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Full text of "Medical Jurisprudence And Toxicology"

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Phosphoretted   hydrogen,   poisoning   by,

Phosphorus, 485.

—acute poisoning by, 486.

—chronic poisoning by, 487,

—tests for, 488.

—treatment of, 487, 488.

—varieties of, 485.
Phossy-jaw, 488.

Photographs, for identification, 42.
Physic nut, 595.
Physostigmatis semina, 707.
Physostigma venenosum, 707.
Physostigmine, poisoning by, 707.
Picric acid, poisoning by, 475.

—reagent, 446.

Picrotoxin, poisoning by, 598.
Pila leaner, 719.
Pilocarpine, poisoning by, 712.
Pilocarpus microphyllus, 712.
Pine apple as abortifacient, 336.
Pithing, 263.
Pithori, 593.

Placenta, disease of, as a cause of death
of infants, 352.

—praBvia, 352.

—separation of, 352.
Platinic chloride reagent, 446.
Platinum, poisoning by, 568.
Ploucquet's test, 347.
Plumbagin, 587.
Plumbago rosea, 207, 336, 337, 587.

—poisoning by, 587.

Plumbago zeylanica, 207, 336, 337, 587.
Plumbism, 539.
Poisonous insects, 608.
Poisons, 422.

—Act, 422.

—action of, 436,

—alternative    classification    of,    433,
434, 435.

—causes modifying the action of, 436.

—channels of elimination in, 436.

—chemical analysis of, 442.

—classification of, 433.

—definition of, 422.

—diagnosis of, 439.

—duty    of   medical   practitioner    in
suspected cases of, 447.

—law relating to, 422.

—methods of administering, 437.

—post-mortem appearances of, 439.

—sale of, 422.

—treatment in cases of, 449.
Police, inquest, 2.

—surgeon, 2.

Pomum Adami, in age, 37.
Poppy, capsules, 615.

—seeds, 615.

—seed oil, 615.
Poroscopy, 46.
Porphyroxine test, 622.
Post-epileptic insanity, 380.
Post-ka-doda, 615,
Post-mortem, caloricity, 125.

—delivery, 128, 339, 354.

—examination, 59.

—external, 61.

-—instruments for, 61.

—Internal, 63.

—object of, 59; rules of, 59.
Post-mortem, report, 59.

Post-mortem, rigidity, 127.

—staining, 122, 125; time of, 125.
Potassium antimonyl tartrate, 518.
Potassium, poisoning by, 560.

—arsenato, 497.

—arsenito, 497.

—binoxalatc, 469.

—-bromide, 491.

—carbonate, 480.

—chlorate, 561.

—chromate, 559.

—cyanide, 729, 730,

—dichromate, 559.

—ferrocyanidc, 104, 735; tost, 740.

—hydrate, 480.

—hydroxide, 480.

—iodide, 493.

—nitrate, 560.

—permanganate,   556;   poisoning   by,

-—•sulphate, 562.

—sulphide, 562.

—siilpho-cyanide, 104,
Precipitin, 95.

Prccipitin test for blood, 95; for semen,

—application of, 9(1

—limitations of, 97.

—technique of, 96.
Precipitate labour, 355,
Pro-epileptic insanity, 380,
Pregnancy, 290. 293,

—age in, 287, 288,

—average duration of, 305.

—concealment of, 295.

—legal questions in, 293,

—maximum period of, 306.

—minimum period of, 307.

—objective signs of, 295.

—si$ns of, in the dead, 299.

—subjective signs of, 294.

—tests for, 298, 299.

—unconscious, 360,
Presumption, of death, 144,

—of survivorship, 144*
Preternatural combustibility, 197.
Privileged communications, 410.
Professional secrets, 17, 410,
Prolonged labour, 353.
Prontosil, poisoning byj 658,
Proof spirit, 627.
Proponal, poisoning by, 656.
Prosecuting Inspector, 11.
Protargol, 554.
Prussian blue test, 733.
Prussic acid, poisoning by, 729.
Psychic epilepsy, 380.
Ptomaines, 610.
Puberty, in female, 287,

—in male, 285.

Pugilistic attitude  (posture), 129, 192,
Purgatives, in criminal miscarriage, 336,
Putrefaction, 122, 131,

—circumstances modifying, 189.

—-external phenomena of, 131.

—internal phenomena of, 135,

—in water* 137.

—tables of, 134, 135, 138,
Putty powder, 558.
Pyramidon, poisoning by, 657.
Pyridme, poisoning by, 661
Pyrogallic acid, poisoning by, 474,