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Full text of "Medical Jurisprudence And Toxicology"

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Spine, -concussion of, 263.

— examination o£, 66.

— fractures of, 261.

— injuries of, 261.
Spirit, of salts, 462,

—of turpentine, 670.
Spleen, decomposition of, 135, 136,

— examination of, 65.

—rupture   of,   274 ;   illustrative   cases
of, 276, 277.

—size of, 65.

—weight of, CD.

—wounds of, 277.
Spontaneous combustion, 197,
Spotted hemlock, poisoning by, 747.
Squill, poisoning by, 596.
Staining, post-mortem, 122, 125.
Stains, blood, 86, 87,

—dye, 105.

—mineral, 105,

—rust, 104,

— seminal, 106.
—vegetable, 105.

Stannic chloride, 558,
Stannous chloride, 558.
Staphisagrine, 590.
Starvation, 179.

— acute, 179,
--chronic, 179,

—conditions influencing, 180.
—fatal period of, 180.
—medico-legal questions in, 181,

— postmortem  appearances in death

from, 180, 181.

— symptoms of, 179,
-treatment of, 180.

Stas-Otto process, 444,
Static tost, 347.
Stature, 77, 78,
Stavo«acro, poisoning by, 500.
Sterility, 284.

—in the female, 287,

•—in th& male, 284.

--•questions relating to, 284,
Sternum, examination of, 64 ; fracture of,

Sternutatory 744,

—poisoning by, 746.
Stlbamims 519.
Stlbenyl, 519,
Stlbtat, 519,

Stibosan, 519,

Stigmata maidos, poisoning by, 699.
Si Ignatius beans, 700,
Still-births, 344.
Still-born child, 344.
Stomach, changes in,, 345, 350*
—decomposition of, 136,

— examination of, 65,
—post-mortem digestion in, 144.
•—effects of poison oa, 441,
—•rupture of, 271.

—weight of, 69»

•—•tub®, use of* in poisoning, 449,
Stovarsol, 498,

Stramonium, 673 ; seeds, 675.
Strangulation, 153,

-~ appearances on the neck, 154,

— causes of death in, 154,
—definition of, 153,
—feigned, 161,

Strangulation, illustrative cases of, 162.
—in infanticide, 356.

— ligature mark in, 154.
—medico-legal questions in, 158.
•—post-mortem appearances of, 154.
—symptoms of, 154.

— treatment of, 154.
Strophanthin, poisoning "by, 715.
Strophanthus, 715.
Strychnine, 700.

—poisoning by, 701.
—tests for, 703.
Strychnos colubrina, 700.

— ignatii, 700.

— nux voniica, 700.

— tieute, 700.
Stupor in katatonia, 377.
Subarachnoid haemorrhage, 256,
Subpoena, 9.

Subchloride of mercury, 525.
Subdural haemorrhage, 255.
Subsulphate of mercury, 525.
Sudden death, 120.

—causes of, 120, 121.
Suffocation, 164.

—causes of, 164.

—definition of, 164.

—fatal period of, 166.

— illustrative cases of, 167.
•—in infanticide, 354, 355.
—medico-legal questions in, 167,
—mode of death in, 166.

— post-mortem     appearances     from,


Sugar of lead, 536.
Suggilation, 122, 125,
Suicidal wounds, 238.
Suicide, in burns, 195.
—in drowning, 177.

— in hanging, 151.

— in starvation, 182.
—in strangulation, 159.

— in suffocation, 167.
Suis, poisoning by, 576.
Sukhadarskan, poisoning by, 597.
Sukka sharab, 651.
Sulfarscnol, 499,

Sulphanilamide, poisoning by, 658.
Sulpharsenobenzene, 499.
Sulpharsphenamine, 499.

Sulphate of indigo, poisoning by, 455, 456.
Sulphocyanide, (thiocyanate) test, 733.
Sulphomolybdic acid test, 630.
Sulphonal, poisoning by, 652.
Sulphonarnide, poisoning by, 658.
Sulphonmethane, 652.
Sulphur dioxide, poisoning by, 743.
Sulphuretted    hydrogen,    poisoning   by,

Sulphuric acid, poisoning by, 455.

•  »—• post-mortem appearances in, 456.

— properties of, 455.
—tests for, 457.

Sulphuric ether, poisoning by, 638*
Sulphurous acid gas, poisoning by, 743.
Sulphurous anhydride, poisoning; by? 743.
Sunstroke, 184.                       - l

, poisoning by, 713,
Superbine, 596.
Superfecundation, 305, 308,
Superfoatation, 305, 308,,
Supposititious children, 3()5v