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Full text of "Memoirs Of Joseph Grimaldi"

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348                          MEMOIRS OF JOSEPH GUIMALDI.

misdeeds, outrageous conduct, and gross and violent abuse, be-
sought his father not to receive him, or aid him again, remem-
bering how much he had already wasted the small remnant of
his means only to minister to his extravagance and folly. But
he could not witness his helpless and miserable state without
compassion, and he was once more forgiven, once more became
an inmate of the hxmse, and remained there in a state of utter

In 1832, Sadler's "Wells was let out for one season to Mrs.
MtzwiHiain and Mr. W. H. Williams. They retained Griraaldi
for some little time, but finding that he must be dismissed very
shortly, he made preparations for meeting the consequent reduc-
tion of his income, by giving up the house in which he had
lived for several years, and taking a cottage at "Woolwich,*
whither he had an additional inducement to retire, in the hope
that change of air might prove beneficial to his wife, who had
•already been ill for some time.

They repaired to their new house in the latter end of Septem-
ber, and in the beginning of November the son received a letter
from a brother actor, entreating him to perform for a benefit, at
Sadler's Wells. His reception was so cordial and his acting so
good, that on the very same evening, notwithstanding all that
had previously passed, he was offered an engagement for the
ensuing Christmas at the Coburg, and the next day, on his
return to Woolwich, he communicated the intelligence. The

* Grimaldi's residence, while manager of the Wells, was at "No, 8, Exmouth-
street, Spa-fields;—in a letter, dated April 23,1829, Joe writes—" I have moved
to No. 23, Garnault-plaee, Spa-fields, about two hundred yards from where I
did live," This residence he relinquished at Michaelmas, 1832, and took a small
house, Bo. 6, Prospect-row, Woolwich. After the death of his wife, several
letters are addressed from 31, George-street, Woolwich; one is emphatically
dated "Wednesday, June 3rd, 1835: Poor Mary's Birth-day." Joe says—
" The repairs of my new house are now complete, and I shall very soon be able
to quit where lam; next door but one to Arthur's is my future residence."
It was Ms last: the house he referred to was No. 33, Southampton-street,
J?8ntonville.crepitude; and sheltered him in honourable retirement 1 Away