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ConversLicions with John Sherm: 



Conversiarionswith John Sherman 

lilitcd hi" CarL Shcrniad. 


I7JS0cariirsCTwJ. SujCgJOrJ.StinFrancLSCQ. CdfE^rruti. WJU5, 

Qcok Tfl Cd^^ Dcitgn; Caria ^hcnrun 
Ccjvt^ PFideu Tim Ncibl^ 
Editor CjiHz 5ti[^rrLin 

^cccind pfintlng' ?ODS Rcvlsod rdation 

^hlcnrHcan frcsE 

Plume fBfl^Jfr*-J-ICO0 

b ttp I ^^i-^i^wjifenEhciifT net 
Lnib^rvtT^angiti rg 

Friiiosl m th^ IJnncA Stjns orAjccinLii 


Credits II 

Rzircvh-oitl vij 

AcknGVp'lcclgcmcnt? "Vtii 

Pitfccc at. 

Surrcndrr ood Investigation 25 

TTictc h Nd PIjq: lo Stiand 53 

Hpw to conLicC John !5li:fmaii G? 


Dai" Intcns1"vc ivith John Shcrmin at the Tcmcscd G-itcwj^" Parkp 
it! Pacific Paliiodc^i CaLfomti3i on September 22^ 2002, 


RauiLKlI Sf ^h ^lurs 




mi J btKik t^ .1 fine cx:impli: of John s no-frll!^ mc5s."^c; 2. 
iniDGlJi cntn^ into the cub|cizt^ followed hv ii simple k^ing-outof 

the fundjjncrntL"Js — with no superfluous vcrbl^gt. 

Bi' izurrent atjncLirdij John's voicc rings niosc loLid and 
dear, the comments br the^ demoniirjitc thjc thiv If 5d, 

It even sound?; iii though he m^v gerniinjte iincw gencratLon of 
LacherSp as did P^qfl. 

TTiii Is a "worthTiVhilc booklet, for those who Itiveno other 
^ccesi to Johnn 

Robert Wblfc 
Ofid, C4dtfornri^ 

Scptcmhcrll, Z004 


Acknc ^'Icdgracnci: 

Our sinccn: grjititudc to Launc Hopc>"who gninouslr Jnd 

Wonderfully trjinicrtbctl lKc tapes oFtlicic nicccir^s. 

^Kt arc inimcniiclv grjitcRjJ to Robert Wolfcp whose 
sUggc^Cioni and o^nimcnE^ Were vcn JnstrLlnKntiil Ln making the 
book ic li now, 

*TnanlcTOLL, j\\ oFiTm ivho ciimc to thti intcniive ^ur 
pne^nce^ repoirs anilqucitignEnuckc chjf book foi^tblc. 



John SlicrntkLi met hi? tcachcij dangajij in June 1^94, 
when he ^v-as in the ISth ir^rcFifnpriwnmcnC in fedcTiil prjwnK 
for crinici comnxjttcd in ihe 7(]\ in the name of lirnicd revolution. 
Cinga|J luid been LnvLJed Co the prLMn hD oEIcr \iiL'ijng there In 
that first meeting, John dj SCO vcrcdhtmjiclftq be ctcmalh' and 
LinizondLtLoniill^' free. 

After thti first mceiJng wJcn Gangjjt, he spent .mother 
three-and-a-half ^rars In prtEon^ beieire he wa^ fin-ilh' relcjwx[_ 
During diat tlniep he decph^ eicpericnord what has come to 

l^e known as *^chc dark night of the aoui'^, Ic "was a [ime when 
cycnthing he thought he had gAlncd in chat meeting "W" I ch G^nggji 
Bcemca to disappear^ leaving hJni empti'-handcd and hopeless. 
During diat tlniep he started rcadtng Ram_ina M.^Lir^hi's bookv 
■3nd, out of despcraciorii he followed his instructlonj to chc Jetier. 

Wnat he discovered tn thU true meeting with Ramana 
MaLiTihi IS coffered to "^tfu in this book, through hi^ dialect wtth 
spirlrual sreiters horn all oyer chc countni 

Find Yourself 

SomctlmcT m Jujt jecrn^ ro sillvto ^pcJc Nothing tin ever 
be jddc:d to wlut is ^ilrc-jdi' present hrt^i as yon. Nevertheless, here 
we Jirt J jjn gotng to tdka tittle bit ^hout ftr" slon\ to begin chh 
morning;. Mostof ^t3u hnvc hecm ic In one form or another^ but 1 
WiinC to put this retre-Jt in tontcst — b^'ivKLth i mcjn mi ston\ 

After fliteen Vc^i Ln Eederd prLsan^s onjbsoluEeh' iaipoisJbte 

Btroln: of iuekor Grjce cime to me. Gjnga(i vt sited che priion 
where l"w:i5. At the ttme of meeting Gjngnjij I h^id hjd j. total of 
aix nionthi of ipuituiil piactice I Wi^ Uiii^le to meet her tlie £rs[ 
time ihe e^ime to ihe pHaon: I ^as eqo terrified. I didn't Jmo^ chat 
ic■^Vcl3 ihe ^vho lud ^parked this terror I ani not even certain that 
It IS Jiccuraie to nuke connection now_ Nevertheless, I pjistt:d 
an the first opportunin" chjt I had to meet her, becrusc I wjis 
stricken wJthagrciit terror, jnd I imniediiitel^^ began Vn'hjt WiOi to 
be on extrtmelv truntiited Buddhist prjicticc 

I had previously known no intcrcfl: whatmcvrr in spiritual 

practice or sp| Ideas, after all, T svas a devoted and committed 
Marti it/ Lenlnl^t for whom spiritual practice or spiritual ideai 
"were anathemj. Iherii somchown sir months after ihat first mivsed 
□pportunitv, ^hc returned. Hovi' unlikch is thi^^ Not onh did I get 
^ chance to mecc her in a federal prjsqnp but when I wa^ failed tc 
dg H3 the firjhT nmc^ she came bacU 

In am" cvenCp between her first vlsir co the prison and the 



scD:>nd Gm:, I embarked Upon j BtiddKii^l: practicr. Hie Tibetan 
BliddhrisL^^crc aiming to the prison [ Sv^n iiitoiii^licd to 

qlJCLTwr, imnicJincclvupon hearing some ot' their CKichjngST imt 
I knew cver^'thtng thci' Were talking ahouc — i[ Wju iiU dccph' 
and intlnui^^ l^:uniiLir eo me The wordii .ind the conctpt^ thev 
proYtdcd me ^VLth^giive nK jn inteJIccto^ undcrstiindjngQf wkat 1 
alreiojJ^' knew. So I began this ribctan Buiidhi^t practice with great 
^E^l andintcresc and afnjKmcnt. I was seen bv tha^e who were 
mniing into the pri^n to he adviinorel jn mv under standing, i^nd 
thei' brought a Tibetan Lama in to give me rclvs^and baddhiucra 

I aJso spent choie six months in contaa with the people 
who were involved with Gangai^ and iill that time I wa.Talwavs 
denouncing her, I knew "verr wc\[ thjt wLit slie hjd to iavwaj 
fooliihnc^Si not to be paid attention to 1 was fond of Kiinng, "Tlic 
BLlddhiiL-^hdve been ubout thi^ business for ^,500 vcir^i and thev 
know what thci' arc doing Tliii v^um_ul comes tn here and tcll^ ui 
that ^'ou need to do nothing'. And she uMi that, en £actj Lt Jjronli' 
the thingi chac ^"ou are doing that jLind in the w^^' of what rau arc 
tn'hng to Jttiiini 

Sot 1 caJlcd her a fraud J didn^ Itnow what her g.ime W3s 
or wWi in the world \he Would be coming into a federal priion. 
Ihcnr wai no mono^Jn tt for her chenr I? no Rime or Jortune to be 
Jaad there, but one thing woi dear to me sheWasEJse SheWasa 
frjLid I used to watch her videos during that period and, in niudi 
the lamc ^'ai" chac I knew wh^it the BucWhtic^ were t.iJking about, 
1 h^fXi^ her I did not realize that it Was the iame unespectcd^ silent 


knowing ihjdfWJi present in Fcgjrd to the Duddhi^E rcjchings. 
It itlt mofCiis if I had known her jonic tLiuc corlitr in m^' lifci 
ni^^'bc not n:al]v ^cll, but wtrlJ cnoLigh ao chjt I o^uld rtcogntzc 
her gcitiircij the t^^jv ihc LLirncd hcrdfj and the wav \hc ^pokc. I 
o^Lild not figunr out how I knirw^ htr hue sJncc It ?rau]d be in jffy 
life thiit I knew her, it did not stem to bode well for her 

^^ThcR she returned to the prtsonp in June of [^^)4^ I -W'js 

id?le to njeet her pcrsonalli', fiicr to ^ice, upon lieramviil At tlul 
pojnt, I had 3 icdh" iratlsfacton' understanding of jp hi tujl truth T 
iTiU quite HtLsficd wtth the contLnutd deepening of ni^' intetleiztUiil 
LindcrsCandLngof spLriCual rcoliti" thiit hjd been trL^ertd b^' mi' 
meeting ^ith the Buddhists Her tcjchtngj tuch as tfw3Tp did not 
£t into that. 

On thedai' of her sco:?nd visits it ^Vas [ Svho had ^et Up the 
mom for her. I hud taken ore of the ivrongemcnts and rrmde sure 
that the people "who w.intcd to aee thi^ herctleknew thac she was 
CDmlng. It woi m^' rciponMbilLti" to nidet her when ^he arrived 
Tvith herentour:^e, and lo tell [hem what the .irronge men tj "were 
and to take them to ^vhere die^ would he, ^^en she walked Up to 
mc^ ihe Cookm^' hand and looked into mi' ei"ei quite ofdtnarih'. 
You knoWp there "WjfnV on \" splHtuol eneigh"; shc"W"a^ nralli'" quite 
ordmor^', and ihe said: ^Hi You mu^t be John ^ She had heard of 
mr energetic opposition to her. And^ as she greeted mc> I itmplv 
diisolvcd and the whole mcehontsm of understandings die whole 
rticchaniini of fudgmenc and relationship, of die mointenanorof 
fHf dlrappeonrd, Ic ali stopped, 


TTicrc i^ no WJl' [ cm posiibh' describe to I'ou the 
npcrJuia: of that 1 jm iiduall^' cionl^dcnc th^il: all of I'ou bcrc 
In ch|^ room kivc knc^wn this cxpcntRcc, thii|^tmp&tr, this 
mflfflfWi^FJ;j'djiKolutLon of jdcntitij the jnomcntiir^' stopping of the 
mind\ frcnctLccflorts co a^ntrol^ to undcrsLind, to do something 
fliflWJ" Kinicthlng. Notliing more hjppcjied for the entire time thai 
she Vfc^ai diere. When ihe left thiSL earning, 3 lud Hillen hopelessly j 
Tvilolv, un con troJlabhp without rcscr.^intT tn love with her. Wheri 
she left m^' sight, I Iclc like mi' heart had been torn out of ni^' 
chest. 1 h^ neyt:c tni^Jnctl sucJi tormentp such pain|Ormch \qa 

[ saw her one more timej before I "Was relcjucd from prlsonj 
and th.1t wnr ^Iximonchs after our fir^t meeting FblJowing th^ 
seoijnd nieeling, I Was not to lec her i^aln for tlifcc-jnd-a-hjilf 
Tears, when 1 iv^r finally rtlcivcd from prijpn. 

[n the ftrst iTarof our meettngi ever^'thtng thdt 3 dcdi^'iis 
done TvJth tlie antcntof pltiitnghcr There "was nothing] would 
not have done to c^n ^nd hold her love and her attention I 
"would have donean"^'th|ngJ if rhat could Keep hcr.itienrion and 
her love on me. I "Wrote of this love — letter after letter — which 
were all love letters to her; I haJ nian^'absolutelv ewrjordinan', 
m^nLhccntcjizperLcnars dunng that ^ear and 1 wrote of them 
often to her. She rci^i tho^" letters m^tung, wherever she wenL 

[t had dawned on niCi eari^' on^ that the on[\ thing thai 
rrij/^ Would please her would be ftir me to wake Lip Nothing elst 
Then: wa^ nothing else ihc "wanted from me other than that I wake 

up permanently; dial I be ^finiihed^ permanench". 


TltiC first iTTor Wii5 :i time of rapture iad indescribable 
LnrensiBiiition of ihe desire lo ptc^ise her, to win her love^ to be 
Tvhat she "wantCLl me to be Or « 1 thought. Rnalh\ ofcer :i vcj\rr 
this entire edifia: of splrilUiJ y?7ftotMlf77d colLipsed ir!o hell and 
torment J h^d tried yen' hard co den^ her "whjt she Lid wonted, 
1 bjd tried ver^ kird not to obci" ber I lud done Tomc things 
tbiit \he 4J1W to be a hetrj^'al Nat j. betrav^ of her, but j bctrj^-ii 
of mvfflfp 3 betrj^a] ultlnotclvof I'ou. I found mvsdlf in :i hell 
Jliucb bigger, much more jncscipiible, much more horriR'lng 
than Jinnhing I ojuldb^rvc ever im.^Jncd The Af//w3s ai bigp^j 
huge and intense iii the irur uifi^jl^idlif hai been- It was during 
that Unic in hell thjt I j^^dj/^ turned m^' .attention to Ranuna 

[ kid Ignored [Liman.iMaharshl. ] thought chjc [Limarm 
Wiii not Vcri" interesting* and was not vcn" important. After all, I 
"friij G2ngjji\ pet. I WJ5 her favorite 1 ^Vis eloquent and poijiionace 
In che ei"preislon that I gave to thti Jove. I he.ird the Jtoncs sing^ 
What did f need with Eiam^ina, slniple-mindcd Ramana, j&j^-ijffl-/ 
Riimana^ I knew who [ ivoij I hjd knoftri it since the Buddhists 
amc 1 ^Vas "infinite^ pure, innoornt consmousncss^pla^mgas 
the lover of Gon^ji. 

But w liopclc^s and so desperate was I to regain the itate 
that J kid loihi; io hopelcvs and so de^perace was T to es<:^c from 
the hell that 1 had fuund mvwif in^ that I would have turned to 
am'bodi'j ff^fff to ELimana: even th^^ Mmpic minded wh<]-ani-] gUv 
that hod n:alh' nothing vcn" In teresdr^ co sar. At that potnc, I did 
Jiot suppoie that he held an^' thing interesting to \av But I linall^" 


realized the depth 2nd the darit^', and the hLogenesiofRrifncinji 
reJizjtion — and his Willingness, hn deter jniiiiif ion to give it 

R.TfTiina ipcnc twelve "\Txu"T"^]chout ^pcaklngT hidtngout 
£rom people But tlie^ follovnTd him around and hounded htm 
and, finalli, hegiivc tip_ And from then until the end of his life, 
he spent evcn^ waiting moment giving jwvn' this rcalifJtion> and 
the method whereby' he hjd realized the truth cf ^u hdng to be 
the truth of vofli" being. The truth of j^/ being- 

[ Itillowcd liii instmctLon? with the senouAnesA of intent 
"n^ith"y^^hLlJl,a^ ^cv 337p "an"L"in with his linir on finr iceks "W'jitcr. 
Ml' intentLCin Wiii no! as ptirc as it might have been What I 
"wanted "was to cieape from hell. But, pure or not, ttwas big iind 
oVerndLng jnd vcr^' serious. 

The rciiKin that T tel! I'ou tht^ storr i^beciusc cvervihing 
that ] spcak-of tod^^', or m an^' meeting dut ^ou nia^' ^d me m^ 
\% spoken from the eipcricncc of Living followed che In^hirueieons 

cif RamionaMaharshi — within the hugeneiK of diii 3oVc that m 
CangafJ. Evcr^diing, that i ipeak to luu about, ODmci from the 
cKpcricRce of havtng Jollowedhif mstruetloni. eycn. when thci' 
didn't make an^' Mrnie to me. 

What 1 hiid heard from ^anga|i, ilntll then. Was that [ 
should do rw!)in^' Hiat I should itop cvcr^'thlng thjt I wan doing 
And what I heard from Ramana was that one should mokt the 

Utmost intense effort of one\ entire lifc to diiouvcr the truth of 


ones Idcnut^^ Andi in m^' ignoriincc jC chaE timcj it Kcmcel fo 
me that thow t^G thlngT were rfv^^ttTflJ. It rcaHv liiJ seemed to 
mc for iomc cJmc chat, b^' rrujdng this huge tffbn: that ILinmrui 
^slti of uij I %v^ in wmc t^^j^' bctTii^'ii^ Gangiji. BuE so horrtbic 
wjii the hell (which consisted ont^' oF?h"jnttng Gan^jjlV love and 
believing iJui 1 hjd IgaE itj^ and so intenKe was m^ dctcrmLn^tion 
Eg escape £rom this helJ, thjt 1 Would have dene an^'tliing, even 
3t rbe o?5rof dcnring Gangajj's mcis^e and, |n!hTe;id, jdoptjng 
Raniand^ icjichjng. So I followed RioniEina^i ini^tructions. I foUoSvcd 
them as iveJ! as I couJd And I ani here todjiv co teJl I'ou ahouc mi' 
experience \n follovn'ing Ramana'i inKtructions — and to pasi on E& 
I'ou wbat I learned from him. 

[e ELirns oLit drat Ramana wan not ai nonverbal ai might 
be irru^incd, Ramana in fact tud a who[e Jot and, ai with anv 
being through ^vhicli lome transmission of tbc Eruth niusE flow, 
tie iaid man^ Ehjngs that are contradictor^^ tie ^d ionie doings 
Loiffl^Jf people, other things to oi,^pcopte — as doc? Gangiji, as 
does Papaii, a^ does even'une who Eriei Eo Apeak thi^ unspeakable 

Soj what i\3u bear from rue Ls Svhat [ heard from him. TlilJ 
Is not scripture W^do noc open a hook here, and read from It and 
then tiVj "Oh, but he \aid such-and-such over there ^ ^^t I fiavc 
to oiler to "^TFLl LsTvhat Gan^i hiu commanded me to oftcr I'ou, 
which IS m^' own espcrLcnce Mv own self. Completeh". 

One of the most fundamental instructionSpOneof the mort 
fundamental transmissions that comes £rom RamanEi Maliaidii 


Elhd^dio comcj from GjngDji and Piipi3|i^ i^ chii: cvcn^thing 
I'ou know aboLit ^pirLto^Lin' ii ji:^fl^t/;/H; licrc. Evcrv 4nnccpt, ntj 
nT-ntcj" hc]W Tubtlc^ no n"Liticr ho^ Tccmlngli' jcoinitc, no rroticr 
JiDW bcjutifijlx no iTuttcr how wonderful, even' conffpt without 
nccptjon — ^cry sutrnipCvcn" scripture, even' mantnin even' 
teaching — Le Svorthlc^s here it j^, in facL, ft^ow thjn worthless. 
It if J debilitating obstruction to the poisibilic^' oF^cHi being 
HnishedrOno: ^nd Irir ^l> in this momentn with the tt:af"[Ji for die 
truth If ^'ou trul^' Wiint tlie truth, I'ou muAt be Wllljng to dnicird 
cyenthing voLL [Ifwk '^'ou hojii^ Jibout it — all the i/fljjof jdvjttj. 
and non-dualir^'h iJl the tdeaTof the onene^^of bcLngj all the ideii 
cif the CKperJcncc of realLZLSlLon. Even' CKpectation that I'ou might 
h^ve must be thrown in the tniih ThcTare no |pod to tou now. 
Perhaps i2t one tinic the^ were. Rjnianii\pcjkiohenof theiiwfLilnesi 
of those ctiching^ to c^t icn_L as fjraf ^'ou haw gotten: tolejtlvou on, 
to Cenipt ^"ou. Buthcrexirvdnow, die^' jreof no uic N^nc 

This is the hrjt thing thac I realb' absorbed fmm R-imani 
AndiflttAelcaniined, jf Jt is o?n^idcrcd just for Ji iccond^ LfwiUbt 
qbvJouv to rau chjt chit ih the cisc. Thev ^reot" no uie now Thcr 
miy return re invigorated, with new life brejthcd into diem Ihcr 
rnai return in sLich a wj^' tl^at luti ee them from aditieitnt point 
ofytcw. Bucfor nqwa for igd^-p chrow them aw^. 

Rjmana'^ instruction Is regarding chc JnvcTtlgatlon into the 
actuahtv of vDur jdentlt^'- TTue Lc what he cncotiTi^cj u^ to hnd 
— for no reaion at all. If vou enter into thi; with the Intention 
qf somehow ^t^jTffJjaomerh I ng irom Jc, vou aindemn rotirself 
to iomc unpleasant times iLimana la; ven" dear: if I'ou arc herCj 


whjKVcr j^^lD be done jlrfcid^' h^s been done Tfi'ou an M^lcH 
for fivcmLnuEci Co Vh'kil: 1 jm ^laving wLthotit running from djc 
roonip cvcmhing chjt had to bcdDn^ hj.^ been done The ofJt" 
rtmiainlngqti^ifiizjtion, jco^rding to R^iniiinii^ ii Tout /yjfj'w/'Jflrrj 
and in nn'ccpericnor thti \s chc frutliH 

Now ^'ou «:e right aWii^' Svh^' apJritUid oDncrpts get in the 
w^r. 3f I vpeak chc word ''intention,'^ "wt know from nx^ngall the 
lutTJi ^ind Jl of the Acripturcf i^d ^1 of the eXpLmjEiDn^ .ind the 
teachtng^p that Intention, in truthi is not anhthing' tRit there is no 
drte for /ohmi inrentjon on be Nevertheless, R^inijna tells us that 
theonh' thtng required is the jbwiutenesa of ^'our intention. Tlii* 
ha rc;:il]v good exLunple ot'wh^' theie sp|ritu:il jde-.iE h.ivc to be 
disorded^even if thc^'^e true. 

[t turn-out Cangiji sa^'^ die some thing, Eoldiough I did 
jidt hciir It from her Jt first Tlie intentLon dut is required of 
TOM (and this is jj^/tLit j^ required of tou) ts the utterh' ^riou^ 
determimition Co know chc iictuafm' of ^'our identic^ Nothing 
e|ic. Not the Intention co gdn enlightenment, noc the intention 
Co gain reLiliinlJonT not die intention to be finished widi ignofiince 
and iuHcnng- TKr desire to be finished wjth auficrlng Jt whjt got 
YOU as fjir ^ vou 3rc now_ Now that cm be thrown nwji' The only 

■ h 4 

thing required m the intentton to discover the lictU-iliti' of I'ouf 
identity" for voursclf The incerition to be finished fooling afound^ 
and to an^Vh'ec the ont^ questJun that niiitteri: Who jm I n^illyf 

[ siiipea [hat j\\ hum-Ui [jves Ignore this question, and 

pretend that it Ia something alrejd^ known^ \ plfff^n/ i^'i I knovF* 


who 1 jm — 1 am \:hc one ^4ici is doing afl thtj. lam the one 
who npcTlcncr^ thji hodv and thi^ life, ft is iiiruTzing lo nic, in 
rctru^pcct, the uctcr ignomncc of n reliitionihip Tvlthonv true 
Knjc of our idcntiti- ii lo taken forgrantcdi ignored and denied. 

TliJi M dl chat i^ asked of itiu" at lraj?t For ihis timevh'e have 
togcthefh that VDU ^Vantniore than an^'thing — to theejcduiion 
of cvenThingelfl: — to get the aai_Li]tn' of I'our tdennn', Rnnian;! 
cd!i us, jind I hciVc found this to be the cue, that the onl^ thought 
thar should he of an^' interest to i"ou> the onh' choughE thac should 
hisc an^ draw for ^oilr Jttenuon is ^vhac lie cJli the ^1- thought", 
hi' wludi he meaniego. for Rajnana, the word^ *<^'*i ^1^ Jnd 
*mJnd*T all poini eucth" co the i^inic thing Mind is cgOp "I" \5 
ego Ego i^, in trutli^ even-thing there i^ to ui. 

One diing is ^ure: as ^ou mC here, ^'ou have a wrnseof 

identity', a lenie of cKlstcjicCi a acnseoFbcUig so^/IfS/)in^^ i"oU kno^' 
nptT^hat, Riimana cAh chu aenst the "l-thought'> aqd he ceU^ 
UJS that no other thought is worth looking at All other thoughth 
"ivithouc exception, can be distinguished from chlv core thought. 
Because ever^' flj^ff thought, no matter how vLaoUK^ no matter 
how low-minded, no matter how high-minded, or no matter how 
wondrous in Itv tncent or its hcyuti" or its subtlccv^rvcr^" other 
fifel^j^J" has a relationship with ^I.^ Ever^ thought other than 
T has a rfl^nof/^hip svtth '^T. ^ It sprtngs from *^I" — "what I Itke 
abotit things^ wliat 1 do not bke about thjngs, "^hat I iduse to 
accept about diings, what 3 do about thingi, what I want, what 
I need, or what I don'c wane , "what miiic go awai' . All of tt, 
without exception^ relates dirccth' baek to this ^nrc thought *I," 



which jccoivling Co Ri^IeItU] Lc ego — ^ ii ThccncinrCi' of the 
mind. HicrcforCj ELirnan.i lug^tsts th^l: ^r n:fujc to attcmJ to anv 
thought ncccpc the thought "I ^ Rnm^m.icnLTsurjgci u^.dcnuncLr 
cif Ll:^, begs UKj ple^^ with tJ5, to Jttrnd onh' to ^1 " To refuse 
^ttcntton to j\[ che other thoughts thac go on.nna Intend eo mm 
otir iittentJon inWiord towiiid the thinker, toward the joj^^rfoF thought 

^^ThcR SVC use thth svord "sourcen "wc thtnk we knowivhat 

Wc arc talking about. E^peclailv jn ipiritoal eirdcT^ the 'louro:/ of 
ouLifiei t!t this ''inftjittc ocean of conidousncss ^ That th nor ft'hat 
Ranuna-m^s Rxiraana a^'s the source of ail appearance j^cgo So 
the tjfgetof our investigation is cgo_ ELimanaask.T ui to ^nrfcgo^ 
to find "T " And {i^fjo n tt that is co perform chlv tnvcscigjtioni^ 
Ego. [t i:scgo tiiat rfofj even thing. It iiego that J^ the motofx tlie 
cnginc> hv ss-hich the entire tinlver^e ti m_ui|fcst And it u the 
belief in c^ aj our identic that ts the toutcc oI""jH sLiffcring^aH 
hatcfulnesii all niurderi all betfa^'al, ali niiier^' whatroever So let 
cjolind igf} Ihts [s the Invitation of Ramana Maharshl Let ego, 
instead of ligurtng ever^tlungclsc out, figure out itsclE Let it find 
its own j^^ 

EgOj af cauf5£,Mitf i It lia not present ■^vhen there U deep 
itcp. There Uno one here in deep sleep, There if nobodv, then: 
ia no mlndi there Js no univcfTCi there iino nie, there ii no 
J-thoi^ht Tliti I? the sweetness of ilcep: I anijjcMr 

Ego IS a thought that arlKeK It is different froman^' other 
thought, bccjusc j[ Is the sourer of all other chought fr arl^e^ 
in some ihj/fg- This that itarJiei in ii ^tmrwlf, die subject of 



all lijur seeking" the core of ego. Sdx Wt ictego on the taikof 
looking for itscff, of sinking its oftcntLon into it^ own njrorCi of 
hplding-itiencion on itwlf onh, of refuting lo .ictcnd :o Jinrof the 
jTt^nLlSccnteKpresiions thdH it ipcwi out. Hiis varizh fcr ego, b^' 
1^, \^ [he cvstnre of jf^-ji;^irjf;^tf rim- 
Now ^'ou on Tce wIit, i^iiin^ ipiitCtJ^ a^mxpt; hnvc no 
place hcrc> the^" .inr of no u^e tn thii investigation. We know 
thiit ego doej not exi^t So, vn'ouliJ it not be better to Watch ra^' 
bieoth^ Or to periorm fapriT orpLi|Jior worship^ Well, ^"ou ^vould 
actually be better doing nothing. You woLitd jctoolh he better 
abiolutcl^' jW?7y^j!^fir J liar st'ho i^ to do diat^ VlTio Ji diere to 
surrender itself iajego^ And if s^ou chlnlc^^^ hnvc surrendered, 
who h It that thinki this but c^of 

[f ITDU hc^ nothing eliCj hear diis" Ramiinatelk u^ that the 

purpoie of ^ our Itfc ii to discover the actLLiIjt^ of ^our identlt^'r 
Thcnr |^ no purpose "wbatsocvcr fofiTm other than thac j^nd tt Is 
nu'expencnor that, tnithfuUi^ thts i the Wai" we spend oLir lives, 
although we uihuolh^ do noc know that we anr doing that, Orwe 
deny thjt we arc doing thjt^ beoiuv to jdniit Jt would be to admit 
that ^1 do not liave a due who f am talking jbout when 3 ^^' L^ 

But it II mi" esperjence in thji Ijfe — and a^far as I con 
tell frum tho^e I have spoken wJrh, It is tlic prominent eitperiencc 
c^f humanjt^ — that we ipend our lives trving to J^^nreout 

who we are j\nd thj^ confirms Raniona^ Jnsight that this is the 
^U^flff of our life. Romona^ ^u^cstlon ih thac we quit looiang 
in ^ the Wrong plaizes and instead turn our attention dirccdr 


n Nn YL'pumFj.F 

to otir identity'. To tr^' with e^II of our hr^t to find our idcndc^' 
— kaowlng^ohvfcDuihfc thjt it ea not to be foLind in thoughtjij 
crriDcionVi GrctimsnincCi hod^n etc. Then lie Eclh uv, and ch|s 
isahaolutcl^' mi' cspencncCi thoc the invc^tigjtlon itself Jj the 
realization thqc ^oll wck wJch vo^ir heart. 

What isobviauslicfclj that there is abiolurck nothing 

Tou cm do to tfnWtfJ chc reLdJE-qtion of the truth of s'our being. 
You arc s/^jf. You ^rjr that^ it Ginnot be Jttjined. Rediliz^stioH] 
enlightenment, the truth n LiniicLajnable, Not becauw it li 
Linrciicliabic bi' ^'ou, but becauic tt i^_yoft j\b^"ilai:ef^ luUi 
ju^f siS J^l{ xljV — not ionic in^^inedi perfected, purilied ^t?u. 
Ejcictli' iTJu, So j[ Is absolucelv un.ittJilnjbfc And the conscious 
in^nr^f/flfl of thjtx die tlirning Lnward ofattcntivcne^^, the vigil 
» the he.irt ol "^'ourself ts re.ilizLitton. Great jnitghcj nia\" spring 
Upi pai' dicm no nund ITiei" Will dt\io]vc |ust lis quiddviii the^' 
appeared. Great tenor nui' spring opi pj\' it no mtnd k siofnomore 
QDn!oqij:Tia:di.indKmiL^^. Itl^anJeoinnof^our^ Inthl^pin^ 

["WDufd like forTou to nulnmin ojnvcrratjonal silen<r 

during diii 6^y f do not mean thjtai ^Gh nir God, I cannot 
spciilc" But honor the seriousness of the intent that hji brought 
Tou hen:, and refuse to dlSfhlf^f whatever appcarsT whatever raltei 
place within ^-our hearty hv seeking ODnverution. TTic purpose of 
the mvestig-acioR Js co lora: the mind co turn |ee artcntion tnwjnl, 
^Wii^' from all of the techniques and the tactics dial we have all 
adopted to irjlJ^W^ our selves that We are. [t Is all okai^, but ic 
J^JJt hat no place at the beginning c^F the invc^tigiitlon Ramana 
tcUs us that this invcjtlgidon takes huge effiiHrti that it m not the 



natiiTiJ ificlifution of the nxind Ic ii jhwluccl^ the rcvcrjtofthc 
LDdiiTiition of the jTiLnd, which is n^tLlr^^' Lndin^ to ^ out^v^uvl^ 
to look among choughc^nnd memories and iJcjii jnd '^Hi, hcfw 
^rf ixiU^^ jnd <ill the ^tlJfF[lli^t wcdo. Tbi^ m Lti n^turjil Lndinialion 
land it 1^ oJtir But it' the tnvc^Tig-ition i^ to he truh^ bcgunn tt h.i^ 
to be attended b^' die greatest effort to refuie the mind it^ riJtural 
LudiiTiitJon^ to deni" its njtarjl dcEiic to go outward, to compare 
Tvhat U sccmi to be finding ^itn whjt j[ remcmherii lo be, or wbac 
LC IJ sUppt^tii\yc findi-ng] fore^iinipje Ri^una ^pealu of thii as 
thegrcLitcsteflvirtot'thts ]tfe_ So, it l^ not cjiT, Till? it why the 
Bcrlou5ne:i5 of ^tmr intention Le eo important. The itrength of ^tFtir 
intention it what i^ required. 

In J recent mecCing, [ reorived ii report from lomehodv 
Tvho JeTcribcd a huge CKpenenor of hricl o^mc co 
Incr in the vcn beginning of iier Jftempt_^ to toin her attention 
ini^'iard A huge cxperienec of the oneness of being. And then that 
CKperitrin: diMppcan:di co be replaced b^' the eicpcricnce qf Iqaj 
^hddjijppointment She bar told me iinor thnt if that csperlence 
W not wh;:it she i& JooJung for — bctiuse it Js not — tlicn ihe 
Wanti nothing to do Vh'ith ipLntual stoU. Vltllj tlut iTolta^. Itiere 
is a hugediMFlQ.-^Jonn)ent that is posiibte in this. 

But i tell ^'ou, from m^' heart, tlut no CKpencnix 
whatsoever that mmei to vou> no ni^ittcr how long standing 
— Rximana ^a^'s, even if tt lait^ forattioU-iandi'earT — rlfl 
mafter how huge^ no cXp^yif^iC^ cm toudi the {(msfdfl! coniaoua 
redi^atjon of the tnich of ^Tsur bctng_ Tbii has nothing co do with 
good cxperlenix or badeKperienor. Nodiing wlut soever. 



TTiii cofiicious nrJizjtion of die truth of ^'oiJr being i^ th^ 
invcsti^tionj It ]s the inward- turned mtnd. Berlin ^vitKj^jt cllurt^ 
Riimoro promt i<:!i that If tdu pcrEist, |f tou hold ixiur [Utcntlon 
ini^^ard iilwj^'s; if, when the inward attention hrejki loi it will) 
and"\"oti find TourKlf dicing Jirnund in rhc mLicltol cDnipafLsonp 
Vou ijnniedjatcli" poll ^our jftcntLon tuck in^v^d (without 
JuitiR'LngxeitpLiintng, Lindcratiinding or doing anything at ^ about 
the movement oucwi:ird)p Ranuna promJics that, however long 
this eAurt sccm^ to last, it^tll end in iti disappearance^ in its 
dissolutton. In the ptrmanenc inw.irdne^s of che mjnd, He speaks 
of Lt lilte ihi^: if T\3u bring the nxJnd\ attention within the zcmc 
of the heart of %'OQr hdng, there J^a mj^jnetjsm there Thcit ij 
a put! then: chat wiil eatch "^xiUpandaJt i^ourcfforrj'wji] be hni^hed. 

[ sai' that the mind E=\\\\ in love with this seardi for Jtidf; 
icfalh in love in a \\t^y that is linimaginable The nxJnd then U m 
In love chai tt Jo^es interest tn all of Lts other aflair? ^andallof |ti 
other lovers) becjuTe this Ls the love affair Lt liai wanted from the 
Dcpnning andkas noc known where to find it 

l^ni sprakjng here to thcic cgoi, Eo these beliefi in 
individual cidstcncci and I am announcing toTou where ij to be 

found i^our true desire. It la; yourself Even'chjng \\}i\ do dut is 
not pcnaLning to thu ae;:u"i:h for che actuality' of "^xjurselfts a watte 
iz^f time EvciTthlng- And I tell I'ou froniniv heart that cventhing 
that Raniana jai^s ii a^DcL in thi^ inve^tL^tion^ ^'ou will End 
what 1T3U have never imagined — tt [e a iei'f ajfuir It ir rich and 
deep and lubde, bc^nnd all poisjbdlti" of imi^ining in \'oui 



prcvioui investigations. Papoji tms said thjl die question "^Tio am 
P" Qccds tG bt jsltcdonlv ujicc, if tt J^ ^skcd right Ht is painting 
cKactlv to ft'h-it f am speaking ot hen: It mztr t^lo: ^tju awhile 
to get it rigliL But [ promiKC ^ou, in the moment tliat intuition 
Etrhkr^ h ^rillluvc you. You ^lllnt^t be able tu e^c^e r/^m. 

Tlic onlv Forc^ drat h^ the pov/er to look in the Wrong 

pbor^ to dcRvthe truth of ttii bcingp |?"^■ou_ j\nd time ii done out 
of Lgnoriancr; it li just the Vh-j^' thli^s lOrc But when ^'ou di^o^ver 
Tvhat jt 15 you linvc rxrollv been looking iiirp"\TFU iviil not jjJi/^ff to 
Jook^nnvhcrc die. Von SvlU have found I'our home Thj?r is the 
Qvc of the heart j\nd tt is to be found Jt the Q?Fe of i^u At the 
oure of chiic horrali'lng^ aelfish me, thcme-Jtnot aeems :o be 
the problem, that seenii to be what We skitter aw^i' from. Look 
gnlvihere Only there Look unttl ^ou find it, 

[ cangiv^ TCiUafcW htnti' no on^ can teil vou where to find 
"vquricIF! Noboav can tcJl ^'ou, "Oh, look hcren look there ^ }5tf 
know where tou are. ILimana spe^Jii of the hcartj Riimana points 
out thjt for those of us ciaght Jn chc grip of what he cJi? the 
thc-bodi'-idc;! (the unspoken and unacknowledged belief that 
my idcntitT' i:s thii bod^' in some Wa^'Ji tlie heart (which is not 
the human hcLirtor chc cmocionj] heart but the con:, the source 
cif ego, the lourcc of all things whatsoever) nioit likei^' lk icienti&ed 
ji^ ft.Tmc locitJon wtthtR the bodi". He uhte the sutraj and the 
scriptures to confirm liiiown ctperLcncc all \ai' th^t jAu heart, if 
it la etperJenccd within the bodij ls CKpcrjcnccd on. the right side 
of chc chest, Alt iar that if there Js chc eicperlencc of Lam-the- 
bc^d^'s it Is from this point in the bod^' that fear, bhss, the world. 


thoLlghland.mD^cfumJarTnuitallVj "^I" arise. And lie tcUj us that if 
WcmLiit conccntraJc on wmctKjng "wLthjn the bod^'i it i* in licrc that 
thispoiriMsco bclviund- {jDfjnp{}ffiaiorhfr^ks&/^{fhisrhisr,) 

\ am xi little rcluctJinc to speak nbouc this, bcciu^ when T 
first rc^ jhout it, it «:cjncd to mc to be rcolh' stupid But Liter, 
liriLind it to be quttc uieful^ ^though you m^v not. I found it to 
be 2. LLscful reference. Most tmportimt \s to hold ^'our attention 
on sonictliing thiit \ou believe Co be I'ouriclf. Sinee Vqui self 
[sevcntning wLitsocvcri tt does not v^W mactcrl There is no 
way of dcterniinLJig, of dcfinJjig, of poLntin|^ Co ionie pbirtictiLir 
experience thiit i* ^tmrwrlf MoAt important is to Und wrac 
IpcatloR in the mind that seems co be s^ou, and to hold vour 
attention there — widiout regird to all the advaittc nonsense. 
I S3V noRscnie hecjLiic> ir the ounccitt ol orc who t^ carncsth' 
Eeeking for on end to their belief Ln the experience of separafJon, 
all of these i^tM are nonienK:. For the onz ^vho t^Z/^vw oneself 
tQ be the doer chc thinlter, the sufleiefj all the ideas that fimy 
the existence of the doer, the doJi^, the done, the Auflercfh the 
suflenngp alJ of chcie idca^ Lve uielcsin 

Youmu^t itarfwhcK-L-dtlare Make diiiefiurt, jtlst for 
toda^-L Find some thtng thnt [Iseislila: "me'' and hold onco it, And 
when ^'our aftentton ^liJtJeri a^Va^' from it, hold onto it*^ain. 
Ramana promt ieii that a} the accualencn" Into the core ot'ego jr 
theiVjafl/MJ^OWof c^3 which doci not mean that ego iitisSppfAW^M 
dhd b) if ^'ou tn' lor nothing other tlian diii, ^vith all I'our lieartj 
"vou "will be succcTifulp"\"ou will be unabJe co fajl 




jiiiMlIy ^rtira fi/£Sh d)f igi^ /ookmg unhf cgOr looking \js ih^ pkcrs m 
c^m^chiiswsi rhar hii'f lfri!K Tjbdrid<ff?t:d iPid hi^kmg jr IffP'iiynL 
W/Tfis icfms :o fjdpprr? js i/Tfii ff^rr is no iWS!iff}\ th^f li ;j shifr in 
7i/hys-}^/oi>km£ /s^r^im aus r/f\/rfy — rhf i^fwraft fAf pfnmsditVr 
boki^tmrsf^', IJ^f iif^prr ii look, /"/r woiT m^iocfnT^ ff^^ieir 
KOf-hioiifh?giy rh f^on i^p^^iy: iPi^ d)f /w^'yitfT hrcifm^s purr /wf 
^id purr ptura ib^ ca/i^j^s jjc locanii ^fij/m(^n, 

^ftUp thii if jspfomiicd- 

is ii wflfjiwj Irioff} i^m mwr fi/ho h noncwg. \/Jxd shyt n^hich is 
lookifi^ fl smiftbifi^ fhxT is j/H^rrjfl lookit^, 

Yn, flut-V right. Riim^ru sa^'s tlui the onlTcljEEcrcncr 

between the [p-inL .ind the j|nanL, hecwcen the n:altzcd niLnd jnd 
the ignor-int mind. Is point of "vsctv, 

M th irtffuiry: thr altrKtion ixisl subtly sbffis. /risfflnfduii 

j'jiif /w^f fzW JJftiff . 

This [J the intuition. It J^usefui to see thiit whjt v^ 
spcLJcof when ive speak of the state of reallzaclonT li intutfionp 


LincjptQroblc bi^an^' description- You find tlie world ii lEill dicrc^ 

do vGUnot? 

fr a sritlrhfif, bat fr is if.^f^-jf^ft/ in jwf* tt t^o^pffr^fy 

Yci TTiaC is die Erulh. Tli^ people wldi whom Rnnun^ 
spokcp being an India .ind being In j"w:dantlc" cnntc]cCp"wcn: people 
who 'h'crc pnrtc^ ihorp on theie diffirrcnt ide-J5 of i^mixlhi In 
rsfaiHDga, u Is aricrted thqc the uJcirroLc ijrrodhi ih tiir/'ffkj^ 
Jaw^l^-^f ^'litdi t^s JccDrdin|^ Co RiomEirUj the obflrmzeof objcctSj 
and diii Atmc IS LndisEingijiih^ble From deep ileep. RjLnijna ^aid 
that" ntrrjltJpji ^-vrtidhi was olci^', but the Ttate tdu liin: Jooldng For 
i^s^lJklJ Siltflildhiu which IS the natural state, and that is whaf^T3u 
^re reporting, 

Iitwd)V{iyrrfff^mj)fffrct Im^jitsi l^ugc A/i/l rrftn' rrft'rh ^j^jrr/ral 

It ir normal Tt h cJloa the natural state for a rcAMn. Et 

trulv ts theiYiiCural ^tJtc It i; nothing odier than a shift In potnE 
cif vle^iV Ftfore^ cver^'thlng was seen from the point of vJeW oF 
ego, a ieparatc> needful idcnttti'. And things seen horn the point 
oFvle^iV of t^ arc appropriately" Keen m the wa^' that thei' arc 
Bcen tn ti'pica! human life — injffcringand mtsen', compurison 
and contentJon and "I Want thla and I don't want that ^ Ihii ia a 
pcriecth" appropriate perception — seen From the poJntof view of 
c^o There t^ nothir^ wrong with Jr. [ amverr happy chat m^are 
t^^ng about thii, bcojuK I rcallv would like you to get thts. k ii 



not tLu the poinE of view of c^ i* wrong. From the point of view 
cif cgD, ii \h perfcctlv jpproprJjtc. It i^ |U5! ^sofyoil^ It is tin: posnc 
qf view chatiTDu h;:ivc jdopEcd jmdxieccpKd From jw^r point of 
vicWj E^hlih^ whialadsfltrcjiec! 

WtfvfT^soiia "bi^tlsi^axils/hkci&r^fiiFbyyeii Itfffts skif m Tf^ 

stf-i/iqiu}yiai^d^'irig[uiDokiitthrmoKthUfdr f/jf wm/^j^-a/. 

rfjf moirdiioit'nf^ — loirhoui ^^^ry irirrfii to fix rf or Sdkc ;jn^jy t/jf 
pain.,, ;is lljf poi^t (^ i^if^y chfsg^s. ii^i^ ;jll this lot'c ii/fd ci^i^^^ 

nm sr^^nm^ to sff is slkir )r j^nAih if!foiilfifsi^hmf;jskiKif;xriJ 
rrjfctf^, Smiishmg h£ipp(7is in {i'kai dppcim ifi br "ijrrrshr}^'" ipyi 
rhtifyou /?;jrf fi^niciiyour/^ickan, ^inaf i^i !k ^xpfyman^ t^ rkj(, 
rhc^r is :his kfioii^ifi^ tfjiiT ii a jifl ^hf stwxf, /r if dlonc thing. lilot^t 
hioftf frhw^r h ibr ri^hr fi/ord. bat k i^ ah?imT bJii i/r tfiffiitry rtiks 
uihmj'ou ki^s shf ifsist utiii it WTH mtv iifkmt ^r;il^' !f. 

It doe^ not neceicsarih^ nican th^ it Idwt iLTj^^fj^jjWff asa 
braiE. Iliiit Lc thconh^ thing tLit 1 wotiLd ij.y E^out this. 

Af f too. 

Hcrel! tlir question: ti^ the bcMfit cvernc?; been s^iiked in thhs^ 

No JAf Aa/jt A/j t J^jericno^ iaffai nor /jfi^ioskrd ki it^ 
but h cou^n!possi/^!y nor if 



TbcrCfc thcn^ is the \^v to the rcjliz^tion tlut then: Es nothing 
Vhiriffvou Th^if hiidbet/i srtl/a WfliWmjii^a/ir^ r/wr 

/f i/iwj ^:or hiivc to ^ smjflh/}^ fhf Ji^is is ri^hif shr 

IT si^ilf bf tnifisfotvsfii suso soffjfth^ ^kf /W n^ifl Ih'f huflpily f jJfr 
^^tfr jmt^ffd if /IS pky Bfrffwcioum^, But )t ik jJI qfk. 

Yci.Artd if iti«:msdut ih^fciiitiratrhing Ji^ir hnj; bnn 
dgnc, thcnmr 5ug;i:stion Ie th-it stju find out ff^ ft^hfFfl fhiv 

seeming La. You lor tlic lii itinctLon hcrc^ 1 ant not iuggcittng 
that you imd out anything jbolit the secmLng it_sclf The wrcmLng 
that iomcthtngh^is been dLnnc> that ^nmcthlng |r changed, im 
JffflJiV^. No problem wjth ihjt But when tou find thir if/iffin 
the aeemlngT chcn chc i^uc^tion i^, ^'Ebr jjj/w?^cIdc!i this &eem co be 
la chiingcT You do not need to clLniinjte the jf mjj^ of change^ 

Nothing f/aw^rj It ^jintihf fy^ tkilarr Iffo/fp^iir cither 

It isadiflerent point of vie^^' It i^ a shift in point of vic^^'. 

Bui ffl f^f?'i hril fitis cmrmatiOfT mih ytm, livou^ifioi 
fftii^f £omn thf, 



Then ■L'oU lire milking good UK:of mc. Anv tlrtic ][ itcnij 

that 5Dmcthtngh^"is been rmnilormctl uv thl?rc;Jiz.ic[on? cHran 
inviiiitiGn ofAv to Und our for ^vhom Ji thii seeming Theit ti no 
other Investigation chjc t^ worthwhile No n"Littcr how ^bdc jna 
5^^■cct it mi^t bei the rc^c of lE i^ more ducriictaon, niore out^^ud 

moving- \tTio orc^^ 

sffmfihffr^ fl^?j aaujily r/ww^ff;^. Bus r/ff isniy [hkr^ ^hni ft^^^ sb^ng 

Tacrefore the proper pl.^ct for attention t^ not on wli_ii 
seems to be dionging^ but on whjt is iceLng it Gangaji pforai^ej 
"U^thac there ris no end, there iv ."Jtv-i^'t more. Thist is G^f^ajiV 
proraiw. So if iViu Und I'ourdf tiiHng, "Ohj I got it, everything is 
cliffc^c^t^*' findoLit si/hogoS it^ 

(r/cwW jr, t/jf mo^"^ sui7!!c ot^^tcp^r i^' /^i^rr h is so snrnrsn/^ 

ThM Ei a useful "wiii" You know, I'ou find ^'ourowri wav. 
TTiiit Ls v^hv I wan w> reluctant to spciikof the iiejrt jnd Its 
sphiffll?ld' SpKuTiina ii the throbbing of the r'j^fjitf/ of the hc^krt 
cncrgj" Buti"ou find ^^our own wjy, Who elid o^uid poisiblT" 
havean^' idtii v^hefc voLi on be foLindj other than ^ou^ So ifj 



in i^Dll^ c^Xx the direction of ^'our jltcntLon hai been in the 
b^lnning tovF-ard the hlircful or the hurt — then that it perfectly 
appropriate, kdocj not nicjn tkit js chc cjic for cvcnonc. You 

all knoVp'Tfr'hrre tou jtc. RcaUv. How hard on it be Co look for 

TTiMi rfcghc. ITuc lb the cnjth, Tliat ts .1 oi^nhrmang 
sign- And Lt on ^leem like a bLoining That J^ the cphur<injs the 
vibr^or^' fororof the heart that 1^ spoken of in the sutrji, Jn the 

Upanl^h-idsp \n the Veti-ii. [t js chiic fj^;^ when iecn from the point 

cif view of mc cb the bcid^\ [t i:^ perfect] v appropriate to loolt there, 
beciuie rhot Lh the point of yiew from which snu are looiunglur 
I'ouriclf. When the point of view ihift-ij the pos^ibiElt^' of finding 
Xuuriclf in am' location diiappeari And it rnai' reappear This Will 
Lippenovcr time, 

ELimana ipcakii oFthe diffcrcnor between E;radLial and 
immediate rcaljziation He \ai"5 that for reali2alionj thoic ideas 
have no meaning, ft ts onl^ fur the one ^vho Ji j"ff,fj>^realliition 
that the idcaof Tudden or gradual hai nnv meaning at a]i Te 
iaolcii'. Vol! muit begin from where ^'ou /jfr. It doe^ no good 
whatsoever to Hi"p ^^Oh^ but I have no location I am infinite 
tunscJoLi^neb^ There ii not tvnn " None of that ts heJpfiJ. What 
is helpful ii to ^tarl hone^tlv <jang^l «vt, "Tell the trLitk"" Start 
hcneitli' ircini when: ^"ou are — which is, lor moiteven'one, irom 
the potntof vicwof *I am the bod^ ^ [nlcrcstingh', Raniana tells 



Uijcind he Im Co be spcjltlngfrom his own csptricncci tha! fcr 
the jn^nL iNi not thjt the I-iim-chc-bcxJ^ LdciidiiappE:arA^ Lt 
[^ |U5t that the l^ftiif]n ttdJrjppc-.irt, It t^ iccn from 2n. cntirth^ 
difFcrtnt point of vLcW It L? not thjl: jn^' thing dtsappc-or^ It ii ndt 
that jfcuddcnlv mu Jis thn d^Tiamo of ojnditloningp h.itclulncsT jnd 
sclf-scrvio: bcoDmcK j. ^nt, pure and dc^ But Lt^ \osc^ Ltc grip. 
TTic poJntof view that wsfffj through l5 the point of view dut wc 
itjut [ram ^Ticn the point of vlirw ihitcj jnd dt!tippcari> k doc? 
not mcjn thdt the d^'nomo chjngc^ it^ niifurc, thjt the icorpEon 
dtingc? It? nature! lo what^ Who aiej^ft? FJnd "^xiursclf- TTicrc 
la nothing else Jor ^"011 to do You are not in this IlIc to beeon:ie ii 
uint You are in this lili: to Und mUrHJf Give it eiU up 

[ am really happ^' Co be here with Vmhu, Rnd voUrselE 


Surrender tind Investigation 

JLimoru 52ild thiic the onJv things ihsolutdv the onlv 

thing chat ii Ynnftliwhile lo know jnd Co rcnicmbdr Lc tlut there 
Is jiDthtng but the selt. There ti nothing hut iell_ j^l thtngi, all 
thoL^hrf, 'A] emotions, all dcsJngp all not-doJng, _JI surrender ^ 
arogima:, jdl ignorance, iJl darLti^j dl\ things wluLwdvcr arc \c\£. 
AciErdingto [^"Lina, this |^ the onh" pieo; c^f knowlcc^ thjt 
^'ou ever need in thii qLiest 1 got a note from lomehodv jdvJsJng 
mc thar iJie *^fii* In chc word sattqng \s most often translated 
into Englishes "tnich.'^ I had culled it "avsocLition wJch v:\i " 
^Ajv^ciidtion ^ith tmth^ ii themoKt conunon rendering of the 
Sanskrit wond "^sacsang.^^ Wei!, I opnfeij" 1 did that on ptirpose, 

One oF the chlngii that really appealed to mcabouc Gongaji, 
and T am sure tt is one of the chingii thac appeals to mostevcn'one 
obouf her, j^ dul ihe ti iueh an £jn/vHjjjJ Woman. Reall^', apart 
trom her ni;^nificcnce> jhe th an j\merian ivomann ivJch lltrJe 
interest in the LntriciGe^ of spiritual ideas and comzept^ In fact, 
Tvlth contlderahle ir/^piifimiT'^l^^ vplrttual idci^ and concepii. So, 
In thh oanstant mcettng wtth her I felt a permission to dlsciird 
all of chc itidc\' ituffahoQC \piritual eSprcTslon Tlie onl^ ipLTLtLial 
practice I kiveeitpericncc ^Jth n Buddhl^nip and [ have to tell 
^^u diat the Buddhj^ti hate the Word "Self.'* [ won told hv a good 
hicnd of minc>"W'ho was oneof mh' Buddhist le^ichcrs In prlsorii 
that the onli' thtng that he reaJh' cook exception to tri the whole 
business of RamanaMahar^hi wa.-^ che liarpingon Self iThe aalJd 
dg awa^' "^Jch chat wonlp eyeriiJiingelse vrauld be oW^ 



Iluvc ro sav ihat [dad not ILkc tlut ^-ord cither Ic ^t^UlJc 
mc OS being iildnd ^f Hjndu thing "Sclfj" lol^VJi'a wilii eD opital 
S- Sdj for:i long timCi I ^tcjdfjstlv n:fu«:d co use th.ifwordj 
c^pcciallv in ut^il^g. [ liioLlglit it Idnd GfAtimk.^ litde blE HilE 
Is 3 good cjcumplc of the usctes^ness of opinions, Rajnana tclh u? 
thiit tbcorJi' diing tkit wc need to kno^ lk thjt dicrc L? nothing 
^^j^^th^n vlf In thi; constant meeting with ELim^uu, Ln thjic 
pcq3ctu:il Invtrsttgition, [ rLivc come co sec thiic self adunllv is the 
perfect word js long as it docs not h^vc ii capital S. It i* jctuall^' 
the perfect word iur what rau ore looking. lor 

[ have no idea what the Word tf^^jfl felt like in San^iti 
Prohablv no one has an^' idea what this woid felc like in Sanskrit, 
It being a dead LngtJ*^ thjt. In so far ai 1 Itno^v, no one speaks 
^niTnon:. Bue I know wh^it the word ^'icIF^' JceJs like tn English, 
I know what it refers Co. I know the experience, the reality' that 
It refers to- j\nd chj?rl\ what w^ jk spcaltJngof It is not I'our 
"higher Self ^p although it ma^' well he called chac Tt k not Truth 
as an object, althot^h it mav Well be called that too. ThjA that ¥/e 
are scclang In thk invest]|^Jcion j^preeiseivthe onilnan'T mtindanep 
fver^'da^j never- becn-abient senie of wif that_yoft know- So I have 
tlclibcrafcl^' spoken of «ttkngai ^aswdatlon With «rff '^ bdcauie, 
in mv view and in m^' expencncc, chls describes precisely wha 
Batsangl^ It iianajsoctatjon With ^'oursclf. 

Gangafi ^vs, *Iam ^^our ftilf ^ She laVa it all the time. 
And when I first heard diat, I took, it to mean ^Shc is my wJf 
a? T ought to be,'^ she i^ the goal Her TL"itc> her realiz.icion, lier 
m-jgpii<irETHT n the goal Well, I ^ee now that what she Ji ipeaking 


cif is the lilcFiJ truth l^v lo ixiu, 1 jm I'dUr «rffi^ and 1 jffj 
^nur self wlut tlw could 1 be* If [ sdi' to ^^ou^ *I .im ^-oLir wdP, 
[ l"IorV rruxin &1F with j tipltol S_ Thts^Tw — chjt .^ppcarii in 
^'our DunscLoLl^ncK^, ^^S'"E ^'^^ ^^ ^^^ ixiUrdf — is ^'oLlTE^If 
All things wLitsocvcr without Jinv exception, arc loursclf, the 
ordkn^^', Eimplfj evcntii^'i muncLine ielfnesi that i"oLi iire. 

ThJj n^lm"oF"^T^tl^se^f li the ke^' Tt h not Kuncchjng th^i 
izhiingeic. I .im fitting here in tliii duiT^ I i^i loakjng jC iJl of 
iTju — j/^-ispccts oFmvoTvn self Ai]d> ao fnras I cm ecII, this 
drt^ who is ^ittmghcrc Ji cKactli" the larne xl^ tht tlircc-ir-or- 
oid hoy thiit once Wiii i^ed bv thi i name Nothing wluL-wcVer 
h^i chnngcd jLoutmvicIt", Tlic hoJyluu OL-ingcd, the mind has 
changed The orcuniitioncrs h^vc changed, and continue to do lo. 
But I, b^' which [ mc^n mi self, kive not changed ^toii, juirt like 
_yoy^'elf Not because ^xiur self 1 1 **sLnijLir" to m\' self, but bccauw 
itii the iifljir self Thtjii ^"our self also \/olm floinrs iv hirmf^] It^ ;fl ^'ou, JtcLrappcarT ini"ou Ancl"^T^u ennnot find it bv 
looking j-jrthiT rose You on find It onK' h\' looking Jt the y^^rof 
the rose, the pero:|"vcroJ the roiCn che lover or hater of the rose. 
And wliat IS discovered f/vJT is nothing new. 

Once the intuit|on> the esientlsl perm-inent conscious 
realization of^-oLir actual Identity is prcwntj the mi^nlKcznce 
pf tt iv unspcalciblc. The heedom of it I? be^'ond an^' povsibllltv 
of ipeal^ng jbout It Tlut is whiMt i^ prob^bh Lmavuldahle that 
■when Vnr are in iptritLial cJrdesand in jpintLiai contexts. We get 
all "^Aahhhhh , Self ,^ and this l^okar Tt is jdiuaJi^' appropriate- 
The realization Ji huge. But tt is the realjTatJon of something that 



is w jbsolutdi" ordinjT^' So obwluccl^'i pcrn^oncnth" ^j'WfMr Sfi 
Ed^iolutc:!^^ sLfiiplc, xhjl the hlghT^iiutLn idciiiaboLil: it e^tc rc^v juft 
glldtngthc lih' — and :^ wjiitc of timcl 

Who nir ^'OLL!^ Nothing cEac ts of anrlmpormncc Who arc 
^'ou, rciiU^'^ ^tTutdo I ^pcak of Vh'hcn I utter the yiord ^V? Wh-it 
spc^lu *I'^ I found it helpful in the beginning to mi '^I^ -^g^n 2nd 
againn andtn" to citch chc ipoi From whence this ^vord x"ippc;:u"i_ 
Ani'thifig helps, thjt Lc done ^vtth the intention of truli hnding 
I'ouncIF, Ic is nmnztng thac It should sctm so difficult Tt ir^'our 
self JitiS tik^ Wllil^' R-imanii Eiii'i there lareonl^' Evn'o methods for 
obtxalnring diJi lealizjtion One m 3elf-Lnvciti^iUons and the other 
I? sclf-^rrender Self- investigation ^'ou can do, self-surn:ndcr is 
undoable. If_^ft could surrender, i"oq Vnnuld liave done 10 iain:adi'. 

jsmYsff 'It kffx^ (fm^ika^Mf n^^wtfD^o inroii nniiff Ufi r&tkit 

my fljjvj ^xpf>'ifncf 

When I'ou are speolong lobotit mc, ^vhat ii it that^pu are 
EDcaking ahout? What arc vou rtlcrnr^ eo^ 

Where docs thjc experience ^pcarf 

Ml flJf . 

The son and thd nioon and the ^tar^^ where do the^' appear^ 


Bur fhxt h Nor :hf mysfn^it txprnenr^ tf '^Ei^nyrhifig is One *" 

An, It ts not the m^^ttcJ experience of "Evenlhlngis 

One'* Thconlv difference betVhnm the fl-7)¥fjfli/cKpcriencc thdC 

eventhing t& one jnd the ej:pcrLcnj3r ch.ic evcrrchlng isjfl,"^. Is 
point of view, f lell ^'ou tliJif the jn^'^Eicd CKperccncc thjt all j^one 
Is prccLclv I'our ci:pcricncc Wli^' ^'ou periLsC Ln denying it to he jo 

Isam^'iccn', 77?af is chc imstcrv! 

*TnJj IE red [^'cTTccJ lent. Tluf is :c^[y tmponiinr Tht^ ds ^'lui 
I QJii Telling ^-DU ^'Dur citperiencej |Li.^t a^ it is, if thectpericncc of 
^■ali is one wJf * Tlic m^'^tcn" J^ whi' ^-ou \av it Lc not. 

Il^icss Iffffmorr httmiin siftTh my Thoiighrs.fcfli^, »^ 
dZHVffrmcH, T^bfj^j; ihin Ifh a^Tih ifi^fOs. 

So rounhoti^ts, ^"our emotion v, TourfcctjngiT touf bodv 
■ — tlic^' arenotobjectE^ Arc xhsr,' notohiccts Ln ^'our conscioiUflt^^ 

Thii Je not theoreClal- TTue i:^ ^'oiJr jctt^al experience... 

This a truf^ 

S03 where i^ tlic dtitmcCion, other thiin the fceiinp; of *niore 
intimate^" PCrhap^ tliii CKpenennc tlut ^'ou cnll ^fceiing j moic 
Intimate rcLitLonshlpp'^ tn Ranunn\ parJ.ince> g3cs b^' the name 
I-am-thc-bod^' idea ThlE give?r vou a izhalce: vou on izhoo^ 
to attend co this iretir^oF "monr Intimace with mv choiightSp 



rtLTcmoCLons, m^' bodi' jnd 5d forth;' or^ if^'ou [chzhtcind «c for 

"frhom tliii feeling of intuimiz^' ^ppcar^^ it will po^^ibh' reveal itself 
to h<r 2n ofjlfcrln consciouincn, Arc "^^:JU following mcj^ 

rdlkifi^^iboHsHiniiithi — ;/;jjf ft^/w /j^/?fffif /rZfljH/jwo^ffTJH 
Gi^^ajr Bar xi^/jffiyou srdmif riilkin^ tibenrRiiMdfM jnJ i^boai 

The cKpcricncr that tou nnvc, trut ^mv tnoi^tv, my Dodv> 

ffli'tmotlons arc of J djficrcnt ofdcr thiin the itin, the mooHj chc- 
rttifs JuiLi thf oppcanqnorof John Shcrnun In consciouincsSn'^ chlv 
Mpcricncc itdf points to the etpcrLcnizer The feeling of Lntimjcv 
thiit i^turaleA these thoughtis the bod^', the emotjon^^ Lind nukes 
them feel special. Is atio j thought, Ic i^ an eirpcrtcncc. Thjj 
OperJent^^ hi' whom Jr ht eKneneiieKl^ 

There Is tlie endleK^ temptation to move Jtrenuon into 
the obfctts of though! And lE beizome^ niorc and more sLlbtle, 
the dosef^ou o:>mc lo the heart. The mind hai icen thaiugh 
thoic, 'I get it, "what I think I ant Jian object tn oDn^doU-ineiS ." 
The capadn^of rhe mind lo trick itself with new levels and 
bi'cr^ of subtleties in endless, so that one is able lo thjnkthjt tlie 
apparent f/jjw^^f ii lomethuig that it of some imporEancz. That 
is undcrTtandable, And you chink th-ir this Irclir^of mtimacv le 
something spedal Thit I i understandable, too Do not stop there. 
FLna.t>utyflr^i^ciw this apparent diflcicna: ib. JAdf IfiTuursclf 



Tlic valu^ of Rxintsn^^ iiisctciort thiit cvcr^'thLng ii \\}iir self, 
and the VEalucof l^i in^L^toicc thjE iJiis i^jil ^'ou Rf^cd Eu know, ii 
thnr dJ .i fr/ftirrdfi' In the hcMof the injbtlc ihtfttng oJ the mind 
and die subdc Wii^i lE on dt^Er-^izt itscif froni what Lt reiiTh v^iint^ 
to dop which Iv to find ttsclf, the tr-uicc cin be broken, Confijsion 
Ls <in eKjimpte of Ehat G^nfucLon i^^ hre^ngof tiuE Iti^notto 
be rejected, it i^ j izonfirnung sign. 

[n die trixlition in whidi ELim^ru jppejrSj wluJeVcr 
n-imc it goes b^', the^' jpcjkof the ^'^hejchs,'^ ihc "o^vertng^ 
cif eHc Aihur'^ You 2rc ipcakliig Libolit the belief thjt o^nm 
from die investigation into the question "\(^ho jm 1^' Hie fijtil 
shciithi chc hnjl obitidc, thcHnjJ ob^turacion goes bi" tht njmc 
cif flnHfflVjflji7)Tr-^Gf/?tFor the iheath of bLis. Thjr is tht fin^ 
qb&ojratiori and often for mam', it i^ a rtlddng point Thiv wonuin 
thiit 1 \pDkeof diii morning "WJi drownedi drenched Ln die 
bltsiof beings jjT^ conicqijeao: of her invcTtigatLon. Tlul blisE 
If an exprnmcT — for whom Is chljeKpcrtencc^ Hie ei"per|encc 
of hljiii that ^'Du know from invc^tigiatJon Ji; replaced b^' the 
cxperJeRo: of conhislon at being cDnfronced with lomething that 
docT not quite fit in to wliat ^our mJnd has dcctdcdi pcdiaps 
silenth'j to be that. Therefore^ if the bhis that ^ou eitperLenix 
dliGppeaf^ and Is replaced hv confiisLonp then that I? not what you 
arc looking for If itgoc^, it is ncE what ^'ou 21c looking for ^tliat 
"vou are looking For li ^"ouraelt^ whtch has never changed^ and 
never will drangc You know then. Here, nothjr^ is to be found 
that changes. Here, birth and death ore not to be found. So don^t 
itop TliLs I? the beatid" of the ^'/f/wfl/i che Invcstig^ion. This tb 
the magmficenLic of it. Evcn-Ehjng is Itdot Edcher' cvcr^' Ehought^ 


ever,' feeling, dVcn' moment ofbli si, cvcr^' moincnc of confusion 
is now pointing i^ou istriilght b-jck to ^'ourwrlf [f onl^' vou vn'ill 
Kvcrsc the tlircctjon d? \uur {jiTrfrnm and foHo^h' i[ bade to Its 
■aurcr. All of It [^ tbc guru on. the ouL^idci pudiing ixiu to the 
gLiru on chc Lniiac, pulling "\Tm_ Evtn' chough[> even" coni\irjpn, 
even' nustJike, cver^' Wrongneis^ cver^ rightncKs, fi^r^ylhfti^ 
pDJnting ^^lierCj therc.^ 

W: 2IC not here for blm Biiis ji greisti but lE o^mcK Ji\d 

^C5. The I3I1SJ thaf^TFu jrf li pcrm^incnt The biivE th^it stju arc 11 
th^ in "whlch bliss and ^sgonv si fikt plav. It ii^l in T%Dur uiEentJon+ 
It is all in whiit %'ou want [f ^-ou ^Vant bliss, thecizperienccof 
bliss, thaiVciiT, Rcalh', thaiVcjiT, TTierc j£c m-imn ni-im tcuchcrs 

L _ _ _ 

wjindering the land with big shi^ti who will give I'ou that And if 
"VOU onnoc findoneof thoscn there Js oIwjvj Ecstaii^or some- other 
chenm:^ substanne. 1 teil lou, bL^iS cs not whot^ouare looking lor 

^Itanr Jl, throughoal ourencirr Jtves, Jooldngp tn^tng 
to find ^Who am!?" 'Hut it j11 we arc dojnghcre in thKli[>r^ m 

these hodiesT tnlng to figure out who we are So finaJEv in this 
meeting Witli l^aniana, chat quest bcoDmei cmscim^S- Now, finiilliT, 
the opportunity' has appeared in ^iiur life to make tbh qucit — 
that hat been snjur qucTt from the momenr s"ou were horn — 
ConscJoU^^ direct^ unmedlated. Who am ]^ fTir"^hom l^ this bbsj^ 
Pbr whom ir this conFurbn? Wbo am V Find voursclf! 

n«jj ffflj" i^ai^A", IgUfis I wti^ to sort skif out, hfi^i^iif sv&irii Hfcf 



Before T^DlJ cjin surrender, toU have Id Elrst wirrcndcr the 

Sitm^tiiTiFs though /iknoa^ ifHfiffwsiirsijifMghSifr\uyiri^ 

[c Li the iiinie ihing Tlic mvesfi^^on is ihepatli Eg iLLrrcricler 
In the inveitigition, ^tju Jie in EicC surrendering tlie ^urrenderer- 
Riimanj ssr^rond I .Tgrcc wholehcortctUrT chat evcmzne tlilnks 
when the^' hciar that thtre jtc two cholorKj investlgauon jnd 
surnrndcr, thac surrender i& chc c^sicic. But k onli' hcci^uH: 
thn' don't understand how absolute Ji the surrender thjt is 

SiiUrtiiifr /?t7s bcc^! i'fyykiTi://{}rmcJusrIfkryig\\^^^, Iris 

Bui iifuii tikf siti^VfuI^f: n^hf?! Lxt^i j^tw^ !hf qi^csfiim. 

Thill fs-d cbnfirming sign Th^ f^jrfii the ^ame, R^oiiond 
puts it thth sv.Ti'; if ^ou kno^ God^ ^ou surnrndcr IJ ^nu Itnow 
Gcrd, vqu love Liod You cannot love God and surrender, unless 
I'ou k^oK} God. Ihc p^di tG know God J s sf^-i^^^sli^iSto^i When 
the irivcstlgatioR tJilori holdcfiTmn tou wtll happlivgtve alL You 
Qnnot hcip but do th^t. \ou cjn't do other If, hosvever, itdU ia^\ 
''Olcn', T get Jc_ 1 hjivt to surrender. Okiv, I surrender; here arc 
JUT dothc^, here ls m^' moncv, here is niv j^b, here la m^'T.Vilt, 
here Ls m^ house 1 am goUig to go sit in the foiest I surrender. 


I surrender' fl^ surrenders* Pi2pj[i mi'5 Co thdC Eooliihne^i, 
^Fint fcnoLinar ihc rcnounorr* You are right thu invntigalion 
ends In surrender It ^[^mjin tht willtngne^s to surrender. In che 
wilLi^esi thi3l appears Wtthin theego-mtnd tc find out, ono: and 
forjJL ■^■h.ii Ls the truth of mv Identity". Thar L5 25 ruudi surrender 
U'^Y>u arc dpahic of And chat in huge. TTial Lc rcalh huge Do 
"sxiu iec how huge diat Js^ Tlie rcoiJgnjtJonj "1 don't know wluE 
Jn chc world [ am tilkingahout, when I sar ^T,^ T gtvc up, T-im 
gc^ing to findout,'^ TIieIC LicaEl the surrender that j^ needed. That ii 

Or^ ^ha la^i siif^fO, /^f/ty L/m siiH stuck m your s^iyirr^ 

rkiT 17 IS h^jfossibt^ to sMirniirn i^ fo !tikf fJ^ ^^^kfi pifk i^cdtuf 
I ktoso sof/s^ofif xi^/jo sf^^u to lii^t m ToTtrf sunr^ii/fr, ;jHii hf /w brm 
ihni^^h this jAj/r yw rGmaoxxsria, Ha sny^ "^y^^u iijw fi^arit Giv/'^ 
K^ill m^lr Fi}tmyo!iy en^n, ^hmyoii si^ilf tik^siys bf c(Ktf/it — irn/filf 

I abwlutch' ^^^ wif" 'nat, 

5ft fi/iiy /ii/I yofi sjy ii- ivai PTipossibff .., 

1 C:dnrtc^t A[7eaktc^ hjm becauiehe is noc here EckLii' 1 can 

spedc to "^TFU and a5kn3u wh^j^WU ha.ycru lurrcndercd to chat 
levels Wh^t «op4 ^"ou^ 

Fivb^j6iy sk iriffmi ofskjl^sk qfrf}c body Oshrr ifmfsa, I 
a/oHkiloi'^ to fm^iirt fjtm .^ 



Bllc it rcjQv ii pointlcjK to spcjJt jboLit wmconc dsc^ 
ciipcriMno: It i^not uicful. WEuiC nicyoii Lntcrcitcd tn^ 

And have ^'ou ^uizctnrcL^J^ 

And wlio ii if [hojtlujnt suixccdcd^ 

When: 1^ thiit Co be found^ Is it possible for i^Ui riglit nGVt^ 
to rcnouno: ^xiur f^'orrj tci surrender — lind hD emulate thli ailf- 
iurnrndcnrd one — ;ind instcid .ittcnd orIt to thi^t ^*? 

I thwk it rffuH be pfssibif, ifusl^jiUffurstxofi ft^kityvunrf 
jai'ff^ //^rr r^ orhrr finish et ir^ipG^ibl^ 

%tll, forget ] a^dit then. I take ht badfi] 

/^cjffj^ftjjjffrj^w sotiikfhiku^k ffshinsii^hiryoit ^fudi fkis 

[ actuallvicich nothing Mi' onJv nope hen: ie to poiril ^tdu 
to ^"ourwlf j\nd the rcoion 1 \ai' it is JmpoiJlblcfor^n^'oni: to 
tLlrrcnder^ iind 1 Lini not the onlv one who ^J^-^ thn, Js benause I 
cannot ini^ine who there couJd be who could perJorm Euch an 
acL 1 ^lumothndan^one wlio i^npoiEsibE^ surrender, 



And 1 Jt^gcit tQ ^'OU] <ind Eo jU, that thr bhnkti pi^th, 
the pjch of iorrcndcrh h extremely" soitictLvc It seems vcn^c^i' 
Looked :it from outride. It seems vcrr CM^r Wi^it I iuggjeat to"^TFU 
is thjl thi:^ ^orrendcr cliat voLi seek on be imniccltiilel^^^ rejtic^' 
In chc determination onth' lo find vourscif; heciuie chcn: ij no 
one for iTiu to aurrendcr fry, other tlun vout sc^ If there is God, 
L[ Ja; I'ourdf Itie necking .ifter I'oLirdf ft"w^ii the iceting after 
Cjod And surn:nderJs not something chat yuw do^even in the 
invcitigalion V^Trdt the investigation docs is £njsh"^YJU_ 

Icdiiiiiat^sctKjym'ffiyjTrrTTiisis the^fli/ofth^h^^ 

*Tnat ts the elimination of the iiurrcndercfi is It not? 

I think ftT 2IC agreeing. The bhaktJ path \s the efJminatLon 

cif the iurrcndcFcrj oi js the investtgition Tlic onlv distinction 
between the cwo ti that the path of investigation If done 
CDnscJoLixh^ b^^ tbe ego ThiE i^ tbe onl^^distiniztJoii- 

In:i:^l reading one of the greatest bhaktiSp Saint John oF 

the Cedsi. He i^ realh'onc of the greatest bhokfii. In reading 
Dark iWi^hs f/rh Sf^ffl^ I hid no idea svheie ic was going, 

i1.T«lI' NriFH ANti rNVH^ririATION 

But the j7^ij/rMliz^on of Saint Jolin w^ not the ctcrtiaE life 
df [he ffiui, but the ji^FffjAj^JfJiff/ of the toqI^ the iinnihil^tion of 
the jTjrrendercr, the annlKibcioR of chc dcvoEcc and the obl^ct 
of devotion Thj^ is citjetl^' what in offered in the investigation 
[Liniofu s^rra thei' arc the i^une_ lhc\' h^yc the i.imeoLiEcomc 

Thmkyoii fur your i'^irifiairfitn. I HJidrryu^nI, 
You areven" ^velcomc. 


discovered somfffjf^lg t/^T Stf^J^ 
Yc!, [ remember itm, 
Yoii iD^ rnc iv kffp ^]yii mutton imi^f, TJ^^JlnTrfvn^rhitt 

Yei, |i Lin In the begLnntngj it is ven'djffiajltH 

Ifoujiii ir ^xhiitsrin^. Is cx^fn r?iti,Ws m^ pbpin^lfysfffjry 
thsrr. So ir is rrty^^^ so hftir t/jiifivrTiyoiu ^^fdiiis^ I sf^ugf^s ff^rr 

[e if thehiirdcit thing ^'ou will ever do, in the beginning. 
The promtsc i^ that if voll mjincJin the effon> the cflort will 



dlMpp&ir. And th.1t ii niv promise jjt Well. But il is the kordcsE 
thing ^iju "WJil c^r dc kgoc^^^ainsE evcn'thing. 

Yc!, tlut ii£nc_ 

tivyyrlvn^ is {rystii! iifiir, If li like tTiy ^kssfs kid bcm t^h^ry dnti ^iti 
^ff lud/im / ck£m€d thrm^ Thfrr }^ ^ift:r/ir^ ffipjcwusnas^ kisas 
^ffsy ffody l^fiofjxfs n^ifssj^tuttiL his siwt, }i n drisnJvri^, ^nd iiis 

pmms, h'Ufydih?^ h pfTsms hxit ihm! iytI /i^krrrs^AUisoaiimi aykh 
rijc "me;" ITS tik^ fAr "fTi^'jsd bitbbtf My e^iorjo^is dir t^f^y ritt^mif I 
fi«jj ocpfcrin^ h^ifffctifT^ oflos^^, or ha^efftlinj^ ofcomfidssim: baf 
teifrryili^ditd i7}yf?i![imljui^sffjr^i7Hyysbifigfi'ab/ibsi}/utech^ 

Wluc niorc- could inu wjnt? It rroi be tkit huge emotions 
"frill ODme. Mavbe not. Nd one on Cell. 'Tliewr mjttcr? areentirciv 
accurding tci ihc predispo^iuon^of tlic LndividuiJ. It m;aT be ttut 
hugeexpirnrnEes will comei good thLngjj7^;^b_id M.n'bc not, 
Your job 1^ to keep Jtrentjon inwiirdi rcgL^rcUcsiof the emotion 
gr the !:acK of ic The o^nfimnngfl^ Ji thi^dispjsslonp whidi is not 
diesKodiOttQn luiteqtronLmiti'- Thkis^'ourniituiLal rtJlc- 

Aiiiff^yljffr / hii'f 6fe^ sfiircbm^for sbii tn^I Il)3ii tht 
t:mcfpr Tfjar ii !oo!iii be ior/icsh^grfii!^ iJiJffW!^ ^Viiflyspfcitil But 



Veil Ttmntc vDLi I ani vcn- hjppv with tlut report- TTits ii 

Jcall^' Lntcrcstjng, bciz^usc thu Ji cticth' whjt 1 i^m spcjking of 
Tvhtn J r.ilk jhouE ttur fjct tk-it wc all rLivc the fdffi th.u wc kno^r 
whjt wc arc tcjoking for \Ct arc looking fcr wmc bjgj explosive 
change. ^itUp big «plo!flvc ch-ingts 3rc chjngixqbic Thr^" come 
and the^' go. 

[t Is not th^t T am tcJtjng"^x}u what ygu Tnould be dotng^ 
such lOi *whi2l ^^ou ought to be doJng i; trying to find nDLirsclf 
Thjf IS jictujJJr whiit wc Rivc Jl been L"lo|ng all DurJtvcv V^'Kit hat 
changed is th-it wc have become ODnicJoLi_Tof that, and noy^r we 
are able to do it more intelligendv [am ven' liapp^' to hear horn 
"TOU, You affljzordo It wrong. Do ^'OLigct ihqt? You cannot do it 
Wrong. Your JntcntLon is alf thjt mattcT:^. Tliere in nothtng more to 
It, 3f I'our tntencioR Js jbsoluteh" "3 am going to find mra:lfp* vou 
t^nnotdo that wrong. Really. If i"oUr inttntJon ii ^I amgoJng to 
Jook within^ instead of without,' you iiinnot do m wrong. It lc not 



(f stf^pifsfss Titnii/i^ i^wiini rh^x k ^i shon-chTNii this f\ipf^fru 
Ziw-tj^ jf"wJi.-it-r/rirjrrflfij7wi"fi jflf^j-ut ami I ffthrr^ts-skfpy — 

ThjS Lc Jntcrciting, bcG^u^ [hoic arc tlic two Duto^mcN that 
art vtn" comnioiilv rcporlcd The dccpincsi h cillozl WfFWoij)fli 

Tvhich t& the lanLi of cilmJngof the mind> the dtimbingdownp 
the deadliest It ii often niLstaken tu be the ^tJte tiLit is soLight^ 
bcciuie rherc ij nothtng happening "[here t^ j sleepiness and ^ 
diiappcoranoruf eoneern llie otlier itatc, whiidi ls the iiihiOjii 
BaniiitMii, J?r the state that ihedescrJbeel, whidi is dariti^ and 
qifpassion. But diifJLifJDn i^ nor like'yh'hatdlspafslnn sounds lllo:, 
It is^F/yititiTicIf 

Yes, not dhconnccEcd In the appcanmceof this qionoLnap 

tht ptHiibiliti' then and there is to find out "for whom J:s tliii 

The fific one In cne second oncj one v attention Is 
ptrmancnth'on the dfj^fJTTJjJ^Fmj"^ inward. A o^nditJon 
in whjch nothing "inwoni" nor ^otityh-ard" can he lunnd. 
Itrmancnti^' wichdrawn, jrhxi!^ — thit is uihaja uniadhi. Its 
frcling LA the feeling of darLti' anddlspassiun andevervdiing is 
pcriecriv olrvJgur So, theappearanorof this manoUra t^ actuaJh' 



Q confirniing lign of the invcstigatJon- k 13 jgcMKl sign It is JLulC 
not one to be tiakcn Kdoud^' It iian JnvitJtiGn to go deeper jnd td 
fim out fonvhom chL5*.txtlncsSxi{ipc^ifi In wJutdcEsitj/^^fl??* Pram 
SvhenccdoHic oumc^ 

Continue the inVcitigifJon- Aj\6 even Ln the itatc of daric^' 
anddj^piissiun^ the yigi^lIna^ thjt Gan^jL ^peotu of t\ required It 
is the ce.iiclcss iriwiJirdxiticniJonp the ce."i5cies5"wllJtngne5!i to refrain 
from gcttuig GiUght up in the old in^ituatLons of the ^lucaaing" 
qf che de.idne^ST che "ma.uiing'' oFthc sleep tncjs, ilit ^'mejnJng^ 
c^f the clarLti'j the "me-jning'* of die diipjsiion \qij knovF^, it ii 
the outgoing mind thjt looks for meaning in diose diingi llic 
InyitiMion Is to refuse thac_ It hjsdonc inu no good. NevcrT Jt 3nv 
ticje^ Kdi Lt hecn ukRjI to ^ou- It Juit leadi to more questions, 
more cusnFuslonp more suhdeti', moreexpljinacconr Just itop. Thii 
i:^ whnt IS meant bv ^stop-* Stopping is to turn Uiwjrd 1 hjve iiiid 
before in mi^ meetings, I have sugge^tcd to eVer^"onc, that lou did not 
start the thought, therefore jwtf cmnot stop tt. And^ at a ccrrjiin 
sti^i this Lc Useful to help ^'ou see thjs thought «:cni5 to jppear 
jndependentJvof che percciveroFthe choughc But 3 teil ^ou now 
that Jt Lc ahiolutci^' possible to stop thought Thought is stopped 
when itj origbi is investtgitcd And I tcL %'ou alio dui cver^^lhbig 
Tvhatsoe^r ii thot^ht. Even'thjng. So thac, in am' eicpcnenoir-, 
the investigation of the origin of tlie etpenenix destroys Jt as an 
ei^rJencr^ as 2. separase ohiect. 



bfoiu^rr ffrTi^/.f/?^Jiwfi mr, I it'onil hiofi/ {i^bar 1 n/^j £ot^s to ihjfik 
YcSj and tkji is Lruc cnQugh, It conicEfroni tk: Ehinkcr. 

[e rorvk^^ from the thinker, the ego, which i^ die muftc 
qf thoughi- Thii L5"W'hr ic li useful no X:y ro catch thought us It 
^ppe^:^. If i"oLi arc loakjng for j thought to appcarj land mitCixlof 
iDltowifig Lton lL^ CDuric JTid lEi rjTTu£QtLons, VDLlr attention m 
turned hick to the point Jrom whtch Itiipptx^rf, fuur Jttentton is 
qrl tlie Eource of thougJit itself 

JJjtif fiofi^if m^ikf sfmc iv r^jf fot' f^iSf^p&, ^ifl of ^i stuidcn III 
sfff Ih fJjifikt^i£ dl^out Totfi Qvisf, Hf mfiim nothtt^ TO mc, Burr^y 
mirid ik-gf^jfFtiim^rimf^kiiibiJiisTf^^ Cruisr. 

WKac Is iL thac we zk ceferrtng to "wncn we ^jj\' mv 
Jliind"^ TTrflii the question feu have ju^t Eoid that something 
isgcncriUing dieic thoUgliL'? There J* the etperienec of iome 
di'namo, lonit engine churning out thoL^htT Hut |r what I wiinE 
\-dU Eo ^uznd to. 

Okdy. Jfs riv rhoi£ W^^a:/! coffits tip wit^ ^llr/?£^^ ffWighn, 

H^tlt, cEiicth' Ihe thing which turns out diose dioughtSj 
that h the thinker it Ji eIu i^iped of ego One of the mo^t 



liberating iispcctn of BLiddhiitprjcticc cliat [know iilh^ 
diicovcn" thiit thought.^ JTC cj^^fiWi thjt tbc^ ore not mr TTtcI' jppjftntl^' unbidden Ihcn' ccrr^inli'do noc rLivc amT:hing 
to do wfcth mc Before tins diiouvcr^^ the oitlinan' jj^umption Lc^ 
"T am mi' thoughts ^ And thtrc is agrcGc scurnHng andcfiurr m 
dronge or do lomcdiing jbout thiit, whitli provcij of couric, K 
be hitile. Hie iictualjt^' Ls thjt there i^ die espericncc of something 
thinking tho^e thoughti_ NoWp [Utcntton tin be pLiccdon chat 
whtdi Lc turning out those thoughts^ and be held thtrt, Without 
regard to the oiirCiffTiH of It — there n no outojme to It, It ot just 
thiit ifMt^^ Vh'hcTc atrenuon belongs, in die quc^c to determine 
^'oui aetUiJ identLti'i because for most of thi^ lifei for nios! of us, 
the f/;i?z^jr has been che sense of who 1 jim. So qttcnd to that. 
Hold tlut. 



ibeughLiTtcf^iis irms-inijinm nfhfrr you ai^Y^e burk to sh/ Gnghi {f 

[ oon'i knQVf^ Thii iSnibnrjct, 

I ijjrr n ^i^^Gift m^if fi'fth flyifig I Sf^} /ik n) fjn trfippr/i t 


Tlic onl^' ^v-^v lo 5Top thjt tlioughc ic to no! ^ttoid m the 
thought <ind, h\ all mcans^ not to tri' to divert itior Jtccntlon 
to iomc othtr thoL^hti Instcitl, follow chjt choug;hc back to it? 
EotiTo:. Sec from whence Lt ODmci. Gncc vou arc strapped into 
diat o^flin, there t^ nothing tou cm do about Jc juistv3^'. Ona: 
that thing Icjvc^ die run^VaVj i^ou nrc trapped. Tlicrc ij nothing 
you cindo ff that airplane ingoing Co go down, jC is goJng to go 
do^n, No amount of dtitrjdilng ^njuriclf from chc fear, jnd no 
amount of trvLng to do something about itx will help ^"oa In that 
moment, in che reollvquttematun: rccc^itJon that it i^ too late 
to do amthing (^1 ^hoLitd never liavc gotten on tliii airplane, but 
|[ Jj too late now.*), there ls theopportLinit^' to sec that fear iticif 
is a huge gifc of grace, bctLiuie it ij ao intense J Itnow hoiv intense 
it cin be. 1 haTC been in gunflght? with the pollec. Tliat iear itwif, 
Tvhtdi Li so Jnten^, Is a gifr of gmor Bctiuse of |es inten&tti^p It 
Imt done awav with io caslh. So, look for where it o^mes from- 
You look for who ctpcricnccs it- You look for I'ourwlf. Voti put 
"TOUfscIf Jn a sirujtJon where there l& nothing toll ciin do, w you. 
might as "Well Ur^ jl 

iLn^ii^h th^^ h^hf ^7^i ^asririg oiifghi up, a^j^ tihi/nyr bfm^ ubii fu 
Jiifl /wk TWO rkir ii^hidj n yjwt^ ri^hiJ? ^ex^ir cki^x^^s As I /hientJ ro 
yoUr r?£ys)^ffni^orkindofJtinrif As t mis sirr^^ig f7f>r nfuiTin^foryou 



nffl ffft iini^ li.^sii'fs ^}VsisSii^cf, and lojvfs iff^tiy^ I losis !tii^^x tifhi^k 

A'ft /jj/i/wf. .i^ rhm ii^lkir fkjflfifufd ft^s, 'Ohy^iyG(ki sh^/v 
h ?zo phcr so IfP^I 'Ih^n^ ik- ^j^j pLiiT rhif is rMr^om^ nf ha tt. It a 

iijf}r rfmrs ti plsif {L^b^fryoii llw/rwM that all shi sm!^ l/imriGl 

You arc not raving LttfuJCc rlghf^ bcizauic i^du iilmiifyl^yc 
from th-it jU the time Hicrc izomcK a point when the eflort of it 
riiii^ppcari. Wlicn chceflbrt to keep vigil di^iol^c^ ^ndthcyigil i^ 
^'oui DrdiiurV state of aDn:iaGLi.-^neftE. 

h Is ^ nof nffrrk Issjuisthrp-arrdfljghs^bfhr^^m sh^sis^tf. 

Yes, |i U the 1cm: aHairmthTDuriclf. When I'ou find 
the absolute love of ^'our life, duil wliiizh iievcr^'thtng ^ou ever 
wanted, whv would voti evenv:inr co leave? TTi^ th what Lt ts_ 
And It i^ a great, onnhrnung sign Just as I have soidj that in not 
d^Vavs the case. In some cases^ Jt L^ verv sin^jlc and there is not 
a loL oFemotionol ?torm and thunder^ hut in other ca^es, it ij 
not In the case of thiis pcrsoRi there was huge ^^r and terror and 
anger and confusion and ratling about oFcmottons_ Tn^i cares 
whatsoever, it iiahwiuteh' posiiblc for ^T\\l to attend onl^ to ^'ouf- 
sclE It is ohioluleh^ possible for ^ou to refrain from following onv 


emouonj] upriiing i^ndi insrcjd, to keep I'our iirtcncion on fArf, 
on d^c one for whom thi^ emotion appears. This foo\^ i^tirsclii 
Whac oi^ci^ hjppcnT, in the invcjtLg:^tion, |^ m |^ lilo: throwing 
open the cell doors to the pcnitcntliin'. All of the horror^ ^1 tlic lud 
guyj with tcirdrop^ tatmocdon chcir ehcelup o^mt njihtngoLil: 

[ Jim ycTv happv to hear chlv T am jJ^.i^'v happv to hear of 
the ih^ng. 1 jm hjppi" to hciU the report of cLiriC^' jnd pcjcc .and 
freedom; jnd I .im jtio reoFh^ lupp^' to hear of shaking, hecaUic 
yA]2.l \s being mJhxI of ^'oll, whai inu anr asking oFiTJuricIt' in this 
inVeiUlgition, Jt to put cven'thingon the line Evcn^thing ^I do 
fipt know ^vhat tn the ivorkl I .un talJung-ibciUT" when 1 sar / Let 
me find that out " Evcr^lhing j? on the line then So the ihjking \^ 
not sLirp rising. 

fj/idlia)fl 'Vhrr^yGfv^, th^'n nj^h'f up fifffyFhp?^ I i^'tr sbonglit 
I h^tii^ diwit iwythinS' "/ Ar^ ini^^sffd ti lor ifyfii}\ iis niGif (fas 

Aiid I irrrsrlfvi n'lsb my thflii^ha rhas rif^bi I a/iinmi ro nm asiytjy, 
/IW ir if ii^mi likr ihf Jrwjf ixpcn^tic^ in Jwv /ff t/m spicf skif / 

offrcfpniulkdtmi^tfjifi^. jiW jiJ Ai^jww Think i: alt ss, ikifyoujtr 

ThJs h Tvhronc or Pjpaji s most profinuna utceninccs if 

^non-ohLdancc Jn the mJnd .innvhcrc.* Non-ahid^nce in the mind 
aniT^hcre. And when ^'ou taite that with the obvious reafrit^ that ait 



i^ WJ^zrfj where docK tha! Icmvc ixiu lo stondP ^Ticrc is chcfc iipljcc 
Co itand^ JJjc^Y h no pLiCf Sost^Uiii' Hicrc i* no rcfcrtncc poinL 

IbrndnatdkcdobauiEhk jIgi: — ^ thaCdCfiur^ h ii 
Emit In pome oFvicw, But n:alh', the new poLnt of v tew li not3 
/^flm^cif view, khjs no pi jot to ^tond ft hj3 no posLtLon. I .un 
Q^nvJnizeds in nn" own csptncncei thjt the whole phenomenon of 
mijldentihii^ition, ^ihout which billions oFwonis in hundreds of 
!ingiii3ge^ hciYC been wriltcnj i^ merely' the dcterminiitlon Co cLng 
to J p3rTiai].ir point of view. ThatV tt, Tliat Ih ^ tt J^h Wcllj there l« 
jio pLix to standi Only Jind ~^-DLirsel£ 

out ^ my /-Wii^, 

[t is ob^v. It [i not tilvlid. 

Right now? MJcc .iiicGsion rjghl now 

The dedsLon thjit counts Iv che decision to findrotirBelf^ 
^^1 cost! i cnn n:^3Jtire ^'ou^ I o^ te[l \'ou thjt thcdecliion- 
m.iking thni mjikes this llitr run will quite hiippiiv tike place, no 



mafteT Vh'h^thcr ixiu jtc looking for i^jtirsclf or not "Iliconlv 
rf^^rwffJJT tl^jf, lis long oi ^'ou arc pcriLucLrd thoc "^'oq^ arc the 
cjcctdcrT ^'Du will suflrr. And js long .is rou thLrLfc^TmrsclJ :o ^ the 
decider, the onlv question wordi jaking lc, ^Tio ani P ^C-Ticrc ii 
thif deader to be found? 

^Qolc^nasce. Dcdslonsarc nude Truthful I v^dedslons 
an^ nude and izonnnuc to be nude. I niean^ I jm herCh am I noE^ 
Didn^t 3 luvc a choice this niornJng^ Cou1dn\ 1 liivc |u4t left jU of 
Touon i^ourown and gone lo the be;3ch^ 

Tliji IS the hard fact of it. ITtoU arc determined to kec^ 
them in vour csge, then I would x^dvl5C"^T^u not even to think 
abouc trvij^ Co find out who ^'ou are. 

flnf l/ify fljJ/Jf BZf rf'oiibtt iinyn^iiy, 
Ihcnict them out, 

[ thinkthjt i^ an ^propfiate Insight. Ftnd l^ourstlfl 




Tlmt [E a useful insist, Thcrcfcur, qllcntlon should be 
placed on tbc soflt'Cf of EitEcntii^n, 

Bfo^us^ ^yoit ii^"^ puSTiti^yourtinffiiio^ionsinyshi^ i^mi 

la that voLirci:pMricna:a.T"wtUT tlut JtTcnliLDii ii ixiUr 

*Thcn., th^t k where utentkon bclongB 

*Tnat ts the onh pLicc. Ajili J[ JHtf^bc th^ic others will also 
diicovcT thjt liicdirccLEan where the icITit to be found J:^ Jt the 
BQ|iri:eoF;:itttnfion. But ls noc ncccsMitlv the jz^sc for^ll. 
There i:^ no tCiidiing here. Hie tcachtng ii to find ^"ourseff j^d 
if itoctnira Co I'oUj in the Keiirch for ^'otirwlf^ due ^JttentLon is 
mi' icltp irn' idenEiti%* tKit is chc i^tguni calling; s^ou home, in chr 
directiGn from whence attention comcis. But lur ethers, it cnuld ht 
^ emireLvdlfh:rentei:perience, 

Kximana teils u_t thjt chc onh" thin|^ i\3u have to remember 
Is chatevqnthingJs vQursclt It mai' be that luu fmd aiensc qf 



l-ciiirsclf in »fiic flf^f/'cSpcricncCj wliidi ii no! to \ai' thjt it ij 
not attention. It H juit to j^v thj! caiJi onc^ JcoDnJjng !o their 
pwn prcdijpositton, find^ 5Drnc pjirticuLir djrccrion homCn some 
p.jrriml.irprnnrf-r homc. Lct it hc the Kc^t ctiakrji ict it be the 
back of the head ^vhcn: thot^hts wrm :o uppcoTT Ict it be ^ur 
big toe. [f it IS itdUt absolute ctpcrLcncc that chisi: lk the knot df 
identity', the source of itior identttij ^ind ^'ou hold ^'oLlr attention 
tbcic ee:i:ieles hi r without fjilj vqu cannot bc^rongn 

^i^fmsity. No! rhtfF rkit hs fiik^^T m^ iitl ifjc n^iiy hmiC' Bunt his 

T hjve somcncw^ for ^ou^ you have no cumpjnLons on thti 
jotiTTKi'. I JJTi notdti^^iecjng with \uiir 1 am not Jirguingivith 
^'ou, bur 1 iijngliiJ vou iiid thjc If there is nolh{>ig ^ftn^oorself, 
then ^'ou ^c alone. Youare jfone. Alone. Papaji bj^'a two annot 
go there toother. [ cm listen aqd see tf Tour report tuinform eo 
my own e^perLenee 1 Ginnot tell ^ou where j'ou can find ^'ou^lclf^ 
or when: rou can\, 

ti^yyrhtu^ ^&^ li&ti, JJm! n ihcs^m^ i^^artai die /j^dtT t^rl^c micsc^ 

Yea. [n Fact, Romana telh ui that ego ris tndistinguUEuble 
from ft:lf Ihii Ji the rciion that be eno^urogei uc to diretlour 
Jnquin" toward egOp rather than self It \s because ego I? the most 
direct doorwai into tlie self; it Ls bidli^tinguishoble from wlf — 
which Lc whv we arc confused. That realisation Lc present iji the 



in ^vhJdi the ego [s \pokcn of iii the dhsolan p{yffCS Minvr Tina 
Is the reason whv^ve gtt confu^d, bcciusc it feels lila: ielE It is 
indiiStLnguiahablefrDni wif This Lc one of the thlngi that nuhes 
the l-thought so unique jmon^ thou|^ts, hecuiid it Ircjtactl^ lilcc 
x^iiiBclf. And evcnthif^ Vh'hjtccvcr js rtljtcd to it — to «3fi to me. 

ifljfjj ifus li^s ifjry tnf fictiiiyi^ ifG^b ibe Mimf, 

There i:^ truh' no distinction- A diicusaion of the mind 
QToppir^ tnco the heciri ls onir for che good ot' the one who Is 
seeking to do iiwas" with his own ioUcrLng It m orK^ j tcaeliing 
storTj and there is no truth to Ic But thiii u certijunl^' the 
experience of all who feci ^"parjte. Rcgardlesi of whether we 
arc talking about the VctLintlc heart, or iomc other conorpc flf 
he;:utT che ei"pcr|encc is that *^Iam separate from the aouro:. I am 
separate from the heart lam separate fnjm God ** Ihatiithc 
experience It docs no good eo scold, rou and mt that k is not the 
tnjthj that tlicre is no vparatJon Tlut is fuit one moie diing to 
suOrr ahout, to tr^ lo make real Hut is the r[:ason whs all these 
lutras and tcicts and teachings take the form thevdon because 
thci' take lurmfrom the point of view of the one who m iccldng 
liberation And it Ls the eEperlenJie ol the one who Is seeking 

liberation tlial he or she Ls separate from the ioUroTj separate from 
Gcrd Thefcforc, thc^' Urge ^ou to_^^n/tlie source, lo £nd «rlf, m 
End che hearr. And the reason that ch|s heart diaitra is identified 
ijs because it i^ theeKpencnceof so man^ k ii lo uniformly" the 


rtLpcriNUia: of people who arc convirttrd tlui thc^'arc the budv — 
that then: is thii center of encrgi'j thi^d^'namo of cnei^ — th^ it 
m^ proven uicfuJ to turn vour jctcntlon chcnrn rjither t"h:in to the 
ou(gotng niind. Blit there J:^ no truth to it Whjt v^ are speaking 
qf ti f^frtmrf cuIvm not reality". flfj/fTj^Js that thenr |^ nothtng 
but ^'ouricll"" Nothing. Voti are the Kurcr of all There ts no 
^localization" to ^'ou. 

Yci, thjt is right, Tliat |r where tt comev from That is when: 
itariit^ fiom Hi* is wlicre die t-thoi^Jit iirtt lumcs fiuni In thu trjJiticinn 
the [-thoughr ]i the Mororof chc miH^- [t |^ the mLndand the seed, 

Yes. [f I speak eoit^u, liind ! cell vcu to find vourselfp 
ohvioU-ih ] am speaking nonKcnic. How can i^ou toiC ^ourwrlf? 
And ^ttn I know the csptnence of not knowing m^'sof So I ^pejk 
tQTOu like that ^^liJt good vrauld it he forme to tell tou thar :idl 
i^one^ that nothing isMe thatheJpfulP I don\ think, so. Ramana 
tclt^ uSt in ipcalangof the dliciRctton hccwcen the rca] and the 
Linrcalj "Here L? Iiow ^'ou tell the difference betvnrtn the real and 
the LlnrcaJ: orn^thing tliaf Ls sfcn J^ unreaJ." So, look for the Wf£ 
Find "^xjurseifp which ha^ never been seen and haT never been 


absent Never, not for ananowro^nd Soi in tins dreaniof beings in 
thii drcam of me and "^xjUp attend not Eonie> jctcnd co s"ours:lf 
Find from whenix this dream arhf s- Find ^T^Urself TKaok^Tlu. 


TKere Is No Pkice to Scantl 

When Tiras In prtsonpnftcr meeting G^ngajL f^nd iftcr 
gctttng to know Raniani3L wIid rc-jll^' finiJh Liitroduccd jnc to 
G*LngLi|i) I "WJSxit tht topmost level ot'prciiigc. I had been an 
armed bjuik robber -ind tEmc |^ piem^mijch the top of the he-jp, I 
Wiii yawf j/jj^j in prJ^on! In theafrerrr^tliuf m^' mcctLng ding^ji 
and Rjm-."inx"i, the people who hjd prevloa^lv Itnown me Jindwhat 
I w^H like^ Werei for the nioit port, fljbbergiiteid. Ihc^' could not 
fit whiit bad happened "w I [hjn me tnco jn^' of their JdcL^i of what I 
Tvai itke and whjt I hjd been doing. It dtd not fit into Jinrof the 
ofdiDJT^' Wiii'i bv which convicts dj^aiiis tho«: who strj^ from the- 
mai^t and narroiv- T did noc fit tnco anything. As a conw^qtiencc 
c)f thj^h ] found mi'acif in utung |ust jhout all the tinic — 
challenged, debated One of che group? that wai most Interested 
In dcstroi^ing wLit the^' perceived to be m^r heretical view of 
thlngi was die ClirJ^tLani. llic CbrJ^ttani in piJion are realU'j 
reallv Chrlrttan^ I remember Living a di^cu^sloR with a group of 
ClirntLani in prison ahout the "Will of God- At one point, thcv 
were tndLgnani and tiid, "\XtlLhow do yeu Icnow whac the "will of 
God |rf^' And] sjid, "^ Lpok around itjll, How cm vounuss it?^ 

I wanted CO h\" sonicthfr^ about attention, idcntjh^and 

insight. [ ani aduallvverv fanuljar with the in^Lglit thjt attention 
Is identity': k IS no djflerenc from what Ganga|J suggests co 
"QS when she asl« ui^ "^(Tiere i?"\T3ur attention?^ Because it Is 

true that Lt is thep^iVy^^of Jttcntion that bccumcs the jctof 
identification, It ot the rclaiLaclon, the refui^al co Jocus^ictentlon on 



this; or iJiiU:^ that la; the ^/j-^fftlzi/^taK: ckric^^and dicp^^ion. The 
thing about in^iglit, however, i\ thjt Jnstght Lc j two-ct^cel iword. 
[c spontjncouil^' appears Jind |c on be ycrr u^ctul. Etr the one tc 
whom tlie Ln^lght jppeara, it cnn hd ^\lij I never suipcdcd th-it!'^ 
All insights, however ^e limlt^^dnnd chenrfore are not dejcrtpttve 
df the real. As i^n insight occur?, the j^j/'jjijj'jo^i (in the instant 
thiit it ^ppeurs, tLe moment dixit it penetrates o^nscJoLl^ncs^) 
|e to dt^ml^s itr to let Jtgo. No Jn&tght Ot the truth- Insight ^ Jire 
gifts of grjce diJtarc vcn' sweet and Ver^' powrrftil, iind ihc^' 
can be cKtremeh powerful in cutting through prevjoLislv-held 
jnisLinderALindlngs- But js raon <is it does its job, it'j hisEon'x 

[ ruvc to tell rau chjt when I jpcnk to ^'oll of these things^ 
df the iweetnebi of reoIlzjtJoni I ipeakto i^u from m^' own 
rxperJtRce When I jpeok to voll of the pervcrslti'oFthe mind^ 
willingness to be tridtcd bi' itiown productjon^, I jjio spciik to 
^'ou from mi o-^'n experience — I do not spejJt theofeti oUt. 
And insights that are chenshcd Jii thtngj iri themselves become 
li^gige Ln the bjgof bonei thjt Pjpaji jdvLses U-i not to orr^' 
aroLind. Love whatever jppcju"s :ind let ic go. [c h*is done its |ob 
tn the moment of Jts appearance and after dial it j^ j burden. It 
is Just lomethlng; to arn' around and to compare present 
nperjcno: ivtthj so It i^ of no uie tq "^xju, 

^^ also ^poke of dijpaislon From rJnic to ttme in mv 
meettngs^ 1 uied to point que the fact that uncondttionjil bve 
doesn't core and, when someone liod not heard that bcforcj it 

often produced aldndof ihnklng. Well, mo^t evcirbodi' who 
hoj been with n^ noss' has heoid nic ui' that, so [ don't aa^' it 



£inT more Bui this dijpis^ion tkit Wc ^pokcof i^ prccLKlv thai 
UniZDnclLtLoniil love thjt dchcnn't ore. It doccn'l: make tt<in^' tttJE 
iy;^f_ It J& chc ht^cit love. It ti the love ch.ii ijlo^i all to hc^j rf^. 
It if tlicllght in which iJint and stnncr <iljkc live land move juid 
h^vc theJr being It luu gotten thl^ n.inic 'cllspa^sion'' jctjched to 
it in order to dl^tLnguLsh it from the cfi^igi^ leave thisfwe ore moit 
&miij^ With in huniiin ^ctiviti'. But thla di^piUNJon thjt we ipe^ 
of ts love fi/ishouS rundkiofi' It is love [kac truly carcingt wh^ 
shineE iii It) light, 

yoif ijho^iC;jn i^isj^h I hiihiboiiS ifis^h, Jofm, xitl I am ixiy is li}tiT 
yGur p^^ ixpnimcf ii^- a i^amhrrifn'ayifi/ ft'fi^ Whm yorj spm ihiAr 
truism fyiLisrffs, iili m} bcsinrifii! chrisf^ insigha tkn I i^y to hoU w 

Good. TTiial i? good use of me. 

so ho^ m tfnl}3S, A^ i!!'fry ri^ir I ^pra^ to yorj. yfmj{iJi /jhsT this 
iiii^y Af^ hViffkf tkif I tfjoji^ht chnr rifiis sonif ^'^^^^^i tntlAit. 

Y«, of ouursc Tltit i^ the rej.wn Vnr ding to thal^ becjun: 

Wc think theit i^ wcurit^' in it 



tuhir IS /^fffigpf^'Cfir^ii 1^ Thf y/sofjxfni, Bui h^hic is hftf^p^nrii^fd is 
H.. Ju^ ^h^t L5 being pcrccLvcd 

ThM s righc. 

smif thins,, 

^KHl, stop thnt then! 

/ fapt to rtlfyoii rhc cippifchiTion thtiT fffclforyou . 

iifffr J ics tijhi^ hvssifji, I^D, "TjMinkGtxiyoii hep ^iffxins ifwf 

You arc wn" ^vclcomc This i^good uw: of mc Throwing 
out time CJEgct_i iigood uk of mc' Find i^ouridf Tlut ts thconlv 
[laik ^'ou luvc How hiird cin iJiiU: bf ^ 


bffrxa Ffm/rkabk ni^fi7L'ffkforf^!f Onr ihfj^ rl^r rmtly sTmrk mt 

iiHis rfjiir I si^i dris^i^nTy i^rtwd I /AJif sh^ ihoif^hrr 'Who n^iwa 
fu sxifTi iff! [h 7udi(r^" BiiS ihi! firjO' shirugh {i^fj^\ '^Tig isdn'sm (f 

Tlui Lc the nozt itcp \tTio Lc a^ng tlici^ quL-^Cioni? 
Riamarutclli uc^ Jind it Lc nn^cXpcrEcnors that tEic iRvcstJgiitiun 
itopj thf mind Thii l^rcalh' Intcrcating to icc I once rr.t"! 3 Jcticr 
thiit Silicone wrote to Giin^jl, in whjth thc^rtrcr daiincd eIigC Jt 
Is impossible to iiop tht mtnd- And Gangjjj wrote bsdc co her and 
said, "k Jubsoiutclv poi^iblc to ^top thcnundj but the result is 
not a stopped iiiLnd/ Siniilarh^s it ts iib^luteh' possible to dccEro^^ 
the ego J buc the result is not the absence of ego. The invcstig^itLon 
will itop the mind. If whjt result.^ from that 13 htanknc^^T It Ji 
the manolara. II what revuiti from \s the dartn^.ind ihc 
diipisiion, the mind Ji not gonei the objects are present ^s thei' 
dw-j^'5 Were. Tlie j/^j^^/jj^^ltc present as tlic^ alwal'5 were. But die 
miffi/t tnjlvj tsdead. 

ELimana tells ui investigation ii rediiiitlon I said this 
jnornJng, I will sa^' tt<^alns I wiH probabh' si^y it I^ million Einirs 
before 1 die. the Investigation has no goal. TTie investigation ct_scff 
is ^hat Tou have ^uwa^'s Tvanted. Andevcrr" second spent VhNth 

the nund In Ward- turned on its ovn^n ioLirn m a wo^nd spent 
consdoLislvieLJizcd- If ic ts persisted in^ graduaJlv che time spent 
with tlie mind going outward diniinishej. And tlic time spent 
with tlie nund stopped and happs" bcoDmcs permanent. But even' 



rito^nd ipcnt i^'itli the jnindon Ilt uurcc iia KODnd spent in the 
CDnccJDLi^ rc-illzatiDn of the nafurcof i^our bcir^. Hic investigation 
Is the rc:Ot£itlon Te if not the mcani tm rcilizLiticn. Ai^d that will 
slop the mind. 

frtc??^; re? ski^ikyo^i ^iw fMr rfuch^, 7J;f}' hii'c chi^igfii f^y tifr If 
h i^rry raiyfor mi w ciiscb f^y^rfami mm wy tinrritifm innfimi nfbm 
/uffl /«jJJA^ ^r negative fhoit^hs ot'dji^ii^sf^is ff^ught oysom^thttig 
rhins iimvmfondbfc. It is Ijtitdfr n^/jfri t^tgsc tfmi^fyfs dtv p^ii'^i^y^ 
^uid happy. 

Yes, tnt^ JJ prcdjicK^ the nrason Tvhh' most of the trjoLtton^ 
injllsc thiit suHerLng is ^glRorGracr. Because It L^ much dialer in 
the midst of iuflenng to turn Tour attencion InwiWs But when 
fven-thingn feeling f^ood, it'sltkci "^tTioji Hike thjs!'"Will, 
there is nothing wrong with hkjng it It it fus! the i^mc old stor^'i 
bcc-iuve this ixju like so much ivlll disjppecu"_ Wich nkituriti' 
on th'w padij beesu^ it sureh^ is a path, there conies the reidl^itJon 
that the sweetness ItsdJf is an even grcLiter gift of Grjce^ because 
c^f the opportunlti' it oSers to djspiiiKioiuteli' refiiic to_^vort '^i 
to dispiiisioiLiteli" be wilLng to find fcr n^fioffJ thl^ tdstes so iweec 
And, In thntp to sec for ^Tsuraelf "whether an^thtng Is lost. \oll 
JtlUSE tn' JL 

^^l^dL h^ £3Ja it J^Jin and jgnin: |nvesti^.ite peace. ^Then 
pfcice comeSi Lnvestigjte pejcr and see- We ali know thiit when the 
good sttitf ODnieSs Ltdoepin't l^ht ver^^tong. So the understamd^bte 


TH cue IS NO PUCF-'TO rrANri 

EUidquilc ju-'^tilijjjlc LiidLnjtion is to u.\\ ^WcL^ lam going !o 
cnJGT thii iTiViint lo jusE be with this while it is here; jnd when 
the bad scuff cDfTieSp TU Juat go b:ick to mv ccU.^ Find out 
fcr I'ourwif Vh'hcthcr an^'thlng la lost hi' rcfL-^ing lo tend to the 


Christ ^^iii iJ ^Mf Tfiichir. 

ChrlEt ^d^ 'Tile- kingdom of liciiven ie wLthin vou,^ 
E^crty, .i/hi if Took Ro/^fn AJiitfn. ji ffticfj^i'^^f^yoiimiiy 

Y«,du£^ right. 

Tluli right. Tlutiexadli" rightl 

So Tf}cir is pnif ^'iifu^ if! th ChkUi^fi tcdfhhigs BkfTf^ 

Inict Chriit asafcur-^-rar-old 1 ^vaa living ^viih mv 

grjndrnothtr>Tvho "wjs ;i Itnieoj^LiI Chnstizn ("whlth k jbouc ? 
hindamcjitaliat J5 Vqu c^ngctj and ibc tJliglit me to ujing 




tlic Gospel? ^s the rctc Wcfl, j four-^'c-jj-oU'i mind [i2\ not been 
cundiEJGnozl like .in oJdcr person'? mind to coniprcliendj *^^[tllj 
tm^ isT^' thli fdollr mcanj,'' 5d the things ch.ic were tud by 
Christ 35 reported in the Goipcis Went ^t^algllt home to nie. Sd, 
I kive from time to tJmc commented on the fjct Chriic 
crippled nie, land miide it impoiisibfe for mc to be eflcctLvc in 
thi^ lii^, beGiusenotlung nKo^Llre^ up to ^vh^t be sjis. Nothing. 
CJinitl^nitv Gcrt;:iln]v doc^ not — whtch t^ moirth' j b:ug^iin wich 
God" 'Hi be good if ^'ou let me Ijvc forever" So I n:al]^' ^^^^ with 
that. Christ z^yjy Jgreot ccichcr. The great mritccr to me jbout 
Christianity' ic thjtj despite cbc 2,000 i^cari of obfu station and 
denial and ODnfuAtonand corruption, the power of his teachLng? 
itiE] persists, 

[ iiAvc hei^ another t[:^eher ij.\\ '^Vomie, insoiWas i~cti 
grc jm^thing, time ^ 

5fl, ^j^J^f^jf^i^'everyihln^ ;Ai !^ would ^ in^^, n^lfl^ 

Aj true a? anvthcng c[5c, the prc^seni nionicjit i? too Ear aVi^a^'. Vouridf ismodidojo". 
^Now^ sa^'s It J Lttlc doKT But the pie ernt moment is too fjraWiiT'. 




rtnrfjw thisrrtjwr Ibis ptViTis is so in^irmitc, Iffff like I dRr fjctt^ 

nff/^Ff-f fflitjind, iM^sif! lifi'm!^, //cW'if fAf iwjfyfft, ^xw/th n^otifs 
cijmf ffj. /jj^J" ^/f^'v i/ff rj^fcrmg ur /raclft^^ a d{fft:f7nrpiin ffr/if / 

Vom itr my f}fjii, iitui Qi^x^ij/s ^itiii Rsinitifnis, ;uuf Ifook i^! fAoff 

Yes, if ivrut hi^ppcni here U red, t!ic "wofliii jic rcalh' hcsidc 
the pocni 

It u v^ty nourahing, si^fjjrtPtr if fl tJ)iifkifipws„, 

where is die silence ^vhen spejJting is luppcnJj^? 

Somcrmxfs I s^m mrfjcmuf/tir^fii, ItTiCiin, it imk^iys rhrtt, 
yig^ffl. ;r ii ihjhfjgfiictts jtfjjz/j^g jw i/jf ^ju^k^, and Itnfnm^ w 

repots, ^oifjg f^of^f i}£;jin,., 

TTiii IS like the nafural clLS1Z^Lnl^nJtLon Hicrc iia 
cli5tnin|njting"Wjaclom sees thcdjfierencc hcE^ren loiningm 
the laughter and fssff^iflg to things i^nd tlinf deep^ deep sil^flCf drjt 
Is rc-olh^ being pointed to. Ihcre are no Wcrdi Vh'ithout that sllencCr 
The Vhurd^ h.ippen hcrCk bcciuic chac li wh^t we are here for. I am 
spciiking to the hearer of words But theit ts wniething much 



deeper^ jnd mLich more incinufCi tiJcijig pLicc bcnciilh tlic wordi, 
withtn the "wordi. 

Ychj it [b rimfDri^nLio dc^r the doubtfn 

Wfll rh^v ciiJTj' ^a fhvi^^h iho^a iimn {i'hn / hjir bn^ ^o 
wM:^ H'h?! Iiit^i jii^ixyj^vt^i xi^ork' Bunoft^fi liir?iiiT^i^i^'k ii7f>riin 
jitiT so mi^^/7 f^r/idfi fif^dtfifss, iimfliim ^l^c ortf n^^sh shr si^^ on f^y 

And hoi^ !u[Jti they 


Qifry rlhif {^ivr^y jt^a^^kdiiy somite f J m(^r, ami Ihjoxi^ tT is ^lo: ^or^g 

If ^'OLL keep ^'OLLT^ttcntJciR Inwaidi :ill will be welJ, The 
ratiiTiil ^pontancQui rcsponftr lo the necxEj of people th-it arijei 
In ^"oUi will be absoluEelv approprt^e, ^nd it will beeTcictli" wRit 
i:^ needed And if ^du refrain from wrcund-guci^Lng yoordfj and 
Jneikjng b^clcond |Lit^ingp ^Oh^ 1 should l^ve -ujd it jAif WiiV,' 
"vou will be 'jhlc to bold ixiur Mtcntton imvurd mudi better, 

■ H 


TH cue IS NO PUCF-'TO rrApjn 

Y«, it happens iiJllTva^'i You know, iJiis Lc the thing jboLil: 
iurrrndcr jItci l]yi idcj thjc ixiu jfc in diai^of iiow thi^ form 
meets chc nccdi of other J is Jiro^oncc. Tlie Idea vou arc the 
one who J^ rc^pDn-ijblc for determining tlut JLli^t the right thing is 
isldr prjust the ri^t thtng W giveOi th ^irrogjncc. 

An^ I ^7ff: i^jtit di7vst^ncf ortr iiffd om' 

Yes. And thjt ^rog^nccj when it i? jfm, \s the opportuniti' 
to nicet ihc jrrogjnortfff^^r FJnd ouc iiir whom u this arrc^jncc, 
ArrDganoTj Svhen it lc nr^li^ seen, ic so jhiurd Suiicnder i:^ 
automzuJc, I jclvlBrn3ij never ed tn' to get nd of arrogance A'f^Yr 
try ro mi fc^ yot^^^ffhrmrfoT moTc £^^pon^[y^- }u^i keep vour 
^tenttonon i^orseif And iet thli iortn and life be used perfcctK" 
^ i[ ii heing used It ts noE i^ourjob to decide how "^tdu ihould be- 
llied. Rcalh". You hjvc no idea \Ctll, ma^'be ixiu rfottivc an idea^ 
but Jdc^E are usclcEi! 

Arrogance is a wondcrrLJ ceacjier, 


fosnwd Quicrfivf^ofjs Arid I foi^c h&si.^ you Siiid 'UH (fni;jniffitiinon 

jiiid sbm. wbm stimih^dy lifff^- siilkffig ahimt ki!f£irisfl 



dftrifnitdcs^ it^Jiriin srillH^ss: I do^i't fs'cti dsit'r si^ i^kniy. TAwfjiff 

It (JTOUr j"f^ Keep iT3ur atlcntiqn thcnCj qn"VDiifKtf, 

/ iiofff kfjoxo K^ho ahzTc fo fce^p ihciifTfnritm rbrn. 

^Xtil, ill Cruchfc thcrt is no onc_ But it doc^ vou no guchJ 
to hokion CO t/i^n. Dc^pitt chc fjicu tEuc there j& no onc>pait 
loarp T%Dur jttcntLon on ^ourwlf Until i^ou yfl^[5ff to And thcQ ^'ou 
seep ^our jctcntlon ori s"oiJrtt:lf Jtill, 

YcSp Juar :iu when t'du get on the JLrpLii^c> and tt iv ^nrAiv 
too l.3fc, ixiu lire in It fiOK- There m no escape No fSi^pf Nq 

securLti No pLar to ^tand No conKilafJon possible. 

TTinl ii GtrtJam You ^n that freedom, VoLi know it ia 
aiitom-in" to announce lo I'ou, ''You Jirc iVcc.^ \oij Lire the 
freedom in wliieli jU things whatwevcr arc free to 03mc and^, 
to iinee Jind pin^', ^i// thoughti^ j// emotions, all l^eipg? YoiiJie 
freedom Be that Ae if voLi o^uld bean^'tliing elsel Br ibtlt 

You are AT:rv' wcioame 




I hi/'f projinr/l ofiifl Gj^^Jt a^you — jja^ wwi' mw r/!^ 

7i^hyty{fumfd^hoiitJxi.K[ift:mgyo}itzi!fhi!ii^t:d WJ^mlhi^kdSyimy 
lifi, yow liff is so live ihii jjW :o fs^Ik iibtjxi: ii f jyw thoifsh^'ou s^jy 
tkn f/^rryth^ig Tim siippf^n sh}i ki-iiyfrni iimnnim, Ifrflhk my l^ 

This Is Tvli3c I zm EJitlang Jsout, Your uttcntton now li on 

Voui lift, I lam luggcHting thjt ^oLir attention he m^t Lzt I'otir 
life DC ^^ jrfi 1 hjvt notntng to Mh^^ibout thts Itfc Ti^Jf life is llwil: 
I dcii not iiiQD^ d^i. I Erioi vcr^' h^uvl tG reject thj^ eoIc C,\n ^'ou 
believe thai* You tin jsk GangafL T tried yen' hard co reject diis 
pole, .ind itdcd mc no gocid! None. YourMtcntlon now ts on "^■otl^ 
life and liow tt doc^ not ^uppD^t chj:^. Mv ^uggeiUon to voLi ii thnt 
"vou keep your attention on i^jji which i'oli thlnlt Ot not iTipporced 
bv ^"ourlifc. LetvoLirlifcbc! 


^ffjiiiiih}i{gha Isifff^ iu 7rir shic ^yoii r^.Ity mmi iili ^h^ ^\j^ 
K^iib skit, shn si^Diilst bi ^ifl fIhis is nr^iifd 

If^-ougooll the WJv with jjAjrAJ^xitii jU that iii needed. 

Tjic problem 15 that one minute ^e think thnc this ii |e> jnd ive 

trr to go all the wj^' wtth it; i^nd dien wego^ *Ghj wait anunute. 



^WlrjCinbDur fAji^TTus loob mcirc like it.'' But the truth i^ tli^j if 
■^xiij go all the wa^' With iin^thing, it Will take luu there. Tlic mo^t 

iJirtct method is eo go jlII the Wx"n' wlch finding ^"ounelt' Bllc i1 
you put ^-DLir whole hear! into lOmthingp \ou arc finished. Hiat 
I? surrender Tint l^ piJrtingTOLLr"whoJe hcin tnto Jc_ It docv not 
nufter whit it lc. But the mo^t direct methnxl ii to pLit vour "whole 
LcjTt into findtng ^'ourwlfj which ic what ^'ou have been tn^ing 
to do all ^'our life annviji'. I am n:al]vhapp^' to hcqr this reportp 
I rciil!^ aai. Ajid if i^ou go Jl the wa^' With that, it will take ^'ou 
thcie. If vGLi Ro all chc waj" wich thatj |c wiil cake ^gu to vGLirsclt 

Do not be distracted SeekGnh'"\T3urse[i Blesaed wr[r_ 

Tlijnkl'ou for this retreat. 

Om Shantt, 


Meetings land event'? "wich John Sherman slrcorgani^ni 
b^' ihe RivcrGan^ tT>LLndJtion^ ii 501[cH3) pLiblie non-prcifit 
orgonizaJiion JoGirird in O]^^ Calitcirntii, UnJEird Ststfs- 

AU mcctingi jnd CVcnLi ^vitlijolin Shcrnun i^rc l2l^vJ^'^ free 
£if dixirge. Out work l^ cntutlv lupporccd b^'donocion?. If iTiu 
frcl thiic this booltfLts bcecL ukIiiI Co ^'ouiatl ixiu WDuld ][kc M 
ticlp us niiikc john'^ mcsii^ nioit ^vjilablc to tlic worldj plc^Lse 
CDnslder nuking ii tJK-dcelLictlbIc donation No iijnouni: ii too 
imall. For more LofoniiiatJon and to rreikc a donation uiing our 
secure iccvers, please dick here to go To our Wcbittc: 

hrcp :ff\^rvry ri Ve^angioi^/SLip port/ 

[f cheJt h J group of people where ^"ou iiveiiVho feel deeph' 

oiled Co meet Vi'idi Jolin, 2nd I'ou would like to invttehmi to 
spcidc in '^x^Llrare^s pleo^ Gz^ntad Us! 

R[Tcr Gmg:! ftiundatton 


Oja[, Califomb USA 

info grist cg.qngiorg / wwwnvejgcingao^ 

[f ^'ou TiViih to cont^izt John, write to him direcdi' at or iend a letter to tine .iddrts^ jbovc