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Full text of "Memoirs Of Joseph Grimaldi"

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68                          MEMOIRS OF JOSEPH GEIMAliDI.

his mistress and his letter, he was almost beside himself with
anxiety and suspense. It -was with no small pleasure, then,
that he received a note from Miss Hughes, entreating him to
take a trip down to Gbavesend in one of the sailing-boats on the
following Sunday, as he could return by the same conveyance on
the same night. Of course he was not slow to avail himself of
the invitation; so he took shipping at the Tower on the morning
of the day appointed, and reached the place of his destination in
pretty good time. The only water communication was by sailing-
boats; and as at that time people were not independent of wind
and tide, and everything but steam, the passengers were quite
satisfied to get down when they did.

He found Miss Hughes waiting for him at the landing-place,
and getting into a "tide" coach, they proceeded to Chatham,
Miss Hughes informing him that she had made a confidant of
her brother, who was stationed there, and that they purposed
spending the day together.

"And now, Joe," said Miss Hughes, when he had expressed
the pleasure which this arrangement afforded him, " tell me
everything that has happened. "What does my father say ?"

"My dear," repEed (jbrimaldi, "he says nothing at all; he
ias not answered my letter."

" Not answered your letter I" said the lady: "his punctuality
is proverbial."

"So I have always heard," replied Grrimaldi; "but so it is; I
have not heard a syllable."

"Then you must write again, Joe," said Miss Hughes, " im-
KLfediately, without the least delay. Let me see,—you cannot
very well write to-day, but to-morrow you must not fail: I
cannot account for his silence."

" Nor I," said Grimaldi,

" Unless, indeed," said Miss Hughes, " some extraordinary
business has driven your letter from his memory."

As people always endeavour to believe what they hope, theyn fears and apprehensions, was