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Full text of "Medical Jurisprudence And Toxicology"

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Methanol, poisoning by, 634.

Methi, as abortifacient, 336.

Methyl alcohol, poisoning by, 634.

Methylamine, 610.

Methyl Benzoyl-Ecgonine, 688.

Methyl bromide, poisoning by, 636.

Methyl chloride, poisoning by, 635.

Methylated spirit, 627, 634.

Methyl salicylate, poisoning by, 477.

Metia sindur, 537.

Middle ear, change in, for live-birth, 346,


Milk hedge, 593.
Miller's rat powders, 700.
Millon's reagent, 472, 654.
Millon's test, 471.
Mineral acids, 454.
—poisoning by, 453.
—post-mortem   appearances   of,   455.
—symptoms of, 454.
—treatment of, 454.
Mineral stains, 105.
Minium, 537.
Mirbane, oil of, 663.
Miscarriage, 332.

—accidents from criminal, 338.
—artificial, 333, 334.
—causes of, 332.
—classification of, 332.
—criminal, 332, 334.
—definition of, 332.
—evidence of, 339.
—justifiable, 332, 333,
—legal bearing in, 334.
—means to induce, 335
—natural, 332.
Mitchell's pills, 519.
MitTio, ZahcLr, 723.
Mitscherlich's test, 488,
MocJwii, 699.
Modes of death, 117.

—in survivorship, 145.
Molliseh's test, 115.

Momordica charantia, as abortifacient, 336.
Monk's hood, 723.

Monochloromethane, poisoning by, 635,
Monorchids, in impotence and sterility of

males, 286.

Monster, in legitimacy, 303.
Morbus cseruleus, 352.
Moringa Pterygosperma, 336, 598.

—poisoning by, 598.
Morison's pills, 595.

Morning sickness, sign of pregnancy, 295.
Morphine, 616.

—tests for, 622.
Morphinism, 626.
Morphinomania; 626.
Mostuki, 699.

Mucuna pruriens, poisoning by, 614.
Mudrasang, 537, 547.
Mummification, 122, 143
—artificial, 143.
—in. foetus, 344,
—of cord, 351.
—time of, 143.

Muriatic acid, poisoning by, 462.
Muscarine, 610, 696.
Muscles, contusions of, 282.
Mushrooms, poisoning by, 696.
Mustard gas, 744.
Muthanol, 553.

Mutilated bodies, examination of, 71.

—remains for determining sox, 26.
Mutilomania, 363.
Mylabris cichorii, 600.

—pustulata, 600.
Myristica fragrans, as  abortifadent, 336;

poisoning by, 672.
Mytilotoxine, 610.


Ncepala, poisoning by, 571.
Ntig, 602.
Nagdown, 597. _
Nails, arsenic in, 505.

—in decomposition, 140.
Namakj 565.
Naphtha, 668.

Naphthalene, poisomng by, 661.
Naphthaline, poisoning by, 661.
Narcotic poisons, 615.
Narcotine, 615, 616.
Nasal irritants, 744, 746.
Necrophatfia, 330.
Necrophilia, 316.
Needles, poisoning by, 613.
Nembutal, poisoning by, 656.
Neonal, poisoning by, 656-
Neoarspnenamine, 499.
Neokharsivan, 499.
Noosalvarsan, 499.
Neostibosan, 519,
Ncotrepol, 553.
Nerin, 717,
Nerium odorum, 337, 716,

—poisoning by, 718,
Neural poisons, 747.
Neurine, 610,
Neurotic poisons, 615,
Neurotics, 433.
New Cacodyle, 498,
Nicklc, 568; poisoning by, 569.
—carbonyl, 568.
—chemical tests £or» 569,
Nicotiana tabacum, 709,
Nicotine, poisoning by, 700.
—chemical teste for, 710,
Nicotianine, 709,
Nightshade, deadly, 679,
—woody, 683.

Mia tutia, 533.

Nisholar, 593.

Nitre, 560,

Nitric acid poisoning by, 460.
—illustrative oases, 462,
—tests for, 461,

Nitric-oxide haemoglobin, 741.

Nitrobenzene, poisoning by, 663,

Nitrobcnzol, poisoning by, 663,

Nitrogen monoxide, poisoning fey, 743,

Nitroglycerin, poisoning by, 667,

Nitroxyhsemoglobin, 741.

Nitrous oxide, poisoning by, 743.

Nobel's blasting oil, 667.

Non-metallic poisons, 433, 485,

Nose, injury of, 258; in identification, 48,

Novarsenobenzol, 499.

Novarsenobillon, 499.

Novarsurol, 526*

Novocaine, 690*

Nubile virgins, rape on, 313,

Nutmeg, poisoning by, 672,