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Full text of "Memoirs Of Joseph Grimaldi"

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318                          MEMOIES OF JOSEPH G-EIMAIDI.

night, Mr. Bunn presented him with 186Z. 12*. as his share of
the profits, accompanied with many wishes for his speedy and
perfect restoration to health, which Grrimaldi himself, judging
from his nnwonted spirit and vigour, cheerfully hoped might be
yet in store for him.

These hopes were never to he realized: the enthusiastic recep-
tion he had met with—unusually enthusiastic even for him,—
had roused him for a brief period, and called forth all Ms former
energies only to hasten their final prostration. With the excep-
tion of Ms two farewell benefits, this was his last appearance,
Ms final exit from the hoards he had trodden from a child, the
last occasion of his calling forth those peals of merriment and
approbation wMch, cheerfully as they sounded to Mm, had been
surely ringing his death-knell for many years.lay the Green