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Mem, Od Mus, 221): i—73. [1985] 


Queensland Museum 


Swimbladder morphology, cranial ostealogy and vertebral counts are shown to be o! value 
taxonomically, The swimbladder is used to assess relationships between species and a 
systematic revision is proposed. The genera Sillage, Sillaginepsis and Sillaginades are retained 
with three subgenera of Sillazo (Sillaginapedys, Parasillago subgen. nov., and Sil/ago). 
Twenty-five species are deseribed including seven new species and one new subspecies. 


The family Sillaginidae consists of three 
genera, three subgenera, twenty-five species and 
five subspecies Of small to moderate sized fishes 
distributed in the shallow coastal waters of the 
Indian and western Pacific Oceans. The whitings 
or sand smelts form the basis of small but 
commercially important fisheries throughout 
their range. 

The systematic position of the family has been 
conjectural. For Cuvier it was within the family 
Gobioides, but transferred later to the Percoides. 
Richardson (1846) erected a new family to 
accommodate it, but later placed it in the 
Uranoscopidae. Giinther (1860) placed the genus 
Silage into his family Trachinidae due to the 
number of yertebrae and long anal fin, but 
remarked that the structure of the skull is thar of 
4 Sciaenoid fish and in a footnote states ‘The 
physiognomy of the fishes of this genus has a 
striking similarity to Pachyurus, a Sciaenoid 
genus’. Gill (1862a) reviewed the relationships of 
the family and although noting its resemblance to 
several families, concluded that ‘its true 
relationship is rather difficult to be decided’. Gill 
observed however, that ‘By its cavernous skull, it 
suggests the Sciaenoids and the Acerinae among 
the Percoids, but from both, it is ar, once 
separated by the long anal fin which is nearly 
equal to the dorsal, and by other morphological 
and anatomical characters, which the description 
of the family given above will at once suggest. 
Among the Percoids, it most resembles the species 
usually known under the name of Acerina 
schraitzer, but as will readily be learned on 
coniparison, the resemblance is simply analogical. 
Among the Sciaenoids, ihe most analogous forms 
appear to be the genera Pachypops of Gill, and 
Pachyurus of Agassiz, or Lepipterus of Cuvier. 
The squamation of the fins, characteristic of the 

Sciaenoids, in addition to the shortness of the 
anal fin of those genera and the peculiarly dense 
squamation of the caudal fin of Pachyurus, 
evidently show that they are true Sciaenoids and 
exclude the entertainment of any strict or close 
affinity to the Sillaginoids. From the Trachinoids 
and the allied forms with which the family has 
been associated by Dr Giinther, it is at once 
separated by the form and structure of the head’. 

Gill also. comments on Bleeker's earlier 
placement of the Sillaginidae with the family 
Sciaenidae where he subdivides the Sciaenoidei 
into the subfamilies Acerinaeformes (genera 
Acerina (= Gymnocephalus) and Coptodon (= 
Tilapia),. Sillaginiformes (genera, Sillage, 
Sillaginichthys (= Silleginopsis) and Aspro (= 
Zingel))) and Sciaeniformes. Gill then remarks 
‘The characters which distinguish the 
Sillaginoidae trom the Sciaenoidae have been 
previously enumerated. The difference between 
them and Aspro are still more decided. As 
previously remarked, the resemblance to Acerina 
is much greater’, 

Boulenger (1901) placed the family Sillaginidae 
close to the Sciaenidae and ‘In the high number of 
vertebrae (12-14+14-20) they approach 
Collichthys (11418) and Lonchurus (10+19)' 
and siates ‘The oblong and elongated cavernous 
head, with the pracopercle bent inwards below, 
covering a considerable part of the lower surface 
of the head, recalls Aspro among the Percidae, 
with which genus Sillago has been associated by 
Bleeker in 1859". 

The Sillaginidae differ from the Percidae in 
having three predorsal bones instead of one or 
none; no tecth on palatines; a spur on the 
posteriormost procurrent ray of the caudal fin; a 
variously developed subocular shelf, and a 
median pit containing two pores in addition to the 
pair of pores on the lower jaw. Gymnocephalus, 


espevlally G. aeerimus (Guldenstadt) is 
remarkably similar to the Sillaginidae in having 
(WO anal spines, the cavernous skull, the lower 
part oF the preopercle bent inwards, 2 pores on 
the chin, one spine on opercle, the lateral line 
extending on to the caudal fin, dorsal fins unwed, 
6-7 branchtostegal rays, vertebrae 33-38, and the 
swimbladder is present. The orolith of G. acerina, 
aod lo a lesser extent Zingel zingel, is remarkably 
like the Sillaginidae and from an ‘otolithologival 
point of view those of Aspro (= Zingel) only 
differ from sillaginids in a less strongly reduced 
dorsal field anda slightly deepened sulcus, which 
otherwise exhibits all characters typical for 
sillaginids. 1 have little doubt that Aspra (= 
Zingel) really is the closest relative to the 
sillaginids (W. Schwarzhans pers. comm, 
17.1,1982)', Ii appears that the family 
Sillaginidae is related to the Sciaenidae, Percidae, 
and 10 a lesser extent the Huemulidue, and 
exhibits many plesiomorphic characters, A study 
of their relationship with the above families is in 

This study commenced as a revision of the 
Western Australian species, but was expanded 
when it hecame obvious that a world-wide 
revision was necessary. 

Because many species are very similar in 
external morphology a search was made for 
additional taxonomic characters (that would 
permit the identification of species and local 
populations. The strugture of the swimbladder, 
the cranial osteology, and the axial skeleton are of 
great value in the diagnosis of species. 

The swimbladder was also of value in 
determining relationships in those species where 
this organ was present, and proved to be a most 
complex structure in many species, Most specics 
have a duvt-like process arising from the ventral 
surface of the swimbladder that extends to the 
Wrogenital opening. The ‘duct’ has not yer been 
fully lavestigated but it appears to be a tubular 
extension with a few blood capillaries that run 
posteriorly along the inner ventral surface of the 
swimbladder and then down the tube towards the 
urogenital opening where the duct appears to end 
blindly above and adjacent to the urogenital 
aperture; on the dorsal opening of the duct inside 
the swimbladder is an overlying valve-like process 
that almost blocks the entrance. Although sound 
production has been reported for the Sillaginidae, 
the complex nature of swimbladders with lateral 
and anterior projections, particularly those 
extensious that terminate on the basioccipital, 
and those with overlying modified vertebrae at 
the posterior fapering portion of the 


swimnbladder. suggesr that sound reception and 
perhaps amplification is involved. No somfie 
muscles are associated with the swimbladder and 
if iy probably not used to produce sound. 

The axial skeleton ts highly modified in all 
species with a posterior tapering extension of the 
awimbladder. This peculiar modification was 
teported by Hotta (1961, p, 62) and Takahashi 
(1962, p. 24, fig. 117). The vertebrae overlying the 
swimbladder posteriorly from the first haemal 
arch have the parapophyses joined to form a 
bridge that partly surrounds the swimibladder, 
thus reinforcing the posterior tapering extension 
of that organ; such modified caudal vertebrae 
extend posteciorly to the termination of the 
swimbladder where (he bifurcate tips fuse to form 
the more normal haemal spines. This modified 
section of the axial skeleton permits the 
separation of the vertebral column into three sec- 
tions in most species of the genus Si/lago. The 
\ripartite separation of the vertebrae number is a 
most useful taxonomic chéracter that has been 
extensively employed in delimiting species. 
Vertebral counts were found to be variable in 
most species examined but with surprisingly little 
overlap between species and no geographic clinal 
variation, Environmental factors may influence 
the number of verlebrae in teleosts (Barlow, 1961; 
Fowler, 1970), and in some species the vertebral 
number may show considerable variation whereas 
in others tt may be species specific and 
characteristic of particular populations within a 
species. In the family Sillaginidae the vertebral 
number is a Valuable aid to species and subspecies 
recognition in. many cases, and may well prove to 
be of value in population analysis and in 
delimiling populations of widespread species, 

The cranial osteology was examined for almost 
all species and its value as a Llaxonomie elsaracter 
is Without doubt. The width and shape of the 
sensory canal bridges on the frontals, the shape of 
the subocular shelf on the third suborbilal bone 
and the configuration of the otoliths are of 
particular value. 

The caudal skeletoiy shows some differences 
hetween species and is being fully investigated. 
The complete osteology and relationships of the 
family Sillaginidae is now under study and will be 
presented in a forthcoming paper. 


This study is based on an examination of 
preserved speeimens, fresh material and 
radiographs made available by many museums, 
scientific institutions, fisheries departments. 



The dorsal and anal fin spines and rays were 
counted, The Jast dorsal and anal fin 
pterygiophore normally supports two rays 
counted #8 4 single element. The anal spines were 
invariably (wo in number, the first anal spine may 
be reduced in size and requires careful dissection 
in Some small specimens. In all type specimens the 
fin elements were counted from radiographs. The 
dorsal and anal rays were regarded in association 
and the fin ray counts are the number of 
specimens which had that particular fin ray 

Peetoral fin rays were normally 15-17 except S. 
panijus (20-22), The gillraker counts ranged from 
1-5 +1+6-12 and were of no value in separating 

Lateral line scales bearing pores were counted 
from the upper margin of the operculum to the 
caudal flexuré at the posterior margin of the 
hypural. When lateral line scales were missing it 
Was Sometimes possible to continue the count 
above the damaged region by using scale rows and 
then return to the pored scales beyond, 

Transverse scale rows were counted from the 
origin of the dorsal fin in an oblique row to, but 
not including, the lateral line scales, and then 
from the origin of the anal fin obliquely forwards 
and Upwards to the lateral line scales. 

Number of cheek scale rows were counted trom 
below the eye to the margin of the preopercle. 

The vertebrae were counted whenever possible 
lrom boiled and defleshed unfixed specimens 
preserved by refrigeration, salting, or in some 
cuses Tilleted specimens obtained from fish 
markets. Preserved specimens were cleaned and 
sidined using a modified Hollister method 
(Hollister, 1934), or radiographed using industrial 
X-ray film. The axial skeleton was subdivided 
into three sections, the abdominal vertebrae 
from the base of the skull to the first haemal arch, 
the modified vertebrae overlying the swimbladder 
posteriorly (including the vertebrae bearing the 
first haemal arch which may be well developed, or 
almost of hair thickness and easily broken when 
dissecting specimens), and the caudal vertebrae 
bearing straight haemal spines. The conical 

terminal segment (urostylar vertebrae) is 

These were made along the longitudinal axis of 
the body usiig a fish measuring board or a set 
square and a metre rule. Dial calipers were used to 
determine head, cye, snout and depih 
measurements. Twenty body diniensions were 

chosen at the commencement of the study but 
reduced to the following for species description: 

Standard length (SL) was taken from the tip of 
the snout behind the upper lip to the caudal 
flexure at the hypural margin. 

Head: from the tip of the snout to the posterior 
margin of the fleshy opercle. 

Snout: from tip of snout to anterior fleshy 
margin of eye, 

Eye: the horizontal diameter between the fleshy 
margins of the orbit, 

Interorbital width: the least width of the bony 
interorbital space. 

Snout to first dorsal fin: from tip of snout to a 
line perpendicular to the origin of the spinous 
dorsal fin 

Snoutto second dorsal fin: from tip of snout to 
a line perpendicular from the origin of the spine 
preceding the rayed dorsal fin. 

Snout to anal fin: from tip of snout to a line 
perpendicular to the origin of the first anal spire. 

Greatest body depth: at middle of body. 

Least depth of the caudal peduncle. 

Specimens were dissected by a cut down the 
middle of the ventral surface from the isthmus ta 
a few mm from the vent, thence circumventing 
anus and urogenital aperture along the side of the 
vertebral column to expose the full length of the 
swimbladder, The gills and viscera were removed 
and the thin peritoneum carefully pulled away 
from the surface of the intact swimbladder. Care 
should be taken not to damage any anterior or 
ldteral appendages to the swimbladder nor break 
the duct-like process from the ventral surface of 
the organ to the urogenital aperture. The tubular 
‘duct’ is quite firm in fixed specimens especially 
larger examples and is not connected to the 
alimentary canal (Fig. 1A). 


AMNH American Museum of Natural 
History, New York, 

ANSP Academy of Natural Sciences, 

AM Australian Museum, Sydney. 

BM British Museum (Natural History}, 

BPBM Bernice P. Bishop Museum, 

CAS California Academy of Sciences, San 

CMFRI Central Marine Fisheries Research 
Institute, Cochin, 

CSIRO CSIRO Division of Fisheries and 

Oceanography, Cronulla, N.S.W. 


FRSK Fisheries Research Station, Kanudi, 
Papua New Guinea. 

HUJ Hebrew University, Jerusalem, Israel. 

MNHN Museum National d’ Histoire 
Naturelle, Paris. 

NSMT National Science Museum, Tokyo. 

QM Queensland Museum, Brisbane. 

RUSI Rhodes University, J.L.B. Smith 
Institute of Ichthyology, 
Grahamstown, South Africa. 

SAM South Australian Museum, Adelaide. 

SOSC Smithsonian Institution 
Oceanographic Sorting Centre. 

SU Stanford University, Division of 
Systematic Biology, California. 

THUP Biology Department, Tunghai 
University, Taichung, Taiwan. 

UMMZ Museum of Zoology, University of 

USNM National Museum of Natural History, 
Division of Fishes, Washington. 

USMK Universitetets Zoologiske Museum, 

WAM Western Australian Museum, Perth. 

ZSIC Zoological Survey of India, Calcutta. 

ZUMT Zoological Department, University 

Museum, University of Tokyo. 

Type genus: Si/lago Cuvier, 1817. 

The family Sillaginidae is represented by 3 
genera, 3 subgenera, 25 species and 5 subspecies. 

Body elongate, only slightly compressed, head 
tapering with terminal mouth; lower part of the 
preoperculum separated by a deep channel, 
directed horizontally, bent inwards to almost 
meet that of the other side. Body covered with 
small or moderate sized ctenoid scales, those of 
cheeks and opercles cycloid or ctenoid; lateral line 
scales simple. 

Mouth with band of small villiform teeth; with 
an outer row of caninoids in one genus; maxillary 
concealed by large broadly triangular lachrimal 
bearing raised central dome-like arch that greatly 
increases the membranous infraorbital 
laterosensory canal; 5 suborbital bones present; 
third suborbital with subocular shelf of species- 
specific shape; operculum with small sharp spine; 
cranium elongate, somewhat pointed anteriorly; 
prevomer expanded anteriorly and _ laterally, 
flattened dorsally without a ridge, anterior lower 
surface with inverted V-shaped series of caninoid 
or villiform teeth. 

Ethmoid a low flattened ridge anteriorly 
bearing poorly developed ethmoid processes in 

most species; frontals rise medially to a high keel, 
clasp ethmoid posteriorly and extend well back to 
form a high ridge that divides and forms a 
variously developed bridge on each frontal 
overlying the supraorbital laterosensory canal 
that continues anteriorly along the deeply 
grooved nasals to emerge as small oblique slits on 
the tip of the snout; supraoccipital arises between 
the flat parietals and continues in low profile 
posteriorly where it broadens; epiotics project 
posterolaterally, their lateral edges forming a 
ridge overlying deep groove between epiotics and 
pointed autopterotics. An open deeply grooved 
supratemporal-intertemporal canal formed above 
each autopterotic; emergence of temporal- 
supraorbital laterosensory canal through open 
groove laterally or enclosed circular foramin. 
Parasphenoid with a sharp ventral keel; anterior 
opening flares forward to receive posterior part of 
prevomer; posterior end widens and flattens 
above basioccipitals which are thin, and broadly 
expanded to house enlarged otolith; posterior 
part of myodome may open as narrow 
longitudinal slit or be completely closed. 
Osteocranium dominated by an extensive and 
highly developed sensory canal system; dermal 
roofing bones of cranium frequently elevated to 
accept laterosensory canal system; infraorbital 
laterosensory system highly developed and 
broadens at the lachrimal bone; preopercular 
system ventral and broadly developed to occupy 
most of ventral surface of head. The receptive 
areas anteriorly are enormously extensive and are 
characteristic of the family. 

Two dorsal fins, first consisting of 10 to 13 
slender spines, second of one slender spine and 
16-27 rays; anal with 2 small slender spines and 
14-26 rays; caudal emarginate; unpaired fins with 
membranes scaly, pectoral fin normal without 
scaly process at axil; ventral thoracic with 1 spine 
and 5 rays, modified in one species. Lateral line 
almost straight, continuing on caudal fin and with 
50 to 141 pored scales to caudal flexure. 

Swimbladder absent, poorly developed, or 
highly complex, with anterior and _ lateral 
extensions, and tapered posteriorly to form 1 or 2 
slender extensions that project well into the 
caudal region. A unique duct-like process from 
the ventral surface of the swimbladder to the 
urogenital opening present or absent. 

Vertebrae 32 to 44; caudal vertebrae modified 
where they meet the posterior extension of the 
swimbladder in many species. 

Shore fishes of small to moderate 
frequenting the Indo-Pacific region. 




1, — Snout and head not depressed; second 
dorsal spine not elongate; eyes normal; 
swimbladder present -......., 2 

— Snout and head depressed; second dorsal 
Spitie elongate; eyes small and almost covered 
by fleshy orbit; swimbladder vestigial or 

ADSENE -a-p -iiuee ce Pew eHaeabg- Sillaginapsis (p. 47) 
2. — Lateral line scales 50 ta'84 ..., Silage (p. 45) 
— Literal line scales 129 to 147 ...... Vicattegipie 

bvddaiusahwwseseoeade tse ansacatae Sillaginodes (p, 46) 

Genus Sillago Cuvier, 1817 

Sillago Cuvier, 1817, type by subsequent designation, 
Gill, 1861, Sillago sihama (Forskal, 1775) 


Sillaginidae in which the swimbladder is 
present, variously formed, simple or complex, 
with a duct-like process normally present on the 
ventral surface; lateral line scales 50 to 84. Dorsal 
spines 10 to 13, normally 11 or 12. 


}, —Ventral fin spine very small and situated at 
the base of a thickened club-shaped outer 
ventral ray; swimbladder reduced, no duct- 
like process; no modified caudal vertebrae 
yevtehe terse besetegsetetespeaeeet esses es SHlaginapodys 
— Ventral fin spine normal; swimbladder 
divided posteriorly into twa tapering 
extensions; duct-like process present; 
modified caudal vertebrae present ,..,./ Sillago. 
— Ventral fin spine normal; swimbladder 
with the posterior extension single and 
tapering to a fine point, or rounded; duct-like 
process present; modified caudal vertebrae 
presentor absent ....Parasillago subgen. noy. 

Subgenus. Sillaginopodys Fowler, 1933 

Sillaginopodys Fowler, 1933, type by original 
designation Sillago chondropus Bleecker, 1849. 


First ventral fin ray modified into a laterally 
compressed thickened club-like structure (Fig. 
1B). Swimbladder reduced in size, no duct-like 
process from the ventral surface to the urogenital 
aperture. One species. 

Sillago ( Sillaginopodys ) chondropus Bleeker 

Club-foot Whiting 
(Figs. 1B, 2A, 8B, 17) 

Sillago chendropus Bleeker, 1849, p. 61 (Batavia): 1849, 
pp. 5, 8, 10; 1874, p. 65; 1877, pl. 389, fig. 2. 
Giinther, 1860, p. 246. Gill, 1861, p. 504. Gilchrist 
and Thompson, 1908, p. 193; 1917, p. 248. Regan, 
1908, p. 245. Barnard, 1927, p. 508, Weber and de 
Beautort, 1931, p. 176, fig. 34. Fowler, 1933, pp 
430-1; 1949, p, 96. Herre, 1939, p. 112; 1953, p- 
478, Smith, 1949, p. 204, fig. 469, Palekar and Bal, 
1955, p. 128. Munro, 1958, p, 178; 1967, p. 346, 
Dutt and Sujatha, 1980. p. 372. McKay, 1986, pp. 


Type: The jocation of the holotype js unknown. 

OTHER MATERIAL: South Africa (2); SOSC 480, RUSI 
469, Durban. Pakistan (8), SOSC 23, Field No, LW-1, 
177 miles west of Karachi at west end of Astola Island, 
India (3); ZSIC 6068/2, Calva Beach, Goa; SOSC 351, 
Thirumillivasal, Madras State; AM B8095, Madras. 
New Guinea (3); CSIRO C790, Minga Creek, Wewak; 
CSIRO C70, Likei River, Manus Island; FRSK FO 
1405 Ramu River, OM 112914, Chantaburi, Gulf of 
Thailand. Philippines (6); USNM 145340 (3) Abuyog, 
Leyte; USNM 145095, Lingayan Gulf, Luzon; USNM 
345341, Daet, Luzon; USNM 145115, Camiguin Island, 
Babuyan Islands. 


First ventral ray modified into a laterally 
compressed club-like structure which overlaps a 
much reduced ventral spine at the base of the fin, 


Dorsal fins XNI-XJ1, 1, 20-22; anal fin II, 
22-23 (Table 1). Lateral line scales 66-73 (Table 
2); TR 6 above, 9-10 below. Cheek scales in 3-4 
rows, all ctenoid. 

Proportional dimensions as percent of SL; 
greatest depth of body 15-16; head length 25; 
snout tip to ventral fin origin 26-27; snout tip to 
spinous dorsal fin origin 28-29; snout tip to 
second dorsal fin origin 50-51; snout tip to anal 
origin 47-50; least depth of caudal peduncle 

Proportional dimensions as percent of head: 
length of snout 32-35, horizontal diameter of eye 
19-22; least width of interorbital 14-17. 

VERTEBRAE: 12-13 abdominal, 22-23 caudal, 
total 35 (see Table 3), 

COLOUR IN ALCOHOL, Pale sandy brown, 
above, paler below, scale margins dusky; a dull 
silver-grey mid-lateral band usually present, 
frequently with a wide dusky band below on 
lower sides. Fins hyaline, the spinous dorsal 
tinged brown with a fine dusting of black spots at 
the tip. 


SWIMBLADDER: (QM 112914) commiences as a 
very flattened presumably non functional 
structure just behind the axis vertebrae and then 
rather abruptly narrows to a fine point 
terminating on the ninth abdominal vertebra (Fig, 
8B). No duet-like process from the ventral surface 
is presenl, as the posterior extension terminates 
well before the first haemal arch. Modified caudal 
vertebrae are not present. 

Palekar and Bal (1955, p. 128) examined 12 
specimens from near Karwar and stated that the 
swimbladder was absent. 


South Africa, Mozambique, West Pakistan, 
India, Burma, Indonesia, New Guinea, Thailand 
and Philippines (Fig. 17). Not recorded from 
southern New Guinea or Australia. 


A number of authors (Ginther (1860), Gill 
(1861), Fowler (1933), Palekar and Bal (1955, 
etc.)) have described the ventral fin spine as 
thickened and united with the first ray. Weber 
and de Beaufort (1931) state that this spine is 
normal, not thickened, but very slender and 
consolidated with the much thickened first ray, 
both forming a single body. Smith (1949) 
describes the spine as short and adnate to the 
thickened recurved first ray. 

Figure 1B shows the yentral spine to be short 
and situated below the thickened recurved pad of 
the first ventral ray; the second ventral ray is 
unmodified. The reduced swimbladder and 
modified ventral fin indicates that this species is 
demersal and may use the ventral fin pads 
somewhat like sled runners on the bottom. 

Palekar and Bal (1955, p. 128) found that in 12 
specimens the first haemal arch invariably 
occurred on the thirteenth vertebra. Additional 
vertebrae counts taken throughout the range of 
this species may show some local populations to 
exist as [ find 12 to 13 abdominal vertebrae. 


Dorsal rays 20 21 2! 22 
Anal rays 33 22 33 23 
South Africa 1 = ! - 
Pakistan i] - 4 2 
India - - 2 1 
New Guinea - - ] FA 
Thailand - I = = 
Philippines 3 - 4 3 



Lateral line scales 66-67 

South Africa - 

India - 
New Guinea - 
Thailand = 
Philippines - 

68-69 70-7] 72-73 

win) ae 
Bee NN 




South Africa 

New Guinea 


(—t—m | 

So el 

Subgenus Sillago Cuvier, 1817 

Sillago Cuvier, 1817, type by subsequent designation, 
Gill, 1861, Sillaza sihama (Forskal). 


Swimbladder present and divided into two 
tapering extensions _ posteriorly. Sillago 
megacephalus is poorly known and is tentatively 
included in this subgenus. 


I, — Dorsal spines 12-13; 79-84 lateral line 
scales; 38-39 vertebrae . Si//lago parvisquamis 
— Dorsal spines 11; 66-72 lateral line scales; 
FF VERLADCAS 6 ne Wee feeprgtpecgss ices ponssssydecses 2 
— Body with a longitudinal row of dark 
spots below the lateral line and a series of 
dark saddle-like blotches on back 
18 sloply Ole eich ple bejaale Bebe’ slates Sillago intermedius 
— Body uniform in colouration 
3. —Head length 24-30 percent of standard 

length; vertebrae 33 ..,,......... Sillazo sihama 

— Head length 33 percent of standard length; 

vertebrae unknown ...? Sillago mevacephalus 


Sillago (Sillago) sihama (Forskal) 
Northern Whiting or Sand Smelt 
(Figs. 2B, 6AB, I4A, 15) 

Atherina sihama Forskal, 1775, p. 70 (Lohaja, Red 
Sea). Bonnaterre, 1788, p. 178. Gmelin, 1789, p. 
1396, Lacepede, 1803, pp. 371, 373. 


Platycephalus sihamus: Bloch and Schneider, 1801, p. 

Sciaena malabarica Bloch and Schneider, 1801, p. 81, 
pl. 19 (Tranquebar). 

Sillago acuta Cuvier, 1817, p. 258 (Sea of the Indies). 
Bleeker, 1849, pp. 4, 5, 8, 10, 11, 14, 69; 1853, p. 4; 
1859, p. 158. Giinther, 1864, p. 308. Kner, 1865, p. 
128. Jouan, 1868, p. 252. 

Sillago sihama: Ruppell, 1825, p. 9, pl. 3, fig. 1. 
Giinther, 1860, p. 243; 1861, p. 221; 1880, p. 56. 
Gill, 1861, p. 504, Bleeker, 1864, p. 56; 1865, p. 56; 
1874, p. 67; 1876, p. 332; 1878, p. 46. Day, 1865a, 
p. 18; 1865b, pp, 47-8; 1868, p. 299; 1870, p. 686; 
1878, p. 265, pl. 57, fig. 3; 1879, p. 35. Schmeltz, 
1866, p. 8; 1969, p. 16; 1879, p. 44. Playfair, 1867, 
p. 861. Klunzinger, 1870, p. 818; 1879, p. 369; 
1884, p. 123. Peters, 1877, p. 836. Macleay, 1883, 
p. 360. Steindachner, 1893, p. 237. Elera, 1895, p. 
500. Rutter, 1897, p. 87. Jordan and Snyder, 1901, 
p. 109; 1902, pp. 486-7. Jordan and Evermann, 
1902, p. 360. Johnstone, 1903, p. 295. Fowler, 
1904, p. 549; 1925, p. 248; 1927, p. 286; 1928a, p. 
235; 1928b, p. 709; 1930, pp. 611, 654; 1931a, p. 
337; 1931b, p. 302; 193lc, p. 337; 1933, pp. 
417-21; 1934a, p. 422; 1934b, p. 474; 1935, p. 150; 
1937, p. 238; 1939, p. 50; 1949, p. 50. Pellegrin, 
1905, p. 83; 1907, p. 203; 1914, p. 225. Jordan and 
Seale, 1905a, p. 782; 1905b, p. 12; 1907a, p. 12; 
1907b, p. 25. Jordan and Starks, 1905, p. 205; 
1917, p. 455. Gilchrist and Thompson, 1908, p. 
192; 1916, p. 275; 1917, p. 348. Regan, 1908, p. 
245. Jordan and Richardson, 1909, p. 192. Jenkins, 
1910, pp. 132, 136. Seale, 1910, p. 281; 1914, p. 69. 
Weber, 1913, p. 267. De Beaufort, 1913. p. 119. 
Jordan, Tanaka and Snyder, 1913, p. 187. Jordan 
and Metz, 1913, p. 41. Jordan and Thompson, 
1914, p. 259. Maxwell, 1921. p. 33. Fowler and 
Bean, 1922, p, 68; 1927, p. 8. Chaudhuri, 1923, p. 
721, Hora, 1924, p. 489. Vinciguerra, 1926, p. 583. 
(2?) Paradice and Whitley, 1927, p. 89. Barnard, 
1927, pp. 507-8. Reeves, 1927, p. 10. Whitley, 
1928, p. 12; 1964, p. 43. Mori, 1928, p. 6. Gudger, 
1929, p, 528. Duncker and Mohr, 1929, p. 70. 
Weber and de Beaufort, 1931, pp. 172-3. Borodin, 
1932. p. 85. Herre, 1933, p. 4; 1939, p. 112; 1953, 
pp. 479-80. Martin and Montalban, 1934, pp. 
222-4. Umali, 1934, p. 371. Hardenberg, 1936, p. 
246; 1941, p. 227. Villadolid, 1937, p. 192. Blanco, 
1938, p. 507. Domantay, 1940, p. 98. Gopinath, 
1942, p. 337; 1946, pp. 13, 19. Chako, 1949a, p. 33; 
1949b, p. 95; 1950, p. 171. Smith, 1949, p. 203, fig. 
467; 1955, p. 44. Suvaiti, 1950, p. 395. Tripathy, 
1952, pp. 80, 84, Radhakrishnan, 1954, p. 196; 
1957, pp. 254-83. Palekar and Bal, 1955, p. 128; 
1961, pp. 76-93. Munro, 1955, p. 121; 1958, p. 
178; 1967, p. 347. Tomiyama and Abe, 1958, p. 
1176, Scott, 1959, p. 56. Menon, 1961, p. 387. 
Khalaf, 1961, p. 80. Smith and Bailey, 1961, p. 
359. Misra, 1962, pp. 232-3, Nadkarni, 1963, pp. 
164, 166. Smith and Smith, 1963, p. 18. Marshall, 
1964, p. 170. Grant, 1965, p. 88; 1972, p. 243. 

Alfred, 1966, p. 100. Arnoult and Fourmanior, 
1967, p. 137. Macnae and Kalk, 1969, p. 132. 
Krishnamurty, 1969, pp. 295-303. Ramamurthy 
and Dhulkhed, 1977, pp. 283-4. James, Verghese 
and Devaraj, 1978, pp. 212-20. Shao and Chang, 
1978, p. 9, pl. 1, fig. 3, pl. 2, fig. 3; 1979, pp. 
695-705. Dutt and Sujatha, 1980, pp. 371-75. 
McKay, 1980, pp. 381-2, fig. 1D. 

Sillago erythraea Cuvier, 1829, p. 409 (Suez, Red Sea). 

Sillago malabarica Cantor, 1849, p, 1003. Bleeker, 
1853, p. 34; 1859, p. 2. Gill, 1862, p. 504. Pohl, 
1884, p. 32. 

Silago ihama (misprint), Fowler, 1928b, p. 16. 


Types: Atherina sihama Forskal. Holotype registered 
No. 71 in the Zoological Museum of Copenhagen. 
Klausewitz and Nielsen (1965, p. 27, pl. 38, No. 71, 
photograph and radiograph) have recorded 18 anal 
rays, but a re-examination (Nielsen, pers. comm. 
25.xi.1966) shows a few additional detached dorsal rays, 
the cycloid cheek scales. No vertebrae count is possible 
as the holotype consists of a dried skin with the skull in 
situ. The suborbital bones could not be examined. 
Sciaena malabarica Bloch and Schneider. Type not 

Sillago acuta Cuvier. Radiographs of four syntypes in 
the Museum National D’Histoire Naturelle, Paris, were 
kindly forwarded by Dr M. Blanc. Three paralectotypes 
registered A.3118 from Batavia have vertebrae counts 
of 14-5-15 (2), and 14-6-14 (1). The specimen 
registered A.5270, collected by Dussumier, 
Coromandel, India, SL.177 mm is here designated 
lectotype. Two dried paralectotypes registered A.5427, 
from Pondicherry, with the vertebral column removed, 
were not radiographed. 

Sillago erythraea Cuvier. Two syntypes in the Museum 
National D’Histoire Naturelle, Paris. Radiographs 
forwarded by Dr M. Blanc. One specimen registered 
A.3137, collected by Mr Ehrenberg at Mer Rouge (Red 
Sea) has a vertebrae count of 14-3-17 and is here 
designated lectotype, A.3127, a paralectotype from 
Suez has a vertebrae count of 14-3-17. 

OTHER MATERIAL: South Africa (8); RUSI 7487, East 
London; RUSI 7179, Isipingo; WAM P19237-43, 
Durban. Mozambique (45); SOSC 476 = (10), 
Mozambique; SOSC 476 (17), Delagoa Bay; SOSC 476 
(8), Lourenco Marques; SOSC 476 (2) Ponta Maboul; 
USNM 72868 (6), Changane; SOSC 170, near Zambezie 
River. Zanzibar, WAM P0177; WAM. P15353. 
Malagasy (42); SOSC 54, Ampora Village; SOSC 54 (9), 
Baie d’Amboro; SOSC 54 (29), Nossi Be; SOSC 134, 
Nossi Be; USNM 171079, Anjouan; SOSC 145, Mayotte 
Island, Comores. Kenya (8); AMNH 19619, Kenya; 
RUSI. 467, M883, Malindi; SOSC 145 (5), Duruma 
River. Seychelles (4); USNM 12634 (2), Seychelles; 
SOSC 145, Mahe Island; RUSI 467, Sey. 132, South 
Mahe. Somali, AMNH 8175 (3). Ethiopia, USNM 
49324, Massawa. HUJ F7134, Abu Zenima, Gulf of 
Suez, Red Sea. Muscat, BM 87 ii.ii.226. Persian Gulf, 
USNM 147959 (2), Pakistan (29); SOSC 23 (19), 177 
miles west of Karachi; WAM P15559-68 (10), Karachi. 


(13223, Guit of Carpentaria; QM 112970, Mackay; OM 
113220, Repulse Bay, Proserpine: AM 142326, AM 
1B3582, OM 14564, Townsville, New Caledonia (8); 
WAM P15662-9, Nourica. Santa Crue Island, AM 
1A2853. Vanikoro Ivland, SOSC 252 (32). Thailand 
(214), OM 1139219 (31) Chaniaburiy SOSC 4 (48), 
Patony Bay, Phukel, Indian Ocean; SOSC 56 (32), Kol 
Sindarar Nua, Indian Ocean: CAS.GVP 2307, Pukchan 
River, Indian Qeean; CAS 14491, CAS-CGIVF 1511, CAS 
14179 (4), Songkhla Channel; Chumphon Province, 
CAS 13422 (2), CAS-GVF 2639 (4), Lem Saplee, CAS 
14193 (4); Ban Thup Tanhot. CAS 14186 (2) Lansuan 
District, CAS GVP 2187, CAS GYT 2197 (2), CAS- 
GVF 2201, Ko Matapoan, CAS-GVF 2194 Kua Larn: 
CAS 14178, CAS-GVF 2655. (10), Prachuap, Khim Khan 
India (122); SOSC 334 (4) Cochin, Kerala State; USNM 
14970£ (5) Kalimeen, Travancore; SOSC 334 (4) 
Poncichesty, Madras State; WAM  PIS715°8, 
Mylapore; SOSC381 (83), Porto Novo; SOSC 444 (2), 
Porto Nuva; SOSC 334 (3); Ennore; SOSC 334 (&), 
Mamdaupam Camp; SOSC 334, Royapuram Beach; 
SOSC 334, Thirumulli Vasal Village; SOSC 334 (4), 
Pulicat Lake, AM BS212 (2) Madras. USNM 32695, 
India. Sri Lanka SOSC T1I70-304, SOSC TI7U-316 
(16), SOSC: 7-317 (6), Colombo; SOSC CCK69-33 (2), 
Payagala. Malaysia (234) WAM P14553-72, WAM 
P1d864, AM B5046 (2), Penang. Singapore, USNM 
$3490), Indonesia ($4); AMNH 1563, AMNH 17834 (2), 
AMNEL 19798.9, USNM 72692, Batavia (Djakurts); 
USNM S8009-10 (43), Benkoelen, Sumatra; North 
Borneo (Sabah) (5), USNM 195121. New Guinea (55); 
CSIRO AZ Pulie River, CSIRO CUI Ring Ring, New 
Britain; FRSK POIS58 (4), Kerevat, New Britain: 
CSIRO ClL780, Libei River, Manus Island; CSIRO 
C166, Villrupa: CSTRO C1525, Sinapa; CSIRO C914, 
Kapa Kapa; CSIRO C1030, Oro Bay; FRSK FOLOS4 (4), 
Yule Island;:FRSK (2) Hlall Sound; PRSK Pold9) 
‘alasia, New Britain) PRSK FO1425, New Britain; 
FRSK (7) Orangerie Bay; FRSK (2), Sepik River; FRSK 
FOLI07 (2), Ramu River; FRSK P0625, South of Ramu 
River; FRSK 0388 (3), Darapay, Madang; AMNH 
14013, Daru [stund; QM 113218 (LL) Daru Island; AM 
AL2801, New Cruinea; LUNSM 40583 (2), New Ciuinea, 
Western Australia (25); CSIRO ©2362, Dampie 
Archipelago; WAM P06S54-73, Nighol Bay; WAM 
P149%)-2; Broome; CSIRG A300, AM IB3088, 
Trubridge Creek, Northern Territory (132); AM JA 
1537, AM 114289, Darwins USNM i74066, 7 milex 
north of Darwiny QM 113156 (80) Twin Eagles Beach, 
Gove; OM T3155 (2), OM 113161 (3), OM 113169 (4), 
OM 113160 (2), OM 113165 (4), OM LI3159 (20), OM 
113163 (6), QM (13167 (6), 113158 (12), Gove area; 
WSNM 174063 (18), Port Bradshaw; CSIRO A246, 
A2555, Northern Territory. Queensland (11); QM 
118176, OM 111108, Cairns, QM 16130-1, Cape 
Cleveland; CSIRO A19q3, Embley River, Weipa; WAM 
Province; CAS 1418], Mae Nam Prasae River; CAS 
14192 (3), Mae Nam Mae Klong River; CAS-GVE 1595, 
Mae Man Welu River at Ban Klong Sone Village; CAS 
14177 (9), Aoa Klong Sone Bay, narth end of Ko Chang 
Island; CAS 14170 (3), Ko Dram Noi Island near ko 
Kram Yai Islanct; CAS-GVF 1461 (2), Ko Dram Island; 

CAS-GVF 1541 (3), Chol Burj; CAS 14174 (3), Chol 
Buri Bay; CAS 14f84, Ko Can Island; CAS 14172, 
Rayong Bay, Sattahip Bay; CAS 14190, CAS 14189 (3), 
CAS-GVF 2174 (2), Ban Pac, Rayong Province, CAS 
4185 (5), Ko Saked Island: CAS-GVF 2124 (2) Rayong 
Province; CAS-GVF 1470 (2). Ko Samet Island; CAS 
{4187 (5), The Chalaep Harbour, Chantaburi Province; 
CAS-GVF 14188 (10), Ro Mak Island near Trat Buy: 
CAS 14188 (2), Lam Son Village, south of Trar Bay- 
South Vietnam (6); WAM P19226-5, WAM P0600, 
WAM PO974-5, Vung Tau. China (7); USNM 87031, 
USNM 86368 (3), Foochow, Fukien; BM $5,12.25,501, 
Cunlog; BM (2), Chiga, Hong Kone (10); 
WAM Pissd9-57, USNM 145122. Korea, USNM 
41508, Taiwan (7); THUP 00344 (4) (WAM coll) 
Tungkong; WAM P0473-4, Tunvkone; USNM 208325, 
Taipei Market; BM, No No. Taiwan, Philippines (160); 
Mindanao, USNM 145120 Panabutain. USNM 145112, 
USNM (50642 (2), Davao, USNM 145105 Parung 
Parang, USNM 145101 Catabato; Palawan, USNM 
145090 (7) Verde del Suc, USNM 150858 (14), USNM 
122903 (2), USNM 145107 Mantaguin Bay USNM 
145114, Endeavour Strain, USNM 145104 Malampaya; 
Nevros, CAS 14175 (3) Negros Island, USNM 51989 
south Negros; Cebu, USNM 84181; Leyte, USNM 
{50655 Hinunangan Beach, USNM 145109 (3) 
Hinunangan Bay; UNSM 145100 Abuyog, USNM 
14509! (6) Malaga River; USNM 145087 (5) Guimaras 
Island; Panay, USNM 102475, USNM 106803, USNM 
145102, LISNM 145103, USNM 106863, USNM 106865 
(2), USNM 106866, LISNM 102672, USNM 102547, 
USNM 102696 (2), USNM 106867, Iloilo; Mindota, 
USNM 148119 (7) Sablayan Bay, USNM 145108 Paloan 
Bay; Samar, USNM 145092 (3) Catbalogan; Luzon, 
CAS 14173 (2) Batangas Bay, USNM 145084 (8) Ragay 
Riyer, USNM 145097 Matnox Bay, USNM 145114 
Dagupan, USNM 145094 Bolayan Bay, USNM 145110 
Dunaca River, USNM 145111 Lagonog Gull’, USNM 
145118 Subig Bay, USNM 145096 (2) Yuva River, 
USNM 145106 San Fernanda, USNM 145086 (13) St. 
Vincente Harbour, USNM 145088 (4) Daet Point, 
USNM 145098. Caringo Island, USNM_ 145099 (2), 
LISNM 56296 (3) Cavite, LISNM 145089 (3). USNM 
83082, USNM 145083 (9), USNM 150656 (2), USNM 
145085 (4), CAS 14183 (3), WAM P216!2-19, AMNHII 
4917, Manila, LISNM 72276 (2) Aparri; Lugang, USNM 
145093 (2) Tiligs AMNET 13928 (2) Philippines. 


Dorsal tins Xf, 1, 20-23; anal fin MW, 21-23, 
lateral line seales 64-72, total vertebrae 34, 
Morphologically similar ta Silfege japonica and 
Silage lutea but differs in having two posterior 
extensions to the swinbladder, wider trontal 
arches on the skull, and in the vertebrae counts 
which are 33-35 in &. /vgea, 35 in S. yaponica and 
34 in this species. From S§, wiegacephalus this 
species differs in the relatively smaller head 
(24-30% instead of 33% in §. megacephtulus). 



Dorsal fins XI, 1, 20-23, anal fin II, 21-23 
(Table 4). Lateral line scales 66-72 (Table 5). TR. 
5-6 above, 10-12 below, 4-5 (usually 5) scales 
between lateral line and spinous dorsal fin origin. 
Cheek scales in 2 (rarely 3) rows, all cycloid. 

Proportional dimensions as percent of SL: 
Greatest depth of body 16-20; head length 24-30; 
snout tip to ventral fin origin 28-32; snout tip to 
spinous dorsal fin origin 32-35; snout tip to 
second dorsal fin origin 54-57; snout tip to anal 
fin origin 54-58; least depth of caudal peduncle 

Proportional dimensions as percent of head: 
Length of snout 35-42; horizontal diameter of eye 
21-26; least width of interorbital 16-21. 

VERTEBRAE: 14 abdominal, 2-8 modified, 
12-18 caudal; 14+20, total 34 (see Table 6). 
Juvenile specimens from the Northern Territory 
have 13 abdominal vertebrae and a very fine 

almost hair-like first haemal arch. Adult 
specimens have the normal 14 abdominal 

COLOUR IN ALCOHOL: Body light tan, silvery 
yellow-brown, sandy-brown, or honey coloured; 
paler brown to silvery white below; a mid-lateral, 
silvery, longitudinal band normally present; 
dorsal fins dusky terminally with or without rows 
of dark brown spots on the second dorsal fin 
membrane; caudal fin dusky terminally; no dark 
blotch at the base of the pectoral fin; other fins 
hyaline, the anal fin frequently with a whitish 
margin. After long preservation the colouration 
may become a uniform light brown. 

SWIMBLADDER: Two anterior extensions extend 
forward and diverge to terminate on each side of 
the basioccipital above the auditory capsule; two 
lateral extensions commence anteriorly, each 
sending a blind tubule anterolaterally and then 
extending along the abdominal wall below the 
investing peritoneum to just posterior of the duct- 
like process; two posterior tapering extensions of 
the swimbladder project into the caudal region, 
one usually longer than the other. The lateral 
extensions are normally convoluted and have 
blind tubules arising along their length (Figs. 
6AB) but in smaller examples may be more or less 
convoluted with fewer or no blind tubules. Some 
variation has been observed in the shape of the 
lateral extensions, but all specimens examined 
have the lateral extensions convoluted to some 
extent. The swimbladder of Si/lago sihama is 
similar to that of Sillago parvisquamis but the 
lateral extensions are always much more simple 
than the latter species. Specimens from northern 

Australia have relatively longer posterior 
extensions than specimens from the Red Sea or 
New Caledonia, and have a greater number of 
modified caudal vertebrae. 


The vertebrae counts show some geographic 
variation (Table 6); specimens from the northern 
coast of New Guinea have two or three modified 
caudal vertebrae whereas from the southern coast 
and northern Australia four to eight modified 
vertebrae are usual. A large series of specimens 
from both areas should be examined. 


A wide ranging species throughout the Indo- 
West Pacific region. Although Si/lago sihama has 
been recorded from Japan by numerous authors 
(see S. japonica) it appears that all such records 
refer to Sillago japonica. The two species can be 
positively identified by reference to the 
swimbladder morphology, and the total vertebrae 
counts (33 in S. sihama, 34 in S. japonica, see also 
Tables 6 and 45). 


Sillago sihama is a nearshore species that 
frequently penetrates estuaries for considerable 
distances. The species has been recorded from 
freshwater by Ginther (1861, p. 221) and 
Macleay (1883, p. 360), despite the absence of 
renal corpuscles or tubules in the kidney 
(Nadkarni, 1963). In northern Australia 8S. 
sihama is common along the beaches, sandbars, 
mangrove creeks and estuaries; it is very rarely 
captured by prawn trawling vessels. 

Large schools may be found in shallow water 
where they are captured by seine-net. Important 
commercial fisheries have been developed on S. 
sihama in Pakistan, India and the Philippines, 
and throughout the range of the species it is an 
important food fish of delicate flavour. The 
maximum size attained is approximately 25 to 31 
cm (Radhakrishnan, 1954; Fowler, 1935; 
Chacko, 1949), but larger specimens may occur as 
Day (1865) mentions specimens that were 
reported as being 3 feet in length (A/bula?) 

The biology of S. sihama has been reported by 
a number of authors, principally Gopinath, 1946 
(fishery), Chacko, 1949a, 1949b (food and 
feeding), 1950 (spawning, eggs, larvae), Tripathy, 
1952 (parasites), Radhakrishnan, 1954 (growth), 
Palekar and Bal, 1955 (fishery), 1961 (maturation 
and spawning). 

Like most members of the family, S. sihama 
may bury itself in the sand when danger 


approaches (Maxwell, 1921) and commonly 
avoids seine-nets by employing this behaviour. 


Sillago sihama is commonly confused with a 
number of uniform coloured whiting species. All 
identifications must involve an examination of 
the swimbladder after careful removal of the dark 
brown or black peritoneum in addition to lateral 
line scale and fin ray counts; this was not always 
possible with the material examined above as 
many specimens were forwarded to me on loan, 
therefore radiographs were taken and the shape 
of the suborbital shelf was checked whenever 
possible (see Fig. 14A). Large samples had one or 
two specimens carefully dissected and fresh 
material was obtained when available. 

Sillago (Sillago) intermedius Wongratana 
Thai Whiting 
(Figs. 2C, 8A) 
Sillago intermedius Wongratana, 1977, pp. 257-262. 
(East coast, Gulf of Thailand). 

Sillago maculata: Dutt & Sujatha, 1980, pp. 372-4 (non 
Sillago maculata Quoy and Gaimard). 



PARATYPES: QM _ 113606, BMNH_ 1976-11-17-1, 
BMNH 1976-11-17-2. 

OTHER MATERIAL: QM 113795, east coast Gulf of 
Thailand via Bangkok Fish Market, 1975, T. 
Wongratana, S.L. 100 mm. (4) Visakhapatnam, India, 
March 4, 1982, K. Sujatha, S.L. 70-79 mm. 


Two posterior extensions to the swimbladder; 
anterior margin with two divergent blind tubes 
that extend to the basioccipital above the auditory 
capsule; an anterolateral extension on each side, 
each sending a blind tubule anteriorly and then 
curving posteriorly along the abdominal wall as a 
simple tube to terminate just posterior to the 
duct-like process. Sides of body just below lateral 
line with a longitudinal row of dusky black spots, 
and a series of saddle-like dusky black blotches. 

Dorsal fins XI, 1, 21-22; anal fin II, 21-22. 
Lateral line scales 67-70. TR. 6-7 above, 8-9 
below, 6-7 scales between lateral line and spinous 
dorsal fin origin. Cheek scales in 2 rows, all 


Dorsal rays 
Anal rays 

South Africa 





India (West Coast) 
India (East Coast) 
Sri Lanka 


New Guinea (North Coast) 
New Guinea (South Coast) 
Western Australia 
Northern Territory 

New Caledonia 
Santa Cruz Is. 

South Vietnam 

Hong Kong 





eww pure 
| oe ee | 


ofritir Ii aol 




— — 
OoOoni NrNnNwon 

21 22 22 23 
23 22 23 23 
1 4 7 
7 = _ 
2 ¥ a = 
l = = = 
3 1 6 - 
- 2 2 = 
6 3 19 
1 - 1 
4 = Hs = 
1 a te. 
2 = - ss 
5 < ES 
- - 2 L 
5 = 1 = 
= = 1 e 
- 3 am = 
6 7 - - 
- 1 J = 
1 1 1 - 
- 1 - = 
22 5 8 = 


Lateral line scales 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 

12 5 1 - 


Mozambique “ 
Zanzibar - 
Malagasy ze 
Kenya - 
Seychelles = 
Pakistan = 
India (West Coast) - 
India (East Coast) = 
Ceylon s 
Malaysia = 
Indonesia = 
North Borneo - 
New Guinea (North Coast) - 
New Guinea (South Coast) z 
Western Australia - 
Northern Territory 2 

New Caledonia = 
Santa Cruz Is. = 
Thailand 1 
South Vietnam im 
China = 
Hong Kong Es 
Taiwan = 
Philippines 11 19 28 

| ot 
| ot 
kL a 4 


NI oR 


fe ee Se oe DO el ee ei a | 

TE el oe | 





Wwe le nl ee NA! BNNK KKK 1 
WwWwNwWl — OWWe We ol 



Abdominal 14 14 14 14 14 14 14 
Modified 2 3 4 5 6 i. 8 
Caudal 18 17 16 15 14 13 12 

South Africa - 1 3 
Mozambique - - 3 
Zanzibar - - 1 
Malagasy - 1 
Kenya - - 1 
Seychelles - 1 ~ 
Somali - - 
Red Sea - 2 - 

1 — | w= 

Pakistan = 
India (West Coast) - - 
India (East Coast) - 1 
Ceylon 7 = = 
Malaysia - ~ 2 
Indonesia - - 2 
North Borneo - - - 
New Guinea (North Coast) 3 13 - 
New Guinea (South Coast) - - 2 
Western Australia - - - 
Northern Territory - - 
Queensland - - 
New Caledonia a 5 
Santa Cruz Is. = = 
Thailand (Pacific Ocean) - 1 2 



Thailand (Indian Ocean) 

South Vietnam = 

Hong Kong - - 
Taiwan ~ 
Philippines - - 


tot ' 

ee | I 

Proportional dimensions as percent of SL: 
Greatest depth of body 16-19; head length 30-31; 
snout tip to ventral fin origin 31-33; snout tip of 
spinous dorsal fin origin 36-37; snout tip to 
second dorsal fin origin 56; snout tip to anal fin 
origin 58-60; least depth of caudal peduncle 7. 

Proportional dimensions as percent of head: 
length of snout 37-40; horizontal diameter of eye 
22-26; least width of interorbital 18. 

VERTEBRAE’ 14 abdominal, 5 modified, 15 
caudal; 14 + 20, total 34. 

CocLour IN Lite: Pale silvery, darker-on backs 
top of snout black to blackish; opercle, 
preopercle, preorbital around nostrils and base of 
pectoral bright silver; supracleithiral region with a 
short black almost vertical streak; sides of body 
just below lateral line with a longitudinal row of 8 
to 9 dark spots. or blotches, the first present or 
absent on the opercle, the next 2 or 3 below the 
spinous dorsal fin, the following 4 or S below 
second dorsal fin and one on caudal peduncle; 
back with a series of saddJe-like dusky blotches, 
the first 2 on nape, 2nd and 3rd below spinous 
dorsal fin, 5th to 9th blotches below second 
dorsal fin and one on the upper lobe of the caudal 
fin; a silvery lateral band present or absent, 
spinous dorsal fin greyish, second dorsal fin 
translucent with a series of 2 to 4 darker spots on 
membranes and a black spot at the base ot each 
dorsal ray; caudal greyish with the upper and 
lower rays darker; other fins hyaline. 

SWIMBLADDER: Two anterior extensions extend 
forward and diverge to terminate on each side of 
the basioccipital above (he auditory capsule; two 
lateral extensions commence anteriorly, each 
sending a blind tubule anteriorly and then 
extending along the abdominal wall adjacent to 
the swimbladder below the investing peritoneum 
to just posterior to the duct-like process; two 
posterior tapering extensions of the swimbladder 
project into the post-coelomic region (Fig. 8A). 
The lateral extensions are simple and show no 
trace of the convolutions present in S. sihama, 

Known only from the east coast of the Gulf of 
Thailand, and India. 



Sillage intermedius is similar to S. sitamta but 
may he distinguished by the colouration and the 
simple lateral tubular extensions of the 
swimbladder, The tip of the inwardly projecting 
sub-ocular shelf on the third suborbital bone has 


a small spine-like process pointing posteriorly in 
S. intermedius. 

Sillage (Sillage) parvisquamis Gill 
(Figs. 2D, 7A, 13B, 14B, 15). 

Sillago parvisquamis Gill, 1861, p. SUS (Kanagawa, near 
Yokohama), Jordan and Snyder, 1913, p. 187. 
Jordan and Hubbs, 1925, p. 248. Fowler, 1933. pp. 
427-8. Tomiyama and Abe, 1958, pp, 1176-7. 
Shao and Chang, 1978, pp. 5-6; 1979, pp. 695-705. 

Sillega sihama, Tanaka, 1913, p. 241, pl. 68, fig, 244 
(non Sillago sthama Forskal). 


Tyres: Sillogo parvisquamis Gill, Acad. Nat. Sci. 
Philadelphia, not examined. 

QO7HER Material: USNM 177416, Taipei, Taiwan, 
SU 7092 Tokyo, Japan. ZUMT 5724, off Haneda, 
Tokyo Bay, Japan. 


Dorsal fins XIJ-NIM, 1, 20-22; anal fin I, 
22-24; lateral line scales 70-84; 39-40) vertebrae; 
swimbladder with two posterior extensions. 


(Based on 2 examples from Tokyo, and 2 
examples from Taiwan. SL 191, 143, 196 and 175 

Dorsal fins XH-NIII, 1, 20-22; anal fin I, 
22-24. Lateral line scales 79-84, TR, 7 above, 
{1-12 below; 6-7 scales between L. lat. and 
spinous dorsal fin origin, Cheek scales in 3 rows, 
anterior ones cycloid, the posterior scales ctenoid 
(mostly ctenoid cheek scales). 

Proportional dimensions as percent of SL: 
Greatest depth of body 14-17; head length 
24.6-25.2; snout tip to ventral fin origin 27-29; 
snout tip to spinous dorsal fin origin 31-33; snout 
tip to seeand dorsal fin origin 54-55; snout tip to 
anal fin omgin S4-S4; least depth of caudal 
peduncle 3,3-6.3 

Proportional dimensions as percent of head: 
Length of snout 38-43; horizontal diameter of eye 
18-19; least width of interorbital 18-21. 

VeRTEBRAE: 16 abdominal, 5-6 modified, 
17-19 caudal; 16+ 23-24, total 39-40. Tomiyama 
and Abe (1958, p. 1176) have recorded a total 
vertebrae count of 39. Japan 16-6-17 (2); Taiwan 
16-6-17 (1), 16-5-19 (1), 

COLOUR IN ALCOHOL; Pale brown to dull 
brown above, lighter below; a faint mid-lateral 
band usually present; dorsal fins dusky terminally 
with five or six rows of dusky spots on second 
dorsal fin. membranes, other fins hyaline. 


SWIMBLADDER: Two anterior extensions arise 
medially, diverge, and terminate on the 
basioccipital; two lateral extensions commence 
anteriorly, each with a blind tubule 
anterolaterally, and curve to invest the abdominal 
walls with a complex networklike arrangement of 
blind tubules; a duct-like process extends from 
the lateral surface to the urogenital aperture; two 
posterior tapering extensions project into the 
caudal region (Fig. 2D). The swimbladder is 
similar to that of Sillago sihama but the lateral 
arms have a more complex system of tubules. 


Tokyo and Yokohama, Tokyo Bay, Japan; 


Little known, the flesh is reported to be inferior 
to that of Sillago japonica (Tomiyama and Abe 
1958, p. 1176). 


Sillago parvisquamis is an elongate species with 
well developed frontal arches and an elongate 
otolith (Fig. 14B). In the high number of dorsal 
spines and vertebrae it approaches the genus 
Sillaginodes but the true relationship of the 
species appears to be with Si/lago sihama as the 
swimbladder is remarkably similar in structure. 

Sillago (Sillago) megacephalus Lin 
Large-headed Whiting 
(Fig. 2E) 

Sillago megacephalus Lin, 1933, p. 96, fig. 3 (Paoping 
Harbour, Hainan, China). Fowler, 1949, p. 51. 


Very similar to Si/lago sihama, but with the 
head length 33 percent of standard length. 

DESCRIPTION (from Lin 1933) 

Dorsal fins XI, 22; anal 23. Lateral line scales 
about 70. TR. 5 above 10-11 below. Depth in 
length 6, head 3.1. Eye in head 4.7; snout 2.3; 
postorbital space 2.7; interorbital 6.4. 
Preopercular limb denticulated. 

Colouration uniform; the tip of spinous dorsal 


This species is known only from the unique 
holotype No. 883, 158 mm in SL, in the ‘Fisheries 
Experiment Station’, Canton. Efforts to locate 
the type were unsuccessful. Sillago megacephalus 
is unusual in having the head length 33 percent of 
the body length. Sillago sihama rarely has the 

head length to 30 percent, and in most specimens 
the head length is about 27-28 percent of SL. The 
dimensions from the figure of S. megacephalus 
give a head length of about 27 percent SL. The 
swimbladder structure and vertebral count is 

Subgenus Parasillago subgen. nov. 
Type species Sil//ago ciliata Cuvier, 1829. 


This new subgenus differs from the subgenus 
Sillago in having the posterior extension of the 
swimbladder a single tapering projection or in one 
species a rounded posterior margin, instead of 
two posterior extensions. From Sillaginopodys 
this new subgenus differs in having the ventral fin 
without a club-like structure, swimbladder well 
developed, and a duct-like process from the 
ventral surface of the swimbladder to the 
urogenital aperture. 


Sixteen species and four subspecies are included 
in this subgenus. The swimbladder in Sillago 
macrolepis and Sillago attenuata lack a well 
developed posterior extension to the 
swimbladder, and in the former species modified 
caudal vertebrae are absent. The swimbladder of 
Sillago argentifasciata and Sillago microps sp. 
nov. is unknown at present, and these species 
have been provisionally placed in this subgenus 
pending further investigation. All other species 
have a single posterior tapering extension to the 


1. —A dark brown, dusky or blue-black spot or 
blotch on or just preceding the pectoral fin 
ASE tise hays ch kdilay fog bus eaelens carte eae aee heaves 2 
— No dark mark at base of pectoral fin 
although a bright yellow or orange spot may 

DO PLESONt. .t.c¢uebsgdrtotnaget oes sss teramatebied res 6 
2. — Body with dark blotches or rusty brown 
BALE vnetttlasbdasthsndavtoswbves! astadigipahdantel a) 3 

— Body uniform colour in adults (juveniles 
up to 90 mm may have darker blotches along 
the sides and back) with the snout bluish in 
some large specimens; dorsal fins XI, 1, 
16-18; anal fin II, 15-17; lateral line scales 
60-69; vertebrae 14-15+5-8+11-14, total 
32-34, swimbladder with rudimentary tubules 
projecting anteriorly and a series of sawtooth 
like pockets laterally (Fig. 9E-H) 
Eastern Australia ........ Sillago ciliata (p. 15) 




— Body with 8-11 oblique well-defined rusty- 
brown bars dorsally; dorsal fins XJ, 1, 17-19; 
anal fin II, 16-18; lateral line scales 
65-70; vertebrae 13-14+8-12+7-10, total 
32-34; swimbladder with a median anterior 
projection and very rudimentary anterolateral 
projections (Pig. [10C), Western Australia ..... 
wiatrate i.:.....Si/lago vitlata new species (p. 20) 
— Body without well defined rusty brown 
DATS carey nanaanrnvead 4 

. — Upper and lower dark blotches on sides 

joined at least posteriorly: dorsal fins XI 

(rarely XII), 1, 19-21; anal fin 11, 18-20; 
lateral line scales 69-75;  vertebrac 
13-15 + 8-11 +10-14, total 34-36; 

swimbladder with a short median extension 
anteriorly and a complex anterolateral 
extension that continues posteriorly to the 
level of the duct-like process (Fig. 7B). 
Eastern Australia 2... .0.0....0ccce cease ccseceeeeee ee 
fardedshopooneds Sillaga maculata maculata (p, 22) 
— Upper and lower dark blotches separate; 
swimbladder without complex anterolateral 
extensions extending postenorly to ductike 
POCO sehen s reseveatrsipeeeaze en errys? Peireri> 5 

— Four rudimentary anterolateral extensions 
that are normally convoluted (Fig. 10B); 
usually 19-20 anal rays; usually 35 vertebrae. 
Western and northern coasts of Australia, 
southern New Guinea and Indonesia 
POLL ILIAD Sillago maculata burrus (p, 24) 
—Three rudimentary anterolateral extensions 
that may be simple or convoluted (Fig. 10A); 
usually 18 anal rays: vertebrae 34, West 
Pacilic except Australia and southern New 
Guinea ......... Sillaga maculata aeolus (p, 27) 
— Body with oblique narrow rusty-brown 
bars that may be partly broken into lines ol 
more or Icss contiguous rusty-brown or 
orange-brown spots ..,,,,, i alee aan sete’ ddlelely 7 
— Bady without oblique rusty: -brown bars: 
some faint dark blotches or small spots may 
be present in juveniles less than 100 mm in 
standard length 
— A longitudinal row or brown or rusty- 
brown blotches along middle of side on or 
below lateral line; belly pale, not silvery: 
upper oblique bars not formed of lines of 
contiguous rusty-brown spots; mid-lateral 
silvery band generally indistinct; vertebrae 
(3 +9-11+ 9-11 Eastern Australia ..... Sillago 
bassensis flindersi new subspecies (p. 29) 
— No longitudinal row of brown or rusty- 
brown blotches on or below lateral line; belly 
silvery; upper oblique bars usually formed of 


lines of contiguous rust-brown to orange 
brown spots; mid-lateral silvery band 
conspicuous; vertebrae 12-144 12-14+7-9. 
Western Australia, South Australia and 
WSTCTH VICKOTIA 22.0... cee se cena se om ea sans pet ede 
Sillago bassensis bassensis (p, 28) 
Base of first dorsal spine of adult 
specimens with a sharply keeled anterior edge 
bearing on the lower part a while or pale 
yellow spot with a black or black-brown spot 
above; dorsal fins ML, 1, 16-18; anal fin IL, 
16-19; lateral line scales 64-70; vertebrae 

heehee hem ewes 

1348-1248-12, total 33; swimbladder 
asin Figures 1!D-J, Australia .......0.c.cceeeeeee 
apcbenejedpep tte Malabetentsde Sillago robusta (p. 30) 

— Base of first dorsal spine not keeled and 
Without a black spot or blotch above a white 

OF YEHOW Base oo. .cec cc cscceeeensveeeeeenvreeeteees ) 
— Total vertebrae 37-39; lateral line scales 
usually more than 73 (excep 8. 
SCHOMIDUPEKIL) 2. ccc cess eee ee eae neeeeeenelneee 10 

— Total vertebrae 32-36; lateral line scales 
usually less than 73 (except 8. japonica and S. 
TIE}: 3.0. 09. 0B 6 Oe Oo astse deeded liste 12 
— 21-22 anal rays; dorsal fins XI, 1, 21; 
vertebrae 38. Gulf of Tongking and 
China .....--...:s.00.-- Séllago boutani (p. 34) 
— 17-20 anal rays; X-XIIT dorsal spines; 
vertebrae 37-39 | 
— Anterior margin of swimbladder concave; 
dorsal fins X-XT1, 1. 19-20; laperal line scales 
66-76; vertebrae 16-17 } 8-11 + 10-13, total 
37. Western Australia and South Australia .. 
ere ae ae a Sillago schamburgkii (p. 34) 
— Anterior margin of swimbladder convex; 
dorsal fins XU-NIIL, 1, 19-21; lateral line 
73-77; vertebrae 15+2+20, total vertebrae 
vounts range trom 37-39. Persian Gulf ....... 
Wyepaeekro ds Sillago attenuata new species (p, 36) 

Swimbladder with anterolateral 
extensions recurved posteriorly ............. 13 
Swimbladder without anterolateral 
extensions recurved posteriorly ............. 15 
— Swimbladder as in Figure 5E; lateral 
line scales 69-BO. India .......seseceseeeeeeeeneeee 
ayeraptetetes +++ Sillago indica new species (p. 48) 
— Swimbladder as in Figure 10E; lateral line 
scales 64-70 14 
— Membrane of second dorsal fin with a 
more or less continuous grey band formed of 
minute black dots, running parallel to and 
closer to anterior edge of each ray; 
extensions of swimbladder extend to less 
than half length of swimbladder. India ....... 
wah tee do je febietelebrobe MoM ate aletiet 4a Sillago soringa (p. 38) 


— Membrane of second dorsal fin without a 
more or less continuous grey band but with 
margin of tin finely spotted with brown or 
black; extensions of swimbladder extend 
posteriorly to almost half length of 
swimbladder. Thailand and Taiwan ..,,,,...- 
eee ari gneee peeeeeree  SI/laZO aslatica (p. 36) 
—Lateral line scales 61 or less ....;.0.:c006 
— Lateral line scales 64 or more 
16. — 14-17 anal rays. Southern New Guinea 
and northern Australia ..........,. fevq¥) ovtane 
sere sSTllago analis; Sillago nierstraszi (p. 18) 
— 19-21 anal rays. Indonesia to Philippines 
excluding Australia ....... Sillago macrolepis 
*. — A brilliant silvery mid-lateral longitudinal 
band. Lumbucan Is., Philippines —......,.-.,. 
sastebokerdegebeterd Sillago argentifasciata (p, 40) 
— Mid-laterai band not well developed .., 18 
— 21-24 anal rays .1.....e. eee eee 1D 
— 17-19 amal rays 20... cece ee cece ee 21 
19. — Swimbladder with a small bulbous 
anterior projection and without anterolateral 
extensions projecting anteriorly, West coast 
of India ...,.-.........4. Sillaga vincenti (p. 45) 
— Swimbladder with a pointed median 
anterior extension and anterolateral 
extensions projecting anteriorly ............ 20 
— Usually 13 abdominal vertebrae; 5 scales 
between lateral line and spinous dorsal 
Origin. Northern Australia ...cccccceecseer seers be 
apasghatgyo- eg tpetades Sillage lutea pew species 
—Usually 14 abdominal vertebrae; 3 scales 
between lateral line and spinous dorsal 
origin. Japan, Korea, China and Taiwan 
sohckuotepobsbaotepodeate fs Sillago japonica (p. 42) 
2!. — Dorsal fin rays 17; anal fin rays 17; cheek 
seales ctenoid; vertebrae 13+9-11+9-11, 
total 33; eve diameter 19-23 percent of head 
length Thailand to northern Australia ..,..... 
tebsvangets Sillago ingenuua new species (p. 44) 
—Dorsal fin rays 19; anal fin rays 19; cheek 
scales cycloid; vertebrae 13 + 54-16, total 34; 
eye diameter 14-16 percent of head length. 
Taiwan ..,.Si/lago micraps new species (p. 44) 



Sillago (Parasillage) ciliata Cuvier 

Sand Whiting 
(Figs. 1A, 3A, 9E-H, 13K, 14D-E, 17) 

Sillago ciliata Cuvier, in Cuvier and Valenciennes, 1829, 
p, 415 (Southern Seas). Valenciennes, 1859, pl. 13, 
fig. 2. Giinther, 1860, p. 245; 1880, p. 42. Gill, 
1862. p. 504, Touan, 1861, p. 272. Kner, 1865, pp, 
127-8. Steindachner, 1866, pp. 443-4. Schmeltz, 
1869, p. 16; 1879, p. 44, Castelnau, IN75, p. 16- 
Alleyne aud Macleay, 1877, p. 279, Klunzinger, 
1879, p. 30% Macleay, '881, p. 202. Tension- 


Woods, I882, p. 65, pl. 24. Ogilby, 1886, p, 31, 
McCoy, 1890, p, 229, pl, 182. Coren, 1892, p. 17. 
Kent, 1893, pp, 292, 370, pl. 45, fig. 2. Waile, 
L901. p. 47; 1904, p. 206. Stead, 1906, pp. 574<6; 
1908, p. G3, pl. 33. McCulloch, 1911, p 62; 1921, 
p. 60; 1927, p. 50. Cokerell, 1915, pp. 41-2. 
Fowler, 1928, p. 235; 1933, pp. 428-30; 1953, p- 
1S. Starks, 1929, p, 253. Weber and de Beaufort, 
1931, pp. 171, 178. Whitley, 1932, pp. 344-5; 1955, 
p. 33, 1964, p. 43. Hardenberg, 1941, p. 228 
Cleland, 1947, pp. 215-28. Roughley, 1951, pp. 
46-8. Legand, 1952. Munro, 1945; 1958, p. 178; 
1967, p. 346, Parrott, 1959, p, 201. Woodland anv 
Slucksmith, 1963. 9. 32, Marshall, 1964, p. 170. 
Grant, 1965, p. 84; 1972, p. 243. Lanzing, 1967, p, 
242, Lanzing and Hynd, 1967, pp, 177-8, 

Sillaga diadoi Thiolliere, 1857, p. 151 (Woodlark 
Island, Paupa), 

Sillaga insularis Castelnau, 18734, p. 232 (Noumea, New 

Silage rerra-reginge Castelnau, 1878, p. 232 (Moreton 
Bay, Queensland). 

Sillago bussensis Castelnau, 1879, p, 381. Macleay, 
1881, p. S67. Keni, 1893, p. 291. Tosh, 1902, pp. 
175-184 (non Sillage bassensis Cuvier). 

Sillago ciliata diadoi, Whitley, 1932a, pp. 344-5. 

Sillaga yracilis Whitley, (932b, p. 284 (non Sillage 
gracihs Alleyne and Macleay) 


Tyee Silage ciliata Cuvier, A radiograph of the 
holotype rewisiered ASI33 in the Muscum National 
1’ Histoire Naturelle, Paris, forwarded by Dr M. Blanc, 
Vertebrae 14.6.13. 

Sillago diadoi Thiolliere. Not examined: location af 
holotype unknown. 

Sillavo insvlaris Castelnau. Not examined; location at 
holotype unknown, 

Sillago terra-reginue Castelnau. The holotype is 
registered A5636 in the Museum National D* Histoire 
Naturelle and consists of a dried skin only, Dr M, Blanc 
kindly re-examined the holotype and confirmed that 10 
dorsal spines, and 61 lateral line scales were present. 
Castelnau (1878, p, 232) records 64 lateral line scales, 

OiieeR MATERIAL: New South Wales (124); WAM 
P0620-34, Bermagui; WAM PO476-90, Botany Bay; 
WAM POS85-94, WAM P0635-9, Manning River, 
USNM 93125, Newcastle; OM 112955, Port Jackson: 
QM [8013-4 Port Stephens; WAM P15540-8, WAM 
PUI72-5, WAM P0264-72, WAM PO0314-36, USNM 
$3051, OM 110326 (21), Sydney; SOSC 560, Tuggerah 
Lake; QM 12961-2, Tweed Heads, USNM S986 (4), 
New South Wales. Queensland; QM 112762 (88) 
Brisbane Fish Markets (vertebrae only); WAM P0464, 
Brisbane River; CSIRO C3163, Caboolture River: 
WAM P0460, Dunwich; USNM 176902 (11), Great 
Barrier Reel; USNM 177160, Lindeman Island; OM 
[118S, QM 12957, OM LI1541, Moreton Bay; QM 
12992, QM 129584, Nerang River; QM 12935-47 (40) 
Southport; OM 111451, Tewantin, Lord Howe Island 
(4); AM [4641-2. AM 4673-4. New Caledonia (8), 
WAM P15654-61, Noumea. 



Dorsal fins XI, 1, 16-18; anal fin II, 15-17; 
lateral line scales 60-69; a dark spot at the base of 
the pectoral fin; colouration of adult specimens 
uniform without darker bars or blotches, 


Dorsal fins XI, 1, 16-18; anal fin II, 15-17 (see 
Table 7), Lateral line scales 60-69 usually 63 (see 
Table 8), TR. 6 above, 12-13 below, 5-7 scales, 
usually 6, between L. lat. and spinous dorsal fin 
origin. Cheek scales in 4-5 rows, cycloid and 
ctenoid (usually more cycloid scales). 

Proportional dimensions as percent of SL: 
greatest depth of body 21-23; head length 27-31; 
snout tip to ventral fin origin 30-34; snout tip to 
spinous dorsal fin origin 34-37; snout tip to 
second dorsal fin origin 58-61; snout tip to anal 
fin origin 59-65; least depth of caudal peduncle 

Proportional dimensions as percent of head: 
length of snout 40-48; horizontal diameter of eye 
16-20; least width of interorbital 17-20. 

VERTEBRAE: 14-15 abdominal, 5-8 precaudal, 
11-14 caudal; 14-15+18-20, total 32-34 (see 
Table 9). 

COLOUR IN ALCOHOL: Body pale brown or 
silvery-brown, whitish below, with green, mauve, 
and rosy reflections when fresh; a broad but 
rather indistinct silvery-yellow mid-lateral band; 
spinous dorsal pale olive-green with faint darker 
blotches, second dorsal fin pale olive with rows of 
dark-brown to blackish spots; anal and ventrals 
pale yellowish; pectorals pale yellow or pale 
brown with a well defined dark, or blue-black 
base; caudal yellowish to olive, with a darker 
margin, Juveniles up to 80 or 90 mm may have 
darker blotches along the sides and back. 

SWIMBLADDER: Anterior part of _ the 
swimbladder with rudimentary tubules projecting 
anteriorly and a series laterally that diminish in 
size and become sawtooth-like posteriorly. Some 
individual variation in the shape of the anterior 
extensions is shown in Figure 9E-H; the posterior 
extension is single, tapering, and projects well 
into the caudal region; a duct-like process from 
the ventral surface to the urogenital aperture is 
present. The shape of the swimbladder is not 
distinguishable from Sillago analis. 


The dorsal and anal fin rays remain fairly 
constant in the three samples given in Table 7. 
The lateral line scale counts of the sample from 
Magenta and Dumbea, New Caledonia, recorded 
by Legand (1952, p. 112) differs from the 

Australian material given in Table 8, although my 
8 examples from Noumea do not depart 
significantly from the Australian specimens. It 
seems likely that Legand included the few scales 
on the base of the caudal fin in addition to those 
of the body. 

The vertebrae counts of the four specimens 
from New Caledonia are insufficient to indicate 
any real variation; a larger sample is required. 


East coast of Australia from Cape York, 
Queensland, southwards along the coast and the 
Great Barrier Reef to eastern Victoria, and the 
east coast of Tasmania. Most common in 
southern Queensland, and New South Wales. 
This species also occurs at Lord Howe Island, 
New Caledonia, and Woodlark Island, Papua. 
Hardenberg, 1941, p. 228 listed this species from 
Japero, West Irian, but this record may refer to S. 


Sillago ciliata is an onshore species occurring 
on coastal beaches, sandbars and surf zones as 
well as open bays, estuaries and coastal lakes; 
occasional specimens have been taken in offshore 
waters to 23 fathoms during winter. Sand whiting 
enter estuaries and penetrate far upstream to the 
tidal limits of rivers and creeks where juveniles 
and adolescent fish may be abundant. The adults 
congregate around the mouths of estuaries, bars, 
and spits, in depths of up to three fathoms. Tosh 
(1903) described the egg and larval development 
and gives the spawning period as September to 
February. Tosh also describes the habits of this 
species and mentions ‘Soon after the beginning of 
the spawning season young whiting of 10 mm and 
over can be observed swimming actively in small 
droves of from 10 to 20 on sand flats and beaches. 
They move up and down with the tide, swimming 
in very shallow water. As they grow older they 
keep further from the shore. The whiting may be 
said to live almost exclusively on sandy ground. 
The adults appear to be gregarious only at 
spawning time. 

The most characteristic habit of the whiting is 
that of burrowing in the sand to escape from 
enemies, In so doing the fish literally dives into 
the sand, The dive can be executed with great 
rapidity and is a most serviceable 
accomplishment. When fishing for whiting with a 
seine net one can observe as the bunt of the net 
nears the shore here and there a small cloud of 
sand thrown up; the fisherman marks the place, 
and when his net is in, wades out and feels about 


in the sand with his feet; when a fish moves under 
his feet he stamps his foot down to hold it there, 
and then picks it up with his hand. Often as many 
as a dozen fish are so taken which had otherwise 
escaped the footrope of the net. Very small 
whiting, an inch and a half long, have the trick. 
When burying the whiting throws up its tail, and 
actually takes a header into the sand using its tail 
fin vigorously. Once the head is under, it appears 
to throw up like a diver, and when buried has got 
into a horizontal position. The whiting can 
remain down for 2 or 3 minutes. On an ordinary 
sand flat, a whiting can bury itself to a depth of 
from 3 to 4 inches, but on a hard sand beach, it 
can hardly cover itself. 

When taken the whiting often makes a short, 

croaking, frog-like sound — whence the name 

Cleland (1947) has reported on the fishery, 
fishing methods, and _ biology, including 

raciation, food, reproduction, age determination 
and growth, pathology and condition of the 



Legand (1952) describes the growth of the 
postlarvae of S. ciliata from New Caledonia and 
Munro (1945) the postlarvae from the Noosa 
River, Queensland. 

Sillago ciliata grows to a length of 45 cm. 


Sillago ciliata and Sillago analis are sibling 
species that can be separated by colouration and 
in most cases lateral line scale counts. The 
vertebrae count and swimbladder shape is similar 
or identical in both species. If both were 
allopatric in distribution the differences between 
the two species would be considered of 
subspecific rank only. In Queensland both species 
occur in the same school, or separately, from 
Moreton Bay northwards to Cape York. In New 
South Wales S. ciliata is common but S. analis is 
absent; in the Northern Territory and the 
northern half of Western Australia S. analis is 
abundant but S. ciliata is absent. 

In the ‘ciliata group’ of species is also S. 
ingenuua from Thailand and northern Australia. 


Dorsal rays 16 16 17 17 17 18 18 18 

Anal rays 15 16 15 16 17 15 16 17 

New South Wales 2 7 8 57 4 1 2 2 

Queensland 1 2 6 42 3 - 4 ~ 

New Caledonia 1 - - 6 - 1 - - 


Lateral scales 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 
New South Wales 1 6 16 22 17 12 5 - - ~ 
Queensland - 1 8 18 6 2 - - - 
New Caledonia - 1 3 3 1 - - - - 

New Caledonia* 9 1 2 9 8 491 85 25 11 5 
*from Legand (1952, p. 112). 


Abdominal 13 14 14 14 14 14 14 14 15 15 15 
Modified 7 5 6 7 7 7 8 8 6 6 #3 
Caudal 13 14 13 11 12 13 11 12 12 13 12 
New South Wales - - 22 2 47 1 10 1 2 1 - 
Queensland 1 - 17 1 

New Caledonia - 1 3 - 


Sillago (Parasillago) unalis Whitley 

Golden-lined or Rough-scale Whiting 
(Figs. 3B, 9A-D, 13L, 14F, 17) 

Sillaxa eviliuta: Paradive and Whitley, 1927, p. 89. 
Naylor 1964, p. 174 (non Si/ago ciliaia Cuvier). 

Silfazo unalis Whitley, 1943, p. 184 (Shark’s Bay, 
Western Australia); 1948, p. 19; 1954, p. 27; i964, 
p. 43. Haysom, 1957, p. 141. Grant, 1965, p. 85; 
1972, p. 244. 


Type: Sillago analis Whitley. A ftadiograph of the 
holotype regisrered | 13118 m the Australian Museum, 
Sydney The vertebrae number 14-6-13, 

OrverR MATERIAL: Western Australia (68), WAM 
P13980-9, WAM P0584, WAM P0640-1, Broome; 
WAM P0360, WAM P0766-8, Exmouth Gull; WAM 
P12699-700; Kalumburn; WAM P0466, Nichol Bay; 
WAM P12978, WAM P0176, WAM PO0798-800, Port 
Hedland; WAM P7674-3, WAM P12773-8, WAM 
P12974-7, WAM P12982-7, WAM PI3189-91, WAM 
P13203-13, WAM P14222, WAM P14979-82, WAM 
PO27-9, WAM P1S047-9, Shark Bay, Northern 
Territory (65); USNM 174057 (9), Cape Arnhem; 
USNM 174051, Barwin, USNM 174052 (4), USNM 
174053 (7), USNM 174054 (16), Groote Eylandi; USNM 
174056 (16), Port Bradshaw; QM (4), 113164, 113168, 
113170, Shoal Bay: QM 13992 Sir Edward Pellew 
Islands, Queenstand (88); CSIRO C3164-6, Caboolture; 
OM 19255, Cribb Island; QM 112734 (G8), Deveption 
Bays QM (11099, Gibson Island; CSIRO C3167-70, 
Marvhorough; WAM PO461, WAM P13835, CSIRG 
C2981, Moreton Bay, OM 112694, Norman River, Gulf 
of Carpentaria, AM  1B3219-22, OM F3218, 
Scarborough; AM 1B3765-6, Tin Can Bay. New Guinea 
(10), QM 113215-17, Daru Island, 


Dorsal fins X1, !, 16-18; anal fin I, 14-17; 
lateral line scales 54-61; no dark spot at base of 
pectoral fin, 


Dorsal fins XI, 1, 16-18; anal fin 1, 14-17 
(Table 10), Lateral line scales 54-61 (Table 11); 
TR. 5-6 above, 6-8 below, 4-5 (usually 4) scales 
between L. lat. and spinous dorsal origin. Cheek 
scales in 3-4 rows (usually 4), the anterior scales 
cycloid, the posterior scales ctenoid (cheek scales 
mostly cycloid). 

Proportional dimensions as present SL: 
greatest depth of bady 19-22: head length 28-32; 
snout tip to ventral fin origin 29-34; snout tip to 
spinous dorsal fin origin 34-39; snout tip to 
second dorsal fin origin 58-61; snout tip to anal 
fin origin 59-64, least depth of caudal peduncle 

Proportional dimensions as pereent of head: 
length of snout 37-44; horizontal diameter of eye 

19-25; least width of interorbital 14-18, 

VERTEBRAE; 13-14 abdoininal, 4-48 modified, 
11-15 caudal; 13-14+ 19-20, total 33-34 (see 
Table 12). 

COLOUR IN ALCOHOL; Body with a dark grey 
lateral stripe; head dusky, spotted with line black 
spots, snout darker; margins of scales on opercles 
and body dark, forming a faint mesh-like pattern 
on upper sides; dorsal fins with membranes dusky 
and streaked with brown; caudal fin dusted with 
black; anal fin hyaline; pectoral fin with fine 
dusky black spots at base but no dark spat; pelvic 
fins with membrane between outer rays finely 
spotted, remainder of fin hyaline. 

CoLouR IN LiFE; Body light silvery, shghtly 
darker to dusky above; a dull golden-silver to 
golden-yellow band longitudinally on sides below 
lateral line; pelyic and anal fins pale yellow to 
bright yellow; pectoral fin with a darker dusting 
of fine black-brown spots, base without a black 

SWIMBLADDER: As for Sillage ciliata, see Fig. 


The lateral line scale counts for south-east 
Queensland are greater than those from Western 
Australia, and the verlebrae counts have one or 
two additional modified vertebrae. A series of 
samples from northern Australia is required to 
verify this variation. 


Shark Bay, Western Australia, Northern 
Territory, Queensland south to Moreton Bay, and 
southern coast of New Guinea. 


Lenanton (1969a, 1969b) has desembed the 
Shark Bay fishery and records that the juveniles 
ol this species, together with those of Sillago 
schomburekii. ‘remain in the Warmer waters of 
the shallow mangrove creek shorelines and 
protected inlets. On reaching maturity Si//ago 
analis preter the muddy, tidal streams but Si//ago 
schomburgkii are located on the more open, 
sandy banks’. Spawning takes place from 
September to January. 

The juvenile fish are marked with about 8 dark 
blotches on the mid-lateral line, 12 blotches along 
the dorsal line al the base of the fins, and about 7 
blotches between the dorsal and Jateral series 
One specimen irom Moreton Bay had 10 evenly 
spaced faint dark bars on the upper sides that 
reached the lateral line anteriorly but terminated 
before the mid-lateral line posteriorly; a dark 
longitudinal mid-lateral stripe may be present. 




Dorsal rays 16 16 16 16 17 17 17 17 18 18 18 
Anal rays 14 15 16 17 14 15 16 7 1S 16 17 
Western Australia I 6 3 - 3 22 24 1 1 - I 
Northern Territory - i ! 7 - 1 31 3 - 4 3 
Queensland - 2 6 - - 6 72 1 - ! 2 
New Guinea = - - | - 1 7 | - - - 
Lateral Line Scales 354 55 56 57 58 59 60 6l 
Western Australia 4 § 16 15 12 11 1 i] 
Northern Territory - 3 8 7 6 3 3 3 
Queensland - - - § 8 29 27 15 
New Guinea ~ - 4 - 3 3 3 = 
Abdominal 13 4 14 14 14 14 I4 
Modified 6 4 5 6 6 7 8 
Caudal 14 15 14 13 Id 12 MW 
Western Australia 1 - 21 7 ! - - 
Northern Territory - - 10 3 - - - 
Queensland ~ = 4 20 ~ q 
New Guinea - | 5 2 1 - - 
Sillago analis is most abundant in silty areas of REMARKS 

Shark Bay and Moreton Bay, and is common 
among mangrove areas inside Exmouth Gulf. 
This species grubs in the silty-sand substrates for 
worms and has been observed to ‘plough’ up the 
bottom with the snout. The small fish may be seen 
feeding in very shallow water where they occur in 
schools moving slowly across the bottom; on 
occasions a fish will hover motionless, and then 
dart the snout into the ground to seize prey. Food 
is predominantly marine worms and the fish move 
across the sand with the first ray of the ventral 
fins in contact with the substrate. A number of 
Sillago species maintain ventral ray contact with 
the bottom whilst feeding, the juveniles usually 
have the first one or two ventral rays elongate. 
The highly developed sensory canal system on the 
head, particularly the lachrimal and  sub- 
preopercular canals, may receive vibrations from 
prey organisms in the sand, as S. analis has been 
observed to dig into the bottom to capture prey, 
and then move slowly across the bottom ta 
abruptly stop and dig again; this behaviour does 
not appear to be of random nature. 
The maximum size attained is about 45 cm. 

Sillago nierstraszi is almost certainly a senior 
synonym of 5. analis. The holotype of S. 
nierstraszi was unavailable for study. Sillago 
ciliata is very similar in all characteristics and 
both species may be found together along the east 
coast of Queensland. S$. ciliata can be 
distinguished trom S. amalis by the presence of a 
black spot on the pectoral base, The juveniles are 
remarkably similar and not all specimens appear 
to have the pectoral base slightly darker in 
Moreton Bay specimens; if hybridisation occurs 
the gene flow between species must be slight, as 
the great majority of specimens from eastern 
Queensland are clearly identifiable. 

Sillago ( Parasillago) nierstraszi Hardenberg 

Rough Whiting 
Sillago nierstraszi Hardenberg, 1941, p, 288 (Merauke, 
New Guinea). Munro, 1958. p. 178. 


Type: The location of the holotype is unknown. Dr 
W. Saetikno, of the Museum of Zoologicum Bogoriense 
informs me that the holotype is not present in that 


Possibly a senior synonym of Si//lago analis. 
DESCRIPTION (from Hardenberg, 1941) 

Dorsal fins XI, 1, 17; anal II, 17; pectoral 14. 
Lateral line scales 5 (50+ ?). TR. 4-1-13. 

Height 5.2, head 4 in length. Rostrodorsal 
profile slightly convex. Scales on head ctenoid. 
Eye 6 in head, more than twice in snout. 
Interorbital space about 1.5 in snout, which goes 
2.2 in head. Mouth small, terminal, far before 
eye. Lower jaw included. WHindborder of 
praeoperculum with fine crenulations. A small 
but strong spine on operculum. Two series of 
scales on cheeks, four on operculum. Villiform 
teeth in jaws and on vomer and palatines. Dorsals 
approximate. Longest rays of first dorsal 
somewhat longer than head without snout. 
Second dorsal gradually decreasing in height 
posteriorly, longest rays about as long as 
postorbital part of head. Anal decreasing in 
height posteriorly, its longest rays shorter than 
postorbital part of head. Unpaired fins with inter- 
radial scales. Caudal somewhat emarginated. 
Pectorals and ventrals about equally long, about 
as long as head without snout. Colour of formol 
specimen completely faded. 

Known only from the Holotype. 


Hardenberg (1941, p. 288) states that this 
species is related to Si/lago macrolepis according 
to the lateral line scales (macrolepis has 52-56 
lateral line scales), but differs in the TR count, the 
smaller eye, the low anal ray count, and in having 
ctenoid scales on the head. In most features 
Sillago nierstraszi is similar to Sillago analis and 
may prove to be a senior synonym. It is unlikely 
to be a junior synonym of Sil/ago ciliata as the 
location is outside the range of that species and 
the black pectoral spot of S. ciliata is present in 
preserved specimens retained in formalin or 
alcohol for many years. The location of the 
holotype is unknown and therefore the vertebrae 
count and the correct number of lateral line scales 
was not available to me. Further collecting at the 
type locality may establish the identity of S. 

Sillago (Parasillago) vittata new species 

Banded Whiting 
(Figs. 4B, 10C, 13M-O, 14L, 17) 


Type: Holotype: SL 209 mm, collected in 17 to 20 
fathoms north-east of Rottnest Island, Western 

Australia, September, 1965, R.J. McKay. Registered 
WAM P14172 in the Western Australian Museum. 

PARATYPES: WAM P19230, Maud Landing; WAM 
P14158-71, WAM P14173-6, NE of Rottnest Island; 
WAM P14983, WAM P15242-46, Shark Bay; WAM 
PO 190-204, Dirk Hartog Island, Shark Bay. 


Dorsal fins XI, 1, 17-19; anal fin II, 16-18; 
lateral line scales 65-70. Swimbladder with a 
median anterior extension and very rudimentary 
anterolateral projections. Pectoral fin base with a 
dusky spot, and body with 8-11, light brown to 
rusty-brown very narrow bars extending from the 
back obliquely forwards to touch or almost touch 
a conspicuous silvery mid-lateral longitudinal 


(Based on the holotype and 24 paratypes from 
NE of Rottnest Island, and Shark Bay, SL 
159-231 mm. Characters for the holotype given in 

Dorsal fins XI, 1, 17-19 (XI, 1, 18); anal fin IT, 
16-18 (ii, 17) (Table 13). Lateral line scales 65-70 
(67) (Table 14). TR. 6-7 above, 7-9 below (7/9), 6 
scales between L. lat. and spinous dorsal origin. 
Cheek scales in 3 rows, the upper row mostly 
cycloid, the lower rows ctenoid. 

Proportional dimensions as percent of SL: 
greatest depth of body 19-21 (21.0); head length 
27-31 (30.6); snout tip to ventral fin origin 28-32 
(31.2); snout tip to spinous dorsal fin origin 33-36 
(36.4); snout tip to second dorsal fin origin 56-60 
(59.4); snout tip to anal fin origin 57-61 (58.9); 
least depth of caudal peduncle 7-9 (8.1). 

Proportional dimensions as percent of head: 
Length of snout 40-47 (44.5); horizontal diameter 
of eye 16-21 (20.3); least width of interorbital 
16-20 (17.2). 

VERTEBRAE: 13-14+ 8-12+7-10, 13-14 
abdominal, 19-21 caudal, total 32-34 (Table 15). 

COLOUR IN ALCOHOL; Head and body pale 
sandy brown to light fawn, a distinct silvery mid- 
lateral band is present, opercles and breast 
silvery, pale below; 8-11 very narrow (about scale 
width) brown bars extend from the dorsal mid- 
line obliquely forwards and downwards to touch 
or almost touch the mid-lateral band, the bar 
between the dorsal fins and the next posterior one 
frequently superimposed on the mid-lateral band; 
spinous dorsal fin with brown blotches and the tip 
dusky, the rayed dorsal fin with 2 to 3 rows of 
spots forming longitudinal lines; anal ventral, and 
caudal unmarked; pectoral fin hyaline with the 
base silvery and a dark, round, purple-brown or 
brown spot formed of fine dots superimposed on 


the area between the gill opening and pectoral 
base; belly pale with the mid-line silvery-white; 
breast silvery white, opercle and preopercle 

COLOUR IN LIFE: Head and body light tan 
above paler below; with the breast and ventral 
surface of belly silvery-white with blue, mauve, 
and yellow reflections; opercles silvery with 
lemon-yellow to yellow blush and fine black 
dusting above; 8-11 rusty-brown to brown 
oblique bars of about half a scale in width extend 
from the dorsal midline forwards and downwards 
to touch or overlap the distinct silvery-white mid- 
lateral band that commences behind the opercles 
and extends to caudal fin base; pectoral fin pale 
lemon-yellow to hyaline with a large rounded 
dark brown to pale bluish-brown spot on a silvery 
background just before the base; spinous dorsal 
fin with the membrane white below, yellowish 
above, with some brown blotches and black 
dusting apically, rayed dorsal fin white at base, 
lemon above, and with about 3 rows of brown 
blotches forming longitudinal lines; anal fin 
bright yellow with a pale base and white margin; 
ventral fins white with a pale lemon-yellow 
centre; caudal fin lemon-yellow to yellow. 

SWIMBLADDER: Similar to Sillago robusta and 
Sillago bassensis bassensis in having a median 
anterior extension and rudimentary anterolateral 
projections; a duct-like process is present on the 
ventral surface; posterior extension single and 


No geographic variation found. 


Maud Landing southwards to Rottnest Island, 
Western Australia. 


Inside Shark Bay this species was known as the 
‘bastard whiting’ by fishermen who found that on 
occasions S. vittata comprised up to 20 percent of 
the whiting catch near ‘The Loop’ grounds, Dirk 
Hartog Island. This species is most common near 
weed banks and coral reefs in shallow-water and 
is associated with S§. maculata burrus,  S. 
schomburgkii and S. analis, At Maud Landing S. 
vittata may be taken by hook and line from the 
beach but off Rottnest Island large catches may 
be taken by trawl net in 17 to 20 fathoms where 
the species is in association with S. robusta, S. 
bassensis bassensis, and S. maculata burrus, In 
southern waters S. vittata is not captured in 
shallow water and was unknown until exploratory 

trawling by L.F.B. ‘Bluefin’ off Rottnest Island. 
Reports of ‘narrow-barred whiting’ off Fremantle 
by line fishermen operating in 20 to 30 fathoms 
possibly refer to S. viftata as the school whiting S. 
bassensis bassensis is well known to fishermen as 
‘poddy whiting’ on the south-western coast of 

Maximum length recorded is approximately 30 
cm, but unverified reports of larger fish from 
Shark Bay were received; one large specimen was 
of a golden-yellow colour with brown bars. 


Sillago vittata may be separated from Sillago 
maculata burrus by colouration, the morphology 
of the swimbladder, in having mostly ctenoid 
cheek scales, and by vertebrae counts. The fin ray 
counts of S. vittata are normally 18 dorsal and 17 
anal (20 dorsal, 19 anal in S. maculata burrus). 
The eye width-snout length relationship is 
different in most specimens (Table 16). 

From Sillago bassensis bassensis this new 
species differs in colouration; the oblique bars are 
more distinct and pectoral fin has a dark round 
blotch or spot before the base. The fin ray counts 
are usually 18 dorsal and 17 anal in S. vittata, and 
18 dorsal and 19 anal in S. bassensis bassensis. 
The vertebrae are typically 13+12+9 or 
13+134+8, 13+21 in S. bassensis bassensis and 
13+11+9, 13+20 in S. vittata. The frontal bone 
arches are wider in S, vittata than in S. bassensis 
bassensis, and the shape of the suborbital shelf is 
quite different (Figs. 13M-O). 

From the latin ‘vittatus’ meaning banded. 

Dorsal rays 17 18 18 18 19 19 
Anal rays 17 16 17 18 17 18 
Rottnest Island 1 1 13 - 3 1 
Shark Bay 2 1 18 1 1 1 


Lateral line scales 65 66 67 68 69 70 

Rottnest Island 3 6 
Shark Bay 2 2 




Abdominal 13 13 13 13 
Modified i) i 12 12 
Caudal 10 9. 7 8 
Rottnest Island - - - 1 
‘Shark Bay 1 20 1 1 

Snout length 1.4 1.6 
Eye diameter 1.5 1.7 
S. vitlata > > 
S. maculata burra 4 3 
S. bassensis: bassensis - 10 

Sillago (Parasillago) maculata maculata Quoy 
and Gaimard 

Trumpeter Whiting 
(Figs. 3C, 7B, 13P,. 14G, 16) 

Sillage maculata Quoy and Gaimard, 1824, p, 261, pl. 
5, fiy. 2. (Sydney, New South Wales). Cuvier, 
1829, p. 411. Bleeker, 1849, pp. 5, 8, 10, 14, 62; 
1858, p. 161; 1874, p. 7) (part), Giinther, 1860, p. 
245, Steindachner, 1866, pp. 444-5; 1870, p. 562. 
Castelnau, 1875, p, 16; 1879. p, 380. Alleyne and 
Macleay, 1876, p.. 279. Klunzinger,. 1879, p. 370, 
Schmeltz, 1879, p. 44. Macleay, 1881, p. 201. 
Tenison - Woods, 1883, p, 65, pl. 23. Pohl, 1884, 
p. 32. Ogilby, 1886, p. 31; 1893, p. LOL. Johnston, 
1891, p.33. Cohen, 1892, p, 16, Waite, 1898, p. 30; 
1889, p. 109: 1902, p. 190; 1904, p, 31. Stead, 1906, 
pp. 574-6; 1908, p. 64. McCulloch, 1911, p. 61; 
1921, p. 61, 1927, p. 51, pl. 2), fig. 1846. Weber, 
1913, p. 267. Fowler, 1925, p, 248; 1933, pp. 423-5 
(part). Barnard, 1927, p, 3508. Weber and de 
Beaufort, 1931, p. 174 (part). Borodin, 1932, p. 85. 
Herre, 1939, p, 327; 1953, pp. 478-9 (part). Smith, 
1949, p, 204. Roughley, 1951, p. 48, pl. 16. Munro, 
1955, p. 122; 1958, p.. 178; 1967, p. 347. Palekar 
and Bal, 1955, p. 128 (pari), Scott, 1959, p. 56. 
Marshall, 1964, p. 169, pl, 34, Whitley, 1964, p. 43. 
Grant, 1965, p. 86, fig.; 1972, p. 246, fig. Maclean, 
1971, pp. 87-92. 

? Sillage gracilis Alleyne and Macleay, 1877, p. 279, pl. 
6, fig. 2 (Torres Strait, Darnley Island or Hall 
Sound), Macleay, 1881, p. 202. McCulloch, 1911, 
p. 60, 

Types: Sillago maculata Quoy and Gaimard. A 
radiograph of the holotype registered A. 3134 in the 
Museum National D'Histoire Naturelle, Paris, was 
forwarded by Dr. M. Blanc. The vertebrate number 

Sillago gracilis Alleyne and Macleay. Two specimens 

were examined by McCulloch (1911, p. 60) who states ‘1 

am unable to find any specimens marked as the types of 

1,8 2,0 2.2 2.4 2.6 
19 2.1 2,4 2.5 2.7 

s 4 13 5 2 
19 6 | - - 
12 6 | = = 

Sillago egracilis, Alleyne and Macleay, in the Macleay 
Museum, but there are two small specimens. labelled 
“Sillago sp? Torres Straits’’, which | have no doubt are 
the types. Through the kindness of Professor Haswell 
and Professor David, | have been allowed to borrow 
them for examination. One is a little larger than the 
other, and from the snout tothe end of its broken tail is 
almost 82 mm long, which is exactly the length of the 
figure of S.gracilis. In other details also, such as the 
form of the damaged tail and the pronounced shrinkage 
marks on the head, it agrees perfectly with the figure, 
though jt has lost all trace of the colour markings with 
the exception of the silvery lateral band. Both differ 
from the description in the number of fin-rays in the 
dorsal and anal, there being only one spine and twenly 
rays in each instead of one, twenty-one as stated’. 
McCulloch regards S.graci/is as a junior synonym of 
Sillago maculata, Stanbury (1969) does not mention 
Sillago gracilis in his list of the type specimens in the 
Macleay Museum. The coloration as described by 
Alleyne and Macleay is that of a juvenile Si//avo species. 

OTHER MATERIAL: Queensland (193) QM 112902 (12), 
Bribie Island; QM 12927, Brisbane River; QM 112763 
(90), Brisbane Fish Markets; QM 112692 (17), QM 
112697 (11), OM 112701 (40), Deception Bay; WAM 
P13711-22, WAM P13827-34, QM12928, QM 112701, 
Moreton Bay, New South Wales (35); USNM 93125, 
Neweastle; USNM 59933, WAM P15531-9, WAM PO 
273-90, Sydney; QM 111629, Wallis Lake. 


A black spot at base of pectoral fin, dark 
blotches on body; anterolateral extensions of 
swimbladder recurved posteriorly to reach level of 

(Based on 27 examples from New South Wales, 

and 19 examples from Queensland. SL 140-216 


Dorsal fins X[-NI, 1, 19-21; anal fin 1], 19-20 
(Table 17). Lateral line scales 71-75 (Table 18), 
TR, §-9 above, 9-11 below, 5-6 scales between L. 
lat. and spinous dorsal otigin. Cheek scales in 3-4 
raws, cycloid with an occasional few ctenoid 

Proportional dimensions as percent of SL 
(Modal frequency within parentheses): Greatest 
depth of body 19-23 (21); head length 26-29 (27); 
snout tip to ventral fin origin 31-35 (32); snout tip 
to second dorsal tin origin 53-57 (55); snout tip to 
anal fin origin 56-60 (59); least depth of caudal 
peduncle 7-8 (8), 

Proportional dimensions as percen| of head; 
Length of snout 37-44 (40); horizontal diameter 
of eye 20-25 (22); least width of interorbital 18-22 

VGRTEBRAE; 13-15 abdominal, 8-i1 modified, 
10-14 caudal; 13-15 + 20-22, total 34-36 (Table 

CoLouR IN ALCOHOL: Body light brown to 
brown, darker above; back and sides with seven 
ro fine irregular dusky blotches directed obliquely 
forwards in most specimens; a conspicuous 
median, longitudinal silvery band on sides; lower 
sides silvery to white; spinous dorsal fin blotched 
with brown; soft dorsal with three to five rows of 
broWn Spots on the membranes; anal fin pale 
yellow; pectoral fin Finely dusted with brown to 
black spots, and with a brown to black spot on 
the base, 

COLOUR IN LIFE: Body sandy-brown to olive- 
green above; back and sides with dark brown 
irregular blotches; longitudinal lateral band 
silver, to pale golden silver, outlined in pale 
mauve brown; sides silvery-brown to ereamish or 
white with blue reflections. Head dark olive- 
brown, greenish, or pale brown above, cheeks 
and opercles golden-green with a darker blotch on 
the opercles of some specimens; spinous dorsal 
whitish, with the membrane mottled with olive- 
green or brown; soft dorsal with about five rows 
of brownish-green spots; anal and ventrals golden 
to yellow with the margins cream; pectoral straw- 
yellow to pale green-yellow, with a blue-black 
basal spot; caudal olive brown ta dark greenish- 
brown, with the margin dark brown to black. 

SWIMBLADDER: A short anterior median 
extension and two anterolateral extensions are 
present; at the base of the anterolateral 
extensions is a most complex system of tubular 
canals that anastomose and join the swimbladder 
at four positions anteriorly; the lateral extensions 
reach to the duct-like process on the ventral 
surface; posterior extension of the swimbladder 
single (Fig. 7B), 


Samples from eastern Australia show tio 
geographic variation. Specimens with [3 
abdominal vertebrae are usually quite small in 
length and the first haemal arch is very narrow 
and often hairhke, 

East Coast of Australia. 


Ogilby (1893, pp. 100-2) states that this species 
spawns during March and April. ‘The ova 1s 
deposited on sandy beaches in sheltered bays and 
lakes, and in estuaries, water of no great depth 
being selected’. Ogilby further describes the 
behaviour of the fry in shallow water — ‘each of 
these young fish is in possession of a hole in the 
sand, but whether self-excavated or having been 
deserted by, or taken from, its rightful owner, we 
are not in a position to state; at the mouth of the 
hole, which is only just large enough to admit of 
the passage of its body, the little creature lies, and 
on the approach of danger, or even the passage of 
a dark cloud over the sun, immediately 
disappears, the anterior half of the head, 
however, as quickly reappearing, thus showing 
that close beneath the surface a chamber must 
exist, sufficiently large to permit of their turning 
around with ease; should any movement occur in 
their neighbourhood to cause them Turther alacm 
when in this position they are able to back down 
again into their hiding place with great celerity, 
but if perfect quiet is maintained, they soon 
emerge and take up their original position near 
the opening’. 

The food and feeding of this species is reparted 
by Maclean (1971), the diet of juveniles being 
largely small crustaceans and that of the adult fish 
mostly polychaete worms. 

Sillago maculata maculata is found on silly 
and muddy substrates, frequenting the mouths of 
rivers, estuaries and mangrove creeks. Large 
numbers are seine-netted in the shallows and 
taken by trawl net in Moreton Bay. Good catches 
are made by hook and line, The juveniles are most 
abundant in estuaries and shallow water during 
the summer months. 


S.maculata maculata is one of three 
subspecies. All subspecies are similar in 
colouration and morphology, and differ mainly 
in the shape of the swimbladder and the vertebrae 



72 73 74 75 

TABLE 17: Frequency DistRibl Tons OF Dorsal 
Dorsal rays 19 19 20 20 20 21 
Anal rays 19 20 18 %J9 20 20 
Queensland 1 i 1 78 Bl 1 
New South Wales 5 1 - 12 WW - 
Lateral line scales 69 70 7 
New South Wales | - 

Queensland 5 is 3 2 5 


Abdominal 13 13 13 13 I4 14 14 i4 14 I4 14 14 15 
FPrecaudal 9 9 10 10 8 8g 8 9 9 10 10 Wl 8 
Caudal 12 13 I 12 12 13 14 12 13 lt 12 10 12 
Queensland i 3 | 2 i 39 - 82 3.6 3 1 4 

i = S6 | “Me a = = -~ | 

New South Wales - 1 - 

Sillago (Parasillago) maculata burrus Richardson 

Western Trumpeter Whiting 
(Figs. 3D, 10B, 14H, 16) 

1842, pp. 128-30. 
1843, pl 2, fig. J. 

Sillago burrus Richardson, 
(Northwest Australia); 
Castelnau, 1878, p. 232. 

Sillazo maculata burra, Whitley, 1948, p. 19. 

Sillago maculata, Paradice and Whitley, 1927, p. 89. 
Taylor, 1964, pp. 174-5. 


Tyre. Sillaze burnis Richardson, Based on a drawing 
by Lieutenant Emery, no type specimen available. The 
description given by Richardson (1842, pp, 128-30) 
agrees in all essential details with the subspecies of 
S.maculata from Western Australia, Northern Territory 
and Gulf of Carpentaria. Richardson states that *it is 
banded on the sides like Sillago maculata of MM. Quoy 
and Gaimard, which inhabits Port Jackson, but it wants 
ihe silvery lateral stripe, shows spots on the dorsals, and 
has a higher and more elliptical body than that species’. 

| have examined specimens of Sil/ago maculata from 
Western Australia, Gulf of Carpentaria, Queensland 
and New South Wales that have the lateral silvery band 
reduced, inconspicuous or entirely absent. Richardson’s 
species Was listed as a Synonym of S.maeculata by Fowler 
(1933, pp. 424-5) and Taylor (1964, p, 175), Stokes 
(1846) records (he voyage of ‘HMS Beagle’ during the 
exploratory surveying of the forth-west coast of 
Australia, Lieutenant Emery departed HMS Beagle in 
March 1841 for England, and his sketches were used by 

Richardson as a basis for deserjption of some 
Australian fishes. Efforts to locate the illustration of 
S.burrus (No. 37 of Emery) were without success. 
Emery numbered all his sketches and his number 4 is 
listed as Tale Bay. At the Houtman Abrolhos Islands 
(April 10, 1840) Stokes (1846, p. 161) wrote ‘There were 
not many varieties of fish, the most abundant being 
snappers; of those that were rare Lieut. Emery made 
faithful sketches’. Emery made sketches No. 9 to 17 at 
the Abrolhos, and at Depuch Island on June Yth, drew 
sketches 22, 25, 26, 27 and 29..On July 14 ‘HMS Beagle’ 
anchored at Turtle Island and Bedour Island and then 
sailed direct for Timor Island, arriving on July 24, The 
vessel departed Timor on August 6 and arrived at 
Bedout Island, Dampier Archipelago on August 17. 
Boats were sent to examine the coast to the southward 
of Cape Lambert with the neighbouring islands; an 
extent of almost 45 miles was examined. Extensive areas 
of mud and sand flats were encountered and between 
Picard Island and Cape Lambert the shore is cul by 
mangrove creeks. From Delambre Island the HMS 
Beagle proceeded to the Montebello Islands, anchoring 
on the eastern side of Tremouille Island on August 31st. 
Anchorage was next made at Barrow Island where 
Lieut. Emery made sketch number 42. Drawings 
numbered 36, 37, 38 were recorded by Richardson 
(1842) as north-west coast of Australia, and sketch 
number 42 as Barrow Island (Richardson 1843, lcones 
Piscium, pl. jii, fig. 2). The area of capture of Sillago 
burrus is therefore between Depuch Island and Barrow 
Island. Timor is also a possibility but almost certainly 
would have been mentioned by Emery. 


Specimens were unavailable to Richardson and the 
description is based on sketch 37 by Lieut. Emery, the 
onginal of which has apparently been lost (Pip. 3D), 
Allen (1972, p. 95) has crected a nearype of 4 mipAiprian 
rubrocincius Richardson, 1842; 1 follow his example by 
herewith designating CSIRO C2591, 140 mm in 
standard Jength, collected at Dampier Archipelago. 
Western Australia as the neotype of Sil/ago hurries 
Richardson, 1842, 

OVER MareriaL: Western Australia (110); WAM 
PO 618 WAM PO 751, Admiralty Crult; WAM 
Pi4863, WAM PO 325-9, Canning River; CSIRO 
C2641, WAM PO 867-935, Cockburn Sound; CSIRO 
©2591, C2643, Dampier Archipelago; CSIRO C2457-8, 
WAM PO 330-4, Exmouth Gulf; AMNH 4770, 
Mandurah; WAM PO 466-8, Nichol Bay; CSIRO 
C2369, Rockingham; CSIRO C2318, WAM P1[3224-35, 
WAM P14142-350. WAM PI4176, WAM P14535-%, 
WAM = P14984-98, WAM  P15/29-40, WAM 
P15222-30, WAM P15247-58, WAM PO 160-7, WAM 
PO 180-4, WAM PO 971-3, Shark Bay; WAM PQ 749, 
WAM PO 754-7, Swan River; Northern Verritory (46); 
WAM P14433, WAM P14493-506, Darwin; USNM 
174058-60, Groote Eylandi; USNM 174064, Port 
Bradshaw; USNM 174061, Port Longdon; QM 113162 
(3), QM 113155 (18), QM 113166, Shoal Bay. 
Queensland (22); CSIRO A 1222, Gilbert River; WAM 
P2810, AM 115537-60, Gulf of Carpentaria. New 
Guinea (3); QM 113214, Dams Island, Indonesia (3) 
Bernice P. Bishop Museum 19453, Ambun, Molucca 


Similar to Silfago maculata aeolus in 
colouration but with 34 to 36 (rarely 34) vertebrae 
(13-14 abdominal, 20-22 caudal); usually 19-20 
anal rays (rarely 18). The swimbladder has four 
anterolateral extensions that are more complex 
than S.maculata weolus, but much shorter than 
S.maculata maculata. 


(Based on the neotype, 29 specimens from 
Shark Bay, W.A., and 14 specimens from 
Darwin, Northern Territory), 

Dorsal fins Xl, {, 19-21; anal fin Tl, 18-20 
(Table 20). Lateral line scales 69 10 76 (Table 21). 
‘YR 8-10 above, 9-11 below, 5-6 scales between 
J,, lat. and spinous dorsal origin. Cheek seales in 
2-3 rows, all cycloid. 

Proportional dimensions as percent of SL 
(moda! frequency within parentheses): 

Greatest depth of body 20-23 (21); head length 
26-31 (29); snout tip to ventral fin origin 28-33 
(30); snout tip to spinous dorsal fin origin 30-35 
(34); sneut tip fo second dorsal fin origin 54-58 
(55); snout tip to anal fin origin 55-60 (57); least 
depth of caudal peduncle 7-9 (8). 

Proportional dimensions as percent of head: 


Length of snout 39-45 (41) Shark Bay, 36-41 (39) 
Darwin; horizontal diameter of eye 19625 (22), 
feast width of interorbital 17-2) (19) Shark Bay, 
17-20 (18) Darwin 

VERTEBRAE: 13-14 abdominal, 7-! 1 modified, 
11-14 caudal total 34-36 (Table 22). 

COLOUR IN ALCOHOL: Body light sandy brown 
to brown, darker above; sides with nine to eleven 
dusky brown spots situaied on a silvery mid- 
lateral stripes above which and situated almost 
between the lateral spots are ten to eleven oblique 
blotches that widen ventrally; lower sides paler, 
breast and mid-line of belly silyer; spinous dorsal 
fin blotched with brown in one to three vague 
bands; soft dorsal with three to four dark spots 
on membrane forming Jongitudinal lines; anal fin 
hyaline; pectoral fin hyaline, the base silvery with 
an overlay of purple brown to blackish pigment; 
caudal with thie upper arid lower margin finely 

In colouration S.maeulate burrus is very 
similar to S.mnaculata maculata but in the latter 
apecies the upper and lower blotches are 
frequently joined, at least posteriorly; the upper 
blotches are generally larger; the black spot at the 
base o! the pectoral fin is more distinct; the belly 
is not silver, and the opercle js dull or with the 
inner dark blotch showing through (inside of 
opercle of S. muculata burrus is white). The lateral 
silvery stripe is usually more noticeable in the 
western subspecies but may be quite faded, The 
eastern subspecies frequenily has the upper and 
lower margins of the caudal fin very dark brown 
to black. The abdominal walls of the western 
subspecies is usually white or silvery whereas they 
are pale flesh coloured in the eastern subspecies, 
Some of the colour differences between Arnhenti 
Land specimens and those from New South Wales 
had been noted by Taylor (1964, p. 175). Whitley 
(1948, p. 19) used S.waculeta burra for the 
western population but gave no reasons for doing 
so and later abandoned the subspecific distinction 
(Whitley, 1964, p. 43). 

SWIMBLADDER: A short anterior median 
extension and four anterolateral rudimentary 
extensions, the first two continuous, the posterior 
ones less well developed and normally separate; a 
duct like process on the ventral surface is present 
and the posterior extension ts single. The lateral 
extensions are very much reduced in size to those 
of the eastern subspecies S.mmaculata maculata, 
and resemble the rudimentary ones of S. maculata 
gevlus with the exception that four openings 
occur into anterolateral extensions of §. maculata 


burrus, the extensions are more complex, and the 
first two are continuous (Fig. 10B). 


Little variation between samples was noticed, 
however, the length of the snout and the width of 
the interorbital space was slightly greater in the 
Shark Bay samples than those from Darwin. 


Western and northern coast of Australia, 
southern New Guinea, and Indonesia. 


The western trumpeter whiting appears to be 
similar in many respects to the eastern subspecies. 
The western subspecies is most abundant on silty- 
sand or muddy substrates, the large adults feeding 
near gutters and sandbars inside Shark Bay and 
may be found on quite sandy bottoms. The 
juveniles frequent seaweed banks and broken 
bottom, and occur in large numbers near 
mangrove creeks. The juveniles and adults are 
commonly trawled in association with the western 


population of Si/lago robusta, and Sillago lutea in 
depths to 20 fathoms. 

Juveniles enter the coastal rivers and in the 
Swan and Mandurah estuaries in Western 
Australia the juveniles may be common 
throughout the summer months when they are 
netted by prawn fishermen operating in shallow 
weedy areas. Offshore on the lower west coast of 
Western Australia Sil/lago vittata is commonly 
trawled with Sillago bassensis bassensis on sand 
substrates. Sillago maculata burrus is only 
occasionally taken in association with the latter 
species, but becomes much more abundant 
further northwards. Inside Shark Bay the western 
trumpeter whiting may be associated in shallow 
onshore waters with Sil/lago analis, Sillago 
schomburgkii and Sillago vittata. 


It is postulated that Torres Straits, during the 
last glaciation, became a land barrier isolating the 
eastern and western populations of Sillago 



Dorsal rays 19 19 20 
Anal rays 18 19 18 
Western Australia 3 7 6 

Northern Territory - - - 
Gulf of Carpentaria - - - 
New Guinea - i - 
Indonesia - - - 

TABLE 21; 

2 2 2) 21 
i9 20 19 20 
75 2 - 
44 i = 
4 - - a 
2 s ’ = 
Boob - 1 


Lateral line scales 69 70 71 
Western Australia - - 6 
Northern Territory l 7 9 
Gulf of Carpentaria - - - 
New Guinea - ~ - 

2 73 74 75 76 


| we om 

—-H hE 

Indonesia - - 2 


Abdominal 13 13 13 14 14 14 14 i4 14 14 14 14 
Modified 9 9 11 7 8 8 8 9 9 9 10 10 
Caudal 12 13 11 14 12 13 14 li 12 13 ll 12 
Western Australia 1 1 1 - 3 19 1 1 60 - 18 
Northern Territory - - - ] 7 - - - - ~ - - 

New Guinea - - - ] 


Sillago (Parasillago) maculata aeolus Jordan and 

Oriental Trumpeter Whiting 
(Figs. 3E, LOA, 13Q, 141, 16) 

Sillago aeolus Jordan and Evermann, 1902, p. 360, fig. 
24 (Keerun, Formosa). Jordan and Richardson, 
1909, p. 192. 

Sillago macrolepis: Evermann and Seale, 1907, p. 187 
(nonSi/lago macrolepis Bleeker). 

Sillago maculata: Kner, 1865, p. 127. Bleeker, 1874, p. 
71 (part). Pellegrin, 1905, p. 83. Seale, 1914, p. 69. 
Weber and de Beaufort, 1931, p. 174 (part). 
Fowler, 1933, pp. 423-5 (part); 1935, p. 150; 1937, 
p. 238; 1949, p. 52. Martin and Montalban, 1934, 
pp. 224-5, pl. 1, fig. 2. Suvatti, 1950, p. 394, 
Herre, 1953, pp. 478-9 (part). Palekar and Bal, 
1955, p, 128 (part), Shao and Chang, 1978, p. 5; 
1979, pp. 695-705, Dutt and Sujatha, 1980, p. 372. 
McKay, 1980, pp. 383-4. 


Type: Si/llago aeolus Jordan and Evermann, A 
radiograph of the holotype registered No. 7135 in the 
Stanford University. The vertebrae count is 14-5-15. 

OTHER MATERIAL: Singapore (2), QM _ 112884, 
Changi Beach; Thailand (15); CAS 14160 Ban Paknam 
Prasae; QM 112915, Chantaburi, CAS 14161, CAS 
14166, Chol Buri; CAS 14168, Ban Pae, Royong 
Province; CAS 14163 Goh Samed, Chumphon 
Province; CAS 14194 Lem Saplee, Chumphon 
Province; CAS 14171 Sattahip Bay, Rayong Province. 
China (1); USNM 148381 Shanghai, Hong Kong (3); 
USNM 5891, BM 1939,2.23.51, no locality. Taiwan (6); 
USNM 192874-5 Ma-Kung Market, Peng-Hu Hsien, 
WAM P0472, THUP 00983, Taichung. Philippines 
(188); Cebu, USNM 145081 Cebu Market, Panay, 
USNM 102498, USNM 102501, USNM 102549, USNM 
102582, USNM_ 102683, USNM_ 106797-8, USNM 
106800, USNM 10683-4, USNM 106806-10, USNM 
106812-3, USNM 112831, Hoilo; USNM 56215, Bulan; 
Samar, USNM 145076, Cavite. 


Very similar to Sillago maculata burrus in 
colouration but has the most posterior mid-lateral 
dark brown blotch elongate and reaching caudal 
flexure; swimbladder with three rudimentary 
anterolateral extensions instead of four. Differs 
from Sillago maculata maculata in lacking well 
developed anterolateral extensions reaching to 
level of vent. 


(Based on 27 examples: China 1, Hong Kong 2, 
Philippine Islands 10, Taiwan 4 and Thailand 10). 
Dorsal fins XI, 1, 18-20; anal fin II, 17-19 
(Table 23). Lateral line scales 67-72 (Table 24). 
TR. 8 above, 9-10 below, 5-6 scales between L. 

lat. and spinous dorsal origin. Cheek scales in 3-4 
rows, all cycloid. 

Proportional dimensions as percent of SL 
(modal frequency within parentheses): Greatest 
depth of body 20-22 (21); head length 27-31 (28): 
snout tip to ventral fin origin 30-33 (31); snout tip 
to spinous dorsal fin origin 30-35 (33); snout tip 
to second dorsal fin origin 54-58 (57); snout tip to 
anal fin origin 57-61 (60); least depth of caudal 
peduncle 7-8 (8). 

Proportional dimensions as percent of head: 
Length of snout 36-40 (38); horizontal diameter 
of eye 20-26 (26); least width of interorbital 18-20 

VERTEBRAE: 13-14 abdominal, 4-7 modified, 
14-16 caudal; 14+ 20, total 34 (Table 25). 

COLOUR IN ALCOHOL: Body light brown, 
slightly darker above, with two longitudinal rows 
of elongate short dark brown bars; the anterior 
bars inclined, especially above the lateral line; the 
posterior bars slightly inclined above; but 
generally horizontal below the lateral line; 
spinous dorsal fin finely speckled with black, 
especially the outer part of the membrane; soft 
dorsal with two longitudinal brown bands on the 
membranes; anal fin hyaline; pectoral fin with a 
conspicuous dark brown to black bar or spot 
across the base; upper part of head brown. The 
colouration of this subspecies greatly resembles 
Sillago maculata burrus in having the posterior 
dark bars separate from the mid-lateral blotches 
in almost all specimens but differs in having more 
elongate mid-lateral blotches, lacks the silvery 
belly, and generally has a less distinct silvery mid- 
lateral stripe; the abdominal walls are flesh 
coloured not silvery; the most posterior mid- 
lateral dark brown blotch is elongate and reaches 
the caudal flexure, whereas in S. maculata burrus 
there are normally two almost round blotches, 
one on each side of the caudal flexure. 

SWIMBLADDER: An anterior median extension 
to the basioccipital is present and well developed; 
three rudimentary and often convoluted 
extensions are present on the anterolateral 
surface; a duct-like process present; posterior 
extension single and tapering (Fig. 10A). 


None found throughout the known range of the 

Singapore, Thailand, China, Hong Kong, 
Taiwan and Philippines. Possibly distributed 
throughout the Indo-West Pacific from South 


Africa to China and Philippines, but not recorded 
from Australia or southern New Guinea. 


Little known. Maxwell (1921) records juveniles 
burrowing in the sand. Attains approximately 30 


Sillago maculata aeolus is the northern 
representative of S. maculata maculata. 

Dorsal rays 18 18 19 19 19 20 
Anal rays 17. 18 #17 1g 19. obs 
Singapore - - - 1 - 1 
Thailand - 2 4 11 1 - 
China - - - ~ - 1 
Hong Kong - - - 2 - - 
Taiwan 1 - - 4 - 1 
Philippines 1 ~ 25 - - 

Lateral line scales 67 68 69 70 71 
Singapore ~ =— 2 es & 
Thailand - 3 8 - - 
China - - - 1 - 
Hong Kong 1 - = 1 - 
Taiwan - 1 1 1 
Philippines - 6 3 1 = 

Abdominal 14 14 14 #13 13 
Modified 4 3 6 6& 7 
Caudal 16 15 14 #15 14 
Singapore - - = 1 1 
Thailand lL. & 2) sae 
China ~~ op JT Ftea 
Hong Kong - 1 1 - = 
Taiwan Oe 12 ae 
Philippines - 6 6 = = 

Sillago (Parasillago) bassensis bassensis Cuvier 

Western School Whiting 
(Figs. 4A, 13U-V, 14J, 15) 

Sillago bassensis Cuvier, in Cuvier and Valenciennes, 
1829, p. 412 (Port Western, Bass Strait, Victoria). 
Quoy and Gaimard, 1834, pp. 672-3, pl. 1, fig. 2. 
McCulloch, 1911, p. 61 (part). Fowler, 1933, pp. 
422-3 (part). Whitley, 1948, p. 19; 1964, p. 43. 

Roughley, 1951, pp. 48-49 (part). Scott, 1962, p. 


Types: A radiograph of the holotype, registered 
A3135 in the Museum National D’Histoire Naturelle, 
Paris, was forwarded by Dr M. Blanc, the vertebrae 
number 13-13-8. Cuvier (1829, p. 412) give the type 
locality as ‘Port Western in Bass Strait’ but the holotype 
has the locality recorded as ‘Port du Roi Georges’ 
‘Quoy et Gaimard’. I have followed Cuvier and have 
recorded the type locality as Western Port. 

OTHER MATERIAL: Western Australia (79); WAM 
P14756, Lancelin Island; CSIRO C2626, Cottesloe, 
WAM P12881-5, South Fremantle; WAM P14348-80, 
WAM P14476-8, WAM PO 1-2, WAM PO 31-45, 
WAM PO56-7, north-east of Rottnest Island; CSIRO 
C1433 south-west of Western Australia; WAM 
PO810-21, Denmark; WAM P12698, Albany; WAM 
PO 763-5, Cheyne Beach; CSIRO C1935 Starvation 
Boat Harbour. South Australia (49); WAM PO 
291-302, Streaky Bay; WAM PO 205-24, Coffin Bay; 
WAM  P15352, Port Clinton; WAM PO 240-5, 
Adelaide Market; WAM PO 304-13 Port Noarlunga. 


Dorsal fins X-XII, 1, 18-19; anal fin II, 18-20; 
lateral line scales 66-73; no dark spot at the base 
of the pectoral fin; a series of oblique broken 
rusty-brown stripes on the back and upper sides, 
without a longitudinal row of rusty-brown 
blotches along the mid-lateral silver stripe. 
Vertebrae 12-14 abdominal, 12-14 modified, 7-9 
caudal, total 33-35. 


Dorsal fins X-XII, 1, 18-19; anal fin II, 18-20; 
(Table 26). Lateral line scales 66-73 (Table 27). 
TR. 5-6 above, 10-14 below, 5-6 (usually 5) 
scales between L. lat. and spinous dorsal fin 
origin. Cheek scales in 3-4 rows, all ctenoid. 

Proportional dimensions as percent of SL: 
Greatest depth of body 20-24; head length 26-30; 
snout tip to ventral fin origin 28-33; snout tip to 
spinous dorsal fin origin 32-35; snout tip to 
second dorsal fin origin 53-57; snout tip to anal 
fin origin 53-57; least depth of caudal peduncle 

Proportional dimensions as percent of head: 
Length of snout 39-44; horizontal diameter of eye 
19-26; least width of interorbital 17-21. 

VERTEBRAE: 12-14 abdominal, 12-14 
modified, 7-9 caudal; 12-14+ 20-22, total 33-35 
(see Table 28). 

COLOUR IN ALCOHOL: Body creamy-brown to 
rusty-brown above, silvery-white below, the two 
colours sharply separated by a silvery mid-lateral 
band with a narrow rusty-brown longitudinal 


narrow siripe above; back and upper sides with 
irregular red-brown to rusty-brawn oblique, 
broken, or wavy stripes, and narrow blotches, 
vaguely resembling those of Sillago maculara ; 
dorsal [ing with rows of rusty-brown or reddish- 
orange spots; anal fin yellowish or hyaline; other 
fins pale cream, white,or hyaline. No black blotch 
on the base of the pectoral fin. 

CoLouRk IN. Life: Body cream-brown, sandy- 
pink or pale rust-brown, the head, cheeks and 
sides of the body with mauve, blue and pink 
reflections; mid-lateral band silver; belly pink or 
white; back and upper sides with oblique irregular 
orange-brown or rust coloured narrow stripes, 
sometimes broken into zroups of oblique dots or 
blotches, Fins as described above. No rust-brawn 
blotches mid-taterally. 

SWIMBLADDER: A short blunt anterior median 
projecuion is present, and a single long tapering 
caudal extension is well developed. A duct-like 
process from the ventral surface to the urogenital 
aperture is present. | find no appreciable 
differences in the swimbladder of the eastern and 
western populations (fig. 9I-L). 


The Western Australian and South Australian 
specimens show no differences in colouration, Tin 
Tays counts, or vertebrae counts. 


Geraldton area Western Australia southwards 
and along the southern coast to South Australia 
and western Victoria; not yet recorded from 
western Tasmania. 


A very common whiting along the lower 
Western Australian coastline, and bays of South 
Australia. Frequenting the surf zone of beaches 
and quiet waters of bays and sandbanks, this 
subspecies is also trawled in offshore waters to at 
least 23 fathoms and possibly much deeper. 
Juveniles may be found in a few inches OF water 
off white sand beaches, but are not recorded from 
estuarine waters as are the juveniles of 
Sillazinodes punctata, Sillage schomburgkii, and 
Sillago maculata burrus. 

The western School Whiting is reported to 
move intro shallow waters in large schools during 
the full moon. Maximum size attained is about 33 


Sillave bassensis is the only whiting species with 
a southern distribution that is known from 
eastern and western Australia. Unconfirmed 

reports of Sillaginodes punctata from southery 
New South Wales and Lakes Entrance, Victoria, 
have been made, but all specimens identified were 
S. bassensis flindersi, 

Previous authors (Munro 1949; Malcolm 1959; 
Collette 1974) have shown that subspeciation on 
each side of Bass Strait has occurred in the few 
fishes that have been critically examined, 8. 
hassensis is yet another such species and it 
suggests that Bass Strait, during glacial periods 
was a barrier subdividing previously continuous 
species into separate populations for sufficient 
lime for at least subspeciation to occur. The 
differences between such subspecies may well 
appear to be minor ones, nevertheless they are 
constant and of a greater magnitude than those 
between S. analis and S. ciliata which must be 
regarded as valid species. Further collecting in the 
Bass Strait area may show the S, bassensix 
subspecies to be valid species. 

Sillago (Parasillago)  bassensis flindersi 

Eastern Schoo! Whiting 
(Figs. 9I-L, I4K, 15) 

Sillavo bassensis: Cohen, 1892, p. 17. Stead, 19U6a, pp. 
374-6; 1906b, p. 111; 1908b, p. 65, pl. 35 
McCulloch, 1911, p. 61 (part); 1921, p. G1, pl. 21. 
Fowler, 1933, pp. 422-3 (part). Roughley, 1951, 
pp. 48-9 (part). Parrott, 1959, p. 201. Svott, 1962, 
p. 187. Marshall, 1964, p. 170. Whitley, 1964, p, 
43. Grant, 1965, p. §7; 1972, p. 247. 

Silage maculata; Castelnau, 1872, p. 94. Waite, 1899, 
p. 109 (non Sillege maculata Quoy and Gaimard), 

Sillago ciliata: Johnston, 1883, pp, 80, 116; 1890, pp. 
25, 33 (non Siflago cifief(g Cuvier). 


Types; Holotype, SL 195mm, collected by J.R. 
Paxton, W. Smith-Vaniz and R,J. McKay, Sydney Fish 
Markets, consigned from Wallis Lake, New South 
Wales, trawled, registered QM 113252 in Queensland 

PARATYPES: Queensland (19); WAM PO366-85, 
Moreton Bay, New South Wales (51); OM 111109 (4), 
Ballina; CSIRO C3523, Coogee; CSIRO C3522, Lake 
Macquarie; CSIRO ©3520, C3524, Port Jackson; AM 
IBi6h6-8 Pittwater; AM 1B5119, Port Stephens; AM 
19575-7, near Sydney; OM 111630 (35), Wallis Lake, 
AM 17657, USNM 59939, New South Wales. Victoria 
(6); WAM PO793-7, WAM P19116, Lakes Entrance 
Tasmania (95); AM 1)0001, east coast Flinders. Island, 
OM 112311, QM 112695 (91) Swansea; CSIRO C3521, 
AM B5569, Tasmania. 



Dorsal fing X1, 1, 16-18: anal fin [1, 18-20; 
lateral line scales 65-69; no dark spot at the base 


of the pectoral fin; a series of oblique rusty- 
brown stripes on back and upper sides, with a 
longitudinal row of rusty-brown blotches along 
the mid-lateral silver stripe. Vertebrae 13 
abdominal, 9-11 modified, 9-11 caudal, total 


Dorsal fins XI, 1, 16-18; anal fin II, 18-20 
(Table 26). Lateral line scales 65-69 (Table 27). 
TR. 5 above, 10 below. Cheek scales in 3 rows, 

Proportional dimensions as percent of SL: 
Greatest depth of body 20-23; head length 25-30; 
snout tip to ventral fin origin 27-33; snout tip to 
spinous dorsal fin origin 33-36; snout tip to 
second dorsal fin origin 55-57; snout tip to anal 
fin origin 54-57; least depth of caudal peduncle 

Proportional dimensions as percent of head: 
Length of snout 36-41; horizontal diameter of eye 
20-25; least width of interorbital 18-21. 

VERTEBRAE: 137 specimens, 13 abdominal, 
9-11 modified, 9-11 caudal, 13+ 19-21, total 
32-34 (see Table 28). 

COLOUR IN ALCOHOL: Body pale sandy-pink to 
pale brown above, silvery white below, the two 
colours separated by a silvery lateral band with a 
longitudinal row of pale rust-brown blotches; 
back and upper sides with fairly regular brownish 
oblique stripes almost a scale diameter in width. 

COLOUR IN LIFE: Body pale sandy-brown to 
pink with posteriorly directed oblique broken and 
unbroken bands of rust-red to bright orange- 
brown above the lateral line to the base of the 
dorsal fins; a series of about a dozen similarly 
coloured blotches situated just above a 
conspicuous silvery lateral band. Head olive- 
brown to pink with tinges of pale blue and yellow; 
opercle silvery with a few scattered blotches of 
rust-red. Pectoral base and axilla dull yellow. 
Spinous dorsal fin hyaline with scattered rust-red 
spots; rayed dorsal fin with membrane hyaline 
and rays with 4 to 5 red-brown spots. Anal fin 
with membrane. hyaline and rays yellow-orange 
with white margin. Ventral fin milk white or 
hyaline, the membrane between the spine and the 
first ray white, remainder of rays yellow with 
white tips. Belly pale silvery-white with blue and 
yellow reflections, the breast and undersurface of 
head frequently dusted with fine black spots. 
Colouration is very similar to S. bassensis 
bassensis but the oblique stripes are wider, more 
regular and without the appearance of fused dots 
or spots; the mid-lateral blotches are absent in the 
western subspecies. 

SWIMBLADDER: See Sillago bassensis bassensis. 

No geographic variation was found between the 
samples from Queensland, New South Wales, 
Victoria and eastern Tasmania. 


Southern Queensland southwards to eastern 
Victoria and the east coast of Tasmania. 


This species is not well known in eastern 
Australia and was, until recent years, almost 
neglected. It was unknown in southern 
Queensland until the development of offshore 
prawn trawling (Grant 1965). A commercial trawl 
fishery has commenced in New South Wales and 
Victoria, where the subspecies is commonly 
referred to as ‘spotted whiting’. Large catches 
may be made in shallow water just off the beach 
at Lakes Entrance (J.R. Paxton pers. comm.) 
otherwise the eastern subspecies is a deeper water 
inhabitant and has been recorded to a depth of 84 
fathoms (Waite, 1899, p. 109 as ‘S. maculata’). 
The deep water trawl females are normally in full 
roe suggesting that the species spawns well 
offshore along most of the coast but may 
congregate around the vicinity of coastal lakes in 
New South Wales and Victoria; the juveniles have 
been found inshore. 

Stead (1906a) correctly identified S. bassensis 
and described the colouration of the eastern 
subspecies. From his observations it seems that S. 
bassensis flindersi at certain times of the year, 
particularly from January to March, is found in 
considerable numbers at the entrance to Port 
Jackson, and is captured in abundance by means 
of hook and line, being familiarly known to boys 
as ‘School Whiting’. 

Maximum size attained is approximately 32 cm. 

See Sillago bassensis bassensis. 


Named in honour of Lieutenant Matthew 
Flinders 1774-1814 who © circumnavigated 

Sillago (Parasillago) robusta Stead 

Stout Whiting 
(Figs. 4C, 11D-J, 13R-T, 14M-N, 18). 

Sillago robusta Stead, 1908, p. 7 (Rose Bay, Port 
Jackson, New South Wales). McCulloch, 1921, p. 
61. Marshall, 1964, p. 170. Whitley, 1964, p. 43. 
Grant, 1965, p. 87; 1972, p. 247, fig. 


TABLE 26: 



Dorsal rays 16 #16 #17)06«17)06«17)0 618lhUI8 18 Osa 
Anal rays 19 18 38 19 20 78 9 20 1 19 
*Western Australia - - - - - 1 38 4 ] 1 
*South Australia — - ~ - - 6 25 ! 1 

* Victoria I - ~ 3 - - - - - 

+ Tasmania 4 3 22 60 3 = 1 2 - 
+New South Wales — - 5 38 ] - 1 1 - - 
+ Queensland - - 2 15 3 - - - - - 



Lateral Line Scales 6 66 67 68 6 7 Ti 72 «73 

*Western Australia - 1 - 3.006 10 3=610 3 4 

“South Australia - i i} 3 4 8 6 2 I 

* Victoria 1 2 1 - - - - - - 

~ Tasmania 4 10 28 9 1 - - - - 

~New South Wales 1 9 IB 14 4 - - - 

* Queensland ~ - 3 = = = L = 


Abdominal 13, 13) «130: «13 «13 13) 13) 13) 13) «130 sd13s« 13s «d12sd12:ss14 
Modified 9 Ww 10 9 10 Il 11 122 2 13 13 14 =~ (13 «6«14=« 2 13 
Caudal ‘Cy ies: aa es Os 0: Rs a ee i, Sa 
*Western Australia ape te eee =) rT 2 6 CeCe 
*South Australia - - = - = - = = §8 30 | - 4 1 2 
* Victoria ~ -— = = 39 2 -— S&S -— +e = =— = & 
~ Tasmania seem € 17 42° % 2] = = = =F = & = = 
~ New South Wales - 1 b & ZG Bo = Pee - = 6 -~ eB we 
* Queensland f= 112 6 = = = = = = = = = = 
Sillago auricomis Ogilby, 1910, pp, 97-8 (Between north-east of Rottnest Island; CSIRO ©2627-8, 

Moreton Island and Hervey Bay). Whitley, 1932, p. 

344. Ladiges, Von Wahlert, and Mohr, 1958, pp. 


Tyres, Sillago robusta Stead. Not examined. The 
location of the holotype is unknown. 

Sillago auricomis Ogilby. A photograph of a syntype 
registered 13.406 in the Zoologisches Staatsinstitut und 
Zoologisches Museum, Hamburg, was kindly provided 
by Dr W. Ladiges, and leaves no doubt that S§. 
auricomis is a junior synonym of S. robusta. 

OrHer MATERIAL: Western Australia (254); WAM 
PO 936-59, Lat, 17°26'S. Long. 121°54'E; CSIRO 
A1284, Exmouth Gulf, WAM PO 936-59 Pt. Coulomb; 
WAM PO 46-55, WAM PO 107-131, WAM P13236-9, 
WAM P13245-31, WAM P13994-14000, WAM 
P14543-50, WAM P14577, WAM P15051-70, WAM 
P15079-92, WAM P15113-27, WAM PI5141-192, 
WAM  P15231-41, WAM P15354-68, Shark Bay: 
WAM PO 6-7, WAM PI4177-8, WAM P14338-47, 

Cottesloe, near Fremantle. Northern Territory (10); 
WAM  P14450-55, WAM P14484-87, 50-56 miles 
south-west of Darwin, Queensland (27); WAM PO 
462-3, QM 112903 (7), Bribie Island; QM 19956, QM 
19988, Point Cartwright; QM 12971, QM _ 1504-5, 
Double Island Point: CSIRO A1042, A1043, A1038, 
A104], off Point Lookout, Stradbroke Island; QM 
112735 (3), WAM PO 459, Moreton Bay; QM 112902-3, 
South Head, Bowen; WAM P14540-2, near Tweed 
Heads, AM [15557-186, Gulf of Carpentaria. New 
South Wales (28): OM 17758, Ballina; CSIRO A1634, 
Botany Bay; CSIRO C3478, Botany Heads; CSIRO 
C1959 Eden, Twofold Bay; AM 1B2542 Evans Head; 
AM [B1126 Jervis Bay; QM 12973, Manning Head; QM 
12972 Shoalhaven Bight; QM 111631 (20) Wallis Lake. 


A small species taken by trawl net. Dorsal rays 
16-18, anal rays 16-19, lateral line scales 64-70; 
13 abdominal, 20 caudal vertebrae, total 33. First 


uorsal spine of large specimens with a sharply 
keeled anterior edge; the base yellow and 
remainder of keel dark brown to blackish. 

(Based on 36 examples from Western Australia- 
SL 100-166mm). 

Dorsal fins XI, 1, 16-18; anal fin I. 16-18 
(Table 29). Lateral line scales 65-70 (‘Table 30); 
TR, 9-12 above, 10-12 below, 5-6 (usually 5) 
scales between L. lat. and spinous dorsal fin 
origin. Cheek scales in 2-3 rows, all crenoid. 

Proportional dimensions as percent of ‘SL. 
(modal frequency within parentheses): Greatest 
depth of body 18-22 (20); head length 27-30 (28); 
snout tip to ventral fin origin 28-32 (31); snout tip 
to spinous dorsal fin origin 31-36 (32-33); snout 
lp to second dorsal fin origin 55-59 (57); snout 
tip to anal fin origin 55-60 (58); least depth of 
caudal peduncle 7-9 (8). 

Proportional dimensions as percent of head: 
Length of snout 35-43 (38); horizontal diameter 
of eye 22-26 (23-24); least width of intcrorbital 
18-21 (20). 

VERTEBRAE: Western population 1|3+9- 
12+8-L1, 13 abdominal, 20 caudal, total 33; 
eastern population 13+ 5-114 9-15 (Table 31). 

COLOUR IN ALCOHOL; Body creamy-yellow to 
sandy-white, white below, with a silvery-white 
mid-lateral band; head sometimes with a darker 
line below the suborbital shelf; fins without 
markings, no dark spot at pectoral base. A small 
dark spot is usually present just above the base of 
the first dorsal fin spine, 

COLOUR IN LIPE: Body creamy-yellow to pale 
sandy pink above, silvery-white with refiections 
of blue and mauve below, the two colours sharply 
separated by a silvery mid-lateral band that may 
be ill-defined in some specimens; head with a 
yellow blotch on the cheeks; body and fins 
generally without markings; a small lemon-yellow 
to bright yellow spot on the base of the first 
dorsal spine, above which is frequently a dark 
spot or blotch on the keel, Specimens from Shark 
Bay, Western Australia have the following 
colouration: Dorsal surtacé of the body pale 
lemon-yellow, with @ faint mid-lateral silver 
band; some very. faint pale gold stripes directed 
forwards at an angle of 50° above the mid-lateral 
hand; cheeks yellowish with a darker mark and a 
faint yellow spot on the upper margin of the 
operculum; spinous dorsal fin lemon, the base 
hyaline, a faint dusting of black spots on the 
upper margin, and a bright yellow spot at the 
origin with two more yellow spots on the first two 
spines; soft dorsal with the outer half lemon and 

finely dusted with black; anal pale-whitish of 
hivaline; peetoral with the upper hall bright 
orange to yellow, finely dusted with black, and 
with the inner surface of the base having a bright 
yellow spot in some specimens; caudal with the 
margin and outer rays Jemon, dusted with black. 

Specimens from Wallis Lake, New South Wales 
have the body coloured pale translucent sandy- 
brown to pink with blue reflections on scales} a 
silvery mid-lateral band js present In all 
specimens, Head pale-brownish above, finely 
dusted with dark brown; checks with a bright blue 
to muuve stripe under the eye, below which is an 
arca of bright lemon-yellow; preopercle with bluc 
reflections; opercle generally bluish, a darker steel 
blue spot just below opercular spine and a bright 
lemon spol more ventrally; eye with the dorsal 
part of the iris purple-blue, the remainder of the 
iris silyer wilh yellow blotches, Belly pale silvery 
to white with bloe and pink reflections. Dorsal fin 
with the base of the first spine white, the 
remainder of the spine black; upper part of 
spinous dorsal dark speckled, the lower one 
third of the membraneous portion of the fin with 
a bright yellow horizontal band: second dorsal fin 
with a bright lemon to yellow horizontal band 
situated about one third the hewht of the fin. 
Anal tin with the rays and margin white, the base 
yellow. Pelvic fins pale white to hyaline. Pectoral 
fin hyaline, the base with blue reflections and the 
axilla bright orange-yellow or Jemon-yellow. 
Caudal fin pale lemon with a darker speckled 

SWIMBLADDER: “The Western Australian 
specimens have a fairly simple swimbladder that 
differs from Queensland und New South Wales 
material in lacking anterolateral extensions; the 
two populations appear to have quite constant 
swimbladder diflerences, The posterior extension 
is single, a duct-like process from the ventral 
surface to the urogenital aperture is present. 

This species can be divided into two distinct 
populations, one on the eastern coast of Australia 
and one along the western and northern coasts to 
the Gulf of Carpentaria. The shape of the 
swimbladder differs slightly (Fig. !1D-J) the 
development of the first dorsal spine keel in the 
eastern populations is quite pronounced but only 
very slightly so in the western population; the 
posterior third of the modified caudal vertebrae 
completely Surround the posterior extension of 
the swimbladder in the castern population, but 
remain open ventrally in the western population; 
the shape of the suborbital shelf differs (Fig. 


13R-T), Additional specimens are required from 
the northern coast of Australia 10 determine the 
distribution of both populations, and a full 
osteological comparison is necessary before a 
subspecific name is provided for the western 
population. Both populations are structurally 
very similar and show obvious relationships, 
especially in colouration. 


Endemic to Australian waters from Fremantle 
northwards along the northwestern and northern 
coasts to the Gulf of Carpentaria (western 
population), and from eastern Queensland and 
New South Wales (eastern population). 


Sillago robusta is an offshore species inhabiting 
sandy substrates. Inside Shark Bay, Western 
Australia, and Moreton Bay, Queensland, the 
species is quite common and is usually associated 
with Sillago maculata subspecies. In more 
northern areas in sandy-mud or turbid silty areas, 
Sillago lutea sp. nov. is the habitat equivalent. 
Inside Exmouth Gulf, W.A., Si/lago lutea is very 
abundant on the mud or mud-sand substrates but 

is not found south of Shark Bay where clearer 
water is found, or north off Point Coulomb 
(17°26‘0**, 121°54'8**) in 28 metres on silty-sand 
bottom. Sillago robusta attains sexual maturity 
below SL 13cm and rarely exceeds 17cm SL in 
Western Australia, although the species has been 
recorded to 28cm in length by trawling vessels 
working in depths of 35 fathoms off southern 
Queensland (Grant 1965). 


Sillago auricomis Oxilby is clearly referable to 
S. robusta on the basis of the original description. 
Ogilby, in unpublished notes on S. auricomis lists 
the species with ‘? S. robusta * alongside and 
notes that the species is in ‘water of a moderate 
depth (11 to 33 fath.) with a sandy bottom; not 
found inshore’, 

The specimen from the Gulf of Carpentaria 
(AM 115557-186), 16°40°S, 140°53‘E; trawled in 
7 fathoms, is clearly of the Shark Bay, Point 
Coulomb, Darwin population, and not of the 
eastern Queensland population; the isolating 
mechanism is thus in the Torres Straits region and 
was probably the land barrier across the Straits 
during the last glacial period. 



Dorsal rays 6 16 16 17 #17 «+17 «#«i7:~«(B OLB 
Anal rays 17 ik 19 16 7 18 19 17 18 
Western Australia 1 - - 3 140 18 - 5 8 
Northern Territory - - - 1 8 ] - - - 
Quéensland - - - ~ 2 hd 1 - 1 
New South Wales - - 1 ~ - 2 2 - i 

Lateral line scales 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 
Western Australia = - 7 27 19 #14 «#10 5 
Northern Territory - - - 2 3 - 1 - 
Queensland 3 4 2 3 L - - = 
New South Wales 1 I 5 8 4 3 - - 

Abdominal 3. 33 % #8 YW3 13 ' I 15 
Modified 5 6 7 8 9 10 iW 2 
Caudal 5 4 13 #22 =U 10 9 8 7 

Western Australia ~ = = x 
Northern Territory — = = = 
Queensland 1 | 2 8 
New South Wales - - - Wd 


Sillago (? Parasillago) boutani Pellegrin 
Boutan’s Whiting 

Sillago boutani Pellegrin, 1905, p. 86 (Baie de Hatan, 
Along, North Vietnam). Fowler, 1933, pp. 


TYPE: Sillago boutani Pellegrin. A radiograph of the 
holotype, registered 05-218 in the Museum National 

D’ Histoire Naturelle, Paris, was kindly forwarded by 

Dr M. Blanc. The vertebrae number 13-4-21, a total of 

38; dorsal fins XI, 1, 21; anal fin II, 22. 


§§-12-27-109, China. 


A valid species with 38 vertebrae, 
13-14+ 3-44 21; dorsal fins XI, 1, 21; anal fin II, 


(Based on 2 specimens from China. SL 113 and 

Dorsal fins XI, 1, 21; anal fin I], 21-22. Lateral 
line scales 76, 5 scales above and 12-13 below. 
Cheek scales in 2-3 rows, the first row largest and 
cycloid, the lower rows have many ctenoid scales. 

Proportional dimensions as percent of SL: 
Greatest depth of body 14.9 and 15.6; head length 
27.4, 28.2; snout tip to ventral fin origin 31.0, 
29.6; snout tip to spinous dorsal fin origin 34.5, 
34.5; snout tip to second dorsal fin origin 55.0, 
53.5; snout tip to anal fin origin 54.0, 53.5; least 
depth of caudal peduncle 6.6, 7.4. 

Proportional dimensions as percent of head: 
Length of snout 38.7, 40.0; horizontal diameter 
of eye 19.4, 22.5; least width of interorbital 19.4, 

VERTEBRAE: 13-144 3-44 21, 
abdominal, 24-25 caudal, total 38. 

SWIMBLADDER: Present but not examined. 

COLOUR IN ALCOHOL: After Pellegrin; Body 
olive-yellow dorsally, paler on the sides and 
abdomen; cheeks and part of operculum orange- 
yellow; one or two lines of orange-yellow run 
along the sides of the body; fine uniformly 
greyish with some indication of dots on the rays 
of the second dorsal. 


Gulf of Tongking, and China. 

This species is rare in collections, and may be 
misidentified as Sillago sihama as were the two 
specimens received on loan from the British 

Museum (N.H.). Si/lago boutani may be 
recognised by the lateral line count of 74-76, and 


in having 38 vertebrae. Fowler (1933, p. 422) 
mentions that Si/lago bostockii Castelnau is close 
to S. boutani in fin rays counts and number of 
lateral line scales. Sillago bostockii is a synonym 
of Sillago schomburgkii, and although the 
vertebrae total 37, the abdominal vertebrae in the 
latter species number 16 instead of the 13-14 
found in Sillago boutani. 

Sillago ( Parasillago ) schomburgkii Peters 

Yellow Fin Whiting 
(Figs. 4D, 11C, 13W, 140, 18) 

Sillago schomburgkii Peters, 1865, p. 319 (Adelaide, 
South Australia). Scott, 1962, pp. 187-8, fig. . 
Whitley, 1964, p. 43. Lenanton, 1969a, pp. 4-11; 
1969b, p. 5. 

Sillago bostockii Castelnau, 1873, p. 133 (Swan River 
and at sea, Western Australia). McCulloch, 1911, 
pp. 60, 63; 1912, pp. 87-8. Whitley, 1948, p. 19; 
1951, p. 65. 

Sillago bassensis: Waite, 1902, pp. 190-1; 1921, p. 101; 
1923, pp. 123-4; 1928, p. 7 (non Sillago bassensis 

Sillago frazeri Whitley, 1944, p. 270 (Leschenault Inlet, 
Bunbury, Western Australia); 1948, p. 19; 1951, p. 
65. Roughley, 1951, p. 49. 


Types: Sillago schomburgkii Peters. Not examined. 
Location of holotype not known. 

Sillago bostockii Castelnau. Not examined. Location 
of holotype not known. 

Sillago frazeri Whitley. Holotype WAM P2698 in 
Western Australian Museum. SL 93mm; vertebrae 
16-10-11, total 37. Paratype WAM P2698, SL 68mm, 
Whitley (1951, p. 65) placed S. frazeri into the 
synonymy of S. bassensis, but an examination of the 
holotype and a radiograph of the axial skeleton shows 
this species to be a junior synonym of S. schomburskii. 
Whitley describes the juvenile colouration of this 

OTHER MATERIAL: Western Australia: WAM PO 3 
Mandurah; WAM PO 5 Mandurah; WAM PO 8-18 
Shark Bay; WAM PO 21-26 Shark Bay; WAM 
PO185-189 Dirk Hartog Island, Shark Bay; WAM PO 
303 Mandurah; WAM P7605 Carnarvon; WAM 
P7676-79 Denham, Shark Bay; WAM _ P12691-93 
Murchison River; WAM P12694-97 Shark Bay; WAM 
P12764-72 Bush Bay, Shark Bay; WAM P12816-21 
Bush Bay, Shark Bay; WAM P13186-88 Newbeach, 
Shark Bay; WAM P13193-202 Newbeach, Shark Bay; 
WAM _  P14707-17. Denham, Shark Bay; WAM 
P14743-44 Denham, Shark Bay; WAM P14752 Shark 
Bay; WAM P15031-46 Denham, Shark Bay; WAM 
P15194-221,  Bibbadjiddy, Shark Bay; WAM 
P15212-221, Monkey Mia, Shark Bay; WAM P15558 
Geraldton; CSIRO (C2303 Exmouth Gulf. South 
Australia: WAM P15265-77 Point Prime; WAM 
P15293-322, WAM P15323-44 Point Clinton; WAM 
P15505-519 Port Augusta; SAM F829, SAM F1238-9, 
SAM F1242, St. Vincent Gulf. 



Dorsal fins X-XII, 1, 19-22; anal fin II, 17-20; 
lateral line scales 66-76. Vertebrae total 37. 
Swimbladder without a median anterior 


Dorsal fins X, XI, XII, 1, 20-22; anal fin II, 
17-20 (Table 32). Lateral line scales 67-76 (Table 
33); TR. 6-7 above, 8-10 below, 5-6 (usually 5) 
scales between L. lat. and spinous dorsal fin 
origin. Cheek scales in 4-5 rows, all ctenoid. 

Proportional dimensions as percent of SL 
(modal frequency within parentheses): Greatest 
depth of body 19-22 (20); head length 24-27 (26); 
snout tip to ventral fin origin 26-30 (28-29); 
snout tip to spinous dorsal fin origin 30-33 (32); 
snout tip to second dorsal fin origin 51-56 (53); 
snout tip to anal fin origin 57-61 (58); least depth 
of caudal peduncle 9-10 (9). 

Proportional dimensions as percent of head: 
Length of snout 39-44 (42); horizontal diameter 
of eye 17-20 (18); least width of interorbital 16-19 

VERTEBRAE: 16-17 + 8-11 + 10-13, 16-17 
abdominal, 20-21 caudal, total 37 (Table 34). 

COLOUR IN ALCOHOL: Body sand-brown to 
pale silvery-grey, slightly darker above; a narrow 
pale silvery mid-lateral band, with a brownish 
band above, both bands may be indistinct; dorsal 
fins with rows of small brownish spots; anal fin 
pale yellowish to yellow with a white or cream 
margin; pectoral fin hyaline with some dusting of 
very fine spots, no dark mark or blotch at the 
base; caudal greyish. Juveniles have a series of 
dark blotches along the back and a row of 8-10 
dark brown to black blotches along the sides from 
behind the pectoral fin to the caudal fin base. 

SWIMBLADDER: The anterior margin is incised 
and without a median extension or anterolateral 
tubular projections; the posterior extension is 


single and narrows rapidly to a slender tube; a 
duct-like process is present on the ventral surface 
(Fig. 11C). 


No geographic variation was found between 
Western Australia and South Australian samples. 


Western Australia from Shark Bay southwards 
along the southern coast of Australia to eastern 
South Australia. One unconfirmed report of this 
species from Exmouth Gulf, W.A. 


Sillago schomburgkii frequents inshore sand 
banks, bars and spits, and congregates in sandy 
hollows. At high tide this species moves in schools 
across the sand flats and retreats to the slopes of 
the banks when the tide falls. The Western Sand 
Whiting enters sandy estuaries in large schools, 
and may penetrate to the limit of the brackish 
water. At Mandurah and Leschenault Inlet, 
W.A.; large schools appear during the summer 
months. The Swan River once supported a large 
population of this species, but in recent years, 
apart from a few large catches during September, 
1967, S. schomburgkii rarely enters this estuary, 
as the substrate has become more muddy due to 
reduced freshwater discharge following the 
construction of reservoirs. 

Mr H. Nicholls (pers. comm.) informed me 
that schools of this species were netted in sandy 
areas to the north of Exmouth Gulf, and can be 
taken at Maud Landing, W.A. 

The spawning season commences in September 
and is completed by January in Shark Bay 
(Lenanton 1969a). The juveniles frequent the 
shallows of protected bays and inlets and move 
into deeper water at maturity. The species attains 
a length of at least 36 cm. 


20 21 21 21 22 22 22 
19 17 18 19 18 19 20 

- 27 532 2 1 - - 
1 5 42 7 15 7 1 


70 #71 72 #73 #74 $+ 76 

TABLE 32: 


Dorsal rays 19 19 20 20 
Anal rays 17 18 17 18 
Western Australia - 2 10 13 
South Australia 1 = 2 5 
TABLE 33: 

Lateral line scales 66 67 68 69 
Western Australia 5 11 15 13 

South Australia - 1 6 7 



Abdominal 16 16 16 16 17 17 
Modified 5 9 10 i 9 10 
Caudal 13 12 1 10 11 10 
Western Australia t 3) #19 1 1 1! 

‘South Australia - 14 6 = & a 

Sillago (Parasillago) attenuata new species 

Slender Whiting 
(Figs. IZA, 13C, 16) 


Types: Holotype: SL 11! min collecred by Mr 
Erdman, April-June, 1948 at Tarut Bay, Ras Tanura 
upper bay Zaal Island, Persian Gulf. Registered USNM 
147959 in (he United States Mational Museum. 

Paratyees; USNM 207449 (3) SL 110-189 mm, data 
as above, collected with holalype, USNM 147959 (2 
exchange specimens now WAM PO 491). USNM 
147835 (13), SL 41.0-56.5 mm, & miles south of Al 
Khobar, Persian Gulf. USNM 147598, SL 65 mm, 
Chaschuse Island, near Damman, Persian Gulf. 


Dorsal fins MH-XUI, 1, 19-21; anal fin I, 
18-20; lateral line scales 73-77. Vertebrae total 


(Based on the holotype and 18 paratypes; 4 
paratypes SL 106-189 mm, 14 juveniles SL 41-66 
mm. Characters for holotype given in 

Dorsal fins MII-XII1, 1, 19-21 (XTI, 1, 21); 
anal IT, 18-20 (IT, 20), Lateral line scales 73-77 

TR. 6-7 above, 8-10 below (6/8), 5 scales 
between L. lat. and spinous dorsal origin. Cheek 
seales in 2 rows, eycloid aboye, cycloid or ctenoid 

Proportional dimensions as percent of SL: 
Greatest depth of body 15-17 (15); head length 
26-28 (27), juveniles 27-29; snout tip to ventral 
fin origin 29-30 (31), juveniles 28-31; snout tip to 
spinous dorsal fin origin 31-33 (31), juveniles 
32-36; snout tip to second dorsal fin origin 54-56 
(35), juveniles 54-57; snout tip to anal fin origin 
56-59 (58), juveniles 55-60; least depth of caudal 
peduncle 6-8 (6), juveniles 6-7. 

Proportional dimensions as percent of head: 
Length of snout 38-41 (37), juveniles 34-39; 
horizontal diameter of eye 21-24 (23), juveniles 
25-29; least width of interorbital 15-17 (15), 
juveniles 15-18. 

VERTEBRAE; (Dissected) 15-2-20 (1), 15 
abdominal, 22 caudal, total 37, (Radiographs) 

total vertebrae 37 (1), 38 (9), 39 (1). 

COLOUR IN ALCOHOL; (holotype), Body with 
faint blotches in two series laterally, the upper 
row of about 8-9 spots, the lower mid-lateral row 
with 10 spots; a row of indistinet spots or blotches 
along the base of the spinous dorsal fin; dorsal fin 
with the anienor most interspinous membranes 
dusted with black spots; membrane of the second 
dorsal fin sparsely dotted black; tips of the caudal 
fin dusted black, other fins hyaline. Juveniles 
with a well defined mid-lateral horizontal row of 
9 elozigale spots on body just below lateral line; 
between the lateral line and the base of the dorsal 
fins is a horizontal row of about 12 small spots 
ending before the last ray of the dorsal fin; a 
longitudinal row of very small spots along centre 
of back, 2 spots predorsally, 4 sports below 
spinous dorsal fin, 8-9 spots below second dorsal 
fin and on caudal peduncle. (A darker spot is 
occasionally present on upper part of the opercle 
In some paratypes), 

SWIMBLADDER: Almost transparent and a much 
more delicate structure than other Si/lago species. 
The one specimen examined has an elongate oval- 
shaped bladder without anterior extensions and 
possibly without a posterior extension: the most 
posterior part of the swimbladder was damaged, 
but two rudimentary posterior extensions may be 
present as there were two round holes in this 
tegion. A delicate duci-like process was present 
on the posterior ventral surface (Fig_ 12A). 

Persian Gulf. 


Little is known of this species and further 
material should be studied 1o elucidate the 
structure of the swimbladder and the osteology. 
Two species are known from the Persian Oulf, the 
other species is represented by USNM 147959 (D. 
XI, 1, 20-21, A. 1, 22; L, lat. 68-69, vertebrae 
14-7-13 and is probably related to 8. sihame ; the 
swimbladder was not studied, 


From the 

latin ‘altenuatus' meaning 

Sillago (Parasillago) asiatiea McKay 
Asian Whiting 
(Fig. 10E, 17) 
Sillago asiatica McKay, 1983, pp. 613-4. 

Tyres: Holotype: SL 131 mm, forwarded by Mr T. 
Woneratana from Chantaburi, Gult of Thailand, May, 


1975, Registered QM 

PaRATYPes: QM_ 112913 (15), QM 113264 (4) 
Chaniaburi, Thailand. QM 113262 (THUP 00344) 
Taipei Markels, Taiwan, 


Swimbladder with three anterior extensions, 
the middle one projecting forwards and the 
anterolateral ones recurved backwards along the 
swimbladder; a single posterior extension. 
Vertebrae total 34, 


(Based on the holotype). 

Dorsal fins XI, i, 21 (XI, 1, 20-22); anal fin TI, 
22 (II, 21-23) (Table 35). Lateral line scales 70 
(67-70) (Table 36). TR. 4—5 above 8-9 below, 4 
scales between L. lat. and spinous dorsal fin 
origin. Cheek scales in 2 rows, all cycloid. 

Proportional dimensions as percent of SL 
(range of paratypes within parentheses); Greatest 
depth of body 17 (146-18), head length 27 (27-29); 
snout tip to ventral fin origin 28 (28-30); snout tip 
to spinous dorsal fin origin 34 (33-35); snout tip 
to second dorsal fin origin 57 (55-58); snout tip to 
anal fin origin 56 (55-57); least depth of caudal 
peduncle 8 (7-8). 

Proportional dimensions as percent of head: 
Length of snout 36 (36-42); horizontal diameter 
of eye 22 (19-23); least width of interorbital 19 

VERTEBRAE: 13-14+5-7+ 13-16, 13-14 
abdominal, 20-21 caudal, total 34 (Table 37). 

COLOUR IN ALCOHOL; Head and body pale 
sandy brown to light fawn, an indistinct pale mid- 
lateral band is present on some specimens but 
absent on others; belly paler, almost white; 
opercle and preopercle transparent with a 
erescentic patch of fine black-brown spots in a 
pigmented area the shape of the gill arches on the 
inside of the gill cover, showing through. Fins 
hyaline, the margins of the unpaired fins finely 
spotted with brown; the upper and lower margins 
of the caudal fin dark brown to almost black. 

SWIMBLADDER: An anterior median extension 
of the swimbladder projects forward 10 reach the 
basioccipital; at each side of the base of the 
median extension is 4 simple tubular extension 
that is sharply recurved to extend along the 
swimbladder posteriorly for a distance of a tenth 
up to almost half its total length; a single tapering 
posterior extension projects into the caudal 
region; a duct-like process is present from the 
ventral surface of the swimbladder to the 
urogenital opening. 

113263 in the Queensland 


This new species is known from two localities 

Gulf of Thailand and Taiwan. This species is 
possibly widespread. 


This species was originally discovered in a small 
sample of Si/laga from Taiwan, and at that time 
was considered to be a subspecies of Sillage 
Japonica. Further maternal from Taiwan 
contained a specimen of Si//lago japonica with a 
typical swimbladder and vertebrae count, Mr T, 
Wongratana of the Marine Fisheries Laboratory, 
Bangkok forwarded a number of Thai sillaginids 
for identification and this collection provided 
sufficient material of Sillaga asiatica to be 
confident that the swimbladder shape and 
vertebrae counts were beyond the yariation 
encountered in Sillago japonica: The arches on 
the frontal bones are wider than those of 8. 
japonica, and the suborbital shelf is of different 

Silago seringa Dutt and Sujatha is almost 
certainly a senior synonym of §- asialica but is 
reported to differ in having the swimbladder with 
shorter recurved extensions and the postcoelomic 
part of the swimbladder relatively shorter- 

From the latin “Asiatious’ meaning Asiatic. 


Dorsal rays 20 20° 21 2lo21 22 2 
Anal rays BY. 22 .21 22 33 «22. 23 
Taiwan - ] - - - - - 
Thailand i 2 2 dg 1 2 2 

Lateral line scales 6&7 «#68 69 = 70 
Taiwan - - i] - 
Thailand 1 5 6 5 
Abdominal 3 4 14) 14 
Modified 5 3 6 7 
Caudal 1 15 4 13 
Taiwan - - 1 - 

Thailand j 3 3 2 


Sillago (Parasillago) soringa Dutt and Sujatha 
Sillago soringa Durt and Sujatha, 1983, pp. 611-614, 
Fig. 1. 
Mareriat. EXAMINED 

None. Holotype (F7734/2) and four paratypes 
(F7735/2) in the Zoological Survey of India, Calcutta. 


Swimbladder with three antenor extensions, 
the middle one projecting forwards and the 
anterolateral ones recurved backwards for a short 
distance along the sides; a single short postenor 
extension. Vertebrae total 34, 


(Based on Dutt and Sujatha). 

Dorsal fins XI, 1, 21; anal fin I, 22. Lateral 
line scales 64-68. TR, 3-4 above 9-10 below. 
Cheek scales in 2 rows, upper row cycloid, lower 
row ctenoid, 

Proportional dimensions as percent of SL: 
Greatest depth of body 17-19; head length 28-29; 
snout tip to ventral fin origin 30-31; snout tip to 
spinous dorsal fin origin 34-35; snout tip to 
second dorsal fin origin 56-58; snout tip to anal 
fin origin 54-56; Proportional dimensions as 
percent of head: Length of snout 38-40; 
horizontal diameter of eve 24-29; least width of 
interorbital 19-21. 

VERTEBRAE; 34; 5-7 moditied. 

COLOUR IN ALCOHOL: Dorsal side and upper 
flanks grey brown, becoming paler laterally; 
lower flanks and yentral side milky white. 
Spinous dorsal with minute discrete black dots on 
membrane; they are more numberous towards the 
distal half especially in the anterior half of the fin. 
In the soft dorsal, running parallel 10 and clase to 
the anterior edge of each ray, is a more or Iess 
continuous grey band. The membrane of anal Tin 
is also provided with minute black dots, but to a 
lesser extent than the spinous dorsal. Pectorals 
and ventrals hyaline with golden tinge. Caudal 
hyaline, with fine black dots. 

SWIMBLADDER: Lanceolate, with a median 
finger-like extension and a pair of recurved 
extensions at anterior end; the swimbladder bears 
a single tapering posteoelomic extension and a 
blind tubular duct which arises from the middle 
of its ventral side, aboul 4/5 the distance from its 
anterior end, to terminate blindly near the vent. 


Although Dutt and Sujatha (1983) regard their 
S. soringa as 4 distinct species, the close similarity 

to S. astatica indicates that the latter species is a 
junior synonym of S. soringa. | retain both 
species pending a full study of the Indian 

Sillago (Parasillago) indica McKay, Dutt and 
Sujatha new species 
Indian Whiting 
(Fig. 5E ) 
Sillago parvisqaamis: Dutt and Sujatha, 1980, pp. 

{non Sillage parvisquamis Gill), 


Hororyee: Zoological Survey of India, Caleutta, SL 
127 mm, Visakhapatnam, India, collected K, Sujatha, 
June 8, 1979, 

Panatypes; (data as holotype) BMNH London, SL 
158 mm; QM 120386, SL 140 mm; MNHN Paris, SL 122 


Dorsal fins MI, 1, 21-22; anal fin Tl] 22-23; 
lateral line scales 68-70; total vertebrae 34 of 
which 3 are modified: swimbladder with bifurcate 
anterior extension, anterolateral extensions 
recurved and extend to ventral duct, posterior 
extension single; a dark band on sides sometimes 
broken into blotches, 


(Based on material above and description by 
Dutt and Sujatha). 

Dorsal fins XI, 1, 21-22; anal fin H, 22-23 
(21-23). Lateral line scales 68-70 (69-76, 80 in 
one). TR. 6 above, 11-12 below, 5 scales between 
L, lat. and spinous dorsal fin origin. Cheek scales 
in 2-3 rows. all cycloid except for occasional 
ctenoid scale posteriorly. 

Proportional dimensions as percent of SL: 
Greatest depth of bady 18-21; head length 28-29; 
snout tip to ventral fin origin 30-31; snout trp to 
spinous dorsal fin origin 33-34: snout tip to 
second dorsal fin origin 53-57; snout tip 10 anal 
fin origin 54-57; least depth of caudal peduncle 

Proportional dimensions as percent of head: 
Length of snout 37-40; horizontal diameter of eye 
18-21; least width of interorbital 18-21, 

VERTEBRAE: total 34, 3 modified. 

COLOUR IN ALCGHOL: Body light tan with a 
dark brown to blackish band commencing behind 
the upper part of the opercle and curving down 
below the lateral line for approximately two- 
thirds its length and then continuing slightly 
below or on the lateral line as a more or less 


broken band or as distinct clongate spots or 
blotches, to hypural flexure; head and cheeks 
with fine black dots; belly and lower sides may be 
densely dotted, almost blackish; interspinous 
membranes of first dorsal tin with very numerous 
black dots; interradial membranes of second 
dorsal and anal fin dusted with black dots, most 
concentrated immediately before each ray; caudal 
dusted with black, lower lobe may be blackish. 

SWIMBLADDER: Posterior extension single, long 
and tapering to a fine point: anterior margin of 
swimbladder with a well developed bifurcate 
(rarely trifurcate) median extension that extends. 
anteriorly to each side of the basioceipital; a very 
fine anterolateral tubular extension extends 
forward and then sends off a rather convoluted or 
almost straight branch that recurves around the 
lateral projections of the main body of the 
swimbladder to the ventral duct or beyond; the 
main body of the swimbladder has lateral horns 
entering the musculature anteriorly and is 
somewhat serrated posteriorly; the postcoelomic 
extension commences abruptly and continues 
posteriorly as a long gradually tapering fine tube; 
the ventral duct arises somewhat posterior to the 
postcoelomic extension and continues posteriorly 
and ventrally to behind the vent (Fig. 5E). In two 
of the three specimens examined the fine 
anterolateral tube that extends alongside the 
swimbladder is joined to and appears to 
communicate with the second lateral horn-like 
projection of the swimbladder. 

East and west coasts of India. 


Sillago indica, reported as S. parvisquamis by 
Dutt and Sujatha (1980) can be recognised by the 
dark lateral band, low number of vertebrae and 
the complex swimbladder that resembles that of 
Sillazo sihama but differs in having a single 
postcoelomic extension. This species was also 
reported from Karwar by the above authors and 
therefore has a Wide distribution in India. It was 
not collected by the CMFRI survey at Cochin 
(McKay, 1980). 

As this revision was delayed by lack of 
publishing funds T have included Sil/lago soringa 
Dutt and Sujatha (1983) and have taken the 
opportunity of describing Sillago indica pending a 
revision of the sillaginid fishes of India by myself, 
Dr 8. Dutt and Mrs K. Sujatha. The sillaginid 
fishes of Sn Lanka and Burma are little known 
and require detailed stuuy, 

Sillago (Parasillago) macrolepis Bleeker 

Large-scale Whiting 
(Fig. 4B, 13.7, 18) 

Sillago- macrolepis Bleeker, 1859, p. 166 (Batavia; 
Bodeling, Bali); 1874, p. 72; 1877, pl. 389, fig. 1- 
Giinther, 1860, p. 246. Meyer, 1885, p. 28. 
Evermann and Seale, 1907, p. 87. De Beaufort, 
1913, p. 120. Fowler, 1928, p. 235; 1933, p. 41h: 
1934, p. 422. Weber and de Beaufort, 1931, p. [7], 
Herre, 1933, p. 4; 1934, p, 58; 1953, p. 478. 
Murro, 1958, p, 178; 1967, p, 346, 

Material EXAMINED 

Tyre: Not examined. Location of the holotype is 

OTHER MATERIAL: New Britain (4); CSIRO A139, 
Ring Ring; CSIRO POi464, New Britain; CSIRO 
FOUSS7 (2), Talasea. Philippines (10); Mindanao; 
USNM 57903, Zamboanga; USNM 145117, Cotabato, 
Mindanao River; USNM 150642 (2), Davao. Negros: 
CAS-GVF 1606 (2), Dumaguete, Luzon; 2 specimens 
from Manilla forwarded by the Nalional Museum, AM, 
1,17482-018 (9), Lavoro Creek Guadalcanal, Solomon 


A species. with 51-56 lateral line scale, 19-21 
dorsal rays, 19-2] anal rays, and no haemil 
bridge overlying the swimbladder, 


Dorsal fing Ni, 1, §9-21; anal fin I], 19-21 
(Table 38). Lateral line scales 51-55 (Table 39), 
TR. 4 above, 6 below. Cheek scales in 2 rows, 
mostly cyeloid. 

Proportional dimensions as percent of SL: 
Greatest depth of body 18-20; head length 24-30; 
snout tip to ventral fin origin 27-30; snout tip to 
spinous dorsal origin 30-33; snout tip to second 
dorsal fin origin 52-55; snout tip to anal fin origin 
53-55; least depth of caudal peduncle 7-8. 

Proportional dimensions as percent of head: 
Leneth of snout 27-29; horizontal diameter of eye 
25-32; least width of interorbital 17-18. 

VERTEBRAE: 14 abdominal, 20 caudal, total 34. 

COLOUR JN ALCOHOL: Yellowish, darker 
above, with a diffuse silvery longitudimal mid- 
lateral band; dorsals dusky with a narrow 
blackish margin. Juveniles with a series of small 
brown spots, one on each side along the back al 
the base of the dorsal fins; first dot al 
commencement of spinous dorsal, second about 
middle of spinous dorsal, third below fourth 
dorsal ray, fourth below eleventh dorsal ray, and 
last spot below end of rayed dorsal fin. 

SwiMBLADDER: Well developed without 
anterior and posterior extensions in juveniles; a 


duct-like process present from the ventral surface 
of the swimbladder to the urogenital aperture. 
Adult specimens not yet examined. 


Recorded from the [ndonesian Archipelago, 
New Britain, Solomon Islands and the Philippine 
Islands (see Fig. 18). 


Evermann and Seale (1907, p. 87) recorded a 
lateral line count of about 60 in two specimens 
from Bulan, Luzon; lateral line scale counts | 
have made on the material listed above range 
from 51-35. Dutt and Sujatha (1980, pp. 372-74) 
record §, macrolepis from Visakhapatnam, India. 
Their material, with a lateral line scale range of 60 
to 67 and with 3 modified haemal vertebrae, 
belongs to S. (urea. 


Dorsal rays 9 199 #19 2 2 
Anal rays 19 20 21 20 2) 

New Britain - 3 7 
Solomon Islands 2 7 — 2 _ 
Philippines 1 4 


Lateral line scales 51 S52 53 54 55 

New Britain = - 
Solomon Islands = - 
Philippines | 1 


Sillago ( Parasillago) argentifasciata Martin and 

Silver-Banded Whiting 
(Fig. 5A) 
Sillago argentifasciata Martin and Montalban, 1935, 
pp. 226-7, pl. 1. fig. 3 (Lumbucan Island, 

Palawan, Philippines), Herre, 1953, p, 478, No. 
MatTariat. EXAMINED 
Types: The holotype and two paralypes were 
deposiled in the collection of the Fish and Game 
Administration. Dr Ocampo, National Museum, 
Manila informed me (pers. comm. September 27, 1966) 
that the type specimens were destroyed during World 
War Il. 


Dorsal fins XI, 1, 17-18; anal fin 11, 17; lateral 
line scales 66. No irregular dark blotches on sides; 

a wide, brilliant, silvery, longitudinal band on 
each side of the body. Cheek with three rows of 
scales, those on the upper row cycloid, and on the 
lower two rows ctenoid, 


(Based on Martin and Montalban 1935). 

Dorsal fins XL, 1, 17-18; anal Fin 1, 17; lateral 
line scales 66. TR. 5 above, 9 below. Cheek scales 
in three rows, the upper row cycloid, the lower 
Iwo rows ctenoid. 

Proportional dimensions as percent of SL: 
Greatest depth of body 19-20; head length 29-30; 
least depth of caudal peduncle 8. 

Proportional dimensions as percent of head: 
Length of snout 38-42; horizontal diameter of eye 
28-29; least width of interorbital 18. 

COLOUR IN ALCOHOL: Dull silvery white; a 
well-pronounced, brilliant, silvery, longitudinal 
band, widest between the anterior portions of 
anal and second dorsal, runs on side from above 
base of pectoral to base of caudal; anteriorly this 
band is below the lateral line and posteriorly its 
upper edge touches it; breast and opercle brilliant 
silvery; upper portion of each dorsal spine and 
ray sparsely dotted with blackish; all other fins 

Lumbucan Island, Philippines 


Sillago argentifasciata was not included in the 
large amount of material examined from the 
Philippines. Further collecting at the type locality 
and the designation of a neotype is necessary to 
resolve the identity of this species. This species is 
similar to Sillavo ingenuua any may prove lo be a 
senior synonym; see also remarks under Sillaga 

Sillago (Parasillago) hitea, new species 

Mud Whiting 
(Figs, 10D, 13H-I, 18) 

Sillago macrolepis: Dutt and Sujatha, 1980, pp. 372-74 
(non Sillago mucrolepis Bleeker). 


Types: Holotype: SL 130 mm, collected by trawl net 
in Exmouth Gulf, Western Australia, February, 1968, 
R.J. MeKay. Registered WAM P1I5928 in the Western 
Australian Museum. 

PARATYPES (377): WAM PO 605-17, PO 752-3, PO 
822-64. Admiralty Gulf, WAM PO 676-82, Borda 
Island; CSIRO C2361, Dampier Archipelago; WAM 
P15878-910, PO 335-59, PO 361-5, PO 386-442, PO 


492-583, PO 601-4, PO 683-735, CSIRO C2553, 
Exmouth Gulf; WAM PO 762, King Bay; WAM PO 
787-92, PO 960-9, Mitchell River area; WAM PO 465, 
PO 470-71, Nichol Bay; WAM PO 469, West Moore 
Island; Western Australia. WAM P14261, P14398, 
P14480-3, P15093-106, Darwin, Northern Territory. 
WAM P13223, AM IB5890, QM 111101 (4), Gulf of 
Carpentaria, Queensland. 

OTHER MATERIAL: (4) Visakhapatnam, India, August 
4, 1981, K. Sujatha, S.L. 108-120 mm. 


Dorsal fins XI, 1, 20-22; anal fin Il, 21-23; 
lateral line scales 67-72. Normally 13 abdominal 
vertebrae. Swimbladder with a median anterior 
extension and with or without rudimentary 
anteriorly directed anterolateral projections; 
posterior extension single. A small species taken 
by trawl net. 


(Based on the holotype and 33 paratypes from 
Exmouth Gulf, Western Australia. SL 120-141 
mm. Characters for the holotype given in 

Dorsal fins XI, 1, 20-22 (XI, 1, 22); anal I], 
21-23 (II, 22) (Table 40). Lateral line scales 67-72 
(69) (Table 41). TR. 6-7 above, 9-11 below 
(7/10), 5 scales between L. lat. and spinous dorsal 
fin origin. Cheek scales in 2 rows, mostly cycloid, 
occasional specimens with a few ctenoid scales 

Proportional dimensions as percent of SL: 
Greatest depth of body 16-20 (17.3); head length 
27-29 (28.8); snout tip to ventral fin origin 28-32 
(29,2); snout tip to spinous dorsal fin origin 32-35 
(34.6); snout tip to second dorsal fin origin 55-58 
(55.4); snout tip to anal fin origin 52-56 (55.4); 
least depth of caudal peduncle 7-8 (7.9). 

Proportional dimensions as percent of head: 
Length of snout 37-43 (40.6); horizontal diameter 
of eye 20-24 (19.8); least width of interorbital 
18-21 (19.3). 

VERTEBRAE: 13-14+4-11+10-17, 13-14 
abdominal, 20-22 caudal, total 33-35 (Table 42). 

COLOUR IN ALCOHOL: Body light sandy-brown 
above, pale brown to whitish below, with an ill 
defined silvery mid-lateral band; margins of 
scales may be slightly darker giving a vague 
meshwork pattern to the body above the lateral 
line; fins hyaline, the spinous dorsal fine 
membrane tipped with a fine dusting of black; no 
dark spot at the base of the pectoral fin. 

SWIMBLADDER: A_ short median anterior 
extension and with the anteriorly directed 
anterolateral projections rudimentary or well 

developed; posterior extension single; a duct-like 
process on the ventral surface present. The 
swimbladder is similar to that of Si/lago japonica. 


Samples from Napier Broome Bay, and 
Mitchell River at Admiralty Gulf had fewer 
modified vertebrae (4-7) instead of the normal 
(7-10) of the other samples from Admiralty Gulf 
and elsewhere. Larger samples from Admiralty 
Gulf should be counted for verification. 


Exmouth Gulf, W.A., northwards and 
eastwards to Gulf of Carpentaria. India and Sri 


This species is commonly associated with the 
Banana Prawn Penaeus merguiensis de Man in 
northern Australia, and occurs most abundantly 
on muddy or very silty substrates. Large catches 
are taken by prawn trawlers but as the species 
attains sexual maturity at SL 100 mm (ripe 
females 104-120 mm) and grows to only 16 cm, 
the catch is of no commercial importance at 


Sillago lutea may be confused with Sillago 
sihama and Sillago japonica. The swimbladder 
and cranial osteology is very similar to that of 
Sillago japonica, and occasional specimens have 
the same vertebrae count. Sillago lutea was 
originally considered to be a subspecies of Sillago 
japonica but as the majority of specimens have 13 
abdominal vertebrae and a total of 33 rather than 
14 abdominal vertebrae and a total of 34, and 
attain sexual maturity at a smaller size, the two 
species are believed to be valid ones despite an 
obvious relationship. The scales between the 
spinous dorsal origin and the lateral line afford 
reliable external determination of the two species 
as S. lutea has 5 scales and S. japonica 3. 

This species may be widespread throughout the 
Indian Ocean as a small sample from the southern 
and middle part of the Pearl Banks, Gulf of 
Mannar, Sri Lanka, appeared to be S. /utea witha 
vertebrae count of 13-9-10, but with a slightly 
more expanded tip to the subocular shelf. 
Specimens from India agree well with Australian 


From the latin ‘luteus’ meaning belonging to 



TABLE 40: Frequency DistRiBUTIONS OF DorsSAL AND ANAL Fin Rays OF 


Dorsal rays 20 #20 20 21 24 21° Zw 2 2 

Anal rays 2) 3B. ZR CZ! 22, GS BE QD 23 

Western Australia 6 3 ~ 1 45 16 2 5 

Northern Territory - 3 - 1 ll 3 - i 

Queensland — L i - 3 = . - e 



Lateral line scales 67 68 69 70 71 72 

Western Australia i i4 21 24 6 1 

Northern Territory 3 5 2 1 l = 

Queensland 4 > = “ 


Abdominal 33 13 1 13 13) 13) «13)6(«13 6B 6B OB OB 18s 13 13 14 144A 
Modified 4 5 5 6 7 & § 8 9 y 9 10 10 1 11 8 9 9 10 
Caudal 17 15 36 IS 4 #12 «13° «14 = 1206«13—6UWO lho OR 10 RB On 12 10 
Western Australia 1 fi 2 oe PP 2dee tee: Gf = See Teh &— lb 3 i 
Northern Territory — ~ = = 1 - | - 2 2 - 43 ! - - 1 - - = 
Queensland >_ - = + - l - = 2 & Ss 9 & SS | = = & 

Sillago (Parasillago) japonica Temminck and 
Shiro-gisu or Japanese Whiting 
(Figs. SB, 11A-B, 14Q, 16) 

Sillago japonica Temminck and Schlegel, 1843, pp. 23, 
24, pl. 10, fig. 1 (Japan). Richardson, 1846, p. 223. 
Bleeker, 1853, p. 28; 1858, p. Ll; 1859, p. 163, 
1875, pp. 69-71; 1877, pl. 389, fig. 6; 1879, p. 9. 
Giinther, 1860, pp. 244-5; 1880, p. 66. Gill, 1861, 
pp, 503-4. Steindachner and Doderlein, 1885, p. 
192. Jordan and Snyder, 1901. p. 109; 1902, p. 487. 
Smith and Pope, 1906, p. 478. Jordan, Tanaka and 
Snyder, 1913, p. 187, Fowler and Bean, 1922, p. 
69. Jordan and Hubbs, 1925, p. 248, Reeves, 1927, 
p. 10, Mori, 1928, p. 6. Fowler, 1930, p. 654; 1931, 
p. 302; 1949, p. 51. Weber and de Beaufort, 1931, 
pp. 170, 173-4. Herre, 1945, p. 118; 1953, p_ 478. 
Boeseman, 1947, p. 38, Tomiyama and Abe, 1958, 
pp. 1171-6, Munro, 1958, p. 178; 1967, p, 347. 
Hotta, 1961, p. 62. Whitehead and Joysey, 1967, p. 

Sillago sihama: Steindachner and Doderlein, 1885, p. 
192. Nogusa, 1951, pp. 153-5; 1960, p. 26, Ueno 
and Fujita, 1954, pp. 118-20, fig, 1. Okada, 1955, 
p. 256. Hotla, 1961, p. 62, pl, 33, fig. 99- 
Takahashi, 1962, p. 24, pl. 57. Kawanabe, Saito, 
Sunaga, Maki and Azuma, 1968, p. 54. (non 
Sillage sihama Forskal). 


Tyre: Sillaga japonica Temminck and Schlegel. A 
radiograph of the lectotype selected by Boesxerman (1947, 

p. 38), registered Noa. 367 in the Rijksmuseum van 
Natuurtijke Histoire, Leiden, was kindly forwarded by 
Dr M. Boeseman, the vertebrae count of 14-8-13 agrees 
well with materia! collected from Japan, 

Orne Materiat: Japan (92); WAM 15523-6, 
Tsuyazaki, Fukoka Prefecture, Kyushu; Dr Y. Okada 
56-136, 56-138, Aiura Coast, Seseho City, Kyushu; Dr 
Y. Okada 56-177-8, Kyushu, trawled; WAM PO 67-70 
Tokyo; USNM 44876, USNM 26241, USNM 92787, 
USNM 75968, USNM 57528, USNM 59670. USNM 
$7591, AMNH 17126, Japan, no location; USNM 
38795, USNM 49085, USNM 49804, USNM 71349, 
Tokyo, AMNH 13165, Miyadsu, Kyoto; AMNH 8838, 
QM 112698-9, QM 113261 (2), Sagami Bay; AMNH 
3709, AMNH 3699, Shimnosaki market; AMNH 13162, 
Toba, Honsu Island; USNM 151662, Mikawa Bay; 
USNM 22593, Awa; USNM 71343, Tsurunga; USNM 
71291, Shimizu; USNM 71348, Kaygoshima; USNM 
59669, Yamagawa; USNM 151811, Toba market; 
USNM 152510, Nagano Prefecture. 

Korea, (2); USNM 143407, Fusan. Taiwan (8); WAM 
PO 475, THUP 02372, QM 113276, Taipei; USNM 
76635, USNM 76636, Takao. China (5); USNM 87031, 
Foochow; USNM 130530, Ningpo, Chekiang; USNM 
130476, Tsingtao, Shantung; USNM 86101, Wen-chou. 
East Asia, USNM 37984, no locality. 


Dorsal fins XI, 1, 21-23; anal fin II, 22-24; 
total vertebrae 35 (8-9 modified vertebrae 
overlapping posterior extension of swimbladder), 

Swimbladder with anterior projecting extensions 
and a single posterior extension. 



(Based on 24 examples from Japan. SL 103-208 

Dorsal fins XI, 1, 21-23; anal fin If, 22-24 
(Table 43). Lateral line scales 70-73 (Table 44). 
TR. 5-6 above, 8-10 below, 3 scales between L. 
lat- and spinous dorsal fin origin. Cheek scales in 
2 rows, Upper row usually cycloid. Lower row 
with cycloid and ctenoid scales. 

Proportional dimensions as percent of SL 
(modal frequency within parentheses): Greatest 
depth of body [5-19 (17-18); head length 26-29 
(27); snout tip to ventral fin origin 28-32 (29); 
snout tip to spinous dorsal fin ongin 31-36 (33); 
snout tip to second dorsal fin origin 53-58 (56); 
snout tip to anal fin origin 53-57 (56); least depth 
of caudal peduncle 6-8 (7). 

Proportional dimensions as percent of head: 
Length of snout 34-42 (37); horizontal diameter 
of eye 19-25 (20); least width of interorbital 18-22 

VERTEBRAE: 14+86-9+ 12-13, 14 abdominal, 
21 caudal, total 35 (Table 45). 

CoLoUR IN ALCOHOL: (from Tomiyama and 
Abe). Body greenish-grey above. the dorsal part 
of the head being the darker, and whitish below; 
anterior and posterior dorsal fins mostly hyaline, 
the membrane between the first and second and 
the second and third dorsal spines having, minute 
dark brown dots; margins of dorsal fins with a 
few dark brown spots; anal and ventral fins 
hyaline; pectoral fins hyaline with the upper 
margin and base dark greenish; caudal whitish 
with dark margins. 

SWIMBLADDER: Postenor extension single, long 
and tapering to a slender point; anterior margin 
of swimbladder with a long median extension 
reaching to, or almost to, the basioccipital, and 
on each side at the anterolateral surface, is a long 
slender anteriorly directed blind tubular extension 
almost as long as the median one (Fig. 11A~-B), 
All specimens examined from Taiwan and Japan 
(9) were as above, the specimens from Korea and 
China were not examined, identification in the 
latter examples was from vertebrae counts and 
external characters. 

No geographic variation was observed. 

Japan, Korea, China and Taiwan. 
Nogusa (1951, 1960) has described the 

chromosomes and Ueno and Fujita (1954) the 

development of ithe egg; both authors referring 
the species to Sillago sihama, 

Sillago japonica 1s the common whiting of 
Japan, occurring in bays on shallow sandy flats. 
Tt attains at least 22 cm in length. 


Sillago japonica is externally very similar to 
Sillago sihama and has been frequently confused 
with the latrer species. Positive identification is 
afforded by the shape of the swimbladder and the 
vertebrae count. Cranial osteology, otoliths and 
hypural plate morphology also permits the 
identification of S. japonica. | have examined 
only two species from Japanese waters, S. 
parvisquamis and 8. japonica. 1 suspect that a 
third species may be discovered by trawling 

Sillage asiatica sp, nov. has been confused with 
Sillago japonica ; the two species are sympatric in 
Taiwan. The swimbladder morphology and 
vertebrae counts allows the two species to be 
readily identified. 



Dorsal rays21 21 2L 22 22 22 23 

Anal rays 22 23 2 22 23 24 23 24 
Japan i ol 1 7 so 10 1 
Korea - - ~ ~ 2 ~ - 
China - - - - 3 - 1 
Taiwan - 1 - 2 4 < > 


Lateral Line 

Scales 68 69 70 7! 72 #73 «74 
Japan ~ - 9 18 7 ! 
Korea - - ~ 1 1 - - 
China - - - 2 - - - 
Taiwan 1 - - - — ! - 


Abdominal i4 14 

Modified 9 8 

Caudal 12 13 

Japan 9 4 

China 1 - 

Taiwan 2 - 


Sillago (Parasillago) ingenuua new species 
Bay Whiting 
(Fig. 8C, 14P) 

Sillago argentifasciata, Shao and Chang, 1978, p. 9; 
1979, pp. 695-705 Dutt and Sujatha, 1980, p. 
371-375 (non Sillago argentifasciata Martin and 


Types: Holotype: SL 142 mm, collected form 
Chantaburi Gulf of Thailand, May 1975, explosives, 
forwarded by Mr T. Wongratana. Deposited in the 
collection of the Marine Fisheries Laboratory, 
Department of Fisheries, Bangkok, Thailand. 

ParATyPEs: QM [12916 (14) data as above. 
Deposited in the Queensland Museum. 

OTHER MATERIAL: QM_ 116750-56, 116796-815, 
Torres Straits, 1974. 


Dorsal fins XI, 1, 17; anal fin Il, 17; lateral line 
scales 66-70; no black spot on pectoral base; 
swimbladder with a short median anterior 
extension and about 5 small pointed anterolateral 
projections (Fig. 8C); no wide distinct silvery 
lateral band; 13 abdominal vertebrae; cheek 
scales ctenoid. 


(Based on the holotype and 14 paratypes SL 
105-158 mm. Characters for holotype given in 

Dorsal fins XI, 1, 17 (XI, 1, 17); anal fin II, 17 
(II, 17); lateral line scales 66-70 (69). TR. 3-4 
above 8-9 below (4/9). Cheek scales in 2-3 rows 
(3) all ctenoid. 

Proportional dimensions as percent of SL: 
Greatest depth of body 16-20 (18); head length 
27-29 (27) snout tip to ventral fin origin 28-32 
(29); snout tip to spinous dorsal fin origin 32-34 
(33); snout tip to second dorsal fin origin 55-57 
(57); snout tip to anal fin origin 54-58 (55); least 
depth of caudal peduncle 6-8 (7). 

Proportional dimensions as percent of head: 
Length of snout 37-42 (37); horizontal diameter 
of eye 19-23 (23); least width of interorbital 19-20 

VERTEBRAE: 13-9-11 (3), 13-10-10 (3), 
13-11-9 (1); 13+9-11+9-11; 13 abdominal, 20 
caudal; total 33. 

COLOUR IN ALCOHOL: Head and body pale 
sandy brown to light fawn; no conspicuous mid- 
lateral silvery band; no dark spot at base of 
pectoral fin; all fins hyaline. The opercles are 
almost translucent and the dark brown inner 
surface shows through. Tip of snout dark in some 

SWIMBLADDER: A short median anterior 
extension is present in the 10 specimens examined, 
but appears to be longer in the larger individuals; 
five short, pointed anterolateral projections are 
present, the anterior two on each side projecting 
almost laterally, the posterior ones pointing 
posteriolaterally; a single tapering posterior 
extension; a poorly developed duct-like process is 
present ventrally. 


Known from the Gulf of Thailand, Taiwan, 
Northern Australia and India. 


Sillago ingenuua resembles Sillago lutea in 
appearance and like the latter species may not 
attain a large size. The fin ray counts and lateral 
line scale counts agree to some extent with those 
of Sillago argentifasciata, but the absence of a 
well defined silvery mid-lateral band, the ctenoid 
upper cheek scales, and the smaller eye of Sillago 
ingenuua suggests that both species are distinct. 
The swimbladder of this new species resembles 
that of S. ciliata and S. analis, but the lateral line 
scale count differs from both species and the 
vertebrae count if quite distinct. The frontal bone 
arches are considerably narrower than those of S. 
ciliata and S. analis, and the suborbital shelf is of 
very different shape. 


From the latin ‘ingenuus’ meaning free-born, 
in reference to Thailand. 

The peritoneum of S. ingenuua is black-brown; 
S. lutea has the peritoneum pale, with scattered 
black dots or speckled areas. 

Sillago (? Parasillago) microps new species 
Small-eyed Whiting 

Hovortype: SL 170 mm, collected by D.K. Lawless, 
Taipei Market, Taiwan, registered USNM 208326 in the 
United States National Museum. 

PARATYPE: SL 198 mm, registered USNM 208327, 
data as above. 


Dorsal fin XI, 1, 19; anal fin II, 19; a small eye 
(14-16% head length); vertebrae 13-5-16; cheek 
scales cycloid. 


(Based on the holotype and_ paratype. 
Characters of the holotype given in parentheses). 


Dorsal fins (XI, 1, 19) XI, 1, 19; anal fin (II, 
19) II, 19. Lateral line scales (68) 69. 5 scales 
between L. lat. and spinous dorsal fin origin. 
Cheek scales in 2 rows, all cycloid. 

Proportional dimensions as percent of SL: 
Greatest depth of body (18.3) 16.7; head length 
(27.0) 27.8; snout tip to ventral fin origin (29.4) 
30.8; snout tip to spinous dorsal fin origin (34.7) 
35.4; snout tip to second dorsal fin origin (56.5) 
58.0; snout tip to anal fin origin (56.5) 57.5; least 
depth of caudal peduncle (5.9) 6.6. 

Proportional dimensions as percent of head: 
Length of snout (40.2) 43.6; horizontal diameter 
of eye (16.0) 14.0; least width of interorbital 
(15.6) 15.4. 

Eye diameter as percent of snout length (37.8) 

VERTEBRAE: 13 abdominal, 5 modified, 16 
caudal; 13+21; total 34, 

COLOUR IN ALCOHOL: Body very pale brown, 
darker above, belly white; faint longitudinal pale 
brown lines on lower sides; a_ longitudinal 
greenish-grey mid-lateral band below lateral line; 
fins translucent, the spinous dorsal with a dusting 
of fine brown spots. 


This new species is known only from the 
holotype and one paratype from Taiwan, 
collected with two specimens of  Sillago 
parvisquamis, and one specimen of Sillago 
sihama. The cranial osteology and swimbladder 
structure is unknown at present. 

In reference to the small eye. 

Sillago (Parasillago) vincenti McKay 

Estuarine Whiting 
(Figs. 4B, 12B, 13E, 14C) 

Sillago vincenti McKay, 1980, pp. 378-381, Fig. 1A-C 
(Kavanad near Neendakara, Kerala State, India). 


HouoryPe: T116, SL 207 mm, Mandapam Camp, 

PARATYPES: AMS _ 1.21423-001 (1), CMFRI (4), 
USNM (2), WAM P26850-001 (1), Mandapam Camp 
(10); Kavanad, Kerala State, India. ANSP 143065 (2), 
BPBM 22899 (4), BM 1980.4.2.1 (1), CAS 45628 (2), 
CMERI (31 defleshed), MNNH 1980-1121 (1), NSMT - 
P18653 (1), QM 117299 (2) IO 17778 -9 (otoliths), RUSI 
(1), UMMZ 205336 (1), Mandapam Camp (10); Cochin, 
Kerala State, India. 


Body uniformly coloured, second dorsal fin 
spotted; anal fin I] 22-24. Swimbladder with a 

single posterior extension, a short bulbous 
projection anteriorly with one to three 
anterolateral lobate or recurved projections; no 
tubular extensions anteriorly. 


Dorsal fins XI, 1, 21-23; anal fin Il, 22-24 (see 
Table 46). Lateral line scales 70-74 (see Table 47). 
TR. 5-6 above, 13-14 below. Cheek scales in 2 
rows all cycloid. 

Proportional dimensions as percent of SL: 
Greatest depth of body 16-20; head length 26-29; 
snout tip to ventral fin origin 26-30; snout tip to 
spinous dorsal fin origin 31-35; snout tip to 
second dorsal fin origin 52-55; snout tip to anal 
fin origin 54-55; least depth of caudal peduncle 

Proportional dimensions as percent of head: 
Length of snout 40-46; horizontal diameter of eye 
17-22; least width of interorbital 16-19. 

VERTEBRAE: 14 abdominal, 4-6 precaudal, 
14-16 caudal; 14+ 20, total 34 (see Table 48). 

COLOUR IN ALCOHOL: Body light olive above; 
belly whitish; margins of scales darker; spinous 
dorsal hyaline with the tip of membranes dusky or 
blotched; soft dorsal hyaline with 5-7 rows of 
blackish spots; anal fin whitish. 

COLOUR IN LIFE: Body and head sandy to light 
olive above, scale margins darker, sides silvery 
with a golden tinge, belly white; head with a 
deeper golden tinge, the snout, preorbital and 
suborbital areas translucent, showing the golden 
surface on the lachrimal and suborbitals below; 
the ventral surface transparent to translucent with 
a pink hue. Eye with a silver iris, somewhat 
golden on the outer surface, snout tip dusky and 
the frontal bones outlined with darker 
pigmentation; opercle yellowish-gold. Pectoral 
fin base yellow to gold. Ventral fins white with 
yellowish tips. Spinous dorsal fin hyaline with the 
tip of the membranes dusky and blotched with 
irregular areas of very fine dust-like black spots; 
rayed dorsal fin hyaline to pale white 5-7 rows of 
blackish spots that may become somewhat 
confluent in large examples. Anal fin hyaline to 
milk-white with white or yellowish tips. Caudal 
fin hyaline to dusky with the lower lobe and 
posterior margin darker in some specimens. Sides 
of body without a well defined silvery lateral 

SWIMBLADDER: The anterior extremity has a 
very short bulbous projection with one to three 
anterolateral lobate or recurved projections (Fig. 
12B). The posterior postcoelomic extension is 
single and tapers to a point; a duct-like process is 


present on the ventral surface and continues to 
the vent. 


Estuarine areas of Kerala State, India. 

McKay (1980) reported females of 250 to 277 
mm running ripe in late January to early 

February. It occurs with Sillago  sihama 
apparently in mixed schools on muddy substrates. 

This species is very similar in external 
morphology to Sillago sihama. A dissection of the 

posterior part of the swimbladder is required for 
field identification. 


Dorsal rays 21 21 22, 22» 92 23 (23. <23 
Anal rays 22 23 22 23 24 #=‘.22 23 + 24 

Kerala State 2 1 26 0«31 3 1 9 1 


Lateral Line Scales 70 71 72 73 74 
Kerala State 4 31 25 ll 3 

Abdominal 14 14 14 14 

Modified 4 5 6 4 
Caudal 16 15 14 17 
Kerala State 1 15 2 1 

Genus Sillaginodes Gill, 1861. 

Sillaginodes Gill, 1861, type by original designation 
Sillago punctata Cuvier, 1829. 


Dorsal spines XII to XIII, dorsal rays 25 to 27; 
anal fin with II spines and 21 to 24 rays; lateral 
line scales 129 to 147; swimbladder with a 
posterior extension but no duct-like process to the 
urogenital aperture; vertebrae 42 to 44. One 

Sillaginodes punctata (Cuvier) 
King George or Spotted Whiting 
(Fig. 5C, 12F, 13X, 14S, 16) 
Sillago punctata Cuvier, in Cuvier and Valenciennes, 
1829, p. 413 (Port King George). Quoy and 
Gaimard, 1834, pp. 671-2, pl. 1, fig. 1. Giinther, 


1860, p. 245. Schmeltz, 1869, p. 16; 1879, p. 44. 
Castelnau, 1872, p. 93. Klunzinger, 1879, p. 370. 
Macleay, 1881, p. 201. Waite, 1904, p. 31; 1921, p. 
100, fig. 152. Stead, 1906, p. 574; 1908, p. 66, pl. 
36. McCulloch, 1921, p. 60. Fowler, 1930, p. 654. 
Roughley, 1951, p. 49, pl. 17. Parrott, 1959, p. 

Sillaginodes punctata: Gill, 1861, p. 505. 

Sillaginodes punctatus: McCulloch, 1927, p. 50, pl. 21, 
fig. 183a. Waite, 1928, p. 7. Fowler, 1933, pp. 
431-2. Sandars, 1945, p. 107. Whitley, 1948, p. 19; 
1955, p. 331; 1962, p. 105; 1964, p. 43. Scott, 1962, 
pp. 186-7. 

Isosillago maculata Macleay, 1879, p. 34, pl. 4, fig. 3 
(King George Sound). 

Isosillago punctata: McCulloch, 1911, pp. 59-60. 


Types: Sillago punctata Cuvier. A radiograph of the 
two syntypes registered A.3148 in the Museum National 
d’Histoire Naturelle, Paris, forwarded by Dr M. Blanc, 
shows the vertebrae to number 21-6-17 and 21-7-16. 
The largest specimen approximately 285 mm in total 
length is here designated lectotype. 

Isosillago maculata Macleay. The location of the type 
specimens are unknown, Stanbury (1969) makes no 
mention of the types, and they are not listed in the 
collection of the Australian Museum. McCulloch (1911, 
p. 60) made an examination of the types and states ‘I 
find that the number of spines and rays in the dorsal and 
anal fins are incorrectly stated in the original 
description. There are thirteen spines in the first dorsal 
and one spine and twenty-four or five rays in the 
second; the anal has twenty-four spines and rays in all. 
In these and all other characters they agree with Sillago 

punctata, Cuv. and Val.,........ z 

OTHER MATERIAL: Western Australia (53); WAM PO 
4, Mandurah; WAM P7197, Bussleton; WAM P7898, 
Denmark; WAM PO 71, Frenchmans Bay, Albany; 
WAM PO 73-91, Oyster Harbour, Albany; WAM 
P15030, Oyster Harbour, Albany; WAM P15684-712, 
Albany. South Australia (121); WAM PO 225-39, 
Denial Bay, Ceduna; WAM P15384-422, Baird Bay; 
WAM P15643-53, Port Lincoln; WAM PO 246-63, 
Port Lincoln; WAM P15345-51, Dutton Bay; SAM 
F1874-5, Cowell; SAM F1894 (2), F1899 (2), F1903 (2), 
F1905 (2), F1925 (3), Shallowwater Point (Shoalwater 
Point); WAM _ P15494-504, Port Augusta; SAM 
F1861-2 (2), F1928 (3), Wallaroo; SAM F1927 (2), near 
Moonta. Victoria (31); WAM PO 642-53, Port Phillip 
Bay; WAM PO 736-46, San Remo; WAM PO 802-9, 
Port Franklin. 

A large species with 129-147 lateral line scales. 



(Based on 35 examples from Oyster Harbour, 
near King George Sound, Albany, Western 
Australia. SL 223-268 mm), Total known 
variation within parentheses (see Tables 49, 50), 

Dorsal fins XII-XIII, 1, 25-27 (MN-XI1I, 1, 
25-27); anal fin 11, 21-23 (II, 21-24). Lateral line 
seales 129-141 (129-147) (usually 134-139), TR. 
13-17 above, 16-20 below, 8-10 scales between 
the L. Jat, and spinous dorsal origin. Cheek scales 
in 6-8 rows, the anterior scales cycloid, the 
posterior scales ctenoid. 

Proportional dimensions as percent of SL: 
Greatest depth of body 14-18; head length 24-26; 
snoul tip to ventral fin origin 26-29; snout tip to 
spinous dorsal fin origin 30-32; snout tip to 
second dorsal fin origin 49-52; snout lip (o anal 
fin origin 57-60; least depth of caudal peduncle 

Proportional dimensions as percent of head; 
Length of snout 40-45; horizontal diameter of eye 
17-21; least width of interorbital 13-16. 

VERTEBRAE: 20-23 abdominal, 5-7 modified, 
14-18 caudal; 20-23 + 21-23, total 42-44 (Table 

COLOUR IN ALCOHOL; Pale golden-brown, 
erevish-brown, or dark olive-green above; 
whitish, pale brown or silvery below with 
reflections of mauve, blue and green when fresh; 
back and upper sides with oblique rows of small 
round dark brown to rusty-brown spots, lower 
sides with open-spaced rather scattered round 
dark spots: belly white, without spots; dorsal fins 
uniform dark greenish-brown to light brown 
sometimes spotted with darker brown; anal fin, 
pectorals. and ventrals pale brown to hyaline; 
caudal greenish to brownish, finely dusted with 

SWIMBLADDER: Very elongate with a single 
slender tapering posterior extension; lwo 
anterolateral extensions or horns project 
anteriorly; anterior part of the swimbladder is 
bound to the abdominal cavity by short collagen 
fibres; no duct-like process to the urogenital 
aperture is present. Cuvier (1829) states 
incorrectly that the rear of the swimbladder is 


No geographic variation was encountered, 
Sandars (1945, p. 107) found that S. punctate was 
host to two species of monogenetic parasites, 
Microcotyle parasillaginae and M., sillaginae and 
stated ‘Although the two parasites are very closely 
related, they are certainly different species, bul 

whereas M, sillaginge occurs only on fish from 
Victorian waters, M, purasillaginae is from fish 
from Western Australian waters’. The 
distribution of both parasites may be of value in 
delimiting two populations of S. puncrata for 
closer study. 


Jurien Bay, Western Australia southwards 
along the southern coast of Western Australia, 
South Australia and Victoria. Ogilby (1893, p. 99} 
records this species as occasionally reaching as far 
north as Port Jackson, N.S.W. 


Juveniles are common in tidal estuaries and 
creeks, particularly those which flow into semi- 
enclosed bays and coastal ‘lakes’. The juveniles 
appear to be most abundant on Zostera and 
Posidonia seaweed banks in shallow sheltered 
areas, Moving oul into the deeper water of the 
bays at a size of about 10 cm. Large catches of 
small fish of 10-20 em are made in the sheltered 
areas of large bays, especially during the summer 
months, the larger fish although present 
throughout the bay, are concentrated in deeper 
water of | to 10 fathoms, generaily in sand gutters 
or adjacent to banks. The largest adults observed 
are normally solitary fish in deeper water of 7 to 
10 fathoms where they are associated with broken 
bottom, weedbanks or sand gutters. The offshore 
range of the species is not known; adult fish are 
taken along the coastal beaches and may enter 
estuaries in considerable numbers during March 
in Western Australia, Adult females with 
developed ovaries are rarely netted in shallow 
water but have been captured by spearfishermen 
in 3 to 5 fathoms in coastal bays and offshore 
waters in south-western Western Austraba. 

Maximum weight attained is about 10 Ibs. Scott 
(1962) reports that this fish can atain a length in 
excess of 70cm. One 9 Ib, fish was taken by spear 
at Triggs Island, Western Australia, 

Important commercial fisheries are developed 
in St. Vineent and Spencer Gulfs, at Kangaroo 
Island, and the west coast bays to Ceduna, South 
Australia. Smaller fisheries occur in Victoria, and 
at Albany and Bunbury, Western Australia. 

Genus Sillaginapsis Gill 

Sillaginopsis Gill, t84l, p. S05, type by original 
designation. Sillaggo dominu Cuvier, 1824 
(= Chetlodipjerus panijus Hamillon ~ Buchanan, 

Sillaginichihys Blecker, 1874, p. 63, type by original 
designation. Sillggo dumina Cuvier, 142%, 




Dorsal rays 25 25 25 £26 

Anal rays 21 #22 #23 21 

Western Australia 4 5 - 1 

South Australia 5 16 3 3 

Victoria - 3 L - 


2 27 27 «27 
23 #22 23 #2 
Svar ye 
“M+. 2 | 
4 1 2 — 


Lateral line seales 128 130 132) #134) 136) «©138) «©1400 «142 «144 (146 

129 131 133° 135 137) «1390 6141) 143)«(«145)—147 
Western Australia L 3 - 6 8 5 3 ~ - - 
South Australia ] 6 6 8 14 7 2 2 - 
Victoria - = 1 2 = 1 1 i] 2 
Abdominal 20 21 2) #2) 21 21 #2 062f062k)6 62206 6220622062206 622 «O22 SB 
Precaudal 6 5 =} 5 6 6 7 7 7 5 5 6 6 7 7 6 
Caudal 17 16 17 18 16 17 14 15 16 16 \7 15 16 l4 15 15 
Western Australia - - - - 3 1 - 3 2 2 - 2 Jl 1 1 1 
South Australia 1 = z 2 4 - 1 2 1 5 3 4 1 - 2 - 
Victoria - 1 - - i 3 - I 2 2 3 5 ] 3 - - 
DIAGNOSIS Sillaginopsis panijus, Fowler, 1933, pp, 432-3. Palekar 

Head much depressed; eyes small and partly 
covered by the constricted orbits; mouth small 
with the lower jaw shorter than the upper; teeth 
villiform, in bands on jaws and vomer, the outer 
row of teeth in the jaws slightly enlarged, with the 
two anterior-most teeth in the upper jaw larger 
than the remainder. Scales small, the lateral line 
with 84 to 90 scales. Dorsal fins with 10 spines, 
the second filamentous, and 25 to 27 rays; anal 
fin with 2 spines and 24 to 27 rays. Branchiostegal 
rays 5 or 6. Swimbladder absent or vestigial. 
Vertebrae 15+27=42. One species. 

Sillaginopsis panijus (Hamilton-Buchanan) 

Gangetic or Flathead Whiting 
(Figs. 5D, 13Y-Z, 14R, 16) 

Cheilodipterus panijus (Hamilton-Buchanan, 1822, pp. 
57, 367 (Ganges estuaries). Day, 1876, p. 315. 
Sillago domina Cuvier, in Cuvier and Valenciennes, 
1829, p. 415, pl. 69 (Pondicherry). Swainson, 1838, 
p. 205. Cantor, 1850, p. 1003, Bleeker, 1853, p. 34; 
1859, p. 167. Gunther, 1860, p. 246. Day, 1869, p. 
299; 1876, p. 315; 1878, p, 264, pl. 58, fig. 3; 1888, 
p. 791. Lloyd 1907, p. 228. Mookerjee, Ganguly 
and Mazumdar, 1946, p. 564. 

Sillaginopsis domina, Gill, 1861, p. 505. Fowler, 1930, 
p. 654. 

and Bal, 1955, p. 128. Misra, 1962, pp. 231-2. Dutt 
and Sujatha, 1980, pp. 371-374. 
Sillago panijus, Day, 1876, p. 
Krishnayya, 1963, pp. 391-412. 

315 footnote. 


Types: Cheilodipterus panijus Hamilton Buchanan, 
Location of holotype unknown. 

Sillago domina Cuvier. Holotype dried skin registered 
A5450 in the Museum National D’Histoire Naturelle, 
Paris. No vertebrae count is possible. 

OrHerR MATERIAL: WAM P15370-9 (15) Bay of 
Bengal. SOSC 4 (5), Lat. 21°52'N, Long. 91°36'E. 


Dorsal fins X, 1, 26-27; anal fin I, 24-26; 
lateral line scales 84-88; total vertebrae 42; head 
greatly depressed, eye very small. 


(Based on 10 examples from the Bay of Bengal 
SL 95-293 mm), 

Dorsal fins, X, 1, 26-27; anal fin I], 24-26. 
Lateral line scales 84-88, TR. 6 above, 13 below, 
6-7 scales between L. lat. and spinous dorsal 
origin. Cheek scales in 3-4 rows, cycloid and 
ctenoid (mostly ctenoid, but some cycloid scales 
on all examples). 


Proportional dimensions as percent of SL 
(modal frequency within parentheses). Greaiest 
depth of body 14-16 (14-15); head length 28-30 
(29); snout tip to ventral fin origin 30-33 (31); 
snout tip to spinous dorsal fin origin 31-34 (33); 
snout tip ta second dorsal fin origin 45-47 (47); 
snout tip to anal fin origin 51-54 (54); least depth 
of caudal peduncle 6, 

Proportional dimensions as percent of head: 
Length of snout 40-43 (43); horizontal diameter 
of eye 3-11 (7), aspecimen of 95 mm was 10.7, all 
others were less than 7.4; least width of 
interorbital 14-18 (18), 

VERTEBRAE: 15 abdominal, 27 caudal, total 42. 

SWIMBLADDER: No swimbladder was observed, 
although Cuvier (1929) states ‘The air bladder 
appears like a silvery dot, the size of a pin-head, 
suspended above the base of the stomach in a 
transparent and very thin membrane’. No 
aecessory duct. 

COLOUR IN ALCOHOL: Body light brown above, 
paler to whitish below. Fins pale brownish with a 
light dusting of fine black spots. 


Pondicherry northwards along the Coromandel 
coast, Ganges delta, Burma, southwards to 

Malaysia and rarely to the [ndonesian 

Sillaginopsis panijus attains a length of 44 cm, 
and is a commercially important fish captured by 
nets and longlines in the Hooghly and Ganges 
delta. Krishnayya (1963) studied the otoliths and 
size-age compositions of ihe commercial catches 
from the Hooghly estuary and arrived at the 
conclusion that S. panijus probably spawns twice 
a year during the months November ta February 
and August to September and the juveniles 
migrate towards the upper reaches during March 
and April and during December where they 
remain for two to three months, Sexual maturity 
is attained ata length of about 120 mm. Cuvier 
(1829) found numerous small fishes and crustacea 
in the gut contents. Mookerjee, Ganguly and 
Mazumdar (1946) recorded the gut contents of 10 
specimens and found them to be feeding primarily 
on crustacea, algae, and fish. 


The small eyes, flatrened head, [filamentous 
second dorsal spine, and the lack of a 
swimbladder suggests demersal adaptation to 
muddy water conditions. Fowler (1933) placed 
this species in a Separate subfamily 

Sillagmopsinae, a procedure not adopted in this 

Dorsal rays 26 26 26 #27 #27 
Anal rays 24 #25 2% 25 26 
Bay of Bengal 1 9 ! ! 3 
Lateral line scales 84 85 86 8&7 88 
Bay of Bengal 5 | 4 L 2 

1 wish to express my appreciation to the large 
number of colleagues who assisted me in 
providing specimens for study or who through 
friendly discussion encouraged me to continue 
this revision (abbreviations refer to institutions 
and are listed above). Dr T. Abe, Tokaiku 
Fisheries Research Laboratories, Tokyo; Dr G.R. 
Allen, WAM: Dr R.M. Bailey, University of 
Michigan; Dr M. Blanc, MNHN; Mr B.K. 
Bowen, Western Australian State Fisheries and 
Wildlife Department; Mr B. Campbell, QM; Mr 
N.J. Cross, Western Australia; Dr W.N. 
Eschmeyer, CAS; Dr T.H. Fraser, USNM: Dr 
W.C. Freihofer, SU; Dr R.W, George WAM; Dr 
A.J. Gilmour, Fisheries and Wildlife 
Department, Victoria; Mr D.L, Grey, Fisheries 
Department, Northern Territory; Dr M. Hayashi, 
Yokosuka City Museum, Japan; Dr C.L, Hubbs, 
Scripps Institution of Oceanography; Mr B. 
Hutchins, WAM; Dr H.. [da, University of 
Tokyo; Mrs P. Kailola, FRSK; Dr L.W. Knapp, 
SOsC; Dr E,A. Lachner, USNM; Mr R. 
Lenanton, Western Australian Fisheries 
Laboratories; Mr J.L. Maclean, Queensland; Dr 
B, Malcolm, State Fisheries Laboratories, 
N.S.W.; Mrs L. Marsh, WAM; Dr A,.G.K. 
Menon formerly of ZSIC; Mr R. Moore, DASF, 
Daru, Papua New Guinea; Mr 1.S.R,. Munro, 
CSIRO; Dr |. Nakamura, Kyoto University, 
Japan; Dr J. Nielsen, UZMK; Dr G.B. Ocampa, 
Philippines; Mr OD. Oelrichs, Tewantin, 
Queensland; Dr Y. Okada, Fisheries Research 
Laboratories, Tokai University, Japan; Dr D. 
Pathansali, Malaysia; Dr J, Paxton, AM; Mr R, 
Plummer, Western Australia; Dr M.R. Qureshi, 
Pakistan; Dr J.E. Randall, Bernice P. Bishop 
Museum, Hawaii; Dr W,D.L. Ride, formerly of 


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ares Tra cree 

ou = 

ee aetna rics 
% MMT 
‘nu Nn 

> cau i at 1 t 


Fic. 1. A. Sillago (Parasillago) ciliata showing modified caudal yertebrae overlying the posterior extension of the 
swimbladder and the tubular duct-like process arising from the ventral surface of the swimbladder. B. Modified 

ventral fin of Sillago (Sillaginopodys) chondropus. 


Fic. 2, A. Sillago (Sillaginopodys) chondropus Bleeker (from Bleeker). B. Si/lago (Sillago) sihama (Forskal). C. 
Sillago (Sillago) intermedius Wongratana (from Wongratana). D. Sillago (Sillago) parvisquamis Gill (from 
Tanaka). E. Sillago (? Sillago) megacephalus Lin (from Lin). 


Fic, 3. A. Sillago (Parasillago) ciliata Cuvier (from Grant). B. Sillago (Parasillago) analis Whitley (from Grant). 
C. Sillago (Parasillago) maculata maculata Quoy and Gaimard (from Grant). D. Sillago (Parasillago) maculata 
burrus Richardson (from Richardson). E. Sillago (Parasillago) maculaia aeolus Jordan and Evermann (from 
Martin and Montalban). 


Fic, 4. A. Sillago(Parasillago) bassensis bassensis Cuvier (modified from Quoy and Gaimard) B. Sillago 
(Parasillago) vittata sp. nov. C. Sillago (Parasillago) robusta Stead (from Grant). D. Sillago (Parasillago) 
schomburgkii Peters (from Scott). E. Sillago (Parasillago) macrolepis Bleeker (from Bleeker). 


BAS . i 



Fic. 5, A. Sillago argentifasciata Martin and Montalban (from Martin and Montalban). B. Sillago (Parasillago) 
japonica (from Bleeker). C. Sillaginodes punctata (Cuvier) (from Quoy and Gaimard). D. Sillaginopsis panijus 
(Hamilton-Buchanan) (from Day). E. swimbladder of Sillago indica. 


(ei Bee er APA 
OO Sse aye Rens BSED ERE 

Fic. 7, Swimbladders of A. Sillago parvisquamis. B. Sillago maculata maculata. 


[icin eeieonmanasatessliee ss 


Fic. 8. Swimbladders of A. Sillago intermedius (after Wongratana). B. Sillago chondropus. C Sillago ingenuua 
(anterior half only). 




rT, eas 
LZ )— 
/> eae 
/ raed 
4 ( S| 
a . 
g a wee =. 
~—) Lomas, ee 
SN) “ia, — 

Fic. 9. Swimbladders of A-D. Sillago analis. E-H. Sillago ciliata. 1-L. Sillago bassensis flindersi. 


- >. A in eee 
ae ied oe heal 


Fic. 10. Swimbladders of A. Sillago maculata aeolus. B. Sillago maculata burrus. C. Sillago vittata. D. Sillago 
lutea. E. Sillago asiatica. 






- H - J 
D-F. Sillago robusta (Western 

C. Sillago schomburgkii. 

Fic. 11. Swimbladders of A-B. Sillago japonica. 
Australia). G-J. Sillago robusta (Queensland). 





Fic. 12. Swimbladders of A. Sillago attenuata. B. Sillago vincenti. C-E. Variation in anterior part of Sillago lutea. 
F Sillaginodes punctata. 



Fic. 13. Dorsal surface (suborbital shelf) of the third suborbital bone (right side) of A. Sillago sihama. B. Sillago 
parvisquamis. C. Sillago attenuata. D. Sillago boutani. E. Sillago vincenti. F,G. Sillago japonica. H,I. Sillago 
lutea. J. Sillago macrolepis. K. Sillago ciliata. L. Sillago analis. M-O. Sillago vittata. P. Sillago maculata 
maculata. Q. Sillago maculata aeolus. R,S. Sillago robusta (New South Wales). T. Sillago robusta (Shark Bay, 

W.A.). U,V. Sillago bassensis bassensis. W. Sillago schomburgkii. X. Sillaginodes punctata. Y,Z. Sillaginopsis 


Fic. 14, Otoliths (right side) of A Sillago sihama, Madras, India. B. Sillago parvisquamis, Taiwan. C. Sillago 
vincenti, India. D,E. Sillago ciliata, Sydney. F. Sillago analis, Shark Bay. G. Sillago maculata maculata, New 
South Wales. H. Sillago maculata burrus, Shark Bay I. Sillago maculata aeolus, Singapore. J. Sillago bassensis 
bassensis, Western Australia. K. Sillago bassensis flindersi, New South Wales. L. Sillago vittata, Shark Bay. M. 
Sillago robusta, New South Wales. N. Sillago robusta, Western Australia. Q. Sillago schomburgkii, Shark Bay. 
P. Sillago ingenuua, Thailand. Q. Sillago japonica, Tokyo. R. Sillaginopsis panijus, Bay of Bengal. S. 
Sillaginodes punctaia, South Australia. 




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© Queensland Museum 
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National Library of Australia card number 
ISSN 0079-8835 

Papers published in this volume and in all previous volumes of the Afemoirs of the 
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A Guide to Authors is displayed at the Queensland Museum web site 

A Queensland Government Project 
Typeset at the Queensland Museum 

Mem, Qd Mus, 22(1): 75—100. [1985] 


Department of Entomology, University of Queensland 


The types of Australian and South Pacific Island Diptera representing 350 nominal species, 
housed in the Queensland Museum collection, are listed. 


The Diptera collection housed in the 
Queensland Museum contains types of 350 
nominal species, represented by 777 specimens. 
These types are from Australia and the South 
Pacific Islands, the latter represented by types of 
$8 nominal species and 93 specimens, Types of 11 
Australian species have not been located, whilst 
13 specimens representing 11 species bear 
erroneous labels, usually ‘Allotype’. 

Families are listed as they appear in Colless and 
McAlpine. 1970 with one or two additions. 
Subfamilies, genera and species are represented 
alphabetically under their original combinations 
without reference to subgenera, incorrect generic 
spellings not being noted. Synonyms are listed as 
they occur and are treated according to the latest 
revision of the group concerned. 

Each taxon is followed by author, year and 
page number of publication, If the current 
accepted combination differs from that originally 
proposed, the revision is listed along with the year 
and page number of publication. Synonyms are 
treated similarly although publication data are 
not presented for the valid taxa. Locality data has 
been stated as it occurs on the labels, but where 
more information is available this is given in 
square brackets. 

The collection contains types designated by 
several early Australian Dipterists, namely 
Hardy, Ferguson, Roberts, Mann and Taylor. Mr 
F. Taylor appears to be the first to deposit types 
in the collection with the deposition in 1913 of a 
number of Tabanidae. 


Gynaplistia wilsonella Alexander, 1930; 126. 

PARATYPE °; D3743; Grampians, Vic., F.E. 

Lechria sublaevis Alexander, 1920: 54. 
HoLoryee *, ALLOTYPE : 17504; Caloundra, 
Qld. These specimens have not been located in 
the collection. 

Limnophila borchi Alexander, 1929a: 486. 
PaRATyPE ¢:; D3744; Millgrove Vic]. (Right 
wing missing). 

Molophilus barretti Alexander, 1929; 328. 
PARATYPE ¢: D3745; Bayswater, Vic., 
20.v.[19}28, F.E, Wilson, (Abdomen and hind 
legs missing). 


Limonia (Thrypticomyia) marksae Alexander, 
1956: 42. 
HoLotTyPe /, ALLOTYyPE ©: T5303-4; Low 
I[sland], N Qfld], 14.8.[19]54, E.N, Marks. A 

paratype 7” has not been located in the 
Subfamily TIPULINAE 

Clytocosmus alexanderi Dobrotworsky, 1968: 

ALLOTYPE \: T6604; [Lamington] National 
Park, Qld, Dec, 1921, H. Hacker. (Four legs 

Dolichopeza brevifurca queenslandica Alexander, 
1920: 55. 
(= Dolichopeza (Doalichopeza) queenslandice 
Alexander after Dobrotworsky, 1974c: 21). 
HoLotyre 7: Oxley, [near Brisbane], Qld. 
This specimen has not been located in the 

Habromastix parallela Alexander, 1920; 58. 
(= Leptotarsus (Habromastix) — parallelus 
(Alexander) alter Dobrotworsky, 1974a: 21). 
HoLorype -: T7498; Brisbane, [Qld], H. 
Hacker. (Genitalia mounted on a slide), 

Habromastix terrae-reginae Alexander, 1920: 59. 
(=Leptotarsus (Habromastix) terraereginae 
(Alexander) after Dobrotworsky, 1974a: 20). 


Ho.otyee $: 77499; [Brisbane, Qld]. (This 
specimen is in poor condition, with only 2 
femora temaining on the body; a femur and 
tibia is glued to the pin; genitalia mounted on a 

Leptotarsus (Habromastix) 
Dobrotworsky, 1974a: 28. 
HoLotyPe *: 77177; Bulburin State Forest, 
Qld, 27-29 May 1960, S.N. Thorburn. 

Leptotarsus (Habramastix) cunninghamensis 
Dobratworsky, 1974a: 23. 

PARATYPES J] 4; 1 ¢; T7476-7; Cunningham's 


Gap, Qld. 2500'" 5,iv.[19]67, N. 
Leptotarsus (Leptotarsus) Sletcherensis 

Dobrotworsky, 1972: 35. 
PARATYPES 2 “*: T7134-5; Fletcher SE Qld, 
16.1.1969, E. Dahms, 

Leptotarsus lipeneura Alexander, 1920: 57. 

(= Leptotarsus (Psevdoleprotarsus) liponeura 
Alexander after Dobrotworsky, 1972: 38). 
HoLoType -: T7505; Brisbane, [Qld], H. 

Macromashx flavopygialis Alexander, 1920; 60. 
(= Leptotarsus (Phymatopsis) flavopygialis 
(Alexander) after Dobrotworsky, 1974; 11), 
Hotoryee ¢: 17503; Brisbane, [QId], 
23.5.[19]16, H. Hacker. (Antennae and wings 
missing, some legs glued to pin; genitalia 
mounted on a slide). 

Macromastix hackeri Alexander, 1920: 62. 

(= Leptotarsus (Macromastix) hackeri 
(Alexander) after Dobrotworsky, 1974b: 51), 
Ho.otyPe *: 17500; Brisbane, [Qld], H. 
Hacker. (Left wing and most of abdomen 
missing; legs glued to pin). 

Mucromastix tortilis Alexander, 1920: 61, 

(= Leptotarsus (Macromastix) _ tortilis 
(Alexander) after Dobrotworsky. !1974b: 45). 
Ho.oryre *, ALLOTYPE ©: 17502; Brisbane, 
Qld. 1 Jul. 1913, H. Hacker. 


Phlebotomus englishi Tonnoir, 1935: 144. 
SYNTYPE <«: T6071; Yass. N.S.W., Jan-Feb, 
1932, K, English. 

SYNTYPE ©: T6072; same data except Feb-Mar, 


Aedes (Finlaya) alocasicola Marks, 1947: 35, 
PARATYPE *: T8398; Mount Glorious, Q[ld], 
15,3.1943, J.C. Wassell. 

same data except 

Aedes (Finlaya) candidoseutellum Marks, 1947a: 

Paratypes | 7, 1 3: T8401-2; Binna Burra, 
Lamington National Park Q[ld], v.1945, F.A. 

Aedes (Finlaya) zahnicala Marks, 1947: 43. 
PARATYPE *; T8397; Caloundra, Q[ld], 
13.8.[19]45, Perkins & Wassell. 

Aedes (Firlaya) josephinae Marks, 1958: 58. 

PARATYPE 7: T5751: Skull Ck, N Qfldl, 
15.y.1953, E.N. Marks, 
PARATYPE ©: T5752; Cowal Ck, N Q[ld], 

13.yii.1952, Mackerras & Marks. 

Aedes (Finlava) monocellatus Marks, 1948: 14. 
PARATYPES | 74; | ©: T8403-4; Upper Cedar 
Creek [Qld], 14.ix.1943, Wassell & Marks. 

Aedes (Ocklerotatus) calcariae Marks, 1957; 74, 
PARATYPE 7: D5749; Robe, W.A., 
24.9,[19]53, E.W. Lines. 

PARATYPE D5750; same data except 

Aedes (Ochlerotatus) ratcliffei Marks, 1959: 123. 
PARATYPE «: D5761; Gnangara, W.A., 
11.x.1954, F.N. Ratcliffe. 

Aedes (Ochlerotatus) turneri Marks, 1963: 42. 
ALLOTYPE *: T8405; Perth, W.A., 6.9.[19]38, 
A.J. Tumer. 

Anopheles (Anopheles) colledgei Marks, 1956: 

PARATYPES 2 *: D5529-30; Mossman, Q[Id], 
2,7,[19]46, E.N. Marks. (Specimen D5530 is 
represented by a leg whilst the other specimen 
has 4 legs missing). 


Culicoides gladysae Kettle, Elson and Dyce, 1976: 
HoLorypPe =: T7220; Mount Glorious, 30 km 
WNW of Brisbane, Qld. 2.v.1973, D.S. Kettle. 
ALLOTYPE ‘: T7221; same data. 

Contarinia alloteropsidis Harris, 1979: 179. 

HoLotTyrE ¢: 17773: nr Cooktown, Qld, 
4iv.1973, Passlow. 

PARATYPE ‘: 18373; nr Cooktown, Qld, 

PARATYPES 2 ©: T8374-5; Cullen River, Stuart 
Highway, N.T., 26,iii1.1972, Passlow. 

Contarinia bothriochloae Harris, 1979: 175. 
HoLotyPe =: T7770; PARATYPES 1 7, 2 =: 
T8367-9; W of Cooktown, Qld, Passlow. 
Pararypes 2 *, 1 2: T8370-2; Finch Bay, 
Cooktown, Qld, Passlow. 


Contarinia brevipalpis Harris, 1979: 179. 
HOLOTYPE 2: T7774; 10 miles N of Cardwell 
Yellow Waterholes, nr Kennedy, Qld, 
PARATYPES | ¢, 1 2: T8376-7; same data, no 
date, Passlow. 

Contarinia dichanthii Harris, 1979: 176. 
HOLOTYPE 2: 17771; Bullock Ck, [Qld], 
28.11.1973, Passlow. 

PARATYPES 2 ¢, 4 2: T8340-5; same data, no 


PARATYPES 2 2: T8346-7; Warlock Ponds, 
N.T., Passlow. 

PARATYPES 1 4, 1 2: T8348-9; Sof 

Normanton, Qld, Passlow. 
PARATYPE ¢: T8350; Croydon, Qld, 7.iv.1973, 

Contarinia fimbristylidis Harris, 1979: 180. 
HOLOTYPE ©: T7776; Swim Creek [N.T.], 

PARATYPE ¢: T8378; same data. 

Contarinia intrans Harris, 1979: 173. 

HOLOTYPE ¢?: 17768; Cullen River, N.T., 
26.iii.1972, Passlow. 

PARATYPES 2 ¢, 2 2: T8331-4; same data, no 

PARATYPE 2: T8335; 13 mls S of Hayes Ck, 
N.T., 26.ii.1971, T. Passlow. 
PARATYPE &: 18336; Katherine, 
24.iii.[19]71, T. Passlow. 

PARATYPE ¢: T8337; Cullen Riv[er], N.T., 
26.iii.1972, Passlow. 


PARATYPES 2 &: 1T8338-9; Douglas River 

crossing, N.T., 27.iii.1972, T. Passlow. 
Contarinia passlowi Harris, 1979: 178. 

HOLOTYPE 2: 17772; Townsville, Qld. 

27.ii1.1973, Passlow. 

PARATYPE ¢: T8351; W of Townsville, Qld. 
27.ii1.1973, Passlow. 

PARATYPES 1 #, 2 ¢: T8352-4; Townsville, 
[Qld], Passlow. 

PARATYPES 3 ¢, 2 2: T8355-9; Daly Waters, 
N.T., Passlow. 

PARATYPE T8360; Georgetown, Qld, 
PARATYPE 2: T8361; Roper Ponds, N.T., 

Contarinia plumosi Harris, 1979: 172. 
HOLOTYPE °%: T7767; M[oun]t Molloy, Qld, 
4.iv.1973, Passlow. 

PARATYPES 4 2: T8320-23; same data. 
PARATYPE 7: 18324; Daly Waters, N.T., 
17.iii1.1972, Passlow. 
PARATYPE 2: 18325; 
25.iii1.1971, T. Passlow. 

Edith River, N.T., 

PARATYPES 5 2: T8326-30; Katherine, N.T., 
23.iii.1971, T. Passlow. 

Contarinia roperi Harris, 1979: 171. 

HOLOTYPE ¢: T7766; Roper R[i]v[er] R[oa]d, 
[N.T.], 22.iii.1972, Passlow. 
PARATYPES 1 ¢, 4 2: T8314-18; same data. 

Contarinia scirpi Harris, 1979: 180. 

HOLOTYPE ¢?: T7775; Elsey Creek, N.T., 
23.iii1.1972, Passlow. 

PARATYPES 2 ¢, 1 °: T8379-81; same data, no 

Contarinia sehimae Harris, 1979: 173. 
HOLOTYPE &: T7769; Normanton, 
[8.iv.1973], Passlow. 

PARATYPE ¢: T8362; same data. 
PARATYPES 2 2: T8363-4; Edith River, N.T., 
[26.iii.1972], Passlow. 

PARATYPES 2 ?: T8365-6; Katherine, N.T., 
[27.iii.1972], Passlow. 



Arachnocampa (Campara) flava Harrison, 1966: 
HoLotTyPE ¢: T6430; Numinbah, Qld], 
21.4.[19]35, F.A. Perkins. 



Pelecorhynchus mirabilis Taylor, 1917: 513. 
SYNTYPE 2: D2625; Stradbroke Is[lan]d, Qld, 
17 Sept. 1915, (labelled ‘type ©’). 


Exeretoneura angustifrons G. Hardy, 1924a: 458. 
PARATYPE ¢: D3064; Ebor, [N.S.W.], 
8.1.[19]14, A.J. Turner. (Head missing). 


Atherimorpha vernalis occidens G. Hardy, 1927: 
(=Atherimorpha — occidens 
Paramonov, 1962: 166). 
SYNTYPE ¢: T8546; Cradle M[oun]t[ain], Tas., 
3000 ft, 21.1.[19]25. 
SYNTYPE ¢: T8547; same data except 
22.1.[19]25. (Forelegs and left wing missing 
from 18546; both specimens labelled 

Spaniopsis tabaniformis White, 1914: 44. 
SYNTYPE °: D2639; Freycinet’s Pen[insula], 
Tas., 12.4.1914. 

Hardy _ after 



Silvius angusticallosus Taylor, 1919: 44. 
(= Mesomyia (Mesomyia) ptontang (Ricardo) 
alter Mackerras, 1961: 894), 
Hovoryee =: D2632; Stradbroke Island, [Qld]. 
3.12.[19]12, H. Hacker. 

Silyius hackeri Taylor, 1919: 45, 
(= Mesomyia (Lilaea) Iurida (Walker) after 
Mackerras, 1955a: 606). 
HOLOTYPE D2630; [Qld], 
15.11.[19]16, H. Hacker. 

Silvius paraluridus Ferguson and Henry, 1920: 

= Mesomyia (Lilaea) paralurida (Ferguson 

and Henry) after Mackerras, 1955a: 606), 
SYNTYPE /: D2633; Kendall, N.S.W. (labelled 

Silvius stradbroket Taylor, 1917: 519. 
(= Mesomyia ( Lilaea) stradbrokei (Taylor) 
after Mackerras, 1955a: 606). 
Ho.oryee - : 92631; Stradbroke Island, [Qld], 
5.12.[19]13, H. Hacker. 

Silvius vicinus Taylor, 1919; 46, 
(= Mesomyia (Perisilvius) demeijerei (Ricardo) 
after Mackerras, 1961: 861). 
HouLortyPeE - : D2627; Stradbroke Island, [Qld], 
5.12.[19]13, H. Hacker. 



Caenoprosopon hamivni Taylor, 1917: $21. 
(= Ectenopsis (Parasilvius) hamlyni (Taylor) 
after Mackerras, J956: 429). 
HoLotTyreE *: D2629; [Old], 
10.10.[19]16, H. Hacker. 

Diatomineura avripleura Taylor, 1917: 516, 
(= Scaptia (Pseudoscioné) auripleura (Taylor) 
after Enderlein, 1925: 278). 
Syntype ‘: T8396; Stradbroke Is[lanJd, Qld, 
17 Sept. 1915, H. Hacker (Labelled ‘Type *’). 
SYNTYPE ©: D2626; Stradbroke Is[lan]d, Qld, 
17 Sept. 1915, H. Hacker (labelled ‘Type ~’). 

Ectenopsis (Leptonopsis) vittata Mackerras, 
1955: 471. 
PARATYPE >: T5452; Northampton, W-.A., 
18.11.[19]38, A.J, Turner. 

Erephopsis subcontigua Ferguson, 1921; 5. 
(= Scaptia (Pseudoscione) subcontigua 
(Ferguson) after Mackerras, 1960: 109), 
PARATYPE 02624; Deervale, 
Armidale, [N.S.W.], Dec. 

Palimmecomvia celaenospila Taylor, 1917; 518. 
(= Seaptia (Palimmeconivia) — walkeri 
(Newman) atter Mackerras, 1955: 498). 
HoLoTyeE *; 02628; Brisbane, 




18.9.[19]14, H. Hacker (labelled ‘Type *"). 
Scaptia (Scaptia) alpina alpina Mackerras, 1960: 
PARATYPE *: D5686; Alpine Creek, Kiandra, 
[N.S.W.], 8.1.{19]38, Mackerras. 
Scaptia (Pseudoscione) calabyi Mackerras, 1960: 
PARATYPE .: T5688; 6 ml SE of Karragullen, 
W.A,, 27.2.1953, McIntosh and Calaby. 
Scaptia (Pseudoscione) neoconcolor Mackerras, 
1960: 115. 
PARATYPE =: T5689; Kuranda N Q[ld], Dodd. 

Scaptia (Pseudoscione) orientalis Mackerras, 
1960: 89. 
PARATYPE |: T5687; Jervis Bay, [N.S.W,], 4 

Sept. [19]48, E.F. Riek. 

Therevopangonia insolita Mackerras, 1955: 475. 
PARATYPES 2 7: T5450-1; Eradu, W.A., § 
Sept. [19]26, Nicholson, 

Subfamily TABANINAE 

Tabanus australicus Taylor, 1919: 53. 
HoLtotypeE -; D2617; Brisbane, 
23.11L.{19]15, H. Hacker. 

Tabanus brisbunensis Taylor, 1917; 526. 
(= Dasybasis spadix (Taylor) after Mackerras, 
1959: 174). 

Syntype ¢: T2610: Brisbane, [Qld], 
20.9.[19]16, H. Hacker. (labelled ‘Type °’, 
head missing). 

SYNTYPE -: 18384; Brisbane [Qld]. 
27.2,[19]16, H. Hacker. (labelled ‘Type ~’). 

Tabanus confusus Taylor, 1917: 523. 

(= Dasybasis moretonensis (Ferguson and 
Hill) after Mackerras, 1959: 181). 

HouvotyPpe -: D2611; Brisbane, 
6.10.[19]14, H. Hacker. 

Tabanus diemanensis Ferguson, 1921: 25. 

(= Dasyhasis spadix diemanensis (Ferguson) 
after Mackerras, 1959; 175). 

Paratypes 2 |: D3093, T8395; Bream Creek 
[Tas.], 20.2.[19]18, G. Hardy, 



PARATYPE ¢: T8394; same data except 
18.2.(19] 18. 
PARATYPE D2614; same data except 

18.2. [19] 18. 
Tabanus griseus Taylor, 1919: 55, 
(= Dasvbasis clevicallosa (Ricardo) after 
Mackerras, 1959; 170), 
HOLOTYPE D2623; Brisbane, [Qld], 
20.12.[19]17, H. Hacker. (labelled "Type <*). 
Tahanus hackeri Taylor, 1917: 522. 
(= Dasybasis nemopunctata (Ricardo) after 
Mackerras, 1959: 172), 
HoLotypet ©: 02615; Bribie Island], Qld, Jan. 


Tabanus innotatus Ferguson and Henry, 1920: 
(= Dasybasis innotata (Ferguson and Henry) 
after Mackerras, 1959: 183). 
SYNTYPE +: D2622; Kendall, N.S.W. (labelled 
Tabanus latifrons Ferguson, 1921; 19. 
(= Dasvbasis neolatifrons (Ferguson and Hill) 
after Mackerras, 1959: 180). 
PARATYPE <; D3094; Cradle Mloun)t{ain], 
[Tas.], 12.1.[19]17, G.H. Hardy. 
PARATYPE T8393; same data except 
Tabanus ochreoflavus Ferguson and Henry, 
1920; 845. 
(= Dasybasis ochreoflava (Ferguson and 
Henry) after Mackerras, 1959; 173). 
SyntyPE 2: 72612; Kendall, 
31.1.[19]18 (labelled paratype). 
Tabanus parvus Taylor, 1913: 69. 
(= Dasybasis parva (Taylor) after Mackerras, 
1959: 172). 
SYNTYPE jj: D2620; Darwin, 
Strangman (labelled paratype). 
Tabanus pséudoardens Taylor, 1913: 66. 
(= Cydisiomyia pseudoardens (Taylor) after 
Mackerras, 1959: 166), 
SYNTYPE ,: D2619; Port Douglas, [Qld], 1891, 
C.J. Wild (labelled Cotype), 
Tabanus robustus Taylor, 1919; 69, 
(= Dasyhasis cirrus (Ricardo) after Mackerras, 
1959: 177). 
HOLOTYPE D2621; [Qld], 
29,10.[19]17, H. Hacker. 
Tabanus rufoabdominalis Taylor, 1917: 525. 
(= Cydistomyia laticallosa (Ricardo) after 
Mackerras, 1959: 167). 
SYNTYPE 7; 02613; Stradbroke Is[lan]d, [Qld], 
17 Sept. 1915, H. Hacker, (labelled ‘Type 7”). 
SyNTYPE £+ D8385; same data, (labelled ‘Type 


N.T., Dr 


Tabanus silviformis Taylor, 1919: 62. 
HoLoryee ¢: D2618: Stradbroke Island [Qld]. 
3.12.[19]12, H. Hacker. 

Tabanus tasmanicus Ferguson, 1921: 20. 

(= Dasyhasis neocirrus (Ricardo) after 
Mackerras, 1959: 173). 
PARATYPE D2616; Dunalley, [Tas.], 


Subfamily BERTDINAE 

Actina imperfecta G, Hardy, 1932a: 54, 
PARATYPE ¢: T8587; Mapleton, 
26.3.[19]24, H. Hacker. 


PARATYPE ©: D3162; [Lamington] National 
Pfar}k, Qld], 25.10.[19]23, H. Hacker. 
PARATYPE 7: D3162; same data except Dec, 


Altermetoponia flava James, 1968: 155, 
(= Inopus flavus (James) after Bull, 1976: 
HoLotyre =: T6627; ALLOTYPE ‘: T6628; 
PARATYPE 7 T6684; Proserpine. Qld, Apr, 
1967, G. Wilson, 

Archimyza ava Enderlein, 1921: 157, 
(= Chiramyza ava (Enderlein) after G. Hardy, 
1924; 369). 
SYNTYPE +: D2848; Tambourine (= 
Tamborine), [Qld], 2.4.1911, H, Hacker. It 15 
possible this specimen may not have any type 

Stenimas siemmaticalis Enderlein, 1921: 175. 
(= Chiromyza stemmaticalis (Enderlein) after 
G. Hardy, 1924: 368). 
There are 3 * labelled as paratypes in the 
collection which could not have been studied by 
Enderlein and should not be considered as 
types, 3 ~: D2848; [Lamington] National Park, 
Q[Id], Dec. 1921, H. Hacker. 


Damaromyia clivosa G, Hardy, 1931: 128. 
SYNTYPE -: D4729; Brisbane, [Qld], Nov. 
1924, G.H. Hardy. 

SYNTYPES 2 +: D4729; same data except Sept. 

Damaromyia discolor G, Hardy, 1931; 123, 
PARATYPE =: D4727; [Lamington] Nat[ional! 
Plark], Qld. Mar. 1929. 

Subfamily SARGINAE 

Sargus darius G. Hardy, 1932b: 47, 
PARATYPE ©: Tamborine Mountain, Qld. 
PARATYPES 2 =: Dunk Island, Qld. 
Whilst no specimens of this species bearing 
paralype labels have been located, there are 2 
specimens from Dunk Island with a label 
‘Surgus sp. noy.’? and nearby an aparently 
conspecific specimen from Tamborine 
Mountain Without any further labelling. Jt is 
possible these specimens are paratypes, 

Odontomyia carinifacies var. grandimaculata G. 
Hardy, 1920: 56. 
(= Odontomyia grandimaculata Hardy after 
G. Hardy, 1938: 72). 


SYNTYPES 2 *: D3095; Bream Creek,, [Tas.], 
18.2,[19]18, G,H. Hardy (labelled paratype). 
SYNTYPE ‘: D2634; same data. 


Trichaphthalma_ bivitta nigricosta Mackerras, 
1925: 524, 

PARATYPE D306i; Barrington T[o]ps, 
[N.S.W.], Feb. [19]25, Sfydney] U[niversity] 
Zoology] Expfedition). 

Trichophihalma confusa Mackerras, 1925: 521. 
PARATYPE *: D3060; Kendall, N.S.W., 
14.12. [19]19. 

1925; 512, 
PARATYPE ¢: D3054; Hamel, [W.A.]. 

Trichophthalma fusca Mackerras, 1925; 516. 
PARATYPE *: D3056; Port Curtis, [Qld]. 

Trichophthalma harrisoni Mackerras, 1925: 525. 
PARATYPE 7; 013062; Barrington Tfo}ps, 
[NUS.W.], Jan. [19]25, S[ydnev] U[niversity] 
Zoolology] Exp[edition]. 

Trichophthalma intermedia Mackerras, 

Hocoryre 4: D3057; Russell Isfland], [Qld], 
Dec. 1921, H. Hacker. 
ALLOTYPE +: D30457; Stradbroke Island, [Qld], 
3,12.[19]12, H. Hacker. 

Trichophthalma nigrovittata Mackerras, 1925: 

PARATYPES | *, |! =: D3063; Barrington 
Tlolps, [N.S.W.], Feb. [19]25, Sydney] 
U[niversity] Zoollogy] Exp[edition]. 

Trichophthalma punctata orientalis Mackerras, 
1925: 519. 

PARATYPE 7: D3058: Barrington T[op]s, 
[N,S.W.], Jan, [19]25, Sf{ydney] U[niversiry] 
Zooflogy] Exp[edition]. 

costalis apicalis Mackerras, 


Trichophthalma punctate var. muininia 
Mackerras, 1925; 519. 
ALLOTYPE -: 13059; Russell Is{lan]d, Qld, 

Dec. 1921, H. Hacker. 

Trichophthalma rufonigra Mackerras, 1925; 513. 
PARATYPES | 7, 1 03055; Barrington 
Tlolps, [N.S.W], Feb. [19]25, S[ydney] 
U[niversity] Zooflogy] Expfedition]. 


Mesophysa ultima Neboiss, 1971: 219, 
HoLorTyPE -: T6920; Archerfield, Brisbane, 
Qld, 20.ix. 1969, G.J. Toop. 


Acraspisa nigrinota Mann, 1929: 20, 
Hovotyre *; D3281; Gogango, Qfld], Dec. 

[19]28, A.P. Dodd. 

Acraspisa obscuripes Mann, 1929: 21. 
PARATYPES 5 ¢: D3502; Brisbane, [Qld], 
24,9,[19]14, H. Hacker. 

Acraspisa trifasciata Krober, 1912a: 286. 

There is a © labelled allotype in the collection, 
designated by Mann (1929: 20). As this 
specimen was not included in the type series it 
cannot be considered to be a type. 

1 ©: D3505; Forest Reefs, N.S.W., Lea. 

Acupalpa albitarsa Mann, 1929: 24. 

Hovorype °; D3282; PARATYPES 9 4: 
T8548-S6; Brisbane Qld. 24.9.[19]14, H. 

Acupalpa pollinosa Mann, 1929; 25, 

HOLOTYPE ¢; 193283; Brisbane, [Qld], 
18.9.[19]14, H. Hacker. 
PARATYPE #: 03283; Caloundra, [Qld], 

28,10.[19]13, H. Hacker. 
PARATYPES 3 4; D3283; same data as holotype 
except 24.9.[19]14. 

Acupalpa semiflava Matin, 1929: 28. 
HoLoryPE ©: D3495; PARATYPE =; T8560; 
Brisbane, [Qld], 24.9.[19]14, [H.] Hacker. 

PARATYPE T8557, same data except 

PARATYPE T8558, same data except 

PARATYPE ‘: T8559; same data except 

Acupalpa semirufa Mann, 1929: 27, 

ALLOTYPE ©; D3494; Bribie Island, [Qld], 
12.9.[19]18, H. Hacker. 
PARATYPE D3494; Tambourine (= 

Tamborine) Mountain, [Qld], 29.11.[19]25, H. 

Agapophytus albobasalis Mann, 1929; 37. 
HoLoryee 7; ALLOTYPE ©; D3501; Chinchilla, 
Old, Nov. [19]27, A.P. Dodd. 

Paratyrpe <: D3401; Brisbane, [Qld], 
9.4.[L9]19, H. Hacker. 
Paratype +: D3501; same data as paratype 

except 20.11.{19]11. 

Agapophyius aterrimus Mann, 1929: 36. 
HoLotyepe ¢; D3500; Brishane, 
10.10.[19]16, H. Hacker. 

Agapophytus flavicornis Mann, 1929: 32. 

Hovotyre 7: D3497; Brisbane, Qld. 
ALLOTYPE D3497; Ferny Grove, Qfld], 
2.1.[19]28, J. Mann. 
PARATYPE ‘¢: D3497; [Qld], 
17.11.[19]24, H. Hacker, 

PARATYPES 2 *: D3497; Brisbane, [Qld], 
12.11[19}12, One specimen has the head, fore 
legs and hind tibiae and tarsi missing. 




PARATYPES 2 4: D3497; same data except 
7.11.[19]16. One specimen has the fore tarsus 
and a hind tibia and tarsus missing. 
PARATYPE ¢: D3497; same data except 
§.1.[19]14. The antennae are damaged and a 
hind leg and fore tibia and tarsus are missing, 
PARATYPE /: D3497; same data except 
2.12, [19]13. An antenna, the fore legs and a 
mid leg are missing. 

PARATYPE “«: D3497; same data except 
15,11.[19]16, The antennae are damaged anda 
hind leg is missing. 

Agapopliylus ruficaudus Mann, 1929; 36, 
Hovotyre ': D3499; Samford, [Qld], Jan. 
1923, H. Hacker. 
ALLOTYPE D3499; [Old], 
25.2.[19]22, H. Hacker. 

PARATYPE 2 1: D3499; Alderley, Brisbane, 
[Qld], 30.9.[19]23, H. Hacker. 

Agapophytus squamosus Mann, 1929; 39, 
HOLOTYPE 7; ALLOTYPE +: D3503; Brisbane, 
Qld, 26.12.[19]24, H. Hacker. 

Anabarhynchus argenteus Mann, 1928: 176. 
HoLotyre =: D3278: Wynnum, [Qld], May 
1927, B. Smith. 

Anuburhynchus flavus Mann, 1928; 181. 
Horotyrpe *: 13279: Caloundra, [Qld], 
28.10.[19]13, H. Hacker. 

PARATYPE *: D3280; Bribie Island, [Qld], 
29.8.(19]20, H. Hacker, 

Ectinorhynchus levis Mann, 1933: 334, 
HocotyPe *; ALLOTYPE -: T51I91-2; Swan 
River, W.A., L.J. Newman. 

Neodialineura striatithorax Mann, 1928: 172. 
HoLoryree ?: D3267; [Lamington] National 
Pfar]k, Qld, 25.10.[19)23, H. Hacker. 
Tambourine (= Tamborine) Mountain, [Qld], 
W.H. Davidson. 

PARATYPES 2 <=: D3267; [Lamington] 
Nat[ional] Pfar]k, Q[ld], 25.10.[19]23, H. 

Parapsilocephala parva Mann, 1933: 342. 
ALLOTYPE -: T5190; Brisbane, [Qld], Nov. 
1929, G.H. Hardy. 

Phycus imitans White, 1915: 28. 

(= Agapophytus imitans (White) after Mann, 
1929: 4Q), 

There is a * labelled allotype in the collection, 
designated by Mann (1929: 41). As. this 
specimen was. not included in the type series, it 
cannot be considered asatype, _ 

1 *: D3504, Mount Tamborine, Qld. 

Psilocephala aggera Mann, 1933: 327. 
HoLotyee =: T5187; Chinchilla, Q[ld], Aug. 
[19]30, J. Mann. This specimen is in poor 



Psilocephala duacoloris Mann, 1933: 329, 
Denman, N.S.W., 18.4.[19]29, A.P. Dodd. 
(Wings missing from allotype, which is in poor 

Psilocenhala lutea White, 1915: 49, 

There is a ¢ labelled allotype in the collection, 
designated by Mann (1933: 331). As this 
specimen was not included in the type senes it 
cannot be considered as a type. 

1 °: T5188; King Island, Tas. 

Taenogera gracilis Maun, 1928: 167. 

HoLtotyrpe =; PARATYPE «: D3266; 
Tambourine (= Tamborine) Mountain, [Qld], 
W.H. Davidson. 

Taenogera notatitharax Mann, 1928: 169, 
Tambourine (= Tamborine) Mountain, [Qld], 
W.H. Davidson. 

Thereva singula Walker, 1848: 227. 

(= £upsilocephala singula (Walker) 
Krober, 1912: 255), 

There is a ? in the collection labelled allotype, 
designated by Mann (1933: 337). As_ this 
specimen was not included in the type series, it 
cannot be considered as a type. 

1 *: T5184; Chinchilla, Qld. 



Neopseudatrichia inglewoodi Kelsey, 1970: 341, 
HOLOTYPE 7: T6731; Inglewood, Q[ld], 

Riektella woodwardi Kelsey, 1971: 201. 
HOLOTYPE *; ALLOTYPE .: T6878; 28 ml 5 ol 
Ti-Tree Well, N.T.,  26,viii.1964, TE, 

Scenopinus cristafrons Kelsey, 1971: 186. 
HoL_oryPe -: T6976; 37 ml S of Dunmarra. 
N.T., 23.viti.1964, T.E. Woodward. 

Scenopinus iillarae Kelsey, 1971: 189, 
HoOLotyPeE —: T6975; Moggill, Qld, 2.v.1967, 
L. Millar. 

Subfamily AsiLINAE 

Asilus illingworihi G. Hardy, 1922: 196. 
(= Neoaratus illingworthi (Hardy) atter G. 
Hardy, 1935: 180). 
Paratype *: 02635; Gordonvale, N Q[Id], 
.1.[19]22, E. Jarvis (labelled Cotype). 
Cerdisius constrictus G. Hardy, 1926: 654. 
(= Cerdisius fuscipennis (Macquart) after G. 
Hardy, 1929: 81). 
PARATYPE : T8561; Ebor, N.S.W., 2.7.[19]16, 


PARATYPE T8562; same data except 
3.1, [19]16- 

PARATYPE ¢: 78563; Brisbane, [Qld], 
23.10.[19]21, H. Hacker. 

PARATYPE #: T8564; same data except 

PARATYPE ¢: T8565; same data except 


PARATYPES 1 7, L +; T8566-7; Tambourine (= 
Tamborine) Mountain, [Qld], 28.10.[19]12, H. 


Brachyrhapala semirufa G. Hardy, 1929a: 65. 
PARATYPE 7: D2635; Brisbane, [Qld], 
29.12.[19]12, H. Hacker, 

PARATYPE *: D2635; Stradbroke Island, [Qld], 
3.12.[19]12, H. Hacker. 


Apiovera hardyi angustifrons Paramonov, 1953: 
SYNTYPE 74; ‘T8568; Brisbane, [Qld], 
14.12.[19]15, H. Hacker, (labelled ‘* typus’). 
SYNTYPE T8569; same data except 
4,12.[19]i1 (labelled ‘2 typus’: head in vial 
attached to pin). 

Apiocera longitudinalis Paramonov, 1953: 510. 
Hovotyre \: T5502; Cunderdin, [W.A.]. 

Apiocera lugubris Paramonoy, 1953: 497. 
HoLoryee *: T8570; Stradbroke Island, [Qld], 
3.12.[19]12, H. Hacker. 

Apiocera similis Paramonov, 1953: 505. 
PARATYPE T5501; Stradbroke Island, 
(Qld], 17 Sept. 1915, H. Hacker. 


Diochlistus hackeri Paramonov, 1950; 25. 
PARATYPE 4: T8585; Tambourine (= 
Tamborine) Mountain, [Qld], W.H. Davidson. 
(labelled ** typus’). 
PARATYPE =: T8588: same data as above, but 
without Paramonoy’s type label. 

Anthrax confluensis Roberts, 1928: 139. 

HoLtotyee ¢: D3254: Brisbane. Qld, 
22.1.[19]26, FH. Roberts. 
ALLOTYPE D3254, Brisbane, [Qld], 
1.5,[19]26, J. Mann. 

Anthrax lepidiata Roberts, 1928: 138. 
HOLOTYPE D3262; Chinchilla, 

Qlueens}land, Nov. [19]24, T.A. Cole. 


Bombplius dulcis Roberts, 1928a: 440, 
HOLOTYPE Is D3284; Westwood, 
Q[ueens}land, Oct. 1926, A.P. Dodd. 
ALLOTYPE ~: T8536; Westwood, Qld, Oct. 
1927, A.P. Dodd. 

Boambylius proprius Roberts, 1928a; 436. 
HoLotyPe 4: D3285; Blackheath, [N.S.W.], 
15 Nov. 1919, G.H. Hardy. (Left wing 

Bombylius suecandidus Roberts, 1928a: 438, 
HoLotyrE *: D3286; Warialda, [N.S.W.], 
30.ix.[19]27, A.P. Dodd. 

Disehistus formosus Roberts, 1928a: 451. 
HoLtotyre ‘: 0D3287; Brisbane, Qf[ld], 
3.9,[19]21, J. Mann, 

ALLOTYPE ©; T8537; Brisbane, Qld, 9.9.[19]27, 
F.H. Roberts. 

Dischistus pallidoventer Roberts, 1928a: 452. 
HOLoTyPpE ¢: 03288; Hobart, [Tas.], 
14.3.[19]17, G.H. Hardy. 

Dischistus perparvus Roberts, 1928a: 453. 
HOLOTYPE *: D3289; Morven, Qld. Sept. 
1927, A.P. Dodd. 

Systoechus cinetiventris Roberts, 1928a: 424. 

HoLotype ¢; D3292; Chinchilla, [Qld], 
ALLOTYPE T8535; Brisbane, [Qld], 

15.8.[19]27. J. Mann. 
Systoechus pallidus Roberts, 1928a: 422. 
HovotyPe *: D3291; Brisbane, Qld, 5 Aug. 
1927, F.H. Roberts. 
Svstoechus rubidus Roberts, 1928a: 421. 
HOLOTYPE iH D3290; Chinchilla, 
Q|ueens}land, Nov- [19]26, A.P. Dodd. 

Subfamily ECLIMINAE 
Eclimus furvicostatus Roberts, 1929: 578. 
(= Thevenemyia furvicosiata (Roberts) after 
Hall, 1969: 36), 
Hovoryee *: D3526; Westwood, Qfld], 
20.11.[19]27, A.P. Dodd. (Left wing missing). 
Eclimus nigrapicalis Roberts, 1929: 576. 
(= Thevenemyia nigrapicalis (Roberts) after 
Hall, 1969: 65). 
HoLoryPpe ¢; ALLOTYPE -: D3525; 
Goondiwindi, Qld, 29,12,[19]27, F.H. Roberts. 


Hyperalonia dentata Roberts, 1928: 102. 
(= Ligvra dentata (Roberts) after Paramonov, 
1967: 130), 
HOLOTYPE «; D3261; no data. 

Lepidanthrax linguata Roberts, 1928: 130. 
HoLoryPre 7; ALLOTYPE -: D3260; Brisbane, 


Qld, 21. and 22.11.[19]26, F.H. Roberts. 
Pseudopenthes fenestrata Roberts, 1928: 133. 
HOLOTYPE ¢: D3264; _ Brisbane, Qld. 
27.10.[19]26, F.H. Roberts. 
ALLOTYPE 2°: D3264; Goodna, Q[ueens]land, 
20.11.[19]25, J. Mann. 
Villa albobasalis Roberts, 1928: 127. 
HOLOTYPE a D3259; Chinchilla, 
Q[ueens]land, Nov. [19]29, A.P. Dodd. 
Villa brunea Roberts, 1928: 118. 
Gravesend, [N.S.W.], Mar. [19]27, F. Roberts. 
Villa quinqueguitata Roberts, 1928: 126. 
HOLOTYPE 2: D3256; Sydney, [N.S.W.], 
26.12.[19]18, G.H. Hardy. 
Villa rava Roberts, 1928: 125. 
HOLOTYPE 2; ALLOTYPE 2: D3263; Chinchilla, 
Qld. 2 and 3.10.[19]26. 
Villa trivincula Roberts, 1928: 119. 
HOLOTYPE °; PARATYPE 7: D3258; Brisbane 
[Qld], 13.11.[19]23, L. Franzen. 

ALLOTYPE #: D3258; Sydney [N.S.W.], 
2.2.[19]19, G.H. Hardy. 

Villa varipennis Roberts, 1928: 121. 

Gravesend, [N.S.W.], Mar. [19]27, F. Roberts. 
(Head missig from allotype). 

Subfamily HENICINAE 

Neosardus circumdatus Roberts, 1929: 561. 
HOLOTYPE 2: D3527; Broken Hill, [N.S.W.], 
C. Deane. 

Neosardus principius Roberts, 1929: 562. 

HOLOTYPE ¢: D3528; Emerald, Q[ueens]land, 
18.11.[19]28, F. Roberts. 
ALLOTYPE 2; PARATYPE ¢: D3528; Chinchilla, 
Q[ld], 20.11.[19]28, A.P. Dodd. (These 
specimens are all damaged to varying degrees 
by verdigris). 


Cyrtosia parvissima Roberts, 1929: 567. 
HOLOTYPE ¢; ALLOTYPE 2: D3532; Gogango, 
Q[ueens]land, Mar. [19]29, A.P. Dodd. (The 
allotype has some verdigris damage on thorax). 


Dolichomyia minima Roberts, 1929: $57. 
(= Zaclava minima (Roberts) after Hull, 1973: 
HoLotyPE 4: D3531; C[hinc]hilla, Qld, 
2.10.[19]16, B. Smith. (Abdomen missing). 
ALLOTYPE 4: D3531; Waroo, S.Qu[eensland], 
Feb. 1927. 
7.3.[19]18, Hacker. 

D3531; Brisbane, 


Systropus doddi Roberts, 1929: 555. 
HOLOTYPE ?: D3522; Stradbroke Island, [Qld], 
5.12.[19]13, H. Hacker. (Abdomen and hind 
legs carded). 
PARATYPE ?: D3522; Kuranda, Qld, Mar. 
[19]07, F.P. Dodd. (Left wing and hind tarsus 

Systropus flavo-ornatus Roberts, 1929: 554. 
Ho.otyPeE 2: D3523; Westwood, [Qld], Feb. 
[19]27, A.P. Dodd. 

ALLOTYPE %: D3523; Westwood, Qlld], 
5.1.[19]25, A.B[urns]. 
Myonema humilis Roberts, 1929: 564. 
Brisbane, [Qld], 20.8.[19]18, H. Hacker. 

(Holotype with left wing and mouth-parts 
missing; other specimens have either antennae, 
a wing or the head missing, all being somewhat 
damaged by verdigris). 


Toxophora compta Roberts, 1929: 559. 
HOLOTYPE ¢: D3529; _ Brisbane, 
6.3.[19]18, H. Hacker. 




Chonocephalus brisbanensis Beyer, 1960: 35. 
HOLOTYPE ¢, PARATYPES 2 ¢: Yeronga, Qld. 
These specimens have not been located in the 

Megaselia (Aphiochaeta) australiae Beyer, 1960: 

HOLOTYPE ¢: T5998; Lota, S E Qld, 4.2.1955, 
E.J. Reye. 

Megaselia (Aphiochaeta) biseta Beyer, 1960: 26, 
SYNTYPES | ¢, 6 ¥: T6075-7; Brisbane, [Qld], 
3.8.[19]15, H. Hacker. (all labelled paratype). 

Megaselia (Megaselia) flaviscutellata Beyer, 1960: 

HOLOTYPE ¢: T5999; 
24,2.1955, E.J. Reye. 
ALLOTYPE ©: T6000; Hill End, S E Qlld], 
23.1.1955, E.J. Reye. 

Megaselia (Megaselia) semihyalina Beyer, 1960: 

HOLOTYPE 7: T5993; Brisbane Museum, S E 
Qld, 18.1.1955, M.B. Wilson. 

PARATYPE 7: T5997; same data except 

Lota, S E Qld, 


ALLOTYPE 2: T5994; Lota, S [E] Qld, 
13.11.1955, E.J. Reye. 
PARATYPE 2 2: T5995-6; Lota, S E Qld, 
4.2.1955, E.J. Reye. 

Microdon amabilis Ferguson, 1926: 175. 

HOLOTYPE = D3087; Brisbane, [Qld], 
26.2.[19]19, H. Hacker. 

Microdon modestus Ferguson, 1926: 179. 
SYNTYPE ¢: D3088; Brisbane, [Qld], 

25.9.[19]19, H. Hacker. (labelled ‘Type’). 
Microdon chalybeus Ferguson, 1926: 176. 

PARATYPE 4: D3086; Brisbane, [Qld], 

4.9.[19]11, H. Hacker. 

PARATYPE ¢: D3086; Stradbroke Island, [Qld], 

Oct. 1891, J.H. Boreham. (Abdomen and 

antennae missing from last specimen). 


Cerioides alboseta Ferguson, 1926: 145. 
PARATYPE ©: D3091; no data. 

PARATYPE ¢: D3091;_ Brisbane, [Qld], 
23.10.[19]11, H. Hacker. 

Cerioides macleayi Ferguson, 1926: 148. 
SYNTYPE D3092;  ~=Brisbane, [Qld], 

12.11.[19]12, H. Hacker (labelled paratype). 

Cerioides variabilis Ferguson, 1926: 146. 
PARATYPE °: D3090; Rockhampton, Qld. 

Criorhina hackeri Ferguson, 1926a: 524. 
HOLOTYPE *: D3089; [Lamington] National 
Pfar]k, [Qld], Dec.1921, H. Hacker. 

Emmyia queenslandica Kl6écker, 1924: 55, 
HOLOTYPE “: Brisbane, Qld, 24.9.1918. This 
specimen has not been located in the collection. 

Eristalis conjunctus Ferguson, 1926: 155. 
SYNTYPE ©: D3085; Cairns, N Q[ld] (labelled 

Eristalis flavohirta Klocker, 1924: 57. 

(= Dissoptera_ pollinosa Edwards 
Ferguson, 1926: 166). 

SYNTYPES, 2 ©: Dunk Island, Qld. May 1914, 
Hamlyn-Harris. These specimens have not been 
located in the collection. 

Eristalis herve-bazini Klécker, 1924: 58. 

(= Eristalis maculatus de Meijere after 
Ferguson, 1926: 157). 

SYNTYPES, 2 ©: Brisbane, Qld, 3.10.1916 and 
4.12.1918. These specimens have not been 
located in the collection. 

Psilota hirta Klocker, 1924: 54. 

HOLOTYPE *: Brisbane, Qld, 20.9.1916. This 
specimen has not been located in the collection. 

Psilota rubra Klécker, 1924: 53. 


SYNTYPES 2 2: Brisbane, Qld, 12.9.1916 and 
26.9.1916. These specimens have not been 
located in the collection. 
Psilota tristis Klécker, 1924: 54. 
HOLOTYPE ?: Brisbane, Qld, 26.9.1916. This 
specimen has not been located in the collection. 
Syritta hackeri Klécker, 1924: 59. 
HOLOTYPE ¢: Brisbane, Qld, 12.11.1918. This 
specimen has not been located in the collection. 

Subfamily SYRPHINAE 
Sphaerophoria kerteszi Klécker, 1924: 56. 
SYNTYPES, 3 ¢: Brisbane, Qld, 15.11.1916. 
These specimens have not been located in the 



Duomyia convallis McAlpine, 1973: 80. 
HOLoTyYPE 2: T7111; Carnarvon Gorge, Qld, 
30.1.1962, E. Exley. 

Duomyia marginalis McAlpine, 1973: 91. 

Ho.LotyPpe ¢: 17109; Stanthorpe, [Qld], 

Duomyia scipio McAlpine, 1973: 99. 

HOLOTYPE °°: 17112; Noosa, [Qld], 

29.ii.[19]60, H.G.G. 

Duomyia umbrosa McAlpine, 1973: 96. 
HOLotTyPE %: T7110; Dunwich, [Stradbroke 
Island], Qld, 7.v.1966, R. Chamberlin. 

Euprosopia subacuta McAlpine, 1973: 169. 
Ho.otyPe 2: T7113; Lam[ington] Nat[ional] 
P[ar]k, Qld. 11-17 Feb. 1963, A. Macqueen. 


Afrodacus brunneus Perkins and May, 1949: 18. 
(= Dacus (Afrodacus) brunneus (Perkins and 
May) after D. Hardy, 1951: 118). 

SYNTYPE 4: T5260; Toowoomba, [Qld], Dec. 
1937, H. Jarvis (labelled holotype). 
SYNTYPE ©: T5261; Gayndah, Qld, Nov. 1945, 
A.W.S. M[ay] (labelled holotype). 

Afrodacus flavinotus May, 1957: 293. 

(= Dacus (Afrodacus) flavinotus (May) after 
Drew, 1972: 21). 
HOLOTYPE 2: 15603; QIld], 
27.5.[19]57, A.W.S. May. 

Afrodacus furvus May, 1957: 294. 

(= Dacus (Afrodacus) furvus (May) after 
Drew, 1978: 85). 
HOLOTYPE ¢: 15605; QIld], 
19.3.[19]57, A.W.S. May. 

ALLOTYPE 2: T5606; same data except 
8.4.[19]57. (Left wing missing from holotype). 




Afrodacus mesoniger May, 1951: 8. 

(= Dacus (Afrodacus) mesoniger (May) after 
D. Hardy, 1955: 10). 

HOLOTYPE 2: T5264; Toowoomba, [Qld], Apr. 
1950, A.W.S. May. (Right wing missing). 

Afrodacus tigrinus May, 1952: 339. 

(= Dacus (Afrodacus) tigrinus (May) after 
Drew, 1978: 85). 

HOLOTYPE ?: T5274; Cairns, Q[Id], 7.12.1951, 
A.W.S. May. 
There is a ¢ labelled allotype in the collection, 
collected in 1956. As this specimen was not 
included in the type series it cannot be 
considered as a type. The allotype appears to be 
conspecific with D. (A.) furvus. 

1 ¢: T5604; Cairns, Qld. 

Asiadacus calophylli Perkins and May, 1949: 16. 
(= Dacus (Gymnodacus) calophylli (Perkins 
and May) after D. Hardy, 1951: 130). 
SYNTYPES 1 ¢, 1 9%: T5258-9; Cairns, Q[ld], 
3.2.[19]38, F.A. Perkins. 

Bactrocera pulcher Tryon, 1927: 206. 

(= Dacus (Bactrocera) pulcher (Tryon) after 
Drew, 1978: 85). 

HOLotyPeE 7: D5163; [Glass House Mountain, 

Callantra auricoma May, 1955: 153. 

(= Callantra smieroides Walker after Drew, 
1973: 2). 

HOLOTYPE #4: T5309; Ayr, Q[ld], 17.5.[19]54, 
A.W. May. 

ALLOTYPE 2: T5310; Ayr, Q[ld], Nov. 1954. 

Callantra petioliforma May, 1955: 151. 
HOLOTYPE 74: T5308; Rockhampton, Q[ld], 
1.4.[19]55, A.W.S. May. 

There is a 4 labelled allotype in the collection 
designated by May (1962: 63). As this specimen 
was not included in the type series it cannot be 
considered as a type. 

1 ¢: T5883; Lawes, Qld. 

Callantra pusilla May, 1965: 58. 

HOLOTYPE #4, PARATYPE ¢: 16307-8; 
Kuranda, Q[ld], 17.3.[19]64, R. Grattidge. 
PARATYPE ¢: T6309; same data except 

Ceratitella bifasciata D. Hardy, 1967: 133. 
HOLOTYPE 2°: T6529; Ravensbourne Nat{[ional] 
Park, S Qld, 17 Dec. 1952. 

Ceratitella unifasciata D. Hardy, 1967: 137. 
HoLotyPE ¢: 16528; Eungella Nat{ional] 
Park, via Mackay, Qld, 11.xii.1965, G. 

Chaetodacus bancroftii Tryon, 1927: 199. 

(= Dacus (Bactrocera) bancroftii (Tryon) after 

T5274; same data except 

Drew, 1978: 88). 
[Gympie, Qld]. 
There are 3 individually pinned specimens each 
bearing a label ‘TYPE D/3130’. Two bear an 
additional label ‘Cudrania’. Although Tryon 
designated a holotype, an allotype and a 
paratype it is unclear which is which. 
Chaetodacus barringtoniae Tryon, 1927: 196. 
(= Dacus (Bactrocera) barringtoniae (Tryon) 
after Drew, 1978: 92). 
[Cairns, Qld]. 
There are 2 pins in the collection each with 2 
specimens and identically labelled ‘B’ and 
‘TYPE D3127’. The type status of each 
specimen is uncertain. 
Chaetodacus bryoniae Tryon, 1927: 192. 
(= Dacus (Bactrocera) bryoniae (Tryon) after 
Drew, 1978: 20). 
Eidsvold, [Qld], T.C. B[ancroft]. 
There are 4 specimens mounted on 2 pins both 
bearing a ‘TYPE’ label. The sex of each 
specimen and its type status is uncertain. 
Chaetodacus dorsalis var. major Tryon, 1927: 
(= Dacus (Strumeta) cacuminatus Hering after 
D. Hardy, 1951: 149). 
Type ¢ and TyPE $: D3126; no data. 
It is not clear as to the status of these 2 
specimens as Tryon’s description is somewhat 
vague. Tryon redescribed dorsalis from 2 ¢ and 
2 ¥ (labelled pleisiotypes in collection, D3125, 
without data). Additionally there is a ¢ anda © 
each bearing 2 labels ‘D1022’ and ‘TYPE 
D3126 var. major ’*. It is possible Tryon’s 
redescription was partially based on these 
specimens. Perkins and May _ (1949:14) 
described a new species, Strumeta solani for 
Tryon’s concept of dorsalis, without 
mentioning types. 
Chaetodacus fagraea Tryon, 1927: 188. 
(= Dacus (Bactrocera) fagraea (Tryon) after 
Drew, 1978: 92). 




SYNTYPE °: D3122;  Babinda, Qlld], 
26.6.[19]25, R.W.M. (labelled type). 
SYNTYPE ¢: D3122; Babinda, Qlld], 

24.6.[19]25, R.W.M. (labelled allotype). 
Chaetodacus halfordiae Tryon, 1927: 190. 

(= Dacus (Bactrocera) halfordiae (Tryon) after 

Drew, 1978: 31). 

SYNTYPE ¢: D3123; Southport, 

23.8.[19]26 (labelled holotype). 
Chaetodacus jarvisi Tryon, 1927: 201. 

(= Dacus (Afrodacus) jarvisi (Tryon) after D. 



Hardy, 1951: 120), 
Ho.otyee “=; D3131; [Stanthorpe, Old], 

Chaetodacus jarvisi var. careya Tryon, 1927: 202. 
(= Daeus.(Afrodacus) jarvisi (Tryon) after D, 
Hardy, 1951: 120). 
Tyee 4, Type <>: D312]; Mackay, [QId], 

Chaetodacus musae Tryon, 1927: 197, 
{= Daeus (Bactrocera) iniisae (Tryon) after 
Drew, 1978: 37). 
When Tryon described this species he had at 
least 5 specimens before him, all of which had 
been reared from two species of banana, Musa 
cavendishi and M. banksti. On page 199 of the 
description 2 holotypes are proposed, | from 
each species of banana. An allotype and 2 
paratypes were also proposed for specimens 
reared from AM. cavendishi. The following 
specimens, all of uncertain status, are in the 
Type =; 03128; Meringa, Q[ld], 8.6.[1926], ex 

Another identically labelled specimen but of 

undetermined gender. 

Type ©; D3128; Geralton [?Qld], host banana, 
bred in office, j 

Another identically labelled specimen but of 
undetermined gender. 
Type ¢: 3129; Cardwell, [Qld], 12.1.[19]26, 
native banana, 

Chaetodacus trvoni var. sarcocephali Tryon, 
1927: 188. 
(= Dacus (Strumeta) tryoni var. sarcocephali 
(Tryon) after D. Hardy, 1951: 170). 
HoLotype ©, ALLOTYPE *: D3121; Bot[anic] 
Gardfens], [Brisbane], Qld. 
PARATYPE *: D312), no data. 
There area ¢ anda) on acommon pin bearing 
the holotype label, As the allotype isa *, the + 
must be the holotype. 

Chaetodacus tryoni yar. juglandis Tryon, 1927: 
(= Dacus (Strumeta) tryoni (Froggatt) after D- 
Hardy, 1951: 170). 
HOLOTYPE D3120; Qld), 

Daculus decurtans May, 1965: 61. 
(=Dacus. (Polistomimetes) decurtans (May) 
alter Drew, 1979: 76). 


HoLotyrpe *: T6310; Berrimah, N.T., 
28.1.[19]64, C.S. Li. 
Dacus (Bactrocera) absconditus Drew and 

Hancock, 1981; 54. 


HoLotyPe *, PARATYPES 2 7: T8221, T8239; 
lL! km N of Bamaga, on Somerset Road, Qld, 
19.11.1974, D.J. Rogers. 

PARATYPES 3 4: T8222-3, T8226; 1 km S 
Narau Point, N of Bamaga, N Qjld], 
19.xii.1974, D.J. Rogers. 

PARATYPES 3 7: T8224-5, T8229; 5 km N of 
Bamaga. N Q[lId], on Somerset Road, 
19.xi1.1974, D.J. Rogers. 

PARATYPES 2 7: T8227-8; 8 km N of Bamaga, 
N Q[ld], on Somerset Road, 19.xii.1974, DJ. 

PARATYPES 3 ‘: T8231, T8237-8; 18 km N of 
Bamaga, N Qfld], on Somerset Road, 
19.xi1,.1974, D.J. Rogers, 

PARATYPES 3 4: T8232, T8235-6; 27 km N of 
Bamaga, N Qld], on Somerset Road, 
15.xti.1974, DLJ, Rogers. 

PARATYPES 2 *; T8233-4; 21 km N of Bamaga, 
N Qfld], on Somerset Road, 18.xi1.1974, D.J. 

PARATYPE ¢: T8240; 5 km E of Lockerbie 
Homestead, E Bamaya, N.Q[Id], 18.xii.1974, 
D.J. Rogers. 

PARATYPE ¢: T8241; New Mappoon 
Settlement, near Bamaga, Cape York 
Pen[insula], N.Q[ld], xii.1974, [D.] J. Rogers. 

(Batrocera) aeroginosus Drew and 
Hancock, 1981! 57. 

HoLorype 1; T8242; 4 km E of Lockerbie, 
Cape York [Peninsula], N.Qld, Jan 30 - Feb 4, 
1975, G.B. Monteith. 

PARATYPES 3 ¢: T8243-3; Gap C[ree]k, 6 mi N 
of Bloomfield R[{iver], via Cooktown, N Qld, 
12.x7.1975, G.B. Monteith. 

PARATYPES 2 ¢: T8246-7; 31 km E of 
Heathlands, N Qld], 14.x%,.1976, D. Murray. 

Dacus (Bactrocera) allwoodi Drew, 1979: 79. 
HOLOTYPE *, PARATYPES 4 ¢: T7777-8]; 
Smith Point, Cobourg Peninsula, N.T., 17 
Sept. 1976, A. Smith. 

PARATYPES 6 *: T7782-7; Croker Is{land], 
[N.T.], 16.xi.[19]76, W. Mollah. 

Dacus (Bactrocera) antigone Drew and Hancock, 
1981; 59. 

HoLotType 7%: T8248; Gordon’s Mine area, 
Iron Range, N Qld, 12-18.ii.1976, G.B. 

PARATYPE ¢: T8249; Tron Range, 25 km S W 
Lockhart, N Qld], 14-21.iy.1977, R.1. Storey. 
PARATYPE *: T8250; Yarraman River, 1|OkmS 
of Iron Range, N Q[ld], 18.x%.1976, D. Murray. 
PARATYPE *: T8251; Claudie River, 48 km SW 
Cape Weymouth, N QOJfldJ, 19.x.1976, D. 


PARATYPE *: T8252; Claudie River, 17 km W 
of Iron Range, N Q[ld], 18.x.1976, D. Murray, 
PARATYPE #4: T8253; Claudie River, 15 km S of 
Iron Range, N Q[Id], 18.x.1976, D. Murray. 

Dacus (Bactrocera) aurantiacus Drew and 
Hancock, 1981: 62. 

T8256-7; Lockerbie Scrub, 25 km NE of 
Bamaga, N Qld], 7-14.iv.1977, R.1. Storey. 
PARATYPE ¢: T8255; 5 km E of Lockerbie 
Homestead, E. Bamaga, N.Q[lId], 18.xii.1974, 
D.J. Rogers. 

PARATYPE ¢: T8258; 8 km N of Bamaga, N 
Q[ld], on Somerset Road, 19.xii.1974, D.J. 

Dacus (Dacus) bellulus Drew and Hancock, 1981: 

HOLoTyPE 7: T8214; 34 km § of Laura, Cape 
York Penfinsula], N Q[ld], 10.viii.1976, J. 

PARATYPES 2 #4: T8215-6; Gove], [N.T.], 
15.xi.1976, W. Mollah. 

PARATYPE ¢: T8217; Gove, [N.T.], 16.xi.1976, 
W. Mollah. 

PARATYPES 2 4: T8218-9; Gove, 
18.xi.[19]76, W. Mollah. 

Dacus (Bactrocera) erubescentis Drew and 
Hancock, 1981: 64. 

HOLOTYPE 4, PARATYPE #: T8259-60; Weipa, 
Cape York Pen[insula], N Q[ld], 3.x.1977, 
A.W.C. de Witte. 

Dacus (Zeugodacus) fallacis Drew, 1972a: 196. 
HOLOTYPE 4: T6995; Rocky River, Cape York 
[Peninsula], Qld, Nov. 1969, B. Cantrell. 

Dacus (Bactrocera) fuliginus Drew and Hancock, 
1981: 66. 

HOLOTYPE ¢: T8261; 4 km E of Lockerbie, 
Cape York [Peninsula], N Q[{ld], 
16-20.i1x.1974, G.B. Monteith. 

Dacus (Didacus) hardyi Drew, 1979: 74. 


HoOLtToyepeE #: T7788; Fogg Dam, N.T., 
PARATYPE 2: T7789; East Alligator Rivfer], 

N.T., 17. Jul. [19]76, A. Smith. 
PARATYPE ¢: T7790; Gordon P[oin]t, Melville 
Is{land], N.T., 16.11.1977, T. Angeles. 

Dacus (Bactrocera) humilis Drew and Hancock, 
1981: 68. 
HOLOTYPE 7: T8262; 4 km E of Lockerbie, 
Cape York [Peninsula], N Q[Id], Jan. 30 - Feb. 
4, 1975, G.B. Monteith. 

Dacus niger Tryon, 1927: 211. 
(= Dacus (Melanodacus) niger Tryon after D. 
Hardy, 1951: 139). 
[Gympie and Cleveland]. 


There are 4 individually pinned specimens in 
the collection all without data apart from the 
label ‘TYPE D/3136’ on each. The status of 
these specimens is uncertain as Tryon recorded 
only 3 specimens. 

Dacus (Bactrocera) opiliae Drew and Hardy, 
1981: 131. 
HOLOTYPE °%: T8427; [ex laboratory culture, 
Darwin, N.T.], Apr. [19]79, G. Fitt. 
PARATYPE ¢: T8428; Darwin, 
Territory, 2.ii.1976, A. Allwood. 
PARATYPE 4: T8429; Pine Creek, Stuart 
Highway, N.T., Feb. 1976, A. Allwood. 
PARATYPE ¢: T8430; Melville Island, Northern 
Territory, Jan. 1976, A. Allwood. 
PARATYPE ¢: T8431; Gunn P[oin]t, [N.T.], 18 
Oct. 1976, A. Smith. 
PARATYPE *: T8432; Kimbferley] Res[earch] 
St[atio]n, W.A., 17.1.1977. 


Dacus (Bactrocera) peninsularis Drew and 

Hancock, 1981: 70. 
HoOLoTyPE 4, PARATYPES 9 #4: 18263, 
T8265-9, T8273-6; Lockerbie Scrub, 25 km NE 
of Bamaga N Qld], 7-14.iv.1977, R.1. Storey. 
PARATYPE ¢: T8264; Badu Island, Torres 
Strait, [Qld],, R. Paton. 
PARATYPE #: T8270; 2 km N of Bamaga, N 
Q[Id], on Somerset Road, 19.xii.1974, D.J. 
PARATYPE 4: T8271; 5 km N of Bamaga, N 
Qld], on Somerset Road, 19.xii.1974, D.J. 
PARATYPE ¢: T8272; 8 km N of Bamaga, N 
Q[ld], on Somerset Road, 19.xii.1974, D.J. 
PARATYPE ¢@: T8277; Bamaga, Cape York 
Pen[insula], N Q[ld], xii.1974, [D.]J. Rogers. 
PARATYPE ¢: T8278; Red Island Point, 3 km N 
of Bamaga, N Q[lId], 15.xii.1974, D.J. Rogers. 
PARATYPE 4: 18279; Vallack Point, Cape 
York Penfinsula], N QJld], xii.1974, [D.]J. 
PARATYPE *: T8280; Blue Valley Creek, 11 km 
E of Bamaga, N Q[Id], 9.x.1976, D. Murray. 
PARATYPE ¢: T8281; 67 km E of Weipa, N 
Qfld], 21.x.1976, D. Murray. 
PARATYPE ¢: T8282; Deep Creek, 37 km N of 
Coen, N Q[ld], 21.x.1976, D. Murray. 
PARATYPE ¢: T8283; Archer Xing (= River 
crossing), Cape York Penfinsula], Qld, 
14.1x.1974, G.B. Monteith. 

Dacus (Bactrocera) perkinsi Drew and Hancock, 
1981: 72. 
HOLOTYPE ¢: T8284; 3 km E of Lockerbie, 
Cape York [Peninsula], N Qld, Jan. 30 - Feb. 
24, 1975, G.B. Monteith. 


PARATYPE 4: T8285; Chinaman's Garden, 22 
km NE of Bamaga N QJld], 9.x.1976, D. 

PARATYPE ¢: 18286; Horn Island, Torres 
Strait, N Qld, 25-29.4.1975, R. Raven. 
PARATYPES 3 4: T8287-9: Lockerbie Scrub, 25 
km NE of Bamaga, N Q[ld], 9.x.1976, D. 

PARATYPes 3 *: T8290-2; Iron Range, Cape 
York Penfinsula], N Ofld], yil.1977, R. Goebel, 
PARATYPE 7: T8293; Iron Range, 25 km SW of 
Lockhart, N Ofld], 14-21.iv.1977, R.1. Storey. 
PARATYPE ‘:! T8294; Bet Hill vicinity, Moa 
(Banks) Is{land], Torres Str{ait], N Qld, July 
9-13, 1977, G.B. Montieth & D, Cook. 

Dacus (Bactrocera) romigae Drew and Hancock, 
1981: 75. 

HovoryepB “, PARATYPES 2 +¢; 1T8295-6, 
T8300; Gordon's Mine area, Iron Range, N 
Qld, 12-18.11.1976, G.B. Monteith. 
PARATYPES 3 *: T9297-9; lron Range, 25 km 
SW of Lockhart, N Ofld], 14-21,iv.1977, R.1. 

Dacus (Bactrocera) 
Hancock, 1981: 77. 
HoLorype *: T8301; 15 km W of Captain Billy 
Creek, Cape York Penfinsula], N Q[ld], 
142°4S°E, 11°40’S, = 4-9.vii.1975, DLL. 

PARATYPE *: T8302; Trevethan C[ree]k, via 
Helenvale, N Qld, 2-3.x.1974, G.B, Monteith, 

Dacus (Bacirocera) russeolus Drew and Hancock, 
1981 80. 

Hoiorype ‘: T8303; Paluma. near Mount 
Spec, N Q[ld], 811.1975, R.A. Drew. 

PARATYPES 3 7: T8304-5, T8308; Paluma near 
M[oun]t Spec, N Qfidj, 8.i1.1975, R.A.1, Drew, 
PARATYPES 2 °°: T8306-7; The Crater, 25 km 5 
of Atherton, N Q[ld], 6.71.1975, R.A.I. Drew. 

Dacus (Pacifodacus) salamander Drew and 
Hancock, 1981: 51, 

HOLOTYPE ¢: T8220; Bamaga, Cape York 
Penfinsula], N Ofld], Mar/Apr, 1976, W. 

Dacus signatifer Tryon, 1927: 210. 

(= Daucus (Daculus) signatifer Tryon after D- 
Hardy, 1951: 127), 

Syntypes 2 >; D3135; [Bowen, Qld], (Both 
specimens badly damaged and bear identical 
labels "TYPE, D/3135’), 

Neadacus newmuani Perkins, 1937: 58. 

(= Dacus (Dacus) newmani (Perkins) after 
May, 1963: 49). 

HoLoryeE ; T8586; Carnarvon, W.A., 8 
Sept. 1929, |.M. Mackerras. 

rufofusculus Drew and 


Neodacus signatifrons May, 1955: 155. 
(=Dacus (Dacus) signatifrons (May) after 
May, 1963: 49), 
HOLOTYPE 72 15307; 
12.10,[19]53, A.W.S. May. 

Neozeugodacus aureus May, 1951: 10. 

(=Dacus (Hemizeugodacus) aureus (May) 
after Drew, 1972: 21), 



Ravensbourne, [Qld], 13.2.[19]50, A,W.S, 

Paraceratitella eurycephala D. Hardy, 1967: 140. 
HOLOTYPE : T6527; Gatton, Qld], 
13.x.[19]36, F.A. Perkins. 

Polistomimetes ahsonifacies May, 1955: 156. 

(= Dacus (Dacus) absonifacies (May) after 
Drew and Haneoek, 1981: 51). 

Stanthorpe, Q[Id], 21. and 23,10.[19]53, 
A.W.S. May. 

Psilodacus exiguus May, 1957: 300. 
(= Dacus (Daculus) exiguus (May) after Drew, 
1972: 21), 
HOLOTYPE ¢: T5607; 
5.12.[19)55, A.W.S. May. 
Rioxa araucariae Tryon, 1927; 219. 
{McPherson Range, Qld]. Only 2 specimens 
have been located in the collection, a ’, and a 
headless and abdomenless specimen. Both bear 
identical labels ‘D3138" and ‘D453’. 
Rioxa jarvisi Tryon, 1927: 221. 
HOLOTYPE ©; D3139; Stanthorpe, Qld, 1926. 
Sirumeta alyxiae May, 1952; 335. 
(= Dacus (Bactrocera) alyxiae (May) after 
Drew, 1978; 85). 
HOLoTYPE *, ALLOTYPE #2: 15275-6, 
Mossman, QOfld], 10.8.[19]51, A.W.S. May. 
PARATYPE ©: T8581: same data. 

Atherton, QJld], 

Strumeta amplexiselq May, 1962: 66. 

(= Dacus (Bactrocera) amplexisela (May) after 
Drew, 1978: 85). 
HoLorype 7: TS860; Qlld], 
18.8.[19]61, A,W.S. May, 

Sirumeta aquilonis May, 1965: 62. 
(= Dacus (Bactrocera) aquilonis (May) after 
Drew, 1978: 88), 
Nighteliff, N.T., 2.5.[19]61, E. Austwick. 
PARATYPE ‘¢: T6313; same dala except 
21.iv, 1961. 

Strumeta bidentata May, 1962a: 527. 
(= Dacus (Bactrocera) bidentatus (May) after 
Drew, 1978: 91). 




’: T5890-6; Byfield, 
A.W.S, May. 

Strumeta bilineata Perkins and May, 1949: 7. 
(= Dacus (Bactrocera) mayi Hardy after Drew, 
1978: 33). 

SyNTYPes L 7, | +; T5249-50; Cairns, Qld], 
12.9.[19]37, FLA. Perkins (both are labelled 

Strumeta endiandrae Perkins and May, 1949: 9, 
(= Dacus (Bactrocera) endiandrae (Perkins 
and May) after Drew, 1978: 79). 

Sywrypes 1 7, 1.» T5251-2: Cairns, [Qld], 
16.10.[19]37, F.A. Perkins (both are labelled 

Strumeta Juscatus Perkins and May, 1949: 5, 

(= Dacus (Bactrocera) laticaudus Hardy and 
Drew, 1978: 87). 

Synrypes | 4, | 2: 75247-8: Cairns. Qld], 
12.9.[19]37, F.A. Perkins (both are labelled 

Strumeta hispidula May, 1957: 301. 

(= Dacus (Bactrocera) hispidulus (May) after 
Drew, 1978: 87). 
HOLOTYPE 2: T5595; Q[ld], 
23.4.[19]56, A.W,S. May. 

There is a ¢ in the collection labelled allotype, 
designated by May (1962: 68). As this specimen 
was not included in the type series, it cannot be 
considered as a type. 

1 *, T5884; Atherton, Old. 

Strumeta manskii Perkins and May, 1949; 3, 

(= Dacus (Bactrocera) recurrens (Hering) after 
Drew and Hancock, 1981: 82). 

SynTyPes | 4, 1] 2: T5245; Cairms, Q[ld], 
12.9.[19]37, F,A. Perkins (both labelled 

Srrumeta melas Perkins and May, 1949: 12. 

(= Dacus (Bactrocera) melas (Perkins and 
May) after Drew, 1978: 35). 

SYNTYPE T5255; Gayndah, [Qld], 
10.3.[19]46, A.W.S,. M[ay] (labelled holotype). 

Srrumeta mendosa May, 1957: 303. 

(= Dacus (Bactrocera) mendosus (May) alter 
Drew, 1978: 87). 

[Qld], 24.10.[19]61, 


HoLotyPpeE =: 75594; Atherton, Qfld), 
18.6.[19]56, A.W.S. May. (Right wing 

Strumeta mutabilis May, 1951; 6. 
(= Dacus (Bactracera) mutahilis (May) after 
Drew. 1978: 40), 
Toowoomba, [Qld], Oct. 1950, A.W.S. May- 
Strumeta notatugena May, 1952; 337. 

(= Dacus (Bactrocera) notatagena (May) after 
Drew, 1978: 86) 

HOLOTYPE : ‘T5277; Ofld], 
5.11.[19]52, A.W.S. May. 

There are 3 * in the vollection labelled allotype 
and paratypes designated by May (1957: 305). 
As these specimens were not included in the 
type series, they cannot be considered as types. 
3 4: T5596; Atherton, Qld, 

Strumeta pallidus Perkins and May, 1949: 10, 
(=Dacus (Bactrocera) pallidus (Perkins and 
May) after Drew, 1978: 91), 

Syntypes 1 *, 1 ~: T5253-4; Cairns, Q[ld]. 
29,3.[19]38, F.A. Perkins. 

Strumeta phaleriae May, 1955: 158. 

(=Dacus (Bactrocera) phaleriae (May) afer 
Drew, 1978: 88). 

©» T5315-8: Port Douglas, Qfld], 2.6.[19]55, 
A.W.S. May. 


Sirumeta quudrata May, 1962a: 530, 

(= Daeus (Bactrocera) quadratus (May) after 
Drew, 1978: 91). 

T5897: [Qld], 
2,3.[19}62, W. Yarrow. 

HOLOTYPE 7: Atherton, 
PARATYPE ¢: 75902; same data as holotype, 

PARATYPE ‘4: T5903; same data except 
PARATYPE ¢: T5904; same data except 


PARATYPES 2 ¢: T5898, T5900; Atherton 

Tableland, Q[ld], 12.[19]60, A.W.S. May. 

PARATYPE *: T5899; Atherton, Q{ld], Dec. 

1960, A.W.S, May, 

PaRATYPES 2 7: T5901, T5907; Wongabel, 

Atherton Tableland, Q[ldJ, 12.[19]60, A.W.S. 


PARATYPE 7: [Qld], 
28,2.[19]62, W. Yarrow. 

Paratyre *: T5906; Rita Is[land], [Qld], 
31.1.[19]62, W. Yarrow. 


Strumeta robiginosa May, 1957: 305. 

(= Daeus (Bactrocera ) robiginosus (May) after 
Drew, 1978: 91). 

HOLOTYPE » 15592; Cairns, QfldJ, 
8.11.[19]55, A.W.S. May. 
PARATYPE T5593; same data except 

18. 11.[19]55. 

Strumeta rufescens May, 1967: 81. 

(= Dacus (Bacirocera ) rufescens (May) after 
Drew, 1978: 89). 

HoLoTypE ¢, PARATYPE ‘': T6545-6; 
Kuranda, Qfld], 16.7.[19]64. R. Gratridge. 

Sirumeta silvicola May, 1962: 68. 

(= Dacus (Bactrocera ) silvicola (May) after 
Drew, 1978: 89). 


HoLotyPpe ¢: T5862; Ringrose Natfional] 
Park, Atherton Tableland, Old, .12.[19]60, 
A.W.S. May. 
p70P9017 *: T5850-5, T5862-72, Atherton, 

Strumeta solani Perkins and May, 1949: 14. 
(= Dacus (Bactrocera ) cacuminatus (Hering) 
alter D. Hardy, 1951: 149; Drew, 1978: 22). 
p7OP901 *. 1 -: T5257-8; Atherton, Qld], 
26.7.[19]37, F.A. Perkins (both labelled 

Strumeta tenuifascia May, 1965: 64, 
(= Dacus (Bactrocera ) tenuifascia (May) after 
Drew, 1978: 91). 
HoLtotype ¢, PARATYPES 2 ¢: T6315-7; 
Nightcliff, N.T., 28.7.[19]61. E. Austwick. 

Zeuvodacus choristus May, 1962: 72. 
(= Dacus (Zeugodacus ) choristus (May) after 
Drew, 1972: 20). 
HOLOTYPE ¢: T5874; Q[ldj, 
30.3.[19]61, A.W.S, May. 


ALLOTYPE ©: T5875; Ayr, Q[ld], 19.12.[19]56; 
A.W.S. May, 

PARATYPE +: T5878; same data except Apr, 

PARATYPE *: T5876; Atherton, Q[ld], Dec. 
1960, A.W.S, May. 

PARATYPE T5877; same data except 
PARATYPE 4: T5879; same data except 


Cypselosama australis McAlpine, 1966: 676. 
p70OP901 *, 1 ©: T8031-2; Bat Cave, Carrai via 

Kempsey, N.S.W., 19-20 Jul. 1964, D.K. 
Sapromyza hardii Lower, 1953: 73. 

Blackheath, [N.S.W.], 13 Noy. 1919, G.H. 
Sapromysza ventista Lower, 1953; 74. 
HoLotype ©; T8576; Brisbane, [Qld], 
10.8.[19] 15, H, Hacker. (Right wing missing). 
Homoneura nubila Lower, 1953: 75. 
Hovorype *, PARATYPES 1 *, | <: T6365-7; 
Tooloom, N.S.W., Jan. 1926, H. Hacker. This 
species is a primary homonym (see Malloch, 
1929: 322). 


Leriopsis montana McAlpine, 1967: 76, 
Paratype : T6069; Cradle M[oun)t{ain], 

Tas., 24.1.[19]25 [G.H. Hardy]. 
PARATYPE ¢: T6070; same data except 
21.1. [19]25, 

Cairnsimyia excavata McAlpine, 1968: 271. 
HoLoryee £7 T6530; Stanthorpe, Qld], 
26.8.1925, F.A. Perkins. 


Leptocera (Biroina ) dodo Richards, 1973: 348. 
Ho.Loryree #: T7128; Hellyer Gorge, 15 ml. N 
of Waratah, NW Tas., 2-4.i1.1967, G. 

Monteithiana cynthia Richards, 1973: 394. 
HoLotypre *: T7125; Cynthia Bay, Lake St 
Clair, Tas., 7-8.i1.1967, G. Monteith. 

Monteithiana dealata Richards, 1973: 393. 
HocotyPe 4: 17126; Hellyer Gorge, 15 ml, N 
of Waratah, NW Tas., 2-4.41.1967, G. 

Otwayia sabina Richards, 1973: 390. 

HoLtotyre *: T7129; Grey R[iver] crossing, 
Otway Ranges, Vic., 26.1.1967, G, Monteith. 


Allometapon perkinsi McAlpine, 1960: 86. 
HOLoTYPE *: T5684; Lamington National 
Park, Qld. 

Heteromeringia hypoleuca McAlpine, 1960: 72. 
HouLotyre /: 75683; Lamington National 
Park, Qld. 


Melanagramyza caulophaga Kleimschmidt, 1960: 
(= Liriomyza caulophaga (Kleinschmidt) after 
Spencer, 1963: 332). 
HoLotyre <; T5810; Nudgee, [Qld], Oct. 
[19]57, R.P. Kleinschmidt. 
Melanagromyza dianellae Kleinschmidt, 
(= Ophiomyia dianellae (Kleinschmidt) after 
Spencer, 1966:49), 
HOLOTYPE T5808; Coolangatta, 
25.4.[19]56, A.R. Brimblecombe. 
ALLOTYPE *: T5809; same 
Melanagromyza indigvferae Kleinschmidt, 1960: 
(= Ophioniyia indivoferae (Kleinschmidt) after 
Spencer, 1978: 86). 
HoLorTyPe 7, ALLOTYPE =: T5806-7; Eight 
Mile Plains, [Qld], May 1955, R. Colbran. 
Melanagromyza pisi Kleinschmidt, 1960; 324. 
(=Ophiomyia pisi (Kleinschmidt) after 
Spencer, 1978: 98). 



dala except 


Hourorype 2; T5804; Toowong, [Qld], Oct. 
1957, R.P. Kleinschmidt. 

Melanagromyza polyphyta Kleinschmidt, 1960: 
(= Tropicomya polyphyta (Kleinschmidt) after 
Spencer, 1973: 191). 

HoLoTyPE -, ALLOTYPE ¢: T5802-3; 
Kenmore, [Qld], Feb. 1957, R,P. Kleinschmidt. 
Melanagromyza  wikstroemiae Kleinschmidt, 
1960; 321. 

(= Ophionyia wikstraemiae (Kleinschmidt) 
after Spencer, 1978: 106). 

Hovotype *: T5800; Kenmore, [Qld], Feb. 
1954, R.P. Kleinschmidt. 

ALLOTYPE ©: TS80L; Coolangatta, Qld., 
-1.[19]59, A. Brimblecombe. 


Neurochaeta inversa McAlpine, 1978: 285, 
PARATYPES | 7, | =: T8029-30; Brinerville, 
near Bellingen, N.S.W., Apr. 1977, H.G. 
Cogger and E. Cameron. 


Acletoxenus quadristriatus Duda, 1936: 347. 
SYNTYPES 3 : T8582-4; Thursday Is{land], Old, 
vii,1934, H.J, Hockings, (All bear round 
cotype labels). 

Drosophila cuncellata Mather, 1955: 550. 
SyNTYPES 2 *, 2 °: T5326-9; Moggill, S E 
Q[ld], 19.xi.1952 (labelled paratypes). 

Drosophila dispar Mather, 1955: 570, 

SYNTYPES 2 4, 2 -: T5346-9; Samford, S E 
Q[ld], 22.vii.1953 (labelled paratypes), 

Drosophila fumida Mather, 1960; 230, 
PARATYPES 2 *, 2 |; T6005-7, Pemberton, 8 
W West Australia, 12 Dec, 1956, W.B. Mather. 
(Specimens badly damaged). 

Drosophila levis Mather, 1955; 561. 

(= Dresephila brvanj Malloch after Mather, 
1956: 65), 

SYNTYPES 2 /, 2 2: T5341-4; Maroochydore, § 
E Qfld], 8.iii.1953 (labelled paratypes). 

Drasophila maculosa Mather, 1955: 560. 

(= Drosaphila novamaculosa Mather, 1956: 
65, maculosa preoccupied) 

SYNTYPES 2 £, 2 ©: T5336-9; Moggill, S E 
Qld], 19.xi1.1952 (labelled paratypes). 

Drosophila novamaculosa Mather, 1956: 65 (See 
Drosophila maculosa Mather, 1955: 560), 

Drasophila vpaca Mather, 1955: 558. 

(= Drosophila subnitida Malloch after Bock, 
1976: 74), 

SYNTYPES 2 7,2 ©: T5331-4; Noosa, S E Qld], 
9,),1953 (labelled paratypes). 

Drosaphila rubida Mather, 1960: 234. 
PARATYPES 2 7, 2 ©: TeOOI-4, Crystal 
Cascades, N E Q[ld], 31 May 1958, W.B. 

Drosophila versicolor Mather, 1955: 573. 

(= Drosophila byuzzatii Paterson and Wheeler 
after Mather, 1957; 224), 

SYNTYPES 2 4, 2 =: T5346-9; Samford, S E 
Q[ld], 22.vii.1953 (labelled paratypes). 

Dichaelonivia arrozans Pont, 1969: 270. 

PARATYPE T6606; Cairns, Qld], 
27.6.[19]50, W.A. Smith. 
PARATYPE T6607; Deeral, Ofld], 

27,6.[19]50, W.A. Smith. 

Musca Jerzusoni Johnston and Bancroft, 1920: 
{Eidsvold, Qld]. 

Musca hilli Johnston and Bancroft, 1920a: 35, 
(= Musca lerraereginae Johnston and Bancroft 
after Pont and Paterson, 1971: 110). 
[Eidsvold, Old]. 

Musca ferrae-reginae Johnston and Bancroft, 
1920a: 31. 
[Eidsvold, Qld]. 


; D2636 

°; D2637-8; 


Blaesoxipha similis Cantrell, 1978: 363. 
HoLoryre *: T7692; Tarome area, $ E Q[ld], 
16.11.1975, B.K. Cantrell. 

PARATYPE &: T7698; Emerald, [Qld], 5.3.1974, 
G.k. Waite. 

Helicobia australis Johnston and Tiegs, 1921: 50. 
(= Phytosarcophaga australis. (Johnston and 
Tiegs) after Lopes, 1967: 145). 
HoLotyPpE ‘: 02348; Brisbane, [Qld], 

Sarcophaga alpha Johnston and Tiegs, 1921: 57. 
(= Tricholioproctia alpha (Johnston and 
Tiegs) after Lopes, 1954; 244), 

Hovoryree ¢: D2351; Brisbane, [Qld]. 

Sarcophaga bancrofti Johnston and Tiegs, 1921: 

(= Fergusonimyia banerofti (Johnston and 
Tiegs) after Lopes, 1958; 547). 

Hovotyee ¢: D2362; [Lamington] National 
Park, Qld, .1.[19]21. 

Sarcophaga beta Johnston and Tiegs, 1921: 58. 
(= Tricholioproctia beta (Johnston and Tiegs) 
after Lopes, 1954: 242) 


HOLOTYPE *: D2366; Bred [rom carrion, Feb 
17, 1921. 
ALLOTYPE -: D2366; no data. 

Sarcophaga briunneopalpis Johnston and Tiegs, 
1922: 184. 

(= Parasurcophaga orchidea (Boettcher) after 
G. Hardy, 1932: 279 and 1943; 30). 
Hovoryre ¢: T8577; Brisbane [Old], 
20.12.[19]17, H. Hacker, 

Sarcophage delta Johnston and Tiegs, 1921; 62, 
(= Tricholioproctia beta (Johnston and Tiegs) 
after Lopes, 1954: 242). 

HovotyPpe /: D2354; Brisbane, Qld. 
(Abdemen on a separate pin with labels 
‘Caught on flowers Brisbane’ and ‘delta’). 

Sarcophaga depressa (Robineau-Desvoidy), 1830: 

There is a labelled allotype in the collection 
which was not included in the rype species and 
cannot be considered as a type. 

1 =: D2360; Brisbane, [Old]. 

5. (ota Johnston and Tiegs was considered to be 
conspecific with this specimen by Johnston and 
Tiegs (1922a; 179), 

Sarcophaga etu Johnston and Tiegs, 1921: 65. 
(= Parasarcophaga eta (Johnston and Tiegs) 
alter Lopes, 1959: 64), 

HOLaTyPE 7: D2357; no data, 
ALLOTYPE T8578;  Brisb[ane, Qld], 

Sarcophaga gamma Johnston and Ticas, 1921: 

(= Parasarcophaga orchidea (Boettcher) after 
G, Hardy, 1943; 30). 
Ho.otyee °: D2350; Brisbane, Qld. 

Sarcophaga impatiens Walker, 1849; §28. 

(= Tricholioproctia impatiens (Walker) after 
Lopes, 1954: 246). 

There is a * labelled allotype in the collection, 
designated by Johnston and Tiegs, 1921: 52. As 
this specimen was not included in the type 
series, it cannot be considered as a type. 

1 4: D2361; Bnsbane, Qld. 

Sarcophaga iota Johnston and Tiegs, 1921: 79, 
(= Taylarimyia iota (Johnston and Tiegs) after 
Lopes, 1959: 47), 

Ho.otyre *: D2360; Brisbane, [Qld], Nov. 

Sarvophaga kappa Johnston and Tiegs, 1921: 81. 
(= Johnstonimyia kappa (Johnston and Tiegs) 
after Lopes, 1959: 50). 
HoLoryrpe ‘: D2356; (Qldj, 

Sacrophaga misera Walker, 1849: §29. 

(= Parasarcophaga misera (Walker) after G. 
Hardy, 1943: 30). 


There is a “ specimen of this species in the 
collection labelled allotype, designated by 
Johnston and Tiegs (1921: 67). As. this 
specimen was not included jn the type series, it 
cannot be considered as a type. 

1 7, no data, 

Surcophaga (Parasarcophaga ) omega Johnston 
and Tiegs, 1921: 86). 

(= FParasarcophaga omega (Johnston and 
Tiegs) after Lopes, 1959: 57). 

HoOLoTYPE 7: 02355; Brisbane, [Qld], 

Sarcophaga omikran Johnston and Teigs, 1921: 

(= Tricholioproctia omikron (Johnston and 
Tiegs) after Lopes, 1954: 256). 

Ho.Lotyre *, ALLOTYPE =: D2623; no data. 
PARATYPE “¢: D2623;, Brisbane, [Qld], 
7.2.[19]21, (labelled cotype). 

Sarcophaga sigma Johnston and Tiegs, 1921: 84. 
{= Parasarcophaga aurifrons (Macquart) after 
Lopes, 1959: 62). 

HoOLoTyPE 7, ALLOTYPE ©: D2347; no data. 

Sarcophaga theta Johnston and Tiegs, 1921: 78. 
(= Tricholioproctia froggatti (Taylor) after 
Lopes, 1954; 268). 

HoLotryre ¢: D2364; Blris]bane, [Qld], 
ALLOTYPE %: T8579; Brisbfane, Qld], 

Sarcophaga tryoni Johnston and Tiegs, 1921: 54. 
(= Tricholioproctia tryoni (Johnston and 
Tiegs) after Lopes, 1954: 258). 

HOLOTYPE 7, ALLOTYPE ©: D2365; no data. 

Sarcophaga triplex G. Hardy, 1943: 27. 

(= Tricholioproctiq triplex (Hardy) after 
Lopes, 1954: 264), 

HoLotyre *: T8580; Aramara, [Qld], Dec, 
1939 A.R.B, 

Sarcophaga zefa Johnston and Tiegs, 1921: 76. 
(= Tricholioproctia zeta (Johnston and Tiegs) 
after Lopes, 1954: 240). 

HovLotyPe *: D2353; no locality, Apr 1, 1921. 


Besserioides sexualis Curran, 1938: 185. 
(= Bessericides varicolor (Curran) 
Crosskey, 1973: 111). 

PARATYPE 2: DS5197; Laidley, Qld, 2.1.1928_ 
M.G. Evans. (Specimen badly damaged). 

Thrvcolyga curriei Curran, 1938: 197, 

(= Evorista currier (Curran) after Crosskey, 
L973: 143). 

PARATYPE 7: D5195; Biloela, Qld, 20,ii,1927, 
G.A, Currie. 



Zenillia noctuae Curran, 1938: 199, 
(= Carcelia noctuae (Curran) alter Crosskey, 
1973: 147). 
PARATYPE *: D5196; Biloela, Qld. 14.i1.1927, 
G.A. Currie. 

Zosteromyia brevifacies G. Hardy, 1934: 36. 

(=Trigonospila brevifacies (Hardy) after 
Crosskey, 1973: 141). 
LECTOTYPE =: T7127; Tooloom, N.S.W,, 




Asiadacus nigrescens Drew, 1968: 23. 
(= Dacus (Strumeta ) nizrescens (Drew) after 
Drew, 1972: 21). 
HOLOTYPE *: T6576; Rabaul, New Britain, 
14.xi1.1966, Sir A. Mann. 

Asiadacus triangularis Drew, 1968: 21. 
(= Dacus (Pacifodacus ) triangularis (Drew) 
after Drew, 1972; 20). 
HOLOTYPE °, PARATYPE 4: T6574-3; Rabaul, 
New Britain, 14.xii.1966, A. Mann. 

Callantra capillaris Drew, 1972a: 185. 
HOLOTYPE 7: T6982; Wabirong Village, Kieta, 

Bougainville Is{land],, R.M. 
PARATYPE ‘> 76983; DASF, Buin, 
Bougainville Isfland],,1970, R.M. 

Callantra mayi Drew, 1972a: 187. 
HoLorype 7: T6984; Wau, Nlew] G[uineal, 
3-10.iv.1965, E.N, Marks. 

Dacus (Zeugodacus ) abdoangustus Drew, 1972a; 

HOLOTYPE 4: T6996; Daru Village, 
Bougainville Isfland], 15-30.v.1970, R,M, 

Dacus (Strumeta ) abdofuscatus Drew, 1971: 48, 
HoLotyre °: T6938; Aroana Estate, Aroa 
River], Papua, 29 Nov. 1963, D.K. McAlpine. 

Dacus (Strumeta ) abdolonginquus Drew, 1971: 

HoLotTyPe 7: T6939; L.A.E.S. Keravat, E 
New Britain, .ix.1969, D.F. O'Sullivan. 

Dacus (Strumeta ) abdonigellus Drew, 1971: 52. 
HoLotyre 7: T6940; Bubia, near Lae, 
T.P.N.G,, 28 Dec. 1963, D.K, McAlpine. 
ALLOTYPE +: T6941; Bainyik, T.P.N.G., 20 
Dec. 1963, D.K. McAlpine. 

Dacus (Asiadacus ) abdopallescens Drew, 1971: 

(= Dacus (Pacifodacus ) abdopallescens Drew 
after Drew, 1972: 21), 

HOLOTYPE 7: T6929; Lumi, West Sepik 
Distrlict], New Guinea, 8.xii.1967, A. Mann. 
Pacus (Zeugodacus ) amoenus Drew, 1972a: 192. 
HocotyPe 4: T6999; Kieta, Bougainville 

Island, 13.v,1970, R.M. Berena, 

Dacus (Strumeta ) amplus Drew, 1971; 55, 
HOLOTYPE *: T6942; Keravat, E New Britain, 
ix.1969, D.F, O'Sullivan. 

Daeus (Asiadacus ) anervittatus Drew, 1971: 33. 
(= Dacus (Pacifodacus ) aneuvittatus Drew 
after Drew, 1972; 21). 

Hocorype 7: T6930; Sarramea, 
Caledonia, 19.xii.1969, P. Cochereau. 

Dacus (Strumeta ) anomalus Drew, 1971: 57. 
HOLOTYPE 7, PARATYPE ¢: T6943-4; Vila, 
New Hebrides, 6 Jan. 1970, E. Kanas, 

Dacus (Strumeta ) anthracinus Drew, 1971: 59. 
Hovorype /: T6945; Upper Warangoi 
Valley], E New Britain, 10-27.x,1969, D.F, 

Dacus (Strumeta ) aterrimus Drew, 1972a: 204. 


HovotyPrE f: T6991; Daru Village, 
Bougainville Is[land], 15-20.v.1970, R.M. 

Dacus (Zeugodacus ) brachus Drew, 1972a: 194, 
HOLOTYPE *: T6994; Mount Lawes, Cent[ral] 
Dist[riet], Papua, 9-13.iii.1970, T.L. Fenner. 

Dacus (Asiadactus ) confluens Drew, 1971: 35- 
(= Dacus (Strumeta ) confluens Drew. after 
Drew, 1972: 21), 

HOLOTYPE *: T6931; Daru Village. 
Bougainville [Istand], May 1970, R.M. Berena. 

Dacus (Pearatridacus ) coracinus Drew, 1971: 46, 
HoOLoTyPE *: 76937; Bainyik, T-P.N.G,, 20 
Dec. 1963, D.K. McAlpine. 

Dacus (Zeugodacus ) curtus Drew, 1972a: 195. 
HOLOTYPE 7: T6997; Vudal, E New Britain, 
Jun. 1970, S. Medcalf. 

Dacus (Paradacus ) decipiens Drew, 1972: 13. 
HOLOTYPE -; ALLOTYPE “> T6987-8; Keravat, 
New Britain, May 1966. G.S. Dunn. 

Dacus (Strumeta ) decumanus Drew, 1972a: 205, 
HOLOTYPE *: T6989; Daru Village, 
Boungainville I[s{land], 1!5-30.v.1970, R.M, 

PARATYPE 7: T6990; Yura Village, Buin, 
Bougainville [Island],, R.M, 

Dacus (Strumeia ) denigraius Drew, 1971: 61. 
(= Daeus (Bactracera ) langicornis Macquart 
after D. Hardy, 1976: 246). 

HoLtotyre 7: 76946; Namatanai, 
Ireland, 24-30.iv.1970, D. O’Sullivan. 
Dacus (Strumeta ) dyscritus Drew, 1971: 63. 
HoLotyPe ©: T6947; Keravat, E New Britain, 

ix, 1969, D.F. O'Sullivan. 



PARATYPE *: T6948; Vudal, & New Britam, 
6.x.1969, A. Luckie. (Head missing from 

Dacus (Strumeta ) ebeneus Drew, 1971: 65. 
HoLotype *: T6949; Anse Vata, Noumea, 
New Caledonia, Dec. 1966, P. Cochereau. 

Dacus (Strumeia ) enachrus Drew, 1972a: 207. 

HOLOTYPE *: T6993; Daru Village, 
Bougainville Island, 15-30.v.1970, R.M. 

Dacus (Zeugodacus ) gracilis Drew, 1972a: 198. 
HOLOTYPE *; T6998; Malekula Is(land], New 
Hebrides, Apr. May, 1970, D. Malosu- 

Dacus (Asiadacus ) indecorus Drew, 1974: 37. 
(= Dacus (Strumeta ) indecorus Drew after 
Drew, 1972: 21). 

HOLOTYPE ‘: T6932; Samo Village, Lihir 
Island, May 1970, T, August. 

Dacus (Strumeta ) lampahilis Drew, 1971: 67. 
Hovorype 1: T6950; Salelubu. W New 
Britain, 13.yiii.1969, R.M. Berena. 

Dacus (Ajrodacus ) minutus Drew. 1971: 29. 
HoLoTyPE ¢: 16927; Vila, New Hebrides, 6 
Jan. 1970, E. Kanas. 

PARATYPE 7: T6928; Lychee Plantation, Vila, 
New Hebrides, 29.xii.1969, E. Kanas. 

Dacus (Strumeta } mucronis Drew, 1971: 70. 
HoOLotyee 4: T6951; Anse Vata, Noumea, 
New Caledonia, 19.i11.1966, P. Cochereau. 

Dacus (Strumeta ) nigrescentis Drew, 1971: 72. 
HoLotyre ?; T6952; Keravat, E New Britain, 
ix.1969, D.F. O'Sullivan. 

PARATYPE 4: T6953; Keravat, New Britain, 
29, vii. [19]69, D.F, O'Sullivan. 

PARATYPE *: T6954; Lakakot Plf{anta]tfio]n. 
Lihir Island, 25-29.iv.1970, D. O’Sullivan. 

Dacus (Strumeta ) nigritus Drew, 1971: 75 
Ho.oryee %: T6955; Keravat, New Britain, 
iit. 1969. D.F. Q’Sullivan. 

Dacus (Asiadacus ) ochromarginis Drew, 1971: 

(= Dacus (Strumeta) ochromarginis Drew after 
Drew, 1972: 21). 

HOLOTYPE ®: T6933; Vudal, Keravat, New 
Britain, 18.viii.1969, A Luckie. 

Dacus (Hemizeugodacus ) pallescentis Drew, 
1971: 44. 

(= Dacus (Papuodacus ) pallescentis Drew 
after Drew, 1972: 21), 

HOLOTYPE *: T6936; Konedobu, Central 
Dist[rict], Papua, 27.8,[19]66, N. Kobman, 

Dacus (Asiqdacus ) perpusillus Drew, 1971: 42. 
(= Dacus (Pacifodacus ) perpusillus Drew after 
Drew, 1972: 21). 
HonoTyPpe ¢: T6934; 
29.xi1,1969, P. Cochereau, 

New Caledonia, 


Dacus (Strumeta ) phaeus Drew, 1971; 77. 
Hoioryre *: T6956; Keravat, New Britain, 
30.¥v.[19]67, D.F. O* Sullivan. 

Dacus (Strumeta ) piceus Drew, 1972a: 208. 
Howoryre 4: T6992; Buin, Bougainville 
Island], 3-7, vi.1970, R.M. Berena. 

Dacus (Strumeia ) pseudodistinctus Drew, 1971: 

HoLotype 4: T6957; Keravat, E New Bnitain, 
ix.1969. D.F, O'Sullivan. 

Dacus (Strumeita ) reduncus Drew, 1971: 82. 
HoLoTyPe *: T6958; Vila, New Hebrides, 6 
Jan. 1970, K. Kanas. 

4: T6935; New Caledonia, 1967, P. 

PARATYPE *: T6959: Kieta, Bougainville 
Is{land], 13.%.1970, R.M. Berena. 
PARATYPE 7: T6960; Tubiana, Kieta, 

Bougainville Is[land],, R.M. Berena. 

Dacus (Zeugodacus ) reflexus Drew, 1971: 101. 
HoLovyee ¢: T6974; Keravat, New Britain, 
26.v.1967, D.F. O'Sullivan, 

Dacus (Strumera ) resimus Drew, 1971: 85. 
HoLotyPe ¢: T6961; Ambunti, East Sepik 
Distr[ict], New Guinea, 8.xii, 1967, A. Mann. 

Dacus (Strumeta ) irifarius Drew, 1971; 87. 
HoLotyee /: T6962; Keravat, New Britain, 
24.vii.1969, D.F. O’Sullivan. 

ALLOTYPE -: T6963; Gela Gela Pl[antatio|n, 
New Britain, 14.41.1965, T.L. Fenner. 

Dacus (Strumeta ) triseriatus Drew, 1971: 90, 
HoLotyre ': T6964; Vila, New Hebrides, 6 
Jan. 1970, E. Kanas. 

PARATYPE *: T6966; same data except 3 Jan, 

ALLOTYPE -: T6965; Lytchee (= Lychee) 
Plantation, Vila, New Hebrides, 29.xi1.1969, E. 

PARATYPE 7: T6967; Malekula Is{land], New 
Hebrides, Apr-May, 1970, D, Malosu. 

Dacus (Strumeta ) trivialis Drew, 1971: 93. 
Hovotype ¢: T6968; Sepi Village, Kiwai 
Island, Western Distlict], Papua, 4.xii.1967, 
T.L. Fenner. 

Dacus (Strumeta ) unistriatus Drew, 1971: 96. 
HOLOTYPE °: T6969; Keravat, New Britain, 
3.3x.1969, D. O'Sullivan. 

ALLOTYPE -: T6970; Vunapau. E New Britain, 
16-27.1,1970, R.M. Berena,. 

PARATYPE “: T6971: Namatanai, New [reland, 
24-30.iv.1970, D. O'Sullivan. 

PARATYPE ‘: T6972; Upper Warrangoi 
Vialley], E New Britain, 10-27.x.1969, D,F. 

Dacus (Pacifodacus ) univittatus Drew, 1972a: 


HOLOTYPE 7: T6985; Wabirong Village, Kieta, 
Bougainville Island],, R.M. 

PARATYPE ¢: T6986; Arawa Plant[atio]n, 
Kieta, Bougainville Is[land],, 
R.M. Berena. 

Dacus (Strumeta ) vulgaris Drew, 1971: 99. 
HOLOTYPE ¢: 16973; Yenke, Kaimantu, 
S[outhern] Dis[trict] E[aJst[ern] H[igh]l[an]ds, 
T.N.G., 4.1.[19]64. 

Melanodacus rubidus May, 1957: 297. 

(= Dacus (Paratridacus ) atrisetosus (Perkins) 
after May, 1962: 64). 

HOLOTYPE ¢, ALLOTYPE °: T5601-2; Goroka, 
E[astern] Hfigh]l[an]ds, Papua New Guinea, 
24.4.[19]55, J. Szent-Ivany. 

Neodacus strigifinis atritus May, 1962: 65. 

(= Dacus (Pacifodacus ) strigifinis atritus 
(May) after Drew, 1972: 20). 

HOLOTYPE ¢4, ALLOTYPE 2: T5880-1; Aiyura, 
E[astern] Hfighlands], 3.3.[19]58, J.H. Barrett. 

Strumeta brevistriata Drew, 1968a: 77. 

(= Dacus (Strumeta ) brevistriatus (Drew) after 
Drew, 1972: 21), 

HOLOTYPE ¢: T6611; Wau, Nfew] G[uineal], 
31.iii.-11.iv.1965. E.N. Marks. 

Strumeta nigella Drew, 1968a: 78. 

(= Dacus (Strumeta ) nigellus (Drew) after 
Drew, 1972: 21). 

HOLOTYPE ¢: T6612; Wau, N[ew] G[uinea], 
3-10.iv.1965; E.N. Marks. 

Zeugodacus trichotus May, 1962: 74. 

(= Dacus (Zeugodacus ) trichotus (May) after 
Drew, 1972: 20). 

HoLoTyPE #¢, ALLOTYPE @: 15856-7; 
Kerowaghi, E[astern] H[ighlands], T.N.G., 
13.8.[19]60, K. Cole. (Only the right fore and 
mid legs remain on allotype). 


Drosophila argentostriata Bock, 1966: 273. 
PARATYPES 1 4, 1 2: T6539-40; Bisianumu, 
Papua, May 1965, W.B. Mather. 

Drosophila nigrilineata Angus, 1967: 32. 
PARATYPES | #@, 1 D6617-8; Bulolo, 

Drosophila pararubida Mather, 1961: 251. 
2: T5844-9; Sogeri, Port Moresby, N[ew] 
G[uinea], May 1959, W.B. Mather. 

Drosophila pseudotetrachaeta Angus, 1967: 37. 
PARATYPES 2 ¢, 2 2: T6617-20; Brown River, 
T.P.N.G. ex culture. 

Drosophila silvistriata Bock and Baimai, 1967: 



PARATYPES | ¢, 1 2: T6585-6; Bulolo, New 
Guinea, Aug. 1965. 

Drosophila tetrachaeta Angus, 1964: 156. 
PARATYPES | ¢, | °: T6427-8; Bulolo, N[ew] 
G[uinea], 20.viii.1963, Angus. 


I am grateful to Mr E. Dahms, Queensland 
Museum, for permission to examine the Diptera 


ALEXANDER, C.P., 1920. New or little-known 
crane-flies in the Queensland Museum 
(Tipulidae, Diptera). Mem. Qd Mus, 7: 

1929. New. or little-known Tipulidae 
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Mag. nat. Hist. (10) 3: 327-46. 

1929a. New or _ little-known 
(Diptera),—XLIII]. Australasian 
Ann. Mag. nat. Hist. (10) 3: 468-89. 

1930. New or little-known Tipulidae 
(Diptera).—XLVI. Australasian species. 
Ann. Mag. nat. Hist. (10) 6: 114-36. 

1956. New or little-known Tipulidae (Diptera). 
C. Oriental - Australasian species. Ann. 
Mag. nat. Hist. (12) 9: 36-53. 

ANGUS, D.S., 1964. D. tetrachaeta : a new species 
of Drosophila from New Guinea. Pap. Dep. 
Zool. Univ. Qd 2: 155-59. 

1967. Additions to the Drosophila fauna of 
New Guinea. Pap. Dep. Zool. Univ. Qd 3: 

BEYER, E.M., 1960. Australische Phoriden des 
Queensland-Museums. Broteria 29: 20-40. 

Bock, I.R., 1966. D. argentostriata : a new 
species of Drosophila from New Guinea. 
Pap. Dep. Zool. Univ. Qd 2: 271-76. 

1976. Drosophilidae of Australia. I. 
Drosophila (Insecta : Diptera). Aust. J. Zool. 
suppl. 40, 105 pp. 

Bock, I.R. and BAIMAI, V., 1967. D. silvistriata : 
a new species of Drosophila from New 
Guinea. Pap. Dep. Zool. Univ. Qd 3: 19-25. 

BULL, R.M., 1976. The larval stages of the 
pasture and yellow soldier flies, Jnopus 
rubriceps (Macq.) and J. flavus (James) 
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Queensland Museum 

A second species of the genus Pardosa, P. hymphreysi is described from the goldfields 

région of Western Australia. 


The Australian species of the genus Pardosa 
were discussed by McKay (1979). Recent 
collecting in the goldfields region of Western 
Australia by Dr W.F. Humphries and colleagues 
of the Western Australian Museum has resulted in 
the discovery of several new species of the family 
Lycosidae, and a thorough documentation of the 
lycosid fauna of this area. One of the new species 
is closely related to Pardosa serrata (L. Koch 
1877) known from sandy soils of Western 
Australia, South Australia and New South Wales, 
and is described below. Abbreviations; WAM = 
Western Australian Museum; QM = Queensland 
Museum; M = mature specimen. 

Pardosa humphreysi sp, nov. 
(Fig. | A-C, E, G, H, PL. 1) 


HovotyPe: WAM 84-602, + M, C.L. 6.0 mm, Lake 
Cronin, W.A., 32°22'1S'S, 119°49'30°E, collected by 
W.F. Humphreys, pitfall trap, February, 1981. In 

PaRATYPES: WAM 84-603-7, 5 * M, OM 8409, 3 4 
M, Lake Cronin, data as for holotype; WAM 
84-608-13; 6 7 M, WAM 84-614, 1 ¢ M, WAM 
§4-615-22, 8 * M, 32°22'°30'S, 119°49°3S'E; WAM 
84-623-4,2 “ M, WAM &4-625,1 1 M, WAM 84-626, L 
' M. 32°23'15‘S, 119°45'00'E; WAM 84-627, 1 - M, 
Boorabbin, 31°13°S, 120°13"E; WAM 84-628, | = M, 
31°15°S, 120°04°E; WAM 84-629-31, 3 5 M, WAM 
84-632-9, 8 1 M, WAM 84-640-8, 9 * M, Goongarrie, 
29°S5'20°S, 121°07'5S°E; WAM 84-649, 1 © M, 
29°55'S, 121 °08'E. 


A narrow pale buff to white line extending 
anteriorly on the carapace between the PL, PM 
and AM eyes; longitudinal median stripe on 
abdomen without sharp serrations; male palpal 
organ with an anteriolaterally directed hook-like 
median apophysis with a small spine on the 
ventral surface; epigynum with a broad median 
guide and a narrow ridge-like transverse guide. 


Male: Carapace dark brown; lateral margin 
with bright pale golden hair: a brown lateral band 
containing four or five blackish spots is outlined 
above with pale golden to white hair from the 
posterior decliviry to below the PL eyes; a pale 
golden to cream median longitudinal stripe, 
narrowing posteriorly to a point immediately 
behind the fovea, broadens anteriorly to behind 
the PL eyes and generally covers the cephalic 
part; within this median stripe are two curved 
dark brown lines behind the PL eyes continuing 
forwards between the PL eves, broadening 
slightly inside the ocular quadrangle and 
descending down the face to the AM eyes thus 
forming a very conspicuous fine golden line 
through the centre of the ocular quadrangle down 
the face between the PM and AM eyes; dark 
brown wedges outlined by golden hair radiate out 
from the foveal region to terminate abruptly 
above the pale lateral band; the remainder of the 
earapace sparsely covered with fine buff to 
orange hairs; membrane above the mandibles pale 
laterally but jet black below the anterior row of 
eyes and above the coxae; mandibles brown, 
darker anteriorly; maxillae, labium, sternum and 
ventral surface of coxae pale brown to fawn. 
Abdomen pale brown; anterior slope and sides 
blotched and streaked with black-brown 
enclosing pale spots anteriorly and elongate pale 
spots and lines posteriorly; anterior dorsal surface 
with a longitudinal black-edged grey-brown 
undulating stripe that terminates in a series of 
narrow transverse connected chevrons, followed 
by single or double dark brown to black chevrons 
containing pale spots (Fig. 1A); ventral surface 
pale brown with a very short black transverse bar 
behind the epigastric furrow. Legs uniform dark 
brown above, darker below. 

Anterior row of eyes gently procuryed; AM 
larger than AL. PM larger than PL and a little 
less than a diameter apart (Table 2). Ratio of eyes 
AM:AL:PM:PL 17:12:33:26; distance AM-AM 


9, AM-AL 4, AM-PM 7, AL-PM 6, PM-PM 29, 
Clypeus to AM 12. Length of first eye row 71; 
length of second eye row 86. 

Chelicerae with three promarginal teeth, the 
middle one largest; three (4 + 3 in one paratype 7) 
retromarginal teeth of about equal size. 

Male palpal organ with a broad anteriorly 
directed embolic guide, the tip of the inner flange 
recurved dorsally (Fig. 1B); median apophysis 
robust, directed anteriolaterally and with the tip 
curved inwards to form a flattened hook; the flat 
ventral surface of the median apophysis, towards 
the base of the sharp ridge descending from the 
apical hook, with a short but conspicuous sharp 
spine (Fig. 1C, E, Pl. 1). 

Female: Similar to male in coloration but lacks 
the short black transverse bar behind the 

Anterior row of eyes gently procurved; AM 
larger than AL; PM larger than PL. Ratio of eyes 
AM:AL:PM:PL = = 20:14:36:31; distance 
AM-AM 8; AM-AL 3.5; AM-PM 9; AL-PM 8; 
PM-PM 31. Clypeus to AM 20. Length of first 
eye row 81; length of second eye row 98. 

Epigynum with a short broad median guide 
that widens posteriorly without joining the sharp 
ridge-like transverse guide (Fig. 1G); internal 
genitalia simple (Fig. 1H). 

VARIATION: In life, the coloration may be a rich 
chocolate-brown with silver-grey to white lines 
which radiate out from the centre of the carapace, 
and form a complex pattern that surrounds the 
fovea as a posteriorly directed triangle; the lines 


Leg Femur Patella Tibia Metatarsus Tarsus 

1 6.4 23 5.6 6.8 4.0 

2 5.8 2.0 4.9 6.5 3.8 

3 5.8 1.9 4.4 7.0 3.6 

4 77 2.3 6.6 9.7 4.1 


Regd. No. Sex C.L.] AM AL PM PL 

Holotype 'M 6.0 24 17 46 37 
WAM M_ 6.7 25 17 44 38 



diverge anteriorly to the PL eyes, and a very 
narrow median line originates behind the PL eyes, 
frequently from two pale streaks or from the base 
of the foveal triangle, and projects anteriorly to 
become a very distinct line between the PL, PM 
and AM eyes similar to Pardosa serrata. The 
longitudinal stripe on the abdomen may be grey, 
grey-brown or charcoal, with the edge bright 
chocolate-brown to orange-tan. The legs are 
brown with silver-grey to ash-grey hair. The 
venter may have a light buff triangular field 
narrowing from the epigastric furrow to the 

SIZE RANGE: Mature females 5.0 to 6.7 mm. 
Matures males 4.3 to 6.2 mm. 


Mature males were captured in pit-fall traps 
during February and March. Mature females were 
dug from burrows during March at Boorabbin, 
and July at Goongarrie. 


Goldfields area of Western Australia on or near 
the base of sand dunes, dune shrubland, mallee 
and Triodia grasslands, and heath at Lake 


Both mature females were dug from burrows 
described by Dr Humphreys as having ‘litter 
turrets’ constructed from plant litter in a similar 
manner to those to Pardosa serrata (McKay 1979, 
Fig. 2A, B). 


12 5 41 10 8 
9 4 31 11 10 



Pardosa humphreysi is remarkably similar to 
P. serrata in morphology, coloration and 
behaviour, and may be confused with the latter 
species in the field. The dark longitudinal stripe 
on the dorsal surface of the abdomen is much 
more serrate in P. serrata (Fig. 1D), and P. 
humphreysi lacks dark stripes on the femora. The 
epigynum of P. humphreysi has a well developed 
median guide, and the transverse guide is very 
thin and compressed into a sharp ridge quite 
unlike that of P. serrata, The male palpal organ is 
similar to P. serrata but the median apophysis has 
the tip strongly curved to form a flattened hook, 
and the flat ventral surface has a small but 
conspicuous cusp-like spine which is absent in P. 
serrata (Fig. 1F). 

Both species were collected at Boorabbin; P. 
humphreysi appears to replace P. serrata in the 
more arid areas of the goldfields region. 


Named after Dr W.F. Humphreys of the 
Western Australian Museum in recognition of his 
studies on behavioural thermoregulation of 
Australian wolf spiders, and in appreciation of 
his comprehensive collection of lycosids in the 
goldfields region of Western Australia. 


McKay, R.J., 1979. The wolf spiders of Australia 
(Araneae : Lycosidae): 9. Pardosa serrata (L. Koch 
1877). Mem. Qd Mus. 19 (3): 225-9. 


Fic. 1. Pardosa humphreysi. A. Mature female, Boorabbin. B. Dorsal surface of embolic guide of male palpal 
organ. C. Median apophysis of male palpal organ. E. Male palpal organ. G, Epigynum of female from 
Goongarrie. H. Internal genitalia. 

Pardosa serrata. D. Abdomen of female from Boorabbin. F. Median apophysis of male from Boorabbin. 


Pardosa humphreysi. Male palpal organ, X60. 


McKay, ROLaNp J. 

A revision of the fishes of the family Sillaginidae...............5 [SS CECS OSE RS SGRE BR SCOCRS EAD sane RHE cb US aa ond perObaecoctiotod | 
Type-specimens of Diptera (Insecta) in the Queensland Museum ...........:ssccccesscesscenssccoescescesescceseeessooeeees 75 

McKay, ROLAND, J. 
The wolf spiders of Australia (Araneae:Lycosidae):14. 
ATHENS ECG ROME eran SHE ORION UM eae tesieis seta cheeses vacssic cet iuacnsisninsejeleveaeisieieaude.aiaoeewsianinisiele'saia'ss/sisisssesaias 101