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Full text of "Memoirs Of Joseph Grimaldi"

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eighteenth night of their performance in Dublin, he hecame so
ill that he was obliged to throw up his part at a very short
notice, and to send immediately for medical aid. He was at-
tended by one of the most eminent physicians in Dublin, and
under his treatment recovered sufficiently to be enabled to
resume his character in about a week. But he felt, although he
could not bear to acknowledge it even to himself, that his resto-
ration to health was only temporary, that his strength was
rapidly failing him, that his limbs grew weaker, and Ms frame
became more shaken every succeeding day, and that utter de-
crepitude, with its long train of miseries and privations, was
coming upon him. His presentiments were but too fully
realized, but the realization of Ms worst fears came upon Mm
with a rapidity wMch even he, conscious as he was of all the
symptoms, had never deemed possible.

The successful sojourn of the party at Dublin at length drew
to a close, as it was necessary that they should return to London
to be in readiness for the pantomime. On the 6th of December,

1821, they bade farewell to Ireland, and after a most boisterous
voyage landed at Holyhead, whence they posted in haste to
town, and the day after their arrival began the rehearsals for
Christmas.   In his ill state of health, Grimaldi was terribly
shaken by the journey home and the sea-sickness, and felt worse
in point of general health than he had yet done.

The pantomime was " The Yellow Dwarf."*   Although the

* The pantomime at Cogent Garden Theatre, on December 26, l£gl, was en-
titled " Harlequin and Mother Bunch; or, The Telow Dwarf." The ebaraetera
•were:—The King of the Gold Mines, afterwards Harlequin, Mr, KHsr; Gomes
Pig, afterwards Harlequin's lacquey, Mr. J. 8. GrimaMi; YeEkw Dwarf, after.
wards Clown, Mr. Grimaldi; the Princess AIlMr, afterwards Cotambxne, Miss
E. Dennett; and the Queen of Goksonda, a lady with a rnby nose, afterwards
Pantaloon, Mr. Barnes.

Grimaldi, for the benefit of Mr. T. Dfbdin, at the Surrey Theatre, March 38,

1822, played bis old part of Squire Bugle, ia " Mother Goose," Bidgway being
the Harlequin.   On Easter Moaday, April 8th, the melo-drama-tie romance of
" Cherry and Fair Star; or, the Children of Cyprus," was produced at Ckweaai
Garden.   Fair Star was played by Miss Foote, now Countess of Harriogten. js to ensure a full house at Birmingham:—-I speak from what I