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Full text of "Memoirs Of Joseph Grimaldi"

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152                       MEMOIRS OP JOSEPH GffilMALDI.

"No more I am," said Mackintosh, with a wink; "the busi-
ness belongs to mother!"

Bologna looked inexpressibly annoyed, and Gbimaldi laughed
outright, at which Mr. Mackintosh seemed rather pleased than
otherwise, taking it to all appearance quite complimentary.
" Yes," he said, " I may be said to be a gentleman at large, for
I do nothing but ride about in my carriage here*" pointing to
the 'tax-cart, "or stroll*out with my gun or my fishing-rod.
Mother's quite a woman of business; but as 1 am an only child,
I suppose I shall have to look after it myself some day or

He remained silent a moment, and then said, toxiching
Bologna smartly with his whip, " I suppose, old fellow, you
didn't think you were coming to a public-house—ehi"

" Indeed I did not," was the sulky reply.

" Ah! I thought you'd be surprised," said Mackintosh, with
a hearty laugh. " I never let my London friends know who
or what I am, except they're very particular friends, like
you and Joe, for instance. I just lead them, to guess I'm a
great man, and there I leave 'em. "What does it matter what
other idea strangers have about one ?—But here we are, so get
out of your gig; and rest assured you shall have as hearty a
welcome as you'll ever get at a nobleman's house."

There was something hearty and pleasant in the man's
manner, despite his coarseness; so, finding that Bologna was
not inclined to speak, Q-rimaldi said something .civil himself;
which was extremely well received by their host, who shook
Ms hand warmly, and led them into the house, where, being
introduced to Mrs. Mackintosh by her son, as particular friends
of his, they were received with great hospitality, and shortly
afterwards sat down in the little bar to a capital plain dinner,
which, in conjunction with some sparkling ale, rather tended to
soothe the wounded spirit of Bologna.

After dinner they walked about the neighbourhood, whichni, in " The Great Devil; or,