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Full text of "Memoirs Of Joseph Grimaldi"

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For four years Grimaldi never saw any more of his son, save
occasionally on the stage of Sadler's "Wells, where he was en-
gaged at a salary of five pounds per week; or when he met Mm
in the street, when the son would cross over the road to get out
of the way. Nor during all tMs time did he receive a single line
from him, except in 1825. He had written to the young man,
describing the situation to wMeh he was reduced, and the
poverty with wMch he was threatened, reminding him that be-
tween the two theatres he was now earning thirteen pounds per
week, and requesting Ms assistance with some pecuniary aid.
To tMs application he at first returned no reply; but several of
Grrimaldi's friends having expressed a very strong opinion to
Mm on the subject, he at length returned the following note:—

"DEAB, EATHEB,—At present I am in difficulties; but as
long as I have a shilling, you shall have half."

This assurance looked well enough upon paper, but had. no
other merit; for he never sent Ms father a farthing, nor did he
again see hi-m (save that he volunteered Ms services at two
farewell benefits,) until he came to Ms door one night in 1828,
and hardily claimed shelter and food.

In 1825 the proprietors of Sadler's "Wells resolved to open, the
theatre on their joint account, with wMoh view they secured
the services of Mr. T. Dibdin as acting-manager. It was
• determined at a meeting of proprietors, that it would be advan-
tageous to the property if one of their number were resident on
the premises to assist Mr. Dibdin, and regulate the expendi-
ture. As Grimaldi had nothing to do, it was proposed in tike
kindest manner by Mr. Jones,* one of the shareholders, that he
should fill the situation, at a salary of four pounds per week.

* Mr. Jones married Mr. Beeve's only danghterj and thns became possessed
of the share in the Sadler's Wells Theatre that had been purchased by tibefc
eminent musician.                                                               *ept on Ms headlong course. This shock was a heavy one