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Full text of "Memoirs of the Countess de Valois de La Motte: Containing a Compleat Justification of Her Conduct, and an Explanation of the Intrigues and Artifices Used Against Her by Her Enemies, Relative to the Diamond Necklace"

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" If little faults, proceeding on dilkmpcr, 
'* Shall not be wink'd at — bow fliall we ftretchour eyes 
" When capital crimes, chew'd, fwallow'd and digelled, 
•' Appear before us? Shakespear. 





{^Entered at Stationers Ha!L] 

_■ J l j' l 


/ I ^O thofe who know the worth and confcious dig- 

-■^ nity of VirtuCj the following Mennoirs containing 

the vindication of injured Innocenciy will require no apo- 

' logy; fince all of that defcription, will feel the necefiity 

of tlieir publication. 

Is there that Monjier of Virtue exifting, who can point 

, the finger of fcorn zt foibles y which I candidly confefs to 

be my lot, in conniTion with nny fellow creatures ; foibles 

which have perhaps been the printary and unfortunate 

means of rendering me the dupe to crafty policy and de- 

\ figning artifice. THEDiAMONaNECKLACE, which was 

-^ thefatal fpring of all my misfortunes, the fource of all my 

miferics, has afforded matter of public fpeculation to 

j^ almoft every rank of perfons, in almoft every kingdcnn 

^^ in Europe. 

i> A What 

What various fentiments have been entertained of that 
dark tranfaftion, what reports have been difTenminated^ 
what infinite pains have been beftowed, to make innocence 
wear the face of guik, and to conceal the blackeft tur- 
pitude under the mafk of purity. 

Too fatally have the artifices of powerful guik hitherto 
prevailed^ too fuccelsfully has chicanery and deception 
influenced tlie general opinion of mankind ; and too long 
hare they united to flander and ftigmatize with infamy 
the name of the Countejs de Valois de la Motte. 

Many circumftances, which I have made known in a 
previous publication, have concurred to delay the ap- 
pearance of thefe Memoirs, The time is at length arriv- 
ed, when I fliall endeavour to vindicate my injured fame.- 

Seated,. as I am^ in that happy kingdom, where 
Liberty ftretches fordi her hand to the diftrelTed, and 
affords a welcome afylum from the vindiftive terrors of" 
opprefTive tyranny, I now proceed to remove the veil 
which has fo long obfcured this myfterious tranfaaion, 
and expofe to public view, Charafters, whofe crimes 
receive additional force . from their elevated fituation. 
In profecuting this intention, I fliall 

^f mthing extenuate, nor Jet dowH aught in malice^' 


[ vli ] 

Refcuing myfelf from unmerited opprobrium, if I am 
neceffarily driven to drag to light the views of thofe, who 
would have deftroyed mcj without claiming the privilege 
of the law of retaliation, I iliall furely ftand acquitted in 
the minds of the candid and impartial, 

I flatter myfelf, that independent of my own vindica- 
tion, thefe Memoirs will not prove unentertaining. The 
Moral and Philofophic Reader, will therein find frefh 
room for reflexion, and obfervation, on the depravity of 
human nature; the Courdy and Polidcal Reader wilj 
probably find a fatisfaftion in developing the myfl:erious 
intrigues which were in agitation, at the period of the 
tranfaftions ; and the Curfory Reader will, I hope, be 
amply gratified, in finding thofe matters explained, 
which have probably much excited curiofity. 

From a mind long ufed to affllftion, every literary 

defeft will be excufed. To addrefs myfelf to the Public 

^ is not a matter of choice, but of neccfllty. If I have 
it- " 
given vent to my feelings, where the fling of injury mofl 

feverely affrfted me, let it it be remembered, that I 

have feverely fufFered, that I am ftill fmarting under my 

griefs— that I am a woman !— If I fpeak forcibly, it is 

not premeditated diftion, but the language of the heart. 


[ viii ] 

Imprefled with a due fcnfe of the liberality of the 
Englifh nation, I chearfully fubmit my vinditadon e^ 
their candour. In that Supreme Power, who knows 
our innioft thoughts, I truft, that I fliall yet be refcued 
from the obloquy I have not merited ; in His name, I 
pledge mylelf for the veracity of my afleitions— let the 
circumftanccs impartially be weighed, and then let me 
ftand, either acquitted with honour, or condemned to 
lading reproach. 

Countess de Valois de la Motte, 





MUST I,-" Oh! painful tafk ! muft I inevitably 
refumc that pcn> which twenty times has fallen 

from my unwilling hand ? Muft I fupprefs thofe re- 

morfeful agitations of a mind, which yet fiill of the once 
loved images I am about to wound, ftartles at the fata- 
lity that compels me to it?. I nduft; the convulfivc 
pangs, the agonies Which I experience at the idea^ yield 
at this inftant to the imperious claims of wounded ho- 
nour, to the keen infpiratioris of fad defpair, for the pre- 
fervation of a fame, more outrageoufly injured by my 
filence> than it can have been by my fancied guilt, and 
the barbarous punifhment inflicted it. 

I am anxioiis to proclaim wherein I have been 
faulty^ becaufe having ventured on the word honour ; I 
cxpe6t, even in the recefs of folitude, the attacks of ma- 
lignity; let the acknowledgement of being faulty^ 

foften the rigour of thofe who would carp at the ciaiml 
of honour. Alas ! drenched with my own tears, loaded 
with humiliations, overwhelmed with imputed igno- 

B miny^ 

[ 2 ] 

itiiny, I £I:all.not inake a vain difpky of pride ; what I 
challenge of honour is no rriore than that feeble portion^ 
which unfortunate perfons ftillpreferve, who^ though op- 
prefled with calunnny, are aflured of the rectitude of 
their own inventions. 

Daily proftrated before hinn^ who alone Can penetrate 
into the.inmoft receffes of the hearr, I am pradcifed in 
the avowal of my imprudencies : I fhali not fcek to dif- 
guife them to the public, and I expeft from xhztjecond 
judge, a confolation which the goodnefs of the former en- 
courages me yet to hope. 

Yes, I have committed faults; I confefs it but 

fhouid not the puniftiment be proportioned to the guilt ? 
If, from tlie expofure of my errors^ they lliould appear 
to be but acceffories to crimes infinitely more weighty, 
in which I found myfelf involved by a feries of events 
arifing from each other ;— if the mod inexcufable of my 
oiFences, be my inadvertently rendering myfelf an accom- 
plice with perlbnages too mighty for my weaknefs to 
refift, when once engaged; can the diftance of rank which 
chance has placed between three culprits^ alone afcertain 
the degrees of their refpeftive guilt, and muft that be 
die juft ftandard of dieir chaftifement? Alas! have I 
been fo unfortunate as to be ignorant of this truth? 
Am I the firfl: inftance however, of the weak being 
facrificed to the ftrong ? Oh no ! — but the records of 
human wretchednefs afix>rd few inflances fimilar to 
mine! Whoever honours my defence with the flighteft 
attention, will be made fenfibfe, that it was not a diredt 
effort of power which cruflied me, and that neither the 
Queen, nor the Cardinal de Rohan had contrived 
my ruin; but that it was the iniquitous conflift of theii* 


[ 3 ] 

tdependant interefts^ that precipitated me into dillrefs 
and mifery. 

Have I then uttered their names ?— Thofe perfonages 
whom I aflerted to he once dear to me ? That generous 
Prince to whom I had vowed a gratitude, which my 
very difafters have not been able to impair ; that be- 
guihng Sovereign, whom I may be faid to have idolized, 
and whofe image I muft at this moment rernove from 
my " mind's eye," that I may retain fufficient fortitude 
to proceed. Yes, I have declared ihat' I muft ; I have 
afiigned the reafon j but I have not yet faid any thing 
of my forbearance, of my moderation, or the ftruggles 
I have had to Ihake off the galling yoke of that necef- 
fity. It is the criminal craftinefs of thofe, who at the 
time of my fad cataftrophe, prevented the Queen from 
holding out to me the hand of comfort and relief ^ which 
has kept from her the knowledge of the weapons I ^m 
provided with ; to wreft from fear, what I fhould have 
been happy to owe to juftice, to humanity, to the re- 
mains of paft regard. 

Ever fince (by a kind of miracle) I fet my foot on 
this protedting land, .where freedom fmiles alike on un- 
happinefs and profperity; nothing has been left untried 
to acquaint her Majefty, that I am pofTefTed of a corref- 
pondcnce, the publication of which would produce the 
effeft of extenuating my guilt, though at the painful 
expence of expofing her ; of interefting the public ia 
my fate, and fubftituting pity, for that ignominy, which 
has hitherto been my torment. I have found all ave- 
nues blocked up by defpotic favourites, who envelope a 
Princefs, devoted, at once, to the cravings of their 
infatiable covetoufnefs, and to the tyranny of their intri- 
guing ambition^ 


[ 4 ] 

In the affefting memorials which I have endeavoured 
tofubmit to her Majefty's clemency j I recalled to view, 
without complaint, the evils, the horrors of every kind 
I have undergone, and proved to her, that my difcretion 
and the fidelity of my attachment, were the only caufes 
of my calamities. I offered, even, to facrifice the 
means of my juftification, on terms which equity or 
common jullice mufl: approve ; in a word, I only de- 
manded the reftitution, or rather an equivalent for the 
lofles, confequent to my unhappy profecution. In every 
one of my letters I repeated, that " Since it had pleafed 
" Providence I fhould furvive thofe fhocking barba- 
*^ rities; fince it had refcued me from my own fury; 
*^ its intention, doubtlefs^ was not, that I fhould perifh 
^* for want of a fubfiftance ; that in the condition I was 
*« reduced to, I was allowed to hope, that the Queen 
" would, at leaft, caufe to be reftored to me, what the 
" confifcation of my property had poured into the 
" King's Exchequer.*' 

Thofe memorials which contained a too faithful re- 
port of the deftitute condition, under which the viftim 
of duty and affedion laboured ; which echoed the cries, 
of fufFering humanity, have undoubtedly not reached the 
earof Majefty : Her eyes have not beheld thofe mournful 
charaders, drawn with a trembling hand, upon the paper 
moiftened with afflidion's tears ; nothing has induced 
the recolleftipn of me to the mdft humane of Princefles ; 

all, all have been intercepted ! Let thofe devouring 

fiends, therefore, take to themfclves the mifchief that 

may enfue ; up(jn their own heads be the neceffiiry 

confequences of that defpair to which I am reduced. 

I have 

[ 5 ] 

I have taken up my pen, and foregoing fleep, fore- 
going the joiportunate cares of a body brought to de- 
cay, that is no longer of any concern to me j I will not 
lay it down, till I have eafed my foul of its overwhelm-, 
ing load, by pouring forth all the fecret horrors it con- 

It has been my wifli, to fave the honour of the 
Queen ; but in the abyfe, into which I am more and 
more deeply plunged, can I at this day turn my 
thoughts to any thing, befides the fhattered remains of 
my own honour ? The, public muit at length pro- 
nounce between HER MAJESTY and the atcmjhe has 

My mind is too much agitated to regard my ftyle ; I 
am unufed to writing, and my hufband's military edu- 
cation, places him in point of literature, nearly on a 

level with myfelf. No matter, truth has its force, 

grief has its eloquence ; the fentiments of forrow will 
flow with rapidity, and defpair pofTefles energy amidft 
diforderi with thefe incitements an author may claim 
a perufal : I fhall therefore write. 

Alas, that I could difpenfe with the mention of my 
birth! My judges made no ajccount of it, can I then 
reckon it as fomething ? No : but it were, perhaps, a 
piece of pride, to diffemble that my father died at the 
Hotel-DieUy in Paris. If the reader will pleafc to caft an 
eye on No. I. of the annexed papers, he will there find 
his fad genealogy. I Ihall not, furely be fufpefted of 
vanity in fuch an invitation j but it appears a, neceflary 
document, in as much as it accounts for the firft a£ls 
of my life, juftifies the deviations of a natural ambition, 
and gives a conception why^ fcarce emerged from ob- 


[ 6 J 

fcurity- and indigence, Jane de St. Remy de Valois 
courted favour, in order to recover the rank, to which 
(he was by birth entitled. 

My father, it is true, had jufl ended his deplorable 
career in the arms of charity ; but the very regifter of 
his funeral told me, that the blood of the Valois flowed 
in my veins. Could I then, implicitly, refign myfelf to 
the idea, of tamely fubmitting that honoured name, to 
fink into the grave in obfcurity. Perhaps had Heaven 
endowed me with that refignation, it would have been a 
gift more precious to me than exiflence ; but I received 
it not in my birth, and unfortunately did not imbibe 
the fentiments from the tuition of my fecond mother. 

The tendernefs of the Marchionefs de Boulainvilliers, 
who protefted me in wy childhood, would not permit 
her to coimtera6t the early fymptoms of ambition, which 
appeared in me, and which fhe looked upon as the no- 
ble failing of great fouls i on the contrary fhe had en- 
couraged me in the intention of putting in my claims^ 
the nature of which were as follow: 

In the perufal of my genealogy, it may havb been ob- 
ferved, that my progenitor, poffeffed in right of his 
lady, the eftate of Fontette, and that from him to 
my father inclufively, that eftate had regularly devolved. 
All my anceflors had been born upon, and almoft all 
had been entombed in it. My father alone, by means 
of a natural propenfity to gaiety and extravagance, and 
the confequent accumulated diflrefles, had firfl; parcelled 
out, and aftewards compleatly alienated that demefne. 
It pafiTed for a fad, and was indeed but too true, that 
he had not received a fixth part of the value of the^va- 
lious inhcrtiances, which he had fucceflively m.ortgaged. 


[ 7 ] 

People were inceffantly telling me, I heard it from'every 
quarter, that, with a fmaH degree of favour, if might be 
eafy to regain poflefRon of that eftate. 

Madame de Boulainviiliers, whofe klndncfs induced 
her to take fome meafures to obtain that objeft, was 
the firft to advife me to repair to the pkce, and to al- 
certain how far my hopes might probably be realized. 
It was, therefore, not only with her confent, but by her 
exprefs advice, that in 1779 I repaired to Bar-fur- 
Aube, where the information I gained, confirmed me 
in the opinion, that had determined my journey. It 
appeared to me evident, that with favour I might re- 
cover part of the poiTeflions of my houfe, Impreffed 
with this idea, my imagination could not entertain a 
thought, which had not for its objeft the accomplifii- 
ment of my favourite wifh, to obtain the necefTary fup- 
port ; but fi'om that moment, I may venture to date 
the origin of my ruin. 

During my firft abode at Bar-fur-Aube I became 
acquainted with Count de la Motte^ but as it is not a 
novel 1 am writing, I fhall pafs over the circumftances 
which brought him to a propofal of marriage, as well 
as the motives that determined me to accept it. It 
will be enough to fay, that our union being approved 
of by M, de la Luzerne, Bifliop of Langres, on] the 
overtures he was pleafed to make^ Mad, de Boulain- 
viiliers, my excellent mother, yielded her confent, and 
a few days after die nuptial band was tied. 

My hufband was then in the Gens d'Armcs,»in which 

corps his father had run an honourable career, glori- 

oufly terminated at the battle of Minden,^ where he was 

killed at the head of his company. 


t 8 3 

Monficur de k Motte thought that upon the circiim- 
ftance of his marriage he might hope for fome military 

Marflial de Caftries commanded the GenS d'Armcs 
which was then quartered at Luneville^ M. de la Motte 
propofed my joining the garrifon with him, which I 
only accepted, on condition I Ihould pafs in a convent 
the whole time his ftay flibuld require. We therefore 
fixed upon one about three leagues from Luneville, to 
which I retired, but Was doomed not to enjoy long the 
tranquility which was afforded me by that afylum; 
The affiiirs of the navy department, entrufted to the 
Marlhal de Caftries, not permitting him to revifit his 
corpsj the intended felicitations could not take place. 

Here the reader will be prrfented with a clew to my 
misfortunes, which, if he will take hold of, 1 will lead 
him ftep by ftep through the labyrinth in which I was 

Never was woman lefs vain than myfelf of perfonal 
charms ; I know not by what fatality my youth, that 
healthful look which is called fr elhnefs, that vivacity, the 
appendage of juvenility, fupplied in me the want of 
beauty, fo far as to lay me open to the importunities of 
prcfuming med. 

The Marquis d'Autichamp, who commanded in the 
abfencc of the Marfhal de Caftries, is the being, 


whom I was firft beholden, for that diftruft which all my 
life after,^ I conceived of the oter preffiiig civilities of 
his fex. He expreffcd the moft ardent zeal to {enrc us, 
he ftrove to perfuadc us we fnould do nothing at Lune- 
ville; that there was a neeeffity of vifitirig Paris, where, 


[ 9 ] 

cxclufive of the good offices we had to expe6t from the 
Marfhall, and of thofe, which the maternal fondnefs of' 
Madame de Boulainvilliers infurcd to us ; he would ex- 
ert his intereft with his own private friends to get my 
hufband into place. He found no difficulty in per- 
fuading us that his advice was rational ; but when the 
time came for our departure, for the metropolis, it ap- 
peared that I, alone, was to folicit, under the aufpices of 
the Marquis ; who condefcended to take the journey 
with me. He pretended that my hufband, having al- 
ready twice had leave of abfence, could not hope for a 
third, and accordingly he refufed it him i the indifpen- 
fible confcquence of which refufal was. Count de la 

Motte quitted the corps. Thefe were the firft fruits 

oi favour with the great. This refolution intimated 

and fixed upon, we immediately took tlie road to 
Strafburg; where the Marquis de Boulainvilliers and 
his lady then Were ; but on the very day we reached 
tlirt place, they had left it, to go to Saverne, at which 
place we joined them the next day. 

^t was there, for the firft time, I faw the Cardinal de 
Rohan. To him I was prefcnted, and bi-it too well re- 
commended by the Marchiunefs^ who, a few days. after, 
let off on her return to Paris, inviting me,, together with 
the Count, my hufband, to accept of an apartment in 
her hotel in that city. It was not long before I follo\^ed 
her; and my hufband, detained at Bar-fur- Aube by 
family concerns, joined me fhortly after ^ but when he 
arrived, my dear protedtrefs was no mere ; death having 
juft robbed me of the only fupport I had left in the 

C Afe- 

[ lo ] 

A ftcond time become an orphan, by this unfortu- 
nate incident, deprived of the wife counfels and exam- 
ples which had hitherto direfted my conduft, I caft my 
eyes on all around m6, and faw nothing but a frightful 
void, a vail folitude, where apprehenfions, fince, too 
fully verified^ fuggefted to me, that if I deviated from 
the path of reditude, I fhould perhaps be loft.— —The 
Marquis de Boulainvilllers remained, but of him I had 
formed fo unfavourable an opinion, chat my firft deter- 
mination was to quit his hotel. He guefled my inten- 
tions ; to prevent which he affured me, that he fhould 
confider -it as his duty to ftand in the place of the 
Marchionefs ; that in him I fhould find a father. Ac* 
cordingly, for fome time, he feemed to continue towards 
us the kindnefs with which we had been honoured by 
his Lady. Soon, however, I difcovered that this kind- 
nefs was not wholly difinterefted, and 1 comprehended 
his motives as fully, as if he had imparted to me his in- 
tention.^ He had juft loft a wife, but chance had placed 
another woman under his roof, and the fituacion was 
become a matter of conveniencey which he pretended Mras 
reciprocal', at leaft that was the light in which he repre- 
fented it to me, and without much hefitation made mc 
a downright propofaL 

Alas ! faid I to myfelf, are fuch the charadleriftics of 
men ? they are ftiU far from being reftored to my good 
opinion: yet I think, for the credit of their fex, that few 
of them are capable of fuch meannefs, not to fay bafe- 
nefs of behaviour, as that I have experienced on this oc- 

The moment M, de Boulainvilliers was convinced of 
the futility of his defigna, all his affiduous attentions 


[ M ] 

were converted into harfh and uncivil treatment. In- 
deejl, it is not without a blufh, I fhall here produce 
fome inftances of it. It will fcarce be credited, for ex- 
ample, that not chufing openly to propofe our quitting 
his houfe, he took the refolution of rendering it gra- 
dually infupportable t6 usj caufing every day fome 
necciTary article to be retrenched, and ufing every 
mean fubflitution that could be made, in thofe which 
he allowed. I know not whether the mentiojn of fuch 
trivial circumftances fhould be admitted into a ferious 
narrative, but as it concerns me to prove, that my ex- 
iftence has been a feries of misfortunes, more or lefs 
afflicting or humiliating, I thought it neceffary to jfhcw 
that pafTingfrom under the protedion of Mad. de Bou- 
lainvilliers to that of her hufband, was no fmall one. 

My readers will readily conceive, that fuch conduft 
foon occafioned a feparation. Nearly about the fame 
time I refymed die fatal idea of feeking by powerful 
patronage, to recover part of the poffeffions alienated by 
my father, and efpecially the eftate of Fontette, I had 
feveral acquaintances, amongft them were fome, whom 
I ftyled friends, being fimple enough, too readily to 
confide in friendfhip. The hopes of prevailing on thefe 
to interfere drew me to Verfailles; where my time was 
fpent in fruitlefs folicitations, during the fucceflive ad- 
miniftrations of Meflrs. Joly de Fleury and d*Ormeffon, 
which pafTed away like a fhadow ; afterwards under that 
of Mr, de Calonne, which, on the contrary, appeared 
fo long to France. Whoever is acquainted widi iiis in- 
finuating afliduitics, can form an idea of the graces he 
difplayed on the firft reception : I thought I could per- 
C 2 ccivc 

[ 12 ] 

ccive the moment when he would propofe to fhare with 
me the treafure entrufted to Madame d'Arveley (*> 

The ancient fabvdift has whimfically deicribed the 
a<^itation of the mountain, which was at length delivered 
of a moufej I cannot help comparing to it the labour 
of Mr. de Calonne, who undertook to augment to fif- 
teen hundred llvres, the mighty penfion of eight hun- 
dred, granted me at the time of my recognition, to en- 
able me to fupport worthily^ the name of Valois. Juft- 
ly incenfed at the Comptroller General, I fecretly pur- 
"pofcd to ufe compulfive means, and to recover my ef- 
tate of Fontettc independent of his affiftance ; and the 
ftep which appeared to me beft calculated to efFeft this 
purpofe, was to ingratiate myfelf into the favour of a 
certain ferjonage. An opportunity foon after prefented 
itfelf, wherein the fuccefs of my ftratagem would have 
been tri,cd3 but my fituation did not permit me to em- 
brace it, which will be amply explained, when my con- 
nexions with the Cardinal are known ; this circumftance, 


* Madame d'Arveley was, at that period, wife to the 
keeper of the Royal Treafury, during the adminiflra- 
tion of Mr. Calonne, who had the bon heur to be in th? 
homes graces of that lady, previous to Jiis exaltation. 
Monfieur d'Arveley at his death, left her a confiderablc 
fortune. ,Whetlier gratitude, or a natural propenfity to 
be a financial minifter in private, fincc he was no longer 
permitted to be fo in public, prevailed, is uncertain ; 
.but fincehis involuntary flight from the ' Contbent, he 
ha3 undertaken the management of the widow's concerns^, 
.and has honoured her with the name of Calonne. 

[ 13 ] 

however, is not the lefs remarkable, as it determined 
my fate, by opening to me the way, which afterwards 
brought me to her Majedy's feet. 

I have already protefted againft all prctenfions to 
beauty ; but w^ere I to carry humility as far as a con- 
feflion of homelinefs, I could not reverfe what has been ; 
or counteraft the circumftance of his Royal Highncfs 
the Count d*Artois, who faw me ar the parifh church of 
Verfailles, having honoured me with a diftinftion which 
I did not endeavour to obtain. The fteps taken by that 
Prince to acquaint me with the generofity of his difpofi- 
tion, reached the ear of the Princefs, his confort ; who, 
fatisfied with my beh^iviour, vouchfafed to receive me 
with kindnefs, and took me under her proteftion, placing 
me oftenfibly under that of her royal fifter, Madame, 
To conceive the motives of that precaution, it is only 
neceflary to recollcft, that a very fnort time before that 
period, Madame the Countefs d'Artois, had found her- 
felf in very delicate gircumftances, which made her ex- 
tremely circumfpe6l. 

Although the point was thus fettled between the two 
Princeffes refpefting me, I experienced equal effefts of 
their goodnefs towards me. One day as I was paying my 
court to them at Madame's,^ I was feized with a fudden 
indifpofition that occafioned fome ftir in the palace. 
The Queen being informed of it, was gracioufly pleafed 
to exprefs fome concern. Her Majefty even fent for 
Mrs, Patri, firft waiting-woman to Madame, to know 
the particulars of that accident ; an inftance of regard 
which her Majefty continued for fome days after. 

Nothing efcapes the notice of courtiers; they obferved, 
that, fr-om that moment, her Majefty honoured mc with/ 


I 14 ] 

a gracious condefcenfion whenever I came into her pre- 
fence , fonie fpeculations were even hazarded on the fub- 
jedi but the man at Court who carried them the fartheftj 
was the Cardinal de Rohan. 

I have hitherto only mentioned that Prince, in refer- 
ence to the incident which firft procured me the ho- 
nour of feeing him. During the interval between that 
period, and the one I am now adverting to, I muft own 
1 had not loft figlit of him ; I had received kindnefles 
from him ; gratitude, juftly due, innolably attached me 
to him ; I had no fecrets concealed from him j he, none 
from me.' We mutually read in each other's mind, our 
refpeftive ambition. His, it is well known to every 
one, was, to have become, at any rate, Prime Minif- 
ter ; mine had no farther views, than to be Lady of ^l;e 
Manor of Fontette. 

Obftacles ahiiofl: infurmountable, and arifing from the 
fame caufe, thwarted both our views. The Cardinal 
fome year^ before, had the misfortune to incur the 
Queen's difpleafure (*), The firft ftep towards fupreme 
power, was of confequence, to recover her Majefty's fa- 
vour : and as long as he could do nothing in his own be- 
half, he had as little power to do any thing for me. It 
may be remaiked, in that letter to which I have referred 
the reader, tliat at the time I am fpeaking of, he had 
made various attempts, all equally unfuccefsful, either 
on account of the folly with which they were attended, or 
through the perfidioufnels of the Princefs de Guemenee, 
who, while Ihe feemed to have undertaken his recon- 
ciliation with the Queen, had removed him from it inH-. / 
*nitely more diftant, than he had been at the period Ihe 
V appeared to intereft herfelf on his account. 

* See No,, V.Che Letters. 

[ ^5 ] 

Matters were thus circumftanced, when that feeble 
r*ay of favour which he faw fhine upon niy head, revived 
his hopes, and re-animated his annbition. Nothing can 
equal the aftonifhnnent into which he threw me, one 
day, when happening to be in the royal gallery, her Ma- 
jefty vouchfafed me one of thofe fmiles, which it is fo 
difficult to appear infenfible of. Having, a moment af- 
ter, by chance, raifed my eyes up to him ; I faw joy 
fparkle In his countenance, and a defire at the fame 
time to fpeak to me. This defire I fulfilled, and the 
words which he addreffed me with, will never be effaced 
from my remembrance. " Do you know, Countefs/* 
faid he, ^^ that my fortune is in your hands, as well as 
your own ?"— His fortune ! oh Heavens ! I fhuddcr 
wheh I think that his misfortunes are not even yet 
drawn to a conclufion ; that I am perhaps going to fill 
up the meafure of them. As to my own fortune, thank. 
Heaven, I now fee it drawing nigh ; I behold it in the 
tomb, half open to receive me j but ac the mom.ent the 
Cardinal was then fpeaking to me, my ideas were not 
fo melancholy. 

Though I had ken neither his fortune nor my own 
in the Queen^s enchanting fmile, yet my heart was full 
of it. When the firft furprlfe had fubfided, I afked the 
Prince whether he wasjefting or in earneft? — " A man 
*^ cannot be rriore in earneft than I am," anPvvered he, 
" fit down and hear me attentively. In the firft place, 
'^ convince yourfelf thoroughly of a truth, which, as it 
*^ admits, in general, of very few exceptions in ths 
" world, fo at Court it admits of none. It is this : It 
*^ is not in the power of human wifdom to chain down 
'^ Fortune; bhndfolded, and ever led by chance, the 

« fickle 

[ i6 3 ' . 

^* fickle deity holds out her hand to all who Hand read/ 1 
f^ to grafp it on her rapid pafTage ^ but if not feized \ 
*^ upon that very inllant, opportunity never nqorc re- ] 

*^ turns. The moment of your good fortune is arriv- i 

<f ed. 1 have not been the only perfon who has ob- | 

« fcrved it, but having more intercft than any odiein '^ 
*' its confequence, my obfcrvation has been more atten-' / 
" tive, and I have dilcovered to a certainty, that the i 

" Queen has taken a fancy to you/' ^" A fancy," ', 

cried I, " you mean ftie feels a benevolent compaffion | 
" towards me." — " You may give" anlwered he, j 
*^ what name you pleafe, to the fentiments Ihe honours ] 
" you with'j all that is neceffary for you to know is, ; 
" that there i%fometbmg in your form pleafmg to hevy aqd \ 
** that you muft not let the happy dilpofitions flie has ^ 
'^ fhewn towards • you . for fome time paft, grow cool, j 
*' You iee that all favour centers in her; that every ] 
'' where elfe there is nothing to be done : that Madame ^ 
" and the Countefs d'Artois are not only devoid of in-:^ 
" fiuence, but that their very proteftion ftamps the fcal'l 
" of reprobation. Attach yourfelf then folely to the 
" Queen ; and confider, (I tell you fo again) that your j 
" fortune and mine are in your hands." j 

The Cardinal concluded, by dcfiring me to write to ." 
the Marchioness de Polignac ; but he could not 1 
have given a worft advice. Though the Polignacs 'I 
were then poffefled of the, almoft exclufive, right of pre- ; 
lenution to the Queen ; they had luch mighty interefts "i 
to manage, they were affailed by fo many fears, tor- ^ 
mented by lb manyjealoufies, that it was neceflary diejr | 
ftiould be well aflured of their creatures, before thejr 1 
brought them forward. I was not fuittd to their pur- | 

pofc ^ 

[ 17 ] 

pofe, they by no means found their account in intro- 
ducing me> nor indeed did they give it the leaft coun- 
tenance. They refufed me the requefted interview, and 
confined their anfwer to this: ** That Mr. de Calonne 
*^ having given the Queen an account of the addition 
*^ lately made to my penlion, her Majcfty thought that 
*^ I ought to reft fatisfied.'* Soon afterwards I learnt 
there was not one word of truth in this bold aflertion, 
and that they had not fo much as mentioned my name 
to the Queen. 

During the fhort interval, between the moment I am 
now Ipeaking of, and that, wherein I had the honour to 
approach the Queen ; I had daily opportunities of ob-* 
fervingj that all the methods I took to efFed my pur- 
pofe, were counterafted by the Polignacs, and that they 
had fo thoroughly obftru6ted all the avenues to an ac- 
cefs, that I one day faid to the Cardinal with ill-hu- 
mour, I would hear no more about feeing the Queen.-— 
*^ fVhy^ you are a childy' faid he ; " at the firji obJiacUy 
'* you are for giving up the pointy but remember ^ " He that 
" ftays in the valley will never get over the hill/' ^he 
'' gale is propitious, you muji Jail into harbour. I am 
*^ going to propoje a courje to you, the only one you have 
" left to purfue. I forewarn you^ it is a coup d'eclat 
" that I Jfjall advije you to adopt J' 

Seeing me peiplexed and confufed, before I knew 
what the bufmefs was i he made an end, by explaining to 
me ^hat he meant by a coup d'klati He told me, I 
muft not hefitate to throw myfeif at the Queen's feet, 
but that he thought, in order to overawe our common 
enemies die more ; I Ihould fcize the occafion to do it, 
at the time of the proceffion of the Blue Ribbands, 

D whic> 

[ t8 ] 

which was to take place on the ftcond of Fcbiuary. Ae- 
cuftomed implicitly to follow his advice, I promifcd to 
ad: as he Ihould di£late. 

The great day at length arrived. Furnifhed with the 
petition 1 was to prefent, and the moft ample inftruc- 
tions to govern my conduft by, in every poiTible fitua* 
tlon; I repaired, full dreffed, to the Caftle, and waited 
in one of the faloons till the proceffion returned. As 
the Queen paffed by, I fell at her feet, and delivered 
my petition -, told her, in few words, that I v/as lineally 
defcended from theVALOisj that I was acknowledged 
as fuch by Lewis the Sixteenth; that the fortune of my 
progenitors, not having been tranfmitted to me with their 
name, I had no refource but in the King's munificence, 
his Majefty being in pofleflion of the major part of the 
cftates they had enjoyed ; that having found every ave- 
nue to her Majeily's prefence fhut againft me, defpair 
had determined me to take this ftep. 

The Queen raifed me up with kindnefs, received my 
petition with her ufual complacency, and feeing nie 
tremble, condcfcended to bid mchopc. She then paffed 
on, telling me to make myfelf eafy, aud promifed to 
pay regard to the objeft of my requeft. 

I withdrew, my limbs tottering under me, and had 
fcarcely reached home, when I received a note from the 
Cardinal, in confequence of which I went to him. After 
acquainting him with what had paffed ; in purfuance of 
his advice, I immediately wrote to Madame dc Mifery, 
firft-Lady of the Bed-chamber, and waiting-woman to 
tlie Queen, defiring her to deliver to her Majefty an 
enclofcd letter, .which I took the liberty of addreffing to 

1 li^ 

[ 19 J 

The fame evening I received an anfwer from that 
ladyj containing an invitation to her apartment, at half 
an hour pad feven. When I faw her, fhe told me fhe 
had laid my letter on t*he Queen's mantle-piece, that 
llie believed her Majefty was at that very moment talking 
to Madame refpefting me, and added, that her Majefty 
had not been to church that afternoon, on account of 
the agitation my letter had thrown her into, 

In the firft moment of our converfation, Madame de 
Mifery hinted to me, " that the honour I was going to 
'' have conferred on me, by being prefcnted to her Ma- 
«^ jetty, muft be a fecret to all the world, not excepting 
«^ Madame-, warning me, that the fmalleft indifcretion 
^' would ruin me paft recovery/' (*) 

Our converfation continued till eleven o'clock, when 
the prefencc of her Majefty at length put an end to it.— 
How beauteous did llie appear ! I had always confidered 
her fo, when I beheld her, but the affability with which 
flie received me at that inftance, added to the charms 
of her perfon. I was again feized with a palpitation ; 
when her Majefty was pleafed, a fecond time, to encou- 
rage me, requefting my confidence, and ordered me to 
fpeak to her with an open heart, refpefting whatever 
concerned myfelf. At length I took courage, and after 
fetting forth the nature of my claims, the fteps I had 
taken with the Minifters, and with the PrinceiTes her 
fifters-in-law, I concluded, by complaiaing with fomc 
afperity, of the harfh treatment I had received from the 
PoHgnacs. Her Majefty fmiled, and her looks at that 
D 2 moment 

* The reader is particularly requefted not to lofe rcr 
membrance of this pofitive injunction, through the 
courfe of thcfe Memoirs. 

[ 20 ] 

momentj indicated to me many things, the explanation 
of which is found in her letters to the Cardinal. (*) 

After a fhort recollection, her Majefty fpoke to me 
nearly in thcfe terms : " I have perufed your memorial 
" with attention and concern. I perceive that its objedt 
^^ is to urge the Minifter to the reftitution of feme 
*^ eftates, which have belonged to your houfe. I have 
'^ peculiar reafons for not complying with your requeft^ 
*^ which fhall be made known to you, they being fuch 
*^ as regard you perfonally. 1 cannot reconcile the de- 
*^ fire I feel of ferving you publicly, -with that I expc- 
^^ rience of feeing you familiarly 5 biit I may indireHly 
" do you the good offices you defire of me. Send (ot 
" your brother, (*) who being now the head of your 
'^ houfe, it is more natural that he fliould perfonally 
" folicit the favours to which it has a claim. I promife 
'^^ you, I will ftrongly fuppprt his folicitations, therc- 
f^ fore make yourfelf eafy."— Her Majefty terminated 
the converfation, by prefenting me with a purfe, and 
honoured me widi a firft falute 5 enjoining me to remain 
at Verfailles, to speak to no person whatever of 
THIS interview, or of the fuccefs of my petition, theft 
quitted me, faying, <f JdieUy we pall meef again,*' 

It is material to obferve, that in this firft interview, 
her Majefty talked to nrle concerning Madame, in terms 
extremely unfavourable ; that above all, ftie infiftedmuch 
on theduplicity of that Princefs; recommending to me, 


* S^e No. VlL 
* The Baron cle Valois, at that time a Lieutenant ia 
'the Niivy. It is well known botli in England and 
France, how niuch he diftinguiflied himfelf on board 
the SMrveillante. 

t 21 ] 

to beware of her; not to fay a word to her about my af- 
fairs; and ad/ifmg nne, even, not to fee her any more; 
which I could not but deem an exprefs prohibition. 

It was faid that " wejhouldmeet again.'' Accordingly, 
a few days after, I received a note, written by the hand 
of Mademoifelle Dorvat, one of her Majefty's women, 
containing an order for me to repair, between eleven 
and twelve that night; to tlic little Trianon. Having 
attended punftually to the appointed hour, I was intro- 
duced into her Majefty's clofet by Mademoifelle Dorvat. 
I received an explanation of what the Cardinal meant to 
intimate, when he fpoke to me of*" fancf* and of there 
being ^^fomething in my. form, fleafmg to her Majefty'— 
Good Heaven ! thought I, how charming is the Queen I 
what affability ! what an effufion of goodnefs !— -indeed, 
I alfo felt niyfelf at that moment fomething more than 

Her Majcfty put an end to our long conference, by 
evincing her munificence to me, in the gift of, pocket 
book, containing to the amount of ten thoufand livres, 
in bills upon the CaifTe d'Efcomptc. The laft words 
were, as in the firft interview *^ AdieUy we fiall meet 

'^ again,'' We did fo, both frequently and with long 

interviews, and upon the fame footing. 

This confeffion weighs down my foul, my heart trem- 
bles, the pen drops from my hand — O my auguft Sove* 
reign ! It is to you alone I now addrefs myfelf ! Recall 
to your mind thofe charming moments, which I 
fcarced are refledl on : recall to your memory, thofe 
places in which they were pafTcd, and thofe in which I 
expiated a guilt attributed to me, in confequence of my 
concealment of them. Whatever be the contumely with 


[ 22 ] 

which it has fince pleafed your Majelly to overwhelm 
me; you will neverthelefs find it imprinted on your me- 
mory, that you then raifed me up to you i that you 
placed yourfelf on an equality with me. But in vain 
did you condefcend, before me, to divert yourfelf of 
the avvfulnefsof Majefty; in the very manner of laying 
it afide, your dignity appeared, and inwardly I exclaim- 
edj, kis the rgpddcfs^ Flora, v/ho, derobing herfelf ofher 
dignity, deigns to amufe herfelf with an humble flow- 
eret. . You are fenfible. Madam, that in the firfl: in- 
terview, and' thofe of the fame kind which fuccceded, I 
never departed from that refpecT:, with which you even 
obligingly upbraided me-.—and yet, it is that unhappy 
being, whom tlie bare approach of your lips, ought to 
render an obje6l ever facred : it is the woman, whom you 
liad^honoured with the name of ^^ dear friend -y'^ it is that 
unfortunate De Valois, whom you have forfake^^ given 

up into the hands-— fhall I fay of executioners ? ah, 

no !r— Let me recall the word But to return to the 


jFrom what I h^ve already related, it is manifeft, that 
it was the unbounded ambition of that unhappy Prince, 
which had conveyed, nay almoft dragged me into the 
Queen's clofet. I have alfo faid, that I had conceakd 
nothing fro!n him. As foon as he was able to applaud 
himfelf on the fucccfs of his fpeculation j wlien from 
the nature of die benefits I received from her Majefty, 
he knew how to appreciate the degree of beneficence 
Ihe honoured me widij he repeated widi warmth what 
he had already told me of his fortune and mine, which 
he pretended were in my hands ; and prevailed on me to 
watch for, tofeize upon the firft opportunity diat offered, 


[ 23 ] 

of recalling him, without afFeding to do it, into the 
Qjjeen's remembrance. It was not long before an occa- 
fion offered, as favourable as it was poffible to wifh. 

One day, when her Majefty had added a frefh favour 
to the many which had fo juftly enfured her my tender 
and refpedlful duty, fhe accidentally afked rpe how I 
had been able to fupport myfelf before I approached htr 
perfon. Then was the momentfor naming my benefac- 
tor, without appearing to do it with a premeditated defign, 
I; however, ufed a good deal of artifice, pretending 
ignorance of the footing on which the Cardinal flood with 
her Maieft}\ I avoided an air of conftraint agd referve, 
which, had it been the leaft difcernible, might have cre- 
ated a fufpicion, that I was deeper in the Prince's con- 
fidence, than I ought to appear. I therefore fpoke of 
him in** general terms, as a man of feeling, benevolent 
and generous ; who, by thofe various good qualities, 
had probably aqcuired the efteem and the favour of her 
Majefty i and I v;armly enumerated the good offices he 
had done me. The Queen liftened to me with fuch at- 
tention, and regarded me with fo inquifitive an eye, that 
I felt the neceffity of weakening the firft idea, that vi- 
fibly offered itfelf to her mind ; by hinting, that this 
munificence of the Prince was far from being confined 
perfonally to me. As this was the firft time I had ut- 
tered die Cardinal's name before the Queen, fo it was 
the firft time I had obferved hov/ much her Majefty's 
averfion to him, exceeded the idea he had given me. 
She was for fome timx filent, feemingly wrapt in pro- 
found refledion, and with tlie accent of a perfon who is 
juft awakened, fhe faid to me : " What I have juft 
'^ Jieard is plcafing to me, hutjurprifes me! I did not 

'"''«" Ihlnk 

[ ^4 1 

*« think the Cardinal capable of fuch afVions ; he is faid 
«^ to be of quite a different difpofition." 

The Cardinars name heing once introduced, in the 
frequent and familiar conferences I had v/ith the Queen, 
I forefaw, that in introducing it again, I fhould no 
longer have the fame difficulties to funncunt, I im- 
parted my idea to the Prince, who conjured me not to 
omit any opportunity of fpeaking of him -, he even pre- 
pared me with inftru6lions, as to the purport of my dif- 
courfc ; fuggeiled to me various introductions, and ap* 
plied himfelf to train me up for the performance of my 
part. The tafk, however, was not fo eafy as we had ima- 
gined. The Queen never uttered die Cardinal's jiame, 
nor fpokc of any thing that had the Icaft reference to 
him i all my inllru<5lions were therefore entirely thrown 
away, as I found no opportunity to introduce the fmall- 
eft mention of him. 

At length an incident occurred, which enabled me to 
execute my purpofe. The Cardinal, having received 
two hundred thoufand Hvres as a fot de vin ^, for renew- 
ing the contrad for foraging the cavalry in Alfacc, made 
me a prcfent of twenty thoufand. I thought myfelf 
bound, not to let the Queen remain ignorant of this freih 
inftance of generofuy, with which her Majefty feemed 
afFcfted. I did not lofe fo favourable an opportunity of 
acquainting her with my gratitude, and the Cardinars 
kindnefsi but this time I proceeded farther dian the 
former. It was natural^ that upon my having 
related to the Prince, my firft converfation with the 
Que«n, on his account^ he ihould at leaft have entrufted 
me with his troubles. I owned it to her Majefty, and 

^^ reprefentcd 

A kind of fine or premium. 

[ ^-5 1 

might even then have perceived, that under" the deceitful 
embers of an affeded tranquillity, already lay the fatal 
fpark, that afterwards caufed the conflagj*ation in which 
I was involved. 

It cannot be too early to apprize the reader, that all 
the tender, all the pafiionate things he will fee in the 
correfppndence I am going to prodtice, were nothing but 
diffimulation oh both fides. The Queen, who had vowed 
his riiin, long before I brought the Cardinal into her 
recolleftion, was ftill contriving it in her mind; and 
when her attachment to the Emperor, her brodier, 
yielded her up at Trianon, or elfewhere, to the ftudied 
tranlports of the unhappy Prince^ (k is blocking to re- 
veal, but I know it to a certainty,) Ihe ufed to caft 
upon him the fame piercing looks, with which fh^ eyed 
him the day that fhe demanded his head of the King, 
Such, alfo, were they at the moment of the Gonverfation, 
which I now defcribe. Neverthelefs, Ihe would liften 
to me with cohdefcenfion. I inceflantly rcfirmed the 
fubje'T:, and fometimes the aukwarcj manner in which I 
introduced it, would raife a fmile in her Majefly's coun- 

The Cardinal exhorted ine to perfeverance, to which 
1 myfelf was inclined, from a notion that I rather gained 
ground daily. Emboldened by that confidencCi I one 
day advifed the Cardinal to venture on a letter, pro- 
mifing myfelf to be the bearer, to fei^e on the firft occa- - 
fion jof delivering it that fliould offer, and to create one, 
if none fpontaneoufly occurred. Three days after, the 
moft favourable one prefcnted itfelf ; and from that pe- 
riod begins the correfpondence, of which, what I have 

E been 

[ ^6 1 

been able to fave, will find a place in thefe Memoirs ^ arid 
eveiy one of the letters will be found connected with 
the various fads, that I am going to fet down in chro- 
nological fuccefTion. 

Number II. of this colleftion is a literal copy of that 
firft letter, written by my advice, it i* true, but not in 
the manner that I fuggeftedjto the Cardinal. I wilhed 
htm to exprefs no more than his defire of exculpating 
himfelf I yet it will be feen, that, according to his'ufual 
praftice, he is already impatient to difclofe fentiments, 
which, had he experienced them, he ought to have re- 
prefled ; and which, not experiencing, it was an unpar- 
donable falfhood in him to utter. Behold him, at the 
firft outfet, talking already of the rays of bope/hiningin 
bis heart, of her Majefty's beauteous mouthy and of his own 
Jlavery. • The Reader will moreover pleafe to obferve in 
it, as a proof of what I have already adduced, that as I 
had been the inftrument the Cardinal had made ufe of, 
to put the Queen in mind of his exiftence, fo I became 
the pretence which fanftioned,. as I may fay, his cljiinas 
to her returning favour. My advice had been not to 
mention me, but to kt. out with a written juftification of 
himfelf, knowing that the .Queen defu*ed nothing far- 
ther of him. But he was wont to treat me as a child, 
and to that indifcretion he added the folly of alTuming 
the title, which he ever after retained, of her Maje%*s 
Jlave. Though I highly difapproved of fucli incon- 
fiftencies, I was forced to fubmit, and delivered die 

The fubfequent one, (No. III.) fufficiendy points 
out what anfwer the Queen charged me . to give to die 


[ 27 ] 

firft. The only obfervation I have to make on it is> 
that his communicating the contents of it to me, very 
much offended me. It is obferv^able, that at the very 
fetting out, it contains a doubt injurious to me, con- 
cerning the degree of confidence with which the Queen 
might honour me. I thought I difcovered that his ob- 
jeft was to leave to her Majefty the choice of any 
other intervening perfon, and of courfe, to facrifice me, 
as foon as that other perfon, no matter who, Ihould offer, 
provided only their fituation enabled them to finifh the 
work begun by me. The inflant the Cardinal appeared 
to difti ufl me, he became ' by me fufpefted, and I re- 
folved to watch his proceedings. Though he could not 
handfomely forbear communicating the letters he com- 
mitted to my charge, I felt I fhould but imperfeftly 
underftand the correfpondence, unlefs I alfo had a fight 
of all thofe I conveyed to him from the Queen. I 
therefore determined not only to read, but even take 
copies of all that paffed through my hands, on both 
fides. One motive that particularly ftimulated me to 
this refolucion, fliall be more fully laid open in the 
fequel of thefe Memoirs, all that I can now fay of it is, 
that notwithftanding the general confidence the Cardinal 
placed in me, he had fome intrigue, concerning which, 
he Ihewed fomething more than mere referve. I faw 
couriers arrive, with whom he was clofetted, and the 
packets he received, or thofe he delivered, paffed out 
of one hand into another with the greateft fecrecy, and 
I have often heard die noife of the ftrong-box, where he 
HO doubt laid them up. If I ventured to put a queftion 
to him, I faw ferioufncfs and a tinfture of ill-humoun 
wcT&zdow his countenance. Certainly, if I could 

E 2 have 

[ 28 ] 

have furmifed, what I only came to the knowledge of 
afterwards, that all Uaat myfterioufnefs had a reference 
to politics, I Thould noc have been fo unjuft as to com- 
plain of his difcretion -, but in general, I knew the Car- 
dinal not to be difcreet, and I little fufpefted him of 
meddling in politics ; fo that, I muft own, I thought 
quite another fort of intrigue was on foot ; and I thank 
Heaven that I yielded to the impulfe of my curiofity, and 
got the better of the reluftance I experienced when I 
came to the execution, 1 o that precaution, blameable 
in fome refpefts, but juftified by the event, I am in- 
debted- for the only weapons I have left agalnft the 
obduracy of injuftice, and the rage of opprefilve power. 
It is doubtiefs to be lamented, that out of nearly two 
hundred letters, which the collection of this corrcfpond- 
cnce would have been, had I been able to bring them 
tpge.thcr, only thirty-one have fallen into my powers 
but I atteft the truth, that I fupprefs none j that they arc 
^11 I could pofTibly copy, becaufe moft of the others 
being of little or no confequence, were burnt almoft as 
(oon as received. Thofe from die Queen, which the 
Cardinal would frequently pervife witli rapture, were not 
depofited in his//'*?;;^ ^c;c', but in his fcrutore, where it 
\vas eafy for me to find the means of looking over and 
tranfcribing diem. As to thofe from the Prince, he 
always fent them to me under a fmgle wafer, fo that, 
excepting the breach of tuift, which 1 have explained 
the m^t^ve of, I could copy them ofF at leifure; but I 
did not take that trouble, when rhcy were of no fignifi- 
cation, and this piovcd to be the cafe four times out 
of five. 


[ =9 ] 

From this e^xpofition it will eafily be conceived, that ' 
the extrad Iprefent to the reader is not the moft indif- 
ferent part of the beforementioned correfpondence. 
Previous to refumitig the thread of my narration, may I 
be allowed to obferve, that as I never announced to the 
public anything more, the conduit of certain idle indi- 
viduals, and fenfelefs pamplileteers, muft appear very 
extraordinary, who have for fome time paft been obfti- 
nately bent upon advertising a libel of my compofing, 
grounded on a correfpondence of which I fliould have 
pretended that the originals were in my poffeffion. The 

originals! How was it pofTible I fliould come by 

them ? Was I not obliged to deliver to the refpeftive 
parties all the Avritings and packets they mutually tranf- 
mitted through my means to each other ? Had I in- 
tercepted a fingle line, would not rrjy infidelity have 
been difcovered at their next meeting ? Two words of 
explanation would have accelerated my ruin. No, I 
never had the folly to announce the originals, to promife 
an impofTibility : but I havefald, in general terms, that 
I would print letters from die Queen and the Cardinal. 
I at length fulfil my engagement. 

It may be (ten by the fecond letter of the Cardinal, 
that the Queen had abfolutely refufed the interview foli- 
cited in his firft, and left no hope that it would be grant- 
ed, unlefs he fliould be able to clear himfelf, hy wriiingy 
from an accumulation of heav)^ charges brought againfl 
him. Her Majefty, when fhe commanded me to return 
diat anfwer, had exprefled herfelf, as imagining it to be 
an utter impoflibility that he could ever juffcify himfelf. 
<^ I have againfl: him, faid flie, proofs, which it is not 

" in 

[ 30 ] 

" in his power to 'invalidate/' I did not difguife from 
the Cardinaly that her IVlajefty appeared but little difpofcd 
to alter her mind refpeding him, and as I repeated to 
him the Queen's own words, he faid fomething to me 
wrapt in great obfcurity -, this, however, gave me a little 
knowledge of the nature of that political intrigue, of 
which I have faid a few words, and concerning which I 
had been fo egregioufly miftaken. He gave ,nne to un- 
dcrftand, that the Queen was not fuch an abfolute mif- 
treis of jier own a6tions as I imagined j that flie flood as 
much in need of him, as he did of her j that if ever he 
fluoald ov/e his elevation to her, f]ie would be indebted 
to him for the exercife of fovereignty, the ^ only objed, 
not of her own perfonal ambition, but of that of the Em- 
peror, her brother. That fingle word was the key to 
all the myfterious tranfaftions between him and the va- 
rious agents I frequently faw arriving, and who^ I fup- 
pofed, were Germans. I underftood he was in corref- 
pondcnce with the Emperor, 'and that probably it was 
the wifh of the Queen, ^hat the Cardinal fhould be at 
the head of affairs, in which fuppofition I was perfectly 
right. However, as that idea could not efface the im- 
preffions made on me by the Queen's laft words relative 
to the Cardinal, I told him, but hoped I fhould be mif- 
taken, that her Majefty ftemed more difpofed to injure . 
him, than to labour towards his elevation, and that I 
faw no way to remove her prepoffefTions, but his clearing 
himfelf by a wriUen jujiificaiion, fince flie required it. 
The note No. IV. was the immediate effeft of my ad- 
vice. Theflave faid he obeyed, and announces parf of 
his defence for the next day. 


[ 3» ] 

The article No. V. is extremely interefting, and de- 
ferves to be read with that attention, which the Cardinal 
at his firft fetting out reqiiefts of the Qiieen. It con- 
tains the defence announced the day before, and refers 
to fads, prior in point of date, which few of my rea- 
ders would fufpedl the nature of. I think it necelTary^ 
therefore, to explain to them whatever in that long nar- 
ration might be unintelligible. J have now bid adieu 

to all manner of reftraint, and fuppofe myfelf, at this mo- 
ment, in thofe regions of felicity and peace, where my 
fufFerings will, I hope, procure me a place, relating 
withoi^t interefl, or without paflion, to the celeftiai 
inhabitants, the melancholy dreams I had upon earth. 

That fame Cardinal, who is fo profufe of words, to 

prove to the Queen, that all the accufations laid againft 
him af c fo many falfities and mere flander, has repeat- 
edly acquainted me, that her Majefty's grievances were 
unfortunately well grounded. He has entrufted me 
with the fecret, that at the time of his embafly to 
Vienna, when the Queen was yet Archduchefs, embol- 
dened by the levity of her behaviour, he had prefumed 
to offer her an homage, which had not been rejeded ;. 
that his happinefs had fleeted away as a dream ; that the 
pointed preference which a German Officer had ob- 
tained, before ,his eyes, had fo far turned his brain, as 
to make him hazard indifcreet fpeechesj that he did not 
doubt but the Queen had preferved the remembrance 
of that im.prudence, to which he attributed the difgracs. 
he had languilhed under, ever fince her Majefty's ac- 
C-'fTion to the throne. ' He mentioned to me. one day, 
that when the Archduchefs pafTed through Savcrne, on 


[ 32 ] 

her way to Verfailles, a ray of hope animated his fieare^ 
and encouraged him to haften thither to receive her, 
in the palace of the Old Cardinal, his uncle, where 
having ^thrown hirtifelf at her fctty to kifs the^hem of 
her. robe, fhe had kindly raifed him up, and blufliing 
held out her hand> which he faluted with the moft ex- 

quifite fenfation! But, added he, th^t v/as thelaft 

look of tendernefs I ever experienced from the Prin- 
cefs. Hurried into the vortex of the court, iTie faw 
herfelf furrounded with fo many adorers, that J was no 
longer diftinguifhed in the crowd. The Count d'Artois 
eclipf^d them all; yet the Count d'Artois was but art 
obje£t of coquetry. 

This confidential communication necefTarily gave' 
birth to another, which muft alfo be imparted to tht 
public. We fee by the Cardinal's own defence, that 
he was fomething more than fufpefted of having fabri- 
cated, at Madame Dubarry^s, the letters to which I have" 
alluded. He hasr told me they v/ere the produce of his 
jealoufy ; that the Enhprefs Queen, who loyed him, 
having heard of the errors imputed to her daughter, had 
applied to him, in order to gain the information fhe 
defired ; that attributing to the intrigue of the Count 
d'Artois, the diflike the Dauphinefs expreffed for him, 
he had related the truth, without the leaft difguife; 
that thofe fatal letters being found an^ong the papers of 
the Emprefs, after her death, had been returned to the 
Queen, by the Emperor. 

Thunderftruck at this confefTion : '' How ! cried I, 

has the Queen fuch papers in her hands, and yoii charge 

"me to affure her of your innocence!" He flill drew his 


[ 33 i 

arguments from political confiderations, which muft In* 
fiuence the Queen's conduft. " The Emperor, faid he, 
*^ will hav^e at the head of affairs a Minifter devoted to 
^^ him ; there is no refentment but mull give way." He 
converfed like a man acquainted with the fpirit of courts, 
and it.will fliortly be feen, that accordingly her Majefty, 
J though furnilhed with fuch proofs of his perfidy, carried 
her policy to that inconceivable length, as to deny to 
him her having thofe proofs in her poil^ffion. 

I rnuft recommend the moft ferious attention to 
this circumftance ; it is of infinite confcquence to me 
to evince to the world, that exccfs of diffimulation of 
which the Queen was capable, A flriking inftance of it 
occurs in the letter No, VI. It is manifeft, by the manner 
in which the Cardinal there exprefles himfelf ;, that the 
verbal anfWer I had conveyed to him, from the Queen, 
befpoke an approaching pardon ; that confequently her 
Majefty had afFedcd to be in a great meafure fatisfied 
with that defence, although ihe had in her efcrutore all 
that was requifite to convift the Cardinal, Accordingly 
it is feen that thejlave writes with confidence to his dear 
maftery and you behold him already fuing for kifles, 
talking of fair hands, and of her charming mouth \ — the 
Queen fufFers it all! She does yet more; fhe per- 
mits me to give hopes of the return of lier good 
graces ; nor is that enough ; fhe muft write herfelfy her 
own hand muft confirm the afllirances I had given in 
her name ; and above all, flie muft affirm, that ftie never 
had knowledge of thofe letters, which the Cardinal him- 
felf knew had been tr^nfmitted to her by the Emperor. 
— What refinement of diffimulation in fo amiable a 

F' Princefs? 

[ 34 1 

Princefs ? In a word, the Queen pafTes a fpunge Oyer 
pall tranfaftions, and aflerts that all unfavorable impref- 
fions are obliterated. (*) 

The Emperor's inflru6lions mtifl: have been very po- 
fitive, he muft have been heartily tired of the Count de 
Vergennes, and highly Incenfed againft that Minifter, 
to induce the (^leen, his fifter, to aft a part fo unwor- 
thy both of her difpofition and her rank. 

We are come to the moment, when in order to pal- 
liate in fome refpedts, the Queen's conduft, it is necef- 
fary to fhew, that nearly about this time, the correfpon- 
dence, which> as I have already had occafion to fay, had 
commenced between the Emperor and the Cardinal, 
was extended to the Queen, and that the grand negocia- 
tions, I fhall have to fpeak of hereafter, were at the eve 
of been entered upon. It is to thofe confiderations, 
infinitely more than to the fmall afcendartcy I had over 
her Majefty, that the meeting muft be attributed, which 
was thought to be my work, and at which I was myfelf 
aftoniflied ; yet it would appear, that the Queen wilhed 
me to believe, that the Cardinal owed all to me; my 
influence feeming to increafe, in proportion as the Car- 
dinal conceived hopes of recovering that which he had 
loft. Her Majefty continued to fhowcr benefits upon 
me, and each fucceeding day feemed to add to the con- 
fidence with which ftie honoured me. I in reality was 
become an important perfonage ; for furrounded as the 
Queen was with the Cardinal's enemies, fince-flie had 


* See No, VIL 

[ 3i ] 

reafons to treat him with regard, and fecretly to favour 
him, flie could not^ have found a perfon more proper 
than myfclf to fecond her views, as they fo perfeftly 
coincided with my own, being direfted to nothing but 
the CardlnaFs elevation. 

Her Majefty ceafed not to recommend fecrecy to me; 
but fo frequent were the perfonal intercourfes, that in fpite 
of all my caution, I was fometimes fubjefl to difcovery; 
and the number of perfons who fought after me, 
made me fufficiently fenfible, that I had many felf- 
created confidants, to whom my confidence had never 
been imparted. I was obliged to be ever on the wing, 
fo faft were letters multiplied on both fides ; I have feea 
tJie Cardinal write four in a day. 

I have already noticed, that I only took copies of 
whatever appeared to me in any way remarkable : for 
inftance, I did not mifs the letter No. VIII. It proves 
how far thofc of my hireling detraftors fwerved from 
truth, who have dared to afltrt, that I caufed to be 
forged the letters that I conveyed to the Cardinal from 
the Queen. Not to advert to the abfurdity of fup- 
pofing, that the Prince did not know her Majefty's 
hand-writing, it mil be allowed, at leaft, that if I could, 
in that particular, fo grofsly impofe upon him, I could 
not poffibly make him believe that the Queen ^^Jmiled 
Upon him'' and ^^ publicly made himftgnals of intelligence,'' 
This is the language of die letter referred to; I cannot 
have dilated it to him ; — I cannot have written for 
him ; — I cannot have fafcinated his eyes, fo far as to 
make him believe that the Queen '' Jmiled on biniy" if 
fhe adually did not fmile ; that fhe " puUicly made him 

F % finalk 

[ 36 ] 

" A^^^-f ^/ intelligencey' if no fuch fignals were publicly 
made; if he fays, that '' he is the happieji of mortals for 
"^ having feen thofe " finiksy' and '' fgnals of intclli^ 
gencer it is, becaufe he has feen them widi his own 

It is well known that I had no kind of intercourfe 
with that mountebank Caglioftro, and that, confequently, 
I did- not. fecond the impofitions by which he fported 
with the Cardinal's credulity. The Queen had fmiled, 
had put on a gracious countenance; the Queen there- 
fore, at the period I am fpeaking of, was, or pretended 
to be, freed from her prejudices; I had not, confe- 
quently, deceived the Cardinal, when I firft gave him 
hopes, and afterwards afifurance, of that revolution in 

his favour, I had accefs to tlie Queen 1 had a Ihare 

in her confidence; and long before ftie vouchfafedto/?w7ir 
on the Cardinal, and publicly make him fignals of intelli- 
gentey I had apprized him that fuch was her intention j 
but that Ihe wifhed to maintain an appearance of referve, 
to cover the reconciliation fhe confented to. Thofe who 
have faid that I feigned to have influence ; that I forged 
writings, that I had no accefs to the Queen's perfon, 
were therefore Qanderers : and what was fhe herfelf, the 
proud Auftrian, when at the very moment of her over- 
whelming the Cardinal with all the awfulnefs of incenfed 
Majefty, Ihe denied to him, in prefence of the King, 
that ever Ihe had known me ? I hope that when I come 
to that melancholy part of my' narration, the reader will 
pleafe to rccolleft this obfervation, which my impatience 
, has forced me to anticipate. 


i 37 1 

Notes and letters paffed in rapid fucceffion to and fro; 
but the parties did not perfonally meet. The Cardinal 
was urgent, I became impatient with the Queen. At 
length, on the 15th of May, I obtained from her the 
note numbered (IX.) It will diere be feen, that her 
Majefty promifed " fhortly to gratify his defire of feeing 
" her, and that pe found no fault with /V."— Mofl: af- 
furedly that part of the note will not be perufed with in- 
difference, where her Majefty .condefcends to read a lec- 
ture on circumfpedlion and prudence to the man, whom 
in her firft letter ihe ftyled, ^^ themoft indifcreet of men.'* 
It muft be owned, it was fingularly curious that her 
Majefty fliould take upon herfelf the taflv of inftruftrefs 
to fo elevated a religious dignitary. 

The paper No. X. requires- no explanation. Every 
body underftands that the imperfonal " on,'' is the Kingj 
who, already informed of the ^^ /miles zxid ftgnals of tnteU 
" ligencey\ had urged fome ambiguous interrogatorieSp 
We muft not anticipate by any hints the unravelling of 
the ^^fcheme. which will furely give pkafure:'* I ftiall fre- 
quently have occafion to fpeak of Trianon. 

The letter No. XI. conveys at once an idea both of 
the Cardinal's ftyle of gallantry, and of the indulgent 
acquiefcence with which her Majefty received a formal 
declaration of love. The Cardinal had not mentioned one 
word to me of all he pretends to have faid i but in love, 
as in war, ftratagems are allowable. However impor- 
tunate I muft often have appeared to the Queen in the 
Cardinal's behalf, I certainly never ftiould have taken 
upon me to retail fuch fenfelefs ftuff tp her Majefty : 

ay, I had taken fpecial care, every time that the Prince's 


[ 38 ] 

name was mentioned in converfation, to avoid all ex- 
preffions that cotald attribute to his earneft folicitations 
any other motive than that of dutiful refpe6t. It is true 
the Queen had. even more than hinted to me, that fhe 
was not ignorant of the motive which influenced the 
Cardinal to court the return of her good grace^, But> 
(I cannot too frequently repeat it) as her Majefty was her- 
felf fwayed by political confiderations, Ihe did not think it 
extraordinary, much lefs v/as fhe offended, that the Car- 
dinal*5 proceedings fhould have ambition for their lead- 
ing principle. But whatever motive might have in- 
duced them, I made my reprefentations, which, ac- 
cording to cuftom, proved unavailing, and I fulfilled 
^my mifTion, that is, I delivered the letter, of the con-: 
tents of which I had taken the liberty to exprefs my dif- 
approbation. While die Queen was perufing it, I care- 
fully obferved her countenance, and was aftoniflied at 
' the ferenity with which Ihe went through all the trifling 
nonfenfe it contained s but her Majefl:y has fince taught 
me to wonder at nothing, 
- . Having embarked in this flrange correfpondence, it 
will be im.agined that my intention is to purfue it to the 
moment when, for the firfttime, mention is made of the 
fatal Necklace. That valuable bauble, which has 
given birth to fuch unlverfal converfation and conjefture, 
will certainly be flippofed to be the principal objeft of 
thefe Memoirs. To that fubjedl alone I^fliquldhave 
confined myfelf, had it not appeared to me effendal, daat 
I fhould previoufly relate the circumflances which pre- 
ceded that bufinefs, and brought on the horrid cataflrophr 
that followed; for it is evident, tha^ from being ignora^ 

[ 39 ] 

of the concatenation of thofe circumftances, nine out of 
ten pcrfons who have fought to form an idea of 
that intricate and unhappy affair, have either found 
themfelves led into a labyrinth of confufion, or have 
fornaed the mod unfavourable innprcffions of my con- 
du£l, in confequence of the various libels publifhcd 
againft me by thehirchngs of the houfe of Rohan. 

I {hall for the reafons alledged, I hope^ ftand exCufcd, 
if I continue to diffufe, over the particulars of this cor- 
refpondence, all the! light that is requifite ; and it will be 
found that thofe circumftances, which at the firft fight 
might appear of trivial confequence in themfelves, be- 
come of importance as they relate to me, and, of courfe, 
to all tliofe who feel an intereft in, and feek after the 
truth of that myfterious tranfaftion. 

The paper No. XII. gives rife to reflexions of a very 
fingular nature. A note from a nobleman of the higheil 
rank, from the Lord High Almoner of France, com- 
mences with the following words, which the Queen is 
fuppofed to underftand: " the Savage!" — Now, as 
none but the Queen, the Cardinal the Savage, and rnyfelf 
are acquainted with the meaning of that term, it is not 
foreign -to the purpofe to inform the non-initiated, that 
this appelladon was the nickname of an obfcure man, 
known but to few, under the title oi Baron de Planta, the 
Cardinal's toad-eatery not to name him after Vokaire, 
« the Prince' s friend,'' It will appear in the fequel, that 
he fhared with the Cardinal in his perilous adventures. 

On the perufal of this note, is it'poffible to reprefs a 
fentiment, if not of indignmion, at leaft of the utmoft 
aftonilhment? — To fee a mighty Queen, in other re- 


t 40 ] ■ i 


fpefts fo haughty, doomed through a, guilty policy td^ 
bear with impunity fuch indecorums, not to fay inde-| 
cencies. Neverthelefs, fuifome as the langoige of diisi 
note is, it is evident that the Queen perfedtiy kijew, thad 
this Baron de Planta was in the fecret as well as myiel^i 
and that fhe was fo little offended at it, that fhe eveiir^ 
vouchfafed to fliew him a gracious countenance, or, aS; 
the Cardinal exprefles it, ^^ fignah of inteWgenceJ' In-i 
deed, it-muft be owned, her Majefly was very lavifh of^ 
thofe fignals. I underftood them well, and thought them i 
truly enchanting J I do not wonder they turned the poor 
Baron's brain; lefs favour from fuch a quarter, was^j 
furely fufficient to bewilder the imagination of dxql 
man. i 

Keeping to the order of dates, I now come to an ^ra ] 
which I cannot poffibly pafs without morje minute attention j 
to it than I have paid to thofe v/hich have preceded. I ^ 
earneftly intreat the reader, before he proceeds a line fur- j 
ther, to read attentively the paper (No, XIIL) which m 
a literal copy of a letter, written by the Cardinal to the \ 
Queen, immediately after the fccne, in which Mademoi- ] 
felle Oliva afted the part fo much talked of in the pro- ] 
ceedings on my trial. j 

When my relation draws to a conclufion; when the ^ 
various ftratagems are developed and expofed to view, j 
which have been ufed to prevent my communicating any \ 
circunnftances which might refleft on the Queen; it will \ 
then be underftood, why, what I am now going to relate \ 
concerning that ftrange incident, differs fo eficntially from j 
whatever was faid, at that jundure, upon the trial, j 

The "i 

[ 41 ] 

The reafon of that difference is thus accounted for. Atthat 
time they laboured to perfuade me, that fpeaking the truth 
was endangering my life ; and now, I am convinced, my 
hanour muft be facrificed, if I do not fpeak truth. I muft 
therefore folemnly affert and declare to the world, that 
as well refpefting the fatal jewel, as concerning other 
fubfequent matters, I do proteft againft all that has been 
faid, againft all that I myfelf faid before my judges; 
trufting that this declaration will not be deemed extraor* 
dinary, when it is confidered as being the refult of a mind, 
now, not fettered by oppi*efiion, and which had in the 
former inftance been aftuated by fear and apprehenfion, 
and trembling under the fword of tyranny and injuftice. 

One day that the Cardinal and myfelf were crofs exa- 
mined on a delicate point, which neither of us. intended 
to clear up, from a refped for the Queen ; I faid fome- 
thing inconfiftent with the truth. « Ah, Countefs (faid 
« the Prince) how can you confefs what you know to 
'' be falfe?" " Like all the reft, my Lord, anfwcred I, 
^' ever fince thefe gentlemen have put interrogatories to 
" us, you know that neither you nor I have told them 
« a fingle word ofthe truth/' 

Nor was it poffible we fliouldi the queftions to be 
put to us were ready prepared, nay, qften the an- 
fwerstodiemi and we were obliged to frame our re- 
plies in the manner prefcribed, or expeft death, in the 
Baftillc. This our counfel inceffantly reprefented to us. 
Let any one judge of the reliance to be had on a chain 
of evidence, in which each interrogatory was cakulated 
to bring fprdi the reply tliat had been previoufly at- 
tached to it! In a word, all that I, at this period, and 
G unenr.barrafled. 

r 42 3 

uncmbarraffed, have to fay, concerning the pan afted by 
the Qycen in the whole of this unfortunate tranfactlon, I 
was not permitted to ifete at the time of my trial 
Hence the falfe notions which the pubhc have imbibed; 
hence the difEculty of making truth counteraft fallliood; 
hence the advantage my detraftors will have, by accufmg 
me of being faifified, either at the time of my trial, or 
at the prefect periovl. 

With one word, I hope, however, I can refift their 
malice. I was then compelled to falfhood, or deadi, 
by the hand of an executioner j today I muji fp^sk 
the truth, or die by my own; for I am made defperate, > 
by imputed ignominies* There is no alternative left 
me, but non-exiftence or the cleareft juftification. 

I have flifficiently expofed the ambitious views, die 
political confidcrations, that had brought together tVrO 
beings, who. In the ipain, mutually defpifed and dc- 
tefted eadi other ; there remains for mc to obferve, that 
as witnefs to all that pafled, confidant to both the per- 
fonages, I manifeftly faw that the demon of politics pre- 
vented their proceeding to open extremities. It has 
been but too well known hov/ little refervcd the Cardi- 
nal was, in his fpeeches concerning the Queen j and his 
reftraint was ftill lefs with me. On the odier hand^ the 
Queen intimated to me from time to time, that Ihe was 
made acquainted with his indifcretions, paft and prefent. 
Madame de Gucmenee had filled her Majefly's. mind 
widi prejudices almoft unconquerable, and had nearly 
perfuaded her, .that theobjcft of the Cardinal's proceed- 
ings, and of ail his contrivances, was to cxpofe her Ma- 
jefty. ^ ' 

[ 43 ] 

The Queen, one day in converfatron, faid to me, 
fpeaking of the Cardinal: " Would you believe it? diis 
*^ very morning a perfon worthy of credit and well ac- 
'^ quainted with hinn, has alTured nie> he was- 'my bit- 
" tereft enemy." I heard with attention, and felt con- 
cern; for, from thence, I rather defpaircd of ever being 
able to ePcablifh between two beings, fo ill difpofed to- 
wards each orher, that cordiality, that harmony, fo ne- 
ceffary, to their refpeftive views. Meanwhile the Car- 
dinal was very urgent with me, and I took notice, that 
for fome time paft, the Queen did not wait for my men- 
tioning him to her, but often was before-hand with me, 
by afkingqueftions, which, though feemingly indifferent, 
had an evident tendency to lead the converfation to diat 
particular fubjeft. 

Before any mention was made of the girl Oliva^ the 
Queen repeatedly introduced the delicate topic, which 
I had always fou^t to elude. It is manifeft flie wanted 
to bring me to an abfolute explanation, on the nature of 
the fentiments I fuppofed the Cardinal entertained, or 
that I might have obfeived, in his difcourfe, in his con- 
fidential communications. Senfible that I had con- 
veyed letters to her Majefty, which contained fentiments, 
however foreign tothofe the Cardinal In reality pofTclTed, 
yet were couched in fuch language they could not be 
mifunderflood, and having noticed, as I have already 
obfervcd, that her Majefly perufed them widiout any 
tokens of difapprobation, I thought I might venture, 
at length, to hint, that I believed the Prince, was pof- 
/ffed with the moji lively pajfton for her per/on. One day, 
therefore, when ftie was urging me on that head, upon 

G 2. my 

I 44 ] 

my telling her that I. would warrant the Cardinal's fin- 
cerity, on penalty of lofing her Majeft}''s favour: *^ Vcn- 
" ture nothing rafhly> faid fhe; — fincere or not, the 
** Cardinal wants me to credit his profefllons of fince- 
" rity,— -Suppofe I do ? pray, tell me what arc eventu- 
" ally his views ? He ought never to have hoped for one 
** favourable look, yet I have granted him his pardon, 
*^ He writes to]me-— I anfwer him— fcarce have I had lei- 
" fure, in fome degree, to diveft myfelf of the unfavour- 
*^ able fentiments which I have been forced to entertain 
" of him, but he obftinately demands a private interview 
<f — Is it in order to revive the ftories he forged about 
*' his refidence at Vienna ?— Do you know what he has 
** to fay to me?— Does heflill fee the Duke deLauzun, 
" the Prince de Luxembourg?— Is he yet on good terms 
" with Madame de Brionne ?— Does he ftill vifit at Ma- 
*^ dame de Marigny's ?— They fay he fees a young lady 
*^ of the name of St, Leger, who is reckoned very hand- 
" fome?" 

After a number of other queftions nearly of the fame 
tendency, her Majefty feemed for an inftant to recol- 
ledl herfelf, and then refuming her difcourfe, fhe pro- 
ceeded thus.—" I have fufficiently fignified to you, on 
" various occafions, how much reafon I have had to 
" complain of the Cardinal, Though I have pardon- 
'' ned, I have not been able to. forget his paft mifcon- 
'' duc5l, of which I have told you that I have proofs 
« irrefragable ; nor can I Ihut my eyes on the recent evi- 
«, dence he has given of a culpability, highly deferving 
" reprobation. From what you have been telling me 
'' yourfelf, he takes upon him to afFeft towards me fen* 
" timents, the more ofFenfive in proportion as diey are 


[ 45 ] 

*^ the lefs 'encouraged. You are not the only one he 
« entertains with his idle dreams ; the Duke de Lauzun, 
ff and the Prince de Luxembourg, whom I juft now 
" mentioned defignedly, make it the fubjeft of their 
" merriment. I have often had my name very unbe- 
" comingly brought in 'queflion at the Hotel de Sou- 
" bife, and I know that numbers who are deceived, by 
*' his public converfation, think that I admit private 
" meetings. How ! — would you have me expofe my- 
" felf by receiving privately a man of fuch notorious 
" indifcretion ? Who having prefumed to write roman- 
^^ tic letters to me, would add to his folly by greater 
*^ extravagances, by calling himfelf at my feet, talking 
** of love, and by carrying perhaps ftill farther his rafh-^ 
'* nefs and his frenzy ? I tell you again that I fufpe6l 
** 'him ; that J cannot impute fo extraordinary a beha- 
** viour, but to a fettled fcheme to expofe rhy charac- 
** ter, and that if I had not fome particular reafons for 
" concealing from him my real fentiments, I would for- 
** bid you ever to mention him to me, and efpecially 
*^ charging yourfelf with his letters; I would moreover 
" command you to let him knoW my will." 

To fhefe circumftances, I reflefted I was no ftranger ; 
but the Queen had particular reafons to keep upon good 
terms with him, and I was aware of the cogency of 
them, — *f If your Majefly, anfwered I, would permit 
*^ me to plead the caufe of the abfent, I would take the 
^^ liberty to obferve, that from the moment you have 
*^ had the goodnefs to pardon what is paft, it is con- 
" IJftent with your natural generofity to lofe rfemem- 
« brance pf it^ Your Majefty's cenfure is not in con- 

" fcquencc 

[ 46 ] 

" fequence of your own feelings, but is irritated by the 
" envenomed ilings of envy and malice. If I have pre- 
" fumed to give your Majefty an idea of the nature of 
" thofe fentiments which 1 attribute to die Cardinal, I 
'^ have taken care to make them confiftent widi the 
'^ moft profound refped. Reafon and reflection render 
*^ this latter fentiment, fuperior to every other, in his 
^ " mind ^ the former is involuntary, and fuch as all men wha 
" have the happinefs of feeing you, muft feel thcmielves 
'^ infpired with. The reports refpefting kis pretended 
'* imprudencies cannot but be flanderous j I would ven- 
'* ture to take the moft facred afflirances of it j and for 
" this reafon, that I never heard him fpeak of your 
" Majefly but in terms of admiration, and certainly he 
" puts on no conftraint with me." 

Here the Queen took a few turns in her clofet, and 
coming back to me, with a thoughtful look : « An idea 
*' occurs to me, faid flie ;:- — Pray, what female ac- 
" quaintances have you got ? Tell me the names of 

'* fome of your intimates. 1 have my reafons for 

'* afldng you diis queftion." 

After I had named various perfons with whom I 
was more or lefs connected, ilie faid to me : " Do you 
" think you have fo much influence over any one of 
*' thofe women, as to prevail on her to comply with 
'' what I am going to propofe ? — ^You will abfolutely 
^' perfuade me to grant the Cardinal an interview-— 
" but I have my reafons for dreading an interview- — 
^^ I lliall not be without uneafinefs till I have made 
" trial of him. I will condefcend to fee bim^ without 
'' Jeeing hbn.- — J know not whether you pcrfeftly un- 


' [ 47 ] 

" derftand my meaning? 1 could wilh to be fatisfied 

" of his behaviour to me, the firft time I fhould really 
" grant him an interview. Were it not pofl:ble, under 
" favour of the darknefs, to fubftitute fome other wc- 
" man in my ftead, with whom the Cardinal might 
'^ converfe, while he, at the fame time concludes, he is 
*' addrefiing himfelf to me ? I could be near enough to 
*' overhear their converfation. I fliould then know 
^^ how to aft with refpeft to the real interview, and 
" would refolve upon granting or denying it, according 
" as hb beliaviour fhould appear, either to deferve it or 
" not. Among the ladies you have been mentioning, 
*^ do you know of none who would willingly fall in with 
*' thia little piece of deceit, which is fuggefted by pru- 
" denes ? The matter, however, may pej haps require 
'' greater confideration than I have had time to beftow 

" upon it. Come to-morrow, we will talk more fully 

" on the fubjeft.'' 

Returning the ne^t day, in comphance with her Ma- 
jefty's command, I found her determined on the exe- 
cution of her projeft. The bufinefs feemed to wear fo 
pleafant an appearance, that it drew from her, when 
alone, involuntary peals of laughter. She fingled out 
for the aftrefs, in the farce, that is, for her reprefenca- 
tive, the Lacfy Baronefs of CruffoU whom I was frequently 
with, and who, in reality, had a capacity to favour the 
deception; but I reprefented, that however univerfal 
the defire muft be of performing any thing pleafing to 
her Majefty, I queftioned whether Madame de CruflbJ 
could comply with the propofal, without previoufly con- 
fulting her hulband, a circumftance whkh could not be 


[ 48 1 

agreeable. I obferved, bcfides, that the very natural 
fear of being difcovered by the Cardinal, and detefted 
in the perfornlanqe of fuch an impofitioa on him^ ap- 
peared to me an infuperable bar*—" In that cafe/' faid 
the Queen,' interrupting me, " I would make my ap- 
« pearance, and extricate the Lady out of her diffi- 
" culty. You may tell her, that fuch an aft of com- 
'^ plaifance will very much oblige me.'* 

This manner of expreffing herfelf was equivalent to 
a com.mand, I no longer infifted, but quitted her Ma- 
]efty, promifing my utmoft endeavour to procure her 

At that period of time, my hufband had no know- 
ledge of the political intrigue between the Queen and 
the Cardinal ; he only knew that I was admitted to her 
Majcfly, and that it was to her liberality I owed the 
affluence of which he was a partaker. The Cardinal, 
from motives which I never fearched into, continually 
recommended to me dijcreticn with regard to Mr. de la 
Motte. Hitherto I had fcrupuloufly followed his ad- 
vice, but the reflcftions I had made on the Queen's 
ftrange and whimfical plan, on the ficklenefs of difpofi- 
tion in the pcrfon flie had pitched upon, together widi a 
multitude of other prevailing confiderations, determined 
me to confuk him in fo delicate a conjun6hire, and I 
difclofed to him the whole aftair. He turned pale while 
he liftened to me, and his peremptory refufal of being 
concerned in an intrigue, which he called dangerous, 
put me grofrdy out of tem.per. 1 urged the matter forci- 
bly, and by dint of perfeverance and perfuafion, I made 
him at length underfland that his happinefs and.minc 


[ 49 ] 

depended on the Queen, and that we mufi: yield a blind 
compliance to all that (lie defired. I rccollefl: our paf- 
fing the whole night in confidering whethen or not I 
fliould venture on the ftep I was comnaiflioned to talce 
with regard to Madame de Cruflbl. All circumftances 
duly weighed, we agreed it was dangerous for ourfelves 
to introduce her into the fcheme. That her farnily being 
very ambitious, might avail themfelvcs of the opportu- 
nity to fupplant us.— Ways might be found, faid M. de 
la Motte, to fatisfy the Queen, without expofing anj- 
one, but I will not explain my meaning before we agree 
that the Caixiinal be let into the. fecret. I affented, and 
gave him an account of all that had paffed, and of what 
we were planning. I told him, it was a trial he muft 
go through, or give up all hopes of a farther interview. 

After paufing a while, he burfl: into a loud laugh. 

*' How, then, fays he, can the Queen really think that 

" I can be fo grofsly impofed on ? Well, no matter, 

" I will comply with every thing. If (he is fond of a 
^^ farce, we muft give her one. You may red alTured, 
" jhe fhall never know that / was fonwarmdy' and I will 
" play my part in fuch a manner as fhall leave her no 
" fufpicion of my not afting it in earneft." 

Every thing being tlius agreed upon with the Cardi- 
nal, the only remaining pciat was, to meet with a wo- 
man who y/ould anfwer our views. My hufband topk 
upon him to find one, who Ihould be induced to do, for 
a pecuniary confideration, what it \yas intended anotljer 
fnould do from a motive of ambition. Chance, on this 
occafion, ferved him better than all liis enquiries could 
have done. The very next day, coining out of the P^- 

I-I lais- ' 

lais^Royal Gardens, up a flight of Heps, wliich lead from 
a very narrow, dark pafTage into the Itreet, he obferved 
a woman, decently drcffed, holding a child of five or fix 
years old by the hand. Seeing her puflied about by the 
croud afcending'and defcendingj he offered hia hand, 
which file refufed; hov/ever, he helped the child up to 
t!ie top of the ftairs, where he again proferred to fee the 
mother lafe home. This propofal, with fome apparent 
relutflance, flle accepted. He therefore proceeded with 
her to the ready furnifhed hotel wher^e flie refided, and 
was not long before he difcovered by her converfation, 
that fhe was pretty nearly fuch a machine as he was looking 
for. Slight intimations which fhe gave of her fituation 
not being the molt comfortable, fufficiendy declared flie 
would not turn' a deaf ear to offers of a pecuniary na- 
ture. From the account he gave me of his difcove;7, 
I prevailed on him to go . to her again, and to malvc 
fure of her by a prefent. Accordingly he did fo, ami 
having renewed the former converfation relative to her 
little difficulties, he difcovered that a fum of three o; 
-four hundred livres was for the prefent the objeft of he 
wilhes. He embraced this opportunity. to tell her, th.i 
he vvould not only lend her that fum, but would pro- 
cure her a more confiderable one, provided (he would 
take an aftive part, in a trick that was to be put upon a 
certain perfon* • Upon her enquiring what the bufineis 
was, he told her that he was a married, that tlie 
Queen fhewed great confidence and kindnefs to his with 
that her Majefty -was defirous of playing a trick upon 
•^oneof the Lords at Court, which fhe had i^nparted m 
lier, charging her with the management of the whole, 
^ - . thi 

[ SI } 

tjiat in order to bring it about, flic ha^ need of a female, 
whom Ihe could fijbftitute in her Majefty's place ; that 
fhe, Mademoifelle OIha, feemed perfe£r!y well calculated 
for afting tlie part, and that, if flie had no objeftion, 
he would that very evening bring his wife to her, with 
whom fhe might converfe on the fubjeft. She ap- 
pearing to be difpofed co do v/hatever was required of 
her, deleft her obferving to her, that the leaft impru- 
dence on her part would be attended with her ruin. 

That fame evening, therefore, according to agree- 
ment, I repaired with my hufband to. the young woman's 
lodgings, to whom I gave fome inftruftions concerning 
what ihe .had to do, and we quitted her, leaving a bag 
of 400 livres upon her drawers. The next day the 
Count v^ent in his carriage, and conveyed her to Ver - 
failles. I preceded them early in the morning; they ar- 
rived at the cbfe of day, but I apprized them that the 
C^^ueen, not having had timely notice, her Majefty had 
appointed the next night at half paft twelve. I ha^ 
fcarce had a minute's talk with her Majefty, whofe prc- 
fcnce was then rendered by etiquette indifpenfable elfc- 
where; fo that I had faid to her but thefe two words, as 
well as I can remember: " JWs ready.:' " ^Q-morrow:* 
anfwered fhe, *' at tkefame hour:" But the next day \ 
had the honour to fee her again in the forenoon, and to 
acquaint her witli our fortunate encounter with Oliv,a v 
at which fhe laughed heartily. She dien fettled widi 
me the fcene of adion, but as I was infinitely lefs ac- 
quainted than her Majefty w'ith the fituation of the 
ground, I went to reconnoitre it, and prevailed on the 
Cardinal to accompany mc, in order to determine the 

H % ref^^eftivQ 

refpeftlve pofitions, JTo that the Queen might hear all 
from the fpot which flie had chofen for that purpofc. 
To render the fcene intelligible, we muft neceffarily 
delineate the theatre on which it was exhibited. This 
was the arbour at the lower end of the grafs-plat. The 
arbour on the left hand path to it, is encompafTed with 
a hedge of horn beam, fupported hy ^ ftrong v/ooden 
lattice work i at the diftance of rliree fttt is another, 
before you eome to the inward part of the arbour, fa 
that the fpace intervening between the two quickfetSj^ 
forms a walk that leads you round the inclofure, with- 
out letting you into the arbour itfelf Each of the in- 
clofures has its diftinft pafTage, and their entrances are 
at oppofite fides. The Queen had taken her ftation in 
the Walk between the two lattices, which in that place 
clofe together in fuch a manner, tliat no paffage or com- 
munication is left between the two hedges. Her Ma- 
jefly was attended by Mademoijelle Dorvat. The Cardi- 
nal, who had reconnoitered the ground, had placed him- 
felf cloie to the hedge, whither my hufband conduced 
Mademoifelle Oliva, concerning whom, I muft here fay 
a few words to relieve the reader's attention. 

The poor girl was as fine as hands could make her, 
and had fpared no coft, to drcfs herfelf in the moft ex- 
quitite tafte. From the queftions fhe had aflced nne 
firice her arrival at Verlailles, it was eafy to perceivL 
that fhe expected fome great adventure, and had pre- 

pai-ed herfelf accordingly. " But," faid Hie to me, 

" what will the nobleman fay to me? Ifhefhoiik' 

" put fuch and fuch a qtieftion, what fhail I anfwer 

him. If he offers to falute ine, muft I let him TV" 

« Witliov; 


[ S3 1 

« Without doubt/' anfwercd I.-^-*^ IF he fhoulH re# 
'^ quire any thing more?** — ** I don't think he will."— 
Nothing cov.]d be rnore comic than the creature's em- 
baraffment, who in tlie main was only folicitous for the 
unravelling of the plot, becaufe fhe knew the Queen 
Wdtild be a fpeftatiTfs of it. 

At the appointed hour I brought the fignal, by giving 
to Ma^emoifcile Oiiva the rofe which the Queen had 
charged me to have deliver by her to the Cardinal. 
Having placed her in a proper fituation, I withdrew. I 
was not ten fteps diftaiit from the Queen, when Oliva's 
timidity put me greatly in pain for her conduit; no 
doubt the Queen experienced the fame fenfation, for in 
fpite of all her referve and caution, flie could reftrain 
herfelf no longer, but cried out to her, " Courage, 
*^ don't be afraid." (This Oliva confeffed inherdepo- 
fitions.) The Cardinal being arrived, the converfation. 
commenced. He, who was tpite unconcerjied, fince 
he was in the fecret, gave the poor girl every encourage- 
ment, by only afking her triSing queilions, and making his 
converfation meer matter of compliment. What difcon- 
certed her mofl: was, his talking to her of *^ f aft faults 
*^ being forgiven,'* of his gratitude, and his making fair 
promifes for the time to corner all which ftie could not 
pofTibly underftand the meaning of, and therefore an- 
ifwered at random with the monofyllables yes or no. 
The Cardinal made die moft he could of thofe mono- 
fyllables, ;to exprefs his happinefs J uttering the prettieft 
things imaginable-i but took no other liberty but tliat 
of gently raifing her foot, which he moft refpedfully 
killed. It was then that Mademoifelle Oliva delivered 


[ 54 ] 

hhn the rofe, which he laid upon his heart, faying «* He 
** fhouW prefervc that pledge as long as he lived" 
calling it " ^e rofe of haffinejsr (*) Htre I recol- 
ledted the Queen's inftruflions. All explanations were 
uver, nothing , remained but infipidchit chat, when \ 
lufhcd forth and announced the approach of Madame 
and Madame Countefs d'Artois; the conference was 
broken off as quick as lightning;. Oliva making her wav 
back to the bench wliere my hu/band was waltin*^ foj- 
her;, the Cardinal joining the Baron dc Pianta, whom 
he had left at a fmall diftance to watch, came up with 
him to my poft, and pr;:vailed on me to follow him be- 
yond the avenue, behind which he fqueezed himfelf up 
10 fee die Queen go by. Catching a glance of her at 
the inftant flie turned off tlie grafs-plat, up the walk that 
leadii to the terrace, he dcfircd nae to go after herMa- 
jefly, and endeavour to fpeak to her, ' to know whether 
flie V/3S iatisfied. \ accordingly tripped along after 
her, and overtaking her at her entrance into the Caftle^ 
fhe took me up ftairs with her \ told me in fubftance^ 
that fhe had been highly entertained, paid me a few 
compliments, and forbid me to tell the Cardinal that I 
had feen her diat night. I had no need to tell him of 
K, fince it was at hla requeft I had foUovycd die Qiieeiij 


* The Cardinal has fince had a cafe made for the 
Rofe ; and fome time after, changed the name of n 
favourite walk of his at Saverne^ intQ diat of " H^ 
Yv'ay of die Rofe, 

[ S5 1 

nnd it would have been hard for me to conceal it (royri 
him, as he v/as waiting for me with the Bar®n de Planta 
^t the foot of the little ftair-cafe; a circumftance the 
Baron mentioned in his crofs examination, intending to 
prove that I had admifTion to the Queen, 

God both fees and hears me. I in his prefence take 
this folemn oatli, that, were I in my laft moments, I 
would repeat all that I have here written as being the 
genuine truths yes, in my laft dying will, I would not 
alter a letter of this declaration, the firft it has been in 

my pov/er to make with freedom. But, perhaps, fome 

perfons will fay; is it probable that a Queen of France 
Ihould entertain herfelf with fuch low contrivances ? If 
' the Queen of France was indeed v;hat fhe ought, to be, 
or rather, v/as not what fhe is, thefe memoirs v/ould not 
have been written-— I Ihould not have the painful taflc 
toaccufcher of the blackeft ingratitude, of the moft 
fhocking infenfibiiity. . If die Queen of France were not 
what {lie is, Ihould I have been to her what a defencelefs 
bird is in the hands of a froward child, who, after being 
amufed with it for a few moments., ftrips it of its feathers^ 
one by one, and then throv/s it into the defi:ru£tive ta- 
lons of a devouring animal ? Were not the Queen of 
France what llie is, would that kingdom have become a 
fcene of anarchy? Would an ignorant pedagogue of an 
Abbe, (*) a troublefome babbler, the brother of an ob- 
fcure ^xcoucheur^ turn the ftate upfide dov/n, and fubvert 


* The Abbe de Vermont. 

[ 56 ] 

its conftitution ?(*) It would be truly an excellent argir- 
ment to advance, that any act of criminality whatever is 
improbable, bec^ufe attributed to Majefly ! Whoever is 
verfed in hiftory muft know, that thrones are no protec 
tion againft even the blackeft crimes by wliich humanity is 
too frequently degraded. I have made this obfervation 
xneerly to oppofe fuch an argument as I have mentioned 
being advanced againft the circumftances I have related, 
efpecially as there are ftill nnore improbable matters to, 

After having given way to the natural feverity, whic^ 
unavoidably rifes, on the recolleftion of my injuries, 1 am 
myfelf again. I muft bejuft— -I have been guilty of 
foibles, and of very great ones in this adventure, roman- 
tic as it is. I do not diflfcmble with my own heart, that 
my giving the Cardinal a fore-knowledge of the Queen's 
projeft, was a breach of conlidence to her Majefty, but 
I therein yielded to my hufoand's reprelentations, to the 
fuggeftions of my own ambitious views. I frankly ac- 

* It would require a long note on this article ; but I 
am too full of my own fubjedt to enter -into political dif- 
cuffions. I fliall only tell thofe of my Englifh readers, 
who may be ignorant of It, that when the Dauphin was 
to be married to the Archduchefs, Mr. de Chqifeuil ap- 
plied to the Archbiihop of Touloufe (now of Sens) to 
have a tutor. The Archbifliop gave him the Abbe de 
' Vermont, whofe gratitude, feconded by the Queen's all- 
prevailing power, has fignaljzed itfelf by getting his be- 
nefaftor appointed Prime Minifccr. 

[ 57 ] 

knovvledged that I was guilty, and endeavoured to atone 
foric in the firft, pages of thefe Memoirs; but I at the 
lame time fubmitted, whether there ought not to be a 
proportion between the guilt and the punilhment ? and 
whether it.was juft, that the leaft criminal of three ac- 
complices, fhguld alone \indergo the punilhment of a 
crime common to them all ? 

In the circumftance I have juft alluded to, I confefs 
that I ought to have refufed my compliance with the 
Queen's whimfical defire -, or, if I did yield to it, to have 
kept her fecret* But what fort of a charafter in the fame 
fccne do thofe perfons fill, whom I may juftly call my 
accomplices? ^ ^lecHy who after telling me all the 
horrible things I have related, againft a many whom 
^^ Jhe has reajons to keep upon terms withy' defcends to 
make herfelf fport, by contriving a mock intrigue be- 
tween him and an infigniiicant -girl, humiliating herfelf 
fo much as to fubmit herfelf, as fhe imagined, to be the 
fubjeft of thofe fooleries that very man was guilty of 
. towards the girl ! A Prince^ who knows that he has kif- 
fed that fame girl's flipper, and then writes to the Queen 
to thank her for her favors. Such are however the per- 
fonages who (as 'I have already obferved) by the junc- 
tion of their Unequal and difcordant powers^ have crufh- 
ed me to atoms » 

The farce was over: the Cardinal was pleafed with 
himfelf for the dexterity with which he had taken ad- 
vantage of the pretext to write fooleries to the Queen, 
and her Majefty had been entertained^ without fceming 
yet, to have formed any intention of permitting real in- 
terviews, poftponing them under various pretences; and 

\ evading 

I 58 ] 

evading a compliance with the Cardinars earnefl: and 
continued folicitations. Her anfwers hitherto conveyed 
by me were generally, " That flic was bufied m feeking 
" fome plaitfible means, which, withoiit giving a hold 
" to fcandal, might open to him afi cafy accefs to her 
" perfon.*' A circumftance which is explained in Let- 
ter XIV. ferved the Cardinal to his wifh. That circum- 
ftance he availed liimfdf of, to write the letter alluded 
to. The obfcrvations to be made upon that letter are 
fo apparent, that it would be needlefs to point them out 
to tiie intelligent reader. Still left fhall I offer any on 
^No. XV. that letter alfo fuff.dently fpeaking for itfelf. 

I have already taken notice, that the Savage was the 
Baron de Planta, and that the Baron de Planta was the 
. Czr&Vx:d's Jhadow. On that day, or to fpeak more pro- 
perly, diat night, which was the fcene of aftion in the 
garden, die Jloadow had followed the body to Trianon, 
As to the reft t!ie reader will form v/hat conclufions he 
pleafes. With regard to No. XVI. fome furprize will 
natiirdly be created by the words " Thou—thme — thei^ 
which in this letter are for the firft time uftiered into the 
correipondcnce : and I may again be accufcd of producing 
improbabilities; but thofe who may accufe mcmuftbc 
ftrangers to what a degree Sovereigns, of cither fcx, re- 
lax their dignity, when once they have thrown off the 
dull etiquette which they are obliged to maintain, how- 
ever .irk fome. But a truce to matters of fuch trifling 
import, I ftiall proceed to bufinefs of jnore confc- 

A certain company had prefented to the Cardinal, 
through the medium of my application, a plan for th. 


[ 59 ] 

Regulation of the Finances. The nature of it was, 
as nearly as I can recolleft, a fupprelTion of the 
cuftom of farnaing the Revenues, the Aids, the Land- 
Tax, the Twentieths, the Tenths, &c.— — The Com- 
pany engaged, provided thofc fupprefTions took place, 
to bring into the King's coffers annually forty mil- 
lions of livres more than the ufual receipts produced, 
and to pay one year in advance. The Queen, in con- 
fideration of this plan being adopted, was to receive 
" four millions;'* Mr. de Calonne *^ one million,*' 
and one other million was allotted to me,, with ^^ fifty 
thoufand livres per annum. The fchemc the Company 
had planned, was to raife upon all inheritances, a cer- 
tain fum, inflead of all the taxes with which the eftates 
flood charged. The heir, it was intended, fliould pay, 
upon taking poflefllon of his inheritance, ten per cent, on 
the value ctfall the property he became pofTefled of, and 
this fum fhould liberate him, for life, from any future 
tax. By this plan there would certainly, in a fhort time, 
have been no taxes fubfifling throughout France. The 
Cardinal had feveral times mentioned this projeft 
to the Queen, and it was aft^r receiving the me- 
morial, and the particulars concerning it, that her Ma- 
jefly wrote the letter now under the reader's confidcration. 
That, from the Cardinal, to which this is an anfw^, 
contained reflexions on the Comptroller General, who. 
at that time was Mr. de Calonne. I recolleft the nature 
of them. ^He ^as apprehenfive, left the Minifter, whofe 
avarice, luft for power, and craftinefs, was perfedly 
known to him, would, after having invefligated the mat- 
ter, affe5f a difapprobation of the fcheme, and lay it 

1% afi^Cj 

[ 6o 1 

afide, in order to bring it forwards at'a fubfequent period, 
under fome other appellation. To corroborate this, it 
is a fad, the Cardinal never did prefent it to Mr. de Ca- 
lonne : and \?vhen I urged him to it, he would anfwer, 
" I will not make advances towards any man whom I Jhall 
" Jhcrtly be in a capacity to command,'' As to what regards 
rm in that letter, the cafe is briefly this : When 
Calonne was called to the adminiftration of the finances, 
he received me with that fpecious kind of civility, which 
is fo frequently fubflituted for fiiendfhip, but which is 
only a mafk for deceit. He, indeed, attended to my 
claims, the juftice of which he could not but acknow- 
ledge, and for a long time buoyed me up, with the fan- 
guine hopes he had flattered me with on the very firft 
audience. All that apparent courtefy, terminated as I 
have before mentioned, in the vafl: augmentation of/^z;^ 
hundred livres, to my exifling penfion of eight hundred. 
The Cardinal, who had expefted as well as myfelf, that 
I fliould have jpnet with a lefs parfimonious treatment, took 
the firft favourable opportunity to fpcak to the Minifter 
in my behalf, who, to exculpate himfelf, and alfo pre- 
vent further folicitations, anfwered, that " he had done 
*^ all that he was able with the Kitig and ^een\ whoy 
*^ them/elves, had fixed the augmentationy fo that there wai 
^^ no fuch thing as bringing forward that fubje^ again,'' It 
is upon the Cardinal's reporting this impudent falfehood 
to the Queen, that W Majefty denies the faft, but 
though fenfible of the Minifter's rapadty, yet flie 
thought proper to excufe him, hy allowing that his 
fituation, as a Minifter, muft often force him to de- 
viate from the truth. 


I 6i ] 

We come now to the Letter No. XVII. which requires 
explanation. It muft not be forgotten, that the word 
^^ Minijler'' means the King^ I have hitherto but 
(lightly hinted at thofe " objects," which are treated 
of in this letter. Thofe *^ objects," fo difpleafing to 
the Queen, <^ who take advantage of- her imprudencies, 
*^ to ^maintain their power of vexing and thwarting her," 
are the Polignacs; " 'tis they," according to her Ma- 
jefty, " who have abufed her confidence, her ccndefcen- 
fion, and have contrived, by their knowledge of certain 
circumftances, to connoul her at their difcretion," 

In what does the abufe, here complained of by tlie 
Queen, confift. In haying intercepted and obftinatcly 
kept in their pofleir^on letters and papers, written proofs 
of tho{c imprudertcies, of which her. Majefty accufes her- 
felf The Queen, then, had palpably committed what; 
fhe terms '' imprudencies," antecedent to thofe, in which 
fhe made me an accomplice? Is it then fo improbable 
as my flanderers woukl have it believed, that fhe com- 
mitted or authorized die *« imprudence" of the arbour, the 
^' imprydence"of the falfe fignature, the « imprudence" 
of taking the necklace to pieces, and that feries pf other 
*' imprudencies" which form the principal tranfaftions of 
her life. In what do the '' imprudencies confift, of which 
the Polignacs had, and ftill carefully preferve the written 
<5vidence§? " In notes, in letters written with her Ma- 
^^ jefty's own hand, in appointments arid rendez-vous, 
*^ imorudendy addreffed, as well to the Count d'ArtoiSy as 
" to other perfons at Court, and ftill more imprudently 
f^ entrufted to faitlilefs hands." In what more do thefe 
?^ imprudencies" cynfift? ''■Tn memorials, with poft- 

*^ fcripts 

r 62 ] 

" fcripts to them, in her Majefty's writing, containing 
'^ the proofs of unheard of exaftions, in conveyances of* 
*' money, loans, good-wills, favors fold for money, &c; 
" &c. &c. all pafllng thrcugh the hands of the female 

'' Treafui-er, Poltgkac!" What has refiilted flcm 

thofe fiift mendoned " imprudencies?** That theQiicen, 
fearing the Polignacs, has been obliged to keep on gcod 
terms with them — that if fiie withdrew from them her 
fecret favoui", flie continued to them the appearances of 
it in public : while I, who^have not been fo daring as to 
intercept and detain originals^ and have only taken exaft 
copies to produce, am repulfed widi hai^fhnefs and dif-^ 
dain ; and the fame hand that feeds the avarice, the 
boundlefs luxury of diofe who have abufed tiufts infi- 
nitely more than I have done, refufes me the reftitution 
of property, which was taken from me for having re- 
jefted the propofal of betraying the fecrets of my So- 
vereign;, nor is it confidered that fuch refufal, as barba- 
rous as it is iniquitous, deprives nle of all means of fnb- 
fiftence !— Whatever be the effervefcent heat into which 
thefe reflexions throw me, whenever they occur, I willi 
I could fupprefs the letter, and the S which will be taken 
for the initial of the word sopha, and that licentious 
paflage wliich fettles the place of rendez-vous: it may 
particularly be fuppofed, that I Ihotild have a great pro- 
]>enfity to retrench from thofe fcenes of gaiety, the part 
which I am made to aft in them, but were I to leave 
out afinglc/word, I fhould then leave an opening for 
my opponents, vrfip would not fail to deny me all credit 
whatever. I Ihall therefore fubmit every fyllable to tlie 
public eye* . • 


[ ^3 


The fubfequent letter, No. XVIII. needs no com- 
ment. As I had long fince loft fight of this corref- 
pondence, in reading over this number, I can fcarcc 
believe my own eyes. I recoUeft, that about thfc time 
of its date, the Queen was enraged againflt Madame de 
Polignac, and that feeing her Majefty determined to urge 
matters to the " utmoft extremity, I took the liberty to 
offer fome obfervations tending to difTuade her from it. 
At that period, indeed, fhe was harraffed to an incon- 
ceivable degree, and the " leeches*' ihe fpeaks of had 
formed a kind of party, which was growing extremely 
formidable. Another circum.ftance, I recalled ftruck 
me at the time, is, that for all the feeming heat that 
I'uns throuq-h the letters I am now come to, the Queen 
greatly exaggerated her reftraint, and made a pretence 
of it to baffle, as far as pofTible, the Cardinal's importu- 
nities. He, who in the main was not much more fin- 
cere in his demonftrations of eagernefs, commonly had 
recourfe to the pen: whence that multiplicity of idle 
noteSi, of which I have already faid, that at icaft two 
hundred had pafled through my hands. I fiiall turn 
from the unaccountable things in this letter relating to 
the King; move /hocking ones \\i\\ h^ i^t^tn in the fequel 
ofthe correfpondence. Upon &e whole, it is an abo- 
mination which I Ihudder at> v/hlle I am bringing it to 
light; but mankind v/iil be fenfible, at leaft in England, 
that the production of it was indifpenfable for n^y own 
juftification; for in all cafes of impeachment and recri- 
mination, the prudent Englifh regulate their judgment 
by the character the firfl: accufer bears. ' With refpeft to 
the ftrft lines of No. XVIII. there v/ill be found in^ a 


[ 64 1 

note of* fome length (page 65) particulars concerning 
the Prefident d'Aligre, who is the perfon here alluded 
to. In the fame note I will explain who " thofe per- 
« fons are that are iuppoied to be ignorant of nothing;' 
The letter No. XIX. is nearly an appendix to the 
foregoing. Rage againft Madame Polignac breaks out 
in it with redoubled vehemence, but the fpirit of diffi- 
mulation appears With lefs feftraint. Mention is made 
again of the King, who through the whole correfpon- 
dencej ads a part which he doubdefs would not have 
chofenj had he been confulted. This circumftance 
feems to introduce, rather naturally^ an obfervation 
which, as it was my intention to make, may be as aptly 
fluted to this place as any other. 

It muft have been obferved in No. XVIII. that the 
Queen "knows how to chain up the lionj" thatlheis 
accuilomed " to make him fee and believe what flie 
" pJeafes/' She fays in this, that " fhe knows how to 
" wind him up to what pitch ibe has a mind." It is in 
this confidence that Ihe 'has long fince " wound up" 
the King's mind on my account> and has made it her 
bufinefs, to prepare him for t!ie publication of my Me- 
moirs, ' which were fo long ago reported to be preparing 

for pubHc view, But, deluded .Princefs!-— what will 

that precaution avail you ? When you formed it> you 
knew not the-nature of the attack you dreadcd.-^ Your 
fycophants have blinded you by a mifinformation, by 
telling you that all the papers were feized and burnt; 
tliat there exifted no trace, no veftige of your corref- 
pondence v/ith the Cardinal. Breteull himfeif has de- 
ceived you, and ftill voluntarily deceives you— for he is 


[ 65 ] 

\^?ell acquainted with all that I have in my pofieffion; he is 
jiot ignorant how I preferved that treafure from the fhat- 
tered remains of all that once belonged to me : but I 
furmife, he has his reafons for permitting you to re- 
main in ignorance : at this moment I remove the cloud, 
which obfcured it from your fight; yeSj it is from this 
moment that you will at length know, with certainty, 
that whatever is contained in that correfpondehce de- 
ftruftive to you, exifts in the moft connffted, moft 
complete, moft authentic ftate. You may, perhaps, 
aflert that they are fiftions ? I queftion even your cou- 
rage to do it, for you are furrounded widi people wlio 
know your ftyle, your manner* Many there are who 
have had a knowledge, more or lefs exa£t, of the greater 
part of thofe fa£ts I here relate. (*) By placing them 
again in a confpicuous point of view, thofe perfons will 


* With concern I fee myfelf obliged to ufe frequent 
repetitions ; but I have not the prefumption to rely fo 
far on the public attention, as to think that>all I have 
written remains imprefled on the mind : I therefore beg 
leave to remind the reader, of wliat I have fet forth in 
various parts of thefe Memoirs, concerning the inviol- 
able fecrcfy enjoined upon me by the Queen, from the 
firft moment I had the honour to approach her, which 
I have more particularly faid in another note, and 
which being a very fhort one, I fhall here tranfcribe. 

" The reader will pleafe to recolleft, what I obferved 
" in the beginning of thefe Memoirs, of the abfolute 

K " fecrefy 

[ 65 ] 

recall every thing to mind, as if they had perfonally be- 
held them. The bare indiicretions of the Cardinal, 


" fecrefy the Queen had recommended to me. It is 
" inconceivable how far the faithful obfervance of dm 
" command has been fatal to me; and how great the 
" advantage which has been taken of it, to do mc rhe 
« injuftice of denying my ever having intimately con- 
" verfed with the Queen. Her Majcfty has carried the 
" matter ftill farther, by telling the King: " She knr^v 
" nothing at all ofmeT To that daring affcrtion, I am 
going to anfwer by this fecond note. 

I fhall not mention thofe of the Queen's immediate 
attendants, who have been acquainted, almoft as well 
as her Majefly and myfclf, with the nature of our inti- 
macy. I fhall name no one among the croud of inferior 
tools of intrigue, who, to make fomething of the fnialltft 
difcoveries, arc always on the watch, carry their audacit)' 
fo far as to peep through key -holes, and are unfufpeclcdly 
privy to the moft fccret afts of intimacy. Many of them 
I could name, but Heaven forbid ! They arc perfons 
deftitute of fupport, and would lofe their places, * ad- 
cumftance which I Ihould much regret; but I will point 
out fome, who being independant of the world, ait 
more enabled to bear the effedts of die Queen's petty 
vengeance. I pleaded guilty of faults at my firft fettir.g 
out, what follows will conftitute part of my confeffion. 

The Firft Prefidcnt d'Aligre, had rendered mc kr 
vices long before my connexion with the Queen. Whcr 


[ ^7 ] 

have infinitely multiplied the number of perfbns ini- 
tiated in tkq fatal myfttries, to which 1 was but a too 


Madame, and Madame d'Artois took me under their 
proteftion, and gave themfclves feme trouble in foli- 
citing for me, that Magiftrate was the firft to apprife 
mei that the Queen could not endure thofe two Prin- 
cefTes^ that the very circumftance of their interefting 
themfelves for m.e, was fufficient to make her Majefty 
create difficulties and multiply obftacles. ^^ Of this 
*^ daily inftances are Ceen. The Queen has engroffcd 
" all favours, and whenever fhe finds an opportunity to 
*^ mortify her fifters-in-law by a refufal, ill-fortune fol- 
" lows thofe whom they patronize, for fhe feizes it with 

<« amazing avidity." In general, the counfels which 

Monfieur d'Aligre gave me, were afterwards highly ufe- 
ful to me, I was at that period compelled, from various 
circumftances, to launch into expences, which were by 
no means compatible with the contrafted ftate of my 
finances. Monfieur d'Aligre had lent me fundry fums 
of money, at different periods, to the amount of two 
thoufand crowns. This debt, I for fome time paft re- 
gretted, I had not the power to have difcharged at die 
Inftant I had the fatal, though then flattering fortune to 
intereft the Queen in my behalf. Her Majefty's gene-- 
rofity, having rapidly fupplied me with the means, I 
pleafed myfelf with the thought? of furprizing Monfieur 
d'Aligre, and went to him, poiTefied of twenty thoufand 
Jivres, in bills on ihe Caifle d'Efcompte, which I had 

[ 68 ] 

frequent witnefs. 'Confide'r, befides, Madame, that if 
ealamlty and diftrefs are at pfefent doomed to be my 


juft received (as I have before faid)_^ With much dif- 
ficulty I prevailed on'him to accept of his two thoufand 
crowns, nor did I fucceed, until feeing I had fourteen 
thoufand livres left in hand, he yielded to my prefTmg 

By a few words which he let fall, on feeing me miftrefs 
of fo large a fum, confidering my means, he feemed ta 
fufpeft my having received it from "the Cardinal, with 
whom he knew I was on terms of friendlhip. My deli- 
cacy was hurt, and feeing no other alternative, buf that 
I muft fubmit to the fufpicion of a perfonal flain, or an 
indifcretion, I entruftfcd him with the whole affair, ex- 
cept what regarded the C3iY<isn3.Vs political intrigue, not 
daring to proceed fo far, knowing the mortal hatred the 
Prefident entertained againft him. He therefore had no 
farther knowledge, than that the Queen had viewed me 
with a favourable eye, had taken upon herfelf the care 
of m.y forume, and in the mean time gave proofs of her 
attention by her munificence. He was delighted with 
my being communicative, gave me excellent* counfels, 
and encouraged me to benefit by them, whenever] 
ihould think I had further occafion. 

Monfieiir d'Aligre did not come at the knowledge of 
what paflTed between the Queen and the Cardinal, until 
towards the period pointed at in the Queen's letter, No, 


[ ^9 ] 

lot, public hatred and contempt muft follow you. 
Flatter not yourfelf with die idea of fecuiity, becaufe 


XVIII. to which I promifed to advert in this note. In 
order to explain, what is meant in its commencement. 

Thatietter here powerfully affifts me in proving that 
the Queen, v/ho pretended, and who told the King that 
" ^tf had mt the leaji knozvkdge of me^^ yet fufpe6ted, as 
early as the i8th of Auguft, 1784, that the Prefident 
d'Aligre had fought to dive into the motive that actuated 
her Majefty in die affair of the S^umxe-Vingts Uojpitali 
and fuppofed that the Magiftrate, unable to make any 
difcovery, had fpoken of it to certain people, who are 
deemed ignorant of nothing. Thofe certain people were 
not in the plural; the Queen meant to fpeak only of thcr 
Baron de Breteuil, as Lfhall prefently explain. 
. The Queen, as appears by her letter, had commif- 
fioned me to fee the Prefident d'Aligre, in her name; 
to prevail on him to put a flop to the law-fuit carried 
on by die Adminiflrators of the Quinze-Vingts againfl: 
the Cardinal. It v/as on that occafion that the Magif-. 
trate expreffed the ajloniflrment referred to in the letter: 
he put many oueftions to me, as may well be imagined, 
on the very furprizing nature of her Majefty's concern 
for the Cardinal; but the Queen was miftaken, when Ihe 
faid, that '^ he could malce no difcovery," for I reveal- 
ed every thing to him; and far from his having fought to 
get the fecret out of the Baron dc Breteuil, it w^as, on 


[ 70 ] 

from the exalted height 'of a throne, yoti look down 
upon your fuppofed viftim ftriiggling in tlie dull; from 


the contrary, the Baron de Breteull who perfuaded him 
to a difclofure^ as I was Ihortly after informed. 

A few days after my interview with Monfieur d'Ali- 
gre, by order of the Queen, I had occafion to write to 
the Baron de Breteuil, to defire a meeting; I had a 
favour to folicit for a perfon whom I valued. He 
made aniwer, that at the receipt of my letter, he was 
getting into his carriage to go to Verfailles, where he 
fhonld flay three or four days ; that he was perfuaded, 
affairs more agreeable than his were^ would fummon me 
thither, and that he fhould be at my command. I did 
not wait till he explained himfelf, to underftand that he 
was acquainted with the nature of my agreeable affairs. 
1 every day found out fome apparent confidant j I knew 
not whence or how they could be fo well informed. 
Hic Baron did not keep me pn the rack for want of 
letring me know> from what fource he had derived his 
information. The firft thing he did, on fight of me, 
was to compliment me on my intimacy with a per/on who 
xvotdd do every thing for me.— As I feemed not to under- 
ftand his exordium, he told me, that my difcredon fiir- 
prifed him, the more as I had granted my confidence 
to one, who did not deferve it as well as he did; that 
his intent was not to wreft my fecrct from me to make 
advantage of it, and do nne a prejudice, but rather tQ 
dired me> and Ihew nne the road I fhould purfue.— - 


[ 71 ] 

that duft I fhall probably raife fuch a cloiid of damrting 
fafts, as may overwhelm you, and perhaps reduce yoH 
to a level with myfelf. 


The different parties were at ftrife who fhould be my 
advifer : I had then as many counfellors as the King, 

The Baron feeing that I perfifted in my referve, de- 
fccnded into particulars, that convinced me Mr, d'AU- 
gre had told him all I had entrufted him with. With- 
out naming the Cardinal, to whom he is die moft deadly 
enemy, he faid to me, " You have connexions with 
*^ a man who will be your ruin. He is an ambitious, 
*^ vain, empty man, indifcreet above all, and will break 
^* his neck in the end. Be you as difcreet with others 
*^ as you are with me ; and beware that a wrong ftep, 
" an inconfidcrate fpeech, does not lofe you the Queen's 

*' good graces. 1 have fearched to the bottom of 

" every circumftance, and fliall keep the knowledge I 
*^ have gained within my ovv'n breaft. I have nothing 
*' more to fay on that head," 

We afterwards converfed on the fubjeft that brought 
xne to him ; having perufed my petition, he told me, 
there was nothing he could refufe m.e, and that he 
would go and give orders that my client fhould have 
a place. He added, as he lefc me, that I fliould always 
find him difpofcd to do me v/hat fervice refted in his 
power, and to give me fuch counfcls as I might (land 
m need of. 


[ 72 ] 

The letter No. XX. merits to be read with the 
greateft attention. Here, for the firll time, we are 


Much about the fame time J heard, that I was the 
occafion of great uneafinefs to the Ladies de Polignac. 
Thofe haughty women, who had been fo rude to me, 
that I might almoft call their behaviour outrageous, had 
heard fome fecret whifpers of the bufinefs I took fo 
much pains to conceal. Their favour was already mud 
on the decline, they had butfeW means left of watching, 
as they ufed to do, the Queen's condu(5l ^ and they were 
refolved, coil what it w^ould, to fatisfy theinfelves con- 
cerning the reports buzzed about with regard to me. 

In the firfl pages of thefe Memoirs I mentioned the 
Marquis d'Autichamp, and obferved that his behaviour 
forced la Mot te, my hufband, to refign his com- 
miflion in the Gens d'Armes; fince that event, which 
occafioned much converfation, I had not fttn the Mar- 
quis. He at that time lived in the ftrifteft intimacy 
with the Countefs Diana de Polignac. She heaiingthat 
he had formerly known me, fpoke of it to the Duchefs 
de Polignac, and they jointly took a refolution to depute 
him to me, to endeavour at finding out what was going 

The Marquis d'Autichamp was connefted with the 
Baronefs Dubourg, daughter-in-law to Mr. de Cromot, 
which Lady I often vifited. He made that a pretence 
to come up to me at Verfailles, and tell me, that he had 
long fought an opportunity of meeting with mc^ that 


[ 73 ] 


prefented with that politkal intrigue^ which had as it were 
from neceffity induced the intrigue of gallantry. 

I have 

the nmoment Madame Dubourg had told him I fome- 
tlmes vifited at her houfe, he had multiplied his vifits to 
her, but had never been fo happy as to fee me there : he 
fpoke of my hufband, faying he fliould take the greateft 
pleafure in being ferviceable to him, and convincing 
him he had never fought to do him an injury, as my 
hufband had imagined. He concluded by requefting 
my perniiffion, which T granted him, of paying his re • 
fpefts to me. His iirft vifit was fhort, he mentioned 
nothing particular to me, but tliis might be occafioned 
by theprefence of Mr. Rouill6 d'OrfeuIl, Intendant of 
Champaign, who flayed with me the whole time. In 
taking his leave^ he faid he had fomething to impart to 
me; I anfwered, he might call on the morrow, that he 
would find me alone. 

Accordingly the next morning he came : What he 
had to fay to me fo particular, required fome intro- 
duftion ; who could be more converfant in thofe prefa- 
tory fpeeches than a courtier. He began by enter- 
taining me with his intrigue with the Countefs Dianai 
gave me to underftand, what I knew full well, th^t it 
was a mere matter of policy. As he was fenfiblc that 
I had reafon to co^nplain of both the fifters, he endea- 
voured to perfuade me it was the Countefs d'Oflun, 
Lady of die Bedchamber to the Queen, who was the 
contriver of the mifchief, and the perfon who had pre- 

L vented 

[ 74 ] 

I have fpokcn of a kind of midway eftabliflied at Sa- 
verne, to ferve as a central point to the emiflaries of 


vented the Duchefs of Polignac frona receiving me, by 
telling her, the Queen was tired to death with my foi;, 
citations, and refolved not to grant me any thing. The 
Marquis added, that '' this Madame d'Oflun notwith^ 
" {landing her blandifhments, was a bad woman ; very 
" dangerous, very jealous, and wanton to a degree." 
Then pafled on to the Countefs Diana^ whofe pencknt 
for him he had juft been relating^ He told me, " fte 
" was an intriguing woman, but full of witi and taking 
" the lead in every thing 5" that " it wa!^. for that 
" reafon he paid her a painful attention." " As to 
" the Duchefs of Polignac," continued he, " flie is a 
" charming woman, I have the greateft value for her, 
^« the Queen has a ftrong attachment to her, but, no 
" longer, any love. This Queen of ours," added the 
Marquis, " is fomewhat fickle and inconftant in her 
" partialities. It requires a great deal of addrtfs and 
'^ adroitnefs to fix her fleeting favour. It is the Coun- 
^^ tefs Diana that informs me, you are the reigninifd' 
'^ vourtie : I was not at all furprifed at it. As flie aiked 
" me feveral queftions about you, I told her you was 
" neither ambitious nor malevolent, ftill lefs revenge- 
*' ful; in general very obliging, and indeed too gene- 
" rous ; that your only failing was an excefs of viva- 
" city, bordering upon giddincfs. She anfwerednie, 
" that was not difpleafing to the Queen. 

* ' Ik 

[ 75 1 , 

the Emperor and of the Queen ; I have already obferved 
that the Cardinal was extremely incommunicative in that 



He next entered into long details on the Queen's 
difpofitiort and partialities, and fummed up all in an 
offer of counfeh, afluring me, that « he would direft 
« me in fuch a manner as to get me many friends, and 
" preferve the Queen's kindnefs towards me, &c. &c. 

I was not feduced, the firfttime, by fofair m outfide, 
but his vlfits growing frequent, and the counfels he gave 
me appearing to be the refult of good will, I infenfibly 
threw" otF m.y referve, and in the unguarded franknefs of 
my heart, beftowed upon him an unlimited confi- 
dence. Here is then one confident more, who has 
known all that I recolleft, all that the Queen muft no 
doubt have forgotten, fince fo fran is her retentive fa- 
culties, that (he does not fo much as remember that fuch 
a being as the Counrefs de la Motte ever was known to 
her, muchlefs poflefled her confidence-, but I m.ufthave 
recourfe to thofe who may refrefh her memory as need 
requires. I IhaU therefore name alfo the Bailli de Cruf- 
fol, admitted to all her Majefty's parties of pleafure, 
who, unable to doubt of my intimacy with her, for a 
long time exerted his utmoft endeavours to wreft from 
me the avowal of it, but finding he could not fucceedj 
he concluded, like the Baron de Breteuil, by telling, me 
" he knew it all." I (hall alfo name die Abbe le KeH 
Almoner, Confeflbr to the Baftile, and fpy in chief to 
the Government, who, being urged to make me fpeak, 
' to 

[ 76 ] 

paiticular. I could only, from our cpnverfation, fbrm 
conjectures, grounded on a variety of circumftances 


to diirft me, to make me declare whatever ferved the 
views of thofe whoft intereft it was to deftroy me, at 
length forced from m*e the fecret of the whole intrigue. 
I fhall fay the fame of the Commiflary Chcnon, who 
knew every thing, when he examined me in the Baftile; 
of Monfieur Tillet, Adminiftrator of the horrid houfe I 
was confined in; of Sifter Martha, under whofe imme- 
diate infpeftion I had been placed; of my lawyer, Mr. 
Doillot, to whom. I had given in writing all the fafts I 
this day relate. I ihall further name the Sieur Bazin, 
confidant of the fecret pleafures of her Majefty, and Go- 
vernor of Triaron. I fhall take the liberty to afk him, 
whether he knew ;;2i?.^— whether he knew the Cardinal? 
whether he did not convey letters from the Queen to 
the Cardinal, and from the Cardinal to the Queen? — 
^vhedier he did not entruft the moft fecret particulars he 
knew to a miftrefs he had in common with a certain 
German Baron, who made that a pica to folicit my pro- 
tefliionwith the Queen. Laftly, I name Mr. PuifTant, 
a Farmer- General, to whom I had infinite obligations, 
who having long aflured me he knew, from a multitude 
of perfons, my connexions with the Queen, after long 
denying it, I was compelled to a confeffion. The fame 
befel me with a number of perfons of die firft diffinftion j 
and I can fay, that fpitc of all the caution I obferved, 


[ 77 ] 

n^'lilch, Without giving me any precife Idea of the nature 
of this fecret communication, yet aflForded the ftrongcft 
prefumptive evidence of the exiftence of a clandeftine 
and fctded correfpondence between the Emperor on one 
hand, and the Queen and the Cardinal on the other. 

Firft, I often faw German officers arriving, and hold- 
ing long and myfterious conferences with the Cardinal. 
Secondly, My hu/band was frequently charged by the 
Prince with the delivery, at particular places, efpecially 
at the Port St. Antoinc, of packets to couriers, who ap- 
peared to him to be Germans. Thirdly, The Queen\ 
fentiments refpefting the Cardinal were eftabllflied, in 
my opinion, from having often heard her fay, flie had 
reafons to keep on terms with him. I could, therefore, 
attribute to nothing but political reafons of the moft de- 
licate nature, not only fo extraordinary a coalefcence, 
which I had looked upon^ as impoffible, until the Em- 
peror's influence had wrought the miracle; but alfo the 
confequent familiarities and deviations from decorum. 
Fourthly, The futility of the Cardinal's affefted myftery 
and referve, whillt he often unguardedly betrayed cir- 


the nature of my intimacy was very irfuch like the fecret 
in a play. 

I have even recently difcovered, in London, tracks 
of a like confidence, made widi ftill lefs referve than to 
any other perfon; having had occafion to fee die French 
AmbaiTador, he reminded me of my having at die time 
completely initiated his brother, the Bifliop of Langres, 
into all the particulars of the farcical fecret. 

[ 78 ] 

cumftanccs, which could not but confirm my fufpicions, 
He more than hinted to me, that very foon I fliodd be 
amazed;— that he Ihould be Prime-Minifterj-.thathe 
Ihould not be dlreftly obliged to the Queen for his ele- 
vation i—diat, on the contrary, he fhould have compd- 
led her to promote it; and that, of courfe, he Ihould not 
confider himfelf to be under the necefnty of giving ex- 
traordinary demonftrations of gratitude. Fifthly, and 
laftly, I was privy to all their correfpondence. That 
part of it which I am about to communicate, made me 
confider the Emperor as the primeval fourcc of the 
tranfaiflions I was witnefs to, and of the revoludon they 
were intended to produce. What the mighty objcft was 
that precipitated the Cardinal's departure for Savcrne, I 
will not take upon me to fay ; I will only relate what I 
heard reladve to it about that time, andfince, fromper- 
fons who were imagined to be v/ell informed. It was 
pretended by fome, that the occafion was the idea of re- 
covering Lorrain, but I proteft 1 am ignorant of any 
fuch intention, though not equally fo of a pecuniary 
negociation that was at the fame time ujx>n the tapis. 
The Emperor was in want of fix or (even millions of 
livres, which he could not hope to obtain from the 
Comptroller General, a man too clofely connefted with 
the Count de Vcrgcnnes to be entruftcd. The Queen 
and the Cardinal were to procure that fum for him by 
fome other mode ; for the latter, thinking he was fccure 
in the fruition of his wifhes, had aftually made a pro- 
mife to the Emperor, to obtain for him what he defired 
He accordingty made numbcrlcfs applications to the 
Jew Cerfbcrci but Cerfbcre, to whom the Cardinal was 


[ 79 1 

already deeply indebted, refufed granting him any far- 
ther loan. The Cardinal, by this refufal, was under the 
mortifying neceflity of declaring to the Queen his inabi- 
lity to comply with the wiflies of the Emperor. 

1 intreat the reader's particular attention to this cir- 
cumftance; that the motives which prevailed on the 
Queen to pardon the Cardinal,, to take him. into favour 
again, and probably fomething more, by reviving what 
Ihe calls thejiories of Fiema^' may be inveftigated, and 
traced to their fource, by the clue which I have given in 
the above relation. Laftly, let him not lofe fight of the 
neceffity which the Emperor confidered himfelf under of 
having the Cardinal's concurrence to^ and afliftance in, 
the promotion of his defigns.— *We fee the pecuniary 
negociation terminating in air. If the Cardinal does 
not prove more fucccfsful in Lorrain, will [the rapidity 
of his downfall be a matter of wonder? 

The Queen, ftung to the quick, but flcilled, as flie 
herfelf acknowledges, in the arts of diffimulation, pre- 
tended to be fatisfied with the Cardinal's apologies for 
his incapacity to fulfill his promifc to her brother, and 
preiTed his departure for Saverne, with a view artfully to 
put him to the fecond ordeal, and in hopes to determine 
the Emperor to withdraw his proteftion, in cafe he 
fhoulcf a fecond time mifcarry in tranfa6l;ing the affair 
concerning Lorrain, which I can aver Ihe fecretly wlfhed 
him to do. She therefore undertook, folely, to ralfe the , 
beforementioned fum of fix or feven millions of livres.— - 
Poor St. James was obliged, I believe, to furnifli party 
but it was Laborde who advanced the principal fum, 


i 8o ] 

and this circumftance proved the origin of his favour 
with the Queen. 

Irecollea:, if I am not iniftaken, that Mr. de C^- 
lonne, to whom her Majefty often had recourfe, fre- 
-quendy advanced fumsj till the revenuas were paid into 
the Royal Exchequer. 

But let us return to No. XX and XXI. The poor 
Cardinal is obliged to fee ofF to Saverne, charged as he 
imagined, with the confidence of the Queen. He is in 
readinefs to facrifice ally ally except bis love; we per- 
ceive him jealous j he leaves the career open to the 
handfome Ferjenney Colonel cf the Royal Suedois y and 
leaves the Court with the moft difmal apprehenlions.— 
However> he muft in preference to all other confidera- 
tions^ bufy KimkM with. the gr^ndxbjen -, he will be pre* 
ceded at Saverne by a courier bearer af a -packet : he has 
taken his meafures to avoid all furprife, and In cafe of a 
mifhapy to deftroy every evidence. Does not diis wear 
the appearance of fome fecret machination ? Yet, it is 
in the myfterious chaos of this letter, we muft look for 
a foludon of every thing that relates to this unhappy 
affair, I again fay, the Cardinal, myfelf, and in fome 
refpefts the Qiicen herfelf, became victims to the unen- 
lightened policy of Joseph IL but what an enormous 
dilpaity. in the facrifices ! 

It is ncedlefs for me to point out the paflage in No. 
XX. that regards the Polignacs, as it cannot efcape 
obfervation ; but I cannot omit mentioning what I re- 
colled hearing the Cardinal fay on this occafion, be- 
caufe, jt will explain what he meant, by fpeaking of 
" authority:' Th& meaning was, that her Majefty had 


[ 8i ] 

no other courfe to take, hnt Jpeedily to make him Prime 
Minifter; that then " the Polignacs Ihall have work 
enough upon their hands/' Thefe^ 6r words to the 
fame efFetSl, was the language he made ufe of. «^ Ere 
LONG," faid, he, " I will avenge the Queen, you, 


It will not appear extraordinary, that in the letter No* 
XXL the Cardinallhould mention the reliance he placed 
on me, to give her Majefly information of the pains he 
had taken, to have the packet which is mendoned in the 
foregoing letter fafely delivered J for on this occafion, as 
on many more of a fimilar nature, he had recourfe to 
the Count, my hufband. Had I not previoufly ex- 
plained the nature of this letter, and given an intimate 
knowledge of the ftrange intrigue to which it relates, it 
muft naturally have been conjeftured, from the contents 
of it, that the Cardinal had taken leave of his fenfes, 
and had written it in a fit of delirium. The Cardinal 
was doubtlefs uneafy, but was not "jealous:" my un- 
eafinefs, however, was far greater, becaufe it was better 
founded ! I forefaw that the period was not far diftant, 
in which the Queen would exert herfelf to get him out 
of the way I and unable to judge with precifion cither 
of the urgency or importance of his mifllon to Saverne, 
I dreaded its being only an artifice which the Queen had 
recourfe to, for faving appearances, and handfomely 
diverting herfelf of his importunides. 

It appears, that there were two reafons afTigned for 

his journey. In the firft place, the Queen made him 

believe, that liis abfence from Verfailles was neceflary j 

and, in the next, that hisprefence at Saverne was indif- 

M penfiblc 

penfible. I could not much credit the cxiftence of the 
latter 'necefTity 5 it appeared to me fufpiciousj.becatifel 
knew the former to be little more than ideal. Her Ma- 
jefty exaggerated the alarms relative to the interviews 
which had taken place; the h& wasj the obfervations 
that had been made upon them, were by no means of 
that magnitude which the Queen pretended, and wiflied 
the Cardinal'to conceive. 

When I came to thfe knowledge of the letter No* 
XXII, immediately after the Cardinal's deparuire, it 
baniflied the firft idea I had conceived. The Queen, 
on delivering to me this letter, appeared more than 
commonly uneafy. I apprehended that papers of ex- 
treme confequence were in queftion ; my ideas began to 
unravel> and I was not without fome apprehenfions, that 
the Cardinal had embarked in fome aft of treafon. 

That idea affcded me fo violently, that for fome time 
my indifpofition was fuch as to create uneafincfs; for 
diat was a period of my life in which there were many 
who intereftedthemfelves in what concerned me; amongft 
' thofe I thought I might reckon the Queen, but her Ma- 
jefty has fince given me reafon to conclude, that kr 
fielings were folely of a defcription too grofs, to admit of 
zuj other fympathy than that which was derived from 
the moft fenfual communication. 

But to return to the letter: what her Majefty then 
writes to the Cardinal, relative to the abufe of her con- 
fidence, by the Polignacs, appeared infincere to me at 
the very time : for llie had told me, " fhe was certain 
of their infidelity." Why fhe acknowledges no more than 
a hzxtjujpcion^ to the man, whom Ihe employs in tlie 



[ 8j ] 

moft delicate and the mod perilous tranfadlions ; whom 
fhe calk by the very familiar appellations of <^ thou"* 
and " theey"' and is fo treated by him; is what no one 
can conceive that is not conv-erfant with courts. 

The conclufion of this letter has fomething more re- 
markable in it, than the Reader would probably be 
aware of, were I to omit explaining what is meant by 
^^ fhe piece of well placed (economy T That phraft, before 
it was committed to wanting, had been repeated to me 
at leaft twenty times, on the occafion of die unfortunate 
necklace. The Queen could never relilh that piece of 
(economy y which flie often itxratAJordidnefs, In the Ga- 
zettes, where every thing is reprefented in a manner, 
beft adapted to the intereft of the occafion, credit has- 
b-^en given to the Queen for the following fayingj 
^* / had rather have onejhip more of the line y than a neck- 
lace,'" It is a piracy committed on the King; the ex- 
preflion was his Majefty's.-- -The Queen would have 
given (to me a latitude of fpeech) an hundred men of 
war, for that necklace. She has furely purchafed it at 
a dear rate, fince that coftly bauble robs her of her 
peace of mind for the remainder of her days; for cal- 
lous Ihe muft be in the extreme, if flie pofiTeffes a mo- 
ment's quiet, from the fling of felf conviftion and re- 
proach, for the turpitude of her conduft refpeding the 
Cardinal, and the barbarous and ungrateful tenor of her. 
bahaviour to me, who have certainly, with all my foibles^ 
merited of her a far different return. 

The Letters No. XXIII. and XXIV, relate endrcly 
and folely to that political intrigue, with the particulars 
of which I was not permitted to be acquainted. Tli^ 

L ^ * • acknow- 

I H 1 

acknowledgement of my ignorance in that bufmefs, will 
I hope, affifl: in eftablifliing my credit with the candid 
reader, for fidelity and veracity in the relation of thofe cir- 
cumftances, wherein I was perfonally aftive, and with 
the nature of which I was thoroughly acquainted, by 
precluding the charge of a falfe afFedlation of know^ 
ledge, I do not polTefs. Thefe letters are however nc 
ceflary links of the great chain. Although I cannot 
give the reader a proper clue, to lead him through the 
fccret paths of this political labyrinth, and point out the 
fartictdar views, which were the objefts of the parties, 
yet I lliall fo far turn thefe letters to my advantage by 
fair conclufions, drawn from concurrent circumftances, 
as to ufe them for foils, by placing my accomplices and 
myfelf in a comparative point of view, and leaving my 
readers to judge of the proportional demerits of our in- 
dividual conduft. 

While I appear degraded by an ambition, that re- 
duced me to {loop tothechara6^erofa fycophant^ in what 
light muft the guilty confederates be viewed, who were 
concerned in that intrigue in which I had no lliare ? I 
repeat it again, do not all thofe fignificant notes, writ- 
ten to each other at the period of the journey to Savme^ 
wear on the face of them, the feal, the ftamp, the cha- 
raderiftic impreffion of a treafonabJe machination ? That 
magic ink fent as a prefent ! was the fitteft medium to 
communicate the dark and iniquitous myftery. 

Had I committed all the crimes attributed to me j 
had I aftually ftolen the necklace; what would my cul- 
pability be, compared with that of a Queen, facrificing 
the ilate that maintains her, to the unpardonable ambi- 


r 85 1 

tion of her brother, in pretended amity with the King 
her liufband -, or with a Lcrd High Jlmoner of the fame 
kingdom, who, indebted for every thing he poflefles, to 
the bounty and indulgence of his Sovereign, bafely and 
trcafonably plots with a foreign power to injure his 
benefaftor, and deprive him, if he can, of a part of his 
dominions ? 

The letter No. XXV. by giving an idea of the im- 
portance, and almoft of the nature of the Cardinal's 
mifTion, confirms what I have faid of the Emperor's 
dilpofitions towards him. The reader may there dif- 
cover that he expefts a revolution i that he anticipates 
fome events, the completion of which is, as he fays, 
very near at hand ; fo far as to offer to the Queen the 
" f^pport^'' which himfelf expects from the Emperor. 
It is evident, that the words " in order to enjoy doubly 
" the advantages and the refources agatnji contingencies^'' 
can advert to nothing but money, which the Queen, 
who was ever under fome dilemma, was inceflandy in 
want of: and the rapacious cravings of the Cardinal 
were fuch, as would have fwallowed up three kingdoms. 

The letter No. XXVI. will naturally recall to the 
reader's mind, that from the Queen, wherein her Ma- 
jefly recommends to the Cardinal to be " perplexed and 
*^ ohjcure'^ We have feen it acknowledged that " the 
" Jlave yields obedience,'* I do not recolledl to what pur- 
pofe the wifh the Cardinal exprefles, of " beingjervice- 
" able' to me, at the period in queftion, could pof- 
fibly anfwer, nor what mutual benefits could arife from 
his public reception ^ but I perfeflly recoUeft, that die 
deftre for the approximation of that event, was by no 


means mulual between the Queen and the Cardinal* 
and that exprefTion concurs with a thoufand more that 
wcFC familiar to him, in proving how much, in that 
intrigue, the unhappy Prince laboured to impofe upon 


The Queen's anfwerj No. XXVII. relates to two 
objefts made known already. The accident that befel 
the letter, was occafioned by the inflammable nature of 
the fecre^ ink ufed by the Cardinal, of which we have 
feen that he ftnt a bottle to 'the Queen. As to the 
Abbe, is name his found in the preceding letter, which 
clears up what her Majefty fays of her agreement with 
the Archduchefs her filler. The moft remarkable thing 
in that letter is the concluding fentence ; as it evinces 
how mucli the Queen took to heart the bufinefs which 
was committed to the Cardinal's management. Her 
Majefty pretends that the duration of his exile, which 
in reality fiie had no dellre to abridge, would be depen- 
dant on the expedition he Ihould ufe in executing the 
commifTion he was entrufted with j but it is inconceiv- 
able how gready her removal had relieved her j never 
had I ken her in fuch Ipirits before, 

I am come at length to that part of the correfpond- 
ence, wherein, for the firft time, mention is made of the. 
FATAL NECKLACE. The reader, from the pcrufal of 
No. XXVIII,' will immediately perceive, with me, that 
the Queen has been long coveting that piece of female 
ornament^ but prevented by the King's ceconomic dif- 
pofition, had manifefted, by fome means or other, to the. 
Cardinal, the moft anxious defire to hcome pjfejfed of ih 

I 87 ] 

The note \h queftion contains a poficive avowal of her 
having employed him for that purpofe. 

What is it her Majefly complains of in this billet, 
evidently written under the influence of ill hunaour ? 
That the Cardinal has not ufed, in the negociation Ihe 
had entrufted him with> all the " myfterioufnefs'' which 
(he had charged him to obferve. When I have de- 
veloped all the circumftances neceffary for an expofition 
of this affair, it will then be apparent, why " the flavc** 
had deviated from the fpirit of the injunctions he had 
received from " the Mafter/' 

It is certain that the Queen> when fhc commifiloned 
him to make that purchafe for her, had told him, that 
flie would enter into " private arrangements'* with him; 
but as neither his means nor his credit were extenfive 
enough to enable him to treat fo very confiderable an 
objeft in his own name^ he had found himfelf under the 
necefiity of declaring, that he purchafed on the Queen's 
account. And indeed it appears clearly, by the fecond 
letter, which her Majcfty immediately v/rites to him, 
(No. XXIX.) that, in the intervening fpace of time, 
he had owned to her the motive of his condud:, and 
it appears alfo, that on my parr, I had faithfully re- 
ported every diingj:o the Queen. But all thofe circum- 
ftances will unfold themfelves better, as they fucccfilvely 
arife in their proper places, in the account which I have 
promifed. Before I enter upon it, however> I beg the 
reader will form to himfelf a competent idea of the re- 
fpeftive fituatiohs we then individually ftood in, the 
Queen, tlie Cardinal and myfelf. Each in a propor- 
tionate expenfive ftile of lik ^ each daily reduced to ex- 


[ 88 J 

tremities ; every where finding the harveft ft engrofTed 
by the Polignacs, that they had not even left for us the 

The Qiieen, as much from obflinacy, as through a 
tafte for iliew and fplendor, pafllonately defirous to pur- 
chafe the necklace, which, as flie couid nor obtain, by 
furmounting the King's parfimony, the Cardinal un- 
dertook to accomplifh for her, inceflantly buoying him- 
felf up with the idea of being, the next day, Prime 
Minifter, and^ in confequence, enabled to repair his lliat- 
tered fortune j and therefore thinking no facrificc too 
great to gratify the inclinations or v;ifhcs of her, ftoni 
whom he looked for his elevation and aggrandizement j 
though I was continually preaching up ceconomy, and 
reading leftures to the Prince on that head. It is material 
to comprehend this laft point rightly, becaufe it accounts 
for the Cardinal's concealing from me, the engagement 
he had entered into, of procurmg the necklace for the 
Queen. I was therefore unacquainted with diisfrelh 
piece of extravagant folly, when chance y not to fay fata^ 
lity, rendered rpe, in fpitc of myfcif, the chief inftru- 
ment in that negociation, of which, it was intended, 
that I fhould remain in perfeft ignorance. 

One Monfieur Laporcc, a lawyer, had, fome time be 
fore;> introduced himfelf to me, with prefenting th^: 
financial fcheme I have already had occafion to men- 
tion. Although that was the firft time he had ever 
converfed with me, after explaining the objeft of 
his vifit, he gave me to undcrdand, that he was cer- 
tain, there was no perfon podlflTcd more powerful 
means to infure the fuccefc of that affair, than I did, 



M9 ] 

through my intereft with the Queen. ^— I have me^- 

tioncd how thofe papers delivered to me by Mr. Laportc 
had been difpofed of by the Cardinal, and only mention 
them a fecond time to point out the manner in which 
I became acquainted with that gentleman, for as every 
efFed has its primeval caufe : lb it appears neceflary that 
I fhould trace the origin from whence my misfortunes 
iiave proceeded. 

Laporte being ^ very a<flive man, and having thus 
gained an introdu6lion, he attended morning, noon, and 
night at my houfe 5 and it feemed as if the fuccefs of 
the affair depended folely on my will. He frequently 
made a pretence of bringinc; me news of one of his chilr 
dren, to whom I happened to be a fponfor, with the 
Count du Creft. He had not failed to impart this con- 
fequential bufinefs to one Achette, his father-in-law^ an 
intimate friend of Boemer the jeweller. The two laft- 
mentioned perfons happening to be at Verfaiiles toge- 
ther, the former took it into his head to enquire of the 
latter. Whether he ftill had his necklace upon his 
hands ? " Unfortunately I have," anfwered the jeweller, 
*' it is a great burthen upon me ; I would willingly 
" give a thoufand louis d'ors to any one that could 
*' procure me a purchafer for it." It'is naore than pro-, 
bable, that in this very firft converfation on the fubjeft, 
my name was brought in queftion, and that Achette 
made known to Boemer on what account .his fon-in- 
law had accefs to me, and to the Cardinal, nay, the one 
niuft, in this interview, have promifed the other to pro- 
cure him aq introduftion, for it was not long afterwards 
^hen he was mentioned to me. 

N I Hd, 

[ 90 ] 

I had known neither of them, and I was. ignorant that 
Boemer was jeweller to the Crown ; and I was equally 
fo that he was in poffeffion of a very coftly ornament, 
which he had endeavoured to fell to ihe Queen. 

One day that Laporte had dined at nny houfe, be- 
ing left alone with me, he, for the firft time, made 
mention of feveral particulars relative to the fat4 ml 
tace^ and as he, no doubt, had concerted witli Achette 
and Boemer, plainly told me, that Boemer grounded 
all his hopes on me; that if I would but "/^j a word to 
" ibe ^een^' he was perfuaded that her Majefty 
would fp much the lefs hefltate at making a purchafe, 
Ihe had already been defirous of i| and the jewellers were 
inclined to affent to any arrangement that might be 
agreeable to her Majefty. He added, it would be do- 
ing an eflential fervice to the jewellers, and to him (La- 
porte) in particular, as, in cafe of fuccefs, he had been 
pronnifed a thoujand louts iorsy which would enable 
him to purchafe an . office he had in view. I anfweredj 
tliat I had never known any thing of the circumftance 
of the Queen's having kept the necklace during a whole 
fnonthy that, in general, I was unacquainted with what 
pafied in her Majefty's houfaold, and did not intermed- 
dle in fuch affairs. To Ipeak the truth, I fhould have 
dreaded having any concern with this bufinefs, becaufe 
the Queen would not have failed to conjefture, that 1 
had a particular intereft in 'the fale of it. Having much 
more momentous objedls to folicit, I did not chufe to 
afford opportunity for a fulpicion to be formed, of iry 
being of a difpofition with which her Majefty upbraided 
fome of thofc ahput her ; viz., that, " they wijhed t^ 

t 9^ 1 

" fr^ ai &veri thingy and turn all tQ their own advan- 
*^ tage." Here dropped the converfation the firft day 
that Boemer was brought into queftion. But about a 
week after Laporte appeared again, renewed the fubjeft, 
and met with a fecond repulfe, I declaring to hina pofi^ 
foively^ that I would not fo much as hear it mentioned 

Nothing can conquer the affiduitles and importunity 
of perfons of intrigue. I was, on afubfequent day, at my 
toilet— Mr. Achette's name was announced, whom I 
had never {t^n before. Recollefting the name, and 
judging he came to trouble me with the fame propofals 
"with which his fon- in -law had teazed me, I direded the 
fervant to fay I was gone out ; and, that he might not 
have a fight of me, as he croffed through the apartment, 
I attempted to flip out at a door that opened on the 
landing place^ where I aftually met Mr. Achette, at- 
tended by two other perfons. Thus compelled to give 
audience, I went back into my apartment, defired them 
to be feated, and aiked the perfon who introduced them, 
what had brought them to my houfe ? 

This Achette is a man of infinuation and adroitnefs, 
and very loquacious ; after having highly extolled my 
generofity, my good nature, my inclination to oblige all 
who had the happinefs of gaining admiffion to me, with 
many fuch introduftory cornpliments, he prefented Mr. 
Boemer, who, he told me, was the proprietor of that 
necklace, of which his fon-in-law had fpokcn to mc, 
that he was not come to perfift in the entreaty which I 
had rejeded, but merely with an intent to (hew me that 
piece of ornamental workmanfliip, before he fent it into 

N 2 Portugal, 

[ 9^ 1 

Portugal, whidier he intended to have it immediately 
conveyed. '' It could cojl nothing to fee,'' as thofe gen* 
tlemen exprefled it. I permitted them to open the 
caiket, and after furveying the necklace, I fent a requeft 
to the Count, my hulband, to come down and view it, 
as a curiofity. 

Hearing fomcthing faid about jewellers^ he imagined 
they had brought me fome articles to tempt me with, 
and fent me in anfwcr, th^t he had no money to lay out in 
jewels. On being acquainted, however, that his at- 
tendance was requefted, not to purchafe, but merely to 
infpedl the jewel, as a matter of curiofity, he came down, 
caft a tranfient eye on the fplendid bauble, and walked 
back, without afking a fingle quellion. I was therefore 
left alone with my three vifitors, who looked at each 
other with an air of perplexity, till their orator, Mon- 
fieur Aphette, renewed the converfation, " Is it Qot a 
" pity Madame," fays he, " that fo magnificent a jewd 
•* fhould go out of the kingdom, while we have a Queen 
" whom it would fo weU befit, and who has fo great an 

*' inclination for it ?" -" Of that I am ignorant;* 

anfwered I, '* nor do I comprehend why you apply to 
" me to convey your propofals to her Majefty.~I pro- 
" teft to you I have no opportunity of making theai 
" known to her, as / have not the honor to approach kr 
« per/on. — " Madam," fays Achette, with a fly and 
fignificant look, " we are not come here to explore your 
" fecrets, ftill lefs to fuggeftany doubt concerning what 
'' you are pleafed to tell us y but believe me, I am wcU 
'' acquainted with Verfailles, and with what is done 
" there ; and when I took the liberty to bring my friend 

" £0 

i 93 1 

•^ to yoilj it was \vith a perfuafion, that if you would 
^« honor liim with your intercft, no perfon at Court is 
« better able than yourfelf to do him the fervice we pre- 
'^ fume to folieit." Boenier*s mouth was already open* 
I forefaw that he was preparing to add fomething about 
acknowledgement, and prefents ; I therefore made hafte 
to interrupt the difcourfe, and in order to extricate my- 
felf from the difficulty, I told them that I would fce> 
whether through my connexions^ I might not be able to do 
them fome fervice indire5fly. 

Three weeks had elapfed, during which tiitie I had 
' heard nothing of the difaftrous necklace, the remem- 
brance of which had fo fooil been done away, that I had 
not even thought 6f hientioning a Word of it to the Car- 
dinalj when one day he paid me a vifit. He had on 
his finger a very handfome ring, which I did not take 
notice of After talking to me on fome fubjcfts relating 
to the Queen, of whom he made complaints; afFefting 
at the fame dme, by his aftions, to difplay his hand in 
every poflible direction p— « but you pay me no com-* 
" pliment," fays he, " on my new ring ! it is an ex- 
" change I have made for odd diamonds, and other 
" ftoiieSj of which I was tired."—" 'Tis a handfome, 
^' a very handfome ring*', laid I," " but I faw fome- 
" thing finer a few weeks ago 5" and then told him 
nearly all that I have been relating of the proceedings of 
Laporte, Achette, and Boemcr. I was ftruck with the air 
of eagernefs and furprife that was evident in his counte- 
nance.—" It is a veiy ftrange thing!" fays he to me, 

'' Have you fpoken of it to the Queen ?" " No/' 

n-pJicd I, " I would not take it upon me."—" It is very 


[ 94 1 

ftrange," added tKe Cardinal, '^ that thole people fiiouU 
« have made application to you !" — And did they tell 
" you, they knew that the Qyeen had a great defire to 
«« have that necklace ?'* — " They aflured me fo," con- 
tinued I, — " I have fome reafons to believe it,*'— Here 
die Cardinal feemed to mufe, confidering I fuppofe, 
whether he fliould explain himfelf to me ; and having 
determined in the negative, he turned ofF the converfa- 
tion. Two or three days afterwards, I received a note 
from him, defiring me to fend him the jeweller's addrefsj 
which being unacquainted with, fent to Laporte for it. 
He gave my fervant a written one, which he imme- 
diately carried to the Cardinal. 

The well known derangement of that Prince's affairs^ 
his refervednefs with me, on that head,— his Inter- 
rogations relative to die jeweller,— —the fudden demand 
for his addrcfs, altogether made me immediately fufpeft, 
that his intention was, to make what tliey call ajobb 
of it J that is, to purchafe the necklace, in order to con- 
vert it into money. I knew him to be extremely adroit 
in fuch negQciations. 1 moreover knew that he, at that 
inftant, had much at heart the filencing his moft cla- 
morous creditors 3 ever fince the Queen had told him, 
that the way to render himfelf acceptable to die King, 
was to fatisfy the demands of thofe to whom he flood in- 
debted, and fettle his houfliold on a more orderly 
footing. He had repeatedly faid to me, that fince her 
Majcfly had gracioufly given him that piece of advice, 
he was become the greateft oeconomift in the kingdom; 
that by means of confiderable reduftions he had intro- 
duced into his expences, he hoped, in a few years to 


[ 95 ] 

be entirely unembarraffcd , It was true, he added, 

that fome of liis debts became payable at fo early a pe- 
riod/ that the difcharge of thpm could not wait for the 
rather tedious- produce of his oeconomic favings. Hence 
I could not queftion but the necklace was an objeft 
which he had in view^ as likely to be produdive of the 
means for difcharging debts of that defcription. He 
came to fee nae the next morning. He fpoke neither 
of thp jeweller or of the necklace, but nnuch about his 
own " prudence and reforms." " The Queen is in the 
*' right of it/' faid he, ^' I was ruining myfelf. The 
" King loves order and oeconomy.— I was informed, 
" that whenever I had been propofed to him, for the 
** adminiftration of his kingdom, he would have had 
" no other objection, than the mifmanagement of my 
*^ own affairs ; which the Queen aflured me his Majefty 
^^ was well acquainted with. — In reality, ought I not to 
" facrifice fomediing to weighty confideradons ? By re- 
** trenching from my prefent enjoyments, I ftiall have 
/^ them tenfold hereafter.— The moment in which the 
^^ Queen is to fulfill her engagements with me, is nearer 
^' at hand than you imagine ; fhe is ready prepared for 
/^ the King's anfwer j—lhe knows he will not fail to 
" exclaim againft my extravagancies, my debts, &c. 
" Then, if iu be demonftrated to him, that my m.odc 
*' of living is changed, that I have introduced order 
" into my houfliold, made great reforms, cleared off 
'' debts with the bare furplus arifing from my retrench- 
f^ ments; dien the King will have nothing to objeft, and 
" the malicious infinuations of my enemies will be 
'* f'ienced, I am meditating ftill farther reforms, and I 

" met;n 

[ 96 ] 

'•^ mean to pradife, within my own walls, the fyftem of 
«*^ cecononny I propofe to adopt in the adminiftration of 

« the ftate." Sully could not argue better, faid I, 

laughing 3 Heaven kc«p you in thefe good difpofitions. 
I did not think fit to tell him my opinion of the matter, 
fince he did not difclofe to me any thing relative to tlie 
plan wliich I fuppofed him to be meditating. When 
he had left mc, 1 gave way to a few reflexions, and it 
appeared to me fomewhat extraordinar)^ th^t with all 
this difplay of oeconomy, the Cardinal fhoulcj, from the 
ilrange idea of clearing off his exifting debts, by con- 
tracting a future enormous one for an article, by whidi 
it appeared probable he would be a confiderabie lofer. 

Thefe reflexions, which had at firft originated in ^ 
v^^ilh for the Cardinal's welfare, recurring to me ; I con- 
fidered whether the purchafc of the necklace, for the pur- 
pofes I fuppofed, would not bring me into difEculties. J 
had been at firfl applied to for facilitating the fale of 
that ornament; / had given the jeweller's addrefs to 
the Cardinal ; there was a pofFibility of his mentionin? 
me in his dealing with them ; and a ftill greater of the 
odium refleding upon me, if the negociation, which I 
might appear to be a firft promoter of, fhould be at- 
tended with any difagreeaGle confequences. My alarm 
feemed to be well grounded, from iny knowledge of 
the Gardinal's fituation, for little could \ comprehend 
how he would be able, upon reafonable terms, to make 
good a fum of" fixtcen hundred thoufand livres." 

Maturely confidering the matter, I concluded that I 
ought, at all events, to conduft myfelf in fuch a manner, 
that it fliQuId be impofliUe to fty that i had been any 


C 97 ] • 

ways concernedin it. I tkerefore repaired to the jewellers, 
an4 told them, that the Cardinal, to whom I had 
Ipoken of their necklace, haring fent to me for their 
addrefs, I conjeftured hewas meditating the purchafc of 
It, though he had not given me any verbal reafon to 
tliink fo ; that in, cale my conjecture was well founded^ 
1, begged of them to remember, th^t I had not been in the 
fm^Ueft degree inftrumental in promoting the faje of it 
to the Cardinal, that I had abfolutely no con(;:ern in it j 
bjJt notwithftanding this, it was by no means my inten- 
i;ion to create apprehenfions in them, but that I exhorted 
them, when they concluded an agreement for fuch fale, 
to take all cuftomary precaut;ions to infure an exaftitude 
in the payments. ' 

By purfuing this meafure, whicli I thought prudeag^ 
dictated, I did not forefee the difficulties I was pre- 
paring for the Cardinal : I own I had confidered my- 
(elf only ; that 1 dreaded the larcafms fo liberally circu- 
lated at Court, where no tranfaftion can take place, 
^j[ithout a general curiofity beiijg excited, tq know what 
kind of intercft aftuates the party concerned. I muft 
therefore acknowledge, that from my not confidering the 
confequent embarraffment refulting to the Cardinal, 
from the cautionary fteps 1 had taken refpefting myfelf, 
I was the caufe of that mifunderftanding which enfued 
between the Queen and him, and occafioned him to re- 
ceive the difagreeable letter alluded to. The fad: was, 
that the jewellers,^ tq whom I had recommended fuch 
precaution, aftually followed my advice fo minutely, 
diat they compelled the Cardinal, not only to-declare, that 
h^ was treating for die Queen, but even to produce ^ 

Q proQ 

C 98 I 

proof of it. This lafl; circumft?.ncc was what gave place 
to the pretended bargain, which I fhall prefently 
ipeak of. 

Before I proceed, may I be allowed to afl< the fe^ 
vereft, the moft prejudiced of my readers, whether, if it 
be admitted, that even at that period, (as it has been im- 
pudently afferted) I had caft an eye of appropriation 
on the necklace, I jEhould have debarred myfelf from 
the only pradlicable method of getting it into my pof- 
feffion, by depriving the Cardinal of the means of pro- 
curing it. I afk, at the fame time, whether, on the fame 
fuppofition of my having, even at that period, preme- 
ditated the theft of the necklace, it was not my intereft 
to let the Cardinal be the purchafer in his own name, 
inftead of exciting in the Jewellers a diftrufl, which by 
neceffitating the Queen's interpofition, produced thtfcr- 
gerjy which was attempted to be affixed upon me ? The 
jewellers had fpoken to me, in fuch a manner, as to 
convince me, tliat as the necklace was a heavy charge 
upon their hands, they woyld have parted with it on 
the moft eafy conditions, to any one that i:ad offered 
them the fecurities it was requifite they fhould demand. 
Now, the Carflinal^ involved as he was, enjoyed im- 
menfe revenues, upon which he could have given fecu- 
rities that would not have been rejefted. Had I not 
therefore yielded to my apprehenfions of being involved 
in fome perplexity; had I not impeded their treating 
with him on his own account, he certainly would have 
got pofTeflion of the necklace without any difficulty, 
which I could then, at my perfect convenience and eafe, 
have Jtolen away^ without recurring to the expedient of 

a /tfr^^Of' 

[ 99 ] 

forgery. Thus there was not even a probabllityj where- 
on to ground a charge of forgery againft me, any more 
than the theft y which was only imputed to me, becaufa 
the ^een mufl be exculpated, the Cardinal exonerated, 
and the whole of the ignominy, of ncceflity, heaped on 
my devoted head ; a fevere inftance of party and cabal, 
as I Ihall hereafter prove. Even now I muft repeat, it 
is apparent as the day at noon, that had I meditated the 
imputed peculation, I fhould not have afted as I did, 
and have prevented the objedt of my defire from paf- 
fing into diofe hands, out of which alorie I could pur- 
loin it; A few particulars concerhing tlie pretended for- 
gery, will refleft an additional light on the dark tranfac- 
tion I am now expofing to the unprejudiced eye of 
public candon 

I muft now make a retrofpcftive reference to a pe- 
riod of time, antecedent to the date of die letter I have 
been adverting to (No. XXVIIL) 

I have explained the motives which induced me to 
aft as I didi refpefting the jewellers, and which aroftj 
from the reflcftions that occurred to me on the fubjeft, 
and led me to condlidl myfelf in that manner, in confe- 
quencc of the intention I imagined the Cardinal had of 
procuring the necldace, and in that to find a refource to 
extricate himfelf from his immediate difficuldes. 

Several days had elapfed^ without my having heard 
from the Prince i a circumftance rather unufuah 
The Queen, whom I had the honour to fee during that 
interval, faid nothing in her converfation with me that 
had any reference to the necklace. All I learnt was, 
that fhe had feen the Cardinal two days before, and her 

O 2 M^efty 

[ roo ] 

Majefly expreflfcd her furprize that I h:id brought her 
no account of ** a commiffioh her Majefty had charged 
" him with.*' I could anfwer oiily by the trltth, whith 
was, that I had not km Jiim fincc a particular day, 
whieh I mentioned. Until I received further informa^ 
tion I had not entertained any idea that the coinmif- 
fion her Maiefty had mendoned related to the necklace. 
HaviHg paid my refpefts to the Qacen, I returned 
home to dinner, when my porter delivered a note from 
tlie Cardinal, wherein he acquainted me, that be fliould 
be at my houfe at fix o'clock that evening, and requeft- 
ing my being at home, becaufe he had Ibmething of 
confequence to deliver to me. I fent him word I lliould 
be ready to receive him, and accordingly he came. 
As his abfence had been longer than ufual, I reproached 
and interrogated him. — *^ So, fo, fays the Prince, you 
" are curious, you want to know every thing !•-- -Well 
" then, let your curiofity be fatisfied---The bufinefsis 
^^ done — the bargain is ftruck— I have purchafcd tlic 
** necklace for t1ie Queen. Don't you exclaim againft 
" the extravagance— I know what I am about— Befides 
'*^ it is agreed upon— -In a word, I have ' private ar- 
* rangements' ^^ with her Majefty— Here is the packetj 
" fhe muft have it to-day : fet ofF immediately. 

Great was the fatisfadtion I felt when I found I had 
been miftakcn in my conjeftures 5 that inftead of a bad 
policy, the Cardinal had adopted a very good one, in 
gratifying the Queen's inclination. I made dierefore no 
other anfwer, than that I could wifh I had wings j bur 
for want of thofe, I took a phaeton to convey m^ more 
fpeedily, and reached VerfaiilesJby nine o'clock, whence 

I repairetl 

I repaired to die palace. The Queen was with the 
PoligMcs: the perfons who had accefs to her Majefty onr 
fuch occafions, were not in her apartments : it was grow-^ 
ing late, and I was extremely fatigued 5 I refolved, for 
thefe reafons, to take my repofe, and defer the exe- 
cution of my commiflion until the next day. Previous 
to my going to bed, according to the habit, I have faid, 
1 had contradled, I took a copy of the letter fronri the 
Cardinal, and read the whole of the conditions of the 
bargain with the jev/ellers, which he had taken upon him 
*^ to have fanftioned by the Queen's approbation," The 
obligations were written " in his own hand."— I entreat 
it may be obferved, that they were ** in the Cardinal's own 
'^ hand writing," and that I was ignorant of the nature 
of them^ as of the bargain itfelf, till the moment the 
Cardinal had given me the information, and I had, at 
the time I am fpeaking of, perufed the papers. 

It appeared to me fo much the more natural that the 
Queen fliould be difpofed to fign this paper, from the 
circumftance of the Cardinal having faid to me, as I have 
mentioned, diat he had " private arrangements with 
" her Majefty." I found myfelf, diercfore, perfeAIy 
cafy concerning an affair, which, as it has been feen, h^ 
given me fufficient grounds for difquietude. 

Next morning I difpatched a lervant to Madem.oifeile 
Dorvat, to know if I could fee the Queen ; flie fmt 
me word that the whole morning was engaged, and that 
ftie could not anfwer for any other moment in the 
courfc of the day. I was fenfible diaffuch an uncer- 
tainty, ill-fuited with the Cardinal's impatience, and not 
thinking there was an abfolute neceffi^y that I fhculd , 


[ loa J 

tlcliver the packet, provided it was delivered, I fent it 
to Mademoifelle Dorvat, with a note, to defire ihe would 
with all fpeed convey it according to its addrefs ; adding^ 
that I 6nly waited for her anfwer, to fet off on my re- 
tiirh to Paris. 

Two hours after, Mr. I/Efclot, Groom of the Cham- 
bers, brought nic a parcel, fealed up, with a jflioit note, 
in wfiich the Queen comrhanded me to ufe the iitmofl: 
difpatchj and return that fame evening to Verfailles, I 
haftened my departure in order to accelerate my return. 
By the way I opened the packet I was charged with for 
the Cardinal, and therein found the articles of the bar- 
gain, juil as I had read them the day before, kmpprovd^ 
tinfgnedy and accompanied with that letter from the 
Queen (No* XXVIII) which I have already twice re- 
ferred tOi, and which is perfectly explained by circiim- 
fiances fmce related, ft is manifeft, that her Majefty 
had agreed with the Cardinal, to negotiate ;rnW^^r- 
rangiment$y but not to put her name to any bargain with 
the jewellers. The Cardinal^ who had been Compelled 
to accede to this lafl condition, had written to the 
Queen, that it miuft be a matter of indifference to her 
Majefty to fign or not figUi fmce the articles and the 
approbation would remain in his hands. But the 
Queen, it fecms, nbt having the fame conception of the 
bufinefs, fent him back the paper, with the rebuke in 
the note that accompanied it. 

No fooner was I got back to Paris than I fent to the 
Cardinal, who being abfent from home, a note was left 
with his Swifs fervant, requefting he would come to me 
on the receipt of it. He did not come till ten at nighty 


[ ^03 1 

pretending he had been detained by bufmefs qf the 
higheft confequcnce. I anfwered, I was forry for it, 
for he made me mifs an ^ppointnnent the Queen had 
given me for that very evening ; and at the fame time 
delivered the packet from her Majefly, His firft con- 
cerf' was to fee whether the bargain had met with the 
Queen's approbation. When he found it jqft as he had 
fcnt it, he changed colour, and his conftcrnation was 
flill more ftrongly mai ked, when he read the letter with 
which it was accompanied, (No. XXVIII) He com- 
municated the contents to me, and talked for fome time 
like a man whofc mind was deranged; when on my 
putting a few queftions, with a view to bring him to 

himfelf, he faid to me ^* I am forry I made a myf- 

f' tery to you of this bufinefs, whilft I was tranfa£ling 
f' it i you, perhaps, would have advifed me better. I 
^^ have told you that I had bought the nec^ace for thft 

^i Queen, and that the bargain was concluded. Here 

*^ it isj this very paper, written with my own hand, 
" that you have carried to the Queen, and which her 
^^ Majefty fends back to me, with as much ill-hunrjour, 
" as if I had departed from the tenor of the articles 

^.^ ftipulated between her and me. You fhall pre- 

^^ fently judge whether I am in the wrong or not," 

" You muft recolleft, that when on account of my 
" ring, you told me of the application the jewellers had 
*^ made to you, I thought it was a ftrange circumftancc. 
*^ I did not then explain to you, why it v/as fo. It was, 
*^ becaufc but a few days before, the Queen having 
<^ told me that the necklace was deftincd for Portugal^ 
'^ (how that informationjcached her I can not tell) and 

" feeming 

[ 104 ] 

<< feeming ftill to regret it, I had told her, there were 
*' means to poffefs it, without being obnoxious to the 
« King, by making fome flight alterations, as well in 
« the pattern, as in the form of the moft remarkable 
*' ftones, Thefe firft overtures having led us into a 
" more connefted converfation, and the Queen's dc- 
*' fire fcerning to grow more keen, in proportion r$ 
*' fhe conceived it more eafy to difguife the jewel, I 
^f had no difficulty left but about the payment, the 
*' means of which were far from being in her Majefty*s 
*^ power at a moment's command. I proffered the ex- 

<f ertion of all my abilities and credit. Her Majcfly 

*■* thanked me obligingly, and faid to me, that in cafe 
^' fhe fhould accept of my offers, ftie fhould engage 
'.^.with me by frivate arrangement Sy with which I was 
** to make thofe correfpond that I fhould perfonally 
^' enter into with the jeweHers. The matter fcerning 
**. to me righdy underflood, I came back to Paris, dc- 
V. lighted with my being empowered to do any thing 
^ that was pleafing to her Majefty, 

*/. The next day I fent; for the jewellers addrefs, and 
^v went to them immediately, under pretence of getting 
*^ fome jewels fet, which I had^ purpofely taken with 
** me. The converfation once begun, I made it turn 
^y upon the necklace, which was immediately exhibited 
*^ to me, and while I was furveying it, Boemer related 
^' to me all that had paffed. I then faid, L had -in charge 
<' to enquire the price of it ; and- that in cafe die perfon 
" for whom I Ihould purchafe, did not chufe to appear, 
%^ I would enter into a private agreement widi him. 

[ ^05 ] 

*^ This firft advance, that did not wear the appeif- 
^"^ ance of difficulty, being concluded, I fet out fot 
^^ Verfailles. That very evening I faw the Queen, I 
^^ Informed her, that the necklace Was in my power, 
'^ confequently at her Majefty's command, which I was 
*^ conae to receive. She anfwered (obferve her own 
" expreflions) " I fliall approve of every arrangement 
" whatever that you fliall take, provided my name does 
" not appear in it." Thus authorized, I returned to 
" Paris, fent for thfe jewellers, talked of bringing the bu- 
" finefs to a conclufion, and of fettling the ultimate 
^^ price; but to my furprife no longer fouftd the fame 
*^ difpofitions, the fame eageriiefs in them. (*) They 
^^ raifed difficulties, put queftions* to rne, fuggefted 

" doubts arid fears. To remove all obftacles with a 

" fingle word, I declared that I was purchafing for the 
** Queen, that particular reafons made her Majefty de- 
" firous of keeping the tranfaftion a fecret for fome 

p " time; 

* It Is here my readers will be fo good, as to recoi- 
led, what I rrientioned (page 97) concerning the ftep 
I took, widi the jewellers* As I hope they will be 
pleafed to re-perufe that paffage, I fliall make no farther 
obfervations. But is it not evident from the Cardmars 
narrative, that, had I not charged the jewellers to aft 
cautioufly, they would have tranfafted with him per- 
fonally on his own account, and would not ha^e infifted 
on the Queen's approbation ; that confequently the pre- 
Unded forgery had not taken place, and the theft of the 
necklace would have been eaficr and lefs dangerouj. 

[ to6 j 

^' time; but tliat I, fully fatisfied witli the arrangcrtifijt 
" fhe vouchlafed to make with me, was charged 
'^ to make with them any that fliould be fuitable to 
*^ them, and appear reafonable to nie. I then called 
" for pen, ink and paper, pcrfonally drew up the arti- 
'^ cles of die bargain, fuch as I knew would meet with 
" her Majefty^s approbation, and imparted them to the 
'^ jewellers. They were fatkfied with the conditions •, 
*< but one of them (Bafanges) obferved to me, that 
" being indebted a very confiderable firm to Monficur 
" de St. James, they could not Conclode with me, 
" previoufly to theit makirig him acquainted with the 
" arrangement. To put an end to all difficulties I then 
« faid to them, ^'"Hear me; I have a means of ex- 
*' citing in Mr. de St. James himfelf all tlie confidence 
" requifite : I will bring you the agreement juft as it 
« now is, approved and figned by the Queen j but, asp- 
" will tint abjoluuly have her name to appear in it^ it will 
" be feen by none but Mr. de St. James and your- 
«^ felves, ajAd IhaU afterwards remain in truft widi me^ 
" tin final payment, for which I muft neceflarity be- 

•' come fecurity. ^Will you repine that confidence 

*^ in me ? Will you be fatisfied V* They unanimoufly 

" anfwered Tes protefted to me, that fetting afide 

" the circumftance of the fum due to Mr. de St. James, 

" they would be fatisfied with my bare word. 1 left 

*^ them, and immediately wrote to the Queen, giving 
*' her an account of the particulars of my agreement, 
" and intreacing her Majefty's approbation in die mar- 
" gin to die wridng which I fent to her. I obferved 
^ to her, that feeing it is exprefsly ftipulated, it flioiild 

*^ remain 


[ i®7 ] 

^^ remain in my hands, her Majefty's intentions would 
" be complied with, k^r nam would not appear — -Be- 

*' hold the anfwer I have received : Such is my re- 

" ward for the pains I have taken, for the zeal I have 

** evinced of the facrjficcs it will perhaps coft me ; 

" for, in ihort, I am bound as fecurity, and God know? 
" whether Ihe will pay ; whether her blood fuckers will 
^^ leave lier the means of paymcnt-r-O women— women! 

^* — and efpeeially PringefTes ! but wqrfe than all of 

'* them. Queens!— She writes to me as to a valet; — If 
'^ Jhe bad not required myjlerioufmfs^ /he would not have 

^^ employed m^, What name then docs flie give to all 

f^ that I have done, if not that oi myfierioufnefsV^ 

He was in a perfeft rage, appearing every moment 
ready to tear the agreement to pieces, and, as he ex- 
prelled it, ^' to send the Viziership, with the Sul- 
*^ TANA, TO THE Devii,./* I let him, for a while, give 
yent to his Ipleen, and when I faw he was become more 
calm,- 1 obferved to him, that ^' I faw nothing fo very 
^^ ofFenfive in the Queen's lett<?r, as he iinagined to 
" himfelf, that to me it appeared a mere mifunder- 
^^ ftanding, owing to the vague expreffion, " that her 
*f name/hould not be feeninit^' that though Ihe fent 
'^ back the agreement, Ihe did not fay fhe would not 
" have it concluded, but fcemed to intimate, it Ihould 
^^ be drawn up in Iqme other manner ; fo that the firft 
^f thing I conceived to be done, was to confult her Ma- 
^^ jefty i a meafure fo much the more indifpenfible, as 
" on fending me back with the agreement, Ihe had en-^ 
?* joined my return to her the fame evening:— that 
f feeing the impoffibiHty of my getting back to Ver- 
P 2 " failles 

[ io8 ] 

" failles time enough that day, I would {ct off early the 
*f next, in order to feize the firft moment her Majefly 
^^ would be vifible* I added, that I hoped -to bring 
" him better news, and to make the Queen undcrftand 
" what had probably efcaped her in his letter, that pro- 
" vidcd the approbation remained in his hands, her 
" Majefly V name would not in reality be feen." The 
Cardinal was appeafed, feemed to approve of my obfer- 
vations, and allowed that it was at any rate necefTary I 
Ihouid repair the next day to Verfailles, fince I was com- 
manded.— In Gonfequence of this he gave me the agrec^ 
ment, and took his leave, in order, as he faid, to my 
retiring betimes to reft, and being ready to depart early 
in the morning. 

On my arrival at Verfailles, I heard from Mademoi- 
felle Dorvat, that the Queen had expefted me the night 
before till after twelve o'clock; that Ihe had been much 
out of temper^, and employed the whole time in writing. 
A few hours after I received two lines, to this purport: 
" People cannot receive you to-day j remain at 
*^ Versailles, you shall be apprized of the hour 
^^ WHEN People are visible.'' This was a very for- 
mal meflage, which difplayed very little earneftnefs in 
the bufinefs, and which I viewed as an unfavourable 
cm.en for the fuccefs of my embafly. The next day I 
went abroad to pay a vifit ; at my return I found a note 
ftill more laconic:'' " to-night, at half pasx nine," 
I attended, almoft trembling, at the appointed hour, 
and had the fatisfaftion to find that my forebodings had 
deceived me. The Queen received me with her ufual 
CQurtcfy and affability. After a few obliging fpeeches, 


'[ 1^9 ] 

addreficd perfonally to me " Apropos,*' fays fhe, 

^^ do you bring me nothing from the Cardinal?" 

** I have a paper," anfwered I, " to deliver to your 
^^ Majefty, on condition it Ihould be demanded of me, 
^^ and to receive your commands concerning the con- 
" tents." Then drawing the agreement out of my 
pocket, I took the liberty to fet before her the fituation 
the Prince was in, the difficulties he had to conquer, the 
addrefs with which he had fucceeded, in bringing the 
Jewellers over to his terms, by giving them, in faft, no 
other fecurity but his own, fince he retained, in his own 
hands, the writing, to affure himfelf that her Majefty's 
name fhould never appear, " I comprehend all that," 
faid the Queen, *^ but I had pofitively told him, that I 
** would enter upon no arrangement but with himfelf^ 
" and here he propofes to me a direct one with the 
'^ Jewellers. Now (as I wrote him word) had I been 
*^ inclined to treat with them, I flood in no need of his 

'^ afliftance, Now my name is aftually mentioned ; 

" it is an unpardonable indifcretion he had better 

'^ have given me notice, than to take upon him a bufi- 

" nefs he was unable to execute." Might I prefume 

" to .rcprefent to your Majefty, that he had not forefeen 

'" that difficulty; that zeal alone had made him pro- 

^^ ceed into this negociation that upon the firft over- 

f^ tures he had made, the jewellers feemed dilpofed to 
*^ take his own perfonal fecuricy ; but when it came to 
*^ the point, they fpoke to him in a manner that made 
*^ him too clearly underftand, they fufpefted him of a 
^* defign" to purchafe the diamonds in order to convert 
^^ them into money,-— -Thinking then tliat he Ihould 

" equally 

[ iio ] 

«^ equally fulfill your Majefty's views, by fecuring every 
« writing, wherein your name muft of neceflity be leen, 
«^ he mentioned your Majefly's name, in order to in- 
" duce their confidence} nor do I think that they, ap- 
5' prilled as they are, that it is your Majefty's abfolute 
*« will the tranfaftions Ihould be kept a fecret, will dare 
" to mention it to any one whatever." *^ From aU that 
« you tell me," returned her Majefty, " I am forry 

" that I wrote to him as I did. 1 will give you a 

*^ letter to him. But is there not fomc degree of un- 

" flcilfulnefs in his conduft ? If no more was requh 

*' fite than to infpire confidence, was there no other 
" way? He is perhaps ignorant of rx, but I 


*^; THE King a formal enqagem|:nt, not to set 

" MY name to any thing WITHOUT FIRST COMMU' 

** nicating IT TO HIM j die thing is therefore imprac- 
" ticable. See between you, what can be done, or let 
*^ us give up the idea of a purchafe It appears tq 




^' TO IT. However, let the matter end which way it 
,!^ will, tell the Cardinal, that the firft time I fee him, 
!' I will cpmmunicate the nature of thofe arrangements 
?^ I mean to make with him." 

To draw as an inference, from this ^onverfatioHj tha| 
the Queen ihould have advifed me to commit a forgery, 
might feem a kind of facrilege, Voffihly^ flie did not 
form a more oiaft idea of what die nature of a forgery 


r in ] 

l^as, th^m I myfelf did, before I was made lenfiblc of the 
confcquences j it is likewife poffible, that the obferva- 
tion fhe made of the jewellers being unacquainted with 
her hand^-writing, did not mean that another might be 
fubftituted in its ftead j for, upon farther refleftiori, I 
found it rhight have quite another rrieaning ; though the 
fad is, that t then affixed that meaning to thofe ex- 

I did not diffemble, when 1 took up mj pen to com-* 
mence thefe Memoirs* I confefled I had committed 
many imprudencies— this was one of the moft grievous; 
1 can fcarcf plead ignorance to affift me in my juftitica- 
tioni though it was in faft the real principle of my fault* 
Unaccuftomed to refleft, hurried away In the vortex of' 
courtly compliance j plunged into that kind of delirium 
which the fpirit of intrigue difFufed in every thing about 
me ; corrupted^ in fliort, by the bad example inceffantly 
before my eyes, and habituated to treat too lightly all 
that is Gonnefted with moral duties, I faw nothing more 
in fuch a tranfadion, than one of thofe ordinary irnpafi- 
tions AVhich people allow themfelves in the world, when 
tliey are confcious within themfelres, that in reality 
they mean no injurious deception^ '^ In reality what 
" matters it," faid I to myfelf,- " whether the jewellers 
*' fee the ^eeH^s writing, or that oi any other hand, fmce 
*^ they are to fee it but for an inftant j that it will not 
'^ remain in their hands, that it is immaterial to their 
" fccurity, fmce they have they Gardinal's bond, and 
" that in caft the Cardinal fliouid not be able exadly to 
" make good his payments, at die different inftalments, 
*f tlie Queen, who means to keep the affair a fecret, 

" would 

«^ would^ of ncccffity, fulfil the private engagements 
" which ftie afTures me fhe will enter into with him." 
Secretly arguing thus> and not arguing long, not being 
accuftomed to very deep refledtion : I determinedj tha- 
for form's fake^ fomething muft be fbewn to the jevv 
cUers, which they might take for the Qjjcen's approba- 
tion ; thdt the Cardinal muft not be confuked about this 
mcafure, which he would perhaps think himfelf bound 
to reject, but which Jie would be pleafed with mc for 
putting in prafticei after it had produced its effcfti 
befides, (continuing rny reverie) I am fo much 
the lefs in danger of expofing myfelf, as, in fad. If the 
Queen did not precifely luggeft the idea of my figning 
her name, Ihe left to my option the choice of the 
means. She told mc " thofe people knew 7tQtbing ofhu 
" hand writing^'' and that was what gave rife to the 
idea which I fix upon ; revolving all thefe things in my 
mind, I drew near to Paris— m^y refolution v;as taken— 
I was going on my arrival to put down in the margin, 
approved by me^ the ^een : but upon refleftlon I afod 
myfelf, whether or not, In cafe the Queen had not been 
reftrained-by her agreement with the King, Ihe would 
thus have fubfcribed herfclf, but could not folve my 
doubt. A blunder muft however be avoided, for that 
would have deftroycd the whole plan. I propofed to 
myfelf to confuk my huft>and, who knew better 
what fignature the Queen made ufe of. I dwek fomc 
time on this latter idea, but gave it up, upon recollect 
ing all the difficulties he had ftarted, concerning the 
affair of reprefenting the Queen by Madame de CruffoL 
Being returned home in tliis ftate of perplexity, I con- 


[ "3 1 

confidered whether I knew any one to whom I could tin- 
bofom inyfelfj when Mr. Retaux de Villec's name was 
brought in j I was particularly acquainted with him, he 
was on the point of obtaining, through my folicitation, 
a military employment: he could hardly refufe me a 
fervice to which I affixed little confequence. I kept 
him to dinner, after which, I took him afide to have a 
private convcrfation with him. He was in the fecret of 
my connexions with the Queen and the Cardinal : I 
believe, I had even hinted to him, the political effort die 
latter attempted to make, by procuring, on his own cre- 
dit, for the Queen, a piece of ornamental drefs, which 
fhe had for a. confiderable time been defirous of obtain- 
ing. I cold him w^hat turn that bufincfs had lately 
taken, the Cardinal's embarraffment, the Queen's dif- 
content, the explanation I had with her Majefly, and 
the conftruffions I had put tapon what fhe faid to me, 
when fhe obferved that the jewellers did not know her 
hand writing. 

I was jufl communicating to him the courfe I had 
taken, in confequence of that convcrfation, when a 
letter from the Cardinal was brought me ; he faid he 
was extremely uneafy, and being unable to come himfelf, 
begged to fee me at his own hotcL I fent for anfwer 
I would be with him in lefs than an hour ; that in the 
mean while I might afTure him every thing went on ex- 
tremely well, 

The porter being gone, Villet and myfelf refumcd 
our convcrfation. He told me, that *' not doubting 
" but the Queen had made ufe of the expreffions I had 
** been reporting to him, it appeared to him as it did to 

Q^ " me, 

[ 114 ] 

'^ me; that fhe mennt to infinuate that it w^s of little 
" confequence) what hand the approbation was written 
*^ bvyi'fince the jewellers Were unacquainte4 with her 
^* Majefty's writing: but'* added he " neither the Queen 
*^ nor you furmife what hazard is encountered in coun- 
" tcrfeiting the hand writing of any perlbn. It is an aft 
^^ which the law deems criminal, under the denomina- 
^^ tim of for^ry. Doubtlefs*' continued he " you 
*^ would not advife me to the commifilon of a crime, 
*^ but this we may do. Setting off upon the principle 
" laid down by the Queen, that thofe people do not 
^^ know her hand writing, it is an equal wager they do 
'^ not know what her fignature is. Your idea of lign- 
.^' ** ing only Antotmtte is a downright forgery \ but the me- 
*^ tamorphofc of an Auftrian Princefs into a French one, 
*' (to fay for Inftance; Antoinette of France)hz% abfolute- 
^'^ ly no meaning at ail. Were the bufinefs indeed, to 
^ fwindJe a\vay the necklace, v/henever die villainy was 
" difcovcred, ftich a fignature would ftand as a proof of 
*f its but there being no doubt of the jewellers receiving 
*' their payments, fince they will be pofTefled of the Car- 
'* dinars fecurity, fecretly backed by the Queen's, I 
*^ think one may, without great fear of detection, yield 
" compliance to circumftances, which I fhali do in the 
'' manner I am going to explain-: Firfl, I fliall not 
"- counterfeit my hand : Secondly, I fhall beftow on the 
" Queen the inaccurate title oi Antoinette of France, the 
'' writing beiQg prefented by the. Cardinal, they will not 
" Icrutinize it, and you Ihall promife me to burn it in 
" my prefence, when the jcweilecs; axe paid, and thebu- 
*^- finefsrended/' .l.gavchdm- ^nyiViord of. honour it 


[ 115 1 

fliould be To, and he figned the approbation conform- 
ably, to onr agreemenr. I immediately left him and 
hurried away to the Cardinars. I have fiiid, that for an 
•inftant I entertained the thought of giving up to him the 
agreement approved, without telling him, juft then*, 
how I had managed the bufinefs'; but when I entered 
his houfe, ^s he made me wait a litde, I reflefted that 
Villette arid myfelf were not very competent judges, 
that the taufe might be more ferious than we were fenfible 
of, and that on fuch a fuppofition, the Cardinal might 
eventually be drawn .into a difagfeeable premunire; I 
determined to give him a full account of the whole tran^- 
faaion, but firft 1-wilhed to afcertain, whether, in cafe 
I had chofen not to tell him till he had made ufe of it, 
hx^ would have difcovered the impofition. My firft 
woixl to him on his appearing was, therefore, " Here f> 
*^ is at kjtr He examined die approbation, obferved 
nothing particular, and faid to me "^^ Hen it is at laji/" 
I burft into a fit of laughter, and then related all that 
had pafTed, nearly in the fame terms I have been repeat- 
ing it. He then looked the paper over with more at- 
tention than before—" You are right ;" faid he " An- 
'' toinctte of France, and Queen of the Moon are the 
*^ fame diing: but I have been taken in with it, and I 
" don't think thofe people have a fharper eye, or a rca- 
" dier underftanding than itiyfelf. I. call to mind near- 
" ly what you tell me of the Queen ; I think I ha^^^e 
^' heard her Majefty, or fomebody belonging to her, 
" fay, that fince her purchafe of St. Cloud, flie had pro- 
** mifed the King AOt to fet her name to any thing, with- 
<^ out firft imparting it to him. But why did fbe not 

Q^Z " re- 

E 1x6 ] 

'^ remind me of it when fhc talked of a private agrec- 
.<« ment to be entered into with me ? ^Was I net to un- 
<^ derftand its being written ?—-However you affureme 
" fhe is appeafed, that's the moft eflential point ; the 
"necklace, I hope will compleatthe reft. I will go 
^' immediately and conclude the bufmefs ; perhaps I 
" fhall not even Jhew .them diis paper. I have fecn 
" them fmce your laft journey,: their- 'confidence is re- 
'' ftored ', I fhall tell them tlie bargain which I hold in 
-1* my hand is Receded to and figned;-' and 'at the fame 
5^ time fliall prefent them r with my perfonal engage- 

After difcourfing a moment on other topics, I quitted 
the Cardinal, from whom I heard nothing the next day, 
although he had concluded, on that very day, (30th of 
January) with the jewellers.; The enfuing day I receiv- 
ed from him two letters, one for the Queen, the other 
for myfelf, in which he urged my departure to Verfailles, 
in order to deliver the former as foon as poffibk, and to 
me he gave notice, that the necklace would, in the 
courfe of the day, be at his houfe 5 that on the fubfequent 
day he Ihould have the happinefs to deliver it hinifelf in- 
to the Queen's hands, I therefore aded as his precur- 
for. The Queen was fomev^hat indifpofed, and I could 
not fee, her Majefty, who fent m.e a note for him, which 
I have loft, the copy of^ but nearly of the following te- 

^' Take care to be to oight at nine o'clock in the 
" Countefs's apartment, with the box in queftion, and in 
" youp ufual drefs, and .do not go oyt of it till you have 
^* lieard from m<3.": 


[ "7 1 

On the Cardirial's arrival I fent him this note; at half 
paft eight he came to me difguifed, and carrying under 
his arm the box containing the necklace. He laid it 
down on a beureav, and remained in cxpeftation of 
hearing from the Queen, as exprefled in the note. He 
converfed with me on various fubjefts, which it is need- 
lels to repeat, relative to his amours, and the facrifices 
he made to politics; At half paft nine, Lefclaux, that 
fame groom of the chamber, who is faid (page 102) to 
have delivered me a note from the Queen, her Majef- 
ty's trufty m.elTenger, and by her employed on fundry 
delicate occafions, as I fhall more amply unfold 3 Lef- 
claux, 1 fay, a man perfeftly known to the Cardinal, 
the neccfiary confidant of all the litde irregularities, 
mentioned in die cbrrefpoudence, came with a note from 
the Queen in thefe terms : 

" The Minifter, (die King) is adually in my apart- 
" ment ; I know not how long his ftay will be : you 
^^ know the perfon whom I fend, deliver the box to him^ 
" and ftay where you are. I do not defpair of feeing 
^' thee to day,;' 

The Cardinal, after perufal of the note, (written, as 
well as die foregoing one, by the Queen's own hand, 
which he but too w^ell knew,) himfelf delivered to the 
faithful Lefclaux, the box and necklace, as he had him- 
felf laid them down on my efcrutore. Lefclaux went 
a\yay, faying he had orders to be in waiting at M. de 
Mifery's till twelve o'clock, ^Accordingly, at half paft 
eleven he returned with another note, of which I do not 
exadly recolleft the terms, but was in fubftance, that 
" ftie was very naiigh groffed C' that " the Minifter was 

" tQ 

[ ii8 ] 

"to neep with her i" fhe acknowledged the receipt 
of the box, and concluded by telling him, "Ihc 
«^ Wb\5ld fee him tlie following day." 

All thefe facts being inconteftible, how could the Cardi* 
nal afterwards be prevailed upon to fay, in order to get 
himfelf out of difficulty, that <* he did not know what was 
become of the necklace ? and what :is (till more unac- 
coimtable, what proves the abfolute defign of deftroying 
me to. fave him is, that he fbould have laid to my charge 
the difappearance of the necklace, whereas he never en- 
trufted me with it ; but he himfelf delivered it into the 
h^nds of a trofty fervant of the Queen's. Was it 
not -mor^ natural, more juft> be fliould call Lefdaiix to 
account for it ? Ye^, undoubtedly ;' bnt by bringing 
Lefdayx forward, the Queen would have been expofed, 
and he was forbid, as weM a$ rr\yftl(, to litter a 
word, tending to expofe the Queen. There lies 
the, myftery of this iniquity. There the fatal neck- 
lace has pafled, almofh in an inftant, from the hands 
of the jewellers into thofe of the Cardinal, and from his 
into thofe of a well known emiflary of the Qrieen. I 
b^ar*a thoufand voices crying out: IFh^t bec^Me of it 
aflerwards? to which I could anfwer I do not how : and 
afk, as Cain did, whether it was given me to keep?— 
and indeed it woukl be impoffible for^me to have known 
what became of ii, if a number of circumftanc^s, which 
I am about to relate, allowe<i me to doubt of its being 
almoft immediately taken to pieces i^and if, from the 
fame fource, I camiot declare the ufe it was abfolutelf 
put to, at Icaft I jQiall be able to fliew what it was in- 
tended for. But before I enter-^pori a complete eluci^ 

[ "9 J 

dation of thoie points, the moft important of all, I mull 
refume the thread of the occurrences, following, as I 
have hitherto done, the order of time, and concatenation 
of things. 

I have to run through a period of above fix months, 
that is to fay, from the ifl: of February, 1785, the day 
on which the necklace was delivered, uli the 15th of 
Auguft, the date of the cataftrophe. 

On the 2d of February the Cardinal received a letter 
From the Queen, which he communicated to me, and 
which I could not pofTibly take a copy of, which is a 
great difappointment to the public. That letter outdid 
in licentioufnefs all that I have antecedendy laid before 
the reader's eye. The Minifter, (the King) was treated 
in it with an indecency, perhaps never equalled, between 
obfcure individuals, plagued with domeftic fquabbles- 
Her Majefty fct out with bitter complaints on the fa- 
tiguing and tedious ceremonies of that day, which had 
deprived her of the pleafure of receiving her de-ar flavc ; 
in the next place Ihe fpoke of the difagreeable night llie 
had palled with the King : all her expreflions were thofe 
of contempt and loathing ; iht particularly alluded ta 
the vice of drinking, and the condition it reduces thofe 
to who give themfclves up to it. She called upon the 
Cardinal to lament her hard fate, which condemned her 
to yield her perfon to the tranficnt brutality of fuch a 
man, as ihe had no other way to make him do what 
Ihe required of him, &c. &c. It was a very long and 
curious letter : it appointed no meeting, and but very 
fiight mention was made m it of the jewel, which had 
hccn (by. her) admired. But thofe ,word^ few as they 


[ i20 ] 

^tte^ proved fufficlcnt for the Cardinal at the time, wfio 
in reading them faid to me, the veffel has Jailed Jafe inu 
harbour ; a proof that he underfl-ood the Queen acknow. 
ledged to him the receipt of the necklace. This he 
has fince been pleafed to forget. 

Three or four days aft-r, that is to fay, on the 5th or 
6th, I went, to the Queen's apartments with, the Cardi- 
nal, but was witnefs neither to their converfation, nor to 
what pafTed between them ; ail I know is, that they were 
alone, that I overheard more fighs than words, and that 
I concluded they perfeftly underfloodeach other's mean- 

Three or four weeks then elapfed, without any thing 
remarkable occurring. Letters without number and 
without end; appointments baulked, renewed, thwarted, 
fuceefsful; above all, plenty of pofting for me from 
Paris to Verfailles, from Verfailles to Paris, to Trianon, 
&c. &c. 

It was about that time the Queen wrote to the Cardi- 
nal, that foniebody had aflured her, the necklace was at 
leaft two hundred thoufand livres too dear ; and that if 
the Jewellers would not accede to fuch an abatement, Ihc 
was determined to return them their ornament. The 
Cardinal, as ufual, flew into a rage, made ufe of abufive 
language, and curfed the whole fex : yet v/hat could he 
do? He muft needs be Prime Minifler. He had not 
la\d himfelf under fo many reftraints, given himfelf fo 

much pains, fo eafily to give up the game. He fcnt 

fur Boemer and Baflanges, and communicated her 
•Majefty's letter, which to them appeared very extra- 
ordinary. Indeed it rarely happens that after a bargain 

[ I^-l 1 

is concluded, and figned, and the property delivered, 
the purchafcr Ihould demand an abatement in the price 
agreed upon. Such extraordinary and irregular pro- 
ceedings can only be adopted by extraordinary per- 
fonages, but that was exaftly the prefent cafe* On the 
part of the jewellers, the fear of difpleafing on the one 
liand, and on the other, that of being obliged to take 
back a burthen which had long laid heavy on their 
handsj perplexed them ; but the former confideration 
preponderated, and after much rcmonflrating, diey ac- 
quiefced in the propofal, and confentcd to make the 

This is a clrcumftance, amongfl: others, which my ad- 
verfaries have had the cruelty and folly to lay to my 
charge, and reported that it was a manoeuvre of mine. 
In the name of common fenfe, where lay the fineffe of 
it? — What^could it lead to? What benefit could ac- 
crue from it to me ? 

It has already been fecn, that when, for the firft 
time, the purchafe of the necklace was brought into 
queftion; fufpefting the Cardinal of an intent to turn it 
into money, and apprehenfive left I ihould be drawn 
into a fcrape, in the more than poffible contingency of 
non-payment i devoted as I was to the Cardinal, I 
thought myfclf obliged to fee Boemer, to forewarn him, 
and prevail on him to ad cautioufly. It has alfo been 
feen, what confequences had nearly refuked from my 
conduft in that buCnefs ;— in ftiort it cannot have cA 
caped the reader's recolIeAion, that the negociation 
had, by that means, been almoft broken off. If Ic 
could be fuppofcd, as fomc people have had the auda- 

R . city 

city to cleclarCj th^t from the very firfl: moment in 
which I faw the necklace, I had formed the idea of ob. 
taining it by fraud, it is manifcft that, on the firft op- 
portunity, my conduft was fuch, refpefting it, as en- 
tirely counterafled any intention of the kind, and pr^ 
vented even the poffibiiity of ever its coming into my 
poflefTion : fince I was (lopping the only channel dirougli 
which it could reach my hands, namely, through thofe 
of the Cardinal. I flatter myfelf, I have fufficiently de- 
monftrated the abfurdity of the firft piece of calumny 
my enemies have laboured to load me with. 

The iecond is yet more abfurd, if poffible. What 
finefle could they lay to my charge, what private ad- 
vantage could I derive from the delivery of a letter to 
the Cardinal from the Queen,' the purport of which was 
to demand an abatement in a fum which, even according 
to the hypothefis of my infamous detradlors, was never 
to be paid ? Without recurring to the obfervations alrea- 
dy made on the fubjeft of letters, fidtitious and falfe, (*) 
fucli as_ that which it was faid I had manufaftured, 


(*) What a ftrange extremity was the Cardinal's h- 
mily reduced to ! when Solicitor Target declared to 
them, in full aJfemUy^ that they had no other way of 
faving the Prince, than by denying every thing, even 
to the fmalieft knowledge of the Queen's hand-writing ; 
but, as all fenfible perfons, who have examined the 
matter with an impartial eye, have uniformly obferved— 
who can be perfuaded that. a courtier, who has known 


[ 123 ] 

to play off that great trick of fineflc I have alludetl to, I 
will confine myfelf to a very plain argument. The neck- 
lace was gone out of the Cardinal's hands. Either Lefciaux 
was a knave, fet on by mf to purloin it, or he was a faith- 
ful, fei'vant who had delivered it to the Qyeen that very 
evening. If the latter, how dare they aflc me to account 
for it ?— if the former, l^daux had returned me the 
necklace^ thus purloined; it was in my,poireflion~my 
views were accomplilhed— my avarice gratified. The 
Cardinal was fecurity, he had entered into private ar- 
rangements — he had one with the Queen. What was 
it to me, whether the Queen or the Cardinal Jhould 
pay fixtcen, or fourteen hundred thoufand liyrcs ? Nay, 
what was it to me, whether they paid either or ncidier 
of thafe fums ? for if 1 afted a villainous part, my 
thoughts would have correfponded in every paiticular, 
and I had cai'ed little, whether the Jewellers were ruined 
or not. Befides — I hope I may flatter myfelf that the 
reader Ibares the indignation I experience.-— Befides, 1 
iliy— -fuppofing me capable of having conceived, of 


the Queen from her youth, who faw her frequently and 

familiarly when flie was yet Archduchefs, even though he 

had not fcen her ftill more famili^^rly fince her being 

Queen of France, and mull, in his capacity of Lord High 

Almoner, have received orders from her hand, and an 

hundred times ken her writing, in the hands of twenty 

other perfons at Court, whom he had vifited, and who 

were likely to have received it frequently? who, but 

. mull be confidently perfuaded, that her writing was as 

familiar to him as his own ? 

R 2 

[ 124 ] 

i aving executed the projeft of t'lat daring theft, the 
moment the ftroke was ftruck, that I rolled in diamonds) 
taken to pieces, is it confonant to fenfc, that I fhouW 
have been fuch a fool, as to have cxpofed myfelf to a 
compulfivc reftitution ? for the lettter, which I am faid 
to have had the incomparable addrejs to forge, inti^ 
mated that, unlefs the Jewelers would confent to the 
abatement, their ornament fhould be returned to 

them (*). 

A blind fatality feems decreed, by Providence, to go- 
vern the adipns of thofe whofc wicked deeds have made 
them forfeit its protedion,and leads them on infenfiblyip 
errors which muft eynctyally deflroy tfiem ! The flandcr- 


(*) I am fo much afraid of fome of my readers not 
attending minutely to circumftances, that I muft afk 
pardon of the reft for the impatience I occafion in them, 
by fuggefting reflexions which would not efcapc them. 
Here is one of a very decifive nature, and which relates 
alfo to the fenfelefs allegation which I have already 1 
truft, viftorioufly combated- If it be wholly improbable 
that I fhould be fo ftupid as to forge a letter, that 
might have compelled me to reftore my fuppofed plun- 
der; that letter was however written, fincc mention is 
made of it in the trial, by the CardinaFs own council. 
If it could not be written by me, it muft affurcdly be 
fo by the Queen, whom^ alone, the price of the neet 
lace concerned. If it. was written by the Queen's handj 
the Cardinal has then, on this occafion at leaft, fecn her 
Majcfty's writing, he could then compare it widi ahuu- 
dred other letters that had paffed through my hands. 

[ '25 ] 

cus imputations which I have been already am mad \^crt- 
ing upon, are fo charafteriftic of folly, they fo manifcftly 
difcover the blind precipitancy of malice, driven to its 
laft efforts, that had I no further proofs to adduce, of 
the abfurdity and impotence of my opponents, I might 
think myfelf at liberty to difpenfe with any other argu- 
ments in favour of my innocence : but I have a fuper- 
abundance ; and however powerful thofe may be, which 
I can deduce from reafon, I ftill! have a greater re- 
liance upon thofe wfiich may be inferred from fafts. 
Let us therefore proceed to fafts, and to thofe I intreat 
a double portion of atccntion. 

The fccond arrangement was, as I have ftated, con- 
cluded upon J the Jewellers had confented to a reduc- 
tion of two hundred thoufand livres, as demanded by 
the Qiieen, from the price of the jewels as originally 
agreed for ; the necklace was in her Majefty's pofTefTion, 
Ihe might do with it what fhe pleafed. It was not 
long before I faw my conjefture verified, that her Ma- 
jefty would vary its appearance in fome manner or 
other, fo as to deceive the King ; an idea, which it has 
been fcen, was fuggefled to her by the Cardinal. 

From that period, to the time when the charge 
was made againft me, of having purloined that 
unfortunate jewel, there gradually arofe clouds, which 
could not fail fenfibly to alarm me. The appointments 
between the Queen and the Cardinal became lefs fre- 
quent—her *Majefly appeared gloomy — her temper 
was vlfibly foured, and I had much to fuffer perfonally 
from that change of difpofition, I faw cleaily that Hie 
fought, without wilhing to appear aftive, to ftmijh me 


r ^^6 ] 

for the Ihare I -had in bringing her and the Cardinal on 
a more intimate footing ^ he feeming, daily, to grow 
iTiore infupportable to her: I have faid, to punijb-Ai 
% no exaggeration. She, no longer, fpokc tome of the 
the Cardinal It was, no doubt, to praftice thofe petty 
cruelties, till- Ihe could get rid of ; me, for I cannot 
queftion but fhe had already formed that idea, when ihe 
refumed that of undoing the Cardinal. It was proba. 
bly, I fay, with both thofe views, daat, one day, after 
beftewing on me fome of her /k;^^/' looks; (he faid, 
prefenting me.^y^ith :a box, ^VHerej its a long while 
^^ fince I have given you any thing; but don't tell the 
<^ Cardinal that I have made you this prefent, nor even 

** fhat you havefepii^nfie^ Do you hear? Do not talk 

^ io him of me*\r^ "?iv:[ : 

My conduft towards tl^e Queen had been certainly 
wroiig— — r avow it— 7r'I h^ve already confeffed, that in 
the affair of Mademoifelle Oliva, I had revealed the 
fecret her .Majefty had imparted to me, to the Cardi- 
nal ; the fame incitements made me,* on this fecond oc- 
cafion, repeat^ fame trivial breach of confidence. 
After I had examined the contents cf the box, without 
being able, in any degree, to eftimate the value, my 
firft concern \vas, to fly to the Prince^ and acquaint him 
with the Queen's bounty, telling him, all that had 
paffed at Verfailles, and conjuring him to be fecret. 
After he had, in a curfory manner, looked over the 
diamonds, which he poured out upon his 'table, he faid 
tome, " This appears to me fomething confiderablc! 
" What do. yoy intend to do with them?"— -I an- 
fwered, that my /intention \yas to fell the greateft part, 
and have the reft fet for my own ufe. He furveyed 


[ 1^7 ] 

Aem ortce riiorC) and eventually propofed my leaving 
them with him, till the next day ; which I did without 
hcfitation. It was highly fortunate for me that I did 
To; fince, by compelling the Cardinal to own, that he 
had ferit them back to me again, I produced an indif- 
putable proof, that I had fhewn them to him, at the 
moment of my receiving them; and that, confequently, 
t had not ftolen them. I withdrew, therefore, leaving 
my diamonds loofe upon the table ; and the Cardinal, as 
he faw me out, told me, he would weigh them, and 
let me know within a trifle, what was their real value. 
Accordingly, the next day, his Swifs fervant brought 
them back to me in a parcel, carefully tied up and 
fealed, with the addition of a note, to the following pur- 
port, " I will fee you to-morrow before I depart for 
" Verfulles, and will fpeak to you, more confidentially,^ 
«^ concerning the objeft, I fend you back: let me pre- 
'* vail on you to part with it, as foon as pofiiblt." 
My hufband hitherto uninformed of, what, I then 

called my good fortune. Oh Heavens! ^-How 

much I was deceived!-— Before I communicated any 
thing of the circumftanccs to him, I fet apart the flones 
which encircled the button, and thofe that partly formed 
tlie drops; which I purpofcd felling /^w^/^/y, in order 
to purchafc witli the money they fliould produce, vari- 
ous articles I wilhedto be poffefTed of. The remainder 
1 then gave to my hufband, who immediately faid, 
thofe ftoncs appeared to him to belong to the necklace, 
and that therefore before we tried to difpofe of them, 
we muft difclofe the matter to, and confult with the 
Cardinal that probably, it w^ould be necelTary to ufe 


t 128 j 

prudential meafures In ol-der that the diamonds^ through 
the quickncfs of circulation in trade, might not fall into 
the hiands of Boemer arid Bafangcs. 

While we were talking about it, the Cardinal came 
in, but he was then in hafte, and only jiift had time to 
tell me, he would fee me at his return from Verfailles, 
and that in the interim he advifed me not to fliew my 
diamonds to any perfon whatfoeven 

At his return he called upon me, and told me he had 
feen the Queen^ who had not made the lead mention 
of the necklace to him ; that he could not account for 
her filence— that having examined the diamonds h^ 
had fent mc back, he had difcovered the moft remark- 
able ftones of that piece of ornament ;— that he did not 
think it extraordinary, that the Queen fhould chufe to 
make fome alteration, in its form, but that it^was rery 
muchfo, fhe had not mentioned a word to him refpefting 
k- That it would vex him extremely^ if the Jewellers 
Ihould happen to hear that their piece of workmanfhip 
had thus been taken to pieces. " This would not fail, 
" prefently, to be the cafe,'* added he, " if you Were 
" to feek to difpofe ofthofe irregular Ihaped ftones in 
" Paris. I therefore advife you to get them fold at 
« Amftcrdam. Believe me, the Queen has not the 
^' fmalleft notion of the value of the prefent fhe has 
*^ made you. Thofe flat oval ftones, not correfpouding 
" with the defign of her Majefty*s intended fuit of dia- 
'* monds, ftie has looked upon them as trifles, but I 
" alTure you^ that you are pofl:efred of more dian die 
*' amount of three hundred thoufand livres, and that you 
" cannot to© foon^ nor too privately difpofe of them." 


[ 129 3 

Having communicated this convcrfation to my huf- 
band, he approved of the Cardinal's advice j as it was 
conformable to the fentiments he had held of the bull- 
nefs. In confequence thereof he, that fame day, called 
upon a jew named Franks, who upon certain ftipulated 
conditions, undertook a journey to Amflerdam, for the 
purpofe of difpofing of the jewels ; but the troubles 
that had arifen in Holland, rendering the tranfadlion 
impradicable at that time, the Jew returned without 
cfFefting the bufineis. Then, it was, that my Jiufband 
determined to vifit England. Chevalier O^Neil, a cap- 
tain of grenadiers, and a knight of St. Louis, having 
propofed accompanying him, they begaa. their journey 
on the 1 2th of April. 

I propofe to give the moft accurate and circumftan- 
tial account/ of Mr. de la Motte's operations in London 
during that, his firfl vifit j but as more important mat- 
ters claim an immediate preference, I beg leave to poft- 
ponc that account, and to give it a place at the conclu- 
fion of my Memoirs, 

From the firft of February to the 1 2th of April, to 
which period I have now advanced, it has been fcen, that 
the Queen's coolncfs and referve towards the Cardinal had 
made a rapid progrefs j the frequency of their meetings 
conflandydiminifliedi the interviews were pafled in alter- 
cations ; the Cardinal had almoftloft fight of the necklace; 
only fometimcs would fay to me " It is very particular 
" Ihe makes no ufe of her diamonds j— there's no ap- 
*^ pearance of any of them— have you feen any thing 
" new about her drefs ?" t6 all which, I anfwered, as 
the fadl was, in die negative i but he now feklom fpoke 

S to 

t ^30 1 

to trie 6n the fubjeft. Grievances of a much more fe- 
rious nature, lay at his heart. Firft, he began to fuf. 
pcft the Queen (and I belieVe nofc without foundation) 
of having prejudiced him in the opinion of the Empe- 
ror, from whom he now ceafed to receive any commu- 
nications. In the next place he reproached her with 
having trifled with him, in fufFering fojitive agreements 
intend into by hefy to be tedioufly protrafted in the exe- 
cution. He did not explain the nature of them, but I 
fufRciently conceived, that he meant the fromifed mi- 
fiijiry. He befides took umbrage that the Queen did 
not, as he expefted, receive him publicly. As fhe was 
now lefs difpofed than ever fo to do, fomc people hav- 
ing at that time awakened all her foriner prepoiTenions 
what does this unfortunate, madly do, but determine 
upon compelling her Majefty fpecdily to keep her 
word with him ? It is impoffible for my reader to fur- 
mife the method, he had formed the refolution to adopt. 
It will never be conjeftured that it was- — by making 
her experience thejeveritks of ahfence. 

He one day imparted lo me a dream, telling mc very 
carneftly, *< That woman flood' in need of him — fhe 
" could not do without him— that the only way, tocom- 
*' pel her to give him confequence, and to get himfelf 
'^ acknowledged her favourite ^ was toredre, and pretend 
" difcontent/' — He amazed me and made me tremble 
for him, 

I fhall not feek to make a merit of my remonftrances 
to him on this fubjeft — alas ! he 'never, at any time, 
paid die leaft regard to them; fuch blindnefs, fuuh 
folly, never fure exifted. I told him pofidvcly, that at 


C '3^ 3 

the moment he was fpeaking to mc, I could not but 
think him delirious, on the brink of a precipice, putting 
a fillet over his eyes before he took the leap : I even 
fhed tears. — He made no account of any thing I could 
either fay or do. 

Ten or twelve days after my hulband's departure, the 
Cardinal fet out for Saverne, fully perfuaded, it would^ 
not be long before he was recalled. I was fo much the 
more deeply afFeded, as he had entrufted me with a 
converfation, which a few days back had palTed between 
him and Queen ; and which, as I conceived muft have 
been infinitely difpleafing to her Majcfty. The fubjedt 
had again been about a fum of money, he was at that 
time unable to procure for her. In anfwer to fomething 
rather harfh, which the Queen had faid to him, he re- 
plied, (according to the account he gave me) " Madam, 
*^ you are acquainted with the ftateofmy affairs j ever 
*^ fince the bankruptcy of Madame de Giiemenee, I 
" find it hard to obtain credit. Were I in a different 
^^ fituation, a matter which depends on you, I iliould 
" find means and refources, which I do not now pqf- 
*^ fefsj and all Ihould be at your command. Without 
<• elevation I can do nothing, as a proof of which, with 
" all the efforts of my zeal, I have not been able to 
" get the fum you required." 

He had not feen the Queen from the time of that inter- 
view, until he retired to Saverne, towards the end of 
April. Between that period and the 2 2d of May, when 
the Queen difpatched mc to Saverne, to deliver a packet 
10 him, of which I ihall make mention j I continued to 
pay my court to her Majefty, who never fpoke of him 


[ 132 ] 

to me, but in a difagreable ftrain. I plainly faw that 
a great deal of jealoufy, was blended with a thoufand 
other caufes, to four her temper; that the continual re- 
ports made to her Majefty of the CardinaPs intrigues, 
of his indifcretions, of the unpardonable imprudencics he 
had been guilty of, in fj>eaking of her Majefty, to no- 
blemen, whom he thought his friends; had exafpcrated 
her to a degree that left no hopes for the recovery of br 
good graces. 

Matters were in this ftate, when on the 22d of May, 
as I have already obferved, the Queen ordered me to 
fet off for Savcrne, and to deliver into the Cardinal's 
own hands, a packet which fhc entrufted me with; 
charging mc to take the greateft care of it. 1 departed 
that very day. It may eafily be imagined, I would 
have given the world, to know the contents of the pac- 
ket; but, It was wrapped up with a filk twiftfealed 
every way ; fo that there was no fuch thing as gratifying 
my curiofity, unlefs I would refolve to make a confef- 
fion of it, which was too delicate a point. I hoped that 
the Cardinal would let me into the fccret, but he did 
not ; fo that 1 never precifely knew what the myftc- 
rlous packer contained r though, by the GardinaPs de- 
jeftion, I but too well apprehended, that the purport 
of my commiffion was diftreffing to him, and that the 
packet was the precurfor of a confirmed difgrace. He 
muttered many vague complaints ; informed me that he 
fhould go off to Paris the next day; without letting mi 
know whether he was fent for, or whether it was a refo- 
lation he had himfelf formed, to ward off the blow that 
threatened him. .IJowevcr thatwas^ he returned to Parist 


[ 133 1 

znd wrote to Verfailles— *but was not fcnt for thither. 
The Queen's refolution was irrevocably fixed. His 
kft piece of folly had extremely irritated her, and the 
Cardinal's enemies, as I had foretold, had availed them- 
felves of his abfence, to demonftrate to her Majefty, the 
danger of having any connexion whatever with a man, 
who was morally and fhyfically ruined. I particularly 
mark thofe laft exprefhons, becaufe, they are thofe, 
which Mademoifelle Dorvat made ufe of at the time, 
in fpeaking to me of the Cardinal, She, no doubt, had 
learnt them in the right quarter. Meantime, he unre- 
mittingly continued writing to the Queen ; who did not 
yet chufe to difcover her refentment, or who, more pro- 
bably, was not yet wound up to that pitch, to which 
the Baron de Breteuil ftrove to exafperate her, and 
which at laft he effe<5led to the higheft extreme. The 
Queen, indeed, fome times condefcendcd to write a few 
lines in anfwer to him, from which I had but two op- 
portunities of taking copies ; thofe copies are two notes, 
of the 6th and 9th of July. Although the former, 
does not actually coincide with the period of time, 
which at this moment fixes my attention ; as it contains 
nothing circumftantial relative ^to a particular event, and*- 
can only point out, indeterminately, the dilpofition and 
referve of the Queen, at an epocha fo clearly connedled 
with that of the cataftrophe, I fhall place it here. 
There is a little diffimulation, not to fay falfliood, dif- 
cernible in it, but the reader cannot have loft fight of 
thofe letters wherein her Majefty accufes herfelf of that 
failing, which will ftill more fenfibly be perceived in 
Ko, XXXI. the laft of the correfpondence, when by 


1 134 ] 

romparing the dates, it will be apparent, how nearly 
that of July i9thj approaches to that of the rfth of An- 

I have juft now fpoken of the Baron de Breteuil; it 
is him at prefent, who is going to play tlie principal 
charaftcr in the horrid drama. 

I fliall not repeat what I have already obferved, thai: 
retailer of lettres de cachet y that thunder-bearer of defpo- 
tifm was the Cardinars mortal enemy. I think I haTe 
pointed out the fourcc of that implacable enmity. As 
die fupreme head of the higher police, one may con- 
ceive, that with the help of fifty dioufand fpies in his^ 
pay, few diings are hidden from him. He had, long 
iince, been informed of the necklace negociation, and 
had conceived hopes of fabricating, on that foundation, 
the utter ruin of tlie Cardinal. With tliis view he paid 
llrift attention to every tranfa<5tk)n. He had feveral 
times fent for the Jewellers, who, each time, had given 
intimation of it to the Cardinal.. The Cardinal had in 
confequence enjoined them to fecrecy, and even advifcd 
them to fay, *' that the necklace was fent abroad'' The 
Iviinifter impatiently waited for the term, on which the 
firft payment became due, in ht^^es of making the 
Jewellers publicly vent their complaints, in confequence 
of a failure therein, which he flattered himfelf would be 
the cafe. The Cardinal on his fide, deftitute of the 
means within himfelf, looked forward with the moft 
anxious expedation, that the Queen would filfil, with 
regard to him, what he called her private engagements. 
On the 19th of July he received from her the letter, 
(No XXXI.) which I have announced as being the 


[ ^3S 1 

laft of the correfpondcncc. The very firft paragraph 
is fufficlent to give one an idea of tlae Cardinal's embar- 
rafTment ; but I will render it yet more apparent, and 
adduce an additional circumftance to the many, that 
concur in my juflification, by tranfcribing a memoran- 
dum of the Cardinal's, brought forward at the trial; and 
which his eminence acknowledged to have been written 
by his valet de chambre, by his direftion, and indited 
by himfclf in thefe terms : 

July ^2 or 25, fent a fecond time for B. (Boemer or 
Bafanges) think it is to fpeak to him again, of what was 
faid to him the firfl: time, concs^rning the fccrecy in 
queftion.— If fcnt for by the Minifter (Breteuil) let him 
lay, " that the matter in debate has been fent abroad,*' 

Thcfe perplexed expreffions, which the Cardinal cauf- 
ed to be committed to paper, in prder to help his me-' 
mory, in cafe of need, evidently prove that he, Well irt- 
formed of the Baron de Breteuil's meafures, was wliolly 
intent on fecuring rhe Queen's fecret from difcovery. 
He was peirfuaded, therefore, that the Queen had the 
necklace ?— That, in whatever mode fhe was pleafed to 
difpofe of it, fhe was bound to pay for it? — Befides, the 
payment of thirty thoufand livres on account of the 
intereft, befpoke her intention of doing honour to her 
private engagements; fo that, all rightly confidered, the 
Cardinal made hiqnfelfeafy, and ftill imagined, for one 
moment, that he purfued^ the road, to what he called 
elevation. The Jewellers, after fome rcprefentationsj 
refufed the 30,000 livres, in part of the intereft, but 
accepted of them on account of the capital, and 


t ^36 ] 

gave their receipt, acknowledging to hav^ received that 
fum from her Majefty, &c. (*) 

The Baron de Breteuil, infornaed of this laft tranfac- 
tion, left no means untried to raife difqojietude in the 
Jewellers; and before he knew from the Qi^een, whether 
or not, fhe had authorifed the Cardinal to treat with 
them, he boldly took upon himfelf to declare, thattlic 
aflertion was falfe, that die Cardinal had impofed upon 
them; adding, that they had no other courfe to take, 
but to prcfent a memorial, preferring their complaint to 
her Majefty. 

The Jewellers being alarmed, gave the Minifter an 
cxaft account of the whole tranfadtion. Amongft the 
number of circumftances which excited his attention, that 
of the lignature, ^^ Antoineite de France'' was fingularly 
ftriking, and that circumftance Mr. de Breteuil feized with 
the utmoft avidity. AfFefting the indignation of a zea^ 
lous fubject, he immediately requefted a private audience 
of the Queen, in which he fet forth to her Majefty, with 
particular energy, the whole of the difcovery he had 

It requires no great degree of penetration, to conceive, 
that the Queen, thus taken unawares, did not think pro- 

* This Is a third fneje) of the nature of thofc I have 
already had occafion to fpeak of. It has been faid, on 
my trial, that I myfelf furnilhed 30,000 livrcs, • I have 
not yet been able to conceive, what I could get by 
parting with 30,000 livres : my flanderers were never 
able to make it appear, fo I leave it, ftill to be furmifed 
by them» 

[ 137 ] 

piqr to make a confidential declaration to the Minifleri 
there was lefs danger in afFedling furprifc and indigna- 
tion. The poflefljon, or any Jcnowlege of the necklace 
being once dbnied, colild not but be denied for ever. 
There was no poflibility bf* retracing j there was no al- 
ternative between expofing herfelf, and making a facri- 
fice to her own credit, of two ilnhappy perfons. Mn 
de Bretetiil, tranfported with joy at the profpeft of hav- 
ing his views gratified, again fent for the Jewellers, and, 
without telling rhem that the Queeli had explained her- 
felf to hi-m, urged them ftill ctofer to prefent a memo- 
rial to her Majtfty. The Jewellers followed his inftruc- 
tions, and on the perufal of the firft line, her Majefly 
cries out, with affefted furprize: " fFh'at do th'efe people 
" mean? I believe they are parting with their fenfes!" 

I mAift obferve, that the prefentation of the memorial 
did not follow the Minifter^s cont^erfation with the 
Queen, fo clofely, as thofe two fafts fee^ con- 
nefted, by my mariner of relating them. A fpace of 
time had elapfed^ betw'een the two periods, die latter of 
which was the 2d of Auguft, and of that time I muft 
give an account. 

My htifband was returned from London, I have 
|)romifed I would relate the particulars of his journey at 
the end of my Memoirs. Towards the clofe of July, 
probably the day after the ftep taken by the Baron de 
Bretcuil widi the Queen, I was told that my houfe was 
befet with fpies. The Cardinal, to whom I fpoke of it, 
anfwered : " he was perfuaded his own was> in the fame 
" manner — that he could not conceive the meaning of 
" it/* '' If diat is the cafe," faid I, « I'll fpeak of it to 

T « the 

'^' the Queen.'* For that purpofe, I immediately de- 
parted for Verfailles. I imparted, What had pafled, toher 
Majefty, who anfwered me in very vague terms, and 
afFefted to turn the difcourfe to other fubjefts. In 
the coiirfe of convcrfation, flie afl^ed me, whether, in 
the prefent fcafon, I was not generally accufbomed to go 
into the country ? Though fomewhat furprifed with 
the queftion, I anfwered, that my fole defire was to pafs 
near her Majefty all the moments Ihc deigned to beftow 
upon me; tliat 1 would never abfent myfelf any farther 
than 1 received her exprefs command fo to do. I then 
withdrew in a violent ftate of agitation ! I was fenfible 
that my fate was linked to that of the Cardinal, and that 
was a reflexion which produced very melancholy ideas* 
1 went immediately to his hotel, confidering him already 
as the author and partner of my calamity : I informed 
him of every occurrence; he Ipoke little, appeared 
thoughtful, and more deeply affefhed than ufual 

The next dayj after having fcen the Jewellers, who 
were evidently in league with the Baron de Brcteuil, he 
returned in a rage, bitterly inveighing againft the Queen 
Never had I heard him, before> vent fuch coarfe, fucli 
unguarded expreffions. He was, it is trae, in no dan- 
ger, from giving a loofe to his rage before me, but I re- 
flefted, with the utmoft apprehenfion, that he had been 
as little upon his guard in the prefcnce of the Jewellers; 
that he had even proceeded to difcoverios of the mofi 
fecret nature, and which conveyed the moft indelicate 
ideas ; that, in a word, judging from his language to me, 
I feared he had fpoken of the Queen, in fuch terms, as 
were fcarcely applicable to thofe beings, with whom her 

>•, Majefty 

[ 139 ] 

Majefly was pleafed to make me take up my abode, as a 
reward for my fidelity. Ail was in an undefcribable fer- 
ment ; I concluded the CardinaPs ruin was abfolutely 
inevitable, and in that ruin expefted to find myfelf in- 
volved ; when, I received from the Queen a little box, 
containing three bills on the Caiffc d'Efcompte, of a 
thoufand livres each, and one hundred louis d*ors in calh, 
together with a note in her Majefty's hand writing (which 
note was burnt at Bar-fur-Aube, with a hundred more) 
purporting, that for particular reafons, which fhe would 
communicate at a fit time, and in a proper place, Ihe 
defired I would fet out for the country, promifing that I 
fhould hear from her, and afluring me of her kin4' 

The Cardinal, to whom, unfortunately, I had con^ 
traded a propenfity for difclofing every thing, read, iu 
that note, the prediftion of his immediate difgrace. 
He hurried to confult Caglioftro, and received from 
that empiricy the fatal counfcls that produced his and 
my misfortunes. Thefe fatal counfels were to the fol- 
lov/ing purport: Firft to prevent the Cardinal from 
entering pito any perfonal negociation, for the fatisfac- 
tion pf the Jewellers, who would have thus been paci- 
fied. Next, he inftilled into the Cardinal a notion, 
that the Queen would never dare to open her niouth 
upon the bufinefs, but would be obliged fecredy to 
compromife it. In the next place ^le fuggefted to him 
themonftrous idea of terrifying me, and inducing me, 
^)y that means, to remove myfelf to a place of fccurity, 
to the end diat, in cafe the Queen fhould deny her 
having received the necklace, he mighc then advance 
T % the 

[ HO ] 

the €ircurnftance of my flight to a foreign coim- 
try, as a fnoft inconteftibic evidence, and a tacit 
avowal of my being guilty of committing a 
fraud upon the Jewellers, and being poffeffed of the 
diamonds. Such were the dark, the bafe, the trea- 
cherous counfels of that malignant monfter — fuch was 
the unpardonable weaknefs -ef the unftcady and timid 
Prince, that he lifcened to the fubtle and cruel deluder, 
and determined to follow his advice. 

Accordingly, the Cardinal called upon me at teji 
o'clock, on the evening of that day, and pretended he 
had made important difcoveries. He endeavoured to 
perfuadc me, that the Queen had formed the blacked 
fchemes againft himfelf and me. The note and the 
prefent I had juft received from her Majefty, certainty 
did not, by any means, appear to correfpond with fuch 
a determination j nevcrthelefs, taken thus by furprife, 
and being off my guard, not taking time for reflexion^ 
and accuftomcd, as I had been, to pay an implicit 
deference to the will and advice of the Cardinal, I was 
^t this inftant confounded. He feized the moment, to 
bear me away, by telling me, I was ruined if I did not, 
with my hufband, take refuge in his hotel. Taking 
with me my waiting woman, a trufly fervant, who had 
often been witnefs at Verfailles, to the meetings that 
the Cardinal and myfclf had with the Queen, I blindly 
fuffered myfelf to be led by this perfidious counfe!, 
derived from the wretch Caglioftro, and leaving in- 
ftruftions for my hyfband, upon his return home, 
went with the Cardinal, attended by my womaBj through 
bye ftrcets, to his hotd. 


[ HI 1 

When Mr. de la Motte came home, the porter de- 
livered the note I had left for him ; by which, I barclv 
let him know, that on the receipt of it he muft 
attend at the Boulevard, where he would meet Mr. de 
Carbonniere, who would conduft him to me. Unable 
to conjefture what could poffibly have happened, for he 
was yet ignorant of the prefcnt fcene of confufion, he 
implicitly complied with my inftruftions. He found 
Mr. de Garbonniere attended by two Heydukes, com- 
pletely armed. He was^myfterioufly condufted to the 
hotel. To the enquiries he made upon the road, he 
could procure no other anfwer, than that the Cardinal 
would give him an explanation. Being arrived in the 
Court, the Cardinal cried out : " Ah Fleaven bepraifed! 
there is nothing more to fear." Mr. de la Motte came 
up flairs, and as he was rufhing towards me, to enquire 
what had happened, the Cardinal accofled him with 
thefe words : << All this furprifes you, becaufe you are 
** ignorant of every thing ; but be under no uneafinels, 
** you are now fafe ; I now defy the Queen, whom I 
" laugh at, and her whole gang; we fhall fee what 
" turn matters will take — it is late, go to your reft — 
*^ I will fee yoq to-morrow early, and we will talk to- 
^^ gether on the fubjeft."-— He withdrew, {hut all the 
doors, and carried away the keys. 

My huft>and appeared like a man juft awaked from a 
diftreffing dream. When I had explained to him the 
nature of the circumftances, he reproached me, in the 
fliarpeft terms, for complying with fuch abfurd ad- 

<^ On 

[ Ui ] 


*' On the fuppoficion," faid he, '' that it is, at bell:, 
'' but an abfurd and unnecclTary precaution, which 
" you are advifed to ; but by the air of farisfa^tion I 
" difcovered in the Cardinal, at having us in his pof- 
" fefTion, I cannot but fufpeft fonne worfe intention ; 
'* and diat a man of his diipofition may, under fuch 
" circumftances have fome artifice in view ; we muft, 
*' at all events, as foon as it is day, get out of this vo- 
•^ luntary imprifonment." After paffing the night in 
forming various conjeftures on the fmgularity of the 
circumftances, we had the fatisfaclion to fee the Cardi- 
nal enter, at feven o'clock in the morning.—'^ It wa.s 
" highly ncceflary," faid he to us as he came in " that 
** you wer,c removed lafl night, and have taken refuge 
** with me,— -I believe there is a fufpicion of your 
" being here, we Iliall fee ro night, and take the ne- 
*^ ceflary precaudons for fending you ofSrto Couvrai ; 
" your houfe and mine have been furrounded all night, 
" but ther^ is nothing to be feared here." 

Mr. de la Motte ftill fufpefting the Cardinal of hav- 
ing fome ill defign, fuggefted by Caglioftro, determined 
not to ftay till night, and faid to him refolutely, " My 
" Lord, I can make nothing of what you fay; having 
" no manner of fliare in your intrigues with the Queen, 
" not likely to be called in queftion for them, and hav- 
" ing nothing to reproach myfclf with, I have nothing 
" to fear. You will therefore give me leave to return 
'' to my own houfe this very inftant, where, being 
'' near my departure for the country, I have people 
" employed packing up my things, and fervants, who 
" muft be unc^y at my abfence." — And indeed we 


[ H3 3 

had, at that time, furniture packed up for Bar-fur- Aube> 
and the waggons were to go off the next day ; a circum-^ 
ftance which did not befpeak much uneafinefs about ouf 
fituationj fince we were to follow our furniture fo much 
the eai-lier, as I meant to comply with the Queen's 
conamands, and abfent myfelf, as I thought, for fonie 

The Cardinal, difappointed by the refolute air with 
which this anfwer was accompanied, exerted himfelf 
to the iitmoft, to bring my hufband to his lure -, but 
finding it imprafticable, he faid to him, *^ Since you 
'^ will run to your ruin, I clear my hands of it ; but 
*^ wait> at leaft, the return of my courier, who will 
^^ bring me news from Verfailles.'* He infifted fa 
ftrongly on this point, that Mr, de la Motte acquicfced, 
on condition he fliould write a few words to his porter, 
to make his people eafy, refpefting his abfence. 

The courier arrived, and this was the account the 
Cardinal gave us, addreffing his fpeech to my hufband, 
of the intelligence he had brought: ^^ Wellj your 
'^ fchemes arc baffied, I am now certain fearch is made 
" after you, and that you will be arrefted if you gd 
" out— The following is the courfe you muft abfo- 
" lutely take:— I will caufe you to be conveyed to 
" Couuraiy there you fhall find a carriage that fhall take 
" you to Meaux. The Poft-mafter, with whom you 
" muft make yourfelveS pals as being of my retinue, will 
*^ furnilh yoii with horfes; you will then crofs over 
^' the RhinCj and come to a village in Germany, where 
^' yeu will fettle yourfelves with a perfon to whom I 
'' ihall recommend you. There you may remain, un- 

" known 

[ i44 ] 

*^ known to every body, till affairs have taken a more 
" favourable turn. I will protide you, however, ;vitli 

" a paflport and all neceflary letters." " I have the 

" honour to tell you again/* ahft^-ered my htifband, 
" that, I do not conceive what / can prjonally have to 
•' feari yet, as I am ignorant how far the Countefs 
" may have carried her imprudence, in the unhappy 
" intrigue you have engaged her in ! and as; when a 
*^ perfon has powerful enemiesj there is no knowing 
*^ what may happen, 1 fhall certainly not forfake her, 
" but fhare with her in her exile, if you judge it ab- 
** folutely neceflary \ but I have the honour to fore- 
" warn you, that before I think of a journey into Gef- 
" many, I am determined to fpend fome time at Bar- 
" fur-Aube, to fetde my affairs, and prevent the afto- 
" nilhment and noife which would naturally take plaee 
" from fo fudden and extraordinary an abfence." 

Here the converfation growing fomewliat warm, and 
my hufband threatening t6 jump out of the windovt', 
into the garden, the Cardinal yielded. " You arc 
^^ pervcrfe,'' faid he to him, « and that perverfenefs 
" will be your ruin: you are fufpieious of nothing; 
" you do not know the people you hate to deal widi; 
« they are capable of every thing. Till to-morrow take 
" time for reflexion — this day I will not permit you 
" to go out of my houfe— -this is juft the hour that 
" fpies prowl about. I fh/ill fee you to-morrow morn- 
« ing ; if you are ftill in the fame mind, the doors fhall 
" then be opened to you." 

The Cardinal was as good as his word, ntxt morn- 
ing, and permitted my hufband to depart j after taking 


[ HS 1 

Kis word of honour that, let what would happen, he 
would not difcover my place of retreat; he promifed 
alfo to return that night, and to eonfider on tlie propofed 
journey to Germany. 

He found every thing quiet at home, the porter 
telling him he had feen no ftrange face. In the courfe 
of that day, he went about his bufinefs, appeared in 
public, at the Palace Royal, in a word, he made hind- 
fclf confpicuous every where, without difcovering in any 
place the lead fign of fpies being abroad. Having, the 
next day, fome packages to fend offj he endeavoured to 
difengage himfelf from his appointment with us ; for 
which purpofe, going to the Boulevard, at the ftated 
hour, he told Mr. de Carbonniere, that he could not 
abfolutely attend him chat evenings but the next day 
would come and fetch me away. He then went home 
to bed, a circumftance extremely lucky, by producing 
to him on the morrow, circumflances of fuch a nature, 
as fet forth, in the cleareft light, the manoeuvres of the 
fiaron de Breteull. 

Early in tlie morning, as he was in the court-yard, 
viewing the people who were bufily engaged in loading 
the waggons; Bafangcs, whom he had not feen for a 
long time, prefcnted himfelf at the gate, and feeing the 
Count, went up to him and alked him. Whether I was 

As what I am now relating, and what is immediately 
fubfequent to it, is only known to me by report from 
my hufband ; I here requeft him to take my pen, anci 
continue the particulars to the public, with the fame 

U fimpligity> 

i h6 1 

iimplicity, the fame veracity, he ufed in his accounts to 
me, and to eKprefs himfclf as nearly as pofilble in the 
fame terms. While he proceeds with that part of the 
narrative, I will colle£t every neceffary circumftancq' 
for concluding my Memoirs, 

// mujl he remembered^ it is ft$%v Count de La Motte 
who writes, 

Bafangcs accofting me, afked whether he could fee 
tik Coimtefs, to whom he had fomething important to 
conrirnunicate. I told him fhe was at Verfailles \ that 
if he would go into the* houfe, \<^e cotild converfe more 
conveniently; which propofal he accepted. 

^' What I had/' faid he> " to impart to your lady, 
"'^ is, that I faw the Cardinal yefterday, who was greatly 
'• agitated : I am extremely concerned for his difgrace ; 
*^ and /hall he Jorry if Mr. Boemer floould contribute tc 
" bring him into greater diftrejs. (*) His eminence makes 
** complaints to us, exclaims in our prefence, againft 
^^ the indignity with which he is treated. However he 
'* may, in this refpeft be afFefted,. the circumftance has 
*^ no analogy to the bufinefs which now requires a fet- 
'' tlement between us. Whether it was for the Queen 
'* or for any other perfon that he proctired the neck- 

« lace, 

^ It was with Boemer that the Baron de Breteuil 
was plotting, fo that this teipperate conduft, from the 
mouth of Bafanges his partner, feems to me very figni- 

C H7 ] 

'^ lace, it matters not to us; we were not even defirous 
*^ of knowing it» One day he told us, that we ought to 
^^ make ourfelves eafy j that he had concluded all the 
*^ necc/Tary arrangements about the payments, that it 
*^ was juft we fl:ould be paid, and that he would pay 
"us. Then walked haftily about the room, writhed 
*> himfclf about, made fpecches which I cannot repeat, 
" and concluded by telling us, " thd^tjlnce the receip of 
" the necklace was denied to blm^ he might as well deny it 
*^ too.'' That was certainly done, to create a great deal 
*^ of uneafinefs in us, for we have no deed, we are en- 
" tirely dependant upon his integrity, and Vv^ere he to 
" deny the receipt of it, as he threatened to do, we 
'' could have no recourje hut to authority. (A leflbn 
" this from the Baron de BreteuiL) In this flate of 
*^ anxiety, I came to confult tlie Countefs, and endea- 
*^ vour to know from her, what is the Cardinars final 
" refolution: we wifli him no harm, and fhould be 
'^ vaftly forry for the conjequences that might enfuefrom 

" this affair, BUT.**— —He paufed on the word 

but^ which to me appeared expreflive. It was manifeft 
they were prefTcd to render the matte^ public i but were 
ftill withhi^ld, by the fear of lofing the price of die 
necklace, as they were poflTeflcd pf no written fecuricy 
fom the Cardinal to prove the purchafe, ^he cafe in 
reality was alarming to them; Caglioftro'^inceflantly 
urged the Cardinal to deny even the negociation for the 
necklace. In the fteps taken with them, by the Queen, 
at the inftigation of Brcteuil, fhe gave them no hopes- 
of payment, and certainly the Baron de Breteuil vvas: 
not inclined to t^ike it upon himfelf All things tJierefore 


r 148 1 

confidered, though they were no {lrangei;s to the de- 
rangement of the Cardinal's afFairs, yet they knew he 
had fo many refources, ftich immenfe revenues, if unin- 
cumbered ; that they preferred any fcttlement what- 
ever with him, to all the promises made by Brctcuil 
They were moreover fo much the more inclined 
to clofe with every propofal that might proceed 
from him ; as they were fenfible, and had the candour 
to confefs, pretty openly, that they faw they were in- 
tended to be made the inftruments of the Cardinal's ruin ; 
but the burthen of the fong ftill was, , ^^ in th^ end of all 
" Ms J who wiU pay us for our necklace ?'^ Bafanges re- 
peated this to me at leaft ten times. At length after a 
very tedious converlation, in which I had but a fmall 
ihare; fenfible that 1 had no influence over the Cardinal, 
and being well acquainted that Caglioftro poffefTed it, 
in the fulieft extent, he left me, begging I would Tend 
him notice when the Countefs returned. ^^ It is to be 
hoped,'' faid he, as he went out, " that fhe will bring 
** us good news/' 

Towards the clofe of the fame day, I returned to 
the Cardinal's, who came home a moment after my ar- 
rival, I related to him, the converfation I had that 
morning held with Bafanges, in confequence of that 
which had previoufly paffed between him and the two 
partners. He did not wait till I had concluded, and I 
obferved that in the progrefs of my relation, he grew 
infenfibly warm. He began to inveigh againft the Queen, 
m terms offevere reproach, fcarcely applicable to the moft 
diflblute, and at the fame time moft difguftful of com- 
mon creatures. It would be ofFenfive to all who have 


[ H9 1 

Ae leaft fenfe of delicacy to prefent to their view, thq 
fliocking images which his momentary rage and diftem- 
pered imagination at that time delineated. I Ihall confine 
myfelf to faying, that more than ©nee, not only before 
me, but in prefence of other perfons, the incenfed Car- 
dinal allowed himfclf to exprefs in the coarfeft terms^ and 
with the moft indecent particulars, circumftances which 
created loathing and difguft evenlimongft thofe fcenes 
of fancied enjoyment, which his ambition had made him 
fb eager to obtain. The declarations, of this kind, repeat- 
edly made, during the impetuofity of the Cardinal's paf- 
fion, before feveral v/itnefTes were, no doubt, deemed too 
atrocious to be forgiven, and certainly are a fufficient 
explanation, and if I may be allowed to fay fo, fomc 
excufe for the cruel profcription which an implacable fe- 
male refentment occafioned to be pronounced againft 
him. (*) 

I thought 

* Unhappy Prince ! no doubt but he knew it to be 
fo, and to whom was he indebted for that knowledge? 
To the Countefs, who feeing him under the influence 
of the moft ungoverned paflion, faid to him, nay re- 
peated to him on ten different occafions, that he had but 
one means left to fave himfelf; which was, to throw 
himfelf at the King's ftety and difclofe the whole bufi- 
nefs, except what ought to be ^concealed from him as a 
hufband. That was, to reprefent his intercourfc with the 
Queen, as a mere matter of policy; in which he had 
bc<rn led by his ambitious views, and in the courfe of 


[ ^5o ] 

I thought he never would have ceafed, however he 
found himfclf weary, and after an inconfiderable relt, 
he again introduced thp fubjecft of the journey to Ger-. 
many ; which was what Caglioftro had moft earneftly 
recommended. I was really deafened with die violence 
of his exertions during the ebulition of his rage. I con- 
fidcred, however^ that the Countefs muft^ of neceffity, 
abfcnt herfelf, and that I ihould difobhge her if I did 
not accompany her 5 in a word, as it was neceffary 
fome refblution Iliould be taken in the end, I told die 
Cardinal that I confcnted to go into Germany j but that 
}t was an indifpenfible- provifo, that I fliould previoufly 
pafs a few days at Bar-fur-Aube ; and that during my 
flay there, I w^ould fpread a report that I was going to 
Spa. T}ie Cardinal again talked of danger, perverfc- 
nefs, and obflinacy, but I would not recede the lead 
fj-om my intention. He then took up a card, on wliich 
he marked down the day of my departure from Paris, 


'which he had, in order to ^adfy the wiflaes of her Ma- 
jefly, extended his credit beyond his abihdes; and 
amcngft other circumftances in the purcliafe of the ncck,- 
lace, ' Ten times had he promifed her, that he would 
follow her advice, and as often did the infamous Cag- 
lioftro diffuade him from it. It was that vile empiric, 
who was virtually the ruin of die Cardinal, my wife and 
myfelf. His infadable covetoufnefs, by oppofing the 
Princess entering into terms with the Jewellers, as he 
had promifed i v/as what efpecially brought on the cataf- 

[ ^51 1 

the time of our progrcfs to Bar-fur-Aube^ tthat of our 
ftaytherCj and laftly that which it would require tocou 
vey us to Germany. The whole time neceflary for theft 
purpofes was eftlmated at 14 or 15 days. He gave me 
dircftions what route we were to purfue, and an account 
of the place at which it was purpofed we were to fetde ; 
but as to the paflport and letters he had promifed 
me, Gaglioftro had obferved to him> not without a de- 
gree of reafon, that, if after accufing us with having de- 
frauded the Jewellers of the necklace, (*) it were dif- 
covered that he had been afliftant tOj or winked at our 
flight, the cifcumftance would inevitably fix him as a 
partner in the guilt. He therefore told me, with refpcfl; 
to thofe documents, that I no occafion for them. We 
then left him, without urging him further on that 
head, as in truth, I wa$ far from being refolved on 
taking the journey to Germany, which in fact I faw no 
neeeffity for;, and indeed at this time the Cardinal's cun- 


"^ This mean ev^afive manner, was not in the Cardi- 
nal's difpofrtion ; but Cagliollro fo well prepared him^ 
that at the monrrent when die King had occafioned him' 
to be arretted, he repeated like a parrot the words taught 
him by that wretch, " I have been deceived by a wo- 
" man named Valois de la Motte, who I am told is 
^' gone abroad."— He believed we abfolutely were, and 
hoped that by means of the inftruftions he had given 
us, We fhould not be difcovercd. In the mean dmej 
as it will be feen, we were quiedy feated at Bar-fur- 
Aube, knowing him to be in the Baftile, 

Su£t appeared to me extremely fufpicious. The even't 
has manifefted that the doubts and diftruft I then en- 
tertained, were but too well grounded. 

That flanderous deelaratlon which he made to the 
King, at the moment of his arrcft (a declaration, fo ri- 
diculou?, when all the cireumftances previous to it are 
confidered) produced, without the le^fl: advantage to 
himfelf, the moft fatal effeft to lis ; who were far from 
conceiving, how we could be involved in his difgrace. 

We were at Bar-fur- Aube, where we had already 
pafTed a fortnight in perfeft quiet. On the iyth of 
Auguft, we vifited at the Duke de Penthievre's feat, at 
Chatcau-Vilainj it was the eve of that Prince's depar- 
ture. Thence^ we had taken the road to Clervaiix, 
•where we arrived at the clofe of the day. We had juft 
received information, tlut the Cardinal was in the Baf- 
tile, and on that bare information, if we had been con- 
fcious to ourfelves of any criminality, we were at liberty 
to^ have embraced fo favourable a moment to evade all 
purfuit. We had with us at the time all our diamonds, a 
good carriage, four frefli horfes, and four more that had 
brought us from Chateau- Vilain; we might that vtij 
night Jiave efeapcd out of the kingdom— but what did 
we do ? We returned home to Bar-fur- Aube. 

In confequence of the intelligence we had juft receiv- 
ed, the firft care, I ought to fay, the firft duty of the 
Countefs was, to burn all the letters, or notes, flie re- 
colleded to have in her poficfTion, either of the Queen's 
or the Cardinal's ; which employed her two full hours, 
before fhe went to bed. The next day, i8th, wheni 
rofe, I perceived a heap of black afl\es, which I took up 


[ iS3 ] 

to throw into' the fire-place. I had fcarce done, when 
my valet acquainted me, that two gentlemen defired to 
fpeak with me. Being introduced, one of them told me 
to make no difturbance, that they had orders from the 
King to feize on all my papers. Without the leaft op- 
pofition, I delivered up all the keys of my efcrutores, 
chefts of drawers, &c. 

While they were employed in fecuring all the 
papers, which they put into a box, and which I 
fealed widi my own feal, the Countefs was rifing. 
One of them took me afide, and told me, they 
had orders to take the Countefs into cuftody, who was 
to be prefent at the breaking open of the feals. That 
ftie need not be terrified, as they Ihould take her to the 
Baron de Breteuil's, where matters would prefently be 

I imparted this circumftance to her, which ihe 
heard with great compofure, afking only for time to 
prepare for the journey. I afked thofe men, whether I 
was free to accompany my wife ? They anfwered, that 
they faw no impropriety in it; purfuant to which, I 
went into my apartment to drefs, and ordered the car- 
riage to be prepared. When I returned to them, they 
obferved to me, that if I went off with them, it would 
be believed they had orders to arreft me, with the Coun- 
tefs; that it would be more eligible for tne to ftay a few 
hours in town, to appear publicly, and then to follow 
them. " Befidesj Taid they, you have better horfes 
<* than we have; we go no farther th^n Nogent to-night, 
<^ it will be eafy for you to overtake us." In confequence 
of this advice, vyhigh to me feemed rational, I deter^ 
mined to flay, intending to follow them in about two 

X hoursi. 

hours.-r-Would to Heaven I had done fo; 5t will fhon!; 
be feen, of what confequencc that would have been to 
the Countefs and nnyfelf, 

I hid hardly loft fight of the carriage, when 1 fhut 
myfelf up in my apartment, fituated in awing, oppofice 
to that which contains the apartment of the Countefi 
I had in it an efcrutore, made at Paris, by my diredtlon, 
with a fecret place to conceal money or papers. The 
exempts had fcarched it, but had not difcovered this 
fecurity, which was very ingcnicufiy contrived. At 
the time of oqr laft removal from Paris, the Countefs 
had put fome papers into it, which flie chofe to con- 
ceal from me : and luckily, when fhe laid her hands on 
all flie thought flie had been pofleflcd of, in order 
to burn them, fhe had not recollefted thofe flie had 
placed in this repofitory. 

When the exempts had fearched that efcrytore, they 
had found a fmall pocket book containing 35 thoiifand 
liyres worth of bills on the CaifTc des Formes, and had 
made feizure of them, though I had ftrongly remon- 
ftrated that thofe papers were bills, and not any papers 
they could be ip fcarch of (*). Their anfwer was that 


(*) It is almoft fuperfluous, no doubt, to point out 
a fccond time to the cbfervatior of the reader, that, \' 
we had tiu)ught it poffible, we fliould be brought int^) 
qucftion, in the fmalleft degree, by the CardinaFs dif- 
after ; it was cafy for us to fecure thofe effefts, our 
regdy money and jewek, from the fearch of the Police, 

[ ^ss Jl 

their orders were to feize all written papers^ without re- 
garding what they were. 

The Baron de Breteuil perfonally infornied of the 
whole correfpondence, as we have feen that he gave 
broad hints of it to the Countefs; was perfuaded, that 
among her papers would be found letters from the 
Queen and the Cardinal ; and had forbid his emiflaries 
to caft a profane eye upon them, to the end that, him- 
felf being fole mafter of the Queen's fecret, he might 
make a merit with her of his difcretion and aflivity ; 


but our attention "had been folely confined to papers 
which might be liable to expofe the Queen and the 
Cardinal ; and indeed papers were the only thing fought 
after. This circumftance, gave room for a remark 
made by the Countefs on the morning of her entrance 
hto the Baftile : Mr. de Crofne, the Lieutenant of the 
Police, coming to interrogate her, told her, that tlie 
Cardinal accufed her of having defrauded him of a 
necklace, under jpretence of the Qiieen's having a defire 
for it. After Signifying to him her furprife, ihe faid, 
flie could not imagine how the Cardinal could hava 
accufed her of a thing, he knew to be falfe ; that how- 
ever, even admitting the faft, (he wondered, that in- 
ftead of feizing on all her jewels, ia order to afcertain 
the crime, and convidl her, they IhouJd have confined 
themfclves to a ftri6b inquifition after all papers in her 
pofTefTion, a very needlefs proceeding in fuch a cafe^ 
It was on tliat occafion, that flie iniifted on producing 
all the jewels the£xempts had left in her efcrutoroi 

X 2 

t HS ] 

but chance had otherwife direflec!. Cafting my eyes 
upon the efcrutorej which I hadjuft fcen fo fcandaloiifly 
plundered, a thought came into my head to open the 
private recefs, when, I was not a little furprifed, to 
find in it a parcel of papers, wrapped up, tied round 
with packthread, in a bag that had held money. I 
locked my door, examined thofe papers, and judging 
them to be of ferious confequence, I was at firft 
tempted to burn them. Providence held back my 

The Duke de Penthievre pafled through Bar-fur- 
Aube> that morning : an officer in his retinue, whom I 
met, as I was returning from handing the Countefs to 
her carriage; acquainted with what had juft happened, 
told me, that in a bufinefs like the prefent, I Ihould be 
to blame to remain as unconcerned as I feemed to be ; 
and that the moft prudent courfe I could purfue was to 
fecure myfelf, till I heard what turn things were likely 
to take ; my relations and friends whom I faw in the 
courfe of the day, gave me the fame advice* I, in con- 
fequence, refolved to pals over into England, where I 
had formed eonneftions during my firft journey, and 
had left fome diamonds, which it was natural I fliould 

The Countefs ftt out at eleven o'clock in the morn- 
ing, I took my departure at ten at night, with a hun- 
dred louis d*ors in my purfe, and two parcels of pearls, 
which Ihali be fpoken of hereafter; leaving with my 
Brother In law, all my jewels, thofe of the Countefs, 
and the keys of all that belonged to us. I faw my 
fifter as far /as Meux, wkere we parted ^ I gave her 


[ 157 ] 

my addrefs in London, perlliaded that the firft let* 
tcr I received from her, would give me intelligence 
that the Countefs was at liberty, and waiting for mc 
at Paris, ~~ 

I arrived at Boulogne on Saturday evening 
the 2oth of Auguft ; on Monday the 22d, about 
twelve o'clock, I embarked, and being arrived in 
London, alighted at the fame ^ hotel I had lodged at 
when I previoufly came over to England. My firft 
vifit was to Mr. Gray the Jeweller, with whom, as 
I before obferved, I had left fome diamonds to be 
fet in a necklace and ear-rings, intended, when I--tie- 
livered thenx to him, for the ufe of the Couatefs, 
I found them completed, and had it not been for 
that refource, I fhould have been reduced to the laft 
extremities of want, having fupported myfelf a con- 
fiderable time on the produce of them. 

Three days after my arrival, I found out Mn 
Linguet the counfellor, to whom I gave a faithful 
account of the whole affair, as I have now related 
it. He advifed me not to make myfelf uneafy a- 
bout the fate of the Countefs ; as, by what he had 
learnt from perfons well informed, the Queen's - in- 
tention, apparently, was merely to ruin the Cardinal, 
and that the necklace had ferved as a medium and 
pretence. He further advifed me to fend my fervant 
to my fifter, at Paris, in order to gain Intelligence of 
what paflTed, as nothing could be done, he faid, till 
certain information was obtained ; in confequence of 
which a plan of future conduct might be laid down. 

The ne>:t day I fent my valet de chambre, who the 


[ 158 ] 

niomcnt he got to Paris was taken up ; nor have I ever 
feen him fincc* 

Two days after this, an Irifli pricft paid mc a vifit; 
he was a friend of M^Dermot's (*) and told me the 
latter was at Lancafter, that if I had any thing to im- 
part to him, he would write to him that day, and would 
take charge of any commifllon. I returned^ him thanb, 
but declined his offer. 

All my acquaintance were out of town, and I was 
greatly at a lofs how to pafs my time ; on parting with 
the Irifli prieft, who, no doubt kept his eye upon me^ 
I repaired to the Hay-market theatre. As it rained 
when the entertainments were over, I took a hackney 
coach home. Scarce had the coach reached Picadilly, 
when I received fo violent a blow upon my head, that I 
was ftunned for fom.e moments. Luckily I had a 
round hat on, which had partly warded off the ftrokc, 
and prevented my receiving further injury. At firft I 
thought the coich had overturned, but recovering, and 
finding it was going on, I endeavoured to find out what 
had given me fo rude a fhock. Turning myfelf round 
I perceived a hole in the back glafs, and rifing to exa- 
mine it, I faw a man with both hands on the flraps by 
which the fervants hold. In one of his hands he held, 
what I took for a cane ; I then conjeftured that the 
man, attempting to get up behind, as is frequently die 
cafe, and miffing his aim, the point of his cane had 


(*) It will prefently be feen who this M'Dcrmott 
was, and the part he adled in this affair. 

[ 159 ] 

ftruck againfl: the glafs, broken It, and with the forc3- 
given me a blow. I therefore replaced nnyfelf on 
the back feat, and inadvertently threw myfelf into thfc 
right hand corner, in doing which, chance befriended 
jne, more than prudence ; for in the inftant the coach 
turned down Duke-ftreet, to pafs into Jermyn-ftrect, 
where I lived, there came through the fame hole, the 
blade of a fword, which pafTing on a level with my 
eyes, broke the glafs of the window on that fide where- 
on I fat. Had I been fcated towards the middle, in a 
lefs recumbent pofture, the weapon would certainly 
have pierced my throat. Apprifed at length of the dan- 
ger I was in, and having no arms, I pulled the check- 
firing : upon which the coachman got down ; I made 
him obferve the two glaffes broken, and a man running 
away full fpeed ; but not knowing a word of Engliib, 
and only able to exprefs myfelf in dumb fhow, the 
coachman again got upon his box, without being able 
to underftand any thing more, than that I had broken 
his glalfes j the payment for which he demanded, as foon 
as he had kt me doWn at the hotel, where I at lafh 
found fome one who could underftand me. I related 
what had juft happened to me, and received in anfwer, 
barely, an advice to take care of myfelf. On the mor- 
row I faw Mr. Linguet, who faid to me that my life 
was oot fafe in London : that the ftroke was levelled 
at me, either by the Queen, or the Cardinal : that I had 
as much to fear from the one as the other : that he 
comprehended why my exiftence difturbed them equally; 
that in fhort I muft abfolutely conceal myfelf in the 
moft fequeftered place, taking care to remit my addrefs 

[ i6o ] 

to him, as foon as I had fixed upon a refidence ; that he 
niight be able to convey to me whatever news my valet 
cie chambre might bring back, and direct rac what 
courfe to take^ as circumftances fhould point out. 

1 departed the fame dc^y, with a, fcrvant. for my in- 
terpreter, who never left me from that moment untjl 
' my return to London. After having wandered through ; 
various places, thinking that M*D<rrmGt might bcl 
fcrviceabie to mc in fuch a critical junfture, I deter- 
mined to go to him at Lancafterj^ where arriving, J was 
told he was at a place twenty miles difcant. I went 
thither. lie w^s greatly furprifed to fee me ; he knew 
of the melancholy adventure of the Cardinal and the 
Coynt^jfs, and imagined that I was alfo in the Baf- 
tile. During this interview and the fucceeding oneSj, 
I entrufted him with the particulars relative to the in- 
trigue between the Queen and the Cardinal, and reveal- 
ed the affair of the necldace, with all its circumftances, 
1 fhewed him that which I had juft taken out of the hands 
of Mr. Gray, as likewife the ear-rings. Generally 
fpeaking, I laid myfelf open infinitely too much, and 
w'hat followed, evinced, that as faft as I fupplied him 
with information, I did but ftimulate in him a defirc 
of making his advantage of it. Accordingly, after two 
days communication on my part, and confideration on 
his, he advifed me to crofs over into Ireland, and affiime 
another name. He furnifhed me w-irh various letters 
of recommendation, and we agreed upon his fctting off 
next day for London, where lie fhould fee Mr. Lin- 
guer, and fend over to me my valet de chambre^s dif- 
patches ; in fcort, that in all occurrences whatever, he 


[ ^6i ] 

iliould fo aft as to prevent or reftify any circumftance 
that might militate againft me. Thus we parted at 
Lancafter^ nor did I hear any thing of him afterwards, 
till I was given to underftand, that the Cardinal had 
fent for him> at a great expcnce, to put his name to a 
depoficion, prepared by Target the hwyevi He had al- 
ready began his ifnpoftures and treacheries at London, 
wjiere dcpofitions had been didated to him, which are 
a collection of ill-contrived /^^//>i, fo demonftrated td 
be, hyfam (*). And yet upon fuch a bafis of falf- 


(*) The Capuchin, M'Dermot, having given irt 
a depofition at London, at the inftigation of Carbon- 
nicres ; afterwards repaired to Paris, at a vaft expcnce, 
to bear evidence to a heap of falfhoods that proved 
nothing. I am going, on this occafion, to relate the 
behaviour of the Soliciitor and Recorder, in endeavour- 
ing to intimidate the Countefs, when fl:ie entered the 
Council Chamber, She perceived in the countenances 
of thofe two gendemen a certain gloomy afpefti 
a dejefted air, which fhe had not before perceived. The 
Solicitor, Dupuis de Marce, addreffcd her in thefc 
terms, and widi a ghaftly tone of voice : ** Madam, I 
" am forry to tell you, that you are going to be con- 
** fronted with a perfon that comes a great way off, 
" and whom you undoubtedly do not expeft." The 
Countefs, imagining, at firft, that it was me, repeated 
what flie had fiiid a Iiundred times before : that my pre- 
fence could not but be advantageous to her, perfuaded 
that I fhould fpeak truth and convid the Cardinal. 
Y " Madam, 

[ ^62 ] 

hood/ deles the fhamelefs Target, raife the rkliculoifs 
luperftrudure of* that bombaftic memorial, which forced 


" Madam, I am afraid of throwing you into fits^*' 
*^ Be not afraid of any fuch thing,*' anfwered fhe, "the 
" prefence of that perfon cannot but give mc pka- 
'' fure." Seeing, at laft, that he could not fucceed in 
intimidating her, he faid to Fremyn, fetching a deep 
figh : '* go then, Fremyn, and bring that perfon here/' 
Fremyn got up, went and opened a door, through which 
the Countefs faw a hypocritic looking figure conic clofe 
up to her, with his eyes caft upon the ground ; at whofe 
unufual fight fhe exclaimed : " What ! another wretch 
*^ for the purpofe of fubornation ! let us fee how well 
'^ this being is inftru6ted." They firft read over to 
him his own depofition, which had certainly been drawn 
up by the lawyer Target. Accuftomed as Ihe was to 
hear this language daily, fhe perfectly knew again the 
ftyle and phrafeology of a man, verfed in chicanery. At 
theconclufion of the reading, which Ihe often interrupted, 
byobfervations, tending to humble the villain, and exprefs 
the contempt and abhorrence flie was infpired with, 
againft thofe who had any fhare in fcfch iniquitous prac- 
tices ', ihe faid, that depofition was a heap of frlf- 
hoods, abominable lies, and that he who was fo infa- 
mous as to utter them, deferved exemplary punifhmenl. 
As he was rapidly proceeding on the fecrets, he faid I 
had imparted to him, concerning the connections ot 
the Counccfb with the Queen and tlie Cardinal; Ihc re- 


[ i63 1 

tears from the Cardinal, when he faw that every thing 
in it was falfe. 


prefentcd to him, that fince I Tepofed fo great a con- 
fidence in him, I muft have told him the place of my 
concealment. She infifted on obtaining from him a 
declaration of it, that I might be brought face to face 
with him ; to which he anfwered, that he knew nothing 
about it. Dupuis de Marce and Fremyn, who had 
their views in finding her guilty, often faid to her (e^^e- 
cially when flie prefTed her arguments home upon the 
Capuchin, and ufcd exprefiions fuiced to his villainy,) 
" But, Madam, you cannot tell what your hufband may 
" have told the Abbe M'Dcrmot in their converfations 
" together: he is a man of integrity, incapable of com- 
" ing hither to deceive." ^^ We Ihall fee that prefently," 
*^ faid Ihe, *^ fince Mr. de la Motte is not here to con- 
" vift him in thofe points that concern himfelf, I am go- 
" ing to do it, from the obfervations I have made upon 
" his depofition." He had told a long-winded ftory 
about the jewels, which he faid, he had fcenme have, at 
my firft journey to London. The Countefs had taken 
notice of a number of abfurdities, among others, of the 
mention he made of a fuperb pair of flioe buckles fet 
with brilliants. Luckily I haci left them at Bar-fur 
Aube, and they were depofi ted in one of her boxes^, at 
theBaftlle. She had them brought, not without great 
difficulty, and the knavifh Friar was humbled at the 
fight of the /^/^r^ jewel— woith about iwo guineas; fo it 

Y 2 fated 

[ i64 ] 

Every body knows that he rejeffced it, forbad ks ap- 
pearing, folemnly denied the whole contents, and cried 
out in his indignation, that he vyould not be made to 
appear a fool.— To which Target replied, " My Lord^ 
^^ your fannily will have it fo : there's no other way for 
f^ you to fave yourfelf '' 

Being arrived at Dublin, I, in perfon, delivered the 
letters I had received from M^Dermot to their re- 
fpeftivc addrelTes, was perfecSlly well received, and in a 
fcv/ days introduced into the genteeleft companies. I 
|iad even an opportunity of feeing the Lord Lieutenant, 
who made a number of enquiries concerning the Car- 
dinal's ficuation, and faid fome polite things to mci 
among the reft, that v/hen he was in town (for he then 
reficled chiefly in the country) he fhould be glad to fee 
rne. In the courfe of the converfation he affefted to 
admire a fteel chain which I vyore to my watch. To this 
hung my feal, which he examined, a circumfiance that 
left me no doubt but he knew who I was. It will be 
fhortly fecn, by the fecrets Count d'Adhemar afterwards 
difclofed to me, that I was not miftaken. 

I had been almofl: three weeks at Dublin, without 
'hearing from M*Dermot, which made me very un- 


with the reft of his evidence. After flie had ufed him 
as he merited, flie told the Solicitor, that ihe fuppofed 
he prefentiy would fend for the cobler at the corner of 
the ftreet, to give evidence againfther; hailing made 
thi? remark, fhe left the place incenfed and enraged at 
the villains and their condud. 

[ ^65 ] 

eafy j but If he did nor write to me, he did to others j 
and appeared inaftive with regard to me. 

I was often invited to parties of pleafure in the nei^^h- 
bourhood of Dublin; to which I iifed to refort without 
the attendance of my fervant. I one day returned from 
one of them much indifpofed; I loft my appetite, but 
attributed my condition to the uneafinefs and vexation 
which preyed upon me. Dragging every where a liftlefs 
cxiftence, fufpefting that I was known in Dublin, in a 
word, tormented by unpleafing prefentiments, though 
very lucky ones for me, I refolved to quit that ifland, 
and pafs over to Scodand, I told my acquaintance I 
was going to fee the famous Lake of Killarney, that I 
fhould then take Cork in my way back^ having an in- 
clination to view it. Purfuing a direct contrary road, 
I got to a fmall fea-port town oppofite the coaft of 
Scotland. My diforder grew every moment worfej I 
was not to be knov/n again. I had been eighteen days 
without performing the moft natural and indifpenfible 
functions of nature, when I arrived at Glafgow. I fent 
for a phyfician, who after much examination and quef- 
tioning, told me there was fomething very extraordi- 
nary In my malady, which he could make nothing of; 
and that he advifed me to repair without lofs of time to 
Edinburgh, where I fhould meet with more afliftance 
from the faculty, than in anyplace in the world. In the 
mean while he gave me fome cooling draughts, that 
proved ineffeftual. Arriving early next day at Edin- 
burgh, I fent for a phyfician and a furgeon, of the higheft 
repute ;. v/ho having confulted together for a confidcrable 
time^ left me, faying they would come again next day, 


[ i66 ] 

to judge of the effbtl; produced by the medicines thty 
would fend me. The next day I found inyfelf 
much worfe> and a few days after I was not able to 
leave my bed. It was at this utmoft extremity, I 
difcovered, by their qucftions, and the medicines they 
adminiftcred to me, that poilbn had fucceedcd a difap- 
pointed alTafrination ; they telling me, that eight days 

later, it had been impofllblc to fave me. Whofe 

hand had direded the murderers fteel ? whofe hand haci 

filled the poifoned cup ? What follows will but too 

clearly point it out. The French Ambaflador left n^e 

no doubt. 1 Hiall not explain myfelf more clearly, 

at prefent than it ■vyill be feen, he himfclf did itj^— but; 
certainly without intention. 

The confequence of this fecond attempt upon my 
lifcj w^s pafiing three months in my bed, and between 
four and five, without leaving my apartment ; during all 
which time I heard not one word of die Cardinars 
affain When I was ir> a condition to bear readings my 
feryant propofed bringing to me a mailer of languages, 
whom he met with^ every day, ?it the tavern, whence 
my table was provided; and to prevail with me to re- 
ceive him, he told me, the man taught Italian at the 
Dukes of Gordon and Buccleugh; that he daily heard 
my affair talked over, and that I mught without affec- 
tation, draw from him intcrefting particulars. Had 1 
been fure of getting intelligence, I could have pe- 
netrated to the centre J I therefore relifhed the pro- 
pofal, and faw the man that fame evening ; to whom I 
faid, that by way of recreation, I had an inclination to 
learn Italian. He was very loquacious^ and witliout 


[ i67 ] 

my leading him to the topic I wifhedj he Wendedj with 
his medley of news, the names of the Cardinal, of the 
Coimtefs de la Motte, of Caglioftro; told me, there had 
appeared Memoirs under thofe three names, but that 
was the extent of his knowlege. As I had noticed at 
Glafgow, that a certain coffee-houfe took in the Leydcn 
Gazette, I took coach and went thither, when calling 
for the whole file of papers, I turned them over haftily, 
and with a furprife equal to my indignation, faw, by 
fragments from thofe memoirs, the infidious turn that 
had been given to the defence of the Countefs. I 
curfed, without knowing him, the fenfelefs or knavifli 
lawyer, who had fo abfurdly or bafely perplexed a bufl- 
nefs, of itfclf fo plain. I fpent two days and two nights, 
in writing out all that feemed to bear on the moft efTen- 
tial points, and then returned to Edinburgh ; firmly re- 
folved to difpatch an exprefs to Mafter Doillot, whom I 
was not acquainted with, and whom I flill lefs knew^to 
have been chofen and dircftcd by the Baron de Brc- 
teuil. The circle of my acquaintance in Edinburgh 
being rather contrafted, I unfortunately (*) caft my eyes 
on the Mafter of Languages ; who being in almoft a 


* Very unfortunately indeed. This was ftlll worfe 
than M'Dermot. The man I am fpeaking of, and 
who is to adl fo atrocious a part, in what I have left to 
relate of my perfonal concerns, was an arrant adven- 
turer, who went by the name of Benevent, but known 
in England by that oiCoJta, for which he hod exchanged 
hi^ real name of Miis, 

[ i68 3 

ftarving condition, fcemed likely to be difpofcd fof 
undertaking a journey, that would bring him fome pecu- 
niary advantage. 

As he, immediately on my rettirn, took it into his 
head to tell me a long ftory of his misfortunes, a tale he 
had already repeated over and over again; I embraced 
the opportunity to hint to him, that I had it in my 
power to render him a fervice. I difclofed myfelf to 
him, and propofed his taking a trip to Paris, in order to 
deliver to a lawyer, fome papers I would entruft hlni 
with. His nnfwer was, an offer of doing any thing that 
might be pleafing to me. Next morning he came to 
tell me, that he had confidered of my propcfali that 
fince the delivery of a parcel^ was all that was requi- 
'fite>' his wife could perform the bufinefs as well as him- 
felf, nay better ; as fhe would be lefs liable to fufpicion, 
and her journey would be attended with lefs expence. I 
was fatisfied with his advice; wrote a letter to Maftef 
Doillot, in form of a memorial, in which I informed 
him of all that had happened ; alked counfel of him, re- 
lative to the conduft it was necefl?ry for me to adopt i 
and pofitively affured him, I was determined to return 
to Paris, in order to fhare my wife's fate, to defend hen 
mdio /peak the truth, if forced to it : Thofe were my 
exprcffions. (*) I added, that I only waited for his an- 
fwcr to take my departure. 

I fenr 

~ * That doating .fool Doillot, in his' Memorial, which 
he drew up in confequence of my letter, but ftill under 

• -■ the 

[ 1^9 ] 

I fent this Cofta to take a place for me in the coach 
for Edinburgh, gave his wife the money neceflary-for 
her journey, delivering the packet deftined for Doillot, 
and added neceflary inftruftions to prevent her meeting 
with dlfagreeable incidents. She fet out the following 
day, the fecond or third of April, 178R. 

On her arrival at Paris Ihe procured a conveyance to 
the Sieur Doillot's, to whom Ihe fignified her being 
pofleflcd of papers of confequence, intended for him. 
The old, fquint-eyed, clownifh fellow, whimfically fan- 
cied, that he difcovcred this woman to be a man, 

a fpy in petticoats, and refufed to fpeak to her ; until 
fhe had undergone an examination by his wife: an 
inquifition, which Madame Doillot very gravely 
made; and on that lady's report to her fpoufe, of the 
regular conformation of the faid meflenger, the limb 
of the law vouchfafed to examine the writings, which 

Z he 

the murderous influence of the Baron de Breteuil, who 
had forbid him to mention the Queen's name, and 
charged him to criminate the Cardinal without reftraintj 
that venal idiot, I fay, quotes, in his wretched rhap- 
fody; intituled '*^ A Summary, &c." the identical pa- 
ragraphs in my letter. He there fays in italics, that 
lam ^' determinately difpfed to attempt every thing prac- 
*^ tic able, to unite my fate with that of my vjife,'' But 
that is fwallowed up in a flood of lies ; die more crimi- 
nal, as he knew the truth, and the Countefs had given 
him, in writing, all thq particulars, exaftly as we now 
rdat€ them, 

[ I70 1 

he alfo found in proper order. He then advifed Mrj?. 
Cofta to rcnnain at the hotel where fhchad alighted, till 
fhe heard from him. What docs this faithful counfel of 
the Countefs next do ?-— inftead of immediately fending 
back the meffenger with the anfwer, which his employ- 
ment by the Countefs, required he fhould fend me; 
inftead of affording her time to get out of the kingdom, 
before he communicated my letter, in cafe he thought 
Jiimfelf obliged fo to doj he, that inftant, flew to the 
Baron de Breteuil's, pitifully, to know his orders. He 
called, in his way thither, at the Lieutenant de Police's, 
to prepare him for the reception of fuch orders ; and 
fearing that the police, accuftomed to fecrecy, would 
not ring an alarm, he officiated himfelf, by proclaiming, 
wherever he pafled, that he had received letters from 
Count de la Motte, who was coming over to fiirrcnder 
lijmfelf a prifoner ! What was the confequence ? the 
Cardinal's family was informed that I was preparing to 
vifit France, in order to fj^eak the iptifh ;— the truth was, 
to that family a thun5er-boIt. How could the blow be 
warded off ? by applying/^rm'/y, yes, very fecretly, to the 
Count de Vergennes; who while aiTefting defircus to have 
nie in his clutches, employed all tlie petty refources of 
his jobbing politics, ja reality to prevent my appearance. 
My readers will certainly exprefs figns of the utmoft 
contempt, when they prefcntly underfland the methods 
ufed by that, then, greai ftatefman, though now fo liule. 
The fa6l is, that, notwithflanding what the romancing 
d'Adhemar has fined told me, he (de Vergenncs) hear- 
tily hated the Queen, and if I am not miftaken in the 
conjedures I have formed, and which are not wholly 


[ 771 ] 

confined to myfelf, he had reafon to rue it on his death 
bed. Hating the Queen, he was confequently the fe- 
cret fupporter of her enemies. The Cardinal was be- 
conne one of them ; he muft therefore be lupported : 
but that could not be done, if Vcrgennes had openly 
declared himfelf j he therefore found it confiftent with 
prudence and his own refined policy, oftenfibly to blame 
him; at the fame time that he privily took m.eans for 
his fafet)', in proportion fo he exaggerated his crimes. 

Let us revert to Doillot and Breteuil : all thofe ho- 
tieft people ought to be coupled together. The mimf- 
terial BaroHy after taking a few days confideration, fent 
for the Iaw}'er Doillot, and told him, he might write 
me word, that the bell courfe I could take, was to re- 
pair to Paris, without a moment's lofs or tim.c, and to 
affure me, in his name, that I had nothing to fear. 
Doillot accordingly wrote the fame day, ' and perfonally 
delivered the letter to Mrs* Cofta, charging her to fet 
out, and toufeailponible fpeed. Purfuant to his direc- 
tions, this female courier began her journey back on 
Eafter Sunday, 1786.— but fhc proceeds not far. 

Whilft the Doillots and the Breteuils were concerting 
meafures, without properly underftanding each other j . 
the crafty Vergennes had difpatched a melTengcr to 
Count d'Adhemar. The fcheme was, then, to fecure me 
at Edinburgh, and a Secretary of the Jmhajfador was 
charged with the honorable commiffion. The bufineis 
was to fecure me, dead or alive^ but the former was infi- 
nitely preferable; fo that, had the Secretary (whofe name 
was d'Arragon, prov^sd fuccefsful, I certainly never 

Z % Ihould 

[ ^T\ ] 

Jliould have feen Paris \ an afiertion I Ihall fliortly render 
more than probable. 

This rcfolution once formed, it became neceffary to 
avoid putting me on my guard, and confequently 
Cofta's wife was to be prevented from delivering to me 
Doillot's letter. Mr. de Vergennes provided againft all 
thofe obftacles : he let her depart, and when at a cer- 
tain didance from Paris, he caufed her to be arretted, 
and carried to the Baftile, whcr€ flie was detained two 

During thefe tranfaftions in France, I perceived in 
Scotland, that I was dogged about and watched. I im- 
parted my my zvortby companion Cofta; 
who was already in the Ambaffador's confidence, and 
had been honoured by feveral interviews with d'Arra- 
gon. He anfwered me, there was no probability of 
fuch a circumftance : that my urieafinefs might prefent 
to my imagination, objefts which had no exiftence : that 
however, if I did niot think myfelf fafe at Edinburgh, 
I Ihould do well to change my fituation, and immedi- 
ately propofed the town of Newcaftle upon Tyne for 
my retreat. The truth was, he had met with too many 
obftacles to the execution of his orders at Edinburgh j 
the feizure of my perfon, which he was corjimiffioned 
with. He flattered himfelf that by drawing me to 
a lefs confiderable town, where I had no acquaintance, 
he ftiould more eafily effea his purpofe : I fell into the 
fnare, and fet out for Newcaftle. The kidnapping 
d'Arragon the fame day took the road to London, to 
carry information to the Ambaflador, of the frelh dif- 
poficions taken by Cofta j and as the expence of cou- 

[ 173 ] 

Hers was an objeft of no confequence in fo capital an affaii' j 
Count d'Adhemar difpatched one ro the Count de Ver- 
gennes, to inform him of the new turn matters had 
taken. When this Pacificator of Europe heard, tliat the 
fcheme had been obftrufted at Edinburgh ; judging t!ve 
farther confinement of Mrs. Cofta needlefi, he had her 
brought fecretly out of the Baftile, efcorted by two 
exempts of the police, who took her to the Baron de 
Breteuirs, That minifter, whom the Counteis fo well 
pointed out, by the appellation of the thunder-bearer of 
defpotifniy caufed a hundred louis d'ors to be given her 
forfmart money, and a letter for me, figned Doillot; 
not written by Doillot, but in the office of the fupreme 
head of the police, who, moreover, made her the faireil 
promifes, if fhe prevailed on her hu/band to enter into 
their views : that is, to deliver me up, alive or dead. 

Whenllie left the minifter's hotel, one of the exeh'u>ts 
took her to his houfe, and never left her afterwards, till 
he conduded her to Calais, and faw her fafe on board 
a veflel. Arriving at Dover,/ fhe found the never- 
failing d'Arragon waiting for her on the fhore.— -What 
honours laviihed on a poor creature, who, at the mo- 
ment of my writing this, receives her daily food at my 
^ fervant's table ! Scarce had fhe fet one foot on land, 
when the ready d^Arragon refpeftfully gives her his 
hand, makes her his property, puts her into a chalfe, 
and carries her to the indolent Adhcmarj who, on fo extra* 
ordinary an occafion, probably condefcended to half raife 
himfelf from his eafy chair. He ratified the promifes fhe 
had received from the Baron de Bretcuil, and rcfrefhed 


[ 174 ] 

her memory, by repeating to her, with much amplifi-, 
cation, the inftruftions given to her at Paris. 

It is now neceflary to inform die reader, that Cofta 

had written to his wife to join them at Newcaftle, where 

we then were, as foon as fhe arrived from France j 

and, in cafe that letter Ihould not be received at London, 

he had left one to the fame purport at Edinburgh, at 

the houle wherein he had lodged ; but thofe caudons 

were fuperfluous : d^Arragon, who had got our addrefs, 

almoft as fbon as wc had fixed our abode at Newcaftle, 

gave it to Cofta's wife ; whom he fent off, telling her, 

he would follow her in two or three days* Upon her 

arrival, which was whilft I was at dinner, llie delivered 

to me, at her jfirft entrance, the pretended letter from 

Doillot, whofe hand writing I was a ftranger to ; fo that 

in that relpeft, it was an eafy matter to impole up'on 

me t but when, on perufal, I found it was not an an- 

l\ver to mine, in any article, I began to entertain fufpi- 

cions, which gained ftrcngth, when queflioning the 

woman, I received anfwers expreffive of the utmoft em- 

barraffment on her part ^ fhe blufhed at every word, and 

although I affecfted to fix niy eyes on tirc letter, fhe had 

delivered to me, they were not fo much employed as to 

let the winks and figns of encouragement, from the 

hufband, efcape me. 

I had already feen and heard enough not to doubt^ 
that I was fallen into very bad hands : and the refolu- 
tion of removing fecredy from diem, immediately fuc- 
ceeded the birth of my fufpicions. But, in order not 
to give them any alarm, I avoided putting caprious 
queftions, affcfting rather to believe all the woman told 


t 175 1 

tfie, and dinner being over, I feized the moment of their 

withdrawing, to call my fervant, to whom I difclofed 

iiy fufpicions, fo mucfi the more confidentially, as, 

: jckily, he dctefted equally both the hufband and the wife. 

i therefore acquainted him with my intention of leaving 

lem at N^wcaflle; charged him to pack up my things . 

itGrerly, and to have a chaife in r.eadinefs at twelve or 

one o'clock in the morning. My orders being given, I 

went up gently to the door of the room, into which 

thekhonefl couple had withdrawn. Unable to diftin* 

guilh their difcourfe, v^'hich was in Englilh, I bounced 

into the room : and, as I made my appearance nnex- 

peftedly> I'found fpreadup on the table, the chairs, and 

ven the bed, all the articles purchafed by Cofta's wife, 

it Paris, with part of her hundred louis d'ort. I had 

need of no more than one glance of my eyes, and 

therefore immediately retired, faying, "you are bufy,ril 

' go and take a walk." 

Gofta, who knew me, furmifed that what I had jhH 
ctD) would fill me with conjeftures, and, probably, 
would drive me to fome refolution that would baffle all 
his hopes. To prevent, what he deemed, the greateft 
nisfortune that could befal him, and infpire me widi 
onfidence^ he determined to entruft me, with part of 
vhat was plotting againft me. He told me, his wife 
lad been in the Baftile, how^lhe had got out of if, had 
-een carried to the Baron de Breteuirs, her pafiage over 
'^a, the meeting with d'Arragon at Dover, and the cx- 
i^eftation of the fpeedy arrival of that little man-catcher^ 
it Newcaftle. After he had thus, as he termed it, un- 
ymhened his hearty he fwore to mc an inviolable fidelity 5 


[ 176 ] 

an Qath which I took for no more than it was worth. I 
made him however promife, at all events, that he would 
do nothing without confulting me j afliiring him diat I 
would furnifh him v/ith means of getting money from 
the Government of France j provided he afted in con- 
cert wnth me, and make no fecret of any thing; this he 
promifed to do, and I declined for die prefcnt leaving 

Two days after this, at ten o'clock at night, while we 
were at fupper, Cofta received a letter from d'Arragon, 
to acquaint him with his arrival, and defired his com- 
pany at the inn; to whicli the former repaired, and 
ijid not return for two hours. Upon my afking him 
y/fiat the bufinefs was ? he told me, that the French 
Ambankdor's Secretary was coming, to have me carried 
qff; that he was attended by two exempts of the police, 
named Grandmaifons- and Quidor; tliat they expeded a 
veffel, that failed from Dunkirk, with a fwarm of myrmi- 
dons of the police, under the command of the exempt 
Surbois; that they had all affumed titles, and changed 
their names ; diat their pretence, in order to give no 
umbrage in Newcaftle, was a trial of die trade of pit 
coal I ^ that they were furniflied with letters of recommen- 
dation for that purpofe, I afked Cofta, what he had 
faid to them? " Nothing, anfwered he, except re- 
*^ quefting time to refleft till to-morrow, I am, pur- 
*^ fued he, to fet out at fix in the morning widi d*Ar- 
" ragon, to furvey the harbour, and fetde the mode of 
" conveying you on board a ihlp." I advifed him to 
promif;^ every thing, to give every poffible affurance ; 
but iirft to fee that he had a thoufand good guineas 



[ 177 ] 

paid down to him ; " which when you have fecured, 
" faid I to him, you will tell them j that, all rightly 
" confidered, the forcibly carrying off a man, in fo fre- 
«^ quentcd a port, and at fuch a diftance from the town, 
« is a thing impra6ticable ; that they may go back to 
^' London, and affure the Ambaffador, that in four days 
« you will be there with me i and that, in fome way 
" or other, you will engage to convey me to, Paris, 
^^ for the fum of ten thoufand pounds fterling. You 
*^ know that I fent your wife to Paris, to furnilh me 
<^ with means of repairing thither myfelf. I now de- 
" Glare to you, upon the word of an honeft man, that 
" I am going to take my departure for London, where 
" I intend to fee the Ambaffador ; then take myfelf to 
" Paris, and be the means of your getting ten thoufand 
*^ pounds fterling. 

The firft demand of the thoufand guineas, was 
granted at a word, with a trifling defalcation of fixty, 
which honefi D'Arragon withheld for his fees: As to the 
ten thoufand, they were promifed, on condition, that the 
fame D'Arragon ftiould make a ftoppage of one fifth on 
his own account. What a worthy man, is this Monfieur 

D'Arragon ! How calculated for how fitting to the 

truft — how creditable to the office he this day holds, 
o( Secretary to the French Ambaffador^ If more is want- 
ing, let me give a more fubftantial proofs which only 
came to my knowledge, fubfequently to the plan I had 
been forming with his counterpart, the no Icfs worthy 
Mr, Cofta. The honeft little myrmidon was provided 
with a phial, filled with a liquor, which he faid, had 
the property of putting a man to fleep for only four 
A a and 

r 178 ] 

and twenty hours fucceffively, and he had tried to make 
Cofta adminifter that fmall dofe to me, in fome tea or 
wine ; the vehicle was no doubt to be at my own 
choice ; telhng him, that when once that gentle foporific 
had taken efFe£t, I might be put into a fack, hke a 
bundle of foul linen ; be carried down to the harbour 
under favour of darknels^ conveyed on board, by 'way 
of a portmanteau, be thrown into the hold, and, I 
hrave no doubt, in the end, be caft into the fea. It is 
more, than demonftrated, that they had no occafion for 
me alive, which I fhall prefently put beyond all queftion. 
Thefe agreeable particulars I have from Cofta's wife, 
who let me inro many other circumftances equally fatif- 

Notwidiftanding this apparent confidence, by which 
Cofta had fought to enfure mine, he had abfolutely en- 
tered into the plot; the ten thoufand pounds were ready, 
and if he did not get them by making ufe of the phial, 
it was, becaufe my man was 'ah invincible obftacle in 
his way; who muft have been m^de to fwallow die like 

dofe in order. alfd to turn him into ^ portmanteau ; 

and that was a thing fomewhat more than diiEcult. I 
watched him narrowlv; he knew how far he was Rrown 
obnoxious to my fufpicion ; the leaft motion that he 
had made, bearing marks of an attempt to feize me, 
would have been his undoing, with fo much tlie greater 
certainty, as from my knowledge of the number and 
even the names of die fatdlites, employed in this un- 
dertaking, I might have informed againft them, and 
have produced proofs of their villainy. Where a halter is 


[ ^79 ] 

fiifpendcd before a man's eyes, he will look twice before 
he leaps once. 

Thefe gentlemen retainers to the police, apprehenfive 
that nothing could be done at Newcaftle, fet out for 
London, juft as they had come from it^ but fully per- 
fiiaded, in confequence of Cofta's promifeSj that their 
prey would not efcape them. 

I reached London a few days after them; and that 
very night D'Arragon found out Cofta, and told him, 
the Ambailador wanted to fpeak to him the next morn- 
ing. Fie came himfelf to fetch him, and took him to 
a ftreet, where they met his Excellency, who conde- 
fcended to get into a hackney coach with diofc two wor- 
thies! Such was the council-chamber where the noble 
Triumvirate deliberated on th^ methods of carrying me 
away. D'Arragon faid he had thought upon a plan, and 
he would anfwer for the fuccefs, and that was, to precure 
fome perfon to fwear a debt agalnft me of fix thoufan4 
pounds fterling. He had bribed a fherifF's officer, 
who was to have arrefted me, and had engaged to put 
me on board a (hip, provided the AmbafTador would be 
anfwerable for the events that might enfue, and defray 
the expence. 

Cofta who thought I could not be impofed upon by 
fuch defigns, faid, that it was a ftale trick, and that' 1 
Ihould not fall into the fnare ; that at the moment I was 
arrefted, I would caufe myfelf to be conveyed on foot 
to Newgate, folbwed by a mob of people, which would 
marr their intention. He concluded by telling the Am- 
baflador, tliat he would weigh the matter .ifipre rna- 
' A a 2. ' ' r, 

[ iSa ] 

turcly, and that on the nnorrow his Excellency ihould 
hear from him.' 

Acquainted with the appointment, I formed a refo- 
lution to prevent the effeft of it, by writing diredVly to 
the Ambaffador ; with a view to bring him to a compro- 
mife with me, and divefl: him of the confidence he had 
in his Cofta; by letting him know that, through the means 
of the very ager^t he had employed, I had information 
of the whole tranfa6lion» I acquainted him that, after 
the fteps I had taken towards my return to Paris, I was 
furprifed at the attempts, the artifices ufed by him to 
enfhare me ; that I wiflied to have an explanation witli 
him j and ended by telling him, I would meet him 
wherever he fliQuld think proper to appoint, his own 
houfe excepted. He gave me the meeting the fame day 
at Lady Spencer's, to whofe houfe I repaired with Coft^ 
and my own fervant, who ftaid at the door, purfuant to 
my orders. The company was not rifen from table, but 
Count d'Adhemar appeared in the parlour I had been 
fhewn into, at the very moment that nny n^me was an- 
nounced. He took mc to the recefs of a window, that 
Cofta might not overhear our converfation. After I had 
given him a curfory account of the contents of thefe 
Memoirs ; had laid before him the Cardinal's conduft 
refpefting the Queen, his unguarded fpeechcs, his fenfe- 
Icfs projefts, his frantic ambition, the necefTary con- 
fequences of the fliattered ftate of his affairs; the mif- 
fortune of the Co^ntefs being attached to him through 
gratitude, &c. &c. in {hort, almoft all that the Coun- 
tcfs has already written; I aiked him, with what view 
fome perfons feemed fo obftinately bent on entrapping 


[ i8i ] 

mc, fince I had ofFered to betake myfelf to Paris of 
my own accord; and that I was now ready foto do, if 
they would only give me the fecurities ufual in fimilar 
cafes, and that, under no pretence whatever, fhould any 

attempt be made upon my liberty. ^^ ^hat is ex- 

" aBlyy faid he, what thoje perfons wiH not do, (*) But 
" hear me, I have thought of another way ; come to 
** my houfe to-morrow -, I will acquaint you with it, 
" and wc will have a thorough cdnverfation on all mat- 
** ters which concern you ; I give you my word as a 
<* gentleman^ that you have nothing to fear. You kno'vo 


' * Thofe few w^ords dropped from the Ambaflador's 
mouth are a folution to the whole affair. Why would 
not thofe perfons have me appear? Becaufe I pould 
have told the truth. I had declared to many perfons, 
that my intention was to demand of the Judges in open 
Parliament; whether, in cafe I uttered all that I knew, 
they would take me under their proteftion, fave me 
from the Baftile, and appoint the Conciergerie for my 
prifon, till the definitivie fentence was pronounced. That 
was, what " thofe perfons would not do J' Why therefore 
try to carry me off? It is evident as I have faid, that it 
was not for the fake of having me alive and capable of 
fpeahng the truth, which they dreaded ; but dead and 
filent as the tomb. It is confequcntly, equal prefump- 
tive evidence that the pretended fleeping draught was 
downright potfon. But my interview with the Ambafla- 
dor altered all thofe difpofitions which my worthy 
friends had' made, as I am going to fet forth. 

[ 182 ] 

" that I am of the Queen's party. Intimately connected 

**^ with Madame de Polignac, confequently a profeffd 

<^ enemy of die Cardinal's; the Qvieen has fworn his 

" ruin: you can, better than any one in the world, 

^' , facilitate the accomplifliment of her Maj^lly's wilhes, 

"_ fince your Lady has fuch an ill-judged partiality for 

" hirn, fo dangerous to himfelf. I know, that in even the 

^' commencement of the affair, flie had very bad coun- 

" fels given her, which fhe imprudently followed, and 

^' which would infallibly bring her to her ruin, if there 

*^ were not means of prevention to be found— -luckily 

'^ there is one way left : your prefence and depofitions 

. *^ would ^rttlrely overthrow all that has hitherto been 

*^ done, and the bufinefs would take quite a different 

" turn." Here, afking me the particulars of certain 

points which I had but flightly touched, I faw that my 

anfwers afforded him infinite fatisfadlion, joy fparkled 

in his eyes, he already faw the Cardinal brought to the 


Before I departed, I told him I was determined, let 
what would befal others, to reveal the whole matter, 
having nothing in view but the fafety of the Countefs, 
and the honour of us both ; but that I feared the houfe 
of Rohan would have intereft enough to ward off the 
blow and get judgment pafTed before my arrival. To 
that hcanfwered, that I had nothing to fear; that " the 
^* Bourbons ought to prevail over the RobanSy and that 
"-^ policy required that the Kihg fhould be right I that his 
"^ Majefty referring the cognizance of that affair to his 
" Parliament, was prejudging him guilty, and that he 
" muft of neceffity be fo criminated. The .Queen" 


oncinued he, " is concerned In it, in every relative 
ff view, from athoufand confiderations 5 therefore, from 
^f the knowledge you muft neceflarily have, of every 
" fituation In the a£ting of that fctne, you can have no- 
'^ thing to fear from the Influence of the Rohans, when 
'^ in competition with the Bourbons, in the fa^y or to 

fpeak nrore properly, In the formy the Cardinal pleads 
*^' againft your Lady and yourfclf ^ for yojii ^re .meirly 
"the reprcfcntatives, the real party is* the. Queen ; 
" think, therefore, of making advantage of v/hat I tell 

you. At tht^ commencement of the afFaIr, I could 
'^ have had you taken up at Dublin, the Duke of Rut- 
'' land (*) had written to m€ in confequence, pro- 
'^ mifing to facilitate the means. I had tranfi^nittcd to 
" Verfaiiles an account of his letter, but, as ' at that 
' period, they thought they had enough to convict 
''the Caj-dinal upon, your prefence was. not deemed 
'' neceilajy, and I received for anAver, that I need not 
'' proceed any farther, but let you retriaih quiet. 

However, when fome time after, the Rohans were ken 
' to get the upper hand, then it was that no ilone was 

left unturned, to get pofleffion of your perfon : the 
'' Queen would have facrificed half the kingdom to that 
'' objeft. So circumftanced are things at prefcnt : tha< 

is the prlnciDle of my aftivity : nor fhall IdilTemble^ 
" that your letter having given me a fenfible pleafure, 
'^ I immediately fent oJEF,a courier to Verfaiiles, to ac- 

* That fame Lord Lieutenant who had examined my 

't'al, but, « de mortuis nih nift bonum:' 

^^ quaint 

[ 184 ] 

" quaint Mr. de Vcrgennes I was to fee you this day, 
" and to concert with him about your departure. I 
" inclofed your letter in the packet, to the end that 
" Mr. de Vergennes, feeing with his own eyes, that 
•' you are ready to attend, may. give immediate orders 
*^ to fufpend all proceedings till your arrival ; fo you 
" fee you have nothing to apprehend from a precipitate 
« trial." 

I quitted the AmbafTador with a promife of returning 
to him the next day, and reflcdting on all that he had 
communicated to me, I eafily acccounted for the dif- 
ferent views, which had actuated die conduct of differ- 
ent people relpefting me, according to the difference 
of circumftances, and faw how little the life of an indi- 
vidual is valued, when It ferves the purpofes of power, 
to put a period to it. 

The following day, punctual to my appointment, I 
repaired to the Ambaffador's, who, in almoft the firft 
fentence that efcaped his lips, elucidated with more ac- 
curacy than the preceding day, the caufe that, after 
wilhing to have me a corpfe in their pofiefTion, they now 
wifhed to have me a living evidence. "It had been 
" feared" faid he to me, " lest you should es- 


*^ THAT OF THE QuEEN. At prefent I am eafy, and 
" the contents of your letter, which I enclofed in mine, 
" as I informed you yeflerday, will give frefh fpir its to 
" the party, and I queflion not, but they will fpeedily 
" tranfmit to me every neceffary warrant I have re- 
^^ quired, for your fecurity j but, liflren to me. Since 
'' yeflerday. 1 have had leifure to rcfieft, and have to- 

« tally 

[ i85 ] 

<^ tally altered the difpofitions we had agreed upon. I 
" am going to naake you perceive, there would be an 
«^ inconvenience in precipitating your departure. You 
ff are fenfible, that being abfent, you are in the wrong ; 
<f that the Rohans accufe you of flying with the rennain*- 
f^ der of the necklace; and, that they have in general fuc^ 
" ceeded in empoifoning the public mind with that idea-. 
" If under fuch circumftances you were fecn, on a fud- 
" den, to appear at full liberty, and under proteftion ; 
'f every body would exclaim,-— There he is ! he fears 
" nothing ! if he had any compunftion for his guilt, he 
^^ would not venture to Iliew himfelf, or quit the afylum 
" where he has fo long lived In fecurity. On the other 
" hand; your depofitions being dellrudive to the Car- 
" dinal ! his family would cry out : Yes, there he is. 
" fliielded by the power and influence of the Queen ! 
" It is the Queen who fends for him, after having him 
« properly inftrufted at London! He brings his depofi- 
" fitions in writing, or elfe they have been diftated to 

" him, and he has imprinted them on his memory 

" he alone was wanting to confummate the Cardinal's 

" ruin! and all which would produce the effed of 

<^ of public obloquy to you. But there is another way, 
«* in which you may appear before your judges, and 
" which anfwering the fame purpofe with refpedto you; 
" cannot render the Queen liable to fuch reproach. Fa- 
" vour me with your attention. 

" The Cardinal, continues the Amba(rador> politi- 
" cally affefts to fay, in all places, that he ardently 
" wifhes for your prefence.---The King, fuppofed to 
'' be informed of that circumilance, may fay, « I chofe 

B b " ^^ 

[ 186 y 

'" to give him that fatisfaftion ; and accordingly ordered 
*^ all neceflary preparations for apprehending Count dc 
'^ la Motte^ which have proved inefFeftiial; but he, 
'^ apprifed of the attempts made againft him, applied 
" of his Own accord, to my Ambaffador to his Britan- 
*' nic Majefty^ and fignified his defign of retirrning to 
^^ Paris, if I would grant him a fafe conduft and fe- 
*^ curity. There being no other way of fecuring him, 
*^ and it having been reprefented to me^^ that the Car- 
" dinal looks upon his prefcnce, as efTcntial to his 
" carrying on his fuit at law, I have granted to the 
" faid Count de la Motte, the fafe condu£t petitioned 
*' for. 

" On that foundation, the Cardind and his family, 
*^ can have nothing to alledge ; and you will find your- 
<^ felf at liberty, in Paris, in the midft of people of 
** undeiftanding, who will direft you in every point. 
*^ I only tell you, before hand, you will be obliged to 
" pafs a day or two in the Concicrgerie prifon, in order 
" to obtain a replevin of the warrant for yotir arrcft; 
" a mere matter of form, that cannot be difpenfed with. 
" I will write^ again to Mr. de Vergennes, to give him 
*^ a more cireumflandal account of what you have ise- 
" lated to mc yefterday, and in this fccond interview ; 
*' and will prefs him to fend to me, by the return of the 
" Courier,, the paffport, whicli you will be fuppofed to 
^^ have from the King himfcif, 

" D'Arragon, my Secretary, Ihall be bearer of the 
'* packet : you may hold yourfelf in readincfs for your 
"departure, T am ftire the paffport will be here in 
*• eight or ten vdays at fartheft." 


[ ^«7 ] 

I reprefcnted to Mr. d'Adhemar, that my property 
having been feized upon, and having very little moncy^j 
it would be impofllblc for nae to gee my bufincfs fettled 
and appear as I had before done, and befitting my 
rank ; to which he anfwered, " that ought to give you 
" no uneafinefs ; I have at my difpofal, a confiderablc 
^* fum remitted over to me to proceed againft you, but 
" I fliall be much more flattered with applying it to- 
" wards doing you a fervice, and, if you have need of 
" Jive or fix tboujand louis d'orsy I will fupply you witi} 
'' them." 

Circumftances being thus arranged between us, he 
faidj " the only thing remaining to be known y was^ what 
" IJhouldJay in my defence?'' I made anfwer: " that 
" as to the ftory of the necklace, I did not well know 
" what turn to give it, fo as not to expofe the Queen 
" more or Icfs j that as to any thing elfe, I v/as not at 
" a iofs/' He recommended to me, never to fay that 
the Countefs had accefs to the Queen : ftill lefs, that I 
knew of the Cardinal's having carried on a correfpond- 
ence with her Majefty, and had appointments with her 
at Verfailles and Trianon; " Only fay," added he, 
'' that the Cardinal fhewed you a number of letters, 
" which he afTured you were written to him by the 
" Queen; adding, that he has often faid, that he ufcd 
" to have fojfeffion of her : contrive, when you repeat 
" all that he has tqld you on that fubjedl, to embellifh 
" the ftory; be particular not to omit his indecent 
*' fpecchcs I take it for granted, the ^een will not he 
'' dijfeajed with it : but beware of faying a word about 
B b 2 the 

[ i88 ] 

" the following gentlemen : dc Polignac, Coign)% 
" Vaudreuil, Dillon, -Ferfenne (*). 

'^ As to the bufinefs of the necklace, I would advifc 
" you to fay, that you are perfiiaded the Cardinal gave 
" it partly, or wholly, to your Lady; your Lady 
" would never allow that to be the cafe, but I am cer- 
*^ tain it really was fo/' 

I felt the blow, bnt neither anfwered in the affirma- 
tive or negative. Having afterw^ards talked to him of 
the Baron de Breteuil, he told me to be fure " not to 
" pronounce his name, and above all, not to take any 
** fteps rpfpefting him 5 becaufe, that would be too 
'' pointed. Follow my advice," purfued he, " Mr. 
*^ de Vergennes has the reputation of being an upright 
" man, ^ incapable of caballing' (f) to gratify the 
" Qiieen's defires ; neverthelefs, without its appearing, 
*< he is of her party ( j:). He was highly incenfed at 
*^ the behaviour, the fcandalous IJ^eeches, and fenfelefs 
" ambition of the Cardinal; and fhared with the Queen 
*^ in her refentment. It is at his houfe you muft 
" alight, though you have a pafTport— tell him you 
*^ are come to furrender yourfeif his prifoner ;— you 

" will 

* It muft be confeflcd that the AmbafTador of his 
Moft Chriftian Majefty was very kind, to give me thus 
gratuitoufly, a lift of the Mefed tribe, in cafe I had not 
poffeffed one of my own— even fomewhat more co- 

t Thejufticeqf this aflertion will prcfemly be rnade 

I The reader will Ihortly perceive what foundation 
the Count had for this affertion alfo. 

[ »89 ] 

'^ will find that produce a good effeft, and that your 
'^ conduft therein, will meet with his approbation." 

Upon my acquainting him that my intention was to 
deliver up to that Minifter^ the necklace which I have 
mendoned. Gray had fet ; Mr. D'Adhemar highly ap- 
proved of my defign, and told me, " that the King 
*f would be pleafed with, and reward me for my, difin* 
<^ tcreftednefs : for," added he, " that necklace is your 
" own, and you may difpofe of it as you think proper/* 

After a very long converfation to the foregoing effedl, 
I took my leave. At parting, he told me to remain 
cafy, till I heard from him; that D'Arragon fhould go 
off in two or three days, as he had other difpatches to 
lend by him, *^ There is no hurry at prefent," he re- 
peated to me, " nor any thing to be feared ; Count de 
" Vergennes has previous intimation," 

He defired I would change my name, to conceal my 
return to London, and avoid the tattling of the Courier 
de PEurope." 

Every thing appeared to proceed with the mofl: perfeft 
cordiality; — but his Excellency was drawing his conclu- 
fions from falfe premifes. The Count de Vergennes was 
any thing, but attached to the Queen's party, as the 
AmbafTador fuppofed (who from the nature of his con- 
nexions ought to have known better;) being, on the 
contrary, bound by the ftrongeft ties to the Rohans. 
When, dierefore, the crafty Minifter, faw by the Am- 
ba0ador's letter and mine, that there was no time to 
lofe, to extricate the Cardinal; in lieu of granting a 
delay of fifteen days, which the Countefs had requefted, 
he hurried on the final fentence ; which to the aftonifh- 

<« mcnt 

[ ^9^ 1 

mcnt aitd high indignation of the AmbafTador, and of 
bis party^ wa3 pronounced the day before, or, on the 

very day of D'Arragon's arrival ! It is true the Count 

de Vrrgennes has been punifhed for his perfidioufncfs ; 
but it is no lefs true, that the unfortunate Countefs dc 
la Motte fell a victim to it; and that even the death of 
that Minifler has but feebly avenged her. 

As foon as Count d'Adheinar received diat piece of 
intelligence, which aftonilhed him, he wrote to me, mak- 
ing an appointment in Hyde Park, (I am in pofleflion 
of his letter.) I attended, and found him gloomy, difap- 
pointed and vexed. He told me, he could not con- 
ceive, why they had, in fuch a manner, precipitated the 
judgment on that trial, (though for my part, I had fore- 
told it, as has been feen ;) that there was fomething un- 
accountably myfterious in it, which he could not un- 
ravel; that upon the whole, " there was nothing in it 
" dij^acefulto us!!! that I mull not let it affeft me; 
" that it need not hinder my departure for Paris, where 
" my prefence was more than ever requifite." I alked 
him, to what purpofe ? he anfwered, that " when the 
" King had referred the cognizance of the affair to the 
" Parliament; the necklace was the only circumftance 
" mentioned in the commiflion; the Queen's name had 
'* not been brought into queftion ; that, unfortunately, 
" the counfels given to the Countefs, having terminate4 
" to her difadvantage ; the Cardinal had gained a fupe- 
♦' riority, and grounded on it his defence; but that 
" wh^n his unbecoming fpeeches againft the Queen 
'• came to be difcufTed; and the papers which he had 
" fhewn, he would be at a lofs what anfwer to make. — 
*^ It is a fault committed in die drawing up of the pa- 

" tent 

[ 191 ] 

" tent ofcommifTion," added he> " that fuggefted to 
« the party, which the Rohans have in the Parliament 
"the idea of adhering t© the literal meaning / and 
*' confining themfelves folely to the biifinefs of the 
'' necklace, which has not furnilhed a fufficient ground 
whereon to convid: the Cardinal -, but now, that point 
is definitively fettled ; I give you previous notice of 
what will prefently happen; in order to make you 
- ienfible, how necefTary your prefence will be at Paris, 
" The Attorney General is going to prefer afrejh complaint 
" againji the Cardinal (ov criminal attempts upon the 
" ^leeny—for the language he has ufed—the letters he has 
" exhibited— the meetings by nighty &c. ^c. and forth- 
" with a decree of arreft will be iflued out againft him* 
" I can aflure you he will not have^. the fame good for- 
" tune on this fecond tiial, .which he had on that, re- 
' fpefting the necklace. When you are at Paris, riiat 
" bufinefs will be renewed 5 for diere are Ilatutes ex- 
** tant, by virtue whereof, the Parliament will be ob- 
" liged to begin the whole procefs over again; be there- 
" fore at eafe, and communicate to no perfon whatever 
" haspaflTed between us." 

I thought I difcovered fome appearance of probabi- 
lity and encouragement, in what the Ambaflfador now 
fuggefted. I Withdrew in better fpirits than I came; 
but a few days afterwards D'Arragoncame from him, 
'0 inform me, that " particular reafons had determined 
^ the Qyeen to drop the profecution; that no fecond 
" complaint was to be preferred ; that it would give 
" room for the circulation of many malicious fpeeches, 
' a circumftance her Majefty wilhed to avoid ; and^ 
' that Ihe rather chofe to revenge herfelf, by exerting 

'' the 

[ 192 i 

" the whole weight of fupreme power to deprive the Car- 
*^ dinal of his blue ribband, and his humours as well as 
*^ his places at Court, and banifhing binnjtoexifl: amongft 
" a herd of Monks in die favage parts of Auvergne." 

While he communicated to me this piece of intelli- 
gence, which was like an electric fhock, D'Arragou 
had without doubt, received his inftrudions) and with 
all that hypocrify and infinccrit}'-, which AmhafTadors are 
ever amply provided with from their refpcitivc courts ; af- 
feded to pour the balm of comfor t into the wounds, he con- 
cluded muft be infli(5led,byfuch afatalflab to my hopes* 

" You muft be fenfible/' faid he, " that the courfe 
** which the Qyeen has taken^ by no means leflens die 
*^ merit of your conduct; which his Excellency has not 
^^ concealed from her^ that, Pac will not abandon either 
*^* you or your lady, and that fhe will gratefully reward 
'^ the defire you |iave expreiTcd to oblige her. The 
" Ambaflador is going to Vcrfallles, and has charged 
" me to tell you, that he will omit no opportunity to 
" ferve you, arid during his abfence you may difpofe 
<' of me, on all occ'afions, where you fhall think I can be 
'^ any ways ferviceable to your intereft, 

I wrote to the AmbafTador before his departurej 
but— received no anfwer. At his return from France 
I wrote two letters, (which at that time made their ap- 
pearance in the public papers*) of which he took as litde 
notice as of the former* 


* Vide Morning Chronicle, for December 29, 1786, 
and January i, 1787.— Morning Poft of March 2, and 
.6, 1787. — The above two letters were inferted in the 
Exeter Flying Poft, March 8, 1787. 

[ 158 ] 

It is a matter of no confequence— -I do not mean to 
reproach him with it.— He had been in a capacity to 
know wiiat pafled : he was not ignorant that when the 
Queen exprefled a defire of faving the Countefs, from 
the iniquitous fentencc pafled againft her, thofe people, 
whonni ihe calls her ^^ blood suckers/' and notorioufly 
the Able de Vermonty perfuaded her Majefly, that if 
^f file only appeared to know the Coiintefs, flie would 
" certainly expofe herfelf in a fhocking manner," which 
would be infinitely exaggerated by avowing in her con- 
duft, any concern for her. 

From the plain ftatetncnt of fafts, which I have re- 
lated, I ihould deem it an infult to the reader, were I 
to offer a fingle refleftion upon the fubjeft. It is plain 
that the Cardinal's life was fufpended but by a thread, 
that, had the flighteft breath broken that thread, the 
Countefs muft have been cleared from all impeachment. 
It renaains therefore to determine, whether the viftori- 
ous influence of the Rshans, had been able to eftablifh a 
guik, which the Queen's influence would have done 
away, if it had poiTefled fufficient power. 

Before I conclude my tafk, and relinquifh my pen to 
the Countefs, whofe fubftitute I am at prefent, I will 
endeavour to prevent an ungrateful office to her, which 
ilie had mentioned, but that relates to matters more 
familiar to mc than to herfelf I m.e^n the account fhe 
promifed to give of that portion of the diam.onds^ which 
the Qneen had bellowed upon her -, — probably without 
her Majefty's being aware, that their value amounted to 
one eighth part of what it really was. The following ac- 
count wiU Ihew what they produced, and the ufe I 
Q Q made 

t ^94 ] 

ritiade of them* I fliould have fold them in Paris open- 
ly, had not the Cardinal obferved to us, that they might 
poffibly fall into the hands of the Jewellers, a eircum- 
ftance which could not but have proved difagreeable to 
the Queen. 

I arrived in London on the lydi of April, with Che- 
valier O'Neil, who was perfeftly acquainted with the 
objedofmy journey* As he knew the Countefs was 
admitted to the Qjcen, I made no myftery to him, of 
the prefent flie had received from her Majefty, nor of 
my motive for parting with them in London. I had a 
letter of credit on Meff. Morland and Co. ,to whom I 
went the day after my arrival. On making enquiry for 
the moft capital jewellers, I was direfted to JefFerys 
and to Gray; I firft faw JefFerys, told him I had fome 
diamonds to difpofe of, and left him my addrefs. The 
next morning he came to my lodgings, where I Ihewed 
hinn the eighteen oval ftones that belonged to the neck- 
lace, and acquainted him with the price which the Car- 
dinal had fixed. He requefted me to let him take them 
home, in order to examine them, and offered me his 
acknowledgement, which I accepted of He promifed 
to bring me an anfwer in four days ; the next day I kt 
out with Chevalier O'Neil for Newmarket. During 
five days that we remained there, I gained by betting, 
nine hundred and fixty guineas : fixty of which I ex- 
pended in travelling expences, the purchafe of cloaths, 
and various other articles ; Chevalier O'Nell has made 
affidavit of thefe circumftances. 

Being returned to London, I went to Jefferys, who 
told nie> that a gentleman had offered four thoufand 


pounds flcrling i that he could not pay ready ^ money, 
but would give notes at fix and twelve months date, and 
would find ample fecurity. I told him 1 would cop- 
fidcrofit, took back my diamonds, and returned him 
his acknowledgment. The fame day I w^nt to Gray's, 
left with him the largeft oval ftone, and direfted him to 
come to me the next day, wlaen I would let him fee a 
greater quantity ; the lame day I purchafed of him a 
felf-winding watch. The next day he came, with a, 
Jew named EHalbn, 1 entrufted him with the fame 
ftones I had left in JefFerys' hands ; he told me he had 
already examined them, and that a broker whom Jef- 
ferys employed^ had brought them to him. I then let 
him know the offer that j efferys had made me, and the 
terms of payment, adding, that not knowing J efferys, 
nor the perfon he had recommended to me, I did not 
chufe to part with fo confiderablc a property upon cre- 
dit. That befides, I propofed flaying but a few days 
in London, whither I might probably never again re- 
turn, and that I did not think proper to leave any thing 
behind me that might create any anxiety. He anfwer- 
ed, that I was in the right, and that if we agreed on the 
price, he would pay me ready money, I told him my 
price, he took away the diamonds, and promifed to 
bring an anfwer the following day ^ which he did, hut 
ftill accompanied by Gray. He made me an olfer of 
three thoufand guineas, v/hich I would not accept. 
After pointing out flones that had flaws and other de- 
fefts, they left me, with an affurance that thc^' offer 
they made me, for ready money, was very adequate ; 
and diat I IKould not meet with a more eligible offer. 
C c 2 I kt 

[ ^96 3 

I let them go away, telling them I would keep iny 
diamonds, rather than part with diem at that price. 
Next morning they returned, and aficed to iurvey the 
diamonds a fccond time: I permitted them. O^Neil 
was prefent, as well as my valet de chambre. Eliafon 
then drew out of his pocket, a pearl necklace, confiding 
of tvv'o very beautiful rows, a fnufF box fet with bril- 
liants and pearls, with a medallion on the lid, and fc- 
veral parcels of pearl feed. He vahied rhofe different 
articles at about five hundred and fixty pounds flcrling, 
1 faid, that if he would give me four thoufand pounds, 
together with thofe articles, the bargain was ftruck. 
He exclaimed loudly, and then made a motion to go, 
ofiering three thoufand pounds, and the articles I had 
felefted; a propofal v/hich I rejefted. In the interim 
JelFerysmade a fecond application, I told him my re- 
folution wa-s to fell them for ready money only. I 
then delivered to him thirteen ftanes of the firft quality 
' I poflciTed ; the two fineft, which belonged to the neck- 
'lace, not having been given to die Countefs ; and no 
doubt but the Queen made a prefent of them to Made- 
moifelle Dorvat, or fome other woman in her intimacy, 
for there were fcveral which were fimilar. 1 had feleft- 
ed two, one intended to be fct in a ring for the Coun- 
tefs, the other for myfelf. Rcgnier, my jeweller at 
Paris, (tt them both before my departure for London. 
Both myfelf and the Countefs commonly wore them. 
TJie Cardinal has leen them bodi. 

I called the next day at Gray*s, to purchafe feveral 
articles in ftecl ; there I found Eliafon, who told me 1 
was over tenacious, that liis oflFcr was a very fair one. 


[ 197 ] 

He {hewed me fome very fine pearls for a pair of brace- 
lets, and a ring, fornning a neck button ; I went Into a 
feparate apartnnent, where we entered into a bargain. 
After two hours difficulty on both fides, we at length 
ao-rced for the eighteen oval ftones ; viz. three thoufand 
pounds fterling ready money, die [pearl necklace of two 
rows, valued at two hundred pounds, the fnufi' box one 
hundred and forty, the pearl feed one hundred and 
twenty, and a diamond ftar which I took in Gray's Ihop, 
valued at three hundred. 

This was the firft bargain. When 1 had received 
the money and jewels, he told mc that JefFerys' broker 
had brought him other diamonds, which were no doubt 
my property; that if I chofe t^ fell them, I had better 
do bufinefs with him than with another : diat I fhould 
crain by it the commiffion and fome ready money. I 
went the fame day, and took out of JefFerys* hands, 
the thirteen ftones I had left in his pofTeffion. He had 
come to the knowledge of my deahng widi Gray, and 
being vexed at having miffed the opportunity of mak- 
ing the purchafe himielf, he, upon that account, pre- 
tended, as will be feen hereafter, drat he had afted, 
refpefting the diamonds, with more propriety than 
Gray, for that lie, JefFerys, furmifing the diamonds to 
have been ftolen, had given notice at a public office, 
(which in fad was a faUhood) and had refufed to buy 
them. He afterwards the more readily made a declara- 
tion to this purpofe, before % certain notaiy named 
Dubourg, as will hereafter appear, at the requeft of Mr. 
jde Carbonniere, agent for the Cardinal; as he faid he 
|/believed me to be in Turkey, and depended upon never 


[ »9S j 

feeing me again in England. His behaviour to me, 
when I returned to London, will fhew how delicate this 
JefFerys was in his condud : fmce he came to me, after 
judgment was pafled, to a(k me whether I had not 
diamonds to difpofe of, telling me, he would be the 
pujschafer, and allow me a greater advantage than Grey 
would. It will foon be feen what anfwer I made him, 
and the method I took, in order to make apparent what 
the jufLificatory writings, produced by the Cardinal, 
confifled in. 

The thirteen ftones taken from JefFerys, I carried to 
Gray, telling him I would come the next day to his Ihop 
myfelf, and that he might appoint Eliafon to be there 
at the fame hour. 1 he departure of Chevalier O^Neil 
prevented my keeping the appointment. He had re- 
ceived a letter from his brother, and another from his 
Colonel, requiring his return with all pofTible fpeed, to 
join his regiment by the 15th of May. He had not 
been able to obtaiu a longer leave of abfence as .he 
hoped j the troops the Emperor was then marching to- 
wards Holland, were the occafion of the orders he had 
received ; he was therefore forced to leave me in Lon- 
don. He took charge of feveral purchafes I had made, 
and of the parcel of pearls \ had got in exchange. As 
he went by the coach, he took his place the day before, 
at Mr. Guyon*s office, where he found the Capuchin 
M*Dermot a profeffed fpy, who for the things made 
known to me by his o\^n confefTion, and thofe certainly 
are the moft harmlefs, deferves to be made an example 


t 199 ] 

of (*). The Capuchin knew Chevalier O^Neil, with 
whom he renewed acquaintance; and finding in the 
courfe of converfation he had come over widi me, he 
begged he would introduce him to me, which the Che« 
valicT did. He told me, that as I did not underftand 
Englifh, he would be my interpreter, and do me all 
the litde fervices in his power. I accepted of his oblig- 
ing offers, and that day he dined with me. He had 
been procurator of his order, at Vafly, fix leagues di- 
ftant from Bar-fur- Aube; he knew my family, and had 
fcen me, by his account a child. He faid he had been 
employed by Mr. de Choifeul, and the fuccceding mi- 
nifters, that he had done great fervice to the ftate ; that 
to reward him, he had only, a hundred louis d'ors pen- 
fion fetded on him from the Marine funo : that he fcvir- 
ed left fome minifter,* in a fit of ill humour, fiiould take 
off his penfion : that in order to protect him from that 
difagreeable event, and at the fame time leflen the bur- 
then to government, he petitioned that his penfion 
might be converted into, or changed for a church liv- 
ing, and then, that he might be fecularifed. He added 
that he had prefented a memorial to Madame Louifa^ 
who was his -proteftrefs, but that he feared the matter 
would be protrafted ; that he had fuftained a great lofh 
when Mr. de Choifeul refigned, as it was under his 
miniftry he had rendered' thole fervices^, he expedted to 

re ; 

* This is the fame M^Dcrmot I have already liad 
occafion to diftinguifli in thefe Memoirs s at this period 

our acquaintance commenced. 

[ ^oo ] 

receive confiderabre rewards From him, and fucli had 
aftually been promifed hifn. Having by degrees gain- 
ed my confidence, and got intelligence at his laft paff- 
ing through ~ Bar-fur- Aube, that the Countefs had ac- 
cefs to the Queen, was beloved by her, and that all our 
fortune canae from her, his eagernefs to pleafe me may 
eafily be gueffed at. Infmuating and hypocritical, he 
made himfelf ufcful to me, and as he was a prieft well 
known to many of the Catholic nobility and gentry, he 
introduced me into fome of the beft families. I made 
a number of excurfions with him round London, and in 
thole little trips it was, he told me v/hat he . had heard 
at Bar-fur- Aube ; he talked of the Cardinal, and faid 
if I had a mind to fcrve him, I had it in my power; 
rhrtt the Cardinal could get him fecuiarifed as he had 
obferved, by firfl: giving him a finecure place under 
him, and then caufe his penfion to be .changed for a 
living, by which a Hiving would be made to govern- 
ment. I advifed him to draw up a memorial, which 
I would willingly take charge of, adding I would do all 
in my power to oblige him. In this my firft excurfion, 
I did not communicate to him any thing relative to the 
intimacy between the Queen and the Countefs, much 
lefs of the Cardinal's; he knew nothing of my having 
diamonds 5 in fhort I acquainted him with no particu- 
lars ; but barely that I had money to remit to Paris. 
He anfwered that he knew a merchant in the city, 
named Motteaux, that if I negociated it through his 
means, he woilld allow me the fame advantage as to 
traders, whereas Mr. Hammerdey would deal with me, 
as with a nobleman. He calculated the benefit I 



[ 201 ]~ 

jliould reap by placing that fum with Mr. Motteaux : 
and, as it feemed to me rather confiderabie, and he 
perfuaded me that Mr. Hammerfley would not make 
me the fame allowance, I determined to go to Mr. 
?vIoLteauXj whither hq accompanied me. I delivered to 
him the three thoufand pounds fterling, I had already 
received on the former bargain. 

Let us return now to the thirteen diamonds I had left 
with Gray. I gave him an appointment for the next 
day. When the Chevalier O^Neil was gone, I went 
to riiat jeweller, who immediately fent into the city, to 
kt Eliafon know I waited for him at his houfe. He 
came, but we made no bargain ; eight or ten days paff- 
ed away in fruitlefs meetings and confiderations. They 
often told me, they wondered how a gentleman fhould 
have fuch a knowledge of diamonds, as to afcertain the 
exaft value of them ; but that I certainly was fenfible, 
that fuch articles were hard to be difpofed of ; that they 
fliould perhaps be obliged to keep them two or diree 
vears upon their hands ; during which time the intereft 
of the money was loft, and other things, to the fame 
purport. At length, after nnuch trouble and attend- 
ance, we came to a fettlement for. the thirteen ftones, 
at the fum of two thoufand pounds fterling, ready mo- 
ney ; a ring, convertible into a neck button, valued at 
two hundred pounds fterling, and for which, I lately 
got but one hundred i a parcel of very fine pearls for 
themoundng of a pair of bracelets, valued at a \i\}n^ 
dred and fifty pounds; another parcel of pearls for fixty 
pounds, and a pair of girandole ear rings, valued at 
five hundred pounds. Such were the two bargains I 

[ 202 ] 

made with EHafon, in prefencc of Gray. Six diamonds, 
\vhich formed the rofe of two oval ones, I exchanged at 
Gray's for a medallion fet round with brilliants, two 
fteel fwords, a fhirt pin, a pair of afparagus tongs, and 
a wine fyphon. Four more diamonds which were be- 
tween the rofe and the four taflels, were likewife ex- 
changed at Gray's for a ring, flill in my poffeflion, a 
fmall hoop of diamond feeds, a lady's ppcket cafe fattin 
and gold, with all its furniture, a pair of fteel buckles, 
and a miniature. 

I had fixty diamonds left, arifing from the taflels, twen- 
ty two from the fcollops, and the ftone which formed 
the button. Out of the fixty I fclefted twenty-eight, 
which I gave to Gray, to fet in drop ear-rings : and 
two and twenty of the fcollops to make into a necklace 
of oae fingle row; I then had left only thirty -two ftones 
arifing from the taflels, and the flrone forming the but- 
ton. I chofe the fixteen finefl:, which I kept unmount- 
ed, and the remaining fixteen I parted with to Gray, 
at the rate of eight pounds the karat, out of which I 
bought in his ftiop fund'y fmall matters, not worth men- 
tioning. Thus terminated all my negociations for dia- 
monds in London. 

I had ftill remaining the button flone, which I fliewed 
to Mr. Morland, aflcing him whether he could not find 
an opportunity of felling it to my advantage ; he faid 
he would let an acquaintance infped: it, and let me 
know his anfwer in two or riiree days. He did fo, by 
telling me, he had the fl:one in his bank, and that one 
thoufand guineas had been ofi^ered for it, which he be- 
lieved might be carried to twelve hundred. He pro- 


[ ^03 } 

pofed my calling in Pall-mall to rake the diamond^ and 
from tlience go into the city, to Mr. DuvaFs, the per- 
Ibn who made the offer ; but that he believed it was not 
for himfelf. We met with Mr. Duval^ who Ihewed me 
feveral articles in jewellery. I told him my defign 
was not to purchafe any, fince I was on the con- 
trary come to treat with him about a diamond^ which 
Mr. Morland had given him to infpe<5l. After furvey- 
ing it a fecond time, he told me, that the pcrfon to 
whom he had fhewn it, offered but one thoufand pounds, 
which .he (Duval) looked upon to be its full value. I 
took back the diamond, and refolved to keep it till I 
found a means to dlfpofe of it more advantageoufly. 
The fame day I gave it to Gray to fet in a ring. Let 
us now proceed to thofe that were fold and exchanged 
at Paris. Before my departure for England, the Coun- 
tefs had delivered to Mr. Tilleux fome diamonds, 
which flie had kept privately, that had formed part 
of the fcollops and knots of the taffels : ftie defired him 
to fell them for her, and pay her the money ; charging 
him not to make me acquainted with it. He fold the 
whole parcel to one Paris, a jeweller, for the fum of 
twenty eight thoufand French livres. Two ftones, part 
of the fcollops, were exchanged by me, for two pendu- 
lum clocks, at one Turet*s, in St. Honore Street, with 
twenty-five louis d'ors in addition. One diamond in 
like manner from the fcollops, was fet in a ring by Reg- 
nier my jeweller. I had a chain in fmall briUiants, 
which Franks the Jew had fold me : that I gave to 
Rcgnier, adding a few fmall diamonds, which belonged 
to the knots of the taffels, the whole of which he made 
D d 2 into 

[ 204 ] 

into a chain, which the Cardinars counfel valued ^x. forty 
tboufand livres, I with much difficulty parted with it 
{ox fixty pounds Jierlitig m London. It was nearly the 
iame with every particular: they were, in order to obtain 
their ends, obliged to multiply the price for which 
every article fold, in a like proportion; and thus, from 
this falfe eftimation, endeavour to prove that the whole 
of the necklace had been in my pofrefTion. 

I had now left, in all, Sixteen diamonds, which I had 
brought back to London, four and twenty very fmall 
ones, which were on the fides of each oval ftone, • at the 
bottom of the taffels, the encircling of the two large oval 
ftones, two fmall ones on each fide of the button, fixteen 
of the fame fize, fix of which held the two oval ftones 
between the fcollops, and the twelve others, which were 
immediately adjoining to the ribband at, top ; the rofes 
and what held the taflTels were not yet taken to pieces. 
I delivered the whole to Regnier, out of all which, he 
felefted the bcft diamonds, and nearly of an equalit}^, to 
encircle the top of a box, and mount a fmall pair of 
drop ear-rings, which the Countefs wanted to make a 
prefent of. The remainder I direfted him to fell, for 
which he got thirteen, or fourteen thotifand livres. Thefe 
made up die number qf what I fold, as well at Paris as 
in London, Let us now recapitulate. 

.1 jreceived in ready money in Ljondony five thou/and 
pounds fterling from Mr. Eliafon, and fifty or fixty 
ppunds from Mr. Gray. 

In exchange I received a medallion;^ a pair of giran- 
dole ear rings, a ring, a fhrit-pin, a hoop, two fteel 
fwords, a pair of fteel buckles, one pound of pearl feed, 


C 205 ] 

two rows of pearls forming a necklace, a mount for 
bracelets, a fmall parcel of pearls, a neck button, con- 
vertible into a ring, a fnuff box, a. pair of afparagus 
tongs, a wine fyphon, a lady's pocket cafe, fattin and- 
gold, with appurtenances, a miniature, a pen-cafe of 
rofes valued fixty pounds ftcrling. Some few other 
finall articles I had from Gray's fhop, as needles, 
knives, fteel forks, fpring-pincers, fciflars, a pair of 
filver buckles, an opera-glafs, a finall fteel watch chain. . 

I fold at Paris to Mr. Paris feveral diamonds, to the 
amount of twenty eight thoufand livres, and I received 
near fifty louis d'ors, for a part of the pearl feed carried 
from London by Chevalier O'Neil, the remainder of the 
pearl feed was fold to Mordecai, a Jew, refiding in Rue 
aux Ours, 

I have already faid, I had delivered to Gray twenty- 
two ftones to fet in a necklace, and twenty-fix for drop 
ear-rings. I had acquainted him with the day of my 
departure, and he had promifed the work fliould be 
compleatcd; yet the day previous thereto, he fliewed 
me all the pieces, only fketched, aflfuring me there was a 
rear deal more work than he had at firft imagined ; and 
that if would leave them with him, he had an oppor- 
tunity of conveying them to Paris within a fortnight; 
I kfc him the diamonds with my'addrefs, and fet out 
upon my journey on a Sunday morning with the Capu- 
chin M'Dermot, ^ho attended me as far as Dover; At 
parting with him, I made him a prefent of a box, with a 
very handfome painting on the lid, and defrayed his 

journey back to London. 

When " 

{ 206 ] 

When I left Paris, I had taken credit for two diou- 
fand crowns 3 I won at Newmarket near a thoufand 
pounds fterling; out of both which fums I expended an 
hundred guineas in fadkry, harnefs and race-horfe body- 
cloaths, a hundred guineas more for a phaeton, a hun- 
dred and fifty guineas in Englifli ftufFs and cloacbs, for 
' myfelf and fervants ; the reft was fpent in travelling and 
during my fix weeks ftay in London j which will not 
appear extraordinary, when it is known I had taken up 
my refidence at one of the principal hotels in that town, 
tliat I kept two fervants, a hired coach and two faddle 
horfes, that I often gave entertainments, and that 
keeping the moft fafliionablc company, I was obliged 
to play and enter into cxpenfive pleafures. 

All I now had left of the wreck of the famous neck- 
lace, were two rings, one for myfelf, the other belong- 
ing to die Countefs ; a fmall diamond mounted on a 
plumb-coloured ftone,a pair of drop ear-rings, and a cir- 
cle on a black tortoifelhell box, and what I had left with 
Gray, namely, the necklace of twenty-two ftones and 
the ear-rings. 

Thus have I given a minute detail of the diamonds I 
poflefled, and lof the manner in which I had difpofed of 

From the account I have kept, and have juft fet 
forth, of all the diamonds I had in my pofTefilon, or that 
of the Countefs, belonging to tlie necklace, and by 
comparing it with an exa£t reprefcntation thereof, en- 
graved on a fcale, of the fize of the diamonds, it appears 
that the Queen had kept two hundred and fifty-six 
DIAMONDS of thefame magnitude i ninty-eight fmaller 


[ ^^7 1 

ones of the fame form, and the tv/o finest dia-^ 
MOJ^DS of the firft fize. The two hundred and fifty-fix 
diamonds were what compofed the moft beautiful part 
of the necklace, on the account of the aflcmblage and 
the regularity of fo great a number of ftoncs. 

Mr. Duval v/ho has retired from bufinefs, and left: 
it to his brother, fjrnifhed the Queen of England with 
a number of diamonds like thofe her Majefty kept, to 
mount a pair of bracelets. The Queen of France had 
given orders to the fame Mr. Duval to procure her fome 
like them ; but he told me, he never could get a fuffi- 
cient quantity together. As he knew the necklace, and 
had it in his hands, I pointed out to him upon the draw- 
ing, what portion I had poffefled, and what the Queen 
had retained; which occafionedhim torecolleft the order 
he had received from her Majefty to procure fuch dia- 
monds. As file had a great defire of having bracelets, 
counterparts of thofe of the Queen of England, it is proba- 
ble, that thofe ftie k^pt will one day be employed to that 
ufe. The Countefs aiferts, that her Majefty having once 
denied, flie will ever deny ; and that fuch is her difpofition, 
that flie would fooner caufe the diamonds, to be thrown 
into the fea, than leave tokens fubfifting, of an adiion 
which has been attended with fuch horrid confequenccs 
to us.— —This is poflible ; the only inference I mean to 
draw, from this long cxpofition, is^ that our perfecutors 
having never been able to prove our difpofingof a fingle 
carat, more than what I have ftated \ they cannot be cre- 
dited upon that ground, when they flander us fo un- 
defervedly, by faying that we ftole the necklace ; all that 
they can allege widi plaufibility is, that we cannot ad- 

[ 103 1 

(luce proof of tlie Queen's donatbn. How do they 

know ? — --Her Majefty may perhaps have a reflexive, 

conipimctivc moment i we await it on her death-bed 

let them do the fame. 

It niuft be in the reader's recolleftion, that I departed 
from Bar-fur-Aube v;ith a hundred louis d'ors, and diat 
I left my family polTeflcd of all my own jewels and thofc 
of die Countefs j and in general of all the property I 
had i that circumftance, which evidently vouches in fa- 
vour of my innocence, and proves how far I was from 
farcleeing what has occured, has, however, contributed 
nioft, to afford my enemies grounds for criminating 
afferdons; the houfe of Rohan giving out that I was 
gone off with the remainder of the necklace. Thofe re- 
ports obtaining credit, it was undoubtedly a duty in- 
cumbent on my family to produce my diamonds arid 
thofe of the Countefs ; the more fo, as flie had given 
an exaft lift of them a few days after her arrival at tlie 
Baftile; but calculating and hoping that the family of 
Rohan would prevail over us by our deftrudion, and 
that they would confequenitly h? able to appropriate 
to themfelves, not only our jewels^, but the greateft 
part alfo of our plate and efFeds, they neglefted 
to take one fingle ftep towards altering or weakening 

the fufpicions drawn from my departure; nor, will 

their fliameful avcrice prefently be doubted of. 

Shortly after the judgment, feeing in the public 
papers that they had given up nonc-ofour jewels; I 
jent to them an cxprefs, in hopes they would at Icaft de- 
liver to him a part: but what did they do? After ex- 
claiming in abufive terms againft me ; tlicy fent him back^ 


t 209 ] 

without even giving him wherewith to bear his expences. 
Rightly judging I Ihould not ftop there, and that one 
Way or the other I fhould force them to a rcftitution) they 
determined on making a facrilBce, hoping they might with 
impunity keep all they had robbed my houfe of. They in 
confequence put into the Countefs's cafket her bracelets, 
a ftar of brilliants, a medallion, a pair of girandole ear- 
rings, a plume-bearer, a black tortoifefhell box with a 
circle of brilliants on the lid, a pearl necklace, a paiF 
of garnet bracelet clafps fet in gold, and three or four 
rings, valued at the utmoft at thirty or forty guineas. 
They afterwards pretended uo have found this cafket in a 
place where I had hid it, before my departure j and to 
manifeft their own honefty and difintereftednefs, they fent 
it to the police; perfuaded, that after that voluntary re^ 
ftitution, no fearch would be made at their houfes, and 
that they might fafely write to me (as they aftually did) 
that all my property having, in general, been feized j it was 
very aftonifl:iing I fhould daily fend meflengcrs to them, 
to make indifcreet demands : that once for all I ought 
to convince myfelf they had nothing belonging to me; 
they concluded their epiftle by obferving, that as I had 
difgraced them, I muft expert no affiftance at their hands. 
Soon after tlie receipt of this letter, I received from 
Paris a ftatement of all that had been fold at the Hotel 
de Bullion. Being by this means affured of their 
knavery, I immediately difpatched another exprefs, with 
a letter, couched in terms that fo alarmed them, as to 
compel a promifc that they themfelves would repair ta 
London, and deliver to me, what they had (as they 
pretended) been " fo lucky as to favc." The period 

E e tbcy 

[ 2IO ] ' 

they had fixed on being pafTed, arid receiving no letter 
fro|Ti them, I fenr another melTenger with frelh inftruc- 
tions. When they found there was no farther room for 
tergiverfation, they deternnined upon fetting out. 

The inhabitants of Bar-fur-Aube, loudly reporting 
that my relations had kept part of my jewels, and in- 
cenfed at their behaviour in that refpedl, and the plun- 
dering of my houfe, (fincethe alarm that had been given 
them, had forced a furrender of part of my plate, which 
they had buried under a dunghill) fufpefled, that the 
different perfons I had fcnt over, were come to claim 
the efFefts I had left with them. The latter thinking 
to baffle the people of the town, and divert their atten- 
tion^ fpread a report that they were going to Paris, but 
took the road to Boulogne ; having the precaution, pre- 
yioufly to difpatch the perfon 1 had fent to them, and 
efpecially to prevent his paffing through Paris, appre- 
hcnfive that he might there fay fomething difad/an- 

Coming to London a few days after the Countefs, 
(who at the period I am mentioning had made her ef- 
cape :) to whom they had refufed 25 louis d'ors as fhe 
pafied through Bar-fur-Aube, they delivered to mc a 
ring, which had formed the ftud of the necklace, a watch 
chain which I fold for 50 pounds fterling, and a box I 
had taken in exchange, and which I fold to Gray for 
fixty pounds. Reftoring thefe three articles, they told 
me, that they were all they had been able to preferve of 
our jewels. Having had full leifure to invent thefe fal- 
Gtie$, and perfuaded that I could not have been inform- 
ed of their .conduft, and the depredations diey intended 


[ i" ] 

on my property^ they fparcd no pains to convince mc 
of the truth of what they had advanced; which would 
indeed have appeared feafonable, had my intelligence? 
not been fo well founded. 

Affefting to be fatisfied with what they had delivered 
me, I, the fame day, pirocured a writ to be ilTued, hop- 
ing thereby to frighten them into a furrender of the 
remaining jewels ; but they imagining, from the enqui- 
ries they had made, and the advice they had received, 
previous to theif departure, that I could not by any 
means moleft thena ; they pretended, to Ihew thk ut- 
moft indignation at my conduft, and finally declared 
they had nothing left- belonging to me j that they had 
fold every article, and that, could they have forefeen 
the ingratitude I now evinced towards them, for what 
they had done, they would have given up all my jewels, 
and even have deprived me of the three articles they had 
juft delivered. 

Judging from their refolute tone, that fomething 
more than words was requifite to bring them to a fenfe 
of juftice, I infifted no farther ; but urged by neceflity, 
put the writ into the hands of a Iheriff's officer, who foon 
after, though m.uch to my regret, arrefted my uncle, a 
man of propert}', childlefs, enjoying the firft offices in the 
place of his refidence, and poffeffing the efteem of all its 
inhabitants, and whom I really refpefted. The cafe 
was otherwife with his beloved confort, a defpicable wo- 
man, detcfted by all who knew her ; who, I am certain 
had prevailed on her hufband to be guilty of fuch a piece 
of meannefs and injuftlce. The moment ftie faw him 
arrefted, fhe came to me, urging my acceptance of 

E e 2 bill? 

r c 1 2 ] 

bills to the amount of my claims ; ftill aflunng me ftic 
had nothing of mine, and that fhe was going to part 
with fomc of her own property to purchafe her hufband's 
releafe. Finding flie could not make me accede to the 
terms fhe propofe«l, fhe concluded on acknowleging 
every thing, and fhe adually departed to fetch, what 
fhe abfolutely afTerted upon oath, to have been furren- 
dcred to government. 

On her return fhe gave up two rings that had belong- 
ed to the necklace, a pair of drop ear-rings, out of 
which ihe had taken four diamonds (which I only per- 
ceived after we parted) a hoop-ring, a neck-but- 
ton, a hair ring, fet round with flones, and another 
ring of fmall value. The day after this forced rcftitu- 
tion, my relations returned to their own home, where 
tlaey Ihared the remainder of die fpoils, nor have I 
heardof them fin ce, but to be informed, in a circum- 
ftantial manner, of all the havock they have made in my 
houfe at Bar-fur-Aube, and of the contempt they have 
drawn upon themfelves by their behaviour towards me. 

As they are capable, after all they have done, 
of faying, diat they cairiC over to bring me the re- 
mainder of the necklace, I think myfelf bound to 
^dd, that, of all which they reftored to me, diere wxre 
but three Hones belonging to the necklace, and of which 
I have fpciken above. Every thing elfe, as well as 
what was fold at the Hotel de Bouillon in Paris, was 
(within a very faiall matter) our property before we ever 
heard the necldace mentioned. 

1 have parted with every article, which they brought 
to me, to Mr. Gray of NcwBond-llxeet, for the fum of 


C 213 1 

tm> thoufand two hundred pounds fcerling. Thus hav- 
ing explicidy, and with great ^veracity, ftated every cir- 
cumftancc wherein I was particularly concerned^ I re- 
iiqquifh the pen to the Countefs, 

(Here the Countess re/umes the Narration,) 

The Count, my hufband, having concluded that part 
of our hiftory, which, as he was fingly concerned in the 
tranfaftions, he could witli greater accuracy relate, 1 
now refume vay narrative, and think I naay fafely affirm, 
that, whatever prejudices, the iniquitous fentence pro- 
nounced againft me, rcfulting from the Intrigues both 
of the Queen and the houfe of Rohan, may have given 
birth to ; thofe who feel the ftrongeft impulfe, cannot 
doubt, after viewing our account, fupported by fo many 
concurrent and undeniable fafts, that we have cruelly 
been made a facrifice to pride, ambition, and revenge. 

The bare converfa?ion of Count de la Motte with the 
French Ambafllidor, by difclofing the machinations agi- 
tated by the Queen's party, furely gives a perfed idea 
of thofe that have real^ been put in fraBice by the Rohan 
party: but I do not exped the public to reft tlieir 
opinions upon mere aflertions, I mean to unfold thofe 
intrigues of my adverfanes of wliich I can produce po- 
fitive proofs \ and even in thefe I fliall not be able to 
difplay one tenth part of their iniquitous conduft. 

Before I enter into thefe particulars, it is important 
to obferve that, by an unaccountable fatality, annexed 
to the nature of the circumftancesj the Queen, whofe 
caufe, in the main^ was united with mine i or of whom, 


[ 214 ] 

(as Count Adhemar very Well obierved) I was only the 
reprefentative, could not' be brought forward in the 
bufinefs; as the tenor of the Letters Patent, affording 
the over-ruling party of the Cardinal, a pretence for 
confining the enquiries folely to the affair of the neck- 
lace, bioifhed from- difcuflion every thing foreign to 
that fubjeft. 

By th'efe means, • the 'bafenefs of the Queen, as I have 
obierved, not being brought into qucftion, and lier Ma- 
jeily not having an intereft in the proceedings, I found 
myleif alone, unfu^pdrted, and without fortune, having 
to'fb'uggle" againft the intereft, wealth, and reputation 
of an illuftrious and powerful houfe, and to aggravate 
thefe circiimftances, 1 had fing:lv to flTuo:ffle ac:ainft the 
fecret influence of the Queen herfelf, whom my- forced 
precaution, relative to the Cardinal^ had incenfed againft" 
mc. Is it a v^on'der,- if I funk under the combined 
povv'cr of fuch adverfarics ? 

'Gn the fuppofition,' which is a natural one, that the 
moment I faw myfelf involved, in that unhappy affair, 
(fetting afide a regard for the truth, fuperior to* that of 
my own fafety) I had thought fit to have coalefced with 
one or other of the parties concerned, I fliould not have 
been able to accomplifhed it. I never had, for a 
fingle inftant^ the liberty to confult either juftice, my 
own inclination, or my real interefl; perpetually befec 
with the agents and emiffaries of both parties, I faw no- 
thing but rocks on every fide. I could not even open 
my mouth, nor- make the leaft obfervation, but I heard 
it repeated to me : "If you do that you are undone !"— 
alas ! gracious Heaven! cried I inceffantly, whom muft- 

I liften 

I ^^5 1 

I liftcn to ? — •whom believe ? — More tortured with that 
uncertainty, than nneafy about the real bufmefs itfelf, I 
grew tired of everlaftingly thinking on one obie6t, aiid 
fell into diat ftate of infenfibility that produces a kind of 
torpid indifference to confcquences, whether good or 
evil. On one point only my ideas poffefled a degree of 
ftabilily, becaufe it was what I had long fmce fbrefeen, 
I refle£ted thus:— -the Queen is bent upon the Cardi- 
nal's ruin— but the Cardinal has been my benefafcor : — 
v;ill it not be monftrous in me to become the inftru- 
ment of his deftruAion ?— the Queen has alfo been nhy 
benefatftrefs ; if I am avcrfe to ferving the purpofes of 
her revenge, I ought at leafc to reverence her fccrets,--- 
Ail that might have been reconciled, had difcretion 
been all that was requifite. But what was I to anfv^/er 
to eternal queftions, moft of them infidious ones? how 
extricate myfelf out of chat wildernefs of interrogatories, 
crofs examinations, &c. capable of perplexing an abler 
head than mine ? The confufion of mind thence arifing, 
is the only reafon I can give for the frequent contradit- 
tions into which I was betrayed.—-" fay t£/tot%" . on© 
told me, " or you are undone V' I ( " fay. 
Mack'' fuggeftcd another, "• or it is all over with you j" 
and of confequence I faid i^Iack. " Do not fpeak of 
fuch a thing,*' faid a third, ** you would ruin all :" I 
was queftioned concerning this very thing, and anfwer- 
ed incoherently, and little did I fufpeft that all thofe 
inconfiftencies would combine to criminate and ftand as 
proofs againft me. But, let us pais througli fome of 
thefe gradations, by v;hich I was led to the precipice : 
fome, 1 fay, becaufe it would requiie volumes to par-^- 


t 2i6 ] 

ticularize them all. From my entrance into the Baftile, 
until the day of abomination, not one ftt^p was I per- 
mitted to take> not a fingle word was fuggefted to me, 
but what tended towards the confumalation of my 

The firft thing neceflary to be known is, that a few 
days previous to that, which I juft now called the dof 
ef ahominationy I received a letter, which, I to this day, 
impute to the Baron de Breteuil j the purport of which 
was, that my fafecy depended on myfdf ; that I had no- 
thing to do, but to place every diing to the account of 
the Cardinal and of Caglioftro. (*) 


* A manifeft proof that the anonymous letter re- 
ceived by me three or four days previous to the arreft 
of the Cardinal, was fcnt me by the Baron de Breteuil, 
appears from this circumftance. It is well known, that 
when he entered officially the Cardinal's hotel at Paris, 
hoping to find there the correfpondence, and enraged on 
hearing that a courier difpatched to the Abbe Georgel, 
had frijftrated him in obtaining that objecft, as the pa- 
pers had all been committed to the flames ; he cried 
out, upon feeing the buft of Caglioftro, " I meet every 
" where with nothing but the figure of that mounte- 
" bank; but, patience, I hope there will be an end of 
" it foon."— -I was at that moment very quiet at Bar- 
fiir-Aube, and he only expreffed himfelf thus, becaufe 
tinder a perfuafion that I Ihould implicidy follow the 
counfcls he had given me m his letter. 

[ ^^7 3 

On the nth of Auguft, when was! carried to the 
\Mkj (already inccnfed againft the Cardinal, who, in 
olcr to cnfnarc the Queen and fave himfelf> threw all 
the blame upon me j) I perceived the Commiflary Chc- 
non advancing towards me ; who, having had his leflbn 
from the Buron de Breteiiil, afl<:ed me what I Ihould fay 

in my defence ? RecoUcding then the letter I had 

received, but unwilling to go as far as the anonymous 
writer adviied me I anfvvcred, that I would fay, the 
Caidlnal had made me a prefenc of a quantity of dia- 
monds, without my having a knowledge whether or not 
they belonged to the necklace. He advifed me not to 
purfue that method, reprefenting that it would prepofTefs 
lie King againft me. That would be acknowledging my- 
If a miftrefs to the Cardinal j and in that cafe it would 
..ppear no wonder he ftiould have made me fueh a pre- 
fcnt, " fay rather," added he, that " he gave them to 
« be difpofcd of by you, to his advantage,- and that you 
" have remitted to him the fums received for them- — 
" that will wear the greater air of probability, and be 
" infinitely more decent foT you." 

This was the firft advice, that I confefs myfelf wealc 

noygh to follow, and which, while it produced my ruin, 

Tcferved the Cardinal ; becaufr, it was not pofTible for 

"iie to prove that 1 had paid him the money; whereas 

had I purfued the mode I had planned,, and faid that 

^le had given me a grpt number of diamonds ; he Would 

uve been unable to prove the contrary : but it was not 

'H fome confiderable time after that I felt die difference 

>f thofe two declarations. The commiflary, whom I 

i'lainly perceived to be the inftrument of the Baron dc 

p f Breteuil, 

[ 218 ] 

Breteuil, had made ic his bufincfs to prevent me as much 
as poffible from reflecting on my fituation, and in order 
to fix my whole attention, had given me to underftand 
that the Qiieen would protefl, and fpeedily bring me 
our of the Baftile: " An additional reafon,'* faid hero 
me, " for avoiding to fpeak of any prefent you have re- 
" ceived ; because the Cardinal would not fail to an- 
*^ fwer, that you had told him, thofe diamonds wei-e 
*^ prefented to you by the Queen i in which cafe, her 
" Majefty would be expofed, a ciraimftance you muft 
" take fpecial care to avoid/' In vain I reprefented 
to him, that did I not comprehend how I could difpenfe 
■ with mentioning the name of the Queen, in a bufinefs, of 
which flie had been the eflcntial fource. He anfwered, 
" Jfyou name hevyyou are undone,'' (•^) 


* When I received a fecond vifit from the Commif- 
fary Chenon^ he communicated a letter, he faid he had 
received from Baron de Breteuil, whofe writing I knew 
again. He gave him notice what CSunfel he had cho- 
sen, and pointed out the methods of engaging dicm to 
undertake my defence. He advifed me to write to 
them, in fuch manner as to make them fenfible, that by 
pleading for me, they would certainly do what was 
^highly pleafing to the Queen, the Baron de Breteuil, 
: &c. without however naming them. In order to leave 
no doubt remaining, he perfuaded me to add, that they 
imight go to the police, and receive the information of 
ttvhat I had advanced. Tliis appeared to me to be an 


[ 219 ] 

The La'vvyer Doillot, whom Mr. de Breteiiil In like 
lanjier fcnt mc fcr a Counfd, began alfo by forbidding 


excellent piece of advice^ and looking on the Baron de 
Breteuil as entirely governed by the Queen, I wrote 
without hefitation what the commiflary diftated to me. 
He took upon him the charge of conveying the let- 
ters. Thofe, to whom they were addreffed, did not de- 
lay (after they had been to Mr. De Crone's) to prefent 
themfelves to defend me j but the vanity and jealoufy 
of Mr. Dbillot, made him rejeft two celebrated Coun- 
fellorSj and it was at that moment he publifhcd his 
firft memorial, which is a mixture of nonfenfe and falf- 
hood. At the fame period the commiflary Chenon had 
defired me to give him, in writing, all that I had ver- 
verbally communicated to him^ intending, as he faid, 
to lay it before the Baron de Breteuil, who being in- 
formed of the whole connexion, would be the more 
concerned for me. As I was one day employed in that 
bufinefs, which I had almoft brought to a conelufion. 
Doillpt came in ; 1 related to him what was pafling be- 
tween the commiflary and the Baron de Breteuil, and 
iliowed him the miCmorial I was preparing for hiiTi. 
He began to exclaim againfl: me, called me child, per- 
fuaded me, from fevcral circumfl:ances which he related, 
that the commiflary fought to deceive me, and con- 
cluded, by prevailing on me to permit no more of his 
vifits; a piece of advice I pundtually followed. At his 
leaving mc he took up and pocketted the memorial. 

Y(n The 

[ 220 ] 

mc ever to utter the Queen's name, afluring me, from 
good authority, that fie would protcSl me. On the other 
hand, the Cardinars party fought to engrofs me to them- 
felves. De Launey, Governor of the Baflilej devoted 
to the houfe of Rohan, had placed near me, a certain 
Abbe Leqi^ele, Chaplain to that horrid prifon; wkofe 
principal employ was to pafs from the Cardinal's apart- 
ment to mine, from mine to the Cardinal's, and to 
concert our refpeftive anfwers againft the time we were 
to undergo our examinations. 

It may readily be fuppofcdj, thofe anfwers were fo cal- 
culated, tliat, without my perceiving it, mine had al- 
ways a tendency to confirm the probability of the Car- 
dinal's. I indeed fometimes experienced moments of 
diftruft, but that villain of an Abbe was fo dextrous, 
Ihewcd fo much concern, and afFedled fo much regard 
for me, diat I acqulefced in every thing he propofed. 
He was informed of every thing, brought me meffagcs 
from the Cardinal, and was always apprifing me of the 
objefts to which the examination would be pointed. 
'^ Tp-rnorrow," he would fay to me, " you will be 
" brought face to face with the Cardinal; he will per- 
^^ haps b;e brought to fay to you, fuch and fuch things ; 

" beware 

The King may require of that lawyer to produce the 
memorial, as alfo the one he made me afterwards write ; 
he will judge, by the reftmbLmce, that 1 never varied, 
when I fpoke the truth ; and that the circumftances I 
this day relate, are abfolutely the fame as thofe I com- 
mitted to paper zx the periods I am fpeaking of. 


[ 221 ] 

'f beware of contradifting him ; all that, is only matter. 
'' of form, the trial will never be brought to iffue ; it 

is impoffible it ever fliouldj the Pope is 1 in- 

« terefted in it ; — the Chapter of Strafburgh is moiing 

" heaven and earth, you will perceive, and the Car- 

'^ dinal charges me to affure you, that this affair will 
*^ terminate without a judgment, and the Queen will 
*^ be non-fuited. (*) The aiisfortune is, that he cannot 

" expolc 

* Since I have been in London, I have read, in the 
^journal of a writer, intitled " Secret Memoirs for the Hif- 
iory of the Republic of Letters in France^' a letter from 
Abbe Georgel to the Princefs of Marfan, I deemed it 
fo much the more neceflary to infert it herfe, as the rea- 
der will judge by its contents, that Abbe Lequele drew 
his information from the fame fource as Abbe George], 
and chat in lieu of Baron de Planta, I unfortunately was 
pitched upon for the viftim to be facrificed to difgractd 

Sept. x8, 1785. 
CEASE to be uncafy concerning our dear Cardinal, 
lie bore with all the dignity of a Rohao, the unthought 
of blow aimed agalnft him. His health continues good, 
in his confinement ^ the feverities of which are mode- 
rate, and his foul is at peace, as much as that of an 
illuftrious man, under fuch accufations can be, who fore- 
fees he nevcF ihall be judged. But if authority recedes, 


[ 222 ] 

*^ cxpofe her without endangering the lofs of his own 

1^ head. lam prjuadedy that after the Jervices he has 

" done 

will not that be a juftification? The King with the ad- 
vice of his coynci], has juft referred the matter to the 
Parliament. The letters- patent are regiftered. The 
whole procedure may very likely terminate there ; for 
In fliort> die trirj of a mere clerical perfon cannot be 
carried on but before the Ecclcfiallical Judge. Have a 
Bifhop, a Cardinal lefs imrnunities? l^ht hiftory of 
France pr^jcnts us with feven CardiaaU impeached by 
our Kings; not one could perfonally be brought to trial; 
the Chancellor d^Aguefleau himfelf allows, that out of 
twelve inftances, th^re are eleven in behalf of the church; 
nor can he deny it$ being the firft body in the ftate. In 
1754 the trial of Cardinal de Retz wa? referred to 
the Parliament by letters-patent, which unqueftionably 
ferved as a precedent to thofe of 1785. But three years 
after, a folemn declaration repealed the decree; confirm- 
ing the ancient right of Bifhops, to be tried only by their 
own metropolitans. 

The calc was a crime of h^h-treafpn, and all the 
])retenfions on the part of the Crown was, diat a crime 
of that nature fufpended all immunities. So that when 
there is nodiing that concerns the King or ftate, no 
doubt but die common-law is in its full force. You 
now fee, Madam, what all the buftle of the day may 
come to. Do not however think, tha^ there is any un- 
Ikillfulnefs in the Keeper of the Seals, and die Count 


[ 223 ] 

*^ done yen, you could not without a heart-breaking farroxv 
" bring him to the jcaffold:' " What am I to do then ?" 
anfwered I keenly, " if I can neither impeach the Car- 
*^ dinul nor the Queen, it will all fall Upon me!" — - 

" In 

• d^ Vergennes; they both know what they are about; the 
one is converfant in the French law, the other under- 
ftands the Roman politics ; they alone could-affbrd light, 
but they are our friends. They are adbuated by xhtjame 
viewsy the fame aver/tons. They know that tl?e Ele-ftor 
of Mcntz will demand a revocation, that Home wiii lay 
claim, that the clergy will remonftrate, that even the 
empire will murmur. They have hitherto been filent, 
and paid a feeming deference to the apparent equity of 
committing the matter to a national tribunal. If the 
clamours are not fufficiently powerful^ the proceedings of 
the Parliament will continue^ -but in fuch a manner as 
to operate neither againft the accufers nor the accufedi; 
if difficulties increafe^ the King will letraft, which will 
be fo much the more in our favour, as there will be 
greater perplexity in the cariying on the bufmefs, 'Ther.e 
will then no longer be but one vi^im requifite tofacrifice to 
offinded pQ'-^er. Why fhould not the Baron, who was 
only an agent, be difmiffed as the principal ? We Ihoirid 
completely triumph i all interefls would be reconciled, 

revenge would be gratified, and refpedive enmities 

would ceafe. Madam, I have communicated fads, let 
thofe fails be a fecret for your life. 

[ ^^4 J 

" In your fituation / would tell the truth ; I fee no barm 
" in booing received diamonds of the ^een. 

** No>-— but there is danger in telling it; becaiife it 
" is telling diat fhe received the necklace, and that is 

** what flie wont allow." Generally fpcakmg, at that 

time I faw no one but the Abbe Lequcle, who often 
came, and cold mCj the Cardinal grew very weary of the 
protraction of his trial, and that his health declined 
daily. I, complaining on my fide, and with greater 
leafon, afked him, if there was no pofTibility of putting 
a period to the bufinefs? A thought that inftant oc- 
curred to me of writing to the Qiieen, I imparted to him 
my idea, which met with his appmbarion, he, even 
charging himfelf with the delivery of the letter. I wrote 
therefore in hjs prefcnce neailv In thcfe terms. 


NOTWITHSTANDING all the feverities of my 
fituation, not a finglc complaint hascfcaped me ; all the 
infidious methods that have been pradifed to extort 
confefTions from me, have ferved only to ftrengthcn me 
in the refolution, of never faying any thing, by which 
you may be brought into queftionj yet, perfuaded as I 
am, that my fidelity and difcretion ought to facilitate 
my being extricated from my difficulties, I own to you, 
that the efforts of the family of the " Slave,'* make me 
fear I Ihall become a viflim. Three mondis examination 
of anxieties of every kind, the defpondency of feeing 
myfclf accufed (I, who am innocent) has greatly weak- 

[ 2-5 ] 

cned my fortitude, and makes me apprehenfive I fhall 
not be able, much longer, to be fteady in that refolve. 
You have it in ^your power to put an end to this un- 
happy bufinefs, by caufing it to be negociated by B, 
He may give to the Minifter what turn his intelligent 
mind may fuggeft to him> avoiding particularly to bring 
you into queftion. The dread I am under of feeing 
myfelf forced to a full difcovery, drives me to the mea- 
fure I now adopt, perfuaded Madam, that you will give 
orders to have this unfortunate matter brought ro a 

1 am with the rnoft profound refpeft". 
Madam's moft obedient fcrvant, 


J^ril 13, 1786. . 

I gave him my letter to read, which he approved of, 
and propofed my communicating it to the Cardinal. As 
the latter was at leaft as much interefted as myfelf, in 
having the proceedings terminated. I faw no impro- 
priety in fo doing: I delivered to him my letter, and 
pointed out the manner of conveying it fafely, by in- 
clofing it under three covers. He put it into his pocket, 
and after an hour's converfation on various topics, he 
pretended to go, then flopping for a confiderable time, 
as if full of thought, and at laft obferved to me, that, 
upon mature reflexion, it was not poffible for him to de- 
G g liver 

[ t26 ] 

liver fuch Ji letter, without rendering himfeir liable to 
be alfo furnifhed with an apartment in the Battile ; for 
it being univerfally known, that he was the only perfon 
I converfed with, people would naturally turn an eye of 
fulpicion upon him, as to the delivery of fuch a letter 
from me. He therefore returned it, faying he would 
fpeak of it to the Cardinal, and that fome perfon fliould 
be thought of, that might undertake the commiffjon, 
without incurring the fame degree of danger. 

Thus it was that wretch, by buoying me up with 
hdpesj found means to induce a converfation with me, 
and to take advantage of every unguarded word that 
might efcape me. 

The examinations being ended, I had the precious 
permiflion to fee my council Doillot, who, if not natu- 
rally difhoneft, was influenced by the Baron de Breteuil; 
confequently full of lio other confideration than that of 
bringing the Cardinal to the block, and preventing the 
Queen's being, in any manner whatfoevcr, betrayed and 

His firft vifit to me, after the conclufion of the 
examinations, will evince, by the account he brought 
how many ihifts and ftratagems had been ufed 
to difguft him, and prevent his drawing up his fe- 
cond memorial. Wilhing to be informed of the rc- 
fult of the examinations, he went to Mr, Laurencelle's, 
deputy to the Attorney General, who after much tergi- 
verfation, and pretended impoflibility for him to com- 
municate any thing, faid, at laft, tliat I had made a full 
confefTion, of which he had proof in writing j that the 
defpondency I had fince fallen into, for having- made 


[ 2^7 1 

fucli declaration5, had rendered it impoffible for me to 
be ken ; that a few days before, I had bitten off the 
tliumb of my turn-key, Sf. John. 
, Doillot, ftunned with this information, anfwered that 
he could not believe it, after all I had told him, and the 
writings I had given to him. The deputy feeing him in 
this ftate of uncertainty, and looking upon him, as aU 
ready difpofed to believe whatever he might fuggeft, 
imparted to him the examinations, wherein he read the 
confeffionl had made. Stupified with amazement, in- 
cenfed at having been fo grofsly deceived, he walked 
haftily about the room, curfing thofe who had prevailed 
on him to undertake my defence, &c. Qrowing fome- 
what calm, and recollefting all the methods ufed to im- 
pofe on me, as well as himf^lf ; he requefted to look; 
over the examinations a fecond time, and particularly 
to afcertain my fignaturc, as alfo thofe of the odier par- 
ties, which Laurencelle ablblutely refufed his afTent to, 
Sufpefting therefore a defign to deceive him, an4 
prevent his coming any more to me in the Baftile, 
he withdrew, determined to fearch into the truth. - He 
in confequence of what had pafled, paid me a vifit, in 
fpite of all oppofition to his family and friends. His 
ferious and inquifitiye countenance, on entering the 
apartment, appeared to me fo much the more extraor- 
dinary, from having written down and recapitulated all 
that paired during the whole time of the examinations.-- 
I could not imagine what^ had produced fuch an altera- 
tion : at length, after fignifying his furprife at my chear- 
fulnefs, he acquainted me with all that had happened at 
Laurencelle's> with the reports that were circulated, with 
Q g 2- the 

[ 2lZ ] 

the pretended confeflion I had made^ and particularly 
v/ith my fit of rage, in which Thad bitten off my turn- 
key's thumb. Poor St. John, who was preft^nt at this 
llory, could not contain himfelf, but after bearing tefti- 
mony of the truth, faid, that " the Governor, who was 
*^ fold co\the family of Rohan, was the fabricator of 
*^ thofe calumnies 5 and that he was ready to ftand be- 
*^ fore his face^ and reproach him \^'iih his infamous be- 
^^ haviour from the very beginning of the bufincfs." 
He added, that " far from my being outrageous, as it 
*^ v/as pretended, I had been too mild ; and that in my 
^^ place, he fliould not have been able to bear with 
*^ .thofe -villains, but would have torh their eyes out," 

I then delivered to Doillot my examinations, which I 
had taken care to write dov^n at each fitting ; and after 
reading them over, and being delighted with them, he 
required me to fign my name at the bottom of every 
page, in order to leave no doubt of their authenticity j 
then went out triumphantly, promifing to have all the 
particukrs I had been relating to him immediately 
printed. Before I let him depart, I told him of the 
fnare which the knavifli Abbe had laid for me^ to 
which he anfwered, that ^^ I muft be good indeed, to 
*^ puzzle my brain with fuch a parcel of pitiful fluff; 
*^ that he was glad my letter had not been conveyed to 
" the Qu.een, as it xould not but have produceH a bad 
" effcft, and indifpofed her to be inimical to me; 
*' that in^ a v/ord, once for all, I ought to be pcrfuad- 
" ed, I fliould come off with flying colours." He was 
all this time drawing up memorial?, writing briefs, void 
of common fcnfe, Ihapdefs affemblages of abfurdities 


[ '2-9 1 

and falllioods ; making me declare in every page, that I 
had never feen the Queen, and forcing me to affirm 
it before my judges: whereas my natural and fare de- 
fence was, to fay (what was inceffantly in my heart and 
on my Jips) that the Queen had loaded me with favours, 
ever fince the period, when through the accident I be- 
fore mentioned, I'had been fo happy as to intereft her 
Majefty in my behalf. 

When Dojllot was departed. Abbe Lequele came to 
know whether I had not charged him with die letter I 
had written to the Queen ? I anfwered I had not.— 
" You did very right," replied he, " T have talked the 
" matter over with the Cardinal, who thinks it would 
" have pafTed through the hands of Baron de Breteuil, 
*^ who would not have failed making his advantage of 
" it, by hindering it from reaching the Queen.'* 

I preferved the letter to the moment of my appearing 

before die Parliament, determined (if I difcovered an 

intention of facrificing m.e) to drop it as I went out, 

which would necefTarily have brought on an explanation, 

that I would have entered into, by divulging the whole 


Uiifortilnately for me, I faw myfelf encouraged and 

applauded, and in confequence of the hopes all along 
given to me, during the trial, I went back, perfuaded 
I fhould gain my caufe. On my entering the keeper's 
parlour, I related to his wife, who v/as very kind to me, 
all that had jufl been tranfafted j imparting the circum- 
ftance of the letter, which I fliewed her 5 fhe called in 
her hufband,' who, terrified beyond meafure, fhut the 
door, upon us, and immediately burnt the letter. 


[ ^JO ] 

From every thing I have related, it appears that I 
was nearly in the cafe of a patient, to whom one phyfi- 
cian fays : " If you eat you will die of indigeftion C' 
another, " if you do not cat you'll perifh through mere 
" want." The fad is, that die I muftj for (eeing be- 
fore my eyes the Jword or poifofty in cafe I mentioned 
the Queen's name, I took care not to do it; but then 
by not naming her, I fixed upon myfelf the guilt of 
purloining the necklace.— And indeed, from the mo- 
ment it was apparent the Cardinal would extricate him- 
felf, cither through the treachciy or inability of my 
counfel, it became cldar, that a vi£tim muft fall, and 
that I was deftined to be the facrifice. It is at once 
fliocking and remarkable, that both the judges and 
evidences united to aim the mortal blow at me. The 
epitome of the examinations (which the public never 
had knowlege of, but through the unfaithful narrative 
of the impudent lawyer Target) would imprefs the mind 
with horror, if. the records that contain it, were expofed 
toeviryeye. I will adduce a few paffages^ which 1 
cannot have forged. 

We muft not lofe fight of a fafb I have already men- 
tioned, and which is now univerfally known ; that is,* 
that as well in the previous interrogatories, as in the ex- 
aminations, neither the Cardinal nor myfelf ever uttered 
one word of truth ; the realbn of wliich is very pLiin : 
that is, had we done fo, it was under penalty of forfeiting 
our lives. Neither the Cardinal nor myfelf were to 
name the Queen ; what therefore could we lay, that 
bore refemblance to what the truth really was ?— Se- 
cpndly, as I have alfo previoufly obfcrved, both of us 


being prepared to utter nothing but untruths, our de- 
pofitions, declarations and various fpeeches, were a 
ready calculated game, in which it is evident, that, fee- 
ing the immenfe inequalities of our ftations, the ad- 
vantage coitld not be on day fide ; for I played the 
weak hand againft whom ? a great Queen and a power- 
ful Lord ! Was it pofilble that evidenccSi of the caft of 
thofe who appeared in this affair, fhould waver a mo- 
ment between me and cither of my adverfe parties ?— 
and indeed, what was the confequencc ? Why, that in 
all the affidavits, obtained at 1 vaft expence, marks of 
bribery and corruption flare me in the face ? I afk 
pardon of Monfieur Dupuis de Marce, folicitor in the 
iniquitous profecution, but I can prove him to have 
prevaricated to a fcandalous excefsi Let its refer only 
to one circumflance, the iniquity of the fentencc, which 
crowned all the iniquities praftifed againfl me. lier 
Majeflry was a powerful Queen, the Cardinal as power- 
ful a Prince: I had nothing but the narae of Valois to 
render me of any confcquence. It has been Teen that, 
being equally made the viftim of misfortune, from the 
advice di^^ated by the malice of my enemies, and the 
interefts which I had occafioned, I was led aftray by 
the counfels of both friends and foes. There remains for 
me to prove the corrupt evidence produced againft me, 
and the prevarication, with which I charged the Solici- 
tor; and by quoting inllances of the, I fliall 
furnidi feme of the latter, 

Firfl, having unhappily entrufted that villain Le- 
quele with the particulars of the afFair, who, a fpy of 
the Governor*s, and a creature of the CardinaFs, was 


C i3^ 1 

necefTarily a moft dangerous confident ; it is made ma- 
nifeft by die event, diat he at the fame time communi- 
cated to the Cardinal's counfel, and to his own patron, 
what I had communicated relative to-Villette and the 
girl Olivia, and that it was purfuant to that imprudent 
ftep of mine, that the Rohans ftimulated the authority 
of their friend de Vergcnncs^ to have thofe two perfons 
taken into cuftody, in order to inftruft tliem, and make 
them depofc v/hatcvcr fi:iould be judged fuitable to their 

Scarce had Villette entered the Bafiile, when they 
enfured him his fafety, and furnifhcd him with the 
means, by fuggefting the idea of writing to Count de 
Vergenhes, who, certainly muft , be fuppofcd to have 
perfonal intereft in the bufinefs. He therefor^ wrote to 
that minifter, that he had matters to impart of the ut- 
moft importance, which he could entruft to none but 
himfelf. The wily ftatefman, who had advifed this plan 
of proceeding, but would not appear the leaft con- 
cerned in the profecution, caufed him to be tokl, it was 
impoJible for him to grant Villette an audience, buc 
that he might with equal fafety " entruft every thing 
v^ith the Governor." He might as well have'faid " to 
the Cardinal and his counfel" 

Villette having objefled to difclofing himfelf, he was 
advifed to write a fccond letter to Mr de Vergennes, 
wdth a fincere confeflion of all he knew : to which he 
anfwered, he would willingly comply, but for the fear of 
cxpofing the Queen. '* WclF' fald they to him, ^^ do 
'' not expofe her j cannot you omit her name, and tell 
every thing elfe you know ?" As he feemed perplexed, 
they faved him the trouble of arrahging his depofitions, 


{ 0.33 ] 

and die very firfl day they were given to him ready 
prepared. They pointed Qut to hini the nature of thofc 
confeffions he was to avoid, and fuggefting fuch as he 
was to ftibftituce in lieu of them -, and in the fame man- 
ner as die Baron de Breteuil, Count D'Adhemar, the 
CommllTary Chcnon, and others, calling themfelves parti- 
fans of the Queen, had didtated to my hufband and me, 
" Lay all to the Cardinal's account:" the partifans of 
the Rohans faid to the witneffes whom they inftriidted, 
" Lay every thing to the charge of the Countefs de la 
^f Motte/* But it will be faid to me, ^^ What proofs 
" have you for thefe affertions ?— they may be flander-: 
<f ous" — what proofs ? I could bring many, but one 
only is fufficient. It is this : in whatever light the af-^ 
fair is confidered, Villctte, by his ov,n confeffion, was 
at leaft guilty of a fpecies of forgery, which if not deem- 
ed of a nature to incur a capital, at leaft deferved fome 
kind of punifhment. Was he punifhed ? No, — on the 
contrary his circumftances were rendered eafy, he had a 
ffttlement made upon him, in a word he ^as rewarded ! 
—for what ? — for the docility with which he complied in 
being filent upon the Queen's account, and in placing 
tvcry thing criminal to mine. Needs there any farther 
proof of flagrant corruption ?— Informed as I am, to the 
minuteft particulars, how that fcene of iniquity was 
carried on, I regret that I am obliged to declare from 
v/jiom my intelligence was received ; but whatever I do 
not reveal in thefe Memoirs, will be through wane or 
recolleftion. I fay therefore, that my author, for thofe 
particulars, is the Chevalier du Puget, ibe King's 
lieutenant of the BaftHe, who w^ prefent at all thofe 
* H h vile 

[ ^34 1 

vile cabals carried on by the Governor. The indigna- 
tion he conceived in confequence of them, determined 
him to inform me, that I might make my advantage 
of them. Accordingly on a crofs examination with that 
Villctte, I made him confcfs the matter, and then, ob- 
ferving to him there were, exclufive of the Governor, 
other perfons who prevailed on him to make depofitions 
concerning fuch and fuch particulars, he had the ho- 
nefty to fay, ^^ It Is true, it was thofe two Gentle- 
men, pointing at the fame time to the Solicitor and the 
Recorder !-— How wonderful the integrity of that Soli- 
citor!— I know not what it brought him in, but the, 
fum muft have been large, if proportioned to the infamy 
he had brought upon himfelf I fhall return to him 
more than once. I beg permifTion to fay a few words 
concerning 'poor Oliva. I fhall firfl obferve, that flie 
w^as fo fimple, fo very fimple, that all the wilyncfs of 
|he de Launay*s (*), of the de Puis de Marcc*s (f ), of 
the Fremin's (j:), never could make her fay yeSy in- 
ftead of no ; black in lieu of white ; and indeed for that 
reafon all her depofitions and examinations remained 
buried in the Baftile. She never could be diverted 
from the native fimplicity of her narrative : ' ingenuoufly 
relating' the adventure of the green-arbourj and main- 
tiiining to the very laft, the Queen's being prefcnt. In 
varft did they obferve to her, that timidity had made 
h'er'fte one objeft inftcad of another, that flie might be 


* Governor of the Baftile. f The Solicitor* 
% The Recorder, 


[ ^35 ] 

deceived through the darknefs of the night : in ihort 
that ihe was pur-blind j Oliva not apprehending that her 
anfwers were prompted to her, in order to bring her oR] 
perfifted ftcrutly, and her laft word was : " I am very 
« certain that I both faw and heard the Queen, and that 
" {lie fpoke to me/' It muft be readily conceived that 
when they came to confront her with mci they fpared no 
pains to bias her ; there v/as no poflibility of burying 
the words Ihe fpoke before me, as the interrogatories 
might be t for that reafon they dreaded to let her fpeak. 
To obviate this pofitive inconvenience, the Solicitor 
thought to furmount the difficulty, by putting the quef- 
tions to her, in fuch a manner, that Jlie had nothing to 
do, but anfwer by a mere negative or affirmative. I did 
not kt tilat efcape me, but defir^ed Mr, Dupuis de 
Marce ^^ to fufFer her to fpeak, and not to be her mouth-^ 
*^ piece." (a trivial expreffioil, which occurred to me 
I know not how) He bluflied— was flung with rage— - 
and getting up like a demoniac, put an end to the fcA 
fion ! ! ! Apropos, of this feffion fo haflily put ah end 
to, k is now time for obferving, that he never did other- 
wife, biit, daily, had recourfe to' that artifice. When- 
ever the Cardinal was in a dilemma, and* that the wor- 
thy Solicitor, or the Recorder Fremin, could not by 
their fignificant looks and glances, either filence him, or 
fuggeft his anfwers, they immediately quitted their feats ; 
at other times, wherl they faw me grow w^arm, and ap- 
pear ready to eonvift the Cardinal by fame unanfwer- 
able argument, they would fodth me, would afFc6t tol 
pacify me, to make me lofe the thread of my difcourfe ; 
which I could not recover again, either becaufe the 
J-I h 2 flurry 

[ 236~ ] 

flinty of my (pints threw my ideas into conflifioii, of 
that they did riot allow me leifure to recolledtniyfelf.--- 
The cafe was not the fame in refpeft to the Cardinal ;. 
they would flop him fliort in the middle of a fentcnce. 
I have often fecn the Solicitor, and the Recorder Fre- 
min, as red as fire, rife up with emotion, and fay to the 
Cardinal, .'' Hold your tongue— you have no me- 
" mory-'-you are contradifting what you depofed on 
" fuch a day/' Thofe gendemen had flill another re- 
fource. Whatever was faid in favour of the Cardinal, 
was committed to writing with incredible eagernefs and 
punftuality ; but if they came to any circumftance that 
tended, the leaft in the worldi to cxpofe him, I was 
forced to exert myfelf, even pafilonately, to make 
die Recorder take it down, who ftill found ways to baf- 
fle me. It is a faft, that upon a lecohd pe^rufai of the 
depofitions, or perfonal examinations before each odier, 
of the preceding day, I feveral times perceived them to 
be altered; and obtaining no redrels when I made men- 
tion of itj I frequently arofe and declared " I would 
" attend no more, and that fince thofe gentlemen were 
" bent upon finding me guilty^ they might as well pafs 
" judgment on me unheard, my prefence being ufe - 
*^ lefs." 

At one time I held my refolution for a whole tveek, 
nor could be prevailed upon, but by prefTing foUcita- 
tions on all hands, to return to what I called the 
" Jhar ofJacrtficeJ' It was in thefe fcenes of iniquity 
that thofe vile men prefumed to call me a " wicked wo- 
" man :*' and I am indebted to them for a name, which 
prejudice, arifing from their conduft, has too often at- 

C m ] 

tached to me. Surely that epithet muft revert to my 
accufers, to thofe who not content with all the prevarica- 
tions and artifices I have been difclofing, had moreover 
the villawy to alter and interpolate the records, by add- 
ing or luppreiring on their ftamped paper, as btft fuited 
their purpofesi by omitting what Operated againft them, 
or by introducing fpeeches that were never fpoken. I 
once very diftinftly overheard the honejt Dupuis de 
Marce hy to the Recorder, ** Sei your lines a little 
nh from one another'* Another legerdemain trick I 
beg leave to expofe : I had one day floutly infilled on 
fomcthing confequential, that had dropped from the 
Cardinal, beins taken down. The Recorder anfwerin<]:i 
" he had no room lefty but would add it on the next ieafy^ 
I would not leave him till he had noted it in the mar- 
gin, (*) which he did; but they took care that day, 
not to require my fignature to it. Two days afterwards 

I WiiS 

* The Cardinal having maintained on feveral occa- 
fions, that he ufed Co fend me by his Swifs porter and 
his valet de chambre foury five and fix louis d^ors in 
cards. Being one day terrified with the rullling I occa- 
fioned by various papers I had in my pocket, and un- 
mindful of his former depofitions \ he faid he was fure 
I had received at nvo inftallmenny five hundred thou- 
sand LivREs which had been placed in the hands of his 
notary. I permitted him to proceed to the end ; not 
failing afterwards to make him obfcrve the contradic- 
tion; pointing out to him^ that fince he was fure, I had 



[ ^^38 ] 

I was prefented with, a paper to fign, at the. fa,me time 
with the examination of the day ; on my perufing which, 
I difcovcred it wastlie very fame, on which I had caufed 
a note to be fet down in the margin ; but that note was 
no longer to be found there. 1 exclaimed agalnft fuch 
a piece of perfidioufnefs i I was anfwcred with prevari- 
cating arguinencs, and the note was not reftored. 

Another day I was in reality '* wicked'' as thofe gen- 
try were pleafed to call me. They confronted me widi 
Caglioftro, and that Mountebank, a^. rud^ as he is 
ihamelefs, took the liberty to treat mc with unbecoming 
language, which proved wonderfully entertaining to Mr. 
Dupuis de Marce. I quickly put an end to the fcene^ 
ty^._tlirowing a candleftick at the quack's head, and 
turning towards Monfieur the Solicitor, I told him, that 
if he had an inclination to heighten the demumeni of the 
farce, I rcquefted he would fupply me with a broom- 
ftick. It was on that occafion I difcovered a frefli piece 
of villainy in the junto. Caglioftro enraged and foaming 
at the mouthi faid to me—" He will come, thy Villettc, 

« he will come; it is he that will fpeak." -From 

Ivhat did he know that? How did he know it? 

Why did he know it? It was then the time for in- 

terro - 

received five hundred thou/and livres, it was not probable 
he fhould repeatedly have fent me five - or fix louts. I 
compelled the Recorder to write down that depofition ; 
on his reprefenting he had no more room, and that he 
Would add, it next time> I caufed it to be put in the 

t ^39 1 

t^rmgarories and examinations-^— I faw no fotil livin^y, 
and that knave Caglioftro knew every thing ! Can there 
be a more ftriking proof of the fcandalous confederacy 
tharrei^^ed between the accufed, the profecutors, the 
evidences and die judges? (*) 

I know 

* My rencounter with Caglioftro originated from a 
circumftance rather hidicrous. He obftinately denied 
tk cabaliftic fccnes afted at the Cardinal's, particularly 
the one in which he had caused my niece to see 
THE Queen in a bottle, accompanied by the 
Grand Cophti, and the Angel Michael, who 


as I had feen the letter No. XXXII, I told him, I 

knew how much the Queen defpifcd him, that Ihe 
called him a meer mountebank, an impoftor, in fhort 
I acquainted him with thofe terms ofdifdain, in which 
flie had refufed the Cardinal her confent to fee Cag- 
lioftro.-—" apropos," faid I to'him, " Grand Cophti, 
" has your prayer produced its efFeft? If it has fo much 
" efficacy, why don't you ufe it to get out of this 
'* place?" It was on that account he flew into a rage, 
and talked to me impertinendy. The Solicitor afked 
what die purport of that . prayer was j but as I had 
already entertained him fufficiendy, I did not think pro- 
per to afford him farther fatisfaftion : I anfwcred, that 
Caglioftro perfeftly underftood me, and that was fuffi- 
cientj but I will Ihew more complaifance to the public. 


I ^40 ] 

I know not whither my recoUeftion would carry me, 
were I to yield to all the fuggcftions, with which my 
mind is full. At the prefent moment, when I am fen- 
fible I muft have exceedingly wearied the reader with 
the dull details of fo complicated an examination ; I fee 


The trutli is, that at the period when the Queen wrote 
to die Cardinal, the fubjoined letters -in which flie com- 
plained of the " vexatioys behaviour of the Polignacs, 
&c/' Caglioftro, whom he confulted, -if his fingers did 
t)ijt ache, told him, " he had a fecret for getting rid 
^^ of people who gave umbrage;" and at the fame time 
^^ gave him two prayers v/ith the manner of ufing 
" them." The Prince's firft care was to fend them to 
the Queen, recommending p her the ufe of them, and 
to put faith in them. As I had the cha,rge of delivering 
diofe precious amulets, the Queen imparted them to me 
ia 2L loud fit of laughter, and afl^ed whether the Cardi- 
nal was going out of his wits, or if he took her for a 
fimpleion ? I do not remember the very words of thofe 
prayers, but perfedly well their ufe. One was to be 
applied below the left breaft, die other in the pocket on 
the fame fide, and when the Queen had a mind to 
make any one fall at her feet, fhe needed only to place 
her two hands on the two prayers while Ihe recited them^^ 
at that inftant all were to be proftrate, all were to be 

at her command, and perform her will : a circum- 

ftance which, after exciting her mirth, made the Queen, 
hj to me : " I may very likely make trial of it." 

[ ^41 ] 

jTjyfelf furroundcd with a Croud of perverfe wirnelTes, 
who, however difgraceful it may be to them, feem to 
folicit a little corner in my memoirs. 

I cannot withftand the temptation of laying a word, 

concerning the part affigned to the Queen Dowager, 

the immaculate Du Barre of monaftic memory. The 

evidence of that woman fet forth, that I had been at her 

houfe to folicit her frote^ion ! and that I had left with 

her a memorial figned Mary Antoinette de France, The 

faft is, that I only went to her houfe out of curiofity, 

in a good coach and four, that at that period I ftood fo 

Jittiein need of her proteftion, that their Royal Highnefles 

Madame, and Madame Countess D'ARToiSjhad taken 

me under theirs. Upon her lignifying to me, that fhe 

thought the branch of Valois had been extinft; I gave 

her a memorial to which was annexed my genealogy, 

figned " Mary Antony D'Ozier de Serigny, 

Judge of the nobility of France." This flie was 

pleafed to transform into "^"^ Mary Antoinette of 

'^ France," faying, that diatwas my fignature. When 

ilie was confronted with me^ fhe took it into her head 

to affuine towards me an air of haughtinefs and info- 

Icnce. I hafteitedto fet her in her proper place, by 

making her fenfibk of the diftance between her birth and 

minei "upon which fhe cried out, " It is very hard I 

^' muft be brought hither to be humbled by Madam/' 

The Solicitor then faid to her, loyd enough for me to 

hear him, « WtH well. Madam, never mind, you will 

fliortly be. revenged." Hepxce it is plain the fcheme of 

thofe gentry was no fecret. 

I i J afk 

t H2 i 

I afk Madame dd Barry's pardon, If I name, her wkri 
fuch bad company, but in truth, without affeftatioil, 
the name of De Brugniere, is that which occurs next im^ 
mediately after hers. 

That exempt of the pcJlice depdfed, " that he had 
** ftcn in the hands of a Jew, (whofe name I do not 
" call to mind) fome diamonds which the SieurViU 
" Iccte had carried to hini for fale, and which were^ he 
'^ faid, at lead izs large as his tJjumb V Take notice, 
that the Sieur Brugniere's thumb is as broad as a half 
crown piece ! th^fe are the very diamonds that were fold 
to Paris the jeweller, for the fum of fifteen thoufand 
livres. The honefi De Brugniere was convifted/ by xht 
Jews evidence, on that dircumftance. 

As I had given in an exa6l account of all my own 
diamonds, and thofe of my hufband, there had been one 
required of my waiting woman, hoping it would differ 
from mine. The Solicitor vexed to fee them tally fo 
well, fought, artfully, to make her magnify the fize of 
feveral diamonds, belonging to niv hufband ; but fhc, 
afting on principles of honefly, which the exempt of the 
police was not mafter of^ refufed compliance, and dc- 
fcribcd all our jc^vels as they really were. 

To thofe I have mentioned let me add another ho- 
ncft man ! Regnier, my own jeweller, had been brought 
over to give in a lift of diamonds bought of me, which 
he had valued at a large amount. Seeing through 
the knavery of it, I required his books to be produced, 
but this was a fatisfadlion I never could obtain. 

Grenier who had come to me with La Porte^ about 
the projedl of finance I have mentioned in the former 



t 243 ] 

pait of thcfc Memoirs, has, as well as the Capuchin 
M^Dermot, given in a very long depofition^ manufac- 
tured by the lawyer Target, which was ftill morefhock- 
ing, and difcovered a greater degree of collufion. Gre- 
nier is a man of very circumfcribed intellefts, and by no 
means equal to the producing of fo well written a per- 
formance. It laboured efpecially to prove that I had told 
him I was accuftomed to fee the Queen; and that, while 
in my bath, I had fhewn him letters, which I faid I had 
celved from her Majefty, direfted " to my coufm the 
Countefs de Fakis." What a piece of abfurdity ! 

La Porte's evidence except in a few inftances is exaftly 
the fame. Baron de Planta, in order t^ prove alfo that I 
vifited the Queen, faid, he accompanied me as far as her 
Majefty's apartment, that he waited for me at the bot- 
tom of the back ftairs, whence he faw me come out j 
he added, that he had knowlege of fcveral confiderable 
fums, I had received from her Majefty. I took care 
not to make any comments on the Baron's depofition, 
who did not perceive that it flatly contradifted what the 
Cardinal had depofed. The Solicitor and the Recorder 
were filent, imagining that my memory was not more 
tenacious than that of the Baron, but when they faw 
that in fpite of their reprefentations, I infifted all he had 
laid Ihould be taken down in writing, then it was they 
railed againft the Baron, and refufed me the fatisfaftion 
1 required. Incenfed at this behaviour, I withdrew in 
a ragej faying, that fince they were determined at all 
events to find me guilty, they might as well condemn 
me unheard ; that moft alTuredly, they fhould fee me 
no more. I above related the Governor's promifes and 
I i 2 foli- 

[ 244 1 . 

folic! tatiors to get me again to the council hall, which 
would be better denominated the hall of defolation. 
• Bohemer in his Hrft memorial to the Queen, makes 
no mention of my name -, his depofition rather tended 
to exculpate than to criminate me ; but what I have to 
charge him with is, that he did not relate all that he 
knew. He was one day taking with him to his country 
houfe, a man whofe name was Pagan : as they pafied 
before the Baftile, he made him take notice of the place 
where the Cardinal ufed to walk, faying to him, *^ The 
^ Cardinal's life was in my hands, Jiis fate depended on 
•*'me, but I faid nothing: people owed me a grudge 
*^ for it yonder, (meaning at Verfaiiies) I thought for 
'' a while I Iliox^ld lofe my place, but you. know every 
*^ thing is at laft forgotten/' 

.Father Loth, a Minim friar, another notorious vil- 
lain, who -^vas under the greateft obligations to me, and 
to whom (when I quitted Paris) I had left the manage- 
ment of all my concerns, was the man who evinced the 
moft zeal for tlie houfe of Rohan.. His project, as well 
as the Capuchin M^Dermot's, was to get himfelf fecu- 
lariled, which, he thought he could not more rcLjdily 
obtain, than by running about in quefl of falfe evidence, 
and himfelf making depofitions Ihocking to ccmmoh 
feiafe. Hearing that he liad htm icndeavouring to pre- 
vail on a young perfon who had jived ."with me, to make 
^ falfe affidavit, ^ I rj^quired htr to' be fent for, flie cam.c 
^<?^or^ingly, and ..made afRdavji: pf.-tlie /circumftance. 
JJup-ui^de Marine cou}d not forbear teftifying his indig- 
m^imi ^fp&cially,whpri informed of the fervices I had 
done-hitor': 1 b^elievQ. h^ haa before thi$ time repeated his 


[ ^45 I 

infamous behaviour, for from that moment he has been 
dcfpifed and forfaken by every body. 

Of the whole body of witnefles, that were colleded 
together againft me, none, [except the Sieur de Vil- 
lette, who accufed me of prevailing on him to fign Mary 
Antoinette of France^ of which I have related the 
particulars) pretended to have any of the necklace; 
why therefore was I condemned as having ftolen it ? 
what proofs were there to maintain fuch an accufation ? 
— none. Mr. St. James, whofe depofitions contained 
very pointed fafts,. and Bohemer, were two dreadful 
evidences againft the Cardinal. It was given out that 
one was a fooly who did not know what he was faying; 
the other deaf, and had mifunderftood one thing for 
another ; yet the Cardinal fhewed thofe two individuals 
(who gave evidence of it) letters from the Queen, and 
faid he had feen in her Majefty's hands six hundred 
THOUSAND livres, which he would not take charge of» 
If pains had not been taken to ftifle the truth, on the 
very lips that ftrove to utter it, would circumftances fo 
material have been paffed over fo flightly as they were ? 
—what is the ufe then of evidence ? — let us examine 
what thofe exculpatory writings were, which the Cardi- 
nal publiflied, in oixler to eradicate the impreffion he 
dreaded, and which muft naturally refult from fuch a 
multiplicity of facts. Wc have fecn, that one Jefferys 
a jeweller in Picadilly, to whom my hufband had firft 
delivered a quantity of diamonds, had made him an 
offer of " four thoufand guineas," payable by inftall- 
ments ; which offer he declined. This Jefferys, vexed 
to hear that he had ft ruck a bargain with Mr. Gray, 


r C46 ] ' 

embraced the opportunity to be revenged, as he ima- 
gined, of his fellow jeweller, by laying, at the infllga- 
tion of Carbonnieres, an inforation as falfe as could be 
made, with an intent to make Gray pafs for a man of 
little probity, in having purchafcd, as he termed them, 
tlolen diamonds. JefFerys in the firft place faid, that 
immediately on having the diamonds in his hands, he 
went to the office and laid an information ; that he had 
returned the diamonds, being, unwilling to purchafe 
chem, from his perfuafion of their having been ftolen. 
This was the declaranon fent to Paris, and figned by an 
horwft French notary named Dubourg^ who from that 
time to this, never would communicate the original dc- 
ciaration, faying he had fent it to Paris, and " never 
kept duplicates of thofe kind of things," A notary, and 
rj^ot. keep the teftimonials of the bufinefs tranfafted ! ! !(*) 
As foon as Jefferys had heard that my huftand had con- 
cluded a bargain with Mr. Gray, he renewed his appli- 
catioti to him, tfelling him, " he would have made him 
V greater allowance, had he- knpwn he would have ac-. 

"* cepted 

* This Dubourg, whom the family of Rohan ought 
not to have abandoned after his ready compliance with 
^heir inftrudions, has lately been obliged to folicit MefL 
D'Arragon and Barthelemy for Hvo guineas, to convey 
him to aconventofMonks, where he is to take the cowL 
It is on the teftimony of that linfey-wolfey Friar, that 
the family of Rohan has prefented juftificatory writings, 
calculated to fupport their falihoods, and drawn up by 
that fame Dubourg, 

[ ^-47 ■] 

♦< cepted of jewels in exchange, and afked, vchether hfe 
«f had any more diamonds?" Mn de la Motte pro^ 
duced what he had left> wliich Jefferys took away v/ith 
him for exarninatiori, but my hufband finding he had 
carried them to the perfon with whom he had made the 
former bargain, took them out of his hands, and con^ 
ckided a bargain with the fame perfon himfelf. 

When Count de la Motte came back to London; 
Jefferys went to him and affured him, that his declara- 
tion had been interpreted quite otherwife than he had 
intended, and concluded by aflcing, whether he had any 
more diamonds : faying, that in order to prove the fal- 
fi&/ of what had been afierted, he was ready to purchale 
them. The Count, defignedly, gave him a ring of the 
value of about one hundred guineas, wliich Jefferys 
took with him, and a few days after returned to make 
an offer. As my hufband did not purpofe parting with 
it, and only made it a pretence to afcertain his conduft 
towards him ; he difmifled the jeweller, paying him a 
bill of two guineas for buckles he had bought ofhim. 

Such has been the confident behaviour of that firft 
fiirnilher of '' juftificatory writings;*' let us proceed to 
the fecond t 

Gray, in giving an account of the various bargains 
my hufband entened into with him, faid, he was. periua- 
dcd the Count had never fold for the account of any 
other perfon than himfelf, and' that he never uttered 
cither the Queen's or the Cardinal's name. That de- 
claration, though confonant to truth, made, at that 
time againft us, in confequence of my having been ad- 
vifcd to lay, that tlie Cardinal had delivered diamonds 


[243 ] 

to me, to be fold for his emolument ; and that I had 
paid him the price arifing from the fale. Add to thofe 
two declarations, that of the Capuchin M'Dermot, and 
they contain the entire fubllance of the juflificatory 
writings, on 'which fo much reliance has abfurdly been 

I have declared my apprchenfions of never coming 
to a conclufion ; my memory nowfuggefts a few impor- 
tant fa6ts, out of which I fliall feledt the moft ftriking : 
happy, ify while I fpare the reader the perufal of tlie 
reft, I ever can myfelf forget them. 

During the laft interrogatory, Monfieur Titon de 
Villotran took me by the hand, and faid to me, ^^ My 
^^ dear Countefs, believe me, fpeak the truth ; it is the 
" only way you have t6 fave yourfeif ^ we have un- 
*^ doubted proof, that you ufed to fee the Queen ; why 
^' will you not confefs it ? Be convinced therefore^ that 
*^ what I fay is for your good/'— My counfd and every 
perfon about me, had fo terrified me, and at the fame 
time perfuaded me, I ought above all, to avoid uttering 
the Queen's name, that I had the weaknefs to yield an 
implicit compliance to their counfels. 

As to Mademoifelle Dorvat, fhortly after my misfor- 
tunes commenced, llie was fent out of the way, to the 
fartheft part of a diftant province. Such is the reward 
beftowed by the Queen, on perfons the moft intimately . 
connefted with her; 

I will fave the reader the relation of a greater num- 
ber, of the like particulars, which might prove tire- 
-fome, without any of diem feparately taken appearing 
a fufEeieut mean^ of conviclion. It would be very 


[ ^49 ] 

^difficult for me to diffufe a clear and intelligent light, 
that could pervade through a heap of intrigues, which 
fo many powerful and compUcatcd interefts, fcrved to 
render a m.ais of confufion; but the attentive and impar- 
tial reader will difcover> in the artlefs fimplicity of my 
narrative, the leading truths, which have been attempt- 
ed to be obfcured, and enveloped in darknefs. Such 
readers will perceive, that if I am compelled to bring 
forward circumftances,\vhich appear fo ftrange and unac- 
countable, that they muft be thought to run counter to all 
probability ; yet what they have previoufly had exhibited 
to them, was equally extraordinary, and more unaccount- 
able. Who has yet been, or perhaps ever would be 
able to penetrate into this labyrinth of intrigue, had I 
not removed die cloud of obfcurity with which it v/as 
enveloped, and produced a clue to trace the paths of in- 
tricacy, which lead to its inmoft recefs ? 

Hov; is it poffibie to reconcile the certainty of the 
v^TjJecret and very intimate connexion which fubfifted be - 
tween the Queen and the Cardinal; with the reloludon, 
fuddenly taken, of bringing him to the fcafFold?-— How 
would it be fuppofed that the Cardinal could be fo Am- 
ply weak, fo much a dupe, to a woman like me 5 to 
have been guilty of fuch a number of fenfelefs, mean, 
inconfiftent follies, as he has been charged with, in or- 
der to exculpate himfelf, and criminate mc. What con- 
ftruftion can be put upon the romantic adventure of the 
girl Oliva; |he ufe made of the forged fignatiue} the 
abfoJute difappcarance of the principal parts of the fa- 
mous necklace i and the ftrange manner in which die 
Queen is involved in both adventures ? In fliort how 
can k be diought natural, that having firft been kindly 

K k coun- 

[ ^5^ ] 

countenanced by the fmilcs of Majcflyi afterwards ar*- 
refted^ but treated with particular caution throughout the 
whole legal procedure, alternately pra<5Hfed upon by 
promifes and threats ; that I fliould, in' tjie end, prov<^ 
the only vi6lim^ felcfted from a number, who were ac- 
cufed, to be given up to the fevcrity of jufticc -, and, am I 
doomed to lay it, that the hand of the executionef Ihould 
be the remuneration for that filcnce, fo ftrongly rccom- 
commended to me ? 

I have produced the key which unqueftionably 
folves thefe a^nigmas, it is the real, fincc it is the only 
one, and it is.impoffible to find another. There toukl 
not exift fuch extreme perverfcnefs without fome power- 
ful motives, fuch violent party intrigues, without un- 
common caufes, I have made apparent thofc motives 
and thofe caufes, by barely relating my hiilory -, and un- 
flvillcd in the method of giving a polifhcd glofs to proofs, 
I truft to the impreffion, which the perufal of my plain 
and fimplc narrative, may produce in unprejudiced minds. 
'The evil which may enfue, mufl reft on ' diofe 
who have compelled me for the prefervation of my ho- 
nour, to produce perfons and circumftances in dieir na- 
tive form and colour, 1 wilh it were in my power to 
excufe, what I have been under a nccefllty to reveal. I 
am far from thinking, that the auguft Princefs, whole 
victim 1 am become, would have doomed me to the 
infamous treatment I have undergone, or that, from 
her' own will, fhe would ever have proceeded to the ex- 
tremities into which a chain of concurring circumftances 
Qcceftai^ily drew her. Let what my pen has dropped, 
v/idiout method, upon tlie papcr^ be coUeded together 


[ 251 } 

arnl placed in order, and it will be fecn, that notwith- 
ftanding the diforder of my ideas, and artlciTnefs of my 
manner, the origin of that feries of events may be 
traced, and caufes be difcovered from the effefts they 
have produced. It has been feen, that born of the blood 
of the Valois; poor, prcud znd amhitiouSy I blindly gave 
myfelf up to every means of obtaining the fupport I 
hoped fur; that my intimate acquaintance with the Car- 
dinal de Rohan, the man the bcft fuited to ferve my 
views, foon led me on to an intimacy of another kind 
with the Queen : that the Cardinal, long fince aiming at 
minifterial omnipotence ; imagined from my intimacy 
with die Queen, I fliould prove a niedium, by which 
he would obtain the fruition of his wiflies, and concir 
liate all differences which fubfifted, from the recollec- 
tion of thofe indifcretions, that had drawn upon him the 
frowns of Majcfty. It has alfo been feen^ that he did 
not depend folely on that fupport i that the politics of 
the Emperor, with whom lie had kept up an intercourfe, 
were coincident with his views; but by what means I am 
at a lofs to conjefture, unlefs by his inducing the Em- 
peror to believe he could be very ufeful to him; if 
his Imperial Majefly would affift him in procuring for 
him the reins of government. It has further been 
fecn, that the Queen, from an unjuftifiable partia- 
lity and attention to her brother's interefts, concluded 
fhe ought to facrifice her refentment againft the Car- 
dinal, to the profecution of every plan for the promo- 
tion of their interefts; and even chcrifhed this unpar- 
donable crime to fuch an excefs ; as to receive to her 
arms the man whom fhe had, in her mind, previoufly 
intended to decapitate, as unrelentingly, as flic has fince 

K k 2 carried 

. C ^5^ ] 

carried on the fhocking profecution, aimed at his life j 
the whole weight of which, and its horrid confequences, 
have artfully been contrived to be the lot of female 
weaknefs, of the unhappy Valois de la Motte. 

The reader muft have nocicd that the Cardinal, " ruined'' 
(as a creature of the Queen's obfervcd) ^^ both in a moral 
*' and fhyftcal vicWy' adding to his otlier faults an unpar- 
donable indiferetion, that of proclaiming every where 
thofe fecrct interviews of gallantry, which men of honour 
ever hold facred) and even fpeaking in terms of regret 
of the moments in which he was indulged with favours 
of fo peculiar and tender a nature, by reladng to me, 
to the Prince of Soubife, the Duke of Lauzun, the 
Prince of Luxumbourg, the Princefs de Guemenec, 
Madam de Brionne, the Baron de Planta, to the Jewel- 
lers, and to tv/cnty other people, how, when and in 
v/hat manner he had thofe marks of favour conferred upon 
him at Trianon, and this to fome perfons, accompanied 
with the moft indelicate and Ihameful anecdotes of the 
condudt of himfelf and his friend, counfellor and chymiji 
Cagliostro. In fhort, all thofe monftrous reports hav-' 
ing reached the Queen's ear, a very Ihort time after the 
delivery of the necklace, his ruin was irrevocably doom- 
ed, and, indeed, was a circumftance at which no perfcn 
fcemed furprifed. But what would appear. aftonifhing be- 
yond meafure, in a private individual was, that the Queen, 
before fhe took any fteps towards her revenge, did not 
return the necklace. The aftonifhment, I confefs, is 
'natural, but her prudence is on a parallel with her itn- 
' fibility, 'her partialities, her afFeftions 5 a mind for ever 
wavering; without confideration, without liability. 


[ ^53 ] 

Ir may be recollected, that the Queen was taken by 
furprize, when the Baron de Bretevll, having wrefted 
the fccret from the Jewellers, made a merit of impart- 
ing his difcoveries to her Majefty ; who, in that mo- 
ment;, exclaimed, ^^ ! never heard a fyllable of that neck- 
" lace,"'— It is not aftonifhing, that fhe fhould think 
herfclf bound to abide by that falfe alTertion. The an- 
fwer of the Cardinal, on the fame fubjed, was very 
fimilar j who, at the moment, when overawed by die 
prefence of Majefty, zKo ^yLclzitntd—^^ I have been di- 
" ceived'^ He could never afterwards affert any thing 
of 'a different tendency; fo that thofe two aflertions, 
however inconfiderately made, equally concurred in 
giving credit to the charge which was brought againft 
me.(*) But, if the alledged theft had been proved, as 
any perfon unacquainted v/ith the fads would be tempted 


* The Cardinal found no other way to extricate him- 
felf, but by accufing mc of having ftolen the necklace 5 
had he been convinced that there was a fhadow of 
truth in his malicious charge, he could have expreffed 
nothing but contempt and indignation for me ; that he 
held, apparently, fentiments of a different nature, I am 
about to prove. I have already faid, that Abbe Le- 
quelle was commiffioned by him to vifit me every day, 
and enquire after my health, and to explain to me the 
reafons that compelled him to be. my accufer; as he 
could not introduce the Queen in this myfterious fcene, 
without cxpofing himfdf to the chance of having had ad- 



to believe, firxe I .have undergone the puniniment due 
to fuch a crime ; why then was fo much gold, fo many 
favours laviflied away, to prevent my innocence from 
being proved ? Why that fubornation of witnefles, who, 
inftead of being committed, fome to the houfe of cor- 
re6lion, others to the galleys, according to their differ- 

nlftered to him, a mefs oiVcrJaillesJonp^^'ox perhaps fome- 
thing worfe— •" Imagine to yourfclf," faid he, ** that if 
" it were proved the Cardinal had been on fuch fccret 
" terms of intimacy with the Queen; he would firft be 
*^ tortured, and afterwards lofe his head on a fcaffold 
« &c,"^ 

Our firll interview, in prefence of the Solicitor and 
the Recorder, has fomething remarkable in it, and will 
enable the Reader to judge, whether the Cardinal thougI:t 
me guilty or not: When I entered the Council-cham- 
ber, he came up to me, took me by the hand, and laid, 
^^ Good morrow. Lady Countefs, how fares it with you ?** 
Then joining his hands, and lifting them towards Hea- 
ven, he exclaimed, ^^ Ah! how unfortunate we arer-— 
Several times after the feffions were ended, the Cardinal 
went afide witli me, from thofe gentlemen, to converfe 
privately. The Chevalier Dupujet, the King's Lieute- 
nant of the Baftile, having perceived us thus in clofe con- 
ference, upon opening of the door, fignified to me his 
aflonifhrnent at it. He will not be backward (in cafe 
thofe gentry fhould chufe to deny it) to relate the cir- 

* A dofe of poifcn. 

i 255 1 

ent defer ts, have been carefled, rewarded, provided for^ 
and proteded ? Wherefore that connivance, fully prov- 
ed, between one party accufed, the accufers, the wit* 
neffes and the judges? Six of us were equally in- 
volved in the accufacion; why, out of thofe fix indivi- 
duals, more or Icfs • guilty, is the Countefo 'de la Motte 
alone judged to be fo, alone condemned to punifhment ? 
I flatter myfeif, that eveiy body will anfwer, in my be- 
half—" Becaufe the profecution really exifted between 
the Qyeen and the Cardinal only; and that I having had 
rhe fatal misfortune of being their confidant, they refpec- 
lively found it their intereft to make me the facrifice, in 
order to preferve themfelves/' *^ I dent know that ^xg-- 
'^ man Dela Motte^' faid the Queen, ^^ ^hat woman De 
'-' la Motte has deceived me j* faid the Cardinal, and the 
obfequious herd, implicitly obedient, became the lying 
echo's of the Queen, and of die Cardinal, as their va- 
rious interefts direfted the found. — Onequeftion more — 
If the Queen never knew me^ and if I deceived the Cardinal^ 
why v/as fuch particular caution ufed, never to have the 
(^lecn's name uttered in the coiirfe of the proceedings? 
and why, when after it was decreed, that the bufinels 


ciimftaace. On many occafions, Mr. Dupuis de Marce 
caught us making mutual fighs to each other ; and as he 
had obferved to the Cardinal, fuch behaviour was repre- 
henfiblc, and no ways confonant to his affertions ; the 
latter concealed himfelf from him, and gave me to un- 
derfland, by winks and nods^ the motives of his con- 

t 456 J 

was to be renewed, a new trial to take place, and a coilr - 
plaint to be preferred againft the Cardinal, by the At- 
torney General, for an attempt made on her Majefty-— 
wherefore, 1 fay, did the Queen recede ?— Wherefore had 
Ihe the littlcnefs to fay, on fuch an occafion, where her 
honour was fo intimately concerned, that flie would 
confine herfelf to divefting the Cardinal of his ribband, 
his offices, and his liberty ? It was, bec^uk fie could not 
take away his life: becaufe fhe dared not attempt it: it 
was, becaufe, all the villainies, which will only be 
brought to light, at the moment thefe memoirs a{n>ear 
before the public, would have been divulged by bringing 
on that fecond trial. It was not in order to prevent its 
being proved, that I bad deceived the Cardinal^ that th<*r 
Queen quafhed the fecond impeachment; it was to 
conceal her ' own intrigued with the Cardinal and me i 
that fhe bemeaned herfelf fo far, as to decline the inter- 
ference of the Courts of Juftice. Now, if from thefc 
circumftances, the natural ihference is drawn, that the 
*'more the Queen infifted on not knowing me, the more 
manifeft it appears that I aflu^Uy knew her; from the 
moment that this Royal falfhood is afcertained ; that, 
whicli the Cardinal was guilty of, when he faid, that 1 
had ^' deceived himy'" becomes ftill more apparent ; and 
it muft plainly appear, that I have had inflided on 
'me; the punifhment of a ^r-^/d*;;//^^ crime, 'which the ar- 
tifices and power of my adverfaries procured me to be 
convi(5led of 5 in order, if polTible, to obliterate the 
'traces of crimes, of which they had a^ually been 
'the perpetrators. " ' 


[ 257 3 

Ifarefleftion upon niy unhappy and unmerited fuf- 
ferings could influence the ' mind of the Queen, could 
teach her to regret; the caufc, and create in her a wifh 
to recompence me, what is there, even in the power of 
royalty, which could polTibly make me ample amends ? 
Could fhe efface thofe horrid recolleftions, which muft, 
during my life, inevitably occur— could her utmoft 
munificence remove from my " minds eye," by day, 
by night, nay almoft every inftant of my wretched 
cxiftence, the hideous pidure of the miniftcr of 
kf revenge ? I may, however, be miftaken ; per- 
jiaps, the orders they had received were lefs favage 
than the. mode in which they executed them. I was 
once induced, from the attempts that were madt?, to 
imagine they had received fccret inftruftions to deftroy 
me between the prifon doors ; but the monfters were 
certainly fruftrated in their intentions, fo that, in lieu 
of an inftantaneous death, which would have been my 
wilh ; they inflifted on me a lingering dilTolution, of 
which I daily fee the approach. From the confequence 
of being cruflied, as it were, under a prefs, between the 
mafly doors of my infernal manrfion, fuddenly and vio* 
lently clofed upon me, by the unfeeling and favage fero- 
city of my jailors ; I ftill drag on, in the midft of conti- 
nual pain, a wretched exiftence, to which I have incef- 
fandy wifhed that Providence had put a period. Never 
have I, however, indulged that wifh fo ardently as at 
this day, at the moment I conceive myfelf avenged ; — 
yes I now (hall die in peace— nay I could receive the 
awful fummons with pleafure, if I might be allowed ta 
indulge the fatisf^jftory idea that the perufal of my Me- 
LI moirs 

[ 258 ] 

moirs^'^has, in any manner, ferved to eradicate ^thofc 
imprefllons, which nay filence has too long fufFered to 
take root ;-— how would that pleafure be enhanced, with 
what rapture would my foul flit to the regions of eternal 
]uftice and mercy, if my unhappy fate, related with the 
ftridleft regard to truth, ihould have occafioned the te?ir 
to fall from the eye of fenfibility ; fhould have created 
for me, one pitying pang from the feeling heart ; and 
produced a figh from thofe, to whom I was once en- 
deared by every focial tye. 

All I have now lefc to do, is to form my accents by 
thofe of the Royal prophet^; to diredt to my fovereign, 
the humble fupplication which David addreffed to God, 
and to fay with hands uplifted towards him : 

" From the depth of the ahyjs I have raifedmy cry unto thee\ 
" P my Kingy my Kingy gracioufly hear my voice r 

Yes, humane fovereign ! righteous monarch ! patri- 
otic prince ! turn afide your attention for an inftant, 
from the immenfe concerns which claim and urge it i 
your people will forget a momentary abfence in con- 
fideration of the motive : deign to beftow one gracious 
thought, honour with one condcfcending look, the 
maft unfortunate of your fubjefts. She has a claim 
to your commiferation. Sire, frorh the very reafon that 
people have fought, have found fuccefsfui methods to 
debar her from it. Your Majefty has long been unin- 
formed, but muft now at length be made acquainted 
with the infidious contrivances which have been prac- 



[ ^59 ] 

tifed, to conceal from you the knowledge of thofe dread- 
ful truths contained in thefe Memoirs. 

I am not ignorant, that at the period of the miniftcrial 
examinations, your Majefty vouchfafed to command 
that all the records of the proceedings and depoficions, 
Ihould be laid before your royal prefence; had thefe 
commands been faithfully fulfilled, I had been faved, 
my innocence had been viftorious. But what. Sire, has 
been die conduft of my enemies ? (and who alas, is the 
fmak enemy who takes precedence of them all!) they 
pretended, that the original records, blotted and disfi- 
gured, were not fit to be prefented to the eyes of ma- 
jefty, and then fubftituted for them, copies, in which the 
fafts were falfely Hated, apparent proofs of my guilt 
were adduced, and even a fiftitious confefTion of it was 
added to the lying fcroU j in which was forged fuch in- 
decent, fuch dilhoneft, fuch Ihocking cxpreflions, faid 
to have proceeded from me, that, after perufing part of 
them, your Majefty, fpitting upon thofe fuppofititious 
writings, faid, " Fye upon the filthy creature] 

" Tll read no j^IORE of IT.'* 

Sire ! can the moHjuft of King's, thus permit the 
dc^mon of intrigue, to compel an a£l of injuftice, fo fo-» - 
reign to his native benevolence ? But, Sire, you, in 
your wifdom well know, that it is not the firft time, the 
lan£tity of princes has been impofed on. Had not the 
knowledge of all the fafts that muft have concurred to 
prove my innocence, been fecreted from your Majefty j 
if even the Minifter, who in thofe detefted times, en-- 
joyed the largeft portion of your confidence, had not 
ftood up between the truth and your Majefty i you 

L 1 2 would 

[ ^3^ ] 

would have known that Count dc Vcrgrnnes flirred 
heaven and earth, to prevent my huft>and's appearing^ 
to tear off the veil that Ihrouded the real culprits ; and 
you would have commanded that unfortunate man, 
whom they meant to affociate with me in my ignominy^ 
to be confronted with my opprefTors. 

Then, Sire, would truth have been viftorious ! then 
would the mifcreants mentioned in thefe Memoirs, the 
perfidious Dupuis de Marce, Laurcncelle and his abet- 
tors, have trembled ; then would they never have dared 
to prefent unfaithful copies of the proceedings, which 
had they not been falfified, would, by. overwhelming 
my adverfariesi have born folemn teftimony of my iil- 
nocence. / 

Vouchfafe, Sire, to meafure back your fteps ; vouch ■• 
fafe to have the genuine records laid before you, if they 
cxift ; if they do net, the fraud committed by my foe.^ 
is afcertained. Be gracioufly pleafcd of your royal 
bounty and juftice, to order that the lawyer Doillot 
jiumbly fubmit to your Majefty's perufal the papers that 
I had entr\ifted to his care, the onlyvouchers to the 
truth ; be pleafed likfewife to command that dtfcndcv of 
my caufe, vifibly brow-beaten, to declare, wherefore, 
being furnifhed with thefe writings, and all the docu- 
ments I was able to afford him ; he allowed himfelf the 
licence of drawing up memorials, filled with improba- 
bilities, lies, and fooleries, without attempting a fingle 
mode of rational juflification. 

Perhaps, Sire, the day of retribution is come. 1 

would not fay perhaps y v/tr^ I certain that thefe Me- 
' moirs 

moirs will appear in your auguft prefenccj I would then 
cry out — " I am now avenged,'^ 

In this hope, which I am fond of indulging^ I caft 
myfelf at your Majefty's feet. — Let not my approach 
alann you, Sire; innocence cannot fade away, even 
under the malignant blafts of malice ; you are able* 
with ^ breath, to reftore it to its wonted bloom, a fmgle 
word from you would reinftate me in my honour^ before 
i quit your knees ; command onlyj that my cause 


My hufband is ready. Sire, to perform what he has 
not ceafed to petition for the liberty of doing, to furren- 
der hinlfelf to the prifon of the Concergerie s I will ac- 
company him thither ; order its gates to be opened td 
us 5 let there be produced before us, all the perfona 
more or lefs involved in this dark tranfaftion. 

Then, Sire, your Majefty, being informed of the 
firft impofition on your goodnefs, will happily be guard- 
ed againft a fecond. * 
i Then the truths which yoiir juftice and clemency 
fought for in vain, at the time of the firft trial, will ap- 
pear to you triumphant ! then ftiall the unhappy De 
Valois, cafting herfelf at your Majesty's feet, prefume , 
to petition a laft favour: the forgiveness oi hkp 


London^ January i> 1789. 

(Signed) , 

January ly^j^. \ y 

Affidavit of Mrs. Costa. 
Middlesex, Londany Decmher 9, 1788, ' 


I, the under-written Benjamlna Cofta, depofe and 
aOert as follows : That on the third of April, 1786, 1 de- 
parted from Edinburgh, in order to deliver at Paris, 
a packet of letters and . papers frorn Count de la Motte, 
to a lawyer of the name of Doillot: that .after perform- 
ing the faid commiffion, I took my way back to Eng- 
land, with the aforefaid lawyer's anfwer to the Count : 
tKat at the town of Aire, in Artois, I was taken up by 
people difpatched after me from the police at Paris, and 
carried back to the Baftilc, whence, after two days con- 
finement, I was taken out and carried before the Baron 
deBreteuil, one of the Minifters of State, who told mc 
he had received a letter from my hufband, " who," he 
added, " has great confidence in you 5" then referred 
me to the Lieutenant of the Police, who was to give 
me one hundred louis d'ors, which the latter accord- 
ingly did, after taking, in my prefence, a copy of the 
letter which I had from Mr. Doillot the lawyer, in an- 
Twer to Count de la Motte : that I was then difmiffed 
under the efcort of Bailiffs of the Police, who took me 
poft down to Calais, where I pafled the fea, and on my 
arrival in London I had an audience of Count d'Adhc- 
mar, to whom the Police at Paris had referred me for 
my inftrudions. His Excellency bid me tell my hulband 
to take a houfe near Newcaftle-upon-Tyne, to facilitate 
the conveying off the Count de la Motte, and that my 
fortune fhould be made; adding that d'Arragon fliould 
fet out next day for Newcaftle. Being myfelf arrived 
Acre, I heard from my hulband, that he had received 
one thoufand guineas from the Secretary d'Arragon, of 


Affidavit of Mrs. Costa. 

which fumi fa^y in notes to the amount' of nine hundred 
and forty guineas in my hufband's pofleflion, fixty gui- 
neas having been defalcated by the laid d*Arragon for 
his own ufe. That my faid hufband informed me he was 
to receive moreover, ten thoufand pounds fterling, for 
delivering up the faid Count dc la Motte to the French 
Miniftiy, the Sieur d'Arragon referving to himfelf alfo 
one fifth part of the faid fum :' that my hufband had 
been folicited by the faid d'Arragon, to adminifter to the 
faid Count de la Motte, the contents of a certain phial, 
which were to put him to ileep for tlie fpace of four 
and twenty hours, during which they fhould put him 
into a fack, and convey him to a fhip lying ready in the 
harbour, the Captain of which was one Sui bois, an ex- 
empt of the French Police 5 that my hufband abfoluteiy 
declined adminiflering the draught contained in the 
faid phial. That the pretence for the faid vefTers (of 
which the whole crew were a fwarm of retainers to the 
police, in difguife,) failing to Newcaftle, was to make 
experiments on pit coal. That my hufband having all 
along difcovered to Count de la Motte, the whole ma- 
chination, the latter, unwilling that Mr. Cofta fhould 
lofe the money promifed him, fuiFered him to aft as if 
in concert with the people fcnt to apprehend the Count ; 
in confequence of which we all came up together to 
London, where my hufband had a meeting in a hack- 
ney coach, with Count d'Adhemar, and his Secretary 
d'Arragon, apparently on the fubjeft of betraying the 
Count dc la Motte. In witnefs whereof I have figned 

the prcfcnt atteflation. 


i)iworn before me^ 

ibis ^ib cf December y 1788. 

Wm. HYDE. 

No.- I. 


Cmerning the Houfe of Saint Remy di VaMsy fprung froM 
the natural Jon ^ whom Henry the Second^ King cf France ^^^^^ ^^/^^^ 
had by Nicole de S&vignyy Lady and Baronejs d^ St. Remy, Rcmy de Fa* 

HENRY the Second, King of France had by {*)%„, ^,,1 I 
Nicole de Savigny, Henry de Saint Remy, thzt^/tf^^^^^^f* 
follows. The faid Nicole cie Savigny, flyled High and^^^^^^o.^^^^^ 
Fuiffant Lady, Lady of Saint Remy, Fontelle dii Cha-^'^^"*'^- 
tellier and Ncez, married John de Villcj Knight of the 
King's Order, and made her laft will on the I2th of 
January 1590, in which flie declared " That the late 
King Henry the Second had made a donanon to Henry p 

Mcnfieury his fori, the fum of 36,000 crowns fol, which \ 

ftie had rec^eived in- 1558/' 

Henry de Saint Remy, called Henry Monfteur, is ftyledli. Decree. 
High and Puimint Lord, Knight, Lord of the Manors, ^J;j;^^^^^^^^^ 
and Baroii du Chatellier, Fontette, Noez and BeaUvoir, 
Knight of the King's Order, Gentleman of the Bed- 
(^hamber in ordinary. Colonel of a regiment of horfe, 
ind of foot, and Governor of Chateau - Villain ; 
married by contract Oiftober 31, 1592, articled at 
Effoye, in Champaign, Dame Chrrftiana de Luz,(t)ftyled 

(*) Genealogical Hiftory of the Houfe of France, by 
Father Anfelme^ vol i. p* 136, 

Hiftory of France, by the Prefident Henault, 3d 
Edition, in 4to. p. 315. ' 

(t) The two younger fifcers, Mariria and Magdalen 

de Luz, were married, the one to Francis de Choifeul 

* A Baron 

[ ^ 1 


High and Puiflant Lady, relicl of Claud de Frefnay, 
Lord'of Loqpyj Knight of the King's Order, and daugh- 
ter of Hon. James de Luz, alfo Knight of the King's 
Order, 'and of Lady Michelle du Fay, Lord and Lady 
ofBazoilleSj died at Paris on the, 14th of February, 
1621, and had ofhis marriage the fon who follows. 
IIILDegree Renatus de Saint Remy, ftyled High and Puiffant 
|rw P^'oge-^^^^^ Knight, Lord and Baron de Fontette, Gendeman 
in Ordinary to the King's Bed-chamber, Captain of a 
hundred men at arm.s, died March 11, 1663, and had 
married, by articles entered into April 25, 1646, at 
^ EiToye, Jacquette Breveau, by whom amongft others, 
he had the following fon : 
Y.Decree Peter John de Saint Remy Valois, ftyled High and 
^^ather, PuifTant Lord, Knight, Lord of Fontette, Major of the 
regim.ent of Bachevilliers horfc, was born September g^ 
1649, and baptized at Fontette, Ofbober 12, 1653; 
married firft to Demoifellc Reine Margaixt de Courtois, 
and a fecond time by articles paffed on January 18, 
^673, at Saint Aubin, in the diocefe pfToul, to Demoi- 
felle Mary de Mullot, daughter of Paul de Mullot^ 
Efq. and of Dame Charlptce de Chaflus, died before the 
14th of March, 1714^ and of his fecond marriage had 
a fon who follows : 
■^J^^^/"- -^"^^^^^^^^ Renatus de Saint Remy de Valois, ftyled 
Knight, Baron of Saint Remy, and Lord of Luz, was 
baptized at Saint Aubin-aux-Auges, in the diocefe of 
Toul, the 12th of April, 1678, ferved the King during 
teri years, as garde-du-corps to his Majefty, in tlie 
I3uke de Charoft's company, quitted the fervice to 

Baron de Ambouville ; and the other to Benjamin de 

Sanciere, Lord and Baron of Tenance. 


E 3 ] . ' 

marry by articles of the 14th of March, 17 14, Demoi-^ 
fclle Mary Elizabeth de Vicnne, daughter of Nicolas 
Francis de Vienne, Knight, Lord and Baron of Fontette, 
Noez, &c. Counfellor to the King, Prefident, Lieute- 
nant-general in nnatters both civil and criminal, in the 
Royal Bailiwick of Bar-fur-Seine, and of Dame Eliza- 
beth de Merille, died at Fontette on the 3d of Oftober, 
1759; and of his marriage had two fons: firft, Peter 
Nico'as Renatus de Saint Rcmy de Fontette, born 
aiFontette, June 3, 17 16, received in 1744 a Gende- 
mm Cadet, in the regiment of Graflin, where it is af- 
fed he was killed in an engagement againft the King's 
enemies ; and fecond, James, who follov/s, 

James de Saint Remy de Valois firft called de Luz,VI.Deorbb 
and afrerwards de Valois, ftyled. Knight, Baron de 
Saint Remy, was born at Fontette, December 22, 
1717, and baptifed January i, 1718. In his baptifmal 
. atteftation, which contains his name and condition, his 
father, thereat prefent, is called and ftyled, " Meffire 
** Nicolas Renatus de Sainc Remy de Valois, Baron de 
^'St. Remy:*; and his aunt, who was one of the fpon- 
fors, is therein called " Demoifelle Barbara Therefa, 
daughter of late Meffire Peter John de Saint Remy de 
Valois/' Both of them figned their names to it, Saint 
Remy de Valois. He ^fpoufed, in the parifh church 
of St. Martin, at Langres, on the 14th of Auguft, 
1755, Maiy Joflel, by whom he already had a fon, who 
follows : and died al the Hotel DieUy in Paris, February 
16, 1762, according to the regifter of his death, in which 
he is called and ftyled " James de Valois, Knight, Ba- 
ron de Saint Remy/' 


[ 4 1 

VIIDEeREB Jam^s de Saint Remy de Valois, born February d^, 
recreating, j^^^, ^^^ baptized the fame day, in the parochial 
church of St. Peter and St. Paul, in the city of Langres; 
acknowledged and bapti2:ed hf his father and nriother id 
the aft of their efpoufals of the 14th of Augiift, of the 
fame year. 
"^ — Jane de St. Rertiy de Valois, borrl at Fontette, July 

Mary Anne de Saint Remy de Valois, born alfb at 
FDnte.tte, Oftober 2, 1757. 

We^ Anthony Mary d'Ozier dc Serigny, Knight, 
Jiidge at Arms of the Nobility of France, Knight, ho- 
norary Grand Crofs of the Royal Order of St Maurice 
of Sardinia, do certify unto the King, the truth of the 
fafts certified in the above Memorial, by us drawn up 
from authentic records. Iri witnfefs thereof we have 
figned the prefent certificate, and caufed it to be counter 
figned by our fecretary, who has put to it the feal of our 
arms. Done. at Paris, oh Monday the 6th day of the 
month of May, in the year 1776: (ftgned) D'Hosier 
DE Serigny : (lower down) by Monfidur the Judge at 
Arms of the Nobility of trance: Duplessis, (and 

We, the underfigned Judge at Arms of the Nobility 
of France, &c. do certify that this copy of the prefent 
Memorial is confornriable to the record preferved in oui* 
repofitory of nobility; in witnefs whereof \Ve have fign- 
ed it, and Caufed it to be counter-figned by'bur Secre- 
tary, who has affixed to it the fcal of our arms. Done; 
at Paris, en Thurfday the i jch day of the month of 
Odober, in the year 1785. *y?^/^i D'Hosier de Se- 


. By Monfieur the Judge at Arms of the Nobility 
of France. Signed Duplhssis. 

[ 5 3 

No. II. 


March ai, 1784. 

M A D A M, 

"THE charming Countefs has im-* 
Jjarted to me^ how much you feemed afFedted with the 
account Ihe gave you of the little fervices I have ren- 
dered her. The concern alone which fhe irlfpircs, in- 
duced me to feize every opportunity of obUging her; 
for certainly I was very far from forefeeing Ihe would 
one day be in a capacity of mentioning me to you, in 
iuch a manner as to remove the evil impreffions which 
my enemies have ever given yoxl^'of my difpofition. 
Chance has therefore befriended me, more than my 
own endeavours ; for you know all the efforts I have 
made to fpeak to you, only for one inflant, without 
ever being able to compafs it. Perfons whom I ima- 
gined my friends, and who were pofTeffed of your 
confidence, have Availed themfelves of the defire I 
had of terminating my difgrace, to make me com- 
mit afts of imprudence, take faJfe fteps, and almoft 
furely to work my ruin ^ and were it not for a circum- 
ftance, as extraordinary as that which this day afFords, I 
ihould always have appeared a monfter in your eyes, 
without even an opportunity of eftablilhing my innocence. 
But hope begins to Ihine in my heart, and I prefume to 
* 3 think 

[ M 

think you will not difdain to hear me. Let but ycUr 
beauteous mouth pronounce the word yeSy you will be- 
hold your (lave at your ktU and this day will be the 
happieft of his life. 

No. III. 


March 2% y 1784. 

" WITH forrow I ana informedj that 
you will not vouchfafe me a private interview^ till I 
have produced the moll authentic proofs of your having 
been impofed upon. You require of me, in writing, 
a compendious plea towards my juftification. Although 
fecure of the perfon through whofe hands it would be 
conveyed to you, I muft own, that as yet not knowing 
what degree of confidence yoii repofe in her, I would 
not lightly entruft a writing, containing anecdotes in 
wliich'your Majefty fliould be brought in queftion. As 
I cannot poffibly employ the hand of a third, I ought 
(efpeciaily after all that has befallen me) to be extremely 
cautious. 1 prefume to believe, that your Majqfty will 
not look upon this aft of circumfpeftion as a refufal to 
connrply with your will. I wait .for further commands, 
and in confequentc of-the con verfationL have Md with 

' ' the 

[ 7 ] 

Covintels (which fhe will impart to you) I hope, that in 
order to avoid any thing's falling into unfai^ful hands, 
yoti will permit me to lay before you, by word of mouth, 
the particulars you require of me. I remain, in expec- 
tation of your ultimate will and pleafure, the moft fm- 
cere and moft devoted of your fubjcfts. 

No. IV. 


J^p'il 3, 1784. 

^^ I am bound to fubfcribe to the will of 
my Mafter, and look upon myfelf as too happy in his 
condefcending to liften to any thing relating to his 
llave. The dear Countefs raifcd me to the fummit of 
happinefs, by telling me, that you could wiih to find 
me innocent. Yesi I am fo, and can give you the 
' moft convincing proofs of it. So great is the joy which 
that idea produces in me, that every objeft to me no 
longer wears the fame appearance. You will difcover 
!)ymy ftyle, that my imagination -is exalted ^ I could 
wilh to defcribe to you all the fenfacions I expe- 
rience, but my ideas fucceed each other fo rapidly, that 
I find it impofllble to write coherently. This moment 

B2 t: 


[ 8 ] 

of blifs has obliterated all die pangs I have fn- 
duredi and I the more willingly forgive the authors 
of thenrij as I conceive what facrifices may be gladly 
made to m^rit and preferve your kindncfs.^ — I no lon- 
ger delay fending you part of what you afk of me, re- 
ferving for a verbal explanation what was the aim of the 
Princefs of Guemence, when fhe wifhcd to puzzle you 
with a ftory, in which the Duke de Layzun, and the 
Prince of Luxembourg were brought in as parties con- 
cerned. Difcoveries which I have fincc made, have 

let me into the knowledge of my dear niece's dilpo- 
fition. I know diat it was fhe who contributed moft 
to my dilgrace, and raifed me enemies, who have been 
but too fuccefsful in continuing it. She has, however, 
been punifhed for it, and the contempt fhe inspires you 
with, perfuades me, that you will eafily perceive the fal- 
fity of all the flanderous tales flie has devifed, in order 
to efFed my ruin. 

" I at this inftant receive a note from the Countefs, 
who tells me fhe is fetting off for Verfailles -, I fend 
her this letter, and to-morrow will difpatch a courier, 
who will deliver to her what you require. — The matter 
is fettled. Your faithful flave/' 



[ 9 ] 

No. V. 


Jpril ;{y I784» 

" PERUSE me attentively, judge of 
my defire to be again favourably received, by niy 
recent behaviour, and do juftice to him who has fuf- 
fered all undefervedly, 

Madame de Guemenee, to remove from my mind 

every f'afpicion which her conduft might raife, and to 

draw me into an unbounded confidence, told me, that 

Jhe was almofl: perfuaded you was acquainted with the 

various letters I had written, in order to raife an obftacle 

to your marriage with the Dauphin ; that thofe letters 

had been forged at Madame du Barry's, and afterwards 

hy her fhewn to Lewis the Fifteenth, in one of thofe 

moments when Ihe knew how to malce him believe what 

flie pleafed j that this firft difcovery was the motive of 

the hatred and contempt you had conceived for her and 

for me : that in the next place you had been affured, 

that I, ftimulated by revenge for Ae little regard paid 

to my counfels, had written to the Emprefs, tp inform 

her of your intimate conneftion with the Count d'Ar- 

tois ; that the letter was written in the plameft terms, 

and that probably the Chancellor, the Duke d'Aiguil- 

Ion, and Madame du Barry, had improved upon the 


V lo ] 

exprefTions, as the difference of ftyle evidently flicwed 
thofe perfonages were concerned in it. That is, faid flie, 
the information I have gained. If in reality thofe writ- 
ings ever exifted, and you were the au^thor of them, you 
muft never expefl: forgivenefs, nor fliall I, by any 
means, take a fingle ftep towardis obtaining it for you ^ 
but if, on the contrary, you was barely the agent in 
that tranfaftion, and that Madame du Barry, to whom 
you could rcfufe nothing, (after the fervices ftie had 
done you) prevailed on you to lend your name to that 
odious villainy, it will be eafy for me, by fome well 
timed obfcrvations, to reconcile matters : hut previous 
to my taking the firft ftep, I require of you a fincere 
avowal of all that pafTed. This account, which 1 fliort- 
en confiderably, threw me into a ftate which I ca.nnot 
clefcribe : aftonilhmcnt, indignation, rage feized on my 
ipirits, and made rne pour forth againft thofe monfters, 
a torrent of epithets they well deferved, but which ref- 
ped; forbids me to repeat. Grown fomewhat calmer, 
1 faid to Madame de Guemenec, it was impofllble fuch 
detefted fallhoods could ever have been j that I had ab- 
folutely no knowledge of them, and that I could not 
perfuade myfelf any one had been daring enough to ufe 
my name, as a vehicle to information fo bafe and 
injurious, I cannot think, continued fhe, that you 
aft a ftudied part^, or that the difcovery of thefe monf- 
trous deahngs, leads you to fuch violence of paffion in 
order to perfuade me that you are innocent. I know 
your difpofition, and that you are incapable of iijcli 
deceit: but that thofe guilty writings have exifted^ 
as alio that tlie Queen is come to die knowledge 

[ " 3 

bftiiem, Is a fad; but to tell you In what manner, 13 
more than I know. It is your intereft to help me in 
difcoveririg the authors, I may pcffibly facilitate you 
the means : but let us have a little patience.— —The 
entrance of the Prince de Guemenee' put an end to 
this converfation, and fhortly after I took my leave^ 
fearing left he fliould obferve my emotion. Several 
weeks elapfed, widiout a pofllbility of finding an oppor- 
tunity to renew the conference ; I was only tranfiently 
informed there was nothing new ftirrirlg> and that a fa- 
vourable rridment was watched for, to enter upon an ex- 
planation, though matters Were not to be hurried on, 
but that great refervednefs muft be ufed in bringing on 
the tapis anecdotes, that had occafioned many difap- 
pointmenfs ; and that an able courtier fliould never ftir 
up difagreeable recolleftions ; that I might depend on 
her defire of ferving me, alid live in hopes of feeing my 
difgrace brought to a fpeedy conclufion, Thofe flatter- 
ing promifes contributed a little to reftore me to my 
tranquility; for, from the period of my firll interview 
I had ceafed to exift, and I own to you, that I was 
thrown into fo great an agitation, by the macliirfa- 
tions that had been put in pradlice againft me, that I was 
repeatedly tempted to throw myfelf at your knees, 
and befeech you to hear me ; but a- fliort refleftion, and 
die fear of making an eclat, prevented me. Above all, 
the hope Madame de Guemence gave me, every time I 
met her, allured my refolution to fuch a degree, chat 
fhe managed to make me believe whatever fhe would- 
I was one Sunday evening with the Prince de Soubifc, 
who was waiting fer his carriage to retufn to Paris, 


when a groom of the chambers to Madame de Gueme^ 
nee, came to defire my attendance on her, while you 
were at the card-table, intimating, that ihe had fome- 
thing to communicate. The fatisfaftion I difcovered 
In her countenance, on my entering her apartment, 
proved to me a good omen : nor was I miftaken in it. 
i have good news, faid Ihe^ to impart to you, fit you 
down and you jfhall hear.—- -I faw the Queen yefterday, 
and by an unexpe£tcd piece of good luck, the conver- 
fation turned upon you, without my bringing it about. 
I eagerly feized the opportunity to tell her, fhe had been 
cruelly deceived by the reports that had been con- 
veyed to her : that from the time of your having in- 
curred her difplealure, your exiftence was the moft 
wretched that could be ; and that were it not for the 
hopes you entertained of one day juftifying yourfelf, 
you would ere this have left the court, and retired to 
Saverne. If what you tell me were true> anfwered fhe, 
he would have ibught tlie means of juftification, yet 
hitherto I do not perceive he has taken any method 
whatever to efFeft it* This anfwer afforded me an 
opportunity of relating to her the converfation you 
and I had together, to which I added feveral other cir- 
cumflances, which could not fail to perfuade her of the 
fallacy of the fads reported to her: but I perceived by her 
anfwer, that more than one conference would be requi- 
fite to convince her : for which reafon I did not think it 
expedient to carry things any farther^ or fo propofe a 
premature explanation, which might have ruined all. 

" I have an infallible way, and if you will fecond me, I 
make no doubt of fucceeding in the cnterprize. 


[ ^3 ] 

She has for fome time paft wiflied to have "a fmall* 
white fpaniel dog ; I know that the breed is frequent- 
ly met with in the Upper Alface -, if you could, through 
means of your acquaintance there^ procure me fuch a 
little creature, I would make her a prefent of it, rc- 
ferving to tell her it came from you, as opportunity fhall 

" I was fo lucky as to procure the charming little dog 
which you was fo fond of, and took fo great a liking to. 
Madame de Guemenee failed not to apprize me of 
it, afTuring me that flie had told you, that 1, hearing of 
the defire you had for a little Alfati'an dog, had made 
all pofiible enquiry after onet arid that having, been fuc- 
cefsful, I had brought one to her with an Arabian name, 
the meaning of which was " faithful and unhappy '* 
that this account, far from leflening your fondefs for 
the little unfortunate being, had encrcafed it: from 
which fhe drew the mofl favourable omen, and hoped 
that I fhortly Ihould be obliged to change the name of 
my reprefentative. 

" I knew not in what words to exprefs npy grati- 
tude to her I fhe was fenfible of the excefTive joy fhe 
gave me, and availed herfelf of it, to requefl of me the 
loan of a pretty confiderablc fum. I would have part- 
ed with my whole fortune, thinking m.yfelf too happy in- 
being ufeful to a woman to whom I v/as fo greatly be- 
holden. The eafy compliance Ihe had met with, en- 
ticed her to make farther demands, which I could not 
refufe; fhe always knowing how to accompany them 
with hopes, with foothing promifes, and at the fame 
time with difficulties fhe would find ways to overcome, 

* C all 

f 14 ] 

all which flic did In order to gain time. But my 
finances being greatly deranged, by the funis I had been 
obliged to borrow for her, and finding my refources ex* 
haufted, fincc I had been feveral times obliged to give 
her a denial, fhe imagined, that to throw a mafk over 
all her iniquities and falflioods, the only way for her 
was to ruin me entirely in your opinion. She knew 
that the Princefs de Marfan had fpoken to me concern- 
ing your litde dog, telling me flic fliould be glad to 
fee mc come into favour again ; that I ought to depend 
on your indulgence, fmce you had accepted of what 
came from me. . Fear of my difcovering the truth, made 
her contrive a very fure way of rendering me odious. 
You are acquainted with the imprudent fteps I took, 
they were her work, and at the moment I thought I was 
complying with your commands, flie was perfuading 
you it was a raflinefs to be condemned in me, that I 
only afted thus to expofe you, and that I was in confe- 
deracy with two or three other perfons, whom fiie nam- 
ed to you. Thinking her work imperfed, flie wiflied 
to put a finifliing hand to it, and to give me the fatal 
blow. To^compafs this flie mufl: firft affign to me the 
reafons why i flill proved unfuccefsful. She is fruitful 
in expedients, infinite are the refources of her imaglna- 
rion. I was fubdued to her will, I implicitly believed 
every thing. 

" You was to give an entertainment at the Litiie 
.Trianon, but the time appointed was yet diftant. Dur- 
ing the intervening fpace, I prepared all things necef- 
fary for my difguife. The long v/iflied for day being 
come, and following my dear niece's infl:ru6i:ionf?, 1 


[ «5 ] 

flipped into the gardens, where I was not long, before 
I was furroLinded and purfued, like an owl that had in- 
truded into that enchanted grove. The fliouts of 
Mpnfieur I'Abbe, and other very mortifying epithets, 
made me fee clearly that I had been pitched upon to 
ferve for fport to the whole afiembly. Irritated at liav- 
ingbeen difmiffed in fuch a manner, I withdrew, rage and 
defpair filling my brcaft, fully determined to be reveng- 
ed as foon as I found an opportunity. This fcene caufed 
in mc lb great a revolution, that I had a fcvere fit of 
iilnefs. The authorcfs of my misfortune made more- 
over a handle of my unhappy fituation, to fpread a re- 
port that I walked in my deep, and that my night ram- 
bles in the gardens had brought en my diforder. She 
nfcd every method to turn me into ridicule, and to raife 
me frcfli enemies, who fince have not ceafed to pcrfe- 
<;ute me. 

" Thcfe are events which you have ever been ignorant 
of, and will ferve to fliew how far I have be en the 
dupe of my finccrity. 

'' As JO the difappearing of your little dog, I will 
tell you what I have heard concerning it, as alfo many 
other ftorics laid to my account, and in which I never 
had any fhare : having fought, through all the unfortu-. 
nate periods that enfued, every opportunity to afford 
you inftances of my refpeft, and fincerc attachment. 

" Thcfe are very tedious particularities, which have. 
made me forget the hour. I hope, however, that my 
courier will arrive time enough to, deliver my letter. I 
wait with great impatience for the Countefs : Heaven 
grant Ihc n\ay bring me good news. — Ever faidiful and 


[ i6 ] 

No. VI. 


April lo, 1784. 


" I EASILY conceive, that after all 
that has pafTed, it would be a contradiftion in your con- 
duft towards me, if you were feen to grant me openly, 
and fa fpeedily, a proteftion, which thofe about you 
have perfuaded you I was undeferving of. It would 
doubtlefs be. founding an alarm for all my enemies, who 
would not fail to come together on that occafion. But 
all their efforts would prove unavailing, if my dear 
Mafter has a defire to pardon his Slave. Sovereign, 
equally powerful and refpedled, your will muft ever be 
a law, which your attendants will be too happy infub- 
niitting to ! If, however, you have particular reafons for 
acting with referve till a certain period,'! v/ill conform 
to whatever may be pleafing to you, and v/ill, to the 
utmoft of my power, remove whatever might difturb the 
quiet and happinefs of my dear Mafter. 

I dare to hope, that to indemnify your fubmifllve 
Slave for all the contradi£lions he will be forced to ex- 
perience, you will condefcend again to enable him to 
kifs that beauteous' hand, and hear that charming jnouth 
pronoi^nce his pardon," 


[ ^7 I 

No. VIL 


April 28, I784, 
y I READ with indignation the 
manner in which you have been deceived by your 
niece. I never had any knowledge of the letters you 
mention to me, and I queftion whether they ever 
cxifted. The perfons you complain of have in reality 
contributed to your difgrace, but the methods they ufed 
to efFcdl it, were very different from thofe you fuppofe. 
I have forgotten all, and require of you never to fpeak 
to me of any thing that has reference to what is paft. 
The account which the Countefs has given me of your 
behaviour towards her, has made a (longer imprcffion 
on me, than all you have writtten to me. I hope 
you will never forget that it is to her you are indebted 
for your pardon, as alfo for the letter I write to you. 
I have always looked upon you as a very inconfiftent 
and indifcreet man; which opinion neccflarily obliges 
me to great refervednefs, and I own to you, that no- 
thing but a conduft quite the reverfe of that you 
have held, can regain my confidence and merit my 


i: i8 } 

No. VIII. ] 




May 6, 1784. 
^' YES ; I am the happieft mortal 
breathing ! My Mailer pardons me j he grants me his 
confidence, and to compleat my happineft, he has the 
goodnefs to fmile upon his Slave, and to give him pub- 
licly fignals of a right underftanding. Such unexpeded 
favours caufed in me ib great an emotion, that I for 
a moment was apprehenfive left the motive fhould be 
fufpefted by the extraordinary anfwers which I made. 
But I foon recovered, when I faw my abfence of mind 
was attributed to quite another motive ; upon which I 
aflumed an air of approbation, in order to divert obfer- 
vation from the real objeft. This circumftance is a 
warning to me, to direft henceforth my words and ac- 
tions in a more prudential manner, 
H^ " I know how to appreciate all the obligations I am 
under to the charming Countefs. In whatever fituation 
I may chance to be, I fliall be gratefully mindful of all 

that {he has done in my behalf, So much for that,--- 

All depends on my M after. The facility he has of 

making beings happy, makes his Slave wifli for the 
means of following his footfteps, and being the echo of 
his good pleafijre." 


[ ^9 ] 

No. IX. 


May 15, 1784. 

^' I CANNOT dlfapproveof the de- 
fire yoii have of feeing me; I could wifii, in order to 
facilitate you the means, to remove all obftacles that 
oppofc it, but you would not have me aft imprudently 
to bring about more compendioufly a thing which you 
muft be perfuaded you will fliortly obtain. You have 
enemies, who have done you much diflervice with the 
Mmiftefy (the Countefs will tell you the meaning of that 
word, which you muft ufe for the future.) The turning 
of them out cannot but be advantageous to you. I 
know the changes and revolutions that are to happen, 
and have calculated all die circumftances which will 
infallibly bring forward the opportunities v/hich I de- 
fire. In the interim be very cautious, above all dif- 
creet; and, as there is no forefecing what may happen, 
be referved, and greatly perplexed in what you hereafter 
write to me." 


[ ^o 3 

No. X. 


May 23, 1784. 
" MENTION was made of you to me 
yefterday, in a manner tliat induces me to think there is 
a fufpicion of fome intelligence. I cannot conceive 
\vhat can have given rife to fuch a fuppofition. What- 
ever the intention was, it was not gratified; I give you 
notice of it, that you may be upon your guard, and 
avoid all furprize, I fhall go this week to T-— n, and 
fiiall there fee the Countefs, to whom I will communi- 
cate a fcheme that will certainly be pleafing to you/' 

No. XL 


June 2, 1784. 

" THE Countefs mifunderftoodwhati 
faid to her relative to my requcft of entreating from 
you an interview. I Iliould be very unjuft, and truly 


[ --I ] 

indifcreet to folicit that favour, whilft thofe obftaeles 
remain which you fo kindly acquainted nae with. This 
is exadly what I jeftingly faid to her, not thinking flic 
would report it to you. " Charming Countefs, you 
" are very amiable, and doubtlefs deferving of the at- 

" tachment that is conceived for you How happy 

" are you ! You will to-morrow fee my dear Mailer, 
" you will be at his feet, whilfl: his faithful Slave lives 
" under a continual reftraint, deprived of the only plea- 
" fure he could have of feeing, admiring, adoring him, 
" and fwearing at his feet that his refpeft, his attach- 
^' ment, his love, will only end with his life. You have 
" it in your power to crown all my wifhes i it depends 

'^ greatly on you. Hear me-— I Ihould indeed be 

^ ^^ forry, did fiiy Mafter imagine, that my whole con-- 
^^ duft had no other tendency but towards ambition, 

" and the defire of being avenged of my enemie?.^ 

" The requeit I preferred to him of receiving me, may 
'^ have raifed thofe lufpicions in him ; which, in order to 
" remove from his mind, and perfuade him that I have 
" no other aim, or defire, but to pleafe himj tell him 
'^ that I would very willingly confent to pafs for ever in 
" the public eflimation for a man in difgrace, and 
« who richly deferves it, if he would vouchfafe mc 
" the 'favours he grants to you. This confefllon is as 
'' fincere as the defire I have of feeing my wiflies ac-' 

" compliflied." The Countefs- laughed heartily at 

the notion, and made her account of entertaining you 
with it. The manner in wliich fhe related to you our con- 
verfation, is no doubt what oc(pafioned your reproaching 

* jy me. 

me. My crime is vciy pardonable, and indeed I rely 
much, on your indulgence. You are fo kind, fo ready 
to relieve the wretched, that your flave cannot per- 
fuade himfelf you will much longer debar him from 
embracing your knees." 

No. XIL 


June 12, 1784, 
'^ The favage is delighted— he has juft mentioned to 
me, with rapture, the fignal of intelligence and kind- 
nefs which he received from the Matter — I, in order to 
perplex him, endeavoured to infinuate, that it was to 
the Countefs, and not to him it was direfted, which 
threw him into a violent rage. You fee how jealous 
people are ofpleafing you, and obtaining a fingle look 
from you. From that inftant the favage has been 
happy, and I am pcrfuaded there is nothing in the 
world he would not undertake ro merit your efteem and 
countenance. He hopes you will become reconciled to 
his figure, and that his qualifications will make you re- 
gard him with a more favourable eye. 

" I was in hopes of hearing from you before my depar- 
ture, but the Countefs has juft told me, that your toilet 
and the etiquette of the day had not left you one mo- 

mcnt's lelfure. I am highly pleafed with the Minifter ; 
I don't defpair of feeing him one day adt as my me- 

No. XIII. 


July 29, 1784. 

*^ MY adorable Mailer, permit your 
Slave to exprefs his joy for the favours you have con- 
ferred upon him.- — That charming roje lies upon my 
heart— I will preferve it to my lateft breath. It will 
inceffantly recall to me the firft injftant of my happi- 
nefs.— In parting from the Countefs I was fo tranf- 
ported, that I found myfelf imperceptibly brought to the 
charming Ipot which you had made choice of. After 
having crofled the Ihrubbery, I almoft defpaired of know- 
ing again the place where your beloved Slave threw him- 
felf at your feet.— Deftined, no doubt, to experience, 
during that delightful night, none but happy fenfations, 
I found again the pleafing turf, gently prefled by thofe - 
pretty litde feet— I rufhed upon it, as if you had ftill 
been there, and kiffed with as much ardor your grafly 
feat J as that fair hand which was yielded to me with a 
grace and kindnefs that belong to none but my dear 
Mafter.— Inchasjted, as it were, to that bewitching fpot, 
I found die greateft difficulty in quitting it: and I 

* D 2 A^oiiI4 

[ H ] 

fliould certa'nlythave fpent the night there, had I not 
been apprchenfive of makirtg- my attendants ijneafy, 
who knew of my being out. Soon after my return 
home I went to bed, but prefled for a confiderable time 
a reftlefs pillow. My imagination, ftruck with your 
adorable perfon, was filled, during my flumbers, with 
the moft delightful fenfations.-— Happy night ! that 
proved the brighteft day :n my life !— Adorable Matter, 
your Slave cannot find exprefTions to defcribc his feli- 
city !— you yefterday witnefTed his embarrafTment, his 
bafhfulnefs, his filcnce, the natural efFcfts of the moft 
genuine love ! you alone in thje univerfe, could produce 
what he never before experienced.— Enveloped in thefe 
pleafing fenfatlons, I fometimes imagine it to be only a 
vifionary felicity, and that I am ftill under the influence 
of a dream : but combining all the circumftances of my 
happinefs, recalling to mind the enchanting found of 
that voice which pronounced my pardon, I give way 
to an excefs of joy, accompanied with exclamations^ 
which, if they were overheard, would argue diftraftion. 
Such is my condition, which I deem fupremcly happy, 
and wifh for its continuance the remainder of my 

" I Ihall not depart till I have heard from you/' 


I ^s 1 

No. XIV. 



Jugu^ 9, 1784. 

" I THINK I have found out the 
opportunity and pretence tfie Mafter is wifliing 
for.— Nat long fince I imparted to him the fears of his 
Slave, and the dangers he is expofed to, in confequence 
of the fufpicions . which his affiduities have raifed. A 
difcovery would undo him for ever, by the infinuations 
which would nccefiarily enfue, and the Mafter, fpite of 
his authority, \yould find himfelf forced to facri.fice his 
Slave, left himfelf fhould be expofed, through an endlefs 
circulation of tittle-tattle. 

'^ We are fometimes under a necefTity of beftowing 
our confidence upon perfons who arc placed near us, 
on whofe fidelity perhaps, we can but little depend, and 
who often avail themfelves of circuniftapces to draw us 
into inconfiftencies, which we are not at firft aware of. 
Their aim is tp become poflefTed of weapons, which 
they know how to turn againft us^, in order to prefervc 
their fway, and incapacitate us froni ^fting in con- 
formity with our wifties. Such is the fituation of the 
Mafter— thwarted in his views, his projefts, his very 
conduit : he fees, but too late, the danger there is in 
giving one's felf up without referve: efpecially to the 
wicked, who know how to make their advantage of 
every thing. Not knowing as yet the reafons of the 
refervednefs he is to put on, nqr the nature of his confi- 

[ 26 3 

dcncc, I can give him no counfcl, nor inveftigate the 
means of avoiding what might prove difpleafing to 
him— you comprehend my meaning.---! mnft then con- 
fine myfelf to pointing out the method offending open- 
ly for his Slave, without the Minijier, the P. the V. the 
B. &c. being able to pafs any refleftion oh that proceed- 
ing. That firfl ftep being fettled^ nothing will be more 
eafy tlian to, continue vifits, which will be fandtioned on 
one fide, and a matter of indifference on the other. 

*^ You have at the prefent moment a young perlbn 
who works under your immediate infpedion— I know 
that that perfon*s works have been pleafing to you, and 
that you wifh to patronize her. She has made a clergy- 
man, a relation of her's, to whom Ihe is under great ob- 
ligations a partaker of your bounty. The latter is come 
to confult me, and afk whether he might hope to obtain 
a vacant place, which would be demanded of me by 
you. Being made acquainted with all the particulars, 
1 direfted him to draw up a menx)ir, which will be 
dehvered to the little one, with all inftruftions requlfite. 
You will find the petition at the bottom of your bafket, 
and will judge by the contents of it, that the Slave muft 
necefiarily be fent for, to receive his orders from the 
Mafter, to whom this unaffefted tranfaftion, and the 
pager defire of complying with his will, muft undoubt- 
edly afford an opportunity offhewing his indulgence^ 
and of infenfibly forgetting what has pafled, 

" The Countefs will ftay till Thurfday, that Ihe may- 
bring me back your determination of your commands. 

'' M. B. S. T. C, B.—You comprehend my mean-' 


t V ] 

No. XV. 


Augufi\2y 1784. 
" THERE is a proverb which fays, 
" no good fortune ever comes alone"— my fad adventure 
will prove the proverb falfe. Do not be darnned, pre- 
pare, on the contrary, to laugh heartily, and to make 
game of me at our next meeting. After the moft com- 
plete happinefs, I was ftealing away to the, paflage you 
knowj when paffing along a quick-fet hedge, a loud noile 
made me apprehenfive fome body wanted to furprife me 
—terrified to the laft degree, I made but one jump to 
get out of reach. My haftinefs having prevented my 
taking the ufual precautions, and ftill lefs noticing that 
the rain had made the ground flippery, I found myfelG 
I cannot well fay how, in the very middle of the ditch. 
The Savage, who was waiting for me on the other fide, 
perceiving in my comical fall, nothing more than an ex- 
cefsofclumfinefson my part, burft out into an excef- 
five fit of laughter, holding his fides, and writhing him- 
Bfin the moft whimfical manner. A few fignificant 
words ftifled, for an inftant, his immoderate rifibility, 
and he helped me out of the mare, into which I had 
funk pretty deep. You know the ferious turn of the 
Savage, would you ever have thought, that after I had 
apprifed him of the caufe of my fright, he would have 


[ a8 3 

fallen a laughing afrefli ? Undoubtedly not. Well, off 
he goes, twifting himfelf about, rolling upon the grafs, 
unable to utter a finglc word; Seeing nothing move 
on the oppofite fide, I waited with tolerable compofure 
to fee the end ef this extraordinary nnerriment. When 
he was grown a little more fedate, I told him fomewhat 
feriouflyj that I would be careful never after to take him 
along with me, fince, in fo delicate an occurrence, he 
behaved with equal folly and indlfcretion, '* Do not 
^^ condemn me unheard," anfwered he, " hear me-— It^s 
*' a rabbit or a partridge that has lightened you-— you 
*^ thought you faw the whole gang at your heels, and 
*^ Without reflefling in the lead, you came and played 
'^ the di-dapper to avoid being feen by them.— Suppofe 
*^ yourfelf in my place : as I neither perceived nor 
" heard any thing that could occafion fo precipitate a 
" retreat, my firft motion was to laugh. You relate 
*^ your fright, I guefs at the motive that gave rife to it ; 
^^ I then furvey you, behold you all over mud, with 
" your breeches torn from one end to the other — who 
" the Devil could forbear laughing ?"■-— I myfelf look, 
and fee the truth of his account, our eyes meet, end we 
join in chorus. So far all was right, except the tearing 

of a pair of breeches, and a rather filthy mafquerade 

but the difcovery of my thumb's being out of joint, 
brought on a litde gravity in our progrefs. Having 
Itolen in unperceived at home, the Savage performed the 
office of a furgeon; thanks to his balfam, I am in much 
icfs pain to day. The Countefs, whom I faw this morn- 
ing, finding me With my hand muffied up, naturally alked 
what had happened to me. Though fure flie woukl 


[ ^9 J 

run her jokes upon me, I told her my faid mifhap, at 
which fhe laughed fo immoderately^ that flie was forced 
to leave me, and go into another apartment. The 
marks flie had left in the drav/jng-room of her excef- 
five rifibility, making me apprehend a fecond iliower, 

I withdrew without feeing her again. The charming 

laugher will not fail of telling you what fhe calls my 
aukwardnefs, but I hope that for this time her mirth 
will not terminate in the fame manner. 

No. XVI. 


Auguji 15, 1788. 
" LAST night I received the packet^j 
the inftruftions, and reflexions thou -fendeft me con- 
cerning Calonne. I know him to be a man who would 
not mifs an opportunity of fctting himfelf ofFat the ex- 
pence of any perfon whatever 5 but I likewife know, 
that when I have recommended to him any matter what- 
foever, he will pay regard to it^ and net feek to thwart 
me. The objeft of which thou fpeakeft to me relative 
to the Countefs, has no manner of reference tp this^ I 
am well pleafed with thee for thy demand upon him;' 
hut the matter of fad is, that at that period I only knew 
Ac Countefs by fight, and for having heard her fpoken 

*E of 

C 30 ] 

of by MadamCi who was her well wirticfi The enco- 
miums fhe pafTed on her, and the circumftanccs of the 
ad bf February did all the reft. A minifter is often 
forced to contrive fallhoods and be guilty of injufticei 
efpecially when furc of impunity ; he was ignorant at 
that moment of my concern for her, nor do I wonder 
at his ufing my name, or that of the Minijfer, in order to 
avoid all farther folicitations from thee. Moreover as it 
is an affair of the firft magnitude, and that requires ma- 
ture deliberation, we will take all neccflary meafures 
not to meet with any obftacles, and at the fame time 
revive the faying of the Doftor: all is for die bell. 



Juguji 16, 1784* 
" AN obfervation made to me yefterday 
with an air of curiofity and fufpicion will prevent m.y 
going to day to T n; but will not for all that, de- 
prive me from feeing my amiable Slave. The Mini- 
fter fets out at eleven to go a hunting at R— — , his re- 
turn will be very late, or to fpeak more properly, next 
morning. I hope during his abfcncc to make myfcif 
amends for the tcdioufnefs and contradidion I have ex- 

[ 31 ] 

perienced for thefe tvvo days paft. Imprudent condnd: 
has brought me to that pafs, that I cannot without 
danger remove objefts that are difpleafing to me, and 
who haunt me. They have fo thoroughly ftudied me, 
and know fo little how to feign and diflemble, that they 
attribute my change to nothing but a difcretionj which 
to them appears blame-worthy; it is therefore very 
cflTential to be on one's guard;, to avoid all furprize. 

'^ The daring queftion put to me, perfuades me that 
my confidence has been abufed as well as my good nature, 
and that advantage has been taken of circumftances to 
fttter my will, I have a way of coming at information 
concerning it, but L will firft confult thee. As thou 
wilt play the principal part in the fcheme I have de- 
vifed, we mull needs agree as well on this point as we 

did laft Friday on the S . This comparifon will 

make thee laugh no doubt, but as it is a juft one, and I 
defire to give thee a proof of it to night, before we talk 
of ferious matters, obferve exaftly what follows. Do 
thou afllimc the garb of a meflenger, and with a parcel 
in thy hand be walking about, at half paft eleven, under 
the porch of the chapel : I will fend the Countefs, who 
ftiall ferve thee for a guide, and condufl: thee up a lit- 
de back ftaircafc to an apartment, where thou wilt find 
ihf objefl: of they defircs/' 

f E 2 J.ETTER 

[ 3^^ 1 



Juguft 18, 1784. 
'' SINCE the ftcp I dircfted the Coun- 
tefs to take with the Prefident d'Aligre, concerning your 
affair of the Qiiinze-Vingt ; I fufpeft (from his afto- 
nifhoient) that he has endeavoured to pry into the mo- 
tives which aftuated me, and that unable to make any 
difcovery, he has fpoken of it to certain ferfonsy who arc 
fuppofed to be ignorant of nothing, and who, perhaps, 
on diis occafion, have diflembled their behaviour to 
ftiew they ftill polTefs my confidence. The reftraint I 
am under, by theu^ redoubled afllduines, the continual 
chit-chat with whith I am plagued, their anxious and 
inquifitive looks when 1 aniw'er a queftion, in fhort, 
every thing perfua4es me, that they fufpecl our fecret 
intelligence, and that they are ufing every mediod to 
acquire the certain knowledge of it. 

" This morning the Minifter converfcd with me con- 
cerning thee with an air of kindnefs, which induces me 
to believe he has received fome information. As it is 
not the firft time that has happened, and I never failed 
to acquaint and confult thofe perfons I fufpeft as the 
authors, whofe view is to chain me down ftill more, I 
fiiall not fiil to impart to them my aftonifhment, with 
fuch circumftances, as will enable me to judge whether 
my fufpicions arc well or ill grounded* 

« Thou 

[ 33 ] 

« Thou art rrwvSh m the right In telling me, that I 
am in a wood, fjrrounded with whatever is dangerous 
and venomous on the face of the globe ; but, in fhort, 
we muft howl with the wolves till we have muzzled them. 
As to the Minister^ I know his coarfe fpun fincffes, 
and his foible for me ; they know his brutality, and what 
account is to be made of the fii-ft ftroke from his tuflc, 
and that is what gives me fpirits ; they know, that in 
circumftanccs more delicate than the prefent, I have 
chained up the lion, and have made him fee and believe 
whatever I pleafed. 

" Thou knoweft what it is prevents my getting rid of 
my leeches, help me to find out the way, and to deprive 
them of the means of hurting me, and thy delires fliall 
foon be gratified. 

" I expeft thee to night at the fame hour and place ; 

I hope before that happy moment to have got all out of 

the Minister . 

J. t. R. t. B. a. V. C. S. Adieu. 

No. XIX, 


Jugu^ 1 8, 1784. 

" I WRITE to thee in hafte, to give 

thee notice that it is impoffible for me to receive thee 

to-night J I have gained more information than 1 could 

wilh, and though enraged at tlie kcnc I have juft had 


[ 34 ] 

wth la P , I will conceal my rcfentment, and 

carry my diffimulation to the utmoft. I know that 
anger is of no fervice, and therefore take the refolution 
moft fuitable, though contrary to my own inclination. 
I will not leave the Minifter till I have wrought him to 
my purpofe, which objeft accomplifhed, I am not at a 
lofs to find a fhelter, and if the bomb-fhell burfts, I 
iliali be able tq make the fplinters fall on thofe who fet 
fire to it. Do not depart till to-morrow at one o'clock, 

and fail not to be this evening in the walk to T as 

I doubt not (from what I have heard) but all thy fteps 
are watched, it is a material point to perplex the inqui- 
ficive, and rendei" it impoiTible for them to realife their 

*^ The Countefs will (lay here to-morrow, and inform 
thee of all that has pafied. Depend on my attachment, 
and be perfuaded that I fliall know how to treat, as I 
ought, ungrateful people, who are become thy enemies:, 
bccaufe thou waft not introduced by them. Above all 
be difcreet ; I rely on the Countefs as on myfelf." 

No. XX, 


Mguji 21, 1784. 
'' IT would indeed be unjuft, after the confidence you 
have granted me, in the prefent circumftances, if I did 


I 35 1 

not adopt the line of conduft you have prcfcribed for 
me. Be aiTured that I will facrificc every thing to tli^ 
quiet ^nd happinefs of my dear Mafter. Whatever may 
ccur during my abfencCj (which is become neceflary) 
le will call to mind my fincerity, my zed to ferve him, 
and itiy moft tender love. I am not fuperftitious^ yet, 
Ihall I tell thee ? I have forebodings which I dread ta 
fce realized ; the more I refleft on the fecrets thoti haft 
communicated to me, the more I perceive the poflibi- 
lity of a reconciliation. The abfent are always in the 

wrong.— When once I am got to S a thoufand 

w^ys will be found to do me prejudice. I fliall not be 
at hand to clear myfelf— flander, aided by anonymous 
letters flying from all fides, will be the weapons ufed by 
my enemies,— and then, to fupport them, will come 
the handfome F . He is not, I grant thee, an am- 
bitious man ; he is young, amiable, and afpircs folely 

to the happinefs of pleafing you— but the C is aa 

old ftager, whofe affairs are greatly involved, and Vt'ho 
is fijfceptibie of no attachment, any farther than the 
gratification of his intereft and ambition. Such are, . I 
am f^ire, part of their attempts, and the terms in which 
they Will addrefs you ; ifinfufficient to fway you, tHey v/ill 
have recourfe to the laft contrivances.— I confefs to you, 
'tis there I dread them moft— it would be an unpardon- 
able villainy, but from their indelicacy, and their ex- 
treme carefulnefs in laying hands upon and preferving 
thofe writings, it is plain they did it only with an intent 
to make an ill ufe of them. However, from all the re- 
fieftions I have made, I think that with refolution fup- 
ported by authority, they might be compelled to a ref- 


i 36 1 

ftitution. If that method be dangerous, there is ano- 
ther which appears to me infallible, and that agrees 
perfedtly well with their felfifh difpofition, I will Iiti- 
part it to the in my next letter. — -Since this difco- 
very, my mind has been anxioufly bent on finding out 
the moll fpeedy and beft expedient^ and 1 own I ftill 
recur to my firft opinion. 

** 1 fliall depart on the fcaft day, and not appear at 
V but on receipt of' a particular order. 'Mean- 
while my thoughts Ihall be occupied v/ith the great ob- 

jc6t. The packet will go ofF to-morrow night. 

The caution I ftiall ufe will prevent all confidence thr.t 
might prove dangerous, and if unfortunately any furprife 
Ihould happen, the bearer will be able to give no indi- 
cation nor token of intelligence. 

No. XXI. 


' ' Juguft 24, 1784. 

" THE courier fet out laft night at 
half paft twelve. The Countefs will tell thee how I 
contrived the delivery of the packet ; I have given all in- 
ftrudions neceffary for the arrival and departure of my 


[ 37 ] 

two couriers i by which means I fhall hear from thee at 
Icail once a week, and if any thing cxtraordinar>^ Ihould 
occur, I fhall always have a confidential perfon in rea- 

dinefs to difpatch. All my equipages are ready.—. 

To-morrow is the fatal day, when I mull part with all 
that is dear to me. This reflexion deprefTes my fpirits, 
and occafions me to feel an uneafmefs, which I cannot 
overcome; yet I know that my abfence is neceffary here, 
and my prefcnce indifpcnfiblc at the place of my defti- 

nalion. 1 think I am jealous; a dreadful malady! 

Tk perfonage in queftion diflurbs my brain, and makes 

me dread my departure, Have a little compaffion 

on me, feek to calm my uneafinefs, and perfaude thy- 
Jelf that I Ihould not outlive thy infidelity. Farewell- 
be careful of thy health, live happy, and fometimes 
bellow a thought upon the Slave." 



Septemher 8, 1784. 

*f IT is very aftonifiiing that the cou- 

^cier is not yet returned ; it gives me uneafinefs, as I 

required the quickeft difpatch. If on receipt of this 

kt^er he is not yet srrrived, difpatch immediately a 

* F CQurier 

[ 33 ] 

courier with the inclofed note ; tell him by v/ord of 
mouth, whom he is to deliver it to. 

" Thy departure has filenced every tongue j v/hethcr 
out of difcretion or policy, thy .name has not been pro- • 
nounced. People redouble their dutiful attendance, and 
ftrivc to make me forget the fcene, as well as the 
motive that gave rife to it. The advice thou giveft me 
is imprafticable. They never told me they were in 
pofleffion of-— I only furmifed it fiom behaviour, re- 
proaches and fpeeches which I have overheard. I am 
fully perfuaded, that let what will happen, they will 
never expofe themfelves to convey any writing into the 
hands of the Minifter 5 but I Ihould always be uneafy to 
know they had in their pofTeflion what could difojrb 
my tranquillity j I am fully refolved to take a decided part 
but I have made fo many facrifices for all thofe people, 
and the Minifter has fo often accufcd me of inconftancy 
and ficklenefs, that I muft abfolutely have a reafon to 
affign to him; not that he loves or values them; 
quite the contrary; but he pretends that it is for my 
fake, and that it is always extremely expenfive to have 
new'favourites.-— — A well placed fyftem of oeconomy 

truly ! Adieu, — -to-morrow I fet off to T where 

I fhall remain a few days to have greater liberty to fee 
the Countefs. Thou hadfl not told me the Savage 
would flay at Parisj a very ufclefs thing/* 


[ 29 1 

No. XXIlL 


S'eptember 8, 1784; 

*^ YOU miift have received a parcel 
^^ftiich I fent you; I am furprifed I have not had an 
anfwer to it. You may judge of my uneafmefs by its 
tontents. I hope for the future you will ufc more 

No. XXIV, 


Seplemher 13, 1784* 

" THE Mafler will fee by the packet 
I fend him> that his objeft is attained, and his note be- 
come ncedlefs. The courier before this laft, was en- 
trulled with a letter, fomewhat long, relative to his at- 
tendants. After the deepeft reflexion, the Slave 

thinks that the Mafter may without danger, follow the 
counfel which he gives him ; for after all, he is the Mafter. 
I have fent the Countcfs a fmall phial for you, which con- 

^ F 2 tains 

[ 40 ] 

tains a liquor that may be written with, and nothing 
appear; but being fhewn to the fire, or light, grows 
black, and difappcars again afterwards. In cafe of any 
thing particular, leave a wide fpace between your lines, 

that you may interline with that liquor. 1 faw die 

day before yefterday, die petfon in queftion, whofe an- 
fwer appeared to me to be cvafive.— He is to call again 
in the courfe of the week, to make known his laft deter- 
mination. -If he refufes,' I have another perfon in my 
eye. The Countefs will communicate what I am prohi- 
bited doing in this paper* 

(t. C. E. I M. A. b.) 

Na XXV. 


Septemier 23, 1784. 
" JF the Slave is happy to contri- 
bute to the fuccefs of the grand objeft, undertaken by 
the iVIafter, he thinks it will be neceffary before, the 
execution, that he liiould remove to a lefs diftant fitua- 
tion^ . The moft impenetrable veil being neceffary to 
cover the author of the projeft, thq;e muft be an im- 
poffibility of tracing to the fource, in order to be doubly 

guarded againft contingencies. 1 have perfcdiy 

felt the -force of the latter reflexion, There is nothing 


[ 41 ] 

permanent in the world.— -In confequencc of this truths 
the Mafter's policy is plainly feen, for in cafe of a re- 
volution, he is fure of receiving ^Jupport^ which will 
validate his claims, and prevent the triumph of his ene- 
mies. Divided between hope and fear, my fituation is 

tk moft cruel, and my cxiftence wretched Yet when 

I make reflexions on the paft; and bring into confidera- 
tion my degree of confidence with the Mafter, 1 fee the 
injuftice of my fears. The hopes of feeing myfelf fooa 
within his arms, gives a frelh fpring to my joy, and 
reflores me to my fecurity." 

No. XXVI. 


Nov, 21, 1724. 

" THE defire I feel of being fer- , 
viccable to the Countefs, and to remove all obflacles 
that ftill oppofe a public reception, makes me praftlfe 
every poffiblc method to fulfil thofe two objeds. The 
Mafter will judge by the proceedings which I have di- 
rcdec! one of my dependants to adopt, whether the fuc-* 
cefsof hi^-folicitations can ferveas a pretence to the mu- 
tual defires, and remove all difficulties. The Abbe dc 
Sefaryes is to refign his office of Mafter of the Oratory, 
to the Aboe de Phaff, by extraftion a German, whofe 
friends live at Bruflels, in the retinue of the Archdu- 
chcfs. As a difficulty cxifts which you alone can re- 

[ 42 ] 

move, I have advifed him to go to Bruflcls, to life all 
methods with the Archduchefs, to obtain from her a 
letter of recommendation to you. As the bufinefs can- 
not be tranfafted without liic, fince 'tis I who furnifh 
the funds, it will be an additional motive for bringing 
me into recolleftioh. — I had proje<5le4 a fcheme to ac- 
celerate and prevent a denial, but as that might have 
brought you into qiicftioni and raifed fufpicion, I judged 
it moft prudent to decline it. So much for that— -you 
will allow that events fucceed fo rapidly on bdth fides^ 
that it were dangerous to proceed too far. So politic 
an anfwer from an afpirihg fpirit, aftonilhes me the 
more, as the asras, fpokeri of; are yet very remote. I 
forefce many difficulties in bringing that to a profperous 
i^uc—'thafs underftood"--! fhall always be ready, fcru- 
puloully, to perform the commands of the Mafter : the 
moft pleafing would be, no doubt, to be recalled near 
his divine perfon:" 



Dec. 12, i784» 

" Had I followed the maxim that 
fays « in all thy doings make fiow hafte,'* the accident 
which befel thy laft letter would net have happened. 


[ 43 3 

The earncftnefs, the eagernefs of reading, urging me to 
put'th:? Jetter too near the light, it took fire, and in 
fpite of all my endeavours to cxtinguilh it, could fave 
only fome part of it. To him that underftandeth, 
greeting.— The firft packet was gone off when the 
courier arrived. Being prefled for time, I could not 
anfwer with regard to the Abbe ; had I been forewarned, 
I would have faved him a needlefs journey. We have 
made an agreement, never to grant any perfon whatever 
arequeft of that nature, aflliredly the Abbe will not be 
an exception to the rule j befidcs, fuppofe the fcheme 
could hive taken place, it is clear the objeft could not 
have juftified the proceeding. The fituatlon I am in, 
will infallibly bring on a more favourable opportunity. 
The moft fpeedy difpatch will lliortcn die exile of the 
Slave. Ihelieve it is underftoodJ' 



Jan. 15, 1784. 
" IF it had not been my intention 
there fliould be a myftery in the purchafe of the jewel, 
J certainly fhould not have employed you to procure it 
for me. I am not accuftomed to enter thus into treaty 
widi my jewellers, and this way of proceeding is io 


I 44 ] 

much the more contrary to what I owe to myfelf, as 
two words were fufficicnt to put me in pofleffion of that 
objeft, I am furprifed that you dare to propofe to me 
fuch an arrangement; but let there be no more faid 
about It. It is a trifle that has occafioned me to make 
a few refleftionSi which I will impart to you when op- 
portunity offers. The Countefs will deliver to you your 
paper. I am forry you have given yourfclf fo much 
trouble to no purpbfe.'* 

No. XXIX. 


January 29, 1785. 

*' HOW is this ? p.ffeftation with me ? 
Why, my friend, ought people in our predicament to ad 
under reftrainc> to feek for ftiifts, and deal with ia- 
iincerity? Doft thou know that thy referve, and thy 
falfe pride, drew upon thee the letter thou haft received) 
and that but for the Countefs, who has told me all, I 
Ihould have attributed that pretended arrangement to 
quite a different motive. Fortunately ail is cleared up. 
The Countefs will deliver thee the writing, and explain 
the motives by which I have been aftuated in this mat- 
ter. As I am fuppofed ignorant of the confidence thou 
haft Ihcwn hcr^ as alfo of the token of truft that whou 
^ wilt 

[ 45 ] 

Wilt give her^ by laying before her our particular en- 
gagements, that is a more than fufficient reafon to make 
thee fecure, and remove all difficulties. Thou wilt 
keep the writing, and deliver it to none but me. 

" I hope, notwithftanding my diforder, to fee thee 
before the holiday. I cxpeft the Countefs to-morrow. 
I will tell her whether I fliall be able to receive from 
my Slave, the objedl which liad aearly fet us at vari- 

No. XXX. 


JulyS, 1785. 
YOUR fears are groundlefsj the 
coolnefs and diflike for you, which you furmife, is by 
no means the efFeft of inconftancy. Put the queftion 
to yourfelf : I long to fpeak to ypu : the fteps I caufe 
to be taken towards you, muft needs convince you of it. 
The Minijter 'returned from the chafe much fooner than 
I expefted him j he was ffiill with me, as alfo Madame 

E when I difpatched the confidential perfon to you. 

do not depart to day; be at ten o'clock with the 
Countefs, and believe that no one defires more than I do 
the explanation you requeft." 


[ 46 ] 

No. XXXI. 


July 19, 1784. 
^^ I BELIEVE I have informed you 
of* the difpofal of the fiun, which I deftined for the objeft 
in queftion, and that probably I fhould not fulfil the 
engagements till my return from Fontainbleau. The 
Countefs will remit to you thirty thoufand livres, to pay 
the intereft. The privation of the capital is to be taken 
into confideration^ and this compenfation will make 
them eafy. 

^^ You complain, and I fay ^t)^ a word : a very ex- 
traordinary circunnftances time will perhaps acquaint 
you with the motive of my filence. I do not love fuf - 
picious people, efpecially when there is fo little reafon 
for it. I poflefs a principle I never will recede from. 
Your laft converfation is very oppofite to what you re- 
lated to me at a preceding period- Refleft upon it, 
and if your memory fcrvcs you faithfully, by comparing 
the aera's, you will judge what I am to think of your 
preffing folicitations. 


[ 47 1 



February 12, 1785. 
" FROM all that I have heard con- 
cerning that extraordinary man thou telleft me of, I 
cannot look upon him but as a mountebank. It may 
be prepdRcfTion in me, and I know by experience, that 
one ought never to judge of any body from the report 
of others, but I have many reafons for not yielding to 
thy entreaties. I am not fuperftitious, nor is it an eafy 
matter to impofc upon mej but as thofe fort of oeople- 
have fometimes things that aftonifh, and thereby difpofe 
one to fee and believe whatever they fay, I am not in 
a fituation for fuch trials. Befides, it would be very 
difficult, nay, even impoflible to receive him as myfte- 
rioufly as I could wifh, and thou knowcft the cautiouf- 
nefs with which I muft a£t in the pf^fcnt moment. The 
Countefs made me laugh heartily, by relating the laft 
fcene ; it has fomething of prodigy in it, and raifes in 
me the greateft defire to fee the grand Cophte.'^ Yet, 
if I naufl: believe the Countefs, it requires a perfon to be 
very innocent, in order to behold the myfleries of that 
great man : though, to judge from the circumftances of 
all his apparatus, I believe he looks upon thee and the 
Countefs as two fimpletons, and treats you as two dupes. 
Don't be offended at my franknefs ; I promife thee I 
will judge of him in my own perlbn. 

'' The. 

[ 4=5 J 

«' The Minifter leaves me as iitde as he can ; I do 
not yet guefs at the reafon of it, but ftiaU not be long 
before I do. -L-utkily I have not to deal with an Egyp- 
tian, like thj Caglioftro, who gueffcs the paftratid for?- 
^ tells the futyre. He is not poffcnTed of the Talifman 
' that gives utterance to the ladies toys, and indeed I tarn 
at cafe, and dread not any indifcrdtion from mine. 
' " Excufe my follies J for fome time paft I fo feldom 
allow myfelfanydiverfion, that thou wilt no doubt be 
delighted with having afforded me the opportunity of 
a moment's recreation." 

i. 1 N I S, 
