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Full text of "Memoirs Of Joseph Grimaldi"

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e was to be played first.

at one, to find a bed and

from his friend, and finally to turn into
»*»W««*>>». Thenextdaywas

oown.andinthemorninghecaughtmoreflies han
e; so the rest of the day was devoted to quiet sociality

e t to bed at ten o'clock, rose early next morning walked
comfortably to town, and at noon was perfect in his part, at the
rehearsal on the stage at Drury Lane theatre.

It is probable that by such means as these, mated to tern-
perance and sobriety, Grimaldi acquired many important bodily
requisites for the perfection which he afterwards attained. But
his love of entomology, or exercise, was not the only induce-
mentinthecaSeoftheDartfordBlues;hehad,hesays another

strong motiye, and this was, the haying promised a little collec-
tion of insects to " one of- the most charming women of her
age,"-the lamented Mrs. Jordan, at that time a member of the

Drury Lane company,
Upon one occasion he had held under Hs arm, during amorn-

ing rehearsal, a box containing some specimens of flies : Mrs.
Jordan was much interested to know what could possibly be in
tiie box that Orimaldi carried about with him with so much
<3are, and would not lose sight of for an instant, and in reply to
her inquiry whether it contained anything pretty, he replied by
exhibiting the flies.

He does not say whether these particular flies, which Mrs.
Jordan admired, were Dartford Elues, or not ; biit he gives us
to understand, that Hs skill in preserving and arranging in-
sects was really very great ; that all tHs trouble and fatigue
were undertaken in a spirit of respectful gallantry to the most
winning person of her time;, and that, having requested per-
mimon previously, he presented two frames of insects to Mrs, for London