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310                        MEMOIRS OF JOSEPH QJBIMALDI.

In th.e autumn, Ellar, Grrimaldi, and his son again repaired
to Dublin, making a stay of five weeks at the Birmingham.
Theatre,* •which was then in the hands of Mr. Bunn. Here
they got up the pantomime of " 3?riar Bacon," which was played
to excellent houses for twenty-four nights. Mr. Bunn behaved
on this occasion, as Gximaldi states he did upon every other
in which he was concerned, with great liberality, allowing him
a salary of twenty pounds per week, and the son nine pounds
per week, independent of half a clear benefit, the profits of
which were great, f

At Dublin, "Friar Bacon" was played twenty-nine nights
out of the thirty-two for which Grimaldi and his party were
engaged, and the pieces were so successful, that it would have
been the interest of all parties to prolong their engagements, if
the arrangements at Covent Q-arden had admitted of their doing
so. It was at this period that, with an agony of mind perfectly
indescribable, Q-rimaldi found his health giving way by alarming
degrees beneath the ravages of premature old age. On the

* During this stay at Birmingham, Q-rimaldi had his portrait painted by S.
Raven, on a papier-mache" box, circular in form and of large size. The re-
semblance was so satisfactory, that he had it copied, and brought away in all
six boxes, which he presented to friends, not retaining one for himself. JTrom
the one in the possession of Mr. Richard Hughes, the annexed engraving was
taken; and it may be regarded as an approved likeness by those who knew Joe
intimately for many years.

t In another part of the data upon which these Memoirs are founded, Grimaldi
has the following remarks concerning this gentleman, which, as he appears to
"have been anxious that they should obtain publicity, the Editor subjoins in his
own. words :—" A great deal has been said about, andindeed against, Mr. Bunn,
since he has become a London manager; but I have had many opportunities of
observing him and Ms mode of doing business, and I feel satisfied that he has
'most liberal notions, and would if it were in Ms power amply recompense
'according to their talents any artiste employed by him. I beg it may be under-
stood that in this remark I do not allude in any way to myself; for, putting
aside every consideration of what my talents might have been, my name alone
stood so high as to ensure a full house at Birmingham:—-I speak from what I
know of Ms conduct with regard to others; aud if ever his industry meets with
the success it deserves, I feel certain, that the liberality of disposition which I
have spoken of will be displayed in a commensurate degree."de his first appearance that evening, after a