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MEMOIRS 03? JOSEPH GBIMALDI.                          11

disappear too ; and with many of those winks and grins which
afterwards became so popular, he would recommence his pan-
tomime with greater vigour than ever; indeed, nothing could
ever stop him but the-cry of, " Joe/!'. Joe! here's your father I"
upon which the boy would dart back into the; old corner, and
begin crying again, as if he had never left off.

This became quite a regular amusement in course of time, and
whether the father was coming' or: not, the caution used to be
given for the.mere pleasure of seeing "Joe" run back to his
corner; this "Joe" very soon discovered, and often confounding
the warning with- the joke, received more severe beatings than
before, from him whom he very properly describes'in his manu-
script as his " severe but excellent parent." On one of these
occasions,, when he. was. .dressed, for his- favoxirite part of the
little clown in Robinson Crusoe,-with his face painted in exact
imitation of his father's, which appears to have been, part of the
fun of the scene, the old gentleman, brought him. into the green-
room, and .placing him in his usual solitary corner r gave him
strict directions not to stir an inch, on pain of being thrashed,
and left Mm.

The Earl of Derby, who.was at that time in-the constant habit
of frequenting the green-room, 'happened to walls in at the
moment, and seeing, a. lonesome-looking, little boy dressed and
painted after a manner very inconsistent with -his solitary air,
good-naturedly, called him towards him..

" Hollo I here, my boy, come here!" said the;Earl.

Joe made a wonderful and,.astonishing face, but..-remained
where he was^ The Earl laughed heartily, and looked round
for an. explanation.

" He- dare not move !" explained; Miss Earren, to whom his
lordship, was then much attached, and whom he .afterwards
married;." his father will beat him, if he does."

"Indeed!" said his lordship. At. which Joe, by way of con-
firmation, made another face more extraordinary than his former
contortions.Hermione, Miss Farren; was performed,