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MEMOIRS OF JOSEPH CKEDIAIDI.                        139

" Why, John," said Ms brother, " it's very dangerous to carry
so much money about with you!"

"Dangerous!" replied John, smiling; "-we sailors know
nothing about danger. But, my lad, even if all this were
gone, I should not be penniless." And he gave a knowing wink,
which induced his brother to believe that he had indeed "made
a good trip of it."

At this moment Grimaldi was again called upon the stage;
and Mr. Wroughton, taking that opportunity of talking to his
brother, made many kind inquiries of him relative to his success
and the state of his finances. In reply to these questions he
made in effect the same statements as he had already communi-
cated to Joseph, and exhibited as evidence of the truth of his
declarations a coarse canvas bag, stuffed full of various coins,
which he carefully replaced in his pocket again.

As soon as the comedy was ended, Grrimaldi joined him; and
Mr. "Wroughton, having congratulated his brother on his return,
and the fortunate issue of his adventures, bade them good
night; when Grimaldi took occasion to ask how long the sailor
had been in town.

He replied, two or three hours back; that he had merely
tarried to get some dinner, and had come straight to the
theatre. In answer to inquiries relative to what he intended
doing, he said he had not bestowed a thought upon the matter,
and that the ..only topic which had occupied his -mind was his
anxiety to see his mother and brother. A long and affectionate
conversation ensued, in the course of which it was proposed by
Joseph, that as Ms mother lived with himself and wife, and
they had a larger house than they required, the brother should
join them, and they should all live together. To tMs the
brother most gladly and joyfully assented, and adding that he
must see Ms mother that night, or Ms anxiety would not suffer
him to sleep, asked where she lived.

Grrimaldi gave bim the address directly; but, as he did notng the water, off he bolted, and they to a man followed