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Full text of "Memoirs Of Joseph Grimaldi"

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334                        MBMOIES 03T JOSEPH GKIMALDI.

" Try me, Joe, try me !"

He then stated his intention of taking' a farewell benefit at
Covent Garden, and requested Mr. Kemble's assistance in
obtaining- the use of the house, if possible, at a low price ; but
if not, then upon the usual terms.

Mr. Kemble listened until he had finished, and said, "My
dear Joe, I perfectly understand you ; and if the theatre -were
solely mine, I should say, 'Take it — 'tis yours, and without
charge at all :' but, unfortunately, our theatre is in Chancery,
and nothing can be done without the consent of others. How-
ever, Joe, the proprietors meet every Tuesday, and I will
mention it to them. So after Tuesday you shall hear from me."

He thanked Mr. Kemble, and they parted. He awaited the
arrival of the day fixed in great anxiety; but it came and
passed, and so did another Tuesday, and several more days,
without any intelligence arriving to relieve his suspense. Seeing
it announced in the papers that Mr. Kemble was about to
proceed to Edinburgh, to act there, he wrote a note to him,
reminding him of what had passed between them, and request-
ing a reply. This was on the 13th of April. In the evening of
the same day he received an answer, not from Mr. Kemble him-
self, but from Mr. Robertson, the respected treasurer of the
theatre, which ran thus :


" I am directed by the proprietors of this theatre to acquaint
you, in. reply to your application relative to a benefit, that they
much regret that the present situation of the theatre with regard
to Chancery proceedings will prevent the possibility of their
accommodating your wishes."

The contents of this letter, of course, greatly disappointed and
vexed Grimaldi, who, remembering the number of years he had
been connected with the theatre, and the great favourite he hadhat if it were in