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Table showing Instances of Similarities of Symptoms produced by
Poisons and Diseases




L   Colic.
1 2.   Collapse.

. 3.   Coma.

r 4.   Contracted

*' 5.   Convulsions.

" 6.   Cramp,
7.   Cyanosis.

, r8.   Delirium.

9.   Diarrhoea.   *

10.   Dilated Pupils.

11.'  Dry Skin.

12.   Moist Skin.

13.   Paralysis.

14.   Vomiting.

Lead, copper, arsenic.

Corrosives, arsenic, antimony, aconite,
tobacco, lobelia, antipyrin, exalgrn,

Opium, morphine, chloral hydrate,
veronal, trional, sulphonal, paralde-
hyde, alcohol, camphor, aspirin, lead
encephalopathy, chloroform, carbolic
acid, atropine, hyoscine, cyanides,
carbon monoxide, carbon dioxide.

Opium, morphine, chloral hydrate,
carbolic acid, pilocarpine, muscarine.

Nux vomica and its alkaloids, camphor,
cyanides, santonin, arsenic, antimony
and opium in rare cases.

Arsenic, antimony, lead.

Aniline, antifebrin, exalgin, opium,

Dhatura, belladonna, hyoscyamus
cannabis, alcohol, camphor, cocaine.

Irritant poisons, digitalis, colchicum.

Belladonna, hyoscyamus, stramonium,
dhatura and their alkaloids, aconite
(alternate dilatation and contraction)
gelsemium, alcohol, chloroform,
conium, cocaine, nicotine.

Belladonna, hyoscyamus, dhatura and
their alkaloids*

Opium, aconite, antimony, tobacco,
lobelia, alcohol.

Conium, aconite, gelsemimn, physostig-
mine, arsenic, lead.

Corrosive and irritant poisons gene-

Volvulus, obstruction.
Diphtheria, cholera, fever.

Renal and hepatic failure, dia-
betes, eclampsia, post epileptic
states, heat hyperpyrexia, elec-
tric shock, brain injury,,
apoplexy, cerebral malaria,
and other brain diseases.

.Irritation of 3rd nerve, paralysis
of sympathetic, and certain
nervous diseases, such as tabes

Tetanus, hysteria, epilepsy, men-
ingitis, eclampsia, uraemia,
dentition in children.

Cholera, diarrhoaa.

Valvular heart disease and dis»
eases of the respiratory system.

Pneumonia, phthisis, meningitis,
nephritis, fevers, epilepsy, in-
sanity and delirium trements.

Dysentery, cholera, typhoid,

Paralysis of 3rd nerve. Irritation
of sympathetic. Certain nervous
diseases causing optic atrophy.

Fever, pneumonia.
Acute rheumatism.

Injury to cord or 'brain, apo-
plexy, hysteria.

Gastric ulcer, acute gastritis,brain
tumour, cholera, aoidoeis, etc.

and the relatives is very meagre, or incorrect and misleading. His task isr
therefore, very difficult, especially when rn^ny of the poisons except corro-
sives and irritants do not show any characteristic post-mortem signs and
when bodies are in an advanced state of decomposition. In cases where
positive signs of poisoning are not manifest, the medical officer should not
give a definite opinion regarding the cause of death, but should suggest that
the viscera be forwarded to the Chemical Examiner for analysis. He must
carry out, in all the cases of suspected poisoning, a thorough examination o£
the body, bofti external and internal, as far as possible.

External Examination,—Some poisons, such as hydrocyanic acid, car-r
bolic acid, chloroform, ether, opciBaa, etc. give off a peculiar smell on opening
the body. Hence no odorous disirfe^feaaat that is likely to mar such
should be used. "Rie surface &&,4te body and Hie: ci*es m&$ stow
or marks of vomit, fseces ^fl&flpet poison itself. The §kin may- b&
M phosphorus poisoning, ^jfeBWto in acute copper poisoning.