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Full text of "Memoirs Of Joseph Grimaldi"

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others who had passed in and out of the theatre during the
time the two young men were standing in the lobhy.

Recollecting the intimate terms upon which the two appeared
to be, and the appointment which was made between them for
the following morning, " at ten precisely," there is little reason
to doubt that if the sailor had disappeared without the know-
ledge or privity of his companion, the latter would infallibly
have applied to Grrimaldi to know where his brother was.
Coupling the fact of his never doing so, and never being seen
or heard of again, with the circumstance of the lost man never
having evinced the least inclination to take Trim, home with him,
to retain Trim when he was in his brother's company, or even to
introduce him in the slightest manner, (from all of which it
would seem that he was some bad or doubtful character,) the
family arrived at the conclusion,—if it should ever be an unjust
one, it will be forgiven,—that this man was cognizant of, if
indeed he was not chiefly instrumental in bringing about, the
untimely fate of the murdered man, for such they always sup-
posed him.   "Whether they were right or wrong in this con-
clusion will probably ever remain unknown.

I- 2e and for a long period afterwards, a source of bitter, although