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Full text of "Memoirs Of Joseph Grimaldi"

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•enough, to explain the nature of the communication he had to
make, as explicitly as he could.

" To come, then, at once to the point," said Mr. Harmer,—
" do you not know a person of the name of Mackintosh.?"

"Yes, certainly," replied Grrimaldi, Ms thoughts flying off at
a tangent, first to Throgmorton-street, and then to the ladies
and gentlemen in Charlotte-street—" oh yes, I know him."

" He is now," said Mr. Harmer, solemnly, " in great danger
of losing Ms life."

Grrimaldi at once supposed Ms visitor was a doctor,—said he
was very sorry to hear it, asked how long lie tad been ill, and
begged to know what was the matter with. him.

" His bodily health, is good enough," replied Mr. Harmer,
with a half-smile. " In the course of my professional career,
Mr. Grrimaldi, I have known many men in imminent danger of
losing their lives, who have been in most robust health."

Grrimaldi bowed Ms bead, and presumed Ms visitor referred to
cases in wMch. the patient had gone off suddenly. Mr. Harmer
said that he certainly did, and that he had strong reason to
fear Mr. Mackintosh would go off one morning very suddenly

" I greatly regret to hear it," said the other. " But pray tell
me Ms condition without reserve: you may safely be communi-
cative to me. What is the nature of the disorder 5 what is it
called ?"

" Burglary," answered Mr. Harmer, quaintly.

"Burglary I" exclaimed Grrimaldi,, trembling from head to

" Nothing less," replied Mr. Harmer. " The state of the case,
Mr. Grrimaldi, is simply tMs: Mackintosh is accused of having
committed a burglary at Congleton, in Cheshire. I am a soli-
citor, and am engaged on las behalf; the evidence against him
is very strong, and if he be found guilty, wMch I must say
appears to me extremely likely, he will most infallibly be,
hansred."ll the party except