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Full text of "Memoirs Of Joseph Grimaldi"

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290                       MBMOIES OF JOSEPH GEIMALDI.

having1 been roused, had the matter explained to him once
more; upon which he sat bolt upright in the coach, and re-
peating all the man had said, inquired with great distinctness
whether he understood it to be put to Mm, that he must either
pay the inside fare, or get out.
' " That's it, sir," said the coachman.

"Yery well," said Bologna, without the slightest alteration
of tone or manner; "then I shall do neither the one nor the

The coachman, falling back a space or two from the door, and
recovering from a brief trance of astonishment, addressed the
passengers, the would-be passenger, the ostlers and stable-boys,
who were standing around, upon the mean and shabby conduct
of the individual inside. "Upon this, the passengers remon-
strated, the would-be passenger stormed, the coachman and
guard bellowed, the ostlers hooted, the stable-boys grinned,
Gfrimaldi worked himself into a state of intense vexation, and
the cause of all the tumult sat quite immovable.

"Now, I'll tell you what it is," said the coachman, when his
eloquence was quite exhausted, "one word's as good as a
thousand. Will you get out ?"

" Ub, I will not," answered the sleepy Harlequin.

" Tery well," said the man; " then off goes my benjamin,
and out you come like a sack of saw-dust."

As the man was of that portly form and stout build which is
the badge of all his tribe, and as, stimulated by the approving
murmurs of the lookers-on, he began suiting the action to the
word without delay, Bologna thought it best to come to terms;
so turned out into the cold air, and took his seat on the coach-
top, amidst several expressions of very undisguised contempt
from his fellow-passengers.

They performed the rest of the journey in this way, and
Ghcimaldi, alighting at the Angel at Islington, left Bologna to
£0 on to the coach-office in Holborn, previously giving bothdi-