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Full text of "Memoirs Of Joseph Grimaldi"

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benefit. The engagement turned out so profitable a one for the
management, that he might have renewed it for the same space
of time, if he had not become too ill to appear upon the stage.

At this crisis of his disorder Grimaldi was advised to try the
Cheltenham waters. He went to Cheltenham in August, and
being somewhat recovered by the change of air, consented to act
for Earley and Abbott, who had taken the theatre on specula-
tion, for twelve nights. He cleared loOZ.; and whether this
sum of money, or the waters, or the change of scene revived
him is uncertain, but he felt greatly improved in health when
he returned to London for the opening of Covent Garden, to
commence what ultimately proved to be his hist season at that

" Harlequin and the Ogress; or, the Sleeping Beauty," was

July 15th, commenced the third week of Grimaldi's engagement, in a new
pantomime called " Disputes in China; or, Harlequin and the Kong MerehaatB !**
the scenery painted from views taken in China, by Staafield. J. 8. Griiaaldi
made his first appearance at the Coburg this evening. Joe and his sou
sustained the characters of the two clowns incidental to tie piece. In the sce®e
of the Whampoa river, Joe affected to astonish John China-man with his soag
of " Hot Codlins." The bill of Monday, July 22, was underlined to the effect
that, in consequence of the continuous and dangerous indisposttaoa of Mr.
Grimaldi, the pantomime was unavoidably postpoaed. Gilderoy, in (fa* nete-
drama of that name, was this night played by Mr. J. H. Cbqwunv from tii*
Surrey Theatre: it bad been previously played by Henry Kemble, bat tie
irregularities and drunkenness of this man. were unpardonable: he was fee
instigator of young Joe's follies and misconduct j latterly they were inseparable,
and -which was the worst of the two was hard to be decided. Henry Keafete
had been employed to supply Huntle/s vacancy, caused by iltoess; bat l*e
could scarcely be retained a fortnight, and was dismissed.

On the 29th, Grimaldi was so far recoTered that he resumed his part of Ckiwa
in the "Disputes in China." The bilk announced his re-a,ppeaxaaee « "posi-
tively the last sir nights of bis performing •" and a further intimatum, wfcfck was
really a matter of fact:—" It is particularly recommended to those families who
have not witnessed the inimitable acting of Mr. Grimaldi and his soa, Mr. J. 8.
Grimaldi, that they should secure places aa soon as possible, much disappoint-
ment having been experienced by parties coming late and finding the bozes
filled from the overflowing of the pit." Grimaldi sang oa these last six nights
his two most popular songs, " Tippitywitchet" and " Hot Codlins." His lass
night was August 3, and concluded the four weeks of his engagement.le Widdieomb played the