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Full text of "Memoirs Of Joseph Grimaldi"

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It was long before Grimaldi in any degree recovered this great
shook; his wife never did. She lingered on in a state of great
suffering for two years afterwards, until death happily relieved

He was now left alone in the world; he had always been a
domesticated man, delighting in nothing more than in the
society of his relations and friends; and the condition of solitary
desolation in which he was now left, nearly drove him into a
state of melancholy madness. His crippled limbs and broken
bodily health rendered it necessary to his existence that he
should have an attentive nurse, and occasionally at least cheer-
ful society; finding his situation wholly insupportable, he
resolved to return to town, and wrote to a friend,* whose wife
was his only remaining relative, to procure a small house for
him in his own neighbourhood, where he too had lived so long
and happily. A neat little dwelling, next door to this friend's
house; in Southampton-street, Pentonville, being at that time
to let, was taken and furnished for him, and thither he removed

* Mr. Arthur, then residing at 35, Southampton-street, bnt smee dead: Mi
widow and family have left the neighbourhood. Mrs. Arthur was not "Chi.
maldi's only remaining relation;" she was originally a servant to Mr. Hughes"
Joe's brother-in-law. Grimaldi's house was Ko. 33 in the same street, act
"next door," and his solicitude to reach town, and occupy this house, his tat
home, is the subject of a long letter, now among many of Joe's autographs, ia
the possession of a gentleman resident in Highbury Park, Islagton.

Early in the biography of Qrimaldi, it will be remembered, mention is made
of a sister, and in fact she is noticed as ha-ring made her O&ut with Mm a*
Sadler's Wells, in 1781. TMs sister, according to Deeasfeo, was named Mary,
and married Signer Grrimaldi's pttpfl, Laseelles Wiffiamson; but of late years
had been altogether lost sight of. Joe remembered her not in the disposal of
Ms effects in Ms will; but soon after Ms death—and the dxcumstaaee beeaaws
known through the newspapers—Joe's executor recexred a fetter, in the HKHW
of Jane Taylor, wMch stated that she was in extreme porerfy; that she was
Joe's sister, and mournfully asked if he had borne her in mind, and had be-
queathed her any assistance. The executor replied, that she had not becm
mentioned by Grimaldi in any way; and the recipients of what he possessed
had been named by Mmself.

JJTo farther application followed; and probably she sleeps too with ha
kindred clay.harity, but builds its hospital in the human heart." from the overflowing of the pit." Grimaldi sang oa these last six nights