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Full text of "Memoirs Of Joseph Grimaldi"

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MEMOIRS OP JOSEPH GEIMAXDI.                         87

Grrimaldi appeared in a new part, a more prominent one than
lie had yet had, and one which increased his reputation con-

At this time, in consequence of his great exertions iin this
character, after four or five months of comparative rest, he began
to feel some of those wastings of strength and prostrations of
energy, to which this class of performers are more peculiarly
exposed, and which leave them, if they attain old age, as they
left Grimaldi himself, in a state of great bodily infirmity and
stiffering. He was cheered throughout the play; but the
applause of the audience only spirited .him to increased exer-
tions, and at the close of the performances he was so exhausted
and worn out that he could scarcely stand. It was with great
•difficulty that he reached Ms home, although the distance was
so very slight; and immediately on doing so, he was obliged to
be put to bed.                                                             .

He was wont'in after-life frequently to remark, that if at one
period of his career his gains were great, his labours were at
least equally so, and deserved the return. He spoke from sad
experience of their effects at that time, and he spoke the truth.
It must be a very high salary, indeed, that could ever repay a

or, Harlequin and the Fay." Principal characters by Mr. King, Mr. Grimaldi,
Mr. Davis, and Mr. Dubois, Miss Bruguier, and Mrs. Boffey. Joe for the first
time, on the bill of the day, has the honourable distinction of Mr. prefixed to Ma
name; hitherto it was " Master Grimaldi." On Monday, July 30, was produced
a new Grand Comic Spectacle and Harlequinade, called " Blue Beard, Black
Beard, Bed Beard, and Grey Beardj" in which the motley hero of Pantomime,
it was announced, would respeotMLy endeavour to teep up the spirit of the old
English adage,

" 'Tis merry in Hall, when Beards wag all,"

in the novel character of Harlequin Dutch Skipper. Harlequin Skipper, Mr.
King; Plutus, Blue Beard, Mr. Barnett; Mars, Black Beard, Mr. Davis;
Saturn, Grey Beard, Mr. Grimaldi; Mynheer Bed Beard, Mr. Gomery ; Dutch
Clown, Mr. Dubois; and Columbine, Miss Bruguier. The Pantomime was
highly attractive, and exhibited, amongst other excellent scenes, one in moving;
perspective, showing the effect of a balloon descending among the clouds.mong villagers and mobs; but under other lessees was not employed, and died