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Full text of "Medical Jurisprudence And Toxicology"

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Fig. 161.—Stomach is poisoned by
Sulphuric Acid.

-contents being a dark-brown and grumous liquid, consisting chiefly of mucus
and altered blood.   The mucous membrane may be  of  a dark-brown or

black coloxiTj and is often cor-
rugated and detached in
shreds or patches. The folds
are large and deep from
swelling, and are sometimes
so softened as to tear even
under gentle manipulation.
On removing the mucous
membrane the underlying
coats of the stomach are red
and intensely inflamed. The
small intestine, especially the
duodenum, may show patches
of corrosion and inflamma-
tion, if death has occurred
after eighteen or twenty
hours. Fatty changes are
observed in the liver and kid-
neys. Coagulated blood is
found in the blood vessels.

In February 1927, F., a Mahomedan male, aged 30 years, swallowed a quantity of
a mixture of sulphuric and nitric acids after murdering his wife and child, and died
in eighteen hours. At the post-mortem examination held five hours after death the
tongue was found yellowish-brown and corroded, and the lips were also found corroded
and yellowish-brown. Yellowish-brown streaks were noted runniag from the middle
of the lower lips down to the chin and to the right side of the front of the neck. Similar
stains were found on the fingers of both the hands. The mucous membrane of the
mouth and pharynx was detached in places and was yellowish-brown in colour. The
oesophagus was corrugated, was deprived of its mucous membrane at several places and
was yellowish-brown in colour. The stomach contained a pint of a brown grumous
liquid, and was corroded and almost charred. The fundus was so much thinned that
it gave way on removal from the abdominal cavity. The duodenum presented the same
appearance as that of the stomach. The remaining portion of the small intestine cou-
tained a sanious dirty liquid, and was congested and inflamed with hsemorrhagic patches,
especially in its upper part. The large intestine was normal and contained faecal matter.
The other viscera were normal.

In his annual report for the year 1928, the Chemical Examiner, Punjab,
reports the case of a young female child who was* given some sulphuric acid
by mistake, and died rapidly. The mucous membrane of the mouth and
stomach was corroded and congested. The stomach was perforated at the
greater curvature by a hole about the size of a four anna piece.

Chemical Analysis.—The acid is at first separated from the organic
mixture by filtration or dialysis, and thpn the following tests are applied for
its identification:—                            I

Tests.—1. The strong acid cfagrfwood, sugar or other organic matter,
while the dilute acid chars a blolBng paper, especially when heated. 2.
Barium nitrate or chloride solution produces a white precipitate of bajiumi
sulphate, insoluble in boiling nitric or hydrochloric acid. The precipi
collected, dried, mixed with ah equal quantity of sodium carbonate and
on charcoal. The residue will produce a; dark stain when a fragij&eiA of I
placed ei^.a, sift^'ea^                                 Heated

mercury or cbips of'%o^'''s^lg^^^l^e! is evcdved/
>dour aad % first rendering::^^^A then bleaching