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cheers, amid which he drove off. But all was not over yet, for
hundreds followed the vehicle until it reached his house, and
upon getting out he was again hailed with a similar overwhelm-
ing shout of approbation and regard; nor could the crowd be
prevailed xxpon to disperse until he had appeared on the top of
the steps, and made his farewell bow.

Grimaldi was too exhausted and nervous, after the trying
scenes through which he had just passed, to make any calcula-
tion that night of what the benefit had produced; but the next
day, being somewhat recovered, he entered into the matter, and
found the result to be as follows:—The house cost him 210?., the
printing 7Ql. more, making the expenses 280L The money taken
at the doors amounted to rather more than 40Ql., besides which
he sold 1501 worth of tickets, making a total of 5501. Deducting
the expenses, the clear profits of the benefit amounted to 270£.

There was another source of great profit, which must not be
forgotten, namely, the number of anonymous communications
G-rimaldi received, enclosing sums of money, and wishing him a
happy retirement. He received six letters, each containing 20L,
eleven containing Wl., and sixteen containing 5l. each. Thus,
the amount forwarded by unknown hands was no less than 310Z.,
which, added to the amount of profits just mentioned, makes the
gross sum realized by this last benefit 580?., besides the 315/.
which he had cleared at Sadler's Wells.

The highest tribute that can be paid to those who in secret
forwarded their munificent donations, or to those who rendered
him their valuable professional assistance, or to that large
number who came forward to cheer the last public moments of a
man who had so often, and so successfully, beguiled their leisure
hours, is, that they smoothed the hard bed of premature and
crippled old age, and rendered the slow decline of a life, scarcely
in years past its prime, peaceful and contented. This benefit
closed his theatrical existence, and filled his heart with deep
and lasting emotions of gratitude. have asked such, a favour a second time. I am now quite a retired gentleman,