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Full text of "Medical Jurisprudence And Toxicology"

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Criminal   Responsibility,   in   relation   to
age, in semisomnolence, 400.

—in somnambulism, 399.

—in somnolentia, 400.

—law in England regarding, 384.

—law in India regarding, 395.

—McNaughten rule and, 395.
Crinum deflexum   (Asiaticum),  poisoning

by, 597.

Crisalbin, poisoning by, 567.
Crockery, wounds by broken, 215.
Crocus sativus, as abortifacient, 336,
Cross-examination, 11.
Crotin, 571.
Croton, 571.
Croton oil, 571, 573.
Croton tigliurn, poisoning by, 571.
Crural index, 23.
Cryptorchids, 286.
Crystals, hsemin, 92.

—Roussin's, 710.
Cuckoo-pint, 596.
Cucumis trigonus, 336.
Culpable  homicide,   229.    (See   Appendix


Cupping, in abortion, 336,
Cupric sulphate, 533.
Curara  (Curare), poisoning by, 748.

—tests for, 748.
Curcin, 595.
Cuscuta reflexa, 336, 593.

—poisoning by, 593.
Cutis anserina, in drowning, 172.
Cytisine, 591.
Cytisus Laburnum, poisoning by, 591.


Daboia, 603 ; poisoning by bite of, 605.

Dabur, 722.

Dactylography, 46.

Daisy powder, 656.

Dakin's solution, 491.

Dangerous Drugs Act, 423.

Dangerous injury, 225, 226.

Darnel, 699.

Darudi, 597.

Data, to ascertain age of injury, 228,

Datura, alba, 673.

—atrox, 673.

—fastuosa, 673.

—illustrative cases, 678.

—metel, 673.

—niger, 673.

—poisoning by, 673-

—seeds, 673, 675.

—smoke, 677.

—stramonium, 673.
Daucus carota, as abortifacient, 336.
Day's test, 89.
D.D.T., poisoning by, 648.
Dead body, examination of, 59-

—identification of, 19.
Dead-born child, 344.
Deadly agaric, 696.
Deadly nightshade, 679.
Death, cause of, 68, 72.

—definition of, 117.

—Gordon's classification of, 119.

—manner of, 68.

—modes of, 117.

—molecular, 117.

Death, presumption of, 144.
—rattle, 117.
—signs of, 121.
—sometic, 117.
—sudden, 120.
—systemic, 117.
—time of, 144.
—time since, 61, 72.
Debility  of  infant  as  a  cause   of death


Decomposed body, 19.
—examination of, 70.
—floatation of, 138.
—sex in, 26.

Decomposition.    (See  Putrefaction).
Deformities, in identification, 20, 51.
—acquired, 52.
—congenital, 51.
Dekrysil, 666.

Deliriant poisons, 433, 673.
Delirium tremens, 629.
Delivery, during sleep, 355.
—feigned, 305.

—in presumption of survivorship, 146.
—post-mortem, 339, 354'.
—signs of recent, in the dead, 301.
—signs of recent, in the living, 300.
—signs of remote, in the living, 301;

in the dead, 302.
—unconscious, 355.
Delphinium   staphisagria,    poisoning   by,


Delphinine, 590,
Delusion, 3(52.

Delusional insanity, 370, 375.
Dementia, 366, 368.
—organic, 370.
—naturalis, 366,
—paralytiea, 378.
Dementia, praseox, 369,
—primary, 369.
—secondary, 369.
—senile, 370.

Denatured alcohol or spirit, 634.
Deposition, of a medical witness taken in

a lower Court, 15,
Dermatol, 553,
Dettol, 473.
pevelopment, of feotus, 340,

—of gases in putrefaction,  182,
Dhakur, 722,
Dhatura, 673,
—Ma, 673.
—safed, 673,
Dhawal, 712.

Diachylon paste, in abortion, 336,
Dial, poisoning by, 655.
Diamond powder, poisoning by, 613.
Diamorphine, 616.
Diaphanous test, 123,
Diaphenylamine test, 461,
Diaphragm, 64,

—position of, in live-birtfo, 345, 346.
—rupture of, 270*
—wounds of, 270.

Dichloro-diphenyl-trichloroethane,      poi-
soning by, 648,
Dicodid, 617.

Didial, poisoning by, 655*
Diethyl-barbituric    acid,    poisoning    by,

Diethyl melonyl-urea, poisoning by, 653,