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Full text of "Memoirs Of Joseph Grimaldi"

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MEMOIRS OP JOSEPH GBIMAUDI.                          73


An extraordinary circumstance concerning himself, with another extraordinary
circumstance concerning his grandfather—Specimen of a laconic epistle, and
an account of two interviews with Mr. Hughes, in the latter of which a bene-
volent gentleman is duly rewarded for his trouhle—Preparations for his
marriage—Fatiguing effects of his exertions at the Theatre.

IT was now broad day. The sun had risen, and was shedding a
fine mild light over the quiet street. The crowd so soon to he
let loose upon them was not yet stirring, and the only people
visible were the passengers who had landed from the hoats, or
who had just entered London by other early conveyances. Al-
though he had lived in London all his life, he knew far less
about it than many country people who have visited it once or
twice ; and so unacquainted was he with the particular quarter
of the city in which he found himself, that he had never even
seen the Tower of London. He walked down to look at that;
and then he stared at the buildings round about, and the
churches, and a thousand objects which no one but a loiterer
ever bestows a glance upon ; and so was walking on pleasantly
enough, when all at once he struck his foot against something
which was lying on the pavement.

Looking down to see what it was, he perceived, to his great
surprise, a richly-ornamented net ptirse, of a very large size,
filled with gold coin.

He was perfectly paralyzed by the sight. He looked at it
again and again without daring to touch it. Then, by a sudden
impulse, he glanced cautiously round, and seeing that he was
wholly unobserved, and that there was not a solitary being