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Full text of "Marxian classics in the light of current history"

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1 . $fJ+k*r- . 



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. ; 


» - i 

Now VTorkora School 
51 V/eat -14th 3tr«t 
Jji*w york Oltj 

** . 

SMi%Sgr IILfl ajaaB 

?BX1 Term 1934 

Inatruator ; 'jay L-oveatonw 

Session I. 




la:; if S3 io 





la the prolatarlan revolution inevitable"? 
Are there only two ClASS9<0? 

V/hss la the eiaer.CG of eha Marxian conception 
Kow does Etta proaent crisis rafieot *ourgeolfl 
religio-a and political iiiuslor.aT 

BSfclSS* *!?^ r t Ct l tn P*?""*-*"* development illustrating the- 
SwSicMol? *>«Wl»U to revolutionizing tn3t rU!aenc f of 

ItlBt IB Cfc( 

of the 3tatoT 



eraasest example of Eho economic 
ting political centralisation tcdcyT 
3 n .?° u P r "°7 t an ? Poeont facta eonrtrmlnr the role of 
tt tha tta-pnallat henry artillery l n so-atUod 
e.KiatgrSce.ixy apodiing* what 13 tho rift of 
' 1 sat lor.? 

94 Ho* doe* the oreaent attune*™ illustrate tho *wxlon ory 

centralisation refleo- 

choap war* a 
backnopd countries? 
capital lam to civil- 





present sltuotlcr 

the crlsla? 

■hot ia new in tha present tranda towards niMlo-cUM 
tldti aa distinct frorc JHaralan OMP.JllBfiion'' 
Sr*^! a , A 5? pJ,flor ^o^lopmcnta' in the light of tha Marxian 
?£U . lnflU ! nei9 of th0 dovalopn,ont of Industry 0R fih J 
HirZur. !S-*»J*^-K?»« h t OK =llo-«riko P confi?in or 
In View 

SUffi OS, 


conception of ,tfto roal fruit of irtwedioto beetles r 



jTolota- lot 



of the greet 
why ia thore 
infiueneo of 

dovaiopnurt of conmunleatiena In tha United 
no great «r unity anongat tho workers heroT 
aiaaonaioaj in ruHn 6 class or. proletariat. 
SiJS „i ^'V f £ ar * loa conception oa to pes si hie changed claaa 

of tho middle elosa in -the Vnltoa 3ta 

16. Marx aalfi: K gn the 


of the role 





vrhoic, hownx-, thanks to th&Ir conditions of 
lire, the naff-bars of tho slun proletariat are 
become the venal toolp of the forcca of 
in the light of r i 
What are the n»tt.« 

What are the tost of 

What, If any, ore the 


On what arc the CpMTuniat 

In th< 

fcr raoro opt 
forpea of miction". Discuss 
cent Gern:cn ami jtatricsn dovalo-aaonta, 
>nol nnd International of the 


decay in o social order? 
dlaLLikoLions cottf-.un Coiricuniata 

thtiorles bcacd? 

■and otnor 

i lljht of tho Karxlon eBnaoptioR c f capital diacw-a 1 -h« 
P»»nc atognaticp in th« wpiti raarkot. ' " h0 

Ot^o the Marxian anuria of "live labor", and -stored: i-.iwr- i„ 
the prosont d 6 voi epr0 „ ts ln the w.itod Stitoa and chc l!i. s!r 

"S P nI^ ry ^ i UC S hC Karx!an "^'ImWm of the" 
conccprs fif indopcrdonco and rrootfon, 

•»*' *« u ^:«5Ss t .f°Sis t fcpSi pl JS2; 1 ,r i?Si e *,;" 1T bo 

Marx said, '" 

population; It 
none of it". *siafi 
r-aggod Individualism m the light of this-? 

SSiSJS- undor9t ^d Dy-Hawt'fl stotonunt that; 

Son- SI' ^tra?/^,^,^ ^^ Q < ^P^Prletllfg -Sl5l JrSS - 

iion? iii-UBBroto this ln roforonco to the n.s_s a 

thac .ycoraaunllafn 
>i * 
the U.S.S.H. 

-* T X J ft o 


7 A 

I |W Worker* School *- Vara: 1st Clonic In tho Lltfit 

pall Ttpc 1935 til Currant Ka.-iipry y- 

Instructor = Jay LoWqjE.*** I 

ft g - 3633 ten i„ Su^gastca ^r.:;^ ; 


Ir.torpX*t *ho Cd4ro»» E»4o 1™ tho rj<cnt cession of tho t^Mi(7t» 
of JAtiona by Costa In tho light of tho tianlan' eoneeptLfta *r 
prediction and class culture. 

I- 27. Dlseuss<tho position of tho fsaily atatienllsf anrt dynasUoalty . 

today on the basis or tho urelan analysis. 
23. Contrast tho role of wooon In thp Fascist sot-up «n4 It* 4W^t%i- 

Ist society, 
29* "rfco workers howo no country"* Siaolno In the ll^jit or current. 

dorclopoflnta this conception of tho state s»nd tho chinking rvLo 

of national factors. y 

50. G»lTi throe current ovontf btiscd oiv'tho Ucrclnn cnncupcion of thu -^ 
roi&tlcnshlp batvocn tho induction of owwlltlua r\nd tho rro- 

duatlon of idoaa. 

51. Mscuaa the proletarian dictatorship, revolution* otui ovalutlon* 
and iojcdlotc progr-woa, 

5?. »oi Of the rclo of plaining M lodlcaU-.t by liar* and tho oxp*rl- 

onco in the D-S.3-R-T i 

55-. Analyse the Borxlan ccnG&ptlon of tho 'fcrophvln-; or thu si -co In 

tha light of tho 0,3-S.R. davclofmtots . 
54. DIjuoss tho relation between revolution find tho Bow Doal In th# 

light of Marxian concoption o'r botirGDoia DuolnllaE). 
$*, Illustrate tr* prp«ienl llfo Lha rol-u of fira-innl-v; In tt\o nt niggle* 

for lewKllau) dcaanda. * 

S*. D-u-naa the proacnt-cUy Scrawl aoTQlopnotitrr An the taslo of cho 

following stotonont by Karx; "CV-TWWU^ntly In l?fth~GOCllUFy 

Gamany, tha bourgeois rowoluUon can onlf bo 1tPt*dlato r i*oetJh- 

• or of a proletarian reroluclcm". 



1, Talco tha incricon govormmt toAcy; show «liatlu»> It Is m ^^am 

for tha reconciliation of Gioa&ua or not. 
a. Caspars tho role or tho PaaoUL ^varwnt In Qoronn-. chu itvorlal 

goran-Miit In Japan, and tho royal do»ocr-itle ^vornoont irv Enelaml 

U tho im li#£t. 

5. Can yon eita any period In Ajs^Iccti. history o* in French history 
when 6J» 5tato appeared aa a n^llator botwocn elassosf 

4. TrHlAAtn -fcfr* *11-%lnctlon la iLf* of tho Knnlrtn and aha 13 mt.l»t h 
concaptlon of tho stato a» illn»trttW iu th* cutrvnt Juvolor- 
eonto is tho D.3.3.H. * 

i> CiTc/a tfco purest aooocrflcjr, what oTlfoct aoulid Uiat havo on tho uaa ** 
of for^o !n tho strugglof 

6. la Aat way would yott find oxaoptlofa b tto HIS., If ony. to- tho ' 
classical llarzlan concoption of tfnsntatoT 

7. What 1« tbo btal* Qf tho dor&lopw^n.^Vn<l dociy of porllo^ontary 
lutltatioaa as Indicated by racc^t tife^n in <k*>lncntly poAasn^ 
couatrl-os and In highly Industrial cou*t£Josl , 

5. feat JnflaoTi-co on tho taorio-in at^to appiimtua !iaa tho {tmtll.* 
racc-atly) fluidity of ol&aa ^alatlotk5 Jvft<j| 

9- GcwnwiPO the coJToroto atato aseoneolvad by Paaclan and tho ppo- 

lotarlst attto Bf tho wortclng class aa ooneoirod by tho Coapainlst 
— .'aa-flnt . ' 1 

I ' * 



. lfl 2-& t i t ^-™ 

U.3.B,R J today* 3hyv " " status ny tho fornula in thQ 



lew Torkora School - f'-rxian Cluilw in t.h« LlAt 

»*11 tarn 199$ &f ftrrunt Hiatpry 

I n a ' rue b or / 7a? l.4>raaton*) 
Fagp 4 - Soaslnn II ■ SupgJ»cad tjij-o a 1 1 ^r.i 

,\narchi»5» In rtfflrsnco Co tlio otnur 
Sfl. CTtac lj chc fundamental htatnrlca) ilcninc-inco of ilw Paris 
coraona in ragsm to tha atvii^u s<f the nroiutrnat in tho 
prosont-diy dooocMtlc eouiitrSja? 

Soaaicn III. 3UG<l£STfiI> iAHE*. rii>«3 f»OB 37" ' 

X ' Jt! 1, i".? 10 °» 8cn " *£ W» Mar*i«i Ffclltwophjl rnimi ■ iiko • ■ ro4 

Uvos4l thru Wu IBeh Br.».nlro: 

S. In the limt or Utrj'a ovBlimtSwi or efti-taln iv,v ■ i" aUlamvi .X 

besmgon rcwolutliinir;- aorltcra and Duutevtt lr b*w -., [,c a vl ; putty ^ 

bourflfloij rafrrelata, cu-accorlZQ wu .apiiri-v.m p,«*fi-war , trili .. 
5303 In Ofri-anny onO fcttjtrln. 

3- On the onala or the Uwi}^ eontraoi botmun uralttsrM POWlu- 

roSolutiia? 1 "" »»*l«t«w mufti m.o RuwUa ™d SpsniJli 

*" ?* P ?^ 1| f?V ^/PprlSnticmtiaFj talwclllry*. L>ls.%ij this proM*j 

;;n^%;^ 1 rC. c i g / j ^ i, v ariM:,r lr '' b " T, **»■ ««MeiM «* a **i- 

nltior oaya. 
S. MJCU33 problona of mllta in tsiim i, 1(1 to r.iv L »iiiM.>r.i*t» anl 

fS .««S»* h ! * v#I H°V r tho -Frew* proletariat iMihbV Ri„ c - 
7. in rro3ont-day elaas »lan*rtpnl>a In ati-tain ooui.trl-.s a.v nm- 

8 - i3ri-««Jis: iSj^ 8 in *™ c °- »»■ ■«* ««*. ■—■w 

9 " S^MS? *e«wnia fil^t «r tho Fr«m*h piaamArr in th* nSdJIn 
of tho JBth contnry with tlut of th. fmiwrJ l„ n,J J & to** / 

»m>-py t» «* u ci .t of u» sow pH***.. 0,, t h ,\, n- s " or3 . 

««.nnr y * > ," ll " t jracwenl loam. «i, be ftam r«» (Up ffnTS. 

ppo«one *n^rlonn olnaa duvoloi^uncaT 

SntSSa^'te^St}^ **«»* 1« Klaff JMaWi n M r,nlr a ««]*, 
?-J-JS^ . ? Unrian la ^ly a erMuu eiftBtor-DWilBe »i" n M - 

lotarlaG wuraus bcnipQcwlai.,. fc *^ 

11, Sy?£.. s t?: c, ]. claS3 . rolatlPMiiiPa ean .■»«. .,.,.-1 „ -rrrl ■■■■ -■- 

5? JSi LS r.t,? bou 5 , l5! ' hara » e^ - K -—* "Vin th7? Ut 

ia fc B JJ5J tSJ ,tflndinE i^w^timal u*unt.i vlthl, uia l«,t tbroo wSn 
Suo- iTthritaSflS tf*' ?''^ nC !^ n --^^» V ^--olinl nod* 

SaM.Sr^.Jii£^ S?™ n J SS- 1 "* 1- " Wflrdln ^ " U011 ^ k0 tholr 

1S " JT^Ji^i^S pp«*nt-U Q y 6 l Mfl probata th.. rolloalnffi The M - 

ruti«»!v PM ; lt r,ust w « u LlMn anc " ««t*r «w 

i3 - Ss°M;;/SnaT^v^'f oemuv4e "*«— . «»• -«- "o. 

14 ' aUUl^.V'V 01 ' 09 " """Inc ff "* Oooojr or pflPllu^atiforlan in Lpula 



V . 

Mtw. Tferittra S^ool - Marxian "GUmIc* m ttic Lirtit 

Toll 'Tori 195* of ,Cui»g<fflt bjatory - 

P^gfc &■ - Session 131 J&QDtlnuod; aufigoitca question*. 

15. Bar* sold: "Snou^i Co soy horn tbnt %bc national Aaaflnbly woo Jn- 
MfOTOOj to vanish freti the, stnto for lone Interval! ...Tho only 
rofluialto wao thct tho iaaonbly should toko n pomn-nont holiday 
cnO that tho Hcpubllo'o wttet, 'Llb&rtOj Saualit-o. Protornlte' 
^ should be poplseod by tho umabitjuouo word*,, 'inrnntry, Cavalry, 

Artillery" ''. ' Ji 

Shat light doas tho above anniysLs thro* on trOftdo In tho dovolcp- 
n-.cnt oT state atpuotura ov-Tor-ne of claBo 5-ule in float-war capital- 

Ifi. Marx acids ■"Iffibn buainoBo was brlsli, no It itm was in tho oarly 
aonth* of 1851, tho aomorol"'-! bouPEO^-isU w-,o inrn,ped nt the oroa- 
po*t of mix PWXt'jiftntatv obnt* G U, ; f»r this itf£*it put tho buuneai 
world out of tuspw. 3ut ahen tbc bual:»_sc was tflf.ak, na it h.&d boon 
■Inoc tho end nr Pc^-u^y, pnrljoafrBtT 5" r.urneil was duclarod to So 
the causa or tho alnclcwaQ, and It woe jLid that tVmro could be no 
hope oil a rovlvol until tho parlLaiunfa-j- lunwiil wfifl Bottled*; 
DiscuaJ thie intho llajvt of reccmt find current Fronoh Bad , fc nerr>ic B n 
polltidal o-xporivnoo and dcwoloiiusntta. 

17. ffltanlno lEarx'a oacaont on tho ■l^nirto-inao or tho dofOat of tho 
Juno Inaupgonto, tlio ptftl owr.uii-g or tho bourgoola republic, and 
t ' m tho thop oxlatlnfi dlffOrOncoa bctwoon class ruvolouauntf in Europe 

and tha 9.3^1. in the light of the' prw-cnt alt nation end trond of 
i , . oIubb qovolopfton-t. 

Ui Conporo tho cttitudo, atrotosy ^ tactics of tba bcuroeaUle in 

19. OlacuBi ifiaO in tho litfit of cortnlu phasos 'or' the rceoet dobfrto 
roemfding tho How Dool, Koctot's la tut bo©Jc f "Tho Challongo t-o 
liberty", and tho wgo-nl sot Ion of tho Lihorty Loa:uu. 
I 20- PlBcusa tho lottery achooiu in various eountrios teflnv pa n "Dtufihtior 

&5sS"i.^;bm. i,, "" ,0UI " 10 tb / ll8,t or tt * " rBteCT ot 

SI. Us^oh .Mcontt owonta aro conpornblo vrs. thoao datljiatij^ bi Marji in 
r ZZf^J: IZ ? d " rfl ani Baw-yer bJo«iiTVJ fiOiapoUod to"doclai-o that, 

. "; 0lI f l **°l* ftotxti w«0 RoTallat, their hoods wcwo nopublloan"! 

' on ?*^ s,n * wibrokon undorlyinc atratoty''or boiu>Roolilo hero. 

Cofapapo tho OTolution towarda awa of BltlOr in Oonnnny with that 
olj Bcnaporto's Tr^n HovonbOf ^840 to *p3il 16&L ' 
23. Kwnlunto tho b38le fdaturoa of Pasolan today <elass base, itata 
JtruaBUM, baotios, otc.) with-thosu or the xl^ of "ill 
Bonaparte. . - . °^ **-••« 

l- " . - - - ! 

t ■ 

Bow Bonera school 
.SI west j.4tb street 
New Yorl Cltj 

' ■ " •!' 

Pall Term 1S3-* 



Inatruotors Jay Lowftstona 








.a in 

Seaalon IT,SO£ 

To whet extant la tha method o* -uialjaifl oaplp+od by 
talo toole applicable to tHo prb44nt eitiMtiorfin Qeramny? 

pole of th* nifldla oUaa in Qenmny today in the light • 
baolrgyeuiia and beStATior,* particularly In ttw al* 
by Bawl* . 

auolutfcign of ■too dnrelcpnorfc of tha working 
i independent force, giro proof or dieprooff of 
IJ5W off ro-oont tronda In Geraany. 

*1 position of tho egplaiil-tnMl popu- 




ita hljr 

tuition aes'oribBd 

Given tha Mapxien 

olaaa aoneonE 

this approach 1b the 

What a a counts for the 

latlon In 'the olaaa atragglot 

Engela nidi "Laatly, oar***, philoaophy, that, moat ooum.lloatod.out 

£JK i?S ^ ?"? PU £*i «»™»toi of tbo-fliweloprat of 'the 
OQMfflD mind 4 ud deelawd for the alddlo olaaa, whor. HOgoi t n ala 
PMloaopny of i^w pronounced Constitutional Monnpohy tot* the 
final and M Jt pqrfisM fora off gcYornawmt.- aiiaaiitim on the 
fciflta of the statue, off tha.Honnrchlcel mowomont la Oenaatw ttftr. 


on tho 



Cotjopo the lnfluonae of the- iwllBlaua qoeatlan in Oornmy 
eontfltiona doooribod by Engole axd t!he. role,plnyed by -tola 
in ^eaent-day Goratny. J 

■BM go-HMmjnt off Wnoc Mottoraloh turned" upon two hlrvo-s; first 1* 

to kaap^rpry one off tho dlfforont iiatlotuf aubjeateo. teth* "ratiy 

£££!! ^JS +^ <fe °f ki ^w ^ Otb0P r?|nW^ eoSditionodj 
S23K& 1 fcad -. *■*»}■ *l«T«ftOJ boon thb fundaa.rlr: i l,«H»ipi of P , 
absolute ia naf«Qhio. t to rely for support upap Cw olditai* tho 

■too Ic- J ebbing aqpitaliata; and to 
influenco nn4 poTior of Dither of 
othor, flc.oa t* lear* ffull Sndopon- 

ffoudal landlords oni U10 lnrgo 
ba3*noo, at *,bo aontc time tbo 
th<flff olcaaoa by fchtt of tho 
deiiae f aotion tb fcho Ottvornncnt - * 
FNb ttiia point o^'viaw horn would 


off Auatria-Hun 
of the Japano 
C^n you a 000 
off tho role o 
ICMbiTlhl En^ola 1 
in r-eirolut toca 

you eatlnota tho dia 



ry, tho trnyoll of iuetPia tolaj, and eho taotioi. 
Oovopnswnt In pea aunt-day ffa r ooatorn ralottonaT 
fox anti-aomltiBH lh. toctpia. todar on tbo boala 
oirtain ■o-oollod jatrlab literary fftguroo In 1644? 
obncoptlon of. olaa S ollsnsaonta QntTroxtilignDentB 
ao llluatpatod In a flnfi gf tho moat roco\t SScpoaii 
rovoLutlona -(Hungapyr Spain, .nr«, J ™-wi.w*/i 

5JS !«?! ^- nda ? i r b y t« !to 0aO T0lt adainlatratlSn in PolaSn tfi ' 
the polo of poolio -prkB in Vionm In tie foptloB,- I 

m mUHH hbh Bgfmibi cr ^ lOMnefla) p»l«Mdlt 
a, ho** account for tho vletory of the Rmiion 

In the 

elnaa in 1S17-J 
03.0oapa.po thoirolo of tho potty bourgeolajo. m 6ho 
Revolutionary atru^gioi (Cntaloniojwitri xt\b rola 
ana oarnnn ^tty boupgeolsle In tbo ffcxtioa. 

_. voiXing in;««rtrir losing ttfc tlno doacplbed by zagsut 

of tho 



Aua trlan 


-f 1934 of Currc-: ■it-*: n 

Instructor; Z~-j iarcatc-as 

fc SOi accrue* for, thd revival gf CSosh a^tip^ll«n tefifij In the 
li^it rf tJ* tcTidancy tc*v3s d?5*y in - liMQf 
18. On Ac bails ctf tb* sh*l? *)Ang tto sootier. ToIIowSm «ie fiof-eot 
: tiw Fsrl* jwl*t-M*la*, 'discuss flrt ilgnillenneo or thi> ylctorjr 

-r LVb Sasfij^ii -rc-latsriet in 

5t3wrj03*^yMHlo Inpllontlons- 
DireSo » {Cathollfe) *- Socialist 

IT, r>r; -r* mo dielisat or tiws co 

«c^-ll-ii*n ct ?ruoiln in July 1SS2 by Von Pcpcn wlth'tbo ovacts 
rruista an3 tho i»oncti<m or tho Gcracm nldula -clnac upon Vno 
t Oancrr.l tjranGOl 1* Borjjln J . 

lg. Msettrt ai^cla 1 ' cone option 1 o-f tfcfe straW-jry of revolution in tho 
light cf cspcrlQn«s In the Russian, jt-ssstIab., Spaciik, GCnann 
tr-i Austrian rcvcl'jticna. \ 

17. St^jno the roU cf thd GQr=*n SoeS^l I>*noaMfly ahd the Ccrtuaiat 
r ifff ff C-^rr^nv la jarturjy, 1933, la tto li£bt of tho following 
«i«elflynkn by Sttgolsi n A woll^rtwrt-eel defeat is ft faat of ca 
anofe rE^olutirrt-ry ir*portfino© as an oeslly won victory. ..It is a. 
ntttop'ef erurso t!r:t r 1b QTOpy strugjUo, ho vte tokos op tho 
fauntloi rlukc toln; hoaton; bat Is that a reason why ho should 
cenroas taliaiclf bdatcn, ~n3 lutalt to ~tbo yoke without drawing 

* T-c* rtut redent evert In tho inwm&tlosi&l olnse struggle oould tho 
frlLoflqE estimate by Enrols "bo appllct'bloSs 'In a involution J» 
+IC* botcKhS a <Sgc1j1to position and ^•urraafiera It, Anrtcid of 
r^irc *fc* ^rsc-ny tc try hi a h Rod &t fin assault t Invariably do* 
Mgtyss *c $d •j-af.tcd ±s a tttaltfcr 11 . 
:, Sn£*ls 1^9 ate :f tt thnt Ineurfl'blaNalady *f payllacrfnt«Tr "crctlnl«n\ 
Discuss, this a.-nee-jtlm In tlw light *f wot^l^ c1as& J>*lltlc*l 
DXpoplaflec tiLTu tho Lfttornatloml Soolo.1 OonocMtifi o&voatnt-. 
ai rcj flr.J tiny pnrcllal nttltodo la prosont»&ny Gct«it- dfiwsl5p- 
'orits to the uttitudo Df tho Oorsan nldtilo oli*3fi tosupda tho 
:r;»i Jc::MVjtlon in tho <fortl0al . 
. DlfOUfla acr« of thc-toctios of the BalslMFik party Id 3tusaln 
*■ «r4i KQJftoakr on tb* b*sl* &f lagol'i bttltodo tomiKU «io'i»oa 
r r ;^ -rlr.s-Ccrnany of Its old. oanarchl&fll oncunbrcnodt"^ 
*•- ~ - ? * the Mtiasto of timjrrcotl^n gl-ron by Bagalj» 

a cjw ftttf Q^ntaa?arary jiro-bloas fr-ftoS by" tho sarklnc cl^ss 
■ v i nfi ?oi. ;.-|*ije4 by tho i>raUtartfft In ct.rtaln ocnrntrloa 
**. twi nxAitt thtt aw i^rjp^Abi* with tha diction ccrtTrontUw ■ 
no wi:*^ bHm in car-trnl Hur6^i t^xiring tho -rcrlofl oxuilnod by 

r r 


L- ; -i 

V "J 




!te« 3»rlcer* School 
nW YOi-lc City 
g»lfl Tana 1954 

:r.3trjctor: Jcy Lotestone 

















lAat Is tha iqofwsldUiU of Win rol*\plfcrert by^tfta la tar 
ariarocraojr, a role Chftrtctoriscd by lanin &i "A uni-raniti, 

^hct litfl baan tha affact nf tha 58JL en the peneantrotion or 

Indtiitry fcrtfl fowler** nt of Monopoly? Wiyy 

Siflmiw t>o ccntroTcnr owr nfirat* parity nijw raging tuaongot 

*h* loading lApalriallat pnrara In the light cf Lenin 'a ccnaop- 

tlnn of -th* struggle for tho ro-dlvlalon r-P tho *arlH. 

Trc« tha d^v^lopttont of trustification la. tha U.S. and opacify 

carta In paaull^r failure i &f thla procaai In tha O.S. 

Dlacuai'tha rtfUticnahip b*twaan truatifieatian and tha contrn- 

dictiem inharant in capitalist in tha U.S., Qo'zuny, t-"h*- 

paouliar ra*tti»ai j p BngUw*,, in tha untir.t world crUla. 

Lanin <aidj "Thua la eo»*tltioft t?Att*for*t<l Into =a*i*.<>poly* 

Va aes bafopo us tha gidr-t- prooaaa of MClaliaatSon of produr- 

tAcn. Farticulorly Is the procoao or technical lnnnticna ftnd 

%Tonaontf alio tain« socialised^ 4«s»l« OH tt£3 ift thfr 

litfrt flf tfta ft^ficapti^tt* *f atAM.^pitfrllaa anA two wtattfndlng 
political eonsequaneea or thla trsrrt in the U.S. ond Ctrnz-ny. 
Rn'^MTata tha oaaantlol fa-turog of InpaMrtliam aa indicated 
bj l*nkfl and iiluatrate tbeao foaturba ui japnnosa, French,. 
aw^tkr^r. cgmrctal »nd foreign policy. 

Dlaevaa Meant dt* p > In ajapHean colonial and for*i,gji p<-ltny 
and indicate whether tw IKS* la,, baomlng nora or loai inparlnllat. 
An oirtaBanrllQK fer/tara of toporlaliag. 1* the export of capital* 
Racaat *re*ira-hn7a aaan n £i'.rfcofl Tnll^ag off In tho -exporc of 
*&prtal. Wojid ya-j then x-y r-hit ,capitalla* baa hacrM leas 
inrparlallatlo": ahyt 

A Ca-wtn bourgaoli studant 1 of Sftp* ? l/.l 1 »in h£a itMoAi. "fffttlo^l 
oconowy^ the* apra It la davolopoii, tJie son readily at tiirnaj tn 
fha rlafcy undor'toSEtn^*, orr to Undart-altl-nga nfrroad; to- mch undei+ 
^ whloh WRulni ycara Cor ttinir 4araLopr»rA OSA rirmllyj 
**_ §^ah ft» Ar* L oI fc oaly local lapcrtaacc. Cosaan? on thla In 
ffie L£ehc of tao hairy dafaulta ^n fwclgrt IflAna in tl%6 1a at 
flw yoara- i 

Sx^niino tho roje of the ccuntry'i flra hlagoat honlci in tho 0.3K 
« Mia tail, oj sfct foUovug :tM«r.t by .Mr. rat "ftanka oacnfelim 

tn» tor» t tmt n^i.y tr*c ifomj 'if soditi to6»e- 
t gonuml diatrl*«itl&n ftff tha aotint af p«ductlan. f 
blea of or^nrlaod eanltr:llia in tho HAt of tho 
<i»l tho Qttptt* flf Oio Sow Doffkj pr.rtleulnrly 


'cooping cr/1 c 
. Dlac^ai thtr 
n>Li nf Pnaci 
fcba iiRA- 

d'jch haa boen 
IKA.. fiould jo 
In flho TJ-S-* 
*i^-.t "-ro the 
lupitelirt in 
finance ond 1 
ar-rkot, Pr.rtl 
thy rolb of it 

aboyt nhu 
^h-t thla 


t14 rilr 

lcr^o miBbop^of atockh^Ldupa In tho 
■ooiit a aoolalliction of eapltcl 

ra^tvlffia is tho rolntlona b<it»oon govarrnwnt sr-nd 
itry « ttw* of tho following trondas 1. Tho 
u&mq of finftneo etpicdl, 2, Tho frjcalon bot»9on 
*jatrl-l cnpitalj J. Tha conflict In tho world 
{tarty look Into thJ-a phonomonoa on tho boa la of 

P' noao goWrantmt in the ooafllct for doolnntlor 


jtow Wg?k«i"9 5*0*1 KflrKlK s ; -jj13e in the Lltfit 

Pall TOPH'ISSB of Uurror-i Hlftorr 

inatructor! -J^y -i-ovtiatcno 

15* Within tho BrUlsS empire # Australia unti Co Jw oro er tho = ln 
fforoo* akklag fop turnip Er; ? lnn4 low 3Jk ally or l»i»*Qlont 
ocntrol in com or c conflict batmen U.S. and Japan. Has this 
changed? If yoi| 'Ay? Ef Jto„ tfiy not? 

IS. l^iftlB stupdi "Of «uPob/itf c^pltalta^ 6oq ld cJqyq1* p agriculture 
^llcte Is orory*OTG toi^ b&citwr_pd in ep*p<iMa«! witJTincfastry; 
if capitalist could roleo tho standard of llfo of tt*i population, 
tahlch d»*j>lfco tJvc lccrtdiblo pro^o*? of technique o*vgrjar*:ro ra- 
■aina hnltj starred and tin »nt, than tHeit ceroid "be » tr.ik about 
a surplus .of ccpttcl * Diocuas this docZipr.tlon In tho ligiit off 

too atitu* of i»6ricnii a^rioulfcurci, I 

17* Is tho t igniflonuoo of tho oxistaneu ^d pp6£*cja of tho 

5ori£^ Oil on : for the oontlEUtty of lw PlaUoa"? 
19- tn ^ict jcpoot sphere* of politit* I* tho 1 Torld today divided 

and what is tho ^conoalo basis of tMj ddrlalonl 
15* 3x»uk Unisfs theory off unovan d0 7tiloir=Qnt v .o.f cflpltnlisn in tho 

li^it. of tlvojyoiitlon of tho 0,3, ftwl Mint is tho aigniflo^roo 

Labor MTWfttt 

of this dawJopwGHt for Eha taotia&l\tp-tc£y *f tM jvcrioan 
20- When 'did Aoorlecn iwpcrf^lls* b*glx.tVJ 

21*. 'feet 1a thjrq new Id tho polo of ABonesn. IvpopiAllas todbyf 

22. &1»m*i tbo dttltudo towards ifipcrlallan aa vcnlfostod toy 1 Cunow 
In the ft:r*o»l Social Doaoer^oy -n4 M^ainc its conssquoncdo for 
Ow international gvolctaplit. 

23. £*poricii*i is at the srns tlaj tho Mgjwat nnd t*w d&csdont 
sto«o of wpunllaa. Dise)| flB this ** f=^ G> Jwrir. i. oonccrnod 
oa tbo basla of tvonds In AnuFioin ppodttctien, the a^-pponinp 

■ *t tin bfliU coaxradictio»s-oC c^>itallsfi t ajid sundry solutions 
now bolng offered f*p KCttrtng CTtator equilibria In onpitt_liat 
social z&A Gemjoolo polatlnns. 

24. 3?u:alrw Xr*r&aky*e theory of ^ultn-limorlaiiW 1 na nmlloa to 
fc^Lir^ tfrf Onltod Sxatas. ! 4 . 

2S» «oold ytm b-y that ispoplrUe L6o4* to ^nwxitloTta r«J n^tloaal 
oppro*iloji only in tho oaac df ^tho do*1t ponotPfLtod oouBtPios ,, ? 

25- K d>-5a^ion of Oonon iapuriollm (Mm doolarcdi "if t!nD ultlvr.tQ 
pofult ii that, tho nanagosont 6f tbt bonk* li ^ tj» hands of a 
fi-own po^plo, thou tholr *oti»£tr la now rl«ndy qopo Iffljoptsnt. 
thAtt lha tctivltj of tho pcjori^r *t WTTMGit alnistorn..' 

Co-E0!it en thia In tho light of thA dot jtuir^ la th9 low Doqi 

-a IsdlMtcd ty Booaovolt'a apoaOb ot tho peaoct eonrDntlon of 

tb6 lAmtacct fionkvrs issoclatloa in TfeAinrton. 
C7* Dlaouaa ifau ^rctoius or pianaoa oe«w^ u^Sof c^ltclisn in Ita 

U5K>rioil3t stago. 
28^ Ea» toorlcan.or.pi-ullsm ronohod its hijhuit point of dowlo»ontt 
Z3^3Ttat ap^ tew dJClslvo sMlAl anjlioon^aio cynsoqwiMos for' U.S. 

LciKiriall^ flo^irj free tho protest vopLd crisia? 
30^ it^s ii Au^uotBT.l and oo-ontlt:! uolc of ictim jfcnorica In tbo 

:-- -i:-t: ftrtoK Of D.B. lB$d*£»lial f 

SI. "toat opo the 'Slnllapltlos- find dlfeaidilaritMA 1» tfco eourio of 

ispurUllst doTOlcpKnt by Qroat BPltauii and Isy tho D.S9 
32, D1S6U*) ti» protlwca of onpttnllst atabiilintlcn Ui tto 13fiht of 

tlio pro.jent p^Jitlon and ^bapcoti™ ^f is^wlallssi, particularly 

as indicated In tho pollolol cf tho rtatopioui and ^Anquiahod 

lap»rlaUst powrs In pogard to W>nallloi t w detotSj Popa«tlons p 


i - , 


— - 

Hot V/oricora 3chool_ 

tfaat 11 Street 

-^*:^ :la5^::s ;.- pSE lkbh 

Ihhr s* *-V City 
Pall ¥«»n 1,054 

uFuuiMmT Hiwaaa 





P1M-»P* JAy ^*OTfl#tA 


an tJested suestiom for. study- 

THAT 15 TO.g PQKB ft tain] 




1. tfhae ii tha tactl«*l mi^Mamiiaa f-or ravolutionlati of th* 

SiiSSSJTIopS."" *'*»*«*- ■"*> »«Por.r7 mil™., «th 

3* Di » out J the Mlotion.hip tataaaVvolaaticiaB and abaonea of 

tifJ^il ,5 n IS. ?* lJ" ld "* tta-fcuiiaii opportunist plaa f W 

freedom of Mitleiim" jsi the «U«r, ?d >diat extant 
issues inwolve>d in ithl» eanwrtvoray kLiva in tl* 
oonLrovppiy in the *aneiui:-n Seaialial partyf 

the *Mngua*d to If* play#fl I.-- W-.o re-volu- 

pre a e nt 




tion*rj p-Artyror the »otf:in» elaaV ii *hd light of tha followliu: 
fandcmont^l omiaeptiona ..if -Lonlv. t "without 
ttwory thorn «an pc: po r. voiut iq-c-y 

a rwToVut lcnarj 

jvgraunt. ThAn cannot >o 
Inaiibfid jpon too ptVongAy nt _ time ufcu-. the 
-pri,i.ahin( of 



opportunluc la om>Lnud with fc^»6rrtJ-un In th« 
r.-n-o«^t faraj o? praotici.1 t-ctivity ."• , . 

/5*^ l !? I,0, "' t "2 <W !° thu oc ! lltri "*'»*« *">» "atrlot dartinction 
af rimfluj Q f (vpinlon and fvotioattl ttiaputai ova? „ rt r *!,- 

■•iw •* -"a'^tt- in.chc dbvulcprtunt if t>u PuvolotJfl(w.pv Wwig vnCT 
*^t ipu th^ rul.t-.lona .wtwun tha uxjxrienaua rfr eoeTlnne r>r 
^-n .ntoi-rt -tinnsl m+mn* in tin, bulldlra; or thu *»W Hiffllu- 

thu world, ■ 

t.odny er Eh_ f oilpwing oonciuaionuroiiud "t by 

t. tfi, MS ami neaibl Dwaocr-Vy in i-TMi "if. 
thi» TRy'th&y mug noi. it rch 

la^not in tnv intuTott 
n«j country ahnuld inarch 

n* national i _ 3 (--, f Rj Ba Un 3orta tBunocrjoy -.pu 
hav^ nuvcp en-ifp*ntud .. ; - fl thur SaoialLat P^rt^ 1;, c 
.Th t !■ tii v sipnirUwwu fsr.tih: lntonrtlwi.l"rfl-irj 



Sr^uU fnr 
r.ho Qonrtn worift-ro 

ox rtly -t UW htud AF trw no <gw,itt—it 
tfcL -B*iv^huh* th .t -fcf-.- wrlbra -i 

I? **-* *f • U--»ut tu y -ailihnoimy x HonnrutOCi ?l=ec 

hu caikL. lit.,, i,..i th„ , vi ai ift.nd. .rnmrt for haltiu invn 

uruxpuatGd. ^:.^ tjiaa-ti' n X ■ofiui^oua orunta irill duntnd. 

•our-iiffi, Ht fc -^t*,au(l dyWrnia-.tlnn -i.d «*- mil to .at 
6j«1b « .....]; oi pi -Mrte -the Huanian pprlut* i-U t 
or th«. i , .toi»nittl*nul rovolutloncry prolctnrwt"? 
the ligic gf the Raaalun Su-woluuiono of ign 
and thu 4op.tFo*vPay in flw waeld aoolallat 
tnururroia. ■ ' 

'.m >t ta tv. LoMnLjC ^proLRh 
iupj*»tw,*wj .«j .irtf Srfcitir.f.'ii 
oqilal^afli, to th,u QTaroG>-lnc of 




Thy ur^d hem rllrl 

In tho »*ryr3;,rd 

fW>VUl!U3LU ^^iting 

larpirdi g-thurtnp T-jvolutlcnTj'y L 

skill :^nd.fciio tul.tlAn of'ouch 

ahort,ooiniiip hy %h, t PuYoLulicr^ry 

l^ : 




S-ww TfOPjateM;£qh»$l 
pAU.7«n a H%54» 

Page 2 *- Sainton VI _ 

cr current History 

th« Lltjfi^ 

instructor: jay Lcv«ron& 

Pwt r. 

ifl. t 




. :a # 



oontanporiry c^ndltlona . 
Call* "aubacrrmnOG to aponta- 

«■ 1 


What i« i,enta b attitude totrarda the theory or spontaneity of 
Che I^tor niairatEHrvt. and- she role or 3 cc-nsela-u* fottor* 
£xi=lne this .attitude on the basis, of the rr.le ravolutioniflts 

■»* P i3 V m U»« proaonr. atapo ^f dftVtUpasnt ir, rf-.e American 

later novatant. 

-an you illustrate on the boau of tho G*maa exe&r-Unfioa ;nj 

on tte eaalt Af recent Aa«rloan Srorklng-claiB atrtRBiea she 

pntentlairrol* of tho revolutionist a < j.n the arGT-.tsnoaua oe- 

tlona or^fereat r.asses of Hf ksri asaiisat tho cop-taiut class 

and ita gowernaantt 

'"teEEdit en th* folleBlns and translate tho jarce into 

«ta Ml ley for the, labor rw^ejwnt to-day- 

(Haboehaya Mja*] aBaol-dtjely refuses independently to *oxk 
eat a specifically Sccial DtWra^e pciley eorrweonding to 
the (teqcpai ta,alea nf.Sftslallar. and to 
in Russia.? 

^Xm.l is thl* diauaao ehat 

r&a you -cite any KanUutVailcku ol this illlwui in 
can lafcAr coV«nw.t? "3nat izotHod o-r truntnont *c^ia 
«oat tn ovorcor.e this dldeflat? 

Tn -rtiat extent la tbc following tlauly to-day. and tP fihM ex- 
tif. are tLhwe any ajrrerencM ir. the srrlfcation of strategy 

£/2ftS i.S lS S ^ D " 5 -- fr0B tfl3t 0f *""*= a? »* ^'n- 
Ing if tho#20th-,cenYuroyr -i 

J8 - !?**! a *° nGtic < factory J exposures have own tn import - 
V ", n hu °' c,3nr "" 3Q *c*y«le and thuy am oontlnuo to 
long c * fl-pltaliarc, ahich croatos. th^nood fer =ho 
thu-.^ivoa, exists, 

tft^o-eo thu role of Are rswoVationory political 
wpftiiatlon and tho traau union in ttio slass. ■ thirty P ar- 

Ji-.t ia tht -t.tltuio.o.r revolutionary Socloi-Eonocritcy (to- 
l^LlTtT^^ r -OV.atda roforra 2nd rhu rolo or ryfoms ln^ 

rwl-jtlar.ary atrugglu for llburty and for socialist* 
oiir.tnv WIS In tho light ot tho attltaflea ^onard* La.oiiaU 

&.» anciaitfii r9*Mt*nr prior t* *h« Ruaalan 




wcrlf^ra th dofoj-a 

. - — # i 4 -j a 1 

laJftiB C( 



'3i« nt-vjnnst is 


BoriTatdln Aid: 
la ntthlng.* 

<:! wt«ritAl«> of Social 'r^pBracy mr.ej thfl alcse of tho Up 

'; r 


rcrythlag, tho ultinajo ; 
f roTiaion?in in 


>»;*t 1- frvlowa 



to. seet-iystroat or=atafflDr5 ElSrca* 

Sot York City 

I -PfcU Torn 19S4 X» tractor* J*y LcVwetOi* 

. S-MllCQ Tlli . , 

Suggested ajieetlor-a For' Studj Of *ta*% la To So DDre"' (Lenin). 

1. flhae are tha requisite* for g«n.vlaa elaaa c6naeSouaneaa eafldrdia.g 
to LeoinT rilueTtrate thla phanoosenon in the Aaarlcan e«Laes itrug- 
gle to?dar- 

2. lhat is she Leninia- conception of what ootietltuEes a revolution- 
ary leelftllat? ■ 

3. Lenin said: "All e-res- the world, laoludlflg R'jfiU, the polio* 
fnenselvai ofter. gj?-e the eeonoele atr-uggla 4 pciltlc+1 cBaraeter 
ana the worleers op* Deajlnnina; td understand jAn tha soveraEvent 
su-sporta". la tha ll£ht of this eo-nelualor, rhtt would yoa say la 
tba tMk or tha CoBDruciKta Id rtlation to trade union nil it lea* 

4. riluatrata on the baale or Aawr-leui labor history of laasedSata 
pre-war .days the following evaluation 'made by Lenin, or Russian 
experiences 1 "The -aconoaiata and she Bodem terrorists spring 
Tfob a costum root, sanely aacacrv'.onstf -,o apontanaltr *. 

I. attat did Lenin -eon Aan he sajdi "A Social S-socrat, If ho real- 
ly believe* It le nee eatery to eavelsp the political conacie-ua- . 
-:eae of toe proletariat, a-oat 1 go asong all elMeee of tha people" 

can you eita an Illustration of thta In tha strugglo against im- 
perialist war and fasciae: to-day? 
! . Bhat ia -.he Laniaiat conception of tha rolWof tha *i ajiguard" and 

Sli attitude to those who call U'aawalvaa the "eanguard" and lax 

"-■ !era ■*>* >"»t*»* .ihare and tbenT Can -jot give throe auch icstin- 
eaa in resent American CoBsauniat deTo!djw.o;st? 

T. illustrate through an* analyaip 5 f the A. ?, of L. pcUtica the 
truth or Lania'a eeeeluelon that: ■aerkiRg class trade union por- 

^ licics ara precisely working claaa bourgeois poMtles". 

5- Lis cue a tha problens for s revolutionary eovesent la aueh ecua- 
trlea as floreany M-day. growlnr out of in* ti tut Iotas and practi- 
se* of a nature a tailor to thou agencies and prnctlcaa knoani In 
3uaela undar the fUr aa ■fiajrodia". ' 

&. "that practical l4*#ona oan yea draw for the Ar-orlcan rawolotlot 
nary cov-nant fro« LanloV e a tU*t f the neeca for flout 11 lty 
in taotiCB aa foraulated by hia In hU «fttro*ar»T ilsh the "la- 
bochoTe DTOlo'l — 

!»• 1 Se~dlBtlactlona dram' by Lenin between tha afetlalti*. 

ot zfit eroreaaional rovolutloulat and the eetivitlaa of the B"*at 
aasi of -arkera ia tha gonoral claaa atrrttgileT 
u. in tha preaent eoatrovoray In. tha Coaanmlat -aovaeost ower the la- 
* J'P"^ 1 u ««i*R, -tan you find, under oof or of left phrajoa, a 
v. £?* stlett pt «ll7 eeatfl*X#a fcj the oooncaalata in Ruaala? 

£> \ I " nln J »Pf^^*«h to. the dlffarootLatiLon botwaan workers 
and int-auaatual* in the frerolationarj -aoTenor.t and tha need Tor 
dotnt; a-»y witn any Bueh differentiation at oextalu polntaTT Can 

JaUtl! if S* hSir* M t " lltfYt M ** lTO '- n V,;ore to * rma * ni - d *T «• 

iS ' ^"J.l?! Ct f 5 ^ pacullorlty of ftuaalan 0X44* doVolofconta aorirea 
!Le« La*™" *" II ™ Ul ' ^P"" 1 ™ *V" thw. wa no diffa- ' 
MtlMel 6en rarolutlOM7, J r "Blaliata end t*ad* ^,,0 0Pg(Bl i. 

r 1