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Full text of "Memoirs Of Joseph Grimaldi"

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MEMOIRS OP JOSEPH GETMALDI.                         287

and Bologna, after long consideration, hesitatingly ordered a
Welsh, rare-hit.

" Certainly, sir," said the man; and "by the time Grimaldi
had finished his supper, the Welsh rare-bit appeared.

" Stop a minute, waiter," said Bologna. " Gfrimaldi, do you.
mean to take supper every night ?"

" Certainly.   Every night."

" "Well, then, waiter, remember to bring me a Welsh rare-bit
every evening when Mr. Grimaldi takes his supper. I don't
want it; but it has so rude an. appearance to sit looking on
while another man is eating, that I must do it as a matter of
form and comfort. You'll not forget ?"

"I'll be sure to remember, sir," was the reply.

The moment he was gone, Grimaldi burst into a great roar of
laughter, which his friend took in high dudgeon, muttering
various observations regarding extravagance, which were re-
sponded to by divers remarks relative to shabbiness. Neither
of them gave way, and the supper arrangement was regularly
acted upon; Grimaldi always having some warm dish of game or
poultry, and Bologna solacing himself with a Welsh rare-bit,
and the reflection of having saved money while his companion,
spent it. They stayed at Chester nine days in all, and when
the bills were brought at last, found, as Grimaldi had antici-
pated, that the charges were moderate, and well merited by the
manner in which they had been accommodated.

"Well, Bologna," said Grimaldi, with a triumphant air, "are
you satisfied r"

" Pretty well," he replied. " I must acknowledge that the
bills are not so heavy as I feared they would have been; but
there is one terrible mistake in mine. Look here ! they have
charged me for supper every night just as they have charged
you. That must be wrong, you know: I have had nothing but
Welsh rare-bite!"

"Certainly," said Grimaldi, looking over the bill   "Youless me! look at