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Full text of "Metallurgy Of Cast Iron"

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X              PREPACK    To    HRST    AM»   Sl-.CoNl}    M»li!.»\:-..
than has been followed to about tin/ year 1X^5 by most founders, namely, of jnd^in:,;" ]>:;.-; iron for mixture by its fracture, a quality which ehenii -:rv 'has proven to be wholly impractical. It shows the fou;id».-r f- '!!•••,', im; such methods, why he cann* »t expect toinn't \vi:h ftiu-r than bad, undesirable results as we!! as heavy 1* »NS<-S. It teaches ho\v the greatest ]»nssib!e ee«*:;niiiv and desired ends in making unxturrs are :«est aelrii-'/i-d. It also defines, for praetieal applii-ai i»»n in liie varion:, specialties, the affinity whieh o!ie ehrjniea! |»rop».-rty or metalloid has for another in ehan^L"!:^ file rliara^ter <*r g-rade of iron, atid diseloses yaluablt- information t.n thtfc seit*nee of mixing and nielti::;1, ea--! •!'»•::.
The fonrtli ]»ari"f tlie *ir^: a::d ••".•>.•!;-•;«-;:: i-.y.s fn»*\v the third part of th«* tJiird ••»ii:i'«:i> ;• d»",-.'!i-'l t»« flie snl»jcH't of testing, and ili^elo.-.i-;- new tii^v-'overirs inade by the author which explain e;mv.-s fur rrnttic rt*Mih*, herefnfi»re obtained f«»r the most part from tran*-verse aiul tensile tests, eontntrtion eJiill. i-te,p n-eordi-d from bars of like area poured from the s.imr ladle and gate, awl presents methods best raletil.ttrd |o reduee erratic results to the least possible mini* nnnii.
Following the sev<-ntifth ehapti-r (seventy-first ehap-ti;r, third 4/diljonj, the- work is eiuM-ii with a few tables and an index. The *r*'.t tabli k>u« j'u» ic ' \*r. *t »l pi^* iron in '»r« • % to.r, of », »• t p«, r »' : ',"».•"+*! one to one h*.ndi* d t <n {1 ; *',•*' i * ••!» / t ,» table of *\.»|o | omid . ! «i * < : f. » • ' ,! • •', ^y I Tin-second table j ic teiit tl*« t'.!! 'LUM • ! « h pi op ertie.s in nii.*tult aeeoiupainrd uilh tl'ieir abbrt*via!i«'ir» or symbols as generally writtrn by «, Is^ini'j^, Thf tables following arc copied from Mes.srs. ("rc-uirr andthods of Casting and Compilation <>i"  Result;1, of Amer-