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Full text of "Memoirs Of Joseph Grimaldi"

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148                       MEJIOIBS OP JOSEPH GBIMALDI.


1803 to 1805.

Bologna and his Family—An Excursion into Kent with that personage—Mr.
Mackintosh, the gentleman of landed property, and his preserves—A great
day's sporting j and a scene at the Garrick's Head in Bow-street between a
Landlord, a Gamekeeper, Bologna, and Grimaldi.

SiGKOB, BOLOGNA, better known to his intimates by the less
euphonious title of Jack Bologna, was a countryman of Grimaldi's
father, having been, like him, born at Q-enoa; he had been well
acquainted with Mm, indeed, previously to his coming to
England. He arrived in this country, with his wife, two sons,
and a daughter, in 1787.* The signer was a posture-master,
and his wife a slack-wire dancer; John his eldest son (after-
wards the well-known harlequin), Louis his second son, and
Barbara the youngest child, were all dancers. They were first
engaged at Sadler's Wells, and here an intimacy commenced
between Bologna and Grimaldi, which lasted during the re-

*Ketro Bologna made his first appearance at Sadler's "Wells on Easter
Monday, April, 1786, when the bill announced—" New Comic and Entertaining
Performances on the Slack Wire, by Signor Pietro Bologna; being Ms first
appearance in this kingdom. Rope-dancing by the Little Devil, Mr. Gasamire,
and Madame La Romaine, being also her first appearance in this kingdom.
Clown to the Eope, by Signor Pietro Bologna." Miss Romanzini, afterwards
the distinguished ballad vocalist, Mrs. Bland, appeared also on the same evening.
On July 13, 1789, the bills announced performances on the Tight Rope by the
Little Devil, Master Bologna, and La Belle Espagnole. This was the first public
appearance of John Peter Bologna, professionally distinguished by the appella-
tion of "Jack Bologna."

In April, 1792, the performances on the opening of Sadler's Wells were par-
ticularized by "Extraordinary Exhibitions of Postures and Feats of Strength byat; a circumstance which had not only been noticed by