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Full text of "Memoirs Of Joseph Grimaldi"

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MEMOIRS OF JOSEPH GEIMAiBI.                        201

torily, as Grimaldi and his wife had dined with him on the
18th of March. Mrs. Grimaldi had left them at five o'clock, to
sustain her part in the Oratorio that evening at Covent Garden
Theatre, and Joe had remained with Maekoull till eleven that
night; it was therefore clear that he was not the person who
had negotiated the hills, nor was he the party who had rohbed
the mail, as he had evidence in John and LOTUS Bologna,
Grimaldi, Gorman, and many others; for he was then with
them at "Woolwich. These circumstances being named by
Maekoull to Mr. Harmer, he undertook to wait upon Mr. and
Mrs. Grimaldi, which it would seem he did on the Sunday, as
on the Monday, April 13th, being MackoulTs fourth examina-
tion, Mr. Alley proposed offering a satsifactory alibi to the
charge ; but, as all the witnesses had not been conferred with,
desired leave to bring them forward on the following day. It
is tolerably certain that Mr. Harmer had seen Grimaldi and his
wife on Sunday, for Alley mentioned them, amongst others, as
witnesses whom he should bring forward on the Tuesday; and
till the llth, Maekoull was not in possession of the particular
charge against him.

Maekoull states that Mr. Harmer undertook to wait upon
Mr. and Mrs. Grimaldi, both of whom recollected perfectly the
day on which they had dined with Maekoull, previous to
Mr. Harmer's apprising them with his reasons for the inquiry:
both spontaneously proffered to prove the fact, before the magis-
trates, or otherwise, if required; hence Mr. Alley's intimation
to the magistrates on the 13th, on which day a young man,
named Millar, son of the police-constable, and then an under
clerk at Bow-street Office, went personally to Grimaldi, and
endeavoured to persuade him not to appear on the following
day before the magistrates; and insinuated he had no object in
interfering but a regard for Mr. Grimaldi, and the interest that
he felt for his reputation. Joe was, however, not to be deterred
or intimidated from publicly asserting what he knew to be truerge, was enabled to prove an alibi most satisfae-the kindness of the audience with so much gen-