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Full text of "Memoirs Of Joseph Grimaldi"

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MEMOIRS OP JOSEPH &EIMAIDI.                          95

" What for ?—what for ?" cried the crowd.

" For doing nothing at all, gentlemen," replied the orator,
who had reserved the loudest key of his voice for the concluding

This announcement was at once received with a general yell,
which caused the constable to quicken his pace very consider-
ably. The mob quickened theirs also, and in a few seconds the
whole area of Sadler's Wells yard rang with whoops and yells
almost as loud as those which had assailed the ox. in the morn-
ing ; and Mr. Lucas made the best of his way to his dwelling,
amidst a shower of mud, rotten apples, and other such missiles.
The performances in the theatre went off as usual. After all
was over, Gfrirnaldi returned home to supper, having been pre-
viously assured by his friends that they would one and all
accompany him to the Police-offiee in the morning, and having
previously arranged so as to secure as a witness the young gen-
tleman who had given the first information regarding the views
and intentions of the worthy thief-taker.

At the appointed hour, Grrimaldi and his friends repaired to
the Police-office, and were duly presented to Mr. Blamire, the
sitting magistrate, who, having received them with much polite-
ness, requested Old Lucas, who was then and there in attendancej
to state his case, which he forthwith proceeded to do.

He deposed, with great steadiness of nerve, that Joseph
Grrimaldi had been guilty of hunting, and inciting and inducing
other persons to hunt, an over-driven ox, in the fields of Pen-
tonville, much to the hazard and danger of his Majesty's sub-
jects, much to the worry and irritation of the animal, and greatly
to the hazard of Ms being lashed into a state of furious insanity,
Mr. Lucas deposed to having seen with Ms own eyes the offence
committed, and in corroboration of Ms eyesight produced Ms
companions of the morning, who confirmed Ms evidence in every
particular. This, Mr. Lucas said, was Ms case.

The accused being called upon for Ms defence, stated the cir-ents I have to thankBeard, Mr. Grimaldi; Mynheer Bed Beard, Mr. Gomery ; Dutch