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Full text of "Memoirs Of Joseph Grimaldi"

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206                       MEMOIRS OP JOSEPH GEIMALDI,

1807 to 1808.

Bradbury, tie Clown.—His voluntary confinement in a Madhouse, to screen an
"Honourable" Thief.—His release, strange conduct, subsequent career, and
death.,—Dreadful Accident at Sadler's Wells.—The Night-drives to Enchley.
—Trip to Birmingham.—Mr. Maoready, the Manager, and his curious Stage-
properties.—Sudden recall to Town.

OK his return to town, of course, he went immediately to
Sadler's "Wells; where, however, to his great surprise, he was
informed by Mr. Dibdin that he was not wanted just yet,
inasmuch as Bradbury had been engaged for a fortnight, and
had not been there above half the time. He added, too, that
Bradbury had made a great hit, and become very popular.

This intelligence vexed Grrimaldi not a little, as he naturally
feared that the sudden popularity of the new favourite might
affect that of the old one; but his annoyance was nruch in-
creased when he was informed that the proprietors were anxious
that on the night of Bradbury's benefit, they should both play
in the same pantomime. He yielded his consent with a very
ill grace, and with the conviction that it would end in his entire
loss of favour with the audience. When the proposition was
made to Bradbury in his presence, it was easy to see that he
liked it as little as himself; which was natural enough. It was
not for him, however, to oppose the suggestion, as the combina-
tion of strength would very likely draw a great house, and he
had only taken half of it with the proprietors for that night.

It was accordingly arranged that they should appear togethercredit was to be given to any witness