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Full text of "Memoirs Of Joseph Grimaldi"

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whole of his life: he was not proof against tMs temptation, and
at length signified his readiness to accept the bribe.

The next point to be considered was, h.ow Bradbury could
accept the money withont compounding a felony, and increasing
the obloquy already east npon the thief. He hit npon and
carried into execution a most singular plan:—he caused the
report to be circulated that he had suddenly become insane—
committed many extravagant acts—and in a short time was,
apparently against his own will, but in reality by his own con-
trivance, deprived of his liberty, and conveyed to the asylum
where Grimaldi visited "hi-m. The consequence of this step was,
that when the stealer of the snuff-box was placed upon his trial,
no prosecutor appearing, he was adjudged not guilty, and
liberated accordingly. Intelligence of this was directly sent to
Bradbury, who proceeded to make arrangements for his own
release: this was soon effected, and it was on the eve of the
day of Ms departure that Grimaldi saw Mm in the madhouse.
His only object in writing, or rather, in causing the letter to be
written, for he could not write a liae himself, nor read either,
was, to ask Mm. to play for Ms ensuing benefit at the Surrey
Theatre, wMeh he readily consented to do; then wishing him a
speedy deliverance from Ms disagreeable abode, he took his

The next day Bradbury came out of the asylum, telling every-
body that he was perfectly recovered, having got well in as
sudden a manner as he fell ill, and in the following week Ms
benefit took place. Grimaldi played and sang for Mm, and took
money at the gallery door, to boot. The louse was quite full,
and everything went on well until Bradbury made Ms appear-
ance, when, impelled by some strange and sudden whim, he was
guilty of a disgusting piece of irreverence and impertinence.
The consequence of this was, that the audience very naturally
and properly took great offence, and upon a repetition of the
conduct, literally hooted him from the stage.
P 2beingth, denied.r him. Application was, how-to prove an alibi most satisfae-the kindness of the audience with so much gen-