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Full text of "Medical Jurisprudence And Toxicology"

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Gait, in identification, 20, 57.

Gajar, 336.

Galena, 537.

Gall bladder, examination of, 65.

—injuries of, 274.
Galton system, 46.
Gamboge as an abortifacient, 336.

—poisoning by, 592.
Gangrene in ergot poisoning, 579,
Ganja, 685.

Gardenal, poisoning by, 655.
Gases of decomposition, 132.
Gasoline, 688.

Gelsemine, poisoning by, 708.
Gelsemium elegans, poisoning by, 708.
Gelsemium  nitidum   (sempervirens),  708.

—poisoning by, 708.

—tests for, 708.

General paralysis of the insane, 378.
Genital organs, condition of, in hanging,

Genitals, in virginity, 290.

—haemorrhage from, in infants, 352.
Gerrard's test, 681.
Ghagharbel, 336.
Ghonus, 603.

Giosel's test for cocaine, t591.
Girls, development of breasts in, 37.
Girls, kidnapping of, 39.
Glacial acetic acid, poisoning by, 478.
Glass, powdered, poisoning by, 611.
Glonoin oil, 667.

Gloripsa superba, poisoning by, 596.
Glottis, cedema of, as a cause of death in
suffocation, 166.

—spasm of, 454.
Glucosides, separation of, 445.
Glyceryl trinitrate, 667.
Gogari lakdi, 700.
Gold chloride, poisoning by, 567 ; test for

cocaine, 692.
Gold, poisoning by,-568.
Gonorrhcaa, in rape, 314.

—in unnatural offences, 327.
Goodell's sign, in pregnancy, 296.
Goose flesh, 172.
Goose skin, 172.
GrossypiujECij 335.
Groular<^s extract, 537.
Grains (poiso&cms food), 698.
Green vitriol, 555.
Grievous injury, 225.
Guaiacum test, 80.
Gumchit 574.,               ,,

Gutzeit's test, 510.
Gynandroid, 24.

Habit, in identity, 20, 58.

—influence of, a$ .regards poison, 433.
Hsemagglutinogens, 98.
Hsematoma, 250,
Hsemin crystals, 92.

—crystal test, 92.
Haemorcnromogen, 93.

—crystal test, 93.

—spectrum of, 95.
Hsemogens, 98,

Haemorrhage,   as   a   cause   of   death,   in
infants, 352.

—in wounds, 231.

—extradural, 255.

—intracerebral, 256.

—intracranial, 255.

—subarachnoid, 256.

—subdural, 255.
Hair, 20, 44, 113.

—animal, 113.

—change in colour of, 44.

—character of, 113, 115.

—chemical examination of, 45.

—detection of colour of, 45.

—examination of, 113.

—in determining age, 37.

—fibres, 113.

—human, 113.

—nature of, 113.

—source of, 113, 115.
Hallucination, 362.

Hand, blackening of, by fire-arm, 241.
Handwriting, in identification, 20, 56.
Hanging, 147.

—and strangulation, 162.

—causes of death in, 147.

—definition of, 147,

—fatal period in, 148.
Hanging, illustrative cases of, 151.
—judicial, 148.
—ligature mark in, 148.

—medico -legal questions in, 150.

—nature of ligature in, 147,

—post-mortem appearances in, 148.
—symptoms in, 147.

—treatment in, 148.
Hankin's test for cocaine, 691.

—-Bagchfs modified test of, 091.
Harrison's test for seminal stains, 109.
Hartal, 497.
Hartshorn, 480.

—spirits of, 480.
Hashish, 685.
Head, injuries of, 249.

—post-mortem examination of, 63.
Health,  state of,  in modifying  action   of

poison, 438.
Heart, chambers of, 64.

—contusion of, 267.

—decomposition of, 135-136.

—examination of, 64.

—rupture of, 267.

—weight of, 69.

—wounds of, 265.
Heat, 179, 184.

—cramps, 184.

—death from, 184.

—exhaustion, 184.

—hyperpyrexia, 184.

—medico-legal importance in, 185.

—post-mortem appearances in, 185.

—stiffening, 129.

—stroke, 184.

—treatment, 184.
Hebephrenia, 370, 378.
Hegar's sign, in pregnancy, 2£6.
Height, in age, 28, 3&.
Hellebore, 589.

—black, 591.

—green and white, 589.
EfeHeborug niger, poisoning by, 591.
Hemlock, Spotted, poisoning "by, 747,