplitis uili don Buidhi 

2765 [fo. 25. b. a], Et is annsin rotharrngair in t-aingel dosomh co n-indarb- 
fod g#c^ teidm 7 gach galar c<?z'tcenn a Cluain Iraird tre irnaighthi fntsam- 
hail 7 co n-indarbfadh a hEirinn uili tre t^oscudh shamhaid Finn/in isin 
pup#// ic Ard Relic 7 ic Ach<z<s? Abhull 7 i Condail. 

O dodechtfz'^ immorro cusna deidhinchaibh 5 dontf noeibh 6 -Fhinnen,. 

2770 rofhaidhestar a aingel comuide^/a co hlnis M<zc 7 nlndeirc fri Luimn^, 
co two-side Col^^ m<a;c Cnmhthain cona theigh liubhar fo dhuibhnelW^ 

1 MS. colcaigh. 2 MS. noemh. 3 MS. cubrach. 4 MS. nangseighel. 

5 MS. deighinchaibh. 6 MS. noeimh. 7 In a recent hand. 


cu Cluam Iraird, cun roghaibh Finnen coman 7 sacarbhaicc dia laimh, cu 
rofhaidh a spirttt dochum nimhe i cinn .xl. ar cet bliadne. 

Ata immorro intf noeibh^F^zVm/;? i n-aibnes 7 in-airfitedh etz> mimtir 
nimhe i bhfhiadhnaisi Dhe dia rofhoghain. ITat a relce 7 a thaisi gu 2775 
n-anoir 7 gu n-airmhidin i talmam, co fertuibh 7 co mirbhuilz# gach laithe, co 
traeth g#c^ aen tic fHu 7 coimhedatd gach sen cungn&.r leo. 

Gidh mor immorro intf noeib 2 -F^z>z#(?n i n-etarscarad a chuirp 7 a anma 
on mhudh-sin colleic, bidh mo a anoir iar n-eiseirghi ind oentuidh noebh 3 
nemtmaillnz#i, i mordhail b/'a/^a, intan bus bre^eamh for f heraibh ~Eirenn j 2780 
ior a mnaibh imalle fria. Pat^aic [7] Issu Crist. Taitnighfidh insin am^/grein. 
Biaid isin mhormhaith-sin, ind aentuidh 4 noebh 7 noebogh 5 in domum, i n-sen- 
taidh nsei ngradh nimhe na dernsat imarbhw.?, isan smtaid is uaisli ceck 
n-zzntaid, i n-zentaid na naeibh 6 -Tnnoidi 3 Aihair 7 Mac 7 Spimt Noeb. 

Ailim trocaire Dhe, roairiltnigem in &ntaidsm \ In saecttla saeculorum. 2785 

1 MS. noeimh. 2 MS. noeim. 3 MS. noemh. * MS. aentuigh. 

5 MS. noemh 7 noetnogh. 6 MS. nseimh. 



[fos. 25. b. 2 26. a. i.] 
ftetka Finnchua Bri Gobunn inso. 

101 BRUGAIDH AURA A FECHT N-AILL do Mhughdhornaibh 
doshunnrazW .1. Findlogh 1 mac Setna meic Abruinn meic Branain 

2790 meic Dublida mete JEnghusa. meic Erca Detrg meic Bnain mete Echacfc 
Muighmedhain. Bai baincheli oca fna r .xxx. bliadne, conus-tarratd bis 
intansin .1. Caemeall \ngen ^Edha Fogarta do Fmiib Br^f [fo. 2,6. a. i]. 
Rofhurail a chara 7 a chomhalta fe"in fair .1. Fiacha Suidhe mac righ 
ILlrenn, techt do thocmarcc bainchele eili ^nnd beth i serg galair a.mal 

2795 robhai do chumhaid a mhna fesin. Et ba hi sin Idhnait \nghen Fhlainn 
Leithd^rg do Chiannar/z/a Glinde Geimhin o Chomar Cinn tSlebhe. 
Tochmaircidh-sium iar^^ in n-ingin-sin cumbo torracti uadh. Urailidh 
\minorro Finnlogh con^ mhuindtzV for a comhalta 7 ior Fiar^a Suidhe 
feall ior righ Temra .1. ior Blathm<2C mac ^Edha Slaine. Dognit^ in feall, 

2800 et geibhidh Diarmait m^^^Edha Slaim righi Temra d6is a brathar. Dichuirt^r 
atuaidh lucht an fhill .1. Fiacha mac righ Temra 7 Findlogh a chomhalta 
7 mile tein^tech laissein. 

IS ann sin dorala Mael tuile m#c Cuilchi, anmchara Findlogha, 7 
faillsighter dh6 an \ngen do bheith torr^c^, 7 cum^d gein amra diam^d Ian 

2805 beoil bhfer nEira>m in gein bai 'na broinn ; 7 albert Msel tuile : 

INdsaighfidh gala, 
traethfaidh bidhbhaid, 
saighfidh mindrigha, 
bidh crann cuisc Tem^a, 

z8 10 lesaighfes Life, 

fhoirfes Laighne. 

lAraidh immorro an cleir^c/^ an gein bai i mbroinn na hinghine do idpairt 
do Dhia 7 a thabtfzVt docum leiginn, 7 geallait-sium dosom sin. IDlaicter 
iatum iat cu righ Connacht, cu hEoch^ Tirmcarna, 7 idlatcter o 

MS. findlodh. 


cu righ Muman hJEnghus mac Nat Fraeich, gu Caisiul, et orduighidh- 2815 
sein ferann doibh i crich Mhogha Ruith, 7 toirrnid-siumh raith amra ann .1. 
Raith Ua-Cuile. Dogniat didiu a mhuindter fleadh 1 mhor do rfgh Fer 
Muighi .1. do Mhelli?zd mac Tuirc, isin ard fHa raith Ua-Cuile aniar. Luidh 
mdtkair Fhindchua, 7 si torrac^, cu rochuinnigh 2 digh don linn tor na 
sdaadoiribh, ar ros-gabh mfan don linn, et roherad hi. Rolab^zV in gein 2820 
bai 'na broinn, 7 itbert so ann : ' Gerthit gztrthit erailsium sala mor 
muincille melsedar Ulaidh uir amal melis milchu for mhil cu rossam/ 

LuiDH iarum an ingen dia tigh, et scailit a cercalla dona dabhchaibh 
[fo. 2,6. a. a] acedair diaheis, 7 teit in i\\\aitk dimhain fo lar. Doroich ri 2825 
Fer Muighi .1. Meleand, cus'm tech i m-bui in fhlaitft, et o rochuala an seel 
gabhuidh com. bhuidhin lais tor lurg na hingine dia marbad. Doberur 
celtchair dhichWhi imon \ngin o rath na gene bai 'na b^oinn, co tockt 
imshlan Raith Hua-Cuile. Tainicc iarsin inbhaidh na hingine, 7 tecat 
idhain da hindsaigzV/, cu rothz/jimh in mac idhan robhui 'na broinn. 2830 

BErar iarsin in m^thairrng^rtaigh co hAilbhe Imlech Ibhair dia 
baistedh, 7 doberar screaball d6 ara bhaisd^ .1. sect pinginne oir. Ben- 
nachais Ailbe iarsin in ghein, 7 doberar ainm fair .1. Finnchua, 7 atrubairt 
Ailbhe a thabairt fna leighenn i cind a secht mbliadne. LOtar iarum lucht 
in bhaistte 7 in mac leo cu Raith Ua-Cuile. 2835 

Teacar iarsin o Chum^jcach mac Cuind, p righ bhfer Tefa, mac sethar 
d'Finnchua e fein, do cuinghidh in meic dia altram ; 7 doberar d6, 7 ailter 
an mtfc i tigh Cumascaigh a n-Ard na Rigraidhi os bru Locha Ri, gu cenn 
secht mbliadne, cu torackt Comhghall for cuairt clainni Neill, co tarla do 
thigh Cmimuscaig, co facaid in m^camh 6g isin tigh arachind 7 spir^/2840 
aingil 'na comaidecht. Dobreth Comg<z//gradh do, 7 imchomaircidh cuich he? 
* Findchua sin,' ar siat, ' m#c Findlogha.' ' Oczts misi ron-alt,' ar Cumz/jcach, 
' 7 Ailbhe ron-baisd.' Cuinghidh Comhghall in mac for a aidi, 7 dobmir d6 
he. Dorad in m#c seirc do Chomhg^//, 7 teit leiss co arus, co Bennchar 
Ultfd'j 7 doghni leiginn oca amal cech ndalta ele. 2845 

Bui didiu ferghort cluana intansin ac Comhgtf//, 7 mogaid nobhidis ica 
coimet cu toracht Findchua. Or'ptar toirrsigh iarum na mogaid atberi 
Findcua : ' Leagar duinne 'mar ndaltuibh in ferghort do choimhet gach lai 
timcheall.' Atb^rt Comgall : ' Coimhet-sa anfu 3 he ria each.' Teit iarum 

. 1 MS. fleagh. 2 MS. rochuinnidh. 3 MS. anfugh. 


2850 Findchua do coimet in fheoir. Tic ri \3lad :i. Scannlan mac Dunadhaigh, 
com. slttag do Bennchar, [fo. 26. b. i] 7 cuirit a n-eocha isin bhfergart co 
Findchua. Dichuiris Findchua fotH uada iat. Feargaigh^for l fnu fadeoidh 2 , 
7 escaimVf iat, cu rosoudhait na heich i cloche, conad Gort na Liag atbmir 
fr'is 6sin ille. Fergort na Mogad he* cosin. Lonnaighter in ri de sin, 7 

28 55 tiaghar uadh arcenn Comghaill dia fhis uadh cia dogen^d in gnim tit. Tic 
Comgall guna dhaltai^h cus'm righ, 7 Findchua i cuma chaich. Dobreth in 
ri aithne fairsiumh, conud he* doroine in gnim tit triasin tuarascbdil tacsat 
na haraid do fair, 7 ruamnais rose in righ 'na cinn comtar d^rga teinntidhi 3 . 
Rathajgius Finnchua innf sin 7 fergaighias frisin righ, cu roein^in talamuimi, 

2860 cu riact coa ghluinibh. Adchi Comhghall innf sin, 7 sillaid tara ghua- 
luinn, 7 atbert fHa Finnchua : ' As fearr latsa do beith fein mor inntisa/ ar 
Comgall. Imd^rgthar im Findchua dhe sin, 7 cuiris a cheann fa chochall 
Comgaill, cu roloisc in cochull. ' Ar Dia rit, a meic bic 1 ' ar Comhg#//, 
' nachat-geibhedh ferg, 7 rat-fia do br^^ fein o righ U\ad 7 uaimsi.' c Cidh 

2865 ar nacham-gebhudh ferg,' ar Finnchua, ' umat sharug?^-sa 7 umam 
sharugz^ fein don sengwrt gabala bui ocuinn? Beir-si do \xeitkl ar 
Findchua fria Comga/L ' Berat,' ar Comhgall, ' ackt gur'bhat buid^c/^-sa.' 
Sillis Comgall iorsm righ, 7 atbert an ri : ' Gack ni uma m-bia biat-sa fair.' 
' IS si mu \>retkl ar Comhg^//, ' na secht fichit bo blichta dob^rur damsa 

zSjrouaitsi g^c^a \diadne a tabairt do Fhindchua cu cenn .xxx. \Aiadne tar- 
mheissi, 7 abdhaine Bennchair, 7 darabh a cinnzWdo dhula il-leith n-aili leath 
na cuarta-sin dosom 7 a leth n-aili ibus.' Ba bhuid^c^ Finn/n de sin, 7 
cuirid in talam on righ tarais ana ait, 7 loiscter uili cochall Comgazll, conad 
aire sin nack dleghar cochall um 4 comharba Cornhg^z'//. Cun^d iat tri ferta 

2875Finnchz/tf iar rochtain co Bennchar .1. liaga cloch do dhenamh d'echaibh 
righ Uludh, [fo. 26. b. a] 7 an talam dh'eirghi imon righ c6a gluinibh, 7 
cochall a afdi do loscud trla bruth a fheirge. 

Bai Comghall iarsin a mBennchar co cenn .ix. mbliadne. Et foillsight^r 
do bas do beith 'na ghoiri, 7 tiagait teachta uadha arceann Ailbhe co 

z88olm\mck Ibhair, corned dia Idimh nodhighs^ dochum nime. Foillsight^r 
do Ailbhe inni sin, 7 teit-sein cona dhirim cleirec^ cu rockt Bennchar. Et 
doghniat a n-aenta 7 a codach ann sin a triur .1. Ailbhe 7 Comgall j 
Finnchua. Teit Comhgall docum nimhe innsin do laimh Ailbhe, 7 fac- 
bhaidh Finnchua i n-apdhaine Benncair taraeisi co cenn secht mb\iadne> 7 

1 MS. feargaidh^r. 2 MS. fadeoigh. 8 MS. teinntighi. . * Interlined. 


erbaidh do Ailbe co mbeth Finnchua ria M$hacht ceb tan no ghebhudh dia 2885 
Idmh fair. 

lAr caithimh na secht mbliadne dichuirfc?r Finncua o Bennchar 7 a 
hUlltaz^ uili tm cuimhgi fherainn. Tic iarsin Yinnchua a hUlltaifr atuaidh 
cu toracht la greasactit aingil cu fira Mum<0 7 coa righ .1. co Cathal mac 
./Edna, gu Caiseal, et fmiidh in ri failte fns, 7 ordaighidh a rogha fe/'ainn a 2890 
Mumam do". ASfort Finncua : ' Nf cetuighter dhamh fenmn ar^ in bhaile 
a freiora mu cloc mhe a n-oenar gan cungnum duini aigi.' Atb^t Cathal : 
' Sir-si Mumam cu rofreagra do clocc thu, 7 in bhaile a n-gebha rat-fia gan 
imrisari fHut.' Tic Finnchua roime o Chaiseal co cnch Fer Muighi .1. hi 
cenn iarthur#c& Maigi Maistertha, et siridh cam in maighi dtis in freicerad 2895 
a clocc he, et dofreagair isin maduin arnamharac^ i bhFdn Muilt. Scoirit 
a n-eochu anrisin, 7 leicit a fcvoire dhibh, 7 scailit a mbuar 7 a tainte fona 
ferannuibh ba coininesa dhoib. Dogniter iarum comhaighthes fnu 7 diultad, 
7 gerrt^r a n-indile 7 buailter a n-aeghair<?^ha 1 . Acainit a mhuinnt^r fria 
Finnchua. Asberi Finnchua fr'ia coic .1. Dronan mac Dronbic: 'Eirgagoo 
cuszn. mbaili as comfhoc?^ duinn annso, 7 tab^/r tene lat ass.' Luid iarum 
an coic arcenn na teined cu tech rechtairi righ M^man .1. Basth Brughai 
7 Som \ngen Mhothla a bhaincheli. IMcomhaircis in rectaire : ' Cia hairm 
asa tanacais arcenn tein^? ' Asbeart an coic: [fo. 27. a. i] ' O Fhinnchu, 
o dhalta Comhghaill.' ' In annsin bia fuirech fair?' ar an re^^aire. 'Ni 2905 
fhetar amh,' ar an coic, et cuinghidh an tene. Dobreath an rec^/aire tna 
ihoghdac&t urchar d'aithinne dho. Gabhuidh in coic ana ucht, 7 iss ed bui 
uime, cochall Fmnc/ma. Timaircidh-sium in cochall imon tein/4 7 beirMi 
lais hi. Cuiridh in rer^/aire nech dia mmnttr cen fhis don coic co fesadh in 
loiscfedh an cochull. Cuiridh in coic asa ucht an tene a fiadhn^je Finn^&tf, 2910 
7 ni roloisc finna na brothairne don cochall. Indisidh an te^/aire anni sin 
don recktam gur' thaeidhligh a mhenm# ind aith^i, co n-ebairk cu tibhr^ 
failti dho gengu t^cadh nech aili. L,otar iarsin in re^/aire 7 a baincele 
d'agallatm an cleir?^ fesin, 7 riaraighit he, 7 slechtait do, 7 bhiathait an 
cleir^ in ad<22^-sin 2 da gach bhiudh acht linn nama. Atfiadar do righ Mum- 2915 
an cvnidh ann roghabh Finnchua, i Fan Mhuilt, etir a portaibh-sium 7 a 
airg<?da. Fergaighther baincheli in righ desin .1. Mughain ingen Fhiachrach 
Finn ri Eoghan^^/a Locha Lein. Atbert si na toillfitis a n-enbhaili .1. 
muindt<?r Finnchua 7 a mmnter-si. Fiaf^aighis in ri ca cfs dobertha don 

1 MS. anaedhair^ha. . 2 MS. i 


2920 righain 7 do fesin asin f^ann-sin. ' Ni ansel or an ri : ' oenchiira f ninn 7 a 
furrthain d'fholcadh 1 7 dunadh, 7 airmhed bracha as gach baili do nai mbailib 
at coimhnesa dhamh. Eirgedh techtaire uainn,' ar in ri, ( cu "Finnchua, dia 
f his in bhfaemhann an cis-sin, 7 mina fsemhann eirgead k/h n-naili. J Fsemh- 
uidh finnchua in cfs-sin 7 geall<zz# a thab0z>t uadh, dir is ann sud rofaill- 

2925 siged do a arus do beith 7 a thaisi 7 a eiseirghi il-laithi bratha. Toraindter 
larum in baili la finnchua .1. Cuil Muilt, 7 orduighter a airles, 7 cumh- 
duight^ a thighi, 7 fodhailter 2 a muindtera do na nai mbail$ ele batar ind 
arus ag righ Mum#;z. Feidligw? larum "Finnchua gu cian isin baili-sin. 
Cu tainic Conaing mac Marcain, ri na nDeisi, do [fo. 27. a. 2] slechtain do, 7 

2930 co tart Yinnckua a sheut anmcharut a in#d fein ar nimh dhosomh. 

Tugtfd fr-a cuigisium annsin secht n-ollumain ghabhunn batar i comh- 
fhaicsi d6 co ndernsat secht corrana iarainn do fora m-biadh co secht 
wfoliadni co faghbtfd inadh a nimh, dr dorat a in^d bunaidh do righ na 
nDeisi. Bennach<z*#-siumh gaibhne in bhaile-sin, 7 facbhais buaid lamdai 

2935 (.1. ng^sa) dhoibh doghres acht cum^d isin baili-sin doghendais no do- 
tinnscainfitis he, 7 buaidh n-olluma^ dibh. Cuinghit na gaibhne fairsium a 
n-ainm forsin mbaile a logh a n-gr^sa .1. Bri Gobhunn. Tochaithidh 
Jfinnchua secht rnbliadni fora corranuibh acht 3tnadaig 3 nama. Et iss edfodera 
eisein .1. Ronan Finn Maighe Lainde, mac sethar mdtfiar do Vinnchua, 

2940 senns^r noebh 4 bhfer mBr^- do toide^/ dia atach-somh co tis^d do 
chabair clainm. Neill Naighiall^^ 7 righ Midhi .1. Sechn^^ach mac 
^Edha Slaine, air robhui cog<a:d allmhamc^ don mhuir forro, j ba do 
Fhinnchua roboi in dan a bhfhoiridhin. Et ba hiat doroine in cogd-sin, 
Breasal Bernbhel Buaidealt^c^ 7 Tuire Tortbhuilleach 7 Tinde T>enmhor : 

2945 do Breatnaib iar mbun^d^^ iatsein. Et ba hiat eicne doghnitis an loingi^^- 
sin g^c^a \Aiadne i cHch Ua Neill in deiscirt, port gacha luingi do loscud, 7 
crech^</ g^c^a tuaithi, 7 giall g#c/a fine do breith leo. Dob^nit larum 
clanna Neill benn^^/a dontf dothicfed arcenn Fhinnchua co f<?mibh 
Muighi dia cabair. Roghabh Ronan Find Maigi Lamde do laim an 

2950 um/oit sin. Faillsight^r d'Finnchua, 7 se for a chorranuibh, senns^r noeb 5 
clanni Neill do beith for sligid chuigi, et erailidh for a dhaltuibh freastal 7 
fHthailimh na te^2?airedh n-uasal-sin do dhenum. ' Tabhur,' ar se, ' ian 
measctha .L. do lind doibh, 7 proinn ceit do biudh, 7 m^d bee leo sin fuillter 

1 In marg. In the text dfolcadh is rewritten in recent hand. 2 MS. foghailter. 

3 MS. senagtfzV/. * MS. noemh. 5 MS. noem. 


fr-is.' Doriachtatar na cldrig- iarsin, 7 rofnthailit amal asb^rt Jtinnckua. 
Et ni thormailt Ronan nf don biudh-sain nogu tis<?d Yinnchua dia chorranuibh 2955- 
chuice, dia acallaim. O rosiacht a fhis co Ttinnchua Ronan do beith i 
troscadh, ailidh Tfitmchua in Coimdhi [fo. 37. b. i] cumhac&fach euro 
fhaillsiged do an nf bhudh coir do de'namh, uair nir'bo ail d6 dhula dia 
corranuibh comtais comhlana a shec/tt mbliadna forro. Tic iarsin spirut 
aingil do nertad Fhinnchua co 72-dechad d'agallaim an c\eirig aili do ced 2960 
Iwu Crist. Luidh iarum ~Finnckua am trath proinrie d'acattaim Ronain, geY 
imndr lais a c<?rp t^etholl iarna treaghdad 7 iarna tholl^ do dhasluibh 7 
do phiasdz# d'fo/csin do neoch et/r; et f<?^uid each dhibh faiJti iri araili, et 
atf// Ronan d'Finnchua in toisc imma tainic. ' Bidh am umhal-sa fHsin 
toisc-sin,' ar Yinnchua. L,otar iarsin rompa cu rancat^r tuatha Teamra. 2965^ 
O atconncatur clanna N&ll na cleir?^- chuca dobhi do mhett a n-eicne cu 
r'eirighset uile ar fhailti fHa Findch^^. IN adaig 1 \mmorro 
^indchua co Temraig ba sf ad^?^ 1 doro^/atar na dib^rgaigh, 7 tacsat 
a longgu clannaibh Neill an deiscetrt co Dubhcomar. Atcuas innisin do righ 
Temhrac^ 7 d'Finnch#. Eirghid iaxum idir laech 7 cleirec/t, 7 imp6it ar 2970 
deisil tria thecasc "F'mnchua, 7 tecait rompa ina foramrith co na 
dib^rgaigh uatha. Eirghidh iarum aicn^d an clein^- friu cu romhemhatar 2 
spongcaibhle teined tnchemhruaidhi asa dhetaibh sechtair, cu roloisc in 
tene-sin c^onna na sleg 7 doite 7 righthe na ndibm:ach, gur'bo toi tuaith- 
gerrtha iat. ' Eirghit,' ar Finnchua, ' fesa uaibh dia salgid da fhis in tibritis 2975 
slan dia bhfoghail.' Lot^r na teckta cuca. Asb^tsat na tibntis slan 
doibh tria bhithu. Lonnuight^r Yinnchua don aitheasc-sin na n-allmwrach. 
Eirghit iarum a n-aeinf \\scht chuca, etzV laech 7 cl/r^c^, conad he olc d&dh- 
ean^c^ dor6nsat fr'm a n-gilladha do mharb^ 7 a longa do loscud 7 earn 
dia ceannaibh 7 dumha dia n-eduighibh ; ^wzadh amlaidk sin rodhichuir 2980 
finnckua na dib^rcaigh. Dob^ur a br^ fein d'Finnch^^.T.Dun Dubchomair 
secht ndolaidhib batar fris, 7 corn lamha righ cona thimthacht do or 

, 7 a thabairt sin d6 gacha secklmad bliadne o righ Mide. Gealltar sin 
uili d'Finnch^^, 7 ceileab^aidh do clannaibh. Neill iarsin, 7 facbhaidh 
benntf^/ain acu, 7 tic [fo. 27. b. 2] dia arus fein iardain. Con^d hisin 2985 
f6iridhin Fhinnch^^ ar clann^zM Neill 7 ar fheruibh Midhe, 7 cain uatha 
som d'f hir a inaidh da eis cu brath. 

Fosaigid Finnchua 'na ind fein fna r^ cian 

1 MS. agzV. 2 MS. curomhebhatar. 



IS ann sin do&n cogtfd for Laighnibh fna linn Finnch##. Sen-Nuada 

2990 Eidus fa ri Laigen intansin. Batar da bainchele ocon righ-sin .1. Affe 
\ngen Rosa Failge 7 Anmet inghen Colmain meic Cnmhthain do Huibh 
Cennseltf^, et annsa lasin righ issi inas in bhanFhailgc/fc, 7 ba torrach sein 
uadh. Cuinghidh in ben Chennselach in toirrchius bai ocon mhnai Failghigh 
do iabairt ar comus di. Gia rogheall in ri disi sin nf rocomuill. Cuiridh 

2995 in ri fis focleith cusan mban-Fhailg^, 7 atbert fria dhul isin Mumain sfar 
ar comairce Fhinnch^tf Shlebhe Cua, uair comairce mfs 7 raithi 7 bliadne 
aicesein sech gack noebh 1 aili da gacti duine dar sarugwa? bhfer nEirenn, 
air ni lamhdais sloigh nait sochazde, curaidh nait cathmilzdT nf do Finnchua 
ar mhe't a aicnidh, 7 ar saeire a cheiniuil, 7 ar me"t a bhrotha 7 a bhrighe. 

3000 Luidh iarum an inghin for set i crich Mum^ 3 tHar ier 7 n^^bhar ban cona 
cairpthib leo, cu ro^/atar iartur Maighi Maistertha, cu romhemaidh 2 fertais 
carpazf na hinghine, c^^adh Ath in Carp## ainm inn atha osin ille. Ur- 
dhaingnight^ in carp<atf re hedh, 7 scaiha? doridisi 7 leathnaigz'4 cona.dh ass 
rohainmnig^d Druim Leathan 7 Ceall Droma anfu. Gabs/t iarsin idhain 

3005 diana an ingin, et faillsigt<?r esein do 'Finnchua j s6 ica f hothracadh a 
n-dabtf^h uaruisci .1. ben righ Laigm do thectit chuige ar chomairci. Et 
asb^rar uadha fna gan te^/a asan inadh a raibhe co mcadh a toirrches, dir 
ni ghnathaighdis mna naft bandala te^ ar edajs Finnchua intansin. 
Bmdh i^T?n mac mochtrath aramdmc^ 3 , 7 b<?^ar uaithi he dia bhaisdztf co 

3010 Finnchua. Baisdt^r iarsin an mac 7 doforar 'Findtan' fair .1. Finntan 
mac Sen-Nuadha Eices mete Breasail BHc, meic Fiachach Foibnc. Oilier 
in mac oc "Finnckua, j dobeir a chich des d6, cu rofhas bainne innti, 7 
fogarthar damhrad im theacht 'na tfr fein. Dobhi bisech [fo. 28. a. i] ar an 
mac sin n^c^t bfadh oca mhdthair fesin dia mbeitis noenbur banalt^ann fai. 

3015 Fortamhlaighidh iarsin in cocd thair for Laighnibh o Chennsealach m#c 
Dunlaing meic Dunadhaigh, o raitfer H\ii Cennseal^. Tecait iarsin a ses 
gradha co Sen-Nuadha Eiceas da fhis cidh dogendais risin coc^d-sin, ar ba 
sen6ir in drai ann. Asbert in rf : ( Ata cathaighi ^^ghaluch i cinn- Shlebhi 
Gua .1. Findchua o Bri Ghobhann, 7 itd mac damhsa aigi, 7 ticfaidh am 

3020 shocraiti ire bhaidh doigh am inmhain leis allos mo meic, 7 eirgedh aireclmy 
co nsenb^r eces lais aracenn, ar ita do mht a naire na tibhre e"ra for an ses 
dana.' L,otar na f\\.id fora sit cu rocfotatar i comfhoc^j baile "Finnchua .1. 
abuind fria cill anair. Faillsigt^r sin do "Finnchua 7 se i ndabhuigh 

1 MS. noemh. a MS. curomheb/h. s MS. arabdrach. 


uaruisci, 7 luidh g&rah ses dana na tistais cuigi co tairsedh dhosomh a 

Fergaighit na filz# fHssium uimi sin, 7 fergaighidh-som fHsna 3025 
. 0na dl^wr aes dana do theac&fa taran abhuinn anoir ats'm mbaile 
o sin cen ceadugwa?, et is dimbuaidh doibh da ndwcat, conadb. Smth na n-Eces 
ainm na habhunn o sin ille. Connb. dlegur do righ Laighean te^/aire filed 
do cur uadh osin ille, 7 is dimbuaid dia cuire. Doroich tra in t-ses dana co 
Finnch## aithle a fhothr#/cthi, et asbmit fns : * Ardochendsa tancamar-ne 33 
o righ Laigtf/z,' ar siat, f co n-dighiss dia f hoiridhin don coozd fuii fair.' 
' Rag<zt-sa fHs sin,' ar finnckua, ' cen imrisain, 7 nidham lease uime.' Luidh 
"Finnckua cumoch arnamhclr^c^ ina dhfrim clein?c&, 7 mac righ "Lalgen lais, 
7 in t-aes dana, cu rangatar cusan. righ cu dun uas Berbha. F^rthar failti 
fria "Finnckua, et tairisis menma in righ fHIa mac, 7 fa buidheach don lesugaw? 3035 
tacadh fair. Dogmter a freastal comaith. Asb^rt "Rinnchua fnsin rfgh 
comha shidha do bhreith uadh do Chennsealach, 7 muna gab^d cath 
d'fhuacra fair. Ge rucadh coma shfdha gu Cennsilach nir' ghabh nach ni 
achtdun. os Berba dh'argum aramhdr^c^ 1 . Gabais ierg 7 fuasn<a:d an c\ereck 
dhe sin, 7 dobadh fhearr lais cu faghbhadh cath in uair-sin. C6raight^ 3040 
iarum a chath la cocktat dhe, cur' bat comdMthta, [fo. 2,8. a. 2] comharda iat. 
Teit Finnch## i tus in chatha, 7 roeing- a barann 7 a bhorrfod, 7 roHn^^tar 
to^n danatais a criche 7 a cheiniuil 'mon am-sin, et roghabh a cosa 7 a lamha 
7 a siiili for slogh Ceindsealtfz^, cu nar' thualuing n-imghona iat anagaid a 
nimhut. Tic iarsin tonn diadhackta co ~Finnckua t j asb^rt friu gialla 7 3045 
aidide do tabairt do righ ~Laigen, 7 nfr'fhsemhsat innf sin eitzV. Adracktatar 
Laigin a n-oeinfe^2 lasin cl/rech isin cath, et asb^H: ~Finnchua : * Na .b. so, a 
Laighne, nom-lenaidh-si,' et veliqua. Rocuir^ iarsin in cath gan choicill, 7 
nir'fagbhudh mac righ 'na shesamh ann acht Cennseal^^ a oenar, et tz^cadh 
.L. mac righ dhibh co dun os Berbha, *wzadh Dinn Righ ainm an inaid sin 3050 
osin ille. O rahaincedh Cennsil^zc^ roedhbair dilsi a clainne 7 a ceiniuil 7 
a iardaighi 2 do innchua, 7 ced da g#c^ chrudh g^c^a sechtmad bliadne do 
fein 7 d'fir a maid o righ ILaigen 7 b Huibh Cennsil^^ dogr^s. Facbhuidh 
Ttinnchua buadha 3 do righ L,aigm 7 do righ Ua Cennsil#;g- .1. gen^j ina 
righnuibh 7 ana mnaibh, 7 naire 'na n-iogenaib, 7 firinde 'na bfemibh. 3055 

Cuinghes ri L,algen for ^innchua Finntan a mac d'facbail aigi ina cHch 
fesin, et ceduighi^j "Finnchua d6 sin, 7 tc ben&ackt dia dhalta, et dob^rt a 
dhalta i fosug^ann, 7 dob^rt a rogha dia dhalta in loeehd<3^ no an 

1 MS. arabharach. 2 MS. iard^aidhj. 3 MS. buagha. 

N 2 


cleircher^, et rue in dalta do roghain in cleirche^, et dobert fer&nn d6 

3060 iarsin .1. Cluain Irarrois fHsa n-apar Cluain Eidhnech innfu, et cumthar tnan 
cuarta in baili-sin d'Finnchz&z dogres. 

Conad iat sin gnimartha 7 ferta Finnch#<2 i Laighm, 7 doroich iarsin 
co adhbhtf fein i Mz/main. 

IS 6 ba ri for "(Jlltaib intan sin, Eoch# Croibhd^g mac Scannlain rn^'c 

3065 Dun<zdaigh, et ba hi a baincele, Moinginn Ingen Daire mete F'mnchaid d'feruibh 
Mumhan ; et nir'ghabh oa ier gan tzckt a Mumam do cosnumh righi dia 
mtfcuibh .1. Cas 7 Cian 7 Cingid, 7 gabhatdh in ri do laim sin. Foillsightef 
d'Finnch?^ inni sin .1. aslach Diab#z7 do tabazVt da mnai for righ \3\ad um 
thoidhe^/ i cenn catha i Mumhain cen fhotha. Et gabais ceim *wzalbais 

3070 Finnch# annsin uma cnch fein g/cuir fesa inag#/dh [fo. 38. b. i] righ 
\3\adk, uair nir'ail d6 a mharb^ i crich Mhuman fna linn, 7 dia tis^d tara 
sharugzft/ cu fuighbhedh bas 7 aidhedh - 1 anabuidh. Tancat^r arai sin 
Ulaid tn'a gresackt na mna cu riachtadar Mairtine Mor Muman gan airiugud 
do righ Muman, cor'ghabsat sos<2d 7 longphort a n-Ard na Righm/<aS frisi 

375 n-apar Cnoc Samna iniu. IS ann immorro dobi Cathal mac wfEdha Flaind 
Cat^ach ri Muman 7 Mum?/ ingen Fiacrach a baincele a nDun Eochair- 
mhaighi 2 intansin, 7 atciat ar n-eirghi doibh na samhlacha i Cnuc na 
Righrazdi riu anes .1. na m^rgedha ana etarbhuas^c^a 7 na pupla do b^-eac- 
sroll righda isin tulaig 'arna tocbhail. Loter fesa o righ Muman dus cia 

3080 robhai isin bAaig. ' Ri Ul^, ar siat, ' 7 Moingf hinn Ingen Daire ic iarr^ 
righi Muman dja m<2cuibh.' O rahindised do righ Muman sin atb<?rat a 
chomhairb^ 7 maiti M^man : { Tiaghar uainn arcenn in chatha^e mharbh- 
thaigh-sea rind anes .1. "Fitinchua BH Gobann, uair dogheall damsa geb e 
tan nobheth e"ic^# catha form co ticfad a cenn catha learn dom chabhair 7 

3085 in Cennchathach lais .1. a bhachall fesin/ L,otar na fesa gu ^innckua .1. 
Ger 7 Tualaing 7 Tursc^r^, tri ghille in righ, 7 adfiadhat do ri Ul<3:</ do 
tiachtain tara sharug^-sumh isin Mhumain. Gluaisis Fmnchua andsin ana 
shomhulrith charpuit, 7 a bhachall 'na laimh, gan airisium ria cleirchibh 
idir, cu riacht Dun, EochtfzV Maighi 2 , baile a raibhi Cathal mac ^Edha. 

3090 Ferthar failti fris on righr^y. Asb^rt in ri annsin fria "Finnckua dul do 
tabairt comhadh do Ullta$, 7 o nar 5 thoich d6 righi M.uman nack fuighbhedh 
hi. Luid in clfreck fnssin, 7 dob^t Moingfhinn aithne fair uaithe, et 

1 MS. aighedh. 2 MS. maidhi. 


fria m^cuib dtabaidk logaissi (.i.bregi) do dhenamh ardaigh co tis^d in 
dia n-/!rain, 7 cu romharbdais a meic-si he, uair dob egal leo in clJreck do 
bhria?^ chatha forro, 7 dia marbhtha-som robo bee brigh Muimnech leo. O 3095 
dhorocht "Finnchua cusan longphort rofhiafm^f: ' Cia deabazdh sut dodam 1 ?' 
arse. 'Mo meic-si sut,' ar Moginn, [fo. 28. b. 2] *oc dzabdidh um righi 
Mum##, 7 eirg-si dia n-etrain.' ' Ni th6 emh,' ar 'Finnchua, ' air bat sidhaigh 
meic Mo'mginne.' Ni rofoemh^ tra o Finnchua in comha frissa n-dechaid 
co righ Ultfd?, et geibhidh ferg 7 fuasn^d he, 7 tic co righ Mumam, 7 atfet 3i 
na rogabhudh comha uadh etz>. 'DENUlDH,'arFz^^, 'cippe 2 comdhaingen 
catha dhibh o doroc^fobair oenmhaigzVz/ Teit vaxum 'Finnchua i tiis in 
chatha-sin, 7 in Cenncatach ina laimh .1. a bach//, 7 tennaidh in comhairle 
7 nertaidh in cath, 7 tic fotri deisiul in t-sluaigh, 7 a bhachtf// 'na laimh, 7 
cia rocuindigh in ri in bach<zz7/ 'na Idimh nf tard 'Finnchua dho. Cum^d 3105 
air fesin nobeth maisi in catha do brisedh daraeisi. INnlit TJ\aid iat fein 
anagh^d? Muimhn^ annsin, 7~gabhuit a n-arma irghaili. Robhuirset 7 
robeicset am^/damhu damhghaire, 7 tiagtfz't a mul[l]ach an.cnuic. Saigh- 
idh in clfreck in fan tarrsa, 7 leicidh in cnoc doibsium. Ooms^z't 13\aid co 
dicra do cur in catha. O'tconnaic "Finnchua sin tamzzVf jat fon suid^2&/-sinj 3110 
conar'leic eirghi dhoibh sech a ngluinib suas et^V, 7 moidhid an cath forro 
anagtfzW an aird. Cor'fhacuibh "Finnchua do Muimhnech#/ maidm rempa 
inagaid in aird o sin amach cobrath 3 anagazd allm^rach, 7 g<zc^ sloigh ar- 
cena, 7 iss ed chomalltar iarfir. Dorochuir ri "(Jlad 7 a shetig Moingf hinn 
cona. trl m^cuibh leo isin cath-sin, co fuilet a bhfi-rta 7 a lighi isin \xhaig 3115 

Tecait a tn daltoda co "Finnchua iarsin..i. Coimde 7 Conmhach 7 C<?- 
craidh, 7 dob^rat a lamha tor a gualtfzVzfz, 7 atb^rts^t iris : 'As dith fine, as 
forba fas, as sechna thire 7 talman duit a n-doronais aniu, 7 innf rob ail duit 
do dhenamh .1. do bhraithbheimenna do bem for \3\\taib! Tairms iarsin 3120 
menmha in cl/ngh 7 tairisid a aicned, 7 ainicer in tsluaigh, co Tzdechatar da 
einech imlan uadha. IMpoidh iarsin co ?ruibh M.uman co tarladur dho 
arachinn i crolighi ..I. Cairthenn Finn 7 Cairthenn Donn, 7 secht meic 
F^annain de Huibh Cassin, 7 Ferm^c 7 Ifernan, 7 aitchit in cl/reck uma 
chabhuir, [fo. 29. a. i] 7 doberat a bhm% fein d6. IMpoidh iarum 3125 
Findch&d: fnu, 7 bennachais iat, 7 slanaighidh tnana fheartuibh 7 adhamh- 
raibh cor'bhat slaiwcrechtaigh diaeis, et orda^hit sein a cuarta dho .1. .L. 

1 Interlined. * MS. cispe. 8 MS. cobrach. 


ech allmardha a Huibh Toirr(del)bagh j .L. corn buabhaill a Huib Caisk 
7 .L. sitheal aircd/Wi o mhaithibh Dail Cais. Doroich iarsin "Finnckua cosin 

3130 righ, 7 dobmir a bhn/!6 .f<m do .1. bo" cech lis on Ardchnoc .1. Cnocc 
Brenuinn, co Dairinis ic Imlmrh, 7 bo bhithblicht do cl/ra:^ a bhachla ce<rh 
tan beVthar i ceann catha hf, 7 coimeirghe re bhfear a inaidh dogres 6 righ 
Mum<2#. Facbhais Findcrwa bennacktam ocon righraidj oc femibh M.uman, 
7 tic roime dia adbha fesin iar mbuaidh bhfert 7 mirbmfe. 

3135 EIRGHEAS iarsin cogtfd allmzwach i coicedh Conn^* re linn Fhinnch##. 
Tomaltec^ mac M*redhaigh ba rf Connar^intansin. A n-indmhusa. immorro 
nobertis allmhar^ uatha g^c^a \A\adne tar muir sair, gur' fhacuibhset gorta 
7 terce bidh isin coiceadh. Lotar fesa o Thomaltec# co YinncJiua cu ro- 
dhingbtfd 1 na hallmuraJg dhe 7 a br<?^ fesin do. Luidh Ttinnchua lasna 

3140 t^/aibh gu Ouachain Maigi hAi. Eatur failtigh Cennac&ta. roime. Batar 
done na hallmuraigi bhfosadhlar longpmrt ina bhfarr^i Cuil Fedha 2 , frisi 
n-abar Cul Cnamrois inniu. ' Cidh as ail diiibh fnu sut?' ar ^innchua* 
( Cath do thabhairt doibh,' ar Connachfa. l Dingebhut-sa in cath/ ar Fmn- 
chua, 'darcenn mu riara.' Geallait Connachfa a br^V^ fein dosum. Teit 

3!45 finnchua leo a ceann in catha 7 adcf na hallmum^^h uadha. Geibhidh 
iarum teasb^c^ d^rmhair na \&\\muraig- annsin tria cum^^ibh an cleir^ 
a medhon a longphuirt dona sonnuibh iarn/^ibh batur i timcheall an long- 
phuirt imacuairt^(3nd frith dibh aramharach 3 acht a cnama7 a taisi a medhon 
a longpuirt, 7 frasa dia n-armaib 'na bhfarr^: conadh. Cuil Cnamhrois ainm 

3150 ann in^V^ o sin ille. Tairisnighit Connachta iarsin [fo, 29. a. 2] a mhirb&z'/ibh 
an cluing, 7 orda^hit a cana 7 a cuarta dho, 7 ech g#c^ degduine 7 screabal 
gach se^nduine 7 erradh righ Connockt o mhulkr^ co Iar g^c^a blia<^^ dh6. 
FACBHAIS ~Finnchua iarsin bitaid catha la righ Connacht, j \>ttaid ngnima 7 
btiaid marcachuis, 7 nach gebhadh nert allmhar^c^ crich Cotmacht cu brath 

3 X 55 daeisi, conud. he sin fotha Finnch#0 a Conn^^/aibh tna bhithu. Ceilibr<zz# 
Ttinnckua do Connacktaib iarsin, 7 tic c6a mennat fesin i F<?raibh Muighi. 

AS e ba ri Ciarr^e intansin, Mothla mac Floinn m<?2c Mngkusa. Bai 
mate brathar aigisein .1. Ciar Cuircheach o raldhter Ciarm^i Cuir^^^. 
Ocus asb^rtadar comalt^da in righ marbad an meic-sin a bhrathr cunadi 

3160 tis^d fris, et czdaigius in ri a mharbad amuich intan nobhiadh oc seilg. 
Acht nf rosiacht leo gia rog#bs#t dolaimh. Atfiadhar sin don righ, 7 doberar 
linn somheasctha soola g^an ngilla .1 .Ciar Cuircheach, gur 3 cuircd 'na cbodlod 
1 MS. curodhingnwd. 8 MS. Fegha. 3 MS. arabharach. 


he", 7 docuiredh a curac^ aenshluaisti for muir, 7 szolaid gseth 6 gu hlnis 
Fuamnaighi, bhaile i raibhe Maghor Dubloings^ do allmharchaibh. Gabhar 
aigisein Ciar Cuircheach ism churacfc 7 innisidh a imthusa do Mhagar, 7 3165 
ainicis Magar he" o'tcuala a scela, 7 ise luach anacuil rochuinn^ fair .1. eolus 
cusan crich asa tafnic cu roairgeadh hi, ar ni bhfdh arbhur na treabhad aige 
'na innsibh eidir. Lotar iamm i Ci&rrajigi fHa re tH bhfaghmhar, gu rucsat 
a harbhur eisdi ana mbarcaibh iarna crechad, co rofhas gorta mor a Ciarr^e 
uili dhesin. Asb<?rt Mothla mac Flainn: ' Eircter uainn arcenn ar mbrdthar 317 
bunadchineoil .1. Finnchua S1/& Cua, cu ros-foire sinne amail fhoires each.' 
Teacat na techta aniar co Finnchtia^ 7 atfiadhat d6 a tosca. LUID Finnchua 
i Cfarraigi iarsin d'f6iridhin a bunadcheiniuil, et ba si sin ad<zzg * thangatar 
na dibercaigh isin tir, 7 gabhsat a bhFindtracht Cind Maghair. FiafVaigidh. 
in ri d'Finnchua, cidh dogenduis friu [fo. 29. b. i]. Fiafraigidh 'Finnchua 3175 
don righ cia hole doghnftis ga;c^a \>\\a.dne isin tfr ? * Ni f hacbaft/ ar in rf, 
* a bee do arbfcr isin crich dianeis.' ' Leag^r scailed dhoib/ ar Finnckua, ' cu 
roghabhat a n-oir^da forru, 7 tecam-ne isin traigh taraneis, 7 is ced limsa ga# 
ar bhtocsin doibh cu tisat chucainn 'narcenn.' Nir'b6 cian vasum gu 
bhfacaiur cuca iat isin traigh, 7 a n-oireda f^rm^da forra. Roeirigh immorro 3180 
a bharann 7 a bhorrfad in cleir?^-, am^// lanna d^glas^ach no amail thoichim 
tuindi fna tfr. Ba he tHcce 7 tindisnz^i dothoet Finnchua a cath a brathaf 
in Id-sin ire bhaidh cur'bho meidightzV airdigt/r fria seol pnmhluingi uas 
fhethfhairrgi ferta 7 cum^^^a De tre ghuidhi in naeibh 2 inag<a;^ na n-all- 
m^rach in la-sin, cu roeirg^tar tonna Eirm^ fris. Roghabh tra scemhdha;^^ 3185 
7 leadarthaighi cho# he ina gaiscedh in la-sin. Gengu betis laeich ag cur in 
chatha acht esiumh a aenur is roime nomhoidhfe/h, air is cuma notheasc^d 
da arm 7 da f hiaclaibh na haVLmurchu. Conadh de rolil "Finnc/id de .1. amail 
choin in la-sin he. Et t^csat in sluagh Ciamzzg/fec^ a n-aigti uili re hagh 3 7 
regaisc^intansin, cu na terna dona hallmharch^/3 cen ghab^7^<? cin marbad 5*9 
acht Ciar Cuircheach a aenar. Et is he Finnchua roainic esein. Rocommai- 
dhedan gnfmh-sin acu iarsin,7rom6raid ferta DQ-J Finnchua cuna g^bann nert 
allm^r^c^ gana duttuzz^ budhein innti acht gu cuimnedar Finnchu oc tabairt 
in catha 7 a thabhuirt a n-ainm Dh6 7 Finnchua 7 a chana dh'fir a in#z'd daeis. 

ASpert in ri fris : ( Beir do breith, a cleirz^*, 7 ben do beim ci'sa orainn 3195 
infechtsa, uair bidh manuigh dhilsi dwz'tsi 7 d'fir h'inaidh inne dogres.' 'As 
mo bretk,' ar Finnchua : ' miach bracha g^c^a baile dhamh, cona furrthain do 

*. MS. agoA^ 2 MS. ghuighi innaeim. 3 MS. hadh. 


bhiudh cacha blizdne.' Rochinnset-som cu tibntis. ASp^t izrum in rf 
nack fuighbhedh Ciar Cuuchech failti oca 7 nocheaduighfed d'Finnch## a 

32oobhreith laiss. [fo. 29. b. a] LuiDH i&rum Ciar Cuircheach la Finnchaa: 
.xxx. i . a bhfuair dia chairdibh 7 dia choiceuY isjn tir. CElLEabhrais Yinnchua 
iarsin don righ 7 don righraidh, 7 facb<m benntf^/ain acu, 7 teit g<5a aras 
fesin. Et cuiris Ciar a Ciamw^i Cuircecti, conadh uadh rosloinn^. Et dlig*# 
Yinnchua gacka. bliadne .xxx. tore o Ciarraigi Cuircecfo. 

3205 TEACAIT iarsin re linn Yinnchua clanna Neill in tuaiscirt do ghabail 
righi Mumtf #,uair atcualater in tfr ina folmaisi 7 L^h Mogha 'ar bhfagtf z7 leoin 
ima righuibh 7 ima codhn^c^uibh, 7 gan rjfgh diles orra. Gabhait iaxum 
Iongp0rt oc Loch Sighleann i n-Gurt Clainnl Neill anfu, 7 nfr'bac^d dibh, 
uair n/r'bhe airdrf -ior Mumam intansin acht comard oirr^-. Docuad^y 

3210 immorro Muimn?^ a muinighin a noeb * um cosc^^ Clainnl Neill do breith, 
uair ni rabhatar cuingzH chatha acu 'na;zagtfz</. Dobhf tra mac rfgh acu 
intansin .1. Scannal mac rfgh Ua-Cairbfe. Erlamh airmhitn^ do shil 
EogtfzVz esein, 7 adubairt gu ticfadh moirsheis^ nseb 2 do cur in chatha acht 
gu mbeth aenlaech do clannaibh EogtfzVz roime do mac rfgh no rigdamna^ 

3215 Atcuas d'f<?ruibh Muman cu raibhi ter calma don Mumam .1. Cairbre C^om 
mac Cnmhthain t-Sreib 3 meic Ech#^ meic JEngusa. mete Nat-fraeich, 7 fa 
m<2c righ 7 righna, 7 fa hadhbz/r righ acht gu righdais tuatha 7 fine 6, 7 
rohinniseadh doibhsium a bheith ac seilg a ndroibheluibh 7 a bfasaighibh 7 
a bhfheduibh 4 .1. ar mhucaibh 7 aigib 5 , 7 lot?^f fesa uathaibh arachenn, 

3220 7 adubratar fHs nobherdais righi d6 ar tia^^/ain a cenn chatha leo. 
Atb^rt-suni fnu na raghadh nogu tis^ in cathaighi calma bai i Mumam 
lais, .1. Finnchz&z Sl/^i Cua. B^ar a fhis sin dona nasbaibh 6 lit, 7 tecait 
sein arceann Fmnc/ma gu maithibh M^man leo da breith don chath.' 
' Caidhi,' ol Ymnckua, ( in lucht ros-gabh do laimh in cath. Ni nert leo itz> 

3225 curabh aissi ica thab^Vt leo aroen fna Scannal. Dorum/^ar-sa 7 ris,' ol 
Yinnchua, ' gidh lease learn;' [fo. 30. a. i] et tainic leo cu riachtatar Loch 
Siletm gu comthinol Mum. Et doriacht Cairbre Crom chuca conz. 
shochr^'te amail rogheall intan adcualtf Finnch^a: do tec^^ann, et adconn- 
c&iur Clanna. Neill uatha ag eirghi gumoch isin matain ina longport ina 

3230 mbroin adhbhail ildathaigh. Locuid fir Mhum^w in cath re grain Clainm 
N&ll 7 ar imut a lsech 7 a t^ealaim, ackt Yinnchua a senar. Et comairlig^d 

1 MS. noem. 2 MS. naem. 3 MS. q-jtei 13 (the b in different ink). * MS. bhfeguibh. 
6 7 aigib interlined in different ink, f MS, nxmaibh. r MS. Dor6m^arsa. 


Yinnchua fir Mhumtf/z, 7 adubairt nach leicfithe baile dia bfminn doibh 
darned loc#d leo. Doraidhs<?t fir Muman : 'Atait Clantta N//7/ ar tri 
coimlfn-ne.' ASp^t Yinnchua a n-imarcraidh do shlaidhi 1 comtis coimlina, 
et o robheitis coimhlfn each do mharbhadh a fhir chomhhVz iarsin. Cidh tra, 3245 
regress 7 ronert Yinnchua 7 Cairbri Oom fir Mhum<z 'cum an chatha, dir 
ni raibhe Cairpre ara imghab^z/. Rosemsat fir Mumh<2 in cath tna naire 
7 tr ia n^rtadh Yinnchua j Cairbn. IS ann sin rochoraighset clanm. Neill 
iat fein 'cum an chatha, 7 tancatar a ndail fher Mum## cudian 7 cu- 
dastf^fech .1. doiri dia n-armaibh uasa cennuibh 7 leibheann da sciathaibh 325 
'na timceall. Eirghit Muimn^f 'nanag^Vj? hxum j a naeib 2 leo, et ger'sat 
liu do Clannaib N<#// rosraemor^ in cath forra a nertuibh naebh 3 7 curadh, 7 
leantar in maidm, 7 dichenntar m6ran dibh, 7 tinoilter a cind a n-aeninadh, 
7 dobmir il-Loch Silenn frisa. n-abar Loch Cenn anm. Et righthar 
Cairbri Oom mac Cnmhthain for Mhumam. Et aitchidh finnchua Dia 3255 
um deilbh mhaith do thabatrt fair, uair ba scairb^hi a dhenamh, 7 fuair 
"Finnchua 6 Dhia a rogha dealbha dh6, conaA Cairpre Caemh atb^thea fns 
iarsin iar n-aithearr^c^ crotha 7 d^tha. A Cill Oomghlaise rohail^ in 
Cairpr^ sin ac Sceallan Chsel, con^d de rolean Cairpr^ Crom dhe, 


Fa direch o chinn go bonn 
ge atbertea. fris Gairpr<? Cn>m: 
as de ron-geibh ainm re ais 
ara alt^amh a Cromglais. 

Beannachaidh Yinnchua fir Mhurn^^ 7 ri Caisil annsin .1. Cairb^e [fo. 30. 3265 
a. z] com, shil, 7 dorinne in r{ cad#c^ fHa Yinnckua do fein 7 da shil, 7 
sraemtfd? catha ria dainn Cairpre intan dobertais a n-ainm Dhe 7> 
no minn dia mhinnuibh oca ag dul a ndeab#z#h, 7 bhidh leo a buaidh ; et 
geallais. Yinnchu'a nack cuirfedh cath osin amach. Cinnit Muimnigh ima 
n'gh cana Yinnchua forru .1. in cetlsegh 7 in c/Aian 7 in c//arc d'Finnch^^ 3270 
7 d'fir a maidh o fmiib Mum<a:, 7 coimhet a inaidh ar clannaibh Cairprz* 
dogras. Et almsa as cech sroin o Feruib Muighi d'fir a inaidh, 7 a ghuidhi 4 - 
sium dhoibsium in dam eicne, 7 guidhfed 5 -sium Dia um shlicht Coirprz* 7 
Chathail d'foirithin iar bhfir. 

. TEIT Yinnchua iarsin dia mhennat fesin; 7 teitt iarsin do Roim, uair rob 3 2 75 
aithra:^ leis na catha dochuir 7 na gnimha doroine ar connailbhe 7 ar 
bhaidh brathairsi. Ocus rochan na runna-so sis : 

1 MS. animarc^aigh doshlaighi. 2 MS. naeim. 3 MS.nsemh. *MS.ghuighi. 6 MS. guighfed. 



SEACHT catha rochuires-sa, 
as me Ttinnchita cin meabhuil, 
o chath Duine Dubhchomair 
3280 gu cath Finntraicht Ginn Maghair. 

Cath i Temhraag 1 thuc#j-sa, 
cath i Laignztf lem crabhad, 
cath a Mumat'n mhedhonaigh 
doradj he cen gabhadh. 

3285 Cath Locha cenn 

ar clannuibh Neill cin mheabhail, 
cath Gmachna Ai 
as romamsa 

Mu thachar fHa Muimhneckaz'fi 

3290 le mac JEdha, lem fhertuibh, 

mu chatha re cmrrmechatlt 
coir a n-airimh 'na sechtuibh. 

Co Roim Letha mh'ailit^e 
far slig/fi? Foil is fetair, 
3295 ' i mainistir Bronaidi 2 

rom-airmzdt^r 'na sectaibh. 

Cona.dh iat sin gnimhradha 7 gemem#2 finnchua j a chatha 7 a conghala 
7 a thurara o dolabuir a mbroinn a mh^^^r nogu ndech^^ do Roim 
Letha, cu raibhi fria re mbliadne innti oc aithrighi, am// roscHbh fesin i 
3300 leabhur Mainistreach Baidhi m^'c Bron<Z2^. 

In br&ihair oBuag^c^ain roscnbh an B^/ha-so as[in] leabkur Mames- 
fteck "Baidki. 

Finit re Fionnchua 3 . 

1 MS. romheabaidh. 2 .i. Buidi mete Bronaigh. 3 In lower margin, in a recent hand. 

[fo. 30. b. i.] 
Betha B^enainn meic 

IS fechtntfc/fc 7 as firdn foirbhthe in fer forsa. mbi ecla 7 imuam<? an 
Coimd^a? cumtf#/aigh 7 accobhras codmnhair timna 7 forceatal De do 
comallad, amail luaitter i canoin petarlaice 7 nufhiad2>.n in t-aithi^c-so. 

Sochaidhi tra do uasalaithribh 7 d'faidibh 7 d'aps[t]al0z# 7 do 
deiscipltf^ in Choimdh^jfti, fHsi ndebhradh i petaH^zV 7 i nuif hiadw/wi 3310 
in t-aitheasc-sa .T. a bheith fechtnac^ firen forbhthe fo^asta ar accob^ 7 ar 
ailgi&w leo na timna 7 in fi^cetuil diadha do comhall^, 7 ar imecla in 
Coimd#a% cofoirbhthe 'na cridibh 7 'na m^mannaibh cen scrutain aili acht 
mad sin [namd]. 

Aoen iarum donluct-sin [.i. na findbethad fechtnaigi sein] in nuifhiad-33i5 
mssi, intf diata 3 lith 7 foraithmet ind ecmong na ree-sea 7 na haimszH .1. 
hi .UIT. kl. luin.i. Brenainn mac Finnlogha do shlichtCeir meic Fhergh^^a. 
Ceann cmtme 7 crabhaidh ermhoir in dommn uili inti noeb 4 -B^enainn .1. 
amail Abraham n-iris^c^. Sailmchetl#/^pnmhfhathacdai amail Daibith mac 
lese. Ecnaid derrscaight^ amatl Sholmam mac riDaibid. Re^/aidhi 3320 
amail Mhoysi mac Amhra. Tintodhach tidhnaictec^ amazl Cirine faidh. 
Intliuchtach amhra amail Aguistin. Morleighnidh pnmhcoitcheann amafi 
Origin. Ogh [he] amail Eoinbruinnedalta 6 in Coimdh^. Soiscelaigtke amail 
Matha. Foircetl^W amail Pol. [Primapstal dflguda amail Petar n-ardespal. 
Ond] ditreabhuch amail Eoin baitsi. Trachtaire amail Grigoir Roma. 3325 
Techtaire treabar mara 7 tire amail Noei mac "Laimeck. Uair amail 
rothocaibh Naei in n-airc uas tonnghor na diletm ind airdi, as amlaid sin 
toiceb^^ ~Brsnainn a mhancha 7 a mhuinntera [fo. 30. a. a] a n-airdi rias 
temid bhrdtha, cuna ria de na ceo na crithir iat ire cumh^^^aibh 7 
csencrab^ Brenainn meic Finnlogha. 3330 

A n-aimszV immorro JEngusa meic Nat-fraeich righ Muman, is ann 
rogenair intf noebh 6 -Bren0z>z. Do Chiarraigi 7 Luacra-dh6 .1. do Alltraigi 
Caille doshainnm/. 

1 In this Life the words and letters in brackets are taken from the copy in the Paris MS. 
Gelt, et B. r, p. 2 Ps. cxi. i. 3 MS. dia ata. * MS. noem. 

8 MS. .bnudalta. 6 MS. noemh. 7 MS. chiarraidi. 

O 2 


BA fer saer socheneoil craibhdeck insect a athair in meic-sin .1. 

3335 Findlogh. IS amhlaid [da#0] baiur in lanamhain sin, i smact 7 i coiblz^i 
dlighthigh fo riagatl espuic Eire. Atconnaic [da0] mdthair l&renamn aislmgi 
resiu rogenair ~&re.nainn .1. Ian a hochta dh'6r glan do bhtfzVh aice 7 a ciche 
do taitnemh amail t-snectita.. lAr n-indisi na haislmgi d'esp<? Eire adubairt 
gu n-geinfitfh uaithi gein chumhar^/ach bhudh Ian do rath in SpzVta "N6i&& 

334 .1. Bren#z>z72. 

ARAILI fer saidhbhir bai i n-aitmbh cofada 6 * taigh Finnl^a, Airdi 
mac Fidhaig" a ainm. Tainic pHmhfhaidh na \\EXrenn intansin co tech [in] 
Airrdhe nWc Fidh^ .1. Beg mac De [heside]. Rofiafraigh Airrdhe do 
Bee: 'Cid ni is nesa diin innosa?' Adubairt Bee: 'Geinfidh do rf dilis 

3345 dingbhala fein eadrat 7 muir inocht, 7 bidh sochaidhi do rfghaibh 7 do 
ruir^c^aibh aidheor^^ he, 7 berus leis docum nime. ISinn adhflz^h-sin a 
gene "Brenainn rucs^t tricha bo tricha laegh ag Airrdhe mac Fidhtfz^. 
lArsin ro6irig [como^ arnabarach] Airdhi [mac Fidaig], 7 boi oc \-axrad in 
toighi a ructfd in mac beag, 7 fuair tech Findl^a, 7 in naidhiu ann, 7 

335 roshlecht coduthm^/fach 'na f hiadhn^ji, 7 ros-edbair in tricha loilg^c^ com. 
laeghaibh dho, et ba si sin cedalmsa 'Brenainn. Rogabh iarsin an brugaid 
in mac ana. laim, 7 adubairt : ' Bidh dalta damsa in m#c-so tre bithu na 
bethtfd7 ol se. 

A n-add^ 3 immorro ghene Rrenamn adconnaic esp0 Eire Alltraigi 

3355 cailli fo senlasair d^rmhair amail na aices riamh roime, 7 timtirecftt examuil 
na n-aingiul i n-ed^fhibh glegheala imon tir immacuairt. Eirghizw esp^ 
Eire gumoch aramharach 4 , 7 tainic gu tech Finnlogha, 7 roghabh in mac ina 
laim, 7 adubhairt fris : [fo. 31. a. i] ' A dhuine Dhe" ' .1. duine fhoigen^j do 
Dhia, 'gabh mhisi cucat amail mhanach ndili^j ; et cidh sochaidi is forbhf haeilzW 

3360 fnat ghein as fvrbhfailtd mu cridi-si 7 mh'ainim,' ol esp^ Eire. Iarsin 
roshlecht 'na fhiadhn^H 7 rochi codmnhair i comurtha fhaeilti, 7 ron-baist 
iarsin, 7 tugtfd Mobhf fair mar ainm artus oa thz&rtidhibh 5 [ut dz'xzV poeta : 

Mobhi a ainm-sium artus 
o thustidhib 5 , caomh a rus: 

3365 mtfcaom sluagfach, sirthech, seng, 

ba cob<zzr d'feraib Erenn.] 

lArsin [t^a] rofherastar broen find .1. ciabhor fhinn [and], cu roh'n in 
1 MS. oc. 2 aghazVzhsin. 3 agazV/. 4 MS. arabarach. 6 MS. thustighibh. 


fhianann uili. As de sin bha Broenfinn a ainm-sium. Finn immorro 
doradh fris, ar ba find o churp 7 o anmain [ut dixit : 

Braonfind a ainm-sium iarsin 
o curp ocus o anmain 
on braon sin fuair slain 
o epscop Eire a aon rain.] 

IS ann sin roscennset tri muilt corcra asin topzir fiac[ha] baistigi 

"Brznainn [ut : 3375 

Tri muilt corc^a, suairc in tred, 
fiacha baistigh 'Brenaz'nn beg, 
rosgeinnset, ba caom an cor, 
asin topwr an aonor.] 

Rucs0t a mhmrmter leo he cu mboi bliadan occa iarsin [ica altmm. 3380 
I cind bliadne iarsin] rue espoc Eire lais he aranmy a mhuime fein .1. fta, 7 
bai coic bliadne oc Itta, et tuc in chailtec^ g^adh [n]dmnair dou, dir itceth 
timtzrecfa na n-ai;zg/huasa 7 rath in Spzrfa N6ib fair cofollus, et [is am/aid 
sin] nobhith "Brznainn, oc sirghaire fnsin caill^- cech tan atcidh hf. ARAILI 
la \ycs\morro\ rofhiaxfaig Ita dhe : ' Cidh dognf faeilti dhuit, a nseidhi[u] 335 
noebh ^ ' ol si. ' Tusa? ol se, ' atcfm oc labra trim choidhchi 7 ogha imdha 
[dfairmithi] ele amazl tusa, 7 siat acum comhaltram as cech laimh diachde.' 
Aingil immorro batar ann sin i ndealbhuibh na n-ogh : 

[Aingil i ndealbhaibh 6gh find 

bad^r ic altram Brenaz'nn, 3390 

as c&ch laim inacheile 

don naoidhin cin mormheile]. 

Iarsin rolegh oc espoc Eire a shalma cogn?ssach [i cinn .u. mbtiadne\, j ba 
fada la hlta beith 'na ecmais. Ni rabha immorro b6 blicht oc esp^ Eire, 
air ni gabhudh almsana [o neoch] acht becan o dhainibh riaghalda. Roboi- 3395 
siumh tra i n-araile la occ iarnz^ bainne fora aidi. { IS tual^m^" Dia 6n, [a 
mic ! '] ar esp<?c Eire. IS iarsin ticedh ind agh allaid etch lai do Shleibh 
Luachra cona laegh le, co mblighthe dosum hi, 7 teighedh ahoenar isin sliab 
iarna bleagi?^^. 

IS annsin boi Brfg inna farrad-sum .1. d^bhshiur dh6 [i,] 7 ba d^mhair 34 
med a grada lais, ar ba foll^ do timtirecM na n-aingel fuirre, 7 rof hegadh 
gnuis a aidi amail ruithen [n]grene samhr^ta. 

1 MS. noemh. 


ARAILI la dochuaidh 1 espoc Eire do proiceft. Luid-seom [fo. 31. a. 
lais isin carput, 7 ba haesach deich mbliadne Brenainn intansin. Facabar- 

3405 somh a aenar isin charp#/ iar ndul don d/reck don p^oicept. Suidhizw Bre- 
nainn isin carpal 7 se oc gabail a shalm a aenar. IS ann sin doriacht 
\ngen min macackfa? mongbhuidhe, do cenel rfgda, gusan carpat cuicisiumh, 
7 sillis fair, 7 feghaidh a ghnuis aluinn edrocht, 7 fuabrais leim chuice isin 
carpat fochedoir 7 a cluiche do denamh ris. IS ann aspert[-som] fria: 

34 10 * Imthigh [dod tigh] 7 beir mhiscaidh cidh dod-fucc ille,' 7 geibhidh-sium 
ialla in carpet, 7 gabhuidh fora. sraeighW 3 cucmaidh cu raibhi ic cai 7 occ 
diucairi, cu riadit gu hairm a raibe a mdthair 7 a hath#z> .1. in rf 7 in rigon. 
IMpoidi^ iarsin esp<? Eire, 7 gabuidh ica cairiughudh-sum cugdr im bual^ 
na hoighi neimelm'<s%i. ' Dogen-sa aitrighi inn,' ar Hrmainn> ' 7 abfl2>-si hf.' 

34 J 5 ' Tair isin uam^Wh-sea co m^rduin,' ar esp0 Eire, ' 7 bf at asnar inntf cu 
torar-sa cug^t imar^c^.' Suidhis 'Qrtnainn isin ua.matdh'iarum, 7 gabhais a 
shalma 7 a immna molta don CoimdhzV/ innti. Oirisidh esp^ Eire i bhfarmd 
na huamadh ic eistec^^ ra ~Brznainn cen fhis dd. Atclos tra. foghur gotha 
T&renainn ag gabail a shalm m// ceimeann ior cech leth. Docluinti foghur 

34 20 gotha Coluim cille in comhfhad cetna intan nobhith ic cantain a shalm 7 a 
immunn : 

[Foghar gotha Brenflz'wz bhinn 
isinn uama 'con fiannaind, 
mile ceimend in cech dinn 
3435 atcluintea a ardguth alainn.] 

IS ann sin adconnuic in c\/reck buidhne 4 alngel siias cu nemh 7 anuas co 
talmain immon uamhazd co m^duin. Osin im^ch immorro nfr'chumhaing 
nech gnuis 'Brenainn d'fozcsin ar im<a:d na ruithn^ ndiadha acht Finan 
Cam a aenar, air ba Ian do rath in Spirta N<?z'$ &sidhe, [7 is edh fodera do a 
3430 faicsin-sium seoch each, ut dixit : 

Silledh for aghaidh 
ni cumgaid nech a n-Eirind 
acht Fman Cam, caom an modh, 
ar met a ratha a aonor.] 

3435 ARAILE la batar oc imthe^ foran s\\gid .1. "Brenainn 7 esp^ Eire. 
Dorala oen6clach ina cuided^a foran s\\gid. Teacmhuidh fadiu namhait 

1 MS. dochuadh. 2 leg. macdachta (?). 3 MS. s?-aeidhW. * MS. buighne. 


batw aigi dh6 .1. moirshes^ laech, 7 gabhais ecla mhor in t-oclach, 7 
adubairt: ' Muirbhfit sud mhisi innosa.' [fo. 31. b. i] 'Eirg bec[an] ar 
scath in chairthi clizV^i ucut,' ar Brenaznn, ' j sin ara scath tii.' Doghnf- 
siwm tra amlaid sin, et tocbhuidh 'Brznainn a lama fria Dia, 7 doghn/344 
ernaighthi, co rosoei trea in t-dclach i rict coirthi cloichi. Teacait iarum a 
namhait-sium cosin coirthi, 7 benuid a cenn de ina richt-som, 7 gonait in 
coirthi 'na thoebh, 7 faccbhait in cloch 'arna dicenn^, 7 berait in cenn leo 
a rict cinn a namhat. Et maraidh beos in clock sin isin luc cetna \amail 
aderid na heoltf^]. Conudh ann sin doroine "Brenainn clizVh don duine 7 3445 
duine don cloick. ' Denaidh aithr^i,' ar escup Eire, ' uair ceann na cloiche 
fil occuibh, 7 ro imthigh bur namha imshlan uaibh.' Dognfat iarum aithr^f i 
ndicra fo riagz7 espuic Eire osin immach [tre bithu]. 

IAR bfogluim immorro can^we petarlaice 7 nw&iadnaisse [colleir] do 
"Brenamn, dob ail d6 riagla noeb 1 n-'Eirenn do scribadh 7 d'fogluim. 345 
Cedaighis tra esp^ Eire dosum dul d'fogluim na riagla-sin, dr rofhitir 
g^mp o Dhia robui dosomh in comairli-sin. Et adubairt esp^ Eire [fris] : 
' Tar doridhisi cucamsa, 7 na riagla-sin leat, cu roghabha tu gradha uaimsi. 5 
lAr ndul dosom d'agalluim a muime .1. Ita, is ed adubuirt in cedna fris .1. 
riagla naebh 2 nEirenn d'fogluim, 7 adubhuirt ris : ' Na dena foghluim ag 3455 
mnaibh na ac 6guibh cu nach d^ntar h'^gnach. Imthigh,' ar sf, ' 7 teicemh^/<^ 
laech suaichnidh 3 sochenelach dhuit ar an sligzW.' Ecmaing, dano, ba 
mac Lenin in laedi-sin. lAr n-imther^/ immorro do Bren#z>m dorala 
Lenm d6. IS ann doraidh T&rznainn fris : ' Dena aithr^i, ar ita Dia ocut 
toghairm, 7 baat m#c dili^j d6 o sunn amach. 5 IS ann sin rosoei Colman 346 
m<2C Lenin czwan Coimdhi, 7 cumhduight^r eclas lais focddair, ut dixit 

Colman : 

BRENUINN breo betha buadhaz^- 

beim in ael airimh aenuigh 

siar cu hairbhire in aenuigh 34^5 

thfre tairngzire tasbhuigh. 

[fo. 31. b. 2] Nf taebh fH fann na feles, 

coemh a eland cubhaidh ires, 
mac fial Finnlogha re[a] bas 
dim cech dindrogha dliges. 

Dlighidh midh 4 modh nad maidim, 
aibinn modh mag nat senaim, 

1 MS. noem. 2 MS. naemh. s MS. suaithnidh. * MS. migb. 


ardurdaig Mhaman magda 

cli cumdad Banba Brenatnn. Br. 

3475 Mu chin bhias ina dhfrim 

lir lebinn domut'n dedhuinn, 

fir Eirenn tar ler lilit 

co Brighit is co Brenuz'nn. "Brenaz'nn. 

Colum cilli ceall ualann 

3480 inmhain inne ina shenaim, 

rad bfer riEirenn a hinnair 
in flaith a birraib Brenainn. 

Brenainn, breo. 

IARSIN rosiact Brenaitm crich Connacht fo clu araili fir craibdhigh 

3485 bai ann .1. larlaithe mac Logha, mete Trena, meic Feic, meic Macta, meic 

Bresail, meic Sirac&ta, meic Fiachacfc Finn. Et ros-fogl0zV#-sium .1. 

l&renainn, na huili riagla [naob 1 ] Eir^Tmcha aicisein. Et asbert fHa \ax\aitK\ : 

' Ni hann so bias h'eis&rgi etz>,' ar se. ' A meic noeib 2 ,' ar larlaitfa, ' cid 

uma bhfolcai forainn ratha diadhai in Spirta "Ndibk filet innat cufolla^ 7 

3490 cumachfa dfairmhzV/i in Choimdh^? cumac&taigh fil guhincleithe it menmam 

neimelln/<^i ? TUSA tra. doria^t cucamsa do fhoghlatm occum/ ol Ia.rlattM. 

lilisi immorro bias og&tsa osunn amach, acht geibh misi it mhanchaine 

tHa bithu na beth^. Act cena,' ar larlaztM, ' abuir fHm cait i mbia mo 

eismghi ? ' Atb^rt 'Rronainn [fris] : ' Dentar carput nua leat/ ar se, ' ar is 

3495 senoir thu, 7 eirg inn foran. sligid. QC.US cipe inadh i meb[s]at da f hertais an 

carp^V, is ann [sin] bias h'esseirghi 7 eis^Vghe shochuidhi immaille frit.' 

lArsin t^a teit in sean6ir isin carput, et ni cian rainic intan romebsat da 

f hertais in carpatt', et as 6 ainm an inaidh-sin, Tuaim da Ghualami. IS ann 

sin doronsat a n-di's in laidh-sea eturra, ic feghudh na reilgi uathaibh, 7 

3500 timtireckt na n-aingel cofoll^^ di ; 7 asb^rt TStenainn na .u. c/^rainn di 7 

asbert larlaitki iarsin : 

ARD reileac na n-aigd h-a 
atcim tar njo shuil, 
ni tadhbhaist^?- ithfern uar 
3505 anas tardtar ana huir. 

Corned oin iar tairceall cros 
[fo. 32. a. i.] doro infotan glas 

niba haitreabh dheam^/z nd6r 

1 MS. naom. 2 MS. noeim. 


taithfentar dhun ass. 

Bidh airdceall cu n-imut cliar 3510 

i m-bfat senadh mor, 

bidh lighi tren ocus tmagh, 

bidh sMgi do shl^. 

Diultfait do manaig do cill, 

bid bJr tabaz'r treall, 3515 

olc in comha ros-bia inn 

tadhall ithfHnn tall. 

Ticfat do braithre biaidh uair 

doroichset do chein, 

bidh tusa. bhus fuighleoir dhoibh, 3520 

dogenat doreir. 

IN airet donet mu riar 

mairet 1 in da clar, 

cuirfit 2 a naimdhi i cein, 

lasfozt amail grein. 3525 

IN airet donet mu reir 

budh fir dhamh an rann, 

betit a mate tarane"is, 

ni biat i pein tall. 

Mogenar thoghfas in clar 3530 

ard na n-mbur n-ur, 

ni ba hitfernach iar mbrath 

neach rosia 'na huir. 

Ni budh bairnech a mheic Dhuach 

rot-fia limsa-a luach, 3535 

neam ocus tuile ce tlath, 

mo chuile cen crich 3 . 

Buaidh* rfgh is cleirecft dod shil 

t cein bed dom reir; 

nocha cirrfa nech do giall 

cindfet tar gach reir. et reMgua. 

IAR bfacbail larluithe annsin do Brenamn gabats roime f<?ramus Mhuighi 
hAi. Dorala immorro aingel do ior an sligid, 7 is ed asbert Ms : c Scribh,' 
ar se, 'br'iaira. in crabhaut uaimsi.' Scnbhais "Bronamn annsin oconn 
aingel ind uili riagatl n-eclusdai noebdha 5 , et maraid bheous in riagol sin. 3545 
INtan immorro batar oc imthe^ in muighi ^^aicet in fuat, 7 duini marbh 
fair, 7 a charait ica chdin/<a%. ' Tairisnig/<a? isin Coimdhid/ ol JSronainn, 

1 MS. 7 mairet. 2 MS. cuirfitit. 3 This quatrain is corrupt. 

* MS. Buaigh. 6 MS. noemdha. 



' ocus bidh beo in duine fil ocuibh.' lAr ndenum ernaighthi co Dia do 
"Rr&tainn eirghes in t-vddech acedoir, 7 berait a mumnter leo he co 

3550 bhfseilti nd^mhair. lArsin tra geibhidh each ica fhegad-somh cumor, 7 
berait leo h cu righ in mhuighi. Et tairgidh in rf ferann do in bhaile in 
bhudh ail do isin maigh-sin, 7 nfr' ghabh uadha, dr nfr'b ail leis beith isin 

lAr scnbeann tra riaghla ind aingil 7 riagla noebh * n-'Eirenn corn. 

3555 mbesaibh 7 cona crabttd do Brenainn, impais co hespcv [fo. 33. a. a] Eire, 
7 gabais gradha uaidh. IS ann atcualaidh-siumh isin tsosc//a: Qi 
rdingquit patrem aut et matrem awt z sororem aut agross centuplum in p ra:enti 
accipiat et uitam etrniam posidebit. IS iarsin tra rofhas gradh in 
Coimdh^ cod^rmhair ina cridhi-siumh, 7 ba hail d<5 a thir 7 a talam j a 

3560 th^rtidhi 3 7 a athardha dh'facb^'/, 7 rothothl^z^h coduthrar/fc/ach ar an 
Coimdid cu tard# thalmain nderrit ndiamhair n-inill n-aluind n-etarscartha 
dh6 o dhainib. lAr codla^ immorro dosum in adaigh-sin 4 cu cual guth 
in aingil do nimh 7 atb^t fris : ' Eirigh, a Brenainn/ ar se, ' 7 dorad Dia 
duit inni rocuinghis .1. tir tairng/re.' EiRghis "Brenainn iarum, 7 ba maith 

3565 lais a menma on aitheasc-sin, 7 teit a aenar i Sliabh nDaidche, 7 feghais 
ind aicen ndermair ndoshol#^/a uadh tor ceck lefh, et is ann sin atconnuic- 
sium an innsi n-aluind n-airegda co timt2>echt[aib] na n-aing^/di. lArsin tra 
anaidh-siumh tredhen^j annsin, 7 codlais doridhisi. Tic [tra iarsin] aingeal 
in Coimdh^dia acallaim annsin, 7 atbert fHs: 'Biat-sa/ ar se, ' o sunn imach 

3570 maroen friut tna bhithu na beth, 7 muifet[-sa] duit an innsi n.-a\ainn 
atconnarcais 7 is mian lat d'faghbail.' Cffs 'Rrvnainn annsin codermhair 
ara fhseiltighi leis aitheasc in aingil fris, 7 doghni a&aigthl buidi do Dia. 

ElRghes iarsin Rrenainn asin tsleibh, 7 tic coa muintir, et atbert fnu : 
' Dentar tr\ longa mora libh,' ar se, ' 7 tri sretha do rdmhadhuibh for cech 

3575 luing, 7 tri seola do croicnibh, 7 tricha ier an each luing,' acht nir'bhat 

uile, [ut dix# poeta : 

Tri longa seolais in saoi 
tar tonngar mara romaoi 
tricha ier in cech luing lais 
3 -g tar treath# mara mongmais. 

Tri srctha do ramaib leo 

ar gfl&fc luing dib, caom an gleo, 

MS. noemh. 2 MS. repeats aut. * MS. th^tighi. * MS. agaidhsin. 


seol croicenn go Ioinne[o]lais 
isna in longaib seolais. 

Nochu cleirchiu luid uile 3585 

for loing&r, caom in chaire, 
munier lu/0A&ad(?), lorn a If, 
isna tri longaib seolai.] 

SEOLAIS tra Brenainn mac Finnlogha annsin for ton[n]ghor in mara 
mongruaidh 7 for treathan na tonn toebhuaine 7 tor beluibh ind aicein 359 
ingantaigh adhuathmhair agairbh,airm a bfacatar ilar na mbiast [mbruthmur,] 
mbeild^g \co n-imad na mbleidhmil mor] muiridhi ; et fogeibhdis ailena 
aille ingant[ach]a, 7 nf tairistis inntibh [sin] beos. 

BATUR tra amlaid sin fHa re .u. mbliadan * [fo. 32. b. i] for an aicen 
n-ingantach n-anaithnidh n-aineolach dhoibsium ; et nitharla duine dhoibh 3595 
fHsin re-sin, 7 ni roibhi esbaidh dhuini dia popul form, 7 nf rofHthortadh 
corp na anum duini dib ; et ba hingnadh innf sin, ar ni roleicc Brenamn 
doibh Ion do breith leo, acht atbert ba tualuing Dia biadh doibh in cech 
dhu i mbeitis, amal roshasastar na .u. mile dona .u. aranaibh 7 don dha 
TL-iascaib. 3600 

INtan immorro ba comf hocraibh don chaise, batar a muinter icca radh 
fHa "Brenatnn dula for tfr do cheileabhm<a? na case. 'As tualang- Dia,' 
ol JSrznainn, 'talam do thabairt [duin] in g#c inadh bus ail d6.' lAr 
toidhec^^ immorro na case mil mor muiricfi. a fhormna a 
n-airdi uas treathan7uas tonnghar in mara,cur'bho talam comtrom cobhsaidh 3605 
am^/faichthe choimhreidh chomhaird. Et tiaghait-sium fors'm talmain-sin, 7 
ceileab^ait in caisc ann .1. oenla 7 da oidhchi 2 . lar ndul doibhsium ana 
longuibh sceinneas an bl^mil fon muir fochedair. Et ba haml^Vj? .sin do- 
ceileabraitis in chaise co cenn secht mbliadne for dmim in mil moir, amazl 

atbert [Cundedan]: 3610 

Carais 'Brenaznn buanchrab^^fh 
doreir shenuid is shamhaidh: 
secht mbliad^ ar dmim in mil mhoir 
ba docair in coir chrab<zzi/h. 

Uair intan ba comhf hocraibh don chaise cacha bliadne no thocbhadh in mil 3615 
mor a dmim comba talam tirim te^/aidhe. 

1 MS. mbliag^. 2 MS. oighthi. 

P 2 


ARAILI laithe dhoibh for an aicen n-ingantac^ co bhfacadar srotha 
doimne [acgarba 7 saobchoiredha dermaire] dubha in mara mongruaidh, 7 as 
inntibhsin dorimartaj a longa dia mbadhttdh ar mhet na hainbthine. 

3620 Gabhuidh cdch iarsin ic fegad inagatd Brenamn, ar ba dmnhair met in 
gabhuidh ir-rabutar. Tocbus "Rrenainn a ghuth cuhard, 7 atbert : ' AS lor 
dzt, a mhuir mor-sa,' ar se, ' mhisi m'oenar do badhadh, 7 leicc uaid in lucht- 
so.' IS ann sin tr a rof hethnuig in mhuir, 7 toirnes fethedha J na soebchoire 
focetoir. O sin imach [fo. 33. b. 2] iarum nf roerchoitset do neoch aile. 

3625 ARAILI laithi batar forsin muir. Tainic Diabol a ndeilbh shenta 
adhuathmhair aidheidz^ inglain ithfernaidi conesidh 2 ior seol na \uinge a 
bhfiadhnw^e "Brenamn, 7 nf fhactf nech acusom he acht T&rznainn a oenar. 
Fiafraighis "Brenamn de cidh md tainic riana aimsir choir .T. ria n-aimsir na 
hesseirghi moiri. ' IS airi tanac,' ar Diabut, ' d'iarrad mu. phianta i clusaluibh 

3630 doimhne in mara duibh dorcha-sa/ latfajgius T&renainn dosum : ' Cidh on, 
cait i bfuil in locc ithfernazVft sin ? ' ' Truagh sin,' ar Diab/, ' nf chumaing 
nech a faicsin 7 se beo iarsin.' Cidh tra [achi\ foillsighis Diaba/ annsin 
doms ithfrinn do ~Brenainn. ET fegais "Brenamn in carcair ngairbh nguirm 
[sin] Ian do brentaidh, Ian do lasair, Ian do mhosair, Ian do longportaibh 

3635 na ndeman neimhn^c^, Ian do ghol 7 d'eighiumh 7 d'urchoit, 7 gaire truagha 
7 nuallghotha mora 7 golfad^c^, 7 basgairi na 3 tuath pecthach, 7 betha 
dhubtfofc bronacti I mdhibh pe^e, i carc^aibh teneadh, i sruamuibh na 
sreat[h] sfrthein^4 i cailiuch bithbroin, i lathachuibh dubna dorcha, i 
cathairibh tromlasrach, i n-imut br6in 7 bais 7 riagh 7 cuibra:^ 7 troimthres 

3640 ndichumhaing cu mblaedh^ 4 adkuatkmur na ndeman neimhn^, i n-aite 
bhithdorcha, bithfhuair, bithbrein, bithshal^?^, bithciamair, bithghairbh, 
bithfoda, bithmhiiichnz^, marbhthaigh, mhalartaigh, muchna, mhoingteinn- 
tidhi 5 ichtair adheitig 6 ithfrinn. For sleasaibh sliabh sirthein^, cen an^d, 
cen airisium, acht sluaigh dhemhna ica tarraing i carc^aibh [truagha,] troma, 

3645 [tenna,] teinntidhi 7 , dorcha, doimne, diamra, [dimaoine,] doera, dubha, dein- 
meacha, [salcha, senta, senbrena], sirdheabt<a;c^a, sirt^otacha, sirscithaigh, sir- 
marbhthaigh, sirbheogholaigh, [ge"r, garg,] gaethach, golfartach, grechtha 
g^rantfcfc, gothachghoirt, ghudhamhna;c4 cruma, croma, cruaidhe, calma, 
cendmhora : 7 biasta buidhi, [bana,] belmhora [fo. 33. a. i]. Leomam lonna 

3650 l^itme^h^. Dracuin derga [dubha, donna,] demhn^cdha. Tigri trena tangn^c^a. 

1 MS. fechedha. 2 leg. co ndesidh (?). 3 MS. nu. * Perhaps mblaedhar/. 
6 MS. mhoingteinntighi. 6 MS. adheitid. 7 MS. teinntighi. 


Scoirpi gorma gim^c^a. Seabhuic ruadha, roarda. Gribha garba, goibghera. 
Daela dubha, dronnmhora. Cuili gera, guilbn^c&a. Creabair croma, cnamh- 
ghobacha. Farcha troma, iarnaidi. Susta senta, sengarbha. .Claidib gera. 
Gai ruadha. Deamna dubha. Teinnti brena. Srotha neimhe. Cait ac scnpadh. 
Coin ic \etrad. Gadhair ic tafunn. Demhna ic glsedad. Lochu brena. Lath- 3655 
acha mora. Cuithi dorcha. Gleanna doimne. Sl/ti arda. Oeaca cnmidhi, 
[Sluaighedh demna.] Longphort salach. Pian[ad] cin anadh. Saithi sanntac^. 
Tacharm^ic. T>oitcinfhuirc& Demhna ac pian^. [Imad riagha]. Betlia 
bronach. Airm i fuileat s^otha secdha s^rbha sirbrena [sfrthe sinte suaiti 
sothoirsech] lobhtha leaghtha loisctec^a loma luatha laintheinid? cumhga 3660 
cmaidhi cairrg^c^a [ceinngera]. Fada fuara fodhoimhne [fitfhecha beca, 
mara]. Muighi loma loiscnecha. Tulcha corra gimhacha. Glennta 
cmaidhi cnimhacha. Mointi garbha deilgn^a. Caillti dubha teinntidhi \ 
Slighthi salcha biasd^zdi. Mara tzchta tuilbmia. Cloithe aidble iarnaidi. 
Uiscedha dubha domillsi. Aitte imda ecsamhla. Samhadh salach sirdhub- 3665 
ack. Gaetha goirti geimhreta. Snechta secdha sirshilti. Lanna d^ga 
teinntidhi 1 . Gnuisi doera dorchaidi. Deamhna luatha leitmecha. Piana 
aidble ^samla. 

IS annsin rofiafraighs^t a muinnt^r do ~Brcnainn : ' Cuich agailli ? ' ol 
iat. Doinnis T&ronainn doibh curub Diab&/ boi oca agalluimh, 7 roindis 3670 
doib becan dona pianuibh adconnaic, amail adubhr^mar [doreir] amal frith 
i seinscribheannuibh na petarlatd. 

IS annsin asb^t fer dia muintir ra 'Rvenainn : c Leicc damsa,' ar se, 
* cun nfacar ni dona pianuibh-sin.' lArna chetugud do ithfern cons. 
ilpiantfz$ d'faicsin ba marbh ac/foir, et is ed asb^rt ic ecc : ' Mairg, Mairg, 3675 
Mairg,' ar se : c tainic 7 ticfa 7 ticc isin carcair-si!' larsin t^a dogni [fo. 33. 
a. a] ~BrQnainn> ern<2^hthi, 7 aithbeoaighter in for sin ba marbh da muintir. 

Nir'bho cian dochuatar assin intan fuaradar an inghin min, mzcdactita, 
mongbhuidhi. Gilithir snechta no uan tuinne, 7 si marbh iar tabatrt buille 
do ghai trena fermna., co nde&chaid itir a da cich. Ba dmnhair immorro 3680 
m//f na hingini sin .J. <^t traiged ina hairdi 7 nai traighthe itzr a da cich 7 
secht traighid 2 i bhfot a meoir m<?d6in. Taithbeo^^' Brenamn h6 foched- 
air, 7 robaist iarsin, et rofhiafra^f a cenel di. 'Do aitreabtec^uibh in 
mhara damhsa,' ar si .1. don lucht oilit 7 ernaigit 3 eiseirgi doibh. Ttisfiraigis 
"Brtnainn di cidh ba hail le : 'In docum nimhe ragha fochedair, nd in docum 3685 

1 MS. teinntighi. 2 MS. tra. 3 leg. ernaidit (?). 


h'athardha? ' Dofreagair an ingen tre berla nar'thuic nech aili acht 
Brenainn, 7 is ed adubatrt : ' Docum nime/ ar si, * uair docluinim gotha 
na n-aingel oc molad an Choimd^h cumhac/ttaig: lAr caithium immorro 
chuirp Crist 7 a fola don \ngin atbath ce;z \\sjch snimh, [7 adnaicter coho- 
3690 noracti hi la Brenainn annsin]. 

ARAILE la dobatar forsin muir cosoinmhech, 7 siat oc imramh, conaccatar 
araili inis alamd,jsi ard, acht cena nf fhua.ra.tur port reidh [aice dia hinato^/|. 
Batar cu cenn da la dhec uimpi immacuairt, 7 nfr' fh//sat dula innti fHsin 
re-sin. Atcualatar immorro gotha dafne innti ag molad in Choimded, 7 
3695 adconn cater eclats n-aird n-airegda n-aibinn 1 innti. lAr cloiste^^ doibh- 
siumh fhoghuir [gotha] lochta na hinnsi, cotlaidh Br&nainn cona, mhuinntzr 
acedoir ina suan spirtalda. Uair nar'leicit-sium tra docum na hindse 
cuirthear clar ciartha dhoibh anuas>7 se scnbtha, 7 is ed bai ann: ' Na 
denaid soethar fnsin innsi-sea do tiatkfam innti, dr ni ticfaidhi dogres, acht 
3700 an inis iarrthai fogebhthai, 7 ni hi so hi, 7 eirg dod thfr fein 7 dod talmam, 
ar ita sochuidhi ann ocut iarrad, 7 las bhudh ail h'faicsin, 7 tuir na smptuire 
noebdha 2 , qulbus dictum est mansiones 3 Dei multae 4 sunt. Amat bidh edh 
adforeadh : [fo. 33. b. i] as imdha aitti 7 adba aili ocon Coimdhi a n-ecmais 
na hindsi-seo.' I Arsin tra impait[-sium] on innsi-sin, 7 berait leo in tabhuill 
3705 ciartha ut i comartha failti 7 deithiten lochta na hinnsi thuc dhoibh, et 
nohairleghtha each dia acas^m anW bidh o Dia nobertha dhoibh. 

ARAILE la [didm~\ baiar oc imram in mhara. Gabhuis fta d^rmhair iat, 

cur'ba comhfhocraibh bas doibh. IS annsin atconncatar na srotha aille 

eocharglana usqi ic teip^sin 7 ic snighi asin carraic. Fiafraighit na 

37 10 braithre : ' In ibham in t-usce ? ' ar siat. ' Bennachaidh artus he,' ol 

Brenainn, ' dia f his cret he.' lAr mbeannach^ immorro in uisqai, 7 iar 

cantain alleluia, huasa, t^aighid fochedoir na srotha [ut], et adconncatar iarsin 

in "Diabul ic sceird^ na n-uiscedh uadh 7 ic marb^ in lochta notts-ibhefh. 

Sserthar-som tra annsin tre cumh#^/aibh Brenainn, 7 irchraidhis a n-fta 

3715 foc/^oir. F^riattar immorro in loc-sin for Diabul, cu r\ach derna. olc fria 

duini na fria hanmannuibh eli o sin amach. 

IAR M-BEITH immorro do Brenamn secht mbliadni for loingifctf, 
impais doridhisi coa thir 7 coa thai-main fein amal rofvrcongradh. fair isinn 
innsi. IS annsin dochuatar lucht a thire 7 a thuaithi fein 'na agaid, 7 bater 

1 MS. ard airegda aibinn. a MS. noemdha. s MS. mansionis. 

* MS. multi. 


ica fhiafr-aig/^de cidh poid boi dh6 dia loingi^j; 7 t^csat mdine 7 ascadha 3720 
dh6 amal dobherdais do Dhia. lar bhfacbdil immorro in tsseg#z7 do ilibh 
dhibh leanait iarsin Crist, j doghni-sium ferta 7 mirbuili imdha annsin, 7 
doshlanaigh- aos galair j cuimhrighthi, 7 roinnarb demhna 7 duailche. 

Accaillis iarsin a aidi .1. espoc Eire. Tainic iarsin co du a mbui a 
mhuime .1. Ita, 7 iarfo^zk? di cidh doghenadh fWa loingi&w. Feraiss Ita 3725 
foeilti ins amal noferadh fria Crist cona apstal#$. Et is ed atberi. ins : 
' A meic inmhain, cidh dia nd^c^adhais ior longais cen a chomhairle fHumsa, 
uair in talam ica tai iarradh. ar Dhia nocha nfhaghbhai hi iarsna croicnibh 
marbhaibh mochlaigibh-sin. Uair talam noebh * cos^rartha hf, 7 ni ro- 
doirted fuil duine riam innti. Acht cena,' ar si, ' dentar longa crannda lat, 3730 
[fo. 33. b. a] 7 is doigh is arrimaid sin fagheba in talamh shire.' 

IARSIN Ira luidh l&rznainn i cHch Connac&t, 7 dogniter long mor 
mhfrbulla aice ann sin, 'sf d^rscaight^c^ dermair, 7 teit innti cona mhuindtz> 
7 cona phop/, et bemit luibhi 7 sila ecsamhla leo da cur innti, et dano 
bmiit soera 7 gobhuinn leo iar n-atec^ TSrsnainn doibh ima \zconn maroen 3735 
ris. IS annsin tainic in crosan cu "Brenainn, 7 sldchtais ina fhiadhnatfi, 7 
is ^atb^rt fris: /A B^enainn/ ar se, 'geibh ar Dhia mbe", 7 airchis dom 
t^oighi co ^dighser lat.' Bms TSrenamn lais he iarsin ; 7 teit ism luing 
leo .LX. fer immorro ba seadh al-lin, 7 batar uili ic mol^ in Coimdh^ 7 
a menmana cu Dia, amail atberar, na scribhinn. 3740 

IS e, immorro, leath t6isech roghabs^t, foramus Airne, co du i mbui Enne 
7 Pupu [7 Rochath] ; 7 batar re hedh mis ana bhfarr#< 

IAR NDULA, immorro, doibh stalad siar o Araind atciat in t-ail/n mor 
n-ard n-airegda n-alainn. IS AND sin immorro robatar lochait amail 
mhurchata, 7 linuit in t^acht foc/foir dia slucudh-som. lArfaighit, immorro, 3745 
na b^aitfe do ~>rznainn : ' Cidh ailgidit na loduw/?-si ?' ar siat. ' Ar n-ithi- 
ne 7 ar slug^,' ar T&rznainn. IS annsin dano atbert TSronainn fHsin 
cmsan: Eirg, } ol se, '7 caith corp Crist 7 a fhuil, 7 eirg iarsin docum na 
bethdw? suthatni, ar atcluinim-si clascetal aingel icot togairm cuca/ Ba 
maith laissium sin, 7 is ed asb^rt : ' A Thigmia ! ' ar se, ' cia m^'th doron^j 3750 
intan dom-b^ur acedair docum nime ? ' I Ar caithiumh t^a cuirp Crist 7 a 
fhola don crosan, lingidh fochedair co faeilti d^mhair, co nduatar na murchata 
he uile acht beg dia chnamuibh. Et adhluict^ leos^m sin, 7 scnbhthar a 
ainm a martralaic, dr ba mairtfr amra h^. IS foll^^ assin ^wnaircle in 

1 MS. noemh. 


3755 Coimdh^j? ar in folluspectacfc thainic fadheoidh * isin luing do thogha 
artus dochum nimhe. IS amtilaid 1 sin tra bias cech caenduthna^/ach 
deidhin<zc^ 2 thicfa isin eclats cu ragha artus docum nime ire imarcraidh 3 
caenduthrar^a sech in lucht batar rompa : ut Christus ait : nouisimi primi, 
[primi] nouisimi. 

3 7 6o IAR Bhfacbail immorro doibh na hindsi-sin gabais galar opunn in 
gabhuinn cumba comfhoc^j bas. Atbert Brtnainn fris: [fo. 34. a. i.] 
' Cidh mhac/tttmighi,' ar se, ' eirg dochum na flatha nemhdha am<z/_rothuiris 
duid atsaniu 4 , n6 mad ail lat betih isin tsseg^/ beous, dogen-sa ernuighthi fort 
co Dia, 7 foghebha slainti.' Atbert \immorro] in gobha : * Atcluinim,' ar se, 

3765 ' guth in Coimd^/ ocum togairm ; ' et iar caithimh cuirp Crist 7 a fola dh6, 
teit docum nime. BAI, tra, ceist mor itir na braitribh 'mon c<?rp do beith 
gan adhnacul, ar ni raibhi talam 'na bhfariW. IS annsin doraidh Brenainn 
a adhnacul idir tonnaibh in mhara, ar in t-t dor6ine nemh 7 talmam 7 na 
duili arcena, is tualang he tonna in mara dh'fastudh in cuirp inntibh conem- 

377 chumhsc2^/^i. Cidh tra ctcht adhnaicit-sium in gobainn itir tonnuibh in 
mara, cen rochtain cu talmain,'sis, cen eirghi ar uachtar shaile, cen chum- 
scugud anunn nd ille, acht amal bidh a talmam nob^^h ; et biaidh annsin cen 
tmaillnedh cu tora la an mesra^hthi. 

IAR 'BHSadodilimmorro dhoibhsium an inuidh-sin adconncatartalm<zz 

3775 mbic nd^roil. lAr ngabail doibh phuirt annsin Imtar in port ferru do dem- 
naibh i ndealbhuibh abhac 7 luchrapan, 7 a ngnuisi comdhubh fna gual. 
IS andsin atbert "Brenamn : ' Cuiridh ind ancaire imach, ar ni f h//fa nech 
dul isin tir-si, acht inti gnifes catha [daonda] fna demhna 7 doirtfes fola 
toraibh.' Batar tra annsin cu ceann secht la cona n-oidhchibh 5 , 7 nfr' fh/tsat 

3780 a n-ancaire do thocbait anfs. Et facbuit annsin he idir na cairrcibh i lean- 
mam, 7 imthighit ass iarsin. BATur som, tra, a ndoc^mal mor d'esbtfz'dfa an 
ancuiri 7 d'ecc in gabunn, ar ni raibi acu angcaire na gobha dogneth doibh 
he. IS ann sin adub#z>t Brenamn fria sacart da \xmin\ir : l Dena-sa feidm 
gabunn gu ceann in m/s so. 5 Beannachais tra Brznainn lamha in t-sacairt, 

3785 ar ni rof hoghlainn gaibhnecht. IS annsin doroine in sacart angcaire [n]d^- 
scaightec^ n^c^ fHth roime na dheagatd a commaith. 

[fo. 34. a. 2]. IMr[a]it iarsin f<s?rsin aicen seal siar, et foghabhat an 
indsi mbic n-aibinn n-aluinn co n-imat eisc aireghdha [inti] iarna fhacbhail 

1 MS. fadheoigh. 2 MS. deighinach. 3 MS. imarcraigh. 

* MS. Cfctfaniugh. B MS. ^anoighthibh. 


don mhuir[traigh] i clusalaibh 1 7 i caislibh na hinnsi airdi-sin. A m-batar ann 
iarm imonn innsi imacuairtowfhaicet edats clochdha innte 7 senoir etlaidhi 3790 
aightfdhbhan 2 ic ernuighthi innti. As amhla/d? bai in senoir-sin, cen fhuil, cen 
fheoil,<2^1eathar tana tmagh forsna cnamhaibh cmadhloma-sin. IS ann [sin] 
atbert an senoir ut : ' Teich, a Brenamn,' ar se, ' coluath. Fil \mmorro murchat 
mor sunn amail ogdam no ech trebliadhnmdi iarna fhorbairt do iasc [in 
mara-sa 7] na hindsi-sea. Imghabhaid-si he,' ar in senoir. Gabait-sium 3795 
ina luing foc//oir, 7 imr[a]it forsm aicen cuhathlumh iarum. AMUIL batar 
ann cvnthaccatar in [m]biastcat muirzV/i ic snamh'nandiaidh 3 : meidightzVcoire 
n-umhazdi cechtar cechruisc dhou. Fiacla torcdha 4 lais. Guaire aitenndai 
fair. Oaes onchon aga, co nirt leoman, cu conf^d con. IS annsingab#.y 
each dibsom tor ernuighthi fH Dia ar met na hecla rotas-gabh. IS ann[sin] 3800 
asbertHrenamn: 'A Dheuilichum^^^aigh,' [ar se,] 'tairmisc do phiast dind na 
ron-ethad ! ' Eirghis iarsin bleidhmhil mor muirM [eturra 7 in catphiast mhor 
utj 7 gab^j each dib oc badh#d& a celi 7 ior cathugz^ cucruaid, cu ros- 
baidh each a cheli dhibh i fudhomam in mara, 7 ni facus necktar dibh o sin 
imach. Dogniat immorro "Brznainn 7 a muinnt^ atlaighi 5 buidhi do Dia, 3805 
7 impoidhit aridisi co du i mbui in senoir, et terais in semfer iailti friu, j ciis 
[annsin] ar met na fseilti, et dorinne na runna beca-sa ic ferthain -iailte ra 
"Brenainn : 

Dia do betha, a Brenainn, sunn 6 , 

[for creatha denaim na tonn: 3 g IO 

fota at<i 'cot farrad ann, 

buide lem t'iadhad 'mun fonn. 

Di feraib ,dec bamur sunn, 

docuadar 6c in samad sunn : 

acht misi ro&cbad dib 3815 

ba matt/i in Ifn bzdur ann. 

Lodam^^-ne d'iarmd nimhe, 

dirim a HE\rinn ili, 

tar tonnaib in mara mir, 

conair robad coir d'iarraid. 3820 

Fuaramarr innsi nfuair n-aird 
uas tHllsib na tonn trengairg, 
seisem innti sealaib sealg 
erramaid es&rghi a haonaird. 

1 leg. cusalaibh(?). , 2 MS. aidh^Abhan. 3 MS. nandiaigh. * MS. dorcha. 
5 MS. atlaidhi. 6 For the rest of the poem the Book of Lismore has only jrl. 



3 g 3 g Dabucsum 1 linn in cat mb<?c, 

rinn ni tainic cen cor lac: 
darorbair for cnamaibh eisc 
angbazVf in beist amlat'd rofast. 

Fseilidh mo craidhe co ndmcht 

3830 fHsna haoighedaib dom-riac^/: 

mithz^- damsa tocht fo h'a 
imthiges dia tor a set. Dfa. 

' Do femibh Eiretm damhsa,' ol in senoir, ' 7 da fhear dec dod^amar diar 
n-ailitH, 7 doratsum in marchat [m]biasdatdi ut linn ana 6n bhic, 7 ba 

3835 hinmain linn he cumor, 7 rofhorbair iarsin cumor, 7 ni roerchoit duinne 
riam, [fo. 34. b. i] et isat marbha asinfher dec dhibh, 7 itu-sa sunn m'aoenar 
[a]gut irnaidhi-si cu tarda corp Crist [7 a fuil] dam 7 dula iarsoduin doc#m 
nime.' Foillsighiwj immorro in senoir doibsium in talmain icca rabutar iaraid 
.i.tir tarrngairi. lAr caithimh tra cuirp Crist j a fola don t-senoir, luidh 

3840 docm nimhe, 7 adlaicter annsin he maroen ria braitnbh cu n-onoir 7 
[co n-]airmhitin m6ir [acus] cu salmaibh 7 cu n-imnaibh, ind ainm in Athar 
7 in Maze 7 in Spir/a Noibh. 

lArsin tra. rosiachtatar-som in talmam ica rabatar iarrad fria re 
secht mbliadne .1. tir tairng/re, amal ita in iprouerbio, qui quaerit inuenit. 

3845 lAr rochtain immorro doibsiumh i comfhoc^aibh in tin-sin, 7 ba hail doibh 
port do ghabail ann, atcualat^r guth araile senor#c#, 7 is ed atbert friu : ' A 
dhaine lanshaethracha, a oilithr^c^a noebhdha 2 , a lucht ernaighit na logu 
nemhdha, a bheatha bithscith ic erntf/dft in tiri-sea, ernaidhid 3 bican dabar 
saethar coleic.' lar mbeith immorro doibhsium seal annsin ina tost atbert in 

3850 senoir ut fHu : 'A bfaithre inmuini/ ar se,' [hicCnVt,] cidh nack faicthi-si in tal- 
main n-airegdan-alaind-sea arnar'doirtedh fuil duini riam, 7 nach \n\c\mbaidk 
do adhnacul pectec^ na drochdhaine ann. Facbhuidh di^'^ [uile] inbhar luing 
ce^ ni fil ocuibh cenmotha becc n-etuigh umaibh nama, 7 tecaidh anfs.' 
lAr tiachtain immorro doibhsium ior tfr pocais each dibh a chele, 7 cfis in 

3855 senoir cumor fna met na faeilti. ' Siridh 7 feghaidh,' ar se, ' brughe parrthais 7 
muighi milidhi in tiri sol^j-ta, suaichmdh, socharthan^, soc[h]archain,n-aird, 
n-aireghdha, n-aluinn, n-oeibhinn. Tir boladhmhar, blathmhin, bennac&tach. 
Tir ilcheolach, airphetech, nuallfhseilt^c^, nemhthoirrsiuch. Airm i bhfuigh- 
bhidh,' ar in senoir, 'slainte ce^ galar, aeibhnes cen imrisan, aoenta cen 

3860 tachor, flaithes cen scailed/i, saimhe [fo. 34. b. a] cen dimhaine, soeire cen 
1 leg. Dahucsam (?), Dafucsam (?) 2 MS. noerahdha. 3 MS. ernaighid. 


saethar, aenta solusia. aingel, airerdha parrthais, timthirecht aingeal, fleadh- 
\\gud cen airdhidhbhadh, seachna phene, aighthe firen, tochaithium na 
morcasc, betha benn#^/ach, coir, chumdaighthe, moir, mhilidhi, sadr, saim, 
sorcha, cen dubhai, cen dorchai, cen pecad, cen aimnert, i corpaibh edroch- 
taibh nemhtruailnzWi[b,] i sostaib aingeal for bruighibh tiri tarrngiri. IS 3865 
adhbhul a soillsi 7 a suthaighi na hindsi-sin, a saimhe, a smraighi, a caeimhe, 
a chobhs0zWi, a fostacht, a loghmaire, a reidhi, a ruithnzgi, a glaine, a gradh- 
mhaire, a gile, a cheolbinni, a noeimhe, a niamglaine, a soeire, a sadhaile, a 
haille, a hailgine, a hairdi, a hedrochta, a hairmhidiu, a lanshidh, a lanaenta. 
Mogenar, tra, bias co ndeghairillzW 7 > ndechghnimaio 1 , 7 gairfeas Braen 3870 
find mac Findlogha ina aentaidh 2 isin leih-sm' ar in senoir [c/Aia], 'do 
bhithaitmbh na hindsi i tarn tT-e bithu na beth#.' 

IAr bhf^csin immorro doibhsium in pharrthais sin etz> tonnuibh in 
mhara, machtnuighit 7 ingantaighit cumor mirbuili De 7 a cum#<r/z/a, 7 ano- 
raighit [7 glormz^aighid] in Coimdhi cumor iar bhfaicsin na moirmirbal-sin. 3875 

IS amlatd immorro bai in senoir noebh 3 sin, cen etuch ndaenna et?>, acht 
ba Ian a corp uili do clumuibh gleghealaibh amatl cholum n6 f hailinn ; 7 ba 
herlabra aingil acht bee bui aice. Ceileabharthar in teirt leo iar mbein a 
cluicc. Canait 4 atlaighi buidhi do Dhia 7 a menmana tudmidi ind. Ni ra- 
laimset [immerro] ni do fhia^z^", 7 no aemdais a n-anmcairdine dho la 3880 
t&rcbhail soiscela. 

IS e. da>w proic^^ ba m<?;zca. dognith Petar 7 P^/ 7 na hapstaz'/ noebhdha 5 
olceana,(in proicept-s^na pian 7 na fochrajce, ar roaibhsighthea dhoibh 
fon cuma c<#haK IS e proicefit dorindi Sijuest<a:r ab Roma do Consantin. 
mac Elena, d'airdrigh in dom2>z, isin mordail dia roedb^V Ro[i]mh do 3885 
Peiar 7 do P<#. . IS e so prolcept dorighne Fabian comarba "Petair do Pilip 
mac. Gordian, do rfgh Romhan, [fo. 35- a. i] dia rocreid in Coimdhi[dh] 7 
dia rocreitsett ilmhile aili annsin; et ba hesfsidhi ceidri do Romanch#z' 
docreit in Coimdi Issu Crist. , IS e so, dano, proicept gnathaighi^j Hely do 
dhemimh do anmunnuibh na bhfiren [7 e] fo chrunn na fetad i ^atrtfius. 3890 
INtan iarum osluicis Hely an leabur don proic^ tecuit annsin anmunna 
na bhfiren i rechtuibh en nglegheal cuice da cock airfd. ^Indisid da^dhaibh 
artus fochraice na firen, aibnes"7 air^ra fiatfra nime, et at forbhfhseiltigh-sium 

ind airet-sin. IndisidH iarum doib piana 7 todernama itfHnn 7 erbhadha 

- . j 


1 MS. dethgnimazb. 2 MS. sentaigh. 3 MS. noemh. * MS. cunatlaighi. P. has 
canait atlaighi. 6 MS. noemhdha. 

Q 3 


3895 laithi bra/^a. IS follus cumor gne mbroin forrasom fesin annsin .1. [for] 
Heli 7 [for] noc, concA. he sin Da Bron Flatha Nime. * lAdhuidh Heli iarum 
a leabar proicepta. Doghniat ind coin nuallghubai c^rmhair in uaif-sin, 7 
tennait a n-eittiu fHa curpu cd tecat srotha fola eistibh ar om pian ithfrinn 
7 laithi brdtha. INtan iarum is iat anmunna na noeb 1 dian#d erdhalta sirai- 

3900 tnubh flatha nime dogniat an gubai sin, ba[d] deithbhir do dhainibh in 
domain ciamdais d/ra fola doghnetis oc airichill laithe bra.tfia, [in quo die 
mala em*zt.] ^Bete immorro uilc imdha 7 imnedha isin laiti sin .1. il-laithi 
brattia, [in quo die ludex iustus sua s/s reddet, impiis 2 penas, praemia. ittstis.']} 
IS andsin icfus in Coimdj a commain fein ria each sen nduine isin domun: pian 

39s lais dona pectec^uibh, fochraic dona firenuib. Cuirfitw' iarum na pec- 
thaigh annsin i fudhomh^?'^ na pene suthaine fordos-iadhta glas breitri De 
fo mhiscaidh bretfeman br&tka. Berthar iarum na naeib 3 7 na fireoin, lucht 
na desheirci 7 na trocuiri, for deis De Athar, do bithaitribh flatha nimhe. 
Beit iarum isin morgloir sin ind aontaidh dhee^/a 7 daonaeftta. Meicc De, 

3910 ISind aoentaidh 4 is uaisli ceck yentaid.i. ind smtaid na naoibh 5 -THnoiti uaisli 
uilicum^^/aighi, Athar 7 Maze 7 Spirta ~N6ibh. 

Ailim trocuiri De uasail uilicum#6& Align tre impidhe noeibh 6 -Brenuinn, __ 
roairiltnighium uile ind sen&wdT-sin, ro issam, roaitreabum, in saecula. sae- 
culorum ! 

1 MS. noem. 2 MS. redet impeas. 3 MS. nseim. * MS. aoentaigh. 

6 MS. naoimh. 6 MS. noeimh. 

[fo. 35. a. 
Betha Ciarain Cltfana, mac Nois. 3915 

uos faciatis illis .1. Cech maith as ail libh do dhenamh dhuibh o 
dhainibh bidh zmlatd sin raghnethe dhoibh. ttaec est enim lex et 
prophetae, uair is 6 sin rect 7 faitsine. 

Tairmeascaidh cecha huilc immorro, fuacarthaidh 2 cecha maithi^ja, 3920 
sfdhuighi D6 7 daine, Issu Crist mac D bhi, slainicidh ind uili dhomam, 
IS 6 roraidh na briatra-so do thinchosc a apsta/ 7 a deiscip^/ 7 na huili 
ecalsa im comhlud na desherce .1. co ^-dmidais na daine do mhaith 7 do 
dheirc fn'a coibnesom ind uile doghendais doibh fein. IS do sin atb*/> 
Issu: Omnia quote cumque uultis. Matha immorro mac Alfei, in sui 3925 
forbhurack de Ebhraib, in cethrum^d fer adcuaidh in sosc//a coimdheta, is e 
roscribh na briatra-so i curp shoscela, co n-zpsir for slict a maigistreach .1. 
Issu : Omnia quae cumq&i .1. Mad dob^H:hi-si anbhar ndainibh maithe da- 
bar clannuibh as mo cumor dobera. in t-Aihair nemhdha maith dia m^caibh 
non-guidet, conad for slict na mbriathar-sa doraidh Issu in comairli-si. 3930 
O^wzia que cumque et religua. Uair aithnzWh rect 7 faitsine gradh do tabairt 
do Dia 7 don coibnesam. Uair as i clethe 7 forair in iorcetuil diadha in dm:, 
uair is si in derc sualach dhili^j na crwtaidi, uair na suailche arcena bite oc 
deghdhainibh 7 oc dn>chdhainibh. Ni tectann immorro in deirc acht 
degdaine nama, ftwadh air sin atb<?/r Issu : ' IS ann rofhinnfat na huili 3935 
daine comdh dom muinntir-si dhuibh, dia cara each uaibh araili amal 
rocarz^-sa sibhsi.' 

Sochuidhi immorro do macuibh beth^, et?> aps/</a 7 desciplu in 
Coimd<?ofa, osin ille rocomhaillset cuduthr^/fach 7 culeir in comairli-sin 
tuc Issu doibh [fo. 35. b. i] um comhalkof na derce feibh rocomuill 7 tuc 3940 
sseingradh don deirc sech gac/t sualuigh in t-apsta/ uasal oirmitn^c^, in 
t-anmchara, in oeibelteoir 3 , in fer dia rolas iarthar in betha a bhfertuib 7 a 
mirbhuilibh, a suailcibh 7 a soghnimhaib .1. Sanctus Ciaran?^ sacerdos et 
apostulw.? Chmri, In t-uasalsacart 7 in t-apsta/ 5 inti noeib*-Ciaran m^c in 

1 MS. faciunt. 2 MS. fuacarthaigh. 3 MS. inoeibel teoir. * MS. noeim. 


3945 t-saeir. Mac 6n in t-sseir doroine nemh 7 talmam cusna huilib filet inntib, 
mad iarsan geinealach nemhdha. Mac in t-sseir denmha carpat 7 cech 
sseirsi arcena he iarsin ngeneal^h talmanda. 

IS ann didiu airmitnighit ind irisigh lithlaithi in uasail-sin, i q^ingtidh l 
septimper arai laithi mis g^-ene, isin laith-si infu arai laithi sechtmaim. 

3950 Atfiadhat d\diu taithmet cumair dia fertuib 7 dia mhi.rbhuil/3 in 
CT-aibhdhig-sin ar airfited anma na n-iris<?c#, 7 dia ghenelacA collaidi 7 dia 
coimp^rt bhith . . .caith 2 7 don f horbadti dorat ior a rith mbuadha isna talman- 
daibh. Fer didiu onoiri m6ire icon Coimdhz^ in fer-so. Fer dia rocong#z> 
Dia a chathreim .L. \Aiodne rian a gcmomain. Fer fil a n-urd apstal la Crist 

3955 isin dom#;2-so, amal roraidh Colum cille : Quum tu Christi apostulum 
mundo missisti hominem. Locharn d\diu he for lasadh co soillsi ecna 7 
forc^/uil amal roraidh Colum cille : ' Luc^rna huius insolae, lucens .1. 
mirabili/ Fear rofhothaighistair airdedats asa ruc^ greim riagla 7 #rna 7 
forcetuil do uilib ecalsaibh na \iEArenn amal roraidh in t-ecnaid cetna : 

3960 Custodiatitur regmina et caetera .1. Coimh//tar oc sruithibh na gcathmc^- 
so na rfagla 7 na fivcetla 7 na b6sa arichta on maighist^r, o Ciaran, comA 
iatsaidhe rfagla 7 besa roscailtea 3 7 mctha do uilibh cathrachuibh noebh 
Eir^^^, ar is aisti berar riagla j besa fo Eirmn uili. 

Fer fil a n-urd na pHmhfhaithe ocon Coimdtd isin domun-so amal 

3965 roraidh in faidh c//na : P/^feta qui nouisimus, et cetera, ar bai dia uaisli 7 dia 
[fo. 35. b. a] airmhitnz^i ocon CoimdhzV/curo tirchanadh o fhaidhib foda riana 
genemam, amal rothirchan Ysac 7 Eoin Baup&witf Issu, et a n-is uaisli and. 
Rotircan cetus Pat^aic mac Calpuirn i Ouachan Oighli, iar ndunad in 
crainn imma thaisib isinn inad i ta an cath^V-sin aniu. Rothirchan 

3970 Bnghit o'tconnaic in lasair 7 in t-amgel* .L. \tiiadne ria Ciardn isinn inadh 
i tat crosa Bnghdi indiu. Rothircan Bee mac De co ndebairt : ' Andsin, a 
maic in tsaeir, it casair chaeimh cot clasaibh, cot coraibh, cot cairpthibh, cot 
ceolaibh.' Rothirchan Col^^ cille i n-Ard Abla do ^Edh mac Brannuib no 
Brenainn 5 . 

3975 IS e so dldiu genelac/i Clarain : CIARAN mac Beoit meic Olchain mete 
Dichon meic Cuirc meic Cuindenn meic Cuinneadha meic Feic meic Mseil 
Cairack meic Lairi meic Lairne, meic Cuiltn meic Gluin?^ meic Colrpri 

1 MS. quingtigh. 2 The h seems added and is followed by a mark of abbreviation. 

s The -tea added in later hand. * The words 7 intaingel are in the upper margin. 
5 The word Brenainn is added in the right margin. 


mete Logai meic Meidle meic Duibh meic Lugna meic Feidlimid meic 
Echack meic Bresail meic Deghadh meic Reo-soirche meic R'eo-doirche 
meic Tighernmhais meic Follaigh meic Eithreoil meic Ireoil Fdidh meic 39* 
Eirimhoin meic Mbiled Esbame. 

Beoid dano mac Olchain dp Latharnaibh Maighi Molt do \J\\taib a 
athair talmanda. inti Ciaram Darerca \ngen Ercain meic Buachalla a 
mathtf/r-sium, ut dixit Ciardn : 

Darerca mu mdtfatr-s\, 39 8 5 

nfrbo bannscal olcc, 
Beoit soer mo athaz'r-si, 
do Latharnaibh Molt. 

Do Chiarraigi Irluacra didiu dia mdthair .1. do Glasraigi insamnriud. Glas 
fill didiu a senathair. Ba hi fochonn a n-acomail na deisi sin. Dia ndechaid 399 
Beoid do thorruma a brathar bsAur i Crich Ceneoil Fhiachnzc^, o'tconnac- 
sium an ing/** .T. Darerca, f<?racinn rochuindigh tor a tuisdidhibh - 1 cu tuozd 
d6 hi iar bhfir. Et rue coicc macca. dh6 iarsin, 7 is e so ord ara rucaid .1. 
Lucoll a pnmhgein, Donnan in tanaisti, Ciaran in treas, Odran in cethram^d, 
Cronan an cdiced, 7 ba deochain, uasalshacairt immorro na cethra meic 3995 
aili. Rue didiu teora \ngena do, 7 batar di oigh dibhsaidhi .1. Lugb^c 7 
Rathbeo. Pata immorro in tres ingen, 7 ba feadhbh craibhd^c^ iside. IT e 
inso relge i tat taisi na nsebh 2 -sin .1. Lucholl 7 Odhran i n-Isil Ciarain ; 
Donnan 7 Ciaran i Cludin mac Noiss. Cronan deoch^w [fo. 36. a. i] 7 
Beoit 7 na tri hinghena i Tigh Meic in t-saeir. 4 

BAI, t^a, ri ecraibhd^cfc intansin i Crich hua-Neill .1. Ainmiri mac 
Colgan a ainm-sidhe. Noordaighedh-sidhe na tuatha 7 na cenela fo chfss 
rotrom. Luidh dldiu Beoid for t&icbed in righ-sin i cHch Connackt cu 
Cremhthann mc Lughd^c^ meic "Dallain .1. ri Eiretm, co Raith 3 
Cremthainn 4 a Muigh Ai. 4005 

IS ann rocoimpredh Ciaran, i sexk#l#wm luin, 7 rogenair i sexkalainn 
Marta. Rotirchan^d gein Ciar^zi^ o Lugbrann .1. o druidh in righ 
remhraidhti. Dixit in drui : 

R6 ic gabair ^ngh^ja 

dia raibi i cHs i cliaba 4010 

tucad i sog n-senlosa 

o Dhia in firt-sin do Ciaran. 

1 MS. tuisdighibh. 2 MS. nsemh. 8 The original scribe seems to have written 

O rai :: tm. * The i is inserted by a later hand. 


O rochuala in drai i n-araili lo fogar an 1 carpet, 'Fogur 1 carbait 1 fo rig annso,' 
[ar se.] O'tcotar na gille imach ni f hacatar acht Beoid 7 Darerca isin carput. 

4 OI 5 O rofaitbiset na gille imon ndraidh, is ed roraidh : ' In mac fil i mbroinn na 
bannscaili/ ol se, ' bidh ri mor he, et am<2/ doaitne gHan idir renda nimhe 
doaitnebha-sum i bhtertuibh 7 i mirbhuih'^ diaisn&dhi isna talm<z#daibh.' 

Rogenair didiu iarsin noebh 2 -Ciar i Maigh Ai ice Raith Cremtainn. 
Robaisted o deochain lustus, uair rob imcubatd cum^d o f hiren nobaistfithe 

4020 an fire'n. 

I N-araili lo atbath ech JEnghusa meic Cremthainn cu rogaibh toirsi 
moir do ecuib a eich. O rochotuil tra JEnghus roartraig aingel De dh6 
ind aislingi, 7 is ^roraidh ris : 'Ticfa Ciaran mac in t-sseir 3 , 7 toduiscfe h'ech 
dhuit ; ' 7 is ed on rpcomhailW, ar tainic Ciaran la b^eithir ind aingil 7 ro- 

4 2 5 bennach uisce co tacadh darsind each, 7 adracht foo#oir a bas. Dorad 
immorro JEnghus ferann mor do Dhia 7 do Chiar ar thoduscadh an eich. 
Tfr na Gabrai ainm in f herainn. 

I N-araili lo rochairigh a irihdtkait esium. ' Doberat, tra.,' ol si, ' gille 
bheaca in baile mil leo amuich asna miltenuibh dia muindt?raibh, 7 nocha 

43o tab^ai-si dhuinne.' O'tcual# Cia.ran innfsin, luidh co araili top^r, 7 linaid a 
leastar as, 7 bennachaidh cur'bhd mil tog#/de, 7 dobeir in mil-sin dia 
mhdthair cur'bo buidhech. Et as i sin mil-sin rucad do deoch^m Uis i 
logh a bhathis-sium. 

[fo. 36. a. z] I N-araili lo roghresset drochdhaine coin fheochair 4 co 

435 Ciaran da letrad. O'tconnaic Ciatan in coin, rochan in fersa-so : Ne tradas 
bestis animam c^^fitentem 5 tibi. Et o roraidh-seom sin adrocuir in oi focet- 
oir 7 nocho n-tr?acht o sin. 

Ba he immorro monur dob^rtis a th^^tidhi fairsium .1. inghaire, fo 
cosmatlius Qabid meic lese 7 lacoip 7 na smithi anall, dr rofhitz> Dia 

4040 cumd bhuachail treabhuir do moirtretuibh eisium .1. treta na n-iriseck. 
lArsin f^caemhnacair nf adhamhraighthi ice Raith C^emhthainn i Muigh 
Ai, eisiumh oc coimet indile a aidi-.i. deocham Uis oc Fidharta, 7 sist 
fhoda etarra. Rocluineadh-som immorro inni itb^readh a aidi amal nobetis 
toebh fna toebh. IS ann sin tainic sind<zc^ co Ciaran asin coill, 7 gnfth 

445 cennsa fris. Do athaighedh co mmc chuigi, cu ro erail fair umaloit do 
dhenamh dh6 .1. a leabar salm dh'imochar etarra 7 a aidi .1. deocham Uis. 

1 Interlined. 2 MS. noemh. s The t interlined. 4 Added in the right margin. 

8 The second e is written on an erasure. 


Uair intan atb^eadh oc Fidharta : abair so a n-ainm ind Athar 7 in Maze 
7 in Spir/a TSdibh docluineadh Cia.ran ic Raith Cremthainn otha sin cu 
deredh in aicepta, 7 nobh/dh in sinnach guhumul oc irnaidi in aicipta, co 
tairseadh a scribenn i ceir cu tabhradh lais iarsin cu Ciar##. FEACHT ann 45 
mebhais a thangn^d^ aicinta triasin sinnach gur'f hobair {or ithe a liubhair, 
uair ba sanntach um na leadhbuibh batar uime dianechtair. O robhai- 
sium oc ithi in liubazr, is ann tainic JEnghus mac Oemhthainn gu citheir 
7 gu milconuibh cuici, cu ros-toifnetar he, cu nach Mair a dhfn a n~\nad, 
co ndea.chaid fa chochull Ciaram. Romorad ainm De 7 Ciaram tre anacol 4055 
in liubair ar in sinn^c^ 7 tna anacul in tsmnaig ar na conuibh, et is e in 
leabtfr-sin Polaire Ciaram aniu. 

IS fHu as cuibhdhi sin fHa drochdhainib bite i comfhocraib don 
eclats, 7 fogabut torba na hecalsa, tier commnn 7 baithizw 7 bhiadh 7 
forcetul, 7 arai nf anat-sum oc ingreim na h^alsa, cu tic mortlaid J 7 galar4o6o 
anaithn/<afh chucu, [fo. 36 b. i] conadh andsin . . seic^ 2 doibh tuidhecfct fo 
diten na h^ailsi, am/ dochuaidh in sinn<zc>& fo cochull Ciarain. 

I N-araili la do mathaiv Ciarain oc denumh glaisne cu rosiact co tabuirt 
eduig innti. IS ann roraidh a mdtkair iris : ( Amach dmt, a Chiarazn I Ni 
hada leos^m fir a n-aeintigh fna datfyugz^ eduigh.' ' Sriabh odhur annsumh 4065 
on,'"ol Cia.ran. Doneoch t^a do educh tucd isin nglaisin ni raibhi naA 
n-etuch dibh cen sreibh n-uidir ann. Dognithir dorisi inn glaisin, co ndebairt 
a trihdtkair frissium :* ' Eire-si imach d&no infechtsa, a CianzzVz, 7 na bidh 
snabh odhur ann, a Chiamm 'n6sa.' IS annsin doraidh-sium : 

Alk/aia Doming 4070 

rob geal glaisin mo muime ! 

cech tan ti am laimh 

rop gilither cnimh, 

each [tan] ti a bruth 

rop gilithir gruth ! 4075 

Cech edack, didt'u, dorated innti rob sengeal iarsin. Dognither an treas 
feet in glaisin. 'A ChianwVz,' ol a matkair, c na mill umam innosa in 
nglaisin, acht bennachthar lat hi.' O ros-benn^/^ immorro Ciaran ni dernad 
roimpi na 'nadiaidh 3 glaisin bhudh commaith ria, ar cidh edac/i Ceniuil 
Fiachrach uili dob^^thi ina hiarcain nos-gormfadh ; 7 nogormadh fadeoidh 4 4 o8o 
na conu 7 na catu 7 na 5 crunda frisa comhraiced. 

1 MS. mortlaig. 2 A b seems to precede this word. s MS. nadiaigh. 

4 MS. fadeoigh. 5 MS. ina. 



FEACHT dosum oc inghairebh6. Dotset cu all^Wrotrdagh 1 cuici. Iss 
e arose mbreithre nobidh aicesium .1. 'don-fair trocuirel' ' Eirg 7 tomuil in 
laegh, 7 nd bris 7 na hith a chndmha.' Dochuaidh in cu 7 dorighne 

4^85 amhlatd. O rogheis in b6 oc iaraidh in laeig, is ed roraidh a mdt&azr 
fnssium : ' Innis, a Chiaram, cia airm i ta laeg na bo-so, toircedh uait in 
laegh cibe aided 2 i n-dechaed.' Doch6idh Ciaran cusan mad a n-duaidh in 
cii in Iffig, cu rotinoil cnama in Iseigh, 7 dorat i fiadhnzi na bo, 7 adract in 
Iseg 7 ro sheasaimh. 

4^9 In araili [lo] tancatar foghlatd a Huaibh Failge do mharb^ daeine 
chine'oil 3 Fiachach, cu bfuarata;- inti naeib 4 -Chiar<z;z oc leighinn ica indilib, cu 
rotriallstft dia marbhtf^, acht cena robenuit-som o dailli, [fo. 36. b. 2] 7 ni 
caemhnacair cor do cois na do laimh doibh nogu ndernsat aithr^fhi, 7 cur ro- 
tuasluicthea tre breithir nDe 7 Ciaram iat. 

4095 FEACHT aili rofhaidh a athair eisium do idhnacul coiri don righ .1. do 
Fhurban, r^w^-tarlatar boicht d6 forsin conuir 7 atnaig cairi in righ dh6ibh, 
cor'cuibnghed-som annsin, 7 tacad daeiri fair acun righ, 7 ba he monar 
noherbtha fair, bro do bleith. F0rcaemhnacair mirbhuili mora annsin .1. 
intan rotriall-som bleith na bron no impa a haenar, 7 dognith saml^'^ 

4100 dog^es, et ba hiat aingil in Coimdh^fli nomheiW dia raith-seom. Nir'bh6 

cian iarsin cu tancatar gobuinn a tiribh Muman, 7 teora cair^^ha leo do 

Chiaran a n-almsain, curub amhltfzWsin rosaer^ Ciaran o fhognum in righ. 

lArsna hiibh sin, t^a, ba mithz^- la Ciaran teact for scolaidhe^ 

d'fhogluim ^na cu Finden Cluana hlraird. Rochuinnz^ immorro bhoin 

4105 for a mdtfoair 7 for a athair dia breith lais dia fhoglaim. Atbzrt a 
vnhdtkair na tibhra do. Robeannach-som boin dona buaibh .1. Odhur 


Ciatain a hainm o sin amach, et dodhech<zz# com. Isegh andiaidh 5 Chiarain 
otha sin gu Cluain Iraird. Dorat-som iar^^z tf dia bhachaill eatarra, ar nf 
roibhi airbhe etarra, 7 nobhith in bo oc lighi in laeigh, 7 ni ticeadh cechtar 
4iiodhibh tarsin toraind. Loim immorro na bo-sin norannta et/r in da espoc 
dhec-sin cona muinnteruibh 7 cona n-digheadhaibh 6 , 7 nos-folartnaig^d uili 

iat, ut dixit 7 : _ , . . 

Caeca for cet comlana 

nobiathadh Odhar darotn, 
4115 * la haidhib, la lobhrana, 

la lucht proinntigi is griana[i]n. 

1 MS. rotruadh interlined. 2 MS. aig^. 3 This and the preceding word have been 
re-written and are obscure. 4 MS. nseim. 6 andiaigh. 8 MS. cwzanaidheadhaibh. 

7 In marg. .r. (i.e. rann). 


Ata immorro sece na hUidhre i Cluain mac Nofs, 7 gebe anum scanty ria 
corp don t-seichz#-sin aitreaba in befaaid suthain. 

EAtar didiu da esboc dec na hEirtnn a scoil Findein i Cluain Iraird, 

utdixit 1 : _ _,,. 4120 

Da Fhinnen, da Cholum caidh, 

Ciaran, Cainneach, Gomghall cain,. 
da Brenainn, Ruadhan co li, 
Nindedh, Mobi, mac Nat frseich 

.i. Molaisi Daminnsi. 4125 

IS e ord nobhith acu .1. cedi espoc dibh do bleith na bron a la. Aingil didiu 
nomhenW in mb^oin doraith Ciaratn in la ba leis. 

Tucadh ingen righ Cualann fechtus cj[in] Finnen [fo. 37. a. i] do 
Idghadh a salm iar n-idhbairt a hoighi do Dhia. Roerb Finnen ra Ciaran 
an ingin, cum^d aigi noleghudh a salma. Ni fhaoz tra Claras do c^rp na4 I 3 
hingine cein batar immale ackt a traighthi nama. 

TANCATAR tidiu dd clamh dhec cu Finnen, dia n-ic. Faidhis 
iat cu Cia.ran. Ferais Ciaran failti fHu, 7 luidh leo on cill siar, 7 
f6tt asin i&l-mam cur'mhemh^z/^ 2 sruth uisq^i glain as. Dorat-sumh in. tonna 
donn usc\u\ tar cedi bhfer dibh, comtar 6ghslana fochedoir. 4135 

ISin scoil-si beo&.r noathaig^d damh vXLaid cu Ciara;z, cu tabmd-sum 
a leabar for congnaibh an daimh. Laithi ann atcualtf Cia.ra?i an clocc. 
Ad^aigh suas cohopunn risin cloc, araidhe ba dene adracht 3 in t-agh shlaidk, 
7 luidh as cons, leabhar fora, congnaibh. Ciar'bho fliuch in la-sin 7 inn 
ad#3g- 4 , 7 ciar'bho oslaicthi an leabd^j ni rofliuch^ oenlit^r ann. Adracht4i4o 
in clfrech iarnamhamch, 7 doriacht in t-agh 2\\aidk con& libur imshlan do. 

ISin scoil-sin didiu tainicc Nindedh Ssebhruisc o Lochuibh Eirne do - 
legadh cu Finnen, 7 ni raibhi leabar oca. 'Essidh leabar,' or Airmen. 
Rola Nindedh cuairt for an scoil, 7 ni fuair o neoch dhibh libar. 'In 
ranacais in moeth6clach fil i tuaisciurt na faighthe ? ' orFmn/n. < Raghat4 I 45 
inno^ja,' or Nindedh. Intan iarum rainic Nindedh, is ann luid Ciaran tar 
teistemain medhon^^ liubuir Matha : Omnia quecumque uultis ut faciunt 
homines uobts ita et uos faciatis illis. ' Tancas do iasackt liubhuir,' 
ar Ninnedh. ' Don-fair t/'ocuire/ ar Ciaran, l as fris leghaim-si 7 iss ed asbeir 
in teistem/ fHum cech ni budh maith dam do dhenamh dhamh co4 I 5 

n-dernaind 5 doneoch. Beir-si in leabar,' ol Ciaran. Rofiarf hocAt a ses cumtha 

1 In tnarg. .r. (i.e. rann). 2 MS. curmhebh0zV * In marg. * MS. 
s MS. seems to have been touched by modern hand. 

R Z 


de araraarack 1 occ denamh in aicipta, cait i m-boi a leabar ? [fo. 37. a. 
' Dos-fuc dhamhsa/ ar a muinter, ( bfdh Ciaran kh-Matha a ainm, ar fer don 
ricib ale, ar Finden, acht Ciaran leith nEitt?#;z . . . . e uili,' ut dixzt Finn/n : 

4155 Oc Finnen roleghastur 

Ciaran craibdhech gu ngreische, 
leath liubafr leis cin leginn, 
leth Eirenn d6 da esse. 

IS uadhsin rucadh in mbreithir n-urdraic co Roim co hAlaxander .1. non 

4i6olegam Marcum 3 quo usque compleu<?ra[m] Mattheum 4 . 

Dorala tra iarsin tetrci arbha 7 fhuluing don scoil-sein, cu mba heicen 
ier maith dibh for timcheall do choimet in builc arbha dob^rthea don mhui- 
leann. Dorala do Chiaran iar n-urd timchill, bole corcai do-bmth don 
mhuilinn. Roraidh-si#mh oc oscailt in builc-sin: 'A Choimdhe,' ol se, 

4165 ' robadh maith Hum cum#d cruithnecfo chsein, 7 corned shasad adhbhul, 
ailghen, oirmhitech so dona sruithibh.' Forcaemhnacair amhlaid sin .1. 
aiugel De rotairbir^d in muil&m ina laim-si^m, 7 esium oc gabhail a shalm 
gu n-glaine cridhi 7 menman, 7 in coirci dob^thea inn ba cniithnect 
tog/de oc toidhecht as. Tic didiu inghen airchinnigh in mhuilinn cu raibhi 

4i7oic saichthin for Ciaran, 7 cu tart gradh dh6, ar ba hailli a dhealbh oldas cech 
duine a comaeis. . . . didfo* duit,' ol Ciaran, .' ndch edh dob^ri dot aire * ercra 
in tsaeg^z/7 laithi brat&a j piana ithfHnn ara n-imghab#2/ 7 fochraic nime ara 
roc/itmn. ? ' O dochuaidh an ingen dia tigh innisidh in scel-sin dia hathair 7 
dia mdthair. Tancatar saidhe 7 tarcatar an wgin do Ciaran. ' Dia n-edbra 

4175 a hoighi do Dhia, 5 ol Ciaran, ' 7 dia bhfoghna dh6, baam sentadach-sa fHa.' 
Roidpair Aidiu an inghen a hoighi do Dhia 7 do Chiaran, j roidhbuir-sum a 
muinntzV uili a mbithf hoghnum 7 a m-bithdilsi do Chiaran osin amach. O 
dochuatdr dia tigh tuc#d cuibrenn uata do Chiaran .i.tri bairgena cruith- 
nechta cona bhfurrthain do ... 7 d'feoil leo, 7 leastur Ian do (mi)d [fo. 37. b. i] 

4180 O rofhacoibhset na timthirigh sin, 7 o r#cs<zt benn^^tain, roraidh-sium : 
'Don-fair trocuiri,' or se, { ni cubhuidh duinne so do c<z/thimh seach na 
brait^ibh aili.' Foceird iarsin an biadh uili iarna mhiniuguo' cusm rrmilenn, 
7 foo?z>d in lin^ co nderna min c^uithnechta dibh uili. O roairigh Ciaran in 
timthin^ ica forchoimhet frisin cleith, dorat breithir fair co ^-debuirt fns : 
4185 ' Rom-bera corr s ' ar se, ' do shuil as do cinn ! ' F<?^caemnacair aml<2tf# iardain, 

1 MS. arabarach. 2 The first two lines of this column have been retouched and are 

very obscure. 3 MS. marcam. * MS. mathium. 


uair benais postea culm a shuil asa chirm cu rabha fora gruaidh l oc dul dia 
thigh dh6. Tainic in t-aircinnech acedair maille frisin timthiru/ cu ro- 
shlechtsat do Chiaran, 7 roedbuir in muilenn com. fherann uili do Ciaran ar 
ice in gilla. Tard Ciaran a dmiuinn frisin still cu rola 'na hin^d, 7 tard 
sigin na croichi tairrsi cur'bh6 oghshl^z. 4190 

O roscaich tra meilt in arbha frith cethra builc Idna do cruithneacht 
coss^artha annsin tria rath De 7 Ciarain. O rosiact-sum dia thigh com. 
arbhur lais dorighne tuara dona sruithibh. Tuara on ba ferr thucad dhoibh 
riamh. Or on aimsir frith an mainn rundai tall ic m^cuibh Israel nf frith 
samail in tuara-sin, ar is amlaid roboi, gu mblas cacha d^hbidh 2 , etz'r-iips 
mhidh 7 f hfn, cu roshas 7 cu roslana^ iat uili. Uair gacti duine galatr bai 
isin cathrtfz^ uili di neoch rochaith nf dhe ba hoghshlan fochedair. 

Ni roairigset na sruithi ind iarmeirghi in ad^z^ 3 -sin cu primh iarna- 
marach. O rofiafr^ Finn/^ do Ciaran in mhirbhoill forcsemnacuir ann 
ro innis CiaraTz uili o thos^c^ co tidhnacul in mhmlmn j in f herainn com. 4200 
aidhmibh (no com. dhainib) dho a n-idhbairt, ' et acsin duitsi in ferann-sin 
uili, a Fhindein ! ' ar Ciara^. IS annsin dorat Yind/n a bennacht coduth- 
racfaach do Chiaran. Ut dixit Fin^i : 

A Ciarain, a cridhican! 

ar do noeibe 4 not-caruim. 4205 

dot-ria rath a dhilican 

imut flatha ecus feruinn. 

[fo. 37. b. 2], A Chiaraz'n uais ollbladaz^ 5 ! 

duit rop soma gacft. freacra, 

curab it cill comhramha?^ 4310 

imut orduin is ecna. 

Doratad tra in benn#^-som coduthr^^tach do Chiaran tria rogradh 7 tria 
nieisci sph'talda. Con#d annsin forfhacuib leth derce 7 ordain 7 ecna fria 
firu ILiremi do Chiaran 7 da cathraigh. Forfhacuib -di^ Ciar^^ ana aice- 
sium 7 ara cathraig; conadh de sin ata ana Fhindein. F<?rerlangair didzu in4 2I 5 
t-arbtfr-soin samh^ Find/in gu cenn.xl. la cona n-oidhchibh 6 , et fotaiscedh 
a trian do aes galair, ar ro icadh cock n-ainces, 7 ni rolamh luch na peist 
a mhilled co 72-derna ere dhe fadheoidh 7 , 7 no ic#d cock ngalar fora 

1 MS. gmaigb. 2 MS. d^/hbidh. 3 MS. inag0zV * MS. noeime. 

5 MS. ollblaghaag-^, written over oirdnidi. 6 MS. oighthibh. 7 MS. fadheoigh. 


4220 LAITHE n-oen do Chiara;* oc tinol meithli buana cu tarla dh6 araili 
vddeck ddr' ainm Cluain. ' Tabair cabhuir dhun icon l buain 1 amar^c^/ ol 
Ciaraw. 'DobheY,' ar Cluain. O dhochuaidh immorro Cluain dia thigh, 
atb<?rt fHa muinntzV : ' Abraidh-si,' ar se" } ' mo bh^Vh-si a ngalar dia tistar 
armochenn o Ciara^.' O ro hindis^s? don gilla do dhech#z# aracennsom 

4225 sin, atchuaidh do Cia.ran innf sin. Faitbes Ciaran ica cluinsin, 7 rotuic 
conadh ft?/" togaeis robai Cluain, uair rob fhaidh De farbhffr Ciaraw. O 
dochuatwr tra muinnter Ciuana dia dhuscad is amhlaid fuarutur he, cin 
anmain, Rochaeins^t a mhuindtef cum6r he, 7 tancatar lucht an imfhoraidh 
fai cur' fhiafraighset dibh fochunn na haccaine. * Cluain,' ar siat, ' dochuaidh 

4 2 3 imshla;; ina leabh/<^7 marbh anosa he, 7 is 6 Cianz ros-marbh ona breithir, 
o nach dech<22# don bhuain lais.' Tiaghuit in lucht-sin uili do etarghuidhi 2 
Ciarain um thaithbheog<ar in mhairbh. { Doghenum-ne uili,' ar siat, ( buain 
d/tsi, 7 doberam ar mainchine 7 ar bhfoghnamh d't 7 do Dia cubrath, 
dia nduisce dhun in marbh.' IS annsin a.tbert Ciara# fHa scoloic : { Eirg-si,' 

4235 ol se, ' 7 beir mu bhachaill lat docum in mhairbh, 7 tabair sighin na croiche 
don bhachaill for a ucht, 7 geibh in rann so : 

RodhSil Cl&zfe 
aniu cucamsa do bhuain, 
ar is galar n fonich 
4240 beo ina thigh marbh fofhuair.' 

[fo. 38. a. i.] Adracht iarumh Cluain acedair, 7 doriacht 3 coluath 
dochum Cisiram. ' Eendacht fort, a naebh 4 -Chiar<2m,' or se : ' is maith ina 
n-dmiuis fnm, ar is buidhi Hum tuidhe^/ 6 ilphianuib ithfrinn. Anois 
rofh^amar tarbha na hum^/oite, 7 etarba na hanum#/oidi, 7 rofh^/amar 
4245 in morcataidh fhuil ocon Coimdz^ f^rtsa, 7 fil ic mumtzrmmz cucoitcheann.' 
Roshlect iarsin do damn, 7 dorat a mhainchine dh6. 

Rofhiafraigset araili dona cleirchibh do Fhinnen cia no taispenfadh in 

irn#?gthi intan nach beth Finnen ibhus. 'In t-ockto& ut,' ar mn/n, .1. 

4350 Ciaran, ' esidhe.' ' Abdhaine dob^e dh6,' ar Brenainn seoch chach. ' Dorado^ 

doberar, dobertar,' or Finne'n. Format didiu lasna nasbhu 6 innisin cenmota 

Colomb Cille. 

IS ann rofiafr^ araili dibsum cia dona nsebuibh 6 budh mo fochraic a 
nimh. 'Don-fair trocuire!' ar Cianm, ' rofinnfaigt^ inar congbhaluibh ar 

1 Interlined in a later hand. 2 MS. etarghuighi. 3 In marg. fofuar. 

* MS. nsemh. 5 MS. nsemhu. 6 MS. naemuibh. 


talmam.' IS ann sin dorighne Brenainn Birra faitsine dh6 : ' Gebmait-ne da 
congbail for Bmiainn, for dib s^othaibh iiir primchaihrack&ibh 1 9 7 indefh 
bias etzV na da sruth biaidh etz> met na cathrach.' 

INtan immorro ba mithigh 2 do Chiaran toidhe^/o Cluain Iraird iar 
bhfoghluim l&ginn 7 ecna, forf hacuib in Uidhir oc Ninded noebh 3 , ackt 
asbert-som a seche do rochtuin d6 iardain, et atberi Ciaran foss : ' Gidh 
sochuidhi dochab^V dia blicht robudh liu dia tibhreadh a seiche cabair' Et 4 2(5 
asb^rt-som : ' Cech ainim ragh^j asa churp do sheichza? na hUidhre nocha 
pianfaid^ a n-ithfrenn.' 

Atconnuic Finden aislingi dosum 7 do Colum C#/<? .1. da esca isin aier 
co n-dath oir form. Dochuaidh indalanae for fairrce sortuaidh os mhedon 
Eirenn. Colum cille sin cu taitnemh a shseiri 7 a socenelche et Ciaran 4265 
cu taitn^m a dm:e 7 a trocuiri. 

TEIT Ciaran iarsin d'acallaimh [fo. 38. a. a] righ Eitt?7272 .1. Tuathail 
Maeil gairbh, do cuingidh fair chumhaili bai aigi. Donzt t^a Ciaran a 
dhorn imon mb^oin ar deirc, 7 rogheall cu bhfoighenadh deis na cum^7e. 
Rod^Huic Tuath<2/ iamm in cumatl do Dia 7 do Chiarwz, 7 dorad fos a etach 427 
rfgda, 7 dorat Ciaran do bocktaib foc/^6ir. 

FEACHT ann doluidh Ciar<a;^ do cuingidh cummll aili cfctfin righ .1. cu 
Furbaidi. IS annsin tuc fer ele boin dosum a n-edbairt : tuc araili b^at d6, 
tuc araile aighen. Dorat-sum uili do" bhochtuibh fochet6ir isin lo cetna, et 
dorat Dia tri hedb^rta roptar ferr do Ciaran .1. coiri deis a aighin, da brat4 2 75 
dec deis a senbroit, da bai dec a n-in#d a aenbh6. O'tconnuic in ri innisin 
dorat 4 in cumatl d6. 

O thainic tra co celeabhr^ dosum 5 dia aiti targtfzVf-siumh a chathr^ 
do fhoghn&m dho. ' Ace,' ar Finden, ' nir-ben do chathraig-si 6 fri nech aili 
ocht fri Dia dorat sains^Vc dmt s^ainne uili.' Cfidh Ciaran, ar ba hua^428o 
lais a aite do thaircsin a chathrac^ dh6. ' Biaidh dano senta edrann cena/ 
ar Finn/, f 7 ni ba nimhidh 7 na talm^^da intf millfeas ar n-aentoz#h.' ' Bidh 
amlatd,' ar Ciaran. Doimth^- Ciaran roime iarsin. Et is ann tac Colum 

cille in test-si fair 8 -.,.,., A . x 

Amhra ocldech teit uann siar, g 

Ciaran mac in tshaeir : 

cen saint, ce uail, ce ecnach, 

ce etradh, ce# aeir. 

1 MS. p^imthathaibh, with a slanting stroke over the first h. z MS. mithidh. 

8 MS. noemh. * MS. repeats. 5 Here begins a different hand, and continues 

to end of fo. 38. b. 6 MS. chathsi. 7 Read nimhidhech (?). 8 In marg. nran. 


lArsin docuaidh Ciaran co hAruinn do agallazm Enna, 7 atcondcadwr 
4290 aenaislzw^i Ciaran 7 Enna .1. crann mor toirth^c^ i farnz</ srotha for medhon 
~EJ\renn co ndidnad inis "EArenn, 7 r os-dech^W a thorad tar muir bai imon innsi 
amuigh, 7 ticdis coin an domain gu m-bmlis nf dia thorad. Atcuaid Ciaran 
in f his do Enna. Roraidh Enna : ' An crann mor atconnacuis tusa fein 'sin 
air it mor [in marg. fri tua] 7 doenaib, bid Ian Eiri dot thanoir. Ditne- 

4295 baidh fo scath do ratha an innsi-sea, 7 sasfuider soch<zz#l 6 rath th'dine 7 

th'urntfif^ti. Eirg didiu la breith/r nD6 for ur srotha 7 fofhaig ecltftr aim/ 

Fect#.y dosan a n-Aruinn ac tiradh isin dith, 7 Lonan Cerr malle fris, 

7 i frithfort nobhidh se coidhci fri Ciaran, co facad^r in naoifor n6chombdth^ 

'na bf hiadn^i. ' Indar-leam,' ar Lonan, { baidhfid<?r innfu in n6i lit, 7 loiscfid^r 

4300 in aith-sea le m# na gaeithi.' ' Ace,' ar Ciaran, ( in noi lit loiscfid^r, 7 as 
b&dudh baidfidh in aith-sea [fo. 38. b. i] com. harbhur.' Ocus iss edh 6n 
rocomhailW, uair terl^ lucht na n6i 7 tucadh in nou ifarradh na hatha. 
Gabuis tene in aith 7 loiscter in n6u, atnaig 1 in gaeth s//edh forsin dith com, 
harbor isin fairgi, g&r'bciid^h tre breith/r Chiamm. 

4305 O dodhech#2# Ciaran a hAruinn tachr#z#bocht d6 arin <r^air. Atnaig J 
Ciaran a chasal 1m d6 7 dotoet co hlnis Cath^^fh do bennachad do Shenaw. 
O robhui-sium ina senbhrut rofoillsig^ do S^an innfsin, 7 dochuaid 'na 
choinne, 7 casal lin f6 ocsail, 7 doraidh re Ciaran : * Nach nar,' ar se, ' sacart 
do imiheckt cen chochull.' ' Don-fair trocuiri ! ' ar Cianm, ' airchisfid Dia 

4310 ata cochull damsa fo choim mu senorac&' O &or6cht Ciaran gu CMain 
mac: 130zs dob ail d6 co ructha casal eli uadh do S^/zan. Roleic^^h in casul 
fri sruth na Sinna, 7 ro sia^^ gen fhliuchad gu p0rt Innsi Adu- 
bairt re mhanch^ : ' Eirg/d don muir 7 foghebaidh seighidh 2 ann, 7 
tucaidh libh co ^-anoir 7 co 72-airmhitin.' O dhachuat^r imach na man^^h, 

43isfuaratar in casul forsin muir, is se tmm, 7 tucsat leo he co S^^an, 7 roghni- 
sium atlug&dh buidhi don Coimdz^h, 7 as e sin cas#/ S^^an innfu. 

Dodhechaid iarsin coa braitribh co hfsill, 7 dorat Cobhtharfi m^c 
Brecain Isel do Dia 7 do Ciaran, 7 do-aitreabh annsin maille na braitribh. 
Et dobhi la ic denum a aicciupta immuich forin ach#^, dochuaidh-sium do 

432othorruma a seigh^ 3 , 7 forfacuibh a leab&r os\aicth\ co mtain fon fLizickad., 
7 ni rainic banna fliuch in leb^r. 


Fe^/us dobhi Ciaran ag cur sil an Isill. Dotaed bockt cug\. Atnaig * 
Ciaran mam don gran 'na ucht, 7 rosoud^h foc/foir in gran a n-or. 

1 MS. atnaid. z MS. aeidhi. 3 MS. seidhed. 


Tucadh carpet com. echatb do Ciaran o JEnghus mac Oimththuin. 
Dorat Ciaran don bocht ar in 6r, 7 rosoe in t-6r a ng^an, 7 rosiol^h an 4325 
gort de. 

Robui immorro loch ifarradh fsill, 7 noaitreabdais aes tuaithi 7 
dsescarslzfog- an innsi bui fair, 7 dothairmisc<?<afti nual 7 fogztf' in lochta-sin 
adtarbha um na clerchw*. Roghuidh * Ciaran in Coimdi cor'alta asa hin^d 
in innsi, 7 doron^d in nf-sin, 7 atcither beos an t-inad a roibi isin loch re 433 
cuimnigud in ferta-sm. 

O na caemnaoztar immorro na braitn fulang deerci Ciarain ara m//, 7 o 
ron-gaibh format, doraidhs<?t fris : ' Eirg uann,' ol siat, ' ar ni ruibem a n-sein 
ind.' Doraidh Ciaran : ' Diam^d sunn,' ar se, ' nobeinn-si gidh Isel an 
t-in<z<sT-so arai luic, rob#<afa ard arai n-anoire 7 n-airnlz'ten.' [fo. 38. b. ^.]4335 
As ann roraid-sium so : 

'Ciarsa isiul robadh ard 

mina thisedh in fodhard : 

in fodhard mina tfiisedh 

robadh ard gersa. fsel.' 4340 

Dorat Ciaran annsin a liubhair for oss n.-allaid. Rocomaithig-seom iarum 
in n-os n-allaid cech a tiged. Dochuaid in t-agh roimesiwm co hlnis 

n-Angin. Docuaid-sium isin innsi 7 nos-aitreabhann. 

Dod^chad^r iarum a brahri c^igisium as gack aird. Robhui araili 
uasalshacart isin innsi. Dainel a ainm, do Breatnato dh6, 7 ron-gms Diab/4345 
gu roformdigh re Ciaran. R^cadh iarum cuach rigda co tri henuib ordha o 
Chiaran dosum i comartha ndilg^ha. Roingant^z^h an sac^^t innisin, 7 
dorfne aitHghi, 7 doshlec^/ do Ciaran, j dorat an innsi d6. 

Yeekt do Ciaran an Inis Angin gu cual in gairm isin purt. Roraidh 
risna braitnbh : ' Eirgidh, 3 ar se, ' arccnn adbhair \>ur n-abadh.' O rancatur 4350 
an port ni fuaradur ann tf<^moeth6gl^ch tuata. Raidhit fri Ciaran innisin : 
' EirgzWh arai sin arachenn arfs. Foll^j damsa for a ghuth comba he bhus 
abb daibsi amdeg^^h.' Tucadh iarzm in t-oglacfc isin innsi co Ciaran, 7 
robherr Ciaran he, 7 rolegh aigi, 7 ba he sin Enna mac Hui-Laigsi .1. fer 
noebh adhamr^^^thi 'con Coimdidh, j is e rob ab iar Ciaran. 4355 

Dorala cu torchmr sosc^/a Ciarain isin loch o araili bratbmr anf haitec^, 
7 robhui cufota fon loch. I n-araili laithi a n-aimsir samhraid docuadur bai 
isin loch gu rolen iris an tsosc//a do.cois bo dhibh, co t&c le gu port tirim. 

1 MS. Roghuigh. 


As de sin ata Pert in tSosc/<?//a n-Inis Angin. O rahoslaiced immorro in 

4360 sosc//, is zm\aid robui, glegheal, tirim, gan dith litri tre rath Ciarain. 

Tainic araili fer do Corcabaiscinn co Ciaran, Donnan a ainm, mac 
brathar do Senan mac [G]errginn, 7 inann mdthair d6 7 do S^^an. ' Cidh 
accobrai <cidh theigi?' ol Ciaraw. 'Do chuingidh inaidh i tairisiur 7 i 
foighdn do Dia.' Forfacuibh Ciaran Inis Angin la Donnan. Roraidh 

4365 Donnan : ' Uair as condeirc dutt fHum, facuibh nf dod comurth^ 7 dot 
minnaib agum.' Facbatdh Ciaran aigi a soisc//.i. an soisctf frith asin lodi, 
7 a clog 7 a fher imchuir .1. Maelodran. Tri bliadne immorro 7 tri mfs robui 
Ciaran a n-Inis Angin. Et is ed tainic iarsin co hArd Manntain ifarraw? na 
Sinna. O'tconnuic-sium aibhne an inaidh-sin, iss edh roraid : ' Madh annso 

437othairismit,' ar se, 'bidh imda saidbreas in tsaeg^// aguinn, 7 bid uaithti 
anmunna do^^m n/;^i as.' Tainic iarsin c^n mbaile-sa. Ard Tiprat a 
ainm intansin. ' As sund immorro anfamzV, uair bat imdha anmam docum 
nimhe as, 7 biaidh torroma o Dia 7 o dhainib coidchi forsin in#d-so.' 
I N-oc/itkalaiim Febra roghabh Ciaran i Cluam, in dechmad. esca, i sathrann. 

4375 Ochtur immorro dochuaidh leis .1. Ciaran, ^Eng^^ mac. Nisse, Caelcholum, 
Mulioc, Lugna m<3:c hui Moga Laim, Colman mac Nuin. Amhra tra. 
rogabadh an congbhail-sin la Ciar^^ i Cltiain cona, ochtur iar ddaidhe^/ 1 
do thonnaib adusce feibh roghabh Noe mac Laimhiach in domain 2 cona. ochtar 
iar tuidh^t do thonnuib na dilenn. As annsin roclann Ciar^^ an c//cleath 

4380 i Cluam 7 Diarm^zcl mac Cerbaill maille ris. Atberi Ciaran re Diarm^Vic 
na cl^hi : ' Leic, a Iseich, mu laimh uas do laim, 7 bia-sa uas fetaib 
i n-airdrighi.' 'As ced Hum,' ar Diarm#zV, l acht cot^ca comarda 
dam aire sin.' ' Atber immorroj ol Ciaran. ' Cid at uathtf<^-sa inniu baat ri 
Eire;m in trath-sa imarach.' Ba fior-son, da^^, ar romarb^^h Tuath^/ 

4385 Maelgarb rf E/renn in oidchi-sin, 7 rogab Diarmait rigi \\SJxenn aramhdmc^ 3 
[fo. 39. a. i] 7 roedhbuir c// ceall do Ciar^^. Conad dia fo^cell sin asbert: 

Atb/r coffr fotrglzdM 
cid uathad do dream dhimhach 
b^t rf aebhda oirdnz'^i 
4390 JLirenn in trath-sa imaYach. 

Tuathail togazdhe 
Mselgarbh b gairm gu gloire, 

MS. ddaighe^t. 2 Sic in MS., should come after adusce (?). 

5 MS. arabharach. 


as de itd in ra"dh roghaidi 
ba he a e"cht Msel m6ire. 

Gen mhaidm is gan eirsclaw/i 4395 

roghab Uisnech nfr iar nda"l. 
dorat Diarmtf# dtfrrscoagftthi 
cet ceall do Dhia 's do Chianfo. 

lArsin roshaidedh in ck/h, 7 adub#z>t Ciardn ica sdth^: 'Ac so,' ar se, 
'irosc Triuin' .i.^TVen rmzc-sidhe robhui i nDun Gluana Ichtair rotHall 44 
anumtfloit doswm. Mebhuis foc//air a sensuil 'na cinn la breitzr Ciardin. 

Araili la dobhadar na braitri a n-itatdh moir 7 siat ic buain i Cluain. 
Foidhit araili timtiridh uathaibh cosin clereck co rz/ctha usqui doib 
isin gz/rt, *wz#d ann ispert Ciardn dia roghabhduis inniu fora n-ltaidh 
noimfulaingfedh saidbreas mor in tsseg/7 dona braitnb thicfotis darneis.4405 
' As d^rbh eimh,' ar na braitri, ' as ierr linne ainmne ara tibertar fochratc 
dhuin fein do denamh, 7 dia ticfa les dona braitnbh 'narndeg(2/^h, inas sas^d 
ar n-itad inniu.' Tuc^d telcoma Ian d'fin otha tire Franc cosin mbaili do 
Ciardn i logh na hainmne-sin, 7 romhair blagh don telcomu-sin sunn co 
haimsi?ra d&dhincha 1 . O thainic immorro in fescw rob^^n^c^ Ciardn 4410 
lestur Ian d'ttsqui, 7 rosoudh i fin togaidhi, j roddik^h foma 
cons, bai ftatfh roderrscaig don iiaith-sm. Ar dod^c^ad^r 
Coluim Cille o Hf iar n-aims^aibh fodaib cosin ^<a1:hr(22g-si. Rofuira/h 
Qazth doibh, 7 roh^rd^rcaig^ tnasin cathraig uili r\ack raibhi roimpi na^ 
'nsidegaid ilaith a commaith. As annsin aspert senolr robui i tich 4415 
smithi : 'Rofetr-sa,' ar se, ' fl^zYh ba ferr indas. Ferr in fltfz'th don'ne Ciardn 
dia mhanchtfz'^ dia mbatar a n-itaid mhoir } cu rosoi-sium in t-^^qui i fin 
doibh. Narub seel cen com^rdha duibhsi sin,' ar in s^oir, ' misi fein rodail 
in fin-sin, 7 teighed mh'orda dar oe mair in bl^sftii isin fin taisc/d-si, 7 finnaidb 
innosa boladh mh'ord^^ ara tuma isin fin antansin.' Tancatar 7 ro rasasta 4 42o 
uili o bo Win meoir-sin. Adrubnztar : ( As ferr,' ar iat, ' in fhl#zYh-sa ina ceck 
ft.cdth in fltf zVh isa bolad mhar^j iar n-aimsz'r rof<?da for meor. Benntf^/,' 
ar siat, ' for Ciardn, 7 bennacht for in Coimdid rodhan^z^h do c.eck maith.' 

Oichidh Chiana, scoloc Ciardin, docuaidh co Saigzr, cu rofeidhlz^h fri 
re cian innti, cu roasl^z^h Deman fair in tene senta bui icna manch^z^ isin 4425 
cuchtezV do bhadz/^h. Itb^rt damn SaigH na caithfe<s? biadh co tistais 
seighzV/ 2 dobh^m^h teine dho. Luid immorro Crichidh uaidib seal^ b^c 
se^/z/air in cd&xach gz/r'marbsat coin allta 7 nochz// mhillsd; a corp. 

1 MS. deighincha. 2 MS. seidh/V 

S 3 


O racuala Ciardn mac in tsair bas a ghilla, luidh co Ciardi? Saign dia 

443 chuinghidh. O rasia^tf is ed aspert Ciardn Saign : ' Is ed t61sec& ricthi a 

leas usqui dar bur cosa, acht nf ill tene ocuinn do th&gadh usqui dhuibh, 

acht tucaidh-si bur n-aidedha tenedduin, ar is daeibh rocinn Dia.' IS annsin 

tuarcoibh Ciardn mac in tsaeir a lamha docum nime, 7 dor6ine ernaigthi. 

ndicra. lar forbadh na hernaigt/ii tainic tene do nim co -eisid fora ucht. 

4435 Rothimurc a uct imon te/zz# 7 dus-fuc lais cosin mainistzX Foceird uadh 

in teimd for lar, 7 ni romill cid brothairne don casal bui ime. Rotathbheodtf^ 

dano a gilla atbath roime sin, 7 rocaith proinn malle innsan. Dorons^t a n- 

seintezWh annsin na da Qwiardn. * Saidbriw an tsaeguil,' ar Qutaran mac 

intsaeir, i SaigzV moir. ' E^rna 7 ord^w cen ercra i Cluam mac Nozs,' ar 

444 Q^iardn SaigH. Nocu raibhi anim Ciardin isin baili-sin acht fri re .in. mis 

7 ... a, co ndeckaidh. docum ntmi isin nomad la i mfss [fo. 39. a. z] medhon- 

aigh fhoghmhuir. 

rofidzV immorro Ciaran g^'chomhfoicsigh laithi a eitsichta, doroine 
faitsine gu toirrsi m6ir. Adub^H; robudh mhor ingmm a cathrach o 

4445 drochdhainib fri demfti ndomatn. 'Cedh, immorro, doghen#m-ne ind 
aimsir in lochta-sin ? ' ol na mana^h, ' in ocut thaisibh-si anfamazV nd in 
let}}, n-aili raghm^/t ? ' ' Eircidh/ ol Quiardn, l j facbhuidh ma thaisi amhail 
facbaith^^ cnama oiss re grein, daigh as ferr dhuibh aitreabh 1 immalle 
fnumsa in nim innds feidhliug^ icum thaisibh ibhos.' O rochomhfoicsigh 

445 tra aimser a eitsichta donti noeibhQ&iaran ind eclats bic, isin tres bliadam 
.xxx. a asisi, hi qz^incid Septimb^r arai laithi mis g^ine, hi satharn arai laithi 
sechtmaine, in ochtmadh decc arai esca, as ann adrubazrt-sium : ' Nom-b^nir 
in din^ bee,' or se. Et o rafeghastar in nemh 7 ind ser n-ard uasa cinn, iss 
ed asperi : ' AS aghasta in set-sa suas.' ' Nidait as aghz&ta,' ar na manaigh. 

4455 c Ni fetur-sa emh,' ar se, ' nach ni do thimna De darmo thiasainn acht cena 
roimecl#2h cid Daibhith mac lesse 7 Pol apstal in seut-sa.' As annsin 
ruc#d in t-adhart cloiche uadh ara haine. 'Ace,' ar eisium, 'tab^V 
fomorno. Qui enim perseuer^wmt usque in hiis .e. 2 ' Rolinsat t^a aingil idir 
n^m 3 7 lar i fHthsh^t a anma-som. Tucad iarsin ind eclats bic, 7 tuarcuibh 

4460 a lamhaj 7 robenduch a popttl, 7 adubairt risna braithriu ind eclais do 
dhun^d fair gu torsedh Coeimgen o Glinn da Lacha. O doro^ Coeimhgm 
iar tredenz/j ni uair lancennsa na gcleir<?c/z fochetair, uair robatar i mbron 7 
i toirrsi mhoir deis a gcleir^f . Roraidh Coeimhghen f>iu : ' Foircsi gruam- 

1 In upper margin. 2 Matth. x. 22. . 3 MS. nemutn. 


dbac&faj ar- se, 'foruib dogres.' Roghabh imecla iarsin na smithe, 7 
doronsat reir Coimhgen, 7 rooslaicsit ind eclats becc reme. Dodech0z#44 6 5 
foc//air spir/ Ciarain dochum nimhe, 7 tainic arfs ina churp do agalluimh 
Chaoimhgen, 7 roier failti fHss, 7 badur on trath co araile andsin ic 
imacalduim 7 oc denumh an sented. B^wnachuis Ciaran iarsin Coeimhg#. 
Beannachuis dano Caeimhg uisq^i, 7 dognf comman do Quiardn, conad 
annsin dorat Quiaran a clog do Caeimg*% i comurtha a n-oentad 7 i screpul 447 
a chomnae. As eiside Boban CoeimhgzVz inniu. 

Noeib Eirenn tra rofoirmd^hs^t re Quiaran ara feabhus, co #-dechadar 
i muinighin Riogh nime cu rogairdighthe a saeghal-som. Rop 6 met in 
format ros-gabsat fHs co ndebairt cidh a ffrchumthtfc^ fein .1. Colum cilJi: 
' Bennoff^/ for Dhia/ ar se, ' rue inti noeibQuiaran, daig da maradh combadh 4475 
senoir ni fuicf<?d in^d da ech charpuit ind Eirma na bhudh leis.' 

IS sunn tra ata Quiardn cosin ochtur roraidh-sium co ^-ilmhiltib naobh l 
archena. IS sund itat taisi Foil 7 Petuir forfacuibh B^^ian 7 Cumlach isin 
crund chocai ibhos. IS sund itat taisi in meic dhaill .1. deiscip^/ Peca. IS 
sund dano ita serin 2 ind aiged .1. Peca, is eiside itconnairc araili craibd^ch 44 8 
d'imorclw d'ainglib cohadnacul Ciardm. Trl inganta [fo. 39. b. i] ibhoss 
in oidche-sin, in tech n-seigedh 3 gan teinidh, gan seigz^ * } gan ern^hthe, 
ar robu 16r Peca do theinidh 7 d'seighz'^% 5 7 d'ernaighthe. 

Ni fil, tra, doruirmeadh guleir a ndor6ine Dia di fcrtaibh 7 mirbhuil^ 
ar inhff noeibQuiar^, daig as liach 6 tuiremh 7 aisneiss dib. Daigh ni44 8 5 
rogdnair iar taidheckt Crist i coluinn nedi budh mho de"eirc 7 trocuire, budh 
m6 saethar 7 aine 7 ernaighthi, bhadh mo umhla 7 caenduthrar/^, badh mo 
cennsa 7 ailgine, bhadh mho deithitin 7 iret 7 im eccluis nDe, bad mo saeth^r 
laithidhi 7 fritaire aidhchi. IS i na tarat nach n-inmar no nach nf mesc 
ina churp riam o roghabh crab&< IS e na heissibh loim na linn nogu mbefh 449 
a trian d'uisqui. IS e nar'chaith aran nogu mbeth trian do ghaineam trit. 
IS e nar'cotuil co comuirsedh a thaebh re huir nocht. IS fo chinn na raibhi 
ocht cloch doghnath do adhurt. IS fria chnes na rochomhraic lion na olunn. 
Fer 6 cu lanpartaib toghaidhi toltanchaib don Cholm&idh, amazl Aibel mac 
n-Adaim. Fer co /zdepracoitibh dichraibh don Dia, amail Henocc mac n- 4495 
lareth. "Luammre lanfolartnaighth^c^ do airc na hEcuilsi etz'r thonnaibh in 

1 MS. naomh. 2 There is here the mark (A) shewing that something is to be inserted. 
3 MS. naeidhedh. 4 MS. xididh. 6 MS. dseidhz^. 

6 Read lia (?)- 7 iret is in margin ; there is a blank after 7. 


t-shseguil 1 , amhail Noei mac Laimhiach. FfrailithzV co sonairte irsiy cmtmhe, 
amail Abraham mac Tharae. Fer buidh blaith dilghedhuch o cndhi, amail 
Moyse mac n-Amhras. Fer feidhil foiss i fulung fochaidhi 7 trebluidi, amail 

4500 lob foch^^hach. Salmcetlazdh lanbhind lanairpeitech do Dhia, amailDabid 
mac lese. Estadh firecna 7 f/reoluis, amail Solmain mac riDabid. Ail nem- 
chumhsctfz^hthe fora foihaigter ind E.clas, amail Petur n-apstal. PHmhproi- 
ceptoir coitcenn 7 lestar toghai ic focra firinni, am^z'/ Pol n-apste/. Fer Ian 
do rath in Spir/a TSSibh 7 d'6igi, amail Eoin mbronndalta. Fer Ian do cos- 

4505 mailius o ilmoduibh re hlssu Crist, re cenn na n-uile. Ar dorfae an fer-sa 
fion don uisce dia mhuinntzV 7 dia aig^uib 2 isin caihraig-si amail ^dorfne Issn 
fin togz<a?i don usqui ic fteidh Cannan Galale. Mac sseir dano atb^rur fnsin 
f<?r-sa amail aderar mac sceir re Crist isin SOSG//.I. hie est mius fabri .1. 
Joseph. Tn \>\iadni .xxx. i n-asis ind fhir-si amail asat .1 n. \Aiadni .xxx. 

4510 i n-seis Crist. Robui eiseirgi dano don fir-sa iar treiden?^ ibhus ina imdhai i 
Cluain do acalluim 7 do chomdhidn#d Chseimgen, amail robhui eiseirghi do 
Crist iar t^eden^5- asin adhnucul ind lar^^ak^ do comdhidhn^d 7 do nerted 
a mhathflr 7 a dheiscipz^/. Conid arna maithib-sin 7 arna maithibh imdhaib 
ailib ata a ainim ag muinntzV nimhe. Atat a relce 7 a thaisi ibhus co n- 

45 X 5 anoir 7 co ;z-airmheitin 3 co fertuibh 7 co mirbhuilibh cechlaithidhe. Et cid 
mor a anoir coleic on mhudh-soin bidh mo a anoir i n-sentaidh 3 naoibh 
nemhtruaillz^^i a chuirp 7 a anma im-mordhail bratha, intan bus \>ritkem 
ior toradh a foircetuil inti noibhQ^iara^ [fo. 39. b. 2] immalle re hf ssa Crist 
dia rofoghain. Biaidh immorro isin ma . . . moir-sin, i n-aontaidh uasalathar 

45207 fatha, i n~aonta/d apstal 7 deiscipul in t-Slanicedha Lwu Chmt, i n- 
.ix. ngrad n-aingel na tairmdhechadz/r, i n-aontaid diechta 7 
Mheicc Dhe, isin aentez# as uaisli ce^rh n-aent^zV/, i n-azntaio'na noeibTrinoidi, 
Athar 7 M>zc 7 Spir/a Noibk. 

Ailirn trocaire nDe uasail uilec^mh^^taigh tre impzdi noibQuiardin 

4525 co risem in aentaid-sin 4 . Ros-aitreabham in saecula saeculorum \ 

Ni me as cintuch risna focluib dicheill#z#i ata isin mbeth#z#-si, acht an 

1 MS. intshseduil. 2 MS. SicWaib. 3 MS. sentaigh. * MS. azntaig. 

[fo. 39. b. a. line 10.] 
Riaghail Patraic inso. 

Soeradeclasi De co mbaithzAj- 7 gcomnai 7 gabhail n-ecnairce, co m#cuibh 
do leighiund, co n-edbairt cuirp Crist {or each n-altoir. 453 o 

Ni dleagw decfa&adz. na b6 cennaithe, na tHan annoiti, nd dire s# do 
mhainib, manebhe a fnthfol^ na hec!0.ri do baithi^j 7 chomnai 7 gabail 
n-e"cnairce a mana^ itzV biuu 7 marbhu, 7 coraibh oiffriunn i sollumn#z^ 7 
domnuighib, 7 co rabhut aidhme og gach n-altoir dib mar aderur 7rl. 

Cose moColmoc mate ui Be0na. 

Cidh as imgaibthe do duine? Ni d!^j<?. Fergughudh memc. Mord^ta 
cen dan. Discire fH smoir. Moille fri clocc. Coicce in. hantesda. Immat 
foHuaman. Faitphed briathar. Bnatra inglana. Agairbhe taitheisc. 
Tairisiumh fH secnap^zW. Sithe fH rrsach^. Commarbai do mhanch^^. 
Mence ch^aigthe. 4540 

Ceist, cid as inleanta ? Ni cundtab^rt. Foss oc cetlai. Enfaitiu mbHa- 
thttr. BHathra ailgena. Riaghail do chudnodh. Eirghi la ceitbreit^V. 
Ceim n-urlat#d ar Dhia. Diuide cHde. Combdd^dh toile. Traethffd? 
Ainmne fH fochaidhe. et caetera.. 

[As doilghi learn ind in t-ecc.] 4545 

AS doilghi learn ina in t-cc 
totecht \&ir adm det 
an cuire ticfus armeis, 
a mb^h uili for ainseis. 

Olc in aims^ thicfa ann, 
format, finghal, forrach fann, 

\xA&echt gach uilc 

gan fi'rlaech, gan fircl6ivc& 

Gan righ damus cert n c6ir, 
gan espoc 6g uas altoir, 
gan bragaz'dh gebhj decfa&aidh 
da c^udhaibh, dd choemch^/hruibh. 


Smithi bitis do dheoin D6 
i tosach na bairns/re*, 

4560 cesloma clama cechra, 

nirsat bailee bloingecha. 

Lucht na foghluma feighi 
fogmtis do Righ grene, 
ni thairmesdais mec nait mna, 
4561- robsat glana a n-aicenta. 

Leinti beca, bmit mhora, 
cridhi triamwra trogha, 
pudralla gerra garbha, 
ecus riagla rogharbha. 

4570 Doticfod sunn iar sodhuin 

sruithi faricfa. in domut'n 
co mb?at, co mbuar, co mbennuibh, 
co failghibh, co fithchella/3. 

Co sida is siric is srol, 

4575 gu coilcibh csemha iar n-ol, 

co ndfmhes ecna Dhe dil, 
beit i seilbh dilis Diabz7. 

Atbetim fri siol nAdhuim 
ticfat lucht an fhuarchrab/<f: 

4580 gebdz't orra dealbha De 

na sleamna, na sladuighl. 

INann luas imthighit ass 
fr-0cus fochon fonnghlas: 
arritilatd raghuit immale 
45 gc ocus blath na mbrogaire. 

Bregaire dmdh dhonaaz/z 

raghait uili i n-sen conair, 

i nglaic dhiabuil do dheoin D6, 

a bphianuib dorcha doilge. A, d. 

[fo. 40. a. i]. 
Betha Mochua Balla. 4590 

sua. O dhochuaidh in ier maith for turus rocongair a mhogtfda 7 
rofhodhail daib a indnmra. Ocus as ecsamail amuil rofhodail 1 doibh na 
hinnmais sin .1. dorat cuic tallne dh'fir, 7 a dh6 dh'fhir aili, 7 sentalland 1 don 
f hir d&dhintfc^ 2 . 4595 

Matha immorro mac. Alpei, in sui Ebhraidhi, in ce*tna fer roscnbh in 
soscela coimdheta, is 6 roscnb i curp sosc//a ind aisneis noeim-si dia chuim- 
mugud. don eclats amail dailiziw Mac in Athar nemhdha dana ecsamhla in 
Sp/rfe T$6ibh da cock sen isin &c\ais. 

IS e immorro in duine atberar do dhul il-leith aili ann .1. Issu Crist 4600 
Mac D6 bhi dodhech^/f/ do chab#z> in chin^ daenna euros-ben a glaic 
Dhiabz/ 7 cu rofreasgabh iarsin tor nimhibh noebhdha 3 aramzw 4n Athar 
neamdha, 7 rocongair cuice a apstola euro fhodhuil doibh dana dcsamhla in 
Spir/a T&6ib amail rop fholl^j do chdch isin cincdighis. Ocus cu tidhnaic 
na dana cetna donanoebaibh 4 7 dona firenuibh fo indtsam#z7 na n-abstul tria 4605 
forceatal na sc^eaptra ndiadha. 

Na cuic talltfTzda immorro atberar sunn iar siens coic cetfoda cuirp 7 
anma sin rotidhnaicedh o Dhia don dnedh doenna dia fhoghnamh fein 7 
d'fegad De trompa. 

Na da thalland immorro itberur sunn, iss ed dofhornet in t-etarcnugz^/ 4610 
7 in tuicsinug^ dob^rut na noeibh 5 7 na fireoin for an Coimdh/^ gu cumaid 
a nd^ghghnima 6 fon n-etargna sin. 

IN oen ta\\and immorro iss ed dofome, in dlig^ d^rscaight^c^ fil isin 
amnam doena, tnasa bhfeghann hi fein 7 na duili aili filet i talmain 7 renna 
7 firmamzVzt 7 in sosad ainglecda 7 in Trfnoit [fo. 40. a. a] uilichum^^tach. 4615 

No as iat na cuicc iallanda. atbmir sunn .1. coic Imbatr rockta. Moysi; 
dr foghnaidh a nemhfo/'bimn-side do luct nuif hiadhn^ji, ar fogabur amlatd'so 
senta petarlazd fria nuifhiadhn^ji .1. feckfa fria soscela: uair dia tarta nech 
leis na coic fadh6 is a deich fhdsas dibh. Dia tuctha da720 na deich foce- 

1 MS. rofhoga?/. 2 MS. deighinach. s MS. noemhdha. 4 MS. noemaibh. 
6 MS. noeimh. 6 MS. and^hghnima. 



4620 thair is .xl. fhasas dibh. As inann sin iarffr 7 coic liubatr Moysi co wdeich 
timnuibh in rec&ta. diadha do accomhal do ceithirliubzw in t-soisc//a dia 
bhfoghnum don duine thoirises on cethardhuil 7 cu bhfoghuin an duine-sin 
don fhirDhia dorat re^/z/a 7 riaghla ecsamla dona hecnaidib. 

A haithli immorro rec/ita. 7 riaghla na coic n-aimser remta^/ach tainic 

4625 Issu sunn isin domun cu rochum-sidhe rechta 7 riaghla tm forcetal soisc//a 
don chmmd doena 7 dona hapstalaz'^ seoch chach, 7 rofonrhansat-sidhe 
a fbthosctfz^the 7 a n-deisciplu noebhu * taraneisi irnna riaghluibh-sin. 

Sochaidhe, tra., do noebuibh 2 7 d'fhirenuibh rocomaillset na re#/a-sin 
7 na riaghla in Coimdh^a? na ndula 7 na roleicset i mudha a taillne. Amhail 

4630 rocomuill in noeb 3 ua.sal oirmheitn^c^ dia ta lith 7 foraithmet i n-ecmong na 
ree-sea 7 na haimszVi .1. in gnan tsolusta. 7 in retla loinnerdha 7 in tene 
thaeidhliuch 7 in ruithen rathm^r rof haidh Gnan na Firindi isin domun cu ro- 
shoillsigh i bhf hertuib 7 i mirbhuil^ coiced Connacht . i . Muchua Balla. I teirt- 
'Kallaind Mharta immorro gacfa blizdne indist^r nf dia f hertuib 7 dia mir- 

4635 bhuilz'^ 7 dia ghenealach collaidi 7 don f horbadh dorat for a rith mbuadha ibhus 
isin tsaeg^/freacnairc .1. Mucua (Oonan a ainm dili^^ 4 ) mac Becain mzc Bairr 
m/c Nathi m/c Luighdhech 5 , o taat I-Luigdech, mz'c Dalann do Ultaibh. 
Cumne immorro \ngen mic Machdain, do Dhail mBuain, a 
mkdt&air. BHunsech 7 Lucait [fo. 40. b. i] 7 Tuideall a tri d^rbhsethr^c^a. 

4640 I N-araili aimszV immorro tainic Comghall [B^ndchair] do thigh Becafn 
remraidti, et atconnaic timtzVecht aingiul oscinn in tighi, 7 rofhiarfe^ do 
Bhec^ : ' Cidh fil ocutsa do rmzcuibh ?' ' A dho doneoch is airmhighthi,* ar 
Becdn, ' 7 m<2can lasc bee fil ocna casing 7 ni hairmhighthi he.' f Tabar isin 
tech ^Tzfhacamar h4' ar Comgall. [Tucc^6n]. IS ann sin roraidh Comgall: 

4645 ' As forbhfaeilz# m'anam-sa resan mc-so, ar ita rath in Spir^a N<?'zM 'na 
comuide^/.' Rue laxum Cornwall Muchua leis cu Bennchar, cu roldgh 
canom phetarlazci 7 tmiiiadnissi ann, 7 ind ord n-ecl^^dai, et doghnidh-somh 
ferta 7 mirbuili isin in^d-sin, ina gillaidhe^/. 

FEACT ann tainic ben aimrit dia at<zc^-s0m dia soerad ar an aimnte. 

4650X5 ann sin dorala dosum bheith oc cai iarna bualad dia oidi, 7 ni thuc 
freacra fuirri. IS eadh dor6ini in ben, dochuir a bas foa dheoruib-si^m 
cu tard ina beolu, cu rothuisim foc/foir, 7 co rue mac .1. Dabiu mac esidhe 

1 MS. noemhu. 2 MS. noemuibh. 3 MS. noem. * The words in parenthesis are 
interlined. 5 In marg. Caindech immorro mac Luighd^c^ m/c Liligd^ nuV Dalann. 


IS brect immorro, 7 is ecsa.mazl innisit na heolaig fatha tmdhechfa 
Muchua a hUlltaib, dr iss ed atberut fozVeann con#d araili baili rue Comgall4<>55 
uadh, cumad hd fochunn a dheabtha. No is e in fotha iar bhfir .1. araili 
zimser rue a mh^^'r le Muchua do thorruma a hathardhai .1. Dal mBuain, 
7 a coibnesta * ; et o'tconncadar-s^m esseom roan6raighset h, 7 rotreicset 
each airi. Robai immorro senoir uasal don cin^h-sin .1 . Coman sacart meise 
Fiachna rm'c Bsetain; et is ed atb^rt-sidhe ra Muchua: 'Robentar an6ir4 66 
h'athardha fort am^z'/rabenuis-si fo?-msa.' O robhatar .1. Muchua 7 a mdthair, 
ic toidhe^f do Bennchar forcula doralatar m^caimh Fiachna mzc BaetazVz 
doibh, cu mbatar ic fanamhat imon d/reck, 7 iss ed atb^T-tis : ' Clfreck lascc.' 
' Meic cen case/ ar Muchua. Rof herga:^ vaxum friu cumor, gu ros-cuir fon 
tal#2<zz>z. Cu rocosait Coman [fo. 40. b. a] 7 Fiachra mac. Baetain fria Comgatltfts 
in gnimh-sin. IS ann sin atb<?rt Comga//^na biadh Muchua in \3\\taib, et as i 
bnathar Comain fad<<ra sin. ' Os 'gum innarba dhuit,' ar Muchua, ' tabair 
comhartha dhamh tnasa tuiceabh bhaile i bhfothaighiubh reel/.?.' ' Ni f hil 
comhartha ocum/ ar Comgall, c ackt mana, bera lat in topr-so.' ' IS tualaing 
Dia cidh edh on,' ar Muchua. O dochuaidh immorro Muchua a Bennchar 4670 
amach rodhechsat a coimmite daraneisi, 7 atconncatar in nell uisczWi inan- 
diaidh 2 ctch \efti. notheighdis. ' IS 6 in topur sdt,' ar Muchua, ' 7 ernuighium 
f^is c^mb 6 bias remhamn 7 bits treoraigi dhun.' Et fo intsam#z7 Moysi m/c 
Amra riasa rabha nell sol^jta ic tiachtain a }\EAgipt atb^rt-som sin. Rasiacht 
Muchua assin gu Gael, cathair sin i bhF^ruibh Rois, 7 Gabri^ esp^ do4 6 75 
Bretn<z$ inntisein, 7 tarcaidh-sium in cill do Mhuchua, ar bat comhaltadha. 
Rothuit immorro bainne asin nell-sin co ndema, topur isin bhaili dhe a 
comartha a n-aentad. 

Rosiacht iarsin Muchua co Fobhar Feichin. IS f sin aimser a ndernad 
m\\\\enn ac FeichzVz, 7 ni raibhi uisci aigi, 7 as i comairli doronsat na cleir^ : 4680 
' O dhor6c^,' ar siat, ' Muchua cucainn, tiagham gu Lodi Lebinn dus in 
bhfuighbim uisci as.' ' IS torathar comhairli sin,' ar in soer, ' ar ita in sliab 
lanmhor eat^aibh.' ' IS tualuing Dia cidh edh on,' ar Muchua. O rosiach- 
tatar t^a na cleirz^ in loch rola Muchua a bhachaill isin loch, gu rotholl 
roimpe in sliabh. Dor6ine da;z0 FeichzVz in c^tna 7 na cleir^g- arc^^a, CO4 68 5 
frith amkz'dsin uisq^i don mhuil/;z. Doronsat a n-sentuzWh 3 iarsin Feichwz 
7 Muchua. 

1 MS. coimnesta. * MS. inandiaigh. 3 MS. ansentuigh. 

T 2 


TEIT \axum Muchua assin cu Tech Telle i t^mann Durmaighe, et iss ed 
rob ail dosom cathair d'fothug#d? i farrad an inaidh-sin, 7 araidhe nir'hetadh, 
4690 ar nf rothoirinn in topttr. 

LUID iarsin Muchua tar Sinainn i crich Cormacht. Ceallach mac 
R#galluigh 1 ba ri Connackt intansin. IS eadh immorro dorala do Mhuchua 
dula i Soghan Ua Maine, et ro [fo. 41. a. i] shlechtsat uili dh6ar connailbhi, 
ar do \3\\taib a mbunadus. Roanoraigh dano rigan craibhdhech bai isin 
4 6 95 tfr esiumh cu[lan]mor, Baillg^/ a hainm-side. Bai fra Muchua cethrac^a in 
carghais isin tir-sin, 7 rofhuabratar a f hostad acu dog^es. ' Ticfa immorro ? 
ar Mucua, ' [uaib] bodhein mac betha^ dia bhfoighentai.' Comman 
rotarrnguim^ annsin. 

IMthighis uathaibh iarsin, 7 facbh^ benn^t foraibh 7 fora ndaltuibh 
47007 fera m^cuibh sethar, slcut atbert: 

Bendockt fora, ndaltuibh 
da mbeat doreir riaghla: 
mu bermocftf cud^rmhair 
ara udeghmhnaibh diadha. 

4705 Gach gilla is %ach garmac 

bias dom r^ir curoghar, 
biaidh doibh 's ni bha falumb, 
ts\am com. thorad. 

LuiDH Muchua iarsin cu Loch Cime. IS ann robui Cell^rh mac Raghalltf^ 

47iori Connackt 2 oc seilg. Luid in fiadh 3 isin loch, cu roan tor cloich moir ann, 

7 nir lamad dul 'nadhiaidh 4 , ar robui peist isin loch noerchoidz^d cum6r 

dona dainibh. IS ann sin doraidh in ri re Muchua : ' Darned dana lat fer 

dar muinnttr do dul indeghaidh in fiadha 5 ior do comairci riasin peist 

[noragad].' ' Is tualamg Dia cidh edh on/ ar Mucua. Luidh in fer iarsin 

47 I isin loch cu romharbh ind agh n-allaia' bai forsin leic, 7 iss ed roraid. ' Roba 

maith,' ar se, ' an t-in^d innsi so.' Tainic iarsin in t-ocl^^ isin snamh cu 

roshluic in peist 'na oenmh/r esidhe, cu roaithisigh in ri do Muchua. 

Rofergatg- immorro in c\/reck risin peist, cu rosceith ind ocldeck n-oghshlan 

i bhfiadhn^si na sl^, 7 ni roerchoid^f doneoch riamh iarsin. Romorad ainm 

4720 De 7 Muchzta- t^-iasin bhfirt-sin, et roshlecht in rf 7 urmhor na sl^* do 

Muchua. Et ba he sin tos#c^ a ardratha a cuic^d Connackt. 

1 MS. radalluigh. 2 ri conoatht interlined. 3 MS. fiagh. * MS. nadhiaigh. 

6 MS. in d7hzV/h infiagha. 


Luidh Muchua iarsfn tar Odhbha buthuaidh i cHch Gra, cu riact cu 
Ros Dairbnuch, ut : 

Ros nDairbhric^ cathair Muchua 

re n-abur Balla bithnua, 4725 

inmain dos aingkcA idhan 
[fo. 41. a. 2.] Ros nDairbrec/fc na noeibhHw *. 

Balla ag dainibh noebhdha 2 anu 
in t-ainm coitchenn gu coemhclu: 
Ros nDairbhrec^ rob edh a ainm 
re linn Tuathail Treathanghairbh. 

O crich Benncz#> na n-ath n-uar 

gu clar Cera, na caemhshl^og^, 

a tir Fher nDomhnann na ndos 

rofhaidh Gomhghall gu coem-Ros. Ros. 

Anaid adaigh.* isin du-sin. O rofheghsat immorro in coimmite osacinn 
aramharach ni fhacatar in topur. Doraidh Much^ fnu in topur dh'iarr^d. 
IS and doraidh scoloc fHu : ' Ata top&r Ballaluinn tisana.' ' Bidh uadha sin 
ainmneghthar in baili,' ar Mucua : sanail asbert fesin : 

Bidh Balla ainm in bhaili 4740 

ar dorala ior mh' airi : 
bid he a ainm osin imach 
cu tf in dine dSidinach 4 . 

Roaltuigh-sium do Dhia in^d [a]recLa dh'fhoillsiug^ d6. Coic \A\adni 
trichat immorro robo slan do Much## intansin, 7 bliadan ar fichit do oc 4745 
foghnum don Choimdhz'^ isinn in^d-sin, co ndechaid docum nime : 

Rann. Jtffadatn ar trichait gan acht 

do Muchua a coic^d Connacht, 
fjraigh uiri ic tarainn a thseibh 
fa duire crabhuidh cneschaeil. 4750 

Tainic immorro Eochaidh Minnech, flaith clann bhFiac^ach, do diultadh 
resin dfrech. Rofoillsig^</,, dh6 aingil 6s cind in dairi [ir-roibi 
Muchua], 7 o'tconnaic in clfreck rothairinn d6 fochedoir. As 
immorro dobhui Muchua intansin, i carcair cloichi. 
in cleir^- 7 c/t do maithibh a muinntm 'na fbaxrad .1. Maine cona. 

MS. noeimhibur. 2 MS. noemhdha. 3 MS. ag?V/h. * MS. deiginach. 


m#caibh 7 Domhnall 7 Feradhach 7 Mad Cathaigh 7 Ronan 7 Suibhne 7 
Finntan Finn 7 maithi clann Fiac^ach. Et cidh marbadin cleir^f rotnallsat 
is / a reir dor6nsat, ar rothaitnighset na ruitne spir/akz* 7 in doghuma diada 
asa gnuis. Roidbtf/rset d6 in baili iarsin cona. cnch 7 cona. ferann do dheoin 
4760 Chealldsg" imc Raghall^, conadh dia f hothead sin rochan in seanchfl/<af: 

O Clugh chuiri Calgaigh cruaidh 
co M6in ir\ hAdhradh atuaidh, 
o Mhuigh Moetla cona. moin 
gu Ooit Cualtfdz/a cte/hmhoir. 

4765 IS amhlazV? thuccsat a tfr 

[fo. 41. b. i.] clanna Rosa gu roibngh 

gan ainbhthine 'na n-anma/;*, 
ga mainchine moradhbhail. 

Gu cuairt gach treas bliad^w bale, 
it/r fhir is mhna'i ocus mhac, 
do Chua na carcrach cseili 
re atach, re ecaine. 

Bo %ach fir feramazV uili, 
idir righ is rodhuine, 
do Chua chedac^ na fhanvz4 
edac^ gacha hollam. 

Muc mhor gac^a tighi thuaidh. 
o T^igh Eothuili cu Muaidh, 
screpul gach teineadh cin tart 
do neimeadh coicidh Conraacht. 

Robo le Muchua gan ces 

o Odhba na ndrong ndiles, 

roba tairptecfc a tuili 

cu traigh n-ainbht^c^ n-EothuilL 

4785 ROf hothaighesdar amhl<2ifW sin a cheall 7 a congb^zV, et tuc tri hespaic 

do coisecmd a releac 7 a reclds 7 do roind in 1 f<?ruinn dia manchag#. 

BA do f<?^tuibh Muchua. [Aroile] ben aimnt tainic cuigi, cu robenmzc^ 

da ghas bilair dhi, 7 cu rocoimp^r foc/foir mac j ingin .J, Luicenchair 

c^aibd^c^ 7 Scannlan iatsaidhe. 
4790 FIRT amra aili bheo^j .1. Muchua dod^c^uidh gu Loch Cime, 

gu r'indisetar na timtmgh do Cindfhaeladh mac Colcan, dr is e ba r 


. has something like nuiimrdann, rewritten in a vile modern hand* 


ConnacM intansin: { Ata/ ar siat, 'anmhchara Cheall^ m/c 
amuigh.' ( Ni dochaidi linn he,' [ar Cendfaoladh,] ' a bheith 'na anmcaruit ag 
CeaHacA [mac Ragalk z^,] 7 nf thargha isin n-innsi-si.' IS ann sin tuc Muchua 
in loch tarsin n-indsi. Dochuaidh in ri areicin a n-ethar andegaid Much##. 4795 
7 tuc he fein 7 a. mac 7 a ua a n-daeiri dh6, 7 inn inis do shoer^, 7 ro 
soerad iarsin. 

BA do fertuib Muchwtf .1. Sii Muiredhuigh robui isin Buidhi Connaill, 
cu roshirset cleirigh coicidh Cvrmackt dia bein dib, 7 ni fhuaratar, cu 
tanc^tar airm i m-bui NLucua, euro ic-sidhe iat, 7 cu tuc in dath bai orra tor a 4800 
bhachuil, et twcsat iarsin a maincine dh6 : wnudh dia. fothug#<tf sin as^^rt in 

ROshirset sil 

tuatha Eirenn isalla 

da ndi aran duinebaidh 4805 

cu tancatar cu Balla. 

Rogheallsat sil Muireadha/^- 

riar an cleirzj- gil glanna 

cumadh lir fri duilleabur 

a n-indmhussa do Balla. 4 g 10 

[fo. 41. b. 2.] Dorat fora naebhbachail l 

galar na tuaithi uile, 
conadh edh forcaemhnacair 
is de ata in Bacha/ Bhuidhe. 

' Cuic c// fachuic thancaba/- 4 g i5 

d'femibh armghlana uailche, 
cu b^ath dianam-riaraidh-si 2 
nf bete ni bus uaitte. 

Gach eicen dos-ficfa-si 

guidhidb. m'ainm co Dia 4820 

choidhche ni bar-ricfa-si 

anmforlunn 'nadhiaidh 3 . 

BA do fhertaibh Muchua. Fecht dochuaidh a crich Muaidhi cu riacht 
cu hlnis Amhalghadh, 7 nf tucadh ethar cuigi. 'Ni ba eicin feasda/ ar 
Muchua, ' ethar d'iarr^^i innti.' Tuarcaibh iarsin an ialam cu tiaghar do 4825 
chois innti osin c&raniu. 

1 MS. nsemhbachail. 2 MS. riaraighsi. s MS. nadhiaigh. 


FEACT n-oen dochuaidh-sium cethrar cu bru Mhuaidhi. Tucsai na 
hiascair/Vfl era fair. ' Dia m-beth/ ar esium, ' timthiridh De" tis nob<?ra? nf 
dhuinne.' As ann sin dochuir in ron cet^a b^adana dhoibhsium tor tfr. 

4830 FEACT aili docuir M.uchua a timtzVidh d'acallazm Foelain. O rosiact-sidhe 
cu hAll in Cleibh tancatar chuice da bangaisgedhtfdi batar is[sin] tir .1. Bee 
\ngen Conchoraig 7 Lithben \ngen Aitreabhthaigh, et [iss \ reabrad dodeitbir 
dognitis-sidhe, in duine teched sechu dob^-tis essidhe i cliabh 7 da theTt 
asside 7 a imluadh tar an allt n-adhuathmhar. Rofoillsig^j? do Wuchua a gilla 

4835 do chur isin c\idb. Luidh [Nlochua] cu riacht an t-in^d. Roriaruigh Lithben 
\ngen Aitr-eabhthaigh he foc//air, 7 nf roleic Bee uaithi an gilla co tard an 
cltrzck a chochull di. Rolassidhe ima lamuibh 7 ronaraig in cVreck iarsin. 
Et roagaillset na hingena a[n] da n-athair cu tardsat do shaigz# Muchua, [7 
cur-robaist] Muchua iat [iarsin]. Tdinic immorro in Bhe*c-sm cu mboi secht 

4840 mbliadm ic fognwm do Muchua, cu raibhi i n-araili tan ic acaine beith cen 
claid 7 is ed acetna da#0 doraidheadh Coel mac ^Edha, sen ceneoil ^Edha, 
7 tancatar andis co t&csat a maincine do Muchua dog^s. 

Aillsi da0 robai for Taithleach mac CindfhseW. Rofc Muctta he, 7 
ros-cuir ara cloc fein, 7 ata fair fos do d^rbhadh na mormirb^//e-sin. 

4845 [fo. 42. a. i.] Araili aimser shamr^'dh docuir^ Mucua do coimhet na 
n-uan. Robui-sium immorro ic gabhail a Bhiaide ina bhfamzd. Rochoimh- 
rithsat na huain aramus a maithrecfr, dr nf raba fal eatarra. Tainic Muchua 
7 rotarraing a bhachail 'nadhiaidh 1 for sin talmain, 7 ni rolamh uan dona 
huanati toct tar slict na bacla, acht each dhe oc dechsoin a cele tarsin slict 

4850 ammn. 

I N-araili la tucadh gu M.uchua gilla anfhabrachtaidi nar'f het a lamha na 
a cosa na a uile bulla arcena do gluasdv& Rotedaill ^Huchua oa laimh a uili 
bhall [ind gilla,] 7 adubatrt fris : ( Efng a n-ainm Lmi, 7 fegh in ngmn, 7 
imthigh; ' 7 roein^- foc//foir 7 roimthigh, 7 romomd ainm De7 M^^^^desin. 

4 8 55 Feact aili t^cad duine demhn#c& cu MMchua. Roinnarb-som in demon 
uadh [foc/^oir] ind ainm na Trmdite. 

I N-araili aidhchi 2 thainic araili m^Heach do ghait cmithnechta "Nkuchua. 
O rotocuibh in merleck in t-oire fair rofheodhaigh foc/^oir, 7 nf rofhet 
imtheacht na a oiri do c&r dhe, nogur'bennach WLuckua iarsin. 

4860 FEACT aili thainic ier ssegulla 7 mac balbh bodur lais cu Jiiiuchua, 7 
roghuidh 3 hecu roslan^^d a mac dhtf, 7 roguidh 4 T&uchua in Coimdhefair, 
1 nadhiaigh. 2 MS. aighthi. s MS. roguigh. 4 MS. roghuigh. 


7 ba slan in mac do chuma'^/aibh Dhe* 7 do guidhi * MucJiua, 7 
ainm De 7 Mucfiua dhe sin. 

IS e immorro in fer-so .i. T&uckua dorat a uili fhoghnuma o thos#c^ a, 
bethfl^ fHa #ma 7 crabhudh. IS e roim.eacl^ in C0imdhi asa 
IS e rot^aeth ce^fc peow?. IS 4 [dawo] robhaidhestar ann fein airfitedh in 
frecnairc. IS e rotraeth fuailfedh a cholla. IS e rodmnuit na haibh-t 
freacnairc. IS e nd rue a menmain na a innf heitiumh o thsirfheghadh 
na flatha neamhdha. IS e fomiscnigh na maithi aimsmla marbhtis otraighi. 
IS e roimghabhudh onoire in domum amail bas. IS e roadhuath^ na hind- 4 8 7 
rnhzwa [fo. 42,. a. a] 7 na maine. IS e nocomainsighedh in t-airfited collaidi 
mar badh neim. IS e na tuc gradh don brentataidh collaidi. IS e dorat 
loghudh da g<2C^aen doghnfth olc fns. IS e rot^aeth a corp 7 ros-tairbhir 
fHsin bhfoghnumh ndiada. IS e rohadhannadh o theinz# g^-adha D6 7 
noadhannadh-som on teinidh [c/ma] cridhedha na ndaine aili. IS e4 8 75 
nochar^d in comhf hocus zmail h^ fein. IS e notarmnaighed do ctfrpuibh 
7 d' anmannuibh na ndaine [aili]. IS e nocharadh a naimdiu, amail no- 
charadh a cairde. IS e noernedh na maithiusa. doneoch cia mhiscnig^d 
neach 6. IS e doghnith emtfz^thi tarcenn lochta a ing^eama 7 a aithi- 
sighthe. IS e ba foidhid^c&u 2 fria fulang czck imnidh 3 7 cock fochaide. 4880 
IS 6 dob^eadh na mdine diadha 7 doen[n]a da g^c/^aen non-athchuing^d. 
IS e nofurtac&faiged do ce^aen nobhith a n-eicin amail athatr. IS e nothor- 
ram^d ce^aen nobidh i carcair no i cuibr^c^, 7 nos-tuasluic^d. IS e dobheiredh 
crodh * do shoerad' cech dseir 7 ce& mog<2d. IS e dobmtfh stack do bhoch- 
tuib 7 aidilcnech#2# in Coimdh^ [6 fe"in]. IS e ba soma 7 ba saidhbre 4885 
dona bochtuibh ciar' bo bocht fein 7 ciar' bho aidhilgn^c^. IS e dobtfreadh 
biadh dona gortachuibh 7 deogh dona hiteduchaibh 7 stack dona nochtuib 
7 f ailti coitcenn dona haighedhaM 5 j do ceo&aen ricedh a leas. IS e nodhit- 
nedh na deibhlena 7 na fedhbhu tmagha. IS e noshoer^ na bochtu 7 na 
ham hf hanna o cumh^r^/aibh in tsaegaz'/. IS e na rog^-adhuigh 6r 7 arcat ar^/489 
amail clocha no luaithr^. IS e naroghluais a bhel na a theng0 riamh 
cudimhafn. IS e na roleic nach n-anairchm chuice riam triana eiste^Aiibh. 
IS e nothaiso-d 'na cndhi cech nf noraidh^^h Dia fHs. IS e na facaidh n{ 
nar'bhu dir dh6 do f haicsin. IS e na rue coisceim fHa hanbhf horns riamh. 
IS e rotraeth a cetfuidh o shanntug^ na r/^ talm<2da [fo. 42. b. i]. IS e4 8 95 

1 MS. guighi. 2 MS. foighidec^u. 8 imnigh. * MS. crogh. 

6 MS. 



nocengail {sic} indeithium a ragman isna nimhib noebhdhai \ IS 6 na roleic 
uadh nach n-uair dimhafn ce# toradh. IS e na roleic da cridhi dhul o Dhia. 
IS e romhian^h cu bhfoghnfadh ce^ ni ar Cm/, ardhaig gu roiss^ cjan 
athardhai nemhdhai. IS 6 nofhuir^ an chumsantfd suthain do fein tna 
49traeth^a cholla ind oeine, ind apstamwit, quia 2 crucifix5 / mundus illi 
et ipse 3 mundo 4 . 

1 MS. noemhdbai. 2 MS. qui. 3 MS. ipsi. 4 See Galatians vi. 14. 


(The figures refer to the corresponding lines of the Text.} 

u a 


THIS is Patrick's Life ; and let every one who shall read give a blessing 
to the souls of the couple for whom this book hath been written. 

TT)OPULUS qui sedelat in tenelris uidit lucem magnam J . The people that sat in 
*- darkness beheld a great light, and they that were biding in the shadow of death 
found a light whence came their illumination. Now the Holy Spirit, the Spirit 
which is nobler than every spirit, the Spirit which inspired and which taught both 
the churches of the Old Law and the New Testament with grace of wisdom and 
prophecy, that Spirit it was which spake these words through the mouth of the chief 
prophet Isaiah son of Amos, de emus laude loquitur Hieronymus dicens : Potius 
dicendus esi euangelista quam propheta. To praise him Jerome saith, that it were 
meeter to call him an evangelist than a prophet, because of the clearness, and of 
the harmony with the New Testament, wherewith he told tidings of Christ and 
of the holy Church, so that one would not think that it was a prophecy of things 
to come he was making, but a declaration of things already bygone, the act having 
been completed. 

15. Now one of his manifest prophecies through a declaration of what has passed 
is that which is here set forth. Populus qui sedebat in tenebris uidit lucem magnam. 
The people, then, that sat in darkness beheld a great light. Now the context of this 
declaration by the prophet is as far as the place where previously the same evangelist 
had said,/r#o tempore eleuata est terra Zabulon et terra Neptalim*. There came, 
then, with the renewal of the time great glory and elevation to the tribe of Zabulon 
and to the tribe of Nephtali, wherefore it is after that declaration that he says, 
Populus qui, etc., the people that sat in darkness, etc. Howbeit if we go according to 
history, that was the people of Israel who abode in the gloom of the Captivity in 
Assyria. It beheld the light of the redemption from that captivity, to wit, Esdras 
and Nehemiah, Jeshua and Zerobabel. But if we go according to the spiritual 
sense, the people mentioned here are the people of the Gentiles, who were biding 
in the darkness of ignorance, worshipping idols and images, until the true Sun, 
arose unto them, to wit, Jesus Christ with his Apostles. For there lay great darkness 

1 Isai. 9. 2 : Matth. 4. 16. 2 Isai. 9. I. 


upon the hearts of the heathen, until the Sun of Righteousness, even Jesus Christ, 
scattered His splendours throughout the four quarters of the world to enlighten it. 

Now one of the splendours which the Sun of Righteousness shed into this 
world, the splendour, and the flame, and the precious stone, and the shining lamp 
which enlightened the west of the world, the noble one for whom there is a festival 
and commemoration on the occurrence of this time and season, was Saint Patrick, 
son of Calpurn, the pearl and the precious stone whose festival day this is, to wit, 
Sancfus Patricius, episcopus *, chief apostle of the west of the world, father of baptism 
and belief of the men of Ireland. 

35. Now the time when churchfolk celebrate the festival and commemoration of 
this holy Patrick, and when some of his miracles and marvels are related in the 
churches of the Christians, is the sixteenth of the calends of April, as regards the 
day of the solar month, in the year in which we are. 

39. The learned declare that he was of the Jews by origin, since it is manifest 
from the miracles which God wrought for him, that he was of the children of Israel, 
for of them were the Jews besides. For when the vengeance was inflicted by Titus 
and Vespasian, the Jews were scattered throughout the world, and Patrick's original 
kindred came to Britain, and there a heritage was gotten by them, for in a certain book 
of his epistles Patrick himself declares that Nos dispersi sumus per multas regiones 
terrarum propter peccata nostra, eo quod Domini praecepta et -mandata eius non custo~ 
diuimus. Wherefore from that dispersion his original kindred came to Britain. 

47. Now as to Patrick, of the Britons of Ail-cluade 2 was his father; Potitus, the 
Deacon, was his grandfather ; Concess was the name of his mother, daughter of Ochmas 
of France, a sister of Martin was she. And in Nemptor was he born ; and when 
a false oath is taken under the flag-stone on which he was born, it sheds water as if 
it were bewailing the false declaration ; but if the oath be true, the stone abides in its 
own nature. 

52. This is Patrick's first miracle, and in his mother's womb he wrought it. . A 
son of the King of Britain came to the place in which the woman dwelt, and she 
washed (his feet) for him, and he received entertainment from her. Wherefore his 
wife through jealousy gave a drink of poison to Concess, who drank it. And Patrick 
seized the poison in his grasp, and made thereof a stone in his hand, and thus 
was he born. God's name and Patrick's were magnified thereby. 

57. Now when Patrick was born he was brought to be baptized to the blind 
flat-faded youth named Gornias. But Gornias had not water wherewith he could per- 
form the baptism ; so with the infant's hand he made the sign of the Cross over the 

1 In the MS. the words corresponding mth ' the pearl . . . episcopus'' are misplaced ; see 11. 35% 3& 
3 ' Rock of Clyde,' i. e. Dumbarton. 


ground, and a well-spring brake therefrom. And Gornias washes his face from the 
well, and it opened his eyes for him, and he read out the baptismal office, he who has 
not previously learnt a letter. So then God wrought a triple miracle, to wit, the 
well-spring out of the ground, and his eyes to the blind man, and reading out the 
order of Baptism by him who had never seen a letter. So a church was 
founded over that well wherein Patrick was baptized, and there stands the well by the 
altar, and it hath the form of the Cross, as the wise declare. 

66. Then his mother's sister took him in fosterage, for she herself was barren. 
Then she fostered Patrick in Nemptor till he was a lad ; and overmany to recount 
and declare are the miracles and marvels which God wrought for him in his childhood 
and in his boyhood, for God's grace accompanied him at every age. 

70. Now once, as Patrick was in his foster-mother's house in winter-time, there 
came a great flood and fulness of water on the dwelling wherein they were biding, and 
it quenched the fire; and all the vessels and gear of the house were aswim. So he 
cried to his nurse, a-seeking food as is the manner of children. 'That is not the 
trouble that is on us,' saith his foster-mother : ' truly we have something to do before 
making food for thee, for not even the fire is alive/ When Patrick heard that, he 
sought a place in the house into which the water had not come, and he dipt his 
hand into the water. The five drops which were trickling from his fingers forthwith 
became five sparks of fire. So the fire blazed and the water appeared not thereafter. 
God's name and Patrick's were magnified by that great miracle. 

80. Once in winter-time his foster-mother asked for a faggot of firewood, so he 
gathered the full of his lap of bits of ice and brought them with him to his house to 
his foster-mother. ' It had been better for us,' saith his foster-mother, ' to bring a 
faggot of withered firewood to warm us, than that which thou hast brought.' He said 
to his foster-mother : ' Believe that it is possible to God, that these icicles should flame 
like withered wood.' When they were set on the fire, they blazed forthwith. 

86. Patrick and his sister Lupait were once herding sheep. The lambs ran 
suddenly, as is their wont, to their dams for a drink of milk. When Patrick and 
his sister saw that, they ran swiftly to separate them. The girl fell down and struck 
her head against a stone, so that death was nigh unto her. Patrick went to her, 
made the sign of the Cross over the wound, and it was healed at once. 

91. Another time, as Patrick was with the sheep, the wolf carried off a sheep from 
him, so his foster-mother blamed him greatly. But on the morrow the wolf came to 
the same place, having the sheep quite safe ; and that was a marvel, to wit, restitution 
from the teeth of the wolf as regards the usual food. God's name and Patrick's are 
magnified thereby. 

95. Once, then, his foster-mother went to milk her cow. He went along with her 


to drink a draught of milk. Now the cow goes mad in the byre, that is, the Devil 
entered her; and she drives her horn into the cow that was next her and kills her. 
Then she killed the five best cows in the milking-place, and afterwards went into the 
wilderness. Then the saint, even Sucat, goes, through the counsel of the Holy 
Ghost, to the five cows, and brings them to life out of death. Then he blessed the 
mad cow yonder, and thereafter she was gentle as a sheep. 

1 02. The Britons held a great folk-mote and thither he went with his foster- 
father and his foster-mother. Now .it came to pass that his foster-father died at that 
folk-mote. All were silent thereat, and his neighbours wept, and his wife wept, and 
she said : ' My lad, why hast thou let thy bearer die ? ' Then Patrick went to his 
foster-father and put his arms round his neck, and said to him: 'Arise, that we 
may go hence/ Straightway at Patrick's word he arose and carried Patrick on his 
back to his house. 

1 08. At another time, the little boys of the place were bringing their mothers 
honey from the comb. So his nurse said to him, ' Thou bringest no honey to me, 
my boy, even as the boys of the hamlet bring it to their mothers.' Then, taking a 
vessel, he goes to the water, and sained the water so that it became honey; and 
relics (?) were made of that honey, and it used to heal every disease. 

113. Once upon a time there died the child of a certain woman, who used to 
work along with Patrick's foster-mother, milking her cow. Then Patrick's foster-mother 
said, ' Bring with thee thy child to-day, into the milking-place as he used to be brought 
every day.' She doth so. Now while the women were a-milking, with the dead 
child on the floor of the byre, his foster-mother gave new milk to Patrick and said to 
him, ' Call unto thee the other boy that he as well as thou may drink it.' ' Come, 
my child,' saith he, ' hither/ Straightway at Patrick's call the boy arose from death, 
and then they drank it equally. God's name and Patrick's were magnified thereby. 

121. At another time, the king's" steward went to summon Patrick and his foster- 
mother to go and cleanse the hearth of the palace in Ail-cldade. Then Patrick and 
his foster-mother go, and the angel came to Patrick and said to him : ' Entreat the 
Lord, and it will never be needful for thee to do that work/ Then the angel 
cleansed the hearth, and said that though all the firewood in Britain were burnt ia 
the hearth, there would be on the morrow no ashes therein. And that is still 

127. At another time, the king's steward went to Patrick's foster-mother to 
demand tribute of curd and butter ; and it being winter she had nought to give him 
Jtherefor. Then of the snow did Patrick make curd and butter, and they were taken 
to the king ; and when they were shewn to the king, they were turned again into their 
nature of snow. Thereafter that tribute was remitted to Patrick by the king. 


132. Now these are a few of the many miracles of holy Patrick, wrought in his 

133. Now this is an account of the coming of Patrick to Ireland. Four sons of 
the king of Britain were in exile. They came and wrought havoc in Armorica ; and 
there happened to be then folk of the Britons of Ail Cluaide on a journey in Armorica, 
and they were slain in that havoc. First then Calpurnius, the son of Potitus, Patrick's 
father was slain, and his mother, even Concess. They seized Patrick and his two sisters, 
even Lupait and Tigris. This, then, is the direction in which the sons of the king of 
Britain went, round Ireland to the north ; and they sold Patrick to Miliuc Maccu-Buain 
with his three brothers (he was the king of Dalaradia) ; and they sold Patrick's sisters 
in another quarter; and they (the children) knew nothing of each other. Thence then 
the name Cothraige clave to him, because of his service unto the four households. 

143. Now such was the zeal of the service in which Patrick abode, that each of 
the four households which he used to serve supposed that it was to it alone that he 
was a servant; and yet he was subject to the other spiritual direction, even a hundred 
genuflexions in the morning, and a hundred at evening, and (but) one meal from 
the one watch to the other. 

147. Now he had four names, to wit, Sucat, his name from his parents, Coth- 
raige while he was serving the four; Magonius, (while he was) with Germanus ; Patricias, 
that is, 'father of the citizens/ was his name from Celestinus, even Peter's successor. 

150. When Miliuc saw that he was a faithful thrall, he bought him from the 
o'ther three, that he might serve him alone ; and Patrick served after the custom of the 
Hebrews, for he had a right to that according to another genealogy ; and this was 
entrusted to him, the herding of swine. And he suffered many tribulations in the 
wilderness of Slemish, as he himself declares in the book of his epistles. 

155. What God wrought for him in the wilderness are over-many to recount and 
declare. Then used the angel Victor to visit him, and teach him concerning the 
order of prayer. Then used also Miliuc's sons and daughters to come to him with a 
ration, and he used to instruct them concerning Christian piety according to the 
teaching of the angel. 

159. At that time Miliuc beheld a vision, to wit, that Cothraige came to him 
with a flame of fire out of his mouth ; and Miliuc put from him the fire that it might 
not burn, and it burned his sons and daughters so that they became ashes, and their 
.ashes were scattered throughout Ireland. Then Cothraige interpreted the vision, 
and said that it was the fire of the Divine grace, which would come forth from him 
afterwards unto Miliuc, and that he (Miliuc) would not believe in him. Howbeit, 
that it would burn up the sins of Miliuc's sons and his daughters, and that they 
would believe, and that their name would be renowned throughout Ireland. 



1 66. Now on a certain night in that place, Patrick heard the voice of the angel, 
saying to him in a vision, Bene, serue Dei> jejunas et eras, et cito ext'turus en's ad 
patriam tuam. So the time for Patrick's release from bondage drew near, for the 
heathen used to free their thralls every seventh year. So Miliuc considered how he 
should retain with him his bondsman, even Patrick. So he buys a bondmaid, even 
Lupait, Patrick's sister. Miliuc gave her to his bondsman. They were brought 
together in a house apart on the night of the wedding. Then Patrick preached to 
the bondmaid, and they spent the night in prayer. In the morning, on the morrow, 
Patrick saw the white scar in the bondmaid's face, and he asked her the cause of the 
scar. Said the bondmaid, ' When I was in Nemptor, in Britain, it came to pass that 
my head struck against a stone, so that death was nigh unto me. When my brother 
Sucat saw the wound, he made with his hand the sign of the cross over my head, and 
it was healed straightway.' Said Patrick : ' I am thy brother, and it is I that healed 
thee, and it is God's mercy that causeth us to meet again after our scattering abroad.' 
Then they gave thanks to God, and afterwards they went into the wilderness. 

1 8 r. When Patrick was biding in the wilderness he heard the voice of the angel 
saying to him : ' The vessel is prepared that thou mayest go therein unto Italy to 
learn the holy Scripture.' This said Patrick to the angel : ' The man whom I am 
serving for the space of seven years, I will not leave him without his consent/ So 
the angel said : ' Go, that thou mayest know.' Patrick did in that wise. Miliuc said 
that he would not permit him (to go) unless he should give a talent of gold for his 
head. " ' God is able to do even this/ saith Patrick. Patrick went into the wilderness 
and told the angel Miliuc's words. The angel said to him, in the place wherein are 
the angel's traces : ' Take heed to-morrow of a certain boar a-digging the ground, and 
he will put forth for thee a mass of gold, and give thou it for thy freedom.' Thus was 
it fulfilled, and Sucat was then allowed to go free. Miliuc, however, repented of 
allowing his servant to go, and he sent his people after him to bring him back ; but 
they did not overtake Patrick, and the gold being changed did not remain. 

194. Then Patrick went into the territory of Hiii N&ll, a-guesting to Sen- 
Chianan ; but he betrayed Patrick and sold him for a cauldron of brass. He sets the 
cauldron on the wall of his house, and his hands then clave to the cauldron. His 
wife went to help him. Her hands clave to the cauldron. The whole household 
went to the cauldron, and all their hands clave thereto, and the cauldron clave to 
the wall. Then they said: 'He whom we have sold is servant of a most mighty 
King. Let him be called back to us. ' Thereafter Patrick went to them, and owing 
to their repentance released their hands ; and they returned the cauldron. 

202. Thereafter Patrick went with foreigners to sea, and a great storm fell 
upon them. Patrick besought his God for them, and the sea became calm. When 


they, reached land, -they continued for the space of three days after their provisions had 
come to an end. So they besought Patrick to ask food for them from God. Then 
God gave them a fresh cooked swine, and wild honey was brought to Patrick like 
John the Baptist. He parted from them and went to Nemptor. Now when he came 
to his fatherland, his people besought him to stay with them, and this was not got 
from him. (For) whenever he slept it seemed to him that it was the isle of the Gael 
that he saw, and that he heard the chanting of the children from the wood of Fochlad. 
211. Then he went over the Ictian Sea into the south-east of Italy to Germanus, 
sage bishop of all Europe at that time, and with him he read the ecclesiastical canon. 

213. Thereafter he went to Tours to Martin, who put the monachal tonsure 
upon him. 

214. Thirty years, then, was his age when he went to Germanus, thirty years then 
was he learning with him, and forty years a-preaching in Ireland. 

216. Thereafter Germanus sent Patrick to Rome to be ordained a bishop, and 
an aged elder with him, even Egidius, the presbyter, to bear witness of him before 
the Romans. 

219. Then he went to sea with nine in his number ; and he came to the island 
where he saw the new house and a married pair therein. And he asked the young man 
who dwelt in the house, how long they had been therein. 'From the time of Jesus/ 
saith he ; ' and He blessed us, together with our house, and we shall be thus till Doom ; 
and God hath enjoined thee/ saitH the young man, ' to go and preach in the land of 
the Gaels, and Jesus left with us a staff to be given to thee.' So Patrick took the 
staff of Jesus with him, and went back to Germanus. Said Victor to him, ' God hath 
enjoined thee to go and preach in the land of the Gael.' ' If I should hear,' saith 
Patrick, . . . I would go.' ' Come,' saith Victor, ' to converse with Him on 
Mount Hermon.' 

228. Then Patrick went and complained to God of the hard-heartedness of the 
Gael. Said God : ' I,' saith He, ' will be thy helper.' 

230. Then Patrick went to Rome, and received the rank of bishop from Peter's 
successor, to wit, Celestinus, the forty-fifth from Peter. He it is that had sent bishop 
Pelagius to Ireland ; but the Gael accepted not his preaching, for not to him but to 
Patrick had God decreed their conversion. So Pelagius went back and died in 
Britain. His companions went to Rome. 

235. When Patrick received the rank of bishop, the name of Patricius was con- 
ferred upon him. Orders were then given to Patrick by Germanus and by Celestinus, 
and by Matha, king of the Romans. Now when they were conferring the rank of a 
bishop upon him, the three quires answered, to wit, the quire of heaven's household, 
and the quire of the Romans, and the quire of the children of the wood of Fochlad. 

X a 


This is what they all sang, Hibernenses omnes clamant ad te, puer. So Peter's suc- 
cessor sent Patrick to preach to the Gael. 

242. When Patrick was at sea, travelling to Ireland, he saw the leper on the 
rock seeking for God's sake a place in the boat. Then Patrick cast his flag-stone 
into the sea before the leper, but when they reached Ireland they found the flag-stone 
ahead of them in the harbour. 

246. Then Patrick went on till he got to Inver De*, in the district of Cualann ; and 
the fishermen did not welcome him : so then he set his word on the Inver, that there 
should never be produce therein. And he who opposed Patrick, even Sinell, son of 
Findchad, he is the first man who believed in God and in Patrick, and on him and 
on his seed Patrick leaves a blessing. 

. 251. Forty years from the day that Patrick came into Ireland to the day of 
his decease \ 

252. He steered his vessel after that past Ireland eastward to Inispatrick. He 
went on land. There a certain man received him in hospitality, and believed in him. 
Patrick went to his vessel to converse with Loeguire, to Tara 2 . He went thence to 
Inver of the Barks, and there he becomes the guest of a worthy man named Sescnech. 
To him Patrick preaches God's word, and he believes in God and in Patrick. He 
is then baptized. He had a little son, who was well-pleasing to Patrick, and who 
loved Patrick much. The boy took Patrick's foot into his bosom ; and that night he 
would not sleep with his mother nor his father, but was mournful and would have 
wept, had he not been allowed to stay along with Patrick. Now in the morning, 
when Patrick went to go on his way, his chariot was brought to him. Patrick put 
his foot into the chariot, and the little boy clasps his two hands round Patrick's foot, 
and this he said: 'Let me be along with Patrick, for Patrick is my own father!' 
Said Patrick: 'Let the boy be baptized and put into the chariot.' And Patrick 
afterwards said : ' That boy will be a successor of mine.' And Patrick bestowed 
a name on him, Benignus, that is Bendn. 

266. Then he goes in Patrick's company to the Grave of Ffacc's Men in 
Magh Bregh, on the eve of Easter. It is there -that Patrick celebrated the order of 
Easter, and consecrated fire is kindled by them for mass. That was the night of 
the feast of Loeguire son of Niall. For the feast of his birth was always celebrated by 
Loeguire, every year in Tara of Bregh. And no one dared to kindle a fire in Ireland 
before a fire had been kindled by him in Tara. 

272. Then Patrick cursed Inver Domnann and Inver De*, and blessed Inver 
Boyne, for he found fish therein. 

274. After that he went to Inver Slainghe, and concealed his vessel in that place. 
1 This sentence is misplaced. z This sentence, also, is misplaced. 


There he found a swineherd of Dfchu son of Trechem, in the place where Sabull Pdtraic 
stands to-day, who told it to his master. Dfchu went and set his hound at the clerics. 
Then Patrick chanted the verse, Ne tradas bestiis animam confitentem libi 1 ^ etc. There- 
after the hound became silent. When Dfchu saw Patrick, he bared his sword to slay 
him. His arm shrivelled above him at once 2 . But Patrick made prayer, and grief of 
heart seized Dfchu, and he believed, and Patrick baptized him after that, wherefore he 
was the first who in Ulster received baptism and belief from Patrick. Then Dfchu 
offered the Barn 3 to Patrick. Now at that time Dfchu was an old man. Patrick 
gave him his choice, to be renewed in the age of thirty or to go at once to the 
Kingdom of Heaven. 'I prefer,' saith he, 'to be renewed in the age of thirty.' 
Patrick blessed Dfchu, so that he passed after that into youth. 

287. Once Patrick was in the Barn at mass, when a certain wizard went by the 
church. He flung his horse-rod over the window of the church into the chalice. 
The earth straightway swallows up the wizard. 

290. Patrick went to preach to Miliuc Maccu-Biiain, having gold in order that 
Miliuc might accept the faith from him ; for he knew that Miliuc was greedy as to 
goods and especially as to gold. When Miliuc heard that Patrick was coming to him, 
he was not glad thereof, for it seemed a shame to him to believe in his slave x and in 
his servant. This, then, was the counsel to which the Devil tempted him, namely, to 
bring fire into his own house ; and he was burnt therein, and he went to hell. That 
was manifested to Patrick, and he said this : ' Of him /will be neither king rior crown- 
prince*; and his seed and his offspring will always be serving some other man; and 
his soul will not come out of hell either before or after the Judgment/ 

298. In that time there happened to be a fierce king over Ireland, namely 
Loeguire son of Niall. In Tara, then, was his station and his royal hold. Three years 
before Patrick came into Ireland the wizards, even Lucait Mael and Luccra 5 , had 
foretold his coming. And this is what they said : 

' Adzeheads will come over a furious sea: 
Their mantles (i.e. their mass-cowls) hole-headed: 
Their staves (i.e. their croziers) crook-headed: 
Their tables (i.e. their altars) in the east of their houses: 
All will answer, "Amen!"' 

307. Then said Patrick to Dfchu: 'Go,' saith he, 'from me to Loeguire 
son of Niall, and say my message to him, that there be both kingdom and church in 
the land/ ' If I go to Loeguire,' saith Dfchu, ' there are nine hostages for me with 

1 Psal. 73. 19. 2 Compare i Kings 13. 4. 

3 SabaU stabulum. * Literally ' King-material.' 

, 5 Lochru, in the Book of Armagh. 


him in Tara. My hostages will be slain, and I myself shall be slain when I shall go/ 
' Thou thyself wilt escape and thy hostages will escape.' Saith Dfchu : ' . . . blessing 
. . . Lord l . . . whether I escape or not : I will go for thy blessing.' So Dfchu went 
to Tara. ' This, then, is the man/ saith Loeguire, ' who first believed hi the Adze- 
head before the men of Ireland. Take ye this man/ saith he, ' into one house with 
his hostages, and give them salted food, and do not give them drink/ Thus was it 
done. But unto them came a maiden fair, mature, and brought them a pitcher of 
wine through Patrick's miracles, and dealt it out to them, and brought them . . . 
light And a cleric came to them with a linen chasuble round him, and he took from 
them the fetters and the chains, and brought their horses which were bridled in the 
midst of the enclosure, and opened the gates of Tara before them. Then they leap 
on their horses and go to Patrick into the land of Ulster. Then Dfchu tells his tale 
to Patrick. ' It is manifest/ saith Patrick, ' neither prophets nor wise men 2 will save 
that man until I go myself/ 

322. When the hightide of Easter drew nigh, Patrick judged that there was no 
place wherein it would be fitter for them to celebrate the chief hightide of the -year 
than in Magh Bregh, at the place wherein was the head of the wizardry and idolatry 
of Ireland, and in the chief fortress of Ireland, to wit, in Tara. 

325. He bade farewell to Dfchu, and he put his ship to sea and went to Inver 
Colptha s and by land to the Grave of Fiac's Men ; and he pitches his tent there, and 
.the consecrated Paschal fire was struck by him. That was the time at which the 
heathen were celebrating that hightide ; and the king of Tara had a prohibition*, that 
no fire be kindled on that night before the fire of Tara. Now Patrick knew not that 
prohibition, and. if he had known, it would not have hindered him. When the folk 
of Tara were biding there, they beheld the fire which Patrick had kindled ; for it 
illumined all Magh Bregh. Then said the king ; ' That is a breach of a law and 
prohibition of mine, and find out for us who hath made yon fire/ ' We see the fire/ 
say the wizards, 'and we know that unless it is quenched before morning, on the 
night in which it has been made, it will never be quenched/ Then anger seized the 
king, and his chariot was harnessed for him, and he went to the Grave of Fiac's Men. 
The wizard said to Loeguire : ' Go not thou to yonder men, for they will come to thee/ 

Then Patrick went to the place, in which Loeguire dwelt. Said Loeguire' 5 : 

* * * * ' # * * 

1 The MS. is here illegible. Compare Tertia Vita, c. 35 ; Sexta Vita, c. 38, in Colgan's Trias 

3 The MS. is here corrupt. I read : fdithe nait fir fessa. 

3 The mouth of the river Boyne. * A geiss or tabu. 

s The two leaves which are here lost probably contained an account of Patrick's triumph 
over the wizards, and his missionary journey to Connaught. t 


337. Then Patrick" went to Sfd Aeda and blessed Conall and his son Fergus. 
Then he laid his hands on the son's head. That seemed strange to Conall. Said 


'A child will be born of his family, 

He will be a sage, he will be a prophet, he will be a poet, 
A loveable, clear, pure lamp, 
"Who will not utter falsehood.' 

That is Colomb cille, son of Fedlimid. 

345. Then Patrick blessed Conall son of Niall and his kindred, and he left a 
blessing on their men and on their estuaries and on their churches. 

347. Patrick went into Tyrone, and said to his household: 'Beware that the 
terrible lion, even Eogan son of Niall, do not come to you.' He overtook them on the 
way. Muiredach, son of Eogan, was in the van of the band of the warriors. Sechnall 1 , 
however, was in the rear of the band; of the clerics. Then said Sechnall to Muiredach : 
' If thy father believes in God, thou shalt have from me a guerdon therefor.' * What 
guerdon?' saith he. 'Kingship shall descend from thee,' saith Sechnall. 'He 
shall do it, indeed/ saith Muiredach. It was at Fid M6r that Muiredach and Eogan 
met with Patrick. So Eogan believed in God and in Patrick. ' If thou hadst believed 
inside thy house/ saith Patrick 2 , ' to thy house the hostages would have come. Since 
this is not so, they will not come, until they come through might of arms.' 

356. Patrick went to Ailech of the Kings, and blessed the stronghold, and 
left his flag-stone therein, and- prophesied kingship and rank for a space over 
Ireland out of Ailech. And he gave a blessing of valour to Eogan, and Patrick 

said : 

'My blessing on the tribes, 
I give from Belach Ratha, 
And on Eogan's kindred, 
(God's) grace to Doomsday. 

' So long as field shall be under crops 
Their battalions shall be over men, 
The head of the 'hosts of the men of Fal to their place, 
... to them on every hill.' 

368. Then Patrick went into Dal Araide to Caelbad's twelve sons, and he gave 
a blessing to them (all) save Saran alone, and he gave a curse to him, that kingship 
should never be inherited from him. 

370. Patrick went into Dal Araide and baptized bishop Olchon, who is 3 in 
Airthir Maige Cobai, and Mac Nisse of Conaire read his psalms with him. 

1 Bishop Secundinus. 2 And not here in Fid Mor. 

, 3 i. e. whose relics are. 


372. Patrick went to Eochaid, son of Muiredach, king of Ulster, when he was 
condemning and punishing two holy virgins who had offered their virginity to Gdd> 
[and] constraining them to marriage, (and) to worship of idols. Patrick begged a boon 
for them, that they should not be punished, and it was not obtained. Then Cairill, son 
of Muiredach, the king's brother, made intercession along with Patrick, and the king 
consented not. Said Patrick to Eochaid: 'There will never be either kings or crown- 
princes from thee, and their ... on thyself. Thy brother, however, even Cairill, 
he himself will be king and there will be kings and princes from him over thy children, 
and over all Ulster for ever.' Wherefore those are the ' seed of the kingdom,' even 
the seed of Demma'n, son of Cairill, through Patrick's word. 

381. So the king's wife went and prostrated herself at Patrick's feet. Patrick 
gave her a blessing, and blessed the child that was in her womb, and he is Domangart, 
son of Eochaid. He it is that Patrick left in his own body, on Sliab Slanga, and he 
will abide there for ever ; for he is the seventh person whom Patrick left alive safe- 
guarding Ireland. 

386. After that Patrick went from Dal Araide over Fertais Tuama to Hrii Tuirtre. 
After that he went into Hrii Meith Tire. Then three of the Hui Meith stole one of the 
two goats which used to be carrying-water for Patrick ; and they went to swear a false 
oath to Patrick, and the goat himself bleated out of the gullet of the third man that 
had stolen it. 'My God's doom!' saith Patrick, 'the goat himself declares the 
place in which he was eaten 1 And from to-day for ever,' saith Patrick, ' goats shall 
follow thy children and kindred.' And this is still fulfilled. 

393. Thereafter Patrick went to Fir Rois. There he changed into stones the 
poisoned cheeses of curd; and all the warriors who intended to slay Patrick were 
drowned in the ford. 

396. Then Patrick went over Magh Bregh, into the province of Leinster, to the 
fort of Naas. The place of Patrick's tent is in the green to the east of the road ; and to 
the north of the fort is a well wherein Patrick baptized Dunlang's two sons, namely Ailill 
and Illann, and Ailill's two daughters, namely Mugain and Fedelm, who had offered 
their virginity to God, and Patrick blessed the veils on their heads. Then messengers 
went from Patrick to the steward of Naas, Faille'n by name. He feigned that sleep 
was upon him, and they said that the steward was asleep. ' My God's doom ! ' saith 
Patrick, 'no wonder if it be a final sleep.' His household then went to waken 
the steward, and he was found dead because of the inhumility he shewed to Patrick. 
Wherefore thence have the Gael the proverb, FaiUris sleep in the fort of Naas. 

406. Dricriu, he was king of Hiii Garrchon at that time before Patrick, and he 
had to wife a daugher of Loeguire, son of Niall. And they refused to invite Patrick to 
the feast of Rath Inbir ; but Cilline made him welcome, and killed his only cow for him, 


and gave him the measure of meal 1 , which he got for his support in the king's 
house. Then Patrick said to the cooking woman, whilst she was bewailing her child : 

'Oh woman .... thy child! 

A great boar comes from a pigling, 

And from a spark comes a flame, 

Thy child will be hale. 
'The com 

Is best of earth's herbs, 

Marcan, son of Cilline, 

Is the one who is best of Hiii Garrchon.' 

419. Then Patrick founded churches and monasteries in plenty in Leinster, and 
left a blessing on the Leinstermen, and on Htii Cennselaig especially, and left 
Auxilius in Cell Uasalli,and Mac Tail in Cell Cuilinn,and ordained Fiachu 2 the Fair 
in Sletty, as bishop of the province. 

422. Then Failge Berraide boasted that he would kill Patrick wherever he should 
meet him, in revenge for the idol Cenn Cruaich, for it was Failge's god. So his 
" people hid from Patrick what Failge said. And one day Odran, his charioteer, said 
to Patrick : ' Since for a long time I have been charioteering for thee, O master, 
O Patrick, let me to-day be in the chief seat, and do thou be charioteer.' Patrick 
did so. Thereafter Patrick went into the district of Htii Failgi. Failge came, and 
gave a thrust through Odran in the form of Patrick. Not long afterwards Failge died, 
and his soul went into hell. Then the Devil entered Failge's body, so that it dwelt 
amongst men as if it were alive 3 . Then Patrick after a long while came to Failge, 
and tarried outside before the fortress, and asked one of Failge's slaves where Failge 
was biding. ' I left him hi his house/ saith the slave. ' Tell him/ saith Patrick, ' to 
come and speak with me.' Then the servant goes to fetch Failge, and found of him 
hi the house nought save his bare bones, bloodless, fleshless. The slave comes to 
Patrick in grief and sorrow, and tells him how he had seen Failge. Said Patrick : 
' From the day when Failge slew my charioteer, in my presence, his soul went to hell 
for the deed he had done, and the Devil entered his body.' And that is the tragical 
death of Failge. 

440. As to Failge Rois, however, it is his children who are in the land to-day, 
and Patrick blessed him, and from him is the sovranty of the land for ever. 

442. Then Patrick went by Belach Gabrain into the land of Ossory; and there 
he founded churches and monasteries, and he said that of them (the Ossorians) there 
would always be famous laymen and clerics, and that no province would prevail over 
them, so long as they were obedient to Patrick. 

1 Airmedtnine is obviously the true reading. The airmitin of the MS. is nonsense. 
9 A mistake for Place ? 3 The MS. is here obscure, I think I see b. b ... a. 



445. Then Patrick bade them farewell and left ancient relics with them, 
and some of his household, in the place where Martar-thech stands to-day, in 
Magh Raigne. 

447. After that Patrick went into the province of Munster, to Cashel of the 
Kings. And Oengus, son of Natfraich, king of Munster, met him, and made him 
welcome, and brings him with him to his house, to the fort, as far as the place wherein 
Lecc Pdtraic is to-day. And Oengus there believed in God and in Patrick, and 
he was baptized and a multitude of the men of Munster along with him. There, 
then, was the beginning of the baptism of the men of Munster. And then said 
Patrick : 

'If Mtmster-men outrage me 

Regarding Cashel the head of their baptism, 

They shall have mutual slaughter amidst their land, 

Their realm will be in disgrace. 

1 From Cashel I have blessed 
Ireland as far as its borders. 
With my two hands have I blessed, 
So that Munster will not be without good. 

461. Now when Patrick was blessing the head of Oengus, the spike of the 
rozier went through his foot. So, after the end of the benediction, Patrick saw the 
wound in Oengus's foot. Said Patrick: 'Wherefore didst thou not tell me?' 
'Meseemed,' saith Oengus, 'that it was a rite of the faith.' 'Thou shalt have 
a reward for this,' saith Patrick. ' From to-day to the Judgment thy successor shall 
not have a death by slaying, save one man only V Patrick saith that his grace would 
abide in Cashel, ut dixit \^poetd\ : 

'Patrick's resurrection in Down, 
His primacy in Armagh, 
On the hillock of musical Cashel, 
He granted a third of his grace.' 

47 1. Patrick went into Muscraige Breogain. One day, then, he was 'washing his 
hands at the ford, when a tooth fell out of his head into the ford. He then went on 
the hill to the east of the ford, and sends to seek for the tooth, and straightway the 
tooth shone in the ford like a sun. And Ath Ffacla 2 is the name of the ford. And 
Cell Ffacla s is the name of the church wherein he left the tooth. And he left four of 
his household there, to wit, Cuirche and Losc&n, Cailech and Be"onan. 

477. Then he went into the land of Htii Figeinte. And Lonan, son of Ere, king of 
Hui Figeinte, made a feast for Patrick, and deacon JVEantan, one of Patrick's house- 
hold, was with Lonan preparing it. A troop of artists went to Patrick to ask for food. 
1 Cenngecan was slain A.D. 897. a Toothford. s Church of the Tooth. 


Patrick sent messengers to Londn and to deacon Mantan to ask something for the 
artists. But they said that it should not be buffoons who should first break into the 
feast. Patrick said that neither king nor bishop should spring from Londn, and 
that Deacon Mantan's cloister should not be high on earth. Then came a certain 
youth named Nessdn, with a wether and a tanag l and three curd-cheeses on his back 
for Patrick. Said Patrick : - 

'The youth who comes from the North 
For him the victory hath been entrusted, 
With his little wether on his back 
He comes to Cothraige.' 

So Patrick gave them to the satirists. Now as the satirists were eating the wether 
the earth swallowed them up straightway, and they went to the depth of hell, and the 
cheeses still remain, turned into stones. Then Patrick gave Nessan a blessing, and 
conferred the order of deacon upon him ; and it is he who is a in Mungret. 

494. Thereafter Patrick went into Findine, to the north-west of Domnach M6r, 
a hill from which is seen the country to the north of Luimnech. And he gave a 
blessing to Thomond, because of the willingness with which the people had come 
bringing abundance of goods to meet Patrick. Cairthenn, son of Blat, senior of the 
children of Toirdelbach, believed in the Lord. And Patrick baptized him in Saingil, 
that is to say a different (sain) angel (aingel) went to converse with him there, and it 
was not Victor. To Cairthenn up to that time no children had been born. Then 
was Eochu Redspot born to Cairthenn. Patrick had formed him of a clot of gore, 
and that spot was on his body as a sign of the miracle. 

502. Patrick himself did not go into the land ; but he saw it from Luimnech, 
west and northward, and blessed the extent which he beheld. Et prophetauti dt 
Sanctts, qui in eis fierent, nominibus et iempore quo peruenissent. 

505. ' The green island in the west,' saith Patrick, ' in the mouth of the sea, a 
light of God's household will come into it, who shall be a chief of counsel for these 
tribes, even Senan of Inis Cathaigh.' After sixty or six score years, came Senan, son 
of Gerrgenn, son of Dubthach s . 

509. Now Patrick did not go over Luachair into West Munster. Prophetauit dt 
Brmainn Maccu Alte qui nasceiur cxx anno. Quod impletum est. 

511. Patrick went into Muscraige Tire, laptizare et fundare fidem. Ibi inuenit 
ires fr air es, namely, Fuirc and Muihech, and Mechar, three sons of Forat son of 
Connla. Muinech believes protinus, and Patrick took him thence, and blessed him, 
and left (as his blessing) distinguished laymen and clerics from him for ever, and the 
overkingship of his country to be always (inherited) from him. 

1 Apparently some kind of hard cheese. * i. e. whose relics are. See infra pp. 202-204. 

Y 2 


516. So he abode seven years in Munster, and the wise reckon that he cele- 
brated mass on every seventh ridge which he passed over in Munster. After this 
then Patrick founded churches and cloisters in Munster, and ordained folk of every 
grade, and brought the dead again to life. Then he bade them farewell, and left 
a blessing upon them. 

521. Then he went to. Eli. The men of Munster went after him, as if each of 
them would outstrip the other following Patrick. Then the men of Munster, men, 
women, and children, overtook Patrick at Brosnacha, and they uttered a great cry 
and great clamour for joy of looking on Patrick, and thence Brosnacha Eli was 

526. Then he bade farewell to the men of Munster, and bestowed a blessing 

upon them, ut dixit: 

'God's blessing on Munster, 

Men, boys, women! * 

Blessing on the land 
That gives them fruit. 

'Blessing on every treasure 
That shall be produced on their plains, 
Without any ... of help, 
God's blessing on Munster! 

'Blessing on their peaks, 
On their bare flagstones, 
Blessing on their glens, 
Blessing on their ridges. 

' Like sand of sea under ships, 
Be the number of their hearths : 
On slopes, on plains, 
On mountains, on peaks. 1 

544. Patrick went back to Fir Rois, and proceeded to set up at Druim M6r. 
Then came the angel and said to him : ' It is not here that God hath granted thee 
to stay.' ' Question, what place ? ' saith Patrick. ' In the Macha to the north/ saith 
the angel. Thereafter Patrick went to Ard Patric, to the east of Louth, and pro- 
ceeded to set up there. Every day Patrick used to come from Ard Pdtric, and 
Mochta used to come from Louth in the west, and they met to converse every day at 
Lecc Mochta. One day there an angel put an epistle between them. Patrick reads it 
out, and this is what was therein : 

'Mochta pious, believing, 

Let him bide in the place wherein he has set up; 
Let Patrick at the King's word 
Stay in Macha.' 


55(5. Thereafter Patrick, at the angel's word, went to the Macha, to the place 
wherein Raith Dam stands to-day. There was a certain wealthy and venerable man, 
named Ddire, at that time in Oriors. Patrick asked this Ddire to give him a site for 
his church on Druim Sailech, the stead whereon Armagh stands to-day. Ddire said 
that he would not give him the hill, but that he would give him a site in the valley, 
where the Ferta stands to-day. So Patrick founded [his cell and stayed] there for a 
long while. One day two horses of Ddire's were brought to graze in that place. 
Patrick was angered thereby, and slew 1 the horses straightway. Ddire is angered at 
the killing of his horses, and told his men to kill the cleric. Illness and sudden colic 2 
came to Ddire, so that death was nigh unto him. ' Vexing the cleric is the cause of 
that,' saith the wife that he had. ' And do ye his will/ saith she. Then they went to 
seek holy water 3 from Patrick for Ddire. . . . Saith Patrick, ' Had it not been for the 
woman Ddire would not have had resurrection till Doom/ Patrick blessed the water 
and said that it should be given to Dd'ire and [sprinkled over] the horses. Thus is it 
done, and Ddire with his horses straightway arose. Then a brazen cauldron was brought 
in offering to Patrick from Ddire. ' Deo gratias} saith Patrick. Ddire asked of his 
household what the cleric had said. * Gratiam] say the household. ' That is a bad 
reward for a good cauldron,' saith Ddire. ' Let it be taken again from him,' saith 
Ddire. They took back the cauldron from him. ' Deo gratias j saith Patrick. His 
household tell Ddire what Patrick had said. ' That is a first word with him, the 
Gratiam,' saith Ddire ' Gratiam* when giving it to him, Grdtiam* when taking it 
from him.' Ddire and his wife afterwards went wholly in accordance with Patrick's 
will, and they offered him the cauldron, and the hill for which he had previously 
asked, which is named Armagh to-day, and Ard Sailech had been its name till then. 

579. Now thus did Patrick mark out the Raith: the angel before him and he 
behind with his household, and his elders, and the Staff of Jesus 5 in Patrick's hand. 

582. These are the elders who set forth Patrick's miracles, namely, Colomb-cille 
and Ultan, and Adamndn, son 6 of Tinne, and Aireran of the Wisdom, and Ciaran of 
Belach Duin, and Bishop Airmedach from Clochar, and Colmdn of the Cave, and 
Presbyter Collait from Druim Relgech. 

586. A true man, surely, was that man from purity of nature, like a patriarch. 
A true pilgrim, like Abraham. Gentle, forgiving of heart, like Moses. A praiseful 
psalmist, like David. A student (?) of wisdom and knowledge, like Solomon. 
A chosen vessel for proclaiming righteousness, like Paul the Apostle. A man full of 

1 I suppose curbo to be a mistake for cur-ro. 

* Tregat. The MS. has tregdad. 8 Literally * prayer-water.' 

* This is grazaekam (i. e. gratias aganras ?) in the Book of Armagh. 

3 Supra, p. 155. ' This should be grandson or descendant. 


the grace and favour of the Holy Spirit, like John. A fair garden with plants of 
virtues. A vine-branch with fruitfulness. A flashing fire with the fervour of the 
warming and heating of the sons of Life, for kindling and illuminating charity. 
A lion for great strength and might. A dove for gentleness and simplicity. A ser- 
pent for cunning and prudence. A man mild, gentle, humble, tender to the sons of 
Life ; (but) rough, ungentle to the sons of Death. A slave in labour and service to 
Christ. A king in rank and might for binding and loosing, for freeing and en- 
slaving, for quickening and killing. 

598. Now after these mighty miracles, and after raising the dead; after healing 
blind and lepers and halt, and folk of every disease besides ; after teaching the men 
of Ireland, and after baptizing ; after founding churches and monasteries ; after de- 
stroying idols and images and the knowledge of wizardry, the day of the decease of 
this holy Patrick and of his going to heaven drew nigh. And he proceeded to go to 
Armagh in order that there his resurrection might be. But Victor the angel came to 
him, and said this to him : ' Go back to the place whence thou earnest, even to the 
Barn ; for it is there thou shalt die, and not in Armagh hath God granted thee to arise. 
Thy dignity and thy primacy, thy piety and thy teaching shall be in Armagh as if 
thou wert alive. Thou didst promise to Dichu 1 that with him thy resurrection would 
be,' saith the angel. Said Patrick: ' In slavery unto the end am I, since I cannot be 
buried in the place that I desire.' Said the angel : ' Let not sorrow be on thee* 
O Patrick, for thy dignity and thy primacy will abide in Armagh, though thy resur- 
rection will be in Down ; and God hath granted thee good things in abundance. For 
He hath granted thee heaven for Dichu and his children. He hath granted thee to 
bring seven of the men of Ireland every Saturday from torment to heaven. He hath 
granted thee that every one that shall sing thy hymn ? on the day of his decease shall 
not be in hell. He hath granted to thee that thou shalt be the judge of Doom for the 
men of Ireland/ 

615. Patrick did as the angel counselled and tarried in the province of Ulster. 

6 1 6. Now when the hour of Patrick's decease arrived, Bishop Tassach gave him 
Christ's Body; and he sent his spirit to heaven in the hundred and thirty-second year 
of his age. Howbeit heaven's angels came to meet Patrick's soul, and took it with 
them to heaven with great honour and reverence. And though great be his honour af; 
present, greater will it be at the meeting of Doom, when the men of the world will arise; 
at Michael the archangel's command. And the men of Ireland will go to meet Patrick 
to Down, and wend along with him to Mount Zion, where Christ will deal judgment 
to Adam's children on that day ; when, moreover, Christ will sit on His throne in 

1 The donor of the Barn, supra, p. 157. ' 
a i. e. Secundinus' hymn in praise of Patrick. 


glory judging the three households, even the household of Heaven, and the household 
of Earth, and the household of Hell. And the twelve apostles will sit along with 
Him on twelve thrones judging the twelve tribes of the children of Israel. And then 
will Patrick sit on his throne of judgment and judge the men of Ireland. For 
Patrick is the apostle for Ireland, and he is the father of teaching and faith for Irish- 
men, and he will be judge over them on Doomsday. And after the sentence of 
Doom, those who have fulfilled his command and his teaching, in fastings, in prayer, 
in alms, in compassion, in gentleness, in forgiveness, and in the other divine commands, 
will go along with him into the heavenly kingdom. 

632. The angel left counsel with Patrick as to how.he should be buried, and 
this he said to him: 'Let/ said he, 'two unbroken oxen, of the cattle of Conall 1 be 
brought out of Finnabair, that is from Clochar, and let thy body be set at cross-roads, 
and whithersoever they shall go, and wheresoever they stay by themselves, be it there 
that thou be buried V And thus was it done after his decease. And for the space of 
twelve nights, that is, the time the elders of Ireland were waking him, there was no 
night in Magh-Inis, but angelic radiance therein. Some say that the light abode 
therein till the end of a year, whence is the name, the Cantred of the Light. 

639. Now there was an attempt at a great conflict and battle, between the Ulster- 
men and the Htu Ne"ill, contending about the body of Patrick, the Htii Ndill trying to 
take it to Armagh, and the Ulstermen retaining it with themselves. This then is what 
seemed to them all, that the body was borne by each of them to his own country. So 
God separated them -in that wise through Patrick's grace. 

643. So he received communion and sacrifice from bishop Tassach, and in the 
Barn he sent his spirit to heaven. 

645. Now Patrick was buried in Down with honour and with reverence, with 
daily miracles and marvels. But though great be his honour at present, greater will 
it be at the assembly of Doom, in union with the apostles and disciples of Jesus, in 
union with the nine ranks of heaven, in union with the Godhead and Manhood of the 
Son of God, in union with the Holy Trinity, even Father, and Son, and Holy Ghost. 

650. I beseech the mercy of Almighty God that we may reach that union in 
saecula saeculorum \ Amen. 

1 i. e. Tirconnell. 

8 The adnachtsa of the MS. should of course be adnasta, the pass. 2dy s-fot. sg. 3 oiadnaam* 


AND let every one who shall read give his blessing to the souls of the 
couple who caused it to be written. 

655. Exi de terra tua et de domo pain's tua, et uade in terram quam tibi mon- 
strauero 1 . ' Leave thy country and thy land, and thy neighbour in the flesh, and 
thine own fatherland for My sake, and get thee into the country that I will shew thee/ 

658. The Lord Himself gave this friendly counsel unto the head of the perfect 
faith and of the complete belief, even unto Abraham son of Terah, that he should 
leave his own country, to wit, the country of Chaldea, and that he should go for his 
pilgrimage into the land which God would shew him, to wit, the Land of Promise. 

66 1. Now Moses, son of Amram, leader of God's people, the man who was filled 
with the grace and with the favour of the Holy Ghost, it is he that wrote that conse- 
crated text in Genesis of the Law, that there might abide constantly with the Church 
this friendly counsel of the Lord Himself to Abraham, in enjoining pilgrimage upon 
him, when He said to him, Exi de terra tua } ' leave thy country and thy land for My 

667. This is the tale that is made famous: the Lord himself enjoining 
Abraham to leave the country of Chaldea which was his own fatherland, and to go 
on a pilgrimage into the Land of Promise, because of the good which was to accrue 
therefrom to himself and his children, and to their offspring after them. 

670. Now the man to whom God gave this counsel, even Abraham, it is he 
that is accounted in the Scripture as father to all the faithful: as the apostle certifies 
when he says, ' Verily/ saith the apostle, ' the sons of Abraham are all who resemble 
him in perfect faith V 

674. Now the good counsel which God enjoined here on the father of the 
faithful, to wit, on Abraham, it is incumbent on his sons after him, namely on all the 
faithful, to fulfil it, that is, to leave their country and their land, their wealth, and their 
worldly delight, for the sake of the Lord of the Elements, and to go into perfect 
pilgrimage in imitation of him. 

679. Now, in three ways are men summoned to the knowledge of the Lord and 
to the membership of His family. 

680. This is the first way : the urging and kindling of men by the divine grace to 

1 Gen. 12. i. 

" This is a paraphrase of the Latin ' Omnes qui sunt ex fide, hi sunt filii Abraham/ Gal. iii. 7. 


serve the Lord after the example of Paul, and of Anthony, the monk, and of the other 
faithful monks who used to serve God there in Egypt. 

683. Men are summoned in the second way (by a human being), to wit, by holy 
preachers who preach the divine Scripture to men after the example of Paul the 
Apostle, who preached to the Gentiles until he brought them by the net of the 
Gospel to the harbour of Life. 

686. Men are summoned in the third way by necessity, that is, when they are 
constrained to serve God by tribulations and by the dangers of the world, or by 
separation from the temporal goods wherein they sojourn : after that example of the 
people of Israel, who turned to the Lord from the worship of idols, and images when 
constrained by the tribulations which each of them found in foreign nations, as is 
related in the Scripture. Wherefore to declare that saith the prophet David : ' When- 
ever the people of Israel shall undergo tribulations and great hardships, let them 
beseech and pray unto the Lord, that the Lord may thereafter free them from those 
hardships V 

694. Abraham therefore, the head of the perfect faith and of the complete 
belief, when he was urged by the divine grace, fulfilled the command which had been 
enjoined upon him by the Lord, that is, he went into the country of Chaldea till he 
reached the place where his father died 2 ; and he came thence into the Land 
of Promise. 

698. Now, three ways there are in which one leaves his fatherland when he goes 
into pilgrimage ; and there is one of these for which no reward is gotten from God, 
and two for which it is gotten. For when one leaves his fatherland in body only, 
and his mind doth not sever from sins and vices, and yearneth not to practise 
virtues or good deeds, of the pilgrimage, then, that is made in that wise, there groweth 
neither fruit nor profit to the soul, but labour and motion of the body idly. For it 
little profiteth any one to leave his fatherland unless he do good away from it. For 
even unto Abraham himself on leaving his own country, and after separating from it 
in the body, the Lord gave this counsel, and said : Exi de terra tua, ' Take thy mind 
henceforward from thy country and thy land, and let not thy thoughts be turning to 
it again/ As if what God would clearly say to Abraham were : ' Shun both in body 
and soul henceforward in thy pilgrimage the sins and vices of the country wherein 
thou hast hitherto dwelt in the body; for it is the same to anyone, as if he were still 
dwelling in his fatherland, should he copy in his pilgrimage the custom of his father- 
land. For it is not by path [of feet], nor by motion of body that one draws nigh to 
God ; but it is by practising virtues and good deeds.' 

* A paraphrase of the Latin ' Et invoca me in die tribulationis : eruam te, et honorificabis 
me.' a Haran. 


713. Now, at another time, one leaveth his fatherland in desire of heart and in 
mind, though he leaveth not in body ; as happens to the ordained, who spend their 
lives in their own countries until death, for laymen and clerics detain them in the 
lands wherein they dwell, because of their great profitableness to them. Since it is not 
for the sake of the body that they continue in their fatherland, their good will avails 
them with the Lord as a pilgrimage. 

720. At another time one leaves his fatherland completely in body and in soul 
even as the twelve apostles left, and those of the perfect pilgrimage, for whom the 
Lord foretold great good when he said in the Gospel : ' Take heed of this, for from 
a few to a multitude ye have forsaken for my sake your country, and your carnal 
kindred, your wealth and your worldly happiness that ye may receive a hundredfold 
.of good from Me here in the world and life everlasting yonder after the sentence 
of Doom V 

726. These, in sooth, are they of the perfect pilgrimage, in whose person the 
prophet speaks : ' I give thee thanks for it, O God : I have pilgrimage and exile in 
the world even as the elders who went before V 

730. Now, a multitude of the faithful servants of the Lord, both in the Old 
Law and the New Testament, fulfilled perfectly this benevolent counsel, and left 
their country and their land, and their native place and their kindred in the flesh, 
for the sake of the Lord of the Elements, and went in pilgrimage into far off foreign 
countries. Even as he fulfilled it, and left the land of his birth for the love and 
fear of the Lord, he the high saint and the high sage, and the son chosen of God, 
for whom there is a festival and commemoration on the occurrence of this season 
and time, even the archpresbyter of the island of the Gael, the brand of battle set forth 
with the divers talents and gifts of the Holy Ghost, to wit, the holy Colomb Cille. 

739. The time at which the Christians celebrate the festival and hightide of 
Colomb Cille's decease is the fifth of the ides of June as regards the day of the 
solar month every year on this very day, &c. 

742. The wise men of the Gael relate at that season in every year a small 
abridgment of the setting forth of Colomb Cille's privilege and noble lineage, and of 
the marvels and miracles innumerable which the Lord wrought for him here in the 
world, and of the completion and special end which He gave at last to his victorious 
career, namely the attaining to his true fatherland and to his own heritage, even to 
the abode of Paradise, in the presence of God for ever and ever. 

. * This is a paraphrase of the Latin, 'Et omnes qui relfquerit domum vel fratres aut sorores, ant 
patrem aut matrem aut uxorem, aut filios aut agros propter nomen meum, centuplum accipiet, et 
vitam aeternam possidebit.' Matth. xix. 29. 

' a This is a paraphrase of the Latin, ' Advena sum apud te, Domine, et peregrinus sicut omnes per 
mundum.' Ps. xxxix. 12. : 


748. Noble in sooth was Colomb Cille's kindred as regards the world ; for of 
the kindred of Conall, son of Nfall, was he. By genealogy he had the natural right 
to the kingship of Ireland, and it would have been offered to him had he not put it 
from him for sake of God. 

750. It is manifest that he was a chosen child of God, for Ireland's elders had 
been prophesying of him before his birth. 

752. Firstly, the eldest of the priests of Ireland, Old Mochta of Louth, fore- 
told Colomb Cille a year before his birth. For once upon a time his cook, named 
Macrith, came to him with a mug of nuts in his hand, and Mochta said to him : 
' Not to me,' saith he, ' belongeth the land whence these nuts have been brought. 
Lay them by till he whose land it is shall come.' ' When will he come ? ' saith 
the cook. ' At the end of a hundred years,' saith Mochta. 

756. Now Mochta was wont to turn his face to the north when praying. His 
household asked him wherefore he did that. Mochta said : 

'A manchild will be born in the North, 
At the uprising of the ... 
Ireland ... the flame 
And Scotland ... to him.' 

763. Now the father of the baptism and teaching of the Gael, even Saint 
Patrick, foretold him while he was blessing Conall on Sfdh Aedha, when he laid 
his two hands on Conall, and on his son Fergus, to wit, his right hand on the head 
of Fergus, and his left on the head of Conall. Conall wondered thereat, and asked 
him why he placed his hands in that wise. So Patrick sang this stave : 

'A manchild shall be born of his family, 

He will be a sage, a prophet, a poet, 

A loveable lamp, pure, clear, 

Who will not utter falsehood. 
'He will be a sage, he will be pious, 

He will be ... with the King of the royal graces, 

He will be lasting, and will be ever good, 

He will be in the eternal kingdom for his consolation.' 

776. Moreover Bee Mac De* prophesied when he said : 
'The manchild of longsided Ethne, 
He is . . . , he is a blossoming. 
Little Colomb Cille without blemish, 
It was not oversoon to perceive him.' 

781. Moreover Bishop Eogan, of Ardstraw, foretold him when he said : 
' A son will be born to Fedlimid, 
He will be a diadem on every train, 
Fedlimid, son of Fergus, 
Son of Conall, son of Niall.' 

Z 2, 


786. At the hour of his death, Baite, son of Br6nach, foretold Colomb Cille, 
when he said to his household : ' There hath been born this very night a child 
noble, venerable, before God and men ; and he will come at the end of thirty years 
from to-night with a company of twelve men; and it is he that will make mani- 
fest my grave, and mark out my cemetery ; and in heaven and on earth our union 
shall abide/ 

791. Even as Colomb Cille's birth was foretold by Ireland's elders, so was it 
figured in visions - and in dreams. Even as it was figured in the vision which was 
shewn to his mother, to wit, it seemed to her that unto her was given a great mantle, 
which reached from Insi Mod to Caer Abrocc, and there was no hue that was not 
therein. And a youth perceived the radiant vesture and took the mantle from her 
into the air, and Ethne was sorrowful thereat. And it seemed to her that the same 
youth came again unto her, and said to her, ' Oh, good lady, thou hast no need of 
grief or sorrow, but meeter for thee were joyance and delight. For what this 
mantle portendeth is that thou wilt bear a son, and Ireland and Scotland will be full 
of his teaching.' 

799. Moreover her . . . woman beheld a vision. The birds of the air and of 
the earth seemed to her to bear Ethne's bowels throughout the districts of Ireland 
and Scotland. Ethne interpreted that vision. ' I shall bear a son/ she said, ' and his 
teaching shall reach throughout the districts of Ireland and Scotland.' 

803. As, then, was foretold by Ireland's elders, and as was seen in visions, so 
was Colomb Cille born. Now Gortan was the name of the place in which he was 
born, on the seventh of the ides of December, as regards the day of the solar 
month, and on Thursday as regards the day of the week. 

807. Wonderful in sooth was the child who was born there, a child of the King 
of heaven and earth, even Colomb Cille, son of Fedlimid, son of Fergus, son of Conall 
Gulban, son of Niall of the Nine Hostages. Of the Corpraige of Leinster was his 
mother, namely Ethne Ollmane, daughter of Dimma Mac Nai. Then the child is 
baptized by Cruthnechan, son of Cellach, the archpresbyter, who fostered him after- 
wards, being so bidden by angels of God. 

812. Now when the time for reading came to him, the cleric went to a certain 
prophet who abode in the land, to ask him when the boy ought to begin. When 
the prophet had scanned the sky, he said : ' Write an alphabet for him, now.' 
The alphabet was written in a cake. And Colomb Cille consumed the cake in this 
wise, half to the east of a water, and half to the west of a water. Said the prophet, 
through grace of prophecy : ' So shall this child's territory be, half to the east of the 
sea, and half to the west of the sea, that is, in Ireland.' 

819. Not long thereafter, Colomb and his fosterer went at Christmas to 


Brogach, son of Deg, the Bishop, to the ramparts of Enna, in T/r Enda; It was 
entrusted to his fosterer, the cleric, to perform a priest's duties in that place at 
the hightide. But bashfulness seized him, so that he was unable to chant the psalm 
that came to him; Misericordias Dei was that psalm 1 . Howbeit the man of grace, 
Colomb Cille, chanted the psalm in his behalf, and yet he had not read till then aught 
save an alphabet. God's name and Colomb Cille's were magnified by that miracle. 

825. At another time, he and his fosterer went to visit a sick person. As they 
were wending through a wood, the cleric's foot slips on the rock, so that he fell and 
died suddenly. Colomb Cille put his cowl under the cleric's head, for he knew not 
that he was not asleep, and he began rehearsing his lessons so that certain nuns 
heard his reading aloud, as far as their chapel. The learned compute that there was 
a mile and a half between them, and the sound of his voice was often heard at that 
distance. Thereafter came the nuns and found the cleric dead before them, and they 
told Colomb Cille to bring the cleric back to life for them. He went forthwith to the 
cleric to bring him to life. The cleric then arose out of death at Colomb Cille's word, 
even as if he had been asleep. 

834. Then Colomb Cille offered himself to the Lord of the Elements, and 
begged three boons of Him, to wit, chastity, and wisdom, and pilgrimage. The three 
were fully granted to him. 

836. Then he bade farewell to his fosterer, and the fosterer gave him leave (to 
go) and a blessing fervently. 

837. Then to learn wisdom he went to the archpresbyter, even to the bishop 
Finne'n of Movilla. At a" certain time wine and bread were lacking unto Finne'n at the 
mass. But Colomb Cille blest the water, and it was turned into wine and put into the 
chalice of offering. God's name and Colomb Cille's were magnified by that miracle. 

842. Then he bade farewell to Finne'n in Movilla and went to Gemman the 
Master. Once while he was doing a lesson with Gemman, they saw a girl fleeing 
towards them from a certain manslayer. And she fell down before them and died. 
Colomb Cille set a word of banning upon him, and he perished forthwith. 

846. Then Colomb bids farewell to Gemman, and went to Finnan of Clonard. 
He asked Finne'n in what place he should build his booth. ' Make it in front of the 
church/ said Finne'n. So he makes his booth, and it was not the door of the church at 
that time. He said, however, that it would afterwards be the door of the monastery, 
and this hath been fulfilled. 

850. Each man of the bishops used to grind a quern in turn. Howbeit an 
angel from heaven used to grind on behalf of Colomb Cille. That was the honour 
which the Lord used to render him because of the eminent nobleness of his race. 

Ps. 82. a.? 



852. Once there appeared to Finnan a vision, to wit, two moons arose from 
Clonard, a golden moon and a silvery moon. The golden moon went into the 
north of the island, and Ireland and Scotland gleamed thereby. The silvery moon 
went on till it stayed by the Shannon, and Ireland at her centre gleamed. That was 
Colomb Cille with the grace of his noble kin and his wisdom, and Ciardn with the 
refulgence of his virtues and his good deeds. 

858. Then Colomb Cille bade farewell to Finne*n, and went to Glasnevin, for 
there were fifty studying in that place, with Mobf, including Cainnech, and Comgall, 
and Ciardn. Their huts were to the west of a water. One night the bell was struck 
for nocturn. Colomb Cille went to the church. There was a great flood in the 
river. Nevertheless Colomb Cille went through it in his clothes. 'Boldly comest 
thou there to-night, O descendant of Nfall !' saith Mobf. ' God is able,' saith Colomb 
Cille, 'to take the hardship from us.' As they were coming out of the church, they 
beheld the huts to the east of the water close to the church. 

866. Once upon a time a great church was built by Mobf. The clerics were 
considering what each of them would like to have in the church. ' I should like/ 
saith Ciaran, ' its mil of church-children to attend the (canonical) hours.' ' I should 
like,' saith Cainnech, ' to have its full of books to serve the sons of Life.' ' I should 
like,' saith Comgall, * its full of affliction and disease to be in my own body, to subdue 
me and to repress me.' Then Colomb Cille chose its full of gold and silver to cover 
relics and shrines withal. Mobf said it should not be so, but that Colomb Cille's com- 
munity would be wealthier than any community whether in Ireland or in Scotland. 

875. Mobf told his pupils to quit the place wherein they abode, for that an unknown 
pestilence would come there, even the Buide Conaill. Then he said to Colomb Cille 
that he should not take territory until he was permitted. 

878. (So) Colomb Cille fared into Tirconnell. He went across the river named 
Biur. Then he said, ' Biur against tribulations/ and the pestilence did not go past 
that. And it is an everliving miracle; for every pestilence, even if it go over it, 
follows no further, through Colomb Cille's word. 

882. Thereafter he went to Derry, the royal fort of Aed, son of Ainmire, who was 
king of Ireland at that time. The king offered that fort to Colomb Cille. He refused 
it because of Mobf's command. Now, as he was coming forth out of the fort, he met 
with two of Mobf's household having Mobf's girdle for him, and permission to take 
land after Mobf's death. Then said Colomb : 

'Mobi's girdle, 
Rushes were not round hair, 
It never was opened round a surfeit, 
It never was closed round falsehood.' 


Then Colomb Cille took Aed's fortress, and founded a church there, and wrought 
many miracles therein. 

893. Once upon a time he sent his monks into the wood, to cut wattling to 
build a church for them in Deny. The wood was cut in the territory of a certain 
warrior, who. dwelt near the church. He was vexed that the wood was cut on 
his land without his own consent. So when Colomb Cille heard that, he said to his 
household : ' Take ye the price of his wood in barley-grain, and put it into the earth.' 
Now at that time it was past midsummer. Then the grain was taken to the warrior, 
and he cast it into the ground, and it grew, and was ripe on Lammas-day. 

900. Once in Deny, a little child was brought to him to be baptized. There 
was no water near him ; so he made the sign of the cross over the rock that lay before 
him, and a well-spring of water brake therefrom, and therewith the child was baptized. 

903. Once as he was in Deny, he bethought him of going to Rome and to 
Jerusalem. He went at another time afterwards to Tours and brought away the gospel 
that had lain on Martin's breast a hundred years in the earth, and he leaves it in Deny. 

906. Many were the marvels and miracles which the Lord wrought for Colomb 
in Derry. He loved that city greatly, and said, 

'For this do I love Deny, 
For its smoothness, for its purity, 
Because it is quite fall of white angels 
From one end to the other.' * 

912. Then he founds Raphoe. There he brought to life the wright who had been 
drowned in the mill-pond. 

914. In Raphoe, moreover, his household lacked a ploughshare; so he blessed 
the hands of the little boy, named Fergna, who was biding with him, and Fergna made 
the share, and he was skilful in smithwork thenceforth, through Colomb's blessing. 

917. Then he went on a round to the king of Teffia, who gave him the place 
which is called Durrow to-day. And Colomb built a chapel there in Durrow. More- 
over bitter apples were brought to him, and he blessed them so that they became 
quite sweet. 

921. It was from Durrow that a sained sword was taken from him to Colman the 
Great, son of Diarmait. The virtue that lay in that sword was that no one could die 
in its presence. And afterwards a certain man who lay in sickness begged for the 
sword. It was taken to him and he had it. A year, then, was that sword with him, 
and during that space of time, he was not alive, he was not dead. Wherefore the 
sword was afterwards taken from him, and he died straightway. Afterwards then 
Colomb blessed Durrow, and left therein as warden one of his household, even 
Cormac descendant of Liathan. 



927. Then he went to Aed Slaine, son of Diarmait. He came to the place 
which is called Cennannus to-day. It was the king of Ireland's stronghold at that 
time, the stronghold of Diarmait, son of Cerball. Now when Colomb Cille delayed 
before the fortress, he began to prophesy what should befall the place afterwards, and 
he then said to Bee, son of De", the prophet of Diarmait, son of Cerball : 

<O Bee! stay, tell me,' etc. 
Said Bee: 

'The clerics who are amidst it,' etc. 

935. Then Colomb measures out that city, and blessed it fervently, and said that it 
would be the loftiest cloister he should have on earth, although his resurrection would 
not be therein. As he was making that prophecy, he turned his face to the south- 
west and smiled greatly. Baithln asked the cause of the gladness. ' Fifty sons of 
life/ saith Colomb Cille, ' will be born in one night to the Lord, in that solitude (?) 
to the west.' It was Grafann of Cell Scire whom he foretold there, as was afterwards 

940. Now there was a great oaktree under which Colomb Cille dwelt while he 
was in that place, and it remained to these latter times, when it fell through the crash 
of a mighty wind. And a certain man took somewhat of its bark to tan his shoes 
withal. Now when he did on the shoes he was smitten with leprosy from his sole to 
his crown. 

945. Then Colomb Cille went to Aed Slaine, and made prophecy for him, and 
said that he would be healthy and aged unless he were parricidal. If he should 
commit parricide he would only be four years alive. Then Colomb Cille sained 
a cowl for him, and said that he would not be slain so long as that cowl should 
be on him. Howbeit Aed Slaine wrought parricide, contrary to Colomb Cille's 
word, on Suibne, son of Colman, at the end of four years. He went upon a raid. 
He forgot his cowl. He is killed on that day. 

951. Colomb Cille founded many churches in Bregia, and left therein elders 
and abundant reliquaries. He left Oss&ie, son of Cellach, in Clonmore of Ferrard. 

953. Then he went to Monaster (Boiti). It was there his crozier struck against 
the ladder of glass whereby Boite had ascended to heaven, and its sound was heard 
throughout the whole church ; and he shewed forth Boite's grave, and did even 
as Boite himself had prophesied on the day of his decease. 

956. Many, then, were the churches he marked out, and the books he wrote, to 
wit, three hundred churches and three hundred books. Though the book that his 
hand would write were ever so long under water, not even a single letter therein 

would be washed out \ 

1 Literally, ' drowned.' 


959. He founded a church in Lambay in the east of Bregia, and left deacon 
Colman therein. Once Colomb Cille, and Comgall, and Cainnech were in that 
church. Comgall said that Colomb Cille should make the offering of Christ's 
Body and of His Blood in their presence. Colomb ministered unto them as to that. 
Then Cainnech beheld a fiery pillar above Colomb Cille so long as he was at 
the offering. Cainnech told that to Comgall, and they both beheld the pillar. 

965. Colomb founded a church in the place where Swords standeth to-day. And 
he left an ancient man of his household there, even Finan the Feeble, and he left 
the gospel which his own hand had written. Then he marked out the well, named 
Sord, that is ' pure,' and sained a cross. For it was his wont to make crosses, and 
writing-tablets, and book-satchels, and other church-gear. Now he sained three 
hundred crosses, and three hundred wells, and a hundred tablets, and a hundred 
croziers, and a hundred satchels. 

971. One day Colomb Cille and Cainnech were on the brink of the sea, 
when a great storm was driving on the main. Said Cainnech to Colomb : ' What 
is the wave singing ? ' Said Colomb : ' Thy household were in peril some time ago 
on the sea, and one of them died, and the Lord will bring it to us to-morrow 
morning, in the place wherein we are standing.' 

976. Brigit was once wending through the Curr^gh ofLiffey. When the holy 
virgin saw before her the delightful plain, covered with clover-blossom, she said 
in her mind that if she had power over the plain, she would offer it to the Lord 
of the Elements. This was made manifest to Colomb Cille while he was in his 
chapel at Swords, and he said with a loud voice : ' It is the same to her with the 
Lord, as if the land which she offered to him were her own of right.' 

982. Thereafter Colomb went to Leinster, and left many churches which he 
founded with them, including Druim Monach and Maen and many others. 

984. Then he went to Clonmacnois with the hymn he had made for Ciaran. 
For he made abundant praises for God's household, as said the poet : 

'Noble thrice fifty, nobler than every apostle, 
The number of miracles are [as] grass, 
Some in Latin which was beguiling, 
Others in Gaelic, fair the tale.' 

990. Now it was in Cluain that a little boy went to him, and stole a small hair 
from his raiment without his perceiving him. Howbeit that was manifested by God 
to Colomb Cille, and he prophesied to the boy that he would become a sage, and 
that he would be pious ; and he is Ernfn of Cluain Deochra. 

994. Thereafter Colomb Cille fared into the territory of Connaught on a 
preaching round, and he founded many churches and monasteries in that province, 

A a 



including Ess Mac Eire and Drumcliff, and left with them the crozier which he 
himself had made. 

997. Colomb Cille went over Assaroe, and founded many churches in Tir- 
connell, and Tyrone, and he founded a church in Tory Island, and left therein an 
aged man of his household, even Ernfne. 

1000. Now when Colomb Cille had made a round of all Ireland, and sown 
faith and ' belief, and baptized abundant hosts, and founded churches and monasteries, 
and left elders and reliquaries and relics therein, the determination which he had 
resolved on from the beginning of his life came upon his mind, even to go into 
pilgrimage. So he bethought him of wending over sea, to preach God's word to 
the men of Scotland. So he fared forth on the journey. Forty-five years was 
he in Scotland, seventy-seven years was his full age, and the number that went 
with him was twenty bishops, forty priests, thirty deacons, fifty students. 

1007. So he went under prosperous sail till he reached the place to-day called 
'Hi of Colomb Cille.' On the night of Pentecost he reached it. Two bishops 
who dwelt in the land came to expel him from it. But God revealed to Colomb 
Cille that they were not bishops in truth. Wherefore they left the island when he 
told them of their own conclusion and their account. 

ion. Said Colomb Cille to his household: 'It is well for us that our roots 
should go under the ground here.' And he said : ' It is permitted to you, that some one 
of you should go under the earth here or under the mould of the island to consecrate 
it.' Odran rose up readily, and this he said : ' If I should be- taken/ saith he, 'I am 
ready for that.' 'O Odran!' saith Colomb Cille, 'thou shalt have the reward 
thereof. No prayer shall be granted to any one at my grave, unless it is first asked 
of thee/ Then Odran went to heaven. Colomb founded a church by him 

1018. Thrice fifty monks had he for contemplation and sixty for active life, 

as said the poet: 

'Wondrous the warriors who abode in Hi, 
Thrice fifty in monastic rule, 
With their boats along the main-sea, 
Three score men a-rowing.' 

1024. When Colomb Cille had founded Hf, he went on a preaching round, 
through Scotland, and Britain, and Saxonland, and after many miracles, and after 
raising the dead out of death, he brought the people to faith and belief. 

1026. Now there was biding in the country a certain man to whom Colomb Cille 
preached, and he, with all his household, believed in the Lord. The Devil was 

1 Literally, faith or belief. 


envious of that thing, so he smote yon man's son with a sore disease whereof he 
died. The heathen were reviling Christ and Colomb Cille. Thereafter Colomb 
went in fervent prayer to God, and he raised the son out of death. 

1031. Now when Colomb Cille was one day preaching to the host, a certain 
person fared from them over the river that was near them. Before he had been to 
hear God's word, the snake strikes him in the water, and kills him at once. The boy 
is brought before Colomb and he makes the cross with his crozier over his breast, 
and the boy arose at once. 

1036. A sore disease befell his servant, and Colomb made prayer for him, and 
not that alone, but he asked for a life of seven years for him afterwards. 

1039. Once upon a time Cainnech came away from him out of Hf. He forgot 
his crozier in the east *. When he came on this side 2 , he found his crozier ahead of 
him, and Colomb Cille's shirt along with it, even Cainnech's share for his winding- 
sheet. And therefore he did that, because he knew that he was nigh to his 

1043. A great flush came to him once in Hi. He was asked the cause of the 
flush. ' God's fire from heaven,' saith he, ' hath even now come on three cities in 
Italy, and slain three thousand men, besides women, and boys, and girls.' 

1046. At another time he heard a call in the port of Hf : then he said : 

'A churl in the port, with his staff in Ms fist, 
He will come to my little ink-horn, and spill my ink, 
He will stoop down to visit my pax, 
And will strike against my little ink-horn and leave it empty.' 

1055. At another time Colomb Cille was left cooking an .ox for the reapers. 
With them was a whilom-hero of the men of Ireland, to wit, Mael Uma, son of Baedan. 
Colomb Cille asked him, ' how much his meal had been when he was a warrior.' 
'When I was a warrior,' saith Mael Uma, 'I used to consume a fat ox to my full 
meal.' Colomb Cille ordered him to eat his fill. Mael Uma did that for him. 
He consumed the whole ox. Afterwards Baithfn came, and asked if the food were 
ready. So Colomb Cille ordered Mael Uma to gather into one .place all the bones 
of the ox. Thus was it done. Colomb blest the bones, and their own flesh was 
around them, and (the ox) was given to the reapers. 

1064. Once, in the month of May, Colomb Cille went for tidings of the ploughmen 
in the north of the island. He was comforting them and instructing them. ' Well,' 
saith he, ' at the Easter that went in the month of April, then was I fain to have gone to 
heaven. But I did not wish you to have grief or sorrow after your toil; wherefore 

1 i. e. in Scotland. * i. e. in Ireland. 

A a 3 


I have stayed with you from Easter to Pentecost/ When the monks heard those 
words, they were sorrowful exceedingly. 

1070. Then he turned his face westward, and said, 'May the Lord bless the 
island with its indwellers!' And he banished toads and snakes out of it. Now 
when he had blest the island he came to his church. Not long after cam^Jhe 
,ends of the Saturday and the beginning of the Sunday; and when he raised his eyes 
on high there came a great glow to his countenance and face, and the brethren 
beheld that. An angel of God, moreover, tarried above him then. 

1076. Then he went to bless the barn; and he said to Diarmait that on Sunday 
night he would depart to heaven. Then the venerable old man Colomb Cille 
sat down on the edge of the path, for weariness had come to him, though his 
wayfaring had been short : for seventy-seven years was his age at that time. 

1080. And the nag, which the monks used to keep in the island, came to 
him, and weeps in the breast of the cleric, so that his raiment became wet. 
The servant Diarmait sought to drive the nag away from him. * Let him be, 
O Diarmait,' saith Colomb Cille, 'until he sufficeth himself with tears and sorrow 
in lamenting me.' 

1084. Overmany to recount and declare are the marvels and miracles which 
God wrought on earth for Colomb Cille. There is no one who could recount 
them fully, unless his own soul, or an angel from heaven, should come to declare 
them. But we think these enough of them to give as a sample. 

1088. Now there never was born to the Gael offspring nobler or wiser, or 
of better kin than he. There hath not come of them another who was meeker, 
or humbler, or lowlier. Surely it was great lowliness in Colomb Cille that he 
himself used to take off his monks' sandals and wash their feet for them. He 
often used to carry his portion of corn on his back to the mill, and grind it, 
and bring it home to his house. He never used to put linen or wool against 
his skin. His side used to come against the bare mould. A pillarstbne used 
to be under his head for a bolster, and he slept only so long as Diarmait his 
fosterling was chanting three chapters of the Beatus. He would rise up at 
once after that, and would cry and beat his hands together, like a loving mother 
lamenting her only son. He would chant the three fifties 1 on the sand of the 
shore before the sun would rise. In the day he attended to the Hours. He 
offered Christ's Body and His Blood. He preached the Gospel, he baptized, he 
consecrated. He healed the lepers, and the blind, and the halt, and folk of every 
other disease, and he raised the dead. ^ 

1 The 150 psalms. 


uoi. Now when Colomb Cille came to his ending, and when the bell for 
nocturn was struck on the night of Pentecost Sunday, he went before the rest to the 
church and made prostration and fervent prayer at the altar. Then an angelic radi- 
ance filled the church around him on every side, and there the venerable old man 
sent forth his spirit to heaven, into the delight and into the joyance of heaven's 

1106. His body is here on earth with honour and with reverence from God 
and menfolk, with marvels and miracles every day ; and though great be his honour 
at present, greater will it be at the assembly of Doom, when his body and his soul 
will shine like an unsullied sun. There in sooth shall he have that great glory and 
great elevation in union with the nine orders of heaven that have not transgressed, 
in union with the apostles and disciples of Jesus. Christ, in union with the Godhead 
and Manhood of God's Son, in the union that is nobler than any union, in the unity 
of the holy, noble, venerable Trinity, even Father, Son, and Holy Ghost. 

1115. I beseech the mercy of Almighty God through the intercession of holy 
Colomb, that we may all reach that union. May we reach it, may we dwell 
therein, in saecula saeculorum \ Amen. 


Hi sunt qui sequuntur Agnum quocumque ierit 2 . These are the folk that 
follow the undefiled Lamb whatsoever way He may wend. 

1 1 20. John, son of Zebedee, Jesu's bosom-fosterling, successor of the Virgin, 
he it is that wrote these words, and left them with the Church in remembrance 
of the reward and of the guerdon which God hath given to the third grade of 
the Church, even to the virgins, that is, the following of the undefiled Lamb. 

1124. Now the context of this declaration by John is as far as when he said 
Nemo potest dicere canticum nisi ilia centum quadraginta quatuor mittia qui empti 
sunt de terra 3 , It cometh to none to make unto the Lord praise or quire-song, 
save only one of the all-fulness of the Church, who hath been brought up in chastity 
and in virginity, and hath been redeemed with the ransom of Christ's blood. 

1129. [Vtrgines enim sunt^\ for those are the virgins assuredly. So on the 
track of those words John said, Hi sunt qui sequuntur Agnum. These are the folk 
that follow the Lamb whithersoever He goeth. 

1132. This is to follow the Lamb; to imitate Christ and to follow Him 
by fulfilling the Law and the Gospel, without the desire of earthly things, 
without the love for perishable things, to avoid honour, to despise the world, 
to be profitable to all, never to do injustice or wrong to anyone, patiently to suffer 
temptations from without, to grant forgiveness to the persecutors : that every good 
thing that one doth be done for the magnifying of God and not for the glorifying 
of oneself. c Imitate then,' saith the wise man, ' as is the undefiled Lamb in the 
virginity of the flesh, so is the undefiled body of the Son of the Heavenly Father. 
Imitate then the mystical Lamb, even Christ, in virginity and holiness of mind, 
as He himself said : ' Abide holily and chastely, 5 saith the Lord, ' for I am holy and 
I am innocent V For not the better is the chastity of the body, if the soul is imperfect 
and defiled. ' 

1144. Now a multitude of holy and righteous men fulfilled this commandment of 
virginity, even as the holy maiden fulfilled it, for whom there is a festival and com- 

1 Let every one who shall read this Life of Brigit give a blessing to the soitis of the couple for 
whom this book has been written. 
3 Apoc. 14. 4. 3 Apoc. 14. 3. * Levit. n. 44. 


memoration on the occurrence of this season and time, even Sanda Srigida, virgo 
Dei, that is Saint Brigit, the virgin of the Lord of the Elements. 

1148. Then it is that the Christians celebrate the feast and the festal day of the 
holy Brigit, on the calends of February' as regards the day of the solar month, and 
to-day as regards the day of the week wherein we are. 

1151. Here, then, is related somewhat of the miracles and marvels of the holy 
Brigit, and of her genealogy according to the flesh, to wit, Brigit, daughter of 
Dubthach, son of Demre, son of Bresal, of the sept of Echaid Find Fuathnairt. 

1154. That Dubthach, then, when holy Brigit was born, bought a bondmaid 
named Broicsech. She was a daughter of Dallbr6nach of Dal Conchobair in the south 
of Bregia. Dubthach joined himself in wedlock to that bondmaid, and she became 
with child by him. Jealousy of the bondmaid seized Dubthach's consort, and she 
said to Dubthach : ' Unless thou sellest yon bondmaid in distant lands, I will exact 
my dowry from thee and I will leave fhee/ Howbeit Dubthach was not desirous to 
sell the bondmaid. 

1161. Once upon a time he and the bondmaid along with him went in a chariot 
past the house of a certain wizard. When the wizard heard the noise of the chariot 
he said, ' My boy,' saith he, ' see who is in the chariot, for this is noise of chariot under 
king/ Quoth the boy: 'Dubthach,' saith he, ' is therein/ The wizard went to meet him, 
and asked whose was the woman who was biding in the chariot. ' Mine,' saith Dubthach. 
Now Maithgen was the name of the wizard, and from him Ross Maithgin is named. 
The wizard asks if she was pregnant by anyone. ' She is pregnant by me/ saith 
Dubthach. Said the wizard : * Marvellous will be the child that is in her womb : her 
like will not be on earth/ ' My wife compels me/ saith Dubthach, c to sell this 
bondmaid/ Said the wizard through grace of prophecy : ' The seed of thy wife shall 
serve the seed of the bondmaid, for the bondmaid will .bring forth a daughter con- 
spicuous, radiant, who will shine like a sun among the stars of heaven/ Dubthach was 
thankful for that answer, for till then no daughter had been born to him. 

1174. Then they go to their house, and both gave thanks. Well known, now, 
was the love that God had for that virgin. For two bishops of the Britons, named 
Mel and Melchu, came from Scotland to prophesy of her and to bless her. Dubthach 
gave them a welcome, and the bondmaid did tendance and service upon them. Sad 
and mournful was Dubthach's consort. Bishop Mel asked her the cause of her 
sadness. Said the woman: 'Because Dubthach preferreth his bondmaid to me/ 
Said Bishop Mel : c Reason hath he though he should prefer her, for thy seed shall 
serve the bondmaid's, but her seed shall be profitable to thine/ She was angry at 
that. Then came to Dubthach's house a poet of Hrii Meic Uais from gathering 
treasures. When the poet knew the cause of the woman's anger, he said : ' Sellest 


thou the handmaid ? ' 'I will sell,' saith Dubthach, ' for I must needs do so.' Said 
the bishops : ' Sell the bondmaid, do not sell the offspring.' He did so. The poet 
went forth with his bondmaid. Now on the night that the poet reached his home, a 
holy man happened to be in the house entreating the Lord and praying. To him, 
was manifested a flame and a fiery pillar rising from the place where the bondmaid 
was biding. A certain wizard went from Tirconnell to the house of the poet afore- 
said. He bought the service (?) of the bondmaid. The poet sold him the bondmaid, 
and did not sell the offspring that lay in her womb. The wizard goes home with 
his bondmaid. 

1192. Then it came to pass that the wizard made a great feast, and bade the 
king of Conaille to the feast ; and it was then the time for the king's wife to bring 
forth a child. There was a soothsayer along with the king, and a friend of the king's 
asked him when it would be lucky for the queen to bring forth. The wizard said, ' that 
the child which should be brought forth on the morrow at sunrise, and neither within 
the house nor without, would out-go every child in Ireland.' Now the queen's 
lying-in came before that hour, and she brought forth a dead son. But on the 
morrow, when the bondmaid went at sunrise with a vessel full of milk in her hand, 
and when she put one of her two footsteps over the threshold of the house, the other 
foot being inside, then she brought forth the daughter, even Saint Brigit. The maid- 
servants washed Saint Brigit with the milk that was still in her mother's hand. Now 
that was in accord with Brigit's merit, even with the brightness and sheen of her 
chastity. The girl was taken straightway after her birth to the queen's dead son, and 
when the girl's breath came to the son, he arose out of death. 

1205. Thus the wizard went with his bondmaid and her daughter into the 
province of Connaught, for her mother was of Connaught, but her father of 

1207. On a certain day the bondmaid went to milk her kine, and left the girl 
alone sleeping in her house. Certain neighbours beheld the house, wherein the girl 
lay, ablaze, so that one flame was made thereof from earth to heaven. When they 
came to rescue the house, the fire appeared not, but they said that the girl was full of 
the grace of the Holy Spirit. 

12 1 2. One day the wizard was sitting with his handmaid in a certain plac'e, and 
the cowdung which lay before the girl they beheld ablaze. When they stretched 
their hands out to it, the fire appeared not. 

1215. Once upon a time when the wizard was sleeping, he saw three clerics in 
shining garments, who poured oil on the girl's head * ; and they completed the order 

1 Unction of the head seems to have been part of the baptismal rite, as well as of the rite of 

BRIG I I 1 . 1 85 

of baptism in the usual manner. Those were three angels. Said the third angel to 
the wizard, that the name of the girl was Sancta Brigida, that is, Saint Brigit. The 
wizard arose and related what he had beheld. 

1220. One day the infant's voice was heard crying, and this she said : 'Meum 
erit hocl that is, this will be mine. When the wizard heard that, he said, ' What the 
girl declares will be fulfilled,' that is, the land will be mine afterwards, and this hath 
been fulfilled. When the indwellers of that land heard this they ordered the wizard 
out of the country, so he went to his own patrimony. 

1225. Now this holy virgin Brigit was reared on food different from that of 
children of her own age, for she was more . . . than every infant. She would 
not consume unclean food. She rejected the wizard's food, and used to throw it up". 
The wizard meditated why the girl was thus. It appeared to him that it was 
because of the corruption and impurity of his food. Then he entrusted a red-eared 
cow to give milk separately to Brigit, and he let a faithful woman milk her. The 
holy girl used to consume that (milk), and did not throw it up. 

1 23 1. Then this holy virgin was reared till she was a handmaid. And everything 
to which her hand was set used to increase. She tended the sheep, she satisfied the 
birds, she fed the poor. When boldness, and strength and size came to Brigit, she 
desired to go and visit her fatherland. The wizard sent messages to Dubthach, that he 
should come to meet his daughter. The messengers go to Dubthach, and relate the- 
maiden's miracles and marvels. Dubthach came, and was joyous. The wizard made 
him welcome, and gave his daughter to him free. Then Dubthach and Brigit go to 
their country in the province of Offaly. And her nurse was along with Brigit, and 
illness seized her nurse as she was wending her way. So Brigit and another girl 
were sent to ask a drink of ale for her from a certain man named Baethchu, who 
was making a mighty feast. He refused Brigit. Then Brigit went to a certain well, 
and filled her vessel thereat, and blessed (the water), so that it turned into the taste 
of ale, and she gave it to her nurse, who straightway became whole. As to the feast 
at which she was refused, when they go to drink it, not a drop thereof was found. 

1244. Once when Dubthach went on a journey, he left his daughter with his 
swine. And two robbers came to her, and carried off two boars of the herd. When 
they had gone a little while after that Dubthach met them. He took the swine from 
them, and then he came to Brigit. ' Do the swine remain, my girl ? ' saith Dubthach. 
' Count them thou,' saith Brigit. Dubthach counted the swine, and not one of them 
was lacking. 

1250. Not long after that came a noble guest to Dubthach's house, and hospi- 
tality was shewn to them \ and five pieces of bacon were given to Brigit to be boiled. 

1 To the guest and his retinae. 


And a miserable hungry hound came into the house to Brigit. Brigit out of pity gave 
him the fifth piece of bacon. The hound was not satisfied with that. So Brigit 
gave him another piece. She thought that the guest was asleep, but this was not so. 
Then came Dubthach and said to Brigit : * Hast thou boiled the bacon ? and do the 
portions remain?' 'Count them,' saith she. Dubthach counted them. Not one of 
them was wanting. The guest, told Dubthach what Brigit had done. The guests 
did not consume that food, for they were unworthy thereof; but it was dealt out to the 
poor and needy. 

1260. Once upon a time a certain faithful woman invited Brigit to go with her 
into Moy Liffey; for a gathering of the synod of Leinster was held there. It was 
manifested to Bishop Ibhair, who was in the assembly, that Mary the Virgin was 
coming into the assembly. The woman goes on the morrow, Brigit being alone with 
her, unto the assembly. Then said Bishop Ibhair : ' This is the Mary whom I beheld;' 
and the whole host blessed Saint Brigit. Wherefore Brigit is henceforth (called) ' the 
Mary of the Gael.' 

1266. Afterwards Brigit went to visit her mother who was in bondage. Thus 
was her mother, in sickness before her, and she was at a mountain-dairy having 
twelve cows with her, and she collecting butter. Now the virgin served humbly after 
her mother, and began setting the dairy to rights. The churning that was made was 
divided into twelve portions in honour of the Lord's twelve apostles. And the 
thirteenth portion was set so that in honour of Christ it was greater than every 
(other) portion, and it was given to the poor and to the guests. For she used to say 
that Christ was in the person of every faithful guest. That seemed a marvel to the 
neatherd, and he went to converse with the wizard. The wizard and his wife asked : 
'Hath the virgin cared well for the dairy?' Then he came to the kine. 'It is well,' 
saith the neatherd, c I am thankful anyhow, and the calves are fat.' For he did not 
dare to blame Brigit in her absence. The wizard and his consort went to the dairy, 
having with them a great hamper eighteen hands high to be filled with butter. Brigit 
made them welcome, and washed their feet, and gave them food. Then said the 
wizard's consort to Brigit : ' We have come hither to know whether that which hath 
been entrusted to thee hath profited. Of butter, what hast thou ?' None in readiness 
had she save the making of one churning and a half. Then Brigit went into the 
kitchen, and this she said : 

'Oh, my Prince, 
Who canst do all these things, 
Bless, O God, a cry unforbidden, 
My kitchen with thy right hand! 

'My kitchen, 
The kitchen of the white God, 


A kitchen which my King hath blessed, 
A kitchen that hath batter. 

'Mary's Son, my Friend, cometh 
To bless my kitchen. 
The Prince 1 of the world to the border, 
May we have abundance with him!* 

1296. And she brought the half making of her churning from the back of the 
kitchen. The wizard's wife mocked thereat and said : t This quantity of butter is 
good to fill a large hamper!' 'Fill your hamper/ saith Brigit, 'and God will put 
somewhat therein/ She still kept going into her kitchen, and bringing half a making 
every time thereout, and singing a stave of those staves as she went back. If the 
hampers which the men of Munster possessed had been given to her, she would 
have filled them all. The wizard and his wife marvelled at the miracle which they 
beheld. Then said the wizard to Brigit: ' This butter and the kine which thou hast 
milked, I offer to thee ; and thou shalt not be serving me, but serve the Lord.' Said 
Brigit : ' Take thou the kine, and give me my mother's freedom.' Said the wizard : 
' Behold thy mother free for thee, and the kine ; and whatsoever thou shalt say, that 
will I do.'. 

1306. Then Brigit dealt out the kine to the poor and the needy; and the 
wizard was baptized, and he was full of faith ; and he remained till his death in 
Brigit's company. 

1308. Thereafter Brigit went with her mother to her father's house. Of her 
father's wealth and food and property, whatsoever her hands would find or would 
get, she used to give to the poor and needy of the Lord. Wherefore her father was 
displeased with her and desired to sell the holy Brigit. He and his daughter along 
with him went in a chariot, and he said : ' Not for honour or for reverence to thee art 
thou carried in the chariot ; but to take thee to sell thee, that thou mayst grind at the 
quern of Dunlaing, son of Enna, king of Leinster.' When they came to the king's 
fortress Dubthach went into the fortress to the king, and left his sword near Brigit in 
the chariot. And a leper came to Brigit, and besought Brigit in God's name to 
bestow something upon him. Brigit hands him down her father's sword, Saith 
Dubthach to the king after he had come inside : ' Wilt thou buy my daughter from 
me?' 'Wherefore sellest thou thine own daughter?' saith Dunlaing. 'Not hard to 
say/ saith Dubthach : < because she is selling my wealth, and bestowing it on wretched 
worthless men/ ' Let her be brought to us that we may see her/ saith Dunlaing. 
Dubthach goes for her. When he came he was looking at the chariot and he saw 
not his sword. He asked Brigit what she had done with his sword. 'I gave it/ 

* Flaithe, a mistake imfiaitk. 

B b a 


saith Brigit, 'to a poor man who came to beg of me.' Dubthach was mightily 
enraged with her for having given the sword away. When Brigit came before the 
king, he said : ' Why dost thou steal thy father's property and wealth, and, what is 
worse, why hast thou given the sword away?' Then said Brigit : ' The Virgin's Son 
knoweth, if I had thy power, with all thy wealth, and with all thy Leinster, I would 
give them all to the Lord of the Elements.' Said the king to Dubthach : ' It is not 
meet for us to deal with this maiden, for her merit before God is higher than ours.' 
Thus then was Brigit saved from bondage. 

1332. Not long thereafter came a certain man of good kin unto Dubthach to 
ask for his daughter (in marriage). Dubthach and his sons were willing, but Brigit 
refused. A brother of her brethren said to her : ' Idle is the pure eye in thy head, not 
to be on a bolster beside a husband.' Saith Brigit : ' The Son of the Virgin knoweth, 
it is not lively for us if it bring harm upon us.' Then she put her finger under the 
eye and plucked it out of her head, so that it lay on her cheek. When Dubthach and 
her brethren beheld that, they promised that she should never be told to go to 
a husband save the husband whom she should like. Then Brigit put her palm to 
her eye, and it was healed at once. 

1341, Brigit and certain virgins along with her went to take the veil from Bishop 
Me*l in Telcha Mide. Blithe was he to see them. For humility Brigit .stayed so that 
she might be the last to whom a veil should be given. A fiery pillar rose from her 
head to the roof-ridge of the church. Then said Bishop Mel : ' Come, O holy Brigit, 
that a veil may be sained on thy head before the other virgins.' It came to pass 
then, through the grace of the Holy Ghost, that the form of ordaining a Bishop was 
read out over Brigit. Mac-caille said, that a bishop's order should not be conferred 
on a woman. Said Bishop Mel : ' No power have I in this matter, That dignity 
hath been given by God unto Brigit, beyond every (other) woman.' Wherefore the 
men of Ireland from that time to this give episcopal honour to Brigit's successor. 

On the eighth (of the month) Brigit was born, on a Thursday especially : on the 
eighteenth she took the veil : in the eighty-eighth (year of her age) she went to 
heaven. With eight virgins 1 was Brigit consecrated, according to the number of the 
eight beatitudes of the Gospel 2 which she fulfilled, and of them it was the beatitude of 
mercy that Brigit chose. 

1355. Once when the hightide of Easter drew nigh, she desired through charity 
tp brew ale for the many churches that were around her. And there was a scarcity 
of corn at that time in Meath, and Brigit had only one sieve of malt. Brigit's house- 
hold, moreover, had no vessels save two troughs. They put the malt into one of the 

1 The text of the Book of Lismore (in ochtmad in octavo) is here corrupt. 
* Matth. v. 3-1 1. - 



two troughs. They fill the other vessel with the ale. Then the ale was distributed 
by Brigit to seventeen churches of Fir Tulach, so that the produce of one measure of 
malt supplied them through Bridget's grace from Maundy Thursday to Low Sunday. 

1363. Once there came a certain leper unto Brigit to ask for a cow. Said 
Brigit to him, ' Which seemeth best to thee, to take away a cow or to be healed of the 
leprosy?' The leper said that he would rather be healed of the leprosy than be. 
given the kingdom of the world. Brigit made prayer to God and healed the leper, 
and he afterwards served Brigit. 

1368. A certain nun of Brigit's household fell into sore disease and desired 
milk. There did not happen to be a cow in the church at that time, so a vessel 
was filled with water for Brigit, and she blessed it, and it was turned into milk. She 
gave it to the nun who at once became quite well. 

1372. Now when the fame and renown of Brigit had gone throughout Ireland, 
there came to Brigit two blind men of the Britons and a leper to be healed. Said 
Brigit : ' Stay outside at present till the celebration be over.' [Said the Britons], for 
they are impatient : ' Thou healedst folk of thine own kin yesterday, and thou hast 
not waited to heal us to-day.' Brigit made prayer, and the three of them were healed 
at once. 

1377. When the hightide of Easter was fulfilled, Brigit asked of her maidens 
whether they still had the leavings of the Easter ale. Quoth the maidens : ' God will 
give/ say they. Then came in two maidens having a pail full of water. ' The 
Virgin's Son knoweth,' saith Brigit, ' that there is good ale there.' It seemed to her 
that it was ale. As she said that (the water) was straightway changed into choice ale. 
It was afterwards given to Bishop. Mel, and also to the virgins. 

1383. At the same time came a disease of the eyes to Brigit, and her head seemed 
exceeding weary. When Bishop Mel heard of that he said : ' Let us go together to seek 
a physician, that thou mayest have thy head cured.' Said Brigit : ' If thou hadst not 
been disobedient, I should not have desired any bodily physician; howbeit we will do 
what thou shalt say.' As they were faring forth, Brigit fell out of her chariot and her 
head came against a stone, and she was greatly wounded and the blood gushed 
out. Then with that blood were healed two dumb women who were lying on the 
road. After that, the leech whom they were seeking chanced to meet them. When he 
saw the wound he said : ' Thou shouldst not seek any other physician from this time 
forward, save the Physician who healed thee on this occasion ; for though all the 
doctors of Ireland should be doctoring thee, they could do nothing better.' So 
in that wise Brigit was healed. 

1394. Once the king of Teffia came into their neighbourhood for a banquet. 
There was a covered vessel in the king's hand. A certain incautious man took it out 


of his hand, and it fell and fragments were made thereof. The man was seized by the 
king of Teffia. Bishop Me*l went to ask for him, and nought was got from the king 
save his death. So Bishop Mel begged for the broken vessel, and took it with him to 
Brigit. Then Brigit put her breath round it, and it was renewed in a form that was 
better than before. Then it was taken back to the king, and the captive was released. 
And Bishop Me"! said, ' Not for me hath God wrought this miracle, but for Brigit/ 

1402. Once upon a time Brigit went to the house of another virgin, even Brigit 
daughter of Conaille. The water that was put over Brigit's feet after she had 
arrived, healed a certain virgin who was lying sick in the house. Now when Brigit 
with' her virgins went to eat their dinner, she began to look for a long while at the 
table. The other Brigit asked, 'What perceivest thou ? ' Said Brigit, 'I see the 
Devil on the table/ ' I should like to see him,' said the other virgin. * Make Christ's 
Cross on thy face, and on thy eyes,' saith Brigit. The virgin made it, and she beheld 
the Satan beside the table, his head down and his feet up, his smoke and his flame 
out of his gullet, and out of his nose. Said Brigit : ' Give answer to us, O Devil 1 ' 

' I cannot, O Nun,' saith the Demon, * refuse to answer thee, for thou art a 
keeper of God's commandments, and thou art merciful to the poor and to the 
Lord's household/ 

* Tell us then/ saith Brigit : ' why hast thou come to us among our nuns ? ' 
' There is a certain pious virgin here,' saith the Devil, ' and in her companionship 
am I, enjoining upon her sloth and negligence/ 

Brigit said to that virgin : ' Put the Cross of Christ over thy face, and over thine 
eyes/ She put it at once ; the virgin beheld the hideous monster. Great fear seized 
the virgin when she beheld the demon. Said Brigit : ' Why dost thou shun the foster- 
ling whom thou hast been tending for so long a time?' The virgin then made 
repentance and was healed of the demon. 

1424. A certain woman brought unto Brigit a hamper full of apples. Then 
lepers came to Brigit begging for apples. Said Brigit : ' Give the apples to them/ 
When the woman heard that, she took back her hamper of apples, and said: * To thee 
thyself I brought the apples, and not to lepers/ It was an annoyance to Brigit that 
her alms should be forbidden, and she cursed the trees from which it had been 
brought. When 'the woman went home, she found not a single apple in her barn, 
although it had been full when she left, and (the trees) were barren thenceforward. . 
1431. Once upon a time Brigit went to Teffia with great hosts accompanying 
her; and there were two lepers behind her between whom a dispute arose. When 
one of the lepers desired to smite the other, his hand withered and the hand of the 
other of them shrank. Then they repented, and Brigit healed them of their leprosy. 
1435. Brigit went to a certain church in the land of Teffia to celebrate Easter. 


The prioress of the church said to her maidens that on Maunday Thursday one of 
them should minister unto the old men and to the weak and feeble persons who were 
biding in the church. Not one of them was found for the ministering. Said Brigit : 
* I to-day will minister unto them.' (There were) four of the sick persons who were 
biding in the church, even a consumptive man, and a lunatic, and a blind man, and 
a leper. And Brigit did service to these four, and they were healed from every disease 
that lay upon them. 

1442. Once upon a time Brigit went into a certain house a-guesting. It came to 
pass that all the household went forth except one little consumptive lad, and ,he was 
dumb, and Brigit knew not that he was so. Then came guests unto Brigit into the 
house to beg for food. Brigit asked of yon dumb lad, where was the key of the 
kitchen. Said the lad: 'I know the place in which it is.' Said Brigit: 'Go and 
fetch, it to me.' He rose at once and attended on the guests. 

1449. Then came to pass an assembly of the men of Ireland in Teltown, a 
stead wherein were Patrick and the synod of Ireland along with him. Brigit and 
Bishop Mel went to the meeting, and they found a difficult case before them in the 
meeting, to wit, a certain woman brought forth a child there, and said that the child 
was by Bishop Br6n, one of Patrick's household. Bishop Br6n denied that the child 
was by him. That question was brought to Brigit to be resolved. Brigit asked the 
woman by whom she had conceived the child, and told her not to utter falsehood. 
Said the woman : ' It is by Bishop Br6n.' Tumour and swelling filled her tongue in 
her head, so that she was unable to speak. Brigit made the sign of the Cross over 
the infant's mouth, and asked: 'Who is thy father?' The infant answered: 'A 
wretched, miserable man who is in the outskirts of the assembly, that is my father.' 
Thus Bishop Br6n was saved by Brigit's favour. 

1460. Then came a man for Brigit that she might go to consecrate a new house 
which had been built for him. When he had prepared food for Brigit, Brigit said to 
her maidens : ' It is not lawful for us to eat the food of this heathen man, for God has 
revealed to me that he has never been baptized.' When the goodman heard that, 
grief of heart seized him, and Bishop Br6n baptized him. Thereafter Patrick ordered 
Brigit and his successor that they should never be without an ordained person in 
their company : therefore Nat-fraich took priest's orders. 

1467. At the same time a man from the south of Bregia bore his mother on his 
back to Brigit to be healed, for she was consumptive ; and he put her from his back 
on Brigit's shadow, and when the shadow touched her, she was whole at once. 

1470. At another time they saw Patrick coming to them. Said Lassair to 
Brigit : ' What shall we do for the multitude that has come to us ?' ' What food have 
ye ? ' asked Brigit. ' There is nought/ saith Lassair, ' save one sheep, and twelve loaves, 


and a little milk.' Said Brigit: 'That is good: the preaching of God's word will be 
made unto us and we shall be satisfied thereby.' When Patrick had finished the 
preaching, the food was brought to Brigit that she might divide it. And she blessed 
it ; and the two peoples of God, even Brigit's congregation and Patrick's congregation, 
were satisfied ; and their leavings were much more than the material that had been 
there at first. 

1478. There was a certain man biding in Lassair's church, and his wife was 
leaving him and would not take bit nor sleep along with him; so he came to 
Brigit to ask for a spell to make his wife love him. Brigit blessed water for him and 
said : ' Put that water over the house, and over the food, and over the drink of your- 
selves, and over the bed in the wife's absence.' When he had done thus, the wife 
gave exceeding great love to him, so that she could not keep apart from him, even on 
one side of the house ; but she was always at one of his hands. He went one day on 
a journey and left the wife asleep. When the woman awoke she rose up lightly and 
went after the husband, and saw him afar from her, with an arm of the sea between 
them. She cried out to her husband and said that she would go into the sea unless 
he came to her. 

1488. A certain woman of Hiii Meic iJais came unto Brigit to beg ; and before 
that she had always been in poverty. So Brigit gave her girdle to her, and Brigit 
said that it would heal whatsoever disease or illness to which it was applied. And it 
was so done, and thus the woman used to make her livelihood thenceforward. 

1492. Once on a certain hightide friends came to Brigit, having with them an 
offering, and they had left their house behind them without care-takers. Thereafter 
came robbers, and carried off the oxen that were biding in the house. The river 
Liffey rose against them, so they put their garments on the horns of the oxen, and the 
oxen with the garments turned back thence to the place in which Brigit was biding. 

1497. Once upon a time Brigit went into Magh Lemna to converse with Patrick. 
He was preaching the Gospel there. Then Brigit fell asleep at the preaching. Said 
Patrick : ' Why hast thou fallen asleep ? ' Brigit prostrated herself thrice and answered : 
' It was a vision I beheld/ saith she. 

1501. 'Declare the vision,' saith Patrick. 'I beheld,' saith Brigit, 'four ploughs 
in the south-east, which ploughed the whole island ; and before the sowing was 
finished, the harvest was ripened, and clear well-springs and shining streams came 
out of the furrows. White garments were on the sowers and ploughmen. I beheld 
four other ploughs in the north, which ploughed the island athwart, and turned the 
harvest again, and the oats which they had sown grew up at once, and was ripe, and 
black streams came out of the furrows, and there were black garments on the sowers 
and on the ploughmen.' . . . 


1509. 'That is not difficult/ saith Patrick. 'Thefirstfourploughswhichthoubeheld- 
est, those are I and thou, who sow the four books of the Gospel with a sowing of faith, and 
belief, and piety. The harvest which thou beheldest are they who come unto that faith 
and belief through our teaching. The four ploughs which thou beheldest in the north 
are the false teachers and the liars who will overturn the teaching which we are sowing.' 

1514. Once when Brigit was in Armagh two persons passed her, bearing a tub 
of water. They went to be blessed by Brigit. The tub fell behind them and went 
round and round from the door of the stronghold to Loch Laphain. But it was not 
broken, and not a drop fell out. It was manifest to every one that Brigit's blessing 
was upon them. Thereafter Patrick said : ' Deal ye of the water to Armagh and to 
Airthir.' And every disease and every ailment that was in the land were healed. 

1520. Brigit went into the district of Fir Rois to release a captive who was in 
the district. Said Brigit: 'Lettest thou yon captive out for me?' The king replied : 
' Though thou shouldst give me the whole realm of Fir Breg, I would not give thee 
the prisoner. But lest thou shouldst go with a refusal, for one night thou shalt have the 
right to guard his soul for him.' Brigit appeared to the captive at the close of day, 
and said to him : ' When the chain shall be opened for thee, repeat this hymn \Nunc 
populus,] and flee to thy right hand.' It is done thus; the captive flees at Brigit's word. 

1527. Once Brigit went over Sliab Fuait. There was a madman biding on the 
mountain who used to harry the congregations. When the nuns beheld him, fear 
and great dread seized them. Said Brigit to the madman : ' Since I have come to thee 
here, preach thou God's word unto us.' 

' I cannot,' saith he, ' avoid ministering unto thee, for thou art merciful unto the 
Lord's household, both the miserable and the poor.' 

1533. Then said the madman: 'Love the Lord, O Nun! and every one will 
love thee. Revere the Lord and every one will revere thee. Pray unto the Lord, and 
every one will pray unto thee.' 

1536. Once her father entreated holy Brigit to go to the king of Leinster, even 
to Ailill, son of Dunlang, to ask for the transfer of the ownership of the sword which 
he had given to him (for a time) on another occasion. Brigit went at her father's 
commands. A slave of the king came to converse with Brigit, and said : ' If I should 
be saved from the bondage wherein I abide with the king, I should become a Chris- 
tian, and I should serve thee and the Lord.' Brigit went into the fortress and begged 
two boons of the king, to wit, transfer of the ownership of the sword to Dubthach 
and freedom to the slave. 

1543- 'Why should I give that to thee?' saith the king. 

' Excellent children will be given to thee,' saith Brigit, ' and kingship to thy sons, 
and heaven to thyself.' 

C c 



Said the king, ' The kingdom of heaven, as I see it not, I ask it not. Kingship 
for my sons, moreover, I ask not, for I myself am still alive, and let each one work in 
his time. Give me, however, length of life in my realm and victoriousness in battle 
over Conn's Half 1 ; for there is often warfare between us/ 

1550. ' It shall be given,' saith Brigit. And this was fulfilled; for through Brigit's 
blessing thirty battles were broken before Ailill in Ireland and nine in Scotland. The 
Hui Ndill invaded Leinster after his death. The Leinstermen carried his body to the 
battle, and their foes were at once routed before them. 

1554. Brigit was once with her sheep on the Curragh, and she saw running 
past her a son of reading 2 ; to wit, Nindid the scholar was he. ' What makes thee 
unsedate, O son of reading?' saith Brigit, 'and what seekest thou in that wise?' 

' O nun,' saith the scholar, ' I am going to heaven.' 

' The Virgin's Son knoweth,' saith Brigit, ' happy is he that goes the journey, 
and for God's sake, make prayer with me, that it may be easy for me to go.' 

' O . nun,' saith the scholar, ' I have no leisure ; for the gates of heaven are 
open now, and I fear they may be shut against me. Or if thou art hindering me, pray 
the Lord that it may be easy for me to go to heaven, and I will pray the Lord - 
for thee, that it may be easy for thee, and that thou mayest bring many thousands 
with thee unto heaven.' 

1 566. Brigit recited a paternoster with him. And he was" pious thenceforward, and 
he it is that gave her communion and sacrifice when she was dying. Wherefore thence 
it came to pass that the comradeship of the world's sons of reading is with Brigit, and 
the Lord gives them, through Brigit's prayer, every perfect good that they ask. 

1570. Brigit went to Bishop Mel, that he might come and mark out her city 
for her. When they came thereafter to the place in which Kildare stands to-day, 
that was the time that Ailill, son of Dunlang, chanced to be coming, with a hundred 
horseloads of peeled rods, over the midst of Kildare. Then maidens came from 
Brigit to ask for some of the rods, and refusal was given to them. The horses, 
were (straightway) struck down under their horseloads to the ground. Then stakes 
'and wattles were taken from them, and they arose not until Ailill had offered the 
hundred horseloads to Brigit. And therewith was built Saint Brigit's great house in 
Kildare, and it is Ailill that fed the wrights and paid them their wages. (So) Brigit 
left (as a blessing) that the kingship of Leinster should be till doomsday from Ailill, 
son of- Dunlang. -tf - *f? 

1579. Once upon a time two lepers came to Brigit to ask an alms. There was 
nothing in the convent except a single cow. Brigit bestowed that cow on the lepers 
(jointly). One of the two lepers gave thanks to the Lord, but the other leper was 
1 The northern half of Ireland. 2 i. e. a student. 


ungrateful, for he was haughty. 'I alone/ saith he, 'have been set at nought as 
regards a cow. Till to-day I have never been counted among Culdees and the 
poor and feeble, and I should not be in partnership as regards this cow.' Said 
Brigit to the humble leper : ' Stay here, till somewhat be found for thee, and let yon 
haughty leper go off with his cow.' Then came a man to Brigit having a cow for 
her, and she gave it to the humble leper. Now when the haughty leper went on 
his way, he was unable to drive his cow alone; so he came back to Brigit and 
to his comrade, and kept reviling and blaming Brigit. ' It was not for God's 
sake,' saith he, 'that thou madest thy offering; but it is because of (our) impor- 
tunity and oppressiveness that thou gavest it to me.' Thereafter the two lepers 
go to the Barrow. The river rose against them. Through Brigit's blessing the 
humble leper escapes with his cow. The haughty leper falls with his cow prone 
against the river and was drowned. 

1595. Once upon a time the queen of Crimthan, son of Enna Cennselach, 
king of Leinster, came with a silver chain as an offering to Brigit. The semblance 
of a human shape was on one of the ends thereof, and an apple of silver at the other 
end. Brigit gave it to the virgins. The virgins stored it up without her knowledge, 
for greatly used Brigit to take her wealth and give it to the poor. A leper came 
to Brigit, and Brigit gave him the chain without the nuns' knowledge. When the 
virgins knew this they said with anger and bitterness : ' Little good have we,' say 
they, ' from thy compassion to everyone, and we ourselves in need of food and 
raiment!' 'Ye are sinning (?),' saith Brigit: 'Go ye into the church in the place 
where I make prayer, and there ye will find your chain.' They went at Brigit's 
word. Though it had been given to a poor man, the nuns found the chain. 

1606. Once upon a time the king of Leinster came to Brigit to listen to the 
preaching and celebration on Easter Day. After the celebration was ended, the 
king fared forth on his way. When Brigit went to eat her forenoon meal, Lomman, 
Brigit's leper, declared that he would eat nothing until there was given to him the 
king of Leinster's armour, both spears and shield and sword, with his ... under 
them. Brigit sent a messenger after the king. From midday till evening the king 
was a-straying, and they did not attain one thousand paces: so he took the armour 
from him and bestowed it upon the leper. 

1614. Once upon a time Brigit beheld a certain man passing her with salt 
on his back. 'What is on thy back?' saith Brigit. 'Stones,' saith the man. 
'They shall be stones then,' saith Brigit. Straightway stones were made of the 
salt. The same man came again past Brigit. ' What is on thy back ? ' saith Brigit. 
'Salt/ saith he. 'It shall be salt then/ saith Brigit. Salt was at once made of 
the stones through Brigit's word. 

CC 2 


1620. Once upon a time two lepers came to Brigit to be healed of the leprosy. 
Brigit bade one of the two lepers to wash the other. He did so. 'Do thou,' saith 
Brigit to the other leper, 'tend and wash thy comrade even as he hath ministered 
unto thee.' 'Save the time that we have seen,' saith he, 'we will not see one an- 
other. What, O nun, dost thou deem it just that I, a healthy man, with my fresh 
limbs and my fresh raiment, should wash that loathsome leper there, with his livid 
limbs falling from him ? A custom like that is not fit for me.' So Brigit herself washed 
the lowly miserable leper. Said the haughty leper who had first been cleansed from 
the leprosy : ' Meseems,' saith he, ' that sparks of fire are breaking through my skin.' 
He was filled with leprosy from his crown to his sole, because of his disobedience. 

1630. Once upon a time when Brigit was going to the bishop to receive the 
Sacrament, a he-goat's head seemed to her to be in the mass-chalice. Brigit refused 
the chalice. ' Wherefore dost thou refuse it ? ' saith the ecclesiastic. ' A hergoat's 
head is revealed to me therein,' saith Brigit. The bishop called the lad who 
had brought the credence-table, and bade him make his confession. 'I went/ 
said the gillie, ' into the house wherein goats are kept, and I took a fat goat thence, 
and I ate up my fill of him.' The lad did penance, and repented. Thereafter 
Brigit went to communion and saw not the semblance. 

1637. Once upon a time guests came to Brigit: noble and pious were they, 
even the seven bishops who are on the hill in the east of Leinster. Then 
Brigit ordered a certain man of her household to go to the sea and catch fish 
for the guests. The man goes, taking with him his harpoon ; and a seal chanced 
to come to him. He thrusts the seal-spear into it, and ties the string of the spear 
to his hand. The seal drags with him the man over the sea unto the shore of 
the sea of Britain, and, after breaking the string, leaves him there on a rock. Then 
the seal was put back with his spear in it, and the sea cast it on the shore that was 
near to Brigit. Howbeit the fishers of Britain gave a boat to Brigit's fisherman, 
when he had told his tales to them. Then he crossed the sea and found his seal 
here on the shore of the sea of Leinster, and took it with him to Brigit's guests. 
In the morning he went over sea, and passed again over the sea of Britain to Brigit 
at midday. The guests and the rest of the host magnified God's name and Brigit's 
through that miracle and through that prodigy. 

1651. Once upon a time a certain nun of Brigit's community conceived 
a longing for salt. Brigit prayed, and the stones were turned into salt, and the 
nun was cured. 

1653. Once upon a time a churl of Brigit's household was cutting firewood. 
It happened to him that he killed a pet fox belonging to the king of Leinster. The 
churl was seized by the king. Brigit ordered the (wild) fox to come out of the 


wood ; so he came and was at his feats and playing for them and for the king by 
Brigit's orders. When the fox had done his deeds, he went safe through the wood, 
with the host of Leinster, both foot and horse and hounds, pursuing him. 

1659. Once upon a time bishops came to Brigit and she had nothing' to give 
them, the cows having been milked twice. The cows came a third time to the 
place, and the milk they had then was greater than every other milking. 

1662. Once upon a time Brigit had a band of reapers reaping. A rain-storm 
pours on the whole plain of Liffey, but not a drop fell on her field. 

1664. Now (this) was (another) of her miracles. She blessed the blind table-faced 
man, and gave his eyes to him. 

1665. Once upon a time Brigit went to the widow, who killed the calf of her (only) 
cow for Brigit, and burnt the beam of her loom thereunder. God so wrought for 
Brigit that the beam was whole on the morrow, and the cow was licking her calf. 

1668. Once Brigit and Bishop Eire were in Leinster. Said Brigit to Bishop 
Eire : 'There is battling among thy people, and to-day they contend.' Said a clerical 
student to Bishop Eire's household : ' We do not think it likely/ saith he, ' that that is 
true.' Brigit sained the eyes of the clerical student. Thereafter he said : 'I perceive,' 
saith he, ' my brethren slaying them now.' And he made great repentance. 

1673. Once Brigit was herding sheep. A robber came to her and took seven 
wethers from her. Howbeit the herd was counted, and through Brigit's prayer, 
the wethers were found complete. 

1676. Once a certain man of Brigit's household made mead for the King of 
Leinster. When they came to drink it not a drop was found, for it had been consumed 
before Brigit. Brigit arose to save the wretched man, and she blessed the vessels, 
and the mead was found in fulness, and that was a wonderful miracle. 

1680. Once upon a time the seven bishops came out of Hili Briuin Cualann 
from Telach na n-Espac, and they found Brigit in a place on the northern side of 
Kildare. Brigit asked her cook, even Blathnait, whether she had any food. She 
said she had none. Brigit was ashamed not to have food for the holy men, and she 
besought the Lord fervently. So the angels told her to milk the cows for the third 
time (that day). Brigit herself milked the cows, and they filled the tubs with the milk, 
and they would have filled even all the vessels of Leinster. And the milk overflowed 
the vessels, and made a lake thereof, whence Loch in Ais, that is the ' Lake of Milk' 
to-day. God's name and Brigit's were magnified thereby. 

1689. For everything that Brigit would ask of the Lord was granted her at once. 
For this was her desire : to satisfy the poor, to expel every hardship, to spare every 
miserable man. Now there never hath been anyone more bashful, or more modest, 
or more gentle, or more humble, or sager, or more harmonious than Brigit. She 


never washed her hands or her feet, or her head among men. She never looked at the 
face of a man. She never would speak without blushing. She was abstinent, she was 
innocent, she was prayerful, she was patient: she was glad in God's commandments: 
she was firm, she was humble, she was forgiving, she was loving : she was a consecrated 
casket for keeping Christ's Body and his Blood : she'was a temple of God. Her heart 
and her mind were a throne of rest for the Holy Ghost. She was simple (towards 
God): she was compassionate towards the wretched : she was splendid in miracles and 
marvels : wherefore her name among created things is Dove among birds, Vine among 
trees, Sun among stars. This is the father of that holy virgin, the Heavenly Father : 
this is her son, Jesus Christ : this is her fosterer, the Holy Ghost : wherefore this holy 
virgin performs the great marvels and the innumerable miracles. 

1 703. It is she that helpeth every one who is in a strait and in danger : it is 
she that abateth the pestilences : it is she that quelleth the anger and the storm of the 
sea. She is the prophetess of Christ : she is the Queen of the South : she is the Mary 
of the Gael. 

1706. It is Colomb Cille that made this hymn for Brigit, and in the time of Aed, 
son of Ainmire, he made it. And this was the cause of making it. A great storm 
came to Colomb Cille when he went over sea, and he chanced to be in Corryvreckan, 
and he entreated Brigit that a calm might come to him, and said, Brigit M lithmaith. 

1709. Or it is Brocan Cloen that made it, and it was made at the same time as 
Ni char Brigit buadach lith. 

1711. Or it is three of Brigit's household that made it when they went to 
Rome, and reached Placentia. And a man of the people of the city came to them 
outside and asked them whether they needed guesting. They said that they did. Then 
he brought them with him to his house, and they met a student who had come from 
Rome, and who asked them, whence they had come, and why they had come. They said 
that it was for guesting. 'That is a pity/ said he, 'for this man's custom is to kill his 
guests ; ' and they asked that through the student's teaching. So poison was given to 
them in ale ; and they praised Brigit that she might save them, and they sang Brigit 
bt bithmaith, etc. They drank the ale with the poison, and it did them no harm. 
So the man of the house came to see whether the poison had killed them. And he 
beheld them alive, and he beheld a comely maiden amongst them. Thereafter he 
came into the house, and was seeking the maiden, and found her not, and he asked 
them : ' Why has the maiden gone ? ' And they said that they had not seen her at all. 
So a chain was put upon them that they might be killed on the morrow unless they 
would disclose the maiden. So the same student came to them on the morrow to 


visit them, et inuenit eos in m'ncutis, et interrogauit eos quomodo euaserunt et cur 
ligati sunt. 

1 7 2 8. Or it may be Brenainn that made this hymn. Now Brenainn came to Brigit 
to know why the monster in the sea had given honour to Brigit beyond the other 
saints. So when Brenainn reached Brigit, he asked her to confess in what wise she 
had the love of God. Said Brigit: Make thou, O cleric, thy confession first, and I 
will make mine thereafter/ Said Brenainn : ' From the day I entered devotion, I never 
went over seven furrows without my mind being on God.' ' Good is the confession/ 
said Brigit. ' Do thou now, O nun/ saith Brenainn, ' make thy confession/ ' The 
Son of the Virgin knoweth/ saith Brigit, ' from the hour I set my mind on God, I 
never took it from Him/ ' It seems to us, nun/ saith Brenainn, ' that the monsters 
are right, though they give honour to thee beyond us/ 

1738. Or it is Ultan of Ard Brecain that made this hymn for praise of Brigit. 
For he was of the Dal Conchubair, and so it was with Brigit's mother, even Broicsech, 
daughter of Dallbronach. In the time of the two sons of Aed Slaine itself was made. 
For it is they that slew Suibne, son of Colman the Great, on one hand of Ultan. (In 
Ard Brecain moreover) it was made : 

'Brigit, excellent woman, a flame 1 golden, delightful, 
May (she), the sun dazzling, splendid, guide us to the eternal Kingdom! 
May Brigit save us beyond throngs of demons 1 
May she break before us (the) battles of every disease ! . . 

'May she destroy within us our flesh's taxes, 
The branch with blossoms, the .mother of Jesus ! 
The true virgin, dear, with vast dignity; 
May I be safe always, with my saint of Leinster! 

' One of the columns of (the) kingdom with Patrick the pre-eminent, 
The vesture over liga, the Queen of Queens! 
Let our bodies after old age be in sackcloth : 
With her grace may Brigit ram on us, free us!' 

1755. Many miracles and marvels in that wise the Lord wrought for Brigit. 
So many are they that no one could declare them, unless her own soul or an angel 
of. God should come to declare them. Howbeit this is enough as a sample of them. 

1759. Now when it came to the ending days for Brigit, after founding and helping 
cells and churches and altars in abundance, after 2 miracles and marvels whose number 
is as the sand of sea, or stars of heaven, after charity and mercy, then came Nindid 
Pure-hand from Rome of Latium. The reason why he was called Nindid Pure-hand 

1 The Book of Lismore has here bntth (mass). All the other MSS. have breo (flame). 
3 For the i bhfertwbh ^ i mirhiilibh read tar bhfertuibh T iar mirbuilibh. 


was that he never put his hand to his side, when Brigit repeated a paternoster with 
him. And he gave communion and sacrifice to Brigit, who sent her spirit to heaven. 
Her relics are on earth with honour and dignity and primacy, with miracles and 
marvels. Her soul is like a sun in the heavenly Kingdom among the choir of angels 
and archangels. And though great be her honour here at present, greater by far will 
it be, when she shall arise like a shining lamp in completeness of body and soul at 
the great assembly of Doomsday, in union with cherubim and seraphim, in union with 
the Son of Mary the Virgin, in the union that is nobler than every union, in the union 
of the Holy Trinity, Father, Son, and Holy Ghost. 

1772. I beseech the mercy of High, Almighty God, through holy Brigit's 
intercession, may we all deserve that unity, may we attain it, may we dwell thereia 
in saecula I 


1775. MIRABILIS Deus in Sanctis SMS, et caelera. The Holy Spirit who 
excels every spirit, the spirit that bettered each of the Churches, that is of the old 
Law and of the New Testament, with grace of wisdom and prophecy, it is He that 
spake these words out of the mouth of the royal prophet David, son of Jesse, of the 
praise and of the magnifying that there is unto God, through his saints and through 
his righteous ones, as he saith, Mirdbilis Deus in sanctis. 

1781. One, then, of the saints and of the righteous through whom came the 
praise and the magnifying of the Lord before men, by reason of the miracles and the 
marvels which God wrought for him on earth, was the holy, noble, venerable saint 
for whom there is a festival and commemoration on the occurrence of this time and 
season, even Sanctus Senanus Episcopus. 

1786. Now the Christians celebrate the festival and high-tide of the decease of 
this holy Sen&n, on the eighth of the calends of March as regards the day of the solar 
month, which is to-day as regards the day of the week in the present year wherein 
we are. Those who know (then) declare somewhat of the origin and birth of the holy 
Senan, from prayer and from teaching of the grace of the chief prophet and the 
archbishop of the island of Ireland, that is Saint Patrick, Senan's birth and of the 
miracles and of the marvels which God wrought for him, to wit : 

1792. Sendn, son of Gerrgenn, son of Cobthach, son of Bole, son of Dec 
(Dece?), son of Imchath, son of Coirpre, son of Rodonn, son of Lugaid, son of 
Ailill, son of Eochaid, son of Oengus, son of Fiachra Find, son of Coirpre Fair-palm, 
son of Conaire, son of Mugh Lama, son of Lugaid Allaid, son of Coirpre Crook-head, 
son of Dire Great-fist, son of Coirpre Finnmar, son of Conaire, son of Etersce*!, son 
of Eogan. Coimgell *, then, daughter of Ernach son of Golbine, of the Alltraige, was 
Senan's mother. Now the chief prophet and the chief apostle whom God sent to 
preach to the men of Ireland, even Saint Patrick, prophesied Senan's birth. For 
when Patrick was preaching to the Hui-Figeinti and baptizing them in Domnach 
M6r of Cine*l Dfue, the Corco-Baiscinn came with their king, even Bole, son of Dec 
(Dece ?) in a great sea-fleet over Luimnech from the north unto Patrick, and they 

1 Ercanus et Coemgella are the names of Senan's parents, according to the poetical Life. Colgan, 
p. 602 (recte 512). 



besought Patrick to preach to them on that day and to baptize them at once. 
Patrick told them to wait till the morning, for on that day he was weary. Said the 
Corco-Baiscinn to Patrick : ' We cannot, for our district is empty after us without 
warriors protecting it, and our fleet has no one to guard it, and we must needs hasten 
back to our district.' Thereafter Patrick went in his chariot, so that every one might 
see him, and that they might hear from him his voice and the preaching of God's word 
by him. And then they believed in God and in Patrick. So Patrick repeats the order 
of Baptism to them on the river, which was anear them, and all the hosts are baptized 
therein. And they gave great alms to Patrick. Patrick blesses them, and said that 
there would always be abundance of treasures and wealth in the district of Baiscenn. 
The Corco-Baiscinn entreated Patrick to go with them to bless their district and to 
baptize their women, and their children and their slaves, whom they had left behind. 
Patrick said to them : ' I have no leisure to go with you, and to move my household 
over this river yonder.' The Corco-Baiscinn said : ' We have/ say they, ' a great 
fleet to carry thee over the sea ; and we will take thee over it, with all thy servants dry- 
footed, and we will bring thee back again.' Patrick again refused to go with them, 
and said : ' I cannot/ saith he, ' leave the district in which I am, until the consecration 
and blessing of them all shall end.' And Patrick gave a blessing to the Corco- 
Baiscinn, and left upon them excellence of shipping. So of that Patrick sang 
this stave : 

'I will not go 

To Corco-Baiscinn, no falsehood, 

Though there be no sword on their left side, 

Nothing more will be taken from them.' 

1826. Patrick said to the Corco-Baiscinn: 'Is there a place anear us, whence 
your district will be clear to me, so that I myself may descry it from my seat, and 
may bless it from that spot?' 'There is forsooth/ say they, ' the hill there/ that is 
Findine. Patrick then went with them to the top of Findine, and said to them : * Is 
this your district to the north of Luimnech, as far as the ocean in the west ? ' 'It is/ 
say they. ' Doth [your territory]/ saith Patrick, ' reach the mountain there in the 
north ? ' even Sliab Ellbe, in the district of Corcomruad in Ninnus. ' It reacheth 
not/ say they. ' It shall reach before the Judgment/ saith Patrick. ' Doth your territory 
reach that mountain there in the east ? ' that is, Echtge in the territory of Hiii Desa. 
' It reacheth not/ say they. ' It shall reach after a long while/ saith Patrick. Then 
Patrick blessed Corco-Baiscinn, and said to them : ' Ye need me not to go with 
you into your country, for ye have a child in a woman's womb, and unto him your 
country hath been given by God. After him shall ye be, and him shall ye serve, and 
. . . this race of the Hui Figennte. It is he that will be a Patrick to you, and great will 


be the honour of the child that will be born to you. Happy he who shall be in his 
keeping-I And the island there in the west, in front of the sea/ that is Inis Cathaigh, 
'is there any dwelling in it ? ' saith Patrick. ' There is none/ say they, 'for there is a 
terrible monster therein named Cathach, who doth not allow it to be inhabited/ 
! Marvellous/ saith Patrick, ' is the diadem of dignity, and the precious stone, and the 
venerable servant specially lovable to God and to men, even the child that will be 
born with you. For it is for his sake that the soil of yon island is preserved in 
virginity, for it is there that his resurrection will be, and the resurrection of a great 
host of saints, along with him.' Then said Patrick, prophesying Sendn's birth : 

'A manchild will be born in the west, 
In the island over the ocean. 
The Corco-Baiscinn will be under his hand, 
Men and children and women. 

'He will be splendid, noble, digpified, 
With God and with men. 
Happy the folk and the church 
That will be under that child's protection.' 

1855. 'Renowned and revered will that child be/ saith Patrick; 'for he will 
bring to them peace with abundance of every good thing, and banishment of every 
unlawful disease, if they do the will of that child, even Saint Sendn, with tithes, and 
first-fruits and alms to God and to Sendn. But woe to his monks who shall not do 
that child's will, for God will then inflict heavy vengeances upon them, so that there 
shall be ruin on then* men and on their cattle. And corn and milk and every 
produce shall then be taken away from them, so that they shall abide in famine and 
ruin, and every one will sell his son and his daughter in far-off territories that they 
may be fed, unless they are obedient to Senan. Wise and dignified will their children 
be in the present world if they are obedient to him.' 

1864. When Patrick had uttered these words, foretelling Sendn's birth, and when 
he had blessed the district of Corco-Baiscinn, he sent an archpresbyter and a deacon 
of the Romans, who were along with him Maculatus and Latius were their names 
along with the Corco-Baiscinn, to baptize them. And on the night that they 
(Maculatus and Latius) came to Patrick, that is the time that they preached the 
faith and belief of Christ, and celebrated baptism and communion in the district 
of Corco-Baiscinn. Then did those saints choose a church for them(selves), 
and a place for their resurrection, beside the harbour of Inis-Cathaig northwards 
overagainst the Graveyard of God's Angel. For they knew that in the Graveyard 
of the Angel, in Inis-Cathaig, Sendn's resurrection would take place, and they desired 
that their resurrection should be near Senan's resurrection, so that they might go 
along with Sendn to the great assembly of Doom. 

Dd z 


1875. It was not long afterwards when there was a great gathering of the Corco - 
Baiscinn in one place. So a married couple came to the assembly. As they 
reached the assembly the wizard who was at the meeting arose before them. When 
every one saw that, the whole assembly rose up before them, for great was the honour 
that they had for the wizard at that time. Then the assembly laughed at the wizard, 
and said to him, ' It seems to us good I ' say they. ' Gergenn, the peasant, and his 
wife have come to thee, for whom thou makest thy uprising.' Said the wizard, * It is 
not to a peasant that I make uprising, but it is to the child that is in the womb 
of the, woman there, for the Corco-Baiscinn will all arise before him. Him will they 
serve, it is he who will be their prince for ever.' 

1884. Now when the time came for the birth of that child, even Sendn, his 
mother tarries alone in her garden, in autumn \ An angel of God came to help her, 
so that the bringing forth of her son should not be difficult; and the angel blessed 
the child that was there born. The stake of rowan that was in her hand when she 
was bringing forth her son took the earth, and burst at once into flower and leaf; 
and still that tree remains. 

1890. Not long after the birth of this boy, his mother went for water having the 
child in her bosom. Then the mother tarried, stripping the blackberries from the 
brake that was near the well, for Sen&n was born at the beginning of autumn. So 
the aforesaid child said to his mother out of her bosom : ' Stay from that, O mother, 
for that is refection before the proper hour/ 

1895. At Magh Lacha, then, at first were the dwelling and farm of Sendn's 
parents before Senan was born. They had another farm at Tracht Termainn. Now 
there is a long space between these two farms; so when Sendn's parents desired to 
make a removal, Sen&n would go a day or two days before them to make a house 
and sheds and farmyard and every needment besides, which they required to be ready 
before them. Now Senan used to do this for love of helping every one who needed it, 
and he used to have a new house ready for his family. 

1903. Once upon a time his mother was angry with him about that matter, and 
she said this to him : l O son of clan and kindred/ saith she, ' thy profit to us is 
small.' 'O mother,' saith he, 'be at rest, and thou shalt have what is needful.' 
'That will arise to us/ saith the mother. ' Verily it will arise/ saith Sendn. When 
they were saying these words, they beheld coming towards them in the air the sheds 
and the farmyards, the ties and all the needments which they required, and which 
they had left in the place from whence they came. And these things were laid 
down before them in the place in which it seemed right to them to settle. So God's 
name and Senan's were magnified by that miracle. 

1 'Tempore authumnali/ Colgan, 613 (recte 53). 


1911. Once, then, the Corco-Baiscinn went on a hosting into Corcomruad in 
Ninnus. Now the violent force of the prince takes Senan into that territory. When 
the hosts reached the territory of Corcomruad, they begin ravaging the territory. 
But this is what Senan did. He enters a barn of corn that was near him, and there 
he sleeps while the hosts were ravaging the country.' The hosts turned to their own 
country after Corcomruad had been ravaged by them. Sendn is left in the barn 
asleep where he was. So when every one in the district came after the host (had 
gone back) to their own country, the barn in which Sendn lay seemed thus, as 
a tower of fire flaming. When that was seen, a great multitude came to rescue him. 
When they came near to the barn in which Sendn lay, they perceived that he was 
safe from the fire. Some of them went into the barn and beheld the youth asleep. 
Some of them proceeded to slay him at once. ' Stay,' saith the good man in the 
barn ; ' mayhap it is a friend or kinsman of ours that is there and it is he that has 
saved the barn.' They asked whence he was? Senan said that he was one of the 

* . -' j^7- 

host which had ravaged that country, and that he had neitfier friend nor kinsman 
in the country. So when they perceived that he was a man with the grace of Gdd, 
they protected him and dismissed him from out of the district all uijburt. 

1^6. He went to a certain house of a worthy man in & territory of the tribes, 
to ask for a drink, for he was weary and thirsty with travelling after the host. Now 
a feast was ready in that-hOuse for the king of the territory. Sendn was refused, and 
he went out of the house without food or drink. Straightway then came the Tung to 
the place to consume the banquet after Senan had departed. Now when he was told 
that the food and the ale were set forth, thus was it found : with the water foul and the 
food putrid. The host marvelled at that deed. Said the king : ' Did any one go from 
you after being refused food or ale ? ' ' No one has gone/ say they, f except one lad 
of the folk of the plundering party, who came here to ask for a drink, and none was 
given him.' Said the king : ' Let some one go after that man, for he is one with grace 
of God.' They went after Senan, and he was brought to the house, and he blessed 
the food and the ale, and their proper flavour went to them; and all who saw that 
miracle marvelled. 

1940. On another day Senan went with his father's oxen out of Irrus in the 
west to bring them eastward to Magh Lacha; and he saw the sea full in before him. 
Now night was then near, so he went to Dun Mechair (Mechar's fortress), which 
was at hand, to ask for a guest-house. Now Mechar was not hi his fort on that 
night, and in his absence his household refused Sendn. So Sendn went back to the 
sea to await the ebb, and there was no other house near him to which he might then 
go. As his oxen went before him, on the shoFe of the sea, he saw the sea-strand 
before him. Then he drives his oxen over the strand. Then as Senan lifted his feet 


up over high-water-mark on the land, he heard the wave behind him striking against 
his heels. His mind changes then, and this he said, ' Sufficient for me is the length 
of time that I have been at this layman's work.' Then he breaks the spear that was 
hi his hand, and makes a cross thereof, and sets it into the ground, and thrice he 
prostrates himself by it to God. Then a troop came, and that night destroyed 
Mechar's fortress, and they slew his son, and his wife was carried off in the 
plunder. And the fortress has not been inhabited from that to this, and this will 
never be done. 

1954. So Senin went and left his oxen with his father, and goes afterwards and 
receives tonsure from Cassidan who had a church in the district of Irras. Of the 
Ciarraige Cuirchi was this Cassidan. Then Sendn reads his psalms and his 
ecclesiastical discipline with Cassidan. 

1958. Then to read Sendn went to Nota"!, to Cell Manach Droichit in the 
district of Ossory. Now this was the rule at the school. Each man of the school 
used to go, on the day that it would fall to him, to herd the calves of the church. 
Now on the day that it was Senan's turn to go and herd the calves, when he was 
driving his calves before him on this side, the cows would come after them, and 
when he was driving the cows on the other side, the calves would come after them. 
This is the plan that Sendn carried out against this. He made the mark of his staff 
between the cows and the calves and over the field in which they were, and neither 
of them ventured to go to the other across that mark ; and in that wise Senan acted 
every day that it fell to him to herd the calves. Then Senan used to go and do his 
reading until the hour came for driving the cows to their milking-yard. 

1968. When Senan heard the saying of Christ to his apostles, 'Sz quis inter uos 
uutt maior fieri, sit uester minister (et seruus 1 ),' he took in hand to visit the mill. -Now 
that year was a year of dearth and great famine, and there were two robbers in the 
district attacking every one. On a certain night they said : ' What do ye to-night to 
seek something for us ? ' ' We will go,' saith one of them, ' to the mill of Cell 
Manach; for there is (only) one man there every night grinding corn, and we will 
slay that man, and bring the corn (home), to us/ Then they went till they were before 
the mill. They look through the hole of the door, and they saw two in the mill, 
one of the twain areading and the other attending to 2 the mill. Then they said to 
one another : ' What shall we do ? Shall we attack the men ? ' ' We will not attack 
them,' say they ; ' for the man who is grinding is the owner of the corn which he 
grinds, and they have not the same household ; and he will go to his house as soon 
as his grinding comes to an end ; and we will go after him, and slay him, and carry 

1 Matth. xx. 26. 

a ' Alterum curam molae agentem/ Colgan, 614 (recte 532). 


off his corn and his raiment, and then we will go to the miller and slay him, and carry 
off his corn from him.' Then they stayed until the grinding ended, and the youth 
who had been grinding the corn in the mill ceased. Then Sendn closed his book 
and slept. Howbeit his companion was without sleep. The robbers stay before the 
mill till morning. Now when the morning came Sendn opens the mill. The robbers 
come straightway to him into the mill and say to him : ' Who was with thee whilst 
thou wast reading and sleeping?' ' Marvel not,' saith Sendn, ' though it were He of 
whom it was said, Non dormitdbii neque dormiet qui custodit Israel*! ' Who is He ? ' 
say they. c He is at hand,' saith Sendn, ' ut dicitur : Praesto est Dominus omnibus 
inuocantibus se V Howbeit the robbers made repentance, and went into union with 
Notdl, and afterwards continued in his company so long as they remained alive. 
And it is they themselves that told that story. 

1994. On a certain night Sendn went to the cook to ask a candle (which he 
needed) for grinding the corn. ' I have no dipped candles with me,' saith the cook, 
' save one candle ; and take it with thee just now, and candles will be given to thee, 
provided they are dipped.' Sendn went forth to his mill having his single candle. 
Then the mind of the cook reflected (?) that his week was complete. Then said the 
cook : ' It seems strange to us that the miller does not come to ask for candles, and 
he agrinding every night.' So he went at nightfall to find out how Sendn used to 
grind every night. And he looks through the hole of the door, and he saw the 
candlestick by Senan, and the mill grinding alone, and him adoing his reading. 
Then the cook went thence to his house. He came again on the morrow at nocturn 
to know how things were going on in the mill, and he saw the same candle on its 
candlestick just as it had been at nightfall. Then the cook went that time also to 
his house, and came again and saw likewise. With that the grinding ended, and 
the miller departs alone, and the candle is given to the cook. Howbeit it seemed 
certain to the cook that the very candle which had been given by him remained with 
Sendn after being consumed on every night to a week's end, and it was not diminished. 
Then the cook goes and tells that to Notdl. 'A son of grace unto God,' saith 
Notdl, ' is the man of whom those tidings are told. He will constrain a household 
unto God. Many miracles and marvels will God perform for him. It is proper to 
be cautious about him, for woe will be to him who shall act against his will, and 
happy is he who shall be obedient to him ! ' 

2013. Sendn went one day with his tutor Notdl on a journey to Cell M6r Arad 

Tire. When they reached the door of the church they saw a great multitude wailing 

and sorrowing ; for the only son of the chief of the territory had died and the chief was 

carrying him to his grave. When they saw the clerics coming to them, they stopped 

1 Ps. cxx. 4. 8 Ps. cxliv.iS. 


to meet them, and the woman said to them: 'For the sake of the Lord whom "76 
adore, O clerics, bring me my dead son to life I ' ' Alas for thee, what thou sayest, 
O lady,' saith Notdl : ' God, and not man, hath power to do that deed/ ' For 
sake of lovingness and mercy,' saith the lady, ' entreat that Lord for me to bring me 
my only son to life ! ' And the boy was then carried into Notdl's presence. Do 
not bring the boy hither/ saith Notdl, 'but take him to Sendn/ 'O Sir/ saith 
Sendn, 'what thou sayest is not meet 1 .' 'Verily it is meet/ saith Notdl; 'for 
unto thee God hath granted to bring the boy to life; and take the boy under 
thy protection, for this is permitted unto thee/ Sendn durst not resist Notdl his 
tutor. So he takes the boy under his protection, and clasps him 'to his heart, and 
makes for him fervent prayers together with tears. It was not long after that they 
heard the boy talking under Sendn's keeping, and Sendn gave the child alive to 
Notdl. Notdl gave him into his mother's hand. God's name, and NotdTs and 
Sendn's were magnified by this miracle. Then the clerics went to their own church, 
when they had completed the work for which they had come. 

2031. So Sendn's fame spread abroad throughout the territories on every 
side, because of the greatness of the miracles and the marvels which God was 
working for him. The tribes and the kindreds used to come from every point unto 
him. Some of them with alms and offerings, others to seek alms, others to seek 
their cure from diseases, some to obtain his spiritual direction, some to bring about 
union with him and to ask him to take up a place before them. When Notdl 
perceived that he said to Sendn : ' My dear brother, it is time for thee to go and 
take up a place before the people which is choosing thee/ Then said Sendn to 
Notdl : ' O father Notdl ! what thou sayest is not right ; for that is not what I have 
intended, but to be in monkdom with thee continually/ Said Notdl : ' Not so shall 
it be ; but go thou and take up a place before the people which are awaiting (?) thee/ 
' O chosen father/ saith Sendn, ' whither shall I go, and in what stead shall I take my 
place ? ' Said Notdl : ' My dear son, He who is choosing thee, even God, will manifest 
to thee the place which thou shalt take/ 

2044. Thereafter Sendn went on his way, by -the counsel of his tutor, even 
Notdl ; and Notdl gave him his blessing, and Sendn sets up hi Inniscorthy beside the 
Slaney in the province of Htii Censelaig. Then he and Maedh6c of Ferns make 
a union. Maedh6c bequeaths his place and his crozier after him to Sendn, and 
Sendn takes the abbacy of Ferns after Maedh6c. 

2049. Sendn goes from his abbacy to Rome. Then he goes from Rome to 
Tours, to commune with Martin. Then was Martin writing a gospel before him. 
So Sendn said: *I should deem it wonderful if yonder hands which I see writing 
1 'S. Senanusallegata sua indignitate, ait se non audereDominum tentare,' Colgan, 614 (recte 532). 


would give me the Sacrifice on the day of my decease.' ' They shall indeed,' saith 
Martin ; and then they, even Sendn and Martin, make their union, and Martin gives 
to Sendn, in token of their union, the gospel which he wrote before him. This is 
to-day [called] Sendn's Gospel. 

2056. Thereafter Senan went towards Ireland, and he came to Cell Muine unto 
David. Then David and Sendn made their union, and David gave his crozier to 
Sendn in token of their union. 

2059. Thereafter Senan went to sea towards Ireland, and he took up (his abode) 
in the island of Ard Nemidh in the district of Hiii Liathain. And there he remains 
for the space of forty days and nights, until God manifested to him the place of his 
resurrection. Then Raphael the archangel came to converse with Senan, and said to 
him : ' Viriliter ageet confortetur cor tuum 1 , quia adte Domimis tantam familiam congre- 
gabit. Go then and take a place from the great folk which there is awaiting thee/ 
' Question, then,' saith Sendn, ' on what side shall I go, and in what place will be my 
resurrection ? ' { This hath not come to thee as yet,' saith the angel : ' so great is 
the multitude of the folk that has been gathered unto thee that they will not fit with 
thee in one place ; wherefore thou shalt first establish many monasteries, and then 
thou shalt reach the place wherein thy resurrection will be/ 

2068. Senan left a portion of his household there, and went according to the 
angel's command till he came to Inis Cara beside Lua; and there he founded a 
church unto God. 

2069. Then came a ship's crew from the lands of Latium on a pilgrimage into 
Ireland. Five decades 2 were their number, all of perfect folk. So each decade of them 
chose its favourite of the saints of Ireland; and they cast themselves on his favour 
before they would come out of their own country, and they cast on him the safe- 
guarding of their way and of their journey until they should reach Ireland, that is, a 
day with a night to every band with the saint whose favour it should choose to pilot 
their voyage until each should come to the saint he had chosen. These are the 
saints whom they chose, namely Findia, and Senan, and Brenainn, and Ciaran, and 
Bairre. Now the day that it happened to Senan's household to safeguard the voyage, 
the pilot said : ' Whose is this day ? ' ' The day of Senan's household,' say they. 
' Let help come quickly from them, if they have any one who can help us, for the 
wind hath come bitterly against us.' One of them, a humble bishop, rose up at once ; 
and there happened to be in his hand the bone of the thigh, for it was the hour at 
which they were dining. And (with the bone) he blessed the air and said : ' O Senan, 
let help come quickly, and let the wind become favourable ! ' When bishop Mula had 
spoken these words, the wind came aft into the sail, and they had a fair breeze till 

1 Ps. xxx. 25. 2 I read, with the Brussels MS., coicc deithneabhair, 

E e 


they made land at Cofk. His household remained with Bairre. The rest went to 
Sendn to Inis Cara, and they had a welcome; and with him stayed his own 
household, even bishop lohann and bishop Mula with their decade. And from him 
their respective households go to Findia, and Ciardn, and Brenainn. 

2087. Then messengers came from the king of Raithlenn, even from Lugaid 
the Breasted, to demand taxes from Sendn. Sendn said to the messengers, that he 
would not be under tribute to an earthly king. That answer was displeasing to 
Lugaid, and he said to his people : ' Take ye my racehorse to the cleric, and let it be 
fed on corn with him.' Thereafter the horse was brought to Senan and he was put 
into the pool of the refectory to be washed, and the horse was immediately drowned 
in the pool, so that nothing save its leg (cara) was seen above the pool. Wherefore 
thence the place is called Inis Cara l , for Tuaim n-Aba had been its name until then. 
2094. When Lugaid was told that his horse had been drowned, he went with 
anger and fierceness to Senan and threatens him greatly. Senan grew angry with 
Lugaid, and said that the kingship over Hiii Echach would never be inherited from 
him ; and he said, moreover, to Lugaid that he (Senan)- would deprive him of heaven 
and earth unless he should give him his desire. Now Lugaid had two foster-sons, 
namely Aed and Loeghaire. And they said to him : ' Give the cleric his full desire.' 
Then Lugaid gave them and Sen&n their full desire. And Senan leaves dignity 
continually on Lugaid's children. Then Aed and Loegaire gave Senan his full desire, 
and Senan left them the kingdom of Hiii Echach with them continually without 
quarrelling, so long as they should do Senan's will. Wherefore of that the poet with 
God's grace, even Colmdn, son of Lenin, sang the lay : 
2104 Senan fasted south in the island of Ard Nemid: 

Though not equally good with just devotion, it was an enduring battle. 

He tarried there forty days with God's truth 2 

Until Raphael the angel came, as they declare*. 

Raphael the angel said to him\. f . 

That he should go happy utterance to Tuaim Abac. . 

He founded an altar after this on that mound, 

With God's word he tarried a space in that Rome. 

It was said to him by fierce Lugaid festival with good hold 

' Rent with value, without any bad part, belonged to the king of Raithliu.' 

Said Senan to the messengers a mighty utterance 

That he would not be under tribute nor service to an earthly king. 

Lugaid's messengers went (back) to him with the answer; 

He said to them without any reply (to Senan), just his ... 

A wonderful horse had Lugaid, man with swiftness, 

A more beautiful horse than his was not found ... in Ireland. 
1 ' Quod enim Latinis armus dicitur, hoc Hibernis cara nuncupatur,' Colg. 533. 
2 la fir Fiadhat, B. _ 3 atfiadhat B. 


2 1 20 'Take my horse to the cleric' . . . which he spake 

Through a boastful word 'that it be fed by him on corn 1 .' 

Up to that, this had been its name, Titaim no. hAbha : 

Wherefore afterwards it is Inis Cara. 

The king of Raithliu went from the sonth to them haughty onrush 

In front of every one till he was with hostful Senan. 

This did Lugaid the Breasted say as to the cleric, 

With fierce utterance, that he should be cast into . . . water. 

Because of what Senan had said to him vast satisfaction 

'This is not the way: not from thee shall an earthly kingdom be inherited.' 

2130 Not from thee shall a prosperous kingdom be inherited raiding onrush 
Through a saint's curse, thou shalt not be everlasting 2 over Hiii Echach. 
Unless thou do my will' deed with pure goodness 
A saying which he uttered 'I will snatch 3 from thee heaven and earth.' 
' Not good is what thou dost, O Lugaid ! ' deed with liberal valour 
'Noble . . . Senan, giveihim his desire,' say his fosterlings: 
'Give his full desire to the cleric, as is very lawful, 
Without affliction of speech, that it may be a tale to the world's end.' 
Because of their speaking Lugaid gave Senan his desire ; 
True dignity a . . .' country was given to Lugaid's children. 
When they did Senan's full will, . . . satisfaction, 
The twain together, Aed and radiant Loiguire, 

2142 When they did Senan's full will ... of offering, 

He gave them, with peace and goodly children, the realm of Raithliu. 
Said the word of the apostle who ennobles labours, 
That a realm not rude should be unto Aed and heroic Loiguire. 
When he had routed the Devil in battle no wrong follows 
Many benevolences were bestowed on him by fosterlings of fasting 4 . 

2148. After that Senan left eight of his household in Inis Cara with Cilh'n and 
with Feichfn. A son was he of the king of Muskerry, and a pupil of Senan's. 
Thereafter Senan went by God's order, and set up in Inis Luinge, and founded a 
church therein. Then came the holy virgins to him, even the daughters of Brenainn 
king of Hiii Figeinte, and offered themselves to God and to Sendn. That was the 
first-fruits of the Eoganacht Gabra to Senan. Then Senan leaves that church with them. 

2155. Thence Senan went to Inis M6r in Irrus Desceirt The wind bears 
them past it so that they set up in Inis Tuaiscirt. So herein Sendn stayed and founded 
a church to God in it, and he left in it a portion of his household. 

2158. Thereafter Sendn went and set up in Inis M6r, and therein he founded 

1 Here a verse, describing the drowning of the horse, seems lost. 2 For suthach B has suthain. 

3 gltad=getat B, is the 1st sing, redupl. fut. act. oigataim. 

* Much of this 'historia metrice conscripta' is as unintelligible to me as it seems to have been to 
Colgan. The chevilles are more than usually obscure. I had better, perhaps, have followed Colgan's 
example and left it wholly untranslated. 

E e * 


a church. To a well whence water was wont to be drawn by them, a woman of 
the folk of the island went to wash her son's clothes. So bishop S&na saw that and 
said: 'Evil is yon deed.' 'What is that deed?' saith Libern, son of DalL 'A 
woman washing her son's clothes in the well out of which the water of Mass is 
brought to us V ' Her son/ saith Libern, ' hath gone from her over the edge of 
Ireland.' At that time the child was playing on the edge of the cliff in his mother's 
presence. The boy fell down the cliff 2 . The woman wailed after her child. 'It is 
wicked of you to commit the manslaughter/ saith Senan. ' We admit penance upon 
us,' say they. Quoth Senan : ' Go thou, O bishop Se*tna, for thou art the cause of 
killing the boy, and take with thee Libern, and leave him on the rock, so that God 
may pass judgment upon him, and do thou take her son to the woman.' Bishop 
Se*tna went and left Libern on. his rock ; and (then) he went a-seeking the child, and 
he found him in the trough (?), in which he was, playing with the waves. For the 
waves would reach up to him, and laugh around him, and he was laughing at the 
waves, and putting his palm to the foam of the waves, and he used to lick it like the 
foam of new milk ; and the child remained there from one watch to another. Bishop 
S&na takes the child to him into the boat, and gives him to Senan, and Sendn gives 
him to his mother. Senan said to bishop S&na : ' Go and fetch Libern from the 
rock, for I see that his Judge is compassionate unto him. The sea cometh not to 
him within the length of his crozier on every side.' Then bishop Stna went and 
fetches Libern from the rock to the place where Senan was biding. 

2179. Said Libern : ' What would be better 3 for us than anything would be that 
we should be near water here/ 'It is close by/ saith Senan, 'for there is a well under 
thy feet in the place wherein thou art. Thrust thy crozier beside thy foot into the 
earth, and water will well forth to thee.' Libern thrusts his crozier beside his foot 
into the earth, and at once a well of pure water springs out of that place ; and this 
is its name, Tipra Libirn (' Libern's Well '.) 

2184. Quoth bishop Dalann : ' This land is clayey and brittle; the sea will eat it 
away and carry with it our remains. Not good is the place for our resurrection.' 
' So shall it not be/ saith Libern ; ' but when ye shall bury me, put my two soles 
towards the sea, and I shall obtain from God that the sea will not break that land 
thenceforward.' And thus was it fulfilled. 

2189. Senan leaves bishop Dalann, and bishop Sdtna, and bishop Eire, and 
Libern, the son of the Ball *, and other holy men along with them in Inis M6r. And 
Senan went and set up in Inis Caerach Ce'oil and leaves a party of his household 

1 ' Ex quo aquae ad tremenda mysteria sacrificij missae soleant desumi/ Colgan, 533. 
9 From the effects of Setna's and Libern's angry imprecations. 
* 'blind.' B omits the article before Daill. 


therein. Thence Sendn went and set up in Inis Connla 1 , in the district of HiSi S&na ; 
and there he founded a church, and left therein two of his household, even bishop 
Fiannai and bishop Findein. 

2194. Then came Raphael the Archangel to commune with Sendn, and he 
said: 'Come with me, and I will shew thee the place in which thy resurrection will 
take place ; for unto God it seems time for thee to reach it/ Then Sendn and the 
angel went till they were on Mullach Feis. Then said the angel to him: 'Behold 
the island there. Thy resurrection shall be therein, and the resurrection of a great 
host of saints along with thee. In the west of the world there is no more sacred 
island. No outrage to God hath ever been committed there. God sent an awful 
monster to keep it, so that neither sinners nor sons of cursing should dwell therein, 
but that it should remain in holiness awaiting thee. Yonder monster shall be put forth 
from the island before thee, so that dwelling along with it may not annoy thy com- 
munity. For unto God it seemeth time for thee to go and build a church in that 
island. Noble and venerable will that church be. It will be a head of devotion and 
a well of wisdom of the west of the world. It will be a protection of prayer to 
foreigners and to Gael.' Said Senan to the angel : ' What seems timely to God seems 
timely to me; for this is what I seek continually, that which is the will of God.' 
With that the angels lift him up along with the flagstone on which he was sitting, 
from Mullach Fessi, and set him down on a high hill in the middle of the island ; and 
thence is Ard na n-Aingel ('the Angels' Height'), and Lee na n-Aingel ('the Angels' 
Flagstone ') in Inis Cathaigh. They sing praise to God in that spot, even Senan and 
the angels, and then they went to seek the monster, to the place in which it abode. 

2212. When the monster heard them, it shook its head, and its hair stood up 
upon it, and its rough bristles ; and it looked at them, hatingly and wrathfully. Not 
gentle, friendly, mild, was the look that it bestowed upon them, for it marvelled that 
any one else should come to visit it in its island. So it went to them strongly and 
swiftly, insomuch that the earth trembled under its feet. Hideous, uncouth, ruth- 
less, awful, was the beast that arose there. Longer was its body than Inis na 
h-Urclaide 2 . A horse's inane had it; an eye gleaming flaming in its head, and it 
keen, savage, froward, angry, edged, crimson, bloody, cruel, bounding. Any one 
would think that its eye would go through him when it looked upon him. Two very 
hideous, very thick feet under it; behind it a mane. Nails of iron on it which used 
to strike showers of fire out of the rocks of stone wherever it .went across them. A 
fiery breath it had which burnt like embers. A belly it had like the bellows of a 
furnace. A whale's tail upon it behind. Iron, rending (?) claws upon it, which used 
to lay bare the surface of the ground on the path they came behind the monster. 

1 Connlo, B. a This seems to mean ' The isle of the great trench ' (clad). 


Equally did it traverse sea and land when it so desired. Then the sea boiled from 
the greatness of its heat and from its virulence when it entered it. No boats could 
catch it : neither from that day to this has any one escaped from it who could tell 
tidings of it. 

2228. Now, when the monster came savagely to the place where Sendn was 
biding, it opened its maw so that, as it drew nigh the cleric, its entrails were clearly 
seen over the maw. Thereat Sendn lifted up his hand and made the sign of Christ's 
Cross in its face. Then the monster was silent, and this is what. Sen&n spake to it : 
' I say unto thee,' saith he, ' in the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the 
Holy Ghost, leave this island and hurt no one in the district over which thou wilt go, 
nor in the district unto which thou wilt come.' The monster went at once at 
Sendn's word out of the island till it reached Dubloch of Sliab Collain. And it did 
no hurt to any one, till it came there, nor after arriving; for it durst not oppose 
Senan's word. 

2237. Now after that Sen&n and the angels went righthandwise round the island 
till they came again to the Height of the Angels, after they had consecrated the 
island. Senan said to the angel : ' Savage is the sea that there is around the island : 
there seemeth a troubled people therein.' c Though it be savage/ saith the angel, 
' whatever monk with humbleness of heart shall go from thee .... he will not be 
drowned until he shall come back to thee again/ * God hath granted to thee,' saith 
the angel, ' that he over whom the mould of this island shall go, shall not be after 
Judgment an inhabitant of hell.' 

2244. Then the angel uttered this stave : 

'A sea high, stormy, past its side, 

not a royal element: 
No penance but death shall he taste, 
He over whom its mould goeth.' 

2249. When those tidings were heard throughout the territories, to wit, that Sena"n 
was dwelling in Inis Cathaigh, and had expelled the monster from it, and when Mac 
Tail, king of Hui Figente, had heard that story, he was very wrathful, and this he said : 
' Who hath dared,' saith he, ' to inhabit my land without my leave ? ' He sent off his 
steward to desire Senan's brothers, even Coel and Liath, to thrust forth their brother 
from the island. They went to the island to Senn and said to him : * It is to take 
thee out of this island we have come, for the king of Hui Figente has opposed us. 
He says that this island belongs to him as well as the other islands of Luimnech.' 'It is 
certain,' saith Senan, ' that this island doth not belong to him, and that his share of 
the other islands is no greater than my share.' ' It is certain then,' say his brothers to 
him, 'that it is necessary for us to take thee out of the island.' Thereafter each of the 


twain takes his hand and dragged him with them perforce down over the rock. Then 
Coel grew angry with him, hauling him against the stones till he was all broken. 
'jWhy is this/ saith Coel to Liath, ' that thou dost not drag this man along with me ?' 
' I will not do it,' saith Liath. ' I regret what I have done to him/ ' If/ saith Coel, 
' thou shouldst go to do any other deed thou wouldst do it thus/ ' Why/ saith Coel, 
' shouldst thou prefer to forfeit thine own land than to take this lad out of the land 
which does not belong to him ?' 'It seems easier to me/ saith Liath, ' even to leave 
Ireland than to outrage this man.' 'It is not necessary/ saith Sendn (to Liath), 'for thy 
children will inhabit the land after thee. Yon man who loves the land, neither he nor 
his children after him will inhabit the land, and it is thou that shalt enjoy it/ Then 
they went away and leave Sendn in his island. As Coel reached the door of his 
dwelling in Ochtar Maige Fochaillech, he went to sudden death. When Liath saw that 
he returned to Sendn and repented. Sendn saith to Liath : ' It is no mistake which 
thou hast made in not uniting with 'Coel, for (hadst thou done so) thy life would not 
have been longer than Cod's, and thy children would have perished/ Said Liath to 
Senan : ' Shall the body of yon wretched man be brought to thee ?' ' It shall not be 
brought/ saith Senan, 'for it is not meet that the Devil should have his soul and that 
I should have his body; but let him be buried in the hill on which he fell.' So Coel 
was buried in that place, and his children after him perished, and Sendn hath 
his land. 

2277. Then his steward went to Mac Tail and tells him his tidings. Mournful 
was Mac Tail at those tidings and said : ' I am grieved that yon churl should have 
taken (my land) from me perforce/ Said his wizard to the king : ' Thou needest not 
be anxious about this, for I will take a charm to him, and he shall either die or 
leave thy land in thy possession/ Glad was the king at this answer ; and then the 
wizard went and put the king's two charioteers in order on Senan, and unyoked in 
the place that he chose in the island. Then he went to the spot where Senan was 
biding and sang incantations against him, and said : ' Leave the land with this spell/ 

Said Senan to him : 

'I will resist thy spell. 
Disgrace shall be on thee. 
Thou shalt be wretched without a noise. ... 
It is thou that shalt perish.' 

2289. 'Stronger is the spell that I have brought with me/ saith Sendn, 'and 
better is my lore.' 'It will be something if we know' [it], saith the wizard, 'for I 
will now do something that thou canst not do/ ' Thou wilt not do any good/ saith 
Sendn, ' that I shall not do, and every evil that thou shalt do, God will, by means of 
me, put away.' Thus the wizard brought darkness over the sun, so that no one in 


the island could see his comrade's face. Sendn charmed the darknesses, so that they* 
went away at once and it was bright. The wizard brought thundering and abundant 
lightnings, and great confusion into the air. Sendn charmed all that and he puts it away. 
Now when the wizard could do nothing to Sendn, he went out of the island, and said 
to Sendn : ' I shall not see thee before me here when I shall come again.' ' Whither 
goest thou?' saith Sendn. ' I go,' saith the wizard, ' to a place that thou knowest not, 
and thou shalt not know when I shall come and whence I shall go to thee again.' 'I 
know well,' saith Sendn, ' thou wilt not come again into the land out of which thou 
goest, and it will not be lucky for thee in the land unto which thou shalt betake 
thyself.' Then the wizard went away in wrath, and he conjured a mist around him, 
so that it might not be seen that he was in Dairinis, that is, an island that lay opposite 
Inis Cathaigh in the South-east. This is why he went into it, in order that he might 
get to the apex (?) of his art therein, and that he might summon demons to help 
him, for demons durst not come to help him in opposition to Sendn. Now when 
the wizard had reached the island and dwelt therein, the sea comes over it, and the 
wizard is drowned therein with his people ; so it is (called) Carrac na nDruad (the 
Rock of the Wizards) to-day. Mac Tail was told that the wizard was drowned, 
and at that he was exceeding wrathful. 

2309. Now at that time the king held a meeting at Corcomruad. He came to Inis 
Cathaigh and said to Sendn : ' Is it thou that takest my land from me, and that slewest 
my wizard ? It is certain that he and thou shall have the same burial, for a stone under 
thy neck will be cast into the depth of the sea to avenge on thee the deed thou hast 
done.' 'Thou hast not power to do so,' saith Sendn. So the king said to Senan: 
' Let not my horses be injured with thee,' ' 'Tis not I that will be thy horse-keeper,' 
saith Senan. 'It is to thee,' [saith the king,] 'that I have given my horses until I come 
again from my journey.' ' God is able/ saith Senan, ' to keep thee from coming again 
into this land, and from reaching the end of thy way.' So the earth swallows up the 
horses in the place in which they were then, in Fan na n-Ech (the Slope of the 
Horses) in the west of Inis Cathaigh. That was told to the king and his mind was not 
the better. 'Not meet for thee/ saith his son to the king, 'was what thou didst to the 
cleric ; and we know that he will take vengeance on thee for it.' ' I do not value him 
more/ saith the king, ' than a hornless swarthy sheep.' ' Though that is not mighty,' 
saith Sendn, ' God is able to cause thy death to come from it.' 

2323. Then the king went his way in wrath and pride. Now when he had got 
so far that he was going beside a cliff in the north of the district of Baiscenn, the 
hornless swarthy sheep started up under the feet of the horses that were drawing the 
chariot, and the horses made a great stumbling (?) under the chariot before the 
sheep, and the king fell out of the chariot and struck his head against a stone, and 



thereof he perished, and went in that spot through Sendn's curse, in defeat of 
martyrdom, to hell ; and his land belongs thenceforward to Sendn. 

2330. Then Donnan, son of Liath, a pupil of SenaVs, and two little boys who were 
reading along with him, went to cut seaweed for Sendn on the shore (of a rock in the 
sea). (Donnan returned to Inis Cathaigh and) the sea carries off his boat from him, 
and he had no boat for the boys, and there was no other boat in the island to succour 
the boys. So the boys were drowned on the rock. Then on the morrow their bodies 
were borne (on the tide) till they lay on the strand of the island. Then came their 
parents and stood on the strand, and asked that their children should be given to 
them alive. Said Senan to Donndn : ' Tell the boys to arise and converse with 
me/ Said Donna"n to the boys : ' Ye are permitted to arise and converse with your 
parents, for so saith Sendn to you.' They straightway arose at Senan's orders, and 
said to their parents : ' 111 have ye done unto us, bringing us out of the land which we 
had reached.' ' Why,' saith their mother to them, ' would ye rather stay in that land 
than come back to us ? ' 'Oh mother,' say they, ' though the power of the whole 
world should be given to us, and its delightfulness and joyance, we should deem it the 
same as if we were in a prison, compared with being in the life and in the land 
which we reached. Delay us not ; for it is time for us to go back to the land out of 
which we have come ; and for our sakes God will cause that ye will not suffer sorrow 
after us/ Then their parents give them their consent, and they went along with 
Senan to his convent, and the Sacrifice was given to them, and they go to heaven ; and 
their bodies are buried before the convent in which Senan abode. And those are the 
first dead folk that were buried in Inis Cathaigh. 

2350. Then Brenainn and Ciaran came to get Senan for their soul-friend 1 , for 
he was elder than they themselves, and his rank was higher, Senan (being) a bishop 
and the other two priests. Now there was no food to be seen (?) in the convent when 
they arrived. So they were for the space of three days without food, both guests and 
community, and no food came from anyone. So Nechtan Longhead, king of Hui 
Figennte, was told that Brenainn and Ciardn were in Inis Cathaigh conversing with 
Senan, and that their three days' fast without food was complete. Nechtan said to 
his steward : ' Hast thou finished preparing the feast which thou wast making for me ? ' 
' It is finished,' saith the steward. ' Take it with thee diligently to Senan and his 
guests who are without food in Inis Cathaigh/ Thus was it done, and the king 
himself came, and waited in the port of the island, for- he durst not go from the 
port without Sendn's permission. The feast was displayed to the cook, and he took 
it into the kitchen. The clerics then were summoned to the port of the island to 
converse with the king. And this he said to them : This is my desire if my wteh be 

1 Spiritual director. . 



perceived that my service be ... by Sendn.' Then Nechtdn kneels to Sendn and, in 
presence of Brenainn and Ciardn, offered himself, with his seed after him, in perpetual 
ownership for ever unto God and to Sendn. Then the clerics bestowed a blessing 
on Nechtdn and on his seed so long as they should fulfil Sendn's will. And the 
clerics, even Brenainn and Sendn, said that neither kingship nor primacy, nor good- 
ness of wealth (?) therein, would come to Nechtan's seed which should not do Sendn's 
will. Then the king went to his province and bears a blessing from the saints. So 
the clerics came to their church and blessed the banquet that had been given to them. 
Then said Brenainn : ' It is certain/ saith he, ' that God's vengeance will lie, here 
and beyond, on him who shall consume gratis the fruit of Sendn's fasting and 
prayer . . . since it hath not been permitted to me and Ciardn to consume it until we 
had first made its price by fasting and prayer.' 

2375. Thereafter came a year of great drought. His household lament to 
Sendn that they have no water. Then an angel of God came to converse with 
Sendn after that he had been praying at nocturns, and this he said : ' Greatly do 
thy household complain to thee that they are without water, go that we may see the 
place wherein there is water near them.' Sendn and the angel arose at once and 
went to the spot in which the water is to-day. The angel said to Senan : ' Dig thou 
here/ saith he. Sendn takes a stake of holly which was near him, and digs the 
earth as the angel had said to him. As Sendn dug, the angel cleansed. The angel 
said: 'Sufficient is its depth which thou diggest; there will be no want of water in this 
well so long as there shall be habitation in this church, and it will heal every illness 
which shall be brought to it.' Then Sendn sets the stake which was in his hand on 
the brink of the well, and it took the soil at once. On the morrow, as the brethren 
arose, they beheld the well full of water and the (full-grown) tree of holly on its brink. 

2388. Once upon a time Ciardn went to converse with Sendn, and lepers came 
to him on Ochtar Sceith : they made an urgent request of him, so he gave his 
chasuble to them. Then he went in his single thread till he was on the shore, to the 
north of the island. It was manifested to Sendn that Ciaran was in the harbour. 
Then a boat without a hide is brought for Ciaran, for there was no other boat on the 
island that could be brought for him. Sendn went till he was in the harbour, having 
his chasuble in his keeping, in order to give it to Ciardn lest he should be ashamed at . 
being without a chasuble. As Ciardn reached the port, Sendn said laughingly: 
' Cowlless Ciaran ! ' saith he. ' Short will be my nakedness/ saith Ciardn; ' there is a 
cowl for me in thy keeping.' Cidran takes the cowl around him, and in that wise 
they came to the church; and that is Ciardn's cowl to-day. 

2399. Brigit, daughter of Cii Cathrach, of the Hui Maic Tail, a Virginal holy 
maiden, set up in a church on Cluain Infide, on the brink of the Shannon. She had 


a chasuble as alms for Senan, and she had no messenger, so she made a little basket 
of rods of holly, and she put moss to it, and placed the chasuble in it, and put 
her ... to ask for the Sacrifice, and then she set the basket on the Shannon, and said 
(to the river) : ' Thou hast leave to bear that with thee to Inis Cathaig.' On the day, 
then, that the chasuble came to Inis Cathaig, Senan said to his deacon : ' If thou 
findest aught on the strand, thou hast leave to bring it hither.' The deacon went 
and found the basket on the strand, and carries it to Senan. Sen&n takes out the 
chasuble and puts it upon him. Thereafter two stones of salt are put into the same 
basket, and the box containing the Sacrifice is (also) put in, and the basket is set 
upon the same water, and Sendn said to it : ' Thou hast leave to carry this to Cluain 
Infide and display the box and the one piece of salt to Brigit, and thou take the other 
piece of salt to Inis Clothrann to Diarmait.' When the basket reached Cluain Infide, 
Brigit went to it and takes thereout the box and one of the two pieces of salt. The 
stream of the Shannon then swept away the basket (containing the other piece of 
salt) and left it in Inis Clothrann with Diarmait. So after that Brigit and Diarmait 
gave thanks to God and to Senan. 

2416. Canair the Pious, a holy maiden of the Benntraige of the south of 
Ireland, set up a hermitage in her own territory. There one night, after nocturns, she 
was praying, when all the churches of Ireland appeared to her. And it seemed that 
a tower of fire rose up to heaven from each of the churches ; but the greatest of the 
towers, and the straightest towards heaven, was that which rose from Inis Cathaig. 
' Fair is yon cell/ she saith. ' Thither will I go, that my resurrection may be near 
it.' Straightway on she went, without guidance save the tower of fire which she 
beheld ablaze without ceasing day and night before her, till she came thither. Now, 
when she had reached the shore of Luimnech, she crossed the sea with dry feet as if 
she were on smooth land, till she came to Inis Cathaig. Now Senan knew that 
thing, and he went to the harbour to meet her, and he gave her welcome. 
2426. 'Yea, I have come,' saith Canair. 

' Go,' saith Senan, ' to thy sister who dwells in yon island in the east, that thou 
mayest have guesting therein.' 

* Not for that have we come,' saith Canair, 'but that I may have guesting with thee 
in this island.' 

' Women enter not this island,' saith Sena"n. 

' How canst thou say that ? ' saith Canair. ' Christ is no worse than thou. Christ 
came to redeem women no less than to redeem men. No less did He suffer for the 
sake of women than for the sake of men. Women have given service and tendance 
unto Christ and His Apostles. No less than men do women enter the heavenly king- 
dom. Why, then, shouldst thou not take women to thee in thine island ? ' 

F f 2, 


1 Thou art stubborn,' saith Sendn. 

' What then,' saith Canair, ' shall I get what I ask for, a place for my side in this 
isle and the Sacrament from thee to me ? ' 

'A place of resurrection/ saith Senan, ' will be given thee here on the brink of the 
wave, but I fear that the sea will carry off thy remains.' 

'God will grant me,' saith Canair, 'that the spot wherein I shall lie will not be the 
first that the sea will bear away.' 

: ' Thou hast leave then/ saith Sendn, ' to come on shore.' For thus had she been 
while they were in converse, standing up on the wave, with her staff under her bosom, , 
as if she were on land. Then Canair came on shore, and the Sacrament was 
administered to her, and she straightway went to heaven. 

2447. God granted unto Canair that whoso visits her church before going on 
the sea shall not be drowned between going and returning. 

2450. Overmany, now, to reckon and set forth are the miracles and marvels 
which God wrought for Sendn. For there is none who could declare them all, unless 
an angel of God should come to declare them. Howbeit this little of them is enough 
for an example, even his inner life, his constant use * of every day, his humility, his 
gentleness, his clemency, his patience, his mildness, his charity, his mercifulness, his 
lovingness, his fasting, his abstinence, his prayer, his continual watching, his mind 
constantly in contemplation of God. There is none who could set him forth save one 
from God. 

2457. Now the virtues of Senan were many. He is the glassy well whereby all 
the folks which God entrusted to him are washed by the purity of his teaching. He 
moreover is the heavenly cloud whereby the earth of the Church and the souls of the 
righteous are illumined by the rain of his teaching with the holding fast of virtues. 
He, moreover, is the golden lamp which was lit by the Holy Ghost, by reason of 
whom the darkness of sins and transgressions flee from the house of the Church of 
God. He is the ever-victorious bark that beareth the hosts of the righteous over the 
storm of the world to the shore of the Heavenly Church. He is the consecrated 
emblem (?) of the Heavenly King, which maketh peace and likeness and harmony 
between Him and the sons of men. He is the mayor and steward and spencer, whom 
the Heavenly Overking sent to exact tribute of virtues and good deeds from Goedel's 
many clans. He is the precious stone whereof the heavenly palace 2 is built for the 
hosts of the earth. He is the pure vessel by which the wine of God's word is dealt 
out to the people. He is the great and happy hospitaller of goodly teaching, who 
used to satisfy the poor and naked. He is the branch of the true Vine 8 which pre- 

1 For the bhithbhucw of the MS. read bhith bhuan. . 2 rightech, B. 3 John xv. i. 


pareth life and satisfaction for the world. He is the true leech that healeth the 
ailments and diseases of the soul of every faithful man in the Christian Church. 

2472. Now when the day of the decease of that saint, even Sendn, drew nigh 
after healing blind and deaf, and halt and dumb, and every other disorder ; after 
founding cells and churches and monasteries for God, and ordaining therein bishops 
and priests and folk of every other rank, with anointing and consecrating and 
blessing of tribes, it came into Sendn's mind to go and make prayer at the relics of 
Cassidan his tutor, and his father's sister Scath the Pious, the daughter of Dubthach. 
So he went on that side, and he visited Cell Eochaille to commence with Ner's 
daughters who were dwelling there, pious, holy virgins, who had taken the veil at 
Sendn's hand, and who were under his spiritual direction. Then they entreat Sendn, 
that the body of (some) lowly monk of his community might be given to them, ' to 
be buried by us, so that his relics may be protecting us.' ' Verily/ saith Sendn, ' this 
shall be granted to you. Be in no distress as to one from whom your protection 
shall come.' 

2483. Then he bids farewell to the holy virgins, and goes and makes prayer at 
Cassidan's relics, and comes back till he reached the thorn which is in the wood to the 
west of Cell Eochaille. There he heard the voice calling to him from the heavens, and 
it said : ' Come, O holy Sendn, come thou to heaven ! ' Senan answered and said : 
' Question/ said he. He at once stopt in that place. Then God's angels uplifted 
Martin from Tours in a heavenly cloud and laid him down in the place where Senan 
was biding, and gave him communion and sacrifice. When all that God permitted 
was finished for him, the angels uplifted Martin the monk in the same cloud, and 
left him in Tours on the same day. 

2492. Then said Senan to his household: 'Let my body be here till dawn/ 
Senan sendeth his spirit to heaven among bands of angels, at the summons of the 
Trinity, at noon on the calends of March. Now Sendn's body lay there, and 
though on that night the light of the sun was absent from them, the presence of the 
angels of the Heavenly Light was not wanting to them. 

2496. So on the morrow, out of the island for Senan's body came his household, 
even Odran and Mac Inill, and bishop Ml, and bishop Mula, (and) Segda son of 
Baeth, and the other saints; and they buried Senan's body with honour and great 
reverence, and angels carried his soul to the eternal rest in the union of the holy 
Trinity and heaven's household. 

2500. I entreat God's mercy, through Sendn's intercession, that we may reach 
that union (and that we may dwell therein) in saecula saeculorum. Amen. 


2504. Here now are briefly set forth the miracles and marvels of this pious one, 
and the completion which he gave to his victorious career in the present world : that 
is set forth for the delight of the souls of the faithful, to wit, Findian, son of Finntan, 
son of Concrad, son of Dairchell, son of Senach, son of Diarmait, son of Aed, son of 
Fergus, son of Ailill Tauldub, son of Celtchar, son of Uithechar. That Finntan, 
then, whom we have mentioned, took a wife of good kin named Telach. It happened 
that she became with child by him. In the time of her pregnancy there appeared to 
her a flame of fire which came into her mouth and went back in the form of a bright 
bird, by the same way, and the bird went and sat on the branch of a tree, and all the 
birds and birdflocks of Mogh's Half 1 came to it on that tree and stayed with it there. 
And the bird then went into Conn's Half 2 , and sat there upon the branch of another 
tree. The birds and the birdflocks of Ireland came to it and it kept them with it. 
So she told that vision to her husband. ' Verily, thou hast somewhat pious in thy 
womb,' saith he; 'let us sleep apart so long as thou shalt be in that condition.' 
They did so. Telach herself used not to eat rich meats, but only mild herbs and 
light victuals, until that gifted offspring was born. 

2521. Now the holy Findian was taken to Abban, son of Hiia Cormaic, to be 
baptised. Now there were two wells in the field in which he was baptised; Bal and 
Dimbal were their names. He was baptised out of the well named Bal, as was meet 
for his merits. When the holy Findian grew up, he was taken to a bishop to 
Fortchernn, and read the Psalms and the ecclesiastical order with him. Howbeit in 
his youth- he founded three churches, namely Ross Cuire, and Druim Piaid, and 
Magh Glas. 

2527. Now when he reached the age of thirty he went over sea. He came to 
Tours. There he found before him an elder named Caeman. They were for a tune 
together and they made a union. After that Findian went to Cell Muine. There he 
found before him three sages named David, and Gildas, and Cathmael. This was 
the cause of their being gathered together there a contention for the headship and 
abbacy of the island of Britain between two of them, that is between David and 

1 The southern half of Ireland. a The northern half of Ireland. 


Gildas. They agreed that Cathmael should be arbitrator between 'them. Now 
when Cathmael beheld St. Findian he looked at him meditatively. 

' What is that great attention/ saith David to Cathmael, ' that thou bestowest 
on the unknown youth that is gone into the house ? ' 

' Great grace/ saith Cathmael, ' I perceive upon him.' 

* If/ saith David, ' there is grace upon him, let him now speak in the British 
tongue, and let him decide the cause hi which we are engaged.' 

Findian made the sign of the cross over his mouth and he spake in British as if 
if it had been his mother-tongue, and he awarded the island to David because of his 

2540. Then went Findian and Catmael, and David and Gildas to parley with 
the king (and) to ask him for the site of a church. He said that he had none. 
Howbeit a certain man in the house said boldly : ' If the clerics like/ saith he, ' let 
them put this great lake away from the side of the fortress, and let them build 
their church in its place.' ' If they do that/ saith the king, 'they shall have even this 
stronghold beside the place of the lake.' Howbeit Findian went with a torch in his 
hand, and he dipped it into the lake, and the lake fled before him into the sea ; and 
God's name and Findian's were magnified by that great miracle. So those lands were 
offered to God and Findian. He gave them to the British elders who were along 
with him. Three monasteries were founded by them thereon. Of these is Lann 
Gabran to-day. 

2550. Now Findian was for thirty years studying together with the British elders 
who were along with him. 

2552. Now one day the monks went into the wood to cut trees for the church. 
They did not let Findian (go) with them because of (their) honour for him. After 
they had gone came the sub-prior to Findian, and said to him : ' Why was it/ saith 
he, ' that thou wentest not into the wood ? ' 'We should have gone long ago/ saith 
Findian, ' had we been told to do so : now when it ts said, we will go provided the 
means are found by us/ ' There are/ saith the sub-prior, 'two young stags there in < 
the field: yoke them and go into the wood.' [Then Findian went to the 'service. 
Two angels of the God of heaven met him and constrained the stags 1 .] Findian goes 
with them into the wood, and his load was the first load that reached the church. 
Unknown, however, is the end of the sub-prior that reproached him. God's name 
and Findian's were magnified by that great marvel. 

2561. Once upon a time Saxons came to ravage the Britons. They pitched a 

1 Laid iarum Finden frisin umaloit. Dodeochatar da aingel De nime ina frithsett co rotimaircsett 
na dnma, B. , 


camp on the side of a lofty mountain. The Britons betook themselves to Findian 
to ask a truce for them from the Saxons. Findian went on the service. The 
Saxons gave him a refusal. Findian gave a blow of his staff on the mountain, 
so that the mountain fell on the Saxons, and not a man of them escaped to 
tell the tale. 

2567. There came a desire to Findian to go to Rome after completing his studies. 
(But) God's angel came to him and said : 'What would be given thee at Rome,' saith 
he, ' will be given to thee here. Go and renew faith and belief in Ireland after 
Patrick.' So Findian went to Ireland according to God's will. Muiredach, son of 
Oengus king of Leinster, went to the harbour to meet him, and carried him on his 
back on three journeys over the three fields 1 that were nearest the harbour. Then 
said a man of the king's household, ' Thou art oppressive, O cleric, on the king.' 
' That is idle,' saith Findian, ' for the number of times that I have been taken on his 
back will be the number of kings of his race over the province. Now since he took 
me thrice, three kings of his race will take the province of Leinster.' Then Findian 
blessed Muiredach himself and said : ' As God's servant,' saith he, * found welcome 
with thee, so shalt thou find welcome with heaven's household in the Land of the 
Living.' Then he blessed the womb of the king's wife, and she brought forth a 
famous son named Eochu, afterwards father of Brandub. 

2580. Said the king to Findian: 'Whatsoever place in Leinster thou shalt like 
will be given thee to build thy church.' God's angel came before Findian to the 
mountain called Condal. God's angels carried him with his household on that night 
from the top of the mountain into the glen that was nearest to him. In the morning 
he told his household to go into the wood to cut trees to build a church. One of 
them returned to him with a branch of an apple-tree and its fruit in his hand. 
Findian went along with him to the place in which the apple-tree was standing. 
4 Let the chureh,' saith he, ' be built here.' [Howbeit Becan, Muiredach's swineherd, 
was in that place making excuses to the clerics ; for the pigsty was in the stead 
whereon the church was (afterwards) built 2 .] While they were thus talking 5 , they saw. 
coming towards them Bresal son of Muiredach, and bishop Cremthann his brother. 
Bresal went and, at the bishop's desire, boldly seized the cleric's hand. Then the 
cleric grows wroth, and said : * Before this hour shall come to-morrow the hand, 
saith he, ' that .was stretched forth to refuse me (shall be) in a hawk's talons and laid 
before me. As to the bishop at whose desire this was done, his monastery shall not 

1 achdu, K 

2 Bai chena Becan mucaidh Muiredhaigh isin ionadh sin ic erchoitmhedh frisna cleirchibh, ar is 
aim boi in muccal in bhail i ndenuofii ind ecclas, B. 

3 Literally, c on these words.' i ... 


be high on earth, and not even the place of his resurrection shall be known.' Now, 
on the morrow the Ossorians came on a raid into the country. Bresal marched to 
attack them, and was slain; and his hand was brought by the hawk, which laid it 
down in Findian's presence at Cross Sailech 1 . So God's name and Findian's were 
magnified by that great miracle. 

2598. Thereafter BresaPs father, Muiredach, came and gave Findian the field 
which Bresal had refused him. It was improved by him, and is (called) Achad Aball 
(' Field of Apple-trees ') to-day. He dwelt sixteen years in that place, serving the 
Lord of the Elements, till the angel said to him : ' This is not the place of thy 
resurrection/ saith he: 'howbeit this will be the place of thy meeting with thy 
monks on Doomsday/ Whence is the name Sliab Condala, that is the mountain of 
Findian's comddl (' meeting') with his monks on the Day of Judgment 

2604. Thereafter Finoian bids farewell to his monks and went into the district 
of Hui Dunlainge. There the king Coirpre offered Mugna Sulcain to him. He dwelt 
there for six years. Then he went to Achad Fiacla. There a tooth fell out of his head 
and (he) hid (the tooth 2 ) in a brake of brambles. When afterwards he was going 
away from them, the brethren entreated him to leave a sign with them, so he said to 
them: 'Go,' saith he, 'to yon bush of brambles which ye see, and bring thereout the 
tooth which I left there/ Then they go, and they found the brake flaming, and they 
brought away the tooth, and from it the place hath been named Achad Fiacla ('Tooth- 

2613. Thereafter Findian came to Kildare to Brigit, and remained there 
for a tune attending to reading and teaching. Then he bade farewell to Brigit, 
and Brigit gave him a ring of gold. He was not greedy about worldly things, 
(and so) he did not take the ring. * Though thou shouldst refuse,' saith Brigit, 
' thou wilt need it/ 

2616. Findian afterwards came to FothartaAirbrech. He met with a water; he 
washed his hands in the water, and on his palm he brought out of the water the ring 
which Brigit had offered to him. Afterwards came Caisin, son of Neman, with great 
joy to Findian, and offered himself to him, and complained to him that the king 
of Fotharta was demanding gold from him for his freedom. ' How much,' saith 
Findian, 'doth he demand?' 'He will take an ounce of gold,' saith Caisin. 
Then he weighed the ring and an ounce of gold was found therein. Caisin gave this 
for his freedom. 

2624. Findian went after that over the Boyne to Eiscir Branain, the stead in 
which Ard-Relec stands to-day. He founded a church in that place. To him came 
a merciless man named Baeth. He said to the cleric that they should not dwell 
1 B adds : ac crois sailech. a cnrofholaigsiumh an fiacail, B. 


in that place. His sight was straightway taken from him. Thereafter he made 
repentance and his eyes were given' to him again. 

2628. At that time a raid out of Fir Tulach passed by the cleric's church. And 
a certain lad of the raiding party happened to go into the furnace of the kiln which 
was near the church. That was manifested to Findian. He went with the im- 
plements of shaving and tonsured that man in the ecclesiastical fashion, and he read 
with Findian, who then conferred orders upon him, and he is bishop Senach, the 
first successor who took (the bishopric) after Findian. 

2634. Once Findian was cleansing a well which he had. An angel came to 
him and said, 'This is not the place of the well.' '(Go) forward V saith Findian, 'unto 
the place where it ought to be.' The angel went before Findian a certain space east 
of the church and shewed him the place of the well. ' Oh, my lord/ saith Findian, 
'this pains that we have taken for a long time, what will come thereof?' 'He 
whoever he be, over whom shall go the mould which thou hast dug,' saith the angel, 
' will obtain mercy from the Lord.' . 

2640. Thereafter the saints of Ireland came to Findian from every point to learn 
wisdom by him, so that there were three thousand saints along with him ; and of 
them, as the learned know, he chose the twelve high bishops of Ireland. And the 
learned and the writings declare that no one of those three thousands went from him 
without a crozier, or a gospel, or some well-known sign; and round those reliquaries 
they built their churches and their monasteries afterwards. 

2646. Once he sent his pupil, even bishop Senach, to find out what the folk of 
his school were doing. Different, in sooth, was that at which each of them was 
found, yet all were good. Colomb, son of Crimthann, was found with his hands 
stretched forth, and his mind contemplative in God, and birds resting on his hands 
and on his head. When that was told to Findian he said : ' The hands of that man,' 
saith he, ' shall give me communion and sacrifice at the ending days.' 

2653. An angel of God came to Findian and saith to him: 'This is not the 
place of thy resurrection, for here there will be a good man of thy household.' The 
angel came to Findian to Ross Findchuill, which to-day is (called) Less in Memra. 
There Findian sang the prophetic verse, ' Haec requies mea V There Fraechan, the 
wizard, came to him. Then Findian asked : ' Is it from God,' saith he, ' that thou 
hast the knowledge thou possessest ? ' ' Prove it,' saith Fraechan. Tell me first/ 
saith Findian, ' the place of my resurrection. I see it in heaven, and I see it not on 
earth.' Then Findian rose up. ' The place from which thou hast now risen/ saith 
Fraechan, ' from thence thou wilt arise to the great assembly of Doom.' 

2661. Thereafter his two sisters came to Findian, even Rignach and Richenn, 

1 Romhann (lit. 'before us '), B. 2 Psalm cxxxi. 14. 


and their mother, that is Ciaran's mother, and they set up in Cell Rignaige. 
Findian and Ciaran went to visit her. The nuns were lamenting their want of water. 
'My lord/ saith Findian to Ciaran, 'where shall we find water for them here?' 
' Wouldst thou be loath/ saith Ciaran, 'to rise from the place in which thou art?' 
Findian rose up. ' The place from which thou hast risen/ saith Findian, ' that is the 
place of the well/ Findian asked of Rignach how was the nun, her mother. 'Great 
is her infirmity/ say they : ' one cannot 3 go near her/ [saith Rignach,] ' because of 
the heaviness of her breath/ The cleric was greatly ashamed, and he said : ' The 
Lord/ saith he, 'that hath pity on every one of the human race, have pity upon her ! ' 
Rignach then went to her house. She found her mother perfectly well through the 
saint's blessing. 

2672. Gemman the Master once took to Saint Findian an eulogy made in 
rhythm. ' Neither gold, nor silver, nor precious raiment/ saith Gemman, ' do I ask 
thee for this eulogy, but one thing only: the little land which I have is barren; 
wouldst thou make prayer that it become fruitful ? ' Saith Findian : ' Put the hymn 
which thou hast made into water, and scatter that water over the land/ Thus was it 
done, and the land became fruitful. 

2678. Ruadan of Lothra had a lime-tree, a tree from which there used to drop 
a sweet-tasted fluid, in which every one would find the flavour which he desired ; and 
the monks used to benefit their guests thereby : wherefore the monks of Ireland were 
yearning to Ruadan. His pupils came to Findian and were lamenting to him that 
his pupils were leaving him. They entreated him to go with them to Riiadan, so 
that Rtiadan might be hi community of life like every one. Findian went along with 
them to Lothra. What they first went to was the tree, and Findian made a cross 
with his crozier over the tree, and not another drop dropped from it. When Riiadan 
heard that, he ordered water of his well to be brought to him. He made prayer. 
The water of the well was turned into the taste of the fluid [of the lime-tree 2 ]. 
When the fluid was brought to Findian and his saints, he made the sign of the cross 
over it. It was at once turned (back) into its nature of water. ' What profit is that/ 
say the clerics to Findian, ' unless thou correctest the well ?' * O dear brethren/ saith. 
Findian, 'why are ye [giving trouble] to Riiadan ? For if he wished to change into 
sweet ale all this water beside the church, God would do it for him/ Then both 
Findian and the saints entreated Riiadan that his life should be like (that of) every one. 
Riiadan said he would do that for the sake of his tutor Findian. He complained, 
however, that the little land that lay round the church was barren. So Findian 
blessed that land and it became fertile. 

2696. After that, Findian went into the province of Connaught to Druim Etir 
1 ' Mor a Inbhrse/ ar isidhe, ' ni c#za[n]gar cedh comhfoiccsiugudh,' B. 2 in limb, B. 


Da Loch [' ridge between two lakes ']. He found Moses and Ainmire there before 
him, and they were sad at the death of then- sister on that day. When Findian 
perceived that, he entered the house wherein the sister's corpse was lying, and he 
made fervent vehement prayer unto God, and brought the nun to life out of death. 
And then she acted as his house-steward, and killed the calf that was under her only 
cow, and brought him a pail of milk-and-water, and Findian blessed the milk-and- 
water, so that it turned into the taste of wine. Then on the morrow the calf was 
found alive under its mother. God's name and Findian's were magnified by that 
great miracle. Thereafter Moses and Ainmire offered their church to God and to 

2705. After that, Findian went into the Corann, in the district of Luigne. 
Presbyter Dathi came and remained along with him. An angel of God came and 
said to him : ' In the place,' saith he, ' in which a man of thy household shall say to 
thee, " Fair is this field," there found a church.' It was not long till a man of his 
household said : ' Fair/ saith he, ' is this field.' After-that Findian founded a church 
in that place. He left presbyter Dathi in that place. Findian's well and his flagstone 
are there. Whatsoever sick man shall go into that well will come healthy out of it. 
Though a troublesome party shall come to the prior, his honour will not be taken 
away provided he repeat his pater-noster at that flagstone: sic Tipra Fhinne*in 
[' Findian's Well'] and Lee in Pupaill [' the Flagstone of the Tent'] at Achad Abla. 

2714. After that, Findian went into Coirpre M6r. Oengus was king at that 
time in Coirpre. His son Nechtan came to refuse the cleric, and the feet of his 
household clave to the earth, and he himself died. Then Oengus came and gave the 
cleric his desire, and Findian raised the boy to life out of death, and [Oengus] bestowed 
upon him a site for a church. He left Grellan, son of Natfraich, there. 

2719. Now when Findian had founded churches and monasteries in that. wise, 
and when he had preached God's word to the men of Ireland, he went to his church 
to Clonard. Now, one day there bishop Senach his pupil was gazing at him, and 
beheld his meagreness and his great wretchedness, so great that his ribs could be 
counted through his inner raiment J . Moreover, Senach saw the worm coming out of 
Findian's side, and this was the cause from the cold girdle of iron which he wore 
around him as a penance for his body, and which cut to his bone. Then bishop 
Senach wept. 'What maketh thee sad?' saith Findian. 'Thy meagreness,' saith 
bishop Senach. * That meagreness will bring much increase on thy ribs V saith 

1 I do not see the force oiamach here. Perhaps it should come after thaebh in 1. 2724. 

2 Here the Book of Lismore is very corrupt. The Brussels MS. has : ' Fofirfe forbaid trnim for 
th'asnaib-se : ' the Latin Life, c. 32 : 'Ista macies, fili, qnam vides, ubenimam carnem super costas 
tuas prestabit.' 


Findian. All the more bishop Senach wept. 'It is the same then for thee,' 
saith Findian, ' to be sad for that. One man will cany thy body to the grave.' 

2730. Overmany, then, to recount and declare are all the miracles that the Lord 
wrought for Saint Findian. For unless his own spirit, or an angel of the God of 
heaven * should come to relate them, no one else could set forth his nobleness, his 
inner life, his constant use on every festival-day. But it is God alone that knows them. 
Now this was his daily refection a bit of barley-bread and a drink of water. On 
Sundays, however, and on holydays, a bit of wheaten bread and a piece of broiled 
salmon, and the full of a cup of clear mead 2 or of ale. He used to upbraid those 
whom he saw eating gluttonously, and weep and do penance for their^sin. He used 
to sleep neither on down nor on flock-bed, so that his side would -come against the 
bare mould, and a stone for a bolster was under his head. 

2740. One who made pure offerings to God like Abel, son of Adam. Fervently 
prayerful, like Enoch, son of Jared. A pilot fully inclined to find or to steer the 
Church among the waves of the world, like Noah, son of Lamech. A true pilgrim like 
Abraham. Dutiful, gentle, like Moses, son of Amrara. Enduring . . . . , like Job. A 
wise man full of knowledge, like Solomon, son of David. A universal chief teacher 
and a chosen vessel, like Paul the apostle. And he is likened in many ways to Paul. 
For as Paul was born south in the land of Canaan, but his race and his origin were north 
in the land of Chaldea, so then was Findian born here in Leinster, but his race and his 
origin were north in Ulaid. And as Paul read with Gamaliel, the sage of the law, 
for a space of thirty years till he became a sage, even so read Findian with the British 
sages whom we have mentioned for a space of thirty years till he became a sage. 
And as the angel forbade Paul to go to Damascus, but desired him to go and cast 
the seeds of faith and belief to every one, even so the angel forbade Findian to go to 
Rome, but desired him to go and cast the seeds of faith and belief to the men of 
Ireland. And as Paul was strengthened by God, after founding churches, and cells, and 
monasteries in the fatherland in which he was born, to go and teach faith and belief 
to Rome, even so Saint Findian was urged on by God, after founding churches and 
monasteries in his fatherland [in which he was born 3 ], to go to Clonard to teach and 
instruct the saints of Ireland. And even as the angel promised to Paul that no one 
who should go into the clay of Rome should after Doom * become an inhabitant 
of hell, even so the angel promised to Findian that no one over whom the mould 
of Ard Relic should go would be an inhabitant of hell after the Judgment. And as 
Paul died in Rome for the sake of the Christian people, lest they should all perish 
in the pains and punishments of hell, even so Findian died in Clonard for sake of 
the people of the Gael, that they might not all perish of the Yellow Plague. 

1 Read with B, nime. z medc, ' whey,' B. 3 irrogenair, B. * iarmbrath, B. 


2765. And then the angel promised to him that he would banish every pestilence 
and every common illness from Clonard through the prayer of the congregation 1 , and 
that he would banish it from the whole of Ireland through the fasting of Findian's 
congregation in the pavilion at Ard Relic, and in Achad Abhall and at Condail. 

2769. Now, when it came to the ending days of this holy Findian, his guardian 
angel sent him to Inis Mac n-Eirc on 2 Luimnech, and brought Colomb, son of 
Crimhthan [with his gillie 3 ], with his book-satchel, on two* clouds to Clonard. 
And Findian received communion and sacrifice from his hand, and sent his spirit to 
heaven at the end of a hundred and forty years. 

2774. Now, Saint Findian is in the delight and joyousness amongst the house- 
hold of heaven, in the presence of God whom he served. His relics and his remains 
are on earth with honour and reverence, with miracles and marvels every day. And 
he overwhelms every one who opposes them, and protects every one who works 
along with them. 

2778. Now, though great is Saint Findian in that wise at present, while his body 
and his soul are separated, greater will be his honour after the resurrection in the 
holy, spotless, unpolluted union in the great assembly of Doom, when he will be judge 
over the men of Ireland and over its women, along with Patrick and with Jesus 
Christ. There he will shine like a sun. He will abide in that great goodness, hi the 
unity of the saints and the holy virgins of the world, in the unity of the nine ranks of 
heaven that have not committed sin, in the unity that is nobler than every unity, in 
the unity of the Holy Trinity, Father and Son and Holy Ghost. 

2785. I beseech the mercy of God, may we [reach, may we] deserve [may we 
dwell in] that union 6 , in saecula saeculorum ! Amen. 

1 int samtha, B. 3 co hlnis mac n-Eirc for, B. * 3 cona gillu 1, B. 

* for dibh nelaibh, B, 5 roisam, roairiltnigem, roatreabam, B. 


2788. THERE was once a famous hospitaller in Ulaid of the Mugdoira was 
he in especial to wit, Findlog, son of Setna, son of Abrann, son of Branan, son 
of Dubda, son of Oengus, son of Ere the Red, son of Brian, son of Eochaid 
Muigmedon. He had a wife for the space of thirty years, and death then over- 
took her, even Cdimell, daughter of Aed Fogart of Fir Breg. His friend and his 
own foster-brother, even Fiacha Suigde, son of the king of Ireland, enjoined him 
to go and woo another wife, so that he might not continue in wasting disease, as 
he was, owing to grief for his own wife. And that (other) was Idnait daughter 
of Flann Redside, of the Ciannacht of Glenn Geimin from Comar Cinn Sle'ibe. 
So Findlog woos that girl till she became with child by him. Now Findlogwith 
his people instigates his foster-brother, and Fiacha 1 Suigde, to practise treachery on 
the king of Tara, even on Blathmac son of Aed Slaine. The treachery is perpetrated, 
and Diarmait son of Aed Slane takes the kingdom of Tara after his brother. 
Then from the north the traitors are expelled, even Fiacha son of the king of 
Tara, and Findlogh his foster-brother, and a thousand . . . with him. 

2803. Then came Mael-tuile son of Cuilche, Findlog's soul-friend 2 , and it 
is revealed to him that the girl was pregnant, and that the child that lay in her 
womb would be a famous child, of whom the. lips of the men of Ireland would be 
full. And Mael-tuile said: 

He will attack the valourous, 
He will overwhelm the guilty, 
He will seek crowned kings, 
He will be the tree of Tara's correction, 
Who will benefit Liffey, 
. (And) profit Leinster. 

2812. Then the cleric asks that the child which lay in the girl's womb might 
be offered to God and devoted to study; and they promise that to him. Then 
they are bestowed on the king of Connaught, on Eochaid Dryflesh, and they are 
bestowed by Eochaid on the king of Munster, that is on Oengus Mac Natfraich 

1 For '*} for fiacha Suidhe' we should certainly read ' .i. for Fiacha Suigdhe.' 
3 Spiritual director. 


to Cashel, and he ordains a land for them in the province of Mugh Ruith *, and he 
marks out a wonderful rath there, even Rath Hua Cuile. Then his household 
make a great banquet for the king of Fermoy, that is for Mellenn, son of Tore, on 
the height to the west of Rath Hiia Cuile. Findchua's mother, during her pregnancy, 
went and asked a drink of the ale from the brewers 2 , for desire of the ale seized 
her, and she was refused. The child that lay in her womb spake and said this 
then, ' Gerihitl etc. 

2824. Then the girl went home, and straightway the hoops slipped off the 
vats and the ale went abundantly throughout the floor. The king of Fermoy, 
even Melenn, came to the house in which the ale lay, and when he heard the 
story, he gets him with his band with him on the track of the girl to slay her. 
But through the grace of the child that was in her womb a cloak of darkness is 
put round the girl, so that she reached Rath Hua Cuile in safety. After that 
the girl's time came to her, and the pangs come to attack her, so that she brought 
forth the innocent (?) child that lay in her womb. 

2831. After that the prophesied child is taken to Ailbe of Imlech Ibair to be 
baptized, and a scruple, that is seven pennies of gold, is given to him for baptizing 
the child. Ailbe then blest the child, and a name, even Findchua, is conferred 
upon him ; and Ailbe said that he should be devoted to study at the end of his 
seven years. So the folk of the baptism 3 went away, taking the boy with them to 
Rath Hua Cuile. 

2836. Afterwards messengers come from Cumuscach, king of the men of Teffia, 
himself the son of Findchua's sister, to ask for the child to be fostered ; and it is given 
to him, and the child is reared up in Cumuscach's house on Ard na Rfgraide over 
the brink of Lough Rf, to the end of seven years. When Comgall went on a 
circuit of the Children of Niall and came to Cumuscach's house, and saw the 
perfect child in a house ahead of him and a spirit of an angel guarding him, 
Comgall gave love to him and asked who he was. ' That is Findchua,' say they, 
'the son of Findlog.' 'And it was I that fostered him/ saith Cumuscach, 'and 
Ailbe baptized him.' Comgall asks the child from his foster-father, and it is assigned 
to him. The boy gave love to Comgall and goes with him to his residence, to 
Bangor of Ulster, and studies there with him like every other pupil. 

2846. Now, at that time Comgall had a meadow in a bog-island, and- until 
Findchua came slaves used to be guarding it. Now, when the slaves were weary, 
Findchu,a said : ' Let the meadow be left to us as pupils to guard it every day in 


1 The southern half of Ireland. 

2 Scoairib is the reading of the Brussels MS. (2324-2340), part II, fo. 7 a not the unintelligible 
sdaadoiribh of the Book of Lismore. s Baptismal party. 


turn.' Comgall replied: 'Do thou guard it to-day before every one.' Then 
Findchua goes to guard the grass. The king of Ulaid, even Scannldn son of 
Dunadach, comes with his army to Bangor, and they put their horses into the 
meadow to Findchua. Findchua drives them away thrice. At last he grows 
wrathful against them and curses them 3 and the horses were turned into stones. 
Wherefore from that time to this the field is called Gort na Liac (' the field of the 
flagstones '). Fdrgort na Mogad (' the Slaves' Meadow ') it was till then. Thereat 
the king is enraged. And he sends to Comgall to learn from him who had done 
that deed. Comgall goes to the king with his pupils, and Findchua like every one 
else. The king recognised him, through the declaration which the charioteers 
made concerning him, that it was he that had done yon deed. And the king's 
eyes in his head were ensanguined * and became red and fiery. Findchua per- 
ceived that, and grew angry with the king, so that the earth rose up around the king 
and reached to his knees. Comgall beholds that, and looks over his shoulder, and 
said to Findchua : ' It is better for be even as I am/ saith Comgall. Thereat 
Findchua is ashamed, and put his head under Comgall's cowl, and burnt the cowl. 
' For God's sake, my little son,' saith Comgall, ' let not anger seize thee, and thou 
shalt have thy own award from the king of Ulaid and from me.' ' Why should 
not anger seize me,' saith Findchua, ' when thou art outraged, and when I myself 
am outraged concerning the only grazing-field(P) that we have ? Do thou deliver thy 
award,' saith Findchua to Comgall. ' I will deliver it,' saith Comgall, ' but so that 
thou shalt be thankful.' Comgall looked at the king, and the king said : ' Every- 
thing thou shalt award I will make good to him.' ' This is my award/ 
saith Comgall : ' The seven milch cows which are given to me every year by 
thee are to be given to Findchua until the end of thirty years after me, and (also) 
the abbacy of Bangor ; and when he decides on going to another part, half of that 
due 2 to him and the other half thereof here.' Findchua was thankful for that, and he 
puts the earth away from the king back into its place; but all Comgall's cowl is 
burnt ; wherefore it is not lawful for Comgall's successor to wear a cowl. So these 
are Findchua's three miracles after he came to Bangor, to wit, making flagstones of 
the horses of the king of Ulaid ; and raising the earth around the king to his knees ; 
and burning his tutor's cowl by the fury of his anger. 

2878. Thereafter Comgall dwelt in Bangor to the end of nine years, and it 
is manifested to him that his death was at hand, and he sends messengers for 
Ailbe to Imlech Ibair so that he might go to heaven after receiving the eucharist from 
him. That thing is revealed to Ailbe, and he goes with his crowd of clerics till 
he reached Bangor, and there the three make their union and their covenant, 
1 Reddened. a Compare 1. 3060, when ' a third of a due ' (trian cuarta) is mentioned. 

H h 


even Ailbe and Comgall and Findchua. Comgall then goes to heaven after 
receiving the eucharist from Ailbe, and he leaves Findchua in the abbacy of Bangor 
after him to the end of seven years, and he entrusts to Ailbe that Findchua should 
be at his bequest whensoever "he should receive the eucharist from him. 

2887. After spending the seven years Findchua is expelled from Bangor and from 
the whole of Ulaid because of the scarcity of land. Then Findchua comes from Ulaid, 
from the north, till he came, through the urging of an angel, to the men of Munster 
and to their king, even to Cathal, son of Aed, to Cashel; and the king gives him a 
welcome and ordains to him his choice of land in Munster. Said Findchua: 
' Tis not permitted to me to have land save in the place in which my bell will 
answer me without the help of any man.' Said Cathal : ' Search Munster till thy 
bell answers thee, and the place in which thou shalt set up, thou shalt have without 
contention with thee.' Findchua goes forward from Cashel to the territory of Fermoy, 
that is to the western end of Mag Maistertha, and he searches the .... of the plain 
if perchance his bell would answer him; and on the morrow in the morning it 
answers him on Fan Muilt .(' Wether's Slope '). They unyoke their horses there, 
and send out their watchmen, and scatter their kine and their droves throughout 
the lands that are nearest to them* Then they meet with unneighbourliness and 
refusal, and their herds are diminished and their shepherds are beaten. Findchua's 
household complain to him. Findchua said to his cook, even Dronan, son of Dronbec : 
'Go to the place that is nigh unto us here, and thence bring fire with thee.' So the cook 
went for the fire to the house of the king of Munster 's steward, even Baeth Brugaid ; 
and Som, daughter of Mothla, was his wife. The steward asked : * Whence hast thou 
come for fire?' The cook replied: ' From Findchua, from Comgall's pupil.' 'Is 
it there that he will stay ? ' (?) saith the steward. ''Verily I know not/ saith the 
cook, and asks for the fire. The steward through wilfulness flung a firebrand to 
him. The cook catches it in his bosom, and this is what he was wearing, 
Findchua's cowl. The cowl protects him from the fire, and he carries it off with 
him. The steward sends one of .his household, without the cook's knowledge, to 
see whether the cowl would burn. The cook puts the fire out of his bosom in 
Findchua's presence, and it had not burnt a hair or a thread of the cowl. The 
messenger relates that to the steward, and his mind grew radiant l in 
repentance, and he said that he would give Findchua welcome though no one 
else should give it. Then the steward and his wife go to converse with the 
cleric himself, and they do his will, and prostrate themselves to him; and on that 
night they feed the cleric with every food, save ale only. 

2915. The king of Munster is told that Findchua had set up there on Fan Muilt 
1 For thceidhligh the Brussels MS. has thaduill. 


among his storehouses (?) and his cow-yards. The king's consort is enraged at that, 
even Mugain, daughter of Fiachra the Fair, king of the Eoganacht of Loch Lein. 
She declared that they would not fit in one place, that is, Findchua's household and 
her household, The king asked what rent was given to the queen and to himself 
out of that land. * Not hard to say/ saith the steward * : ' one white sheep, 
all the washing and cleansing they wanted 2 , and a measure of malt out of every 
townland of the nine townlands that are nearest me.' ' Let a messenger go from 
us,' saith the king to Findchua, ' to know whether he will agree to that rent ; and 
unless he agrees, let him go to some other place.' Findchua agrees to that rent 
and promises to render it, for it had been manifested to him that his abode should 
be there, and " his relics, and his resurrection on Doomsday. Then the place is 
marked out by Findchua, even Cm'l Muilt(' Wether's Recess'), and his enclosure is 
arranged, and his houses are covered, and his households are allotted to the nine 
other townlands which the king of Munster had in residence. So Findchua con- 
tinues for a long while in that place, and Conaing son of Marcan, king of the 
De*isi, came to prostrate himself to him, and Findchua gave him, as a soul-friend's 
jewel, his own place in heaven. 

2931. So then there came to him seven master-smiths who dwelt near him, 
and they made for him seven iron sickles whereon he might abide to the end of 
seven years, so that he might get a place in heaven ; for he had given his original 
place to the king of the De*isi. He blesses the smiths of that place, and left them 
continually the gift of. handiwork, provided that they should perform or begin it in 
that place, and palm of masters to them. The smiths ask him to give their name 
to the place in reward of their work, that is, Bri Gobann (' Smiths' Hill '). 

2937. Findchua spends seven years on his sickles, save one night only; and 
this it is which caused that ; to wit, Ronan the Fair, of Mag Lainne, a son of a 
sister of Findchua's mother, a holy elder of Fir Breg, came to entreat him to come 
and help the children of Niall of the Nine Hostages and the king of Meath, to wit, 
Sechnasach, son of Aed Slaine. For foreign foes had attacked them from the sea. 
And Findchua had the skill to succour them. And it was these that made that 
warfare, Bresal Harelip, Buaid-eltach and Tuire Tort-buillech, and Tinne the 
Strong. Of Britain were they by origin. And these were the evils which that 
fleet (of pirates) used to inflict every year on the territory of the southern Hui 
Neill : burning the harbour of every vessel, and ravaging every country, and carrying 
off a hostage from every family. So the clans of Niall give a blessing to him 
who should go to Fermoy for Findchua to assist them. Ronan the Fair of Mag 

1 The ri (' king ') of the MSS. should apparently be rechtaire. 
3 Literally; their sufficiency of washing and of cleansing (cFifnadfi). 

H h 2 


Lainne undertook that service. It is revealed to Findchua, while he was still on 
his sickles, that a holy elder of the children of Nfall was on- the road coming 
towards him ; and he enjoins upon his pupils to do service and tendance to those 
noble messengers. ' Let,' saith he, ' a vessel of ale that can intoxicate fifty be given 
them, and of food the dinner of a hundred, and if they deem that little, let it be added to.' 

2954. Thereafter the clerics arrived, and they were attended as Findchua had 
said. And naught of that food did Rondn consume until Findchua should come 
to him from his sickles to converse with him. When Findchua came to know that 
Rondn was fasting, Findchua entreats the mighty Lord to shew unto him what it 
was meet to do, for he did not desire to go from his sickles until his seven years 
upon them were complete. Thereafter comes the spirit of an angel to comfort 
Findchua, so he might go to converse with the other cleric, Jesus Christ 
permitting. So Findchua went at the hour of refection to converse with Ronan, 
although he was sorely ashamed that his perforated body, pierced and holed by 
chafers and by beasts, should be seen by any one else ; and each of them gives 
welcome to the other, and Ronan declares to Findchua the business whereon he 
had come. ' I shall be serviceable for that business/ saith Findchua. 

2965. Then they went forward till they reached the tribes of Tara. When the 
clans of Niall perceived the clerics coming towards them, so great was their need that 
they all arose for welcome to Findchua. Now the night that Findchua reached Tara 
was the very night that the marauders arrived, and they brought the bows of their 
vessels to the southern Hiii N&ll, to Dubchomar. That was told to the king of 
Tara and to Findchua. Then they arise, both laymen and clerics, and by 
Findchua's instructions they turn righthandwise and march forward rapidly (?) till 
they saw the marauders before them. Then the cleric's nature arises against 
them, so that sparks of blazing fire burst forth out of his teeth. And that fire 
burnt up the shafts of the spears, and the wrists and forearms of the marauders, 
so that they were .... ' Let,' says Findchua, ' messengers go from you to them 
to find out whether they will give a guarantee (?) from their plunder.' The 
messengers went to them. They said they would never give them a guarantee. 
Findchua is enraged at that answer of the outlanders. Then they all, both lay- 
men and clerics, march at once towards them. And this was the last evil which 
they did to them; slaying their gillies, burning their ships, and making a cairn 
of their heads and a mound of their garments. So in that wise Findchua expelled 
the marauders. 

2981. His own award is (then) given to Findchua, to wit, Dun Dubchomair, 
with the seven charges to which it was subject; 'and a king's drinking-horn with its 
covering of red gold, and that to be given to him every seventh year by the king 


of Meath. All that is promised to Findchua, and thereafter he bids farewell to the 
clans of Niall, and 'he leaves a blessing with them, and goes then to his own habitation. 
2985. So that is (the story of) Findchua's help to the clans of Niall and the men 
of Meath, and the tribute from them to his successor after him for ever. 

2988. Findchua abides hi his own place for a long time. 

2989. Warfare on Leinster arose in Findchua's time. Old Nuada the Sage 
was king of Leinster then. That king had two queens, even Aife daughter of Ros 
Failge, and Anmet daughter of Colmdn, son of Crimthann of Hui Cennselaig. And 
dearer to the king was Anmet than the Failgian woman, and she was with child by 
him. The Cennselian woman asks that the offspring which the Failgian woman 
had might be given to her into her power. Though the king promised that to her, he 
did not fulfil (his promise). The king secretly sends information to the Failgian 
woman, and told her to go into Munster westward, on the safeguard of Findchua of 
Sliab Cua. For he had a safeguard of a month and a quarter and a year beyond every 
other saint .... men of Ireland. For neither hosts nor multitudes, champions nor 
battle-soldiers durst do aught to Findchua, because of the greatness of his nature, 
and the nobility of his race, and the greatness of his fury and of his virtue. Then 
the girl went on her way into the province of Munster, with three men and nine 
women and their chariots, till they reached (a ford in) the west of Mag Maistertha. 
There the shaft of the girl's chariot broke, so that Ath in Carpait ('The Ford 
of the Chariot') is the name of that ford thenceforward. The chariot is 
mended (?) for a time, and breaks asunder again, and spreads (?) ; wherefore hence 
Druim Lethan and Cell Droma (Lethain) have been (so) named to-day. There- 
after swift pangs seized the girl, and that is revealed to Findchua while he was 
bathing himself in a tub of cold water, even that a wife of the king of Leinster 
was coming to him for safeguard. And he sends a message to her not to come out 
of the place in which she was biding till she had brought forth her babe, for at that 
time neither wives nor women used to come to Findchua's church. The damsel brings 
forth a boy at an early hour on the morrow, and he is taken from her to Findchua to 
be baptized. Thereafter the boy is baptized and (the name) Finntan is given to him, even 
Finntan son of Old Nuada the Sage, son of Bresal the Speckled, son of Fiacha Fobrecc. 
.The boy is reared by Findchua, who gives him his right breast, and milk grew therein, 
and his mother is warned to go 1 into her own country. That boy throve as he would 
not have thriven with his own mother if he had had nine wet-nurses under him. 

3015. Thereafter the warfare in the east, by Cennselach son of Dunlang, son 
of Dunadach from whom Htii Cennselaig are named prevails over the Leinster- 
men. Then his nobles come to Old Nuada the Sage to know what they should do 
1 fogarthar da, mhdtkair imtheacht, as the first three words of 1. 3013 should have been printed. 


against that warfare, for the druid was an old man. Said the king : ' There is a 
valiant warrior at the end of Sliab Cua, even Findchua of Brf-gobann ; and he hath 
a son of mine ; and he will come in my host through fondness, for I am dear in his 
eyes because of my son ; and let a company consisting of nine sages go to meet him. 
For so great is his shamefastness that he will not give a refusal to the artists.' The 
poets went on their way till they came into the neighbourhood of Findchua's place, 
even unto the river to the east of his church. That is revealed to Findchua while he was 
in a tub of cold water, and he sent a message to the artists not to come to him till he 
had done bathing. The poets are angry with him because of that, and he is angry 
with the poets. Wherefore artists have no right to cross the river to that place 
without permission, and they fail if they go wherefore* Sruth na n-Flces (' the Stream 
of the Sages') is the name of the river thenceforward. And the king of Leinster has 
no right from that day to this to send poets as messengers, and he fails if he sends 
them. So the artists came unto Findchua after he had done bathing, and say to 
him : ' We have come to thee from the king of Leinster,' say they, ' that thou mayest 
come to help him from the warfare that is upon him/ ' I will go to him/ saith 
Findchua, ' without dispute, and I am not loath about it.' 

3032. Findchua went early on the morrow in his crowd of clerics, and having 
with him the king of Leinster's son and the artists, till they came to the king at his 
fortress above Barrow. Findchua is welcomed, and the king's mind clave to his son, 
and he was thankful for the improvement that had been given the boy. Attention is 
well paid to him. Findchua told the king to send a present of peace to Cennselach, and 
if he would not receive it to proclaim battle against him. Though a present of peace 
was taken to Cennselach, he accepted nothing save the destruction on the morrow of 
the fortress over Barrow. Thereat wrath and rage seized the cleric, and he preferred 
to have(?) battle at that hour. Then each of the twain arrays his battalion, so that they 
were equally dense and high. Findchua marches in the van of the (Leinster) battalion, 
and his wrath and his fierceness arose; and the 'wave of boldness' of his territory and his 
race filled him at that time ; and he seized the feet and hands and eyes of Cennselach's 
host, so that they were unable to strike a blow against their enemies. Then came ( a wave 
of godhead ' to Findchua, and he told them to give hostages and pledges to the king 
of Leinster, and in nowise did they accept that. (Then) the Leinster-men arose-at 
once with the cleric in the battle, and Findchua uttered these words : 
'Follow me, O men of Leinster !' &c, 

3048. Then the battle was delivered without sparing ; and no son of a king was 
left standing, save only Cennselach. And of them fifty sons of kings were taken to 
the fortress over Barrow ; wherefore Dinn Righ (' Fort of Kings ') is the name of that 
place from that day to this* 


3051. Since Cennselach was protected, he offered the ownership of his clan and 
his race and his posterity (?) to Findchua, and a hundred of every (kind of) cattle, 
every seventh year to Findchua himself and to his successor, from the king of Leinster 
and from Hiii Cennselaig continually. 

3053. Findchua leaves gifts to the king of Leinster and to the king of Hiii 
Cennselaig, to wit, chastity in their queens and in their wives, and modesty in their 
maidens, and righteousness in their men. 

3056. The king of Leinster asked Findchua to leave his son Finntan with him 
in his own territory ; and Findchua consented to that, and gave a blessing to his 
pupil, and put his pupil in residence there. And he gave his pupil his choice 
between the life of a layman and that of a cleric, and the pupil chose the life of 
a cleric. And Findchua afterwards gave land to him, even Cluain Irarrois, which 
is to-day called Cluain Eidhnech, and a third of the dues of that place is bestowed 
on Findchua continually. 

3062. So those are Findchua's deeds and miracles in Leinster; and afterwards 
he proceeded to his own abode in Munster. 

3064. Eochu Redfist, son of Scannlan, son of Dunadach, he was at that time 
king over Ulaid, and Moingfhinn, daughter of Daire, son of Finnchad of the men 
of Munster, she was his consort. And nought she accepted from her husband save the 
invading of Munster to win the kingship for her sons, even Cas and Cian and Cingid. 
So the king takes that in hand. This is revealed to Findchua, that a diabolic temp- 
tation had been put on the king of Ulaid by his wife, to make war on Munster 
without cause. And Findchua then took x a .... round his own territory, and sent 
messengers to meet the king of Ulaid for he liked not that the king should be slain in 
his time in the province of Munster and (to say that) if the king should come in spite 
of his prohibition he would find death and premature destruction. Howbeit, through 
the woman's urging, the men of Ulaid marched on till they reached Mairtine M6r 
Muman, without the king of Munster perceiving them ; and they set up a station and 
camp on Ard na Rfghraide ('the Height of the Kingfolk'), which is to-day called Cnoc 
Samna. Now, at that time the king, Cathal son of Aed Fland-cathrach, king of 
Munster, and his consort Mumu daughter of Fiachra, were dwelling in Dun 
Eochairmaige, and when they arose they beheld the flags on Cnoc na Righraidhe, 
to wit, the splendid banners floating (in the air), and the tents of royal speckled 
satin pitched on the hill. Messengers went from the king of Munster to find out 
who was biding on the hill. ' The king of Ulaid,' say they, ' and Moingfhinn, 
daughter of Daire, a-seeking the kingship of Munster for her sons.' When this 
was told to the king, his counsellors and the nobles of Munster say: 'Let us 
1 The obscure ceitn conalbais of the Book of Lismore is teem comwilbe in the Brussels MS. 


send to the slaughterous warrior to the south of us, even to Findchua of Bri-gobann : 
for ' (said the king) ' he promised me that, whenever stress of war should be on me, he 
would come with me to battle to help me, having with him the Cennchathach, even 
his own crozier.' 

3085. So to Findchua went the messengers, even Gdr and Tualaing and 
Turscur, the king's three gillies, and they make known to him that the king of Ulaid 
had invaded Munster in spite of his prohibition. Findchua then drove in his .... 
chariot, with his crozier in his hand, without waiting for any of his clerics, till he got 
to Dun Eochair-Maighe, the stead where Cathal son of Aed. abode. Welcome is 
made to him by the kingfolk. Then the king told Findchua to go and give a present 
to the (king of) Ulaid, and (to say that) since he had no natural right to the kingship 
of Munster he should not get it. The cleric went for that (purpose), and Moingfhinn 
recognised him, and told her sons to get up a pretended quarrel so that the cleric might 
come to separate them, and that her sons might (then) kill him ; for they (the Ulaid) 
feared that the cleric would rout them in battle, and if he were killed they deemed the 
Munstermen of little worth. When Findchua reached the camp he asked : ' What is 
yon quarrel that we see?' saith he. 'My sons yonder/ saith Moingfhinn, ' quarrelling 
about the kingship of Munster ; and go thou to separate them.' ' Truly it is not so,' 
saith Findchua, 'for Moingfhinn's sons are peaceful.' So the present respecting which 
Findchua had come to the king of Ulaid was not accepted from him, and anger and 
rage seize him, and he conies (back) to the king of Munster, and declares that no gift 
whatever would be taken from him. ' Make ye/ saith Findchua, ' a strong palisade 
of battle, when ye have got to one place.' Then Findchua marches in the van of 
that battalion, with the Cenncathach that is, his crozier, in his hand, and he 
strengthens the counsel, and heartens the battalion, and comes thrice righthandwise 
round the host, with his crozier in his hand. And though the king asked for the 
crozier in his hand, Findchua gave it not unto him, so that on himself might be 
the glory of routing the foe after him. The Ulaid then prepare themselves to meet 
the Munstermen, and seize their arms of valour. They roared and bellowed like stags 
in heat (?), and charge from the top of the hill. The cleric seeks the slope beyond 
them and leaves the hill to them. The Ulaid bent down eagerly to deliver the battle. 
When Findchua perceived that, he took them in that position and allowed them not 
to rise up beyond their knees, and breaks the battle upon them against the height. 
Wherefore Findchua left to Munstermen, from that time forward till Doomsday, to 
defeat foreigners and every host besides when charging down a height ; and verily 
this is fulfilled. 

3114. The king of Ulaid and his consort Moingfhinn fell with their three 
sons in that battle, and their graves and their beds are on the hill after them. 


3~r : i f. Thereafter came to Findchua his three pupils, even Coimde, and Conmach, 
and Concraid, and they put their hands on his shoulder, arid said to him: ' It is 
ruin of family, it is a waste heritage, it is losing earth and land for thee, what thou 
hast done to-day, and that which thou hast desired to do, even to strike thy mighty 
strokes on the Ulaid.' Then the mind of the cleric grew humble, and his nature 
stays, and the hosts are saved, and they went' from his presence unharmed. 
Then he turns unto the men of Munster, and there came maimed to meet him 
Cairthenn the Fair, and : Cairthenn the Brown, and seven sons of Forannan of the 
Hiii Gaissfn, and Fermac and Ifernan, and they entreat the cleric for his help, and 
they give him his ; owri award. So Findchua turns "towards them, and blesses them, 
and heals by his miracles and wonderful deeds, so that they were cured of their 
wounds, and they ordain his dues to him, to wit, fifty foreign steeds out of Hiii 
Toirdelbaig, and fifty bugle-horns out of Hui Caissin, and fifty silver pails from the 
nobles of Ddl Cais. Then Findchua went to the king, and his own award is given to 
him, to wit, a cow for every enclosure from Ard-chnoc (that is Cnoc Brenainn) to Dairinis 
at Imliuch, and a milch-cow to the cleric carrying his crozier whenever it shall be 
borne into battle, and that the king of Munster should always stand up before 
Findchua's successor. Findchua left a blessing with the kingfolk and with the men 
of Munster, and went forward to his own abode, after victory of miracles and 

3135. Then a war of foreigners arose in the province ofOonnaught during 
Findchua's time. Tomaltaeh, son of Muiredach, was then king of the Connaught-' 
men. Now, every year foreigners used to take from them their goods over sea to the 
east, so that they (the foreigners) left famine and scarcity of food in the province. 
Messengers went from Tomaltaeh to Findchua (entreating) him to expel the 
foreigners, and (offering him) his own award. Findchua went with the envoys to- 
Gruachan of Mag Ai. The Connaughtmen rejoiced to see him. Then the 
foreigners were encamped near' them in Cuil Feda, which is to-day called Ciiil 
Gndmrois. ''What wish' ye to do to 'them yonder?' saith Findchua. ' To give them 
battle,' say the Connaughtmen. ' 1 will repel the battalion, if ye consent to do my 
will!' The Gonnaughtmen promise his award to him. Findchua marches with 
them to battle, and the : foreigners perceive him. Then through the mighty powers 
of the cleric a terrible heat seizes the foreigners there, in the midst of their camp, 
from the iron posts that stood all around the camp, so that on the morrow 
there was found of them nought save their bones and their remains amidst their 
camp, and showers of their weapons near them. Wherefore Cuil Cnanirois (' Recess 
of Bone-wood ?') is the name of the place from that to this. Then the Connaught- 
men trust in the miracles of the cleric, and ordain' his tributes and his dues to him, 



and a horse (to be given) by every gentleman, and a screbal 1 by every one, and the 
king of Connaught's raiment from crown to ground every year to Findchua. Then 
Findchua left with the king of Connaught victory in battle, and victory of deed, and 
victory of horsemanship, and that might of foreigners should never seize the province 
of Connaught after him. So that is ' Findchua's feed ' in Connaught for ever and ever. 
Then Findchua bids farewell to the Connaughtmen, and comes to his own residence 
in Fermoy. 

3157. Mothla, son of Flann, son of Oengus, he was king of Ciarraige at that 
time. His brother's son abode with him, even Ciar Cuirchech, from whom Ciarraige 
Cuirchech is called. And the king's foster-brothers declared that that son of his 
brother should be killed, so that he might not oppose him. And the king consented 
that he should be killed when he should be out hunting. But they did not succeed, 
though they took it in hand. That is told to the king, and intoxicating liquor 
pleasant to drink is given to the lad, even Ciar Cuirchech, and he was put when asleep 
into a coracle with one oar on the sea. And the wind blows him to Inis Fuamnaige, 
a place wherein Magor Dub-loingsech, one of the foreigners, was dwelling. By him 
Ciar Cuirchech is taken out of the coracle 2 , and Ciar tells his adventures to Magor, 
and Magor, when he had heard his tales, protected him. And this is the price of 
protection which Magor demanded of him, even guidance to the territory whence 
he had come; so that Magor might ravage it, for he had no corn or cultivation what- 
ever in his islands. So for the space of three autumns they invaded Ciarraige, and 
carried its corn out of it in their ships after raiding it, so that a great dearth increased 
in all Ciarraige thereby. 

31 70. (Then) said Mothla, son of Flann : 'Let some one go from us to our brother 
of original kindred, even to Findchua of Sliab Cua, that he may help us as he helpeth 
every one.' The envoys come from the west to Findchua and declare to him their 
desire. Findchua then entered Ciarraige to help his original kindred, and that was 
the night that the marauders entered the country and encamped at Finntracht(' White 
Strand ') of Cenn Magair. The king asks Findchua what they should do to them, 
Findchua asks the king what evil they were wont to do every year in the country, Saith 
the king : ' They do not leave behind them the little corn that it has/ 'Let them alone/ 
saith Findchua, ' till they take their loads upon them, and let us march on the strand 
after them, and I have permission that they shall come to meet us without their seeing 
us.' Not long afterwards they saw them coming towards them on the strand, with 
their burdens laid upon them. So the cleric's wrath and indignation arose like 
flakes of red flame, or like the rush of a wave to the land. Such was the urgency- 

1 Said in 1. 2832 to be seven pennies of gold. 

3 For the isin of the Book of Lismore, the Brussels MS. has asin. . : 


and haste with which Findchua marched on that day, in his brother's battalion, 
through affection, that as great and as high as the sail of a mighty ship over the 
smooth sea were 1 God's miracles and might through the Saint's prayer against 
the foreigners, and Ireland's waves arose against him. So the howling and rending 
of a hound possessed him in his valour on that day. Although no heroes save 
himself alone were fighting the battle, the foes would have been routed before him, for he 
cut off the foreigners equally with his weapons and his teeth. Wherefore the name 
Find-chic clave to him, that is, like a cti (hound) on that day was he. And the host 
of Ciarraige then set all their faces to battle and to valour, so that of the foreigners 
none escaped without capture or without slaying, save only Ciar Cuirchech, and he it 
is whom Findchua protected. Then they (the men of Ciarraige) boasted of that 
deed, and the miracles of God and of Findchua were magnified, so that no foreigner 
gets power therein outside his own heritage, provided Findchua is remembered in 
delivering the battle, and it is delivered in the name of God and of Findchua, and his 
tributes are paid to his successor after him. 

3195. Said the king to him: 'Deliver thy judgment, O cleric, and strike thy 
stroke of tribute upon us now, for we will always be own monks to thee and thy 
successors.' ' This is my award,' saith Findchua : ' For every homestead a sack of 
malt to me, with a corresponding supply 2 of food hi every year.' They decided that 
they would give this. Then the king said that Ciar Cuirchech would not find welcome 
with him, and that he would consent to Findchua taking him away with him. So 
Ciar Cuirchech went with Findchua. Thirty was his number 3 , that is all he found 
of his friends and of his comrades in the country. Then Findchua bade farewell to 
the king and the kingfolk, and left a blessing with them, and went to his own abode. 
And he put Ciar into Ciarraige Cuirchech, wherefore from him it has been named. 
And Findchua is entitled every year to thirty boars from Ciarraige Cuirchech. 

3205. Thereafter during Findchua's time the clans of Niall of the North come 
to seize the kingdom of Munster, for they had heard of the land in its 'fatness, and 
that Hugh's Half 4 was in woe concerning its kings and its lords, and had no 
proper king over it. So they pitched their camp at Loch Silenn in (what is called) 
to-day Gort Clainne Ne*ill (* the Field of Niall's clan '), and no one hindered them, for 
there was no over-king in Munster at that time, but (only) chieftains equal in rank. 
The Munstermen, however, entrusted themselves to their saints, to win the victory from 
the Children of Niall, since they (the Munstermen) had no champion of battle against 
; 3211. Now they had then a king's son, even Scannal son of the king of Hiii 

1 Something seems omitted here. 2 Literally ' with its sufficiency.' 

8 A lion, B. * The southern half of Ireland., 


Cairbri. A reverend patron of the seed of Eogan was he ; and he declared that seven 
saints would come to deliver battle, provided there were before him one hero of 
the clans of Eogan, of the sons of kings or crown-princes. He was told by the men 
of Minister that there was a valiant man of Munster, even Cairpre the Bent son of 
Crimthan Stripe, son of Eochaid, son of Oengus, son of Natfraech, .and that He was 
son of a king and a queen, and that he was the makings of a king, provided the 
tribes and families crowned him ; and it was stated to them that he was a-hunting in 
difficult places and in wastes and in forests, to wit, for (wild) swine and deer. And 
messengers went from them to meet him, and they told him that they would give 
the kingdom to him if he would go to battle along with them. He replied that he 
would not go until the valiant warrior who dwelt in Munster should come with him, 
even Findchua of SJiab Cua. Thereof yon saints are informed, and they come to 
Findchua with the nobles of Munster to bring him to the battle. 'Who are they,' saith 
Findchua, ' that have undertaken the battle ? ' ' They have no might till thou art 
delivering it with them along with Scannal/ ' I think (I will go) with him,' saith 
Findchua, ' though I am loath.' And he went with them till they came to Loch 
Silenn, to the gathering of Munster. 

3227. And Cairbre the Bent, when he heard that Findchua had arrived there, 
joined them with his host as he had promised. And rising early on the morning, 
they sa\y before them the clans of Niall in their camp, in their vast, many-coloured 
company. The Munstermen, save Findchua only, flinch from the fight in horror 
of the Children of Niall, and because of the abundance of their heroes and their 
accoutrements. And Findchua gave counsel to the men of Munster, and said that 
not a homestead of their territory would be left them, if there was any flinching. 
The Munstermen said : ' The children of Niall are thrice our number.' Findchua 
told them to slay the surplus till the numbers were equal, and, when they were equal, 
that each of the Munstermen should then slay his opponent \ Howbeit, Findchua 
and Cairbre* the Bent heartened and strengthened the Munstermen to the battle, for 
Cairpre was not for shunning it. The Munstermen accepted the battle through 
shame and through the encouragement of Findchua ancj Cairbre. Then the clans of 
Niall set themselves in battle-rarray and came to meet the Munstermen fiercely and 
furiously, and there was a forest 2 of then* weapons, over their heads, and a bulwark 
of their shields around them. Then the Munstermen with their saints rise up against 
them ; and though the Children of Niall were more numerous, they were routed in the 
battle by the strengths of the saints and the champions ; and the routed men are 
pursued and a multitude of them is beheaded, and their heads are gathered into one 
place, and put intp Loch Silenn, which to-day is called Loch Cenn (Lake of Heads). 
1 afhir chpmhMnn, as should have been printed in 1. 3245. a Literacy 'pjaikwood.' 


3254. And Cairbre the Bent, son of Crimthan, is made king of Munster, and 
Findchua entreats God to bestow a goodly form upon him, for his skin 1 was 
scabrous. And Findchua obtained from God his choice of form for him, so that 
he was called Cairbre the Fair, after the change of shape and colour. In Cell 
Cromglaise (' Church of Bent-stream '), that Cairbre had been fostered by Scellan, 
so that the name Cairbre the Bent clave to him, as (the poet) said 

'He was straight from head to sole 
Though he was called Cairbre Crom : 
Hence he received the name 
Because of his fostering in Crom-glais.' 

3265. Findchua then blesses the ruler of Munster and the king of Cashel, to wit, 
Cairbre, with his seed ; and the king made a covenant with Findchua for himself and 
for his seed, and battles are broken before Cairbre's clan 2 when they are delivered in 
the name of God and Findchua. Or if one of his relics go with them into the contest 
that they will have the victory. And Findchua vowed that from that day forward 
he would not cause a battle. The Munstermen with their king determine Findchua's 
tributes upon them, to wit, the first calf and the first lamb, and the first pig to 
Findchua and his successor from the men of Munster, and protection of his place 
from Cairbre's children always, and an alms from every nose in Fermoy to his 
successor. And his prayer-for them in harm of need, and that he would entreat God 
to help in truth the race of Cairbre and Cathal. 

3275. After that Findchua went to his own residence; and then he went to 
Rome, for he was repentant of the battles which he had fought and the deeds 
which he had done for friendship and for love of brotherhood. And he sang these 
staves below: 

'Seven, battles have I fought 
I am Findchua without disgrace 
From the battle of Dun Dubchomair 
To the battle of Finntracht Cinn Maguir. 

A battle at Tara I delivered, 

A battle in Leinster, with my devotion, 

A battle in middle Munster, 

I gave it without danger. 

The contentious battle of Loch Cenn 
Against the clans of Niall without disgrace ; 
The renowned battle of Crnachan Ai 
It brake before me 3 . 

1 Literally ' make.' a i. e. their foes are routed. s i. e. I routed my foes. 


My fight against Momonians, 
With Aed's son, with my miracles, 
My battles for the mindful, 
Meet to reckon them in their sevens. 

To Rome of Latinm is my pilgrimage, 

On the road of Peter and Paul, 

In Bronaide's monastery 

I have been reckoned in their sevens.' 


3297. So those are Findchua's deeds and birth, and his battles and his contests 
and his journeys, from the time that he spake in his mother's womb till he went to 
Rome of Latium. And therein he abode, for the space of a year in repentance, 
as he himself wrote in the Book of the Monastery of Buite son of Br6nach. 

3301. (It is) the friar O'Buagachain who wrote this Life out of the Book of 

Finit with Findchua. 


3305. Beatus uirqui timet Dommum, in mandatis eius uolet nimis*. Blessed and 
righteous (and) perfect is he in whom are the fear and dread of the mighty Lord, and 
who desireth mightily to fulfil God's commands and teachings, even as this declaration 
is uttered in the canon of the Old Law and the New Testament. 

3309. Now there was a multitude of the patriarchs and prophets and apostles 
and disciples of the Lord, unto whom, in the Old Law and the New Testament, this 
declaration was uttered, even that they are blessed, righteous, perfect, advanced, 
because of the desire and extreme longing which they have to fulfil the commands and 
the divine teaching, and because of the fear of the Lord perfectly in their hearts and 
in their minds, without considering aught else save this alone. 

3315. One of those of the New Testament, to wit, of that happy blessedness, 
he for whom there is a festival and commemoration on the occurrence of this season 
and time, the seventh of the calends of June, was Brenainn, son of Finnlug, of the race 
of Ciar, son of Fergus. The head of the belief and the great devotion of all the world 
was this holy Brenainn ; like unto Abraham, the faithful ; a chief-prophetic psalmist 
like David, the son of Jesse; a distinguished sage, like Solomon, son of David; a law- 
giver, like Moses, son of Amram ; a gifted interpreter, like Hieronymus, the prophet; 
a marvellous man of intellect like Augustine ; a great reader of chief congregations 
like Origen ; a virgin was he like John, the Lord's bosom-fosterling ; an evangelist 
like Matthew ; a teacher like Paul ; a chief apostle of forgiveness, like Peter, the high 
apostle ; a head of hermits, like John of the Baptism ; a commentator like Gregory of 
Rome; a prudent guide over sea and land, like Noah, son of Lamech. And as 
Noah raised up the ark over the wave-voice of the flood on high, so then will 
Brenainn raise up his monks and his households on high over the fire of Doom, so that 
neither smoke, nor mist, nor spark will reach them, through the powers and fair 
devotion of Brenainn, son of Finnlug. 

3331. Now, in the time of Oengus, son of Natfraech, king of Munster, then 
was this holy Brenainn born. Of Ciarraige Luachra was he, of Altraige Caille in 


> Ps. cxi. i. 


3334. A man free and of good race, devout and faithful, even Finnlug, was 
the father of that child. Thus then was that couple *, in life and in lawful connexion 
under the rule of Bishop Eire. Now Brenainn's mother beheld a vision before 
Brenainn was bora, to wit, she had the full of her bosom of pure gold, and her 
breasts shining like snow. After that vision had been related to Bishop Eire, he 
said that of her would be born a mighty birth, which would be full of the grace of the 
Holy Spirit, even Brenainn. 

3341. A certain wealthy man dwelt in a residence far from Finnlug's house: 
Airde,. son of Fidach, was his name. The chief prophet of that time came to Airde 
son of Fidach's house, Bee Mac De* was he. Airde asked of Bee : ' What thing is 
nearest us to-night ? ' Said Bee : * Thine own worthy king will be born to-night 
between thee and the sea, and there will be a multitude of kings and of princes who 
will adore him, and whom he will take with him to heaven/ In that night of 
Brenainn's nativity, thirty cows brought forth thirty calves at Airde son of Fidach's. 
Thereafter early on the morrow Airde arose and kept asking for the house in 
which the little child had been born ; and he found Finnlug's house, and the babe 
therein,, and he knelt eagerly in his presence and offered him the thirty cows with 
their calves. Arid that was the first alms that Brenainn received. Then the 
hosteller took the boy in his hand and said : ' This boy will be my fosterling for ever 
and ever.' 

3354. Now, on the night of Brenainn's birth, bishop Eire, of Alltraige, beheld a 
wood under one vast flame, the like whereof had never before been seen by him, and 
the manifold service of the angels in bright-white garments all around the land. 
Bishop Eire rose early on the morrow, and came to Finnlug's house, and took the boy 
in his hand, and said to him : ' O man of God! ' that is, man who will serve God 
'take me to thee as (thy) own monk, and though a multitude be glad at thy birth, 
my heart and my soul are glad,' said bishop Eire. Then he knelt before hinij and 
wept exceedingly in token of gladness, and then he baptized him,, and 'Mobhi ' was* 
given him at first for a name by his parents> as the poet said: 

' Mobbi his name at first 


(Given) by (Ms) parents fair his face;. 

A youth hostful, seeking, slender, 

He was a help to the men of Ireland'/' 

3367. Thereafter a white rain (<5r0?7?) that -is, .a white mist, poured-there and 
filled all the Fenet 2 . Thence was Broen-finn his name, find 'white-' was- said of 
him, because he' was white in. body, and in soul, as (the poet) said :. 

1 i. e. Finning and his wife. . 

3 A townland in Kerry. ^QQ^OR Annals of the-Four Marty w,ed. O'Donovan, A.D. 1600, p. 2177. 


' JBraon-foid his name after that, 
In body and in soul, 
From that shower he found .... 
From bishop Eire ' 

3374. Then three purple wethers leaped out of the well as the fees for 
baptizing Brenainn, as [the poet said :] 

'Three purple wethers, pleasant the herd, 
Baptismal fees for . . . Brenainn, 
Sprang fair was the compact 
Out of the well alone.' 

3380. His family took him with them, and he was then a year with them, being 
fostered. At the end of a year then bishop Eire took him with him to his own foster- 
mother, even fta, and Brenainn remained five years with fta. And the nun gave 
him exceeding love, for she used to see the service of angels * above him, and the 
grace of the Holy Spirit manifestly upon him ; and it is thus that Brenainn used to be, 
calling continually to the nun whenever he would see her. Now on a certain day f ta 
asked of him: 'What is it causes thee joy, my holy child?' 'Thou/ saith he, 
' whom I see speaking to me continually, and many other innumerable virgins like thee, 
and they together fostering me from one hand to another.' Now those were angels 
in the forms of the virgins. 

' Angels in the forms of white virgins 
Were fostering Brenainn 
From one hand to another, 
Without much disgrace to the babe.' 

; 3393." Thereafter to the end of five years, he constantly read his psalms with 
bishop Eire, and it seemed long to f ta to be apart from him. Now bishop Eire had no 
milch cow, for he used not to get alms from any one except a little from men under 
rule \ Now on a certain day, Brenainn was asking milk from his foster-father : 'God is 
able (to do) that, my son,' saith bishop Eke. Thereafter every day came the hind from 
Sliab Luachra with her fawn, and she was milked by him, and after her milking she 
used to go (back) alone to- the mountains. 

3400. Then dwelt Brig with him ; she was an own sister of his, and exceeding 
was the greatness of his love for her, for manifest to him was the service of the angels * 
over her, and her foster-father used to see her countenance as it were the radiance of 
a summer sun. 

3403. On a certain day bishop Eire went to preach the word of God 3 . 
Brenainn, who was then aged ten years, went with him into the chariot. He is left 

1 i. e. angels ascending and descending. a . Regular clergy, monks. 

3 The Brussels MS. here adds breitare De. 


alone in the chariot after the cleric had gone to the preaching. Brenainn sat in the 
chariot singing his psalms alone. Then a fine full-grown, yellow-haired girl, of royal 
race, came to the chariot to him, and looked on him, and sees his beautiful bright 
countenance, and attempts to jump at once into the chariot and play her game with 
him. Then he said to her: 'Go home, and curse whoever brought thee here;' and he 
takes the reins of the chariot, and begins flogging her severely, so that she was 
crying and screaming, and went to the place where her father and mother, the king and 
the queen, were biding. Then bishop Eire returned and begins rebuking him severely 
for beating the stainless maiden. ' I will perform penance for it,' saith Brenainn, 
' and do thou tell me what I shall perform.' ' Go into this cave till morning,' saith 
bishop Eire, ' and stay there alone till I come to thee to-morrow/ Then Brenainn 
sat down in the cave, and therein he began his psalms and his hymns of praise to 
the Lord. Bishop Eire tarries near the cave listening to Brenainn without his know- 
ledge. Now the sound of Brenainn's voice singing his psalms was heard a thousand 
paces on every side. The sound of the voice of Colombcille was heard to. the same 
distance when he was chanting his psalms arid his hymns. 

* The sound of the voice of melodious Brenainn, 
In the cave at the Fenit, 

A thousand paces on every height 
His high delightful voice was heard.' 

3426. Then the cleric beheld troops of angels up to heaven and down to earth 
around the cave until the morning. From that time forward no one save only 
Finan the Bent could look at Brenainn's face, because of the abundance of the 
divine radiances, for Finan was (himself) full of the grace of the Holy Spirit. And 
this it is which caused him rather than others to look at Brenainn. 

* To look on Brenainn's face 
No one in Ireland is able, 

Save. Finan the Bent, dear the champion, 

He alone, because of the greatness of his grace.' 

3435- On a certain day Brenainn and bishop Eire were travelling on the road. 
A certain young man came on the road into their company. It happened then that 
enemies were near him, even seven warriors, and great fear seized the youth, and he 
said, ' Those yonder will slay me now.' ' Go on a little on the shadow of that pillar- 
stone there/ saith Brenainn, ' and stretch thyself on its shadow.' So he acts in that 
way, and Brenainn raises his hands to God, and makes prayer that the young man 
might be saved * in the form of a pillar-stone. Then his enemies come to the pillar- 
stone, and they cut its head off it in his shape, and they wound the pillar-stone in its 
side, and leave the stone beheaded, and carry the head with them^ in the shape of the 

1 Co rosoektea, = co ro scertha, B* 


head of their enemy. And still, as the wise say, that stone remains in the same place. 
So that there Brenainn made a stone of the man, and a man of the stone. * Repent 
ye,' saith bishop Eire to them \ ' for the head of the stone that ye have, and your 
enemy hath gone whole from you.' Then they make fervent repentance under 
bishop Eire's rule, thenceforward for ever. 

3449. Now, after Brenainn had learnt the canon of the Old Law and the New 
Testament, he desired to write and to learn the Rules of the saints of Ireland. So 
bishop Eire consented that he should go and learn those Rules, for Eire knew that it 
was from God that Brenainn had that counsel; And bishop Eire said to him : 
* Come again to me when thou hast those Rules, that thou mayest take (ecclesiastical) 
orders from me.' After Brenainn had gone to commune with his foster-mother f ta, 
she said the same to him, that is, to learn the Rules of the saints of Ireland, and she 
(also) said to him : ' Do not study with women nor with virgins, lest .some one revile 
thee. Go,' she saith, ' and a famous warrior of noble race will meet thee on the road.' 
It happened, then, that Mac Lenfn was that warrior. After Brenainn had travelled 
(some distance) Mac Lenfn met him. Then said Brenainn to him : ' Repent, for God 
is calling thee, and thou shalt be His own child to Him from henceforward.' Then 
did Colman Mac Lenin turn to the Lord, and a church is built by him at once, as 

Colman said : 

''Brenainn, flame of a victorious world 2 .' 

3484. .After -that Brenainn visited the province of Connaught, drawn by the 
fame of a certain .pious man who dwelt there, even larlaithe, son of Lug, son of Tren, 
son of Fiacc, son of Mochta, son of Bresal, son of Siracht, son of Fiacha the Fair. 
And with him Brenainn learnt all the Rules of the Irish saints. And Brenainn said 
to larlaithe : ' In no wise shall thy resurrection be here.' ' My holy son,' said larlaithe, 
'why dost thou hide from us the divine graces of the Holy Spirit which are manifestly in 
thee, and the innumerable powers of the mighty Lord which aire secretly in thy spotless 
mind ? Thou forsooth hast come to me to learn from me,' said larlaithe ; * but it is I. 
who -shall be thine henceforward: only take me into thy service for ever and ever/ 

3494.. Said .Brenainn to him: 'Let a new chariot be built by thee,' saith he, 
'for .thou art an old man, and go in it on the road. And wheresoever -the two hind- 
shafts of the chariot- shall break, -there thy resurrection will be, and the resurrection 
of a multitude along with thee.' So then the .old man enters the chariot, and he had 
not -gone far when the .two hind-shafts of the chariot broke, and this is the name of the 
place: Tuaim da Ghualann( { Mound of two shoulders '). Then the twain. made this 

1 B adds feitt. 

8 Of the rest of this 'poem (which does not occur in .the Brussels MS., -and of which, I, have no 
second copy) I can only translate a few words. 

Kk 1 


lay between them, while gazing at the graveyard and the train of angels manifestly 
(rising) from it. And Brenainn spake the first five staves, and then larlaithe spake : 

' Lofty the graveyard of the splendid angels V 

After leaving larlaithe there Brenainn went on toward Magh Ai. Now an 
angel met him on the road, and this he said to him : ' Write/ saith he, ' the words 
of the devotion from me.' Then Brenainn wrote from the angel's mouth 2 the whole, 
sacred ecclesiastical Rule, and that Rule still remains. Now when they were traversing 
the plain they see the bier with a dead man upon it, and his friends bewailing him. 
' Trust ye in the Lord/ saith Brenainn, ' and the man whom ye have will be alive.' 
After prayer to God was made by Brenainn, the youth arose straightway, and his 
family take him with them with exceeding gladness. So after that each begins 
to gaze at him, and they take him to the king of the plain. And the king offers 
him land wherever he liked in that plain, and Brenainn accepted it not, because he had 
no desire to dwell on that plain. 

3554. Now after the Rule of the angel and the Rules of the saints of Ireland, with 
their usages and with their piety, had been written by Brenainn, he returned to bishop 
Eire and received ecclesiastical orders from him. There he heard in the gospel: 
' Every one that hath forsaken father or mother or sister or lands (for my name's sake) 
shall receive a hundredfold in the present 3 r and shall possess everlasting life.' After 
that, then, the love of the Lord grew exceedingly in his heart, and he desired to leave 
his land and his country, his parents and his fatherland, and he urgently besought 
the Lord to give .him a land secret, hidden, secure, delightful, separated from men. 
Now after he had slept on that night he heard the voice of the angel from heaven, 
who said to him, 'Arise, O Brenainn/ saith he, 'for God hath given thee what thou 
soughtest, even the Land of Promise.' Then Brenainn arose, and his mind was glad 
at that answer, and he goes alone to Sliab Daidche, and he saw the mighty intolerable * 
ocean on every side, and then he beheld the beautiful noble island, with trains of 
angels (rising) from it. After that he remains there for the space of three days, 
and again he fell asleep. So then the angel of the Lord came to commune with him; 
and said, ' I will be along with thee/ saith he, ' henceforward for ever and ever, and I 
will teach thee how to find the beautiful island which thou hast seen, and which thou 
desirest to obtain.' Brenainn then wept exceedingly, because of his delight at the 
angel's answer to him, and he renders thanks unto God. 

3573. Thereafter Brenainn went from the mountain, and comes to his family, 

1 I cannot translate the greater part of these verses, which are not in the Brussels MS., and of which- 
I have no second copy. . - . : 

2 A gion an aingil, B. 

3 For inprocenti accipiat we should of course read in praesenti accipiet. 
* For the ndosholachta of the MS. I read ndofholachta. 


and said to them, ' Let three great vessels be built by you/ saith he, ' and three rows 
of oars for each ship, and three sails of hides, and thirty men in each ship.' But they 
were not all clerics, as said the poet : 

'Three vessels, the sage sailed 
Over the wave-voice of the flowing (?) sea. 
Thirty men in each vessel he had 
Over the storm. of the crested sea. 

Three ranks of oars had they 

For every vessel, fair the decision, 

A sail of hides, with a powerful knowledge, 

In the three vessels which sailed. 

They were not all clerics who went 

On the voyage, fair the host! 

A family .... bare its .... ( 

In the three sailing vessels.' 

3589. So Brenainn, son of Finnlug, sailed then over the wave-voice of the 
strong-maned sea, and over the storm of the greenrsided waves, and over the mouths 
of the marvellous, awful, bitter ocean, where they saw the multitude of the furious 
red-mouthed monsters, with abundance of the great sea-whales. And they found 
beautiful marvellous islands, and yet they tarried not therein. 

3594. Thus they abode for the space of five years on the ocean marvellous, 
strange, unknown to them. And during that time- not one of them departed, and 
they suffered loss of none of their people, and body or soul of not one of them was. 
injured. And that was a marvel, for Brenainn had not let them take provisions with 
them ; but he said that God was able to feed them wheresoever they might be, even 
as He fed the five thousand with the five loaves and the two fishes, x 

3601. Now when the Easter was nigh, his family kept saying to Brenainn that he 
should go on land to celebrate the Easter. ' God/ saith Brenainn, ' is able to give us 
land in any place that He pleases.' .Now after the Easter had come the great sea-beast 
raised his shoulder on high over the storm and over the wave-voice of the sea, so that, 
it was level, firm land, like a field equally smooth, equally high. And they go forth 
upon that land and there they celebrate the Easter, even one day and two nights.. 
After they had gone on board their vessels, the whale straightway plunged under the 
sea. And it was in that wise they used to celebrate the Easter, to the end of seven 
years, on the back of the. whale, as Cundedan 1 said : 

'Brenainn loved lasting devotion 
According to synod and company : 
Seven years on the" back of the whale : 
Hard was the rule of devotion.' 

1 This seems a mistake for Cumine (of Connor). 


3615. For when the Easter of every year was at hand the whale would heave 'up 
his back, so that it was dry and solid land. 

361 7. On a certain day, as they were on "the marvellous ocean, they beheld the deep 
bitter streams, and the vast black whirlpools of the strong-maned sea, and in them their 
vessels were constrained to founder because of the greatness of the storm. Each then 
begins to look towards Brenainn, for exceedingwas the danger in which they were biding. 
Brenainn raised his voice on high and said, 'It is enough for thee, O mighty seal to 
drown me alone, but let this folk escape from thee ! ' Then the sea grew still, and the 
calms abated the whirlpools at once. Thenceforward then theyharmed no one else. 

3625. On a certain day they were on the sea, the Devil came in a form inveterate, 
awful, hideous, foul, hellish, and sat on the sail of the vessel before Brenainn ; and 
none of them saw him, save Brenainn alone. Brenainn asked him why he had come 
before his proper time, that is, before the time of the great resurrection. ' For this 
have I come/ saith the Devil, ' to seek my punishment in the deep closes of this 
black dark sea.' Brenainn enquired of him, ' What is this, where is that infernal 
place?' 'Sad is that/ saith the Devil; 'no one can see it, and remain alive 
afterwards.' Howbeit the Devil there revealed the gate of hell to Brenainn. And 
Brenainn beheld that rough, hot prison, full of stench, full of flame, full of filth, full 
of the camps of the poisonous demons, full of wailing, and screaming, and hurt, and 
sad cries, and great lamentations, and moaning, and handsmiting of the sinful folks ; 
and a gloomy mournful life in cores of pain, in prisons of fire, in streams of the rows of 
eternal fire, in the cup of eternal sorrow and death, without limit, without end * : hi black 
dark swamps, in forts of heavy flame, in abundance of woe, and death, and torments, 
and fetters, and feeble, wearying combats; with the awful shouting of the poisonous 
demons; in a night 2 ever-dark, ever-cold, ever-stinking, ever-foul, ever-misty, ever- 
harsh, ever-long, ever-stifling, deadly, destructive, gloomy, fiery-haired, of the loathsome 
bottom of hell. 

3642. On sides of mountains of eternal fire, without rest, without stay, but hosts 
of demons dragging the sinners 3 into prisons, wretched, heavy, strong, fiery, dark, 
deep, occult, empty, base, black, void, foul, stale, musty, constantly contentious, 
quarrelsome, wearying, deathful, and lamentable : sharp, rough, windy, full of wailing, 
shrieking, lamentation, and crying: keen, spectral. Worms curved, hard, valiant, 'big- 
headed, and monsters yellow, white, great-mouthed; lions fierce, greedy; dragons 
red, black, brown, demoniac; tigers mighty, treacherous; scorpions blue, . . .; 
hawks red, and tall; vultures rough, and sharp-beaked; stag-beetles black and 
hump-backed; flies sharp and beaked.; leeches crooked, bone-mouthed; mallets 
heavy, iron; flails ancient, old-rough; sharp swords; red spears; black demons; 

1 B inserts 7 bais cen crich, cen foircenn. z aidchi B. 3 B has oc taming na pectach. 


stinking fires; streams of poison ; cats scratching; hounds rending; dogs hunting; 
demons yelling; stinking lakes; great swamps; dark pits; deep glens; high 
mountains ; hard crags ; a hosting of demons ; a filthy camp ; punishment with- 
out ceasing; a greedy host; frequent fray; quarrel without ceasing; demons 
punishing; abundance of torture; a sorrowful life; a place wherein there are streams 
/frozen, bitter, ever-stinking, rushing (?), extended, mixed, lamentable, corrupt, melted, 
fiery, bare, swift, of full fire ; straits hard, craggy, sharp-headed, long, cold, deep, 
wind-swept, little, great; plains bare, flaming; hills pointed . . .; glens hard, full of 
reptiles; bogs rough, thorny ; woods dark, fiery; roads foul,monsterful; seas thickened 
surface-stinking; nails huge, iron; waters dark, unsweet; places (?) abundant, various ; 
an assembly foul, ever-gloomy; winds bitter, wintry; snow frozen, ever-dropping; 
flakes red, fiery ; faces base, darkened ; demons swift, greedy ; tortures vast, various. 

3669. Then his people asked of Brenainn: 'With whom art thou conversing?' 
say they. Brenainn told them that it was the Devil was conversing with him, and he 
related to them a few of the torments which he had seen, as we have said, even as 
hath been- found in the old writings of the ancient law. 

3673. Then said one of his people to Brenainn, 'Let me' saith he, 'behold 
somewhat of those torments.' On being permitted to behold "Hell with its many 
torments, he died forthwith, and this he said when dying : ' Woe, woe, woe,' saith he, 
' to him who hath come, and will come, and cometh into that prison ! ' Thereafter then 
Brenainn makes prayer, and that man of his people who died is brought again to life. 

3678. It was not long after they had gone thence when they found the maiden 
smooth, full-grown, yellow-haired, whiter than snow or the foam of the wave ; and she 
was dead, the blow of a spear having gone through her shoulder and passed between 
her two paps. Huge in sooth was the size of that maiden, to wit, a hundred feet in her 
height, and nine feet between her two paps, and seven feet in the length of her middle 
finger. Brenainn brought her to life at once, and then he baptised her and asked her 
concerning her kindred. ' Of the inhabitants of the sea am I,' saith she, ' that is, of 
those who pray and expect their resurrection.' Brenainn asked her what she desired : 
'Wilt thou go at once to heaven, or wilt thou go to thy fatherland ? ' The girl answered 
in a language which no other save Brenainn understood, and this she said : 'To heaven/ 
saith she, ' for I hear the voices of the angels praising the mighty Lord.' So after the 
girl had partaken of the Body of Christ, and of His Blood, she died without any 
distress, and she is buried honourably there by Brenainn. 

3691. On a certain day when they were prosperously on the sea and they were 
towing, they beheld a certain beautiful island and it was lofty. Howbeit they found 
no easy harbour or port in it for entrance. They continued going round about it to 
the end of twelve days, and during that space they were unable to land upon it. 


Howbeit they heard men's voices therein praising the Lord, and they beheld therein a 
church high, famous, delightful. When they heard the sound of the voice of the 
folk of the island, Brenainn with his people straightway slumber in their spiritual sleep. 
Now since they were not allowed to land on the island, from above a waxed tablet is 
cast down to them, and it was inscribed, and this was thereon; ' Spend no toil in 
trying to enter this island, for ye will never come therein ; but tjbe island which ye 
seek ye will find, and this is not it. And go to thy country and to thy land, for there 
is a multitude seeking thee, and who would fain see thee. And search the holy 
scriptures wherein hath been said: Mansiones Dei multce sunf,' as if this were 
what was said : ' The Lord hath many places and other mansions apart from this 
island.' Thereafter then they turn from that island, and in token of the welcome 
and care of the folk of that island, they take with them yon waxed tablet which it had 
given to them, and they used to read it as if it had been given them by God. 

3707. Now on a certain day they were voyaging over the sea. An exceeding 
great thirst seized them, so that death was nigh unto them. Then they beheld the 
beautiful pure-brinked streams of water dropping and flowing out of the rock. The 
brethren asked, ' Shall we drink the water ?' say they. ' Bless it first/ saith Brenainn, 
' in order to know what thing it is/ Now after blessing the water, and after singing 
hallelujah over it, suddenly yon streams ebb away, and then they beheld the Devil, 
squirting the waters from him, and killing those' that would drink them. So then they 
are saved through Brenainn's powers, and their thirst disappeared straightway. 
Howbeit that place is shut upon the Devil, so that from that time forward it did no 
ill to man or to other animals. 

3717. Now after Brenainn had been for seven years a-voyaging, he turned 
again to his own country and land as he had been ordered in the island. Then came 
the folk of his country and his own tribe to meet him, and they were asking him how 
much he had from his voyage ; and they brought him treasures and gifts as if they 
were giving them to God. Now after many of them had left the world, they then 
follow Christ ; and he (Brenainn) then performs many miracles and marvels, and 
healed the sick and [freed] the bound, and expelled devils and vices. 

3724. Thereafter he communed with his foster-father bishop Eire. He then came 
to the place wherein his foster-mother fta dwelt, and he asked her what he should do 
as regards voyaging, f ta made welcome to him as she would have made it to Christ 
with His apostles, and this she said to him : ' My dear son, why didst thou go on 
a voyage without taking counsel with me ? For the land which thou art seeking from 
God, thou wilt never find it after 1 those dead stained skins, for it is a holy consecrated 
land, and men's blood hath never been spilt therein. Howbeit/ she saith, Met 

1 Should we read isna . , , sin ' in those 1 ' ~ < 


wooden vessels be built by thee, and it is probable that thus thou wilt find the land 

3732. So after that Brenainn went into the district of Connaught. And there a 
great marvellous vessel is built by him, and it was distinguished and huge. And he em- 
barks in her with his household and his people, and they carry with them various plants 
and seeds to put therein ,' and then they take wrights and smiths who had entreated 
Brenainn to let them go along with him. Then came the buffoon to Brenainn and 
prostrated himself before him, and said, ' O Brenainn/ saith he, ' take me for God's 
sake, and have pity on my misery, so that I may go with thee.' Brenainn then took 
him. with him, and he enters the vessel with them. Now sixty men, this was their 
number, and they were all praising the Lord, and their minds were towards God, as 
the writings declare. 

.3741. Now this is the direction they first took, towards Aran, to the place 
wherein Enda dwelt, and Pupu, and Rochath ; and in their company they remained 
for the space of a month. 

3743- Now, after they had sailed for some time westward from Aran, they see 
the island great, lofty, remarkable, beautiful. Now therein dwelt mice like sea-cats, 
which filled the strand at once to swallow them up. Now the brethren ask of Brenainn, 
* What do these mice desire ? ' say they. ' To eat us and to swallow us up/ saith 
Brenainn. Then Brenainn said to the buffoon : ' Go/ saith he, ' and partake of 
Christ's Body and His Blood, and go then to eternal life, for I hear the quire-singing 
of angels calling thee to them/ That seemed good to him, and he said, 'Lord/ saith 
hej ' what good thing have I done, since I am taken at once to heaven ? ' So after 
the buffoon had partaken of Christ's Body and His Blood, he leaps ; at once (ashore) 
with exceeding joy, and the sea-cats devoured him all save a few of his bones. 
And he is buried by the brethren, and his name is written in a martyrology, for he 
was a wonderful martyr. It is manifestly from the mercy of the Lord, that the 
notoriously sinful man who came last into the vessel should be chosen to go first to 
heaven. Even so then will every well-meaning person who shall come last into the 
Church go first unto heaven, through his excess of goodwill beyond those who had 
been before him : as Christ saith, ' The first shall be last, and the last first/ 

3760. Now after they had left that island, a sudden illness seized the smith, so 
that death was nigh him. Brenainn said to him, 'Why marvellest thou?' saith he : 
' go to the heavenly kingdom as thou hast sought till to-day, or if thou desirest to 
abide still in the world, I will make prayer for thee unto God, and thou wilt find 
health.' Howbeit the smith said, ' I hear the voice of the Lord calling me ; ' and 
after partaking of Christ's Body and -His Blood, he goes to heaven. So there was 
a great question amongst the brethren as to the body being without burial, for there 

L 1 


was no land near them." Then Brenainn declared that it should be buried among**, 
the waves of the sea : for that He Who had made heaven and earth and the rest of / 
the elements was able to constrain the waves of the sea, to keep the body in them! 
immovably. So, without reaching the land, they bury the smith amongst the waves or 
the sea, down, without rising to the top of the brine, without moving hither or thither, 
but as it were on land ; and he will abide there without corrupting till the day of 
the Judgment shall come. 

3774. Now after they had left that place they beheld a little insignificant land. 
After they had taken harbour there, the harbour is filled with devils in the shape of 
dwarfs and pigmies, with their faces as black as coal. Then said Brenainn, ' Cast 
out the anchor, for no one will be able to enter this country, save he who 'shall fight 
human battles against devils and shall -spill blood over them.' So they remained there 
to the end of seven days and their nights, and they could not hoist up their anchor 
from below, and there they leave it sticking among- the rocks, and then they pass away. 

3781. Now they were in great distress from the want of the anchor and the death 
of the smith, for they had neither an anchor nor a smith who would make one for 
them. Then said Brenainn to a priest of his household, { Do thou smith's work to -^ 
the end of this month/ So Brenainn blessed the hands of the priest, for he had not 
learned smithying. Then the priest made an anchor so excellent that none equally 
good was ever found before it and will not be found after it. 

3787. Then they voyage on the ocean for a space westward. And they find 
the small, delightful, beautiful island, and therein abundance of excellent fish which 
had left the seashore and were in the enclosures and in the cashels of that lofty island. 
So while they were going round about the island, they behold therein a church built 
of stone, and a penitent white-faced old man praying therein. Thus was that old man, 
bloodless, fleshless, only a thin wretched leather on those hard-bare bones. 

3792. Then said yon old man: 'Flee swiftly/ saith he, *O Brenainn! There 
is a great sea-cat here like a young ox or a three-year-old horse, overgrown by feeding 
on the fish of this sea and this island. Avoid ye him,' saith the old man. They 
get at once into their vessel, and then row rapidly over the ocean. As they were 
biding there they beheld the monstrous sea-cat swimming after them. (Digger than 
a brazen cauldron was each of his eyes: a boar's tusks had he: furzy hair upon him; 
and he had the maw of a leopard with the strength of a lion, and the voracity of 
a hound. Then each of them began to pray unto God because of the greatness of. 
the fear .that seized them. Then said Brenainn, * Almighty God,' saith he, * order -v- 
the monster away from us that he may not devour us!' Then a huge sea-whale 
arose between them and yon monstrous sea-cat. And each of them began drowning 
the other, and battling savagely, till each of them drowned the other in the depth of 


the sea, and neither of the twain was seen thenceforward. Then Brenainn and 
his people render thanks to God, and turn again to the place wherein the old man 
dwelt. And the old man made them welcome, and wept for the greatness of the 
joy, and in making welcome to Brenainn composed these little staves : 

4 God thy life, O Brenainn, here V etc. 

3833. 'Of the men of Ireland am I,' saith the old man, 'and we were twelve 
men when we went on our pilgrimage ; and we brought yon monstrous sea-cat with 
us, as a little bird, and he was very dear to us, and after that he waxed greatly, and 
never did any hurt to us. And eleven men of them are dead, and I am here alone, 
entreating thee to administer unto me Christ's Body and His Blood, and that I may 
then go to heaven.' Now the old man revealed to them the land which they were 
seeking, even the Land of Promise. So after the old man had partaken of Christ's 
Body and His Blood, he went to heaven, and he is buried there in the island 
along with his brethren, with honour and great reverence, and with psalms and 
hymns, in the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Ghost* 

3843. After that, then, they reached the land which they had been seeking for 
the space of seven years, even the Land of Promise : as it is in the proverb, Qui 
gu&rit invenit. Now, after they had come nigh that land, and they desired to 
take harbour thdre, they heard the voice of a certain old man, and this he said to 
them : ' O ye toilsome men, O hallowed pilgrims, O folk that entreat the heavenly 
rewards, O ever-weary life expecting this land, stay a little now from your labour ! ' 
So after they had been for some time silent, yon old man said to them: 'Dear 
brothers in Christ,' saith he, 'why do ye not take this noble, beautiful land, wherein 
a human being's blood hath never been spilt, and wherein it is unmeet to bury sinners 
or evil men ? So leave ye all in your vessel everything that ye have, except a little 
raiment round you, and come from below.' Now after they had landed, each of them 
kissed the other, and the old man wept exceedingly with the greatness of the joy. 
'Search ye and see,' saith he, 'the plains of Paradise, and the delightful fields of the 
land radiant, famous, lovable, profitable, lofty, noble, beautiful, delightful. A land 
odorous, flower-smooth, blessed. A land many-melodied, musical, shouting -for joy, 
unmournful. A place wherein ye shall find,' saith the old man, 'health without 
sickness, delight without quarrelling, union without wrangling, princedom without 
dissolution, rest without idleness, freedom without labour, luminous unity of angels, 
delights of Paradise, service of angels, feasting without extinction, avoidance of 
pain, faces of the righteous, partaking of the Great Easter. A life blessed, just, 
protected, great, loveable, noble, restful, radiant, without gloom, without darkness, 

1 The translation of the rest of the poem cannot be safely attempted until a second copy is 

L 1 2, 


without sin, without weakness, in shining, incorruptible bodies, in stations of angels, 
on plains of the Land of Promise. Vast is the light and the fruitfulness of 
that island, its rest, its lovableness, its dearness, its stability, its security (?), its 
preciousness, its smoothness, its radiance, its purity, its lovesomeness, its whiteness,, 
its melodiousness, its holiness, its bright purity, its nobleness, its restfulness, its 
beauty, its gentleness, its height, its brightness, its venerableness, its full peace, its 
full unity! Happy he who shall be with well-deservingness and with good deeds/ 
and whom Brain-find, son of Findrag, shall call into union with him, on that side/ 
saith the same old man, ' to inhabit for ever and ever the island whereon we stand ! ' 

3873. Now after they had seen that paradise among the waves of the sea, they 
marvel and wonder greatly at the miracles of Gofl and His power, and they greatly 
honour and glorify the Lord after seeing those mighty miracles. 

3876. Now thus was that holy old man : without any human raiment, but all his 
body was full* of bright white feathers like a dove or a sea-mew, and it was almost 
the speech of an angel thaj he had. After the striking of his bell the tierce is 
celebrated by them. They sing thanks to God with their mind fixed on Him. They 
durst not ask anything, and they receive their spiritual instruction of him at the 
uplifting of the gospel. 

3882. This then was the preaching that Peter and Paul and the other holy 
apostles most often used to make, this preaching of the punishments and of the 
rewards, for they were displayed to them in the same manner. This, then, is the 
preaching that Sylvester, Abbot of Rome, made to Constantine, son of Helena, to 
the over-king of the world, in the great assembly when Constantine offered Rome to 
Peter and to Paul. This is the preaching that Fabian, Peter's successor, made to 
Philip, son of Gordian, King of the Romans, when he believed in the Lord, and 
when many thousand others believed there; and he was the first king of the 
Romans who believed in the Lord Jesus Christ. This, then, is the preaching which 
Elijah is wont to make to the souls of the righteous under the Tree of Life in 
Paradise. Now, when Elijah opens the book for the preaching, then come the souls 
of the righteous in shapes of bright white birds to him from every point. Then 
he first declares to them the rewards of the righteous, the happiness and delights of 
the kingdom of heaven, and at that time they are exceedingly rejoiced. Then he 
declares to them the pains and punishments of hell and the banes of Doomsday. 
Manifest exceedingly is a countenance of sorrow upon themselves then, to wit, oh 
Elijah 'and on Enoch: wherefore those are called the Two Sorrows of Heaven's 
Kingdom. Then Elijah shuts his preaching-book. The birds then make an exceeding 
great wailing, and beat their wings against their bodies till streams of blopd come 
out of them for dread of the pains of hell and of Doomsday. ~ . . 


3899.- Now since it is the souls of the saints, whose lot it is to inhabit for ever 
the kingdom of heaven, that make that lamentation, it were meet for the men of the 
world, though they should shed tears of blood expecting Doomsday, in quo die mala 
erunt. Now there will be many evils and tribulations on that day, that is, on the Day 
of Judgment, in quo die Judex Justus sua suis reddet: impiis pcenas, pr&miajustis. Then 
will the Lord pay to every human being in the world his own wage. Punishment 
He hath for the sinful, reward for the righteous. Then the sinful will be cast into the 
depth of the eternal pain, and the lock of God's word will shut them up under hatred 
of the Judge of Doom. Then the saints and the righteous, the folk of charity and of 
mercy, will be carried to the right hand of God the Father, to inhabit the kingdom of 
heaven for ever. Then they will abide in that great glory, in the unity of the Godhead 
and the Manhood of the Son of God : in the unity that is nobler than any unity, the 
unity of the holy, noble, almighty Trinity, Father, and Son, and Holy Ghost. 

3912. I beseech the" high, almighty God, through saint Brenainn's intercession, 
may we all deserve that unity, may we reach it, may we dwell therein for ever 
and ever ! 


3916. Omnia qu&cunque vultis ut faciant homines vobis ilael vos faciatis illis 1 , 
that is, every good thing that ye desire to be done to you by men, let it be so that ye 
do unto them. Hcec est enim lex et prophet, for that is law and prophecy. 

3920. Now, the prohibitor of every evil, the proclaimer of every good, the peace- 
maker of God and men, Jesus Christ, Son of the living God, the saviour of the 
whole world, He it is that spake these words to instruct His apostles and disciples, 
and the whole Church as to the ... of charity, to wit, that men should do all such 
good and charity to their neighbour as they would do unto themselves. Of that, saith 
Jesus, Omnia qucecunque vultis. Now Matthew, son of Alphseus, the eminent sage 
of the Hebrews, the fourth man who declared the gospel of .the Lord, he it is that 
wrote these words in the body of (his) gospel, so that he said according to his 
Master, even Jesus, Omnia qucscunque. \Si ergo vos, cum sitis malt, ntistis 6ona 
data dare filiis vestris ; quanta magi's Pater vester celesiis dabit bona petentibus se 2 .] 
If ye as men give good things to your children, much more will the heavenly 
Father give good to His children who beseech it. Wherefore, according to these 
words, Jesus spake this counsel; Omnia qucecunque et reliqua. For law and pro- 
phecy enjoin us to give love to God and to the neighbour. [Finis enim precepti 
can/as estl\ For the roof and end of the divine teaching is charity. Quia cariias 
propria et specialis virtus est Christianorum. For charity is the proper virtue of the 
Christians. \Narn cater & virtutes bonis et malis possunt esse communes^ For the other 
virtues may belong (both) to good men and to evil men. \Caritatem autem hdbere nisi 
perfecti nonpossunQ But no one save only a good man hath charity. \Unde Jestis ait .-] 
Wherefore Jesus saith : [' In hoc cognoscent omnes quod discipuli mei estis si dilexeritis 
inuicem^\ Then will all men know that ye are of my household, if each of you loves 
the other as I have loved you V 

3938. Now, a multitude of sons of Life, both apostles and disciples of the Lord, 
from that time to this have fulfilled desirously and piously that counsel which Jesus gave 
them, as to fulfilling the charity even as He fulfilled it ; and a special rank was given 
to charity beyond every virtue by the apostle high, venerable, the soul-friend, the 

1 Matt. vii. 12. 3 Matt. vii. 10 from the Brussels MS. (xi, 4190-4200, fo. 149*). 

3 The Brussels MS. here adds, Et iterum dixit lesus as edh atbeir losa bheos : Hoc est preceprum 
metim ut diligatis hraicem sicut dilexi cos. Is f mo chomhairle daibh go rochara' each naibh araile 
anuz/rocharasa sibhse. 


wonder-worker, the man by whom the west of the world blazed in miracles and 
marvels, in virtues and in good deeds, even sane/us Ciaranus sacerdos et apostolus 
Christi, the high-priest and the apostle, the holy Ciardn, son of the wright. As regards 
the heavenly genealogy, he was the son of the Wright Who made heaven and earth, 
and all that are therein. According to earthly genealogy, he was the son of the 
wright who built chariots, and (practised) every art besides. 

3948. Then do the faithful reverence the festival of that noble one, on the fifth 
of the ides of September as regards the day of the solar month. On this day to-day 
as regards the day of the week. 

3950. So, for the delight of the souls of the faithful, they set forth a brief 
memorial of the miracles and of the marvels of that pious one, and of his carnal 
genealogy, and of his use hi every festival 1 , and of the completion which he gave to 
his victorious career upon earth. A man, then, who had great honour with the Lord 
was this man. A man for whom God kept his monastery 2 fifty years before his birth. 
A man who was in the rank of one of Christ's apostles in this world, as Colombcille 
said: Quum tu Christi apostolum mundo misisti hominem. A lamp, then, was he, 
blazing with the light of wisdom and instruction, as Colombcille said, 

' Lucerna hujits insults. 
Lucens lucerna mirabilis.' 

A man who founded a lofty church whereout was brought profit of rule, and wisdom, 
and instruction to all the churches of Ireland, as the same sage said, 

Cuslodianiur regmina, etc., 

that is, Let the elders of this monastery keep the rules and the teachings and the 
customs which have been received from the master Ciar&n: so that these are the 
rules and the customs which have been scattered abroad and brought to all the 
monasteries of the saints of Ireland, for out of it are carried rules and customs 
throughout the whole of Ireland. 

3964. A man who is in the order of the chief prophets with the Lord in this 
world, as said the same prophet, 

Propheta qui novzssz'mus, etc., 

for it was from his nobleness and his venerableness in the eyes of the Lord of the 
Elements 3 that he was foretold by prophets long before his birth, even as Isaac was 
foretold, and John the Baptist, and, what is still nobler, as Jesus was foretold 4 . 

3968. First of all, Patrick, son of Calpurn, prophesied him, on Cruachan Aigli, 

1 Lism. is here corrupt. B also, but less corrupt, has: dia comhairbert bith in gach aighi. Here 
for aighi we should doubtless read lithlaithi: compare 1. 2733, supra, p. 81. 

2 B has : fer diaTz'a dia rochongaibh Dia a chathraigh ndflis. 3 B inserts nandula. 

* I here translate from B: ama/ rotirchanadh, Isaac 7 Eoin Babtais *} anus uaisle ann am/ 
roterchanadh Isu. 


after the tree had closed round his relics in that place where the monastery stands 

3969. Brigit prophesied him when she beheld the flame and the angel fifty years 
before Ciaran, in the place whereon Brigit's crosses stand to-day. 

3971. Bee Mac D6 prophesied of him, and said, ' There, O son of the wright, hi thy 
beautiful chasuble, with thy choirs, with thy melodies, with thy chariots, with thy songs/ 

3973. Colombcille on Ard Abla prophesied of him to Aed, son of Brandub or 

3975. Now this is Ciardn's genealogy. Ciaran, son of Beoit, son of Olchan, 
son of Dichu, son of Core, son of Cuindiu, son of Cuinnid, son of Fiac, son of Mael- 
catrach, son of Laire, son of Lairne,. son of Cuiltre, son of Gluinech, son of Coirpre, 
son of Lug, son of Meidle, son of Dub, son of Lugna, son of Feidlimid, son of 
Eochu, son of Bresal, son of Degha, son of Reo-soirche, son of Reo-doirche, son of 
Tigernmas, son of Follach, son of Eithrial, son of Irial the prophet, son of Eremon, 
son of Mil of Spain. 

3982. Now Beoit, son of Olchan, of the Lathairn, of Mag Molt of Ulaid, was 
the earthly father of this Ciaran. Darerca, daughter of Ercan, son of Buachaill, was 

his mother, as Ciarin said : 

3085. 'Darerca was my mother, 

She was not a bad woman 1 . 
My father was Beoit, the wright, 
Of Lathairn Molt.' 

3989. Of Ciarraige Irluachra, then, was his mother, that is, of Glasraige in par- 
ticular. Now Glas, the poet, was her grandfather. This was the cause of the 
union of those twain (even Beoit and Darerca). When Beoit went to visit his brothers, 
who dwelt in the district of Gene*! Fiacha, and when he saw the girl Darerca before 
them, he asked her relations and 2 her parents to give her to him, and sooth she was 
given to him. And afterwards she bore him five sons, and this is the order in which 
they were born, to wit, Lucholl, her firstborn, Donnan, the second, Ciardn, the 
third, Odran, the fourth, Cron&n, the fifth, and he was a deacon, but the other four sons 
were archpresbyters. Then she bore s three daughters to him, and two of them were 
virgins, even Lugbec and Rathbeo. Now Pata was the third daughter, and she was a 
pious widow. These are the graveyards in which are the relics of those saints, to 
wit, Lucholl and Odrdn in Isel Ciarain. Donnan and Ciardn in Clonmacnois. 
Deacon Crondn and Beoit, and the three daughters in Tech Meic int-sseir. 

4001. Now at that time there was an impious king, in the district of Hiii Ne*ill. 
Ainmire, son of Colgan, was his name. He imposed on the tribes and the kindreds 

1 i.e. according to the Irish idiom, she was an excellent woman. 

2 B inserts : for a caraitt -3. s Ruccad, B. 


a very heavy tribute : so Beoit went fleeing from that king into the province of Con- 
naught to the king of Ireland, to Crimthann, son of Lugaid, son of Dalian, unto Rath 
Cremthainn, in Magh Ai. 

4006. Ciardn was conceived on the sixth of the calends of June, and he was 
born on the sixth of the calends of March. Ciardn's birth was foretold by Lugbrann, 
the wizard of the aforesaid king. The wizard said : 

' He healed Oengus' steed 
When he lay swaddled in a cradle, 
From God that miracle to Ciaran 
Was given .... 

On a certain day, when the wizard heard the noise of the chariot, he said this, 
' Look,' saith he, ' my lads, who there is in the chariot ; for l here is " noise of chariot 
under king." ' When the gillies went out they saw nothing 2 save Beoit and Darerca in 
the chariot. When the lads laughed at the wizard, he said this : ' The child that lies in 
the woman's womb,' saith he, ' will be a mighty king ; and as the sun shineth among 
the stars of heaven, so will he shine on earth in miracles and marvels that cannot be told.' 

4018. So after that Saint Ciar&n was born in Magh Ai at Rath Cremthainn. He 
was baptized by deacon Justus, for it was very meet that the righteous should be 
baptized by a righteous one. 

4021. On a certain day the horse of Oengus, son of Cremthann, died and he 
felt 3 great sorrow. Now when Oengus slept an angel of God appeared to him in 
a vision, and said this to him : ' Ciardn the son of the wright will come and will bring 
thy horse for thee to life.' And this was fulfilled; for at the angel's word Ciardn 
came, and blessed water, which was put over the horse, and the horse at once 
arose out of death. Then Oengus gave much land to God and to Ciaran for bringing 
the horse to life. Tir na Gabra (' the Land of the Steed ') is the name of the land. 

4028. On a certain day his mother blamed him : ' So,' saith she, ' the little lads 
of the hamlet bring honey out of the honeycombs home to their households, and thou 
bringest none to us.' When Ciardn heard that he went to a certain well, and fills his 
vessel out of it, and blesses it, so that it became choice honey, and gives that honey 
to his mother, and she was thankful. And that is the honey which was given to 
deacon Justus as his fee for baptizing Ciaran. 

4034. On a certain day wicked men set a savage 4 hound at Ciaran to rend him. 
When Ciaran saw the hound he chanted this verse, ' Ne tradas bestiis animam confi- 
tentem tibi! And when he said this the hound fell 5 forthwith and did not arise 

4038. Now this was the work that his parents gave him to do, even herding 

1 B. here inserts : ' is edh roraidh : FeghazV/,' ar se, ' a gille, cia fil isin carpa/, ar is.' 
a B. inserts ni. 3 Literally 'took.' * rofeochair, B. 5 dorochair, B. 

M m 


(cattle) after the manner of David, son of Jesse, and of Jacob, and of the ancients 
afterwards. For God knew that he would be a prudent herdsman l to great herds, 
that is, the herds of the faithful. After that there came to pass something marvellous 
at Rath Cremthainn in Magh Ai while he was keeping the cattle of his foster- 
father, deacon Justus at Fidarta, and there was a long distance between them. 
Howbeit he used to hear what his tutor had to say as if they had been side by 
side. Then came a fox to Ciardn out of the wood, and Ciardn dealt gently with it ; 
and it used to visit him often, until at last he enjoined upon it to do him a service, 
namely, to carry his psalter between him and his tutor, deacon Justus. For when it 
was said at Fidachta, ' Say this in the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the 
Holy Ghost/ Ciardn at Rath Cremthainn used to hear from that to the end of the 
lesson. And the fox used to be humbly attending the lesson till the writing of it 
on wax came to an end, and he then would take it with him to Ciar&n. But once 
his natural malice broke through the fox, and he began to eat his book, for he was 
greedy about the leathern bands 2 that were about it on the outside. While he was eating 
the book, then came Oengus, son of Crimthann, to him with a band of men and with 
greyhounds. And they hunted him, and he found no shelter in any place s till he came 
under Ciaran's cowl. God's name and Ciaran's were magnified by saving the book 
from the fox, and by saving the fox from the hounds. And that book is to-day called 
P61aire Ciardin (' Ciaran's Tablets '). 

4058. That is most proper for these, for the wicked men who dwell near to the 
Church, and who get the benefit of the Church, both communion, and baptism, and 
food, and teaching, and nevertheless they cease not persecuting the Church till a king's 
persecution *, or a mortality, or an unknown illness comes to them ; and then they must 
needs 5 go under the protection 8 of the Church, even as the fox went under Ciaran's cowl. 
4063. On a certain day Ciaran's mother was making blue dye-stuff, and she 
was ready to put the cloth into it. Then said his mother to him : ' Out with thee, 
O Ciaran ! ' They did not deem it right or lucky to have men in the same house in 
which cloth was getting dyed. 'Let there be a dark-grey stripe in it then/ saith 
Ciaran. So of all the cloth that was put into the dye-stuff, there was none without 
a dark-grey stripe therein. The dye-stuff is again prepared, and his mother said to 
him : { Go out now this time, Ciardn; and, Ciaran, let there not be now a dark-grey 
stripe therein ! ' Then he said 7 : 

' Atteluiah Domine! 

May my foster-mother's dye-stuff 8 be white!' 
Every time it shall come into my hand, 

1 B. has : traachail-sium lantreabhuir. 2 ledba, B. s in nach inudh, B. 

* B. inserts : ingerim righ no. 5 as eiccen doibh, B. B fo choim, B. 

7 roraidh, B. 8 glaisen, B. 


Let it be whiter than bone! 

Every time it shall come 1 out of the boiling 

Let it be whiter than curd ! ' 

4076. Every cloth then that was put into it became all white afterwards. The 
dye-stuff is prepared the third time, * O Ciardn,' says his mother, ' do not now spoil 
the dye-stuff for me ; but let it be blessed by thee.' So when Ciardn blessed it there 
never was made, before or after, dye-stuff as good as it ; for though all the cloth of the 
Gene*! Fiachrach were put into its iarcdin 2 , it would make it blue, and finally it made 
blue 3 the dogs, and the cats, and the trees against which it came. 

4082. Once he was herding kine. A most wretched wolf came to him. This 
is a phrase which he used to have : ' May mercy come to us ! Go and eat the calf, 
and break not and eat not its bones.' The wolf went and did so. When the cow 
lowed a-seeking the calf, his mother said to him : ' Tell me, O Ciaran, in what place is 
this cow's calf? Let the calf come from thee, whatsoever death it suffered.' Ciaran 
went to the spot in which the wolf had devoured the calf, and he gathered the calf's 
bones, and put them in front of the cow, and the calf arose and stood up. 

4090. On a certain day robbers came out of Offaly to kill people in the district 4 
of Gene"! Fiachrach, and they found the holy Ciaran with his herds, reading ; and they 
proceeded to kill him. Howbeit they were stricken with blindness, and they could 
not put forth foot or hand till they made repentance; and (then) they were loosed by 
God's blessing and Ciaran's. 

4095. At another time his father sent him to present a caldron to the king, even 
Furban. And poor men met him on the way, and Ciaran 5 bestows the king's caldron 
upon them. So then he was bound, and slavery was imposed upon him by the king, 
and this was the work that was entrusted to him, to grind at a quern. Then mighty 
marvels came to pass ! When he proceeded to grind at the quern it turned 6 of itself, 
and it did so continually ; and they were angels of the Lord that ground for his sake. 
Not long afterwards there came out of the lands of Munster smiths having three 
caldrons as alms for Ciardn ; and so Ciaran was saved from the service of the king. 

4103. After these things, then, it was time to Ciaran to go as a scholar to Findian 
of Clonard in order to learn wisdom. So he asked his mother and his father for a cow, 
that he might take her with him when he went to learn. Ciaran's mother said she 
would not give him (the cow). So he blessed a cow of the kine, Odar Ciardin 
(' Ciardn's Dun') was her name thenceforward, and she went thence with her calf after 
Ciaran to Clonard. Then he drew between them a line with his staff, for there was no 

1 cech tan ti, B. 

3 hiarccdin, B. O'Cnny, Manners and Customs, iii. 121, explains this word by 'after-dye 
[i. e. the mother-liquor of the dye-vat] ; ' but gives nothing to support his explanation. 
. 8 Rogorm fochettoir, B. * hi crich, B. 5 Ciaran, B. 6 no impodh, B. 

M m 2 


fence between them, and the cow was licking the calf, and neither of them would come 
over that l mark. Now the milk of that cow was parted among those twelve bishops 
with their households and with their guests, and it used to be enough for them all : as 
(the poet) said : 

4113. ' Full fifty and a hundred 

Ciardn's Don used to feed, 
Both guests, and weaklings, 
And folk of the refectory and upper room.' 

4117. Now the Dun's hide is in Clonmacnois, and what soul soever separates 8 
from its body on that hide inhabits eternal life z . 

4119. Now the twelve bishops of Ireland abode in Findian's school in Clonard, 

as (a poet) said: < Two radians, two chaste Colombs, 

Ciaran, Cainnech, fair Comgall, 
Two Brenainns, Ruadan with beauty, 
Ninnid, Mobf, Nat-fraeich's son,' 
i. e. Molaisi of Devenish. 

4126. This is the rule which they had, each bishop 4 of them to grind his day at the 
quern. Now angels used to grind at the quern for sake of Ciarn on the day that was his. 

4128. Once upon a time the king of Cualann's daughter was brought to Findian 
to read her psalms, after having dedicated her maidenhood to God. Findian entrusted 
the girl to Ciaran, and with him she used to read her psalms. Now, so long as they 
remained together, Ciaran saw nothing of the girl's body, save 6 only her feet. 

4132. Then twelve lepers came to Findian to be healed. Findian sent them on 
to Ciaran. Ciaran made them welcome, and went with them westward from the church, 
and cuts 6 a sod out of the earth, whereupon a stream of pure water 7 brake forth. He 
poured three waves of that water over each of the men, and they were at once every 
whit whole. 

4136. In this school, moreover, a stag used to visit Ciar&n, and he used to put 
his book on the deer's horns. One day there Ciaran heard the bell. He rose up 
suddenly at the bell ; howbeit the stag arose more swiftly, and went forth with the book 
on his horns. Though that day was wet and (so was) the night after it 8 , and though 
the book was open, not a single letter in it was moistened. On the morrow the cleric 
arose, and the deer came to him with the book all safe. 

4142. Into that school, then, came Ninnid Slant-eye of Locha Eirne to read 
with Findian, and he had no book. ' Ask for a book,' saith Findian. Ninnid made 
the round of the school, and got no book from any of the scholars. ' Hast thou gone 
to the tender youth who is in the north of the green ?' saith Findian. ' I will go now/ 

1 sin, B. 2 sceVus, B. 

3 For aitreaba, etc., B. has : ni ba hifemach iaxumb. } aittrebait in mbethaid suthain. 

* apsta/, B. s cenmotat, B. 6 boingid, B. -J sruth sainemail, B. 8 asa aithle B. 


saith Ninnid. So when Ninnid came, Ciaran had arrived at the middle text of 
Matthew's Gospel : Omnia quaecumqm uultis utfaciant homines uobis ita ei uosfadatis 
illis. 'I have come to borrow a book,' says Ninnid. 'Mercy come to us !' saith 
Ciaran, * it is for this I read, and this the text saith to me : that I should do unto every 
one what I desire to be done to me. Take the book,' saith Ciaran. His companions 
asked him on the morrow, while doing the lesson, where was his book ? ' He gave 
it to me,' saith Ninnid 1 . Saith one of the school : ' Let " Ciaran Half-Matthew" be 
his name/ ' Nay,' saith Findian, but " Ciaran Half-Ireland," for half of Ireland will 
be his, and ours will be its other half.' As Findian said : 

4155. 'With Findian read 

Ciaran the pious with constancy. 
Half a book had he without reading, 
Half of Ireland to him for it.' 

4159. From that the famous word was taken to Rome to Alexander, to wit, Non 
legam Mar cum quo usque compleueram Mattheum. 

4161. Thereafter, then, came to pass a scarcity of corn and sustenance for that 
school, so that it was necessary for a good man of them in turn to protect the sack of 
corn which was carried thence 2 to the mill. It happened to Ciaran in his turn to carry 
to the mill a sack of oats. He said when opening that sack : ' O Lord/ saith he, ' I 
should like this to be beautiful wheat, and that this were a satisfaction great, pleasant, 
delightful 3 , to the elders/ Even so it came to pass. An angel of God was sent down 
(into) the mill by his * hand while he was singing his psalms with purity of heart and 
mind, and the oats that were put in became, when coming out, choice wheat. Then 
comes the daughter of the master of the mill, and she was seeking Ciaran, and he 
found favour in her eyes, for his form was more beautiful than that of anyone of his 
own age B . ' That is most hard for thee/ said Ciaran. ' Is it not this whereof thou 
shouldst take heed the perishableness of the world, and Doomsday, and the pains of 
hell, in order to avoid them, and the rewards of heaven, in order to obtain them ?' When 
the girl had gone home, she tells those tidings to her father and to her mother 6 . These 
came and offered the girl to Ciaran. ' If she offers her maidenhood to God,' saith 
Ciaran, 'and if she serves him, I will -be at union with her/ So the girl offered her 
maidenhood to God and to Ciaran, and all her household their continual service, and 

1 The Book of Lismore is here so faded and ignorantly retouched as to be unintelligible. The 
translation of this and the following two sentences is made from the Brussels MS., which has: 
' Dosfac dhamsa,' ar Ninnid. 'Bid Ciaran leth-Matha a ainm,' ar fer don scoil. ' Ace/ ar Finden, 
' acht Ciaran leith nEirenn, uair bidh leis leth renn 1 a leth aile duinne.' 

3 uatha, B. 3 airpeitech, B. * For ina, ' in his/ B has lea. 

5 The Brussels MS. here has: ba hailli a dhealbh ] a denam oldas cech duine a chomaoisi. 
' Annsam duit/ ol Ciaran, etc. 

6 atfet dia muinntir a scela, B. 


the permanent ownership of them to Ciar&n, from that time forward. When they had 
gone home a ration was brought from them to Ciardn, even three loaves of wheat with 
their proportion of bacon 1 and of flesh, and a vessel full of ale 2 . When the 
servants had left that, and when they had taken a blessing, he said : ' Mercy come to 
us ! ' saith he, ' it is not meet for us to consume this apart from the other brethren.' 
After that he made all the food into little bits, and cast it into the mill, and cast in the 
ale (also), and made wheaten meal of them all. When Ciardn perceived the servant 
keeping it secretly, he set a curse upon him and said to him, ' May a crane take thine 
eye out of thy head, and may it be on thy cheek when thou goest home 8 1 ' Thus it 
came to pass afterwards, for a pet crane picked his eye out of his head, and it lay 
on his cheek as he was going home. Then the master (of the mill) came at once 
along with the servant, and they prostrated themselves to Ciaran, and he (the master) 
offered the mill with all its land to Ciardn for healing the gillie. So Ciardn set his 
palm against the eye * and put it into its place, and made the sign of the cross over 
it, so that it was every whit whole. 

4191. Now when the grinding of the corn was ended, there were found four 
sacks of consecrated wheat there, through grace of God and of Ciardn 5 . When he 
reached home with his corn, he made food for the elders. That was the best food that 
had ever been given to them. For from the time that the mystical manna was found 
by the children of Israel, nothing like unto that food hath been found. For thus it was : 
with the taste of every goodly viand, both mead and wine, so that it satisfied 6 and 
healed them all. For every sick man in the monastery, who partook of aught of it, 
became at once whole every whit. 

4198. The elders did not observe the nocturn that night until prime on the 
morrow. When Findian asked Ciaran about the miracle that had happened there, 
Ciaran related it all, from the beginning to the gift of the mill and of the land with its 
implements (or with its men) to him as an offering. ' And behold, all that land is for 
thee, O Findian/ saith Ciaran. Then Findian gave his blessing fervently to Ciaran, as 

Findian said: <o Ciaran, O heartlet, 

For thy holiness I love thee! 
Grace will come to thee, my darling, 
Abundance of heritage 7 and land. 
* O Ciaran noble, greatly-famous ! 
To thee let every answer be wealth, 
So that there be in thy trophied Church 
Abundance of dignity and wisdom.' 

1 do shaill, B., and . . . aill is still visible in the Book of Lismore. 3 lind, B. 

3 ' Ronbena corr,' ar se, ' do shuil as do cinn, go rabha for do gruaid ag dol dod tigh,' B. 
* B. adds : gan fturech, ' without delay.' 5 nseimhciarain, B. 

6 B. inserts : T corobuidhigh. 7 forba, B. 


So that blessing was given fervently to Ciardn through great affection and through 
spiritual intoxication. So there he left the half of the love, and dignity, and wisdom, as 
regards the men of Ireland, to Ciardn and to his monastery. And Ciardn left treasures 
with him, and in his 1 monastery. Wherefore thence are Ana Findfin ('Findian's 
treasures '). Now that corn supported 2 Findian's congregation to the end of forty 
days with their nights. And a third of it was laid-up for sick folk, for it used to heal 
every ailment. And neither mouse nor beast dared to spoil it And it remained for 
a long time s , until at last clay was made of it, and it * used to heal every disease 
whereon it was put. 

4220. One day Ciardn was collecting a band 5 of reapers, and he met a certain 
young man whose name was Cluain. ' Give us help to-morrow at the reaping/ saith 
Ciaran. ' I will give (it)/ saith Cluain. Now when Cluain went home he said to his 
household: 'If/ saith he, 'messengers come for me from Ciardn, say that I am in 
sickness.' When that 6 was told to the gillie who came for him, the gillie declared it 
lo Ciaran. Ciaran smiled at hearing it, and he understood that Cluain was defrauding 
him, for of a truth Ciardn was a prophet of God. Now when Cluain's household came 
to wake him, it is thus they found him without life. His household bewailed him 
greatly, and tfie hirelings (?) came 7 and asked them the cause of the lamentation. 
' Cluain/ say they, ' went into his bed all well, and now he is dead ; and it is Ciaran 
that hath killed him with his curse, since he did not go with him to the reaping.' All 
that folk go to intercede with Ciaran as to bringing the dead man back to life. ' We 
all/ say they, ' will reap for thee, and we will give our monkdom and our service to 
thee and to God for ever, if thou wilt awake the dead man for us/ Then said Ciaran 
to his farmer, ' Go/ saith he, ' and take my crozier to the corpse, and put the sign of 
the cross with the crozier over its breast, and repeat this stave : 

1 Cluain delayed 

To-day (to come) to me to reap, 
For an oppressive 8 disease 
Caused 9 the living to be dead in his house.' 

4241. Then Cluain arose at once and went quickly to Ciaran: 'A blessing on 
thee, O holy Ciardn,' saith he : ' good is what thou hast done to me, for I am thankful 
to come from the many 10 pains of hell. Now we know the profitableness of obedience, 
and the unprofitableness of disobedience ; and we know the great honour that the Lord 
and the household of heaven generally have for thee.' Thereafter he prostrated him- 
self to Ciardn, and gave his service to him. 

1 ina, B. 2 fororlongair, B. 3 7 romhair fri re fhoda co ndernadh ere", B. 

4 se, B. 5 For meithli B. has lochta. 6 For sin B. has : a bheith i ngalar. 

7 Here B. has : tancatar drem sunradach chuca, ' a special party came to them.' 

8 anforrach, B. 9 fortruair, B. 10 B. has : morpianuib. 


4247. Certain of the clerics asked Findian who would give out the prayer when 
Findian would no longer be on earth. 'Yonder youth,' saith Findian, that is, Ciardn, 
' he it is.' ' Thou givest the abbacy to him,' saith Brenainn, ' in preference to every 
one.' 'It hath been given, it is given, and it will be given,' saith Findian. Now that 
caused envy to (all) the saints, excepting Colomb Cille. 

4253. Then one of them asked him (Ciardn) which of the saints would have 
the greatest reward in heaven? 'Mercy come to us!' saith Ciardn, 'it will be 
known in our convents on earth.' Then Brenainn of Birr made a prophecy for him, 
' We will take two convents,' saith Brenainn, ' on two streams between chief cities, and 
the difference that will be between the two streams will be (the difference) between 
the size of the convents.' 

4257. Now when it was time for Ciardn to go from Clonard, after learning 
reading and wisdom, he left the Dun with holy Ninnid, but he said that her hide would 
come to him afterwards. And Ciaran said besides, that though a multitude would be 
helped by her milk, there would be more to whom her hide would give help 1 . And 
he said : ' Every soul that shall go out of its body on 2 the hide of the Dun will not be 
punished in hell.' 

4263. Findian beheld a vision of himself and of Colomb Cille, even two moons in 
the air, with a hue of gold upon them. One of the twain went by sea to the north- 
east : [the other went to the Shannon and shone] over the middle of Ireland. Those 
were Colomb Cille [in lona] with the radiance of his nobleness and his high birth, 
and Ciaran [at Clonmacnois] with the radiance of his charity and his- mercy. 

4267. Then Ciaran goes to parley with the king of Ireland, even Tuathal 
Mael-garbh, to ask of him a slave-girl whom he possessed. So Ciardn put his fist 
on the quern out of charity, and promised he would serve in lieu of the slave-girl. 
So Tuathal released the slave-girl to God and to Ciaran, and gave (Ciardn) besides, 
his royal raiment, and Ciaran straightway gave them to the poor. 

4272. Once upon a time Ciaran went to the king, that is, to Furbaide, to ask for 
another slave-girl. Then one man brought Ciardn a cow as an offering, and another 
brought him a mantle, and another brought a kettle. He gave them all at once to the 
poor on the same day. And God gave Ciardn three offerings that were better, to 
wit, a caldron in lieu of his kettle, twelve mantles in lieu of his one mantle, and twelve 
cows in place of his one cow. When the king saw that, he at once bestowed the 
slave-girl on Ciaran 8 . 

4728. Now when the time came for bidding farewell to his tutor, he offers his 
monastery to serve him. ' Nay,' says Findian, ' do not deprive thyself of thy monastery 

1 B. has : cid sochaide rocober a bliocht, robadh lia rocoibheradh a seithe (sic, leg. seiche). 

2 Literally ' from.' 3 do Chiaran fo cettoir, B. 


for any other but God alone, who hath bestowed special affection on thee beyond us 
all.' ' My monastery (I give) to thee,' saith Findian *. Ciardn weeps, for it seemed 
noble 2 to him, that his tutor should offer his monastery to him. ' There, then, will be 
unity between us/ saith Findian, ' and he who shall spoil our union will have neither 
heaven nor earth.' 'That 3 shall be so,' saith Ciardn. 

4283. Then Ciardn went his way, and then Colomb cille bore this witness upon 


'A marvellous hero goes from us westward, 
Ciaran, son of the wright, 
Without greed, without pride, without reviling, 
Without lust, without satire.' 

4289. Thereafter Ciardn went to Aran to commune with Enna. And the twain, 
even 4 Ciardn and Enna, beheld the same vision, to wit, a great fruitful tree beside a 
stream in the middle of Ireland ; and it protected the island of Ireland, and its fruit 
went forth over the sea B that surrounded the island, and the birds of the world came 
to carry off 6 somewhat of its fruit. Ciaran related the vision to Enna. Said Enna : 
' The great tree which thou beheldest is thou thyself, for thou art great in the eyes 
of God 7 and men, and all 8 Ireland will be full of thy honour. This island will be 
protected under the shadow of thy favour, and multitudes will be satisfied with the grace 
of thy fasting and thy prayer. Go then with God's word to a bank of a stream, and 
there found a church.' 

4297. Once when Ciaran was hi Aran drying (corn) in the kiln, Lonan the 
Left-handed was along with him, and he was always in opposition to Ciaran. And 
they saw a ship foundering before them. 'Meseems/ saith Lonan, 'that yonder 
ship will be drowned to-day, and that this kiln will be burnt by the greatness of the 
wind.' ' Nay,' saith Ciaran, ' yonder ship will be burnt, and a drowning will drown 
this kiln with its corn.' And this was fulfilled. For the ship's crew escaped 9 , and 
the ship was cast on shore beside the kiln. The kiln catches fire, and the ship 
is burnt. But the wind gave a blast on the kiln with its corn into the sea, where it 10 
was drowned through Ciardn's word. 

4305. When Ciaran went out of Aran, a poor man meets him 11 on the path. 
Ciaran gives his linen chasuble to him, and goes to Inis Cathaig to bid farewell to 
Senan. Since he had nothing on but his one mantle, that was revealed to Senan : 
and (so) he went to meet him 12 with a linen robe under his armpit, and he said to Ciaran : 
' Is it not a shame,' saith he, ' for a priest to go about without a robe ? ' ' Mercy come 

1 'Mo chathairsiritsa,' ol Finden, B. ? huasal, B. s sin, B. * andis senaislingi .i., B. 
5 rosoichedh a thoradh tar an muir, B. 6 1 a ethaide co mbristis, B. 

7 fiadh Dia, B, corresponds with the meaningless ' fri tua ' of the Book of Lismore. 

8 uile, B. 9 ar terna, B. M hi, B. u docuirethar, B. ina (f)rithsed, B. 

N n 


to us 1 ' saith Ciardn, ' God will take pity on my nakedness 1 . My elder hath a robe 
for me in keeping.' When Ciardn came to Clonmacnois, he desired to send another 
robe to Sendn. The robe was sent down the stream of the Shannon, and it went 
on without getting wet to the harbour of Inis Cathaig. Sendn said to his monks, 
' Go to the sea, and ye will find a guest there, and bring it with you, with honour and 
veneration.' When the monks went out, they found the robe on the sea, and it was 
dry, and they brought it to Sendn, and he gave thanks to the Lord. And that is 
to-day the Cassal Sendin (' Senan's Robe '). 

4317. Then he went to his brethren to fsel; and Cobthach, . son of Breccan, 
granted fsel to God and Ciardn ; and there Ciardn dwelt along with the brethren. And 
one day he was doing his lesson out on the field, when he went to visit his guests, and 
left the book open till morning, under the wet. And not a damp drop came to the book. 

4322. Ciardn was once sowing seed in fsel. A poor man came to him. 
Ciardn flings a handful of the grain into his bosom, and the grain was at once turned 
into gold. A chariot with its horses was given to Ciardn by Oengus son of 
Crimthann. Ciardn gave it to the poor man for the gold, and the gold turned into 
grain, and therewith the field was sown. 

4327. Now near fsel there was a lake, and heathens and rabble were dwelling in 
the island that was upon it. And the shouting and noise of that unprofitable folk used 
to disturb the clerics. Ciaran entreated the Lord that the island might be moved 2 out 
of its place, and that thing was done ; and still for remembrance of that miracle is seen 
the place wherein the island was in the lake. 

4332. Now when the brethren were unable s to endure Ciardn's charity because of 
its greatness, and when envy seized them 4 , they said to him : ( Go from us,' say they, ' for 
we cannot endure thee in the same stead.' Said Ciardn, ' If it were here,' he said, 
' that I were, though this stead were fsel (" low ") as regards place, it would be high 
as regards honour and reverence.' Then he said this : 

'Though it be fsel ("low") it would be high, 
Unless the murmuring should come : 
The murmuring, unless it should come 
It would be high, although 'it were fsel (" low ").' 

4341. There Ciardn put his books on a stag. Now the stag used to accompany 
him on every path by which he used to go 5 . The stag went before him to Inis Angin. 
Afterwards he goes behind the stag 6 . He entered that island and dwells therein. 

4344. Then his brethren came to him from every point. There was a certain 
archpresbyter in the island. Daniel was his name. Of Britain was he ; and the 
Devil egged him on to envy Ciaran. Then a royal cup with three golden birds was 

1 do ma-nochta-so, B. 2 co ro latse, B. 3 nar cumaingset, B. * rosgaibh, B. 

5 cech conair notheighedh, B. 6 Teidsiumh ina dhiaigh iarsin in oighe, B. 


given to him by Ciaran in token of forgiveness. The priest wondered at that, and 
made repentance, and prostrated 3 himself to Ciardn, and gave the island up to him. 

4349. Once Ciaran was in Inis Angin, and he heard a noise in the harbour. 
He said to the brethren : ' Go/ saith he, ' to meet the makings of your abbot.' 
When they reached the harbour they found no one there but a heathen youth. They 
tell that to Ciardn. ' Go nevertheless again for him, (for) it is manifest to me by his 
voice, that it is he who will be your abbot after me.' Then the youth was brought 
into the island to Ciaran, and Ciardn tonsured him, and he read with him ; and that 
was Enna 2 Mac-Hiii-Laigsi, a holy man admirable to the Lord ; and it was he who 
became abbot after Ciaran 3 . 

4356. It happened that Ciaran's gospel was dropped into the lake by a certain 
careless brother, and it remained for a long while under the lake. On a certain day 
in summer-time cows went into the lake, and the strap of the gospel stuck to the foot 
of one of the cows, and from below she brought with her 4 the gospel dry to the 
harbour. Hence is (called) Port in Sosceoil (' the Harbour of the Gospel ') in Inis 
Angin to-day 5 . Now 'when the gospel was opened, thus it was : bright-white, dry, 
without destruction of a letter, (and all) through Ciaran's grace ! 

4361. A certain man of Corco-Baiscinn came to Ciaran : Donndnwashis name : 
he was a son of a brother of Senan, son of Gergenn, and he and Senan had the 
same mother. c What dost thou wish, or why dost thou come ? ' saith Senan. ' To 
seek a place wherein I may abide and serve God.' 

4364. (So) Ciaran left Inis Angin with Donnan. Said Donnan : ' Since thou art 
affectionate to me, leave some of thy tokens and of thy reliquaries with me/ Ciaran 
leaves with him his gospel, even the gospel that was got out of the lake, and his bell, 
and his bearer, even Mael Odran. Three' years, then, and three months dwelt Ciaran 
in Inis Angin ; and after that he came to Ard Manntain, beside the Shannon. When 
he saw the delightfulness of that place he said : ' If we tarry here/ saith he, 'we shall 
have abundant wealth of the world, and but few souls will go hence to heaven/ 
After that he came to this place 6 . Ard Tiprat (' the Height of the Well/) was its name 
at that time. ' Here then we will stay, for many souls will go to heaven hence, and 
there will be a visit from God and from men for ever on this place/ 

4374- O n the eighth of the calends of February Ciaran set up in Cluain, on the 
tenth of the moon, on the tenth of the lunar month, on a Saturday. Now eight went 
with him, to wit, Ciaran, Oengus, Mac-nisse, Cael-colomb, Mobeoc 7 , Mo-lioc, 
Lugna Mac-hui-Moga-Laim, Colman, son of Nun. 

4376. Marvellous, then, was that monastery which was set up by Ciardn with his 
1 roslecht, B, a Oenu, B. 3 For iar Ciaran, B. has aca som deis Ciarain. 

* im chois araile bo, co tuc le anios an soscele, B. 5 andiu, B. 6 Clonmacnois. 

7 Inserted by B. 

N n 3 



eight (companions) after they had come from the waves of the water *. Even as Noah, 
son of Lamech, took the world 2 with his octad after coming from the waves of the deluge. 
Then Ciara"n planted the first stake in Cluain, and Diarmait, son of Cerball, was along 
with him. Said Ciardn to Diarmait when setting the stake, ' Let, O warrior, thy 
hand be over my hand, and thou shalt be in sovranty over the men of Ireland.' * I 
agree,' saith Diarmait, ' provided thou givest a sign to me as regards that.' ' I will say 
it then,' saith Ciaran : ' though thou art alone to-day, thou wilt be 3 king of Ireland at 
this hour to-morrow.' Now that was true, for Tuathal Maelgarb, king of Ireland, was 
killed on that night. And Diarmait took the kingdom of Ireland on the morrow, and 
offered a hundred churches to Ciaran : wherefore to witness that (the poet) said : 

4387. 'I will bear witness truly 

Though thy multitudinous train be only one, 
Thou -wilt be a delightful, dignified king 
Of Ireland at this hour to-morrow.' 

The killing of the chosen Tuathal 
Maelgarb was a cry without glory. 
Thence is the choice saying: 
'This was the deed of Mael M6rV 

Without rout and without slaughter 

He took Usnach; it was not after an assembly. 

Diarmait, the distinguished, gave 

A hundred churches to God and to Ciaran. 

4399. Thereafter the stake was set, and Ciaran said when setting it : ' Lo, this,' 
said he, ' into TreVs eye ! ' Now Tre"n was a youth who dwelt in the fort of Cluain- 
Ichta, and who had attempted to be disobedient to him. Straightway at Ciardn's 
word TreVs one eye brake in his head. 

4402. On a certain day the brethren were sore athirst as they were reaping 
in Cluain. They send off a certain attendant to the cleric to ask that water might be 
brought to them in the field ; whereupon Ciaran said that if they would for that day 
endure their thirst, this would produce -great worldly wealth to the brethren who 
should come after them. ' Verily, it is certain/ saith the brethren, c that rather than 
satisfy our thirst to-day we prefer to have patience for which reward will be given to 
ourselves, and from which benefit will accrue to the brethren after us.' A cask full 
of wine from the lands of the Franks was brought to the place to Ciaran, in reward 
of that patience, and a fragment of that cask remained here until the latest times. 
Now when the evening came Ciaran blessed a vessel full of water, and it was turned 
into choice wine, and was dealt out to the monks. And never was there any feast 

1 in uiscce, B. 2 domhan, B. s bidhat, B. 

* For 'a icht Msel moire ' B. has c echt Moile moire.' 


that excelled that feast * ; for after long times Colombcille's household came from Hf to 
this city 8 . A feast was prepared for them, and it was proclaimed throughout the whole 
city that there never had been before nor (would there be) after a feast as good as it. 
Then said an ancient man who was in the house of the elders : 'I know,' saith he, ' a feast 
that was better than this. Better was the feast that Ciardn made for his monks when 
they were sore athirst 3 , and he turned the water into wine for them. Lest that should 
be a tale without token for you,' saith the ancient man, ' 'twas I myself that dealt out that 
wine, and my thumb would go over the edge of the cup into the wine. Come ye *, 
and know now the odour of my thumb from its having dipt into the wine, at that 
time.' They came and they were all sated by the odour of that finger. They 
said : ' Better,' say they, ' is this feast than every feast, the feast whose odour remains 
after a very long time on a finger V ' Blessing,' say they, ' on Ciaran, and blessing 
on the Lord that granted him every good thing ! ' 

4424. Crichid of Cluain, Ciardn's farmer, went to Saigir, and remained for a 
long time therein. And the Devil seduced him to quench the hallowed fire which 
the monks kept in the kitchen. Ciaran of Saigir said that he would not partake of 
food until guests should come and bring 6 him fire. Then went Crichid from them 
a little distance outside the monastery, and wolves killed him, but they did not destroy 
his body. When Ciaran, the Wright's son, heard of the death of his gillie, he went 
to Ciaran of Saigir, to ask for him. When he arrived, Ciaran of Saigir said : ' This 
is the first thing ye need, (warm) water over your feet. But we have no fire to heat 
water for you. But give ye as guests fire 7 unto us, for unto you hath God decreed 
it.' Then Ciaran, the wright's son, raised his hands towards heaven, and made 
fervent prayer. After completing the prayer, fire came from heaven and rested on 
his breast. He protected his breast from the fire, and brought it with him to the 
monastery. He cast the fire on the floor, and it had not hurt even a hair of the 
robe 8 he was wearing. Then he brought to life his gillie who had previously 
died, and partook of dinner along with them 9 . Then the two Ciarans made their 
union. 'The wealth of the world,' saith Ciaran, son of the wright, '(be) in 
great Saigir ! ' ' Wisdom and dignity without decay in Clonmacnois ! ' saith Ciaran 
of Saigir. 

1 <:0nach raibhe nach fledh rodherscnaighedh an fhledh sin, B. 

2 That is, Clonmacnois, where this Life of Ciaran was composed. 

3 For a n-ltaid nthoir, B. has in a tigh mor, ' in their great house.' 

* B. has : no teighed mh'orda tar eochair an bleidhe isin fion sin. Teccaid si, B. The oemair of 
the Book of Lismore is doubtless a scribal error for eochair. 

5 iar n-iolaimsioraibh for an meor, B. 

6 dob^rtais, B. 7 acht tsbraidhsi in bhar n-aidhedhaibh tene, B. 
8 B. inserts here: lin gil, 'of white linen.' 9 riusan misprinted inusan, p. 132. 


4440. Howbeit Ciardn remained in that place for the space of seven months 
only 1 , when he went to heaven on the ninth day of 2 the middle month of autumn. 

4443. Now, when Ciardn knew that the day of his decease was at hand, he 
made prophecy with great sadness. He said that there would be a great persecution 
of his monastery by evil men towards the end of the world. * What then shall we do 
in the time of that folk ? ' say the monks. ' Shall we stay by thy relics ? or shall we 
go to another place ? ' ' Go/ saith Ciaran, ' and leave my relics as the bones of a deer 
are left in the sun, because it is better for you to dwell along with me in heaven than 
to remain here by my relics.' 

4449. When the time of his decease drew nigh to the holy Ciardn in the little 
church, in the thirty-third year of his age, on the fifth of the ides of September, as 
regards the day of the solar month, on a Saturday, as regards the day of the week, on 
the eighteenth as regards the age of the moon s , then he said : ' Let me be carried to 
the little height Y saith he. And when he looked at the sky, and the lofty air above his 
head, he said, 'Awful is this way above.' ' Not for thee B is it awful,' say the monks. ' I 
know not indeed,' saith he, ' aught of God's commandment which I have transgressed 6 , 
and yet even David son of Jesse, and Paul the Apostle dreaded this way.' Then 
the stone-pillow was taken from him for his comfort (?). ' Nay,' saith he, ' put it 
under my shoulder 7 . Qui em'm perseveraverit usque in finem hie salvus erit! Then 
angels filled all between heaven and earth in order to meet his soul. Then he was 
carried into the little church, and he raised his hands, and blessed his people, and 
told the brethren to shut him up in the church until Coimgen should come from 

4461. When after three days Coimgen arrived, he did not at once receive 
the full courtesy of the clerics, for they were in grief and in great sorrow after their 
cleric. Coimgen said to them : ' A look of moroseness be on you always ! ' saith he. 
Then great fear seized the elders, and they did Coimgen's will, and opened the little 8 
church before him. Ciaran's spirit at once went to heaven, and came again into 
its body to commune with Coimgen, and made welcome to him ; and they were there 
from the one watch to another, in mutual conversation, and making their union. 
Then Ciaran blessed Coimgen, and Coimgen blessed water and administered the com- 
munion to Ciaran. And then Ciaran gave his bell to Coimgen in sign of their unity, 
and as the scruple 9 of his communion. This is to-day ' Coimgen's Bobdn' 

4472. Now the saints of Ireland envied 10 Ciardn for his goodness, and they 

1 Nocu-raibhi vs&morro Ciaran isin baili sin fri re seacht mis nama, B. 

2 do, B. 3 aoisi esca, B. * For in dinn B. has amach, ' out.' 
5 Ni duitsi, B. 6 tara tiosaind, B. 

7 fom fhormna, B. The fomorno of the Book of Lismore is a corruption of/dm formno, 

8 bice, B. 9 the fee. 10 rof hoirmtighset, B. 


betook themselves to the King of Heaven that his life might be shortened 1 . So great 
was the envy which they had for him, that even his own comrade 2 , Colomb cille, said : 
' Blessing on God,' said he, ' who took this holy Ciaran ! for if he had remained 
until he was an ancient man, he would not have found the place of two chariot-horses 
in Ireland that would not have been his.' 

4477. Here then is Ciardn with the eight whom we have mentioned, with many 
thousands of saints besides. Here are the relics of Paul and Peter which Benian and 
Comlach left in the hollow tree here 3 . Here are the relics of the blind son, to wit, 
Peca's disciple. Here then is the shrine of the guest, even Peca. It is he whom a 
certain pious one saw carried by angels to Ciardn's tomb. Three marvels (were) 
here on that night : the guest-house without fire, without hospitality, without prayer, 
for Peca (himself) was full of fire, and of hospitality, and of prayer. 

4484. Now, there is none who could accurately recount all the miracles and 
marvels which God wrought for this holy Ciaran, because they are too many to be 
reckoned and declared. Because, since the coming of Christ into flesh, there never 
hath been born one whose chanty and mercy were greater, whose labour and fasting 
and prayer were greater, whose humility and goodwill were greater, whose gentle- 
ness and mildness were greater, whose care and watchfulness (?) concerning God's 
Church were greater, whose daily labour and nightly * vigils were greater. It is he 
that never put rich food or any intoxicating 5 liquor into his body since he began to 
lead a devout life. It is he that never drank milk nor ale until a third of it was 
water. He never ate bread until a third of it was sand. He never slept until his 
side touched the bare mould. Under his head there was usually nought save a 
stone for a pillow. Against his skin there never came linen nor wool. He was a man 
with full choice voluntary offerings 6 to the Lord 7 , like Abel, son of Adam. 
A man with fervent 8 entreaties to God like Enoch, son of Israel. A fully sufficient 
pilot for the ark of the Church, among the waves of the world, like Noah, son of 
Lamech. A true pilgrim, full of firmness of faith and belief, like Abraham, son of 
Terah. A man loving, gentle, forgiving of heart 9 , like Moses, son of Amram. A 
man enduring, and steady in supporting 10 sufferings and tribulations, like Job. the 
Sufferer. A psalmist most melodious and delightful to God, like David, son of Jesse. 
A shrine (?) of true wisdom, and true knowledge like Solomon son of David. An 
immovable rock whereon the Church is founded, like Apostle Peter. A universal 

1 B. adds : 7 goro timdibhthe. 2 a flier cumtha, B. 

8 For chocai ibhos B. has atciu fos, e I still see.' 
* aidhchidhe, B. B n-ionmesc, B. 

6 For the lanpartaib of the Book of Lismore we should certainly read Idnedpartaib. B. has : go 
lainedhbartaibh toltanacha. 7 B. adds : na ndula, ' of the elements.' 

8 B. inserts degdhuirn. 9 B. inserts : risan ecclais, ' regarding the Church.' 10 oc fnlung, B. 


chief-teacher, and chosen vessel proclaiming righteousness, like Paul the Apostle. A 
man full of the grace of the Holy Spirit and of virginity, like John the bosom- 
fosterling 1 . 

4504. A man full of likeness in many ways to Jesus Christ, to the Head of all 
things. For this man made wine of the water for his household and for his guests 
in this monastery, even as Jesus made choice wine of the water at the feast of Cana in 
Galilee. This man, moreover, is called a wright's son, even as Christ is called a 
wright's son in the Gospel, that is l Hic est filius fdbri} even Joseph. Thirty and three 
years in the age of this man, as there are thirty and three years in the age of Christ. 
This man, moreover, had a resurrection after three days here in his room in Cluain, 
to commune with, and to comfort Coimgen, even as Christ after three days in His 
sepulchre in Jerusalem, had a resurrection to comfort and to strengthen His mother 
and His disciples. 

4513. Wherefore for those good things and for abundance of other good things 
his soul is with the household of heaven. His relics and remains are here, with 
honour and with veneration, with miracles and with daily marvels. And though great 
be his honour at present in that wise, greater will be his honour in the holy incor- 
ruptible union of his body and his soul at the great assembly of Doom, when St. Ciaran 
will be judge over the fruit of his teaching along with Jesus Christ whom he served. 
So he will abide in that great household 2 , in unity of patriarchs and prophets, in the unity 
of the apostles and disciples of the Saviour Jesus Christ : in the unity of the nine 
orders of angels who have not transgressed : in the unity of the Godhead and Manhood 
of the Son of God : in the unity that is nobler than every unity, in the unity of the holy 
Trinity, Father, and Son, and Holy Ghost. 

4524. I beseech the mercy of noble almighty God, through St. Ciaran's inter- 
cession, that we may all attain to that unity. May we dwell therein for ever 
and ever ! 

\Scribs note :] 

It is not I that am answerable for the meaningless words that are in this Life, 
but the bad s manuscript. 

1 For mbronndalta B. has mbruinde. 

2 B. has : isin muinntir ; the Book of Lismore : isin mai(thius), ' in the goodness.' 

3 That is, the injured or faded. 


4591. Homo proficiscens uocauit seruos suos, tradidit illis bona sua 1 . When the 
good man went on a journey he called 2 his servants, and divided among them his 
goods. And he divided those goods among them differently, to wit, he gave five 
talents to one man, and two to another man, and one talent to the last man. 

4596. Now, Matthew, son of Alphseus, the Hebrew sage, the first man who 
wrote the Gospel of the Lord, he it is that wrote in the body of the Gospel this holy 
declaration, to remind the Church how the Son of the heavenly Father distributed 
the various gifts of the Holy Spirit to every one in the Church. 

4600. Now this is the man who is there said to have gone to foreign parts, even 
Jesus Christ the Son of the living God, who went to help the human race 3 , and struck 
them from the Devil's grasp, and then rose up to the holy heavens unto the heavenly 
Father, and called to Him His apostles, and divided amongst them the various gifts of 
the Holy Spirit, as was manifest to every one on the Pentecost. . And He bestowed the 
same gifts on the saints and on the righteous after the manner of the apostles, through 
the teaching of the divine scriptures. 

4606. New, the five talents which are here mentioned are, mystically, the five 
senses of the body and the soul, which have been bestowed by God on the human 
race for His own service, and that by means thereof 4 it may see God. 

4610, Now, the two talents which are here mentioned this is what they signify : 
the cognising and the understanding which the saints and the righteous direct to the 
Lord with equality of their good deeds under that wisdom. 

4613. Now, the one talent, this is what it signifies : the pre-eminent law which is 
in the human soul, whereby it beholds itself, and the other elements which are on earth, 
and the stars and the firmament, and the angelic station, and the almighty Trinity. 

4616. Or these are the five talents which are here mentioned, to wit, the five books 
of the law of Moses. For their unsevere command (i. e. the decalogue) serveth those 
who are under the New Testament. For thus is found the oneness of the Old Law with 
the New Testament, that is, of the Law with the Gospel. For if anyone multiply 
the five by two it is ten that groweth thereout. If, then, the ten be multiplied by four, 

1 Matt. xxv. 14.. 2 rogairm, B. s an chinedha, B. * trempa, B. 

8 Literally, ' bring with him.' 



it is forty that groweth thereout. That is, the same then truly as the five books of 
Moses with the ten commandments of the Divine Law to be combined with the four 
books of the Gospel, for the service of the man who consists of the four elements, so 
that that man may serve the true God who gave various laws and rules to the world. 

4624. Now, after the laws and rules of the preceding five ages 1 , Jesus came 
here into the world ; and He made laws and rules through the teaching of the Gospel 
to the human race, and to the apostles beyond everyone; and these taught their 
successors and their holy disciples after them concerning those rules. 

4628. So a multitude of saints and of righteous ones fulfilled those laws and 
rules of the Lord of the Elements, and did not let their talents go to waste. As the 
noble, venerable saint, for whom there is a festival and a commemoration on the 
occurrence of this season and time, fulfilled them, to wit, the bright sun and the 
shining star, and the blazing fire, and the gracious radiance which the Sun of 
Righteousness sent into the world to illuminate in miracles and marvels the province 
of Connaught, even Mochua of Balla. 

4633. Now, on the third of the calends of March in every year, there is related 
somewhat of his miracles and of his marvels, and of his genealogy according to the 
flesh, and of the completion which he gave his career of victory here in this present 
world ; to wit, Mochua (Cronan was his proper name), son of Becan, son of Barr, 
son of Nathi, son of Lugaid (from whom are the Hiii-Luigdech), son of Dalann of 
Ulaid. Now his mother was Cumne, daughter of Conamail, son of Machdan, of Ddl 
Btiain, (and) his three sisters were Briunsech and Lucait and Tuidell. 

4640. Now, at a certain time Comgall of Bangor came to the house of the afore- 
said Becan, and he beheld a train of angels above the house, and he asked of Becan, 
' How many sons hast thou ? ' ' Two/ saith Becan, ' who are to be counted, and a 
little lame child who is with the sheep, and he is not to be counted V ' Bring him into 
the house that we may see him,' saith Comgall. He was brought. Then said 
Comgall 3 : ' My soul rejoices greatly at this boy, for the grace of the Holy Ghost is in 
his company.' Then Comgall took Mochua with him to Bangor, where he read the 
canon of the Old Law and the New Testament, and the ecclesiastical order ; and in 
that place, while still a youth, he wrought miracles and marvels. 

4649. Once upon a time came a barren woman to entreat him to save her from 
her barrenness 4 . At that time he happened to be crying after being beaten by his 
tutor, and he gave her no answer. This is what the woman did. She put her 
palm under his tears and poured them into her mouth, and at once she conceived, 
and she afterwards brought forth a son, even Da-Biu was that son. 

1 Literally, times.' * hionairmhe, B. * B. inserts : iar ttabairt an mhic astegh. 

4 ona haimriteacht, B. . 


4654. Diversely, now, and variously do the wise relate the ground of Mochua's 
coming out of Ulaid. For some say that it was a certain place which Comgall took 
from him, which was the cause of their dispute. Or this verily is the cause, to wit, 
on a certain time Mochua's mother took him with her to visit her fatherland, even 
Ddl Buain and her kinsfolk ; and when they beheld him, they honoured him, and left 
every one for him. Now, there was a noble ancient man of that kin, even Coman, 
the table-priest of Fiachna; son of Baetan ; and this he said to Mochua, ' Let the 
honour of thy fatherland be taken away from thee, as thou hast taken it from me ! ' 
Now when Mochua and his mother were going back to Bangor, the sons of Fiachna, 
son of Baetan, met them, and were mocking at the cleric. And this they said : ' Lame 
cleric !' 'Sons without instruction I 1 ' saith Mochua. Then he was mightily angered 
against them, and he put them under the earth. Then Coman and Fiachna, son of 
Baetan, complained to Comgall of that deed. So Comgall said that Mochua should 
not abide in Ulaid. And it is Coman's word that caused that. ' Since I am expelled 
by thee,' saith Mochua, ' give me a token by which I can get a place, whereon I shall 
found a church/ ' I have no token,' saith Comgall, ' unless thou take with thee this 
fountain.' ' God is able to do even this/ saith Mochua. Now when Mochua went 
out of Bangor his comrades looked behind them, and they beheld the watery cloud 
following them, whatsoever side they went. ' Yon is the fountain/ saith Mochua ; ' and 
let us entreat it to stay before us, and to be a guide unto us.' And he said that like 
Moses, son of Amram, before whom there was a shining cloud as he went forth from 
Egypt. Thence Mochua journeyed to Gael, a monastery in Fir-Rois ; and Gavrin, a 
bishop from Britain, was therein, and he offered the church to Mochua, for they were 
foster-brothers. Now a drop fell out of that cloud, and thereof in sign of their unity 
a fountain was formed in the stead. 

4679. After that Mochua journeyed to Fobar-Feichm. That was the 
time at which a mill was a-making by Feichin, and he had no water (for the mill), 
and this is the advice which the clerics gave : ' Since Mochua hath come to us/ 
say they, ' let us go to Loch Lebinn if peradventure we may get 2 water thereout.' 
' That is a monstrous advice/ says the mill-wright, ' for there is the huge mountain 
between you (and it).' ' God is able even for this/ saith Mochua. Now when the 
clerics reached the lake, Mochua cast his crozier into it, and the crozier bored 
through the mountain. Then Feichin did the same, and the rest of the clerics. 
And in that wise water was got for the mill. Thereafter Feichm and Mochua made 
their union. 

4688. Then Mochua came thence to Tech Telle in the precinct of Burrow, 

1 The point of the retort depends on the rhyme (lose, case), which cannot be reproduced in English. 

2 dus an bfuighbimis, B. 



and this was his desire, to found a monastery near that place. Howbeit he was not 
able to do so, for he had not marked out the well. 

4691. After that Mochua went across the Shannon into the province of 
Connaught. Cellach, son of Ragallach, was king of Connaught at that time. Now 
it happened to Mochua to go into Sogan Ua Maine, and they all prostrated them- 
selves to him out of affection, because their origin is from the Ulaid 1 . Then a pious 
queen named Ball-gel (' white-limbed '), who dwelt in the country, did him great 
honour. Now Mochua abode in that country for the forty days 2 of Easter, and 
they attempted to keep him with them always. ' There will, however,' saith Mochua, 
' come from you yourselves a son of Life whom ye will serve.' Comman was foretold 
in that. 

4699. Mochua 3 went away from them, and left a blessing upon them and on 
their fosterlings and on their sisters' children, as he said : 

'A blessing on their fosterlings 
If they abide according to rule. 
My blessing exceedingly 
On their divine good women. 

'Every lad and every nephew 
Who shall live very piously according to my will, 
They shall have and it will not be empty 4 
Earth with its fruit.' 

4709. Then Mochua went to Lough Cime. There was Cellach, son of Ragal- 
lach, king of Connaught, a-hunting. The deer entered the lake, and remained there 
on a great stone, and no one durst go after it, for ha the lake there dwelt a monster 
that used to be very hurtful to human beings. Then said the king to Mochua: ' If thoii 
wouldst allow (?) a man of our household to go after the deer under thy safeguard 
against the monster, he would go.' ' God is able even for this,' said Mochua. Then 
the man went into the lake and killed the deer that was biding on the flagstone, and 
this he said : ' Good,' saith he, ' was this place of an island.' Then the warrior came 
swimming till the monster swallowed him as one morsel, wherefore the king 
reproached Mochua. Now the cleric waxed wroth with the monster, so it threw up the 
warrior every whit whole in the presence of the hosts, and never did hurt to anyone 
afterwards. God's name and Mochua's were magnified by that miracle, and the 
king and the greater part of the hosts prostrated themselves to Mochua. And that 
was the beginning of his high grace in the province of Connaught. 

1 B. has : ar fa a hUltaibh tangatar 6 thosach. a B. inserts laithe. 

3 Imthighis Mochua, B. * forfalumft B. has rogar. 


4722. Thereafter Mochua went over Odba northwards into the district of Cera, 
till he reached Ross Dairbrech, as (the poet) said : 

Ross Dairbrech, Medina's monastery, 
Which is called ever-new Balla, 
Dear the bush (?), angelic, pure, 
Ross Dairbrech of the holy yew-trees. 

Balla with sainted men to-day 

(Is) the common name with lovable renown; 

' Ross Dairbrech,' this was its name 

In the time of Tuathal Rough-foot. 

From the district of Bangor of the cold fords. 
To the plain of Cera of the fair hosts, 
Into the land of Fir Domnann of the bushes, 
Comgall sent (Mochua) to fair Ross. 

4736. He stays a night in that place. Now on the morrow, when the comrades 
looked up, they did not see the fountain. Mochua told them to seek it. Then said 
a farmer to them : ' The fountain Ball-aluinn is below.' ' From that let the place be 
named/ said Mochua. As he himself said : 

' Let Balla be the name of the place, 
For it hath come under my heed : 
Let this be its name henceforward 
Till the last age shall come.' 

4744. He entreated God to manifest to him the place of his church. Five-and- 
thirty years, then, Mochua had completed at that time, and one-and-twenty years 
was he serving God at. that place, when he went to heaven. 

* One-and-twenty 1 years without exception 
Was Mochua in the province of Connaught. 
A wall of mould marking out his side 
Was the hardship of his slender-skinned devotion.' 

4751. Then came Eochaid Minnech 2 , prince of the clans of Fiachra, to gainsay 
the cleric. Now angels were manifested to him over the wood wherein Mochua 
dwelt, and when he saw the cleric he humbled himself to him at once. Now thus 
was Mochua at that time, in a prison of stone. Eochaid came to the cleric, having 
along with him a hundred of the nobles of his family, to wit, Maine with his seven 
sons, and Domnall and Feradach and Msel-cethaig and Ronan and Suibne and 
Finntan the Fair and the nobles of Clann-Fiachrach. And though they attempted to 
kill the cleric, they did his will, for the spiritual radiances and the divine service 3 

1 fichit, B. a Binneach, B. 3 1 ind foghnamha diada, B. 


shone out of bis countenance. Then they offered him the stead, with its district and 
land, Cellach, son of Ragallach, consenting. Wherefore of founding that the historian 

sang the staves 1 : 

' From Clad Cuirre 2 of hard Calgach 
To Mon, to the north of Adrad ; 
From Mag Moethla 3 , with its bog, 
To great-staked Crot Cualachta. 

' Thus they gave their land, 
The clans of Ross, with great virtue, 
Without tempest in their minds r 
With vast service. 

1 With a circuit every third strong year, 
Both man and woman and boy, 
To Mochua*, of the narrow prison, 
At prayer, at wailing. 

'A cow for every landholder 5 , 
Both king and nobleman; 
To my Chua the hundreded 8 in his company 
A garment for every ollave. 

' A great pig for every house in the north. 
From the strand of Eothuile to Muad ; 
A scruple for every fire without thirst 
To the chapel of the province of Connaught. 

'This Mochua had without sorrow 
From Odba of the loyal throngs. 
Strong was his flood 
To the stormy strand of Eothuile.' 

4785. Thus he founded his church and his monastery, and he gave three bishops 
to consecrate his graveyards and his great churches, and to allot the land to his 
monks 7 . 

4787. This was one of Mochua's miracles. A certain barren woman came to 
him, and he blessed two sprigs of watercress for her, and she at once conceived a son 
and a daughter, to wit, Luicenchair the Pious and Scanlan were these. 

4790. Yet another marvel ! Mochua went to Lough Cime ; and the 
attendants said to Cennfaelad, son of Colcu, for he was then king of Connaught : 
' The soulfriend,' say they, ' of Cellach, son of Ragallach, is outside.' ' It is nothing 8 to 
us/ saith Cennfaelad, 'that he is a soulfriend of Cellach's: he shall not enter this island.' 
Then Mochua brought (the waters of) the lake over the island. The king went perforce 

1 na roind, B. a Ochladh cuirre, B. 3 sic, B. * domchua, B. 

5 fir ferainn, B. 6 dom chua cedach, B. 

7 B. omits ' do roind in ferainn dia manchaib.' 8 ni tochaite, B. 


in a boat after Mochua, and he surrendered himself and his son, and his grandson hi 
bondage to him, and the island to be freed (from tribute) ; and afterwards it was freed. 
4798. It was one of Mochua's miracles, to wit, Sfl Muiredaig was suffering 
from the Yellow Plague, and the clerics of the province of Connaught sought to banish 
it from them, and they succeeded not. So they came to the place where Mochua 
was dwelling, and he healed them, and put the colour which was on them x upon his 
crozier, and then they gave their service to him. Wherefore of that colouring 2 spake 

the poet : 

The Sfl Muiredaig sought 
Ireland's tribes and rocks 
To protect them against the mortality, 
And they came to Balla. 

The Sil Muiredaig promised 
To do the will of the white pure cleric, 
And that as numerous as leaves would be 
Their treasures given to Balla. 

On his holy crozier he put 
The disease of the whole people, 
So that this came to pass : 
Hence is the 'Yellow Crozier.' 

' Ye have come five times five hundred 
Men pure-armed, haughty, 
Till Doomsday, if ye obey me, 
Ye will be 3 no fewer. 

Every need that shall come to you 
Utter my name in prayer to God. 
Never will come to you 
Overwhelming force* after it.' 

4823. This was one of Mochua's miracles. Once he entered the district of 
Muad, and came to Inis Amalgaid, and no boat was brought to him. ' It is not 
necessary now,' saith Mochua, ' to seek a boat to go into it.' Then he raises up the 
earth, so that one fares on foot into the island from that time till to-day. 

4827. Once .he went with four persons to the brink of Muad. The fishermen 
gave a refusal to him. ' If/ saith he, ' there were a servant of God below, he would 
bring us somewhat.' Then the seal cast on shore four salmon for them. 

4830. Another time Mochua sent his servant to commune with Faelan. When 
he came to All in Cle*ib (' the Cliff of the Basket ') there came to him two female 
warriors, who dwelt in the land, namely, Bee, daughter of Conchorach, and Lithben, 
daughter of Aitrebthach. And this is the unreasonable game which they used to play. 

1 forro, B. a For faQfothugud, 'founding,' of the MS., we should probably read dathugud. 

3 bheithe, B. . . * anforlann, B. 


Whoever passed by them, they would put him into a basket with two ropes out of it, 
and swing him over the awful precipice. It was revealed to Mochua that bis gillie 
was put into the basket. Mochua went till he reached the place. Lithben, daughter 
of Aitrebthach, obeyed him at once ; but Bee would not let the gillie go until the 
cleric gave her his cowl. It blazed up in her hands, and then she obeyed the cleric. 
And the girls communed with both their fathers, and brought them to Mochua, and 
Mochua afterwards baptized them.. Now that Bee came and remained seven years 
serving Mochua. One time she was lamenting that she was childless, and Coel, son 
of Aed, an elder of the kindred of Aed, was saying the same thing, and both of them 
came and gave their service to Mochua for ever. 

4843. Now Taithlech, son of Cennfaelad, suffered from a gangrene, and 
Mochua healed him, and put the disease on his own bell, and thereon it is still, to 
certify that great miracle. 

4845. On a certain time of summer, Mochua was put to guard the Iambs. 
Howbeit he was repeating his Beatus while with them. The lambs ran together 
towards their dams, for there was no fence between them. Mochua came and 
drew his crozier between them * after him on the earth ; and not a lamb of the lambs 
ventured to cross the trace of the crozier, but each of them stood looking at the other 
over the line. 

4851. On a certain day there was brought to Mochua a consumptive 2 lad who 
could not move either his hands or his feet, nor any of his other limbs 3 . With his 
hand Mochua touched all the lad's limbs, and he said to him : ' Arise in Jesu's 
name, and look at the sun, and go.' And at once he arose and went ; and God's name 
and Mochua's were magnified thereby. 

4855. At another time a demoniac * was brought to Mochua. He expelled the 
devil from him at once in the name of the Trinity. 

4857. On a certain night there came a certain robber to steal Mochua's wheat". 
When the robber raised up the load, he withered and stiffened 6 at once ; and he could 
neither move on nor put his burden from him, until afterwards Mochua blessed him. 

4860. Once upon a time a secular man, having a deaf and dumb boy, came to 8 
Mochua, and he besought him to heal his son for him, and Mochua entreated the 
Lord for him, and the boy became whole, from the powers of God and the prayers 
of Mochua ; and God's name and Mochua's were magnified thereby. 

4864. Now this man, even Mochua, from the beginning of his life, gave all his ser^ 
vice to wisdom and devotion. He it is that from his infancy feared the Lord. He 
it is that overwhelmed every sin, and he it is that quenched in himself the delight of 

1 B. inserts ettorra. * anbhrachtaidhe, B. s bhalla, B. * demhnachdha, B; 

5 B. inserts : ~j rosheac. 6 do saighzo?, B. 


the present life. He it is that overcame the concupiscence of his flesh. It is he that forgot 
the pleasures of the present. He never took his mind nor his meditation from con- 
stantly gazing at the heavenly kingdom. He hated the temporal goods as if they were 
dungheaps. He avoided the honours of the world like death. He abhorred wealth 
and treasures. He despised the carnal delight as if it were poison. He never gave 
love to carnal corruption. He forgave every one who used to do evil to him. He 
subdued his body and bent it to the divine service. He was kindled by the fire 
of God's love, and with the same fire he used to kindle the hearts of other men. 
He loved the neighbour as himself. He was profitable to the bodies and the souls 
of other men. He loved his enemies even as he loved his friends. He gave good 
things to every man, even though that man should hate him. He used to pray for 
those who persecuted him and insulted him. He was most patient in enduring 
every tribulation and every suffering. He used to bestow the divine and human 
treasures on every one who would ask for them. He used to help like a father 
every one who was in need. He used to visit every one who was in prison or in 
bonds, and loose him. He used to give property to set free every slave and every 
bondsman. He used to give raiment to the poor and needy of the Lord. He was 
riches and wealth to the poor, though he himself was poor and needy. He used to 
give food to the hungry and drink to the thirsty, and raiment to the naked, and a 
general welcome to the guests, and to every one who wanted it. He protected the 
feeble, and the wretched widows. He saved the poor and the weak from the powers 
of the world. He never loved gold or silver, except as stones or ashes. He never 
moved his lip or his tongue idly. He never let aught unseemly (come) to him through 
his hearing. He stored up in his heart everything that God used to say to him. He 
never saw aught which it was not right for him to see. He never took a step towards 
ignorance. He abated his sense from coveting the things earthly. It is he that bound 
the meditation of his mind in the hallowed heavens. He never let any idle hour pass 
from him without fruit. He never let his heart go from God. He desired to endure l 
everything for Christ's sake, in order that he might attain to the heavenly fatherland. 
He prepared the eternal rest for himself by abating his flesh in fasting, in abstinence, 
quia crucifixus est mundw illi et ipse mundo. 

1 For Qn&foghniadh of the Book of Listnore **ffoghmadh of the Brussels MS., we should certainly 

P P 


The bare numbers refer to the lines of the text. Numbers in parenthesis refer to the pages 

of the translation. 

P p 2 



2 (p. 149). The 'couple for whom this book was written' were Fingen (Mac Carthaig 
Riabach) and his wife Catherine Fitzgerald, daughter of Thomas, the eighth earl of 
Desmond. This Fingen, son of Diarmait, was lord of Hiii Cairbri (Carbury), and 
died, according to the Four Masters, in 1504 or 1505. 

39 (p. 150). As to the alleged Jewish origin of S. Patrick, see Dr. Todd, S/. Patrick, 
p. 362, the Rolls edition of the Tripartite Life, p. 357, note 5, where a similar legend 
is quoted from the Book of Leinster, p. 353, col. 4, and the following extract from 
Lebar Brecc, 13 c: 

Do macuib Israel tra. iarfir do Pataaicc. ocht Truly,- then, of the children "of Israel was 
dia rohesretea maz'c Israel o Thid 7 o Patrick; but when the children of Israel 

Uespiain, in di consul romanaz'g; fochetharaird were dispersed by Titus and Vespasian, the 

in domain a ndigail tola Crist, is ann doriacAt two Roman consuls, throughout the four 

bnnad Pataaic co Bretnu, conid aire-sin at- quarters of the world, in vengeance for the 

"berst bretnach de ara teidecAt a ndaire innte. blood of Christ, then did Patrick's stock 

come to Britain, wherefore it is called ' British ' 
because of its coming in slavery thereinto. 

46. S. Patrick's genealogy is thus given in the Book of 'Leinster ; p. 347, col. i : 

Pafc-aic Mac Calpraind, Maze Fotaide, Maze Odisi, Maic Cornuith, Maz'c Leoburid, Maze Ota, 
Maz'c Muric, Maze Oirc, Maze Leo, Maze Maximi, Maz'c Cencreti, Mate Philisti, Maze Ferini, Maz'c 
Britini, [in marg. : vel Briti filii Alani, qui primus de semine lafeth in Europam uenit], a quo 
Bretnaig, Maze Fergzwa LethdVg, Maz'c Nemid *, Maze Agnomazn, Maze Phaim, Maz'c Thait, Maze 
Sera, Maic Sru, Maic Esru, Maic Braimind, Maic Fatecht, Maic Magoth, Maic lafeth, Maze Noe. 

The pedigree in the Lebar Brecc, p. 13, col. 2, runs thus: 

Patricius filius Alpruhid, Maze Hoddaige, MazV Hoddisse, MazV Corniuil, Maz'c Liberiud, Maz'c 
Mercuit, MazV Hoda, MazV Oricc, MazV Muric, MazV Leo, MazV Maxime, MazV Encreti, MazV 
Erise, MazV Peliste, MazV Farine, MazV Britain a qo Bretnaig, MazV Fergztsa. Lethdez'rg, 
Maz'c Nemid, Maze Agnomain, Maz'c Paim, MazV Thait, Maz'c Sera, Maz'c Sru, MazV Esru, 
MazV Pramint, MazV Aithechta, MazV Magoc, Maze lafeth, MazV Noei, MazV Lamiach. 

Of these names, the second and third seem to represent the Roman names Calpurnius 
and Potitus ; the fourth and fifth seem Odysseus and Cornelius. Compare the 
pedigrees in the Franciscan Liber Hymnorum and in the Lebar Brecc homily 
on' Patrick printecUnthe Rolls Tripartite Life, pp. 412, 432. 

47. Conches, the na^J^^n here as that of Patrick's mother, seems a corruption of 

1 Here ends the pedigree in the Book of Ballymote, p. 215, col. 5. There is a metrical pedigree, 
ibid. p. 229, col. 5,1. 46, and another (attributed to Flann Manistrech) in the Annals of the Four 
Masters, A. D. 432. 

294 NOTES. 

Concessa* In the Book of Leinster, p. 372 a, three aliases are mentioned. Ondba 
him no Gomba uin do Bretnaib r&6thavc Ptf/ric 7 a choic sethar, no Conches no 
Cochmas a ainm. 

52 (p. 150). This antenatal miracle is told also in Latin by Colgan, Trias Thauma- 
turgae . . . Ada, p. 117 a; and in Irish in Egerton 93, cited in the Rolls Tripartite 
Life, p. xlvi. 

57, 70, 80, 86, 91, 95, 102, 121, 127 (pp. 150-152). The miracles of the boy 
Patrick here related are told also in the Tripartite Life, pp. 8, 10, 12, 14, and in 
the Lelar Brecc homily, printed in the Rolls edition of the Tripartite Life, pp. 432, 
434 436, 438. The miracle related hi 113-120 is also in the Lebar Brecc 
homily, ubi supra, p. 436. 

147-149 (p. 153). As to Patrick's four names, see Lelar Brecc, 13 c: 

Snccait, taa, ainm baitse Patmic. Cotraige im- Sucait, now, was Patrick's baptismal name. 

morro a ainm a ndoire : inand on 7 fer no- Cothraige, however, was his name in slavery 

fognad do cethrar i n-oen$ec&t. Mogoniw* a that is the same as ' one who used to serve 

ainm oca foglaimm. Patricins a ainm la four persons at once.' Magonius his name 

Romanchn : ut dixit : when studying. Patricias his name with the 

Succait a ainm baiste iar mbuaid, Romans: ut dixit [poeta] : 

Cotraige a ndoire dimbnain, Sucait his baptismal name, after victory, 

fatncius il-Letha luind, Cothraige in temporary bondage, 

Magoni5 'ca fogluimm. Patricius on fierce Letha (the Continent), 

Magonius when studying. 

Sucait has been equated by Schuchardt with W. by gad, ' warlike :' Cothraige is = the 
Gaulish Caturigios, 'battle-kingly:* Magonius (= W. Maun} seems cognate with 
Skr. Maghavan, a name for Indra, and Gr. Maxdav. 

154 (p. 153). 'The book of epistles ' here mentioned consists of the Confessio and 
the letter to the soldiers of Coroticus, called ' Liber Epistolarum ' in the Tripartite 
Life, pp. 10, 1 8, and Colgan's Latin paraphrase, Trias Thaum. pp. 120, 124. 

159-165 (p. 153). The story of Miliuc's vision is told also in an extract from the 
Tripartite Life, preserved in H. 3. r 8, p. 521, and printed in the Rolls edition, 
p. xlviii. See Colgan's paraphrase, ibid. pp. 19, 20. One of Miliuc's daughters is 
thus commemorated in the Book of Leinster, p. 372 d: 

Bronach ingen Milchon mate Buain 'ca mbee Bronach daughter of Miliuc, son of Buan, with 
PdtrcAc i ndaire, m&thair Mochae Noendrom- whom Patrick dwelt in bondage, mother of 

ma oc Loch Cuan, 7 Colmain Chomraire oc Mo-chae of Noendraim at Loch Cuan, and 

Uisniuch, ocus Colmdin Mulind oc Daire of Colman of the Casket at Uisnech, and of 

Chsechain in Dal Riatai, 7 epscz}> Maze Erca Colman of the A .Mtife at Daire Caechain in 

o Domnuch Mor Maige Coba, 7 Damnatan Dal Riata, ancTO Bishop Mac Erca of Dom- 

Betha, 7 Fursu waibdig in Perona. nach Mor Maige Coba, and of Damnatan .of 

Sliab Betha, and of Fursu the Pious in Pe- 


1 66-i (p. 154). Compare the versions of this pretty story in H. 3. 18 (Trip. Life, 
p. xlviii) and the Lelar JBrecc homily (ibid. pp. 440, 442). It must be read in 
connexion with the tale told in lines 86-90 (p. 151), of which it is the sequel. 

181-201 (p. 154). These legends of Patrick's release from bondage are also found in 
the Franciscan Liber Hymnorum, whence they are printed in the Rolls Tripartite 
Life, pp. 414, 416. 

202-210 (pp. 154, 155). Abridged from the stories paraphrased by Colgan, Tr. 
Tkaum.p. 121, which were founded on the statements of St. Patrick himself in 
his Confessio. 

211-214 (p. 155). As to Patrick's visits to SS. Germanus and Martin, compare 
Colgan's paraphrase (Tr. Thaum. p. 121) printed in the Rolls Tripartite, p. 25. 

216-241 (pp. 155, 156). A very meagre abridgement of the tales told in the Tripartite 
Life, pp. 28-31 of the Rolls edition. 

242-245 (p. 156). This story of the leper is found also in the Lebar Brecc homily, 
pp. 447, 449 of the Rolls Tripartite. As to the origin of the devotion bestowed on 
lepers in the Middle Ages, see ibid. p. cxcvi, and Farrar's Life of Christ, i2th ed. 
p. 149, n. 3. 

246-250 (p. 156). In the Tripartite Life, p. 32, Nathi Mace Garrchon is said to 
have opposed Patrick, and Sinell Mac Finchada to have believed in him. 

252-265 (p. 156). This story of Bene*n is here told more fully in the Tripartite Life, 
p. 36, and the Lebar Brecc homily, p. 454. 

266-271 (p. 156). The statement that Loegaire's birth-feast was kept on Easter eve, 
is, so far as I know, found only in the Book of Lismore. 

274-286 (p. 157). The story of Dichu is also in the Tripartite Life,^. 36. But the 
choice proposed to him is peculiar to the Book of Lismore. 

287-289 (p. 157). This story of the impious wizard occurs also in the Brussels MS. 
2324-2340, fo. 15^, where, after coileach, we have the words : aifrinn, co rodtiirt 
an coilech, ' of offering, so that the chalice poured forth (its contents).' 

290297 (p. 157). This account of Miliuc's self-cremation occurs also in the Book of 
Armagh, fo. 3 a i (p. 276 of the Rolls Tripartite Life) and the Tripartite Life, pp. 
cxlii, 38, where I have conjectured that it may be an instance either of a kind 
of dharna or of propitiatory self-sacrifice. It is more probably a case of suicide as 
a mode of vengeance, of which we find an example in a Finnish tribe on the right 
bank of the Volga : ' Chez les Tchouvaches quand on veut se venger d'un ennemi 
on va se pendre a sa porte ' (Henri Gaidoz, Me'lusine, iv. 10, citing A. Rambaud, 
Revue politique et litte'raire, 28 avril, 1877, p. 1031 b), the object being that the 
ghost of the deceased may persecute the offender. 

298-306 (p. 157). This account of king Loegaire and his wizard's prophecy of the 

296 NOTES. 

Christianizing of Ireland is an abridgement of the story in the Tripartite Life, 

pp. 32-34. 

307-321 (pp. 157, 158). This story of Dichu is found, so far as I know, only in the 
Book of Lismore. 

322-336 (p. 158). Patrick's visit to Tara and his striking the paschal fire are 
described more fully in the Tripartite Life, pp. 40-42. It seems to have been 
an established custom in the Western Churches to produce fresh fire on Easter 
eve : ' in sabbato paschae extincto veteri novus ignis benedicatur et per populum 
dividatur/ Leo IV (Horn, de Ctira Past. c. 7), cited in Smith's Dictionary of 
Christian Antiquities, s v v. Fire, -kindling of. The use in the Tripartite Life ' of the 
expression roben in tenid chasc\d\ae (he struck the paschal fire), and in the Book 
of Lismore olrolenad in tene chascdae chosecarlkae lais (the consecrated paschal fire 
was struck by him) seems to show that the fire was struck from a flint or crystal. 

337-346 (p. 159). After the lacuna of two leaves, the Lismore Life resumes the legend 
of Patrick with an account of his visit to Mullaghshee (a little place to the north of 
Ballyshannon), and here corresponds with the Tripartite Life, p. 150, of the Rolls 

347-355 (p. 159). This corresponds with the Tripartite Life, pp. 150, 152. 

355-367 (p. 159). This abridgement of the account of Patrick's visit to Ailech of the 
Kings, now Grenan Ely in the county of Donegal, corresponds with the Tripartite 
Life, pp. 152-154. 

368-369 (p. 159). An abridgement of the story told ofCoelbad's sons in the Tripartite 
Life, pp. 162-166. 

37 37 J (p. 159). Olchon here is a scribal error for Olcdn, the story of whose 
baptism, after his birth from a dead mother, is told in the Tripartite Life, p. 160. 

372-380 (p. 160). Also in the Tripartite Life, p. 224. 

384 (p. 160). The other six persons whom Patrick is said to have left alive for ever 
in Ireland to guard its inhabitants are, ' a man at Cruachan Aigle, and a man at 
Benn Gulbain, and a man in Sliab Bethad, and a man in Sliab Cua, and the 
married pair at Cluain Iraird.' See Lebar JBrecc, 28 b, 29 a. 

386-392 (p. 160). This silly story of the stolen goat bleating from the belly of the 
thief (which is said to have disgusted Carlyle with the study of Irish history) is -told 
also in the Tripartite Life,^. 180. 

393-395 (p. 160). This miracle of converting poisoned cheeses into stones is found 
also in the Tripartite Life, p. 182. Poison, it maybe observed, seems to have 
been as freely used by the Irish as it is by the Hindus. See for another instance 
the Tripartite Life, p. 54. In the Faed 'Fiada (' Deer's cry '), ibid. p. 50, Patrick 
prays Christ to protect him, or cech neim ' from every poison.' 


396-405 (p. 160). This story of FailleVs death-sleep in the fort of Naas is also in 
the Tripartite Life, pp. 184-186. 

406-418 (pp. 160, 161). Also in the Tripartite Life, p. 186. 

419-439 (p. 161). This striking story of Odr&n andFailge is told, but less completely, 
in the Tripartite Life, p. 218. The entrance of the Devil into Failge's dead body 
reminds one of Mr. R. L. Stevenson's story of Thrown Janet, with the 'bogle in 
her clay-cauld flesh.' In a MS. in the University Library, Cambridge, marked 
Ff. 127, f. 462, b. 2 (which is a copy of the Tertia Vita without chapters i-n and 
94), the legend is thus related in Latin : 

Inuenit autem uirum pessimum nomine Failge, a quo orti stint .i. nepotes 1 aui Foilgi, qui aurigam 
Patricii iugnlanit coram eo in curru suo, et statim in eodem mense mortuus est Foilge ; et anima 
eius portata est in infernum. Et tatjm intrauit dyabolns in corpus illius et habitauit in eo quasi 
homo uinens inter homines spacium nnius anni. Post autem multnm tempus uenit Patricias ad 
domum Foilge, cumque esset Patricius ante ianuam interrogauit unum de serais eins dicens: 
' Ubi est Foilge ?' Ille respondit : ' Nunc reliqui eum in domo sua.' Dixitque Patricius : ' Voca 
eum ad me.' Cum ille intrasset domum, inuenit ossa arida Foilge in domo sua; et reuersus 3 
cum tristicia, nunciauit hoc Patricio. Dixitque Patricius : ' ex eo tempore quo iugulanit Foilge 
aurigiam [sic] menm coram me, ille positus est in inferno, venitque dyabolns ut ludificaret in 
corpore eius, ut non tantum anima eius infer[n]o cruciaretur, sed etiam corpus eius inter homines 
demone repleretur.' 

The story is also told by Jocelin, Colgan's Sexta Vita, c. 73. 
442-446 (p. 161). This is in the Tripartite Life, p. 194. 
447~47o(p. 162). This story of Patrick's visit toCashel, and of Oengus's baptism, is also 

told in the Tripartite Life, pp. 194, 196, which, however, omits the three quatrains. 
47 1-476 (p. 162). This story of Patrick's tooth is also in the Tripartite Life, 

pp. 196, 198. 
477-493 (PP- 162,163) is an abridgement of the tale told in the Tripartite Life, 

pp. 202, 204. 
494-5 IO (P- 163). This account of Patrick's visit to Findine, the birth of Echu 

Red-spot, and the prophecies of Senan of Inis Cathaig, and of Brenainn Maccu 

Alti is given in the Tripartite Life, pp. 206, 208. 

511-515 (p. 163). An abridgement of the story told in the Tripartite Life, p. 210. 
516-520 (p. 164). The first sentence is in the Tripartite Life, p. 196. The rest is in 

the same work, p. 214. 
521-543 (p. 164). The account of the origin of the name Brosnacha and the metrical 

blessing on Munster are given also in the Tripartite Life, p. 216. 
544-555 (p- 164). Patrick's return to Fir Roiss, his interview with the angel, and the 

1 Here nepotes is obviously a Latin gloss on the Old-Irish aui, which Colgan or his printer (Trias 
Thautn. 25, col. a) has made into the Latin alii. 
a Here the MS. inserts est. 


298 NOTES. 

celestial letter about Mochtae and Patrick are described more fully in the Tripartite 

Life, p. 226. 
556-518 (p- 165). This story of Ddire's grant of the site of Armagh is told not only 

in the Tripartite Life, pp. 228, 230, but also in the Book of Armagh, p. 6, b. 2. 
579~58i (p. 185). This account of the measurement of the Raith, or earthen rampart, 

of Armagh is also in the Tripartite Life, p. 236. 
582-585 (p. 165). This list of the recorders of Patrick's miracles is also in the 

Tripartite Life, p. 56. 

586-597 (pp. 165, 166). Compare the Tripartite Life, pp. 256, 258. 
598-614 (p. 166). Compare the Tripartite Life, pp. 252 and 258. The passage is 

obviously misplaced. St. Patrick is here compared in certain respects to the 

apostles John and Paul. But the favourite comparison is with the apostle Peter. 

So in the hymn of Secundinus we have 

Constans in Dei amore et fide immobilis, 
super quern, aedificatur, nt Petras, aeclesia, 
cuiusque apostolatum a Deo sortitus est 
in cuius porta[e] adversns inferni non praeualent. 

So also in the following list of Irish saints compared with apostles, hermits, popes, 
&c. (Book of Leinster, p. 370, columns 3 and 4): 
Hc incipiunt sancfi. qm erant bini 1 uniw moris : 

Johannes baptiza Eps>/ Ibar. 

Petrj aposiolus Potricius. 

Panl.r ap0sfolus Finnian Cluana (Iraird). 

Andreas zpostolus Colum cilli. 

Jacobus apostolus ' Finnian Maigi bile. 

Johannes apostolus Ciaran Cluana mate NJts. 

Pilippwj apostolus Cainnech. 

Bartholomew zfostolus Brendin^ senior. 
Tomas apostolus - - - - __Brenaz'ww Cluana Ferta.. 

Matthej s^postoltts Colum Tiri da glos. 

lacobus aposfolus Comgall T&ennchoir. 

Simon zposfolus Molassi Daminsi. 

Tathezw apostolus Sinchellj lunior. 

Mathias apostolus Ruadanj Lothra. 

Maria Brigita. 

Martinus Upscop Hercc Slant. 

Paulus h^remita Coemgen Glinne dif(locha). 

Antoniwj -monachus Fechini Fob#z>. 

Angustinus sapiens Lonngarad. 

Ambrosiwj imnodicus 2 Mac ind eicis. 

1 The lithographic facsimile of the Book of Leinster has btin. 

2 i. e. hymnodicus. The facsimile has here i#zm[i8]. 


lOb patientise Munnu mat Tilcain. 

leronimttj sapiens Manchan Leith. 

Clemens papa Ciaran Saigri. 

Grigoriwj moralinm Cnvzmini Fota. 

Cipnanwj Kartaginensis Mochutu Lis m<fcV. 

Lanrenti&r diaconwj Dechoia Nessain. 

Beda sapiens <f/ mon*Kvfc#j Buti mac Bronaag. 

Ilariwj episoptts et sapiens Sechnall epscop. 

Comelitts papa Moedoc Ferns. 

Sihwj&r papa Adomnan epscop. 

BonifatiMJ pa/a Molassi. 

Paucomiw mon<z<r/5j Garald m(onach). 

Pastor mona^Aj Cammine raonack. 

Eenedicttts caput monacftorum Fintan Cluana Eidz- caput 

totius Europse monachorum totius Hibemix. 

Aagustinus eptscopus Anglor#m Barre eps/ Muma(n 7 Connacht). 

616-631 (pp. 166, 167). Compare the Tripartite Life, pp. 258, 260. In attributing 
to St. Patrick the age of 132 years, the Lismore Life agrees with Colgan's Quinfa 
Vita. Most of the other Lives give him 120 years, a number obviously suggested 
by the desire to make the saint resemble Moses (Deut. xxxiv. 7). 

632-638 (p. 167). The legend of Patrick's burial is also in the Tripartite Life, p. 252. 

639-642 (p. 167). The account of the contention for Patrick's body is not only in 
the Tripartite Life, pp. 254, 256, but also in the Book of Armagh, fo. 8, b i. 

643, 644 (p. 167). This sentence is obviously misplaced; and as it does little but 
repeat what we have been told in 11. 6 1 6, 617, it was probably inserted by the 
scribe of the Book of Lismore from a second manuscript. 


655-741 (pp. 168-170). The text is from Genesis xii. i, where the Vulgate has 'Egre- 
dere de terra tua, et de cognatione tua, et de domo patris tui, et veni in terrain 
quam monstrabo tibi.' The rest of the commentary agrees generally, with the 
opening of the homily on Saint Columcille in the Lebar Brecc, pp. 29 b 30 b. 

74 2 -75i (PP- 170> 171). These passages are also in the Lebar Brecc , p. sob. 

752-762 (p. 171). Old-Mochta of Louth's prophecy, is also in the Lebar Brecc, 

p. 31 a. 

763-775 (p. 171). Patrick's prophecy is also in the 'Lebar Brecc, p. 31 a. 
776-780 (p. 171). Bee Mac De's prophecy is also in the Lebar Brecc, p. 31 a. The 

pedigree of this prophet is thus given in the Book ofLeinster, 347 c : 

Bee mac De dniad, Mate Gnoe, Mate Lugdach, Maze Dallain, Mate Bresail, Mate Mane, MazV Neil 

No Bee mac De Aruad, Uiazc Noe, MzV C0#aill Echluaith, Mate Lugdach Mind di Mmain. 

Qq 2 

300 NOTES. 

781-785 (p. 171). Bishop Eogan of Ardstraw's prophecy is also in the Lebar Brecc, 

p. 31 a. 
786-790 (p. 172). Buite son of Br6nach's prophecy is also in Lebar Brecc, 31 a. It is 

thus given in Latin in his Life, Cod. Clar. 39, Add. No. 4788, fol. 73 (cited by 

Bishop Reeves, Columba, Ixix. n.). 

Hodie, inquit, natus est infans cui .nomen Colnmba, qui coram Deo et hominibus gloriosus existet, 
quique post xxx ta annos abhinc hucueniet, et meum sepulcrum revelabit, et cemiterium designabit. 

Buite's death and Columcille's nativity were celebrated on the same day, viz. Dec. 7. 
. Compare the Calendar of Marianus Gorman (p. 131 of the Brussels MS.) : 

7. e. Do Andreas, Octauus, gem Choluim 2 chaid csemgil, 

Martain, Sauin 1 sserdruin, feil Buiti 3 bain brigmair, 

ordned Ambrois firglain, Agatho cen tobeim, 

Ollan, Colman, Cutlach, Aromein de rigraid *. 

791-798 (p. 172). This account of the vision of Columcille's mother is also in the 

Lebar Brecc, p. 3 1 a. 
799-802 (p. 172). Compare Lebar Brecc, p. 31 a. The statement that Columba's 

birthday was the seventh of December and a Thursday, points to the years 517 

and 523, Reeves, Columba, Ixix. But Bishop Reeves thinks A.D. 521 'most likely 

to be the true period.' 

803-806 (p. 172). Equal Lebar Brecc, p. 31 a. 
807-811 (p. 172). Equal Lebar Brecc, p. 31 a. 
Columcille's pedigree is also given thus in the Book ofLeinster, 347 b : 

Colum cille Mac Feidl/ff</, Maic Ferg#sa, Mate Ciwaill Gulbaw, Mate Neil JSoigiallaig, Maic 
Echach TAuidmedoin, Maze Muredaig Tirig, Maic FiachacA Sroptine, Maic Corpri lAphecftair, 
I/Laic Cormaic Uifota, Maic Airt Oenfir, Mate Cuind Cttchathaig, Maic FeidlzVwzV Rechtmair. 

As to his mother Ethne, see the Book of Leinster, p. 354, col. 3 : 

Eithne ingen Dimmse Noe, Mate Fechin, Mate Corprz filed, Mate Ai/rfla Mair, Mate Breccain, 
Maic Feic, Mate Dare Barraig, maic CathazV M6ir, ic Ros Tiprat. Derbfind Belfota ainm aile di. 

And again in p. 372 a : 

Ethni ingen Dimma maic noe quae et Derfind Belfota, de Chorp^aigi Fanat, mdtAatr Choluim cille. 
Colum Cille, like his mother, had a second name, Crimthann (' fox ') : see the Book 
of Leinster, p. 354, col. 4, where the following list of the aliases of eighteen Irish 
saints is given : 

Crimthand ainm Colut'm cille. Moeca ainm Fechin Fabuir. 

Oengwj ainm Mate Nisi Condere. Gnia ainm Mum [Fjothna Mum. 

Cnnnid ainm Mate Culind Ljca. ainm Dactualen. 

Carthach ainm Mochutu Lis mtfir. Darerca ainm Moninni Cilli slebe. 

1 i.e. Sabinus or Savinus 'in Spolitana urbe.' . 3 MS. superscribes 'chille.' 

3 MS. superscribes ' .i. Buite mac Bronaigh, epscofl Mainistrech.' 

* This eight-lined stanza (in which lines 3, 6, and 8 rhyme together) is in the metre rinnard m6r. 
I have been unable to identify the Aromein of line 8. 



Carthach ainm Cwmmini. 

Cronan [ainm] Mochua mate liugdach. 

Cunnid ainm Coluim mate Cnmthaww. 

Tairchell ainm Moiling. 

Fer da chrich ainm Maze Cairthind. 

Aed ainm Maeldoid Mucnama. 

Colman ainm Male Lenin. 

JEd ainm Moedoc Ferwa. 

Lasren ainm Molassi. 

Finnbarr ainm Finn(eoin) Maige bili. 

See Bishop Reeves' note, Columba, p. 6, where he suggests that one of the two names 
was baptismal, the other secular. 

The origin of the name Colum cille, ' Dove of the Church/ is thus stated in the 
Lebar Brecc, p. 236, col. 2 : 

Colum cille mac Fedlimid meic Fergja Cendfota 
meic Conaill Gulban, mi/c Neill -AWgiallflz^ 
.i. Colum pro simplicitate * eius dictus est. 
Cille .i. ar a mince ticed on chill in role*g 
a salmu hi comdail na lenab comfocztf . Ocus 
ba bed atfwdis-sen atarru fessin : ' In tinic ar 

colum bec-ni indiu on chill?' .i. o Thelaig 
Diibglaise i tir Liigdach hi Cineol ConaaSL. 

Cremthan didiu a ainm batsi Coluim cille. 
Ethne oidiu \ngen Dimma meic noee, mV 
Echin, meic Coirprc fhiled, meic Oilella mair, 
meic Braccain, meic Daire Barraig, meic 
Catiadir MJir, mdthai* Coluim cille. 

IS e in Colum sin dorat graft dermair do Dia 
asa [6]ide. Aingel do nimh ticed cu Colum 
cille fecht and .i. Axal ainm in aingil-sin 
quasi auxil [ab] auxilio, condepunrt fris : 'Gab 
immat oige,' ol in t-aingel. 'Ni geb,' ol 
Colum cille, ' co tucth/w a log dam.' ' Cia 
log <wzdige?' ol in t-aingel. 'Atgillim ni 
henlog sin,' ol Colum cille, ' acht a cethaz'r.' 
'Abair eat,' ol in t-aingel. ' Atberim,' ol 
Colum cille: 'bas oilithre, ar rosanntaiges 
hi as mo aitiu, [7 bas aithrige 2 ,] 7 bas gortai, 7 
e"c hi n-aitia, ar it granna na ctiirp hi senntaid.' 
'Dob/jrthar duit cid tuilled frissin,' ol in 
t-aingel-, * .i. bidat faid hi nim 7 hi talmuin.' 

Rocomulta mdiu sin .i. dochoid-sim dia oilithre, 
7 ba hoc intan ba marb, 7 is do ghorta at- 

Colum cille, son of Fedlimed, son of Fergus 
Longhead, son of Conall Gulban, son of 
Niall the Nine-hostaged, to wit, Colum 
('Dove') pro simplicitate eius dictus est : cille 
(' of a church ') from the frequency with which 
he would come from the church in which he 
read his psalms into the company of the neigh- 
bouring children. And this is what those used 
to say among themselves: 'Has our little 
Colum come to-day from the church ? ' i. e. 
from Telach Dubglaise in Tir Lugdach in 
Cenel Conaill. 

Now 'Cremthan was Colum cille's baptismal 
name. And Ethne, daughter of Dimma mac 
noe son of Echen, son of Coirpre the Poet, 
son of Ailill the Great, son of Braccan, son of 
Daire Barrach, son of Cathair the Great, was 
Colum cille's mother. 

It is that Colum who from his youth gave ex- 
ceeding love to God. Once upon a time an 
angel of heaven came unto Colum cille 
(Axal was the name of that angel, quasi 
auxil, ab auxilio), and said to him : ' Take 
virginity around thee,' saith the angel. ' I will 
not take it,' saith Colum cille, ' till a reward 
therefor be given me.' ' What reward dost thou 
ask ?' saith the angel. ' I declare not one re- 
ward,' saith Colum cille, ' but four.' ' Say them,' 
quoth the angel. ' I say,' quoth Colum cille, 
' Death in pilgrimage for I have coveted it 
from my youth and death in penitence, and 
death ofhunger, and death in youth for in old 
age the bodies are ugly.' 'Even more than that 
shall be given thee,' saith the angel : ' thou 
shalt be a prophet in heaven and on earth.' 

So (all) that was fulfilled. He went on his pil- 
grimage, and he was young when he died, 

Facs. similicitate. 

a Compare the story in Lebar Brecc, p. 89. 



bath, acht ba \gorta tholtanach sin chena. 
Ocus iss ed iodera in gorta sin dosum. "Fzcht 
dicftu dosrala-sttm oc timchell i n-Hii conus- 
acca in chaillech oc bein nennta do chum 
braisce di. ' Cid imf uilnges sin, a throg l ? ' ol 
Colum cille. 

'A biiid athflzr,' ol si, ' senbo fil ocum, 7 indlseg 
hi, 7 iss ed so fognas dam oca hurnaide a cian 
Bad. 1 

Cinnid Colww indsin comad praissech nennta 
is moo Woigenad do cein ba beo, d/ccs: 
' In tan,* ol se, ' is ar saile^/u na henbo atathar 
isin morghorta-sa, ba dethbz'r duinne cemad 
trom in gorta i mbemis, ar is ferr hi ni sail- 
mit .i. regnum perenne.' Ocus atbez'r fria a 
thimthin'flT : ' 'Braissec&J ol se, ' cecA n-oidche 
uait, 7 ni thuc in loim 3 lee.' ' Doge'ntar,' ol 
in coic. Tollaid-side crand suaite na braisce 
c mbo fedan, 7 <?dhoirted in mbeoil isin 
fedan sis en suaitea triasin b^aissz^. Coime- 
taid sin feth in clerig. Rathaigit na manig 
degfeth in clerig co r'iumraidset aterru bliden : 
Faillsich^/ydos#m sin,-depert: 'Fodhord 
ic \otht bar n-inaid dogres.' ' Maith didt'u,' 
ol Colum cille, ol esium, fna thimthirzV/, 
<cret dob^re-si damsa cech dia?' 

' It fiadn/we,' ol in coic, ' ockt mina thi asind 
iurn in aighin no asm crand di a suati in 
mb^aisig, ni fetur-sa. ni ele ind acht brais- 
stck nama. 

FaillsichMzV dow^ don clerich indsin, 7 atiwt : 
' Sonj 7 degfeth,' ol se, ' tna bithu d'fir th' 
inaid dogr/s.' Iss ed sin chomaillter. 

Andsin dhdiu ro-indis Boethine do in aisluige 
errdairc .i, tri cathaire do aicsin do hi nim .i. 
cathair oir 7 cathair argait 7 cathdir gloine. 
Rue Colum zille \>reith na haislinge. ' Ciaran 
mor mac in tsair in cathair oir, ar meit a 
derci 7 a throcaire. Molaisse in chathaw- 
argait, ar meit a ecna 7 a chrabuid. Mise 

and he died of hunger, howbeit that was 
voluntary hunger. And this is what caused 
that hunger to him. Once, then, he happened 
to be going round in lona, and he saw the old 
woman cutting nettles to make pottage there- 
of. 'What is it causes that, O wretched one?' 
saith Colnm cille. 

' O darling Father,' saith she, ' I have (only) one 
cow, and she is in-calf, and this is what serves 
me while expecting it for a long time.' 

Colum cille then determines that pottage of 
nettles should serve him more so long as he 
was alive, saying : ' Since,' saith he, ' it is only 
for expectation of the. one cow that she is in 
this great hunger, meet were it for us though 
sore be the hunger in which we should be : 
for better is that which we expect, even Reg- 
num perenne.' And he saith to his servant : 
' Pottage,' saith he, 'from thee every night, 
and bring not the milk with it.' ' It shall 
be done,' saith the cook. He bores the 
mixing-stick of the pottage, so that it became 
a pipe ; and he used to pour the meat-juice 
into the pipe down, so that it was mixed 
through the pottage. That preserves the 
cleric's appearance. The monks perceive the 
cleric's good appearance, and they talked 
(about it) among themselves. That is revealed 
to Colum cille, so he said : ' May your succes- 
sors be always murmuring!' 'Well then,' 
saith Colum cille, saith he to his servant, 
' what dost thou give me every day?' 

' Thou art witness,' saith the cook, 'unless it come 
out of the iron of the pot or out of the stick 
wherewith the pottage is mixed, I know of 
nought else in it save only pottage.' 

That then is revealed to the cleric, and he said : 
' Happiness and good appearance to thy succes- 
sor for ever continually ! ' And that is fulfilled. 

So then Boethine related to him the famous 
vision, to wit, three chairs seen by him in 
heaven, even a chair of gold and a chair of 
silver and a chair of glass. Colum cille 
explained the vision. ' Ciaran the Great, the 
Wright's son, is the chair of gold, for the 
greatness of his charity and his mercy. Mo- 

MS. a throig. 

MS. hurnaige. 

3 MS. inolim. 


buden in cath/fzV gloine, ar meit mo chon- laisse is the chair of silver, because of his 

dailbe, ar is docha lium Goedil oldait fir wisdom and his piety. I myself am the 

dhomhain, 7 cendl Conai\\ oldait Goedil, ocus chair of glass, because of my affection ; for 

cen^l Lugdach oldait cend CVwaill, Trl. 1 I prefer Gaels to (the other) men of the 

world, and the Kindred of Conall to the 
(other) Gaels, and the kindred of Lugaid to 
the (rest of the) kindred of Conall. 

812-818 (p. 172). The legend here told of Columba's learning to read from an 
alphabet written on a cake, has been studied by M. Henri Gaidoz in a pamphlet 
entitled Les gdteaux alphabfiiques, Paris, 1886. He finds an allusion to the practice 

in Horace, Sat. I. i. 25 : 

<nt pueris olim dant crustula blandi 
Doctores, elementa velint nt discere prima.' 

819-824 (p. 173). This miraculous reading out of the looth Psalm, the reader having 
only learned his alphabet, is also related in Lebar Brecc, 31 b. Compare the 
story of Gornias' reading out the baptismal office, 1. 58. 

825-833 (p. 1 73). The resuscitation of the dead cleric is also told in Lebar Brecc, 3 1 b. 

837-841 (p. 173). This changing into wine of the water used for mixing in the 
chalice is related in Lebar JBrecc, 3 1 b. The practice of mingling water with the 
sacramental wine is referred to also in the Book of Armagh 14, b 2 : the Stowe 
Missal, and L. U. 127 a. 

842-845 (p. 173). The Saint's visit to Gemman (not 'German' as the Book of 
Lismore corruptly has it) the Master, and his fatal curse, are also told in Lebar 
Brecc, p. 31 b. Other instances of cursing will be found in lines 272 and 369. 

The instances of cursing inanimate objects in 272 and elsewhere were probably 
suggested by the miracle of the fruitless figtree in Matt. xxi. 19, 20. 

846-849, 850-852 (p. 173) are also in the Lebar Brecc, p. 31 b. 

852-857 (p. 174). Findian's vision of the two moons, also m\he Lebar Brecc, p. 32 b, 
is told more fully in the Martyrology of Donegal, p. 160. 

858-865 (p. 174). This story is told also in the Lebar Brecc, p. 31 b. 
This story of Colom cille fording the flooded river at night is told also in Lebar 
Brecc, p. 3 1 b. 

866-874 (p. 174). Also in Lebar Brecc, p. 31 b. A very similar legend is told of 
Cummain or Cummine, the Tall, king Guaire of Aidne and Caimine of Inis Celtra, in 
fazLebor na hUidre,^. n6,in Rawlinson B. 512, fol. 141, a 2, and in some MS. (to 
me unknown) cited by Dr. Todd in his edition of the Liber Hymnorum, p. 87. Of 
these versions that in Lebor na hUidre being the oldest will here be quoted : 

1 An illogical reason ! According to a candid note on the Calendar of Oengus, June 9 (Leba? 
Brecc, p. 89), the chair of glass was Colum cille because, though his devotion was delightful, he 
was carnal (collaide] and often frail (aibbrisc comenic} even as glass is fragile. Compare the 
Martyrology of Donegal, pp. 162-164. 



Lotar iarom a triur isin n-eclais .i. Cammini 7 
Guari 7 Cwmmini Fota. Eclas m6r dor6nad 
la Cammin is inti batar. Batar iarom na 
clerig oc tabairt a chobsena 1 tor Guari. 
' Maith, a Gtiar[i],' ar iat, ' cid bad tnaith lat 
do linad na ecailsi-sea hi tarn? ' 

'. Ropad maith lim al-lan di or 7 d'argut, 7 ni ar 
[p. 116 b] saint in ts&gail, acht dia thidnacul 
ar m'anmain do n&maib 7 ecailsib 7 bochtaib 
in domain.' 

'Dorata Dia fortacht duit, a Guaire!' ar iat. 
'Dob//thar in talam duit doidnais ar t* 
anmain, 7 bat nimidech.* 

* Is bude lend,' or Guaire. ' Ocus fefru, a 
Chammini,' or Guare, 'cid bad maith lat 
dia linad?' 

' Ropad maith lim a linad do sseth 7 galar 7 cech 
aingcis bad messo do duini, co mbad for mo 
chorp dobsT-tais uli.' 

' Ocus tussa, a Chmmine,' or Guaire, ' cid bad 
maith lat dia linad?' 

' Ropad maith lim al-lan di lebraib .i. dia tu- 
decht do sfes legind 7 do silad brethre De hi 
cMasaib each duine dia thabairt a lurg 
Diabail doch&m nimi.' 

Rofirtha tra uli a n-imrati doib. Doratad in 
ta\ant do Guaire. Doratad ecna do Chm- 
min. Dorata soetha 7 gallra for Cammine, 
conna deochaid cnaim de fri. araile hi talam, 
acht rolegai 7 rolobai ri aingces cech galair 
7 each threblaiti ; co #deochatar ule dochwm 
nimi lia n-imratib. 

So the three of them, even Cdmmine andGuare and 
Cummine the Tall, entered the church. A 
great church that had been built by Cimmin, 
therein they were. Now the clerics were 
giving Guare spiritual instruction. ' Well, 
O Guare,' say they, ' what wouldst thou wish 
to fill this church wherein we are ? ' 

' I should like it to be full of gold and of silver; 
and not for secular covetousness,-but to be- 
stow them for my soul's sake on the saints and 
the churches and the poor of the world.' 

' May God give aid to thee, O Guare J ' say they. 
'Unto thee will be given the earth which 
thou wilt bestow for thy soul's sake, and thou 
wilt be a dweller in heaven.' 

' We render thanks,' saith Guare. ' And thou, 
O Cammine 1 ' saith Guare, ' what wouldst 
Mow like to fill it?' 

' I should like to fill it with disease and sickness 
and every ailment that is worst to man, so 
that they might all be inflicted on my body.' 

' And thou, O Cummine ! ' saith Guare, ' with 
what wouldst thou like it to be filled ? ' 

' I should like it full of books, for them to go to 
students, and to sow God's word in the ears 
of every one, (so as) to bring him to heaven 
out of the track of the Devil.' 

Now all their musings were made true. The 
earth was given to Guare. Wisdom was 
given to Cummain. Diseases and sicknesses 
were inflicted on Cammine, so that no bone 
of him joined another in the earth, but melted 
and decayed with the anguish of every disease 
and every tribulation. So that they all-went 
to heaven according to their musings. 

875-892 (p. 174). These stories are also in Lebar Brecc , p. 32 a, and the quatrain 
about Mo-bi's girdle is given thus in the Trinity College Liber Hymnoriim, 
fo. 13 b (Goideh'ca, p. 104): 

Cris Mobi Mobi's girdle 

ni roiadad im lua: Never was closed round fulness (?): 

sech ni rooslaicced ria saith, It was not opened before satiety, 

ni rodunad im gua 2 . Nor was it shut round lies. 

After the sentence corresponding with 891, 892, the Irish Life of Columba in the 

1 Read with the MS. cited by Dr. Todd, anmchairdesa. 

2 See Martyrology of Donegal, p. 274. 


Edinburgh MS. (translated by Mr. Hennessy in Skene's Celtic Scotland, II. 468-507) 
has : 

[p. 1 8 a] Loiscis Colum cille an baile iarna fagh- Colum cille burnt the stead after getting it from 

bail on righ cusa[n] neach bai ann nili. the King with all that was therein. ' That is 

'Easbach sin,' ol in ri, 'ar mona loiscthe ni idle/ said the King, 'for if it had not been 

biadh tacha brnith no bid [ann co brath]. burnt there would never be want of flesh (?) 

' Ni bia neach oidhche troisci da ainndeoin or of food therein.' ' No one shall ever be a 

ann/ or Colum cille. Tarmart tra an teine night fasting there against his will/ saith 

ar[a]md loisci an doire uile, co ndroa Colum Colum cille. Now the fire was like for its 

cille imann ar anacal an doire .i. Inoli greatness to bum the whole oakwood: so 

Pater induilc geiri [sic]; [p. i8b] 7 canair Colum cille made a hymn to protect the 

in. gacA tinidh 1 7 fri gach toruinn o soin ale. oakwood, to wit, Noli Pater indulgere ; and 

Ocus gidh be gabus fo lighi 7 fo eirghi nos- it is sung against every fire and against every 

anuic ar tinidh 1 ngelain, 7 aincidh an nonbwr thunder from that time to this. And whoso- 

is ail do simul 3 . ever repeats it on lying down and on rising up, 

it protects him from lightning, and it protects 
simul the nine persons whom he likes. 

893-899 (p. 175) Lebar Brecc, p. 32 a, II. 19-28. It is taken from Adamndn's 
chapter thus headed in the Schaffhaiisen codex : ' De segite post medium aestatis 
tempus seminata et in exordio Agusti mensis, sancto orante, mesa in loua conuer- 
sante insula' the scene being shifted from Hi to the neighbourhood of Derry. 
Note the mention of coelach (wattling or hurdles) as the material of a church, and 
compare Mart. Donegal, p. 176. The wattles were woven between upright stakes 
(clt). The story seems taken from Adamndn's Life of Columba, pp. 54 b, 55 a, 
of the Schaffhausen codex, = p. 106 of Bishop Reeves' edition, where he gives a 
number of illustrations of the use of virgarum fasciculi for building purposes. 
The barley (<?0-rna, cognate with yava and ea) here mentioned was grown to 
make malt. See the Senchas Mor, Laws, ii. 238. 

900-902 (p. 175). Lebar JBrecc,p. 32 a, 11. 28-32. 

903-905 (p. 175). It is unnecessary to say that there is no authority for Columba's 
visit to Torinis (by volksetymologie for Turones), which took place, according to 
our Life, 100 years after St. Martin's death, i. e. about 497, i. e. thirty years before 
Columba was born. 

906-911 (p. 175). This pretty passage about Derry is also in Lebar Brecc, p. 32 a, 
11. 37-40. 

912-926 (p. 175). The three wonders here commemorated are also told in Lebar 
Brecc, p. 32 a. The miraculous conferment of skill in smithying is paralleled by the 
story in the Life of Brenainn, 3781-3786 (p. 258). The story of the enchanted sword 
in whose presence none could die, is not, so far as I know, found elsewhere. 

1 MS. tinigh. 

3 See this story printed from the Trinity College Liber Hymnorum, in Goidelica, p. 104. 

R r 

306 NOTES. 

927-934 (p. 176). The metrical dialogue with the prophet Becc Mac De is given 
thus in Lebar Brecc, p. 32 a-b : 

'A Bice, indissiu damsai, 'O Becc, tell thou to me 

Cenandwy lethan feVglan, Kells, the wide, pure-grassed, 

citne clerig notrefet, Whether clerics (will) dwell in it, 

citne oic notn-deirget?' Whether warriors (will) abandon it?' 

Ut dixit Bee : " So Becc said: 

'Clere fila for a lar 'Trains who are 'amidst it 

canta molta Maze Thigirnd : Shall sing praises of the Lord's Son ; 

scerdait a oicc fHa tairsech, Its warriors shall depart from its threshold : 

biaid aimser bas inill.' There will be a time when it will be secure.' 

935-940 (p. 176). Columba's smile here commemorated reminds one of the Buddha's 
predictive smiles; see the Indian Antiquary, February 1882, p. 47, and the Revue 
Critique, v. 393-394. The passage about ' Grafann chille scire ' is very corrupt. It 
probably refers to Dub da leithe na graifne ('D. of the writing'), abbot of Cell 
scire, who died, according to the Four Masters, A.D. 745. 

940-944 (p. 176). Also in Lebar Brecc, 32 b, 11. 13-17. Note the reference to the 
use of bark for tanning : see the extract from a brehon law-tract hi O'Donovan's 
Grammar, p. 448 ; and consider the following passage from the Perigrinatio Sancti 
Brandani Abbatis, ed. Schroder : coopuerunt illam coriis bovinis atque rubricatis 
in cortice roborina. 

945-950 (p. 176). = Lebar Brecc, p. 32 b, 11. 17-25. As to the death (A. 0.604), of 
Aed Slane, otherwise called Aed mac Ainmerech, see Reeves' Columba, p. 42, 
and the following extract from the Book of Leinster^ p. 303 b et seq. : 

IS andsain atiwt ^Ed mac Ainmer^ ragilla: Then said Aed son of Ainmire to his gillie: 

' Tuc lett cocholl Chol#zV# chilli dam, coraib ' Bring me Colum cille's cowl, that it may be 

immum innocht, corop din dam e for Laigww.' on me to-night, and be my safe-guard against 

Uair rogell Colum cille dosom na mairfide e the Leinstennen.' For Colum cille had 

asa chocholl. promised him that he should not be killed 

while he wore his cowl. 

Fecht aile iarum roiarfaig JEd do Cholum cille : Now at another time Aed inquired of Colnm 

' Cia lin, a chlerig,' ar se, ' doneoch tharradais cille : ' What number of kings, O cleric, hast 

fein do rigaib ragas dochom nimi ? ' thou thyself met with who will go to heaven ? ' 

ISs ed roraid Colum cille : 'IS demin,' ar se, Colum cille said this: 'It is certain,' saith he, 

' nach fetar acht tri rig namma .i. Daimin ' that I know three kings only, even Daimin 

Damargait ri Airgiall, 7 Ai/z'll Banda ri Con- Dam-argait king of Oriel, and Ailill Banna 

nacht, ocus Feradach Find mac Duach, de king of Connaught, and Feradach the Fair 

Chorco Laigde, li Ossairge.' son of Dua of Corco Laigde, king of Ossory. 

'Cia maith doringset-saide ? ' for jEd, ' sech na 'What good,' saith Aed, 'did these do more 

rigaib aile ? ' . than the other kings ? ' 

' Ni anse,' ar Colum cille. ' Daim Damargait, ' Not hard (to say),' saith Colum cille. ' As to 

tra, ni dechaid clerech fa era uaid, 7 ni Daimin Dam-argait, no cleric ever left him 



ra imderg detech 7 ni ra cr&id chill na ne- 
med, 7 rotidnaic m6r don Chomdid. Ro- 
chnaid-sium iarwm dochum nimi ar in cendsa 
sain doringni ri muntsV in Chomded, 7 atat 
na clerag- ac gaba tl a e"cnarca-sm. 

Ai/zll Banda \mmorro, IS asso f6uair-s/e cendsa 
in Chomded. Cath Chula Gwaire rochuir- 
seom ra Clannaib Fiachrach, cor-roemid fair- 
slum 'sin cath-sin. Co -erbairt-sium fria 
araid carpa/t: 'Fe"g duin dar th' aiss, 7 
finta latt in m6r in marbad, 7 in faccJ duin 

Rofeg in t-ara daraaiss, 7 iss ed roraid: 'Is 
doolochta in marbad marbtair do munt'-sn,' 
arse. : 

[p. 304 a] 'Ni he a n-aithfer fein te"it forro.'ar 
se, ' acht aithfer m' uabair-se 7 m' anfirinni. 
Ocus impa dun in carpat 'na n-aigid,' ar se, 
' ttair da marbthar misse arfuidbud (?) tessar- 
con do sochaide.' 

Roimpad in carpat iartain inagid na namat, ocus 
dorigni in t-Ai/zll dian-athirgi iartain, ocus 
dorochair la namtib. * Fuair in fer-sain 
cendsa in Comded,' ar Colum cille. 

Feradach Find mac Duach, immorro, ri Ossairge, 
fear santach dichuibsech atacomnaic-sfe. 
Ocus cin co cluined acht mad oenscrepul oir 
no argit ac duine 'na thir dobeired ar ecin 
choice fein, co cuired i cmtaigib com 7 
crandoc 7 claideb 7 fidchell. 

Rogab iarum treblait do[fo]lochta iartain e. 
, Ratinolit chuice a seoit co mbatar 'na thuilg 
aice fein. Tancatar anamait (.i. clanda Conlti) 
iartain do gabaz'/ tige fair. Tancatar im- 
morro a mate chuciseom do brith na set les. 
'Ni b-thai, a maccu !' ar se, 'nair rochrai- 
disa sochaide im na setaib sin. Is tol lim ar 
Dia mo chrad fein if#.f impu, 7 a mbreith 
dpm deoin dom namtib uaim, ardaig narom- 
chraidea in Chomdiu thall.' 

Ra imthigset a maze uadsom iartain, ocus rogab 


with a refusal, and he never rebuked a cleric, 
and never aggrieved church nor chapel, and 
bestowed much on the Lord. So he went to 
heaven because of that clemency which he 
shewed the household of the Lord ; and the 
clerics are singing his requiem.' 

But Ailill Banna, he found more easily the 
clemency of the Lord. The battle of Ciiil 
Conairi he fought against the Children of 
Fiachra, and in that battle he was routed. 
And he said to the driver of his chariot : 
' Look behind thee, and let me know whether 
the slaughter is great and whether the slayers 
are near us ? ' 

The charioteer looked behind him, and this he 
said : ' The slaughter of thy people is unendur- 
able,' saith he. 

'It is not their own blame that comes upon 
them,' saith the king, 'but the blame of my 
pride and my unrighteousness. And turn the 
chariot against them,' saith he, ' for when 
I am slain .... the multitude will have 

Then the chariot was turned against the foes, 
and Ailill made swift repentance and fell by 
the foes. ' So that man found the Lord's 
clemency,' saith Colum cille. 

Now Feradach the Fair, son of Dua, king of 
Ossory, a covetous, unconscientious man was 
he. And if he heard of only one scruple 
of gold or of silver in the hands of any one 
in his country, it would be brought perforce 
to him and put in ornaments of horns and 
goblets and swords and draftboards. 

So afterwards an unendurable tribulation attacked 
him. His treasures were gathered unto him, 
so that they lay with himself in his bed. His 
foes, the Children of Conla, then came to 
surprise him in his house. Howbeit his sons 
came to him to carry off the treasures. ' Ye 
shall not take them, my sons,' saith he, 'for 
I have aggrieved a multitude concerning those 
treasures. I desire, for God's sake, to aggrieve 
myself here concerning them, and that they 
be carried away from me, with my consent, 
by my foes, so that the Lord may not aggrieve 
me there? 

Then his sons went away from him, and he be*. 

r 2, 

3 o8 


fein for dianaithrige, 7 fuair bis o namtib 

7 fogeib cendsa in Chomded. 
' Messe fe'in daw,' ar Md, * in fagbaim cendsa in 

Chomded ? ' 
' Ni faigbu-sn it*V on,' for Col/ c*7&. 

' A chlerig, daftff,' ar esseom, 'fagaib 6n Chomdid 
dam can mo choscur do brith do Laig#.' 

' uair dib 

' IS dolig limsa on,' bar Colw cille, 

mo mdthait, ocus tancatar Lagin chucum co 
Daurmag, ocus rofuaiptfrtar troscud form co 
tucaind ascid mate sethar, 7 iss ed ownaigsetar 
form cen choscor do brith do rig echtrand 
uadib, ocus rogellwjsa doibsinm on. Acht 
chena acseo mo chocholl dait, 7 ni mairb- 
fider thii ass dia mbe immut.' 

IS e sin tra in cocholl roiarr JEd for a gilla 

in n-uair lit. 
ISs / vs&morro atb^rt in gilla : * Rafacsam,' ar se, 

' ac Ailiuch in cocholl sin.' 
Atb^rt JEdt 'Is dochaite,' ar se, 'm'fac- 

bail-se innocht la Lagnib.' 

gan a swift repentance, and found death from 
his foes, and receives the Lord's clemency. 

' I myself, then,' saith Aed, 'do I win the Lord's 

' That dost thou in no wise win,' saith Colum 

'O cleric, then,' saith he, 'obtain. for me from 
the Lord that triumph over me may not be 
gained by Leinstermen.' 

'That is difficult for me,' saith Colum cille, 'for 
my mother is of them, and Leinstermen came 
to me to Durrow, and attempted to fast 
against me in order that I might give (them 
the) gift of a sister's son. And this is what 
they demanded of me, that triumph over 
them be not gained by a foreign king. And 
I promised them that. Howbeit, here is my 
cowl for thee, and thou wilt not be killed if 
it is on thee.' 

That, then, is the cowl which Aed asked of his 
gillie at yon hour. 

Now this is what the gillie said : ' We have left,' 
saith he, ' that cowl in Ailech.' 

Then said Aed : ' It is the more likely,' saith hej 
' that I shall be left to-night with Leinstermen.' 

951-958 (p. 176). Also in Lebar Srecc, 32 b, 11. 25-38. Columb cille was born on 
the day that Buite (a quo Monaster-boice) died. The ladder of glass by which 
Buite ascended to heaven is not mentioned in the fragment of the Latin Life of 
that saint preserved in the British Museum, Cod. Clar. xxxix (Add. No. 4788), 
ff. 73 b-8o b. 

959-970 (p. 177). Also in Lebar JBrecc, 32 b, 11. 38-54. 

971-975 (p. 177). Also in Lebar Brecc, 32 b, IK 54-59. 

After this, in the Edinburgh MS., p. 20 b, the following two paragraphs- occur : 

Dofagnibh Colum cille cleirech dia muintir in Colum cille left in Derry a cleric of his house- 
hold, even Da cnilen, in his successorship. 
A cleric of his own fatherland was he; and 
Colum cille left to Cinel Conaill the vice- 
abbacy of the same stead and the headship of 
its seniors. 

Therefore he went to Drumcliif, and blessed that 
place, and left (there) one of his household, 

Doiri .i. DaCuilen, ina comarbwtf .i. cleirech 
dia hatharda fern eisidhein, 7 dofaguibh do 
Cinel CVwaill segnabuidheac/z/ an baili cetna 
7 cend,r a sruithi. 

Luidh iarsin gu Draim Cliabh, 7 btf#ach<z&.an 
t-inadh sin, 7 fagbus fer dia mmnttr .i. Mo- 
thairen Droma cliab, 7 dofaguibh cend#j 7 
sruithighe^/ 7 comarbwj an baili sin ag 
Cinel Cbaill gu brath. 

976-1006 (pp. 177, 178). = Lebar Brecc, 32 b, 1. 54-33 a, 1. 27. 

even Mothairen of Drumcliif, and left the 
headship and seniority and succession of that 
stead with the Cenel Conaill for ever. 


1007-1023 (p. 178). = Lebar Brecc, 33 a, 11. 29-44. 

The story of Odran's self-sacrifice, which Bishop Reeves calls ' curious and not 
very creditable,' is ignored by Adamnan. It may be an instance of the prac- 
tice mentioned by M. Gaidoz in MSlust'ne, iv. 16: 'L'usage de tuer un homme 
pour que son esprit demeure attache* k 1'endroit de sa mort et en soit le gardien 
se pratique dans de nombreux pays.' So in the copy of Cormac's Glossary, pre- 
served in the Yellow Book of Lecan, s. v. Emam, that name is derived from etna 
(<u/ja) and uin (unus), ' quia sanguis unius hominis [efFusus est] in tempore con- 
ditionis e[i]us.' See also Three Irish Glossaries, xli. note, and Irish Nennius, 
Additional Notes, p. xxiv. 

1024-1030 (pp. 178-179). = Lelar Brecc, 333. 

1031-1035 .(p. 179). Lebar Brecc, 33 a. The incident of the watersnake is common. 

1036-1038 (p. 179). Lebar Brecc, 3 3 a. 

1039-1042 (p 179). = Lebar JSrecc, 33 a. 

1043-1045 (p. 179). = Lebar Brecc, 33 a. This story seems founded on a rumour 
of a volcanic eruption in Italy. It is in Adamnan's Columba, p. 56, of Dr. Reeves' 
edition, where the learned editor quotes Notker Balbulus to shew that the event 
referred to was the destruction by an earthquake of the town now called Citta 
Nuova on the north of the river Quieto, in Istria. 

1046-1054 (p. 179). = Lebar Brecc, 333. See Adamnan's Columba, p. 54 of 
Bishop Reeves' edition : De corniculo atramenti inaniter de/uso. 

1055-1063 (p. 179). Lebar Brecc, 33 b. 

Here in the Edinburgh MS., p. 22b, comes the following account of Colum 
cille's visit to Ireland, which appears to have been taken from the introduction to 
some copy of the Amra Choluim chille, and agrees pretty well with L. U. p. 5 a, b, 
and Lebar JSrecc, pp. 238 c, 238 d : 

O rabui Colum cille triacha (sic) \Aiadan inAI- When Colum cille had been thirty years in 
\>ain dogab innmilli firiu Erenn immo decsin 7 Scotland, anxiety (?) seized the men of Ireland 

imo acalluim re ndola ar eel, 7 docnas uaidhib as to seeing him, and as to communing with 

aracend da dechuin dia n-agalluim gu mor- him before he went to death ; and they sent 

dail Droma Ceta, gurus bmach [fo. 23, a i] messengers to him that he might come to 

isin inadh sin, feruib, macnib, mnaibh, gur- commune with him to the great convention 

rariar an gallra 7 a tedhmanna. of Druim Ceta ; and he blessed them in that 

place, men, children, women, and .... their 
diseases and their pestilences. 

No is ar in fathuibh tainic Cohitn cille anair .i. Or for three causes, came Colum cille from the 
do fosadh na filed a nErtnn, ar b&dar mora East, to wit to retain the poets in Ireland, 

an aincesa .i. triacha (sic} fo Ian cleir og oll- for great were afflictions caused by them, 

main, a c6ic deg ag anradh, 7 do sith itzV fz'm even thirty for an ollamK's full train, and 

"Exenn 7 Alba im Dail Riada. doigh do fifteen for an anrudh's, and to make peace 

between the men of Ireland and Scotland as 



bai dail catha itir firm En?## 7 Alba impu 
mina tisadh Colum cille anair dia sitha^d, 7 
d'fnasluoK/ Sgannlain maze Cinn faeWim'c 
righ Osraide .i. athazV immorro tuc a n- 
tiftaeckt he a laim ^Edha m'c Ainmirech, 7 
Colum cille a rathuighw fris imma legad as 
a cinn mblz'</K no im braghuit oili do gabail 
dia cinn. Ocus nir leiged as he, 7 nir gabarf 
braighi dia cind. Oc us do righnedh cro caelaigh 
nime gan conair as acht eolus a twctha began 
goirt bidh do 7 terci lenda. Ocus 0bidis .L. 
laech oca coimed fan cro amuich, /.ix slabradh 
fairsium isin cro, 7 gach aen atcidh seocha 
is ed adbwedh : ' Deoch/ ol se. 

Ocus atcuas an ni sin do Colum cille gu Hi, 7 
rochi gumor lasin ni-sin atcuala, 7 is ed sin 
ros-fag anoir gudian. 

IS amlatd immorro tainig Colum cille anoir, 7 
breid ciartha tara suilibh 7 a clupait (sic) 
tains annnas, 7 at in cochaill tains anuas, 
ar daigh nach faiced firiu Erenn nach a mna. 
Uair rotairngir reimi antan docoidh i n- 
Albawz art#j ; 7 adubazVt an rann : 

[233. 2.] Fil suil nglais 

fecluw Erz tara hais: 
nocha n-aicfi iarmotha 
firu Erenn nacti a mna. 

dia deimniug</ sin asfowt an fill : 
Cia do dechflttflT Colw cain 
anair an ether tar muir, 
ni faca ni an Emnn ain 
ar toidhtf^ 1 isin mordail. 
Adcnas immorro do ^Edh mac Ainmirech Colum 
cille do toidh#v^ x 'com na dak, 7 dofergaigh a 
gnmor lasa[n] a cuala, 7 doraidh gid be oga 
fuighbedh cadh#j isin oitechtus gu n-aithfed 

1 MS. toi 

to Dal Riata, for there was a battle-meet- 
ing between the men of Ireland and of 
Scotland concerning them, had not Colum 
cille come from the East to make peace, 
and to loose Scannlan, son of Cenn-faelad, 
son of the king of Ossory. His father, now, 
had given him in hostageship into the hand 
of Aed, son of. Ainmire, and Colnm cille 
was surety to him that he would be released 
at a year's end, or that another captive 
would be taken for him. And he was 
not released, and no captive . was taken 
for him. And a hut of wattles was built 
around him, without any path out of it save a 
way (?) by which a little salt food and a scanty 
supply of ale were given him. And fifty 
warriors were guarding him outside the hut, 
and nine chains were on him in the hut, and 
to every one whom he saw passing by he- 
used to say this : 'A drink I' saith he. 

And that thing was reported to Colum cille, in 
Hi, and he wept greatly at what he heard, 
and it is this which brought him quickly 
from the east. 

Now it was thus that Colum cille came from the 
east : with a cerecloth over his eyes, and his 
dalmatic over it above, and the cape of the 
cowl over it above, so that he might not see 
the men of Ireland nor her women. For he 
had prophesied it before, when he first went 
to Scotland ; and he uttered the stave : 
There is a gray eye 
That looks back upon Ireland, 
It will never see afterwards 
Ireland's men, nor her women. 

Wherefore to certify that the poet said : 
Though fair Colum came 
From the east in a boat over the sea, 
He saw nothing in noble Ireland 
After coming into the great convention. 

Now Aed, son of Ainmire, was told that Colum 
cille had come to the convention, and he was 
greatly angered at what he heard, and he said 
that vengeance would be taken on whomsoever 
in the assembly should shew respect to Colum 
cille. . 

2 MS. dofergaidh. 


Doconncadair iarsin Colum cille docum na dala, 
7 ba he xuecht ba nesu do 'zuecht Conaill 
meic Aoedha meic Ainmirech, 7 fa mac ding- 
mala d'Aed eisidhe. 

Mar doovznairc immorro Conall iat rogres daes- 
caxsluaff an zvcechta. fatha, gr gabtha 7 
gm?-bristea tri /wzbuzr 1 dib. Rafiafraic 
Co/urn cille: 'Coich ora laiti cucainn an 
lufAl sa?' 7 atcua(s) do conadh o Cona.ll. 
Ocus do escain Colum cille Cona.ll, 7 do 
b;#ta tri nai ceolan fair, con-asbert. aroili 
duine : ' Fogeib Cona.ll cloga,' cona.dh uadh- 
sin ata ' ConaM ctogach,' 7 roben an cleirech 
righi fair, 7 a ciall 7 a inntle^ acht ancein 
wbeith ag imtelgadh a cnirp. 

Docoidh Colum cille iarsin gn ^axaecht "Domnaill 
mate /Edha mc Ainmirech, 7 atrach[t] Dom- 
nall foc^/oir roime, 7 dofer failti fris, 7 dorad 
poig dia gruaidh [p. 24 a], 7 dorat he 'na 
inad fein. Ocus dofaguibh an cleirech bria- 
thra imdha d6 .1. L. Miiadan a righi oErenn 
do, 7 cath buadhaigh do frisih re-sin, 7 ca<:^ 
briathar attxrred do comallo^: \>\iadan gu 
leith do isin ngalar a n-ebeladh 7 corp Crist 
do caithim gacAa. domna^ do frisin re sin. 

Atcnaus do /Ed 2 a mac do escaine 7 righi do 
Domna//. Atb^rt in righan fria. hinnailt : 
' Eirigh gu WEdh, 7 abair fris dia faghba s an 
corrcleirech ucat cadus aga ni bam sidhach-sa* 
fris.' Atcuas do Colum cille in ni sin, 7 doce- 
daigh don righain 7 dia innailt beith 'na da 
cuirr an Drnim Ceta on kithi sin gu laithi 
mbratha : ut poeta dz'xzV : 

Fasaidh ferg 5 don righain de 
do Domna// isin righi. 
geall righi do Domnall ann 
[i]sa mac fein gan ferann. 

Then they saw Colum cille going to" the conven- 
tion, and the assembly that was nearest him 
was the assembly of Conall, son of Aed, son 
of Ainmire; and he was a worthy son of Aed's. 

As, then, Conall saw them he egged on against 
them the rabble of the assembly, so that three 
enneads of them were taken and broken. 
Colum cille asked: 'Who is he by whom 
this set hath been hurled against us ? ' and he 
was told that it was from Conall. And 
Colnm cille cursed Conall, and thrice nine 
bells struck against him : wherefore some one 
said: 'Conall gets bells,' so thence is (the 
name) 'Conall cloccach.' And the cleric 
struck the kingdom from him, and (also) his 
sense and his understanding save so long as 
he should be defecating his body. 

Then Colum cille went to the assembly of Dom- 
nall, son of Aed, son of Ainmire. And 
Domnall at once arose before him, and made 
him welcome, and kissed him on his cheek, 
and put him in his own place. And the 
cleric left him many blessings, namely, that 
he should be fifty years in the kingdom of 
Ireland, and that he should be victorious in 
battle during that time, and that every word 
which he should utter would be fulfilled : that 
he should be a year and a half in the disease 
of which he should die, and that on every 
Sunday during that time he should partake 
of Christ's Body. 

Aed 3 was told that his son was cursed, and that 
the kingship was (promised) to Domnall. 
Said the queen to her handmaid : ' Go thou 
to Aed and tell him if yonder crane-cleric 
finds respect with him, I shall not be peace- 
ful towards him.' That was told to Colnm 
cille, and he gave leave to the queen and 
to her handmaid to be the two Cranes of 
Druim Ceta from that day to the Day of 
Judgment ; as the poet said : 

Anger accrues to the queen therefrom, 
From Domnall being in the kingship ; 
A promise of kingship to Domnall there, 
And her own son (left) without land. 

MS. nonmuir. 

MS. sighachsa. 

Read don rigain. 

3 MS. fadhba. 

MS. Fasuigh feirg. 



'Cia corrsnighi 1 sin foil fort?' 

a[r an]righan gn ro olc : 
'ni bam sfdhach 2 fri JEdh, gan cleith 

ar cadiAr duit, a cleirigh!' 

'IS ced duitsi gidh at coir,' 

ar an cleirech gn rolonn, 
'ar cneid dot innilt, gan atht, 

bidh 'na cui[r]r at coimitecht.' 

A hinnilt is ben Aedha 
laiter a ccorruib lena: 
marnit beos, doniat cneta, 
da sen cnirr Droma Ceada. 

[p. 24 b.] Agus atbt Colum cille fnDomna// 
dol dpib immale do agallnim Aedha Taeic 
[Ainmirech], 7 dogab imecla Domna// im 
agallnim an righ, 7 atbert Colum c*7/e: 
'Ni ba himeglach duit, ar biaid an Sp/ruf 
Naemh agat imdeaguil airi.' Docnadair 
imale do agallnim an righ. Dagab iarsin 
imegla in ri [oc facsin in clerig] triasin mir- 
buil moir sin dorighne 3 roime. 

Tangadair na cleirigh isin airecht iarsin. Atracht 
in ri 7 dofer failti frin, 7 atbwt Colum cille : 
' Rob si in failti, ar[r]iarng^ do denamh.' 

' Fogeba-ja on,' ol an ri. 

'Na nhtfd'fostadh,' ol Colum cille. 

' Ni dingen *,' ol an ri, ' ar it mora a n-aincesa 

'Na habair,' ol an clerech, 'nair is martanach 
doit an molad dogenat, ama/ is martanach do 
Cornuzc ua Quinn an molad doronsat na filzV/ 
do, 7 robdar earcroidhech na maine tctha 
taracend, 7 marnidh in mo\ad dianeisi.' Ocus 
docum an cleirech in rithoirg mbig-si .1. 
Cormac cain. 
buich neoit. 

* Ni ba misi nos-dicuirfi,' ar Aedh. 
Fostuidhtir na fil*V/ tridsin. 

'What is that that is on thee?' 

Saith the qneen very wickedly. 
'I will not be peaceful towards Aed, with- 
out concealment, 

For (his) respect to thee, O cleric!' 

'Thou hast leave to become a crane,' 

Saith the cleric very fiercely, 
' For a hurt to thy handmaid, without doubt, 

She shall be a crane in thy company.' 

Aed's wife and her handmaid 
Are turned into marsh-cranes. 
They still remain, they make groans, 
The two old 'Cranes of Druim Ceta. 

And Colum cille said to Domnall that they 
should go together to converse with Aed, 
son of Ainmire, and great fear seized Domnall 
as to conversing with the king. So Colum 
cille said, 'Be not afraid, for the Holy Spirit 
will be protecting thee against him.' Then 
they went together to converse with the king. 
Then fear seized the king, on seeing the 
cleric, because of that great miracle wbich he 
had previously wrought. 

The clerics then entered the assembly. The king 
arose and made him welcome; and Colum 
cille said : ' Let this be the welcome, to do 
our will.' 

' Thou shall get that,' saith the king. 

' The poets must be retained,' saith Colum cille. 

' I will not do (this),' saith the king, ' for great 
are their annoyances to us.' 

'Say not so,' saith the cleric; 'for the praise 
which they will make shall be enduring for 
thee, even as the praise which the poets made 
for Cormac, Conn's descendant, is enduring 
for him, and the treasures which were given 
for it were perishable, but the praise abides 
after them.' And the cleric composed this 
little ' rhetoric,' to wit : . 
Cormac cain 
buich neoit, etc. 

' It is not I who will expel them,' saith Aed. 

For that reason the poets are retained. 

Read perhaps (with Lebar Brecc, p. 238), corrsuide. 

3 MS. repeats. ' * MS. dingan. 

1 MS. sighach.' 


Sgannlan d'fuaslugwrf,' ol Colum cille. 

'Ni dingen,' ol an rf, 'gu n-abla isin cro i fail.' 

' Na * lenam [techt] tains,' ol Colum cille. ' Masa 
lol do Dia, gurab se frithaikr m'asa innocht 
iar n-iarmeirghi 'gidh be baili i mbeth.' 

Do inrigh iarsin Colum cille asin oirecht gu rainic 
gwjan nDuib [p. 25 a] -reigles gu Duiri. Nir' 
fada tareisi Coluim cille go tainic casar tinedh 
isin dail, gu tardsat uile a n-aichthi fri lar. 
Tainic iarsin dluimh solusta. gn Sgannlan 
airm a roibhi ; 7 adbert an guth isin dluim 
fHs: 'Eirigh, a Sgann/<zz', 7 facnibh do 
slabraidh 7 do cro, 7 tair amach, 7 tuc do 
laim am laim-si.' 

Tainic Sgannlaw amach 7 an t-aingil roime ; 7 do 
airighsid na coimhe'duidhi a an fuaim seachw, 
7 is / do raidhsit na coimh^aidhi 3 : ' Cia seo 
seochainn ? ' ' Sgannlan,' ar an t-aingil. ' Da 
madh he ni inneosta,' ar siad. 

Do imighsit iarsin gu Doiri. Tan bai an cleirech 
im iarmerghi og dol tar crand caingel 4 siar, 
is e Sgannlan do fritheoil a hasa do, 7 is ed 
asbert Colum cille : ' Cia so V ' 

' Sgannlan? ol se. 

' Sgela lat ? ' ar Colum cille. 

' Dech,' ol Sgannlan. 

'In tncais "bemuzcJttJ* ol Colum cille, 

' Dech,' ol Sgannlan. 

' Innis cinnus tangadhais,' ar Colum cille. 

' Deoch,' ol Sgannlan. 

' Dloma 5 n-athuisc ar fer th' inaidh 8 dogray,' ar 
Colum cille. 

' Na habair,' ar Scannlan : ' a cis 7 a cobach 7 a 
mbes duitsi 

'EaspwzV 7 righ dot sil dogre's !' ar Colum cille. 

' Hendigh duit,' ol se, '.I. dabhach trii do 

Tuarguib iarsin ittr a di laim in dabuigh, 7 do 

ibh 'na endigh, 7 do caith iarsin a proinn .1. 

uii. n-aisli sensailli 7 x. m[b]airgina do ' 

cmithnecht. Doluidh iarsin, 7 bai tri la 7 

1 MS. Ni. 2 MS. coimheduighi. 

s for dolma, the opposite of solma. 

' Scannlan must be released,' saith Colum cille. 

' I will not do this,' saith the king, ' till he dies 
in the hut wherein he is.' 

' Let us not say more about him,' saith Colum 
cille. ' God willing, let it be he who attends 
to my sandals to-night after noctum, where- 
soever he may be.' 

Then Colum cille went out of the assembly, till 
he came to the Black Church, to Deny. It 
was not long after Colnm cille left, that a hail 
of fire came into the convention, and they all 
put their faces to the ground. Thereafter 
came a luminous cloud to Scannlan where he 
lay ; and the voice in the cloud said to him : 
' Arise, O Scannlan, and leave thy chain and 
thy hut, and come forth, and put thy hand into 
my hand.' 

Scannlan came forth, with the angel before him ; 
and the guards perceived the noise passing 
them ; and the guards said : ' Who is this 
passing ns?' 'Scannlan,' saith the angel. 
'If it were he,' say they, 'thou wouldst not 
declare it.' 

Thereafter they went to Deny. When the cleric at 
noctum was going westwards over the chancel- 
screen, it was Scannlan who attended to -his 
sandals ; and Colum cille said : ' Who is this ? ' 

' Scannlan,' saith he. 

' Hast thou news ?' saith Colum cille. 

' A drink !' saith Scannlan. 

' Hast thou brought a blessing ? ' saith Colum cille. 

' A drink ! ' saith Scannlan. 

' Tell how thou earnest,' saith Colum cille. 

' A drink ! ' saith Scannlan. 

'Slowness of answer be on thy successor con- 
tinually !' saith Colum cille. 

' Say not so,' saith Scannlan, ' their rent and their 
tribute and their custom thou shalt have con- 

'Bishops and kings of thy race continually!' 
saith Colum cille. ' One drink for thee,' 

_ saith he, ' even a vat of ale for three." 

Then Scannlan lifted up the vat between his two 
hands, and drank it in one draught, and then 
consumed his dinner, even seven joints of old 
bacon and ten loaves of wheat. Thereafter 

3 MS. coimhtf/aighi. * MS. caingen. 

6 MS. inuigh. 

S S 


tri oidhchi 'na hzen codladh. Ataacht iaium, 
7 do hidhlui&u? an morbachall leis gu hOs- 
raidhi. IS e la do ba marb a 1 hathaz>.i. 
ri Osraide, dia cumaidh, 7 dogab-sum righi 
Osraidhi iarsin, 7 cuairt gach sechtmaA. bliadna, 
[p. 25 b] on 16 sin do Cotum cille la hOsraide. 
Ocus is amlazV sin dofuaslacft/ Scann/an. 

IS i an treas caingin, im Dail Riada. Colman 
mac Coimgillain is he rug an mbreith fri 
laim a Coluim cille, anuz/ dotairngir Colum 
cille feisin dia tarrla do tigh Coimgheallain, 
7 ni fuair istigh acht da lenamh ar bni in 
tealluigh: gur ro dech indara mac ar gua- 
luinn des Coluim cille, 7 tarfas do Colum 
rath an Sp/r/a Nairn fair, ar Colum cille. 
Ra ghairm iarsin he, 7 dogab 'na hncAt, 7 
dorighni ra do : 

A cubuis con, a hainim 3 glan, 
agso poig duit, taili poig dam! 

Bendachflzj Colum cille iarsin he, 7 facbais rath 
egna fair, 7 atb<?>t fris cumadh he Twberadh 
breit[h] itir firiu Ere;m 7 Albaw im Dail 
Riada ; 7 dofiradh sin. 

Ba si an breth, immorro, a fecht (7) a 

la firiu Erenn, ar aj sloighedh la fonnuibh 
dogr^s, 7 a cain 7 a cablach. la firiu Albtw. 

Tainic iarwm Dallaw d' acsllam Coluim cille, 
iwzadh ann dogab in remfocal, 7 a.dbert'Cofam 
cille gu nach dmiadh of^/ a n-aimsz> a 
eitsechta, 7 is in. marb do bo cudhaigh 
(sic). Dorairngert tra. Colum cille innmzwa 
7 toirthi in talmaw do Dallaw tar- [p. 26 a] 
cend an molta sin, 7 nir'gab Dalla acht nem 
do fein 7 da cacA sen nod-gebaof 7 dotuicfedh 
it*> ceill 7 foghar. 

c Cuin dofinnfe t'eg 7 tii a n-ailiUn 7 mhisi a 
n-Erzw ?' ar Dalian. 

he went, and was three days and three nights 
in one sleep. Then he arose, and the great 
crozierwas sent with him to Ossory. That 
was the day on which his father, the king of 

- Ossory, died of grief for him, and thereafter 
he assumed the kingship of Ossory ; and 
from that day Colum cille held a visitation 
every seventh year in Ossory. And in that 
wise was Scannlan released. 

This is the third cause, concerning Dal Riata. 
Colman, son of Coimgellan, is he who passed 
judgment in place of Colum cille, as Colum 
cille himself prophesied when he came to Coim- 
gellan's house and found no one within but two 
children on the edge of the hearth. And one 
of the two boys looked at Colum cille's right 
shoulder, and to Colum the grace of the Holy 
Spirit appeared upon him. And Colum cille 
afterwards called him and took him into his 
bosom, and made a stave for him : 
O clear conscience, O pure soul ! 
Here is a kiss for thee : give thou a kiss to me ! 

After that Colum cille blessed him, and left the 
grace of wisdom upon him, and said to him 
that it should be he who would deliver judg- 
ment between the men of Ireland and Scotland 
concerning Dal Araide. And that was veri- 

Now this was the judgment : their expedition and 
their hosting with the men of Ireland for 
hosting is always with the founders and 
their tax and tribute with the men of Scotland. 

Then came Dalian to commune with Colum cille, 
and there he repeated the foreword (to the 
Amra) ; and Colum cille said that he should 
only make it at the time of his decease ; and 
that it was for a dead person that it was fitting. 
So Colum cille prophesied the wealths and 
fruits of the earth to Dalian for that eulogy. 
And Dalian accepted nothing save heaven for 
himself, and for every one who should repeat 
it and understand it, both sense and sound. 

' When shall I know of thy death, thou being in 
pilgrimage and I in Ireland?' 

1 MS. repeats. 

2 Another instance of this idiom is in the Tripartite Life, p. 28 : nobith fri urdu na hecailsi fri 
laim Germain* 3 MS. hainwri. 


TH comartha immorro dorad Colum cille do 
intan dodenadh a molad : an c#na comartha 
gudh madh marcach eich aluidh no innis*^ 
eitsecht Coluim cille, 7 in c#focal doraidh- 
fidh cumad he tosach in molta, 7 a suili do 
legan do in cein do beith ac denam in molta, 
7 a mbreith uadh intan budh mithz^-. Ocus 
ba he ingantzw na hinnsi. 

So Colum cille gave him three signs, as to when 
he should make his eulogy. The first sign 
(was) that a rider of a piebald steed should 
relate Colum cille's death, and (the second 
was that) the first word the rider should utter 
would be the beginning of the eulogy, and (the 
third was) that Dalian's eyes would be given 
him so long as he was making the eulogy, and 
be taken from him when it would be time. 
And this was the wonderment of the island. 

1064-1083 (pp. 179-180). This pathetic account of the incidents immediately pre- 
ceding Colum cille's death is also in Lebar Brecc, p. 33 b. The statement in 
1070 that the saint when blessing his island, turned his face westwards (star), is 
at variance with Adamnan's ' ad orientem suam conuertens faciem.' 

In the Edinburgh MS., after the line corresponding with 1083, we have the 
following sentence : 

Doteghedh ira. Colum cille for nem gacft dardain 
icein dobui 'na bethaztf, intan dob ail leis. 

Colum cille, moreover, used to go to heaven 
when he wished, every Thursday while he was 


1084-1087 (p. l8Q)=Let>ar Brecc, p. 33 b. 

After this, in the Edinburgh MS., p. 26b, we find the following three paragraphs : 

Aroili droch duine dasachtach dogonw^tair ma- 

nach do rcMiniir Coluim cille, 7 nac^ar' 

gearr acht ens in mannigh ger' bo ger in gai. 

Romallo^ Colum cille in saxanack 7 atbat[h] 

Espoc [ ] 7 Colman Innsi bo finne is 

iad forfaguibh Colum cille og Saxanchaib og 

procept breithri De doib. 
Luid ia.rum Colum cille fecht-ann gu ri Cmith- 

nech .1. gu Bruidhi mac Milcon, 7 do dunadh 

dorus in dunaidh 1 fris, 7 do foscuil foc^toir 

glais iarnuidhi an baili ire urnaigthi 2 Coluim 

cille. Tainic iarsin mac in righ .1. Mael-cu, 

7 a drui do frithtagra in. Colum cille tre 

geinntlidhecht 3 , 7 atbathatair foc^oir* tre brei- 

thir Coluim cille macan righ 7 a drai maille 

fris. Romoradh ainm De 7 Coluim cille trid 


A certain bad frantic man smote a monk of 
Colum cille's household, and he only cut the 
monk's girdle, though the spear was sharp. 
Colum cille cursed the Saxon, and he died at 

Bishop [Aedan ?] and Colman of Bophin Island, 
are they whom he, Colum cille, left with the 
Saxons, a-teaching God's word to them. 

Now Colum cille went, once upon a time to the 
Pictish king, even to Bruide, son of Milcu, 
and the door of the fortress was shut against 
him, and at once, through Colum cille's 
prayer the iron lock of the place opened. 
Thereafter came the king's son, even Mael-cu, 
and his wizard to argue against Colum cille, 
through heathenism, and forthwith, through 
Colum cille's word, the king's son and his 
wizard with him perished. God's name and 
Colum cille's were magnified thereby. 

The miraculous opening of king Brude's fort (identified by Bishop Reeves with 

1 MS. dunaigh. a MS. urnaidhthi. 

3 MS. geinntlighecht. 

4 MS. fo .c. c. oir. 

S S 


Craig Phadraic, about two miles south-west of Inverness) is thus related in the 
Schaffhausen codex of the Vita Columbae, p. 82 a : 

De spontanea regiae munitionis portae subita apertione. Alio in tempore, hoc est, in prima sancti 
fatigatione iteneris ad regem Bradeam, cassu contegit ut idem rex, fastu elatus regio, suae 
munitionis snperbe agens, in primo beati adnentu uiri, non aperiret portas. Quod ut cognouit 
homo Dei, cum comitibus ad ualuas portarnm accedens, primum dominicae crucis inprimens 
signum, turn deinde mannm pulsans contra ostia ponit ; quae continue sponte, retro retrusfs 
fortiter serris cum omni celeritate aperta sunt. Quibus statim apertis, Sanctus consequenter cum 
sociis intrat. 

1084-1097 (p. 180), = Let>ar Brecc, p. 33 b. After this in the Edinburgh MS. we 
have the following quatrains : 

The three fifties, great the profit, 
In the night, much was the pain, 
In the sea beside Scotland 
Before the sun would rise. 
Now when he would lie down hi the sand with 
a sheet wrapt round him, the track of his ribs 
was apparent through his sheet, ut poeta dixit : 
Clear he used to lie in the sand 

Na tri coecat, trom an tairbe, 

isin oidchi, ba mor pian, 

isin ler re taeb Alban 

resiu donargbadh an gHan. 
An tan immorro 01ighed isin gainim 7 lin 1 n- 
eduighthi uime, ba leir slicAt a hasna trena 
lin 2 , ut poeta dixit : 

Gle nolaighedh 3 isin gainem 
ina lighi, ba mor saeth, 
s\icht a hasna trena edach 

In his bed great was the distress. 
The track of his ribs through his raiment 
Was manifest when the wind would blow it 

ba leir gon[id]seited gaeth. 
1098-1100 (p. 180), = Lebar Brecc, p. 33 b. After the words corresponding with 
1. 1 100, the Edinburgh MS. contains the following: 

Ocus ni ibhedh se coirm, 7 ni caithedh feoil, 7 ni And he used not to drink ale or partake of meat, 

or eat condiment, as Dalkn Forgaill said in 
the Amra : 
'And no ale and no fleshmeat; he shunned satiety 

(and) fat.' 

And two hundred genuflexions he used to make 
every day, as Dalian said : 

inmar, ut Dalian F0rga,ill dixit isin 

' Ceo ni coirm, ceo ni sere coll * saith 

sechnuis beoil.' 

Ocus da .c. slechtnin dognidhcaafc lai,-ut DaXLan 
dixit : 

Fighlis fod bai. 

Ocus ni bui gradh innmuis oga, amazl isbert 
Dalian : 

Bai seim saith. 

uair ' saith ' ainm do innmus, ut poeta dixit : 
Cedain luidh ludas tar ord 
a lorg demaz'w, [p. 2?b] dighal ngarg: 
ceV/ain rogabh saint am saith, 
c&/ain robraith Isa ard. 

MS. .un. 

2 MS. Treoa inw. 

' He kept vigil while he lived.' 
And he had no love of wealth, as Dalian said : 

1 Slender was his wealth.' 
For saith is a name for* wealth,' as the poet said : 
' On Wednesday Judas transgressed order 
Into the Devil's track, fierce vengeance I 
On Wednesday he conceived covetousness 

for wealth (saith): 
On Wednesday he betrayed lofty Jesus.' 

3 MS. no luidhedh. 

* Read serccoll serccol, as Crith Gablach, O'Curry M. & C. iii. pp. 483, 492, where it is rendered 
by 'seasoned fowl,' 'salt fowls!' In the Laws, iv. pp. 308, 318, serccol tarsain is rendered by 
' salted venison.' 



hinaidh immorro hi ta Ian aitreb Coluim cille 
.1. Hi 7 Dun 7 Doiri, ut Itercan dixit : 

A rath an Hi 1 gan cairi 
is a anam i nDoiri, 
0tf a corpan 'man leic 
ima ta Brighit is Padraic. 
C0ad dia foirgill sin adbe^t in fili : 
Hi co n-ilar a martou 
diar'bo Coluim caemhdalta : 
doluidh eisti fo d<?redh 
<vadh Dnn a senneimedh a . 
' Get ceall gusa. taithigh tdfen.' 
Is ed fil do ceall2# ar bra mara aigi, w dowa 
ctt cell co comlanfew tuinne caihg- aifrinn an 
gacA till, smail foirglis an filz : 

[Tir trea tholl 
cosa facbad rig i coll 
ab cell cusa roich rothonn 
cend a cocholl o sill second. 
'Ollnia' .1. trenfer .1. robo fer calma an fear 
tren Colw cille, uair nia trenfer for- 
gles *]. 

Fi[d]chell CHmthuinn nia[d] nair 
nis-beread mac bee 'na laim*: 
leth a fozVne d'or buidhi 
'sa leth aile d'finndruine. 
aen ier dia foirinn nama 
docrenfadh secht cumala. 

Now there are three places wherein is Colum 
cille's full habitation, to wit, lona, and Down 
and Deny ; as Berchan said : 
'His grace in lona without blame, 
And his soul in Deny, 
And his dear body under the flagstone 
Under which are Brigit and Patrick.' 
And to testify this the poet said : 

' lona with the multitude of its relics 
Whereof Colum cille was a fair fosterling : 
Thence he went at the end, 
So that Down is his old chapel.' 
'A hundred churches which a wave frequents.' 
This is the number of churches which he has 
on the shore of the sea. Or also a ' hundred 
churches with the fulness of the wave of the 
mass-chalice in every church,' as the poet 
testifies : 
A land 

Abbot of churches which a great wave reaches 

' Mighty nia,' i. e. champion, i. e. a valiant man 
was the champion Colum cille, for nia (means) 
' champion,' as (the poet) testifies : 
Crimthann Nia nar's draftboard. 
A little boy would not carry it in his hand : 
Half of its set of men of yellow gold 
And the other half of white bronze. 
One man only of its set 
Would buy seven slave-girls. 

1 102 (p. 181). Bishop Reeves (Columba, p. 234, note a) thinks that the introduction 
of the word 'Pentecost' (cincigesquinquagesimd) is probably an error. 

1 MS. ihi. 

2 This quatrain is also in Lebar na kUidre, lob, in H. 2, 16, and in the Liber Hymnorum, 
34 b, i, whence it is printed in Goidelica, p. 163. 

2 The passage in brackets (part of which I cannot translate) is from H. 2. 16, col. 696. 
4 This is the reading of H. 2. 16, col. 696. The Edinburgh MS. has, corruptly, nostemdh mac 
beg 'na leth laim. 

318 NOTES. 


1117 (p. 182). THIS Life of Brigit corresponds generally with Colgan's Tertia Vila 
(Trias Thaum. pp. 527-541), and with the Irish Life contained in the Lebar Brecc, 
6 1 b-66 a, and printed with a translation in Three Middle-Irish Homilies, Calcutta, 
1877. But the Lismore Life contains the following passages omitted by the Life 
in the Lebar Brecc : 1220-1224, 1467-1469,1470-1477, 1478-1487, 1488-1491, 
1637-1650, 1706-1754. 

On the other hand the Lismore Life does not tell how Brigit hung her wet cloak 
on the rays of the sun (Lebar Brecc, 66 a : Secunda Vila, c. 7 : Teriia Vita, c. 92 : 
Quarta Vita, 1. 2, c. 15). 

1152 (p. 183). Brigit's pedigree is thus given in the Book of Leinster, 347 a : 

Brigit ingen Dubthaig, -mate Demri, tactic Bresail, -mate Dein, maze Conlaida, mate Airt chirp, 
maze Corprz Niad, maze Cormaz'c, maze Oengusa. Mind, maze JLchach Find iuath airt, maze 
Yeidlz'mz'd Rec&tmazr, maze Tuathaz'/ Tectmaz'r, maze FiachacA Findfolaz^-, maze Feradaig Fznd 
fecAnaz'g, maz'c Cremthaind "Nz'ad nair, raaic Lugdach [s]riabderg, maz'e na tri Findemwos, maze 
TLchacA Feidlz^-, maze Find, maz'c Fintain, maze Rogen Ruaid, maz'c Essamna Emna, maz'c 
Blathechta, maz'e Labrada Loingsig, maze Enna Aignig, maz'e Oengsa Tuirbig. 

i. e. twenty-six generations up to Oengus Tuirbech, who died (according to the 

Four Masters) A.M. 4875. 
1154-1173 (p. 183). The story of Dubthach's bondmaid and the wizard's prophecy 

is also told in the Lebar Brecc, p. 62 a. 
1175-1181 (p. 183). This account of the visit of Bishops Mel and Melchu is also in 

the Lebar Brecc, p. 62 a, and is thus given in the Franciscan Liber Hymnorum, p. 40 : 

Feet dochuaid epscop Mel do tig Dubthaig. Once upon a lime bishop Mel went to Dubthach's 

Afer0#dairc setig fo bron. Roiarfaig: ' ced das house. He saw his wife in grief. Mel asked : 

in ben maith?' ar se. 'Ata limsa adbar,' '"What ails the good woman? 'saith he. 'Cause 

ar si, ' ar is tochu la Dubt&ae/i in chumal sen have I,' saith she, ' for Dubthach has a greater 

fil ic indlat duibsi annaas mese.' ' Is deithbzV liking for that slave-girl who is Cashing thy 

duitsiu on,' ar epscop Mel, ' ar fogenaid do feet than he has for me.' 'Thou hast reason 

sil-su do sil na cumaile.' for this,' saith bishop Mel, f for thy seed will 

serve the seed of the slave-girl.' 

1 201 (p. 184). The bathing of the new-born Brigit in milk may perhaps be the origin 
of the Irish practice mentioned by Benedictus Abbas, Gesta Regis Henrici Secundi, 
ed. Stubbs, at 1171. The infant was thrice dipt in milk ; which was then thrown 
into the drains or some other unclean place. 

1213 (p. 184). Cannadas boifor cenn na hingine' pannum contingentem [leg. con- 
tegentem] caput puellae,' Tertia Vita, c. 6, Quarta Vita, c. 10. The cann- in 
cannadas may possibly be a loan from pannus. 


1225-1230 (p. 185). This story is also told in the Tertia Vita, c. 10 (Trias Thaum. 
p. 520), the Quarto. Vita, c. 7, and thus in Rawl. B. 512, fo. 31 a, 2 : 

INtan ba mithig a gait de cigh, ba deithidnech When it was time to take her from the breast, 
di in drui, nach ni dob<reth-side disi nasceth- the wizard became anxious about her, for 

[ed]si fa chet h6ir, 7 ni bu messa-de a blath. everything that he would give her she used 

' Ra[f]etursa, tra.' ar in drni, ' an daas ind to throw np at once, and (yet) her colour was 

ingen, q/ ego sm inmundus.' none the worse. ' I know now,' saith the 

wizard, ' what ails the girl, quza,' etc. 

Roerbad ianm b6 find audercc dia taiscid [leg. So a white, red-eared cow was entrusted to feed 
toischid], 7 ba slan di. her, and she was whole thereby. 

1244-1249 (p. 185). Thus told in Rawl. B. 512, fo. 31 b, i : 

Laa n-and dabert DubA&ach ingari mucc furrisi. One day Dubthach told her to herd swine. Of 

Gatsait latraind da thorc diib. Luid Dub- them robbers stole two boars. Dubthach went 

thachiaa. charput de Maig Liphi, co comarnic- in his chariot from Moy Liffey, till he met 

side friu, 7 aitgeoin a da thorc leu. Argaib- them and recognised his two boars with them, 

side na lato-andu 7 nenaisc dag-eraic a mucc He seizes the robbers and bound upon them a 

foraibh. Tuc leis a da thorc ad domum good mulct for his swine. Then he brought 

suam, 7 asbert iri Brigit : ' In maith ingairi with him his two boars ad domum suam, and 

du mucc latt ? ' ' Atairim-si,' ol-si. Atairimi said to Brigit : 'Is theherding of thy swine right 

iarum : reperit perfectum nummirum, rl. in thine eyes?' ' Count them,' saith she. So he 

counts them : reperit perfectum numerum, etc. 

1250-1259 (pp. 185-186). Then in the same MS., fo. 31 b i : 

Alio die aduenit hospes quidam ad domum Dub- On another day there came a certain hospes to 

thaig. Erpais a athair tine sailli di do broth - Dubthach's house. Her father entrusted to 

don gres. Superuenit auidus canis, cui her a flitch of bacon to be boiled for the guest, 

suellae partem quintain dedit quasi commess Supervenit avidus canis cui puella partem 

alterum detid. Hospes ista sentiens quasi quintam dedit, et iterum venienti partem 

presus somno tacebat. Pater domum iterum alterant. Hospes etc. ' Hast thou boiled the 

reuersus filiam inuenit. ' In maith rom- food well ? ' saith her father. ' Well,' saith 

b-bais in biad? ' ar a athair. ' Maith,' ol si, she ; and he himself counted (the flitches) and 

et ipse numerauit et inuenit. Atfet iarwm found (them complete). Then hospes tells 

hospes [do] Ttoibthach quod filia fecit. ' Mad Dubthach quod 'filia fecit. ' If after this/ saith 

iarsuidiu,' ar Dubthach, 'ni #7#egadar in Dubthach [ ],' all the miracles she has 

dorighnai do [fjertaib.' Iss#/iar#mdognith: wrought cannot be related.' This then was 

fodaleth in lucht ism pauperibus. done : that charge was distributed to the poor. 

Compare Secunda Vita, c. 4, and Tertia Vita, c. 13. 

1260-1265 (p.. 186). This story, taken from the Tertia Vita, c. 14, is told more fully 
thus in Rawl. B. 512, fo. 31 b, i : 

Fecht n-aile iarsin senoir 1 caillige cmibdigi bai At another time an old pious nun who dwelt near 
hi fochraib xlu tig Dvfothaig esestair inni Dubthach's house asked Brigit to go and 

BrigzV do thecht do 2 acallaim .xx. uii. 7 commune with twenty-seven (bishops) and 

noeb Lagen i n-oendail. Is i huair insin the samts of Leinster hi one assembly. That 

adchuaid epscop Ibuir isin dail aislinge ad- was the hour when bishop Ibair related in 

c0dairc ind aithchi riam. 'Anda lem,' ol the assembly the vision which he had seen 

1 MS. senior. 2 MS. do a. 



se, ' zdcondarcc indnocht Mairi n-Ingein ira 
chotluth,7 asrubcz'rt 1 frim alali clerech smith : 
"Haec est Maria quae inter uos habitet.'" 
Is and doluid in challech 7 Brig# don dail. 
' Haec est Maria quae [31. b. 2] a me in 
somnis uisa est.' F0rdoeracht iarm aess inna 
dala 7 lotir dia[aca]llaim. Dotertatar "ben- 
nacht furisi. Is ann diefiu roboi in dal ubi 
nunc est Cell dara, ibique episcopns Ibor fra- 
tribus ait : 'Hie locus caelo patet ditissimus- 
que omnium tota insola erit, hodieqne ad nos 
puella cui a Deo praeparatus est ueniat quasi 
Maria.' Factum est ita. 

the night before. ' Meseems,' saith he, ' that 
I beheld at night Mary the Virgin in my sleep, 
and a certain venerable cleric said to me : 
" This is the Mary who dwells among you." ' 
Then went the nun and Brigit to the assembly, 
[and bishop Ibair said :] ' This is the Mary 
whom I saw in my dream.' Then the people 
of the assembly rose up and went to converse 
with her, and they gave a blessing to her. 
Now the assembly was held where Kildare is 
at present, ibique, etc. 

Christ is accordingly called Brigit's son (Brocc. h. 2) : and Brigit is called ' mother 
of my Prince of Heaven ' (ibid. 4), ' one mother of the great King's Son' (ibid. 63), 
and ' the mother of Jesus ' (Ult. h. 6). 

1266-1305 (pp. 186-1'87). This story of Brigit's butter-making is told also in the Tertia 
Vita, c. 15 : in the Franciscan Liber Hymnorum, p. 40, in Lebar Brecc, p. 63 a ; and 
in Rawl. B. 512, fo. 3ib, 2. Here follows the Franciscan version, which has 
been sorely mutilated by the binder : 

Feet tanic in t-aingel go BrigzV coros-foid do 
fuaslucud a mathar icon druid .i. mac Midrui 
esside ; do Chonnachtaib a mathair side, 7 do 
feraib Muman a athair, 7 im-Maig Fenamna 
i n-Arad (?) Cliach roboi side ind inbaid-sin. 

INtan dzno rosiact BrigzV corrici sen, is and 
robai a mathair i nggalur sula icond inis, co 
deocha[i]d-si, 7 ara in druad le, dochom 
a mmathair, cor-ragaib-si in cucnecht dahes, 
7 co wdenad deirc moir dend airliud, 7 rochuala 
in drui sen. 

L'uid in t-ara dia thig. 'Cinnas,' ar in drui, 
' atathar icond inis ? ' ' Am budech-sa cetJ,' 
ar in t-ara, ' 7 at remra na loig, 7 it buidzVA 
na hoegid.' 

Ocus robo olc lasin druid 7 la mnai in dearc do 
denam do BrigzV : co tancatar 7 ruse mor leo 
do gabail etma 2 for BrigzV 7 dia doerad iarsein 
mani lietar im inida acce. Ocas ni rabe 
immorro accese acht torad col-leith: co 
raigaib-se in rand-sa: 

The angel once came to Brigit and sent her to 
release her mother (who was) with the wizard, 
Mac Midrni was he. Of Connaught was her 
mother, and of the Munstermen was her father, 
and in Mag Fenamna in Arad Cliach was he 
at that time. Now when Brigit had got as far 
as that, there was her mother at the milking- 
yard, suffering from a disease of the eye. So 
Brigit went with the wizard's charioteer to her 
mother, and took the cooking in her stead, 
and used to perform great charity with the 
(wizard's) wealth ; and the wizard heard that. 

The charioteer went to his house. ' How,' saith 

the wizard, standeth it at the milking-place?' 

' I am thankful in the first place,' saith the 

charioteer, 'and my calves are fat, and the 

guests are thankful.' 

And the wizard and his wife were displeased with 
the charity performed by Brigit : so they came,, 
having a" large hamper, to get a chance at 
Brigit, and to enslave her afterwards unless 
plenty of butter were found with her. And 
yet she had only the produce of a churning 
and a half. So she repeated this stave : 

MS. arrubairt. 

This seems the gen. sg. of eitim .1. baoghal, P. O'C. 



' Mo cule-se 

cule Fiadat find, 

cule robennach mo Rf, 

cule conni ind.' 
Et dixit iterum : 

' Ti Mac Mare mo chara 

do benna(chad mo chule !) 

flaith in domain co immel 

ro[n]be immed la sude.' 
Et dixit tertio : 

' Ammo ruri-se 

connic na hule-se 

bennach, a De, nuall cen geiss, 

dot laim deis in cule-sa ! ' 

Roraind in torod sub 

numero Trinitatis: letorad tra tnic-si asin 
'Is maith/ ar ben in drnad, ' do linad ruisc moir 


'Linaid-si for ruse,' ar Brigit, 'ocus dobera Dia 

' My kitchen I 
A kitchen of fair God, 
A kitchen which my King has blessed, 
A kitchen with somewhat therein.' 
And she said again : 

' May Mary's Son, my Friend, come 
To bless my kitchen ! 
The Prince of the world to the border, 
May we have abundance by Him !' 
And she said a third time : 
' O my Prince 

Who canst do all these things ! 
Bless, O God a cry unforbidden, 
With Thy right hand this kitchen.' 
She parted the produce into three, according to 
the number of the Trinity: a half-produce 
then she brings out of the kitchen. 
' That? saith the wizard's wife, ' is good to fill a 

big hamper ! ' 

'Fill ye your hamper,' saith Brigit, 'and God 
will put somewhat therein.' 

More briefly thus in Rawl. B. 512, fo. 31 b 2 : 

Fecht n-ale iarsin uoluit ui[si]tare matrem bai i 
ndoiri i tir Mman, 7 ba gair nis-leceth a pater 
7 a mummi. Luid immorro. Bai a mathozV 
ind inbaidsin i n-airleba fri togairt a mago 2 , 7 
boi galar siila fuire. Boi Brigz't tara heise 
7 ara in druadh oc ingaireu na cetra. Ocus 
nach maistreth dognith narandad a toruth in 
di rainn deac conn grnth; 7 nobith in tres 
chuit dec im-medon, 7 ba mo suidiu [in-]am- 
bui each cuit. 

Ceth torba lat insin?' ol auriga 3 . 

Ni anse? ol BrigzV: ' rachuala robatar da apsfo/ 
deac apzft/Dominum, 7 hesom fessin in tres .x. 
Rom-biasa la Dia, ticfat .xiii. paup^res in una- 
quaque die, fo chomlin Crist 7 a apstal.' 

Ocus cid na taisci ni dond immum ? 
' ar iss ed dogni each togartach.' 

ar auriga ; 

At another time after that she wished to visit her 
mother who abode in bondage in Munster. 
And her father and her foster-motlier almost 
refused to let her go. However she went. 
Her mother was then . . . to milk (the kine of) 
her milking-stead ; and she suffered from a 
disease of the eye. Brigit took her place, and 
the wizard's charioteer (was) tending the 
cattle. And of every churning that was made 
the produce, with the curd thereof, was parted 
into twelve parts, and the thirteenth portion 
was in the midst, and this was larger than 
any (other) portion. 

' What profit is that to thee?' saith auriga. 

'Not hard (to say),' saith Brigit. 'I have heard 
that there were twelve apostles apud Domi- 
num, and He Himself the thirteenth. I shall 
have (this) from God, (that) every day twelve 
poor men will come (to me) the same num- 
ber as Christ and his apostles.' 

' And why dost thou not store up some of the 
butter ? ' saith the charioteer ; ' for thus doth 
every dairymaid.' 

1 Here the bookbinder has cut away about an inch of the vellum. 

3 MS. a luiriga. 

sic ; read mocha. 

T t 



' Is ansa damsa,' ol BrigzV, ' a biad feissin do 

gabail do Crist.' 
fia andsin dobretha dissi ruisc dia linad o mnai 

in druad. Nis-boi acht maistreth imbe col- 

leith. Linta ind ruisc do suidiu, 7 bater budig 

ind oigith .i. in drui 7 a ben. 

Asbert in drui fri BrigzV : ' Bit lat do bae, 7 
fodail an im do bocn/atf, 7 ni bia do mathazV 
ondiu i fognam, 7 ni ba ecen a luag. Ocus 
nnm-baitsibfither-sa, 7 nil sger fritsu semper.' 

' Deo gratias ! ' ar Brigit. 

' It is hard for me,' saith Brigit, ' to take His 
own food from Christ.' 

Then from the wizard's wife hampers were 
brought to Brigit to be filled (with butter). 
Brigit had only one churning and a halt With 
this the hampers were filled, and the guests 
were thankful, even the wizard and his wife. 

Said the wizard to Brigit : ' Thy cows shall be 
thine, and deal out the butter to the poor ; 
and from to-day thy mother shall not abide 
in service, and it will not be needful to ran- 
som her. And I shall be baptized, and I shall 
never part from thee.' 

'Thanks to God!' saith Brigit. 

1 332-1340 (p- 188). This story has been compared (Rev. Celtique, iii. 443) with the 
story in the Kalhdsaritsdgara, ed. Tawney, i. 248 ; and with the legend of a Saint 
Lucia, cited in the Revue Celtique, v. 130. 

1341-1344 (p- 188). The story of Brigit's consecration is told in Tertia Vita, c. 28, 
and thus in the Franciscan Liber Hymnorum, p. 40 : 

Intan ropo ail do BrigzV gyad n-athrige do thabairt 
fuirri luid igitur co Cruachan Bri Ele i n-Uib 
Failge. O rochuala epsccfl Mel do bith and 
7 morfessiur challech immalle fria, 7 intan 
rancatar, ni rabai in t-epscop aracitrad acht 
dochuaid i Crich Ua Neil fothuath. Luid-si 
didi'u iarnabarach, 7 Mac Caille lYeolits 
rempe dar Moin Faichnig fotuaith. Ocus 
dorigne Dia cor'bo mag minscot[h]ach in 
moin. O rancatar tra i comfocraib cosin baile 
ir-rabi epscap Mel, asbert BrigzV fri Mac Caille 
go rosuidiged calle dar(a)cend ama digsed 
cen fial dara cend cosna cleircib, 7 comad 
e sen caille. forathmewtar. lar riactain dissi 
dawo issin tech ir-rabai epscop Mel, rolas 
colum tentide assa cind co clethe na hecailse. 
Atftwdairc tra. epscop Mel sen, 7 roiarfaig: 
'Caiche na caillecha?' ar se. Asbert Mac 
caille fris : ' Is hi sen,' ar se, ' in caillech 
airdirc a Laignib,' .i. Brig// 2 . ' Mocen di,' ol 
Mel. ' Is mese dos-rairgert intan boi 

When Brigit desired to have the order of repent- 
ance conferred upon her, she went to Cruachan 
Bri Ele in Offaly. When bishop Mel heard 
that she was there, together with seven nuns, 
and when they arrived, the bishop was not 
there to meet them, for he had gone north- 
ward into the district of Hiii Neill. So on the 
morrow she went, with Mac Caille as her guide 
before her, northward over the Bog of Faich- 
nech. And God so wrought that the bog be- 
came a meadow covered with flowerets. Now 
when they drew nigh to the stead wherein 
was bishop Mel, Brigit bade Mac Caille to set a 
caille (veil) over her head, so that she might not 
go to the clerics without a veil over her head. 
And that is the caille which is commemo- 
rated 1 . So after she had entered the house 
wherein bishop Mel abode, a fiery column 
flamed out of her head up to the ridge of the 
church. And bishop Mel beheld that, and 
asked: 'Whose are the nuns?' saith he. 
Mac Caille said to him : ''That is the famous 
nun out of Leinster, even Brigit.' ' My wel- 
come to her,' saith bishop Mel; ' it is I that 

1 i. e. in Broccan's hymn, 1. 15 : Fo-uair congab Mac-caille caille os chinn sanct-Brigte. 

2 MS. cobrigzV. 



i mbroind ammathar,' ar se. . . . 'Cid dia 
tancatar na caillecha ille?' ar vpscop Mel. 
' Do thabairt grad aithrige,' ar Mac caille. 
' Dobersa 6n,' ar epscop Me*!. 

larsein tra roeirlegait grada fnirri, 7 is grad 
epscufy dorala do epscep Mel do thabairt for 
Brig//, ciar'bo grad atlm^i? nama rop ail disi 
fe"in. Ocus is andsein rochongaib Mac caille 
caille uas cind Brigte, ut fenint periti ; 7 is do 
sen dliges comarba Brigte dogres grad 
n-epsrz)> fuirri 7 honoir epsc#zj>. 

Cein robas ic erlegind grad fuirrise is amlaid 
roboi, 7 coss na haltore 'na laim; 7 roloscthe 
sect n-ecailse for in chois sein, 7 ni rolosced 
hi and. 

Dictint alii commad i Feraib Telech nobeth ind 
eclas i tarla grada for BrigzV. No is i n-Ard- 
achud epscozp Mel ata, ut alii dicunt. 

larsen tra ropridchai episc^ Mel ocht mbiate 
euangelii doib an-octor caillech, iar ndul doib 
ule fo gradaib, 7 doraiga cafA ai dib a biait. 
Doraiga dano BrigzV biait na trocare. Is and 
asbert na tomelad biad cen (praicept) di 

reme dogres, 7 robo fer-legind 

disi o sen immach dogres, 7 do Feraib Air- 
bido se. 

foretold her when she lay in her mother's 
womb,' saith he. . . . ' Wherefore have the 
nuns come hither?' saith bishop Mel. 'To 
have orders of penitence conferred (upon 
them),' saith Mac Caille. ' I will confer this,' 
saith bishop Me"l. 

So thereafter the orders were read out over her, 
and it came to pass that bishop Mel conferred 
on Brigit the episcopal order, although it was 
only the order of repentance that she desired 
for herself. And it is then that Mac Caille 
lifted up a veil over Brigit's head, ut ferunt 
periti \ and hence Brigit's successor is always 
entitled to have episcopal orders and the 
honour due to a bishop. 

While the order was being read over her, thus 
she was, with the foot of the altar in her hand. 
And seven churches were (afterwards) burnt 
over that foot, and it was not burnt there. 

Others say that the church in which Brigit was 
ordained was in Fir Telech. Or it is in 
Ardagh of bishop Mel, ut alii dicunt. 

Thereafter then bishop Mel preached the eight 
beatitudes of the gospel unto the eight nuns, 
after they had all been ordained, and each of 
them chose her beatitude. So Brigit chose the 
beatitude of. mercy. Then he said that she 
should never partake of food without beingpre- 

viously preached to and she had a lector 

thenceforward, and of the Fir Airbida was he. 

See Fifth Life, c. 31. p. 574. The corresponding story in Rawl. B. 512, fo. 32 b, 
thus accounts for the mistake in giving Brigit episcopal orders : 

Ibi episcopus Dei gratia inebreatus x non cognouit quid in libro suo cantauit, in gradum enim 
episcopi ordinauit Brigitam 3 . ' Hec sola,' inquit 3 Mel, ' ordinationem episcopalem in Hibernia 
tenebit uirgo.' Quandiu igitur consecraretur columna ignea de u[e]rtice eius ascendebat. 

i376 (p. 189). This story is told in Tertia Vita, c. 25, and thus in Rawl. B. 
512, fo. 32 a, 2 : 

Duo demc (sic) Britones ceci cum par[u]ulo leproso de genere Echdach, uenerunt grauiterque 
sanitatem postulant. Qnibns Brigita ait: 'Sustinete paulisper.' Et aiunt illi: 'Infirmos tui 
gen[er]is sana[u]isti et peregrines neglegis curare. Sed saltim puerum nostrum tui generis sana.' 
Ac per hoc inlumina[n]tur ceci, leprosusque mundatur. 

1 The inebriation referred to was perhaps only that referred to in Acts ii. 13, 15. But see Lebar 
Aide, Ancient Laws, iii. 336, as to the precautions against the drunkenness of clerics and consequent 
irregularity in celebrating the canonical hours.. 

. 2 MS. ordjnis Brigitum 3 MS. inquid 

T t 3 

324 NOTES. 

1383-1593 (p. 189). See Tertia Vita, cc. 24, 27, 28. The story is also in Rawl. B. 
512, fo. 33 b 2, where the physician's name is stated to be Aed mac Brie, who 
touched the holy virgin's head and addressed her in these words : ' A medico tacta 
est tui, uirgo, uena capitis, qui me est melior satis.' This Aed is said to have been 
a bishop, and it appears from his Latin Life published by Colgan (Ac/a SS. pp. 
418-423) from the Book of Kilkenny, that he was believed to be a specialist in 
curing headaches. This belief must be as old at least as the eighth century, the 
date of the Reichenau MS. from which Mone has printed the following charm * : 

O rex, o rector regminis, o cultor cceli carminis 

o persecutor murmoris, o deus alti agminis. 

Aido mech prick benibula 2 posco puro 3 precamina 

ut refrigerat* flnmina mei capitis calida. 

Curat 5 caput cum renibus meis atque cum talibus 6 

com oculis et genibus. cum auribus et naribus. 

Cum inclitis euntibus 7 cum fistulis sonantibus 

cum lingua atque dentibus cum lacrimarum fontibus. 

Sanctus Aid" altus adjuvat meum caput ut liberat 

ut hoc totum perseverat sanum atque vigilat. 

1394-1401 (pp. 189, 190). This story is in the Tertia Vita, c. 29, and also thus in 
RawJL B. 512, fo. 33 b 2 : 

Tiagait co Firu Tethbae do chetchongbail 8 epi- They go to the Men of Teffia, to Ardagh, the first 
scoporum .i. Ardacha*/. Bai ri Tethbai oc fleith cloister episcoporum. The king of Teffia 

i fochruib doib. Dorigenae atech a tigh ind was feasting near them. A churl in the king's 

rig bet mar. Ducer airi airitech logmar ind house committed a great fault. He let fall the 

rig, co-mmebaid frisin meis arabelaib ind rig. king's precious drinking-cup, and it broke 

Ba ingnad a \estsx, ba dia[s]etaib ingantaib against the dish before the king. Rare was the 

ind rig. Argab iarwm in truagh j ni con-bai vessel, it was (one) of the wonderful treasures 

do acht bas. Dotet indala epscop do guidi of the king. He then seizes the wretched 

dond righ. ' Noch ni tiber do neuch,' ar ind man, and there was nought for him save 

ri : ' ni ririu da<? acht a ba"s.' ' Rom-bith lat,' death. One of the two bishops goes to en- 

ar in t-epscqp, ' a lesfat mbruithi.' ' Rot-bia treat the king. ' But I will not grant (his 

son iramorro,' ar ind rii. life) to anyone,' saith the king ; ' I will 

bestow nothing save his death.' 'Let me 
have/ saith the bishop, ' the broken vessel.' 
' Thou shalt have it, indeed,' saith the king. 

"Dobert iarm in t-epscop ina ucht cu "Brigit, Then the bishop brought it in his bosom to 
narrans omnia sibi 9 . ' Guid dun in Coimd/o? Brigit, telling her everything. ' Entreat the 

1 Hymni Latini Medii Aevi, iii. 181, 182. See also a paper by Bishop Reeves in the Proceedings 
of the Royal Irish Academy, Nov. 8, 1858. 

2 i. e. Aido maic Bricc benevola. I omit 'sanctus' after ' Aido.' 

3 leg. pura? * leg. refrigeret? 5 leg. curet? 

6 glossed by cerebre. In the Lorica of Gildas, (alias is glossed by Ir. inneda and by A.S. lenddtia. 
But perhaps talibus is for talis, as genibus in the' next line for genis. 

7 leg. Cum anculis et unguibus ? inclitis is glossed by nervibus : ancula=&iieu\r). 

8 MS. chetchoggbaib, where gg=ng, as in Greek and Gothic. 9 MS. sii. 


3 2 5 

co ro athnuigter a lestst. Fecit, et recaper- 
anit, et dedit episcopo. Ocus dotaet in t-epscop 
arabarach cona. aradig ad regim, 7 ' madu tised 
t'aredeg slan,' ar in t-epscqp, 'in lecfide in 
cimbid? ' 'Non solum, sed quaecunqne uo- 
luerit dona conferrim ei.' Ostendit episcopus 
uas, et talia locquit#r regi : ' Non ego hanc 
uirtntem, sed sancta Brigita fecit.' 

Lord for us that the vessel be renewed.' She 
did so and restored it and gave it to the 
bishop. And on the morrow the bishop went 
with his drinking-cup to the king, and (said) : 
' If thy cup should become whole,' said the 
bishop, 'would the captive be set free?' 
' Non so/um,' (said the king), ' sedj etc. 

1402-1423 (p. 190). These two stories are in the Tertia Vita, c. 30, and thus in 
Rawl. B. 512, fo. 33 b 2-34 a i: 

Brig ingen 
7 atarecht 
Baei ban- 
A mbotha 

Ho roson clu ina TSrigte setno Tetba, bai alaile 
6gh craibdech la firu Tetbai o totoided 
ara tessed "Brigit di-acaldaim .i. 
Coimlocha. Luid l&rigit 
Brig fadeisne do indlat a coss. 
seal craibdiuch a siurg intansin. 
didtu oc indlut 1 choss Brigfe foidis in dune 
galair sin boe isin tig ingin n-uaide do 
tabazVl neith di asin lothair dond uscin do 
breth dar cosa "Brtgte. Dobreth di 7 
doberi-si immo gnuis, 7 ba ogslan focetuair ; 
7 iar mbeith a siurg bliaaTwa ba oen [na] 
timthirthite in n-aithche-sin. 

Ho thuctha am-miassa arambenlu gaibid 

[for] sirdecsin am-miass. ' Immandairi dun,' 
ar Brig, 'a noebingen! ceth norathaigter 
fort meis ? ' ' Atchiu in Satani na suidi for- 
sin meis annubelaib,' ar Brigit. 'Masa 
sochmacht,' ar Brig, 'robad maith lemsa a 
decsiu.' *A[s]sochmacht em,' ar Brigit, 'acht 
dochoi ardi na crucha dart ruse indij 2 ar nach 
duine atchi Diab#l 7 ni sena indij naio- 
daissed immbi.' Sentj Brig iarm, 7 atchi 
in manach n-isin. Dochruth lee a delb. 
'larfaigh, a Brigit,' ar Brigh, 'cid dia tn- 
idchid.' ' Da responsum homenibus,' ar 
Brigit. ' Nico, a Brz?V,' ar in Satan, 'ni tir 3 
duitsiu, ar ni do erchoit duitsiu dodechadus.' 
' Cest, tra.,' ar Brig, ' ceth sainriuth dot-uic for- 
sin mei[s]sin ? ' Demon respondit : ' Habito 
istic semper apud quandam uirginem cum qua 
mihi nimia pigritudo locum dedit*.' Et 


When Brigit's fame had sounded through Teffia, 
there was a certain devout virgin in Fir 
Tethbai, even Brig daughter of Coimloch, 
who sent a message that Brigit should come 
and commune with her. So Brigit went, 
and Brig herself rose up to wash her (Brigit's) 
feet. At that time a devout woman lay in 
sickness. When they were washing Brigit's 
feet she sent the sick person who was in the 
girl's house, to bring her out of the tub some 
of the water which was put over Brigit's feet. 
It was brought to her accordingly, and she 
put it on her face, and straightway she was 
every whit whole, and after having been in 
sickness for a year she was on that night one 
of the attendants. 

When the dishes were brought before them 
Brigit began to look long at their dishes. 
' Declare (?) to us,' saith Brig, 'thou holy 
virgin, what is perceived on thy dish.' ' I 
see,' saith Brigit, 'the Satan sitting on the 
dish before me.' ' If it be possible,' saith 
Brig, 'I should like to see him.' 'Truly 
it is possible,' saith Brigit, 'provided the 
sign of the Cross go over thine eye; for 
whoever sees Diabolus and does not sain (it) 
would go mad.' She sains Brig then, and 
Brig sees that monk there. His form seemed 
hideous to her. 'Inquire, O Brigit,' saith 
Brig, 'why he has come.' 'Give answer 
omnibus] saith Brigit. Saith the Satan, 
'O Brigit, I .... to thee: for not to hurt 
thee have I come.' 'Query, then,' saith 
Brig, ' what in especial brought thee on that 
dish ? ' Demon respondit, etc. 

The MS. here is hopelessly corrupt. 

The word indius here and in the following line seems a meaningless insertion. 

MS. detit. 

326 NOTES. 

Briga ait : ' Vocetw ista.' Dum uocata ue- 

niset, 'Signa,' inquit 1 Brfga, ' ocnlos eius, ut 

uideat a quern proprio nntriuit sinu.' Signatis- 

que oculis [hjorridum ?[t]uetr monstrum. 

Timore et tremore pauefactae 3 Brigita 

dicit : ' En quern multis foneras annis et tern- ' O holy virgin,' saith Brig, 

poribus cernis 1' ' A noebingen,' ar Brig, ' ar ' let him not enter this house iterum J' 'He 

nirtmtuidighisatech-saiterum.' 'Nifl?ticfa shall not enter this house,' saith Brigit, *un- a tech-sa,' ar Brigit, ' co laa mbratha.' til Doomsday.' Cibum sumunt :. gratios 

Cibum summunt : gratias agunt Deo. agunt Deo. 

1424-1430 (p. 190). Thus in Rawl. B. 512, fo. 34 a 2 : 

Fecht n-and disi i ndechruth for ur na hEthni. Once upon a time she was hi .... on the bank 
Batir imda ubla 7 ami cumrae isin cill hisin. of the Inny. Abundant apples and sweet 

Boe alali caiUecA dobert dan mbec disi hi sloes were in the church therein. There was a 

ruse. Induair dobert isa tech tancatar certain nun who gave her a little present (of 

claim statim for lar in tigi cucasi da faghdi. the fruit) in a basket. When she brought (it) 

' Berid duib,' ol si, ' na hubla ucat.' Turn into the house lepers came straightway to her 

ilia quae fructus obtulerat*: ['Non] leprosis on the floor of the house to beg. of her. 

hoc xledi 5 donum.' Brigitte displicuit, et in- 'Take,' saith she, 'yon apples.' Turn ilia, 

quit 6 : "Munera prohibens a seruis Dei etc. 

male agis 7 : id[cir]co tua ligna nullum ferrent 
fructum in aeternum." ' At donifera egresa 
foras suum conspicit [h]ortum nullum staitim 
pommum portare, dum paulo ante prae- 
pollens fractibus, sterilisque pennanet hi 
a[e]ternum praeter folia. 

1431-1434 (p. 190). This story of the two quarrelsome lepers is also in the Tertia 

Vita, c. 31, and Rawl. B. 512, fo. 34 a 2. 
1435-1441 (pp. 190, 191). Compare Tertia Vita^ c. 35, and the following sentence 

from Rawl. B. 512, fo. 34 b i : 
Ba andsin dogeni-si osic do chaillechaz Cule There she washed the feet of the nuns of Ciiil 

Fobair, co -ic .iiii. caillecha oc in osic .i. Fobair, and at that washing healed four nuns, 

bacach 7 caech 7 clam 7 daisechtach. to wit, a lame one, and a blind, and a leper, 

and an insane. 

1442-1458 (p. 191). So in Tertia Vita, c. 36, and in Rawl. B. 512, fo. 34 b, in Latin, 

with the following Irish sentence prefixed : 
Ba andsin icais in mac mbacach n-amlabar oc It was there she healed the lame dumb child in 

tig mate Odrain. . Mac Odran's house. 

1449-1459 (p. 191) = Tertia Vita> c 39. In Rawl. B. 512, fo. 34 b, 2, 35 a i, the 

story is thus told : 

Dotiagat iarm do Talti. Is and boi Patricius. Then they go to Teltown. There abode Patrick. 
Batar im cheist nach etergnaid and .i. Doluid They were discussing an obscure question, 

1 MS. inquid. 2 MS. uidiet. 3 MS. faue fcae. ' MS. obtulleris. 5 MS. bcdi. 

6 MS. inquirit. * MS. agens. 



alali banscal do tathchor male for clerech do 
munttrPatraic A. Bron nomen eius. ' Cindus 
rom-becht inso ? ' ar chach. ' Nz &nse,' ar in 
ben. ' Dodechodsa co Bron do senad chailli 
form chend, 7 edbairt m'6gi do Dia. Iss ed 
ani dogeni mo clerech, mo chortan, co racus 
mac d6.' A mbatar forsna bnatAratt iss and 
doluid [Brigit] docwm na dala. Is and 
asb^rt Mel in. Patraic : ' Dofil in noebingen 
inni Brig# docm na dala, 7 rnfertar duib, 
tHa meit a rait[h] 7 t[r]ia ocse a fertae, dus 
in fir fo gan inso, ar ni con fil gnim intar 
[leg. ni etir] nem 7 talam nogeiss^ didiu do 
Crist,' ar Mel, ' ar mad era di. Iss ed didiu 
is denta 1 and,' ar Mel, 'a gairm for leit[h] 
immon ceist-so asan dail, ar ni dingni uirtutes 
in presentia sancti PatwwV Ta[ri]ic "Brigit 
iarm*: fordoeraigh in sluagh : co ngairter for 
leith asin dail statim do acaldaim feminae, et 
comitantur clerici 2 , excepto Patrz'cio. ' Coich 
in noidiu 3 neat? ' [asbert Brigit] fHsin mna. 
'La Bron,' ar in ben. 'Ni fir,' ar Brigit. Senais 
Brigit a gnuis co roraith at a cend furi cum 
lingua. Dutet PatrzV cuca induair sin in forum * 
magnum. Adgladadur Brigit in[n]oidz fiad 
aes na dala. noch ni ragab labrad intansin. 
' Cia t'athair ? ' ar Brigit. Infans inquit : ' Non 
episcopus Bron pater mens, sed quidam homo 
qui in extrema parte 5 cencili sedet uelut 
ultimas deformisque, mater mea meretrix 6 est.' 
Deo gratias agunt omnes, scelestamque con- 
clamant aduri. Sed Bngita abnuit dicens: 
'Haec agat 7 poenitentiam,' quod impletum 
est, et detumuit caput cum lingua. Populus- 
que letatus est. Episcopus libaratus, Brigita 
glorificata est. 

namely: a certain woman went to put off 
a child on a cleric of Patrick's household, 
named Br6n. ' How dost thou assure that to 
us ? ' saith every one. * Not hard to say,' saith 
the woman. *I went to Bron to get the veil 
blessed on my head and to offer my virginity 
to God. But this is what my cleric wrought, 
my debauchment, so that I bore him a son.' 
While they were talking thus Brigit came to 
the assembly. Then said Mel to Patrick : 
4 There is the holy virgin, Brigit, (coming) to 
the assembly) And she will make known to 
you, through the greatness of her grace and 
through the nearness(?) of her miracles,whether 
this is true or false. For,' saith Mel, ' there is 
nothing, whether in heaven or on earth, which 
she would ask of Christ that would be refused 
to her. This, then, is what should be done,' 
saith Mel, ' to call her apart from the assem- 
bly (and consult her) about this question ; for 
sheworketh no wonders in Patrick's presence.' 
Then came Brigit. The host rose up, and 
she is straightway called apart from the 
assembly to speak with the woman, and 
all the clerics save Patrick accompany her. 
'Whose is yon babe?' (saith Brigit) to the 
woman. ' Bron's,' saith the woman. ' It is 
not true,' saith Brigit. Brigit sained her 
face, and the head upon her, cum lingua, 
swelled up. Patrick then comes to them in 
forum magnum. Brigit, in presence of 
the people of the assembly, addresses the 
babe, which had not yet begun to speak. 
' Who is thy father ?' saith Brigit. Infans 
inquit, etc. 

1460-1466 (p. \V)Tertia Vita, c. 40. Thus in Rawl. B. 512, fo. 353 i- 

A mbai i nderinth lai iaram luid each a leth 8 Now at the end of the day every one went apart 

asin dail d'oegedacht. Bai fer maith ior bra out of the assembly to get guesting. There 

fluminia nnnrl *>at SPIT TWirHc a mnnii <1iwp1t a frnni\ man on thft hrinlr nf t\\f> riv<r 

fluminis quod est Seir. F6idis a mogh 
docwm na dala uocare Brigitam, dicens contra 


dwelt a good man on the brink of the river 
Seir. He sent his slave to the assembly to 

aocwm na aaia uocare JJngitam, dicens contra beir. Jtie sent ms slave to tne assembly to 

familiam suam ; ' In noebingen 9 dorigni in invite Brigit, saying, in spite of his house- 

1 leg. 

6 MS. partse. 

2 MS. commitantwr cleriei. * 
6 MS. nwtax. 7 MS. agerta. 

3 MS. indoidiv. 
8 MS. laeth. 

* MS. furum. 

9 MS. indoebingen. 



firt n-amrae in foro hodie, is maith limsa 
cosecrath df mo tigi innocht.' Ferais falti 
friae. ' Tucthar tra,' ar a ingena fri Hitigit, 
' usci for ar lama, dofil biad diin.' ' Ni ba 
indossa/ ar "Bngit, ' nam mihi hanc Dominus 
demonstrauit esse gentilem domum, uno tan- 
turn excepto seruo qui nos uocauit. Fobith- 
sin ni praindi[g]ubsa indosa.' Rafindadar 
in fer maith anisin .i. troscud do 'Brigit co 
ro baitside som. 'Atrubartsa em,' ol se, 
' nacham-baitsifeth PatrazV cons. muntzr. 
Creitfi immorro duitsiu,' in. "Rrigit. ' Is 
comma lemsa acht rot-baitsidersa,' ar T&ngit. 
1 Ni tecomnacair lemsa,' ar Brigz'/, ' fer 
ngraid: tiagar uan co Pataz/c co tuitchid 
epscop no sacart do baitrea? uiri istius.' Uenit 
Br6n, et baptizauit uir[um] cum tota familia 
in ortu solis et medie die reficiuntur. Gratias 
agunt. Ueniunt ad sanctum Patricium. Pa- 
tricius dixit : ' Non licet ttbi sine prespetm> 
ambulaire : tuus semper auriga prespiter 
oportet fieri,' Idque obseruatum est abbaiti- 
bus Brigitae usque ad tempora propinqua. 

hold, ' I wish my house to be hallowed to- 
night by the holy virgin who wrought the 
wonderful miracle in foro hodie* He made 
welcome to her. Brigit's maidens say to her : 
'Let water be brought for our hands, there is 
food for us.' ' It shall not be now,' saith 
Brigit, ' for the Lord hath shown to me that 
this is a household of heathens, save only the 
one slave who invited us. Wherefore I will 
not dine now." The good man knew that, even 
that Brigit would be fasting until he should 
have been baptized, and (he declared) to 
Brigit: 'Of a truth I said that Patrick and 
his household should not baptize me. How- 
b'eit in thee I will believe.' ' Provided thou 
art baptized,' saith Brigit, { it is the same to 
me. I do not happen to have,' saith Brigit, 
'a man ordained. Let a message be sent 
from us to Patrick that a bishop or priest may 
come to baptize this man.' Venit Br6n ef, 

1467-1469 (P- 191)=Terfia Vita, c. 42. Thus briefly in Raw!. B. 512, fo. 35 a 2 : 

Ba iarsin icsais in sentine mbaclaz^- fornmad i It was afterwards she healed the lame old woman 

fosscud in charpuit oc cill Suirdd i ndesciurt who was laid in the shadow of the chariot at 

Bregh. the church of Swords in the south of Bregia. 

1470-1477 (pp. 191, 192) = Tertia Vita, c. 44. Thus in Rawl. B. 512, fo. 35 a 

Then Brigit went to Cell Laisre. Lassair was 
rejoiced to receive her. There was one milk- 
ing ewe there, which had been milked for 
Brigit. When they were at the end of the day 
they saw Patrick coming towards the en- 
closure. ' God help us, Brigit ! ' saith Las- 
sair, ' give us protection ! ' . Brigit replied : 
' How much hast thou ? ' She says : ' There is 
no food save twelve loaves and a little milk 
which thou hast blessed, and one lamb which 
hath been made ready for thee.' 

Then all, with Patrick and Brigit, came 
into her refectory, and they all were thankful, 
and Lasar bestowed her church upon her, and 
therein there is adoration of Brigit. 

Luid iarm do Chill Laisre indi Brz^zV. Ba 
faeilz'i;/ Lassair friae. Boe oenchauru mblicht 
and iarna blegon do scarad do BrigzV. A 
mbatar deud lai con[acc]ater fsiraic docum 
lis. 'Don-foir Dia, a Brigit!' ar Lassair, 
' Tabar com ndun.' "Siigita respondit : 'Quan- 
tum habes?' Ait: 'Nihil est cibi, duodenis 
exceptis 1 panibus et parco lacte quod tu bene- 
diceras, unaque ouicula quae praeparata est 

Iss ed ani tiagait ino prantech b,ule fsAratc 7 
Jbigit, 7 bater buidigh huli, 7 ros-ferastor 
Lasar di a cill, 7 ata adrad mBrigte and. 

MS. duo denis ex pedis. 


1478-1487 (p. 192). = Tertia Vita, c. 45. Quarta Vita, c. 47. Thus briefly in 
Rawl. B. 512, fo. 35 b i : 

Anaiss arabarach ic-Cill Lasre. Dolluid alaile On the morrow she remained at Cell Laisre. A 

Cennenses genere, fora, tarat sua uxor miscuis, certain man of Kells [?] by race, whom his 

co 'Biigit da chobair. At Brigita benedixit wife abhorred, came to Brigit to help him. 

aquam. Ille secum portauit et, uxore aspersa, At Brigita, etc. 
amauit eum * protinus inpatienter. 

1488-1491 (p. 192). Tertia Vita, c. 46; Quarta Vita, c. 48. 

1492-1496 (p. 192). =Tertia Vita, c. 47. 

1497-1513 (pp. 192, 193). Tertia Vita, c. 57; Quarta Vita, lib. 2, c. 27. 

1514-1519 (p. 193). Tertia Vita, c. 62. 

1520-1526 (p. 193). -=.Tertia Vita, c. 68. 

1527-1535 (p- I93)- = Tertia Vita, c. 65. 

I 53^- I 553 (PP- I 93> *94)- =^Tertia Vita, c. 90; Quarta Vita, lib. 2, c. 10. 

1554-1565 (p. 194). Tertia Vita, c. 78. 

1576 (p. 194). 7v&-fl?0r=Adamnan's ' magria domus/ and ' monasterium rotundum.' 
The diameter of the tech-m6r mentioned in the Tripartite Life, p. 236, was twenty- 
seven feet. 

1 579- 1 594 (pp. 194, 195). Tertia Vita, c. 79; Quarta Vita, c. 52. 

1593 (p. 195). For a tha\i~\rr literally 'on his belly.' Better thus in Lelar Srecc, 
65 a : Dofuit, tmmurro, isin sruth in clam diumsach, 7 a b6 fo a thairr, co ros- 
baided, ' Howbeit the haughty leper fell into the stream, with his cow under his 
belly (he was lying prone on the cow's back), and was drowned.' 

1595-1605 (p. 195). Tertia Vita, c. 50; Quarta Vita, lib. 2, c. 18. 

1606-1613 (p. 195). Tertia Vita, c. 55. 

1614-1619 (p. 195). Thus told in the Franciscan Liber Hymnorum, p. 41 : 

I cuirriuch Liphi doronad in firt-so .i. fer tanic In the Cnrragh of Liffey this miracle wa 
sech BrigzV 7 saland for a main, co n-erbairt wrought, to wit : a man came past Brigit 
Bri# ris : 'Cid fil fort?' ' Clocha,' ol se. with salt on his back; so Brigit said to him, 
'Bid ed,' o! 4 Brigzt. Rocomallad amlaid. ' What is there on thee ?' ' Stones,' saith he. 
'Let it be so,' saith Brigit. Thus was it ful- 

Tanic da0 it(erum) sech Brigit, et ilia dixit ei : Then again he came past Brigit, and she said 
' Cid fil fort muin? ' ' Saland,' ol se. ' Bid to him : ' What is there on thy back ? ' ' Salt,' 

ed/ ol BrigzV, 7 rofirad amlaid. saith he. ' Let it be so,' saith Brigit ; and 

thus it was verified. 

See also Sexta Vita, c. 24 (Trias Thaum. p. 586, col. 2). This legend, like that 
told in 11. 1332-1340, has an Indian parallel a very similar story being told of 

1 MS. sum. 
U U 

330 NOTES. 

the Musalman saint shekh Khwaja Farfd, of Girar, in the Hingangblt tahsfl of 
the Wardhd district, Central Provinces. See C. Grant's Gazetteer of the Central 
Provinces of India, 2nd ed., 1870. Compare also the story of Ciccu, in Laura 
Gonzenbach's Sicilianische Marchen, 197. 

1620-1629 (p. 196). =Tertia Vita, c. 77. 

1630-1636 (p. 196). = Tertia Vita, c. 94; Quarta Vita, c. 50. 

1637-1650 (p. 196). = Tertia Vita, c. 74; Quarta Vita, lib. 2, c. 48. 

1651, 1652 (p. 196), see Secunda Vita, c. n ; Tertia Vita, c. 106. 

1653-1658 (pp. 196, 197). = Secunda Vita, c. 21 ; Tertia Vita, c. 128. 

1659, 1661 (p. 197). This seems a mere abridgment of the story told infra, in 11. 

1662-1663 (p. 197). This is mentioned in the Franciscan Liber Hymnorum, p. 40: 

Lathe i Tir na bennact i n-Airiud B6inne i toeb One day in the ' Land of the Blessing,' in Airiud 
Cluana Iraird 1 doronad in firt-sa, no ic Boinne, beside Clonard, this miracle was 

Domnach Mor i toeb Cille dara .i. flechud in wrought. Or at Domnach Mor beside Kil- 

cach inud 7 turad i ngort Brigte. dare, that is, wet in every place and dry 

weather in Brigit's field. 

Compare Secunda Vita, c. 21; Tertia Vita, c. 100. 

1664 (p. 197). The miracle thus curtly related is commemorated in Brocca"n's hymn, 
1. 42, and told more fully in Secunda Vita, c. 12 ; Tertia Vita, c. 102 ; and thus in 
the Franciscan Liber Hymnorum, p. 41 : 

I Cluain Chorcaige i nUib Failge doronad in In Cluain Corcaige in Offaly this miracle was 

firt-sa .f. clam [leg. clarenech?] tucad co wrought, i. e. a leper [leg. a table-faced man ?] 

BrigtY, co w-erbairt fHs in torn luachra rob6i was brought to Brigit, and she told him to bring 

inna [fjarrad do thabairt asind inud ir-raba, co the clump of rushes which grew by him out ofthe 

tuc ass daw, co tanic topur us assind inud place in which it was: so out he brought it, and 

sin, cor-robroen fo[a]agid, cor'bo (sl)an. out of that place came a well of water, where- 
with he sprinkled his face, and it was whole. 

1665-1667 (p. 197). See Broccan's hymn, 11. 73-76, and Secunda Vita, c. 27. This 
miracle is told more fully in a note (now partly illegible) in the Franciscan Liber 
Hymnorum, p. 42 : 

fe(cht) dorala BrigzV do dun rig Breg im- Brigit once happened to go to the fortress 

Maig Coel, i Fine Gall h6die, co rodiult in of the king of Bregia in Magh Coel, in 

banrigan fria dorat alaili bentreb- Fingal to-day, and the queen refused her 

tach roboi i toeb in dune immaig failti di co (hospitality. But) a certain widow who 

di 7 coras-loisc a garmain nui dwelt beside the fortress outside gave her 

foe, 7 robatar 6g[s]lana (ar)abarach, eter welcome (and killed her calf,) and burnt her 
l e g 7 (gar)main, tria rath Brigte. O . new weaver's beam under it ; and on the mor- 

rochuala immorro in ri anisen .i, Brigit do row they were whole, both calf and beam, 

thiactain dia acallaim, co tarla through Brigit's grace. Now when the king 

1 MS. irarid. 



d6 in bantrebtach ut. Ama/ atcondairc in rf 
hi ros-c(arasta)r tria rath Brigte, 7 ros-fuc do 

mnai, 7 is nade ata aill, ut 


1668-1672 (p. 197). Tertia Vita, c. 71. 
1673-1675 (p. 197). = Secunda Vita, c. 
Hymnorum, p. 41 : 

Ic Raith Derthaige in Huib Failge doronad in 
firt-sa .i. tanic merlech co T&ngit fo secht co 
mbered molt cech[a]uare uadi do chairchaib 
mna Tt-abthaig, co roathferad tor Bri^vV, co 
-erbairt Bri# : ' Fegait[h]se far caircha dus 
in marat ule.' Rofegsat iarum .i. Dubt&acA 
7 a ben, 7 fuar[a]tar eat ule i comlane cen 
esbaid neich. '\ 

heard that, even that Brigit had come (he 
went) to commune with her, and yon widow 
met him. When the king beheld her, he 
loved her through Brigit's grace, and took her 
to wife, and of her are 

8. Thus told in the Franciscan Liber 

At Rath Derthaige in Offaly this miracle was 
wrought, to wit : A robber came to Brigit seven 
times, and every time he carried away from her 
a wether of the sheep belonging to Dubthach's 
wife. So Brigit was reproached, and she 
said: 'Look at your sheep if peradventure 
they all remain.' Then Dubthach and his 
wife looked, and they found them all com- 
plete, without the want of any. 

1676-1679 (p. 197). Also thus in the Franciscan Liber Hymnorum, p. 43 : 

(In) lind rodlect ri Lagen do rig Ua Culduib, 
co rodlect- side do fir dia muintir, co tanic 
side co Bri^zV dia hatach coro cobrad he", ar 
ni rabai occa ni doberad, ar dorat-som do 
~&ngit in lind ann nair na ragaib ri Ua Cul- 
duib uadhe, et pmnde uenit ad Brigitam : 
necessitatem habuit co tucad iarsen usce isna 
dabcaib roboi i.farrad tigi Brigte, 7 roben- 
nac[h] Brigit in usq# sen corbo mid iarsen, 
7 comic in truag he* leis iarsen, 7 ni rabai mid 
ba ferr andaas; 7 ni rabai plus uel minus 
acht amal rodlecht de misero. 

The ale to which the king of Leinster was en- 
titled from the king of Hui Culduib, and to 
which the latter was entitled from one of his 
household who came to Brigit to entreat her 
to help him. For he had nothing which he 
could give, since he had bestowed on Brigit 
the ale ...... and thereafter water was 

brought in the vats that stood near Brigit's 
house, and Brigit blessed that water, and then 
it became mead, and the wretched man took 
it with him afterwards (to his king), and 
there never was better mead than it, and there 
was neither phis nor minus, but just what 
was due de misero. 

The same miracle is thus related in Rawl. B. 512, fo. 35 b i : 

Liond rodlecht ri Laigen do fiur dia muntir-si, co 
tainic an fer dia caine co "Brigit cu ro chabnzo? 
he, ar ni raibe aigi ni doberad. ind. Tuc 
iarsin usa? isin A&baig ifail tigi "Sxigte gu ro- 
b^wnach Brigit in t-usque co raibi ina mid 
post, 7 co rue in truag he dond righ, 7 ni rabi 
mid bud millsiu. Ni rabi plus na minus and. 

Ale to which the king of Leinster was entitled- 
from a man of her household : so the man 
came to complain of it to Brigit that she might 
help him, for he had nothing which, he 
could give in respect thereof. Thereupon 
he brought water in the vat beside Brigit's 
house, and Brigit blessed the water and it 
afterwards became mead, and the wretched 
man took it to the king, and there never 
was sweeter mead. There was neither lus 
nor minus therein. 

U U 2 



1680-1688 (p. 197). Thus in the Franciscan Liber Hymnorum, p. 40 : 

Epscuip .i. secht n-epscoip tancatar co Brigit a 
Hnib Briuin Chualand, o Thelaig na n-Eps- 
cop sainrud, co Cill dara. Cor-roiarfaig 
Brigit dia coic .i. do Blatbnait, in raba biad 
acci. Ilia dixit non. 7 roboi im . . . scud 
la Brigit ani hi sen .i. gen biad occi illis. 
Con n-erbairt in t-aingel fri Blathnait co 
tucad na bu co Loch Lemnacta, fri Cill dara 
atuaith, dia mblegon, c[i]a robligte fodi 
reme. Tuctha &\diu na bai, 7 robligtea co 
ndeochaid in loim dar na lestraib, 7 no- 
linfates cid lestru Lagen uli. Dobertais 
chuccu, et inde stagnum 1 nomen accepit. 

* Bishops,' i. e. seven bishops who came to Brigit 
out of Hiii Briuin Chualann from Telach na 
n-Epscop in especial, to Kildare. And 
Brigit enquired of her cook, even of Blathnait, 
whether she had food. She said, ' No,' and 

seemed to Brigit, i. e. her having 

no food for them. So the angel told Blaith- 
nait to take the kine to Loch Lemnachta 
('the Lake of New Milk') to the north of 
Kildare, to milk them, though they had 
been twice milked before. So the kine were 
taken (thither), and they were milked till the 
milk came over the vessels and even the 
vessels of the whole of Leinster would have 
been filled. And thence the lake received its 

1689-1705 (pp. 197, 198). See Dr. Todd's commentary, Liber Hymnorum, pp. 65-70, 

on the corresponding passage in the Lebar Brecc, p. 66 a. 
17061742 (pp. 198, 199). This preface to the hymn Brigii b bithmaith seems taken 

from a copy of the Liber Hymnorum. The preface from the Trinity College copy, 

fo. i6 b , has been published in Goidelica, pp. 133-135 2 . Here follows the preface 

(till now unprinted) in the Franciscan MS., pp. 38, 39 : 

Commad he Colum cille dogneth in n-immun-sa, It may be Colum cille that made this hymn, and 
7 is i n-amsir Aeda meic Ainmirech dor6ne. in the time of Aed son of Ainmire he made it. 

Is he* fath a denma. 

Anfud mor tanic do Chotum cille intan do- 
chuaid dar muir co tarlai i Coire Brecan, co 
roataig BrigzV co tisad feth do 3 , ocus co 
n-erbairt ' BrigzV be.' 

No is Brocan Cloen doronai he 7 is inund amser 
i ndernad 7 ' Nicar Brigit be.' 

No is triurdomuintirBrigte doronai he. Docho- 
tar do Roim co roactatar Blasantiam, co tarla 
fer do muintzV na cathrach do(ib im)muig, co 
roiarfaig doib in rancatar a les oegedecht. 
Atrubratar co rancatar. Ros-fuc leis iarsein 
dia thaig, co tarla doib scolaige iarna thich- 
tain o Roim 4 illic, co roiarfaig doib canas 

This is the cause of making it. 

A great storm came to Colum cille when he went 
over sea; and he happened to be in Breccan's 
Caldron, and he entreated Brigit that a calm 
might come to him, and he said Brigit bL 

Or it is Brocan Cloen that made it, at the same 
time that he made (the hymn) Ni car Brigit. 

Or it is three of Brigit's household .that made it. 
They went to Rome and reached Placentia ; 
and a man of the folk of the city met them 
outside, and asked them whether they needed 
guesting. They said that they needed (it). 
Thereafter he took them to his house, and a 
student on his way from Rome, met them illic, 

1 MS. unde staguum. 

2 In the second line of this preface as printed in Goidelica, for inasol read maso i, 'if it be he.' 

3 MS. anfudo. * MS. corruptly : scolaige coroiarfafg . . . oim. 



tancatar 7 cid ara tancatar. Atrubratar-som 
conid ar oegedact ' Is pudar sin,' ar se, ' ar 
is he be"s ind fir-se marbad a 6eged.' Ocus 
roiarfaigset-som sein tria thinchosc in sco- 
laige. Tucad tra neim doib il-lind, co 
romolsat BrigzV dia s6erad, 7 co rochansat 
' BrigzY bJ "bithmaith! Atibset in lind cosind 
neim, 7 ni dernai pudair d6ib. Tanic tra fer 
in tige dia fegad dus in ros-marb ind neim, 7 
atchonnairc eat slana, 7 atchonnairc ingen 
sochraid etarru. Tanic iarsein isin tech, 7 
robai for iarair na hingine, 7 nis-fuair, 7 ro- 
iarfaig doib ced dochoid. Oc#jatrubratar-som 
nis-acatar etir. Doratad tra cuimrech fono- 
som, co romarbtais iarnabarach mani follsigtis 
in n-ingein. Tanic da#0 in scolaige cetna 
chuca arnabarach dia fis, etinueniteos in uin- 
culis, [p. 39] et interrogauit quomodo euasse- 
runt et cur ligati sunt. Responderunt ei et 
narrauerunt omnia quae eis contigerunt secun- 
dum ordinem. Et dixit scolasticus eis : ' Can- 
tate ei laudem quam fecistis.' Postquam autem 
illam cantauerunt inter eos sancta BrigzYte 
omnibus eis apparuit. Tune penituit ille, et 
dimisit illos ex uinculis, et dedit suam sedem 
in Blasantia ~&ngittae, uel Blasantiam totam, 
ut alii dicunt. 

and asked them whence they had come, and 
why they had come. They said that it was for 
guesting. ' That is a pity,' saith he, ' for it is 
the custom of this man to kill his guests. 9 
And they asked for that through the scholar's 
teaching. So poison was brought to them in 
ale and they praised Brigit that she might 
save them, and they sang Brigit be bithmaith. 
They drank the ale with the poison, and it did 
them no harm. So the man of the house 
came to see if perchance the poison had killed 
them, and he beheld them whole, and he be- 
held a comely maiden among them. There- 
after he entered the house and was seeking 
the maiden, and found her not, and asked 
them why she had gone. And they said they 
had not seen her at all. So a chain was put 
upon them that they might be killed on the 
morrow if they should not disclose the 
maiden. So the same student came to them 
on the morrow to visit them, et t etc. 

Or it is Broenainn that made this hymn, navigans, 

No is Broenaind dorigne in n-immun-sa, naui- 
gans mare et quaerens terram repromisionis. 
Audiuit aliam bestiam clamantem et adiuran- 
tem uoce humana bestiam aliam conuocantem et rogantem Brendinum et ceteros omnes sanctos 
Hiberniae insolae, excepta BrigzYfo, ne sibi alia bestia noceret ; et nihilominus tamen alia bestia 
uim fac^ret illi usque dum rogaret Bngittam. Euadentem uero postquam rogaret Brigitam et nihil 
mali a persequente patientem interim ut diceret alia quae earn persequeretur : ' Postquam Brigitam 
rogasti nocere tibi non possum.' Postquam uero Broenaind haec omnia et honorem quae Brigitae 
bestia prae ceteris dedit, admiratus est, [et] Brigitam laudauit, dicens ' Brigit b/ \>ithmaith? 

Locus igitur mare. 

Causa autem ad laudem BrigzYoi. 

Tempus, vero, of Diarmait son of Cerball, king 
of Ireland. Now Broenainn afterwards came 
to Kildare to Brigit to know why the monster 
in mare gave honour to Brigit beyond the 
other saints. Now when Broenainn reached 
Brigit he requested her to make her con- 
fessions, in what wise she had love of God. 
Said Brigit to Broenainn : ' Do thou, O cleric, 
make thy confession prius, and I will give 

Tempus uero Diarmata meic Cerbaill, rig Her- 
end. Tanic dano Broenaind iarsein do Cill 
dara co BrigzY co fesad cid ara tarat in beist 
in mare onoir do BrigzY sech na _noebu 
archena. O rosiact tra Broenaind co BrigzY 
rochuinnig chuice co tartad a coibsena cinnas 
robot acce grad De. Atrubairt BrigzY in 
Brenaind : ' Tabair, a chlerig, do chobais 
prius, 7 dob^rsa postea.' Dixit BroenazW: 



1 6nd lo rogabussa l c^abud nocho deochu- 
dussa dar secht n-immaire cen mo mi#main 
i nDia.' ' Is maith in chobais,' ol Brig//, 
'Tabairsiu daw, a chaillech,' ar Broena;V2</, 
' do chobais.' ' Dar Mac na h-Ingine,' ar si, 
'ond uair doratzwsa mo m*main ind ni 
timcus ass.' ' Dar Dia, a challech/ ar Broe- 
naind, ' is c6ir do biastaib cia doberat honoir 
duit sechoinne.' 

No is Ultan Airdbrecain dorigne hunc ymnum. 
Ar molad Brigte doronai, ar ropo do Dail 
Chonchobair dosom. Ocus rob ed dao do 
mathair Brigfc .i. Brocsech ingen Dallbronaig. 
I N-amseir immorro da mac Aeda Slane 
doronad foesin, ar it e romarbsat Suibne mac 
Colmain M6ir for lethlaim Ultain. I N- 
Ardbrecain dno doronad he. 

(mine) postea! Said Broenainn : ' From the 
day that I became devout I never passed over 
seven ridges without my mind being on God.' 
' Good -is the confession,' saith Brigit. ' Do 
thou, then, O nun,' saith Broenainn, ' give thy 
confession.' ' By the Son of the Virgin,' saith 
she, ' from the hour that I set my mind on Him 
I never took it off Him.' * By God, O nun,' 
saith Broenainn, ' the monsters are right 
though they give honour to thee beyond us.' 
Or it is Ultan of Ardbrackan that made hunc 
hymnum. For praise of Brigit he made it, 
for he was of Dal Conchobair. And so was 
it also with Brigit's mother, even Brocsech, 
daughter of Dallbronach. Now in the time 
of Aed Slane's two sons it was made, more- 
over, for it is they that slew Suibne son of 
Colman the Great on one hand of Ultan. In 
Ardbrackan, moreover, it was made. 

1743-1754 (p. 199). There is a much better copy of this hymn (the technique of 
which is admirable) in the Trinity College Liber Hymnorum, i6 a -i7 b , whence it 
has been published hi Goidelica, p. 135, and in Windisch's Irische Texte, pp. 24, 25- 

1763 (p. 199). It is said that this Ninnid was the Nindidh mentioned in 1. 1555, and 
that Brigit predicted that from his hand she herself would receive the viaticum on 
the day of her death. On hearing this prophecy, he enclosed his right hand in a 
brazen (some say a silver) case, which he kept continually locked, lest the hand 
destined to give the Holy Communion to S. Brigit should ever be denied by any- 
thing unclean. Hence he was called Ninnid Pure-hand 2 . See more in Quarto. 
Vita, lib. 2, cc. 62, 63; Quinta Vita, cc. 57, 48. 

These notes on Brigit's Life may fitly end with the following legends and list. The 
first of the legends is from the Franciscan Liber Hymnorum., and the second, from 
the Book of Leinster. Of the first another copy is found in the Lebar Brecc, p. 82,. 
as a note to the Calendar qfOengus, Feb. i. It has'some of the marks of a genuine 
popular marchen. The list of nuns subject to Brigit is from the Book ofLeinster, 
P- 353. col. 2. 

I. Franciscan Liber Hymnorum, p. 40. 

Plea .i. Bl(asantia) .i. cathir sen fil do BrigzV in 
Italia, no Plea cathir fil do Brigit for muir 
Icht, 7 is e a hord-side fil ic muintir Brigte. 

Plea, i.e. Placentia (?), that monastery Brigit. 
hath in Italy. Or Plea, a monastery which 
Brigit hath by the Ictian sea, and it is its order 

1 MS. rogabudsa. 

2 See Dr. Todd, Liber Hymnornm, pp. 60, 6 r. 



Et sic factum est id. .i. Brigit rofoid mor- 
fessiur tiadi cor-Roim do foglaim uird Petair 
7 Foil, ar na rocomleced di fein o Dia a techt. 
Intan doroactatar co ~&Agit ni romar oenfocul 
occu dia n-urd. ' Rofitir Mac na h-Ingene,' 
ar Brig#, ' ni mor oar tarba cid mor for sae- 

thar.' Misit iterum alios uii 

similiter et . . . . misit alios uii. 

7 a mac dall-se leo, ar each [ni] nochluned 
sede ba mebuir leis focetoir. INtan tra 
rossiactatar co muir let tanic anfud doib fair 
cor-ralsat sis anchoram. Rolend ar bend- 
chopur in derthaige, co rolaset crandchor inter 
se im techt sis, conid don dull dorala tect sis, 
et exiuit et absoluit ille anchoram, et stetit 
andsein co cend mb\\adne ic foglaim ind uird, 
co doruactatar in fiallach aile cucai anair, co 
tarla anfnd m6r doib beus isin bale ce'tna, co 
rolasat anchoram sis adhnc, co tanic in mac 
dall leo an is co -urd celebartha illius eclesiae 
secum ad se, 7 tuc leis cloc anis cucu, 7 is e 
clocc in mc daill indiu in clocc sein ic 
muntzr Brigte, 7 is e ord fil occu in t-ord tuc 
in dall leis o Flea. 

which Brigit's community have. Et sic factum 
est id. Brigit sent seven persons to Rome, to 
learn the order of Peter and Paul, for she her- 
self was not permitted by God to go. "When 
they came (back) to Brigit, not one word of 
the order remained with them. ' The Virgin's 
Son knoweth,' says Brigit, 'though great be 
your labour small is your profit ! ' So she 

sent other seven in like manner 

sent seven others and her blind 

boy with them ; for everything that he would 
hear he straightway remembered. Now when 
they had reached the Ictian sea a storm came 
upon it to them, so they let down the anchor. 
It stuck on the conical top of the oratory, so 
they cast lots inter se as to going down 
(to loose the anchor), and it fell to the blind 
(boy) to go down. And he went and loosed 
the anchor, and remained there till the end of 
"a year learning the order. And the rest of 
the party came back to him from the east, and 
a great storm again fell upon them in the 
same place, and again they let down the 
anchor, and from below the blind boy came 
up to them with that church's order of cele- 
bration; and he (also) brought them from 
below a bell; and this is 'the Blind Boy's 
Bell' which Brigit's community possess. And 
the order which they have is the order which 
the blind (boy) brought with him from Flea. 

II. Book of Leinster> p. 36*7. 

Fainchi vngen Dallbronaz^, siur mdthar Brigti, 
setig do Neman. Bai dawo Fanchi i n-am- 

briti co cian, co ndoluid co di. Ainis 

BrigzV tredan i n-eclais i Cill dara, co toracht 
angel 7 co n-epert fHa : ' A sanct Brig//, \>en- 
nach broind do sethar, 7 dofzwsema mac 
sainemail acci .i. Colman a ainm, 7 [co]rop e 
do lam-su fora mullach, 7 corop Finnian mac 
h*&' Tell0z-rom-baist e" 7 rodn-aile iri eclais.' 
Et rothjsib Fannchi iar(sin tri maccu do) 
Neman .i. Cons.ll 7 Eogan 7 Carpre ; 7 issin 
tipmit as-robaisted epscop Ibar robastit nam- 

Fainche, daughter of Dallbronach, Brigit's ma- 
ternal aunt, was a wife of Neman's. Now 

Fainche had long been barren, so 

from her. Brigit fasted a three days' fast in the 
church at Kildare, and an angel came and said 
to her : ' O holy Brigit, bless thine aunt's womb, 
and she will bring forth a distinguished son ' 
(Colman was his name) ; ' and let thy hand be 
upon the crown of his head, and let Finnian 
Maccu-Tellaig baptize him and rear him for 
the Church.' And thereafter Fainche brought 
forth three sons to Neman, even Conall and 
Eogan and Cairpre ; and those children were 
baptized at the well out of which bishop Ibar 
was baptized. 

336 NOTES. 

III. Book of Leinster, p. 353, col. 2. 

BRigitae sanctss subiectse erant omnes hge uirgines sancte, quanrni loca et nomina 

CAiner ingen Chrnthechain i Cill Chulid i Cairpr/. 

Gainer ingen Airmi;zd i Cluaitt Corid. 

INdii mar 7 Indu bee, di ingin Breccain meic Bre"naind i Cill Daiwdend. 

Brig ingen Fergzwa i Cill Brigi. 

Cetheora iwgena Fergnai mV Fergwsa il-Lethraith .i. Delbnat et Gainer, Demlir 7 Fui. 

Fainder cuicir i C\uain Br6naig. 

Necht ingen Chommain i mBruig Broc. 

Fedbair ic Boith Roichnig. 

INgena Choluim 7 ingena Bresail i Cill Chalaid 7 i Caill Lugmiwd. 

Curchass i Tig Cnrchaissi. 

Lassar i Cill Lasra, in Hurt Bresail. Is inti roloisc Brig// in ngarmtiitf oc funi ind loeg. 

Corpach ingen Fiachnai mez'c Nui i Cill Corpaigi. 

Cronmuni taplam i n-Inis Crone for Loch Andind. ' 

Findnat ir-Rj mate Ceit. 

Find ingen Mantain i 1>acht Fidi. 

Aibind ingen Mani i Cluain Draignigi. 

FailtemizzV ingen Maelechdach ic Telaig Fninechda. 

Liit 7 crmthir Lngseth ic Tig Liita i Fotartaib maraib. 

Cr#msech 7 Cred ic Raith Gaisni 7 i -Etargabuil 7 i Fordruiw. 

Ronsech icTig Maile achaid. 

Ciar ingen Duibrea i n-Airiud. 

Bicell 7 Bicsech i n-Imliuch na Lega. 

Columb ingen B^raig i n-Imliuch mar. 

INgena Cetain i Chiatn Ech. 

INgena Fiachnai ic Tuai#z Neill. 

Caibell ingen ^Eda Bairr i Cill Lrea. 

TRea ingen mezc Cairthid i n-Aird Trea. . 

Cethri ingena raeic lair .i. Derbinill 7 Derinill et Coel 7 Comgell. 

Caimell iwgen D^rmata i nDisiurt Bng^ i Cill Suird. 

Tri ingena. Erni meic Colmm Ruit .i. [leg. 7 ?] Damisa 7 Smech, 7 Cron a mbrathair i n-Enuch 


Brunsech ingen Chrimthaind im-Maig Threga. 
Ciar 7 Midan da ingin Cerain 7 Finnech ingen Senaig Find ; do Chen^l ChormczV doib uile. It e Ros larnglais. 
Scoth 7 Mengan, inund athair 7 mdthah leo, 7 do Dal Messiw corp doib : it 6 sin fil i Cellaib Maigi 

Uachtarchaib 7 Ictarchaib 7 i Cluain Moescnea. 
Dochatti i n-Achud Chorcaigi. 
Brig ingen Amalgada 7 Cillini 7 Cellan i n-Achud 


ANOTHER copy (B) is in the Brussels MS. vol. iv (2324-2340), part ii, fo. 118 b, 
and a fragment in vol. xi (4190-4200), fo. 269 a. A third copy (E) is in Egerton 
91, fo. 52 a-56 a. A Latin Life in prose is in Rawl. B. 505, fo. 201. Another, 
apparently, in the Codex Marshiensis, Dublin, fo. 76 b. A metrical Latin Life is 
in the Codex Salmanticensis, edd. De Smedt and De Backer, 1888, coll. 735-758, 
and see Colgan's Ada Sanctorum, p. 512. 

1775 (p. 201). Mirabilis Deus, etc. Psal. Ixvii. 36. 

1792 (p. 201). Sendn's pedigree is thus given in the Book of Leinster, p. 351, col 2 : 
Senan Insi Cathatg Mac Eirggind, Maze Dubthaig, Mate Decce, Maze Imchada, 
Maze Cuirb. 

1798. For Patrick's prophecy of Senan, see the Tripartite Life, Rolls ed. p. 206. 

1800. For de B has, more correctly, do. 

1804. For sctih B has sgithech somk. 

1811. For JBendachaid ~B has Bendachais. 

1817. For timochar B has tiomarchar. 

1831. The words bar crich seem to have dropped out after roich. 

1838. For a cata in gein gignighter B has a chdta na geine gignither. 

1841 (p. 203). More about this monster Cathach in the Calendar of Oengus at 
March 8, and notes thereto in the Lebar Brecc, p. 83 a, Laud 610, fo. 63 b, and 
Rawl. B. 51 2, fo. 59 a 2. It is described in bardic fashion, 11. 22 12-2227 (pp.2 13, 2 14). 

1847. For tir B has aird. 

1854. For lias arcullL has beite iarctil. 

1857. 'With tithes and firstfruits and alms.' Compare the Senchas Mar, Ancient 
Laws, vol. i. p. 50, 1. 27. Tithes do not appear to have been generally paid in 
Ireland till the twelfth century. See Lanigan, Eccl. Hist, of Ireland, iv. 284, and 
Giraldus Cambrensis, Topogr. Hib. Dist. 3, c. 19. ('Nondum enim decimas vel 
primitias solvunt '). But they are mentioned in the Vision ofAdamndn, L. U. p. 30 a, 
which must have been composed before A.D. noo. 

1 86 1. For other cases in which Irish children might be sold, see Ancient Laws, iii. 
402, 540. 

1866. Of Maculatus and Latius nothing else seems known. Perhaps they had come 

X x 

338 NOTES. 

to Ireland with Palladius. The name Maculatus, like Contumeliosus (Le Blant, 
i. 177) and the Irish Mael-ochtraigh (Book of Ballymote, p. 228, col. g. 1. 35) may 
be one of a class of self-dispraising names used by early Christians. A Maculanus 
occurs in C.I.L. xiv. 3158. Latius would mean 'ad Latium pertinens;' it does 
not appear to occur elsewhere as a proper name. 
1867. After adaig B has sin. The it after Patraic is a scribal error for is. 

1885. For deiseabhair B has taitnemh. 

1886. For cona raibht docair di B has conach raibhe dochar dhi. 

1887-89. A similar miracle is told of the hazel distaff in the hand of the mother of 
S. Maedh6c of Ferns, when she was bringing him forth, Martyrology of Donegal, 
p. 32. The stake of rowan was probably held by Sendn's mother as a safeguard 
against witches and demons. 

1899. For comhnacal cena ricdis a leas B has neite archena norecdais a les. So in 
1905 for rat-fia comnacal B has rot-fia gach ni ata d'esb^h ort. Hence it would 
seem that comnacal means ' needment,' comes from * com-nanc-alo, and is cognate 

With Gr. d-vdyKr). 

1908. For comnacal B has comhnacul. 

1911. For a Corcamruadh B has i Core mo druad, and so in 1916. 

1926. For siumh B has seic. r 9 2 7- For scith B has sccitheach. 

1931. For atc6s B has atces. 

*955' This Cassidan is otherwise called Cassan. 1957. For ecalsa B has ecclastacda. 

1960. Before inghaire B has do. 

1966. For Teighedh B has Nottighedh. 

1968. 'Si quis/ etc. Thus translated in B : 

.1 . gibe haccaibh lenab ail bheith inas airde inas each bidh ag imonastralac&t da gach sen. 

1973. For arfer dhibh B has ol a cheile. 

1975. For Fegait tria tholl na comla B has Fosfe'ghat tria tholl na comladh. A similar 

story is told of Adamn&n in the Martyrology of Donegal, p; 254. 
1978. Yoifira B has yfr&r. 

1987. For cein ron-boiic B has in cein bdocc. 1992. For in B has an. 

1994-2012. This silly story shows, at all events, that when it was invented the Irish 

made candles by dipping wicks in grease or melted tallow. The wicks, no doubt, 

were the pith of rushes. See Cormac's Glossary, s. w. adann, itharna. 
1998. For machtnad linn B has machtadh lim. So in 1988 B has machtadh. 
2001. After acca B inserts an coinnelj. 

2006. For scoires B has sccuiris. 2009. For ro didhbhadh B has rodibhadh. 

2013. After laithe B inserts n-aon, and for tirus B has turus. For the Notal (from 

Lat. notabilis) here mentioned, see Colgan, Ada Sanctorum, p. 169, at 27 January. 


2017. For cUrchu B has cle'rchiu. 2021. For doberad'Q has dobheir. 

2034. After gallraib B inserts examhlaibh ocus o gach aingcis arcena. 
2045, 2046. For these lines B has : 

aingel ag trendi6rgadh gacha conaire do go rainicc go hlnis Corrthe do thaoibh na Slaine hi Crich 
na Cceianselaigh. Ocus rola Notail a bhennacht la a dhalta ag etarscanwfh. fris .1. la Senan. 
Ocus as soinmech dorala do, comA. aire-sin as maith da gach. dalta benuacAt a oide d'faghbail. 
Ocus dogni Senan aontaidh, etc. 

2049-2055. As Martin of Tours died circ. A.D. 396, and Senan was born circ. A.D. 

488, there is some chronological difficulty in accepting this story. 
2051. For atdm B has atcMam. 

2060. The period of forty days and forty nights is obviously suggested by Deut. ix. 9 
or Matth. iv. 2; and see the Rolls Tripartite Life, pp. 114, 474, 500. 

2061. Raphael is selected as being the messenger of the Lord's help. See the Book 
of Tobit passim. 

2069. Leiha, which I have rendered by 'Latium/ may possibly be 'Letavia,' (W. 
L1ydaw\ i.e. Armorica. 

2070. For the corrupt ' .x. ur' of the Book of Lismore, B has coicc deichneabhair. 
2074. After luamairecht B inserts allonga 7. 2075. For gusa B has gusin. 
2087. For Raithlind B has Raithlend. 

2106. B has la fir fiadhat. 2107. T& \asatfiadhat. 

2109. For taghraim B has lograim, E togatrm. 

2131. For suthach B has suthain, E suithech. 

2133. For ge'tad'Q has geiat, TL getarsa (forf). 

2142. For rointe E has sloindti. 2152. For/rz'0z#B \a& primite. 

2162. For tabarr usce oiffrind dtin B has ttabhartar uiscce an aiffrinn duinn. 

2164. For isind all B has isin aill. 

2170. Compare the Vita S. Aidui, Cambro-British Saints, p. 236 ; Tune misit David 
familiam suam ad litus et invenerunt plenum mare, et puerum jacentem in mare, 
et in circuitu illius mare sublevatum est, et in funiculo traxerunt eum in navem. 

2171. For doroicdis B has doroichtis. 2176. For Ni tic B has ni thainic. 
2179. Sic B. The Paris MS. has : 

Ni bud mo do0 dun ceni bemais inaicce neich im uiscce issunn isarfiaduitsi. 

2181, 2182. For dotheperfea, doeiprinn B has doreprinnfe, doreprinn. 

2190. Forjffr noebu B hasjf?r ncemhtka. 2193. J?orfacbaidh B \asfdccbais. 

2196. For Feis B has Fe'isz. 2212. For rocraith B has rocroifh. 

2213. For co hainsergach ainniardhai'R has^o haznserccach ainiarmartach. 

2 2 20. For urgrana B has urgrdnda. 2229. For a craes B has a drant, 

X X 2 

340 NOTES. 

2230. For in croes B has a gtoncrdos. 

2237. The practice of walking dextrorsum is mentioned infra I. 3104. 

2240. For imnedach B has imshnfomach. 2241. For baithfider B has bdidhfidher. 

2242. For dara ragha B has doraghafo. 2252. For aitreb B has aitireabhtA. 

2259. For rotairrngit^ has rothairrngettar. 

2260, 2261. For 2fo . . . uile B has: 

Ba ferccaA thra b6i Cael frissiumh occa hsreing frisna clochaibh gur brisedh. 

2263. After dogenta B inserts ar Ccel. 

2266. B has: ar aittrebhfait do eland it dhiaigh isin tfr. 

2270. For arts B has affrithisi. 2279. For_/0rw B has m'ferainn. 

2287. B has: ba trii gan deilm dian. 

2292, 2293. Compare the darkness caused by the druid's incantation in the Tripartite 

Life (Rolls ed.), pp. 57, 284, 460. 
2311, 2312. The meaning is that Senan will be cast into the deep sea with a stone 

fastened to his neck. Compare Helen MacGregor's execution of Morris in Rob 

Roy, chap, xxxiii. 

2316. For connach ticfasa B has cona tiocfairsi. 
2321. For inas cHra B has oldds caora. 

2331. do buain dhuilisc, 'to cut duilesc' (=W. delysg or dylusc\ a kind of edible sea- 
weed, in Scotland dulse, in Anglo-Irish dilisk. See Ancient Laws, vol. iv. p. 308, 1. 13. 

2332. For arcenn na mac B has do tabhairt na mac lais. 
2340. For ol a mdthair B has ar a maithre. 

2344. After ttr B inserts gusa. 2354. After neoch B inserts ele chuca. 

2363. For manche B has mainchine. 2383. Before /B inserts et (i.e. ocus). 

2388. As to the cultus of lepers see supra, p. 295. 

2391. A boat without hide, i.e. a coracle without any skin over its wicker framework. 
A similar miracle is told of Egbert in the Calendar of Oengus at Dec. 8 : do Christ 
cachain figil i curchdn cen chodail. And see the story of Enda and his monks, 
Mart. Don. 82; see also the Life of Cybi, Cambro-JBritish Saints, p. 186. 

2399-2415. Compare the story of S. Weneffeda sending a chasuble to S. Beuno, 
Cambro-British Saints, pp. 201-202. 

2416-2446. A truly beautiful legend, vulgarized by Thomas Moore in his St. Senanus 
and the Lady. 

2402. For ctinnach B has cdonmzh. 

2412. After Infidhe B inserts y in salann ele co Diarmait. Alimentary salt seems to 
have been prized by the ancient Irish. The salt kept in a hospitaller's house is 
thus mentioned in the Senchas Mar (Harl. 432, fo. 9 b 2) : Im salund tigi briugad 


.1. nesam he in each vabatd.i. mianach caf>& ain, 'for the salt of the briuga's house, 

i.e. it is a necessary at every time, i.e. desirable to every one.' 
2416. This Canair is Colgan's ' S. Cannera.Virgo/ Ada Sanctorum, p. 174, at Jan. 28. 
2419. For thurgaibh a B has tuarccaibh in. 
2456. For a innisi acht neck o Dia B has : 

a innisin for talmain gach a ndema Dia d'fertaibh j do mhiorbuilibh ar Shenan abhus 6 aimsir a 
gheine go a bis acht muna tisecfh aingeal D6 dia faisneis, cenmota a airmhittin fiadh Dia. 

2462. For sltighu B has slogh. 2470. For teadma B has tedhmanna. 

2473. Forgacfta hainihreidhi 'B has gach aingcisi. 

2478. For aidhleadh B has aidhlidh. 2482. After imcoimetl& inserts occoinn. 

2487. For Cex B has Quis es tu. 

2489, 2491. The use of clouds as vehicles for saints is common in Celtic hagiology. 

Compare Cambro-British Saints, p. 72. 

2497. For assanindsi B has zssininis. 2498. After Mula B inserts et. 

2501. After Senain B inserts et muinntire nime. And after sin B inserts : 

ind aimsir ar n-eitsechta 7 go ro frith coimhetta ind inar mbiu ar indtledhaibh. dembnu j ar gach 
ndoailche olchena. 

* Of the Amhra Sendn of Dalian Forgaill/ says a writer in Smith and Wace's 
Dictionary of Christian Biography, iv. 602, ' we have now no trace/ There are 
two glossed copies, one in the Lebar Brecc, p. 241 a, which begins thus : Senan 
saer sidathair silem soailche, ' Senan noble, peace-father, sower of virtues/ The 
rest is in the wilfully obscure style of the Amhra Choluimb chille. The other copy, 
in the handwriting of Michael 0'Clery,is in the Brussels MS. 4190-4200, fo. 269 a . 


OTHER copies are in the Brussels MS. vol. iv. (2324-2340) part ii, fo. 29 (here 
denoted by B), and vol. xi. (4190-4200), fo. 196 a. Latin Lives are in the Codex 
Salmanticensis, coll. 189-210, in Rawl. B. 485, fo. 54, in Rawl. B. 505, fo. 156 b, and 
in Colgan's Ada Sanctorum, p. 393, at Feb. 23. Perhaps the ' S. Fynantis ' of whom 
there is said to be a Life in the Codex Marshiensis, fo. 84 b , may be meant for Findian. 

2506-2508. Findian's pedigree is thus given in the Book of ' Leinster, p. 348, col. 8 : 

Finnian Cluana Eraird, Mac Findloga, Maze Fintain, Maze Cottcbxaid, Maze Dairchella, Maze Senaig, 
Maze Diarmata, Maze JEda, Maze Fergja, Maz'e AiMla Drub, Maze Celtchair, Maz'c Cuthechair, 
Mate Fotaid, Mate Fir filed, Maze Rosa, Maze Rudraige, ut anjfe in genelogia Conaill C^maig. 

And thus in Lebar JBrecc, p. 15, col. 5 : 

Finden Clnanai hlra[i]rd Mae Finntain, Man: Conchraid, Maze Daircellai, [p. 16, col. i] Maze Senaig, 
Maic Diarmata, maz'c JEda, Maze Fergja, Maze Oililla Duib, Maze CeltchazV, mate UithechazV. 

And after ' Uithechuir,' in 1. 2508, B adds : 

Maze Fir ftledh, maze Glais, maze Rossa, Maz'c "Rudrazge a quo clann Rudraige : dp siol na riogh 
i n-Ulltaibh atacomhnaic. 

2513. After magfia B inserts Nuadhat. 

2514. For crainn-sin conasta B has chrand, corosdsta, and in 2516 for cu ros-fhasta 
B has annside co ro\s\astai. These readings are obviously better, and the translation 
(p. 222) should be corrected accordingly. 

With Telach's vision compare Taradatta's dream, KatMsarit-sagara, trans, by 
Tawney, i. 239. 

2516. After didiu B inserts Taileack (=Teluch 2509). 

2517. For ocut B has // innibh, 'in thy bowels.' 

2521. As to this Abban, see the Martyrology of Donegal, at 16 March. 

2525. For ecclasda B has eclastacda. 

2526. After ghillacht B insertsyfo?//6ir, 'at once.' 

2527. For Tairinis B has, wrongly, Dairinis. 

2529. Before aentaid B inserts a-n. The triad of saints, Dabid, Gillas and Cath- 
mael=the triad David, Gildas and Cadoc, who sent a British mission to Ireland to 


restore the faith there, and from whom the secundus ordo of Irish saints received 
their Order of mass. See Haddan and Stubbs' Councils, i. 115, and the Codex 
Salmanticensis, col. 162, where Doco must be emended into \Ca\doco. David is 
said to have died A.D. 601: Gildas (Badonicus), A.D. 570, and Cathmael or Cadoc in 
the same year. 

2530. For anmannu B has the older anmand, 

2 53 2< For bretheamh B has brithemhain. 

2533. For cohinnfheithmech B has^v hinnithmech 

2535. For anaithnidh.11 has anaichnidh. 

2544. For rotbiat cidh an dunadsa B has ros-biadh cidh andiin. 

2549. For JRq/b/faiged B has rofothaigthe. 

2551. For sruithibh B has suidhibh, 'sages.' 

2554. After ebert B inserts cohessamain, 'fearlessly/ 

2559. For dil in t-secnap B has dil an tsecnapad. 

2565. For indisdi seel dibh B has indisin scetil diph. 

2567. For tocra B has toirm toccrai^ 

2569. ' Go and renew faith and belief in Ireland after Patrick.' This is part of the 
evidence to show that some, if not all, of the Irish apostatised after S. Patrick's 
death. See Dr. Todd, St. Patrick, p. 503, and Haddan and Stubbs, Councils, i. 
155, note a. 

2572. Carrying on the back as a sign of reverence may be added to the list of social 
observances given in the Tripartite Life (Rolls ed.), p. clxxii. So also the following 
from the Life of S. Corinac in the Book of Lecan : Tanic Dai . ; . 7 tuc a bel re lar 
ar umla do Chormac (Dai came and put his mouth to the floor out of humility 
to Cormac). 

2 573- For/on^ B \xa&frisin. 2577. For bhadein B \tes>fodein. 

2581. After reclessa B inserts ann. 2582. B has Roimurchuirset aingil De' nine he". 

2583. For in-adhaigh sin B has ind-aidche-sin. 

2589. For coslatra B has (by metathesis) cosaltra. 

2 595j 2596. For c u . . . lamh B has co tuc an sebac a laimhi 

2610. For atciche B has atcidh. 

2611. The flame was doubtless the radiance of the holy tooth. Compare the 
story of S. Patrick's tooth which fell into a ford and shone there, 'like a sun,' 
Tripartite Life, Rolls ed. p. 196. Other legends of light or fire emitted by the 
relics of saints will be found in the Book of Armagh, fo. 8 a i : quando aeclessia 
super corpus [Patricii] facta est, fodientes humum antropi [i.e. S.vdpa>iroi\ ignem a 
sepulchre inrumpere uiderunt : and in the Lebar Brecc , p. 174 b, where mention is 
made of the lochranna for lasad isin loch, 'lights blazing in the lake* wherein S. 

344 NOTES. 

. Paul's head was lying. As to the luminous fingers of a living saint, see Reeves' 
Columba, p. 226, note c. 

2614. After re B inserts innti. 

2616, 2617. For Ce . . . leas B has Ce non-opa, ar Brtgit, rosficfa a leas. 

2619. For/h' B has ifrithshe't. 

2622. The story of the golden ring weighing exactly an ounce points to the time 
anterior to the introduction of coined money, when payments were made with 
bracelets or rings containing a determinate weight of some precious metal. See 
Prof. d'Arbois de Jubainville's paper in the Revue Arche'ologique, 1888, Des Bijoux 
et de I'argenterie employe's commeprix d'achai. 

2625. After Tainic B inserts iarwn araile. 

2627. For rose B has ruisc. 2631. For eclasda B has eclastacdha. 

2632. For co tart gradhafair iarumh B has conoroet grddha occa. And for Senaigh 
B has Senach. 

2634. FoTglanad'B has claidhe. 2635. For Ni he B has Nochan /. 

2638. A like beneficial effect is produced by the mould from a saint's grave. See the 
Amra Choluimchille, LU. 14 a. 

2639. For dogeba trocaire B has dogentar trocaire fris. 

2642. For airdespoc B has ardapstal. And for dofhindat B has rofetattar. 

2646. YorSenazgh B has Senach, the bishop of Cluain-Foda Fine, Findian's successor, 
see Mart. Donegal at 21 August. More of Senach, infra 11. 2719-2729. 

2647. For bhfaghbhaithe B \vasfaghatbhther. 

2649. For a sinedh B has hi siniudh. With this pretty story, compare the legend 
that birds built their nests in S. Coemgen's hands : Oc us se cen chotludfrisin re-sin, 
ut ferunt, inna crosfigill, co ndernsat na hedin an-nitu inna glacaib, Franciscan 
Liber Hymnorum, p. 40, left margin. And see the story of the hen-blackbird that 
laid and hatched her eggs in the same saint's hand, Giraldus Cambrensis, Top* 
Hib. Dist. ii. 28. Such things are said to have actually happened in India. See 
Joseph Wolff's account, cited in Dr. Geo. Smith's Life of John Wilson, p. 126, of 
the yogi lying in the sun, with the nails of his hands grown into his cheek, and a 
bird's nest upon his head. 

2651. For Ldmha B has Lamh tra. 

2654. For ar biaidh duine maith B has atre dano drem m6r ; and for co B has ria. 

2656. After 'mea' the Lat.Life adds: in seculum seculi hie habitabo quoniam elegi earn. 

2660. For errachtair B has erachtais. 

2664. For bhfhuighbhium B has foigebham. 

2666. For asa r' eirghis ar Finne'n B has asa n-errachtais, ar Ciaran. 

2669. For airchesas . . . dcena B has airchises do cech oen in chiniudha dcenda. 


This Rignach is mentioned in the list of the mothers, etc., of Irish saints, Book 
of Leinster, p. 373, col. i, 1. 17 : 

Rignach siur Finniain, m^arVPhintaia Fochaill- ' Rignach sister of Finnian, mother of Finntan of 
chei 7 mo-Cholm6c Cluana Iraird y Garbain Fochaillech and of My-Colm6c (' Dovelet ') 

o Chill Garbain ifail Achaid Aball. of Clonard, and of Garban of Cell Garbain 

near Achad Aball.' 

And see the Mariyrology of Donegal, pp. 43, 197. 
2672. Gemmdn the Master is mentioned also in the Lebar Srecc, p. 31 b, and see 

supra, p. 303. 
2676. For ind~S> has ar. 
2678. As to Ruadan of Lothra, see the Mariyrology of Donegal, at 15 April. For 

crann o sileadh B has crand on asa siledh. 
2680. For na haighidh B has 7 in didhigh, ' and the guests.' 
2687. After lenna B inserts in limh. 

2689. For ar . . . tiprait B has ar a senadfri F. mani cosctar in tipra. 
2695. After dano B inserts Finnen, and after toirthech B inserts osin ille. 
2697. For the ungrammatical toirrsech B has loir sigh. 
2699. For depraccoit . . . ndedhghair B has dibercditt . . . ndedoirn. 
2703. For Roedbair B has Roedbairset. 
2705. After Tainic B inserts cuicce. 
2708. For co . . . seom B has co n-erbairt oen dia mhanchaibh. 

2710. For Dathi and Fhindein B has Nathi and Patraicc. 

2711. ddm, a party of poets, buffoons, etc., entitled by custom to exact gifts on pain 
of dishonour. For dhuifech B has duilidh. 

2716. After atbath B inserts som. 2721, 2726. For Senaigh B has Senach. 

2723. For esncB B has asnai. 2732. For ccemhnacair B has coemsad. 

2733. For rodusfidir B has rodafitir. 
2737-38. For Nochairigedh . . .pecad B has : 

Ni cursachadh, ni chairigedh na daine, nochiadh chena 7 nopinded a pectho d'iarraith. 

2740. For Diprocoitech B has diprzcoitech. 

2741. For lantoltnaightech . . . no B has lanfholortnaigtech. 
2754. For ronerfugh B has ronertadh. 

2757. For na athardha B has isind athardha ir-rogenair. 
2759. For cu uir B has z'ar mbrdth cech oen dara rachudh &r. 
2765, 2767. For indarbfad'R has indarbthanar. 

2770. For comuidechta . . .yfo'B has coemthechta co hint's mac nEircfor. 


346 NOTES. 

2772. For cun . . . sacarbhaicc B has cond roftt [leg. con-aroflt] Findian contain j 

2773. For nimhe . . . bliadne B has : 

An Choimdhedh na ndula dia ro-fhoghain .1. accionn ocht-moghatt ar ct bliad, amail derbas in 
rann : 

Se trichait \>\iadne co mblaidh 
uas c&ch altoir aird altaig 
iar cinnel a gr^ssa glain 
szghal Find^in mate Finntain. 

Quinine and Moninne also are said to have attained the age of nine score years. 
Abbdn lived 317 years, Sinchell 330! The longevity of Celtic saints may be com- 
pared with that of heathen heroes, such as StarkaSr, GotSmundr, the Servian Marko, 
etc. In some cases, however, it may be ascribed to confusion of two or more saints 
of the same name. 
2777. For traeth B has troethad. And for 7 ... cungnus B has co moradh each 6ein 



Two copies of this strange Life are in Brussels, one in part i. of the MS. vol. iv. 
(2324-2340) fo. 35 a ; the other in part ii. of the same MS. fo. 7 b. The latter (B) is, 
as we shall see, copied from the Book of Mac Carthy JReagh. I know of no Latin 
Life of Finnchua. He is commemorated in the metrical Calendar of Oengus at 
Nov. 25. Some of his austerities are mentioned in the notes to that poem, and in 
the Martyrology of Donegal, pp. 316, 318. 

2789-2791. Findchu's pedigree is given thus in the Book of Leinster, p. 352, col. 8 : 

Findchu Bri gobann, Mae Setna, Mate Abrai, Mate Branain, Maze Dobtha, Maze Oengzesa., Maz'e 
Eire, Maz'e Briuin, Mate JLchacA Muidmeddin. 

And thus in the Lebar Brecc, p. 14, lower margin : 

Findchu o Bri Gaband, Mac Abrai, Maz'e Branain, Maz'e Dobtha, Mate Oengztra, Mate Ercca Dez'rg, 
Maz'e Briain, Mate Echach Muidmedoin, 

where the saint's father is omitted. And thus in the same MS., p. 21, col. 2 : 

Findchu o Bri Goband, mac Setna, Maz'e Abrai, Mate Broin, Maze Dobtha, mate JEngtesa., Male 
Erccai Dez'rg, Maze Briain, Maze JLchaek Muidmedoin. Aliter vel Findchu mac Find, maze 
Logai, -maze Findbairr Mail, maze Messide (Meiside?), Maze FeTgusa, Maze Mind duach, Maze 
Bresail, maze Colla. 

2 793> 2 79 8 - For Suidhe, Suidhe B has Suighde, Stiigde. 

2799. Blathm'ac, according to the Four Masters, died of the Yellow Plague, A.D. 664. 

2820, 3298. For other instances of children speaking out of their mothers' wombs, 

see Martyrology of Donegal, p. 258; Melusine t. iv, cols. 228, 272, 297, 323; 

Oman, Indian Life, p. 68. 

2824. For cercalla B has dor da. 

2825, 2826. For infhlaith B has anfedh. 
2830. A pun (idhain, idhari) seems meant here. 

2832. A screpul = seven golden pence. See Petrie, Ecclesiastical Architecture of 

Ireland, pp. 215-221. 

2841. For Dolreth and imchomaircidh B has Dob<xt and farfa.ig fa's do each. 
2875. For rochtain B has richtain d6. 2910. For loiscfedh B has loisccf\dhe. 

2973. The sparks of fire bursting from the teeth of the furious saint remind one of 

Dietrich breathing fire when he was angry. See Rhys, Hibbert Lectures, 31. 

Y y 2 

348 NOTES. 

2980. As to the Irish practice of beheading defeated foes, see Kuno Meyer, Battle of 

Ventry, p. 79. 

2990. One of the many instances of polygamy among the ancient Irish. 
3012. There are authenticated instances of males suckling infants. See A. von 

Humboldt's Travels, London, 1852, vol. i. pp. 220-222. 
3038. For Cennsilach B has Ceinnsealachaibh. 
3077, 3078. As to the banners of the Irish, see O'Donovan, Battle of Magh Rath, 

pp. 226, 348-350. 

3104. 'He comes thrice righthand-wise round the host with his crozier in his hand.' 
An interesting example of the recognition of pagan practices by Celtic Christianity. 
As to walking desel (the Indian dakshinam kar), see supra 1. 2237. So S. Patrick 
goes righthand-wise round the rath of Armagh (Lebar Brecc, p. 28, col. 2); 
and according to Posidonius (cited by Athenaeus, iv. p. 142) the Gauls roiis deovs 
irpoa-Kvvova-iv ri 5eia orpe^d^ei'ot. Compare the tawdf 'of the Arabs. 

3105. After dho B inserts M. 

3121. For ainicer in tsluaigh B has aincis an sluagh. 

3128. Foreign steeds and British steeds are mentioned elsewhere in Irish literature. 
As to buffalo horns, cf. Loth, Mabinogion, i. 193, note 2. 

3147. The iron stakes here mentioned as a defence of the camp were probably in the 
.nature of chevaux defrise. 

3255. Compare the Book of Fenagh, p. 82, note 5, as to miraculous changes of 

3272. 'An alms out of every nose in Fermoy.' A nose-tax is also mentioned in the 
Book of Rights, p. 229 ; in the Life of S. Maignenn cited in O'Curry's Manners 
and Customs, i. 240; and in Wars of the Gaedhil with the Gaill, ed. Todd, p. 50, 
where an Irish authority quoted in note 13 says in effect that failure to pay it was 
punished either by reduction to slavery, or by having the tip of the nose cut off. 
Dr. Todd (ubi supra, p. cliii) seems to think ' nose-tax ' only another name for 
'poll-tax; 5 and see Cleasby-Vigfusson's Icelandic Dictionary, s.v. nef-gildi, which 
word no doubt is the source of the Irish expression* 

3300. B adds : 

As leabhar Meg Cartaigh Riabaz^h roseriobadh an Betha so Fionnchon i cconveint na mbrathar i 
tteagh mo laga 20. iunij 1629 : i. e. ' Out of the Book of Mac Carthy Reagh this Life of Finnchu 
has been written in the convent of the friars in the House of Mo-laga (Timoleague), the 2oth 
June 1629.' 

And see the Martyrology of Donegal, p. 318. 


ANOTHER copy (B) of this Life is in the Brussels MS., vol. xi. (4190-4200), fo. 
217 a-256 b ; and there is a fragment in another Brussels MS., vol. iv. (2324-2340), 
fo. 733. See also Egerton, 91, fo. 26 a~3o b. The copy in the Irish MS. in the 
Bibliotheque Nationale begins at fo. 82 b i, and runs on fo. 88 a 2. Latin Lives 
are in the Codex Salmanticensis, ed. De Smedt and De Backer, coll. 113-154, in 
Rawl. B. 485, fol. 72 b, and in Codex Marshianus, fo. 56 b (Reeves' Columba, 
p. 221 n). Excerpts in Colgan's Ada Sanctorum^ pp. 723-4. The points of resem- 
blance and difference between the Lismore Life and the Peregrinatio Sancti Brendani 
are clearly stated by Dr. Schirmer in his Zur Brandanus-Legende, Leipzig, 1888. ' 

3317. Brenainn's pedigree is thus given in the Book of Leinster, p. 349, col. i : 

Brenaind apste/ mac Findloga, Maze Olchon, Maze Altai, Maze Ogamain, Maze Fidchum, Male 
Delmnai, Mate Ennse, Maze Fualascaig, Maze Azamain, Matt: Mogasd qui dicitnr Ciar, Maz'e 
Fergwja, Maze Rosa. Do Chiarraige Luachra do [.i. do] Altraige cind Bfra 7 do Chorea Dnibni. 

[In marg.] Vel aliter ~Brenaind Mac Findloga, Male Olchon, Maze Gossa, Maze Gabli, Maze Ecni, 
Maze Altse Maze Ogamaztz, etc. 

And thus in the Lebar Brecc> p. 16, col. 2 : 

Broen find Mae Findlogai, Maze Olchon, Maze Alltai, Maze Ogamain, Maz'e Fidchuri, Maze Delbnai, 

Maz'c Eoin, Maze Ausalazg, Maz'e Astomain, Maze Mogai Toeth. 
Vel Brenaind Mae Findloga, Maze Findcbaak, Maze Gossa, Maz'e Gsebli, Maze Ecni, Maic Alltai, 

amaz'/ ata romaind. Do Qaxiaige Luachra do .1. do Allttraige B^rai randai 7 do Chorco Duibne. 

Hence it appears that in Adamnan's .'Brendenus mocu Alti' (Schaffhausen 
codex, p. 118 a) the mocu means 'great grandson.' 

33 2 4-3325. For Foircetlaid . . . baitsi~& has : 

Forcettlaidh e amhail Pol primhapstal.- Cendais A teacher, he, like Paul a chief apostle : gentle, 
dilgadhach e amail Pettor. Ditrebach e forgiving he, like Peter. A hermit like John 

amhail Eoin mBanptaist. Baptist. 

In p. 298 supra Brenainn is likened to S. Bartholomew. 

3331. This Oengus was slain, according to the Four Masters, A.D. 489. 
3336-3340. This story is thus told in the Book of Leinster, p. 371, col. i : 

BRenaindmcc Findloga,mazV Elchon, maw'^Eltai, Brenaind son of Finding, son of Elchu, son of 

de Chiarraigi Luachra do Alltraige chaille. Aelta, of the Ciarraige Luachra of Alltraige 

I n-oen-amsir la Oeagus mac Nad fraich rig Caille. At the same time with Oengus son 

Mman rogenair. of Nat-fraich, King of Munster, was he born. 

ISi a Tddtkan atchon[n]airc i fis andar le tinne His mother beheld (this) in a vision : It seemed 

de or de [leg. do] tharniud 'na hucht, 7 a to her that a bar of gold fell into her bosom, 

da [col. a] cich do lassad for a brui[n]ni. and her two breasts flamed on her bosom. 


Atchuaid Findlug in fis sin dia anmcharait 
.1. do epscqp Ere mac Ogamuin mate Fidaig. 
Et atb^t side con genfed gein amra on mnai 
at<rh<wnairc in ffs. 

Afrhonairc epscop Ere indair-leis nfam 
theined dar cHch Alt^aige, 7 ba Ian do anglib 

6 nim co lar. 

Luid epscop Ere do thig Findloga iarnabarach, 

7 cohgab in mac ina ucht, et focheird a foesam 
7 a oentaid fris. 

ISi indsin aidchi immttrtarla Bee mac De" in faid 
i tig MazV Arddse mazV Fidaig rig Ciarraige 

Findlug related that vision to his soul-friend 1 , 
even to Bishop Ere son of Ogaman, son of 
Fidach. And Ere said that a marvellous 
child would be born of the "woman who had 
beheld the vision. 

Then Bishop Ere saw (this). It seemed to him 
that a hue of fire was over the district of 
Altraige, and that it was full of angels from 
heaven to the ground. 

Bishop Ere went on the morrow to Finding's 
house, and took the boy into his bosom, and 
conferred his protection and his union upon 

That is the night whereon Bee mac De the 
prophet chanced to be in the house of Mac 
Arddae son of Fidach, the king of Ciarraige 
The king asked him : ' What seest thou for us 

to-night, O Bee ? ' 
' I see that thy king is born between thee in the 

west and the sea.' 

' Truly,' saith Mac Arda, ' we know of no free 
race between us and the sea that would have 
a right to reign over us.' 
Bee replied : ' The son that is born unto Findlug 

to-night, he will be thy king for ever.' 
Now a swift rain came from the source of the 
Jordan, and dropt upon him at the time of 
his baptism. Wherefore he was called Bren- 
dinus, that is a drop (broen) swift (dian) from 
above (dianuas), or at the time (denus) of his 

More as to the prophet Bee mac D6 in the Lebar Brecc, p. 263 b ; in Egerton 
1782, fo. 38 a, i ; in the Book of Lismore, fo. 94 a, 2; in the Martyrology of 
Donegal, at October 12 ; and in the Annals of the Four Masters, A. D. 478, 557 
(in which year he died), 825. 

3345. For eadratj muir inocht B has anocht etratt et bochna, where bochna is a rare 
word, explained by Peter O'Connell as ' the sea or ocean.' 

3347. For rucsat .xxx. bo B has ruccatar .xxx.ferlu .1. bo. 

3377. This line is corrupt in the Book of Lismore. The Egerton MS. is better: fiach 
baistigh Brdnainn, nf bre'c. - 

3394. For 16 bh'chl B has loim no blechtach. 

3395. For bainne B has lomma. 
3401. Yorfuz'rre B has uaisti. 

1 i. e. confessor, spiritual director. 

Immjcomarcair in ri : ' Cid atchi diin innooht, 

' Atchiu congenedar do ri etrut aniar 7 muir.' 

Ni fetamar em,' ar Mac Arda, ' sil sasr notlessad 
rige iora. etruind 7 muir.' 


Albert Bee: 'Mac beraxc innocht do Findlug, 

bod e do ri dogre's.' 
Dothset immorro broen dian do ihopur lordanen 

co rothinsan fair i ndenj a baiste. C0id 

de asrubradsom Brendinwj .1. broen dian 

dianuas, no i ndenwj a baisti. 



3402. Heroines and heroes with radiant faces, breasts, and arms, are common in 
Indian and European folklore. See, in Maive Stokes' Indian Fairy Tales, London, 
1880, the story of Phulmati Rdni, and note 2, to which add the following verse 
from the Book ofLeinster, p. 210 b, 11. 16-18 : 

Roscuch in cuach corcra cain 
dia cichib sis cein sentaid 
co mbenfaide frigde friss 
istig ar soillsi a caemchniss. 

The fair purple stomacher (?) went 
Down from her breasts without old age, 
So that a fleshwonn could be struck out 
In the house by the light of her lovely skin. 

Add also the description of Balder's beauty in Sn. 26 : Hann er sva 1 fagr litum 
ok biartr sva 1 at lysir af honum (he is so fair of face and bright that he shines of him- 
self). So air and water shine with the brightness of GeroYs arms. Saem. 81, 
Sn. 39. 

3403. After proicept'Q inserts Ireiihre De. 

3407. One of the many proofs that the aristocracy of the ancient Irish were fair-haired. 

3415. After z#//B inserts cein. 

3417. For Oirisidh B has Airisis. 

3427. For na ruithne ndiadha B has a ratha diadha> 'of his divine grace/ 

3436. For dorala B has feccaimh, the enclitic form of the 3rd sg. j-aorist act. of 

do-ecmaingim. The Old-Irish form is do-r-ecaim (with infixed ro), LL. 54 b, 36, 

which Zimmer was the first to explain, Kuhn's Zeitschrift, xxx. 129, 130. 
3442. For benuid a cenn de ina richt som B has benait a chenn don choirthe a richt a 


3446. After Eire B inserts./rzk 

3449. As to these Rules, see Reeves, Columba Index s. v. Rules. 
3485. larlaithe, probably the bishop commemorated on 26 December. For Trena . . . 

Macta B has Treoin . . . Mochta. 

34883489. For ciduma bhfolcai forainn B has Cidh ara bfoilgefoirn. 
3497. For dan B \&s,fada. 

3504. For tadhbhaister ithfern E has tadbastar do hiffirn. 
3544-3545. For oconn aingel B has a gion an at'ngi'l, ' out of the angel's mouth.' 

3551. For tairgidh B has tairccis. 

3552. After ghabh B inserts sin. 

3562. After dhainib B inserts an account of a visit paid to Brendan by 'Barrintus 

mac meic Neill.' 
3565. Perhaps daidche is another form of the adverb dadaig ; if so, translate: 'he 

goes alone to a mountain (Brandon Hill ?) at night.' 
3583. For^-0 loinne E has co londi. 

353 NOTES. 

3601-3616. This story of celebrating mass on a whale's back is thought by some to 
have been borrowed from a tenth-century version of Sindbad's First Voyage, where 
the fish is mistaken for an island \ But it occurs also in ch. xxvi. of Bill's Life of 
S. Machut, or Malo ; and in ch. xiii. of an anonymous Life of the same saint, both 
of which Lives were written in the ninth century. See Deux Vies in/dites de Saint 
Malo, Rennes, 1884, pp. 52, 144. 

The following is a correct copy of ch. xxvi. of Bili's Life, Mus. Brit. Bibl. Reg. 13, 
A. x., a MS. of the tenth century : 

De cglebratione missse in die paschg super cgtum (fo. 65 b). 

(fo. 77 b). Inde uento ueniente nauimq de portu ubi erant 2 separante, illisqw* naui[fo. 78 a]-gantibus 
usque mane die dominicg resurrectionis paschse, sole oriente, tertia adpn?pinquante, populo oratio- 
neffz postulante, magister ut sanctus Machu missam die illo cantaret, precabatur. Sed illo causante 
locuwz oportunum non esse . ecce insula modica apparuit . ad quam properantes p^nrexerunt. Et 
in illam ancoram ponentes aique descendentes, sancfo Machu missam canente, cglabrauerunt . et at 
ad Agnw Dei uentum est, ecce locus abi missa cglebrabatur commotus est, et tnnc omnes missam 
audientes tremente una uoce dicunt : () Brendane ecce nos om<?s deglutimur. Tune magister ait : 
6 sattc/g Machu, dusmus 3 sd transfiguranit ut multos in interitum ducat. Tune intrepide sanctus 
Machu dixit. 6 magister, nonne aliis, me audiente, quod quondam lonse prwphetae nolenti * ad 
Niniuen p^^gere, Domino uolente . coetus uitale sepulchruw fuit, pralicasti ? Ecce simili modo 
nobis in auxilium hie a D^o preparatus est. Tune prg [fo. 78 b]-cipiens ut omnes in nauim 
p^rgerent, missawz compleuit. Et ille cum fiducia coseto se sub pedes eius humiliter prebente post 
illos nauem perrexit. Et exinde, ut illi narrauerunt, ipse [cetus] usqw* ad crastini diei horam 
tertiam, inter illos et fluctus mans se prebuit. 

A similar story is in Olaus Magnus, whence probably Milton's lines about the 
Leviathan, Paradise Lost, book i. : 

Him haply slumbering on the Norway foam, 
The pilot of some small night-foundered skiff, 
Deeming some island, oft, as seamen tell, 
With fixed anchor in his scaly rind 
Moors by his side. 

36323668. Similar descriptions of Hell, composed of strings of alliterating adjec- 
tives, may be found in the Vision of Adamndn, LU. p. 30, and the Tidings of 
Doomsday, Rev. Celt. iv. 252. The variae lectiones here offered by B and E are 
numerous, but not important : 

3636. For nuallghotha B has nuallghuba. 

1 The origin of this marvel is, according to Lane (The Thotisand and One Nights, iii. 79), El- 
Kazwmi's 'Aj'di'6 el-Makhluqdt. Compare also the story of the tortoise in the KitAb Ajaib el-Hind, 
c. 1 8. a MS. erat. 

3 dusmus diabolus, Zeuss G. C. 2 1063, last line, may be cognate with the Gaulish dusii, as to 
which see Ducange s.v. 

* MS. nolente. 


0637. For teneadh B and E have the adj. teinntighib. 

3638. For dubha dorcha E has the compound dub-dorchaib, and after bithbroin B 

inserts 7 bdis cen crick, cenfoircenn, ' and of death without limit, without end.' 
3643. For ichtair adheitig ithfrinn. For sleasaibh E has ichtaraigh. Imfuair adeitig 

hifernda hi slesaibh. 

3650. For donna . . . tangnacha B has dronnmora . . . tuathbertaigh. 
3652. For Farcha troma zarnaidhi'E has Farchadha trena tromiarnnai&he. 
3665. For sirdhubach B has sirlobtha. 

3680-3682. A similar female monster is mentioned supra in the Preface, p. xliii. 
3698. As to waxed tablets (tabulae ceratae, ceracula), see Reeves, Columba, pp. 358, 

359, and 454, col. 2. 

3741. $nne, the 'Enda' of the Calendar of Oengus and the Martyrology of Donegal, 
at 21 March, is mentioned infra 1. 4289. His pedigree is given in three different 
forms, in LL. 347, col. 8 ; in LL. 357, col. 4 ; and in LB. 14, col. 5. 

3742. Pupu. This is the saint (also called Nem and Caelbe, and said to have been 
Pope of Rome) in whose honour Sendn composed the following verses, Book of 
Ldnster, p. 373, lower margin: 

Abbas alm.r amabil/j 
Romae rector docibilzV 
Papa pastor p?vbabil& 
Caelbe cJtos regiminis. 

37343735. This seems a reminiscence of some real emigration, to the Faeroes or 

Iceland perhaps. 
3743-3759. The story of the crosdris voluntary self-sacrifice may be compared with 

that of Odhran, supra p. 178. See Todd, St. Patrick, 459. As to the meaning of 

crosan, which glosses scurra, see Irish Nennius, p. 182. 
3796-3805. Another story of a fight between sea-beasts is told in Latin, supra 

? 333> M- 2835, an( ^ thus in Irish in the Franciscan Liber Hymnorum, p. 41, upper 

margin : 

B6i Brenaind .iiii. bliaafwa for muir oc iarrair Seven years was Brenainn at sea, seeking the 
Tire Tarngere. Boi (be)ist icoa [sic, leg. Land of Promise. There was a monster fol- 

icca] lenamain frisin re-sin indiaid in chur lowing him at that time after the boat. Once 

raig. Fecth and tanic beis[t] aile cuci dia upon a time another monster came to it to 

marbad, co roattig in beist Brenaind } noebu kill it ; and the monster entreated Brenaind 

Erend olchena frisin mbeist ole, T niros-anact- and the saints of Ireland besides (to protect 

[atar] co ro attaig Brigit, co w-erbairt Brenaind it) from the other ; and they protected it not 

iarsen na biad ni fod siriu for muir noco till it entreated Brigit. So Brenaind then 

fessad cid ara ndernad ar Brigit in firt-sa sech declared that he would stay at sea no longer 

each. until he should know why this miracle was 

wrought for Brigit rather than every other 


Z Z 

354 NOTES. 

3876. This old man seems to be the anchorite mentioned in the litany contained in 
the Book ofLeinster, p. 373, col. 4 : 

IN t-anchara fon-anic "Brenaitut aracMnd i tir The anchorite whomBrenainn found before him in 
tharngzV-e cusna. huilib noemaib torchratar in the Land of Promise, with all the saints that 

duib-Mnsib ind ociain. have perished in the obscure isles of the ocean. 

His 'feathers' may be a reminiscence of some hermit's dress of birdskins. 

As to the Irish ' Land of Promise/ see Schirmer, Zur Brandanus Legende, 
p. 20. Ailbe's voyage in search of it is mentioned in the Book of Leinster, 
P- 373 d. 

3882. Here the legend of Brenainn suddenly breaks off, and the Life concludes with 
a long passage copied from the Vision of Adamndn, Lebar na hUidre, 31 b, and 
Lebar Brecc, 256 a. 

3892. The notion that souls assume the form of birds occurs constantly in Irish 
hagiography. See Revue Celtique, ii. 200. 

1 The facsimile has ' huibb.' But the corresponding passage in the Lebar Brec, p. 23, col. 2, 
1. 43, has clearly ' duib.' 


ANOTHER copy (B), made by Michel O'Clerigh, in Coill an lubhair, in the 
convent of the friars of Athlone, from ' the Book of Aodh (5g tJa Ddlachdin of Les 
Cluaine in Meath' is preserved in the Bibliotheque Royale at Brussels, vol. xi. (4190- 
4200), fo. 149 a. Latin Lives are in Rawl. B. 405, fo. 91, Rawl. B. 505, fo. 127 b, 
and Codex Salmanticensis, edd. De Smedt and De Backer, coll. 155-160, and 
perhaps in the Codex Kilkenniensis, fo. 106 b. 


3920. For tairmescaidh B has tairmescthaidh, and for cecha maithiusa B has 7 forcet- 

laid cecha firinde. 
3930. For dordidh B has dorat. 
3938. For lethad B has raith righ m'me. 
3957. Lucerna, etc. These words form part of a hymn quoted by Colgan, Trias 

Thaum. p. 472, col. i, and beginning thus: 

Quantum Christe O Apostolum 
Mundo misisti hominem: 
Lucerna huius insulae 
Lucens lucerna mkabilis, etc. 

3960. Custodiantur, etc. Thus in B : 

Custodiuntur regimina 

adcess[i]one edita 

diuulgata reg[i]mina 

per omnia sanctorum monasteria. 

For Coimhtttar B has coimedazghter. 

3963. For dr , . . uili B has : ar as esti dleghar riaghla j bestata do breith fo 

Erinn uile. 
3965. For Profeta, etc. B has : 

Prophetaque nouisimus 

fuerit p^rsagiminibus, 

where the last line should perhaps be 

fuerat praesagminibus. 
Z Z 2, 

356 NOTES. 


3975. Ciardn's pedigree is thus given in the Book of Leinster, p. 348, col. 8 : 

Ciaran Cluana. mac Nois Mac Beodain, Mate Bolggain, Maze Linnida, Mate Cuirc, Maze Daaed, 
Cunnida, Mate Cais, Mate Fraech [p. 349, col. i], Mate Causcraid, Maze Meisinsued, Maze Sailed, 
Mate Ercada, Male Mechoin, Mate Nechta, Mate JEAa., Mate Coirbb, Mate ^Eda gnoe, Mate 
Fergse Lethain, Mate Feidlimid, Mate Medrui, Mate Follomain, Mate Cuirc Dothi, Mate Fergusa, 
Mate Rosa, -mate Rudraigi. 

To which this note is added : 

Don tsechtmad aicmi do Latharnaib Molt d6. Of the seventh family of the Lathairn Molt was 

Robai axttts a athair i ndsere i mBretnaib. he. At first his father was in bondage in 

Tanic iartain i nHerz'ww co cen^l Cona.Hl Britain. He afterwards came to Ireland to 

assa/e ar imgabaz'/ cisa truim cornaC (?) co Cene"l Conaill. Thence to avoid a heavy tax 

rogenair Ciaran ic Rdith Chrimthaind im- to Connaught (?), so that Ciaran was born at 

Maig .3S. Raith Cremthainn in Magh Au 

Beo n-Jid. sser nomen patris eius. Darerca Beo-Aed the wright was his father's name : 

nomen matris eiusdem. Darerca was his mother's name. 

See also Lebar Brecc, p. 16, col. i. 

3992. For for a tuisdidhibh cu tucad B has : for a caraitt 7 for a tuisdidhibh cottuctha 
do 7 tucad. 

3993. For ara rucaid B has iarsa rucctha. 

3994. For Luc oil B has Luachatt. 

3995. After deochain B inserts sidhe. 

3996. For Rue B has Ruccad. 

3997. For craibhdech B has irisech. 

4013. 'Noise of chariot under king/ a common proverbial expression. Compare 
'Currus sub rege resonat aut sub gratia Dei,' Vita Sancti Aidui, Cambro-British 
Saints, p. 233. 

4025. A similar miracle is told of S. Patrick and Daire's horse : see Tripartite Life, 
Rolls ed. pp. 230, 290, 291, 472. 

4034. "Forfheochair B has rofheochair. 

4035. A similar miracle is told of S. Patrick. Tripartite Life, Rolls ed. p. 36. 
4046. After salm B inserts : (is eisidhe polaire Ciarain anfu). So a ram used to 

carry Maignenn's psalter and prayerbook, Martyrology of Donegal, p. 338, 
4063-4081. This curious story is valuable, i. as shewing that the Irish were at an 

early date acquainted with the art of dyeing, and 2. that some of the Irish deemed 

it a kind of female rite or mystery, from presence at which males were excluded. 

The glaisin (woad ?) is mentioned also in the Ancient Laws, ii. pp. 370, 372. 
4089. B adds : ut dixit : 

Laithe n-sen occ ionghaire do Ciaran go tren tarraid 
dorad arai n-ionmuine Isegh na bo don choin allaidh. 



4096. After alnaig B inserts Ciaran. 

4131. Ycxacht B has ce'nmotat. After nama B adds : amhal deimhnigther 'san rann : 

Occ Ciaran role"ghastair inghen ba seghda settaibh 
et ni rQfhe*ghastar a cruth na a delbh na a de*namh. 

Compare Martyrology of Donegal, pp. 240, 242. 

4134. The 'three waves' are obviously suggested by the 'three waves' (triple 
immersion) of baptism. Compare the Wiirzburg Codex Paulinus, 27 a 14: teora 
tonna torunni in babtismo, Iredenus dosum (three waves over us in baptism, three 
days to Him, Christ) in sepulchre. See also Roger Hoveden, Chron. at 1172, and 
in Wales : Seque ter in nomine sancte Trinitatis in unda submersit, Vita S. Cadoci, 
Lives of Cambro-British Saints, p. 27. 

4136. Making a living stag's antlers serve as a bookstand is a stock miracle in Celtic 
hagiology : see infra, 1. 4341, and the Life of S. Aiduus, in Lives of the Cambro- 
British Sainfs, p. 234. 

4148. For Tancas B has Tanacsa. 

4154. Compare Reeves' Columba, p. 336, note g. 

4170. There are many other stories of the successful resistance of Irish saints to 
amorous Irishwomen. The most curious of these, perhaps, is that contained in the 
Lebar Brecc, p. 242, col. 2, Egerton 92, fol. 27 a, and Rawl. B. 512, fo. 140 b. 
This has been published, with a French translation, by M. Henri Gaidoz, in 
KpvTn-aSw, vol: iv. See also the Book ofLeinster, p. 278, col. i, 11. 2136. 

4186. The Irish seem to have made pets of many wild animals wolves, foxes, deer, 
badgers, ravens, cranes, and perhaps others. See Ancient Laws, iv. 120. 

4189. For the enclitic TardB has the orthotonic Dorad. 

4230-4231. For ona breithir o nach B has : 7 as f a briathar dosfaraill ar na. 

4234. For nduisce B has ttathbeoaige. 

4264. For sortuaidh D has sairtiiaidh. Findian's vision is thus related in the Lebar 
Brecc, p. 31 b, 11. 41-48. 

Taidbsiu tarfas tan ele dp Finden .1. da esca do 
turcabail o Cluain Eraird .1. escai ordaige 7 
escai aile airgide. Laid in t-escai ordai i 
tuaiscert na hindsi co rolas Heri 7 Alba 
desium. Lnid in t-escai airgide co rogab imon 
Sinaind co rolas Eri ar medon de. Colum 
cille co -or a socheneoil 7 a ecnai. et Ciaran 
mac in tshair ind airged co taitnem a shualach 
7 a sognim. 

At another time a vision was shown to Findian, 
to wit, two moons rose from Clonard, even a 
golden moon, and another, a silver moon. 
The golden moon went into the north of the 
island, so that Erin and Alba shone thereby. 
The silvern moon went and stayed by the 
Shannon, so that Erin in the midst thereof 
shone thereby. The golden moon signified 
Colomb cille with the gold of his noble birth 
and wisdom, and the silver was the Wright's 
son Ciaran, with the brightness of his virtues 
and his good deeds. 

358 NOTES. 

4275. For coiri deis B has 2 coire .x. [' twelve caldrons '] dar eisi. 

4297-4304. A Latin version of this story, from a MS. in Marsh's Library, Dublin,. 

may be found in Bishop Reeves' Columba, p. 88, note c . 
4322-4323. Also in the Martyrology of Donegal, p. 240. The same miracle is 

performed by S. Aiduus, Cambro-British Saints, p. 247. A somewhat similar story 

is told of King Guaire of Aidne, whose proverbial generosity was displayed even 

after his death : 

IS e doroni in firt n-amra hi Claain mac N6is, He it is that wrought the marvellous miracle in 

dia rucad-som dia adnocol di. Tanic in druth Clonmacnois, when he was borne thither to 

dia saigid, j rogab alguis de im athchuingid his grave. The buffoon came to him, and 

fair. Dorat-som a laim darsin forbaid im- asked a boon of him repeatedly. (So the 

mach, 7 rogab Ian a duirnd don ganium, 7 dead king) put his hand out over the ground, 

rodibairc i n-uch in druad 1 , co nd^ma bruth and took his fistful of the sand, and flung it 

oir de". Conid he sin enech dedenach Guairi. into the buffoon's breast, and made a mass of 

LTJ. 117 b. 13-18. gold thereout. So that is Guaire's last deed 

of bounty. 

Hatim et-Tdi is the Oriental counterpart of Guaire, and a tale of his generosity 
after death is translated by Lane, The Thousand and One Nights, 1859, vol. ii. 
p. 295. 

4342. For in t-agh B has an t-oss. 

4360. For robui . . . litre B has : frith 6, gan dith litre gan fliuchadh. See above, 
1. 43 2 1, Bishop Reeves, in his Columba, ^. 117, note g, has collected other instances 
of the power of saints' manuscripts to resist the influence of water. 

4413. For Rofuiredh flaith B has Roddiledh fiedk. 

4425. In tene se'nta, 'the hallowed fire/ was perhaps the fire produced on Maundy 
Thursday from flint and steel, and kept unextinguished till Easter Eve. See the 
first Ordo Romanus, c. 32, p. 21, cited in Smith and Cheetham's Dictionary of 
Christian Antiquities, vol. i. p. 672. Other holy fires were kept alive in Ireland at 
Kildare and (I believe) in Inishmurray. 

4426. Ciar&n of Saigir. Of this saint there is a Latin Life in the Codex Salmanticensis, 
edd. De Smedt and De Backer, coll. 805-818, and a fragmentary Irish Life in 
Egerton 91, fo. 42 a. See also the Martyrology of Donegal, at March 5. 

4435- Similar stories of carrying fire are told in the notes to the Calendar of Oengus, 

Jan. 2, and in the Lives of SS. Cadoc, Cybi, and Tathan. See Cambro-British 

Saints, pp. 29, 1 86, 261. 
4472. See the note to the Calendar of Oengus at Sept. 9, Cormac's Glossary, 

s. v. cacaid, and the poem attributed to Ciaran in the Book of Leinster, 

p. 374 c. 

1 Read i n-iicht in druith. 



4478. The story here referred to is told more fully in the Tripartite Life, Rolls ed. 

pp. 84, 556. 

4500. For lanairpeitech B has lanoirfitteach. 4501. For Esiadh B has Istadh. 

4528-4534. More completely thus in Lebar JBrecc, n b : 

Soerad echwi De . co mbathis 7 comna 7 gabail 
n-ecnairce. co rruzcaib do legend, co n-idpairt 
chuirp Crist for c&ch n-altoir. 

Ni dligzV dechmadu, na bo chendaith, na tnan 
annoti, na dire seoit do mhainib, mina bet a 
frithfolaid techta na heclosi innte do bathis 7 
comnai 7 gabal n-ecnairce a manach etz> bin 
7 marbu 7 cor-roib oifrend ior altoir i ndom- 
naigib 7 sollamnaib 7 cor-rabut aidme oga 
cock altoir dib. 

Nach eclazV oc'na bia a techta ni dlig landire 
eclaz'ji De, acht is naim thagut * 7 latrand a 
hainmm la Cm/. 

Freeing of God's Church, with baptism and 
communion and chanting of requiems ; with 
boys to read, with offerings of Christ's Body 
upon every altar. 

It is not entitled to tithes, nor to a heriot (?) 

cow, nor to an annoifs third, nor to 

unless the proper reciprocal duties of the 
Church (are performed) therein, (namely) of 
baptism and communion and chanting re- 
quiems for her monks, both live and dead, 
and so that there be offering on altar on 
Sundays and high-tides, and so that there be 
complete implements on every altar of them. 

No church that has not its proper (furniture) is 
entitled to the full fine of God's Church, but 
its name is, according to Christ, a cave of 
thieves and robbers. 

4535-4544. Two fragments of the piece of which there is a complete copy in Harl. 

5280, fo. 39 b. The beginning, only, of another copy is in Rawl. B. 512, fo. 

41 a 2. So far as I understand them, the Lismore fragments of this ' cose,' or 
direction, run thus : 

What is to be avoided by man ? Not hard (to say). Being often angry. Haughtiness without 
science. Fierceness towards an old man. Sluggishness at the bell. Secrets to the untrust- 
worthy (?). Abundance on luaman. Mockery of words. Impure expressions. Bitterness of 
answer. Stubbornness towards the vice-abbot. Siihe at reproaching. Commarbai to monks. 
Frequency of questioning. 

Query What is to be followed? No doubt. Staying at penitence. Watchfulness (?) of words. 
Gentle words. The rule to fulfil. Rising at the first word. A step of readiness for God. 
Simplicity of heart. Quenching desire. Overcoming nature. Patience at tribulations, and so 

Mo-cholm6c (otherwise Colma'n) of Les-m6r is commemorated on 22 January. 

589. I know of no other copy of this pessimistic poem, the first line of which 
means ' More dolorous than death seems to me.' 

tagut is = O'Clery's tadhad ! gadaighe. 


ANOTHER copy (B) of this Life is in the Brussels MS. vol. iv (2324-2340), part ii. 
fo. i a, and a fragment (only two columns) in Egerton 91, fo. 56 b, which begins 
with the pedigree (1. 4636). Latin Lives are in Rawl. B. 485, fo. 114, and in 
Rawl. B. 505, fo. 93 b. And Colgan prints (Acta Sanctorum, pp. 789, 790) a Latin 
translation made by Philip O'Suillevan from Irish MSS. 

4617-4622. The arithmetic is difficult. Perhaps the meaning is that 5 (books of 
Moses) multiplied by 2 (Law and Gospel) = 10 (commandments), and that this 10 
multiplied by 4 (elements in a man) is = 40. Even so the 5 (talents) multiplied by 
2 (Law and Gospel) = 10 (commandments), and this 10 multiplied by 4 (gospels) 
is also = 40 (the number of the days in Lent !). 

4624. The five ages, according to Isidorus, are: 

I. From Adam to the Flood; 
II. From the Flood to Abraham; 

III. From Abraham to David; 

IV. From David to the Babylonian Captivity; 
V. From the Captivity to Caesar's death. 

4671. After coimmite B inserts no a lucht coimhidechta. 

With this legend of the fountain travelling like a cloud compare the story in 
Cormac's Glossary, s.v. Ninus, of the wave that passed through the air and became 
a well. Compare also Burton's A Thousand Nights and a Night, v. 274:- 'Now 
Almighty Allah had subjected to him [scil. a devout Jew] a cloud, which travelled 
with him wherever he went, and poured on him its water-treasures in abundance, 
that he might make his ablutions and drink.' The legend of the Esthonian lake 
Eim 'which hastened through the air like a white cloud' to bless the pious 
farmers (Grimm, Deutsche Mythologie, 2te aufl. s. 566) furnishes a third parallel. 

4679. This reference to a watermill is one of the arguments used by Dr. Petrie (On 
the History and Antiquities of Tara Hill, pp. 139, 140), to prove that such mills 
were introduced into Ireland at an early period. A tradition which, if true, 
throws back this period to the third century after Christ is contained in Cuan hua 
Lothchain's poem on Tara, Book of Battymote, p. 351, 11. 18-25. 


Ciarnad cumal Cormazc coir Ciarnait, bondmaid of just Cormac, 

mor-c<# nobiathad a broin. Used to feed a great hundred by (her) quem. 

deich meich la each Isei do bleith, To grind ten sacks a day 

nirb'opar duine denmeich \ Was not an idle person's work. 

Ros-tarraig aicge in ri ran The noble king met her 

innai tigh a hsenuran, In her house alone, 

cors-toirrchestair fo chleith : And secretly made her pregnant : 

iarsin foremidh robleith. Thereafter she was unable to grind much. 

lARsin ros-oirchis ua Cnind, Thereafter Conn's descendant 2 spared her. 

tug sser muilz tar mor-thuind : He brought a millwright over the great wave. 

ce"t-mbuik# Cormazc maze Airt The first mill of Cormac son of Art 

robo cobair du Ciarnait. Was a help to Ciarnait. 

4711. As to these 'aquatiles bestiae/ see Reeves, Columba, 140, note c. 

4800. The transfer of the Yellow Plague to a crozier, and the transfer (infra, 1. 4884) 
of a gangrene to a saint's bell are noteworthy. For though transfers of diseases to 
inanimate objects are frequent in folk-medicine (in India, e.g. a child's marasmus is 
sometimes transferred to a field of sugar-cane 3 ), these objects are not usually sacred. 

4829. In like manner an otter brings a salmon to the hermit in the Voyage of Mael 
duin, c. 33 (Revue Celfique, x. 88). 

4832. Mention of female warriors is often made in Irish literature. See Kuno 
Meyer's Battle of Ventry, pp. 76-77. I know not if the Irish ban-gaiscedaig 
find their British reflex in the fair gwrforwyn Ynys Prydain, ' three viragos (or 
amazons) of the Isle of Britain,' Pughe s. v. Gwrforwyn, or in the conquering 
sorceresses (gwidonot), with one of whom Peredur goes to learn horsemanship and 
the use of arms (Mabinogion, ed. Guest i. 257, edd. Rhys and Evans, p. 211). 

4853- The direction to go in Jesu's name and look at the sun is curious. That Christ 
is * King of the white sun/ that He is the ' white sun illumining heaven with much 
holiness,' see the Calendar of Oengus, Prologue 4-7. That the sun is emblematic 
of the person of the Saviour, see Mai. iv. 2 (sol jwtitiae\ and John i. 9 (lux -vera). 
But here we have, perhaps, a trace of the heathen notion of purification by the sun, 
which in India has given rise to the practice of laying new-born children in its rays. 
(See Oman, Indian Life, p. 69.) 

1 Cf. deinmheach ! diomhaoin, O'Cl. 

2 i. e. King Cormac, son of Art, son of Conn. 

3 See Oman, Indian Life, p. 273, where the process is described. See also Tyler, Primitive 
Culture, II. 148, 149. 

3 A 


Acallam Bee, xliii. 

Acallam na Sen6rach, xliii. 
. agriculture. See barley, oafs, 
reapers, seeds, sickle. 

Aided Diarmata, xxviii, xxix. 

ale, 185, 229, 232, 236, 270, 
31, SIS? brewing, 188; tri- 
bute of, 371. 

aliases of Irish saints, 300, 301. 

alliterating adjectives, 352. 

alms, 337. 

alphabet on cake, 172, 303. 

amazons, Celtic, 360. 

Amra Choluimchille, 316, 317, 

Amra Senain, 341. 

anchor, 258, 335. 

anchorite, 354. 

Ancient Laws of Ireland, 337, 

355, 356. 

angel bringing letter, 164; 
cleansing hearth, 152 ; dic- 
tating rule, 252. 

angels carry Findian, 224; 
grinding, 267, 268; service 
of, 249 ; over wood in which 
Mochua dwelt, 285. 

anger, cowl burnt by saint's, 233. 

Annals, Irish, xlii. 

antenatal miracle, 244. 

Antichrist, xix. 

antlers. See stag. 

aorists in Irish verb, Ixxiv- 
Ixxvii, 350. 

Ap Gwilym, xlii. 

apostacy of the Irish, 343. 

apples made sweet, 175 ; men- 
tioned, 190, 326. 

appletree, 224. 

Aristophanes, xlii. 

arm shrivelling, 157. 

article, liii. 

astrology, xv. 

Ausonius, xlii. 

austerities of Finnchua, 347. 

bacon, 185, 270, 313, 319. 

Balder's beanty, 351. 

banners, 239, 348. 

baptism, 162, 357; unction in, 

bark for tanning, 176, 306. 

barley, 175, 305. 

barleybread, 229. 

barn, 205. 

barren land made fruitful, 227. 

barrenness miraculously cured, 
282, 286, 335. 

basket, 287. 

bathing to quench lust, 237, 238. 

battle. See corpse. 

battle-stone, xxxix. 

beatitudes, 188, 323. 

Beatus, x, xii, 180, 288. 

beheading foes, 348. 

bell, 278 ; gangrene transferred 
to, 288, 361 ; used in cursing, 
311; brought from a sub- 
marine church, 335. 

bequest, 208, 234. 

Bezzenberger's Beitrage, Ixxv. 

bier, 252. 

Bill's Life of S. Malo, 352. 

bird, Michael in form of, xiv. 

birds resting on saint's hands 
and head, 226, 344; souls in 
form of, 260, 354. See 
crane, cup, eagle, hawk, ousel, 
owl, feathers. 

birth-feast, 156. 

bishops, orders of, 188; func- 
tions of, 286. 

blackberries, 204. 

blessings on estuaries, 156, 59 ; 
on foetus, 160; on womb, 
224; on Munster, 164; on 
Domnall, 311. 

blind, 191 ; healed, 197. 

blindness, robbers stricken with, 

blood, dumb cured by Brigit's, 


boat, hideless, 218. See oars, 

3 A 2 

bolster, 180, 229, 279, 317. 
bondmaid, 183 ; release of, 272 ; 

grinding with quern, 361. 
Book of Armagh, 299. 
Book of Ballymote, xl, 360. 
Book of Fenagh, 348. 
Book of Fermoy, xxix, xxx, 

xxxviii, xli. 
Book of Lecan, 343.. 
Book of Leinster, xxv, xxvi, 

xxix, xxxv, 293, 294, 298, 

299. 3o, 306-308, 335> 336, 

337, 342, 345, 346, 349. 35i> 

353, 354, 355, 35<>. 
Book of Lismore described, v 

xlv ; referred to, 350. 
Book of Monasterboice, v, vii. 
Book of Rights, ed. O'Donovan, 

xxxi, 348. 
books, 174, 304 ; indestructible, 

176; protected from damp, 


booksatchel, 230. 
bracelets, payments made with, 

breath, foul, 227. 

brewing ale, 188. 
Broccan's hymn, 330. 
Bruiden maic da Reo, xxxviii. 
Brussels, Irish MSS. in, 337, 

34 2 , 347, 349, 355, 360. 
Buddhist Birth-stories, xlii. 
buffoon, 163, 345, 358 (drutK), 

257 (crosari). 
buglehorns, 241. 
Buide Connaill, 174. 
burial, 212, 215 ; in a bog, x; 

among waves, 258. 
burialplace determined by cattle, 


butter, 152, 1 86, 320. 
Burton, A Thousand Nights 

and a Night, 359. 

caldron, 267, 272 ; brazen, 154, 

Calendar of Marianus Gorman, 


300; of Oengus, 337, 352, 


calf, resuscitated, 192, 267. 
calves, herding, 206. 
Cambro-British Saints, Lives 

of, 341. 35 6 357- 
candles, 207, 338. 
captive, 193. 
carrying on back over three 

fields, 224. 
cask of wine, 276. 
cat catching salmon, viii. 
Cat/i Crlnna, xxxiii. 
cave, 250. 
cerecloth, 310. 
chafers, 236. 
chain, 193. 
chalice, 196. 
chariot, 166 ; hindshafts of, 

251 ; noise of, 265. 
charm, 215, 324. 
chasuble, 218. 
cheeses turned to stones, 150, 


chevaux de frise, 348. 
children, sale of, 337; speaking 

out of womb, 347 ; suckled 

by men, 348. 
Chronicon Scotorum, ed. Hen- 

nessy-, xlii. 
churning, 321. 
cleansing well, 226. 
cloak of darkness, 232. 
cloud, carriage by, 221, 230, 

341 ; following saint, 283,359. 
clover, 177. 
Codex Salmanticensis, 337, 342, 

343, 349. 355- 

Colgan's Ada Sanctorum, 337, 
341, 342, 349 ; Trias Thau- 
maturga, 294, 295, 297, 299, 

communion in both kinds, i77> 

180, 255, 257, 259. 
condiment, 316. 
consonants, xlv. 
consumptive healed, 191, 288. 
Cormac's Glossary, 309, 358, 


corpse carried to battle, 194. 
cow, mad, 152 ; killed for food, 

160; red-eared, 1855 white, 

red-eared, 319. 
cowl, charmed, 1 76; blazing,288; 

protecting from death, 306. 
crane, pet, 270. 
cranes of Druim Ceta, 311,312. 

credence-table, 196. 

cries of the world, the three, xxxi. 

Cromdubh Sunday, xix. 

cross, church in form of, 151 ; 
made of a spear, 206 ; sign 
of, 214, 227. 

crossroads, 167. 

crozier, spike of, 162 ; gift of, 
209 ; Yellow Plague trans- 
ferred to, 287, 361. 

Cuan hua Lothchain, 360. 

cup with golden birds, 274; 
airidech, 324. 

curse, fatal, 173. 

cursing inanimate objects, 190, 
303. See estuaries. 

D'Arbois de Jubainville, Essai 
d*un Catalogue, xxxiii ; Des 
Bijoux, etc., 344. 

darkness produced by wizard, 
215, 340. 

deaf mute healed, 288. 

death. See cowl, curse, drown- 
ing, suicide. 

declension, Irish, liii. 

demoniac cured, 288. 

demons summoned by wizard, 

desideratives, Ixxvi. 

Devil, 325 ; appearance of, 190 ; 
appearing to S. Brenainn, 
154; to S. Brigit, 190, 325; 
entering traitor's body, 161, 
297 ; Muling and the, xvi ; 
squirting deadly water, 256. 
See dusmus. 

devils. See pygmies. 

Dictionary of Christian Biog- 
raphy, 341. 

Digalfola Crist, vi. 

digraphs, vi. 

diphthongs, xlv. 

disease, 174; colic (tregaf), 
165 ; of the eye, 320. See 
gangrene, headache, lepers, le- 
prosy, lunatic, Yellow Plague. 

distaff, 338. 

Doom, xviii. 

Doomsday, 230 ; fire of, 247. 

dowry, 183. 

draftboard 317. 

drinking-cup, 324 ; drinking- 
horn, 236. 

drought, 213. 

drowning, 216; execution by, 

drunkenness of clerics, 323 note. 
dulse, 340. 

dusmus, dusii, 352 note. 
dwarfs, devils in shape of, 258. 
dyeing, 266-267, 35 6 - 

eagle, age of, xli. 

earth rising up to knees, 233 ; 
putting foes under, 283. 

earth swallowing parricide, 

Easter ale, 189. 

Easter-eve, 156. 

Easter, the Great, 259. 

Echtra Taidg maic Clin, xxxii. 

Egerton 91, referred to, 337, 
348 ; cited, 349 ; Egerton 
92, referred to, xx, 356 ; Eger- 
ton 1 1 8, referred to, xli; 
Egerton 133, referred to, xli; 
Egerton 178, xxvii, xxxi, 350. 

emigration, 353. 

enclitic forms of Irish, verbs, 

envy of saints, 278. 

episcopal orders given, to S. 
Brigit and her successors, 323. 

estuaries blessed, 156, 159 ; 
cursed, 156. 

.eulogy, 227 ; eulogies, 177. 

Everne-w Tongue, xvii. 

ewe, milking, 328. 

eye plucked out, 188, 322. 

Fairyland, xxxiv. 

famine, 203. 

Farrar, Life of Christ, 295. 

fasting, against one, 308 ; pesti- 
lence banished by, 230. 

feast, 162. 

feathers, hermit covered with, 
260, 354. 

feet, washing, 186 ; cleaving to 
earth, 228. 

female warriors, 360. 

Ferguson, Samuel, Lays of the 
Western Gael, xxxv. 

Fiann, conditions required from, 

field (gorf) age of, xli ; achad, 

fifties, the three, viii, 180. 

fire, drops made sparks, of, 151 ; 
kindled for mass, 156; pas- 
chal, 158 ; pillar of, 188 ; 
from teeth, 236, 347 ; hal- 
lowed, 277, 358 ; on Easter, 



396; on Maundy Thursday, 

358. J 
firebrand, 234. 

firstfiruits, 337- 

fish, water made barren of, 156. 

five ages, 282; five talents, 
mystical meaning of, 281. 

flags, 239. 

flagstone, birth upon, 150. 

flitch, 319. 

flockbed, 229. 

foetus blessed, 160. 

folk-medicine, 361. 

folkmote, 152. 

food prepared by heathen, 191 ; 
miraculously increased, 191- 
192 ; made putrid, 205. See 
ale, apples, bacon, barleybread, 
blackberries, butter, cheese, 
curd, condiment, flitch, goat, 
honey, malt, mead, meal,milk, 
ox, pork, pottage, salmon, salt, 
seaweed, sloes, wheat, -wine. 

Forbhuis Drama Damhghaire, 

fosterage, 151. 

fostering, 232. 

fountain travelling like a cloud, 

Four Masters, 346, 349. 

fox, pet, 196 ; carrying psalter, 

Franciscus Pipinus' translation 
of Marco Polo, xxii. 

Gabkdltus Shedrlus Main, xviii. 
Gaidoz, M. Henri, viii, xxii, 

295. 303. 39 357- 

gangrene transferred to bell, 
288, 360. 

garden, 204. 

Gaston Paris, xix. 

generosity of Guaire, 358 ; of 
Hatim et-Tdi, 358. 

genuflexions, 153, 316. 

Ger&Ys arms, 351. 

gifts to poets, buffoons, etc. 345. 

Gilbert, National MSS. of Ire- 
land, xxxii. 

Giraldus Cambrensis, 344. 

girdle, 304; of Mobi, 174; of 

Brigit, 192. 

glass, chair of, 302, 303; lad- 
der of, 508. 

goat carrying water, 160; eaten, 
1 60, 196. 

Godeke, Pamphilus Gengen- 

bach, xlii. 
gold, uprooted, 154 ; to cover 

reliquaries, -i 74. See grain, 

ounce, ring, sand. 
gore, child formed of clot of, 

gospel on Martin's breast, 175 ; 

writing a, 208 ; strap of, 275. 
grain turned into gold, 274. 
Grant's Gazetteer of the Central 

Provinces of India, 330. 
graveyards, consecration of, 286. 
grief for dead wife, 231. 
Grimm, Deutsche Rechtsalter- 

thiimer, xxxviii, note 4 ; 

Deutsche Mythologie, 359. 
grinding, 173, 180. 
guarantees of the elements, 

Guest's Mabinogion, xli, 361. 

Haddan and Stubbs, Councils, 


hamper, 186, 320, 321. 

hands cleaving to cauldron, 154. 

Harleian<528o, referred to, 358. 

harper, xii. 

harpoon, 196. 

hawk, xli, 224. 

hazel distaff, 338. 

headache, 324. 

heads, cairn of, 236; cast into 
lake, 244. 

hell, Foilge's soul goes to, 161 ; 
seven brought out of, 1665 
soul goes to, 217, 271 ; de- 
scribed, 254-255. See mould. 

Hennessy, xxvi, xxx, 305. See 
Book of Fenagh, Chronicon 

hermit, 260, 354. 

Hesiod, xlii. 

hide of Ciaran's dun, 268, 272. 

hind, milked for Brenainn, 249. 

ffistoria Langobardorum, xxii. 

holly, well dug with stake of, 
218; basket made of, 219. 

holy water, 165; horse revived 
by, 265. 

honey, water made, 152 ; wild, 


Horace, 305. 

horse, age of, xli. See race- 

horses, 165 ; swallowed up, 216; 
foreign, 241, 348 ; given as 

tribute, 242 ; turned into 
stones, 233. 

horseloads of rods, 194. 

hospitaller, 231, 248. 

hostages, 159, 310. 

hostels (bruidne) of Ireland, 

hound, age of, xli ; set at Pat- 
rick, 157 ; at Ciaran, 265. 

hours, 174. 

house, consecration of, 191. 

human being, age of, xli. 

Humboldt's Travels, 347. 

hunting, 244. 

hymn. See Broccdn, Mone. 

Hymnum dicat, ix. 

icicles, blazing, 151. 
idol Cenn Cruaich, 161. 
Imthecht na Tromdaime, xl. 
Indian Fairy Tales, 351. 
infant speaking, 191. 
infection of initials, xlix. 
inkhom, 179. 

Irish Nennius, ed. Todd, 353. 
iron girdle, 228; posts, 241, 

347 ; pot, 302 ; lock, 315. 
irrational vowels, xlix. 
Isidores, 360. 
islandmoved, 274; miraculously 

submerged, 286. 

Jews, xxi, 293. 
Josephus, vi. 

Kathd-sarit-sdgara, tr. by Taw- 

ney, 342. 
kettle, 272. 
key, 191. 
kiln, furnace of, 226 ; drying 

corn in, 273. 
king, duties of, xxix. 
Kitab Aja'ib el Hind, 352 note. 
knees, going into the earth as 

far as, xxviii. 
KpuirraSta, 336. 
Kuhn's Beitrdge, Ixxv; Zeit- 

schrift, Ixxyi, 350. 

lactation of male, 237, 348. 
ladder of glass, 176, 308. 
lake miraculouslyremoved, 223, 

360 ; raising soil of, 287. 
Land of Promise, 259, 354. 
Lane, Thousand and one Nights, 

p. 352, note i. 
Language of the Lives, xlv, 337. 

3 66 


Land 610, referred to, xxv, 

xlv, 337- 
Lebar Brecc, cited, 293, 294, 

301, 306, 337, 341, 342, 346, 

349. 35. 353, 35$, 358. 
Lebar no. hUidre, 353, 357. 
lector, 323. 
lepers, 156, 187, 189, 190, 191, 

195, 196, 218; devotion to, 

295, 340. 
leprosy, 176. 
Liber Hymnorum, Franciscan, 

329,33, 344, 353- See Todd. 
lightning caused by-wizard, 2 16 ; 

protection from, 305. 
limetree, marvellous, 227. 
linen chasuble, 158, 273. 
loanwords in the Lives, bcxii-cx. 
lock (bolt?), 315. 
longevity of saints, 230, 299,346. 
lorica of Gildas, 324, note 6. 
Loth's Mabinogion, 348. 
lots, casting, 335. 
lunatic, 191 ; preaching, 193. 

Mabinogion, xlii, 347, 361. 

mad cow, 152. 

maiden 100 feet long, 255. 

malt, 1 88, 243. 

manna, 270. 

manuscripts of saints, 357 ; Irish, 

see Book Lebar, Liber, Yellow 


Marco Polo's Travels, xxii. 
Marianus Gorman, calendar of, 


marriage of slaves, 154. 
Martyrology of Donegal, edd. 

Todd and Reeves, xxviii, 303 

note, 347, 348, 350, 353, 356, 

Mary, entreated in childbirth, 

xxi; of the Gael, 186; the 
Virgin, 320. 

mass, order of, 343. 

mead, 229 ; miraculously re- 
stored, 197; water changed 

to, 33i. 

meadow guarded, 232-233. 
meal, measure of, 161. 
Melusine, xx, xxii, 309, 346. 
metathesis, xlix. 
Meyer, Kuno, his Battle of 

Ventry, 347, 361. 
mice, huge, 257. 
milk, bathing child in, 318 ; of 

hind, 249; of ewes, 328. 

milking, miraculous, 197; and 

see 332. 

milk and water, 228. 
mill, 206, 359 ; water for, 283. 
millwright, 361. 
Milton, Paradise Lost, cited, 


miracles, antenatal, 150. 
mixed chalice, 303. 
Mone's Hymni Latini, 324. 
monster of Inis Cathaig, 213; 

in lake, 284. 
mould of holy island, 214; 

saving from hell, 229 ; from 

saint's grave, 344. 
mountain caused to fall, 224; 

tunnelled, 283. 
mouse abstaining from corn, 

271. See mice. 
mulct (trie), 319. 

names, of Patrick, 153,294 ; self- 
dispraising, 338. See aliases. 

nettle-pottage, 302. 

nine companions of Patrick, 
155 ; ranks of heaven, 167. 

nocturn, 174, 181, 218. 

nose-tax, 245 ; = nefgildi, 348. 

Notker Balbulus, 309. 

nymphs, xlii. 

oars, ranks of, 253. 

oaths, 150. 

oats, 232 ; turned to wheat, 269. 

O'Clery, Michael, v; his glos- 
sary, 361, and see Index of 
Irish Words, passim. 

O'Connell, Peter, his MS. dic- 
tionary cited, 350, and see In- 
dex of Irish Words, passim. 

O'Curry, Manners and Cus- 
toms, xxv, xxx, xxxiii, 348. 

O'Donovan, Battle of Magh 
Rath, 347. See Book of 
Rights, Four Masters. 

O'Grady, S. H., xx, xli. 

Olaus Magnus, 352. 

oldest animals, xli. 

Oman, Indian Life, 346, 361. 

oratory, conical cap of, 335. 

orders of repentance, 322. 

orthptonic forms of Irish verb, 

Ixix, 7, 357- 
otter, man changed into an, 

xvii ; bringing salmon, 361. 
ounce of gold, 225. 
ousel, age of, xli. 

owl, xlii. 

ox eaten by one man, 179. 

Palatine 68, cited, xc. 

Pantheon, xix. 

Paradise, description of, 259, 


parricide, xxviii, 176. 
paternoster, 194, 200, 228. 
Paulus Diaconus, xxii. 
pax, 179. 
Peregrinatio Sancti Brendani, 

pet fox, 196; crane, 270; 

wolves, deer, badgers, ravens, 


Petrie, Ecclesiastical Architec- 
ture, xxii, 346"; Tara Hill, 

philtre, 192. 

phoenix, xlii. 

pigsty, 224. 

pilgrimage, 168, 169. 

pilgrims, foreign, 209. 

pirates, 235. 

plough, 192, 193. 

ploughmen, 179. 

ploughshare made by boy, 175. 

poets, 1 66; oppression caused 

by, 309 J gifts to, 345- 
poison, 150, 160, 198, 296, 333. 
polygamy, 237, 348. 
pork, fresh, 155. 
Posidonius, 348. 
pottage, 302. 

prayer, position during, 171. 
prisoners, visiting, 289. 
pronouns in Lives, Ixii-lxviii. 
prophecies of Colum. cille, 171. 
prophet, 248, 349. 
prostration to saint, 235. 
proverb, 160. 
psalms, read, 159. 
Pseudo-Turpin, xviii, xxii. 
Pughe, Dictionary of the Welsh 

Language, 361. 
purification by the sun, 361. 
pygmies, devils in shape of, 258. 

quern, grinding at, 267, 272, 361. 

racehorse, 210. 

radiance efface, 249, 250, 351 ; 
of saints' relics, 343. 

ram carrying psalter and prayer- 
book, 355. 

rath, 232. 


Rawl. B. 405, referred to, 355. 
Rawl. B. 485, referred to, 359, 

Rawl. B. 487, referred to, xliv. 
Rawl. B. 505, referred to, 337, 

342, 355, 359- 
Rawl. B. 512, referred to, 337, 

356, 358. 
reapers, 271. 
reaping, 197. 
reduplicated preterite, xxiii ; 

future, Ixxvii, Ixxxi. 
Reeves, bishop, his Columba, 

300, 309, 315, 317, jfl^note, 

349 350, 357. 359- See 
Martyrology of Donegal. 

refectory, 210. 

reins, 250. 

rejuvenescence, 157. 

relics, 162, 230, 278 ; prayer at, 
221 ; protection by, 221. 

reliquaries, 226, 275. 

rent, 235. 

requiem, xi, 358. 

Revue Archlologique, 344. 

Revue Celtique, xxvi, xxx, 352, 

353, 361- 
Rhys, Hibbert Lectures, xlii, 

346; Mabinogion, 361. 
Rhys Davids, xUi. 
righthand-wise, turning, 236, 

ring of gold, 225; payments 

made with, 344. 
rising up, 204. 
Rob Roy, 340. 
Roger Hoveden, 357, 
ropes, 288. 

rowan, stake of, 204, 338. 
Rules of Saints, 251. 
rushes, 330 ; wicks of, 338. 

sails of hide, 253. 

Saints, Irish, Rules of, 251, 351 ; 
compared with apostles, etc., 
298, 299 ; secundus ordo 
f 343 5 mothers, etc. of, 
345? manuscripts of, 357. 
See envy, longevity, mould, 

sale of slaves, 153 ; of bond- 
maid, 184; of children, 203. 

salmon, age of, xli note, 229; 
brought by seal, 287. 

salt changed to stones, 195, 3 29 ; 
sent as a present, 219 ; prized 
by Irish, 340-341. 

salted food, 158, 310. 

sand mixed with bread, 279 ; 
turned into gold, 358. 

sandals, 180. 

Satan, 325. See Devil. 

satin, 239. 

scarcity of land, 234. 

Sell ar DaUd mac lese, xix. 

Sell ar Cainnech naom, xix. 

Sell na Samhna, xix. 

Scil in dd lenabh, xx. 

Sell Ainnte-crist, xix. 

Sclla an trlr mac dlrech, vii-x. 

Sclla na hEslirge, 352. 

Schinner, Zur Brandanus-Le- 
gende, 349, 353. 

Schuchardt, prof., 294. 

scruple, 232, 242 ; of com- 
munion, 278. 

sea-cats, (257, 258. 

sea-monsters, 353. 

seal brings salmon, 287. 

seal-spear, 196. 

seaweed, cutting, 217; edible, 


seeds in Brenainn's boat, 257. 
self-cremation, 157, 295. 
self-sacrifice, 178, 257, 309, 353. 
seven doors, etc. in Bruiden, xliii. 
shadow, consumption cured by 

Brigit's, 191 ; of Brigit's 

chariot, 328. 
shaving, 226. 
sheep, hornless, 216. 
shepherding, 194. 
shields, bulwark of, 244. 
shirt, 179. 
shrines, 174. 

Sicilianische Marchen, 330. 
sickles, 235. 
Siegfried, R. T., Ixxv. 
sign of cross, 271. 
silver chain, 195 ; pails, 241. 
Skene, Celtic Scotland, 305. 
slaves, sale of, 153; marriage 

of, 154; liberation of, 154; 

ransoming of, 289 ; purchase 

of, 317; 

sloes, 320. 

smile, prophetic, 176, 306. 

Smith, Geo., Life of John Wil- 
son, 344. 

smiths, 235. 

snakes banished, 180. Seewa&r- 

snow, curd and butter made of, 


social observances. See rising 

up, carrying. 
soulfriend, 286; soulfriend jewel, 

souls in forms of birds, 260, 354. 

spell, 192. 

stag, age of, xli ; yoked, 223 ; 
books on antlers of, 268, 274, 


stake, age of, xli. 
stakes for building, 195, 276. 
stones turned into salt, 195, 


storm calmed by Brenainn, 254. 
Strachan, prof., Ixxv. 
Stubbs, Dr., Gesta regis Henrici 

Secundi, 318. See Haddan. 
snbprior (secndabb), 223. 
sugarcane, disease transferred 

to, 361. 
suicide as a mode of vengeance, 


Suidigud Tellaig Temrach, 

sun darkened, 215; of righteous- 
ness, 149, 150, 361 ; purifi- 
cation by, 361. 

swine, herding of, 153. 

swineherd of Dichu, 157. 

sword, charmed, 175, 305. 

tablets, 353. 

tanning, 176. 

taste, desired, 227. 

tawdf, 348. 

Tawney,C.H. SzzKathd-sarit- 

Tenga Bithnua, xvii. 

tents, 239. 

theft of wheat, 288. 

Thrown Janet, 297. 

three households, 167; quires 
at Patrick's consecration, 
155 5 waves in baptism, 268. 

threshold, 184. 

thunder caused by wizard, 216. 

Thurneysen, prof., his explana- 
tion oifetar, Ixxvi. 

timber cut for church, 223, 224, 

tithes, 337, 359. 

toads, xlii ; banished, 180. 

Todd, Dr., Wars of the Gaidhil 
with the Gaill, 348 ; .S 1 . Pat- 
rick, 343, 252; Liber Hym- 
norum, 318. See Irish 
Nennius, Martyrology of 

3 68 


tonsuring, 226. 

tooth, radiant, 162, 343. 

tower of fire, 205, 219. 

train of poet, 309. 

transfer of disease from human 
beings, 360. 

transmigrations of Tuan, xli. 

treachery, 231. 

Trias Thaumaturga, 355. 

tribute of curd and butter, 152 ; 
royal, excessive, 265 ; to 
saint, 239, 241, (sack of malt, 
30 boars), 243, (first calf, 
lamb, pig), 245. 

trine immersion, 357. 

Trinity, 288, 321. 

Tripartite Life of S. Patrick, 

337. 353, 356, 358. 
tub, 193. 

Turpin, the pseudo-, xviii, xxii. 
twelve tribes, 167; twelve 

nights of waking, 167. 
Tylor, Primitive Culture, 360. 

unction in baptism, 184. 

veil, 322, 323. 

verbal forms in Lives, Ixix- 

verbal prefixes, Ixviii, Ixix. 

viaticum, 334. 

Vigfusson, Icelandic Dictionary, 

vision, 172, 174; Miliuc's, 153, 
172, 294; of Brigit, 192 j of 
Telach, 222 ; of Brenainn's 
mother, 248 ; of Findian, 
2 7 2 > 356; of Ciaran and 
Enna, 273 ; of Boethine, 302 ; 
of bishop Ibar, 319-320; of 
Adamnan, 352. 

Vita Columbae, Adamnan's, 
305. See Reeves. 

voice of Colum cille, 173 ; 
heard a mile off, 250, 

vowels, xlv. 

Voyage ofMael duin, 361. 

Wackemagel, Kleiner? Schrif- 
ten, xlii. 

walking desel, 347. 

War of Cellachdn and the 
Danes, xxxii. 

Wars of tJie Gaidhil with the 
Gaill. See Todd. 

washing feet, 180, 318, 325; 
clothes, 212; leper, 196; 
sheep, 235. 

water miraculously produced, 
150, see fire; turned into 
ale, 185, 189; made foul, 
205 ; changed to honey, 265 ; 
mixed with milk and ale, 
279 ; with sacramental wine, 
303; with which saints' feet 
had been washed, 325 ; saints' 
mss. resist, 358^ 

watermill, 360. 

watersnake, 179. 

wattles for building, 175, 195, 


wave, surging, 177 ; standing 
on, 220; passing through 
air, 360. 

waxed tablet, 256, 353. 

weaver's beam, 197, 330. 

Wednesday, 316. 

well miraculously produced, 
150,175,212,218; hallowed, 
177 ', cure by, 228. See holly. 

Welsh, speaking in, 223; pre- 
terites in -odd, Ixxvii ; saints, 


wethers stolen, 197. 
whale, celebrating Easter on, 

253. 35 2 ; fighting sea-cat, 


wheat, 288. 
wheaten bread, 229 ; loaves, 

2 7 3 T 3 meal, 270. 

Whitney, Sanskrit Grammar, 

wicks, 338. 

widows, protecting, 289. 

wife, grief for, 231. See mar- 

wild boar, xli. 

Windele, v. 

windingsheet, 179. 

Windisch on the /-preterite, 
Ixxv ; Irische Texte, 334. 

wine, pitcher of, 158 ; French, 

wizardry, science of, 166. 

wizard's fence, xxviii. 

wizards prophesy, 157, 183. 

woad, 266, 356. 

Wolff, Joseph, 344. 

wolf carries off sheep, 151 ; eats 
calf, 267. 

Wolter, Der Judenknabe, xxii. 

womb blessed, 224. 

women, avoidance of study with, 
251. See amazons, bond- 
maid, episcopal orders, grief, 
marriage, philtre, polygamy, 
quern, widows. 

Wright and Halliwell's Reli- 
quiae Antiquae, xlii. 

Wiirzburg Codex Paulinus, 356. 

Y Cymmrodor, xlii. 
Yellow Book of Lecan, 309. 
yellow-haired girl, 250. 
Yellow Plague, 2 29; transferred 

to crozier, 287, 360. 
yew, age of, xii. 
Yule. See Marco Polo. 

Zimmer, prof., on the ^-preterite, 
Ixxv; his discovery of the 
j-aorist in Irish, 351. 


** bp. * bishop ' ; hua, ' grandson,' ' descendant ' ; i., ingen, ' daughter ' ; mac, ' son * ; ri, ' king.' 

The numbers refer to the pages. 

Abban, 345; maccu Cormaic, 


Abel, 229. 

Abra mac Branain, 346. 
Abraham, 165, 168, 169, 229, 

247, 279. 
Abram, 231. 
Adam, 166. 
Adamnan, xvii-xxxix ; hua 

Tinni, 165. 
Adomnan, bp. 299. 
Aed, alias of Mael-doid Muc- 

nama, 301. 
Aed, alias of S.Moedoc of Ferns, 


Aed Baclam, xxvi. 
Aed Finn mac Fergna, xl. 
Aed Fogart, 231. 
Aed gnoe mac Ferga Lethain, 

Aed mac Ainmirech, 174, 198, 

Aed mac Brie, 324. 

Aed mac Coirbb, 356. 

Aed mac Duach, xl. 

Aed mac Fergusa, 222, 342. 

Aed mac Luigdech, 210. 

Aed Ordnide, xxix. 

Aed Slaine, 176, 190, 231. 

Agatho, 300. 

Ai mac Ollaman, xxxv. 

Aibind i. Mani, 336. 

Aife i. Roiss Failge, 237. 

Ailbe, 354. 

Ailbe of Imlech Ibair, 232, 


Ailill Banna, 307. 
Ailill dub Mac Celtchair, 342. 
Ailill mac Dunking, 160, 193, 


Ailill mac Echach, 201. 
Ailill Olomm, xxxii, xxxvii. 
Ailill Mar mac Breccain, 300. 
Ailill Tauldub, 222. 

Ainmire mac Colgain, 264. 
Ainmire, brother of Moses, 


Airde mac Fidaig, 248. 
Aireran ind e*cnai, 165. 
Airmedach of Clochar, 165. 
Aitrebthach, 287. 
Airtri mac Cathail, xxxii. 
Alcuin, xxii. 
Alexander, pope, 269. 
Alphaeus, 262. 
Alta mac Ogamain, 349. 
Ambrois, 300. 
Andreas, 300. 
Anmet i. Colmain, 237. 
Antoin Manach, 169. 
Aonghus O Callaid, xxv. 
Art mac Cuinn, xxxvi. 
Art Oenfer, 300. 
Astaman mac Mogaed (Moga 

Toeth), 349. 
Augustm, 247. 
Auxilius, 161. 

Baedan, 179. 

Baeth, 221, 225; Baeth Bru- 

gaid, 234. 
Baethchu, 185. 
Bairre, 209. 

Baite mac Bronaig. See Bute. 
Baithin mac Brenainn, xvii. 
Ball-gel, 284. 
Barre, bp., 299. 
Barr mac Nathi, 282. 
Bartholomew, S., 349. 
Beccan mac Bairr, 282. 
Beccan swineherd, 224. 
Beccan Ulad, xxvii. 
Becc i. Conchoraig, 287. 
Becc mac De, xxvi, 171, 176, 

248, 264, 299, 350. 
Beda, xxii. 
Bene'n=Benignus, 156. 


Benedictus Abbas, 318. 

Benian = Bene'n, 279. 

Benignus, 156. 

Beo n-JSd, 356. 

Beodan mac Bolggain, 356. 

Beoit, 264. 

Beonan, 162. 

Beuno, S. 340. 

Bicell, 336. 

Bicsech, 336. 

Blai Briuga, xliii. 

Blathmac, 231, 347. 

Blathnait, S. Brigit's cook, 193, 


Bodb, xxx. 

Boite, 176; macBr6naig, 246. 
Bole mac Dece (?), 200. 
Bolggan mac Linnida, 356. 
Branan, 231 ; mac Dobtha, 


Brandub mac Echach, 224. 
Breccan mac Feicc, 300. 
Brenainn, 198, 209. 
Brenainn of Birr, 272. 
Brenainn of Clonfert xiii-xv, 

Brenainn mac Finnloga, xvii, 

247 et seq., 349~354- 
Brendinus senior, 298. 
Bres mac Firb, xxxvii. 
Bresal mac Colla, 346. 
Bresal Bernbel Buaideltach, 


Bresal Brecc, 237. 
Bresal mac Degha, 264. 
Bresal mac Diarmata, xxviii. 
Bresal mac Maini Moir, xvi, 


Bresal mac Muiredaig, 224. 
Bresal mac Sirachta, 251. 
Brig, 249. 

Brig i. Amalgada, 536. 
Brig i. Coimlocha, 325. 
Brig i. Fergusa, 336. 



Brigit, 177, 225, 264, 353. 
Brigit i. Conailli, 190. 
Brigit i. Con Cathrach, 218. 
Briun mac Smethrach, xxx. 
Briun (Brian?) mac Echach 

Muidmedoin, 231, 347. 
Briunsech, 282. 
Broccan Cloen, 198. 
Broenaind, 333. 
Brogach mac Dega, 173. 
Broicsech, 199, 334. 
Broicsech i. Dallbronaig, 183. 
Br6n, bp., 191, 327. 
Bronach, 172. 
Br6nach i. Milchon, 294. 
Brnide mac Milcon, 315. 
Brunsech, 336. 
Buan, xxxvii. 
Bute mac Br6naig, 172, 246, 

2 99> 30. 308- 

Cadoc, 342, 343, 358. 

Caelbad, 159. 

Caelbe, 353. 

Cael-colomb, 275. 

Caeman, 222. 

Caibell (for Caimell?) i. Aeda 

Bairr, 336. 
Cailech, 162. 
Cainchomrac, xxxix. 
Cailte, xxv, xliii. 
Caimell i. Dermata, 336. 
Caimin of Inis Celtra, xv. 
Caiiier i. Airmind, 336. 
Gainer i. Cruthechan, 336. 
Cainnech, xv, xix, 174, 177, 

179, 298. 

Cairbre = Cairpre, 264. 
Cairell mac Muiredaig, 1 60. 
Cairpre Baschain mac Conairi, 


Cairpre Cenn cait, xxxvii. 
Cairpre Croimchenn mac Dairi 

Dornmair, 20 r. 
Cairpre Crom, xvi, 244 = 

Cairbre Find, 245. 
Cairpre Finnmar mac Conairi, 


Cairpre mac Roduinn, 200. 
Cairpre hua Dunlainge, 225. 
Cairpre Lifechar, 300. 
Cairthenn mac Blait, 163. 
Cairthenn Donn, 241. 
Cairthenn Find, 241. 
Caisin mac Nemain, 225. 
Calpurn, 150 ; Calpurnius, 153. 
Cammine, 299, 304. 

Canair Craibdech, 219. 
Carlyle, Thomas, 296. 
Carthach, alias of Cummine, 

Carthach, alias of Mo-chutu of 

Lismore, 300. 
Cas Corach, xliv. 
Cas mac Echach, 239. 
Cas mac Fraech, 356. 
Cassidan, 206, 221. 
Cathair M6r, xxxi, 300. 
Cathal mac Aeda Fland- 

cathrach, 234, 239, 240. 
Cathal mac Finguini, xxxii. 
Cathmael, 222, 223, 342. 
Causcrad mac Meisinsued, 356. 
Celestinus, 153, 155. 
Cellach, 172 ; mac Ragallaig, 

284, 286. 
Cellachaa, xxxii. 
Cellan, 336. 
Celtchar mac Uithechair, 222 ; 

mac Cuthechair, 342. 
Cennfaelad, xxv ; mac Colcan, 


Cennselach mac Dunlaing, 237. 
Cetan, 336. 
Charlemagne, xviii. 
Christ, 166. 

Cian mac Aililla 6luim, xxxii. 
Cian mac Echach, 239. 
Ciar Cuirchech, 242, 243. 
Ciar i. Cerain, 336. 
Ciar i. Duibrea, 336. 
Ciar mac Fergussa, 247. 
Ciaran, xvi, 174, 209, 227. 
Ciaran Belaig Duin, 165. 
Ciaran of Clonmacnois, 177, 

298 ; mac in tsair, 303, 357 ; 

Life of, 262 et seq. ; pedigree 

of, 356. 

Ciaran of Saigir, 277, 299, 358. 
Ciarnait, 361. 
Cillin, 211. 
Cilline, 160. 
Cilline, a nun, 336. 
Cingid mac Echach, 239. 
Cirine=Hieronymus, 247. 
Cluain, 271. 

Cobthach mac Breccain, 274. 
Cobthach mac Buile, 200. 
Coel, 214, 215. 
Coel mac Aeda, 288. 
Coimde, 241. 

Coimgen of Glenndalocha, 278, 
' 298. 
Coimell, 231. 

Coimgell i. Ernaig, 201. 
Colla, 347. 

Collait, Crumthir, 165. 
Colman alias Mac Lenin, 301. 
Colman Comraire, 294. 
Colman, deacon, 177. 
Colmdn mac Conngellain, 314. 
Colman mac Crimthainn, 237. 
Colman mac Lenin, 251. 
Cohnan mac Nuin, 275. 
Colman M6r mac Diarmata, 

Colman Muilinn, 294. 

Colman of Inisbofin, 315. 
Colman of the Cave, 165. 
Colomb cille, xv, xxviii, 159, 
165, 263, 264, 272, 298, 

3i, 357- 
Colomb mac Cremthamn, 220, 

230, 301. 

Colomb i. Beraig, 336. 
Colum Tire da Glas, 298. 
Coman, 283. 
Comgall, xv, 174, 177. 
Comgall of Bennchor, 232, 233, 

282, 298. 
Comlach, 279. 
Conaing mac Marcain, 235. 
Conaire mac Etersceoil, 201. 
Conaire mac Moga Lama, 


Conall mac Aeda, 311. 
Conall Echluath, 299. 
Conall mac Neill, 159, 171. 
Conamail mac Machdain, 282. 
Concess, 150, 153. 
Conchobar mac Nessa, xxxiv. 
Conchobar Abratruad, xxxi. 
Conchorach, 287. 
Conchrad mac Dairchella, 222, 


Concraid, 241. 
Cond C6tchathach, 300. 
Conellan, Owen, xl. 
Conmach, 241. 
Constantine son of -Helena, 


Corbb mac Aeda gnoe, 356. 
Core, 264, mac Daaed, 356. 
Core Dothe mac Fergusa, 356. 
Cormac mac Airt, xxxvi, 361 ; 

hua Cuinn, xxxiii, 361 ; Ul- 

fota, 300. 

Cormac mac Cuilennain, xxix. 
Cormac hua Liathain, 1 75. 
Corniuil (gen. sg.), 293. 
Coroticus, 294. 



Corpach, 336. 

Corp Aulom, xxxviii. 

Cothraige, 153, 163, 294. 

Cowell, Prof., xlii. 

Cre"d, 336. 

Crichid, 277. 

Crimthann, alias of Colomb 

Cille, 300. 

Crimthann Cass, xxxiv. 
Crimthann mac Ennai Cennse- 

laig, 195- 

Crimthann mac Luigdech, 265. 
Crimthann mac Muiredaig, 224. 
Crimthann Nia Nair, xxx, 

Crimthann Sriab, 244. 

Cron, 336. 

Cronan, 264, 282. 

Cronan alias of Mochua, 301. 

Cronmune Taplain, 336. 

Crumine, 346. 

Crumsech, 336. 

Cruthnechan mac Cellaig, 172. 

Cii Cathrach, 218. 

Cuiltre, 264. 

Cuindiu, 264. 

Cuinnid, 264. 

Quiche, 162. 

Cumain Fota, xv = Cnmmine 

Fota, 299, 304. 
Cummine, 301. 
Cumne i. Conamail, 282. 
Cumuscach ri Tethba, 232. 
Cundedan, 253. 
Cunnid alias of Colom mac 

Crimthainn, 301. 
Cunnid alias of Mac Cnlind of 

Lusk, 300. 

Cunnid mac Cais, 356. 
Curchass, 336. 
Curnan mac JEda, xxviii. 
Cuthechar mac Fotaid, 342. 
Cutlach, 300. 
Cybi, 358. 

Daaed mac Cunnida, 356. 
Dabid, 165, 169; mac lesse, 

xix, 247, 278, 279. 
Dabid of Cellmuine, 209, 222, 

_ 22 3, 34 2 > 343- 

Da Choca, xliii. 

Da-chua, alias of Da-chualen, 


Da-chualen, 300. 
Da-cuilen, 308. 
Da Derga, xliii. 
Daimin Dam-argait; 306. 

Dairchell, 222; mac Senaig, 


Daire, 165, 298 ; Barrach, 300. 
Daire Dornmar mac Cairpri 

Finnmair, 201. 
Daire mac Findchada, 239. 
Dala (?) mac Bresail, xvi. 
Dalann, bp., 212. 
Dalian, 265. 
Dalian mac Bresail, 299. 
Dalian Forgaill, 314, 315, 341. 
Dallbronach, 183. 
Damnatan, 294. 
Daniel, presb., 274. 
d'Arbpis de Jubainville, v, 

xxxii, xxxiii. 
Darerca, alias of Moninne of 

Cell slebe, 300. 
Darerca i. Ercain, 264, and see 


Darnisa, 336. 
Dathi, Crumther, xv, 228. 
David. See Dabid. 
Dec (Dece?) mac Imchada, 200, 

Eeg, 173. 

Dega Mor, xvi. 

Delbna (Delmna) mac Ennae, 

349- , 
Demman mac Cairill, 160. 

Demne mac Bresail, 183. 

Derbfind Belfota, 300. 

Diarmait mac ./Eda, 222, 342. 

Diarmait mac Cerbaill, xxvi, 
xxviii, xxix, 176, 276, 333. 

Diarmait, Colombcille's attend- 
ant, i So. 

Diarmait of Inis Clothrann, 219. 

Dichu, 166,264; mac Trechim, 

157, 158. 
Dietrich, 347. 
Dimma mac nai, 172. 
Dobarchu, xvii. 
Dobtha (?) mac Oengusa, 347. 
Do-chatti, 336. 
Domangart mac Echach, 160. 
Domnall, 285. 
Donnan, 264. 
Donnan mac Leith, 217. 
Donnan, brother of Senan, 275. 
Dricriu, 160. 
Dronan, 234. 
Dronbec, 234. 

Dub da leithe na graifne, 306. 
Dub da thuath, xxix. 
Dub mac Lugna, 264. 
Dubda, 231. 

Dubthach mac Decce, 337. 
Dnbthach mac Demni, 183, 185, 

187, 188, 193. 

Dnbthach maccu Lugair, xxxi. 
Duke of Devonshire, v. 
Dunlang, 160. 
Dunlang mac Enna, 187. 

Echaid Tirmcharna, xxviii. 

Ecne mac Altae, 349. 

Egbert, 340. 

Egidius, 155. 

Eire, bp., 197, 212, 248, 250, 

251, 252. 

Eirggend mac Dubthaig, 337. 
Eithrial, 264. 
Elchu (leg. Olchu?), 349. 
Elijah, 260. 
Enda of Aran, 257, 273, 340, 


Enna mac Fualascaig, 349. 
Enna maccu Laigsi, 275. 
Enoch, 229, 260, 279. 
Eochaid Abratruad, xliii. 
Eochaid Find Fuathnairt, 183. 
Eochaid mac Bresail, 264. 
Eochaid mac Muiredaig, 160. 
Eochaid mac Oengusa, 201,244. 
Eochaid Minnech, 285. 
Eochaid Muigmedon, 231 ; 

Muidmedoin, 347. 
Eochaid Tirmchama, 231. 
Eochn Ball-derg, 163. 
Eochu Croib-derg, 239. 
Eogan Arda Sratha, 171. 
Eogan mac Neill, 159. __ ^ 
Eoin baitsi, 247; bauptaist, 


Eolangan, xxxi. 
Ercan, 200 and note. 
Ere Derg mac Briain (Briuin ?), 


Ere mac Ogamain, 350. 
Ere Ruad, 231. 
Ere Slane, bp., 298. 
Ercada ( Mechoin, 

Ercan mac Buachaille, 264. 

Eremon, 264. 

Ernach m. Golbini, 201. 

Ernin of Cluain Deocbra, 177. 

Ernin mac Coluim, 336. 

Ernine of Torach, 178. 

Esdras, 149. 

Eterscel mac Eogain, 201. 

Ethne, 300. 

Ethne Ollmane, 172. 



Fabian, 260. 

Failge Berraide, 161. 

Failge Roiss, 161. 

Faille"n, 160, 297. 

Failtemail i. Mael-Echdach, 


Fainche i. Dallbr6naig, 335. 
Fainder cuicir, 336. 
Faindle mac Dubroith, xxxi. 
Fechfne Fobair, 298, 300. 
Fedbair, 336. 
Fedelm i. Ailello, 160. 
Feic mac Fideic, xxxvii. 
Feichin, 211, 283. 
Feidlhnid mac Crimthainn, 

xxxi, xxxviii. 

Feidlhnid mac Echach, 264. 
Feidlimid mac Fergusa, 171. 
Feidlimid mac Medrui, 356. 
Feidlimid Rechtmar, 300. 
Feradach, 285. 

Feradach Findfechtnach,xxxviii. 
Feradach Find mac Duach, 


Feradach mac Luigdech, xvi. 
Fer da chrich, alias of Mac 

Cairtbind, 301. 
Fer filed mac Rossa, 342. 
Fergse lethain (gen. sg.) maic 

Fbeidlimid, 356. 
Fergna mac Fergusa, xl, 336. 
Fergus mac Ailella Tauldtub, 

222 ; mac Ailella Duib, 342. 
Fergus Cerrbel, xxvi. 
Fergus Cennfota mac Conaill 

Gulban, 301. 

Fergus mac Conaill, 159, 171. 
Fergus Dub-detach, xxxiii. 
Fergus Folt-lebor, xxxiii. 
Fergus mac Mind duach, 347. 
Fergus mac Muiredaig mail, xl. 
Fergus mac Rossa, xxiv, 349, 


Fergus Tene fo Brega, xxxiii. 
Fermac, 241. 

Fiacc (Fiachu?) Find, 161. 
Fiacc mac Dari Barraig, 300. 
Fiacc mac Mail cathrach, 264. 
Fiacc mac Mochta, 251. 
Fiacha mac Delbaeith, xxxv. 
Fiacha Findfholach, xxxvii. 
Fiacha Fobrecc, 237. 
Fiacha Muillethan, xxxvi. 
Fkcha Sroptine, 300. 
Fiacha Suigde, 231. 
Fiachna, 336. 
Fiachna mac Baetain, 283. 

Fiachra Find, 235. 

Fiachra Find mac Coirpri Bas- 

chain, 201. 
Fianna, bp., 213. 
Fidach, 350. 
Fidchnire mac Delmnai (Delb- 

nai), 349. 

Fidnian Maccu Tellaig, 335. 
Finan Camm, 250. 
FinanLobur, 177. 
Find i. Mantain, 336. 
Find mac L6gai, 347. 
Find hua Baiscne, xl. 
Findachan, xxxi. 
Findbarr Mael, 347. 
Findchad, xliii. 
Findchna of Bri Gobann, Life 

of, 231 ; pedigree of, 347. 
Findein, 213. 
Findia, 209. 
Findian (Finnen) of Clonard, 

173, 174, 298; Life of, 222; 

pedigree of, 342; age of, 346; 

vision of, 35^. 
Findian (Finnen) of Mag Bile, 

173, 298, 301. 
Finding, 231, 349. 
Findnat, 336. 
Finghein mac Carthaigh Riar 

bach, v. 

Finghejn mac Luchta, xxix. 
Finnbarr, alias of Findian of 

Mag Bile, 301. 
Finnech i. Senaig Find, 336. 
Finntan mac Bochrai, xxv. 
Finntan Cluana Eidnig, 299. 
Finntan mac Concraid, 222, 


Finntan Find, 285. 
Flaithbertach hua h-Inmoinen, 


Flann Lethderg, 231. 
Flann Manistrech, 293. 
Flann mac Oengussa, 242. 
Follach, 264. 
Folloman mac Cuirc Dothi, 


Forannan, 241. 
Forat mac Connla, 163. 
Forgal Monach, xliii. 
Fortchernn, bp., 222. 
Fotad mac Fir filed, 342. 
Fothud of the Canon, xxix. 
Fraech mac Causcraid, 356. 
Fraechan Drui, 226. 
Francesco Pipino, xxii, xxiii. 
Fualascach mac Astamain, 349. 

Fuirc, 163. 
Furbaide, 272. 
Furban, 267. 
Fursa the Pious, x, 294. 

Gabrin, bp., 283. 

Gaebli, Gabli (gen. sg.), 349. . 

Gamaliel, 229. 

Garald, monk, 299. 

Garban, 345. 

Gemman Maigister, 173, 227. 

Ge"r, 240. 

Gergenn, 204. 

Gergenn mac Cobthaig, 200. 

Germanns, 153, 155. 

Gildas, 222, 223, 343; his 

lorica, 324. 
Glas, 264. 
Ghiinech, 264. 

Gnia, alias of Muni of Fathna 
. Mum, 300. 
Gnoe, gen. sg., 299. 
GoSmundr, 346. 
Gomba nin, 294. 
Gordian, 260. 
Gornias, 150, 151. 
Gossa (gen. sg.), 349. 
Grafann Cille Scire (?), 176. 
Grellan mac Natfraich, 228. 
Grigoir Roma, 247. 
Gnare Aidne, xv, 304, 358. 

Hatim et-Tii, 358. 
Jlelena, 260. 

Hieronymus (Cirine), 149. 
Hilary, Saint, ix, note i. 
Hugo de Sancto Victore, xxii. 

larlaithe mac Loga, 251. 
Ibair, bishop, 186, 298, 319, 


Idnait, 231. 
Ifernan, 241. 

Illann mac Dnnlaing, 160. 
Imchath mac Coirpri 200= 

Imchath mac Cuirb, 337. 
Indu Bee, 336. 
Indu Mar, 336. 
Irial, 264. 
Isaiah, 149. 
Israel, 149. 
Ita, 249, 256. 
lull, bp., 221. 



Jacob, 266. 

Jerome, 149., 149. 

Jesus Christ, 149,. 150; His 

sepulchre, xxiv. 
Job, 229. 
Jocelin, 297. 
Johann, bp., 210. 
John, S., the apostle, 166, 247, 


John, S., the Baptist, 155, 263. 
John, son of Zebedee, 182. 
Joseph, 280. 
Justus, 266. 

Khwaja Farid, 330. 

Laire, 264. 

Lairne, 264. 

Lasre"n, alias of Molassi, 301. 

Lassair of Cell Lasre, 191, 192, 

328, 336. 
Latins, 203, 337. 
Len Linnfiaclach, xxxi. 
Leo IV, 296. 
Liath, 214, 215. 
Libern mac Daill, 212. 
Linnid mac Cuirc, 356. 
Lithben i. Aitrebthaig, 287, 288. 
Loeguire, xv. 
Loeguire Liban, xxxiv. 
Loeguire mac Luchta, xxxi. 
Loeguire mac Luigdech, 210. 
Loeguire mac Ndill, 156, 157, 


Lomaide, xxxix. 
Lonan Cerr, 273. 
Lonan mac Erca, 162, 163. 
Longarad, 298. 
Loscan, 162. 
Lucait, 282. 

Luchair of Cell Elgraige, xxvii. 
Lucholl, 264. 
Luchta Mael, 157. 
Luchta Lamfinn, xxxi. 
Lucia, Saint, 322. 
Lucra, 157. 
Luicenchair, 286. 
Lug mac Meidli, 264. 
Lug mac Trena (Treoin), 251. 
Lug-aed, crumthir, 336. 
Lugaid Allaid mac Cairpri 

Croimchinn, 201. 
Lugaid Ci'chech, 210. 
Lugaid mac Ailella, 201. 
Lugaid mac Dalann, xvi. 

Lngaid mac Dallain, 265, 299. 
Lugaid Menu, 299. 
Lugbec, 264. 
Lugbrann, 265. 
Lngna mac Feidlimid, 264. 
Lugna maccu-Moga Laim, 275. 
Lnpait, 151, 153, 154. 
Lut, 336. 

Macametus, xxii. 

Mac Arddae, 350. 

Mac-caille, 188, 322. 

Mac Cairthind, 301. 

Mac Culind of Lusk, 300. 

Mac da reo, xxxviii, xliii. 

Mac Erca, bp., 294. 

Mac ind eicis, 298. 

Mac Inill, 221. 

Mac lair^ 336. 

Mac Lenin, 301. 

Mac Midrui, 320. 

Mac nisse, 275 ; of Conaire, 159, 


MacOdrain, 326. 
Mac Tail, 214, 215. 
Maxaow, 294. 
Machdan, 282. 
Machut, 352. 
Macrith, 171. 
Maculatus, 203, 337. 
Maedoc, xvi. 

Maedoc of Ferns, 208, 299, 301. 
Mael-cethaig, 285. 
Mael-oi, 315. 
Mael doid Mucnama, 301. 
Mael-f sn hua Brolchain, xviii. 
Mael ochtraigh, 338. 
Mael Odran, 275. 
Mael tuile mac Cuilchi, 231. 
Mael uma mac Baedain, 179. 
Maghavan, 294. 
Magonius, 153, 294. 
Magor Dub-loingsech, 242. 
Maignenn, 348, 356. 
Maine, 285; mac Neill Noigf al- 

laig, 299. 
Maithgen, 183. 
Malo, S., 352. 
Manchan Leith, 299. 
Mantan, deacon, 162, 163. 
Marcan, 235. 
Marko, 346. 
Martin of Tours, 150, 155, 175, 

208, 221, 339. 
Mary, the Blessed Virgin, xx, 

xxi, 1 86, 320. 

Matha, 247, 262, 281. 
Matha, ' King of the Romans,' 


Mechar, 163, 205. 
Mechon mac Nechta, 356. 
Medrui (gen. sg.) maic Folio- 

main, 356. 
Meidle, 264. 
Meisinsued (gen. sg.) maic Sui- 

led, 356. 
Mel, bp., 183, 187, 189, 190, 

191, 194, 318, 322, 323, 327. 
Melchu, 183, 318. 
Mellenn (Melenn ?) mac Tuirc, 


Mend duach mac Bresail, 347. 
Mengan, 336. 

Michael, the Archangel, 1 66. 
Midan i. Cerain, 336. 
Mil Espaine, 264. 
Miliuc maccu Buain, 153, 154, 

Mo-bepc, 275. 

Mo-bi, 17^ 304. 
Mo-cholmoc, 345 ; of Les-mor, 

Mochta, xxxix, 164. 

Mochta mac Bresail, 251. 
Mochua of Balla, Life of, 281. 
Mo-chua mac Lugdach, 301. 
Mo-chuta of RaitSen, xvi. 
Mo-chutu Lis moir, 299, 300. 
Moeca, alias of Fechin of Fobar, 


Mogaed Ciarmac Fergusa, 349. 
Moingfhinn i. Dairi, 239, 240. 
Mo-laisse of Leighlin, x. 
Molassi, 268, 299, 301. 
Molassi of Dam-inis, 298. 
Mo-lioc, 275. 
Moiling, 301. 
Monach, xxxvii. 
Mone, 324. 

Mo-ninne of Cell slebe, 300,346. 
Morrigan, xxx, xliii. 
Moses, 165, 229, 247, 299. 
Moses, brother of Ainmire, 228. 
Mo-thairen of Drum cliff, 308. 
Mothla, 234. 
Mothla mac Flainn, 242. 
Moysi, 281. 
Mugain, 235. 
Mugain i. Ailello, 160. 
Mugh Lama mac Luigdech. Al- 

laid, 201. 

Mugh Nuadat, xxxvii. 
Mugh Ruith, xxxvi. 



Mugh Toeth, 349. 
Muinech, 163. 

Muirchertach mac Erca, xxviii. 
Muiredach mac Oengusso, 224, 


Muiredach mac Eogain, 159. 
Mula, bp,, 221. 
Muling, xvi, 

Mumu i. Fiachrach, 239. 
Munnu mac Tilcain, 299. 
Muru of Fothain (?) Muni, 300. 

Natfraech, 162. 

Natfraich,S.Brigit's priest, 191. 
Nathi mac Garrchon, 295. 
Nathi mac Luigdech, 282. 
Nar Tuathchaech, xxx. 
Necht i. Chommain, 336. 
Nechta (gen. sg.) maic Aeda, 


Nechtan Cennfota, 217, 218. 
Nechtan mac Oengusso, 228. 
Nehemiah, 149. 
Nem, 353. 
Neman, 335. 
Nephtali, 149. 
Ner, 221. 

Nessa i. Echach, xxxiv. 
Nessan, 163. 
Nessain, deacon, 299. 
Niall Noigiallach, 172, 235. 
Ninnid, 273, 334 ; N. scolaide, 

194 ; N, Lamidan, 199. 
Ninnid Saeb-rosc, 268. 
Noah, 229, 276. 
Noe (leg. Gnoe ?), 299. 
Notal, 206, 207, 208, 338, 339. 
Notker Balbulus, 309. 

O'Buagachain, vi. 

Ochmas, 150. 

Octauus, 300. 

Odran, 264. 

Odran, a follower of Colomb 
cille, 178. 

Odran, Patrick's charioteer, 

Odran, one of Senan's house- 
hold, 231. 

Oengus, alias of Mac Nissi 
of Condere, 300. 

Oengus mac Cremthainn, 265, 

2 74' 

Oengus, king of Coirpre Mor, 

Oengus mac Erca Ruaid, 231. 
Oengus mac Eire <wErca Deirg, 

Oengus mac Fiachrach Find, 

Oengus mac Natfraich, 162, 

231, 244, 247, 349. 
Oengus mac Umoir, xxx. 
O'Floinn, vi. 

Ogaman mac Fidaig, 350. 
Ogaman mac Fidchuiri, 349. 
Oissin, xxv, xliii. 
Olchon, bp., 159, 264. 
Olchu mac Altai, 349. 
Ollam mac Delbaeith, xxxv. 
Ollan, 300. 
Ondba uin, 294,- 
Origen, 247, 
Osse"ne mac Cellaig, 176. 

Pata, 264. 

Patricius, 153, 294, 298. 

Patrick, S., xv, 191, 192, 263; 

homily on life of, I. See 

Paul (P61) S., the Apostle, 165, 

169, 229, 247, 280, 349. 
Paulus Diaconus, xxii. 
Peca, 279. 
Pelagius, pope, xxii. 
Pelagius, Patrick's predecessor, 


Pepinus, xxii. 

Peter, 247, 279 ; Pettor, 349. 
Petronilla, xxii. 
Philip, the Apostle, xvii. 
Philip, son of Gordian, 260. 
Phocas, xix. 
Pol. See Paul 
Potitius, 150, 153, 293. 
Pupu of Aran, 257, 353. 

Raphael, the Archangel, 209, 

213. 339- 
Rathbeo, 264. 
Reo-doirche, 264. 
Reo-soirche, 264. 
Richenn, sister of Findian, 226. 
Rignach, sister of Findian, 226, 


Rochath, 257. 

Rodonn mac Luigdech, 200. 
Ronan, 285 ; Ronan find, 235. 
Ronsech, 336. 
Ross Failge, 237. 

Ross mac Rudraige, 342, 356. 
Rothniam, xxix. 
Ruadan Lothra, 327*, 398. 
Rudraige, 342. 

Sabinus or Savinns, 300. 

Saran mac Caelbaed, 159. 

Satan, 325. 

Scannal, 243. 

Scannlan, 286. 

Scannlan mac Cinnfaelad, 310, 

Scannlan mac Dnnadaig, 233, 

Scath Craibdech i. Dubthaig, 


Scellan, 245. 

Scoth, 336. 

Sechnall, bishop, 159, 299. 

Sechnasach mac Aeda Slaine, 


Segda mac Baith, 221. 
Selbach, xxxix. 
Senach, 222; bp., 226, 228, 

344, 345. 

Senach mac Cairill, xxxi. 
Senach mac Diarmata, 342. 
Senan, 273. 
Senan of Inis cathaigh, 163; 

life of, 200; pedigree of, 337. 
Sen-Chianan, 154. 
Sen-Mochta Lugmaid, 171. 
Sen-Nuada ices, 237. 
Sescnech, 156. 
Setna, bp., 212, 231. 
Setna mac Abrai, 347. 
Sinchell, 346. 
Sinchell junior, 298. 
Sinech, 336. 

Sinell mac Findchada, 156, 295. 
Siracht mac Fiachach Finn, 

Solomon, xix, 165, 229, 247, 


Som i. Mothla, 234. 
StarkaSr, 346. 
Sucait, 152, 153, 154, 294. 
Suibne, 285. 
Suibne mac Colmain Moir, 1 76, 

J 99 334- 
Suiled (gen. sg.) maic Ercada, 

Sylvester, 260. 

Tadg mac Cein, xxxii. 
Tairchell, alias of Moiling, 301. 



Taithlech mac Cennfaelaid, 


Tassach, bishop, 166. 
Tathan, 358. 
Telach, 222. 

Thomas, Earl of Desmond, v. 
Tigernmas, 264. 
Tigris, 153. 
Tinne Trenmor, 235. 
Tipraite Tirech, xxxviii. 
Titns, vi, 150; Tid 293. 

Toirdelbach, 163. 
Tomaltach mac Muiredaig, 


Trea i. Meic Carthind, 336. 
Tre'n, 279; macFdicc, 251. 
Tualaing, 246. 
Tuathal Maelgarb, 272, 276. 
Tuathal Treathangarb, 285. 
Tuidell, 282. 
Tuire TortbuiUech, 235. 
Tursctff, 240. 

Uithecar, 222. 

Ultan, 165. 

Ultan of Ard Breccain, 199, 334. 

Vespasian, i5o=Uespiain, 293. 
Victor, angel, 153, 155, 166. 

Wenefreda, S., 340. 

Zabulon, 149. 
Zerobabel, 149. 


*,* The numbers refer to the pages. 

Abaschia, xxiii, xxiv. 

Achad Aball, ' field of Apple- 
trees,' 225, 230, 345 = Achad 
Abla, 228, now Aghowl, in 
the barony of Shillelagh, co. 

Achad Aeda, 336. 

Achad Corcaige, 336. 

Achad Fiacla, 225. 

Aden, xxiv. 

Agar, xxvi. 

Ai, xxv. 

Aidne, xxv, 303, 357, now the 
diocese of Kilmacduagh, co. 
Galway. See Annals of 
Ulster, A. D. 783. 

Ail-Cluade,i5O, 'rock of Clyde,' 
now Dumbarton. 

Ailech na Rig, 159, now Gre- 
nan-Ely, barony of Inishowen, 
co. Donegal. 

Airceltra, xxvi. 

Airgelll, gen. pi. Airgiall, 306, 
in Ulster. See O'Donovan, 
Top. Poems, p. xix. 

Airiud Bpinne, 333, 336 = Air- 
iud Bainne, Martyr. Donegal, 
p. 188, 1. 8. 

Airthir, 165, 193, now Oriors, 
in the east of the co. of Ar- 
magh, Adamnan's 'Anteri- 

Airthir Maige Cobai, 159, now 
Annoy, co. Antrim. 

Aithbe Bolg, xxxi. 

Alba, xlii, 357, gen. Alban, 

All in Cleib, 287. 

Altraige, 200, 350, near Tralee 
in Kerry. 

Altraige Berai randai, 349. 

Altraige Caille, 247, 248, 348. 

Arada Cliach, 320, now the 
parish of Kilteely in the east 
of Limerick. 

Ard Abla, < Height of the Ap- 
pletrees,' 264, now Lisardow- 
lin, near the town of Longford. 

Ardachad, 323, 324, now Ar- 

dagh, co. Longford. 
Ard-Breccain, 334, now Ard- 

brackan in Meath. 
Ard-chnoc, 241. 
Ardmacha, 162, 166, 193, 298, 

now Armagh. 
Ard Mantain, 275. 
Ard nan-Aingel, 213, 214. 
Ard na Rigraide, 232, 239. 
Ardnemid, 209, 210. 
Ard Patric (hi the E. of Louth), 


Ard Relec, 225, 230. 
Ard Sratha, 171, nowArdstraw, 

co. Tyrone. 
Ard Tiprat, 275. 
Ard Trea, 336, now Artrea in 


Armagh, see Ardmacha. 
Aru, 257, 273, now Aran in the 

Bay of Galway. 
Asardai (Assyrians), 149. 
Ath Fiacla, 162, mentioned also 

in the Tripartite Life, p. 198. 
Ath in Carpait, 237, a ford on 

the Dael in Cenel Conaill, 

Martyr. Donegal, 154. 

Bal, 222. 

Balla, 285, avillagein the barony 

of Clanmorris, co. Mayo. 
Ballyshannon, 296 = Ess Aeda. 
Belach Duin, 164, now Castle- 

kieran, near Kells in Meath. 
Belach Gabrain, 161, now Gow- 

ran Pass, co. Kilkenny. 
Belach Ratha, 159, now Bal- 

lagh, near Malin Head, Inish- 
Bennchor, xxii, 233, 282, now 

Bangor, co. Down, on the 

south side of Belfast Lough. 
Benn Gulbain, 296, now Bin- 

Benntraige, 219, now Bantry, 

co. Cork. Another Benntraige 

in co. Wexford. 

Berba, 195, 238, now the river 

Berramain, xxv. 
Blasantia (Placentia, Piacenzd), 

198, 332, 334- 

B6ind, 225, now the river Boyne. 
Boirenn, xxv, now Barren, co. 


Both Roichnig, 336. 
Bourges, xxii. 
Brandon Hill, 351. 
Breg, gen. pi., 183, 191, 328, 

the eastern part of co. Meath. 
Breifhe, xliii, now the counties 

of Leitrim and Cavan. 
Bretain, 150, 154, 178, 189, dat. 

Bretnaib, 356, ace. Bretnu, 

293,' Britons ' used for Britain. 
Bri Ele, 322, now the hill of 

Croghan in the N.E. of King's 

Bri Gobann, 235, 347, now 

Brpsnacha Eli, 164, now Brosna 

in King's County. 
Bruig Broc, 336. 

Caer Abrocc, 172, now York. 
See Annals of the Four Mas- 
ters, A.D. 938, where it is 
written Cairabroc, the Irish 
Nennius, p. 29, and Chron. 
Scot., 271. 

Caill an lubhair, 354. 

Caill Lugmind, 336. 

Cairpre, 336, the barony of 
Carbury, co. Kildare. 

Caisel, Caisel na Rig, xxxi, 
162, 234, now Cashel, co. 

Caldea, 168, 169, 229. 

Calgach, 286. 

Carrac na nDruad, 216. 

Cell Becain, xv, now Kilbeggan 
in the south of the co. West- 

Cell Brige, 336. 

Cell Chalaid, 336. 



Cell Chulind,i6i, 336, now Old 
Kilcullen in the co. Kildare. 
Cell Corpaige, 336. 
Cell Cromglaise, 244, in Mun- 

ster, Martyr. Don., loo. 
Cell Daindend, 336. 
Cell Dara, 194, 197, 225, 332, 

333 335> now Kildare. 
Cell Droma-lethain, 237. 
Cell Elgraige, xxvii, Martyr. 

Don., p. 346, 1. a. 
Cell Eochaille, 221. 
Cell Fiacla, now Kilfeacle, co. 

Cell Garbain, 

Cell Lasre, 192, 328, 329, 336, 

now Killasher. 
Cell Lusca, 336. 
Cella Maige Uachtarcha 7 Ich- 

tarcha, 336. 
Cell manach Droichit, 206, now 

Kilnamanagh in co. Kilkenny. 
Cell M6r Arad Tire, 207. 
Cell muine, 209, 222, in Britain, 

now St. David's. 
Cell Rignaige, 227. 
Cell Scire, 176, 306, now Kil- 

skeery, co. Meath. 
Cell Suird, 336. 
Cell Uasailli,i6i,nowKillossy, 

barony of Naas, co. Kildare. 
Cenannus, xxvii, 176, now Kells, 

co. Meath. 
Cenel Conaill, 301, 303, 308, 

356, in Tirconnell, now the 

co. of Donegal. 
Cenel Cormaic, 336. 
Cenel Echdach, 323, in the 

barony of Loughmsholin, co. 

Cenel Fiacha[ch], 264, perhaps 

Kinilea in Westmeath and 

King's County. 
Cenel Fiachrach, 267. 
Cenel Lugdach, 303, in the 

barony of Kilmacrenan, co. 

Donegal. See Four MM. 

A. D. 868, note c. 
Cera, xxv, 285, now Carra, co. 

Cianacht Glinne Geimin, 231, 

now Keenaght, co. London- 

Ciarraige, 242, 243, now Kerry. 
Ciarraige Cuirchech, 243. 
Ciarraige Cuirchi, 206, now 

Kerrycurrihy, a barony in 

the co. Cork. 
Ciarraige Irluachra, 264. 
Ciarraige Luachra, 247, 349, 
350, the northern part of co. 


Citta Nuova, 309. 
Clad Cuirre, 286. 
Clann Fiachrach, 285, 307. 
Clann Rudraigi, -342. 
Clanna Conla, 307. 
Clochar, 165, probably now 

Clogher in Tyrone. 
Clonfert, xiii. 
Cluain Br6naig, 3s6,nowClon- 

broney, co. Longford. 
Cluain Corind, 336. 
Cluain Corcaige, 330, 
Cluain Deochra, now Clondara, 

co. Longford. See Four 

Masters, A. D. 977, note m, 

and Chron. Scot., 225, 370. 
Cluain Draignige, 336. 
Cluain Ech, 336. A Caernan of 

Cluain Ech is mentioned in 

Martyr. Don., 112. 
Cluain Eidnech, 239, now Clo- 

nenagh, in Queen's County. 
Clnain Foda Fine, 344, in Fir 

Tulach, Martyr. Don., 226. 
Cluain-Ichtar, 276. 
Cluain Infide, 219. 
Cluain Iraird (Eraird), 173, 

174, 228, 296, 345, 356, now 

Clonard, co. Meath. 
Cluain Irarrois, 239. 
Cluain mor Fer n-Ardai, 176, 

perhaps Clonmpre in co. 

Cluain mac Nois, 177, 264, 268, 

275, now Clonmacnpis. 
Cluain Moescnea, 336, in Fir 

Tulach. See Martyr. Don., 

10, 228. 

Cnoc Brenainn, 241, now Bran- 
don Hill, Martyr. Don., 


Cnoc Samna, 239. 
Coiced maic Luchta, xxix. 
Coire Breccain, 198, 332. 
Comar, xliii. There was a 

Comar in Meath and another 

(now Castlecomer) in Ossory. 

Comar tri n-uisce, near Water- 

Comar Cinn Slebe, 231. 
Compostella, xix. 


Conaille, 184, or Conaille Muir- 

themne, co. Louth. 
Conaire (Condire?), 159, now 
Connor, a bishop's see in 
the co. Antrim. 
Condal, a mountain, 224; dat. 

Condail, 230. 
Connacht, xxviii, 177, 184, now 

Corann, xxv, 228, now the 

barony of Corran, co. Sligo. 
Corcach (mor Muman), 210, 

now Cork. 
Corco-Baiscinn, 201, 202, 203, 

204, 275, now Corcovaskin, 

in the co. Clare. 
Corco-Duibne, 349, now Corca- 

guiny. See Martyr. Don., 96, 

318, Topogr. Poems, Ixviii. 
Corco-Laighdhe, 306, the S.W. 

part of the co. Cork. 
Corcomruadh, 205, now the 

baronies of'Corcomroe and 

Burren hi the N. W. of the 

co. Clare. 

Craig Phadraic, 316. 
Crich Baiscinn, 216. 
Crich Cualann,i56, ' included in 

the present co. of Wicklow,' 


Crich hua Ceinnselaig, 339. 
Crich Luigne, 228, nowLeyny, 

co. Sligo. 

Crich Moga Ruith, 232. 
Crich Tuathail, xxxi. 
Cross Sailech, 225. 
Crot Cualachta, 286. 
Criiachan Aigle, 263, 296. 
Cniachu, xxv, of Mag Ai, 241, 

in Rpscommon. 
Cuil Cnamrois, 241. 
Ciiil Conaire, 307, in Cera, co. 

Mayo, Four MM. A.D. 544. 
Cuil Dremne (Drebene), xxviii, 

in the barony of Carbury, co. 


Cuil Feda, 241. 
Cuil Fobair, 326, east of Lough 

Corrib, co. Galway. 
Cuil Muilt, 235. 
Currach Life, 117, 194, 329, 

now the Curragh of Kildare. 

Daire, Doire (pakwood of Cal- 
gach), 174, 175, 317, ace. 
Doiri, Duiri, 313, now Derry. 



Dairinis (oak-island'), 216, 
opposite Inis Cathaigh. 

Dairinis at Imliuch, 241. 

Dairmag (oak-plain)) 175, 283, 
308, now Durrow, in King's 

D41 n-Araide, 1 53, 1 59, a region 
in the east of Ulster, extend- 
ing from Newry, co. Down, 
to Slemish mountain, co. 

Dal Buain, 282 ; see Martyr. 
Don., 24, 60. 

Dal Conchobair, 183, 199, 334. 

Dal Messin corp, 336; Meisin 
cuirb, Four MM., A.D. 952, 
where O'Donovan says that 
this tribe was seated in the 
barony of Arklow and some 
of the adjoining districts. 

Dal Riata, 310, 314, now the 
Rout in the north of co. An- 

Damascus, 228, 229. 

Dimbal, 222. 

Dinn Righ, 238, near Leighlin 
Bridge, co. Carlow. 

Disert Brigte, 336. 

Domnach Mor, 163. 

Domnach mor Cineoil Duie(?), 

Domnach mor i toeb Cille dara, 


Druim Ceta, 309, 311, 312. 

Druim Cliab, 178, 308, now 
Drumcliff, co. Sligo. 

Druim etir da Loch, 227-228. 

Druim Fiaid, 222. 

Druim Fingein, xxix, now 
Drumfineen, co. Waterford ; 
see Four Masters, A.M. 3501. 

Druim Lethan, 237, not Drum- 
lane, in co. Cavan. 

Druim Monach, 177. 

Druim Mor, 164, now Dromore, 
in the barony of Iveagh, co. 

Druim Relgech, 1 65 , now Drum- 

Druim Sailech, 165, 'dorsum 
salicum,' a ridge about seven 
miles south of Roscrea. 

Dubchomar, 236, in Crich Roiss, 
Four Masters, A.D. 322, the 
confluence of the Blackwater 
and the Boyne. 

Dubdaire, in Thomond, xvii. 

Dun (leth-glaise), 162, 166, 317, 
now Down, or Downpatrick. 
Diin Clithair, xxv. 
Dun Dubchomair, 236, 245. 
Dun Eochairmaige, 239, 240. 
Dun Mechair, 205. 

Eba, xxv, perhaps Magh 
n-Eabha, now Magherow 
(= Machaire Eabha), in the 
barony of Carbery, co. Sligo. 

Echtge, xxvi, 202, now Slieve 
Aughty, a mountainous dis- 
trict on the confines of Gal- 
way and Clare. 

Eigipt, 169, 283, Egypt. 

Eiscir Branainn, 225. 

Eli, i64 = Eile, Ely O'Carroll, 
in the S. of Bang's County. 

Emain, 309, now the Navan 
fort, near Armagh. 

Enach D[a]irmaige, 336. 

Eoganacht Gabra, 211, now the 
barony of Connello, cp. 

Eoganacht Locha Lein, 235, 
in the S.E. of the co. Kerry. 

Eoraip, 155, Europe. 

Espan, 264, Spain, 

Ess mac n : Eirc, 178, near Boyle, 
co. Roscommon, now Assylin, 
i. e. Ess hui Fhlpinn. 

Ess Ruaid, 178, now Assaroe, 
a cataract on the Erne, in 
which (according to the Toch- 
marc Eniire) Aed Ruad was 

Etail, 155, Italy. 

Etargabul, 336, lit. 'between 
the fork.' O'Donovan, Four 
MM.,A.v.l88 (where the gen. 
sg. Eqtargabhla occurs) says 
that there are several places 
of this name in Ireland. 

Ethne, 326, now the Inny river. 

Fal, 159, a name for Ireland. 
Fan na n-Ech, 216. 
Fan Muilt, 234. 
Fergort na Mogad, 233. 
Ferna, 208, gen. Fernann, now 

Ferns, co. Wexford. 
Ferta (in Armagh), 165. 
Ferta Fer Feicc, 156, 158, near 

Slane, in Meath, ' beside Sid 

Truim in the west,' Mart. 

Don., 292. 

FertaisTuama, 2 60, now Toome 

Bridge, over the lower Bonn, 

co. Antrim. 

Fianann, 248, now the Fenet. 
Fidarta, 266, now Fuerty, 

barony of Athlone, co. Ros- 

Fid Mor, 159, now Veagh, in 

the parish of Raymochy. 
Findine, 163, 202. 
Fine Gall, 330, now Fingal, the 

part of the co. Dublin lying to 

the north of the river Liffey. 
Finnabair, 167, probably Fin- 

dermore, in the barony of 

Clogher, co. Tyrone. 
Finntracht Cinn Magair, 242, 


Fir Airbido, 323. 
Fir Breg, 193, 231, 235; see 


Fir Domnann, 285. 
Fir Eirenn, 167, men of Ire- 

Fir Maige, 234, 242, 347, now 

the barony of Fermoy, co. 

Fir Roiss, 160, 164, 193, 283, 

in the south of co. Monaghan. 
Fir Tethbae, 324, 325. 
Fir Tulach, 189, 226; Fir Tel- 

ech, 323, now Fartullagh, a 

barony in the co. Westmeath. 
Fobar, 298; Fobar Feichin, 

283, Fore, in Westmeath. 
Fochaillech, 345; see Mart. 

Donegal, 196. 
Fochlad, 155. 
Fordruim, 336, now Fardrum, 

in Westmeath. 
Fotharta Airbrech, 225, near 

the hill of Bri Eile (now Cro- 

ghan), in the north of King's 

County; Four MM., A.M. 

Fotharta mara, 330 ; see Mart. 

Don., 124, 202. 
Frainc, xx, xxii, 276, Franks, 


Gabra, xliii, now Gowra, in co. 


Gael, 283 ; see G6idil. 
Gailinnse xviii, Galicia. 
Girar, 330. 
Glais Noiden, 174, now Glas- 

nevin, near Dublin. 



Glasraige, 264. 

Glenn da locha, xvi, now Glen- 
dalough, co. Wicklow. 

Glenn Geimin, 231, now Glen- 
given, co. Londonderry. 

Goidil, 155, the Irish. 

Gorton, 172. 

Gort clainne Ne"ill, 243. 

Gort na Liac, 233. 

Goths, xxii. 

Grenan Ely, 296. 

Heriu, xxv, Hen, 357, gen. He*- 
renn, anglicised Erin. The h 
in H&riu (from fverid), as in 
Hi (from fova) and in htii 
(from avfi), seems to repre- 
sent a v which has undergone 

1*1,310,317; Hi'Coluim Chille 
(loud), 178, 179, now lona. 

Hui Bresail, 336, afterwards 
called Clanbrassil, in the 
counties of Armagh and 

Hui Briuin Cualann, 197, 332, 
in the greater part of the 
barony of Rathdown, co. 
Dublin, and some of the 
north of the co. Wicklow. 

Hui Cairbri, 243-244, probably 
= Hiii Cairbri Aebhdha, in 
the present baronyof Coshma, 
cp. Limerick. 

Hiii Caissin, 241, the present 
deanery of Ogashin, in the 
east of co. Clare. 

Hui Cennselaig, 161, 208, 237, 
in co. Wexford. 

Hiii Culduib, 331. 

Hui Degad Moir, xvi, perhaps 
=the Hui Deaghaidh in the 
present barony of Gorey, co. 

Hiii Desa, 202. 

Hui Dobarchon, xvii; see M&- 
lusine, t. iv. 

Hui Echach, 210. There were 
at least four tribes so called, 
one in Down, one in Armagh, 
one in the S.W. of Cork, and 
one in Waterford. 

Hiii Failgi, 161, 185, 267, 322, 
33> 33i, the present barony 
of Ophaley, co. Kildare, and 
parts of King's and Queen's- 

Hiii Fi[d]geinte, 162, 201, 202, 
211, 214, 217, in the south 
of co. Limerick. 
Hiii Garrchon, 160, 161, now 
the parishes of Glenealy, 
Killaird, and Rathnew, in 
the co. Wicklow. 
Hiii Liathain, 209, in the 
present barony of Barrymore, 
co. Cork. 

Hiii Luigdech, 282, now Ileagh, 
in the barony of Eliogarty, 
co. Tipperary. 
Hui Maic Tail, 218. 
Hiii Maic Uais, 183, 192. One 
tribe of this name was in 
East Meath (barony of Moy- 
fenrath), another in West 
Meath (barony of Moygoish). 
Hiii Maine Connacht, xvi, the 
third part of Connaught 
bounded on the south by the 
river Grean in the co. Clare. 
Hiii Meith Tire, 160, in the 
barony and county of Mona- 

Hui Ne*ill, 'nepotes Nialli,' 
xxviii, 154, 167, 194, 235, 
236, 264, 322, in Meath, 
which was divided among 
the sons of Niall of the Nine 
Hostages and possessed by 
their descendants till the 
English invasion ; Four MM. 
A.M. 3510, note a. 
Hiii Setna, 213. 
Hui Toirdelbaig, 241. The 
territory of the tribe was 
bounded on the S., S.W., and 
E. by the Shannon, on the N. 
by the Conghaile, on the W. 
by Glenomra. 

Hiii Tuirtri, 160, on the Bann, 
in the baronies of Upper and 
Lower Toome, co. Antrim. 

lannumu, 163, West Minister, 
larusalem, 175, Jerusalem. 
Imliuch Ibair, 232, 233, now 

Emly in co. Tipperary. 
Imliuch na Lega, 336. 
Imliuch Mar, 336, now perhaps 

Emlaghmore, barony of Bally- 

moe, co. Roscommon. 
Inber Colpthi, 158, the mouth 

of the Boyne. 

3 c z 

Inber D6, 156, the mouth of the 

Vartry river, co. Wicklow. 
Inber Domnann, 156, now 

Malahide river. 
Inber na mBarc, 156 ; see Four 

MM., A.D. 836, note b. 
Inber Slainge, 156. 
Inis Amalgaid, 287. 
Inis Angin, 275, now Inchia- 
neen, or Hare Island, in 
Lough Ree, co. Westmeath. 
Inis B6 finde, 315, now Boffin 
Island, co. Mayo, or Inish 
bofin in Lough Ree, co. West- 

Inis Caerach Ce"oil, 212, now 
Mutton Island, co. Clare. 

Inis Cara, 209, 210, 211. 

Inis Cathaig, 163, 203, 213, 
214, 216, 217, 273, 274, 337, 
now Scattery Island, in the 
Shannon, co. Clare. 

Inis Celtra, xv, 303, now Inish 
calthra, or Holy Island, in 
Lough Derg, co. Galway. 

Inis Clothrann, 219, now Inch.- 
cleraun, or Quaker's Island, 
in Lough Ree, co. Longford. 

Inis Coirthe, 208, 339, seems 
the present Enniscorthy, but 
the Irish name of this is Inis 
corthadh according to the 
Four Masters, A.D. 1460. 

Inis Connla, 213, in Crich Ua 
Sedna" in Munster, Martyr. 
Donegal, 260. 

Inis Crone, 336. 

Inis Luinge, 211. 

Inis mac n-Eirc, 230. 

Inishmurray, 358, co. Sligo. 

Inis mor in Irrus Deiscert, an, 

Inis Patric, 156, now Patrick's is.- 
land, near Skerries, co. Dublin. 

Inis Tuaiscirt, 211. 

Insi Mod, 172, the Clew Bay 
Islands, co. Mayo, Four MM,, 
A.D. 1079, 1248. 

Inverness, 316, in Irish Inbhey 

fsel Ciarain, 264, 274, lit-. S. 
Ciaran's low land, the name 
of a church at Clonmacnois, 
King's co., Four MM., A. p. 

Irrus, 205, 206, now Ems, co. 

3 8o 


Irras Deisceirt, 211. 
Istria, 309. 
ludaidi, 150, Jews. 

Laigin, 160, 161, 186, 187, 188, 

193, 224, 229. Leinstennen. 
Lathairn Maige Muilt, 264, 

perhaps Larne, co. Antrim. 
Lathaira Molt, 356. 
Lecc na n-Aingel, 213 = Lecc 

inna n-Aingel, Trip. Life, 

p. 236. 

Lecc in Pupaill, 228. 
Lecc Patraic, 162, now the 

townland of Cashel, near 

Leighlin, x, in Irish Lethghlenn, 

co. Carlow. 
Les Cluaine, 355. 
Les mor, 359, probably Lismore, 

co. Waterford. 
Letha, 209 =Letavia, Armorica, 

Leth Cuinn, 222, the northern 

half of Ireland. 

Leth Moga (Nuadat), 222, 243, 
the southern half of Ireland. 

Lethraith (dat. sg.), 336, now 
Lara or Abbeylara, co. Long- 

Llydau, 339. 

Loch Andind, 336, now Lough 
Ennell in Westmeath. 

Loch Cenn, 244. A Loch Cend 
is mentioned by the Four 
MM., A.D. 853; butO'Don- 
ovan says this is a mistake 
for Loch Cendin. Hennessy, 
Chron. Scot., 392, says that a 
Loch Ceann formerly existed 
to the north of Knockany, co. 

Loch Cime, 284, 286, now 
Lough Hackett, co. Galway. 

Loch Cuan, 294, now Strang- 
ford Lough. 

Loch in Ais, 197. 

Loch Laphain, 193. 

Loch Lebinn, 283, now Lough 
Leane in Westmeath. 

Loch Lein (Linnf iaclaich), 235, 
now the lakes of Killarney in 

Loch Lemnachta, 332. 

Loch Lir, xvii. This was one 
of the ancient names for Car- 

lingford Lough ; but the 
Loch Lir mentioned in p. xvii 
must have been in Thomond. 

Loch Ri (or Ribh), 232 ; an 
expansion of the upper Shan- 

Loch Silenn, 243, 244, now 
Lough Sheelin, on the bor- 
ders of the counties of Cavan, 
Longford, and Meath. 

Locha Eirne, 268, now Lough 
Erne, in Fermanagh. 

Lochlannaig. xxxii. 

Lothra, 227 ; nowLorrha in co. 

Lua, 209 ; the territory of Mus- 
craige Hiii Fhloinn, in the 
barony of Muskerry. 

Luachair, 163, now Slieve- 
Logher, a mountain-range 
dividingLimerick from Kerry. 

Lugmad, 164, ifi, now Louth. 

Luigni. See Crich Luigne. 

Luimnech, 163, 200, 202, 230, 
the ancient name of the 
lower Shannon. 

Lnmbardaig, xxii, the Lom- 

Macha, 164, 165, Armagh. 
Maen, 177, now Moone in the 

co. Kildare. 
Maenmag, xxv, now Moinmoy, 

a territory in the co. Galway. 
Mag Ai, 252, 265, 266, a plain 

in the co. Roscommon. 
Mag Bile, 173, now Movilla, 

co. Down. 
Mag Breg, xxiv, 156, 158, the 

tract extending from Dublin 

to Dundalk and the Fews 

Mag Coel, 330. 
Mag Fenamna, 320. 
Mag Glas, 222, now Moyglas 

in the co. Roscommon. 
Mag-inis, 167, now Lecale, co. 

Mag Lacha, 204, 205, in the 

barony of Kells, co. Kil- 

Mag Lainne, 235. 
Mag Lemna, 192, now the 

Closach, a level district in 

Mag Lifi (Liphi), 186, 197, 319, 

the plain of the Liffey, in 

cos. Kildare, Wicklow, and 


Mag Maethla, 286. 
Mag Maistertha, 234, 237. 
Mag Molt, 264. 
Mag Raigne, 162 ;. in the barony 

of Kells, co. Kilkenny. 
Mag Trega, 336, now Moytra, 

in the co. Longford. 
Mainistir (Buiti), v, vii, 176, 

308, now Monasterboice, co. 


Martarthech, 162. 
Mide, xliii, 189, now Meath. 
Moin Faichnig, 322, now 

Boughna Bog in Ofialy. 
Mon, 286. 

Monasterboice ; see Mainistir. 
Muad, 286, 287, the Moy, a 

river flowing into the bay of 

Killala, in Connaught. 
Mucram, gen. Mucruma, xxv. 
Mugdoirn, 231, now the barony 

of Cremorne, co. Monaghan. 
Mugna Sulcain, 225. 
Muiresc, xxv, now Murrisk, co. 

Muir n-Icht, 155, 334, the Ictian 


Mullach Feis, 213. 
Mullach side, 296, now Mul- 

laghshee, co. Donegal. 
Mumu, xxxii, 162, 164, 184, 

now Munster. 
Mungairit, 163, now Mun- 

grett, S.W. of Limerick. 
Muscraige Breogain, 162, in 

the barony of Clanwilliam, 

co. Tipperary. 
Muscraige Mitaine, xxxi, in the 

barony of West Muskerry, 

co. Cork. 
Muscraige Tire, 163, now the 

baronies of Upper and Lower 

Ormond, co. Tipperary. 

Nas, 1 60, now Naas, co. Kil- 

Nemptor, Nemhtor, 150, 151, 
*54> J 55> seems to have 
been an old name for Dum- 

Ninnus, 202 ; Ninus, 360. 

Noendruim, 294, now Mahee 

6chtar maige Fochaillech, 215. 



ttchtar Sceith, 218. 

Odba, 285, 286, the ancient 

name of a mound near Na van, 

co. Meath, Chron. Scot., 402. 
Oile"n Rosa Cre, xix. 
Ollarba, xliii, now the Lame 

Water, co. Antrim. 
Osraige, 161, 206, 225, 310, 

314, anglicised Ossory, in 

Queen's County. 

Plea, 334. 

Port in Sosceoil, 275. 

Raith Both, 175, now Ra- 
phoe, co. Donegal. 

Raith Cremthainn in Mag Ai, 
265, 266, 356. 

Raith Dairi, 165. 

Raith Derthaige, 331, and Mar- 
tyr. Don., 80. 

Raith Gaisni, 326. 

Raith Hiia Guile, 232. 

Raith Inbir, 160, now Wicklow. 

Raithen, xvi, now Rahan, 
King's County. 

Raithliu, 210, 211. 

Rechru, 177, now Lambay 
Island, co. Dublin. 

Rom, xix, 155, 175, 208, 224, 
229 ; Rom Letha, 199. 

Ross Cuire, 222. 

Ross Dairbrech, 285. 

Ross Findchuill, 226. 

Ross larnglais, 336. 

Ross Maic Ceit, 336. 

Ross Maithgin, 183. 

Ross Tiprat, 300. 

Sabull Patric, 157, now Saul, 
co. Down. 

Saigir, 277, 358, nowSeirkieran, 
King's County. 

Saracens, xxii. 

Saxain, 178, 223, 224, Saxons, 

Seir, a river, 327. 

Sid Aeda, 159, 171, now Mul- 
laghshee, a little to the north 
of Ballyshannon ; so called 
from Aed Ruad, who was 
drowned in Ess Ruaid, and 
whose body was then taken 
into the sid there. See the 
Tochmarc Emire. 

Sid Buidb, xxx. 

Sid Cruachan,'xxx. 

Sid Findachain, xxxi. 

Sil Conaire, xxxi. 

Sil Mael Rnain, xxviii; the 

tribe name of the O'Flynns 

in co. Roscommon. 
Sil Muiredaig, 287 ; the O'Co- 

norsof Magn-Ai, descendants 

of Muiredach Muillethan, 

king of Connaught. 
Sinann (Shannon), 174; imon 

Sinaind, 357. 

Sinna (gen. sg.), the river ' Shan- 
non,' 219, 275. Cogn. with 

Skr. sindhu, the Indus. 
Slaine, 208, 339, now the 

river Slaney. 
Slebte, 161, now Sletty, in 

Queen's County. 
Slemuin, xxvi, now Slewen or 

Slane'in the par. of Dysart, 

Sliab Bethad, 296, now Slieve 

Beagh in Ulster. 
Sliab Condala, 225. 
Sliab Crott, xxv, now Slieve 

Grud, co. Tipperary. 
Sliab Cua, 237, 238, 242, 296, 

Knockmeldown, co. Water- 
Sliab Fuait, 193 ; the Fews 

mountain, near Newtown 

Hamilton, co. Armagh. 
Sliab Hermoin, 155, Mount 


Sliab Sion, 166, Mount Zion. 
Sliab Slanga, 160, now Slieve 

Donard, co. Down. 
Sogan na Maine, 284, in the 

N.E. of co. Galway. 
Sord, 177, gen. Suirdd, 328, 

now Swords, co. Dublin. 
Spolitana, urbs, 300, note I. 
Sruth na n-Eces, 238. 
St. Paul's Kloster, xvi. 

Tailtiu, 191, 326, now Tel- 
town, co. Meath. 

Tara, 360; see Temair* 

Tarbga, xxy. 

Tartairi, xxiii. 

Tchuvashes, 295. 

Tech Curchaissi, 336. 

Tech Luta, 336, and Martyr. 
Don., pp. 124, 202. 

Tech maic in tsaeir, 264. 

Tech maic Odrain, 326. 

Tech Maile Achaid, 336. 

Tech Mo-laga, nowTimoleague, 
co. Cork, 348. 

Tech Moling, xvi, now St. 

Mullin's, co. Carlow. 
Tech Telle, 283, now Tehelly, 

near Durrow, King's County. 
Telach Dubglaise, 301; Mar- 
tyr. Don., 1 60. 
Telach Fuinechda, 336. 
Telach na n-Epscop, 197, 332. 
Telcha Mide, 188. 
Temair, xv, xxiv, 156, now 

Tara in Meath. 
Tethba, 189, 190, 232, 324, 

325, a territory in the present 

counties of Longford and 

Timoleague Abbey; see Tech 


Tipra Fainnein, 228. 
Tipra Libirn, 212. 
Tir Conaill, 167, 174, Tir- 

Tir da Glas, 298, now Terryglas, 

io Lower Ormond. 
Tir Enda, 173, 'the land of 

Enda,' sixth son of Conall 

Gulban, in the barony of 

Raphoe, co. Donegal. 
Tir Eogain, 159, now Tyrone. 
Tir Lugdach, 301, in the barony 

of Kilmacrenan, co. Donegal. 
Tir Tarngeri, 353, 354. 
Tir na Gabra, 265. 
Torach, 178, how Tory Island, 

offtheN.W. coast of Donegal. 
Torinis, 155, 175, 208, 222, 

305, now Tours. 
Tracht Eothuille, 286, now 

Trawhohelly, a strand near 

Ballysadare, co. Sligo. 
Tracht Findi, 336. 
Tracht Termoinn, 204. 
Tricha cet na soillse, 167. 
Tuaim da Gualann, 251, now 

Tuam, co. Galway. 
Tuaim n-Aba, 210. 
Tuaim Ne'ill, 336. 
Tuath-mumu, 163, North Mun- 

ster, anglicised Thomond. 

Uisnech, xxx, now Usnagh Hill, 

in Westmeath. 
Ulaid, xxvii, 158, 167, 229,282, 

342, the eastern part of the 

co. Down. 
Umall, xxv, now the Owles, co. 

Urrnarc Letha, 153, Armorica, 



Abbas almps amabilis, 352. 
A bhen, taisig do macan, 12. 
A Bhicc an, innisi dhamh, 28. 
A Bhicc indissiu damsa, 306. 
A Chaisil, is dimbrig soin, 


A Chiarain, a cridhecan, 125. 
A chubuis con, 314. 
A Laighne, nom-lenaidh, 3047. 
A mo ruire-sea, 38. 
A rath a n-Hi gan cairi, 317. 
Aeinis Senan. tes ind ailtin Arda 

Neimidh, 63. 
Aingil i ndealbhaibh 6gh find, 


Alleluia Domine, 121. 
Amhra ocbhudh bai i n-Hi, 30. 
Amhra oclaech. teit uann siar, 

Ard reileac na n-aingeal n-an, 

As doilghi learn ina in t-ecc, 

Atber cofir foirglidhi, 130. 

Bachlach 'san purt, 31. 
Bendacht for a ndaltuibh, 140. 
Bennacht De for Mumain, 16. 
Bidh Balla ainm in bhaili, 141. 
Bliadan ar trichait gan acht, 

Braonfind a ainm-sium artiis, 


Brath, ni becc a bresim, xviii. 
Brentiinn breo betha buadhaig, 

Brigit be bithmaith, 52. 

Caeca for cet comlana, 122. 
Carais Brenainn buanchrabudh, 


Cedain luid ludas tar ord, 316. 
Ceit gach righ coreil, xxix. 
Cia dodechaid Colum cain, 


Ciarsa isiul robadh ard, 129. 
Cl&righ filet forar lar, 28. 

Clere fila for a lar, 306. 
Cormac cain, buich neoit, 312. 
Cris Mobhf, 26, 304. 
Custodiantur regimina, 1 18, 

Da Fhinn^n, di Cholum caidh, 


Darerca ma mathair-si, 119. 
Dia do betha, a Brenainn sunn, 

Dia mbad mhe'isi budh ri reil, 

Doro at cenn do shena, 68. 

Eisse*irghe Patraic a nDiin, 14. 

Fa direch o chinn go bonn, 97. 
Fasaidh ferg don righain de, 

Fidchell Crimthuinn Niad Nair, 

Fil suil nglais, 310. 
Foghar gotha Brenainn bbinn, 

Gignid (geinfid) macan dia fine, 

10, 23. 

Gignid macan 'san tir thiar, 56. 
Gle nolaighedh isin gainem, 


Hi co n-ilar a martra, 317. 

Indsaighfidh gala, 84. 
Inmacan dotoet atuaidh, 15. 
Is aire caraim Dairi, 27. 

Laithe n-aen occ ionghaire, 


Macan Eithne toebfota, 23. 
Macan gignither atuaid, 23. 
Mac beruir do Fe[d]limid, 23. 
Mithig damsa toirired, xviii. 
Mobhi a ainm-sium artiis, 100. 

Mochta craibdech credal, 16. 
Mu bennacht for na tuatha, II. 
Muimnigh dia nom-saraighet, 

Muir n-ard n-ainbthech seoch a 

taeb, 67. 

Na trf coecat, 316. 

Ni ro, 55. 

Ni t(fd anegen anaisgidh, xxxi. 

Nochu cill acht math cilli, 

Nonbur sin sil Conaire, xxxi. 

Oc Ciaran roleghastar, 356. 
Oc Finnen roleghastar, 124. 
Ocht n-aeric na ndualach, xviii. 
O Clnd Cuiri Calgaigh croaidh, 

Olc bith arumpta, xxvi. 

Quantum Christe O apostolum, 

Rodhail CUiain, 126. 
Roic gabair ^Enghusa, 119. 
Roshirset sil Muiredaig, 143. 
Ross nDairbhrech cathair Mu- 
chua, 141. 

Seacht catha ro-cuiressa, 98. 
Se trichait bliadne co mblaidh, 

Silledh for aghaidh mBrenainn, 

Soer tri coecca, 29. 

Teamuir teach i mbui mac 

Cninn, xxxi. 
Ticfat tailchinn tar muir meir- 

cenn, 9. 

Tir trea tholl, 317. 
Toirrsi nocha maith in modh, 


Tri longa seolais in saoi, 106. 
Tri muilt corcra, suairc in tr6d, 



*** The bare Arabic numbers refer to the lines of the Irish Text ; the Arabic numbers with 
p. prefixed, to the pages of the Notes ; the Roman numbers to the pages of the Preface. 
Words found in Prof. Windisch's Worterbuch have, as a rule, been omitted. 

abac, s. m. dwarf, gen. abuic, BB. 351 b 50, now 
written abhaic, as in the proverb dhd dtrian 
abhaic a bhod, pi. gen. 3776. See quotation 
under luchrupan. Another abac, cogni with 
W. afangc, 'Castor, fiber, Anglice a bever' 
(Davies), seems to be in the gloss abacc .1. bee 
abae, ar is a n-aibnib bit (for it is in rivers they 
are), H. 2. 16, col. 88. 

acht, gan acht 4747. Acht is glossed by gnlm, 
'deed' (Lat. actum), corf, 'body' and connta- 
bairt, 'doubt' And O'Donovan in his Sup- 
plement explains it by 'condition,' 'stipu- 
lation ' (La.t.pactum ?) . In the cheville^B n acht 
it seems to mean ' doubt.' 

acnabad, a ration, customary portion of food, sg. 
dat. acnamat(h} 157. Compound: fri com- 
<zcnaoad(gl. contra consuetudinem), Sg. 143 as, 
do chomacnubud, Ml. 21 a n huan chomacnu- 
bud, Ml. 96 a 8. Acnamacht also occurs in 
Conn. Tr. 16. 

ac-seo, p. 308, 1. 14, lo this ! ac-sin 4201 lo that! 
ac-siit, ac-sudi3O5 lay on! 

ad-agur 1572, / dread. Cf. attagar techt hi 
cruaich crnind, Trip. Life, 1 14, 1. 26. 

adam det, my two teeth, 4547. Soadham brathair 
is mo ben, my two brothers and my wife, Lism. 
124 b, 2. 

adart, pillow,\m, 4457, 4493, but in ig$,high- 
water-mark. See P. O'C. 

adbar, material, cause, sg. gen. adhbhair 4350, 
pi. n. adbara, LL. 218 b. 

ad-eitig 3943, aidheidig 3626, abominable =aidh- 
didh .1. granda, ugly, deformed, P. O'C. See 
eitigh 2216. 

*ad-regim, I arise, the orthotonic form of lirgim, 
s-fut. sg. 2, adreis, thou wilt arise, 2660. 

ad-rimim, / number, the orth. form of dirmiu : 
with infixed pron. da, act. pres. sg. 3 atai-rtmi, 
imperat. sg. 2 atai-rim, p. 319, 1. 19. 

ad-rocuir 4036, for sjdccocia&ir, fell down. 

ad-uathaigim : act. pret. sg. 3, ro-aduathaig 4870, 

a denominative from adhnath, horror, detesta- 
tion, P. O'C., whence aduathmar, horrible. 

adusce 4378, seems a scribal error for ind usci. 

aemfor faem : ni ro aem in rf fair 376. 

aesach 3404 aged, a deriv. of aes, ' age,' whence 
also aosaghadh, growing old, P. O'C. 

agasta, awful, 4454, a sister-form, aigesta : 
. . . co n deilb adhuathmair is grannu 7 is 
aigestu for anmannaib in betha, Rawl. B. 502, 
fo. 46 b, 2. 

aibit, habit, xxii. 

aibsigim 3883, cognate with taibsigim and aib- 
seoir, a braggard, an ostentator, P. O'C. 

aicciupt, aicipt, a lesson, accipt, O'Don. Supp. sg. 
gen. aicipta 4049, aicciupta 4319, tech n-aic- 
cepta, Mer. Uilix 143. This word (also aic- 


in meum accepturium .1. meam lectionem, my 

lesson, Bodl. 572, fo. 47 b. And see Ducange, 

s. v. Acceptorius (maior acceptorio duarum 

aided gona 465, death by slaying', Trip. 250, 1. 

3, aided for aided', gona, gen. sg. otguin. 
aiged-ban 3791, -white-faced. Also in Mer. 

Uilix 52. 
aigen 4275, gen. aighin, p. 302, 1. 28, a brass 

kettle or pot, a copper boiler or caldron, P. O'C. 

But on p. 302 it means an iron pot. PI. dat. 

in aignib (gl. in patellis), Ascoli, Gloss, xliii. 
aigidecht, 194, 253, 1442, 1713, 1716, aoighidhr 

echt 255, guesting, deriv. of oigi, a guest, gen. 


ail 2035, to entreat, .1. iarraidh, O'Cl. 
*ailgidim, / desire, act. pres. ind. pi. 3 ailgidit, 

3746. Seems cognate with ailgius 2389, 

3312, ailges, craving, request.' 
aim-reide, literacy unsmoothness, but in 2473 in- 

disposition, disorder. A deriv. of amreid. 
aim-riar, disobedience, sg. ace. aimhreir 1859. 

Hence aimriarach, Four Masters, A.D. 1601, 
aimrit (=an + brit?), barren, 4649, 4787, aimrid 


.1. tease, P. O'C., pi. n. dogniter na ferunda 

condat ambrite, LB., 38 b 32. Hence 
aimrite, barrenness, 4649, aimride (.1.) seisce, 

P. O'C., sg. dat. ambriti, p. 335, 1. 33. 
ainechrus 2073, eiiechrus 2077, seems to mean 

ainseis 4549, unwisdom ? Wb. I4d 28; s&is,path, 

way, O'Don. Supp. ; gen. seasa, O'Dav. s. v. 

aipthigim, I ripen, pass. pret. sg. 3, ro-aipthi- 

ghedh, a denom. of,rfye. 
airbe, fence, 4109, airbe druad, xxxviii=erbe d. 

Ann. Ulster A. D. 560. 
a-\fa!ibaA., feeding, refectton,-vin, I. 22, and Wb. 

29 b i8,ar-donbiatha,yaa& us,viii. 1. 28, arbi- 

athim nutrio. 
airchill 1849, airchill or 6irchill, a reserve or 

keeping; amh-airchill, inreserve or keep for me, 

P. O'C. airchill .1. coimhe'ad, O'R. 
airchinnech in muilinn 4169, the headman of the 

air-digbad 3862 (ms. airdhidhbhadh), lessening? 

airdigbhann, it lessens, O'Don. Supp. 
airec, a finding, 2741, airec menman, invention, 

conception, fit. mental finding, xxiv. 
airechtas, -us 1877, assemblage, meeting, sg. gen. 

airechtais 1457, dat. oirechtus 1451. 
airer, pi. -a 2519. airear .1. sasadh, satiety, fos 

[moreover] biadh, food, victuals, P. O'C. 
airichthe 2363, for airighthe, felt, noticed, per- 

ceived, P. O'C., part. pret. pass, of airigim, 

whence ro airigset 4198. 
airigech, p. 324, 1. 24, a scribe's mistake for airi- 

dech ' poculum, cratera' =aredeg, p. 325, 1. 4. 
airilliud 1309, 1325, property ? coro-loisced sum 

conauli arilliud, LB. 26 b 29. In p. 30,!. 3o,az>- 

liudis perhaps a scribe's mistake for airilliud. 
airle, counsel, ace. to P. O'C., will, consent, sg. 

ace. 184. 
airleba, p. 321, 1. 26, for airslebe, hillside, gen. 

airslebi, LL. 243 b 15. 
airles 2926, encloszire. 
airmed bracha 2921, a measure of malt. 
airne, a sloe, pi. n. arne, p. 326, 1. 13. 
airrter, mane ? forelock ? 2217, iar n-airrter 2221. 
aitenndae,/^2y 3798, a deriv. of aitenn, furze = 

W. eithin. 

aith-beoaigim, / resuscitate, requicken. 
aithim, I revenge, 2dy b-.fut. act. sg. 3. aithfed, 

310, 1. 36. A denom. from aithe (gl. talio). 
nne 2907, a firebrand or coal of fire, P. O'C. 
athinne, aithinne (.gl. torris, gl. fax), G. C. 2 

aithisigim, I abuse, affront, disgrace, reproach, act. 
pret. sg. ro aithisigh, 4717. aithisigid, LB. 
229 a. The verbal noun aithisigud Wb. 28 a 9, 
aithisiugud, LB. 167 a 13. 

aithiusc, answer, 2281, 2977, but in 308 declara- 
tion ; aithiusc mbre'ithre 404 seems to mean 

aitte 3665, for aitti buildings, structures. 

alad,p. 315,1. 3, piebald, 2164, 2324. 

all, n. cliff, a stem in s, sg. gen. aille, dat. all 
2164, better aill, as in LL. 115 b. 

allmar, adj. 2114, 2128, meaning obscure. 

allmarach, foreigner, pi. allmaraig 3137, allmuir 
.1. fri muir anall, H. 2. 16, col. 89. 

allmarda,yraw, 3128. 

alt 4834, a steep, height, cliff, P. O'C., suide coin 
in ailt, Brocc. h. i. 

amar, as, when, 2490. From immar. . 

amfann, very weak, ace. pi. ace. amhfanna489O. 

amm e"icne, time of need, 3273. 

ammo, Omy! p. 321, 1. n 

an-abuidh, unripe, immature, 3072. 

an-airchius t^^z, unselfishness ? unseemliness? the 
anoirches, gen. anoirchessa, of LB. 197 a 63, 
6i7b7- Cognate with the adj. of which the 
compar. occurs in LL. 53 b 6, ni hairchisi th'o- 
par, or si, anda opor in lochta as a cuit seo. 

anbail, very great, O'D. ; vast, huge, P. O'C. But 
cohanbbfail 1485 must mean something like 
' quickly.' 

ancaire, anchor, 3777, 3780, angcaire 3782. 

anfabrachta, consumptive, 1440, 1444, 1468. 
Cognate with anfobracht, Conn., P. O'C.'s an- 
forbhracht, a wasting or consuming ofthefiesh. 

anfabrachtaide, consumptive, 4851. 

anforlann 4822, anforlond, overwhelming force, 
LL. 2 2 2 a, O'Don. Four MM., A.D. 1 2 2 5 (p. 2 24). 

anforrach (?) 4239. 

an-forus 4894, the opposite of forns = P. O'C.'s 
foras, sedateness. 

an-forusta 1556, the opposite of forusta = P. O'C.'s 
forasta, sedate. 

angbuid 22i6.fierce,ruthless. Trip. Life, 482,1.21 

anm-chairdine, soul-friendship, spiritual direc- 
tion, 145, 3880. A deriv. of the nt-stem anam- 
chara, whence also 

amn-chairdius, soul-friendship, spiritual direc- 
tion, sg. gen. -a, 2035, sg. dat. 2480. 

anm-choimet(anim + coim^i^z^soul-protection. 

anmforlunn 4822, oppression. Seems a scribe's 
mistake for ammforlunn=hnmforlann. 

annoit, a parent church ? O'Don., Supp. sg. 
gen. trian ann6ite 4531, p. 358, 1. 6. This 
word is written andoit, BB. 266 b 35, andodit, 
Book of Armagh, 18 a 2. 

annsa, dear, compar. annsa, dearer, 2992. Hence 
annsacht, affection, P. O'C. 

antacad 1603. Perhaps an error for andagud ? 

an-testa 4537. Cf. ainteist, ' a person not qualified 
to sufficient attestation,' O'Don. Supp. ; ain- 
teastach, not to be credited? P. O'C. 



apdhaine 2049, apdaine 2531, 2884, aipdine for 
abbdaine, abbacy, 2048. 

apstanait, abstinence, 2455, 4900. 

araffad 2180, Colgan, Ada Sanctt. 534, renders is 
arafiad duitsi'by ' est in tua manu isti necessi- 
tati succurrere.' Similar phrases occur in Wb. 
,4 a 3 (is farafie duib), n d 5 (barafie duib), 
25 c 9 (is ara fie diinn), and in Palat. 68, 
fo. 4 a (isarafia dom, gl. nnmqnid manducabo 
camera ?). 

arai-de 862, 4689, for all that, nevertheless, 

araidecht, charioteering, 426, a deriv. of ara, 
gen. arad, a charioteer. 

aran, loaf, pi. dat. aranaibh, 3599 ; aran eorna, 
barley bread, 2734; a. cruithnechta, wheaten 
bread, 2735. 

ard, high, compounded in ard-dingna 324, ard- 
eclais 3958, ard-ecniud 735, ard-esbuly chief 
apostle, 33, ard-guth 3425, ard-n6eb 735, ard- 
menmach xxxii. ard-rath, high grace, 4*721, ard- 
sollomun, highfestival, 323, ard-sollamain xix. 

arm-glan, having bright weapons, 4816. 

arose mbrelthre, a proverb, 4083 = aithiusc brei- 
thre, supra. Cf. ba ar[o]sc insin la aithrea (gl. 
benedictio domini super vos de institutione 
patria) Ml. 136 a 5 ; and see Cormac's Glos- 
sary, s.v. Inrosc. 

arra, payment, tribute, gen; arrad 2088. . 

as, milk, .1. bainne, O'C., sg. gen. ais 1687. Cf. 

Old-Lat. assir, 'blood' '(?). 
as-so,from this, p. 307, 1. 6. 
astrolaice xv, astrology (jt~), astroluigheacht, O'R. 
at, a tumor, p. 327, 1. 23, att bronn, O'Cl. s.v. 

comaille, att 7 onfisi, LB. 142 b45. 
ataire, in the cheville ro ataire, 2108. 
atar-le 795, 799, it seemed to her, atar-lemsa 1628, 

it seemed to me, atar (= ad-dar?) cogn. with 

indar (?). 
at-damim, I confess, I admit, atdamam pennait 

forainn 2166. The encl. form is attaim. 
ath-chuingid, p. 358, 1. 10, re-asking, requesting 

= athchunchid, LB. 248 b. 
athlam 3796, i. esgaidh, O'Cl. nimble, active : 

better, perhaps, athlom. 
ath-nuidigim, I renew, act. imper. sg. 2, 2569. 
at-naigim, I give, s-pret. pi. 3, atnaigset 86. 
atoibim, / am connected with, leth atoibe, a con- 
nected passage (literally 'side that adheres') 

17-18, 1124. 
au-dercc, red-eared, p. 319, 1. 9; pi. noin. f. 


ba, good, ba linn 1879. 
bacaim, 1 hinder : nir bacad dibh 3208. 
bachall, f. tonsure, sg. ace. 1955. ' Cid airmm- 
bertar lib ? ' ol Fiac. ? Dttbthach do bachaill,' 

ol seat, Trip. Life, p. 190, 1.4; do bachaill .1. 

do berradh, H. 3. 16, col. 526. 
bac-lam xxvi, mancus, sg. dat. baclaim, Laws, i. 

124; ace. fern, baclaim, p. 328. 
bagaim fri, I quarrel with, baghaidh 2095. 
baid, love, 3020, baid brathairsi 3277. 
bail, place, 778, a by-form oibaile. 
bairnech, angry, viii, 1. 23, 3534 = bairneach .1. 

feargach, O'Cl. from bara, anger, gen. barann, 

in Wind, 
bal, white, bright (1}, 2523, <pa\6s- tevris, 

Hesych., Skr. bhalate. 
ban = TW^, in compounds : ban-airchinnech, 

prioress, 1436 ; ban-altrann 3014, ban-altram; 

female fostering or nursing, P. O'C. ; ban- 

gaisgedach, amazon, heroine, 4831 and p. 360; 

ban-taircetlaid, prophetess, 1704; bantairsi 

1 201, midwives, is perhaps a corruption of 

basngud, to put to death, 2167 and LB. 6 b and 

i89b=basaghadh, P. O'C.; verbal noun of 

basaigim, LL. 171 a 12. 
bee (MS. beg, rhyming with tred, i.e. trlt) 3377, 

may be a scribal error for brec. 
bechtaim, / certify, assure, cindus rom-becht 

inso (?), p. 327, 1. 3, lit. how has this assured 

beicim, I roar, shout, s-pret. pi. 3, robeicset 3108. 

The 'beicthi' quoted by Windisch under 

blccim is a mistake for leicthi. 
bebe, berla, bunaid, language of origin, 2538. 
bendchopur in derthaige, the conical cap of the 

oratory, p. 335, 1. 12. 
beogolach 3647, seems a scribe's mistake for 

boegalach, dangerous, but may be a compound 

of beo, alive, and golach, wailful. 
beoil, meat-juice, p. 302, 1. 19. 
bert, a robe worn by kings or bishops, bert espaic 

uime, Lism. 66 a. 2, dat. sg. beirt 1610. 
bet, mischief, hurt, p. 324, 1. 24. 
bethamnus, livelihood, 1491, food, provisions, 

O'Don. Supp. 
bethugud, feeding, nourishing, 1862 = P. O'C.'s 

biait, the Beatitiide, ace. biait p. 323, 1. 25, pi. 

ace. biate p. 323, 1. 23. 
blast-cat, monster-cat, 3797. 
biathaim, I feed, act. pres. ind. pi. 3, biathait 

2914, pret. sg. 3, inti rot-biath sib, LB. 162 a. 
bile chmll 2387, a sacred tree of hazel. 
bisech, increase, profit, 3013. 
bith, in compounds, ever : bith-aitreb 3872, 3908 ; 

bith-beo, ever-living, 880; bith-blicht 3131; 

bith-bren 3641 ; bith-bron 3638 ; bith-buadach 

2462 ; bith-ciamar 3641; bith-dilse 2365, 4177; 

bith-dorcha 3641 ; bith-fognam4i77;bith-fota 

3642 ; bith-garb 3641 ; bith-muichnech 3642 ; 

3 86 


bith-nvm xvii ; bith-salach 3641 ; bith-scfth 
3848 ; bith-uar 3641. 
blaedad 3640 = blaodhadh, shouting, bawling, 

hooting, P. O'C. W. bloeddio. 
blaisecht (from mlaisecht) xxiii, tasting. 

blaith (from mlaith) 2743, smooth, gentle. 

blath (leg. blath?) seems in p. 319, 1. 5 to mean 
colour. So in the compound blaith-e'dach, 
Lism. 117 a 2. 

blath-min, flower-smooth, 3857. 

blede 4419 = bledhe, gen. bleidheadh, a gold or 
silver cup, goblet or chalice, P. O'C. From 
AS. bledu, patera, phiala. 

bleithech (from *mleithech) 1980, 1982 = ble- 
theach, a kilncast, what is ground at once in a 
mitt, P. O'C., deriv. of bleith, infin. of melim. 

bloingech, adj. /&/(?), pi. n. bloingecha 4561 = 
P. O'C.'s blonacach, from l)lonac,faf, W. bloneg, 
or O'R.'s blainiceach, from blainic. 

bo cennaithe, a heriot (?) cow 4531 =bo chendaith 
p. 358, 1. 6. 

b6ban, 4471. 

bochna, sea, p. 349, whence tarbhochnach, trans- 
marine, O'B. 

boimm do aran, a bit of bread, 2 734. 

boithine, xi, 11. 8-9, hut, is, like bothan, a dimin. 
of both Lit. butas. 

boladmar, odorous, 3857, deriv. of bolad. 

bolg arba, a sack of corn, 4162. 

borrfad, a swelling^}, 1456. In 3042 it is = 
P. O'C.'s borrfadh, violence, rashness, fierce- 

braissech, praissech, gen. braisce, ace. braissig, 
p. 302, 11. 5, 9, 16, 18, 20, (i) cabbage, (2) pot- 
tage. Like W. bresych, from Lat. brassica. 

braithbeimm, a mighty stroke, pi. n. braithbeim- 
enna 3120. Cf. P. O'C's braithbheartach .1. 
mdrbhuilneach, appertaining to weighty blows 
or strokes, braithbheartach .\.m6rbhriathrach, 
' loud-spoken.' 

bras, quick, ace. sg. f. brais 2121. 

brathairse, brotherhood, 3277 ; baidh brathairsi, 
fraternal affection, MR. 186. 

brecc-sroll, speckled satin, sg. dat. 3078. 

breit (breid) ciartha, cerecloth, p. 310, 1. 19. 

brentatu, rottenness, sg. dat. brentataidh, 4872. 

bresim, breisim .1. gair, H. 3. 18, p. 5ib, shout, 
uproar, xviii. 

brethem coitcenn, arbitrator, 2532. 

bretnas, the British language, Welsh, sg. dat. 
bretnais 2538. 

brogaire, pi. gen. 4585, the name of some 

broin F., 3230, a large company, O'R. 

*broth, gen. bruith, p. 305, 1. 6. This corresponds 
with the brait of LH. gen. of brat^ mantle. 
Hence brothrach, brothrachdn. 

bru in tellaigh, edge of the hearth, p. 314, 1. 12. 

brugh 1964, .1. baile, P. O'C. 

bruth, gen. brotha, a mass, 189, .1. caor, the mass, 
lump, cast or charge of glowing metal in the 
forge or furnace ; also a wedge or piece of 
metal redhot from the forge, claidheamh seacht ' 
mbruth .1. seacht gcaor, ' a sword of seven heats 
or refinements,' P. O'C. 

buaball, buffalo, corn buabaill, ' a bugle horn,' 
pi. gen. 3128. 

buaile, the boss of a shield, xxxiv. 

buan-chrabud, constant devotion, 3611. 

biiidh 2743, grateful, thankful, dutiful, pious, 
P. O'C. O. Ir. b6id or bdid rather means 

buirim, / roar, bellow, s-pret. pi. 3, robhuirset 
3107. The verbal noun is buiriud, Saltair na 
Rann 877, whence buredach, LU. 91 a 3. 

bunad-chenel, original kin, sg. gen. -eoil 3171, 
-iuil 3173. 

cacha-n, whatsoever, 1308. 

caer comraic,_/0f us, 737. Cf. cummalem, ol Medb,. 

acht na robat isin chair chomraic itaat, LU. 

57 a 7, in choer c6mraic, LB. 108 b 20. 
caibden (= co + buiden ?), a troop, company, 

1951, caibhdean, coibhdean .1. buidhean, 

P. O'C. 
caiche p. 322, 1. 37, who? coichet, whose are? 

LU. iO4b. 
caidhi, who ? 3224. 
cailches, a twist ^?), pi. gen. xxx. 
cain in maige 2895, the tribute of the field (?). 
cain-chrabud 3330, fair piety. 
caindelbra, candlestick, 2001, 2004, from Lat. 


caire F., a host, 3586 = Goth, harjis. 
cairpthech, charioteer, dual nom. 2281, from a 

stem carpeto. 

caitin, dimin. of cat, a cat, viii, 1. 9. 
cannadas 1213, from Lat. pannus (?), seems some 

sort of covering for the head, 
caplait 1362, Maundy Thursday, from capil- 

latio, ' capillorum evulsio,' Dn Cange, clerics: 

having, apparently, been tonsured on that day. 

Cf. Goth, kapilldn, i Cor. xi. 6. 
cara, armus, the shoulder of an animal, 2092, 

2093, the leg, ham, or thigh, P. O'C., who 

cites cara muice, a ham of bacon (' a gammon 

of bacon,' O'B.), sg. ace. caraid. 
casair, chasuble (?), 3972. 
cassait for cossoit, complaint, 1276. 
cath-biiadaige, victoriousness in battle, 1548, 

deriv. of cath-buadach. 
cath-reim, battle-career, 3954, caithre'm, triumph, 

military sway, P. O'C. 
cat-phiast, cat-monster, 3802. 



ceimm conalbais 3069. 

ceithern, a band of troops, sg. dat. 4053. 

celtchair dichlethe 2828, celtair talman xxx. 

cellar comga, LU. 79 b 20. P. O'C.'s cealtair, 

a mask, hood, vizard, or disguise.' He cites 

cealtair draoidheachta, 'a magic disguise,' and 

refers to dichealtair, 

cene"!, cinel, bunaid, original kin, 46, 42. 
cenn se"ta 2044, 2323. Cf. dochuaid i cenn in 

chetna chaiptill, Goidil. 101, o dochotar . . . i 

cenn taispenta ind immuin, ib. 
cennacht, headship, 233o=cendact, LB. 4b. 
Cenn-cathach, a nameforFinnchud's crazier, 3103. 
cenn-ge"r, sharp-headed, 3663. 
cenn-la, lit. supper day, dia dardain cennla 1437, 

Maundy Thursday. 
cennus, cendus, headship, p. 308, 1. 37. 
ceolan, a bell, p. 311, 1. u, deriv. of ceol, 'music.' 
cercall, hoop, pi. n. cercalla 2824, dat. circlaib, 

LL. 218 b, from circulus, 
ces, sorrow, gan ces 4781. See O'Cl. 
ces-lom, bare . . . (?), 4560. 
cesnaigim, complain, act. pret. sg. 3, 2694. P.O'C. 

gives the verbal noun as ceasnaghadh, whence 

the adj. ceasnaightheach. This cesnaigim seems 

cogn. with Lat. queror questus, as another 

cesnaigim, I question, is with quaero quaestio. 
ce"tach 4775. See O'Don., Four MM., A. D. 

1225 (p. 219) note, brugaid cedach. 
cetaigim, I permit, act. pret. sg. 3, roceduigh 

2023, and see 2891, 3199, 3451, denom. from 

cet, ced, permission, 2337, 2404, 2444. 
cethar-duil, the four elements, 4622. 
cethar-raen, crossroads, 634. 
cex 2487, for cesc = cest, cest=$uaestzo. P.O'C. 

has cease .1. fiafraighid, ceascadh, a questioning 

or enquiring. 
ciabor 3367, a mist, haze. P. O'C. has ciabair 

ciamhair, misty, and the dimin. ciabhran, a 

light fog, mist, haze, drizzle. 
ciall, sense, reason, ben do cheill 707. 
cillecan 778, dimin. of cell, church, from Lat. 

cella. Cf. crideccan and daireccan, Reeves' 

Columba, 288. 

cingt-id,^/^ day before the ides, 740. 
cippe 3101, palisade, deriv. of cepp=Lat. cippus. 
cir-chorcra xxx, bright purple. Cf. cir-dub. 
clar ciartha, a waxen tablet, 3698 (cldr^KKypos). 
cleirchecht, clericatus, priesthood, 3059. 
cleithescc 2117, meaning obscure, 
clethe 3932, upper part, roof, gen. sg. gol cecha 

clethi, Saltair na Rann 3939, clethe cenn, ib. 

clethmor 4764, having princes or heroes, from 

cleth f. (gl. tignum), P. O'C.'s death, a pole, 

wattle or staff, metaphorically applied to princes 

and heroes. 

cliaban 4010, cradle. P. O'C. has cliabhAn eun, 
a cage or bird-crib, dimin. of cliab ' corbis.' 

cliathan eite xiv, lit. breast of a wing. 

cloccach, clogach, p. 311, 1. 13, having bells. 

cloiche"n, pebble* xxxix, dimin. of cloch, stone. 

clupait p. 310,' 1. 14, and Lism. 167 b i, for 
culpait, and so in Lism. 167 b i, hood($). W. 
cwfl, or perhaps from colobion, dalmatic. 

clusal = clausula, pi. dat. clusalaib 3629, 3789, 
clausulis (?) amal bid hualailiu chlausnl adbch- 
lostu (gl. uelut in clausula pompatica), Ml. 
4od 17, whence it would appear to have been 
masc. or neut. But in LB. 223 b 38, the ace. 
sg. clusail shews that it was fern. 

cnaim, I gnaw, fret, corrode, act. b-fut. sg. 3, 
no-chnaife 2184. rocnai dail achoiss, Trip, 
a 242. P. O'C. gives the verbal noun as 

cnam-gobach 3652, bone-beaked, bone-snouted', 
cnaim, bone, cogn. with W^/M/. 

cnes-ch6il 4750, thin-skinned. 

coad cno 754, a mess (dish ?) of nuts, cuadh .1. 
biadh, P. O'C. ; or is coadh borrowed from 
Kija6os (?). 

cobach, tribute, p. 313, 1. 33; cobhach .1. cios, 

codnach, lord, 3207 ; gen. codhnaigh, Mart. Don. 
122; codhnach, a lord, ruler, governor ; a 
guardian, patron, protector, P. O'C., who gives 
also the deriv. abstract codhnachas, and the 
verbal noun codhnaghadh. 

coelach S72=caolach, the roof-wattling of a 
house under the thatch ; caolach slat ; cro 
caelaigh, p. 310, 1. 9, a prison, crib, or cage 
for malefactors, P. O'C. 

coem, dear, fair : comp. c6em-chethra,yazV cattle, 
pi. dat. 4557 ; coem-chlu, fair fame, 4729. 

coemthecht, travelling along with one, compa~ 
nionship, attendance, 266; coimthecht, Wb. 

coemthechtaid, fellow-traveller, companion, at- 
tendant, pi. n. -i 234, dat. ib. LB. 73 a 9. 

coibdelach, kinsman, 1922, 1925, gl. consobrinus. 

coibge 662 (where the MS. has coibdhe), pro- 
perly context (con-fige), but in 662 text. 

coicce 4537, seems the pi. nom. of coic .1. run, 
secret, Conn. 

coicill, a sparing, saving, y)$> = coigil and coi- 
gilt, P. O'C. Verbal noun of coiclim ; conar' 
choicled nech a mathair no[a] athair, Saltair 
na Rann 4141 ; coicles (gl. parcit), LB. 38 a ; 
rocoiclestar .1. roairlestar, O'Dav. no. 

coillide, sylvan ; mil choillide, wild honey, 206. 

coim, gebid in mac fo a c. 2025, 2027, 2393, 

2396. 4318. P. O'C. has under com, 'waist,' 

fa choim, 'private'; a gcoim na hoidhche, 

folachfachoim, 'concealment.' Cf. do chlaideb 

3 88 


fpt choim, LU. 75 b ; calg det fo a choim, LU. 

68 a 

coim-lepaid, a joint bed, 2517. 
coimmite 4671, 4736, attendants (?), comites(!). 

P. O'C. has coimhide, 'a train or retinue, 

waiters or attendants/ with aspirated m. 
c6ir chrabaid, arrangement (lit. justice) of de- 

votion t 3613. The gen. seems corach (cong- 

bala corach for in popul, LB. 160 a), 
coisceim (= cos + ceim) a footstep, 1200, 4899, 

pi. n. tri cossche"imenn, Mer. Uilix, 61, 67. 
coitcenn, convent $\ 1580, 2352. This word pro- 
perly means communis, icotv6s, but here seems 

equivalent to coenobium, Kon>6J3iov. 
collaidecht, carnality, 717, sg. gen. collai- 

dechta, LB. 164 a, deriv. of collnide, and this 

from colinn. 
com, the waist or middle, the breast or trunk 

of the body. P. O'C. See coim. 
com .1. coimhed, covering, protection, p. 328, 

1. 35. The dat. sg. c6m (hi com airgit gil) 

occurs in LB. 233 b. 
coTaa.,gift, bribe, subsidy, 3037, 3038, in choma, 

LU. 68 a, sg. gen. comhadh, P. O'C. 
comaigthe, foreign, 733, seems a corruption of 

comaithche. Cf. comaigtech (gl. alienigena). 
comaigthes 2898 seems to be a corruption of 

comaithces, foreignness, and then unfriendli- 
ness, unneighbourliness. 
com-airmim, / reckon, pass. pret. sg. 3, rom- 

comhairmeadh-sa, 1583. 
com-aittreb, co-dwelling, LB. 39 b, sg. dat. 

comaitriubh 2202, but comaitreib, LU.-33 a. 
com-cluiche, xx. playing together. 
com-dal, a meeting, assembly, convention, 2309, 

gen. -a 2601. So the simplex 'ddl, gen. ddla. 
com-dluthta, equally closed, compressed, 3041. 
comlud, im comhlud na desherce, 3923, fri comlud 

a cath 7 a comlund, LB. 123 b 29. The cor- 
responding word, in LB. 66 b II, is cordzw. 
commarbae 4539, meaning obscure, 
comna = communio, 1868, 2489, 4529, 4532, 

gen. comnae 4471, dat. comna p. 358, 1. 2. 
comnacal, needments (?), 1899, 1905, 1908, p. 338, 

necessaries for dwelling in a place, Beatha 

Sheanain, p. 10, P. O'C. 
comramach 4210, trophied. 
com-reid, equally smooth or level, 3606, 
com-rithim,/?-# together, rocoimhrithsat, 4846. 

coimrith, a running together, P. O'C. 
com-sined, a stretching-out, continuation, but in 

xxii a contention. 
corn-sod, conversion, 232, sg. gen. comshothi, 

LB. 2493. 
com-throm, equally, heavy, even, 3605. Hence 

the abstract nom. com-thrumma, Saltair na 

Rann 5760. 

condailbe p. 303, 1. 1-2 ; connailbhe 3276, love, 

friendship, O'R. 
condeirc, 4365, affection (?). B. has go deseirc, and 

condeirc seems a scribe s error. 
confad 3799, 'confadh, rage, fury, madness, 

voraciousness, rapacity, greedy appetite. Cii 

confadh, a mad dog ; e"un confaid, a vulture, 

raven, or other bird of prey ; confadh na fairrge, 

the raging of the sea.' P. O'C. 
congain cridi, grief of heart, 280, 1464. O. Ir. 

conguin chridi, Ml. 32 c. n, sg. gen. congaine, 

LB. 168 a. 
congna, horn, antler, pi. dat. congnaib, 4137, 

. , , 

copan, cup, sg. gen. copain, 2736, dat. as in 

chopan-sa, LB. 163 b 38, pi. dat. coppanaib, 

LL. 243 b, eopapaib, LB. 233 b. 
cor 3378^ in the cheville ba caom cor, state (?), 

turn (?). 
coraid, sinners, 2200. So in Fel. Prol. 66 ; deriv. 

of coir, sin. 

coronaigim, I tonsure, pass. pret. sg. 3, 2631. 
corpan, p. 317, 1. 6, and LB. 84, dimin. of corp, 


corr, pi. corra, 3662, epithet for a hill, pointed '(?). 
corr-clerech, p. 311, 1. 29. 
corrsnide, corrsuighe, p. 312, 1. I and note. 
cortan, behuren, beschlafen, p. 327, 1. 6. Cf. Lat. 

scortum (?). 
craesachad, eating gluttonously, 2737, craes, 

gluttony, craessac h, gluttonous, LB. 6 7 a, but 

crois cupedia, Wb. 9 d. 
craithim, / shake, for croithim: pret. sg. 3, ro- 

craith, 2212; ru-s-craith in pelait nile, 'the 

whole palace was shaken' (lit. shook itself), 

LB. 7b. 

crann suaite, a mixing-stick, p. 302, 1. 18. 
crannda, wooden, 3730. 
crannoc, a goblet, gen. pi. p. 307, 1. 30. 
crapaim, I shrink, contract, act. pret. sg. 3. 

rocrap 1433. 
crebar, a leech, pi. creabair, 3652 ; creabhar, 

creadhar, a woodcock, also a leech and a kind 

of fly called a bloodsucker, P. O'C. 
crech, host, army / pi. n. creaca, 3656, a scribal 

error for creacha, pi. ofcreach, .1. sluagh, O'Cl. 

Hence crechach 2130. 

criata, earthen, clayey, 2184, deriv. of cr, ' clay/ 

cridechair, cordial, familiar, viii. 1. 7. 
cridican, heartlet, 42O4=cridecan, SP. iii. 4. 
crolige,agony (?), 3i23=crolighe, croli,Laws,iii, 

p. 472, 11. 8, 9, 13, 17, p. 474, 11. 5, 7, 9. 
crosan, 3736; 3748, and p. 352, a mimic, jester, 

buffoon, or scoffer ; a lewd, obscene, ribaldrous 

rhymer, W. croesan, P. O'C. 
cruad-lomm, hard-bare, 3792. 


crumach, full of 'worms or reptiles, pi. crumacha, 

deriv. of cruim^N. pryf, 3663. 
crumther 2705, 2710, from prebiter, Low-Lat. 

form of presbyter. 
cuarta 2872, 3060, 3127, 3151, a due (received 

on a circuit or visitation), cuairt (?) p. 314, 

1. 5- 

cuchtair 4426, kitchen, biathadh mis ... on 
chuchtair, Book of Rights, 36 ; cnchtar (gl. 
caupona), Sg. 63 a. 

cuclaige 2326, stumbling (?). In LB. 130 b the 
word seems to mean the oscillation or upsetting 
caused by the stumbling of beasts of draught : 
boi tra in aircc testemain for cuclaige moir 
oca tabaiit do Jerusalem, carpait hi cuclaigi, 
LU. 91 b, and the verbal rachuclaigetdr a cri- 
deda, LL. 176 b. Cf. the reduplicated pret. in 

, Saltairna Rann 7765 : Ro-chichlaig. cech duil, 
'every creature shook' (not 'wailed,' as er- 
roneously rendered in the preface and glossary). 

cucnecht, cooking, p. 320, 1. 29=cuiccnecht, LB. 
49 a. 

cudnod 4542, to obey promptly (?)=cudhnodh .1. 
deneas no defir, haste, speed, hurry, readiness, 
willingness, promptitude, P. O'C., who cites 
an chreach do chudhnodhna ngiall, mas deach 
do thriath na dtuath. 

cuibhdi 4058, compar. of cubaid, becoming. 

cuile, cule, storeroom, p. 321, cuile finda, gl. 
uinaria cella, Sg. 35 a, 12: dat. sg. colid, p. 
321, 1. 17. cuilse (gl. culina), Sg. 51 b. 

cuimce, narrowness = cumhga, 3660, sg. ace. 

cuitechtna, companies, congregations, ace. pi. 
1528. P. O'C. gives the nom. sg. as cuideacht 
and cuideachtain. A fern, ia- stem cuitechta 
occurs in Mer. Uilix. 

cumaim, I form, shape, devise, cumait, cumaid, 
4611, rochum 4625 ; pret. part. pass, do hiurn 
glas ro-chummad cathbarr, ' of blue iron a 
helmetwas formed,' Salt, na Rann 5767 ; verbal 
noun : do chum p. 302, 1. 4. 

cumngaim, / am able, 608, 1412, 1531, the en- 
clitic form of conicim, pret. sg. 3 nar-chum- 
aing 229b. 

cumrae, sweet, ami cumrae p. 326, 1. 13 ; bolad 
craeb cumhra, Lism. 118 a'l. 

cumtaigim, / build, pass. pres. sg. 3, cumh- 
duighter 2467. 

cumthanus, comradeship, 1567. Cf.fer cumtha, 
ben chumtha^ 

cumthar, is bestowed, 3060, cognate with coma, 

cunnach (Brussels MS. caonnach), moss, 2402 = 
the Highland coinneach, and cognate with 
coenna nucis (gl. nauci quoque quod putamen 
nucis significat). 

dag-eraic p. 319, 1. 16, a good eric or mulct. 

daidche p. 350, at night = d'aidche, as dadaig = 

dailim, / agree to meet, pret. sg. 3 rodhail = 
dalistar, O'Don. Supp., 4237. 

dalbh, 773, .1. dradidheacht, P. O'C. ; but this 
meaning does not suit here. 

dam duilech, a greedy party, 2711. dam 
Sapos, 5^/xoy. Hence 

damach 4388, multitudinous (?). 

damgaire xxxvi, 3108, a herd of stags, where 
-gaire seems cognate with a-yopa, grex, and 
Skr. grama. The origin of the place-name 
Druim Damgaire is thus given in the Book of 
Lismore, fo. I2pb 2 : Dodechatar daw sluatg' 
in choicidh ar deisib 7 ar triaruibh fwcnocaibh 
7 for tulchuibh impuibh dia bhfegarf, 7 atbert 
each re chele dhibh atat daimh dileann 7 
cliathbemadha c^t innin i Cnuc na Cenn, 7ita 
damghaire shochaide 7 forngaire shlz&zz^f, et bid 
h^ a ainm o aniu cu brath, Druim Damghaire. 

damrad 3013, a troop. Compound of dam, 

dana 4712, perhaps the ' dancz ebraice iudicium ' 
of H. 2. 1 6, col. 99. 

danatas, boldness, daringness, danatus, LB. 52 a, 
gen. danatais, 3043. 

dar-lmn, it seems to us, 1376. Cf. atar. 

dasachtaigim, / go mad, pass. pres. indie, sg. 3, 
-aigther 96, denom. from ddsacht, ' madness,' 
ddsachtach, 'insane.' 

dathugtid, dyeing, colouring, 4065, infin. of 
dathaigim, a denom. from dath, colour. 

debrad 2246, meaning obscure. 

decar, a marvel, pi. dat. decraib xxx. 

dechruth, dat. sg. p. 326, 1. 12. The meanings 
given by the dictionaries to deachradh (anger, 
arbitration} do not suit here. 

dedgair, vehement (?), 2699, = O'Clery's deagh- 
dhair .1. math ; P. O'C.'s deaghair, quick, 
nimble, agile, active. See Saltair na Rann 
5598 (ba gnim dedgair co a n'aimteib). 

deg-feth, goodly appearance, p. 302, 11. 21, 22, 32. 

deinmech,z>az,3645 =deinmheach .i. diamhaoin. 

deisebarna grene i885=deseabargreine, O'Dav. 
78, seems to mean the beginning of autumn 
(tus fogumhair, 1892), when the sun enters 
Libra. Cf. Skr. dakshinayana, ' the autumnal 

deithbir .1. adhbhar, .1. dlightheach, P. O'C., 
who compares W. dedfryd, verdict. 

deithitiu, deithide.i. friochnamh no curam,O'Cl., 
gen. deithiten 3705, 4488. Hence deithidnech 
p- 3^9, 1^ 3, and the verb nom-deithidnigther-sa 
(gl. sollicitbr), Ml. 29 d 7. 

demnach, devilish, possessed by a devil, 4855. 



demnachda, demonic, diabolical, 3650 ; drong 

demnachda, Saltair na Rann, 8329. 
denmnedach, hasty, pi. n. deinmnedhaigh 1374. 

denmne .1. luas no dethbhir, P. O'C. 
denus p. 349, 1. 28, the space of a day, daytime, 

pi. gen. in adnacul cethn ndenos, Salt, na Rann, 

deolaid : co deolaid 2372 =in-deolid (gl. gratis), 

Wb. 26 b. 
deoraidh 363, seems a mistake for deolaid, 

depracoit = deprecatio, 4495, depraccoit 2699. 

See diprocoitech. 
derb-sethracha 4639, pi. of derbsinr, own sister, 

with passage to the ^-declension, 
derg-lassair, red-flame, 3181. 
dess, right, proper, 1909. 
dethbir, difference, 4255. O'Reilly's deifir. 
dian-athirge, swift or vehement repentance, p. 

1 307, 1. 22 = dianaithrige p. 308, 1. 1. 
di-cheillide, senseless, 4526. 
dichracht, fervour, ardour, 143, deriv. of dfchra, 


di-chuibsech, unconscientious, p. 307, 1. 25. 
di-chumaing 3640. O'Donovan, Four Masters, 

A. D. 858, renders treablait dichumaing by 

' oppressive sickness,' whence it seems that the 

di- here is intensive, 
diic yiii, 1. 22 .1. doiligh, O'Cl., is perhaps = 

diing, ' impossibilis,' G. C 2 . 862. 
dil 2559 = diol .1. crioch, P. O'C., who has also 

degh-dhiol, ' a good end,' droich-dhiol, ' a bad 


dilghitu for dlighitu, /*#, sg. dat. -aid, 631. 
dilgidche, forgivingness, 2454, deriv. of dil- 


dilican 4206, dimin. of dil, ' dear.' 
dilsiugud, abandonment, transferring ownership 

in perpetuum, 1541, sg. gen. dilsighthe 1537 ; 

dat. du dflsigud cesta Crist, Ml. 74 d 13; 

verbal noun of dilsigim, a denom. of dilse 2328. 
dim-bal, unwhite, dusky (J), 2522. See bal, 


dim-brig, weakness, xxxi. 
dim-buaid martra 2328, the opposite of buaid 

martra, -victory of martyrdom. The negative 

prefix dim has not yet been explained, 
dina, gen. 2287, meaning doubtful, 
dine deidinach 4743, the last generation or age. 
diprocoitech, prayerful, 2740. 
dire seoit do mainib, Ian-dire, p. 358, 11. 7 and 

15. dire, due, fine, -wages, payment, O'Don., 

is = W. dirwy, mulct. 
6isdie,jKercettess, hastiness, 4537, from discir.i. 

eascaidh, quick, nimble, sudden, P. Q'C., 

who gives also a corrupt dirrisc. 
dithramacht, dithrimecht, xv. 

dlomad 2591 ; dloma, refusal, p. 313, 1. 31 ; sg. 

dat. icca ndlomad, LB. 71 b, 291 ; oc dlomad 

LB. i69b, verbal noun of dlomaim. 
dluimh solnsta, a luminous mass, p. 313, 1. 10. 
dluthaigim, I put close to, press, rodluthaig 2026. 

A cognate dhithaim also occurs, 
do-airthetar 522, they overtook, the orthotonic 

form of tairthetar, LB. 1 75 a. 
docair, difficulty, hardship, trouble, 1886; sg. 

dat. doccair, LB. 7 a ; ace. docair, LB. 196 a. 
d6chaite p. 308, 1. 20, the more /*&/>/= d6chu-de, 

where ddchu is the compar. of d6ig. 
do-ftndaim, act. pres. ind. pi. 3 dofhindat 1642, 

compound of do- ss&findaim, ' I know.' 
do-idnaicim, / bestow, orthotonic form of tid- 

naicim, j-conj. sg. 2, doidnais p. 304, ]. 12. 
do-imm-urc, I constrain, orthotonic form of tim- 

maircim, 2dy pres. pass. pi. 3, do-r-imartus 

3619, where -tus is for Old-Ir. -tais. 
doini riagaldai, regulars, religious persons, 3395. 
doire dia n-armaib 3250, a -wood, or thicket, of 

their weapons. 
dolaid, burden (?), charge, pi. dat. dolaidhib 2982. 

dolaidh, harm, injury, detriment, P. O'C. 
do-milis 3665, unsweet, pi. gen^LB. 253 a. 
do-olochta, p. 367, 1. 14, for dofulachta, intoler- 

dorus, in-dorus, before, 2348. 
do-solachta 3566, impalpable, v. solagtha, O'R., 

but leg. dofolachta (?). 

drant, B., which usually means ' snarling,' cor- 
responds with craes, 2229. Compare drant- 

mir, Corm. s. v. ore treith. 
droch-chairt 4527, a bad manuscript. 
drolmach, a -sat, tub, LB. 63 b, 32, dromlach 

1514; sg. ace. drolmhuigh 316, 2701 ; pi. n. 

drolmacha LL. 54 a, 34, P. O'C.'s drolbach 

or drolmhach. Deriv. of drolam, LU. 19 a. 
dronglach, a -water-vessel, 1379, 1515. 
dronnmor 3652, having great humps (?). Cf. 

dronnach, LB. 161 b 66, hump-backed, 

P. O'C. 
druim tar ais 1516, topsy turvy, lit. back over 

shoulder. Cf. draimm dar druim. 
dub, dark, obscure, compounded : dnib-inis p. 

353> ! 5-J duib-nell, a black cloud, Trip. 246, 

1. 15, pi. dat. duibnellaib 2771. 
diiilech 2711, greedy, desirous, covetous, P. O'C., 

who has also diilach and the abstract du- 

Ictcht. From diiil, desire. 
duilesc, a kind of edible seaweed, gen. sg. duilisc, 

2331, arid p. 340. P. O'C has also duileasc 

abhan[n], broad-leaved pond-weed, and duileasc 

cloch, stone-laver. 
duillebar, leaves, 4809. 
diilghena, remuneration, 1577 = duilgine, Ml. 



dnn-orcuin, manslaughter, 2165, dnnoirgnid, 

manslayer, 844. 
dur-chraidetu, hardhearted-ness, sg. ace. -aid 228. 

Cf. dur-chride, hardhearted, LB. I72b. 
duthair 1458, the opposite of suthair, pleasant, 

cheerful, merry, P. O'C. 
duthracht, goodwill, dat. pi. 2033, where it seems 

to mean voluntary gifts, offerings. 

e"caine, bewailing, 4772, 

e"cainim, / bewail, complain, groan, ro-n-ecain, 

ech bnada, 2090, a race-horse. 

e"cnairc, prayer, intercession, gen. e*cnairce 4529. 

eicin, 1013, P. O'C.'s 'eigin, some, certain, 
duine eigin, some one,' 

6imdim, / refuse, icar 1 heimded 1243. Cf.for- 

eimech 4552, P. O'C.'s eimheacb, quick, ready, 
witting, from eimhe, quickness, readiness, and 
this from e'imh .i. esgaid, O'Cl. 

eipistil=epistola, pi. gen. eipistlech, 154. 

distecht, hearing, 4892, from Sitsecht. 

eitim .1. baoghal, P. O'C.; gen. etma, danger, 
p. 320, 1. 38. 

eitirecht, eidirecht, p. 310, 1. 5, hosiageship. From 
eitire, hostage, Laws, i. 118, aitire. 

enech, an act of bounty, 357, 1. 14. 

enfaitiu 4541, meaning obscure. 

englais, ace. 2701, gen. sg. englaisi 2701. 
eanghlais, poor, small, -weak, raw drink, 
P. O'C., ' small mixed drink, as milk and 
water, etc./ O'R. anaghlas F., i. hogwash, 
2. milk and water, Highland Soc. Diet. 

en-snaithe 2390, a single thread. 

eochair, edge, 4419, where oemair is a scribe's 
mistake. Compounded : eochar-glan, 3709, 
pure-brinked, eochair .i. imeal, a brim, brink, 
border or edge. Hence eochair maighe, P. O'C., 
and eochair-imlibh, Four MM., A.D. 1592. 

eolus, often used for eolussliged, seems in p. 310, 
1. 10, to mean way, passage, or aperture. 

epaid, a philtre, gen. eptha 1480, pi. n. aipthi (gl. 
ueneficia), Wb. 20 b 20. 

er-chraidech, earcroidhech, p. 312, 1. 32, perish- 
able = ercradach, LB. 39 a. Cogn. with erchra, 
irchre, urcra 2383, interitus, defectus, irchraidis 
3714, ar-chrinim I perish and erchretbe, O'Cl. 

er-lamaighn, make ready, prepare, act. pret. sg. 3 
roerlamhaigh, 1461, denom. from erlam. 

er-lathar 2241. Meaning obscure ; cf. cubaid sin 
fri erlathar 7 fri ruin na screptra, LB. 56 b 
41, itat irlathair dhiadha inntib, Lism. 67 b i. 

esbal (for apstal), apostle, 627, dual nom. 624. 

esboc (for epscop), bishop, 820, pi. dat. espocaib 
850, pi. n. esbaic 1019. 

espocoide (for epscopoite), bishopric, 422. 

essim, I seek, imperat. pi. 2, essid 4143; eiseadh 

.i. guidhe, P. O'C. 

estud 588, estadh 4501, etsud Trip. 256, 1. 19. 
**-- I find, nfisn-etfaitis, 2227. Root (/)ent, 

etar-cnugud(=etar+gnagud) 4610, understand- 
ing. Cf. r0-etarcnaigsftar(gl.noto.uit'),M.l.z2 b'. 

etargnaid, intelligible, p. 326, last line, ceist nach 
etargnaid, 'a question that is not easily solved.' 

ethar, feity-boat, but pi. n. ethra 2227, seems 
ships or barks. 

i&a, penitence, 4541 (where occ etlai is misprinted 
oc cetlai), ettla fri haes, LB. 7. i marg gen. cen 
sil n-etla SR. 7199; pi. dat. iarna hettlaib 
athirgi 6876, eatla and ealta, penitence and 
prayer, P. O'C. 

e"tlaide, 3790, penitent (?). Atchondaircsium na 
gnuisi aigedbana ettlaidi muintire, Mer. Uilix 
51, 52, atbelat e"c etlaide SR. 8183, imriadat 
coh6ttlaide 8391. 

etran, dat. etrain 3094, eadran, interference, inter- 
position, P. O'C. A formation from Ir. etar = 
Lat. inter. 

faigde, begging, 1425, 1488, O. Ir. foigde (=fo + 

faiscre, some kind of cheese, (.i. caise no mulchan, 

O'CL), pi. ace. faiscre grotha 393, nom. 484. 
fal, hedge, fence, 4847, 'VJ.gwawl. 
falnm = folomm, empty, 4707. 
fatha=fotha, ground, foundation, 4654. 
fathachda, prophetic, 2656, spirut fathacdai LB. 

221 a, o fheraib firenaib fathacdai, LB. 2 28 a. 
fedraissi, knowest, 2298, a corrupt Mid. Ir. form, 

fromfetarais + siu. See Windisch Verbalformen 

mit dem charakter&, where he divi&esfedrazs-si. 
feibh thochusa, goodness of wealth^), 61, 2368 ; 

feibh .1. maitheas no saidhbhreas no feabhas, 

goodness, wealth, riches, P. O'C. loche. 
feidil, constant, steady, 2105, 2743. Hence feidle 

constancy, and feidligim, 2196, 1 persist. 
feidm, effort (scithfeidm, fatiguing exertion; 

trenfeidm, a mighty effort}. In 2558 a load, 

pi. fedman, Ann. Ult. 821. 
feisir, ihou wilt know, 2299, s-fut. offetar. 
feodaigim, I wither, act. pret. sg. 3 rofheodhaigh 

4858. In feodaigid in tene in crand, LL. 1503 

21, it is transitive, 
feraim, s-pret. sg. 3 ro ferastar 1361. This verb 

generally means / pour, I give. But here, 

apparently, I supply abundantly. 
fergugnd, being angry, 4536, verbal noun of fer- 

gaigim, denom. from ferg, anger. 
fersa, verse, 275, 2656, 4035. 
fertas, nom. dual; fertais, 3495, 3498, the hind- 
shafts of a chariot (?). 
fetal (leg. fethal as in B?) 2463, where it is 



glossed by mincuis, a word equally obscure to 

me. Can fetal be cogn. -wiihfetan and min- 

cuzs (rectius minchuis) mean a little pipe? 
f6th, appearance, p. 302, 1. 22. See degfeth, olc 

feth fil fort, LL. 117 b. 
fethech 3661, meaning doubtful : cf. feith .i. gair- 

bhe, roughness, coarseness, rudeness, P.O'C. ; 

or feith, a boggy stream, O'Don. Supp. 
feth-fairge 3184, a calm sea, fe"th, 1709. 
fethnaigim, / grow calm, pret. sg. 3 rofethnuig 

3623, fethnaigit, LL. 218 b. 
fiad (for fid?), forest, 2485. 
fichda 2218, and LL. 109 a=fiochda and fi6ch- 

mhar, angry, frovJard, peevish, P. O'C., co 

fichda, furiously, LB. 161 b, deriv. otfich, 
fidach, shrubs, copse, brushwood, 895, sg. gen. 

fidaig 897. 

find-choelach, white wattling, peeled rods, 1572. 
fir, truth, la fir Fiadat, 2io6,B. 
fir, sA]. vents, in composition : fir-ailither 586, 

2743, 4^.97, fir-athardae 746; fir-amnas 2219; 

fir-chlerech 4553 ; fir-chumthach 4474 ; fir-dia 

4623 ; fir-finemain 2469 ; fir-iasc, gen; fir-e'isc 

viii, 1 8 ; fir-liaigh 2470; fir-uisce 2183. 
focerd menma thairis 1997. C focheird a men- 
main airi, LU. 130 a 15, act. pres. indie, sg. 3 


fochadach, having tribulations, deriv. cAfochaid. 
fochair, i fochair 260, am. fochair, along with me, 

a bhfochair a cheile, altogether, P. O'C. 
fochon 4583 = O'R.'s fochan, young corn in the 


fochtais 2117, dixit, ro-focht, Lism. 97 b i,.*/veq. 
fodailtech 2744, patient (?), I have not met else- 
foebrach, foebhrach, sharp-edged, 2218, pi. n. 

foebracha, LB. 251 b 78. 
fo-gabaim, / find, orth. form of fagbaim, ica 

bhfhaghbaithe 2647. 
fo-gantaid, servant, 293, a corruption oifognam- 

thid, cognate vrixhfogn{u t I serve, s-pret. pi. 3 

ra-fhogainset, LB. 199 a. 
foghlach. 2139, instructive, P. O'C. Cf. fogailim, 

/ teach, instruct, O'R. 
fograin na bachla, the point of the crazier, 461, 

rochomraic a fograin ri talmain, LL. 102 b 22. 

dara fograin, LL. 267 b i. A Aenv.fograinne 

occurs in Merugud Uilix 58. 72. 
foidhi 1251, is = foighi (gl. epulum), Ir. Gl. 

no. 815. 

foiditech, patient, enduring, 1694, 4880, forfoi- 
ditnech (?), a deriv. of the n-stem foditiu, 

fo-intreb 72, small gear, fumiture,1rvp. 10, 1. 12. 
foirb, land, 43. 

foircsi, look, appearance, 4463=foircsiu, Laws, i. 
.238, 1. 14. 

foire 534, meaning doubtful. 

folartnaigim, / suffice, act. 2dy pres. sg. 3, nos- 

folartnaiged 411; consuet. ni fholartnaigend, 

LB. 193 b. 
follamnacht, ruling, 2741 =follomnacht, Laws, i. 

26, 1. 17. 

follus-pectach, manifestly sinful, 3755. 
folmaise 3206, opportunity (?), .1. feill, O'R. 

folmhaise .i. saill, fatness, etc., P. O'C., who 

perhaps misread^z/7/, * opportunity,' as saill. 
fo-menim, / guard against, I beware, imperat, 

pi. 2 fomnid, 347; fomnid-si, Wb. 33 a 15, 

part. fut. pass, foimnidi, Trip. Life, 42, 1. 19. 

The verbal noun is foimtiu, dat. do foimtin 

(gL adcauendum), Ml. 43 a, 16. 
for, infixed pers. pron. pi. 2, nach-fop-tair, 348. 
forair, summit, top, end, 3932. So in LB. 66 b, 

cl&hi 7 forair in forcetail, and in Lism. 67 b 2, 

forair 7 snim na sualach fasas on firinne. forar 

(gl. finis est) Ml. 56 b, 46. 
foram-rith 2971. Here theforam seems = foram 

Jagen (?). Windisch ; forum, motion, O'Don. 

Supp., and foramh in the chevilles foramh 

ngtt,foramh ngrinn, foramh ndil, P. O'C. 
forasta, advanced, proficient $}, 3311, forasaim. 
for-burach, forborach, excellent, elevated, lofty (?), 

3926. See 3 Frags. 220 and Petrie's R.T. 105 

and cf. wre/>0e/j^s, superlatus. 
for-dcnech, foireicnech I9i2=foireigneach, vio- 
lent, forcible, P. O'C. 
for-lamus xxxii, government, sway : forlamhus for 

leith Erinn, Book of Rights, p. 50. rogabsat lu- 

daidi nert 7 forlamhus for Jerusalem, Lism. 2 b 2. 
forlnnn (in anmforlunn, q. v.) = forlann, ' force, 

power, crushing, oppression,' P. O'C. 
for-luaimnech, bounding, 2219, a deriv. oiforlu- 

aim .i. firleim, P. O'C. 
formna, abundance, f. a dana 2303. 
formna, shoulder, na fairce, viii, 1. 10, dat. 

forruno 4458. 

for-nisc, 2224, upper rind (?). 
forsaide xxv, meaning obscure, 
fortamlaigim, I prevail, 3015, a denominative of 

fortamhail, strong, P. O'C., who gives the ab- 

stmctsforfanMa zsAfortamhlacht. The verbal 

no\na.fortamlugud occurs in LB. 168 b 62. 
f-6saic for <5saic=TL.a.t. obsequium, in the sense of 

service, see Phil. 2. 30, foot-washing, 1622. 
fossad-lar 3141^ longpuirt seems to mean a 

stationary camp. 
fossaigim, / rest, stay, dwell, pres. ind. sg. 3 

fossaigid 2988 ; verbal noun, fosugud, resting, 

staying, 3058. 

fostacht 3867, security (?), also in LU. 34 a 8. 
fo-thoscaigid, successor, pi. n. fothoscaigthe 4627, 

fa&.fothoscaghthib, Trip. Life, p. 6,.l. 25. 
SAgte,Jleshworm } p. 351, 1. 7. This is the High- 



dimin. frldeag, Ir./?V,LU. gob, 
frigead, YBL. col. 320. 
info-bat, gainsaying, 4298, pi. n. frithberta, LL. 
220 a, verbal noun of frisbiur, 'obnitor,' Sg. 
22 a. frithbheart .1. curinaghaidh, an objecting, 
O'Cl., frithbheartaim, I object or gainsay. 
frith-folad, wages, 4532, friothfola fior, right or 
due, wages, stipend, salary or fay, I pi. frith- 
folta flora, P. O'C. 

frith-rose 2 2 24, seems to mean reverted, -doslais 

' tara toine 7 lomortar a caither frithrosc, Harl. 

5280, for 67 a ; tarrla frithrarc feicheamnuis 7 

fergi eturro in oidq* sin gur" marbsat a cheili 

hi fiadhnozn na feni, Eg. 1782, fo. 20 b, 2. 

frith-se't 4459, obviam. So in LB. 175 a, dode- 

chaid i frithse't na n-apstal. 
frith-tagra p. 315, 1. 35, arguing against. 
fuacarthaid, proclaimer, 3920; fuagartha, ; pro- 
claimed, published, P. O'C. 
foacraim (fo-od-garaim), I proclaim, pass. pres. 

indie, sg. 3 fogarthar 3013. 
fnailfed 4867 = fuailfeadh .1. foluamain no lu- 

aimnighe, a leaping, skipping, O'Cl. 
fuascalad (for fdaslacud), to release, to ransom, 
1520, fuascail, fuascailt, ransom, P. O'C., 
fuascladh, a redemption. 
fnaslaicim, / open, but in connexion with a 

sword, I draw, 287. 
fhigled, 2138 = foighleadh .1. radhadh, P. O'C., 

deriv. of fuigell, word, judgment. 
fuilide, bloody, 2219, ticfa fleochud fuilide SR. 
8029, and see O'Cl. Cf. fuilidh .1. dearg 
amhail foil, P. O'C., deriv. of foil, blood. 
fulacht, a cooking-place, xliii, and see Petrie's 

Tara 190. 

funnraide, to stay, to await, i945 = fumaidhe 
1041, .1. fuireach, P. O'C., and this for umaide, 
irnaide, ernaide. 

fur, preparation, 2357, oc fur m'anma dia breith 
i flaith De, ' preparing to carry my soul into 
God's kingdom,' LB. 183 a 9. 
furrthain, sufficiency, 2921, 3197, 4179, furthain 
a#a?forthain .1. sasadh no daothain, P. O'C. 

gabim, I give, I attribute, rot-gaibh 1591, gab- 
sat ailgius de 2389, geibh ind uisqui 2676, ar 
mirbuil didiu as gabtha do churp in Choimded 
dul isin tegdais foriatta LB. 195 a, 42. To 
this verb (cognate, with Goth, gibari), belong 
roghabh 1761, gabail salm 3406, and the forms 
given in Windisch's Wb'rterb. under '.i. gabaim 
ich singe? Cf. the Lat. use of do for announce, 
tell, relate. 

gabul mara, a sea-inlet, 1486, also gabul fairge. 
Hence gabhlan mara, a small creek, nook, or 
inlet of the sea, P. O'C. 

gair brevis. In ba gair nis-leceth, p. 321, 1. 25, 

gair means nearly, almost. 
gairb-driuch, bristles, 2212; lit. rough (garb) 
hair : driuch croicinn agas fionnfaidh, the hair 
standing on end, P. O'C., Gr. Opt(, gen. rpixos. 
gairtigim, I shorten,^*]?,, denom. ofBzr&, 'short.' 
gar-mac 4705 =gormac, ' nephew.' 
gart, Saltair na Rann, 2767, 3078, 6607. Hence 
gart-gal, sg.dat. gartghail 2134, ^d gart-gloir, 
SR. 4527, meaning doubtful, 
gas bilair 4788 = gas biroir, F^l. Ixxxix. : gas 
.1. g^ag, a stalk, stem, or sucker of an herb, 
P. O'C. 
gataide, thief (gadaidhe, P. O'C., gataige Wi. 

perperam?), 1673; 

geranach 3648, from gearan, complaint, groan, 
P. O'C., il-geranach, LB. 252 b. Ved. jarate 
ertbnen, Ohg. queran, seufzen. 
gerraim, / cut, hack, pass. pres. ind. sg. 3 gerrtur 


gilla gai xxvi, spear-gillie. 
gillacht, boyhood, 2526, Conn. s.v. colomna aisse; 

but also service, attendance, P. O'C. 
gillaidecht 4648, gillaigecht 68, giollaidheacht, 

the same as gillacht, P. O'C. 
gimach 3651, small-eyed, lobster-eyed, P. O'C. 
gimhach 3862, an epithet for hills, also in LB. 
253 a ; P. O'C. has giomh, ' the hair of the 

glaedad, shouting, sg. dat. 3640, 3655, glaod- 
hadh, P. O'C. Better perhaps spelt gloedad. 
Cf. the dat. pi. gloedaib, LB. 55 b. Cognate 
are glded, SRann, 6794, and glaedim, ibid. 
1290, 6554. 
glaisin, wood, 4066, 4071, and p. 354, sg. gen. 

glaisne 4063. 

glan, pure, comp. glan-bail, 2132, pure good- 
ness (?) ; glan-edbartach, having pitre offerings, 
gleo 3582, usually^^^, here seems to stand for 

gleodh, decision, the verbal noun of gleim. 
glesta, tuned, xiii, part. pret. pass, of glesaim ; 

see Ir. Gl. No. 719. 

gloire, glory, 20, 4322, a by-form of gUir, bor- 
rowed from Lat. gloria. 
goib-ger 3651, sharp-beaked; comp. of gop, gob, 

goibnecht 3785, a smith's trade, smithery, sg. gen. 

gaibnechta, 916. 
goirt-biad, salt food, gen. sg. goirt-bidh, p. 310, 

1. ii ; goirt (gl. acidus), gortigim (gl. sallo). 
golfadach 3636, also in LU. 33 a. 
gol/artach 3647, LU. 33 b, golphartach SRann. 
876. This, like golfadach, is a compound of 
gol, ' wailing, weeping.' 

gorm, /#(?= Lat. formus, ace. sg. f. guirm 3633. 
gormaim, I colour blue, I become blue, 4080. 




gortach, hungry (gl. famelicus), Ir. Gl. 620, pi. 
dat. 4887, deriv. of gorta, hunger. 

gothacli-goirt 3648, sharp-voiced (?), gothach, 
vocal, echoing, resounding, P. O'C. 

gradmaire, loveliness, deriv. of gradhmhar, ami- 
able, and this of grid, love, 3867. 

gre'chtha 3647, a deriv. of gre"ch, shout, screech, 
shriek, outcry, P. O'C. 

greim, in the expression rogab greim esti, 53, lit. 
'had profit out of her/ seems to mean ' fell in 
love with her.' Colgan has, for the corres- 
ponding passage of the Trip. Life, 'hospes 
autem eius formae captus praestantia : ' gebid 
. . . greim n-ailithre, has the profit of[= avails 
as] a pilgrimage, 718 ; facbaim gr&mm, Mer. 
Uilix 150 ; ni faigbet Ulaid mo greim, LL. 
109 a. See also maith-greim. 

greim riagla 7 ecna 3958. 

greim rigda 296, royal power (?). Cf. gremmaim 
(gl. vigore), Ml. 31 c 18. 

gres, guest, p. 319, 1. 23, greas, a guest, visitor, 
P. O'C., who compares W; gressaw; pi. greasa 
.1. aoidheadha no lucht e*n-uaire, O'Cl. 

grib, grif quadrupess pennata, H. 2. 16, col. 114, 
gen. gribi S. Rann, 921, bomgryphus, pi. nom. 
gribha 3651. The griffin and vulture each called 
griobh ingneach. The comp. gribgal and the 
adj. gribda occur in S. Rann 938, 7195. 

gris 2222, better griss (?). See S. Rann. 

grnamdacht 4463, sullenness, gloominess, deriv. of 
gruamda (gl. acer), Ir. Gl. Nos. 384, 1065. 

guaire, hair, bristles, 2212, 3798, .1. folt, O'Cl. 

guala, gen. dual gualann 3498, where it seems 
to mean not as usual shoulders, \mt shafts of a 

gudamnach, spectral (It), 3648, seems a deriv. of 
gudemain oiguidemain .1. foatha 7 morrigna, 
Conn. Gl. and Rev. Celt. i. 36. 

gu-forcell, false declaration, witness, "Wb. 13 b, 
sg. gen. -ill 51 =gu-forgill, LB. 165 a. 

guilbnech, sharp-beaked, 3652, deriv. of gailbne, 
pi. ace. inna guilbniu (gl, aculeos), Ml. 122 b, 

ian 2952 .1. soitheach, a vessel, P. O'C. ; sg. gen. 
eine, Laws, i. 106 ; pi. n. e"na, dat. enaib. 

iarcain 4080, the 'after-dye ' (?). 

iardaige 3o52=iartaige, result, LL. 2303, iar? 
daidhe and iardraidhe, remains, posterity, re- 
licks, remnants, vestiges, P. O'C. 

iarmerge 861, 4198, nocturn. 

iarsma, remnant, xxv. 

iasacht 4148, a loan, gen. iasachto, Conn. B. s, v. 

iascach, fishing (?), 1039, an d Trip. Life, 146, 
148. P. O'C. gives only the meanings I; fishy, 
fishlike, 2. fish. 

idlacht, idolatry, xxiii., deriv. of idal. 

id-laicim, pass. pres. ind. sg. 3 idlaicter 281 3, 2814, 
verbal nonn iodhlacadh, to bestow, P. O'C, 

id-naicim, J bestovj, s-pret. pi. 3 roidhnaicset 1926. 

imm-alt6ir i(>33=iomaltair, an outside altar, 
P. O'C. It probably represents the Latin 
super altar e, of which Ducange says: 'bifa- 
riam snmi videtur, nempe pro Ciborio, quod 
altari imminet, et altari portabili.' 

immarach, imarach, 939=iomarach, iomnrach .1- 
imleach, bordering, edging, brinklike, P. O'C. 

imm-chor, a bearing or carrying, fer- imchnir, a 
carrier, porter, bearer, 4367 ; fer imchair in 
leinibh (gl. pedagogus), Book of Lismore, 
76 b 12. Hence the verb immchurim, J carry. 

imm-eirge i898=imirge, imirce and imirghe, a 
removing, a flitting, P. O'C. 

imforaidh 4228, seems to stand for immforraidh, 
gen. sg. of immforadh a comp. of imm and 
forradh, gain, e molument (?), JHighland Soc. 
Diet., O'R.'s foraigh, wages. 

immochar 4046, carrymg=immochur LB. 188 b, 

immorchor 448 1 3 carrying, verbal noun of immor- 

imm-remor, very thick, pl.n. imremra 2220. 

immresnech xl=imresnach LB. 251 b, emulative, 
deriv. of imbresan, imrisan 2894, =^J.ymrys- 
son, ' contention, dispute.' 

imm-theiched xii, escaping. 

imm-thrumme,/r^aej/, sg. gen. 2511. A cogn. 
adj. immthromm occurs. 

imm-uamon 3306, great fear, dread. 

imtha : a t?en imtha-sj 799 : ben imtha glosses 
petiex in Sg. 68 b, 9. Cf. ace. pi. laichessa 
imtha, Rawl. B. 512, fo. 42 b, 2. The imtha 
is probably cognate with imda, ' bed-room,' 
' bed,' so ben imtha in 799 may mean chamber- 
woman. Hence imthach, adulterous, SRann 

, 3175.. 

in ait (for indait), than are, 2351, 2435. 

in-bhar, in your, 3852. Cf. infar srethaib, Ml. 

29 d 9^ where Ascoli has A?'far srethaib. 
ind-airithe 2352, manifestly, airithe .1. deimin no 

follns, O'Dav. 49. 
indalim(?), I wash, the feet, act, pret. sg. 3 ro 

innail 53, 1279, 2617, for ro indail, ionnlam, 

I wash, bathe, cleanse, P. O'C. 
indeonad, a cooking, xliii. Cogn. with inneoin. 

As to the Dagda's inneoin (cooking apparatus), 

see the Book of Lismore, 154 a, 2, and Petrie's 

Tara, 190. 
ind-fethmech, meditative, contemplative, 2455, in- 

dethmech 2649, deriv. of indfethem. 
indis, innis, inis, a milking-place, 98, 115, 1967, 

p. 320, inis, a place where cows are brought to 

be milked, P. O'C., citing Beatha Sheanain. 



ind-loeg, in calf, p. 502, 1. 7. 

in-dorus, in front of, 929. See dorus. 

ingantaigim, I admire, wonder at, xxi, 1. 16. 

inmarda, biada inmarra 2519, biad olardai in- 
mardai, LB. 215 a, derived from inmar 
(obsonium), Mart. Don. 1641* whence also 
inmaire : rorecht ho methi 7 inmairi, Ml. 20 a. 

in-molta xxii, praiseworthy. 

iret 4488, meaning obscure. 

iris an tspsce'la 4358, the strap by which the satchel 
containing the gospel was suspended', iris, a 
suspender for hanging a load by, ex. le hirsibh 
a scathe, P. O'C. 

i-sunna, herein, 2587. 

ftadach, thirsty, 4887, deriv. of itu, ' thirst,' gen. 

laarg, fork, leg and thigh, P. O'C., sg. , gen. 

cnaim na lairge 2080; da loarcc (gl. duarum 

furcarum) Arm. 12 b i. 
lachtna 2321, 2325, yellow, P. O'C., brat dub- 

lachtna, LU. nab. 
laechdacht, heroism, 6raz>ety,'^o^8, deriv. of laech- 

da, 2145, and this from laech = Lat. laicus. 
laindrech, bright, shining, 2142, cogn* with 

lainderda,lainnerda, S. Rann 2928, 2934, 3022, 

8077. See Fdlire, Gloss. Index, s. v. lainnrech. 
laithide, daily, 4489, deriv. of laithe, ' day.' 
lam, hand, fri laim, in lieu of, as substitute for, 

p. 314, 1. 10. 
lamdae, handiwork (?), gen. lamdai .1. gresa 

Ian, full, compounded in lan-airpheitech 4500 ; 

Ian-bind 4500 ; lan-cennsa 4462 ; lan-edpairt, 

a full offering, 4494, where lanpartaib is a 

scribal error for Idn-edpartaib ; lan-folartnaig- 

thech 4496 ; lan-saethrach 38475 lan-tene 3662 ; 

lan-toltnaigthech 2741. 
lasc 4643, from *lat-co, as Lat. lassus, from *lat-to, 

hence lasca., looseness, laxation, slackness, P.O'C. 
latrann (from Lat. latrd), pi. gen. latrand, p. 

358, 1. 16, ace. latrandu, p. 319, 1. 16. 
lebenn, leibheann dia sciathaib 3250, a bulwark 

of their shields. 
ledb 4O52=leadhb, a piece or patch, a leather 

clout, P. O'C. 
leitmech, eager, greedy ; 3650, 3667=leidmheach, 

.1. mian[gh]asach, P. O'C., who has also the 

abstract leidmhighe .1. mian[gh]as = leitmige, 

LL. 217 b. 

lem, elm, sg. gen. leimh 2678 = lim, Trip. 84. 
len, hurt, Ten claoine 2146, ace. cen labra len 

2137, cen l en J cen erchra form, LB. 376, gen. 

leoin 3206 ; lean and Icon, destruction, ruin, 

downfall, P. O'C. Hence lenaim, liunaim, 

S. na Rann 1726, 2686, 5267. 

lesc 2665, 3032 (gl. piger) Ir. Gl. 382, loath, 
P. O'C. 

less, rogleset in les, 2030. 

letarthaige 3186, deriv. of letarthach, cogn. with 

mod. leadradh, and leadairt, ' a striking, tear- 
ing, cutting,' P. O'C. 
lethnaigim 3003, / expand or spread, but here 

/ scatter. 

letorudj p. 321,!. i6=leth-f-torud, half-produce. 
1J 3587, meaning obscure, 
linn in muilinn 913 ; linn in proinntige 2091. 
lisdacht, importunity, I59o=liostacht, Highland 

Soc. Diet. 
16 888, meaning doubtful ; lo .1. uisce, water, lo 

.1. ribe olna, a lock of wool, P. O'C. 
locaim, I Jlinch from : locuid ... in cath 3230, 

locadh, a flinching, failing, P. O'C. 
logaissi .1. bregi, 3093. 
loilgech, a cow which has lately calved, pi. gen. 

3350 ; also spelt laulgach and lulgach. 
loinn-eolas, joyful guidance ; lonn, 'joyful, glad, 

merry, P. O'C. 
loise, fame, 1043, 1694, also luisse : loise and 

loisne .i. lasain 
loiscnech, burning, blasting, 3662 ; loiscneach, 

the same as loisceatota, 'fiery, blasting, burning,' 

P. O'C. 
lonn 2089, 2112, 3649, .1. diumsach, O'Dav. 102. 

Hence lonnus 2095 = londas, Ml. 29 a i. 
losail, collective of lus, herb, sg. dat. 416. 
lua (?) p. 304. The gloss (.1. brat derg) stated 

by Dr. Todd (Mart. Don. p. 274, note) to occur 

on this word in LB. fo. 118 a, does not appear 

in the facsimile (p. 2J5, lower margin), 
luaigim, / buy, ransom ; raluaig-si in mac, LL. 

2 26 b, 1. 34 ; roliiaid moghud na cumaile 1 190, 

should probably be roluqig m. n. c. 
luaithne, a particle of ash (luaith), 126. 
luaithred, ashes, 161 ; luaithreadh and luaith 

reamh, P. O'C. ' ' 

luamaire, pilot, 2077- Hence luamhaireacht, 

navigation, sailing,"?. O'C., father 'piloting, 

directing.' Cf. comas luamairechta a tengad 

LB. 160 b. 
luchrapan 3776, a pygmy, pi. n.=luchrupain, 

LU. 2 a, luchorpain, Laws, i. 70, gen. line luchor- 
pan lerda, Rawl. B. 502, fo. 45 b I, a dimin. of 

luchorp, pi. n. lucuirp, Laws, i. 70, and cf.'the 

gloss Nan .i. bee, ut dicitnr banus .i. abac no 

lucharban, O'Mulc. 828. 
lucht, a charge, weight, p. 319, 1. 33, and in Brocc. 

h. 1. 27 (al-lucht saille) and 47 (mir . . . dind 

lucht), from *tlucht = O. Welsh tlu.ith in or 

maur-dluith-ruim (gl. multo vecte), Juv. p. 90. 

macc-firt, a miracle wrought in childhood, pi. 
dat. macfertuibh, 132. 



machtad, wondering, marvelling, 1988, 1998, ba 
machtad morlasinescopLB. 190 a, ba machtad 
le, LB. 193 b, commonly machnadh .1. iong- 
nadh, O'CL, who also has machtnadh. 

machtnaigim 3762, 3874, 1 consider, verbal noun 
machtnugrf, Laws, i. p. 34, 1. n. 

mago 321, 1. 25, for madia, milking-place. Laws, 
i. 84, 1. 32. 

maidm, rout, but in 3253, a routed army. 

maille, moille, <fc/oy, lateness, mtf, deriv. of mall, 

mainches nun, m. sosce"la xv. 

mainchine, service, 1018, 2039, 4233, 4246, 
4801, 4842 ; manchaine 3492. 

maindechtnaige, negligence, slothfulness, 1418. 
a deriv. oimaineachtnach, 'negligent, slothful,' 
P. O'C. 

maistreth, a churning, p. 321, 1. 28. 

maith-greim 2112. See greim. 

mam, handful, 4323 ; mam, a fist, also a fistful 
or handful, P. O'C. Cf. W. mawaid, both 

manche 2363, Trip. Life, 344, 1. 3 ; mainche, 
maintenance, sustenance, support, P. O'C. 

maoi. See romabi. 

margreit,/<?ar/, 38, from Lat. margarita. 

martralaic, martyrology , 3754. 

mebais 4051, usually supposed to be a gramma- 
rian's word like meabhadh .1. briseadh, P. O'C. 
But it stands for memais, which may be the 
aorist of a desiderative verb, root mat. So 
selais, im-selais may be aorists of a like verb, 
root slag. 

melaim, / enjoy, b-fut. sg. 3 nos-melfa 2268 ; 
mealadh, enjoying, having, holding, P. O'C. - 

menmanrad, thought, xxiii ; determination, Cogad 
Gaedel re Gallaib, p. 72, 1. i. 

menmarc 2071, desire meanmarc .1. smuaineadh, 
Leb. Lee. Vocab. .1. aigne, mind, thought, 
fancy, P. O'C., citing Leabh. Gabhala, p. 

merge, banner, 3078 ; meirge .1. bratach, O'Cl., 

an ensign, standard, or banner, P. O'C. 
mi medonach fogmair 4441, lit. the middle month 

of autumn, September ^). 
mianaigim, I desire, pret. sg. 3 romianaigh 1368, 

imperat. sg. 3 mianaiged grein na firinde, 

'let him desire the Sun of Righteousness,' LB. 

250 b ; mianach, longing, desirous, P. O'C. 
midbaid, mulct, xxvi, where see note 7. 
midbolg 2223, belly, midbuilge, Rawl. 6.512, fo. 

69 b i. 
milide 3856, 3862, sg. dat. fern, milidi LU. 33 b. 

pi. dat. cona mbolthaib milidib, S. Rann, 480. 
min, 4183, meal, but in xxi. dust, 
minastralacht, p. 338, a formation from the late 

Latin ministerialis. 

mincuis2463 ; P. O'C. has mionchws,a small cause 
or motive, which cannot be the meaning here. 

miniugud 4182, mincing, comminution. The 
verbal noun of minigim, whence ro-minaig t 
LB. 1 76 b, minigther, 196 a. 

mum, reliquary, 3268, pi. dat. minnaib 4366. 

min-scothach (MS. min-scotach), smooth-flowery, 
p. 332, 1. 28. 

miscaith, miscaid, curse, 2327. Conn, and 
O'Dav. 104. 

mochlaigib 3729 for mochlaidhib (1), maculatis. 

moch-trath, the dawn, 2493, 3009. So in Three 
Fragments, p. 24 ; tainic madain mochtrath. 
Hence mochtratae, 'matutinus,' Ml. 21 c, 6, 8. 

modh, caom an modh 3433, modh, work, duty, 
vs., 1. 10. 

moin, bog, n. pi. mointe, 3663. Cf. mointedn, 
' a bog, or turbary, a moor or fen.' 

moltan 488, a small wether, a hogsel, dimin. of 
molt, P. O'C. 

mong hair, mane ; comp. mong-mas 3580, having 
beautiful hair, of the sea, crested: moing- 
tentide, fiery-haired, 3642. 

mor, mar, great, enters into the following com- 
pounds : mor-adbul 4768; mor-bachall, 
great crazier, p. 314, 1. 2 ; mor-briugaid 
2468; mor-broscar 524; mor-chatu, sg. ace. 
-aidh 4245 ; mor-chumachtach 199 ; moir- 
mirbuil 79 ; mor-dal 1875, sg. dat. mordail 
1874; mor-ghair 523; mor-gloir mo; mor- 
innocbail 1 1 10 ; mor-leignidssaa; mor-maith 
2782; mor-meile 3392; mor-mirbuil xxi; 
mor-popul 2063 ; mor-tret 4040 ; mar-nert 
592, great strength. 

mosarJf#/$, sg. d. -air 3634, cognate with mosach, 
filthy, LB. 253 a. W. mws, 'fetid.' 

muchna 3642, gloomy. 

mudu, mudha 2314, 4629=mudu, LL. 81 b, 26. 
mudha .1. mu dughudhno basughudh, O'C. 

muichnech, adj. stifling^f), sg. dat. f. (bith-) 
muichnig 3642. 

muine dresa 2607, 2609, a copse or thicket of 

muinter, I. familia, II. famulus, pi. dat. 1817. 

muir sea, comp. muir-mil, sea-beast, whale, 2223, 
W. morfil; mur-chat, sea-cat, 3745, 3752, 
3793, 3834; mur-choblach, sea-fleet, 1802; 
mur-gae, sea-spear, harpoon, 1641 ; mur-traig, 
sea-strand, 1946. 

nait, nor are, before a pi. 377, 2200, 2998, 3008, 
4564; naid, than they, P. O'C., is for inait. 

nasc, pi. ac. nascu 1908, collar, chain, tie, band, 
P. O'C. 

nascim, I bind, perf. sg. 3 nenaisc, p. 319, 1. 16, 
s-pret. pi. 3 naiscset, LB. 188 b. 



neimed 478o=nemed (gl. sacelmm), Sg. 13 b. 
neimnige, virulence, peevishness ',.2227, where the 

Paris copy has wrongly, ndeimnigi: deriv. of 

neimnech, ' poisonous,' Wb. 7 c, LB. 251 b 70. 
nem, neamh, the Mid. and Mod. form of the Old 

Ir. negative prefix neb; nem-forbann 4617; 

nem-thoirsech, unmournful, 3858. 
net, nest, gen. nit, Arm. 17 a a, pL ace. nitu, 

p. 344, 1. 25 : W. nyth, from *nizdo-s, Lat. 


niam, brightness, hue (?), mam theined p. 350, 1.6. 
niam-glaine, bright purity, 3868, LU. 34 a. 
nime, ix, 1. 22, shortlived '(?). 
nimidecb. for nemidech, dwelling in heaven, p. 

304, 1. 13. 
no-chombathad 4297, foundering, shipwreck, lit. 

noem, naemh, naomh, the Mid. and Mod. Ir. 

spellings of O. Ir. noeb, holy ; comp. riaemh- 

bachal 4811 ; noeimh-ibar, holy yewtree, 

nos, usage,i626 ; dat. sg. nous, pi. noisib, Laws, i. 

pp. 12, 208. 
nuaU, shout, cry; compounded: nuall-faeiltech 

3858, nnall-guth 3630. Hence perhaps naul- 

lach 2124. 
nuna, dearth, famine, 1970, gen. sg. .1. gorta, 

P. O'C., who compares W. newyn, Ann. 

naun. An older form is naiine, Laud 610, fo. 

97 a 2. 

oca, ica : oca rabhadhuis denumh 2357, ica raba- 
tar iarraid 1390, 3843 = icca rabutar iaraid 
3838, ica tai lesugud 1422, ica tai iarrad 3728. 

6c-dam 3794, a young ox or stag. 

ocse p. 327, 1. u, meaning and reading doubtful. 

oentuime, celibacy, xxxiv, 1. 23=oentuma, LB. 
i87b; oentamha, Lism. 1243 2. 

oeibelteoir 3942=aibellteoir, O'Dav. 50, whence 
O'Donovan (Supp. s. v. aoibhilltedir} got the 
meaning 'thaumaturge.' But it comes from 
6ibell, 'spark,' and seems to mean one who 
quasi per scintillam seu breviter elucidat. See 
Ducange s. v. scintillare. 

oldait, quam sunt, p. 303, 11. 2, 3, 4. 

oll=iro\\6s in compounds : oll-bladach, greatly- 
famous, 3288, 4280; oll-nia, agreat champion, 

P- 3*7- 
ollamain gobann, master-smiths (ollam, goba), 

omnach, afraid, xxiii, deriv. of uamon,y&zr, pi. n. 

bat homnaig duili De dil, S. Rann 7763. 
onchu, a leopard, 3799. 

orba N., heritage^ land, 1895, i896=forba 1897. 
orcel 2i7o=oircel, trough, Laws iii. 242. 
orda do bradan, a piece of salmon, 2735 ; orda 

de mhaide, a short thick stick, gen. ordan. 

Tuc Caoilte beim cloidhimh fo a cuim don 

chailigh go ndeama da ordain cottroma di, 

Feis Tighe Chondin, P. O'C. 
6sic=o&sequium, footwashing, p. 326, 1. 31 = 

f-6saic, supra, 
othair, sick, duine othair, 2711. 

pairt, particle, sg. dat. pairt 501. See Irish Nen- 
nius, p. 208, 1. 4 and note. From Lat. pars, 

pendaim, I do penance, act pret. sg. 3 rophend.) 
The corresponding novunpendait, gen. pendaite[ 
occurs in LB. 6 a. 

peta sinnaig 1654, H*. &p& of a fox, peta cuirre, 
a pet crane, 4i86 = petta cuirre, LB. 216 a 57. 
peata, a petted animal, P. O'C. ; petal auium 
(gl. altilia), Hart. 1802, fo. 45 b ; pettai sut no 
inn aigi chena ? LL. 67 a 41 ; indat pettai sut 
no indat eoin chena ? LL. 67 a 51. 

pis, piece, pi. pisi 84 ; pisib 81. Either from W. 
bys, ' finger,' or from ft.piece,'Lovi-'La.t.pecia, 
petium. P. O'C. has a Aimai. piosan. 

poc, buck-goat, sg. gen. puic 1630, 1632, ace. 
poc. 1634, pi. n. puic 1632 ; P. O'C. has the 
dimin. pocdn. The Old-Irish form is boc. 

ppind 3720, a point (of advantage, profit, use), 
from Fr. point. P. O'C. \&spoinn, 'much, or 
great deal, abundance,' which seems wrong. 
Compare : cen phoind tarba do ann, LB. 145 b, 
ni boi poind doib ann, LB. 201 b, ni bia 
poind doib ann, LB. 202 a ; ni bid Sidiu poind 
don teiched sin, Lism. 2 a 2. 

polaire, writing tablets, 968, 969, 4057. From 
pugillares, whence also Old- Welsh poulloraur. 

popa 426, or pupa .1. maighistir, P. O'C. From 
Lat. popa, ' an inferior priest.' 

prim, borrowed from ~La.t.primus, compounded in 
prim-aicde xxx; prim-apstal ; prim-chathair 
4 2 55 5 prim-coitchenn 3322 ; prim-faith 1798, 
3342; prim-fathacdae 3319 ; prim-long 3183 ; 
prim-proiceptoir 2744-5, 4502. 

proindechad, dining, 2081, from praind = pran- 

putrall, the hair of the head, 4568, .1. gruag, 
O'CL, pi. nom. pudralla, Lism. 119 a i, dat. 
pudrallaib, LL. 268 a I. P. O'C. has a dimin. 
puirtleog, ' tuft.' 

rachall, windingsheet, 1041, .1. brat mairbh, 
P. O'C. O'Clery's racholl; but recholl in 
Rawl. B. 502, fo. 58 b i. 

rain : a aon rain 3373, meaning obscure. 

rathach 2130, prosperous, deriv. of rath, gen. 
ratha, prosperity. 


rath, gen. raith 2113, wages (taaxnstaX), O'Cl. but 

in 2113 rent(f), subsidy (?). 
rebrad 4832 =reabhradh, gen. rebartha LL. 230 a, 

a skipping, playing, or sporting, P. O'C. 
rechtaide in 3320 seems to mean lawgiver. In 

LB. it is an adjective meaning relating to the 

(Jewish) law. 

recles (= ro-ecres?) 2694, gen. in reclesa 2585. 
reilgi, relics, 2185. relce 2775, pi. ace. 
K\m-fadaiaA, preceded, 1197; pi. 3 remfdechatar, 

LB. 72 b. 
renim, I give away, grant, sell (irfpirqfu), redupl. 

fut. sg. i ririu p. 324, 1. 30. 
riachtanus a les, need, 1602 : so in LB. 244 b, 

75 : riachtanas, -want, distress, necessity, 

P. O'C. 
riagaldai, duini 3395, monks, deriv. of riagail = 

regula : regnlares, monaehi, Ducange. 
riaraigim, I do one's will, act. pres. ind. pi. 3 

riaraighit 2914, pret. sg. 3 roriaruigh 4835, 

4837. The verbal noun riarugud occurs in 

LB. 37 a, 29, riarach, submissive. 
riaraim, I do one's will, imperat. pi. 2 riaruidb. 

565, denom. of riar. 
righ-rath, royal grace, pi. gen. 773. 
rinde 2402, 2408, 2410, 2413, is=Nhg. Rinde, 

and means (like ruse) a basket made of bark. 

This word occurs in the Laws, 1.150,, where 

it is rendered by 'rods.' In O'Curry's Manners 

and Customs, iii. 1 1 7 it is explained as ' a round 

wooden bucket.' 

rithimm = rhythmus, 2673, also spelt rithim. 
rithoirg, = rhetorica, p. 312, 1. 34. 
ro- (j=*pro) intensive prefix to substt. and adjj., 

ro - duine 4774 5 rodhuine, nobleman, peer, 

P. O'C. ; ro-garb 4569, very rough, pi. ro-garba, 

LB. 251 b. ;' ro-lonn, very fierce, p. 312, 1. 6 : 

ro-techta, very lawful (techte), 2136 ; ro-trom, 

very heavy, 4003. 

ro-maoi 3578. Here ro- (=pro seems the inten- 
sive prefix and maoi = O'R.'s maodh, ' moist, 

wet.' Root miv (?). 
roim, 2636, roime, before 'him, 2546, 3214; 

roimpi, before her, 2421, 4079, 4685 ; rompa, 

before them, 2970 ; romamsa, before me, 

roisc, cu roisc, till ends (?), 1979; con-roisc do in 

taspenad sin do denam, LL. 280 b, 32. 
ron-gae, seal-spear, 1641. 
niam, cemetery, sg. dat. maim 2111. 
riiamnaim, / grow red, s-pret. ruamnais 2858, 

ruamnad, LL. 244 a. 
ruathar, onrush, 2130, gen. sg. ruathair, LL. 

240 a. 
ruithen, radiance, ace. sg. 3402, gen. pi. 3428. 

Hence the denom. ruithnigim, S. na Kann 


ruse, hamper (made of bark), p. 320, 1. 37, gen. 
ruisc p. 321, 1. 18, pi. n. ruisc p. 322, 1. 3, W. 
rhisg, rhisgen, Br. rusken, ' hive/ Fr. ruche. 

sacarbhnic = sacrificium, 643, 1567, 2347, gen. 

sacarbaice 2403. 
saeb, false, comp. saeb-foircetlid, a false teacher, 

pi. n. 1513, saeb-ruisc 4142. 
saeglach, aged, 946. 
saegulda, secular., 486o=saegulta, soegulta, LB. 

35 b, 175 b. Like saeglach, a deriv. of saegul 


sai-escop 212, sage-bishop, sai=sui, gen. suad. 
sailechtu, expectation, p. 302, 1. 12, verbal noun 

of sailim, pres. ind. act. pi. i sailmit, p. 302, 

11. 14-15- 

sain, separate, espedal,(=W. han), in compounds : 
sain-grad 3941 ; sain-richt 2140; sain-sercach 

saith, wealth, p. 316, ionnmhas, O'Cl. 

saithe 3657, a swarm, host, army, multitude, 
P. O'C. VJ.haid. 

sal, sea, gen. saile, leg. saile, 3771, a neut. s-stem, 
or is the nom. saile, W. helydd^f}. 

samlacha, semblances^}, banners^}, yt'j'j^.G'C. 
has samhlach, similar, resembling; but this 
meaning does not suit here. 

samrata, summery,, 3402, deriv. of samrad, sum- 
mer, bahetrochta he oltas sollsi greni samrata, 
LB. 232 b. 

samud 874, gen. samtha 2767, samhadh .1. coim- 
thionol, z congregation, community, vr society. 

santugud, coveting, desiring, verbal noun of 

scailed 3177, 3860, scattering, dismissal, dissolu- 
tion. The former passage leagar scailed doib, 
seems, to mean literally, ' let scattering be left 
to them,' verbal noun of scailim. 

scairbighe (scairbidhe ?) 3256 ; P. O'C. has 
scairbhe, scairbheacht and scairbhidheacht, 
'toughness, hardness, firmness,' but the con- 
text points to some skin-disease. Cf. perhaps 
Lat. scdber, scabredo, scabrosus, or Eng. scurf. 

sceirded 3713 = sciordadh, a squirting, issuing, 
or sallying, forth, P. O'C. Seems cogn. with, 
or borrowed from, the English squirt, the 
etym. of which is obscure. 

scemdacht 3185 = sceamhach, yelping or barking 
like a fox. or dag, P. O'C. 

scithlim, disappearance (?), 204 : cf. saint 7 mian 
. . . . na glori dioesi cen scithlim, cen ercra, 
LB. 256 b, 83, in da dunad iar scithlim a fe 
ftaARfoyMacgnimartha Finn, Rev. Celt. v. 202, 
1. 33, roscuiredh in scithlim druidechta bai 
forro dibh, Lism. 134 b 2. A corruption of 
scichljm, Rawl. B. 502, fo. 41 b 2. 



scoaire, brewer, pi. dat. scoairib, 2820. From sco 
.1. linn, O'Dav. 118. 

scoirp, scorpion, 3651, the eighth sign of the 
zodiac, Saltair naRann, 219, 252. 

scolaidecht, schooling, scholarship, 4103, from 
scolaige, scholasticus, p. 333. 

scoloc 4234 a farm-servant, pi. scoloca G; C. 2 

screpul 4779, screaball (=scripulus} .1. sect pin- 
ginne oir, seven pennies of gold, 2832, screabal 
3151 ; screpul comnae 4470; s. 6ir no argit, 
P'37 screaball bathais, the fees for baptism, 
P. O'C. ; screapul todhuisgidh, Lism. 45 b. i. 

scrfpad, scratching, scraping, 3654. 

secda, 3659, 3666, dried up, withered: secthi (gl. 
fornace durata), Ml. 48 b 3 = seacata, hard, 
frozen, P. O'C., who. has also seacdn, 'a hoar 
frost.' In the Tripartite Life, p. 222, 1. 7, the 
dead Garvan's people take the mantle from his 
face, conid-fuaratar secc, and the cognate verb 
occurs, coro[s]ecsat a lama imma claidbin, 
ibid, no, 2 : seccais a lam immon claideb, 
S. Rann 7105. 

sechbaid 2271, error, mistake = sechfaid, sech- 
maid, error, 566, for sechbaid. The phrase in 
566 and 2271 also occnrs in the Tripartite 
Life, 228, 1. 25 : Ni sechfaid a ndorigni an 
ben, no mistake is what the woman has done, 
and in the Voyage of Maelduin, c. 12 : Ni 
sechbaid ... in promad sin, no mistake (was), 
that trial, P. O'C. has seachmadh .1. dearmad, 
forgetfulness ; also error, mistake, digression. 

seche, hide, 4259, sg. dat. seichid 4261. 

sechna 3119, 386a=seachnadh, an avoiding or 
shunning, P. O'C;, where the dh seems an 
erroneous addition. Verbal noun of sech- 

sechtuibh 3292 = sectaibh 3295, dat. of secht, 

secnap = secundus abbas, 2553, 2557, 4539. 
Hence segnabuidheacht (i.e. secnabbaidecht}, 
p. 308, 1. 33. 

seimeth 297, offspring, ra a shil 7 ra a seimedh 
Forbais Drama Damgaire, Lism. 134 a, 2. 
is a fognam bias a sil 7 a semo/tre bithu, Trip. 
Life, 38, 1. 17, where the contraction is wrongly 
extended. May be for *segmeto cogn. with W. 
hau, ' serere,' heuodd, ' sevit,' and Lat. seges. 

seis, ro-seis, 2067, act. s-fut. sg. 2 of ro-saigim. , 

selat, selad, 3743, 4427 = sealad, a time, a while, 
sometime, somewhile, P. O'C. Cogn. with sel, 

2528, 3787, 3849. t . 

sen, a charm, 2284, 2289, scan, blessing, pros- 
perity, P. O'C. From Lat. signum. 

sen, old, in the following compounds : sen-bren 
3646; sen-garb 3653; sen-scribenn 3672. 

seng, slender!?), stately $}, 3365, 

senserecht, sinnsirecht, seniority, 2539, deriv. of 

senta, inveterate, 3625; 3646, 3653. 

seol, course, 2129. 

seolais 3589, seolaid gaeth e, 3163. 

sept-it, seventh day before the ides, 805- 

serccoll, p. 316, note 4, .1. feoil, O'Cl., pi. sercla 
(gl. irritamenta gulae), Sg. 63 a n. 

serg galair 2 794 ; searg, dryness, decay, withered- 
ness, consumption, P. O'C., who cites nir dhea- 
laigh taobh re deargadh do, acht a searg sfor- 
ghalair, Caithreim Chongail. A denom. verb 
sergaim, verbal noun serggad, occurs in Saltair 
na Rann, 7279, 7294, 8209. 

se"t, likeness; 2464. 

set (MS. sent) anamcharat 2930; a teacher's (or 
confessor's) present. 

sid, peace, comp. sfd-athair, p. 341, peace-father. 
Hence sidach, peaceful, p. in, 1. 29, p. 312, 

1- 3- 

sidaigid, pacifier, 3921 ; corruptly, sithaigid, LB. 
66 b, sidaigthig, LB. 248 a, should pro- 
bably be sjdaigthid. Cf. sulbairigthid Cgl. 
lepos), Sg. 676. Cognate with the verb 
sfdaigim, siodhach, pacific, siodhaghadh, paci- 
fication, P. O'C. 

silem, p. 341, sower. 

siltoir, a sower, pi. dat. siltoiribh, 1505, 1508, 

sinte, stretched, extended, 3659, part. pret. pass, 
of sinim. 

sir-, continual. Compounds: sir-beogolach 
3647, leg. -boegalach (?) ; sir-bren 3659 ; sir- 
debtah 3646 ; sir-decsiu, long-looking, sg. dat. 
-sin, p. 325, 1. 28 ; sir-dubach 3665 ; sir- 
fegad 4868 ; sir-gaire 3384 ; sir-marbthach 
3646-7; sir-shaegul, ix, 1. 33 ; sir-scithach 
3646; sir-silte, continually dropt, 3666; sir- 
thene 3638, 3643 ; sir-trotach, ever quarrelsome, 


sirthe 3659, meaning obscure, 
sirthech 3364; P. O'C.'s sirtheach, that begs, 

craves, seeks, asks, demands, co sirtech, sollici- 

tously, Rev. Celt. i. 38. 
sithe 4539, meaning obscure, 
slaetan tromgalair, xxvi. Also in Laud 610, 

fo. 145 b, 2,' slaodan, cough or cold, O'R. Cf. 

treaghait tromghalair, Lism. 152 a i ; serg 

galair 2794. 

slain, ace. sg. 3372, meaning obscure, 
slan, salvus, comp. slain-crechtach, healed of one's 

wounds, pi. n. -aigh 3127. 
slan 2976, indemnity, sg. gen. im tobach a slain, 

Laws, i. 192, 1. 12. 
slatra, bold, .i.dana, Leb. Lee. Vocab. .1. laidir, 

O. Cl. coslatra 2589. This glosses co mbrassi, 

Fel, June 19. Samson slattra, S. Rann, 

5365, co slattra, 5573. Hence slattratu, bold- 



ness: tria slattrataid, through boldness, LU. 

35 b. 
slatt, to rob; oc slait 1971 ; roslatsat, they plun- 

dered, Ann. Ulst. 836. Cognate with slatt, 

' a rod ' (W. llath} ; slat riogdha, ' a sceptre' ; 

slat bhroid, ' a goad' ; slatadh, ' a switching ' ; 

slata[t\m, ' I switch,' P. O'C. Hence the Eng. 

slang word to slate. 
sliiasat, sg. gen. sluaisti 3163, where it means 

a paddle, shtasad. ' a shovel for ridding clay or 

rubbish,' P. O'C. 

smci, blackberry, pi. gen. 1891, W. mwyar. 
snath-egne xxx = snatheicne, LU. 81 a, 17, snath, 

thread, but what is ecne? 
snim 2483, 3689, distress. Hence the adj. 

snimach, S. Rann, whence the abstr. sntmche. 
so-char, better so-chor, sg. gen. sochair 743, 

profit, advantage, emolument, benefit, P. O'C. 

In the Laws, i. 52, 1. 19, sochar is glossed by 

cor comloige. 
so-charthanach ^^amiable ; carthanach./mw.g', 

friendly, affectionate, charitable, P. O'C. 
so-chlann, goodly children, ace. sg. 2143. 
so-chmacht, possibility, p. 325, 11. 32, 33, deriv. 

of sochma, possible. 

soer-clandacht, noble lineage, sg. gen. -a, 743. 
so-foircetal, good teaching, sg. gen. -nil 2469. 
sog 4011. Perhaps P. O'C.'s s6gh, happiness; 

also; good cheer, good fare. 
so-gnim, a good deed, a laudable action, 2466, 

3943, pi. dat. sognimaib, LB. 2523, 252 b. 
so-indscne xxv, oratory, innscne, speech. 
so-mesctha, intoxicating, 3162. 
somul, in somulrith carpait 3088 is obscure to 


so-61a, good to drink, 3162. 
sord .1. glan, 967, from *sverdho-s, bright ($). 
som na hatha 2629, furnace of the kiln. 
sor-tuaidh 4264 for sair-tiiaid = soir ba thuaidh, 

north-east, P. O'C. 
so-thoirsech 3660, lamentable. 
spongc-aible 2973, pi. dat. sponcaiblib, LL. 

267 b ; sponge, spunk, -touchwood, tinder, 

P. O'C. Seems identical with sponge, sponge. 

Cf. Nhg. i&asx-sckwamm. 
srainim, / rout, rosraeined in cath forra 3252. 

The verbal noun is sr6ined, srdined in LB. 

46 a, 57, 72 b ; sraeined catha 3267. 
sre'im, / cast, fling, scatter, pres. ind. act. sg. 3, 

sreidh (sreidh ?), 2135. 
sreth do ramaib, a row, or bench, of oars, 3574> 

sriab, streak, stripe, 4005, 4009, ace. sreib 

sron, F. nose, almsa as cech sroin o feruib 

Muighi 3272. 
smith 2022, venerable, 445. 

sraithighecht (i.e. sruithidecht) p. 308, 1. 38, 

stoil xiv, xv. The usual explanation a stole, from 

Lat. stola will not do here. Possibly stoil 

was the name for a harp-cover, 
suaite 3659, perhaps = P. O'C.'s jwaz'Mfe/ kneaded, 

tempered, mixed.' 

t infixed pron. for s : rot-biat 2544. 

taball ciartha, a waxed tablet, ace. sg. 3704, from 

Lat. tabella. 
tachar 3658, .1. deabhaidh no comhrac, a fight 

or fray, a battle or skirmish, P. O'C. 
tachraid 4305, a verb corresponding with the 

docuirethar of B. 
tagut (leg. tadat ?), thief, pi. gen. p. 358, 

1. 16. 
taghraim, a calling, 2109; tograim 2114, for 

togairm, O'Don. Supp. 
taidbred, beholding, visioning, xi, 1. 28, for taid- 

brindjLL. 232 b, ni fetait ar nderca-ne taidbriud 

na tadhall forro,Lism.n8 b 2, dat. dia taidbriud 

7 dia ndescin, LL. 234 b 14. 
taire 2108, is perhaps = O'R.'s taireadh, praise, 

commendation (?). Cognate with an adj. of 

which the comparative is written taritt in LL. 

tairisis menma fri 3035. 

tairisnigim, I have faith or trust, tairisnigit 3150, 

imperat. pi. 2, 3547. A denominative from 

tsansia, faith, trust, confidence, P. O'C. Cf. ta- 

raisnech (gl. confidiens), Ml. 58 c. 18. 
tairmescfthjaid, hinderer, presenter, 3920 = 

tairmescthaid, LB. 66 b, 251 b. 
tairptech 2215, 4783, strong, mighty (?) : dorat- 

sidhe turrac tairptech ar na treinieraibh, Lism. 

117 b. I. 
tairsech, lintel, xi, 11. 245 25 ; but in 1200 and 

p. 306, threshold. 
taiss (?), taisse (?), a relic, pi. n. taisi 2775, 3148, 

gen. taisse, 2441. 
taithesc, answer, gen. taitheisc, 4538 ; ace. tai- 

thesc, Wb. 270. 29. 
tanag 484, a kind of cheese, grus .1. tanoch, Leb. 

Lee. voc. ; sg. gen. tainghe, LB. 215 a; dat. 

oc ithi blogi do thanaig, LL. 125 a, 19; pi. 

ace. tangea (gl. formellas), Regina 215. 
tangnach, treacherous, 3650. 
tangnacht 4051, .1. mea~bhal no feall, O'Cl. 

fraud, malice, or treachery, P. O'C. ; written 

tagnacht in Ann. Ult, 914, 942, 963. 
tarasair 1075, 1891, fa stayed, from do-air-siasair. 
tarcaid, he offered, 4676 ; pi. tarcatar 4174 ; pass. 

pret. sg. 3 tarcas 750. Here re is from rg. 
tardot, over thy, 1420. 
targabal, transgression, trespass, pi. gen. 2461, 



sg. npm. targabaal, Wb. 9 c. 19, and ace. tar- 

gabail, Conn. s. v. mat. 
tarradais, thou hast met, lit. overtaken, p. 306, 1. 

30. See doairthetar. 
tart, drought, gen. tarta 2375. 
tas, for das, infixed pron. them, 3880. 
tathchor maic for, p. 327, 1. i, to return a child 

on someone. Of. co ro tathcuirem, LB. 47 b. 
tathonn, we have, xi, 1. 12 and Felire, prol. 217. 

So tathum, I have, tathad, they have, O'Cl. 
techt pi. techta 3664, an epithet for the seas of 

hell. In the Irish Manndevile muir techt is 

the Dead Sea. O'R. has a teachd, ' innavig- 
able,' which may be our word, 
techtaide 3616, seems pret. part. pass, of O'R.'s 

teachdaim, / condense, close. 
tegad, -warming, heating, 4431. 
teicemaid, he will happen, meet, 3456, a redupl. 

fut. sg. 3 of a verb tecmaim, whence teqmtiidh 

3436, inferred by the mediaeval Irish from 

fiie f-forms of do&cmaingim. 
teistemain medonach 4143. 
tene senta 4425, hallowed (or charmed} fire. 
tesbach 3140, heat, warmth \ a formation from 

tess, heat, gen. tessa, LB. 37 b. 
tessaigecht, warming=T?. O'C.'s teassaidheacht ; 

sg. gen. -a 591. Cognate is tessaigthe, torrid, 

S. Rann 159. 
tessarcnd 1678, to relieve, save, deliver, teasar- 

gadh, P. O'C. Mid. Ir. verbal noun of do-ess- 

urc, encl. tessaircim. 

test, testimony, 4284, scribal error for teist (?). 
testugud, bearing witness, 217 ; teastaghadh, P. 

O'C. Verbal noun of testaigim. ', pret. sg. 3, 

ro thestaig, LB. 184 b. 
tiachair, troublesome, 1383 ; .1. doiligh, O'Dav. 

1 2 2, .1. feargach no teinn, CfCl. peevish, angry, 

froward, sore, P. O'C. tichair Sg. 41 a, is pro- 
bably a scribal error for tiachair. 
tiachtain etarru 2102 (rich tain ettorra, B.), lit. 

coming between them, falling out, quarrelling. 

Compare the phrases, batar cosidamail noco 

tarla etorro . . . imman muic Slanga, LU-42 b; 

tarla etarru, LL. 242 a ; dorala itir Luicet 7 

Aed mac Morna isin chath, Rev. Celt. v. 197. 
tid-naictech, bountiful, munificent; P. O'C.'s 


*tim-ochar, to carry, 1817. Ct.imochar. 
tjnne de or, a chain or link of gold, p. 348, 1. 3 

from bottom. 

tjn[n]e sailli, afiitch (?) of bacon, p. 319, 1. 23. 
tinnesnige, hastiness, 3182, a deriv. oitinnesnech 

(gl. festinosus). 
tinnscra, bride-price, 1159, where, however, it 

seems to mean a payment to which a wife 

legally quitting her husband was entitled, 
tinsanaim, / drop, pret. sg. 3 rothinsan p. 349,. 

1. 28. The verbal noun seems tinsaitiu ; dat. 
tinsaitin, LL. i9b, 2. 

tintodach, translator, 3321 = tintathach, G. C. 
25 ; deriv. of tintud, Ml. 40 a, 14 ; gen. tin- 

tiida, Ml. 45 d, 2. 
tinud vii, 1. 3, verbal noun of tinaim, / vanish. 

To this belongs tinside, 'evanescent/ LB. 38 b. 
tir na mbeo 2578, the land of the living. 
tfr urlann xxiv., demesne (?). 
tirech, as an epithet for water, 2127. 
tirus 2oi3 = turus 4592, a journey. 
tisana, beneath, 4738, its. 
tiug-chotlud, last sleep, 402. A compound of 

tiug, 'end:' so tig-bae, tiug-flaith, tiug-laithe, 

tiug-lecht, tiug-lomrad, tiug-sai. 
tochaisceim, following, 1123, 1132; ace. hi 

tochoisgim, Ml. 37 a, 20. Cf. the verb doro- 

choisc, ' secutus est,' Rawl. B. 512, fo. 21 a i. 
tochmaircim, / woo, act. pres. ind. sg. 3 toch- 

maircid 2797, denom. of tochmarc, 2794. 
tochus, -wealth, sg. gen. tochusa 2368, cona tho- 

chus tectha, Laws, i. 40, 1. 18 ; eneclann do 

each fo tochus, ibid. 42, 1. 27. 
tocra 2567, desire, togra, 2680. 
todernaib 2762, qy. for todernamaib, pi. dat. of 

todernam (gl. supplicium), Sg. 133 b, pi. ace. 

todernama 3894. 
toeb, side, gen. taeibh 4749, but toibe in LB. 

251 a 68, na tceibiin. the Irish Maundevile, Rev. 

Celt. vii. 363, 1. 34, which points to the J-de- 

clension. So does the dat. sg. toib 2069, 

taeibh 2046, 2691. W. tu. 
togairt, herd, herding, togartach, herdsman, 

dairymaid, p. 321, last line, 
toghdacht, choice, 2907, togaidecht, p. 321, 1. 26 ; 

Fel. Ixiii. Cf. toghtha, ' chosen.' P. O'C. tre 

thoghdhacht, 'wilfully.' 
toi 2974, silent, dumb. 
toich 749, a natural claim or right, P. O'C., and 

see Wb. 9 a 13 : 29 d 13. 
toichim tuinne, advance of a wave, 3181, = tu + 

ceim, as trichem from tri H- ceim. 
toirithnigim, / relieve, act. pres. hid. sg. 3, torith- 

nigid, 761 ; denom. from torithin, relief, toirith- 

nus, relieving. 
toirrchius, pregnancy, foetus, 2993, toirrches 

3007, deriv. of torrach 2804,= W. torrog. 
toisc, business, errand, 2964. 
toll na comlad, 1975, keyhole, lit. the hole of the 


toltanaigim, toltnaigim, I please, incline to, con- 
sent, act. pret. sg. 3, rotoltnaigh 257 ; ro-tol- 

tanaigestar (gl. placitum), Sg. 7 b. 
tonn danatais 3043, tonn diadachta 3045, tonn 

cailig oiffrinn, p. 317, 1. 15. 
torathar comairli 4682, lit. a monster of a counsel. 
torruma, to visit, to attend on, 1234, 1266, 2663, 



3991, 4320, 4657, torroma 4373. Verbal 

noun of torromaim, whence rothorromad 

tosca 3172, cognate with toisc, q.v. toscaieimilta 

ele acum, Lism. 443, 2. 
trachtaire, commentator, 3325 ; one that treats 

or discourses on a subject, P. O'C. Hence 

tractairecht, Sg. 145 a, 4. 
trathairect 1976, handling, attending $\ 
treblait = tribulatio, sg. gen.treblaiti, p. 304,1.31. 
tre-bliadnide, three-year-old, 3794. 
tre-denus 357, 1. 8, a space of three days. See 

dernis, supra, 
tregdad 2962, piercing, boring, verbal noun of 

tre-gdaim, cognate with tris-gataim (gl. foro), 

Sg. 54 a, trecatim (gl. foro), MS. Lat. 11,411, 

(Bibl. Nationale) fo. 125 b. In 564 tregdad 

seems a scribal error for tregat, colic. 
trell, a -while, 1 246, gen. trill ; in cind trill fodai, 

LB. 221 b. 

tren, strong', comp. tren-dirgad p. 339, 1. 4. 
ties, _//<, v. troimthres. 
trethan, foot; comp. trethan-garb, rough-footed, 

4731, treathan .1. troigh, O'Cl. 
tre-tholl 2962, full of holes or graves ; treatholl 

p. 317 ; tir tretholl .1. relec, Rawl. B. 502, fo. 

58 b I. Cf.W. try-dylhi. 
treoraige, guide, 4673. The cognate verb tre- 

oraigim (ro-m-treoraig, LB. 7 a) and its verbal 

noun treorugud (LB. 162) also occur, 
triamar, pi. triamura, 4567, sorrowful (?). 
tricce 3182, activity, agility, P. O'C. ; ar threisi 7 

ar thricce, Three Fragments, 24; a deriv. of 

trice, S. Rann 1926, 5325. 
trichemruad 2973, LU. 80 a, 5, redly rushing (?), 

an epithet of fire and sparks, 
troit 3658 ; troid, a quarrel or fray, P. O'C. ; 

dognid troid, they encounter, Ir. Nennius, p. 

1 1 6. See trot, 
trom, heavy ; compounded : trom-lassair 3639, 

troim-thres 3639. Hence 
tromdacht 1591, 2668, LU. 5 a I5=tromdhacht, 

' gravity, seriousness,' P. O'C. ; and 
trommdae 2573, pi. n. msc. tromda, LB. 164 a; 

tromdha, weighty, grave, sober, P. O'C. ; co- 

tromda LU. 82 b 8. 
trompa, through them, 4609 ; so tromhat, through 

thee, Lism. 94 a, i. 
trostan 2446, a long staff or pole used by pilgrims, 

LB. 213 b and P. O'C., dimin. of trost, gl. trabs, 

Sg. 70 a 4, tres na trosti, LL. 236 a, from W. 

trost-en. which, again, may come from Lat. 

trot, quarrel, pi. troit 3658, pi. ace. trota, LB. 

120 a 6, dimin. troddn, 'skirmish,' P. O'C. 

Hence trotach, ' quarrelsome,' LB. 251 b. 

tuaith-gerrtha 2975, badly mangled or muti- 
lated (?) ; tuath in compounds : ' sinistrous,' 
' awkward,' P.O'C. ; as in tuaith-cheard, ' the 
magic art,' tuaith-chleas, ' an awkward prank 
or trick,' P. O'C. The gerrtha must be the 
pret. part. pass, of gerraim ; cf. in-gerrtha (gl. 

tuaraid 24.70, seems act. pres. ind. sg. 3 of a verb 
* tuaraim, / provide, cognate with tuare, pro- 
vision, food. 

tubaim fri, I oppose, gainsay, rothubh frind 2255, 
cf. fo daig na ro tubaide fria enech, LU. 
1 30 a, cognate with tubha, a contradiction 
or opposition,'?. O'C.; but cf. Ancient Laws, i. 
269, 298 : tuba sloig fo mendad, 'the attack [?] 
of a host upon the house.' 

tuicsinugud46ii,cognatewithtuicse,gen. tuicsen : 
tuigse, ' skill, judgment, understanding,' tuig- 
seanach, intelligent, judicious, P. O'C. 

tuidmide, infixed 3879, tuidmithi (gl. infixae) Ml. 
58 a; tuidhme .1. coimhcheangal, P.O'C.; fri 
tuidmi na suanemun, S. Rann, 4278; co 
tuidmib na drumslaite, S. Rann, 4892. 

tuil-bren 3664, epithet for seas of hell. 

tuili 4783, prob. for tuile, flood. 

tuirthecht, an account, ion = tuirtheacht .1. 
airmheacht no scealaidheacht, P. O'C. ; ace. pi. 
tuirtechta, LB. 33 a. Cognate with tuirthiud. 

tuirthiud, story, account. O'CL's tairthiudh.i. 
sgela should perhaps be tairthiudh. So dat. ni 
dia thuirthiud, LB. 169 a. 

tumrotha, dipt, pret. part. pass, of tummaim ; 
coinnle tumtha 1995. 

turad, dry weather, p. 330,1.16,.!. sin tirim, Corm. 

tur-brodxxvi, .1. brised, H. 3. 17, col. 27. turbrod 
cairde, breaking a truce. 

turcnom xxxvii. Seems = turgnamh .1. togbhail 
no ullmhugbadh O'Don. Supp. and here to 
mean the preparation of, or collection of mate- 
rials for, a banquet, cogn. with ur-gnam, frith- 

uaimmbrechtrad xxx., lit. stitch-variegation. 

uain, time, leisure, nochan-uain 1561. 

uais, noble, 4208, .1. uasal, O'CL, who gives the 
compound uais-inghen. The dat. pi. occurs in 
O'Dav. 80, s. v. dociallathar : ochtaib uaisi(b). 

uar, coJd=^N. oer (ex *ogro- ?) occurs in the fol- 
lowing compounds : uar-chrabud, cold piety, 
4579; nar-chris, 2724; uar-uisce, cold water, 
3006, 3024. 

uasal-sacart, archipresbyter, 736, 811, 837, 1865, 

3944> 3995, 4345- 

udacht, 2885, a will or testament, P. OC. = 
aidacht, edocht, Book of Armagh, i8a 2 : au- 



dacht, Conn. ; sg. gen. aidechta, edechta, 
t Ann. Ulst. 552, 1044. 
uisce ernaigthe 566, -water of prayer, holy water, 

usce oiffrind, 2162, water of mass, i. e. water 

used for mixing with the sacramental wine. 
umaldoit, humble service ; luidh F. forsin n-umu- 

loit 2564 ; roerail fair umaloit 4045. 
linad, to cleanse; d'folcad 7 d'linad 2921 = 

d'unadh ocus d folcadh, Book of Rights, ed. 

O'Don. 222. A cognate word unach (leg. 

linach ?) is in Conn. Gl. Tr. 166. 
ur-char [= aurchor, irchor, erchor] d'aithinne, a 

cast of a torch, 2907. 

ur-clad, a great mound or dyke, gen. sg. urclaide, 

ur-daingnigim 3002, / confirm, establish, O'R.; 

but in 3002 strengthen. 
ur-eirge, rising up, 1880, 1881. 
ur-grana 2220, for urgranna, valde deforme, 

O'Moll. 99. 
ur-mor, the greater part, 4720, irmor, Rawl. B. 

502, fo. 57 b i, sg. gen. ermoir 3318. 
uronna (for nr-ronna, ur-randa?), portions, 1256. 
ur-thorad viii, 1. 23, produce (?). 
urtlach, lap, sg. gen. urtlaig 81 ; pi. n. urtlaige, 

note to F^lire, Jan. i. 

3 F 2 


P. xv, 1. 15. There is another copy of this story 

in Egerton 92, fo. 30 b 2. 
P. xv, 1. 21. There is an imperfect copy of this 

story in the same MS. fo. 17 a 2. 
P. xvii, 1. 3, addandi a third in Egerton 92, fo. 30 a I, 

whence it was published by O'Donovan in 

the Journal of the Kilkenny Archaeological 

Society, 1858, p. 453. 
P. xviii, 1. 13, after this insert fo. 53 a 2. A poem 

on the eight canonical'hours, beginning Ocht 

n-seric na colaial. 
P. xix, 1. 3, add There is another and somewhat 

fuller copy of the Irish pseudo-Turpin in 

Egerton 1781. 
P. xix, 1. 1 8, after saints insert There is another 

copy in Egerton 92, fo. 31 b; and an 

abridgment in LB. 187 b. 
P. xix, ]. 20. There is another copy of this tract 

in Egerton 149. 
P. xx, 1. 7. This legend is better told in the 

Lebar Brecc, p. 37, col. 2 : see Rev, Celt. ii. 

P. xx, 1. 10. The Tale of the Two Children is 

also in Egerton 92, fo. 26 a 2. 
P. xxii, 1. 10. Another copy of this note is in 

Egerton 92, fo. 30 a 2-30 b i. 
P. xxii, 1. 1 6, before ' Beda ' insert ' Boetsius.' 
Pp. xxiv, xxv. The Tellach Temrack, 'family of 

Tara/ here mentioned, is a bardic name for 

the people of Ireland. See Annals of Lock 

Ce, i. 474, n. 2 ; seel Tellaig Temra, LL, 

2i6a 25. 
P. xxvi, 1. 24, add It corresponds to some extent 

with the story in Egerton 1782, fo. 38 a 2- 

39 a 2, and with 12 of the Vita S. Rua- 

dani, Codex Salmanticensis, coll. 324-328 ; 

and see Petrie's Tara, pp. 101-103, and 

O'Curry's Manners and Customs, ii. 336- 


P. xxviii, 1. 5. Compare Lives of Cambro-British 
Saints, p. 509. 

P. xxviii, 1. 21. See more as to the battle of 
Ciiil Dreimne and the dmid's fence (airbe = 
erbe) in Petrie's Tara, pp. 99, 100, and the 
Annals of Ulster, A. D. 560. 

P, xxix, 1. 9. A fifth copy of this poem is, ac- 
cording to Dr. Kuno Meyer, in H. 3. 18, 
p. 41. 

P. xxxi, after 1. 8 insert The piece ends with a 
description in prose and verse of the happi- 
ness of Ireland during the reign of Conn 
Cetchathach ; and the rest of the column is 
filled with five lines of prose beginning: 
Gebe lenadh ail bheth maith denad comairli 
Arastotuil (Whosoever desires to be good let 
him act on Aristotle's advice). 

P. xxxii, 1. 2, add The note on the three Cries is 
from the Da Br6n Flatha Nime (Two Sor- 
rows of Heaven's Kingdom), Book of Lein- 

, ster, p. 281, 11. 8-19. 

P. xxxv, 1. 16, after 106 insertzsA. another in the 
Book of Ballimote, p. 247 a I. 

P. xxxvi, 1. 5, after ii. insert 212-215. 

P. xxxvi, after 1. 20 insert : The story ends with 
the murder of Fiacha by Connla in order to 
heal himself of leprosy by bathing in the 
royal blood. See O'Mahony's Keating, p. 

P. xxxvii, 1. 4. There is another copy of this 

poem in the Book of'Ballimote, p. 172 a 9. 
P. xxxvii, 1. 10. The same story occurs in the 

Book of Ballimote, p. 255 a 34. 
P. xliii, after 1. 19 insert It is little but the prose 

framework of twelve poems, which begin 

respectively thus : 

Cuill0m, ba hadhbha fiadhaigh (fo. 15 2 a 2). 

Esteachtt bee on bim'nardtost (fo. 152 b a). 

Ar mallacht ar mhnai Irgail (fo. 153 b i). 



Damh trlr thancatwr ille (fo. I53b 2). 
Fulachtt na Morrighna anall (fo. 154 a 2). 
Deichen dorfn bir Deichin (fo. I54b 2). 
In fail naib aderat frium (fo. 155 b i). 
Ac so in fert a ngenir Find (fo. 156 a 2). 
Cnucha, cnoc os cind Life (fo. 157 a i). 
Ingnadh in ffs tarfas dam (fo. 157 b 2). 
Baile na righ, Ros Temhrach (fo. 158 a i). 
Ni maith aniu mh' irlab^a (fo. 158 b i). 

Of the fourth of these there is an older copy 
in the Book of Leinster, p. 207 b. 

P. Ixxi, 1. 4, *&&fo-cerd 1997 = 0. Ir. focheird. 

P. Ixxvi, 11. i , 28. Since these lines were printed, 
I have learned that Prof. Windisch dissents 
from Prof. Thurneysen, and regards fetar 
as resting on an old compound vid+dha, 
comparable to Skr. formations like vidam 
cakara. The / in fetar would then cor- 
respond -with the t in cretint, ' credo/ from 
*cred-dhdmi, and in (do)-rat, ' dedit,' from 

P. Ixxx, after 1. 32, insert PI. 3 dorimartus (leg. 
-tais) 3619. 

P. 21, 1. 686, after treas insert [mudh], and in 
1. 712, after shet insert [choss]. 

P. 59, 1. 1948. After this the copy in Laud 610, 
fo. i a 2 has : Nos-fega tairis eon-aicce ba 
Ian in muir dia eis, 'he looks over at it 
and sees that the sea was full in behind 

P. 240, 1. 31. The Ulaid stooped-their heads in 
charging. Compare Annals of Loch Ce, i. 
342, 1. 26. 

P. 296, 1. 6, add and in Jocelyn, Colgan's Sexta 

P. 296, 1. 33, add There is a similar tale in the 
Life of S. Winifred, Cambro-British Saints, 

p. 521. 

P. 296, last line, add and two remarkable cases 
are recorded in the Annals of Ulster, at the 
years 738 and 783. Fergus Glutt rexCobho, 
sputisuenenatis maleficorum hominum, obiit. 
Flann episcopus sapiens, abbas Inse Cain 
Dego, neneno mortificatus est. 

P. 297, 1. 7, after flesh' insert and cf. the follow- 
ing lines in the Divina Commedia (Inf. 

Sappi che tosto che 1' anima trade 
Come fee' io, il corpo suo 1' e tolto 
Da tin demonio, che poscia il governa 
Mentre che '1 tempo suo tntto sia volto. 

P. 303, 1. 36. The MS. cited by Dr. Todd was 
probably the Book of Lismdre, in which, 
fo. 44 b i, there is a version of the legend. 

P. 308, 1. 30, add A scala aurea by which S. Ai- 
duus ascended to heaven is mentioned in the 
Cambro-British Saints, p. 246. 

P. 313, note 5, add See O'Clery's Glossary, s, v. 

P. 317, 11. 18-21. This obscure quatrain stands 
thus in Rawl. B. 502, fo. 58 b I : 

Tir tretholl 

oca facbat rig recholl 

abb cet [cell] custoit rothonn 

cenn i cocholl sroil sechonn. 

, 'A grave-yard whereat kings leave a 
shroud : an abbot of a hundred churches 
whereto cometh a great wave : a head in a 
cowl of satin beyond us.' 

P. 319, after 1. io insert With the ' white red-eared 
cow* mentioned here and in many other 
places in Irish stories cf. the taru gwyn 
eskyvarlknnyc of the Welsh Laws, i. 6. 

P. 337, 1. 4. There is a fourth copy (im* 
perfect at the beginning) in Laud 610, 
if. i a-5 b. 

P. 337, 1. 29, add They are also mentioned in the 
poem printed supra p. 135, 11. 4556-57, 
' without a brugaid (landholder ?) who will 
give tithe of his herds, of his fair cattle.' 

P. 337, 1. 31. That children were actually sold 
under stress of famine see the Annals of 
Ulster, ad a. 964, and the Chron. Scotorum, 
ad a. ma. 

P. 340, 1. 15, after Compare insert Va& murder of 
Emand a J$mc,Annals of Loch Ce, i. 626, and 

P. 340, 1. 25, insert 2390, ' in his single thread,' 
i. e. as we should say, ' with hardly a stitch 
of clothes.' Cf. can in shndithi, Ir. Maun- 
devile, Rev. Celt. vii. 76. 

P. 348, 1. 2, add In 2237 it seems used to mark 
out a boundary. So in Iceland, says Vig- 



fusson, ' a man started at sunrise with a burn- 
ing torch atid followed the course of the sun 
round the piece of land he wished to claim.' 
P. 348, 1. 4, after 3012 insert There is a similar 
story in a note to the Annals of Loch CS, 

i. 363- 
P. 348, 1. 30, add The expression screpul each 

srdna occurs in LL. 1 1 1 b. 
P. 361, 1. 13, addOn& of them (an ech uiscf) had 

intercourse with a priest's daughter, the 

result being the mil Lettrech Dalldin. See 

H. 2. 16, pp. 242, 243. 
P. 368, add to article ' womb : ' child speaking 

out of, 347. 
P. 378. In the article Dal Riata, after 314, 

insert nearly coextensive with Argyle, the 

Irish Dal Riata is 
P. 381, col. 3, Tricha cet na soillse is now Lecale 

barony, co. Down, Annals of Loch CS, ii. 

P. 383, col. i, to the article adam det add adam 

aed, adam braicc, adam rend my two eyes, 

my two hands, my two feet, LL. 238 a. So 

adar-n, our two, LL. 186 a 23. 
P. 385, col. i, insert arra, payment, tribute, gen. 

arrad 2088. 
P. 385, col. 2, to the article biait add In pp. x, 

xii, and in lines 1095 and 4846, biait means 

the 1 1 pth Psalm, Beati Immaculati. See 

Rawl. B. 502, fo. 44 a i, where that psalm 

is said to bring a soul out of hell at the 

end of a year (dobeir in biat anmain a hiffurn 

hi cind bliadne). 

P. 386, col. i, insert boban, calf, but in 4471 the 
name for a bell. 

P. 387, col. 2, to the article casair add bor- 
rowed from Old-French ensure. A similar 
native word is cassair, 'brooch:' in de- 
chinlt cen chassair trit, Rawl. B. 502, fo. 

59 a2 - 
P. 388, col. 2, to the article confad add Conbadh 

inna con, Ann. Ult. ad a. 775 

P. 391, col. i, to the article erlathar add From 
the following passage in Rawl. B. 512, fo. 
66 b i, erlathar seems to mean dispensation : 
air is tria frlatar 7 comairli nDe" (gl. superna 
enim dispensatione). In p. 214, 1. 19, there- 
fore, for . . . read by dispensation. 

P. 391, col. i, to the article estud oft/ This seems 
istad in the compounds istad-luc (dat. sg.) 
LB. 219 a, and prim-istad, Battle of Moira, 
p. 198, 1. 21, and {sdad, O'Donovan's Hy 
Fiachrach, pp. 280, 282, where it is rendered 
by ' mansion.' O'Brien spells it phonetically 
iosda, and explains it by ' house,' ' habita- 
tion.' Can it be a loan from a Teutonic 
stadi, whence Nhg. Stadt ? 

P. 394, col. i, add Idal, Idhul a Jew, x, 1. 23. 
This word (O'Reilly's luil) frequently occurs 
in the Irish Maundevile, pi. n. Idhail, gen. 
Idhal, Rev. Celt. vii. 75. 

P. 399, col. i, to the article scoloc add: In Mac 
Conglinne's Vision, LB. 2143, scoMc is used 
as synonymous with timthirid and gilla. 
It seems cognate with O.N. skdlkr, A.S. 



P. x, 11. 23, 24, for An idol read A Jew. 

P. x, 11. 33, 36, 41, and p. xii, IL 33, 36, 4i f for 

Beatus read Beati Immaculati, i. e. the 

1 1 9th Psalm. 
P. x, last line, p. xi, 1. 6 and elsewhere, for 

clerical students readyo\mg clerics. Pp. xiii, 

xiv, xv, for clerical student, or student read 

young cleric. 

P. xi, 1. Z3,for dreaming read beholding it. 
P. xviii, 11. 27, 28, for Founded, apparently, on 

read Translated from. 
P. xix, 1. 2 4, for comurda read comurteda. 
P. xxiv, 1. 16, and p. xxv, 1. 9, for manor read 


P. xxvi, 1. 20, for I read she. 
P. xxxiv, 1. y>,for congaiter read congairter. 

P. xxxvi, 1. 3, for another copy read short story; 

1. 4, for et seq. and the story read col. 2, in 

which this event is mentioned, and the 

P. xliii, 11. 8, 9, for an indeonad (gridiron ?) was 

made read cooking was performed. 
P. xliii, 1. 35, for of Comuir read of Comar. 
P. Ixxxii, col. i, and p. Ixxxvii, col. 2, dele the 

articles aile"n, oilen, which, notwithstanding 

Prof. Zimmer's opinion to the contrary, seems 

an unborrowed Irish word. See Rev. Celt. x. 

P. Ixxxiv, col. 2, last line and p. Ixxxvi, col. 2, 

1. ?>,for sq. read sg. 
P. Ixxxviii, col. i, 1. 17, for ' W. pwn = pondus ' 

read From Fr. point. 



5, for (inshor) read (n-inshor). 
78, after roartraigh insert [in t-usce]. 

152, for genea/aag- read genea/a^. 

157, for conz. cnamat read co -accnamat. 

1 7i } for mhogad read uahogauJ. 

192, for im thecht read imthecht. 

311. Almost illegible in the MS. After this 
page had been printed off, the first three 
words seemed on a bright day to be : 
Fagaib do (be)nno^uin. 

3 I 5 for di(uisciu) read di(gh). 

317, for . . e read uime. 

318, for . . ba read doba. 

321, for na ithfesa readnatih fesa (i.e. nait fesa). 

324, for 7 in, read , 7 in. 

331, for . . read uile. 

336, for uci read ucu(t), and for the latter half 
of the line rawTDodeochaid di<## fdtraic 
cu hairm i mbui ^Laghaire. Atbert ~Lce- 

358, for for readier. 


374, for the former half read: ica timurgwd 
il-lanamhn.r [7] i n-adhrad idhal. 

399, note, far Aitt read Aill. 

446, note, for leg. read for. 

459, for comdhi read co mo dha. 

471, for Muscraihi read Muscraighi. 

481, for b^rnfad read bmifad. 

487, for doberbadh read doherbadh. 

517, for imrulai read imrulaidh. 

566, for s^mad read sechmaz'd. 

568, for Dairi read Dhairi. 

592, for t-soillsuighadh read tsoillsittghadh. 

608, for in dseiri read i ndseiri. 

630, for an seintibh read a n-seintibh. 

637, read &ingelacda ann. 

648, for n-Eentuidh read n-oentuidh. 

677, for nul read dul. 

687, for caiger read arigther, and for betho 
read l>dzs. 

723, for re. read TO. 

735j for t-airdecniudh read t-airdecnuidh. 




75i for suithi read siiithi. 

757, ./&>" No read Ro. 

761, /or toirithnigh read toirithnighid. 

8 19, for DegazW read Dega. 

854, for traird raw? Iraird, and for ordfl 

900, ./or an Daire read a nDaire. 
902, for romtmid read romhuidh. 
920, for IS e read IS o. 
930, for aech read nVh. 
978, for #>#idh-berad read co #-idhbenzd. 
1008, /0r Kgaid (the lection of the MS.) read 

IO 33> ,A r isi 11 n#.rq#i r#z*/ isinn 

1068, for qttingctdz's read quwgcigis. 

1097, for an gainem rawf a ngainem, 

1140, /i?r TSoeibh read nemda. 

1214, /0r nero read niro. 

1251, dele the note. 

1282, 1299, for cuilzVw razo? cuih'. 

1393, for ni maw? ni. 

1413, for a[t] r^zflf a. 

1420, yfrr tardot suilib read tar do tsuilib. 

1442, for in araile raw? i n-araile. 

1446, for coilne read cuile. 

1476, for De mw? de. 

1497, /0r : Magh read i Magh. 

1669, yr i*Yr ra&/ it*V. 

1735, _/tfr choib^w read choibjt'. 

1774, note, 1. 2, for and razo? et. 

1 790, for noemh read noebh. 

1802, note,_/^r rohuighseat read roghuighseat. 

1827, for corosfeg-ainn read coros-fegainn. 

1867, for it read is. 

1942, for Mechairbai read Mechair bai. 

1951, for saighidh read saidhidh and cancel the 


2064, for fomuidhi read wrnnidhi. 
2070, for coicca fer 6 read c6ic deichnebuir 6 , 
2106, for fir-Fiadhait read fir Fiadhait (rectius 

fir Fiadhat). 
2113, for farath* read fa rath, and cancel the 

2117, for sochtais read fochtais. 

2132, for gun glanbhail read gu nglanbhail. 

2133, dele the note 7. 

2218, for lasamazV read lasamflz'. 


2227, for n[d]eimhn4fi read neimhm^i. 

2238, for Mngel. lar coisecrad doibh na hindsi 

doraidh read K\ngel iar coisecrad doibh 
na hindsi. Doraidh. 

2239, for ar read as. 

2294, for toinV reodtdunecA. 
2389, for Ochtr read Ochtwr. 
2442, for toisecch read tois^cA. 
2460, for rohadn^d read rohadhnad. 
2512, for -essidh read wdessidh. 

3j for dia n-ahim read dian (rectius dianid) 
r cohumfheith^ read cohinnfheith- 

2 57 2 > for hathu read hachdu. 

2667, for cumang ar nd(ulj i naicsighudh read 

cumangar ced d(ul) i n-aicsighudh. 
Vj&lifw ronertnghfad] read ronertadh [MS. 


2766, for intsamh#7 read in tsamhM. 

2767, for shaxahazd read shamh/A. 
2861, for mor read mor. 

2872, for Fimufo read FinncAua. 

2899, note > rea d MS. ansedhaiK^ha, 

2921, for dunadh read d'linadh. 

2964, for Bidh am read Bidham. 

3013, for dumbiad im theacht read da rahdthair 


3027, for ndcat read nd^cat. 
3047, for Yinnchua : ' Na . b . so, a read ~inn- 

chua na briathra so : 6 A. 
3o8o, 3348, 3396, 3629, 3701, 3811, 3817,3843, 

for \sirad read iaxraid. 
3091, for nar' read nar'. 
3120, for Tairois read Tainjis. 

3224, for cath. read cath (?). 

3 22 5, for curabh aissi read cu rabhaissi. 
3245, for chomhlzVz read chomhl<zz'#. 
3252, for rosrsemaofh read rosrsein^jfh. 
3267, for sTzemad' catha read srseuW catha. 
3273, for in dam read ind am. 

3304, note, 1. 2, for p. read ff. 82 b 1-88 a 2. 
3428, for ruithnA/ read ruithne. 
3441, for rosoei trea read rosoei(r)tea. 
3474, for cuxa&ad read cumda^. 
3570, 3872, for beth<z readbtfhad. 
3583, for loinne[o]lais read loinne lais. 




3587, dele (?). 

3648, for , crnma, croma, read . Crnma croma. 

3786, for na read [na] 'na. 

3789, dele the note. 

3933, for soalach read suzlatg. 

3953> for rocongazV read rocongatt. 

3954> for chathretm read daftaaig. 

4061, for . . seiced read as eicen. 

4091, for FiachacA read FiachracA. 

4115, forhaiiMbreadhaidhib (m*whaighid?): 

for lobhrana read lobhrana. 
4 J 53> for a rauinter read NinmV/h. 
4154, for ricfb ale read (sco)il. Ace. 
41 79, for ... read (sh)aill, and for (mi)d read 

(lin)d. ; 

4186, for portea 

4 r 95> / 

4280, for \msucht read huasa/. 


4378, for domain read doman, and cancel the 


4437 for innsan readnassoi. 
4440-41, for .in. mis 7 ... a rM? vii mis 


447 7> f or roraidh-sium read roraidhsium. 
4494> for lanpartaib read lanfedjpartaib. 
4497 for FirailithzV read Firailitlur. 
4526, for diche'illaztfi read diche'ill&i. 
454 T for oc cetlai read occ etlai. 
4637, note, for LiligdecA read "LuigdecA. 
4664, for Rofhergazjf read Rofhergaiged. 
4744, for bliaetnt read \X\zdna. 
4758> for in doghuma rM? ind [f]ogh[n]uma. 
4840, for v&Hadni read mbliadna. 
4845, for aims^^ read aimszV. 
4885, transpose \i feui] to 4886 a/?^ aidhilg- 


P. 149, 1. 19, and p. 182, 1. 8, for the context of 

read 9. passage connected with. 
P. 149, 1. 20, dele as far as the place. 
P. 149, II. 29, 30, for sun arose read light ap- 
P. 150, 1. 12, for of read day before, and make 

similar changes in p. 170, 1. 27 ; p. 172, 1. 23 ; 

p. 201, 1.14; p. 247, 1.I4J p. 263, 1.8; p. 

265, 11. 4, 5 ; p. 278, 1. 11 ; p. 282, 1. 16. 
P. 150, 1. 22, and p. 153, 1. 6, for Potitus read 

P. 152, 1. 21, for he used to be brought, read 

thou wast wont to bring him. 
P. 152, 1. 30, see Index, s. v. greim. 
P. 155, 1. 3, for wild honey was brought read 

He gave wild honey. 

P. 160, for goats, goat, read he-goats, he-goat. 
P. 162, 1. i, for ancient read venerable. 
P. 165, 1. 12, for . . . Saith, read 'No mistake,' 


P. 165, 1. 33,f0r student read habitation. 
P. 166, 1. 12, for knowledge read sciences. 
P. 170, 1. 24, ' brand of battle ' (Mr. Hennessy's 


rendering), should perhaps be ' focus ' 


P. 171, 1. 9, for mug raz^mess (?). 
P. 172, 1. 1, for Baite read Buite. 
P. 173, 1. ii ; p. 175, 1. 28; p. 177, 1. 23, for 

chapel read great church (redes). 
Pp. 180, 288, for Beatus read Beati (Immacu- 


P. 182, 1. 8, for as far as when read where. 
P. 183, L 14, for dowry read bride-price. 
P. 184, 1. 32, for cowdung which lay before read 

cloth cap (?) on the head of. 
P. 185, 11. 36-37,707- hospitality was shewn to 

them, read a feast was made for him, and 

cancel the note. 

Pp. 186, 187, for kitchen read storeroom. 
P. 189, 11. 27, 28,^ If thou . . . desired read If 

it were not disobedience to thee, I should 

not desire 

P. 192, 1. 4, dele of God. 
P. 192, 1. 5, after satisfied insert thereby 
P. 192, 1. 9, for spell read philtre 
P. 192, 1. 1 5, for arm read inlet. 



P. 196, 1. 15, for credence table read portable 

P. 197, 11. 1 5-1 7, for clerical student readjovag 

P. 197, 1. &,for Lake of Milk read the Lake of 

the Milk. 

P. 199, 1. 8, for furrows read ridges. 
P. 204, note, after Colgan insert Acta SS. and 

for 53 read 653. 

P. 205, 1. 13, for mayhap read surely. 
P. 206, 1. 2 7, for attacking read plundering. 
P. 210, 1. 7, for was displeasing read seemed 


P. 210, 1. 14, for threatens read quarrels with. 
P. 211, 1. 6, for was read contended with. 
P. 213, 1. 28, for swiftly read vehemently. 
P. 213, 1. ?f>,for rending (?) read reverted ; note 3, 

for trench read dyke. 
P. 214, 11. 2, 3, 'No boats (ethrd) could catch it.' 

For this rendering I am indebted to Mr. S. H. 

O'Grady; but the nom. pi. of ethar (gl. 

stlata) is ethair, H. 2. 16, col. 391, and I 

suspect that the true translation is ' No birds 

could catch it,' ethra being perhaps =W. 

adar, and cogn. with Skx.gatra, JLrig.feather. 
P. 215, 1. z,for broken read bruised. 
P. 216, 1. 5, for I shall read Let me 
P. 217, \-. 4, for seaweed read dulse. 
P. 218, 11. 19, 25, p. 219, 1. 2, for holly read 


P. 221, 1. 9, for commerce read commune. 
P. 223, 11. 26, 29, %*for sub-prior read prior. 
P. 224, 1. 1 3, /or have been read should be. 
P. 224, 1. i6,forvfiTL read would. 
P. 228, 1. 18, for prior read abbot. 
P. 235, 1. 32 Jw /2>#- evils read violences. 

.P. 238, 1. 2, for at the end of ma/hard by. 

P. 240, 1. $o,for in heat (?) read of a herd. 

P. 243, 1. "28, 'for its fatness read their opportunity. 

P. 245, 1. u,yforruler read TOKO.. 

P. 248, note 2, for Martyrs read Masters. 

P. 249, 1. 9, for compact read turn. 

P. 252, 1. 26, for to Sliab Daidche read early to 

a mountain. 

P. 254, 1. 24, for feeble read oppressive. 
P. 255, 1. 8, for windswept read boggy (?). 
P. 257, 1. i,for later read thon seekest 
P. 257, 1. 33, for Why marvellest read What 


P. 258, 1. 30, for rapidly read nimbly. 
P. 259, 1. ^for extinction raz*/ lessening. 
P. 263, 1. I, ' wonderworker.' I greatly doubt 

the correctness of this rendering. See Index 

of Irish words, s. v. oeibelteoir. 
P. 263, note 4, dele the comma. 
P. 264,1. 2 1,for relations read relatives. 
P. 266, note 4, for ingerim read ingreim. 
P. 271, 1. 24 ; p. 277, 1. 14, for farmer read 

P. 271, 1. 26, for delayed read agreed to come ; 

note 9, read fotruair. 
P. 272, penult. One, for 4728 read 4278 ; 
P. 272, note i , read rocotora. 
P. 276, 1. 25, for Ichta readtcktec. 
P. 276, note 4, for icht readecht. 
P. 278, 1. 30, for watch read canonical hour. 
P. 279, 1. 26, for Israel read Jared ; 1. 32, for 

shrine read habitation. 
P. 281, 1. 22, for equality of read so that they 


P. 284, 1. 8, for Easter ma/ Lent. 
P. 285, 1. 26, for exception read doubt. 




P. 293, 1. 32, for Potitus read Potitius. ' 

P. 301, 1. 24, 'for Echin read [F]echin, and for 

Echen read Fechin. 

P. 303, 1. 3, before my insert the greatness of. 
P. 304, col. 2, 1. 33, for anguish read ailment. 
P. 306, 1. 20, read cooperuerunt. 
P. 307, col. 2, 1. 7, for more easily read from 


P. 309, col. 1, 1. 1,Jor an gallra read a ngallra. 
P. 310, col. 2, 1. 23,/or this read that. 
P. 310, col. 2, l.~44, for vengeance would be 

taken read he would take vengeance. 
P. 313, col. 2, 1. 6, for sandals read shoes. < 
P. 314, col. 2, 1. 1 2, before judgment insert the. 
P. 314, col. 2, 1. 27, for Araide read ~SJ.aAa.. 
P. 314, col. 2, 1. 32, for tribute read fleet. 
P. 316, col. i, 1. 12, for coecat read cdecuit. 
P. 317, 1. 19, for trea tholl raza? treatholl. 
P. 319, col. 1,1. 38, read fochruib; 1. 39, accal- 

laim; 1. 41, aaslinge. 
P. 321, col. 1, 1. 25, read Boi ; 1. 27, h&si. 
P. 321, col. 2, 1. 1 and elsewhere,_/fcr kitchen read 

P. 321, col. 2, 1. 27,^ ... to milk (the kine of) 

read on a hillside at the herd of. 
P. 322, col. 2, 1. 30, for covered with flowerets 

read smooth (and) flowery. 
P. 322, col. 2, 1. 38, for ridge read top. 
P. 322, col. 2, 1. 40, for Whose read Who. 
P. 323, col. 1, 1. 37,,/w- 32 read 33. 
P. 324, col. 1, 1. 24, for airitech read airidech 

(ms. airigech). 
P. 325, col. 1, 1. ii, for alaile read alali ; 1. 13 

for di- read dia ; 1. 29, r/ BHg ; 1. 30, 

read Satan ina ; 1. 39, read hommibus ; 1. 40, 

for tir read dir awa? cancel the note ; 1. 43, 

for sin raw? sin; note I, for indluth read 

P. 325, col. 2, 11. 19, 20, for she sent . . . house 

read that sick person who was in the house 

sent a girl ; 1. 42, for ' O Brigit, I .... to 

thee ' read ' Nay, O Brigit, it is not due to 

thee ; ' 1. 44, for that read this. 

P. 326, 1. 21, for id[cir]co read idio (i. e. ideo) ; 

last line, for aach read nnf k \ note 5, for bcdi 

read bedi. 
P. 327, coL i, 1. 3, rao/Ni anse\ 1. 6, read&ai ; 

1. 23, roraithat (?) ; 1. 25, Adgladadar ; 1. 39, 

for leth read leath, and cancel note 8 ; note 

1,for agerta read agata. 
P. 327, col. 2, 11. 3, 4, read How has this assured 

itself ?j last line, ./or in spite of read to 

(contra =frf). 
P. 328, col. i, 1. 7, ra*/ Fobith; 1. 8, praindi- 

[gujbsa; 1. 13, rot-baitsidersu ; 1.17, bab- 

tizauit ; 1. 25, mbaclazV/ ; 1. 28, dixeras ; 

1. 40, tiagait. 
P. 328, col. 2, 1. 5, for for r<?0af upon ; 1. 2$, for 

lame raa? lame-handed (mancani), 
P. 331, col. i, 1. 22, for uadhe read uad he, arwrf 

a/feT- Brigitam insert cum ; 1. 33, read 

P. 331, col. 2, 1. 23, for .... ra&/when the king 

of Hui Culduib did not take it from him ; 

and now in his necessity he came to Brigit; 

1. 24, for brought in read put into. 
P. 332, col. 2, 1. 8 from bottom, read that (the 

hymn) ' Ni car Brigit ' also was made. 
P. 335, col. 2, penultimate line, for at read in. 
P. 349, penultimate line, for bar read chain (or 

P. 351, 1. 35, for dadaig read daidchi: 1. $6, for 

at night read early. 
P. 363, col. 2, for Beatus read Biait. 
P. 364, col. 3, 1. 43, for 360 read 361. 
P. 365, col. 2, for holly read hazel. 
P. 365, col. 3, 1. 26, for 347 mw? 348. 
P. 367, col. 3, art. Tawney, read sdgara. 
P. 368, col. 2, 1. 5, for 347 read 340, 348. 
P. 387, nine lines from bottom, dele priesthood. 
P. 389, 11. 2, 3, razrf daidche #ar//, 3565 = 

daidchi, Tdin b6 Dartada, p. 190, 1. 30: 

cf. daiche .1. moiche, soonness, earKness, 

P. O'C. 
P. 390, last line, dele dloma and p. 313, 1. 31.